#(Also I'm not the best artist in the world soooo-)
ghavialis · 8 months
Someone send me €50 I need a new tattoo
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digital-zone · 2 years
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(This was originally made for a Discord Digimon Art & RP Group I'm in [which I know one of my mutual friends is in~], so this won't ENTIRELY fit the context of this blog but here you guys go! ASFSAKFSSKFA-)
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fourswordsannotated · 11 months
akira himekawa are unbelievably cool.
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soooo here's the thing. i was looking at akira himekawa's website on a whim and found a public blog, with posts that go all the way back to 2009. many hours of google translating later, and i've developed an even stronger admiration of these two women and their exceptional career as manga artists. they share so much in these posts about the creative process, their thoughts on social justice, their connections with nature, and their most major original story, gliding reki, which seems to have always been a passion project in the midst of commercial work.
from what i could gather, reki is unique in that they were determined to do it in full color. and they did it, because after reading about their career, it's clear to me that when these women set their mind to an idea, they make it happen. see also: they just recently produced and distributed their own art book, because no publishers were offering to do it in a way that pleased them.
their stated goals for reki were to make something more adult than their previous children's manga, taking place in a city, involving a lot of mechanical art, and featuring stronger romantic and self-described erotic subtext. good for them. before i get into the four swords-related stuff, i'm sharing what i could find on the internet about reki.
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more under the cut, because there's quite a bit to discuss :)
not much that i could find on the blog specifically references four swords, but they have many fascinating insights about nintendo, the zelda fandom, and the franchise as a whole. i can't know for certain because this information was surmised from translated text, but it seems as if their manga with chibi link made them feel a little stifled, which is why they took a long break before returning to do twilight princess. it's not lost on me that even a work like four swords, which they may regard as not their favorite or best, still has inspired and brought together so many passionate, creative, and diverse people. this is especially sweet because it seems as if they met each other, and formed their creative partnership, because of a shared fandom interest of their own.
honda and nagano have shared their thoughts and feelings on this blog for more than a decade, and they have a lot of thoughts and feelings. throughout their entire career they've made commentary on work-life balance, their experiences as women in a male-dominated field, and their desire to create original art while simultaneously enjoying some commercial work as well. they are passionate about social justice, particularly re: women and indigenous people, and offer insights on aspects of culture and history and the state of the world that really could resonate with anyone. and they really seem to appreciate fans of their work, and emphasize repeatedly the care and thought they put into their manga in the hopes it will inspire and bring catharsis to readers. they love animals (especially wolves), being outside in nature, being nerds about art they enjoy, a certain subgenre of romantic manga that appealed to and empowered female readers in the 90's and 2000's, and traveling around the world to partake in activities like horse riding and falconry.
the coolest part is, they're still updating the blog to this day :) in fact they seem to have recently returned to it, reflecting that twitter is not their preferred manner of sharing things online. they seem very familiar with and fond of older-school blogging culture.
there's a lot more i could say here about my findings, some of which do pertain to... certain ships 💜🖤 . but i don't want my genuine appreciation for these authors to be overshadowed by that kind of conversation. in addition to a link to the blog itself, i'm including a few translated posts of interests, which you can interpret and incorporate into your perception of the media however you please. at the end of the day, it's a really cool gift that these artists have chosen to share so much over such a long period of time. by making their personalities, beliefs, and insights more visible to fans of their work, i hope it brings new context to the stories we already love.
a modern-day insight:
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re: the zelda mangas. these are from several points throughout their career. please note that they have so many fond things to say about zelda as a franchise and their work on the mangas, especially regarding the way they've affected fans. i encourage you to look for yourself, on their blog and their other socials!
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re: gliding reki
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re: the creative process (and in the latter two, the fandom that seems to have inspired them!)
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re: their two goofyass adorable tiny dogs that they dress up in outfits while also loving wolves like a lot, they love wolves (both domesticated and wild), they really love wolves
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re: wolf day (every day is wolf day,)
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re: indigenous rights
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re: painting serious works on commission vs their manga. i can't know for sure exactly what it means, but it really does kinda hit
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re: a fan and manga artist in training bringing them art and a note
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and a moment from a twilight princess manga interview i found very sweet :)
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okay. you've made it to the end. i know you're wondering. here you go. please remember that this is and always has been a public blog, and these posts are actually from 2009 and 2010. also please remember that the point of this post is not to cause or fuel fandom discourse, but to appreciate these authors and the things that they choose to express.
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(also, this is the column they were referring to in image 1. it's FASCINATING. give it a read if you'd like!)
the dots are there. you're welcome to connect them.
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thank you for your beautiful work and insights, honda and nagano. please never change.
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padfootagain · 1 year
Love on Tape
Hello everyone! Today, we’re answering a request made by @simpforhotties : “Hi honey!! So I just watched Ben Barnes's 11:11 music video and it's so good!! Soooo what about a Ben Barnes x reader where she appeared in the music video (imagine Evan Rachel Woods isn't there but her) and then people especially his fans are like 'who tf is that, she isn't an actress' soo a lot of questions about her have been flooding the internet bc she's a beautiful girl and no one knows about her then maybe a week later after the music video has been released Ben announced his engagement to her and then her name and identity has been revealed like 'oh my that girl is a photographer or a make up artist (whichever you prefer) and then she was like getting a lot of comments like 'congratulations y/n' I'M SO SHITTY AT EXPLAINING BUT IF YOU'RE ABLE TO MAKE IT TYSM!! Ohh and please tag this ACC @simpforhotties LOVE YOUR WORK!! 💗💗”
Thank you so much for your request! It was a lot of fun to write, and it also gave me a good excuse to watch over and over again Ben’s video, so… a full win for me!
I got a little overexcited, and it grew a little long, but I doubt you’ll hold that against me… Also, a huge thanks to all of you who helped me finding back that interview where Ben talks about being in a graveyard when 11:11 dropped. I struggled so much finding it again, and I needed it for this fic, so thank you, my fellow Bin Bons fans!
I hope you all like this adorable little piece! Tell me what you think about it!
Pairing: Ben Barnes x reader
Warning: No nsfw content but intimate scene and very heavy innuendo at the beginning. Absolute fluffiness. The fluffiest of the fluff. Cavities guaranteed.
Summary: Ben is working on his music video for 11:11, and he asks you to be a part of it. But not simply as a make-up artist, no, he wants to use this opportunity to announce your engagement to the world, in a subtle way.
Word Count: 6536
Ben Barnes’s Masterlist – Main Masterlist
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Your body was exhausted, aching, but in the best way. You shivered a little, remnants of sweat still covering some parts of your body, but you weren’t willing to move just yet, even if simply to pull up the sheet over your frame.
You didn’t need to, anyway. Ben had spotted the goosebumps spreading over your arms, and he tugged you in, slipping his hand under the covers to grab your waist and gently pull you closer. You complied, leaned into his chest, that glimmered under the dim lights of your bedroom. You didn’t mind the perspiration though, when you rested your palm against his heart. It had found back a steady rhythm, after the frantic beating of pleasure. Soft, calm, constant, safe…
He leaned down to press his lips against your forehead, right at your hairline, and you smiled into your pillow at the tender gesture.
When you looked up at him, he was grinning, still a little dazed, almost looking high after your adventures under the sheets…
You loved this look on him. The bliss in his smile, and the dizzy look in his eyes, and his dishevelled hair…
“So much for a full night of rest before your audition, tomorrow,” you teased him, glancing over at the alarm clock on his bedside table.
It was almost one in the morning.
“Yeah, well… You have better arguments than my agent.”
You laughed at his silly jokes, running your fingers through his beard, the delightful tickles it elicited making you shiver again.
“Why do I feel like these arguments are situated around my chest or right under my back…”
“Well… you know me well.”
You swatted him playfully on the shoulder for that, making him giggle.
“I’m kidding!”
“Only-half kidding, I do know you.”
“I’m not going to deny that these elements of your body are absolutely stunning. But then, everything about you is stunning.”
You tried to refrain a grin, but failed.
“You love it.”
“I do.”
You shushed his chuckle with your lips, and he didn’t complain, moving to roll you to your back. He propped himself up on an elbow by your side so he could stare at you, a dreamy smile on his lips. You ran a finger along the upward curve, his lips were a little bruised after kissing you so much tonight, their shade redder than usual. He kissed the pad of your finger when you moved it across his mouth a second time. He playfully bit your finger when it crossed his lips a third time, making you giggle, and you chose to resume your ministration across his cheek instead, lightly scratching him through his beard, making him let out a content sigh.
“Show me your hand,” he asked, and you chuckled at that, shaking your head fondly.
You yielded anyway. Since the two of you got engaged a few weeks before, Ben kept on asking to see your engagement ring. It was such a pretty sight, after all, the ring sitting perfectly around your finger…
He enlaced your fingers together, looking at the shining gem, and grinning like a fool… he didn’t care for a second about it though. He truly was the happiest he had ever been in this moment…
“Don’t know who gave you this, but he has great taste,” he joked, succeeding at making you laugh.
“He does, indeed. But he’s also a moron.”
“Hey! That’s not nice at all! And to say that to your fiancé! I feel outraged!”
“I’m the one who proposed to you! You were too slow about it. So, I can call you a moron.”
“True. But I didn’t get a pretty ring out of your proposal, did I?”
You rolled your eyes, chuckling, and he was laughing as he kept on teasing you.
“Did I get one of these? No, I didn’t! I took my time, but at least I did it right.”
“I did it right too! It was romantic!”
“You proposed to me after sex, that was not romantic at all.”
“I proposed to you after a romantic date, that I planned, with a romantic dinner and a great movie and some mind-blowing red wine. I even had petals on the bed and candlelight all around the bedroom! I was super romantic about it.”
His teasing smile turned into a cocky smirk as he nodded.
“True. You really are crazy about me.”
“Oh, shut up!”
But you yielded easily when he laughed and went on a mission to kiss every single inch of your face.
“I am crazy about you, that’s why I asked you to marry me and then accepted this very pretty ring,” you mumbled against his lips.
He pulled away to stare at you again while you lost your fingers in his hair, and you loved seeing him smile so much.
“Good. Cause I’m absolutely crazy about you, too.”
“Oh, I know you are,” you teased, and your entire body warmed up at the sound of his bright laughter.
“You’d better know it, I literally tell you everyday how much I love you.”
“You do,” you nodded, brushing your nose against his, a fond smile on your lips.
But when he pulled away again, he seemed more serious, and you couldn’t refrain a frown at the sudden change of mood.
“There’s something I want to discuss with you, actually. Something important.”
You nodded, gently scratching his scalp, and he leaned into your touch without noticing.
“We’ve decided to make a public announcement about our engagement,” he spoke softly, his words cautious. “And I still think it’s a good idea, don’t get me wrong...”
“But… there is something I want to do with you, and I don’t know if it would be too much for you.”
“Too much?”
“I don’t want to drag you into the spotlight if you don’t want to, love.”
“We agreed on the Instagram post,” you reminded him. “I’m okay with it. I’m okay with posting a picture of us, together, and to clearly say who I am…”
“I know, that’s not what I meant.”
“What did you mean then?”
He took a deep breath, and you wondered why he seemed so nervous now. It was just you. There was no need for him to act all shy.
“I’m going to work on the music video for my album in a couple of weeks, you remember that?”
“How could I forget? Of course, I remember, baby!”
“I just thought… You know how important this is to me and… you know that this song is about you. About how we struggled at the beginning, even if I was already madly in love with you at the time. And so, I just… I’d like you to be there.”
You grinned.
“Of course, I’ll come to help! Besides, you’ll need a make-up artist for that…”
But he interrupted you with a shake of his head.
“No, I mean… I want you to be in the video.”
You stared at him, clearly taken-aback as your mouth fell open.
“Me? Like a… a cameo?”
“I want you to be the girl in the video. I want you to… be you. The woman I love, the woman I’ve been loving for years…”
“But I’m not an actor…”
“It’s okay. It will just be a few scenes. You’ll be brilliant.”
“But I… I’ve never done anything like that. What if I mess it up? And you only have a day to shoot the video, what if you lose too much time because of it…?”
But he shushed you, softly, calmly, and you knew he longed to give you a reassuring smile, but there was something desperate in his gaze setting his black irises ablaze.
“I understand if you don’t want to do it. Because it would mean that you would appear in the video. And it would… put you in the public eye even more than our official engagement. And if you don’t want that, that’s okay. But I… I want it to be you. I wrote this song for you. All of my songs are always about you. This is the first time that I’m going to put my own music out there, something I’ve actually written about my real life, about my real feelings, and… that I’m proud of. And I want you to be a part of it because… because you’re the reason behind it all. Because I can’t imagine myself singing about our own story to another woman. Because… I want you to be there. I want to share this moment with you. And I know that you will be brilliant, really, that is the last of my worries. My only worry is that it would make you uncomfortable to be in a video, where people are going to wonder who you are, what we are to each other…”
“What if we made our announcement before the video then?”
“We could, if it makes you feel better.”
You pondered the question for a moment, but then, you shook your head. You had a tender smile on your lips again, and Ben could do nothing but wear the same one on his own features.
“Or… actually, we could make the announcement after your video has come out. Your music video would be… kind of… like… a pre-announcement. And that would be a lovely way to do it.”
Your two smiles expanded into full grins.
“I think so too,” he nodded.
“Alright, I’ll do it.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure. But I expect some coaching for my acting from a professional!”
“I’ll see if I can get someone to come over for that,” he joked, leaning closer.
“We haven’t seen Anna in a while, she would be awesome.”
He laughed at that, rolling his eyes.
“Very well, whatever you want,” he mumbled against your lips.
“She’ll be a better teacher than you.”
“How dare you?! Fuck you!”
But you pulled him down for a heated kiss, one that made him melt into your arms, and gasp as you gently pulled on his hair exactly the way he liked, and made him lose all coherent thought…
When you pulled away, you kept your lips close to his, eyes closed, and a devilish grin on your features.
“Well, if you’re the one to fuck me, then that sounds like an excellent plan.”
You didn’t get another chance to tease him some more.
And he had terrible dark bags under his eyes the next day for his audition…
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You were used to the quick pace of a set, to the loud noises and people running around. You worked as a make-up artist in LA, after all. It was even how you had met your fiancé, a long time ago, on the set of a TV-show where you had poured too much powder on his cheek and he had struggled to look at anything but you the whole time…
It was such a long time ago, it still felt like yesterday.
You were nervous now, though. Because you were not the one applying make-up, but the one sitting on a chair being pampered.
Ben was leaning against the doorframe, waiting for you to be ready for the next scene.
It was easy. Just walk by his side, smile, help him put on a vest. Then he’d walk further away. The next shot, you would act like you were fixing his make-up…
And you knew that he had included these details because of you. Because they represented how the two of you had met. Because they represented you.
Still… you said nothing of it. Your heart was too full of love for any words to be spoken about it.
You thanked the make-up artist, and walked over to Ben, spinning around to give him a full view of your outfit.
“Do I look okay?” you asked, clearly nervous.
But Ben was staring at you, his arms crossed, leaning against the doorframe wearing a suit, and he had such an adoring expression on his features… like he was staring at some kind of blinding light. But then again, that was exactly what he thought of you. The brightest star in his sky…
“You look breathtaking,” he answered earnestly, and you couldn’t help but shy away a little.
“Thanks. You look incredible too.”
He grinned at that.
“Doing my best.”
“Well, your best is an awful lot to take in.”
He laughed at that, and you soon joined him. You accepted his hand when he offered it to you.
“It’s time to go. Are you ready, darling?”
You nodded, moving towards the set with him. Hand in hand. And you found that you weren’t so afraid anymore, holding his hand. And as the scene played out, it wasn’t difficult to look up at Ben and catch his infinite dark eyes and get lost in them, and to smile up at him, and to look like you loved him because… you did. More than anything.
And Ben reckoned that it had never been so easy for him to seem enamoured, to look at someone before a camera and grin, and stare at them with adoration painted all over his features… Because, well, that was how he felt, for real.
It was easy, none of you had to act at all.
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You smiled at the excitement in Ben’s voice, turning towards the door. You were snuggled on the sofa, under a warm blanket, looking like a comfortable mess, right out of the shower, and ready to play a movie or some crappy tv-show to end the night before going to sleep.
Or well, that was before your fiancé came running in the room, calling for you, looking as excited as a kid.
“What is it, baby?” you asked him as he jumped on the sofa by your side, his laptop in his hand.
“The music video is done!” he answered with so much pride in his eyes, you loved seeing him this way. “Just got sent the final version. We were almost done when I left the studio this afternoon, there were just a few problems with the sound. It’s been fixed while I was driving home, and I’ve just gotten the email with the video. Do you want to watch it with me?”
You grinned at the offer, your gaze growing more tender.
He was wearing comfortable clothes too, an old red t-shirt and some sweatpants, his hair still wet from the shower. You caressed his cheek in a tender, intimate gesture. He was about to start working on this horror series, and he needed to be clean-shaven for the role. It was still a little strange to see him without a beard, to run your fingers across soft skin instead of tickling hair.
“Of course, I want to! Let’s watch it together! Have you seen this version of it yet?”
“No, not yet. I’ve literally run across the flat from my office to show you,” he giggled as he answered, blushing hard, and your heart swelled at the sight.
He was so adorable sometimes… still growing a little shy, a little self-conscious…
But you distracted him with a kiss, and it seemed enough to bring back his proud smile.
“Let’s watch it!” you said, excited.
You settled into Ben’s arms, and he waited until you were comfortable to start the video, his grin growing fonder and fonder every second as he stared at you. You noticed his intense glance, and looked up with a shy frown.
“What? I’m just getting comfy.”
“Nothing, I just… I love this. Seeing you like this every day. That’s the best part.”
You giggled at that, shying away.
“Seeing me in pyjamas, my hair a mess, and looking barely presentable, is it really the best part of dating me?”
But Ben nodded, perfectly serious, as he brushed a strand of hair away from your eyes.
“Yeah, it really is. Seeing you like this every day… I can’t wait to do that for the rest of our lives.”
You leaned up to kiss him, trying to hide the tears that gathered at the corner of your eyes.
“I can’t wait for that either,” you whispered against his mouth, making him grin.
“Only a few months to wait till we’re married,” he reminded you.
“I can’t wait to call you husband…”
“Oh, that sounds good… I love it. Say it again.”
“I can’t, you’re not my husband yet!”
He huffed, turning his head to get away from your lips.
“You’re so cruel.”
You laughed at him, resting your head on his shoulder.
“Alright, show me our masterpiece!”
“I’m the one who wrote the song, remember?” he teased.
“But who was your inspiration, mister artist? Who was your muse?”
He grinned, scrunching his nose in an adorable way.
“Alright, that’s fair enough.”
“I think so too. Besides, I’ve made this video with you.”
“True, true… alright, you win. Our masterpiece it is.”
He dropped a kiss on your forehead before focusing on the screen in front of him, and starting the video.
And you loved it. Every second of it. You teased Ben about being almost naked, and he rolled his eyes. You teased him about how good he looked in this shirt, and in this suit. And you teased him about this high note he nailed. You teased him about everything, and in every word you spoke was laced along with humour something incredibly tender and loving that Ben had no trouble recognizing. Because it made you too emotional to talk about the way he looked at you in every shot, with nothing but adoration. It was too hard to talk about how wonderful this song was, about all these details about your relationship he included that you knew no one would notice but you. You needed to tell him, but you couldn’t. You gathered your strength to fight against your tears and to gaze up lovingly at him while you spoke in a whisper.
“I am so proud of you.”
His grin turned into a tender smile, and you saw tears shining in his eyes.
“Thank you. You’re amazing in this video.”
“I’m gawking at you 99% of the time.”
“You are. But then I’m also gawking at you 99.5% of the time, so it’s alright.”
You both laughed at that, but when he put away his laptop to hold you closer, that he slipped his hand under your shirt to rest his palm against your lower back, that he cupped your cheek and let his thumb travel across your skin, you knew what he was about to say before he spoke the words. You could read it in the way his dark eyes softened, in the way his expression turned dreamy, almost thankful.
“I love you, my darling.”
“I love you too, baby.”
“Thank you, for doing all this with me.”
“You did amazing. I’m so proud.”
He leaned down to kiss you again, his laptop disregarded on the coffee table. And you couldn’t wait for the whole world to see what he had made.
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It was surprisingly cold in the graveyard, but then again, it was midnight in this late summer, early autumn. Middle of September, and if the leaves were still green, the cold wind brought the first signs of the upcoming season. It didn’t help that it was past midnight now, that Ben was tired, and that he had spent most of his day forcing himself to be scared.
Working on a horror movie was strange, out of his acting habits, but he couldn’t say he didn’t like the process. The crew took, perhaps, a little too much pleasure with messing with him, but he had asked them to do so, he reckoned he was the only one to blame.
Guillermo Del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities was an interesting project, and a tiring one. Exhausting, even. Being constantly terrified was beginning to take its toll on Ben, even if he tried to be joyful whenever the loud cut was screamed. Still, being in a graveyard on a cold evening past midnight was not helping.
He heaved a tired sigh as the director offered a five-minutes break between two scenes. He headed straight for the coffee pots, trying to avoid talking to people for a few minutes. It wasn’t the healthiest reaction to have in his current mindset, but he couldn’t help it. He just wanted to be alone for a moment.
He picked up his phone, and considered calling you, but he didn’t dare. You had an important meeting on Zoom the next morning, and he guessed you were already asleep. Still, he longed to hear your voice. He was working mainly during the night this week, which meant that you didn’t have much time to spend together. He missed you…
He was lucky though. You were not working on any movie or TV-show for a couple of months, and had decided to travel to Toronto with him while he shot this project for Netflix. And he was so grateful for this decision, because he couldn’t deny that he needed someone to be home waiting for him during this project. It helped tremendously to keep him grounded, to shake out most of his character when he came back to the small flat you were renting together for a few months to find you reading on the sofa under a pile of blankets, or humming in your tiny kitchen while you made dinner, or hearing the steady flow of the shower while you bathed.
But it was too late at night to hear your voice, and Ben reckoned that he would have to wait for the next day to see you.
He wasn’t expecting to see your name appear in his notifications though, as he unlocked his phone. He smiled all the same, looking for your text.
His smile turned into a grin as he read your series of short messages. They had been sent precisely at midnight.
11:11 is officially out!
Have been for about 20 seconds.
You’re probably working, but I wanted to be the first to say CONGRATULATIONS MY LOVE YOU’RE AMAZING!!
I might have taken a little bit of alcohol to celebrate, and now I am a little tipsy.
Tipsy tipsy ooooops!
Anyway, I love yuo!
Tispy, you see?
I’m sorry I can’t wait for you to come hame but I’ve got a meeting early tomorrow and I need to sleeeeeeeeeep!
Sorry, topsy
Wow, I’ve literally sent like a dozen texts I should stop, I’m being such a creep.
Anyway, congratulations again, my love! I’m so proud of you!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope you’re having a nice day at work (even if you’re probably in a graveyard now, still, who knows, maybe zombies are good company!)
Now I have this Cranberries song stuck in my head.
Going to bed. Love you!
My head hurts
He couldn’t help but laugh at your silly texts, grinning fondly at his phone. You were so adorable…
He hurried to type an answer.
Thank you so much, darling. You can’t imagine how much your silly texts are making me happy right now. I am indeed in a graveyard, that’s very grim, the skeletons are not great conversation-wise.
Sleep well, I’ll see you tomorrow. And good luck for your meeting, I know it’s an important one for your next project, but you’ll be amazing. You always are.
Love you!
He added a couple of heart emojis and pressed sent.
With everything going on on set, he had forgotten about his music video. But he was unbearably proud now that he was reminded that his music was out there, in the world.
And he thought he would be stressed about it all, anxious, but he wasn’t. He felt relieved that his song was out. He felt happy about it. He loved the song, he loved the music video, there was nothing else to worry about. He was comfortable enough in his own skin to not worry about reactions to his music. It was his, first and foremost, that was the whole point. He hoped some would connect to it, but it wasn’t the most important thing about the whole project.
Besides, you liked it. You were proud of him. That was all that mattered, really…
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The video was out. At long last. It had been released twenty-four hours before, at midnight, but Ben was out in a cemetery somewhere in Toronto at the time, and you had an early zoom meeting in the morning. You couldn’t possibly stay awake till he would come home at 5am. Then, you were working all day while he slept, and you had merely seen him a few minutes throughout the day, just enough to congratulate him, give him some kisses and grab a coffee before going back to work while he was getting ready to leave this flat that wasn’t yours, that was only a temporary home in Toronto.
It was tough sometimes, to follow him around the world, and sometimes your different professional projects didn’t align, but you had not hesitated when you had noticed that you would be free for most of the time Ben would spend in Canada working for Netflix. And so, there you were. But if you couldn’t see Ben during the day, you were waiting for him to come home now.
You didn’t want to see reactions to the video without Ben, but he was busy at work for the day. Still, some of your friends and family members kept on sending you cute videos of people dancing to the song, and covers were already popping up only hours after the release. And you knew that it would mean that Ben would feel so proud of himself, and rightly so…
You waited for him to come home, but he was working for a part of the night again, and he didn’t arrive before midnight, before the lights outside had been turned on, before the moon was at its full height, before the rest of the street was peacefully sleeping.
He seemed exhausted when he entered, but he smiled at the sight of you nonetheless.
“I thought you would be asleep,” he admitted, his smile widening as you walked over to him and gave him a hug.
“No, I wanted to wait for you. So I could congratulate you properly on your first music video coming out!”
He chuckled, tightening his hold on you.
“Thank you.”
“Did you see all the videos and covers and stuff our friends have sent during the day?”
“Yeah, I did. It’s amazing to be honest. Did you see that woman dancing in her kitchen? She seemed so happy…”
“I saw that, yes. She did look very happy.”
“So… all went well, then. And these comments…”
“I haven’t read them yet!”
He pulled away, raising a surprised eyebrow.
“Wow… are you finally showing self-control?”
“Hey!” you swatted his arm, making him laugh. “I’ve just waited all night for you to come home, and that’s your reaction?”
“Sorry, sorry, you’re right. That was a little mean. True, but a little mean.”
“You know what, I’ll go to bed, now…”
“No! No, wait! Stay, we can read them together.”
“Did you have anything to eat on set?”
“Only a few snacks.”
“I’ve made some lasagna.”
“Really?” he asked with a grin.
“To celebrate, you deserve my lasagna.”
“I love you. You’re the best.”
“I know!”
You laughed as you walked into your kitchen, hand in hand.
You waited for Ben to warm up his meal, and he frowned as you yawned.
“You should go to sleep, love, you’re working tomorrow,” he admonished. “You shouldn’t have waited for me.”
“It’s okay, I wanted to. Besides, I want to read these mysterious comments with you!”
He offered you a bright smile, giving up without much of a fight as he walked back to the table with his warm plate in his hands, and he took a seat next to you. After all, he was happy you were still up. He was relieved the video was out, and he was glad that the reactions were good, but he still had had a long day filming difficult scenes, and he reckoned that he needed you now. Because he was tired, because there was a lot going on all at once for him, and because he needed to shake the remnants of his character away…
And it felt good. To see you sitting there, looking tired but comfy, in your kitchen, when it was dark outside and the city was asleep. It was safe, certain, steady. The fear he had to wear all day because of his character finished to fade away as you rested your hand on his thigh and gave the limb an affectionate squeeze.
It felt good to be himself again.
“Alright, let’s see these comments! Were they nice?” you asked, looking for his video on youtube on your phone.
“They were nice. And many were about you.”
“About me?” you asked, turning shy now.
“Of course. You’re not an actress, you’re not famous… everyone is wondering who is gawking at me for 99% of the video.”
“Oh, I see. And I bet they’re wondering who you’re gawking at for 99.5% of the video too!”
You went through the comments, pointing at a few cute ones to Ben, and he read them on your phone with you while eating his late dinner.
And indeed, he wasn’t lying. Many comments were about you…
Ben is amazing! HIS VOICE! A TRUE ANGEl! But… huh… who is the girl?
Who the hell is that, is she an actress?
Oooooooh! Who’s the pretty woman with Ben in this?! They have such great chemistry!
Hang on, there is so much longing and lovey-dovey eye contact between these two that I’m pretty sure this is Ben’s actual girlfriend. I wonder who she is!
You looked up at him with a shy smile.
“So… we had kind of predicted that, right?”
“We did,” he nodded, being more cautious now, choosing his words carefully. “People are awfully curious.”
“What do you think will happen when… what was the name of the guy? Simp4BritiBarnes will find out that I am, in fact, your girlfriend?”
“Well, I don’t know, cause they will actually find out that you are my fiancée!”
You both laughed at that, cutting some of the tension that had settled in the room.
“If you want not to go public, that’s now or never,” Ben offered, his voice soft and soothing, and you knew he was being careful now, afraid to choose the wrong words. “It can remain just that: you can remain the mystery girl from my music video. And then, you won’t have to deal with any… weird messages and… rumours and… mean tweets and… our life will go back to normal. The way it always was.”
“Yeah, and I’ll have to keep being careful not to hold your hand too much in public, and not to kiss you on the subway…”
“It’s a choice. I’m ready to make it official, but in both cases, that’s a lot to take in. I know it is. I won’t be mad if you want to take a step back and reconsider our decision.”
“Do you have any doubts about our announcement?”
“No, I don’t. I want to go public. I’m ready for it. But we need to be on the same page for this. And if you’re not ready, I’ll wait. I’ll wait for you, you know I will.”
You nodded, but your smile was unfaltering when you looked up at him again.
“I want us to announce our engagement, just the way we wanted to, the way we’ve planned it.”
“You’re sure?”
You heaved a dramatic sigh.
“You are getting me in so much trouble, Benjamin Barnes!”
He laughed, pulling you closer to kiss your temple.
And yes, you were certain. You had never been so certain of anything in your life. You were certain about him.
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The Instagram post was ready, all you had to do was to publish it.
You were sitting on the sofa, Ben by your side. Both of you on your phones, you were preparing the same post for both your accounts. A united announcement with nothing fancy.
You would post a picture of Ben sipping on some red wine on your balcony; a pretty, relaxed picture of him enjoying a good meal with you, looking at the sun coming down and the sky be set on fire. Meanwhile, he would post a picture of you running away from a wave in Malibu, laughing like mad; a happy, ordinary picture of you enjoying an afternoon under the sun and the quiet waves.
Under the pictures, the common comment was a simple one:
Can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.
You would add an #engaged, and identify each other in the picture, and that would be it. After that, you would officially be together for the whole world to see.
And you would have been lying had you pretended not to be nervous, because you were. Unbearably so, even. But then again, you loved him. You were certain…
A week had passed since the music video for 11:11 had been posted on youtube, but you had no doubt that people would quickly identify you. Ben had clever fans, after all…
“Alright, I’m all set,” you told Ben, looking up at him.
“Hang on…”
You mockingly chuckled at him.
“Come on, Ben… you know how to use insta…”
“Oh, shut up! I’m old. I’m old and grumpy and terrible with this stuff…”
“I have tried to coach you…”
“You laughing at me with gifs and memes is not coaching me.”
“You remember gifs and memes?”
“I don’t remember which is which to be honest. Are memes the image ones with text?”
“Yes, they are,” you tried hard not to laugh too much, but failed miserably.
“Right… Okay, I’m ready.”
You looked at his phone, and nodded as you checked the details of the post. But everything was ready.
“I like this picture of me,” you admitted, making Ben grin.
“It’s one of my favourites. This was such a good day.”
“You loved the date I prepared for you too.”
“Delicious pizza and then an amazing movie, how could I not love it? Especially if the evening is spent with you.”
You kissed him as a reward for his tender words, before turning to your phone again.
“You look amazing in this picture!” you showed him the pic you had chosen, making him blush, his smile growing shier.
“Hmm… not too bad, I’ll admit…”
“You look super hot.”
“Well, thank you,” he chuckled, blushing all the way up to the tip of his ears.
“But then, you always look amazing…”
He chuckled, wincing.
“Thank you, my love.”
“You’re alright? You’re kind of blushing a bit…”
“Stop teasing me, I swear…”
You both laughed, before focusing on your phones again, your thumbs hovering above the screens.
“Ready?” he asked, his voice gentle again.
And you nodded, your tone firm as you replied.
“I’m ready. Let’s do this.”
And at the same time, you both pressed your thumbs on the screens, and the posts were sent across the world.
“And now, we wait for the storm, right?” you asked, taking a deep breath.
“Hmm…” he nodded. “But then again, we can also head out and have a nice lunch somewhere.”
“And not look at our phone until tonight?”
You agreed with a grin.
“But then, we’re going for a walk after lunch.”
“Anything you want.”
“Oh! I know! We still haven’t been to the Royal Ontario Museum! Maybe we could visit a part of it after lunch!”
He offered you a tender smile.
“Alright, that’s a good idea.”
“I know you’re tired with your role, and you’ve been working during the night a lot these days…”
“It’s alright, don’t worry. I’m fine. Besides, it will do me good to play the tourist.”
You put your phone away, moving closer to him.
“Having trouble disconnecting with your character?” you asked, even if you already knew the answer.
Ben was quieter these days, sometimes he moved in a way that wasn’t really his. It was easy to spot it when he struggled to get out of his character’s head.
“Yeah, a little bit,” he admitted. “I’m okay, though. I’m here.”
“I know. You’re literally laying on half of this gigantic sofa, hard to miss your tall frame…”
He laughed at that, bright and earnest.
“A museum sounds great. Let’s do that after lunch.”
And the rest of your day was pretty perfect. You both turned off your phones, so you wouldn’t be bothered by notifications, by texts from your friends or family or colleagues. Instead, you ate some delicious Indian food, before heading to the ROM museum, where you spent a long time looking at a part of the exhibitions. You stayed there until the museum would close, and spent some more time walking across the streets of Toronto, enjoying the city while you could. And for as long as you were outside, you enjoyed an amazing afternoon with your fiancé, being nothing more or else than Ben and Y/N, laughing until your cheeks were sore and holding hands as mush as you could, and stealing kisses while you walked… And you didn’t think about the announcement again until the afternoon was over, the sun was beginning to set, and it was time to go home.
When you came back to your flat, found back your phones and turned them on once more, you were bombarded with texts and comments on your post, and Ben found the same tidal wave drowning his own phone.
You were surprised though. You expected most of these messages to be hateful, and there were nasty comments under your publication, but there were also many cute ones. Many colleagues or friends also called you or sent you texts to congratulate you, joking that they would expect an invitation.
And on Instagram, everybody was going crazy, but mainly in a cute and excited way. Ben showed you a couple of comments and posts made by his fans that congratulated the two of you that sounded hilariously excited about the whole thing.
And even if there were a few nasty comments, most were nice. You were smiling again, instead of looking nervous, and Ben gently nudged you to get your attention.
“It wasn’t so bad, was it?”
“No, not so bad,” you agreed.
“People are pretty nice.”
“Yes, they are, so far. These are nice comments.”
“So… no regrets?”
But you could hear in his tone that he was asking about more than the announcement and the Instagram posts. He was asking about the two of you as well. About the ring on your finger. About the promise you would speak in a few months. About the decades to come that you had decided to spend by his side.
Your smile widened until it was a grin, one that illuminated his entire world.
“No, Ben. No regrets. Never when it comes to us.”
Taglist: @reg-arcturus-black @sergeantbuckybarnes @wolfmoonmusic @simpforhotties
217 notes · View notes
broodwolf221 · 2 months
I love your writing and meta so much and have burned through most of your fic already, so I trust your judgment! Do you have fic recs I should check out? Thanks in advance!
oh no i cry 😭 pls this is so sweet.....
gotta start with the recent gift i got from arlathan exchange bc it is soooo good! sweater has a gorgeous, vivid writing style that i really enjoy. this one is spicy! 🔥but seriously her writing is just So Good? i love the way they set scene and tone
hunger by @fadedsweater / sweaterghost on ao3
In the moonlit dark of Mythal's palace there is a hunger that rumbles beneath the sprawling marble floors and shakes the foundation of each gilded pillar. It is a hunger that spreads like smoke and burns like fire. Solas has known this hunger for a long, long time. Solas visits Mythal’s court, intent to sway her from her current warpath. Meanwhile, Mythal can't help but notice that he has gone far too long without feeding. Ancient Arlathan, but with vampires.
my friend jazz has been getting into da and they've written so much lovely stuff for it, always with really excellent characterization and fascinating premises. one of my personal favs from their writing is this exploration of cole and vivienne's relationship
wellspring by @jazzmckay / desiredemon on ao3
Long ago, Cole promised, "I can protect you. If templars come for you, I will kill them." Vivienne never expected such a thing to ever take place.
i still need to finish this one and this is a nice reminder to get on that, but this writer has an extraordinary style and their handling of solas is so good?? i'm in awe tbh. seriously beautiful writing.
though my language is dead (still the shapes fill my head) by @darethshirl / mafalda_157 on ao3
She gazed up at him, silent and calm, green eyes unblinking. Outwardly she was the very image of tranquility, her expression as unmoving as the surface of a vast clear lake. If any thoughts or emotions lurked somewhere in those depths there was no way to tell. - This veiled world will always feel muted. Still, Solas tries his best to communicate.
another spicy one, but playwithdinos has suchhhh a vivid style and there's just something so lovely and profound about it. my first introduction to her writing is this one, and her depiction of solas is fascinating i love it.
the switch by @playwithdinos / @dinoswrites / playswithdinos on ao3
Lavellan usually lets Solas take charge when they're alone, but she's back from slaying the Fereldan Frostback and she's not in the mood to bow to anyone. Fill for this kink meme prompt: http://dragonage-kink.livejournal.com/13696.html?thread=53207680
anddd another spicy one (anyone else sensing a theme here?), this writer is... wow. wish i knew their tumblr if they have one so they can know i'm gushing about them beyond my comment. this is a delightfully messy and complex examination of how solas/andruil/ghilan'nain might happen, and i'm absolutely enthralled by the characterization of andruil and ghilan'nain here - and solas as well!
Power, Intrigue, Danger and Sex by Hezjena on ao3
When Solas later recalled the evening, he liked to imagine it was the result of careful manipulation, a triumph of his skilled diplomacy and a delicious trickery where he allowed himself to be underestimated… rather than the result of too much ice wine and morbid curiosity. *** That time Solas accidentally-on-purpose has a threesome with Andruil and Ghilan’nain in Ancient Elvhenan.
okay, rosie's writing is So Good? i'm always super impressed by how she describes scenes and also just... the layers. seriously. the foreshadowing is always amazing. her handling of solas is sooo good and also? an extraordinary artist? too powerful tbh <3
In the Blue Morning by @rosieofcorona / rosieofcorona on ao3
He wants to stay like this forever, wants the sun to forget to rise, wants the castle to sleep and sleep in an endless dream. But the light keeps coming, every moment. The castle will wake, and they will see. And this will cost them, in the end.
i could so easily keep going tbh but this is already getting long and i might've passed the @'ing limit already lmao
32 notes · View notes
when the clock strikes 12
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Summary : while awaiting for the new year countdown, Eddie had an idea to blow your mind
Word Count : it's for the mini fics section soooo lengthwise? probably solid
Warnings : 18+ (MDNI)SMUT‼️Eddie Munson x FEM!reader, language, slight alcohol consumption, reader and Eddie are both (20), slight somnophilia 🫠, aftercare, no use of y/n, reader is slowly waking up and Eddie asks for permission and if you're still uncomfortable with that please don't continue to read, that's just it really
What to Expect : SMUT and FLUFF, Eddie being a silly goose, set in modern era (of course, there's still a touch of 80's in there), UPSIDE DOWN & VECNA DON'T EXIST IN THIS!
Note To Reader : GIF for this because I'm missed seeing him moving on my fics lmao, also the divider is made by me hehe- I'm literally exposing myself out here, please forgive for my salacious thoughts 🙏🏻 (if you know me in real life? no- you don't 😃)
Author Note : I know I've been long gone for a while but I'm trying my best to post new fics as much as I can! there has been a lot of happenings with my life especially we're having a lot of events like family reunion 🫠 (but it's so much fun tho ngl)
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The preparation for new year's is going so well
So well, that you haven't realized how tired you really are
You're so productive that you've used too much of energy on yourself for working to prepare for the party
You wanted this to be perfect
You want everything to be settled in according to your plan
Eddie knows that you're always so "serious" when it comes to decoration and especially when there's an occasion
He loves you for it though, you just don't throw parties
You throw the greatest parties all the time and you never missed
All of your friends are in there, Steve, Robin, Jonathan, Nancy, Argyle and the freaking kids that you always adored so much
You looked around at everyone in the room
Jeff and Gareth are bantering at each other with some album, Dustin and Lucas fight over which 80's fantasy film is the best, Steve, Robin and Eddie surprisingly getting along with the same pop music artist, you could see the three of them geeking at each other
Max and Jane do makeover at each other which aches your heart of seeing them so close to each other, it's really so sweet to have a real girl bestfriend like that
"I'm gonna refill your glass" Nancy pasts over to you snatching the glass on your hand so swiftly that it makes you snap out of your head
You slowly trying to register what just happened and you smile finally
"More wine? really?" You say as you watch her fill your glass with wine
"Uh, yeah?" she replies with a dramatical jerk to her head as you chuckle
"But it's only 9pm!" you exclaim with wide eyes but a fond smile on your lips
"are you saying that we should only be drinking when the clock finally strikes 12?!?" she says while she fills her cup, she takes glances at you and back to her glass
"Ah- yes, that! exactly!" you point to her using your index finger as you holding your glass of wine
You could already feel yourself getting drowsy a little bit from the wine
Red wine will always make you feel sleepy
You don't even know if it's the alcohol or you just really need to doze off for a minute before you could scream at the top of your lungs for 2024
You don't even know how many glasses that you already take
"Did we just finished the whole bottle?" You feel the world is spinning on you
Nancy, your bestfriend- raises the bottle in front of you as she snorts at your disapproval look
"Kinda?" she says slurring as she smirks at you
"What do you mean? Kinda?!"
"Hey- woah!"
Jonathan passes by and bless him for his instincts because Nancy would've been knocked her head on the counter as she starts stumbling from her stance, he catches her on time
Nancy giggled as you rolled your eyes in annoyance, massaging your forehead
He saw the look from your face as he chuckles
"She got too far again, huh?"
"Yeah, she always does, Jonathan, nothing's new" you reply as you also can't walk properly
"Wait- don't move- should I call-"
Before Jonathan can finish his words, the voice of your boyfriend booms out of nowhere while Argyle tails behind him, looking at you and Nancy
"Sweetheart- how you've-"
Eddie clocked the wine bottle from Nancy hand
"Did you dr-"
"Don't even try it, Ed's" you placed your palm over his mouth as you stumble forward, he immediately wraps his arms around you as you started pressing all of your weight against his chest making the male laugh as he gently hold the back of your head
"Y'all getting drunk already? It's not even 12am yet" Argyle with his iconic tone, you seriously have no idea which one of his voice is normal
You've never heard him talk in normal voice before so you're used to him having that voice that sounds so freaking high as fuck
But, he's a good bud tho, so hilarious
"Blame her, not me! Eddie tell them!" You defend yourself as you put your chin onto his chest as you look at him with a pout on your lips, he smiles as he ruffles his face against yours making your face scrunch up from his action, he laughs again
"What's with all of the commotion?" Steve arrives with hands on his hips
"The two got their selves drunk again" Jonathan points to you and to his girl
"As if that's new" Robin appears in the corner with her arms crossed leaning against the side of the wall
Steve chortles "Wait- you got hustled by Nancy again?"
You groaned from Steve's teasing "yeah, I always fail to see that, thanks" you say
"I told you, you shouldn't brought the wine here, you moron!" Robin uncrosses her arms finally figuring out where the wine misplaced her eyes widen when she saw Nancy holding it, she snatches it making her bite a laugh as Jonathan also connecting the dots at the scene
He pressed his lips together to not burst from laughter
Argyle watches both of his friends having a fit of unnecessary argument
"I think I need to grab a popcorn for this" he leaves abruptly as he looked at your kitchen cabinets and came back munching in a bag of popcorn, very entertained at the scene
"I-I don't know how she got it!"
"Did you hide it properly!?"
"Look- Robs-"
Robin clicks her tongue as she asks "Nancy, how did you get the wine bottle?!"
She turns around with a lopsided smile as Jonathan steadys her
"I just saw it hanging around but-"
"I think Steve" she points at him as she chuckles making the boy winces as he finally remembered of what he's done
"Forgotten about it that he left it out there, soooo" she giggles again making Robin grumble as she raises both of her eyebrows at Steve
"Oh- come on!" Steve runs his fingers through his hair as he decides to turn back leaving all of you
"Hey! don't you walk out on me! I paid for that expensive shit-" Robin follows him as she starts pointing everything on him
Argyle, Jonathan, Nancy and Eddie all laughing at the scene while meanwhile you, Eddie could hear you chuckle a bit but you made a little hum
He draws back his attention at you, he looks down at you
"I think I need to doze off for a minute" you say to him with your sleepy eyes
He smiles as he kisses the top of your head he put his arms around you "Yeah, sure"
Eddie says to Jonathan and the rest that you and him will be out for a while, they all nod and said "Don't be late for the countdown"
Your boyfriend leads you to your bedroom as you throw yourself at your bed as he closes the door walking towards you, you lay behind your back as you stretch your whole body, Eddie chuckles at your tipsy behavior
"I love my bed"
"Yeah, you always do"
"Uh huh"
He snickers "Okay, honey, are you well? are you sober?" He leans down at you
"Eddie- you know the alcohol hits harder at Nancy right?"
"I'm just checking you know to see if my girl's alright" he shrugs as he put his hands inside of his pockets
"I'm very much, okay, eds- I'm sssleepy" you yawn as you feel your eyes dropping until it shuts completely
He chuckles as he shakes his head he leans down as he kisses your forehead you smile at the gesture as it makes you even heavier to fall asleep
Eddie watches you sleep as he stands over at the window
The neighborhood outside is quite a watch, everyone is having fun, everyone is having a blast
The music outside is dull but he can hear all of his friends laughter and the screams of excitement from them
He shifts from where he standing as he tears off his eyes from the outside of your window and goes back at you
You turned on the other side, so you're now facing him as you snuggle against your pillow
Eddie smiles to himself, he feels so good having you in his life
He walks towards you as he moves the fallen hair strand on your face
His eyes softens as he sats down beside you
You stirred up from the movement on the bed as you try to open your eyes, you smiled when you realized it's Eddie
You pulled him closer beside you as he lets you take him laying down with you
He put his other arm over you as you cuddled against his chest almost hugging him in the process
You feel more cozier and even more sleepier than before
The moment you move your leg over to his
Your skirt rise up exposing more bare skin to him, his breath hitches at the sight of it
He looks down at you, he double thinked- maybe- it's a bad idea to do this but he wants you so badly right now
He shouldn't even be thinking that you will get mad because hell-
You trust him
He starts sinking down beside you, you moved slightly as he continues to do his work
He plants hot kisses over your neck when finds your sweet spot- you hum lightly
He's now on top of you, holding your hips, he's positioning you laying on your back, your head is on the side, still sleeping peacefully
He goes over to your chest, you're wearing tube top with a zipper in front, so he has a access to your bare chest, he kisses more and more
Your body couldn't even register what's going on
You felt hot and cold all over because of the midnight's weather and from your body heating up from the tension that your boyfriend is giving you
You feel him going lower and lower but you can still feel your eyes tired
He watches your soft heaves from chest rising up and down, his eyes darkened when he puts his hand inside of your skirt, he slowly reaches at the hem of your panties
He licks his lips, your skin feels on fire because of his fingertips, your stir from your sleep once again but still not opening your eyes
He doves onto your lips, kissing you, and you hummed as you lazily kissed him back
"May I?"
You move your head onto the other side, you catch a glimpse of the clock, it says 11:20pm
"Ed's, we might get late-" even though, you want him to do it
You're not even opening your eyes yet but you can see his pleading eyes being directed at you
"Yes, Eddie, you can have me, take it all" you sank down further making Eddie groaned when his fingers touched your center, it's drenched
He hook his fingers on your underwear along with your skirt discarded on the floor
You shudder at the cool air as Eddie positioning himself comfortably
He smears kisses on the inside of your thighs as he goes closer and closer to your core
You moved your head on the other way as you try to close your legs when you can't help but feel the arousal that's coming in
But he places his palms on the sides of your legs spreading you open as you can feel of your insides burning from his touch
His hands are everywhere, when the moment he swiped his fingers at your core, you released lewd noises as your breathing goes quicker
He licked his finger cleaning it off with his tongue, he grins down at you
He holds your hips as he leans down
Before you can finish your sentence, he doves down lapping at your juices as you gasp from his sudden action
His eyes are glued to you as he continues to do his work, watching your once peaceful slumber turns into pleasure
He devours you so satisfying that it's making you close your legs, he smirks as you can feel his tongue go lower inside, you mewled
He holds you tightly as you grip on the sheets, he sucked more and more of you until your can feel your legs shake
You can feel his hand reaching on the hem of your top, you slightly open your eyes as you find the zipper as you pull it down
He grunts when he saw your breasts that he worships everyday, you loved the way he admires your body
You're now naked so divinely displayed for him
His free hand kneads your boobs as you moaned, he dives back down as he starts to bully your clit
You can feel your body tremble from the sensation forming up in your stomach
You reached for his hair as you pull it making his eyes grow hungrier and eats you like man starved for days
"Oh- Eddie-"
He carries the back your butt as his tongue digs deeper earning a squeal from you when he reaches the spot that you didn't know it existed
Your eyes are heavy-lidded, you try to watch him but you can't when your brain can't place your emotions whether is melatonin or oxytocin
you're not sure at this point but hella you feel so fucking amazing right now
He abruptly stops and when he does, you finally open your eyes
"Wha- what- don't stop!" You whine
"What about the countdown?" His lips are covered with your slick and his saliva altogether not caring a single shit that it's literally dripping down on his chin
You gasp at it as you moaned, he chuckles darkly, you know what he's doing he's teasing you
"Do you know that you're frickin' beautiful without even trying?" He goes at his usual antics as you beg for him to come back down
"Eddie, please!"
"Not until you see stars"
Before you can utter another word, he goes back in but this time he places your legs over his shoulders another spectacular angle making you shiver from his touches yet again
He grips your legs, thighs, arms, your belly, he squeezes your boobs and it's literally fucking everywhere
One thing, you know it's for certain that you really would unashamedly come from his simple touches
He pokes his tongue down on you but when he curled it, you chant his name like a prayer, you have the ability to scream his name without being caught in action inside of the room because of the loud noises from the people and the music
Your eyes burn from the threatening tears but Eddie is not having it, he wanted you to fall apart completely for him
You moaning louder and louder when he swipes his tongue on your entrance when he puts your legs down on the bed
"You're still not seeing it, I see"
"D-Don't stop- please"
He opens your legs again as he resume to his mission, he tongue fucks you as he digs in and out, you squirm at it as he starts picking up the pace as you let out a ragged breath
Goddamn, he is killing you right now, you can already die right then and there heavenly
Your mouth falls open without noise coming out of them as you yank his hair, he growls as you couldn't believe that he could reach every spot inside of you
You arched your back as you start grinding against his face, his eyes flashes devilishly mischief as he didn't stop this time
He laps once more until you cry out his name
You jolted when the fireworks exploded booming the entire neighborhood
You come on his tongue as the same time the fireworks started
Your legs are spent, you feel boneless but a sickly smile is now sitting on your lips
He let you get back on earth for a while as he cleans you up, he dresses you up not leaving single skin left behind without his kisses
"You saw it, huh?" He grins like a devil that he is but you love him, he holds the door open for you letting you first outside
You saw all of your friends jumping on to the music and celebrated very happily
"I did" you admit ignoring the rosy tint on your cheeks "and it was much more better"
"Than?" He throws his arms around your shoulders
"The fireworks" you smile as he chuckles as he kisses the top of your head as he squeezes you to his side
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humantea · 11 months
A summary of all of the VTM clans (cus why not)
Ventrue - Kings, leaders, and rulers (pretentious assholes)
Toreador - Beautiful artists and performers (pretentious assholes)
Brujah - Self righteous rebels. Some of them call themselves philosopher kings (pretentious assholes but a different flavor)
Lasombra - Basically the Ventrue except they prefer to rule from the shadows. They also like to use mortal religions (pretentious assholes)
Gangrel - They wish they were garou soooo bad
Banu Haqim - Don't talk about the orientalism in vtm lore don't talk about the orientalism in vtm lore don't ta (aside from *certain* aspects of their lore they do have a very strong focus on justice and how they percieve justice, which is honestly pretty interesting)
Hecata - The most jumbled mess of awful necromancers who all hate each other and think they're better than each other (pretentious assholes)
Salubri - Healers who are just trying to do their best and help people
Tzimisce - The fuckiest of gender presentation. I'm convinced they're 60% of the reason this game is so popular for trans people.
Malkavian - Vampires revolving around mental illness? Either the most interesting or most tasteless characters imaginable.
Nosferatu - Nasty little weirdos who live in sewers. Seemingly single-handedly keeping the vampire world's logistics together.
Ravnos - DONT TALK ABOUT THE ORIENTALISM IN VTM LORE DONT TALK ABOU- oh they sort of fixed them? Travelers and tricksters...
Tremere - Hey remember the Salubri? These wizards ate them. (the most pretentious motherfucking assholes)
(bonus) Thin Bloods - What if you became a vampire but you sucked? What if being a shit vampire gave you the ability to make magical HRT?
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ignisgayentia · 4 months
happy pride y'all! world's (still) a bit fucked but I'm hoping there's at least a tiny bit of good we can hang onto!
I'm celebrating with some exciting news!!! I'M ENGAGED!!!! it's so wild to think that meeting one of my favorite artists would eventually lead to marrying him. I couldn't ask for a more caring, thoughtful, sweet, and funny partner and I'm soooo excited to spend the rest of our lives continuing the home we've built together 😭 we've been so close, together for four years, so an engagement doesn't really Change anything, but allow me to be a cheeseball during pride month at least 🤣
We're a little nontraditional in a marriage sense, so we're just getting courthouse married in October (yes, because of spooky month LMAO). We also are nontraditional in terms of rings, so we chose some matching custom engagement rings, can't wait to show them off when they get here! I was agonizing for at least a year trying to decide how to propose 😭 and it eventually just happened with both of us kinda going, 'hey would you wanna get married?' lol 😭 I couldn't ask for anything more. tho I will do a cheesy proposal once those rings come in 👌
Anyway, I can't fuckin wait to marry my best friend @ldefix I LOVE U
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itsjaywalkers · 5 months
hii!! i am still somewhat new to this fandom but i’ve read all of your stuff and ADORE your writing, like you are SO talented, it’s insane. your blog is actually kind of what inspired me to make a tumblr account for this fandom in the first place. you seem so sweet and have so much talent, i hope your day has been wonderful 🫶 do you have any accounts/any mutuals of yours that you’d recommend to someone new(ish) to the fandom? i’m excited to see more fics and art & would love some recommendations !!
hey angel <3
oh this is such a lovely and wonderful message, i read it this morning at work and it warmed my heart (and it was one of the few things that managed to pull me through today's nightmare of a shift). i'm so so so happy that my silly blog encouraged u to join the tumblr side of the fandom?? like, don't get me wrong it's the Worst sometimes but it can also be soooo fun!! you're the SWEETEST and my day wasn't great but it's gonna end on a nice note so <3 i also hope your day was as great as you are!!
oh i have LOTS of accounts.. honestly i think you should follow every single one of my mutuals or any single person you've seen me interact with, but to name a few: @carniferous (one of my favourite writers ever.. no one gets jegulus like dil does they know them personally) @foursaints (one of my favourite artists in the whole world.. made me get properly invested in rosekiller + showed me the bartylily vision) @quillkiller (Amazing writing.. Impeccable takes.. got me into quillkiller and always manages to make me care about ships i don't even like) @static-radio-ao3 (my baby.. wonderful writing with some of the best and most natural dialogue i've ever read.. fucking love how she writes the black brothers every single time) @certifiedl0verboy (india is writing one of my current fav jegulus wips.. aka deep the water.. it has one of the only james ever!! to me!!) @likeprongstostars (THE jegulus fanartist.. to me.. vi is always dropping masterpiece after masterpiece and she's always keeping us all so incredibly well-fed) @sommerregenjuniluft (always and forever kissing lune's brain.. one of the most creative people i know, she blows my mind even with the briefest of drabbles)
that's just a handful but really, every single one of my mutuals is so incredibly talented and dear to me, following any (or all) of them is always a safe bet. mwah <333
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milfygerard · 6 months
Do you think Gerard's comics are good? I haven't read all of them. I felt like the story doesn't really wrap up well and make sense good in the Killjoy comics or Umbrella Academy but maybe comics are just like that. Maybe they were imitating other writers I don't know about and I'm missing context. What are your thoughts
anon i am so deeply biased towards gerards comics but YES i do think theyre good! I think lots of the critiques are fair but i also think it leads to the fandom kind of underrating him as a comic author at times and dismissing the work out of hand. I especially see this for umbrella academy and to answer your other question yes i do think some of it is a matter of missing context! TUA was never...really made to be a popular and commercial comic? The satire and style are very inside baseball, mostly about x men, as well as later leaning more into a silver age style of both writing and illustration (which is why im soooo obsessed w hotel oblivion guys its so goood its so good i swear)
When it comes to other comic runs, I'd say killjoys comics tend to be the messiest but they are also deeply meaningful to me wnd natuonal anthem is so fucking gorgeous and interesting (controversial but im a natam ending defender even if i think the comic itself couldve used another issue or 2 to push the character writing more). I think gerard has one of the better doom patrol runs, Including milk wars i'd put it up there at maybe 3rd or 4th depending on how much i let personal bias into the equation. However doom patrol is also very Like That just as like a superhero group and can be kind of impenetrable if you arent down for genuinely bizarre and sometimes seemingly nonsensical writing, its kind of apart of the teams DNA as the "worlds strangest heroes". Milk wars is soso good and maybe one of my favorite Comic Things gerard has made/been involved with but its also best with looots of comic context bc its playing w both doom patrol history and the context of where DC as a company was during the time of its release. Its still relevant in many ways but probably feels impenetrable if you arent already into comics at least a bit.
Gerards style def isnt for everyone (and they do sometimes get bored and cheese the ending a bit though i defs tend to like them more than other ppl do) but i do think theyre extremely good at what rhey do and im soooo excited for paranoid gardens especially bc 1. gerard has always taken an extremely empathetic and nuanced and honest approach to writing about mental health and mental illnesses bith real and semi fictionalized and 2. the artist on board is an industry mainstay and has made some fucking incredible work! I didnt love the first issue cover dropped and was worried i wouldnt click w the artstyle but after properly checking out chris westons style im really excited!!!! gerard time
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TIPS on drawing BIPOC ocs!
Soooo I recently did a collab with another webcomic creator, if you have seem my last post you know what one : ))
as soon as I saw the wonderful artwork I received I noticed something that felt off to me, it's lin's skintone.
This is my Oc Lin Peckett (main character of my comic I Love you Lin peckett)
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I never specified her ethnicity (which is my fault on my part) I thought people might know by her looks that she's a POC. specifically she is black/Mexican mixed (I believe blaxican is the term used sometimes)
here are some examples of people I based her off of aesthetically
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they are all people of color, share similar skin tone and hair as her. these images are good inspiration to use!
these women in these pictures are all women who are black/Mexican
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I used the eye dropper tool to pick 3 different shades of color for comparison, notice how multiple shades are similar to her skintone
lin has tan skin thats more on the lighter side, sometimes her skin tone changed depending on the lighting but her main color is tan. she has lots of warmer tones compared to cooler tones, so keep it more on the yellow side than red/pink compared to other skintones. you can see a difference between the top and middle one than to the bottom one.
here are some white women to compare lin's skintone to
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notice how some are similar to her skin, you might think ok so she's white NOPE, look a second time and notice how the color that matched best with her are the parts of these women's faces that are shaded or shadowed. using these women are not good references and if you notice most of them have more pinker tones, lin has warm toned skin.
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heres two pieces of artwork I received recently of my oc lin, (both by wonderfully talented creators I'm grateful to get art from) but notice how bluedragon's artwork is the same as lin's. that's because she used an art programs best friend
the eye dropper tool!
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this thingy?
it's literally in every single art program ever created, yes even mspaint
use it if you're not sure what skintone to use on a character!
but back to that drawing, you can see a big difference between the two pieces the one on the left by bluedragon is accurate. and the one on the right is by mk-wizard which has lin is very light skin. which is just not correct lol
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so let's use are little friend again (the eye dropper tool) to recolor lin with the skintone used in mk-wizard's artwork. as you can tell it's a BIG difference! lin would be a unseasoned piece of chicken if I colored her like this lol (get it …chicken.. HA)
so my final notes to this long post is, please study the character you are drawing a bit more, ask questions. I know this artist isn't whitewashing lin purposely it's an honest mistake that could be anything from different computer monitors showing up different tones? or them being inexperienced drawing POC? which you have all the time in the world to keep studying while drawing! it's okay to make mistakes and learn from them : )))
also this isn't a "callout post" or anything negative towards the artist, this is simply some advice not just for them but for every artist.
I hope this helped in any way possible? and if I missed anything or made any mistakes pls educate me more on drawing BIPOC! I love to hear advice <3 anyways have a good day and drink some water bye~
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Iolanthe, Queen of the Golden Beryl Palace
Pinch me I’m in love.
Third in characters, who I decided I would love based solely on their art, the others being 1st Place Gleaming Genisis, and The Lunar who's name escapes me. No one ever remembers 2nd place :(. Well if you judge enough books by their covers, eventually the writer will do service to their artist.
Is it a coincidence that I'm in love with both of the big bad fae characters? I dunno, but I'm happy we're here.
So first things first. Apparently when The Scarlet Empress activated the swordofcreation.net it covered the land in iron needles, to burn and kill all of the fae. Um.... freaking baller! That's so cool! I was always told she just nuked the world, which was always highly disappointing, and inconsistent with the setting. I much prefer the idea that the swordofcreation.net can just produce whatever world ending weapon you need for that particular instant. Iron needles to cover the earth? You got it. Nuclear Armageddon? No problem! A media ecosystem specifically designed to radicalize it's viewers, and turn them into facists? We're on it.
Iolanthe is a Fae Prince who managed to hide her people under ground in the southwest of The Enchanted Isle, and there she has ruled for three hundred years. Now that the Empress is gone, she looks to build and army, and finish the crusade she started centuries ago.
And sure it's upsetting that one of her intimacies is pretty much "The South Will Rise Again.", and yes she's probably not vaccinated, and maybe I let her borrow $500 dollars to pay for her ex's bail money, but I love her!
Her gown is sewn from the vows of her subjects, um very cool. Especially since it gives her 16 Soak and 7 Hardness. She's covered in gold and jewels, and has a hearthstone the size of an egg. She carries no weapons because her words alone, can kill a man. Yes please.
I'm a real sucker for the vain queen archetype, and I think Iolanthe fulfills her role perfectly. Her defining Intimacy is "No one will contest my beauty and power." which has got to be a rough way to live your life. If no one can contest your power... you're just going to keep fighting until you're dead, basically. Sad. Her more interesting intimacy is that she views The Golden Beryl Palace as her pet... so like... is it alive? I personally think her having a huge crystal elemental that she uses as a palace, is awesome.
Furthermore she's got a whole host of minions and secrets she's collected during her years of exile. It's interesting to note that she knows the locations of ancient exalted burial sites, not just solar! Soooo that's really interesting right? Entire complexes dedicated to the exalted built during their war with the primordial? I'd do it. Arlington Cemetary for legions of Dragonblooded soilers. She's also made deals with the mountainfolk, stupid sexy house Iselsi, and proto-humans. So you can take this to mean things like neanderthals/ troglodytes typical underdark stuff. Or you could go the way of Adam Kadmon, which is basically Adam of The Bible before he was put into a physical and earthly vessel, essentially perfect humans. We imagine these proto-humans were found in caves, but what if Iolanthe just found vaults created by the primordial for some of their experiments? These humans were a little too powerful for what they had planned for Creation, so they hid them away and worked on teaching humans how to fart and be racist. They give you lots of chances to make her a big bad in your game, including an excuse for giving her a big bloated army.
During Earthquakes her people will rise out of the ground, and drag people down into their crystal lair, either turning them into food, or she'll just step on them until they're so in love they'll fight for her. Which includes equipping them with flawless fae weapons and armor.
Her stats are superhuman, some of the best/the best in the book. I don't know nothing about previous editions. But I did hear that when Fae was a player choice, their whole thing is that their stats could go beyond 5, so it's cool that her own stats reflect that. With a 7 in Apperance and charisma, and a 6 in Stamina.
One of her charms let's her use your own intimacies against you, when she uses her voice to kill you, she can talk about your intimacies and reduces your soak, hardness, and cover bonus by and amount equal to your intimacy, Sick! An attack wich already, by itself does 15 dice of damage. Her ultimate attack is that she does an attack against your character's resolve, and for every extra success, she reduces your willpower by 1, if it goes to zero, you either get a defining derangement, or are polymorphed... FOREVER!
For defense she has a charm that just let's her ignore, any defense negating abilities you have. (I.e she effortlessly grabs the attack, that literally says unblockable between her fingers like it's nothing. But the even cooler/ way dumber charm, makes it so if an attack kills her, you discover that you've been fighting an illusion. A nearby combatant throws off their disguise revealing that they were Iolthane the entire time! Then she resets to base Initiative, hilarious.
She has Intimacy overriding charm, but her really interesting charm, allows her to grant a character supernatural dedication on a quest she's given then. This not only gives them a number of bonus dice to all of their actions equal to the intimacy she used to manipulate them, it also gives them Intimacyx2 Mutations to help with the question. Perferct PERfect PERFECT! for those character's who your team has eclipsed, coming back for their miniboss fight at the end of the campaign!
She also makes it harder to resist her, playing with your intimacies, making it cost up to THREE willpower to resist her temptations.
Okay, a little extra reading did in fact reveal that The Golden Beryl Palace, is an elemental. A Gemlord, who was once a prince among the earth elementals. It's a mile wild elemental that the fae live in. It's memory has been erased, and all the remains is it's loyalty to Iolanthe, kind of sad actually. He can sense the nature of anything inside of him, and also has instant telecommunication with Iolanthe, so good luck getting away with anything while inside the palace. Oh, wait, you're solars.
Rating: 10/10 long-ass nails, drumming bordely on her fainting couch. Absolutely marvelous, great work, very pushed. I have no idea why she was paired with Siluris, both writeups were so good, and had so much content. Definitely one of the better packages of the group. Love her! I'm already thinking about introducing her in my Dragonblooded campaign.
Misc. Golden Beryls are basically just Yellow Saphires/ Emeralds. They're found in Namibia, Madagascar, and Brazil. You can see them in her Jewlery, anklet, necklace, and big ass ring.
If you squint her name looks like Lolth, and her people are basically the Drow. I dunno, I thought that was funny.
Iolanthe, is also a Gilbert and Sulivan Opera, about the fairy Iolanthe who arranged all the fairies' music and dance, but was banished for the crime of loving a mortal.
1. The name Iolanthe has been scrubbed from the records of man. All but forgotten, to the realm. Only the people of the south, the lands she scoured before coming to the blessed isle remember her name. When they speak of it, they talk as if referring to some primordial terror, abomination, or even natural disaster. They only know that whole valleys of civilization were wiped away by the Iolanthe, and now on The Blessed Isles, those who claim to see the future, shudder and convulse, the only thing to escape their lips is madness, and a single name: Iolanthe.
2. When the civil war breaks out, the relatively empty Southwest is neglected and forgotten, it's the backyard, of a Great House, and not very contested. Until practically overnight, that house falls into ruin as Iolanthe rises from The Southwest to claim their lands. With monsters, and hordes of fanatical follower, the great houses must now contend with yet another hopeful for the throne. Iolanthe only ever feared one woman, and now that's she's gone, she'll bring ruin to The Scarlet Empresses' legacy. Revenge for the humiliation she's endured for three centuries.
3. Iolanthe has had enough of hiding beneath the earth. She now seeks to park her home on the tallest point in creation. Like King Kong The Golden Beryl Palace emerges from the earth, and begins to climb to the top of The Imperial Mountain. From her perch upon the word, she will speak and all of creation will hear her. First she will make them all love her, and shout their praise in a single voice. Then she will drive them mad, and then once nothing is left of civilization, culture, or meaning, she will simply ask creation to stop.
4.Iolanthe is nearly unstopable, her powers are too immense, too deadly, too dangerous. However, no matter how many victories she scores against he players, it's never enough. She must always live with the fact that she wasn't able to beat The Scarlet Empress. The players can use this to distract her from her mission of world domination, or maybe this thought occurs to Iolanthe if she's already won, for some sort of post-loss campaign, but nothing she's done has any meaning if she did it without besting The Scarlet Empress. She must find her, and beat her to prove that Iolanthe's beauty and power is uncontested. Once the players have convinced her of this, she drops everything, world domination, her armies, and schemes and pours everything she has into finding her rival. Buying the players enough time to figure out a way to destroy her. Maybe Iolanthe actually helps the players goals, if they're truly set on finding The Scarlet Empress.
5. Iolanthe either as herself or as maybe a kindly witch, or other friendly lass asks the players for help, in completing a quest. A quest that happens to fit perfectly into their intimacies. Unforunately for them as soon as they accept Iolanthe rips off her disguise and reveals her true form, but her bewitching charms make it so they can't help but zealously pursue the quest they agreed to go on. Furthermore Iolanthe grants them mutations based to help with their quest, and bonus die on all their actions. The quest is in their interest, destorying a Dragonblooded army or something like that. The players find their mutations quite useful, and they're more powerful than ever serving her... They may be tempted to stay on her side, and even if they're not, she'll provide that temptation for them.
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triggerlil · 4 months
top 5 film recs
Putting a lot of thought into this a la film student so I'm just choosing some of the 5 best movies I've seen that I think also capture the beauty of film as an artistic medium.
In no particular order
Burning (Lee Chang-Dong, 2018)
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Deliveryman Jongsu is out on a job when he runs into Haemi, a girl who once lived in his neighborhood. She asks if he’d mind looking after her cat while she’s away on a trip to Africa. On her return she introduces to Jongsu an enigmatic young man named Ben, who she met during her trip. And one day Ben tells Jongsu about his most unusual hobby… (Letterboxd)
A mesmerizing psychological thriller that totally gets in your head yet has a somewhat meandering pace that captures the drawn out nature of these sorts of stories in real life. Breathtaking cinematography. One of my top five and I think a must watch for fans of the genre and/or Korean cinema.
Sans Soleil (Chris Marker, 1983)
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“He wrote me…” A woman narrates the thoughts of a world traveler, meditations on time and memory expressed in words and images from places as far-flung as Japan, Guinea-Bissau, Iceland, and San Francisco. (Letterboxd)
Experimental film at its finest this movie always blows my mind. Moving, contemplative, wonderous. Marker is also just a really important Dude in film history.
The Passion Of Joan of Arc (Carl Theodor Dreyer, 1928)
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A classic of the silent age, this film tells the story of the doomed but ultimately canonized 15th-century teenage warrior. On trial for claiming she’d spoken to God, Jeanne d’Arc is subjected to inhumane treatment and scare tactics at the hands of church court officials. Initially bullied into changing her story, Jeanne eventually opts for what she sees as the truth. Her punishment, a famously brutal execution, earns her perpetual martyrdom. (Letterboxd)
Fuck it silent film. Watched this with a church choir accompaniment and it left me stunned. The first silent film that gave me an oh moment. Reminds you that the medium can transcend so many barriers with so little. I also just think watching silent films or just really old movies is sooo important because it puts the new stuff in a different light sometimes to see the OG filmic storytelling devices.
Moonlight (Barry Jenkins, 2016)
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The tender, heartbreaking story of a young man’s struggle to find himself, told across three defining chapters in his life as he experiences the ecstasy, pain, and beauty of falling in love, while grappling with his own sexuality. (Letterboxd)
Genuinely believe it's one of the best movies made in the 21st century. Gut wrenching and poignant, great writing, beautiful colour grading, amazing casting, one of the best scores I've ever heard (Nicholas Britell stays WINNING I even own it on vinyl), it's just a show stopper for me and an amazing queer film. I think if you haven't seen this but you loved Sciamma's Portrait of a Lady on Fire they have very similar energies.
Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust (Yoshiaki Kawajiri, 2000)
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D has been hired to track down Meier Link, a notoriously powerful vampire who has abducted a woman, Charlotte Elbourne. D’s orders are strict - find Charlotte, at any cost. For the first time, D faces serious competition. The Markus Brothers, a family of Vampire Hunters, were hired for the same bounty. D Must intercept Meier and conquer hostile forces on all sides in a deadly race against time. (Letterboxd)
Genuinely one of the only movies I think has accurately captured gothic vampire literature, it just has the VIBE of Dracula and Carmilla in a way no other movie has. It's not actually about those books, but I think it just has the essence that adaptations miss. A great example of the power of animation!!! (Also you can literally watch it for free on youtube soooo...)
If you read all these thank you for listening... hope I inspired you to watch even one of these suggestions ! My only regret is that I didn't include any lesbian cinema.
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starfayy · 6 months
Writeblr Intro (cuz i forgot about this)
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AYUP everyone my name's Fleur, i'm a 19 years old woman, im cishet and painfully neurodivergent (AuDHD and MADD). Im also brazilian and christian so there's that! (Trilingual beast coming at ya!)
I've been a writer since who knows when, started to write fanfiction in the worst fandom i could've started (...the beatles), went to an amazing fandom -that turned out to not be that amazing but my writing and storytelling evolved exponentially so im grateful- to now being more focused in original works
I'm currently writing a book with my friend (@serenity-of-waffles)*, and i might probably work in scripts for comics, animations and maybe games????? Let's see-
yeah im an artist too hehehe
Genres i enjoy reading/writing: Fantasy, Scifi, Romance, Thriller/Suspense, Horror, Slice of Life, Supernatural
Here comes the lists of things i like to see in a book and that i tend to write it in my own stuff:
A good well written romance sometimes doesn't kill ^.^ (im a cliché beast, careful)
Tragic Backstory? Sign me in
Supernatural ocurrences and creatures. Analog Horror, Psychological Horror as well
Super heroes? Yes
Mythological metaphores
I write for both Youth and Adult (im a sucker for children's books they can get so dark suddenly and is amazing)
Mystery elements yesyesyes a good suspense
Deep relationships
Consequences. I love consequences.
Historical plots and period inspired fiction
Super powers, creatures, magic, a whole well made worldbuilding (Tolkien wannabe)
SOOOO what am i looking for??
FRIENDS! People to rant about my silly stories and worlds!
More writers to follow and engage and and- ykwim
Current WIPS? hmmmmm
• Eden Fables: The Inkweaver's Diary - (*NOT WRITING ALONE) So this one i won't give much detail, just know that me and my friends we're going absolutely insane over this book and the entire possible series and is our child, you're not fucking ready. The best fantasy book i ever written in my life TRUST ME. Blame Tolkien and C.S Lewis for inspiring us so much- (sorry for the vague synopsis muahahahah) A story of a boy displaced in time and space as he finds his heart and returns to his throne, finding a family along the way while dealing with the craziest adventures.
• Boreal City (future comic :O) - A retrofuturistic cyberpunk super-hero universe about many different points ot view and adventures that are actually connected (like the Marvel Comics universe or DC comics). Its being one of my favorites so far im having so much fun doing it hehe
Its very inspired by many superhero and retro-cyberpunk media, i cant count here how many hehe Synopsis (for at least one of the stories): From a family of superheroes, turned into a villain by his own demise, and disappearing for 5 years, GlitchWave makes his stupendous comeback in an unexpected redemption arc, and it all starts when he meets his brother again.....
• Gritia's Great Mystery - An amazing story about a corrupt kingdom trying to hide all evidence that god exists, aside from other...cruel crimes against certain groups of people. The aesthetic is a mix of enlightnment era, renassaice and victorian age, all together mixed with elements of thriller, romance, mystery and BIG drama. Maybe one of my most serious stories, since i wont hold back in the critics n shit
The Crown Family of Gritia, for centuries, tries to make the existence of the Mighty King, aka god, a tabboo, or even erase him from all existence, alongside his followers. Anything that goes astray the status quo is suscetible of punishment (or worse....)
That makes Spencer's life a bit complicated, even if he doesnt know abt the Mighty King's existence, he's part of a secret society...lets see where this goes right?
OOF DAMMT I SPOKE A LOT HUH SORRY IM A TALKER! Hope to find more writer friends along the way ^.^
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fibey234 · 6 months
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This is the MOST adorable gift I got for my birthday this year.
Thank you for the beautiful gift, no one has drawn me before. Especially not in such a beautiful and precise way..
You moved me soooo much.🥺💖
Your words and their expression through your charming and emotional paintings, prove the purity in you. You are the proof that there are kind people in the world who fill it with goodness and joy.
Love you so much, my princess.. and I'm so happy that I met a magical fairy like you🧚🏻🌷🍃.
(She also wrote me an amazing poem that brought tears to my eyes from the beauty of the words and the unique calligraphy she did for them, simply made by an artist hands!!! 🥹🖌️)
This beautiful art made by the princess @genevieveskingdom
My best friend on Tumblr✨🌸
She is a source of inspiration for me!🌺
(BTW, you all must to read her fantastic touching stories!!!😭😭😭💖😍😍)
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lukael · 2 months
It's that time again
Man I always feel bad when posting long ass rants on tumblr, but this place is basically the last one where I feel I can actually speak my mind because nobody really gives a shit on here, and I mean that in the best way lol sometimes I just have this jumbled mess of thoughts in my brain and I just need to let it all out, yknow?
Anyways.... I feel like over the last 1-2 years I'd been in a pretty nice groove with drawing multiple images per months (almost exclusively commissions, but still that's something) but things have died down so much to the point where I'm not getting more than like... maybe 1 or TWO commissions per month if I'm lucky. Social medias have just all gone to shit, and maybe because the general mood is down, or because the economy is bad, or because I haven't been posting enough? like who knows the fucking reason at this point, I don't even really wanna know. It means I've been making basically no money but that's not what I wanna talk about
So the whole time I was busy with comms, I was like "oh man I sure hope I get some time to draw my own stuff soon" and I was in this mode for soooo fucking long, and now that I finally have the time, I just.... I got nothing. I haven't been drawing anything for like 2-3 months, I have no inspiration, no motivation.... Like 70% of my time has been going to making videos for my channel, and that's been fulfilling in its own way?? kinda? I've just kinda been doing it on autopilot tbh, because I don't think I'm good at it, and because 99% of the viewership doesn't interact with videos it feels like they don't exist yknow? So like I get these hundreds of regular viewers every week but it doesn't feel like it, I still don't feel like an actual "Let's Player" and not sure what I'd even need to feel that way at this point, but anyways
So I haven't been drawing, and it's really weighing on me. I've talked about it many times before, but my sense of self and my identity is so tied to my being an artist, it's something I've always wrestled with, so whenever I'm not making art, I feel like I'm failing at being me, if that makes sense. The desire is there, I still "want to be an artist", whatever that even means when you're just not drawing?? I just feel lost man. After years and years and years of consuming so much art online, I'm stuck in this constant loop of wanting my art to look like other people's and of not knowing who I even am as an artist. Am I just envy? jealousy? Do I have anything artistic to even offer to the world other than attempting to replicate artists that I like?
When I was a little kid, I started drawing my trying to replicate the art in like instruction booklets of games I owned, doing Marios and Megamans, and then moved on to trying to draw like Toriyama and Dragon Ball.... it's what gets you started as a kid, but I realize it just hasn't changed after all this time, I'm still just trying to copy what others are doing. I get enamored and impressed by the amazing artists I find online, but maybe it's also the worst thing that could happen to my art.
Like I'll do these pictures where I emulate someone's style and it'll look halfway decent, but that's not me... I don't know what my own style is supposed to be. And this has been going on for years, Audrey could attest to it, it just feels worse now because I really just..... don't even draw much anymore. The whole time I was working on commissions I'd say "i really need some time off so I can do some exploration and figure out who I am as an artist and what style I wanna do moving forward". Well, now I've got the time, but I still don't know, and I have no motivation to figure it out, nor do I even know where I'd start. And it's got me feeling like shit because again........ I'm supposed to be "an artist".... yknow?
And there's other factors playing into it, just the general apathy we've all kinda been feeling due to GenAI obviously, and the death of social media platforms for art, and just........ a lot of this negative shit is definitely affecting me and my motivation to create.... it's not that I've ever made art just to show it online, but if nobody is gonna see it, why even create yknow?
Anyways the solution would be to finally go get some therapy but again I'm fucking broke so obviously that's not happening, I'll have to settle for ranting on here instead
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