petite-phthora · 8 months
They don't even have dental
[DP x DC fic]
[Love at first... murder? - part 15]
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Part 1
Private chat nicknames:
RedHood = Jason
Danny = Danny
Danny and Ellie are both on their way to Danny’s apartment. Both flying invisibly while in ghost form with Danny holding onto Ellie’s hand to lead the way to his apartment without losing her.
As they’re flying, the silence gets broken by Ellie. She smacks her lips a few times and lets out a thoughtful hum.
“Mmmm… it’s spicy”
“What? What’s spicy?”
“Red Hood”
“Red Hood?”
“Yeah, his blood. It’s got some twang to it… not too bad to be fair, could use some more kick though” Ellie says with a shrug.
At this point, they’ve reached Danny’s apartment. They enter through the wall, both becoming visible and transforming back, landing on the floor.
Danny levels Ellie with an eyebrow raise he learned from Jazz, though hers is still better.
“Right…” He shakes his head, deciding not to ask. He asks her another couple of questions instead.
“So, care to tell me what you’re doing here in Gotham chewing on the local vigilantes? You know to only bite people in self-defense, when they’re assholes, or with consent, so what made you bite Red Hood?
“What are you even doing in Gotham for that matter? I thought the plan was to stay in Mexico for another week before moving onto Peru?”
He looks at her, eyebrow still raised and arms crossed. The look on his face is neither mad nor annoyed, just curious.
“Would you believe me if I told you I just came to give a surprise visit to my darling involuntary DNA donor?” She asks, putting her hands together in a pleading gesture and batting her eyes with a pout.
“… Well, not if you say it like that…” Danny says with a slight frown.
Ellie pouts before shrugging. “Worth a shot.”
She looks at Danny, seeing he’s still leveling her with a look, and lets out a long dramatic sigh. While sighing, she slinks down onto the floor dramatically.
“Fineeeeee” She draws out, lying flat on the floor.
“But, if you’d had a wider vocabulary you’d know I already told you about what I’m doing here!” She says in an accusatory tone, finger pointing at Danny for good measure.
She then crosses her arms and closes her eyes.
“It’s not my fault you didn’t understand me.”
Danny uncrosses his arms and rolls his eyes.
“Not everyone has followed Clockworks ‘Cryptic messaging 101’ course.” He says.
“They should, it was really informative.”
Ellie sits upright with another sigh.
“All I’m doing is testing if he’s good enough for you.” She says.
“If who is good enough for me?”
“If that vigilante boyfriend of yours deserves to date my mold. “ She pauses. “My stencil? Framework? Blueprint?” Ellie trails off, finger on her chin.
“Just call me brother, that’s easier” Danny cuts in.
Ellie waves him off, unconcerned.
“Anyway, he needs to prove himself, his worth, and for that, I’m setting up multiple challenges. If he succeeds them all, he’s got my blessings and is free to date you, if both of you so wish.
“But if he fails…” Ellie trails off. She puts her hands together, a feral grin on her face.
Danny doesn’t bat an eye.
“So what, you came back from Mexico earlier than planned to haze the guy I’m dating?”
“Mhmm!” Ellie nods enthusiastically in response, the feral look from before gone as if it was never there.
“And biting him was just another one of these challenges?” He continues.
“Yup! He passed, by the way, flying colors” Ellie says.
“Do I get to know what exactly you scored him on and what you were testing him for at that moment?”
“Do you want to know?”
Danny pauses.
“You know what… Nah, I’m good.”
Ellie nods along, “A wise decision.”
“Well, since your plans were kinda last-minute, do you need a place to stay?” Danny asks.
“I don’t really have a guest bedroom, apartments too small for that, but the couch is very comfy. 8/10 sleeping spot. Some points get docked ‘cause it still smells like the marinara sauce I spilled on there when I first moved in.” He shrugs.
Ellie shakes her head in response. She stands up, dusting off her pants as she does so, as she replies.
“Nah, no need to worry about me. I’ve got it handled, already found a place to crash for the foreseeable future.” She pauses.
“Though I will raid your ice cream stash. As payment.” Ellie says as she turns around and moves towards Danny’s kitchen where she immediately starts rooting through his freezer.
“Payment? For what? Being a feral little shit and biting my boy— I mean my uh, partner-friend?” Danny asks, not really making any move to stop her from taking his food.
Ellie pretends to not have noticed the slip-up.
“No.” She rolls her eyes. “Payment for being an awesome Fright Knight for His Majesty,” She says, giving him a mocking bow while clutching a tub of ice cream to her chest with one arm.
Danny rolls his eyes right back at her.
“I’m not even king yet.” He denies “Just the Crown Prince. Still have to wait till I’m an elder in ghost years before they can force me on the throne, luckily.”
He then raises an eyebrow at her again.
“And I’m pretty sure the position of Fright Knight is not a paid position”
Ellie gasps dramatically.
“Are you saying you don’t pay your workers, My Liege? Blasphemy!” She sticks the spoon she grabbed from his drawer in the air, still clutching the ice cream tub with her other arm.
“Next you’re gonna tell me we don’t have dental” She scoffs.
Danny thinks for a second.
“Well, uh…”
This elicits another dramatic gasp from Ellie.
“No! I can’t believe it! My very own template, a tyrant! The very thing he destroyed to get where he currently is in the first place” She pretends to almost faint, swaying for a few steps with the hand that’s holding the spoon dramatically on her forehead.
She closes her eyes with a fake sorrowful expression on her face.
“Well, you know what they say. You either die a hero or live long enough to become a villain.”
She sadly shakes her head.
 “Wait till I tell Sam about your authoritarian leadership,” She says, looking at Danny with narrowed eyes.
“I’m pretty sure you used the word authoritarian wrong, but I don’t know enough about English to dispute you” Danny shrugs.
Ellie sticks out her tongue at him. Danny just rolls his eyes.
“Just take the ice cream as payment then, Fright Ellie? Ellie Knight?” Danny pauses.
“It’s Sir Ellie the Frightful or Sir Ellie of the Infinite Realms,” Ellie says helpfully.
“Right.” Danny nods along. “And I’ll ask Clockwork and Frostbite about the dental stuff, alright?”
Ellie cheers and starts floating. She begins stuffing her face with the ice cream. In between bites, she speaks up again.
“If I don’t hear back about dental within a month, I’m gonna assume you’ve gone full-on tyrant and I’ll start a revolution to dethrone you.” She says with a self-assured nod.
“Not like you’ll have to do a lot of effort for your recruiting, most of them already like you more than me anyway,” Danny replies.
Ellie cackles, by now floating upside down with the ice cream. Once she’s done she speaks up again.
“Hah! Heh… Well, anyway, I’ve got some challenges to prepare. See ya, Mr. Polar Bear!”
Danny’s cheeks flush a little.
“You were there?!”
All he gets in response is another round of cackles as Ellie flies full-speed through the wall of his apartment with the ice cream and spoon, turning invisible once outside.
It’s the next day when Danny unlocks his phone to a message from the private chat group with Red Hood.
Private chat
~ RedHood changed the name of Danny to Kangaroo ~
RedHood: There, that’s better.
Kangaroo: hey!! 😲
Kangaroo: I’m not the kangaroo here 😠😠
Kangaroo: like, I was the one who said it!!!
Kangaroo: I said it to you 🫵
Kangaroo: so you’re the kangaroo here 😤
Kangaroo: if anything, I’m the polar bear 😌
Kangaroo: cause of like
Kangaroo: y’know
Kangaroo: yesterday? 🙃
Kangaroo: y’know seeing you reading my messages without replying is kinda nerve racking 😅😓
Kangaroo: not gonna lie
Kangaroo: Red Hood?... 😟
~ RedHood changed the name of Kangaroo to PolarBear ~
~ RedHood changed their name to Kangaroo ~
Kangaroo: This better, Mister ‘I’m the polar bear’?
Danny smiles down at his phone for a second before replying. His cheeks are slightly pink.
He really likes Hood…
PolarBear: perfect 😊
Kangaroo: Good.
Kangaroo: Now, I actually messaged you because I wanted to discuss the next date :)
Kangaroo: If you’d still like to go.
PolarBear: yes!
PolarBear: of course I still want to go 😊
PolarBear: does this Saturday afternoon work for you?
Kangaroo: Yep, that works.
PolarBear: great!
PolarBear: but!! ☝️
PolarBear: this time I get to plan the date 😤😌
PolarBear: like, the second part of the date
PolarBear: after tp-ing that manor 😁😇
PolarBear: cause you planned the last date
PolarBear: so I wanna plan this one 🙃
PolarBear: if that’s cool with you too?
Kangaroo: That’s fine by me, Love :)
Kangaroo: How about I pick you up around 3pm this Saturday, I’ll bring us to Wayne Manor, and then for the second part of the date I’ll drive us there with you giving me directions.
PolarBear: sounds good to me!
Kangaroo: Great, see you then :)
PolarBear: see ya! 👋
PolarBear: oh!!
PolarBear: also
PolarBear: feel like I should warn you that you might be seeing Ellie some more in the near future 😅
PolarBear: apparently she’s trying to see if you’re gonna ‘treat me right’ and all that 🤔 🤔
PolarBear: and so she has some challenges or something prepared to make you prove your worth???
PolarBear: the biting thing was a part of that apparently 🤷
PolarBear: but you passed that challenge with flying colors btw 😊👍
PolarBear: anyway
PolarBear: good luck! and I’ll see you on Saturday 👋🙃
Danny turned off his phone with a smile.
Now, let’s plan that date.
@i-always-say-yea @uraniumwizard @why-must-i-be-like-this @griffinthing @i23432i @imsotiredfanficlovertm
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bunnyyamor · 2 years
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hina-hina · 2 years
König and the reader with the best friends to lovers trope. This trope is 🤌 and I want the fluff and cuteness overload. Maybe the reader is in another unit? Dealer's choice on that one.
This is one of the BEST tropes with König, Thank you for requesting!! I hope you like it!! ヾ(^▽^*)))
I took a couple liberties with this one but I hope you like it nonetheless! Also, a lot of this post is based off his biography from warzone, but of course I could have still gotten stuff wrong so I'm sorry about that!
|| König Having a Best Friends to Lovers Trope With Reader ||
Warnings: Tiny bit of angst,
Gender-Neutral!Reader // Romantic
Tumblr media
This trope with him is just(❤´艸`❤)
I imagine that both of you enlisted together
You were the first person he told about his plans to volunteer for the German Armed Forces
You, of course, tell him you are going with him
He tries to talk you out of enlisting but you refuse to let him go alone
You both try to become recon snipers but only you get selected for the platoon
You can tell König is hurt by not being selected due to his size
But he won't dare let you onto this, making sure you know that he's still happy for you
Despite the two of you being in different platoons, you still spend almost all of your off duty time together
You two do missions together often and he loves knowing that you have his back even if he can't see you
Imagine he's in a fight with an enemy and they get the upper hand somehow
A shot rings out, the enemy dropping dead and falling from where he had been pinning König
"I got you, big guy," your voice crackles over the coms
He just swoons
The others on his team would tease him about it and he's is infinitely glad his mask hides his face
Also imagine if the sniper hood he wears was originally yours
Imagine you comforting him after the Urzik hostages were scared of him
So, imagine their so scared of him and they refuse to go with him and you just start yelling at them to get them to go and your tone spurs them into action
Later, he thanks you but says you didn't have to do that
You hug him and say, "They don't know you like I do. Your not scary to me, König."
And that's the moment that it hits him that maybe he doesn't just love you as a friend
He would feel super guilty about this however
You were such a good friend to him and he didn't want to ruin it!
But he couldn't help it, he just realized how pretty you were and how you were always so nice and stuck up for him
Definitely had a whole ass crisis about it
Gets super blushy when you talk over coms because your voice gets super low when your focused
He gets teased a lot by his other teammates
When he gets recruited by KorTac, he is so scared to tell you
I mean, you guys got into this together and he doesn't want to leave you
He would be inclined to turn it down until you convince him to take the opportunity
You would place your hands on his cheeks and smile softly, "We will always be best friends, no matter how far we are from each other. I love you, König."
His heart soars and plumits at the same time because he thinks he just got "friend zoned" but also you said you loved him
So, he end up going but you two have video calls and send letters often
I imagine he confesses after you get hurt
He learns from a member in your platoon that you were shot while on a recon mission and were hurt badly
He immediately asks to take leave to go see you, halfway begging, halfway arguing with his boss
He is eventually granted this and he immediately goes to your bed side, taking your hand into his
He hates seeing you in the hospital bed but he won't move until you wake up
When you do eventually wake up and ask what he's doing there, he can't help but just spill his guts about his feelings
"Bärchen, I was so scared for you. I know we signed up for this and we are going to get hurt, but I just have to tell you, just in case. I love you, more than a friend. You can hate me if you want, but I won't stop loving you. I-I'm sorry."
Your face softens, reaching out a hand weakly to grab his face, "Oh, honey, I could never hate you. I love you too, big guy."
His lip trembles and he just can't resist hugging you anymore, but he's careful to avoid you wound
He stays with you until your released from the hospital and then he stays on leave to take care of you
The two of you collect like rocks or other things you find on the ground to give to each other
Imagine having friendship bracelets from before and you two still wear them after getting together
The two of you share an apartment because there's no point in having two if your going to spend your leaves together anyway
You wishing each other good luck before the other goes on a mission
Likes to hold your hand in public spaces because he gets nervous in crowds
Brags about you and vice versa
People get so confused when you two are together because it's just like, soooo many inside jokes
And König is like a whole new person, way less quiet when your around because you help give him confidence
The two of you catalogging each others scars .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·.
You two are just a straight up power couple
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call-me-copycat · 1 year
Kaomojis! ੈ‧˚૮꒰˵• ﻌ •˵꒱აੈ
Here's a whole bunch of funny, cute, and random kaomojis for those that want to use them (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
These are not all made by me. I have an app that I downloaded to type in Japanese and English called "Shimeji", which comes with a large variety of kaomojis to use
I apologize for any duplicates! Please let me know if you see any!
Ones I most commonly use:
( ⑉¯ ꇴ ¯⑉ )
(⑉> ᴗ <⑉)ゞ
٩( ´ω` )و
⸜( ˶'ᵕ'˶)⸝♡
(*´ч ` *)
(⸝⸝> ༥ <⸝⸝)オネガイ♡
໒꒰ྀི∩˃ ᵕ ˂∩꒱ྀི১
໒꒰ฅ́ ˘ ฅ̀꒱১ᦂ
(ृ´͈ ᵕ `͈ ृ )良き良き
ദി ᷇ᵕ ᷆ )♡
ฅ( •ω• ฅ)ガオ-♡
ミル(ง ^ω^ )วミル
( ˶ˊᵕˋ)
꒰ঌ(⃔ ⌯' '⌯)⃕໒꒱
Angry, Tired, or Upset (Instead of 😡,😴, or 😣)
( ´﹀` ٥ ).。Oஇ
(๑ ̅᷄꒫ ̅᷅)(。´-д-)💨💨💨
( •᷄ὤ•᷅)
( ・̆-・̆)
( ・᷅-・᷄ )
(。-ω-)zzz. . .
(๑・᷄ὢ・᷅ ๑)
( -᷄ ˍ-᷅)
( ` ༥ ´⸝⸝⸝))ぷぃ
( ;`ω´) (`ω´;(`ω´; )ヒソヒソ
既読無視…( ꐦ•᷄ὤ•᷅)و
( ꐦ ¯ᑎ¯ )
ヽ`、ヽ`(。・︿ ・。)ヽ`、ヽ`
( ˵> A <˵ )ねー
ʕ -ࡇ-ʔ.。oO
( ;ó□ò;)ぁゎゎ💦
( >д<).;':イッチュキィィィィ
(∩゚Д゚) アーアー キコエナーイ
〣( ๐_๐)〣
(*•̀‎ࡇ•́)σ めっ!
Sad or Nervous (Instead of 😓 or 😢)
_( 、´⌓`)ノケテ…タスケテ……
(߹ㅁ߹) 💦ᒡᑉᒡᑉᐧᐧᐧ
。°꒰ ՞ ´ ᗣ`°꒱°。
デモ ナァ…(๑•̆△•̆)
。°(° ᷄ᯅ ᷅°)°。
ウワーン(𐊭 ࿁ 𐊭ˋ)
૮ ᐡΘ ꈊ Θ ᐡ ა
( ღ˘͈ ᗣ˘͈)ツマンナーイ
( T ⩌ T )
il||li (つω-`。)il||
(´⌓` ;)
꒰ᐡ´т ‧̫ т ̀ ᐡ꒱🐾♡
( ⌯᷄ ·̫ ⌯᷅ก )
( ˘•ω•˘ )
૮( ̳ т ̫ т ̳ )ა
ト━━━⸜(๑´͈ ꒫ `͈๑)⸝━━━ン
( ´-ω- )💨
₍ᐢ › ༝ ‹ ᐢ₎
( •́ㅿ•̀ )
~( ´•︵•` )~
꒰ ᐢ ◞‸◟ᐢ꒱
(๑ŏ _ ŏ๑)
(● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾
( ´ Å ` ; ) アハハ…
( 'ω'; 三 'ω' ;)
"( ;゚³゚);゚³゚);゚³゚)ヒュ
( ´ㅁ` ; )
( •᷄⌓•᷅ )
Annoyed (Instead of 😑, 😒, or 🙄)
"( – ⌓ – )
(。`・д・) ハッ!
" σ(Ⲻⲻ Ⲻ )𓈒𓂂𓏸
考えチゥ…(●¯ ꒳¯●)
カワヨ( ≖⌓≖ )
( ᯉᯋᯉ)ダル
(๑- ༥ -๑ )ぷっ…
( ⌯᷄ ·̫ ⌯᷅ก )
( ¯-¯ )
m(_ _)m
ヨクナイ!ヽ(´ー` )ノ
( ー̀нー́)ムス⋯
( ー̀ ༥ ー́ )
(,,Ծ‸Ծ,, )
(。 ー`ωー´)
(¬∀¬ )
(;¬д¬) アヤシイ
( 三 ε 三 )
( ・ั₃・ั )
( •ั็ _ •็ั )
( ̄−ω− ̄)
(*''艸3`):;*。 プッ
(🎀ฅ'∀')ฅ♡ฅ('∀'ฅ★ )੭
ありがと♡( * ´꒳`ノ(´^`° )
(⸝⸝-ω(ω-⸝⸝ )♡
(好き´ω`)♥️(´ω`好き )
タノシミ!( ฅ́‎ࠔฅ̀ )ニャハおはょ
(♡´∀`♡)(,,> <,,)♡
Σ>―(⑉︎• д• ⑉︎)♡―――>
✧˖°*॰ॱ(♡ˊ͈ ॢ꒳ˋ͈)ु(ूˊ͈꒳ ॢˋ͈♡)ʓ৸ʓ৸♪
٩꒰ ˘ ³˘꒱۶~♡
꒰* ॢꈍ◡ꈍ ॢ꒱.*˚‧
ゎ‹ゎ‹(๑ ᷇ 𖥦 ᷆๑)♡ゎ‹ゎ‹
(⸝⸝› з ‹⸝⸝)‬♡
( ⸝⸝⸝¯ ³¯⸝⸝⸝ )♡
⁄(⁄ ⁄>⁄-⁄<⁄ ⁄)⁄
(/// ^///)
(ᐢ⸝⸝› ̫ ‹⸝⸝ᐢ)
⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄-⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄
(˶ㅇᗜㅇ˶) ⑉♥
( ๑´³`)~‪♡~(´ε`๑)
( * ´ ³`)まっ
( ´艸`)
Emoji/Action (Funny Kaomojis)
('▽'* )あ('ㅂ'* )り('▽'* )が('o'* )と
( ^o^)Г☎チンッ
( ͜🐇 ˊᗜˋ˶) ͜🐰うさぎ💕
☝ ᷇ᵕ ᷆ )どゆこと?
ハミガキ( ᐙ و(و コッ✩🪥✨
( ⊃💣⊂ )
(o 🥥'▽')o 🌴
🍖🥛 🥩🥬🥕🛒(˙꒳​˙ )͟͟͞͞ =
✌️(˶`‪‎‎ࠔ´˵)🙏( •∀< )👍
- ̗̀ 👏🏻👏🏻 ( 'ω' ) ̖́-👏( 'ω' ) - ̗̀ 👏🏻👏🏻 ( 'ω' ) ̖́-👏( 'ω' )
💪‎( ᐛ )パワー!
( ᐛ )ノ⌒💣📝
☔️( '-' ☔️ )アメチャン
(。´-д-)。o○Zzz。o○(。`・д・) ハッ!
( *¯ ꒳¯*)⊃💐
( っ️ᐛ )╮ =͟͟͞͞🍦 🍨 🍧
🍍(ᐛ 🍍)
寝れない📱(◉︎ɷ◉︎ )ジーッ
(*🔎ω´*)…🔎( ;`Д´)あれ?(;🔎ω´*)…無い
🍖( '-' 🍖 )
⸜(*˙꒳˙*)⸝ポイ=͟͟͞͞ ✏️📖
🦀⸜( ¯⌓¯ )⸝🦀
- =͟͟͞͞ =͟͟͞͞ ヘ( ´Д`)ノ遅刻だァっ
c(*'-'*///)💭‎🤍‎ ̖́-サッ
=͟͟͞͞( ๑`・ω・´)_⋆⸜🧻⸝‍⋆
( ˙³˙)👌~♪
⊂( ・∀・) 彡
ヽ( '-'ヽ)キャッチ
( ͜☕️ ・ω・) ͜🍰
(ー🍟ˊᵕˋ* )ー🍔
(📞๑•̀ - •́)
(🎀ơ ᎑ ơ)
(> - < )三( > - <)
(-□-□)✧𓌉𓇋 ‎🥩
🌶 ‪🔥๛‪ก(ᐖก )‼️アリガトウーガラシ節分
(꜆꜄ ˙꒳˙)꜆꜄꜆🥜🫘\(・o・ )
⚠️( ;°‎‪艸。) アッブネー⚠️ブォン
(っ'-' )╮ =͟͟͞͞=͟͟͞͞=͟͞🥺
∠( ᐛ 🍙」∠)…待機
(〃^∇^)oお疲れさま~( ˙꒳​˙ )‪꜆☕️*°🍰*°ʙ𝗼𝗼𝗼𝗼𝗼𝗼𝗼𝗼(ᯣ̅‎ᜂᯣ̅)👎
( ͜㊎ ・ω・) ͜㊎
🎤( ºoº)〜♪♬
( '-' )- ̗̀🤝 ̖́-( '-' )
( *�� □¯*)なー( *¯ 罒¯*)にー
✌( ・᷅ὢ・᷄ )✧‬
🥒( '-' 🥒 )ズッキーニィ
ฅ( ̳• 。 • ̳🎀)و 💕
🍄⸜( ¯⌓¯ )⸝🍄
⚡️⚡️⚡️=͟͟͞͞(꒪ᗜ꒪ ‧̣̥̇)
(っ’-‘)╮ =͟͟͞͞💣
₍₍ ᕕ(´ ω` )ᕗ⁾⁾
[📞・-・] 💬
( ¯⌓¯ )💭
( ´-ω- )💨
♪└(ㅎ.ㅎ )♪┐♪└(ㅎ.ㅎ)┘♪┌( ㅎ.ㅎ)┘♪ヨシヨシ
( ´。•ω•)ノ"(っ <。)
🌟𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 🎀♡(・O・。)お(・▽︎・。)や(・.・。)チュ(・ー・。)み
お昼ご飯(っ'-' )╮ =͟͟͞͞🍙
( 'ω'o[ おはよぅございます ]o
🍵( '-' 🍵)お疲れ様
((( ꒪₃꒪︎︎")ゞ💦
(๑˘ ³˘๑)チュ~-` ̗ ❤︎ ̖ ´-♡´ ³`)ノ ~❤looº°˚˚°ºve❤(゜ε゜
( ๑"・・) ヤバイ… 🔫( ˙꒳​˙ )💢
┐(`А′ ┐💢)シャァァァァア
三('ω')三( ε: )三(.ω.)三( :3 )三('ω')三( ε: )三(.ω.)三
( :3 )(☞ᵒ̤̑ᗨᵒ̤̑)☞ 当た~り~ 🎯‼️
(っ'-' )╮ =͟͟͞͞♡ =͟͟͞͞♡ヽ( ˙꒳​˙ ヽ)キャッチ
🧋( '-' 🧋 )タピオカァパンチ
_✍︎(・𖥦・ )ホウホウ
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Please tell me if you end up using any of these! Which ones were your favorites?
(I dislike using emojis...) (。¬_¬。)
I might add more in the future... ♡( ⑉¯ ꇴ ¯⑉ )ツンツン
I hope you all have a lovely day! Let's all use more kaomojis!! ୧꒰*´꒳`*꒱૭✧
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difficultdomains · 4 months
god, i would LOVE to hear ur thoughts about satoru's thighs, we do not talk about them ENOUGH (●´艸`)ヾ
he himself never pays them much attention, thighs are just thighs yk - but not to you.
there are so many signs - your eyes trailing up his legs when you’re cramped in a changing room with him, sat on that ridiculous little stool and watching him try on like the fifth pair of jeans. or your refusal to join him at the gym after that one time. you lost count of how many times you had to bite your lip and look away that day, cheeks flushed not from the intensity of your workout, but from the way his shorts would ride up just right, exposing more than you could handle - especially in public.
so it’s no surprise that when you get him all to yourself, walking around your shared apartment in nothing but those damn boxers stretching around soft skin and defined muscle so deliciously, you can’t resist snapping the strained material against his thigh. you try to stifle your giggles when he whirls around, eyebrows furrowed and a pout on his lips, catching your wrist before you can repeat your offence a second time.
“why are you so obsessed with doing that?”
freeing yourself from his grip, you hook your fingers into the hem, pulling him closer to place an innocent kiss on his lips.
“would you rather i show you all the other things i’m obsessed with?” again.
his eyes widen just a bit, mind going into overdrive to conjure up the memories you just tapped into. his back against plush pillows, your lips on his neck, his chest, his hipbone. the shuddering breath he takes when he thinks he knows where you’re headed, just for you to diverge and bypass the target. your fingers pressing into the flesh of one thigh, while your kisses travel further down the sensitive inside of the other. the mischievous glint in your narrowed eyes before you sink your teeth into his skin, pleasure and pain tying in a race all the way to his very nerve endings, the arch of his back, the whimper that eludes him. your tongue gently soothing the sting, a stark contrast to the menace of a smile that spans across your lips right after, revealing how badly you wanna hear him make that sound again.
he is snapped out of it with another kiss, eyes refocusing and locking with yours again.
“where did you just go?” you purr, knowingly.
“show me.”
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tagging @madaqueue bc ILY you fuel my delusion <33
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seishinarts · 7 months
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Caelus: I hope you'll like it and it'll always remind you of me! Dan Heng: ... Inner Dan Heng: (●´艸`)ヾ
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raincryn · 2 years
Mini symbol pack
⁀➷ ⍣ ★ ᝰ'·. #. ˖˚♡ᬼ
ᵔᴗᵔ ៸៸ ˘ᵕ˘ ପ ‹ · ≀ ૮₍ • ᴥ • ₎ა ꕤ # ๑・ ꈊ ⍝ ˒ ・ ⍈ ∞ ꞈ⠀𓈒 ♡̶ 𓂃 𝆯 𓍯 𓏲 𔓘 ᭡ 𓂅 ꊥꊥ ᯽ ◷ ﹆ · જ ◐ ﹅ ᵕ̈ ♡̷̷ ५ ☺︎ ☹︎ ⸒ ⎙ › ㅎㅅㅎ ₍ᐢ..ᐢ₎ (꜆˶ᵔᵕᵔ˶)꜆ ꐦ•̑ ᴥ •̑ ⍉ ٠ •́ ₃ •̀ ₍ᐢ˵• ࿁ กᐢ₎︎ υ´• ᴥ •'υ ╴✷ ˒ ₍ᐢ..ᐢ₎ 𖥻 ଘ( ິ•ᆺ• )ິଓ ꜥꜤ ҂ ੭⠀☆ ( ⸝•ᴗ•⸝) ★ ( ˶ˆ꒳ˆ˵ ) › ७ १ (꒪˙꒳˙꒪ ) 𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒ ⇀‸↼‶ ▭▬ 𖧷 ✮ ໒ ❁ ◔ ﹢ 𖧧 𖢯 ৶ 𓇟 ⬭𝆬⭒۟ ׁ𔗫 ⥽ ☄︎ 𖦥 ⬫ ⬪ ◠ ᨒ ☃︎ 𖠳 ❅ 𖠌 。 命✧ ✦ ﹆ ﹅ ❛ ❜ ❝ ❞ ୨ ୧ ⁀ ︶ ︵ ⌢ ◠ ◡ ꒰ ꒱ ˖ ₊ ⊹ ╰ ╯╭ ╮ ๑ ﹕ 𓂂 ˚ ˙ ⋅ . ・༘ ᵎ ꒷ ꒦ ◟◞ ⩩ ⌗ ↷ ︴ ┊ ┇ ⋯ ┈ × ༝ ₓ 」﹏ ━ ┅ ╳ 𓂃 𓂅 𓄹 𓏲 ❏ ❐ ❒ ❑ ҂ ᨒ 𖥻 ⿻ 〃 ˝ ⋆ ★ ☆ 𖤐 𖦹 ੭ ୭ ࿓ 𖥦 、 ⸝ ˬ ˓ ﹔ ₍ ₎ ᥫ᭡ ╭╯╰╮◞ ╭ ◞ ◟丶.' ʚ ї ɞ 〜 ꒰ ꒱ ꒷₊˚ ︶꒷꒦ ˳ ᭚ ‹𝟹 ᨳ ପ ഒ ໑ ' ᝰ ꒗ ᝢ ᝐ ᝂ 𓈀 ˘ ꩟ ꒷ Ꮺ ৎ 𓍢 ՞ ֊ ꔫ ʚ ๐ ɞ ᰔ ෆ ♡ 彡 ミ ❍ 𓇸 𑁯 ᰍ ꗃ ᜊ 。 : ° ஐ ˚ ₊ · ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 。 ⋆ ʚ ♡⃛ ɞ ༉ ‧ ₊ ˚ ✧ ┊ ༑ ࿐ྂ ➳ ⍤⃝♡ ₊ ˚ .༄˖ ◛ ⁺ ⑅ ♡⋰˚ ☆ ✧ ˖ * ° ࿐ ઇ ω ᴥ ᵋ ᵌ ⊛ ⊰ ⊱ ⏜ ⏝⏞ ⏟ ☆ ★ ☼ ☽ ☾ ☹ ☻ ❀ ❁ ❨ ❩ ⟡ ⟢ ⟣ ⦮ ⦯ ʕ ʔ ᵜ ઌ ૡ ୭ ర ద ధ ೇ ൠ ༄ ༅ ༉ ༊ ࿊ ࿋ ࿌ ࿐ ၎ ჺ 𐂲 𐂂 𐂃 𐂄 𐂅 ❢ 𓁹 𓊆 𓊇 𓋈 ⋆ ⁺ ₊ ⋆ ♡̷̷̷ ⋆ ˚ 。 ⋆ ♡⃕ ✎ ᝰ ☄︎. * . ⋆ ⋆· ˚ ༘ * 🔭 .°୭̥ ୨୧ ⋆͛♡⋆͛ ʚĭɞ ♡ ྀ ゚•┈୨♡୧┈•゚ ✩ ✼ 。゚・ ☆ ° 。ㅤ→ ༄ ‧₊˚ 「 」 ⇢ ๑ ◞♡° ˀˀ ♡⃕ ◡̈ ꒰ ⌦ ✗ ⌜ ⌝ ⌞ ⌟ ↳ ❝ ❞ ➤ ↲ ۪۫❁ཻུ۪۪ ⎧ ୧ ⋅┊ೃ ╰► ꒱ ➛ ↴❱ ✿•˖* ℘ ﹋﹋ ❛ ╯ ❲ ❳ ∞ ‹ ∅ ┊ ➹ ੈ♡‧₊˚ ↱ ᵕ̈ ↷ ೃ ╲ ╱ 彡 ✥ ❥ Ꮠ ➜ ᎒ ☈ ❁⊰ 「❀」 . .⃗ . ༉‧₊˚✧ . ˚ ⚘ ˏ`୭̥*ೃ*ૢ✧ ཻུ۪۪ ೫` ⃟ ཹ։❀ ፧ ੈ✩‧₊ ૪'ރ፧ ࿐ ° ↳ ׂׂૢ༘ ۵`⌧. →× —✖ 〰〰 ︵ ⚘݄ ⿴݃ *₊˚꒰:: ≡,! ヾ︿︿،، ♡ ⏧·₊̣̇. ❵ ﹏ ❅ೃ ∞. ; ෆ┊¡ ۰ ۪۪۫۫ ❬“= ‹⌇ ☄︎. *. ⋆ ⋰˚ ➶ ︎︎☁ ︎ ➴ ⚛︎ ⚕︎ ⚔︎ ⚓︎ ⚖︎ ⚗︎ ⚐ ⚑ ✤ ✣ ✢ ✡︎ ✟ ✞ ✝︎ ✠ ⚔︎ ☩ ☨ ✙ ✚ ✛ ♱ ♰ ☠︎ ✥ ✧ ✩ ❁ ❀ ✿ ✾ ❂ ⦾ ⦿ ◯ ◦ ▇ ▇ ▇ ʕ ♡ ᵒ̴̷͈ 艸 ᵒ̴̷͈ ॰ ʔ ✧ * ✲゚ * 。 ✧ ٩(・ิᴗ・ิ๑)۶*✲゚*。✧ ✿ ♬゚ +.(。◡‿◡)♪.+゚♬✿。゚・✿ヾ╲(。◕‿◕。)╱✿・゚( ❀⃙⃕⃠⃝⃘⃚౪❀⃙⃕⃠⃝⃘⃚ )+゚*。:゚+*´∀`+゚:。*゚+.+。゚ φゝω・`○+。゚♡゚, ‧₊˚ 「 」 ⇢ ๑ ◞♡° ⸙͎ ˀˀ ♡⃕ ꒰ ✗ ⌜ ⌝ ⌞ ⌟ ↳ ❝ ❞ ➤ ↲ ۪۫❁ཻུ۪ ⎧ ୧ ⋅ ..⃗.. ೃ ҉ ꒱ ➛ ↴ ❱ ✿•˖ ℘ ❛ ╯ ❲ ❳ ∞ ‹ ∅ ➹ ੈ ‧₊˚ ↱ 彡 ✥ ❥ Ꮠ ➜ ᎒ ❁(ꃋิꎴꃋิ) ✼෴ ✧・゚: ✧・゚: :・゚✧:・゚✧─→» ❝❞➳✧❀『↳ღ↬⇆⇉↺↻ ↳ ❝ ❞ ➤ ↲ ۪۫❁ཻུ۪ ⎧ ୧ ⋅ ..⃗. ೃ ╰► ꒱ ➛ ↴ ❱ ✿•˖ ℘ ❛ ╯ ❲ ❳ ∞ ‹ ∅ ➹ ੈ ‧₊˚ ↱ 彡 ✥ ❥ Ꮠ ➜ ᎒ ❁ʤ » ❞ ↳ → ↝ ✧ ⇉ ⇒ ❀ ≡ ≈ ⋯ → « ✿ ” ↷ ↓ ❜ ❛ “ ✦ ❁ ↓ 彡 — ↣ ↢ ↓ ↟ ↜ ⋮ ≡ ≼ ∞ ∴ ✎ ❥ ✾ ❃ ッ ╛ ╕ ╘ ╛ ╚ ╚ ╛ ╕ ╔ ❞ ❝ ┈ ᎒ ⇦ ⇨ ⟿ ⇤ ⇥ ⇠ ⇜ ⇢ ృ ˚·「」 ˚‧♡ॢ˃̶̤̀◡˂̶̤́♡ॢ‧˚‿︵‿︵ ♡ ☆⌒★⌒☆⌒★ˋˏ. ˎˊ˗ ┊ ༉₊˚✧༉‧₊˚✧α -ღ´- ₊☆: .˚ ༘ ♡ ·˚ ഒ ·˚ᶻᶻᶻ ‘୨୧·˚ ༘✰ ༘ ˚· ୨୧’ ♡・゚✧ᵕ꒳。゚೫ ‧₊ ♡˳೫˚∗ ഒ♡ ·˚ ༘ ‧₊˚ ୭̥⋆。 ˚₊✩‧₊ ༉₊˚✧ 𖤐₊˚. ミ ೃ ₊˚ ˏ୭̥ೃ ⋆.✰༄ ˚₊· ͟͟͞➳ ₊˚✧ . ˚ (੭ˊᵕˋ)੭ ˚˚ ✧・゚:* +:。.。 // ♡ ۵ ∞ ☆✦ღッ✯❁✵ ⋆//↰ ↳ ↴ ↱ ↲ ➵ ➳ // (ꈍᴗꈍ)✫彡 // ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ༄ // ≧◡≦ // (✿◠‿◠) // ✰༉‧₊˚𖤐+:。.。 ✧・゚: .。゚+..。❁´◡❁。.。:+* ೫˚∗ .•˚ ✧ ♡ ೃ✰₊˚♡ : ‘୨୧ ·˚ ༘ ✰ ༘ ˚·˚‧♡ॢ˃̶̤̀◡˂̶̤́♡ॢ*‧˚‿︵‿︵ ☆⌒★⌒☆⌒★˗ˋˏ. ˎˊ˗ 「 」 ‧₊ ˚✧‧ ₊˚✧‧₊˚✧ -ღ´-₊☆: .˚ ༘♡ ·˚ ഒ ·˚ᶻᶻᶻ❝❞⊱⊹՞︙ ‘୨୧·˚ ༘✰ ༘ ˚· ୨୧’ ♡・゚✧ᵕ꒳。゚೫ ‧₊ ♡˳೫˚∗ ഒ♡ ·˚ ༘ ‧₊˚ ୭̥⋆。 ˚₊✩‧₊ ༉₊˚✧ 𒀭 ♡︎
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hunieday · 1 year
Momo - Idol Star Prince Stage Rabbit Chat
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Please note that I am not a professional translator and I'm only doing this to share the side materials to those who cannot access it, if you notice any mistakes please let me know nicely. Enjoy!
Yuki: Momo, I’m coming over with Okarin right now.
Yuki: I think we'll be there in about 10 minutes.
Yuki: Momo?
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Momo: Roger that~~!!
Momo: Sorry for replying late 😭 I was taking a nap!
Yuki: I got scared.
Yuki: You always contact me first, so
Yuki: Were you up late last night?
Momo: Yeah 🥺
I had the morning off today, so I went for drinks with Mitsuki and got carried away 😆🍻
Momo: Sorry for worrying you ( ;∀;)
Yuki: If it's Mitsuki-kun, it's fine.
Yuki: As long as it’s not a suspicious person who came from who-knows-where to lure you away from me
Momo: Eek! Yuki...! Your handsome levels are so high that I’m fully alert and awake now 🤩💫
Yuki: Sometimes I could be the one who wakes you up. Not bad.
Momo: Then can Momo-chan pretend to be asleep tomorrow morning so you’d wake me up with your super handsome move? 🫶✨
Yuki: Hmm?
Yuki: Your text is too small for some reason. I can’t read it.
Momo: You’re hitting it aren’t you lololololol
Momo: How about we wake up early together once in a while ~(*´艸`)
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Momo: Ah! ! You're distracting me with a sticker!
Momo: I’ll have pull all the tricks i have under my sleeves to wake you up 😤
Yuki: I was really surprised when I got shoved into the car in my futon.
Momo: That’s the day I couldn’t come and wake you up right? because I had to go to another job. Okarin took drastic measures lolololol
Yuki: Isn’t Okarin too strong?
Momo: I heard that Maneko-chan was teaching him some good muscle training methods 😤
Yuki: You’re telling me that the cute Okarin is buff under those clothes? i hate it
Momo: It's funny when you imagine it so stop it lolol
Momo: Oh right!!! That day Okarin and I bombarded you with a demonic amount of rabbichats, but you didn’t wake up at all. And even after Okarin came and woke you up, you ignored my messages completely!
Momo: Just as you were worried about me because I responded late just now, at that time I was worried too !!!!
Yuki: Is that so?
Momo: Yes!! Go reread the rabbichat!!
Yuki: I don't remember when it happened so I can't find it
Momo: Try searching for "bird-brain" 💥
Yuki: Bird-brain
Yuki: It's true, you got angry
Yuki: I probably answered you out loud
Momo: But I couldn’t hear you obviously ?! ヾ(o゚Д゚o)ノ
Momo: I got angry because Okarin sent me a report about your maintenance being over, but you yourself didn't inform me about it!
Yuki: What even is the end of maintenance?
Momo: A report from Okarin saying that Yuki has started service again (see: he’s awake) 😤
Momo: I can stay calm until the regular maintenance is over, but an unexpected emergency maintenance is troublesome cuz I don’t anticipate it 😤😤
Yuki: Somehow that sounds tough
Momo: A formidable enemy even😤‼️
Momo: By the way, hear me out…
Momo: Even my bedhead is too much of a formidable enemy today!!
Yuki: That’s hilarious
Momo: It looks like a japanese top knot 😆
Yuki: We’ll be there in about five minutes.
Momo: yikes~ lololol this is the kind of hair that would break even a makeup artist's spirit lolol
Yuki: Well then, today I'll wear my hair in a japanese top knot so we’d be matching.
Momo: Huhhh !? We’re not filming a variety show today, we have the Idol Star pamphlet shoot?!
Yuki: If we match, you wouldn’t feel lonely, right?
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Momo: Yuki, so handsome,,,😭 Coming up with the concept of a japanese top knot prince out of nowhere😭
Yuki: I just proposed the idea to Okarin and he immediately rejected it.
Yuki: Are you changing Idol Star’s concept into one of a lord?, he said.
Yuki: Aren't lords and princes the same thing?
Momo: You’re right lololol
Momo: But I think Yuki can become a handsome prince even with a japanese top knot! ! (*'ω'*)
Yuki: Really? You were angry at me earlier, did you calm down?
Momo: What?! You were actually worried about that?! I’m not mad at all !!!!!
Momo: Even if you’re a sleepyhead, even if you reply out loud to a rabbit chat, Yuki really is a super handsome super darling prince ‼️😭🫶
Yuki: The super handsome super darling prince will soon arrive at your house, Okarin is parking the car.
Momo: Yay‼️
Momo: I'll roll out the red carpet and wait (*ノωノ)
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iwaasfairy · 1 year
🥴🥴 faiwy, do you think iwa-chan knows the debauchery going on with mommy yn with tooru and atsuko?
early on iwa definitely didn't know, but i think by now he probably does know (●´艸`)ヾ i haven't made the decision yet if there even is a 'canon' ko au, bc there are some drabbles i've written where makki, mattsun and iwa are all in on it and i've written drabbles where they don't know anything etc
if i had to say, "uncle" iwa's definitely most likely to know of it. i feel like atsuko's so fucking obvious at times, and iwa visits a lot and is also ko's trainer and his kids' are over at the oikawa house a lot etc!! but i don't think he knows the full extent of it either? he probably knows atsuko's a little weird for mom and might have some oedipus thing going on, and he knows that oikawa was kinda wrong and fucked up for knocking up his stepdaughter and that stuff
but until he actually walks in on atsu blowing mom’s back out and being absolutely filthy while doing it, he probably wouldn’t believe smt so bad was going on
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landerspaul · 7 months
Sorry to ask again but I'm got obsessed with @bloodandglittertastessobitter gif I saw a while back and even though it's with Mexican voiceover according to the replies I still really wanted to watch it because Olli 😍 but I can't find the interview. I'm horrible at youtube searches! 🙀 You don't so happen to have the video? I can't post links in asks 🙄 it's this one landerspaul. tumblr. com /post/ 739565778200936448
Hi dear!ヾ(・u・) I'm adding the post by @bloodandglittertastessobitter to which you are referring to here 💚 And after a bit of digging through my countless youtube playlists, I found the interview (Tele Hit Mexico, 2004)! I love it when Paul and Olli pair up in interviews (◡u◡˶ ). Also Olli's "uuuuuuhhhmmm... ja Glo-balisierung..." is so cute.
P.s.: Paul sporting a pirate look drives me crazy btw (♡´ 艸 `)
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ruelin024 · 1 month
Artfight Attack Post 8/10
For GhostBunTTV : @love-and-friends ヾ(≧▽≦*)o✨
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I hope you don't mind me posting your panels of the comic we made @love-and-friends <(_ _)>
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cloverparty · 2 years
(;﹏;) (⋟﹏⋞) (T▽T) ๐·°(৹˃̵﹏˂̵৹)°·๐ (╥╯^╰╥) (っ╥╯﹏╰╥c) (〒︿〒) (ノ﹏ヽ) (PД`q。)·。'゜ (っ˘ڡ˘ς) ( ’ω’)旦~~ ( ・・)つ-●●● ( ´・ω・`)_且~ ( -_-)旦~ 且_(・_・ ) (。・艸-。)-☆ (★O∀O*)◇+。 ☆=(ゝω・)/ +。゚φ(ゝω・`○)+。゚ (⌒▽⌒)☆ ☆ ̄(>。☆ ((o_ _)'彡☆ (シ_ _)シ m(_ _)m  m(._.)m (^་།^) (^〃^) (/^ ་། ^)/ (> ་། <)(○´ ་།`)ノ ( ਉ_ਉ ) (ರ_ರ) ( ゚o⌒) ☆~(ゝ。∂) (^_-)≡★ ( -_・) (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ (。・o・。)ノ  ヾ(・Θ・)ノ〃 ( ̄¬ ̄) (゚¬゚) (º﹃º ) (。・ρ・) ԅ(¯﹃¯ԅ) ԅ(♡﹃♡ԅ) ٩(^ᴗ^)۶ (⊙ꇴ⊙) б(>ε<)∂  (•゚д゚•) (*´台`*) (*´_ゝ`) ╮( ˘ 、 ˘ )╭  ╮(︶▽︶)╭ ┐( ̄ヘ ̄)┌ (¬_¬)  (๑乛◡乛๑) (→_→) (;¬_¬) (;¬д¬) \(º □ º l|l)/ (つ﹏⊂)  ()`艸´() ψ(`∇´)ψ ⊂((≧⊥≦))⊃ @(・●・)@ @・ꈊ・@ ♪~( ̄ε ̄) ♪(´ε` ) (ΘεΘʃƪ) (=①ω①=) (.=^・ェ・^=) (=;ェ;=) ଲ(ⓛ ω ⓛ)ଲ (^=◕ᴥ◕=^) 
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insurrection-if · 7 months
Bones... hey baby girl... this is how I feel about you... *plays Emo Boy by Ayesha Erotica*
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Ahaha, that was not at all what I was expecting! 。:゚゚(´∀`)・。 You’ll give poor Bones enough of a rush to have a heart attack with a song like that! He’s easier to fluster than you might think, even as a sullen and hateful adult! (´∀`•)
(●´艸`)ヾ Definitely not the traditional serenade. The way it was presented in the message had me imagining Mockingbird pulling this stunt with that song:
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Thank you so much for sharing this, you gave me such a good laugh!! (´∀`)
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tychni · 2 years
ㅡ japan emoji list. ✧
('▽'* )あ('ㅂ'* )り('▽'* )が('o'* )と
ありがとう!〈 ▽' ›› ∋ )≪
( ;`ω´) (`ω´;(`ω´; )ヒソヒソ
(つд⊂)ウエーン(つд・ )チラ
ヾ(`・д´・)ー|) ≫――>
( ≖⃙⃚᷄ ε ≖⃙⃚᷅ ;)トホホ…
(︎‪︎‬︎‪︎‬︎✌︎︎ ˋ͈ ⌄ˊ͈)︎✌︎︎ ニヘヘヘ
(⚆̤_ ⚆̤ ꢏ[ 募集ちう ]ꢖ
(ᴗ͈ ᴗ͈ ꢏ[ お知らせ ]ꢖ
(ノ ˘͈ ᗜ˘͈)ノᵕ。ᵕ)╮毎度アリガタシ~♬.*゚
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(*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑
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(˙◁˙ )パァ
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ノ(๑• . •๑)?乁
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 ∠( ˙-˙ )/
ㄟ( ・ө・ )ㄏ
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。゚(゚^o^゚)゚。( ³ω³ ).。
( ^o^)Г☎チンッ
( っ。•o•。 c )(・:゚д゚:・)ハァハァ
"(*''艸3`):;*。 プッ
╭( ・ㅂ・)و グッ !(๑ˇεˇ๑)•*¨*•.¸¸
・:+°( ・´ー・`)(*´︶`*)♡Thanks!・:*+.
\(( °ω° ))/.:+*.ε=ε=ε=
(っ´ω`)っ⊂(´ω`⊂ )
( ‘д‘⊂彡☆))Д´) パーン
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puppycheesecake · 1 year
Hello! I am absolutely in love with your sims style, I know you've probably gotten this from so many people, rightfully so, but you're so freaking creative and all your sims/oc's are so ethereal and magical looking!
I was wondering if you could help me find a few things from, I think your most recent sims, if I remember correctly. I was hoping you could help me find the halo/headpiece from (68) ♡ت✧ on Tumblr it pulls your sim together so well and I'm obsessed with halo/headpiece cc like that!
And like...listen to me lol, I would love everything from (76) ♡ت✧ on Tumblr she's so freaking haufveauhfvhevnjanlvnadnvevbanjlnv but I'm not tryna waste your time like that lol, so if you could just help me find her shirt or hair, I would be so over the moon! Honestly though, no cap, you're such an amazing creator, honestly, I'm in awe of you! 💕💕💕💕💕💕
Aww, geez, thank you so much! (●´艸`)ヾ You just made my day! (Also thank you for linking to posts, it makes my job way easier~!)
The halo is @nv-games's Halo 04. (There's 11 in the set and they're all great.)
For the fairy, she has @simandy's Mantis Hair, plus @icchixxxxxx1's Cat Ear hair accessories. The top and bottoms are both from @simsonico's Song of the Waves set.
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candycryptids · 3 months
THANK YOU ‼️ (it’s green bc it makes me think of you, the green behind Bec is just so striking it’s stuck in my brain teehee)
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