#( madam president | seraphina picquery )
wizardingsouls · 2 months
tag dump seven ft. ensemble charas part 2 !!
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fblover · 11 months
Underdog list!
If you didn't find your favorite rare and unpopular character from FB in this list, write me in replies who is it, I'm really interested!
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prioriiincantatem · 1 year
Verses and Shipping
Here is a very basic list giving a general idea of verses and what shipping I may be up for with my characters. If you have an idea for something not on this list feel free to message me and suggest it! I may not have thought of it. 
Never be afraid to approach me in regards to shipping!!!!!
Seraphina Picquery ( canon; FB ) [ formerly macusaqueen ]
Verses include pre-FB / Ilvermorny / MACUSA Auror, FB / Madam President, and post FB / retired
shipping: open
known ships: Percival/Sera and Theseus/Sera
Beatrix “Trix” Picquery ( oiriginal; trio / ‘modern’ ) [ formerly macusaroyalty ]
Verses include MACUSA or MoM auror verses, 
shipping: open
Kathleen O’Bryne ( original; FB )
Verses include pre-FB / Ilvermorny, FB / healer, ‘modern’ witch in US or UK
shipping: open
known ships: Kathleen/Percival
Andromeda Tonks nee Black ( canon; marauders )
Verses include Hogwarts, Wizarding Wars I and II, and post/between both
shipping: open
known ships: Ted/Andy and Lucius/Andy
Frank Longbottom ( canon; marauders )
Verses include Hogwarts, Wizarding War, St. Mungo’s and healed verse or never injured AU
shipping: open
known ships: Frank/Alice
Bill Weasley ( canon; trio ) [ formerly fangedearring ]
Verses include Hogwarts, Gringotts, Shell Cottage, Wizarding War II, Post- WWII / Next Gen
shipping: open
known ships: Bill/Fleur
Fleur Weasley nee Delacour ( canon; trio )
Verses include Beauxbaton, Gringotts, Shell Cottage, Wizarding War II, Post- WWII / Next Gen
shipping: open
known ships: Bill/Fleur
Viktor Krum ( canon; trio )
Verses include Durmstrung, Next Gen ( Mostly write a grown up Krum )
shipping: open
known ships: Viktor/Hermione
Hermione Granger ( canon; trio )
Verses include Hogwarts, Wizarding War II, Post- WWII / Next Gen
shipping: open
known ships: Hermione/Ron Hermione/Draco 
Katie Bell ( canon; trio )
Verses include Hogwarts, Wizarding War II, Post- WWII / Next Gen
shipping: open
known ships: Katie/Fred Katie/Oliver
Astoria Malfoy nee Greengrass ( canon; ‘trio’ / next gen )
Verses include Hogwarts, Wizarding War II, Post- WWII / Next Gen
shipping: open
known ships: Astoria/Draco
Audrey Weasley ( canon; ‘trio’ / next gen )
Verses include Hogwarts, Ministry of Magic, Wizarding War II, Post- WWII / Next Gen
shipping: open
known ships: Audrey/Percy
Victoire Weasley ( canon; next gen )
Verses include Hogwarts / Next Gen
shipping: open
known ships: Victoire/Teddy
Molly Weasley II ( canon; next gen )
Verses include Hogwarts / Next Gen
shipping: open
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magickedsouls · 2 years
tag dump three ft. general chara tags !!
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girlhomosonly · 3 years
Nobody’s Fault But Mine [ Original!Percival Graves one-shot ]
I had originally written this back four years ago when the FBAWTFT fandom was in full swing. This one, however, is a rewritten version that was published on a few other sites four months ago. I decided to post it here.
So, with that said. This is the rewritten version of “Nobody’s Fault But Mine” the last moments of Percival Graves.
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The room was dark, lacking any source of natural light. Only a dim light was hanging from the ceiling. The prisoner was chained to the wall and was locked in a magic-built cage. The cage itself was not made with typical metal rods but invisible rods that taunted the man. If he somehow escaped his chains, he would not have been able to escape regardless. The magic was specifically constructed to keep him in. One touch could be fatal to his already fragile state.
 It felt like forever ago since he last felt the warmth of the sun. The room itself was damp and cold, his clothes of what was left did not help retain any heat. He wishes he did not take the simple pleasures in life for granted. Percival dearly missed the feeling of the sun enveloping him that almost felt like a loving embrace.
 Percival does not know how long he was imprisoned by the Dark Lord but it truly felt like an eternity.
 The night he was bested by that bastard keeps replaying in his mind. He wishes he can go back to that night. Word got around saying that Gellert Grindelwald was on the prowl and what did the Director of Magical Security, head of MACUSA's Department of Magical Law Enforcement do? He simply walked back home after a long shift at the office with his Elite Aurors. He did not think much of anything out of the ordinary - his home had protective wards after all. Yet, the cunning bastard must have been watching him for months, dare he say years? He was caught off guard and woke up to see a pair of mismatched eyes staring him down.
 Percival thinks of the different ways he should have defended himself. He can say with confidence though, he put up a good fight against the bastard. Until he was shot with an intense cursed spell that should have cost Percival his arm.
 Alas, no matter how he should have gone about the intrusion, he is still here. In this cold, damp room. Where he slumps against the wall, farthest from where Grindelwald would be outside the cage.
 With a wheezy sigh, Percival slumped even more and he decided to just lay down. He winced as his body's wounds and infections screamed in protest at the movement. His eyelids grew heavier, and since there was nothing else to do besides sleep, wait for the Dark Lord to arrive to feed and water him.
 He had been losing hope of getting rescued anyways...
 Lost hope?
 Percival, if he had the energy, would have cursed himself. His father up above would surely get his wand in a knot if he found out his son was thinking like this. That thought alone made the corner of his lip twitch up in an attempt of a smile.
 Graves worked with wizards and witches that trained and studied vigorously to become Aurors. He personally trained most of the ones on his Elite team back in the day. He was known to be one of the greatest Aurors, incredibly skilled with an honourable sense of justice. His team respected him, as well as his long-time dear friend and boss Madame President.
 Considering they were up against a madman, he understood that his people would need time to figure out the Grindelwald imposter.
 Surely, Miss Porpentina Goldstein unravelled this dilemma. She was headstrong and a valiant Auror. There was no doubt she would have suspected something out of the ordinary by now.
 The young woman reminded him so much of himself. The main focal point of taking Goldstein under his wing. At the beginning of her training days, she already had a strong desire to stand up for what is right, sought justice with her people, her community just like he had. Percival knew she would one day be an excellent addition to his team, not to say he already saw a huge amount of potential in her. Which is why he pushed her harder than anyone else. He is certain Goldstein will surpass him and succeed in this career far more than he could.
 Restoring his dwindling faith, his eyes finally shut and he fell into a dreamless slumber.
 Days passed him by.
 And he wondered why Grindelwald did not show.
 Eventually, he stopped feeling the hunger pangs. However, every movement jostled Percival's already disgruntled body, driving needles and pins throughout his body, his back, his skull... everywhere. It even felt like his bones were aching.
 Wallowing in his seemingly never-ending pain, he did not hear shuffling in the darker part of the room. It was only when a sound coming from the cage did the man put his guards up. The sudden sound of the invisible cage zapping something. There were no sounds of distress or pain following.
 "W-Why did you lie to me?" The voice was soft yet held betrayal and hurt within its tone.
 Turning his head to the source, he instantly froze.
 Struggling to get up, he saw the same pale young boy but this time there was black smoke surrounding him, flecks that strayed too far from the boy descended to the floor. His eyes were white, dark circles hung below his more sculpted face.
 The boy's voice cracked. "You hurt me. They are gone because of me." 
 "I know, my boy. I know. I apologize, I-I promised to teach you." Percival's words were hushed, having needed more energy to speak. His face scrunched up, tears stinging at his eyes.
 Was it his time already? He has never had hallucinations before.
 "You are a coward. Who is weak and useless." Credence hissed venomously.
 "I failed you-"
 "You promised me, Mr. Graves!" roared Credence.
 Percival shut his eyes tightly, emotional and physical pain washing over him, overwhelming him. He uttered to himself, apologizing for being such an incompetent wizard, for letting this young boy down...
 He did not know when the hallucination of Credence subsided but the words still echoed through his mind.
 Was he truly what Credence said? Possibly. He would not be here if he wasn't. However, the words cut harder than he thought. He wondered what his Aurors would think of him when he was found.
 Would he ever be trusted again to be their Director?
 Madam President Seraphina, one of his oldest and dearest friends. She must be so disappointed. His underling, Tina Goldstein must be mortified with the fact the "greatest" wizard in her department was so easily defeated. Credence must have been so hurt when Percival stopped showing up on Tina's behalf.
 His pain was steadily going away.
 It brought him some comfort, he will only be dealing with his emotional turmoil.
 Nothing at all...
 He realized he found it difficult to keep himself conscious.
 "I suppose... no... Nobody's fault. Bu- but mmm...ine."
 And just as Percival Graves exhaled his last breath, a loud rumbling noise and lights came flooding into the room. Voices of people talking in ushered tones as magic spelled around him...
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ivorydragoness44 · 2 years
Percival Graves x Reader: Back to Business
Word Count: 1,013
A/N: After the events of FBAWTFT and FBCG. After Graves was found, received medical attention, and rest, he is finally back working at MACUSA. This is likely about six months of so after finding him.
Also! This can be read with my previous two Percival Graves insert readers.
Warnings: A little angst and fluff?
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“Grindelwald may be the Ministry’s job now, but it is up to all of us to ensure the safety and secrecy of the magical world,” President Seraphina Picquery stated, concluding the day’s meeting. “Let’s get to work,” she said with a final nod.
All present Aurors of the Investigative Team acknowledged in their own ways with nods and other such gestures before continuing on with their duties.
“Mister Graves,” the president turned her attention toward him for a moment. “We’re glad to have you back with us.”
“I’m glad to finally be back, Madame President,” Percival Graves nodded.
She left shortly after, a multitude of responsibilities likely to accomplish before the end of the day.
As the area around the table in the Major Investigation Department emptied out, Graves visibly sighed and turned to you. “Would you mind walking with me to my office?” He asked quietly.
“Not at all, Mister Graves.”
He smiled, and an unheard laugh shook his shoulders for a moment.
The day prior you had made it clear to Percival that you were going to do your best to keep his first day back at MACUSA as normal as possible. Or as close as you could get, knowing the circumstances.
It had been six months since Grindelwald’s disguise as Director Percival Graves had been discovered by Newt Scamander. Since then, Graves had received medical attention and the rest he deserved after nearly a year’s worth of being Grindelwald’s captive.
Nodding toward the exit, together the two of you made your way toward the elevator.
“I can’t believe all that’s happened, even recently in Paris,” you stated quietly.
“It’s dangerous work going after someone like Grindelwald,” his voice firm in knowing first hand.
Reaching the elevator, there was a pause in the conversation as you both waited for it to descend.
Gently, you nudged your hand over to his; your knuckles sliding against the back of his hand. A warmth filled your chest when you felt Percival’s hand press towards yours as well. Just as his index finger wrapped around yours, the elevator came to the Department level, and he pulled away.
As the door to the elevator opened up, he did not make a move until you entered the contraption first. He stepped in closely after you, instructing the elf to the desired floor.
The ride up in the elevator was quiet, the two of you waiting to continue your conversations elsewhere and away from other ears.
When you did exit the elevator, you were closely followed by Graves as you walked side by side to his office. The hallway was rather quiet. The only sound within the vicinity was that of your shoes making contact with the floor.
Reaching Graves’s office, he unlocked it magically, smiling to himself as he opened the door for you. Upon entering, you both seemed to visibly relax from the privacy and being with the other.
“Are you ready to start your less than eventful day back, Mister Graves?”
He chuckled to himself as he sat down behind his desk, taking in the feeling of the furniture under his fingers. “How long is it going to take for you to just call me, Percival here?”
“I’d rather not slip up on my professionalism during work hours.” A small smirk played at your lips as you said so.
“I call you by your first name.”
“You’re also my superior. So you sort of have a—an unwritten authorization to do so.”
He sighed, shaking his head as he did so. A smile still etched on his face.
“Now, back to business, Mister Graves,” you began, pacing slowly along the side of his desk. “Going back to the beginning, roughly. After Grindelwald’s initial capture and arrest, he had managed to persuade Abernathy. Even locked up, magically shielded, guarded, and a list of all other procedures, and he still managed to escape. So—I don’t know what will actually work at this point.”
“Not to mention his transfiguration abilities.”
You paused your pacing, and looked an an uninteresting speck on the floor. “Yes, but from what we heard from the incident in France, I don’t think he is even bothering to hide. That is confidence. That is someone who knows they are powerful and is afraid of no one.”
“He may still transfigure himself to better conceal his identity if he wants to hide out for a while. He’s gathering more followers, he may still be doing so, or is lying low.”
“Where do you think he might’ve headed to next?”
“Anywhere he wants, honestly,” he said, rubbing his temples. “I cannot say. He could be literally anywhere.”
“We know that there are no new reports or sightings, but it’s possible that he could go back to any country that he was in previously. Unless he is going from country to country to attain followers or—prepare—for something.”
“As President Picquery had said, we’ll stay alert. It’s in the Ministry’s hands now.”
“Because of what he did to you, I should just find him myself,” you grumbled offhandedly.
“No,” he said firmly, “under no circumstances will you venture off against Grindelwald. Much less by yourself. He’s far too dangerous.”
You were sure that Graves knew that you were not one-hundred percent serious, but he wanted to acknowledge that he did not approve of such an idea.
He watched as you stepped over to him, reaching out to run your fingers through some of his dark hair. Eyelids drooping closed, he sighed, leaning into your touch.
“We’ll get him. There’s always a way to get a witch or wizard. He has a weakness. We just need to find it,” you stated softly.
“Hopefully sooner than later,” he breathed.
Carefully, he pulled you into his lap, wrapping his arms around your waist.
Draping your arms around his shoulders, you nudged your nose to his. “I should really be getting to my work, you know.”
“Stay with me for a little longer please,” he whispered, nuzzling your neck and pulling you close to him.
“Of course, Percival.”
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blondelegilimens · 6 years
~Queenie's interaction tag dump~
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How they react to seeing their child for the first time
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Have a great day and be safe
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nymphaxxx · 7 years
Not all start at the top
Seraphina was born in the city of Savannah. At the age of eleven, she started her education at Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. During her sorting ceremony, she was offered a place in all four Ilvermorny houses, becoming one of very few students to be so honoured. She chose Horned Serpent as her house. She was then chosen by a controversial Violetta Beauvais wand, a kind said to "take to Dark magic like a vampire to blood."
But that didn’t meant that her career life would be all figured out, and when she entered The Congress she had to do it from the bottom, facing some angry men. She gave her self a name, when she shut down the former president anger, with diplomacy.
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President: I’m bussy...
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President: No.
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Presindent: I’m bussy.
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President: Cuz’ the VP says so?
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President: Then don’t be, get out woman.
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President: You are, if it were important the VP would be here.
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Seraphina: Because he is taking care of your missmanaged bussiness.
President: Sure, come back when you are important.
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Seraphina: And the only competent man here, the vicepresident, said to me to come and give you these papaers to sign.
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Seraphina: I am not going anywhere.
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President: *with a low voice* Give me those.
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President: *grabs with a grown*
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knightsimp · 3 years
Recovery (2/2)
Pairing: Percival Graves x Reader
Summery: You were right; that was not Percival Graves. So, what are you going to do about it?
Genre: Angst + fluff (I think it’s a sweet ending :D)
Word Count: 2600+
Date Posted: February 14, 2021 (Happy Valentine’s Day!)
Note: None
Part One: Link
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“How do you think she is doing, Teenie?” Queenie found herself asking as she and Tina made their way to (Y/N)’s apartment. 
“I’m not sure, but I regret not staying with her for a couple of days.” The girls had no idea what (Y/N) was up to; she had not turned up for work, understandably, for the last five days. Now that it was Friday, they were able to check up on her. 
The sisters looked at each other before Tina knocked on (Y/N)’s door. They chose not to apparate to avoid scaring her. 
“It’s open!” (Y/N)’s muffled voice came through the door. When they entered the apartment, they did not expect such a mess.
The kitchen was a mess, first of all. Pots and pans everywhere, and unwashed dishes piled the sink. 
“In here!” (Y/N) called from the room at the end of the corridor: the bedroom. The bedroom was not any better than the kitchen. From what can be seen by just looking through the bedroom door, (Y/N)’s bed was not made and a couple garments were dumped onto it. Miscellaneous things, such as her hairbrush and a few pieces of clothing, were piling onto her bedside table.
Tina and Queenie were not prepared to see a spew of papers near the wall which was facing the bed. Tina had not known about (Y/N)’s investigation at all, but Queenie knew and did not realize it would get this far and this bad. The small patch of papers that were pinned on the wall, which had been connected together with red string, had taken over the square-ish area and had started to crawl onto the ceiling. 
“Oh my god.” Tina mumbled, looking up at one of the moving snippets from The Daily Prophet. 
“Tina! Queenie!” (Y/N) was at the wall where this collection started. “How are you?” It looked as if (Y/N) just rolled out of bed and got to work. And that was exactly what has been happening the last several days.
“We’re doing alright, (Y/N).” Queenie hesitated for a moment. “How are you?” (Y/N) shrugged her shoulders.
“Tired mostly. I haven’t slept in a couple days, but look! I have made so much progress!” Queenie looked around and found two empty mugs which were, no doubt, once filled with coffee. Tina snapped out of her memorization of the ceiling. 
“Progress?” Tina asked, raising an eyebrow. She slowly put the pieces together. “(Y/N),” pause, “are you trying to figure out where Mr. Graves is?” (Y/N) smile dropped for a moment while she averted her gaze downward. Her enthusiastic smile became a sad one as she fiddled with the delicate gold charm that Percival had gifted to her for a birthday. 
“Well, of course.” (Y/N) looked back at them, speaking softly. “What else am I supposed to do?”
“First, you need to go take a shower.” Tina went behind (Y/N) and pushed her shoulders out of the bedroom to the nearby bathroom. “I don’t mean to be insensitive, but you really do stink. We can smell you from across the room and it is a long room.” 
“Tina’s right!” Queenie agreed, looking at them. “You need to take care of yourself, (Y/N). You are not going to make much progress when you are unconscious from a lack of sleep and proper food.” Before (Y/N) could say anything, Queenie added, “And yes, regardless of what you think, you do need a little freshening up.” With a little more arguing, (Y/N) agreed to at least take a shower. Queenie handed (Y/N) some clothes to change into before she entered her bathroom.
Tina continued to awe at (Y/N)’s investigating. She knew (Y/N) was a brilliant detective, but this was beyond what she thought. She followed it down from the ceiling to the original wall. In the middle of the wall was where everything was connecting to; a photo of (Y/N) and Percival at the Blind Pig. After being constantly reprimanded by Percival, who was really Grindelwald, when he was around, it surprised her that she did not notice the differences between him and the real Percival sooner. Percival was very intimidating and dominating, yes, but he still cared about his subordinates. Grindelwald could not care less unless it was meddling his involvement in MACUSA.
As Tina looked closer into the snippets of newspaper, she noticed how (Y/N) had been investigating all over the city. No doubt she was going to all of these locations. Once a location was visited, it seemed like (Y/N) would pin or make notes on the snippet. 
“No way.”
“Possible, but not probable”
These were only the very general notes being made. It looked like (Y/N) was also communicating with Theseus Scamander in London to make some inquiries in Europe, but nothing came of that.
Tina did not realize how long she was gawking at (Y/N)’s work until she heard the shower stop.
(Y/N) looked as if she was in deep thought when she exited the bathroom. She definitely looked, and smelled, fresher than before.
“(Y/N)?” Tina tried to call out to her. “Are you okay?”
“(Y/N), are you sure?” Queenie came around the corner, overhearing (Y/N) thoughts. “Is that a likely place?”
“What is a likely place?” (Y/N) looked up at Tina. 
“You know how while you take shower or a bath, it is easy to let your mind wander?” Tina nodded. “I think...” She trailed off, again seemingly trying to make sense of her thoughts.
“You think Mr. Graves is at MACUSA!” Queenie gasped. 
“What?” Tina exclaimed. “Explain!”
“There is nowhere else he can be, Tina!” (Y/N) was right, but also sounded like she was grasping at straws. “I have scavenged the city for signs. I even had someone in London make secret inquiries for me. And it is absolutely something Grindelwald would do. If anyone was going to look for the real Percival, they were not going to search MACUSA, a place swarming with talented aurors. And it makes it easier to get ingredients for the Polyjuice potion. No one is going to question Percival Graves if they spot him walking through the building.”
“That is actually genius.” Tina mumbled before clearing her throat. “But where would he be? Like you said, MACUSA always has aurors in the building.”
“MACUSA is big and has been running for decades! There has to be some abandoned areas that are no longer required for work.”
“We can always check.” Queenie suggested. “All three of us work in that building.”
“Though, depending on how large the search area is, we may need help from Picquery.” (Y/N) bit the inside of her cheek. Might as well.
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The sun was starting to set when the three women arrived at MACUSA.
“You two stay out here.” (Y/N) told the sisters. “I can’t have you two getting in trouble, especially you, Tina; you just got your job back as an auror.”
(Y/N) stormed into President Picquery’s office. She did not mean to, but her adrenaline took over. The President was clearly in the middle of some sort of meeting. She looked peeved, to say the least.
“Miss (L/N),” she started sternly. “I am glad to see you are feeling better, that being said-”
“Madame President-”
“-I am in the middle of something-”
“I may have figured out where Percival Graves is, ma’am.” The room went silent. “The real Percival Graves.” Picquery’s expression turned from annoyed to serious. 
“Gentlemen, we can reschedule, but I must talk with Miss (L/N) this instant.” The two men in suits left and closed the door behind them, leaving (Y/N) to Seraphina’s mercy. “Miss (L/N).” She let a bit of silence go by. “I’m listening.”
“I believe Percival may be in this building.” Seraphina leaned back in her chair and sighed.
“And what is your proof?”
“The lack of any. Madame President, when I tell you that I have scoured the whole city looking for him, I mean it; that is not an exaggeration. I have been making inquiries in Europe and no one has found anything.” Seraphina continued to stare at her. “Please, at least humor me.”
“And where would he be, (Y/N), if he is in fact here?”
“That is the big question, ma’am; that is why I am here in your office.” She purposefully kept Tina and Queenie out of it to avoid any repercussions they may face if she is wrong. “In my investigation into this theory, I wondered if there are any abandoned areas here in MACUSA. A building and organization this old cannot still be using all of it’s floors.” Then, the realization seemed to hit Seraphina.  
“I can’t believe I am saying this, but you may be onto something, (L/N).” She stood up from her chair and went to the front of her desk, leaning against it. “Some of the lowest floors have not been used in a long time. At least five or six floors. No one goes down there anymore; there is no need.” She led (Y/N) to the door. “I am sending five people to each floor immediately. You and the Goldstein's gather two more aurors and start the search.” (Y/N) wanted to ask how she knew the Goldstein sisters were involved, but quickly shut her mouth. “If you’re wrong, this is a waste of a lot of manpower. People are finishing up their shifts and will be very upset to be searching a good portion of our building when they could be going home.”
“Then, let's hope that I’m not wrong.” Seraphina nodded before heading off to the main floor. Tina and Queenie came closer, seeing as the coast was clear. 
“Miss Goldstein-”
“Find two other aurors and we’ll meet you at the elevator.” Queenie glanced at both the president and (Y/N) before leaving Tina with (Y/N). 
“(Y/N)?” Tina put a hand on her shoulder to stop her for a moment. (Y/N) explained the plan as they made their way to the elevator. 
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“We don’t know what or who is down here.” Tina warned, talking to everyone, but keeping her eyes on (Y/N). “Stay alert.” The five of them split up, wands in hand, but stayed close enough to see each other in case of an ambush.
The bottom floor of the building, way under sea level, had definitely been abandoned. The remaining desks down there were dusty and untouched. Whatever else they had down there was the same.
After about half-an-hour, (Y/N) was losing hope; she was hanging on to the thought of finding Percival and it was the only thing keeping her going, but her grip was slipping.
In the relatively silent bottom floor of MACUSA, they could hear the echoing of someone yelling. They can barely make it out, but the words which were projected were very clear: “we found him!”
(Y/N) heart dropped to her stomach. She almost did not believe what she heard. Tina and Queenie caught up to (Y/N) as she ran to the cage elevator, though the elevator was way above where she was, giving her ample space to look up.
“Give me a floor!” (Y/N)’s voice cracked as she yelled up the shaft, trying to get through all of the noise. She got responses for many of the aurors, but she got a general answer: three from the bottom. Percival was supposedly only two floors above where she was. Her breathing was getting a little heavy. 
She looked at the floor before apparating to it. Her team followed. 
“(L/N)!” One of the aurors on the floor called her over. “He’s over here!” (Y/N) almost tripped with how quickly she ran, following the auror. The heels of her shoes made a loud clack every time her feet pummeled onto the floor. 
Her heart was pounding, but it really started hitting hard against her ribs when she saw her first glimpses of him. Her running had come to a halt and she slid on her knees in front of him.
The poor man had been through so much. Whatever skin was showing outside of his torn dress pants and ruffled dress shirt was bruised and his face was home to a black eye. His hair and facial hair had grown way past what he would have tolerated if he was in control of it. He stank of blood, sweat, and dirt.
He was not in a cage or cell; he was, instead, shackled to a support beam by his wrists.
“Percy!” (Y/N) gasped out, holding his almost unconscious face in her shaking hands. It looked like he may have been sleeping to pass the time. “Get medical down here!” A couple of aurors nodded and left to get personal from the medical wing. “Percival, please open your eyes.” 
Slowly, with whatever energy he had, he opened his eyes. He could believe (Y/N) was sitting in front of him, holding his face so gently. The light coming in from behind her made her look oh-so angelic. 
“(Y/N)?” Her name barely passed his lips. 
“Percy! Yes, yes! It’s me!” She could not care less that she was crying; hearing his voice again, the real him, brought her to tears. She let a sob escape. “Oh Merlin, I found you! I finally found you!” In her happiness, she planted tender kisses all over his face. She did not notice when Percival mumbled something to her. 
“Make way!” The healers had arrived with a gurney, ready to take Percival up to the medical wing. (Y/N) was reluctant to let go of him, but did so. She watched as he was taken away from her. 
Queenie, from (Y/N)’s side, gave her a reassuring hug, which the crying auror returned and finally let out her whimpers. 
He was found.
This was the real Percival.
He was alive.
And he was going to be okay.
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It took about a full day for Percival to become coherent. He was so void of nutrients and fluids; the man was on the brink of dying. 
What had happened was clear: once Grindelwald was found out, Percival was no longer needed and he was left down there to die. It was horrifying to think what would have happened if (Y/N) had not had that miscellaneous thought in the shower.
When he awoke, (Y/N) was right there, gently holding onto his bruised hand so as to not hurt him further.
“You’re safe now, Percival,” was the first thing she said to him. “Everything will be alright.” Once again, the light coming from behind her made her look ethereal, as if she was an angel. 
His angel.
“I said, I love you.” Percival got out. (Y/N) blinked, thinking she misheard him.
“I love you, (Y/N) (L/N). I’m not going to let another day pass where I regret telling you that.” (Y/N) looked away, bashful. 
“You need to rest.”
“I mean it-”
She pressed a sweet kiss on the corner of his lips, ignoring the irritation from his beard, before sitting back in her seat. “I know you do. You are not a very flowery man.” He looked at her, a little confused. She gave him a soft chuckle, knowing what he was thinking. “I’m not going anywhere, Percival. I made that mistake once, and look at what happened. I am staying right here.”
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dynamax-corviknight · 7 years
anyways seraphina/tina is a Good ship and I Love It
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sensayshello · 7 years
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“M-madame President...I wasn’t--” “None of that Scamander;  just wasn’t expecting to see you here at a no-maj convention...named after wizards of all things.” “Muggles are just as strange as us Madame.” “Indeed they are.” Phtography by Pndanoodlez on instagram Seraphina Picquery : Nerdtastic_1 Newt Scamander : Me Taken at Wizard World Chicago 2017 Much love, Sen 
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“ The Obscurial was killed on my orders, Mr. Graves.”- Seraphina Picquery 
“ Yes. And history will surely note that, Madam President.” Percival Graves   
insp_ (X) 
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Seraphina: [to Grindelwald] For somebody who is supposedly a mad genius, I'm not seeing much of the 'genius.'
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soramiruko · 7 years
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Finally adding to my Fantastic Beasts collection! Next up is Credence and Graves!
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Wizard: I think we should tax all bad things. Like racism, and women’s vaginas. Picquery: We’re not taxing anyone’s genitals.
(Parks and Recreation; season 5, episode 2: Soda Tax)
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