#( i feel called out l mao )
ecemichi · 2 years
Ring.A.Bell Chapter 13
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Time: (On the day of the PV shooting.)
Arashi: Well? Do you think this'll work for the shooting, Anzu-chan?
Wonderful. In that case, all my hard work won't go to waste!
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Mao: They must use your methods in Hell, Arashi... You're a real Spartan.
Arashi: But it's thanks to that that you'll be able to give the best proposal possible. ♪
Of course, there's still plenty of room for improvement — in fact, if I had the time, I would've pushed you muuuuch farther.
Midori: Eeh~... It’s already a lot…
Anzu-san, sorry for having caused such a ruckus because of my misunderstanding.
Mao: Yeah, I... caused a pretty big fuss too, so I'm sorry.
Oh? You didn’t mind it much? I’m glad…♪
Eh? You have so much work to do you don’t have the time to give for such worries?
Mao: Ahaha, that's so like you. Alrighty then! Go ahead and look after us idols as much as you'd like, Anzu.
Midori: Hm? It looks like the shooting will start in a bit. Then, we’ll be off.
Mao: Guess I'll get going too, then. We'll be givin' it our best shot, so don't look away from us for even a second, alright~? Producer. ♪
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Eichi: Hey, won't you say my name like you always do?
Your voice is more soothing than any music I’ve ever heard, as if an angel itself had come to greet me.
Not a single person in all the world knows if the road ahead will be a happy one or not...
However, so long as you call out for me, I can live a blissful life.
Ah, truly... I truly do need you in my life to be happy.
I'm glad you feel the same.
Thank you for always being by my side.
And now, I can return that sentiment. I vow to remain at your side, until the day death sees fit to part us.
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Keito: …Don’t expect a rose coloured marria—Ehem. Sorry. I spoke in a harsh manner by habit.
But you understand who I am, moreso, you accept me for who I am.
That kind side of you delights me.
I wish to convey my feelings more honestly, but… But with my personality, it might be a little hard.
However, it would be a bit unfair if I’d be the only one receiving this kindness.
That’s why I’ll take whatever measures are needed to properly convey these feelings.
It’s my vow to you—As we’ll be sharing the joys and sorrows of life together from now on.
Thank you for always supporting me.
To fulfill our dreams together that cannot be fulfilled alone—
Let’s take one step at a time together… I love you.
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Leo: I love you, I love you, I loooooove you! I really, truly love you!
... Just kidding. ♪
I've got a world’s worth of love in my heart, but y'know what? It’s still no good. It’s not even close to the amount you deserve.
When I'm with you, I'm so happy I could burst!
... But at the same time, I’ve learned what it’s like to feel lonely too.
This pain I feel when we're apart, the yearning that joins hands with it... I never would've felt these if I hadn't met you!
But weirdly enough, I don't mind 'em at all!
You wanna know why? 'Cause because of you, of what I feel for you, the sound of "love" has only become more and more harmonious. As if I was playing with a completed piano, with every white and black key present!
That's why... no matter how many quarrels we have, or if there's ever a time that our differences might feel like burdens on our minds... Will you sing with me?
I'd wanna, because my songs are ever-flowing with my love for you.
From now until forever, l wanna pen my notes next to yours on this music sheet of life—and compose the longest love song this world has ever heard!
If it's with you... I know we can do it.
Mao: (Damn, I'd expect nothing less from our seniors! They're really amazing...
No matter how hard it is to say, I've gotta stay strong! I've gotta do my best too...!)
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Since meeting you, I've found happiness around every corner...
I think if I hadn't... then I never would've noticed just how much joy there was right under my nose.
I really wish I could've said something cool, like "Just follow me!"...
... But instead, you were the one who led me. As hard as it is for me to admit that now.
That's why... That's why, I want to walk with you, hand in hand.
Side by side. Step by step. Let's go together.
That way... Even if we're apart, we'll still be connected to each other—y'know?
If we lose sight of one another, we'll always know where the other's at. So let's walk the same path together, from now until forever.
So... Um... What I mean is...
... I love you.
So please! Let's spend the rest of our lives together!
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Midori: Umm… Since the day I met you and… you took my hand…
The pain and worries in my chest slowly started to fade away.
Everything around me began to bloom in colour.
I didn’t understand why it felt like things were slowly changing as the days went by… But now, I think I finally know the reason.
I liked today, more than yesterday—and tomorrow, more than today… All of that is because you provided me with “love”, little by little…
We laughed together on happy days, cried together on sad days. We worried together on hard days and held hands together on joyful days.
Through that, you slowly bestowed me with “love”…
That’s why, I was able to like myself a little, too.
I still… don’t know much about love or whatever… But, it feels right to call this feeling in my chest that.
I've always given up on everything, but for the first time in my life… I don’t want to abandon something; I don’t want to let go of you.
Umm… Could you… stay by my side like this forever?
I’m still far away from being reliable, and I’m still pretty pitiful but… I truly want to shower you with kindness.
I will always love you.
(Oh… My brother must’ve, also…)
Mao Leo Eichi and Arashi tl: Peace
Midori and Keito tl: me
JP proof: Mika Enstars
ENG proof:ryuseipuka
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mainstoryarchive · 1 month
Underachievers - 18: Doubt
Translator: Peace
Proofreader: 310mc
Subaru: Ohh, so your goal was to check out who the client was?
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Location: ES Live Stage
Subaru: Ohh, so your goal was to check out who the client was?
Then you haven't decided if we're even gonna do this live or not? Even though I got totally prepared for it?
Hokuto: You're all jumping to conclusions as usual.
I only said we may do one, but you're the ones who decided to meet up already dressed up, weren’t you?
Subaru: Well, that's 'cause this is our first big break in a while!
I was looking forward to it, y’know~? We've been doing nothing but small-time lives this whole time, you know? There's no way we could make profit just on that!
Hokuto: I mean, I feel the same. It might be because of the air at ES, or maybe it's the whole L$ system that's being used now, but it feels like we're being restricted in every sense of the word.
Any more stress and we'd explode.
So I thought this'd be a good way to release some of that pressure… But that's why I believed it was important to confirm who our mysterious client was before.
Subaru: So it's not your papa, Hokke~? But you got some kind of message through HoldHands a bit ago, right?
Hokuto: Ah… When I first got the message, I thought "this guy's trying to start something," so I was gonna grill him about it.
But that guy isn’t around the venue. The person who sent that message wasn't my father at all.
I only noticed this once it was pointed out, but the message I got might've been forged.
By using his icon and ID, they impersonated my father and sent that message.
Makoto: Ahh, you've gotta keep your guard up more, Hidaka-kun. You can’t just forget that simply because HoldHands is a messaging system that's exclusive only to ES.
The net's host to all kinds of bad people, so it's no wonder that something like that could happen.
Since I'm the best of us when it comes to the internet, should I manage everyone's HoldHands accounts?
Hokuto: Ah, if you have the time to, then please do.
Though, I'm aware I was simply at fault here for immediately trashing the message as soon as I thought it was from my father…
I should've thought about it more calmly.
Makoto: I mean~ To be fair, no one would expect to get a forged message on HoldHands.
That aside, wouldn't now be the time to make up with your dad, Hidaka-kun?
Subaru: That's right, that's right~. Unlike me, you still have a great papa around that loves you super a lot, you know? You're wasting that!
Hokuto: This isn't the time for that. We oughta be thinking about this mysterious plot we've found ourselves in instead.
I'd rather avoid being dragged around by others, but I can't figure out that person's intentions no matter how hard I try.
It was like this with the guy who called me out too, he kept talking about strange, elusive things, and I couldn’t understand where he was getting at.
Makoto: Who was it exactly? From what you’ve told us, it sounds like that guy could be our anonymous client…?
Mao: Ugh~, this smells fishy… Is he like, trying to make use of us once we get on stage?
Subaru: I guess that would make sense, since we've got nothing but our names right now.
But we're not making any L$, and anything we do earn with our popularity gets spent pretty much immediately.
Hokuto: Mmhmm. It's vexing, but in terms of what the ranking says about our L$-amount, we're pretty much below average.
Thanks to that, I don't even know if we'll be able to afford to participate in the MDM, even though we have to do it, no matter the cost.
Subaru: Yeah. Our good fortune's definitely on the decline, so we might be seen as an easy target.
Maybe they wanna make the winners of the SS lose on the very stage they were called onto, so they can spread their victory against us around…?
Hokuto: Then they’re just looking down on us if that’s what they think will happen.
Fine then, if they wanna end up on their hands and knees they're more than welcome to fight us. We'll make them regret thinking that we're so easy to take down.
Mao: Hold on, seriously, you guys get so heated at the drop of a hat. We’re not like Knights and their thirst for fights, y’know? Let's figure out what that guy's aim is before we make a move.
Makoto: Yeah, Isara-kun's on the money. We haven't gotten as far as we'd like within ES because we keep following our impulses, so we should think before we act more often.
But really, I didn't expect any different. Unlike Yumenosaki Academy, ES is part of the adult world, so if you let your emotions control you you'll get nowhere.
Hokuto: Hmph. I'm still pissed at being made light of, though.
Mao: In the first place, it's crazy that you're thinking we're being provoked into a fight from this alone.
What if, by some chance, they're someone who really wanted to meet us no matter the cost. Someone who slapped down a whole lot of money for it.
If that was the case, it'd be the absolute worst to give 'em a beatdown, don'tcha think?
Hokuto: No, it's not likely that it's a fan of ours. I talked with the person who requested us just a bit ago—
I remember feeling uncomfortable as hell with how they spoke and acted… It was as if my entire body was slathered in filth, I felt disgusting.
How should I put it— I'd never felt anything like that at Yumenosaki Academy.
As if the moment I turned my back on them, they'd strike… They weren't openly hostile, but they had the air of someone you couldn't trust.
I felt like I was in the jaws of a carnivore… Not that I was terrified of him, or anything, but–
They felt murderous, absurdly so. They looked at me as if I'd hurt their entire family… and held a serious grudge for it.
Makoto: Huh~. So what did you talk about with him, anyway? I mean, did they give you their name?
If you give me their name or what they look like, then I can do a background check pretty easily–
Hokuto: Yes, please. They spoke like they were from Tokyo, albeit with a rougher edge…? It was a man who had a knack for throwing insincere, rude words around.
If I remember correctly– Ah, yes, he introduced himself as Amagi Rinne.
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junglekarmapippa · 1 year
Robbie on Robbie #1: “If not for you, I wouldn’t come at all”
From “A place to crash” from “Intensive Care”
RJ took a deep breath as he walked behind his students into the forest.
The others were talking animatedly, but he was feeling both bored and unmotivated. He should be as excited as they were, but he just felt sad.
He remembered the day he had been told who the Chosen Protectors were and what they were supposed to do. He had sat in that room full of grown men in full control of their animal spirits, powers and abilities, discussing leaving the most dangerous battle of their Order for children to fight.
He had been angry. He felt insulted. He wanted to call them all cowards and no amount of talk about destiny would change his mind. These grown men were sending children to fight the fight they were too scared to fight.
He had only agreed to train them because as far as he knew, he was the only master in that room who actually cared about the wellbeing of the Chosen Protectors.
He had felt slightly relieved when he saw that Casey, Theo and Lily weren’t as young as he thought. Sure, they weren’t adults, but they were closer to adulthood than childhood and that meant they had enough brains to keep their noses cleans, right?
Not one hour later he had had to rescue them from a Rinshi that was about to kill them. And then Casey told him he had only been in the academy for one week.
He had kept a composed face and had assured them they’d be ready and they had nothing to worry about, but as soon as they had gone to bed, RJ had made his way to the empty academy and engaged with Master Mao in something that was more a shouting match than a conversation. 
RJ didn’t often feel so angry that he lost his number, but when he did, he really did.
He had returned to the loft after at least giving Master Mao a piece of his mind and had found Casey staring out the window waiting for him.
The boy was petrified. He was so scared for his life, ranger powers or not. RJ had huged him tightly and had promised to make sure he was ready when the time came.
It had been almost a year since that night. Right now, Casey walked along with Lily and Theo, chatting animatedly as they made their way to the Pai Zhua Academy.
When they arrived, RJ looked around the courtyard for the other masters, but they seemed to have chosen the flair for the dramatic that permeated everything related to the academy.
Finally Casey noticed his uneaseness.
“Hey, are you okay?” He asked, putting a hand on RJ’s shoulder. RJ nodded but said nothing. “RJ,” Casey called again, standing in front of him so he couldn’t walk away. “What’s wrong?”
RJ took a few seconds to breathe. “I grew up in this place, Casey. This wasn’t the academy, this was home. I thought I knew everythign there was to know about it, I spent so much time reading, exploring, training.” RJ took a deep breath as he saw Masters Finn, Swoop and Phant approach them. “But it still had one last secret, and now it doesn’t feel like home anymore.”
“What secret?” Casey asked, making sure Theo and Lily weren’t within earshot. They weren’t, as they had gone to meet the other masters.
“It’s kind of a secret secret,” RJ said simply and started walking towards the other five.
Casey put a hand on his shoulder. “RJ, please, tell me what’s wrong. It’s me. You know I’ll take it to my grave.”
“I just don’t like being back here,” RJ said. He wasn’t about to spill his heart out about the hard times he had had at the academy while training under his father’s iron fist and then after they had stopped talking.
He wasn’t about to tell Casey about how his heart sank and his soul was crushed when the secrets kept only for the Masters were revealed to him. How he had felt his very self shatter when his home had become his hell. 
No. It was not the time, nor the place. 
He looked at Casey and smiled, choosing to focus on how much Casey had grown as a warrior, and as a man, since he had met him. And today was his Master test.
Their Master test.
“Let’s just say... if not for you, I wouldn’t come at all.”
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restinpeacesensei · 5 years
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#boueibu#akoya gero#kusatsu kinshirou#kinshiro kusatsu#arima ibushi#my art#my comic#silvormoon !!! thank you so much for noticing all the details uwaa i am so honored you even mentioned the pearl bracelets omg!!! \>////</#i love how you said you feel like you're being welcomed to an exclusive garden party that's exactly the mood i wanted to give!! ;;O;;#akoya would be honored to have you attend his garden tea! you are very welcome to it!!! >////<#ravensimaginaryfriends waaa your comment is so kind like always thank you for always being so sweet!!! \TAT/#and omg im happy the outfit looks fine enough for such a special occasion... much happiness to you!!#thatlittledandere !!!! omg your comments are calming and soothing to read in themselves thank you.. this is such an honor!! \T__T/#to think of this as the gate to a world of love and warmth and akoya there to welcome weary travelers.. is too precious an image skvjh omg;;#to begin a new adventure free of pain and suffering is too beautiful an image i cry!!! \T__T/ such kindness omg you too must be an angel;;;#i hope the dress really exists and is sold somewhere kvhsg if you want it i want you to have it!!! \>O</#legendofthefireemblem !!! thank you so much for calling it beautiful omg you're so sweet!! ;;w;;#nerdgod555 omg THANK YOU FOR SAYING that pool water is always freezing at the start of every swimming season!! IT TOTALLY IS RIGHT#after all the pools do get frozen during the winter ... im so glad it's relatable thank you for sharing!!#you're very brave if you just jump in and go for it!! i can do that if it's super hot out but otherwise i slide in gradually L MAO#but then once you get in it's always fine!!#moon-jellyfish !! omg you went swimming just like akoya!! that sounds like so much fun i hope you had a great time!! ;;w;;#im happy it's swimming season for you too!! and that you know the feeling of the water being cold at first LOL it's a universal experience..#im so happy you said his swimsuits are just so cute WAHHH thank you for being so nice to him!!;;; ;;~~;;#he is just trying on the second one but he feels so grateful to receive your compliment cries;;; T////T#ironpaladont OMG i love your idea that he is trying on the second swimsuit bc it's warmer than a two-piece??? THAT'S SO PERFECT OMG#it makes total sense!! that's very smart i hope akoya can wear the cute ruffly swimsuit out and stay warm!!! >////<#he's so happy you complimented him so much on the swimsuit as well thank you for noticing all the ruffles and flowers wahhh;;;#hes so happy you like his hair braided wahh ;;w;; ty for wishing him a great summer youre so kind!!! he hopes you have a great summer too!!!#talisman975 and OMG akoya is so honored you asked if he was a famous model aaaa??? thank you so much this comment made my day!! >////<
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misdre · 2 years
some things about beyblade character names
there are a few names that keep popping up in fandom things that aren't the canon names of the characters and i find this just kind of curious, so i thought i'd look at some. (prefacing this by saying this is just explanatory canon stuff. do use whatever headcanon names you want regardless of what misdre is saying on the internet again)
kyouju/professor/chief/kenny: starting with a simple one but he somehow has exceptionally many different names. his actual name is manabu. (poor guy is never called this by anyone but his own mom)
takao's grandfather: it's ryuunosuke, as opposed to just ryu(u) which seems to be a fanon equivalent that i see used here and there. maybe ryuunosuke feels too long so people just chop it in half to make spelling easier, i dunno.
'brooklyn masefield' and 'mathilda alster/angelloni/some other version': they don't actually have canon surnames. i also use the fanon names for convenience in fics, but they are just that. the ones used for mathilda are actually so close to each other that i have wondered if there is some kind of source for them, though, since i've also seen japanese fanart using angelloni. but none of the manga material from aoki has this name on it for what i’ve seen.
volkov/vorkov/balkov: i know a good chunk of the fandom just calls him boris per the english dub but anyway. the 'balkov' spelling i believe also comes from the dub. in the original, his name is specifically spelled with the katakana formation for rendering letter v, which japanese innately doesn't have. whether it's supposed to be 'volkov' or 'vorkov' i don't actually have any other evidence on than volkov being by far a more common russian surname and given that all the other characters have john smith-esque names, i put my money on that one personally. but japanese uses r in place of l so it’s still dubious anyways for all i know.
rai and mao’s surname: it’s chen (or cheng) as written in the manga. the ‘chou’ version i believe comes from a weird misspelling in the anime, but there’s an occasion of DJ calling them chen there as well so i think that’s just the anime staff not knowing how to spell anything in latin alphabet (i mean, gouki is spelled ‘gouache’ in s2. it’s that bad) also ‘wong’ is an english dub fanon name i think, AFAIK not many characters had dub canon surnames
sergey's surname: it's rybakov. i believe a fanon version is petrov and the reason it's been used is that aoki only fairly recently called him sergey rybakov in the manga.
garland's surname: i see him called 'siebald' a lot and i don't know if that's from the english dub, but in the original it's.... well it's something else, frankly i haven't been able to figure out which real name it's supposed to be but it's 'shettobaruto' in japanese. zetbalt? schetbalt????
olivier's surname: it's bohringer. the ‘boulanger' fanoning i guess has just come from people who don't know either french or japanese very well going 'it kinda looks like this so i’ll go with it’, but bohringer and boulanger are actually pronounced differently and aoki confirmed bohringer in a bday art for olivier. and sometimes he somehow gets called ‘polanski’ and i can’t begin to explain why olivier would be called a pole but.
also, not a character name but anyway, the chinese team name in g-revolution: byakko/the white tiger is báihǔ in mandarin, the team name is that plus a -zu at the end which probably indicates the plural -s from english. japanese makes no difference between the fu and hu syllables which is why it’s technically spelled baifuuzu. lesson of the day is that it takes a bit of knowledge to tread the wild world that’s non-japanese names and words spelled in japanese because the system goes by how the words are pronounced according to japanese phonetics (and it’s crazy yes)
that's the ones i could think of. again, this is more like, for anyone who's interested or has wondered about some. not out here to judge people.
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rinnissance · 4 years
with you
pairing: Tartaglia (childe) x gn!reader
a/n: loosely based on good little girl (adventure time), let's just say that childe was in liyue during the lantern rite
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The lantern right festival is in full swing and everyone in Liyue Harbor is buzzing with excitement. You try your best to wear your best customer service smile but nighttime is just around the corner and you are exhausted.
You massage your shoulder to relieve it of its pain, you're seriously starting to regret coming into work today. (You'll never skip work anyway, you'll feel too bad for Chef Mao.) You love celebrating the lantern rite and being able to contribute to the festivities. However, the hard work that comes with it leaves your body aching and your mind wanting some rest.
As you pass by Mr. Zhongli's table you can't help but snicker at the sight of Childe struggling with chopsticks. You recall the past few weeks of the traveler (apparently they're from another world) and Mr. Zhongli trying to teach the poor man.
"Still can't use chopsticks huh?" you say smugly to him, he playfully rolls his eyes.
"Practice makes perfect!" he says with a proud grin on his face, "one day I'll be able to master the art of chopsticks and you'll be eating your words (l/n)(f/n)."
"Hopefully it'll be a filling meal then."
You acknowledge Childe's companions with a smile, "Well I hope you enjoy the rest of the evening."
"Paimon's definitely enjoying the night!" Paimon says with her mouth full.
"I can see that," you wave goodbye to the four, "back to work! Xiangling and Chef Mao can't do the work all alone."
"Archons! I am so tired," you groaned in your hands, "I'm too tired to look for a perfect spot."
Chef Mao gives you an apologetic smile, "Guess I overworked you this year again (Y/n), sorry about that."
"Don't worry Chef," you say reassuringly, you rub your hands together and put them between your thighs, "It is my job after all."
"Next year we need to hire someone new!" Xiangling says with enthusiasm, "well I'm off to meet Chongyun and Xinqiu now!"
"Bye Xiangling stay safe!" You call out to her, you slumped against the wall of Wanmin restaurant's kitchen, "I wish I could have fun too."
"Who said you can't have fun?"
You almost smack the man in front of you out of reflex, luckily he's fast and was able to block your incoming attack. "Woah, woah, chill."
You place your hands to your chest and huffed, "Don't surprise me like that!"
Childe rubs the pack of his head, "Eh~ it's not my fault you weren't paying attention, what if it was a strange person and not me?"
"You are a strange person."
Childe merely chuckles and grabs your hand, "Let's go (y/n)! Let's have some fun!"
You don't have the energy to decline his request so you went along with him. You visited different stalls together, helped him pick different souvenirs for his family back in Snexhnaya, played theatre mechanicus and walked around Liyue waiting for the main event.
"The first full moon of the year is almost out (y/n), let's go and look for the perfect spot to see the mingxiao lantern and the moon." Childe says but got no reply, he looks back to where you're supposed to be but sees you sitting in a bench.
"Can't we look at the Mingxiao lantern and the moon here? My feet hurts and I don't think I can go any further." You whine, Childe gives you a grin and crouches in front of you leaving you confused. "What-"
"But this isn't the perfect spot," Childe reasons with you, "c'mere i'll give you a piggy back ride if your that tired, though i'm pretty sure you just wanted an excuse to be carrie- ow!"
You smacked him in the head before he finished his sentence, "As long as you don't drop me then I guess its fine." You say before riding his back.
As Childe walks to "the perfect place" you bury your face in his back to hide the stupid grin on your face from the view of passerbys.
"Well here it is."
"Well i'm quite impressed." You nod in approval. "Now we should release our xiao lanterns."
You lean into Childe as you both fell into a comfortable silence. You watch the sea of lanterns with a soft smile on your face and in turn, Childe watches you in awe and curiosity. You turn your eyes away from the glowing lights and looked at Childe, your faces too close for comfort and your heart is beating faster than usual.
"You aren't so bad after all, Mr. Fatui."
Childe looks at you questioningly. "Not so bad? You're so wrong darling," he cups your face with his hand, "I'm a bad guy, I kill lots of people."
You can't breathe, now he really is too close you can even feel his heart beating as fast as yours.
"I know that," you look away for a moment, "but there must be a reason right?"
Childe frowns and touches your forehead with his own, "So you know that I'm bad but still spent the night with me? Didn't know my darling's attracted to danger, I guess I'll have to protect you now."
"Protect me then." You whisper and sealed the promise with a kiss.
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lovee-infected · 4 years
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Macaroon anon I love you and how can I resist writing for such a great idea? I really wanted this piece to take place as Ciel was stuck in twst in my previous au but since I mentioned dorm leaders there it couldn't be really done...Rip
A twisted path ✨
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~ Black butler x twisted wonderland ~
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Feat : Mey-Rin , Bard & Finnian
Poor trio stay away in shock of not only his unexpectedly loud shout but also...eh...his appearance .  Are they wrong or does this guy really look similar to master Ciel...?
Coming conscious still with his eyes closed , he hears some sounds around him:" He dead ?-""No I don't think he is, his chest is still moving" "Anyway what's this body doing hear at Phantomhive's mansion? If he's been stabbed or something it's going to be troublesome," "Na I guess this dude's just been really drunk y'all. Also...what's with the clothes ? Could it be that he's somewhat of an actor from nearby theaters ?" "Aye? Since when are the designs this messed up...- I guess we'd better get rid of it before mister Sebastian returns, maybe burry hi-"
Riddle freaks out as he hears this idiots wanting to burry him alive and immediately wakes up screaming at them to stay away.
Riddle on the other hand gazes upon what he just faced: a red haired haired maiden wearing a pair of glasses, a yellow haired boy with green pupils and a rather buff man with a toothpick in his mouth staring at him. " Ah- He a'live ! Man ya gotcha be more careful with drinking," the buff man chuckles. Riddle suddenly feels highly unsafe: Who are these people? And where am I? He's read NRC's maps enough to know that such a building is surely not a part of it , come along it's weird people. Was he kidnapped while asleep...?He pulls up his staff and starts threatening them with it , wanting them to immediately introduce themselves and explain what he was doing here- wherever it was-
Finnian tries to calm him down with a soft smile and a friendly attitude, but Riddle is strong at his point: He wants answers.
When he sees them all trying to calm him down with no explanations he gets mad : "OFF WITH YOUR HEADS!"
...What ? Wait-maybe try again:"Off with your-Heads!" ...Why isn't it working? Riddle stays still, the magic collars have to be around their neck but- they are not...?? There must've been a mistake: " Off with your heads - Off with your HEADS - OFF WITH YOUR HEADS DAMN IT-"
Mey-Rin, Finnian and Bard stare at their angry guest shouting nonsense and getting as red as a tomato, what is wrong with this guy..?
Riddle is furious and confused , what's the matter ? Is his magic blocked the same as that time Beans day?  He doesn't know , and he doesn't like it
Riddle starts shouting at them asking what they've done to his magic and the poor guys just go...Huh ? Riddle keeps on getting redder and redder as if he's about to explode . He starts threatening them from reporting them to the head master to giving them to the official policies for kidnapping and neglecting his picture 
Finnian then decides that maybe it's better to leave him to mister Sebastian and so : Picking up a huge branch and a striking it to his head , savage
Riddle passes out immediately whoops- maybe Finnian should have been softer-
They stay there gazing upon their... masterpiece . Finnian might have even broken his skull - Good god , what should they do now ? They must wait until mister Sebastian arrives ; But where is he now ?
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Feat : Suma & Agni
"Pssssssst- Agniii...I guess he finally woke u-" " M- my prince , y-you sure that it was a good idea too bring a total stranger out of nowhere to our home ? I'd greatly appreciate it if you be more ca-"
Argh...what is with all noises around him ? He's told Ruggie a million times not to let anyone in his room whole he's taking a nap even if it's gonna be the grim reaper ; what are these brats doing here?
Leona rambles under lips and with a push he's awake : " Oi , you'd better know that I don't like having my naps ruined,"
Suma gasps at the sight of him being finally awake and tries to offer his unwanted guest a welcome hug which Leona rejects- Poor Suma
Leona isn't yet realizing what actually is going on , from not knowing that this isn't his room to the fact that he's now at more than 100 years ago in a whole different world ; ironic
Leona orders them to take this annoying conversation out of his room just to face Agni's locked expression : "Your room...?"
Taking a better look , Leona finally gets that this probably isn't his room and these people surely aren't from NRC
Sounds get echoed through his brain and he feels a small ache inside it . He rubs his head ...why does everything feel so strange ? Something is different ... could it be that he's still sleepy or..? Wait a second - Why can't he shake his tail ?
He immediately looks back to see if he's sit on his own tail but faces a terrifying scene : There is no tail . Is it cut off ????
and a newer fact flashes his brain : There are no ears either . But then how can he still here the sounds ? "P-please don't be", he begs . His hands shake as he brings them up to touch both sides of his head ; wishing not to find what he is looking for . And they are ! Human ears !A mild shiver is sent down his neck and he rushes to the mirror on the other side of the room just to face this nightmare with his own two eyes
He stares at the mirror with his eyes wide open and mouth as if he is going to shout . No...
Oh...nevermind . He has to calm down ; it's nothing but another fancy dream . He'll soon wake up and these will be all gone . Leona tries closing his eyes and cursing , wanting to wake up to sanity when he opens them again
Surprise : Nothing's changes . Two crappy brats still staring at him . Agni is now a bit suspicious but Suma on the other hand is really motivated : " Ahh~! Sorry if it's strange to sleep in the streets and wake up in bed- I just saw you laying there in a death like slumber and couldn't help but to bring you along ! Also , haven't we met before ? I'm pretty sure that I've seen your face somewhere before... Don't you happen to be from India ? "
Agni is really stressed out and keeps warning the young boy : " My prince ! He's now all conscious and fine , then I'd lead him out of he-"
"Prince , huh ?" Leona wasn't ever really interested in visiting ally kingdoms back at his home town so he barely got to meet any other princes , hm but to think that this cherishing child is actually a prince...man , the world has really changed
But he has no time for such games now , he has to find Ruggie or anyone else who may lead him out this insanity and return him his ears and tail
He asks for where he is - else than Suma's mansion - and the answer doesn't really do any help either . Where on the bloody hell is London ? And if these people found him laying in the streets when the heck did he even get here ? Well , doesn't really matter now , but where is NRC ?
Suma and Agni probably don't know where NRC is and Dire Crowley ? Suma wonders if this guy was the one who fooled him to buy a sick elephant which died a week after in india , but Agni is sure that neither him nor his prince have ever met a single soul named this
Leona is getting more and more pissed off wasting time chatting with these idiots so he takes his way out , ignoring Suma's begs for him to stay for lunch at least
He freezes just at the second he opens the exit doors and gazes upon the streets : Horses? carriages ? 19th century's clothing ? How long have these people been stuck in this lack of technology?
He feels like he now really needs to make a phone call but searching his pockets he finds both of them empty...those brats stole my-
He was close to getting hit by a carriage when someone shouts at him with a : " OUT OF WAY YOU SON OF A-"
He is now ready to get in a fight but a sound cuts him off : " LEONAAAA HELLP-!!!!!!" , this extremely annoying sound...what the heck is he doing here and : WHAT IN THE BLOODY HELL HAS HE DONE NOW !!!????
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Feat : Lau & Ran-Mao
Business tip nu 1 : Always keep calm , even if you end up losing all your magic powers in the surface without the possibility of returning to your original form or knowing where in the damn world you are : K-e-e-p-c-a-l-m
Thankfully , Azul's dope nature avoids him from going crazy during his stay in this...non-Twisted wonderland world
He had heard of theories explaining the possibility of other world's existence ; countless ones indeed . But to end up in one of them without any preparations ? He wasn't planning on that
Well nevermind , that cannot be helped now . let's look for a better way
Lack of facility , cultural deprivation and severe corruption ; is this how humans are ? No wonder the sea witch called them Poor unfortunate souls...
Enough with these people , he must now ignore all other disadvantages and take a look into beneficial sides of it...If he has ended up here , in this world and into this spot of the city there must be something linked to magic nearby ; even if he's surrounded by all these foolish people who haven't ever even seen real magic by their own eyes
Just as he's looking around , something catches his attention : a strange smell . Thanks to his family he's pretty good at following smells to their source and knowing what exactly they are : it's the pungent smell of Opium
He follows the smoke to its source and arrives to a bunch of stares going underground . A board is place next to the stares with something written on it :  Opium Den
Azul isn't one to believe in superstitions but he is sometimes interested to take ambitious  steps ; life sometimes brings you worthy surprises
Entering the shop , someone slightly grabs his arm . He turns his head to face a young, beautiful lady pulling his sleeve softly , eyes empty of any emotions . Without saying a word , Ran-Mao grabs his hat and coat and Azul thanks her , seems like he took the right path
His vision got a bit blurred as must of the air is filled with smoke , not that he isn't used to such atmospheres
" Why welcome to my place , sir . How may we service you today~ ? " a sound says from other side of the room . Azul turns back to face the source of all these smoke holding that young lady from before close , could she be her right arm woman or something ? She seems pretty obedient for one , which is nice
Azul introduces himself and takes a seat . He isn't going to get to his main point at the very first seconds ; he needs to make sure that he's come to the right person . He introduces himself as a businessman from a far away city , came to explore more of business tactics here in London . He offers Lau a small chat toward that , wanting him to give him more information on business if possible and return , he'd be given similar information about Azul's home town
While being considerably great at it , Lau isn't really interested in wasting time talking about business , all he ever cares in some sort of entertainment in whatever he does . Still , he agrees of playing this fake role for a short time . Although he knows that Azul isn't here for this either...
A few minutes pass and they both know that Azul doesn't really care to know how much a pork costs and either is Lau , so takes a serious step himself : " I see you're a man of business , Mr . Azul . I wonder what I you may be able to offer me in return ," Azul clarifies that he would get interesting information if he gives Azul good ones ; everything is clear and equal . "Then , I'm afraid that I've got not much to offer ," Lau sighs , but a small smirks appears of his lips : "But what would you say about some tea ? And maybe a small talk ? "
Lau isn't like others out there and that's pretty recognizable to Azul , but it doesn't make him the right person to trust either . He is continuing this conversation in hope of Lau leading him to the right person he is looking for , someone worthy of a greater contract . Lau lets out a sad sigh feeling sorry that he can't do much help , but he knows that who may do : A well-known friend , serving years working as a right arm man . Talented , well cultured , big on all issues including business : "I'm sure that you'll like him ,"
Well perhaps this thing's starting to work out for him : " Then by all means , lead me to this mister you speak of , Mr. Lau~" "With all pleasure . Bring him his coat and hat , sister " , Lau orders . Pleasure is always his first priority , but nothing would ever break rules of a contract ; He gives , he receives . Even taking him to Sebastian is counted but , he's already thought of that . This young man seems quite entertaining and when he first stepped into his shop Lau was expecting him , a spacial guest
Lau doesn't really care about superstitions , but still enjoys his ambitious steps  . This guy had came to him just as expected and now , something about him tells Lau that getting him to Sebastian will bring him as well newer faces to meet...what an entertaining day it would be
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Feat : Tanaka
Jamil is... about to lose his mind . Caught in a whole other world without a meaningful explanation of how he ended up here or why . Magic doesn't work and there is no certain way to scape this situation and make a return to NRC . But the worst thing about it remained certain : He is caught with Kalim
Why in the bloody hell does he always have to be hooked up with Kalim ? Parents forced him into it at childhood , headmaster orders to it at school and now , the world suddenly decides to abandon him together with Kalim ? If it's joke , that's a pretty lame one . Why does he have to live in the shadows of Kalim being the unworthy dorm leader ?
Now lost in the streets , not knowing where to go or who to contact , what a wonderful way to start a day
Kalim isn't liking it at all : dirty streets , loud and short tempered people , street fight and drunk men everywhere , the smell of death filling the air , this is horrible . Kalim is well aware of poverty and deprivation lasting for so long and even remaining until the very present day , but traveling back in time and space to face one of the most terrifying levels of it just isn't his thing . He feels sorry and odd at the same time : Is this how life behind of the walls of his royal castle looked like ? He wishes he could help it . He probably could if he was any linked to NRC right now
He keeps on telling Jamil how poor they look and wonder if there is a way to help...The world Kalim knows has elegant and colorful nights and days but this world...was all caught in a dead gray mist
Jamil doesn't say a word because he doesn't want to listen , Kalim can keep on daydreaming but he has to find a way back a.s.a.p . They can't leave Scarabia just on their own and everyone (including Kalim's Dad) must be really stressed out by now . He continues to look , but there isn't really anything helpful around them . People yelling at each other and smoking the shit out of themselves . Young ladies flirting as young men offer them a carriage ride and tourists staring at each and every building like they hadn't ever seen a place to live inside as if they've been living in a cave so far , huh
Jamil can no longer take it next to Kalim and eventually goes feral : " WOULD YOU JUST SHUT UP !!?" He has no control over his words now , he's nervous , furious and freaked out . If he were to compare his mood to something similar he'd say the time he overblotted , just that he had his magic back then
Now Kalim as well gets into a fight with him . What the hell does this have to do with him ? Jamil has to calm down and be realistic unless they'll never find a way out ! Jamil states that if he grew up just enough to realize how terrible their current situation is , he would've had something better to do than showing mercy over some bunches of street rats
The two of them keep on arguing until someone cuts them of : " Hohoho young men ! What's with all these loud sounds ?"
They stop and turn back to face the source of this old , chill voice . Facing a tall , old man dressed in all black clothes which high-leveled servants would wear and a monocle , giving them a soft , calm smile
" Aa- nevermind grandps ! It wasn't like it seemed we were just talking ! Right Jamily ? " he says , putting a hand on Jamil's shoulder and giving a big , wide smile . "H-hey... don't call me that..." , Jamil doesn't like Kalim acting this chill ; but it is embarrassing to see that they actually called attention
"Hoho , better . Now tell me young men , could it be that you have a trouble ? You look awfully down ," Tanaka asks ; sounding just like a grandfather guiding his grandchildren
Kalim takes a look at Jamil , wondering if it's right to do what he's thinking of and Jamil in return , nods as a yes " Well sir , there you see we actually don't belong here yet to another-" Jamil cuts him off before he could mess the whole thing up : " -Another state , indeed ! We came here for some sort of a business trip and were supposed to be on our way back home by now but sadly , ran into thieves . Our families must be really worried for now and I doubt them being sure of us being hooked up here . We lost everything and have no way to contact anyone we know... only if someone nice enough could be found to help us with it right now ," Jamil dropped his head , trying to act as natural as possible . Kalim wants to remind him that this isn't right to lie someone who is trying to help them yet he wonders if he should let Jamil take care of this now , after all he was much of a worthier leader than him to be honest...
" That's so sad to hear dear boy , I'm sure that young master as well would've been really frustrated if he were here ," Tanaka replies . Oh ? Young master ?  Jamil is now interested . Wherever this man came from , it can't be somewhere cheap , Jamil could tell . Leading them to a mightier source would be a better thing than just laying in the streets waiting for some miracle to save them right ? " Young master , you say ? " Kalim asks . " On the second thought , how about me introducing you to my master ? You're not much older than him I suppose , he as well needs to have more friends like you good men  ," Tanaka says with a sweet smile . " That'll be so nice of you um , Mr...? " Jamil asks " Tanaka is fine young boys . And you? "  " Jamil Viper ," " Kalim al Asim ! Glad to meet you Tanaka sir ! " Kalim says , bringing his hand for Tanaka to shake . Tanaka shakes hands with both of them and Jamil decides to make the process a bit faster : " I look forward to meeting this young master you say , Mr. Tanaka . It's always great to meet more men of culture ," Jamil sneakers . " Then by all means , follow me young men ," Tanaka says . With a sound of pop and some smoke , the tall man shrinks into a chibi version : " Ho , ho , ho ," " What the-!!!" Kalim panicks , no magic and yet this dude can shrink all of a sudden huh ?
" Ho ho," chibi Tanaka says before turning back and going to another direction . " I guess we should follow him," Jamil says . Kalim agrees and then , they're both following the chibi old man to the Phantomhive's mansion . Unaware of the two eyes watching them all this time : " Hihihi ~ they're quite interesting ,"
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Feat : Grell Sutcliff & Ronald Knox
"Come oooon Ronald~ Shake your lazy ass and bring her along already..." " Oi senpai , that's mean ! This one's quite heavy-" "JUST SHUT UP AND DO THAT ! Don't you know it's rude to question ladies too much ? " " F-fine then , but at least give me a hand ! Have you even checked if she's dead !? " Heavy ? Dead ? She...? Vil isn't born to be disrespected like this . AND NOT A SINGLE SOUL GETS TO PULL HIM BY LEG WHEN HE'S ASLEEP
Vil immediately starts shouting at the Blondie , threating him that he'll regret it if he doesn't let go of him now . Ronald and Grell almost have a heart attack at Vil's chicken like screech which makes them jump
Vil snads up and glares at the two shinigamis : A really ugly female like one all dressed in red and a small blondie brat which looks like...eh..Azul ? Well nevermind ; doesn't matter now
What should he begin with ? Where he is ? Who these potatoes are and how they didn't recognize him being the leader of Pomefiore ? How perky they were to move him while asleep like this and ruin fabric of his overly expensive unforms ? Too many things to do
" Ah you're too loud ! My ears...Such an unexpected shout to hear from a man this hot I'd say..." Grell giggles . Vil's eyes widen , well of course he is beautiful but to be praised like that ? Ew , this is more of a insult ...
Vil decides to ignore Grell and get to the main point : Who they were and what they wanted . Grell smirks before preparing to give a 5 hour long opera show of shinigamis' romance but Ronald locks him on that point : They are shinigamis , they collect souls of the death , they had grabbed Vil because he looked a bit like the woman they were just going to collect yet didn't pay enough of attention to notice that they made a mistake , so they can all leave since they've got nothing to do with each other
Just before Ronald could get away Vil grabs him by collar , asking where they've brought him to . Grell clears that they just moved him by 30-40 meters from where they found him so it can't be really counted as bringing him to somewhere . Vil refuses to believe , wherever he is , it's way further than Pomefiore dorm or even NRC's accessable area ; that can't be . Vil threatens them one more time : " You refuse to tell , you'll end up dealing with the headmaster ," Grell and Ronald probably don't know who the headmaster is but Grell tries to take advantage : "Aaa? Is he one into punishing type ?" Vil is slowly getting annoyed by how weird this red one sounds to him ; To be honest he acts like an impatient porn star or something...
That's it , he's calling Crowley but uh , where is his phone ? Did he lose it ? Impossible . He'll never forget such an important thing to bring along ... Did these brats dare to steal his pockets....!? Vil asks them to give his phone and wallet back : now " Sir , you may like to know that human money brings no good for us and also , I'm afraid that I don't really know what you may mean by phone? " Ronald mumbles (Remember that phone isn't yet invited at their time ). Why don't this guy just let them go take care of their business ?
Vil hates it when people dare opposing him and doesn't ever take that lightly...who do these two think they are ? " Where is Night Raven College , answer or you'll face unpleasant consequences..." Is Vil challenging Grell ? Then Grell's more than ready to see what this human may have up his slave to speak to a shinigami like this : " And what may the consequences be...?" Vil gets tired , a small spell and this red ass bitch would be nothing but a toad , " I tried to warn you , you should've listened..."
Ahem , hello ? Magic ? Why isn't it working ? " Pffffffftttt- Lmao are you high or something man ? You just woke up !You'll be a great actor though I swear- You can drown in all that nonsense ," Grell laughs . " Well then hottie , I'm afraid we've got to go , see you when it's your time ~ " Grell turns to leave but Vil grabs him by collar . No one is leaving until they explain what the actual heck is going on : this place , the magic , everything
Grell on the other hand enjoyed flirting , but can't take being acted to like this . He pushes Vil back and gives him a psychotic smile , bringing up his chainsaw : " Wouldn't it be amazing if I cut those rushy tongue of yours at once ? fewer words , more of a male charm ," "Oh ?" magic may not work here , but they're not all Vil has got , he can still give this bitch guy a lesson without them : " Oi you two , this isn't really gonna workout-" Ronald mumbles but it's too late now -
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Feat : Undertaker
At least he wakes up to a more suitable scene , or it seems so - His body couldn't move freely inside of this cage-like space . Is this a cuffin...? He has experience with them from his freshman year but to end up in one of them again ? Could it be that Crowley is planning on another fancy event like their first time ? Boy , he didn't like it anyway . He knocks the door trying to open it but if seems too heavy to be moved . Damnit- , he hears footsteps from the outside : " Someone there ? Why can't I open this ??" A sudden screech from out and the door slides open : " Ah thank yoUWAHAAAA- !!" Idia screams at the sight of the creepy stranger's smile at him ; he wasn't expecting this . Also , this place doesn't look like the mirror hall ? Who is this guy and where is this place ??
" Hihihi you weren't that dead I see , why waking up so soon though~ ?" , Undertaker giggles in his playful tone . Idia needs too many things to be explained to him but he just doesn't have the time , Crewel will burn him in acid if he gets any late for his class again and he doesn't care how weird his current situation is , he has to go
He gets out of the coffin and rushes to the door but Undertaker stops him there telling him not to show up out there so carelessly , which clearly confuses Idia . " Your hair...It is quite fascinating that curses remain strong even as magic gets blocked..." Undertaker adds . Idia is used to people judging him for his family misfortune but this one seemed quite...odd . He decides to ignore it and leave
" ~ Okies then I warned you , but you'll end up needing a real cuffin in a few minutes pwahahaaa-" , Undertaker burts into laughter and Idia leaves
" creepy ass old ma-" , Idia nags slowly before freezing as someone screams really-loudly right into his ears " HAIR ON FIRE , HIS HAIR IS ON FIRE !!" Before Idia can notice what is going on he's gained tens of gazes to himself , why are these guys all dressed so strangely...
" M-mummy is that a monster ? I'm scared..." " Stay away from our children you hellish creature ! " Idia freezes , critiques coming one after one : Demon , monster , Satan , Death . One option left : Run
Idia now has to run for his life , this world just isn't his thing : not at all . Even if it weren't because of being chased by a group of angry humans , do you think that he could last for even one day in this old fashioned zone ? No technology , no phones , no robots , no gummy bears , no wifi- He'd read about how different the world was before the invention of media and couldn't explain how thankful he was to never have to handle a second in the past world because he wouldn't last there for more than an hour- well he wasn't right about never ending up there but , he was 100% right about not lasting for more than an hour
Now there , he is running like he never has , begging his feet to help him this time out of any other time . Angry people screaming and bringing fire and weapons to destroy the evil
He tries to contact any possible source for help but : No magic - no internet . RIP Idia
Meanwhile Undertaker is chilling at his shop , his mind running over the cursed boy and now listening to the sound of the frightened people because of him , how pathetic , If only he had agreed to hide his hair through a safer way...sigh he should have listened to advises coming from someone who has been living within humans for years by hiding his identity as a shinigami as as his eyes... " My my , humans aren't the only fragile creatures I see..." creation can seem disturbing to him sometimes , and that's the best part with it
Back to Idia , he is slowly running out of breath . Well maybe this is the point where he has to give up ? He has long lived as a loser , bastard , procrastinator and wasted almost each and every second of his life ; well perhaps except Ortho , that was a nice work of him . Wish he was here too say goodbye .  He isn't sure if his prayers would be accepted or not but it won't hurt trying : " Good gods who're told to be somewhere up there , I know that I wasn't best that I could be and I won't try to excuse my sins ; just please let it end fast, Ame- " he forgets his prayers as his guardian angel is standing just a few meters away from him ; oh have gods sent an identical twin - human version of Leona for him to be saved ? Well whatever now , he has no time if he's the original furry or not : "LEONAAAA HELLP-!!!!!!"
And yes , he is the original one ! He curses as he sees the population after Idia , what the hell is wrong with this world ? Idia hides behind his back and Leona tries to take control before they end up burning the two of them together : " You people , chill ," " Why you defending that creature ? He a a misfortune ! A demon !" others shout at this words in agreement . Leona laughs it off . He says that Idia is way too dumb for a demon and even if he is one , he's the type to scream his ass off when someone says "hi" . Idia doesn't know if Leona's defending him or not but he doesn't dare saying a word . Leona seems too busy dealing with the crowd and slowly , the argument topic switches from Idia to Leona ; who isn't afraid of punching some faces . The argument slowly takes over and no one (even Leona) realizes Idia sneaking into an alley saving his life . He feels a bit guilty for leaving Leona on his own but he'll be fine , hopefully
Thankfully the alley is deserted and he finally lays down to catch his breath , still panting heavily . He almost got killed today and can't get over it , but things were getting a bit comforting : "Meow~" several cats show up from the corners and Idia puts on a small smile . A white kittens comes closer and allows Idia to touch and comfort him . Idia wonders , how does their lives as a cat here feels ? do they as well get as scared as he was just now?  . A few minutes later when Idia -and his cats- were chilling someone steps closer to them  . Before Idia gets to run away , a tall , black and familiar face shows up and gives him a pretty calm smirk : " My my , I see you as well adore cats, could it be some part of our hellish natures ?"
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Feat : Ciel Phantomhive & Sebastian Michaelis
Let us be honest , it isn't going to be that bad for him , is it ? His current lifestyle at Valley of the thorns is nothing less than London's late 19th century , just maybe it had more of a natural theme . Well , no technology can be good news since he never really get used to it after all . London's atmosphere as well seem to be just his thing : Sometimes savage but calm , filled with tea parties and great ceremonies , an interesting back ground toward the royal family and in summary , Malleus's ideal theme
Well maybe except some things : 1) HORNS-ARE-GONE . His family treasure , the great heritage that proved him coming from the all great and respected Draconia family , now is gone 2) No need to mention that there is no sight of his fairy ears either- 3) Having his magic lost in this unknown world , he is now nothing different from a fragile human being , just as weak , just as empty , just as disgusting . Oh but our prince isn't totally left on his own here...
Unexpectedly , Phantomhive's mansion is serving a mysterious guest today , even though Ciel was against letting strangers inside the house . Sebastian insisted on being aware of the importance of hospitality as the Queen's watch dog , specially with special guests
Everything seems odd to Malleus , this world , this time , this people and...this master and butler . He is no fool , not even the foolishest of these humans would treat and cater strangers without wanting something in return , therefore he needs to keep his guard up . They shouldn't be aware of his actual identity even if they look deprived of any magic
Ciel is feeling awfully uncomfortable , who is this man ? And what the heck about him might have caught Sebastian's eyes ? This greedy demon wouldn't easily be impressed , so what could it be ?
Sebastian insists that it's how he should learn to treat everyone else if he's willing to be well remembered after death ; he pronounces the last word in a pretty deep , dark tone . Making it clear that how he'll finally die in a sarcastic way which teased Ciel
He decides not to have any argues with Sebastian on that point since he can act pretty cocky with stuff he gets stubborn over , so let's see what he's hiding up in sleeve this time . Though Ciel is suspicious of other stuff as well , this Mr... -whatever he is since he doesn't give them a name- looks like a pale - greenish version of Sebastian . Could he be another demon..?
Malleus refuses to give them a name due to possible risks , yet he has to admit that he's being taken care of properly . The room he's given isn't as big as the one in his castle , but is still considerable for something a stranger would be given . Other than that , anyone else he's met here so far seemed to be pretty chill , oh except this tiny child with a blindfold and he gets to be called young master ? He has to admit that he's impressed . To be in control of all this property when you aren't yet even tall enough to pick your favorite book from the shelf on your own
And there is another guy who is really...how to explain , is it some feeling of deja Vu or he really does look like Silver ? The guy is always talking to the snakes just as Silver talks to the birds and animals . If it weren't because of difference in eye color , perhaps Malleus wouldn't believe that he wasn't Sliver himself . " Your stay won't last much longer master , your friends are on their way here , says Donne ," Snake tells him . Malleus doesn't really know how to feel about him but his words comfort him for some reason...
Ciel says that he needs to check on the trio since they've been calling him all day so he heads to the front yard , leaving Sebastian and Malleus alone
Sebastian offers him some tea and Malleus of course sees no reason to refuse . Sebastian doesn't sit beside him because it's arrogant of servants to sit beside the guests , so he remains stood up . He doesn't bother starting a conversation with Malleus and he does know how to get him to speak . Malleus doesn't mind answering to...some of his questions . How he likes it here in London , if he needs anything else during his stay , but the last question made his eyes widen : Does he do feel any uncomfortable under the terms of not being able to use his powers ?
Malleus doesn't answer , he pretends that he didn't hear him and stares at the window . He is hoping it to help him ignore Sebastian , but what he sees isn't any better :  Isn't that... Rosehearts laying there...??
Malleus has to go , not only because of getting rid of Sebastian at this point but to also check on his ally if he's alright or not :  Did the butler know he too was here all the time ?
Sebastian just knows what was going on in his mind and wants  better answers . Malleus stands up to leave but Sebastian takes grabs his arm before he could do anything : " No need to rush . We still have a lot to talk about , Mr. Draconia ,"
Note for Idia's part : I was actually planning on Idea having his hair as well gone because , well , no magic no hair ? But that seemed too unfair for him lol
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drwcn · 4 years
discordance!verse part 7: an interesting morning in jingshi, Lan Wangji is shameless, much to the shock of Wei Wuxian. rated M??T??
in which wwx is lxc’s husband through political alliance, and there is an affair. 
[8] | [7] | [6] | [5] | [4] | [3] | [2] | [1] [synopsis] OR
see [discau tag] or [discordance navigation page] for all installments  
(~10 days before part 5/6)
Wei Wuxian wakes up slowly, warm and comfortable. The first thing he sees is the green bamboo shoots past the white tulle curtains, just outside the window, and the droplet of dew glistening under the morning sun. It had rained some time during the early hours; he recalls drifting to sleep listening to the muffled pitter-patter against Jingshi's roof, Lan Zhan curled at his side…
Lan Zhan is still there, fast asleep, as though he hasn't moved an inch all night. He is pressed against Wei Wuxian's shoulder, one arm thrown across his chest, every even breath a gentle breeze across his neck.
Even in sleep, Lan Zhan is a vision. That peerless face which others find cold and intimidating, is relaxed and open. Thick lashes kiss pink flushed cheeks. Soft full lips part minutely, still a bit swollen. Long silk hair runs like ink between Wei Wuxian's fingers.
He releases a soft affectionate huff, pulling the covers more securely around them both. Wei Wuxian closes his eyes, ready to indulge in sleep for another couple more hours. He doesn't know why they don't do this more often, it's so nice…
His eyes snap open, all thoughts of sleep vanishing instantly.
Fuck! We slept in!
There's a very good reason why he and Lan Zhan never wake up warm, coddled together in a patch of morning sun like two aristocratic cats: it's because Cloud Recesses' rules are fucking nightmares - and also because he and Lan Zhan are technically, technically in an illicit affair - but mostly because of Cloud Recesses’ rules. Lan Zhan always has to get up at a quarter before mao-shi to sneak back to hanshi so he could continue the charade of having woken up in the bed he definitely didn't sleep in.
Judging by the angle of sunlight spilling into the room, it must be at least si-shi by now, a whole two shichen later than when Lan Zhan is usually up and about…
Oh ffffffuuuck -
Dap, dap, dap!
There are three polite knocks at the door. A disciple's hesitant voice echoes from the other side.
"W-Wei-jun? Are you in there?"
He can hear the anxiety clearly in their tone. Because of course they must be frantic! Lan Zhan's secretarial disciple would've gone in to bring him his breakfast, like he does every morning, and discovered Hanguang-jun's bed and sheets as cold as ice and Lan Wangji himself nowhere to be found.
It's been at least four hours, Cloud Recesses must be having a full blown panic attack by now!!
Wei Wuxian jolts up from bed and is torn between feeling sorry and amazed when that exaggerated movement only manages to elicit an incoherent grumble from Lan Zhan.
Oblivious to Wei Wuxian's impending meltdown, Lan Wangji curls a little deeper into the covers, but does not wake up. 
No time to worry about that, Wei Wuxian yanks the covers over Lan Wangji's head to cover him and pads across the matted floor to the clothing rack. He can't answer the door even if he wants to; he's completely fucking naked.
Wei Wuxian is just about finished with the ties of his second layer of robes when the disciple speaks again,  
"Wei-jun?! Are you in there?! Many apologies for disturbing you…but - but it's urgent! Please, could you open the door?"
For the first time since the death of his husband, Wei Wuxian is glad for his widower status. As the previous Sect Master's yishu 遗属, it would be bad etiquette for lower disciples to barge into his private residence without invite. Not that any of them would be capable: the seal Wei Wuxian placed on the inside of the door last night is an invention of his own. He's confident that no more than a dozen cultivators of their time can break it without expending serious spiritual energy.
Thank goodness last-night-me had the foresight to do that…
Though, he does wonder why it's a bunch of disciples and not someone like Lan Qiren knocking on his door. His nerves calm by half a fraction. If they're coming to me, perhaps they haven't directed this particular issue to higher authorities. Probably doesn't want to give the grandpas an impromptu stroke by declaring Lan Zhan missing…
Wei Wuxian shrugs on his outer layer, and in the calmest, most put-upon voice he can manage, he answers, "What is it? I am feeling poorly this morning."
"Begging your pardon, Wei-jun, it's just…Hanguang-jun, uhm, we can't find Hanguang-jun."
Glancing behind his shoulder, Wei Wuxian winces as he sees Lan Wangji stirring, turning onto his back and shoving the covers out of the way.
"Ah, yes, Hanguang-jun," replies Wei Wuxian, channeling his inner Lan Qiren and attempting his most authoritative tone of voice. "Sect Master has informed me that he’s gone on a…a meditative trek. It's been some time since he's been able to cultivate in peace. He will be returning shortly. No need…no need to worry the Elders."
Through the thin walls, he hears a collective sigh of relief.
"Thank goodness. Forgive us for disturbing you, Wei-jun. If you're feeling unwell, should a healer be sent for -"
"No! No, that's quite alright. I'll be fine. Return to your studies. Do not dally." Wei Wuxian quickly dismisses the disciples. 
Ear pressed against the door, he listens to their footsteps walking away until he can't hear anything but the sparrows chirping in the woods. Letting out the breath he’s been holding anxiously in his chest, Wei Wuxian pads himself in relief.
Crisis averted.
When he turns around, Lan Wangji is sitting up in bed, staring dazedly at him.
"I slept in. It's very late, isn't it?"
The sight of him like that, blankets gathered at the waist, pale chest bared and hair unbound, immediately steals from Wei Wuxian the breath he’d only just been able to catch.
Hanguang-jun is truly the Light Bearer, he laments, mindless of the smile that overtakes him. Even the sun seems to be drawn to the good Lan Zhan. Streaming onto the bed from the window behind, morning sunlight enshrouds his entire being and condenses into a soft halo around him, as if to remind the world that this man is blessed by the gods.
Yet this god-chosen man, destined for immortality, has given himself over to Wei Wuxian last night, delivered into his hands, with pure trust and a small smile in the dark.
Wei Wuxian feels the back of his neck heat up from the memory. Get yourself together, Wei Wuxian, you flagrant degenerate, it’s practically midday. 
"Wei Ying, I…" Lan Wangji averts his eyes as Wei Wuxian takes a seat beside him, holding his clothes ready for him.
"Ah, Lan Zhan, don't be embarrassed." Wei Wuxian chuckles, reaching out to twirl a strand of Lan Wangji's hair around his finger teasingly. "So you slept in, happens to the best of us." 
Leaning forward and pecking a chaste kiss to his forehead, Wei Wuxian hands him his robes and says, "Alright, come on, let's get up. You have to work, and I have to assist my venerated Hanguang-jun. A bath and some breakfast - I told the disciples I'm not feeling my best, they'll probably send whatever I ask for. Nobody ever has to know our Sect Master was sleeping the morning away."
The tip of Lan Wangji's ears turns pink, but instead of accepting the garbs the other man holds out to him, he shifts closer and winds his arms around Wei Wuxian shamelessly. "Yes perhaps, but I am not entirely to blame."
This time, Wei Wuxian does blush. He draws his head back, aghast. "L-Lan Zhan! H-how could you say such a thing in broad daylight!
"Is it not so?" Lan Wangji rests his chin against his lover's shoulder and pivots his head almost accusingly.
Wei Wuxian sputters. Why you shameless little - you - I -
Memories from the night before come rushing back: Lan Zhan's earnest open face when he asked Wei Wuxian to indulge him, climbing onto his lap and whispering into his ear exactly what he wanted. Wei Wuxian is used to Lan Zhan taking charge. It’s been that way since the two of them became intimate. He’s thrilled, more than thrilled, to share those stolen moments with Lan Zhan. In fact, it always does funny wonderful things to him to see the disciplined Hanguang-jun let loose the way he does when they’re together.
But to have his Lan Zhan laying under him, arching and trembling and falling apart for him, his name uttered by those heavenly lips like an answer, a spell, a prayer…How does any reasonable man come back from that?
Oh my god…I - I deflowered the Second Jade of Gusu… Wei Wuxian realizes with a jolt, suddenly hot under the collar. It's not that the implication didn't occur to him yesterday, but the weight of his actions had not fully sunk in until now. It's probably not a coincidence that Lan Wangji, who has never overslept a day in his life, fails to keep to his rigid internal clock after Wei Wuxian spent most of the night having his ways with him.
When did they even go to actual sleep? It couldn't have been any time before midnight. Wei Ying, Wei Wuxian, you fool, you absolute idiot, how could you have done this?! You should've been more careful!!
…Lan Zhan had been so careful with me…
"Wei Ying," Lan Wangji calls his name, arms still locked around him. "You told them I'd be gone for a while yet, yes?"
Wei Wuxian frowns, not sure where he's headed. "Yeah?"
Lan Wangji shuffles closer, one of his hands travelling across the front of Wei Wuxian's robes until he finds the knotted sash. Blinking innocently, he says without a shred of pretense, "I do not doubt your skills, but my memories of last night are a little vague. Perhaps you ought to demonstrate for me again, as a reminder?"
For a long, long moment, neither of them move, Lan Wangji's request apparently having shocked Wei Wuxian into petrified silence. He does nothing but stare back at him, so much so Lan Wangji begins to wonder if he went a little too far with the teasing. But then Wei Wuxian's expression shifts, something raw and hungry flashing across his face. The next moment, Lan Wangji is flipped over onto his front, the covers yanked off exposing his pale bare form, every inch a perfection. 
Lan Wangji shivers, more reactionary than actually cold. He can feel Wei Ying's gaze on him, heated and appreciative, and as much as he doesn't want to give him the satisfaction, he squirms under the scrutiny.
"Wei Y-"
But the weight of Wei Ying's body is suddenly flush against his back, and Lan Wangji notices with a start that while he is thoroughly bare, Wei Ying is mostly dressed and does not appear to be in any hurry to change that.
Does Wei Ying really intend to take him while fully clothed?! Somehow the thought doesn't bother him, not in the least. Rather, it spurs him on, sparking the desire that simmers just beneath his skin. 
His hair is swept to side; Lan Wangji groans as a pair of lips press a hot, open mouthed kiss against his neck behind one redden ear.
"One would think, Hanguang-jun, that requesting physical intimacy in the middle of the day counts for misbehaviour."
The needy kiss transforms into a sharp bite.
Lan Wangji suffocates a groan, shuddering as the kiss trails between his shoulder blades and lower. For a few minutes, all he can focus on is the touch of hands and lips and tongue mapping out the planes of his body and wringing from him wonderful pleasures that he would not otherwise so easily relinquish.
"As the once disciplinary officer of Cloud Recesses," continues Wei Ying, lifting Lan Zhan by the hips and pushing him onto his knees. "Please enlighten us the appropriate consequences."
Wei Ying sounds very much like a cat savouring its play time with its poor prey before devouring it alive. Although Lan Wangji would never admit it out loud even under duress, he can confess to himself in the safety of his mind that this fate is exactly what he wants.
The Wei Ying of last night was careful, gentle, and steadfast despite being nervous.That Wei Ying had held his hands, lacing their fingers together, and whispered sweet lovely things as he brought them to their heights and back. Lan Wangji wasn't lying when he said his memories were a bit fuzzy; the entire experience had been…a lot.
However, Wei Ying in the morning is a whole different beast, and Lan Zhan aches just imagining what waits ahead. He wants him, by god, he wants him.
"One would think, Wei-jun," Lan Wangji manages to grit out, "that as someone who holds the highest running record of punishments received during his guest disciple days, you would be more than acquainted with Cloud Recesses' method of discipl - ah!"
The cry is ripped from his throat before he could help it. Panting, Lan Wangji writhes against the sheets and marvels a little at just how readily he receives what Wei Ying gives him.
But Wei Ying's tone loses its playfulness right away. "Lan Zhan -" The hand that threads through his hair is light and the following kiss on his left shoulder is tender. "- are you - are you hurt? Was I -"
Perhaps that cry sounded more distressed than he actually was. Lan Wangji turns his head to meet Wei Ying's worried gaze and melts a little. Blood is roaring in his ears and he is hot all over, but the warm cocoon that envelops his heart has nothing to do with lust.
Wei Ying presses another soft, comforting kiss against the shell of his ear and then another against his temple. "Say something, should I stop?"
Stop?! If this endearing idiot even thinks about stopping now Lan Wangji will absolutely smack him out of pure frustration.  
Catching his breath, he pushes back against Wei Wuxian and is immensely satisfied when the other man shudders in response. Reveling in the knowledge that he is the only one to ever see Wei Ying this way, he does it again. This time, the hands gripping his deviant hips are no longer gentle.
"Are you going to make good on my punishments," challenges Lan Wangji, batting his lashes, infinitesimally coy. "Or were those merely empty threats?"
The speed at which Wei Ying's eyes darken with desire almost makes Lan Wangji regret his impertinence. But then he is being thrust forward without warning, the unexpected motion hitting that spot inside him that makes his toes curl and his vision go white, and he instantly regrets nothing.
"W-Wei Ying…"
Somewhere in the back of his mind, he is aware that he is being objectively loud, but it really isn't his fault. Who in their right mind would expect him to be silent when he is being railed into the bed like both their immortalities depended on it. He just hopes Wei Ying has the good sense to cast a silencing talisman (lucky for them, he did).
Lan Zhan moans into the sheets, his eyes rolling back. How on earth is he so wrecked so quickly?! What is Wei Ying doing to him? In this position, he is completely at his lover's mercy, but he doesn't want to fight it, not at all. Clutching the wooden headboard, Lan Wangji surrenders the last bit of his self-control and submerges under the waves of sensations and sounds and bliss.  
Lan Zhan is quiet afterwards, soaking in the bath Wei Wuxian prepared for him. Wei Wuxian wipes himself down perfunctorily, changes into fresh robes and then proceeds to meticulously tidy the bed. The sheets are…probably not salvageable. He'll have to burn them or bury them, because there's no way he can hand them over to the disciples on laundry duty in the state that they're in. Even he can't talk his way out of that one.
When he's sure there is no more incriminating evidence of their activities, Wei Wuxian rounds behind the screen to find Lan Zhan exactly where he'd left him.
Eyes closed, he looks so young. It's not fair how everything must fall to him now. Lan Zhan never complains, but he must be exhausted after all that's happened since the end of last year.
His heart squeezing tightly, Wei Wuxian picks up a wash cloth and sits down by the tub. Lovely eyes flutter open just as he runs the warm towel over the round of Lan Zhan's shoulder.
"Are you alright?" He asks softly, wiping a bit of dried spent from Lan Zhan's chin. "Was I too rough?"
The tip of Lan Zhan's ears turns pink again. He shakes his head, taking Wei Wuxian's hand and caresses his knuckles. "No, you were perfect."  
Still, something nags Wei Wuxian in the mind of his mind. Their hands still clasped together, he shifts closer and searches Lan Zhan's face. 
"Lan Zhan, what brought this on? Last night and this morning. You know I don't mind being the …uhm…" Blushing, he clears his throat, suddenly thin-skinned. Damn it, Wei Wuxian, get it together. "You know I don’t mind being the way we were before. Love it in fact, can't get enough of it even. I don't want you to think I expect you to - uhm - return the favour... as it were."
Lan Zhan's eyes are serious but also bright and earnest with understanding and intent. He thumbs the blush on Wei Wuxian's cheek, curling his fingers around his nape. 
"I'm yours now, Wei Ying." He says, voice hushed but resolve firm. "Do you understand? No more nonsense about finding me a proper husband, or a wife to bear me heirs, or any talk of that kind. Even if the Elders bar me from marrying you on the account of you being my brother's widower, I'm yours, and you're not allowed to abandon me. I won't have it."
"Lan Zhan..." The back of his throat grows unbearably tight. Wei Wuxian feels as though he could cry. He remembers their conversation back in Qishan when he saw Lan Zhan with little Wen Yuan and the ensuing row they had afterwards. It was perhaps the first and only time Lan Zhan lost his temper with him. He'd been so angry, so hurt, that Wei Ying would even suggest he should marry another.
Wei Wuxian, if you truly want me to be with someone else, then what, tell me, are we doing now?!
Wei Wuxian squeezes his hand, pressing a heartbroken kiss to his palm, then another, then another. He feels horrible with himself. How could he not realize earlier? Is this why Lan Zhan had been so insistent?
"Lan Zhan, my good Lan Zhan, you didn't have to - I won't leave you, Lan Zhan, I promised you, I won't. You have me, you'll always have me, you didn't have to -"
"Wei Ying," Lan Wangji interrupts him, seeing his self-deprecating tendencies are once again leading him down the wrong line of thought. "I want you, want to be with you. Last night was not solely to drive home a point. Even if I did want to make a point, it would only be part of the reason, minimal at best, and certainly would not account for this morning.” 
Wei Wuxian blinks, swallowing thickly. "And the real reason?"
"Well, surely it's very telling." Lan Wangji inches closer. The angle of the round tub makes it awkward but he doesn't care. A smile playing at his lips, he whispers into the other man's ear and delights at the way Wei Ying pulls back with a scandalized cry.
"Lan Zhan!"
Wei Wuxian is sure that his entire face is on fire. Who would've thought the esteemed Hanguang-jun could be such a lethal combination of imaginative mind and dirty mouth?!
But Lan Wangji only chuckles, nuzzling his neck. "Thank you for being so obliging, Wei Ying. I hope I was not too much of a burden."
I’m going to cry, thinks Wei Wuxian, I’m actually going to cry. Inside his chest, his heart has swelled so incredibly that he feels it will burst any second. "Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan, my good Lan-er-gege," he chants, over and over, peppering the lightest and sweetest of kisses along Lan Wangji's face. "You can't say things like that without warning! My heart can't take it!"
"Mn,” Lan Wangji purrs.“You'll live."
"Lan Zhan, ah Lan Zhan, what am I going to do with you?" Wei Wuxian sighs,  holding the other man by the curve of his jaw and smiles that sunshine smile.
"Stuck with me, I'm afraid. Hasn't anyone told you?" Lan Zhan peers at him through hooded eyes. "Us Gusu Lans, we're rooks."
"Rooks mate for life."
At that, Wei Wuxian pulls Lan Wangji impossibly close and silences him with a deep, long kiss.
[part 8]
yishu 遗属 - family that is left behind through death. 
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sweet-evie · 3 years
I really felt annoyed on that kallen and lelouch scene where kallen landed on top of him in a sense where both has something to go back after the battle i mean lelouch was asking her to go back with him, I just felt where would c.c. be after the battle, will she be forgotten after it? Will it be like okay c.c. your job here is done you may go and we will go back to our own ordinary lives, will lelouch just let her go if she decided to go....lol and the list go on, (this is me speaking beyond shipping and as a c.c. enthusiast) and if i didn't know that the director is pushing c.c. and lelouch to each other i will forever hate the series cuz c.c. deserves the best (i mean its very obvious with the official arts and scenes and i remember reading something about it before) (can we also assume that c.c. got jealous on that part too lol what would happen if c.c. didn't speak about tabasco will they kiss? lol) I also really have a love hate feeling w/ kallen, she is really a good pilot and i kinda ship him sometimes with suzaku, sometimes not because i love him with euphie, but really that tension whenever they are together fighting or not Idk if its their strong and badass character but they really look good and compatible with each other but then I really love her with Gino the most lol i mean if i find kallen and suzaku compatible then i find kallen and gino most compatible hahaha Its just that kallen can show that she can be weak/soft can be tired or can breakdown (and not the always strong her) with gino. (I hope you can understand this part) I love it when gino picked her up after her battle with suzaku. How I wished gino appeared more in the series, was introduce early and they had scenes more together. I sometimes dislike her cuz she is over reacting in a lot of times like she is just too much and almost in par with nina's reaction most of the times haha (i kinda dislike/hate kxl scenes in a sense too that its one sided like its mostly k and l shows no interest but sometimes it look like there is a mutual feeling between both of them(i mostly felt its one sided shen watching the movie especially the resurrection) (What can you say about their scenes?, when he put jacket to her while she was wearing bunny girl costume, the refrain scene, when she fell on top of him, when she was captured, their kiss? etc.) BUT if you look at c.c. and lelouch relationship and scenes together its just too consistent lol i just love it how lelouch always assured and pursued her from that rooftop scene after battling with Mao, if she is a witch then he'll became a warlock, when he discovered and promised her about fulfilling her true wish, when she asked him if he hated her for giving him the power of geass and about to do something if kallen did not interrupt and bonus: that resurrection scene when he decided to become L.L. (I LOVE WRITING THIS PART OF ASSURANCE AND PURSUING ABT CLUCLU, MY FAVORITE XD, pls add some if i forgot something) i also kinda agreed to that statement except c.c. part lol going around that Shirley -> Lelouch Lamperouge, Kallen -> Zero and C.C. -> Lelouch Vi Britania but doesn't C.C. knows all lelouch's persona and had been supportive and stayed with him from the very start and in whatever path he chose? 😂 I hate it that people come at c.c.'s age and that she witness lelouch grow up like, is her immortality her fault? Like people are okay for male characters of 123456790 age falling for main girls in dramas or some animes for example but not okay if its c.c. lol SORRY THIS POST IS SO LONG it was supposed to be focus only on the first part about THAT scene 🙏
Whoa~ You’re not lying, this is one hell of an ask 🤣😂😅 I read 4 topics in this xD:
Lelouch, Kallen, C.C. scene
Kallen ships (Suzaku or Gino)
Kallen x Lelouch vs C.C. x Lelouch
C.C. & Lelouch's Age-gap
Let’s go in!
Lelouch, Kallen, & C.C. Scene
(can we also assume that c.c. got jealous on that part too lol what would happen if c.c. didn't speak about tabasco will they kiss? lol)
Maybe, but who knows, to be honest. xD The whole interaction was very impulsive, considering the fact that Lelouch was still fresh off of bouncing back from his depression, which Kallen had witnessed and was at the brunt end of.
When Kallen fell on top of Lelouch, I do believe both of them were thinking about that one moment where Lelouch tried to use Kallen to forget his current circumstances. Perhaps part of Kallen wanted it, but knew it wasn’t right. So I adore her for bitch-slapping him. xD The idiot deserved it.
C.C. was just there... I’m not sure if she was jealous or not. Maybe she didn’t give a fuck xD Before I could form my own conclusions, the entire scene is interrupted again because Zero gets called out into the control room.
Kallen Ships (Suzaku vs Gino)
I agree with most of your points in this part.
Personally, in my own fics, I ship Kallen with Gino a lot because for me, Suzaku belongs with Euphemia by default.
But, I do see the chemistry and the sexual tension that could go between Suzaku and Kallen. Like maybe their fights are really just unresolved sexual tension 😂🤣
I imagine a romance between them would be very explosive, passionate, and rough. I don’t just mean this in terms of sex, I imagine their entire dynamic would swing this way too. They’re really opinionated, and they both literally fight for what they believe in, and their conviction is strong enough to rival each other’s. 
Suzaku and Kallen just clash magnificently. On the other hand, Gino’s and Kallen’s personalities probably combine. They have things in common, but not too much to the point of being passionate and aggressive at the same time.
KaLulu vs CLuCLu
What can you say about their scenes?, when he put jacket to her while she was wearing bunny girl costume, the refrain scene, when she fell on top of him, when she was captured, their kiss? etc.
In that scene where he put his jacket on her, I think that’s gentlemanly of Lelouch. It’s something I expect from him considering he was born a prince, and also, he has a little sister. On a sidenote, I adore both him and Suzaku for being respectful towards the women in their circle, for the most part. 
That refrain scene was a moment of grief for Lelouch and he was being erratic. I said it once or twice, I’ll say it again. I am so happy Kallen bitch-slapped him. It shows that she’s not willing to put up with bullshit, and believes that Lelouch is definitely better than that. Kudos to her, she may have slapped him to his senses. For Kallen, it was a moment of, “Please be who we need you to be.”
It was a brilliant turning point for Lelouch as well. After Nunnally was given the role of Viceroy, Lelouch, at least, realized that his war and his rebellion against Britannia wasn’t just for his sister anymore. It was for everyone he cared about too. It was for the people who counted on Zero’s idea of freedom and perhaps peace.
In summary, I made my stance clear on KaLulu on a separate post long ago. But the gist was, they may have felt romantic feelings for each other, but it was probably brief and suppressed in favor of their grander goals and all that shit that was already going down. Romance just wasn’t appropriate for Lelouch or any of the characters who had something at stake in the war.
In the end, Kallen chose Japan, and Lelouch chose Zero Requiem. That is that. 😊
BUT if you look at c.c. and lelouch relationship and scenes together its just too consistent
Lelouch & C.C.’s relationship is a slow-burn from the get-go. It’s part of the reason why it’s so appealing to me.
Let’s be honest, Lelouch doesn’t even view C.C. as human until halfway to R1, and C.C. took almost all of 2 seasons to acknowledge the fact that she cared about Lelouch.
i also kinda agreed to that statement except c.c. part lol going around that Shirley -> Lelouch Lamperouge, Kallen -> Zero and C.C. -> Lelouch Vi Britania 
I understand why a lot of people like this argument. I, for one, believe there’s a grain of truth in it. 
BUT in my own honest opinion, I think that is a little unfair to Kallen and Shirley. I’m sure Lelouch cared about the two of them in unique ways and perhaps chose to hide behind masks around them to protect them and to preserve his own façade. Hell, he lied to his own sister for most of the entire show because he thought it would protect her and would shield her from the horrors of the world. (It didn’t turn out well, did it? 🤣) Still, my point is, Shirley and Kallen would have been willing to understand and know Lelouch’s every mask. Lelouch himself, just didn’t let them. And it was for their own good, I believe.
So why C.C.?
If there’s anyone in the world who can understand people’s multiple points of view, it would probably be C.C... She lived through most of mankind’s history, and she’s been alive long enough to take multiple perspectives in, meet different types of people, and see lots of ridiculous shit xD Lelouch slowly becomes aware of this fact as the series progresses, and we do see him have deep conversations with her from time to time. She’s capable of being objective. She knocks some sense into him a lot, especially during the beginning. One notable example of this that I will never forget is the episode after Lelouch realized Shirley’s father died because of his actions. It showed how immature Lelouch was being and how idealistic -- thinking war only took out the bad guys in his side of the story. Point is, she knows when to chastise him and when to offer her consolation, which is part of the reason why Lelouch would pick her as accomplice anyway.
but doesn't C.C. knows all lelouch's persona and had been supportive and stayed with him from the very start and in whatever path he chose?\
C.C. does know him. But I wouldn’t go so far as to say ‘supportive’, nonetheless wholly supportive.
C.C. had her self-serving reasons, just like Lelouch. C.C. was looking forward to the moment Lelouch could acquire enough power and take her Code from her, so she could die. That’s why she saved his ass a lot in R1 and perhaps at the very beginning of R2. Her wishes and her intentions morph very slowly, and at one point, perhaps even blended together -- half still wanted to die, the other half was slowly empathizing and caring for Lelouch.
But yes, none can deny that she stayed with him from start to finish.
C.C. could have left after Charles & Marianne died, and I don’t think Lelouch would have blamed her if she did -- considering it was obvious that he couldn’t fulfill his end of the contract anymore. But she stayed. She stayed and helped, and kept her promise to stay with him to the very end.
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Lelouch & C.C.’s Age Gap
I hate it that people come at c.c.'s age and that she witness lelouch grow up like, is her immortality her fault? Like people are okay for male characters of 123456790 age falling for main girls in dramas or some animes for example but not okay if its c.c. lol
Lelouch & C.C.’s bizarre age-gap is literally not any different from an age-old vampire or any other immortal falling in-love with a human.
I can certainly point out plenty of stories that half this same massive age-gap, and its fans still love it. 
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arcticdementor · 3 years
I was talking to Sarah yesterday and I had a revelation I think is worth sharing.
Let’s begin at the beginning. About a month ago, Instapundit posted this.
Now, I’ve been thinking of the rise and fall of civilizations lately. I can’t think why it’s been on my mind. It’s a tale as old as time—a civilization emerges, establishes a new worthwhile order, the good things brought forth by said order soften up the people maintaining it, the softening turns to decadence, and the decadence gives way to the barbarians, who clean the slate. Where would you say things are lately?
In short—the federal government of the United States of America has become impotent at almost all good things.
Expanded out—There is no start to its talents. It cannot maintain its borders. Since the “election” it doesn’t even try. No surprise there. It cannot maintain friendly relationships with allies—as our recent screwing of Britain on our way out of Afghanistan shows. The “leader” of the “free world” could not be bothered to pick up the phone for our closest ally. Speaking of Afghanistan, it can’t win a war. It can’t even lose gracefully. In fact it fucked up leaving so badly some people are entertaining that it intended to fuck it up, because how the fuck does somebody above the age of six not notice that pulling the military out first and the civilians out second is not even a remotely workable strategy? Resulting in leaving millions of dollars of equipment—and—excuse me, what? Millions of dollars of dollars in the desert? Fantastic.
It makes self sabotaging and idiotic choices to stymie its own domestic oil industry, while accepting a pipeline not from Canada, but one that’s a joint Russian-German venture instead. Which means the problem, contrary to any environmentalist whining, isn’t the pipeline—it’s the pipeline with a friendly country. Big surprise— its only true interest in the environment lies in international agreements that hamstring us while doing nothing to China, the world’s largest polluter. It either can’t be trusted on energy production  and the environment, or is trying to get it wrong.
It can’t manage its economy. What could have been a “V” shaped recovery has been turned into an “L” shaped one. What could be contributing? Paying people to do nothing? Rampant inflation? Meanwhile all the dumbasses running the country can think of is spending several billion more dollars that don’t exist. The country has infrastructure problems for a fact, but they’ll only acknowledge that to the extent of cynically plastering the word on an “infrastructure” bill which is in fact just a far Left wishlist that largely ignores actual infrastructure, in the hopes people will be dumb enough to support it because it has the right label.
And on.
And on.
And on.
What aptitudes does it have besides taking money, trampling civil liberties, and ignoring constitutional laws at gunpoint? News flash, dummies: We don’t need peaceful protestors incarcerated without a trial. We don’t need the weight of the federal government turned to the problem of violating states rights because Texas passed a law Biden doesn’t like. We need military egresses that look like they weren’t planned by Bozo the clown and an economic plan better than something China would design for us as an attempt to permanently sink the country. Is there anyone at all in DC who can provide that? If not, is there anything useful they can do? I’ll wait.
This is what decadence looks like. When the government stops even attempting competence because nothing and nobody that currently exists can replace or displace them so who cares about results? When comfort and plenty have become so common, been taken for granted for so long, that the question of utility or even basic sanity isn’t even distantly considered. When it’s assumed that self-harming policies that will obviously damage the country won’t really matter because nobody has ever known a world without America and fundamentally has no idea how the present day came to be. When the country’s most educated start chasing bizarre and unimaginably stupid ideas on economics that boil down to “inflation won’t happen if you double the monetary supply by printing money, if only you just believe hard enough”. In fact, when education stops being a means to greater insight, more useful abilities, and a better life, and becomes a cult devoted to the kind of idiocy that can survive only with strenuous censorship, the tenets of the cult being treated by the indoctrinated as a collection of sacred mysteries and deeply-thought paradoxes— while to those not similarly trained it is self-obviously a collection of contradictory and self-serving lies.
Verily, decadence is here. We can infer that what comes next is the barbarians. And we have options. Mexican illegals? A heady mixture of poverty-stricken Marxists who have never known a system that wasn’t corrupt, functionally lawless, and devoted to the tenets of voting oneself rich; and outright criminals with lives like “a demon’s resumé”? Perhaps radical Muslims? By sheer numbers worldwide they’re the most likely option. The Taliban just got a huge infusion of cash and a big boost in morale. In a few short days we’ll know whether they’ve arranged a thank you gift for Zho Bi-Xen and his kleptocrat marching band to commemorate his intended pull-out date. But even if, and God I hope, they have not, we can expect an uptick in terrorism and quite shortly. Or perhaps China? The Middle Kingdom would laugh at being called barbarians, but I call genocidal communists like I see them. Mao was morally three steps below a pig and Xi has enough power to aspire to greater depths. As is I wouldn’t dream of feeding a pig Mu Shu Xi due to the great risk of poisoning the pig.
But there is a barbarian group not considered. Us.
Hang on. Before you balk, listen. Look again at what these idiots are selling as the fruits of civilization. Defenses of pedophilia and urinals as art. And more, too—sterilization and disfigurement of teenagers in the form of sex changes. Black supremacy as a panacea to made up threats of white supremacy. Books nobody reads, movies nobody watches, paintings that exist only to launder money—even the ones not made by Hunter Biden.
What good person would not be proud to be considered a barbarian by these miserable, over-decorated Faberge people? I’d be mortified if they agreed with me! So they think I’m a sexist or a racist or whatever. Fine. They do not use these words to mean the same things I mean, so it’s a pointless argument, and they are now officially beneath my explaining myself to them. When the people who are calling me names are so morally opaque that the Taliban can make devastating critiques of them just by referencing the foundational works of their own gender studies programs, I’m done caring about the names. Fine. I’m what you think is a racist. I’m what you think is a sexist. But you think a lot of very stupid things, and as the curtain continues to draw back on the carnival of madness that’s been behind the scenes the entire time it’s occurring to me that what you think and reality overlap so seldom that the only time not to ignore you is when I can ridicule you. If that is your civilization, someone hand me a pointy horned helmet.
Yes, this is a moment of peril, but also opportunity. See in your country what every hostile group listed above sees in it—the makings of great civilization, along other, less stupid lines. All of it guarded by weak, fat, stupid people with no will and no self-belief. Take that mindset and go forth.
Get involved in your local systems. There is an old prayer for God to make ones enemies ridiculous. Congratulations to whomever was still praying it. Your prayers have been answered. Will you tell me that you cannot defeat these people? People who lose casual debates to terrorists not on principle but on basic facts?
You can’t reason with them so don’t bother. Recent events have made it clear you may as well try to talk sense into a three-day-old mackerel. Just confront them with their own stupidity so that people who see the inevitable video understand what this is about, and don’t feel that you are too good to shout them out of the room. You’re the barbarian, remember? Not like the nice civilized people with their gender-queer Tik-Tokers pushing vaccine propaganda. That means you’re excused from conversations with morons. Don’t bother trying to find common ground. Look at where they’re standing! Do you want to try to find the midpoint between that and reality? Silly. Pointless. Send them back to their walled online gardens to whine to their equally stupid friends about the barbarians.
Can we take it back from the ground up? I don’t know. But hey, it’s got to be worth a shot. Join the fun! Find some friends and locate a low-hanging political event to raid. When was the last time you went to a town hall for your town? Isn’t just a part of you curious to know whether your local county commissioner starts by declaring her pronouns? Wouldn’t it be wonderful to see someone like that made very uncomfortable? You can make that happen. You can probably do it within the next month. Bring a few friends! Or a few dozen. Some of the people reading this probably were afraid to do that kind of thing for fear of losing their job. The Biden economy might have freed up some of your time. What have you got to lose now? More importantly, the way things are going, are you going to lose it anyway if things continue as they are? Think on it.
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metellastella · 4 years
Mao Mao Pride Week Prompts, Part 3
A continuation of the prompts put out by @maomaosmother Part 1 https://metellastella.tumblr.com/post/621726687992872960/hello-everyone-happy-pride-month-to-all-of-you Part 2 https://metellastella.tumblr.com/post/621834183114932224/mao-mao-pride-week-prompts
7. Marriage
“But first,” Mao’s sister clapped her hands together, “I wanna talk weddings some more!”
“Right on!” the badger agreed. He whooped. 
“Oh good grief,” Mao rolled his eyes. “Fine. You two can chat with the king about the possibility. And I reiterate. Possibility. When you’re ready to make good on your promise, come find me.” 
She clucked her tongue in disapproval. “Fine. Be the usual stick in the mud. Don’t know why I’m surprised.” 
He grabbed a few more things off his plate and left. 
“So,” she sat back down, “I guess if you favor men, the animals here didn’t have to petition for marriage laws to be amended, huh?” 
”Correct.” the lion replied. 
“Though some thought I was … ironically … being ‘biased.’ Oh well. Can’t help that. Royal power is absolute, for better or worse. I’ve traveled to other nations and, during debates, have suggested that they not use the term ‘marriage’ as I have. Law is, at least in some peoples’ opinions, supposed to be ‘secular,’ and not ‘religious,’ anyway, so why cling to a specific term that isn’t? Simply afford all the exact same rights to civil unions or domestic partnerships. Or make up a third designation. Much easier to get it passed that way. Bypasses a whole lot of entrenched resistance. People can hash out in their own communities what to do with the non-legal angles and rituals and what to call it. But for a ‘marriage’ certificate? What, after all, is a rhetorical difference, in the end?” the diplomat and statesman snapped his fingers. “And like that, less angst for absolutely everyone involved. It’s not always that easy to reconcile or find middle ground. I can’t think of practically any other issues where simply altering one single word could have that effect. Despite a couple of decades worth of rhetorical experience under my belt.”
He sat back, and interlaced his paws contentedly. “Some countries insisted they were still going to adjust tax breaks because of the very unlikely event of children. Unless surrogates are involved, and properly registered as such, to try to avoid wrangling over child custody. That’s a whole other kettle of fish to get into, obviously.” 
She nodded. “Well like Mao said, I’m not here to talk politics. Let’s hear your fantasies about the most important day of your life!”
The badger shook his head. “Well it’s not like that for everyone, but don’t get me wrong, I wanna hear, too!” he said excitedly. 
“Erm … “ the lion looked down. 
“What’s wrong?” she asked. 
“It’s just … I’m more enthusiastic about the idea than Mao, but I’m still a long way off from that myself. So, I don’t want to insult you by making you think I’m further along, just because I have envisioned a marriage … regardless of who the groom is.”
She frowned a little, thinking. “All right then.”
“But I would love to hear about some of your customs, in that event.”
Her face fell some more. “I’m not sure that would be a good idea.”
“The homeland, though the majority is plenty accepting of pairing in general, has not approved marriage between men,” she said, “so any customs you applied to each other or one of you … might be seen as disrespectful. For example. Would Mao dress as the woman, since he’s chosen to sub? Not only do I think he would never, ever do that …” she looked at the badger for confirmation.
He shook his head, “Oh most definitely not.” He thought for a second. “Maybe that’s why he got up out of here, for that matter. He thought we were gonna suggest doing that. We’ve been to weddings like that. Again, a little like misgendering, no? Even in the rare cases where he gets a mind for it, he’s not at all like a typical sub.”
The badger paused. 
“He doesn’t really fit in when I would hang out with other subs. One panda I met just could not wrap his mind around Mao. It was kinda funny. Irritating for him, though. I would be totally down for dressing like the female counterpart in a wedding, if it were me. I’ve pictured it both ways. Maybe even a costume change in the middle?” he waggled his eyebrows. “Or whatever my partner wanted? If a polar bear gave me any direction I’d melt under his strong paw,” his gaze unfocused, and he hummed appreciatively. “Tuxedo? Coming right up. What color? What style? White wool tunic and stole, as is customary for you big guy? I’ll match you! Usus? My Ursus. My dear ursine. Coemptio? Confarreati? Gown? Dress? You got it, my bae bear. I’m male, sure, but a lot more loosey-goosey in that way. But. It’s not me.”
He sighed romantically. 
“If I understand Mao,” the lion said slowly, “in general, he’s less sentimental, at the very least in expression, so maybe it’s simply that he doesn’t get as wrapped up in it as you or I would.” 
The badger shrugged. 
“Also, women tend to get more excited about wedding planning. Not a hard and fast rule of course, but I think we’ve established that you and I have a lot more in common with women, so it makes sense we’d be more enamored, even if it didn’t necessarily need to be that way.”
The badger slapped his forehead. “Oh yeah, wow. How could I not think of that!” He put his paw down and gestured towards her. “I mean this whole conversation we've had a vibe and Mao has seemed the odd one out, gender wise, but I didn’t consider that.”
The badger went on, “Even without a wedding on the table, which is usually headed up by women in this part of the world, it’s often awkward in the first place for a typical guy to be in a room with all women and vice versa … so this visit has kinda been like that for him, I think. I mean, Mao’s always eager enough to go to a wedding, excited about hitting on and dancing with some ladies, and all, but that doesn’t mean he’d necessarily enjoy planning one. He might even leave it all up to you even if he was totally ready for it!” 
The three femme animals spent the next few hours discussing flower arrangements, color palettes, the band of tolerant aristocracy he would invite, and who among the clan would approve enough to come. That was hard for the sister to get through, as she thought of those she loved who would refuse to give their blessing and ‘miss all the fun.’
8. Self-Acceptance
Mao threw up his hands in exasperation. “This was different than anything anybody knew of. Other clans’ elders who had wielders hurt badly were brought in to consult. We wielders can be slammed around by dragons, can be thrown into the ground and make craters, and walk away. With lesser wielders, bruises could be shrugged off and healed. But SOMEHOW, the universe had, like a homing pigeon bent on mouse’s blood, found one little chink in our armor. . . . Delicate tails aren’t resistant enough to damage to withstand direct crush force. Some of the visiting canine elders spoke of a time when groups of semi-sapient non-magical hunting dogs had their flowing, floppy ears or long tails surgically cropped to keep them from injuring themselves on hunts. To potentially avoid something like this happening again … by cave-ins, like mine, by boulders hurled by some types of dragons, even just being stepped on by a dragon big enough …  Should all wielder animals, intending to fight these beasts … should every species with long tails start doing this removal with our children, they asked? With consent, of course. Like removing tonsils or primates removing the appendix? Lizards probably couldn’t do it, because their slanted gait was too dependent and their tails too heavy. So maybe just the tips? Surely the thicker parts of their tails withstand something like this? They asked. The elders of felines and canines and rodents and otters … the later they waited to dock tails in a trainee’s life, the more they would have to adjust to the missing counterbalance just as I was. They swarmed me and questioned me about it relentlessly. They were asking among themselves … What age would this terrible offered choice be appropriate?”
His green eyes widened in horror at these questions. As if he needed any more psychological stress after being temporarily crippled, he seemed to have altered the entire course of history with the way clans viewed preparation for wielder heroes.
“Inwardly, I felt like …” he once again tried to force the words out he had started before. “I felt like I was causing an implosion of the whole clan. The tranquil meditation spaces were overrun with visitors. Children still hid from me. Our elders argued over whether they should move me for the duration of my recovery, from the clan’s circle. They argued over what to do about the little ones. But didn’t I deserve to feel safe, too? Of course I was ripping everyone apart! It was what always happened when I was around! When we were all younger, and my sisters occasionally came to my defense from one another or dad, I felt it was somehow my fault they argued, too.”
Even if the elders made these new procedures for children voluntary, he would still be virtually ‘responsible’ for possibly unneeded selective surgical alteration of innocents.
“Blue says that’s common, for bullied children to feel like it’s their fault.”
He looked towards the door, probably thinking of the dog’s unruffled voice of reason.
“I try to listen to him. I try to like myself. B-but I … it seemed l-like my family w-was disintegrating because of m-m-me. And my stupid ‘mistake.’ The whole world of wielders, even! Sometimes it still does, when they visit …! Arguing over father’s treatment of me. Remember when my sister said she wasn’t sure starting arguments over lesser wielders was worth unsettling future heroes? Now imagine what I was thinking when the little ones didn’t feel safe in the circle of the clan because of me. I was drowning in self-blame and the only way I felt I could escape it was to work harder, push myself more, and get away from there.” 
Could Blue even help him out of this? The lion pictured him like a seeing eye dog this time, trying for all the world to lead the black cat out of such darkness. 
From my second story, Outnumbered. Tanya sashayed around the red-caped cat. “Hello Mittens.” “Tanya I swear if you do not stop calling me that, I’m going to use the wrong pronouns for you,” the cat threatened. “Touchy, touchy,” the tanuki tutted teasingly, but her normally chipper attitude got a dent in it. “As if that’s an even trade, anyway.” The masculine magic cat said gruffly, “Maybe not. But I’m tired of you mocking me without consequences. Just because that’s the only thing that ever gets under your skin is no fault of mine. Perky little miss.” She rolled her eyes. “So, you try to make gendering me correctly even sound derogatory. No wonder I broke up with you.” The cat’s fists tightened, but he spoke cooly. “If you can’t handle all this. I’ll just find someone who can.” 
“Like the king you’re serving as a bodyguard to?” the fox-like animal said in a silken tone. “The only kind of lion with no birth mane. Are you a chaser, you dog?” “First off. No. How dare you. Targeting gender non-conforming animals may not be officially dishonorable, but as a concept, it is,” the samurai bristled, “We’re not involved, and we’re never going to be. We’re not attracted to each other, as my nose could clearly tell if he was. Second of all. Since when do you have something against dogs?” “It’s an expression.” “An expression that’s derogatory towards dogs,” the cat sneered. “I can’t imagine the blue therapist dog could be less like that. It’s like ‘sexist pig.’ The yellow pig back in Pure Heart would be crushed if he ever heard someone utter it. Yet outside that nice little paradise, it’s a common saying. King Snugglemagne is having to adjust mightily to the outside world. You may be used to it, steeped in it, but for magic’s sake, stop teasing him about it.” “Oh, a king can’t take a little hardship?” she said lazily. “Of course not, he’s been ensconced in his fancy-pants palace. Now that he has an idea of how it is for everyone else, he crumples at the slightest trouble. Sorry I can’t muster up enough energy to care.” “You should care. Given that he has the same problems you do.” “With pronouns? Puh. Since I’m a roaming outlaw,” the orange animal said flouncily, “I don’t expect either other crooks or enforcers I encounter to respect that my gender doesn’t match my body’s smell. The former doesn’t even respect the law, so why should I take that personally? And the latter are more focused on getting me behind bars. So, no, not my problem. Too much of a bother.” “If you settled down, and got a respectable job,” the cat pointed out, “Established yourself as a constant presence, people would probably collectively accept you.” She laughed derisively. “Oh no, I value my freedom far more than that, Mi-” she swallowed back the nickname. He laughed just as derisively. “I see you do value my word on the matter, though,” he said suggestively. “Are you just not as tough as you make out, or do you still harbor some feelings for me, my sweet little illusionist?” 
She opened her mouth, but then shut it again. 
“You slippery mirage master,” he said “you do, don’t you?”
He paused. “Hm. ‘Master,’ maybe I should say ‘Mistress’?” he amended. “There’s . . . really no good choice there,” she chuckled hesitantly. “There are ‘Head Mistresses’ at some schools in Snugglemagne’s kingdom,” the cat pointed out. 
“Yes but . . . still has connotations. I don’t break the law that way,” she said, normally carefree attitude wobbling. “Even I have standards.”
“Hasn't stopped you from dangling the offer to get what you want,” he said. 
She blushed.
“Yeah, word gets around,” he went on blithely as she uncomfortably gripped one of her arms. “Don't know why I should be surprised that playing with hearts isn't beneath you. But more to the point. I know you’re ultimately reasonably principled in that arena, if really flirty. You ever want to get back together, babe, the invitation is open,” he winked. 
“And endure your jealous behavior again? I think not. I’ll file that away with other useless knowledge,” she said icily. 
“Oh that’s not like you,” he said in a low baritone. “You’re sweet to everyone, even if they can’t catch the mocking tone sometimes.” “Not everyone’s as smart as you, cupcake.” He looked caught off guard by the compliment. “She brushed her fingers under his chin. “I guess you’ll just have to miss me.”
She somersaulted away from him, waving goodbye and blowing a kiss.  He said under his breath, “As if I’d ever misgender you. You may play a lot of mind games, love, but you didn’t catch that bluff.”
Comic page: https://metellastella.tumblr.com/post/621837213819437056/mao-maos-specific-trigger-should-not-be First chapter of Piercing the Swordsman https://metellastella.tumblr.com/post/617045879413719040/piercing-the-swordsman-chapter-1
@beesechurguer @king-himbo
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princesskokichi · 4 years
after quite a bit of time and a lot of stalling on writing ( i was reading and trying to figure out what to write about mao, don’t judge me )
i finally wrote a lot of my headcanons out for mao !!!!
she’s one of my favorite characters to write about, because she’s hella unique ( imo ) and i just,, i love her so gosh darn much
she’s a bitch but i love her - mod kokichi
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[ I N T R O . . . . L O A D I N G ]
[ P A G E L O A D E D ]
[ C ON T I N U E ? ]
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Review the report cards of each student here. 
. . .
height : 4′11″ 
weight : 94lbs
chest : 26″
blood type : B
d.o.b : april 04
likes : cheesecake
dislikes : storms
notes : no ultimate talent
despite being chosen for this “ killing game “ with a group of 16 supposed “ ultimates “, she didn’t look very confused when monokuma singled her out for not having a talent. she seems to be a rather reserved girl, albeit one with a habit of pouting. 
i’m beginning to understand why the nickname ultimate blackened sticks with her. she offers no chance to talk even though i’m the one who struck up a conversation. she does not seem to regret her choice to kill, but she’s angry at monokuma for tricking her.
she gave me a chance to talk to her for the first time since i began talking to her. she likes to play with me and make me believe things that are not true. she had me believing she had no family to go home to if she escapes this place, just to tell me she was joking to see my reaction. she must have family to go back to, otherwise she wouldn’t have killed anyone in the first place.
mao seemed very rude today. it was like she didn’t want to speak to me at all. she had me going around fetching things for her and telling me i would be rewarded afterwards. i feel a little insulted that she would spend so much time with me just to tell me to leave at the very end, but this isn’t something i can change. 
i finally asked her what my reward for helping her out yesterday was. to my surprise, she handed me a small ring made out of a dried flower from the garden. she was very excited to give it to me. it was the first time she acted like a human since i met her. a little while later, i noticed a few red bumps along the finger the ring was on. apparently, the flower was baby’s breath and it irritates when dry. 
[ P A G E C L O S E D ]
. . .
[ C H A R A C T E R A N A L Y S I S ]
[ P A G E O P E N E D ]
mao ito ( 超高校級の「クロ」 or super high school level blackened ) is a girl of short stature and tiny body frame with a cute appearance outwardly. although she typically wears only white and black, most people look past her color choices and choose see a girl with her hair in buns wearing a cute overall dress over a tee shirt. 
her personality is described firstly as meek and voiceless. she keeps a quiet watch as she inspects the others around her. she’s slow to upset and even harder to scare. when it was announced by monokuma during the introduction of the killing game that she had no ultimate talent, she didn’t seem phased by him in the slightest, and instead chose to leave and go to her dorm without hearing the rest of the conversation.
despite missing the explanation of the killing game’s mechanics, she seemed to know exactly what was going on during the first trial. she seemed almost bored of the conversation, and exposed the killer without any troubles. mao was the only student that did not cry when the first blackened was punished by monokuma. she did not stay after the punishment and opted to go back to her room without talking to anyone else.
her personality is completely reversed upon the second trial. the motive for the second trial given by monokuma was the murder weapon, guitar strings. mao found out on complete accident that if the motive was the cause of death for someone, the blackened would get off without being punished. she took the chance and killed her classmate. however, monokuma had never promised that she would be set free, but never specified that when explaining the motive. because of that, she committed murder and was still forced to continue the killing game.
after that trial, mao is arrogant of herself and thinks lowly of those around her. she’s deceitful and tends to use people in her advantage without thinking about their safety or wellbeing. during class trials she often helps solve them, but in her own backwards way of helping. she’s quick to anger and harsh words, often using her wits to make people go backwards and killing their argument so she doesn’t have to argue with them. despite being a bit of an asshole, she never directly insults people, rather mocking their intelligence by commenting on the side something vaguely rude. 
she herself hates actually lying. rather than lying, she prefers to leave the full truth out, giving out only the information she wants to those around her. even so, she’s got an almost childish nature to her, having habits such as stomping and pouting when she’s angry, and clapping her hands when she’s excited or happy.
friends are not of much importance to her in this killing game and hold very little weight as an incentive to be peaceful. it’s unknown how she would treat someone if they were friendly to her. 
not much is known about her past. since the students choose to stray away from her, and she’s not readily giving out information about who she is on the inside to the general public, what little information she gives out is to be taken at face value. she’s not one to lie, but she is deceitful. what is known about her life before the killing game could be a small part of a much bigger picture. or it could be exactly what she says it is. 
whatever the case, she is the antagonist of her danganronpa game. she and the protagonist get along decently well, and he seems to be the only person who she’s willing to have a conversation with for more than five minutes. even then, she is guarded with her own words and speaks most of the time instead of letting him speak. 
mao is one of the survivors of her killing game.
quote : “ you can either give yourself up to this game and be a victim or you die trying. good fucking luck. “
[ P A G E C L O S E D ]
. . .
[ H E A D C A N O N S ]
[ P A G E O P E N E D ]
- she stopped wanting to escape after the second class trial 
- she does not trust many of those around her
- neither personality of hers - pre and post second trial - are necessarily faked
- she often walks around in the middle of the night when people are sleeping, being a night owl
- her room in the school is incredibly messy and disorganized, but everything is in a place that makes sense to her
- mao does not like pickles at all 
- she is not a fan of dogs and prefers cats
- she’s not a religious person
- she is probably aro / ace 
- if you call her out for being short she will take your shins
- she totally sucks at mathematics
- she really likes days where she can do nothing and sleep
- mao means “ serene love “ and ito means “ pure “ with this kanji
- her nickname was originally the ultimate monster
- yes her name is an anagram of oma what of it
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lightspeedrobin · 4 years
Dormouse - Sakuma Ritsu X Reader
A/N: Finally back again with a fic on the 1st year anniv of this blog (not that this has been active most of the year lol).
Have some Ritsu fluff and a bit of Sakuma bros bonding!
P.S. This happens after the Scout Story: Tea Party, but you can read this one without reading the scout story.
Title: Dormouse
Characters: Sakuma Ritsu, Sakuma Rei, Reader
Pairing: Sakuma Ritsu/Reader
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 2512 words
“Maa-kun’s busy again today…” You hear Ritsu complain as you two enter town on your way home. With Mao busy with his unit practice and squeezing in the Student Council work that came up today, you two are left to walk home by yourselves.
You cross your arms over your chest and turn to Ritsu, who’s walking listlessly with a faraway look. “Well, we can’t help it if he’s still practicing with Trickstar. I hear they’re getting more jobs lately too since they’re becoming more popular now.”
He lets out a long sigh. “I drank a lot of tea today too during club so I’m beat. I wish Maa-kun would give me a piggyback-ride...”
“Oh, you had club activities today too, huh? No wonder Mao texted me to come pick you up. I had some stuff to do after class too.” You reply, remembering the sudden message you received from Mao at lunch. Sorry, I might stay longer in school today. You and Ritsu should go on ahead without me, it says. 
“Yeah, we got caught up in playing those characters from Alice in Wonderland that I didn’t notice how much tea I had.”
“Oh, which character did you play as?”
“The Cheshire Cat.”
You place a hand under your chin and try to imagine it. Oh, that actually suits him, you think. “Well you do seem like a cat sometimes. Wanting to be spoiled, napping in unusual places and all. Plus you can get a little mischievous sometimes...”
“But if we’re talking about napping, wouldn’t the Dormouse be a better character? I just need to lie down and do nothing else. Easy, easy...” He says, bobbing his head up and down as if to satisfy himself of his own reasoning.
“I guess”, you reply. The two of you make your way through town, occasionally engaging in some small talk. Ritsu talks about his clubmates and unitmates and you talk about a big play your class is preparing for. 
On the way, you see Ritsu yawn for the nth time since you two started walking home and you begin to wonder if he’s been sleeping his usual amount lately. Knights must be slumped with idol work recently, as expected from one of the top idol groups in the school. 
Ritsu has been silent for a while now and you wonder if he’s starting to get sleepy. Just when you are about to ask him, he collapses on your back and his hands fall on your shoulders, half of his weight shifting towards you. He gives a satisfied hum. “Ritsu, come on. You know I can’t carry you all the way home like this.” 
“Nnn...” He only groans in response and nuzzles his head on your shoulder. You put a foot forward to accommodate the sudden weight and to prevent the both of you from tumbling down the sidewalk.
“Is this how Mao carries you home everyday? You’re too heavy, Ritsu!”
“How rude. I’m not even eating too much.”
“Well, you’re taller than me so that’s more body mass!”
With all the strength you can muster, you manage to drag Ritsu to a nearby bench. He curls up as soon as you lay him down. “Okay now you’re acting like a cat who just found a nice napping spot.”
“...I told you… I’m a mouse… a dormouse...” He mumbles, sleep clearly taking over from his tone. He must’ve been tired from his club activity if he’s being extra sluggish on the way home. But then again, the sun’s already way down the horizon that you assume he should be getting more active by now. Either way, without Mao, you two aren’t going anywhere. 
You turn to him. “Ritsu do you need to rest a little? I really can’t carry you the whole way.”
“Mmhh...” He mumbles something you can’t make out as you sit down on the other end of the bench. The next second, he wiggles over your lap to use as his pillow. “You’re so warm… I think I might stay here foreeeveeeeeer...” 
Seeing a content smile on his face as he once again drifts off to sleep, you lean back on the bench and look up at the sky. As expected from being in the city, there are fewer stars visible and he only bright object you can see is the moon as it begins to rise.
Ritsu shifts a little on your lap and makes a little noise. You can feel his steady breathing, the sight of him sleeping peacefully almost lulls you to sleep but you quickly turn your attention elsewhere so as to not nod off too. 
You don’t know how much time has passed since then when you feel your phone vibrating from your pocket. You quickly fish it out, careful not to move too much to wake Ritsu.
A message from your mom. Saying that she’ll be a little late for dinner. Wait. Dinner?
“Oh no!” You nearly jump in your seat but the sudden cry wakes the sleeping idol on your lap. Ritsu starts to groan. “...You’re too loud… Don’t shout...”
“We need to get home! Now!” you exclaim, hastily tapping his shoulder. 
“Whaaaat? Let me rest a bit more… It’s not like I need to be home early today. ” 
“But I need to be home right away. I need to make dinner!” you spell out. You still need to take out the meat you planned to use from the freezer to defrost it, and the other ingredients would also take time to prepare. You were excited to try out a new recipe today, too.
“You know, it’s not bad to have takeout every once in a while.” Ritsu comments, not moving an inch on your lap. 
“Yes, and we already had that the other day. Now would you please sit up so I can get my stuff?” 
Ritsu doesn’t move. “...Five more minutes.”
“Ritsu...” you call one more time.
After giving up trying to wake him, you consider carrying him again so you two can get moving, but carrying a sleeping Ritsu would feel much heavier than a half-awake one from a while ago. And you’re already struggling to stand up the first time.
“That’s it. I’m calling him.” Pulling out your phone from your blazer jacket, you easily find the number you’re looking for and tap on the dial button.
Shifting from your lap, you feel Ritsu’s head perk up. “Him. You mean Maa-kun?” You didn’t get to reply though, as you hear the voice from the other line picking up.
“O-Oh, um… sorry for suddenly calling. I was wondering if you’re around the park by the convenience store… Yes, the one on the way home.” Ritsu sits up and leans closer to try and listen. He doesn’t hear much though except for your voice humming in response to whoever’s on the phone. 
“I have Ritsu here with me but he’s too tired to walk and I can’t carry him all the way back and— Oh you’re coming over? That’s a great help, thanks!” Ritsu strains to filter out the noise so he can hear his beloved Maa-kun even for just a few seconds. 
However, to his absolute horror, he hears a familiar giggle, the unmistakable deep voice sending warning signals through his entire system that finally jolted him awake. 
“Just you wait, my adorable Ritsu! Onii-chan’s on the way to get you~.” 
And the call drops.
You return your phone to your pocket as he watches you in shock. “You called my idiot brother?!”
“Well, who else am I supposed to call? Mao’s probably still practicing with Trisckstar.” You retort, expecting that reaction from him. His eyebrows knit together in displeasure.
“No one. We could’ve gone home by ourselves.”
“No, we couldn’t. You’re heavy and we still have halfway to go before we even get to our neighborhood. You didn’t even want to get up.”
“Tell that bug to go back.”
“No can do. And even if I tell him to, there’s no stopping him now from any opportunity to spend time with his cute little brother.”
“Ughhh....” He falls again onto your lap. Happy that he’s finally given up, you exhale a relieved sigh. You don’t notice, though, the sneaky hands crawling to your sides until they began tickling you. 
“As punishment, I’m gonna torture you until you send him away.”
You try to push him off you but you’re too distracted from all the tickling that you can only jolt from side to side. “Ritsu—! Stop!” You try to say in between laughs. 
“No can do.”
You attempt again to swat his hands away and throw him off your lap. You raise your knees alternately to force him to sit up and he does, and you immediately edge yourself away from him on the bench.
Ritsu slides from his seat to follow you, though. “Oh no, you’re not getting away.” He says in a clearly playful tone. 
You reach the end of the bench and almost fall off when your hands landed on nothing beside you, and you know you’re doomed to another tickling. Your reaction didn’t go unnoticed by Ritsu and he lets out a mischievous laugh. 
“Got you~.” 
But just as he got close enough for his hands to reach you again, a sing-song voice grabbed his attention.
“Oi~! Ritsu~!” Ritsu snaps his head at the distant voice approaching. He clicks his tongue in annoyance. “Oh great. He’s here.”
Recovering from the tickling session, you wipe a tear on your eye as you see Rei come into view. You stand up to greet him. “Rei-san. Good evening!”
“Good evening, little lady. Thanks for calling.” Rei flashes you a grateful smile before turning to Ritsu. “Now, is my precious little brother too tired to walk home? Come here to Onii-chan and I’ll carry you~” And, without waiting for a response, Rei easily scoops him up.
Ritsu pushes away as he’s forcefully made to lean against his brother’s chest. “Put me down, stupid brother! I didn’t ask for you to come! Let go of me!” He kicks his legs up and tries to wriggle off him.
Rei pouts at his little brother’s rejection. “Aw, but you used to love me carrying you like this home.” 
“Can you please not talk about that embarrassing past? It’s disgusting!” Ritsu spats, feeling Rei’s hold on him loosening. “How are you here already anyway?”
“Whenever my dear brother’s in need, I’ll always arrive at the speed of light.” Rei proudly says, obviously not the answer anyone is looking for. After seeing the irritated look from Ritsu and the nervous laugh from you, he finally explains. “I just finished a job with Undead in the area and we’re staying at a cafe nearby at Kaoru’s suggestion.”
“Oh, you were with your unit mates, then?” you say, beginning to feel guilty. “Sorry for calling you so suddenly when you had a prior appointment.” 
“Oh so you apologize to him but not me?” Ritsu grumbles, still holding on to the small grudge from earlier. You pretend to not hear him.
Rei adjusts his hands under Ritsu before he replies. “It’s quite alright, little lady. It’s just a detour we made before we part ways and go home.”
You hesitate but with how Rei is close to rubbing his cheek against Ritsu’s, who is still trying to push him away, you think that he was glad he got the call too. You giggle at the rare sight of these two brothers.
“Hey! Don’t just laugh at me, help me get off of this idiot.” Ritsu calls out. 
You try to hold another laughter in but it spills out when Rei starts rocking Ritsu to maybe try and get him to fall asleep. “I’m sorry, Ritsu. It’s impossible to not watch this!” 
Ritsu pouts at you in betrayal. Oh, how you wish to take out your phone and quickly snap a photo of his face.
“Now, now. Come on, Ritsu. Onii-chan will carry you home so you can sleep here in my arms~” Rei smiles wide, another rare sight. Ritsu continues to struggle in his brother’s hold, but then suddenly stops and drops his head down, his bangs covering his eyes.
Rei stops as well. Did Ritsu give up resisting? “Ritsu?” Rei hesitantly tries to meet his eyes, and then you see him flinch.
“Put. Me. Down.” Ritsu shoots Rei with a murderous glare. His tone clearly shows he’s had enough of this. “Or I’ll report you.”
Rei, taken aback by this brother’s warning, frowns but still moves to set him down. Ritsu dusts himself off and glares at Rei.
Seeing the clear rejection from his younger brother, Rei starts to sniffle, rubbing the corners of eyes in fake tears. “Oh Ritsu, you’re so mean to your dear big brother!” 
Almost immediately, Ritsu snaps back. “My only family here is Maa-kun and...” He steps closer to you and, without warning, latches onto your arm. 
You were surprised by the sudden gesture, not sure how to react. You hesitantly call his name but he’s busy sending death glares to his brother, who now wears a distinct pout.
Finally, Rei gives a defeated sigh. “Well, it seems i’ve been rejected yet again today. I’ll head back to the cafe. You two be careful on your way home.” 
You feel bad now for calling him out here. He must’ve been looking forward to spending some time with Ritsu. But Rei must’ve sensed your growing guilt and smiled at you, as if assuring you that it was no problem at all. He did get to carry Ritsu, after all, even if it was for a short time.
You smile back at him. “Thank you and sorry for the trouble! Please be careful as well!” And you give a small bow before he turns and walks back the direction he came. 
“Finally he’s gone.” Ritsu speaks, voice starting to tone down. “Now I can rest in peace.” He lets go of your arm and sits back down on the bench. He pats the spot you were sitting on earlier. “Come on.” 
But you don’t move and as he looks at you in confusion, you smugly grin at him. Calling Rei might’ve been a good move after all. “Oh good, you’re wide awake. Now you can get home by yourself, right?” You say and turn on your heel to start walking.
You hear Ritsu make a surprised noise from behind you. “What? Noooo… don’t leave me heeeeereee...” He quickly rises from his seat and reluctantly trails after you. You can’t see his face but you’re sure he’s sulking right now. Just that image of him in your head is enough to make you giggle. You slow your pace down though so he can catch up, but as soon as he does he hooks an arm around yours.
“Ritsu, if you’re thinking of having me carry you again—”
“This is fine as long as I’m walking, right?” 
You sigh. This one really is a handful, but he can be cute sometimes.
“Okay, fine.”
Heya! I’ve also started uploading my fics on AO3. You can follow me @lightspeedrobin​ !
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books I read in 2019 (not including rereads, favorites are bolded!)
Come Close - Sappho
Shanghai Baby - Wei Hui
Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair - Pablo Neruda
Bad Feminist: Essays - Roxane Gay
The Mother of Black Hollywood: A Memoir - Jenifer Lewis
Sula - Toni Morrison
Reinventing the Enemy’s Language: Contemporary Native Women’s Writings of North America - ed. Joy Harjo and Gloria Bird
How to Write an Autobiographical Novel - Alexander Chee
Night Sky With Exit Wounds - Ocean Vuong
If They Come For Us - Fatimah Asghar
Heart Berries: A Memoir - Terese Marie Mailhot
Less - Andrew Sean Greer
The Astonishing Color of After - Emily X.R. Pan
Goodbye, Vitamin - Rachel Khong
Darius the Great is Not Okay - Adib Khorram
Exit West - Mohsin Hamid
Homegirls and Handgrenades - Sonia Sanchez
Heavy: An American Memoir - Keise Laymon
All You Can Ever Know - Nicole Chung
Unaccustomed Earth - Jhumpa Lahiri
The Wife Between Us - Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen
The Way You Make Me Feel - Maureen Goo
A Very Large Expanse of Sea - Tahereh Mafi
Water By the Spoonful - Quiara Alegría Hudes
I Can’t Date Jesus: Love, Sex, Family, Race, and Other Reasons I’ve Put My Faith in Beyoncé - Michael Arceneaux
Bury It - Sam Sax
White Dancing Elephants - Chaya Bhuvaneswar
Pulp - Robin Talley
Shit is Real - Aisha Franz
Silencer - Marcus Wicker
Forget Sorrow: An Ancestral Tale - Belle Yang
Bestiary: Poems - Donika Kelly
Monster Portraits - Sofia Samatar
No Matter the Wreckage - Sarah Kay
Violet Energy Ingots - Hoa Nguyen
Olio - Tyehimba Jess
The Kane Chronicles: The Serpent’s Shadow - Rick Riordan
There Are More Beautiful Things Than Beyoncé - Morgan Parker
Nylon Road: A Graphic Memoir of Coming of Age in Iran - Parsua Bashi
The Wedding Date - Jasmine Guillory
Fruit of the Drunken Tree - Ingrid Rojas Contreras
An American Marriage - Tayari Jones
Family Trust - Kathy Wang
Not That Bad: Dispatches from Rape Culture - ed. Roxane Gay
Little & Lion - Brandy Colbert
A Girl Like That - Tanaz Bhathena
Suicide Club: A Novel About Living - Rachel Heng
The Disturbed Girl’s Dictionary - NoNieqa Ramos
My Old Faithful: Stories - Yang Huang
Crazy Rich Asians - Kevin Kwan
Girls Burn Brighter - Shobha Rao
Moon of the Crusted Snow - Waubgeshig Rice
Kingdom Animalia - Aracelis Girmay
Happiness - Aminatta Forna
Devotions - Mary Oliver
The Proposal - Jasmine Guillory
The Kiss Quotient - Helen Hoang
When Katie Met Cassidy - Camille Perri
Heads of the Colored People - Nafissa Thompson-Spires
Friday Black: Stories - Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah
The Word is Murder - Anthony Horowitz
Miles from Nowhere - Nami Mun
The Lost Ones - Sheena Kamal
All the Names They Used for God - Anjali Sachdeva
Confessions of the Fox - Jordy Rosenberg
Love, Loss, and What We Ate: A Memoir - Padma Lakshmi
On the Come Up - Angie Thomas
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society - Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows
The Love & Lies of Rukhsana Ali - Sabina Khan
See What I Have Done - Sarah Schmitt
Convenience Store Woman - Sayaka Murata
I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter - Erika Sánchez
For Today I Am A Boy - Kim Fu
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo - Taylor Jenkins Reid
Conflict Resolution for Holy Beings - Joy Harjo
They Can’t Kill Us Until They Kill Us - Hanif Abdurraqib
Mongrels - Stephen Graham Jones
If Beale Street Could Talk - James Baldwin
Death of Innocence: The Story of the Hate Crime that Changed America - Mamie Till-Mobley and Christopher Benson
The Gilded Wolves - Roshani Chokshi
To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before - Jenny Han
The Perfect Nanny - Leila Slimani, translated by Sam Taylor
The Travelling Cat Chronicles - Hiro Arikawa, translated by Philip Gabriel
Things We Lost in the Fire - Mariana Enríquez, translated by Megan McDowell
Sunburn - Laura Lippman
The House of Impossible Beauties - Joseph Cassara
Freshwater - Akwaeke Emezi
A Private Life - Chen Ran, translated by John Howard-Gibbon
Invisible: The Forgotten Story of the Black Woman Lawyer Who Took Down America’s Most Powerful Mobster - Stephen L. Carter
Undead Girl Gang - Lily Anderson
They Both Die at the End - Adam Silvera
The Friend - Sigrid Nunez
Severance - Ling Ma
Tiny Crimes: Very Short Tales of Mystery & Murder - ed. Licoln Michel and Nadxieli Nieto
Mapping the Interior - Stephen Graham Jones
Give Me Some Truth - Eric Gansworth
How to Love a Jamaican - Alexia Arthurs
All of This is True - Lygia Day Peñaflor
Swimmer Among the Stars - Kanishk Tharoor
The Wicked + the Divine, Vol. 7: Mothering Invention - Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie
This is Kind of an Epic Love Story - Kheryn Callender
Gingerbread - Helen Oyeyemi
Where the Dead Sit Talking - Brandon Hobson
The Ensemble - Aja Gabel
My Education - Susan Choi
More Happy than Not - Adam Silvera
Nobody Cares: Essays - Anne T. Donahue
Kiss and Tell: A Romantic Résumé, Ages 0 to 22 - Marinaomi
Oculus: Poems - Sally Wen Mao
Let’s Talk About Love - Claire Kann
History is All You Left Me - Adam Silvera
Opposite of Always - Justin A. Reynolds
The Crown Ain’t Worth Much - Hanif Abdurraqib
The Weight of Our Sky - Hanna Alkaf
If You See Me, Don’t Say Hi - Neel Patel
Girls of Paper and Fire - Natasha Ngan
What if It’s Us - Becky Albertalli and Adam Silvera
The Map of Salt and Stars - Jennifer Zeynab Joukhadar
October Mourning: A Song for Matthew Shepard - Lesléa Newman
The Big Smoke - Adrian Matejka
Dissolve - Sherwin Bitsui
The Woman Next Door - Yewande Omotoso
The Refugees - Viet Thanh Nguyen
White Tears - Hari Kunzru
Electric Arches - Eve Ewing
The Black Maria - Aracelis Girmay
Bloodchild and Other Stories - Octavia Butler
Soft Science - Franny Choi
The White Card - Claudia Rankine
Mad Honey Symposium - Sally Wen Mao
The Care and Feeding of Ravenously Hungry Girls - Anissa Gray
Next: New Poems - Lucille Clifton
The Marvelous Arithmetics of Distance: Poems 1987-1992 - Audre Lorde
Quilting the Black-Eyed Pea: Poems and Not Quite Poems - Nikki Giovanni
The Arab of the Future - Riad Sattouf
Ghosts in the Schoolyard: Racism and School Closings on Chicago’s South Side - Eve L. Ewing
Gruel - Bunkong Tuon
Marriage of a Thousand Lies - SJ Sindu
Parable of the Sower - Octavia Butler
Good Night, Willie Lee, I’ll See You in the Morning - Alice Walker
That Kind of Mother - Rumaan Alam
Erotic Stories for Punjabi Widows - Balli Kaur Jaswal
Hera Lindsay Bird - Hera Lindsay Bird
Queenie - Candice Carty-Williams
And Still I Rise - Maya Angelou
The Man Who Shot Out My Eye Is Dead - Chanelle Benz
Everyone Knows You Go Home - Natalia Sylvester
Naming Our Destiny: New and Selected Poems - June Jordan
The 100* Best African American Poems (*But I Cheated) - ed. Nikki Giovanni
The Haunting of Tram Car 015 - P. Djèlí Clark
Bury My Clothes - Roger Bonair-Agard
Selected Poems - Langston Hughes
Their Eyes Were Watching God - Zora Neale Hurston
Sonata Mulattica - Rita Dove
Winnie - Gwendolyn Brooks
Bicycles: Love Poems - Nikki Giovanni
The Black God’s Drums -  P. Djèlí Clark
Kid Gloves: Nine Months of Careful Chaos - Lucy Knisley
Annie Allen - Gwendolyn Brooks
Parable of the Talents  - Octavia Butler
After Disasters - Viet Dinh
Passing for Human: A Graphic Memoir - Liana Finck
Teeth - Aracelis Girmay
A Surprised Queenhood in the New Black Sun: The Life & Legacy of Gwendolyn Brooks - Angela Jackson
Peluda - Melissa Lozada-Oliva
A Map to the Next World - Joy Harjo
Magical Negro - Morgan Parker
Corpse Whale - dg nanouk okpik
Hawkeye: Volume 1 - Matt Fraction
Cenzontle - Marcelo Hernandez Castillo
Don’t Let Me Be Lonely: An American Lyric - Claudia Rankine
Selected Poems - Gwendolyn Brooks
She Had Some Horses - Joy Harjo
The BreakBeat Poets: New American Poetry in the Age of Hip-Hope - ed. Kevin Coval, Quraysh Ali Lansana, and Nate Marshall
Beyond Uhura: Star Trek and Other Memories - Nichelle Nichols
The Past and Other Things that Should Stay Buried - Shaun David Hutchinson
Difficult Women - Roxane Gay
The Woman Who Fell From the Sky - Joy Harjo
The Collected Schizophrenias: Essays - Esmé Weijun Wang
Go Ahead in the Rain: Notes to A Tribe Called Quest - Hanif Abdurraqib
The Frolic of the Beasts - Yukio Mishima
Hawkeye Omnibus - Matt Fraction
Good Talk: A Memoir in Conversations - Mira Jacob
Karamo: My Story of Embracing Purpose, Healing, and Hope - Karamo Brown
Tipping the Velvet - Sarah Waters
When My Brother Was an Aztec - Natalie Diaz
Toxic Flora: Poems - Kimiko Hahn
Virgin - Analicia Sotelo
Easy Prey - Catherine Lo
Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me - Mariko Tamaki and Rosemary Valero-O’Connell
Saints and Misfits - S.K. Ali
Intercepted - Alexa Martin
Love from A to Z - S.K. Ali
Gemini - Sonya Mukherjee
The Atlas of Reds and Blues - Devi S. Laskar
My Brother’s Husband Vol. II - Gengoroh Tagame
Black Queer Hoe - Britteney Black Rose Kapri
Internment - Samira Ahmed
Dothead: Poems - Amit Majmudar
With the Fire On High - Elizabeth Acevedo
Sabrina & Corina: Stories - Kali Fajardo-Anstine
Milk and Filth - Carmen Giménez Smith
The Key to Happily Ever After - Tif Marcelo
If You’re Out There - Katy Loutzenhiser
Farewell to Manzanar - Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston
New Poets of Native Nations - ed. Heid E. Erdrich
Bodymap: Poems - Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
Wolf by Wolf - Ryan Graudin
Tell Me How It Ends - Valeria Luiselli
Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood - Trevor Noah
Down and Across - Arvin Ahmadi
The Tradition - Jericho Brown
About Betty’s Boob - Vero Cazot and Julie Rocheleau
Fake It Till You Break It - Jenn P. Nguyen
Storm of Locusts - Rebecca Roanhorse
Silver Sparrow - Tayari Jones
Pride, Prejudice, and Other Flavors - Sonali Dev
Mongrel: Essays, Diatribes, Pranks - Justin Chin
When I Grow Up I Want To Be a List of Further Possibilities - Chen Chen
The New Testament - Jericho Brown
Fumbled - Alexa Martin
If It Makes You Happy - Claire Kann
Brave Face - Shaun David Hutchinson
Words in Deep Blue - Cath Crowley
Lost Children Archive - Valeria Luiselli
Care Work: Dreaming Disability Justice - Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
We Were Eight Years in Power: An American Tragedy - Ta-Nehisi Coates
Anger is a Gift - Mark Oshiro
The Bride Test - Helen Hoang
Not Your Backup - C.B. Lee
Prelude to Bruise - Saeed Jones
The Night Wanderer: A Graphic Novel - Drew Hayden Taylor and Michael Wyatt
Naturally Tan - Tan France
Bloom - Kevin Panetta and Savanna Ganucheau
Like a Love Story - Abdi Nazemian
I’m Afraid of Men - Vivek Shraya
Juliet Takes a Breath - Gabby Rivera
On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous - Ocean Vuong
Let Me Hear a Rhyme - Tiffany D. Jackson
I Wanna Be Where You Are - Kristina Forest
Hurricane Season - Nicole Melleby
Split Tooth - Tanya Tagaq
Hungry Hearts: 13 Tales of Love and Food - ed. Elsie Chapman and Caroline Tung Richmond
The Night Tiger - Yangsze Choo
Long Live the Tribe of Fatherless Girls - T Kira Madden
Miracle Creek - Angie Kim
Ayesha at Last - Uzma Jalaluddin
Shout - Laurie Halse Anderson
The Breakbeat Poets Vol. 3: Halal if You Hear Me - ed. Fatimah Asghar and Safia Elhillo
The Tenth Muse - Catherine Chung
This Place: 150 Years Retold - various authors
Kings, Queens, and In-Betweens - Tanya Boteju
Midnight Chicken (& Other Recipes Worth Living For) - Ella Risbridger
Library of Small Catastrophes - Alison C. Rollins
Natalie Tan’s Book of Luck and Fortune - Roselle Lim
No Ashes in the Fire: Coming of Age Black and Free in America - Darnell L. Moore
The Book of Delights - Ross Gay
The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle - Stuart Turton
Speak No Evil - Uzodinma Iweala
How We Fight White Supremacy - Akiba Solomon and Kenrya Rankin
A Love Story Starring My Dead Best Friend - Emily Horner
Here and Now and Then - Mike Chen 
The Ghost Bride - Yangsze Choo
Red White and Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston
Becoming - Michelle Obama
The Wedding Party - Jasmine Guillory
Magic for Liars - Sarah Gailey
I’ll Be Gone in the Dark: One Woman’s Obsessive Search for the Golden State Killer - Michelle McNamara
Brain Fever - Kimiko Hahn
Life on Mars - Tracy K. Smith
Notebooks of a Chile Verde Smuggler - Juan Felipe Herrera
Catalog of Unabashed Gratitude - Ross Gay
Tentacle - Rita Indiana
Hapa Tales and Other Lies: A Memoir About the Mixed Race Hawai’i That I Never Knew - Sharon Chang
Loose Woman - Sandra Cisneros
Duende - Tracy K. Smith
Mostly Dead Things - Kristen Arnett
1919 - Eve L. Ewing
Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race - Reni Eddo-Lodge
Negroland - Margo Jefferson
For Black Girls Like Me - Mariama J. Lockington
Super Extra Grande - Yoss
Home Remedies - Xuan Juliana Wang
You Can’t Touch My Hair: And Other Things I Still Have to Explain - Phoebe Robinson
An Anonymous Girl - Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen
The Abundance - Amit Majmudar
I Shall Not Be Moved - Maya Angelou
Helium - Rudy Francisco
Teaching My Mother to Give Birth - Warsan Shire
Tomie - Junji Ito
Everything’s Trash, But It’s Okay - Phoebe Robinson
This Time Will Be Different - Misa Sugiura
Junji Ito’s Cat Diary: Yon & Mu - Junji Ito
Stag’s Leap - Sharon Olds
Black Card - Chris L. Terry
It’s Not Like It’s A Secret - Misa Sugiura
Washington Black - Esi Edugyan
From Here To Eternity: Traveling the World to Find the Good Death - Caitlin Doughty
I’m Telling the Truth, But I’m Lying: Essays - Bassey Ikpi
A House of My Own: Stories from my Life - Sandra Cisneros
The Terrible - Yrsa Daley-Ward
The Black Tides of Heaven - JY Yang
The Red Threads of Fortune - JY Yang
Little Fish - Casey Plett
Trick Mirror: Reflections on Self-Delusion - Jia Tolentino
The Black Condition ft. Narcissus - Jayy Dodd
The Goldfinch - Donna Tartt
Dealing in Dreams - Lilliam Rivera
The Tiger Flu - Larissa Lai
The Island of Sea Women - Lisa See
America is Not the Heart - Elaine Castillo
Feel Free - Zadie Smith
Walking on the Ceiling - Aysegul Savas
My Time Among the Whites: Notes from an Unfinished Education - Jennine Capo Crucet
The Unpassing - Chia-Chia Lin
Maurice - E.M. Forster
Permanent Record - Mary H.K. Choi
The Downstairs Girl - Stacey Lee
Red Dust Road: An Autobiographical Journey - Jackie Kay
The Ungrateful Refugee: What Immigrants Never Tell You - Dina Nayeri
I Married My Best Friend to Shut My Parents Up - Naoko Kodama
Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI - David Grann
Ordinary Light - Tracy K. Smith
Cantoras - Carolina De Robertis
Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness - Susannah Cahalan
How to Be Remy Cameron - Julian Winters
The Marriage Clock - Zara Raheem
Moon: Letters, Maps, Poems - Jennifer S. Cheng
Where Reasons End - Yiyun Li
Pet - Akwaeke Emezi
Meddling Kids - Edgar Cantero
A Lucky Man - Jamel Brinkley
Maiden, Mother, Crone: Fantastical Trans Femmes - ed. Gwen Benaway
What is Obscenity? The Story of a Good for Nothing Artist and her Pussy - Rokudenashiko
The Umbrella Academy Vol. III: Hotel Oblivion - Gerard Way
Who Put This Song On? - Morgan Parker
The Souls of Yellow Folk: Essays - Wesley Yang
Wave - Sonali Deraniyagala
Love War Stories - Ivelisse Rodriguez
Baby Teeth - Zoje Stage
A Fortune for Your Disaster - Hanif Abdurraqib
Eyes Bottle Dark with a Mouthful of Flowers - Jake Skeets
Dear America: Notes of an Undocumented Citizen - Jose Antonio Vargas
The Marrow Thieves - Cherie Dimaline
Polite Society - Mahesh Rao
Patron Saints of Nothing - Randy Ribay
The Body Papers: A Memoir - Grace Talusan
A Woman is No Man - Etaf Rum
Travelers - Helon Habila
Trust Exercise - Susan Choi
The Silent Patient - Alex Michaelides
The Intuitionist - Colson Whitehead
A People’s History of Heaven - Mathangi Subramanian
The Buddha of Suburbia - Hanif Kureishi
This is Paradise: Stories - Kristiana Kahakauwila
Brood - Kimiko Hahn
Don’t Look Now - Daphne du Maurier
How We Fight for Our Lives - Saeed Jones
I Hope You Get This Message - Farah Naz Rishi
Unmarriageable - Soniah Kamal
Bad Endings - Carleigh Baker
The Water Dancer - Ta-Nehisi Coates
The Lady from the Black Lagoon: Hollywood Monsters and the Lost Legacy of Milicent Patrick - Mallory O’Meara
Shapes of Native Nonficton: Collected Essays by Contemporary Writers - ed. Elissa Washuta and Theresa Warburton
Harley Quinn: Breaking Glass - Mariko Tamaki
Even the Saints Audition - Rachel Jackson
Slay - Britney Morris
#NotYourPrincess: Voices of Native American Women - ed. Lisa Charleyboy and Mary Beth Leatherdale
The Starlet and the Spy - Ji-min Lee
North of Dawn - Nuruddin Farah
Daisy Jones & The Six - Taylor Jenkins Reid
The Drowning Boy’s Guide to Water - Cameron Barnett
They Called Us Enemy - George Takei
Dear Girls: Intimate Tales, Untold Secrets, and Advice for Living Your Best Life - Ali Wong
The Right Swipe - Alisha Rai
Full Disclosure - Camryn Garrett
Searching for Sylvie Lee - Jean Kwok
Gideon the Ninth - Tasmyn Muir
Stubborn Archivist - Yara Rodrigues Fowler
The Wicked + the Divine, Vol. 8: Old is the New New - Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie
Never Grow Up - Jackie Chan
“All the Real Indians Died Off”: And 20 Other Myths About Native Americans - Roxanna Dunbar-Ortiz
In the Dream House - Carmen Maria Machado
Blame This on the Boogie - Rina Ayuyang
It - Stephen King
Sea Monsters - Chloe Aridjis
My Fate According to the Butterfly - Gail D. Villanueva
The Wicked + the Divine, Vol. 9: “Okay” - Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie
The Deep - Rivers Solomon
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Mooncakes - Suzanne Walker
BTTM FDRS - Ezra Claytan Daniels and Ben Passmore
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Notes from a Young Black Chef - Kwame Onwuachi
Bunny - Mona Awad
The Twisted Ones - T. Kingfisher
Shuri, Vol. 1: The Search for Black Panther - Nnedi Okorafor
I Was Their American Dream: A Graphic Memoir - Malaka Gharib
Thick: And Other Essays - Tressie McMillan Cottom
Royal Holiday - Jasmine Guillory
Boxers - Gene Luen Yang
Saints - Gene Luen Yang
Fox 8 - George Saunders
The Memory Police - Yoko Ogawa
Last Day - Domenica Ruta
Wakanda Forever - Nnedi Okorafor
The Revisioners - Margaret Wilkerson Sexton
The Future of Another Timeline - Annalee Newitz
We Have Always Been Here: A Queer Muslim Memoir - Samra Habib
Somewhere in the Middle: A Journey to the Phillipines in Search of Roots, Belonging, and Identity - Deborah Francisco Douglas
Crier’s War - Nina Varela
Something in Between - Melissa de la Cruz
The Secrets We Kept - Lara Prescott
The Tao of Raven: An Alaska Native Memoir - Ernestine Hayes
One of Us is Lying - Karen M. McManus
Piecing Me Together - Renee Watson
Binti - Nnedi Okorafor
The Nickel Boys - Colson Whitehead
Recursion - Blake Crouch
Supper Club - Lara Williams
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mercury-filled-intp · 4 years
i made a wlw version of The Selection
For all of you touch starved gays out there, I came prepared!! If you are in teh market for:
a) wlw romances 
b) wlw romances 
c) wlw slightly cottagecore romances involving princesses and mild references to the l word
boy do i have the story for you. I’ve put it under the break so you can read here if you want. but it’s also on AO3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/23904733
so knock yourself out. this is what an intp does with too much spare time. i’m literally rewriting the whole book. so. yeah
Jen Carpenter was building an overly elaborate birdhouse in her basement woodshop when the telephone rang. Its high-pitched wobble echoed across the scuffed linoleum and wooden paneled staircase until her mother answered the line.
           “Carpenter and Son, how may I help you?” She said. Jen sang a showtune while she worked, cutting a hole into a thin plank of wood. She was in the middle of making a bright pink birdhouse for a Two’s spoiled daughter. Jen was instructed to bedazzle the front, but she figured she would take some creative liberty and make it look a little less disgusting, even though as a Five, she should have been answering to them. She was in the middle of nailing the cut and sanded pieces together when her mother came, practically rolling, down the stairs. “Jen, that was the royal court who just called…” Sandra said in an annoying voice. “They mentioned we have a daughter between the ages of seventeen and twenty in our household… you know what that means—” Jen cut her off quickly, knowing where the conversation was going.
           “I’m not going to audition for The Selection, Mom. Get over it. I’m perfectly happy with my work here!” Jen loved her woodshop, but there were other reasons why she didn’t want to test her luck with the Princess. One of them being her true love waiting for her every night in the treehouse in the woods, where she met up with Vivienne most nights. Vivienne was another Five, born to a family of well-respected maids. Their families were close enough that they knew each other growing up, and fell in love almost instantly. Since they were both thirteen, they’ve been sneaking up to the treehouse (built with care by Jen one year) to exchange snacks and gifts and hopes for the future when they will finally leave their parents for something new. They had to keep their relationship a secret, or else their parents would forbid them from seeing each other. They fantasized about going to New Asia, where Vivienne could finally meet her colonial ancestors—but they wouldn’t be able to follow through with their future plans if Jen was married away to Princess Shane! Vivienne wasn’t able to audition—her parents didn’t have enough money to pay the audition fee—but Sandra was determined to get her daughter into the competition. Jen was a beautiful singer, but wasn’t quite ready to share her talent with the world.
           “You know how much the money would help us, Jen. I can open the bakery I’ve always wanted, your father could expand the business with Joe, it could all be so amazing. Just audition for me. Please? You’re so talented…” Sandra cooed, already living vicariously through Jen even though she hadn’t even been Selected yet.
           She would decide what to do about it all later. Princess Shane was gorgeous. She wouldn’t hate being with her… realistically, every citizen under the age of thirty probably had a crush on the princess. But, she had already met her true love, and was not ready to give that up. And, either way, she wouldn’t even be selected anyway. Being able to carry a tune didn’t make her the most attractive in all of District 4. Jen sighed and resumed construction on the birdhouse, lost in a daydream thinking about tomorrow’s possibilities. Before she could get into the groove of her work, though, her sister Chloe came bounding down the staircase with stomps belonging to an ogre. Bright orange pigtails (violently contrasting the basic dark-brown hair of the rest of her family…) trailed behind her as she very nearly fell onto the basement floor.
           “Please audition, Jen! You and Shane would look so pretty together!” She practically screamed, looking at Sandra for approval. Jen couldn’t believe her mother had brought Chloe into this. Every ten-year-old in the People’s Republic was obsessed with Princess Shane, that was not fair. There were probably more Princess Shane figurines in circulation than dollar bills. Jen conceded, though, because she’d do anything to make her sister happy. Even if she happened to be the devil incarnate with that red hair.
           “Alright, I’ll think about it. Now move,” she guided them towards the staircase with her callused hands on their backs, “I won’t be able to finish this by Sunday with you hovering,” Jen said. Her mother and sister turned up the stairs, giddily discussing what dress to have Jen wear to the auditions. The People’s Republic had strict laws on what is wearable in public, so she didn’t have many options either way. Too much glitter is seen as a public nuisance, and short skirts are seen as too tempting for the guards that patrol the streets every day. If only they were still America, Jen thought to herself, recalling history lessons from her mother as a child. Two centuries before, after the Great Eurasian War, The United States was absorbed by China and turned into the People’s Republic. But, because there was a literal ocean between the two land masses, the United States had an easy time overthrowing Chairman Mao V6, Eurasian Emperor. Now, nearly 170 years later, Jen can now call herself a People’s Republican. All thanks to Marsia Washington, the woman who led the revolution against Eurasia. At least, that’s what she learned in history classes at school. Her dad didn’t seem to like the curriculum, but Jen assumed that was because he was taught differently fifty years before. Once Chloe and Sandra’s gossip faded away into distant squealing overhead, Jen was finally able to start lacquering the birdhouse, omitting those godawful rhinestones.
           By nightfall, dinner was already on the table. Not much construction work was requested in the winter, so the meal was meager: stale turkey leftover from Thanksgiving with rice, and toaster strudels for dessert. Jen’s stomach groaned at the table, as forks and knifes clashed together. Through a full mouth, her little brother Max talked about his day at the junkyard with their father. Chloe and Jen’s mother discussed the latest plans for the business, and Jen stared out the window into the city lights visible just across the pier. She lost herself in the dazzling billboards and buildings, before the television set knocked her back into reality.
           “Selection auditions are tomorrow! How exciting! Hello, girls!” The news was on, and the most obnoxious reporter was covering the night’s program from District 2. She dragged some unsuspecting teenagers from the streets into the limelight by the forearms, “Are any of you planning on trying your luck at Princess Shane’s hand?” Most girls out of the group said they would, gushing about how exciting it was to get a chance to be with the Princess. Sandra glanced towards Jen expectantly, gently nudging her with a pointy elbow. Promptly ignoring her mother, Jen turned back to face the table.
           “We found a lovely dress for you. It’s pink tulle, and Vivienne’s mother said she’ll tailor it so it’s not dragging behind you. It was my dress back in the day,” Sandra said, staring wistfully into nothing, reliving her glory days. Jen nodded along passively, eyes focused on finishing the last few bites of toaster strudel on her plate.
           “Don’t do too much, Mom. I don’t even know if I’ll get picked! Let alone if I’ll even audition…” Sandra and Chole both whined at the same time, Max chatting with their father, ignoring the Selection talk. Jen thought of Vivienne, seeing her mother work on the dress she would wear for Princess Shane. She couldn’t do that to Vivienne. “You know, I’m feeling really full,” Jen said, slyly brushing some turkey and rice from her plate into a bowl under the table. “May I excuse myself?”
           “Alright, but get to sleep early. You want to be fresh-faced for your audition!” Jen nodded quickly, and headed to her room. Her family had lived here her whole life, so nothing changed except a new bed and desk over the years. There was a dirty mirror in the corner, a permanently unmade bed by the window, and a tragically stained once-white carpet covering the floor. Shutting the door, she uncovered the food she was able to sneak away from the table. It was not a full meal, but would be enough to keep Vivienne going for a while. She shoved the leftovers in a bag and then that bag into a backpack, slinging the familiar, worn fabric over her toned shoulders. Vivienne was always looking out for her siblings, even if it meant skipping meals so they could eat. Bringing her extras was the least Jen could do, considering all the kind things Vivienne has done for her.
           She turned to the mirror, trying in vain to look semi-presentable. Her shoulder-length curly hair was limp and dry, and her face looked dull and sunken. She was wearing a dark grey tunic and maxi skirt—optimal for mobilization and constant airflow but reminiscent of a potato sack. After doing her best to smooth out the wrinkles with her hands, she hiked up her skirt and bounded out the window.
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Citalopram Generic Name: citalopram (si TAL o pram) Brand Names: CeleXA
Medically reviewed by Sanjai Sinha, MD Last updated on Dec 19, 2018.
What is citalopram?
Citalopram is an antidepressant belonging to a group of drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).
Citalopram is used to treat depression.
Citalopram may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.
Important information You should not use citalopram if you also take pimozide, or if you are being treated with methylene blue injection.
Do not use citalopram if you have used an MAO inhibitor in the past 14 days, such as isocarboxazid, linezolid, methylene blue injection, phenelzine, rasagiline, selegiline, or tranylcypromine.
Some young people have thoughts about suicide when first taking an antidepressant. Stay alert to changes in your mood or symptoms. Report any new or worsening symptoms to your doctor.
Report any new or worsening symptoms to your doctor, such as: mood or behaviour changes, anxiety, panic attacks, trouble sleeping, or if you feel impulsive, irritable, agitated, hostile, aggressive, restless, hyperactive (mentally or physically), more depressed, or have thoughts about suicide or hurting yourself.
Do not give citalopram to anyone younger than 18 years old without the advice of a doctor. This medicine is not approved for use in children.
Before taking this medicine You should not use this medicine if you are allergic to citalopram or escitalopram (Lexapro), or if you also take pimozide.
Do not use citalopram if you have used an MAO inhibitor in the past 14 days. A dangerous drug interaction could occur. MAO inhibitors include isocarboxazid, linezolid, methylene blue injection, phenelzine, rasagiline, selegiline, tranylcypromine, and others.
To make sure citalopram is safe for you, tell your doctor if you have:
a bleeding or blood clotting disorder;
liver or kidney disease;
narrow-angle glaucoma;
seizures or epilepsy;
heart disease, heart failure, a heart rhythm disorder, slow heartbeats, or recent history of heart attack;
personal or family history of Long QT syndrome;
an electrolyte imbalance (such as low levels of potassium or magnesium in your blood);
bipolar disorder (manic depression); or
a history of drug abuse or suicidal thoughts.
Some young people have thoughts about suicide when first taking an antidepressant. Your doctor should check your progress at regular visits. Your family or other caregivers should also be alert to changes in your mood or symptoms.
Taking an SSRI antidepressant during pregnancy may cause serious lung problems or other complications in the baby. However, you may have a relapse of depression if you stop taking your antidepressant. Tell your doctor right away if you become pregnant. Do not start or stop taking this medicine during pregnancy without your doctor's advice.
Citalopram can pass into breast milk and may harm a nursing baby. You should discuss the risks and benefits of using citalopram if you are breast-feeding.
Do not give this medicine to anyone under 18 years old without medical advice. Citalopram is not approved for use in children.
How should I take citalopram? Take citalopram exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Follow all directions on your prescription label. Your doctor may occasionally change your dose. Do not use this medicine in larger or smaller amounts or for longer than recommended.
Measure liquid medicine with the dosing syringe provided, or with a special dose-measuring spoon or medicine cup. If you do not have a dose-measuring device, ask your pharmacist for one.
It may take up to 4 weeks before your symptoms improve. Keep using the medication as directed and tell your doctor if your symptoms do not improve.
Do not stop using citalopram suddenly, or you could have unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. Ask your doctor how to safely stop using this medicine.
Store at room temperature away from moisture and heat.
See also: Citalopram dosage information (in more detail)
What happens if I miss a dose? Take the missed dose as soon as you remember. Skip the missed dose if it is almost time for your next scheduled dose. Do not take extra medicine to make up the missed dose.
What happens if I overdose? Seek emergency medical attention or call the Poison Help line at 1-800-222-1222.
What should I avoid while taking citalopram? Ask your doctor before taking a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) for pain, arthritis, fever, or swelling. This includes aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), naproxen (Aleve), celecoxib (Celebrex), diclofenac, indomethacin, meloxicam, and others. Using an NSAID with citalopram may cause you to bruise or bleed easily.
Drinking alcohol can increase certain side effects of citalopram.
Citalopram may impair your thinking or reactions. Be careful if you drive or do anything that requires you to be alert.
Citalopram side effects Get emergency medical help if you have signs of an allergic reaction to citalopram: skin rash or hives; difficulty breathing; swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.
Report any new or worsening symptoms to your doctor, such as: mood or behavior changes, anxiety, panic attacks, trouble sleeping, or if you feel impulsive, irritable, agitated, hostile, aggressive, restless, hyperactive (mentally or physically), more depressed, or have thoughts about suicide or hurting yourself.
Call your doctor at once if you have:
a light-headed feeling, like you might pass out;
blurred vision, tunnel vision, eye pain or swelling, or seeing halos around lights;
headache with chest pain and severe dizziness, fainting, fast or pounding heartbeats;
severe nervous system reaction--very stiff (rigid) muscles, high fever, sweating, confusion, fast or uneven heartbeats, tremors, feeling like you might pass out;
high levels of serotonin in the body--agitation, hallucinations, fever, fast heart rate, overactive reflexes, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of coordination, fainting; or
low levels of sodium in the body--headache, confusion, slurred speech, severe weakness, vomiting, feeling unsteady.
Common citalopram side effects may include:
problems with memory or concentration;
headache, drowsiness;
dry mouth, increased sweating;
numbness or tingling;
increased appetite, nausea, diarrhea, gas;
fast heartbeats, feeling shaky;
sleep problems (insomnia), feeling tired;
cold symptoms such as stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat;
changes in weight; or
difficulty having an orgasm.
This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.
See also: Citalopram side effects (in more detail)
What other drugs will affect citalopram? Taking citalopram with other drugs that make you sleepy or slow your breathing can cause dangerous side effects or death. Ask your doctor before taking a sleeping pill, narcotic pain medicine, prescription cough medicine, a muscle relaxer, or medicine for anxiety, depression, or seizures.
Many drugs can interact with citalopram. Not all possible interactions are listed here. Tell your doctor about all your current medicines and any you start or stop using, especially:
St. John's wort;
tryptophan (sometimes called L-tryptophan);
a blood thinner (warfarin, Coumadin, Jantoven);
any other antidepressant;
heart medication;
medicine to treat a psychiatric disorder; or
"triptan" migraine headache medicine.
This list is not complete and many other drugs can interact with citalopram. This includes prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal products. Give a list of all your medicines to any healthcare provider who treats you.
See also: Citalopram drug interactions (in more detail)
Further information Remember, keep this and all other medicines out of the reach of children, never share your medicines with others, and use citalopram only for the indication prescribed.
Always consult your healthcare provider to ensure the information displayed on this page applies to your personal circumstances.
Copyright 1996-2020 Cerner Multum, Inc. Version: 20.01.
Related questions What are some common side effects of antidepressants? SSRI’s vs SNRI’s - What's the difference between them? What is the difference between Celexa and Lexapro?
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