#((i refuse to make more comics so i jus. yeah))
fandomfluffandfuck · 5 months
I have dyslexia as well so I listen to podfics a lot! Can I ask how you write so perfectly with dyslexia? No need to answer if you don't want to, jus curious about your process :-)
Hey, sweets, it's no problem, don't worry!
I'm gonna take this opportunity to do what I do best and... overexplain. (Which--the overexplaining, overwriting that I do--I'm convinced is due to dyslexia. It takes a lot of words, which I don't feel naturally attuned to, to communicate the thoughts I have in my head. I struggle with words and sentence structure, and it all comes out tangled, so I just keep trying until I have monster paragraphs, lmao.)
Yeah, I'm dyslexic! Very dyslexic, lmao. And I do a lot to work around it, trying my best to write (mostly) coherent words, but also, I don't really think about the process I use all the time because... it's just what I have to do, y'know? I've always had to have work arounds. Like, I've obviously been dyslexic my entire life, but I didn't get a diagnosis until late, late middle school, and at that point, the "accommodations" I got at school were entirely useless. Like, oh, wonderful, preferential seating. Sure. Yeah. That will definitely help with my dyslexia. Thanks.
I also remember, just as a side note, that it was during that time when I was refused accommodations like extra time for tests, reading aids, note-taking aids, etc. all which would've been EXTREMELY HELPFUL because I was doing "well enough" in school. So, clearly, I didn't "need" them, if anything, they would be "wasted" on me when they could go to someone else who was actually struggling (which, I get, public school funding is shitty and there aren't unlimited resources, but I'm still slightly salty, lol. Just because I didn't appear to be struggling on the outside didn't mean I wasn't struggling. It's similar to having "high functioning" depression, like, it doesn't matter if I can function if I still feel like fucking shit constantly). I was also so, so close to not being diagnosed in the first place because, according to the doctors I saw, I was smart enough that it wouldn't matter.
That's a reoccurring theme with my dyslexia, actually!
People never believe me!
Which, sure, is a compliment to other people. But it's a backhanded one. I don't want to be complimented by pushing everyone else down.
The process.
The process starts--background wise--with practice. The shit answer. I know. But, really, practice. I've been writing stories for a lot longer than I've been posting fics. I've written lots of fiction (short stories and nonshort stories), I used to write poetry, and I'm a life-long journal-er. I used to read a lot, lot of books, too, despite the challenges with my dyslexia. It'd just that now I write so much for fandom and with higher education challenging me, I find it hard to have the time or the energy to read and deal with more words than I already do.
So, I have lots of practice on my side, active and passive, but I also have other things...
I type all my fics, and I use fonts and font sizes extensively. I tend to use bigger font sizes overall, not like wildly huge fonts, but not 11 or 12, either. It depends on the font itself--some fonts have larger letters than others. Something about the letters being more visible and having smaller sentence chunks on each line helps me anchor the letters in place.
I also will plan my fics in one font (probably whatever the program is set to by default), then flesh out the plan more in a different font, after I'll actually go and write out my fic in a new font, and when I'm ready to make edits and add final touches I use a new font, again. I tend to bounce between Arial, Verdana, Open Dyslexic, and Comic Sans. Yes, I write smut I comic sans regularly 💀💀
I've seen research that says, yes, fonts can affect dyslexia and research that says it doesn't do shit so... 🤷🏻‍♂️ Either way, I feel like it helps me find mistakes because it tricks my eyes into thinking the words are new, lol. That, and I find it more comfortable to write in dark mode, I don't know why or if it's doing anything specifically to my dyslexia, but I get less lost in the words when in dark mode.
While I'm doing all that font changing, I'm also, as I mentioned, writing and re-writing, which means reading and re-reading. I go over my fics A FUCK TON. Pure repetition irons out a lot of shit by brute force, lol. I have friends who will write essays for school and look over it once, maybe twice if they're feeling spicy. I can not comprehent that. Not me. If I haven't re-read it, once I'm at the final editing and final touches stage, at least six times then... it's not going to be posted. I'll also change fonts between re-readings. And when I put the fucking thing into AO3, I re-read it again.
(I'm sure a beta reader would be very helpful, but I'm also very protective over my art--writing, drawing, sculpture, or otherwise, and so I haven't played with that, lol. You'd have to ask someone else about their experience there!)
While writing, reading, re-writing, and re-reading, I'm also reading out loud to myself.
All 👏🏻of 👏🏻 it 👏🏻
I say all of it.
It helps me with flow and writing style, sure, but really, it forces me to realize mistakes and lessens my mistakes. You mentioned podfics and while I haven't gotten into podfics I am a fucking podcast, music, audio guy. I find audio so much easier to process than written words.
(You might find this poll of interest, I do, lol)
Aaaand, while all of this is going on, I also, of course, use a grammar program. I use Grammarly because it was most accessible (re: free and recommended to me by an English teacher) in high school. I keep in mind that it has batshit insane suggestions sometimes, and I have all their bullshit AI helping tools turned off, but... it does help a ton.
In conclusion, something that I am working on myself is that sometimes when I'm having a bad day with my dyslexia--maybe I'm tired and I can't focus, maybe I have a headache, maybe my eyes are fried from staring at a screen all day, maybe I've done too much reading for college, maybe my threshold for frustration has been exceeded and I just can't deal with the challenge that writing presents that day, or whatever--I can't write and I need to accept that. I'm not gonna be able to produce something good, maybe not even something presentable, every time I sit down to write.
That's fine!
That's how writing works for everyone! That's how writing works for me, someone who struggles with letters and numbers and writing and reading and the whole fucking thing. That's okay. Let it happen. Let it go. Try again tomorrow.
Uhhh, I hope some of that, any of that, was of interest? Helpful? Maybe?
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jackals-ships · 4 months
JACKAL I must apologize I was like I WILL GO CHECK F/O LIST because I am not 100% sure which bot you ship with (<- did not care about robots until suddenly I cared A LOT) though I thiiink it's Megatron bUT sorry if I'm wrong fkdjashkj BUT BEARING IN MIND I HAVEN'T FINISHED S1...I WOULD LIKE TO HEAR ABOUT YOUR SHIP(S) 👀 and perhaps read fic at some point if you are able to find it @goldenworldsabound
(<- did not care about robots until suddenly I cared A LOT) IS AN ENTIRE MOOD THO HFKF tfp is like some sleeper cell activation code i SWEAR,,, + ur all good !! i gotta fiddle w my f/o list a lil and then repost it bc i kept meaning to make minor changes an then forgor,
BUT ANYWAYS YES !!! he's also, hilariously, one of the f/os i have a physical lil guy of despite being not on my radar as long as like garrus hf
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also a read more bc i woke up Rambly today <3
he gets to sit with the ponies :} bc he canonically likes mlp at least according to the lil ask Megatron bit + there was a whole comics crossover (2 I think actually?)
breakdown + knockout are also My Besties they started out as like kinda baby crushes <- local aro can't tell the difference between Feelings even in fiction more at 11 [lighthearted] before megs came for my braincell with the fuckin. steel chair HFJ so seeing you go 👀🥰 at knocks i was like FUCK YEAH LETS GOO !!! im dropping into his work station from the ships vents like oooo someone's got a cruuuuush ooooo you wanna be all (⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)don't u knocks- (jackal is once again banned from the nemesis)
okay okay but; i rlly only have one fic Finished and luckily had the foresight to post it to AO3. it's a lil older so not totally in character + canon but still silly and cute hjfkd
when i get into something with a lot of continuities i tend to kinda? squish em together? or take bits and pieces going >:3 my city now, so the jackal x megatron ship is Primarily TFP but ive also absconded with fun movie details (like megs being i think it was 30? 40 ft tall? Fuck Huge,,,,) and also bits of comics lore/designs (holomatter is an interesting concept and im chewing on Meg's as we speak. gnawing on his arm even-)
but regardless this ship is totally my Slice Of Life Comedy Hour Chill LoFi Beats type of ship HKF like im a sucker for darker stuff higher stakes but i think this one has 0 stakes
like. like jackal and megatron literally met because jackal enjoys long walks on the beach exploring places Away from the city and Generally Away From Ppl to just sorta vibe. and ofc the normal thing to do when coming across a Definitely Alien And If Not Alien Then Like Secret Government Ship is to walk away. NOT wander ur happy lil ass inside like :0 yooooo what do These buttons do
and then when you get kicked out instead of getting squished like the bug you shouldn't come back via the air vents. again. and again and again and AGAIN and AG- until the local alien warlord gives in and is like "yeah okay this is my life now ig???" (soundwave was totally helping them btw. he likes drama 😌 and also has his own human hi adri so he can't say shit-) (also I've never decided on the Actual number of times they break it, in my brain it keeps slowly going up jus bc I find the concept SO funny. pov you're an alien warlord worried you got alien rodents and oh no NVM it's the human again. FUCK-)
it's absolutely the slowest burn too bc Meg's Refuses to admit that he has a crush on the weird squishy thing that keeps breaking in (until he's decided they're dating. and doesn't bother mentioning this) while jackals just 🥰 hehehoho big robot friend who calls me scraplet and sweetspark and sometimes puppy 🥰🥰🥰 also threatened to kill any mech who was mean to me 🤔🤔 weird. aaanyways
THERE'S ALSO a running joke in my head of that "what do you have?" "A KNIFE" "NO-" but it's jackal running off with energon bc you can't SHOW ME a cool liquid and have me NOT want to drink it !! Just a sippy. jus a lil- we'll have the hospital on speed dial pleeeeaaaase-😭
anyways tldr jackal megatron is "I'm not trapped with him he's trapped with me yaaaay :D" and "robot google; weird fuzzy feeling in spark?? how to remove weird fuzzy feeling?? robot google human exterminator near me-"
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what will you do now, I am curious
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danses-with-dogmeat · 2 years
⚛💣 “Shit, I think I’m in love with them.” for the Ben-Man perhaps 👀
YESSSSS we LOVE writing for Benny. Hopefully any of this is legible. I get kinda carried away with the way this wacky man talks...
This is SFW too, btw 😊
"You're not gonna be too long, right baby?"
"No, baby." You insisted, running a hand up over Benny's collar as he grasped desperately to your hips.
"Don't you lie to me. Don't you do it. Tell me when you're gonna be back, let me hear it leave those pretty petal lips o' yours."
He pleaded, his eyebrows scrunching up just the right way to make you feel sorry for him, and you frowned comically, making your own version of puppy eyes in return.
"I'll be back before five." You told him, rubbing your hand over the soft hairs on the nape of his neck, "Then maybe we can do dinner or something, hm?"
"Nah, my sweet honeysuckle pie, that's too flat for my sultry squeeze. We're gonna do a whole lot more than dinner." He jerked you closer to him, and you found your hands instinctively going to his shoulders to steady yourself before he began to sway you back and forth.
"Benny, I've gotta--" You tried, knowing full well how late you were gonna be if he started a dance here and now.
"I'm gonna take you out on the town, up and down the whole strip. We're gonna swing and gab and come back and feast like The King himself. Ya dig that, baby?"
"I do, honey, I dig," You reluctantly pulled away with another sad smile, feeling the tips of his fingers drag helplessly over the fabric of your clothes as you separated from him, "But I've really gotta go, baby. I'll be back. 5 o'clock!"
"When the clock strikes a pentamerous hour, I'll be expectin' you, doll!
He called after you with a hand to his lips as you finally pushed through the doors, and you set off down the strip.
Benny watched you go, a longing in his eyes that his mind refused to properly acknowledge. He huffed, and turned back to the casino floor, shuffling his feet as he headed toward the bar.
"Six has got you shackled now, do they?"
Swank's voice stopped him in his tracks, his gaze smug as he pushed a full glass of amber liquid towards his boss.
"Well, it ain't too official, but I've-- Wait a jiff... You ain't sayin'--"
"Don't kid yourself, boss, they've got you lookin' at 'em the way a Freeside kid eyes a rat."
"Aw, go an' dry up, Swank."
"I'm bein' serious. You're lookin' at 'em like if they get away you'll just keel over an' die."
Benny took a gulp of his drink, a grimace on his face from more than just the bite of the strong Manhattan.
"You're talkin' mad." He said quietly, his voice dry from the alcohol. "Jus' a new fling, ya dig? 'S all it is..."
"Whatever you say, boss. All I know is... Naaah, nevermind, I'll leave ya be."
Swank went to turn away from him, to step fully back behind the greeting counter once more, but Benny's grasp on his shoulder held the man in place.
"What is it you know, huh?"
"All I know is... You've never been this way before. Never seen you act like this. I known you a long time, right?"
"Yeah. An' I ain't never seen a cat like this make you go so crazy. You want my opinion? I think you love the broad/bloke."
Benny's hand froze, grasping too tightly at Swank's shoulder as the world seemed to haze in and out of focus around him. His mind was fuzzy, his ear were ringing like some boxer knocked him over the head, but most of all, Benny's chest gave a painful and definitive throb at even the thought of associating that word with his Six.
"Sock my fuckin' dollager..." Benny breathed, eyes wide as his hand crumpled and fell from his friend's shoulder. He took a step back and set down his drink on the counter as one hand came up to his forehead in utter disbelief. "I think you might just be on the spot... I think I'm in love with them."
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petitprincess1 · 3 years
My Roommate’s a Demonic Deer Ch8 (Still 4 Months Later)
AO3 Link Summary:  Alastor and Anthony both feel a bit of paranoia for this day out, but a small heart-to-heart (in their own way) puts them at ease. Words: 1,124 I AM SO SORRY. I know I explained the situation, which I will keep up for future readers, but I still feel really bad for making you guys wait. It's not a long chapter, but I feel like it's better than doing nothing at all. I really hope you guys enjoy! Warning: Mild paranoia and panic attacks. ~~~ Alastor felt himself slightly become paranoid at the thought of Anthony being near another person, especially one that he didn't know. ...Granted, he doesn't really know anyone that Anthony knew, but still! It made him feel...like he needed to guard him, keep an eye on him at all times.
…..Cherri could easily be working for  Valentino or even is trying to earn some money! Alastor's not being paranoid, it makes perfect sense! Anthony often could be closed off about those that hurt him, so it only makes sense that he just assumes Cherri is a friend. Yes...yes…
Al then shook himself off and sighed, saying to himself, "Alright...now, all I need is some form of a disguise. I refuse to wear the awful clothing they have nowadays, however." ~~~ Anthony rocked on his heels as he waited for Alastor or Cherri to appear, wearing his crop top still, but switched the sweatpants for some shorts. He wasn't expecting the deer man to even say yes to the idea, if anything he thought the demon would have him grovel. The bastard seemed like the kind of jerk to do that. Then again, he had been a bit nicer to him ever since the story. Maybe...things were turning around?
The boy thought for a second before snorting, "Fuck no! That asshole jus' wanted me ta shut up or-"
He then flinched at feeling his phone buzz and his heart dropped. A slight choked feeling came about him as he took out his phone from his pocket, shaking while doing so. The Italian's eyes were closed as he unlocked his phone and opened an eye slightly. A huge relief waved over him at seeing Cherri text him, "Out front of this dump, waiting for ya, Angie!"
The freckled, spunky girl also had a picture of herself with her tongue sticking out and holding up a middle finger. Anthony felt so dumb for getting so worried. He knew Val rarely texted, but….the silence was unnerving. Who knows what that fucking sociopath was gonna do to him when he came back. Hell, who's to say that he won't even be there or anywhere!? ...Maybe going out was a bad idea. Yeah, he can always just back out. A quick text is all he needed to. A text and he'll be perfectly sa-
"Are we ready to go, my dear fellow?" Alastor’s chipper voice broke Anthony out of his panicked state. He took a deep breath and turned around, looking up instinctively, "Yeah, yeah. Cherri's out…."
He trailed off when he didn't see the normally tall deer demon and instead saw a dark-skinned man. Anthony figured it was still Al, since he was sharply dressed in a button-down shirt and slacks and had a large grin on his face, but it was still shocking. He….He was shorter than him!
The lad waved his hand over the top of his head and Al's black, coiffed hair multiple times. Granted, it was only like an inch or two of difference, but it was an immense change from the seven foot demon. Anthony did this a few more times, only because he could see the annoyed twitch in Alastor's grin. The disguised demon asked, fixing his glasses and taking a deep breath, "Are you quite done?"
Anthony blinked at him and did it one more time, snorting at the light red glow in his eyes. He grinned, "Hey, don't get mad at me! I'm jus' shocked ya actually got yerself a human disguise and one dat's actually fashionable, ya know?" Alastor blinked at him and whispered, "I can still cut open your stomach and rip out your entrails like a magician pulling scarves, you know?"
The lad just waved him off as he went walking out the door, "Enough cute flirtin', Al. Cherri's waitin' fer us! I think yer gonna like her, 'specially since ya adore me~"
He winked at Al before leaving out into the hall with a chuckle. Anthony ended up missing Alastor becoming so comically flustered that his ears and tail appeared on his body. The disguised demon mumbled a curse at his magic betraying him and wondering why it was even acting such an odd way. ~~~ When the two were in the main lobby, Alastor grabbed Anthony's forearm, stopping him before he could make any sexual joke, "Are you alright? I felt you become...uneasy before I asked if you were ready."
Anthony’s grin immediately dropped as he looked away and muttered, "I'm alright, Al. Geez, I'm startin' ta think ya got some- hey!"
He shouted at feeling Alastor’s grip tighten and the man narrow his eyes at him, the smile on his face becoming more strained. The boy's eyes narrowed, as well, and he huffed, practically yelling, "I'm fine! Jus' was worried about Val, dat's all! It's really no big deal, Alastor! Don't gotta worry 'bout me when I'm jus' bein' fuckin' stupid and actin' like a pussy!"
Alastor's previous worries about Cherri working for Valentino slightly diminished, since he also felt sudden relief from Anthony. However, he still had a weird nagging in the back of his mind. Either way, the disguised demon released Anthony’s arm and told him gently, "I know I don't...but that's why I do. You don't have to worry. I'm here."
Anthony seemed shocked at the response and even somewhat flattered. He cleared his throat and mumbled, looking at the floor, "Uh, well...thanks, I guess." Al nodded, "Of course. After all, why would I want to feel like a mess all day because you can't keep your silly, petty emotions in check."
"Yeah, well, fuck ya too, Smiles!"
The two stared at one another before chuckling, clearly showing this was all just fun games. Suddenly, a freckled girl with wild hair appeared at the entrance, poking her head in and shouting, "Yo, gaybirds! Get out here before I leave ya two!"
Anthony shouted back, "Yeah, we're on our way, tittums~!"
The girl practically cackled as she left out and Anthony went running towards the front door. Wanting to hurry but not feel too uncouth, Alastor just quickly walked towards the entrance. The landlady shouted out to Anthony, "Don't be bringing any mud into this damn place, Anthony! You'll be cleanin' it up!"
The boy shouted as he left out, "Suck my left tit, Karen!"
Before Alastor could leave as well, the landlady advised, "Oh, young man, please do be careful how you act outside. It may be normal for the boy, but some might be frightened by your...talents and protective nature."
Al stared at the woman for a few seconds before nodding, "Of course, milady! I wouldn't dream of ruining le cafard's day out."
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Ducktales Della Arc Reviews: The Last Crash of the Sunchaser!
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Hello all you happy people. I’ve been dreading this one.. not because it’s bad. Quite the oppisite. In fact on rewatch I was marveling at how brilliant this one was and remembering why it was on my best of list. But because the ending, as you all well know, is the most gutwrenching part of the entire series. Three seasons and lots of other heartrending moments.. and the ending of this episode from the big reveal to that final shot above tears you the fuck apart. It’s hard to watch even know it all works out in the end and that i’d be watching the conclusion the next day instead of having to wait a rather painful week like I did at first airing. It’s just that good. So join me under the cut for a review of one of the series finest half hours and some of David Tennant’s best work as we crash the Sunchaser one last time.. for this season... and i think Launchpad crashes it again in the finale so I don’t get that title. 
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So our plot for the episode is that 
Yes Clan McDuck is taking their version of a vacation. It’s off to Monocrow for the E.X.C.E.S.S. Expo! Yes it’s the EXCESS Expo! With the latest in racecars lasers and many more! The EXCESS Expo! With booths from such welcome guests as Stark International, Muppet Labs, S.T.A.R. Labs, VenTech, The Franklin Sherman Memorial Fishmobabywhirlomgig Institute, TCRI, Gryzzl, Sumdac Systems, G-Heavy Industries, Tylerco, Lexcorp, Wayne Enterprises, Quickstart, The Gizmonic Institute, Alchemax,and Baintronics! But that’s not all! We also have huge paneeellls! Hank Pym’s “The ethics of dating your robot grandaughter”, Reed Richards “How to Dispatch an Evil Council made up entirely of yourself!”, Victor Von Dooms “CURSE YOU RICHARDS I’M SMARTER FOR I AM DOOM”, Stanford Pines with “How to Kill a Godlike Demon and Get your Smile Back”, Dr. Bunsen Hondedew with “How to abuse your assitant in 2020″ Dr.Light with “The Ethics of helping your robot child fight an evil albert einstein”, Profesor Henry Hidgens with “The incoming apocalypse with songs from Working Boys: A New Musical” Ray Palmer “Welcome To Pain”, and you know our friend Ass Dan will be in full effect> yeah bitch you know he’s going to live forev... what’s that? He’s dead. oh shame. Someone call rusty venture. Yes I know i’m typing this. Shut up. THE EXCESS EXPO. BE THERE OR WE’LL SEND OUR ROBOTS AFTER YOU. 
... Where.. Where was I? Oh yes, big vacation. Monocrow.. which sadly is not just a big field with just Crow T. Robot in it. Someday you’ll get MST3K/Ducktales Jake, someday. Point is our heroes are excited, and Scrooge is also there to find the Maltese MacGuffin, a mysterious artifact no one’s ever seen. And the kids and Scrooge have their own specail guest joining them: Bentina! Yeah turns out she has hundreds of vacation days built up, and simply hasn’t used them so she’s using a few to join them. It also once again shows how much less of a heartless money monster this Scrooge is as any of his employees asking for a vacation, paid or not, in the comics would result in this:
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So their off on their greatest adventure.. with Louie having’ bought something mysterious along with him he’s only telling the other kids about. On with the intro!
Beakly.. is intstantly not at ease as they take off after driving their jeep into the plane. She feels launchpad is reckless, rightfully so not helped by a lack of seatbelts on the plane or his cheefully saying the closest he’s got, a floatie, will help “When” we crash. She’s also equally annoyed by Scrooge’s cavalier attitude, having intrusted the kids to him only to find out what the adventueres are really like. And this is the only part of the episode that REALLY doesn’t work. She KNOWS these two idiots too well for this to be beliviable. Launchpad wrecks part of the mansion at least once a day, and before Duckworth she had to clean that shit up. He’s there all the time.. and more damingly HE DROVE YOU AND YOUR KID, YOUR KIDS BEST FRIENDS, AND YOUR KIDS GIRLFRIEND TO THE FUCKING MOVIES. I can’t buy given how bad a driver launchapd is she didn’t wrench the wheel from him to prevent their early graves. Scrooge meanwhile is her BEST FRIEND. And until season 2 for her and 3 for him ONLY friend. Sure she works for him, but outside of one incident in this episode he treats her as his equal more than his housekeeper for the entire series. They trust each other more than anyone else at this point. And the only other two people Scrooge ends up trusting as much are Donald and Della. She’s been around him enough to know how he is. What did she THINK he was going to be like with the kids? She’s met the twins, and even mroe so is on good terms with Donald even into the pilot and they only got off on bad terms due to clashing over house rules. So she KNWOS this is what he does with children. You can’t be shocked Scrooge took children on death defying adventures in a barely secured plane after all this time. It’d be like giving Donald a turkey to carve and being suprised when it ends in this...
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It just dosen’t work especially with a professional spy! Her job is reading people! And yes I know many of you are going to say “Well she misread Bradford”... but so did Scrooge and so many others. NO ONE suspected him. He’s that good. So her suddenly having a complaint about all this stuff when she could’ve come along anytime to check it out or just looked at the plain bothers me a LOT. Thankfully it’s only really present at the start as while it sets off her concern their back and forth soon has a far deeper meaning. But Scrooge insists Launchpad take her on a tour to ease her worry, seems like a contrdictary set of sentences there, while he flies. How hard could it be. Somewhere on the Moon, Della has the sudden urge to kick her uncle’s ass. 
So meanwhile in a secret base set up in a cargo box, the kids are working on the Della mystery. Turns out what Louie smuggled aboard was the documents shredded on the date the boys found on the Spear of Selene plans. Louie got them by smooth talking Quackfaster who even he found nuts. It also once again shows Dewey was only holding things back by keeping the other boys out as in jus weeks, since chronologically there were two other episodes between this and the last Della episode versus just one, their almost to the truth as one document from that day is simply torn into pieces and simply needs to be re-jiggered like a puzzle. Like most puzzles though naturally once they get it all together they find there’s one goddamn piece missing and it ends up loose int he plane flitting around... just as Scrooge majorly screws up and bumps things, leading Beakly to wonder where the kids are and them to scramble out. 
So yeah Scrooge seemingly crashed the plane.. except Launchpad notes that if they crashed.. why are they still airborne? This leads to everyone finding out their precariously perched on a VERY narrow rock that’s skewered the plane. Orignially the crew decided to strictly adhere to the concept that any movement would rock the thing.. but realized i’td make things boring visually so they allowed themselves some artistic license. 
So yeah our heroes are stuck in a hard place and Scrooge stubbornly digs in insisting he can fix this and turns on the plane.. which sends it spinning and prevents Dewey from getting the piece which ends up wedged in the jeep. Huh I think we need some appropriate music for going in circles. 
So yeah all Scrooge did was blow up one of the engines... I mean the blow up the engine button is right there, would’ve saved you some time. So Beakley berates him for not calling for help and digging in and for it’s next plan it’s time for Handyman Corner where he’s going to show you how to jumpstart a plane with a jeep’s engine. Beakly is not impressed and Scrooge’s case is not helped as Louie feigns fear , with Huey and Webby following his lead, so Dewey can get the piece. Unfortunately pointing out the very REAL dangers they face, with Huey giving the odds and Webby pointing out unlike most dangers they face there’s no easy way out and no villian to fight, sends Louie into an actual panic, jumpstarting the car  and causing the cargo bay to open, leading to one hell of a sequence: From Bentina driving a butterfly knife into the ground to hold the kid’s secret base crate (and wondering why it’s so heavy), to Launchpad desperatley platforming his way to saftey to scrooge swining in with his cane to rescue them. It’s some whopper animation that really shows off how damn good the team was and how gorgeous this show truly was at it’s best. 
The results aren’t good: the plane’s ballnce is now off so even a slight movement can move it, a holdover from the original idea simply saved for when it’d create the most tension. As a result Dewey can’t get the last piece as he can’t move and Scrooge berates the kids and has thems tay still watching the end credits of darkwing duck (It’s launchpad’s inflight movie and the tape is jammed to that section.
IT’s here the Scrooge and Beakley stuff went from poorly written to “oh shit” in one line. Scrooge is getting more and more desperate to prove he can take care of the kids on his own but Beakely’s demeanor has turned from annoying scolding.. to genuine concern and PLEADING with him not to go through with another dumb stunt that will leave them in a worse situation, int his case using the parachutes as counterweights to fix the engine. He refuses both rebuffing her as “your boss” (Which gets her rightfully pulling on the cord too tight) .. but then that one line comes in “I can protect her”. Beakley is confused.. but it instantly makes clear this is about Della and on rewatch now knowing the reveal at the end.. it makes it that much more heartbreaking. Part of his refusal to backdown is his natural nature as a stubborn ass. It’s been well displayed throughout this season and the ones after it: HIs refusal to backdown from nevverst, his jealousy of Dewey for being better at him and his refusal to accept it.. the man just does not back down and while it’s good in tight spots and against bad guys, as he finds a way out for him and his family with sheer grit and badassery... it’s a massive character flaw when dealing with people, as refusing to actually talk to them like a ratoinoal adult only makes things worse. And boy oh boy is he about to make things worse. But the other part is he can’t admit to himself there’s a risk in his lifestyle and that he can’t keep everyone safe constantly.. that theres inherent danger. He’s bought into the “because i’m scrooge mcduck” mantra here not out of his ego, entirely, but because he can’t let that not be enough again. He can’t LOOSE someone again like he lost Della and he can’t fail again. So his worst trait and his greatest trauma have mixed to make him act so rashly even Launchpad takes some shouting to agree to give him the other parachute. It’s clear he’s endangering EVERYONE to prove he can save them. 
Eventually though things reach their head as Dewey CAN’T take the wait anymore. He’s waited his whole life to find out about his momma, and the answer’s feet away... and he can’t let it sit any longer. He HAS to know what happened. So he goes for it, though the rest of the kids are against it since i’ts highly risky and they can wait Huey ends up agreeing to help using his Junior Woodchuck knowledge (Where Newton apparently got the idea), to counterbalance hsi weight and guide him via walkee talkee. It’s a really nice moment, not only showing off Huey’s skill and intellect but also how much they care for her. Dewey may of screwed up last time but their still the duck boys and if he can’t talk him out of being sucidially reckless.. Huey’s going to at least give him a fighting chance. 
Unfortunately Scrooge spots him mid argument with Beakley and naturally wants him to give it here... but once the ship buckles when Dewey tries we get the scene that makes the episode. Up till now the tension has been top notch, ratcheting up by bit, not knowing if the kids would get caught, if something would happen with the plane all building to this. Scrooge and Dewey’s final chase. Dewey uses the distraction to make a runner for it with Scrooge following.. and Launchapd using the fact he’s still attached to the airbag to stop him. It’s a small but excellent character moment, showing that as much as Launchpad loves his boss.. he loves his best friend and eveyrone else’s saftey more. SCrooge of course uses it to knock him back while Beakley and the kids counterbalance. We also get the best joke of the episode as Beakley tells them to stop running.. only for them to simply start tip toeing, with Bentina’s reaction being a perfectly resigned “That’s not what I meant and you know it”. 
It’s a tense chase, with both sides using the enviorment to their advantage from the parachute to the crate.. and it’s breaking open reveals something’s gonig on and causes Beakley to notice Webby has the blueprints in her pocket and once she unfurls them and finds out what they are.. she can only give a sad, remorseful “oh children, what have you been up to” She’s not even mad like they seem to think.. she’s just sad, knowing the wound that’s about to be reopened for her closest friend and the one that’s about to be inflicted on those poor children, and knowing that they’re ALL made it worst by hiding it. Toks deserves all the praise for her delivery here. 
Eventually the piece blows outside of the plane and Dewey refuses to give up and go after it. Things get their most tense as everyone BEGS him not to come back, it’s not worth his death to get this. It’s not worth all of this. But he simply chucks the walkee away and ignores them. We then get Scrooge going from scolding grandpa.. to dearly begging Dewey to come back... David’s delvery here is just heartbreaking “I can’t protect you. Is that what you wanted me to say. Please lad just tell me what it will take to come back inside?” And Ben Schwartz meets it with an utterly emotional “Tell me about the spear of selene”. The animation here is once again some of the series best with Dewey’s determined face and Scrooge’s heartbreak as he realizes he has to finally stop hiding this from them and he’s not ready. So he takes his uncles hand.. and if you thought all of this is painful.. oh boy.. we’re just getting started. 
So back in the plane, with Launchpad setting up a table and a proper counterbalance so they can all sit, Scrooge finally explains and the boys, webby, and us int he audience all get the answers we desperately wanted: It was 10 1/2 years ago. The Original Trio had journeyed the world, having all sorts of adventures and making themselves into legends. But eventually you hit a wall and they’d realized they’d been just about everywhere. They could still globetrot of courser and as Season 3 would bear out there were some places they didn’t know about.. but the earth was about used up. So Della, being an aerospace wunderkind, thought of the next logical place to go. The stars. The Spear of Selene was a rocket, her pet project to give her kids, who she was expecting at the time the stars. 
Thing was Donald wasn’t on board with this at all. And the clash between the two, which we see in the flashback but don’t hear since Scrooge is narrating all of this over some cool looking semi-still images, was inetiviable. As I coverd in the spear of selene review I feel Donald was burnt out at this point. That he was tired of adventures and just wanted normalcy even before Scrooge forced his hand with what was to happen next. So to him Della should just settle down, live a regular life and raise those kids. The problem is... Della WASN’T burnt out. She didn’t need a break to live a normal life like Donald badly needed. She wanted to keep going and it was her choice. While Donald ultimately was right about the risk, he was wrong to try and force her into a life she didn’t want and project on her like that. 
What happened next though was all on Scrooge and Della. Scrooge simply did the thing that’s likely part of why Donald resents him so much and it took so long to fix thing: He ignored what Donald felt and thought, sided with Della and built the ship without telling either of them. His selfishness, thinking he knows what best and treatment of donald.. all backfired horribly. Della sussed out the ship.. and I still feel she was suspicious on her own.. and that Bradford telling her was him simply handing her a lit fuse knowing it’d go off and WHATEVER happened as a result of this would break scrooge. Even if the rocket had gone off saftely and everything was fine.. he could easily claim Della threatned him,k which she probably did and he simply went with it, and either way Donald would be unable to forgive either SCrooge or Della for the deciet. It just went better, and worse than he could’ve anpiciapted: much like the fantastic four she took the ship in the dead of night and hit a cosmic storm, with Scrooge only finding out in time to try and help her.. but the storm hit the ship.. and unlike the ff instead of gaining the power to turn invisible, she simply disappeared. She was lost. He and Donald didn’t speak again after Donald found out till 6 months ago. 
If that wasn’t heartbreaking enough.. it gets worse. The kids, full of fresh pain and anger over Scrooge’s part in things, their mom abandoning them, and their uncles hiding this for decades.. take it out on the one person there. Frank and Matt recently said in an artcle detailing the best 7 episodes from one site, or at least what the site considered to be the best, that Donald was absent because  he also knew and would’ve told them sooner. I also feel it’s because he would’ve disarmed this conflict, at least admitting what scrooge did alongside beakley. As mad as he was.. his own anger had started to disapate. The wound was fresh to the boys and thus they lashed out. 
Dewey blames him for it outright, Huey tell shim he should’ve called her back, and Louie tells him he shoudl’ve sent a fleet of ships to find her. As we find out in the somehow even MORE crushing ending he did the last two and as I made clear, and the show does, this was Della’s horrible decision. She took an unfinsihed rocket, she left her kids, she did this. While she regretted it and I don’t hold it against her because she spent 10 years away from the mon the moon, she’s suffered THROUGHLY for it and I don’t feel I need to pile on, Scrooge wasn’t wholly responsible. Still partly. Dewey makes things worse by impling scrooge GAVE UP ON HER because it cost too much. 
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Look the rest of it is valid, if misguided, as Beakley tries to chime in on it and correct them knowing the full story. But claming, no matter how greedy he is that Scrooge would ABANDON HER.. that’s just wrong and he knows it. It’s why Scrooge gets so upset.. and why he pushes the last two people in his corner away. Webby critisizes building the rocket and Scrooge belts out “This is a family matter, your not family”. runing his position and poisiong his one ally by lashing out at someone who DID NOT DESERVE THIS. Make no mistake, this is present day scrooge’s WORST action. The past scrooge did worse, we saw that, but this is almost worse than the goat thing. Telling a child h’ed basically adopted, ignoring the finale twist for this as it’s irrelvant and all it does is twist the knife deeper, that “she’s not family” just because he wants someone to be mad at besides his boys... that’s fowl. Everyone’s against him except launchpad and tha’ts where his stubbornesst ragically comes in: he digs in his heels refuses to explain.. and the plane crashes due to it. though safely. Their safe.. but the family is broken. 
So we get our hell of an ending scenes. Donald cheerfully announces to the boys, who earlier had no intention of leaving anyway, the boats finished.. only for Dewey to inform him “We know abotu the spear of selene” . Donald is heartbroken, not only that they know.. but that he didn’t tell them. 
But since “it gets worse” is this episodes motto, we end on Beakley, Webby and Duckworth all leaving on vacation. How a ghost does vacations I dunno, maybe he’s going to go to Amity Park. Point is Webby, despite EVERYTHING , is crestfallen he’s not even going to say goodbye and still worried. As I said in my review of the finale.. it’s her heart that makes her and while Scrooge may be a dick right now.. he’s family. So we get the final lines of the episode Beakley: Well, you've successfully pushed your family and everyone who ever cared about you away... again. I hope you're happy. Scrooge:I AM
It’s just damn heartbreaking.. once again he’s lost everything and is too bitter to admit it and try and get it back. And as we see between the lines.. the boys were wrong: He drained his bin and his buisnesses creating a fleet to get Della back, and kept going despite the expense. He did everything he could to call her back. Nothing worked.. and he only stopped because the board yanked him away, Bradford sneering with pride as his plan, which backfired HORRIBLY, had at last finally gotten him what he wanted: a broken scrooge tired of adventure. And as Scrooge sits in his chair seething.. he’s broken again, angry, with tears in his eyes, loving nobody.. and nobody loving him, eerily mimickcking his first appearance in comics. 
Final Thoughts: 
This episode is a masterpice. It’s perfectly paced, with only a minor flaw tha’ts qwuickly snuffed out for a gripping drama. This was a gamble, taking 9 minutes where ther’es almost no jokes and just pure tensino and heartbreak.. but it paid off. This episode is one of the series finest and leads to one hell of a finale but on it’s own.. it’s nigh untouchable. This is the series at it’s best, and the finale and later information (More about Della and the spear, WEbby’s true origin, bradford’s role in all this and role as head of fowl), only make it better, with all those things being aware to the creators but not us. They really made us wait for this reveal but damn if it wasn’t perfect. 
Next Time: Webby, Bentina and Launchpad try to desperatley piece the family back together before the boys and donald leave forever.. and Scrooge’s darkest hour leaves him vunerable for his greatest foe. It’s finally time to get back to Lena as the Shadow War descends over our heroes.
If you liked this review, follow for more and you can comission your own reviews by paying me 5 bucks to review any episode you like. Message me to talk it over. And if you’d rather get a gaurantted review every month, hit up my patreon at patreon.com/popculturebuffet. For 5 bucks a month you get a review every month and as of now special thanks in each review. Even a buck a month gets the thanks and helps and my next stretch goal, which is 5 bucks away nets everyone a review of darkwing duck everymonth for my lovely patreons to vote on. Special thanks to my patreons Emma and Kev, and I will see you at the next rainbow. 
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haderpjs · 4 years
Eddie lives.
But Richie at the beginning isn’t allowed to see him, (no one is, obviously, he’s under surgery) the losers try to take him to the Town House so he can sleep and change his filthy clothes, they try, more than once each, until Richie finally agrees.
Eddie had more than one surgery, Richie wasn’t paying so much attention to what the doctors were saying to them. All the things they had to do to save Eddie's life sounded numb and far away because he was occupied thinking on how he might be so close to losing Eddie a g a i n, after just having got him back.
Now clean and rested (not really he couldn’t sleep more than two hours because he made the mistake of entering to Eddie’s room and see the blood all over the bathroom floor) he is finally allowed to see Eddie, it’s been almost 10 hours since they first brought Eddie to the hospital. It hurts to see his dearest friend all pale and weak and tied to diverse devices and machines but it’s a million times better than what he saw in the deadlights.
They stay all the hours the doctors allow them to, when the night comes he’s the only one who doesn’t go back to the Town House. He stays besides Eddie because he is afraid of leaving his friend alone, he is afraid of Edie dying even when the doctors said he was in no danger anymore, he can’t leave Eddie, he can’t lose him after he just got him back, -you don’t ‘got him’ don’t be stupid, he is married and you know it- he tells himself.
Richie sits on the chair besides Eddie’s bed, since the bed is taller he can rest his head on the mattress. He knows he should put his glasses on the table but he finds himself being comfortably at peace por once since he arrived to Derry and he might not want to fall asleep but he is so tired, without realizing or thinking much about it his body is already reaching out for Eddie’s, Richie holds his friend’s hand and lets the [beep beep beep] of the heart rate monitor drift him to sleep, -it’s practically the sound of Eddie’s heart- he tinks and sure it isn’t the most comfortable position but he won’t let go of Eddie’s hand.
He wakes up in the middle of the night all startled and alarmed, he adjusts his crooked glasses and once his eyes adjust to the darkness of the room and then he can see how the dim glow from outside lightens Eddie’s facial features, Richie feels like crying for the nth time since he woke up from the deadlights. And jus now he had dreamed what he saw in those fucking magic demonic lights.
‘‘Hey Eds, you ...  you have to wake up man’‘ his voice is barely a whisper
[beep beep beep]
‘‘Not like, right now I know you’re on a lot of drugs and very weak from the surgeries but-huh’‘ he whimpers and tries to calm himself
-Of couse Eddie will wake up, we killed that fucking demonic clown, we won, and we remember each other and we’ll not forget this time!-
‘‘y’know you’re the strongest person I know right?, and you’re so brave Eds, I hope you know I meant what I said down there in the sewers, you are braver than you believe you are’‘
-Eddie will wake up and I’ll tell him how brave he is to his face until he believes it-
‘‘But you’re an Idiot too’‘ he can’t contain the little giggle that escapes his mouth
‘‘Why did you save me?’‘ he asks to the unconscious man lying in fron of him
[beep beep beep]
-It should’ve been me- that thought is been in Richie’s head since they were draggind Eddie outside from neitbolt.
He was the one with the stupid trashmouth that got himself in the deadlights and he probably should have died with his brains fried or whatever. It sucked that Eddie had to rescue him only to nearly die impaled. If Richie just hadn’t acted stupidily. But he knows Eddie did it because they are best friends, the same way Eddie would have done it for Bill or any other of the losers, Richie also knows he would have done the same thing, bitch he did what he did because Mike was about to die and even if it wasn’t the most smart thing to do he’d do that again just so Mike or any other of his friends wouldn't die.
[beep beep beep]
‘‘Why did that fucking clown had to hurt you?’‘ He lets out a sob and burries his head on the space between Eddie’s arm and the right side of his torso
-to hurt me, It did it because he knew my secret, always knew and It did it in front of my eyes, because he knew my dirty little secret because It knew one of my biggest fears is losing you-
Sure the moment pennywise died Eddie’s bleeding had stopped and when they put Eddie in the ambulance Richie is sure the hole in his chest wasn't as big as pennywise claw must’ve first pierced through Eddie’s chest, but Eddie still lost plenty blood and the internal damage still was there. He wishes Eddie’s injury had dissapeared the moment they killed that demonic clown.
‘‘I know you’re out of danger now but you didn’t deserve this, you didn’t have to, for ANY reason, especially not for me’‘
[beep beep beep]
He hated himself for being the cause Eddie was now lying almost lifeless on a hospital bed, with a big-ass scar on his chest and back, not to mention who knows how many months of physical therapy ahead of him.
‘‘Eds, I am so happy you’re alive, umm I thought-’’ he whimpers
‘’I thought I had lost you, when we were dragging you out and you wouldnt wake up, I held your almost lifeless body on my arms and it felt fucking horrible’‘ a deep breath escapes his mouth
[beep beep beep]
‘‘it felt like my life was being drawn away from me’‘ he lifts his hands and presses his palms under his glasses against his eyelids
[beep beep beep]
The only sound in the room was Richie’s pained voice and the constant [beep beep beep] of the machine, not that he was expecting Eddie to wake up and reply, but he was so used to Eddie always replying to him, most of the times some annoyed comebacks because of Richie’s jokes about Mrs. K, sometimes just Eddie’s giggles at Richie’s most stupid jokes, and the good ones too.
‘‘Because since the moment I remembered you, I felt like the most alive person on earth’‘
[beep beep beep]
‘‘I didn't know I missed you so much until I saw you’‘
[beep beep beep]
‘‘The void in my heart took your form after my brain reclaimed your name’
[beep beep beep] ‘
‘‘I want you in my life forever’‘ -and the rest of the losers of course-
[beep beep beep]
‘‘i don’t think I can make it another 27 years without your- friendship being a constan in my life’‘
[beep beep beep] 
Richie thinks about confessing his feeling to Eddie, since well... Eddie wasn’t really listening and also, he wasn’t sure if he’d ever had the guts to do it when Eddie was actually listening, and if he ever dared to tell him how he felt, well... Eddie was married anyway and he had a life in NY, Richie would have to conform with Eddie’s friendship.
Eventually Richie fell asleep again, he didn’t dreamed about Eddie’s death this time, he dreamed they were fifteen again and they were on the hammock reading comics and annoying the shit out of each other. Until an ugly whiny voice woke him up.
‘‘[I AM HIS WIFE and I have all the right to see him!]’‘
Richie could see the shadow on the closed curtains of the window that a nurse was standing between the door and a woman, blocking her way in.
‘‘[Mrs. Kaspbrak I understand you are concerned about your husband but I already told you he is stable and these are not visit hours]’‘
Richie stood up from the chair and started pacing the room, he had stayed past visit hours and he wasn't supposed to, but since the nurse that came last night into the room to check Eddie’s vitals didn’t say a word he supposed it wouldn’t be a problem if he slept there.
Now he had no way of sneaking out of the room and they were going to find him in there and honestly, he didn’t care if the doctors disapproved his actions, he didn't want to see Eddie’s wife, but he didn’t want to leave Eddie’s side just so Mrs. Kaspbrak would take his place
-It is NOT your place! stop it!!!-
‘‘FFFFUCK’‘ he muttered
‘‘[... else do you need me to sign?, I am going to demand this hospital if you refuse to let me see my husband]’‘
‘’fuck Eds she really is Sonia 2.0, Jesus man what did you got yourself into?’‘ Richie whispered towards Eddie
‘‘[... and sorry I don’t mean to be rude, I am just very *hiccups* very worried abut my husband and i just need to see him, I haven't seen him since he left three days ago, pleease even if it’s just 5 minutes I need to see him!, you can’t imagine the pain I was in when i found out he!- *wimpers*]’‘
Richie reaches out for Eddie’s hand and sqeezes it, Eddie looks so peaceful now and he really can't hold himself out, he leans down and pressed a kiss to Eddie's forehead.
He was just leaning back up when the door opened
‘‘You can stay but when the Doctor comes in for the routinely check-ups you'll have to leave, that gives you about 20 minutes-’‘ the nurse stopps when she sees Richie standing beside Eddie’s bed.
‘‘Oh!, I didn't thought-’‘ anyone would be here
‘‘No i was just le-’‘ Richie doesn’t finish because Myra interrupts him, walking towards Eddie’s bed while observing Richie’s being very meticulously
‘’WHO ARE YOU?’’ Myra demands looking at Richie now with a flash of disgust on her face
Richie doen’t like how demanding she sounds, and he certainly doesnt like how she’s looking at him, he feels vulnerable and he feels exposed like he just got caught doing something that he isn't supposed to, allowed to. He hates it.
‘’No one, I am leaving’‘ He answers almost very apathetic and walks down past them towards the door. Hands on his pockets and head slightly facing down
‘‘are you one of Eddie’s friends?. He said he came to visit some friends, were you with him when this happened to him?’‘
He stops in the door frame but doesn't turn to face her
‘‘Yeah’‘... -yes I was there and I didn’t do enough to keep him from being hurt, yes it’s my fault he’s there ... -
Richie leaves the room.
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spaceskam · 4 years
On The Side Of The Road
for a late day 6 of @isobelevansappreciation​: emotions/healing
Summary: After picking up Alex from the military base, Isobel and Alex get stranded on the side of the road and encounter someone with not-so-great intentions.
Warning: creepy guy with creepy intentions, mild violence, trauma, fun stuff like that
Isobel hated every single thing about this.
“It’ll be fun, he said. Bonding, he said. You have so much in common, he said,” Isobel grumbled before roughly kicking the flat tire that decided to pop when they were nowhere near anything and there was no cell service.
“Isobel,” Alex said calmly, “I’m going to change it, don’t worry. We’ll be out of here in no time.”
Isobel rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, watching the Airman run his fingers through his hair a little too dramatically for the situation. It wasn’t that she didn’t like Alex, but she didn’t know the guy well enough to spend a five-hour car drive with him and she didn’t really trust anyone in the military because it was easy to assume they all had a power fetish. But it was for Michael so she’d agreed. Now she was regretting it.
This weekend was their 23rd birthday and the one single thing Michael wanted was his boyfriend to come visit him. After some last-minute arrangements and a little bit of influence, Isobel had convinced Alex’s boss to let him have the weekend off. But Alex was apparently scared of planes (which was downright comical for someone in the Air Force to be scared of planes, by the way) and Michael couldn’t afford to take the day off of work to go get him, so that left Isobel.
She hadn’t expected to run over something sharp enough to pop her tire though.
"Where is your spare?" Alex asked, already digging through her trunk.
"I'm already using my spare," Isobel said, gesturing towards the back wheel. He stared at her for a solid 30 seconds in disbelief.
"You're joking," he said blandly. Isobel raised her eyebrows to say she absolutely wasn't and that's why she was so irritated. She didn't want to be stuck with him in the middle of the goddamn desert. "Right."
Isobel watched in veiled amusement as Alex felt his pockets and pulled out his phone, squinting as he held it up to try to find signal. She watched him walk around in search and spent that time trying to figure out what exactly Michael saw in him.
He was handsome enough, she guessed, but he'd gone from a fashion disaster in high school to a military man with unflatteringly short hair and plain clothes that could be on any man in the entire US. The few conversations she'd had with Alex had told her nothing about him, even their car ride consisted of short answers. Imagining that with Michael didn't make sense.
Isobel was broken from her daze as he jumped onto the hood of the car and walked to stand on the roof.
"What are you doing?!" Isobel yelled. He ignored her, squinting up at the sun as he held the phone to his ear.
"Guerin? Hey, can you hear me?" Alex said into the phone, voice the same exact tone as it was when he spoke to her. She didn't like that either. She saw the way Michael melted when he thought about him. He deserved sweetness too. "Shit, look, if you can hear me, Isobel's tire is blown. We're 40 miles northwest of Roswell. I'll try to send a text."
Alex ended the call and stayed posted up on the roof of the car as he typed out a message, clearly posing as if he had a photoshoot no one else knew about before jumping off. Isobel stared dully at him.
"Am I supposed to be impressed?" she asked. 
"No," he said, shrugging off his jacket so he was left in a plain white tank top and plain baggy jeans.
Clearly, she was supposed to see something in him that she saw in herself. Michael always said how similar they were, but she knew damn well she wasn't that closed off and boring. Or, at least, she hoped.
Alex's phone dinged with a message after a few minutes of him pointlessly inspecting the tire and he looked at it with a bored expression.
"Michael said he's on his way, but it'll probably take him at least an hour to find us," Alex explained, pushing himself to an upright position again. 
"Oh, so we can call him Michael as long as he can't hear?" Isobel asked. Alex raised an eyebrow.
"I've only heard you call him Guerin to his face.”
Alex didn’t reply as he kicked the tire and then sighed. She waited for him to respond, but it didn’t happen and he just leaned against the car. Isobel stared at him and he stared at the ground. The silence seemed to drag on as the sun just beamed down with unforgiving heat, but Alex easily seemed to be in a spotlight. She hadn’t really noticed that he was attractive before since he wasn’t her type (and she definitely wasn’t his), but he seemed to glow like a model under the sun. His skin was tanned and his biceps were sculpted. She could understand why Michael liked at least that.
Isobel was nearly sweating by the time she said, “You know, Michael wanted us to bond, but you don’t talk very much.”
“What’s there to talk about?”
“I don’t know, what’s it like being queer in the military?” Isobel asked immediately. He shot her an icy glare that made her have to hold back a smile that, after hours of being locked in a car with him, she got a reaction. “What, gonna try to deny that?”
“I didn’t deny shit.”
“Okay, then what’s it like?” she prodded. Alex huffed a dry laugh and shook his head.
“How about you tell me what it’s like to be white and thriving off Daddy’s money in the suburbs?” Alex shot back. Isobel raised an unbothered eyebrow.
“Shouldn’t you know a little about that too?”
“My dad’s got money,” Alex said, a cynical smile on his face as he held out his hand as if that was enough explanation for the other part he didn’t quite fit, “Not me.”
“Fair enough,” Isobel agreed. Alex took a deep, grounding breath and then to sit on the hood of the car. Isobel gave him a few seconds before following and sitting beside him.
“Oh my God,” he groaned softly.
“You know, you should learn to like me,” Isobel said, “According to Michael, we’re very similar.”
“I don’t see it.”
“Neither do I.”
They sat on the car in silence again. The cynicism seemed to boil between them as they waited for Michael, so, when a truck pulled up in front of them, they both let out sighs of relief. Except, when the dust settled, it was clear that it wasn’t Michael and the figure of a man sat in the driver’s seat instead.
“Get in the car,” Alex said, eyes narrowed as he sat up straighter and stared at the truck, “Lock the doors.”
“What? It’s not that big of a deal, he’s probably just offering help,” Isobel said. Alex shook his head.
“Get in the car and lock the doors” Alex repeated, sliding off the hood.  
Isobel didn’t move as he walked with a confident air, shoulders back and a cocky swagger in his step. Michael liked to imitate that walk when he was pretending to be big and bad, but he was always comically bad at pulling it off. Alex, on the other hand, actually managed to look at least semi-intimating and entirely capable when he did it. She might’ve been impressed if she wasn’t scared that would piss off the stranger in the truck.
The guy got out of his truck with his hands shoved deep in his pockets, looking perfectly normal and not at all scary if not for that one little fact. Alex seemed to spot that right away and angled himself so his left side was closer towards the car.
“Y’all need some help?” he asked.
“Thanks, but we have someone a few minutes out,” Alex responded.
“You sure about that?” the guy asked, eyes going to Isobel, “‘Cause I bet the pretty little lady you got there might not wanna wait in this heat. You really gonna make her wait?”
“Yeah,” Alex said cooly, not moving as he provided a block between the two of them, “I am, actually.” 
Isobel had her nose scrunched up in disgust, but she appreciated Alex’s dismissive attitude. That was the first time she could see herself in him like Michael always said.
“Thank you, but you can go now,” Alex said.
“I can stay until your ride gets here,” the guy said. Isobel silently questioned if Alex was psychic or just so paranoid and it was simply a coincidence that he was right.
“No, we’re fine,” Alex said firmly.
The guy’s eyes found Isobel again and she just kept her stern face of disgust. She’d decided a long time ago not to be scared of men anymore. Sure, the drifter was scary and so were all the other creepy men she encountered on a daily basis, but she had learned how to take care of herself. She refused to give them the satisfaction.
“You want me to stay, don’t you?” he asked Isobel, tilting his head in her direction. She gave a smile and waved goodbye wordlessly. He laughed and went to take a step closer.
Alex put a hand on his chest before he could get around him, not-so-kindly pushing him back. Another check in the box of what Michael saw in him.
“Oh, c’mon,” the guy said.
“Fuck off,” Alex told him, unmoving. 
“You heard the man,” Isobel said, trying not to sound too playful despite her utter enjoyment at watching Alex shut him down, “Fuck off.”
“I’m just tryin’ to help, you don’t have to be so ungrateful,” the guy said, fiddling with his pockets a little more. Isobel watched his hands carefully and hoped this wasn’t about to turn into a shitty horror movie. She didn’t sign up for that. She barely signed up for picking up Alex in the first place.
The guy took a step forward again and Alex again pushed him away. However, the guy took his hands out of his pockets and pushed him back. Isobel sat up straight, adrenaline pumping through her as she tried to figure out how to prevent her brother’s boyfriend from getting beaten to a pulp.
By the time the first two punches were thrown, she slid off the hood of the car and ran over to them. She grabbed Alex’s arm and pulled him away and stood between them, letting Alex still glare over her shoulder as he wiped a bit of blood from beneath his nose.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” Isobel snapped over her shoulder at the strange man, “You just pulled over looking for a fight?!” 
He gave a cold little laugh, all too similar to what that drifter had sounded like that night almost 10 years before, and he reached out to grab her waist. And Isobel realized that it had nothing to do with looking for a fight from Alex at all.
“Get the fuck off of me!” she yelled, squirming just enough to get where she could elbow him between his legs. He groaned, letting her fall to the ground pathetically. Her heart was thudding in her ears and she was breathing heavily, but she managed to scramble to her feet quick enough to not show any ounce of weakness to the stranger.
Alex had grabbed him by the shirt collar while he was down and dragged him back to his truck, slamming the door. Isobel spat on the hood so she could at least do something.
“Man, y’all are fuckin’ crazy,” the stranger said as he quickly started up his truck. A whole slew of obscenities came to Isobel’s mind in response, but her heavy breathing only allowed her to hold up her middle finger. Alex stayed right by the truck until it peeled off.
Once he was completely out of sight and the initial adrenaline started to fade, Isobel felt like she couldn’t breathe. Tears burned at her eyes and that stupid, stupid fear that he was going to come back for her burned in her mind. With the drifter, even after watching Max tackle him to where his head slammed against a rock and even after watching Michael dig a grave for an hour straight, she always felt like he was going to come back. She’d finally gotten over that feeling.
“Isobel?” Alex asked, voice soft for the very first time, “Hey, are you okay? I’m sorry I let him grab you like that, but he’s gone now.”
She struggled to find her breath, struggled to hear him properly, struggled to do anything but feel overwhelmed with fear. Alex held his hands out in front of her eyes, a silent way to ask if he could touch her. She gave a short little nod despite not wanting him. She wanted her brothers, but they weren’t here. Alex would have to do.
Instead of a hug though, Alex gently grabbed her arm and led to help her sit down on the sand. They both sat criss-cross across from each other, their knees touching. He still had blood under his nose, but he didn’t seem to mind as he looked her in the eye.
“You’re allowed to feel this way,” he said and he held her hand, just being there until she was able to calm herself down.
She felt so stupid. Logically, she was overreacting. It wasn’t that big of a deal. Would she still feel like this if she didn’t have that experience with that drifter? Would still she feel overwhelmed? Would she still want Michael and Max as much as she did? But no matter how stupid she felt, Alex kept saying that she was allowed to cry and overreact and be this way. He wasn’t freaked out. He didn’t ask questions. He just told her it was valid.
And she really understood what Michael meant about them being similar.
Eventually, her crying subsided and she calmed down enough to at least pretend to be normal. She would probably hug Michael once he got there until she felt all the way better, but she was okay.
“Thanks,” Isobel said, drying her eyes with her hand that wasn’t still gripping his.
“Don’t thank me,” he said. She looked at him for a moment and weighed the options of telling Alex about the drifter so he would understand a little better. It was obviously not her place to tell the actual aftermath of it, but she could tell him the first part.
“On our 13th birthday, Michael, Max, and I went out camping and I left the tent to go pee, so I was by myself. Then this guy came out of nowhere and grabbed me and started dragging me away, I’ve never been so scared in my life,” she admitted. Alex didn’t show much emotion other than his eyebrows raising slightly. “Max and Michael had to fight him off. I was so fucking helpless and I told myself I would never be helpless again. But I guess I still am. What a great 10th anniversary reminder, am I right?”
“What are you talking about, you’re not helpless. You got that guy to let go of you and, if I wasn’t here, you probably would’ve easily beat the shit out of him yourself. You were back on your feet in seconds. You’re a fighter, that’s what fighters do,” Alex said. Isobel shook her head, looking over to the side. “Hey, I’m serious. That wasn’t proof that you’re still helpless, that was proof that you’ve grown. Trauma doesn’t go away, but you’ve clearly done a damn good job at making it your bitch. You held your ground until you were safe and that’s the best you could’ve possibly done, so don’t beat yourself up about it. You did great. I’m proud of you.”
Isobel huffed a little laugh, “How many years of therapy have you had?”
Alex scrunched up his nose and held up his hand, his thumb and index finger about an inch apart. Isobel shook her head through another laugh before sniffling. They sat there for a few more minutes before Isobel eventually got up so she could go fix her makeup and not look like a crying mess.
“Can we not tell Michael about this?” she asked cautiously, “Like, we can tell him the situation, but not the part where he grabbed me? Because I know him and Max and I don’t want to deal with that.”
“Absolutely, no problem,” Alex said, “Don’t really wanna deal with telling him that either.”
Isobel sat in the driver’s seat and Alex sat in the passenger seat, each of them touching up their face in respective ways. Both of them made a few small comments here and there, keeping the conversation light and the mood high. This day would just be their little secret.
By the time Michael pulled up, it was easy to pretend like nothing really happened and that the tight hug she gave him was her simply being dramatic over her busted tire.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Written In The Stars XCI (Harry Potter xF!Oc)
A/N: I'd missed this silly goose! tho the actors in hp for some reason look way older so he looks like a baby but pls imagine Erick like this older-looking student bc he should look that way jdhfd -Danny
Words: 2,195
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Chapter Twenty-Six: Talk it out.
"Hagrid!" Hermione shouted. "Hagrid, that's enough! We know you're in there! Nobody cares if your mum was a giantess, Hagrid! You can't let that foul Skeeter woman do this to you! Hagrid, get out here, you're just being —" The door opened. "About t — !" Hermione froze when she found Dumbledore there instead of their friend.
"Good afternoon," he said.
"We — er — we wanted to see Hagrid."
"Yes, I surmised as much," He said in amusement. "Why don't you come in?"
"Oh... um... okay."
Hagrid was sitting at the table, there were two mugs of tea. For the looks of it, he'd been crying.
"Hi, Hagrid," said Harry.
" 'Lo," he said lowly.
"More tea, I think," said Dumbledore, and with the flick of his wand, a tea tray appeared. "Did you by any chance hear what Miss Granger was shouting, Hagrid? Hermione, Mel, Harry, and Ron still seem to want to know you, judging by the way they were attempting to break down the door."
"Of course we still want to know you!" Harry said. "You don't think anything that Skeeter cow — sorry, Professor..."
"I have gone temporarily deaf and haven't any idea what you said, Harry," said Dumbledore, looking up to the ceiling with interest.
"Er — right... I just meant — Hagrid, how could you think we'd care what that — woman — wrote about you?" Hagrid cried silently, two huge tears falling down his beard.
"Oh, Hagrid, don't cry!" Mel's hand went to rest above his, looking almost comically small.
"Living proof of what I've been telling you, Hagrid," said Dumbledore. "I have shown you the letters from the countless parents who remember you from their own days here, telling me in no uncertain terms that if I sacked you, they would have something to say about it —"
"Not all of 'em," said Hagrid. "Not all of 'em wan' me ter stay."
"Really, Hagrid, if you are holding out for universal popularity, I'm afraid you will be in this cabin for a very long time. Not a week has passed since I became headmaster of this school when I haven't had at least one owl complaining about the way I run it. But what should I do? Barricade myself in my study and refuse to talk to anybody?"
"Yeh — yeh're not half-giant!"
"Hagrid, look what I've got for relatives!" Harry said in disbelief. "Look at the Dursleys!"
"An excellent point," said Dumbledore. "My own brother, Aberforth, was prosecuted for practising inappropriate charms on a goat. It was all over the papers, but did Aberforth hide? No, he did not! He held his head high and went about his business as usual! Of course, I'm not entirely sure he can read, so that may not have been bravery..."
Mel looked at her uncle knowing that there was certainly more he could say about their family, but she remained quiet.
"Come back and teach, Hagrid," said Hermione, "please come back, we really miss you."
"I refuse to accept your resignation, Hagrid, and I expect you back at work on Monday," said Dumbledore, standing up to leave. "You will join me for breakfast at eight-thirty in the Great Hall. No excuses. Good afternoon to you all."
When the Headmaster left the cabin, Hagrid sobbed for real, hiding his face behind both hands.
"Great man, Dumbledore... great man..."
"Yeah, he is," said Ron. "Can I have one of these cakes, Hagrid?"
"Help yerself," said Hagrid. "Ar, he's righ', o' course — yeh're all righ'... I bin stupid... my ol' dad woulda bin ashamed o' the way I've bin behavin'... Never shown you a picture of my old dad, have I? Here..."
Hagrid got up, went over to his dresser, opened a drawer, and pulled out a picture of a short wizard with Hagrid's crinkled black eyes, beaming as he sat on top of Hagrid's shoulder. Hagrid was a good seven or eight feet tall, judging by the apple tree beside him, but his face was beardless, young, round, and smooth — he looked hardly older than eleven.
"Tha' was taken jus' after I got inter Hogwarts," Hagrid croaked. "Dad was dead chuffed... thought I migh' not be a wizard, see, 'cos me mum... well, anyway. 'Course, I never was great shakes at magic, really... but at least he never saw me expelled. Died, see, in me second year...
"Dumbledore was the one who stuck up for me after Dad went. Got me the gamekeeper job... trusts people, he does. Gives 'em second chances... tha's what sets him apar' from other heads, see. He'll accept anyone at Hogwarts, s'long as they've got the talent. Knows people can turn out okay even if their families weren'... well... all tha' respectable. But some don' understand that. There's some who'd always hold it against yeh... there's some who'd even pretend they just had big bones rather than stand up an' say — I am what I am, an' I'm not ashamed. 'Never be ashamed,' my ol' dad used ter say, 'there's some who'll hold it against you, but they're not worth botherin' with.' An' he was right. I've bin an idiot. I'm not botherin' with her no more, I promise yeh that. Big bones... I'll give her big bones."
The kids shared nervous glances, but Hagrid kept talking without waiting for a reply.
"Yeh know wha', Harry? When I firs' met you, you reminded me o' me a bit. Mum an' Dad gone, an' you was feelin' like yeh wouldn' fit in at Hogwarts, remember? Not sure yeh were really up to it... an' now look at yeh, Harry! School champion! Yeh know what I'd love, Harry? I'd love yeh ter win, I really would. It'd show 'em all... yeh don' have ter be pureblood ter do it. Yeh don' have ter be ashamed of what yeh are. It'd show 'em Dumbledore's the one who's got it righ', lettin' anyone in as long as they can do magic. How you doin' with that egg, Harry?"
"Great," said Harry shakily. "Really great."
"Tha's my boy... you show 'em, Harry, you show 'em. Beat'em all..."
"But if it doesn't turn out as expected," Mel was quick to add. "Know that we are all proud of you as well, Hagrid. We love you very much."
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"I'll follow Cedric's advice," Harry told her quietly before going to bed that night.
"Blimey, all it took was a crying Hagrid..." Mel raised her eyebrows. "Want help?"
"No," He replied. "Dunno... I'll let you know."
"All right," She sighed. "Good luck."
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She had an important matter to attend that day in private and it could only be between her and Erick. She used the pocket watch he'd given her and informed him that she wanted to talk. On Monday, both students met at the far end of the library, Mel had no idea where to start.
"I won't apologize for what I said the other day, I know you hate it when I do that," She began, "but you're hiding something and I would like to know what it is, maybe I can help you?"
She was expecting many reactions, all except the one she got. Erick let out a long sigh and picked out of his bag one of the books she'd lent him.
"Persuasion?" Mel raised a brow.
"I take that you've read it?" He asked.
"I love it," She smiled at it. "The main character's name is Anne, right?"
"Yes," Erick shook his head. "The story... It made me think– What if I'm making a mistake?"
"What d'you mean?"
"What if I don't like Anne the way I think I do?" He elaborated. "I wrote and she wrote back every week, we never ran out of things to say, but the last week before going to my grandad's house she said something that... What if I just like her because she's the complete opposite of what my parents want?"
"I feel like those are unrelated, I'm not sure I follow," Mel frowned. "Since when you've been having doubts?"
"Since Anne and I started to talk more this summer. It's not exactly that I have doubts, I mean, I know I feel something, I just don't know what."
"I don't think there's a reasoning behind the people we like," She retorted. "...Right?"
"If there's no reasoning, then I guess it's all right, but if I'm supposed to have one... I don't have it. I can't tell why I like her."
"Well, you think she's pretty?"
"Yeah," Erick moved on his place awkwardly. "Although I think other girls are pretty too, and I could even get along with them as I do with Anne. If you were to ask me why I'm interested in her, I wouldn't know."
"But that's normal," Mel tried to calm him. "Love has no logic, that doesn't mean is bad?"
"Listen," He put a finger on the book and pointed harshly. "If I just like her because she's pretty and fun then it wouldn't be bad... Yet I think I'm around her because I know it'd make my parents mad, when I'm here, at school, I don't worry about her... I do wonder, but is not constant."
"So? I don't think about Harry all day."
"Aren't I supposed to be dying of solitude when I'm away from her? Maybe this is just a lie I tell myself so I feel like a normal guy, maybe I'm incapable of falling in love and Anne is just my excuse to be a bad son..."
There was a piece of paper coming out of the book, she took it without thinking. Erick kept rambling without looking at what she was doing and her eyes skimmed through the letter. The seams were so worn out that she could tell the boy had read it several times.
"Anne likes someone else..." She said quietly.
Erick's eyes landed on the piece of paper his face turned pale. "Give me that."
"His name's Stuart and he's nice...'" Mel read out loud. "Her boyfriend?"
"No," He said, seizing the letter. "He could be... but she's waiting."
"For me."
"And you don't want to say anything," Mel said slowly, "because you're not sure?"
"I can't be with her," Erick said with difficulty. "Not yet... I have two more years of school, even then I don't know when I'll be able to leave my parents' house..."
"But you like her."
"My parents won't approve."
"You don't have to tell them."
"I can't do that!" He said. "Imagine that Harry's parents were alive and they hated everything about you. That every time they see you they'd throw nasty remarks your way, and then Harry'd be out in the street with no money and without being able to give you a good life, imagine you're from two different worlds and nothing you have to offer can get him out trouble..."
"I think... I think we'd both be in pain all the time," Mel said quietly, "...Is that how you feel?"
"That's what will happen if I do the wrong thing," Erick ran a hand through his hair, ruining his neat curls. "I'd love to send a letter telling her everything... but we're young, I wasn't expecting things to move as fast as they did... she's great, she really is, but she doesn't even know I'm a wizard. There are too many secrets and I just think Anne deserves better. Maybe Stuart can do better."
"I think that in a way, you're right," Mel pushed the book towards him. "But I've seen you read and learn, get rid of so many prejudices just to meet her, not even knowing if she'd like you back... that has to mean something."
Erick supported his head in one hand, rubbing his forehead. "All I know is that if I pull her away from this boy without telling her everything... I'll end up ruining one of the best things that have ever happened to me."
"Then?" She frowned. "You're going to... you're just going to leave her?"
Erick swallowed the lump in his throat. "I want her to choose him... I'm not around anyway, I could even mention the ball and Daphne just to... to make her think..."
"You're gonna hurt her," She told him, not in a reproachful tone, but one that had to be said. "I guess this is the gentlest way you can do it... and it's not forever, right? I mean, if everything goes as planned, eventually you'll be able to try. It's meant to be."
"Meant to be?" He chuckled bitterly. "You sound too sure."
"I am," She responded sincerely. "You and Anne will end up together... just like Harry and me, if I'm lucky enough."
Erick gave her a look, a tiny smile on his lips. "Warming up to the idea then?"
"I've been too hard on myself and Harry," She shrugged. "I think life can be a fairytale if we do what we're meant to do."
"How are we supposed to know what that is?"
"Fate will find a way," Mel got up and patted his shoulder. "Just don't lose hope..."
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The Art of Love: Chapter 4
Fandom: She Ra (2018)
Ship: Glimadora 
Summary: As Adora and Glimmer spend more time together, Glimmer realizes her feelings surrounding Adora are far more complicated than she originally thought. In fact, she has a lot more feelings than she thought.
Warnings (for this chapter): Mild Language, Food Mention, Description of mild emotional distress (please tell me if anything needs to be added)
Genre: High School AU, Angst with a Happy Ending, Rivals/Enemies to Lovers, Eventual Fluff
A/N: Ooo boy do I smell plot development? Hell yeah I do! All notes especially reblogs and comments are so so appreciated. Thank you so much for reading; I hope you enjoy! I love you all 🖤✨ 
Ao3    The Art of Love Masterpost    Fic Masterpost    Fic Request Info
By the time the GrubHub guy had arrived around 30 minutes later, Adora had gained 2 more clay smears and made 7 more proton models. Her hair had been transferred into a messy bun that made her look like some sort of Instagram model. It had of course made Glimmer scoff to see her pulling the ultimate “white girl” move. It wasn’t helped by the fact that she managed the causal, scruffy artist much better than Glimmer ever did, even though that’s exactly the look she attempted on the daily.
The door bell rang, making Glimmer flinch once again, her hand jerking along with the paint she was holding. She let out a stream of profanity at the smudge she had made.
Adora looked up with gentle concern in her eyes that tempted Glimmer to throw the paint brush at her face, “Is everything all right?”
Glimmer stood up grumbling, “It doesn’t matter. I’ll get the food- back in a minute.”
She could feel Adora’s gaze following her as she walked out of the room and it made her face burn red; what was she looking, was there something on her back? Why couldn’t she just leave her alone? Glimmer couldn’t wait for this project to be over but it seemed determine to drag her through hell before it could be complete.
Glimmer used her signature jerk to open the door, grabbed the food and shoved some crumbled cash into the deliverer’s hands after a few quick words and a grimaced smile.
When Glimmer walked back to her room she wondered if Adora looked any different when she was alone, if no one was around to witness her mask of sweetness.
Glimmer silently creaked the door open and peaked in, a part of her expecting to see Adora having transformed into some kind of green alien. Instead, Adora was sitting just as she had been minutes before when Glimmer had been in the room- hunched over the clay in her hands, her hair an annoyingly cute mess piled on the top of her head, swaying gently from side to side in time with the song she was singing. Oh.That was different.
Adora was full on singing now, Hozier lyrics streaming out of her mouth in strong, sweet veins of sound that rippled through the air. It was disgusting how perfect her voice was- just another thing that she was better at than Glimmer- but it was somehow hypnotizing despite Glimmer’s revulsion. It was like watching a siren: surrounded by ship wrecks, seeing the flesh rot off her body but still being drawn forward. It was like a string had been tied around Glimmer’s heart, pulling her forward towards those sweet words that hung in the air like a toxic gas, wishing those words were directed at her.
“When my time comes around
Lay me gently in the cold dark earth
No grave can hold my body down
I'll crawl home to her”
It was like- oh no. Glimmer knew exactly what this was starting to feel like.
Adora turned her head to notice Glimmer who shook her head, hoping she could dislodge the thought. She walked in as if she hadn’t been standing in the doorway for a minute and a half and sat down, thrusting a steaming bucket kung pow chicken at Adora.
Adora took the box with a grateful smile and unflapped the lid, taking a deep breath through her nose of the warm scent radiating off of the contents.
She looked ready to dig in with her bare hands before giving Glimmer an awkward glance, “Uhh do you have any forks?”
Glimmer looked up from where she was shoving Chow Mein in her mouth with the chopsticks she had found in the bag. She reached in and found another pair, holding them in front of her, “Got ‘opsticks.”
The blond gave what could be described as a wince, “Oh, I’m not very good at those, are you sure it didn’t come with any forks?”
It took only a minute of scrounging around in the white and red bag for Glimmer to find nothing more than a handful of fortune cookies. She held them up, “I mean, you could use these and scoop it up.”
Adora stared at Glimmer’s deadpan face and managed to hold one herself before collapsing into laughter.
She threw hear head back, her hand splayed across her chest and tears leaking out of the edges of her eyes.
Glimmer didn’t think it was that funny but she could feel a smirk growing on her own lips, “Are you ok?”
Adora took a moment to gasp for breath, “I’m sorry, I’m- I’m just imagining trying to scoop it up and, and like the cookie just crumbles into it.”
Glimmer couldn’t help but giggle at the mental image as Adora dissolved into a shaking mess once more, even snorting a few times.
She took another look at Adora, crumbled over herself and laugh so hard her face was red enough to match the writing on the To-Go bag. Maybe it was how tired and stressed and hungry she was but but something cracked in her and she collapsed forward cackling.
Adora bowed her head up long enough for her panting breath to stabilize, “Or like, you’re picking up some noodles-“
“-and they just slide right off!” Glimmer finished the sentence as they both fell to the floor, grasping at their sides.
After a moment Glimmer took a a sharp inhale through her nose and straightened up; Adora wasn’t a friend so she might as well stop pretending like this wasn’t all some temporary show being put on. Glimmer threw a wrapped pair of chopsticks at Adora who was still doubled up on the floor, “Come on, dork, we have a lot of work to do.”
Adora followed suit, sitting up and peeling the paper from the utensils, “All right, all right, pass my food back over then.”
Glimmer did so and watched in amusement for a few moments as the other girl creased her eyebrows at the chopsticks.
“Aren’t they supposed to be separate?”
“You have to snap them apart,” Glimmer smirked, but it was almost kindly and she didn’t like that. She began internally scolding her face and reminding it that that she didn’t like Adora, that she was a snake and just saw Glimmer as a tool.
Her face got the message and fell silently, refusing to look at Adora as she continued to struggle with comical cuteness. It was obvious she was trying to play the “helpless and adorable” role.
Quietness filled the room and it should have been comforting but it just made Glimmer aware of how awkward the situation was- they were acting like friends, but they weren’t, but maybe Adora thought they were?
Despite the queasiness building up inside of Glimmer, she continued to shove food into her mouth, using it as a distraction. Besides, Adora couldn’t expect her talk of her mouth was full of Chow Mein. Glimmer huffed into her food, looking into the greasy noodles as if asking them What?! What do you want me to do?
Once again her body acted without her permission, glancing up at Adora who had given up on using the chopsticks correctly and was instead simply stabbing the pieces of chicken and vegetables within her container.
Glimmer let out a reactionary snort that she immediately wished she could take back when Adora matched her gaze and gave a sheepish smile. Glimmer broke off the eye contact and stared back down at her noodles who offered no consultation. Maybe I should at least say something- but maybe it’s been too long to say anything now. I wish these noodles would stop looking at me that way. Wow. I really am going crazy.
She stabbed a chunk of carrot out of frustration. That’ll show them damn noodles.
“I thought you weren’t supposed to use them that way,” she could hear the grin on Adora’s lips. What an aggravating brat; some day Glimmer was gonna wipe that smirk off her lips.
For now, Glimmer just groaned and threw her head before reaching out to correct Adora’s hands with enthusiasm that surprised both of them.
Her hands were so different from Adora’s- smaller and chubbier and tanner and splattered with blues and purples and pinks. Even with the clay, Adora’s looked like a doll’s; pale and slender and some how delicate as they rested in Glimmer’s hold even though they only sat there for a moment.
Adora had the utensils held upright in a clenched fist and Glimmer could see her own hands shaking as she unwrapped Adora’s grip, taking the chopsticks from her. This was all too much for her, all too friendly.
“Ok so, basically,” she took a deep breath, trying to steady herself as inconspicuously as she could. She handed one of the chopsticks back and placed the other one on a napkin in front of Adora. Glimmer held up one of her’s to demonstrate, “You know how to hold a pencil right? Basically just do that with one of them and slip the other one next to it so you can use them kinda like scissors.”
Adora completed the first step with no problem, looking at Glimmer once or twice- maybe for reference or approval; who knew? Glimmer certainly didn’t. It was the second step where Adora utterly failed, both chopsticks falling to the ground followed by a small “oops” from the girl.
She picked them up again and, again, dropped them both.
Glimmer scowled before making up her mind and reaching out towards Adora once again, offering one of the fallen chopsticks, “Here like a pencil; you’ve got this part down.”
“Yeah, ‘cause I’m a nerd,” Adora was smirking and Glimmer let herself mirror the expression; at least it proved that Adora had some idea of self deprecating humor.
One of Glimmer’s hands was cradling Adora’s and even though her slender fingers were longer than Glimmer’s, her hand seemed small in hers, not fragile, just graceful. She placed the second chopstick between Adora’s middle and index finger, Glimmer still supporting the hand in front of her for a moment too long.
Glimmer drew back as if she had just took a dish out of the oven but hadn’t realized how hot it was until her palms were burned red with splotches. She turned away from Adora who gave a childish giggle at the chopsticks resting in her fingers. While Adora seemed perfectly content to click the utensils together, Glimmer felt like the Chow Mein she had eaten so desperately only minutes before had now transformed into eels and were writhing within her body.
And Adora was right there- everything Glimmer had ever resented, everything Glimmer had ever wanted to be. But Adora... was giggling and clicking away into her takeout box with the wonder of an infant; how could this be the girl everyone loved so much? That’s not the type of person that makes it to the top.
Worst of all, it scared Glimmer. If for one random moment she assumed this is actually who Adora is and that she’s not just faking it, assuming that all the purity she shows and smiles she flashes at school are real, that means she became popular simply for who she was. It meant that Glimmer hadn’t made it there not because she was a genuine person, but because people simply didn’t like her.
Glimmer squeezed her eyes shut; the colours of the room she usually loved were far too loud, screaming into her mind and Adora’s red shirt loudest of all. She could feel the sweat on her palms as she clenched her fists.
“Are you ok?” Adora’s voice was much closer than it was supposed to be. Oh boy here comes my favorite: sickly sweet fake sympathy!
When Glimmer turned her head, Adora was crouched at Glimmer’s side, looking at her with concern playing across the glass of those big blue eyes. Her hand was reaching out hesitantly, only a breath’s width from touching Glimmer’s arm. She managed choke the suffocating sensation out of her throat long enough to growl in Adora’s direction.
“I’m absolutely peachy,” In all honesty, Glimmer’s head was screaming as if it were filled with sirens.
She shot up, not caring that her body knocked Adora’s still out-stretched hand as she did so, “I need to go to the bathroom.”
Despite stalking out of the room with as much purpose as she could muster, she didn’t go far. Glimmer let the tension fall from her body as she slumped against the wooden door, like a puppet whose master had let go of the strings.
Glimmer had planned on catching her breath, centering herself, whatever you want to call “getting back to normal”, and then deciding where to go with the situation from there- which would have been a fine plan if Adora hadn’t decided to snoop on Glimmer, peaking her head around the corner of the door.
Unfortunately, this was the same door Glimmer had been currently slumped against and when the door was removed, Adora had unwittingly placed herself in its position. Both girls went flying backwards, squawking in surprise as Adora failed to be as sturdy as the door.
“What are you doing?!” Glimmer could feel the tears prickling at the sides of her eyes.
Adora opened her mouth like she didn’t know how to respond or wasn’t expecting Glimmer’s anger or maybe both. The closest thing she got to a response was a deep blush spreading across Adora’s face as her eyes made a pattern of glancing at what little space was between their bodies and searching for... something in Glimmer’s face.
It was at this point that Glimmer realized how tangled up they were; she had already shifted to face Adora without thinking but that meant the majority of her weight was being held by Adora’s torso as it rose and fell against Glimmer’s stomach with Adora’s heavy breathing. The rest of Glimmer’s weight was being supported by her own arm which was placed only an inch or so left of Adora’s side and below Adora’s upper arm.
Glimmer’s attention was drawn back to Adora’s face as the girl below her tried to stutter out an explanation, “Look I, I don’t know- I felt like. Look, I’m sorry, ok? I’m sorry about a lot of things.”
Glimmer managed to stand up with minimal contact or further tangling. She snorted, “Aren’t we all?”
“No, I mean,” Adora was still on the ground but she had sat up now, her legs casually stretched out in a V with Glimmer standing between them, “I think I upset you and I’m sorry for that. And whenever I try to check on you or try to make things better, it just gets worse and worse,” She looked up at Glimmer with those big blue eyes that were far shinier than usual. Her voice was much weaker when she spoke, hardly understandable, “I seem to do that a lot. And I’m sorry.”
Glimmer sighed through her nose, shaking her head as she extended her hand down to Adora, “Come on, get off the ground. You know, I can never know if you  actually mean anything you say.”
Adora excepted the hand and began to haul herself up when she suddenly froze, her eyebrows creased together, “What?”
Glimmer snorted, “Well don’t just sit here with you ass half way in the air.”
“Why wouldn’t I mean what I say?” Adora stood all the way up but the lines of confusion remained deeply etched on her face.
A shrug came from Glimmer as if she hadn’t spent the past few days wrestling and juggling with this concept almost religiously, “I just assumed that to be popular you had to be fake and backstabbing and play different roles to get people to like you.”
“You really thought that about me? No wondered you didn’t like or trust me,” Adora’s face was clouded over by hurt and sadness but, after a moment, shifted to a small and timid smile that was present nonetheless, “What made you change your mind?”
Glimmer gave a smirk, “First of all, who said anything about liking you? And secondly... I realized that you were so much of an idiot nobody could play that role for any length of time and it therefore had to be genuine.”
Adora nodded seriously for a moment before throwing her head back laughing, “That’s valid.”
They shared a small smile, there in the doorway to Glimmer’s room, and for once Glimmer let herself believe it was real.
But then the air seemed to grow very stale between them as Adora began to bounce nervously shifting her weight from one foot to the other and the insect-like sensation of uncertainty crawled up Glimmer’s spine.
She clapped her hands in front of her with all coolness of a middle aged dad who said stuff like Let’s go, Team! but without any of the misplaced confidence, “Um do you think we should get back to work?”
Adora seemed to be relieved by that idea and Glimmer understood that- the want to return to familiarity after they had just ventured where they had never been before only to scurry away after only sticking their toes in. But that was enough; that was all Glimmer needed for a lifetime, thank you very much.
“Yeah I still have roughly 50 protons to go, right?” Adora’s joke brought Glimmer from whatever trench she had settled into in her mind.
“Oh hmm yeah,” she hummed in response. Nothing like a noncommittal answer to show you’re really present in a conversation.
They sat in silence for a few minutes, both working diligently at their respective “stations,” which now seemed oddly far away compared to how close they had been tangled up on the floor; feeling the lack of the warmth from Adora’s body that had become far too familiar, far too quickly and then been stolen away with similar speed. Glimmer didn’t know what to say or do. How could she? Only minutes ago the thought of the girl made her nauseous and now they were... friends? Maybe. Probably not. Glimmer had no evidence that even if Adora was being truthful, this whole relationship that was struggling to grow like a plant deprived of sun wouldn’t completely wither away as soon the project was over. It wasn’t like Adora was lacking friends the way Glimmer was; she had lots of them, she had Cat. God, Cat.There was no way she was going to let her best friend hang out with somehow with as “uncool” as Glimmer.
“Hey can I ask something that might be a little personal?” Adora’s voice breaking the silence forced Glimmer to dig herself out of her thoughts once more.
“What?” The question registered before Adora had the chance to repeat herself, “I guess so...”
Adora didnt look up from the clay in her hands as she spoke and Glimmer wondered if it was easier to look at than her face or Adora was just trying to be a good student and get the work done, “What’s your mom’s job? She seems to work really long shifts. I understand if you don’t want to answer or something though!”
“Oh, no it’s cool. She’s an ER nurse. I’m actually kinda proud.”
Adora nodded, “Yeah that’s really cool.”
The silence settled in again but this time it felt more natural, comfortable. Like a cold room that had been empty all night but started to warm up as people filled it.
“Do you miss her? Like, do you get to see her a lot with those long hours?”
Glimmer just shrugged; they weren’t going there, not yet and if this went down the way Glimmer was predicting, probably never.
“Ok my turn,” Glimmer decided to speak after a few moments of quiet concentration, “Why do you care so much about getting an A on this project? You can afford to even get a D on it and still pass the class with an A, so why does it matter so much?”
All of the usual light seemed to flicker out out of Adora’s face and her hands stopped their work and started aimlessly fiddling with the clay instead.
Glimmer immediately wished she could take back the question, “You, uh, you don’t need to answer either.”
“I just like getting good grades,” Adora shrugged and resumed her work but Glimmer was too familiar the tension in her face and the stiffness of her fingers to mistake the casualness for anything more than an armor.
She shook her head, the obnoxiously curious and somewhat disrespectful portion of her brain breaking past all safeguards to push the topic, “Nah it’s more than that.”
Glimmer put down the clay and paint brush in front of her and shifted so she was facing Adora, “Come on tell me, spill the tea.”
Adora managed a smile, but it was still weak, “Uh, I was adopted? And I’ve always felt like I need to prove they chose the right kid? I’m sorry, I’m not sure if that makes sense.”
Regret was filling Glimmer’s body as tears glistened in Adora’s. Shit shit shit. Why did she also have to ask about the worst things? This was why no one liked her, “Oh god, I’m really sorry I asked and then pushed it and I should have just let it go. Oh shit I’m sorry.”
“It’s ok, Glimmer.”
“Not it’s not! I shouldn’t have kept pushing it when you obviously didn’t want to talk about it!” Glimmer was rushing her words out, hoping they could erase what she had said before but knowing they couldn’t.
Adora let out a watery laugh, “It’s ok, it’s not you’re fault that I have perfectionist ideals that I can never achieve because of abandonment issues and separation anxiety.”
Glimmer’s eyes widened; what the hell was she supposed to say to that?? She felt like she should at least try to respond, “Oh, uh-“
“I’m joking, Glimmer!” Adora’s face wet enough for her loose hair to plaster itself to her cheeks but she was grinning.
“Hug?” Glimmer held her arms out in front of her. They were stiff and shaking slightly; this was not comfortable territory to Glimmer but neither was any of this project and, besides, she felt like she owed Adora for bringing up a topic that was obviously a sore spot.
Adora raised an eyebrow, “Really?”
Glimmer nodded, “Yeah bring it in, dork. That’s why I’ve got my arms hanging out in front of me like an idiot.”
Adora beamed a full on smile and moved so she could shuffle forward on her knees to close the foot of empty space between them. She wrapped her arms around Glimmer’s neck, allowing Glimmer to wrap her arms around her torso. Adora smelled nice as she buried her face into Glimmer’s shoulder. It reminded Glimmer of a forest- earthy from the clay and sweet from some sort of shampoo or perfume. The scent was making her lightheaded. Or maybe it was the blood rushing to her head, her heart pounding like a scared rabbit trapped in her rib cage, so quickly she was worried Adora could feel it as she pressed herself into Glimmer.
Time seemed to slow down, were they there for a second, a few minutes, the whole night? Glimmer couldn’t tell. When Adora finally gave Glimmer a last squeeze and drew away, Glimmer was surprised she didn’t fall forward. She was certainly dizzy enough to faint.
Adora gave a small smile and Glimmer returned it; trying to contain her own disbelief at how much had changed in just the past 2 hours. However this stupid project turned out, getting to the finish line was certainly a roller coaster.
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 6 years
This is my son
So in honor of YJ: Outsiders and the fact that we have an onscreen view of Amistad. Here is a little fic I did ages ago of how Rocket may have introduced her son to the Team. Lots of info was taken from the comics since the show doesn’t explore Raquel’s past a lot. Hope you enjoy. 
Raquel sighed as she settled a fussy Amistad for bedtime. She had to read him three books by Dr. Seuss and sing to him before his eyes even started to droop. He was a stubborn little boy, sorta like her. She gently rocked his blue cradle before turning off the lights to his room. 
She padded downstairs and glanced at the old Colonial grandfather clock. 11 pm. It was that late, maybe if she tried to really hard, she could write her economics proposal now, half of her History essay and then finish it in the morning along with her trigonometry homework. 
She shook her head as she thought over the coming morning, she'd have to do both essays right now especially if Amistad won't eat his food right away. It's a literal battle to feed him, and then get him out of the house to daycare. She hated the thought of dealing with him when he gets older. 
She settled on the living room couch spend out the books she needed and her laptop on her lap with a tray of coffee cups. 
She had crunched through the history essay. It was defiantly not her best but it would have to do, she'd settle for a C at the least. 
Then Augustus Freeman aka the superhero alien known as Icon came in. 
"Raquel you're still up?"
"No, I'm sleep-walking. Yes I'm still awake" Raquel snapped back sarcastically. 
"You do know that you have training with the Team tomorrow afternoon right?" Raquel groaned. 
The life of a teenage superhero. She recently joined a Team of teenage superheroes who no longer wanted to be treated as sidekicks. Batman (yes that freakin Batman!) was the one who assigned them black ops missions as they saved the world. 
Unlike some of the sidekicks like Robin or Aqualad, she had only become a superhero two years ago when she and her ex-boyfriend, Noble (the irony) had tried to steal some stuff from this old Colonial house that had been standing since the Civil War. 
While Noble looked for things to loot, she had been fascinated by the immense library the house had. She always loved to read and dreamed of becoming a writer, so that room was like a personal heaven for her. She wanted to just curl up on the old couch and look at the gleaming hardcover volumes. 
Then they saw the alien technology. 
Unfortunately they hadn't counted for the house to be occupied by a superhero. Augustus Freeman, lawyer by day but in reality a three thousand year old alien, the last of his kind as all aliens that crash land to Earth seem to be, who fought for justice. 
Though they had ran away that day, Raquel had returned to the house. 
She had been the one to convince Augustus to become a superhero. He was Batman. She was his Robin. Icon had initially refused, but she kept needling him until he had decided to give it a go. 
The city sure needed them as heroes. Dakota City may not be a Gotham in terms of danger, but there was plenty of violence and injustice that needed to be righted.  
It had been a tense first months since Icon was so damn conservative and analytical while she was more impulsive, liberal and action-oriented. But they eventually made their partnership turn into a smooth in sync team. 
Back back to her impulsive habits.
Something she wished she reined her impulsivity earlier. That same impulsiveness led her to agree to having sex with Noble. Their relationshop didn't last, him being an asshole had a major part to do with it. What did last was the fact that she had gotten pregnant. 
Raquel never felt so miserable in her life. The taunts and the whispers and the same old comment, "Oh she's from Paris Island what did you expect?" 
Abortion had been an option, Augustus highly advised it, and Noble even gave her the money to do it when he found out the news. But she quite obviously didn't get an abortion. 
She asked and asked around for opinions and the answer was always "Yes, get one" but she had felt disappointed by that. She finally realized that disappointed was that she had wanted someone to say "No, keep the baby" because she, she wanted to see this through and have a baby. Not the smartest decision in the world, but it was her's nonetheless. 
Despite his disapproval, Augustus had been very helpful when she had been pregnant. He dealt with her food cravings and mood swings, and buying baby stuff, reading parenting books and eventually with the labor. Amisted's middle name was Augustus in honor of her mentor, and she had asked him to be the godfather. 
Her friend, Denise even stood in as Rocket for her while her baby bump started to show. Make that ex-friend. The girl ran off with Noble awhile later, insisting "He changed." So what? You don't date the ex that got your friend pregnant, it is a common friendship rule! She hoped they gave each other syphilis.
Eventually she settled into a routine of taking care of Amisted in the mornings, drop him off at daycare, go to school, take care of him until he fell asleep and then do homework at whatever hour at night. In the weekends it had been easier since she could spend the whole doing Mommy and Me stuff with Amistad and more leisure time while he napped. 
Then she joined the Team, and things started to go a bit downhill. Besides the missions, they had required training sessions with Black Canary, and strategic planning with Captain Atom. And then, Miss Martian, such a sweetheart, always had plans for Team bonding time. It was a bit stressful with work and such, not that the team members didn't get that, they went to regular school too. But... She hadn't told them she had a son. 
It's been four months now, and they had no clue. Just as she wanted. It had been a struggle, with the lies on why she was so tired, her refusals to join Team bonding (on account of being needed at home), her worry during overnight missions (IT WAS OVERNIGHT, WHO KNOWS WHAT MIGHT HAPPEN TO AMISTAD WHEN SHE'S GONE!!). She'd saying that she was babysitting her baby brother, but Robin was starting to question why she was always babysitting when her parents could do that. 
There was one embarrassing incident, that she had fallen asleep next to Wally, when she heard the alarm, mistaken it for the baby monitor and started rocking Wally's head like how she usually rocked Amsted when he was crying. That involved a very interesting yet lame explanation about her Rosemary's Baby inspired dream.  
It's just she always swore to herself that she wouldn't be the kind of teen mom that let all things go. That she failed at school, hardly cared for her child and did whatever she wanted. She did want to get straights As and be a good mother. She loved Amistad more than she loved anyone else in the whole world and the thought of someone trying to harm him made her want to kill. But it was all so stressful. 
"You know, Raquel I'm sure they would understand.." Augustus started to say, 
"Don't finish that sentence" Raquel scowled. 
They had been having this argument ever since she joined the Team. "Just tell them you have a son, they'll be understanding." Augustus insisted. 
Oh, no they wouldn’t. They're teenagers. No offense to her own kind but teens are very critical. And she did't want to further the stereotype that girls from the 'hood' were sluts that had babies and nothing else to show for the life.
Okay, yes she was from the hood and yes, she had a baby but that was where the parallels stopped!
Besides she wanted so badly to impress the Team with her maturity and bravery and just general heroics. The whole having a son thing would kind of ruin it. 
Oh and ruin any possible love life. 
Most boys at her school avoided her like a plague and those who didn't. Well they thought she was so easy because she had a child. Perverts. 
She hated school for all the people and the Team was the only place she wasn't judged. Sure, she wasn't spending so much time hanging out with them as she would like too but she still appreciated hanging out with them. They were chill, and mature and they understood all the grey in life. 
Grey like death, cloning, discriminations, things out of their control. They couldn't be blamed for being a White Martian, or raised by villains or having to kill people.  
But grey situations like teen pregnancy hadn’t been out of her control. It had been her own stupid decision and there wasn't anyone to blame but herself. 
"Raquel, they've been through a lot. They won't judge you so harshly." 
"Yes they will" Raquel muttered bitterly. 
"Raquel please think about it. It would be a lot easier on yourself. You could take Amistad to the Cave, and I'm sure Red Tornado could take care of him while you're on missions, I'll help of course. Please consider it." 
Raquel didn't know why, but she was tired of hearing the same explanation of why she should tell. Augustus didn’t understand. It wasn’t like he went to work where people stared at him as if he were trash. He didn’t have to deal with the mothers gossiping about him when he picked Amistad up from daycare. He didn't have to explain to Amistad, why no one wanted to go on playdates with him. 
"No, I cannot tell the Team, I just can't! Once I tell them, they’ll think I'm just another idiot that sleeps around. I have been trying so hard to go to school, and take care of Amistad, and live a normal life. But I can't! Sometimes I just wish he hadn't been born. Then I feel like a horrible mother because I do love him, I love him, he's he's my baby boy but it's it's... 
I mean yeah, I always talk about how the Team is so mature and how they’ve been through stuff, but they wouldn't understand this. They're still teenagers. They’re gonna be like the kids at my school, offering me condoms and sending notes on HOW TO USE a condom. 
You’ve got to believe me I did use one. I just didn't know how put it on okay. No one teaches you how to do that. They just say use it and you'll be safe. Well that didn’t worked did it? 
The team cannot accept me. They won't. I'll spell it out for you. My own parents didn't accept me. They took me to the hospital, confirmed I was pregnant, and left me. They left me in the hospital and drove away. I spent three days in that hospital with nurses pitying me or scolding me on how I could have done this to myself and how I ruined my life!" Raquel shouted.
After those three days in the hospital, she had gone to Augustus’ house in tears and explained what happened. He had offered for her to live in the third floor of the old mansion and that's where she had stayed. 
Eventually, months later, with a lot of prodding from Augustus she decided it was time to face her parents and confront them for what they did to her.  She told him that they had refused to see her, but it didn't exactly go that way. 
"And that time I told you I would face my parents after what they did to me. I lied. I didn't see them at all. I mean I was going to, but they weren't home. My sister, Denise was. And she was so surprised and happy. Know why? 
Because my parents told him I was dead."
Augustus stared at her in horror which only made her talk faster to get the whole awful explanation over with. 
"They said that on that day they drove me to the hospital. They collided with a car and it burst into flames. They couldn't have my funeral because they didn't know which ashes were mine.
They went through so much trouble pretending to grieve and needing their privacy and lied to my sister about it. 
How could I face them after hearing that! 
My own parents would want me dead then have to admit to having a teen mom.
My own parents who were suppose to love me unconditionally, left me! That's why I can't tell the Team. I mean if my own parents who cared for me for 13 years want me dead then how can people I know for less than 7 months ever understand." Raquel slammed her laptop shut and stomped up to her room where she fell onto her bed, crying. 
It had felt good to let it out in the open. The whole thing with parents had bothered her. 
She agonized over it for days afterward as. And for a short period, she acted extra nice to Augustus, in case he ever decided it was stupid to keep taking care of her. Until she realized he would never do that. Sure, he could be critical of her choices but he wasn't heartless. 
They developed a respect for one another. He had became her grandfather figure. Plus she was pretty sure if he hadn't ran for the hills after she gave birth to Amisted, he wasn't going to leave any time soon. 
Agustus entered her room a few minutes later, cautiously knocking on the door before he sat at the edge of her bed. 
"Raquel, I'm sorry about your parents." He whispered softly. 
"S'okay. I've gotten over it." Raquel mumbled to her pillow. 
"I promise I won't badger you to talk to the Team about Amistad." He told her.  
"Thank you" Raquel sighed, turning over to face him. He looked so grim and forbidding in the moonlight. It was so unlike him to her. She was used to seeing  the soft smile that she had seen wear when he played with her son. To her, he was far too compassionate and mellow to be intimidating. 
He let out a deep exhale, his large hand ruffling her cropped hair affectionately. "You must know, not everyone is going to leave you for your mistakes. You are a very smart lady, and you have been a better mother to Amistad starting at 14 than many have been starting at 30. I think we've both learned a lot life lessons from taking care of him. He brings a certain liveliness to the house, and I'm never been prouder to be called Uncle Auggy." 
Raquel gave a thin smile, "And what about my parents?”  
"I can't condone what they did, Raquel. But I promise I will not do that to you. I'll even fight Batman myself if he or the Team thinks less of you for this. You are more than your mistakes. It’s what you have done to fix them and improve yourself that makes you a good person. You haven't lost your drive, your integrity or your spirit, and you are willing to make sacrifices for your child. If the Team can't see that. You should feel that they are less than you instead of the other way around." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------—————The next afternoon at training, Raquel kept glancing nervously at the door. 
After her talk with Augustus yesterday and a long restless night, no thanks to Amistad’s latest nightmares about It. She and come to the decision that she would finally tell the team. She agreed with Augustus that she should stop pinning shame onto herself and she should judge the Team for their reaction. 
Also she knew what harm secrets had done to the Team, and it was unfair that she knew so much of their struggles and they didn't know hers.
Besides she remembered his other points, it would make life a whole lot easier for her if the other members took turns to take care of him. It wasn’t like everyone was going to react like her parents. 
Worse case scenario would be that she got kicked out of the Team. Augustus leaves the League. Then they both would be banned from ever super-heroing again.
Okay that was probably an exaggeration. 
But then again, Batman could do anything. Especially if he got angry that she lied to him.
With those doubts swirling in her head, Raquel didn't feel like a good idea any more, and was trying to think of a way to contact Augustus before he entered the Cave. 
I should leave. I'll stop them before they even enter. This is stupid. I'm right. What kind of person WOULDN'T judge a teen mom. They're all gonna think I'm a slut! Why would that want to work with a slutty superhero? I'm going to get kicked out for sure.
She glanced at the zeta-beams, wondering if she could make her escape before anyone would notice. 
Just then the computer announced,  "Entering Icon A-14. Entering Unknown Person" 
Raquel let out a silent moan. Here comes the judgement day.
The whole Team, and Back Canary looked questioningly at the two entering. 
"Awww Rocket, is this your baby brother?" Zatanna asked.
Icon pried a nervous Amisted clinging from his leg, handing him to her told and and went to talk to Black Canary about the situation. 
Raquel bit back an instinctive aww as Amistad tried hiding his face into her shoulder. He was just so adorable! 
"He's so cute!" Miss Martian squealed. 
"I guess he's cute" Superboy grunted. 
Raquel took a deep, shuddery breath "Uh well...That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. I haven't been entirely honest with you about my home life and the exact way we are related. You see, Amistad isn’t my brother. 
They stared at her questioningly. 
"He's my son," They stared at her in silence with confused looks on Miss Martian and Superboy's faces. The others gave embarrassed glances at her. 
"I don't get it. Aren't you only 16?" Miss Martian asked innocently, Raquel nodded reluctantly. 
More staring. This was as awkward as she feared. They were never going to treat her the same way again. Forget getting kicked out, she might have to quit. She wouldn't be able to deal with this kind of silence and pitying stares aimed her. 
Since it seemed like her announcement had stunned them into muteness she decided to make an exit. "So, yeah. That’s my big..secret. I should be going." 
She turned to leave when Wally zoomed in front of her. "Can I hold him?" 
Raquel was so surprised that she almost dropped Amistad. Hold him? No one ever held him, but her and Icon. 
Yet she saw the sincerity in Wally's eyes, and the encouraging smile, nodding at her to say yes. No one had ever looked at her that way after they realized her teen mom status. No one ever looked so eager to hold her son. 
"Yeah, um here you go.” She placed Amistad in his arms, and corrected the way to hold him. 
"Hey Amistad, it's your Uncle Wall-man. We are gonna have a blast when you get older" Wally said holding out a finger for Amistad to grab. 
"Wall-e?" Amistad asked, wonder and amazement streaking across his face, making him look even more adorable in Raquel’s eyes. 
"No, no not the robot. I'm the greatest speedster of all time. Superhero of this Earth. I save the day with charm, and wit and the amazing power of science!" Wally gestured exaggeratedly.
Raquel smiled at him. She never been so grateful for the hungry speedster in her life. 
"Thank you" she mouthed to him, and he mouthed back "No problem," as he continued detailing his amazing exploits to the boy who was clearly going to idolize him when he got older. 
Slowly the others gathered around them.
"Is he gonna be visiting more often? I have the perfect bat light he'll love." Robin said. 
"We can be like his honorary aunts and uncles," Zatanna chimed in, cooing at him.  "That would be great, that would be really great.” Raquel smiled, feeling like she was starting to truly become apart of the Team’s ragtag family at last. 
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arcanelaurels · 7 years
I’ve been super into taakitz college AU, could you write them meeting for the first time, like humping into each other at a party or something like that? ❤️❤️
Anon I’m fucking DYING did you mean to say “humping” or “bumping” bc I’m???? losing my goddamn MIND akdsknksljk 
I love this and now I gotta write both
Kravitz hated parties. He didn’t even know why he kept going to them. Maybe it was the idea of putting off schoolwork for another night. Maybe it was the free alcohol. Or maybe it was the hesitant promise of meeting someone new and exciting, of having a good time.
But that never happened. No, instead it always ended up the same way. Him being too self-conscious to get any further gone than tipsy while everyone around him got plastered. On the dance floor, people clung to each other in the darkness and the heat and the music that was so loud it was practically suffocating. He never asked anyone to dance. Occasionally, girls emboldened by alcohol would approach him, but he simply refused, not bothering to explain that they weren’t exactly his type.
It got to the point - the way it always did - where Kravitz felt like if he spent another second here he would suffocate. He drained the last of his drink and threw the cup aside, preparing himself to make his way across the dance floor since it was the only way to get to the exit.
He started pushing his way through the throng of people, not even bothering to excuse himself because he knew they would forget within seconds. He was nearly out of the sea of people when he felt warm arms wrap around his neck and an even warmer body press up against his side. Flustered and surprised, he looked down and immediately felt a blush rise to his face when he recognized Taako.
Kravitz didn’t know him, per se. They were in the same large lecture class of more than a hundred students, and under normal circumstances someone from that class would’ve been insignificant to him.
Except that Taako had a very…distinctive look. He always arrived to class dressed like he was a grown version of a Disney Channel character, with questionable layers of clothing and odd accessories that somehow worked, probably just because it was him. He tended to sleep through class, only waking up when the professor would notice his snoozing and ask him a question about the material (because she was that kind of professor). Every single time, Taako answered the question perfectly and then almost immediately went back to sleep. Kravitz often wondered why he even bothered to show up at all, and was certain that Taako didn’t even know he existed.
How Taako had been at this party this long without Kravitz’s knowledge was a mystery. But that question was pushed out of his mind because right now Taako was very drunk and…well…grinding against his leg.
Kravitz froze, unsure how to react as Taako swayed and ran his hands over him, occasionally flipping his half-undone braid over his shoulder before pressing closer to him. Panicking, Kravitz took Taako’s hands and pried them off of him, only to have them return as soon as he tried to move away. He needed to get some air now, so he quickly moved away and off the dance floor, vaguely registering that Taako was still clinging to him.
They got to the door and Kravitz turned back to try to unstick Taako from him again, only for him to groan and pout, walking his fingers up Kravitz’s chest.
“Wha’s wrong, handsome?” Taako’s voice was barely loud enough to be heard over the music. “Dunno how to dance?” He leaned in closer, his breath hot in Kravitz’s ear. “Why don’ we go back t’ my place and’ll teach ya?”
Kravitz swallowed dryly, his face burning. “You’re drunk,” He argued back loudly.
Taako’s pout deepened. “And you’re no fun. I’ve-I’ve seen you,” He slurred, swaying and using Kravitz to stay upright. “You’re the guy who stares ‘t me in class. You’re lucky you’re fuckin’…hot.”
Kravitz hadn’t thought his face could heat up anymore than it was, but he was proven wrong. “I don’t-”
“But if you,” Taako interrupted, jabbing a finger to Kravitz’s chest. “Dont’ wanna fuck me,” He pointed to himself. “Then I’ll jus’ find someone else.” He stood up a bit straighter and turned away.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” Kravitz grabbed Taako by the wrist. “I don’t think that’s the best idea.” Taako was definitely not in a good state to be making those kinds of decisions. 
Taako willingly let himself be pulled back, overdoing it and pressing himself against Kravitz’s chest. He smirked up at him. “Hmm, change your mind?”
Kravitz looked around, feeling the crowd and the music start to overwhelm him again. “Why don’t we step outside?” He asked and, not waiting for an answer, opened the door and guided Taako out of the house.
It was a cool fall evening and the wind was extremely refreshing after the humidity of the party. Kravitz felt himself start to relax almost immediately while Taako shivered, instinctively pressing against him for warmth only to pull away again.
“Jeez, homie, you’re fuggin’ freezing,” He looked Kravitz up and down. “What are you?”
“Kind of a rude way to ask that,” Kravitz dodged the question as he led Taako to the steps and sat them both down on the edge. He took off his jacket and put it around Taako’s shoulders, who immediately took it and pulled it tighter around him. Kravitz took out his phone and ordered an Uber.
“Thought you were a human,” Taako muttered as he leaned his head on Kravitz’s shoulder. Kravitz didn’t bother pointing out that most humans didn’t have dark red eyes. The breeze picked up and he saw Taako’s free ear twitch a bit in reaction. 
“You sure you don’t wanna fuck?” Taako spoke up again.
Kravitz snorted. “Maybe some other time. As long as you’re sober and still want to.”
“Pfft.” Taako lifted his head, his unfocused eyes somewhat trained to Kravitz’s face. “I’ve been wanting to fuck you since the first day of class, my dude,” He said, prompting Kravitz to blush again.
Taako’s eyes suddenly narrowed and he stared at Kravitz more intently. He leaned forward as if intending to kiss him, but Kravitz leaned back, pressing a hand to Taako’s chest to stop him.
“Again,” Kravitz said, trying to stay composed as he pushed Taako into an upright position and sat back up. “You’re drunk.”
Taako scoffed. “Course I decide to go after a gentleman,” He grumbled. “And I thought today couldn’t get any worse.”
“What do you mean?”
Taako eyed him warily. “I don’t owe you my life story, kemosabe.”
Kravitz laughed nervously. “Sorry, didn’t mean to pry.”
“Ugh,” Taako leaned his head against Kravitz’s shoulder again. “There you go being nice again. Just like my sister’s stupid boyfriend. She’s been in love with the guy for years. Years. Who the fuck waits that long before making a move? It’s like…who are you and what have you done with my sister, yanno?”
Kravitz did not know. He made a noncommittal noise.
“Anyway I’ve never met the guy before and she refused to show me any pictures of him. But they’re dating now and I met him and?” His pitch rose like he was asking a question and he lifted his head again to look at Kravitz. “He’s a fuggin’ nerd. He wears jeans like, every day. Blue jeans. He’s gonna make her like, start caring about school or somethin’. Turn her into a nerd too so she’s not fun anymore. My sister’s dating a nerd, Krav. Can you believe that?”
You know my name? Kravitz wanted to ask, feeling a strange warmth in his chest. Instead, he shrugged. “I’ve never met your sister, but if she’s anything like you, I doubt that’ll happen,” He chuckled. “And besides, as long as he’s a good person and cares about her, does it matter?”
Taako narrowed his eyes at him and was silent for a few moments. “You’re a nerd, too, aren’t you?”
Kravitz laughed nervously. “That’s-”
Taako interrupted him with a groan. “Gods, what is this, karma or something? Of course I’ve got a crush on a nerd, too.”
“I’m not- You have a crush on me?” Kravitz asked, struggling to process what Taako had said.
“I called you hot, didn’t I?” Was his only response, as if that was enough of an explanation.
Kravitz was trying to find something to say when a car pulled up a little ways away and he got his Uber notification. “C’mon,” He grunted as he stood up and pulled Taako up with him. 
They got into the car with some trouble from an off-balance Taako. The driver was a larger man who wasn’t paying much attention to them. “Ready to go?” He asked.
“Um, if it’s not too much trouble, could we make another stop before you take me to my place?” Kravitz asked, untangling Taako’s arms from around him.
“Sure thing, buddy,” The man answered, taking his phone off of its stand and preparing to put in a new address. “Where to?”
“Uh,” Kravitz turned to Taako, who was staring with intent confusion at the seat belt that he was holding in his hand, not having buckled up yet. “Where do you live?”
“Wherever you want me to, sweet cheeks,” Taako responded, doing his best to give Kravitz a sexy glance through half-lidded eyes that just ended up looking comical.
Hearing his voice, the driver turned around. “Taako?”
Taako’s face lit up. “Mags! Fancy meetin’ you here!”
“You two know each other?” Kravitz asked, leaning over to help Taako buckle in.
“Yeah, we’re friends,” The man explained, sounding a bit irritated now. “Don’t worry, I know where he lives. I’m Magnus, by the way.” He shifted gears and started driving. “You one of Taako’s conquests? You’re not taking advantage of my boy, are you?”
Kravitz felt his face heat up again as he finished buckling Taako up, very aware of his hot breath on his neck. He sat back in his seat. “N-No, I’m not. We ran into each other at that party and, well,” He glanced over at Taako before catching Magnus’s eye in the rearview mirror. “I was worried about his safety.”
“Aww, are you sweet on him?” Magnus asked, laughing when Kravitz spluttered. “I’m kidding, thanks for keeping an eye out for him. Taako doesn’t always make the best decisions.”
“I’m right here,” Taako crossed his arms defensively.
“Good thing, too,” Magnus said. “What were you thinking, going to a party alone? Were you trying to get yourself hurt? Or worse?”
Taako scoffed. “I can hold my own. I’ve got magic powers, you know.”
“So do lots of other people,” Magnus argued. “You’re lucky he’s a decent guy,” He jabbed his thumb over his shoulder in Kravitz’s direction. “Or gods know what could’ve happened to you.”
“Whatever,” Taako grumbled, sinking down in his seat and looking out the window. There was a tense silence that Kravitz felt had to do with something other than Taako’s lackluster decisions tonight.
After a while, Magnus sighed. “You know Lup still loves you, right? Just because she’s serious about this boyfriend doesn’t change that. She’s your sister.”
“Duh,” Taako sneered. “Doesn’t mean I have to like him.”
“Look, you guys have been inseparable since birth, I get that,” Magnus continued, unfazed by Taako’s rudeness. “But you had to know that you’d grow apart eventually. She’ll find someone - maybe this guy, maybe not - and you will, too. Probably.”
Taako continued staring out the window, unresponsive.
Kravitz didn’t notice when Magnus glanced at him in the rearview mirror with a glimmer of mischief in his eye. “What about that guy in your Conjuration lecture? The one you said is super hot?”
Taako’s ears perked up and he stiffened, side-eyeing Magnus. “I dunno what you’re talking about.”
“You know, the guy who sits across the aisle from you? The one you said always dresses super nicely and has cheekbones that could cut glass?”
Taako was silent, but Kravitz could see a blush start to form on his cheeks. Kravitz shifted uncomfortably in his seat, feeling like he knew where this might be going.
Magnus continued. “Yeah, you said you wanted to wind your hands in his hair and push him up against a wall-”
“-and let him suck marks into your neck that’d be impossible to hide-”
“-and give him what I think you called the ‘blowjob of the century’ and then-”
“What was his name? Kravitz?”
Taako groaned, his face beet red as he put his head in his hands and refused to look over at Kravitz, who wished he could disappear into his seat.
“Magnus, I’m gonna kill you,” Taako’s voice was muffled by his hands.
“Why?” Magnus asked, poorly feigning innocence. He glanced at Kravitz in the rearview mirror. “What did you say your name was, again?” He asked cheekily.
“I didn’t,” Kravitz muttered, refusing to meet his gaze as his face burned. He knew that Magnus got his name from the app.
“We’re here!” Magnus chirped, pulling into an apartment complex that Kravitz realized was right next to the one he lived in. He punched in the gate code and expertly drove around and stopped in front of what Kravitz assumed was Taako’s building. He turned around in his seat. “You live in the complex next door, right?”
“Yeah, I can- I can walk from here,” Kravitz said, rushing to unbuckle himself and get out. He didn’t really want to spend any amount of time alone with Magnus right now.
He walked around the car and opened the door for Taako, who practically fell out and had to be caught by Kravitz. Taako quickly pulled away, not meeting Kravitz’s eye or thanking him.
“Don’t forget to tip!” Magnus shouted out the open window before driving away.
The two stood in an awkward silence for a few moments.
Taako turned to him. “That guy’s a liar and not my friend.”
“So then you didn’t say any of those things?” Kravitz asked with a humorous glance.
“I-” Taako’s face turned red again. “I might’ve…I might’ve said something…similar.”
Kravitz chuckled and took Taako’s hand, prompting him to finally look up at him.
“Well, I would not be opposed to…going on a date with you,” Kravitz said. “And seeing where the night takes us. Can I see your phone?”
Taako wordlessly pulled his phone out of his back pocket and unlocked it before handing it to Kravitz. 
He put in his number and handed it back. “I hope you’ll text me sometime. When you’re sober, that is,” He smiled. He hesitated for a moment before pulling Taako a bit closer and leaning down to kiss his forehead. “I’ll be wanting that jacket back,” He murmured, then pulled away and turned to start walking home, waving over his shoulder.
Taako stood still in shock, watching Kravitz walk away. His hand automatically rose to where Kravitz had kissed his forehead and he felt himself blush like some sort of middle schooler.
Kravitz turned and called out over his shoulder. “Make sure to drink lots of water! You don’t want a hangover!”
“Shut up!” He shouted back, but couldn’t fight off the smile that crept across his face. He stood there, swaying a bit but determined to watch Kravitz until he couldn’t see him anymore. The wind picked up and he pulled Kravitz’s jacket tighter around himself before he turned around to head inside.
It was definitely a better night than either of them had anticipated.
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norafike · 4 years
It's Christmas Time
>Nora, Lem and the Gang Celebrate Christmas
Words: 2411
~Not canon to my fanfic "Despite all this, I still love you~
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"And you got Dutch of all people to agree to this?"
Hosea gave her a simple nod as he hid the remainder of small gifts in the back of Arthur's wagon, hidden amongst the ammunition he had set up. For most walking by it appeared as if they were simply restocking supplies instead of hiding gifts to exchange in the coming days and it was exactly what Hosea needed them to think. "He's allowing us to throw a small get-together."
"And who's dressing up as Saint Nick? Heard you had arranged that too."
"Bill originally but he refused, so I'm either thinking Uncle or Swanson."
Nora frowned at the remaining suggestions. "Are those really the last two options?" She hoped he'd say no, that those two weren't the only choices left but he could only reply to her with an apology. "Arthur could do it but he's been doin' it for the past three years."
"So we don't wanna bother him with this again."
"Exactly, Miss Morgan." He replied.
She looked over at the scout fire where Kieran sat, telling a story to Jack who listened intently at the tale. She couldn't hide the smile on her lips as she watched from afar and Hosea needed to bite back on his teasing.
"We could ask Kieran to do it.. boy hasn't dressed up as St. Nick yet." Hosea suggested while he joined in on watching the exaggeration in his movements as he began to act out the story to Jack. "Seems like he'd enjoy it."
"He's enjoying whatever he's telling Jack right now."
Hosea let out a light chuckle. "He is, yes."
"You could go ask him. I gotta grab some presents for Mary-Beth and Tilly."
"Yes the necklaces, you've not got any yet?"
She shook her head. "But Saint Denis surely has some."
He furrowed his eyebrows as she mentioned the city, thinking she would most likely be getting herself involved in some sort of trouble so close to the holiday. But when she noticed his concern she raised her hands dismissively. "Don't worry... I ain't gonna do somethin' illegal so to speak. I know a guy an' that's it."
"Just be careful, Nora."
She gave him a gentle smile before walking over to the hitching posts where the horses were, digging through the snow for grass and finding only mud. She had hay ready in her hand for Casper, who looked tired when she called for him.
"One last errand for a while boy, don't you worry." She spoke softly to the horse while she fed him and Micah snorted at the easy tone she would speak to the lesser creature in. She ignored the man, which provoked him to tease further.
"Say.. while you're out Nora why don't you try and find less of an attitude to come back with."
"Sure an' I'll find you a whole new personality too, Mr. Bell." Her witty responses weren't so well planned when she was cold and frustrated, so her attempt to annoy him wasn't as well illustrated but enough to get him off of her back for a while.
She tightened the girth of Casper's saddle before mounting up and riding out towards Saint Denis.
The door pulled open and in a rush a man walked out, colliding with Nora on the path as he tried to walk out of the Saint Denis markets. She fell backwards, landing on the stone pathway which prompted a small yelp as a reaction.
"Shit.. sorry." He apologised and immediately she recognised the voice. She looked forward and when their eyes met he quickly hid his hand behind his back to stop her from seeing what he had on him.
"What are you doin' here, N-Nora?"
"Should ask you the same." She replied, grabbing onto a flower pot to pull herself to her feet. She rubbed her lower back with her left hand, using her right to help Lem stand.
"Quite comical that we both fell." She mentioned and he hummed in response. "So what are you doing at the fence anyway, Lemuel?"
"Buyin' something. You?"
"The same really.. picking up necklaces for Mary-Beth and Tilly, as a gift you see."
"That's sweet."
She nodded gently, finding conversation awkward after not seeing him for many weeks. He too felt the same way, awkwardly whistling to divert them from silence. "Are y-you busy after?" He asked.
"Not really."
"Perhaps you'd like to go for a drink? Maybe Rhodes since I ain't so keen on Saint Denis." He offered and she gave him a light chuckle at the suggestion. "I would like that very much."
He waved goodbye as he departed from their conversation, making haste and leaving Saint Denis as soon as possible. Nora would linger on the step outside of the fence, watching the general direction in which he walked to hold onto what ghost was left before finally prying herself out of thoughts and letting herself into the shop.
"You changed your clothes." She stated as she sat opposite, taking note of the white shirt and black pants as opposed to his usual blue shirt and red vest get up. The man frowned and folded his arms as he leaned back against his chair. "No, 'how are you?' what a conversation starter."
"Sorry.. guess I got so familiar with seein' you wear that one thing."
"Oh no, no." He smiled. "I was jus' messing with you."
"Where have you been these past few weeks?"
Lemuel looked ashamed after her question and avoiding her eyes from there. "I used to love the s-snow growin' up." He changed the subject.
"Me too." She sighed. "It's real pretty."
"Yeah." He brought a glass of whiskey to his lips, taking a long drink of it. "What are you plannin' for Christmas?"
"Hosea been plannin' a party. Havin' someone dress up as Saint Nick for young Jack an' we're gonna exchange some small gifts."
"That sounds real lovely."
"You got somethin' planned that day?" With her question he looked more glum than ever. He hesitantly turned to face her, giving a gentle smile. "Not really."
"You gotta come celebrate with us then."
"I don't want to intrude."
Nora leaned towards him, grasping both of his hands with her own. He almost flinched at the contact, not expecting it but eventually warmed into the touch "Nonsense." was all she needed to say and had been enough to convince to spend Christmas with her and that strange lot back at Clemens Point.
"Would you like to go for a walk?" He asked. Nora had thought about it before nodding. Following from this, Lem grabbed his jacket from his chair and threw it on, ready for the snow outside and freezing temperatures.
"How did your date go, Mon Ami?"
"It wasn't a date or whatever, Marcel." Lem replied, this annoyance in his tone of voice. The Frenchman had to stifle a laugh as he resumed making his moonshine, watching as Lem searched throughout the small basement.
"What are you lookin' for?"
"That bracelet I gave you, for Nora, where is it?" Marcel didn't answer and so Lem tried again, asking for the gift he trusted his friend to look after while he was away.
"I don't have it." Marcel finally replied, turning away so he wouldn't have to personally face the younger man.
Lem gasped, this anger building up inside of him as he wasn't able to replace the gift as he had spent the last of his money to purchase it. Marcel could feel the shift in mood and frowned, a string of curses being repeated in his mind that had been directed towards him. "Where is it M-Marcel?"
"I don't know." The man answered, he was honest and it crushed him to have lost something so important to Lem. "I put it on the shelf an' when I came back, it was gone."
"I don't have nothin' else to give her."
"I am sure that you will find something." It was Marcel's best attempt at comfort but it didn't do anything to help cheer Lem up. "We got two days until Christmas a-and I haven't enough money to b-buy a replacement."
"I am sorry, Lem." Was the last he could offer. Fike couldn't say anything else and left the basement in haste, slamming doors behind him as he marched outside.
Maggie curiously walked down to talk with Marcel, a scowl present at her nephew's behaviour. "What was that about?"
"I, er, I lost a bracelet he bought for Madame Morgan."
"How the hell did you manage that?"
"I.. I don't quite know."
Maggie shook her head, placing her palm against her forehead. "Well, I s'pose we should find a replacement then."
Kieran scratched at the fake beard of straw he was forced to wear, finding it rather uncomfortable against the skin. He wasn't sure why Hosea made him shave but he was certain that after this he would most likely never shave again, no matter the consequences.
He wore an old coat of Bill's, red and much too big for him. The way his belt hung loosely around his waist had elicited a chuckle from Nora when she first saw the costume and Kieran almost called it quits if it meant that the other's was going to laugh at him.
"Thank you for doin' this, Kieran." She said in a low whisper, fixing the white scarf draped around his neck for additional warmth. "It weren't nothin'."
She gave him a low smile before walking away to join the other's around the fire, whispering to Hosea that he was ready to be brought in. The older male clapped his hands together to grab their attention, when each member had looked at him he began making up a short story on how he was to be leaving now for the rest of their celebration, much to the gang members dismay.
"Stay old friend." Dutch tried to convince, but Hosea wouldn't listen.
As he left camp following the path, Lem Fike had entered and on the way he apologised to Hosea for the late arrival and that Nora invited him to join. "Trust me, you're right on time." Hosea spoke in vague terms, waving him goodbye as he went to fetch their St. Nick.
"You made it." Nora cheered, running from the campfire and wrapping her arms around the man in an embrace. He was taking back but slowly reciprocated, allowing her to take his hand and drag him back over to join the others.
"Of course I made it." He whispered but averted his attention over towards Hosea who let out a rather loud cheer. "Look who I found while out there." The second leader announced as he brought Kieran into the camp once more.
Most the men had trouble disguising their laughter at how ridiculous they found the get-up, but the women and Jack looked on with awe at 'Saint Nicholas'.
Kieran didn't know what to say, only standing there with an awkward look in his eye and so Hosea took lead and called over Jack with the wave of his hand. "Told Santa would be back again."
"Yeah." The boy spoke so softly, a little shy at seeing this mysterious being. When Kieran saw the bright smile on Jack's face he softened up and became far more confident as he took on the role of Saint Nick himself, instead of being regular Kieran Duffy.
"I have a gift for you, Jack and a gift for everyone else. Would you like to help me give them out?" Kieran asked and Jack nodded enthusiastically.
Hosea called everyone over and slowly they all began to line up in the snow, waiting for their gifts to be exchanged. "This first gift is for.. Abigail." Kieran read the scribbled name our loud and the boy approached his mother with the item in hand. She took it with thanks and tore into the paper, smiling as she pulled out a box with a very pretty ring inside.
"For Miss Gaskill." And Jack took it over, giving the gift to the person intended.
Time went quickly as they exchanged gifts and Lem felt guilty for not having anything to give so he could participate with their celebration. Soon the bag was empty and Kieran or "Santa" could be escorted out of camp by Hosea, waving his farewells to everyone.
"Come with me." Nora whispered, taking Lem by the hand and walking with him over to the beach so they were alone for five minutes. Mary-Beth watched with a small smile as they felt, elbowing Karen to grab her attention. "Look at them, ain't they cute?"
"Sorry I didn't take part.. felt a r-real fool out there."
"You were invited last minute, ain't your fault." She dug into her satchel before pulling out a small item wrapped in cloth.
"For you." He took the object from her hands and gently unwrapped the cloth. When he took the gift from it's wrapping a bright smile appeared on his face for she had brought him a small wood carving of a moonshine bottle. "Did you make this?"
"Kinda.. Cripps did most the work. Apparently, he knows wood carvin' an I wasn't gettin' the hang of it."
"It's lovely. Thank you." He gently placed the gift in his pocket but his moment of joy was short-lived when he remembered his lack of a present for Nora. "Unfortunately, I don't have nothin' for you."
"You don't have to buy me gifts, mind."
"I-I know.. I bought a bracelet from Saint Denis a while back for you, but trusted the wrong person with it."
"What happened?"
"Marcel lost it."
She let out a small giggle and nodded, holding onto her friend's hands with a small smile. "Can I tell you somethin'?"
"My best gift this year is spendin' it with you, Lemuel. Nothing could be that."
"Can I kiss you?"
She was taken back by his request but couldn't deny that she had thought about doing the same thing for a long time and so slowly, with a genuinely happy smile, she nodded.
His head tilted to the side as he leant forward and gently her lips were captured in a kiss, her heart beginning to race faster with the gesture. Time around them seemed to slow down and while she stood there, with her arms wrapped around his neck she thought that this, this was her best Christmas yet.
0 notes
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(somewhat lengthy drabble under the cut, bc I wrote a thing but didn’t feel like making a comic)
Two strange companions walked together, a masked man and a super mutant, in the evening sun. They were making the long trek back into Boston from the Commonwealth’s outskirts when Greyson came to a halting stop. Strong easily overtook him before stopping as well, realizing the human was no longer by his side. He looked back at him.
"Why Grey stop?" the super mutant demanded, late sun casting his towering shadow over Greyson. The man had lifted the wielding mask on his head to rub at his eyes. "Mah head fuckin’ hurts. Gimme a sec’," He pawed at his pockets with one hand in a search that started to turn desperate after a few seconds. A second hand was enlisted. Strong watched, unamused at the fumbling display and huffed an impatient sigh. He knew exactly what this was leading to, and he didn’t like it one bit. There were times Greyson’s ferocity matched even Strong’s, an impressive feat, and the mutant considered him his relatively equal in passion for bloodshed, as well as a comrade. But with this? "Where...?" Greyson growled under his breath, checking all his pockets again. As if to focus harder, he spat a wad of well-chewed wood out from his mouth before turning his pockets a third time. Greyson’s hands shook, and he threw his wrench to the ground in growing anger. Dust settling, Greyson’s hands returned to his face, pressing firmly to his temples. "I’m out of med-x. Great!" he moaned in despair and turned his back from Strong. Strong stomped closer to his smaller companion and spat disdainfully. "Good! Chems make Grey weak! Bad fighter, hit Strong sometimes,” Strong harrumphed. “Grey act stupid, using chems." Why would Greyson sacrifice all the things that made him like a good super mutant, just to clear up some stupid headache instead of dealing through the pain with pride? Strong couldn’t understand the appeal. He was interested in keeping the two of them efficient and prepared for a fight but a high Greyson wasn’t a team player. "I’m gonna be weak if my head wont stop killin’ me!" Greyson shouted and threw his arms out, gritting his teeth. He pressed at his face again, irritated that he had to remove his hands to gesture. Strong crinkled his nose. "NnnnNNNN fuck!" Another exclamation from the human. Greyson threw another possession from his apron arsenal, this time his claw hammer. It bounced and flipped before sliding to a stop far from Greyson. He fell to a squat, covering his face in his hands. Strong was over this. Had been from the beginning. "Human act like baby! Whining over nothing! Pathetic!" The super mutant hoped the jab would pull Greyson out of this state. "Humans crippled over nothing. At least bleed," he spat. "I’m not a baby!" Greyson brandished his knife axe from his back, punctuating his sentiment by turning and driving it into the ground directly in front of Strong with a yell of frustration. Strong growled a warning at the display, clenching his fists, ready to retaliate. "My head’s killin’ me and it's pissin’ me off!" Another shout of frustration. Greyson pressed his face again. On his knees with a tired voice now, he moaned, "It hurts, Strong."
The super mutant was quiet for a beat. “Human talk to Strong again when he is not weak or stupid.” And with that, Strong turned from Greyson’s kneeling figure and sauntered off, leaving Greyson to work his problem out alone.
The hulking human kept where he sat, fingers searching for a more tender spot to press in attempt to soothe the radiating pain, ignoring the world around him. It was all he could do without the instant relief med-x gave him. He’d have to find more so this pain could be avoided in the future. He wasn’t addicted, that hit of addictol made sure of that. But the draw of being pain-free was just too much of a temptation for Greyson to resist. Addictol may stop the physical cravings and withdraws that come with addiction, but the mentality could return, and return it did. It was a mistake to not be hyperaware of the amount of med-x he had to his name. The addictol really had been a bad idea.
It felt like forever before Greyson slowly lifted himself back up to his feet. He let his gloved thumb slowly drag across his lips as he looked around for Strong, noting the deep red sky turning purple. The hardest part had passed, and he was now able to manage himself without bursting with frustration. He slipped the tossed hammer and wrench back into their spots, and retrieved his knife axe, still stuck straight into the ground. Popping another small chunk of wood from his pocket into his mouth, Greyson pulled the visor back down over his face as he hurried to Strong’s position over the hill.
Strong refused to look at him when he approached, in his own display of childish behavior, crossing his arms over his wide, green chest when he noticed the other man’s presence. Surely an apology was in order for lashing out. “Hey.” He forced himself to refrain from patting Strong’s hip out of habit, unsure if the gesture would be appreciated.
“Human done being stupid?” Strong asked after a moment, hesitantly glancing down to check on his friend.
“Yeah. Le’ss go.” Greyson pointed his thumb over his shoulder, trying his best to ignore the still softly throbbing ache. “Think I’m jus’ starvin’.”
The super mutant uncrossed his arms and chuffed with a hint of amusement. “Grey always hungry. Strong is too.”
Greyson shrugged in an exaggerated way, lifting his hands into the air. “Y’know me. Le’ss go, Strong.”
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setepenre-set · 7 years
Like You and Me (part 1)
T rating. 
AU of Fools, but can be read as a standalone.
prompted by @fattyskeleton
Roxanne spills punch on her Starfleet costume at the KCMP Halloween office party and goes home to change into her...backup costume.
Roxanne goes window shopping on October 28th.
She almost doesn’t go; she has to fight with herself to do it. They released her from the hospital three days ago, but she’s still feeling a little shaky and fragile.
(still having nightmares about the smell of the purple smoke and turning around to see Megamind, who is—)
It’s ridiculous, she tells herself, to feel like this; she’s fine, and she faces much more dangerous things on a weekly basis—how many times has she been in a death trap? And she’s never felt anything like this afterwards.
But that’s the thing, isn’t it. Those were all with Megamind, and she’s never been in any actual danger with Megamind. If it had been Megamind’s evil plot she found herself in the middle of, instead of Psycho Delic’s, she never would have been caught in the hallucinogenic purple smoke, never would have ended up at the hospital.
So. Yes. She’s a little shaken up. Which is why she makes herself go shopping; it’s a way of proving to herself that she’s fine.
She already has a costume for Halloween; she’s had one for months, actually, has been planning it since August. A starfleet miniskirt uniform in command gold. Megamind always kidnaps her for Halloween; she had smirked to herself, when she bought the costume, thinking of his probable reaction to it.
Roxanne pauses in front of one window and critically regards a mannequin dressed in a witch costume. This costume is especially impressive in its artistic skimpiness.
A cold wind sweeps down the street, making Roxanne shiver.
This would probably have been more fun if she had someone with her. She doesn’t really have anyone she could have asked, though. Well—Wayne, maybe. They usually just meet up once a week or so for coffee, aside from the regular weekly Metro Man rescues, but she supposes she could have called and asked him along on this shopping trip.
Having Wayne with her would have pretty much defeated the point of going, though, would have felt too much like protection, hiding behind him. She refuses to do that.
Besides, Wayne isn’t really much for Halloween; he’s worn the same Elvis costume every year she’s known him.
Roxanne takes an absent step forward, letting her gaze fall idly on the next costume in the display. A vampire queen, she thinks, complete with a crown made of sharp silver spikes and black metal filigree like lace.
A cloud goes over the sun; the change of light makes her reflection come up on the storefront window.
It’s odd, she thinks, considering how very into Halloween Megamind is, but she’s never seen him actually wear a costume. How strange. Why wouldn’t he—
The spike crown, her reflection, the thought of Megamind—they coalesce without warning into a memory: his sharp smile and wicked tone, the first time he said—
(won’t you let me make you my evil queen, Miss Ritchi?)
And that’s—
—it’s a ridiculous thought, of course it is. Roxanne already has a costume, and anyway, she’s definitely not going to dress up as Megamind’s evil queen for Halloween; that would be unbelievably inappropriate! The Halloween evil plots are always televised; she can’t let him broadcast her looking like that to the entire city.
Her logic is sound, all the point well-reasoned.
Somehow she still finds herself walking into the shop.
When she gets home, she buries every piece of the new costume she bought in the back of her closet, her face flushed and her heart beating too hard.
Absolute insanity; she can’t imagine what possessed her. She’s never going to wear it.
There’s a costume party at the KCMP office on the night of Halloween. It’s a yearly thing; Megamind almost always comes and kidnaps her there.
She wears the starfleet uniform, obviously, and does not even think about opening her closet and getting out the other costume.
“Care for some punch, ensign?” Hal says, leaning against the refreshments table and leering at her.
Roxanne barely represses the urge to upend the punch bowl over him in outrage.
She came all the way over here to get away from him! How can he not realize that? And besides which, there are clearly three bands of gold braid on her sleeves, so she is obviously dressed as a commander, not a goddamn ensign.
Hal is dressed (very unconvincingly) as Indiana Jones, a thing that Roxanne is absolutely certain Harrison Ford never committed a sin dire enough to deserve.
“No thanks, Hal,” she says, forcing a smile and holding up her cup, “I’ve already got one.”
Hal laughs a little too loudly.
“Right, right, yeah, of course, Roxy! Hey, why don’t you come dance?”
Roxanne freezes as Hal throws his arm over her shoulders and she wishes with sudden viciousness that she had worn the other costume; he would have thought twice about doing that if she’d had spikes on her shoulders—
It’s less an accident and more a moment of poor impulse control when Roxanne jerks her hand and splashes her cup of punch all over Hal’s face.
Hal splutters, looking comically dismayed and Roxanne barely manages to choke back the laugh that threatens to bubble out of her.
“Oh, Hal, sorry!” she says, with a complete lack of honesty.
She’s spilled punch over her own sleeve, too, though, and that she does regret—oh no; she likes this costume—
“Damn it,” she says, and shoves a handful of napkins at Hal, who is still spluttering. “I’m gonna go wash this off; excuse me—”
She dodges away from him and weaves her way through the crowd and into the hall.
The women’s bathroom is mercifully empty; Roxanne locks herself inside and runs her sleeve under cold water. The stain goes from red to pink, but it doesn’t disappear entirely, not even when she scrubs at it with soap and a paper towel.
Damn it. And by the time the kidnapping is over, the stain will probably be set and she’ll never get it out.
Roxanne glances up at herself in the mirror. Her mouth is a flat line of dissatisfaction beneath her tastefully muted lipstick and one sleeve of her dress is wet, with a pink stain on the cuff.
Why hasn’t Megamind come to get her yet? She’s been here for an hour already; he usually comes and picks her up within the first fifteen minutes; it’s the only reason she can face the prospect of going to a party that includes Hal.
What can be taking him so long? What—
(—what if something’s happened to him, what if he’s hurt or—)
oh god no please no
(the smell of purple smoke and she turned around and Megamind was—)
The sound of laughter in the distance, from the party. Roxanne presses her lips together hard and tells herself that she is being ridiculous.
Wayne said—Wayne said that Megamind was—
(alive not dead like he’d been when she turned around in the purple smoke and and saw him and)
—fine; Wayne had said that Megamind was fine, and she needs to stop this.
She runs a hand through her hair and takes a shaky breath.
God, she really doesn’t want to go back to this party.
Roxanne turns her head to look at the bathroom door, then makes an involuntary face. She looks back at the mirror and grimaces again.
In the mirror, behind her own reflection, the reflection of the bathroom window catches her attention.
An idea dawns.
Roxanne pivots slowly to face the window.
This is entirely reasonable, Roxanne tells herself as she’s climbing out the window. Entirely reasonable. The party was on the second floor of the office building, but there’s a sturdy fire escape stair that leads down to the sidewalk. So this is—
—Reasonable. Yes. Entirely.
Okay, so honestly, what it really is? Is fun. Like being sixteen again, sneaking out at night, the deliciously wicked sensation of escaping.
Freedom! she thinks gleefully as she jumps down to land on the sidewalk.
Now to go back to her apartment and prepare to be kidnapped.
Megamind knows where she lives; he can come and get her from there this year.
Roxanne slips off her boots just inside her apartment door, then unzips her dress and takes it off as she walks to the laundry room. She puts stain remover on the sleeve, and then she drapes the dress over the dryer to let it set.
She walks back to the kitchen, pours herself a glass of orange juice to wash away the taste of the cheap red punch, drinks it standing at the kitchen counter in her underwear.
The delightful feeling of getting away with something still persists; she climbs the stairs to her bedroom with a spring in her step and an extra sway in her hips.
She will, of course, be needing to get dressed again. She’s certain she’ll be able to find her old cat ear headband and tail somewhere…
She shouldn’t, of course she shouldn’t; she can’t actually wear the evil queen costume—
—but maybe she could just…try it on.
“Uh, Sir—there’s a bit of a problem here,” Minion’s voice comes through the watch clearly.
Megamind, pacing restlessly beside the control panel, stops.
A problem? There’s a problem? Oh god.
He shouldn’t have sent Minion; he should have gone himself, like he usually does for Halloween. The Halloween kidnappings are some of his favorites; allowing himself to retrieve Roxanne for a kidnapping instead of sending Minion is always a special treat.
This year, though, after last week, after the whole thing with Psycho Delic, after—
(she’d screamed; she’d looked at him and screamed; Megamind had turned her around in the haze of smoke and her eyes had fallen on his face and she’d screamed in terror and)
—well, after all that, Megamind had felt it would be—wiser—to send Minion in his place.
Only now, it seemed, there's a problem.
“What kind of problem?” Megamind bites out, placing his hands on the control panel to steady himself.
“Well, it’s—Miss Ritchi—”
Megamind’s stomach drops.
(oh god no Roxanne please no)
“What about Miss Ritchi?” Megamind asks, lips numb.
“She’s not here, Sir.”
“She hasn’t arrived yet?”
“No, she—I was discreet, just like you said, Sir; I wore the disguise watch, and I asked around—she was here earlier, everybody said, but she’s not here now and nobody saw her leave…”
Megamind feels himself go cold over.
(nobody saw her leave; something’s happened; she’s been taken; oh god)
“Sir? Sir?”
It’s possible that her boyfriend came to pick her up from the party, possible she left to have a private moment with her boyfriend before going to the Scott mansion for the annual Halloween party there.
As always, that thought, the thought of Roxanne with Metro Man, makes Megamind’s heart twist in a way that actually feels physically painful, and yet, he hopes that she is with Metro Man right now, because that is so much better than the thought that she might be in danger.
“Stay there,” Megamind says, “check the rest of the building, make sure she’s not there. Call me if you find her. If not—call me when you finish the search. I’m heading over to her apartment.”
“All right, Sir.”
He takes the invisible car.
The hoverbike would be faster, but it’s not anything like subtle, and if Roxanne really has been taken, then—
His mind races along panicked lines as he starts the car, puts it in gear. Another attempt by a villain to set themselves up as his rival, so soon after the confrontation with Psycho Delic? Had he not been clear enough in demonstrating why that was a bad fucking idea? Had—
—oh god.
Perhaps he had been too clear. Perhaps he'd given away the fact that he—if someone had seen the way he reacted to Roxanne screaming, the way getting her out of harm’s way had been his first priority, above dealing with the other drugged and panicked people, above dismantling the smoke generator, above finding Psycho Delic, above everything—
—Megamind had pushed her into Metro Man’s arms and demanded that the hero fly her to safety, if somebody saw that—
His mind presents him with a series of horrifying images in quick succession.
Roxanne screaming as she looks at him, Roxanne screaming again but this time in pain, Roxanne hurt and bleeding, Roxanne lying lifeless on the ground with her eyes glazed and unfocused and staring at nothing, Roxanne dead on a morgue table an autopsy knife slicing through her cold flesh and an identification tag on her toe, Roxanne—
Panic blocks out the rest of his thoughts in a white blur.
(he doesn’t remember the drive to her apartment, later, recalls it only in little disconnected moments: his hands on the wheel, taking a sharp turn; passing a particular storefront; turning to avoid a group of children in costume, pulling swiftly into the alley behind her apartment building and slamming the car into park.)
He comes to himself a little, then, although most of his mind is still screaming white static. But he recovers his thoughts enough to realize that Minion has the disguise watch; he hasn’t gotten around to updating the second communicator watch to include the hard light hologram tech.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK he should have taken the hoverbike after all; at least with that he could have landed on her balcony; it’s no use the car being invisible if he’s stuck here on the ground looking like himself.
(call Minion; get the watch—no no no; there isn’t time for that; there’s no time)
((Roxanne on the morgue table being pushed into the freezer, being pushed into the crematorium furnace, being—))
He’s tears off his cape and spiked mantle and exits the car swiftly. The fire escape—there. He jumps, catches hold of it, and then pulls himself up and starts to climb.
It’s dark now; if he does this fast enough, he might be able to escape notice.
He’ll go to Roxanne’s balcony—no, no, not the balcony; if whoever has Roxanne has been watching him, they’ll know he usually uses the balcony—
Her bedroom window, then; he’d never use her bedroom window under ordinary circumstances; if they’ve been watching his interactions with Roxanne, they’ll know that, so they won’t suspect—
When he reaches the window, he glances inside. There’s no one he can see, and there’s no sign of a struggle. The door of the closet is only partially closed, but the opening is too small to offer a good view for someone hiding inside with a gun. And when he leans over, so that his body is visible in the window, holds himself there for a long moment, no one shoots.
If they’ve got her here, they’re downstairs.
Megamind jimmies the window open as quickly and quietly as he can, pulls his gun from its holster, and slips into the room. Gun upraised, he begins to move towards the closed bedroom door. He reaches for the handle and—
The door of the closet swings open.
Megamind pivots immediately, aiming the de-gun at the closet door and the person who—
He freezes.
She freezes.
The whole world, actually seems to freeze for a moment, like time has forgotten how to move, because it’s—
...to be continued.
Happy Halloween fic! :DD
This story is in four parts; I'm going to post a chapter a day until the 31st (with one day having two chapters posted; I haven't decided which, yet.)
I hope you enjoyed the first chapter!
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guessmonsta · 7 years
ahhhh may I please request lev getting set up with someone who's like 5ft tall as a joke, bc both their friends thought the height diff was hilarious, but they actually end up hitting it off? ;o
I had fun with this. I missed writing for my tall boy. Also, Lev is a junior in college! Just throwing that out there.
Lev wasn’t one to be paranoid. In fact, he was anything but. Lev Haiba was the kind of guy to wave at a man in a trenchcoat looming in the dark corner of an alleyway at three o'clock in the morning. Nothing in this world scared him besides pretty girls and cockroaches, but, the way his roommate was glancing up at him every so often sent a good shiver down his spine.
Hinata had been sitting on the edge of his own bed and furiously tapping at his phone for fifteen minutes now; Lev knew because he had been counting. Whatever was making Hinata type so fast that he could actually hear his fingers bouncing on the screen had to involve him, somehow. Every so often the typing would stop, and ever so ominously Hinata would look up at him for about five seconds, his eyebrows scrunched and his lips pursed, then he’d go right back to typing again. Lev would’ve straight up asked what Hinata’s problem was in any other case scenario, but he was honest he had never seen Hinata this mad. Well, exempt the one time in sophomore year where he wasn’t allowed into the club for “looking too young”.
Another five minutes passed and the typing stopped all together. Lev was afraid to look up from his laptop to see if Hinata was staring again, but he did it anyways. Hinata hadn’t been looking, but Lev caught his attention. He laughed, eyes nervously darting over to his phone.
“Tobio.” Is all Hinata had to say, and suddenly, the whole situation made sense. Well, some of it did, the relentless typing, at least. Although, that didn’t explain the incessant glares in his direction.
“What did he do now?”
“Well, it’s not rea-ally about him.” Hinata shrugged. “Hey, Lev, can I ask you a question?”
“Are you free tonight?”
Suddenly, Lev found himself utterly confused. He cocked an eyebrow and looked up at Hinata, who was passing the situation as something that happened on the daily. He propped himself up on his shoulders and kicked his legs over the side of the bed.
“Is someone asking me out?” He pondered, in all seriousness.
“Well, kinda.”
“Is it you or Tobio? ‘Cause if I’m being honest I think Tobio would treat me right.” Lev laughed.
“No-o it’s not Tobio! It’s not me either!”
“I know, I know. Who’s asking me out then?”
Hinata hopped off the edge of his bed and shuffled right up next to Lev on his. He flipped his phone out of his pocket again, fiddling with it for a moment before pulling up a picture.
“Her.” Hinata nudged “at Lev’s arm. “Well, she didn’t actually ask you out. She’s Tobio’s girlfriend’s best friend.”
“So you’re saying you have no idea who this chick is?” Lev laughed, ogling at the photo of the girl for a split second before Hinata yanked the phone away. “I don’t really mind, either way. She’s kinda cute. I think.”
“Yeah. We figured you’d be cute together. So, are you down?” Hinata stood up from the bed and went off to do his own thing once more. Lev wasn’t entirely opposed to the idea of going out on a date with a stranger, if anything, he thought it was a bit exciting. In the back of his mind though, he denied the sincerity of it all, but suppressed it.
“Sure, I’m down. Are we meeting at a certain place or is it just wherever?”
“The Gazelle.”
Hinata was referencing to the indie coffee shop down the street from their dorm. It was always quiet, soft piano music filling up the empty space where people weren’t whispering to each other about the new vinyl records they bought the other day. Everyone wore baggy sweaters and wire glasses and could pronounce the obscure names on the menu with ease. Lev just nodded in agreement, too wound up in everything else to wonder why the people involved in this rendezvous had chosen a place that was so not him. He was oblivious to the way Hinata was smirking into his fist as he started texting again, just like he was oblivious to everything else.
That night, Lev found himself inside The Gazelle. It wasn’t often where he found himself in this place, only ever stopping by to make fun of Kenma, who worked behind the counter on weekends, or to grab himself a hot cocoa to endure early morning lectures. He took a seat by the window, which he immediately started to regret. The chairs were too small for him and his legs barely fit underneath the table. He would’ve gotten up and moved, but he didn’t want to draw more attention to himself then he already was. There weren’t many people in the shop, just a couple of baristas he didn’t recognize, a lonesome girl with space buns who refused to stop glaring at him, and a guy in the corner who looked like he had just one too many espressos that night. He hadn’t been waiting for long now, the date was scheduled for eight, but he figured showing up at seven forty-five would give him a chivalrous advantage. Thing was, even if his date had showed up, he hadn’t quite remembered what she looked liked. Hinata had flashed the picture so fast, he could barely absorb that she was in fact, a person. For all he knew, the angry girl with space buns could have been his date this entire time. That was, until the chime on the door rang.
Lev’s eyes darted up from his phone to the door. The bitter chill from outside clashed against the warmth of fireplace on the inside and rustled a few magazines sitting on the table next to him. Lev couldn’t necessarily see who had walked through the doors, a tall houseplant had blocked their way. He figured it had to be a freshman, though. Through the leaves, he could see the top of their head barely reached the coat rack by the barista counter. He continued to pay no mind to his surroundings, mindlessly being sucked back into the screen in his hands. It was eight o'three now, but Lev didn’t really mind. He figured he wasn’t being stood up, Hinata wouldn’t do something like that. There was a possibility that he wasn’t paying too much attention to his surroundings, though.
It wasn’t until he heard a soft clearing of the throat did he get off his phone again. Standing in front of him was that presumed freshman, her hands balled together in the oversized sleeves of her sweater. The first thing that Lev noticed was that she was small. The oversized sweater that pooled around her body didn’t do her much justice, nor did the keroppi purse that was slung over her right shoulder. It wasn’t until he made eye contact with her did he realize who she was. It was Kageyama’s girl friend’s best friend. It was her.
Lev was almost afraid to stand up next to her. He didn’t even have to look up at her in his position right now, and he was sitting. After staring for a brief moment, she giggled awkwardly and peeped a small, “hi!” Lev couldn’t help but wonder why his friends would be hanging out with a freshman. Although he had to admit, she was adorable.
“Are you by any chance… Kageyama’s girlfriends best friend?” Lev hated that he had to associate her by that title. It wasn’t like Hinata gave him a background check on her, though.
“Yeah, that would be me! And you’re Kageyama’s best friends roommate, right?”
Lev felt like he was being rude just sitting there while she was standing. Forgetting the small table above him, he stood up, nearly knocking himself, the chair, and the entire table over as he lumbered up awkwardly. He looked down at her, almost bashfully, but it seemed like she didn’t even notice.
“This is a joke. This is so-o a joke.” She covered her face with her sweater paws and began laughing. “O-Oh my god. Hinata, you bastard.”
It took Lev a moment to get what she was shaking her head about, then it clicked. Their height difference was so drastic, comical, even. Figured Hinata would try to set them up to get a kick out of it. “Oh-h, I see.” He hummed.
Then without warning, Lev set his hand atop her head. “How tall are you? Er, how short are you, rather.”
She didn’t seem to find that funny, and merely shook her head. “I could be asking you the same thing, Burj Khalifa. I’m five foot.”
“Five foot what?”
“Uh, just five foot.”
Lev shook his head. “People can actually be that short?” He asked in all seriousness, unaware of how red her cheeks are. “Are you still a freshman?”
“No, I’m a junior. Jus’ like you.”
“Wow.” Lev shook his head and merely laughed. “This is the funniest thing to ever happen to me. You’re so cute.”
“Thank you, and honestly, I didn’t expect to be set up with the actual Himalayan Yeti either. And you never actually answered my question, by the way.”
“Oh, yeah. I just hit six foot ten the other day. I’m still growing. My doctor says I’ll probably stop when I’m twenty-five, and I’ll probably be seven feet then.”
“Seven feet!” She gaped up at him, experimentally pushing herself up on her tiptoes. “Um, can we get our drinks and sit down? My neck kinda hurts.”
“Oh! Oh yeah sure… um?”
“__. The names __.”
“Cool! I’m Lev!”
“Lev?” She peeped. She stood up next to the barista counter, popping up on her tippy toes to rest her forearms upon it. “You’re Russian?”
“Yeah! How’d you know?”
“It seems very Russian. My second guess was German, or something, but I think Russian is nicer. It’s a prettier language, don’t you think?”
Lev was surprised she hadn’t mentioned his height whilst talking about his heritage, it was usually the first thing people bounced to. It was endearing, really. When the barista came up to greet her, she popped up higher on her tiptoes to talk to him. She ordered her drink, something with a confusing name he was surprised she could even pronounce, then turned to him to have him stutter, “medium hot cocoa.” They stood there for a brief moment, Lev shuffling from foot to foot until she grabbed the drinks and motioned back to their table.
He never expected to find himself going on a date with someone nearly two feet shorter than him, but for some odd reason, he didn’t really mind. He figured at this point it was all some joke between Hinata, Kageyama and the third party, but jokes aside, it wasn’t bad judgement. She had big goals and dreams like his, to which Lev joked that they were bigger than she was. They compared hand sizes, then shoe sizes, then arm length, and wound up sitting together on the fountain outside of Lev’s dorm after the baristas kicked them out half past nine. It wasn’t just her height, but there was something about her that Lev found too cute. She had these soft eyes and gentle smile that he couldn’t help but adore. She didn’t get mad at his “short-shaming”, as she referred to it as, and merely just played along. She could think of as many tall nicknames and he could think of short, and despite his height, treated him like a normal person. Most dates he wound up on he’d get flooded by “basketball comments” and obsessing over his height, girls telling him how attractive it was to be with “such a tall guy.” Even though it was such a huge feature, she looked passed that, and it was mostly him who had brought it up. She preferred it when they were sitting down face to face, rather than side to side. She liked his “dorky personality”, or so she said, more than his height. That’s what made her adorable.
They huddled around the inactive fountain for hours, and as the clock hit midnight the only thought in Lev’s head was seeing the shock on Hinata’s face when he returned home and said, “Hey the date was great, we have another planned for Saturday night!” She stood up from her place next to him on the fountain, pulling her sweater closer to her body before pausing to sneeze in her elbow.
“Hey, I think I should head home. I’m getting really cold.” She laughed, pausing to sneeze again.
“Oh! Okay. I had a lot of fun. You’re cool for somebody who looks fourteen.”
“Me too! I never knew sentient trees could be so charming. So, Saturday night at seven, right?”
“You have my number in your phone and everything, right?”
“Nice! Thank you for tonight. Kick Hinata’s ass for me, kay?”
“I’ll make sure to at least choke him under his pillow for a few minutes.” Lev smiled. “Oh another thing- should I walk you home?”
“Sounds wonderful. I should be fine, I live right around the corner” She giggled, shuffling around for a minute before holding her hand up. Lev cocked his head in confusion.
“I, uh, I wanted to give you a hug but I really don’t know how.”
Lev laughed, barked, rather and put his hand up against hers.
“We’ll figure it out next time.”
She then nodded, bid her farewells, then skittered away, her arms bobbing gleefully, her purse bouncing at her side the entire time. He watched her as she turned the corner, spinning around to wave at him one more time. She was cute, she was very cute, and it was all Lev could think about. The moment Lev was sure she must’ve been in her dorm, he sprinted towards his, running up three flights of stairs to open the dorm room door with a dramatic slam.
“You’re home late!” Hinata chimed, his back turned to the door, laying on his stomach and kicking his feet as he typed on his computer.
“You didn’t tell me she was short.”
“Never came up in conversation.” Hinata laughed. “So how’d it go?”
“Great! Figured out the whole setup was a joke two seconds in, but besides that it was great!’ Lev flopped back onto his bed, paying no mind to the way Hinata jerked his head in his direction.
“You guys actually got along?”
“Yeah! She’s actually real sweet. We’re going out this weekend, too. Your plan backfired, Shouyou!”
Hinata laughed, slamming the top of his laptop down. “Glad you had fun. Kageyama’s gonna have a fit.”
Lev shook his head and shuffled around, digging in his pocket for his phone. A text message popped on the screen, under the name of “Shrimp-puff”.
“Don’t forget to push Hinata’s head under the pillow!” It read. Lev smiled and looked up at Hinata, who was laying in the same position.
“What is it?” He asked before realizing what was coming for him. He coughed as a pillow whacked him upside the head, rendering him useless.
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