#'the first step is admitting you have a problem' is definitely a thing
chewwytwee · 9 months
Guys you gotta be so careful, if you see yourself planning your day around playing games, or find yourself not wanting to do things so you can go play games WATCH OUT!! You might actually be addicted to video games. You can't do enjoyable things that make you happy very often or have a desire to do things because that's addiction. Which is inherently morally bad because..... it is
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hedgehog-moss · 1 month
The lower rung of the ladder in my kitchen broke last month and I stuck a little Post-it note on the wall to remind myself to step over the missing rung so I wouldn't break my leg every time I go up or downstairs—but then my mum came to visit and she saw me hopping over the gap in the ladder with practised ease and her face was the definition of "you live like this?" And she went to get a screwdriver to unscrew the ladder from the wall so we could carry it outside and repair it.
Some people see a broken ladder and immediately open a toolbox to fix the problem; some people see a broken ladder and stick a Post-it note to the wall to train themselves to step over the problem forever. (I admit my response is inferior.)
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I think I felt daunted at the thought of tinkering with this ladder because it's been here in the same place for over a century and I pictured the whole thing crumbling into dust if we tried to move it—but no, it's still solid, except the lower rung. Which wasn't damaged by time, but by Pandolf. (And some insects. But mostly Pandolf.)
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When he was a baby, for a week or so after I took him home, he was extremely upset about having to spend the night in his dog bed in the kitchen while I went upstairs to my bedroom, he would cry and cry and one night in a fit of despair and rage he attacked the ladder. The next morning I found the lower rung (the only one he could reach) looking like it had been attacked by a termite colony, but it was Pandolf's pointy little puppy teeth. By the look of it he'd spent half the night furiously gnawing on it until he dropped from exhaustion—his reasoning was clearly that if he destroyed the ladder, I wouldn't be able to go upstairs anymore and would be forced to spend the night on the floor of the kitchen with him.
It's really hard to be mad at baby Pandolf, though. Go on, try.
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Eventually he got used to sleeping in his dog bed and he abandoned his ladder destruction project, but the lower rung has been fragile ever since, and it finally broke last month.
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My mum is extremely efficient; she sent me to the barn to find some kind of thick board (you can find anything in the barn if you have a torch and aren't afraid of bats or century-old spiderwebs) and when I came back she had prepared all the tools and taken all the measurements.
The worst part was tapering the sides so the rung would fit in the notches, because if one side was a little bit thinner than the other then it was wobbly—
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—plus I used a file at first and it took forever (Pandolf was so bored), but then I remembered I own a sanding machine and it went a lot faster. So much so that my mum said I should make a second rung while I was at it—she was motivated to replace all of them, but then it started raining and we decided the rest of the ladder is solid enough and we'll replace the rungs two at a time.
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I always forget that it feels satisfying to fix things! There's this little spark of pride from then on when you look at the repaired thing because you helped make it. I tend to procrastinate because I assume it'll take ages or I'm worried I'll do it wrong, until someone who's more confident with their hands than me goes like "no come on, we just need a saw, a file, a hammer, it'll take an hour tops" and we do it and it's never as difficult as I feared. (My mum: "We gave you a toy toolbox when you were little, to smash sexist stereotypes, and you're afraid of fixing things :( ...") (I cheered her up by reminding her that my brother smashes sexist stereotypes by being also afraid of fixing things.)
But yeah I spent half an hour sanding down the sides of these two lower rungs and now I look at my ladder and remember the delightful feeling of getting the tapering just right and inserting them into their slots effortlessly like a VHS tape into a VCR. I have a whole new affection for my kitchen ladder now.
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dcxdpdabbles · 6 months
Freelance Inventor Part 2
Dedicated to @jimmysorsprinkles Thank you for enjoying my random dabbles. I saw that you wanted more Dads, Danny/Bruce, who are unknowingly co-parenting, so here it is! (set during the first prompt through the years of Danny just being a dad whenever he's home)
"I just don't know what to do," Bruce admits, watching Dick stomp about in tiny angry circles, muttering in his native tongue under his breath. He's been out there for about a half hour, doing laps in the yard. Danny knows he deliberately chose to do so under the window leading to Bruce's office.
The kid definitely wanted his guardian to know he was mad at him .
It was the fact Dick was unconsciously hunching his shoulders, curling his fist, and even raising his knee slightly higher than he needed for his stomps that were a nod to Bruce whenever the man was upset.
It seemed like Dick had picked up habits from Bruce during his short time here. If anything, Danny thought it rather cute if it weren't for the fact Dick was so upset.
"What happened?" He asked, standing beside Bruce, overlooking the pre-teen throwing a fit.
Bruce's frown is sharp and hinted with just the edge of uncertainty that anyone who didn't know him well would have dismissed. "He was being reckless in one of our extreme sports, and when I rightfully scolded him for it, he took it as me not trusting him."
Danny tilts his head, considering. It's been over three years since he became acquainted with the Waynes, and in that time- between his travels, his inventing, and his general desire to learn all he could in any way he could- he noticed that Dick was very quick to anger as a defensive mechanism.
This clashed horribly with Bruce's own mechanism- which was shutting down or at least emotionally wise. While Dick sneered and raged against the world, Bruce tried his best to forget he was human and detached himself from the situation.
Which wouldn't be so bad if it didn't feed into Dick's insecurities or Bruce's anxiety when they both reacted to adverse situations.
He has spoken to Jazz about it, and his sister has given him some advice that has helped him smooth things over with the young boy. Empathizing and paraphrasing the boy's issues was a big step in letting him feel heard and his feelings acknowledged.
For Bruce, he treated him like a ghost who had never seen a human. Plenty of ghosts were never human, were born in the ghost zone, or had been there for so long that they had forgotten what humans were like. Danny took time to explain why someone reacted the way they did- at least, why he thought so- and never made Bruce feel less for needing the help.
It was fun, in a way, to see Bruce's eyes lighten up with understanding and get him to talk about his rooted issues, but having to do so on carefully balanced tones and word choice. Phantom had so much practice de-escalating ghosts that it was a walk in the park with Bruce.
"I'll talk to him," Danny promised, leaning over to rest his hand on Bruce's shoulder and not batting an eye when the taller man landed down to rest his forehead on Danny's shoulder.
Where Bruce couldn't say in words, he yelled in his actions. It reminded him a bit of Wulf.
Bruce took a deep breath before nodding. "Thank you."
Danny hummed, reaching up to pet Bruce's hair like he would soothe Wulf, on days the werewolf would twitch too much at the door slamming, and suddenly his friend was mentally back in Walker's prison. "No problem. But, I will also be speaking to you later, and you are going to listen to Dick's side of the story without interrupting at dinner."
"Yes, Danny"
Alfred threw him an approving smile as he marched outside to meet Dick's rage-filled eyes and nervous hand twitching. He could catch the ending bits of whatever rant the boy was muttering.
"You're right. Bruce is an idiot sometimes." He starts grinning as the boy's eyes narrow further.
"You don't speak Romani."
"I may not understand what you're saying, but trust me, I feel it." Danny chirps, watching Dick's shoulder relax a little. " What did he do this time?"
"You won't even believe it!" Dick snaps, and then he's off, Danny keeping pace with him step by step as the boy works himself into another frenzy.
Later that night, Dick explained that he hated how Bruce made him feel so belittled and unimportant, his voice tight with a itch to fight, and Bruce carefully- with significant prompting from Danny- explained how he didn't mean it that way. He was only worried that he was about to watch Dick die in front of him, and he couldn't live through losing his family again.
Dick looked shocked to be considered family, and Danny swore he helped the boy sneak into Bruce's office, which so happened to have the adoption papers Bruce was hiding. Alfred gave him a large sample of pudding for dessert.
"Hey, kid," Danny whispered, watching Jason tense up momentarily. It's not overly noticeable, but Danny has grown used to seeing little ghost blobs show emotions by how they twisted and twirled over the years, so he could tell what the slight tightening of the fingers around the book meant.
It would be understandable if Jason had been present for another one of Dick's and Bruce's explosive arguments. He came from a household that had an older male figure beat him whenever Willis got in a mood, so while he knew that Bruce or Dick would never hit him, Jason still tried to make himself scarce.
Jazz was the one to point out Jason's usage of escapism in the form of books to comfort himself, and so Danny took whatever time he could manage to read the same books as Jason while on his travels.
"What?" The boy grunted, voice soft but weary.
Danny sits across from him, making sure to stay in Jason's eyesight at all times. He had realized in only his second visit after meeting Jason that the boy did not like having someone too close in his space.
He grew up on the streets where being weary of older men kept him alive- Danny would never fault him for what he had to do to survive.
Unlike Dick, who was always down to talk about why he was upset if only to rant, Jason preferred to have a distraction. So he offers him a smile that he hopes projects You're safe with me and pulls out a book from his bag.
Jason's eyes light up at the cover. "I had some theories on Mr. Darcy being in love with Mr.Bingley before he met Elizabeth, and Bruce won't agree with me. Help me find citations as proof?"
"It's so obvious that he was, how can the old man not see that!" Jason snorts, tilting his head in a cute habit that he picked up from Dick. He really looks up to his big brother no matter how tense things can get.
Danny is glad he's gotten Dick to explain to Jason that he didn't hate him, but he was going through a lot, and Jason as a street kid, understood on some level.
"The old just hate listening to other people's suggestions even when we're right!." Jason leans over to read the book Danny places between them, considering Jane Austin's work while Danny files away the real reason he's upset with Bruce.
Later, after Jason and he present a bemused Bruce with a report on why Mr.Darcy is bi and had feelings for his best friend before meeting his wife, he tells Bruce to explain why he didn't consider Jason's suggestion in their extreme sport.
Jason goes to bed that night with a better answer than "because I said so," and Danny forces Bruce to go up to his room and re-read Pride and Prejudice to connect with his youngest.
Alfred offers them extra blankets and pillows since the two get so caught up reading to each other that Danny just decides sleeping in Bruce's bed is easier than walking down two wings to the guest rooms.
"I'm not going to bed," Tim snapped when Danny knocked on his door. His fingers are flying over the keyboard of his computer, his little face glowing from the computer screen, and Danny is almost reminded of himself whenever he gets caught up in his work.
It may worry Bruce and Alfred, but Danny is a Fenton. He knows what it's like to have his brain run over time and sacrifice sleep or meals to get his ideas into the world.
His mother is the same, his father is the same, his sister is the same, and even Danny's clone is the same. It's fitting that the little boy he caught following Batmam around with a camera is the same since he all but forced Bruce to adopt him.
He hadn't meant to.
He had been testing an air purifier when he returned to Gotham since Bruce and the kids were out of state, and his ghost hearing picked up the sound of a camera click.
Imagine his surprise that when he turned to the roof opposite him, he found the tiny little face of an eleven-year-old staring back, holding a camera, and Batman swinging away in the distance. Danny became attached to Tim that night, even after he chased the boy down to ask if he was safe.
He did not like the implications of his parents always "working" while Tim ran amok in Gotham.
It took almost two weeks of following Tim around Gotham to help him with his photos before the boy allowed him to take him to Wayne Manor. It took three more before Bruce realized that Danny wouldn't allow Tim's parents to win him back, and together, they took the Drakes to court.
Danny has never been more grateful that Bruce was loaded with money and that his inventions gained him contacts in high places that wouldn't mind taking the Drakes down.
Tim was a lot like Bruce- where he shut down- but he needed people to be around him more. Sometimes just sitting in the same room- where Tim could glance up and see him- was enough for the boy to be at ease.
This was great for Bruce, who thought he didn't need to do much to make Tim happy- until Danny reminded him that Tim was a poor boy who was gutted for any form of parental approval.
He had to almost punch Bruce after overhearing him tell Tim he was proud of him, but there was room for improvement. Bruce meant it as helpful, constructive criticism, but Tim- whose parents all but drilled how useless he was- only heard criticism.
Only heard, he was not enough.
So now Tim was going, who knew how many hours without sleep, trying to fix whatever issue he thought he had caused. How a fourteen-year-old could have caused issues at his adoptive dad's multimillion-dollar company was beyond Danny, but it meant a lot to Tim, so he didn't need to understand it.
He just needed to respect it.
"Don't want you to," Danny grunts, throwing himself on Tim's queen-sized bed. "I just wanted to know if I could crash here. Bruce pissed me off."
Tim's fingers pause. "What did he do?"
"He tried to tell me how to handle my inventions' payment. I'm a freelancer! I know how to do that." Danny complains while twisting under the covers. Tim slowly turns around to look at him, but he acts like he doesn't notice. "I know he'll try to talk to me in the guest rooms, but he won't find me here. I just don't want to listen to another "I can do it better" lecture."
After a moment's pause, Tim admits. "He did the same to me and my team."
He means Cassie, Bart, and Conner. The little team of photography buddies Bruce introduced Tim back when they started homeschooling him. Dani suggested pulling Tim out of school is one of the best advice his clone ever gave him.
Tim took the pictures, Cassie and Conner modeled, and Bart made the clothes. Their work was slowly gaining traction online, and Tim seemed to glow whenever the Team was mentioned.
"Course he did." Danny sigh. He leans back into the pillow. "Know why he did it, too. Bruce doesn't want me to be taken advantage of, but it's hard not to hear him think I can't keep up, especially when my family is doing the same thing."
"Yeah," Tim's voice is soft. "It's frustrating that all your hard work is overshadowed or that everything you've done so far doesn't prove that you know you can."
Bingo. Danny discovered Tim's issue; now he just needs to bring it home.
"I know I'm great at what I do. You said so yourself- my past proves I am crazy good at work. I leave other people breathless in awe all the time. I can adapt and overcome so much faster than others. Bruce can see that, but he forgets to praise it." Danny huffs like he's trying not to be forgiving, and it causes a smile to unwillingly appear on Tim's face.
"I'll talk to him tomorrow but today I'm being petty and hiding. Thanks for letting me sleep here"
"You're welcome, Danny." Tim goes back to his typing, but only after a minute or two of Danny asking if he can turn off the light does the boy save his work and shut his computer down.
The room is plunged into darkness but Danny doesn't need the light to see how Tim sinks into his mattress. Tim is smart- crazy smart that every part of him that's Fenton crows with pride- and he can easily see through Danny.
"Thank you Danny" He doesn't say what for but he doesn't need to.
Danny reaches over, grabs the blankets, and makes sure they cover the small shoulder, tucking Tim in properly. "Any time kid"
The next morning, Bruce wakes them up with a powerpoint of all the things he thought were impressive about Tim and his team's last photo session. A powerpoint for Pete's sake.
But it makes Tim smile so much that Danny lets it slide. At least he listened when Danny chewed him out for forgetting to praise Tim.
Alfred offers Danny some of his private tea jars, which according to Dick, means Danny is in for life as Tim, Jason, and Bruce go over the PowerPoint again. Jason has begone to heal for his bitch of a mother's betrayal a few months ago.
Thankfully, Danny was in the area when he called and reminded the lady why she should not mess with Bruce's kids. Dani paying her a visit in her jail cell was just the Fentons' sending their regards.
(His dad gave Dani the ani-creep stick, and his mom hacked the cameras to loop. Jazz just watched hours of her to realize what made the woman scream and cry before sending the clone on her way. It was a good family bonding moment)
No one believed the woman claiming to be haunted that her son was Robin. Honestly, where on earth she got that idea Danny would never know.
His Jason, the sweet school-loving boy who graduated as valedictorian, running around punching criminals? Honestly, what was she going to claim next?
Bruce being Batman?!
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pursuedbyamemoryy · 1 year
HIIII i saw requests were open… can you perhaps write some general relationship hc’s with arthur, john, and javier?? feel free to do anyone you like i just love them😊😊 thank you so much!!
☆ thank you for requesting, i got a little carried away with some of them hehe. i decided to add charles into the mix because he’s my fav and i couldn’t resist ;) i hope you enjoy reading <3 !!
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🌾 arthur morgan
- he admitted his feelings to you by giving you a drawing he did of you that had a little note attached
- he draws you. all the time. before you got together, and while you’re together. he’ll draw you doing chores, sitting by the camp fire, sitting under a tree reading. he just admires you so much and can’t help but draw you
- he shows you everything he draws of you
- if you ask he’d try his best to teach you how to draw. he might not be the best teacher but he’d try his best
- he’s protective but not overprotective. he knows you can handle yourself but is always nearby just in case you need him
- once you’ve been together for a while he opens up to you about eliza and isaac. it’s a difficult thing for him to talk about but he trusts you enough to tell you
- he lets you wear his hat. you’re the only one besides himself who gets to wear it. he thinks it looks cute on you, plus he gets to use the cowboy hat rule excuse ;)
- he likes to get out of camp every so often just for some air and time alone. he used to go out by himself but after you got together he’d take you with him. sometimes it’ll be short rides and other times it’ll be staying out for a couple of days
- he can be a bit distant sometimes when he’s tired or stressed, and he prefers to be alone when he’s overwhelmed in any way. the only exception is you. he’ll reluctantly open up to you at first, but gets more comfortable over time, trusting you with how he’s feeling.
- he likes to joke around with you, and he really lets his playful side show when he’s with you.
- not a fan of PDA but loves cuddling with you in private. he prefers to be the big spoon, having you lay your head on his chest. he also really likes when you lay completely on top of him.
- his hands tend to wander while he holds you. he’ll idly trace patterns in your skin, running his hands up your spine or your arms.
- his love languages are words of affirmation and quality time
- he definitely calls you “my girl/boy”, or dear. not huge on pet names but will occasionally use them
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🌾 john marston
- he’s a little oblivious to his feelings for you, which means you most likely confessed first
- i feel like he first started to really fall for you after the wolf attack, but just never spoke up about his feelings for you until you said something
- he’s also pretty protective of you, he comes off a little more harsh than arthur does but it’s all in good reason
- if there’s ever a situation where someone’s bothering you or even threatening you, john will step in immediately, doing anything and everything he can to scare off whoever’s causing problems
- is not afraid to get into a fight in order to protect you, which has resulted in lots of scolding and a couple more scars for him. he doesn’t mean to scare or worry you, he just cares about you too much to let someone talk bad about you or threaten you in any way
- he’s very touch starved and doesn’t realize it until you get together
- the first time you hug him is when he realizes. it was an awkward hug on his part, but he loved feeling you in his arms
- a lot of his touches are awkward at first, not because he doesn’t like it but because it’s something new to him. he’s unsure about where to put his hands, where he should look, etc
- he starts to get more comfortable with touch as you spend more time with him. eventually he’ll touch you out of habit. a hand resting on the small of your back, or on your thigh while you sit in front of the campfire together. small, innocent touches.
- he loves cuddling at night, and often prefers to be the one being held
- overall he really loves you and cares about you, he wants to be the best he can be for you
- you’ve caught him staring at you from across camp sometimes, a small, affectionate smile on his face
- his love language is words of affirmation.
- he likes pet names and uses them often, his favorite being babe or baby
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🌾 javier escuella
- javier is one of the most romantic camp members in my opinion
- he definitely confessed first
- you both liked each other and were quite obvious about it, constantly flirting with one another, but he’s the one who asked you out first
- i like to think he asked you out through a song somehow
- either that or he came up to you, all flirty and asked you out to a night in the town (whichever was nearest to your current camp) , offering you a flower he found while he was out of camp
- plays his guitar for you ofc
- he also totally writes songs and dedicates them to you
- is more than willing to teach you how to play if you ask
- very touchy if you’re okay with it. he always has his hand on you or his arm wrapped around you
- he is very into PDA. he has no problem cuddling and holding you in front of the gang and he definitely does once he knows you’re okay with it
- you two will cuddle up near the campfire together, you sitting in his lap whenever he’s not playing his guitar
- he also loves cuddling before you fall asleep
- after you’ve been together for a bit he’ll invite you to sleep under his tent with him. he feels safe and comfortable with you, quickly falling asleep in your arms
- tells you stories about mexico and his family and life there. he has so many stories and will tell you each and every one
- you’re the one person he trusts to tell more personal stuff, he definitely opens up to you more after a while of being together. not only about his life in mexico but the harder parts of it, the stuff he doesn’t really tell anyone
- likes getting dressed up with you every one in a while and going out to saint denis or other cities, spending nights dancing and drinking together. he loves little dates away from camp
- takes you fishing with him. even if you don’t fish you’re going with him at least once, per his request
- if you like fishing then he’ll take you out on fishing trips often. just the two of you camping out by a lake for a day or two, fishing and spending time with one another
- overall he really loves when you ask him to teach you things because he can see that you take genuine interest in the things he likes. anything from guitar, fishing, to even spanish, he’s always willing to teach if you want to learn.
- uses spanish nicknames for you. hermosa, querida, mi vida, mi amor, cariño, etc. any and every pet name in the book, except in spanish
- he always flirts with you. even after you’ve been together for a while, his flirting never dies down. he’s always complimenting you, no matter what. even if you’re exhausted and dirty from being out on a job he still has a compliment for you.
- gets you a knife similar to his own. he wants you to be able to protect yourself, and he likes having something matching between the two of you <3
- shares his poncho with you if you get cold
- he lets you play with his hair and he’ll let you put it up for him
- he loves kissing you and he’s not shy about it. he’ll kiss you anywhere, anytime, he doesn’t care who sees.
- his love languages are touch and quality time. he just loves being near you
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🌾 charles smith
- it took a while for charles to realize his feelings for you and you definitely had to approach him first.
- he’s quiet at first, but will open up to you as you get closer and spend more time with him.
- he’ll tell you everything he knows about his family and the stuff he went through as a kid once he feels comfortable with you
- a great listener. he could listen to you talk for hours, and often does. whether you talk about a job you went on, the chores you did that day, a clothing item or piece of jewelry you saw, or stories from your life, he’ll listen.
- not only will he listen, he’ll remember. he’ll remember every little detail, and often surprises you with the things he remembers.
- there’s lots of comfortable silence between the two of you. you’ll often work side by side without speaking a word but enjoying each other’s company. he could be making some arrows or sharpening the camp axe while you read or finish up a small chore like sewing up a hole in someone’s clothes.
- his love languages are definitely quality time and acts of service.
- he’ll do little things to help you out. he’ll do his own laundry so it doesn’t add to the laundry you already have. he’ll clean your guns and sharpen your knives for you. he’ll brush your horse and braid its mane when you’re busy and haven’t had time to. small things that make a difference.
- definitely teaches you how to hunt and track. you’ll go out with him each time the gang needs food, getting time away from camp which you both enjoy. takes you to all his best hunting spots, teaching you all his little tips and tricks to getting a clean kill.
- he’s not big on PDA and often gets embarrassed if someone sees you kissing or anything.
- he definitely gets used to it the longer you’ve been together, but he prefers to save all that stuff for behind closed doors.
- it’s not like he won’t kiss or hug you in front of anyone else, he just gets a bit flustered
- eventually you’ll move into his tent with him, and once you’re alone he’ll be a lot more physically affectionate
- he also enjoys cuddling. he’s spent a lot of time alone, sleeping in the wilderness by himself before he joined the gang, so sleeping next to you if very comforting to him.
- he doesn’t use a lot of pet names, but his favorite is “my love”.
- although he knows very little about his mother’s culture, he’ll share what he knows with you. he’ll tell you old stories that she told him growing up, and the significance of bison. you showing interest in his culture means a lot to him.
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masakianzai · 3 days
I wanna talk about Anzai
I love him and i think he's an amazing and Extremely Overlooked character so im gonna ramble. sorry.
like i get it, he kind of has Chronic Background Character Syndrome (fortunately for him i have a Thing for characters like that) and he's not all that strong of a fighter. But he played a HUGE role in helping sakura grow and open up.
He was one of the first bofurin students to be casually friendly with Sakura and make him feel welcome after the fight with Sugishita
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And he's the one who gets Sakura really thinking about what he can do for his class, and how to put Umemiya's words into action. Up till chapter 38 Sakura would just swing at whatever problem was directly in front of him, but Anzai changes that
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It's clear that Sakura and Anzai have some traits in common too. Anzai tries to deal with Keel on his own, without asking for help or bothering anyone else. Sakura clearly respects that and sees something of himself in Anzai. He doesn't commit to getting involved in his business until he sees that Tsuchiya and Nagato are also hurt and that Anzai definitely Can't deal with it on his own
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In the fight against Keel, even though he's grandstanding and being way too self-focused, Sakura still prioritizes clearing the way for Anzai to get to Nagato before anything else. It doesn't work out but i think this was the first step Sakura took in learning to work as a team and protecting someone's back (think later when he and Sugishita team up on the bridge)
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and anzai is, of course, the first one to go down in that fight too. Nirei is the more important one but Anzai going down is the start of Sakura freezing up and losing control
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And then the kicker for me is Anzai's forgiveness. First of Nagato, and then of Sakura. He prioritizes open communication and lets both of them get out all of their fears and insecurities and vent about how unforgivable and unlovable they think they are. And then he calls them dumbasses and reminds them that there's nothing that needs forgiving. That conversation with Nagato is one of the reasons Sakura even works up the courage to admit his fears to everyone.
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And of course in That Scene(TM) in chapter 60 everyone pitches in on the conversation. But out of everyone in the class, all the people that Sakura had been building friendships with this whole time. The one who says it directly to his face is Anzai. Someone he identified with, someone he wanted to help, someone he failed to protect, someone he was terrified of being rejected by. Anzai is the one who grabs him by the neck and says Who gives a shit? We care about you, and nothing you do or say will change that.
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and THAT LINE is what gets us this
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anyway in conclusion i need more love and appreciation for anzai, he's such a good and kind person and the story uses him SO well. Solidly a top-5 character to me, maybe even a top 3
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moondustpugh · 3 months
Is It Over Now?
Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: Fake dating your flatmate, Joe, should be a simple thing. It meant you get to help get his ex back, and it meant you get to stop your parents' nagging about bringing someone home for once. But what happens when fake dating turns into something unexpected? Now, what?
Author's Note: Here's the end! Thank you all for the support in this story. It's honestly one of my favorites. Anyway, see you all soon with Midnight Rain! I will be planning that out first then I'll be back with a new series soon! Enjoy! :)
Wordcount: 2.7K
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part one - part two - part three - part four - part five - part six - part seven - part eight - part nine - part ten
The soft breeze blew through your hair as you watched the city of London slowly come alive in front of you. You pulled your jacket closer to your chest as you watched the sunrise reflected through the windows of the tall buildings in front of you. Cars and buses filling the roads and people walking down the streets to their jobs or whatever their destination was. The sound of Elena whispering to herself as she played with her toys in the living room made you smile as you looked over your shoulder and watched her. 
You hoped one day this little girl would grow up and keep the happiness that lit inside her. You hoped that she was able to face whatever fears she had inside of her, and she was able to find love that she deserved. If it was up to you, you would wish she never grows up because this world could be cruel, and it slowly breaks you. 
Your eyes then darted towards Abby and Sara, who were cooking breakfast in the kitchen. Watching Abby feeding Sara with a piece of waffle and then kissing each other on the lips like they were just in their own little world, you couldn’t help but smile. You knew that no matter what, Elena had great parents that would be by her side through everything. You couldn’t help but wish that you had the same thing growing up, but you couldn’t dwell too much on the past now. You couldn’t blame your parents anymore. You could change your own perspective and life. You could change it and make it with whatever you wanted it to be. 
You didn’t know what time you had sneaked out of your flat earlier this morning, but it definitely was too early. It was still dark outside, and the streets were empty and quiet except for the early morning people who decided to wake up and go for a jog.
You have been walking. You didn’t know how long, but you had been walking and thinking. Thinking about what happened last night. Thinking about Joe and those three little words that he had told you. Thinking about his lips on your skin and how it electrified your veins with every kiss he left on your body. How it made you die and brought you back to life at the same time. You thought about how you wanted him, and you loved him but you were too terrified to admit it yourself. 
You just needed some space. You needed some time to think. You weren’t running away this time. You just need to think, so eventually, you found yourself at Sara and Abby’s by the time it was 7am. You didn’t even ride the tube. You walked so much that you had found yourself on the other side of the city, and you didn’t even realize until you were standing on their front steps. 
“I’m sorry.” You apologized to them again.
At this point, you wouldn’t be surprised if Sara and Abby kicked you out of their home for disturbing them so much. They already were too busy with Elena and here you were like a little lost puppy and dumping your problems on them. 
“Hey,” Sara smiled. “I was just about to make breakfast before Abby leaves for work. Come in.” 
Sara opened the front door wider to let you in. Elena, for some reason, was wide awake early in the morning. Sara mentioned how she had been waking up early because she wanted to say goodbye to Abby every morning before work. You couldn’t help but think how cute it was. They truly were such a cute family. 
Now, here you were standing on their balcony, trying to figure out all the emotions that were running inside you. You were trying to scold yourself to stop being so afraid and finally just let all of these fears go. 
“Hey, wanna join us for breakfast?” Sara came up behind you with a cup of tea. 
“Yeah, thank you.” You smiled as she handed you the cup of tea, and you followed her into the dining room. 
“I’m sorry for barging in again. I just… I need to think.”
“There’s nothing to think about, my sweet.” Abby chimed in as she sat on the dining table with you and Sara.
She was in her white shirt, jeans and cardigan. It fit her whole artist vibe, and you couldn’t help but notice how her and Sara were glowing even more lately ever since Elena has entered their life. 
“You love him.” Abby said sternly. “Please stop dismissing it. Let yourself be happy.”
You bit your lower lip as you took a sip of your tea. Your eyes shifted at Sara, who was slicing through her waffles with a playful smile on her face.
“What’s so funny?” You asked.
“You reek of sex.” Sara murmured, taking a bite of her waffle.
Your eyes widened the moment you felt the tea burned through your nose as you choked and coughed, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. You just wanted the floor to eat you up at this point. 
“Babe!” Abby laughed, shaking her head. 
“Look at her!” Sara pointed her fork at you as her eyes widened at Abby. “They had sex and now, she is denying the fact that she’s actually in love with Joe. This isn’t just pretending anymore. She has been in love with him for a while now, and she thought hooking up with him would make those feelings go away but no—”
“Okay, I think I get it.” You sighed, slumping back down on your chair.
“Do you?” Sara raised her brow. 
You sat quietly in your chair, your head hung low as you thought about Sara’s question. You knew she was right, but it was the acceptance of your feelings that you couldn’t bear to accept in your mind. Your heart was screaming for it. Screaming to love Joe. Screaming to stop being so terrified because you were already here. You already had shown him your feelings last night, so what the fuck was your problem? 
“What are you so afraid of? Joe loves you.” Abby added. 
“I know.” You sighed. “I do too.”
It was the first time you admitted it out loud. Suddenly, the fear had subsided and all you could think about was Joe. His smile, his chocolate button eyes, his voice, his lips on your skin. 
It was everything.
He was everything.
“Then, go get him.” Sara had a wicked smile on her face as you chuckled softly. 
“I’m sorry for being such a pain lately and just barging in here.” You sighed. “I know you two got your hands busy with Elena too and—”
“My sweet, there’s no need to apologize.” Abby cut you off. “You’re always welcome here and besides, we know how hard it is for you to sometimes accept your feelings, especially with what you have gone through before. It’s understandable.”
“Exactly.” Sara smiled, reaching for your hand across the table. “You’re our family too, and you’re always welcome here. We just want you to be happy too because you deserve it.”
“And if that’s with Joe then, you shouldn’t stop yourself from being happy and loved by him.” Abby added. 
“Thank you.” You both gave them a smile, squeezing Sara’s hand softly. “And you know, I’m always one call away if you both need anything.”
Sara and Abby smiled, nodding their heads. 
The thought of seeing Joe as you sat on the tube later that day had let out a jar of butterflies in your stomach. You didn’t exactly know how to start or what to say to him the moment you would enter the flat. You kept telling yourself that you would just wing it. That whatever the situation was, you definitely needed to apologize for running out again. For being so confused and terrified about all of this. 
You sighed and ran your fingers through your hair as you stepped out of the tube and made your way back to your flat. You wondered if Joe was home. You wondered what he would say the moment you entered the flat. You wondered if you fucked everything up, and he didn’t want to talk to you anymore.
You couldn’t blame him if that was his decision. 
Unlocking the front door with a shaky hand, you immediately heard a quiet clattering coming from the kitchen. 
Joe was home.
Kicking your shoes off your feet, you quietly made your way to the kitchen and stood by the doorway. Joe’s back was turned to you as he cooked pasta on the stove. You leaned against the doorway and watched him for a moment, playing with your fingers nervously. 
“Came to get the rest of your things?” Joe asked, his voice was cold and his back was still turned to you. 
So, he was upset. 
You expected that. Who wouldn’t be upset with someone who ran out the next morning after you had told them that you love them?
“N..N…No.” You replied.
Oh, you hated how that came out of your mouth. 
You were stuttering, and you could barely find your voice at the moment. You slowly walked around the kitchen island and stood next to Joe. Your hands were literally trembling, and you immediately shoved them in your coat pocket to hide them from him. Joe’s eyes were still laser focused on the pasta sauce that he was cooking on the stove, and you could tell that he didn’t want to look at you at all. 
Again, you couldn’t blame him. 
It was your fault. 
“I’m sorry.” You apologized. 
There was silence for a moment between the both of you, your eyes never leaving him as you waited for what he was going to say. Though, when he didn’t say anything, you took a deep breath and took another step forward.
“I’m sorry that I ran out again.” You said. “I’m sorry that I keep lying about my feelings for you.”
Joe sighed, turned off the stove and turned to you. The moment his chocolate button eyes caught yours, you couldn’t help but notice how much it really affected him. It was a different kind of look that you have never seen before. Not even when Ivy broke up with him. It was almost as if he looked like he lost someone so special to him. 
“I understand as to why you couldn’t accept your feelings because I know you struggle with that, but I just wished you would talk to me.” Joe shook his head. 
“I know. I’m sorry. I was scared, and I needed to think and I didn’t know what to do because I saw Ivy the other night leaving our flat and—”
“Wait,” Joe cut you off. “You saw her?”
“Yeah, I bumped into her in the hall when I was coming home.” You shrugged, your head hung low. “I… I know something happened between us after that, but I can’t help but think about how it makes me feel like you choose me because she doesn’t want you or whatever it’s going on with you guys…”
“Nothing is going on with us.” Joe replied, taking a step closer to you. “Nothing happened that night. She came and begged to take me back, but I told her that it has been over with us for a long time.”
You gazed up and stared at him with your big wet brown eyes. You didn’t know what to say. You didn’t want to doubt Joe either because he told you he loved you and hearing him confirming about him and Ivy, it made your heart swell. In a good way.
Joe exhaled a sharp breath. “I let her stay for the night because she was a mess. I didn’t want her to go home like that, especially knowing that I was the reason why she was crying.”
You nodded your head in understanding. Then, Joe gently took your trembling hands from your coat pockets and held your hands in his. 
“So… it is over?” You asked. 
“It has been over a long time ago.” Joe replied.
You stared at both of your hands and bit your lower lip. Joe could see that you were struggling to accept all of this, but he could also see that you knew it was the truth. You could see it in his eyes. You have always known that. His eyes always spoke the truth. 
“I meant what I said.” Joe murmured. “And I’m sorry for making you feel like shit. I’m sorry for making you think that you’re just a second choice and for pretending that I wanted Ivy. Most of all, I’m sorry that I kept this agreement going even when I knew that you were the one that I wanted. Even when I knew that I loved you and couldn’t tell you.”
Your heart suddenly couldn’t fit in your chest. It was beating a thousand miles per hour, and you couldn’t breathe. You tried to stabilize your breathing as Joe caressed your trembling hands with his thumbs.
“I’m sorry I kept running away from this. You were right that night, you know?” You said. “I was scared to let someone in. Someone who cares about me.”
Joe cupped your face with his hands and caressed your cheek with his thumb. Your knees felt weak, and you moved closer until both of your faces were just inches from each other. Joe grazed his nose softly against yours, making you grin happily. 
“I love you.” Joe muttered. 
“I love you too.” You finally said before finally pressing your lips against his. 
Joe wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you close as he kissed you deeply. He kissed you as if he had been waiting for this moment for a long time. You smiled through the kiss and finally let all your fears and insecurities go. You let Joe take them away and locked them up in a box and threw them away in the ocean. 
You finally let go and told yourself that you deserved this. You deserved to love someone and have them love you back.  
“So, does that mean you’re not leaving?” Joe teased you as soon as he pulled away.
“Hm… no.” 
You both laughed in unison as you wrapped your arms around his neck. Joe gave you a soft happy smile as he leaned in again and kissed you. In surprise, you let out a squeal as he picked you up and carried you down the hall towards his bedroom. 
“No.” You said, holding onto the doorframe as Joe paused in his tracks. “My room.”
Joe raised his brow at you, surprised that you had suggested that idea. He never had stepped inside your bedroom because he knew your boundaries but fuck boundaries, right? You wanted to let him inside your life. Inside your private mind where you kept your private thoughts and insecurities. You wanted him to know you. To know every corner of your mind. 
“Are you sure?” Joe asked.
Joe couldn’t help but smile as he walked towards your bedroom. His eyes immediately wandered around the four walls, curious of your private space that he has never seen before. Gently setting you down on your bed, he towered over you as you let out a soft giggle. 
“I love your room.” He whispered, his lips finding your neck.
A soft gasp escaped your lips as you ran your fingers through his curly hair. 
“It’s yours now too.” You whispered as Joe stared down at you. 
For a moment, he studied you as you reached your hand up to brush his cheek softly. He was yours and you were his. You love Joe and he loves you. That was all that mattered right now. You didn’t want to worry about anything else. This was you accepting that this was real. 
No more pretending.
No more acting.
No more fake relationships.
This was all real.
Joe was real and so were the two of you together. 
Leaning down, Joe kissed you softly as he pulled the duvet over the both of you, your soft laughters echoed the room. 
The End. 
@palomahasenteredthechat @sunvick @eddies-acousticguitar @demonsanddemogorgons @joesquinns @mmunson86 @ghostinthebackofyourhead @corrodedcoffincumslut @figmentofquinn @tlclick73 @browneyes8288 @bylermaxmayfield @ali-r3n @ficsbypix @capricornrisingsstuff @missonlypost @ali-in-w0nderland @amberolivia666 @lalalala-melmosworld @niallersfreckles @nanas-lasagna @emma77645 @indulgence-be-thy-name @readergf @ladamari68 @1paire2vans @d4rk4ng3l86 @paleidiot @josephquinnsfreckles
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schrijverr · 5 months
Works Alone
When trying to pull the team together, Bruce’s ideas are dismissed, because he works alone. He goes home to his kids to pout about it.
On AO3.
Ships: none
Warnings: none
Bruce isn’t pouting. He isn’t! He’s not even a little bit miffed, because he doesn’t want the Justice League to succeed anyway. He doesn’t trust them, hell, he’s not even a full time member, he’s only playing along to keep the others in check. So why would he care?
However, attempting to convince himself doesn’t mean it is working or not clear on his face. The second he steps into the Cave, Dick comments: “Someone is pouty. Did anything happen with your new friends, B?”
He sounds a little too jovial about the whole thing for Bruce’s taste, because despite what he’s telling himself, he is pouty.
“Ridiculous. Father would never stoop so low as to pout,” Damian sticks up for him.
Damian had been sparring with Dick when Bruce arrived, but is now taking a break to drink some water. Seeing the two of them work together makes Bruce both feel better and more prissy, so he just grunts.
“He’s totally pouty,” Jason crows, from where he’d been ruffling through Bruce’s equipment. He would gladly give Jason all the stuff he needs, but Jason insists on stealing it, even if he’s stealing it in plain sight, which is more closely to just taking it.
“Take it back,” Damian frowns.
“Nah,” Jason says. “You know how he gets when y’all don’t come by enough. I mean, you shoulda seen him when Dickface first moved out. Man’s a pouter, I dunno what to tell ya.”
“What’s B pouting about now?” Steph asks, falling into the conversation since she’s only just arrived to start getting ready for patrol tonight.
“We don’t know yet, he’s still denying he’s pouting,” Tim calls out, not having looked up from where he’s working on the Batcomputer all throughout. “Though it’s likely something with the League, since he just got back from giving back up.”
Heads turn his way and Dick concernedly frowns: “Are you okay? Did they do something?”
There is a dark, yet gleeful glimmer in Damian’s eyes as he asks: “Do we need to go out there and vanquish these super powered morons, father?”
“No,” Bruce sighs, still a little miffed, though his mood has definitely been improved by his kid’s banter, as well as their worry for him.
“Then what happened, old man?” Jason demands. “Stop that vague bullshit you always do.”
“Oehhh, Jason swore!” Steph immediately chimes in. “I’m telling Alfred.”
“Don’t you fuckin’ dare,” Jason whips around to her, pointing his knife at her.
“Knock it off, I wanna hear why B is being pouty,” Tim interrupts them.
“Yes, cease this chatter,” Damian adds, a rare show of agreement with Tim. They’ve all been growing, Bruce thinks proudly.
“So what happened then?” Steph asks, rolling her eyes, though stopping her fight with Jason.
Jason luckily also lets it go for now, so Bruce can answer: “They aren’t working as a team. It’s just a group of skilled individuals now and it’s becoming a problem.”
“You’ve been observing that for a while, B. Why suddenly the long face about it?” Dick asks.
And now the embarrassing part, Bruce thinks as he admits: “John is trying to do something about it now. I offered my help, but he refused, stating that I don’t know how, since I work alone, while he has been in the army.”
It’s quiet for a moment. Then, the whole group bursts out in laughter.
“What?” Jason wheezes, while Dick cackles: “He actually said that? Are you for real? Oh my god.”
“I’m going to loose my shit,” Steph snorts, Tim chuckling in the background.
Even Damian is looking amused, although also slightly judgmental. He disdainfully comments: “They are not very bright and must lack observational skills, father. Are you certain you wish to proceed in sponsoring them?”
“Yes,” Bruce sighs again. He’d already had that conversation with himself. Many times. “There is a lot of potential there too. Which is what makes them dangerous. However, out there is dangerous too. They can protect like an army can. Like we can’t.”
“Tt, we can take on extraterrestrial threats and some villains,” Damian huffs, obviously displeased. Out of all his siblings, he’s been the most vocally against the Justice League.
“The brat has a point,” Jason surprises him by backing him up. “I mean, between us here and those still on the streets or running late, you basically have your own little army right here. Just recruit Wonder Woman and I’m sure we’d have a chance.”
“You just wanna work with Wonder Woman, don’t you?” Dick says, sounding a little smug as he slides up behind Jason to make a kissy face at him.
Jason just pushes his face away as he blushes and exclaims: “Shaddup, Dickhead.”
“Yeah, shut up! That’s the most sensible thing he’s said all his life,” Steph hollers.
“Kids, kids, calm down. We’re not disbanding the Justice League and adopting Wonder Woman,” Bruce interrupts, wondering how his life ends up with him saying sentences that he never thought he would be saying.
“I never said nothin’ ‘bout adopting her,” Jason scowls.
“Cuz you want to kiss her!” Dick sing-songs.
“Isn’t she like a few thousand years old or something?” Tim asks.
“Also not marrying Wonder Woman. Any of you,” Bruce says. “Why don’t we all just stay away from Wonder Woman. And the rest of the Justice League, which will continue to exist and not fall apart because they struggle at teamwork. Maybe John’s idea will work. It’s too early to say.”
All of them are giving him a judgmental look now and Bruce struggles to not react to it. It’s always harder when he agrees with them.
“But Green Lantern’s plan is hinging on esprit de corpse,” Tim says. “And that will never work, because it’s a military mentality and while you’ve been working together, there is no real interdependence outside a few emergencies.”
“Yeah, what Timmy said,” Dick agrees, gesturing towards Tim.
“I loathe to admit it, father, but Drake has a point,” Damian nods and that truly shows that it is a hopeless mission for John.
“We’ll just have to see,” Bruce says, deciding to end the conversation there. “Now get ready for pre-patrol brief. We have a few open cases to assign. Cass and Harper will soon be reporting from their early rounds, so get suited up.”
There are a few groans around him, but his kids grant him the mercy of dropping it. They probably know as he does that this won’t be the last time they discuss it.
Indeed a few days later, Bruce comes walking into the Cave again, trying not to let the thunder cloud above his head show too much. However, he knows his kids notice, some sending him a raised brow or an inquiring look. Bruce is glad that he’s come far enough as a parent that not even Dick or Jason are put off by his bad mood.
Dick is also the one to tentatively ask: “Not a good training session with the Justice League?”
“John has us running drills,” Bruce grunts. “It’s showing us each other’s moves and how to play into each other, but…”
“It’s not turning you into a team?” Dick suggest.
“Yeah,” Bruce says, sighing.
“Esprit de corpse,” Tim sing-songs, walking by with a steaming mug of coffee that he went upstairs to refill, ready to start working on the case he’s in the middle of.
Bruce ignores Tim, knowing he’s right, and pulls the cowl off to card a hand through his hair. “We don’t need to run drills, but we need to do trust exercises, talk with each other, get to know each other better, be- be-”
He doesn’t know how he wants to end that sentence, but Cass does, materializing out of the darkness in her sweats, she says one word: “Family.”
“I thought you didn’t like the Justice League,” Duke asks. Luke is covering his day shift today since the last few days have been busy for Duke, but as a true Bat, he doesn’t really know what taking a break means, so he’s in the Cave training.
“Hn,” Bruce replies, thinking. “I mean, I do like them, I just-”
“He doesn’t trust ‘em,” Jason says. He wasn’t supposed to be at the Cave, but it’s clear why he’s there when Bruce looks his way in surprise. He’s holding a box of files, likely stuff he needs for his organization, Bruce wouldn’t know. They’re at a point where Jason doesn’t kill and Bruce doesn’t ask.
“What? Why?” Duke asks. “You fund them and go on missions with them. Even share intell and use them as backup, despite the fact that there are metas and aliens among them. Why do that if you don’t trust them?”
“’Cause he’s also paranoid,” Jason answers for him. “He’s monitoring ‘em.”
“But also befriending them,” Dick says, defending Bruce. “He just needs to vet them closely first, before he does that.”
“Right, ‘cause he’s paranoid,” Jason says.
Duke looks at Bruce, who sighs: “They’re not wrong. The Justice League has a lot of potential to do good and they’re showing they want to be that goodness. But they also have the potential of mass destruction. We need to be sure they won’t be a threat and that we have the right contingencies, before we let them in.”
“Like I said, paranoid,” Jason repeats.
“But trying,” Dick adds.
“And is stepping in to help them get better teamwork going to backfire?” Duke wonders. “Like are we scared we’re going to teach them how to destroy everything as a team? Is that it?”
“No,” Bruce answers, before the peanut gallery consisting of Dick and Jason can. “I offered help to John, he didn’t want it. I don’t think they’re willing to listen to my opinion on it, since I work alone, so have no expertise.”
Duke snorts loudly at that, then suddenly says: “Wait, you’re serious?”
Bruce grunts as conformation.
“Why?” Duke asks.
“Paranoid,” Jason says, rolling his eyes, before hoisting his box up again, before walking off.
Meanwhile, Bruce actually explains: “I haven’t mentioned you, like I said I would. It’s best if they don’t know we’re connected, nor that Gotham hosts more heroes. Connections like we have could be exploited by them and Superman can do a lot more damage should he so choose than Killer Croc or Bane.”
“But they’re good guys, right?”
“For now,” Dick answers morosely. “I’m not saying I agree with B’s paranoia, I mean, I was doing team ups before him and it worked out fine for me without the layers of paranoid he has. But a lot of things can go wrong, especially when working with people that powerful. I also maintained a semblance of mystique just to be safe.”
“But you can try to tell them this isn’t working, right? They must see that it’s not,” Duke says.
“From what I’ve seen both Hawkgirl and Wonder Woman are warriors like John, so they think the same about this. Superman and Flash are office workers, they’d think of horrid team-building days. While J’onn is used to working together with people who can read minds,” Bruce answers. “Out of all of them, only J’onn might listen.”
Cass nudges him and signs: ‘You are not saying something. There is hiding in your shoulders and a bit of guilt in your jaw.’
“What are you hiding, B,” Dick prods, a little bit of genuine judgment and worry coming through the tease.
“It’s a risk to tell them,” Bruce answers sulkily, knowing it’s a little silly, but unable to stop his brain from providing pop-ups of all the ways it could backfire.
“B,” Dick whines, throwing himself to hang over him. “You can at least try.”
“I will, I will,” Bruce says, placating yet also meaning it. He wants to do right by his kids and they want him to have friends, most of them encouraging him with the Justice League.
And, he does. Tentatively he suggest doing some trust exercises among the drills they’ve been running. As expected he gets weird looks and even a scoff from Wally and a frown from Clark. But he manages to play into John’s ideas brotherhood, which means the others are forced to give it a try.
It’s not perfect, of course it isn’t. They still have to deal with the fact that they never agreed on a strategists or a leader of sorts. They still have to build an organization, a system, a proper way of working as a unit.
However, they are getting somewhere. Some prodding here and there helps and the more it helps, the more others prod.
Though it’s not until years later, when Damian is nearly outgrowing the Robin mantle, that Bruce finally allows them to meet his kids. To let them in on the inner workings of Gotham vigilantism.
Then John will point at him and exclaim: “You son of a bitch, you lied to me! You let me struggle on my own to pull these idiots together.”
And at that point, Bruce will be comfortable enough to ignore everyone’s protests and smirk: “I offered you to help, didn’t I? Too bad I work alone.” Making his kids – though they’re adults at that point – laugh like the day they first heard.
I think the League thinking Batman works alone is hilarious, especially if they establish later than the batfam
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iamcalmdammit · 1 year
Positive || [Simon "Ghost" Riley x f!reader]
Summary: Ghost finds out you're pregnant with his child.
Warning: None. Fluffish angst.
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Ghost stormed into your room without a warning and slammed the door after himself so violently that the whole room shaked in its wake. You almost had a heart attack, but quickly recovered enough to jump up and watch him with arms crossed over your chest, giving him the best disapproving look you could pull off in this situation.
In reality your heart was beating way too fast, as if it was about to escape from between your ribs. There were so many things left unsaid between the two of you that now you hated the thought of being alone with the lieutenant. Every single time you were paired up with him on a mission, you tried your best to stay invisible--you followed his orders without a word and kept communication to the bare minimum.
But now you had no chance to run away from him. You watched his chest rise and fall as he breathed, his eyes locked on you as he waited for something. You didn't dare to ask what it was all about, afraid it would only enrage him. Then your eyes moved to his hand and you realized he was holding a smaller paper bag. What was this all about?
"Are you feeling better?" he suddenly asked you.
At first you didn't know what in the hell he was talking about, but then you remembered. You hadn't felt well in the morning and asked Price to let you rest for a while. But that was a private conversation, you weren't expecting him to tell everyone about your medical issues.
Ghost suddenly took a step closer to you as he waited for your answer. Why did he have to be so damn intimidating? "I do, thanks," you managed to say after a little too long. "Did you come here just to ask me that?" you wondered out loud.
Shaking his head, Ghost threw the paper bag to you. You gave him a surprised look, but instead of answering, he only motioned you to take a look inside. So you opened the bag and found two pregnancy tests in it. What the hell was he doing?
"I'll wait," was all he said.
"What are you talking about?"
"I remember my sister-in-law's symptoms from the time she was pregnant," he explained calmly, although it was easy to tell he was all tensed up. "Let's see if I'm right. I brought two just to be sure."
"Even if I was pregnant--which I'm definitely not--what would you have to do with it?"
His gloved fingers curled into a fist as he considered what to say. You had a feeling that you already knew why he was so invested in this theory, but a part of you wished you were wrong. "You're working under my command, sergeant, I need to know if you're pregnant or not. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you or the baby."
"And you think that's the way to do it?" you asked, relieved to hear it was just that. "If I found out I was pregnant, I would tell Price who would then pass the news on to you."
Shaking his head, Ghost drew in a sharp breath which he soon blew out slowly to even his breathing. "That's not the right way to do it if I'm the father," he then said.
This was exactly what you were afraid to hear. Once--just once you both lost control and slept together after drinking some of the Scotch whisky Soap brought with him straight from home. That was the first and so far only time he took off the mask in front of you, too lost in the desire and alcoholic haze to think straight anymore.
Letting out a sigh, you ran a hand through your hair. "Ghost, that only happened once, what makes you think--"
"Have you slept with anyone beside me in the past weeks?" he interrupted you harshly.
"That's none of your business," you replied defensively.
The answer was simple: you didn't. You lacked the time and energy to go out and meet new people, but you were too proud to admit you didn't really have a life outside of work. Sure, you visited your family every now and then, but you didn't have friends in the traditional sense of the word.
Ghost saw through you without a problem. "So you did not," he stated before pointing at the bag in your hand. "Do the test. Now."
"Don't make me do this."
"Y/N," he warned you with a growl.
You closed your eyes for a second to think. Running away would have been an issue. He was standing in your way, and even if you managed to escape, where would you go? So you nodded and went to the bathroom to do as he ordered.
The minutes were passing painfully slowly. As you sat there on the floor, your eyes fixed on the two tests, you began to think about your options. Were you ready to be a parent? Would you have to do it alone? Ghost being here and looking so concerned made you think he would want to be a part of the child's life.
But how would that work with your line of work? You didn't want to quit, to give up your current lifestyle for having a family. As of this moment your maternal instincts were nonexistent, you couldn't even imagine what it would be like to be a parent. To be a single mom, no less.
When your phone began to vibrate next to you, you knew it was time to find out the truth. You took a deep breath, held it in for a few seconds, then slowly exhaled. You got this. It was definitely food poisoning, nothing more. Ghost was just being paranoid. You crawled over to the tests and took a look at them.
A minute or two later you were snapped out of your thoughts by a banging sound. Ghost was growing impatient as he had previously checked how much time it would take. He knew you knew the result by now.
"So?" he asked when you opened the door and stepped out of the bathroom.
"Negative," you told him with a forced smile.
"Both of them?"
You nodded. "Yes."
Ghost didn't seem convinced because he shook his head and held out his hand. "Let me see."
"I threw them out."
"Oh, for fuck's sake," he groaned before pushing you out of the way and marching into the bathroom. Closing your eyes, you walked over to your bed and sat down on the edge, mentally preparing for what was about to come. "They are positive!" Ghost shouted, showing you the two tests when he got back to you.
Raising your hands defensively, you gulped and tried your best to calm him down. "Okay, now, don't be mad," you said quietly.
"How in the hell wouldn't I get mad, huh? You lied into my face," he snapped after he threw the tests on a nearby table. After letting out a long sigh, he sat on the bed next to you and reached out to wipe your tears away. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you, I just…"
Shaking your head, you took one of his gloved hand in yours and watched it in silence. Even now that he was furious, Ghost was keeping himself under strict control. The night you spent together was probably the only time you saw him let loose for a short while. But you were pregnant. The two of you would have a child of you decided to keep it, and this was a matter that had to be discussed.
Before you could say anything, you saw him take off the mask and carefully put it aside. "Do you want this child?" he asked softly.
"I don't know. Right now the answer is closer to no," you admitted. "What about you?"
He thought about it for a while, but eventually he said, "I had a poor excuse of a father growing up so I promised myself that if I ever had the chance, I would be a good dad to my kid."
"So the answer is yes," you noted before you let out a humming sound. "We need to think about it. We are in this together, it would be selfish of me to make this decision on my own."
"So let's do that," Ghost told you with a smile, his free hand reaching up to caress your cheek as he spoke.
A part of you hated him for acting like this, being so gentle and considerate. You couldn't blame him for losing control, though, but you sure as hell didn't want to experience it again.
Before you knew it, he had his lips on yours, cautiously testing if you were okay with him kissing you. You were more than okay with it. You wanted him ever since that night, you had an overwhelming need every single time you were near each other. Just a simple touch of the hands would have been enough to make you burst into flames.
"I want you to go home now," he suddenly told you.
"Ghost, you–"
"Simon. I'm the father of your child, you can't keep calling me Ghost when we're alone," the lieutenant said, sounding surprisingly vulnerable. "And I know you don't want to go anywhere, but you need to see a doctor. I'll talk to Price."
Shaking your head, you squeezed his hand and gulped loudly. "You can't tell him. Please, let's not tell anyone."
He smiled at you briefly before leaning over to kiss you again, this time settling for a quick, soft kiss. "He already has his own suspicions, don't worry. And I won't tell anyone else apart from him, okay? Trust me," he added.
"Won't you get into trouble for getting your sergeant pregnant?" you suddenly asked.
After licking his lower lip nervously, Ghost shook his head. "Price won't make a big deal out of it hopefully, and we can tell the others you have a boyfriend back home."
Nodding, you accepted his words. You rested your head on his broad shoulder and thought about the next step. Now that you know he wanted this child, it was up to you to make your own decision.
"Can I go and talk to Price with you?" you suddenly asked.
Ghost took your hand. "Sure. Maybe it's for the better."
Soon you were standing in front of the captain like two students who did something wrong and now had to go see the principal. Well, in a military sense you actually did something wrong, so no wonder you felt like that. You could tell even Ghost was tense, although it wasn't as obvious as it could have been without the mask.
But Price understood. He scolded Ghost for all of this, sure, but apart from that he seemed happy for the two of you. "Ghost, you go with her. If anyone asks, I'll tell them you're making sure she gets home safe," he said in the end.
"Captain, I can go alone. I'll keep Ghost updated," you promised.
Shaking his head, Price pointed at Ghost. "His head will be with you. If he can't focus on the mission, he's no use for us."
And he was right. You couldn't risk others' lives because of this. Ghost apparently understood this as well, because he let out a sigh and said, "All right, I'll go with her. Thank you."
taglist: @untoldshortsofthefandoms
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junnieverse · 9 months
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➙ enhypen's way of comforting you when you're feeling sad/stressed
pairing: enhypen x gn!reader
genre: heart melting fluff
request: " can i please get all of Enhypen with a reader who’s just been really sad lately? Like what would each of them would do to help cheer you up and comfort you? sometimes i wish i could just get a hug from them when im feeling down. thank you !! "
warnings: not proofread, lowercase intended, mentions of body insecurities in heeseung's drabble, mentions of mental health (anxiety attack) in jake's drabble
a/n: we all would love a hug from them too I'm sure :(( this was such a cute request that hopefully makes you all smile a little
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🖇️ — 양정원 ; JUNGWON !
↳ gives you his feedback and support
jungwon was always more blunt when it came to expressing himself but he also knew when to gently comfort and be there for you
it's like he always knew what to say to make you feel better but he also said what you needed to hear
after a bad fight with your best friend, you realised you were in the wrong but you were just too stubborn to admit it
"Gosh I'm so stupid Wonnie, why did I say all of that to them, I didn't mean it." You recall beating yourself up for what had happened
"The first step is realising you were in the wrong which you did love. I know the fight you both had hurt you but you can't stay not talking to them any longer." jungwon says knocking some sense into you
you knew he could be quite the straightforward person but you also appreciated that from him
jungwon gave a great balance between helping you get back on your feet when you were down and being able to comfort you and wipe your tears when you felt vulnerable
"Now call them and apologise, it'll be water under the bridge soon." he encourages you giving your forehead a kiss as he hands you your phone
🖇️ — 이희승 ; HEESEUNG !
↳ reassures you
"Hi baby, you look beautiful." your boyfriend says as he wraps his arms around your waist placing a chaste kiss on your neck
staying silent, you continue to look at yourself in the mirror nit-picking at your features wishing you looked better
"What's wrong, I know something is bothering you." heeseung says with a raised bro looking at you through the mirror still holding you in his arms
if you had a problem, heeseung made sure to put that as his top priority as so to help you figure it out and solve it together
"Oh nothing. I just felt a little... insecure lately but it's nothing serious." you say trying to brush it off as if it were nothing
"Well it is serious now, baby you're gorgeous. I just wish you saw yourself through my eyes." he says sweetly making you blush
your boyfriend definitely had his way with his words and he always knew exactly what to say when you were feeling unwell
"Every little part of you is perfect. Now let's get out of here so I can show you off to everyone."
if it's one thing heeseung would do, once again proving to be the best boyfriend, it was making sure you felt loved and reassured
🖇️ — 박종성 ; JAY !
↳ silently let's you cry it out
you had an incredibly bad day and all you wanted to do was to get home and cry
what you weren't expecting was for your boyfriend to be home and not having planned to cry around anyone you unfortunately end up breaking down in front of jay not being able to hold it in
jay obviously would urgently run to you and check for any injuries and he would be relieved to find none but he was upset because you clearly were
he usually knew how to comfort you on your bad days but he was caught off guard when you suddenly came in crying
jay didn't want to let you talk about anything if you weren't ready yet and so he simply held you as you cried into his shoulder
"Why did this have to happen to me Jay, I don't deserve any of this." you hiccup as your voice grows weaker
soothingly rubbing your back, jay sways you back and forth holding you closer to him feeling your tears dampen his shirt
it was a comfortable silence between the two of you, jay simply let you cry it all out and ride out your emotions until you were ready to talk to him (if you wanted to)
his presence alone and being able to hold you when you felt alone was enough to bring you all the comfort you needed
🖇️ — 심재윤 ; JAKE !
↳ cuddles/holds you
you were prone to having minor anxiety attacks here and there but it was never as severe as the one you had today
here you were nestled in your boyfriend's arms as he rubbed your back
you were doing your best to come down from an attack and laying on jake's chest hearing his heartbeat oddly comforted you
jake was a very physically affectionate person and because that is one of his main love languages, just being able to hold you was his way of comforting you
"You're okay angel, I'm right here." he softly says kissing your forehead
other than his words being able to sooth you, jake was like a human bear, he was always so warm and comfortable to hold and cuddle
with no words needed, if he noticed even the slightest frown on your face, he would immediately engulf you into his arms in a tight embrace
"How about I make us some hot chocolate and then we can cuddle on the couch and you can tell me all about your day." he suggests with a bright smile
🖇️ — 박성훈 ; SUNGHOON !
↳ takes you out on a walk
you and working under pressure were not the best of friends, you couldn't do it
and the minute everything did feel overwhelming and there was pressure, you felt like breaking down and crying
which is exactly what you did after looking at the massive load of work on your table not knowing where to start
"I give up Hoon, I knew this would be too much to take on." you say pacing back and forth trying to pray your headache goes away
feeling his hands on your shoulders stopping you, sunghoon signals you to take a deep breath with his hand before leading you up to door putting his shoes on
"Where are we going, I need-" you start off pointing back at your work in the other room before your boyfriend cut you off
"We're just gonna take a walk sweetheart, just to clear your mind and relieve the stress you're feeling." he suggests to which you agree to
whenever you did feel sad or stressed about something, sunghoon knew taking walks together always helped you calm down
you would both silently walk together and whenever you needed, you would ramble about your problems let go of your negative energy
sometimes sunghoon would even add in his classic dad jokes to lighten the mood, that always did the trick for you
🖇️ — 김선우 ; SUNOO !
↳ let's you talk about what's bothering you
you had been stressed about school/work lately unsure about your performance
you knew sunoo had his own problems to deal with and didn't want to stress him out too but ofcourse he was quick to notice something was bothering you
best believe even if you protest, he won't force you, but he would encourage you to open up to him
he never wants to see you going through your struggles alone because you're always there for him so the least he can do is let you tell him all about your problems
"I don't know if I can handle all of this Sunoo. Maybe I'm not cut out for this, it's too much." you say with your head in your hands holding back your tears
sunoo was a great listener and so he made sure to let you say anything you wanted before he said anything
"If anyone could face their obstacles it's you, you are one of the strongest and most hardworking people I know." he holds your hands in his as he places a soft kiss on both of them
you would then spend the rest of your day de-stressing by binging on your favourite kdrama together cuddled up
🖇️ — 西村 力 ; NI-KI !
↳ helps you get your mind off of it
riki was not usually your go to person when it came to needing someone to confide in
yes he was your boyfriend but even he could acknowledge he was bad at it
he usually never did well in situations having to deal with people around him crying but you appreciated how he tried his best to comfort you and he always validated how you felt letting you know it was okay
"We all feel sad or demotivated alot and that's completely normal. What matters is how you pick yourself up again and keep going." he says kneeling in front of you as he wiped your tears with the pad of his thumb
he didn't just want to 'cheer you up' completely forgetting about the situation at hand
riki knew that the best way to help you was to let you vent to him as much as you needed and them he could help you ease your mind by doing something fun
"Since you're feeling better, how about we go to the basketball court and shoot some hoops together." he suggests helping you put on his large hoodie to stay warm
your boyfriend may not be the best at giving heartfelt advice but he definitely knew what to say and how to make you feel much better
"This one's for you." riki says winking at you before aiming for ball and completely missing
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slut4thebroken · 4 months
Hear me out: Dominant Neil Lewis saying this to his best friend “I don’t like people touching what’s mine.” Because Neil is so the type who hates it when someone’s attention isn’t on him like he’s possessive and desperate for it.
Barely proofread lol but enjoy <3
I’m trying to get better at being able to post fics that don’t have a difinitive start and end lol. That’s the main reason it takes me so long to write :,)
“Dude, you look like you’re gonna blow a blood vessel or something.” Lucian said, making Neil huff. 
“She’s letting some random dickhead feel her up!” He said defensively, throwing his arms around in a wild gesture at the appalling sight. 
“She’s a grown adult… She can do what she wants.” Jonathan spoke carefully, not wanting to set him off even more. “And he’s barely even touched her..” 
“You know what? If she’s gonna act so careless, it’s only right that I look out for her.” He said, now sounding more determined than angry. 
“Neil… don’t do something stupid.” Lucien’s warning fell on deaf ears though. 
“He’s definitely gonna do something stupid..” Jonathan said to the other man just as Neil started storming over. 
“Finding everything okay?” He gritted with a forced smile, practically glaring daggers at the douchebag who thought he could come into his store and touch his friend like some fucking pervert. 
“Yeah, man. Thanks…” He replied, sounding a little confused. You gave Neil a questioning look, but he ignored it and wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you into him. “Oh.. Sorry, I didn’t know you had a boyfriend.” He said to you, his tone almost making Neil feel guilty because the man genuinely seemed like he felt bad about this whole thing. 
“I don’t.” You said in a low voice, looking up at Neil and glaring at him.
“Yeah well she’s not interested in dating right now anyway.” He said definitively, making your eyes narrow even more. 
“Yes I am.”
“You’re not even her type.” That made you scoff, even though.. he was technically correct. “If you’re not planning on renting a movie you can see yourself out.” Neil said sweetly, giving the man a saccharine smile. 
“Uh… okay then.” He said awkwardly, giving you another look before finally walking out. 
“What the fuck was that?” You hissed, gently elbowing him in the stomach to get him off of you. 
“Sexual harassment is not tolerated at Gumshoe Video.” You stared at him for a moment, trying to read his tone, but you quickly realized that he wasn’t joking. 
“You can’t be serious.” You scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest. 
“He’s not even your type anyway, I don’t get why you were talking to him in the first place.” 
“It’s called making a friend. If you tried that every once in a while, you might have more friends than just the three people in this room.” You were quickly getting more frustrated and annoyed with him. 
“That’s what friendship is? So I can start feeling you up then?” You rolled your eyes at his immature response. 
“God- Neil, you can’t keep doing this!”
“I don’t like people touching what’s mine.” He said in a low voice as he took a step closer, bringing a light blush to your cheeks.
“We’ve been over this,” You sighed. 
“Yeah, we have. And yet you seem to keep forgetting.” He snarked. Knowing this conversation wasn’t going to get you anywhere, you rolled your eyes and walked over to flop down onto the couch next to Jonathan. He gave you an apologetic smile and you laughed quietly in response. Honestly you were surprised Neil didn't have a problem with you interacting with his friends. Maybe he just knew that they wouldn’t be stupid enough to try and make a move on you. 
“You're welcome by the way, for saving you from that creep.” He called out, making you roll your eyes again with an exaggerated huff. You’re not going to ever admit it because he’d start using it as an excuse for acting like this, but you were a little uncomfortable with the way that guy was touching you. Sure it was a playful hand on your shoulder, but you felt embarrassed and awkward, especially because you could practically feel Neil’s eyes on you throughout the whole interaction. 
“I was fine.” You grumbled, sinking into the couch a little and sulking. Truthfully, you kind of liked his protective nature. It made you feel wanted. But the longer this went on, the stronger that feeling became, making him even more overbearing to the point where you wondered if you’d ever actually be able to get a boyfriend while you were still friends with Neil. 
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igncrxntripley · 1 year
headcanons - TJD’s secret weapon and rhea
synopsis: what does the relationship look like between the eradicator and their secret weapon?
tags: mostly SFW, some NSFW 18+ content, hickies, toys, poly!judgement day, fem!reader
A/N: i fucking love her and knew this needed to be a thing ASAP
mentions: @babybatlover​ @ripleyswhore​
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as with their other partners, rhea was a totally different person with y/n than who she portrayed in front of an audience 
y/n and rhea can often be found cuddling - she argues that rhea’s chest is the best place to cuddle, and when the boys tell her that she can cuddle with them too her only response is “not as comfy” before she’s practically suffocating herself
rhea’s reaction to that? the same damn cocky smirk on her face that she always has when she enjoys what’s going on in front of her
even though her aesthetic is so different from the others, y/n has no problem stealing rhea’s t-shirts and hoodies to wear
rhea is going to be the first to step in front of y/n if someone gets bold enough to talk shit; y/n actually gets frustrated sometimes because she wants to prove that she can defend herself, but rhea can’t help it
“no one talks about my girl like that, and if they do then they can talk to me”
y/n loves getting matching manicures with rhea
there are only a couple people allowed to call rhea ‘babygirl’...and rhea will never admit it, but y/n is one of them
when dominik tries calling rhea ‘babygirl’ she actually slapped him in the arm; when y/n did it and rhea blushed, dominik pouted and asked “why is it okay when she does it?”
rhea response? “have you looked at her?”
anything y/n wants, rhea will give her
rhea may look intimidating, but she’s actually super gentle with her partners and her favorite thing to do with them is cuddle on the couch or in bed
she also enjoys giving them australian treats to try; y/n is still upset with her for giving her vegemite and will continue to hold it against her
rhea’s pet names for y/n include princess, pumpkin, babygirl, and kitten (that nickname drives the boys crazy); y/n echoes babygirl and babe with rhea, but most definitely calls her mommy or daddy when the moment calls for it
speaking of which, rhea in bed is a fucking animal - sometimes she’s possessive over y/n and makes it clear when she wants her to herself; other times she’s absolutely tag teaming with one of the boys but is still going to show she’s in charge
she also loves toys and most definitely has a collection 
rhea will mark y/n up and makes it clear who she belongs to
if someone fucks with y/n, then they’re fucking with rhea too (looking at finn)
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dnalt-d2 · 3 months
So we've got a new update on the Admin Situation, and this one's…A little complicated, to say the least.
Basically, Quackity has stated that he is opening the server tomorrow to welcome the new Korean Creators, but for the time being, there will be no NPCs, including the Eggs. He's also temporarily laid off nearly, if not all the workers he has, including the people doing the Twitter Updates.
And apparently many of them found this out through the stream, much like we did. This seems to be the biggest point of contention for many people, and I'll admit I'm not happy about it either. The only justification I can think of for this is that he didn't want people to find this all out second-hand from people who potentially don't have the all the information. But even with that, I think they should have been made aware before us, even if it was just by a few minutes. That wouldn't have been ideal either, but it would've been better than not knowing at all
The person who brought this forward initially, Lea, has stated that she knows for sure that "Jay" (The person who made the unauthorized update before) was fired, but to her knowledge, some of the other Admins who caused the problems are still employed. I think this might be one of those things that she doesn't have the full scope of information on, since we were also just informed that pretty much all the Admins aren't currently employed. We do have to keep in mind that she's getting this information from someone else who is apparently still in contact with the team. However, it's obvious that even some of the Admins who weren't initially fired aren't entirely in the loop, which means she wouldn't have been getting all the information either. So I think we need to take some of the things she says moving forward with a grain of salt
I'm not saying she's lying by any means, but when you have limited information to work with, playing a game of telephone to get that information isn't always gonna be that reliable
On top of all that, a lot of people seem to be in agreement that Quackity may have implied that money was being embezzled from him and Quackity Studios. I'm not going to say much on that, since it's TECHNICALLY speculation. However I will at least say that it doesn't seem entirely out of the question, and I wouldn't be even slightly surprised to learn that this was the case
Regardless of how it happened, there was a loss of funds, and this loss of funds means that the server has to start slower than before. Hence the absence of the NPCs on the server, and the current stop on Twitter Updates. It sounded to me like he's planning on bringing people back slowly, making sure they're paid for their roles from here on out. And as the financial situation stabilizes, we'll likely see more Admins return to their roles
I want to believe as of now that things are improving. If they weren't, I believe we would have heard about it by now, from the other Admins. We've already seen an Admins in charge of one of the Twitter Accounts say something, and I'm sure we'll get more news like that soon. But we would have DEFINITELY heard if absolutely nothing was going on. I don't think it's fair for the Admins to have not been notified beforehand, and I think that should be the next problem to fix for sure. But the way I see it, what's happening now is a step in the right direction. It's only the first of many, and not even necessarily a big step, but it's a step nonetheless
Once again, I want to remind people that we aren't going to see these changes being made until we're shown them. People can try to tell us what they know as they find it out themselves, but for all we know, they're only showing the bad parts of what's going on. We should really take any future information, good or bad, with a grain of salt as well. It's easy to say things are getting better or worse, but I think we should wait until we see the changes for ourselves and go from there
(I also wanna say that I've seen speculation from a few people, mostly on Twitter, that "Jay" is probably just Quackity trying to cover his tracks and make a scapegoat for what's happening. But with the information we have, that seems incredibly unlikely. Lea didn't know who he was when he first made his unofficial statement, but her recent tweets imply that she knows who he is now. And considering that she's the one who brought all this up to begin with, I HIGHLY doubt she'd keep quiet if he was actually Quackity)
So now, again, all we can do is wait, and continue giving our support to the people who need it. I want to believe that things can get better. I want to believe that Quackity is trying his best to improve things
Try and stay positive, everyone. Even if the server isn't the same as before, we'll be fine. Even if QSMP shuts down entirely, we'll be fine. At the end of the day, people's health and mental health is more important than a Minecraft Server, and if you feel like your mental health is being impacted by what's going on, please take some time for yourself. Worrying constantly over something we have zero control in isn't going to help anyone. If you need to take a step back, please do so. And when you're ready to come back, we'll still be here, even if the QSMP isn't. We've built a great community, and it's been incredibly fun being a part of it. And I sincerely doubt it's going away, regardless of what happens next
So make sure you take care of yourselves
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izvmimi · 8 months
cw: minors dni. no actual smut but like a lot of allusion to sex. minor violence. this is definitely a crackfic.
There are few things you remember from the house party you had last night, but a few things are certain - one, you and Atsumu fucked, two, you and Atsumu really fucked, the type of sweaty, passionate and nasty fucking that you’ve been hoping to do since you first got to flirting and cheeky banter, and three, you’re still slightly hungover, having stumbled out of his apartment to get to work before he even woke the next morning. He was cute even slumbering, you remember, smiling as you start to recount some of the most savory parts of last night's session, toes practically curling in your heels as you stack up your papers to pack up for home. Your work day came to a close sooner than you could imagine, and Atsumu has already invited you on another date for this evening, this time at one of the nicest places in town. Perks of dating a professional athlete, of course.
There’s just one thing you have to make sure you take care of first, and that is, retrieve a pair of scarlet lace panties, likely on his bedroom floor. You’d been mortified at first when you realized you couldn't find them, but somehow throughout the course of the day your friends convinced you that it was sexy more than anything to leave them behind for someone who was that into you. You had to admit that it was odd that Atsumu made no mention of them in your texts, but when you make it there before you head out to dinner together, you could make use of the flirty exchanges practiced in your head.
Atsumu is out, sneaking in a 1 hour training session and a couple mile jog when he gets a text.
Where are you right now?
It’s not from you, but from Kiyoomi’s girlfriend, rather. This surprises him enough to skid to a quick stop. He remembers cleaning the house properly before leaving, but sometimes Sakusa can be really particular, even if his partner has managed to convince him to be less meticulous over time. There shouldn't be a problem with the post-party cleanup. 
But Kiyoomi can just text him whenever he wants; he doesn’t have to go through her. Atsumu scratches his head but texts her back.
Jogging? He texts. What’s up?
Honestly, you should just keep doing that until Omi calms down because if he sees you, you’re dead.
Atsumu looks up and he’s already just a few feet from their apartment. He scoffs, then slips his phone back in his pocket. She’s known to be dramatic anyway and he’s still sweaty and has a date to prepare for in a little over a half hour anyway. He jogs up the stairs, congratulating himself on his pump, knowing his arms and shoulders will look extra good in his fit later on today.
As soon as he makes it just two steps from the front of the door, it swings wide open, enough that the handle opens and hits the opposite wall with a crack and his seething, red-faced roommate grabs him by the collar. 
“What the-”
Kiyoomi is far stronger than he looks, and in Atsumu’s confusion he lets out a yelp, as Kiyoomi practically lifts him off the ground and thrusts a pair of soiled panties in his face, enough to make him sputter in shock. When he finally lets go, Atsumu swatting at him, the bottle blond stumbles back and he can see Kiyoomi’s partner slip into view behind his roommate from the door, her face in a frown and arms crossed over her chest. The sight of her pisses him off more.
“I did tell you to take another lap,” she murmurs. Atsumu glares at her, but his attention shifts back to Kiyoomi who throws the burgundy garment back at him.
"Whose fucking panties are these?!"
“I don’t know where these are from man?!” Atsumu yells, throwing them back. Sakusa dodges, then bucks at him, fists up before his girlfriend shrieks his name and grabs hold of his arm, begging him to relax.
Sakusa whips around quickly to glare at her as well and she frowns. 
“What do you mean, stop!? You just chewed me out for nearly half an hour and now you’re acting like I’m unreasonable???”
She pouts, embarrassed, but then sighs. “Okay, how would you react if some random dude’s jockstrap was in my apartment? How am I supposed to guess it’s your roommate’s?”
“Who just wears jockstraps? What the hell are you talking about?”
“Don’t make fun of my analogies!”
Atsumu looks back and forth between the two of them, still confused, but then it clicks and his eyes widen.
“Oh…” he starts but Sakusa’s dark eyes snap back at him. 
“Don’t say oh like you don’t know what happened, I’ll knock your fucking teeth in,” he hisses. Atsumu reels but then flashes of what exactly happened last night run through his mind and it clicks.
He… didn’t take your intense makeout session into his room.
It wasn’t his room, it was Kiyoomi’s.
The dresser you leaned on while taking backshots? Not his. The mirror through which he watched your ass bounce up and down his cock? Also not his. The bedsheets you twisted and came over and over again on? Not his! He must have fucked you on every single surface… not one of them his.
“Fuck,” is all that he manages to make out. Sakusa glares, but by now he’s calmed down, and his girlfriend has managed to sheepishly rub his shoulder into calm behavior. 
“I’m getting a hotel tonight and you’re paying for it.” Sakusa turns on his heels, taking his girlfriend’s hand, and the door slams. Atsumu is left to look at a pair of scarlet panties sit forlornly in the corner. 
He has to admit. They are a sexy pair.
Atsumu meets you outside his apartment, just moments after Sakusa has sped off in his car, and he’s dressed but visibly distressed. You smile at him but notice his unrest.
Your heart pounds. Maybe he didn’t think the panty drop-off was cute? 
He doesn’t seem upset though. He gives you a weak smile back, then pecks you on the cheek before handing you a parcel in a brown paper bag. Your stomach turns.
“I.. uh, think you left something last night,” he says in a small voice.
“Yeah.. uh… sorry.”
The two of you stand in front of each other, bashfully. You let your hand run through your hair, then smile. 
“I thought it would be cute,” you start explaining before regretting it. Atsumu offers you yet another weak grin.
“It would have been… if uh, it were the right room.”
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sealofarchives · 14 days
Hello, could you create a headcanon for ROTTMNT about what it would be like to date Leo, Raph, Mikey, and Donnie (separately) and what the pros and cons of a relationship with them would be?
Headcanon: GN!Reader dating the Rise!Turtles (Separate) (Requested prompt with established relationship)
A/N: This was really fun to work on and ended up surprising myself with how this turned out!!!
Since you take the time to listen to whatever he says, he'll do the same for you.
Even before you started dating him, he took some notes on what you liked and disliked. (He used to have a tablet for that said purpose but eventually, retooled as a backup photo album storage between the two of you)
- I personally think he's not one for the usual icebreaker conversations with stuff like "how's your day and etc"
So most conversations start with some tangent on his mind or about your favorite things then eventually discussing daily stuff that happened within the day.
Even though he struggles trying to cheer people up, but he's not gonna ignore your well-being when you happened to have a bad day.
- Like he makes sure you had something to eat or drink. And if talking about the problem makes it worse, already noted and tries to pull you towards light stress free activities. (Letting you borrow one of his headphones to listen to your music, sort and try out a box of fidget toys, or setting up a small space in the lair as the designated chill zone)
While there might be some technical mishaps, he always has good intentions trying to fix your phone or other electronic devices you have trouble with.
Imo I feel like during the first few weeks in the relationship, he'll be awkward towards pda. (don't constantly pester him about it)
- He'll eventually come to it maybe near the end of the first month of dating. (With his personal quota of handholding and hugs that last a few seconds)
Until realizing your needs are just as important to maintain that special relationship.
- However, If some creep doesn't get the message you're already taken, its one of the rare times he'll force himself into initiating pda for your own safety.
Easily gets jealous and refuses to admit it with some snarky remark.
When he refuses to take breaks, you probably have to step in so he doesn't accidentally hurt himself or gets sick.
- When you do so, it often ends with him passing out on you.
(And tiny bit of scolding from his brothers [namely Raph and Dr Delicate Touch] after Donnie recovered from overworking himself on a large scale project)
Can be very passive aggressive and it could lead to some unpleasant arguments towards something very trivial.
- He's definitely the most stubborn out of his brothers and probably won't hear you out until your feelings get hurt.
It might take him a few days to think up of a proper apology. And during those days, he slowly regrets yelling at you along with letting his anger get the best of him.
He won't admit it but, your level of honesty around him really puts him at ease whenever he's lost in thought about something.
- The leader can name a least few things about his brothers' special talents but during a few nights where he can't sleep, because of a nightmare from a past enemy. (either Shredder or the Krang)
He didn't have the energy for one of his usual portals but, really wanted give you a hug for saying such kind words through a phone call.
He'll instantly back off if he accidentally made a joke that offended you.
- The last thing he wants is to upset you. So he really tries working some type of compromise between the two of you, so it doesn't happen again.
He has a strong memory sometimes, like remembering the little details. It will usually happen when you least expect it.
- Casually bringing up a past event from one of the photos saved on your phone. Often being one of the early hang out sessions, before you started dating him. He'll lightly tease you about it but, mostly grateful that you took a chance to build up that relationship with him.
If you happened to have a case of bad luck, he's very determined to end that streak's rein of terror by his own hands.
- And if you can't visit the lair, he'll let you borrow his lucky rock as a good luck charm.
He still has a bit of that competitive energy in him and can be a sore loser when he doesn't win.
- It could take him a while to realize that the playful showboating upseted you and to why you're refusing to give him any attention.
This also adds on to that he's not the best at genuine apologies.
- Like the first sorry has no feeling to it until the guilt weighes down on him.
I don't think he could last a few days with you giving him the cold shoulder + silent treatment (Imo, he has the type of desperate embarrassment that would be hard to watch)
Sometimes his "surprise planning" ends up in a panic since he waits until the last minute to get you something.
- Given how some of his strategies usually works towards his advantage. (Often not telling the others about it and another similar manner along those lines)
His ego can 100% break the relationship.
- Like there's only certain amount of patience you can handle with his nonsense and his brothers will absolutely not stand for that kind of behavior. The moment he realizes he was in the wrong, he scrambles trying to avoid a potential break up.
Almost has the same level of patience as Mikey's. (Also a result of being the oldest brother and dealing with some of Splinter's shenanigans)
Will often ask if you need help with the heavy lifting. (Even towards small stuff like when you can't reach for something on the top shelf. He will immediately grab said item for you.)
Gives the best teddy bear hugs
- Not too tight or too close to his spiky scales. Just right enough where it can easily put you at ease, stopping any stressful thought plaguing your mind.
Can easily motivate you into short exercise routines.
- It doesn't even have to be the daily recommended 30 minutes. Often being close to under 5 minutes is still worth it.
When both of you were done following that one morning aerobics exercise from animal crossing, his brothers immediately teased him about it. But he doesn't care, he was just happy you got to stay up for a little bit before lazily resting your head near his plastron.
While the big guy means well, he can be a bit overbearing.
- Especially if you got a small injury, after a brief night patrol fight from an unexpecting bad guy attack.
He will absolutely be a mother hen if you end up getting sick. Drops whatever he was doing and rushes over to make sure you're okay. Which often results in him getting sick after you fully recovered because he forgot to bring the protective gear for his own safety.
(This is a personal headcanon of mine) but he's definitely close to a morning kind of guy. Light stretches to start the day before he eats breakfast.
- So if you have a similar night owl schedule like Donnie or Leo, he won't say much but, he will judge you for it unless its related to some medical reasons.
If you decide on borrowing clothes from him, a lot of the shirts he has, will have a few holes because of his spiky shell. So pack some extra clothes (like a spare tank top or something similar) if you're not into the torn up clothing look.
You're bound to see Savage Raph at least a few times.
- Please approach with caution and take Leo's advice seriously. However, still be gentle around Raph and comfort him by the time he returns back to his usual self.
The fact he knows how to cook is already best boyfriend material.
- He can probably cook up your favorite food if you ask for it.
Another plus is proper communication skills.
- Dr Feelings will always be there to help and will accommodate what's best suited to your needs.
Can be your personal cheerleader when you happened to be stuck at starting something.
- After all, he is the best hype man for a reason. But, can easily tone down the energy if you start to feel overwhelmed.
There will always be a lot of creative thought in whatever gift he makes for you.
- Very heartfelt and he will be a blushing mess if you ended up displaying it in a place where he can see it. (either in your room or a place in your house where there's a lot of care in preserving it)
Imo I feel like the Dr Delicate Touch persona leans towards some of that passive aggressive energy.
- Namely the anger tone, (which might have some influence from a certain purple turtle) so Mikey still needs to be careful about that.
It won't happen all the time but, if you forgot to eat breakfast. (or any of the other important 3 meals of the day)
- Mikey will pester you into eating some food he made. He usually does this to Donnie and the box shell turtle won't budge until you finish the meal. Or at least half of it, so it can be saved for later as leftovers.
The sad puppy eyes trick is present in all the turtles but, Mikey's more dangerous since he's a master at it. So try your best not to give in to the temptation. (If you can help it)
He's the second turtle to make a beeline into danger. (and him being commited to be the bait as a distraction [like dressing up in a hippo costume with a cologne that attracts said animal or the time he wore a cucumber suit to tease Repo Mantis' mutant pet cat for one of Donnie's vlogs])
- Be prepared to patch him up as result of his rowdy energy.
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ateliersss · 4 months
Call of Duty
...is part of The Bookshelf.
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Simon "Ghost" Riley
Keep You Close Summary: He's pretty sure he's in love with you. Not that he'll admit it, acknowledge it.
Fresh Ink (Series) Summary: You become Ghost’s artist and therapist in a way.
Polaroid Summary: You find a polaroid of yourself in Ghost’s vest.
When I Was Your Man Summary: Ghost regrets breaking up with you after seeing you again.
Little Lady, Big Guns Summary: A new weapons developer catches the eye of many, especially one balaclava wilding man.
Only One Boundary Summary: When it comes to his body, Simon is all ears for anything to do for you. However, he only has one boundary that he’s hesitant to compromise with now.
An Old Siren Song Summary: You're injuried on a mission early in you and ghost careers' and it affects him even 6 years later.
Lonely Summary: After Simon had left for his next mission, you were faced with the biggest challenge of your life and you had to get through that all by yourself.
Faking Summary: As the mission goes on, you are forced to fake your death, hurting the man you love most.
Fell Into You (Series) Summary: Ghost isn’t looking for anything and neither are you. But when a mission goes wrong, throwing you two together, where will things go from here?
The Little Things Summary: Five times Soap questions the relationship between Ghost and the 141’s Medic, and the one time he gets an answer.
Little Treasures, Life's Pleasures Summary: Now that Soap knows when to pay attention, he realizes you and Ghost aren’t as subtle as you think you are.
Life's Little Comforts Summary: Soap finally gets a better glimpse into your relationship with the Lieutenant- even if it’s not the way he wants.
Our Little Secret Summary: Soap finally gets all of his answers- and then some.
Interrupted Part 1, Part 2 Summary: When your make-out session gets interrupted, you shield Simon's face with your hands.
Zombie!Ghost Summary: Simon is dead. And you were forced to leave him behind as the rise of the dead took over. When you volunteer to sneak back into base to grab med supplies, you don't expect to run into Simon—alive, but certainly not himself...
Hate You Summary: Ghost seemed to despise you, making a mission you have to do together much tenser than it ever had to be…
Cat Got Your Tongue? Summary: Ghost thought you hated him, but he had no idea why. He didn't remember ever doing anything to cross you. When you're stuck doing a mission alongside him, he gets curious enough to finally ask.
Bad Day Summary: After a bad mission, Simon comes back and takes his pain out on you.
To Be Alive In Summer Summary: Betrayal had never been in your cards, and you definitely didn't see yourself being the one responsible for the act. When having to go undercover, first comes the problem of staging your death.
If You Bite My Hand Again Summary: How dare he show his face to you after all of these years? How dare you still find it in yourself to love him?
Untitled Summary: You, a civilian, kills someone out of self defense for the first time.
'Til It Ends Part 1, Part 2 Summary: You thought that it would be easy - moving on and blazing your own trail, but at every step, memories seem to come back and haunt you. And the biggest memory takes the shape of a man with a skull mask. Can you still deny what you had always felt when he stands at your side once more?
Simon "Ghost" Riley who protects you from your creepy neighbor
Simon "Ghost" Riley accidentally yelling at you Headcanon
Being Yelled At By Ghost Part 1, Part 2
Sleepless Night
Don't Make A Habit Of Dying
Call Sign
Kindergarten Troubles Part 1, Part 2
Imagine going to sleep as 09 Ghost’s widow only to wake up next to reboot Ghost Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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Captain John Price
The Traces He Left Behind Summary: You had never expected the dog tags to be so heavy, but, now, as they sit in your hands they’re just about the heaviest object you’ve ever held. M.I.A doesn’t mean John’s dead… but it might as well.
Baby Blues Summary: The promise of a normal Sunday is lost when your door is torn open, and, you, kidnaped. All you can do is pray that John finds you in time.
Let Me Lean On You Summary: You have a bad habit of putting yourself in harm’s way, enraging John to no end. But can you survive a wound like this? Or will everything you hate to love about John Price never see the light of day?
First Kiss Summary: It makes you want to laugh, it’s not how you’d envisioned your first kiss would go; you had hoped it would be romantic or passionate. Instead it was desperate battle of trying to breathe life back into John without ever having told him about your feelings.
Our Remains Summary: You disliked hiding things from John. Certainly something as big as this.
Cheating Heart Summary: Your feeling for John were wrong - horribly wrong - but when you see your current boyfriend in bed with another woman, what's to hold you back anymore?
See No Evil Summary: The flowers came every week - Tuesday, two O’clock, two minutes after your break. The only problem was that you knew they weren’t coming from John.
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Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Shaky Fingers Summary: The perfect date night begins with a stolen wallet and a goose chase.
Reveries Of A Lost Lamb Summary: Tempers flare when it hits the seven-day mark. Could they all be sure you were even still alive?
Gossamer Silk Smiles Summary: You loved your job more than anything, and at the end of the day, even with pricked fingers and cramped muscles, you went to bed happy. It had all been going well, insanely well. You were focused; self-assured... Until he showed up. 
A Little Small Talk, A Smile, And Baby I Was Stuck Summary: When Soap mentions the new medic, Gaz doesn’t think much of it. 
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Keegan P. Russ
(Don't) Go To War Summary: Some days it became impossible not to lose your tempers with each other. Being enemies was easier than admitting you cared.
First Strike Summary: Keegan had always captured your attention. You've found out that maybe that's the best and worst thing to happen to you.
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The Invisible String Theory Summary: You didn't expect the man who gave you his coat to be the same one to bust down the door where you and the other women slept - sniper hood scaring everyone within an inch of their life. You didn't expect him to become so important to you, either.
Moths Hit The Window Summary: Fights with König were always loud, but this time his comments went a bit too far.
Overflow The Stars Summary: One more abandoned date night later, you're left wondering if the man you're infatuated with is really interested in you at all.
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Vladimir Makarov
The Great War Summary: Deadly, fast and a killing machine. Soldier was trained as a recon sniper and has been trained by allied forces as an insertion specialist. SAS has recognised this soldier as a necessity for most of its joint operations. Decorated with high awards and recognition by all military forces. TF 141 acquired soldier after a mission in Al Mazrah. Capable of killing all those that come between her and the goal, will not hesitate to harm enemies.
No Title Summary: You have an encounter with a creepy guy.
No Title Summary: You are pregnant with Makarov's child and someone is stupid enough to mess with you.
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Valeria Garza
Back When I Loved You Summary: It's been years since you had been stationed in Las Almas, returning opens some old wounds you hadn't realized never healed.
Valeria Garza
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What's x in the equation of love?
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pairing: huang renjun x reader
au/genre: humor, fluff, a tiny bit of angst, slice of life...?, a bit suggestive, college!au, roommate!yangyang
word count: 7053 words
warnings: cursing ☝🏻, yangyang, bad jokes, i really have no idea what this is, but i find it funny, personally, maths, sex jokes, yangyang is... a bit of an ick, one (1) smooch, fast paced ending because i don't know how to finish stories
synopsis: yangyang decides that you need a tutor, he can't take your whining anymore. hence, you're set up to meet the most perfect man you've ever seen. things tend to become more complicated than they have to be.
a/n: why do i always make my supporting characters so disgusting?
a/n 2: holy shit this took so long, but finally!! the strangers to lovers collection is finished! also, this is my first time not writing smut... which was... weird? but refreshing? i hope you enjoy it anyway... even though no one is boneing...
"I can't do this anymore," you sigh, dropping your pencil onto the squared paper in front of you before letting your head thumb loudly against the tabletop. The sound inevitably startles – first and foremost, but not limited to – your best friend, roommate and study partner Yangyang.
It's not like you're bad at studying. It's just that you somehow managed to slack off on a few courses and now your timetable is filled to the brim with seminars and lectures from different semesters, and it's honestly getting a little too much at this point.
"Maths?" Yangyang finally pipes up after watching your motionless figure hunched over one of the many desks in your university's library, staring blankly ahead into nothingness. As an answer, you just sigh again, sitting up and leaning back in your chair. "Why don't you get a tutor?"
"You're my tutor."
"Listen, I love you – platonically – but if you want me to tutor you in maths, we're going to have a problem," Yangyang motions between you and him with his pen while raising his eyebrows, "because I know less than you do."
"I can't believe you're doing this to me," you whine, maybe a notch too loudly because a whole bunch of heads are harshly turned into your direction, several squinted eyes bore into your body from different angles with death glares, and someone even builds up the courage to 'shh' across the room.
"Not knowing maths?"
"Yes!" You throw your hands up, looking at him like it was the most obvious thing in the world. In response, Yangyang just grins, displaying his cute smile before he nudges your shoulder gently. You sigh. "I think I'm going to start crying."
"Please don't, that's cringe. I'll help you find a tutor, alright?"
A few weeks passed since your disastrous study session in the library (definitely not the first nor the last one of those) and in the meantime, Yangyang helped you put up flyers around campus looking for a tutor. Putting your phone number onto the sheet had probably been your first mistake since about half of the calls you got were pervs who, accompanied by a dirty laugh, asked if you needed to be tutored in "sexology". The other half had been a great mixture, a bit of everything, going from 4 invitations to 4 different "best parties ever" to heavy breathing into your ear (which you endured for a solid minute before hanging up to cry into your pillow).
Admittedly, there had been a few serious offers, but somehow they were not good enough for you, either too young, too old, too loud, too fast paced with trying to teach you the content, too this, too that, blah blah blah. Maybe you are just too picky, but would you admit that to Yangyang? Not in this life.
"What's wrong with him?" Yangyang asks as soon as he closes the door behind him, coming home to yet another person leaving your shared apartment with fast and angry steps, and an unreadable, but definitely not happy expression on their face.
"He has a dog."
"I'm a cat person."
"With all due respect, but what the fuck?" Yangyang lets his bag drop to the floor so he can motion around with his hands weirdly. "You know you're not supposed to go to the pet shop with them, but let them teach you algebra, right?"
"I know, but trust me. He wasn't good enough for the job." You pout, strolling into the kitchen to make yourself something to eat which in this case means opening a bag of chips and sit down in front of the television to procrastinate and try to forget about the workload and unopened books on your desk that are slowly but surely collecting dust and/or growing mold.
"Could it be that, i don't know, you hypothetically just don't want to get tutored?" Yangyang catches up with you after taking off his shoes at the front door, looking at you accusingly which you only realize after turning your head to send him a sulky look.
"Maybe," you admit and just a second after, Yangyang slaps the back of your head tauntingly which causes you to whine. "What was that for?"
"You can't keep doing this. The next person that's offering to help you, you're going to take. If I hear another 'I can't do this anymore'" – he mocks your signature phrase with a higher pitched voice and odd body movements that remind you of a ship during dangerously harsh motion of the sea – "at 3am, I will move out."
You frown at him, an unuttered blinking battle happening between the two of you before you purse your lips in defeat. "Fine."
"... and I have just the guy in mind."
The guy in mind is no other than Huang Renjun, apparently, as you learn just a day later. Too bad that this information does nothing for you since, honestly, you'd never heard of him before. But hearing nothing about someone means that they can't be that bad, right?
That's what you keep telling yourself on your way to one of your favorite cafés where you're about the meet Yangyang and this Renjun guy in just a few minutes. It's sweet of Yangyang that he wants to help you find a tutor, but honestly, you would have preferred to wallow in self-pity for a couple more days, maybe longer, maybe forever and become a stripper instead.
Studying had always been hard for you, it's not that you're particularly stupid, you just have to realize over and over again that there are many things in this world that are way more interesting, that you'd much rather do than to study.
But maybe this is what you need, a final push into taking care of your life by a dear friend.
Finally, you arrive at your destination, ordering your drink before texting Yangyang a quick message asking about his whereabouts, decorated with an annoyed emoji. The answer comes sadly not in text form as you'd hoped, like something along the lines of "Can't make it, sorry, Renjun is busy" but no. Instead, you hear your name being called and as you look up, there's a particular blonde haired guy waving frantically at you from across the café.
You huff out a breath before moving forward, keeping your eyes to the ground as you make your way towards their table. Maybe, just maybe, you had dreaded this particular meet up and had therefore taken the longer route, and maybe you're a little late.
"Glad you could make it!" Yangyang greets with a fake smile.
"Shut up," you mumble as you sit down next to him, eyes glued to your cup as to not spill any of the liquid on your hands. Or maybe you should let it, it would make a great excuse to leave immediately.
"I'm Renjun!"
God, fuck.
You clutch your chest with your hand, admittedly over-dramatically. You had almost forgotten about him. Quickly, you collect yourself and look up at him, opening your mouth ready to introduce yourself too, but all that comes out is a weird, stertorous breath because holy shit, this guy's- handsome? Pretty? Beautiful? Perfect???
With a worried expression, Yangyang pads your back, probably already imagining you saying that Renjun could not tutor you because his perfume smells too strong, when in reality you'd kill – twice – to only get one tiny whiff of this man's fragrance.
Finally, you have grounded yourself, given Renjun your name and avoided shaking his hand successfully because he does not have to know how sweaty your palms are. Lucky for you, Yangyang remembers an insanely interesting topic that he has to talk to Renjun about, giving you the time and opportunity to study Renjun's face and everything else about him that is exposed to your eyes above the tabletop.
The first eye catcher would be his two toned hair that gently curls around his cheeks, framing it as if his face is a beautiful painting, which in your opinion, it certainly is. Next, you focus on his eyes that still seem to sparkle, even in the shitty light of the cheap café. He also has extremely beautiful lips, so slender, but at the same time so plush and full, so incredibly kissable. And his big nose...
A sudden shadow comes into your line of view, quickly followed by a quick, stinging pain as Yangyang pinches your nose to get your attention.
"What?!" You exclaim, holding onto your nose to, honestly, feel if it's still there as you look at Yangyang with squinted eyes full of annoyance.
"I've asked you something, like, three times." Yangyang chuckles as he pinches your earlobe next. "Did you space out again thinking about the amount of liquid a bladder can hold?"
"That is an embarrassing piece of information that I would have preferred to stay between the two of us." You grit your teeth as you glare at Yangyang. "And stop pinching me!" You hit Yangyang's hand as he reaches out to pinch your cheek next.
Yangyang laughs, "I'm sorry, it was my fault for occupying your study date for so long. I'll be on my way now. Have fun, but not too much fun since this is only maths and it would be weird if you had fun."
And with that, Yangyang disappears, completely ignoring your pleading puppy-eyes as he grabs his bag and waves, almost bumping into the waitress on his way out, apologizing profoundly before smirking, and asking for her number.
Now, it's just the two of you alone and with every second that Yangyang's gone the awkward silence thickens and your death wish upon Yangyang grows.
"So, uhm." Renjun clears his throat, sorting through his papers quickly before placing them down again in the initial order. "Yangyang sent me the topics of your maths course for this semester so I've brought some material."
You nod, finding it particularly hard to focus on anything but Renjun's perfect eyebrows, which is also the reason you can't really appreciate or be surprised that Yangyang actually put this much effort into something for little old you.
"I would like to make a plan, like repeating study dates, and I'd love to discuss the topics of each lesson right now so we're prepared. We can time it with your lectures and go over the stuff beforehand so you're prepared for each lecture. I mean, if that's something you want?" Renjun looks up from his notes, his eyes directly meeting yours and you feel yourself melt.
"Yes, of course." You're surprised that you managed to bring out actual words and not just a needy whine because... anything with you is something I'd want. You can do anything with me. Anything.
And just like that, you're diving head first into your first study session with Renjun and you have to admit, he is incredibly smart and great at explaining, and, as long as you don't look at him directly or for too long, you believe he could really help you with your maths problems.
An hour later, you part ways, half bowing, half waving at each other, both still too new to the situation to be able to define your relationship and therefore agree on a proper way of saying goodbye, but so be it. The inner shame you're feeling about your awkward goodbye will hopefully subside in the next few hours. Or days. As soon as you turn the corner you bump into someone.
After an exaggerated intake of air, you glare at him. "Don't tell me you were waiting here this whole time."
"Brought my Nintendo." Yangyang smiles, waving the device in front of your face.
"Still weird."
"Did you really expect me to miss the first opportunity in my life of you telling me that I was right?" Yangyang beams confidently and as much as you fight it, a smile creeps onto your features as well because, yes, he had been right, Renjun is perfect at tutoring as well as every other aspect you've seen so far.
"He has a what?!"
"A girlfriend," Yangyang repeats, but it's so muffled by the food stuffed into his mouth that you believe you misheard him again. Or maybe that's just you hoping.
"A what?"
"And that's why he can't tutor me?!"
Yangyang swallows before answering this time and you're thankful for that. "Apparently. He just told me to tell you."
On the outside, you may have looked normal in this moment, just staring at Yangyang with an indifferent look on your face, but on the inside? It's like a whole world crushing down behind your eyes. In your head, there are at least 20 different little 'you's running around screaming and waving their arms around frantically, everything is one fire, in the distance: sirens. Why had no one mentioned Renjun's girlfriend before? You could've spend the past nights planning scenarios in your head about marrying him as you fell asleep doing something... something else! Something with a perspective, at least.
Of course, Renjun has a girlfriend. Honestly, you'd have been surprised if he didn't have one, but it still kind of stung right there in your chest, all your little fantasies that you've made up during movie nights with Yangyang vaporizing into thin air at the thought that he already is someone's.
"Why do you seem so upset by this? Could it be that you, i don't know, mayhaps like him?" Yangyang smirks, dropping his chopsticks to fold his hands under his chin, leaning his elbows onto the table to smirk at you.
"No." You stare back at him without a hint of emotion on your features. "I just need him to tutor me."
Yangyang sighs, picking his chopsticks back up, seemingly disappointed by the lack of crush you pretend to have on Renjun. There are not too many things you're good at, but hiding your feelings is one of them.
"Is something wrong?" Renjun finally asks you.
You've been sitting at your dining table for quite some time now and all you did so far was sulkingly pout and not look him in the eyes. Remember when you said that you're good at hiding your feelings? Scratch that when it comes to Renjun.
Renjun looks at you worriedly, clicking his pen thrice before putting it down on his book, your eyes following his every movement until you finally look up into his eyes. "Are you mad because I raised my voice when I told you to take the square root for the n-th time? Because if-"
"No, it's not that. There's just a lot on my mind lately." You sigh, eyes going back to the sheet of paper in front of you as you fiddle around with your pen almost nervously.
"You can always talk to me, you know?" Renjun finally says after you've been pretending to work on your task for quite some time. You raise your eyebrows simultaneously with your head to look at him in disbelief. "If you want to, of course..."
"I don't think your girlfriend would appreciate that..." You mumble, hoping he would not hear it, but apparently, Renjun's ears are extraordinarily intact and a tiny smile tucks at the corners of his mouth. You watch him as he leans back in his chair, closing his book to symbolize the ending of this study session, though his pen is still stuck in between the pages, bulging through the thin pages and the wobbly cover.
Renjun sighs, seemingly in deep thought about what to tell you next and a tiny wave of anxiety washes over you at the thought that maybe you've just given away your slowly but surely forming crush on him, and scared him away.
"I don't-" Renjun takes a deep breath, "I don't care what she thinks."
Your eyebrows shoot upwards at the speed of light. Out of all the possible answers in this scenario, this would've been your last guess. What's that even supposed to mean? Your surprise at his words seem to be showing on your face since Renjun leans forward onto his forearms, minimizing the space in between the two of you.
"Look..." He begins, but seems to be in trouble about how to put his situation into words. "Let's just say, it's not going too well. Let's leave it at that."
You nod understandingly, briefly licking over your lower lip, averting your eyes away from his form. To say you're not curious would be a lie, though you respect his wish to leave it at that, silently sorting your things as Renjun stuffs his own into his backpack. "I'll walk you out."
The next study session has you biting your nails in nervousness. Renjun seems to be in an exceptionally bad mood today, and he has no problem raising his voice at you every time you make an unnecessary mistake. You try your best to ignore the way that's making you feel, given the mood he's in, but you try to remember that feeling for the next time you're alone.
"What's up with you today?"
Renjun huffs, leaning back in his chair to fiddle with his fingers in his lap. He looks kind of cute like that, you have to admit, but you keep that thought to yourself for obvious reasons, instead taking a sip of your water to hide the small smile forming on your face.
"We broke up."
You spit the water out all over the table, wetting a few of your work sheets in the process. Renjun, unfazed by your sudden fountain imitation, just sighs, eyes trained on his hands as you try to dry all of the wet stains on the wooden and papery surfaces with tissues.
"It's not like I'm not glad about the decision, it's just that... I was so used to her presence in my life," Renjun continues as if you didn't just spit a few droplets onto his pants, "the circumstances for our break-up were also... unfortunate."
"I'm so sorry," you say, a squelching flapping sound of the soaked glob of tissues hitting the ground next to the garbage can accompanying your words as you reach out to gently pad his forearm. You notice the way his eyes focus on the exact spot where you touch him.
Quickly, you retort your hand, suddenly feeling like that had just been the worst decision of your life, but Renjun grabs your wrist before you pull it out of his reach. "It's okay, you can touch me."
You don't want to admit to the rush of warmth spreading over your body at his words, not even to yourself. It's embarrassing, he didn't even mean it like that, but it still gets you all hot and bothered. There are just many, many places and occasions where you'd like to touch him.
"There's no one to stop you," Renjun adds, chuckling gently as he refers to his now ex girlfriend and obviously himself. It seems like your silence didn't go unnoticed by him.
"May I ask... what happened?"
Renjun blinks at you, and for a split second, you believe asking was a mistake. But then, he answers, "It's been... not going well for a while now. We're too different, and I honestly fell out of love with her a long time ago. Plus-"
Renjun halts for a moment, before he continues, "there's someone that... made me realize that there are still many other good options out there."
"Ah, really?" You chuckle awkwardly. You're aware that if your friends were here right now, they'd all nudge your sides with their elbows, grinning widely in belief he's talking about you. You, on the other hand, are not so sure about that.
"I only met this person a few weeks ago, but I feel like... there's a connection. I mean, I don't know what it is, but I'm insanely attracted to- that person." Renjun scratches the back of his head, eyes locking with yours as if he's waiting for you to say something.
"I- can relate," you try.
"What if-" Renjun starts, but then begins shaking his head, "never mind."
You don't see Renjun for a few weeks. Every time, it's either you or him who has to cancel the meeting due to personal reasons. Yangyang is the one accompanying you during your solo study sessions, tapping away on his phone as you massage your temples with such force that you're surprised the you haven't rubbed any holes into your skull yet.
"Why isn't he coming today?" Yangyang pipes up, putting his phone onto the table with the screen facing down. You sigh so heavily and dramatically that Yangyang raises an eyebrow. You throw your pencil onto the wooden surface so hard that it rolls over the expanse of the table until it falls to the ground at the opposite end.
"I don't know," you say through gritted teeth, throwing Yangyang a stern look like he's a bird that just took a fat dump right onto the wind shield of your new car.
"Woah," Yangyang throws his hands up intermediately, mouth agape in fake offense, "no need to lash out on me like that, I'm not occupying your sexy tutor right now."
"Why are you calling him that?" You gasp.
"Because that's what you think he is," Yangyang states, nodding with a smile on his face. You sigh.
"I mean, he's not ugly," you reason, but that statement is enough for Yangyang to pull out his folder almost spilling over with collages and collections of white dresses, suits, napkins and bouquets to plan your wedding. Metaphorically speaking, of course.
"I think he wants you too," Yangyang sighs dreamily, folding his hands underneath his chin to rest it on top.
"Calm down, cupid, he just broke up with his girlfriend."
"For you," Yangyang sing-songs, dragging out the words as he finger-guns at you, "now we just need a plan to get you two to- you know," Yangyang motions with his hands and you're not completely sure whether he's trying to symbolize intercourse or solving an invisible Rubix cube.
"Yes!" Yangyang gasps offendedly.
"No! I need him to tutor me! Even if, hypothetically, he was madly in love with me," – you scoff to hide a forming grin – "I need his help! The exam is in just under a week, and neither him nor I can get distracted during these times of terror!"
Yangyang just watches you doubtfully.
"Believe me, it's better if I just study on my own. I can always ask him via text," you announce your final stance, waving your phone in the air to prove that due to the break-throughs of modern technology over the past years, he's just the press of a button away.
Yangyang does not budge nor react.
"What I'm trying to say is: do not get involved!" You screech, opting to throw a balled up piece of paper into his face that he doges with ease.
Apparently, your words mean nothing to Yangyang because just a day later he's invited you to the same cheap café where you had met Renjun for the first time. Too bad that Yangyang didn't show up. Someone else did show up, though, and it was no other than the complete content of your last month's dreams: Renjun.
"Where-" you begin, but soon realize that this is a set-up, and you make a mental note to strangle Yangyang as soon as you get home. With a slight smile, Renjun sits down across from you, hands wrapped around his paper cup filled with what you assume is tea, judging by the little label on a string dangling from under the lid.
"I swear to God, I'm going to kill him," you mutter, but Renjun suddenly puts a hand onto your forearm, your gaze burning into the pretty birthmark on the back of his hand immediately.
"Please don't," Renjun says, voice so soft that you have to pull yourself together as to not slide off your chair to melt into a puddle on the floor. Instead, you look up to find his beautiful eyes already locking with yours. "You need me right now, in these times of terror."
"He told you about that," you whine, face scrunching up in embarrassment.
"Yes," Renjun nods, pressing his lips together to symbolize empathy for your situation, that you accept with a sigh. Renjun does not need to know, and will never find out, that you actually will bury Yangyang alive in your neighbor's yard once you get back, or at least bewitch him so he never dares to darken your doorstep again. "The important thing is, I'm here. And I will get you through that exam."
"Honestly, I might as well just drop out. It's useless, you're just wasting your time. I should just become a stripper or something," you complain, fingers picking at your chipped off nail polish.
"As much as I'd love to see that..."
"What was that?"
"Nothing. I don't want you to give up so easily! You can do this, I believe in you!" Renjun fakes a grin and shakes his fists in the air. "Jiāyóu~!"
You grimace at the expression, but then break out a smile as well. God, you missed him. Honestly, when you're looking at him, all the motivation his pretty eyes contain kind of latch onto you as well. Maybe you can do it, but not without his help.
"I'm free every day starting tomorrow."
"Sounds good to me."
A mathematics-marathon should be the last thing to be excited for, though you still found yourself sleepless rolling around your mattress the night prior, a giggling grin on your face as you imagined the next 3 days to be filled with nothing but quality time with Renjun. Even Yangyang is surprised seeing you up so early the next day, making coffee with a smile and a tune on your lips, and even a 'good morning' – something he hadn't received in years, maybe not ever.
"Alright, all set?" You ask, beaming.
"Great! I'll go masturbate!"
"Because I have to be able to focus on studying-"
"No, why are you telling me this?" Yangyang whines, shielding his ears with his palms to protect them from more tmi, though you huff out a laugh before leaning in to pinch his cheek.
"Yangie, you're so silly! Anyway, he'll be here soon, open the door for him when he's here, yeah?" You pad his head before turning to storm off to your room.
"Who?" Yangyang's brows furrow at the lack of knowledge he has regarding the situation. As if on cue, the doorbell rings. You squeak happily, then go to open the door for Renjun who stands there looking handsome as ever.
"Hi," he smiles, body decorated with a huge binder in his arm, a bag crossing over his torso and a small suitcase in his unoccupied hand. He looks breathtaking as always, and you almost forget to let him inside.
"Renjun!" It sounds from Yangyang who finally built up enough curiosity to sneak up on whoever just entered your shared home. Renjun smiles and waves at him as he rids himself of his coat and shoes. You can do nothing but watch in awe at how someone can look this enticing hanging a piece of clothing to a wall. Yangyang does not waste a second before wrapping an arm around Renjun's shoulders to drag him away.
"Where are you taking him?" Your brows furrow as you grab ahold of Renjun's wrist to stop him from going anywhere, ignoring the rush of excitement flowing through you at the feeling of his body's warmth.
"Thought you wanted to go masturbate," Yangyang bites back with a dirty grin. He always acts like a mess on mornings, but apparently it's all been an act, he seems to be able to throw you under the bus just fine.
"He doesn't know what he's talking about," you speak sweetly to Renjun, guiding him with you to sit at the table, but not before throwing Yangyang a dirty look. Renjun seems a bit taken aback, but generally grown accustomed to your continuous bickering.
If this was a movie, there would be a montage of studying clips with energetic rock music playing in the background right now. Of you chewing on your pencil, Renjun pointing at an equation in the book, explaining stuff with a serious expression and you nodding along. You scribbling away on a sheet of paper furiously, Renjun pinching the bridge of his nose while shaking his head. You throwing your pencil through the room in defeat before placing your head on the table top with Renjun patting your shoulder. Yangyang on the couch deeply invested in his Nintendo DS, occasionally picking his nose. Renjun motioning his hands in the air as you squint at him and nod. You showing Renjun how you managed to solve the equation, but Renjun presses his lips together. You screaming, claw-like hands shaking in the air as hot tears wet your cheeks. Renjun standing up, his own hands in his hair, panicking. Yangyang munching on a piece of toast which goes down the wrong pipe causing him to cough violently. The sun moving over the sky before being replaced by the moon at a sped-up pace, implying that these moments were happening over the course of multiple days. You sniffling, wiping your eyes every few seconds as you write something down again with Renjun nervously biting his nails and pacing around the room. You handing Renjun the paper, your hands shaking, and Renjun's eyes going wide, a smile forming on his lips. You screaming and cheering, jumping up and down celebrating, the sudden noise causing Yangyang to jump and fall of the couch.
"I'm going to the toilet," Yangyang announces, "don't wait up."
"Okay, ha-"
"I'm going to poop! Jesus, have you ever heard of privacy? You guys are so nosy," Yangyang whines before exiting the room. Renjun throws you a questioning look that you do not see, only sense, as your eyes are focused on the numbers and letters on your sheet of paper.
"He gets stressed when a costumer of his Style Boutique isn't happy with the item he chose for them," you briefly explain.
"Oh, so that's what he's been playing for the past two days?"
"What did you think?" You mumble, tongue catching between your lips as you punch the keys of your calculator until it finally gives you the answer you longed for.
"I don't know actually. Good for him," Renjun smiles.
"He's trying to get to the platinum level at the fashion contests right now."
"Sounds dedicated."
"I'm done! Check it please," you draw out the last syllable to sound cute, and if your brain wasn't filled with purely maths, you'd probably cringe at yourself right now. Renjun grins and takes the paper from you. Going through the lines, he keeps nodding, and you bite your pointer finger over your folded hands anxiously.
"Well, except that the answer is plus and minus 3, you managed to get everything right," Renjun beams, scribbling a little smiley next to your answer. You clap your hands in front of your chest, feeling relieved. Your heart beats a little faster as you watch Renjun flip through the pages.
"Okay, this one is really hard. If you get this right, you're definitely acing this topic," Renjun explains, the tip of his pen quickly drawing tiny little dots next to the exercise on the papery surface of the math book.
"I can do it," you nod and high five him before diving in.
While your nose is buried in your notes, scribbling away furiously, Renjun anxiously leans back. Yangyang reenters the room, locking eyes with Renjun who smiles nervously.
Yangyang grins, eyes darting to your hunched over form at the table, tongue stuck between your lips in upmost concentration, then back to Renjun, and he wiggles his brows teasingly. Renjun, innocent as he is, tilts his head in confusion. Yangyang stares at your form again, eyes widening purposely before doing the same while looking at Renjun, then he purses his lips to mimic a kiss. Renjun stares blankly ahead, still not getting it.
Yangyang groans silently before dramatically pointing at you with both hands, then to Renjun, before balling his fists and thrusting his hips into the distance between his hands, then halting and staring at Renjun intently.
Renjun blushes profusely and looks away.
Yangyang chuckles dirtily.
That makes you look up, "what?"
You notice Yangyang grinning and Renjun looking ready for the ground to swallow him whole. "Don't worry about it," Yangyang says grinning evilly before flopping back down on the couch, miscalculating the distance and almost tumbling back off.
Renjun gulps, you notice, and smiles at you awkwardly. You shrug and get back to calculating. Renjun is sweating, nervously gazing at Yangyang who is back in his Style Boutique, then at you as you write down something on your sheet of paper. Renjun notices the way your lashes curve softly, and how you slightly puff out your cheeks in concentration, and he can't help but recall the moment a minute ago, and what Yangyang was implying.
"I am sweating buckets," you inform everyone in hearing radius, and it's true. There are pearls of sweat running down your back right now, party because the next one and a half hours are going to determine the course of your enter life, and partly because, as well established by now: Renjun.
"You can do it," Renjun says full of energy, having woken up extra early to send you on your way into the exam, both of his hands on your shoulders, shaking you lightly, "repeat after me."
"I can do it," you say, trying to sound determined, as a bypassing student accidentally bumps into your arm as they enter the classroom.
"Yes!" Renjun nods, gazing softly into your eyes, his soft smile faltering a little as you gaze back into his eyes, your gaze unmistakably flickering down to his lips as he is standing so close. You gulp and nod, forcing a smile.
The awkward tension lingers in the air for a bit before another student bumping into you rips you from your daze.
"Maybe I should-" you say, clearing your throat, and Renjun nods.
"I'll be rooting for you," Renjun smiles, waving as you turn around and enter the room, sending him a last nervous, tight-lipped smile before disappearing in the midst of other nervous students.
Not really knowing what to do with himself, Renjun sits down on the floor across the room, scrolling on his phone and checking the time bi-minutely. He falls asleep soon after, and if he could see the way he is sitting from a third person's POV, he would be concerned for the state of his neck.
A loud smack on the top of his head with a playboy magazine wakes him up.
Immediately in fight mode, he takes the pose he learned in self defense class, but he soon realizes it's just Yangyang.
"Hello Romeo," he teases, plopping down next to Renjun far too carelessly for the solidity of the hallway floor, and Renjun halts briefly to worry about YangYang's tailbone, but he seems just fine. Yangyang seems to have no problems showing off his porn magazine as he openly leaves it laying on his lap.
"Hello Yangyang," Renjun replies briefly, forcing himself to look at the ceiling as to not lock eyes with a pair of boobs.
"What's ya fine ass doing here?"
Renjun vaguely gestures towards the closed door of the room you're currently taking your maths exam in. Yangyang's eyes follow his hand, grinning deviously as he finally rolls the playboy magazine up and stuffs it into the side pocket of his cargo pants.
"Waiting for your girlfriend, huh?"
"She's not my girlfriend..." Renjun mumbles, blushing.
Yangyang pokes his side obnoxiously hard, making Renjun tilt his body to avoid a bruise. "C'mon... it's obvious."
Renjun shifts in his seat, clearly uncomfortable. Yangyang was never one to be bothered by that.
"You like her, don't you? It's hot to you that she's as dumb as a bread," Yangyang grins, and after receiving a questioning look by Renjun clarifies, "a German expression."
"I... maybe I like her... she's funny and... sweet and... pretty smart except for maths," Renjun shrugs timidly.
Yangyang blinks at him, "agree to disagree... anyway! You should totally shoot your shot."
This time, Renjun blinks wordlessly, then after a moment says, "I don't think she even likes me."
"Are you joking?!" Yangyang shrieks, causing a few heads turn towards them, but he pays them no mind. "She's literally been head over heels for you since like 1947."
"We weren't even born then... my parents weren't even born then," Renjun points out.
"Dude," Yangyang comes unnecessarily close, "trust me. She's dtf!"
Renjun blinks, unfamiliar with the acronym.
"Oh my God, am I the only person familiar with slang? Is math really all you do?" Yangyang shakes his head in disbelief, and as Renjun opens his mouth to protest, to inform Yangyang that he, in fact, has various hobbies that have very little to do with maths, and besides, that math provides a lot of fun activities, like sudoku, but Yangyang stops him, "doesn't matter. She," he halts, rolling his eyes at the forced lack of euphemisms and exaggeration, "likes you."
Renjun does not seem convinced.
"Look, I'll give you my pair of Air Jordan 4 Retro Kaws Sneakers if I'm wrong," Yangyang says seriously.
"Why would I want your worn out shoes?"
"For God's sake!" Yangyang rubs his hands over his face, "why are we friends again?"
"Well, we met on vacation in 2017 and you said "on fleek, Chinese bros for the win," and you wouldn't leave me alone after."
"Chinese bros for the win," Yangyang repeats proudly, making Renjun glance around in embarrassment.
In that same moment, the door opens, revealing your figure sneaking out. With a glance at the time, Renjun immediately has a bad feeling about this. Not even two thirds of the time have passed since you entered the exam room, and from experience (of others, he himself has never had an issue with any exams), Renjun knows this usually doesn't end well.
You spot both boys sitting on the floor and step over. Renjun has never been more unable to read someone's emotional state. Hence, he gets up, preparing for the worst.
"And?" He asks hesitantly. In response, you shrug, informing them that you'll get the results an hour after the exam is finished. Renjun sighs, not a big fan of this uncertainty, but what choice does he have? Bribing the professor to look over your exam first and let him know whether you passed or not? ... that's not legal, right?
Three pairs of eyes are anxiously trained on your iPad screen in the middle of the table. Well, one pair of eyes, rather, since your eyes are fixated on how pretty Renjun's nose looks from this angle, and Yangyang is unmistakably scrolling on TikTok.
"Can you refresh again?" Renjun basically begs, gaze catching yours. He looks so distressed that it seemed as if he was waiting for his own results to come in. Well, in a way, he is.
Just as the clock strikes, you refresh the page, and a new email shows up. You gulp, glancing at Renjun who seems to be sweating buckets as he picks at his cuticles anxiously. Even Yangyang has abandoned his phone on the table, watching with interest. Hesitantly, your finger hovers over the email.
"I can't even look," Renjun brings out, covering his eyes with his birth marked hand. You take a deep breath before opening the document. A bone chilling screech emits from your throat, and no one is sure as to what that means.
Renjun, hand still covering his eyes, shrieks, "what??"
You grab onto his wrist and pull his hand away from his face, grinning widely "56%!"
It takes a moment to register in Renjun's brain, but then his jaw drops, the corners of his mouth pulling into a huge grin, "56%!!"
Confused, Yangyang watches. 56% isn't really that much...
"You did is!" Renjun cheers, getting up at the same time as you, wrapping his arms around your waist without even thinking and spinning you around happily.
"We did it!" You correct him with a happy grin, cheering along with him as you celebrate. Yangyang raises a skeptical brow, but his face contorts in slight amusement. The according to Yangyang slightly cringe celebration goes on for a good while before you seem to be calming down.
Renjun's eyes gaze deeply into yours, "I told you you could do it..."
"This was mostly your work, honestly..." you whisper back, gulping a little as you shamelessly stare at his lips, watching has his tongue wets them, Another quick look into Renjun's eyes and your lips crash into each other, hands frantically pulling the other close.
"Oh wow," Yangyang comments, shocked, but not surprised, grinning dirtily as he pats himself on the shoulder, fully convinced that he is to take full credit for this.
Renjun's lips feel so soft and perfect against yours that you fear you will lose consciousness if this continues on for much longer – not that you mind. It's as if all these weeks of pining, dreaming and wishing were not in vain. Completely tuning out Yangyang's speech about how he knew all along, you and Renjun lose yourselves in your own little world, tongues too shy to dart out just yet.
You finally part after a bit, slowly opening your eyes to stare at each other with what could only be described as the beginning of a love that will bloom beautifully. Renjun clears his throat awkwardly, but he can't help but smile softly as you gulp and timidly bite your lip.
"So..." Yangyang announces, snapping you out of your trances and making you both look at him, "when can we expect babies?"
"Yangyang..." Renjun groans defeatedly, and you grab your slipper off your foot to hit Yangyang with it, who laughs menacingly as he tumbles off his chair and takes off into his room, but not without another comment, "name one after me!"
© 2024 YUTASBELLYBUTTONPIERCING all rights reserved — please DO NOT translate, take, nor repost any of my works.
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