tetheredbysin · 10 days
I mean...do I even need to say anything about that headline
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eggy-tea · 1 year
This fucking thing. You have no idea. 
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About two months ago, I took this thing into work. When I was done with it, I brought it back home and put it away… kind of. 
See, "taking it to work" involved:
remembering I owned it in the first place
remembering I needed it at work once I was back home
remembering to put it in my bag to bring to work
remembering to bring it out of the bag to use at work
actually using the damn thing
remembering to put it back in my bag to bring home
remembering to take it out of my bag once I got home, and
putting it back where it belonged
Where it belongs is in a tool bag on a shelf above our dryer. The shelf is slightly above eye level, and the tool bag sits near the back where I need to reach a bit to get it. The tool bag location makes sense, because it’s something I use often enough that I want it visible, but not so often that I want it in the way of other things. That, of course, means that it's mildly annoying to get to.
So over the course of about a week I managed to get through steps 1-7, but when it came to step 8 (putting it away properly), well… I was tired.  I had a lot of other things on my mind. So I put it on the shelf near the tool bag, because taking the tool bag out added five more steps to the process (take bag, place on surface, unzip bag, place screwdriver in bag, zip bag up, return bag to shelf vs put screwdriver on shelf) and I just couldn’t right then. 
And so it sat there. For like two months. And every time I saw it I’d think, “Right, I should put that away,” and every time I couldn’t, because Too Much. And now, on top of the task itself, there was the Emotional Context of it sitting there, weighing on me. It had become the Screwdriver of Bad Feelings. Every time I noticed it while doing the laundry, I would feel ever so slightly like shit for not just putting it away already it will literally take fifteen seconds, but it never bothered me enough in the moment to flip the switch in my brain and force me to do something about it. 
Until today. Today, I got out a different screwdriver from the tool bag for a different task. When I was done, I :
put away that screwdriver
put the tool bag back
noticed the Screwdriver of Bad Feelings was still there
took the tool bag back down
unzipped it again
put the Bad Feelings screwdriver in the bag,
zipped the bag back up, and
continued on to the next task. 
Like it was easy. Like it was nothing. Because today, it was. 
What was so special about today? Ritalin. That’s it. That’s all. 
Don’t ever let anyone fucking tell you that ADHD isn’t real, that executive dysfunction isn’t a real disability. Because without something extra (high levels of stress, pressure, anxiety… or meds) to make my brain do the thing? I cannot do the thing. I am unable. If that's not the definition of disability, I don't know what is.
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0dotexe · 1 year
I drafted a post like three times, deleting it each time, seething about an issue beyond my control and now that the dust has settled I don't give an iota of a shit what I was going to rant about.
Family's a funny thing, btw.
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cassafrasscr · 2 months
Just thinking about Orym watching this and seeing the Prime Deities being forced to choose between protecting their family or saving the people of Aeor.
Having been told several times in the last few months that if any of Bell’s Hells turns against the cause, he'll have to eliminate them. That for the sake of protecting the world, he'll have to kill one of these people he's claimed as his family.
Orym, who has been the target of friendly fire more than probably anyone else in the party. He's been mauled by Chetney multiple times, been directly attacked by murder-mode FCG at least once, and was ambushed in his sleep by Laudna JUST LAST NIGHT. And even when he's angry, he always meets them with compassion and forgiveness.
Orym, who allegedly has contingency plans for each of his friends if they turn, but who always pulls his punches when he does have to fight them.
Orym, whose home was invaded by a hostile force, who lost his father and husband and probably more of his comrades. Not unlike when the original home of the gods was attacked and destroyed.
Every day he has to make the impossible choice: save the world, or protect his family? Even as flawed as they are, and with how much he's been hurt by them, he loves them. He has insisted repeatedly that he won't HAVE to kill his friends, because he trusts them not to betray him. He believes in them wholeheartedly.
And now he's watching the Prime Deities have to grapple with that same choice. Even knowing that the Betrayer Gods didn't die, and the Calamity lasted another 100 years.
I'm so interested to see how Orym reacts, with everyone pressuring him to choose the world over his family. Knowing that, at least on some level, the Prime Deities chose their family over the world. And look what it cost the world.
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cosmokrill · 1 month
Pressure fandom rant incoming.
Oh my GOD guys, SHUT. UP. Respect the wishes of the creators. Do you think they knew how much the game was going to blow up? Did you stop to realize that Zeal's comment about decreased Kroner for deaf mode was a stupid idea just thrown out off the top of his head before he went to sleep? Do you think the dev team was going to genuinely consider that? And if you made and felt almost intimately attached to an OC that you helped create, are you not allowed to personally feel annoyed when others ship themselves with them or give them a completely different personality than the one they have?
Get over it. Sebastian is canonically a married man. I think he looks cute with the wedding ring that he fiddles with. Zerum being his wife does not change the lore. The characters in Pressure are just OCs that have gotten stupidly popular.
Speaking from the perspective of someone who has had to deal with a person trying to force one of my characters into a romantic relationship with one of theirs, I can understand wanting to crack down. If I said that my OC Luther was my husband in his lore, his story gets popular, and people start drawing themselves dating him, I'm allowed to be mad. I'm allowed to be uncomfortable.
The devs did nothing wrong by adding the rule against posting ship art of Pressure characters in the discord server. They're not banning Pressure ships from ever existing online. Admit that your drawing of your self-insert kissing Sebastian is just not going to be liked by some people. Just enjoy the damn game.
You need to remember that these are not your characters. You do not know why a decision about a character was made until the creators tell you. You can do whatever the hell you want with Sebastian, just don't get pissy if his creators don't like it.
Apologies, I'm just very tired and angry and I need to speak my mind. I don't do that enough because I fear getting canceled over the smallest opinions in this day and age.
Have a Sebastian sketch for your troubles. Truthfully, I might delete the rant later and just keep the art.
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jazzyoranges · 10 months
Can I humbly request Wednesday x winged reader? Like idk they have angel wings or bird wings or something
Maybe fluff with some angst/comfort >:D
Thanks for entertaining me
young!Wednesday Addams x young!fem!reader
Summary: your parents fight. you don’t know where to go, so you run to your favorite Addams
Words: 1.4k
Warnings: hurt/comfort, domestic violence, implied alcoholic, toxic relationship (R’s parents), soft ooc Wednesday
A/n: R is a raven btw :) also don’t ask why Wednesday thinks and talks like a depressed poet at 7/8 yrs old. she’s just experiencing some big emotions 😞
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You ran as fast as your little legs could take you. There wasn’t an exact location you were running to, but somehow you knew where you’d end up. Tears left your eyes and a few feathers had been plucked from your gorgeous wings. The night air sent shivers down your spine but you refused to look back. You never wanted to look back.
Tired, cold, and sleepy, the Addams Mansion finally came into view. It’s brambly trees threatened to scratch and pull at your skin, but you happily greeted the forest you’ve come to love. It reminded you of your favorite Addams.
The whistle of trees beckoned you away, but you fought against their singing and continued to the front of the mansion. You loudly knock against the large door, and a butler you recognize so dearly groans behind it.
“Mr. Lurch!” Your small voice cut through the dark night.
What anyone else would assume to be a groan of annoyance, you knew was one of confusion. Lurch takes one good look at you and scoops you into his arms, as if you weighed absolutely nothing. His feet thumped against the floors of the mansion and you could only assume he was taking you to the owners of the terrifyingly beautiful home.
Mrs. Addams and Mr. Addams who’ve you known so well, sit in their living room while Morticia reads a book about who knows what to her husband. He listens intensely with love in his eyes until Lurch’s thumps bring you to the married couple.
“(Y/n)? Lurch, why have you brought us Miss (L/n)?” Gomez questions, while Morticia goes into mother mode immediately. She takes you from Lurch’s arms and thanks him as he pats you on the head before leaving.
“(Y/n), dearest. Who’s caused you such harm?”
Your eyes fill with tears as you recall what happened.
“D-Daddy, he-“
Your father came home angry. Angrier than usual. You tried to hug him, but he pushed you away for the fridge instead. Your lip quivered while you ran to your mother, and she had an angry expression when you told her.
You felt so bad for telling on Daddy. He… he did love you! He did! He was just a little sad for some reason. You decided maybe Daddy just needed space.
You were supposed to be asleep when Mommy and Daddy started fighting. Daddy said a lot of mean stuff. Something about how he wished he was never with Mommy... surely he didn’t mean it! He said something about how you were a mistake, but Daddy didn’t mean it! Right? Daddy loved you…
You didn’t realize you were crying until a small hiccup escaped your throat, and your parents spun around to look at your pained expression from the stairs. You felt bad Mommy and Daddy were fighting. Your father tried to comfort you by closing in for a hug, but you didn’t want a hug. Like how Daddy didn’t want a hug earlier.
You pushed the man away, and he made a scary face. You wished you could say he wasn’t your daddy, but only your daddy’s voice could be so scary. Turning to hide in your room, he grabs at your right wing to keep you close.
It hurt a lot.
But as fast as it hurts, it stops and you look behind you. With a fist full of your dark feathers, your mother slams your father into the stairs. What she actually says are a little muffled to you, but you get the idea after she points to a nearby window.
You try to fly, but the difference in feathers throws you off balance. You manage to glide down from the second story, but not without an ungraceful landing.
You didn’t know where to go.
“A-And then Mommy told me t’run away. B-But I didn’t know where t’go…”
“Oh, my darling, I’m so sorry.” Morticia shares a concerned look with her husband, and he immediately springs into action. Gomez grabs his coat and is out the door in less than a second.
“How about we get you cleaned up, would you like that?” You nod.
Morticia brings you to one of the many bathrooms of the mansion, and sits you down on the toilet seat lid. She soaks a towel with warm water to wash your muddied face and clean off any cuts you might’ve had. Both of you fall into a comfortable silence.
There’s an ache in Wednesday’s soul she can’t place. It’s kept her up for hours, and sleep hasn’t been able to take her away just yet. Wednesday had paced circles in her room with only the moon as a light, yet her ache has yet to subside.
Only when Wednesday hears the front door open, she knows she’s found the reasoning for the ache. With feather-light steps, the young Addams creeps down to where she can hear talking.
What Wednesday doesn’t expect is the face of her best friend crying and whimpering. It takes everything inside of her to not run in and steal you away. Instead, she listens to your story.
You tell the older Addams woman about what happened, and Wednesday’s blood starts to boil. You didn’t deserve that. You didn’t deserve that atrocity of father. Wednesday can’t continue listening to your story or she’ll commit unforgivable crimes not even you would approve of.
Wednesday creeps back up into her room. She’s really not getting any sleep until she knows for sure you’re safe and with her. Wednesday was awfully aware of how little power she had at her age, but that didn’t stop the young Addams from formulating a plan. Specifically, a plan to make you feel better. (and maybe a plan to get revenge on your disgrace of a father, but that’d have to wait)
Wednesday decided to make her move when her bathroom light was turned on just near her bedroom. She decided to pay you a visit.
“Mother.” Wednesday appeared behind Morticia, her monotone voice causing you to jump the slightest.
“Wednesday, dear, unable to sleep?”
“Someone had been keeping me up, and I think I know who.” The younger girl peers over her mother’s shoulder to meet your curious gaze. You flush in embarrassment and look at the ground.
“Sorry I woke you up, Wens… I didn’t mean to come here so late”
“Sleep in my room.”
“Wednesday, are you sure you’ll be able to sleep with company?”
“Her safety directly corresponds with my sleep schedule.”
“If you insist, my little death.” Morticia sighs. “You two go straight to bed now, hm?”
You nod before getting up off the toilet seat lid. Before you enter Wednesday’s room, Morticia stops you. She bends down to reach your height.
“Don’t you worry about Mommy and Daddy, dear. Mr. Addams and I have all of it covered. You just have sweet nightmares tonight, alright?” There’s nothing but kindness and worry in her voice. Morticia stands up, and you give her a quick hug before she leaves. The older woman feels her heart melt.
You sit on Wednesday’s bed just like you have countless times before. The moonlight illuminates you perfectly, Wednesday thinks. She wasn’t one for holy comparisons, but nothing described you better than an angel of death.
With a halo made of the moon and wings darker than hell, you were no less than ethereal.
“Wens?” Your voice snaps the Addams out of her thoughts.
“What happened to your wing?”
“Uhm… can I tell you tomorrow? I’m sleepy” You emphasize your point with a yawn
“I understand, let’s sleep.” Wednesday nods, and you move over to make some room on the bed.
Wednesday has been in this exact position many times before, but somehow this time felt different. Perhaps it was the fact there’s a blatant elephant in the room, or the fact she knows the reason due to your escape from home. Either way, something was different.
You were basically passed out as soon as your head hit the pillow, leaving Wednesday with her own thoughts as she watched you sleep. The younger Addams ran her fingers through your right wing, successfully finding the patchy spot.
Your face contorts into something like pain and fear, and Wednesday quickly pulls her hand away. She didn’t mean to hurt you. When your pained expressions continue, Wednesday knows you’re having a nightmare. And not an enjoyable one.
Almost like second nature, Wednesday pulls you into her arms. Your wing falls atop her like a blanket, and you seem to go back to uneventful sleep. Even unconscious, you hold the Addams like you’re awake.
Wednesday is finally met with sleep when she could press a hand against your chest and feel the rhythmic thumping of your heart.
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starl3ght · 2 years
141 + more with a reader that sleeps a lot
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A/N: I’m back from the dead, haha Melanie Martinez kinnie. I have a cousin that sleeps till 3 in the afternoon like wtf😨 I live for these men. They’re fine as fuckkkkkkk I loved making this
Requests are open and follow for more <333
Simon “Ghost” Riley
• He won’t be worried that much about you
• Maybe you’re just tired so he lets you do your own thing
• He respects you and what you just do around the house so he allows it
• But notices how you nap like every 3 hours a day and he gets concerned
• You just drop wherever. The couch, the living room floor, he found you outside in the grass one time.
• He throws a blanket over you each time and rubs his temple wondering what he’s gonna do with you
• “Love, you know this isn’t healthy right?”
• You had just woken up from your 4th nap.
• You look at him with your puppy eyes
• “But I’m tired”
• Don’t melt his heart, it makes him weak.
• “Trust me you’re gonna regret it, now up you go.”
• He’ll throw you over his shoulder and makes you do some random activities for you not to fall asleep.
John “Soap” Mactavish
• Might do the same thing but not much as you.
• He thinks it’s weird that you just close your eyes and stay dead for a few hours
• Might wake you up for fun
• He likes seeing you angry
• He sprayed you with the bottle one time. That wasn’t a good thing to do let’s just say.
• But seriously he is a bit concerned for you
• So when he walked into the literal, pitched black living room with the tv on and opened the blinds to the sunlight you hissed like some savage cat
• He only looks at you with a weird look
• “Jesus…alright, up and at em love.”
• You’ll just throw the blanket over your face again
• Ok, that’s how you wanna play it? He can play that game too
• He’ll grab your legs and drag you off the couch
• “No Johnny” you’re hugging a pillow against your face and he keeps dragging you “Not letting go that easy love. Now up.”
• He’ll pick you up putting your legs around his torso and your arms around his neck
• “We’re going out, dunno where but you’re done with your hobby for today bonnie”
• You went to Starbucks together( ˘ ³˘)♥
John Price
• Concerned as any parent would be
• Limits your sleeping time
• Has his alarm on his phone to wake you up
• “Love rise and shine, well technically it’s 4 in the afternoon so…”
• You’re still dead.
• He’ll stroke your face to wake you or just come back to existence💀
• Kisses your forehead and shakes your shoulder gently
• If you wake up he’s not letting you go back to sleep
• “You ready to stay up now love?”
• You violently shake your head no but he takes you to the living room so you can watch tv or read a book
• He needs you to be more active🤷‍♀️
• Might consider taking you to a doctor but tries to help you first
• Watches your sleeping habits well
• If it’s insomnia he’ll comfort you in his lap as you rant on about your sleeping issues
• He’ll make you sleep at the same time as him and takes you out to keep you busy or distracted.
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
• Honestly it’s ok with him
• He just doesn’t like it when it happens for like a week straight
• 2-3 days is alright him because it’s a long tiring week so.
• When its 5 times every day he’s not allowing it
• Feels bad for waking you up
• “Baby?”
• You’re still in the world of dreams
• “Love, it’s time to wake up now”
• He uses that sweet soft voice you love so much
• But you won’t wake up
• He doesn’t know what to do that he might consider calling Price for help
• When you do wake up and look at him with your eyes with bags under his heart melts
• You must be having some issues
• He’ll make you sleep early so you’re ok for the next day
• He’ll take care of you, trust me
Alejandro Vargas
• Future husband mode activated
• Worries that waking you will get you angry
• But remembers it isn’t healthy
• So he uses your weaknesses to wake you up ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
• Mans kisses the crook of your neck and strokes your hair
• “Mi amor…wake up for me” That deep sweet voice he’s got for you
• You shift around in your sleep and open your eyes
• You just go to the bathroom and go back to the couch to sleep again
• He’s standing there frozen🧍
• “Ahora si, wake up mi vida.”
• He picks you up and that’s when you wake up
• You’ll slap his shoulder from anger
• “There we go…”
• He takes you to the bedroom and gives you a reason to be tired if you know what I mean🙂✨🌹
Rodolfo Parra
• He loves you too much
• He’s very worried for your health
• “Mi vida por favor, wake up.”
• You just won’t budge
• Worries a bit much now
• Like what if you’re staying up all night and he hasn’t noticed and so you sleep all day
• But that if that wasn’t the issue he would calm down
• You just sleep…like a lot
• Considers giving you melatonin for the night and taking you out the next day to have your energy
• He always gently touches you and when you wake he’ll give you something to eat
• He’s literally like a parent having to take care of you
• Will help you with your habits
• Won’t wake you up
• He’s scared
• Like what if you’re so peaceful and he upsets you from waking you up
• But reminds himself this is for your own good
•If you fall asleep on him then may he rest in piece.
• He’s not getting you off of him anytime soon and not easily
• Will nudge you shoulder hoping you open your eyes
• “Schatz??”
•You’re still sleeping. Are you even breathing??
• “Please wake up” oh now his voice is anxious
• “König what are you doing, it’s 8 in the morning”
• Wtf is wrong with you👁👄👁
• “Umm, meine liebe it’s 2 in the afternoon actually…”
• You reach out your arms like a baby wanting to be picked up
• So he does
• Picks you up gently as if you were the most fragile thing
• “Geliebte I think we should talk about your habits my dear.”
Alex Keller
• This mf let’s you do whatever you want
• He only gets curious when you’re in random places napping
• That’s when he realized it’s weird that you sleep a lot
• “Baby, you should’ve been awake 3 hours ago. It’s already 9 pm ”
• He’s literally standing in the living room and you’re on the carpet floor with a blanket over you
• Bro reaches for the blanket and throws it across the room and you wake up whining
• “Alex stop, let me sleep.”
• He gives you an almost offended look
• “It’s already been 5 years, it’s time for you to rise. Now go eat something”
• Drags you to the kitchen and makes you eat
• Now when it’s time for bed you don’t wanna sleep
• He’ll make you either way and holds you to his chest so you can’t escape
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atarathegreat · 6 months
Relaxing Day Attack on Titan 1
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ft: Armin Arlert, Jean Kirstein, Reiner Braun, Erwin Smith, Levi Ackerman.
On the days that Armin wasn't out and doing Scout duties or training, he was trying to spend his moment's with you. In your room or following you while you complete your chores. He didn't mind terribly if your free days didn't match up, but on the days that they did he was so so happy.
Armin isn't one to simply go with the flow. He has the day planned out. Waking up together, cuddling before breakfast, maybe a nice horse ride to see the views. Neither of you are really picky, so long as you get to spend the time together without chores and duty getting in between you both. The man just wants to have you on his arm or holding his hand, hell, let him carry you. He has no issue.
But it's the moments when he wakes up and you look so precious in your sleep that he can't help throwing out whatever was planned. Kissing your face gently until you wake up and smile his favorite smile. Armin will wrap himself around you to keep you from getting up, even if you have to pee, because you're his to love and hold on to. And when you are finally free to use the bathroom, he's right there with you, telling you about his dreams or the days he spent away from you.
Jean has no such issues. He doesn't care if you're tired from being worked by the captain for days on end, you're waking up with him. Even if you don't leave the bed. He's so wrapped around your fingers that when you wake up with an angry whine he feels bad and just gets up to make you breakfast in bed. Feeling awful is one of his most prominent features, but Jean always makes it right.
A nice tray of eggs and a warm potato is placed across your lap, a tender kiss left on your head as he leaves to get his own plate and join you. Profuse apologies fall from his lips, replied in kind with yawns and "it's okay"s. He won't believe you, but he'll shut up about it so that the rest of the day can be enjoyed.
With a husband that's such a workaholic, it's hard to catch Reiner on a day off. The rare occasion that Marley isn't busting his ass, you make it a point to wake up before he can and clean and cook a nice breakfast. If it was the only day he got off, then you wanted it to be the best.
Except that Reiner was a soft sleeper and woke up to the sounds of you cooking. Or maybe it was the scent. Being a bigger guy than he was when he left, you were a bit startled when he wrapped around your torso and laid his head on your shoulder. Deeper voice, stronger arms, Reiner wasn't the same boy from when he left. You didn't mind the company as you cooked and cleaned, taking the time to talk to him and hear about the little island everyone seemed to hate.
And yet, somehow, those devil's had softened him. He was more clingy, more talkative. Things you had wished he was before.
Erwin never takes a day off. He's in perpetual work mode. Papers need to be signed, Scouts need to be kept in line, and damnit you can't cook your own breakfast because he's the man of the house and he promised to take care of you.
That was before he lost his arm.
Now he was on bed rest and he hated it. Having you lift even a single finger to help him get dressed was getting on his nerves. But you assured him each morning that you really didn't mind and, in fact, liked to help him. You were his wife, you wanted to help and make sure he was okay. Even if he didn't like it and refused to make eye contact with you.
You'd hold his papers while he signed them, stack them neatly as he liked and even hold his cup so he could get a drink. It wasn't an easy transition for the commander, but you became his new arm.
Levi also refused to take days off. Why rest when he was well enough to work? Besides, you bustled around his office with him anyway. Not like he needed your help, and he'd never admit it, but he liked having you around him. You just made things easier.
He could send you off with papers to the commander instead of calling and waiting for a Scout, and that alone had sped up a lot of things. And yet, here you were, falling asleep as he worked late once again. A small part of him felt bad, until he remembered that it was your choice to stay behind with him.
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gulnarsultan · 1 year
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Yandere mother-in-law Catelyn Stark(Tully) and daughter-in-law reader and yandere husband Robb Stark.
~ You may have been involved in the life of the Starks for several reasons. Perhaps you are the Lady of a great house and are betrothed or arranged for an alliance with Robb. Or you are placed in the custody of the Starks. However, you can also be one of the normal folk. Your social status and financial situation do not matter at all.
~ Robb feels like his heart is going to explode when he first meets you. He will most likely be so excited that he stutters while talking to you. Catelyn is the first to notice the change in Robb's behavior. She understands the reason for son's behavior when she meets you. Catelyn immediately goes into mother chicken mode. So she's starting to see you as her own daughter.
~ Robb is trying to get to know you better. He works harder to impress you. Catelyn fully supports her son's behavior. Catelyn gets in the way when Eddard tries to warn his son. You spend time with Catelyn and her daughters. Catelyn praises her son at every opportunity. Robb gets angry when other men approach you, especially Jon and Theon. Catelyn is definitely keeping Jon and Theon away from you. The only man worthy of you in her eyes is her own son.
~ Catelyn is taking good care of you. He presents you with dresses and jewelry. He often calls you "dauhter". She gives you advice on many things. She likes to comb, style and braid your hair.
~ Robb presents you with very soft furs to keep you warm. He obtains these furs from the animals he specially hunts. He buys gifts for you and sends them to your room. He is trying to prove himself while training.
~ Catelyn and Robb worry a lot when you get sick and injured. They literally go into panic mode. They don't leave you until you heal. They take great care of your health and safety. They always make sure you get enough sleep and eat.
~ The wedding will be arranged perfectly. Catelyn and Robb won't allow a post-wedding bedtime ceremony. Catelyn is preparing you for the wedding night herself. It reassures you of all your fears about your first night with Robb. Robb will be as courteous as he can on the first night.
~ They won't want you to talk to your family much anymore after you become Stark. You will even be able to send letters to your family with a certain number of letters. Your family gets angry when you get away from them when guests come. Catelyn gets jealous when you call your own mom.
~ Robb and Catelyn really want new babies to join the family. Every pregnancy news makes them very happy. Robb really wants a lot of kids. They become overprotective of you when you are pregnant. The best masters and midwives take care of you during pregnancy and childbirth.
~ Every child you give birth to is loved by them. Your children are spoiled. Catelyn takes great pleasure in taking care of her grandchildren. Catelyn will be with you at every birth. She holds your hand until the baby is born and says supportive words to you.
~ Most of the time you are in your room. You are allowed to go out when you have Catelyn or the guards with you. Robb never yells at you, doesn't say bad words, and doesn't raise his hand. Their greatest punishment is guilt and manipulation. It is one of the punishments in isolation.
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thescottpack · 11 months
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Aemond Targaryen x Targaryen!reader x Cregan Stark
Warning: targcest, romance, angst
summary: Aemond and reader know each other since birth and one day they were in love and in the other they felt betrayed.
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Its been a long time since you seen Aemond, as a family people expect that having a royal blood and be part of a royal family means that you are close to those around you, as they all say " you have to keep the bloodline pure as a Targaryen". But it was all horse shit, at these stage of the existence every single person knew how vile the Targaryens can be and it didn't matter if you share the same blood, enemi was enemi.
You were thinking about this while riding Cannibal to a open field. From the sky it was possible to see that everthing was burned and it was only ashes now, there was no trees, no animals not a single life exept that large dragon on the ground and his owner close to it, Vhagar.
You land your dragon a bit far away from Aemond's dragon, you knew how things cold get pretty ugly really fast.
"You came, I have to be honest I didn't think you would show up."
Aemond was taking a few steps in your direction while you met him in between the two dragons.
"You ask for me and here I am."
"I miss you, everyday."
You sigh.
He took another step.
"I think about you everyday."
And another step.
"All day long."
When he was finale face to face, you looked away ashame of your feelings for him. He took so much from you and you still can't stop loving him.Aemond put a finger on your chin and made you look in his eye again while bringing his lips closer and closer to yours.
"Please Aemond don't do this to me."
He land a kiss on the corner of your lips, soft and gente.
"I'm not doing anything darling."
"This is wrong and I can't."
And another kiss on the other side.
"There is nothing wrong in this." Then he gave a peck on your lips. "There's nothing wrong about you and me." He put hes hands on your hips bringing your body closer to his, it was like he put you in some trance. "And it will never be."
Finally kissing you with passion his tongue entered your mouth and explored every single part of It. Your body molded into his while he was holding you close like he was afraid you would runway. When you stopped the kiss Aemond put his forehead on yours.
"Come back with me. You and I can end this war together. With all dragons and the power Aegon have we can..."
Shaking your head you gain your senses again. He was asking you to join Aegon's side.
"I won't betray my mother and you know it." You said giving a step back and making he let you go from his hands.
"My love you would be saving her, if you came with me I'll make sure you are safe, more safe than anyone in the entire realm."
"I won't accept this.I won't accept Aegon as king Aemond this is madness and you know it."
"Don't think about his stupid ass right now, think about me and you we can be together again like when we were young. I love you and I know you love me."
"And what about your wife, hum? Are you just gonna leave her for me? Is that it? I will never bow to your cunt of a bother."
"Listen! You are not helping me here love you got marry too remeber? Don't blame me for something that you did too."
"How can you say something like this? When YOU were the one who got marry first! When I found out I was so angry at you and so sad, you promessed to be with me forever and then you went behind my back and got marry anyway!"
You were not beliving in what he was saying, your face expression changes into a angry mode and you could hear the sound of a few horses coming closer to your direction. Aemond looked in the distant and saw a small group off man. One of those man spoke something to the group making the others stop. When you looked over your sholders you could see who was it, your husband Lord Cregon Stark. Aemond shifted his posture when he saw one of his enemies.
"Does he follow you around now?"
He was jealous and got even angrier when he saw how Cannibal act around Cregan, like he knew he was family. In Aemond's head this was pure bullshit. Oh how he wish the dragon would just end that man's life. Vaghar was sensing Aemond's feelings and started to get agitated and when Cregan gave one more step closer to you and Aemond she left a roar.
You looked back at Cregan " It's alright husband, me and my uncle are just trying to get into a deal but it seams that we can't get into a agreement."
You turn your back to Aemond and started to walk in Cregan's direction when you heard.
" Don't you dare turn your back to me!" Aemound shouted."You are mine!"
Turnin to face Aemond again you spoke " You turn your back to me first, when you killed my little brother remember?! I have asked you so many times to leave all that shit behind and for you to come with me that evething would be forgiven but you refused and you still do! I am done with your games uncle, the next time I see you me and Cannibal we won't be so friendly."
Turning you back to Aemond again you went to Cregan's direction and put a hand on his chest.
"Are you alright my sweet?" he asked.
"Evething it's alright my dear husband, theres no need to worry. I will be leaving now and I suggest you do the same and when you come back to the camp I'll be right there waiting for you."
When you decide to leave your husband pulled you back to him and gave you a kiss. Aemond was furious and he wasn't hiding his anger, Vaghar let another roar in you direction and then Cannibal became aggitated as well. You went to you dragon and tried to calm him down.
"Cannibal daor. Sagon gīda, rȳbagon naejot issa issa zaldrīzes." (Cannibal no.Be calm listen to me my dragon.)
When you get on top of you dragon you told Cregan to leave and before he went away he looked back at Aemond one more time while Aemond stood on the same spot you left him. He watched you leave on Cannibal and he knew you were his right? He couldn't have lost you...right?
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guy-writes · 3 months
“Ye know they say this house is haunted” (John “Soap” Mactavish x GN! Reader)
Warnings: Shadow figures? No pronouns for reader other than ‘you,’ pre-established relationship, Johnny scares reader lol
You and Johnny are taking a small road trip to stay at his family’s farm, he decides to make a quick pit stop to show you an old hang out spot of his. It does not go as he planned… 
For @glitterypirateduck vacation mode challenge! This was inspired by prompts 42: Ghost tour (even though ya’ll aren't touring lol) and 77: Road trip. This was also heavily inspired by something that happened to me, sadly I didn’t have Soap there to help lmao
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“What is this?”
“An abandoned house.”
“I know, but that doesn’t explain why we’re here…”
You and Johnny had been on your way to visit his parents’ farm. It would be a nice getaway for you both, considering how hectic your lives have been recently. 
Well, that was before Johnny – under the guise of ‘taking a short cut’ – had led you here, to this abandoned house. It had definitely seen better days. The outside was rotting, shingles had fallen off and there were a few holes near the bottom of the house. The windows were either boarded up or broken and whatever paint was left was clinging onto the brick for dear life. You watched as Johnny walked over to the rickety stairs and tested his foot on it, decided it was alright, then walked up them to get to the door. 
“Johnny- what the hell are you doing?” 
“Aw, c’mon, I just wanted tae show ye the old hang out spot.” 
“You and your friends hung out here?” You gave the house a once over again before giving him a deadpan stare. It didn’t help that the sun was setting. It wasn’t hard to believe he and friends used to hang out here, this was Johnny you were talking about. The more you stared at him the more he was giving you that look. The look that pleaded with you to just humour him this once. Sadly it worked- It always did. You found that your feet had taken you right beside him on those rickety stairs. He gave you a cheeky grin before taking your hand in his and opening the door. It creaked so loudly, Johnny opened it so fast that the door hit the wall with a bang. 
“...Oops,” he didn’t look all that apologetic and stepped forward, gently pulling you along with him. You both stepped inside and immediately were hit with the scent of dust and mildew. 
The inside didn’t look that much better than the outside. It was rotting away in there, most of the furniture was gone but the ones that remained were covered in greenery that was taking over. The floor had a few holes, when you looked up you could even see into the second floor. The floral wallpaper (or what was left of it) was peeling or ripped off the walls. You coughed lightly from the amount of dust in here and covered your nose. 
“Ye know they say this house is haunted,” Johnny said, he had a mock serious look on his face.
“Ah, now you're pulling my leg,” you gave him an unimpressed look, the only thing haunting this house was the dust. You let go of his hand and started poking around the house, might as well do something. Going near the kitchen you spotted nothing in particular, besides some debris and a lone table. 
“It’s true, this house is basically a legend… They say a farmer and his wife lived here, but somethin’ happened that made the wife go a wee bit mad before murderin’ her husband.”
“Johnny, that sounds like something thirteen year olds tell each other on the playground…” You grumbled out, growing more and more unimpressed at him. You were starting to think he was up to no good. He gave you a small pout before shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly. 
“Fine, don’t believe me, but when ye encounter the angry ghost of the wife don’t come runnin’ to me for help,” he imparted before sauntering over to the stairs and going up to the second floor. You could hear the creaky floorboard under his feet as he walked around. You rolled your eyes before exploring the kitchen more. You noticed that under the table there were newer floorboards, like someone fixed that area up. You pushed the table away, seeing that it was a crawl space, you lifted up the cover and discovered some photos. 
You picked one up and saw a younger looking version of Johnny along with four other kids. They looked to be goofing off in the living room of the house, it looked much cleaner than it does now. Johnny still has that boyish grin that he gets when he’s having fun. You smiled, taking a look through the other photos in the pile. Most of them were of Johnny and his friends goofing around or fixing up the place. While shuffling through the pile you heard a loud bang coming from the second floor. It made you jump and whip your head around towards the stairs. 
“Johnny! Are you alright?!” You shouted.
Johnny never answered you.
Growing a bit concerned you pocketed the photos and walked over to the stairs. You looked up towards the foyer and saw nothing there. You shuffled your feet, starting to grow uneasy now. It was too quiet, besides the wind that was howling. The upstairs looked darker than the rest of the house, that’s where most of the boarded up windows were.
“Johnny?” You called out again.
Still no response.
“John MacTavish, this isn’t funny!” You shouted. You swore you heard some shuffling towards the end of the foyer. But you still got no answer from him. You huffed, growing more uneasy but now you were frustrated. 
“Soap I swear to god if you scare me…” You called out again before moving to go up the stairs. Once you made it to the top, there were three rooms presented. Two seemed to be bedrooms and one was a bathroom. It was way dustier up here than downstairs. You grumbled as you walked over to the bedroom on the far right. There was nothing but a dusty, stained up mattress, a broken wardrobe, and rotting vanity desk with a cracked mirror. 
“Boo!…” Someone whispered in your ear, wrapping their arms around your torso and bringing you closer towards them. You screamed, spinning on your heels so fast your arm whacked the person behind you in the stomach. 
“Steamin’ bloody Jesus!... Mo ghraidh, are ye tryin’ to kill me?” You saw Johnny rubbing his stomach in pain, even if you didn’t hit him that hard. You huffed in annoyance, crossing your arms and giving him a pointed look.
“Maybe I should ‘cause of the stunt you just pulled… I thought something happened!” You exasperated, you were happy he was fine (minus the hit you gave him) but that was uncalled for. You pinched his nose as revenge.
“Ack! Ah’m sorry, okay?? It was funny though…” He mumbled out before snickering to himself and that earned yet another pinch from you. 
“Uh huh… laugh it up mister…” you playfully rolled your eyes at him, you did see the humour in it after the initial annoyance dissipated and laughed along with him. Johnny looked over your shoulder towards the vanity desk, his laughter dying out. He squinted his eyes towards what he was seeing in the mirror. You raised an eyebrow, frowning at the focused look Johnny was giving.
“What the hell is that?” he whispered.
“What?” You asked, turning around to have a look but before you could- Johnny took your hand and started gunning it towards the stairs. 
“What?- What!?” You pressed, you turned to look behind you and saw in the mirror there was a tall, dark shadow in the corner of the room where the vanity was pointing. You saw its head following your moments as you both ran out the room. You felt a cold chill go down your spine as you let out a blood curdling scream. You both made it to the stairs, but running down them was a challenge. Johnny was trying to make you run in front of him- but they were too narrow and the edges of the steps were smoothed. 
That, combined with both your clumsy footwork, made you end up falling on your back and sliding down the rest of the stairs. You almost took Johnny out with you if he wasn’t holding onto the railing. He yelped, watching helplessly as you slid down the rest of the way. You started crying from both the fear and pain you felt. Pain was shooting up your back, your spine took most of the hit when coming down. It also burned, you tried getting back up but straightening out caused you to cry out in more pain.
Johnny quickly scooped you up in his arms and threw you over his shoulder. He sprinted the rest of the way to the car. Your back was in immense pain and being jostled around didn’t help. Once Johnny was at the car, he carefully placed you in the passenger's seat before running around and throwing himself in the driver's side. He stared out towards the road, panting lightly from the excitement of it all. The pain in your back was subsiding but you feared that your back was all scratched up from your slide down. You flinched but adjusted yourself to sit up right.
“Are ye alright?” Johnny finally asked.
“Yeah- I think I’ll live…” You groaned out. 
“Want me to check it?” You nodded your head and turned your back towards him, closing your eyes so you didn’t have to stare at the house. He gently lifted your shirt up, you heard him take a sharp intake of air through his teeth.
“Is it that bad?” You worriedly asked.
“Well… It could be worse…? Yer back is scratched to hell plus yer shirt was a bit torn from the fall,” he explained. He let go of your shirt, letting it fall back to its original spot. He gave you a reassuring rub on the shoulder, away from the injury, and kissed your temple. You shuffled back to face forward once more, sighing from pain and slight exhaustion. You opened your eyes and looked over at Johnny. Concern and regret was written on his face.
“My ma has some ointment and bandages at the house, we’ll patch ye up when we get there,” he kissed your head again before turning the keys to turn the ignition on. He started driving towards his family’s farmhouse, not making any more spontaneous detours. You had time to ponder what the hell just happened a few moments ago. Both you and Johnny had seen something in that vanity. A dark, shadowy figure as tall at the ceiling, was that even real?
“Did we actually see what we saw? Or are we just really tired from the drive?” You tried to rationalise. But it didn’t make sense that you both saw the exact same thing. Johnny seemed to tense for a moment, shuddering softly to himself.
“I- I don’t know… Ah was making that whole story up to scare ye- I didn’t think…” He wasn’t sure what to say about the situation, sure- he liked watching those cheesy ghost videos but he never actually thought they were real. He groaned, not liking the way his little stop turned out. You could see he was sitting with his regret, like that ghost showing up was any of his fault. You patted his thigh in a comforting manor before remembering something. You waited until you got to his parents’ house though. 
“We’re here,” Johnny parked the car with a tired sigh. 
“Hey… uh, I found something interesting while at that house,” You fished around in your pockets, pulling out the stack of photos you found. You gave them a once over, none of them were ruined during the chaos. You handed him them and he gasped in recognition. He had a fond smile on his face as he flipped through the photos.
“So,  are you going to explain why those were hidden under the floorboards?” You inquire once he’s done flipping through them. 
“Aye, it was just for safekeepin’, we wanted to hopefully go back and fix the old place up more,” he explained, “Obviously that never happened but I’m glad ye found these, mo ghraidh,” he kissed you softly and that seemed to be the end of that. 
Johnny’s ma was currently fussing over your back injury. While she was cleaning and disinfecting the wound she was scolding Johnny for bringing you there in the first place. It was kind of funny watching it all play it out. Your attention was brought away from them when his older sister walked into view and cleared her throat. 
“What’s that behind your friend John?” She picked out the photo she was talking about and handed it over to Johnny. He seemed to pale slightly once he saw what she was talking about. He just silently turned the photo towards you and his ma. There in the right corner behind Johnny’s friend was the thing you both saw in the vanity. 
“Man, I guess you’ve got a stalker,” You joked. Johnny’s ma initially gasped in horror before laughing at your joke.
“That’s not funny, hen,” he grumbled.
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WC: 2,152
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fillinforlater · 2 years
A mommy eunbi breeding fic, but a long one cause she wouldn’t just want to stop at just one, heheheheheh.
Eleven to One: Fulfilling Filling
Male Reader x Kang Hyewon, Kwon Eunbi
Length: 4922 words
Tags: rough sex, daddy kink, mommy kink, liquor play, threats and blackmail attempts, angry sex, dom/sub dynamic, master/slave play, pussy eating, curses and degradation, bend over, doggy, standing sex, denial to breed, slave!Hyewon, breeding kink, breed Eunbi, creampie, multiple orgasm, fucked silly, sex while sitting, riding, reverse cowgirl, tit play, tit sucking, ass eating, threesome, finger licking, Mommy!Eunbi
TW: rough sex, degradation, heavy dom/sub dynamics, impregnation
Inspiration: BREED EUNBI
Credit: @sooyadelicacies for co-writing. Good job, as always.
(A/N: 14 months since @dreamcatchers-husband dropped the request. Sorry for the long wait. I think three loads are enough for her?)
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"Congratulations, Mr. Co-CEO."
Hyewon raises her champagne filled glass for a toast. Two glasses clink amongst delighted chatter, laughs, and general sounds of celebration. You return a kind smile before sending the expensive liquor down your throat in a swirl. You notice that Hyewon watches you intently in her professional, dark blue blazer. Suddenly, her hand is on your back and she pulls herself closer. A bit handsy for such a public setting, you think.
"And thank you for the filling, Daddy," Hyewon whispers, her ruby lips in a striking smirk.
"You're welcome, Mrs. Co-CEO," you respond and secretly graze her belly. It's a bit brazen, given that you are still in front of many employees and lawyers who helped to make this insane merger possible. They can feel the money already pouring in, especially because the conglomerate of your company and Hyewons is not a monopoly under korean law—
Your phone rings. Eunbi's number pops up on screen.
"Excuse me for a moment, I must take this call. Cheers everyone! Please enjoy yourselves."
You step out for a moment and answer the phone with a curious hum.
"Eunbi? What's up?"
"I know it, all of it."
Eunbi’s voice is demanding, yet something soft and fragile makes her seem like she can't hold herself back. Time for you to figure out why she is so on fire.
"You know what? I think I never told you the details of how to restructure two companies for a fitting merger," you chuckle and imagine Eunbi rolling her eyes, her fingers trembling as she tightly clenches her phone.
"Stop that bullshit right now. I know that you filled her."
You were stunned and moved further away and into a private room. 
"Eunbi, let me explain..." 
"Save it. How could you do this to Yujin?" she says upset. You're smarter than that. This blame game is something you’re quite familiar with. Ignore the Yujin stuff for a minute and decipher Eunbi’s tone. 
"You're not mad about that… you're upset because you’re not the first, right?”
"D-don't flatter yourself, asshole," Eunbi quickly shouts. You hit the spot, now it's time to poke her until she falters.
"You're lying to yourself, Eunbi. They all call you the M-word, but you're not the one becoming an actual mother,” you counter, quickly slipping back into CEO mode. You know how to turn this on her. 
"IZ*ONE… your precious IZ*ONE-girls. You miss them all, don't you? You miss not having a group around you. Sure you've done well enough as a soloist, and you have a dog who is always on your side. But let’s be honest, who doesn't? 
“No, it's not the same, is it? Because it doesn’t matter; it can never change the fact that Yujin, Minju, Hyewon, Chaewon—they aren't really your children."
Still no response from her, just the continuous heavy breathing from the other side of the speaker. Now you're really poking an angry bull that is ready to pierce you with its horns. But you're not scared of horns or bulls. Otherwise you would not be atop the food chain right now.
"A Mommy with no children, ts, don't make me laugh. You act concerned for Yujin, but it's just a front. Face it, Eunbi: with or without IZ*ONE, you're not even close to being a Mommy."
You might be right, but Eunbi wasn't a leader for nothing. She is still fearless, willing to fight back even as you wrestle her down in your heated exchange.
"My place or I am spilling everything to Yujin. I know you haven't told her yet. If you aren't here in the next 20 minutes, you can kiss your merger goodbye."
"Do you think that makes me scared," you respond coldly, "You can't force me to do anything. If you want to be a real Mommy, you gotta take a different approach."
Eunbi was backed in a corner and bested. She wasn’t even bluffing, but if you weren't afraid of the affair with Hyewon and the somewhat questionable merger becoming public, she had nothing on you. No final tricks up her sleeve, nothing she could use to get what she wants. Unless, her approach should have been different from the start.
"Baby,.please… Mommy needs you." 
Her tone becomes soft, motherly, and needy. Much more to your liking.
"Mommy needs me, aw~" you mock her tone yet won't hesitate in giving her what she so desires. "Mommy is going to get me. But it's on my terms. Frankly, I have something better to do right now. Wait for me till the end of the week, maybe I'll be free then."
Eunbi whines at the other end of the line. Inaudible phrases and sounds of disagreement come through the speaker but they are not even touching the surface of your resolve. You'll stay and celebrate.
You focus your mind on the task—or someone at hand. You need to celebrate the merger properly. Go back into the office room and gain everyone's attention by clearing your throat.
"I hate to cut things short, but we'll continue the celebrations later tonight at dinner. Miss Kang and I need to discuss some next steps going forward; if you could all give us the room," you say smoothly, a professional, genuine seeming smile on your lips.
Hyewon looks puzzled for a second, but after exchanging a couple of glances with her, she adds even smoother than you did:
"I already rented a hotel further down the street with a banquet and excellent wine. We'll follow after you, just make sure to leave something for us."
No further complaints, men and women in suits leave the office and their chatter fades away quickly. You lock the door behind them and Hyewon pushes a button instantly blackening out the windows to the room.
You look at Hyewon with lust. She is carrying your child, she has become fully bound to you, an unbreakable connection that glues companies together, but also a slave to her Master
"Hyewon, I need to fucking pound you in my office,” you emphasize and step in front of her.
"Yes, Daddy," Hyewon moans and drops her dress pants as she bends over, "Fuck your slut on your table. Make sure she is your breeding cow."
With a hand on her back you press Hyewon's upper body onto the stacks of paper and certificates. A half-filled glass with champagne tumbles to the floor, the other is saved by Hyewon who gasps at your fingers kneading her bare ass.
You admire the sight, feel the softness of her ass. It belongs to you. Firm, smooth, you can’t help but stick your face on it in wanton desire. Further below is the slit that you so clearly marked with repetitive, rough thrusts and cream filling. Before you do it again, you need a taste.
"I'm hungry. Daddy shouldn't go hungry, right?" 
You don't give Hyewon time to respond as you already access her holes and take a swipe of her pussy with your tongue. It's incredible that she is still this tight, her walls pressing down on your tongue as you take your licking session deeper for a minute. After hours and hours of breeding sessions over the last month, your big cock stretched Hyewon out good, but her insides are still godly tight.
Even better: it’s all yours.
You probably fucked Hyewon ten times more than you did Yujin over the last couple of weeks. Luckily you don't have to concern yourself with this now. Yujin is still occupied with shooting new episodes for her group. There is no reservation, neither in your mind or your heart thus you give Hyewon a firm smack and nibble on her clit.
"Daddy, fuck! Keep eating me, I am just a whore for you and your hunger. Oh shit, Master, give me more, please!"
"You're just a slut for your Master," you confirm her eager statement. You lips place kisses on where her pussy lips are exceptionally sensitive, and her clit is subject to constant teasing of your wet tongue. Your fingers dig into her pillowy ass, another tiny puzzle piece to make Hyewon cum.
"Master, fuck! Your tongue is so good, your mouth, I don't de-deserve this!
"I'm yours, I'm yours, I'm—"
You growl. Tug on her hair as you get up. Her face winces near yours, your fingers drag over her labia, but it’s purposefully restrained and not enough to push her over the edge.
"You're right, you don't. Why the fuck am I exhausting my energy in your pleasure? Doesn't Master's pleasure take priority? Whose pleasure is the only one that matters?"
Spit in her face. Hyewon's mouth barely produces a real word in between her never ending output of mewls and whines. You rub your spit over her cheeks and then to her mouth.
"Good whore," you say dryly, threatening without a threat. Reach for the not-broken glass and guide it to Hyewon's lips. "Open up."
The remaining champagne falls down Hyewon's throat as you force her head back to the point she can look up at you. She struggles with the punch of the liquor and its fizziness, yet you still reward her by drooling on her face.
"Really good whore."
"Thank you, Master."
Arms wrap around Hyewon's body, you squeeze her waist and chest tightly, fingers delicately placed on her throat. Eyes still locked, you firmly press your erection against Hyewon's butt, two layers of designer fabric between leaving her squirm in need and in pleasure.
"You want this, huh?" you growl, fingers ridding Hyewon of her proper breath.
"Y-yes, Master."
She struggles to keep eye contact, her nostrils widen and narrow rapidly in search of air. Spit on her again, unamused. Poor thing, it's not even her fault that Eunbi decided to be such a blackmailing bitch tonight. But this is what Hyewon signed up for. Literally.
"I'll give it to you, but first—"
You pull out your phone and let Hyewon breathe again. Open the camera and press it in her hand, before pressing on her throat again. 
"Film yourself. Tell your dear leader what you think of her being so greedy, needy, and bitchy about being bred. Do you think Eunbi deserves to be filled like you?"
"Master… a recording? Wh-what if someone finds it? I…" Hyewon hesitates, something you despised; disobedience, fear, caution.
"Do you think Eunbi will expose you?” you growl in fury. “Do you trust her this little? Even worse, why do you disobey me?"
Another spit in her face. The saliva on her face makes the celebratory make up run down her features from all sides in falls of pink, red and black. To say that she is a mess would be an understatement. Hyewon looks down right filthy.
"Why do you still disobey me, your Master? You’ve been bred, now show me your gratitude!" 
You roar and rip her outfit. You don't care about messing up your extravagant ten thousand dollar carpet, taking another glass of champagne and pouring it down her body. The need to suck her not yet filled, but still great tits overcomes you.
"Master, I'm sorry! I'll do as you say, ah!"
Bite her nipple, before more of the liquor touches your tongue. These things never come easy. It's always a struggle, the taming, then keeping them down. You’ve been through this enough times with her, with Yujin. Hopefully your future endeavors will be more relaxed, or else you have to change your strategy.
"Then fucking do it, or I'll never fuck you again. My God, I thought we got over this."
Hyewon's entire arm shakes as she tries to focus the phone's camera on her. In the meantime, your mouth moves down to her belly button and you suck all around it. Now Hyewon has not only her moaning, drooling, tearfilled face on video, but also her pink areolae and hard nipples atop voluptuous breasts.
You wait for the right moment as Hyewon struggles to keep her arm stable to record the message for her Unnie. She doesn’t deserve any easy out to finish this mission, so you strike at her pussy once more. Savor the juices on your fingers, before you plunge them into her. 
"Eunbi… I've been b-bred, by Master a-and…" 
"Ah, I-I... Hng!"
Lick again and Hyewon almost drops the phone. You'd shout at her for the disobedience, but this is actually amusing.
"Go on."
"I-I... I'm his de-devout breeding cow and—ah, fuck!"
You begin to roughly suck at her clit. Hyewon starts to cry and wail in pleasure. Rouge, spit, tears and sweat make her face the penultimate canvas of messiness. Only needs some streaks of white on it.
"He-he is the best!" Hyewon screams out as you imagine finishing on her face to make it the perfect masterpiece to hang in a museum, "How d-dare you be a b-b-bitch to him, ah, how dare you— fuck, Master, I'm going to c-cum!"
"Don't, or you'll regret it!" You stop your tongue movement and only knead Hyewon thighs in a slow, annoyingly unsatisfying pattern.
"U-Unnie, you have n-no right to be bred. You're not a cow, and not a Mo-Mommy! Ah, fuck!"
Two fingers scissor their way into Hyewon's core and spread her pink walls with no regard to their natural width. The woman tumbles and almost falls to the ground, the dress pants still wrapped around her ankles. You catch her with a strong hand and slowly bend her over again.
"I think this message will do. Now send!”
Press her back down to emphasize your words, as if the rod poking her core isn’t enough.
“Your Master will rail you in this office, on every fucking surface. You're my little sex slut slave, aren't you? Dirty bitch!" 
"Y-Yes, Master, I'm so-sorry for being so–"
You pin Hyewon harder to the desk hard and your quickly freed, painfully hard shaft glides into this familiar cavern full of warmth, eager to milk you dry. Her walls are ready, but Hyewon's mind is not. Fuck it, fuck her. Your pelvis hits Hyewon's ass with such force, it sounds like you're whipping it. 
"Ma-Master, I—" Hyewon screams, her mind spinning out of reach for her to produce anymore words. It's all in vain, she is back to being the breeding cow, but this time her Master really treats her just like an object, a—
"Shut up, slave! Just moan, cry, whimper and make yourself useful with your body!"
You lift up one of Hyewon's legs and place it onto the desk. At this angle, each time you shove your cock into her, the entire wooden structure shakes and cracks. Pens and lamps rain down from the surface, your fucking is an unstoppable earthquake to these tiny objects.
Hyewon's juice becomes creamy, her voice a tad bit hoarse after countless screams. The orgasms you fuck into her soft pink hole make her seem more like an engaging fleshlight than a serious business woman. Press said fleshlight against a wall, her solid nubs thus feel the cold surface. Hyewon tenses up, her cunt grips but it can’t stop you. Spear her open and reach deeper thanks to the new standing position. Leave marks of your teeth on her shoulder.
As you continue to hammer into Hyewon, making her cry and scream profanities, someone decides to hammer the door. With wide open eyes of lust and rage you stare at the booming metal. The person on the other side does not show signs of stopping, another wave of hard knocks. What if someone heard you? Did you underestimate Hyewon's voice and the repetitive slaps of skin on skin? 
Or is it what you are hoping for?
"Come on in, Eunbi."
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You smirk and Hyewon's eyes widen. You know that she hates being seen like this, especially by her beloved Unnie. Fortuna is ever in your favor. An equally abashed, angry, nervous and embarrassed woman pushes open the door. Before Hyewon can scream at the sight of her friend, you firmly shut her mouth with a palm. 
"Do you mind closing the door?" you say with a smug grin at an out of breath Eunbi. It looks like she doesn't want to comply, so you have to take different measures.
Grab Hyewon's waist, dig your fingers deep into the skin to form red marks, and turn her towards Eunbi. She wants to free herself but her struggle urges you to fuck into her again. Hyewon's resolve drops immediately and she cums almost instantaneously.
"N-no, U-Unnie, don't look, ah!"
"You better look at her, Eunbi! This could be you, but I bet you think you're better than this breeding cow. I don't see it. You lie to yourself, to me, and now you hesitate. Reminds me more of this bitch than a Mommy Mommy."
You're shouting stops as do your thrusts. Hyewon goes limp in your grasp and you let her drop to the floor like a disregarded sex toy. She searches for air, but more importantly, your cum. This time, you did not fill her pussy. There is nothing she can push back with her slutty digits.
"Ma-Master, please."
"You had enough already. I bred you constantly for an entire month. I bet you're pregnant already. Now, don't forget your fucking place, slave."
Hyewon looks down in shame. 
"Yes Master..." 
You focus all your attention on Eunbi now. She is where things get interesting, where your feelings and imaginations go wild. Sex toys and brats are great, but this older woman has a vastly different aura.
"Well,” you gently say, “what a time to come barging into my office. What is it that you want?"
"I want... I want..."
Eunbi stands in place, her feet unstable. She is swaying from side to side, unable to keep eye contact with you. She can't stand to look at Hyewon, but she is also unable to look away from the mess that you made her friend.
"Say it out loud, or I'm gone," you say with sigh, the tone of your voice more annoyed than threatening. "I'm getting soft at such hesitance."
"I want... you t-to breed me."
You smirk and sit down on your deluxe couch. This is usually the part where you make them drop to their knees and beg for your cock. They make compromises and say things they wouldn't have if you didn’t make them addicted to your cock. At least it worked like that with Hyewon, but Eunbi is so different. She already gains confidence, her steps more stable, her features soft, her body motherly.
"Baby,” she simply whispers and you're already in her spell, “Mommy wants you bad. Mommy wants to be filled, to be bred and to bear your children. 
“Won't you let Mommy be your slut?" she adds seductively.
"Ts, are you really a Mommy? I think you need me to do this," you slyly respond and put your hands on Eunbi's waist. You falsely assumed her approach had ended and that her resolve would crumble, but she quickly reaches for your shoulders, trapping you underneath her perfect frame.
"I know you want to cum in Mommy's pussy, I know you want to pump children into me. And I also know that you want Mommy to be a slut. But you have to ask me before you get it. Understood?"
You don't respond to her. To see what she will do next is just too intriguing to pass off. Like a tense, sexual thriller, you don’t want to know the end yet. 
“Don’t you want to make me a real Mommy? Say it, ask for it. My body is right here.”
"I don't have to ask for anything,” you say nonchalantly. “You're already here. In fact, maybe I'll breed all IZ*ONE girls before you. Hyewon, give Master a kiss."
Eunbi rolls her eyes and breaks eye contact to stare Hyewon down.
"Hye, don't listen to him. He has nothing on you and he definitely has nothing on me."
To your delight however, Hyewon does not hesitate this time. She gets off the floor, her knees still soft like warm butter from the rough pounding you gave her, and wobbles to the couch. She kneels next to you on the couch and takes your hand to kiss it carefully. Eunbi mewls in shock.
"Nothing on you, I see," you hum with a smirk. "Eunbi, if you're going to be a part of this I can't have you thinking that you can oppose me like this. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't smitten by you, but a good mother bearing my children needs to know her place in my domestic bliss."
With Eunbi's eyes in shock and awe, you put two fingers into Hyewon's mouth and make her slobber all over them. You watch her watch the woman become soft, weak like an inexperienced virgin. A virgin whose need to be bred excels all her other desires and logical needs. Will Eunbi go down the same way as Hyewon?
"You want to be their Mommy?" you suddenly whisper into Eunbi's ear as Hyewon willingly chokes on your fingers.
"Y-yes, of course." 
"Then admit it: you don't need to oppose me, to trump me, right?"
Her fate seems sealed. Just another toy in your repertoire, with huge tits and the desire to have cum inside her cunt all the time. You’re almost disappointed, but Eunbi’s final ace puts everything upside down.
"If-if you breed mommy,” she slowly says, “I'll bring you Chaewon."
Hyewon is too engrossed by her Master to be shocked. Did you hear that correctly? Eunbi, the mother hen, protector of her IZ*ONE children, would serve Chaewon up on a platter to you?
"I don’t know if you have met her yet, but Chaewon definitely does not like you and people like you. The way you are, you cannot reach her, trust me. But I swear, I’ll do everything to make her yours. Chaewon can be headstrong, but she's a good girl—and now you can be a good boy for mommy, right?”
Her spell leaves you stunned for a second. New information is being presented to you like this. On top of it, a very questionable deal, the kind of deal you only strike in a dark room, no eyes to see, no ears to pry. Eunbi is something else.
"Chaewon, can she really be turned?" you ask, with the last shreds of doubt and retrieve your wet digits from Hyewon's lips.
"Am I their Mommy, or not?"
"I think you are, Mommy."
"Then come and breed Mommy."
You take a deep breath and watch Eunbi slowly open her blouse to free her bra covered bosom. The enormous breasts bounce as she continues to undress herself. Your need gets the better of you. 
"Mommy," you whine. It’s the same cry from your first meeting. You’re the boy again, humble and small to no one but Kwon fucking Eunbi who smiles victoriously. She is the winner of this square off, yet still presents a feast before you as if you were the one who won.
"Mommy, please..."
"Open wide~" Eunbi giggles and presses her bare breasts into your face. Blinded by the massiveness of her tits and too engaged in sucking and licking them, you don't notice Eunbi ridding herself of her pants until something damp rests on the head of your shaft.
"Good to see that you still like them. I know that the other girls have nice boobs as well.
"But none compare to Mommy's. Isn't that right, hm~?"
You're inclined to agree with her but not only her tits, also her wet panties rubbing over your semi-hard shaft leave you speechless. Eunbi continues her sweet hums. 
"Baby, you're so powerful, so aggressive and calculating…but that can be a lot, right? So you'll be good, relax and let Mommy take care of you.”
She disconnects her tits from your face to see you nod, greedy and needy for more of her soft pillows, but equally desperate to pierce her open and watch her wring you dry. 
"Don't hold back," Eunbi moans and pulls her panties to the side. "Relax and cum, cum many times in Mommy's pussy."
"Fuck, Mommy!"
"Ma-Master," Hyewon whines from the side, but Eunbi puts a finger on her lips.
"I know you're needy, Hye, but this—" 
Eunbi sinks on your cock, her pussy suddenly filled with what she was craving for for hours. She throws her head back and shouts the rest of her sentence skyward.
"—is for me, for my children."
"Oh fuck, Mommy," you exclaim, but Eunbi shushes you like she did with Hyewon.
"That's right baby, fuck Mommy hard. Fill me up as much as you want. Oh baby, once I'm pregnant, my boobs will get even bigger and they will swell with milk. Would you like that baby? To suck on Mommy's tits and drink my milk? I know you want it so you need to make sure I'm pregnant, breed me, breed Mommy!”
Your hips get a mind of their own. They’re thrusting up, without rhythm, but Eunbi adjusts her rhythm of bouncing on you to make her pussy suck you in with no disconnection. Meanwhile your lips search for her large nipples and the pink areola around it. You begin to bite it, suck it, imagining the milk coming out already. 
"I can feel you trembling, fuck, baby," Eunbi says and holds onto your shoulders for stability. "Cum in me, make me cum, but please cum, oh fuck!"
Eunbi wets the couch in a sudden, messy orgasm. Her squirts of warm juice make you lose control. That fucking thing, control, always in your grasp. But with Mommy, you lose it for a sweet, sweet moment. You pump your fertile batter into Eunbi and temporarily join her in deep moans.
"More, more!" Eunbi screams and continues to bounce.
"Mo-Mommy, Master," Hyewon whines, three fingers deeply penetrating her cunt.
"Baby girl~" Eunbi moans and reaches for Hyewon's hair. "Go lick Mommy's ass. I know you like that, filthy slut."
Hyewon's already red cheeks begin to burn. She is too embarrassed to look at you, probably hoping you forget what Eunbi just said. But you will make sure to remember this and try it on her soon. She gets on her knees behind Eunbi's ass and the Mommy immediately begins to groan in satisfaction. 
"Fuck, you're even tighter, Mommy," you groan in a mix of pain and bliss, the actions of Hyewon’s tongue immediately showing results.
"Her tongue is amazing, almost the best," Eunbi moans happily, her head still thrown back. You reach for her breasts, fondling the soft flesh to make your impending softness go away.
"How long until you get hard again, baby?"
"Different question Mommy: when will I get soft?" you respond with finesse and thrust upwards. "I think I can easily go for another round.”
"Then cum!" Eunbi shouts and pulls you into hug while fucking you with unmatched speed. The ripple of her thighs mirrors the ripples of your cock as you lose the ability to control your own orgasm. Let it go, it's an unrivaled feeling, as if a billion fireworks exploded in the most primal part of your brain. Eunbi made you skip the phases of overstimulation and recovery with her insane body. All features, inside or outside, are made to make you breed her.
"Mommy, Mommy, fuck, you're so tight!"
"Give me everything, e-every drop!"
She milks you, her hips still not stopping to pump as you dump more of your seed into her.  From in between your legs, you hear a faint disappointed sigh. Hyewon, her tongue still deep in Eunbi's ass, is unfilled, while her Unnie goes for another load. 
"You feel so good," Eunbi groans, eyes closed, fingers deep in Hyewon's hair to keep her steady. "I'm going to get pregnant, fuck yes!"
You shouldn't be able to do anything anymore. At this point, the limit of what a man can do should be reached. Countless of loads in Hyewon over the course of weeks, first her pussy, now Eunbis. It does not seem to stop, Mommy does not want to stop. Through heat and climax she fucks you silly.
Suck on her titties. That could have been an order from her, maybe it was, but you do it either way anyway. The numb tips of your fingers try to hold onto Eunbi's waist but she is too fast. You slip over her hips and onto the couch, unable to push her off if you want to.
"I know you can give me more, more cum, more children," Eunbi pants and pulls out your dazed head from her garden of melons to give you a sloppy kiss with too much tongue and too little oxygen. Her cunt gives you a final squeeze before your body raises the white flag.
"Mommy, I can't, I'm gonna—"
In a surprising twist, your balls hit Hyewon's chin as she sneakily went away from eating Eunbi's ass to licking tiny white droplets from the barely leaking slit. You got to hold on to this memory of your sack crazing her face as well. The excuse and the way you will punish her were neatly presented to you tonight.
But as you flood Eunbi's womb and sent her to motherly heaven with a perfectly timed, loud orgasm, who gives a shit if slaves defy masters and if Mommies break masters. Breed—the rest comes later.
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etherealvistas · 8 months
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Driving in Palestine now is more dangerous than ever.
Yesterday, I drove from Ramallah to Dura, a village near Hebron to attend the funeral of Ahed, my friend’s baby sister, who had just become a mother. She was shot by an Israeli sniper. A heartbreaking loss.
If I could use Israel’s apartheid roads designated for settlers, it would be an 80-90 minute drive, but it took me 4 hours.
First, we’re forced to take segregated Palestinian only roads which make it a 2.5 hour drive because of checkpoints.
But these days, it’s even worse as Israel has imposed an even more strict strangulation policy over the West Bank, which means even some of those segregated roads are blocked and there are 10 times as many checkpoints.
Taking this drive outside our village/cities of residence is extremely dangerous for three reasons:
Settler attacks: Israeli settlers are in rampage mode, and you don’t know when you could get hit by a rock or bullet from one of their raging mobs.
Soldiers at the end of a wrong turn: There are no signs for what “roads” are currently opened or closed for us, you have to guess or stop to ask locals every few miles. If you make a wrong turn and end up face to face with soldiers, they can shoot you, and claim you attacked them.
Arrests for social media posts: If you’re stopped at a checkpoint, soldiers these days are taking folks’ phones and checking their WhatsApp’s and telegram and instagram. If you have a message standing in solidarity with Gaza, or anything the Israeli soldiers see as offensive, they’ll beat you to a pulp, and could even arrest you. My friend Diala, a human rights lawyer, was just arrested at one of these checkpoints this evening. We don’t know why, but it likely relates to her work and messages they found on her phone about it.
On my end, driving back at night was a nightmare, mainly because I had a friend in the car and was worried about him.
As we drove back, these historically busy streets were ghostly empty because nobody is taking the risk of driving at night unless necessary.
Every turn I’d take, I’d slow down to a crawl to make sure there was no trigger happy soldier or angry settler ready to pounce.
I got lucky as, although we waited at a checkpoint for an hour, the soldiers got bored and literally opened the checkpoint for all the cars to pass without any security check — proof they’re using these checkpoints arbitrarily as collective punishment.
In Dura, I saw where Ahed was shot.
The soldiers had stormed her village as part of their intimidation tactics in the West Bank to keep people anxious. Ahed ran to her roof to warn her husband to come home. An Israeli sniper shot her in the head.
As I drove home, thinking of Ahed, her heart broken family, the families of my friends in Gaza, all the souls we’ve lost, and how easy my life could be taken for simply driving across my ancestral lands to help my friend in her grief.
It shouldn’t have to be said, but our lives are precious. They’re beautiful. They’re equally worthy of joy and basic dignity.
I’m committed to one day being able to drive across my people’s ancestral land a free man, surrounded by my liberated people.
If Israel’s death machine is haunting us around every corner, we might as well live fighting for a life worth dying for.
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AITA for keeping my friend away from a party?
This was a Christmas party mid December so it’s been a few months but I still feel extremely guilty for what happened. I had attempted suicide at the beginning of December so I wasn’t in the greatest headspace leading up to this event. I wasn’t sleeping well and hadn’t slept at all before the party. I was considering just staying home but my friends and I agreed that it would probably do me good to go.
The party was themed around a musical group we all enjoy. For the first few hours or so things were going well. But then we started doing trivia. The trivia was split between actual trivia questions (like when is X’s birthday) and opinion questions (like what is your favorite live performance by the group). EM, AN, and I are far more casual fans than AY and BA. BA is a super fan and knows just about everything you can about the group. She’s also the one who made the trivia. The rest of us were not doing well. We were getting nearly nothing correct for the regular trivia questions and didn’t know enough about the group to answer most of the opinion questions. AN and I started having fun by teaming up but that made BA very angry. She yelled at us and tried to get us to move so we weren’t sitting near each other. After that I sort of shut down. I’m autistic so when I shut down I go nonverbal so I wasn’t talking and I stopped writing anything down for answers. It wasn’t like I knew the answers anyway. This made BA even angrier. She kept yelling at me to write something and I just couldn’t. It was like I was frozen. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t speak, I was certain I was going to start crying. AY asked if I needed to go home and I nodded.
AY’s husband offered to drive me home since AN drove me to the party but AN said she didn’t mind driving me home. I figured she’d just take me home then return to the party but she ended up coming in to my apartment with me to make sure I was okay. Once I was able to talk again I told her I was okay if she wanted to return to the party. She told me she hated the trivia so she wasn’t in a hurry to go back. We ended up hanging out at my apartment and talking for close to 2 hours. I asked her a few times during that time if she wanted to/should go back but she chose to stay. I know AY messaged her at one point but I don’t know what either of them said. After she left I went to bed.
AY messaged me the next morning checking to make sure I was okay. And everything was fine with her. But from after the party until around early February BA was ignoring me. She tends to do that if she gets angry at me. I didn’t put much effort into trying to talk to her because when she’s in one of these moods she either ignores me or is extremely mean and I’d rather deal with being ignored than the mean mode. At some point in February she started taking to me again as if nothing was wrong. This is what usually happens. She starts taking to me again and we pretend nothing happened and never really address what was wrong. I’m pretty sure she was angry about what happened at the party. I asked AN if she had any other ideas but she was certain it had to do with that as well. I feel extremely bad about shutting down, ruining the vibes, and having to leave early. I feel like that was an ESH situation. What I want to know is if I was the asshole for keeping AN away from the party. I feel I should have insisted she go back once I was able to talk again. I think that’s likely what BA was upset about. I feel like I was selfish and just happy to have someone to talk to for a little while without the pressure of the trivia at the party but it made things worse between BA and I.
So AITA for keeping my friend from the party?
What are these acronyms?
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mochiwrites · 5 months
Secret husbands au!!! We've talked about avian/watcher instincts but what about vex and how does vex magic work? Does scar have wings? Also love ur au sm!
ehehehe thankie!! :D
scar has wings!! he just doesn't have them out all that often. he can fly with them, but he's been so used to not having wings and only an elytra that it feels weird to fly with his own wings
vex magic... I think most of it is phasing through things and (ironically) work well with magic crystals? if we look at minecraft lore and how vex are typically tied to evokers, I think vex have a nice mixed bag of little spells they're able to do. so scar has a blast enchanting crystals
I also think when scar goes full vex mode, the scars light up in the same way that an angry vex's do !! his hair also goes white hehe
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i-am-vita · 10 months
OPLA hot older guys headcanons
Yesterday was the longest working day I've had in a while and my brain decided to affect my concentration and performance by hyperfixated in one thing only: THE AMOUNT OF HOT OLDER GUYS IN OPLA.
(The highlight of the day being @fanaticsnail based her new Mihawk fic on the dream I had the other day. I can´t still thank you enough! ToT)
So now my brain won't let me live in peace without getting these reader-headcanons into the internet in a kind of kill, marry, kiss way but instead we kiss all of them at one point of our life.
👉 Masterlist, More here.
Warning: mention of sex, drinking and general horny thoughts (?) Probably very bad written since english is not my first language XD
So you, my gentle readers, are a semiretired white collar thief, former first mate of the misterious Phantom Pirates, who had to go into hidding to take care of your little niece after your older sister and her marine husband died in a shipwreck 8 years ago.
You're pretty set in giving your niece a comfortable and peacefull life, like her parents had, but she may have other ideas and be more like yourself than her own mother, because at 18yo she escaped home while you was visiting a neighbour island for business.
Now you're on full mama goose mode, searching for your duckling for the East Blue. And may reaquaint with some interesting men of your past.
Lets get a look at them ;)
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Current (VERY) interested. Doesn't know if he wants to behead you or fuck you.
You met during a heist at a marine's party going very bad a year ago. Your crew weren't aware of his attendance to the party (the man hardly attends his own warlord reunions), so you had to make a last minute distraction or you would've been discovered. So distracting Dracule Mihawk by heavy flirting with him and stealing his golden cross-knife was the best you could came up with.
You're an excellent knife wielder but your price habilities are in the infiltrate area so slipping away is kind of your thing. Nobody can keep up with you. Except a very pissed off warlord.
After an action packed chase, filled with you getting under his skin and him almost getting you more times than you're comfortable remembering, you considered it was enough time for the crew to had escape the party, so you released his cross and got the hell out of there leaving a very crossed (hah) Mihawk.
Since you semiretired 8ya, you pulled a job with your old crew from time to time and just if it was a very big score, but your reputation precedes you, and Mihawk managed to connect you with the infamous Phantom Pirates with many other thefts along the Grand Line and even inside Marine Bases in all the Blues.
The thing about the Phantom Pirates is that nobody knows who they are or how they look like. Your captain just known as a white masked man, no name but "Captain of the Phantom Pirates" 150,000,000. Your own wanted posters without photo but a ? and the epitet "The Ghost Rose" 80,000,000. Until now. Mihawk saw enough of you to recognize you if he sees you again but decides against informing the government.
You're his to find and deal with ;)
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The controlling and toxic angry ex we all should have for drama.
You met during your golden years as a first officer of the Phantoms, your crew and his having a brief alliance to work together several times.
You thought you were perfect for each other, both loving your plans and having similar habilities with knives and speed, but his controlling, manipulating, perfectionist and literal bloody tendencies sour the deal pretty soon.
He didn't see you as an equal but another pawn for his plans, apparently the only one good enough by his standards, but still a pawn. So you dumped his presumptuous ass and sailed away to never see each other again.
You didn't feel a little sorry after hearing of his passing.
Now you have tracked your niece to Syrup Village, the home of some old friends of her parents and whose daughter, Kaya, had keep in contact with through the years but haven't seen since before her own parents passed away.
There you came to know that indeed your niece arrived the day prior just in time for her friend's 18th birthday and, after a very eventfull night, she sailed away with a group of Kaya's new friends and saviors that same morning in a new vessel with a ram's head.
The fact they got acquainted with Kuro himself, who turned to be alive and posing as Kaya's buttler for 3 years, paled in comparison to discover this little group has a boy captain set to sail the Grand Line to find the One Piece. And if the witness of the shipyard got it right, already has a big ass marine ship tailing them.
Judging by their route, they were heading to the Sambas Region and there's only one place to dock there...
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The what-migh-have-been if he wasn't such a workaholic and you hadn't run away from home.
You met back in your previous life when you were a young debutante set by your parents to settle with a respectable marine husband, like your big sister.
He was just promoted to Garp's right hand despite his youth. Being one of the youngest officers with a promising career.
You were indeed charmed by him, but found yourself suffocating by the idea of a future like your sister's. Even after he confessed his plans of sailing the world and not being opposed to his future wife to be a marine too with him.
You did wanted a life of adventure and liberty, but not as a marine. You rejected his proposal and dissapeared days after. Your family came up with the story of you leaving to be an artist and study with the masters in the continent.
Truly nobody had a clue of you for years until you showed up after hearing of your sister's death to take care of your niece, looking like a well put together and wealthy art dealer.
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The one you ran away with to a life of piracy.
Days after rejecting Bogard and be sent by your parents to some "vacation" to think better of your life choices, you went to hide from your chaperones in a shaddy bar, full of young confidence that you could deal with it.
Plot twist: you did not. You found yourself in the universal female experience of dealing with guys not accepting a no for an answer and had to be rescued by a charming redhead in a straw hat whom you ran away with that same night after you both stole everything you could from those assholes ship and your chaperone's.
After burning out the initial passion, you and Shanks decided that maybe were better as friends, but still sailed together for a while, you learning everything about pirate life from him until you crossed paths with the Phantom Pirates. Captain Erik, being really impressed by you and your knowledge of the upper society, offered you a place in his crew, which you accepted, and kept training you.
Shanks and you remained good friends over the years, even assisting to his legendary drink parties from time to time. Your crew never having any reason to being enemies and even helping his if they needed intel on something.
Didn't expect to be precisely him to give you "parental advice" after you went looking for him when hearing he was in a nearby island, now minus an arm, and confessed you were semi-retired with a child to take care.
No, the child wasn't from him! Why would his crew would thing that?
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But your stupid crew'd never let you live down that.
Surprinsingly, your Captain Erik and Captain Buggy turned to be very good friends. Both with a flair for dramatics and love for certain aesthetics, but yours being happy with working in the shadows, which suited Buggy perfectly.
Every time your crews crossed paths, it was a full carnival for days. And it was in one of those that it happened.
Even if you like and hold very well your alcohol, that time you were really wasted, having just broke up with Kuro. There was no way you'd had jump the clown's bones otherwise. You had standards!
But who'd have thought that the mad jester was such a charmer while drunk? Whispering dirty while still sweet poetry to your ears. Had his eyes always been so pretty? And those arms looked like they might hold you up without effort...
You woke up in his tent with the worst hangover of your life, naked and with a surprinsingly good recollection of the night before.
Of course you took your clothes and ran away to hide in your quarters for the rest of the day.
Fortunately, Buggy hadn't such a detailed memory of the night prior and assumed he passed it with one of the hired women from the local brothel whom the crew invited to the party.
But of course, your captain saw you leaving Buggy's tent and wouldn't stop teasing you for the rest of your life.
That's it, my gentle readers. The headcanons for today and I'm already regreting it because my head is full of more ideas than ever and my job performance so down that I'm considering just dig its grave XD
👉 More here.
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