#( hc ) what the myths forgot
morallygreyyn · 2 years
Hey!! Could you do some hcs for the hxh boys having hanahaki disease for the reader? You can decide whether they get a happy end where they confess and the reader realizes feelings for them or no :p
hanahaki disease with the hxh boys (hisoka, kurapika, illumi headcanons)
authors note: omgggg i've always been obsessed with this myth but i completely forgot about it until you reminded me anon! i'm so happy i got a request for this! i chose happy endings bc who doesn't want a happy ending with our favourite boys?
the surgery to remove the disease doesn’t exist in these headcanons bc i couldn’t be arsed to write about it
live or die by the disease bitch there is no other option
warnings: mentions of death, blood
read part two here!
requests are open!
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hisoka had known you for a long time
you were close confidants, and dare i say it, best friends
he admired your strength, how you never failed to join in on his chaos, and fire back at him whenever he made a quip
with how well you two got along, it was only a matter of time before he coughed up the first petal
he knew immediately what was happening, he was a man cultured in myths and legends after all
he was more shocked at the realisation that he loved you more than the fact that he just coughed up a flower petal
and you didn't love him back
he couldn't blame you, even though you liked to fool around with each other, you had never been serious with your flings and it was strictly no strings attached
well now it was apparent that there were strings
the magician couldn't pinpoint the moment he had fallen for you, he supposed it was a gradual thing
but one thing was for absolute certain, he was in love
and he was dying because of it
hisoka is a man of mystery and many secrets but this...
this he would probably tell you about after a while of mulling it over
during this period, his coughing got worse until eventually he couldn't take it anymore
he would go straight to you, letting himself into your house as he usually did
hisoka could feel the pain in his lungs when you looked at him and smiled
he would suppress the coughs as best as he could while he figured out a way to tell you
i feel like his confession would go one of two ways
either he would be outright and serious for once
or he'd make a performance out of his dying body
let's explore the serious option first
you, having caught onto the fact that something was very wrong, took your friend’s hand which only made his coughing worse. "what's going on hisoka? you never get sick."
he laughed dryly. "it would appear that I'm in love with you."
you didn't believe him of course. "you're joking."
hisoka coughs into his hand, revealing petals tainted with blood. "does this look like a joke to you?"
OR the performance option
"it would appear I'm in love with you." he coughed into his hand and threw the contents in the air, several flower petals soaked in blood rained down on your head. "surprise."
it doesn't matter which option he chooses, you're still frozen in shock
"i thought it was just a myth." you stared at the bloody petals in horror
"me too."
the room fell silent, hisoka wondering what his fate would be based on your response
i can’t see him as a person who cares whether he lives or whether he dies
i can see him just sitting there on your couch, staring with bored fascination at your living room while he waited for you to drop the guillotine over his head
his lungs and throat were writhing in pain, but hisoka was never one to be put off by this
what he didn’t expect was for you to then turn to him, grinning
“i love you too.”
his face drops
“yeah, i love you too hisoka.”
hisoka would’ve been amused by how quickly the weight on his chest dissipated if it weren’t for his shock
however it didn’t take long from him to recover from this and he swoops you into an embrace
which of course leads to more
and oh boy hisoka was never happier to be alive
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would 100% not tell you
the second the first petal fell from his lips, he knew immediately that it was you
he also knew that he could never tell you
you didn’t love him back and he didn’t want to make you feel bad about that fact
how could he not love you though? you were his biggest source of joy and the one he cared for most in this world
his would hide the disease from you for as long as possible, smothering his coughs with great effort
the longer he did this, the worse it got
he knew he was going to die and he accepted that fact
he didn’t want to die, but he knew he could never tell you 
kurapika would try and avoid you towards the end
dodging your calls and skipping on meeting up with you until eventually he stopped contact altogether
you, extremely worried about your friend, went to go visit him unannounced
letting yourself inside, your heart dropped in horror at seeing him 
kurapika looked like a ghost
his face was hollow, lips chapped and stained red
he would insist he was fine, even though he clearly he wasn’t
eventually he wouldn’t be able to hide it anymore, launching into an extreme coughing fit, him throwing up petals, whole flowers and blood 
having heard of the disease before, you could only ask who he loved and who didn’t love him back
this time, he looked you directly in the eyes. “you.”
cue your shock and horror
kurapika had to avert his gaze, he didn’t want to see your disappointment in his final moments
he hated himself enough for having these feelings but he didn’t want to see you hate him too
his lungs were more branches and flowers than tissue at this point
the kurta was just about to get up and leave when your voice stopped him
he waits
“you have this disease because you love me and you think it’s unrequited, correct?”
“yes.” he didn’t want to add that he didn’t just think it was unrequited
“what if it wasn’t unrequited?”
“then i wouldn’t be dying.”
“then i don’t understand.” you shook your head, suppressing a smile. “because i love you too.”
he stops
kurapika literally stops working
his brain shuts down and his body comes to a complete standstill and he just stares at you in shock
you feel the need to confirm it for him. “i love you too kurapika.”
he couldn’t hold himself back anymore
regardless of his sick body, he rushes to you and pulls you into the tightest hug
his chest clears, feeling light and unrestrained
he kisses you and kurapika can finally breathe again
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this boy is so damn confused when coughs, and then even more confused when he sees a petal in his hand
what on earth is happening to him?
doesn’t even realise he’s in love
it takes him a couple of days and a couple more instances of coughing up flowers for him to realise something was wrong with him
a quick internet search yields the results he was looking for 
cue more confusion
unrequited love was the cause?
would think long and hard about who in his life he could have these impossible feelings for
then his thoughts eventually arrived on you
and when they did, he couldn’t stop thinking about you
so he loved you? why? what was the reason? when did this happen?
many many questions were circulating through that beautiful head of his
reading further about the disease, he realised that the disease would only go away if you loved him too
if not, he would die
not one to be scared by death, he decided on not telling you
why would he? it was pointless anyway if he was going to die
doesn’t even consider the chance that you might love him back
takes the unrequited part as fact and sticks with it
illumi is a tough boy so it takes ages for him to finally be run down by the disease
is a master at hiding his coughs
he has a reputation to uphold after all
he even keeps it from his family, determined to take his shame to his grave
would honestly have to be on the brink of dying for him to show that he’s suffering with the hanahaki disease
luckily you like to meet up with illumi very frequently and you had become quite attuine to his stoic attitude and personality
to the point where you could pick up the most minuscule of differences in his behaviour
it didn’t take you long to realise something was wrong with your friend but no matter how hard you pushed, he would shoot you down
cue you becoming the best investigator the world has ever seen
it started when, after illumi had left the bar, there was a single bloodied petal sitting in his place
you took the petal back home and began researching
it took you a while but you eventually found out about the hanahaki disease though you couldn’t believe that this was what illumi was struggling with so you kept searching
however your search was in vein and all you had to go on was a myth about unrequited love
so the next time you met up with illumi, you kept an even closer eye on him
watching the subtle ways in which he would suppress what would normally be very painful coughs
the way his lips seemed a bit more chapped and red than normal
the way his already pale skin became more translucent
you had to face the facts, illumi was suffering with unrequited love
and it was killing him
you couldn’t bear the thought of losing illumi
but who on earth was he in love with? and how could you convince them to save his life?
realistically you knew there wasn’t much you could do
but out of desperation, you confronted him about it
“when were you going to tell me about your hanahaki disease?”
“i wasn’t.”
“have you told anyone?”
you weren’t one to be easily frustrated, but for some reason you couldn’t watch him throw away his life so easily
in a fit of despair, you blurted. “please find some way to fix it, i can’t bear the thought of losing you.”
you didn’t think about your words before you said them. “because i love you.”
he froze
you kept going, putting your own feelings to the side in an effort to save the man stock-still before you. “and it’s because i love you that i’m scared of you dying, so please just find whoever it is and confess to them. i’m sure they like you back if they’ve got the great illumi zoldyck dying for them.”
it was then that you noticed his expression
you would almost say he looked relieved? but surely you had seen wrong
it was illumi after all
“ah, it’s gone now.” he somehow sounded much better than a couple of minutes ago
“gone? how can it be gone whe-” it didn’t take you long for you to realise what had happened
illumi looked at you expectantly
“you love me?” you asked in a small voice, afraid that this was a bad joke even though you knew illumi was practically incapable of making them
needless to say that that was the start of a wonderful relationship that even illumi couldn’t have imagined happening
but he wasn’t complaining
not in the slightest
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kasarasun · 7 months
Hi! I loved your Illustrator Shen Yuan au and wanted to know if you had more ideas for it? I feel it makes a lot of sense especially with SY’s ability to recognize literally every plant, animal, and character that showed up in the novel instantly and Qing Jing being the peak of the four arts. Also, if he played a major role in editing the wiki, do you think any of his written headcannons or speculations may have come true? Do you think he and airplane ever just use his art style to distinguish cannon fodder from the rest or do they still follow the rules of his art style despite him having never drawn them? If the first then him meeting Tianlang-jun and ZZL would be hilarious cuz he may just brush them off. Also, how does this go with Liu Qingge’s character design being different than imagined (pretty instead of burly)? How do you think this would play into a post cannon reveal? Are there any other common or uncommon hc’s in the fandom that you would combine with this?
going backwards with your questions: (this will be long, forgive spelling, etc, errors)
Headcanons: this is already the product of multiple headcanons! For one, SQH is solidified as the author instead of a prophet, because SY as the artist means that the world is malleable, to a degree. Also I believe in black-haired Mobei-Jun (irrelevant haha). I also would say the hc where if Shang Qinghua 'writes' something with enough intent, it might just happen.
Also, the 'world' being made of paper and so is from someone/somewhere but i forgot. Sorry ahahaha
I think this makes SY and SQH both paper/creation gods. (Discussed further later on in this mess.)
Tianlang-Jun, Zhuzhi-Lang, and Liu Qingge: The thing is, the 'design' applies to mobei Jun because SY has explicitly drawn him. Binghe's 'design' is same the PIDW official art's because this is only physically, (the contours of a creature's skull rather than binghe's nail polish) because they're real people and persons, which is an important theme that breaks character designs that include distinctive clothing. Also because of this realized state, nothing can be more real than anything else. Through the lens of a reader, we might imagine the 'world' being this collage of the artist, but this isn't the case.
That brings me to my next point: what of the world that hasn't been 'illustrated'? Of course, we can have a creation myth instead of an actual explanation:
The God who brings ascension from nothingness carves the mountains, shapes the moon, culls the suns, and folds the paper beasts, men, and flowers. The God whose palms raise all things into the light so creates the three realms. The God creates and creates and creates.
The God who witnesses watches the creations grow simpler, watches creases deteriorate, watches rushed work. The God who witnesses sees the God who arises with the world in hand grow tired. The God who witnesses paints the paper cranes, refolds the rushed creations, and refines the creases. (The God who watches paints over a tear in a silver leaf. The God leaves the gold leaf be.)
The God who paints the birds and beasts never folds the fresh paper. So concludes the creation of all and every.
(Where the silver leaf of paper is mobei-jun and the golden one is binghe.)
Shen Yuan's headcanons: of course, Airplane is the writer. He takes precedence. His headcanons only applied to his 'domain', and his 'power' only exists in the origin world (though this may change as the idea develops), and draws power from Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky's work. His role is lessening the burden, but the work has already been done.
On postcanon reveals: Shang Qinghua totally gets caught first. Actually, it's the airplane extra with the 'daddy admires you' scenes! He is forces to explain, and along the way he kicks SQQ under the bus. I won't say too much on how this spreads, but probably Mobei saying something to someone. Maybe he calls Qinghua the heavenly emperor/ the ascender in front of all the peaklords. An Ding probably already knows.
why the ascender? Airplane translates literally into flying machine. So, warp that into ascension and omnipresence. Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky ascends reality from nothing (darkness) to something (sunlight). This applies to everything, so it is comparable to a system or machine. Behold, the really irrelevant, misplaced, and overly subtle Rain World reference.
The God who Paints the birds and Beasts from Drawing the Beast's Ire warps the Ire into attention, and then Airplane's protagonist and his cool monsters drew his attention, then the poor writing his ire.
Meanwhile, Shen Qingqiu is only minorly accosted by peak lords. The problem is binghe, upset that Shizun was drawing other people. Drawing the Beast's Ire drew like 2 other characters. One is Mobei-Jun. The other is a modern-clothing binghe. He's also upset that Shang-shishu and Shizun share something as grand as the creation of the world together, and the fact that SQQ is the lesser. Additionally, unlike Mobei-Jun, he wasn't made specifically to please his God! Unfair!
Of course, binghe is very happy about this as well. He's Shizun's favorite character!
This might be high time to mention more headcanons: there are temples and shrines dedicated to airplane and occasionally the witness/the painter in the endless Abyss. This is due to the first heavenly demons, probably. How else did Xin Mo get there?
Anyway, they'd be like airplane folding paper front and center and then the painter doing his thing off to the side. Of course, there are a decent amount dedicated only to the painter.
On additional creations: Maybe Shen Qingqiu/Yuan and Shang Qinghua get together and make OC animals. They're all entirely harmless. Shang Qinghua writes their names, their abilities, and a nice good description while Shen Qingqiu/Yuan paints. Maybe it doesn't do anything. Maybe it does. It's a change of pace either way.
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poppitron360 · 4 months
Okay so @green-tea217 requested that I share this fanfic based on this post that I made.
I never usually post my fanfics, but I’m feeling brave. This one isn’t finished, but I’ll post the first chapter ‘cause I’m really proud of it. I’m working on the other fanfics that were requested, but I’m posting this one first because I’ve worked rlly had on it.
Summary: Kind of an OC/FanChild fic about my hcs for Percabeth’s kids. VERY Leo/Nico heavy bc they’re my two favourite characters, particularly Leo.
TWs: Swearing, lack of smut (she is a teenager)
Disclaimers: I was still reading SoN when I wrote this chapter, and I am currently on HoH, so if I’ve missed anything that gets revealed later, that’s why. Also I listened to the audiobooks, so if I spell a name wrong, that’s also why, either that or I’ve spelt something the British way.
Chapter 1:
Olympia hated stories.
She hated telling them. She hated hearing them. She hated the way they were often twisted and bent to contain some kind of message. She hated the theatrics of sharing them around the fire, the hushed voices and dramatic tone. And she hated how every story she heard was almost always about her dad.
Olympia Grace Jackson-Chase.
Of course.
For as long as she can remember, people had told her stories about her parents. About her and her birth. How she had been born on Olympus. How Apollo himself had delivered her, and named her “Olympia Grace” so that it would rhyme with her last name. That wasn’t entirely true. “Grace” was the last name of her Auntie Thalia and Uncle Jason. She hated the stories about them too- about all her parents’ friends. They were myths and legends in the eyes of the other campers, to her they were just people who babysat her sometimes. The Cabin 9’ers had been shocked when she’d told them that the heroic son of Hephaestus who had saved the world from Gaea and her evil forces was actually just Little Uncle Leo, and the first Fire User in three and a half centuries isn’t very mythical and legendary when he’s running in from the kitchen, waving a tea-towel at the fire alarm and yelling “Oh shit, the guacamole’s on fire. I set the guacamole on fire. Don’t tell your mom.”
People never wanted to hear those stories. Only the exiting and dangerous ones.
“Percy Jackson fought the Minotaur when he was only ten years old!!!”
“Percy Jackson keeps insisting I tidy my room.”
Suffice it to say, she was sick of it.
“Dad,” she asked, approaching the kitchen table.
Perseus Jackson, the man, the myth, the legend himself, looked up from his comic book and ginned at her.
“What is it, dolphin?”
“Can you… like… not send me to camp this year?”
Her dad frowned, put The Amazing Spider-Man down on the table and leaned back in his chair.
“Why? What’s up? Are the other campers not nice to you there?”
“It’s not that… in fact, it’s the opposite. The attention is getting too much. I wanna learn to fight, but… I’d rather you just teach me yourself. You can show me how to use my water powers.”
“Oly, I know it’s hard, especially as you’re one of the first Legacies at Camp Half-Blood. I can absolutely arrange for you to not go anymore if you don’t want to… but there’s only so much I can teach you on my own, particularly with your mother’s workload. I want to make sure you’d be protected. Could you maybe give it a try, please?”
Olympia was pretty sure she’d been “giving it a try” for the last 14 summers, but she didn’t want to argue with her dad.
“Fine,” she said.
“That’s my girl,” he beamed, “Now, remember to pack your armour for Capture the Flag, I don’t want to have to drive out there and back just ‘cause you forgot it again.”
She sighed and left the room.
She just wished that he had stayed in the car when he’d dropped her off, but no. He insisted on walking with her to the Big House, saying hello to Chiron and generally being a huge embarrassment. It didn’t take long for the crowds of campers to form around them, whispering behind their hands. She hugged her dad, and said goodbye to him as quickly as she could.
She dumped her things in the Poseidon Cabin. She was allowed in both her mom and her dad’s old cabins, but she preferred to be alone to sleep. She did her activities with the Athena kids though, she didn’t want to stand out any more than she already did.
Olympia sat alone, perched on the edge of the Athena table, when suddenly a kid shuffled up next to her. She looked about twelve, with the same grey eyes of her mother.
“What’s your name?” The girl asked.
“Olympia Jackson-Chase,” Olympia sighed.
“I’ve noticed you doing cabin activities with us, but you don’t sleep with the other Athenians? What’s up with that?”
Olympia took a deep breath, and began to explain, “I’m a-“
“Wait. Jackson-Chase?” The kid gasped.
Oh, here we go, Olympia thought, preparing for the usual swooning and/or geeking out.
“Your mother was Annabeth Chase?”
Olympia was slightly taken aback, “Usually, people talk mostly about my father. I’m always “The daughter of Percy Jackson,” never “the daughter of Annabeth Chase.””
“Oh but she’s a legend! She re-designed Olympus! She led our cabin in battle against the Titans! She even held up the sky! I mean, I know your dad did that too, but-“
“She did it for longer. She was under that thing for over a day, he only held it for at most 20 minutes.”
The girl laughed.
“And, if you ask me, she was the one who did all the work when it came to defeating Kronos. Dad did jack shit, just handed a knife to a guy.”
“Exactly! Just because he was in the Prophecy-“
“Nah, it’s a lot simpler than that,” Olympia said, “It’s because he’s a man.”
They sat in silence for a bit.
She never blamed her dad for overshadowing her mom. He didn’t mean to. In fact, he openly hated the stories that didn’t recognise her for all she did. They were so in love, it was sickening.
“I can’t believe she’s, like, my sister.”
The girl gasped, and grabbed Olympia’s arm, “Wait, does that make me your aunt?”
Olympia shook her head, “Don’t bother with family trees, man, otherwise you get into the whole “my dad’s dad is my mom’s mom’s uncle, which makes me kinda my mom’s second cousin, and my dad her cousin-once-removed”- it’s just too much to get your head around.”
She looked directly into the girl’s grey eyes, “My advice, kid, believe whatever bullshit they tell you about the Gods not having DNA, and just try not to think about it.”
The girl’s face fell. “Oh.”
Then she looked exited again, “Did you come out of her tummy or her head like I did with my mom?”
And there we go, Olympia thought. Geez, they didn’t hesitate to ask the really invasive questions, did they?
She took her three-pronged fork out of her pocket, and fidgeted with it, twirling it in her fingers. Instantly, she realised her mistake.
“Why do you carry a fork around and never eat with it?” The girl asked. More questions.
Might at well get it over with, she thought.
“Gift from Grandpa,” she replied.
“A gift from Poseidon? What does it do?”
She sighed again, and dangled the fork over the girl’s glass of orange juice, and let go. It dropped into the glass with a satisfying plop, and then rose to the surface. No, it wasn’t rising. It was growing. It’s shaft elongated, and the prongs stretched to become longer and way more deadly. Intricate designs started carving itself into the metal. Olympia stood up, and grabbed the shaft of the fork just as it finished growing. A three-pronged death skewer of pure celestial bronze. A Trident.
The surrounding campers gaped at her, open-mouthed.
“Woah,” said one of the Hephaestus campers, clearly someone who hadn’t seen the spectacle before.
“Sorry Chiron,” Olympia called. She twisted a little ring of metal around the shaft of the trident, and it shrank back into a fork. She sat back down.
“It responds to water,” she explained, “get it wet, and boom, Trident.”
She had named it Blue. It was her first word, after all. Or at least, that was the story. Poseidon had given it to her on her second birthday, and she had just looked at it, holding it in her tiny fist, and cried “bloooo!” It was probably just baby babbling, but Dad said it counted.
“So what’s Poseidon like? Do you have water powers too? Can you get me your mom’s autograph? Is your dad really 7ft tall?”
She ate the rest of her lunch in silence, only answering the onslaught of questions from the young camper when she had to.
Cabin 3 offered a pleasant respite from the crowds and the people. She dropped her armour and weapons from the day’s activites by the door and kicked off her shoes.
She looked at herself in the mirror.
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(Drawing of Olympia: Art by me)
Her curly black hair, which she’d dyed the tips of blonde, was pulled back into a messy ponytail. Around her neck hung a necklace of leather chord, fourteen different coloured beads threaded onto them, each painted with a different design. Her broad shoulders and thick muscles bulged through her plain navy-blue tank top. Her skin was tanned from spending long hours training in the sun. She had a battle-hardened look to her that meant people often mistook her for a daughter of Ares. But her eyes was what made her stand out most- one grey, like her mother, one green, like her father. Her parents had told her how her birth had ended the centuries-long feud between Poseidon and Athena for good, and she had been given those eyes as a way of symbolising that. Another story. It felt like every part of her body had been attached to a story about something her parents had done. Why couldn’t she just be herself? She had spent 16 years living under the shadow of her parents, she was homeschooled from an early age, and had been going to camp since before she could even hold a sword- the demigod life was all she’d ever known. Someday, she’d get away from it all. She’d sink to the bottom of the Mariana Trench and just study the fish, and she wouldn’t have to worry about people or monsters
Suddenly, she felt something tap her on her shoulder. Quick as lightning, she grabbed Blue and spun around. Blue, still in fork form, was about a centimetre away from the neck of her intruder, who held up his hands in surrender.
“Whoah there!” He said.
When she saw who it was, she lowered the weapon and pulled him into a tight hug.
“Leo!” She cried.
“Hey, how’s my favourite cousin? Or… whatever.”
She looked at him and smiled. Despite him being old enough to be her dad, he was about half her size. With a thin, wiry frame and very little meat on his bones. His wild, curly brown hair framed his pointed face and elfish features. His dark skin was covered in a thin layer of motor oil and grime of unknown origin. He tapped her cheek affectionately, leaving a grubby handprint on her face. He walked over to her bed and leaped onto the top bunk, his legs dangling off the ladder.
“You need to stop growing,” he instructed, “You are getting too big, it’s not fair.”
“You need to stop being so short,” Olympia retorted, then her face broke into a huge smile, “I feel like I never see you anymore!”
“I know, you’re too old for me to babysit now, kiddo,” He complained.
“Well that always ended in disaster anyway. There’s still burn marks on that wall.”
“Did your mom find out?” He asked.
“Nope. Dad told her he just wanted to hang more pictures up. And then he went on a long speech about how nice she looked in that wedding photo, and then took her out for ice cream. I think she bought it.”
They stayed in comfortable silence for a few seconds, and then she asked, “So… it’s great that you’re here and all, but… why are you here?”
“What, I can’t come and visit my favourite partner in crime every now and then?”
“Leo…” Her tone was firm.
Leo’s face was suddenly dark and serious, he paused before speaking, but said, “I think I have news about your brother.”
That was Chapter 1- if this post gets… let’s say… 30 notes, I’ll post Chapter 2.
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skybristle · 2 months
Is there anything particularly interesting that inspired you to make one of your iterator OC/their design? Like what got you to make them or heavily informed their design
im gonna be so for real with you i do NOT put much thought into my designs. i just rotate a guy for a bit think of a color pallete and then slop some shit on a canvas until i like it. its really all instinct which is why i suck so bad at giving design advice because i fr be making it up.
as for where they came from conceptually..... i forgor :broken_heart: OH! Fun fact: chimes was the last bending horizons iterator to be concepted. I went on a research dive thru old dms actually at some point......... the order was ash+whispers -> maw -> starlight -> aurora -> sparks -> ochre -> chimes [at least i think? funny how my favorites were all made last].
whispers being puppetnapped was one of the first plotpoints i came up with. originally they ascended but i decided agaisnt that later on [both for logistical and thematic reasons+other issues with consistancy with my sliver hcs]. ash was always banked on the neglectful senior archetype to go with that, and starlight and maw came about shortly after as the perpetrators.
aurora........ he honestly really didnt have much of a role until mac came along and got obsessed with him. i think i originally made her just for padding reasons since it felt like i was missing some poor fuck outside of the conflict. he was alwys supposed to be cunty and apathetic it just evolved
sparks is interesting. the whole "expanded structure" idea came from when originally whispers whole predicament was still being fleshed out. i thought it could be interesting to have a too large iterator find solace in splitting that power with someone in need. sparks was originally MUCH kinder and more helpful, with her relationship with ash being more of a grieving someone she can't help and less of a "being abused and abandoned and festering" thing. im glad she ended up how she did LOL i love angry women who do bad things because of trauma.
i completely forgot for ochre ngl. i think i just liked the idea of chill planterator. flor started really getting development when i made chimes i thinkkkkk?????
chimes is really silly. because. back in november 2023 when i met my friend localceilingdevil and he was first making his iterator ocs i thought it would be funny to make a little guy to be chill with six myths . And to make a tonnnn of weed jokes with. Which is how both he and gardeners initial concept came about. I just put him in bh for the lols and then started thinking and thinking and thinking and let him and ochre kiss and look where we are now.
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deathblade · 5 months
Do you have hcs on all the wiz professors?
omg hi i forgot i had anon on LOL
I don't have a ton of headcanons when it comes to the elemental schools (drake family apologist here, whoops) but let me try to format this concisely. Not all of them btw sorry I’m lazy.
Halston Balestrom
Some flavor of neurodivergent, He would probably jump when really excited about something. Because, well, he's a frog but also as a form of stimming.
He does actually use his cane as a cane. I love self-projecting my disability onto NPCs.
Dalia Falmea
Lesbian??? Yeah she's a lesbian.
Generally struggled in school, not necessarily because of what happened in the BOXES event but because of other factors too.
She saw Ambrose as a mentor and/or father figure (apparently she was saved by him when she was younger according to the role call for her!)
Lydia Greyrose
Very grandmothery, especially towards my ice wizard Sasha.
Strict on attendance, but would be understanding if it were an emergency etc etc. Communication is key with her.
Moolinda Wu:
Very empathetic towards students if they're having a bad day.
Felt, and still feels a little out-of-place being the replacement professor after Sylvia died.
Cyrus Drake
Autistic, probably undiagnosed but his special interest was painting before it became myth magic. Also the black sheep of the clan.
Like his twin, I headcanon he's trans. They both DIY'd HRT before arriving in Wizard City and the reason why he's bald is because he shaved it off after seeing Malistaire's severely receding hairline.
Malistaire Drake (well. was a professor..)
Extremely hard on himself. Often refuses help from people he doesn’t know well.
The arm he lost and regrew suffered nerve damage. Sometimes it goes numb or even limp.
Sylvia and him were T4T.
Sylvia Drake
She was originally a pyromancer before switching to Life magic.
Short, kinda chubby and the polar opposite of her husband.
She also has severe PTSD.
She was already chronically ill pre-terminal illness and I think that just made it progress faster.
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quietbluejay · 5 months
Know No Fear 3
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rob. bro. YOU KEEP DOING THIS and you get bodied EVERY SINGLE TIME. he seems like he's the calm rational one but he's…really not
vs fulgrim he did the exact same thing even going "i know it's a trap" and he would have died except the ultramarines ended up sacrificing themselves to get him out vs mortarion he did it like TWICE and only dad intervening got him out of that i don't actually remember what happens to him here but he does get stabbed
oh here's the part that made me like Lorgar
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"it's called treachery, Roboute. It works very well." it sure does lol
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lorgar talks a bit about Horus rising (heh) and Guilliman asks if he's on drugs
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brother, singular the only one down so far is Ferrus, rip Lorgar once again, really wishing the only people who thought "hey the emperor is wrong and awful, maybe" didn't drink the chaos kool aid
Hot take : the imperium and chaos represent the false dichotomy presented by the modern right left political divide
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and then things get…fun
it's also, incidentally, really interesting that Lorgar is like "we're here to kill you and take the Ultramarines out of the game" and meanwhile Kor Phaeron tries to corrupt him to chaos i do wonder what would have happened if they'd ended up on the same side well i mean, wouldn't be the first time two people with grudges ended up on same side (Magnus and Mortarion) but it's gotten reallllly personal here
actually wait no i forgot about how he got sent into the vacuum of space and then just managed to survive because he was so angry so like, that really should have worked but no one expected the plot armour guillirage
you know i think he might be the most plot armoured of all local accountant who evades taxes somehow the main character of the universe (yes he does canonically evade taxes) (i found out) (so my record of tax evading blorbos holds steady) (i think the only one who doesn't is maybe Windblade) okay spooky time and i really loved this bit for fully bringing the story out of the regular war/disaster and right into the twilight zone as well
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oh THATS how he ends up in space
my original hc (re Lorgar and daemon) was that they switched out at the end and the daemon climbing out of lorgar's skin was a metaphysical metaphor made literal over the comm link idk if that's actually possible though
and now back to our Catholic representation, Old Person Oll Persson he's having a nice morning but some dude just showed up i remember when i read this i was like ???????? didn't he just die or something??
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honestly i found this whole thing very confusing but apparently it's a meta plot in the Horus Heresy wrong word myth arc? also wrong plot thread that shows up across multiple books
ohhh time to get a look at the future
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there's like 50 books or more that were written between this one and this actual scene happening and somehow i have zero memory of reading this??? i think i was still going ??? at the secret group of immortals eyy time to put together a team that's just made up of random people who happened to survive
including a catatonic teenage girl and another unskilled labourer honestly this would work better in another series or if this were about them
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man you know it's funny how in every way the word bearers are the precursor to the imperium aw lorgar is making special copies of his book for all his brothers
star wars: we blew up one planet to smithereens kor phaeron: you are like little baby, watch this
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oh yeah here we goooo the bit that made me lol (for context, he's talking about seeing corpses with bits eaten)
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i was like "i didn't think you people HAD the concept of a war crime" okay, mr ventanus, how do you justify monarchia, by any of these codes and precepts by any legality by the moral code of mankind in the end it was just "the emperor ordered you to do it, and he is the highest authority, so, you did it" like i do realize the two aren't equivalent and the sheer level of destruction that was done to Calth isn't anywhere in the same league not to mention the corpse desecration and offscreen torture etc but regardless Monarchia is also not justified by these things also, this is a very fun chase scene aw yeah Tawren and Arook meet up with Ventanus and Selachon
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oh hello stab me in the heart again why don't you
ooooh horror movie on Maccrage's Honour ultramarine feels fear rip Gage, his hand gets bit off by daemon AND NOW FOR MY FAVOURITE SCENE IN THIS BOOK (well tied for favourite with the lorgar one)
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"today started in a different place" UNDERSTATEMENT OF THE YEAR today started in an entirely different genre
i am platonically kissing thiel on the mouth hahaha and now we find out WHY thiel was censured
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lmaooo incredible
this whole bit still cracks me up the first time i read this i thought for sure he was getting lured by a lorelei to his death
well actually i hit another bit that cracks me up the two army dudes, in all the chaos met the young dudes wife by the river except well
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and then they get caught by word bearer auxiliaries sacrificing people and i thought for sure they were going to die there and then Old Person saves the day and the ritual knife on this rando cultist turns out to apparently be a big deal like universe altering e_e okay maybe im misremembering maybe it's a different knife okay i am misremembering
okay we got a date for Monarchia! 44 years ago
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catboyklug · 2 years
What if Arle had a gun
summary: ringo tells a funny story, arle gets a funny gun
characters: ringo ando (she/they), arle nadja (he/she/they), amitie (he/she), satan (he/it/dar)
warnings: canon satan behavior. no actual guns though, and this should be fully accessible.
author's note: I began writing this a year ago. I now subscribe exclusively to the hc that Satan is a respectful great grandpa
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"Alright, Ringo, it's your turn!"
It was a soft, bright spring day, and the "A-gang" (at least, that's what everyone called them) was sitting on a blue, white and pink checkered picnic blanket.
The three were exchanging stories from their homeworlds and much earlier memories, talking about everything from real happenings to ancient myths just to pass the time.
They were taking turns alphabetically - Amitie first, Arle second, Ringo third - and so far it was going fairly well.
"Wh- my turn already, huh?" Ringo stuttered awkwardly, "I don't really have any more stories to tell, though.."
"Get real! You gotta have something!" Amitie, the initial announcer, exclaimed with shock. "Last time you said that, you just forgot, and I took two whole turns for you..."
Ringo closed her eyes, looking pensive. "I guess I might have something... maybe..."
"Tell us already!" The other two said excitedly, Amitie chanting "tell us, tell us" until Ringo finally conceded.
"Well..." Ringo began.
"Back when I was about ten, Maguro had this huuuuge birthday party," She said, more coming back to her the longer she spoke, "Pretty much half the town was there, and he got tons of gifts... including one of the coolest things around: a nerf gun."
"A whatnow?" Arle asked, while Amitie gasped in recognition.
"Those weird things on display at that toy store!" Amitie grinned, proud she remembered so well, "Those were nerf guns, right? They looked kinda like long, tiny barrels!"
"Well, some certainly have barrels, technically speaking!" Ringo said, nodding wisely, "That's not what this story's about, though. It's about what happened to the nerf gun Maguro got..."
"You both already know Maguro has tons of siblings, right? Well, ALL his siblings, who were around three to eight at the time, really wanted a nerf gun of their own. Though the oldest's birthday was right around the corner, even they just couldn't wait, y'know?" She continued, now getting super into the retelling of her story.
"So, that night, when Maguro was sleeping... they went into his bedroom and snatched it from right under his nose!"
"N-n-n-no way!!!" Amitie said, unfamiliar with the concept of stealing from one's siblings, "Did they get caught?!"
"...I mean, if they didn't, I wouldn't be able to tell you this story, so... probably, yeah?" Ringo said, only a hint of exasperation in her voice, "aaaaaaaanyway..."
"So they stole the nerf gun from Maguro, ran downstairs... and immediately, there was pandemonium the likes of which had never been seen before!!!"
Amitie and Arle gasped in perfect sync. "And then what happened?!"
"The chaos completely consumed the lower floor, even spreading to the shop! So many pots were broken that night, and nerf darts chewed into nothingness..."
"Y'know, in my world, the pot thing wouldn't get you into too much trouble..." Arle said.
"Well, it got the kids into deep trouble here," Ringo replied, hiding her astonishment at the implications of what exactly Arle's world even was, "Their parents were deep sleepers, but Mags wasn't, and after the... I wanna say third? pot got broken, Maguro woke up, ran downstairs, and yelled so loudly pretty much the whole neighborhood woke up."
"Well, no, more like...just me and the neighbors." Ringo admitted.
"Still, that's pretty loud...even louder than you when Ecolo spooks you," Arle teased.
"Ha, ha." Ringo said, no longer forcing her exasperation down, "You can't blame me, though... You've screamed even louder when Satan asked you out."
"...true," Arle sighed in reply.
This accidentally put a damper on the mood as Arle thought regretfully about her interactions with Satan.
A damper that sadly was not lifted thanks to the incoming news...
"What's wrong, Amitie?" Ringo asked.
"I just realized- I'm supposed to be talking to mom about that extended sleepover!!"
"The extended... huh?"
"I- I'll tell you later, okay? I can't miss it!"
"We'll bring the picnic basket back to your place later, then."
"Thanks so much, you guys!! You're lifesavers, really!! I'll see you later, okay?!"
And with that, he was off, leaving Ringo and Arle alone with the picnic basket, crumbs and some awkward silence.
The two immediately went to make good on their promise, picking up their trash and putting everything away in relative silence.
Until Arle found herself realizing something.
"...Hey, Ringo," Arle began, "You think we could visit Suzuran today? Just for a bit?"
"If my interdimensional taxi service allows it, yeah," Ringo nodded, "Why do you ask?"
Arle deliberated on this.
"I think I know how to get Satan to leave us all alone. At least for a while..."
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A few hours later, Arle and Ringo had long since put back the basket and then left for Suzuran.
They were in Primp town's main square, carrying precious cargo and looking for a certain someone to prank...
...They didn't have to look too hard, apparently.
"It's me, your beloved fiancee-" The dark prince, prince of darkness, Satan, called out.
"CAN IT, GRAMPS!" Arle yelled, grabbing the nerf gun from Ringo and pointing it at him.
The nerf gun had been painted to more resemble a real gun - something Satan should be very familiar with.
"E-eh?!" Satan yelped in surprise, "This is... a..."
"Quit stuttering, we both know what it is! And if you don't hurry up and leave me alone forever, I'll... I won't hesitate to shoot!"
"B-but, Arly.."
Satan stopped, thinking about this for a few seconds, before deciding... the worst choice possible.
"Arly, please, you can't do this to m-"
Arle took the shot, managing to hit Satan... a bit lower than she was actually aiming.
He screamed in agony, falling to the ground.
"ARLE???" Ringo yelled, "This wasn't what we planned! Did- DID WE JUST FOR REAL KILL HIM?!"
"I don't think getting shot beneath the belt automatically kills you, but... owch..." Arle sighed, then offered Satan a hand with getting back up, "Sorry for shooting you in the balls..."
Once Arle offered him a hand, he immediately shot up, apparently unharmed.
"So you do care about me, Arly..." He smiled that really weird smile.
"H-hey, what gives?! You were writhing on the ground in agony a few seconds ago!" Arle shouted.
"Well, you see, I don't have-"
"nevermind, I don't wanna know." She said flatly, "Ringo, hold this for me."
Arle gave Ringo the nerf gun, which she took with an incredibly confused expression.
"Hey, wait, what-"
Arle used the spell several times, building up immense attack power...
Then roundhouse-kicked Satan in the face.
the end.
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mdpikachu · 2 years
List of hc’s concerning a clown (mephi fgo) as requested
(Not ordered in any way, old hcs and new ones intermixed.)
-Do not put your clown in direct sunlight for extended periods, he will sunburn SO fast.
--Jeanne’s interlude? Where she thanks Mephi for helping her and his response is, open quotes, “Reeeally? I’m not used to this sort of thing, so I’m not quite sure how to respond to that. But as long as you enjoyed yourself, that’s all that matters. Even better if it made you smile!” Please praise your clown. Clowns require praise to function. Hell, just speak to him. Acknowledge him.
-In Chibichuki, Mephi is shown as a hairdresser, so make that Chaldea occupation #3 under Clown and Alchemist. Wait, no. And makeup artist. he’d 100% help james/moriRuler/what have you, with his goofy makeup. edit FORGOT ABOUT THE CASINO DEALER TOO. At this point mephi’s just talented way outside the expected perimeters that aren’t combat. he does a LOT. buttling/butlering if he HAS to. etc. etc. etc. etc. talent clown.
--His eye color is startlingly inconsistent- Sometimes they’re blue and pink, and sometimes just plain Purple. I think in life they were blue without the pink. here’s a visual complaint. i do like the purple but it’s not... correct?
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-There is a joke around here somewhere concerning what it means to have an “ego”. There is also a comment regarding clown gender around here somewhere. Spoilers: it’s a bomb down there. for emergencies. trans rigs. local baby homun goes to dad and says “im boy”. situation over. his ingame bio says ♂? you cannot fight me here. if he really needs to prove it, he’ll let euryale shoot him. for science.
--For the longest time I thought the make-up was permanent markings. In this house they’re permanent markings except when they’re not. 
-Santa Mephi could potentially lead to a Krampus situation, especially if he ends up in half again. I would accept this. I’d also accept getting a costume and being an elf for someone else. I just want him to get into a christmas event for more than 1 seconds. as cute as a lily mephi would be, his spirit origin wouldnt be strong enough to be on it’s own. these are less HCs and more commentary
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--I drew mephi in his lab coat once here, take it, and yes that Is an alchemy circle on his neck. Tattoo from Papa Faust. That’s kept covered up 100% of the time. no touchy. (DID DRAW HIM AGAIN RECENTLY BUT NOT DONE YET)
-bc of his panicked reaction to the large ghost in knk, secretly a bit scared of ghosts. a “bit”. only a “little” (BLATANT LIE)
--the tiny horns he can hide at will and are from innocent monster. two of his tails are from the same source. one tail he’s always had.
-this is the absolute hardest take on here, but i dont think he (mephi the homunculus) killed faust. the innocent monster mephi (the demon) would take CREDIT for it, but he’s just acting in accordance to the myth that he caused it, like how salieri’s totally fucked up. who actually killed faust? idk. the church probably. stop summoning demons and making shit. thats not very churchgoing of you. unless faust himself asks, in which case mephi is free to say “no, i didnt!”. cause he didnt and he liked dad outside of the whole “killing people” thing. (which i did NOT know about when that was decided. kept outta spite and it being too late to fix.)
--isn’t mephi gay in at least one version of Faust. I’d need to research that one. highest honor, slaps with both ace and bi labels and then leaves without explaining myself. 
-mephi cares. mephi cares so Fucking Much and probably genuinely struggles with it. the one i write figured it out, kinda, but he’s lucky. canon mephi and generally accurate mephis have Issues with this.
--the mephi i write for is Lucky. the guda that summoned him (her name is Minako, mink for short) is a horror fan and as soon as she saw his name she was like “oh fuck yes”. in hindsight this is hilarious knowing now that Most People in Chaldea or In General do not like him. no wonder her mephis doing so well. Immediate Acceptance. i wrote that in fucking 2017 with a base knowledge of him. im not fixing it. im not linking it either bc i do need to rewrite a small segment. the og rp that came before that is from even EARLIER. mephi betraying his betrayal nature SPEEDRUN ANY % bc mink yelled “YES I LIKE YOU” immediately. again not changing this.
-hates being Not Clowny, esp. in public. he can tolerate it for short bursts, if its to fuck with everybody, or if he’s allowed to be an Absolute Menace the entire time.
--need a read on his emotions? cant trust his face? look at his tails. his hearts on his tails [i am booed off stage for the pun, and i shout “BUT ITS TRUE!” on the way out].  they wag, they wave, they curl up or go still. sometimes they all do different stuff. i know they’re meant to be one splitting into three but consider;;;; no?
-im like 90% sure he called mash his sister once as a joke in the knk event... he’s not far off. shes a designer baby (that hadn’t been revealed yet), hes a homunculus with an ego. hes like... the prototype to most homunculi and to mash. hes absolutely her older “brother” and if u fuck with her, he gets to kill you for free. from this, he absolutely accepts jokes about Lancelot being his dad. He thinks its Very Funny.
--his SERVANT name is Mephistopheles. named after the contract demon (NAME EXPUNGED). as a Just a Little Guy his name was Philetus and No One is allowed to use that. One of the few things hes serious about. (i don’t remember where i go that from. i think bc it sounded good. I genuinely don’t remember. something between the Pheles part and Philos (which is a name for a type of love, and also the name of a completely unrelated oc that has 0% to do with fate or any of this but. i think it was just bc it sounded good next to Faust or Faustus.)
update on above:  Philetos means beloved so THATS also probably where it came from. faust cared him so goddamn much.
-since he’s very much not human, getting sick is a bit easier for him than the average servant. he also doesnt drink booze for the same reason. 0 to 100 speedrun of a clown eating SHIT.
--Something about being good at witchcraft so hes aware of the witching hour. local fake demon can just. abuse a magical extra hour.
-Always knows the time (HES ALWAYS COVERED IN CLOCKS, CMON). ... actually, even without the clocks. thats his Thing.
--Can and will loophole. Someone call a place Hell? Sure, that’s a hellscape now! He can now appear.
-I DID give a rough design for the contract demon and faust but not putting here.
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clariongradiation · 2 years
wolqotd masterlist part 2
In which I completely forgot to write down the usernames, but these are all sourced from twitter. If you see your ask, lmk and I'll add your name in!
who did your wol/OC trust more? the enigmatic and secretive crystal exarch, who promised he was an ally yet kept everyone in the dark, or the eccentric and condescending emet-selch, who was honest about his intentions at all times?
what trope best describes your wolship?
How does your WoL eat a tub of ice cream? Do they spoon out the center? Start digging from one side down or maybe just scrape off all of the top?
Does your WoL/ OC like booba/chest or are they all about dat ass? Or is there another body part that gets them like 🥵
who would win in a spar between your wol/oc and their partner(s)
What does your wol/OC do to relieve stress? Do they stress bake? Punch things until they can't remember what was bothering them? Cry it out?
What style does/would your wol(oc) decorate their house with?
the wol has fought lots of "monsters", primals, dragons, ascians, sin eaters, etc. Is there any boss that your wol fought that honestly scared them, unnerved them, or caused their confidence to waiver? If there are multiple, which one was the worst for them?
what kind of content would ur oc post online ?
What is your WoL afraid of?
when did your wol/oc realize that they loved their significant other? was it a big, grand realisation, or did it just kind of sneak up on them?
If your WoL had one of those booba mousepads made of them, what would the wrist rest part be? Their booba? Actual melons bc they're a gardener? Burgers? Cakes? What would your WoL's wrist rest have😂
What's the most gremlin kinda meal your WoL has come up with? Either for survival reasons or because gremlin kinda concoctions are their thing.
to those with ancients and azem ocs, do you have a creation myth for them? or do you have parents who birthed/adopted them instead since now we know they're capable of it?
We have canon mounts for our WoLs but, we ALL have our first chocobo! What is your WoL's chocobo name? Do they have a strong bond after going on so many adventures together?
If you're given a chance to have an expac/prequel (timeline who) that is tailor-made SPECIFICALLY for your WoL/XIV OC... What is the title and MSQ 👁️👄👁️ (@unboundhavenn did this one! I love this question sm)
if your WoL or Oc had an in game portrait like the scions do, what would its name be? (e.g. 'Beyond Gloam's Veil' for Y'shtola)
Your WoL/OC has switched jobs with their significant other (or close friend) for a day! How do they fare?
For Auri Wols/Ocs, do you have any headcanon Auri lore about your beloved lizard, or Au Ra in general? Tell me all about it. Tails, scales, horns, sheds. What are your hcs about Auri communities? Lizard babies? I need to know!
who in your ship is the one who says they don't want dessert, and who's the one resigned to having to share theirs? 😄
if your wol was a romance-able option in a game, what are 3 gifts that would increase their friendship meter? What 3 things would decrease it?
inspired by the korean player poll! what reasons would netizens (or npcs) give for wanting to marry or not marry your wol/oc ?
Link to part one:
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mxthtea · 3 years
HCs for Ei and Miko with an Idol!reader please? You can skip this request if you like !!
hi anon !! you never said if you wanted ei n miko separate or not so i did them together :> you can send the req again if you wanted separate hc !
request info
note: used she/they pronouns for ei !! gender is a myth to them <3
ei x gn! idol! reader x yae miko warnings: yae calls reader 'love,' lowercase writing, grammar + spelling mistakes, tell me if i forgot any. description:
what if ei and yae were dating an idol reader? here's some hc about it! word count: 492
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these two are your biggest fans!! even if yae has duties at the shrine, she will go to your performances and she will force ei to come with. you see them in the crowds as you perform and it brings the biggest smile your face seeing them in the crowd cheering you on!
the only reason ei isn't bouncing to get to your performances is because she doesn't really know what being an idol is. after they went into the plane of euthymia a few hundred years ago, a lot has changed! so you explain to them what being an idol means and how it won't impede on your relationship with them. yae also comes in to tease ei a bit about it in the end.
and of course, yae wouldn't mind if you taught her some things about being an idol as well. it's not that she doesn't like being head shrine maiden or the owner of a publishing. she just wants to know about your idol secrets! and since she owns your half of your heart, you give them to her.
ya know the event where xinyan come into inazuma? yae and ei would totally want to see you two perform together! xinyan has amazing music and you're a great singer so why not combine each other's talents for a mini performance? and with xinyan being stoked to perform and show off her rock n' roll, she agrees and so do you! that performance is one of your favorites and sometimes you perform with xinyan once in a while for fun.
if you're ever stumped on a song, yae is definitely one of the best people to go to. she has a ton of stories to inspire you for a song so she'd love to help you if you're stuck on some lyrics. due to her, you have a few songs referencing past events of inazuma.
"love, you've been staring at the same piece of paper for at least twenty minutes now," yae points out.
you sigh, "i know, it's just… i have no song ideas right now and i'm really stuck on this. the lyrics feel off and the tempo feels too slow but also too fast for this! it just doesn't feel right."
"oh? would you like me to tell you a story then? it's helped before after all."
"mm… if you wouldn't mind, yae."
"of course not! now where do i begin…"
ei comes in to see yae telling a story of the past and sits beside you. since they've been in the plane of euthymia for so long, they missed a lot. so the day ends with you, yae, and ei all sitting together as yae tells one of her many stories from her lifetime.
and in the morning, you bet you could finish up a few song's your working on. just so you could surprise yae and ei with a small performance just for them.
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wxrgod · 7 years
ares has thee favorite movies: fight club, die hard, and night at the museum 
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rrasado · 2 years
omg, i just saw the filo!mc hcs and the part where the first years are down right terrified of filipino myths and such made me think what if filo!mc just started singing ili-ili tulog anay out of nowhere (mainly because they're trolling and wanted to show off their voice? tbh i'd do the same if i was insulted bcuz tHE AUDACITY ?!)
You are so right because even if we doubt our position as being part of the 99% of Filipinos who can sing it feels wrong when it's someone else who points it out.
Ili-ili is a special instance where Filo!Mc can kill two birds with one stone 👀. A part of me thinks that they also initially started singing that lullaby to put grim to sleep at Ramshackle since he's sort of the child who's mother went out to buy bread (is this the pinoy version of a dad going out to buy milk? Perhaps-).
Imagine during Arc 5 when most of the group stay at ramshackle they hear the faint melody coming from the farthest room down the corridor, the prefect forgot to fully shut the door so during Adeuce's sweets heist they start to wonder if someone's actually haunting the place 🤔. I doubt Filo!Mc's voice can actually be as hoarse or deep as the three ghosts so is there a 4th one? Another entity entirely? This is much worse for the others who have never bunked at Ramshackle before TwT.
Or maybe late at night on campus after a tiring day of running errands for the headmaster, Filo!Mc starts humming so the other stray students began distancing themselves from that coincidentally dark corridor you're walking down on 👌. Poor first years don't trust you wandering at night alone anymore ToT.
Then there's Malleus, who may possibly join in once he has a grasp of the melody, two cryptids scaring the hell out of passersbyers with a haunting melody? What could go wrong am I right :D!
- 🌘
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 4 years
Hello there! Can you write hcs for Tim with a demigodess!reader please? Congrats on your 600 followers btw^^
Tim Drake x Demigoddess!Reader
A/N: Thank you so much! So I’m totally dense about greek myths and stuff and I was gonna make her Thor’s daughter at first but then I forgot about that I did Hades but when I remembered it was already written so oh well
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You were the daughter of Hades and Persephone
You had kind of a weird childhood
Don’t get me wrong, it was a great childhood
Being princess of the underworld and the daughter of the only sane people in all of Olympus had its perks
But compared to everyone else, it was weird
Hades was extremely protective of you because you were a mortal
Meaning that you could die
The thought of having to greet your soul when you died filled him with so much grief
So, he kept you sheltered, kept you safe
Never letting you lift a finger
As princess you had everything you ever needed and everything your heart desired
Since birth you had been trained by Athena and Aries under your father’s watchful eyes
When you were 16 and you finally wanted to see the rest of the world, you begged your parents to let you go to the mortal world
It took months of begging and when they said no, you’d get so upset that all the flowers in the underworld would wither
Persephone seeing how much you wanted to see the world
So, she convinces Hades to let you go
And he agrees but just as long as you promise to visit
You go to the human world and you’re so oblivious about human life that it’s concerning
Walking around in a floor length dress wondering why everyone else wasn’t dressed the same way
This is how you meet Diana Prince
She recognizes you immediately when you arrive at the Smithsonian, looking mildly confused
Your eyes light up when you see a familiar face
You stay with her for a couple of days before she decides that you’d be better off at the cave
That’s exactly what happens
Even though you whine a little and say you want to stay with her
She just knows it’s because you’re nervous about being in a new place
You know that if you were in any real danger your parents would inflict rage on the mortal world
Feeling mildly comforted at the idea
Diana doesn’t tell them to add you to the group
She just tells them that you need a place to stay and someone to help you find your way around
The first people you meet are Batman, Nightwing and Robin
Immediately being comforted just by looking at them
Batman reminded you of your dad and Nightwing of your mom
And Diana trusted them so you did too
You end up following Tim and Dick around for the next couple of days like a lost puppy
Dick finds it amusing
Tim is kinda unsettled but thinks you’re stupid for some reason
It isn’t until he actually talks to you, he realizes you’re much more profound than he gave you credit for
You don’t officially join the team
You just live there
Everyone thinks that you have no training whatsoever
And that you’re just a princess
Which you technically are but
Until you’re watching them train one day and then remember the days you would spar with Athena
It looked like so much fun
Immediately you wanted to join in
Some of them rolled their eyes and thought you were wasting their time
The others were happy to let you join in
They wanted to make Bart spar you but you looked around contemplatively before pointing at Tim
“If it is alright with you, I wish for you to be my partner.”
Tim blushing because what you said sounded like you were choosing him as a life partner, rather than sparring partner
Of course, Bart teases him for it as well as the others
When Tim walks up to the middle, Dick subtlety tells him to take it easy on you and he nods
The match is over before he can even make a move
You had the speed and strength of a god, it wasn’t a surprise
Not to you at least
To everyone else, kind of a huge surprise
Standing over him and giggling
“I want a rematch.”
“But of course.”
Spending the rest of the day sparring with him
He doesn’t beat you even once
And the others just watch you throw him around for an afternoon
After a while it stops being funny and Nightwing is almost concerned
It kind of hurts his pride but you still acknowledge him
“You know, for a human, you’re very skilled.”
“Uh, thank you?”
After that you go through the other members quite quickly
Some of them gave you a little trouble, like Conner
But you managed to be undefeated
They all think you should join the team after that and you agree
Spending more time with Tim that way
Always talking to him about your family’s history and stuff
Telling him all about your parents love story when he asked to hear about it
You talk so fondly of it and he’s honestly just kind of shocked that Greek Mythology isn’t mythology
I mean, he knew it was real because of Diana
But he never really understood how real these gods were
He falls for you
He loves the way your eyes light up and you smile at him
He loves the way you’re always eager to learn
He loves that you’re so kind and gentle but can also beat people up without even trying
He asks you out but it didn’t go as well as he was hoping
“Do you want to go out with me?”
“Yes, a walk sounds lovely.”
“(Y/N), I like you.”
“Aw that’s so sweet Tim, I like you too, friend.”
Everyone else starts enjoying the way he crashes and burns all the time
And Tim would stop asking usually
But he knows it in his bones that you like him too
But he has no other way to tell you aside from marching up to you and kissing you
Makes that Plan B tho
Plan A is getting you a bouquet of your favourite flowers and telling you that he likes you
Not platonically
You grin widely and tell him you like him too
Kissing you just as the sun set that day
It’s one of your favourite memories
His too
Everyone being extremely happy and supporting of your relationship
You can tell Batman is trying to threaten you
But your father is god of the underworld and you have a three headed dog
So, when you and Tim are caught kissing in some hidden crevice in the cave by him and he tries telling you off, you can’t help you smile adorably
“Don’t worry Batman, I have no intention of dishonouring your son.”
Batman is like ???
And Tim is either like “Please don’t speak like we’re in the 1800s.”
or “Please dishonour me.”
He buys you pomegranates as a joke but then you prank him saying that if he eats them, he has to return to the underworld with you
Dick (Nightwing) approves
You like falling asleep in his arms so more often than not you plead with him to stay at the cave and sleep with you
He knows relationships in Olympus generally move a lot quicker so he ends up having to sit you down and explain everything to you so you know his boundaries
Totally accepting them and never going farther than he wants
You appreciate the small things
Like sitting in his lap and eating breakfast
Or being the small spoon
You become the team’s resident couple
Being part of a team, a family is honestly so much fun
Everyone thinking your invincible and practically indestructible
Until one day you’re hurt on the battlefield
Everyone freaking out and getting you back to the cave so you could be treated
The next morning, Tim goes to check up on you and finds something shocking
He’s not sure what to be more surprised by
Cerberus napping at the foot of your bed
Or you crying
Even though the giant, three-headed dog freaks him out, he still sits beside you and asks what’s wrong
“My father demands that I return home. He cannot stand the thought of me being hurt.”
His heart stops
He likes you so much, even bordering on love
And he doesn’t want you to leave
But who was he to stop the God of the Underworld?
Comforting you when you cried, hugging you tightly
“Shh it’s gonna be okay.”
You return home after that and it breaks Tim’s heart
You don’t officially break up but it’s kind of implied because you can never return back to the mortal world
Him being depressed for the next few months but he hides it well
Even though everyone knows how he’s feeling
Things aren’t any better on your end
Your heart aches with every second your away from him
Until one day it happens
Your soul wants to be with Tim
So, it tries to leave your body
You have a heart attack that night and nearly die and it horrifies Hades
He goes all the way to the mortal world to find Tim
Tim doesn’t quite understand how you could have a heart attack from missing him
But is still worried and agrees to go to the Underworld to see you
When he gets there, you’re in so much pain
But once he brings you into his arms you feel sated
When he kisses you, everything fades into a dull ache
Hades wants Tim to stay in the Underworld after that but you argue and tell him to go back to the land of the living
This wasn’t the place for him
“I’ll give up on you, I promise, but you can’t stay here any longer my love.”
“I don’t want to leave your side.”
“I’m sorry, but you know we can’t be.”
Tim goes the next morning and it breaks your heart but you know that it’s for the best
You spend the next few weeks in such sorrow that all of Persephone’s plants die
Hades and Persephone both see how much you love Tim and they are reminded of themselves when they were younger
Making a joint decision to let you go back to the mortal world
But you have to live a long life
That’s the one condition
You running into the cave and crashing into Tim’s arms
Kissing him there and feeling everything go right in the world
You fulfil your parents wish
And live a long, happy life by Tim’s side
Forever Taglist:
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astrxealis · 2 years
HOME SWEET MOON RERUN GBF ???? oh my god LET'S FUCKING GO i love the society members sm like please just look at them, (no spoilers? under the cut btw ^^)
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rambling a bit abt eustace bcs i am Never and will Never be over his lines !!! like yes sir i would definitely like you to pet my head. and i want to pet your ears too. also he has great taste he loves DOGS ALSO HIS STORY !! it reminds me of another fave of mine but in ffxivjfheidhekdhaos i love em both so much
rambling a bit abt eustace bcs i am Never and will Never be over his lines !!! like yes sir i would definitely like you to pet my head. and i want to pet your ears too. also he has great taste he loves DOGS ALSO HIS STORY !! it reminds me of another fave of mine but in ffxivjfheidhekdhaos i love em both so much
VASERAGA IS AMAZING !!! i rlly love his development and story esp w his relationship w zeta sobsobsobso
but yeah zeta rlly is one of my fave girls fr i really really like her :(( she gives me like. she can be my big sis bestie but also at the same time that girl u have a huge crush on ???????? friend to lovers w her PLEASE also she sso prefyy please and cute pela
PLEASEEEEE ILsa shld step on me ... literally Maam ......... i love her a lot fr tho and def she shld get her dream and get married sometime she deserves it
CASSIUS OH GOOD LORD CASSISYSUEHSIJD MY TWIN LIKES YOU MORE BUT I ALSO LIKE YOU A LOT I THINK ???? not as mucha s zeta and eustace but holy shit CASSIUS he is so cute and his char dvweopemnt is so MHMMMMM YES KING i hc him as nonbinary though
AND ISAAC !!!!!!! OH HELL YEAH ISAAC HE IS SO GREAT help i have no more words to say but rlly i love his story and hes such a great guy
tbh though the story gets p disturbing at times ,,, like ifykyk ,,, reminds me of that one greek myth? tantalus if im not mistaken ... !! nto as bad but. still distubring AND THEN THE BRAIN ... holy ahit
Anyways the society series is great !! a lot more mechy feeling and technological seeming but still good i think? personally i enjoyed home sweet moon :] so heartwarming esp after what ahppened b4 hand TvT
personally i didnt really find this event to be super Wow and Epic but it was enjoyable!! i think. its been more than a yearduehfjsbd i cant rmbr super well anymore but i love them <3
AND I ALMOST FORGOT HOLY SHIT BUT GWYNNE !!! <333333 yes gwynne yes lets go girl
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bi-hop · 2 years
I forgot I wrote these out ages ago so some backstory hcs for Nessa 
in the real world, Nessa would be Black Ainu on one side [mom’s side] and Black Jamaican on the other [dad’s side]. but this is not the real world so let’s keep going
Nessa was born in Hulbury, a small town residing on the waterfront that relied on seafood as its main source of commerce. her mother sold wares in the marketplace that she pulled up from the depths during her free drives - pearls, shells, whatever she could grab. she had grown up in Hulbury too, though her grandmother once lived in what they still called Hisui. her father, however, was a fisherman who hailed from a more tropical region. he moved to Galar in the hopes of gaining better prospects financially. growing up, Nessa often went out with him on fishing trips
as a child, Nessa quickly became fascinated with the ocean and Water types. she learned from her dad and his coworkers how best to catch and prepare them for food, but that saddened her because she wanted to train them. to comfort her, her mother taught her a Hisuian myth. 
Nessa grew up to be a strong girl. her constant swimming in the ocean made her a favorite pick for the swimming team she eventually joined. the sport wasn’t her true passion though. once she was 13, she gained a sponsorship from the local Gym Leader and set off
she was in the same cohort as Leon, Sonia, Raihan, and Piers. she bonded well with all of them in different ways, but especially Sonia. when Sonia dropped out after Opal’s gym, she was extremely disappointed. in her mind, there was something special about the other girl and she would have liked to continue all the way together
after Leon won the championship title, Nessa returned home, back to her schooling and swimming. she wanted to reevaluate what she wanted to do with her life. a year after coming back, she signed up as a gym trainer for the Hulbury Gym. though it was mainly on a whim, she found it was actually quite fun. she had a good mind for testing other trainers 
once she was 16 and pretty well established as a member of the Gym, she got scouted for modeling. she was already becoming very tall and her presence on social media caught the attention of modeling agencies. she only accepted offers her parents approved of to avoid unsavory attention, but she did enjoy entering that world.
only when she turned 18 did she finally become the Hulbury Gym Leader. everyone else but her knew it was coming though. Nessa was not only talented, but she was a beloved member of the community. to this day, her family is quite proud of her
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lovingjeankirstein · 3 years
watching trese w kuya iwa and oikawa hcs? 👁👁
bestie romeo back at it again with the kuya iwa hc ideas.
gn! reader (ALSO: t = tooru oikawa; h = hajime iwaizumi; y/n = you)
watching trese with oikawa and half-filipino! iwaizumi
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you and iwa would’ve watched it already, but oikawa brings it up one day when he sees it while finding what to watch on netflix.
t: iwa channn, y/n channn!! did you watch that new filipino anime that came out on netflix yet??
h: yea what about it?
y/n: im down!! we can educate you on our culture and myths too.
you’re all either at oikawa’s house or haji’s, but if you’re at haji’s, he’ll have filipino snacks for all of you to really enhance the experience.
we got everything like boy bawang, balut, oishi shrimp chips, piattos, otap, pancit canton, literally anything bruh. (choc nut for nuno)
you and hajime will be cuddling on the couch or be closer to each other than oikawa and he’s there third wheeling like 💀💀
t: huh it’s getting a little cold in here don’t you think
h: *throws him a blanket* here that’ll fix it
like in serious parts he’ll shut up and pay attention but otherwise he’ll just be talking and asking about it at random parts sm you’ll have to rewind a lot.
t: ooh what’s that
y/n: it’s a duwende
t: *tries to say it for the next 5 minutes*
y/n: tooru i will throw this remote at you i’ll help you learn it later just sh for now
h: nuno is a spirit of the elderly. if you don’t say “tabi tabi po” on their property they will curse you. he reminds me of you.
y/n: 😀☝🏼 NO well maybe BUT NO IT’S BC YOU’RE A CHISMOSA TANGINA (chismosa: gossiper. tangina = bitch)
when moments like the prison attack happen with the thing with the prisoner, he actually wants to chat about it and his opinion before the next episode. it turns into a whole deep conversation.
this makes watching stuff with oikawa so fun and worthwhile.
you guys would be watching in tagalog dub and he’d be shocked to find out some of the things haji calls him are so rude.
WHEN THE WIND ELEMENTS GET THEIR PRIZE OF GETTING LAID BY KAMBAL (pls that was so humorous i can’t) OIKAWA MAKES SM SMUG COMMENTS you guys end up laughing a lot.
t: woah ho ho getting action i seee 👀 kambal went to town that night hehe
during the final battle he gets so upset when everything starts going wrong.
don’t forget his tagalog would be pretty slanged but he’s trying
lowkey predicted the ending tho. he’d be like “is this some ending where the lesson is family is stronger than anything or something”
5 minutes later: “Malakas nga ang lukso ng dugo, pero hindi matitinag ang pamilya.” (the bond of blood might be strong, but the bond of family is stronger)
all in all, oikawa would really enjoy trese. he likes the folklore and he got to learn more about his besties.
he finds all of the aswangs and creatures very cool and interesting even tho they may look ugly/scary to him.
he liked that it was funny and really showed the culture of the philippines. he ofc would say all this to both you and haji.
he would text you two in the middle of the night that he got a nightmare of a tiyanak or xa mul. you guys would lowk laugh but reassure him they aren’t real for like two weeks.
he’d also swear he saw the white lady of balente drive while walking home from practice even though we’re in japan???
you guys wouldn’t express it, but you guys both appreciate oikawa enjoying it and his willingness to know more about the legends and myths from where you two came from. oikawa def knows you two feel this way tho.
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aoba johsai masterlist
tags: @nanaomiomi @jesus-christ-super-ace
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