#( leon is a stupid shit forgive him )
glacierclear · 9 months
Having some mad fuckboy!Leon thoughts rn
After he's unlearned all the stuff he taught himself and is basically done with the whole fuckboy thing oh man he would be SO soft. Holding your hand? Check. Cuddling at his dorm? Check. Being more gentle and loving during sex? Also check.
Also, stealing his hoodies. He'd melt for sure
oh, for sure. healed fuckboy!leon would be a SIGHT TO BEHOLD.
he wouldn't be perfect...
progress isn't linear. he'd stumble a lot. make a lot of mistakes and backward steps. you would need to be patient. you would need to be careful. especially in the early stages. because damn, he's trying. he's trying so hard. and you need to acknowledge the effort, even if it's hard to see, because any praise towards this will mean so much to him.
it'd come out especially on his bad days. he's more impatient. short-tempered. lashes out over seemingly mundane things. you'll need to be firm but not demeaning. catch his tells, his habits, and figure out the real reason he's behaving the way he is.
you'll need to slowly teach him the true depth of his words. that they hurt you just as much as they hurt him. he's unfamiliar with the idea of accountability, so you need to teach him about consequences. let him know you're upset and angry at him. but just because you're upset doesn't mean he's irredeemable. he'll assume any pushback is you ending things permanently. he needs the space to fuck up and forgive himself.
and damn it all, he's the jealous type. possessive. protective as all hell. it's toxic, and you need to teach him boundaries. it'll be tough. he worked so fucking hard to get you, doesn't he deserve to have you the way he needs? but no. you need freedom. he'll learn eventually, but be prepared to send a lot of "im safe and i miss u" texts to him when you're out with friends.
speaking of toxic. the toxic masculinity will be hell to unpack. sometimes it's nice! he insists on you being passenger princess. he insists on picking up the bill (well, once you're actually dating). he doesn't mind taking care of spiders (and fine, just because you asked nicely, he won't kill them). but...the bads get real bad.
displaying any kind of vulnerable emotion is like pulling teeth. when he's nervous, scared, anxious...he'll take it out on others. or himself. early progress will be made when he's blackout drunk and spilling everything to you. he reveals the deepest, most fragile parts of himself on these nights. it's like he's an entirely different person. and the next morning he'll do his best to sweep it all under the rug, but you have to fight for it. accept him and love him despite how "totally fucking lame" he acted (his words, not yours).
that being said. the good parts? oh yeah. Boyfriend Material 100%.
he'd do anything for you. anything. don't even say shit as a joke because he'll do it. at a certain point he doesn't even care if his friends think he's being stupid. you're his whole world. he'd wear stupid t-shirts for you. go to that concert you're dying to see even if he thinks the music sucks. he'll bash his head into a wall and learn to bake french pastries if it'll get you to smile. through hell and high water, he'll follow.
and yeah, he weans himself off social media. stops posting thirst trap photos and cuts ties with his sneaky links. but the lack of external validation is felt, and it kind of falls on you to fill the void. clingy won't even begin to describe what he is. he'll resort to begging. he will. late to work in the morning? that's not his problem. you're staying in that damn bed and you are cuddling him. you think him wearing tank tops in the middle of December is just a dumb mistake, but you catch on quick when he starts to shiver and needs to huddle you for warmth. "you want me to die of hypothermia? c'mon, babe. get closer." and yeah. those ice cold hands are going straight on your stomach. have fun.
part of the excitement will come from truly learning who he is as a person. most of his herculean facade is a persona. he doesn't actually like beer. he likes dry whiskey and refined clear liquors. he doesn't actually enjoy parties. the crowds make him nauseous, and he can always blame it on the alcohol. he's not actually all that into sports. you figure out he has a well-loved public library card and he knows the mystery section like the back of his hand. he's vibrant. shockingly intelligent. gets that light in his eyes when you nudge him about his interests. it'll be hard to get him to admit it, but his favorite part of the week is huddling on the couch watching nature documentaries with you.
and it's a two-way street. he remembers everything about you. early on in your relationship you casually assume he'll never keep track of the important dates. that's the stereotype, right? you couldn't be more wrong. birthdays. anniversaries. doctor's appointments. your fucking dog's yearly vaccine. he won't necessarily go all-out, not until you're more of a long-term thing, but what he does is meaningful. sincere. you won't get $500 of flowers and chocolate for valentine's day, but he'll abduct you from work, drive you out far, far into the countryside. lay out a patchwork blanket and stare at the night sky. he brought your favorite brand of pita chips and sneakily worms a gift box in your hand. it's that stupid $15 thing that's been sitting in your online shopping cart for weeks that you could never justify buying. and yeah, he'd appreciate a blowjob under the stars, but seeing you happy is enough.
and you could never begin to imagine how loving and passionate he can get during sex. it's totally different than his usual flavor. casual hook-ups and one-night stands are merely a fraction of his power. he tends to avoid intimate gestures on those nights. no eye-contact. hardly any kissing. he likes it rough and he likes it fast. but with you? he takes his time. commits your body to muscle memory. his gaze is intense, and he watches every reaction, trying to map out your flesh like a cartographer. he'll happily make out with you for upwards of a couple hours before you even begin the real foreplay. and you always cum first. always.
oh, but if you're not a fan of PDA...he might be a problem. he's proud of you. you're the hottest thing on two legs as far as he's concerned. he'll have no issue grabbing your ass, wrapping a hand around your waist, kissing along your neck, whispering the most obscene things in your ear. it's not even to make a point. there's no rhyme or reason. he just wants to. and you're right there. and what right does the world have to tell him to stop? does it make people uncomfortable? who cares. he'll lay off if it really bugs you that much...but if he catches anyone staring at you too long he'll ramp it up. it's almost aggressive. you turn to scold him, noticing how his eyes aren't even on you. he's staring at someone else. someone who's looking at what's his.
he's a yes man, too. if you need restraint and careful guidance in your life...he's not the one. he'll support any weird, out of the blue hobby you want to pursue. if you even joke about quitting your job he'll egg you on. "i'll drive right up there and tell your boss i'll fuck his wife!" and you have to talk him down. he'll punch the sun for you. he'll be behind every impulsive purchase. every 4am trip to walmart. every instinct to feed your id. any "little treat" you want to have he'll get it. because you deserve the best. if you ever want to have a stable bank account you need the be the voice of reason. because it's not gonna be him.
yeah. he'll have a lot of problems. don't worry about that. but, at least with fuckboy!leon, you'll almost never have any doubts that he loves you. once you manage to pin his heart on his sleeve, it's there for life and it'll always be yours.
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mysticsublimeperson · 4 months
I have a Merthur AU idea!!! I have this Outlander-ish idea
Summary: What if Merlin crosses to another dimension, where the time runs differently and it’s left there, to fend for himself what to him it’s like 15 years but to the knights are just a couple of days. When the knights finally cross to rescue him they find a really hot, 30 ish Merlin that is a dragon rider and a badass and has been constructing the circle of rocks and designing spells and runes to come back to them..
Snippet of sorts:
They were investigating a new wave of new and different monsters they, (Arthur, Merlin and the knights) find themselves in front of a huge megalithic monument, it’s so big that to surround it would take a bit too much effort, just because they are all tired of riding and not finding ANYTHING even if the reports all point to this specific forest.
So they all are in front of this huge rocks and Merlin says that they should go around and NOT across because it doesn’t feel right to cross it, inside the circle the grass is tall and the flora grows freely, weird because it means no one have entered, no animal, no person… even the horses seem to be uneasy there. But the stones are clean, no moss.
Merlín feels a disturbance in the balance, the magic is exited but in tension, like waiting for something to happen. A drop to fall.
“I just… this doesn’t feel right Arthur” Merlin said growing desperate, the tension was starting to get to him. “This seems old, and unbothered, we should not be the ones to cross it, it may be a trap” he had come down of his horse because it wouldn’t get close willingly. That felt like a limit, a border, a huge sing that said DO NOT CROSS.
“You know what Merlin?” Merlin prepared to be mocked, but he honestly didn’t care if it got them out of there. He crouched, and took a little branch from the floor. Surrounding the stones he could see something, he moved the dirt to find runes. They were old. Unbothered. He could not recognize much. Some were familiar but not the same. Until…
Shit. This could be a grave. A grave of someone powerful. And this someone was asking for respect in his rest. And even dead, everything alive was still afraid of retribution.
“You are right, we will not be the first crossing this huge stupid thing…” Merlin could have cried in relief. He jumped to his feet and turned around, almost clashing with Arthur, who had got off his horse and walked up to him when he was distracted, and this huge mischievous grin in his face “You are” Just a tiny push in his shoulder, it’s all it took, it was almost comical.
Merlín got up with a spring and his expression was relieved and free, and transformed into one of fear so quickly, it made him want to reach and stop his fall, to ask for forgiveness. To say that it was only dumb a joke.
Arthur could feel his blood freeze, and the time seemed to slow down. And between a heartbeat and the next Merlin was gone.
The laughter stopped abruptly.
He wanted to believe this a joke. But it couldn’t be, he seen it with his own eyes.
“MERLIN!” He shouted surprised of how desperate his own voice could sound, before he could give another step his knights stoped him. “MERLIN!” He screamed again while Percival pushed him out of the way, far from the circle.
Gwaine stepped up to the point where Merlin had been, he hadn’t left anything. The only thing that could ever hint that he had been there were his footprints in the soil.
“Sire, Arthur you need to breathe” Leon tried to get his attention.
Gwaine had his sword out, and pushed it into the circle, and nothing happened, his sword was there, not like Merlin.
He could feel the pressure in his chest, and the burning in his eyes. The anxiety felt suffocating, and suddenly Leon and Elyan were blocking his view.
“Breathe Arthur” instructed Leon, while Elyan tried to get him to imitate him.
It took be a lot more to calm down, and by the time Arthur and Gwaine were calm enough to talk the sun was already setting.
They decided to camp in silence and tension. Elyan had scouted the circle but had not found much. Like Merlin had said nothing came close to the circle, all the animal footprints stopped almost ten steps from the circle.
“But…” Elyan keep going “there’s four points where the earth has been disturbed” he tried to explain.
“What do you mean?” asked Arthur voice rough from shouting.
“There’s nothing entering the circle” he continues “I didn’t think those were footprints, because they were really big, and…” he shook his head and focused “I think the monsters have been coming from somewhere in the circle, they come out” he self finally, eyes set in the fire and voice tense.
A clash was heard and Gwaine was tackled to the ground.
“Get off me” he shouted, “if something is coming from there then I can get in” he growled.
“It’s just an idea” defended Elyan, “I know nothing of magic, there’s runes surrounding the stones! That’s what Merlin was looking before” he pointed to the circle “I don’t know if someone was summing the monsters, maybe what step inside turn into the monsters, maybe they are the sacrifice, maybe this has nothing to do w the monsters at all, and even if this is some kind of passage way, how do we know that place it's not worse” Elyan looked at Gwaine “Merlin is the one that knew most of this stuff” and Arthur’s eyes started to burn.
“I might as well killed him” he said in low voice, rough a guilty.
That made Gwaine stop.
“We” said in grave tone. “We all agreed, If you hadn’t done it yourself, I would have, it was a joke, we were stressed, and when that happen we tend to tease him, none of us took it seriously, none of us took him seriously” Gwaine let out an angry sob “that's why we need to to get him back, we need to apologize"
They start planning.
They notice that while it’s true that none animals entered willingly, when escaping from a hunter they had no problem entering.
They also find that like Elyan had said, that only happened through one of the four paths.
Birds were different, the crossed the circle all the time, they also disappeared.
They find that they can throw anything that it’s not alive and nothing would happen, sticks, rocks… but the moment it was alive it disappeared, even if that its a flower.
“This is stupid” Gwaine insisted “Let me try”
“How can we know if you are fine? How do we know if you are alive?” Arthur asked seriously.
How do we know if Merlin is alive? Everyone could hear the actual question.
“It’s useless if we lose you too” with every moment that passes his mood worsened. He felt guilty and humiliated because of his outburst, and the guilty again and sad.
“This is useless” when said and sprung to the circle.
Before anyone could stop him, he stuck his hand into the circle, up to the elbow, and all of the could see how it vanished. Leon pushed him out of the circle and as he got out of the circle his hand came back to its rightful place.
“Oh thank gods” murmured Gwaine.
“You risked your sword arm, you idiot” Leon scolded.
Gwaine was way too happy to care.
“How does it feel?” Arthur asked checking his arm.
“It feels normal, like always, but it was really fast” Gwaine said flexing his hand and arm “Can I try again or will you freak out?”
No one said anything, no one stopped him, when he approached the circle again. He introduced his hand again slowly.
“What it is Gwaine?”
“It’s warm” he said slowly, making the knights confused.It was deep Autumn, and even if some days were warm, most days like this one were just bright and cold, and usually wet, luckily it didn’t feel like it was gonna rain any time soon “Let me see” and pushed further.
“Gwaine! Are you sure it’s safe?” Percival asked grabbing him by the other arm.
“Just don’t let me go, yeah? I still feel my arm, I can move it, It looks like only the part of me that trespasses the circle vanishes, maybe… I don’t know maybe it’s like a door, a portal? like Elyan said”
“To where?” Asked Leon.
“There’s only one way to find out” Gwaine said before pushing himself into the circle up until the waist, while Percival still held him by the other arm.
Gwaine finds that the place it’s similar, almost the same, but the circle it’s not there, there are a few rocks in place and some others around in the ground like someone was constructing this same place, the trees also looked different and like he said it was warm because it looked like a spring day. He came out and told the knights, buthere was no sing of Merlin.
“It’s been three days”
“He might have needed food”
“And water”
“Merlin is smart”
“He is resourceful"
"Check again" said Arthur, carefully "Look for specific hints, footprints, sings of a camp, struggle, something. It's been three days and if you said the weather looks tranquil then there's should be a trace of him" He was nervous, excited, he wanted to believe but he also was terribly afraid.
Gwaine nodded and went back. But something happened, Gwaine whole body tensed, so they pulled him out.
"What happened? Are you ok?"
"It changed!" Gwaine had a alerted gaze focused and confused.
"What changed?"
"Everything!" he tried to calm himself down "Th..I think the place was the same, but it was, suddenly it was night, and there was a hole like someone had been digging, probably for the rocks but... I don't understand, we didn't take long but it looked like days have happened, let me see again" before they could process anything Gwaine went back.
"What do you see Gwaine?" Arthur asked, worry forming a lump in his stomach.
"Gwaine?" Elyan asked too.
"Gwaine!" Percival took that a as a signal and pulled him out.
"Didn't you hear us?" Scolded Arthur.
"I didn't hear anything" Gwaine answered genuine "I felt your hand, but I did not hear anything" explained " When I went back, the sun was rising, there were sings of a camp, the fire was recently put out" he kept going "I thought I heard someone but you pulled me out" accused Gwaine.
"How much time did you spend there Gwaine?" Leon asked.
"I don't know, a couple minutes, enough to see the sun rise fully"
"You were there only a few seconds"
They all processed that information in silence for a moment.
"You mean to tell me, that time runs different there"
"It appears to, sire"
"We need to get Merlin out"
"We need rope"
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shy-lynn · 2 months
(RE4 remake Leon fanfiction.)
cw: NSFW 18+, violence, yandere, MNDI
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(Y/N)’s POV
I feel Leon clink the cuffs closed around my wrists, attaching them to the bed frame. I look at him with the most horrified look possible.
“W-Why are you doing this?”
Leon just gives me a disapproving look and then turns away to walk out the door, “I’m just doing my job, darling. You’re the one making it harder than it has to be.”
And with that, he steps out of the room, closing the door behind him. All I could do was lay there and try to yank myself out of the cuffs, but the only thing that caused was a clunking noise against the bedframe and added pressure on my wrists. I whimper softly and cry. 
I’m so stupid… Why did I do all of that? He’s right… Maybe I did make it harder on myself.
“Leon! Please, please uncuff me!” I plead loudly, praying to anything that will listen, that he’ll come and free me from the confines.
I hear footsteps approach the door again and I see Leon’s towering frame enter through the door, his arms crossed across his chest. He studies me, his brows knitted together. He sighs and rubs at the bridge of his nose.
“You know, you’ve only brought this upon yourself. You think I want to do this? Huh?”
He steps closer and sits down on the edge of the bed, gaze still fixed on me, “You were brought here to be kept safe. I’m here with you to ensure your safety. Why the hell would you go trying to get out of here? You think I didn’t catch onto your plans the minute I saw the gears turning in your head? If I have to keep you chained up in order to keep you from leaving, to keep you safe, then I’ll do it. Doing whatever it takes to keep you safe is my job after all.”
I look at him as my face contorts with anxiety and confusion. What the hell is wrong with him? He’s actually just crazy? 
“You… You don’t have to keep me chained up. I-I won’t try to leave again. Promise.” I say behind gritted teeth, my fists curled into balls, “Please.”
He just looks at me, long and hard. Chin resting on his hand, elbow balancing on his knee. He narrows his eyes at me in thought.
He breathes out and chuckles before shaking his head, “Think I can trust you after all that? I’m not the kind of guy to forgive and forget, y’know.” 
My brows turn upward into a worried expression, my eyes burning and watery, “Please, please don’t leave me chained here. I… I swear to you I won’t try anything like that again.”
I tried my best to keep my voice calm but it still broke out pathetically. Leon looks down, guilt spreading over his features.
He then stands up and reaches into his pocket and pulling out a key and presents it in front of my face.
“Okay. Here’s the deal… I’ll uncuff you. But, you pull that shit again and you’ll be back in those cuffs in no time, sweetie. Got it?”
I immediately shake my head desperately, “Yes, yes. I understand.”
He nods his head slowly, his brows still creased together as he unlocks the cuffs. I immediately bring my wrists into my hands and rub the soreness.
I wipe off my tear-stained cheeks and I sniffle. Leon watches my every movement, waiting, and analyzing me. 
“I still don’t trust you. So, get up. You’re sleeping with me so I can keep an eye on you 24/7.”
I look up at Leon, my eyes wide and my jaw slack, “Seriously?”
“Deadly.” He gives me a sharp look and waits by the door for me to follow him. 
I slowly get up from the bed I’m currently sitting on and I walk towards him and follow him across the hall to his room. He closed the door behind us and locked it. He gestures to the bed with his hand and I hesitantly crawl into the bed and lay down on my back.
He grabs his gun and his knife and puts them in a small safe in the closet, making sure I had no chance. He sighs and gets into the bed as well and turns on his side to face me, elbow propped up on the mattress, his head rested on his fist. 
“Get some sleep, yeah?”
I rip my gaze away from the ceiling to look at him and I slowly nod my head, not wanting to ruin things again. My only option right now is to be as pliant as possible. Maybe I’ll get lucky and won’t have to stay at the safe house for too long. I turn my body to face away from Leon and I close my eyes.
At this point, at least if I can actually manage to fall asleep, I can pretend like I’m in another world for a bit. I can feel Leon’s burning gaze on my back the entire time and it honestly makes the whole process of falling asleep even harder right now.
But eventually my body will just get tired enough to just black out, right? 
Two agonizingly long hours went by, and my mind was finally able to stop enough to fall asleep. 
Leon’s POV
After knowing that she’s actually asleep, I inch closer and wrap my arms around her body tightly. This way, I can fall asleep and if she moves, I’ll feel it. I can’t help but think about how nice her body feels in my arms.
The intoxicating smell of her shampoo. The soft breaths escaping her lips… Why couldn’t she just be a good girl? Well, hopefully she will be now. I slowly start to drift off, making sure I can still be slightly aware, just in case.
“What a stubborn girl, hopefully you’ll just comply from now on and not try that shit again, hmm?” I whisper softly into her ear before falling asleep.
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
Leon fluff alphabet please?
Leon Fluff Alphabet
notes - THE WAY I LOST MY MIND WHEN I SAW THIS ASK OMFG I couldn't wait to write this frfr. I love Leon with my entire heart and soul and I am so happy that the first thing I get to write for him is a fluff alphabet. These really help me get a sense of the character so I am more than happy to write this for you <3 Have a great day anon and stay super duper hydrated!!!
based on this post
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(I couldn't resist this gif tee hee)
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
This poor guy is constantly so stressed out, so I think that he would love to just sit at home with you. He likes to talk and not talk so a lot of like silence and then super deep conversations lol. He also loves to cuddle and no one can change my mind. If you are big spoon I promise he will love you forever <3 But yeah, he mostly prefers to stay at home and just chill with you. That or hang out in empty parking lots eating fast food
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Your laugh <3 When this man makes you laugh, he gets WAY TO FLUSTERED OMFG Like he is blushing the moment you giggle at one of his stupid jokes. Overall, he just loves your smile. He wants to see you smile every day if he can make that happen :)
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
He is VERY used to having panic attacks, so he definitely knows how to deal with them. If you're comfortable with it, he will just start with small touches letting him know that he is there for you and won't let you go. He will bring you some nice cold water and press small kisses on your forehead. Once you've calmed down a little bit and if you're comfortable with it, he will hold you in his arms and whisper that he is here if you need anything
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Quiet. He wants a happy quiet life more than anything. No fear, no zombies, no Umbrella, just quiet. He wants to have a worry free life where he doesn't have nightmares and doesn't panic over whether you're safe or not. He just wants to be with you forever holding you in his arms and taking late night walks on the beach with a smile on both of your faces
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
He thinks he's the dominant one, but you have to stand in front of him at McDonald's explianing why he wants a Happy Meal.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
He hates fighting so much. He had to do it all the time with zombies, but with you??? The love of his life??? He hates it. So, it doesn't happen often. But when it does, he will calm himself down and ask if he can fix anything. He will immediately forgive you and apologize and get to the root of the problem so it doesn't happen again
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
You are his safe space. You are one of the few things that helps this man get up in the morning in this cruel world. He loves you more than anything and is so so so aware of what you do for him. He thanks you every day and would do anything for you
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Nope. I really don't think he would hide anything. You already know about his line of work and the shit he's had to deal with, so he doesn't need to hide anything from you. Maybe though that he had the las plagas though if you didn't know. He didn't want you worrying about him. Okay, so yeah, he would hide injuries and stuff so you don't worry about him, but other than that he is an open book
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
You made him a lot less stressed. He is more willing to take a breather when you're around. For you, he taught you how to shoot a gun and protect yourself. But both of you have been here to support each other through the bullshit you both had to see.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
A little??? I mean.... I don't know. I don't know many characters in RE, but maybe if you're around Chris he might get jealous. Or Wesker. Because Wesker is hot. But like... he knows how loyal you are, so he never really sees you leaving him, but something in his soul sometimes says that he isn't good enough for you :(
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THIS MAN'S LIPS SWEET CHRIST. Well, you got me started, so that's on you. *AHEM* This man has the SOFTEST lips in the whole wide world omfg. Like dear lord. He also tastes like mint and always ALWAYS smiles into the kiss like it's making him the happiest man on earth. He also always kisses you like he's desperate for it. Like pushes into the kiss and will most of the time knock you either to the ground or onto a nearby couch/bed tee hee The first kiss though omg You were both super stressed in Raccoon City and saw each other after a long time. You both thought the other was dead, so when you saw each other the adrenaline that filled you up made you run up to each other and kiss just out of no where. You didn't even apologize either. After pulling away for a second and blushing, you were both right back to kissing
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
He would just tell you I think. Especially after the kiss. He became the rizzler because of you
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Yes, I totally think he would. At first, he was scared, so he didn't ask you for YEARS, but when he finally did, he just proposed to you at home and you two got eloped. You didn't want a big wedding or anything, so you took the simple route &lt;3
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
I think his go to is 'sweetheart', but other than that he just calls you by your name
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
Can't stop thinking about you. He also won't stop reminding you that he loves you. To others though? Not obvious at all. To you? You can see those goo goo eyes from miles away
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
I don't think he minds PDA. It's not like he's just going to kiss you in public, but if he does, it's no big deal! He will definitely mention you to others when he can, but only if it comes up. He won't brag about you really, it's not his thing. But again, he won't just like kiss you in front of a crowd, he actually gets flustered if you do lol
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
Honesty and the ability to tell you that he loves you. He is really good with his words I think and really thinks through what he is going to say to you and always says the best thing possible &lt;3
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
He can be pretty cliche lol. I think he's a hopeless romantic who wants nothing more than to be with you, so he will do really stupid romantic stuff like kiss in the moonlight or take you to a nice dinner
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Probably the most supportive boyfriend you'll ever meet. Will be cheering you on and helping you as much as he can :)
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Nope. Y'all have had a lot of thrill in the relationship with zombies and all so now you just stick to a nice quiet routine. It makes you both so happy that you can live like this after what had happened.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Because of how much you two have been through, he knows you better than most people. He has seen you at both your weakest and strongest points, so he will know when something is up and will immediately jump to help however he can
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
You mean the absolute world to this man. You're all he has left that makes him smile and he would do anything to protect you. Honestly, he doesn't know if he could live without you
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
This man loves sleeping I think and when he falls asleep next to you, he needs to be touching you whether that's holding your hand or cuddling you. Warning though, he will drool all over your shoulder ajsdasjh
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
VERY AFFECTIONATE! Loves cuddling and kissing all over you. Like nothing makes him smile more than knowing that you two will be able to kiss and cuddle after a long day of work. It makes him all giddy lolol
Y earning - How will they cope when they're missing their partner?
He'll feel super empty. He can't stop thinking about you. To the point that sometimes brings him to tears. He needs you by his side and if you're gone for too long, he will get a lot of anxiety and panic
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
He needs to protect you at all costs. Because of this, he will literally kill for you. He loves you more than anything and will help you no matter the cost. Anything to keep you in his life &lt;3
resident evil masterlist | pinned post
2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated
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the-pen-pot · 6 months
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Peregrinate - to travel or wander from place to place.
Gwaine didn't need much. A bit of coin in his pocket and some ale in his belly was enough to inspire contentment. All the other things people tended to seek – a home, friends, lovers who stayed longer than one night, a family – they held little interest for him. They tied him down. He'd rather be free and easy, without a responsibility in the world. That way when his life went to shit, there was no one to blame but himself.
He hadn't started out like that, of course. No one did. He'd been a kid once, with dreams and ideals. He'd thought of being a knight under the king's banner. He'd known it was his calling. Right up until the day it turned out that a knight should be loyal, but a king need not bother.
His pa died in a battle he should never have fought, and he and his ma were left with nothing. He didn't blame his mother for following her love to the grave. He would have done the same, if all he had left to keep him in the world was a life of poverty and a son full of rage.
Leaving was the easiest choice. It didn't matter where he was or what was happening, he had learned to go before he wore out his welcome. He wandered – peregrinated – he remembered that from his tutors. After all, only commoners walked places. A lord, even a disgraced one with no bloody horse, would not stoop to mere walking.
He had to admit it sounded better in his head. It sounded purposeful. Better than the truth, anyway, which was that he fell from one tavern to the next, either charming or punching anyone who took offence at his presence.
That was how he ended up in a brawl, a knife wedged in his thigh and hurting like the blazes. That was how he came 'round later to a sweet, dark-haired lad with the brightest smile he'd ever seen, and a blond pillock who swung a sword as easy as if it were breathing.
In his defence, Gwaine had always given Camelot a wide berth. It was a troubled land, from all that he'd heard, so he could forgive himself for not immediately recognising Prince Arthur. Still, just because he didn't know his precise name or title didn't mean he couldn't read the breeding in him. He was a noble through-and-through, with all the arrogance that went with it.
If not for Merlin, he would probably have limped away there and then. He'd never have gone to Camelot. He'd certainly never have gone back once he left the first time, eager to get away before the friendship could lose its shine.
If not for Merlin, he'd not have had this life, and it would have been a crying shame.
These days, he was a knight on his own terms, not because of the blue in his blood, but because he was good with a sword. He had friends who joked and smiled and teased, but always with a fondness that robbed their words of any sharpness.
Leon was gracious, and Gwaine had never met a more steadfast man. Elyan was always there to talk to and never held any judgement for the stupid mistakes Gwaine made, even now. Lancelot's compassion put them all to shame, yet he never made them feel bad for their petty, human thoughts. He made them better men, of that Gwaine was certain. Percival was a wonder. He could probably stop a charging bull with his bare hands, but Gwaine had never known a more gentle soul.
They'd die for each other. He just hoped it never came to that.
He didn't think it would. For all that he was a prat, Arthur was one of the few good royals Gwaine had ever met. A man had to dig deep to reveal his kindness – because that bastard father of his had taught him all the callous cruelty that came with power – but it was there. All it needed was someone to let him know, in all the subtle little ways, that compassion was a strength, not a weakness, and that being a decent human being wouldn't make him a bad king.
That was Merlin's job. Well, that and keeping the rest of them on their toes. He could have been like one of the breathless pages, chasing after the knights with hero worship in his eyes. He could have been an obsequious little toad, always looking to ingratiate himself to his so-called superiors. Thank the gods that he was anything but.
He poked holes in Arthur's ego and made sure none of them ever got too big for their britches. He pointed out when any single one of them was being a fool, often with a glimmer of absolute glee.
He reminded them that, underneath all the trappings of rank, they were men at heart, all made of the same stuff and all of equal value.
Gwaine had spent years travelling the realms and calling it freedom, ignoring the loneliness that consumed him like rot. Now, he had friends who were as good as any family. They knew him. Not just the jokey facade he put on to please the world, but what lay underneath. He no longer had to roam, looking for something and denying it all the while.
He'd found home, and it wasn't a place like he'd always believed. It was the people who proudly claimed him as theirs, the bad bits, as well as the good.
His wandering days were over.
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anyalovesu · 3 months
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tolerate it.
x. i made you my temple, my mural, my sky
—“i can’t seem to explain how it all happened, but one day it all started to make sense and not make sense at the same time. leon became more important to me than he ever was before, and it was scary—the feeling of it was, because it would mean that if i lost him again it would hurt so more.”
necessary reminders !
—leon and eli does 🔞 stuff at some point of the chapter.
— it's my first time attempting to write something like this, so if it turns out bad pls cut me some slack hehe
— it's not piv but i think i still needs to be labeled at 18+ so pls pls pls if you are UNDER 18 and is reading this fic, do not interact with this post.
— again mdni pls pls pls
— if this is not your kind of shit, dni too hehe tnx sm
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click here for bianca + gremlins gc convo
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continue here (alonzo park and leon park's conversation)
Leon thought of it. Alonzo Park was right. It is easier to love someone when you’ve already seen them at their worst. Maybe that’s a tad bit toxic to fall for someone at their worst, but really, his mom’s and Eli’s versions of worst wasn’t half as bad at all. It really was just realizing that they never meant to be bad. It’s just that hurt people hurts people and he is no stranger to feeling that way. Leon wasn’t going to deny the fact that he hurt Eli when he was in that position too.
A month ago, everything was a huge mess and maybe he really did underestimate how hard this was for Elijah. After all, if Eli was the one who left him, which was unlikely, he would’ve reacted the same way that she did, worse even. It’s stupid how it took him seeing almost every single canvas Elijah has painted on to realize that she took the deeper cuts when the fallout maimed them both. While he was dating around the past four years, Eli was continuously mourning the longest friendship that she has ever known. While he was enjoying the comfort of someone else’s arms, and while technically Eli was too, it can’t be denied that the hurt inside her never healed. 
And now pulling over in the driveway of the house that Eli and her team built, never felt more welcoming. It never felt more accepting of him after their conversation back in Batangas and their conversation during their way back. 
Elijah must be some kind of saint in her past life to only take an apology and heal, because it never would’ve been the same way if it was him who was placed in that kind of position. After everything that she has done for him, to be abandoned because he allowed himself to be manipulated to do so, was something he never would’ve forgiven. But Eli did. Elijah understood. It was what she fell asleep reminding him when they were in Batangas. That he should also forgive himself because it wasn’t his hands for someone to use his own capability to love against him. 
Gaeul’s sharp pitchy barks filled his ears as soon as he was out of his car. The little white dog jumped happily as soon as she was let out on the front door porch. Leon recalls how good Gaeul really was in letting everyone know that one of her family members was home. He was actually expecting her to be more timid after being introduced into a place that wasn’t his apartment nor was their family home, but it seemed that she adjusted really quickly into the house. It must’ve excited her that it wasn’t just her and Leon anymore.
“Dinner’s ready, dalian mo na d’yan, nauna na mag dinner si Gaeul sa’yo,” Eli tells him.
Leon chuckles. “Sermon agad? Hindi ba p’wedeng kiss muna?”
“Kumain muna,” she whined, stomping her foot, making Leon laugh at how childish it was. “Ang tagal tagal mo nagugutom na ako!”
“Bakit hindi ka pa kumain?”
“Bro, you were the one who asked that we eat dinners together as much as possible,” Elijah rolled her eyes at him playfully.
For a moment he really did forget that he was the one who asked for her to be home for dinners, but she rarely ever was home on time. She always worked extra hours just to avoid him, which he understood why she did by all means. He eventually got into eating his dinners alone and falling asleep before she came home.
Except the past few days though. She was home at the expected time that she would be with distance and her office hours considered. It was too good to be true that he and Eli were finally seeing eye to eye like they did before.
It made his heart full to think that Eli is finally warming up to him.
“I did ask you to do that,” he smiled to himself as he picked up Gaeul from the floor and settled her on a chair right across Eli.
Elijah looked so at peace having dinner with him. The peace was too much for him to ruin with his announcement that he’ll be gone for almost a week. It’s not that Eli would not last a day without him—she’s made it clear that she survived 4 great years without him. What bothered him was the fact that he was the one who couldn’t bear to do it. He didn’t want to make her feel like he was leaving her again. They were just beginning to bond again, he didn’t want to ruin their sweet streak and risk being ignored once he got back.
“You’re quiet,” Eli pointed out. 
Leon still didn’t know how to tell her. He can’t say no to his parents especially if it’s company related. He is expected to step up after his dad retires, he’ll be risking slipping up and making a bad image for the board if he declines this.
“Gusto mo na bang daanan ni Monet sa shelter bukas?” He asked. 
Eli’s face lit up but it makes Leon’s stomach churn despite the phenomenal medium done steak in front of him when he realizes he’s not gonna feel that same relief from seeing Eli look so happy for a couple of days. Whipped. That’s what he is.
He shied away from allowing himself to feel that way because he was guilty that he was replacing Margot so quickly. But everyone else was right, they were already trapped in this with no way out anymore. This and nothing else. So it’s either you enjoy it or live your life miserable. Margot was well aware of that, even days before Leon found out that he’s getting married to someone else. While it may be bizarre to be able to accept that the person you loved so much is getting married to someone else, Margot was able to do it. After all, she knew this was a possibility when she got with Leon. There’s a long history of forced marriages in the family to even hope that they would be spared.
“As soon as possible sana,” she smiled at him, looking down on the steak happily as she munched on it. “Did you get her stuff na?”
“Yeah, dog food and everything else. I got her a cute matching bed with Gaeul, tignan mo mamaya.��
“You sound like a girl-dad na nahshopping spree,” Eli teased, laughing. Leon blushed a little, at the mere thought of them having actual children getting brought up.
“I am a girl-dad na nagshopping spree,” Leon quips. “What are you talking about?”
“Kanina ka pang parang may gusto sabihin,” Eli mentions, sitting on the counter next to the sink as she watches Leon do the dishes, Gaeul now settled in the extra rooms in her comfy little dog bed.
Leon didn’t know how to tell her that it was eating him up everytime he thought of it though it was inescapable. He should just spend as much time with her as possible right? That seemed appropriate to do.
“I was thinking that you should move to the Master’s bedroom—”
“Palit tayo ng kwarto?”
“Timang,” Leon snorted, shaking his head at Eli’s playful response. She knew what he meant though, and she’s not against it. She slept well when he was next to her even though she thought he left when she fell asleep. “Kasama ako s’yempre.”
“Gusto mo lang ako katabi eh,” Eli teased, even playfully pinching his cheek but Leon managed to get a hold of her hand before she could take it back. 
Leon hummed in agreement before kissing the back of her hand softly and placing it on his cheek carefully. The look in his eye was longing, craving to feel any sort of physical touch from Elijah herself as if he was already missing her and he hadn't even left.
“Yea,” he replied, leaning over to wrap his arms around her waist, resting his head on her shoulder. “Gusto kitang katabi matulog.”
“Are you okay, Leon?” she asked, concern lacing the tone of her voice as she made him look up at her, eyes looking weary of why Leon seemed so bothered since he got home.
He shook his head honestly, “why?” she follows, holding him by both of his cheeks trying to pry an answer from him.
Why hasn’t he told her? Is he shy? Is he embarrassed? Or was it really just hard to admit to himself that he’s at risk of coming home to something completely different than what he left?
“Papunta kami nila Kuya sa Cebu next week,” he mumbled quietly.
“Anong problema doon?”
“I don’t want to leave you,” he added, saying it truthfully. 
He was expecting her to burst out in laughter and find it funny that he’s reacting this way. He is a grown ass man afraid to miss a girl that’s not even his girlfriend his fiancée lol, it was something funny in his head but it did not seem like that in Eli’s head.
“I’m gonna be alright, Leon,” she let out a soft chuckle.
“4 days rin kasama sila Kuya Santi…” He explained.
“That’s okay. Kuya Santi is maligalig like me, you won’t miss me too much.”
“Hahalikan ba ako ni Kuya Santi, ha?” 
That threw Eli out and finally made her burst into laughter.
“Please don’t kiss my brother,” she giggled before flinging her arms on both sides of his neck to pull him closer in between her legs. “I’m here pa naman.”
Leon hummed, pushing his face dangerously close to hers before asking, “You want me to kiss you instead, ha?”
“If that means you won’t kiss other people sa Cebu, then yes.” That was a bold reply but something expected of Eli. All her generosity aside, Eli liked her favorite things to herself. She was quite territorial when it came to people.
“Not planning on it,” he replied before pressing his lips firmly on hers, mouths immediately molding into the fit of each other’s mouths like it was always made to be there. 
It was wet and hot, Eli could feel her heart pounding against her chest but for once in her life she wasn’t afraid that it was going to be a panic attack, especially when Leon’s cold hands were creeping under her pajama shirt making her gasp. Leon smirks at his plan working, taking the chance to slide his tongue between her parted lips. His brain then goes into a frenzy as her fingertips begin fiddling with the hair on the back of his head. He can’t seem to pull away even if he was slowly running out of breath. Addicted, that’s what he is.
“Kuya Santi won’t kiss you like that, no?” Eli joked when they pulled away, panting because of how long they had been kissing.
“Magtigil ka nga, hindi naman kuya mo ang gusto kong halikan,” Leon shrugged, wiping the wet parts of the side of her lips as he chuckled at Eli’s childishness.
“So, just me?”
 He knows she’s doing it on purpose but the feigned innocence in her face as she asks is admittedly working on him.
“Tara na sa taas, kuhanin mo na ang mga gamit mo sa kwarto mo doon ka sa kwarto natin,” he chuckled, grabbing her by the waist again and carrying her down the countertop.
Eli doesn’t recall how she got there but there she was on Leon’s bed, him already changed in his loose shirt and boxers with hands gripping firmly on her waist from under her shirt while her knees were on either side of his thighs. Their lips sealed together like every second that their lips were an inch apart is a waste of time. 
It was unusual how all of a sudden she was craving his lips like she has been starving, but it only felt right even if it’s Leon...because it’s Leon. 
Stuck in her little paradox, the other person in the equation, Leon, was slowly growing embarrassed of how hard he was growing while his hands roamed around her torso, careful not to go any higher and do something she would be uncomfortable with. He was hesitant to put her in a position she did not want to be in but it seemed like Eli felt differently, when she pulled away and asked something Leon never would’ve thought he’ll ever live long enough to hear, 
“Do you want me to take it off?” she asked, referring to her pajama shirt that was clearly restricting Leon from doing what he’s been wanting to do.
“‘Wag na kung hindi ka komportable,” Leon chuckled at her lightly, pressing a soft kiss of her cheek before she shoots her next question, which ultimately sends Leon’s brain to short circuit.
“Can I move?”
“Can you what—” but before there was a coherent thought formed in his head, Eli shifted to make herself more comfortable before pressing herself hard on him, causing friction to where he needed it most. “Shit, yes, Ellie,” he moaned before capturing her lips once again, hands finding home in her waist once again guiding her movement. “Fuck.”
Eli whines quietly next to his ear, pressing open mouthed kisses behind it as she moves faster, putting more pressure as Leon’s shameless moans fills in the room, even more so when she takes his hand, which still carefully navigated the skin on her back and waist, to her mound, allowing him to squeeze the soft skin on it, thumbing on the already hardened nipple.
“God, baby,” Leon moans, removing his free hand from her waist and finding its way to Eli’s neck to kiss her again, mumbling incoherent praises against her lips before his tongue slots between her lips once again which she willingly gives him permission to do so. “So good for me, Ellie…”
Eli’s hips began to move frantically, chasing her high. Leon practically doing the same, leisuring on the feeling of her soft mound against his hand as she grinded himself against Eli, trying to meet her movements as much as he could.
God. That really just sends Eli’s brain to go haywire too, unable to form any logical form of thought just—Leon. Leon. Leon. Leon. Leon. Leon. Leon—throwing all shame out the window as she shamelessly moaned his name over and over in between longing gasps against his lips while she grinded against his hard-on, realizing how big it was and how safe of a choice it was to not go down that route tonight.
The next thing she knew, as if there was more shame to throw out the window, she was cursing, pleading, even crying for Leon to let her come. 
Leon thought that she didn’t have to but it would be a bigger shame to tell that he wasn’t turned on by it. He loved every second of it, every word leaving her mouth.
“Go on, baby,” he hummed, carefully wiping the tears off her face before he found his hand back on her waist, guiding her to put more pressure as she moved before letting out a string of soft moans.
The mere sound of her moans was embarrassingly enough to finish too.
“Are you okay?” Leon hummed, holding her shivering body against his. All Elijah gave was a quiet nod as she clings to him.
He then caresses the soft hair on her head while the other rubbed circles on the expanse of her back under her shirt. “Sure? I need to hear you say it, Ellie.”
“I’m okay, Leon,” she hummed, nuzzling her face further into his neck.
“Alright, tara na maglinis,” he hummed, kissing the top of her head once again before he carried her up to the bathroom. “I’ll get you clothes, you do your thing, alright?”
Eli nodded at him, still having the same dilated eyes from earlier as Leon closed the door allowing her to clean herself up from her soiled shorts and underwear.
Fuck. That really just happened.
Days went by so quickly, Monet had settled in well with Gaeul and was currently being dropped by in a pet daycare to be watched over and trained in the morning when both Eli and Leon were at work. They’ve also settled in well on who picks up the dogs from daycare. To say the least, in a span of a couple of days, they have been functioning well as furparents and maybe occasionally as a proper couple as well—mostly it was making out and cuddling in the bed while they wait for Eli’s chamomile tea to cool down a bit but the rest really were just looking out for each other—which by the way was a basic thing a human would do if they live in the same roof with someone. 
It was also half because their intimate activities left Eli wondering if there really was more to their relationship long before it was a topic for thought. Leon, on the other hand, was just too focused on keeping it together before he finally leaves, making sure he doesn’t do anything that will cause a drift between them before he leaves.
“Hindi ka man lang magbibilin?” Leon playfully asks, as he leans back on the trunk of Eli’s car that brought all four of them to airport. 
“Basta umuwi ka ng buo at iisa—”
“What do you mean iisa?”
“Baka uwi ka ng may anak na—” 
“May mga anak na ako dito, bakit ako uuwi ng may ibang anak?” Leon playfully flicks her forehead as she rolled her eyes at him. 
“Buntis ka?” Yves looks at her, eyes wide in shock.
“OA,” Eli shrugged at him. “Si Monet at Gaeul ang mga anak. Mukha ba akong capable maging nanay ha?”
“Aba malay ko ba!”
Leon chuckled at their banter. As much as he had the urge to get jealous for how close they seemed, but it’s Architect Yves. He knows how much this person supported her like Santi would have when no one else could. There’s an understanding that they could only look at each other from a sibling light.
“We should go,” Leon smiled, pressing a soft kiss on Eli’s lips before pressing another on her forehead, giving it his all not to let the tears fall. 
“Oh my god, kailangan ba sa harap namin?” Santi complained, pulling Leon away from his little sister before giving her a tight hug. “Kadiri ha!”
“Ingat kayo,” Eli hummed. “Take care of each other, alright?”
“Ingat kuya,” she smiled, giving Yves and Tobi their hugs before they parted. 
The car ride home from the airport to Yang ENT. was quiet, painfully for that matter. The obvious difference of the atmosphere in her car on their way there somehow irked her, like she wasn’t used to silence anymore.
“Ba’t ganyan ang itsura mo?” Ynes asked, chuckling lightly as she went to hug Eli’s sullen figure. “Para kang pinagsakluban d’yan.”
“The office is quiet,” she pouted at her best friend. “Walang mga kuya na magaaway the whole week.”
Truth to be told, while Eli liked her silence, there was something about her brothers’ noise that comforted her. Something about hearing Leon yap about his day sounded like home. The silence now was cold and crisp, something that resembled the silence at home whenever her papa was mad at her for some reason she never really understood even at her big age now.
It’s always been her and the silence. Life out of that was greater than she ever thought she was, now home wasn’t home anymore without the joyful noise that reminded her that it is nice that she is alive.
“Hala si ate ko umiyak,” Ynes chuckles at her bestfriend, engulfing her in a tighter embrace. “Ito naman parang ‘di nag-grade two! Uuwi naman ‘yung mga ‘yon!”
“Uuwi ‘yon, ano ba itong babae na ‘to!” Ynes really tried to maake something light out of the situation but deep inside she knew that this was hard for her. She hasn’t lived in the same roof with her brother for a couple of years now, but they always saw each other at work. It wasn’t a big adjustment for her. Living with Leon now would be another conversation, because this is the first time in a couple days since they made amends that Leon would be away from her.
“Gusto ko sumama sa Cebu, babes,” she cried like a child na iniwan ng magulang. The funny thing was she never cried to her parents after being left at home—she was used to that Elizalde and Soren Yang had always been busy people, being left to caretakers and secretaries was no big deal to her. So why does that right now seem so heavy for her? 
“It’s your first time being loved like that and being left behind, ano?”
Maybe it’s the way that Ynes’ words made her think of it or the way that she was not sure why she really was acting this way, but that made her stop and look at Ynes.
It’s the first time someone that made her very loved had to leave her behind. The first time that someone wasn’t going to be constantly gonna be there for her. And it was different before when Leon left because she didn’t feel that way for him back then. She was far from mature to actually take the time to acknowledge her own feelings when all that happened but it’s different now.
“It’s okay to feel that way, babes,” Ynes smiled at her, squeezing her arm to give her reassurance. “It’s human to miss the people that you love.”
“You think I love Leon?” she asked, slightly tilting her head up to level her sight with Ynes.
“The same way he loves you, Elijah,” Ynes sighs. “Alam kong itatanggi mo nanaman kasi ayaw mong maguilty na kawawala n’yo lang ni Isaac, but Eli, life is not going to end if you hurt Isaac lalo na at hindi rin naman s’ya mabuting tao.”
click here to continue (housemates' gc)
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sleepy-achilles · 9 days
I do not kneel
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Wanted to name this Michaels do not kneel but...its mainly the fod partners in this...so...
Also kinda ended up being religious trauma. Because the Michaels lot are religious I mean..they are living proof it exists. (Which is all ironic to me because I am atheist. But I mean, if people believe there's a god who cares? Let them live and believe what they want. Even Leon lol)
Leon Michaels was a very complicated fucking man. He had a religious family, despite the fact his uncle and father were demons. But then again, maybe that's why it's so easy for them to be religious. They know there's truth behind the idea.
But Leon would rather fight God than kneel to him or any man.
Leon Michaels did not kneel.
And he makes sure a smug Punk knows that.
"I do not kneel for any man. Not even God. Not even Satan. They kneel to me." Leon growls. "Your husband must be a very unsatisfied man" punk retorts. Leon knows what he's doing. He's been trying to get into Leon's head that him and drew have something. Leon's not a child. He's not stupid. "With a cock like this?" Leon smirks as he gropes his crotch. "He never leaves unsatisfied" Leon winks before walking off.
Leon kneels to no man.
And yet he stands in the corner of the ring, watching as Hunter places the crown on Drews head. Drew looks at Leon and smiles slightly. Leon bites his lower lip. Drew looks so happy. And yet.
There's that distant look in his eyes. Because too drew, he's not truly worthy of this crown when Leon, the skeleton King is walking around.
Leon steps forward. "Congratulations" Leon nods, avoiding both Drew and Hunters gazes. "Your highness." Drew gasps as Leon kneels down. It sends a flight feeling through Leon's body as his knee hits the mat. He needs to go. Run.
Instead of running, he bows his head in respect. "Long live the king" Leon grits out.
---many years ago---
Leon ignores the way his skin burns and hisses at him as he stands in the aisle. He stares at the stain glass window.
The only thing keeping him alive right now is the angel dna pumping through him.
It's the only place he can be free from ministry. From his father and uncle.
"Why?" Leon whispers moving closer.
"Why me? Why must i feel so...so sinful when my family live carefree? Why must I suffer so much guilt and pain for being born different?" Leon asks, his eyes casting up at the face in the window. "Why....w-why.." his voice cracks as he finds himself falling to his knees. "Why do I love him? Why isn't he a girl?"
He whimpers as he lowers his forehead to the red carpet. His back burns as its exposed to the church.
A pained sob leaves the young boy.
The 16 year old boy who has experienced so much suffered, so much pain, so much death. And yet...their god wouldn't even grant him a break.
Taker stands tall over Shawn.
Shawns face is full of defiance.
"You Shawn Michaels shall bow in the presence of the Undertaker. Even if that means I must show you the truth." The mam growls. Shawn examines the gothic man. Shawn can't help but cock his eyebrow and smirk.
It's the 90s and another man is asking him to kneel at his feet?
"I kneel for no man." Shawn spits before shoving past him.
Takers hands shake. His eyes water as the fans cheer and scream. "Shawn." He chokes. His eyes widen as he turns to see Shawn stood there, belt loose in his grip. Shawns head is down. His thining hair falling to cover his face. The belt slips from his hand and shawn kneels down infront of the man, lowering his head to rest on his knee. "Forgive me, Undertaker." Shawn forces out. Taker stares at him in shock. "All men shall bow in the presence of the undertaker." Shawn whispers. Taker grimaces. The old stupid shit Paul and vince had him doing was following him decades later?
He shakes his head and holds his hand out.
"Not my husband. Its my job to kneel to him"
---many years later---
Shawns knees dig into the uncomfortable wooden floor as he cups his hands and prays. He prays louder at the sound of shouting in the small house. "Please god. Please take me away from here. Let me have that life I want and need. Please. I can't.. I can't live like this" Shawn begs as tears pour down his face as the footsteps get louder. "Please. Please don't let him hurt me. Me or my new born child." Shawn prays. His head snaps up as the door swings open. John begins to cry from the bed at the sound of the door slamming against the wall. Shawns eyes widen at the tall, shadow that glares at him.
Shawn doesn't hesitate to stand between him and his baby.
Because at 16, this isn't shawns first battle. But he won't allow it to be John's.
John crosses his arms. Not impressed at all. "Please. I don't even kneel to God never mind man" Randy scoffs. "It can be a sign of respect." John states. "I don't kneel to no man." Randy mutters before walking away.
John shakes his head. What a grueling match. He turns to shake Randy's hand and his eyes widen in shock. Randy's words echoing in his head as Randy drops to his knees. "I thought you didn't kneel to no man" John whispers. "Your too special for that shit. Besides. You deserve all my respect." Randy mutters keeping his head low.
John smiles softly, placing a hand on his shoulder. "All is forgiven. Cmon." John whispers moving his hand to cup Randy's head. "Lets go."
----many years ago-
Randy watches as the parents cry and pray for their son back. His heart sinks. Because they are told God cares about them. That he loves them. And yet...here randy is, at his best friend's funeral, at 16. They had a life to live. A life to explore.
Randy slowly walks up to the casket. Falling to his knees as it all settles. "Why? Why did he take you from me. Why won't he give you back? Why doesn't he love us" Randy growls quietly his hand clenching against his thigh as his eyes burn into the carpet. He tilts his head back to the ceiling. "Why don't you care about us! Why did you take him!"
"Why not me!"
Cassie frowns. "Please. Everyone should kneel to me!" Rhea smirks tilting the crown on her head. "Would you kneel to me? Or..I don't know, one of the boys?" Cassie asks. "I bow to nobody baby. Soz" Rhea chuckles moving away from her lover. Cassie shakes her head.
Cassie smiles as Hunter places the crown on her head. "Thank you" she whispers. She then turns to find Rhea. Fighting Rhea for the crown was tough but it was amazing. And she wanted to-
Rhea kneels. "My queen." Rhea bows her head. Cassie smirks. "Thought you knelt to nobody baby?" Cassie teases. Rhea rolls her eyes. "I was so on a power rush. Don't be mean" Rhea huffs tilting her head back. Cassie holds out her hand. "Kiss the queen" Rhea takes her hand and kisses it. "Your highness. The crown adds to your beauty" Rhea smiles.
----many years ago---
16 year old rhea stands outside the church.
"Why won't you go inside?" Her sister asks. "I won't go in there and pray to a man who doesn't care about me. I'll never kneel to someone" Rhea scoffs. "Never?" Her sister asks. "Not never. A real special somebody. I'll kneel for them. Show my respect. My love. But I will never do it more than once." "So it'll have to be the one?" "The one I'll marry. The one I'll protect forever." Rhea nods. Her sister smiles. "Alright. See ya" she calls as she walks into the church.
Rhea turns her back to the building and crosses her arms. "Yeah. I'll get myself a real godess. A woman that will deserve and earn me kneeling at her feet, worshiping her. Not you." Rhea mutters before walking away from the building.
I fuckin love Leon's religious trauma.
Also thanks to the person who commented about Shawn being a angel but not knowing it. I'm obsessed with it.
Taker being the only one who knows until Leon comes along, born with both demonic and angelic dna.
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saga-project · 7 months
"He's too strong. He's not gonna stay in there unless I keep him in there. We've tried everything else--"
"Leo, please don't do this. LEO---"
"Heh. You're one to talk, big bro. Hero moves are totally your style--"
"Leo. Leo, PLEASE. Don't do this. Please don't do this. We can figure something else out. We can--"
"H-hey, Donnie. Remember what I said when we fought? That I wished I never even had a twin?"
"Are you still hung up on that? Is that what this is about? I FORGIVE YOU, you stupid IDIOT, just come back, PLEASE--"
"...you're the best twin I could have asked for. I'm so, so glad that we got to find you again. I....I love you so fucking much. All of you. So fucking much."
"Don't you FUCKING dare---"
The comm clicked off. The portal exploded. And all Saga could do was stand there in stunned silence, hardly being able to move, hardly being able to breathe--
Something in him was snapping. Something in him was coming undone, something in him was howling like a feral animal, but the sound couldn't escape his mouth, all he could do was stand there and plead for it to be some kind of twisted dream, beg for Leo to miraculously appear and say that it had just been some kind of shitty joke---
Leo couldn't be gone. He couldn't. His fucking better half couldn't be gone. Not when Saga had just started getting used to the idea of having a twin again. Not when he'd just watched another fucking version of Leo throw himself into a literal death arena to try and prove himself to Saga, not when his brother was in danger and he couldn't fucking do anything about it yet again--
The stupid fucking song that Leon and him had sung sprang into his head again. Only this time, he remembered the rest of the lyrics.
What if I never find you What if I'm a twin no more I'd give all the kingdom's treasures If you came walking through that door---
Saga felt the tears running down his face, and felt the great gaping hole in his chest, and finally gave in, tossing his head back and howling in grief.
Leo was gone. His twin was gone. And he'd never fucking feel whole again.
Mikey was still standing there with his stupid fucking arms outstretched like that would accomplish anything, and Saga felt anger rising up in them before they could stop themselves, baring their teeth. "Stop that. STOP, Mikey. He's fucking GONE."
"Don, don't--"
"Leo never gave up on us...and he didn't give up on you, either, Don. I'm not giving up on HIM." Mikey turned back, baring his teeth in a feral snarl, and then--
--something was happening. Blinding yellow light was emerging from Mikey's hands and tracing up his arms, and there was a literal hole being ripped in the air in front of him, growing larger and larger and larger, and both they and Raph raced forward--
"Mikey, whatever you're doing, don't you dare fucking stop--"
"We're here, Mikey! Together!"
The portal stretched wider and wider and wider, and ow FUCK that tingled like a son of a bitch but all Saga cared about was seeing their brother again, seeing their twin again, and--
--Leo was gazing at them through the portal, his gaze a mixture of fear and relief. "Took you guys long enough."
Saga couldn't help but wheeze out a relieved laugh under their breath as Raph reached forward with his ninpo to collect Leo, as he started to pull him back through the portal--
--and then the Krang loomed up behind Leo again, its metal claws outstretched, and Saga absolutely saw red.
He summoned a gigantic drill, all metal and points and malice, and slammed it into the Krang's face through the portal before he could even think to contemplate what he was doing, before he could even think to feel sickened over the Krang bits that flew everywhere. He simply twisted back towards Mikey, shouting at the top of his lungs. "MIKEY, CLOSE THAT PORTAL NOW---"
The portal closed in a wink of light, and all of them hurried towards Leo's prone form, Saga's eyes flicking over every single inch of his twin's frame as he silently pleaded Leo to wake up, please wake up, oh my god I'll take back every single nasty thing I've ever said about you if you'll just fucking wake up--
Leo's eyes opened. And even though his voice was weak, he still managed a smile, his tone still light. "Hey. Ewww, are we in Staten Island?"
"Donnie, woah, hey, I think I kinda sorta broke like eeeeevery single one of my bones so maybe take it easy on me--"
"You are NEVER doing something that stupid again or so help me God I will drag your spirit back and beat the shit out of a GHOST--"
"Okay, okay, geez, like that's any better than trying to give yourself up to a giant sentient brain--"
"Those things are not remotely the same--"
"Cut it out, you two." Raph's voice, now. "Let's just concentrate on getting patched up first."
And as all of them started chattering over the comms, Saga stood back, gently exhaling.
It would all be okay. It was going to be okay. Leo was back and everything was okay. The future that was written down in those journals wouldn't come to pass anymore.
.....so why did he feel like there was still some kind of unfinished business to attend to?
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exrocist · 10 months
tag game: 3 books, 3 movies, and 3 songs
that changed your life or you just love.
Tagged by @zhabk4, thank youuu U__U <333 I don't usually do these (though it always makes me happy to get tagged!) but I was like. nnrrghhh must talk about Earthsea. soo.
(lots of rambling below the cut little bit embarrassed!!!!)
The Farthest Shore by Ursula K. Le Guin ; Nothing I say about this book (this series!) can do it justice honestly everyone on the Earth should read Earthsea. like really really read it patiently and intensely and with a savor because you will never encounter reality so closely and clearly ever again. everything about it is real to me but this book particularly struck me just because. well. lebannen. a force undeniable. I didn't know I was capable of loving so deeply and profoundly until I knew him. he is the best. I love you Lebannen 💥💥💥 I love everything about these books honestly. immense grace aside that shit also inspired perhaps the most intense and creatively demanding period of my life & broke down a lot of the mental partitions that I had constructed around what my hands are capable of. And I am still really bobbing through the wake of even now. Hopefully more marvelous things to come. There is much more strength to be drawn from this place yet if I can stomach it. sighs.
Death with Interruptions by José Saramago ; My words are failing me here but like. Saramago's voice and style have become real fixtures for me. I need to read a Saramago at least once every few months or my life loses its musicality. This is where I started with him so it gets to be on the list but Cain is also a great one for many many many more reasons that would be toooo much talking. for me to post.
I feel like by law I have to put Plato's Republic here which like. honestly not the most philosophically valuable work or even my drug of choice these days but was a thirteen year old's first inquest into the field that would become his only scholastic passion. so ! (He didn't even know he would have to read it seven times during his undergrad 😭) but if we want another novel to put here maybe We Need to Talk about Kevin by Lionel Shriver (mostly because of one sequence but also Shriver's great at writing in the voice of wry & cerebral women whose sentimentality is kind of shielded by their overt insight it gives them real internal lushness).
Honorable mention also to Isaac Asimov's I, Robot and subsequent novels of Asimov's future chronology which are currently fucking me up beyond measure. My recommendation here is read I, Robot (Or The Complete Robot!) and maaaybe Caves of Steel (tightly written marvel with only forgivable weaknesses of unprobed psychologies) and then stop. Just don't keep going okay. I've also had um Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal by Christopher Moore still swimming around in my mind despite having finished it a good while ago.
Uhhh I don't w.atch. errr. Movies I can think of that I've watched just at all of my own volition: Raw (2016). good experience but didn't move me hugely taboo-pushing which is awesome conceptually but not in the right ways for me idk. not a bad movie at all though definitely some kind of stupid elements at play as well.
Spent Gladiator 2 - The Mountain Goats ; I know I know I'm sorry I'm so trite and pedestrian but like. song with a non-negligible influence on me NOT killing myself <3
Wait List - All Get Out ; song with a non-negligible influence on me actively killisdukydhkuhldfhuik
I/m Not Here [missing face] - The Twilight Sad ; idk is this even a song I could live without. could I have the strength to do anything if not for this five minute dronefest. they need to start creating standardized ritual/ecstatic behaviors for the tracks off this album.
Honorable mentions: San Fermin's The Woods (if you were to ask me about artists they would most definitely be very much up there... Mr. Ludwig-Leone's artistry has been cradling me for a very long time), Say Yes to Everything by We Cut Corners (best band ever ever ever!!!), Topography by Civilian, Dump Your Dreams by A.S. Fanning (i love music).
I did badly at this but I think I made up for not having any movies by talking so much elsewhere. ermmm.
Only tagging @twilitfossil (Jesse Pinkman voice) do it bitchhhhhh also @ataliaf but only if you want to n__n <3333
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darckcarnival · 2 years
This is nice. Being able to talk to someone, even if it hurts to talk to. Even where there is so much hatred for himself, so much pain, and blame. After all, if he didn't go find this man, they wouldn't be in this position. If Chris breaks up with him, he wouldn't blame him, he's a shitty boyfriend.
As soon as the refill is poured, Leon's knocking that one back too. He's not trying to get drunk but damn is the urge becoming stronger and stronger with each passing moment. Especially when all he wants to do is die because he's hurt Chris so bad he doesn't think he deserves to be alive.
"Wish I could believe you but he won't even sleep in the same bed as me. It's kind of like we're just coexisting at the moment. Not to mention, he told me he doesn't think he knows me anymore when we've been together for so long."
A pause because it occurs to him that she doesn't know the exact length of the time they've been together. "And when I say a long time, I mean since I was twenty-two. Years. And it's all gone, all in the blink of an eye, because I did something so stupid he can't forgive me for." He pours another shot himself this time and (big surprise) he knocks that back too.
"He's going to leave me, I know it, and there's nothing I can do to stop it. Don't blame him, he deserves better than me."
The heavy atmosphere hung in the air like an uncomfortable blanket of emotional agony and tension. It was practically oozing off of Leon now that he had allowed himself to open up more- which was so much more obvious with the way he slammed back the second drink. So then Darck would monitor his intake. Not cut him off, hell no, but surely at least make sure he takes it slower than usual. So he has his self awareness enough for this conversation. "If you wanted me to, I'd talk to him for you."
Leon deserved that.
With every word that comes free from the man sitting here, the more it had Darck feeling that concern bury it's self deeper. It was a natural state of being for the half vampire, even worse when relating to the situation on a personal level. They had been just orbiting one another in silence, not sharing space really. And the final words, a nail in the proverbial coffin.
"Christ..." Since he was twenty two, the two have known one another. That was- an insane amount of time. Holy fuck. And for Chris to have told Leon he didn't know him? What the FUCK kind of words- that was out right stupid to say. It would only ever make shit that much worse. end up adding fuel into that self loathing and guilt ridden fire that was starting to burn out of control inside of the special agent. "You both are in deep here." and both stupid, spiraling and stewing as they are. She could tell even from this perspective. "You deserve better than this." Better treatment than this.
Darck stood up from the chair then, just so she could hook her ankle around the leg of it and pull it closer. Towards the taller man's side. Her trench coat was pulled off and draped over the back of it before she took the seat once more, then wordlessly wrapped a tight arm over and around Leon's shoulders, pulling him closer against her side. There were god damn plenty of words that she could say, but none of it would sink in, not right now. Not while he was this tender and torn up about it. He needed support and listening, a reminder someone was here for him in a time of need. "I've got you, I've got you."
0 notes
a lot of people in the notes of this post are saying Will and Gwaine would have been friends and those people are absolutely right here's my thoughts on that:
- we know Gwaine subscribes to havoc as a lifestyle but Will doesn't necessarily aim for chaos he just does what he likes. this makes them a hazard to society and Arthur's waking nightmare. They make a Leon wig so Will can pretend to be him and undo all of Arthur's orders that he doesn't like. Will goes with Gwaine on patrol so he can secretly free prisoners that want to kill Arthur. just to keep things interesting.
- one day Will finds out Gwaine is technically a noble and acts like its the betrayal of the century. fuck whatever Mordred and Arthur have going on, this is a million times worse. Will forgives him after a week when he realises he can get Gwaine to do pretty much anything and say it's a peasant rite of passage and this goes on for days with Merlin and Gwen's compliance until Percival takes pity on Gwaine after finding him buried in dirt up to his neck
Percival: whatcha doing there buddy?
Gwaine, who's been trodden on twice now: it's a farmer rite of passage, i grow out of the dirt like the crops they farm, will told me. its an honour.
- sometimes Will will be telling a Merlin story and forget that Gwaine doesn't know about his magic and panics to come up with an excuse
Gwaine: wow!! how did he do that?
Will: uhhh
Merlin, the next day storming up to Will and covered in mud and leaves: why the FUCK did you tell Gwaine i could fly???
- knowing his usual conflict resolution methods would most likely end in public execution, Will decides instead to make the most of how easy it is to stress Arthur out. Gwaine is on board of course and together they go out of their way to meet with every single visiting royal ten minutes before arthur greets them and convince them to pretend to declare war on Arthur. it has worked way more times than it should. Arthur catches on eventually but this backfires when someone actually declares war on him and Arthur starts yelling at Will and Gwaine.
King of somewherelseland: i'm here to announce that i think you and your council are shit. my army will be here tomorrow.
Will: it's hilarious but i do feel like i should tell you that-
Gwaine: ok but we didn't actually do anything this time
Arthur, going very pale: you what
the king is so confused that he just tells them to forget about it and runs away and tells his men not to go to Camelot because the people there are insane
- Gwaine desperately tries to convince Will to become a knight but Will maintains that he would rather eat a human foot. desperate, Gwaine appears in his house one day with a foot
Gwaine, frantically squirting ketchup on the foot: now will you be a knight?
Will: i have so many questions that i know i dont want to hear the answers to. also you have severely misunderstood. that is not how this works
Will eventually compromises and comes to a training session. much to Arthur's frustration, he beats several knights because his fighting style is less swords and honour and more move bitch get out the way shoving.
- they have an ongoing game called 'how many petty crimes can we commit in front of Arthur without getting caught'. Unfortunately, Arthur is stupid and doesn't seem to notice unless they steal people's clothes and wear them in front of him, so this becomes the main objective. Arthur is semi-aware of this but doesn't have enough evidence to punish either of them. the closest they've come to being rumbled is when Gwaine wears Morgana's green dress to a council meeting
Arthur: stealing! that is definitely stealing!
Gwaine: sounds like somebody's jealous i can pull this off and he cant
Arthur: Morgana please back me up
Morgana, thoroughly enjoying how much this annoys Arthur: on what? i've never seen this dress before in my life.
- Gwaine keeps trying to get Will to grow his hair out so that he can plait it then tries to plait it anyway when he says no. Will swats away him to begin with but after he doesn't stop he cuts off Gwaine's hair while he's asleep. Gwaine is much angrier than anticipated so Will panics and pulls an Uther
Gwaine: who did this i will kill them i swear to god somebody is going to die tonight
Will, realising there's a pretty good chance Gwaine will fling him out of a high window: it must be sorcery! evil and not requiring any explanation! well that's settled let's never speak of it again-
Gwaine, sword drawn and hissing at the door: the bastards who did this must pay
Will, sweating buckets and blood pressure through the roof goes to Merlin
Will: Merlin this is it. this is how i die
Merlin: it's cool i have like three guys you can pin this on that are all very annoying. wait no he would murder them brutally for this. have you heard of nimueh?
Will: didn't you kill her?
Merlin: yeah well Gwaine doesn't know much about ghosts and i'm fairly certain we can convince him she did this
in conclusion:
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remmushound · 3 years
Bay/rise 34!! @brightlotusmoon @errorfreak88 @digitl-art-monstr @selfindulgenz @yarchurr @dakotafinely @yarchurr @sententiously-sarcastic @sprinklestheditty
“This is fucking stupid.” Raph was pacing anxiously, his frustrations coming out in the form of heavy breaths.
“I totally agree.” Donnie agreed, “But you know Leo. He’d not gonna let this go.”
“He he fucking ought to! We ain’t got time for this shit!”
The Leo’s were both separately getting ready for the spar, but with such an open space it was nearly impossible for them to get out of each other's line of sight. This resulted in what could only be described as a heated staring content between the both of them as they sharpened their katana and odachi almost passive-aggressively. The brothers and sister of both proud ninja were intermingled in a group together— their brothers’ antics weren’t enough to drive them apart completely, but it was enough for a wedge to be stuck between them.
“Is Leo gonna be okay?” Michelangelo appealed to Donatello, grabbing a hold of the older teens arm.
“I don’t know Michael.” Donatello sighed, sticking his nose in the air in his frustration, “Leon’s always getting himself in this kind of trouble! It’s gonna catch up to him eventually!”
“Hopefully not today.” Michelangelo said, looking to Leo. “Other Leo is very large. He’s jumbo sized!”
“Sadly, his brain didn't get the memo.”
Mikey was looking between both of the Leo’s with no small amount of guilt. Donnie had given him the clear after he had calmed slightly and the pain in his chest wasn’t so bad, but now the pain had been replaced with an intense sadness. Michelangelo nudged his brother and pointed to the sad box turtle, and then both brothers nodded at each other with similar intent as they marched over and each took a seat beside Mikey. 
“Why the long face?” Michelangelo pouted.
“I dunno, Mike, seems kinda… oblong to me.” Donatello motioned vageuly to Mikey’s face.
Mikey gave the slightest chuckle before he started to cry softly. Michelangelo frowned and looked to Donatello, who quickly pulled a tissue from out of his battle shell and offered it to Mikey. Mikey accepted it and, after a moments thought, said,
“You just carry tissues around wherever?”
“I never know when I’ll have to break out the dramatics~!” Donatello struck a pose.
“Are you okay?” Michelangelo gave Mikey a gentle stroke on the shoulder. “You look sad.”
“I’m just… useless.” Mikey hung his head.
That statement caused both Hamato brothers to erupt in loud, overlaying denial as they practically swarmed Mikey trying to convince him otherwise.
“You’re not!”
“You’re really not.”
“You’re incredible!”
“I once tried nunchucks for a day. Hit myself in the head, cried in a corner, slept in said corner. Very traumatizing.”
“You can do lots of things!”
“Except fight, apparently…” Mikey pouted, crossing his arms. “I just watched my dad and your dad get taken and I did nothing!”
“You’re not the only one who did nothing!” Donatello offered.
Michelangelo swatted Donatello and scowled at him a second before turning back to Mikey. “You panicked— that’s nothing to be ashamed of!”
“We were there! We— we could’ve helped stop them! We—“
“What could we have done…?” Michelangelo asked softly, laying a hand on Mikey’s knee.
Mikey gave a long, tired sigh reminiscent of someone far older with many more years of life bearing down on his shoulders. “Nothing.”
“Exactly.” Michelangelo said, “But what we could’ve done is gotten hurt! He took out all your brothers in one swing! All we would’ve ended up doing is getting taken out with them.”
“But don’t you think—“
“Come on.” Mikey’s words were interrupted by his Leo, who had lost what little patience remained as he strutted forward with the confidence of gods. “Let’s get this over with.”
Leo was the first in the dojo and he stood there as if he was still challenging Leonardo to back down at the cost of his honor. Leonardo didn't move from his place where he was still polishing his odachi.
“Well?” Leo prompted, “Come on! You challenged me to this, remember! Don’t you want to defend your honor?”
Leonardo thought for a second, and then shrugged. “Eh, never really had much of that to begin with. And I have all the time in the world baby!”
Despite his words, Leonardo seemed to accept his counterpart's challenge and stood from his seated position, giving his odachi a few experimental swipes before he came to join Leo in the dojo.
“This ain’t gonna end good...” April shook her head. Her face was painted to match Leonardo’s markings and she brandished a blue flag in support. Upon seeing Leonardo entering the dojo, however, she promptly cheered, “WHOOP WHOOP! YOU GOT THIS LEON!”
The rest of the gathered mutants— all except Raphael, who was still sleeping off his exhaustion— gathered in a tight group to watch as the scene unfolded. Donnie split from the group one last time in an attempt to appeal to his brother.
“Leo, this is crazy!” Donnie said, but it was like talking to a wall, “You can’t fight him!”
“Why not?” Leo asked calmly without dignifying Donnie’s concern with even a glance.
“Well, one, he's a child.” Donnie deadpanned, “And two, we need to be focusing on finding Master Splinter.”
“Trust me Don, this isn’t gonna take very long.”
“What you gonna do, punt the fifteen year old?!”
“He’s the one who picked a fight.” Leo growled.
“Yeah. Oh course he did.” Donnie leaned closer to his brother and spoke slowly, as if Leo were dense, “He’s. A. Teenager. A dumb, confident teenager!”
“So are we.”
“We’re gonna be twenty next month— I hardly think it counts!”
Leo didn't respond. He stared forward with a determined look and simply walked away from Donnie, leaving his younger brother staring after him with a frustrated disbelief.
Leo faced his counterpart. “Do you know the duel rights?”
Leonardo shrugged almost cartoonishly.
“Of course not.” Leo sighed, then carried on, “Rule number one: The offending party has the right to an apology and, if it is accepted by the offended party, then the duel will not carry to term.”
“Okay, so you gonna apologize them?” Leonardo asked, almost hopefully.
Leo narrowed his eyes and gave no answer. “If there is no apology met, then the next rule of order is to choose a second. The seconds are the judges— they try to reach a peace, and if a peace is unable to be met, then we move onto phase three. My second is my brother Raphael.” 
Raph grunted softly and split off from the group to hesitantly come to Leo’s side. 
“Don, you feeling up to it?” Leonardo looked to his brother.
Donatello gave it a moment's thought before shrugging and sauntering off almost in a bored fashion to Leonardo’s side.
“How do we win?” Leonardo asked.
“To win, you must knock down your opponent and hold your blade to their throat. Rule number three! The seconds try to negotiate a peace.” Leo gave a nod, and Raph lumbered forward to meet Donatello in the middle. The two of them quickly fell to a hushed discussion.
“Hello.” Donatello said, his eyes half-lidded and his voice dull.
“Hey— can’t you just try and get your Leo to apologize?” Raph almost pleaded, “You know this ain’t exactly a fair fight.”
“I know.” Donatello replied with little enthusiasm. “Your Leo’s gonna get knocked flat on his Gluteus Maximus. That’s science terms for buttocks. Aka: ass.”
Raph gave a half-amused snort. “No offense, pancake, but I think we both know that ain’t right.”
“Oh wowwwwww, so original.” Donatello slumped, “I’m so hurt. Then again you do have a good point.
Raph smiled, thinning himself victorious until Donatello added,
“I mean, there’s nothing Maximus about his Gluteus.” Donatello motioned to Leo with his thumb.
“No—” Raph growled and forced a smile as he addressed Donatello with slow words, “What I meant was that your brother is gonna end up with the same fate as a firework on Fourth of July.” He made an explosion motion and added his own sound effects, “I mean— come on! It’s like a dodge against a semi-truck— your bro stands no chance!”
“I think we can stand to disagree on that.” Donatello defended his brother calmly.
Raph fixed Donatello with a deadpan expression. “You’re not gonna back down are you?”
“Negatory.” Donatello finally smiled— little more than a slight curve of his lips, but still a smile. “Or way— would that be an affirmative? Eh. Doesn’t matter. Either way I believe we are done here.”
Without another word, he spun on his heels and carried himself confidently over to his brother’s side. Raph grumbled as he often did before taking his leave a few seconds after. There was a minute of stressful silence as both seconds reported to their brothers before Leo stepped forward again.
“Rule four. Draw your weapon only once there is a medic on sight with his back turned.”
Leonardo whistled. “I mean, not that I couldn’t beat you with my back turned, but seriously?”
“Not you.” Leo growled, “Donnie will be our medic on standby.” Leo motioned the tech genius to turn around, and Donnie hesitantly obeyed. This left only the Mikey’s watching. Once Leo was satisfied, he went on, “Rule five would usually include dueling at dawn, but I hardly think it matters down here.”
Leonardo looked up at the high ceiling and then down at Leo. 
“Rules six and seven are also moot given our particular circumstances. Unless you have a god you pray to…?”
“Eh, some may describe me as a God, but I think I forgive myself for my sins~”
It took everything Leo had to keep his cool. “Rule number eight. Your last chance to set the record straight.”
“Hey! That rhymed! Good for you!”
“Wait are you just getting these from the Hamilton Musical?” Donatello started to ask, but was interrupted; even as Leo spoke over him, he still continued to talk until he finished the sentence.
“Rule number nine! Look your enemy in the eye.” He and Leonardo locked gazes, “Meet your enemy in the middle…”
Leonardo and Leo took four paces each until they were directly in front of each other.
“Summon your courage in any way necessary.” Leo said cooly, giving a bow that Leonardo returned, “Take a minute to breathe, then take ten paces back.”
The Leo’s were almost in perfect sync as they took their paces backward, now several paces behind their seconds while still facing each other.
“Ready your sword…”
Twin katana and a single odachi were held at the ready.
“Take one final breath…”
No one in the room breathed.
“And count to ten. One… two… three… four...”
“...five...six…seven… eight... nine...”
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re-diesirae · 3 years
Chapter 2
Chris watched his sister's back as she disappeared down the corridor. Something about her overall appearance was bothering him, but he pushed the thoughts away. Claire always hated it when he hovered over her, and, considering that he hadn't seen the woman in almost three months, he didn't want to spoil their time together by annoying his sister.
"Huh, she's going to be mopping about this later," Saya sighed, "she will be feeling guilty after all this."
The comment caught Chris's attention, and the soldier turned to the Asian doctor with a quizzical look.
"Guilty? Why?" Chris asked.
"Well, it isn't like she gets a lot of friendly visitors often. I can tell she was overjoyed to have you here, but with all this mess, unfortunately, with this mess, Claire has barely been a proper host, and that will haunt her."
Chris felt a pinch of guilt at the woman's words. He knew Claire was a strong girl. Claire had always been independent, but she valued family like nothing else. She probably missed him as much as he missed her; maybe he should consider dropping by more often.
"You seem to know her well," Leon said casually, looking around the place.
"We are old friends and colleagues," Saya said, picking a notepad and scribbling something, "we have grown close after sharing so many night shifts side by side. I am not sure which of us spends more time in this building. Maybe we should start a contest on that."
"Night Shifts?" Chris asked, "She has night shifts?"
"Well, her promotion carried a lot of extra work," Saya explained, "Sometimes the amount is ridiculous, especially when the other chiefs are calling and asking for help. She's too kind to say no. Sometimes she has so much work that she just gave up going home at night. I do the same, so eventually, we ended up making each other company."
"So, she hasn't been going home?"Jill asked.
"She does, but rarely. Deep down inside, I believe she prefers it here because that way, she won't feel lonely. You know she lives alone, and sometimes when something bothers her or she wakes up from a nightmare, it is nice to have someone to chat with and have some hot chocolate."
"Nightmares?" Barry asked.
"She still has them?" Moira asked.
Chris looked at the girl, and he saw Barry put his arm protectively around his daughter.
"Yes, it has become a regular thing lately. I heard yours have become less frequent," Saya said, tilting her head.
Moira nodded and looked at her dad.
"Natalia and I used to have them for a while, too," Moira said, and Barry rubbed her back comfortingly, "but they have almost stopped completely."
"Well, that's good," Saya nodded, "unfortunately, our Claire wasn't so lucky."
"I didn't know she still had them. I mean, we all lived a nightmare on that fucking island. She should have told me. Talking it out might help."
Saya smiled and sighed.
"You know she wouldn't say a word," Saya shrugged.
"Well, why not? We went through that hell together."
Chris was the one with the answer to that.
"Because she always keeps quiet," Chris sighed, "It's been like this since she was a kid. Claire never says anything when she is having trouble with something."
"She doesn't want to worry us, probably," Leon said.
He had spoken with her a few times on the phone. She usually asked how things were doing, and when he returned the question, she merely said she was bored or lots of work. On the phone, it was hard to tell when the girl was hiding something, and the younger Redfield was proficient in that area.
Their chat was suddenly interrupted by the sound of the automatic doors opening. They had expected it to be Claire, but instead, a tall blonde man wearing a black security uniform came in, walking impatiently.
"Ok, Redfield, why did you need me? It better be for a good reason, because I've got to reboot the system, and that is not doing itself."
The blonde stopped dryly and stared at the group in confusion.
"Ok, now this is weird..." he said, turning to the Asian doctor.
"Wallace," Saya said, surprised, "What are you doing here?"
"What do you mean? Red called me up here. Isn't Redfield here?"
"Well, that depends on which Redfield, kid," Barry snorted.
The man was visibly confused, but it was Moira who cleared it up for him. She pointed at Chris lazily.
"What my dad means," Moira said, pointing at Chris, "he is Chris Redfield. I mean the Chris Redfield, you know. Claire's beloved brother?"
"Oh! Now, that makes sense. I'm Grant Wallace, Head of cybersecurity. he said, shaking Chris's hand ceremoniously, "It's an honor to meet you, at last, brother. Forgive my lack of courtesy. I am in a rush since I need to fix the crap those hackers did to my precious system. Let me be a little more specific, then, is Claire here?"
"No, she isn't here," Saya said, crossing her arms, "She left some minutes ago to find you."
"She... what? Why?"
"Why?" Saya said, indignantly, "You called her, and now you ask why?"
"What? I never called her. She was the one who asked me to come up here."
"This isn't time for jokes," Saya chastised him. "We all heard it. You said that there was something in the Command Center you wanted her to see."
"I never said..." Wallace said, "I was in command, and she told me she was having issues with the security system in the lab. She even told me to drag my lazy ass up here, or she would make me pay."
Everyone fell silent, and it was then that something clicked inside Chris's head. If the man had not called Claire, and he was there. Who was waiting for Claire at the Command Center?
"Where is the Command Center?" he said with a grave tone, "Save the talk, just answer…"
"Basement, but…"
Saya's eyes went wide, and Grant fell into realization.
"It is a trap. Someone lured Claire there," Chris said furiously.
Before anyone could react, Chris was already running out of the room, followed closely by Leon and Jill.
Everyone fell silent. It was then that a switch clicked in Chris's head.
"Where is the Command Center?" he said with a grave tone, "Save the talk, just answer…"
"Basement, but there's no one at the Command Center," Wallace said, "and you say I called her down? There's something wrong there."
Wallace's eyes widened, and he looked at Chris in shock.
"Someone lured Claire there," Chris said furiously. "It is a trap!"
Before anyone could react or say anything, Chris was making his way through the corridor, heading for the stairs. The others exchanged glances, and with no more to say, Jill and Leon ran after him.
"Claire, you better be in one piece when I get there," Chris thought out loud as he ran down the stairs, followed by Leon and Jill.
Leon was the first one to follow him as soon as they had found out that Claire was potentially in danger. They were good friends; that fact was not a secret. Both had gone through a lot during the first outbreak in Racoon City, and those kinds of events usually created everlasting bonds between people. If there was anyone as worried as Chris was, it had to be him.
The second set of footsteps were Jill's. The woman seemed worried.
"We need to hurry. I want to be wrong, but if I am not, Claire will need our help," Chris told his companions.
Claire wasn't a damsel in distress. If she had to kick some asses, she would do it without trouble. But if she got tricked down there, she would not have been able to foresee the ambush that awaited her, and the element of surprise would leave her in a disadvantageous position.
They reached the Command Center in a short time. The office door was ajar, and there was no sign of Claire anywhere. That made Chris have a bad feeling.
The trio stepped into the room cautiously. There were evident signs of a struggle: papers scattered on the ground, furniture turned over, and few bloodstains on the floor. There had been a fight, and Chris prayed with all his heart that the red liquid on the ground wasn't Claire's blood. After inspecting the place, they came to the sad conclusion that it was empty.
Chris cursed himself for being late as he watched helplessly around the empty room.
"Shit, where are you, Claire?" Chris growled.
The soldier turned to Leon. The man had crouched, and he was holding something silver in his hand. Chris recognized it at once.
"That's Claire's necklace."
"It seems she got ambushed," Jill said, after looking at the scene, "No deaths, as there are no corpses, but judging by the looks, someone got beaten into a pulp."
As long as that someone wasn't his sister, it was fine. Chris could live with it.
"Three attackers," Jill said, "Male and trained. I think Claire knocked out two, but she missed the third one. They can't be too far."
"We gotta move if we want to find her, then."
Jill nodded. The group was ready to step out when Jill stopped them and brought a finger against her lips, telling them to be silent. Someone was outside the room. The trio exchanged looks and took cover to listen.
"That bitch didn't go down without a fight, huh?" an unknown male voice said, "she's feisty. I guess that is why they are interested."
"She's tougher than the other ones," a second voice said, "what do you suppose they do with them?"
"That's none of your business. Our task is to collect the subjects. The rest is up to them," the first man said. "Now, move. You don't want to be in the city when they drop those presents in the city."
"Now that's going to be a show. What do you think those guys will send this time?"
"Some of their ugly pets, probably."
Chris looked at Leon and Jill. Those last words made the hair on the back of Chris's neck stand up. They were planning an attack on the city, and if it were as bad as Chris imagined, Hughesville would soon turn into a second Lanshiang Catastrophe.
"Let's see how those stupid TerraSavers handle that," the first voice said with amusement.
The trio held their breath as the voices receded. Chris had to restrain himself from attacking the men with his fists. Those men were his best chance at finding Claire. He would make them pay, but until his sister was safe and sound, he would let them go.
"Are they planning to launch an attack here?" Jill asked, "I can't believe this."
"We should get used to this crap," Chris said with anger, "Jill, go back to Barry and the others. We need to warn the BSAA about a possible bioterrorist attack asap. We need the forces to get moving before things get out of control."
"Yes, of course," Jill nodded, "what are you going to do?"
"Isn't that obvious?" Chris said, fiercely, "I am hunting down those assholes and getting my sister back."
"Chris, don't get me wrong, but going after them all on your own..." Jill said, and Chris growled.
"If I wait, I'll lose them. I can't let that happen."
"Yes, I understand that, but you can't expect me to let you go alone."
"He won't," Leon said. "I'll go with him. I'll help him get Claire back, so you can focus on evacuating the people before this becomes another tragedy."
Jill looked at them and hesitated.
"I have Leon as my backup. I will be fine. The attack will happen soon. If we want to save as many people as we can, we need to hurry. I am sure everyone in TerraSave will help us."
Jill nodded. The woman turned on her heels and ran back through the corridor, leaving the soldier and the agent behind. Chris knew that Jill was reluctant to leave. She loved Claire, too, and the idea of the girl getting kidnapped by a bunch of terrorists didn't make her happier than it made Chris. However, duty was a duty; the woman turned on her heels and ran back through the corridor, leaving the soldier and the agent behind.
Chris turned to Leon and found the agent fidgeting with his mobile phone.
"I contacted Hunnigan and asked her to help us track down Claire's kidnappers."
"Great, that will come in handy," Chris nodded, "Did you bring any weapons?"
Leon gave him a smile of irony and showed him the holster under his jacket.
"After all these years," Leon said, "They never leave my side."
"Tch, it must be nice to have the government's permission to carry your toys," Chris scoffed, "Fair enough. Let's move, then."
The two men rushed out of the room, following the path that the two chatting men from earlier had taken. It wasn't long before Leon and Chris caught up with them. It was a group of six men wearing black suits and masks. One of them, as Chris noted, was carrying an unconscious Claire over his shoulders. The sight was enough to make the man's blood boil, and the soldier clenched his fists, ready to throw a few punches.
The eldest Redfield looked at Leon, sending him a tacit plan, and the man nodded. They pulled out their guns and shot, aiming at the legs. The first man fell to the ground. The group was confused for a moment, but they soon reacted to their attackers. Three of the closest men began to fire back while the remaining ones sneaked away with Claire. It was evident that their priority was getting her out of the building.
Chris cursed. He had no time to waste, and the men were right in the way. He looked at Leon, and the blonde nodded, raising three fingers, counting down. When the last finger was out, the two jumped out from their cover and began firing at the men. The encounter lasted a couple of minutes, and soon the three attackers laid dead on the floor.
Leon seized the chance to check the bodies.
"What's that?" Chris asked, seeing that Leon had pulled out something from one of the body's pockets.
"A badge. I recognize it. It's one of those small terrorist groups that have ties to Neo-Umbrella," Leon muttered, "I'll let Hunnigan know. Let's get Claire back before they escape."
"Roger to that," Chris nodded.
The two men made their way through the empty corridors until they reached the underground parking lot. Chris and Leon made an abrupt stop when a black van passed them at full speed and broke through the parking entrance.
Chris glared at it and ran to the guard's office. The guard was on the floor. The soldier checked his vitals and concluded that the man was dead. There was nothing that he could do, so he picked a set of keys and rushed to grab one of Terra Save's vehicles.
It took them nothing to catch up with the van, and Chris was glad that no traffic had tried to stop him for his reckless driving. He could picture his sister's lecture about it in his mind, but considering the circumstances, Chris thought that his recklessness was reasonable.
"There they are," Leon said, putting out his gun, "keep it steady. I'll try to stop them."
Chris watched Leon stretch out through the window and began shooting. His accuracy was on point, and Chris was grateful that the agent was pointing at the tires only. It was the safest way to stop the car without the risk of hurting Claire in the crossfire.
"Leon, watch up," Chris said.
Two men were coming through the van's windows with their guys aiming at them. The exchange of fire was unavoidable, and Chris had to maneuver the car the best he could to avoid the incoming fire.
"The bastards came prepared," Leon groaned, reloading his gun. "I guess this won't be easy."
"Has it ever been easy?"
"Right," Leon snorted. The blonde aimed his gun and shot the man on the left.
The bullet hit the man cleanly on his forehead, killing him instantly.
"Nice shot," Chris smirked.
Leon smirked at the compliment, but the light mood short-lasting.
A loud crash resounded in the street as one of the closest buildings collapsed right in front of them, blocking the way and forcing the black van to make a turn to dodge the flying debris. A strong inhuman roar echoed through the city, and Chris found that howl unpleasantly familiar.
"Shit," Chris groaned, pushing the door open, "not this guy again."
"Friend of yours?" asked Leon, doing the same.
"Old acquaintance."
The ogroman let out a savage howl, hitting the nearby buildings with his large hands. The men in the black van had stepped out with their cargo. Claire was still unconscious. They seemed to have forgotten about their human chasers and were only concerned with finding a way to escape the infamous creature. The ogroman, however, had other plans. It snatched a couple of the more unlucky men and broke their bones with its hand.
Their fate wasn't one Chris wished for anyone, not even those damned terrorists.
"Great, just what we need," he growled.
"I am guessing you know how to deal with this guy," Leon asked with a frown.
"Yeah, and I can tell you we are not ready for this fight."
"Why am I not surprised?" Leon sighed. His attention got momentarily diverted from the monster as he watched the men take Claire through an alley. "Chris..."
Chris followed the blonde's sight and frowned. They ran to the alley to chase the escaping group but got violently stopped by the Ogroman punching the street. Chris and Leon rolled in opposite directions, evading the hit and the flying rocks.
"Shit," Chris cursed, "Are you okay, Leon?"
"I've been better," Leon groaned, "Any ideas?"
"Yeah, you follow those assholes. I'll take care of this guy."
"Are you nuts?"
"Don't worry. I know how to deal with it," Chris replied, "I'll distract it. You get Claire."
Leon pondered their options and nodded. Chris wasn't a rookie. He was a veteran with even more experience than Leon in some things. If someone could deal with that thing, it was him. Leon took some of his extra ammunition and threw them to Chris.
"Take this. You'll need it."
"Really. Where were you hiding these, huh?"
"I've got my tricks. Be careful, Chris."
"You, too, and make sure Claire is safe, or I'll kill you myself."
Leon snorted. He gave Chris a wave and ran into the alley, leaving the soldier to face the ogroman.
Chris could only trust that the man would save his sister; then again, Leon had proved himself a competent fighter and probably was the person that worried most about Claire, after himself, of course.
"Time to do some clean-up."
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hidingoutbackstage · 3 years
infodump to be about resident evil handsome <3
Ohhhh my gosh where to start.
Honestly I'm just gonna talk about my favorite characters and why I like them, and also the problems I have with them
It'll be under the cut, for those who don't care lol
Gonna start with Rebecca because she's the fave that I have the most issues with. I really like her character, she's smart, she's strong, she's a good fighter, and she's witty, and for all of those reasons she's fun to watch and play as. My issues with her are that Capcom has absolutely no clue what to do with her. She's a side character in the first game that doesn't get to do much except get told to stay out of the way, in her own game, RE0, she's literally the main character but ends up feeling like a supporting character for Billy's arc, and holy fuck is she nerfed in Vendetta. She has that scene at the school making the antidote in the lab, and has a good scene where she fights off some zombies before hiding and getting rescued. She tells Chris what she knows and they go find Leon before she gets kidnapped and gets to do absolutely nothing else for the rest of the film. She's a damsel in distress, is almost forced to marry the villain because she looks like his fridged wife, and is infected with the virus and rendered immobile until Chris and Leon rescue her. Like that entire scene she's just sitting on the table writhing and moaning makes me so uncomfortable. Capcom made a great character, they just didn't know what to do with her (and apparently STILL DON'T considering she's not even in Welcome to Raccoon City) Also, can she not be older? It's impressive that she graduated from college at 18, it shows her incredible intellect, but that doesn't mean she has to be 18 in the first game, does it? Can she not be more adult-like? Idk
Next is Claire. Claire is great! Claire I have less issues with, considering the franchise has been nicer to her character recently. Obviously the peak of her character was in the RE2 remake, but she had other great moments too, I liked her a lot in the darkside chronicles, but also like Rebecca, it seems like the game doesn't always know how to use her character, or end up sidlining her for the male characters. Example, Code Veronica, she's fine, but she's way too broken up about Steve imo (maybe I just hate him) and once she's reunited with Chris she's kind of a player 2 to him. And in Revelations 2 she's kind of just a catalyst for change in Moira. And holy fuck don't get me started on how nerfed she was in Infinite Darkness. She is TOTALLY the B story to Leon's A story and even has her damsel in distress moment with the acid. I liked the ending of ID and I liked the story but I just wish there'd been more Claire.
Leon is fine, I love his character arc from RE2 to Vendetta and all the bits in between, I just think because he's so popular it gets exhausting lmao like Capcom knows how popular he is so they milk it for all it's worth and with there being so many fans there's obviously going to be a lot that I don't like/don't agree with. That's probably splitting hairs though, I do think he's the best-written and best handled RE character Capcom has by far
Jill Valentine my sweet summer child you deserve so much better. She's never been overly sexualized (if you don't count whatever the fuck was going on in RE5) which like. The bar is on the floor but something about Capcom's treatment of her character always kind of rubbed me the wrong way. The character herself is fantastic, do NOT get me wrong, I just wish Capcom had done things differently like not make her version of the RE1 playthrough "easy" mode or not incapacitated her for days in RE3 making her totally useless (not that I don't mind playing as Carlos, mind you) her popularity is well earned, I wish there was less fanart that sexualized her but whatever, and I love her friendship with Chris, definitely one of my top 3 platonic RE relationships.
Chris needs to stop being in so much RE content or I'm gonna go insane. There rlly was no reason to include him in RE7 other than to connect it more to the other games, but his "not a hero" dlc is pretty alright. Obviously his inclusion in 7 led to his role in 8 and oh my g-d I cannot forgive that ridiculous plot point of not telling Ethan about Miranda impersonating his wife. It's so dumb. His rivalry with Wesker never felt earned, but it was always entertaining to see. His rivalry with Arias was fucking stupid and completely unearned (I know they only had one movie to make it happen but still. I love that movie and hate it all at once) Also RE5 is unforgivable except for giving us Sheva so y'know Chris is a mixed bag for me.
Ada is a great character that gets treated like absolute shit. I love morally grey characters, and Ada is a great example of one, and the fandom almost always ruins her somehow, or Capcom finds ways to use her that I typically just personally don't like (like honestly that Ada clone shit in RE6 is ridiculous and totally unnecessary) She's done fantastically in RE2 remake which I love, and I'm honestly glad Capcom somewhat knew to pull the reigns when it came to the idea to have her in RE8 that was ultimately scrapped (it would've made no sense, it was ridiculous, I would not have liked it) so Ada is also another mixed bag for me. I also wish she had more of a connection to this stuff than (for the most part) Leon. Her mission doesn't always involve him, but she's only ever really there when he is, and it irks me.
Ethan Winters sucks and I don't like him and don't care about him and the whole RE7&8 fandom is wrong for liking them and yes that includes my boyfriend
Sorry about that. He's a fine character, he's a protagonist you wanna root for, especially in 8, but man do he and his story get on my nerves.
Alcina was just fanservice and gamerbait and for that reason I can't bring myself to like her, sorry guys. Same goes for Heisenberg even though he was less fanservice-y and a little more interesting than Alcina
Yeah that's all I got, if you read through all this, I am kissing you on the mouth
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emiefaunwrites · 3 years
Maybe Leon tells Taka what happened with his first boy crush? And Taka has to comfort him?
(and Mondo tells the gang to beat the shit out of this dude?)
Hey anon!
Ahhhhh another thing I've been debating writing for recently. Slightly torn with this as it sort of bleeds into a future BA chapter (but again thats ages away!). But I think it's about time we discuss. So the basic premise of my BA is the same but this is an idea that I rejected for an slightly sadder and more angsty one for the fic.
Once again, trigger warnings for homophobia in this.
Brace yourselves guys. Time for Leon backstory.
• It's no secret that Leon has had many relationships in the past.
• All female, of course.
• But what a lot people don't know is that Leon has been gay for the whole time.
• And all the girlfriends he had were just for show to hide his true self.
• He had no intention of hiding. He never used to be ashamed of the way he felt.
• But after certain events, he felt the cruel reality of homophobia and made sure the whispers that almost spread around his school were squashed.
• And he had no intention of ever revealing his past to anyone. Especially not Taka.
• But he let slip one day a detail that Taka found odd. A detail regarding his first kiss.
• Leon, as he was describing the moment to his friends, said 'he' before correcting himself quickly to say'she'.
• Of course, Taka waited until they were alone to approach the topic and it took a lot of convincing before Leon caved and shakily retold the story.
• When he was growing up, Leon wasn't anywhere near as loud and in-your-face as he comes across now.
• In fact, he was pretty quiet and blended in quite a lot - shortish brunette hair, no piercings, fairly normal style of clothes.
• The only thing that stood out was his baseball skills and it was no secret, even to him, that the team hated him.
• The only person on there that didn't was the other first year on the team - a boy called Ken Hagiwara.
• They got on pretty well since their personalities were similar and it was nice to have someone there to make practices bareable.
• It was pretty immediate - Leon's attraction to the boy. But this was his first crush and he didn't really know how to act on it.
• And he REALLY wasn't sure if Ken even felt the same - they're both boys after all and Leon had never heard of a same-sex couple in his school before.
• So he kept hanging out with him and his crush kept getting stronger and stronger.
• Especially when they were alone and Ken would touch his hand when he laughed and say nice things about his appearance.
• It all came to a head one day when they were doing homework together at Ken's house and they were laughing over a joke that Leon had made about something stupid.
• And they happened to lean a little closer than normal to each other mid laugh.
• Leon had no idea what to do so just waited.
• And it was Ken that initated the kiss.
• Neither boy had ever kissed before so it was probably a really bad kiss in comparison - but to 14 year old Leon it was perfect.
• It was okay to like boys because the boy he liked felt the same!
• At the end of the day, he practically skipped home - telling his parents that he had someone he wanted them to meet.
• But what he didn't realise that Ken was being bullied by the captain of the baseball team. Badly.
• And even though he probably did feel that way for Leon, the captain's proposal was just too good to refuse.
• So when Leon came to school the next day, everything seemed to be fine.
• Apart from Ken avoiding his eyes the whole day.
• Leon was confused and wanted to check everything was fine.
• He found out what the problem was in front of his entire team when the captain called him out for being gay.
• And Ken told them all that Leon had forced him to kiss him the night before.
• Leon's heart shattered at the cruel laughter and disgusting comments from everyone around him - silently wondering what he'd done to deserve this.
• And he came to the conclusion that it was his punishment for having feelings for men. He was wrong for thinking that way and no one would ever accept him.
• So the only way to get past this was to harden his heart and never fall for another boy. And he needed some serious damage control.
• He lost his shit at the team, calling Ken a liar and all kinds of obscene things because HE was the gay one - not Leon.
• 'He even LOOKS gay! Look at him! HE'S the one that kissed me! Fucking gross!'
• The team didn't believe him but they definitely turned on Ken too - who begged the captain to stop what was happening.
• But a bully is a bully. And the captain did nothing but encourage.
• Leon managed to get himself a girlfriend the very same day, a girl who had confessed to him a few weeks back, and managed to stop the rumours spreading much further than the baseball team.
• Ken though, not so lucky. He ended up transferring schools to get away.
• Not once did he apologise to Leon - he just kept trying to spread the rumour about him to everyone who bullied him to try and take the focus away from his own sexuality.
• So even though Leon now appreciates the situation Ken was in, he could never forgive him for betraying him that way.
• And that's why he's so frightened of what people think of him and why he changed so dramatically - he can't face the thought of that much heartache again.
• Taka, who's listened silently to his story, finally understands some of the strange things that Leon used to do and the motivation behind some of his behaviour.
• And it breaks Taka's heart.
• So he pulls him into a massive hug when he's done and tells him he never needs to worry about those things now that they're together.
• 'My love for you is real and something I cherish more than anything. I will never make you feel that small and ashamed. And I'll do everything in my power to make you feel safe.'
• Leon, who's held it together quite well, finally lets go and sobs into Taka's arms - blessed in the knowledge that its FINALLY okay to be in love with a boy.
• (Bonus scene - Leon eventually ends up telling the others about Ken and his team and Taka has to physically jump onto Mondo to stop him from charging off blindly to find every single member of Leon's old team to beat them black and blue).
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Can you tell what do you think about Leon's (straight) relationships individually? (Same for Violetta if you have enough time)
Leonetta: They have a soft spot for me. They are not perfect and yes, they need to trust each other more, but they’re also so gosh darn cute. I think I like them the most when they aren’t date-dating, but are mutually pining and the vibes are there. In s3 I think they sort of lost braincells and did some stupid shit, but everyone lost a braincell in season 3 so... in season 2 tho, their vibes are 😍😍 Plus, they can be hot even when they are just ALMOST kissing. Not everyone can do that.
Leonara: They worked really well together. Lara supported Leon, even supported him if he wanted to be with Violetta, even supported Violetta. She only left because otherwise she would have kicked Gery’s ass and we wouldn’t have drama in season 3. But there’s a reason Leon dated Lara and not Gery. Lara made him feel better. Yes, she was also kind of a way for him to forget Vilu, but they had something. I also love how Lara was like ”I don’t like flowers and songs” but then appreciated flowers and songs. Also how she always reminds Leon of how she’s a mechanic.
Ludmila and Leon: Had 0 chemistry and i’m sure Leon dated her because he was a bit younger and liked the idea of having a girlfriend more than he liked Ludmila. And Ludmila? Probably needed a beard to show off to her mom who expects her to only date rich and talented boys
Ok i’m only going for the ones that Leon and Vilu actually had relationships with, so Gery/Clement are out. Now for Violetta
Tomletta: As a kid I was like ”they cute” but they aren’t really? Tomas is so whiny. I can understand as a kid how you can find him charming, but when you’re older you realise you need more than just a nice guy feeling sorry for himself whenever you say no. Also Tomas’s songs all sound the same, sorry not sorry. Also he like?? Told Vilu he couldn’t resist kissing her and he also like, implied he a boner once when they were in the instrument room (ok he technically didn’t imply that, but Violetta visibly was uncomfortable and Tomas was like ”you hear my heartbeats? I can’t resist...” and she just quickly said ”Tomas...” avoiding eye contact with him. That does not mean much but I felt like he was implying something there...)
Dieletta: Oh boy... this one’s interesting. On the one hand, Diego is such a stalker and he does not ask for Vilu’s consent on anything. But also... it’s so thrilling. You get so frustrated with Diego but you also kind of love it. You don’t know how far he will go. I will never, ever forgive him for 2x20 though. Kissing Violetta against her consent, then everyone blaming her for it, saying she kissed him, is the injustice that I never can forget. I became a women’s rights activist as an 11yo because of that scene, I swear. But besides that, there was something a bit... exciting with Diego. Violetta dated him to forget Leon, and you yourself kind of felt like a rebellious teen dating the bad boy. But still, he hurt her a lot. Not cool.
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