#(also I am very excited to start voyager I just refuse to do so before I finish DS9
poebrey · 1 year
I told myself I would try to at least start VOY before lower decks season 4 came out and now here I am in a voyager tribute episode missing all of the references
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drksanctuary · 2 months
As late as I am not straight, as in very. Here’s part 3 @titan-army-week
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P ART 3: Princess Andromeda
Alabaster wants to be excited about the maiden voyage. It’s supposed to be an exciting prospect, a leg up, and unsupervised fun. Unless you count the supervision of their godly parents (Al doesn’t). And even if they have to share the decks with monsters whose appetites seem to make them forget their loyalties more often than he likes. He’s supposed to be as excited as Marina is. She is currently taking Tanushree by the shoulders and shaking her with how excited she is. Ok maybe he didn’t need to be that excited he thinks, but at least they’re getting along now even after what happened.
Alabaster’s other siblings are also in good spirits. Brandon is looking up at the ship with awe. Shreya, Celina and Eva are chatting amongst themselves before catching up with Marina who is now practically bouncing with joy.
Alabaster does the mental roll call, he almost, by habit, looks for her.
But she’s not there. He knows she’s not.
“Hey Al” Silena says. “Wheres Lou?”
Alabaster wants to scream.
He had to face the truth now, he could no longer avoid it, it was so pressing that he didn’t even think to ask what Silena the army spy was doing here.
“She’s….gone” he says, failing at the attempt to not sound dramatic
“What??? You mean?? Oh no what happened??” Silena asks eyes full of concern.
Al realizes his mistake.
“Oh…n-no she’s not dead she’s….”don’t say dead to me. Al thinks “defected” he says in the smallest whisper.
Silena does an equally small gasp.
“Oh no…what happened?” She asks again.
Alabaster starts out that evening in higher spirits. He’s all set up in his cabin and is getting ready for “morale building” karaoke event on deck 5.
As Alabaster anticipated almost no-one has shown up.
Luke sits on one of the sparkly purple couches that surround the Karaoke machine.
Al shrugs at him.
“I told you to wait a day. Everyone is tired” Al says “also I don’t think the word spread enough”
Luke sighs.
Ethan arrives. “Where is everyone?” He asks
Alabasters stomach does a little flip. And he briefly runs through romantic songs he could serenade him with before he refocuses.
“Asleep I assume” Al says with a pointed look at Luke.
“We should’ve waited a day” Ethan says with a nod
“Ok! I got it thank you!” Luke says
“Karaoke ti-woah where is everyone?” Silena says
Luke Groans.
Ethan smiles, laughing softly.
Alabaster cackles, ignoring his heart flutters to make sure Luke feels sufficiently stupid.
“Alabaster!” Marina calls as she arrives dragging Tanushree along behind her. “Are you gonna sing???”
“I mean…if this ‘event’ is still going on, sure” Al says, really making sure that that thorn in Luke’s side is securely in there.
Luke crosses his arms. “Do whatever you want” he pouts
“Well maybe if we start, other people will join-“ Silena starts
“Wait!” Interrupts Chris as he enters. “We were allowed bring food?” He says, gesturing to Tanushree who takes a loud sip of her boba tea as if to answer “duh”.
“I’ll be right back!” Chris says and darts off
Silena rolls her eyes “as I was saying” she grabs the mikes “maybe if we start other people will join in?”
She attempts to hand the mike to Luke but he refuses just long enough for Al to snatch it out of his hand.
“Perfect!” Alabaster says “I know the perfect song!”
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First Meetings
My entry for the second day of @historical-hetalia-week . This one is aimed more at giving the sweet backstory to one of my favorite ships.
Plot: Scotland accompanies his mother to Francia to negotiate trade. He is expecting to prove his maturity, but ends up distracted by a handsome stranger.
Characters: Scotland, Britannia (Albion), Francia (Gaul), France
Ships: ScotFra (The Auld Alliance)
Word Count: 2K
No Content Warnings
Scotland was overjoyed to be at sea on the way to somewhere new and exciting. It was the first time that his mother had decided that he was old enough to leave their islands. Albion had told him that if he was a good boy this might even be a usual occurrence, since he was the heir and needed to learn the ways of trade and alliances.
He was determined to be good and make his mother proud. He knew that one day she would trust him with more responsibility and trust him to look after his brothers.
It was even more important than ever now that he had an infant brother who would need him. Arthur, Little Wessex, was so young and he would need protection and guidance from his eldest brother. 
At the age of fifteen Scotland knew that he needed to prove himself to her as a boy on the verge of adulthood. During the voyage, she explained the whole reason for this visit. She had trade ties with the Franks on the Northern coast of the continent, and made these trips to keep the bonds strong. It was easier to go herself than to trust a messenger to carry her words, and she wanted her son to see the process.
The only reservation that Scotland had was about the Danes. There was a possibility that their sails could emerge from the fog at any moment, as they often had in recent years.
The short passage from the Anglo-Saxon land to the kingdom of the Franks was not completely safe. He had asked his mother what they would do about the Danes, but she had given him a mysterious smile and said that she had found a way to deal with them. Scotland wouldn’t dare ask what she meant, but he took comfort in her certainty.
The first sight he had of the continent was the white sand of the beeches. Behind it there were impressive cliffs that seemed to be lush and green. How beautiful it was.
Scotland was certain from the first look that he would quite like this new place. Albion turned to him and asked, “What do you think of it?" He responded in a hushed voice, like he was afraid he would scare away the beauty, “It’s lovely.”
Scotland followed dutifully as his mother walked into the courtyard, where a tall blonde woman was waiting for them. There was a scar on her cheek that spoke of battles fought long ago. It was easy to guess who had given her that scar, since the stories of Cesar in Gaul were legendary.
He knew that she had once been called Gaul, and was now known as Francia. It was not so strange that one would cast off the name that Rome had called them, as his own mother had by refusing to be known as Britannia.
The two greeted each other warmly while Scotland tried to decide if he was supposed to introduce himself or not. His mother and Francia were old friends and it explained their familiar greeting.
Scotland mulled over what he was supposed to do. In his father’s absence, he was the man of the family. But he also knew that he was there on his mother’s permission, and he would never speak over her.
To his relief, she solved the conundrum by saying, “This is my eldest, Alasdair.”
Scotland took this as a cue for him to bow, to show due respect. Francia gave him a smile and said, “You are such a strapping boy. I think you’re almost a man.”
He felt a glow of pride at that, and nodded enthusiastically. He so wanted to be the kind of man who his mother would be proud of. Albion responded, putting her hand on his shoulder, “I’m very proud of him. I hope he won’t have to be a man too soon.”
Francia said, “I have also brought my eldest. Francois, greet our guests.”
A young man forward, and Scotland realized that he had not noticed him behind Francia’s cloak. He had been too busy thinking about how to impress his mother’s friend and it had not even occurred to him to look.
He drew in a breath as he realized how beautiful the young man was. There was sunlight glinting off of his golden waves, and it made him look ethereal.
Scotland felt his own cheeks growing hot, and he hoped that it was only the warmth of the sun on his face.
The boy said, “I am very glad to meet you.”  He smiled, and it felt like he was radiating warmth and light.
Scotland could feel his heart beating quickly, like he was nervous. But he could not think of a reason, since he had not felt this way before. His mother said, “Shall we go inside and talk?” Francia nodded.
Scotland could not focus at all; his mind was fixed on the blonde boy across the table from him. The more he looked, the more he was convinced that he had never seen a person so beautiful and so elegant.
He was trying not to stare, since he was sure that it was rude. He kept glancing at his mother, hoping that reminding himself of his duty would get his mind back on the reason he was present.
However, it was not working. He was watching the other boy’s slender hands as they fidgeted with the corner of a piece of parchment. It seemed like he was bored of the discussion. Even in his boredom he looked incredibly elegant.
Scotland glanced back up at his face, hoping to steal another look. To his surprise, he met the other’s blue eyes directly. It had not crossed his mind that France might be looking at him too. The eye contact made him feel like something fluttering in his stomach.
He quickly glanced away, and tried to calm his heart. It was such a strange and disconcerting feeling, but was not at all unpleasant. He had never felt this with anyone before, and he could not put a word to what the feeling was.
Francia noticed that her son was fidgeting, and threatening to tear the edge of whatever the document was. She said, “Francois, you should take Alasdair for a tour of the grounds. You’ll be less bored that way.”
Scotland looked up at his mother, trying to make it clear that he wasn’t bored. He said, “I can stay if you want me to.” Albion shook her head and said, “Go make a friend. I don’t mind.”
He glanced back at France, and couldn’t think of another good excuse to avoid time together He wanted to spend time with the boy, but he was also not certain what they would do once they were alone.
The very thought made him feel flustered and hot. His heart felt like it was pounding against his rib cage as he stood up to follow the blonde outside.
France pointed to one of the towers and said, “And that is the tallest one. It’s where my mother built the nursery.”
Scotland hardly heard a word he said, and he hardly looked up at the castle. He was too busy looking at the delicate curve of the other’s neck. He was not certain what was wrong with him, and he was sure that he had never felt that way before. He supposed he should pretend at interest, but it was hard to drag his attention away.
France stopped and said with a charming smile, “But you don’t really care, do you?”
Scotland was taken aback by the bluntness and the smile that it was delivered with. He scrambled to find an answer, but only managed to say, “Why do you say that.”
France turned completely to face him, his golden hair swinging around his face as he turned. He answered, “You’ve been looking at me since you got here.”
He stepped closer, and Scotland could see all the shades of blue in his eyes. They were like a mountain lake, clear and very expressive. He responded, “You’ve been looking too.”
He didn’t know what he expected, but the other responded without the slightest bit of guilt. He said, “You’re handsome, and I enjoy looking at you.”
He leaned in and Scotland thought for a fleeting moment that he was trying to make him blush. If he was, it was a success. But then France clarified his intention by saying, “I was thinking about what you would look like with a beard. You’d be so handsome.”
He paused and looked at Scotland with the most unfathomable expression, like he was measuring how far he would go. Then, he tilted his head to the side and said, “Can you grow one yet?”
Scotland was certain that he did not want to back away or tell France to stop looking at him. He felt strangely comfortable once his nerves started to fade. He chuckled and answered, “Only a little bit. My father says to give it a year.”
The blonde said proudly, “I can already grow some.” Scotland said, without thinking to hold his tongue, “Really? I don’t see anything.”
He squinted to see if there was light stubble on the boy’s cheek. Blonde hair could be so difficult to see in this kind of sunlight. He still wasn’t sure if there was anything there. France said, “Do you want to feel it?”
Without thinking about his response, Scotland said, “Yes, I do.”
He put his palm to the other’s cheek, and was amazed to feel that there was light stubble against his hand. The position that they were standing in didn’t occur to him until France leaned into his hand and nuzzled it slightly.
He knew that if he was not blushing at first, he was certainly blushing scarlet after that little gesture. His heart was pounding so hard that he could hear it in his ears.
He said, sounding slightly panicked, “What are you doing?”
France leaned forward and planted a quick kiss on his cheek. Then he said, “I like you.”
Scotland’s mind felt like it was free falling as he stared into the other’s deep blue eyes. He was thinking of all sorts of things that he was not supposed to know about. Things his mother told him he did not need to know about until he was old enough to have children. Things that people did at Beltane.
It was just a kiss, and it could still be chaste, but his mind was running several steps ahead. He followed his instinct and put his hands on the blonde’s waist.
He didn’t realize how rich the fabric that France was wearing was until he touched it. Then he felt distinctly that he was holding something beautiful and delicate.
He replied, trying to keep a distance that he had already conceded with his actions, “We’ve just met.” The blonde nodded and replied, “And yet I like you. I feel like we are meant to be.”
Scotland was not going to disagree with him, because he also felt certain that he was attracted to the young man. He said, “I like you too.”
France smiled in a way that looked almost shy. Then he leaned forward and pressed his lips against Scotland’s very softly. It felt like he was hesitant, even scared.
Scotland felt like he had to reciprocate to tell him that it was acceptable. He deepened the kiss, and pulled France against him. It all felt clumsy, and he was not certain if he was doing anything right.
He had never kissed anyone before, and he felt so flushed and hot. He was not even certain that he was kissing well, but it felt good.
France broke the kiss and laid his head against Scotland’s shoulder. He couldn’t see it, but Scotland had a feeling that the blonde was smiling.
France hugged him and said, “You smell like a rainstorm. It’s nice.” He nuzzled into the Scot’s neck, and said, “I’ve never done that before with anyone.”
Scotland asked, genuinely shocked because the other seemed to be so confident in himself. He replied, “Am I really your first?” France said, his voice slightly muffled as he spoke into his shoulder, “I told you. You feel right to me, like we’re meant to be.”
Scotland found the sentiment incredibly touching and he said, “You’re so sweet. I want to get to know you better.”
France took took one of Scotland’s hands in his own and entwined their fingers. It felt like their hands fit together well.
France asked, “How long are you staying here? I can come to your room.” Scotland pet his blonde hair and said, “A week at least.”
He planted one more soft kiss on the other’s forehead. He had a feeling that his mother would be very surprised when she found out about this.
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jusvibbbin · 3 years
Darling Duet
Harry Kim x Reader
//My first anonymous request! Enjoy!
Watching Harry play was amazing. The way he sat straight up in his chair. The laser focus he used to read the music on the stand. How his lips clasped the mouthpiece, firm yet soft. You wondered just how soft his lips were. You had admired him from a far for several months now, talking to him on occasion, but never more than a few minutes. To say you were smitten would be an understatement. 
(Y/N)! What is wrong with you? Pay attention to the concert!
As Harry finished his concerto, you and the rest of the audience stood and clapped for him. Tom began to hoot and holler much to B’Elanna’s embarrassment as everyone chuckled. Harry took a bow and the after-concert party moved into the mess hall.
The night was marked with toasts and small talk, and though you enjoyed having a night to relax, you were acutely aware of the fluttering in your stomach every time you stole a glance at the ship’s clarinetist. Not to mention the intense heat that lit your face on fire when you caught him looking back at you. After this happened once or twice, the dark haired ensign made his way over to you, accepting praise from everyone as he went.
“Hey, music man! Finally got some time away from your adoring fans?” As soon as you said it, you cringed a bit. 
I’ve got to sound ridiculous. Why can’t I just relax?
“Time away? Are you not one of my adoring fans?” Harry asked innocently enough, but the comment caught the attention of Tom, who slowly edged closer to eavesdrop.
You blushed slightly, and feeling a little brave you said, “Of course I am. You could say I’m your biggest fan.”
You’re so dorky but maybe it’s working.
Harry laughed and rubbed the back of his neck. “Glad to know I have such a sweetheart for a fan.”
You froze. You had no idea what to say. Every time you started to get comfortable talking to Harry, you clammed up. You must’ve turned beet red because Tom swooped in to congratulate Harry and told him the captain wanted to talk to him. Harry waved a small goodbye and you returned his weakly before starting to leave the mess hall with Tom on your heels.
“(Y/N), wait up!” Tom was jogging now to catch up to you as you speed walked to your quarters. As you reached the door, Tom grabbed your arm.
“Hey! What happened to you?”
You pulled your arm away from him gently and sighed. 
“Damn… You got it bad huh?” Tom started to chuckle to himself
“Come on, it’s not funny! I don’t know how to act around Harry. He smiles at me and I feel like I’m gonna pass out! How do I get him to realize how I feel if I can’t say anything?” You covered your mouth after you finished your rant and waited for what Tom had to say. He was Harry’s best friend after all.
“I saw the way you looked at him while he played. You were enthralled!” Then Tom’s eyes lit up and he grinned at you.
Uh oh…
“Can you play an instrument?”
You shook your head.
Tom put his hand thoughtfully on his chin and hummed quietly. 
“How would you feel about learning one?” he asked excitedly. And you couldn’t help but feel as excited as he looked. Tom suggesting you express yourself through music? It was genius, and very personal to Harry. 
But what the hell am I gonna play?
Tom seemed to read your mind as he said, “I’ve heard the flute sounds very good with the clarinet. And I’d be willing to donate my replicator rations to such a noble cause.”
You smiled and shook Tom’s hand. You were going to be a flutist. 
Learning the flute proved to be much more difficult than you and Tom first thought. Even with the professional holo-programs and access to extensive databases, you were still having trouble. You decided to turn to the only person that could help you.
“Ah, Ensign (Y/N)! What can I do for you?” the Doctor asked as you walked into sickbay.
“Hi Doc. I was hoping I could call on your expertise as a musician and see if you could help me with some music. I can hold a note, sort of, and my fingering has been getting a lot better but I just can’t seem to get it down.”
As you spoke, the Doctor wasted no time pulling another chair into his office and sitting down across from it.
“I would be delighted to assist you! Finally someone around here appreciates my talents.” 
For the next two weeks, you and the Doctor worked tirelessly to get your playing greatly improved. But at the start of your third week, the Doctor surprised you. You walked into sickbay to find none other than Ensign Harry Kim with his ever shiny clarinet. 
“So this is your student.” Harry smiled at you and you tried to hide your panic with a little laugh. 
“(Y/N), while I am very well equipped to assist you in your music theory, I think that Harry might be a better teacher when it comes to playing. It is true, I am a great musician, but I prefer to sing and I’m positive that your flute would be much improved with his experience playing a more... tangible instrument.”
Oh jeez. There goes my secret plan.
“Shall we get started?” Harry asked as he gestured to the door. You nodded and threw the Doctor a look you knew he wouldn’t understand.
Harry led you down the corridor as you tried to figure out where you were going. He slowed down to walk next to you and looked at your case.
“Flute, huh? I didn’t know you were interested in music.”
“The flute is new but I’ve always wanted to learn something.” You could feel yourself starting to turn a bit flushed.
“That’s great! I hope you don’t mind switching teachers. To be completely honest, I’ve never really taught anyone before.”
“I’m sure you’ll be amazing, Harry.” You said as you smiled at him. 
“Thanks (Y/N),” he said gratefully. “Here we are.”
He stopped in front of quarters you had never been to before. 
Are we going into his quarters!? I don’t know if I can do this.
As you internally panicked, Harry started to set up chairs and music stands before looking back at you standing in the doorway.
“Uh, (Y/N)? Are you going to come in?”
You pushed down your nerves and stepped inside, the door whooshing shut behind you as you sat down in one of the chairs.
“Alright, now lets see your playing position.”
“(Y/N) that was really good! I’m impressed with how far you come in such a short time!” Harry flashed you an elated smile as you blushed looking down at your flute. Harry was right, you were doing excellent. Once he helped you with your embouchure and taught you how to hold the flute in a relaxed, but proper way, you were playing with ease. 
The two of you had also gotten extremely close over the couple of months you had been playing, often getting dinner in the mess hall afterward and talking about what your lives back on Earth had been like. Harry told you about his family and how much he missed them and you told him about missing your own family and the garden you had started working on before getting assigned to Voyager. Other people had noticed how much time you were spending together and you both were often embarrassed when someone asked how long you’d been dating.
As time went on, pushing down your feelings was getting more and more difficult. You were starting to worry if you’d be able to ever tell Harry how you felt. You talked to Tom and he told you to make your move tonight.
“Tonight?” you asked incredulously. “I don’t know if I’m ready!”
Tom rolled his eyes. “You’re never gonna be ready! You just gotta have that quick burst of bravery and be honest!”
You thought about what Tom had said as you walked back to your quarters after lunch. Maybe Tom had a point and you should just do it. But you couldn’t stop wondering if you should wait a little longer. 
No… Let’s go for it!
Making up your mind (after going back and forth a bit more), you told Harry to meet you in your quarters once his shift was over. He happily agreed and you went to prepare with the couple hours you had.
The door chimed, signaling your time was up. You sat down in front of your music stand and smoothed out your clothes. Once you were presentable you told the door to let Harry in.
The moment he entered, you began to play your flute. He stood there, caught off guard for a moment, then he slowly sat down on your couch and closed his eyes to listen to you play. After picking up some extra theory lessons with the Doctor, you decided to write Harry a song expressing how deeply you felt about him. As you spent more time together your song had only got more emotional and beautiful. You let the Doctor look at it but refused to play it for anyone but Harry. It was far too special and personal to show to someone else. 
You had practiced for about a month now and it sounded good. Sure you stumbled a bit at certain parts and you were feeling a little light-headed, but Harry didn’t seem to care. The look on his face said it all: relaxed, happy and a bit surprised at the impromptu concert. 
Once you finished, Harry stood and clapped. You felt your cheeks begin to heat up as he walked over and picked up your piece. 
“You wrote this?” he asked, looking at the hand-written notes on the paper. “A bit old-fashioned, isn’t it?”
“It makes it more meaningful I think,” you said quietly.
He eventually stopped looking at the music itself to read the title. ‘A Heart for Harry: One Romantic Movement.’ Harry’s eyes locked with yours and that was enough for you to shoot up and push him quickly out the door. You leaned back against it and took a deep breath. You heard him shift on his feet for a moment or two before his footsteps receded down the corridor. You immediately regretted it.
Why did I do that!?! I have got to be the most awkward person in the galaxy. 
You sat on your couch and went over the moment in your head. The way he listened to you play. How impressed he looked when he saw you had written it yourself. His face when he realized the song was for him. 
He looked… Confused? Appalled? ...Happy?
You tried to replicate his face in your mind but you had been blinded by your shyness and you had no idea how he really reacted. That was ten times worse than not knowing. You laid down, remaining on the couch, wondering what in the world you were going to do now.
You awoke to your comm badge pinging and you quickly shot up. Were you late for a shift? A quick query to the computer erased that worry from your mind. It was 0100 and you had this particular day off. So who could this be in the middle of the night?
Hesitantly, you answered, “Yes?”
“(Y/N), I’m sorry if I woke you but I need you to meet me in Holodeck One,” Harry’s voice came softly over the comm system. You sat there for a moment before telling him you’d be there in five minutes. 
You ordered the computer to turn the lights up in the bathroom, quickly washing your face and fixing your slight bedhead. You squeezed your hands into fists and they felt clammy. You wondered what the hell you were walking into as you left your quarters and headed towards the holodeck.
You got to the doors and as they whooshed open the scent of fresh flowers hit you. You were standing at the entrance to a gorgeous garden, filled with flowers from all over Earth and various other planets. There was a narrow cobblestone path that led deeper into it and you cautiously walked down it. As you went further and further, you began to hear music. 
It almost sounds like… my song!
You quickened your pace on the winding path and soon you were in a clearing. And there, in the middle of it, was Harry Kim and his clarinet, playing a spectacular harmony to your song. You stood there as he reached the finale and he let the last note hang in the air for a few moments before putting his instrument down. 
Harry walked over to you, gingerly grabbing your face and kissing you. It was gentle, and his lips were softer than you imagined. But there was a passion behind it too, as one hand dropped to your waist and another went to the back of your neck to deepen the kiss before he pulled away. You stood there panting slightly, with your hands resting on his chest and his eyes looking sweetly into yours.
“You don’t ever have to be nervous or embarrassed around me. I feel the same way about you, I have for a while.” 
You had barely recovered from the kiss before his confession took you by surprise. Harry Kim had liked you the whole time and you had no idea? You started to laugh and he joined you, never once letting go of you. 
“Computer, add a flute, a chair and a music stand,” Harry said. As the computer materialized these things, he led you to the chair and you sat down to play your song together. A sweet duet to start off a budding romance. 
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saiilorstars · 4 years
Next Stop Everywhere
Chapter 20: The Flower of the Monsoon
Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: 10th Doctor x Female OC
(Minerva’s face claim: Victoria Camacho)
(Kaeya’s Face claim: Michelle Trachtenberg)
~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~
Chapter summary: Before the travels, adventures, companions and trouble there was only one iced lake, a princess and a Doctor.
The pronunciation of Kaeya is “kay-ah”!
P.S: This serves as prologue to the next chapter! That being said, the next chapter will be uploaded quicker to continue the story!
// Story Masterlist //
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A long, long time ago...
A young, ashy-brunette woman awaited on the ice lake of the Silver Monsoon, watching the sky intently. She couldn't help but feel excited - even if she knew it was a low possibility he would actually be on the ship this year - when the familiar ship flew by her planet. She stood up, wanting so much to be able to get a closer look, but she knew that if the boy was there, he'd be by the window just like before.
But he wasn't.
Her little friend, well at least she still thought he was a little boy as that species seemed to age slowly, was no where to be seen. Once again, he hadn't returned.
She sighed as the ship flew away, silently cursing the moon for not listening to her pleads for the return of her little friend. It had been years since the boy had disappeared from the window. Ever since she was a small child she had been on her favorite iced lake, on this day, to await the boy she would see each year. He was on a spaceship of a species her parents refused to tell her about. It had taken a custom to flying over her planet in the precise place she was at. The first time she saw them, she was captivated by all the little kids on each level of the ship that had clear, glass windows which allowed her an easy view. But what really took her away was a small little boy that was standing at the highest level of the ship, palms on the glass and big eyes just looking down with such intense curiosity. He didn't seem a day over ten, maybe eleven, like her. He was so young and already you could see the curiosity dripping from his eyes and heart. He'd be adventurous.
She was small, like him, but she had felt a connection with the boy. She herself had many spirits of adventure, though she knew the boy would have a much better chance of having adventures than her. She only smiled when she saw the boy for the first time, and to her surprise, he had smiled back.
Now, at that time, she believed that would have been the last of the ship and the boy, but to her surprise...it returned the following year.
And the next.
And the next.
And the next.
And as the years went by, they seemed to grow at the same time. He was rather handsome, she admitted. She wished she could greet him, talk to him...but the students, she guessed they were, never left their ship. They only passed by.
At many points she had tried getting her parents to speak about the ship and its voyagers, but they refused. She was not allowed to know because then her curiosity would rise and she'd get those silly ideas of leaving the planet...which she could never do. And so, with great deception, she resigned to just watch the boy, her little friend she called him, pass by her planet each year.
Until one year...he disappeared.
He just stopped appearing at the window. Had he grown tired of the silly tradition she had invented of just looking at each other? Had he stopped even going to the ship? What had happened to him? Each year, in hopes that he would return, she'd go to that iced lake and wait for the ship, even lingered hours after in case there was another ship...
But he never returned.
She had gotten one of her friends, one whom she trusted deeply, to try and figure out who the boy was, what species he was, what planet he lived on. But every time, every year, the answer was the same: unknown. She never gave up her hope, however. She stood there, year after year, awaiting for her little friend, and one day...one day...
There came a wheezing sound...
At that moment, she had been off to the sides of the lake, playing with some snow, using her abilities which she practiced hard ever since she had acquired them. She heard the wheezing sound, at first faint, but quickly intensifying with each second. She poked her head up from the small cover of snow in front of her, seeing a blue box appearing in the center of her lake.
The first thing she should have done was call her guards.
She remained in place, however, and watched with big eyes how the box materialized with such ease. She'd never seen anything like that!
The doors of the box opened, and a man stepped out!
"How to find you? How to find you?" the man whispered to himself, turning away from her, taking slow steps, probably wondering if he'd slip on the ice.
She didn't have to be a genius to know who that man was. She smiled and stood up, stepping onto the lake in which one could perfectly walk on without the fear of slipping. She took hard, loud steps around the lake, purposely loud to attract the man's attention.
And she got it with ease.
He turned around almost immediately, his eyes widening at the sigh of her. Oh, she was beautiful, "It's...it's you?"
She smiled, taking in his features as he did hers. He had changed. He was no longer that little boy, nor that teenager, they had both been the last time they'd seen each other. He was a full grown man. One that would easily be estimated to her age. And one thing she immediately picked on was his looks. He was handsome. Very handsome.
"You're my little friend," she spoke first, the man letting a shaky breath out at the beautiful sound of her voice.
"Y-yes!" he stuttered, much to her amusement, "Yes, that's me. I'm...your little friend," he sighed happily, "I was on the ship on each year."
"Not every year," she corrected seriously, "Why did you stop coming? Did you wish not to see me anymore?" she started making rounds on him during her questions, "I missed you, you know. I missed you terribly."
"I am so sorry," he shook his head, the woman stopping feet away from him, "It was this...this whole fiasco and--"
"What is a fiasco?"
"Uh, earth term-"
She gasped, "You are from earth?"
"No! But I do like the planet."
"So do I," she whispered, "Why did you stop coming?"
"I...I was kicked out of the program that was in control of the ship."
He stared at her lovingly, really taking in how beautiful she was. As a kid, he'd never thought of that. He just liked her eyes. Her big, blue eyes that matched the planet she lived on. He was also enthralled with the planet itself and its people...and her. Even as a teenager, she still didn't attract him. What he liked was the big curiosity she seemed to glow in. But now, many years later, standing in front of her... he was really captivated by her. Her beauty was stunning, her voice soft and delicate, her eyes, oh her eyes... He knew, now, that it had been worth it to be kicked out of the program. He had to see her. And here he was now.
"Because I tried sneaking off the ship to see you."
She gasped, stunned. All this time she believed he had grown tired of seeing a strange girl on the lake. That he had grown out of the silly tradition she thought it had become. And now she learned that he stopped because he was caught in an attempt to meet her! "You tried sneaking out?"
He nodded, "Oh yes. And I'd do it again."
She smiled warmly, "My name is Kaeya, princess of the Silver Monsoon. It is an honor to meet you my little friend...who is not so little anymore."
He smiled back, "Hello Kaeya, it's very nice to finally meet you."
"And your name?"
"Uh...the Doctor."
"That is not a name," she pondered, coming to terms that it really was not, "Why do you not wish to reveal your name to me?"
"Don't take it personal, it's sort of a tradition on my planet."
"Oh," she nodded fast, immediately desisting on any further questions. She didn't want to offend him and then really lose him, "Alright, hello Doctor, it's very nice to meet you."
"Can I tell you something?"
"You are exceptionally beautiful," he breathed, staring at her.
She smiled sheepishly, getting a blush on her cheeks. It was the first time someone had actually made her blush. She looked at him again, realizing he was still looking at her. An idea sparked in her mind, and she dared to admit that the idea had already passed through her mind several times before he had returned, secretly hoping he had continued to grow up along with her.
"I'm sorry...that was probably out of line," the Doctor said, so afraid he might have just ruined everything.
But Kaeya grinned, becoming more confident as she fixed her posture and stood straight, "No, I thank you for compliment. In fact, there is something I'd like to do to show you what I think of you."
"What is it?"
Her smile turned into a smirk. She rushed up to the man, throwing her arms around his neck, both stumbling back as she kissed him. He was shocked at first, to have a such a woman like this her actually kissing him, but then he realized this was his first kiss and she was a very good kisser. Plus, she was beautiful. So, he held her by the waist and kept her close. They kissed for several minutes before Kaeya started to speak...and even then it wasn't a proper conversation.
"Is this alright? Or do I offend you?" she whispered in-between kisses, her heart feeling like it'd burst at any moment of joy. She'd never done anything like that and yet it didn't seem wrong.
The Doctor would've laughed if he hadn't been so fearful of ending their moment, "No, no, I feel quite alright."
"So do I," she admitted.
And so they kissed for a minute or two more, both hoping, as they pulled apart, that nothing would be awkward afterwards. But they looked at each other and let out a short laugh.
"I'm sorry," Kaeya stepped back, ending her laugh with a smile, "It's just...I wondered what it might feel like to kiss you...and the results are..." she looked him over, "...enthralling."
"As you are," he nodded. He kissed a princess, an actual princess! How's that for a first kiss!?
Kaeya blushed and held out her hand, leaving him a bit perplexed, "I wish to talk to you. I want to know who you are."
He took her hand, "Anything you want, princess."
"Have you visited Earth? Is it really lovely like the books say? With the humans? And their houses and grass, is grass nice? Oh! What about their sun!? Is it warm?"
The Doctor laughed at her curiosity, the way her eyes widened with every question made her all the more cuter, "You really love it don't you?"
They started walking small steps around the lake, Kaeya shyly looking to the side as, "Yes, I truly love Earth. It amazes me how they live. All their customs and..."
"I know what you mean."
"I have a whole library dedicated to the planet. Oh, no one knows that but you," she covered her mouth in surprise, though not ashamed she had revealed it, "But you won't say anything, will you? My parents disapprove of my intense infatuation with the planet."
"My lips are sealed," the Doctor pretended to zip lock his lips, "But tell me something, Kaeya, if you love Earth so much, then why-"
"Haven't I visited?" she finished his question, a sad smile forming on her face as she sighed, "I cannot leave my planet."
"Why not?"
"Have you noticed what my home is mostly made of?" she gestured around her, "Snow, water...I am of the cold and I need the cold to survive. Earth is too warm. It has a sun. Look at my planet, Doctor, do you see one anywhere?" they both looked up to the starry, black sky, which only held stars and a great, silver moon, "My planet has no sun. I cannot ever see a sun. That is the curse of the Monsoon."
"I am so sorry," the Doctor said, seeing her eyes watery.
"One grows accustomed," she shrugged, "Though I would love to see a sun. Does your planet have one?"
He looked at her with a grin, just loving the girl's curiosity, "My planet, Gallifrey, has two suns."
She gasped, her eyes becoming wide with shock, "Really? Two?"
"Yeah, I'd love for you to see them rising in the sky. It's magnificent."
"I bet it is," she nodded, enthralled with the idea of two suns. Though, now that she knew his planet's name, she knew exactly what species he was, "You're a Time Lord," she whispered, fascinated even more with the man.
"You know?"
"I don't know much about you but I know the planet's name and it's current inhabitants. My parents forbid the knowledge of your home. Why?"
"Uh, political differences?" he tried, chuckling at his lack of knowledge of the planets' differences.
That was why they weren't allowed to ever step on the Silver Monsoon. Gallifrey had differences with the planet and its people. Although no one but the High Council knew why. The rest of the citizens were only told to never make contact with them, "for their own good". The Monsoon's citizens were of the worst, according to them. They were not to be trusted.
But how could anyone hate this world? This woman in front of him? He didn't understand what the problems were but he wasn't going to let it stop him from continuing to see Kaeya.
It never would.
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thewildwaffle · 5 years
Abduction - Chapter 20
I’m on a roll! I don’t think I’ve posted a chapter a week since I started working full-time! Hopefully, the creative juices keep flowing! As always, comments, questions, critique, input, and feedback of any kind is very much welcomed!
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There were a lot of humans.
Well, a lot of humans meaning there were more than two. That was more than she’d ever seen in one place! Thurrin knew under normal circumstances, she’d be ecstatic to see and meet them. But they reminded her so much of Mike and Wenona that it made her heart ache a little.
Still, bookas aren’t anything if not curious.
She’d flit around different work areas where human crew members were stationed, listening in and watching as they’d help repair navigation systems of ships, fetch equipment, or lift and carry heavy replacement parts as they were installed. They were amazing! She’d heard humans were strong, but she’d never seen anything like this before. Not only that, but they seemed to be tireless. Other mechanic teams around them had to constantly trade off tasks to rest and recuperate. Not the humans though. They’d finish one task and simply move on to the next, and the next, and the next. In a matter of seemingly no time, the small cruiser one particular group had been repairing that used to look like scrap heap material became pristine!
“Wow,” she muttered under her breath as she padded closer. There were three humans and a robot that must have been from the planet Klox if the shape of it was anything to go by. It had a similar build to its human companions but had stockier legs, a short tail, and four long, spindly arms. As she got closer, one of the humans turned and noticed her sneaking up on them.
“Hey Vern, finally show up now that the work’s done, huh? Typica… oh,” the human finally got a better look at her. “Oh, you’re not Vern.” The other three in the group turned around to get a look at who their friend was talking to.
Not the least bit shy, Thurrin jumped up on a nearby step stool and leaned back on her haunches. “Uh, no. My name’s Thurrin. I’m sorry to bother you, I was just admiring your work.” That earned her three wide, toothy grins in the style that humans do, and one pair of shuttered optics from the Kloxan. “I’ve never seen so many humans in one place before, well, actually, I don’t think I’ve ever seen this many humans… ever!”
“Well, it’s our pleasure to meet you Thurrin. This is is Kylee, over there’s Ricardo, and that handsome bot over there is Clout.”
The first human, the female he had pointed to, Kylee was tall and had yellowish hair with streaks of purple in it that was pulled back tight in what Thurrin thought was called a ‘ponytail.’ Ricardo was quite a bit shorter with dark eyes and skin that reminded Thurrin of Wenona. They each nodded and gave a little wave as their names were said. Clout placed his two left hands on his chassis and gave a subtle bow, as was the formal greeting custom of kloxans. Or at least, she supposed it was.
“And I am Vern, a pleasure to meet you.” Vern gave a deep, exaggerated bow. He had, by far, the darkest skin of all the humans that Thurrin now knew. How exciting, she thought. I wonder how many colors humans come in? But what an interesting name-
“Vern?” She cocked her head to the side.
“His name’s actually Vernon,” clarified Clout, “but he hates it. So we only call him that when he’s being annoying.”
“Which is often,” smirked Kylee. That earned her a shove from Vern. Thurrin watched, amused, but still puzzled.
“Yeah, no. It’s Vern, thank you. Or Human Vern. We have a booka on the crew named Vern. Apparently, it’s a pretty common name for booka?” Thurrin nodded. It was. She grew up with three Verns back home when she was just a kit. “ Yeah, well, it can get confusing, so sometimes we have to do the formal greeting thing with the species in the name, ya know, Human Vern, Booka Vern.”
Ricardo shrugged his shoulders, “Doesn’t help that you two are almost always together.”
“Yeah,” Human Vern nodded and picked up a nearby rag to wipe his hands that were still coated in the oils and fluids from the ship’s engine. “So I thought you were him. He wandered off over half an hour ago and hasn’t been back since, the little stink bomb.”
With his hand now mostly clean, Human Vern reached it out to Thurrin and held it tilted to the side, palm up. Mike did that when they first met. It must be some sort of greeting thing all humans did. She patted his outstretched hand and looked over the rest of the group.
“Are all of you on the same crew? Which ship did you arrive on?”
Kylee turned and pointed across the docking bay towards a large light gray and orange ship that was currently having several large crates unloaded and hauled to various work stations.
“That one over there. The Maywing. She was on her maiden voyage when Captain Fenz got the transmission that we needed to load up with as many tools, spare parts, and rations as we could carry and come here.”
“What about you? Thurrin, right?” Vern turned back to her. She nodded. “Which ship is yours?”
The conversation settled into comparisons of their ships, what their individual duties were, how long they’d each been part of the Galactic Confederation fleet, how they got along with the rest of their crew, etc. Thurrin smiled to herself as she listened to the humans interact and joke as they recounted their stories. The kloxan was a little more reserved, but she could tell they all enjoyed each other’s companionship.
It was, in a way, bittersweet. She was really starting to like these humans. She wondered if Mike and Wenona would like them too. Probably. Vern and Kylee reminded her a lot of Mike. Wenona was actually a little more like Clout, reserved and watchful, but she’d probably be happy to see other humans.
The sound of clattering metal and scurrying paws drew the group’s attention. Another booka was sprinting on all fours towards them, knocking over whatever happened to be in his way as he skidded around corners.
He was big, Thurrin noticed. At least, big for a booka, who were on the shorter side of average height in the Galactic lineup. She remembered Wenona once said that she and the other booka aboard the Gladius were about the size of a bobcat, which was a creature back on Earth. She didn’t really know if that was a good comparison or not at the time. She did look it up later and agreed they were pretty close. Though the poor creatures had no long, gorgeous tail! How sad!
The yellow flames of the approaching booka’s long fur were currently yellow-orange. It looked soft. He must groom it very well, Thurrin thought.
“Vern!” Human Vern yelled out, “Where the heck have you been?”
Booka Vern slid to a stop and rose to stand on his back legs, panting as he tried to catch his breath. “Sorry for… being gone so long… I passed by… I passed and… I saw…”
“Okay, Vern,” Kylee interrupted, “just breathe. Catch your breath first, then talk.”
While Vern gasped in air, Thurrin took the opportunity to look him over. Not only was he big in size, but he was also looking a little big around the middle. Probably the reason he was so out of breath now. His ears were large and wide set. The tips of fur on top of his head had curly flames flickering up. The tufts of fur around his neck were so thick, it almost looked like a mane. Some bookas did grow out their fur like that. Thurrin wasn't too big a fan of the look but on him… well, she had to admit he seemed to make it work. It was a little old-fashioned, but...
Oh, who was she kidding? He made it look super classy. Vern was flarging handsome!
“You doing alright there, buddy?” Ricardo leaned down slightly to get a better look at his crewmate.
“I… I passed by the rec room on level… level three and they had a bunch of monitors going. There were tons of people there, so I wanted to see what was going on. They’re all displaying the same thing, I think it’s an open stream. Everyone and I mean everyone is watching it. Not just here. Everywhere!”
“Vern,” Clout vented air through his systems in a sigh, “do you mean to tell us you sloughed work so you could watch some show someone probably hacked into the broadcast for?”
“Oooh, was it the Olympics?” Kylee’s eyes lit up. “Are we finally getting the signal for them? I’ve been waiting forever for them to be approved to run in the Galactic AV Stream!”
“No, no, it’s not that - it’s the Burnti Empire! They’ve hacked into the stream, every channel. They’re sending a message to the entire galaxy!”
This wasn’t good.
This could be a serious blow to the Galactic Confederation.
Thurrin sat back on the cushion she’d been sitting on. The original stream had come through a solar cycle ago. She’d watched the entire interview seven times now. She… she wasn’t quite sure what to think.
On one paw, she was happy to see that Mike was okay. He was alive! Oh she wanted to jump around and shout, “He’s alive! He’s alive!” She wasn’t on the screen, but if Mike was alive and well, maybe Wenona was too? Or what if Mike was the only one on the screen because he was the only survivor! No, hopes were too high now to think that - if Mike made it, then so did Wenona! Thurrin refused to believe anything else.
Oh, they were alive!
Then her brain started coming up with questions.
Were they alright? What were they doing with the Burnti? Had the Burnti hurt them? Did Mike and Wenona fight back? Where were they right now? How was she going to get them back?
Then she had started really listening to the interview.
Her heart felt like it had been ripped from her chest and squeezed tightly. What was he saying? He blamed the Galactic Confederation for his and Wenona’s abduction. That… no. What? That’s not what had… Had the events before her crew rescued them frazzled their memories somehow? Maybe he wasn’t remembering things, right?
No. That was a stupid idea.
Maybe Mike had been brainwashed by the Burnti. That would make a little more sense. But was that even possible to do? It was very unlikely, but did anything else make sense? What else could get Mike- her Mike- her friend Mike to say what she was now hearing come across on the stream?
She wasn’t the only one having a hard time understanding what was going on. All around the room, conversations broke out, some less hushed than others. Some less civil than others. One such group included the humans she had just been talking happily with from before.
“Do you mean to tell me he’s sending a secret message while also being interviewed?” One of the Rock Base crew- a long-necked speckled daydam- ranted, “I know you humans are supposed to be these great multi-taskers, but that’s outlandish even for you. He’s just blinking because he can’t see. He’s under a lot of lights, I’m sure. There are very few species that can see properly under those conditions.
“Humans can!” Retorted Kylee. “We do it all the time. He’s not just blinking because it’s too bright, he’s blinking a code!”
This had been going on for a while until their “conversation” had erupted into an all-out shouting match. One by one, other groups around them quieted down to watch and listen in. They soon had the attention of everyone in the room.
“What’s all this? What’s going on?” Captain Salora stepped into the conversation. The yelling daydam dipped his head respectfully at her arrival.
“Captain Salora Akeno, we were discussing the recording from the Burnti Empire. You’ve seen it, I presume?”
“Of course I have,” she waved her claws, a bit irritated. “Everyone has. You were doing a bit more than merely ‘discussing’ it. Care to share your conversation?”
“Hey,” hummed one of the daydam’s alien’s companions, “Wasn’t that human one that you had on your ship? What is all this? Do you have any idea what he could ruin? This could lead to all-out war! I can’t believe you and your crew-”
He was cut short by a dangerous glare from Captain Salora. His companion elbowed him to stand down.
“Apologies, Captain Salora Akeno,” the first daydam muttered. Its short fur was standing on edge in several places, making it look very ruffled and disheveled. “These humans claim that your human… Mike… is sending some sort of code during the interview. It’s preposterous! The reasons they’re giving are unfounded and farfetched.”
“No, it’s true, just look at him!” Kylee interrupted and pointed at the closest display screen where a close up of Mike was answering questions about the great times he had been having aboard the Arum Bloom. Captain Salora had to admit, he did seem to be blinking a lot. It was very strange.
“I’m telling you, that’s normal for many species under bright lights. You’re just trying to find an excuse for this betrayal because he’s also human! We all know how humans pack bond with each other.”
“Are you freakin’ kidding me?” Kylee was shouting again. “Does it physically hurt you to be that stupid?” Ricardo and Human Vern each put a hand on her shoulders, but she brushed them off and stepped up so that she was nearly face to neck with the Rock Base Crewmember. “I don’t know this guy from Adam! But if he’s doing what I think he’s doing, he’s more a hero than you could ever hope to be in your entire life!”
“And what, exactly,” interrupted Salora before the two broke out into an all-out brawl, “do you think he’s doing? You said he’s using some sort of code?”
“Morse code, Ma’am,” interjected Ricardo. “It’s a type of binary code from Earth. We think the patterns he’s blinking are in Morse code.”
The long-necked alien snorted. “Again, all while also holding a conversation with the urma interviewing him?”
“It’s called multi-tasking,” Kylee growled, “We’re great at it. For instance, while we’ve been talking, I’ve been tolerating your special brand of idiocy, watching this Mike possibly risk his life on the screen, and calculating how many vats of fermented gent entrails I’ll need to fill up your personal quarters once we’re done here!”
Thurrin watched as Captain Salora sighed deeply and rubbed her temples with the blunt of her claws. As an akeno, the captain was very patient. It was a very famous quality many of akenos had, but even she had a limit.
Thurrin padded closer to the group. “The Morse code he’s blinking,” she began. All eyes looked down to her, “do you… does anyone know what he’s saying?”
Everyone turned back to the display. It was at a wide shot now, but it soon went back to switching between close-ups of Urma Kalabretti Esh and Mike, who continued blinking strangely. Could it really be code? If so, what message could he be so intent on sending to the entire galaxy?
“Hmmm… Vern took a closer look. “I’m not sure. I don’t really know Morse code. Ricardo?”
Ricardo’s dark brown eyes studied Mike closely. “Not really, but… there! That was an S. And, oh, that’s an O! Uh…” he kept watching but shook his head. “Those are really the only letters I know. Everyone knows SOS in Morse code.”
“Captain Salora,” the second long-necked alien complained, “Don’t tell me you believe any of this nonsense!”
She ignored him and instead turned her focus back on the three humans. “Which ship are you from? Who is your captain?”
“Captain Fenz, Ma’am, of the ESS Maywing,” said Ricardo.
Captain Salora nodded thoughtfully. “I know Captain Fenz. I believe he’d be alright if I borrowed you for a bit Human…” she paused.
“Human Ricardo,” she repeated. She turned to the other two. “If you would, let Captain Fenz know I am taking Ricardo from his duties for a few moortiks.” Kylee and Vern nodded. “Right. You’re excused then. Human Ricardo, if you would follow me please.”
As she and Ricardo started for the door, Captain Salora nodded at Thurrin. “Thurrin, you might as well come too. I know you will anyway.”
Thurrin’s fur blushed a slight shade of red. She bounded after her captain and new human friend on all fours, trying to keep up with their brisk pace.
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aithne · 5 years
(Illume) June 7th, 1583: The Crane's Shadow
From Lady Yukiko's Journal 6/7/1583
I have not decided if the pleasure of landing on shore is greater or lesser than the pleasure of the sea voyage itself. I have to admit that it is quite a fine thing, to come off the rocking ship onto land that does not move under one's feet. Fortunately, I have more sea voyages yet to ponder these two pleasures, and the contrast between them.
I must admit to having my doubts about our shaman. Evidently, while the rest of us were sleeping last night, Reiko went for a walk around the deck of the ship--stark naked, raving in that tongue she claims one of her spirits speaks. Funitsu said that he stopped her from throwing herself off the ship. She was, evidently, walking in her sleep--but who shouts in a language they claim not to understand in their sleep?
Today, she refused to answer gentle questioning about the incident. She was even quite rude to me, looking angry and stalking off when I tried to work my way around to the subject. Childish, very childish. I suspect that she was the pet of the okiya that she was raised in, and thus never quite learned proper manners.
Captain Masumoto has now taken to locking Reiko in her cabin at night, and the griffin has agreed to be her chaperone in case she attempts to harm herself again. And she seems to be somewhat snappish around Funitsu; I have been assured that he conducted himself as an utmost gentleman, in accordance with his station, but the shaman appears to be offended that he touched her at all, even to save her life. That's odd, knowing what I know about her habits. I'd expected her to seduce one of her companions already, or even one of the crew of the ship, but she is keeping strictly to herself.
We landed in the early evening today in Hiroshima, and were met by an honor guard sent by my brother-in-law, Lord Hirohito. We were puzzled as to how he had known we were coming, given that we were traveling incognito, but it as later explained that there had been messengers sent once Hideyoshi had discerned which ship had left and not come back after the confusion during the coup.
Ah, the child is restless tonight. I have tried singing to him, in case he can hear me, but I can feel his attention turned elsewhere. When I have my mind to myself, I sometimes shiver at the thought of what I might be carrying within me. He drums his feet restlessly, and as the days pass I have less and less peace.
I and my company were escorted to Hirohito's palace, very pleasingly built in the Imperial style. I have never been here; Hirohito never encouraged visitors to his home, and the few times I have met him he traveled to see us. We were bathed and dressed in fresh clothing; what a wonder it is to feel clean after so many days of not having any chance to bathe! I have never appreciated a bath quite so much, even on the days when I was practicing with the sword.
Panda, of course, accompanied me, never leaving my side. What a comfort this warrior is to me. Of course I feel affection for Haku, but he is quite excitable (and the shaman often needles him into argument, along with Tadaki). Panda's cool head has carried her far in my Lord's service, and will carry her farther still in mine, should the gods be willing.
After bathing and resting, and having all of our weapons peace-bonded, we joined Hirohito for tea. Afterwards, he invited us out into his gardens, telling us he would speak to us of our current dilemma after he had shown us something.
In the center of his garden was a dead cherry tree; the sort of thing that is promptly removed in any well-tended garden. The Lord put down a small stone and warned us not to stray too far from it, lest our conversation be overheard. He said, "This tree died at the beginning of spring. Ordinarily, it would have been removed, but about that time I learned of some of Hideyoshi's plotting, and ordered it kept. I have named the tree Hideyoshi, and each branch represents a task that must be accomplished to bring him down. This is what I present to you. You would not so much be entering my service as working towards the same goals as I."
We asked many questions, and Hirohito was forthcoming with answers--too forthcoming, I feel. I know he has secrets; the easy way he told us truths makes me suspicious that there is much he is not telling us.
My husband is still alive, for one! There were three spirits that were released with Nobunga's death, all of them seem to be in opposition somehow to the other two. It is thought that in one body, the spirits kept each other in balance, but now that they are residing in Akechi, Hideyoshi, and Arenro, they are no longer in balance and wish to destroy each other.
The spirit that resides in Akechi has split in two, and one half resides within our child. That is why Hideyoshi has not killed my Lord; were he to kill Akechi, the spirit that resides within him would merely join its other half and nothing at all would be accomplished. He must destroy both halves if he is to accomplish his goals.
And this is why Hideyoshi has ordered every person of my husband's family to be killed, down to the last babe. He wishes to take no chances that the spirit could flee to another member of his family.
And, so, we are to stop, or at least slow down, the takeover of Kyoto, and get as many members of my family to safety as we can.
He also knows more about us than he ought, including information that among us only I am privy to. He mentioned that the nonhumans among us should seek out allies among our races, if we can--he named Spirit Folk, hengeyokai, kitsune, and griffons, in particular. I know Panda is spirit folk and Tadaki is hengeyokai (though no others know, and it's harmless enough), and Griffon is obvious. But the news that one among us is a kitsune is, though not exactly startling, interesting news indeed.
Kitsune are the spirit foxes, who take the form of beautiful women. They are very seductive, capricious, and make very good friends and very, very bad enemies. They are both admired and feared. They are fond of physical pleasure, and to be the lover of a kitsune is, supposedly, more intense than many can handle. I believe this is what Reiko is, though she seems to be entirely ignorant of it. It matches her behavior so long as I've known her almost exactly. I am keeping this suspicion to myself, as I do not think she would believe me if I told her. I overheard a conversation between her and Hirohito's shaman that gave me more fuel for my suspicions.
Poor Panda. When honor and loyalty collide, she'll have to make a decision--which action is the most correct one? Funitsu, being a Scorpion, knows the ways and means of gathering information that have been my domains ever since I was very small, learning the art of knowing everything that's going around you at my mother's knee.
Tomorrow, we sail for Kyoto. Tadaki suggested that we travel, when we're on land, as a theater troupe; everyone seemed to think that this would be the least conspicuous way for a group as widely varies as ours to travel. Hirohito will provide us with a fast ship, one that is in the gaijin style, and that is less known than the flying Dragon, Masumoto's ship. He'll also give us equipment and money, which is needed as we fled the palace with not much more than the clothes on our backs. The librarian has borrowed some books on English, in an attempt to learn to speak the tongue of the spirit that seems to be taking Reiko over while she sleeps.
I must think on what I have learned. Surely, somehow, there is a way to get my husband back! Now I know for certain that he is alive, I have stopped grieving him and simply miss him terribly.
Soon, says the child within me. Soon.
Hirohito showed us how to get in and out of his palace without being seen--a key that gives the holder and whatever she is holding on to the ability to move into another plane for a few minutes, passing through solid walls as if they were not there. The cherry tree that had died was tended by a dryad, and when she died (a peaceful death, it sounds like; simply old age) the key was found on her body, thus explaining how she got in and out of the palace to tend her cherry tree.
He gave us each a pouch containing enough money to keep us a while, and Panda some extra. He told us that the ship he had outfitted for us was waiting in the harbor, and the korobokuru Thomas (outlandish name, so difficult to pronounce properly!) would be waiting for us, as our guide. We decided, amongst ourselves, that on the ship Panda would be the captain and Funitsu the first mate; it seems that we all have much to learn about ships. Including myself--I am determined to do my share of what needs to be done, as I can.
There was a tunnel beneath the cherry tree that led to a secluded section of the harbor, where the ship was waiting. The ship itself looks very odd to my eyes--it is something called a three-masted sloop, called, in English, the Benevolent.
As we met Thomas and he told us this, Reiko was standing with an odd look on her face. The librarian nudged her. She shook her head and said, "Zhane just started laughing and laughing...I'm not sure why."
Thomas showed us downstairs, to a place where an nezumi--a ratfolk--was being kept in a cage. He evidently had looked a lot more human three days before, when they had rescued him from somewhere around Kyoto. On a hunch, we gave him a drink of the water from the source that we still have with us, and he turned back into a human.
Thomas said that there are two wu jen who are working in Kyoto. One is sitting at a mountain pass, and turning dead souls into shadows, spirits who are neither alive nor dead but somewhere in between, mindless and forever hungry. The other is at the north, near the beach, turning people into ratfolk like the poor soul on this ship. Both are minor Crane nobles. If we unblocked the pass, people could flee the city on foot, and if we freed the beach, they could leave in boats.
We chose the pass, as it was a day closer. So to Kyoto we sail, making good headway. We should be there tomorrow.
The korobokuru is proving to be most entertaining. Such stories! I must write some of them down.
Excitement this morning in the form of being attacked by shadows as we rose from our beds. Reiko affixed them with a stern look and some fled from her, and the rest were relatively quickly dispatched by the warriors among us. We searched the ship but didn't find anything; a look through our spyglass revealed a slight magical glow on the beach behind us.
I believe Panda has discovered that Tadaki is hengeyokai. She went to investigate why he wasn't in his room even though it wasn't locked from the inside, and found that he'd collected magical coins that exploded when darkness covered them from the place where we'd seen the glow and from several more places down the beach. He said that there were pots arranged around the coins that seemed to contain shadows; and when darkness fell, they exploded and the shadows were released. It was a trap meant to delay or slaughter the occupants of all of the boats who came along this way, it seemed.
Griffon swam to the beach and destroyed all the pots and their contents, catching up with us a few miles down the coastline.
When Panda returned to me, she asked me quietly, "Did you know that Tadaki has another form?"
"My husband told me, though I have not seen it myself. They often choose not to reveal themselves, the shapeshifters. When he grows more comfortable with us, perhaps he will not be so secretive."
"It is a tactical advantage, to have a Winged One among us."
"Particularly a spellcaster. Which is why Hirohito wouldn't allow us to leave him behind. We will need him, I think. As we will need the rest."
"Even an archivist?"
"Did you not see how he fights? Think on that, Panda, and think that not all warriors wear armor."
She looked at me with those dark eyes that are thinking, always thinking, but spoke no more.
We landed and began walking. Haku saw something lurking behind a rock--more ratfolk. After a short but fierce battle in which Funitsu was most useful, we had one badly wounded ratfolk and one asleep, which we tied securely. The librarian went off somewhere, and Funitsu attempted to bandage the wounded one's wounds--and only succeeded in making things worse.
Reiko took over, grumbling something about "Useless, you see? Completely useless. Stop bugging me. I said, stop!" She is a strange girl.
We turned the sleeping ratfolk back into a human by using the source water. She had been a local farmer who had been captured and turned into nezumi by the wu jen who lives here. they were told to explore the tunnels inside the mountain. They had found this exit, and were guarding it, reluctant to go back inside.
She told us about the wu jen, who is named Tomika. After describing her daily routine, the former ratling told us about a tunnel that the rats were forbidden to go, as it was on the verge of collapse. In her opinion, however, it looked sturdy enough.
We looked in the tunnel and the librarian strolled out. He'd been off exploring, and told us that the tunnels were relatively clear, this far down.
We elected to go look at the place Tomika had forbidden, as it was there we hoped to learn some of her secrets.
Through the tunnels we went, to a place that did, indeed, appear as if it were falling down. Through there, to a door, which had the symbols for flame, water, iron, and steel on it. Griffon told us that there was only one person who had come through here recently, and it was female. We assumed it was the wu jen.
A bit of puzzlement and the correct symbols were touched--iron, water, steel--and the door did not so much open as rust away. And in we went.
It seemed to be an old korobokuru workshop, abandoned with works half-finished. There were statues of strange gods standing along the walls, and in the back, a door.
Behind that door was a subtle nightmare.
Thousands of the same sorts of pots we'd seen on the beaches were stacked against the walls--as well as a large number of those exploding coins that Tadaki had found. Reiko could spend no more than a few seconds in the room before stumbling out, her hands over her ears, listening to screaming none of the rest of us could hear. We removed the coins from the room and closed and wedged shut the door, as if the wu jen caught us in here, we did not wish her to be able to use the shadows against us.
Thousands of souls, thousands of people turned into shadows. The child within me could feel them, I believe, and I could feel an anger rising in him as he turned somersaults within me.
We lay an ambush for the wu jen, who we knew would return sooner or later. The fight, once she arrived, was brief but decisive. I am pleased with how well my retinue is beginning to work together on the battlefield. They are coming along as a fighting unit.
We rendered Tomiko unconscious, and Reiko exclaimed that she had something magical embedded in her right breast. She unwrapped a small, very sharp knife, opening a small, well-healed scar, as I and some of the others shuddered in disgust. She retrieved from the wound a small glass vial, capped at both ends, with swirling darkness within it. "Shadows."
After Tomiko was revived, the first thing she did was to look at Funitsu and say, "If you kill me, there will be clan war. I am a noble of the Crane house. If I die, my clan will know who did it, and they will hunt down and exterminate every single Scorpion, down to the last."
Funitsu asked, "And how will they know, then?"
"Each one of us is trained from childhood to be able to send small messages with our minds. My family already knows that I have fallen into Scorpion hands. My dying thought will be of you, and then open war shall be declared. Kill me and your family will fall into ruin."
Funitsu stood, thinking about this. Reiko asked her about the vial, and confirmed that it allowed her to control the shadows--but only if it was implanted in her body.
The shaman looked at the bloody vial in her hand, considering. "It would be useful to have one of us be able to control the shadows..."
Funitsu raised an eyebrow. "And who's going to volunteer? You?"
"I will, if nobody else."
"You couldn't stand being in the same room with the shadows. How could you deal with having them inside of you?"
Her yellow eyes narrowed. "I can deal with more than you think--ow, ow, hey ow! Stop!" She batted at something invisible near her head. Then she hung her head as if she were a small child being scolded. "All right, Grandmother. All right. No, I'm not volunteering."
We elected to lay aside the question of both the Crane and the vial for the moment, while we destroyed the shadows in the sunlight. Now we're done with that, and have returned to the ship, Tomika our prisoner in the hold. I don't like the looks that Panda is throwing her. My samurai would never do anything rash, but if she thinks this wu jen is a danger to me, she will not hesitate to kill her and doom most of Funitsu's family to die. We are discussing our next move, but have not yet come to any conclusions.
There is one more wu jen out there. Without their sorcerers, perhaps the army attacking Kyoto will feel the need to withdraw for a bit. We can only hope.
"Tadaki is a geek!" "I'm a wu jen. That's what we do!"
"Does your sorcerer need an apprentice? We have one to spare. This one doesn't like adventures." "No. " "Do you have a red shirt you can equip him with?"
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eene-fangirl · 5 years
Ed, Edd n Eddy                          Never Let Me Ed Chapter 13
NOTE: This is the chapter that started it all. So, I changed some things around from the original version I wrote of this scene. @nintendogal55 and I have been having a blast writing this crossover and we hope that you’re enjoying it! Enjoy the chapter! 
Here is the link to the masterpost
And finally, they made it back up on the main decks of the ship. Just like when Edd was out here earlier, there was little to no standing room. The deck was tilting steeper. Pretty soon they wouldn’t be able to stand on it at all! Edd couldn’t think about that now.
Panic started to arise more from passengers. Officers feverishly boarded them into the lifeboats. There wasn’t much time.
Shoving through the crowd, Edd never let go of Eddy’s hand. His clothes were still damp from sloshing through the flooded hallways on the lower decks. The cold night air wasn’t helping much. His hands already felt numb.
“The boats are gone!” Ed frightfully announced, holding May close to him. Looking out into the dark ocean most of the lifeboats were rowing away. Some were filled while others hardly had anybody in them. Why weren’t officers filling them all the way? It was such a waste.
“No, look! There’s a crowd over there!” Kevin pointed out. Struggling to move through the crowds they made their way over to the remaining boats. It was like walking down a steep hill.
The band was still playing soothing music. Except they were only being ignored. Edd felt a wave of relief run through his system, listening to them.
“Music to drown by. Now I know I’m in first class,” Eddy whispered to Edd trying to lighten the mood.
Edd smiled lightly, but it didn’t quell any of the worry in his gut. His mind had been reeling for hours. He was just seconds from having an anxiety attack. No, he couldn't let anyone see that. Especially Eddy.
It was Lee and Marie! May’s whole face beamed the instant she saw her sisters. The girls scooped one another up in a big tight hug.
“Where the heck have you been?” Lee asked her with all the big sister authority.
“Yeah, you had us worried sick!” Marie was next to snap.
“Sorry guys, I went back down below and then they wouldn’t let us back up!”
“We were gonna board a lifeboat without you!”
“But you’re lucky we didn’t! Come on! That one is still letting on women!” Lee took May’s hand and lead her sisters through the immense crowds. Marie even shoved passed a man almost causing him to fall into the ocean.
May turned back to Ed, grabbing at his hand so they wouldn’t get separated. Edd and Eddy followed closely behind.
Rockets were still exploding into the sky. Officers were shouting for the men to stand back. It was so loud. Women were being taken against their wills from their husbands. And the children were crying.
“Women and children! Any more women and children?! Three spots left” An officer shouted over all the commotion.
“Yeah, right here! Let us in!” Lee shouted just pushing through the crowd.
“Wait, wait!” May protested, getting loose from her sister’s grip.
“What is it?” An impatient Lee spat.
May turned to Ed throwing her arms around him. “What about you?”
Ed stared helplessly into her eyes. “I’ll get in a lifeboat, bunny.”
��There’s not enough left!” May cried, hugging him tighter. Marie grabbed at May’s dress. She didn’t mean to be rushing things. An officer was starting to put Lee in the boat but she refused until all her sisters were together.
Ed grasped her face. There was hardly enough time. “I’ll get the next one. Please, go? I’m a survivor!”
“Come on, May!”
Ed and May shared the most romantic kiss until she was pulled away. Safely she and her sisters were placed into the lifeboat. The officers started to launch the lifeboat into the water. It wasn’t that far down now. Slowly, May disappeared down the side of the ship until the boat landed in the water, rowing away.
Ed waved goodbye to her. His heart cracked open. This was new. He’d never fallen in love with anyone before.
“Heartbreak hurts, Eddy!” Ed cried, grasping his chest.
Eddy placed a comforting hand on Ed’s shoulder. “It’s gonna be okay, lumpy. You’ll see her again.”
Edd also put a comforting hand against Ed’s shoulder. His own heart cracked. Now he couldn’t bear to leave Eddy behind after witnessing such a tender, yet a heartbreaking moment.
“There’s another lifeboat going to launch over there, let’s go!” Kevin ushered the Eds.
An avalanche of passengers scurried to the lifeboat. Edd caught sight of a woman with a baby. The third class passengers were just trickling out on the deck. There were still thousands of passengers left! Water was looming closer and closer as the Titanic sank deeper into the bitter claws of the Atlantic Ocean. Would they even make it out alive?
“Step back! Women and children first!” An officer shouted at the mountain of men swarming the lifeboat. He had a gun in hand, pointing it at each of them. Edd gripped Eddy’s hand when the officer pointed it in their direction. Would he actually shoot anyone?
“Go scope out the other side!” Eddy ordered Kevin. Reluctantly, Kevin pushed through the crowd and disappeared.
“What do we do, Eddy? What do we do?” Ed asked Eddy. He was practically clawing at his hair.
“Please, I don’t want to go!” A woman shrieked. She nearly fell over the side of the Titanic from her struggles.
“What if we bribed him? No, why would someone want twenty-five cents?”
“It’s only for a little while! Be brave for Daddy!” a father pleaded to his crying daughter.
“Double D, what should we do?” Eddy turned to Edd.
“Women and children only! Stand back or I will shoot you all like dogs!” An officer shot into the air.
Edd’s legs felt like jello. He stared up at a rocket. It looked so bright. Why was it so hard to breathe all of a sudden?
“Double D?”
They were in a new location. Edd sitting on the deck, leaning against the wall. Eddy was sitting close by, holding his hand, and gently holding his cheek. He looked very worried. Until his thoughts started racing back Edd couldn’t make out what Eddy was saying to him.
“Listen to me, Double D! Follow my counts! Breathe in 1-2-3...Breathe out 1-2-3...”
“Row row row your boat gently down a river of butter, merrily, merrily your stomach has some good old buttered toast!” Ed sang.
Continuing this calming breathing exercise for a few more moments, Edd’s breathing returned to its normal pace. Hot tears crawled down his cheeks. How embarrassing! He let all the excitement go to his head! That was the exact reason why his parents never took him to extravagant parties. That, and the incident. His anxiety only made them more embarrassed of him.
“Oh Eddy, please forgive me!” Edd cried. He clung to Eddy, crying into his shoulder. He didn’t want to look at all anymore. This was all too much. First, it was the ship of dreams. And now it was sinking to its doom on its first voyage. Everyone else on dry land had no idea what was going on.
“Forgive you, what’d yah do?” A confused Eddy asked smoothing his back. “Look, happens to me, too! My Mom taught me that,” Eddy assured him. He even pressed a calming hand on Edd’s knee.”How do you feel?”
Edd arguably felt better. That still didn’t make the situation any better. That lifeboat they were at had a swarm of men around it. The officer in charge wasn’t letting any of them into the lifeboat. If only... no, he wasn’t going to think that. Edd was happy to be a man.
Cuddling against Eddy, Edd whimpered, “Eddy, I don’t want to be separated!”
“We Eds are stickin’ together!” Eddy assured him.
“I’m not going to leave this ship without you two!” Edd determined proudly to his friends.
“And I’m not leaving without you.”
Victoria loomed over Edd staring at him with that disdainful smile. Edd felt his heart stop again. He thought she would have left already. Rudy was still with her though he looked as if he wanted to be anywhere but here.
Immediately, Victoria dropped to her knees, scooping Edd up in a bone crushing hug. “Oh, my Eddward, there you are! I have been searching every inch of the ship for you! You had me worried!”
“What the hell are you doin’ here?” Eddy scowled, holding Edd closer to him.
Victoria turned her nose up at Eddy, disgustedly. “You need to learn some manners! Oh, Eddward you’re freezing! Here,” Taking off her immense fur coat she tossed it around Edd’s shoulders. “Now stand up off from this filthy deck! Oh, get a grip on yourself!”
Eddy tore Edd away from Victoria, eyeing her darkly. Ed went along with trying to stare her down, too.
“Ma’am the lifeboat is filling up,” Rudy tapped Victoria’s shoulder to get her attention. “We best chance it.”
Victoria took one look at Edd dressed up in her fur coat and her eyes grew. She wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him close. “Eddward, I have a brilliant idea! We could get into the boat together!”
“What do you mean?” Edd asked her.
Victoria placed the hood over Edd’s head. “They’ll think you’re a woman!”
“I beg your pardon!”
“We can get into the boat together! Say nothing, or they may believe you to be a woman anyway.”
Edd stepped away, tossing off the hood. “I am not leaving this ship without my friends!”
Eddy snapped his finger. “Hold on, what if we all dressed under a blanket!”
“That would work!” Ed agreed with the plan.
“Those rotten scoundrels are not getting into the boat with us!” Victoria hissed.
Edd grabbed at her hand, pleading. “Please, Victoria, If you let them come with us I...”
Edd turned helplessly to Eddy. Feeling his heart swell, guilt loomed inside of Edd.
“What, Eddward?” Victoria asked curiously.
Guilt swarmed Edd’s heart. “If you let them come on the lifeboat... I will marry you...”
“What?!” Eddy exclaimed.
“You will?!” Victoria looked completely taken aback, probably one of the few times it wasn’t feigned in the time Edd knew her.
“Only if you let them come aboard with us!” Edd affirmed with finality.
Victoria smiled. “You’d better find some wardrobe, gentleman. We haven’t much time!”
Luckily, two blankets were sitting right by the railings. Ed and Eddy through the blankets over themselves making sure to conceal their faces good and tight.
Edd approached Eddy, guiltily looking into his eyes. He wanted to tell him that it was only a ruse but Victoria had the ears of a hawk.
“Eddy, are you sure this will work? Can we get in together?” Edd asked him.
“I’m sure, Double D!” Eddy nodded giving his hand a tight squeeze.
Flipping the hood back over his head, they started off towards the boat, Ed and Eddy leading while Edd was right behind them. Victoria chained Edd, keeping a firm grip on his shoulder. At least he could reach out and hold Eddy’s hand. Rudy was walking right alongside them. Edd eyed him, watching his every move. He was the one who orchestrated the scandal earlier that night.
“Here, let me help you, ladies,” the officer offered to the covered Ed and Eddy. This was actually going to work!
But then, the blankets disguising Ed and Eddy flew off, revealing themselves.
Edd gasped noticing that Rudy had purposely stepped on the blankets.
“You shallow imposters! They were trying to disguise themselves as women!” Victoria confronted pointing right at them.
“Step back!” The officer ordered, pointing his gun at Ed and Eddy.
“Eddy...” All hope faded out of Edd’s voice. How could he be so naive to trust Victoria?
“Could they at least help us in? It would teach these mongrels to act like gentlemen!”
“I don’t want to go without you...” Edd begged, reaching out to Eddy.
“Oh, there’s another boat on the other side letting in men,” Rudy pointed out.
“Is there really?” Edd asked.
“Yes, it’s where we were before we found out that you were on this side of the deck. Don’t worry, Rudy will lead them over there.”
Rudy blinked. “Ma’am, I thought I was coming with you.”
“That was before I found my darling. You’ll be okay, Rudy. Now, be a good butler and help us into the boat!”
Rudy stared ungrateful at the woman. How could he have given up his original occupation for this?
Then Victoria turned to Eddy, “Pity I tore up that drawing of yours. It could have been worth hundreds by morning,” she said to him.
Eddy was just about ready to explode. Seeing him this way only made Victoria smirk even more. The uncanny resemblance to his brother was not making the matter any better.
“Get in,” Eddy ordered Edd.
“No!” Edd refused again but Victoria continued to drag him away.
“I’ll find a way! You know me! I’ll get on the other boat. Don’t worry, Edd. I’m a survivor, too!”
Right before Edd could kiss him farewell Victoria pulled Edd away, sneering disgustedly at the men’s love. She pushed Edd in front of her as she placed her hands on his shoulders. Edd peered through the hood noticing the officer look at him.
“My sister isn’t well. Could you make sure she gets on, please? Oh, she’s so fragile,” Victoria went on. “Always needs someone to help her. It’s quite sad.”
As the officer helped Edd, Eddy also supported him into the boat keeping a hand on his back, mostly in comfort. Once assured that Edd was safe, Eddy stepped back only for Edd to reach out and grab Eddy’s hand in one last attempt to feel the soft flesh but also to see if he could pull him in. It could look like an accident. Then the officer would have to let him stay.
Victoria practically shoved Eddy to the side breaking the lover's connection. She leaned on top of him pushing all her immense weight on Eddy’s shoulder as she pulled herself into the boat with no problem.
“Thank you, dear boy!” she roughly pinched Eddy’s cheek as a mother would do to a little child.
Eddy stared hatefully into her eyes. “There is no boat, is there?”
“There might be,” she whispered back. “But, you see, Eddy. I always win.”
And Victoria stepped into the lifeboat seating herself next to Edd, still holding his arm in an attempt that he may try to escape. Edd already knew how dangerously frigid the water was. Victoria had him right where she wanted him.
Eddy could see Edd frightfully peering out from under the warm fur coat. Eddy gripped the railing of the ship, his composure obviously failing him. It hurt to even smile. Edd deserved to be saved. But not like this. Ed kept a hand on his shoulder. He couldn’t find any words of comfort.
“Lower away!” The officer called out.
And the lifeboat slowly descended. Edd never broke eye contact with Eddy as he was lowered further and further from Eddy’s reach. Rockets were still being fired into the night sky. They illuminated quite nicely behind Eddy. His blue eyes sparkled. He looked so handsome.
“Together forever, Eddward,” Victoria proudly stated leaning against his shoulder. “We can make this work. We can get married. I know you haven’t been on your best behavior as of late, but nothing like a little punishment won’t help. However, I have decided to give you this.”
Taking out the blue diamond engagement ring, she slid it around Edd’s finger.
The diamond ring felt so cold. Although it was so little it weighed Edd down.
Edd looked up at Eddy once more. He was much farther, too far for Edd to reach out.
It had only been three days since he met Eddy. Through that little time, Eddy helped him understand himself. He gained more confidence actually standing up to his mother and father about an hour ago. Edd felt capable of so much when he was with Eddy. And yet, he was here with this woman who manipulated him at any chance she got.
Edd actually felt like a man with Eddy. Until now Edd had no idea what love was. Eddy loved him.
Edd’s heart stung. Again, he was obeying like a polite little puppy. Edd didn’t want to be in this lifeboat. He had no desire to sit next to this… this… woman.
“Hold my hands, darling,” Victoria pleaded, already taking Edd’s hands. “They’re cold.”
Edd shoved them away. He stood up, jostling the lifeboat.
“Miss, can you sit down?” The officer in charge ordered.
“Edd?” Eddy called out from above.
“Emily, sit down! We’re not allowed to stand!” Victoria ordered roughly grabbing Edd’s hand. “Sorry sir, my sister is stubborn!”
Edd threw off Victoria’s fur coat throwing it right into the sea. Victoria was so shocked that she tried to reach over the side of her lifeboat to grab it.
Edd took off the ring, letting it hit the lifeboat.
“I’m a man!”
And he bolted to the side ignoring Eddy’s warnings from above. Edd jumped to the open window clutching at it nearly falling below into the frigid water.
“Someone stop him!” Victoria called out trying to grab hold of Edd.
Edd was pulled back aboard the ship. Once his feet safely touched the deck, he ran. He practically bulldozed into a man that he ran so fast. Tears leaked down Edd’s cheeks as he ran down the promenade deck and passed other passengers who were still on the doomed ship. Once he entered the grand staircase he saw Ed and Eddy running down the stairs searching for him.
“Eddy!” Edd cried when he saw the man.
The instant Eddy looked into his eyes with both a pained expressed mixed with overwhelming love, Edd started sobbing even more.
They ran into each other's arms, fiercely grasping one another, never letting go. Eddy was also crying, almost unable to catch his breath. Edd didn’t think Eddy could cry in the few days they’d known each other.
“Why did you do that?!” Eddy hollered, tightly gripping Edd’s face and covering him with kisses.
“I couldn’t go!” Edd’s cheeks hurt from smiling. He was more relieved to be here with Eddy then on that little boat for rescue. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, Eddy! I would never have married that woman!”
Eddy laughed. “You’re so stupid, you brainiac!”
“Eddy,” Edd pulled his lovers face to look at him. “You jump, I jump, remember?”
Eddy’s lip trembled yet again holding Edd’s slim frame closer. “Right,” he answered him still feeling overwhelmed. He didn’t know whether to be mad or overly happy. For now, it was happy. He didn’t have to be alone again.
And he kissed Edd. A deep, passionate kiss that electrified their whole bodies. They didn’t care that they were out in public showing affections which were completely disdainful. What did these people care? There was enough panic already.
Ed happily stared at the couple. At last, Eddy was happy.
Hearing a commotion, Ed looked up the grand staircase.
Pushing Rudy to the ground, Victoria pointed a gun at Edd and Eddy.
“Guys, look out!” Ed called out.
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justalittlelitnerd · 6 years
The Lady’s Guide to Petticoats and Piracy by Mackenzi Lee
You deserve to be here. You deserve to exist. You deserve to take up space in this world of men
Also:  Felicity Montague, you are a cactus.
This book is the feminist anthem you didn’t know you needed. Actually, no, scratch that it’s the human rights (and sometime even animal rights) anthem you didn’t know you needed. It tackles race, religion, sexuality, gender, and probably any other slightly controversial topic under the sun. 
It is unabashed and recognizes flaws within arguments and defenses and it doesn’t try to say one way of life or being is better than another but they all simply deserve to exist.
If that isn’t enough to compel you maybe the fact that it is set in England (actually all over Europe really) back in the olden days (honest to God can’t remember what time period but the aforementioned petticoats probably gives you a clue) with pirates and sea dragons (it’s not as mystical as it sounds but still slightly magical) will be enough to compel you to pick up this book. Because you should. Like right now. 
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It’s hard to be raised in a world where you’re taught to always believe what men say without doubting yourself at every step.
So I loved the first book in this series (The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue) and was super excited when I heard there would be one focusing on Felicity because I wanted more from her character. However, that doesn’t mean I wasn’t apprehensive because all too often the sequel is not as good as the original.
I’m pleased to report that, in my opinion, is not the case here. The Lady’s Guide is every bit as funny and poignant and socially relevant as The Gentleman’s Guide, in fact, it felt even more relevant to me as a woman who could identify strongly with Felicity’s character. But don’t worry there’s still plenty of Monty and Percy present in the story. 
I have learned that men respond best to nonthreatening women whose presence and space in the world does not somehow imperil their manhood, and so, as much as it pains me, I put on a smile so big it hurts my face and try to think like Monty, which is infuriating.
My favorite part of this novel is that Lee resists the urge to submit Felicity to the standard YA Romance storyline. That may have been what gave me the most apprehensive since the first novel implied that she was asexual, or at the very least more interested in her career than a marriage, and I was worried that having a story strictly about her would make Lee feel pressured to give her a romance. I will admit at times it felt like it was going to fall into that trap, but then it would turn around to show how it was just Felicity feeling the pressures of society.
When stripped of the illegalities and the Biblical condemnation, their [Monty and Percy’s] attraction is no stranger to me than anyone’s attraction to anyone.
The Lady’s Guide picks up about a year after the end of The Gentleman’s Guide with Felicity in Edinburgh working at a bakery trying to appeal to various hospitals and school to allow her entrance to no avail.
A year of men telling me I am incapable of this work only gives my pride a more savage edge, and I feel, for the first time in so many long, cold, discouraging months, that I am as clever and capable and fit for the medical profession as any of the men who have denied me a place in it.
The tipping point is when the man at the bakery who has helped her for the last year decides it is time to propose. This sends Felicity into a sort of tailspin because she’s not willing to give up on her dream yet but everyone around her is telling her she should settle down and be married and she’s starting to wonder if they are right. 
Which gave him the idea that men often get in their heads when a woman pays some kind of attention to them: that it was a sign I want him to smash his mouth -- and possibly other body parts -- against mine. Which I do not.
She makes the impulsive decision to travel to London to see Monty and Percy and appeal to medical boards there to grant her admission. However, once again she is denied and practically laughed out of the room for her ideas of becoming a doctor.
“You’re so determined to become a lady doctor then,” he says. “No, sir,” I reply, “I’m determined to become a doctor. The matter of my sex I would prefer to be incidental rather than an amendment.”
Their exclusionary policies rest entirely on the fragility of their own masculinity, but it doesn’t matter because they’re men and I’m a woman so it’s not even going to be a fight and it was never going to be a fight.
But this time one of the doctors recommends she reach out to Doctor Alexander Platt for mentorship which through a series of events leads her to befriending a Black Muslim Hijabi pirate named Sim and going off on a new adventure. Along the way, she encounters an old friend which brings to the forefront the intricacies of feminism. Because really that is what this book is all about in the end. Three women all fighting for their place in this world of men who try to tell them their only place is in the household.   
He has me apologizing for asking for the minimum that is granted to most men.
It turns out that Platt is set to wed Felicity’s childhood friend, Johanna, which she decides to use to get a meeting with him. However, it’s revealed that Felicity and Johanna had a falling out over their differing views on femininity and what it means to be a strong woman. 
You stopped taking me seriously when I stopped being the kind of woman you thought I had to be to be considered intelligent and strong. All those things you say make men take women less seriously -- I don’t think it’s men; it’s you. You’re not better than any other woman because you like philosophy better than parties and don’t give a fig about the company of gentlemen, or because you wear boots instead of heels and don’t set your hair in curls.
Johanna is still strong and intelligent and independent and she likes wearing dresses and makeup and heels and flirting with boys and those things are not incompatible, but a lot of times it’s a sticking point in feminism. Somewhere along the way there became this belief (which Felicity believes) that to be a feminist, to be strong woman standing up to men, you couldn’t also be traditionally feminine. It takes almost the whole novel for Felicity to realize that Johanna is not any less strong and intelligent because she subscribes to traditional gender roles/beauty standards and it takes her even longer to be willing to admit she is wrong.
I have spent so long building up my fortress and learning to tend it alone, because if I didn’t feel I needed anyone, then I wouldn’t miss them if they weren’t there. I couldn’t be neglected if I  was everything to myself. But now, those fortifications suddenly feel like prison walls, high and barbed and impossible to cross.
To be honest the relationships formed between and the battles waged by Sim, Felicity, and Johanna are more than enough reason to read this novel. But Lee decides to make it even better by throwing in scientific discoveries, men stealing women’s credit, danger, and a fight on the open seas reminiscent of any pirate movie. 
It’s not hopelessness, it’s just pure stubbornness. Not even so much a will to live as a refusal to die. Not yet, not now, not here, not when we have so much left to do. There isn’t a goddamned chance I’m dying on this rig.
It turns out that before she died, Johanna’s mom discovered a new species with Platt that honestly sound like sea monsters, something half dragon half snake like? And that the scales of these sea dragons can be used as drugs (both medicinally and recreationally). Platt wants to exploit the dragons while Sim’s family has sworn to protect them at all costs. The women band together to plot against both Platt’s exploitations and Sim’s father’s stubbornness against progression.
Everyone has heard stories of women like us -- cautionary tales, morality plays, warnings of what will befall you if you are a girl too wild for the world, a girl who asks too many questions or wants too much. If you set off into the world alone. Everyone has heard stories of women like us, and now we will make more of them.
Of course, they succeed in both tasks and along the way decide maybe they should get their own ship and go on their own research voyages including exploring more about the sea dragons. 
I am filled suddenly by that wanting, to know things, to understand the world, to feel myself in it.
In the company of women like this -- sharp-edged as raw diamonds but with soft hands and hearts, not strong in spite of anything but powerful because of everything -- I feel invincible. Every chink and rut and battering wind has made us tough and brave and impossible to strike down. We are mountains -- or perhaps temples, with foundations that could outlast time itself.
I know this was a long review filled with an overabundance of quotes, but I hope that just shows how good this book is. I read it a month ago and am just now writing this and still find myself remembering it vividly despite the fact that I’ve read maybe 5 books since then. So do me, and yourself, a favor and go out to read this book (I’m even okay if you skip the first one though I promise you’ll regret it if you do). 
You are Felicity Montague, I tell myself, and the darkness, and my heartbeat, in an attempt to rein it in. You have climbed through catacombs darker than this, you escaped from a second-story window with only your bedsheets, and you should not be frightened of the darkness, but instead be sure that the most frightening thing in it is you.
- The chairman tosses his cloak over his shoulders and gives me a smile that he likely thinks is kind, but is, in fact the smirk of a man about to explain something to a woman that she already knows.
- Humans have instincts specifically for situations like this. Everything in me is saying there is danger lurking in this forest, eyes bright and hungry through the dark.
-  Below is an unhelpful drop to the street -- no footholds, ledges, or loose bricks promised by every fiction book I have ever read. Not even a convenient hedge to drop into.
-  Charming is not a word I’d use -- or ever want used -- to describe me, but the way she says it prickles me. It’s the sort of thing I feel entitled to say disparagingly about myself, but from someone else, it feels blunt and unkind.
- Zounds, does this fool actually think he’s saving me? Another storybook hero to swoop in and rescue a girl from a dragon or a monster or herself -- they’re all the same. A woman must be protected, must be sheltered, must be kept from the winds that would batter her into the earth.
- I can do more than memorize maps of vessels and arteries and bones; I can solve the puzzle of what to do when those pieces come apart. I can write my own treaties. I am a girl of steady hands, stout heart, and every book I have ever read.
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Qeltober week 1: mirrors
I decided to give Linkedsoul’s Qeltober a shot with the “mirrors” promp because her stories are amazing and it looked like it could be fun. Since I’ve french I actually wrote this story in french (you can find it hear) but though it would be better to submit it in english since Linkedsoul writes in english and I assume most of her readers read english rather than french but it’s the first story I write (or rather translate here) in english so I don’t really know what it’s worth (but to be fair it’s also the first story i publish so I don’t know what the french one is worth either.
anyway enjoy
" Come in, children, come in"
The attic’s hatch close behind three children. Their steps resounded on the wood floor and as they hurried, filled with excitation and the thrill of forbidden acts. The shadow of the room did nothing to calm their haste and they went to he corner where an old woman was seated in front of a candle. They dropped in front of her, their eyes gleaming with anticipation and a hint of worry.
“So, children.” said the old woman, her voice raspy. “where is your father?”
“He went to bed grandma” the boy in the middle answered
The grandmother groaned in approbation.
“And your mother?”
“She’s embroidering in the living room.” said one of the girls
" Good."
Hunched above the candle, she seemed to already know where were her son and daughter in law, a knowledge which came with habit. Still, she always asked the children to tell her, maybe so that they can learn it themselves.
“Grandma” chirped the other girl. “Tell the story now !”
A smiled stretched the lips of the old woman.
" Now don’t get impatient darling" she reprimanded her with her usual composure. “Those stories already happened a long time ago. Should they have been gone, they would already be so. There is no need to rush them”
Her gaze lost itself into the flame. The light of the candle outlined the wrinkles of her faced resembling a half raised curtain and lit her eyes with the spark of bygone days. After several minutes, a long thin smiled crossed her face. it looked like a new wrinkle.
“thaaaaaaaa, yes.” Just those words seemed to dag behind them her entire life storya dn the children scoot closer to hear better.
" Listen all, listen well. It was a long time ago. My legs were still solid, they took me where I wanted. I was traveled with my brother in the region Enheji. We had been walking for several days across the mountains. A donkey walked alongside us and carries our belongings. We bivouacked where we could on the steep slopes. The sun warmed us up and lighted us our path. The rained washed our trails away." We were guided by the mountain's curves an the height’s wind and the trails traced by the steps of our predecessors. in the crook of valley we stumbled upn é small village. After having paid respects to the Faæ who protected the place we-"
“You met with the village’s Fæ?!” inquired the boy with worry.
The grandmother let out a muffled laugh.
“No my little one, But the Fæs know when someone enter their territory. One should be polite and pay respect them if they do not which to suffer their ire.”
She heaved a sigh and gazed back at the flame.
"we went to introduce ourselves to the village chief. We asked for his hospitality and offered him some items we had collected during our journey in exchange. He refused generously and offered us a stay provided that we could pay for our food since the village had no inn.
Then he asked us if we had a mirror. We were surprised but some people do like to collect fine mirrors which merchants are reluctant to sell because of how fragile they are. Since we had not bought any we excused ourselves. Thus he asked us something strange. He insisted on covering our metallic items with charcoal. Of course your great uncle refused. The travel was already hard enough without us having to clean up our belongings on the road bu village chief would not let it go. We stubbornly refused to let approach our belongings without an explanation. Now I realize that he could have chased us away without explaining himself but the man was kind and I am still grateful for it. He explained that all reflective surfaces were banned from the village."
“But mom says you have to put a mirror by the door to keep hexes away” one of the girls piped up
“Yes darling. You can do lot of hings with a mirror. Some magicians even use it to perceive the future. This is what surprised us your grand-uncle and I. Thus we asked for more explanations. Here is what he told us: to the south of the village, there is a mirror hidden in the mountain, that would curse those who stared in it. Nobody dared to break it nor move it. The villager were scared the curse would spread to other mirrors so they banned them from the village. Everywhere in the village silverware, tin and iron were covered with charcoal. Even the wells and water buckets were veiled. Even though the people of Enheji lives in harmony with Fæs, this village was terrified their reflects could turn magic. I had not seen so many people scared of magic since–”
She stopped and stared at the children seated in front of her. He chest rumbled with a mocking laughter.
“we accepted” she continued “to dirty our belongings. We traded some items for a meal and food and water for the upcoming days. We had decided to leave the morning after –”
“Did you see the mirror ?”
“Was it really cursed?”
the youngest and her brother asked at the same time.
she raised a hand and the children went silent, hanging onto her every word. Her eyes reflected the dance of the candle as if they were hypnotized by it.
“A curse… maybe… in a sense…” she said slowly. “We were gone before dawn. I don’t know why.”The clouds hid the last stars, the sun was not up yet. We could barely see were we where stepping? The wind of the early morning was freezing our bones. These were very bad conditions for a departure. We kept going. We didn’t know where we were going. Without a start to guide us we could have gotten lost. Without seeing the hazards of the road, we could have gotten hurt. We kept going. We ended up near cliffs with an opening in the rock. I do not remember if we were trying to shield ourselves from the wind or if we were just curious, but we got closer.
That is when our donkey, who had always followed us obediently, stopped dead in its track. No matter how we pulled on the bridle he would not move an inch. Despite how little credit we give animals, they know many things we do not. We kept going. Your grand-uncle fumbled his way along and I grabbed onto his tunic for fear fo losing him. After a few minutes we saw a light. We stumbled upon a dead end and, leaning against the wall, a man-sized mirror. The two candles on the floor could barely light up the black wooden frame on which were carved symbols I could not understand. Still, the image the mirror reflected was bright as day. Strangely enough, I only remember having saw your uncle’s reflection, not mine. When he raised his head, his gaze met with his reflection’s.
That’s when the image changed. The cave was gone and instead was my brother, laying in a bed. He had no tunic anymore, his face was crunched with pain and I could see his side bore an infected wound with shards in it. After a few seconds, his features softened and breathed his last breath. As soon as the image faded, we ran out of the cave. Our donkey was still waiting for us outside. He had all our food, water, material and personal belongings. We were foolish to let him there. We never spoke again of what we saw in the cave. A few years later, we were caught by a storm. A tree branch pierced your uncle’s side. By the time we found a village, the wound was infected. He died there."
Silence reigned in the attic. The impassive face of the grandmother was agitated only by the shifting shadows of the flame. Eventually, she spoke again:
“I am but an old bat, I know nothing of the arts of magic. But I know this miror was not the cause of your grand-uncle’s death. I heard, I saw, I met magicians who could see in reflections the shadows of what may be, still I would never have though there could be a Fæ so wise or a magician so foolish as to crack the secrets of time this way. This may be the curse this mirror bore: not death, only Fæs and witches can escape it, but knowing.”
The children were staring in silence. Time itself seemed frozen.
“Did,” Started the oldest with a shaking voice.
The hatch of the attic opened, filling it with the light of the house and startling the children.
“What are you doing here at this time of night?” Their father asked in a gruff voice. “Go to bed now!”
And the children flew off without glancing back. The only remainders were the mother and her son, his gaze heavy.
“what are you doing mom ?” He asked reproachfully.
“I’m dancing can’t you see ?” she mocked.
“You were telling them about your travels again. After all we’ve done to make the village forget him, you keep on talking them about you travels with Artair. If he could had gotten hurt sooner–”
“Watch how you speak about your uncle, son.” She rumbled
The man recoiled. After regaining his composure he went on.
“Mom. I don’t want you to tell them this stories anymore. It could give them ideas and if someone hears about it people are gonna start talking again”
“–so what ?” she retorted. " I can’t leave the house anymore, my legs are too weak. People can babble, I won’t hear them."
“think of the example you set for the children ! I don’t want them to become–”
She interrupted him with a grave laughter. She stood up, passed her son without a word and took the stairs. Even with the help of her cane, every step was like a knife piercing her knees. Soon she could not walk up them. She stopped down the stairs before going to her own room.
“no.” she thought. The children would not become voyagers or outcasts, she knew it. Kaley already grew hesitant to come hear her stories. Daven was worried of how his comrades saw him and did not run to the house for her to teach him knitting anymore. Lorgo threw warier and warier glances at the forest.
Her brother had took her from Vail a long time ago. They went before dawn, without being seen by anyone, dead to Vail. Together they saw the wonders of Midatiara, the cirles of Eomlain, the landscapes of Enheji, had faced the rain, the wind and the snow. When he died, she could not keep going. She went back to Vail, to her village, to bring back his corpse to their parents. They thought they saw a ghost. She thought so too. She was never able to leave again. As time went on, her health withered, her legs had abandoned her. But deep inside she knew that even if she could not walk like before, she no longer had the strength to hit the road again. She knew. She sat on her bad. She bent and search in the nightstand for an object wrapped in fabric. Her brother and she had agreed to never talked of what they had saw in the mirror but these past few years she found herself wondering if he really saw what she saw. She undid the fabric and pulled of a hand mirror which she brought to her face. There she was, in the mirror, laying down, her gaze still, her faced marked by the creases of time.
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willow-salix · 6 years
How to plot your book.
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How to plot a book or story
Plotting is something that almost all writers will have an opinion on, good or bad. Some will hate it and never do it, others will swear by it.
Personally, I love a good plotting session and I take it very seriously, for me it’s almost as important a part of a novel’s creation as the writing itself.
Now, please remember that this is only my views on plotting and how I do it, you do not need to be as full on or organised as I am, because I will admit, I’m a little obsessive with my note taking.
Ok, so, why plot?
I know that some writers prefer to just wing it and let the story flow as it may, but personally I have beta’d and read enough works from people who have done that, and I’ve found that they often lose track of the story and veer from the point into a rambling, convoluted mess in some places. That or they confess to me that they have ground to a halt because they have either written themselves into a corner or they don’t know what happens next.
Its all well and good having a general idea of how you want your story to pan out, but its harder than you may think to actually execute. Winging it in a short story is easy enough, but in a novel where you have so much more to keep track of, its best to have some idea of what you are doing, a plot should help you get the most out of your story.
There are a number of ways to plot out your work.
-simple bullet points
- a simple synopsis type overview of the story taking up two or three pages
- a flow chart
- post-it notes on a wall in your office
- or even simple notes on your computer.
They can be as simple of as detailed as you wish or need.
I personally love as much detail as possible. That’s not to say that I don’t sometimes deviate from my plans or add things that my brain doesn’t suddenly decide that it knows exactly what has to happen next without my say so, that would be craziness, but I also don’t believe in letting my characters run around all over the place doing as they please. I will drag them back kicking a screaming if I need to. They are your creation, you tell them what to do, not the other way around.
Now this is how I plot (hold up notebooks, then show some of the pages etc)
I have a whole, massive, complicated world in my head, and all my characters and individual books intertwine to create a big series. I have a lot to keep track of and a sieve for a brain. I need all the help I can get.
When my muse is in full rampage mode she refuses to shut up and let me focus on my current writing project until I have indulged her and listened to her new idea. And until I’ve written the idea out, I won’t leave me in peace.
I have no more than two novels plotted per note book, because I like lots of space for extra notes, ideas that pop up and notes as I write the actual book.
I plot the entire book, start to finish in a mixture of bullet points, full sentences and sometimes full paragraphs, and sometimes even scene snippets as I quite often find that they will pop up fully formed in my head. I add as much information as I think I will need.
I like to do this for a number of reasons.
One, because it gets the whole story out of my head and down on paper so that I can start thinking again but it means that I don’t lose any of the actual idea details.
Two, I like lists, lists are good. I make lists for everything in my life, even cleaning the house, as I like to tick things off as I do them and feel a sense of accomplishment. There is nothing worse than staring at a blank screen and feeling that daunting dread of knowing you need at least 50,000 words on there to make a novel. This way you can physically see your progress and tick it off as you go, imagine how good that feels.
Three, its motivation for me. If I’m not feeling like writing and believe me most writers will tell you that they hardly ever feel like it. if you wait for your muse or inspiration you could be waiting forever. This way I can say to myself, a little is better than nothing, wills. Just write one of your plot points, just one. That one will often lead on to two, three and as you find your flow.
Four, you will never, ever have writers block, or at the very least you will never be able to use the excuse for not knowing what to write, because its right there in front of you. no excuses!
Imagine how good it feels as you work your way through your story, seeing it forming before your eyes? I can tell you, it’s addictive.
Another reason I like my elaborate plots and notebooks is because I can write all my additional ideas and notes for the story in it and never lose them. They will always be right there.
They also make a great reference piece. I can quickly find old plot points to make sure there are no inconsistences in future books.
It works for me, motivates me and organises me and that’s the most important part for more. It helps me write my best work.
Now, on to how you actually take an idea from your brain and make it into a working plot.
Many find it hard to get the idea down at all. Really, all you need to start off with is a beginning and an end. You know how it starts, you know how its going to end, you just have to fill in the bits in between.
First, I would suggest you identify what type of story it is that you are wanting to write, I’m going to make another video soon that explains the 7 basic plots, but they are easy enough to look up for yourself.
Let’s make up an example. Say you wanted to do a classic voyage and return story. You would start with your hero needing to travel to some far-off place. While they are there, they need to experience a variety of things, from excitement, hope, disappointment, a time when they think it’s all hopeless and then victory in the end. The whole journey should teach them lessons and make them a better person by the time they return.
Sometimes its easier to start at the end and work your way backwards. So, plot out your ending, because that’s usually the part of the story we are most clear on. Ok, with me so far?
Once you have your ending, work out what obstacles your hero is going to have to face. Scatter them within your plan, along with a few happy moments, and then write your beginning. There you have your basic plot formation. Now all you need to do is ask yourself how your character will travel from plot point to plot point, this is basic infilling.
Its not a flawless process, but it’s definitely easier than trying to figure it all out as you go. But remember, don’t be afraid to deviate slightly from your plot, it doesn’t have to follow perfectly, just try to stick to your major plot points and you’ll be fine.
I hope this has helped you in some way, keep popping back for more hints and tips.
Blessed be and happy writing.
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From Upon the Golden Thrones
Episode 7: The Voyage for the Fireflower
      Heavy clouds hung low in the red skies overhead as Captain Guildmore's crew loaded the luggage aboard the Splendor Hyaline. Peter chewed his bottom lip as he watched from the courtyard, turning Eilonwy's words over and over in his mind. It's my job to educate you about what you're all getting yourselves into. She never did give him a proper answer.
     Lucy was absolutely incapable of sitting still. She clutched her cordial to her chest as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other, desperate to board the ship. Susan cocked a brow, watching with tired eyes, and sighed in defeat. "Lucy, calm down. Please. If you're going to get this worked up, maybe we should just call this whole thing off" she said, tone desperate but laced with a tinge of hope. How she wished they could call the whole thing off. She glanced back toward Cair Paravel longingly, wringing her hands in the folds of her sheer overskirt. A warm bath and candlelit night alone called to her.       "No! We can't call of the trip!" Lucy shot a glare to the gentle.       "Lucy's right, Su" Peter added. "We've already made the plans. It's too late to turn back now." Despite his words, Susan could tell that he, too, appeared tired and distraught.       "Besides, this is important to Lucy and therefore it's important to all of us" Edmund replied, stepping forward. Lucy beamed, whipping around to face him as he smiled down upon her. So far, he seemed like the only one genuinely enthusiastic about this trip. For everyone else, it was just another chore they were obligated to fulfill.       "Peter, when do you think the ship will be ready?" Lucy then asked, turning to her other brother. She was brimming with anticipation. The High King glanced to the Splendor Hyaline, then back at his sister, biting his lower lip.       "I'll go check" he replied. Sucking in a deep breath, he jogged down the dock toward the gangplank where Eilonwy joined the ship's crew as they prepared for departure. "Hey" he muttered as he snuck up beside her. Taken aback by the sudden company, the huntress gasped and swung a punch, just missing as Peter ducked beneath her blow. "Whoa, take it easy! It's just me!"       "Sorry" Eilonwy replied, though he couldn't tell if she really meant it. "Peter, I'm very busy so whatever's the matter, can we please make it quick?"       "I was just wondering how much longer it'll be" he replied. When she shot him a glare, he quickly added, "For Lucy! She's getting pretty anxious." The moment he mentioned the valiant, Eilonwy's expression softened.       "Shouldn't be too much longer now. We're just getting the last of the luggage aboard. You know, you lot have a horrible habit of overpacking" she said, rolling her eyes as she hoisted another trunk aboard.       "You know, I'm starting to really worry about her" Peter said, almost as if he hadn't even heard the huntress. He glanced at Lucy over his shoulder, still standing there uneasily as if she was required to keep moving or else the world might collapse. "I know this is important to her but she's not handling any of this well and I don't want this to become a problem."       "It won't be if you don't treat it like one" Eilonwy replied, a tinge of harshness embedded in her tone. Peter cocked an eyebrow suspiciously, as if her words were a puzzle that he was trying to comprehend.       He paused a moment before huffing and speaking again. "Eilonwy, you don't understand. I've never seen Lucy like this. It scares me. I'm honestly not even sure any of this is a great idea anymore. At least not if this is how she reacts."       "Peter" Eilonwy sighed, loading another trunk aboard. "This is a good idea because this is what Lucy's needs to do. Regardless of how she's reacting, you have no choice. You have to go. Lucy has to go. She's bringing all of this onto herself, and rightly so. If I was in her position, I'd be the same way."       By now, the High King was pacing back and forth with a very constipated expression. "I would've at least thought she would have calmed down by now. It's the day of the trip. She shouldn't be panicking anymore-- she has nothing left to wait for!"       It quickly became clear to Eilonwy that her friend was not in the most attentive mood this morning. Rubbing her eyes, she leaned against the last couple of trunks and remarked. "Peter, you're a terrible listener when you're worked up. Did you even hear a word I just said?"       "I just don't understand why she's getting so worked up!" he fumed.       "Hmph. In one ear and out the other" Eilonwy scoffed. Not that she was entirely surprised. It wouldn't be the first time he jumped to conclusions and attempted hasty decisions about things he didn't quite understand. As she stood there listening to him ramble on and on about his misconceptions, she began to wonder what it would take to really capture his attention and bring him back to center. After a few more moments, she finally straighened her back, pinned her arms to her side, and announced out of nowhere, "Peter, I had an affair with a sea serpent and am now carrying his tentacled child."       Just as she had hoped, the High King paused midsentence, face flushed and eyes wide. "Wait, what did you just say? Y-you're what...?!" he panicked. A sly smirk graced Eilonwy's lips as she folded her arms and revelled in her success.       "There we go. Now he's back" she said proudly.       "Ellie, that's not funny!" he protested, whacking her lightly on the forearm. "We have a real problem on our hands here and you don't seem to care very much."       "Oh, and my unborn serpent child isn't a problem?" she asked with a chuckle. The High King remained unamused. "Listen, I know you're nervous, Peter, but you're not listening to me. Not that you ever do."       "Wait, what's that supposed to mean?" he shot back.       "Oh, nothing. Like you said, we have a real problem on our hands here" Eilonwy replied flippantly. "I know you're worried about Lucy but I'm trying to tell you that this is only natural. Just don't worry so much and she'll be fine. The anxiety will subside on it's own, probably once we get to Kronne and get all of this cordial business sorted once and for all."       Peter sighed, knowing that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't possibly think of a better plan of action. Lucy was going to react however she reacted and he had no control over that. He just had to roll with the punches and respond as best as he could. After so many months of kingship, he felt he was getting rather good at that sort of thing anyways.       "Now, if you'd excuse me, Peter, I've got some work to do so if you'd kindly...you know" she then said, motioning for him to return to his siblings. Peter nodded a moment, trying his best to feel a little more at ease about the circumstance, but as he wandered back to his family, a thought snagged him backward.       "Ellie, wait! Wait a second!" he called, diving toward the gangplank. "What did you mean about my not listening to you, anyways? I listen to you."       Eilonwy simply waved off his question as she dragged a rather hefty trunk onto the deck. Despite her rejections, however, Peter was not about to settle on a cliffhanger. She had been acting petty for weeks and he wanted to get to the bottom of it, and soon. Without a second thought, he swung around to the other side of the trunk, helping her to push it aboard. "Come on, Ellie, answer me for Christ's sake!"       "You really don't like being ignored, do you?" Eilonwy asked bitterly.       "Please just tell me what you're talking about!" he pleaded.       "And give up watching you beg? I don't think so" she chuckled defiantly. The magnificent narrowed his eyes. He already had enough to worry about, he didn't need to weave through Eilonwy's pesky emotional labyrinth, too.       "Come on!"       "Fine. You really want answers? Then I'll give them to you" she muttered, tugging the trunk the last few inches up the gangplank. The sudden acceleration caught Peter by surprise, sending him reeling a few steps backward. Eilonwy smirked, leaning over the railing of the ship's deck as she looked down upon him. "I have two words for you, Peter Pevensie: Lord Lemuel."       Peter paused a moment, trying to figure out what she meant. "You mean what happened in your room? But I saved you!"       "I'm not talking about that incident, Peter. I'm talking about the one you blamed me for" she replied, now refusing to so much as look at him.       He cocked his head to the side, furrowing his brows in confusion. "Ellie, what do you mean? That was the only incident!"       "No, Peter. It wasn't. Now go run along with your siblings, I have work to do and this conversation is starting to really sap my energy" she replied, waving him off. At first, Peter was slightly offended but he knew there was no breaking her. Eilonwy was tough; it took time and patience to get to her core, even for Peter who he felt she trusted more than anyone. Or at least he hoped. And while he was hoping for things, he also hoped that whatever she was mad at him for wasn't enough to deter her from thinking highly of him, of caring about him, of perhaps even loving him. He doubted she felt that serious toward him but still, he feared the worst regardless. He had no idea what he'd do if he discovered he was at fault for Eilonwy no longer harboring affections for him. But he pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind. He didn't have the time nor the energy to focus on such negativity. Peter could only handle one dilemma at a time and right now, Lucy was his top priority. He could iron out Eilonwy's troubles later. She certainly seemed to have no issue putting things off, anyways. If she could wait, then Peter could wait.       By noon, the Splendor Hyaline was fully supplied and departing on it's much anticipated journey. Lucy rushed ahead, cordial in hand, nearly stumbling over her own two feet. She was already standing beside the captain when the rest of the Pevensies boarded, her free hand on the ship's wheel as if she planned to pilot the vessel herself. Excitement brimmed from her eyes and flowed through her veins, electrifying her as Cair Paravel began to fade into the distance. The further they ventured, the more productive she felt but with that satisfaction came a sense of fear, as well. As night fell across the Eastern Ocean, the valiant found herself spiraling once again into waves of panic.       "Susan, can I speak with you for a moment?" Lucy asked from the hall. The gentle sighed and set her pen down, immersed in secret paperwork.       "Lucy, it's late. You should be in bed" she replied from the other side of the closed door.       "Well, so should you but that hasn't stopped either of us, has it?" Lucy fired back. "Listen, Susan, I need to speak with you immediately. I need someone to talk to."       "Lucy" the gentle sighed, "If this is about your cordial, you have nothing to worry about. By tomorrow, we should arrive in Kronne and then everything will be all taken care of. Until then, you need to sleep. Please."       Though she didn't want to give up, Lucy knew there was no shaking her sister. Susan was distant and obviously preoccupied-- with what, however, the valiant hadn't the slightest clue. The moment she felt Lucy was far enough away, Susan let her guard down and sank slowly into her nearby chair. A bejeweled finger ran across the pages of parchment sprawled across her desk and a pang of longing struck her chest hard. Lately, she had begun to feel like taffy being pulled in fifteen different directions, never getting a moment to cool down and relax. In the privacy of her bunk, however, she was granted the opportunity to indulge in her own otherwise neglected pasttimes. She needed some isolation, some time to recharge, or else she feared she would implode under the overwhelming responsibility of being both a sister and a queen.       Defeated, Lucy trudged down the hall back toward her chambers. She supposed if she was to feel anxious, then she would just have to face it alone. Nobody else seemed to care very much. Suddenly, however, she got an idea.       "Eilonwy?" she called softly, rapping lightly at the door. The huntress rose from her bed, eyes heavy, and swung the door open. "Eilonwy, can I speak with you for a moment?" Without hesitation, the huntress ushered the little queen inside and motioned for her to sit upon the bed.       "What seems to be the trouble, your majesty?" Eilonwy asked, seating herself on the edge of the bed.       "I don't know, I just...I'm kind of...scared...about tomorrow. I just need someone to talk to about it" Lucy replied. Eilonwy cocked an eyebrow, urging her to continue. With a sigh, the youngest Pevensie drew her knees up to her chest and explained. "Maybe Susan was right. Maybe this is all a huge mistake, that we should've called off the trip. What if these fireflowers don't really exist? And we've come all this way for nothing? I know the idea of not having my cordial terrifies me, but I think the thought of this entire thing being pointless scares me even more."       A sigh broke past Eilonwy's lips. Apparently she was becoming the designated royal counselor, or so it seemed. "Lucy, I know you're nervous. I am, too--"       "You are?" she interrupted.       "Yes. I am" Eilonwy replied. "But there is nothing we can do about what will happen other than to wait and see how everything turns out. I know that sounds horrible and probably doesn't help one bit but we just have to know that whatever happens, it's all for the best." The huntress prayed she sounded convincing, but even she didn't fully believe herself.       Lucy nodded slowly, thoughtfully, before breaking the streak of silence. "Eilonwy...? Can you please tell me the story again? The one about the island and the lady who guards the fireflowers?"       Eilonwy chuckled lightly and crossed her legs at the foot of the bed. By now she figured it was safe to assume Lucy wasn't planning on moving and proceeded to tuck her in and tell her the tale. She listend intently, eyes wide as she pondered whether such a myth really could ever be true. She remembered the illustration Eilonwy had showed her of Iraflora, the flower's guardian, and wondered if she was as steadfast and unrelenting in reality as the story made her seem. If she even existed in the first place, that is. And even if she did, who was to say she would think of Lucy any differently than she had the many lost sailors who searched for the flower before her? They were no doubt mere skeletons on the shorelines by now, bones scorched and loot repurposed.       As Lucy slept that night, Eilonwy rested her head upon the desk in her chamber, watching as the little queen's chest rose and fell softly. She had no trouble with her stealing her bed, but what she did question was what made Lucy confide in her of all people? Tiptoeing across the room, Eilonwy snuck down the hall and gently rapped on Susan's door.       "Lucy, I told you, please go to bed!" she complained, exasperated, as she swung open the door. Her face shone red in the candlelight when she discovered her midnight visitor was definitely not her sister.       "Well, I think you'd be pleased to know your sister finally did go to sleep. In my bed" Eilonwy whispered harshly. She didn't even wait for Susan's permission before pushing past her into the room. Upon entry, the maiden immediately noticed the large collection of papers scattered about. Curiosity seized her as she peered upon the files but before she could get a decent view, Susan swooped in and detracted her attention. "Keeping secrets, are we?" Eilonwy asked slyly.       "No, I don't think you have any right to look upon official government papers, let alone waltz right into my room in the middle of the night unwarranted!" Susan scolded.       "Well, you must be hiding something if you're getting this upset about it" Eilonwy smirked. Susan stammered a moment, face contorting, before crossing her arms and narrowing her eyes.       "Eilonwy, it's very late and I'm very busy so unless you have something important to waste my time with, I am asking you as kindly as possible to please leave" Susan spoke. She tried to keep her voice level but it was easy to detect the undertones of frustration wavering in her words.       "What I want to know is what could you possibly be working on here that is far more important than your baby sister's wellbeing?" Eilonwy asked, her query like knives digging into Susan's flesh. Anger rose in the queen's throat but fizzled out before she could make any real use of it.       "That is absolutely none of your business!" Susan replied.       "Really? Because it sounds like a poor excuse to me" Eilonwy shot back.       "Listen, what I do in my spare time is not your concern! Not that I even have any spare time these days" she retorted.       "Oh, now we're getting somewhere!" Eilonwy said triumphantly.       "No, we are not because this is where we stop!" Susan shouted back. "Now leave my chambers, Eilonwy, and that is a royal order."       "Oh really?" Eilonwy taunted. "And what are you to do if I refuse?"       "Then I will have no choice but to call for the captain and have you escorted out!" Susan commanded.       "Fine then. Call Guildmore! Tell him what a nuisance I've become. Better yet, call Peter and Edmund. A true royal removal! I'm sure they'd be mighty interested in your little pet project here!"       "What is your obsession with my private property? Hmm? Why can't you just obey orders? Why do you refuse to obey your queen?" Susan asked, voice rising higher and higher in volume with each level of frustration Eilonwy broke through.       "I refuse to leave until I get an answer! Why are you neglecting your sister?" Eilonwy shouted back.       "Because I'm tired!" Susan finally cracked. "I've hardly had a moment to myself since we began this stupid journey and I'm tired! Ever since we walked through that godforsaken wardrobe, I've been pulled every which way into wars and treaties and now I have an entire country looking to me for guidance when I can't even guide myself! All I want is a smple night alone without anyone asking anything of me! Why is that so hard to ask for?"       It wasn't that Eilonwy wasn't a sympathetic creature, because she liked to believe in some way that she was. However, she found it hard to find sympathy for the gentle as she stood before her screaming in a rather un-gentle fashion. Grimacing, Eilonwy clenched her fists at her sides and sucked in a deep breath. "So you're telling me all of this is just because you're 'tired'? Oh, bullshit, Susan! We're all tired! That's no excuse!"       "You have no right--!" the queen began but Eilonwy interrupted before she could finish.       "You are a queen, Susan! You have a duty to your country, nonetheless your family, and you need to start acting as such! Your sister is passed out in someone else's bed because you turned her away when she needed you! You need to start thinking less about yourself and more about what is expected of you" Eilonwy lectured. It wasn't until she had finished speaking that a bitter taste formed in her mouth and she made a truly horrifying realization: in that moment, she sounded exactly like her mother.       Susan's eyes brimmed with tears but she refused to cry. "I never asked for this, Eilonwy! It's not like I wandered into this country expecting a talking Lion to make me a queen!"       "You act as if you're the only one responsible for Narnia, Susan" Eilonwy fired back. "But guess what? You're not! Your siblings are under just as much stress as you are and I'm sure they all wish they could have a night off to themselves just as much as you do. But you know what they're doing instead? They're signing legal documents and creating organizations and working to better this fucking country. Last I checked, you haven't done a single thing to help Narnia other than the classic group projects."       "You think I don't want to help Narnia?" Susan replied. "You have no idea, Eilonwy. You have no idea how much I want to do but I can't accomplish any of it when people are constantly coming to me for help with one thing or another! Why do you think I've locked myself away tonight? I need a break from the legal matters, the everyday grind, so I can actually work on things that I want to do! If I didn't, I would have no reason to have brought all of this aboard!" Susan shouted. By now, she had given up holding back tears, letting them rush down her flushed cheeks. Her arm spanned across the table to display the books and papers scattered across it, an invitation for Eilonwy to finally take a look.       "Susan, these are architecture studies. What the bloody hell are you doing studying architecture?" Eilonwy asked, confused.       "All those sick and abandoned children in Galma had me thinking about all those who are orphaned or underprivileged in our own country. I've been wanting to propose an idea for an orphanage ever since we returned but between entertaining visitors and all the drama that ensued from that, I haven't had a single second to myself to even so much as think of starting this, let alone giving myself a much needed personal break. Lucy may be queen, too, but she's still a child. There is only so much that she can do and where she falls short, I have to pick up the slack. That's exhausting, Eilonwy. Not that you would understand, since all you ever think of is yourself" Susan explained, catching her breath and wiping her face dry.       Exhaustion overwhelmed Eilonwy's body as she recoiled and shook her head. She couldn't stand to be near Susan for one more second. "I wish you had any idea of how wrong you are" she whispered hoarsely, fists clenched at her sides, before disappearing down the hall. Silent rage overwhelmed her as she barrelled back to her chamber. She couldn't believe Susan had the audacity to assume she was selfish. Other people were all she ever thought about.       As dawn stretched across the sea, Lucy stirred awake to find herself completely alone. A surge of panic rushed through her, leaping out of bed. As she rushed to the doorway, she tripped over a lump on th eground and went tumbling forward. Whipping around, she found a familiar figure curled up on the rug like a dog.       "Eilonwy, what are you doing?"       "Hmm? Oh, I decided I would just let you have the bed and so I took the floor" she explained drowsily. Squinting, she turned to investigate the scene, surprised by how quickly the night seemed to pass, before nodding slowly and hoisting herself off the ground.       "You go ahead and join everyone for breakfast. I'll be down...momentarily" she replied, slinking back over to her bed. Lucy giggled softly at her slurred speech and drunken gait before departing.       Once she left the room, Eilonwy turned to the mirror to inspect her reflection. She wasn't sure what she expected but she certainly found nothing extraordinarily different staring back. If anything, she looked even more gaunt and frail than usual. Rather than dwell on it, she simply shrugged and slipped into the cleanest dress she could find before following in Lucy's footsteps.       "Captain Guildmore feels confident we should arrive at Kronne by daybreak" Peter explained that morning. Eilonwy listened halfheartedly as he and his siblings chatted idly, taking particular interest in every comment Susan made. The huntress was still bitter from their argument the night before and the tension between them now was obvious. Lucy glanced between the two of them, unsure of what exactly had transpired between them. She hated the thought of even more drama but couldn't shake the feeling that everyone was mad at each other for one reason or the other. She did her best not to think too  deeply into it. After all, she had her own troubles to focus on. She didn't want to expend any more energy on anything that detracted her attention from what she needed to do. Her cordial was of utmost importance. Everything else could stand to be ignored, at least to the best of her ability.       The rest of the day proved to be rather mundane, everyone occupied with their own endeavors. Lucy spent much of the day with Edmund, the only one she feared wasn't angry with anyone, and found a pleasant distraction in his company. He understood how nervous she must have been and wanted to do everything in his power to make her feel relaxed during this waiting period, playing chess and card games with her in his chamber and telling one another wild stories.       Eilonwy stood upon the deck as she scanned the horizon for any sign of Kronne. The Seven Isles were growing nearer, faint masses of land seemingly perched on the edge of the world. A shiver ran down her spine at their proximity. Whichever island Kronne was, Maldonado was certainly not very far. Of all the thoughts plaguing her mind, Peter's betrayal was still at the forefront.       As if manifested from her subconscious, the High King suddenly approached to join his friend on deck. He glanced her way as he leaned upon the rail beside her, sucking in a deep breath and struggling to find the right words to say. "I heard about last night" he finally spoke.       "Oh, great. Are you here to yell at me, too?" Eilonwy scoffed.       "You really do only think about yourself, you know that?" Peter grimaced, offended. Eilonwy opened her mouth to speak but was quickly interrupted. "I don't exactly appreciate you barging into my sister's room in the middle of the night and telling her off like that. If you were anyone else, you'd be black and blue."       "Yeah? Well--" she started but was yet again interrupted.       "I do, however, appreciate you defending and looking after Lucy. I didn't exactly appreciate Susan casting her off like she did, either" he spoke. Eilonwy's gaze softened, releasing a sigh as she turned her attention back to the sea.       "I only did it because I was upset. I felt like Susan just wasn't listening. I couldn't understand why Lucy would come to me of all people instead of her own sister for comfort. It bothered me, you know? But I guess it wasn't my job to invade in the first place" Eilonwy replied.       "You're right. It wasn't" Peter said. "Susan came to me this morning incredibly upset about everything you said to her. I can't have you picking fights with my family, Eilonwy" Because someday I hope you'll be a part of it, he thought to himself, eyes glancing to her left hand. He didn't dare express any of this out loud. Not yet, anyways.       With a groan, Eilonwy buried her face in her hands. "I hate all of these stupid rules. I liked it better when society was nothing but oppressed animals" she mumbled. "Humans are far too complicated."       "All you need to do is just say you're sorry" Peter said.       "But it's not that simple" Eilonwy argued.       "Why not?" he replied.       "Because I'm tired of being blamed for everything, Peter. I'm tired of every little thing that goes wrong being my fault. You know what? Maybe I am selfish but that's because I feel like I can never trust anyone to actually listen to me for once" Eilonwy explained.       "Hey, don't you start with that again!" Peter scolded. "I listen to you, Ellie."       "No, you don't" she countered. Glancing to the boy at her side, the defeat on his face convinced her now was the time for truth. She tightened her grip on the rails, leaned back, sucked in a deep breath, prepared herself for the conversation ahead. "Do you want to know why I'm mad at you?" Peter's eyes widened, leaning forward, desperate. "I'm mad at you because you blamed me for what happened at the stables."       "Well, technically it was Everlast's fault, not yours" Peter corrected.       "No, Pete, that's not...that's not the issue here" Eilonwy replied, rubbing her temples. "Yes, Everlast spooked Lemuel and nearly pounded him into the ground but only because she was protecting me."       "Protecting you from what?" Peter asked, beginning to fear her answer.       Eilonwy mustered her strength before replying. "That night...that wasn't the first time Lemuel tried to take advantage of me. It was, by far, the worst attempt, I'll give him that, but not the first. He was suspicious of me from the moment he laid eyes on me. He wanted to take advantage of me, to threaten me for information. He was infatuated with me. That day at the stables, he approached me while I was prepping Everlast. He was...discomforting and eerie. I knew right away that he wanted something from me. And then he...he gripped my waist and lifted me up onto my own horse. As if I was incapable of mounting my own mare. As if he wanted an excuse to touch me. Something tells me that's not the only thing he wanted me to mount. Everlast was only trying to keep me safe and yet when you came running in, you sided with a man you barely even knew! Do you have any idea how much that hurt, Peter?"       The High King's face had grown rather pale as he listened to Eilonwy tell her story, his hands shaking at his sides. He was physically nauseated both by the things she had told him and by his inability to see through Lemuel's facade. "Ellie, I...I'm so sorry" he choked out. He attempted to take her hands in his as a sign of comfort and apology but she quickly rejected his advances. "I had no idea, I just thought..."       "You didn't think, Peter. That's the thing. All you cared about was making an ally. You never stopped to question why Everlast did what she did in the first place" Eilonwy interrupted.       "You're right" Peter sighed. "I should've trusted that something must have been wrong and defended you. If I had, then maybe things wouldn't have escalated the way they did, and I wouldn't have put you in danger."       "It would've helped if you had defended Edmund spy idea, too" Eilonwy added. Peter sighed and rolled his eyes jokingly but it was clear there was obvious upset hidden beneath.       "I seem to really be screwing up this whole king thing, aren't I?" he replied.       "Oh, no, don't you try to get any pity out of me. You knew this would be difficult from the very start" Eilonwy said. She was so tired of everyone's whining. This was life now whether they liked it or not. Obviously Aslan thought they could handle things, so she didn't understand their astronomical doubt.       "That doesn't make this any easier, you know" Peter retorted. "But" he then added after a beat of silence, a small smile creeping upon his face, "you know what does?"       "What?"       "You."       "Me? What do you mean? If anything, I'm certain I just make things ten times harder" she replied, but Peter shook his head vigorously.       "No, you don't. I don't know where I'd be without you, Ellie" Peter replied, placing his hand upon hers. "I know we don't always see eye to eye but...but without you, I don't think things would've been the same. You helped us get to Aslan and defeat the White Witch. You've helped us adjust to life at Cair Paravel these past few months. You've done so much more good than you give yourself credit for."       "Peter, stop" Eilonwy begged, averting her eyes, but Peter gently cupped her cheek and turned her head to face him. Her heart leapt into her throat at the sight of him, the look on his face and the glimmer in his eyes. She was terrified of what he was about to say to her. Red flags and warning sirens began clouding her brain, urging her to run below deck or hide in the crow's nest or, at this point, just abandon all logic and jump ship.       "Eilonwy..." he began dreamily.       "Peter, please, don't" she pleaded.       "No, just listen to me. Eilonwy, I--"       Before he could finish, the ship jolted and Eilonwy nearly stumbled into Peter's arms. A faun in the crow's nest cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted a hearty "Land ho!" In a matter of seconds, the door leading below deck swung open and Lucy blurred past the crowd toward the ship's bow. There, stretched out before her, was the most brilliant island she had ever seen. Soft mountains dipped and curved across the landscapes, valleys and shore smothered in the most beautiful flowers she had ever seen. Even from their distance, the most glorious fragrance wafted from the fields and enticed Lucy to grow ever nearer. A swell of delight radiated from inside of her as she clutched her cordial to her chest. All of Kronne was in the palm of her hand, awaiting her to step upon it's shores.       "Come on, hurry up! Let's go!" Lucy shouted, tugging on her siblings' hands. She couldn't stand to wait a moment longer, not when everything she had been yearning for was just within reach.       "Lucy, hold on!" Susan replied. "Just wait a second. Nobody said we had to get off just yet." Lucy shot a glare at her older sister, tightening her grip on her cordial.       "But I want to go now! We shouldn't waste any time" she countered.       "I think Susan might be right, Lucy" Edmund stepped forward. The valiant whipped around to face him, almost betrayed. After all that time they had spent together that day, how kind and supportive he had been. Before she could protest, Edmund continued, "Think about it, Lucy. We don't really know for sure what's on this island and if we leave now, we might not be considering the kinds of danger we could run into. Don't you think it would be better if we prepared ourselves first and then set out carefully?"       Lucy chewed over his words a moment before agreeing in defeat. Despite her desperation, she knew that safety was of utmost importance. If not, then that fireflower juice may end up becoming even more necessary.       "I'll head down to the armament and get us some reinforcements" Eilonwy stated. The Pevensies watched her with suspicious eyes as she rushed down into the belly of the ship, face flushed and hands shaking. Peter joined the group shortly afterward looking much the same.       "What has gotten into you two?" Susan asked, equal parts curious and irritated. The look on her brother's face read sweet and hazy but a bitter aftertaste from the night before hung in the back of her throat. She wanted Peter to be happy, of course, but why did he have to be happy with her of all people? The gentle still didn't quite see the appeal.       "Nothing. We were just talking" Peter replied, running a hand through his hair. Susan cocked an eyebrow, hoping for elaboration.       "Did you talk to her about last night?" she inquired. Peter nodded. "And? Well, what did she say?"       "Susan..." Peter sighed. "Must we talk about this now?"       The gentle pursed her lips and crossed her arms, completely displeased. She wanted answers. She wanted to know that her older brother was defending her like he ought to. She was his own flesh and blood, he was automatically required to side with her instead of that crass and crude woman. Peter appeared exhausted, however, and perhaps a little defeated. His eyes darted to Lucy nearly hanging over the edge of the ship, anxious to step aboard the island, and Susan was once more reminded that there were more important things at stake. She would have to shelf the resolution of her disdain for some other time.       Peter rushed below deck, nails digging into his palms, as he searched for Eilonwy. "What is taking you so long? Lucy's getting restless" he called to her from across the way. She looked up at him, bow in hand, and blinked dumbly a few times.       "I'm sorry, did you want to step onto a death island with inferior supplies? Inspection takes time, Peter" she explained, plucking the bow's string to test it's strength.       "Well, while I'm down here, we need to talk" he replied. He came nearer, then rested a hand upon the bow, lowering it from her focus. She furrowed her brows as she rose her gaze up to meet his, a surge of panic rushing through her veins.       "Peter, we have nothing to talk about" she croaked.       "Yes, we do. I never finished saying what I needed to say up on deck" he explained.       "Peter, please, you've said enough" Eilonwy begged. She turned to walk away from him but he snatched her forearm and forced her attention on him. There was a certain wildness in his eyes that terrified her, but it was not of malicious origin. Instead, it was something fond and affectionate, something dreamy and disgusting. Her stomach flipped.       "I'm still not finished" he murmured. "Ellie, there are some things I need you to know. Important things. And if being king has taught me one thing, it's how to decide what's most important."       Oh shit, oh shit, please don't do this, Eilonwy thought frantically. She felt her entire body begin to quake as Peter rose a hand up to carress her cheek. Everything felt hot and cold all at once and suddenly Peter's face appeared grossly unfamiliar to her. She was staring at a stranger whose mere presence made her feel like she was going to hurl. She needed a distraction, a detour, an interruption. She needed an escape.       "Eilonwy, ever since we came to Narnia, you've been there" Peter began. "You haven't always been pleasant company, but you've been worthwhile company and I can't imagine my life now without you. I want your company always. You mean so much to me, Ellie. You're worth so much more than you know, and...and..." Eilonwy's eyes widened, her heart racing and palms growing clammy. "Eilonwy, I--"       "Pete, you better come quick!" a voice suddenly called from the top of the stairs. The pair turned to find Edmund looking rather distraught, an urgency in his tone spelling trouble.       "What's the matter, Ed?" Peter asked, secretly frustrated. It seemed as though every attempt he made to express his feelings was always interrupted in one way or another. Was it really that hard to get some quality alone time with a girl?       Edmund chewed his bottom lip and wrung his hands together nervously. He had no idea how he was going to admit this, but he figured being straightforward was the best possible tactic. "I swear, we only looked away for a second but, well...Lucy's gone."       In a matter of seconds, all thoughts of love and confessions completely disappeared from Peter's brain. His blurred frame raced up the stairs ater his brother, panic-stricken. Bow still in hand, Eilonwy rushed after him. Lucy may have been a brave child but Kronne was no place for venturing alone whether there was really a fiery guardian woman there or not.       Susan was practically in hysterics, scanning the horizon for any sign of their baby sister. There was no way she could've gone very far so quickly and yet there was no sign of her anywhere.       "Are you sure she left for Kronne? Have you checked everywhere on the ship?" Peter asked frantically.       "Well, we haven't checked everywhere but come on, Pete. Let's be realistic" Edmund replied.       "There's only so many places she could've gone" Susan commented, pacing back and forth.       "Yeah, like on that island" Eilonwy interrupted from behind. The gentle groaned and tossed her head back.       "Don't you start" she warned.       "I think Eilonwy might be right" Edmund added. All eyes turned to him. "I mean, think about it: that island is the only place Lucy really wanted to go. She's been thinking about it non-stop for days. We were taking too long so she took matters into her own hands and went out there by herself. It's the most realistic scenario."       Peter's face turned stark white as he slowly approached the railing, gripping the wood tightly. "Then there's only one thing left to do now. We have to go after her." Wasting no time, Peter hopped aboard the last lifeboat, ushering his siblings to follow suit, and began rowing toward Kronne. Eilonwy watched from the side of the ship, shaking her head and sighing.       "Peter, you're being hasty! Just because Lucy is gone doesn't mean you still don't need to prepare!" she called after him. But Peter and his siblings were already too far away to hear her. With a groan, she grumbled something incomprehensible beneath her breath and stormed back to the armament to prepare for battle. She had no choice now but to become a walking arsenal. Nobody else seemed to be thinking ahead. If they were to go on a suicide mission, they needed someone to save their skins at the last second and Eilonwy seemed to somehow fit that role in every scenario. By the time she was finished, she swore she had gained fifty pounds just by the sheer volume of weaponry she had scavenged. Swords, bows, arrows, even a flail, and lastly a collection of kerchiefs, one of which she had already wrapped around her face like a trainrobber.       Upon reaching the deck, she shouted some orders to Guildmore and his men, then swung her way down to the sea by rope and began her swim to shore.       "Alright, I think our best plan of action would be to split up" Peter announced as he rowed onto the beach.       "No, Peter, I refuse to get separated. We need to stick together" Susan demanded. She looked about the island nervously, absorbing the view. It was beautiful, no doubt, but there was something about the place that made her anxious. Or perhaps she was just far too concerned about Lucy to enjoy such a stunning scene.       "Fine, you stay with Ed, then. But I'm going alone. This is a big island and we'll find her faster if we split up" Peter said. Before Susan could protest, he was already trudging through the fields of flowers toward a large mountain in the distance.       The moment they began traversing the island, however, something strange began to take hold of them. A tingling sensation filled their heads, running up from their fingers and toes, through their arms and legs, and then across the rest of their body as all the tension in their muscles melted away. Colors appeared brighter and smells became stronger, especially that of the fireflowers themselves. Sweet and enticing, it lured them forward and Peter couldn't stop himself from reaching down and stroking their satin petals. In all their intoxication, however, they failed to notice the less pleasant aspects of the island. Bones scattered the shoreline, charred flesh tangled up in the gardens. As Eilonwy crawled onto the beach, she caught sight of the royals swaying to and fro and sucked in a deep, frustrated breath. And so it begins, she thought to herself, tightening the kerchief around her face. As expected, she was going to have to swoop in and save the day.       Peter trudged through the fields, hands clenched at his sides, desperate to remain focused on the task at hand. Keeping his concentration became more and more difficult as the further he ventured, the foggier his mind became until he had nearly forgotten what he was there for in the first place. His limbs numbed and breath shallowed, his eyelids growing heavy with exhaustion. With a sigh, he leaned against the trunk of a tree and fought to stay awake. As he began to feel himself slip away, however, a pair of hands reached out from behind and seized him. He struggled in their grasp but he was far too tired and couldn't hold them off. They wrapped something around his face, tying it tightly at the back of his head, before spinning him around to face his captor.       "Eilonwy?!" Peter gasped incredulously.       "You can thank me later. Where are the others?" she asked, all business.       "We split up so we could search for Lucy" he replied.      The huntress groaned and whacked him on the arm hard. "Well that's just about the stupidest idea you've ever had! They could be anywhere! Nice, Peter. Of course you have to make this ten times harder than it needed to be."       "Why do you just automatically assume this was my idea?" he protested. Eilonwy crossed her arms and stared at him blankly.       "Peter, let’s be realistic here: how likely is it that this wasn't your idea?" she countered. Peter sucked in a deep breath and hesitated answering. "That's what I thought" Eilonwy added when he remained silent. "Now, come on. Let's not waste any more time. Sorry to break it to you, Pete, but your siblings may be in no small danger."       It was her use of the word "danger" that truly terrified Peter. He knew this island was questionable at best but with a tone so confident, he knew she must be right. He chased after her back toward the shoreline, beginning to feel his strength return but with it came a swell of terror. "What kind of danger are we talking about here?"       "The same kind I found you in" Eilonwy replied flippantly. The High King eyed her in confusion, silently begging for her to explain. Rolling her eyes, she leaned down and plucked one of the fireflowers from the ground. The moment she did so, a pang of panic surged through Peter's veins as if she had just spit on the Queen of England. "See this? This is danger. This is the worm on the end of the hook on a fishing line. This is what's going to kill you if you don't prepare."       "Eilonwy, that's a flower" Peter replied quizzically.       "I know what it is, Pete! But that's exactly the point. You think these flowers are harmless but here's one thing you don't know: they're hypnotic. One whiff and you're off to La La Land, high as a kite" she explained. Peter paused a moment as the realization washed over him, hand slowly rising to touch the kerchief tied around his face. At least he now understood why he and his friend were made up like thieves. A vision suddenly formed in his mind of Susan and Edmund completely oblivious to the hallucinatory qualities of the plant, stumbling around lost and tired and confused. He didn't even want to think of Lucy in the same state. Their search suddenly felt all the more urgent.       Hours passed with no luck as the pair scoured in the heat for any sign of the others. Even some clue as to where they had disappeared to, such as a cave or abyss, would've sufficed. They were running out of time-- despite their kerchiefs, they weren't completely immune to the flower's affects. Just the sheer sight of them was enough to blur their vision and muddle their thoughts. As Eilonwy forced herself to stay focused, Peter wandered a few feet away in hopes of finding any clues nearer to the mountains. As he did, though, the ground disappeared below his feet and he was suddenly engulfed in darkness.       The High King's startled shout captured Eilonwy's attention but as she whipped around, he was nowhere to be found. She called his name but found no answer. Gripping at her hair, she was immediately overcome with frustration. She stomped over to where Peter had been standing, expecting to find him lying in the grass but instead was met with a gaping hole in the ground. In that moment, her anger quickly morphed into fear.       "Peter?!" she called into the abyss. No answer. She called again but was met with silence all the same. Dropping a pebble into it proved it's depth, the little stone disappearing with an echoed thud. She knew in a moment that there was only one thing left for her to do. Sucking in a deep breath, Eilonwy swung her legs over the edge and dropped down into the darkness.       The tunnel was long and Eilonwy found herself falling for quite a few seconds before tumbling into the hard earth. Once she landed, she was surprised to find that the hole wasn't totally uncivilized. Torches mounted on the walls illuminated a long, twisting corridor ahead. A chorus of voices echoed from the other end. Pulling her kerchief away from her face, Eilonwy snagged a torch and stepped lightly toward the sounds of distress.       As she grew closer, the noise became clearer until she could finally identify the bickering of siblings and the low, gravelly voice of their captor. "...and if anything, I ought to roast you all and leave you to rot like the others" they growled as Eilonwy grew nearer.       "Please, miss! If you let us go, we promise we'll never come back ever again!" Susan begged.       "Oh, how I pity you!" the voice mocked, pretending to break down in hysterical tears.       "If you don't let us go right now, I swear in the name of Aslan, I'll--!" Peter began but was quickly interrupted.       "You'll what? Stab me with that little needle at your side? As if!" she jested. "If not for my flames, that blade would never have been forged in the first place."       Peering around the edge of the tunnel, Eilonwy caught sight of a large cage made entirely of fire burning in the middle of a circular room. And there stood their captor, Iraflora. She was just as the legends said with crimson hair and amber eyes and enflamed feathers breaking through every gash in her sunkissed flesh. She singed the ground with every step she took, every word pouring out of her mouth like molten lava, dark and hard and cracking.      "Listen, why don't we bargain? Whatever you want, we'll give it to you! In exchange for our freedom" Edmund negotiated.       A fiery finger skated down the woman's jaw and to her collarbone in a sensual display of thought. "Why do you think you deserve to be spared any more than the others? What is it that you find so outrageously worthwhile about yourselves?"       "Is that what this has come to?" Peter argued. "Degradation?"       The woman sucked her teeth and raised her eyebrows in displeasure. "I'm just trying to understand where the source of your desperation comes from. I've seen men of the lowest statures beg for their lives far more than you lot have."       "Just, please! Let us go!" Susan pleaded. Iraflora flashed a quick grin in the gentle's direction, then added:       "Except for her. She's become one of the whiniest victims I've found yet."       By now, Susan was beginning to regret this entire trip even more than she already had. Not that she liked to admit this, either, but she was also beginning to regret not listening to Eilonwy about preparing. If only she had thought to bring her horn with her, then perhaps none of this would have become such an event. The blares would surely be loud enough to reach the ship and Guildmore and his crew would come racing to save them. If only.       "There has to be something you want that we can trade you for" Edmund spoke. "Anything in the world, we'll do it for you!" Peter nudged his brother in the arm, terrified he was starting to make promises they wouldn't be able to fulfill, but it was no use. Iraflora was a cruel opponent.       "Anything in the world?" she cooed, tilting her chin to the sky. Edmund nodded enthusiastically. A sly smile spread across her face as she clenched her fists at her sides and screamed, "Then I would love for you all to shut up because the only thing I want involves killing the lot of you!"       If you really wanted to kill them, you would've done it already, Eilonwy thought to herself, rolling her eyes. She pressed her back against the tunnel wall and tried to think of a plan as quickly as possible.       "But how to do it is the question" Iraflora continued thoughtfully. "I can't just extinguish all of you in the usual fashion-- no, no. Where would be the fun in that? After all, if you all insist you're so special, then you deserve a special sendout to match!"       Lucy froze, hands folded tight against her chest. The reality of their situation was really beginning to sink in and the valiant couldn't help but feel like she was very much at fault. "P-please, miss! Spare my brothers and sister, at least. They didn't do anything!" she begged, voice cracking. Iraflora seemed to take great interest in the small queen's sudden outburst, blinking a few times before urging her to go on. "You see, it was my idea to come here" Lucy explained. "They didn't want to, but I insisted! They don't deserve any of this, ma'am. So if you'd please, just let them go and...and take your frustrations out on me."       To say her older siblings were impressed would be an understatement. There was something about Lucy's selflessness in that moment that suddenly made her seem much older than she was. This still didn't change the fact, however, that what she was offering was wrong. "No, we deserve the blame just as much as Lucy does" Peter stepped forward. "If she goes down, we all go down with her." Tears welled up in the littlest one's eyes as her brother smiled back at her with solemn unity. She unclasped her hands to grasp his firmly, Susan and Edmund following suit until the four of them were standing with fingers interlocked staring at the face of death herself. Despite the touching display of family strength, Iraflora's opinion went unchanged. A look of disgust painted her face.       "Alright, if you're all so set on going down together, then I know just what I'll do. I'll go in order from oldest to youngest. That way the last to die will see the first three go before her!" the woman cheered. Lucy tightened her grip on her brother's hand, terror-stricken.       "Don't listen to her, Lucy. She's just trying to scare you" Peter reassured, kneeling down to her level. "She's not really going to hurt any of us" he continued, then turned and glared in Iraflora's direction to add, "Not if I can help it."       "Oh, what a big, strong man we think we are!" Iraflora jested, reaching out to scrape her finger along his cheek. Peter winced as her touch burned his flesh, leaving a nasty scar from his cheekbone to the corner of his mouth. Even then, he refused to let his guard down.       Peter opened his mouth to speak but before he could utter a word, another voice rang from the darkness. "It's not so much the man that's strong but the numbers backing him" it spoke. From the mouth of the cave, a familiar figure stepped into the light. Eilonwy. She glared up at the spirit with all the ferocity she could muster, sword at the ready.       "Eilonwy, what are you doing...?!" Peter called uneasily.       "Well, someone has to put out your fires!" Eilonwy smirked, glancing to the Pevensies. She seemed to find herself rather funny, though Iraflora starkly disagreed. "After all" the huntress continued, "you can only fan the flames for so long."       "You...you wench!" Iraflora shrieked, clenching her fists at her sides. Her hands burned bright white the tighter she held them, growing hotter like metal beneath a flame. She whipped around to her prisoners with wild eyes, screaming, "I see we called for reinforcements! How divine! Now I'll have five to slay!" She narrowed her eyes back at Eilonwy and added in a growl, "Well, you know what they say: the more the merrier." In one swift motion, she lunged forward, fingers itching to wrap themselves around the girl's neck. She erupted in a bright blaze as she connected with the wall, Eilonwy tumbling out of the way just in time.       "Eilonwy, for the love of god, get out of here!" Peter screamed, inching as close to the cage as possible without burning himself. "You're going to get yourself killed! Go!"       "And miss all this? I wouldn't dream of it!" she shouted, ducking and slashing at Iraflora in retaliation.      The spirit shrieked, barely harmed by the blade, her entire body glowing white with rage. "You intruders are causing far more trouble than you're worth!"       "Are you sure about that?" Eilonwy asked, smirking. "Or are we worth more trouble than you think?"       "Eilonwy, I'm going to have to agree with Peter on this one" Edmund called. "She's too strong for you! You can't fight her!"       "If I can't fight her, then what would you say I'm doing right now?" Eilonwy shouted back. "Besides, I think it's a little too late for a retreat! It's either me or her now. One of us has to go!"       Iraflora spouted an endless stream of fireballs in Eilonwy's direction, taking advantage of her rapidly decreasing energy. A grin spread across her face as she then lurched forward with indeterminable speed. This time, escape was futile. Eilonwy slammed to the ground with a hard thud, impacted by the sheer force of her opponent. Iraflora hovered over her, pinning her to the ground, with a devilish smile upon her face. "Any last words, wench?"       Flames licked at Eilonwy's face, searing the tips of her hair and the edges of her clothing. Sweat beaded on her brow as she gasped for breath, desperate to break free but unsure of how. Staring straight at the woman's bright eyes, Eilonwy made a terrible, grating sound before spitting right in the woman's face. A small stream of smoke billowed up from where she saliva had hit. Iraflora shrieked, enraged, and lifted a hand to smite the girl but was suddenly interrupted by a rogue dagger slicing through her arm.       The spirit growled viciously toward her prisoners. "Get away from her!" a voice shouted. Eilonwy identified it immediately: Susan.       "Or you'll what?" Iraflora tested, keeping a firm grip on Eilonwy's wrists.       Susan paused for a moment, trying to find a harsh enough response. "I'll..." she stammered.       "That's what I thought" the spirit replied. As she turned her attention back to Eilonwy, however, the huntress took advantage of the distraction to knee the woman in the chest, loosening her grip and escaping her clutch. The moment she was free, Eilonwy scuttled to the farthest wall of the cave huffing and panting, vision blurry as she searched for her sword on the ground. Iraflora growled, reaching over to pick up Lucy's dagger and stalked closer. She pinned the girl's body against the wall with one strong hand, raising the blade in the other with eyes set on the huntress's chest. Before she could stab, a clinking sound then captured her attention as Lucy's cordial fell to the floor.       "Don't hurt her! Please!" the littlest Pevensie begged. Iraflora's eyes fell to the vial, cocking an eyebrow in confusion.       "What kind of sick trick is this?" she asked.       Lucy inhaled shakily, forcing herself to look the woman right in the eyes as she explained. "It's not a trick. It's an explanation. It's my fault my family and I invaded your island and that cordial is to blame. It was a gift from Father Christmas, in Narnia, along with that dagger, to use in the Battle of Beruna against the White Witch."       "You expect me to believe you four blubbering idiots defeated Jadis?" Iraflora replied. Lucy nodded.       "My brothers and sister and I were sent here to fulfill the prophecy! That two sons of Adam and two daughters of Eve would overthrow the White Witch and restore Narnia" she explained. The spirit paused a moment to consider Lucy's explanation, chewing over her words and weighing the supposed accuracy. It was no secret that most anyone knew of the prophecy, but she found it hard to believe children such as these had been the ones to fulfill it. They didn't seem like the warrior types she expected of them. "That cordial was filled with the juice of your fireflowers, and was of great use to me after the battle...and then some" Lucy continued.       "And what happened to it's contents, then?" Iraflora asked.       "I accidentally used it all..." Lucy admitted. Her cheeks burned bright red in embarrassment. "I didn't realize it would drain so quickly. I just wanted to help everyone but...but I guess I got carried away. I didn't want to see anyone suffer. I came here hoping to refill it but...but I don't think I want to anymore. Not if it's going to cause so much trouble. I've been selfish and I put everyone in danger...this is all my fault."       Peter rested a hand on his baby sister's shoulder. He wanted to wrap her up in his arms and comfort her, pray that Iraflora would have some sympathy and release them whether they refilled the cordial or not, but he restrained himself in order to give Lucy her moment of brave confession.       "On whom have you used this cordial, anyway?" Iraflora inquired. An obvious interest radiated from her eyes as she began to cool down, slightly releasing her grip on Eilonwy and lowering the dagger to her hip.       "Everyone, I suppose" Lucy replied slowly. "I used it to cure Aslan's army in the Battle of Beruna, and to help the Galmans during their epidemic. I even used it on my brother to heal him when he was wounded by the White Witch's wand." Iraflora nodded slowly as Lucy continued. "But it's not worth all the trouble I've caused. Not if it puts my family at risk. I know how much those flowers mean to you, and if I had something that valuable, I certainly wouldn't want anyone trying to take it from me, either. It was wrong of me to come here expecting you to willingly give me what is rightfully yours, and I know now that my time as a healer is up. After all, nothing can last forever, I suppose...I just...I'm so sorry. For everything." By now Lucy was on the verge of tears but she refused to break down and cry. Not now. She needed to be strong, to let go of such fine privileges with maturity and dignity.       As Iraflora listened to her speak, however, her fury transformed. Rage slowly morphed into a warmth of heart, the kind that radiates from a fireplace in the midst of a brutal winter. She understood now the significance of Lucy's journey, and how she was very much unlike the others who stepped foot upon her island. She fully released her grip on Eilonwy, who watched with awe and mild suspicion, before skating across the room to cradle the cordial in her hands. The cage's fire began to dim as she approached and extended her hands toward the little queen. Lucy hesitated a moment, uncertain of what Iraflora wanted her to do, until the spirit urged her to take it and she obliged.       "Little queen, you are unlike so many others who have selfishly tried to uproot my garden" she said, voice much smoother than before. "You have proven yourself genuine and humble and true, and I commend you for your selflessness." As the last of the flames evaporated into smoke, Iraflora coaxed Lucy toward her. Peter reached out to pull her back but paused and retracted his arm when he realized Iraflora was no longer here to fight.       The valiant stepped lightly, looking up to the spirit with childlike wonder and restraint. "What now...?" she asked quietly. Her brain was having trouble comprehending what was even happening, if Iraflora had truly changed her mind.       "Now" the spirit replied, "You shall get what you desire." She extended a hand for Lucy to take, then shot a glare back at her siblings as if daring them to stay behind. It was a risk they were smart enough not to take. The minute Peter had the chance, he ran toward Eilonwy and seized her tightly in his arms, brushing the hair from her face. Her sweaty brow and dazed expression quickly filled him with concern and he knew right away she desperately needed fresh air. Supporting her with an arm, he followed the others through the tunnel and to the surface.       The sunlight seemed dazzling after having spent so much time down below, but was no doubt refreshing to those who thought they'd never see daylight ever again. Iraflora guided Lucy to a small patch of the brightest flowers, instructing her to pluck the one that appeared healthiest to her. Lucy paused for a moment, considering her options, before leaning down and gingerly plucking the purest one she could find. It's fragrance was so potent that had she not been accompanied by the spirit herself, she surely would've fell over and passed out in a happy trance. Iraflora smiled knowingly as she lifted the bloom from Lucy's grasp, levitating it between her hands mystically. She pressed her palms together and a golden glow radiated from between her fingers. The moment she separated her hands, the flower was replaced with a gelatinous bulb of red liquid. Lucy held her cordial up with wide eyes full of wonder, watching as Iraflora swirled her hands and twisted the juice into the vial.       "So that's it?" Lucy asked, inspecting the bottle. "I can use this to heal any injury now?" Iraflora nodded, satisfied with her work.       "You might need to make use of that a bit sooner than you expected, Lu" Peter murmured, voice hard and mildly shaky. The High King knelt by the shoreline, Eilonwy curled up helplessly in his lap. Raw, red welts patched her skin. Peter could feel her heart racing out of her chest as she swayed in and out of consciousness. No amount of sea water seemed to cool her down.       Lucy rushed over immediately, tipping her cordial and letting a drop of fresh juice seep between Eilonwy's lips. She released a groan as she swallowed, squeezing her eyes shut tight. Her chest shook with ravenous coughs, her throat burning as the juice slid down, like swallowing whiskey. Peter brushed her hair from her face, watching with wide, panicked eyes as her injuries slowly faded into vague marks upon her skin. Eilonwy blinked awake, squinting up at Peter and then Lucy, then shifting her vision to Susan and Edmund alongside Iraflora herself. The moment she laid eyes on the fire spirit, she began to laugh.       "Ellie, what the hell is so goddamn funny?" Peter asked, unamused. But Eilonwy was simply far too delirious to give a proper answer. Lucy furrowed her brows, glad to see her friend healed of her physical wounds but puzzled by her emotional ones. She gazed up at Iraflora, whose face had grown rather pale and saddened.       "You did this to her, you know" the valiant murmured. Iraflora's breath hitched in shock, having not expected such a blunt delivery from the young queen. However, she could not deny the truth in Lucy's words, hollowed by regret knowing she could not reverse her terrible deeds.       "I was only trying to protect them..." Iraflora whispered, gently grazing the flowers' petals. "I had no clue..."       "You should apologize" Lucy stated. Though apologies weren't exactly the spirit's niche, she knew the young queen was right. Mustering her dignity, Iraflora floated forward and knelt down beside Eilonwy. Peter wrapped his arms around her protectively, unsure of what the spirit planned to do, but with one apologetic gaze, she unlocked his trust. Rather than speak, Iraflora closed her eyes and placed a hand upon Eilonwy's forehead.  The moment she removed her touch, Eilonwy snapped out of her trance, gasping for breath as if she had just awoken from some terrible dream. Fear provoked her, instinctively wrapping her arms around Peter's neck and clinging to him for dear life. All he could do was rub her back and whisper reassuring words in her ear, doing his best to calm her down.       Irafora watched the couple for a moment, a pang of jealousy striking her right in the chest. The affection between them was undeniable. She only wished she could've experienced such love. As she watched on, Lucy sidled up to her and silently grasped the spirit's hand in hers. "Thank you" she whispered, standing on tiptoes to plant a kiss upon the woman's cheek. Iraflora's face blushed as the little queen's lips grazed her hot flesh, filling her with a warmth quite unlike the fiery fury she was so accustomed to.       "No, thank you" Iraflora whispered, looking down upon the young girl. "Without your kindness and humility, I may never have felt such warmth ever again." Lucy grinned, pleased to have appeased the woman so, before Iraflora added, "You are welcome to return to Kronne whenever you need, as you have found a friend in the fireflower's keeper. I pray that you may visit again soon, your majesty. It has been so long since I have had the company of a friend. May the great Aslan bless you."       While Lucy was incredibly grateful for Iraflora's kindness, it was the mention of Aslan's name that truly captured her attention. "Do you know Aslan?" she asked. Iraflora nodded.       "It was he who revived me and appointed me guardian in the first place. Without his greatness, I may never have been given such an opportunity. Hence why I take my duty so seriously" Iraflora explained. Lucy nodded in understanding.       "I care for Aslan very much" she replied. "He is a good friend of mine. Without him, my brothers and sisters and I would never have ended up where we are now, ruling Narnia."       "He is great indeed, small one" Iraflora said, closing her eyes and leaning her head back with gratitude. Lucy gazed up at her with admiration, grateful to have found a friend in which she can share her undying love for the great lion.       As the sun set upon Kronne and the Pevensies returned to their ship, Lucy overflowed with happiness. Things certainly did not go as smoothly as she had hoped but she didn't regret one second. Not only did she fulfill her mission, but she reformed a hardened heart and found a friend in the process. She thought fondly of Iraflora as she watched Kronne fade into the distance and a strong hope coursed through her veins that this was only the beginning of a rather remarkable friendship.
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princess--cynthia · 7 years
Uncharted Waters|| Thread Archive
Participant(s): Exalt Cynthia Ylisse I, @lady-ylisse/Adelaide
Words: 8,348
Type: B-Support
Summary: Shortly after Adelaide discovers she can wield Falchion, the knight and her Exalt set sail for Valm and discuss Cynthia’s past and Adelaide’s future.
Seeing Cynthia standing at the bow of the ship, Adelaide took in a deep breath of ocean air and made her way across the deck. This was to be the young knight’s first time outside of the Ylissean continent, and though she was outwardly nervous, she was also very excited. Adelaide had heard so many stories about Valm from her friends and her parents, and now she would visiting this new continent as a knight, just like her father had. “Good day to you, Your Grace,” greeted the Falcon Knight, already seeming perfectly adjusted to the rocking of the ship. “The morning air seems to agree with you. I trust you slept well?” __ “As well as I could.” Cynthia shrugged, staring out at the sea absently with her arms crossed across her body. She seemed…well, not so much tense as alert, all things considered, even with the slight haze of recollection in her eyes. “I wasn’t with them when they crossed the sea at the start of the Valm war.” She said distantly, eyes flickering over the water. “I never saw how the Ylissean league destroyed the fleet, I only heard about it from my husband. Sometimes he mentions it in his sleep, about how much he regrets it. I’ve got…happier memories about this ocean.” She giggled with a shake of her head. “Haley was a year old by then, I’d given birth to her in the Valmese capital during the temporary rest before we returned home. Have you ever seen a child try to learn to walk on a rocking ship? She seemed so confused when we got to dry land, she was so used to having to lean to one side to walk properly.” She turned to Adelaide with a wan smile on her face, sighing. “It’s a long voyage. Perhaps I should have brought Sigurd with me after all, I know that Robin and the others will take care of him, but…” She shrugged again. “…how are you holding up, Adelaide? This’ll be your first time away from your parents for this long.” __ Adelaide listened quietly as her cousin spoke about the war with Valm, looking past the Exalt to stare into the distant horizon. The young knight hadn’t considered it before, but these waters had so much history behind them. A great battle was fought here and many people lost their lives. It was all so humbling. When Cynthia turned back to her with a wistful smile on her face, Adelaide snapped back into things. The Exalt hadn’t been away from her children since her youngest son was born, and the knight was starting to see that it was already taking its toll on her. “I’m well enough, Your Grace,”Adelaide replied warmly, hoping to lift her cousin’s spirits a bit. “Hehe, though I can’t say I’ve ever seen anyone try to walk on a rocking ship before yesterday when we set sail. Father gets so seasick on these kinds of voyages that I was afraid I’d have difficulty adjusting myself. I’ve already written a letter for him and mother to tell them that I’ve found my sea legs and then some.” __ “That’s good. If I know my aunt any, I’m sure she’s worried about you already.” Cynthia smiled back, trying to remain positive. She stepped down onto the deck of the ship, glancing around the ocean again for a few moments. “About your father, actually. How did they take the news?” She asked, patting Falchion as the sword rested against her side. She’d been hoping to pass the blade off to Adelaide for good at some point, finally ridding herself of some of her military responsibilities - like how Chrom had led the Shepherds while Emmeryn ruled. “Once you’d assured him that I wasn’t dead, at least.” __ “About as well as I expected him to,” Adelaide sighed, slumping her shoulders in embarrassment. “After he overcame the worst of his shock, he picked me up in his arms and twirled me around like I was a little girl again. He wanted to take a vow of fealty, but mother wouldn’t allow it. I think I got an idea of what your father and Aunt Lissa must have felt like when they were little.” __ “Hah. Maybe I should have followed you and seen it myself.” Cynthia laughed a little, shaking her head with a sigh. She leaned to one side as a wave rocked the boat, practice from a time long past kicking in and letting her keep her balance. “You know, you can get in your off duty fatigues, Adelaide. It’s not like anyone can sneak up on us in the middle of the open sea.” She offered, stepping up next to her cousin. “And if you insist on staying on-duty, well, the least you could do is get some practice in.” She unbuckled Falchion from her waist and offered it to her with a raised eyebrow. “Well?” __ Nervously biting down on her lip as she looked at Falchion, Adelaide turned her eyes up at Cynthia and tried to smile. It was still hard for her to believe that she was able to wield the divine blade, and harder still for her to accept that she may someday have to. “As your knight, Cynthia, I’m on duty for life,” she sighed, reluctantly holding her hand out to accept the sword. “I may not like this very much, but… alright. I have been practicing my swordplay a bit since last time, but I’m certainly no Khan Lon’qu.“ __ “Well, you’re better than me with them. Besides, it’s not like I’m completely defenseless.” Cynthia patted the lance on her back, waiting for Adelaide to finish strapping on the blade before heading back below decks. She reached out to steady herself as another wave rocked the boat, frowning a little. “Oh, great. It’s going to start storming soon if we’re not lucky.” She sighed, shaking her head. “That’s the last thing I need. The sooner we get this trip over with the better, am I right?” __ After hesitantly strapping on the sword, Adelaide quietly followed after Cynthia and looked up at the sky. Was this really what Naga wanted from her? Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe she needed to stop fretting about what was and focus on the things at hand. “I think you may be overreacting,” Adelaide smirked, standing in the stairway between the decks to look outside again. “The water might be a little choppy, but the sky is perfectly clear out there. Are you really that eager to go home?” __ “Yes.” Cynthia said bluntly, glancing over Adelaide’s shoulder and back at the clear sky with a scowl on her face. “I’d also prefer my son to grow up with a mother, or at the very least if something finally kills me I’d prefer something a bit more dramatic than a storm.” She crossed her arms and leaned against the bulkhead, scowling. “You know this trip takes two months either way, right? Plus two months minimum actually talking to this new Emperor to try and sort stuff out. I’ll be lucky if I can get home in eight months, let alone the year.” __ “Four months round trip and two months in Valm is half a year, Cynthia,” Adelaide giggled, hoping to liven her Exalt up by teasing her just a bit. “And nothing’s going to harm you while I’m here. If the ship goes down, Breezy and I will fly you back to Ylisse ourselves. If we get attacked by pirates, you and I alone are more than a match for them. And if you get fed up with the food that the ship’s cook prepares, I’ll be glad to take over for him.”
Coming down the stairs, the young Falcon Knight offered her cousin a warm smile. “The only thing you have worry about are all the reunions you’ll have to schedule. There’s Duke Virion, Dame Cherche, Queen Say’ri… I’m sure it would be nice to catch up with some old friends. Didn’t Gerome leave for Wyvern Valley after the war?” __ “I was adding on two months in case I had to stick around longer, sue me.” Cynthia grumbled at her cousin with a slight glare, pouting. She slumped against the wall of the ship with a sigh, shaking her head in disappointment. “Yeah…I guess it’ll be nice to see some of them again. Although things got a bit, uh, awkward with Gerome and I after I got married, so that might be a little weird. It’s really weird how the one I know the most at this point is probably Say’ri. I never even talked to her during the war, guess that’s what twenty years of frantically sending letters to anyone you know even a little with more experience at this ruling thing does.” She couldn’t help but giggle at something for a moment afterwards, shaking her head. “…hehe…sorry, I just remembered something. Sigurd’s got a little plush pegasus he refuses to give up. He tried to slip it into my bag when we were leaving, I guess he thought it’d fly me out of there if I needed it.” __ “If it could, I’m sure you’d be halfway home already,” the Falcon Knight replied, placing a hand on Cynthia’s shoulder to comfort her. “Your little prince is probably going to be speaking by the time we get back. I heard him call you ‘Mama’ a few times before we left, but it’s hard to imagine what else he might be able to say in half a year.” Shaking her head, Adelaide adjusted herself a bit better to the ship’s rocking and sighed. There was something on her mind she wanted to get out. “…You know, Your Grace: I don’t think it’s any coincidence that you kept in contact with Queen Say’ri. Both of you lost your parents to a war you never asked for, and your siblings are gone too. Aside from how proper she is, I’d say you two have a lot in common… especially when you consider your track records with rebellion. Perhaps you’d have her over sometime in the future? Gerome as well. You certainly could stand to have more friends come to visit.” __ “Yeah, uh, this meeting is about a few months behind schedule.” Cynthia said sheepishly, glancing at her cousin. "I might have kept pushing it back until he’d learned to walk and spoke his first few words. Not sure I’d have been able to live with myself if I’d missed them - I wish I’d been there when Morgan had learned to walk.“ She paused for a moment, frowning. ”…although part of that is because two seconds after Morgan learned to walk she tugged on a hanging tablecloth she was suddenly tall enough to reach and ruined a state dinner, according to Robin. I think if I’d been there I might have been able to intercept her.“ ”…you know, I’d never thought of it that way.“ Cynthia said after Adelaide had mentioned Say'ri, reflecting on it for a few moments. "I guess you’re right. Strange, I don’t think that ever came up in any of the letters. Uh, other than the whole ‘how do I deal with this legacy’ thing, but pretty much everyone I know’s had that rant directed at them at some point so that doesn’t really count.” __ “Well, perhaps you could speak to her a bit about it? In your own, unique… Cynthia kind of way,” Adelaide remarked cheerfully. “If I’ve learned anything from being a knight and growing up in this family, it’s that we sometimes have a lot more in common with the people we believe we’re nothing alike. And if anything, I think it would do your whole family some good to meet some people from far away. Robin already has a lot of experience there, but little Sigurd and the girls have been more cooped up than I have.” __ “Haley’s made regular trips to Plegia.” Cynthia said indignantly for a moment, before sighing in agreement. It was true - she just didn’t like the idea of having her kids out of her sight for very long. She’d lost enough family members already, she’d be damned if she was going to outlive any of her children. “…I know, Adelaide. I know.” She said sullenly, stamping a slightly loose plank back into place with a scowl on her face. “I’ll see if Say'ri wants to talk some more when we get there. Hey, maybe we’ll even find you someone to fraternize with, huh?” __ “Well, it would be nice to catch up with Dame Cherche and her son,” the Falcon Knight replied. “She and father have always been such good friends, and they always had… a thing or two to say about Duke Virion. Hehe, I think she’s the person in the world I’ve ever seen father gossip with. Gerome was a little on the quiet side, but I haven’t really seen him since we were small. Say, Cynthia: what was he like when you were grew up with him? Your Gerome, I mean.” __ “Quiet, kind of shy. Had vertigo for a bit.” Cynthia shrugged, thinking back to a slightly happier point in her childhood with a fond smile on her face. “He looked kind of dorky as a child, but when he grew up…” Partly out of genuine admiration and partly to mess with Adelaide’s head, she let out a whistle and shook her head. “Wow. I mean, gods above. I know I’m married but STILL. Augh, those abs, gods above. You could do way, way worse than him Adelaide - actually, now that I think about it, I’m not sure how you top it.” __ The Falcon Knight chuckled and shook her head. Perhaps it was a little uncomfortable for Cynthia to be forcing her way into Adelaide’s love life, but at least the Exalt seemed to perk up a bit. “I think I may want to look for something a little closer to home. If he kept on with his training, Gerome will be a knight of Rosanne by now. Hehe, abs or otherwise, I am a knight of Ylisse and a member of your personal guard. My place will always be in Ylisse as Gerome’s will likely always be in Rosanne. I’m afraid that’s just the world we live in, Cynthia.” __ “Shame.” Cynthia sighed, deflating a little before glancing at her cousin with a raised eyebrow. It wasn’t like her to even slightly consider it like this - even if just to refute it - and a slow smile started to grow over her face, an air of well-meaning malice settling over her. “You say that, but maybe a short relationship would do you good, even if you have to call it off.” She half-purred, a hand on Adelaide’s shoulder. “You are going to be there for at least three months, you know. Having a bit of fun isn’t anything to complain about, right?” __ “Perhaps,” Adelaide replied, a mocking smile on her face as she nonchalantly brushed Cynthia’s hand off her shoulder, “but I’ve never been in a relationship before. I may be a knight, but I’m afraid my maiden’s heart might not be able to take the sorrow of something so short. If I’m to be of any use to you over the next half year, I’ll have to save the ‘fun’ for another time.” __ “Oh, please, Adelaide.” Cynthia rolled her eyes with a light groan. “I don’t know what’s in those books you read, but I can assure you that whatever your heart is, it’s not a ‘maiden’s at all. I’m sure you can take a little heartbreak.” Still, no reason in pushing her, she supposed. Huffing, Cynthia glanced back over at the sky with a furrowed brow, almost offended that it was such a lovely day outside. She always thought that when somebody felt awful the weather was meant to reflect that - then again, her parents had died on a sunny day. “I think I’m going to go read in my quarters for a while.” She sighed, turning away. “Take some time off, Adelaide. I’ll see you for dinner.” __ Adelaide wanted to smile when she saw that her teasing was getting a reaction out of her cousin, but something was off. Everything from the way Cynthia looked up at the sky to her posture seemed to scream how dissatisfied she was. The young Falcon Knight couldn’t help but feel a little helpless in the face of it all. Adelaide’s duty as a knight was to keep Cynthia safe from harm, but as a cousin, she felt like she was letting her down in some way. “…Very well, Your Grace,” she replied, “I’ll send a pair of my best knights to watch your door until then. Please… try to put your mind at ease.” Climbing the staircase to the upper deck, Adelaide leaned herself up against a mast and closed her eyes, resting her hand on Falchion’s pommel. For such a terrible burden, this sword was lighter than she remembered it being. Perhaps she’d get some practice in to get herself accustomed to it. __ “It’s the middle of the ocean, Adelaide, who’s going to try and break down my door and kill me? Sea ghosts?” Cynthia called out to her as her cousin left, before narrowing her eyes for a second as a small part of her long-buried childlike nature came back to her. “Oh, damn. Maybe a siren.” She mumbled, glancing at the floor as if expecting one of them to rise up and sing to her at that very moment. After absolutely nothing happened, she let out a self-deprecating laugh and headed into her room, throwing the bolt behind her. She could always pretend that nobody was there if she couldn’t see them, after all. She sat on her bunk, ignoring the gentle rocking of the boat as she thumbed through an aged mystery novel, fingers tracing small notes Sumia had left in the margins with a smile on her face. She’d been surprised to find that her mother had actually tried to figure out who did it ahead of time, keeping track and writing page numbers calling back to previous clues - but it was enjoyable. Hours passed, and her smile was long-gone as she reached the point Sumia hadn’t made it any further in before her death. Fingers hovered over the corner of the page, before she groaned and slammed it shut, tossing it ill-naturedly into her bag and storming out of the room. Her guards protested, but she ignored them - walking up to the training circle on the deck and crossing her arms, just watching Adelaide’s form with Falchion. “It feels weird, doesn’t it?” She said once her cousin noticed her. “I think it’s because the actual blade is a magic fang. It’s not weighted like a normal sword, it actually feels like it’s heavier towards the point than the hilt sometimes when you swing. Figuring out how to use the aura that generates is most of the trick behind using Aether.” __ Shadow sparring was something Adelaide practically grew up with, and she had gotten herself into a good rhythm by the time Cynthia arrived on the upper deck. When the ship rocked back to move over a wave, the Falcon Knight practiced her defensive maneuvers. She sidestepped invisible blows, parried invisible strikes, and used her agility to slip and spin past invisible foes. When the ship dipped forward, she went on the attack. Falchion was a little awkward and her offense wasn’t as good as her father’s or Lucina’s, but Adelaide did her best to keep a steady and consistent pace. As soon as she noticed the Exalt watching her from the stairwell, the Falcon Knight sheathed the sword and smiled at her from across the deck. “It’s a bit like wielding a lance,” Adelaide replied, shaking her head, “though quite a bit shorter. It feels like it would probably be very good for piercing and tip slashes, but I can see how it might be difficult to use at closer quarters. Then again, I suppose that isn’t much of a concern when defeating dragons is its main purpose. Hehe, I’m not sure I’m quite ready for that yet! That or Aether. I can’t quite figure out the aura just yet.” __ “…huh. I guess it is.” Cynthia said after a moment, considering it. The two obviously weren’t completely identical, but now that she thought about it the constant focus on the tip of the sword did make it an obvious comparison. She stepped next to her cousin, glancing at the sheathed sword before shrugging. “You’ll get the dragon-slaying down eventually, Adelaide.” She tried to joke, patting her on the shoulder. “I don’t know about you, but I think you’d actually look pretty dashing in a storybook, huh? Maybe they could even give you a sainthood!” __ “Hehe, I think I’d be more of a footnote character,” Adelaide giggled, resting her hand on the pommel of the sword. “If anyone’s a saint in this story, it would be you. Cynthia, the otherworldly princess who would become queen. Ehehe! Those kinds of stories tend to write themselves, you know!” __ “I guess.” Cynthia shrugged awkwardly at the ‘praise’, glancing over the side of the boat with a small sigh. “That was meant to be Lucina’s thing. I was always just kind of…there.” She waved her hand at the side to emphasize her point, before forcing a smile back onto her face and drawing one of the training blades from the rack next to the ring. “So, Adelaide. Care to show me how well you’re coming along? Think of it as an evaluation if you have to.” __ Adelaide knitted her brows when her cousin mentioned Lucina. Cynthia had really come up in the world and helped steer Ylisse into an age of peace, but she couldn’t seem to acknowledge the good she had done because of how heavily the past weighed on her. The more Adelaide thought about it, the more she was beginning to see how much they had in common. “…Perhaps tomorrow morning,” the Falcon Knight replied, letting her hand slip from the sword. “I’ve been practicing since you left for your room, and I don’t think I’d put up much of a fight in this state. I was thinking of letting Breezy out of the lower deck to stretch her legs in the sunshine for a while. Maybe you and Ajax would like to join us?” __ “As if anyone else would wait for you to stop being tired.” Cynthia rolled her eyes, but slid the sword back into the rack anyway. The idea of a flight was appealing, if nothing else. She wasn’t opposed to the idea of getting off this damn boat for an hour or two. “Sure, that sounds fun. We’ll have to go easy on it, though, Ajax isn’t getting any younger.” Cynthia giggled. All things considering she should have brought her other pegasus for the journey - but the aging beast’s presence was one of the few familiar things she was likely to have for her stay. Besides, he was just getting slow, he had another five or six years of life in him yet. That and her other pegasus was only hers on a technicality. Sigurd wasn’t meant to have one, being a male, but what was the point of being queen if you couldn’t bend the rules once in a while? __ “I think I can manage easy,” Adelaide kidded. It was clear that poor Cynthia needed some kind of break from the monotony, and there was little that could quite compare to taking to the skies for a leisurely ride. “We have a nice tailwind filling our sails today, so we could probably just ride the slipstream from the ship and glide once we get high enough. Hehe, I’m sure Ajax would appreciate a little zero-effort flying!“ __ “Hah, yeah, he is getting a little old.” She chuckled, mounting Ajax and kicking in her heels a little. The pegasus took off, seemingly determined to prove his rider wrong about needing to ‘take it easy’ with the speed of his ascent. Eventually Cynthia convinced him to level out and they lazily circled, waiting for Adelaide and Breezy to catch up with them. “You know, Adelaide, if you’re having trouble with Aether I can help you with that.” She offered once her cousin was there, smiling at her. “I mean, sure, my sister figured it out for Falchion first - but I figured out how to use it on a lance. I’ll be honest, I should have offered to teach you how to use it a long time ago. Uh, how’s your magic coming along, anyway?” __ The Falcon Knight followed her Exalt to the lower deck where the pegasi and horses were stabled, where Ajax had already been fitted with his saddle and gear. Letting Cynthia take off first, Adelaide quickly got Breezy situated and led up up the ramp to the main deck. By the time the princess got into her own saddle, she could could already see her cousin circling above the main sail. “Hehe, you two didn’t waste any time getting comfortable up here!” Adelaide laughed, circling around so she fly beside her Exalt. “And magic? As in tomes, right? Mother tells me I’ll someday surpass her with a staff, but I’m afraid I’m about as much of a tome specialist as Father is.“ __ “In general. I wasn’t great with the tomes either, no matter how great the dark flier uniform was.” Cynthia shrugged as Adelaide fell into position, relaxing in the saddle with a sigh as Ajax glared daggers at Breezy. “It’s all part of how Aether works. I mean, it helps when you’re using Falchion because you’re channeling what’s left of Naga’s divine magic, but it’s how you can use it with other weapons.” Cynthia explained after a moment, glancing over at her. “It’s another one of the neat things our bloodline gives us, that’s all. I’m still amazed that Owain hasn’t tried - something something power too great for my sword hand, probably.” __ As Adelaide mulled over Cynthia’s explanation, Breezy snorted and tossed her head a bit. Perhaps she sensed the older pegasus’s frustration at seeing her in her prime, but she didn’t seem to care for his attitude. “I always did wonder about that,” Adelaide hummed. “About Aether, I mean. It was the personal technique of the Radiant Hero, wasn’t it? How it ended up in our bloodline isn’t mentioned in the old texts… but it’s curious, don’t you think? Perhaps it has to do with those chosen by-”
Suddenly cutting herself off, the Falcon Knight gulped. What if the reason her cousin couldn’t use Aether was because he hadn’t been chosen to wield Falchion? If Adelaide could wield the sword, then… “Cynthia… you don’t suppose it’s another one of those things that this sword imparts upon us, do you?” __ “Honestly, Adelaide? I hope not.” Cynthia said bluntly, wincing at the idea. “And please never repeat that in front of anyone ever again. The last thing I need is Morgan deciding it’s time to start experimenting with Falchion - /either/ Morgan deciding it’s time to start experimenting with Falchion.” She sighed, glancing at the sword with a slight frown on her face. “Besides…it just doesn’t add up. So, what, it gives out the energy to use aether to all the people that can use it? Not sure it works like that, since I’ve managed to use the move at the same time as Lucina before. I think it’s just a…quirk of the bloodline.” A smile twitched across Cynthia’s lips before a giggle escaped her, the Exalt suddenly looking decades younger for a moment as she shook her head. “Or maybe the bloodthirsty spirit trapped in Owain’s sword hand is stopping him from using it!” __ “Oh, pish posh,” the Falcon Knight pouted jokingly, “Cousin Owain has that spirit under control. He made a point of showing me when he decapitated all of the goblins outside of the Shepherds’ barracks… those poor sunflowers.” Adelaide eased up and allowed herself a moment to laugh. Her eccentric cousin could always put a smile on her face, even he wasn’t there. Maybe this was a safe place to confess something. “You know, Cynthia: Owain is self-conscious about it too. His mother wasn’t born with the Brand, and he can’t use Falchion like you or your sister. When he heard that I could, he wasn’t able to look me in the eye for about a week.” She sighed. “All this talk of our bloodline makes me wonder: why me over him? Or Aunt Lissa? They wanted it. For them, it would mean feeling closer to the family… but for me, it’s still a bit of a difficult pill to swallow. I can’t even look at my Brand without feeling unworthy of it.” __ “Huh…” Cynthia frowned, having not really thought about it that much before. She bit her lip, chewing on it for a moment as she considered the question. “Well…Owain got the brand, at least.” Cynthia said eventually, letting out a sigh. She hated all of this metaphysical stuff her bloodline took with it, but she had to try and settle Adelaide’s nerves somehow. “I dunno, Adelaide. I don’t really put much stock in fate or anything - it might just be random chance that you can use it and Owain can’t.” “There’s a lot of things we want, Adelaide. We don’t always get them - and when we do, it’s not as good as we thought it would be.“ Cynthia shrugged helplessly. "There’s no use fighting it - we’ve just got to do our best with what we’ve been given.” __ “Do our best with what we’ve been given…” she repeated to herself, thinking over what Cynthia just said. After a short pause, the Falcon Knight chuckled. “Heh, you know, Cynthia: I think you’re right. I am fighting this. I’ve been fighting this my whole life…” Adelaide sighed and looked far into the horizon. “My Brand, this sword, our family… I never felt like I deserved any of them before. I wanted so badly to earn that feeling on my own and join the fold later, but that just isn’t my path, is it? Perhaps I need to learn to accept it all… to stop struggling, take what I’ve been given, and know its worth… maybe then, these feelings will leave me be for a while…” __ “Hm…” Cynthia paused to consider her words for a few seconds, sighing. She didn’t want her cousin to feel defeated, yet at the same time the very idea of ‘stop struggling’ disturbed her. Chewing her lip, the exalt drummed her fingers against Ajax’s neck as she tried to figure out how to respond. “There’s a difference between accepting it and not trying to be your own person.” She said eventually, speaking slowly to make sure she used the right words. “I think…well. You might not feel like you deserve it, and maybe you don’t - but what you can do is use what you’ve been given as tools to try and forge your own path. You’ve been born into this family, given a brand and can use the Falchion - so instead of trying to prove yourself worthy of them, ask yourself, what can you do with them?” She glanced forwards again as Ajax started to lower in the air, slowly descending back onto the ship. “I always wanted to be like the princes and princesses in the stories - brave and kind, inspiring the people to better things. Before everything at the end of the war…happened, that was what I was trying to be. Inspiring. I used everything at my disposal to do that. Afterwards, well, everything changed.” She looked at Adelaide again, a serious expression on her face. “Seriously, Adelaide. You’re young, unmarried and have almost limitless tools at your disposal. What kind of person do you want to be? Use what you’ve been given to define yourself, instead of trying to prove like you live up to some 'legacy’ the family’s put on you.” __ “The person I want to be…” Adelaide echoed, looking up at the boundless blue sky above her, “…Well, your knight, for starters. I want to protect you and bring you back home to your family. I want to see little Sigurd’s face when his mama comes home to him, and watch you embrace Robin again. I want to see how the girls have grown, and hear Haley try to deny missing you.” The Falcon Knight closed her eyes and smiled at the thought. "Beyond that, though… I want to make a difference. I want to touch people like mother did. I’m not the pacifist my mother is, but I get… ideas sometimes, you know? Like going out to learn about distant lands, and showing the people there that there isn’t so much that separates us. Ultimately… I suppose I want to be remembered as someone who left the world a little better than she found it. That isn’t too selfish, is it?” __ "Selfish? Oh, please. I wish I was as selfless as you are at your age.” Cynthia grinned after a second, shaking her head. Part of her wanted to force Adelaide into going away from her and following her other dream, but something told her that it’d be like arguing with a brick wall. Then again, perhaps there was a loophole she could abuse…hm. That might be worth looking into. Gods, it had taken her twenty years, but she was finally starting to think like a proper politician. Robin would be at least impressed, if not necessarily proud. “You know…Haley’s getting old enough that she’s started to complain of sitting around in the castle doing nothing but reject suitors and work on her clothes. I was thinking that maybe she could tag along with one of the peace envoys to one of those nations we found through the outrealm gate.” She mused, biting her lip and pretending that the idea had only just come to her. “I didn’t want to send her away with a bunch of strangers, I’m far too busy and as for my husband - well, merely having him around and alive is almost acting as a military deterrent at this point. Nobody wants to invade us in case he does something crazy like set a fleet on fire again. If you really want to go out to distant lands, that might be a way of doing it, huh?” __ “Oh goodness, I… I don’t know,” Adelaide replied, rubbing the back of her head nervously. While it sounded like a wonderful opportunity, the Falcon Knight still had her doubts. “For starters: is Haley really interested in politics and diplomacy? She never really seemed the type, and I’m afraid she’d refuse to participate if she didn’t like it…” She paused again to bite her lip. Her next concern was the big one. “…And then there’s the matter of you, Cynthia. I really did mean it when I said I want to protect you. You’re going to be our Exalt until Lucina is ready to ascend the throne, and then you have the whole rest of your life to travel and explore and enjoy things as you please. I’ll probably be expected to hand back this silly sword when that happens, and I’d like to look after you for as long as I can… like my father did for yours!” __ “Lucina’s twenty-five and happy enough in the military.” Cynthia pointed out with a sigh, shaking her head with a slightly bemused smile. “Far be it from me to force this on her if she doesn’t want it. I know she keeps insisting she’s still there to gain experience, but I’m beginning to suspect she’s hoping to avoid it. She’ll do her duty if asked, of course, but…she’s seen the kind of future it brings. Stress, isolation and in recent years a disturbingly high chance of a violent death.” She couldn’t help but giggle a little, raising an eyebrow at Adelaide when she finished going over the rest of her cousin’s words. “Aw, are you so desperate to get me off the throne? Or are you just hoping that I’ll settle down and make your job easier once I retire? Because I’ve got bad news for you, if I ever get out of this job I’m stacking my family on a group of pegasi and making a beeline for the first tropical island I can see. The council will need to drag me back to that accursed throne in chains.” Despite her jokes, her voice took a serious if quieter tone as they landed on the boat, stepping off Ajax in a smooth motion and running a hand along his mane. “Adelaide, I don’t want you giving up your own life to take care of mine, even if I do abdicate to Lucina. You deserve a chance at your own happiness. Still…if I can’t get rid of you, I guess I’ll just have to make sure I live somewhere interesting.” __ When Cynthia began her descent towards the deck of the ship, Adelaide took one last look out at the horizon before following after her. With the sun sinking low in the sky, the ocean was positively awash with color. The young Falcon Knight couldn’t recall the last time she had seen anything so beautiful. “I don’t see how it could get much more interesting than this,” she replied, still entranced by the sunset as she landed beside her cousin. “And I’m sure you’d find all the peace you could stand on that island of yours… certainly more than Haley would be able to tolerate. With all of that energy beneath her feet, I think she’s going to want to see the world on her own someday. Perhaps looking out for Haley wouldn’t be such a bad plan in the long-term…” Snapping herself out of it, Adelaide quickly dismounted her pegasus and stood at attention before her Exalt. “B-But that’s entirely up to you, Your Grace! I’m simply happy to keep you safe during this mission of yours and all the rest to come.” __ “Oh, you want to see how it can get more interesting? I’ll put Morgan in charge for a month, claim it’s practice in case the worst happens. Then you’ll see interesting.” Cynthia joked, wincing at the very thought of unleashing her daughter on the world. She glanced over at Adelaide, following her eyes and smiling slightly. While she’d almost had enough of travelling over the course of her life, seeing her cousin mystified by something as simple as a view was almost worth the trouble. “I’m sure you’d keep her from causing too much trouble.” She said lightly, guiding Ajax back to the ship’s stables with a smile on her face. “And while you might escape my prying into your romantic life, you’ll be trading it with getting forced into infinite dresses. Happy with that deal?” __ “Ehehe… I think there’s a difference between interesting and insane, Your Grace,” the Falcon Knight chuckled nervously. “As much we all love Morgan, I’m not sure what any of us would do if she made one of her cats a senator. Oh goodness, the very thought!” Covering her mouth to laugh, Adelaide followed Cynthia into the stables. “In all seriousness, though, you needn’t worry about my future life or happiness. I chose this path because I love you and your family. If I’m able to take care of you all, I’ll be happy enough. I’m well aware that aspirations don’t always align with reality, and I’m alright with that.” __ “Hmph. Still think you could stand to be a little more selfish.” Cynthia grumbled, even as she was forced to laugh at the idea of Morgan making one of her cats a senator. Oh, gods, she would wouldn’t she? “There we go, boy. That’s a bit better, isn’t it?” She said softly, rubbing Ajax’s snout for a moment. She got a brief grunt in exchange, another giggle escaping her. “Hehe, I know, you don’t like me treating you like you’re fragile. I promise you’ll get to show off again properly eventually.” __ Though the Falcon Knight managed to more or less make out what her Exalt grumbled beneath her breath, she chose not to comment on it. In her eyes, that ship had sailed long ago. The only one she cared to think of now was the one spiriting them across the sea to Valm. “I know that wasn’t quite the stretch you had in mind, Breezy, but I promise I’ll let you fly to your heart’s content tomorrow morning at sunrise,” Adelaide murmured as she did her pegasus’s bridle and walked her to her stable. “Just try not to give poor Ajax such a hard time while you and the others are down here. Our legs are all going to be a little stiff until we make land.” __ “To think I missed sailing after the first year of being in charge.” Cynthia gagged for a moment, glancing over at Adelaide with a raised eyebrow. “Seriously. I would rather be locked in a room with five diplomats for a week, although I’m probably going to regret saying that when we make land.” She headed out of the stable, waiting for Adelaide to catch up with her patiently. “…gods, it’s like some kind of fight in my head all the time. I want to do a good job and keep anyone else from doing this, but I also want to just get on Ajax, drag my family with me and run.” __ As soon as Adelaide got Breezy stabled and brushed down, she headed to the upper deck and met with Cynthia again. Though the Exalt looked to be staring out into space again, she spoke her heart as she always did. Adelaide couldn’t help but reply in kind. “…There’s really no peace for you in this duty, is there?” the young knight asked, looking up into her cousin’s eyes. “You’ve been at this for so long that you feel trapped between what’s expected of you and what your heart wants… and there isn’t a comfortable way out for you. Cynthia… how do you stand it?” __ “Practice, tenacity and constantly reminding myself that it’s better than the apocalypse.” Cynthia shrugged at Adelaide’s words. It was a conversation she’d had with Robin countless times at this point - especially after Lucina came of age, her husband had been trying to get her to abdicate for over a year now. “Seriously, Adelaide, whenever I start thinking about how much my life sucks I remember how much worse it’s been at times.” She got quiet for a moment, glancing at the sky. “Sometimes I can still see him out the corner of my eye, expecting all of this to get taken away from me. It…leaves me on edge, I guess. The work’s a blessing as well as a curse, at least this way I’m normally either too tired or too busy to let my imagination get to me.” It was a joke, mostly, but parts of it were true. She laughed again, shaking her head sadly. “Maybe we’re both just overthinking it, Lady. Leave it to the philosophers or the smart guys like my husband - let’s just focus on getting our jobs done, yeah?” __ Adelaide frowned, the corner of her mouth twitching a little as she felt a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. Cynthia had been through far too much, and she’d been trapped between her sad past and her unhappy present. In many ways… it was like what Adelaide’s mother endured while she was Exalt. To the young knight, such an unfair situation simply couldn’t be allowed to stand. “Cynthia… I mean, Your Grace… very well, then. I believe I know what it is I must do,” Adelaide replied, straightening herself out as well as she could. Though she was more than a little nervous, she had never been so sure before. “It’s my duty to keep you safe and healthy, but you’re shouldering more weight than anyone on their own could and should. It’s going to weigh you down one of these days, and when it does… I won’t sit by and let that happen. I’ve made a decision. If it’s alright with you, Your Grace, I’d like to learn about politics and leadership while we’re in Valm. I’d like to finally earn my right to wield this sword. Don’t you see? I’m not just your knight; I’m your cousin! I could learn to be your representative if you’d allow it. I could help you shoulder the weight. W-What do you say?” __ You’re about to say something noble and self-sacrificing, aren’t you. At least Cynthia had managed to bite her tongue before saying that, turning silently to face Adelaide and listen to what she had to say. It made sense - she should have been put throgh some politics class much earlier, if she hadn’t dedicated herself so thoroughly to the knighthood. “There’s better people to learn from than me.” She laughed eventually, shaking her head and relaxing. “But if it means that I won’t need to head to all these places myself anymore, good enough for me.” She put a hand on her cousin’s shoulder, a solemn look on her face. “By the way, fair warning - you have so much reading to do, and none of it is fun.” __ “Just like that? You really mean it?” Teeming with excitement, the young knight felt her heart racing in her chest. She was going to train to be the Exalt’s representative. Perhaps Falchion had chosen her for a reason after all. “Oh, Cynthi- I mean, Your Grace, I promise I won’t let you down! Be it a sea of enemies or a mountain of books, I will overcome any hurdle to make you and Ylisse proud.” Though Adelaide sorely wanted to reach out and hug her cousin, her professionalism as a knight kept her affections contained. Instead, she cleared her throat and offered her Exalt a polite nod. “And it looks like I have plenty of time to read before we reach Valm. Do you think I could get started tonight after supper?” __ “Sweetie, you don’t know what you’re getting into.” Cynthia chuckled as she bent over, snapping open a trunk and pulling out a three-volume set of books. “Here - I haven’t started on these yet.” She said, somehow cheerful as she dropped the heavy books into Adelaide’s arms. “It’s a complete guide to Valmese heraldry so we don’t get anyone’s troops mixed up while we’re there. Oh, and this-” A folder held together with string ended up added to the pile. “Is a mix of official diplomatic correspondance and personal stuff. If you could sort through it for me and put together some kind of, like, reference model I’d appreciate it.” She leaned forward, an evil smile on her face. “Welcome to the diplomatic corps, Adelaide.” __ Adelaide accepted the first bundle of books with gusto, curiously glancing at the cover of the first as Cynthia explained what they were. Her father taught her to remember Yissean heraldry when she was growing up, and she never failed to impress at the academy. As far as she was concerned, memorizing a few more colorful shields would be easy. Then came the messy folder of letters tied together with a bit of old twine. Adelaide knew that Cynthia had been busy lately, but it seemed irresponsible to have left this much official correspondence unattended. Nevertheless, she wasn’t deterred. “I appreciate it, Your Grace. I promise I won’t let you down,” the young knight replied graciously. “In fact, I can organize your diplomatic portfolio tonight and present you a full report tomorrow morning. And I’ll have these heraldry book back to you within the moon too, if you’d care to catch up yourself! Is there anything else I could cover or is that it for now?” __ “Oh, appreciate it as much as you want, you’re going to hate it eventually.” Cynthia chuckled, before frowning. “And, no, that’s everything. But hey, one warning.” She tapped the correspondence folder with a raised eyebrow, staring her younger cousin straight in the face. “Some of the personal writing in there can get kind of…uh…sensual? And there’s no easy way to tell them apart. So just be kinda cautious when you’re sorting that, yeah?” She let out a sigh of relief, glad to have finally offloaded some of the work to someone else. “Thank you, Adelaide. I’ve got to get back to even more reading.” __ “Um… sensual?” Adelaide replied shrilly, looking down at the stack of letters she had been given. While most of them looked like they came from Ylissean nobles and foreign diplomats, she recognized Robin’s handwriting on a few of the ones at the top… which explained the familiar scent of his cologne. Surely he hadn’t- “C-Cautious, right!” the young knight repeated as she snapped back to attention. Maybe approaching this the way she’d approach a mission was a little silly and maybe she seemed a bit ridiculous in the process, but… was there a ‘but’? Adelaide sighed and couldn’t help but take a moment to laugh at herself. She was taking this far more seriously than Cynthia intended her to. “Heh, you’re very welcome, Cynthia,” she chuckled. “And… thank you too. Really. It may not seem so glamorous to you, but it truly does help me feel more at ease with my place in life. I’ll leave you to your work and bring supper by if you can’t make it to the mess hall tonight.”
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hellomissmabel · 8 years
Bye Bye Brooklyn Boys (9)
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Pairing: Bucky x reader, Steve x reader
Warnings: This is just so sad. Language.
Word count: 2.730
Summary: Bruce gives you some great advice and you finally make the trip back home.
September, October, November , December,
January , February, March,  April
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I gave Thor the ring back.
Yeah, you read that correctly.
I gave Thor the ring back because I couldn’t marry him knowing fully well that my heart belonged elsewhere and with elsewhere I of course mean Steve. He cried, I cried, we both cried and it was messy although neither of us picked a fight. Nonetheless I’m damn sure his brother Loki would’ve wanted nothing more than for the two of us the fall out and scratch each other’s eyes out. No such thing happened yet I can’t help but think it might’ve made me feel a little bit better if he had just thrown all his shit my way and called it a day.
But that’s the end of it, the end of all of it. No more bad boy James, no more golden boy Steve.
Just no more.
I work with Bruce and I sometimes even live with the guy when my neighbour is banging another girl through the roof and I can’t seem to catch any sleep, which much to my dismay happens more often than not. Sometimes I can crash at a colleague’s place as well, but that never last for more than a couple times.
So here I am again, standing on Bruce’s doorstep with my sleeping bag and some spare clothing. Even this very evening I’m barricading his couch and stealing his pillows, occasionally glaring angrily his way if he tries to sneak one out to his bedroom. Usually on nights like these we stay up discussing our projects until the sun rises, talking spiritedly about what new endeavour we should take on next. If only nights like these could last forever.
No such luck tonight.
“Y/N, there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you for a very long time.”
“Do tell, Bruce,” I say rather cheerfully, patting the only vacant spot next to me on the couch. “I’m all ears.”
When he takes his seat, his expression changes from merry to stoic in a matter of seconds and I gulp audibly when he looks at me with those intense eyes of his, assuming his role as my surrogate father figure rather impeccably.
He inhales deeply and gently rests his hand on my knee, his thumbs absentmindedly rubbing nonsense patterns and squeezing lightly as his eyes soften at my obvious discomfort. “It’s time to go home, my dear,” he begins and I can feel the coil in my stomach tighten at his words and the covert message behind them.
“What do you mean, it’s time to go home?”
Hell, I know what he’s implying but I need to hear it from him, loud and clear. I need to hear it. “Bruce,” I whisper softly, placing my hand on top of his, “Surely, my home is here with you and the others, unless you see things differently? Let me assure you, there’s no place I’d rather be.”
He shakes his head and gives me a pointed look, a tinge of green flashing behind his eyes, alerting me that he knows I’m still in denial.
After all this time, I’m still in denial.
“No, Y/N, you left your home four years ago.”
I swallow thickly, averting my eyes and studying the carpet below my feet as if I’ve never seen anything more interesting in my entire life. The words weigh heavy on my tongue and I’m afraid that if I spit them out I might have to make a run for it. I know I have to go back at some point but… “I can’t go back. Bruce, I just can’t and you know why, you know damn well why I can’t go back.”
“Your time with me is almost over and as much as I’d like to keep you on as my assistant and as much as I enjoy your company and our cosy sleepovers,” Bruce chuckles lightly and you can’t help but smile a little as well, “This was never meant to be your destination. You’re only halfway your voyage, Y/N, and it’s time for you to continue your travels. I can book you a flight right now if you ask me to. It’s for your own good, Y/N, you even talk about him in your sleep. He was your beginning and if you let him, he can be your journey’s end as well.”
“But –,” I attempt although it’s of no use and I’m sure Bruce is going to kick my ass if I start to object so I reluctantly decide against it. Instead I lower my head in defeat only to lift it up again to meet his gentle eyes when the comforting weight of his hand on my shoulder opens the floodgates. I pour all my hurt and all my sorrow into these tiny, thick droplets of water dripping down my face, marked by insomnia and countless days of mulling over what could’ve been and what was never meant to be.
It feels good to be back. It feels good to be back and talk to my friends without having to take into account the telephone bill or when the less than satisfactory Wi-Fi connection is eventually going to give out on me.
Bruce was right, this is my home.
“Thank you so much for letting me stay in your old room, Nat.”
“Nah, it’s no biggie! Besides, Pietro is already inhabiting your room so it’s only reasonable I’m offering you mine, I’m spending most of my days at Clint’s anyway. You’re more than welcome to stay for as long as you like.”
“Natasha,” I beam gratefully, “Natasha, I missed you so, so much. But it’s only temporary, until I find myself a place of my own. Tony already made sure I got my old position back, it’s only a matter of time before I attack the real-estate market next.”
We go out for coffee at our old place, ordering two lattes and sitting at our regular spot at the window out front, watching hundreds of people mingle in the busy traffic whilst the hot liquid burns its way down our throat and wakes us up inside, the familiarity of the scenery enough to stir up a peculiar sense of nostalgia in the both of us.
“How is everyone?,” I ask nonchalantly from behind my coffee cup, trying to keep a straight face although it’s of no use, I’m an open book to Nat who shoots me a sympathetic smile as she sets her cup down on the wooden table.
“I assume Wanda already told you about her recent endeavour?”
While I was abroad, me and the girls always kept in touch. Nat and Wanda would call me every other day to check in on me and fill me in on what’s hot and new in their lives. Wanda graduated in computer sciences and decided to travel for a year before settling down and getting acquainted with the 9-to-5 life. During her travels she met a guy named Vision and according to Nat they hit it off immediately. After sharing quite the passionate summer between each other’s sheets, they are now preparing for the launch of their newest app after the initial success of their website blew everyone’s socks off.
“Well, let me see. Clint and I have been working overtime trying to impress our boss, Pepper Potts, who just happens to be professor Stark’s ex-wife.” She gives you a half-hearted grin which you return with a tight-lipped smile.
You were well acquainted with Pepper and got off on the wrong foot. She had suspected you to be Tony’s girl on the side, hence the source of her constant mistrust in you, his flirtatious nature only fuelling the fire. He tried adamantly to put the matter to bed and eventually she was willing to hear the two of you out but things never ran as smoothly as you desired. To hear that Natasha and Clint were now working for Pepper was a big surprise to say the least, especially so since Tony never stopped loving her.
“She told us that we both possess great potential. She’s pitched some of our ideas to a few people higher up and by the sound of it, they were very excited about them.”
Natasha and Clint have been together for what seems like ages and both are employed in the PR-business. I used to joke about how dedicated she was to this job, saying she loves this job more than she loves Clint although he’s just as much a workaholic as she is.
“She also said that there might be a job opening for Clint and I in Washington.”
“Nat! That’s great news!,” you exclaim with obvious delight before noticing how she’s fidgeting with the hem of her dress and you instantly know something’s off. “Or not?,” you question gingerly. She locks eyes with you, albeit reluctantly before releasing a deep sigh.
“It’s Clint. He – He wants it just as much as I do but he’s afraid that Pepper only offered him a job as well because she knows I will refuse to go without him.”
“Oh,” was the only thing you could pronounce.
There’s a pregnant pause afterwards as we both finish our drinks and order a second one, Nat asking hers to be extra strong and adding an additional batch of blueberry muffins to nibble on. After they’ve arrived with our order, Nat takes a quick sip of her latte before she resumes speaking, the tension in the air palpable.
“Anyway, you also want an update on the boys from Brooklyn? Otherwise you wouldn’t have asked that question in the first place.” She kinks a brow at you. “You wanna know about Steve and Bucky?”
You stare at her with a dumbfounded look, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips. “Shoot.”
She told me that Steve and Sharon got hitched right after graduation and are now living together in Steve’s old apartment, the one he used to share with Bucky before things turned sour between them. Fortunately Steve and Bucky resolved their issues and meet up on the regular for drinks at their local bar from back in the day when all of you were still enrolled at University.
Steve and Sharon are now both working for doctor Coulson, the head of the department of neuroscience at the local hospital and according to Nat, Steve’s well on his way to become a big name in his field of expertise. “If he keeps things up like this, that boy is going to go places Sharon can only dream of,” she says pointedly, taking a bite of her muffin and moaning in delight as the rich flavour hits her taste buds.
As for James, he got picked up by a head-hunter working for T’Challa, a renowned scientist recruiting specialists at the top of their game to work on a top-notch government project with him. “It’s a pretty big deal and I’ve never seen him more thrilled in his entire life. He got back on his feet real slow, but now it seems he’s on a winning streak.”
“It’s good the boys are doing so well for themselves,” I admit and it’s not a lie, it feels good to hear they’ve managed to make amends and find their way in this crazy life.
“Yeah, I have to disagree with you on that,” she replies bitterly. Nat’s answer takes me by surprise and I scan her face for any signs of mockery, disappointed to see she’s dead serious.
You look at her with mixed emotions. “How so?”
“Like I said, professionally they’re on fire but their private life is a mess. Steve and Sharon fall out all the time, even at the hospital in front of their staff. Even last week Wanda’s mother, who works there as well, said that their screaming match could be heard from their office all the way to the front desk. And James, James hasn’t dated ever since you left. I might’ve gotten him off my couch eventually, but that boy hasn’t even so much as looked at a woman. He’s lost his spark.”
She pushes her drink aside as well as the plate with muffins. “Y/N,” she starts off, her shoulders suddenly slumping and her eyes reveal the tiredness that’s eating away at her. The woman now in front of me is nothing like the strong and fiercely independent Natasha Romanoff that I have come to love.
“They’re not happy and neither are you. Please go talk to them, if not for me than do it for yourself. I’m not asking you to hook up with either of them, I’m just asking you to reconsider reaching out to them. Talk to them, see if they are willing to put the past behind and focus on the future. They’re still miserable and by the looks of it, so are you. Y/N, please, I can’t stand it anymore. I can’t stand to see my friends this depressed.”
You nod your head slightly, tears welling up in your eyes at you best friend’s confession. “I’m so sorry,” you apologise with a tormented look. “But I didn’t come here to drag myself through the mud again. I can’t, Natasha.”
She lifts an accusatory finger at you, her lips forming a tight line. “You’re scared. Y/N, you’re just scared.”
You scoff at this and answer sternly, your forehead drawing into a frown. “I know I was too caught up in my own shit to see that other people were suffering just as much as I was, but it’s not like I’m the only one to blame. They fucked it up just as much as I did and I lost myself, Nat, I lost myself and was on the verge of marrying a man that loved me dearly but would never be able to compare to Steve or James. I thought I’d found myself again, that Norway was where I was meant to be, but I only lost myself even more. If things would’ve been different, maybe Steve and I would be… Things… Things just would’ve been different.”
Something warm trickles its way down your cheek and when its bitter taste caresses your lips, you cannot refrain yourself any longer from sobbing, your shoulders shaking involuntarily. Natasha releases a shuddered breath, saying “I’m so sorry. I’m so, so sorry Y/N. It was wrong of me, going after you like that. You have every right to be miserable.” and her voice sounds just as strangled.
“I was too blind to see that I drove a wedge between two best friends and unwillingly forced my own friends to pick a side as well,” I continued in a watery voice. It was just like the two Brooklyn boys had asked you to choose one of them and you had refused, just like Natasha or Wanda and look where it got you, look where it got all of them?
“No, Y/N, that’s not true,” Natasha countered softly and you narrowed your eyes at her, biting the inside of your cheek. “It’s not true. Y/N, look at me.” She cups your face in her tender hands. “You lost yourself but that doesn’t mean it’s too late. It’s not too late to find yourself again. Third time’s a charm, right?”
You wince at her words but she doesn’t back down and the old Natasha Romanoff resurfaces again, the woman that can conquer the world through sheer will and determination if she so pleases.
“It’s not too late for you, Y/N, my dear. The secret to a happy and full life isn’t to be found in professional success, it’s in the people that make your life better, those people who make your life their greatest success. I’m not saying you have to become a homewrecker, don’t get me wrong, no matter how much I loathe Sharon you don’t have to stoop down to her level. But I just want you to see that at some point in your life, you have to stop looking backwards and start moving forward. It’s time to wrap this up, it’s time to move forward. It’s time, Y/N. Steve’s made his choice, now it’s your turn. You know what you gotta do and I’ll be there for your every step of the way. What was it that Bucky and Steve always used to say?”
“Till the end of the line.”
“Till the end of the line,” she echoes.
Part 10: June
Tagging: the ever-wonderful @beccaanne814-blog @kiwi71281 @a-little-hell-to-raise @unpredictable-firecracker @marvelingatthewonder @emilyinwonderland3 @mrshopkirk @oopsmybagofplums @hardcorehippos @iiharu-kunii @knittingknerdy @winterwolf57 @dontbeamenacetotheforce @winterboobaer @shamvictoria11@thedragonblood @hymnofthevalkyries @feelmyroarrrr
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enigmatist17 · 8 years
Long Time (Pines Family)
I had a good starting idea, but then it just kinda...I dunno, I hate it but I worked on this for a bit so here ya go I guess.
“GRUNKLE FORD! GRUNKLE STAN!” Mabel’s scream echoed throughout the courtyard of her school, everyone turning to watch the pink blur race over to two ratty-looking old men who caught her with grins so big they could be seen by everyone. The excited 13-year old was chattering a mile a minute as one of the men kneeled down to her height, a grin on his face as he responded to her numerous questions without skipping a beat. The other man watched in amusement, perking up when he heard some sounds nearby that sounded slightly off, Stan and Mabel not realizing he was wandering off. “Not gonna fight back anymore Dipstick?” A taunting voice sneered, Ford poking his head around a corner to see four boys surrounding a person on their hands and knees. His blood ran cold when he recognized the familiar brown hair, Dipper slowly looking up with blood running from his nose and busted lip. He grunted moments later when one kid kicked his side, recoiling from that direction in a feeble attempt to avoid a second hit, only it never came. Slowly looking up Dipper’s eyes went wide when he saw his grunkle Ford was holding one of the boys hand, his expression dark as he looked at the preteens who looked nervous at this very tall man in front of them. “Is there a problem here children?” His tone was cold as ice, the boys hurriedly shaking their heads as he advanced a step closer. “Then I would suggest you leave. Now.” No further prompt was needed as the group ran as fast as they could, Dipper slowly sitting up as Ford knelt by his side with a look of concern. “Dipper, are you alright my boy? Is your nose broken?” Ford was alarmed by the blood dripping from his nephew’s nose, digging through his pockets to pull out a handkerchief that Dipper took gratefully. “Sorry about the blood Grunkle Ford, and no its not broken this time. I just bleed really easily.” He explained with a wince, watching as Ford collected his bookbag and the scattered notebooks all around the alley, the last book he picked up being the journal Ford had helped him make. “This time? How many times has this happened?!” Ford asked, his rage barely repressed as Dipper shrugged, wincing when his ankle moved at the motion. “A lot, ever since we started school I guess…” Dipper trailed off, Ford gently examining the swollen ankle before placing one arm under Dipper’s knees and the other behind his back, easily lifting Dipper up and close to his chest. Dipper instantly felt safe as his grunkle made his way back over to Stan and Mabel, Stan instantly looking angry as he took in his injured nephew as Mabel bit her lip sadly. “Who did this? I’ll kill ‘em.” Stan groused as Ford shook his head. “Let’s get him treated first, then threaten.” Dipper smiled faintly as Ford carried him home, Mabel riding on Stan’s shoulders as she gave a brief history about the bullies Dipper had been forced to deal with for years. Their parents weren’t home when they arrived, Mabel unlocking the door and quickly running in to get the first aid kit as Dipper was placed on the dining room table so ford could better examine his foot. “Out with it kid, I want those punks name.” Stan grumbled, heart aching as Dipper let out a strangled gasp when Ford tried his best to gently remove his shoe, the dark purple bruise greeting them only riling his anger further. “Grunkle Stan, it’s fine…” “No it ain’t.” Dipper flinched at the tone in his voice, Stan sighing as he took a seat and placed a hand on Dipper’s shoulder. “This is not okay…” “Do your teachers know who is doing this?” Ford questioned, looking affronted when Dipper nodded. “And yet no actions have been taken?” “Grunkle Ford, things are a bit different when it comes to things like this.” Mabel spoke up, Stan gently picking her up and placing her beside her brother. “They have to see it happen during school, or the teachers don’t do anything. Mom and dad tried to stop it, but they never believe us ‘cause they don’t like Dipper much…” “Why?” Ford gently tilted Dipper’s head up so he could make sure the bleeding had stopped from his nose, pleased to see it was merely bruised and not broken. “Cause Dipper is the smartest in that school…and we may or may not have kept pranking the principal for the last few years.” Dipper grinned as Stan chuckled, Ford standing to go and rummage around for an ice-pack for the young boy. “Unbelievable, and I thought the school system had been bad in our time.” Ford groused, not so easily swayed as he grabbed the only ice-pack he could see and wrapped it in a towel, handing it to Dipper once he had returned. “Look Ford, don’t even think about goin’ after those kids. Laws are a lot stricter when it comes to kids.” Stan warned, knowing that this was the last thing his twin wanted to hear as he grumbled something in an alien language rapidly. “Yet they allow children like Dipper to be harmed merely because they have no visible confirmation of being bullied to the point of his ankle being twisted and a close case of a broken nose?” Ford sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose, once more speaking in an alien language that was most likely him cursing like a sailor. “I refuse to accept this.” “It’s okay grunkle Ford, we only have another year and a half, then in high school we probably won’t see them again…” Dipper tried to weakly reason, Mabel nodding as the older twin gave them a wane look. “I apologize, I just…I am very passionate about this subject.” Stan gave his brother an understanding look as the younger twins nodded. “But, you’re safe right now Mason, and that is all that matters.” “You told him?” Mabel grinned at her brother, Dipper shrugging with a slight blush creeping up his cheeks as Stan chuckled. “You’re such a nerd.” “Oh shut up!” Dipper blushed as the two began to bicker good-naturedly as the older twins merely chuckled and watched. It took a fair amount of convinced Ford that Dipper would be ok before he felt good enough to return on the voyage he and his brother had interrupted to see their favored family members, and even then Ford left Dipper with a wrist-watch that also doubled as an invisible shield. The parting at the docks was sad, but both parties felt giddy when they went their separate ways once more, phone calls and e-mails made daily. The kids weren’t allowed to return that summer, the entirety of Gravity Falls of course disappointed but they carried on the best they could for another year until one day a bus drove into the familiar stop that was rarely stopped at. “IT’S DIPPER AND MABEL!” Grenda’s cries echoed throughout the main street, citizens popping their heads out of various buildings to see the bus driver help the twins unpack the dozen suitcases they had. Cheers erupted as the townsfolk flooded around the two, smiles all around as greetings were had and the bus driver was helped by several people so he could get back on his way. “It’s so good to see you guys!” Wendy grinned as she and Dipper switched hats, the almost 15-year old grinning as he had grown almost to her height. “Same to you as well!” Dipper couldn’t help but grin in return, the two chatting until Mabel’s squeal rang out at the sight of an old car chugging towards the mass crowd. Stan barely got out of the car before he was almost bowled over by the energetic hug he received, Dipper hanging back until Ford motioned him over for a less-energetic but still hearty hug. “Kids, you got here early.” Stan commented as everyone dispersed a bit from the two shrugging teens. “Sorry, bus came way earlier than it was supposed to.” Mabel explained, bouncing back and forth on her feet. “Our phones also died so we couldn’t let you know.” Dipper nodded, leaning against the car with a sheepish smile. “Here I thought Stan was forgetful about charging his phone.” Ford teased as some people laughed, the conman rolling his eyes with a grin. “So why are you guys here with so much stuff?” Soos questioned, murmurs rippling throughout the crowd as the younger twins glanced at each other. “Well…mom and dad thought it would be a good idea if we went to school with less…problematic people.” Dipper worded carefully, not wanting to give away the fact that his parents had recently gotten a divorce and had sent them to Gravity Falls until things could be sorted out. “You’re gonna be here for high school?” Wendy asked curiously, the two nodding which sent some cheers throughout the teens hanging around. “This is gonna be great!” “It so is!” Mabel grinned, the town beginning to ask questions that she and Dipper were more than happy to answer. They had never looked happier as they were driven home by Stan, the two eagerly chatting around this and that until they saw the new additions to the Mystery Shack, awestruck as they hopped out of the car to get a better look. “We figured we needed some more space, it has been a while since the old girl had an update.” Stan explained, leaning against the driver side door as he watched them grin and comment on how it looked almost like the expansion had always been there. “We thought of giving the whole building a fresh look, but it just didn’t quite sit right.” Ford commented, already unpacking their things as the twins went over to help him. The rest of the day was spent unpacking the twins’ things and catching up on just about any topic they could think of, smiles never once falling from their faces. It was good to be home, where they were loved and safe.
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billyagogo · 4 years
Late for Work 5/12: Way-Too-Early Roster Projections at Four Key Positions - BaltimoreRavens.com
New Post has been published on https://newsprofixpro.com/moxie/2020/05/12/late-for-work-5-12-way-too-early-roster-projections-at-four-key-positions-baltimoreravens-com/
Late for Work 5/12: Way-Too-Early Roster Projections at Four Key Positions - BaltimoreRavens.com
Way-Too-Early Roster Projection at Four Key Positions 
The Baltimore Sun’s Jonas Shaffer made a way-too-early projection of the Ravens’ 53-man roster. Here’s a look at four of the most compelling position groups and Shaffer’s predictions for them: 
Quarterback (2): Lamar Jackson, Robert Griffin III:”When the Ravens drafted [Trace] McSorley, they envisioned him as a potential Taysom Hill-esque weapon. With Griffin seemingly well established as Jackson’s backup, this is the offseason for the former Penn State star to prove he’s a two-phase player. He was a fixture in special teams practices last season but never saw a snap there, even when active in Week 17. If McSorley shines in the preseason again — or whatever replaces it amid the coronavirus pandemic — he’d be hard to stash on the practice squad. But the undrafted Tyler Huntley, an All-Pac-12 Conference player at Utah, has a similar dual-threat skill set and should fit the Ravens’ scheme well.” 
Wide receiver (6): Marquise “Hollywood” Brown, Willie Snead IV, Miles Boykin, Devin Duvernay, James Proche, Chris Moore: “The depth chart after [the top four] is up for grabs. Team officials have raved about Proche’s hands, and he’ll enter training camp as one of the favorites at punt returner. But if the Ravens find a better option there and the sixth-round pick struggles to adjust to the speed of the game on offense, his 2020 role becomes less certain. Given [Head Coach John] Harbaugh’s roster priorities, Moore could turn out to be this season’s Justin Bethel, a skill position player whose primary contributions are on special teams coverage units. De’Anthony Thomas ended last season as the Ravens’ starting kickoff and punt returner, and that remains his path to a job in 2020. Jaleel Scott can contribute on special teams, too, and it’s too early to rule out contributions as a receiver. But time is running out for the former fourth-round pick, who had a strong 2019 preseason, then got just 17 offensive snaps all season.”
Defensive line (5): Calais Campbell, Brandon Williams, Derek Wolfe, Justin Madubuike, Broderick Washington Jr.: “Washington is not a dynamic pass rusher, but he can help replace Chris Wormley’s run-stopping contributions at defensive end. If the Ravens had to pick between him, [Daylon] Mack and [Justin] Ellis, it’d be hard to fault them for going with the one lineman who doesn’t have a knee injury in his medical history. (It might be easier to sneak Mack onto the practice squad, too.)” 
Inside linebacker (4): L.J. Fort, Patrick Queen, Malik Harrison, Otaro Alaka: “Adding two of the draft’s top linebacker prospects should help shore up the position, in both the short and long term. It should also make the veteran battles for a roster spot even more competitive. … Among the team’s veterans, Fort has a leg up; he has the most starting experience in the Ravens’ system, though it’s just eight games. Health and special teams contributions will be important. Fort had more special teams snaps than defensive snaps in seven games last season, and [Chris] Board has been a steady presence there since 2018. Offseason signing Jake Ryan, who’s played just two games over the past two seasons, has significant special teams experience, too.” 
Ravens Enter 2020 With Chip on Shoulder, But So Do AFC North Rivals 
It’s been four months since the Ravens’ Super Bowl aspirations were dashed by a shocking loss to the Tennessee Titans in the divisional round of the playoffs, and while the sting may have subsided, it hasn’t wholly dissipated. 
Therefore, it comes as no surprise that the Ravens were identified as one of the teams entering the 2020 season with a big chip on their shoulder by NFL.com. 
“To the naked eye, Baltimore appeared lost in the latter stages of a belladonna voyage as Derrick Henry flung dazed defenders into the terrible Maryland night,” NFL.com’s Marc Sessler wrote. “In a flash, the mighty Ravens – their 14-2 record, their MVP quarterback and all their boasts – were reduced to salt. Few teams burn more brightly for a chance to make things right.” 
Nothing short of hoisting the Lombardi Trophy next February will fully make things right for the Ravens, but they can gain a measure of retribution when the Titans return to M&T Bank Stadium in Week 11. That contest obviously is one of the biggest revenge games of the season. 
“Stunned fans at M&T Bank Stadium were left to wonder what in the hell just happened, while Jackson faced more questions on why his dominant play in the regular season had yet to surface in two playoff losses,” NFL.com’s Dan Hanzus wrote. “The reigning MVP will have to wait until January to slay that narrative, but beating up on Tennessee in November would undeniably scratch an itch. Big Truss.”
The Titans game isn’t the only one the Ravens should circle on the schedule, according to Pro Football Talk’s Chris Simms.  
Jackson is 19-3 as a starter, but two of those losses have come against Patrick Mahomes and the defending Super Bowl champion Kansas City Chiefs. Both of those games were in Kansas City, however. The Ravens will host the Chiefs on “Monday Night Football” during Week 3 in arguably the most anticipated game of the season. 
“You’re going to need to beat the Kansas City Chiefs at some point,” Simms said. “And the Ravens are flirting with that, ‘Man, are they going to win a playoff game with Lamar Jackson? The Kansas City Chiefs are 2-0 against them. Mahomes has Lamar Jackson’s number.’ I just look at that as a big game for the Ravens to basically say, ‘OK, we can beat the Kansas City Chiefs. We can win a playoff-type atmosphere type of football game.'”
As for other teams playing with a chip on their shoulder, Hanzus said the Ravens’ three AFC North rivals also have plenty of motivation. 
“The North also houses the Browns, who hit the field as an overhyped, unprepared, absurd mess that left Baker Mayfield’s Q-rating riding the ocean floor. This offseason’s under-the-radar status feels right for a Cleveland club with a stacked roster,” Hanzus wrote. “The Steelers missed the playoffs due to a Biblical plague of injuries, while the Bengals – suddenly hot to trot with Joe Burrow under center – refuse to be dismissed. 
“Talent alone suggests three teams from the North should qualify for the AFC’s new seven-slot playoff field – or something went very wrong.”
Chance to have 3 playoff teams from the same division in 2020:NFC West 24.4%AFC North 19.4%NFC South 15.1%AFC West 11.8%AFC South 10.1%NFC North 9.5%AFC East 6.3%NFC East 3.3% pic.twitter.com/kUI64LjjKA— PFF (@PFF) May 11, 2020
Mahomes, Jackson Are Top Favorites to Win MVP Award 
Speaking of the rivalry between Mahomes and Jackson, the respective 2018 and 2019 NFL MVPs are the favorites to take home the honor this season.  
Mahomes is given 4-1 odds to win the award by Caesars Sportsbook, while Jackson is second at 13-2. A quarterback has been named MVP seven years in a row. 
By the way, Mahomes and Jackson’s MVP seasons both made NFL.com’s list of the top 10 passing seasons of the past decade. Mahomes’ 2018 campaign, when he became the third quarterback in NFL history to throw 50 touchdown passes, was No. 2. Jackson’s 2019 season, when he led the league in touchdown passes and set a single-season rushing record for a quarterback, was No. 10. 
It has to be gratifying for Jackson to see his name on a list that includes Peyton Manning, Tom Brady, Drew Brees and Aaron Rodgers. Not bad for a … you know the rest.
On a side note, CBS Sports’ Jason La Canfora ranked Jackson No. 1 in his confidence rankings of quarterbacks who came out of the past three drafts. 
“The league MVP is all ball,” La Canfora wrote. “No BS in the offseason. No distractions. Ravens keep adding new pieces for him and he can throw to a now fully healthy Hollywood Brown down in Miami. Look out NFL.” 
UDFA Tight End Jacob Breeland Is Confident He Can Make the Team 
At least one undrafted free agent has made the Ravens’ roster for 16 consecutive years. Shaffer predicted that streak will continue this year in the form of tight end Jacob Breeland, who was on his way to having a huge senior season at Oregon before suffering a season-ending knee injury in October. 
The 6-foot-5, 252-pound Breeland, who was an adept pass-catcher and run-blocker with the Ducks, caught 26 passes for 405 yards and six touchdowns in six games before suffering a torn ACL and meniscus. The injury prevented Breeland from participating in the NFL Scouting Combine and caused him to go undrafted. 
During an appearance on Glenn Clark Radio, Breeland said he is confident he’ll be 100 percent for training camp and believes he can make the team. The Ravens have an opening at No. 3 tight end after trading Hayden Hurst to the Atlanta Falcons.
“Obviously, I would have liked to have gotten drafted,” Breeland said, “but I believe where I am now is where I’m supposed to be. … I definitely believe I can make the roster and I can get in some playing time this year. I’d love to learn from Mark Andrews and some of the tight ends, just great athletes and veterans that for sure can just expose me to some key factors to playing in the NFL. I’m just excited, honestly.”
Most rushing yards on plays contacted behind the line of scrimmage in 2019: Derrick Henry – 374Nick Chubb – 343Ezekiel Elliott – 335Chris Carson – 286 Lamar Jackson – 275 pic.twitter.com/I4gbAE0JiK— PFF (@PFF) May 11, 2020
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