#(Mother's Home: IC Post)
softquietsteadylove · 6 months
Hey could I ask for a Thenamesh human au were Thena is raising her little sisters (Sersi and Sprite) after their parents die and Gilgamesh is her co-worker who finds her having a mini breakdown and comforts her? Kinda slow burn-ish and no smut if possible
Thena pressed even harder on her eyebrows, sure she would get bruises from it. Maybe then she might actually get medical clearance for time off. "It's fine."
"I didn't mean-"
"It's fine!" she snapped at him again, shifting to swipe at the corners of her eyes and wipe the tears onto her fingertips and then on the sleeves of her cardigan. "I was just...looking for something."
But all she heard was the door shutting gently.
Thena sighed, picking her head up and looking around the shelves. All that was in here was extra paper and printer ink. "Gil, I'm fine."
Gil was sweet, if a little too sweet. He went out of his way for people, which their firm really discouraged. But he was going into family law, which was easy to tell from the 'everything' about him.
"Yeah, I just, uh," she heard him shuffle around before finally turning to glare at him. Her glower was usually strong enough to scare away anyone else. He pointed at the shelf of toner. "Printer."
She closed her eyes, feeling the throbbing in her head from her coffee and the twitch in her eyes from her need for sleep. But they had a lot of contracts to examine, and Sersi was in the middle of the soccer season, which meant she didn't even get home until 6, which pushed dinner to 7 and that said nothing about homework and getting Sprite to bed at a decent hour.
"Um," Gilgamesh gulped, tugging at the suit he was wearing. It was standard attire for the firm, of course, but she always imagined he had a hard time finding suits to really fit him. Perhaps he needed shirts and Jackets in one fitting and trousers in a smaller one. "How was Sersi's game?"
She whipped her head up at him, and she must have looked ready for murder by the way he flinched. "What?"
He went stiff as a board, practically pressing his back to the door. "S-Sersi--your sister, you said she had a soccer game on friday. H-How did it go...if that's okay."
Right, friday; she had rushed home from work, still with half a day's work to complete, picked up Sprite, gotten her not to gripe all through grocery shopping, bundled her up for Sersi's game, which was a loss, and it was a hard loss, and Sersi got a few scrapes and bruises, so then they were both a little cranky for the start of the weekend, and of course that meant she didn't actually get any work done-
She blinked, feeling as if she had gone somewhere else entirely. This was getting ridiculous. She just needed coffee, she reasoned. Even more coffee. She shook her head.
"Hey," he whispered, not moving from the door to let her out, despite her moving closer. "Are you okay? I know you're...I know you've got a lot on your plate."
A lot on her plate? She had that already with this job and the beginnings of her career. Her student debt alone would be more than a full plate.
That was before handling a joint funeral, and counselling for her sisters, and getting them back to school, and a full year of them not being themselves. And then, when they finally seem to be getting better, both of them start having the worst time with school in their lives.
Or maybe their mother was just better at dealing with it than Thena could say for herself. And while their father wasn't exactly her favourite person, let alone parent, her first year of filing her taxes with two dependants was enough for her to look into a decent accountant for this year.
"Listen, I know you've got this under control," Gil continued, visibly worried about saying the wrong thing. "I know you're tougher than I could ever imagine."
She really didn't know about that.
"But if you need--I mean, if you ever want a hand with anything, or even just logistics, or carpooling or something," he suggested, losing confidence with every new idea. His massive shoulders drooped and he gave her those big, sad puppy dog eyes that always got him the best desk and the best cases and the best lunch, "just let me know, y'know?"
Thena gulped. Heat rose up in her as the horror of her tears resurfaced. She was done crying. It was the middle of the work day. She didn't have time for this. This had never been an issue before.
Can we have lasagne?
Just that simple text from Sprite had set her off. Because Sprite loved lasagne--she loved their mother's lasagne. And for an entire year Sprite couldn't even stand hearing the word, let alone the sight of it. And to have her ask for it, when they all knew that Thena was somehow the worst cook of all three of them.
Gil blinked as Thena dropped her head, squeezing her eyes shut and pressing her hand over her eyebrows again. His hands hovered around her, never crossing the last few inches of boundary she held.
Thena was just as shocked as she leaned froward and her forehead met something firm. But she couldn't choke it all back, a squeak escaping her as her tears dropped to the musty old storage closet carpet below.
"Hey," he whispered soothingly. Of course the bastard was great at comforting people too. Why wouldn't he be? Why wouldn't he be so completely perfect? "It'll be okay."
She usually hated when people spoke so certainly. Because what did they know? What assurance did they have? But Gil meant well. He only ever meant well. Her breathing slowed and she realised she was truly letting him embrace her. What an unfortunate turn this had taken. But he was warm, and he smelled nice. And it felt nice when he rubbed her back.
Gil let her pull away, not making a grand affair out of the whole thing. He brushed away a few more tears of hers, "you okay?"
She nodded. She was far, far from it. But she could probably get through the rest of the work day without humiliating herself further. Her throat felt dry as a bone. "Thank you."
Gil tilted his head at her. He did give off the first impression that he would be some meathead, into his own looks and loud and brash and hypermasculine. But he was kind, he was considerate of others and his good nature only made him more sensitive to those around him. "I mean it, Thena, if there's anything you need at all."
He was one of only a few who even knew about her sisters. She didn't really go around announcing her past, and she wasn't one for keeping precious personal keepsakes on her desk either. But Gil had once seen her phone light up with a notification and asked who the girls on her lockscreen were.
And as much as she could have told him to mind his own business - and he would have, knowing him - it seemed worse to ignore it. So she had told him about her sisters, and how she had basically acquired them as children, as far as the state was concerned.
The biggest advantage to Gilgamesh knowing about her duties outside the office was that he was her biggest defender whenever she couldn't make events outside of work. Of course a lot of deals happened out of the office as well as in, and being able to seal those deals came with the job. But Gil always had an excuse ready for her when she couldn't join them for drinks after work, or make a round of golf or two on sunday morning.
He smiled as she finally picked her head up. "There she is."
She chose to ignore that. She sniffled, dabbing at her eyes again. If anyone asked her if she was okay once she stepped out of this closet, she might commit an act worthy of termination. "Thanks."
"Any time," he shrugged. He still didn't leave. "I saw you get up from your desk. I thought-"
Silence came over him, perhaps at the admission that he had all but followed her here. Any other coworker and she would have her keys in her hand and a knife with his car's name on it. But only Gilgamesh could say something like that and have it be just as innocent as he meant it.
"Sorry," he concluded, having discouraged himself yet again. He blushed.
She truly was a bitch of epic proportions to inspire this level of fear from the sweetest man alive, she gathered. Usually that wasn't a problem, of course, but just this once: it was undeserved. "That's nice of you, Gil."
That seemed to surprise him even more than walking in on her crying in the closet.
She finally reached for the doorknob, and Gil nearly leapt out of her way. She headed back to her desk, with the same papers in hand as when she had first gone in. At least at her desk, she could take a breath. Her computer was still open on emails, she set the papers beside her.
Of course
She replied to Sprite, although if she got more texts she was just going to tell her not to text in class.
If her sister wanted lasagne, then she would find a way to make it happen. Affection was not her most polished skill, but love needed no polishing. If her baby sister wanted lasagne, she would have it.
If only she weren't a horrendously bad cook.
Sersi was decent, but she only ever let her help when Sersi herself seemed eager to do so, and that was usually on weekends. And Ajak was an excellent cook. Her handwritten recipes alone would not help Thena actually produce the promised product.
Thena picked up her phone again. She scrolled until she could select the contact in her phone. Perhaps it was silly to text him when his desk was in sight of hers. She was just in a closet with the man. But she selected his name and typed.
Can you make lasagne?
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cxnsolatio · 2 years
✚✚✚  nami  —  @chatcambrioleur​
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“I've always been intrigued by your tattoos." Intriguing, yes, he could see why his tattoos would be so. But worthy of a compliment? What an odd thing to entertain, he thought, not to admire someone for the aesthetic impressiveness of their form or texture, characteristics either effortlessly passed down via blessed genes or otherwise acquired through physical work and resilience, or perhaps upon the nip and tuck routine of a plastic surgeon's scalpel. All three options were things of beauty in his mind — genetic reproduction, conscient metamorphosis and surgery. Not that Law ignored the ornamental role ink played in his and every other body, and even less likely was he to underestimate cultural connections tied to such a practice. But certainly Nami would agree there were other motifs more deserving of her admiring eye, if not of her knowing interest. Less abstract strokes shifting into the faces of men, the bodies of beasts, flowers and ocean waves, all bursting with the colour of ancient dyes. 
Law's tattoos were plain by contrast, though competent in the artistic department: smooth strokes pigmented a rich black, laid down with the sureness of an experienced hand, each side of his body mirrored with a skill that could be trained but never fully optimised, if the most mathematical eyesight were amiss. A compliment, then, not to Law's tattooed skin, but to their artisan, one who had known to bring his design forth with masterful efficiency.
Hearing Nami's question, Law instinctively took a glance over his hands as if in need of a refresher of how they looked. Not too silly, considering a man might spend so much time lost in abstractions of past and future alike and forget his present self, and how this self presented before the world. At her gesture did the splayed out fingers flex, the contraction forcing him to read the twice written word upside down, and recall on the stories he knew so well — his own; his loved one's. One per letter. One per finger. One per scar turned word. A warning or a reminder? Memento mori wasted neither purpose. This was Law’s own consolatio, etched onto himself. 
Nami had gotten it all wrong, and how could she not, when the matter was complex even to he who knew it better than anyone else? Although Law did not feel like discoursing about his motives — for it was all very well to wear an inked heart of tribal manner over his torso, but to de facto spill out his figurative heart was something altogether much more intimate than the nakedness he exhibited 'neath fabrics of dark blue and canary yellow — he could at least spare her one sincere answer and lift the tip of the veil hiding mystery behind the noun death. Only those who crossed the gates did ever lift it.
❝ So many questions you could ask me, yet this is the one you go with? ❞ Law's eyebrows came together in bemused expression, but secretly behind the frown he couldn't help a little amusement. ❝ It's the ancient chicken and the egg conundrum, is it not? Did the Surgeon of Death embrace his title to the point he had decided to give it material permanence, forever staining his fingers? Or was the tattooing of his digits but a gimmick, part of an elaborate stunt to turn him into a headliner among his peers? ❞ Law scoffed. 
He had vultured around Nami no less than two, perhaps three times while he talked, languid steps accompanying the lull of his voice. He did like the sound of it when it oozed with sarcasm and wit of varying degrees, and he enjoyed a good metaphor as well. He liked eggs, too. Playing the necrophage was second nature to him. These were, however, his only avian traits. In movement and sense of personal hygiene, Law resembled a feline the most, what with the weightlessness of his steps, the fluidity of his movements, and the underlying grace there was to them.
‘Sincere’ and ‘straightforward’ are words not synonymous with each other. Nami would get her sincere answer, all right, but all in good time. Which is to say, whenever he thought it due and pertinent to make known. What made Straw Hat's navigator so special that she would not dangle from the same strings he spun around everyone else?
❝ Won't you venture a guess? ❞ Law asked in jest, half decided to protest it wrong, no matter what Nami might answer. He had no reason to lie, but he did have a good one to keep the truth hidden and undisturbed: fun. 
There would be none of it with Straw Hat — the nincompoop would shove a rubberised finger up his nostril to drill it down with gusto, and in a small voice complain his friend 'Traffy' was talking stupid, asking boring things, pestering him to think for a difference. His navigator, however, might partake in a little tête-à-tête, make use of the wits she no doubt possessed. (They could not all be imbeciles.) Who knows, perchance she would find him smart with his riddles. Mayhap find Law charming for it, though that was too hopeful a fancy.
Law then pretended to think, as if presented with a vexing dilemma. His lips cast downwards in a sort of pout that was most unbecoming of his reputation and the serious demeanour he worked to cultivate, while his thumb brushed short strokes against the curve of his chin. ❝ Now, how should we address this matter? Noli turbare circulos meos! ❞ He flung his hands up as if flabbergasted by some interruption, the painted words disappearing with the motion, open and rugged palms in lieu of them. A faint smell of tobcacco wafted off of them, mostly gone by the aseptic curation of his hands. This was how he imagined Archimedes had protested in the apocryphal fable, and very much how he would react should his research be disturbed by any monkey business.
❝ Philosophers love their perfect circles too much; they won't do us much good in finding a solution. Do they ever? ❞ He hoped Nami would agree, for how could she not, when his argument was so factual? If she ever wished to will away her time discussing philosophy and faith and Russian literature, Law would be happy to oblige. Sincerely so. ❝ Biologically, however, it's hardly an enigma: it’s the ovum that came first, of course. ❞ 
He eyed Nami in so enamored a way she might think him to be teasing her, a misunderstanding he would not bother to clear up. It was knowledge he was enamored with: seek, commit, teach and repeat. Beneath eyes that glinted with such fondness, albeit of the kind that is tampered with mischief, Law smirked victorious. He was right. How delightful that he could shove that in Nami's face, not that she had ever bargained for a lecture. Her question had been rather closed. 
❝ Thus, the egg predates the chicken. ❞ He neared his face of Nami's with the intention of looking darker in the brightness of his intellect, hoping to intimidate her further; made her uncomfortable with his hot breath so close to her nose. Law had stopped smiling, his countenance more neutral than frightening. ❝ Do you understand what I am saying, Nami? Tattoos first, then the title. ❞
Surgeon of Death. What a foolish sobriquet. Hardly imaginative, but observant. One, Law was a surgeon. Two, among himself and his effects the word death abounded. A little credit where it was due, the epithet did fashion him a remarkable pirate of children's tales, made him sound cooler and crueller than what he really was, and that was nothing for a criminal to be ashamed of.
Law made a notice of the tattoo on Nami's shoulder, the design foreign to him. ❝ I see no cat. ❞ An obversation punctuated with a flourish of his sheathed sword in her general direction. ❝ Let alone a burglar. ❞ Law's lips scrunched up together as he drew his thumb under them in his best pose of artistic survey. He could see a flower of some sort. Perhaps a sunflower, but then again, he happened to be partial to this botanical species. Her moniker did not seem connected to her tattoo.
❝ So what of it? ❞ He asked with his head cocked to the side, equally interested in continuing their chat and unattentive to whatever she might utter in response, at least in appearance, as though what he could glimpse behind Nami's shoulder was more worthy of his keen eye. Poppycock, of course. No man could ever ignore such a voluptuous presence and unfairly exchange it for nothing. ❝ Does the name reflect a career you chose or one you took up after the government's marketing department decided you had the face of someone who trespasses into private property for a living? ❞
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Cregan Stark x Targaryen Reader (Rhaenyra’s daughter)
Instead of Jace meeting Cregan to get his alliance — what if it’s the reader. And when Cregan meets her he’s attracted to her and instead of just remembering his allegiance towards them, he purposes a wedding instead? Like he’s willing to help more to the Black’s IF he’s allowed to wed her daughter. 😏 Definitely just a rough ask so feel free to add or change anything!
It's been a long time coming... I have received so many request for this one! I picked little things from each and turned it into a slightly bigger fic. Reader is Velaryon, and Jacaerys' twin sister. I will be turning this into a small series as the story is getting too big and heavy in content for one post
Title (for ao3): The Pact of ice and fire
Warnings: mention of character deaths (spoilers), political marriage,
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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Dragons are faster than ravens, so Rhaenyra sent her children on dragonback to raise support for her claim to the throne. Lucerys went to Storm’s End, Jacaerys to the Vale and you flew North to Winterfell. 
Lord Cregan Stark welcomed you into his home and offered you a seat at supper — and a chamber for the night. Dragonstone was a long way to Winterefell, your stomach was grateful for a hot meal. 
While you were eating, you informed the northman of the usurper sitting on the Iron Throne — your mother's throne — and how a war to take it back was about to begin. You didn’t forget to kindly remind him of his father’s oath to your grandsire. Starks were known for being just and honorable. 
‘’Starks do not forget their oaths, Princess,’’ Lord Stark said between two bites of mutton stew. ‘’My father made an oath to King Viserys twenty years ago, and I shall honor this oath. But winter is coming. I cannot promise the Queen my men — I need them at the Wall.’’
‘’Whilst your men guard against wildlings and weather, the Hightowers plan to usurp the throne. If my mother is to defend her claim, to hold the realm united, she needs an army. War is coming to the whole of the realm, my Lord. We cannot wage it without the support of the North.’’
Cregan took a long sip of his wine, thinking as he drank, then set his cup down. ‘’I have thousands of graybeards who have already seen too many winters.’’
Graybeards? You frowned, trying to understand. Did he mean old men? 
‘’No offense, Lord Stark, but I cannot accept—’’ 
‘’They are well-honed,’’ he reassured with a soft chuckle, sensing your concern. ‘’They are not that old, Princess. I can ready them to march at once.’’
‘’If your graybeards can fight, the Queen will have them,’’ you replied with a smile, reaching for your fork to take a bite. You preferred duck over mutton, but was polite enough to eat what was given to you. 
‘’What do I get of this arrangement?’’ 
A frown drew between your eyebrows. ‘’Excuse me?’’
Cregan cleared his throat, then reformulated his question. ‘’If I give the Queen some of my men, what do I get in return?’’
You considered quickly. ‘’I can send a dragon to protect Winterfell—’’
‘’Winterfell is safe from the Hightowers, Princess. I doubt they will march the three month journey to the North to attack us. It would serve them nothing. And if they did, they would not be able to trespass our gate.’’
‘’Then, what do you want, Lord Stark?’’ 
He turned to you, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. ‘’A wife. I would be more inclined to help your mother’s cause if she offered me her delightful daughter.’’
You were caught off guard by Cregan’s demand. While you clearly understood his proposal, the realization of it was slow to dawn on you. For a moment, your mouth opened, before swiftly closing it again, lost for words.
When you overcame your own disbelief, you looked to the man beside you with suspicion. ‘’I am flattered, but I am not looking for a husband. I plan to fight for my mother’s throne, not stay behind and grow heirs for a lord.’’ 
‘’Who said anything about an heir? I am in no rush to step down as Lord of Winterfell. From your perspective, you see only disadvantages, but an alliance by marriage between two highborns would be strategically advantageous. Family is very important for Starks. If we were to wed, we could stand together. I will follow you to war, I will fight for your mother.’’
The dining hall fell into a long, contemplative silence as you considered Cregan’s proposal. You had come north to gain the support of the Northerners, not to find a husband. But an alliance with the Starks would be quite powerful, and perhaps Lord Stark had a point. A Stark and a Targaryen. A wolf and a dragon. Such a marriage had never happened before. 
And you wouldn't be displeased to have him as a husband. The Warden of the North was undeniably handsome. He had this rugged charm about him, with piercing gray eyes. You would not mind warming his bed. 
‘’Would I be required to reside to Winterfell?’’ 
Leaving your family during a time of war was not something you wanted.
‘’Not immediately, but eventually. It is the seat of House Stark, Princess. I would expect my wife, the Lady of Winterfell, to live there,’’ Cregan explained, his gray eyes fixed on yours, his expression serious. ‘’But we could make some arrangements to allow you to remain in the South until the war is over. Would that suit you?"
After treating with Cregan, you made the journey back to Dragonstone to bring the Queen good news. The northern Lord seemed disappointed to watch you leave, having taken a liking to your company in the few hours you spent together, but you promised to return in a fortnight. He kissed your hand before you mounted on Seasmoke, and watched you take the sky. 
You landed on Dragonstone as the day was turning into night. A knight of the Queensguard took you to your mother’s chambers where horrible news was waiting for you. 
You crumbled into your mother’s arms as the words left her lips, feeling your heart breaking into pieces. As twins, you and Jacaerys had a special bond. But you always felt protective of Luke. You would climb into his baby crib when he was crying at night and sing to him until he fell asleep. 
When you left her chambers, you visited the children’s. Aegon and Viserys were with the nanny, but Joffrey was sitting on the floor, holding a horse toy Luke had handed down to him. A sob escaped your lips, getting the little boy’s attention, and he ran over to you. You hugged him tightly. He was sad and confused, too young to understand death. 
The days that followed, you were not allowed to leave the castle. During a small council meeting, you had voiced your desire to get on your dragon and go to King’s Landing to burn Aemond Targaryen to a crisp. Jacaerys was on your side, wanting revenge for Luke, but your mother had shut the idea down quickly and forbade the two of you to leave castle ground. 
Alone in the library, you were reading about dragons to make up for not being allowed to ride your own. Unfortunately, the feeling was not the same. Seasmoke, who you had claimed after your father’s death, missed you. You could see him calling for you and flying over the bay from your chamber’s window. 
You sighed and flipped the page of your book, daydreaming of the wind hitting your face and the thrill of flying. 
A voice pulled you out of your head.
‘’A raven arrived from Winterfell, Princess. A message to you from Lord Stark,’’ Maester Gerardys said.
The maester handed you a piece of rolled parchemin, sealed with the Stark sigil. You thanked him, and he left, giving you privacy. You drew your eyebrows together, not expecting anything from Cregan. Did he wish to revoke his proposal? 
Dear Princess,
I have learned of the tragic loss of your brother, Lucerys. I offer you my deepest condolences in this dark hour. Losing a brother is a pain I know myself. Winterfell stands with you in your grief. May the gods give him rest. 
With deepest sympathy,
— Lord Cregan Stark
Following the murder of Prince Jaehaerys, the Greens had sent ravens throughout the realm claiming Rhaenyra had ordered the death of the little child in revenge for Lucerys — a son for a son. The accusation was absurd. Your mother would never order the murder of a child, or inflige this kind of pain to an innocent like Helaena. 
When night fell, Dragonstone was attacked. Ser Arryk infiltrated the island by passing for his brother, Ser Erryk, and came to the Queen’s chambers, attempting to slay her in her bed. Thankfully, Mysaria noticed the wrong brother making his way to the castle and alerted the guards, saving Rhaenyra’s life. 
‘’Thank you, Elinda,’’ Rhaenyra said as she poured tea to help her calm down. 
After hearing commotion in the corridors, you had asked one of the knights what happened and rushed to the master chambers to check on your mother. She was a little shaken after witnessing the Cargyll twins dueling and dying before her eyes. 
‘’Where was Daemon?’’ you asked, sitting across from her on the couch. 
She shrugged, not knowing. ‘’Harrenhal, I assume.’’ She took a sip of her tea, her hands slightly shaking. ‘’He has been talking of raising an army there.’’
‘’He should have been here—’’
‘’Daemon is following his own path.’’ 
You understood her words as closure to the conversation and respected her desire. 
Come morning, Dragonstone was deemed no longer safe for children. By the Queen’s command, Rhaena embarked a ship with your little brothers, their dragons, and dragon eggs to Pentos. Saying goodbye to your brothers — and half-sister — was sad, but they were too exposed on Dragonstone. 
‘’Releasing your anger through your sword is going to get you killed. Have you learned this tactic through Daemon?’’ you asked Jacaerys, his sword clinked loudly against yours as you trained on the beach. 
You took a quick step to the side, your movements fluid and graceful. 
Jacaerys grunted, adjusting his stance, and swung his sword again, aiming for your side. You blocked the attack with ease, your eyes never leaving his. ‘’How can I not be angry? The walls of Dragonstone have been infiltrated by the enemy, yet she refuses to attack.’’ He let out a frustrated sigh, his movements growing more aggressive.
‘’Because her war strategies are passive doesn’t mean she is doing the wrong thing. Do you remember when we wanted to go to King’s Landing and kill Aemond ourselves? We were angry and hurting, it was impulsive and foolish.’’ 
At the time, it seemed a brilliant idea, but with Vhagar patrolling over King’s Landing, she would have attacked the both of you before you could get to Aemond. Your mother was hurting so much from losing Lucerys, she would not have bore losing two more. 
Jacaerys swung his sword again, this time with greater force. ‘’It would have been justice.’’
‘’It would have been death.’’ 
Training came to an abrupt end, leaving Jacaerys to himself on the beach. You didn’t want to argue with him. He was usually the rational one between you, but going to King’s Landing to kill Aemond was a stupid idea. 
You were directed to the great hall by one of the guards as soon as you stepped inside. The Queen wanted to speak to you. 
She was standing at the head of the painted table with a piece of parchment before her. ‘’A raven came from Lord Staunton informing us that Ser Criston's army has burned his fields and livestock. Supplies in Rook's Rest are beginning to run low and he requests assistance. I want you to change into your riding gear. You and Rhaenys will be going to Rook’s Rest.’’ 
Excitement bubbled in your stomach. It was the first time she was sending you on a mission since Luke’s death. 
‘’Yes, Mother— Your Grace,’’ you quickly corrected. 
Rhaenyra smiled at your slip-up. ‘’Be safe. Listen to your instinct. Turn back if anything feels wrong. It’s okay to retreat.’’
The journey to Rook’s Rest was relatively short. When you got there, arrows were flying from both armies. The Green’s was larger, but Lord Staunton’s garrison did not back down. 
‘’Dragon!’’ one of the Green knights called out, catching sight of Meleys coming into view. 
Ser Criston’s archers shot arrows and scorpions fire at Meleys. The dragon was largely unharmed by their attacks, and responded by burning Criston's soldiers with dragonfire. Their screams echoed through the air, a chilling reminder of the chaos below. You tried not to let it get to your head that humans were being burned alive. They were Greens soldiers.
Coming right behind Rhaenys, Seasmoke roared, and burned more of  Ser Criston’s soldiers. A small part of you was praying to catch the man himself and turn him into ashes. It would be an amusing story to tell Jacaerys and Baela when you return. 
You clung to the saddle on Seasmoke's back as you scanned the battlefield from above, searching for any sign of Criston Cole. The heat from the dragonfire was intense, and the smell of burning flesh filled the air. 
Your search was interrupted by a deafening roar coming from behind and filling the sky. You looked up to see Sunfyre, its golden scales glinting in the sunlight, joining the battlefield with Aegon atop him.
It was expected. The Greens would have been fools to come to battle with at least one dragon.
Rhaenys turned her head toward Sunfyre, having heard his roar, and came to meet him with her claws and teeth. 
The two dragons clashed in mid-air, their roars echoing across the battlefield. Meleys' scarlet scales flashed as she attacked, her claws slashing at Sunfyre's underbelly. Sunfyre responded with a blast of dragonfire, which Meleys narrowly dodged. 
You flew to Rhaenys’ aid. Although Sunfyre was slightly larger than Seasmoke, your dragon had battle experience from when your father was his rider. They participated in the war for the Stepstones together. 
Before you could get to them, another loud noise came from the forest — Vhagar. The massive dragon's roar sent chills down your spine as she emerged from the treeline, her vast wings unfurling. With Aemond atop her, Vhagar soared into the sky, heading straight for the battle.
Seeing them sent rage in your blood. They took your brother from you. 
You wanted to take them down, to kill them both to avenge Lucerys, but you knew Seasmoke would never win against Vhagar. 
Rhaenys glanced back, seeing the new threat approaching, but she didn’t let go of Sunfyre. She was determined to not let them go unscattered from this battle. 
You finally joined them, commanding Seasmoke to bite Sunfyre’s wing. Sunfyre cried out in pain as Seasmoke's jaws clamped down, and Meleys continued to claw at him relentlessly. The combined assault overwhelmed Sunfyre, and his injuries soon became too severe. With a final, agonized roar, Sunfyre began to crash toward the ground, Aegon clinging desperately to his back.
As you and Rhaenys watched Sunfyre and Aegon freefall and crash into the forest with a loud thump, Vhagar, taking Rhaenys by surprise, came from the other side and clamped her massive jaws around Meleys’s neck. The force of the attack was brutal, and Meleys roared in agony as Vhagar’s powerful grip tightened.
‘’No!’’ you screamed, knowing this bite would be fatal for the dragon. 
Life left the red dragon’s eyes, giving one last glance at her rider as they freefell from the sky together, leaving only you and Aemond standing. He looked at you with a smug winning smile on his face, having taken another member of the Blacks down. 
You could have continued this battle, but your mother’s words echoed in your head. It’s okay to retreat. 
With teary eyes, you commanded Seasmoke to turn around and return to Dragonstone, leaving behind the Queen Who Never Was. 
You felt like a failure after your first battle. Rook’s Rest had fallen into ashes, Rheanys was dead, and you lost a dragon. Your mother had been right, sending her inexperienced children to war was a terrible idea. 
Still in shock from the battle, you stepped into your mother’s chambers, tears streaming down your face. ‘’I’m sorry, Your Grace. I failed.’’
Guilt gnawed at you since you had returned from Rook’s Rest. Rhaenyra said it was not your fault, but you should not have let yourself be distracted when Vhagar was still standing. Rhaenys died because of your mistake. 
A knock at your door raised your attention. 
The door opened, revealing your mother who came to check on you. She may be Queen, but she’ll never stop taking care of her children. Ser Steffon closed the door behind Rhaenyra, and waited outside your chambers. Since Ser Arryk infiltrated the castle, a knight of the Queensguard was always accompanying her.
She took a seat next to you on the edge of the bed, looking stunning in a blue dress. The color was unusual on her, preferring shades of red and black. 
‘’How is Lord Corlys? And Baela?’’ you asked, fidgeting with your fingers. 
You wanted to be the one bringing the regretful news of Rhaenys’ death to her husband, but your mother didn’t allow you. Although Lord Corlys had shown kindness to your family and that losses were inevitable in a war, he would not hesitate to put the blame on Rhaenyra for sending his wife to her death. 
Your mother regarded you with a mixture of concern and sadness. ‘’Lord Corlys is devastated, and so is Baela.’’ She observed the guilt in your expression and the tension in your body. ‘’You mustn't blame yourself for what happened,’’ she said, her voice gentle and loving. ‘’But it is not the matter I came here to discuss. I want to discuss my succession. If my end comes during this war, Jacaerys will ascend and take my crown, as intended. But if anything were to happen to Jace, I want you to take my crown.’’
The thought of something happening to your mother terrified you. But losing your twin brother, your other half, made you nauseous. 
You nodded. ‘’I will, Your Grace. But nothing will happen to Jace. We will protect each other—’’ 
‘’By making you the spare heir, you will be targeted, so I want you to take Seasmoke and stay at Winterfell,’’ she interrupted, her tone resolute. ‘’Lord Cregan Stark will ensure your protection.’’ 
You were taken aback by your mother’s declaration. You felt a pang of hurt and confusion. How could she send you away? She already lost two dragons, and Daemon was in Harrenhal. You going North would subtract another, leaving her defenses with only three dragons.  
‘’I do not wish to hide, I want to stay here! I am an asset to your sleeve, you need me on Dragonstone. I may not be at my best right now, but I am not a fragile daughter. I will go into battle again. Please, do not send me away,’’ you said, your voice cracking with emotion.
Rhaenyra took a difficult breath, her heart aching at your anguished plea. She understood your anger and frustration, having once been brushed aside due to being a daughter. But she never saw you as less than a boy. You always trained with your brothers and often had the upper hand when dueling with Jace. She was doing this to ensure the survival of her succession and the protection of the realm.  
‘’It is not a sign of weakness to hide. It is a sign of strength to know when to pick your battles.’’ Your mother took your hands in hers, her eyes brimming with tears. ‘’I speak the truth when I say the last thing I want is to be separated from you, but I cannot risk you getting captured. I can’t risk the Greens getting their hands on you.’’
No raven had been sent to Lord Stark to inform him of your arrival to Winterfell. You could not risk revealing your position were the message to fall into the wrong hands. So when Cregan heard from his men that a dragon had been seen flying over the northern villages, he was confused. 
With a loud thump, you landed outside the courtyard and dismounted Seasmoke. Guards bowed their heads as you walked to the gates of Winterfell, seeing the sigil of House Targaryen on your clothes. They escorted you into the castle as whispers of your arrival began to spread amongst the court, leading you to the council chamber where Cregan was occupied with matters from the Wall.
‘’I will inform Lord Stark of your arrival,’’ one of the guards said. 
You gave him a nod and waited in the corridor.
Normally, no one disturbed him during council meetings, but you insisted that the matter was urgent. With a nod, Cregan dismissed his council and instructed the guard to bring you in.
The men filed out of the chamber as you stepped in, dressed in your riding gear and flakes of snow sprinkled on your braid. Cregan stood from his seat at the end of the table, his towering figure casting a shadow against the cold stone of the chamber. 
‘’Pardon me for not welcoming you myself, Princess. Your presence here is unexpected.’’ His eyes fell on the bag on your shoulder, holding personal effects, raising his curiosity. ‘’But always welcomed,’’ he added, not wanting to give you the wrong impression.
You gave him a small smile. ‘’Thank you, Lord Stark. I apologize for my unannounced presence. Sending a raven was just not a possibility; actions had to be taken rapidly and in the utmost secrecy.’’ 
A frown formed between Cregan's eyebrows. Seeing you walk through his doors unannounced could only mean something serious had happened. You wouldn't come all the way to Winterfell unless it was necessary. 
He then gestured to a seat at the table, motioning for you to sit down. 
You tried to not make a scraping sound with the chair as you pulled it, and sat down across the taller chair. Cregan joined you, his gray eyes looking at you, waiting for explanations. 
‘’There was a battle at Rook’s Rest,’’ you began, a lump forming in your throat as horrific flashes of Rhaenys falling to her death filled your mind. ‘’Aegon the Usurper and his dragon were severely injured from my and Princess Rhaenys’ dragon. She and Meleys didn’t survive the battle.’’ You blinked rapidly, chasing the tears from your eyes. 
‘’May the gods give her rest,’’ Cregan said respectfully. 
You nodded in reciprocal, then continued. ‘’The Queen is worried they will come after me for what I’ve done to their King and decided I should go into hiding. Since I accepted your demand, she send me to Winterfell under your protection.’’ 
Before you, Cregan's frown deepened as he thought about the upcoming departure to the Wall. In a week, he and his men would be leaving for a long, harsh winter, and he wouldn't return until spring. As Warden of the North, his duty to the Wall was stronger than his duty to the Queen, but was it stronger than his oath to his future wife? You were only betrothed at the moment, but assuring your protection was part of his duty as husband. 
He gave you a single nod. ‘’Of course, Princess. You will be safe here, you have my word. No harm shall come to you behind these gates.’’
House of the dragon taglist: @khaleesihavilliard @domoron  @ididliquorice @lover-of-helios @lover-of-helios  @shine101 @tanyaherondale @mikariell95 @serrendiipty @lantsovheiress @gilliananderfuckme @shine101 @tetgod @clayzayden @memeorydotcom @tnu-ree @futuregws @blackravena @winxschester @mysteriouslydelightfulchaos @xxlaynaxx @secretsthathauntus @pilarxxxaguayo @emmavan39 @stargaryenx @erylilly @bbblackmamba @rainedrop97 @dreamer087 @gothicgay14 @ashlatano7567 @superkittywonderland @justaproudslytherpuff @evesolstice @buckysmainhxe @padfootsvixen @scarletmeii @evesolstice @dkathl @kaywsworld @tetgod @padfootsvixen @domoron   @weird-addiction @angeliod @xjennyx2 @adaydreamaway08  @mymultiveres  @secretsthathauntus  @puffycreamcakes @thirsty4nonlivingmen @naty-1001 @katiepie67 @moshpot24x @hc-geralt-23 @lovelynerdytraveler @saturn-sas  @zgzgh @sssjuico10 @tabloidteen @timetoten @deekaag @wondxrgurl @aerangi @strmborns @astridyoo15 @daemonslittlebitch @queenbeestuffs @severewobblerlightdragon @agentstarkid @msliz @vane1999-blog @fairyfolkloresposts @todaywasafairytale07 @otomaniac @zgzgzh @thebeardedmoon @golden-library @kikyrizuki @hnslchw @camy85 @winxschester @armstrongscommentsection @withfireandbl00d @randomstory56 @JudgmentDays-Girl @darylandbethfanforever9 @darylandbethfanforever9 @aegonswife @dakotapaigelove @jays-bullshit @blublock404 @Icefyre19 @paulilvsremus @mfedits @aemondwhoresworld @angrybirdxx @YarianyIrizarry @frutiloopslupin @minedofmoria @aleemendoza2425-blog @quinquinquincy @Rosey1981 @maria-reads-everything @eddieslut69 @barnes70stark @baybaybear @prettyduckling22 @Briefwinnerpersonaturtle @darlingcharling-blog @deliaseastar @Wolfgirl-205 @visenyareads @Nanaldy @Lovelywiseprincess @not-neverland06 @newtmyhusb @mikimimic
All and more taglist:  @kenqki@hawkegfs@gillybear17@black-rose-29@fudge13@cece05@laylasbunbunny@gemofthenight@beautyb1ade  @mellabella101 @vxnity713  @bisexualgirlsblog @queenofslytherin889 @thatbxtchesblog @softb-tterfly @ethanlandrycanbreakmyheart  @xyzstar  @graceberman3   @mikeyspinkcup @jackierose902109 @daisydark @laurasdrey @mischieftom @fanatic4niall @peterholland04 @idkwhattonamethisblogs  @lexasaurs634  @notasadgirlipromise @zoeynicolas @thejuleshypothesis @multi-fandom-bi-bitch @lexasaurs634  @notasadgirlipromise @thejuleshypothesis  @katherinejess  @rafesgirlstuff   @lafleshlumpeater @iamluminosity  Anouk nani-2305 @books0fever @papichulo120627 @qardasngan @ghostlyvoidydragon @M0rgans1nterlud3 @dahlia-blossom21 @Spacexdrago @nhlfs
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rin-may-1103 · 4 months
Badger Day Au (part two)
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"Fourteen?" Aquaman repeats, turning his chair to face Danny. "Fourteen what? Days, weeks, months?"
Flash hissed like he was in pain, "Please don't say it's been fourteen months!"
Danny trailed his eyes away from the ceiling, away from the bothersome crack, and toward the single window in the room. He could just barely make out the Cassiopeia constellation. Its distinct W shape winked and flickered, drawing up a memory from a few loops into this whole mess. Tucker had wanted to comfort him, seeing as Danny had just broken down crying over how frustrated he was with everything.
The Ghost of Cassiopeia. Also known as IC 63, about 550 light years away.
A giant cloud of dust and gas. A nebula. Its ethereal glow reminded people of spirits they would see in haunted houses or fields. So they called it the ghost of Cassiopeia.
But it wasn't a ghost, it's simply hydrogen that's been bombarded with ultraviolet radiation from the nearby star. A blue giant called Gamma Cassiopeiae. It's also known as the center of the constellation. The light from the blue giant makes the majority of the nebula glow a vivid red. The blue around the edges is just light reflected off the dust within.
Tucker had joked that Danny should try and see how far he could get before the loop restarted. See if he could even get past Jupiter. Danny had just snorted and brushed his suggestion off. What was the point when he should be spending his time trying to fix the loop?
About six years in, Danny had given up and tried.
Eight months he had spent flying. He got further and further out into the void, surrounded by darkness and the beautiful stars in the distance to guide him. He never managed to make it past Pluto before he was brought back.
"Years," Danny confessed, his eyes still trained on the faraway stars.
"YEARS!?!" Superman cried, standing up so fast his chair was sent flying into the wall. Danny glanced back up at the crack, watching as it grew just a little larger, plaster dust sprinkling down like freshly fallen snow.
Sighing, Danny sat up and stared at the group. How many times has he had this conversation? How many times was he going to explain what was happening? How many times was he going to wake up in his bed just to restart all over again?
"Years," Danny repeated, "Fourteen years. Like I said, I've tried everything."
They sat in silence for a moment, just digesting his situation. Batman was standing still, his fists clenched tightly. Superman looked faint like he would pass out. Flash looked devastated.
Wonder Woman leaned forward, her brows furled in confusion, "Were you cursed, young one?"
"No, I checked. You checked. Heck, even Zatanna and Constantine have checked. I'm not cursed." Danny grumbled, slumping down to rest his head on the table.
He wanted to go home. He wanted to just curl up and sleep for the next however long. Wanted to hug Jazz and cry about how unfair it all was. Wanted to curl into his mother's side and cling until she made it all better. Hide behind his father until he knew it was safe.
but he couldn't.
Something always happened when he tried. If he stayed home from the very beginning of the day, the league would call him over and over again, convinced he was needed for the case Batman had. They even sent Flash over a few times just to search the city to drag him to the meeting.
(He was happy they hadn't figured out his civilian identity yet, but man was it hard to watch as Flash stuck his face into every nook and cranny around town yelling his name. Danny's lost count of how many times the man got overshadowed.)
If he managed to convince them that he was in a loop, then they found it would be safer for him to stay up on the watchtower. where they could keep an eye on him while searching for a way to break it.
Or, if he managed to convince them he was sick or something and they left him alone, Vlad would start acting up. Jack would call him on the phone to cancel Maddie's meeting with him because Danny was 'sick'. If he convinces Maddie to go and stay home with his dad, then Jack somehow opens the portal long enough for one of his rogues to slip through.
It just never ends. Everything he's tried ends with him having to go ghost and fight. The calmest day he's managed to have ended with Box ghost blasting the portal doors open so he could give him a homemade lunch from his wife, which then led the ghost to find Jack's new weapon box and go ballistic because of his obsession.
after that, he gave up spending time with his parents and focused more on his friends and Jazz. This was equally disastrous.
so, his safest option was to go to the meeting and stay with the league.
Glancing up, Danny watched as the time slowly changed on the clock; six twenty-nine, tick, tick, tick, six thirty.
Sighing, Danny sat up and held his hand out, making eye contact with Batman. He might as well get the day going, no use in wallowing in self-pity. He's done that plenty already.
"I already figured out what the cult wanted to do, we just need to figure out where their next meeting is. I'll fill you guys in on the rest." Danny added, wiggling his fingers in the hope it would make Batman move faster.
Batman sighed and handed him the folder. Once Danny had the folder, Batman sat down to listen to his report intently.
Flipping the file open, Danny grabbed the first page and showed it to the group, ignoring how a copy showed up on the big screen behind Batman. (again, why use paper if he was just going to project it?)
"This is the result of the cult's last meeting, two weeks ago. as you can see, the ground has been scorched and the ritual circle permanently carved into the cement." Tossing the paper and ignoring it as Flash scrambled to catch it, Danny grabbed the next couple of pages.
Holding up the seventy missing person reports, Danny placed them on the table and separated them into four different piles. "After some digging, Batman was able to figure out the pattern between the missing people. This group," Danny pointed to the one on the left, "consists of organ donors who were anemic."
pointing to the pile on the right, Danny continued, "This group is made up of meta-humans who have powers related to the elements. they also all happen to have more than one piercing, though Batman didn't really figure out if that had an impact on whether they were chosen or not..."
Pointing to the northern pile, Danny separated the top seven pages. "while everyone in this pile has some relation to an ancient and powerful witch from the 1500s, these seven are the only ones who still share her 'family' name. I'm not sure exactly how this affects the cult's motives, Batman hadn't shared that with me in all the loops so far."
Danny glared at Batman in annoyance, he didn't care if there was a good reason or not. Without fail, in each loop that Danny's made it through where Batman makes the connection; he would refuse to tell Danny about it.
Rolling his eyes at Batman's unwavering apathy, Danny continued, "The last pile consists of people who have been dead at some point in their lives. whether it be just a few seconds or a few weeks."
passing the reports around, Danny pulled the next page from the file. "Flash and Constantine were able to connect the past locations of the cult gatherings. Constantine figured out there was a specific magic signature that he could follow, so he had Flash drag him around the world to map the locations."
tapping the table, Danny selected the world map. Glancing at the paper he had pulled out, Danny marked the places with a red dot. Then he marked the places Constantine found in blue. Looking up, Danny found the league staring at him.
"What?" Danny huffed, shoving the hologram away from him. Batman grabbed it and started to examine it.
"So, do we need Constantine for this?" Green Lantern asks, scratching his head.
Shrugging, Danny tossed the folder over to Wonder Woman. "You can call him if you want, but he won't get here until noon. He's in the house of mystery dealing with a pixie infestation."
"pixie infestation?" Superman asks, turning to look over to Zatanna. Zatanna reached into her jacket and handed him a pamphlet, not turning away from watching Danny with curious eyes.
"Anyway, like I was saying. the cult's been going around taking all these people and using them in their rituals."
"you said you knew what they were trying to do, what was it?" Batman asked with a noticeable frown.
Sighing, Danny pinched his nose. "they've been trying to summon Pariah Dark."
"The ghost king!?!?" Zatanna squawked, slamming her hands onto the table.
"yeah, that bastard," Danny grumbled, rubbing his face. The cult hadn't been successful for all fourteen years now, so Danny wasn't too worried about it. But still... If something, anything really, changed just the slightest; would they succeed? Would they drag Prariah out of his sarcophagus and let him lose on the living?
Danny's already had to face him once, he didn't know if he could do it again. The Fenton ecto-skeleton suit had been ruined last time, to the point dad hadn't even tried to fix it.
"Bastard?" Aquaman repeated, eyes narrowed, "You speak as if you've met him before."
"I have," Danny admitted, "and I will again if we don't do something about the cult." What if this is the loop the cult succeeded? what if it's the next one, or the one after that? could Danny even do anything to prevent it?
Zatara sat down with a heavy thump, her eyes widening in shock. Danny lifted his brow, wondering what was wrong with her. She hadn't acted like this any other time? what was different? had he said something he hadn't last time? hmm, something to think about later.
"back to the case," Danny shrugged, turning to gesture at the hologram of the world. "we were able to narrow down the cult's next location to about seven hundred places. I was able to check off about six hundred and thirty these last few loops. That leaves about seventy places they could be."
Danny used a yellow dot to select the seventy places he still needed to check.
"um," Flash started, nervously glancing between Danny and the globe. "you just highlighted the whole grand cannon and all of Alaska... and the Himalayas.... and the-"
"Yep," Danny cut in, "Like I said, I checked off all the others. These are the last seventy I still need to check. I haven't before because it's a lot of ground to cover. I was hoping I'd catch a break and find the cult before I had to check all those places, but nope. The fruitloops just had to make it difficult.
"oh," Flash winced, "do, do you want me to check them out?"
sighing, Danny leaned back in his chair, "I would love to have you check them out, but you need a magic user who knows what they're looking for to go with you. it's why we haven't found them yet, it's taking forever."
"Oh," was the only response he got.
"you know what we are looking for?" Zatara asks, finally getting over whatever had surprised her.
"yeah, it's hard to explain. I'll have to bring you or the others to a previous place and show you."
"hmm, alright. after the meeting, why don't you bring me so that at least one more person can help start looking, until, john is freed up at noon?" she suggests, tilting her head to the side.
"sounds good with me," Danny shrugged. it's not like it'll hurt to have her looking around, heck, they might even get lucky and she'll find them.
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dailymanners · 1 year
Compliment someone on one of their personality traits 
Write a handwritten card to someone to say thanks
Text a friend to share your gratitude for something they did for you
Leave a positive review online of a restaurant you like
Tell a friend what you love about their children
Compliment a photo someone posts on social media
Let someone cut in front of you in line
Introduce two people who you think would get along
Pick up trash on the ground and put it in the garbage
Compliment someone on their clothing or hair
Use old grocery bags to pick up dog poop you see on your neighbor's lawn
Shovel snow off the sidewalk in your neighborhood
Offer to mow the lawn for an elderly neighbor
Give up your seat on the plane to let a couple sit together
Talk to someone at a party that doesn’t seem to know anyone
Invite someone new in your town to a social event and introduce them to everyone
Invite a friend that you haven’t seen in a while out to lunch
Offer to pick up a friend at the airport
Reach out to an old friend to let them know of an experience you had with them that you value
Spend time with the elderly at a local retirement home
Offer to bring someone else's grocery cart back to the store
Keep an extra pen in your purse to give people when they need one
Put a positive note in a library book
Attend events that support your friends’ passions (like an art show, musical performance, etc…)
Donate unused items to charity
Bring snacks to the local fire station
Keep packs of toothpaste or packs of socks in your bag to give to homeless people
Post an uplifting photo on a friend’s social media
Compliment someone on something they’ve done or accomplished
Tell a parent that they’re doing a great job raising their kids
Bring or send your mother flowers
Bring a friend a small gift next time you see them
Buy a warm meal to give to a homeless person
Share an article, event, or other information with someone who might be interested
Help to connect a friend seeking a job to someone who has a job to offer
Help a neighbor bring in their groceries
Make dinner for your friend group
Compliment a neighbor on how nice their yard looks
Bring in the trash bins for your neighbor after trash has been picked up
Send an email to a former teacher to let them know how they impacted your life
Leave a thank you note in your mailbox for your mail carrier
Give a flower to a stranger
Buy a gift card to give to a stranger
Ofter to be there for a friend when they are struggling with something
Give bottles of water to people working outside on a hot day
Buy a sandwich for the next person in the lunch line
Leave a sticky note with a positive note somewhere public, like at a bus stop
Bring brownies to your next neighborhood association meeting
Scrape the ice off the car windshield of the car next to yours
Leave a positive comment on someone else's social media post, #ProsocialPost
Put coins in someone’s parking meter that is about to run out
Slow down to let someone merge in front of you in traffic
Be on time (don’t waste others’ time)
Hold the door open for the person walking behind you
Make a double batch of dinner so that you can give a meal to someone in need
Give directions to someone who is lost
Give an extra big tip when eating out
Practice compassion when someone else is struggling
Be self-compassionate when you’re struggling with something
Share veggies you grow in your garden with friends, neighbors, and family
Become an organ donor
Volunteer at the local animal shelter
Bring dinner to a friend who's just had a baby
Build a “little free library” box in your yard with books for everyone to read
6K notes · View notes
How Far Are You Willing To Go? - 1
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
PAIRINGS: Ex-husband!Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader
SUMMARY: Amid a quiet life post-divorce initiated by Ghost himself, his past resurfaces when his ex-wife and their young children are abducted. He's thrust into a desperate race against time to save them, facing his own demons and fighting to protect his family at any cost. Question is, how far is he willing to go?
WARNINGS: Angst, if you squint. Simon being a dummy for getting a divorce. Incorrect knowledge of allergies and asthma (please help a girlie out)
*not proof-red*
“Rylan needs to take his-,” you immediately get interrupted by his low and rough voice. “Meds, by seven in the evening after having his dinner. Yeah, I know,” you can’t help but feel that there is a trace of disdain in his voice.
Oh, how you’ve heard so many variations of that voice. From the usual rough and dark, to how soft and loving it could go. The latter was a rarity for people to hear, who meet him outside of your home’s doors. For you, however, it was common. Was being the key word. It may have not been the voice you heard 24/7, but it was a voice you heard daily.
You look at him and eye the black surgical mask he wears, “right,” you pause. “Just wanted to make sure,” you give him a purse smile, before bending down to be at eye level with your six-year-old.
“Kyla, be good and take care after your brother. Be kind in school and do your homework. Call me if you ever need some help with it, ok?” You try to wear out the imaginary creases on her little brown cardigan.
She nods her head like a mini determined soldier and says a very affirmative ‘yes Mama.” Then you move over to kneel in front of your youngest, Rylan. The four-year-old with the many existing allergies. He rubs his nose, and you tut at him, “use a tissue honey, here blow into this.” You hand him the handkerchief you always carry around for this exact reason. “Do you have your inhaler?” You ask your boy, and he nods proudly as he reaches into his pocket and shows you the small piece of plastic.
“Call me if you need Mama, ok Rylan?” You rest your hands on his shoulders, and pat down on the sweater, you look into the light brown eyes he inherited from his father and kiss his forehead. He nods at you one last time before turning around and running to your ex-husband’s family truck. Kyla kisses your cheek one last time before screaming a “buh-bye Mama” and running off to catch up with her little brother.
You stand back up and cross your arms, heart hurting a little knowing you’d be spending two weeks without your children. But what can you do? Not complain, of course.
It was part of the divorce agreement that Simon is allowed to have the children over at his place for three weeks maximum, whenever he returns from deployment. You reluctantly agreed, purely to the reason that you wouldn’t survive if you were in Simon’s place and couldn’t be able to see your kids.
You were kind in that way.
Simon loved you for it.
He loved everything about you.
He still does.
The ice around his heart thaws as he sees your eyes become bleary as you watch the kids climb into his backseat.
He hates seeing you sad.
He does everything in his power to mask the emotions he feels, and he does it well.
“Well,” you sniffle, “I-uh….I’ll leave you to it then.” You wipe your eyes nonchalantly before tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear as a sort of distraction to what you feel currently.
It was always hard for you whenever Simon comes to pick up the kids.
The mother hen in you does not want to send them with him. But you know, a 100 percent sure, that they’re safer with him than with you, considering Simon’s military experience.
One of the main reason’s Simon broke things off with you.
Simon nod’s, his hands remain in the pockets of his hoodie. You lift the little paw patrol and the little Bluey child suitcases and hand it to him. “There are three weeks’ worth of clothes in there, for each of them,” you stick your hands to the side immediately after he takes them into his rough and calloused ones.
“Please call me if-,” you start, but he interrupts you again. “Anything happens. Yeah, I know,” he says with a rough tone that says, “you seriously think they’ll get hurt with me?”.
“Right…...right,” you nod as you whisper, the words more of a reassurance to you.
You try to peak at his eyes under his hoodie, but to no avail, you couldn’t see them under his black tainted sports sunglasses.
His phone starts to ring, and he pulls out of his back pocket to see the caller ID revealing the caller “Price”.
“I’ll see you in two weeks then,” you say, knowing he has to go. He nods in response before turning away and heading back to his truck, he places the suitcases in the passenger seat before double checking the buckles on the child-seat’s where Kyla and Rylan are sat in.
He does all the dad checkup’s before getting in the driver’s seat.
He see’s you through the tainted windows of his truck.
He rolls the back window down so the kids can say their final goodbye’s
“Bye Mama!” Both kids scream and the wave with smiles on their faces. You chuckle wetly as tears silently roll down your cheeks.
You know they’re safe with Simon, but you heart still hurts that they won’t be around for a while.
Simon sees the tears and his own heart breaks.
He pulls out of the driveway with a heavy heart, hating to see the love of his life in tears.
He sighs before pulling out his phone and clicking on Price’s caller ID.
The old Captain picks up after two rings.
“Ghost, we need you.”
TAGLIST <3: @cntloup @identity2212 @somnorvos @yyiikes @bobateasilverpearl @animarix @outoftheseine
Guess who's back? Back again?
Hey Lovelies!
I know it's been a while, but uni has started and I am trying to re-slay. Here is the much-awaited Simon series I have always wanted to start.
Lemme know if you wanna be tagged!
Lemme know what y'all think!
Stay Coquette-y,
Anya 🫶🏽🕊️🎀
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starlostseungmin · 4 months
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✰ notes: posting this a day early since i’ll be out of town please enjoy <33 not proofread. REBLOGGING, COMMENTS AND LEAVING TAGS are highly appreciated! thank you <33
seungmin , chan , lee know , jeongin ( han )changbin , felix , hyunjin.
Husband Han who asked the baker and chef to put the ring inside the cake. You thought it was kind of old school and yet you cried when you saw the ring. He went down on one knee in front of the crowd as the waiter/waitresses came for assistance. “Will you be the mother of Bbama?” “Yes!” 
Husband Han who wrote a song that he’d use on the day of his wedding proposal. The lyrics consist of words about his feelings, how deep his love is for you, how thankful he is, and how you are his favorite person apart from his Minho hyung. He went on the small stage of the restaurant and grabbed a small piece of paper so he wouldn’t forget what he had written. 
Husband Han whom you can order around. He complains but still does whatever you ask for. Sometimes he just obeys quietly or if he’s in the mood, he looks like a kid who’s happy to help his parents with that adorable and proud smile plastered on his face.
Husband Han who loves to stay home and watch your favorite movies then proceeds to cuddle you all day. He also buys things that will serve good for your convenience and cause less effort. He is a home buddy for a reason. 
Husband Han who is happy as a clam when you visit him while he’s at work especially when you bring him and his members with a ton of food.
Husband Han who is a loud introvert and hits high notes effortlessly on a random Wednesday morning. 
Husband Han who overreacts, and screams at any small inconvenience when he gets a chance. Hyunjin would be the one to cover his mouth because his ears suffer the most. 
Husband Han who has a lot of feelings and takes everything to heart (playfully) during a nonsense argument and will say some things nonstop until both of you just laugh them off. Yet also the type to be calm and straightforward that would pierce your heart if it’s serious especially when he does have a point. 
Husband Han who sometimes doesn’t listen to you and is stubborn. 
Husband Han who apologizes hours later after thoroughly thinking of what he did or said wrong during the fight. He would hug you tightly when he sees you crying and say “I love you” instead of  “I’m sorry.”
Husband Han who listens attentively to your worries and gives you useful advice. If he feels like you don’t want to hear anything and just sit there in silence, he will hold your hand or bring you into his arms while kissing the crown of your head. 
Husband Han whose love languages are physical touch, quality time, and words of affirmation (through the songs he wrote). 
Husband Han who gets jealous when you pay too much attention to BBama instead of him. He would sulk at the corner and refuse to talk unless you baby him until he decides to forgive you. 
Husband Han who gets sentimental when sad so you let him lay on you and bury his face on your neck while you hum his favorite tune or just play with his hair while whispering some things that he needs to hear. He loves it when you do that. 
Husband Han who loves cheesecakes especially when you’re the one who made them. He’d devour them immediately with some iced coffee he got from Seungmin.
Husband Han who gets round when he eats something or just mainly his cheeks are the cutest that you want to kiss, pinch, or suddenly goes nom nom nom. 
Husband Han who doesn’t mind you wearing his clothes. He loves them on you. 
Husband Han whose voice you want to listen to all night after a long day because it’s soothing to hear and brings you comfort, especially when he is talking softly and in a gentle manner. 
Husband Han who gets undeniably shy when you kiss him, especially when you’re in public. He is all giddy and a blushing mess, expect to make out with him when you get home.
Husband Han who can sleep everywhere that you get jealous but he would ask you first if you want to cuddle until you fall asleep in whatever comfortable place you’re at. 
Husband Han who texts or calls you before going home from work just to ask how your day went and if you want him to buy something. Sometimes you do it the other way around. It’s a must in this marriage. 
Husband Han who spoils you a lot. 
Husband Han who respects whatever decision you make, especially when it comes to the thought of having kids. Just like anyone else, he doesn’t pressure you and wait until you’re the first one to initiate the topic. 
Husband Han who promised to love you and never leave until death do you part.
Husband Han who thinks that having you in his life is the greatest gift he could ever have and the best thing that ever happened. 
Husband Han whom you love, protect, and spend the rest of your life with along with Bbama. 
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✰ taglist: @notastraykid , @ameliesaysshoo , @l3visbby , @reignessance , @lix-ables , @skzfelixlove , @rachabreathing , @hyunverse , @minluvly , @sleepyleeji , @starseungs , @midsoulz , @oddracha , @armystay89 , @lashaemorow
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Happy Disability Pride Month!!!
Remember Folks:
- Use your spoons sparingly! Here’s some spoons to go: 🥄🥄🥄🥄🥄🥄🥄
- Clean your mobility aids! (Seriously dude when was the last time you wiped that shit down with an antibacterial?)
- Accommodate yourself, as others will follow.
- Make goals within your reach and abilities
- Remember to stay hydrated and take your meds!
- For my fellow heat sensitive homies, stay cool this summer! A cold rag draped behind your neck, airy clothing, a small portable hand fan, keeping ice packs ready, cold water and expecially cold electrolyte drinks, all do wonders!
- For my fellow autistic folks, don’t be afraid wear earmuffs, stim, use chew charms, whatever it is that helps you regulate. You don’t have to mask if it’s something that isn’t benefitting to your life.
- POTS havin mofos like me, salt the ever loving fuck out of your food. Try different foods with salt, such as fruits and vegetables! I’m currently eating a salty tomato. Drink lots of water, I’ve been aiding gateraid packets to my water and it’s made a HUGE difference, especially as someone who hates drinking water.
- Those with PTSD for whatever reason, I wish you safety and support as you learn to cope and hopefully heal.
- I don’t know exactly what to say to others with H-EDS, as I’m still understanding this disorder other then BE CAREFUL WITH YOURSELF THIS PRIDE MONTH. I swear to god we are the most accident prone mother fuckers lmfao-
- If your immune system is all fucky like mine, keep clean and be sanitary, communicate with others that if they’re sick you can’t be around them, and wear a mask if you feel like that’s the right option for you. In my hometown I’ve gotten yelled at more than once for wearing a mask post-covid, however you can’t let someone else’s ignorance result in your own suffering.
- Don’t forget to move around and stretch! A little movement can do a lot for your body.
- Check in with your disabled friends! Try and see if there’s any way you can help one another, see where both of your strengths and weaknesses lie, and swap some spoons!!
- Be aware of what triggers your disorders. Whether if it’s caffeine triggering bipolar episodes, the weather causing fibro flares, big changes causing meltdowns, overexerting your hypermobility, whatever it is, it matters. Listen to your body and mind.
- Don’t be afraid to call out that doctor who isn’t listening, dismissing your symptoms and medically gaslighting you.
- While it may not seem like a big difference for some, trust me when I say your appetite is so important! Remember if it comes down to it, that it’s better to eat something, ANYTHING, than nothing at all. 
- To that person who might be hesitant, ashamed or might be questioning wether or not they should use a mobility aid, if it’s the difference between you being stuck at home vs going out and living some life… USE THAT MOBILITY AID!!! Same goes for braces and any other tool that may help you live a better quality of life.
- Be accepting towards those with disabilities different then your own- remember this month isn’t a competition about who’s struggling the most, rather to understand that people of physical, psychological, sensory, neurodivergence, and even undiagnosed disabilities all share one thing in common.. WHICH IS BEING DISABLED!
- Doesn’t matter who you are, how young or old, black or white, thick or thin - the disabled minority is one you can end up becoming a part of at any time, and likely will if you live long enough. Disability doesn’t discriminate, so EVERYONE should be advocating for disabled people’s rights.
- And of course, have pride in being disabled. This shit is fucking hard, but if you’re reading this, you’re doing it. Just being here today and doing what you can handle or manage, is doing your best, and that’s enough. You don’t have to push yourselves to impossible lengths to be proud of yourself.
Here, have the disability pride flag:
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percyjacksonblog · 4 months
Wow my other post got really popular so here are some more beliefs I have about adult Percy and Annabeth.
Percy asks Athena, Frederick, and Annabeth’s stepmother for their blessing to marry Annabeth. He would have married her anyway.
I feel like Annabeth really loves coffee. Hot, iced, cold brewed, she will pretty much drink coffee in any form.
Apollo shows up at their home from time to time because he considers himself Percy’s friend. Apollo loves it and offers to give music and archery lessons to their kid(s). The first time Apollo showed up he performed a check up on their first kid.
Once a month Annabeth and Percy go to or host a dinner with their demigod friends to get life updates. They all take turns hosting.
When they find out Annabeth is pregnant they keep it secret. When Annabeth is 3 months pregnant they tell Sally who nods, smiles and says “I know.” Both are dumbfounded and ask how. Sally responds that Annabeth had not been drinking coffee on their weekly “mother-daughter” Saturday brunches. Both sit there with their jaws open while Sally just laughs. She excuses herself for a moment and comes back with a box of baby stuff for them. Percy always forgets just how perceptive his mother is.
After graduating high school Percy and Annabeth both go to college in New Rome. Annabeth gets a degree in Architecture and a certificate in interior design. Percy, to no one’s surprise, gets a degree in Marine Science, but to everyone’s surprise minors in business.
Percy and Annabeth are both terrible at making sure their bills are paid on time due to their ADHD. Eventually Annabeth takes over and just sets up a direct payment so there’s no more “Did you pay the electricity bill?” “No, I thought you did.”
Every summer Percy and Annabeth would go to Montauk for a week to just enjoy themselves before going to camp. It’s on one of those trips that Percy proposes.
Percy and Annabeth still get nightmares about Tartarus decades later. They don’t ever completely go away but the nightmares get further and further apart.
Percy makes blue pancakes every Saturday for his family.
Sunday is family movie night. They make a fort in their living room, pop popcorn and put on a movie.
Sally is always happy to watch her grandchildren whenever she is needed. She tells them watered down stories about young Percy and Annabeth. She leaves out information that she deems too violent or mature for little ears. Her favorite story to tell them is the cross country trip Percy and Annabeth took when they were 12.
Grover comes over frequently to tend to the little garden he planted for his best friends to make sure they have enough vegetables.
Percy and Annabeth always go to each school’s open house or meet the teacher to make sure no one is a monster in disguise. One time Percy swore he saw Mrs. Dodds.
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goldfades · 5 months
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౨ৎ ─ summary | y/n posts herself while on vaca in europe!
─ warnings | pls this is so short but so fun to make, nothing but banter
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yourusername rome, italy
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Liked by nikamuhl, ice.brady, uconnwbb and 99,674 more
yourusername | european summer ✌🏼 july 15th, 2023
View all 2,312 comments
nika.muhl | oh hello 🤗
↳ yourusername hi gorg
↳ paigebueckers u think ur soooooo funny huh?????
↳ yourusername she kinda ate u with that sorry love you paige
fan001 | oh my god im in love?????
fan002 | she's so fucking fine oH MY GODDDDDDD SOMEONE GET ME AN INHALERERRRR
↳ kamoreaarnold everyones collective reaction to this post
paigebueckers | im so quirky ahh pose in the second slide
↳ yourusername wanna talk ab the nose scrunch thing u got going on???
↳ paigebueckers wym??? i look cute
↳ yourusername addison rae 2020 ahh pose
↳ paigebueckers oh! so you're blockedddd! bye 🤗🤗🤗
kamoreaarnold | mom forgot the kids (me and ice) at home with dad (azzi) for years (two weeks)
↳ azzi35 when did i become the dad?? hello?
↳ yourusername im sorry baby next year ill take u
↳ kamoreaarnold thank u mom
↳ azz35 so this is a family trip u say??? 👀👀
↳ kamoreaarnold u didn't seem to pleased earlier so no
↳ paigebueckers hey kk u need a stepdad?????
↳ kamoreaarnold no this is a mom and daughters kinda vaca sorry
↳ ice.brady 🥳🥳
paigebueckers | im mad at u but u look hot so ur forgiven ig😘
↳ yourusername u started this with my bday post
↳ paigebueckers bro aaliyah posted worse pictures and a tiktok slideshow???
↳ yourusername ya and who gave her the pictures????? YOU
↳ aaliyahedwards_24 why are u being so messy paige...
↳ paigebueckers i hate both of u get out of here
paigebueckers | holy cow wowwowowowowowowowowow😍😍😍
↳ ice.brady it's giving obsessed bro ur living in her comment section
↳ paigebueckers jealousy is a disease get well soon love 😘😘
↳ yourusernames i giggled
fan004 | new pfp unlocked thanks mother
↳ yourusername youre welcome child
ice.brady | the facetime pic made me cackle thank u y/n
↳ yourusername i know me too
↳ yourusername SAYS YOUUUUU
uconnwbb | we missed u! our star player!
↳ kamoreaarnold yall keep in mind this is y/n...
↳ fan00 i fucking love her she's so iconic i cant
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↳ make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated !
↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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linnienin · 2 years
🍰 T h e ⁕ m o o n ⁕ a n d ⁕ I C 🍰 : how are you behind closed doors?
Disclaimer: Take what resonates. I'm not a professional astrologer, i just am an avid researcher and i use my personal experience when writing my posts (Also, pls, don't copy my work, i spend lot of time on it, thanks)
We all know the Sun and Ascendant play important roles in our chart, but they are often what people see at first and what we usually display to the public.
Once we get home or we meet someone that makes us feel at home, this is when another unexpected 'part' of us unleash, that part comes from our deepest place of our personality, we don't hide our emotions anymore, we feel completely free to express ourselves in our rawest form (can also be interpreted as 'getting in tune with our inner child')
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⁕ Aries moon/IC : The forever child, kinda like a Peter Pan, and hella CHAOTIC. If you think this person appeared as balanced, laid back and diplomatic, well, you were very wrong lol. You'll soon realize he/she is the most spontaneous of all. Behind closed doors they'll sing loudly, they'll laugh loudly, they'll throw things at you (be ready to catch them or they'll break for sure 😂). Clumsy as hell, and they like it. Endless energy. Gets touchy in an aggressive mode (like when a child put their head violently against their mother's head, they don't mean to be violent, it's just the way they express love, it's bold and uncontrolled hehe) The type to workout at home and be LOUD about it (how many times did i write loud 🙈), has noisy heavy footsteps. Can burn the food lol. Can also be prone to burn themselves accidentally. Constantly finding new distractions to turn their head to. "THAT THING IS MINE, DON'T TOUCH IT". The bed is their personal trampoline. At night, they change position at least 10 times before actually find a decent one to sleep in (they'll make the bed appear as a gym, be ready for the earthquake), heavy sleeper.
⁕ Taurus moon/IC: 'AHHHHH, finally my dear bed'. I see you tauruses, first thing you do once you get home is jumping on that comfy bed and hug your pillows (yeah, you still have your coat,scarf,hat,backpack,shoes on, why bother taking them off 😂). Not picky when it comes to food, they love all dishes, just the act of eating gives them pleasure (they're here to ✨enjoy✨, that's also why you'll rarely see them cook 😂). The living ghost (that maxi blanket looks good on you, but remember to wash it from time to time since you basically slide it on the floor wherever you go lol). The hugger, literally a safe and calm space for everyone, you'll see people comes to them when stressed just to feel their healing aura. Touchy, but in a sensual and calm way, like gentle little massages/strokes on shoulders, or waist (especially when the other person is cooking, to give them extra support and maybe get a taste of that sauce they're cooking👀) Fall asleep FAST. Usually stays in bed until late morning even if they wake up earlier (spends that time fantasizing)
⁕ Gemini moon/IC: The multitasker. They can't stay still a second. Cooking while doing laundry, while listening to a podcast, while cleaning (superficially lol),while playing with their cats, while sending emails, while preparing for that exam, and oh...wait what is this smell? OH GOSH, THE OVEN! (of course of all things you forgot the food, sometimes you forget you are even human, you need those calories bby😂). Has the messier room, but also the most interesting one. Have a difficult time with silence, it's uncomfy to them, that's why they are always listening to something (tv shows, podcasts, youtube videos, music) even if they don't really care about what's being said (that's also why they know everything about anything, they absorb these facts like a sponge). Changes hobbies at the speed of light. You see them throwing ceramics one week, the next they're playing the cello (they secretly can't stick to a single hobby because it becomes too boring). Have difficulty sleeping, their brain can't seem to shut down, so usually they can take hours before falling asleep (they find sound comforting and helpful so lots of them listen to ASMR before going to bed or even listen to the sound of breathing of the person next to them to calm themselves)
⁕ Cancer moon/IC: Home sweet home. There's nothing that feels better for these natives than a good relaxing day at home (or maybe an entire life between those walls 👀). They literally can feel the mood changing the moment they pass the line that separate the outside world from their inner bubble of the home. They love to take care of their environment, they don't feel the chores to be so exhausting because it feels like helping an old friend out, and they take pride in their home too (they won't let you in easily, you need to really conquer them and show them you respect and cherish other's surroundings). They make very good cooks, but not the type to be super detailed with the ingredients, they are more intuitive, a bit like old grandma style (probably learnt to cook from a female family figure too). Make traditionals meals, can make meals from recipes thet have been passed on by previous generations in the family (and they take pride in this too). Has probably a personalized cookbook they wrote by hand with cute doodles on it. Has a specialty for making excellent sweets (and love to eat them too hehe). Has a welcoming aura. Has the coziest room. Loves to make forts with bedsheets. TV series binger. Pretends life only exist between those 4 walls. Bawl their eyes out for no apparent reason at a random time (well, they accumulated the stress from outside so now that they feel safe they let go). Likes to be held when sleeping, and if there's no one beside them, they like to hold a plushie or to curl up in side fetus position 😂
⁕ Leo moon/IC: The beef. Oh yeah, as soon as the door closes, they can't wait to spill tea on all the people that bothered them during the day (i see u 👀). The funny and spot on imitator. Gets very touchy and loving, until you don't give them attentions anymore 😾, then they'll put on a show, and if you're still apathetic, they might break something lol (don't get them to this stage pls ). Has lots of lights decor in their room, also lots of... mirrors 👀. 48393983902 hair products, their hair routine is absolutely a ritual, if you interrupt them they'll give you the death stare (but deep down they like being caught while taking care of their beautiful mane, cus they feel sexy with wet hair, or even when blowing them, feeling like a superstar). Don't you dare telling them the food they cooked wasn't good, they take pride in it and they try their best to provide for others. Also they care for their family and friends a lot, so never talk bad things about them or you'll hear the roar of the lion. Are the best entertainers, sometimes the show gets a bit too real and you don't know where the fine line lies anymore (that's how good they are, but are you good enough to handle them?). At night, they wanna be hugged from behind to feel the heat on their back (it helps them relax when trying to fall asleep)
⁕ Virgo moon/IC: Picky af. Especially with food. They don't let you enter their room unless they like you. Everything in their home is accurately chosen and has a function, no useless stuff (even if it seems 'useless' they might use it to relieve stress or whatever). Tidy room. Don't decorate much, they're into the clean look aesthetic, usually they don't have lots of things and they're put in strategical places so that it's easier for them to clean (and they clean the home quite often). The one that knows how to do anything PERFECTLY. They become masters at what they do. Cooking? They know all the secrets. Doing laundry? They have a baggage of knowledge no one else has. Oh, wanna have segss? I just got my PhD in sexology 😂. Is into way too many hobbies, but unlike geminis they actually go deep into it until they have reached a level of satisfaction (honestly...they never reach it because it's never enough, so that's why they say they putted on hold that hobby and not that they got over it, while geminis are like well..who cares, it wasn't for me, next). Reflecting on that conversation they just had with a person 1 hour ago and re-write it to perfection in case they get to experience the same thing another time. Control freaks, i knoooow, but it's true cm'on, why would you get a panic attack when you're home? Your brain never leaves the outside world right? You overthink way too much, pls, it's okay to let go sometimes ok? Light sleeper, has difficulty falling asleep because of they're constantly ruminating.
⁕ Libra moon/IC: Lives in a castle... i'm kidding, they only wish they did lol (i mean maybe there's really someone out there that is a Libra and lives in a castle and they're reading this post laughing at me, sorry for the generalization). Loves when they have people do the things for them, it makes them feel appreciated and evalued (but also because they don't have to choose or they'll be the forever indecisive). They are the mediators in every family discussion because of their ability to remain calm while others easily fall into rage. Have a room with posters of their idols or fav celebs, is into photo collages of memorable moments. Everything in their room is somehow cohesive because of the ✨aesthetic✨. Sweets lover🧁. Randomly tries all the clothes in their closet just to see if they can make new outfit combos (and spend an entire day on it). Sips wine (or blackberry juice if they're not into alcohol, just because of the old money aesthetic) while watching rom-coms. Loves to try new foods, but don't exactly love to cook it, i mean, they try but... at some point they just lose focus, and when they see the immense chaos of mess they just did, they lose faith lol. Good listeners, probably not the best at giving advices tho (they usually don't even know what they'd have done in that situation😂).
⁕ Scorpio moon/IC: Collectors. You enter their room and thay have all type of weird stuff like miniatures and gadgets looking at you like... ok wow, it's a creepy good kinda feeling (i found they're into animal's skulls too). It's not rare to hear them talking to themselves, they're not crazy, it's their way to release stress lmao. Headphones on 24/7. Not available for your bullshit, they got stuff to do. "Don't disturb or i'll kill you" on the door. Plan a whole murder but archive it because in this world it's not worth making it. But they have a heart i swear, just for those they love, that's it. Likes playing with kitchen tools, to test all their abilities. Just in case. They plan all the best hiding spots. Just in case. Learning that new taekwondo move. Just in case. Yeah, they're a liitle paranoid 😂. Can leave a bit of dust specifically so they see if someone touch their things. Likes boiling hot food and beverages. I swear, how can you even drink that tea and not burn your tongue, i'm impressed. Is the last one to fall asleep in the whole building, or family members, usually stay up until very late. Sleep few hours, i honestly don't know how they can even stand, they're for sure resilient. Don't like hugs, but gives them when they feel like it. They're like cats, 100%, you got a cat? Good, that is not a cat, it's a scorpio moon. (I love them tho hehe)
⁕ Sagittarius moon/IC: Clumsy af, but has great humour. Tell the best stories ( can add quite a lot of beef in them, but they don't make it sounds like they're saying bad things hehe ). Has the jungle room, i swear, they have all type of things dangling from walls and the ceiling, sometimes to the point of almost looking like a laser room lmfao (prepare yourself to train like Catwoman). The one that pushes others out of their comfort zone (and kinda use this excuse to escape outside with them too 'cause can't stay inside a building for too long 😂). Probably lives somwhere in the countryside or dreams of living around nature, like in the mountains, in a forest, near a river etc... Constantly jump between rooms and hit themselves with some furniture, has constant bruises on them legs (their energy is too big to be contained between walls sigh). The big portions eater, they can eat all the leftovers from others and still not feeling heavy, i admire their digestive system lmfao (i could never). The funny face eater too, they're the living anime's characters. Binge watch survival shows. Wanna be free, so don't force them into stuff they're not interested in (they'd join by themselves if they want to). When don't know what to do, scroll endlessly their phone through meme pages. Send memes to EVERYONE , even when it's like... why did they send me that? Well, ok let's laugh (ya know, they don't have reasons, they are pretty simple people after all). The first one to try that weird stuff because you only live once so why not make it an adventure? Leaders, but need a counselor. Loud sleeper, can snore. Usually spread their limbs to the whole bed, and if you need to join them, well, good luck (you'll be sleeping on the couch sometimes😂)
⁕ Capricorn moon/IC: your pacific homie. They do the same things every time they come home (like a programmed robot lol). Routine lovers. They need a predictable environment because their energy gets sucked by the chaos of the outside world. They aren't into decorating much, but they do have a passion for artistic hobbies, some of them can paint or play an instrument/sing, they have their tools for that hobby and that's it, the rest is quite minimal and practical. Can wear the same outfit on repeat too, it's like they don't care, or they have better things to care about (Mark Zuckerberg kinda vibe with the same tee over and over again). Loves traditional meals, meals they always ate since they were a child, not so open to try new food. Have a...peculiar relationship with the family (particularly their mother). I have noticed they usually don't talk much when having lunch/dinner at the table, they don't express much, and don't make eye contact to avoid people making questions. Quite reserved, need a lot of alone time to recharge. However, there's a need for them to have someone by their side to share those things too, they're absolutely afraid to end up alone, it's their worst fear, so even if they don't open up much, they want someone that understands them with just a look (however, communication is key guys, sometimes you succumb to the other person, especially if they have a strong personality, to just avoid conflict, and this is to your own detriment, you deserve better!). People say that this placement don't like physical touch, however, i'll say they veery rarely initiate the contact, but deep down the like it when others take initiative and show affection to them, it makes their heart warm even if they might not show it (but i can still see that subtle change in the expression 👀). The stable sleeper, they sleep in a position and that's it.
⁕ Aquarius moon/IC: Step into home=step into my fantastic spaceship and leave earth for a while bye. The crazy calm gal. Constantly crunching their bones (why tho). Tries to walk on walls just to see if they can bend gravity. Wanna try to glue their shoes with the Pattex and attach themselves to the ceiling like the guy in the advertising(Can be content even with swinging from the chandelier). Throw random parties and invites everyone (even strangers lol). Likes when people stay over to sleep, just to see them all in their worst condition (usually drunk)😂. Have the tech room, and when they enter it, they turn off their lights, turn on their displays and pick up their hood, and voilà, they're in a Mr.Robot mood (can be good hackers for real tho). Don't know how to show emotions so they instead react with a weird funny expression that could mean everything and nothing at the same time. Yeah, they can be confusing as hell (is this part of their plan? I dunno). Record a video of themselves everyday talking about their experience on this earth, just in case someday someone (maybe an alien) finds these recording and place them in the Interspatial Galactic Museum. Thanks for your contribuition. Can sleep with eyes open. I'm kidding hehe, they actually can sleep well, because they know they did their job that day, so rest in peace (and you'll never know when the world will end, might be today, so gotta enjoy the sleeping hours). (but honestly, there's some truth behind the sleeping with eyes open, because of all the screen time on their devices, the melatonin production is at 0 basically lmao, turn on the night filter when looking at your devices!)
⁕ Pisces moon/IC: Walks in, continue walking, get to their room, get on the bed. Wakes up. Moment of realization: ohh, i didn't know i just got home, i was in my head thinking, but good thing that now i can relax. Proceed to search for food ready to be eaten (without too much cooking involved). Free to daydream with 0 consequences (hmm...maybe you should organize your time better cause that exam won't pass by itself). A literal softie, their room is full of plushies and pillows where they can drown in. Always lose track of time. Has a messy but cozy room (very bad at tidying their things). Leave 3789132789 clothes piled on the bed lol. Lost in their thoughts. Intuitive eating (can binge eat tho if not careful). Can burn the food because they just forget they even put it on the first place. The master procrastinator. Has a calm vibe , and won't disturb anyone (you probably won't even notice them). Have artistic hobbies, but can't focus on them for too long because they get easily distracted. Can lose the entire day to watching videos or social media, and even if they're aware, they still continue doing it. Are into spiritual stuff, probably got 17932701 cristals and a personalized altar for them too, with others meaningful pieces and some candles. They're always in the bathroom, even when they shouldn't be there, it's just their favourite place. Can take veeery long showers, if you live with them, be ready to wait A LOT before they actually get out (or just sneak in😂privacy who?). Loooove to sleep. That calming time at night when everything shuts down is the best feeling in the entire world to them. They can't wait to go to bed honestly, they even get excited. Afternoon naps are also a thing for them. Like to sleep on their stomach.
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A n d ⁕ y o u ⁕ h a v e ⁕ r e a c h e d ⁕ t h e ⁕ e n d !
I hope you enjoyed this post,
and i wish you all a great day! 🍰
⁕ L i n n i e ⁕
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cxnsolatio · 2 years
your  name: Aya
your age: 27
your perfect date: A quiet night. Dinner, stargazing maybe.
make out in private or in public?: Private, if you ever earned the right.
do you like to cuddle?: Very much so.
tell me something about you: I, um, I actually really enjoy singing.
why do you want to be my valentine?: Because, um, because I like Mors. And, um, and I think you're lying about Bepo.
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✚✚✚  ayaka  —  @bucketfullofocs
valentine's applications ⁽ⁿᵒ ˡᵒⁿᵍᵉʳ ᵃᶜᶜᵉᵖᵗᶦⁿᵍ⁾
There was not a moment to lose. Law shoved the note in his back pocket — the implication not having a correlation with how he felt about its sender — and sprung up to go search for Aya.
Without explanation or permission, he placed the back of his hand on her forehead. It was the layman's way of telling one's temperature, but also the parental thermometer, and after having to monitor his whole crew for respiratory illness outbreak for a few days, Law had become adept at, not to mention a fan of, employing the primitive method before suspicion demanded a more absolute means of measuring. The crew, too, had preferred this way of checking for potential fever to Captain's suggestion that rectal reading was the most accurate, mouths sighing and buttocks unclenching in relief.
❝ You're not nursing a fever... ❞ Law concluded. With Aya's blood being part merfolk, however, he would not stake his reputation on a ventured prognosis before further investigation could be carried out. One day, he would write a paper about it — On the Interference of Merfolk and Fishfolk Blood in the Human Bloodstream, Typified in Blood Types of the Latter Species — and submit it to peer review; no doubt have it published to the Grand Line's most prominent medical magazine.
Preferably without Aya, or worse, Andria, finding out. Something wise whispered in Law's ear, like his personal 'Grillo Parlante'' from the universal children's tale, that neither would appreciate the blunt language of scientific journalism, as patented in references to interspecies breeding and hybridism; these concepts rather unfortunate to employ when in regard to highly intelligent, non-human species. To read his name underneath the article's title would bring sorrow to Pinky's heart, and to Law's testicles next, following Andria's dutifully applied Fishman kick.
Onwards with the examination, Law cupped Aya's cheeks in both his hands and studied her eyes, pushing the skin downwards ever so slightly to evaluate the state of their rims. Unsatisfied, he fished a lighter out of his pocket, flicked the wheel to elicit a flame, and offered it to the mermaid's eyesight, a bit too close for comfort.
❝ Follow the light... Hmm. ❞
Now he was just pouting. How illogical, how decidedly puzzling it was that her body should respond so well to every stimulus he offered when Aya could not, could not, be feeling well. Otherwise, why would she ever write him a Valentine's application, no matter how unserious her intentions, just a silly game to be had on a silly holiday?
Growing impatient, the doctor stripped himself of the ethics of his métier and, but a man bemused by the grand mysteries of femaleness, grabbed Aya by her shoulders to give her a shake. ❝ What is it, woman? Have you got a death wish? ❞ Law swallowed his scowl as a predator would sheathe its fangs, and with a sigh procured a pack of smokes on his person, seeing as he still held the lighter in his hand, and while within the realm of death wishes. He wiggled one out of its case and moistened its tip along the edges of his lips before setting it down squarely between them.
Disapproval must have shown somewhere on Aya's semblance, or such was Law's reading, because before she could protest the vice, he interjected, ❝ Now, now. Don't you lecture the Doctor. Think about it and you'll find most substances are poisonous to the organism; it's all a matter of dosage. ❞ Releasing a cloud of smoke away from her face, he studied her hair. ❝ Except, perhaps, for bubblegum. I would not classify it as poisonous; just nutritionally dull. ❞
He fetched the mermaid's Valentine's application, resisted the urge to tut at the note's infantile headline, and held it open for both to read together.
Quiet night, dinner, stargazing maybe.
Quietness was not a trait one would associate with the Tang or her crew. Everywhere noise would manifest, for even the submarine's pipes thronged, her cables buzzed, valves opened and shut in a scheduled progression, a ballet of engineering! Why, one time the strangest noise had filled the Tang's entrails with ominous intent, left the Heart Pirates terrified in the control room. Not inclined to believe in tales of bumping into old kraken dens as suggested by his crewmates, Law had investigated the otherworldly cry and tracked its source to the laundry room where, perched atop a warm batch of boiler suits and heart-patterned underwear, Mors yawned and purred, the cat's song carried forward by the mouth of a pipe beside it. Only the watertight entrances offered peace, and still behind them one could hear the pressuring lull of the ocean and feel smashed under it.
If it was quiet Aya sought, then staying away from the Tang was their best chance.
Because, um, because I like Mors. And, um, and I think you're lying about Bepo.
❝ I do not lie. ❞ Law lied. ❝ If anything, I bend the truth to its incredible plasticity. I can't help it that I was blessed with a tongue most expressive. ❞ Besides, Law was hearing no complaints when he read to her, and her favourite authors spoke in falsehoods all the time. Voiced that death was kind. That love was easy. Why, nothing could be further from the truth.
At least one thing could he provide. Valentine's or not, a man had to eat, and Law's stomach, empty save for cigarettes drowned in water and coffee, croaked in desperate need of attention. His heart, too, demanded sustenance of the immaterial kind. That both needs could be met with a selfish act disguised as a form of altruism was masterful beyond Law's wildest fantasies.
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kaya-p · 5 months
random paige bueckers headcanon 🫧
✧˚ ༘ ⋆。˚ ୭ 🧷 ✧ ˚. ᵎᵎ 🎀🪞🕊️🤍✨
notes: im new to the paige/uconn huskies fandom, so i don’t know everything, the sports, her friends or family. pls just give me a chance. i saw her and i instantly LOVED her sm 😭 so just give me patience here. please 🩷 and it's partly self indulged
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࿔*:: when she's arriving home, ur instantly playing daddy by usher and has a cake that says, "welcome back daddy🤰🏼" LMFAOOOOOO
࿔*:: u both have too many album filled on your photo apps of you two in 0.5x photos (like the middle photo at the top)😭
࿔*:: she's a messy mf, CLOTHES EVERYWHERE. remember she said in an interview say if she was a boy she would NASTTTYY, ur wrong paige babes xx
࿔*:: she's such a ass, "babe, if u come to miami. i PROMISSSEEE i'll do the dishes for the week." u just gave her the PHATTEST eye roll, as if shes gonna do that lmfao
࿔*:: as ur from the uk, she cant and WONT stop mocking ur accent. shes got ice, kk, nika AND azzi doing it too when you visit her at her games
࿔*:: also as ur from the uk, she ADORRREEEE house music (esp 2005 - 2017 house music)
࿔*:: shes only gotten into skincare bc of u 😃
࿔*:: also shes has the brain of a 13 yr old boy on fornite...
࿔*:: shes always saying the most out of pocket stuff with you, you've just learned to block it out at this point lol
࿔*:: always has some kind of way of her skin touching yours, spacial awareness is out of the window lmfao
࿔*:: paige know pissed u get when you see the videos of azzi and her, but she only teases you with them videos LMFAO. she know how piss you off, BIG TIME.
࿔*:: it's because you both know whats gonna happen that following night...👀
࿔*:: as much as i LIVE AND BREAAATTHHEE for bottom!paige... she not🧍🏻‍♀️ SHE'S A TOPPPPPP, I MEAN COME OOOONNNNN...
࿔*:: shes wearing the pants in the relationship... the princess treatment is UGGGHHHH😵‍💫
࿔*:: the strap game... no comment. ˢ⁽ᶜʳᵉᵃᵐᶦⁿᵍ⁾
࿔*:: i bet she loves marvel ngl, idk i feel like shes either love shuri, natasha or wanda ngl
࿔*:: dont play beyonce in the car, ur both dead. u both ADOREEE AND LOVEEE BEY
࿔*:: omg she surprised u with tickets to the renaissance, (i wish i went, EVERTHING about 2023 summer 🥹)
࿔*:: always posting about you on socials, shes wont shut up about you...
࿔*:: kk is definitely ur kid, the useless comments (that has NO correlation to the posts) from her under ur ig pages... "parents ate🎀", "come pick me up mothers" or "i fear to ask the mothers... what's for dinner?"
࿔*:: omg, u both have a gulity pleasure in review really fucking cute, big and expensive classy houses together and both getting baby feverrrrr🥹
࿔*:: shes fucking adores ur relationship with drew :(
࿔*:: she wants to impregnant right now if she could LMFAOOO
࿔*:: shes literally wants to be under ur skin
࿔*:: and she's definitely waiting for the right time to pop the question, more than likely at the basketball court. lets be honest LMFAOOOO
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northopalshore · 25 days
Groom Persona Chart 🎂
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Groom (5129) is an asteroid used to interpret your husband. It could also give you details about your union & married life. In a man's chart, it tells you what they're like as a husband.
In this post, I will be writing down my personal analysis on my own GPC, as well as other observations I've made.
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Post Contents: i. Personal GPC
ii. Extra observations
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Personal GPC: northopalshore's husband
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Note: I will be writing in a 3rd person pov for this section to make it easier for readers to apply onto their own chart!
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Virgo (2° taurus) 1st house
They could seem quite petite or frail when they were younger. He could be quite big for a virgo rising, either height, weight or both. Their faces can be quite appealing or have very attractive features. They might be very critical about their looks or put a lot of effort into presenting themselves as clean & neat.
Libra 2nd house
They may spend a lot of money on beauty products or grooming products. They could spend a lot of their finances into taking care of themselves & their outfits. As a husband, he could spend a lot of money into the aesthetics of his house, cutlery or even on dates.
Jupiter (18° virgo) in 2nd house
They could be very keen to earn money. They may earn a lot of money through their job or through working. Everything they own is something they have worked for, nothing is just given i.e not born financially well off. He could be quite frugal or very picky with what he spends his money on. However, when they do spend they tend to splurge on big purchases. He might have a habit of overthinking his purchases as well. As a husband, he will add a lot of luck & abundance into his spouses' finance. He could also teach her to be more responsible with money.
Eros (13° aries) in 2nd house
They may earn money through their s*x appeal. Their job may involve moving, showing off their s*xual drive or just embodying this energy. They could work as a stripper (You might wanna give magic mike a visit lol). Could be a dancer, a porn star or a singer (if most of what they do involves movement) . I'm thinking of Chris Brown for some reason .
Fama (25° aries) in 2nd house
They could be very popular for their work or their money. They place a LOT of importance on financial gain. People could know them as a go-getter. He could be famous by making money or be famous for their drive, energy or s*x appeal (mars/aries) .
Union (1° aries) in 2nd house
He & his spouse both may be very focused on money when they get married. There will be a joint effort into making money together as spouses. That, or both will come up with ways for one of them to earn more money lol.
Union in Scorpio
They both may be a very secretive couple. You may be protective of your union (marriage). You will want to keep a lot of things going on in your home life under wraps.
Scorpio 3rd house
They may be very close to their siblings. Perhaps they have gone through a lot of difficulties together. He might like to discuss taboo topics or may think about them a lot. He could also be quite an obsessive thinker. He may find it difficult to let go of something he doesn't truly understand. Could also be a very private person.
note: I find that people with these placements are either very private or overly comfortable talking about personal things lol.
Sagittarius 4th house
He may have travelled a lot from a very/relatively young age. Perhaps for school.
Similar placements: gemini, pisces, mars, pluto & uranus 4th house
Note: see where 4th house ruler is to see why they moved.
ex: Sagittarius 4th house, Jupiter in 2nd house. Moving to earn money/for better financial aspects.
IC (5° leo)
He could be very artistic as a child. He may have received a lot of praise for his talents when he was younger.
Mars (14° taurus) in 4th house
He could have moved away from his mother, his hometown or family from a young age. Perhaps because of money or for a better life.
Mars sextile Jupiter
This man has a lot of energy & vigor. He may be more restless than the average person. He may also seem to have a neverending supply of energy & enthusiasm.
Mars conjunct Pluto
He may have issues with obsession when it comes to his possessions. He may have a lot of s*x appeal as well. Perhaps a lot of people may lust over his appearance or his body. He may put a lot of effort into his body. He could possibly have a smoking habit as well.
Pluto (23° aquarius) in 4th house
He could have had to move away alone as a child. This move was a very hard decision to make i.e a lot of things were on the line or his whole life had to change because of this i.e becoming independent, having to do everything alone, away from his family.
ex: this reminds me of the kids in China that had to move to their families residing overseas during the one child policy. They couldn't afford to live with their parents in China for fear of detainment or punishment from the government. So a lot of them had to be independent so young TT.
Pluto trine North Node
This change was a fated occurrence. It was something that had to happen.
Great Attractor (14° taurus) in 4th house
He may attract a lot of adoration from women or mother figures. He is adored for being kind and sensitive. People will like him for his caring almost mother-like nature. He could be adored for his cooking or eating (?) too. He may look very feminine or gentle and people will love that about him.
note: reminds me of mukbangers on YouTube. Adored for eating at home lol.
Capricorn 5th house
He may be quite reserved when it comes to having fun. He could have a problem dividing his time between work & play. He could be an all work no play type of person. He could consider work fun. He has reservations on love or romance, or this area may have been restricted either by him or others. Could have issues expressing himself artistically or is not an artistic person.
5th house stellium
Art, performances, children, theatre or any talent in general may be very important to him or he may as well work with them (because of Capricorn). He could be very creative, very artistic and somewhat flamboyant. He views the 5th house values as his work. He could be a very romantic person. He could be somewhat of a theatre kid too.
Venus (7° libra) in 5th house
He could be a very romantic person. Someone who is very talented & blessed with art. He may be very artistic even as a child. Performance, art and theatre has a spot reserved in his heart. He may have a fair approach to romance but he is also the type to idealise love/romance/art. A loyal lover. As a husband, he will love planning dates & buying flowers. He will do anything to keep the romantic aspects of the relationship alive & well.
Mercury (7° libra) in 5th house
He may talk about romance or read about it too. However since this is the 5th house, it's more likely that he is an avid enjoyer of romantic movies or musicals. He may enjoy love songs, listening to them or singing them. He could prefer witty or fast-paced films. Usually prefer something loud & colourful i.e animated movies, children movies & Baz Luhrmann type of films. Could be very indecisive when it comes to making decisions. He could procrastinate a lot lmao. Certified yapper although I think he'll have a lot of buffering moments.
Priapus (22° capricorn) in 5th house
He could be very s*xualised throughout his career. If he acts, or sings he may be very s*xualised for that. He could play forceful or big D energy types of characters very well.
ex: Reminds me of Jamie Muscato playing Jason Dean (JD) in Heathers: The Musical. Listen to his version of "Meant to be yours". goddamn.
Sun (25° aries) in 5th house
He may have a very extra personality (although it may be a little dimmed or controlled at first since it's in capricorn). He could very much immerse himself in his art or his work. Children might love him i.e popular with children or people who are younger. Very passionate about his art/work/expressions. He could be very prideful/competitive with his work too.
note: I feel like most of these placements tell the same story i.e give the same information.
Chiron (26° taurus) in 5th house
He may have experienced a lot of pain in his childhood, love life or career. He could also have trauma surrounding beauty, food or money. He may love sad songs, ballads or dark paintings. He could express a lot of his art in a dark way. He could have a very healing talent i.e singing, cooking, painting. His voice could be very soothing to others.
Aquarius 6th house
He may have an unconventional job. He may not work a 9 to 5. His work could involve a lot of spontaneous or original ideas, independent movement, and could also be related to computers, videos or the internet. Could work for himself or an independent company.
ex: tattoo parlours, electronic repairing services, apple, google, YouTube.
Groom (6° virgo) in 6th house
This just emphasizes the last placement. He could continue his work even as a husband. He may be working a lot even after marriage.
Groom trine Midheaven
Being a husband will bring him a lot of luck in his career. He could be known for being a husband or a married man.
Neptune (14° taurus) in 6th house
His work could involve a lot of creativity and sensitivity. He could sell dreams, illusions or comfort. With the taurus degree, it's still centred around his voice, cooking, and art. His career may be quite misleading to other people or very mysterious. Perhaps people have a set stigma around his career i.e personal assumptions.
Juno (17° leo) in 6th house
His spouse could share his love for the arts and performances. She perhaps works with art or children could be part of her routine/job.
note: I'm a theatre kid lol! I actually am pursuing a career in the educational field, but there are a lot of signs telling me that I'll end up working with him or be at home most of the time.
Pisces 7th house
He may be the type to long for this almost unattainable romance. Dreaming of fleeting hot summer nights. He may idealise his future spouse a lot. Putting her on a pedestal even.
note: looking at Jupiter & Neptune, they seem to sing a similar tune. Looking at venus, he could be very picky when choosing partners to settle down with. Forever searching for "the one" i.e the person who checks all those boxes in his head.
DC (2° taurus)
He's a lover boy. In love, with love. Has a preference for down to earth, natural beauties. Or romanticises women & the feminine world often.
Uranus (4° cancer) in 7th house
He may marry a foreigner i.e BE a foreigner to his spouse. With uranus in pisces in the 7th house, he'll marry someone from a different country. Someone with a very different status or background (pisces). His spouse may come from a country opposite to the taste of his hometown/mother lol.
note: sorry mother-in-law! Ily tho! He could also sign unconventional contracts.
Vesta (1° aries) in aries 7th house
He could work with his childhood friends or sign contracts with them, own a business with them even. He may have a very friendly connection to his spouse i.e be best friends, or have an almost siblings like relationship.
ex: bickering, and quarreling over small dumb things. We may love to annoy eachother lol.
Alma (27° gemini) in 7th house
The way to his soul is through the mouth. Talking. Long, romantic, dreamy conversations he can daydream about. Words stick to him like glue, it may open a lot of doors in his relationship. If he signs any business contracts it might have something to do with his voice or his writing.
Lust (14° taurus) in 7th house
He may prefer not to have s*x outside of relationships. He may need to feel soul bonding s*x to feel alive. Very private with his s*x life too. Keeps his fantasies them all to himself. Again, he romanticises love, s*x & devotion. He believes you can't have one without the other.
Aries 8th house
He may have gone through many challenges as a child. He could have an obsession with death, or the occult or any taboo topic.
Moon (4° cancer) in 8th house
He has emotions that run deep and fast. Whatever he feels in the moment will cloud a lot of his judgement or his thoughts. He may use physical activities to deal with stress or pent up frustration. He may be quite sensitive & easily hurt. He could crave a deep, soul bonding type of physical intimacy. Doesn't seem to be the type to go against celibacy or at least not without feeling deeply connected to someone. When he feels betrayed by someone, well.. I hope they listen to Nsync because "bye bye bye "
note: sounds like the male version of me ngl
Moon square mercury
He may have some difficulty trying to convert what he feels into words.
Vertex (10° capricorn) in 8th house
His career may experience a lot of rebirths. A lot of trials and error, a lot of experimenting and learning. Perhaps he had a lot of trouble in the beginning of his career i.e lawsuits, rebrands.
Boda (21° sagittarius) in 8th house
He may get married in a foreign land i.e his spouse's home town. He and his spouse may have a karmic relationship. They may have been joined together to learn or teach others something. He could feel deeply connected to his spouse during the wedding. He could have a private wedding, one where only people close to the bride & groom are permitted to attend. There may be dark or gloomy themes in the wedding. His marriage may be very shocking or hated by others. It may be very controversial too.
note: I've always wanted a private wedding, something a little kooky too with slightly gothic themes here & there. It would be great to have a tarot reading corner for the guests lol can you tell I have plans? Beetlejuice, hold our vows! Lol
Harmonia (23° aquarius) in 8th house
He could have a healing presence. People could come to him for comfort, or they may resonate with his sensual energy. People could like to invade his space/privacy at times.
North Node (27° gemini) in 8th house
He could need to learn boundaries in this life (because 8th house is in Aries). He needs to think and act for himself, be more selective and selfish with his energy and people he lets into his life. He could also learn to dip into the esoteric world i.e astrology or tarot. He could learn to be very rebellious too i.e respecting his personal wishes instead of conforming to the norm.
Taurus 9th house
He may not travel that much i.e prefers not to leave his house lol. Although, travelling could bring him financial gain or add beauty into his life/perspective.
Briede (17° libra) in 9th house
He's marrying a foreigner. I feel like this has been a little repetitive, but that's just how it is sometimes. There's a lot of emphasis on certain aspects. He'll marry someone with fair judgement and a lust for life. They may share similar beliefs or philosophies since both Libra & Taurus are ruled by venus (the same planet). She could be very stubborn or may put a lot of importance into knowledge and higer education. She could also love expressing herself with fashion or art. She may move in with him after marriage i.e brought into his home country.
ex: It feels quite strange talking about myself in 3rd person ngl, I hope this is somewhat helpful!
Gemini 10th house
His career could involve a lot of movement. Frequent short trips, talking, creativity, intellect, communicating & fast ideas. He could work in a very fast paced environment i.e the city.
MC (5° leo)
His work involves a lot of creativity & talents. Art, design, acting, children, directing, singing etc.
Part of fortune (24° pisces) in 10th house
He could be very blessed with his career. He may have achieved a lot of his career goals, or he may as well have achieved a lot of his dreams in this profession. Again, could work with dreams, illusion, art and healing. Therapy could be something too.
ex: perhaps.. he could be selling weed lol no, I'm kidding but it sounds like it at times doesn't it.
Cancer 11th house
A lot of his friends may be women. People in his community or group may be female dominant. Could also be his mother's friends. He has a careful approach to making friends or joining a community. He could either act as a mother figure or be treated with care/ motherly by people in his community.
Lilith (18° virgo) in 11th house
He could be very uncomfortable in social situations. People he works with could invite him into different friend groups often most of them may be women (because of cancer). Or his work could lead him to interact with a lot of people/groups and not stay for long lol. He may not have a fixed friend group i.e always moving and switching friends. Could also have to deal with a lot of different groups due to work i.e people, communities.
note: this is mostly because lilith also symbolises rebellion, so wherever lilith is it will sort of add a juxtaposition there.
Saturn (23° aquarius) retrograde in 11th house
Actually. He could have a set friend group. He may have been friends with a small circle of people for a very long time. They may have been through many changes together. Since it's aquarius, he may have just met them randomly one day or through the internet? He might have an unconventional group of friends. His friends may be quite eclectic. Most of his friends could be older than him.
Leo 12th house
He could be quite hesitant to fully embody his creativity or his flamboyant tendencies. He may be fearful of backlash from people around him. He could have issues expressing himself to his truest desire. He may imagine himself acting one way (which is most genuine to himself) but then execute something different or lackluster in his perspective.
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My Groom Persona chart:
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Extra observations: not from my chart
4th House stellium/cancer°
They are very soft, and caring. The type of person to act as a maternal figure to his friends. People may find him very comfortable to be around. He may have a close relationship to his hometown or his mother. He could be a very talented cook or homemaker.
Union in 9th House/Sagittarius°
The focus of your relationship will be to expand eachother's knowledge and share eachother's culture. Common in interracial couples coming from different regions or countries.
Alma in 12th house/pisces°
He may be very spiritual, and connected to his higher self. He may be very aware of the karmic cycles of life.
Saturn in 2nd house
He will bring stability into your finances. He may have grown up quite wealthy, or money has never been a problem. He could also have worked for his wealth.
Saturn in 7th house
He will bring stability into your love life. He could also be very strict with the type of relationships he wants to be in.
Saturn in 3rd house
He may have trouble communicating his wants & desires. He could also be very mature, and prefer to keep his life/plans in order. He could speak in a very concise manner, speaking only when spoken to. He could place a lot of importance in early education. He could be the eldest child, or he has a significant age gap with his older/ younger siblings. A lot of his siblings could be much older than he is (more than 5 years, usually at least 7).
Sun in 7th house
He may have a career in the business world or may involve contracts at least. He may put a lot of importance into one-on-one relationships. He could be very romantic & loyal.
Sun in 3rd
Certified yapper! He will be very smart & witty. He could be great at debating or communicating. He could work well with spreadsheets, or PowerPoint. He may have a special affinity towards writing or reading books. He may act childish at times, he has this youthful aura to him. He may be an only child, or is very close with his siblings.
Sun in 2nd house
He could be perceived as very charming or attractive by others. He will be very fashionable, perhaps he puts a lot of pride into his outfits or his creation. He could also love cooking or is known for his cooking.
Sun in 1st house
He will be very attractive. Could be a people magnet. He is the type of person who can charm anyone in an instant. He is not the type to hide his personality, or act through a persona. He shows you that what he is on the surface is exactly the same as what's underneath. He could attract a lot of admirers too.
Mars in 2nd House
A lot of his focus will be on making money. He could work in finance, banking, fashion, or beauty related industries. He may be moving around a lot or gaining money through movements/s*x drive. Striping? Lmao
Moon in 2nd house
Money could be very important to them. They may find security in stable finances. Their mother may have been a spendthrift, and perhaps they have gotten a similar habit because of that. As a husband, he will shower you with meaningful gifts very often. He may feel uneasy i.e act erratic when money isn't great. He could work as a chef, or if he is a business man he will sell things that bring people comfort i.e housewares, mattresses, music (if gemini is aspected)
Moon conjunct Venus/taurus & cancer significance in 2nd house
They could be a chef or place a lot of importance into cooking & homemaking.
Note: Your future spouse may have similar traits & placements to the ones you see on your Groom persona chart & Briede persona chart. Of course, it's not going to resemble it 100%. What's important is the characteristics.
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***entertainment & educational purposes only: reader discretion is advised***
Thanks for reading ♡
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romanoffsbish · 7 months
Y/N (Natasha’s Version)
Natasha Romanoff x F!R
Natasha x Bucky (blip / referenced)
Warnings: “Cheating” | Underage Drinking | Internalized Homophobia
Request | You heard the rumors from Darcy, unfortunately they were true—Natasha missed you, so she showed up at your party | WC: 2,799
Betty by Taylor Swift, sapphic canon not just coded and slightly aged up to the start of college (18+)
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As the car rolled away, Natasha felt her throat constrict. Where there once was a sunset on the horizon, in blush waves of pink and orange, she only saw an apocalyptic sky where red slowly bled into grey.
The perfectly paved streets restored to their prior days as the pre-gentrified road of your shared Brooklyn suburb became her current hallucination. Tied to the tail pipe of your mother's beaten down corolla was her heart, thumping against the cracked pavement. The natural gaps in the organ were filled by pebbles. As the car disappeared she felt shattered, the string pulling her heart had broken and the organ fell into a pothole.
Is it over now? No, Natasha couldn't face that...
As your mom's Tesla turned left the redhead let the sob she had been holding in out. Her body collapsed into a shroud of darkness as her blackout curtains shut, the blankets atop of her mattress moved to suffocate her.
Good, she wanted to die; she knew she was being dramatic but in this moment it felt like her barely even an adult world had ended. Her hit list was growing steadily, first she would kill Wanda, her idiot best friend that posted the photo of her with Bucky.
They were awkwardly kissing, and the redhead deleted it from her stories in a matter of minutes, but it was too late. Darcy saw it, the mutual friend who moved to the same city as she had, and she blabbed instantly. The woman called Jane, who then confirmed that there was actual proof this time before she phoned you in.
Natasha returned to town just in time to see the one consequence she never pondered when experimenting; your face was neutral, but your eyes were crestfallen.
It was just a stupid experience she needed to have, a short summer fling, it lasted not even two weeks. It was reckless and she knows that now. You'd slapped her hand away just days ago, then in a split second she found out from Yelena that you were going to NYU.
The blonde saw you at her late orientation for those stellar high school students interested in an early start. Natasha cried that night knowing you were leaving, you wouldn't be taking the gap year with her anymore.
Your heart was attached to her line, and she never considered that she should've just talked to you. It should have occurred to her that you would be upset. Considering the two of you were together, in a sense; not exactly girlfriends, but far more than friends.
Natasha regretted the affair as soon as it started, but she just needed to know if her Russian parents, who were raised back home were ready for her truth.
James was a total gentleman, her parents would've loved him since the young boy was affluent with Russian and the culture, but he wasn't the right fit. Natasha knew that after one attempt at kissing him, his lips were gruff and his hands were just the same as they roamed her form, the touch filled her with dread.
Unlike yours, which never came without words of confirmation and were soft when granted permission. Natasha found immense comfort at the feeling of your pillowy soft lips against hers alongside your gentle roaming hands. It went beyond the physical touch too, which really only served to prove to her she was a raging lesbian. When she looked into Bucky's ice blue eyes she felt nothing, not even a tether of friendship, but with you she felt that obnoxious fluttering in her stomach, and the world she saw were more vibrant.
Every time you were near her body and mind felt serene, like she could rest around you without the unease she felt around most. Everything was different now and she felt it deep within. You're gone, and with you left the comfort and love she needed to breathe.
That night, as sleep inevitably consumed her tortured mind Natasha found herself determined to fix this. It was a misunderstanding—you'd understand, right?
A week had gone by, Yelena had mentioned how she ran into you at the cafe where you treated her to a hot cocoa. Not allowing the turmoil with Natasha to affect the way you approached her little sister. It had warmed her heart and even made her smile, then the blonde sarcastically mentioned that you looked sad, her harsh delivery sought to remind her sister it was her fault.
Though she didn't leave her with only the reminder of her shortcomings, but also of an opportunity to amend.
"There's a frat party this weekend, Y/N's going."
Which is why Natasha was racing down the stairs at 8pm on a Saturday. Normally you two would be cuddled up in her bed, watching your favorite show while surrounded by every snack known to man. The party lifestyle never appealed to either of you and a part of her ached as she wondered why you're going.
How deeply did her betrayal change your outlook on life? Did her foolish decision make you think you needed to change? Were you afraid you weren't lively enough? Fuck, did you intend to move on tonight?
Natasha shook her head when she heard a honk, the depressing thoughts having consumed her into a state where she was mindlessly driving. Fortunately, she didn't hit anyone and was able to focus her mind long enough to make it to the college where she saw chaos.
Bodies of various students bustled across the campus quad, some in the direction of the main buildings but majority of them headed to a road far off to the side of the grand lecture halls. On the left side were rather large houses painted in varied shades of pastel, they were clearly well maintained. On the right stood a parallel set of houses, but the paint job was dull and there were pieces missing from many of the fixtures.
What stood out most though, was the black house in the center of them all, currently surrounded by idiots with red solo cups in their hands. The bulk of them laughing at the joke another drunken fool had made.
Natasha cringed when a body collided into hers, and as if things couldn't be worse she recognized the woman, Darcy. The raven haired woman stood in shock for a split second before offering the familiar face a smile. It was lopsided and it was clear the woman was faded.
Natasha was annoyed initially, but quickly saw the woman as a means to an end. "Where's Y/N?"
The woman pursed her lips and shrugged. "Inside?"
As she should've expected, the blabbing stoner only offered information to others when it wasn't helpful. Natasha passive aggressively pushed by her and took the risk of entering the house full of underage bodies.
Loads of upperclassmen foolishly tried to stop her on her determined journey to you, but most were met with bruised nuts alongside their cowering egos. In a matter of thirty minutes she had checked the entirety of the cloudy building and a part of her beamed at that.
You were nowhere to be found, her heart hoped that you'd returned to the dorm she finessed out of Yelena.
There was a nervous flutter in her chest that brought her frantic searching to a pause and made her mouth run dry. A pang of fear that paralyzed her body in place as she now considered the endless possible outcomes.
Would you even open the door if you knew it was her?
The redhead was sure you didn't have peepholes but there's the likely chance of you slamming the door shut in her face, that felt worse. Not nearly as bad as her next thought, what if you were exploring too, just like she had with Bucky? Her hands became shaky at the hypocritical unease she felt about you moving on.
In her nervous state she took a sip of the punch before she promptly spit it back out into the red solo cup. If she wasn't nauseated before she sure as hell was now. A water bottle was just in her reach, properly cold and a perfect cure to wash away the disgust on her tongue. Just as she began to unscrew the lid though she found herself frozen again as she heard a familiar giggle.
Natasha's head spun to the left side then the right. A blur of pointless people filled her vision before she found the source of the laughter—her happiness.
Stood directly across the room, in a gorgeous red dress with a familiar leather jacket hanging loosely over your likely bare shoulders. Her cheeks tinted pink, a sense of relief nearly washed over her at the notion of you potentially not hating her like she feared. Then she frowned, you wore a bright smile as you sipped on a juice box. It warmed the heart of your once secret lover to see you looking so carefree, a stark contrast to the last time, just like she always remembered you to be.
This time though, you were enraptured by a stupid jock, they bore an uncanny resemblance to herself that made her stomach swoop with a fragile sense of hope.
If you looked for her in another, she stood a chance, even if it was microscopic and not guaranteed. Right?
Yes or no, it didn't matter. Natasha would not go down without a fight, she once beat off an entire group of boys for taunting you, she'd gladly do it again for you.
Fortunately for the redhead she wouldn't have to. It was like something out of a movie the way your eyes locked with hers, the sounds became muted and you felt a dull flutter in your stomach where it used to be a roaring surge of butterflies to symbolize a deep love. A swarm of tears hung at the edge of your lashes and the massive room suddenly became too claustrophobic.
Natasha didn't question it as you took off, nor did she hesitate to dart after you as you aimlessly ran out the back door and stumbled upon an unexpected garden.
Who knew the dude bros also bore green thumbs?
Natasha found you sobbing over their patch of carrots and couldn't refrain from softly chuckling. Even in your grief you were finding a way to be useful and it filled her with nostalgia, it was just so inherently you.
Once your eyes shot up to hers, narrowed and enraged she realized she wasn't as quiet as she thought. "Fuck off Natasha." The joy on her face neutralized as she fell to her knees in front of you, her instinct was to reach out—to pull you in, but with words left unsaid and your clear disdain verbalized she knew it was best not to.
Every other time she'd seen you cry she held you close, but in this moment all she could do was grab the loose, fraying threads of your light brown cardigan and wrap it around her tiny, chiseled frame as if hugging herself.
A part of you softened when your eyes caught the self-soothing move, and the urge for answers won over your decision to never speak to the heartbreaker again.
"Why?" Natasha's frown worsened, the crack in your voice mirrored the ones in both of your naive souls.
"I missed you," she instantly answers one of the questions attached to the simple word, "and I needed the chance to explain myself before you give us up."
"Us?" You scoffed and didn't even care that she flinched. "You moved on first Natasha, without even a heads up—I found out through the local pothead."
"No," she denied with a shaky voice, "I didn't mean."
"Oh please," you cut her off, "I don't do cliches Natasha and you very well know that. I just don't understand."
"Let me speak," she croaked desperately, "I don't know why I didn't come to you with this query det—Y/N."
A shiver of delight betrayed you as it ran down your spine when you heard the delicate beginnings of the pet name Natasha assigned to you in middle school. The notion alone should have been enough for the redhead to know, but feelings were never definite enough for her, much like her mom she leaned into empirical evidence and just this once it has failed her.
"I needed to know," she continued. "Know what?"
You saw the way her nail beds were raw and red, much like her eyes as she attempted to refrain from crying more as she whispered, "when I came out to Mama and Papa, I had to know if you were my one and only, or if the urge to kiss girls since pre-k was truly genuine."
"So you kissed some random guy? I wasn't enough?"
"I couldn't just trust my heart here," she replied with frustration clear in her tone, but she quickly softened as she saw your hurt expression, she reminded herself that this uncomfortable, targeted feeling was her fault.
"Why him?" Natasha saw an insecurity in your eyes that infuriated her at her core, as if he ever compared to you. "He was their type," she answered truthfully.
You hummed and turned away from her, staring out into the black abyss that was the forestry behind the college. It intrigued you, nearly enough to run into it but you saw the danger there, but as you peered over at Natasha again you found the resentment melted away; the butterflies found a gust of wind to flutter against.
You shakily found the nerve to ask her, "so, was I?"
A few seconds of silence followed as the redhead worked to understand your question, Natasha's lip trembled as your intentional verbiage left her feeling hopeless, but she spoke her truth, "You always will be."
A mix between a groan and humorless laugh left you, "I said no cliches Natty, if you want to win me over..." Instead of saying another word you stood up and left.
Natasha's eyes widened and she stumbled to her feet, intent on following you as you slowly walked back towards the party she had no particular interest in joining. To her satisfaction you merely smiled at a friend as you grabbed your bag from by the couch.
Wordlessly you continued out the front door, and a giggle left you once Natasha grabbed you by your hip from the side, her body twisted around you and her other hand landed on your other hip. The beauty wore a hesitant smile on her face as she peered up at you.
Natasha breathlessly pled, "Can I kiss you, please?"
"A kiss on the steps of a college frat party," you teased, a smirk on your ruby tinted lips, "is grossly overdone."
The redhead moved her arms around your waist and yanked you forward anyways, "cliches are romantic." Her anxiety bitten lips pressed into yours, of course you felt the way her body relaxed due to your touch and the last bit of doubt left your body as she spun you around until your legs wrapped around her waist.
In a moment of excitable weakness you sighed, "I only will accept kisses like this going forward." Natasha chuckled at the change up, and you glared instantly, "I refuse to be a spectacle though, so take me to the car!"
Natasha refused to take any chances with your bubbling forgiveness so she rushed forward, gentle as can be as she settled you into the raised truck. It was automatic as you reached for her aux, "let's go to our spot—you can continue to win me over with food..."
A soft kiss was placed on your cheek in thanks, you knew this because Natasha always did this after a fight. Usually it was over something silly, like who was the masked killer or where you two should get dinner, but it was always true, the action was a promise of peace.
The redhead put the car in drive, pulling onto the quiet roads of a rural New York mountainside, windows rolled down allowing you to enjoy the crisp air as she went slightly above the 50mph speed limit. Whenever she could she'd cast a glance your way, and even in the dark she could catch your radiant smile as you quietly sang along to, "begin again," by Taylor Swift.
After a few moments of quiet driving on the redheads part you felt the presence of a hand, crippled by hesitation hovering over your thigh. With a gentle finger you pressed it down and looked to her with a gaze that held both hesitation and a willingness to understand, to forgive and hopefully, to start anew.
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cinewhore · 2 months
Back in the Saddle
Pairing: Boone x fem!reader
Word Count: 3.7k
Warnings: angst, little fluff, tornadoes! more like one tornado but you get the picture. mentions of pregnancy - nothing described in detail.
A/N: you already know what it is. this is more angsty than what I planned but I enjoy it. I hope you do too. absolutely no beta. An alternate ending may be posted soon. Credits to the gif artist.
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The screams of amused thrill seekers followed by the sweet smell of candy apples brought more warmth to your heart than you’d imagine. 
A carnival camped out in the parking lot of your old community college felt typical of the town you left, resurfacing memories you swore you’d never revisit. You planned to stay in for the night, maybe catch a flick or catch up on some emails you’ve been avoiding but your little one insisted on coming after passing by one night on the way home. 
“Mama, can we go to the party? Gigi says I’ve been good.” she mentioned earlier that evening. It was true, you had been taking her to your mothers while you acclimated to your new job. At first you were worried, nervous that she would throw tantrums and beg to stay with you because you were all that she had known up until this point. You packed your bags weeks into the pregnancy and handled going into labor all by yourself. It wasn’t ideal and looking back, a pretty big mistake but your mother always greeted you with grace and patience, even if you didn’t extend it to yourself. 
Bailey took to her like moths to a light. They were inseparable and whenever Bailey left your mothers house, she’d always ask when she was going back. 
“Well, if Gigi said you were good then we can go. Maybe we can split some pizza and ice cream?” 
You’d never seen Bailey run faster to put her shoes on. 
The two of you cheered during the pig race, got dizzy while riding the spinning teacups and loaded up the photo app on your phone with pictures of her riding her first roller coaster. It was rewarding to watch her navigate this space, eyes aglow. You were working yourself down to the bone as the new executive assistant to a local lawyer but if it meant that Bailey could enjoy her childhood more than you ever did, that was a sacrifice you’d make. 
After a few hours of enjoying the rides, you decided it was time for dinner. You order two cheese slices and head to a quiet picnic table near the edge of the dining area. 
With the slice mere centimeters from your mouth, Bailey taps you. “You’re supposed to say grace first.” 
You sigh, setting the food down and crossing your hands together. Bailey watches you carefully, mimicking your actions. 
“Go on, then. Say grace.�� 
Bailey squeezes her tiny eyes shut. “Dear Jesus, thank you for pizza. And Gigi. And momma. And piggies. Amen.” 
You show her how to fold the slice in half, making it easier for her to chew. You did your best to keep her clean, she insisted on wearing her new shirt tonight but children will be children. A big splat of pizza sauce lands on her shirt before dribbling down onto her jeans. 
You groan and dab your finger along the excess red liquid, licking it before it has time to set it. “Bailey! Look at that, now I’m gonna have to do laundry tonight.” 
“Sorry, mama!” The toddler attempts to help you but makes things worse. 
You grab at her hands to stop her. “Just-can you be a big girl and grab some napkins for me?” 
“From where?” 
You gaze around before your eyes land on a condiments table, a full container of napkins resting beside the ketchup. 
“Right there. Go on, I’m watching you from here.” 
Bailey nods and takes off, going as fast as her little legs can carry her. Halfway to the table, she bowls straight into a group of people, colliding into a leg,  landing flat on her tush. 
“Woah! You alright there little speed racer?” the victim asks her and you freeze. 
You knew this was always a possibility. Hell, the town wasn’t that big. You knew that at any given moment, you’d stop running from your past and run right into it instead. You just wish it wasn’t tonight. 
Bailey is more stunned than hurt and she doesn’t give the man a chance to help her before she’s barreling back to you. 
You stand and console her, hoping that if you don’t make eye contact with him that he’d disappear. 
Unfortunately, Boone wasn’t the kind of guy you’d ignore. 
He calls out your name in disbelief and you exhale softly, slowly lifting your head. There he was, in all of his tanned glory. Boone certainly had grown, muscles well defined and mustache thick. His hair was longer, tucked under a signature trucker hat. Crooked smile as bright as ever. 
“Holy shit.” 
“Hi, Boone.” 
You break eye contact to see that he was with his crew, the infamous tornado wranglers. They all stare between the two of you, the unspoken history of your relationship hanging in the air above them. The silence was fucking comical. 
Lily clears her throat. “Uh, guys, we should, um get in line for the funnel cakes. Before, ya know, it gets long.” 
She not so subtly pushes Boone towards you, herding everyone else off into the opposite direction. 
“This is the last place I’d expect to run into you.” Boone comments, attempting to lean on the picnic table across from yours but he miscalculates his reach and nearly stumbles into you. 
“Oh!” you exclaim, helping him steady his footing. “Still clumsy.” 
“You know I always fell for you.” He chuckles nervously. Bailey tugs on your jeans and you rub your hand across her head in a soothing manner. She stares curiously at Boone, who squats to meet her eye line. 
“And what’s your name, pretty little lady?” 
You look down at her as well, nudging her gently to let her know it was ok. 
“My name is Bailey.” 
Boone raises his eyebrows enthusiastically. “Well, I’ll be! That’s my favorite name. Did you know that? Are you a secret mind reader?” 
Bailey giggles, gaining more confidence as she steps from behind your leg and closer to Boone. “No, mister smarty pants! You’re silly.” 
Boone keeps the amused look on his face, searching yours for clarification.
“Ah, mister smarty pants is a puppet in this show she likes to watch. Everyone besides my mother and I are referred to as such. His pants wear glasses. It’s weird.” you explain. 
“Well, how ‘bout this?” Boone rummages around his many cargo pants compartments before pulling out a pair of sunglasses. He places them above his knee, balancing it with precision. 
“It’s me, Mister Smarty Pants!” 
You shake your head, pointing upwards with your finger. “Higher octave.” 
Boone tries out a number of voices, not giving up until Bailey laughs. You smile tenderly at the interaction. He gestures to your table and you all sit back down, Bailey going to town on her food. You had given up on trying to keep her neat, you would be staying up late regardless. May as well get laundry out of the way. 
Getting Bailey settled means your attention was shifted and this allowed Boone to fully take you in. It had been about three years since he last saw you in person, the burner instagram account he used to keep with you digitally proving futile, as you weren’t the social media type. Your face took more shape, body fuller. Your accent was masked, bits and pieces of it slipping out when you pronounced certain words. You wore an effective mask, a sure symptom of your failed relationship and attempt to acclimate to the city life. 
You look up to catch him staring. He blushes and bites his lip, toying with his hat. You prop your hand under your chin, tilting your head sideways. 
“What has Boone been up to all these years? Still risking your life for random people on the internet?” 
“You can say that. These folks aren’t random though, they are devoted fans of our crew! We’ve reached our million subscriber milestone. Look,” Boone pulls up his youtube channel and holds the phone up to your face. “Tornado Wranglers going global, baby!” 
“Wow, that’s amazing. I remember when you first started that. I’m happy you stuck with it.” 
Boone nods, reading in-between the lines. The youtube channel hadn’t been the deciding factor in you ending your relationship with Boone but it definitely was a cause. You thought it reckless, constantly begging him to consider getting a “real” job. It didn’t help that when he told you that he was going to work with Tyler full time, it was the same day you found out you were pregnant with Bailey. 
You see him in her all the time, it was sickening. Their off putting humor, lopsided smiles and unrelenting curiosity was enough to drive you up the wall. Bailey would ask from time to time about her “papa” and you’d always switch the conversation, redirecting her attention to something else. It had gotten to the point where she just ultimately just stopped asking. 
You’d always imagine having a family with Boone. Call it a teenage fantasy but it always felt like an endgame with you two. You met during your first year of college, both stuck as chemistry lab partners. Boone was the class clown, although it wasn’t like he was actively trying to be. He was off kilter and you liked that about him, it was a stark difference from everyone else you grew up with. It also didn’t help that he was the smartest one in the class. 
He became your tutor, then your friend and finally, your boyfriend. 
Boone studies Bailey as she eats. “How, uh, old is she?” 
You sigh deeply. “I think you can guess, Boone.” 
He nods gently. “You been in town long? 
“Uh, about six months. It got a bit harder juggling her on my own. My mom’s been helping out. I started a new job at a law firm, so I’m there for most of the day.” 
“That explains your clothes then.” 
You glance down at your corporate attire, pulling your blazer across your slightly exposed cleavage. “Had to grow up someday, ya know?” 
“You think I haven’t?” Boone asks, a hint of frustration in his tone. He rarely got upset and watching him wrestle with his emotions now was a bit unsettling. 
“Listen, I wasn’t expecting to have this conversation today, so forgive me if I don’t use the right words.” 
Boone hums, jaw ticking. “It’s just that, you know, I’ve been here. If you needed help or whatever, I could’ve done that. Especially seeing that she’s my ch-” 
You hurry to cover Bailey’s ears. “Can you not! Jesus, Boone! It’s just like you, never knowing when to quit.” Bailey watches keenly as the two of you bicker, voices muffled and mixed in with the ambiance of the carnival. 
“Just like you never know when to stop running.” 
It shouldn’t hurt as much as it does but Boone’s words seep into an open wound and cuts deep. You bite your lip to stop them from quivering and Boone’s facial expression gives way, aware that he crossed a line. 
“I’m sorry-” 
“It’s fine. It’s true, anyhow.” 
It was hereditary. Your grandmother left her children when things got too hard. Your mother gave you up for a period of time, passing you around from relative to relative while she got her shit together. Then there was you, getting knocked up unexpectedly and running off from the only man who truly loved you. After eighteen hours of agonizing labor, when the nurses plopped a pale and howling newborn on your chest, something clicked. You decided that for now, you were done running. You would be the mother to Bailey that your mother wasn’t for you and that your grandmother wasn’t to her children. 
Telling Boone was a part of your plan, it really was but between work and raising Bailey, there wasn’t much time left to ruminate on how to notify him that he was a father after all these years. Not after the way it ended. 
You were waitressing at a diner near campus during that time. You were trying to keep up with school but it proved more difficult than you could imagine. You and Boone moved hastily into a studio apartment, despite your mother’s warnings. The two of you were in love. What’s true love compared to anything else?  Boone dropped out after freshman year, promising that his work with Tyler would catapult you two into a better situation. Just give me some time, he’d say. You did. You met Boone when you were 19. At that point, you’d turn 22, become a dropout and nothing had changed. 
The straw that broke the camel's back was coming home after a long shift at the diner to find an eviction notice on your door. It had been Boone’s responsibility to give the rent check to your landlord so you were very shocked to find out that Boone hadn’t delivered the last two. 
When you confronted him about where the money had gone, fearful that he began using drugs or developed a gambling addiction, he reluctantly told you that he was developing a tornado tracking device and that the money was needed for a prototype. You ran to the kitchen sink to vomit, told him that you’d save the conversation for later and went to bed. 
You and your belongings were gone when he woke up the next morning. 
Bailey claps her hands together, signaling that she was done with food. She points at the paper plate. “Trash?” 
“Yes, baby, trash. You can put it in there by yourself, mommy can see you from here.” 
Scrunching her eyebrows in deep concentration, Bailey wanders back over near the condiments table, making sure not to run this time. 
“She’s pretty smart for a tiny person.” Boone notes. 
“She is! My mom has been good with her. I think she benefits from spending time with her more than I do. It’s like she gets a second chance at raising a kid.” 
Boone gazes at you, brown eyes pooled over with acute affection. “I’d like to maybe get a second chance at being there for you. The both of you. If you’ll have me, of course.” 
Remember, you’re done running.
You smirk and attempt to smother down the heat rising to your cheeks. Boone mirrors your expression before it completely drops. 
You frown, nervous that you said or did the wrong thing. “Boone?” 
He stands to his feet abruptly, eyes darting across the dark skyline behind you. The air becomes still, the miniscule hairs rising along your arms and neck. A sensation you were all too familiar with. 
You stand next to Boone on shaky legs, blinking your eyes rapidly to try and force them to adjust to the night sky, to see what he sees. 
Thunder rumbles in the distance, lighting illuminating the terrifying reality you were about to come face to face with. 
A twister. 
“Boone! We gotta move! NOW!” Tyler’s voice roars out from behind you. The crowds surrounding you all begin to panic and scatter, the warning siren screeching violently. 
You instinctively reach out to grab for Bailey but realize she isn’t there.
You spin in a circle, heartbeat rising erratically. Within a blink of an eye, your baby was gone. You could hear Boone repeating your name frantically, tugging on your arm, begging you to move but you couldn’t. You weren’t leaving without Bailey. 
“She’s gone.” you whimper, hands flying over your mouth. “I lost her, Boone!” 
He turns to look at his crew. “Go! I’ll catch up.” 
“You fucking better!” Lily screams. 
Boone turns to you, grasping your face with his hands. “Darlin’, we’re gonna find her, ok? We just can’t stand here cause if we do, we’re gonna die.”
You choke out a cry. 
“Ok, ok! Die may not be the best word to use but it will not be good!” 
He grabs you and the two of you run deeper into the carnival, calling out for Bailey. It felt useless, given the sheer amount of screams and bodies that were furiously scattering all around you. The wind picks up and scatters debris every which way, game stalls and food stands being ripped from the ground. 
“Watch out!” you shout, shifting Boone out of the way of a falling dunk tank. The water rushes towards you, sweeping away a few who were not fast enough to dodge it. 
“There!” he points and you follow the direction of his finger. Across the way is Bailey, standing by a water fountain, crying. 
You both push your way through the frenzy, dropping at your knees to assess your daughter. Outside of sporting a few cuts and bruises, she was fine. 
“Come on baby girl, we go to go!” 
Bailey shakes her head furiously, planting her feet firmly in the ground. “I’m scared!” 
You try to lift her into your arms but it’s no use, she won’t move. Boone tickles at her stomach to get her attention. 
“You ever heard of a spider monkey before?” He asks. 
Bailey shakes her head. 
“So, they’re these freaky little monkeys, you know, with long legs and tails. They run around on each other like backpacks. You think you can climb on my back and pretend to be a spider monkey?” 
Boone makes a few monkey noises, scratching underneath his chin. This elicits a small grin from Bailey and she gives in. Once secured to Boone, the three of you take off in the direction of the community college building, where people are taking shelter. 
The tornado is unrelenting as it closes in on the parking lot, cutting power lines and sucking up everything in its path. The forceful winds tug at the sloppily put together mini ferris wheel right in front of you, the metal groaning in weak protest before it topples over, crushing a family underneath it. It blocks your clear exit to the building. 
“We’re not gonna make it in time.” Boone announces. 
“What are we gonna do?” 
Boone scans the area with precise expertise, like a dog on the scent. It doesn’t take long before he’s taking your hand and leading you to a grassy area. 
“There!” He points to an adjacent neighborhood, noticing a ditch in front of a small house. It wasn’t the best idea but given the situation, it was the only choice you had. 
You dodge a few abandoned cars, trying to be mindful of your steps. Boone is gentle as he removes Bailey from her position and hands her over to you, instructing you to get in the ditch first. 
“Bailey, I need you to hold on to me and keep your eyes closed, understand?” 
You feel her nod against your chest. Boone hops in after you, shielding your body with his. The tornado whistles as it finally reaches you, the sound causing you to grind your teeth and squeeze your eyes shut. You don’t dare move until Boone releases his hold on you. 
The place was wrecked to hell. Overturned cars, ripped carnival games, fallen trees. Years worth of reconstruction that only took seconds to destroy. It was a reason why you wanted to leave, why you wanted to raise Bailey elsewhere. You didn’t want to have to constantly expose her to such harsh weather but let’s face it, you’re a southern girl at heart. If it wasn’t a tornado, it would be a hurricane, flood or worse. 
The best you could do is prepare her for this life and there was no one else better to help than Boone. 
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“You sure about this?” your mother asks you for the millionth time. 
“Nope,” you sigh. “But it’s his day, he’s a professional and I trust him.” 
Your mother scoffs, patting you on the back. “Lying to yourself. Like a good mother should. Bailey! Hurry up, your father is going to be here any minute.” 
Bailey comes rushing down the stairs, dressed in a similar fashion to Boone. You give her a once over, smoothing down her wild hair. “Are you excited?” 
“Mhm!” Bailey hums, bouncing up and down on her feet. “I’m gonna be a storm chaser!” 
“Oh, brother.” you mumble, voice drowned out by the thumping bass of country music, a signifier that Boone had arrived.
You open up the door to reveal Tyler’s truck, Boone hopping out the passenger side before the vehicle could even be put in park. 
“Monkey!” Boone yells, Bailey darting out from behind you and out the door, straight into her fathers arms. He wrestles her around, mindful not to overdo it while you are watching. 
The horn sounds off and Tyler pops his head out from the driver seat as he waves to you, Lily and Dexter’s coming out from the back. You cringe at the ear splitting noise and wave back, knowing you were definitely going to get shit from the neighbors. 
Boone walks up to you and presses a small kiss on your cheek. “Hey hot mama. I promise to have her back before dinner.” 
You stare at him sternly, lips pressed into a thing line. “And?” 
Boone groans playfully. “I promise not to let her ride shotgun, use Lily’s drone, have her within 1,000 feet of a tornado, alcohol or Tyler’s groupies.” 
“Very good, thank you.” You pinch Bailey’s cheeks, smiling at her fondly. “Behave, the both of you. 
“Yes ma’am.” they answer in unison. 
You lean against the railings of your porch, watching as Boone helps Bailey into the backseat. Your arrangement wasn’t perfect but for now, it worked. You were still trying to figure out how to best repair your relationship and you felt it necessary to take things slow, get to know one another again as you eased back into things. Romantic feelings lingered but you wanted to make sure that you put Bailey first. She’d be the most hurt out of everyone if this didn’t go well. 
Boone had adjusted quite nicely to being a father in his own way, full of quirks and surprises as always. It was nice having him around again after not seeing him for so long and you would do everything in your power to make things work. 
“Hey!” you call out to Boone as he climbs back into the passenger seat. 
Boone stops midway. “Yeah?” 
“...I love you.” 
Boone’s smile nearly splits his face in half. Tyler pretends to gag. He revs the engine and pulls out of the yard delicately, cranking up the speed down the residential street like a bat out of hell once out of your line of view. 
You weren’t sure how you felt about being back in the saddle with Boone but you knew you had more confidence this go round. 
Besides, it wasn’t like it was your first rodeo. 
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