aoitakumi8148 · 6 months
...𝓘𝓽 𝓕𝓮𝓮𝓵𝓼 𝓛𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓢𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓘𝓷𝓼𝓲𝓭𝓮 𝓜𝓮 𝓗𝓪𝓼 𝓓𝓲𝓮𝓭 𝓐𝓼 𝓦𝓮𝓵𝓵...
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ninapi · 10 months
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- ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛ Frantically in love ❜┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌
Premise: He let you go once and that was a mistake. Rekindling his relationship with his first and only love proved to be a difficult task for a man like Nanami.
Word Count: 3170
Note: You can read the first chapter here. 😊
Chapter 2: Overtime
Time goes by fast when all you do is work.
Coming back to the academy was a low blow for Nanami. If he ever felt like he had made a mistake by letting you go, he was now certain, maybe running away from this wasn’t the best idea, or maybe he should have gone to Kyoto, be with his girlfriend, continue living like a sorcerer, just live, like a person not a machine.
For all he knows, he could be dead already if he had followed that path, but maybe, just maybe, his life would have been better, brighter, with you by his side.
“Nanamin!! You gotta come see this! There’s this ridiculously beautiful woman in the training grounds. I would dare to say even in the same league as Jennifer Lawrence.” an exasperated sigh could be heard leaving Nanami’s body, he was clearly not interested, but his fondness towards the youngster made him walk with him anyways.
“Told you already, I’m not interested in dating anyone.”
“Who said I’m letting you keep her? She does look older but who knows, maybe she likes younger guys!” the ridiculousness of it all made Nanami chuckle in between scoffs, he was a bit too much at times.
He wasn’t expecting, however, to see the love of his life standing there, flower petals dancing around you in the wind, like a scene coming out of a movie.
“Sensei, they said we can leave our things over there. I think you can leave now.”
“Will you be able to sleep without her?” Todo kept on bugging poor Kamo, he wasn’t a momma’s or daddy’s baby boy, he was sensei’s baby boy, and was still pretty dependent of you even if he was almost a man by now. He even tried to get his clan to accept you as his future bride, that’s how much he wanted you to continue being by his side, but you had to reject said offer as your heart was already taken and you cared way too much for the boy, he was like a son to you.
“Stop bugging him, Aoi-Chan, or you’ll have to face me again. Go, Nori-kun, I’ll be in a hotel downtown if you need me.” he just nodded, blushing slightly at his teammate’s provocations, he was normally respected by his team, but sometimes it was just too easy to tease him, and that would normally make him a better match in a fight.
You could recognize that voice anywhere, turning to face the owner of the mellow voice you’ve missed so dearly, you lost your own at the sight, “Ken-chan…?”
“Ken-Chan? What? Do you know the pretty lady Nanamin? Life is so unfair I was sure I would get her number…Or wait! Can you actually get it for me? You know, put in a good word for me and stuff?” Yuji was once again being ridiculous, but thanks to his antics you both ended up laughing, lifting the heavy air around you away.
“What brings you here? I thought you didn’t want to have anything to do with this world anymore…” your eyes glossed over, you still felt hurt, betrayed even, he just stopped calling you one day. No more messages, no more visits. He just let your relationship die out, seemingly for his carrier, yet he didn’t even have the decency to reply to your multiple messages or pick up a single one of your calls.
“Nanamin is training me. He’s super strong, it’s crazy.”
“Oh…um…I see…” so he was willing to come back to this life for a kid but not for you. Maybe Nori-Kun would still take you…a wild thought in an awful situation, mind you.
“I gotta go. Please don’t hurt my boy too much, I’m stronger than your teacher, you don’t wanna face my wrath if I see one too many bruises on his face.” smiling at Yuji, you walked away, unable to meet Nanami’s eyes.
He’s aged so much, you could see with a single glance how much he’s overworked himself, his face was thinner, his beautiful eyes carried bags underneath them now, very much bruised by the lack of sleep, yet he’s still as devilishly handsome as ever.
“Wait, (Y/N) please...” he grabbed your wrist gently, turning you around to face him. You didn’t want to talk to him right now, you had to process this, truth is you didn’t know he’d be there, otherwise you wouldn’t have come. You always thought about him, still wished to see him even if it was one last time, but you knew it would hurt, it would burn deep in your heart, the love you had for each other was supposed to be invincible, yet he gave you up so easily.
“I don’t think there’s anything left to talk about between us, Kento. You left me without a word. Months before our wedding, you just disappeared from my life. I thought you were dead!” you were now sobbing; the pain was still digging deeply within you even after all these years.
“I’m sorry, baby. I’m so sorry…I know this will sound like an excuse but I kindda lost my way, I lost my sense of self, just didn’t know how to deal with how much I missed you and how desperate I felt without you in my life…” your crying just intensified, the pet name pouring salt into the wound, while Nanami welcomed your shaky self into the warmth of his strong arms.
You’ve missed this man so badly. He still used the same cologne, still smelled like freshly laundered shirts coming out of the dryer. His arms were stronger now, his face even more chiseled. He looked so different yet still the same.
He was still the same tall lanky boy you met on your first day of school, the one who stole all your firsts.
Your first crush.
First love.
First kiss.
First time.
First heartbreak.
“Wait what? You were marrying this hottie, Nanamin? Wow, and I thought Gojo sensei was the one that hauled all the babes around.” you couldn’t help but laugh at his words, seemed like Gojo senpai hadn’t changed one bit.
“Itadori could you please just shut up? Leave us, boy.”
“Sorry, sorry. I’ll leave you with your girlfriend?…hm…fiancée? or is it wife? Baby mama? Hmmm yeah, I like the sound of that one, let’s go with that.” Nanami just wanted to kill the poor boy, he really needed to shut up right now. Though he reminded him of Yu, his best and his worse…
You thought the very same thing, gifting one of your lovely smiles to Yuji who ended up speechless at the sight. “I can see why you couldn’t say no to this. Was it Gojo senpai’s doing?” he just nodded in reply, reaching for your hand almost timidly.
“Where are you staying? I can take you there, we could get something to eat and talk about this some more?” there hasn’t been one day that he hadn’t thought about you during these ten long years. There was nothing he regretted more than leaving you, nothing he wished more than to have you back in his life.
“Can you give me some time? I need to think this through before I hear what you have to say. Let’s meet for breakfast tomorrow morning.” you handed him your phone for him to add his latest phone number, sending him the address to your hotel right after.
“I’ll text you later.” waving in Yuji’s direction, you left the school grounds without even being able to say hi to your seniors.
You had a lot to think about.
“So I heard you met (Y/N) earlier? Is she as hot as she used to or even more now?” Gojo was sipping in some iced tea, watching over his pupils while sharing some drinks with his fellow friend.
“She’s always been the most gorgeous there is. Time wouldn’t change that.”
“Oh, so she got hotter, I see. Well, now that she isn’t taken, I might pursue her interest…” Nanami’s veins were popping out of his forehead in annoyance. Truth is, he didn’t know where you stand, yes, he still loves you, but what about you? He was your number one during your high school years, even with Gojo after your every muscle, even after many training sessions alone with your loving Geto senpai, you never failed to return to his arms, nothing made your heart waver away from him.
But what about now?
You haven’t seen each other in ten years, forget about Gojo, what if you already found someone else? What if you married someone else? He didn’t see a ring on your finger, but that didn’t really mean anything…
Ignoring his senior, he got up from his seat, walking towards the entrance of the school grounds, the scheduled time for your meeting was getting closer and he didn’t want to be late, not even by a second.
You were already there waiting for him, it was clear that you dressed up for him, what you were wearing looked like a brand-new dress and shoes, makeup done to perfection, your hair up. Even the bag you were wearing matched the outfit, almost like a shop display. It made him smile, at least made him feel like he was a step closer in the right direction.
“You’re early.”
“So are you.” his hand laid itself on the small of your back as if it was its rightful place, guiding you inside the fancy-looking restaurant for some brunch.
The food was to die for, juicy, tender, full of flavors, the wine he got for the two of you was also lovely, even if it was a bit too early for a drink, everything always tastes better with good company.
You were too young last time you saw him; this was the first time you two had indulged in some alcohol together, and it was painfully obvious to him that your tolerance for it wasn’t the highest.
“Ken-chan…can I ask you something?” his eyes left his plate to meet your own, apprehensive about the direction the date might take after answering it.
He just nodded, patiently waiting for you to continue, “Did you not want to marry me? Is that why you left…?”
A loud clacking sound could be heard resonating on every corner of the restaurant, his knife had been discarded in a desperate attempt to hold one of your hands in his.
“No, that’s not it. Quite the contrary.” Confusion was covering your face, food still stuck in your throat as tears threaten to come out at your own thoughts.
“I wanted it so badly; I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life, that’s why I had everything planned. But life had different plans for us, and I just didn’t know how to deal with my own disappointment and self doubts. I tried getting a promotion and getting transferred to an Osaka branch, at least we would be closer, but not even that worked. They were dark times, and you were the only one who ever managed to pull me away from darkness, without you by my side I just…yeah…”
You knew what he meant, the very same thing happened to you, he was the one who always managed to get you out of your darkness, the one who helped you move forward, even after loosing your friend, he was your grieve companion, your entire life, and when you faced loneliness, things weren’t pretty for the longest time. Especially not after he cut the relationship short without discussing things. “I just wished you would have said something…I seriously thought something bad had happened to you, that you were laying dead in some alleyway waiting for someone to find your remains…I even had to call senpai and ask if you were alright, it was embarrassing to say the least, even he knew more about you back then than your future wife did…”
“I’m sorry, my love…I ran away, drowned myself working overtime just to try to forget about you and move on, but in reality, your pajamas are still in my drawer, I still have that matching toothbrush set you got for us, the one with the cats…and I never let anyone sleep on your spot, not even old drunk cousins…” and at the end of the day that was all that mattered.
He, just like you, had never moved on, not in the slightest, it appears that the love you felt for one another only increased as time went by, as you missed each other desperately, as all you could think about was him and all he could think about was you.
You could see how much he was struggling to let his true feelings out, he’s never been the best at that, but it’s never been necessary, you could see right through him, you knew exactly what he was feeling just by looking into his eyes, even if his friends couldn’t differentiate if he was constipated or happy, you could.
“Do you really have…my pink cat toothbrush.” you mumbled in between sniffs, unable to contain yourself any longer.
“Of course I do baby. I know how much you liked it…” his thumb was rubbing circles onto the back of your hand, your tears messing up the beautiful makeup job that took you all morning to master.
“You’re so silly…” you were still crying, but the imminent smile adorning your face made his stomach somersault, he suddenly felt like his sixteen-year-old self the first time he kissed you. “Your fault…” that made you giggle; he’s always blamed you for making him do ridiculous things like wearing matching frog onesies to bed or line up at six in the morning to go to a damn theme park. He always complained, but always did what you asked of him without you having to ask him twice. These were the things that made you feel loved, seeing your stoic boyfriend dressed as a frog while watching horror movies laying his head on your lap. Nobody would believe you even if you had pictures of said day, but those were your most treasured memories, those that proved to you how loved you were by the man that held your heart to this day.
“Would you like to…come to my room…? I mean, what, no, no that sounded wrong, I mean so we can talk some more, relax without worrying about people seeing my messy mascara…not you know…sexy stuff…” you were now a blushing mess, trying to cover your destroyed face from the handsome businessman sitting across from you.
“Yeah…anything’s fine with me, even the sexy stuff…” he was teasing you and you knew it, he was just trying to lighten the mood, but it still caused a long forgotten deep desire to bubble up within you, his hands now seemingly hotter and were they always this big?
Oh my…
The walk over to your hotel room was mostly spent in silence, you were still trying to calm your racing heart, while Nanami texted Yuuji telling him he would have to miss the afternoon training session as his woman wanted him in her room. The text caused poor Yuuji’s heart to explode as intense thoughts filled his little brain with rated content.
The only reply he got from him though was a thumbs up sticker, his encouragement could be felt just as much as his dirty thoughts.
Your hotel wasn’t anything fancy, just a random business hotel that you got to book at the last minute.
There was no couch, no chairs, just barely space for one in a tiny bed and your personal bathroom, forcing Nanami to sit beside you on your bed after you finished removing your makeup.
“I think this is the first time we are in a hotel together, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, well we didn’t have to go far, we always lived on the same floor…” chuckling you recounted your endeavors with your young boyfriend, how after a couple of months of being together started sharing a bed, didn’t matter who’s bed was it, you just couldn’t be away from the other, specially not at night.
“Still is a bit weird, young couples always end up diving into love hotels at least once.”
“True, but we were both broke and well…why spend money if we could just do it whenever we wanted, and nobody ever noticed.”
“Ken-chan!” you swatted his arm, a terrified expression shining on your face, as if someone else would hear about it.
“What? You were there too, you know it’s true.”
“Well, yes I know…” you were now shyly burying your face on his shoulder, hoping he wouldn’t see how red your face was, but of course he saw it, he wouldn’t miss your adorable self ever again.
“Are you having nasty thoughts, babe? I can see your ears glow from here.” groaning, you lifted his arm to hide completely under his armpit, a low chuckle rumbling from his chest at your antics.
“Stop being adorable, or I won’t be able to stop myself.”
“What if I don’t want you to stop yourself…”
“Thought you didn’t want sexy stuff just yet-“
“Ok, ok, come here.” he gathered you in his arms, bringing you close to kiss your lips ever so softly, your fists balling on his chest. “I missed you, baby…so, so much…” peppering soft kisses all over your face, he hummed quietly, his hands roaming your back with need.
“I did too…way more than you ever did, I just know it…” his kisses were so soft that without noticing your tears were once again pouring down your beautiful face, "I wouldn't be so sure if I was you..." your heart was hurting but was also so full at the same time, it was confusing.
“Would you…consider…maybe giving me another chance?”
“Another chance as in dating or another chance as in going back to our home?” you were now the one kissing his jaw tenderly, his hands were resting under your shirt craving to feel more of your soft skin against his calloused hands.
“As in both…”
“Hm…you’ll have to work harder if you want me to move back in…” he just gave you a wicked smirk, pinning you down to the mattress.
And so, he did.
“Yo, baby mama! Sup! You staying with us now?”
“Baby- WhAT?! Are you already pregnant, (Y/N)??? Damn you fast…” the envious look he was giving Nanami caused a fit of giggles among his students.
“I- Um, are you?”
“Who knows…maybe I am.” your cute little giggles enchanted Gojo’s students, suddenly wanting to be transferred to the Kyoto branch.
Only time would tell.
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Previous Chapter Masterlist
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ogata77 · 1 year
Rain --- Aiai-gasa ☔🧑🏼‍❤️‍🧑🏻
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I don't know if I'm thinking about things too much, but since with Yoneda we are used to living in paranoia I couldn't help but overanalyze Rain's promotion. Some time ago I found interesting information about the word Aiai-gasa (相合傘) which means sharing an umbrella: 相合 (aiai, “doing things together”) +‎ 傘 (kasa, “umbrella”) but which has a strong romantic implication since the first two characters are pronounced あい (ai) just like the word love, then this would have the connotation that both people under that umbrella would be in love.
With this information you can already imagine everything I started to create in my mind. The first thing I thought of was finding all the moments related to the umbrella theme within saezuru. I remembered some emblematic cases, but the truth was that I did not give it so much importance to others and that is a mistake when reading saezuru.
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For example, something important is that Yashiro doesn't share his umbrella with anyone like Aoi and Kageyama do. When Aoi insists on waiting in the rain for Doumeki to come out of the Shinseikai's office to convince him to quit the yakuza, Yashiro would rather buy him an umbrella at the kombini than share the one that already has this clearly because he thinks Aoi is Doumeki's girlfriend and sees her as a problem.
In the case of Kageyama, when we travel back in time to high school, Yashiro doesn't share his umbrella when he decides to go see him because of his father's death, let's just say Yashiro doesn't know about kindness at this time in his life and it's just beginning to discover his feelings for his "friend".
A detail that I found very interesting is that both Aoi and Yashiro as a teenager use a light-colored umbrella and the rest of the characters only use dark colors, even Yashiro's changes color now in his maturity. I leave them for reflection.
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Using Kageyama's school life we ​​can see that scenes of couples walking together under an umbrella while it rains are common in Japanese culture, it is said that you can tell which of the two people loves the other more by looking at who is wetter . In addition, paintings from the Edo period have been found that include the aiai-gasa symbol where the person writes his name and the name of the person he loves.
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Another interesting scene of the umbrella is the one that has to do with the relationship that existed between Misumi and Kurobane, which for me is a faithful reflection of the one between Yashiro and Doumeki. On several occasions it is hinted that they could have been much more than yakuza brothers, at least that is what I felt when the president of the Doushinkai tells Misumi that he has lost his better half. What if it was clear that Kurobane felt the same level of devotion for Misumi that Doumeki has for Yashiro.
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Now we are going with one of my favorite scenes from the manga that combines almost everything that saezuru symbolizes. Let's start by remembering the difficult time Yashiro is going through having to get rid of the man he loves. Yashiro and Doumeki already had sex and Yashiro broke into a thousand pieces because he found out that he had been a victim of abuse and that nothing that had happened was his fault. Yashiro kept reflecting that being with Doumeki would mean giving up everything he is and can't afford to. After Doumeki gets out of the car, Yashiro focuses on a mother and son walking under an umbrella in the rain, perhaps there can be a greater love than this.
Notice how all the cartoons up to that moment are in white and that after Yashiro sees the mother and son, everything goes dark and it even seems that it is raining inside the car. Seeing this, we can sense that Yashiro wonders why his mother didn't protect him when he was a child and allowed him to be abused. Then Doumeki re-enters the scene, everything lights up again and he brings an umbrella to protect him from the rain. I'm not crying ladies and gentlemen.
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Finally let's review how we went from the scene of an extra at the beginning of this manga to the last drawing of Yoneda. The situation is the same but how the language of the characters has changed. In the first scene Doumeki doesn't even dare to be under the same umbrella as his Kashira, he is getting completely wet, so the legend is true whoever loves the most is who gets the most wet. In the second scene, Doumeki is already under the umbrella because now he is no longer Yashiro's subordinate, now they are in equal rank and feelings, who could doubt at this point how much they both love each other despite the fact that the outlook is not very encouraging especially knowing how chapter 50 ended. If we start to analyze, the rain is another character within saezuru and it is no a coincidence that RAIN is the name of the next event.
Thank you if you have come this far reading my ramblings and obsessions. If there is something misspelled, you already know that Google Translator is to blame.
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nanabansama · 6 months
The seven wonders are based on real legends in real life like hanako I have feeling that the other seven wonders were inspired by real life legends
This appears to be somewhat true, though I haven't found links for all of the Mysteries myself yet. And certainly none quite as on the nose as Hanako-san.
For one, the Mysteries in Hanako appear to be a combination of both tales from Japanese folklore and "The Seven Mysteries", a common urban legend found in Japanese schools. Exactly who or what the mysteries are differ depending on the school, but they will often have a lot of overlap, especially in regards to the "Hanako" legend.
For example, Yako is based on a fox statue, like those found in shrines dedicated to the god Inari. But the Misaki Stairs also has its roots in many variations of the Seven Mysteries of the School legend, since a lot of them involve staircases. Some also involve moving statues, which fits very well with her origins. So Yako is like a mix of several different things--with AidaIro's own twists thrown in, of course.
And then we have a case like Hakubo, who has more profound links with folklore but weaker links to urban legends.
He's likely based on the Ushioni, a race of Japanese yokai. Ushioni would translate to something like "bovine demon/oni," which clearly comes across with the signature cow skull he wears.
On top of this, the backstory of his oni family being slaughtered by Minamoto no Yorimitsu is a clear reference to the myth of Shuten Douji.
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Not only that! But Hakubo is probably based on the legend of Ushi Gozen, a member of the Minamoto Clan. There are varying accounts of the story, but he was apparently born to Minamoto no Mitsunaka, who was the father of Minamoto no Yorimitsu. Because Ushi Gozen was born with bull horns and an oni's face, Mitsunaka wanted him killed. His mother couldn't stand this, however, and secretly whisked Ushi Gozen away to someplace safe, where he would grow to adulthood.
Once his father learned his son wasn't dead, he angrily sent Yorimitsu after him, leading to an epic battle between the two brothers. At the end of the grueling fight, Ushi Gozen fell into a river and met his end, but this did not stop him from bringing disaster to the neighboring people for years to come.
...Anyway, that's just my retelling of the story, but elements like him being a member of the Minamoto Clan and being defeated by Yorimitsu are interesting, aren't they? Especially when you factor in how Kou was named after and greatly resembles Yorimitsu...
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Anyway, as for his link to the seven mysteries... well, there's this one legend I found about people hearing an instrument that no one was around to play. Apparently, whoever heard it died. This is remarkably similar to the rumor Aoi tells Nene about Number 6.
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So... as I was saying, none of these are quite as simple in their origin as Hanako-san. Which is great! AidaIro is doing a fantastic job of drawing upon both Japanese folklore and urban legends to craft a familiar yet unique story for all of us. And I think it'd be boring if I could just google 学園七不思議 and get spoiled on the story, don't you?
If anyone wants to share their own research on the Mysteries' ties to urban legends and Japanese folklore then I'd love to hear about it! And if you all are interested, then maybe I could make a bigger post touching on this subject again later.
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pureun · 2 days
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╰╮   trending [ theory ] . ㅤ   ❙❘❙❚❙❘❙❙❚❙❘❙❙❘❙   ㅤ 040124
cw : did not now know what tw this as but mentions bullying, disappearances, violence, the usual stuff yk
few thoughts i had after reading through the members bio + watching the debut mv religiously. they’re not fully formed but i’m hoping to get a discussion going and see if i missed anything:
the world of moonturn — n I don’t mean rosemary bc I think that sumn other thing entirely — builds itself through lies moreso half truths and media response, public attention, and peer pushback further upholds this illusion.
moonturn dictates the world around which in turn shapes the mythos of moonturn. ex : renaissance, alice, and marchen.
the use of certain real people isn’t meant to mock the families involved but instead criticize the environments that created these tragedies. ( marchen, fawn, and holy )
before i expand on all these things i want to say it’s super interesting that since the start of moonturn not a single thing has been true about anyone involved or even the company. like what do we know about for romance? what do we even know about the successors? the copycats? is what we know true or are we being fed lies that — not to quote the illumaniti crowd LOL but — “keep us asleep”? / intentionally misled us? moonturn wants to paint a dual picture of the world they come from ( rosemary which I think is a larger metaphor for the idol industry but also the world of art and entertainment ) in the world they are perceived in ( ours + hence why to the end of dreams distinguishes between you vs i - you in the screen and i in the real world )
but because we have our own ideas on what it means and takes to be famous moonturn has to create a story which to them is as bad as lying but it's the key to surviving. some things we won’t ever really know though ( ex. encore ) bc our world isn’t theirs and    [   read more   ]
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 ༝    [    ✸    ]    ˓    ███    i hate when rosezip posts get popular bc you idiots come here to tell us shit we already know
[] i just hate new fans they’re the most annoying aspect of this fandom
[] you guys just like to shit on new fans bc some of this posts ideas are solid and were never present in aoi LOL like everyone thought aoi was real until the anime 😭
༝    [    ✸    ]    ˓    ███    yeah this has been a known thing for years lol it started with aoi the only difference is aoi actually got to leave their company building
[] why are you guys still spreading that rumor that moonturn is stuck in their company? it stopped being funny the second it started
[] rosemary is not real !!!!!!!!!
༝    [    ✸    ]    ˓    ███    moonturn isn’t any different from an arg and the company has always been cool with fans playing along with it ( ex. eun getting asked to leave the group, everyone pretending alice was in that big jpop group, or the entire nakamoto thing ) I just wish the company would put a disclaimer somewhere so the big networks and newer fans stop taking it seriously and ruining the fun
༝    [    ✸    ]    ˓    ███    I know it’s all fake but that video of “holy’s mom” literally sent chills down my spine she looked totally distraught
[] that happened before in like 2002 some parents thought eight was there missing kid but it all got cleared up the company just really likes that plot point
[] a lot of the family stuff is a lie or part of marketing tactics like the shahs never had a son and the family they’re based on are art historians not hollywood royalty it was said they only agreed to it to earn funding for their museum
༝    [    ✸    ]    ˓    ███    I feel bad for marchen the most it’s not easy being the villain of these projects especially since he’s based on the real son of that tragedy in 2012. i’d really love to know how for romance got away with that
[] that’s the one plot point i just can’t get behind some people are genuinely unaware it’s not real and calling him names
[] nah it’s the character they’re going after not the guy
[] i commend his dedication to the role the fact he auditioned for digipop got in and even debuted is amazing
[] the rumors of him bullying those trainees just for the role is too funny lol he really said all or nothing
[] the nakamotos not suing for romance using their son's likeness is why i think they own the company
[] everyone keeps talking about this son but is he even real ? like has anyone ever actually seen him?
[] someone else mentioned it but the family stuff isn't real everyone's an actor or staff for the project
༝    [    ✸    ]    ˓    ███    for romance is always fucking with digipop and hayan im really shocked they haven’t been sued for all this yet
[] it’s a shared company between yan and jinsols parents thats why yan was even in aoi n jinsol was rumored to be dating one of the members way back
[] i think it was francesca or eight he got with id link the article but like everything got wiped from the net during the hiatus
[] personally I don’t think that the shared company thing is true bc everytime they cross paths with for romance sumn bad always happens to them. whoever actually owns the company really doesn’t like those two and regardless if it’s deserved or not it’s just so fucking funny imagine taking that many Ls back to back 😭😭
༝    [    ✸    ]    ˓    ███    i think certain aspects of it is a lil unsavory and the way both the company and even fans treat moonturn is just a lil dehumanizing. some of these fan theories involve serious crimes and the members are always victims of them you guys seriously need to tone it down
[] cope
[] go stan a different group
[] are you their mother?
[] choirs have always had a good relationship with moonturn n even aoi so what are you talking about
[] if moonturn had an issue with it they'd tell us and unlike some fandoms we actually respect them so we'd stop lol
༝    [    ✸    ]    ˓    ███    can someone atleast explain how for romance is able to have such control over the media? alice really did have those sponsorships n that post himawari made was def real but if she was never in the group then????
[] its a similar thing to renaissance and marchen, himawari is getting a check to play along, or yan really does own for romance and gets off to public humiliation LMFAO
[] some people think for romance has actually been around a lot longer than 60's 70's there's even a whole documentary in the works about it n if that's the case its probs connections and money lol
[] blackmail and bribes
[] who cares?
༝    [    ✸    ]    ˓    ███    i don't like going through rosezip bc a lot of misinfo gets spread there n those people don't know moonturn / aoi / romance the way we do. there's a better thread posted here that i rec you check out plus it discusses how aoi is connected
[] wasn't everything in that thread proven false by the literal company themselves??????????
[] i hate this fandom bro its like one person gets really popular n then we have to take their word as law
[] it's literally impossible to discuss how aoi is connected bc it all got deleted are you new here ???
[] how you are gna reference a post that uses rosezips archive then say you don't like rosezip??
༝    [    ✸    ]    ˓    ███    too many new fans try to disconnect aoi and moonturn bc they weren’t around for aoi / dont understand. the thing about stories is right but moonturn is a story about aoi or what’s left
[] the way newer fans try to erase everything aoi created that eventually gave rise to moonturn makes me so angry moonturn is literally nothing without aoi
[] moonturn is 100% its own thing maybe even a remake that uses what aoi established to create a new story for itself but you guys are so obsessed with what shaped your childhood you can’t let it go aoi is all grown up let it go 😭
[] telling veteran fans to let aoi go as if all these lame ass companies aren't profiting off their likeness and for romance does nothing to preserve everything they all worked hard for like sorry you dgaf about the members but we actually do and you don't have a right   [    read more   ] 
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officiallyashley · 1 year
BNHA HEADCANONS— (more) polyamorous relationship between the bakusquad
NOTES: enjoy! These are more headcanons on poly Bakusquad (that ft my oc who is apart of the bakusquad)! These headcanons are kinda whatever was coming into my mind at the time I was writing this, so there isn’t a specific theme to these headcanons.
WARNINGS: no warnings!
They have various properties where everyone gets together three times a year. 
Once in the summertime, during fall break, and during Christmas break. 
I mean, they see each other in between those times of the year obviously 
And this property is HUGE. I mean, it kinda HAS to be huge because of how many people and kids there are. 
So Mina, Katsuki, and Ash live together with their kids. Denki and Jiro live with their daughter. Hanta and Eijiro live together with their adopted daughter, along with Mina and Kiri’s son and daughter. Mina occasionally stays over at Hanta and Kiri’s to see her son and daughter. Later on (I’m talking a long time like Sukiko is twenty years old when this happened), Ash and Hanta have twins (Kenji and Vivienne), who end up living with Hanta and Eijirou.
They all occasionally rotate (i.e. Ash sleeping over at Denki and Jiro’s for the night or Katsuki staying over at Kiri and Hanta’s place for the night). They would do it more, but they all have kids and jobs that keep them suuuuper fucking busy. 
So Jiro and Denki’s daughter is named Yuka Shiko, Kirishima and Mina have twins named Ema Aoi and Riku Kyo, and Kirishima and Sero adopt a daughter renamed Cecelia Rose (better known as CeCe). 
Ashley is known for being a levelheaded and calm person. Nothing really sets her off too much. However, there are serious moments where Ash is just… too calm. Sometimes it’s unsettling, but it’s only because when something horrible happens, Ash’s first initial response is shock and she would rather not express her emotions. Once the situation sets in for her, Ash shows more of how she feels. 
Mina, Ash, and Jiro cherish their girls' days. Their boyfriends know that. 
Like the girls will be walking around a shopping center or something and they all get texts from their group chat. 
“Mina, they’re spamming us with phone calls.” Jiro said. 
“Okay, well, just ignore them. Today is our girls day!”
“Hey, hon, they’re trying to FaceTime us.” Ash said. 
“But today is our day! Don’t answer it. They can text if it’s anything important! 😤👏🏼”
Their boyfriends do this purely to annoy Ash, Mina, and Jiro and to be clingy. 
They’re saying stuff like:
yo, Jiro, have you seen my socks? — Denki
Ash, what’s for dinner? — Sero
Their boyfriends will also take boys’ days. 
And that’s when the girls take revenge 🤟🏼🤪
Heya, Katsubae, can you guys pick up Ash some Oreos? Thx, babe! — Mina
Yo, Sero, do you mind picking up some cookies? Sugar cookies and red velvet, to be exact. Thx, dude. — Ash  
Katsuki sticks his tongue out when he concentrates. It’s so cute omg 🥰🥰
When she eats and drinks, Ash does a little dance in her seat. She doesn’t even realize that she does it, but Mina has clips on her phone of Ash eating and drinking and doing her little wiggle for proof. It’s honestly really adorable ☺️ 
Denki is the group’s phone charger. Period. ✋🏼
Ashley, Denki, and Kirishima are often found napping together. 
Kiri and Denki are touch starved and they know Ash is the epitome of sleep deprivation so they’ll get touchy with her and ask her to take a nap with them, which she does. 
Hanta and Ash binge true crime videos on YouTube. It’s one of their favorite pastimes. 
Denki loves it when Ash acts innocent because he knows that Ash is anything but innocent. Everyone knows that Ash is anything but innocent. 
The Bakusquad takes Halloween and Christmas very seriously. These are their favorite holidays, and these are the holidays that they go all-out on. 
Jiro loves making playlists full of songs that pertain to her lovers. She’s made a playlist for all of her lovers individually, and she’s made one for the entirety of the group. Jiro has her own separate playlist, too. 
The entire Bakusquad has binged played all of the FNAF games in one night. Afterwards, Sero, Denki, Katsuki, and Mina all crashed on a pallet on the living room floor while Ash and Kirishima fell asleep together on the couch. 
They also did that for all of the Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Undertale, Deltarune, and various other game series. 
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𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 © 𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐥𝐞𝐲 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑. 𝐢 𝐝𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐭 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐦𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐚. 𝐢 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐦𝐲 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬, 𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐭 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐬, 𝐞𝐭𝐜. 𝐦𝐲 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐥.
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its-a-kasshu-thing · 2 months
This is just a random observation that I noticed about Gundam Wing:
After like 10 years, I decided to rewatch the series and then I reread Heero’s Episode Zero chapter. According to EZ, Heero and Odin were only together by “contract”. That, to me, implied that Odin is not Heero’s biological father and that he’s only taking care of him out of some sort of obligation.
Now I haven’t read Frozen Teardrop and I don’t really plan to because, (I mean come on, have you seen that plot lol) I could pick apart what I do know about it but, it just seems a little odd. Heero’s chapter seems to lead the reader to the conclusion of Odin obviously feeling guilty about killing Heero Yuy and then he just randomly has this little boy with him. It’s as if that boy was Heero’s son and since Odin killed his father, he felt compelled to take the boy on as his own.
I understand FT says that Odin is in fact the boy’s biological father with Aoi Clark (who doesn’t even have an official character design btw) **Neither does Solo from Duo’s official backstory but I digress** being his mother but I just find it strange that the kid doesn’t have a name if he was Odin’s after all. Maybe it was mentioned that his name really is Odin Lowe II but why would that name not be alluded to at all in the series? The series alluded to his mantra that Heero repeats throughout the series which is basically to listen to the heart. Obviously Odin cared enough about Heero to take care of him. It just doesn’t make sense why this kid wouldn’t know his name/have a name. Also, I just find it random that Heero is related to Trant Clark, some random Oz soldier, that was curious about the zero system, with nothing really substantial mentioned about him like idk a great revelation that he’s like Heero’s uncle or something. Heero didn’t even end up fighting him lol.
I personally think it would have worked out better plot wise if Heero was Heero’s son rather than Odin’s because it would have only emphasized further that Heero really is the “perfect soldier”. He fights for the “revenge” of the colonies while beneath the surface he actually fights to avenge his own father without even knowing it. That’s the thing that makes Heero so pure intentioned though. He fights solely for peace within, not only the colonies but, the Earth as well (as seen at the end of the series). Revenge was never really the goal of any of the pilots or else they would have fully taken part in Operation Meteor, wreaking havoc everywhere for everyone both oz and civilians on Earth alike.
Also, I love how Odin’s character design in EZ was retconed for the more Heero looking one in FT/Glory of Losers and, at the same time, Heero Yuy’s design also has a striking resemblance to the main pilot. It’s like they couldn’t decide who Heero’s father should be.
Also, the Sanc Kingdom sought peace from Earth while Heero Yuy preached peace in the colonies and then you have the heir of the Sanc Kingdom end up with the son of the colonies’ prominent pacifist.
My headcanon is Heero is still the product of a love affair just not with Odin as the main man but Heero Yuy. Like his wife probably ordered for her husband to be killed for cheating with some younger woman, making Heero his illegitimate son, adding to the chaos of it all, resulting in his birth to be the actual catalyst that sparks war between the colonies and Earth. Somehow, I think that would have made more sense and really tie everything together so neatly and dramatically.
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ecargmura · 6 months
My New Boss Is Goofy Episode 12 Review + Final Thoughts - A Christmas Party To Remember
Why are all the good animes ending this week! First, The Yuzuki Family’s Four Sons and now this! Why must this week make me suffer? I don’t want this show to end! All good things must come to an end? Who came up with that saying? Come here and fight me for making that phrase.
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Unfortunately, this is the last episode of this show. This was a super adorable show. The finale is a Christmas-themed episode where the main cast have a Christmas party, exchange gifts, and Momose finally moves out. I always liked Christmas-themed episodes because they’re always heartwarming in a way. In some Asian countries, Christmas is more of a lovers’ holiday, there were a lot of romantic elements sprinkled in between Shirosaki and Momose. I did notice that Shirosaki and Momose got presents for Hakutou but not for each other.
The Christmas party between the main quartet was super nice. That was a lot of food Shirosaki prepped. The way they randomized the gift exchange was so cute too! Just seeing these guys be chill and have fun was super nice to see! Even though, it’s usually like this, I feel like the cuteness amped up due to the festivities.
The real “conflict” of this episode is Momose finally deciding the right place and thus, going to move out. The one who is most conflicted with this is none other than Shirosaki. While he enjoys the time he spent with Momose, he finds it hard to let him go; like Momose, he knows that once he moves out, his life won’t be the same. They would only see each other at work and no longer spend as much time together as before. The place he was going to move into was near Kumatte Land, and very far from Shirosaki’s place. I felt so emotional when Hakutou started crying as he jumped onto Momose; he loves him a lot. Shirosaki grabbing onto Momose’s leg was so bittersweet too.
In a sudden plot twist, Momose manages to move into the building next to Shirosaki’s apartment, where they can see each other perfectly fine. I honestly both expected and did not expect that turn of event at all. I knew there was going to be some twist given the nature of this show, but I didn’t expect it to be so up front with it. Like what Hakutou said, give me back my tears!
It’s hard to let this show go. This was one of my favorites for this season. It’s highly unlikely that a season 2 will be made as most of the stuff has been up to date. All I can do is imagine the sort of life Shirosaki, Momose and Hakutou will have now that they are neighbors. What are your thoughts for this finale?
Final Thoughts
This was one of my anticipated shows for this season just due to the premise and art alone. It really lighted up my weekend a lot. While it was a overshadowed by the bigger titles, I still believe that this show held on its own.
I was surprised when I heard that Yuichiro Umehara and Kotaro Nishiyama were reuniting as leads for a new anime; I loved them in School Babysitters and Boeibu! And then seeing other big names like Tomokazu Sugita, Jun Fukuyama and Hiro Shimono was a big factor for me to watch; Shouta Aoi is even there too! You can’t say no to a cast like that. I think they all did well in this anime. I just hope that Nishiyama gets more roles in the future; his voice is so soothing to listen to as it’s a mix of energetic and soft. Hopefully, this role will help catapult him into getting more work. He deserves it. If I had to pick a stand out of these five, I’d give it to Shimono for making adorable cat noises.
I was surprised when I learned A-1 was animating since they’re mainly known for action anime and not joseimuke/iyashikei anime like this. Despite that, it was surprisingly well-animated. I especially loved the color choices. I hope that A-1 gets the chance to animate more shows like this in the future; they have a knack for it.
Would I recommend this show? To anyone who wants to watch a feel-good slice of life comedy, I would totally recommend it. 
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attackmybutt · 7 months
Looking for an RP partner
So... lately I have been having an itch to write/RP... it's been years since I last wrote anything substantial... but I want to hop back onto the "bicycle" so to speak, so here's to some self advertising and info about myself.
Before you proceed, keep in mind I'm 29NB and any future partners willing to RP with me MUST be 21+. I would prefer it if they were 25+ as it would mean they are closer to my age, but I'm not going to be nit picky about the age range as long as they are 21 years old.
I have some RP experience both in tumblr and discord, but as I previously stated, it's been years. I also written a fic here and there, years ago.
My replies tend to vary from one liner sentences to multiple paragraphs in one go or in-between depending on my creative juices. You don't need to match my length (if I get crazy and reply you in one too many multiple paragraphs) if the creative juices aren't flowing.
I am looking for a casual partner, someone who feels comfortable with me and vice versa. Someone who wants to have fin with me and making up stories for our favorite characters/ships.
Also very important for me, communication is key. Specially before starting a RP and during. We have to know each other's squicks, hard no's and anything that could be potentially triggering to either one of us.
I am very open minded and I am willing to RP almost anything for example: smut, GL, BL, HET, dark stuff, violence, gore, bdsm, a/b/o, mpreg/fpreg....etc. Thinking about it, I might just RP about anything as long as it's talked to beforehand, there might be some instances where I might say no, depending on the characters and the story being written. (I'm saying like if the situations call for it I might bre willing to write vore, which I personally don't like)
I shall only RP in discord and discord only. It's easier and cleaner. I ain't going back to tumbr RPing, unless I get begged to go back to that mess. I don't wan't create a character tumblr blog ever again, or do I?
I am an ever loving multi-shipper and love many ships, however I do have my OTPs.
I don't mind doing RP with OCs, whether they be OC x OC, or MC x OC. I do have some OCs that live mostly in my head. (I might share them one day to the world, maybe, maybe not.)
And now... it is time to put down the list of some of the fandoms I am willing to RP and the characters (muses) I am comfortable to RP as and some of the ships that go with it. (Bold means I feel way more comfortable than usual writing for the character, don't know why, some characters just sing to my soul I guess?) Regardless, I'll RP as anyone and I'll do any ships, unless they are a NOTP. This is just a sample list, if you decide to RP with me, we can talk more in depth about it.
Jujutsu Kaisen -I am all caught up with the manga- (muses: Gojo Satoru, Itadori Yuuji, Nanami Kento, Zenin Maki, Todo Aoi) (Ships: Any/Yuuji, Maki/Nobara, Satoru/Suguru, Nanami/Vacation, etc...)
Chainsaw Man -I am all caught up with the manga- (muses: Denji, Power) (ships: any/any)
Gintama -I am feeling nostalgic- (muses: Shimura Shinpachi, Sakata Gintoki, Kondo Isao, Okita Sougo) (ships: ginshin, kondo/okita, hijikata/okita...etc)
Dragon Ball (muses: Son Goku, Vegeta, Bulma..etc) (ships: any)
Demon Slayer (muses: Kamado Tanjiro, Agatsuma Zenitsu, Rengoku Kyojuro, Uzui Tengen) (ships: any)
Uh... those are the ones that are coming up with some character preference... Here's another list of other fandoms I am in and are willing to RP. It is mixed media, not only anime like the above list.
Daimond no Acce
A Song of Ice and Fire (that includes the shitshow that GoT became)
House of the Dragon
SuperBat (yes, just the ship. I am familiar with DC to some degree, movies, some cartoons -Justice League-)
Marvel (I'm stuck in stucky, but I am more comfortable with Marvel than I am with DC)
Naruto (No Boruto anything.)
Fate Series
...and more... just ask and I shall let you know. If you decide we would be a good RP, just sent me a message here in tumblr or an ask. (and pray I actually see it cause I'm bad with that kind of stuff)
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porcelain-giyuu · 2 years
im not sure if this blog is abandoned d or not but I figured I might as well try lol
anyway, can i get your hcs for the nesting season au and the round up to five au??? pls and thankyou w a🍒 on top
ANON IM IN LOVE WITH YOU!!! this blog isn't abandoned, and it wont be bc giyuu is my special interest (literally just. giyuu. its kind of embarrassing lol) an I love writing. I'm just a fairly busy person and recently lost the entire outline for Of Many Colors, so I've been writing way less.
ANYWAY! of course you can have some headcanons, lovely!!
CW; mentions of canonical character death, some violence/injury, and minor warning for passive dismissal of ones own life
Nesting Season AU-
Giyuu is a very mellow omega, whose instincts have been mostly suppressed (something called Nulling, which can happen to anyone of any dynamic if their body shuts down for survival) so he hasn't really nested or pack bonded with anyone
he was raised by tsutako -who was also an omega- and secretly thought of her more as a mother. he was often very hurt by her joking about him being a "practice pup". as an adult he feels guilt over 'forcing' her to pretend to be his parent.
giyuu's instincts aren't fully awakened during the kamado's trial, but it's a close shot. he ends up furnishing two rooms in the water estate for the siblings but doesn't tell anyone due to a mix of confusion, shame, and defensiveness.
tsutako died when he was twelve and he stayed with his great aunt for five months before being sent away. the hunter that found him after he ran away was a friend of urokodaki's previous student, and thought that giyuu would be a good fit there.
giyuu's nesting instincts are fully kickstarted on a mission with muichirou.
 basically, they're both heavily injured during a joint mission taking place in a blizzard. mui was impaled and cant move without taking a ton of damage, and giyuu can't run due to having a dislocated hip and multiple bones in his ankles/foot broken. giyuu finds a hollowed tree to hide in- to keep the blizzard out he must build a wall of snow in the entrance. they and mui's crow are stuck there for roughly five-ish days: in that time giyuu and mui fully imprint on each other.
after that, giyuu is much more prone to aggressively taking in children- even if he's super fucking awkward about it. it doesnt help that tanjiro keeps dragging people in to visit giyuu and his newly claimed son.
the kids aren't all fully presented, only genya, aoi, and zenitsu have started the process. the alpha children are nezuko, zenitsu, kiyo & naho of the butterfly girls, mui, and senjuro. the beta children are tanjiro, inosuke, and sumi. the omega children are aoi and genya
giyuu and sabito were courting each other for a long time, as in this au they went into final selection when they were sixteen instead of thirteen. sabito’s death is what nulled giyuu; and also vaguely impeded his development as an omega. if he had lived, they would’ve become the water pillars together and bonded. 
Round Up To Five AU-
this au is overall lighthearted and tends to reflect that in the writing. the dynamic between uzui+his wives and giyuu is essentially “varying levels (all intense in their own way) of outward love and enthusiasm vs. very black and white autistic thinker who often forgets other people have Big Emotions too” 
giyuu likes uzui, even if he’s jealous of his freedom and self-surety. the girls are kind to him when he’s blunt or doesn’t respond. he enjoys being around them all- very simply put he basks in their presences. they’re all too good for him, but they never push him away. he finds he doesn't feel too guilty about staying around them either.
meanwhile the Married Crew are actively including him in a bunch of their activities. they invite him to dinner, to celebrations and missions, and even just to spend time with each of them individually. 
uzui gave giyuu his “ranking” of importance towards others lives, with his wives being the highest, giyuu being lumped in with citizens at second, then uzui last. giyuu misunderstands as he is the bottom, bc uzui didn’t specify. he of course delegates to who he believes is an actual hashira and gives his fuck-all to ensuring that the instructions uzui gave him are followed.
giyuu is a little dumb, but hell if uzui doesn’t admire a man who defends the lives of his beloveds with everything he has. unfortunately he’s also very frustrated with giyuu’s lack of care to his own life. him and his wives (who are suitably impressed with/curious about him) resolve to figure him out. 
they end up falling in love with the crazy little fuck, of course, and shortly begin trying to invite him into their marriage. 
giyuu is... kind of sure that they keep making passes at him, but none of them have actually asked him and he’ll be damned if he brings it up. if no one explicitly states that they want to marry/Romance him, he’ll just... not say anything. (if they actually asked he’d say yes at this point in the au. it’s been a few months and lots of development happens in their relationships)
the other hashira are either bewildered, amused, distinctly Unamused, or apathetic towards the shenanigans. 
PS- sorry if these aren’t what you were looking for! i didn’t know what kind of headcanons you wanted so i just... went for it el oh el
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voxofthevoid · 7 months
hi omg!! i've been dying to ask you about your wlw goyuu fic ever since you mentioned it in the summer ! catch your lady by her toes, iirc. ik sapphic stories aren't written much/don't get a lot of engagement (it's a vicious cycle) but i hope we can all read it some day :) aside from the sapphicness i'm really interested in reading about the strongest sorcerer being a woman (does gender REALLY matter when techniques are passed down??) and kenjaku choosing to have a daughter! cheerssss
Hello 💗
Ask away! I'm actually hella happy to hear that particular idea made a lasting impression. I've been nursing it to a bigger and bigger outline (it's 1.6k now) over the months. Still no clue when/if I'll manage to write it, but I sure as hell want to. Most of my F/F stories were original stories, and I haven't written any in quite a while. I definitely haven't written the kind of stories I now do for femlash.
Fair warning: my femlash is the same as my slash when it comes to porn-plot balance, which means we're looking at several chapters of kinky porn without any notable social commentary. It might sneak in—it tends to as part of the characterization whenever I write—but it won't be overt within the fic itself.
Gender has no effect on the strength of a CT or one's CE reserves, so Gojou's strength will be the same. Given what we've seen of the Zeni'in clan and Momo's speech to Nobara, I think we can say traditional jujutsu society does have a sexism problem that more or less reflects real-world sexism. I think gender would have affected the way Gojou was raised and socialized, but whether it'd take is a whole other matter. I think she'd still be the same as canon when it comes to her character and personality. Most of the change would be in how other people react to her and treat her. For instance, do you think Naoya's grudging respect for Gojou would carry over if Gojou were a woman? I doubt it.
As for Kenjaku, I genuinely don't think they'd give a fuck whether they have a son or a daughter. Their whole attitude to gender seems to be "Yes ❤". The only way I see them directly influencing the chromosome pair (assuming they have that kind of control over the baby batter) of the kid is if there's some connection to Sukuna's original body, which seems to be a popular theory thanks to the resemblance between Yuuji's looks and Sukuna's OG appearance (mostly the pink hair tbf, but well, that is very notable). I'm probably writing fem!Sukuna in this AU anyway though, not that I think she'll show up much.
...I typed all this and went to check my outline to see if there's anything I can share, and well, it's porn, porn, and more porn. If anyone wants that, shoot me an ask, but for now, here ya go:
Chapter 1 final scene: When answering Aoi's question about her type of men/women, Yuuji gives the usual response but cuts it off before the "like Jennifer Lawrence" part. Instead, she says "and I like Gojou-sensei" and decks Aoi's shocked* face. * Aoi is into it
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virgilisspidey · 1 year
I keep repeating this song over and over because the start is just so soft and beautiful and I can't help but imagine scenarios for it.
Now i have this scenario in my head on repeat.
We love misplacing the turtles across the universe and put them with Rise (Aoi, Ghost, Ryo and Ryu, and many more) but what if we misplace a Splinter?
I know 2012 Splinter knew he was going to die in Requiem. He knew it was coming and gave Leo a little warning, trying his best not to alarm him, but let him know there's a possibilty. He's not as strong as he used to, he's getting old and he knows it. With Shredder still out there, who knows where, his chances of being able to push through it gets slimmer and slimmer because he knows what revenge does to a man. He wants Leo to be ready.
Even if it hurts him, even if it hurts his children, he knows he isn't meant to live long, but he will still impart as much wisdom and knowledge to them as possible.
Then the day comes, a stab to the gut, he died before hitting the ground.
But he woke up again.
He gets a new chance in life.
Born again in the Hamato clan in another universe, he's born as Hamato Yoshiharu (a name meaning joy and serene) an older brother by one year to one Hamato Yoshihiro (a name meaning good and great) who later in life becomse the famous action movie star Lou Jitsu.
(will be refering to 12 splinter as haru and rise splinter as hiro here on out)
Day in and day out he mourns for his children, his former family. The Hamatos were surprised when the usual stoic and silent 'Haru' shed tears for the first time, not even when he was born did he cry, but he did now, years a bit too late.
He shuts in even further.
If it weren't for his new younger brother (a brother? could you believe that? is the universe still that kind to him? or will it take him away again?) he would've been a complete shut in.
He was given another chance, and he would take it, if not for his new younger brother, but for his sons and daughter. Live the life his sons went back in time for.
He discovers the Hamato clan's purpose was different. It was still a ninja clan, but it was now for the purpose of stopping the Foot Clan from summoning the Shredder, where in this world, was a mere legend. Hiro did not believe in it but Haru gave the story the benefit of the doubt.
It was because of that that their mother left. To fulfill her duty as Hamato.
Hiro was devasted.
Still, as a part of a ninja clan, they trained.
Haru was considered a prodigy by their grandfather. Of course he would be considering he's a master in his former life. Because of that, there's a growing gap between him and Hiro. But Hiro is a prodigy in his own right, he was thankful that the gap was not because of him and his ninjutsu, but becauss of Hiro's resentment against the Hamato clan for taking their mother away.
Haru tried his best to be a good big brother. He supported Hiro in his interests, practically raised him to be the person he is, gave him cryptic wisdom advice for him to figure out later. Hiro could never fill the hole in his heart for his family but it helped.
Hiro then runs away and before he does he promises that he does not hate Haru and that he was sorry.
Haru did not see Hiro from then on.
He too leaves the Hamato clan to go to New York to find some semblance of normal back to his life. He thought of buying turtles, he just finds it a little silly as well. It was like he's hoping to get mutated once more to get his children back.
He spends his time in New York peacefully and with no worry.
That's when he saw them.
Sitting on the rooftop of his apartment building, bantering with each other. Same names, same masks...
Familiar... yet so different...
They're different species, their personalities were not that off from his own sons but it was still that, different. He knew that alternate universes exists from that one time his sons brought doubles, but the chances of him running in to them was...
If they exist...
Then that means Hiro...
Oh... the irony of his situation.
He spied them for a while, turns out he lives in the same building as April O'neil, their human friend. He smiles to himself knowing that was a universal constant.
Still, it worries him. Were these guys mutated by the Kraang? It doesn't seem so... he doesn't see men in business suits anywhere. As he dives deeper in the mysteries in New York, he found out about the hidden city and where mutants come from, or at least, newer mutants. There were yokais and there's this specific one that went against his... (not his... never his) the turtles.
Still, no sight of Hiro.
That was until April realized that he held a striking resemblance to one Lou Jitsu did she connect the dots and told the brothers, to which the brothers told Hiro or Splinter now, and he refused to see him, scared of what Haru would think of him now.
Haru would not judge him, after all, he went through the same thing... minus being an action star.
They set up a meet up and they meet again.
Hiro says Haru must've probably hated him for leaving like their mother.
"I would never," he says to his furry brother, "you are family, and that's all that matters."
(He would never hate Saki, even if he has done all those things, he just doesn't have the heart to. He would never hate Karai, she wasn't aware, she's just the product of her upbringing. He could never hate any of them.)
Hiro felt like a kid again and cried. He did too.
And so he was welcomed to the family in open arms.
The turtles notice the longing look he always sends them. Like he was looking at them, yes, but he was seeing other people. He brushes it off, not really ready for that conversation yet.
He knows they're different but he can't help but see his children whenever he looks at them. They're so different, but they carry some of his kids personalities at the same time.
It hurts.
Raph is as protective as Raphael, he's just as stubborn as well, smashing through things first without asking a question
Leo is just as much as a worrier as Leonardo, even if he tries to hide it by being silly (probably too shy to admit it), oh, and he has the same spark of being a leader he sees in Leonardo.
Donnie is just as smart as Donatello, that's a universal constant. But just like Donatello, he's sarcastic and he's bright, he loves to talk and talk and it brings him comfort that remained in this universe.
Mikey is just as eccentric and friendly as Michelangelo. He was ready to accept him the first time. His kindness knows no bounds.
And April, April is as resilient and determined as his own, and feisty and outgoing like Casey Jones, even down to the signature screaming their name before an attack.
He felt so at home but at the same time... guilty.
How come he's enjoying his time here when he left his own family?
This is where the song enters.
I look into your eyes and I Think back to the sons of mine You're as old as they were when I left and died Will these actions haunt my days? Every mistake I made? Is the price I pay endless pain? Close your eyes and spare yourself the view How could I hurt you? I'm just a man who's trying to go home Even after all the years away from what I've known I'm just a man who's fighting for his life Deep down I would trade the world to see my family and wife I'm just a man
I changed the lyrics to match.
Here after his son's mutation day, his walls finally cracked.
He cups Leo's cheeks, silent tears streaming in his eyes as he tells the story.
He feels guilty. He says he still wants to go home but he knows he can't. He says he's happy because he has a family here but what of the one he left behind? Deep down he wants to go back, he wants his former family back. He feels like he's betraying them by being happy with alternate versions of themselves, but at the same time he feels like it's unfair for the them to love him when he doesn't even know if he loves them to fill in the hole in his heart or because he genuinely cares.
He's conflicted and it's hurting him.
Years worth of grief and bottled up emotions led to this.
And Leo hugs him.
"It doesn't matter, Uncle Haru... or Yoshi or Splinter," he says, "Because in every universe, we're family, and that's all that matters."
He could never know what his family is doing, if they moved on from him or not... but perhaps he should be taking his own advice and stop dwelling in the past and focus on the now.
After all...
The multiverse is grand.
There's a chance they'll meet again.
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nasuversekinkmeme · 10 months
Weekly Roundups: Prompts
Kara no Kyoukai
Everyone is a Saberface? Wrong. Saber is a Kohakuface. Chaos ensues.
Fate/Stay Night
In some early versions of Arthurian Myth, Mordred just straight up wins…and marries Guinevere to legitimize their rule. That’s obviously multiple flavors of absurd in PHH, but hey, so’s most of the actual plot of FGO. Give me Guin and Mo romance and/or fucking, in any situation. Maybe a sweet if kinda messed-up second love at Chaldea, or a dark NTR plot in a flashback, or the first mistaken for the second by the Knights. (“Guin is a Rinface” preferred but not required.)
Yariyumi has gone on a few pool dates before, I would like them to go on another, please.
It turns out that Guinevere is physically identical to Aoi Tohsaka, what does Rin have to say about it?
Archer and Sitonai spend a lot of time together, archer carries her to her room when she falls asleep, they hold hands when walking just cause. Then, it surges a rumor that Archer is dating Sitonai, cue to archer getting bad looks and then having to explain to all of Chaldea that they're brother and sister
Finding that this new Knight Mordred, is in actuality her own Son with Morgan. Saber reflects on the similarities between their origins as the results of an affair (If Artoria even is the result of an affair in the Fate universe anyway) and on how right now in Camelot an affair is going on between her wife and her best Knight even as she speaks. I don't have any idea where this would lead her, I just always thought it was interesting just how commonly affairs come up in Arthurian myth.
Smut, y'know maybe a good majority of the carnage in heaven's feel cold've been prevented if someone got sakura a hitachi magic wand & a subscription to playgirl.
one of the other servants (doesn't matter who) sees BB post-slutification and trains her into a proper young lady.
Based on recent events let's get some toxic Yuri up in this bitch and let Kiara fuck Taiga
After the latest reveal in the Seraph manga I want to see Kiara being ripped apart by Unlimited Lost Works.
BB recovers from all the sluttification and realizes she's into it
Emiya Alter sees Jaguar Warrior for the first time and goes through a trauma-induced panic. Only his teacher can bring him back to his senses
BB in complete disgust of the amount of bimbofication and brain drain erotica her master has been reading about her, she just fucking kills Ritsuka because she decides humanity isn't worth salvation anymore
Begging for some Prillya fluff since my partner and I just caught up with the series
Smut, I feel we need more bi rep so Sieg gets double teamed my Astolfo and Jeanne. Bonus for strap
Happily asexual Astolfo. Oh sure, they still love making their partners feel good during sex and all that! But that's what they get out of it - making their partners feel good.
rejoice gudako , for after 5 years of waiting ,you finally have gyaru lancelot!
Yknow how Huang Feihus kids only pop out when he's fighting? What if during one such fight his kids, instead of helping, tell Guda and/or other servants how strong, dependable, and also very very single their dad is
Gender is a game. Astolfo chose not to play, Sexshifting!Ritsuka is winning handily, and Mordred is losing. Badly. Mordred having a complex and adversarial relationship with gender as a concept, experiencing deep envy for, say, both Extremely Female Mata Hari and Extremely Male Fergus and not being at all able to process why. Maybe finally bonding with Artoria over similar experiences.
A male servant walks in on Artemis bathing. Artemis responds with the customary feminisation spell to whoever saw her naked. Problem is, said Servant was doing a stream on Servant-tube when he accidentally walks in, and the spell effects the viewers of that stream, leading to something like half of Chaldea's male heroes getting sex swapped.
Smut, guro, Xiang Yu and Yu Meiren going at it but Xiang Yu being a horse means its really tearing Meiren apart. Good thing her regen ability means she enjoys it!
the super crown in chaldea , what chaos will ensue?
Unfortunately as part of the single wives club, Galatea is constantly hit on by those who he think she'll be easy. Fortunately, Galatea is ace and instead starts infodumping on shoes, clothing, and how lovely her also ace husband is instead
Asclepius getting fucked in the butt so hard call that Assclapius
Everyone talks about overworking the farming supports. Nobody ever talks about overworking the farming payload. I'd like a thing about the big meta farming servants, like Space Ishtar or Edmond Dantes or Zerkerlot, just being put through the wringer.
Smut, ntr, Netorare where castoria peek as Master has a threesome with Morgan and Tonelico, and can't herself but masturbate while crying desiring to be in their place, even better if Morgan notices it and makes sure to show her how better Master feels when having sex with her.
lets give ritsuka fujimaru a reality marble and see what their inner world looks like
A master summons Mata Hari for the Holy Grail War and decides to ditch the whole thing and run away with her instead. Fluffy or angsty and either oc master or canon one up to the writer
it's the day after the biggest rager Chaldea has thrown so far . gudako wakes up in Izou's bed with a hangover that makes BB look pleasant. after a shower & change of clothes , she & izou stagger to the cafeteria for breakfast. turns out not only did goredolf get past 2nd base with MHXX , their party took place during a grail war in fuyuki city. and in the hectic scramble to flee the cops because they trashed this big-ass mansion , they stole that war's saber class servant and their master.
someone gets Columbus's valentines gift, looks him dead in the eye, and drops it in the trash without breaking eye contact.
oberon: his face when he succ all of Britain
Kadoc starts to get feelings for Ritsuka. The problem is that Kadoc knows that Ritsuka won’t feel the same. He wrong.
Smut, Ibuki getting her tits fucked, a lot. If that's cool.
Smut, incest, Since morgan has appeared servants have been keeping an eye on artoria due to some comments artoria makes from time to time, yet she insists that she will not fuck her sister(again) She ends up fucking her sister, merlin involvement is up to the author
blackbeard of all people has been deemed trustworthy enough to be the guard of gudako's porn stash when there's an inspection.
Smut, Morgan gets Railed by Mash and Habenyan. Thats it that's the prompt.
Smut, i need morgan and oberon to have fucked up insane hatesex. hopefully with copious amount of violence and pain. it's fine if one of them dies btw.
I am in desperate need of Artoria and Mordred sitting down and talking things out, reaching an understanding and just… finally coming to terms with each other. Lord knows the actual game writers wont do it at this point…
On the slight chance it's true: Newly summoned Yoshinaka doesn't understand his wife's new hobby but tries his best to support it
Smut, Tonelico desperately tries to hold the moans back when they fuck but when Mash is on top she edges her to DEATH just to be able to hear her screaming her name
Smut, prompt for og Moriarty throwing out his back and Sherlock having to fix him up but instead of using baritsu Sherlock blows his already blown back back into shape. bonus if it somehow works.
Smut, since it is nerofest, the ultra hard gilgamesh exhibition, but instead of fighting him…. enkidu rails gilgamesh SENSELESS.
Smut, There are still 20 days before the fillathon. You know how Euryale is a great counter to Gawain’s boss fight in Camelot? You know how Bhargest is kinda a useless bisexual? Let’s have Euryale domming the absolute hell out of both “Gawains,” much to the relief of both.
Smut, incest, Arjuna and Karna making love. Holding hands, going nice and gentle, kissing battle scars, gazing longingly into each other's eyes... You get the idea. Let them be happy together.
Hello, this is my first time doing this, but how about Kintoki getting hypnotized by a male master? Especially if a little bit of muscle worship is added? Thanks!
Morgan can't simply show her lily form like a normal person. So she makes all saber faces wear tonelico's clothes and it's her husband's/wife's job to choose the correct one
Feet appreciation but it's Guda tearing up over the fact Sumner Cas got 10 toes
Baobhan's partner thinking that she has a foot fetish and so gets a pedicure/puts effort into their feet care. Which is great but - Baobhan doesn't have a foot fetish, but it's too awkward for her to explain the truth. Bonus if they aren't actually together and the other person is trying to seduce Bao with it
Chaldea enters civil war as the lilys and their adult versions begin fighting(Ex: Jeanne, Gil, Saber, Cu, Medea, Medusa, Archer, Draco, Morgan, Maou Nobu)
Unsanitary, Politely asking for male omorashi content please, I have been starved recently
In the Water Margin club (that totally exists cuz they all wanted it and not because Pretender Lizzy cried until they all relented) the other two members are suprised to hear from Lizzy that Li Kui has been summoned. Suprise turns to confusion, however, as Darius walks in, just as confused and wearing what seems to be a glued on beard
Guda summons Tonelico only to not know who she is as they never actually met, considering her some kind of Castoria clone and treating her as such. Both Castoria and Morgan are highly amused
In addition to her impressive strength Baobhan Sith also has Magic Resistance rank EX, meaning that ordinary magecraft can’t even touch her!
Morgan succeeded in capturing and convincing Castoria to join her, naming her the new Tam Lin Mordred. Unfortunately, they are unable to escape their ultimate fates as Mordred brings down Camelot once again
Smut, Guda is horny and gropes castoria, this would be totally fine, if the one he groped was actually castoria. Cue to an extremely angry Tonelico quickly changing into her Morgan form and punishing her Husband (Explicit, Femdom, Sadistic Morgan)
castoria and oberon and morgan get a good view of how guda is when not in lostbelts or singularites with their fairy eyes after being summoned: horny. so fucking horny. all the time about the weirdest things?? about like every of age servant in chaldea and even some of the staff, particularly goredolf. is this some kind of defense mechanism? dont think about everyone youve either watched die or personally killed think about everyone you love and how much you want to fuck them?
Smut, In the lead up to the last fight with Flauros, Jing Ke and Boudicca say words to the effect of “let’s get drinks after this.” Drunken, glad-to-be-“alive” sex surely ensued.
Smut, Selfcest. Medea Lily angrily tops her older self, who is infuriatingly calm about it.
i feel like mephistopheles and leonardo da vinci would make a sexy mechanical waifu doll out of bombs to prank blackbeard at least once. just some absolutely looney tunes shit.
Erice and Tamamo have some sister talk that ends with Erice trying to kill tama for talking shit about her mom
All of the Saberfaces having a BATTLE TO THE DEATH. Only one Saberface wins, everyone else dies
Reason why there is so much saberfaces: Igraine is a time traveler and is the absent mother or father of all them, she also had sex with the moon once, the result was Arcueid.
something not safe for work, in the sense that it's about characters breaking every OSHA regulation known to god and man.
The Mod of the kinkmeme gets a hug from their favorite Nasuverse servant, whoever that is! (mod note: just use any servant you've got my blessign)
"Whelp, here it is. Dunno why you came all this way for it, though. Totally useless, what with all the holes. 'Course, suppose it wouldn't be the Holey Grail if it didn't have them!... what's with the face?"
Anybody at all, from anything Nasuverse: "YOU'RE TOO LATE, HOMOPHOBES, I'M FORKLIFT CERTIFIED!"
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'Bedroom Present' The Naegi siblings don't expect the Asahina siblings to be like this in each of their rooms. Aoi shows off her goods for Makoto in his room, while Yuta does the same towards Komaru at her room.
Warning: lewd content below
“Nnnnnngggghhh! Fuck me harder!”
“Could you keep it down? You're not the only one having sex in this house.” Makoto lectured Komaru from the doorway. He propped his arm against the side of it and peaked in at his step-sister being fuck doggy style. Yuta seemed to temporarily panic, but Makoto simply waved him off. He didn't seem to mind Yuta currently balls deep inside of her while they were talking, besides the fact that Komaru herself was moaning like a bitch because of it.
“You're one to talk! I had to deal with you screaming about ‘Hina this’ and ‘Hina that’ for the past hour. We both get one sibling so buzz off.” Komaru complained, throwing her voice comically deeper when appropriate. She wasn't completely wrong however, considering how loud her brother was being while fucking Hina. Everyone in the house could practically tell when he was going to cum based on how loud his moans were (which she found super hot, yet decided to keep her mouth shut about it).
“Yes but I started before you even got home, and stopped when I realized you were home.”
“You're still fucking her though!” Komaru pointed out Hina on her knees behind the door. She could barely be seen, but occasionally Komaru saw her lips around her step-brother's cock.
“I don't know what you're talking about. Now just muffle your mouth please. Or else I'll do it for you.”
“Hmmph!” Komaru pouted before changing her posture. If Makoto was going to tell her to muffle herself she'd muffle herself alright. She grabbed Yuta’s cock with her hands before shoving it into her mouth, bobbing on his cock to gag herself. All the while not breaking eye contact with Makoto, making sure he could see her giving the pettiest blowjob of her life.
“Oh you think you're so-”
“Makoto! Komaru! What's going on here?” Their mother appeared in the hallway, visibly upset.
“Komaru Isn't being quiet!”
“Makoto's isn’t being fair!”
“Really? I thought I raised you both better than that? Act your age when guests come over.” Upset with her children's bickering, the nude mother grabbed her son's arm before practically throwing him on the bed next to Komaru. “Quit bickering and get along, understood?”
‘“Y-yes mom.”’
The MILF seemed proud of herself, before turning to leave. Before she could leave the room she saw the still shocked Hina standing by the entrance. “If you need anything at all darling don't hesitate to ask.” She told her before departing back to the living room to talk to Hina’s father. Though judging by the white liquid between her legs, Hina knew exactly what kinda talk they were having.
“Wow, your mom's super cool.” Hina told Makoto as she jumped on the bed with him. She unzipped her tracksuit to let her huge tits fall out, covering Makoto's dick. Teasingly she planted a kiss on the tip before continuing with a titfuck. “Sucks that she totally chewed you out though.”
“Y-yeah, she's pretty awesome. Though she always takes Komaru’s side in arguments, even when she-MMMPH!” Makoto was cut off by an annoyed Komaru sitting on his face. She rubbed her pussy on him while still sucking on Yuta’s throbbing cock. She temporarily removed her lips from him and turned around to speak to Hina.
“So sorry about my annoying big brother. He seems okay but is secretly a big loser when it comes to stuff like this. Next time you need some dick just ask me and I'll call my dad for you, he seems to like you and your mom a lot.”
Hina laughed at the situation in front of her. What could she say? It was only normal for siblings to fight after all.
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hanako-san · 9 months
Hanako kun killed Tsukasa, but it was ruled a suicide for both of them, so we can't be sure if the parents also died voluntarily after finding the twins dead. They could be already dead or the mother could have gone crazy and decided to commit family suicide by killing her husband and then decided to kill the twins when they got home, failing to kill both of them and accidentally dying, or Tsukasa trying to protect Amane killed her, thus showing your true power. Can you tell me your theory?
Anon-san, it's going to be a lot of chaos, but I hope I can explain it well.
Tsukasa confirmed in Chapter 91 that after Amane's murder, he committed suicide. At least that's what we know so far. I used to think like you, but now I have a different point of view and I'm not sure about anything. Only the matter is more complex and complicated in my opinion. One thing hasn't changed, Anon, is that I have a feeling that the Minamoto family may have had something to do with this tragedy, and I'm thinking about it even before revealing the Minamoto's dirty deeds.
I'm still considering this option. As for Yugi's family itself. I would consider the mother and Tsukasa's relationship. She knew something was wrong with her son, I suspect she was the first to guess, but she didn't get help. After getting no help, the mother pretended she didn't know anything? She pushed Tsukasa away? What were the relations between them? Have they cooled down? How their family suffered? Amane, I also find it odd that he was fixing that clock. Why did he want to control time? for yashiro? although this seems unlikely to me as it is shown that he didn't remember her when she jumped in time, Does it have to do with Tsukasa personally and what was he supposed to choose Amane "You can't have two. Decide" Is it about him and her? Why can't he have them both then. I'd like to be wrong that it was about yashiro. But Tsukasa's last action leaves me in no doubt that it could be. But Amane's reaction in chapter 101 at the beginning shows that there may be more to it. Amane killed Tsukasa and himself, decided to be lost with him, accepted his suffering and redemption and at first he said that he had a really special reason and maybe he learned something? Tsukasa is the most important person in Amane's life, so I believe that killing him would really be for a special reason. Beating him for a short time must have made him think of murder. What must happen that the boy who got a second chance from his brother decided to end it when he wanted to live? This is weird and it must be about something important, really important! Therefore, I am able to agree with the opening words of Amane.
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"Very special reason " Exactly!! Even the reaction on his face, his piercing eyes and sweat show that he was forced to do it and is saw on both Amane as Amane and Amane as Hanako. I think his motivation is similar to what happened to Aoi. Amane agreed to this to save yahsiro's life. I think it was kind of the other way around here, Amane wanted to protect Tsukasa and still does, protecting him like his yorishiros and out of love, but it really would have to be a really serious and special reason to go that far, but as Amane has shown, he's willing to do it for the people he loves. So I believe Amane was forced to take his little brother's life for a very special reason. Amane must have also seen about his brother's connection to the supernatural world. I think so, and repairing this clock is a clue to that for me. if what happened in that house, there were actually '4 people' there, I suspect it's possible that Amane killed Tsuaksa at school, and if at home the newspaper lied and I wouldn't consider it because they were talking about 'suicide' and Tsuaksa was killed. It's possible that the parents killed each other after what happened to their children. I don't rule it out in any way, but I think there were more reasons for it After the sacrifice, Tsukasa talked about the family that is still in this house, I doubt he would talk about his family since he was really surprised that Amane would kill him at the age of 13 and that's why he decided to come back and misses his brother despite everything and that 'they' won't let him go out. Who are 'they' and what really made wishes come true? This power is related to twins. This power comes from God? I don't think God hunted the house where the twins lived and where Tsukasa was imprisoned and which power the twins possess. I believe Amane calls it God because Tsukasa once told him that 'god'' living in his house, but it could actually be something evil and powerful that Tsukasa has in his body and Amane did that thing with it. And if it's really God, what deal did they make? Amane is for following the rules, Tsukasa for breaking them. Even Teru said that the 7 mysteries in the school are very special. The ground is cursed where the school stands, maybe the mysteries have something to stop something bad? Instead of sacrificing the girls, a system was created that was divided between the supernaturals and they share the care of what shouldn't get out or something. I find it strange that the power that the twins have with the thing that lives in the red house. It is possible that the power was taken and divided to weaken the evil that was there.
Parents… They could kill not necessarily together, but separately, for reasons of losing their beloved sons, and something more. It's possible the twins' parents are still at home. It's possible they may have gone insane too. They are Yugi's family, it's possible that they were so close that they couldn't live without each other. I suspect that the parents did not cross to the other side until their last journey, and in the red house, despite the passing years, the soul does not disappear.
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Father of twins or someone else? The house has always been cursed, and it's possible that something has contributed to this family's tragedy as well. It's possible that this family was the first victim of this thing that's been living in this house for years. Tsukasa was years later the first victim to sacrifice for his brother. In every era, someone has to sacrifice themselves and give their lives, whether for the sake of the inhabitants or for the person they love. I truly believe that it wasn't just love that was the cause of this family's suicide and murder, but something much more sinister and dark. Maybe because the father killed himself, and then the mother, unable to bear the fact that she had lost her beloved family, or as I said earlier, went crazy for some reason, not just because of the twins. I also believe that the twins were the main reason the parents decided to commit suicide. It seems to me that despite everything that my mother suspected about Tsukasa and it is not known what their relationship with Tsukasa was after and whether it affected the family, I believe that they still loved each other very much.
There are so few threads on this issue, and so many possibilities for what could have happened. Personally, I'm curious and I'm waiting for AidaIro to reveal it. I hope you understood anyway Anon, my choas on this matter that I have. I also wanted to include the twins because I believe they are the core of this case, and I believe that Tsukasa's murder and Amane's suicide weren't 'just like that'
Edit: I forgot regaining true strength suits Tsukasa, not Amane. It's Tsukasa who has it, it's Tsukasa who was able to kill number 3 on his boundary, it's Tsukasa who is able to move when time is stop. I I would doubt Grandma Minamoto's words I did I don't trust this family. They're so fake and has dirty deeds and teru is the same like them.
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shslskaterboy · 1 year
protagonists for the character questionnaire!
Oh goodness I hope you’re ready for another essay
Makoto my dear boy
Favourite thing? He’s the most some guy ever. Just a little creature. He’s so relatable because who among us hasn’t been in a situation where we feel wildly outclassed and surrounded by people who are cooler and more talented than us? Despite everything he just keeps going, what a legend
Least favourite is people who are wrong about him. How does anyone play that game and say he’s a nothing character? I just don’t get it, stop disrespecting my son
Honestly he’s got way more excellent lines than people give him credit for, but my favourite has to be “I always choose meat over veggies because I’m still in my teens… my meat teens.” Like WHAT are you talking about king I love it
Brotp probably him and Aoi. It’s the positivity besties
Otp is Naegiri. There’s just so much mutual respect between them and the story does a great job of writing them together that I can’t help but love him
Notp is probably just him with anyone that’s not kirigiri, or togami really. Whilst I personally hc Byakuya as aroace I do get why people ship naegami and I do think it’s kinda hilarious
I hc that him and Komaru are besties. Absolutely attached at the hip. They hang out all the time and he loves doing stuff with her, and is so so excited to introduce her to his new friends
The song I associate with him most is Fireflies by Owl City
Favourite art of him is the one where he’s tripping and his shoe just flies the fuck off. What a silly little man I love him
Hajime my beloved (I’m gonna be normal I swear)
To put it as succinctly as possible, he is just my favourite type of guy. He’s such a bitch, he’s so snarky about everything, he’s simultaneously the smartest and dumbest person in any given room, and he actually cares very deeply for things but he won’t readily admit to it. He’s got one of the more interesting arcs to me and in general I find him very relatable. He’s the best, my favourite protagonist probably
Least favourite is maybe less about him and more about Izuru Kamukura, and that is how underused he was. Obviously this is an opinion many people know about me, but it bears repeating because the concept of Kamukura was SO COOL and they barely even touched it and I’m mad about it every single day
Another guy that has so many good lines, but I think my favourite is “I thought I’d finally become someone I could be proud of, not some fucking backup student.” It just hits me so hard every time
Brotp probably him and Fuyuhiko or him and Impostor. I just think those three are the ones in the group with the highest sense of responsibility and they are the tired parents of this silly goofy pack of weirdos
Otp. It’s Komahina. Everyone knows this about me and I will refrain from writing an entire essay about why but suffice it to say. They are prefect
Notp is really anyone who’s not Komaeda, but specifically Nanami and Tsumiki are big on the No list for me
I have so many headcanons that my adhd brain can’t even begin to process them in a cohesive way, so I’ll just say that emo-punk autistic Hinata is my absolute beloved. Also man’s definitely has an anxiety disorder. And nooooo I’m definitely not projecting why do you ask
Unpopular opinion (so far the only character I’ve had one for) is that he’s not bi, he’s just gay. And look I love headcanoning every character ever as bi (again tooooootally not projecting) but whenever I replay/rewatch the game I see him being so gay about the men and being so uninterested in the girls (excepted for the super-forced hinanami stuff that I ignore)
I have sooooo many songs so I had to think about this a lot but I think I’m gonna say the best Hinata song is Life Less Frightening by Rise Against
Every image is the best image of him but specifically this one is so good
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He’s fucking tired of this shit and he wants to be done with this despair nonsense and I love him for it
Shuichi Saihara, whom I am also normal about
It’s so hard to pinpoint why I love Saihara so much, but I think part of it is the fact that underneath his anxious exterior, he is actually very snarky. I’m always a slut for the sarcastic characters and I like the he is that as well as being generally polite to his classmates. He cares deeply and has a tendency to overthink things (totally not relatable) and I just need to give this poor man a HUG
Least favourite thing is how he interacts with Ouma in the canon outside of ftes. A good example of this being when he finds Ouma bleeding from the head on the floor and doesn’t seem to show any actual concern for him, which seems very out of character to me. I just think there was a lot more they could’ve done to build a connection between protag and antag that would’ve served to make the story more interesting, much the way the relationship between Hinata and Komaeda does
Short and sweet, my favourite Saihara line is simply “I refuse.” I am a big supporter of the idea that Shuichi should’ve been allowed to go a little crazy in chapter 6, and his whole telling off hope and despair speech was very fun. He really went “fuck you and your stupid game” and I just love it
Brotp has gotta be Kaito and Maki. I love the training trio and I think they have a great dynamic
Otp is saiouma. And yes I know I just raised a complaint about their lacklustre interactions in the game, but hey, canon can’t hurt me if I don’t look. There is a lot of potential for excellent character dynamics and that’s what I’m gonna focus on
Notp is saimatsu. Sorry anyone who likes them but it’s so comphet to me. Again, that is a gay boy and a lesbian, not a romantic couple
I hc that he really likes singing. Not to a professional degree or anything, but he does it while he works and it serves as a calming vocal stim for him. His voice is definitely very soft and sweet, which doesn’t lend itself well to his preferred genre of music (my sweet sweet emo boy) but that doesn’t stop him from trying
Again, so many songs I could choose from, but I will go with Swing Life Away by Rise Against because he’s just my sweet guy, my love, my boy
And once more, every image of Shuichi is my favourite, but I very specifically love his Serious Face sprite
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I guess the takeaway is I like it when the protags get serious and start to shut shit down
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