#( voice ). the annihilation
squibo · 1 year
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Look where lieutenant?
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her-soliloquies · 1 year
Me to my fellow merlin/merthur fans at any given moment:
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crocrubies · 10 months
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I wanted to PUNISH YOU, Kaname Date
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mountainmagpie · 7 months
Begging HBO Max and the creators of Scavengers Reign to make an adaptation of the Southern Reach trilogy.
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theremina · 1 year
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Adoption causes way more intergenerational trauma and collective health crises than I think many "kept" people realize.
If you bother to read it, the science is clear: adoption is violently traumatic, causing devastating, irreversible health issues for millions of human beings. Yet I'd have more luck conveying the severity and longevity of my own trauma to most non-adoptees with "I was dropped on my head as a baby."
Heck, I didn't begin to contend with the horrors of my own situation until my mid forties. Being yeeted directly after birth into foster care and eventually adopted by lovely, well-intentioned folks who were not prepared *at all* to help me deal with the lifelong neurodevelopmental disorders and physical health problems directly caused by my abandonment at birth has permanently damaged me. I'm saying so as one of the "lucky ones".
I adore my adoptive family. They're incredible parents. We love each other dearly. This doesn't change the fact, not for one second, that I wouldn't wish adoption on ANYBODY. Thankfully, my folks understand this. I wish more adoptive parents did.
The modern adoption industry* is, by design, deeply misogynistic, racist, transactional, ableist, imperialist, colonial. Ignorance and hate and apathy and coercion and subjugation and dehumanization and capitalism keep the machine running.
We're already seeing the beginning of Baby Scoop Too: Electric Boogaloo on Facebook. On Twitter. On Instagram. On other social media platforms owned and controlled by obscenely wealthy white men who don't consider private adoptions to be unethical.
You may *think* that legalized human trafficking doesn't really effect you, but soon, if the Christofascists continue their cultural blitzkrieg, the amount of infants and children who end up in the foster care system, adopted by unqualified people, in devastating private "rehoming" situations like the one shared above, or worse, is gonna SKYROCKET.
So...I'm barely on Facebook anymore for a few different reasons. One of them is that I couldn't handle watching a whole bunch of ignorant self-proclaimed feminists making shitty adoption jokes after Roe was overturned.
Another reason is that Facebook is LITERALLY A BABY MARKET.
Nearly 100 million American families are in the adoption triad, with a majority of adoptees' needs and voices being considered last instead of first. It's so backwards.
Non-kinship adoption is a systemic violence that cannot help but touch the lives of billions. That is so very, very bad for ALL of us, not just abandoned infants and children or their struggling parents.
Some straightforward response questions for every person who has ever asked me about about my adoption:
Are you a feminist? Are you antiracist? Are you a humanitarian? Anti-ableist? Do you consider yourself lefty, liberal, or otherwise progressive? Do you respect science? Then please reevaluate your perceptions of adoption.
For every adoptive or bio parent you listen to, listen to three or more adoptees. For every shitty adoption "joke" you've ever told, check in with an adoptee (or first mom) in a kind and caring way. For every ignorant question you've ever asked an adoptee about our "real parents", crack a book!
Please. Do some research. Learn. Please. Center transracial adoptees, international adoptees, disabled adoptees, queer adoptees. Please. This stuff impacts all of us just as surely as countless other aspects of systemic rape culture do. Try to understand. Please.
I'm more certain than ever that we must abolish before we can rebuild.
Please give a shit. Please.
*The fact that adoption is an industry at all should shock and horrify us all, and yet... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[image description: a screenshot of a Facebook post with a black border and caption reading, “Welcome to America, where people try to regime adopted children on Facebook Marketplace.” The Facebook post itself reads, “So basically they either want him to come back home, or have CPS place him in a foster home. Or I can find someone willing to take him in, and ‘under the table’ pay them the stipend, we get. If CPS places him they will have to have an open case against me. In doing that I will lose my job. I cannot work at a daycare, school, group home etc. if I have an open active CPS case against me. How the hell do I go about ‘re-homing’ my child? Should I create a post in market place? Through no fault of our own, we are being forced to re-home our thirteen year old son. He can be the most loving, helpful young man. He does suffer some learning difficulties. He comes with a complete wardrobe and a monthly allotment. Only serious inquiries please.” End id]
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cry-ptidd · 7 months
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‘Oh shit’
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rodentbrains · 10 months
the way sidestep ortega and chen are forever tied to each other by heartbreak mostly/especially because they cannot talk about it to each other or those who weren't there. the way that dannys feelings reflect a general truth which is that as long as they dont talk about it there will always be a wall between them and everyone else. the way they don't even get the full comfort of the quiet knowledge that at least these two other people know exactly what you went trough due to the telepathic nature of the event. the way we know the least about heartbreak from ortega's perspective who came closest to experiencing it "objectively"
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raviollies · 7 months
Does Theta have another form, like the Ladies of the Wood or Auntie Ethel?
She does indeed ( here, & here)
I went more monstery (Drew my inspiration from Bloodborne, Witcher and The Ritual) than the other two examples as I wanted to emphasize the ruthlessness of nature. A representation of an ancient monster lurking deep in the woods, unmoved by human emotions and feelings.
Theta is VERY ancient. Maybe she had a more humanoid form before - but now it's... almost part of the cycle she represents : The Fae are life but Hags are decay. She is the carcass of a beast but upon her back is a coat of moss and flowers, her wood antlers bloom. That which decays is necessary for life to blossom once more.
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planet4546b · 11 months
theres something very compelling to me about characters that we assume (due to some part of the narrative structure or method of interaction) that we are entitled to know what is going on in their head, only for it to be revealed that we know absolutely nothing about them. its good.
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coredrill · 1 month
the wedding and honeymoon art is all very cute ofc but i genuinely think i’m most obsessed w the implications of smith’s eyes being blue in the first and green in the second. LMAO
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boyybites · 5 months
Added that Jamal can stretch her mouth and throat to mimic sounds/voices/speech and while it does look unsettling as hell she also ends up sounding like that bear from annihilation
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ryusaidate · 1 year
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(this is part of a longer thing but i've got too much of a headache to finish it atm and i want to post it now so i've attached some helpful notes)
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neocaridinas · 4 months
what I want to know is how the blueberries, which were fine when I put them in my lunch TWO HOURS AGO grew mold already?
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regulusrules · 7 months
Y'all remember when Morgana took control over Camelot in The Coming of Arthur (s3e13) because she was aided by Morgause and Cenred's army and began to kill the citizens of Camelot in front of the knights while they were helpless to save their people because they had no backup?
Oh and remember how we cheered and celebrated Arthur restoring back his land, and viewed him fighting for it as an act of heroism instead of condemning him or justifying Morgana's unlawful rule and bloodshed of the people of Camelot?
Well, read this again, and think of Camelot as the one that rhymes with Gas
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invye · 1 year
I feel like telling the story of the first time I watched Annihilation.
For those who haven't seen it, it's a horror movie with a stellar, mostly female cast and very stunning visuals, definitely worth a watch. But that's not what this story is about.
I personally do not like horror movies. I will never watch them on my own, but I was with a group of friends who greatly enjoyed it and decided that I had to see it, so we did.
What I didn't know, was that Benedict Wong has a minor role in the movie. He is there between the acts of the story, serving as the person the protagonist is reporting the events to. We hear his voice before we see him on screen. It went about like this:
Benedict Wong: *speaks his first two words* Me: "Oh. My. Gods." My friends: *all eyes turning to me* Me, eyes glued to the screen: "It's you--" My friends: "???" *Benny appears on screen* My one friends who knows how much I like him: "Oh yeah, I forgot he's in this one." Me: "YOU FORGOT???"
I managed to appear mostly normal for the rest of the movie (at least I hope), especially because this friend group doesn't know me that well, and while they know about my liking (read: obsession) for Marvel they are in blissful ignorance of my WongStrange shipping and my appreciation for amazing voices like Benedict Wong's. The conversation after went along the lines of:
Me: "Masterpiece." My friends: "See, we told you it was amazing." Me: "No, I mean yeah sure it was good and all, liked it, but it has Benedict Wong. Automatically a masterpiece." Them: *sigh* The friend who knows: "... We'll watch Narnia next." Me: "Why?" The friend who knows: "It's got Tilda Swinton as the ice queen." Me: "YES PLEASE THANK YOU!"
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