#(( she loves crimes and being evil so much. and who can blame her.
royalreef · 1 year
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      She’s doing crimes again.
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bonefall · 9 months
Elder Bones, what is your opinion on Brightflower supposedly being in the Dark Forest according to the 'magical warrior cats god' Su Susann? According to the Warriors Wiki, Su Susann put Brightflower in cat hell for hating Yellowfang once and supposedly not being sane after the truth was revealed about the death of her children. I quote, "On Vicky's Facebook, Su Susann wrote that Brightflower resides in the Dark Forest since she was filled with hate when she thought Yellowfang killed Mintkit and Marigoldkit, and was subsequently shocked and no longer sane when Brokenstar revealed the truth about the death of her kits." Seems pretty fucking messed up if you ask me.
HOT TAKE: I think it works okayish with the older "vibe" of the Dark Forest being the sort of place where your feelings put you. Like you lose a mortal part of yourself in death, and what lives on in the afterlife is your life's energy.
So it would be fucked up if, say, your kittens died and you blamed the wrong person, were consumed by it, and then in death were dedicated to that revenge in a sort of nightmarish Angry Ghost kind of state. But also, kinda neat. No wonder they take such good care of their elders, when their belief is that negativity at death can make you into an evil spirit.
And that's interesting with Ashfur in mind, too! Like it's not really something StarClan can control! If you feel like you were justified, if you didn't believe you had hate in your heart, you go where you think you should go. Tweak the line from Yellowfang to Ashfur, and have him decree, "My only crime was that I loved too much!" And you have GREAT setup for TBC.
It could unironically have made a really good way to drive conflict-- have heroes who believe they don't deserve Heaven, and villains who fully believe they do. Makes an interesting worldbuilding idea, at least.
BUT that said, that's probably a personal bias. I want the Dark Forest to be SOMETHING deeper and less simple than canon, where everyone who goes there is usually some flavor kind of murderous freakazoid (unless youre frecklewish, in which case, RIP but dont be The Nearest Woman next time, the Erins HATE those). I'm perfectly capable of seeing how fucked up it is that the two Authorial Damnations were basically just... sad women.
The other one was Lilywhisker, who was "bitter" because... she broke a leg. So the only two non-murderers who were actually sent to Hell under that feelings-first system were a Sad Mom and a Disabled Woman. If that system continued, you KNOW we'd end up seeing a billion girls damned to Hell while the boys are judged less harshly by the narrative, because the Erins are a LOT harder on women's feelings than men's.
In any case, it's not canon any longer so it doesn't invoke white-hot rage like some other statements. But it really was massively uncomfortable, considering their poor track record with both women AND mental illness.
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Bob's Burgers Fanfic Rec List!
Babs thinks she can just trick me into trying whateeeeever things that involve making a list (she can. she's evil). A ship-oriented list cuz umm, I think that's all I've ever read.....
do I really have to tell you how he brought me back to life? by @jimmypesto - Linda is unhappily married to Hugo, when she meets her soulmate in a bar. Rated E.
for a moment, I knew cosmic love by @jimmypesto - Boblin Soulmate AU. Rated G.
still my patron saint by @jimmypesto - A Boblin Ghost AU. Rated E.
everything’s alright when she calls me back by @jimmypesto - Bob and Linda relive a decades old memory. Rated M.
I see you every day now by @jimmypesto - Five times Bob and Linda should’ve moved in together (and one time they actually did). Rated T.
Old Cape Bob by @babsvibes - Old Boblin Beach Day fic. Rated G.
Stairway to Lemon by @babsvibes - New parents Bob and Linda spend a well-earned night off… sitting on the stairs. Rated G.
i want to know what love is by @https-hunter - A collection of short fics for boblin week 2024 on tumblr.
An Indecent Proposal by @golden--doodler - Bob has decided that the day has finally come: He's going to propose to Linda. Rated T.
Honey Combed Hair by @babsvibes - (summary? what summary? incredibly important fic to me personally is what it is)
Beach Glaze by @babsvibes - At face value, Tina's goal was quite simple: Have a beach day with Jimmy Jr., just the two of them. So why did it always have to go wrong? Rated G.
the night we snuck into a yacht club party, pretending to be a duchess and a prince by @jimmyjrsmusoems - Tina and Jimmy Jr. decide to sneak into the Glencrest Yacht Club's annual Christmas party. Rated T.
a message in a bottle is all i can do (standing here, hoping it gets to you) by @jimmyjrsmusoems - that time that Jimmy Jr. texted Tina on the emergency phone. Rated G.
all i know, is this could either break my heart or bring it back to life by @jimmyjrsmusoems - Tinimmy Faking Dating AU. Rated T.
don't be afraid to jump, then fall (into me) by @jimmyjrsmusoems - Jimmy Jr. plans a (semi-)romantic surprise for his girlfriend. Rated G.
it always leads to you in my hometown by @jimmypesto - Over the years, Tina and Jimmy Jr. reunite when he returns to Seymour's Bay for Christmas. Rated M.
my gold rush to cold touch favorite ex by @jimmypesto - After a nightmare, Jimmy Jr. pays Tina a late night visit. Rated T.
Bits and Pieces by @eroticfriendfictions - A collection of ficlets and one shots. Rated T.
After Hours by @eroticfriendfictions - Tina and Jimmy Jr. have a closing time rendezvous. Rated T.
Dance Me to the End of Love by @waytoomanyhobbies - With their wedding about a month away, Tina has been going out until very late every night for the past two weeks. Rated M.
Wagstaff Side Story by @https-hunter - West Side Story AU.
Logan's Run (-ning away) by @babsvibes - (something something roadtrip romcom). Rated T.
Territorial Swisspute by @babsvibes - Louigan Coworkers AU. Rated E.
Stacy's Cardamom by @babsvibes - Logan commits unthinkable crimes to get Louise’s attention. But in like a romcom-y way. Rated M.
Dread String of Fate by @babsvibes - A soulmate AU where each person has their own identifying tell, and Louise isn't happy with hers. Rated T.
Cry Me a Liver by @babsvibes - Louise and Logan break up for a reason unbeknownst to a pair of deeply concerned and meddling siblings. Rated T.
Pie v. Cake by @babsvibes - Louise and Logan have their stupidest argument to date. Also, there's a puzzle. Rated T.
i don't blame you for being you, but you can't blame me for hating it by @jimmyjrsmusoems - Jimmy Jr. and Logan fighting to figure out who, exactly, is Bob and Linda's "favorite". Rated T. (This is both louigan and tinimmy and I love it sooo much)
take a dirty picture, babe by @jimmypesto - Louise can’t let Logan leave for his trip without giving him a surprise first. Rated M.
small talk in the kitchen (dated, dumb traditions) by @jimmypesto - On Christmas, Logan and Louise have a disagreement about the merits of PDA. Rated T.
Christmas Proposal Proposition by @sailoreuterpe - Louise asks Logan an important question about an important question on Christmas Eve. Rated T.
BLT- A Commit-y of Marriers by @sailoreuterpe - Bob and Linda are marrying Teddy. Of course, thing don't all go according to plan. In the end, however, their wedding is still (almost) perfect. Rated G.
Chloise - we might just get away with this by @jimmypesto - Chloe and Louise meet up in private. Rated T.
Tinimeke - Veals Like The First Time by @babsvibes - Tina, Jimmy Jr., Zeke. Where one goes, the other follows and usually with a hand tugging the last along with them. Rated T.
Tedmort - Unpack Your Heart by @cosmic-hoboandthehighlander - Teddy gives Mort the key to his house - indicating he wants him to move in with him. Rated G.
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atlasdoe · 1 month
no bcs i think dumbles was a trash headmaster and i would've had him stepping down from the headmaster position OR solely focusing in that bcs i feel like he was biting more than he could chew (then again the british educational system has always sucked and nobody gave a fuck about kids so can i? entirely blame him? not truly), BUT blame him for everything???? EVERYTHING???? people are sick. or too young. and need to read more.
yeah i realllg don't understand how people truly believe that Dumbledore is the root to all evil. I swear people are more mad at him for certain characters deaths more then they are at fucking Voldemort.
The thing with Dumbledore is that he's morally grey. He's not the perfect mentor that we're led to believe he is but that doesn't make him a full blown villain. He is not responsible for every bad thing that's happened in the series
and it's SO ANNOYING cause it's taking away everything that made these characters interesting. Like acting as if everyone in the Order was manipulated into joining takes away so much from them.
And as for the Death Eaters don't even get me started. Evan and Barty in particular died because of their own actions. They committed crimes, they were supposed to be arrested but they resisted and instead were killed. Dumbledore has literally no hand in that because he's not apart of the justice system and has never shown any signs of wanting to be
And as for the people who died during the Battle of Hogwarts blaming Dumbledore is just plain dumb. Dumbledore was literally already dead at this point and speaking of Remus and Tonks as if they were fully adults doing their job (as part of the Order and in Tonks case literally her job. It's her fucking job to fight bad wizards. It's what she gets paid for. She's a fucking auror) with the kids it's more McGonagalls fault if anything for letting the kids fight in the battle to begin with. But the fandom love McGonagall so they'd never admit it. Either way Dumbledore was already six feet under and played literally no part in the battle or had a say in who fought it (HE WAS LITERALLY DEAD)
Also while we're here let's talking about everyone else
James and Lily Dumbledore literally put in hiding to protect them "but he took the invisibility cloak" no. James gave him the cloak. We don't know why but considering James and Lily were in hiding and their lives were in the hands of their best friend Peter it's not hard to imagine that they deemed themselves safe enough to hand Dumbledore a cloak that wouldn't have fitted all three of them anyway
Cedric Diggory died because of three people and their names are Peter Pettigrew, Barty Crouch Jr and Voldemort. Maybe at best i'll give you that Dumbeldore wasn't looking into the odd things happening at Hogwarts (like Harry being chosen) enough but then you'll have to be prepared to blame every other teacher as well
Marlene, Dorcas, Pandora, Alice, Frank, and practically every other marauders era character had very little cannon information about their death but none of their deaths mention anything to do with Dumbledore. How tf is Dumbledore to blame for Pandora experimenting with spells???
Regulus is the same with Barty and Evan. That man went into the cave by himself because of something Kreacher told him about Voldemort. IF DUMBLEDORE KNEW THAT REGULUS WENT INTO THET CAVE AND KNEW ABOUT THE LOCKET THEN WHY THE FUCK WOULD HE TAKE THE LITERAL CHOSEN ONE WHO HAS TO BE KILLED BY VOLDEMORT INTO A DEATH CAVE TO GET A PHONY LOCKET??????????
As i've said I don't even like Dumbledore like that but this fandom is killing me with all of this frankly stupid nonsense and it's killing my braincells
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mswyrr · 10 months
lucy gray baird's philosophy
I want to "yes, and" this great meta post by @burst-of-iridescent​. Specifically this part:
by the end of the book, coriolanus gives in fully to dr gaul’s way of thinking simply because it excuses him from accepting blame for his actions. if he killed sejanus, it’s because he had no choice. if he betrayed lucy gray, it’s because she would’ve betrayed him first. coriolanus refuses to believe in the goodness of humanity because that would have meant accepting the goodness that existed within him, and with that came the potential for making a different, better choice - potential that he knew, deep down, he had wasted. attributing his crimes to an innate evil that no one can overcome means that he can’t be held accountable, because it’s out of his control.
This got me thinking about how much Lucy Gray's worldview rejects of this way of thinking (and of a Calvinist*/ableist "some people are just born evil" pov people try to impose on the text, which people think is condemning him but actually... accidentally agrees with him that he was born evil and therefore can't help it??????). The book begins with several quotes chosen by the author, but I believe the one that represents Lucy Gray's worldview is Rousseau, who believed people were born with fundamental goodness.
Here's a source on him:
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(Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
And here's the quote Collins opens with:
“Man is born free; and everywhere he is in chains.” — Jean-Jacques Rousseau, The Social Contract, 1762
That's Lucy Gray's pov she's come to through living and reflecting as an artist; someone can disagree with it (of course, all of these questions are open for endless debate; they have been debated endlessly!) however, it's important to respect that is where she's coming from, not being foolish or naive. It is a worthy pov that should be respected, even if you disagree. And that she came to this pov through a hard life and from much thinking and she expresses it beautifully in her art.
Here's the key exchange from the book, after Coriolanus has taken on the idea that people are just awful and her articulating her philosophy in response:
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(Ballad, 495)
She's not naive. She recognizes the nuance that Rousseau does, that society shapes us. And Panem is pretty clearly a society led by people applying all the pressures they can think of on people toward evil. (And, after his heel turn, Coriolanus' is going to innovate some new pressures...) Clearly there are situations and circumstances that form us before we have much say in it, but that's not the same as being born evil.
The difference between inherent goodness and a corrupt society is, for Lucy Gray, a lot of hard work. It's a struggle. This repudiates both the version of "born evil" Coriolanus himself takes on, which relieves him of responsibility, and the self-righteous, Calvinist and/or ableist pov people keep arguing for, which makes "normal" people feel like they can be sure they're good (and ignore how we are all complicit in evil to some degree or another) because they have a "good" normal brain or they were just born so pure as a soul predestined for heaven. No, for her, everyone has to do the work. To her it's everyone's "life's challenge to try and stay on the right side of that line."
Even more pointedly, the love song she wrote him before his betrayal, "Pure as the Driven Snow," articulates her philosophy in the opening lines:
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(Ballad, 481)
Again, we have her personal focus on the work of "staying on the right side" of good and evil after being born good into evil circumstances. She knows it hurts; she's led a hard life herself. "It's rough as a bair" to do that work, it's "like walkin' through fire." But it is doable.
Lucy Gray meant it as a love song but IMO "Pure as the Driven Snow" ends up a lament for the boy Coriolanus was and her love that he betrayed when he betrayed himself. And it is a direct rejection of his excuses, it is inadvertently reading him for filth for the lies he tells himself that all the world is the Games arena, all people are selfish and bad, and he isn't to blame for what he's done because he just wants to come out on top/be the victor of this "natural" "war of all against all" that is Gaul's philosophy (related to the Hobbes quote Collins begins with; I wrote a meta on that here) that he adopts.
I see her demeaned as a foolish girl who just "like bad boys" and I get so frustrated. I also get frustrated by the view that she must not have ever been sincere in loving or trusting him because IF SHE WAS then she would be a fool and his betrayal would somehow be her fault. And she'd reject the idea that she's "good" just because she's so pure or that anyone can claim we're good without doing a lot of hard work.
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(Ballad, 482)
She is so thoughtful and interesting as a character. And she didn't just "like bad boys" - Coriolanus showed only his good side to her until the very end, once he'd decided to kill that part of himself. She had no way of knowing. Sometimes you trust someone and they betray you, it doesn't make you wrong, the shame is all theirs.
*Strict Calvinist predestination is some people are just predetermined to be bound for heaven and some for hell, some people are just born good and others are born bad. A lot of people in fandom seem to love Calvinism idk why. The ableism bit of this should be self-evident: there is no such thing as a "bad" brain type completely incapable of morality or a "good" brain and neurodivergence is not the source of all evil!
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hauntedwizardmoment · 2 months
can i be mean. and ask u to rank the party members from fave to least fave
SJDLKSGDFHJKS this is SAUR mean omg i cant rank them theyre all my children...
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for Me. in terms of "how fun they are to write/think about" the ranking is (fave to least fave):
peregrine - king of being the worst
invidia - jace's bestie i love their interactions
aurora - something so fun about writing a terrible person
dagbert - straight man of the group, he doesnt get Much dialogue but what he does get is really funny
ysvelde - honestly v hard to write bc i have to work to make her voice distinct from jace they have very similar issues and problems
in terms of the "who would you feel safe trapped in an elevator with" litmus test:
ysvelde - she may have no sense of self and uses seeking the approval of others as a substitute for having a personality but she's generally reliable and would help you out of the elevator
peregrine - he's got so many issues and problems but he IS useful in an emergency and good at his job, he could get you out of the elevator with ease
dagbert - he could actually get you out of the elevator if you were stuck in there but he's so big that you risk getting bruised in the process
invidia - could also get you out of the elevator but will act like its your fault that you got trapped in there in the first place
aurora - will also blame you for getting stuck in the elevator and will not help get you out
in terms of best to worst person:
dagbert - he's just a stand-up guy like he's genuinely a good egg
invidia - actually has principles that she believes in that arent actively terrible, her one vice is being very catty which is jace's vice too so it's fine
ysvelde - she's trying really hard to be good and mostly succeeding but if she would get greater amounts of approval and validation for being evil she'd do it in a heartbeat
aurora - girl she's in the harvestmen
peregrine - girl he's in the harvestmen and not even as a genuine believer, hes there because he's too spineless to go against what aurora wants
and jace's ranking of them:
peregrine - love of his life, genuinely he would give it all up for this guy. he's never felt this way about anyone before
invidia - thats bestie!! thats his partner in crime and who he talks shit about the rest of the party with!!
ysvelde - secondary bestie!! its a little weird because they dated for a few weeks and it got way too intense way too fast and they almost got married but thank god that didnt happen. theyre cool now they can laugh about it
dagbert - GREAT lay, not much of a conversationalist but he's hot and doesnt make jace talk about himself beyond what he wants to share
aurora - hates her ass so much, half the reason he started hooking up w peregrine was to spite her. love when jace kind of sucks.
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necrotic-nephilim · 21 days
for the ask game (i'm so happy you're still doing it!)
in a bit darker version of canon, one of the antikilling batfam members actually kills someone (i'm thinking dick or tim). maybe it's an accident, maybe the're spiraling and reach a breaking point or maybe something happened that irrevocably changed their worldview. how do they feel? do they cover it up? do they continue killing? who knows about it, who helps them cover it up, who joins them? how does bruce, the rest of the family and hero community react if they find out?
for the ask game!
ugh i LOVE when characters are pushed over the edge and have to deal with the consequences of their actions. especially Dick and Tim who are just. both so dedicated to their moral codes and having them shatter. you get both versions bc i have thoughts. we'll start with Tim
there are a lot of routes you can take Tim killing someone. but i specifically would have it happen right after the Titans of Tomorrow and/or Lonely Place of Living arc, where Tim faces an evil older version of himself who's very pro-murder and has led the Titans down this dark path as Batman. because that's what Tim's afraid of becoming. he's afraid of what being Batman would do to him, and he's afraid of whether this future is inevitable or not. so to have Tim in this mindset of hypervigilance of what he's capable of and he kills someone anyway? i'd love to toy with the "is the future inevitable or can we change it" concept. i like the idea Tim's kill is Captain Boomerang, given the death of his dad and all. Tim insists up and down to Bruce that he can handle this mission, it won't be too personal for him, he's fine. and the funny thing is, he feels fine. he's compartmentalizing all his feelings pretty well. so well, in fact, he doesn't realize he's killed Boomerang with his bare hands until it's already done, and there's blood everywhere and Tim has to figure out what to do. he has to cope with the inevitability of the future he's convinced he just set into motion.
he would know, realistically, there's no hiding it. especially not from *Bruce*, who knew Tim was on this mission. someone's going to notice Boomerang is missing sooner or later no matter how well Tim cleans up this crime scene. honestly, i think he'd call Helena. he's close to her, and she's pro-murder, making her the least likely to judge him for it. what he doesn't expect is that when she shows up, she takes the blame for it. she fully looks Batman in the eye and says she murdered the guy and somehow, Bruce buys it. Tim keeps waiting for the other shoe to drop. because more than just committing murder, it'd terrify Tim to get *away* with murder. to know it was just that easy, he had to call one person and it all went away. Helena doesn't even seem particularly bothered by taking claim for it, she's killed men for less and she thinks she's helping Tim with this, helping ease his conscious on the whole thing. she even tells Bruce that Tim tried to save Boomerang, that's why Tim is covered in the blood. it makes perfect sense to Bruce he doesn't think about it further. so Tim falls deeper into this spiral of knowing what he's gotten away with. and of course he doesn't open up to Helena about the Titans of Tomorrow stuff, so she has no idea how this could rattle Tim so much. why he doesn't believe her when she promises him this is just a one-off thing for him and she knows he won't do it again.
i think Tim's spiral would just keep going. it's one of those paradoxical things, where he is his own enemy. he's convinced himself he is this thing, so he's becoming it. what could've been just a one-off moment fo weakness with a man who hurt him and he got away with becomes an obsession. Tim can't stop considering how selfish it is, that he gets to kill Boomerang and yet everyone else has to live with the people who hurt them being alive. i think it'd be fun, if Tim turned to Tony Zucco, or someone similar who's hurt a member of the Batfamily. it's not a serious idea, it's a late night thought that plagues Tim. if he knows how he would do it, then he can avoid actually doing it. very "Opeidius trying not to fuck his mom" complex. but the more Tim tortures himself over it, the more he notices how easy this is for him. to plan out how he could murder just about anyone and plot a clean getaway for no one to even know there was foul play. he doesn't act on it. he refuses. but it consumes him. if he's awake, he's thinking about how he'd kill the people who hurt his family, and how easily he could get away with it.
eventually, Tim forces himself into early retirement. it's so sudden, no one expects Tim to just suddenly say he's hanging up the cape. everyone has at some point, gotten cold feet and insisted they were done with the life, but Tim. he really means it. he stops being a vigilante completely, he doesn't even like running comms. he starts to isolate himself just to be sure he won't get to close to someone to want to kill for them. no one can really get through to him and talk to him about what's going on, and it's been enough time since the Boomerang incident that no one, not even Helena, seems to put the pieces together about that being the catalyst to all of this. they want to respect his decision, but something is clearly wrong and no one can figure out what it is. they try to reach out but well. the world keeps turning. there are crises and villain attacks to deal with and eventually, it slips on everyone's mind to check on Tim because they have to save the world again.
in the end, it all comes back to that inevitability. Tim does kill again. who he kills and how he kills them doesn't even matter, and that's the worst part. he knows it doesn't matter because this was a path he set himself down bc he could never avoid it in the first place. he kills and he gets away with it, even when he's not a vigilante. he never would've ended up on this path if he hadn't seen his future self. grandfather paradox and all that. eventually, Bruce does find out. but by then it's too late, and Bruce has no real hard proof, just a suspicion he can't tell anyone else because everyone would just jump to Tim's defense. Tim has Bruce in a corner, and for once. Tim starts to kind of enjoy the game. madness spirals babey.
and of course, the Dick version
i know, with Dick, we all like to talk about that time Dick technically made the Joker's heart stop by beating him so badly. and sure, that's a fun canon moment. but it's the *Joker*, you know. i think Dick accidentally killing someone is far more fun if it's just. some henchmen. some low level villain who would've at best gotten a five year sentence for what the did. you can almost rationalize it, when it's the Joker. but when it's no one? it's just some guy? that's crunchy. that's far worse to handle. Dick wouldn't mean to do, it was the stars aligning for the worst situation. he doesn't pull his punches because he's tired and angry about something unrelated he doesn't even remember. and he just. keeps punching until some random guy is dead underneath him. and there's no bringing him back.
Dick would confess *immediately*. like, he'd firmly believe he needs to face consequences for what he did and it's the only way to rectify the situation. Bruce has taught him everybody deserves justice and Dick is sticking to those guns. he tells Bruce, he tells the Titans, hell, he even tries pretty hard to turn himself in to the police. of course no one will let him though. because it's *Dick*. they know it was an accident. they know Dick would never dream of doing that on purpose and that Dick shouldn't destroy his life for a mistake. and Dick is so torn up that no one will let him face real consequences. everyone tries to tell him stories of the people they failed to save, but to Dick, this is different. this isn't getting there too late and the bomb goes off, this is beating a man with his own fists until he felt the guy's chest cave in and still going anyway. the guilt eats Dick alive.
Dick would have a panic spiral, but very different to Tim's in the above. instead of being terrified and self isolating, Dick forces himself into overdrive. if he can't get anyone to let him face real consequences for what he did, then he has to make up for it. he has to save *every person* he can. he's overworking himself on this desperate need to be better. he knows it's unsustainable and so does everyone else, but Dick won't stop until he literally collapses. because if he had energy to kill someone, then he has to have energy to save someone.
there of course comes a breaking point. Dick stretches himself too thin and i think the culmination of it would be a long talk with Bruce. maybe Bruce opens up about the people he failed to save and they really discuss it all. Dick's guilt, his fear of himself, his anger, all of it. it's probably the closest Dick comes to therapy about all this. i do think. it's fun if some more unsavory people like Slade find out about what Dick did and try to use it as an in to manipulate Dick. pull the whole "you're no better than me, now we both know what you're capable of". and Dick has to fight that. he's stuck between a genuine support system and Slade or someone similar trying to drag him down. bc Dick knows he's not a killer, but deep down that voice inside of him is impossible to silence completely.
though i think Dick comes out stronger at the end of it, he would falter, for just a moment. he has a brief time where he almost gives in, or maybe he starts to give in. he agrees to be Slade's apprentice, unable to cope with his guilt. he's so close to killing again, but it's the light at the end of the tunnel, realizing he could never do this again. it snaps Dick out of it. he's never going to uproot the worst of the guilt from his chest but he's proven it to himself this isn't who he is. he's able to be stable again and it's all a growing moment. that said, it still haunts him. when Jason comes back from the dead, he hears whispers that Dick killed someone, and Jason holds it over his head in fights. villains know about it. maybe it even taints Dick's image, the whispers of how Nightwing beat a guy to death once. sure, he grows from it and all, but it never *quite* leaves him.
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s2 episode 3 thoughts
here we go! this episode is titled "blood" which did not bode well for me, the girl who hates blood. but i am dedicated and pushed through in the name of our mission.
we open at a post office. sometimes, i think it would be fun to work in a post office.
but alas! our postman has received a paper cut. he licks it up which... can't be hygienic.
and then he immediately gets fired :( this is sooooo unfair
when he returns to his post his machine reads "KILL"!!! my first thought was that this was gonna be a little shop of horrors style thing where an inanimate object tastes blood and Likes it (Which is sort of what happened? but mostly not really)
((side note: need to see mulder and scully take on audrey two))
so it seems that the people are either being told by machines to do some killing or all the members of the town are experiencing collective hallucination...
mulder arrives. i was distracted by his fluffy hair. from the notes: "his hair is fluffy. he isn't saying much at this crime scene but his hair is fluffy"
! MULDER LORE REVEAL ! he played right field! (this was brought up when the policeman mentioned the suspect was on the softball team)
back to our post office friend, who is near a child with a random nosebleed whilst getting some money, and now the ATM is telling him to kill people
mulder points out that these are spree killings and not serial ones <-okay human embodiment of the nerd emoji.
it's a totally normal report on the crimes, no spooky stuff involved, and scully is reading it... until he mentions UFOs and she says to herself "i was wondering when you'd get to that" LMAOOOOO she knows him too well
we see a woman being lured into a dark garage by a mechanic and i thought i knew where this was going but i DIDN'T because SHE gets paranoid and the machine tells her the guy is gonna get her and she freaks out and STABS HIM
mulder arrives to the crime scene with a really funny looking camera. can anyone provide me more information about this camera? i'm curious
anyway, he shows up at the house of the woman who killed the mechanic, and we see another example of his bountiful social skills when he asks to come in and she says "i'm late for work" and he just barges in and says "you can blame me". i love this man so bad it's actually a problem. he WILL get inside of ur house.
but her microwave is telling her to kill him and she pulls out a knife and STABS him and i was yelling NOOOOOOOO! and then the cop he was with shoots her and VERY QUICKLY we get a cutscene to....
she thinks there's some sort of chemical that is making the people do this
we also see poor wet meow meow mulder's bandaged arm :(
back to the ex-postman, who is seeking new gainful employment at a supermarket in which there are guns for sale in the back, another reminder that this show is set in america. he starts to see evil things in the TV but resists (and it might be related to the blood drive at the store but? it's a little unclear tbh)
mulder running scene! getting his cardio in! the man is dripping in sweat! he sees a guy toss some stuff in a yard and it's... dead bugs?
so who does he take the bugs to? well, the weirdos who previously were consulted for another case: the conspirators at the lone gunman! famous for the one guy hitting on scully and ripping up her twenty dollar bill
so we're back to these freaks and he says he didn't see their latest issue because "it arrived the same day as my subscription to Celebrity Skin"
now, i had an educated guess here based on name alone, but needed to confirm what this "celebrity skin" truly was. a search brings you to an album by the band Hole, and i was like omg!!! we're gonna get an insight into his canon music taste!!!! there is nothing more i LOVE than learning a character's favorite artists <3
but, this cannot be... for the show takes place before 1998, when the album was released... so i dig further
chat, as expected, it is a porn mag. seems to have involved some unethical stuff. mulder: ur a sick man.
the even sicker man who previously hit on scully was like "where's your little friend?" and he counters with "she wouldn't come. she was too afraid of her love for you" and the weirdo responds with "she's tasty"
now i want you to buckle your seat belts for what mulder says next. buckled? secured? sat? everyone is in a safe position? okay. he says:
"you know, it's men like you that give perversion a bad name"
HELLO? hey. hi! quick question <3 what does that mean. mulder a freak confirmed????
(i mean i guess we DID already know he fucked phoebe on arthur conan doyle's grave, which is going to stick in my head forever, but. don't make it worse. sometimes he's such a Man)
anyway the weirdos at the lone gunman think it's related to pesticides. and then mulder asks to borrow their night vision goggles and the weirdest of weirdos is like "only if you give me scully's number!"
cutscene to him using the night goggles
(mulder, if you gave that creep her number, i will NEVER forgive you. so keep that in mind)
he's sitting in a field and it looks so natural, like he really belongs there. bring back sitting in fields. but then he breaks into the orchard and gets sprayed by some pesticides and thoroughly knocked on his ass
mulder's yelling at some guy to take responsibility for the pesticides that he thinks are killing people... a moral crusader serving on the front lines...
scully's here now, btw. she took his blood. which had to be a strange experience. and then she mentions that she FLEW 300 MILES in the MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT to come take his blood?
holy shit, mulder. she did that for you and you've been so broody and angsty lately and maybe even gave some dick her phone number. holy shit mulder, do not blow this. you cannot afford to blow this. she is soooo good to you.
anyway, he's seeing the same evil messages in technology the killers were now so that's a bummer
mulder proposes that this is some sort of subliminal messaging thing that is being activated by the fear-inducing pesticides and the cop gets pissed and leaves, to which he says "he's probably one of those people that thinks Elvis is dead"
so that's the SECOND line in this show about him being an elvis truther and i'm starting to think it's not a joke
back to the ex-postman. people are coming to his door to take blood and test for the chemicals in the pesticides and he's going bonkers. he's seeing "KILL" in his calculator, which is how you know things are rough. his watch even beeps and says "KILL" which i think would make a very very very very funny gif if anyone has that.
well, all of a sudden he's missing so the agents go to his house and knock. until.
scully realizes the door is open and just. lets herself in. i was laughing SO hard here. these bitches WILL get into your house. they will NOT wait for an invitation. truly a sign of soulmatism.
ex-postman was running running and they're like omg where is heeeeee he's gonna hurt people!!! scully is once again proving her genius status by saying that if it's a paranoia case, then all these guys in police uniforms need to get out of view.
(there's also this shot where mulder is like. smoldering. and she's behind him and man. height difference content i really really do love you and your work <3)
our crazed ex-postman climbs a tower at a college and is gonna start shooting but he's also hallucinating and laughing maniacally which i described in my notes as "entering his joker era"
mulder runs up and prevents a shootout using some handy jujitsu. neeeeed to see if this man is a black belt. for character driven purposes.
but he says that he knows the guy can't stop and overall it's an eerie situation because you can tell the pesticides are still in his brain as well. and his arm is bleeding again and this makes the other guy go into overdrive.
um. okay.
crisis averted...?
well, you sure would like to think that, wouldn't you? but the episode ends with mulder calling scully, and then HE sees more evil stuff in his phone! and it fades to blackness as her voice is heard through the speaker...
(i love that she knew it was him immediately. despite the silence. and that her train of thought went from "it's scully" to "mulder is it you?" to "mulder, what's wrong?" talk about a connection!)
hope he doesn't do anything too impulsive...
in conclusion: my very surface level interpretation of this episode was that it was warning us to not be controlled by technology, which i'm sure felt more relevant back in the day. but now that i have to click "don't sell my data" when i browse flavors of soup for sale online, i think we might just no longer be the target audience. or maybe it's even more relevant! an argument could be made both ways.
down with pesticides, though! i can get behind that! when's the last time you saw a bee? bring them back!
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A lengthy post on why Lada's parents suck
Disclaimer: I hate them both equally the dad does not get off easier
The Father: On that note let me start with the dad because he truly does not get enough flack. A wise man once said "I'm biggest hater I hate the way that you walk, the way that you talk" and that's how I feel about the father.
I've seen him be praised for the grand act of not being a homophobe in 2024 and I didn't mind because his wife is a menace and his only crime was being passive and "clueless". However I still didn't like him, sure he loved Lada and supported her decision regardless of what she did but that is quite literally the bare minimum for any parent and the fact that other queer people have parents that struggle to trip over that mark does not make him exceptional in any way. Beyond that he only advocated for her in private and when he did it was half hearted. He was far more concerned with keeping the peace with his wife then he was with defending his daughter. Which was fine when we assumed Lada didn't know either of her parents knew she was queer.
Then you could argue that he was waiting for Lada to come to him and he couldn't possibly know what the mom did. However this new episode shows that Lada knew that her mom knew about her being queer so one would think a father who is a #ally would tell his lesbian daughter that her mom is actually secretly homophobic and maybe she should be mindful of that.
What makes him worse is the fact that he knew the mom orchestrated the breakup and he sat there and watched his daughter who he 'supports' suffer for years. He didn't even bother confronting the wife he just sat on that information, comfortable to let his only child wallow in misery until her mother forced her to marry a man. Never once did he think 'hey maybe I should tell my daughter the life altering breakup she's barely surviving was orchestrated by my evil wife and she should probably get back with the love of the life since I again am a #ally'
I will die hating that man. He's so complacent he might as well not be there. He's like a cartoon angel on the mom's shoulder that gets batted away every few minutes. If that's allyship and supportive parenting then he can keep it because obviously it makes no difference. Passive parents are just as bad as their evil/abuse partners. He was not cursed with the witch he chose her and he's sticking beside her.
The Witch: Now lets get to the she devil. My feeling for her transcends hatred . I haven't wished this much misery on a character since the old bat from Gap. She is so caught up with her idea of what Lada's life should look like she's willing sacrifice her own daughter. She wants Lada to be a hallow doll, a human sized trophy whose only goal is to please her and whose only purpose is to be paraded around so that anyone who might be looking can see what a great mom she is because her doll is so accomplished.
She caused her daughter to go through an unimaginable amount of pain and even when she saw her at her lowest she didn't feel a shred of regret because to her the love between women is just fundamentally inferior for no other reason besides the fact that 'it just is'. She even had the audacity to twist the knife and paint herself as some beacon Lada could cling to because she would always be there and she 'loved' her so much.
I don't believe that woman knows what parental love is. That whole scene with the husband where she basically blames Earn for her choices she also talks about Lada but she never really talks about her. Instead she talks about what she did, how she molded her and how perfect Lada was as a result even though Lada told her none of that made her happy.
Then the show had the temerity to pull the sick card just like in Gap and just like in Gap Lada goes running back and now Earnlada is in jeopardy again. Just once I want these writers to kill the homophobe. She wont be missed and it saves me the pain of watching them forgive and forget simply because she's sick. Why is it always forgive and forget? For some relationships it works but there has to be a line where things become irreparable. Where even if the characters do forgive they can heal privately, free from the people that hurt them. Not everyone has to hold hands and kumbaya sometimes we can say fuck the homophobes and leave it there.
In conclusion, Lada deserved better. Earn should have snitched. I will never like the father and I will be praying on the mothers' death.
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firecurls-27 · 11 days
I would absolutely love to hear about your new cupchal fankids and is there anything new about the current ones?
(Holy shit this was forever ago-)
Yayayay I’d be happy to tell you! (Both fun facts and new facts!!!!)
Important info: these guys grew/growing up in the 40s-50s, cuphead is not grail’s father, elder kettle outlived the cupbro’s parents, I might make more cupchal kids if I gain more ideas-
- 16 (oldest)
- nothings really changed personality wise, he still doesn’t like cuphead.
- he used to have a twin sister but I decided just not to use her because I had no ideas for her.
- he has a crush on a guy who works at the soda fountain, and takes all his siblings as an excuse to talk to him.
- has an interest in cars and mechanics.
- owns a motorcycle.
- has no connection to his biological father, yet misses him dearly.
- has a part-time job in janitorial work.
- loves singing and dancing with his mom.
- 14
- adores those 50s skirts with the poodles and the fun patterns
- gets very overstimulated easily (I can imagine why she’s bullied by her siblings constantly)
- her anxiety is so bad. Oh my god it’s so bad.
- if anything happens the others blame it on her. (Except grail and the twins, they’re better than that.)
- loves music and hopes to be as good as her parents.
- despite not being very sociable, she gets love letters constantly from kids in her grade asking her for dates. Cuphead disapproves of this.
- loves both her parents equally and gets stressed when someone makes her choose sides-
- 13
- mamas boy.
- loves baseball and hopes to be a baseball player someday.
- porcy-Lynn’s partner in crime (more like a villain sidekick)
- terrible at math. Has minty tutor him.
- loves music and hopes to be as good as his parents.
- thinks before he does.
- good at piano like his pop.
- if he gets in trouble he pins it on minty. She’ll take the fall.
- secretly has a pet turtle he doesn’t let anyone know about.
- inherited the country boy-ness. Likes to help out elder kettle with his property.
Pepper & Lemony
- 12 (lemony is 5 minutes older)
- stereotypical “creepy twins” but in reality they just hate people.
- lemony has an interest in herbology, specifically the poisonous plants.
- pepper has an interest in biology, specifically bones.
- both terrible at singing.
- one prefers women over men, and the other prefers men over women. But I’ll let you guess which is which. ;)
- they both have preferred parents, but won’t say who.
- minty tutors them in math.
- they don’t trust Grail that much, but likes that he takes them out for ice cream.
- they rarely sing with their siblings, but enjoy it.
- one has a black cat, the other has a white cat.
- they love Grimms fairytales and always had cuphead read it to them when they were small.
- defend minty when she gets blamed for Lynn and Camo’s antics.
- 9
- if Shirley Temple could swear.
- her “hair” is made from coffee foam.
- she really is a sweetheart deep down. deep. deep down.
- ride-or-die.
- loves music and hopes to be as good as her parents.
- inspired by Darla Dimple. Just a little bit less evil.
- criminal mastermind. Has all of 4th grade wrapped around her finger.
- her middle name is “Vessel” after the grandfather she never got to meet. They would’ve been best friends.
- cuphead gives her several nicknames such as sweetness, firecracker, honey-bun, and so on.
- daddy’s girl <:)
- very upset that she’s no longer the youngest.
- if she gets in trouble she pins it on minty. She’ll take the fall.
- 2 months (youngest)
- just a lil fella.
- just sits there.
- no problems.
- he likes to scream.
- loves his blankie. :)
As I said I may create more kids in the future but who knows ;)
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faithlesbian · 11 months
buffyangel gender roles transfem angel - when angel gets possessed by that girl ghost in season 3? insane and the guy ghost picks buffy to inhabit beautiful
for real this ep is up there among my whole show favourites because of how directly it engages with buffy's self-blame over angel losing his soul through, of all things, the medium of genderswapping ghost possession. this is gonna get Long just to warn you
the way this episode is set up is so so so genius. they could've made it a very simple story about an evil abuser and an innocent victim, but instead they recognised that the situation demanded more than that. real life rarely follows a simple story, and it can often be hard to recognise a relationship for what it is when it doesnt fit that template. buffy finds it very hard to think of herself as a victim, and she blames herself for "killing" the angel that she loved and turning him into the monster he is now, which is why she hates the ghost of this boy as much she does - she fears that she has done something worse than just murder her lover. she could have all her friends and family tell her this wasnt her fault and i dont think she would fully believe them, but through the possession she is told that if it was her fault, if she did kill angel, she would be loved and forgiven anyway.
the role that gender plays in this episode is Crucial. despite setting out to subvert the horror movie blonde cheerleader victim trope, btvs often falls into a pattern of men as monsters and women as victims. in this world, no male character is exempt from seeing women sexually, even gay characters like larry and andrew perform misogynistic sexual degradation of women that's played for laughs. it's just "how all men are". conversely, as evil as women can be on btvs, their sexual violence against men is never taken seriously (see all the times xander is assaulted that just never get addressed). this episode complicates the binary of men as monsters and women as victims as part of its overall complication of these roles by having the final possession play out the way it does. angel, the "man" who is textually a monster, becomes a woman who was a victim of a crime of passion, while still remaining the older person who got into a relationship with a teenager despite knowing it was wrong. buffy, the innocent young girl, becomes an angry murderous boy, while still remaining an emotional teenager making rash choices in the name of love. the disruption of these concrete ideas of monster and victim (and their gendered natures within the show) allows buffy to realise she needs to forgive herself.
obviously this whole plot is doing fascinating things with gender, but the ending stands out to me specifically because of how angel reacts. textually he feels disturbed by the reminder of his humanity and feels the need to go out and do evil vampire things to feel affirmed in his monstrosity, but i also think its interesting how buffy, who often feels robbed of her sense of girlhood by her role as the slayer, isn't perturbed at all by briefly becoming a man. the subversion of gender roles was central in their relationship prior to him losing his soul, with buffy being the strong capable hero, and angel her damsel in distress -- buffy has for the most part reconciled with the perceived masculinity of her strength and doesnt feel that it makes her any less of a girl. angel, on the other hand, who has now had to take on a more masculine role as patriarch of the vampire family (in darla's absence) is freaking out not just because of the reminder of humanity but bc he was briefly literally buffy's girl -- something he wants more than he can let on, soul or no.
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flastar13 · 1 year
I was in my bed cold and bored, searching on Netflix for a light but fun movie, when I found Once Upon a Crime. I loved the concept of a little red riding hood detective who befriends Cinderella and together they investigate a crime but the ending disappointed me.
Spoiler Alert
It turns out that Hans' murderer is Cinderella but it was in self-defense, Hans was a disgusting guy obsessed with cutting women's beautiful hair regardless of the fact that women refused to let him cut his hair. Unfortunately Cinderella had the misfortune of running into this creep in a scene that she uncomfortably reminded me of a predator convincing his victim to come with, WAIT THAT'S WHAT'S HAPPENING. Upon arriving at Hans' house, the stylist tries to forcibly cut Cinderella's beautiful blonde hair in a confrontation that reminds me eerily of an attempted rape but Cinderella manages to defend herself and hits him with a rock, unfortunately FOR HER NOT FOR HIM DISGUSTING HANS, he dies. Here I recognize that her actions are truly criminal although I still empathize with her because the victim is Margot, her stepsister who abuses her and kills her dove for being ugly and sells her cake. Cinderella blames her for the crime but it doesn't turn out as expected. planned.
Little Red Riding Hood discovers the truth and gets Cinderella to confess, so I prepared myself for an emotional scene where Little Red Riding Hood asks the prince for mercy for her friend, after all she was able to hide a corpse so that her friend can have a moment of happiness in her life. shit and had Margot arrested for one night for being a bully to Cinderella even though she knew she was innocent of the murder. Then the prince, who they said was so fair and strongly suspected the rumors about the disgusting Hans, would forgive Cinderella for the murder because it was self-defense, but he would force her to pay the penalty for trying to frame Margot for murder, showing us the girls that it is okay to defend ourselves from disgusting guys no matter how influential they are and the law is going to protect us but at the same time saying that no matter how bad they are to you, framing your bully for homicide is wrong and will be punished by independent law of the evil one, what is your bully because you are violating the law. After that, Little Red Riding Hood would point out that Cinderella's family is guilty of committing domestic abuse and that if the disgusting Hans got justice, Cinderella should also get it, the stepmother and her daughters would be arrested for longer than Cinderella so after paying her Crime would return home free from her abusers with the friendship of Little Red Riding Hood and the prince who loves Remi but pities her and developed brotherly affection for Cinderella. That was the ending I expected in 2023, where women can defend themselves against disgusting guys and have male friends.
What I got was a poor victim who is shamed for defending herself against a disgusting but rich and influential guy who got justice even though her murder was in her own defense while her victim didn't get her abusive relatives They were arrested for having her as a slave. Then the other girl Remi for not defending herself from the disgusting Hans, leaving her with a scar that depresses her so much that she hides even from her boyfriend, the prince, is rewarded with the prince's hand in marriage for acting for a year as if she were guilty of being attacked. by a madman while Cinderella is imprisoned for defending herself. Nice teaching, let that influential man rape you and then leave society so they don't see how hurt you were because you will be rewarded for your passivity with a handsome and rich boyfriend but if you defend yourself you will be arrested and no one will care why you did it If you are poor you will never get justice, you must be rich to get it.
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namisweatheria · 8 months
I can't believe someone actually wrote Sakura hate on my Nami defending post. Anyone who knows me would shriek in horror. I'm so enraged I've tried and failed to begin this post about a million times now.
While I find it a massive failure of a person's quality of intelligence and character to hate on misogynistically-written characters using the exact same language as the larger misogynistic fanbase who also hates them, despite thinking of themselves as somehow different, in general... when it comes to Haruno Sakura at this point if you're out here on the internet in 2024 saying negative things about her in random comment sections I genuinely think you're a clueless idiot and I hate your stupid guts. lol
The online mania of Sakura hatred left it's fucking mark on people who grew up as girls watching Naruto. I honestly wasn't a very online kid, so I only know about that from my friends' experiences, but how the show itself treated her left it's mark on me all on it's own. And I can see the legacy of that mania online now! Anything that so much as mentions female characters, or sexism, or annoying characters, in anime, will get mean comments about her. It's still here and it's infuriating!
Everyone should be able to separate the bigoted writing that can make a character unpleasant, and the character itself. Otherwise one just ends up contributing to the wave of hatred from bigoted fans. That always ends up hurting real people!
The widespread out-sized fervent hatred of Sakura is particularly something there is no excuse to continue to add to. At this point she represents so much more than a specific character. She symbolizes the continuation of a fucked up online culture that directs their ire at female shounen characters instead of the men who wrote them into horrible little boxes.
So, I don't even have to defend her actual character. It's not really about that. I'm going to anyways though. Because I love her to pieces and so much said about her is just slander.
Sakura fucking rules and is a compelling sympathetic character with a good arc, she was just written by a man who hates women and takes every single opportunity to put his female characters in their place. (The fucking background, kitchen, or grave.) Sometimes all three in that order!
Sakura's worst crime is being a 12 year old Girl. She's insensitive, as 12 year olds can be. She's hyper-conforming to hetero-feminine roles, as her society expects her to be, and she's over-the-top and embarrassing about it, because she's 12.
In the beginning she's often weak and scared in the background, because that's the box she was put into as The Girl. If she had gotten to have equal capability with her teammates early on then Kishimoto wouldn't have been able to focus totally on the male characters he actually cared about. To blame her for that instead of sympathizing with the angst it caused her is so heartless and backwards.
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All the writing involving Sasuke fucking sucked, and Sakura's the biggest victim of that. The whole "charm" of their "romance" is that she'll stand by him and love him no matter how terribly he treats her. Does that not sound fucking familiar. It is some of the most basic misogyny there is. That is an age-old evil expectation put on countless women, not a cute story. Hating their "romance", but expressing it by blaming her for being put into that role by Kishimoto is so fucking stupid.
(Also, it's so, so, easy to interpret her hyper performative heterosexuality as closeted lesbianism. She's so unintentionally gay-coded, especially her relationship with Ino.)
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It very much happens silently in the background, because I think Kishimoto will spontaneously start choking on his own blood if he tries to focus on a female character instead of his male faves for more than a single minute, but Sakura does have a good arc! Remember Inner-Sakura? She was treated as just a gag, but if you take her seriously for a second you'll realize it was actually deeply disturbing.
Sakura was repressing her anger and goofiness, because she was trying so hard to be this want-able, feminine girl. It wasn't just her unspoken thoughts, she had a whole alternate personality tucked away because of the trauma of being a girl in a sexist society.
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Ino describes it here as "A whole other psyche" and is so disturbed by it she asks her, "What are you?"
The most interesting, satisfying thing about Inner-Sakura is: She goes away. She goes away after Sakura trains under a strong, successful, funny, angry, loud woman. Tsunade helps Sakura express her anger instead of repressing it, just by being near her, she shows her the kind of woman she can be. She encourages her and teaches her to be strong and shows her it's okay to be mad. Now when Sakura is angry she can yell and punch a mountain into dust about it.
It's very much in the background, but it happens. And it's everything. How could you not care about it, once you notice it? How can you not care about her?
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One of the most annoying things people say about Sakura is that she became strong out of nowhere. I think those people just weren't paying fucking attention to her lol.
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Not to mention, if Naruto and Sasuke can each get super-powered Sannin to train them personally, why can't Sakura? What's wrong with that? She wanted desperately to keep up with them, to be strong enough to protect them, and she knew exactly who to go to. Why wouldn't you root for her?
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So what if there's nothing that makes her special, to those who only care about genetic abilities and tailed beasts. She works hard. She fights tooth and nail. There's a reason she gets along so well with Rock Lee. In Kakashi's words, "Like Naruto, Sakura possesses a heart that cannot bear to be beaten." In Sakura's:
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God, just. How can you not be obsessed with her? It's not her fault the sexist mangaka couldn't let her keep developing on-screen for more than one chapter per 30 volumes without actually grappling with the fact that there's a third person in his stupid two person narrative. She's so fucking great she's crazy she's rude she's funny she's audacious she has guts!!!!!!!!!!! You absolutely cannot come into my space with a negative word on her name. Love and respect Haruno Sakura or simply die.
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spillthebea · 6 months
welcome lgbtq+ community,
first thing first, do not expect clear thoughts or for me to stay on one topic!
multifandom shenanigans because my brain cannot and will not stand for multiple blogs for each fandom so, expect me to jump from one thing to another in mere seconds!
my AO3 and SquidgeWorld are just a click away!! you can find gay fics and gay fics and even more GAY FICS! With a sprinkle of trauma and angst for your enjoyment!
disclaimer: any emotional damage will not be blamed on the author who was in a silly little mood
all posts related to my fics or wips are under the tag: #spillthefic
art posts under tag: #spilltheart
ship scenarios posts under tag: #spillthescenario
completed fics:
so lay out the tea, and, poet, lay on the jam; (sirius/remus) 32k
or, why be yourself when you can be an expert in Russian Literature?
the boy with the thorn in his side ; (sirius/remus) 238k
“Grey is not a rainbow colour" “You’re made of moonlight, Moony. Fuck the rainbow.”
if you are homesick, give me your hand and I'll hold it;
(sirius/remus & harry) 14k
or, a werewolf, the Chosen One and a wizard in dog form… it doesn't sound that bad of a joke.
the tale of a white sheep; (sirius & narcissa) 3,7k
or, Narcissa and Sirius share a soft moment thinking about their childhood and how much worse it could've been without Andromeda protecting them
i can't wait to go to sleep (and wake up from this sad dream);
(remus) 2,6k
or, Harry gives Remus another trauma to unpack with the help of the only *drum rolls* Marauders' Map and a fucking rat
seeing through the sung lies; (regulus & sirius) 3,5k
or Regulus has a lot of regrets and feelings for his past actions and future but Sirius being in Azkaban won't be one of them. Remus joins the team.
turns out her heart fits right in the palm of his hand ; (james/lily) 6,6k
or, Lily Evans should have never ever, ever, allowed James Fleamont Potter to decide the location of their first date, because, of course, the idiot has brought her to the place where all the first dates at Hogsmeade happen.
I take you as a fan, you take me as I am ; (sirius/remus) 2,1k
or, “It’s not every day you meet your jerking-off material in real life!” or or, Remus just wants to go home and sleep but his number 1 fan, who is also a mercenary with a few... issues, has other ideas on his mind.
Denial is a river in Egypt, you have a crush on James Potter! ; (james/lily) 5,5k
or, Lily Evans has a debt to repay but what she gets is a flying lesson, a possible concussion and... oh, right! discovering her crush for no other than James Potter
wip: (temporary title)
WOLFSTAR and HARRY – A Christmas Concert : 2,5k
ZKBB 2024
under revision:
cigarette after sex
the boy with the thorn in his side
my spotify!
be gay; do crime against the evil capitalism
bb is out
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Dahlia Propaganda
"The fandom hates her so bad. She's the antagonist of the trilogy, so I understand some dislike of course but they hate her SO MUCH. she's a 14 year old girl with a twin sister, she gets dragged into crime by her cop step sister and her pedophilic teacher, dahlia betrays them both, steals the money for herself and abandons them. she slowly goes on a downward spiral in an attempt to protect herself. at college age, she kills her step sister and the teacher in an attempt to not be found and charged for the past crimes. the defense attorney for the case questions her testimony and she poisons him. the rest is just her continuing on that path and killing, attacking or blaming anyone who threatens her safety. this is a BASIC reading of her character. The fandom cannot understand this. they think dahlia seduced the teacher and that she's a crazy bitch. the games themself hate her. there's a male character who's so similar to her but WORSE (no backstory) and the fandom fucking loves him. But, dahlia? she's hated so much for no real good reason. I'm not talking dislike of her choices, but calling her a crazy bitch and refusing to look into WHY she acts like that and what lead to her demise. it's so ridiculous."
"she is based"
"Hell, she was fucked over by the writing itself, too. She's written to be this cold, unfeeling, master manipulator and was portrayed as the one at fault in a relationship she had with a 20-year-old when she was FOURTEEN. She's basically treated as this evil temptress who makes boys fall in love with her and then hurts them. It's. It's pretty bad."
Yukari Propaganda
"YUKARI PROPAGANDA: SHE IS LITERALLY SO CORRECT ABOUT EVERYTHING. People call her a bitch for uhh [checks notes] having a a brief freak out after she's shown live footage of her father's gruesome death? For [checks notes] accusing Mitsuru of lying to them about important information (which turned out to be COMPLETELY TRUE, by the way, but fans still mock her for this)? For [checks notes one last time] being mean to Junpei, who gives as good as he gets with rude and sometimes sexist comments in response? And even then, several times she apologizes or reassures him that she was just kidding when he seems genuinely upset by her words, so it's not like she isn't compassionate towards him. She is also routinely mocked and villainized for (huge spoilers) wanting to risk it all to attempt to save the protagonist after he passes away saving the world. To be fair, this turns out to have been the wrong choice, but let's be real -- she was a grieving teenager trying to save her friend slash crush. Yes, she was emotionally all over the place during The Answer. Of course she was! THE WORLD ALMOST ENDED AND HER FIRST LOVE HAD TO DIE TO SAVE EVERYONE. LIKE, THAT JUST HAPPENED TO HER. And everyone somehow just expects her to behave perfectly rationally when she's a 17 year old girl who just lost someone important to her and also almost died with the rest of humanity. Girl is traumatized and grieving and all people can do is call her a hysterical bitch or whatever other shit they wanna come up with." (by @ragecndybars)
"she's NOT a bitch she has a hard time opening up to people + she's a 17 year old dealing with grief after one of those people dies leave her alone!!"
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thecruellestmonth · 7 months
in a city of millions of people ONLY selina can care about the poor and east end/park row and ONLY helena can care about children and rape victims 😉😉 but we can steal jason's traits and give them to tim (btas lmao) or bruce (ul cheer) and then wholesale lie about jason's personality to make batman look good/victim blame him for his death 😉
Well, because I'm a contrarian at heart, now I will disagree with this a bit, even though I never shut up about the story-breaking double-standards imposed on Jason.
Just to touch on some stuff before I get to the "trait-stealing" discourse...
Almost all superheroes and even many villains-who-have-standards do care about children and rape victims. I can see how some fans would get upset at seeing the broad claim that certain characters really really care about victims, because it implies that most other characters don't care enough. So, yes, all heroes should and do care—although different fans might latch on to different characters that express care in ways they find personally satisfying.
I don't think too many people are arguing that BTAS "Timmy Todd" isn't an adaptation of Jason. Once people realize how much BTAS Tim was clearly inspired by Jason, then most people seem to agree that those are signature traits of Jason. There isn't much debate there, as far as I can tell.
Others have covered Cheer thing better than I could.
I would say, yeah factually, Jason hasn't been a community-based hero in canon, and that's something I find really compelling about him. Like several months back on Reddit (yeah yeah I know lol), I did bring up Selina in the Brubaker run as a contrast to Jason. Selina became a community-based hero in that era, and Jason was not.
I believe that Jason did not think of himself as someone who can make connections with others (at least before he was magicked back into the Batfamily by the Morrison run and the New 52). He couldn't be a community-based hero because he couldn't be part of a community. He wasn't building up a neighborhood, he wasn't a neighbor to anyone. He did help people—and then he'd leave them, just walk away without a personal connection. I can't quite articulate it, but there is a distinction between Selina's streak of running away from "being domesticated" for better or for worse, and something like Jason's belief that he is this thing that is incapable of connecting with people. (Jason's immature idea that it's not his role to heal people and be part of society is the very idea that Bruce keeps reverting to as a middle-aged ultra-rich man with several kids and a famously massive support system btw! Bruce is literally doing it again right now!)
Also Selina did do all sorts of selfish, hurtful things when she was Jason's age, and when she was older too. (And she was AMAZING at it! I'm not against her Robin Hood era, but I miss her self-indulgence and misadventures as a rogue.) Helena was going ham mowing down ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴀssᴇs ᴏғ ʟᴏᴡ-ʟɪғᴇ sᴄᴜᴍ back when she was a bit older than Jason is now as a defanged ex-villain in current-day comics. (Hey, I'm not going to be some self-appointed cop holding her accountable for that. Sometimes fictional women set fictional men on fire to cope. 🤷‍♀️ Her outfit looked great while she was burning people alive in front of children. We Aquariuses are free spirits.)
I'd love for Jason to return to Crime Alley and set up there. He's this guy who kept having his connections cut over and over, then became this weird tumbleweed thing cut off from everything, and then he could regrow his roots where it all began. As you say, there are millions of people in Gotham to help (...or to haunt; lesser evil Jason could be my jam too). And that's exactly what fan fiction is supposed to be—fans' wish-fulfillment for the potential of stories and characters. Yes, there is fanon in the fan fiction. That's where the fanon belongs.
A lot of this "trait-stealing" discourse is not helpful, it's not kind. It's not interested in actually exploring the contrasts and parallels between these characters. It's actually stripping these women and girl characters of their traits and their journeys to label them "Female Jason". It's an echo chamber, maybe even a bit a snobfest.
Like I'm sorry. The stories of these women in their mid-20s and 30s who have lived in their own apartments, established their careers, formed adult relationships, come to understand their sexuality—they don't have the same journey as the societyless freak-of-nature zombie boy beefing with his own dad who is the local god-tyrant.
If I argued that Helena, JPV, Cass, and Damian all retread the same boring tortured killer cult-deprogramming redemption arc, then that'd be reductive and narrow-minded and frankly anti-storytelling of me.
Or if I just jumped to assume that fans who headcanon Bruce as Jewish are stealing his cousin Kate's canon Jewishness and refusing to engage with a canon Jewish lesbian character out of sheer bigotry, then that'd be skipping straight to the most negative possible assumptions that I could make about actual real-life people and their motives.
That's really the worst part of this. Reaching to assume the worst in real-life people. The moral posturing. This need to display superiority. Over—I can't emphasize this enough—the consumption of corporate American superhero comics.
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