#(and yeah I know comedy had a slightly different meaning at the time but the point still stands)
sailforvalinor · 2 years
My literature professor: “When Benedick says, ‘Peace! I will stop your mouth’ and kisses Beatrice, Beatrice has no further lines in the play, she’s completely silent, symbolizing how by marrying Benedick she is surrendering all of her power. In being silent she is submitting to patriarchal values of—“
Me: “—ma’am, there are 29 lines left in the play.”
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neo-nomatrix · 1 year
Hate the AM, Hate the PM, But love you
Hobie Brown x reader
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word count: 969
find the mini series here
tags: @maxjesty @marshallowy @sh-tposter2021 @ilovebhna @ladyagagaslefttoe
synopsis: Hobie is still a slightly infuriating neighbor, but there’s something about that jacket and guitar that are all too familiar.
a/n: DRUNK CONFESSIONS!! Part two of this fic. I wasn’t going to write another part to it but i caved 😔
You stood him up. You fucking stood him up. Hobie spent the entire show looking out into the crowd, ignoring the blinding stage lights, to try and find you. But you were nowhere to be found. He asked so nicely too! Despite his nonchalant attitude it took him so long to build up the courage to ask you out. He had dinner reservations planned, which he has obviously never done, looked up places to get a Mr.Whippy and even found a small secluded area where he could play his guitar for you.
The worst part is how it made him feel. He genuinely liked you and it hurt him to think you didn’t feel the same when he thought you did. So what was his solution? Go out with his mates to a pub until 3 am to drink his feelings. Hobie was a bold drunk, bolder than he usually is. He’s also a sloppy drunk, tripping when he walks and slurring his speech like it’s all one word.
You’re peacefully sleeping in your bed with your spiderman eye mask cuddling with your Spider-Punk plushie. It’s not a random occurrence to hear Hobie stomping his boots late at night but it was different today. You heard his boot buckles dragging across the floor and a loud bang against your door. Not necessarily a knock, more of a body slumped against the wood.
“Love! You in there?!” You hear him yell.
You try your hardest to ignore him but as he keeps yelling and pounding against the wood you start to feel sorry for everyone else on your floor. You force yourself out of bed and towards the front door. As you reluctantly open it a drunken Hobie falls into your flat.
“Hobie get your arse up,” you roll your very tired eyes.
He surprisingly agrees and makes his way to your bed.
Great, you think
He tosses his guitar to your couch and gets into your bed like it’s his. Conveniently throwing the spider-punk plush off the bed. He cuddles up with your blanket and closes his eyes. You cannot let him fall asleep.
“Hobie! Hello? That is my bed. Get out!” You yell at him.
“Why’d you do it?” He whispers.
“What,” you ask, still annoyed.
“You stood me up. I asked you to come to my show and you didn’t. Why,” he asked less of a question and more of a statement.
You sigh, of course you knew that was tonight. In all honesty you don’t quite know why you didn’t go. You weren’t doing anything special and it probably would’ve been nice. But you were scared. Scared of what? You also didn’t know that, you just were.
“I… I don’t know,” you admit.
“Really hurt me, Love. I wanted to see you and take you out on a nice date,” he looked away from you.
Your heart shattered. You knew Hobie liked you but not to that extent. You thought he was just playing around with you and didn’t mean anything by it.
“I’m really sorry, Hobie. We should go out some other time, okay? My treat,” you promise.
“Nah, don’t think i’ll have the time,” He says, clearly less sad than he was a few moments ago.
“Oh yeah? Busy with what? Trying to tear down the government from the inside?” You laugh.
“Of course not, that’s for the first saturday of every month. I’ll be busy being Spiderman,” he says, cuddling closer to your blanket.
You stop immediately. Your mind goes blank, the world around you stops. You’re suddenly much more awake than you have ever been. Hobie is… no you can’t even say it. The man you’ve hated ever since you had moved in was the person you loved more than anything else? That can’t be right, he’s having a laugh. That’s gotta be it.
“I don’t believe in comedy,” you remember him saying.
Fuck. He’s not joking, is he?
“What?” you manage to get out.
“I’ll be busy, being spiderman and all. Yknow who that is right? Don’t know if you noticed but he’s- i mean I’m kinda all over your room,” he lets out a drunk giggle.
He pulls out his mask from the pocket of his jacket and handed it to you.
You grab it in disbelief. You run your hand over the spandex in awe. Spiderman is right in front of you, you realize.
You just can’t believe the man you’ve idolized for years was in your bed. YOUR BED.
Hobie takes the blanket off of him, lifting up his shirt to reveal his suit. Blue and fucking red material.
“I don’t believe in the labels though. It’s stupid,” He says in the most Hobie way possible.
“You’re a superhero,” you say, still a little shocked.
“No. No, don't say that. I'm not a hero, because calling yourself a hero makes you a self-mythologising, narcissistic autocrat,” He says. God even drunk he’s still a smart ass.
“So you still wanna go out?” He asks.
“What? I just found out you’re fucking Spiderman and that’s what you’re asking me? If I want to go out with you?” You respond.
“I mean what else is there to say? I already know you love me,” he nods to the spiderman memorabilia.
Even in this state he still leaves you speechless.
“Well- yeah I guess. We can go out,” you say slowly.
“Cool,” he nods.
He lifts up the blanket and scoots over, inviting you into your bed with him. You roll your eyes and get in with him. He wraps his arms around you and smiles.
“I knew you wanted to snog me from the start,” he laughs.
Hobie is still pretty infuriating, but that is slowly becoming one of your favorite things about him.
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panic-at-the-fiction · 11 months
The death of you
Summary: You and your best friend have your usual movie night except he can’t seem to keep his cuddly hands to himself and your close to physical combusting. Just a bit of your usual order of slightly angsty desired filled romance with little touch starved reader on the side.
Warnings: doesn’t go any farther than kissing just very passionate, very suggestive, Maybe I’m biased as the author, but damn it’s hot.
A/N: So I’ve been out of practice for 10 months now. Haven’t even wrote more than a paragraph that I just turned around and delete 20 minutes later these past few months. But let’s just say I found some inspiration to use for our favorite fictional men and we’ll see how this goes.
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Movie night with Eddie, that’s normal, done it a million times. With friends, just the two of you, late at night, middle of day, outside, inside, at the theater, at his house, thrillers, comedies, action, romance, anything and everywhere for years. So why was this time different?
Currently you were sitting on Eddie’s couch watching the most recently picked out tape from the family video store. Steve let you guys borrow them for free as long as you brought the tape back the very next day. You guys watched movies all the time, so why was your heart beating out of your chest like a race horse on its final stretch to the finish line? Was it because his arm was around you?
No it couldn’t be that, Eddie was a big cuddler, it didn’t mean anything. He loved hugs despite his scary image in the public eyes, and he was always finding weird ways to poke, prod, or touch you. He was the type of friend to bite your shoulder when he got bored, an absolutely feral mad man type guy. And he knew that despite your lack of experience with physical affection, you never mind when it came from him. He always got your free pass.
Maybe it was the slow circles you felt him drawing on your skin? Or how occasionally his hands would slip into your hair, playing with it? Much more intimate little things that were making you feel like you were going to jump out of your skin from just the hints at this new kind of physical touch.
Yep, that was definitely the issue.
You tried removing his arm from around your shoulder and instead brought it back down to his side. But when he looked at you with such confused puppy dog eyes, you caved and played it off as just repositioning yourself as you instead wrapped around his arm and leaned into his side, laying your head on his shoulder. You could never deny him anything, just another issue of being so damn in love with your best friend.
As the movie ticked on and you both stuck to your usual quiet with some slight hilarious commentary during the movie, Eddie eventually pulled you closer so that he could bury his head into the back of your neck. One of his hands came up to play with your hair some more.
You knew he wasn’t paying attention to the movie anymore. He couldn't possibly see it, the way he was laying his head into your neck. Of course, it wasn't a very intriguing movie either, just not a great pick this time. But now he was rubbing the same small circles right under your ear, this time, and every so often his hand would find itself tangled in your hair. You tried to keep yourself straight and breathing consistently without letting your mind wander too far. He had to know this! That HE was killing you slowly.
Your breath nearly hitched this time when you swear you felt him ever so lightly brush his lips against the side of your neck. Did you imagine that part? God, you hoped he would do it again.
You weren’t even questioning why he would do any of this, you just knew you had to get yourself out of there before he realized how much of a mess this was turning you into.
As the movie came to an end you swear he had brushed his lips against your neck at least twice more, and you still couldn’t tell if it was intentional.
“Eddie it’s getting late I’ll have to go home soon.”
“Yeah” he muttered into your hair, all the while holding you tighter.
You gave him, and even more importantly, yourself, another minute before attempting to pull away. “Eddie, I have to get home soon.” You sounded like a broken record as you once again tried half-heartedly to pull yourself free from him.
He only pulled you back in and buried his head into your other shoulder. His arm came around, this time drawing lines down the front of your neck, and you shook at the feeling. This time your hand came up, cupping his head and running your fingers through his hair. Which only caused him to brush his lips against your shoulder once more. That’s it, it had to be intentional.
You swore you would combust into flames if you stayed there any longer like this. As every trace down your throat made you stop breathing. “I'm going to have to be the bad guy. I have to go.” You said, completely pulling away from him this time, moving to the other side of the couch.
He groaned, but nodded as he let you move away from him this time. He ran a hand through his hair before staring at you, darker and more lovingly than you had ever seen before. “Man, you're pretty with your hair messed up.”
God, that was the final straw. You jumped up off the couch. “You can’t say shit like that, Eddie.” You ran your hands up and down your arms, trying to stop how shaken you felt. Your nerves were on high, and he was still looking at you with that same stare.
“Why not?”
“Because what?”
“You’re my best friend. You can’t sit here and hold me like that, and stare at me like that and kiss my neck softly like that and then expect me to just be able to functionally drive home like it was another normal movie night hangout.” You snapped. He had you wound up and your lack of dating experience left you mad for more touches from Eddie.
He sunk low and pain hit you in the gut. “I didn’t realize I was crossing any boundaries of our friendship.” He said, leaning back on the couch. “The last thing I ever wanted to do was make you uncomfortable.”
You sat back down next to him, panicking as you realized how he took your reaction. “No, god no, no that’s not what I meant. You never make me feel uncomfortable, Eddie. EVER! I mean, it wasn’t bad like that. It was good…horribly, terribly good. The kind of good you aren’t supposed to feel when watching a movie with your best friend.” You rambled.
So this was how you were going to confess to him your feelings. Man, he had you so on edge, you would admit anything to him right now if he asked.
That almost hungry stare returned to his eyes as he looked back down at you. You had read about that stare before, many times, and honestly, you thought it was an overused phrase in romance. The hungry stare, but honestly, what else could you call a look like that?
“God, you’ll be the death of me, Eddie Munson.” You laughed, not being able to look at him as long as he stared at you with those big brown eyes.
“You should stop taking the lord's name in vain. It’s a bad habit.” Eddie whispered as he leaned closer to you, getting inches away from you. Your four heads were nearly touching, causing both of you to gently close your eyes at the feeling.
“It's funny, I didn’t have such a problem with it until now.”
You could feel his breath so close to you as your hands found their way back into his hair. He slowly dipped his head further down, leaving the same light kiss in his wake. He could feel you pull him closer and the kisses gained more pressure in a way you had been craving since he first came anywhere near you with his light touches.
As he kissed harder into your neck, your hands switched from running through his hair to almost pulling at it. You began leaning back further on the couch as you pulled him down with you until Eddie was over top of you. You wanted to give him the room to be fully on top of you, so you wrapped your legs around him as he put his whole force over you.
You felt engulfed and dazed in a way you never experienced before as he began to kiss you faster moving sporadically across your neck until he had kissed almost every square inch of you. You focused on keeping your breathing even, trying to spare yourself embarrassment from how simply he had you melting underneath him.
He pulled away from you, hovering over you with that same stare that was filled with so much adoration in it. “God, I would keep you here all night like this. Just right here, all mine, and with nowhere else to be. It’s just so satisfying to be able to wrap you up and hold you in a way I know no one else gets to.”
“You know, I think… I don’t really have to get home tonight. No one’s going to miss me if I stay here.” You said breathlessly.
Eddie grinned like the devil looking over you. “Good,” he said as he finally bent down, capturing your lips. His hand came up to cup your chin, tilting your head up to meet him.
That was the last straw, you were a melted puddle that belonged to him now. If this was to be only the beginning of the evening, then surely Eddie Munson was going to be the death of you.
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totothewolff · 7 months
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Season of Love (4/?)
+18 | Toto x reader fem!teamprincipal, romance, comedy, and some good drama.
Summary: One night on a pier in Monaco, while admiring the sea under the night skies, you tell Toto: "I came to the conclusion that love is simply not meant for me." That's the answer to a question you have been asking yourself for the longest time. But what if he proved you wrong? Author's note: This is a multichapter Toto Wolff x team principal reader fic set along a season of F1. It's a very immersive story full of drivers, team dynamics, races, mystery, and smut. You just bought the Williams team, but nobody really knows who you truly are.
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Dances with Wolff Arc Chapter 4: No brakes, just love!
When you arrive at the pitlane in Spielberg, you notice a couple of heads turning towards you on your way to the W garage after your long absence.
Toto's eyes look intensely at you as you cross past the Mercedes' garage. Yes, he looks mad. Oh boy, that's one conversation you want to avoid having so bad.
—Did all go well? —Michael asks you as he greets you with a hug once you get in there; he is standing next to Millie's car, and his wording takes you slightly by surprise; you look at him, somewhat alarmed, as a different idea crosses your mind. —Your business trips, I mean —he clarifies as he notices your confused face.
—Oh, that, yes, the business trips, yeah, all good. Thank you! —you change topics as fast as possible, not wishing to lie to Michael. —Have I missed much?
—Well, it got interesting to say so.
He turns you around and nods towards a hurt-looking Charles Leclerc supervising his Ferrari car, crunched and pointing something while talking to a mechanic.
Charles has his hands covered in bandages, and his face is all bruised. What on earth! You lock eyes with him, and he looks surprised to see you there, then frowns at you slightly. You point your index finger to the left, and he gets your "See you in that narrow corridor where no one will see us."
—WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!? —You rush to take a good look at him when he catches your step, honestly concerned.
—That's what I asked myself! By "See you soon," you meant in four weeks! Good thing you didn't say, "See you in a while"!
—I'm sorry.
—Yeah, you better be! I texted you god knows how many times!
—I know, I'm sorry.
—Yeah, I'm really pissed at you, Y/N!
You look down at the floor, fucking sad. Charles notices it.
—But I'm even more glad and grateful to have you back —Charles pulls you into a tight hug, avoiding pressuring his bandaged hands against your body. —You had me worried.
You take a good peek at those.
—Second-degree burns on each. Something wrong went with my car; they are still investigating it. I lost brakes and control of her; thank god there wasn't a concrete wall or metal barrier and fence nearby, just rows of bumpers and forest beyond; a part at the front of the car caught fire due to the extreme friction, and that burned me.
You look at him, very pale, with your eyes widened.
—I know, I get what could have happened, but it didn't —Charles looks away with watery eyes. —So, let's move on. I'm not stopping racing.
You wipe a tear coming down your face.
—Oh no, no, I'm fine. It will take a minute, but I will be ready for the Dutch GP.
—Like a turkey put in an oven.
—I'll be fully cooked by then!
You both laugh; you missed your silly times with Charles so much. You picture him in a puffy turkey costume, struggling to get inside his car, not fitting.
—I'm glad you are alright; well, you know what I mean. I'm sorry I wasn't here for you when you needed it.
—It's okay, you are now.
Hi, honey! Yeah, no... Hi! Toto!? No! Once more... Hello Tots! Better! Remember that time when we fucked the shit out of each other, and then I disappeared for weeks? I'm back now! How is it going, my love? Yeah, like any of that is going to work.
You wait for the rest of the Mercedes team to leave their garage to slowly approach him, taking your time with each step, fighting your urge to run away.
—A text would have been nice —He tells you as soon as he feels you near, his eyes reading a graph slide on his iPad. Okay, that's a really icy tone.
—I'm sorry. I...
—Uhmju. So... —he closes the tablet's case, gets on his feet, fully upright, his height towering over you, and leans against the control center table, looking straight at you. —Business trips, huh? —he crosses his muscular arms. —Where have you really been? —Even if you are that nervous, you can't avoid peeking at his attractive flexed biceps.
—In Belgium. I had a personal emergency.
—What happened? —he swifts his tone to slightly concerned.
—I can't tell you.
He frowned at your answer, which was not good enough for him.—I see. It's not like it matters that you vanished for a month without a trace or warning and that didn't answer any of my worried calls or my sleepless late-night texts —Toto says.
—Toto, I-
—It's not like you have to explain a thing to me. It's not like I worried anyway —Toto interrupts you with a lot of sarcasm, moving to place his things inside his briefcase. —Well, I do really have a business trip to go. Excuse me —he passes you by, inches away, dodging your body.
He leaves you standing there, alone in the now empty Mercedes' garage. —I'm happy to see you —you say softly to yourself as you watch him walk further away in the distance, feeling you are about to cry.
How can his voice go from soft and sweet to sexy and guttural to authoritarian and commanding to this condescending and cold one? It needs to be studied.
The following day, Toto is nowhere to be seen. Sam notices you glancing around the paddock, looking for him near the Merc area. You don't feel like losing him, and you are there to try again to offer him an apology.
—He is in Germany. He will be here later —she tells you as she reaches you after exiting the Mercedes hospitality. —Hi! We didn't have a chance to talk yesterday; it's been crazy days for this team! How did it go?
—He is so mad at me anyways —you let out very sad. Sam can't avoid feeling sorry for you, which you notice and hate. 
—He has been under much pressure lately; we are still in P3 at Constructors and Drivers, and we got disqualified in Canada to add more to his stress.
—Tecnicallities and human errors, which had him fuming. Plus, all the drama in his personal life with you missing.
—And the Sussie drama, too, probably.
—Sussie's drama?! —she looks at you perplexed, like a second head had grown from your neck.
—I had dinner at Lewis before Matthew's call. He mentioned at the table that she was staying with him at his place in Monaco; he made it sound like they were still in a relationship but on rocky times.
—Toto is not that type —Sam reassures a slightly insecure-looking you. —I would ask him about it, but he no longer confides in me. By the way, now Toto knows when I lie —that's why Samanta hates letting his walls down; it makes her more vulnerable to others. —You don't know how many times he asked me things; I denied knowing what was going on with you or where you were every time, but not once he believed me. It got worse when he noticed a nervous Niki looking straight at me whenever he came to inquire. So it will be best if you let me out of the loop, but only a bit, eh?
You look stunned at her; wow, Toto did really know Sam; reading her was so difficult. Then you move to answer her previous question, informing her: —The plan is still on track, with no significant alterations. We ran a couple of scenarios with the tactics department, and it all went well; even Pascal joined us to give his input. It felt weird to be back at the manor, like somehow I didn't belong there anymore; I missed my new life and you guys so fucking much!
—Pascal went to the manor?! —Sam's eyebrows go up in the air, stunned.
—No, no, he joined us in a secure call line. You know Matt doesn't allow him there; plus, he is still under house arrest in Hungary.
—Oh yeah, I forgot about that; it's been a while —Sam scratches her head. —Are you nervous?
—I will be there by your side —she squeezes your hand.
—Oh no, I don't want you even near all that.
—And everyone missed you too! The group was worried!
It hits you differently now, by how things turned out. 
But you can't avoid thinking that you are in Toto's homeland, which makes your mind wander to the dangerous thoughts you have been avoiding all day. 
All those what-ifs? 
What if you hadn't left? 
What if Toto wasn't mad at you? 
What if he had taken you to a romantic dinner in Vienna? 
What if he had shown you his favorite places from growing up? 
You also can't escape the thought of Toto's family. 
What if they showed up? 
What if you had met them? 
What if you got introduced to them? 
Of course, none of this will happen because you two aren't a thing yet. You killed your chances, and now you two are just friends who slept with each other and desire one another, but just that. 
Oh god, you pray you two aren't really just that. 
You screwed things with Toto so fast, don't you? It happened sooner than you expected to.
It's late. Toto arrives at his remote office straight from the jet in the late afternoon and stays working till dark. He has several papers to read and sign and essential things to approve; he needs quietness and no one bothering or interrupting, which is impossible during work hours. He sees you walk past behind the tinted windows of his headquarters. It is unusual for you to be around at these hours.
The lane is empty, and your heels sound louder than they should. All building facades remain lit, and only a couple of rooms inside them have the lights on for those late stayers, making the paddock feel less lonely than it should as you rush to your car on your way out. It was a tough day and an awful one.
Toto grabs his things and tries to reach you; he is angry and stressed, but it is not all your fault. He closes the door loudly, on purpose. You turn around at the sound, jumping a bit. He is about to crack a joke to ease things and come closer waving a peace flag but notices your red eyes from crying. His expression changes to one of honest concern.
—Shit —you let out softly, under your breath. He is the last person you want to meet in this state.
He comes close and stares at you for a good second. You don't say a word, and he tightly wraps you in his arms. He is warm and smells so good. You bury your head in his chest and meld in his embrace. He rests his chin on the top of your head; the height difference makes it comfortable for him.
—Feel like talking about it? —Toto says sweetly.
—Okay, it's all good. You don't have to. Can I hold you till you feel better?
—Yes, please —you softly sob; you feel like a little girl in his arms. He makes you feel like that all the time. You are only a couple of years younger than him. But he is such a grown-up in your eyes. And you are a fragile, weak thing on the constant verge of breakdown.
You cry in his arms, and he wipes and kisses your tears away. You melt inside. This man is too much.
He carries you in his arms inside the modern Mercedes building to the unlit, empty lobby; you two cuddle on the floor, Toto's back against the hallway wall, on top of the silver arrows logo carpet, and you lay on his chest, your legs crossing his.
Toto apologizes: —I shouldn't have said those things like that, but I was sore.
—I understand where it comes from. It's okay, I get it. I missed you so much —you let Toto know; he leans his forehead on yours, noses touching too.
And you kiss. You feel Toto's warm and soothing lips on yours, and you two start to tenderly and sweetly make out; it's warm, wet, and intimate, and when you are to caress his neck with your hand, almost out of breath but not able to stop, he suddenly breaks it off, taking you by surprise. 
—We should leave; we don't want fines on our way for overstaying. Stay with me tonight.
You nod, agreeing.
It's an exquisite bathroom the one in his hotel suite, with white walls decorated with the French boiserie technique and polished marble white floors with ornamental gold flowers hand-painted on the large tiles. Tall windows let the light enter behind the light curtains. A large frame mirror with gold edges sits against the wall and over the floor.
You two share the white bathtub, a 19th-century piece with gold leaf borders; you are happily placed on top of him inside it in the warm water, rubbing the expensive bamboo mesh loofah on his naked chest while he lets you know every detail about his trip to Germany and the crazy weeks he had while placing small kisses on your shoulders, neck, and mouth every once in a while. 
After that relaxing and repairing scented bath, you make it to the bed, and since all your things are in your hotel room, you steal one of his t-shirts as pajamas, both knowing quite well it's too tempting that you sleep butt naked on top his mattress, you both have to wake up early the following morning, and it's been a hectic day. Still, you decide not to wear underwear beneath it.
You make yourself comfortable on his bare firm chest, tracing small circles with your fingers on his pecks; Toto is only wearing tight navy blue and light fabric boxers, which make his bulge look so fine down there; you feel him pat your ass skin softly; and placing his large hand there before falling asleep.
If none of you were this tired and this emotionally drained right now, you would be about to reach an orgasm at this point.
You wake up early and share the room-service breakfast you ordered; you give Toto some of your fruit to his mouth, and he shares with you his salmon bagel; emotions always open the appetite before leaving the room with enough time to arrive at the circuit, you need to make a stop at your hotel before heading to the track. 
When the SUV arrives at the drop-off entrance in front of the hotel's baroque facade, Toto pulls you into a kiss in the backseat, leaving you gasping for more before you exit the car.
—We still have free time, so —you whisper against his lips.
He smiles at you. Toto drags you to the elevators faster than an F1 car.
You both enter your hotel suite and go straight to the bed, clothes getting out in the way on your path.
He spreads you on your knees, on all fours, on top of the mattress, at the border of the bed, while he fucks you doggy style while on his feet. You bounce against his hard cock, skin slapping, moans coming out from both sides when the tip of his dick hits the spot inside you. Every time, more desperate strokes. He slaps you on the ass. His open palm hits your right ass cheek, leaving a mark. 
Then he grabs you firmly by the hips, adding pressure, and starts to give it to you harder and faster. You can't stop moaning from the pleasure. You are being so loud, but you don't care; you feel done holding back or hiding any emotions that man makes you feel.
What Toto does to you next is unholy. He runs his hands along your arms till he reaches your palms, then wraps them around his own neck to make you support yourself, provoking you to arch your back. His free left hand caresses your chin and neck, then softly chokes you, making you turn your face to look straight at him. 
Holding you in that position, he starts playing with his tongue inside your mouth. He licks your lips and bites them while adding pressure against your hips and buries his right fingernails in your right soft tigh. He is as inside you as he can. He is aching for you more every second. 
He starts rocking himself against you, hitting your pussy and ass faster this time around. He has you moaning incoherently. The rhythm is so good; he fucks you in that position for a while till you start to feel so warm inside with each penetration; he is hard as fuck. And you feel you can't keep it together any longer. The pleasure is unbelievable. And you want to release. You start begging him to stop, well knowing you mean don't you dare! —Baby, I can't! Baby! I can't take it anymore! —You feel a hot sensation running down your legs. —Toto! —you moan as you start squirting all over your thighs and his.
—Fuck! —he growls, almost bestially, against your ear, getting drunk on your sents and fluids.
He shifts his whole body weight against yours, slowly pushing and pinning you down, your tummy against the mattress. Toto extends your arms and intertwines your hands and fingers with his in a sort of arrow position, completely topping you, rocking his hips in circles against your ass; you feel buried under his weight till Toto moans intense cumming noises to your ear, those noises drive you mad. He sounds so hot when he finishes.
—Stay in —you beg him. Oh, how he looks at you, what his eyes express makes your heart melt. You want him to be obsessed with you, to breathe you. It's borderline toxic, but that's how infatuated you are with him. You two remain in that position while kissing the life out of each other. You can feel him swing his hips every once in a while till his erection fades away.
Toto is the first one to step out of the shower; you enjoy the view of him butt naked, his wet hair dripping, the drops traveling through his bare chest down his abs and lower body while he strokes his length and legs with the towel, getting dry.
Once you are dry, too, and wrapped in a bathrobe, you start picking your clothes from the entryway floor; you two barely made it to the bed, unable to contain yourselves a second more, before going to the dressing room to select your outfit for today.
Toto is again putting on his Mercedes uniform, now in a bit of a rush. 
You are looking for your thong everywhere on the carpet, not knowing where it flew; you want to avoid the maid the awkward moment; it's the only piece of clothing missing. 
—I'm happy to have you back —he says with his whole heart, looking at you while finishing buttoning up his shirt. 
—I counted the days to be back with you —you say, emotional. Toto comes close, kisses the palm of your hand, and licks your index finger.
—I hope you don't need to leave again soon, but if you do, these stay with me —he is holding your panties hostage in his black jeans left pocket. 
None of you feel like saying goodbye and keep finding excuses in the form of kisses and petting to postpone it. Still, you must be discreet and professional and somehow manage to be together amidst everything in your life. It is a high-risk and conflict-of-interest kind of relationship on all fronts, but it feels worth it to you that you are ready to risk it all for him.
Sam, Charles, and you are hanging out in a famous high-end bakery in Vienna. The place is very bright, with high ceilings, white walls with mint accents of color, greenery, and modern gold lamps give the place its character; a massive large white wood display counter bar is full of rows of delicious pieces of bread and desserts, the clear wooden floors, light wood furniture, and small tables make it feel cozy. The place smells so good and feels warm.
Your mood is entirely different now. Sam stares at you while slurping dramatically and loudly the remains of her chocolate frappe through the straw.
—What? —you say while chewing your sacher würfel when you notice her eyes on you.
—They fucked —Charles adds before Sam can open her mouth. You two turn his way. He moves his hand in a kind of I recognize that smile on her while holding his vanilla kipferl.
—Yes —You admit, all blush. —But we discussed things too! —you rush to add.
—You told him where you went and what happened? —Charles asks you.
—You asked him about the Sussie thing? —Sam asks you.
Both at the same time.
—Well, no...
They roll their eyes at you.
Then Sam looks at you like you are crazy. —Then what did you two discuss? WAIT! Did you tell Charles?
—Of course, she told me! We are roomies AND besties!
Then Sam acts all jealous. —Hey! Get your own best friend!
—Charles intercepted me on my way out of the apartment; he only knew I would be out of town for a while —you clarify to Sam quickly before she slips out something important. —By the way, how is "abs" doing? —then you address Charles.
Samanta looked confused; she had never heard that name before. —Who is "abs"?
—Our womanizer neighbor in Monaco.
Still blank.
—The blond dude with long hair in a man-bun that's all ripped and has insane abs? —Charles gives her input.
Sam shakes her head.
—The one who is always shirtless and looks like Thor? He lives in the apartment right across our hallway and door —You add.
—No idea —she says, feeling left out.
—He is nice. Well... Yeah, it is hard to define. Sometimes, he hides from his conquests at our place after having fun, waiting for them to go. But he is hilarious and brings beers on cheat day Thursday —Charles explains.
—You going to love him, trust me, he is a sweet and trustworthy brute —you tell Sam.
A Twitter notification sounds on Millie's phone.
"Oh, miss Normani, it's great to have you back! Ferrari's red is a color that suits your skin so well; God bless the QUEEN!🐝🇬🇧" a video is attached along with the Sky Sports tweet. A stunning, athletic young girl walks down the paddock lane wearing impeccable street-style clothing, looking so chic, cameras flashing photos at her; Lewis's clothing game is getting challenged.
—Trouble is on our way —Millie hands her phone to Michael. 
—Oh, yeah, I heard the rumor at the start of the season that she would be taking the reserve driver seat for them, but that it went cold —Michael adds.
—Your sources are shit then —Millie jokes. He softly pushes her out of his way, joking.
—Well, let's give her a fight! —He motivates Millie.
—Certainly, I didn't see this one coming our way —Christian lets out after getting the news.
—Sorry, but who is she? —Helmut asks him.
—She's just the biggest name in girls' racing ever, no big deal —he jokes sarcastically. 
—The one that disappeared at the top of her game? I followed the scandal back in the day —Checo admits.
—Well, she is no longer on hiatus, it seems. Good thing is only for a few races! —Christian says while following her with his gaze as she enters the Ferrari headquarters.
—Mattia almost shit his pants when she finally answered him back. You are going to adore her. Normani is THE thing! —Charles gossips with Sam and you in the armchairs in the lobby of the Williams headquarters. —She lives in London and knows excellent places to hang out next week. I invited her to join us.
—I love the idea; this group always has room for another girl.
Once you are back at the circuit after lunch, you catch Toto sitting alone at a large picnic table under the shadow of a tree in an area further away from the hospitality and garages, working with his phone in hand. That man is all work, when will he relax? You go on your way there to annoy him so much.
—There is an entire long empty bench, and you sit right next —He tells you, in a deep voice but joking, arching his eyebrow, sensing your body against his.
You smile and giggle, getting even closer to him, almost blending with his side.
—God —he lets out exasperated but crosses an arm behind you and places his hand on top of yours, caressing it.
Then you move to get your things out of your large Bottega Venetta tote bag to work by his side; you have emails to answer.
You two get in the zone and focus on your tasks till you notice Toto moving his head to nose in your business.
—What's that mail for? Who are you sending it to? Why are you sending it? Hey, don't look at me like that. You are the one who chose to sit right next. I ask questions all the time; that's my job.
—Okay, but the annoyance part is my job in our relationship —you dare to shoot your shot, to see how he reacts, what he says.
You obtain no comment; he simply replies: —You have a fake job, remember?
Then, you slowly and overdramatically close your small and slim laptop with a single finger.
Toto looks at you with his eyes half closed and chin up.
—My secrets aren't for free, my love —you joke. You regret that wording later.
—Okay —He pays you with a couple of quick kisses; you are in a not very transit area and have enough privacy to do so. —What were you doing in Belgium?
—I meant the Williams-related ones; those are the ones for sale!
—Oh! Those I don't care about; we are about to bite you guys in the ass, anyways! —he says, overconfident, teasing you.
—Toto, dreaming is for free, don't you know?!
Toto was right; Lewis and George make a one-two. Normani gets on the podium, too, leaving Millie out. Well, that was quite the introduction for her.
Very late at night, you hear knocks on your suite door; you leave your warm and cozy bed to attend it. It's Toto.
As soon as you open the door, you feel a pair of lips on yours.
—I thought I would be sleeping all alone and sad after today's race on this chilly night —you pout, stopping kissing a second.
—Sorry, I went out to celebrate with the boys —Toto is a bit tipsy; he is wearing casual clothing now; layering looks so good on him! He is wearing a black turtle neck long-sleeve shirt under a very expensive cashmere grey, plain, modern blazer paired with black pants, loafer shoes, and an obsidian and silver bracelet; his hair is messy. 
Toto gets sillier and more relaxed when in that state, a thing you love, and also he gets hornier, too, to your pleasure.
The rustic fireplace is on, keeping the spacious room warm. You witness Toto rearrange the area; Toto pushes the coffee table out of the way in the sitting area right in front of the fire and brings pillows from the bed to let them fall on top of the puffy brown rug in there. 
Then he comes for you and takes you there by the hand. You two lay there wrapped in each other arms, making out. Toto's hands are on your ass and hips.
—Cozy and warm enough, baby girl? —he asks against your lips.
—Eh... —you shrug, joking. He smiles at you, then combs your hair tenderly with his fingers.
—Is there a chance you have a condom? We used the one in my wallet in the morning.
You shake your head; oh, bummer!
—Is it okay if I finish outside?
You feel your body shiver at his words.
—Yes. It's okay.
Clothes start to go out of the way; he gets you naked in no time; you are only wearing a black one-piece, sexy satin lace nightdress. He moves to help you get him undressed. His eyes go all over your body. —I keep fantasizing about what I'm going to do to you.
He takes you by surprise. Your cheeks turn red.
When you are both naked, he pushes you closer by the ass, making you spread your legs to give him room to get in the middle; you are sitting in a lotus position, your legs flexed over his, your thighs touching his thighs, he runs his hand all over your leg down to your ankle, you wrap your hands around his neck while you kiss.
Then, he slowly starts to lay you low on your back, making you lay on the pillows; he helps you make yourself comfortable on them and starts playing with your nipples, licking them with the tip of his tongue and biting them softly while locking eyes with you. He cups your tit and sucks it into his mouth; after a bit, he moves his way down. He starts eating your pussy like he is starving; you feel his wet tongue deep in you. He loves giving small kisses to your clit, provoking you to moan a lot. —I love running my tongue over every inch of you —he lets you know.
—Do you feel like to 69? —you ask him in the middle of a moan.
—Please —his voice is rough.
You sit on top of him, and you feel him burying his face in you, hand squeezing your ass while continuing to taste your pussy; amidst your loud moans, you start stroking his length and go down on his cock; you love his dick inside your mouth. You are giving him head so good that he stops for a minute to breathe heavily and moan.
—Fuck! I want to make it inside you; if you keep going, I'm going to burst inside your mouth.
—I wouldn't mind, but I love having you inside me, too.
You are more than wet and him more than hard when he slowly enters you. You both savor the movement. Then he flexes your left leg up and supports your calf on his shoulder. He starts to thrust you in that position while grabbing your right tit tightly. You feel his dick sliding inside every time faster. You are both panting and gasping.
He then switches positions, taking control this time; he gets your knees together and makes you get your legs up; he holds you in place with a firm grip from his hand on your hamstring muscles in a "hero" sex position, and Toto rocks his hips back and forward with deep strokes, you feel and see how his dick is curving up.
You start to scratch his thigh with your fingernails and slap his ass as the pleasure gets too good. —You fuck me so good, baby —you moan, reaching an orgasm in that position.
After giving yourself time to catch your breath for a second, you see how Toto lays down back against the rug; you immediately move to ride him. You feel him throbbing in pleasure inside and underneath you as you bounce hard up and down his dick; with your tits bouncing, he extends his arms to reach them and pinch your nipples, adding pressure with his fingers; then he starts wincing and biting his own lips; after a while, he rushes to place one of his large hands in your tummy, and you pull his cock out of you to start jerking it. Lots of guttural sounds come out of his mouth till he starts dripping. You feel his warm semen on your hand and abs, and you caress his chest with your free one and bend to kiss him hungrily.
Then he captures that hand and starts licking your index and middle fingers, sucking them inside his mouth and getting them wet enough with his saliva to then start leading your hand down on you, making you finger yourself, his hand on top of yours controlling and directing the movements. It gets to a point when you are so inside yourself and extremely wet that you are mess-moaning his name. Soft "Totos" is all he hears.
—Cum baby, cum for me —you feel your body trembling with his touch and yours. And you release, leaking on the rug beneath you. 
Your bodies are so heated and sweaty near the fireplace; he drops on his back after being angled fingering you, with his cock bent to the left. You place yourself next to him, hands running on his shoulders and toned arms. You kiss in that position for a while before heading towards the bathroom.
Before falling asleep, your chauffeur knocks on the door to deliver you a drugstore bag. As you finish drinking your tall glass of water after taking the Plan B pill and place it on the nightstand, Toto tells you he is going to spend time with his family so that he won't be sharing the flight to the UK with you. He will arrive two days later, just in time for the race.
He doesn't invite you to join him.
You are all forced to rush to Silverstone from Austria for the anniversary race of the F1, which will take place before the usual activities of the Hungary GP start, leaving no room to rest for anyone. 
It's going to be such a unique and fabulous event, and indeed, the FIA outdid themselves. Still, it's insane for the drivers and teams to rush from one country to another and move all the equipment and people with zero time margin. No one is in their best senses when arriving at the circuit, and everyone looks like it.
Due to the logistics of the massive event, the meeting before free practice is to start at 6.00 a.m. Lando hits his head against the clear glass panel doors, trying to enter the meeting room, half asleep, holding a Red Bull in his shaky hand.
He goes straight to you. You are already sitting in the chair with your name tag. At this point, no one cares about them or respects them. It is more like a classroom now; the group always sits together at the back of the room.
Lando mumbles something that you and Millie believe means good morning, and then he takes a couple of the empty chairs next to you to lay on top of, placing his head on your thighs and using them as a pillow.
Making you laugh. —Okay, yes, go ahead —you joke. Then Lando really falls asleep. —Lando out! —you inform the group.
Lewis is in the same row as you, but at the very end, legs on top of the empty chairs beside him, with his back leaned against a sound asleep Vettel, buried beneath a massive puffer Mercedes' jacket, tilted against the wall in a sitting position. 
The room is almost empty except for you five.
—Angela almost tore down my bedroom door; she knocked so hard to wake me up. I nearly didn't make it, guys; I don't know how I got here —Lewis chats with you with a sleepy voice and swollen eyes.
Christian enters the room. —Is tits freezing today —he greets you. With a couple of "ah" sounds, he drops himself on the chairs in the front row. —I'm so old for this! —you all laugh. —You two look so well put together —He addresses Lewis and you, looking as stylish as ever. —I envy you.
Millie showed up in a set of Kuromi's pajamas, cocooned under Mick's Williams team winter jacket, that looked huge on her.
—Thanks, man —Lewis says.
Charles enters, greeting you with a peace sign gesture, followed by Carlos piggybacking a sleeping Daniel. —I would give you a hand, but... —Charles jokes, showing his bandages.
Normani enters, stealing the entire room's attention, wearing a white Dior long fleece blazer on top of a form-fitted pearl wool dress and a matching long scarf paired with high-knee suede boots in the same color. It's a monochromatic, stunning look with a combination of textures; her long hair is in a sleek ponytail, allowing it to show the beautiful minimal white gold earrings she is wearing, completing the look. 
Millie waves her hand at Normani, and she looks happy to see her in there. After greeting the room, she reaches to sit by her side and catch up. You all look at her in awe. She is so beautiful, like a doll.
—Is that Geroge? —Niki asks, on attendance this time, since Toto is not around yet.
—It's Sebastian —everyone answers in unison. He and Lewis are the first two to arrive, so no one witnessed how Vettel fell asleep mid-conversation in his chair like a grandpa and how Lewis got him warm and covered under his Mercedes puffer, yet no one has a doubt it is him who is hiding underneath there; this surprises Lewis.
—I'm shooting the poor fucker responsible for waking me up this early —Niki shouts, provoking smiles.
At his back, Masi enters the meeting room, looking very worried.
London is one of Sam's favorite cities; it has everything she likes. Plus, it's full of very cool girls who make her nervous and all blushy, so she loves to run errands for Niki when in town; she always ends up meeting someone and asking for a date. The best sex she has ever had in her life has been there; her greatest loves have been "chapstick" lesbians from East London.
Sam has spent her entire day on the streets being driven around, completing all the tasks on Niki's long list of things he asked her to do. It's getting dark, and the last item for today is to drop some jewelry at Cartier to get it clean. So the chauffeur takes her to the one in Old Bond Street. Her favorite, Sam, loves it even more when it's Christmas and the stunning decor is on the facade.
The store's doorman rushes to open her car door as the SUV pulls in front of the jewelry main entry. She gracefully gets down and greets him.
—Good evening, mam —he replies, welcoming her inside. Sam had been feeling happy the entire day, but it went away as soon as she entered. In the contiguous stanza, in the highly expensive-looking sitting area, Toto and Sussie are looking together at some exclusive pieces a sales lady is showing them; Sam glimpses the sparkles projected out of those under the lights from far away.
Toto is not supposed to be here, nor are they supposed to be together, she thinks, but disregards the thought; probably he just got free sooner, and they are just hanging out since Sussie lives here most of the time.
Then she goes ahead with her errand; as Sam delivers the pieces to the man behind the counter, she sees Toto getting handed back his credit card; after a bit, a man gives a box to Sussie's hands; they get up at the same and start exiting the room together; holding hands.
Fuck! They are about to see her; there is no way she can duck down and hide behind clear crystal panels.
—Sam! —Sussie greets her, noticing her and happy to see her.
Toto turned his head, perplexed; he was checking out the male bracelets on the display wall on their way to the exit. He lets Sussie's hand go, and she comes close to hug Sam.
—Hi! How are you? Good to see you!
—Shopping spree?
—Oh, no, I'm just running an errand for Niki —she waves her hand, dismissing it. —All ready? —Sam addresses the jewelry cleaner guy.
—In a minute —he offers her a smile.
—Hey, why don't you join us for dinner?! —Sussie offers her.
—I would love to! But I have another task yet; I don't wish to get Niki all grumpy; you know how he is when he gets in a bad mood —Lies. Sussie laughs and nods, agreeing; Toto remains quiet and further away.
—Well, next time, then! When you are in Monaco too, come to our place, yes?
Okay, this is a shitty position to be for Sam; if she doesn't tell you, she is a terrible friend to you. But if she tells you, she is a lousy friend to Toto. LORD HAVE MERCY! She needs to give it a thought before opening her mouth!
When Toto decides to show up at the paddock, he goes to look for you. He looks tired and falls asleep next to you on a bench. You cover his face with your Balenciaga bomber jacket, giving him more privacy. You rest your left hand on top of his chest. 
Samanta then arrives.
—Oh, he is here, good.
—Shss, he just fell asleep!
—This reminds me of how babies are so cute when sleeping but a terror when up.
—He is always baby —you say with a silly voice, caressing his chest.
Toto tries to listen to the conversation beneath your jacket with his eyes closed; he is about to fall asleep when he hears Samanta's voice. He needs to talk to her and explain things, but he is so comfortable in your embrace, so that can wait.
—Haven't you seen his photo from when he was a kid? They asked us for the digital version to print and place on the commemorative mural the FIA is making for the anniversary pit walk.
—No, I haven't! Is it better than baby Bottas?
—Oh, you are going to die! I have the original one in my purse here —Sam hands you a glossy, old-looking picture, a bit yellowy.
—Aawwww, he is so cute! —You observe in detail the photo of little Toto, a bit tall for his age, with skinny legs and dark, wild hair up and to the sides, leaned against his go-kart, helmet in hand; his little sister makes a small appearance in the back, picking a pebble or something from the floor wearing a floral pattern jumper. Toto is wearing an electric blue seventies driver's suit. —Hair hasn't changed a bit; that pose is everything! —you instantly get heart eyes. —His nose is so tiny, and he looks adorable. So cute! —you say with a silly voice and stare at the picture more.
—Now give it back! —Sam demands you; she yanks the photo of your grip, struggling until you let it go, then Sam archives it quickly in her purse.
—Now, shush! I'm reading essential documents —you tell her.
—Like your job was for real!
—Excuse you with that again! —Sam smiles at you and quickly disappears, noticing you are about to throw your tumbler at her.
Half an hour later, you feel Toto move on the bench, turning and almost falling to the side. He tries to incorporate and bumps his forehead with the table.
—Ouchie, love! —you let out and start to rub his temple tenderly.
—Ow! That hurt! —Toto lets you pamper him. Then stays stomach on the bench, making tired noises.
—I don't love my job very much right now —He says, and after a couple of minutes, he starts incorporating, no longer being able to avoid it, dragging along your bomber jacket, stuck and caught on behind his neck, with his hair all wild, and an "I just wake up" face.
—I just saw a photo of kid you with that same hairstyle!
He looks at you with one wonky eye, slowly processing the information.
All you can do is smile at him and softly laugh at the sight; you are so in love with him.
—Gotta get going! —he tells you, gets on his feet, places your jacket at your side, and bends his tall, fit body to kiss you on the cheek, rubbing your shoulders with his hands simultaneously before walking away.
I will not be able to resist greet and saying goodbye to him just with kisses on the cheek any longer.
To be continued... < Previous chapter | Masterlist | Next chapter >
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originalartblog · 9 months
have you seen season 5's last episode? what were your opinions on it?
I was pretty disappointed with how the mersault arc ended tbh. it just removed all the stakes and all of the moments where Dazai showed genuine emotion especially in regards to Chuuya just ended up being fake which really annoys me.
Well this is my art blog so this will be my only non-art post about it, but yes I did see it! I spent the entire day yesterday screaming about it on my main @originalaccountname
A few things about your concerns:
This was the anime adaptation. While the manga will surely end up at the same spot, the path to get there may look different.
BSD is a monthly release, and in the last+ year those releases were very short, which means we had a LOT of time to discuss and speculate and make up scenarios. If someone picked up the story with the arc concluded, they would not have the same experience we did. The disappointment is justified, but also half self-inflicted.
At no point did they say Dazai knew the entire time; in fact, they implied the opposite. It is much more likely he caught on halfway through the prison break and adapted to this turn of events.
There are still a few things the anime wasn't able to explain with this twist, but refer to point 1 and hold on for now.
If you want my opinion on how I now look back to the prison break arc, you can find my answer to a similar ask from yesterday. The tl;dr version is that yeah, I can easily make the twist work while keeping the initial distress real. So far, this isn't a "ugh it was all acting all along" situation. You can also refer to Ito's own reading of the arc now that we know the trick, which is similar but shifts the realization moment to slightly earlier.
I encourage you to re-read the prison arc with this twist in mind, and notice the shifts in tone and illustration choices. Some things can be interpreted differently, both for foreshadowing and comedy purposes. And then, wait for the manga version to come out so we know the entire truth!
We may have hoped for full skk drama, but turns out the point was that skk cannot be turned against each other and can overcome anything. You are allowed to be disappointed or not like how it was handled. So first, wait, but also this is exactly where fanfic and other derivative works come into play.
(oh, and, this story isn't over yet!)
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netegf · 1 year
violet chemistry (ii)
pairing: aged up!ao'nung x f!metkayina reader
plot: you and ao'nung attempt to regain control in your lives by fake-dating. the irony is… this is fated.
word count: 2.7k
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a/n: the next instalment in my fake-dating!, friends to lovers!, best friend’s brother!au - once again, this takes place roughly 10 years after atwow - some pining + flirting, made-up rituals, attempts at comedy, & angst (WILL be resolved)! i really hope you enjoy part 2 🥹💖
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In all honesty, Ao’nung has been trying his hardest to avoid you. Only, that impulse is very quickly thwarted when he considers how many clan gatherings and rituals courting Na’vi couples attend together. Sitting before you and the azure clay bowl of paint you hold in your hand, for the first time in a long time, Ao’nung has a single thought. He really hadn’t thought this through.
“Stop moving.” You hum, brows pinched together in concentration as you swirl the coal-coloured paint with a brush much like the baleen of a whale’s mouth. Sitting with the feelings he’s been having, a part of him wonders what it might be like to be suspended in water and consumed entirely into the jaws of a sea beast. He listens almost immediately, then realizes that’s slightly out of character for him, resorting to a slight narrow of the eye that makes him look younger than he is.  
“You’re strangely quiet.” Your eyes bore holes into him, but he has a gift for escaping confrontation – staring somewhere off in the distance until his vision blurs.
Ao’nung hopes he looks nonchalant when he shrugs, but knows you. Knows that your keen. He doesn’t know how many times he’s come to communal dinner with a face he thought he’d fixed, but you'd been able to tell there was something off. A mediator of energy; you might as well have been able to smell it off him. But this wasn’t something he could let go of. He might’ve saved his favourite kills for you during the hunt in childhood, but this was profound. Pandora spins on a different axis. Everything looks like it’s in a different colour. How long had he loved his friend?
“Yeah.” He admits, chewing on his bottom lip. “Just worried you’re gonna, y’know… ruin my face for life?”
You roll your eyes with emphasis.
The ritual he refers to is one in which courting Metkayina couples draw facial tattoos for each other in paint, emulating what might one day be permanent. Unfortunately, Ao’nung has known you long enough to know that artistry has not been one of your most obvious gifts, and you pinch your eyes at him as the smug words leave his mouth.
“Shut up.” You hiss. “Or I’ll draw Lo’ak on your cheek.”
“Ambitious goal for an amateur.” He punches back, then nearly recoils.
Ao’nung can feel himself being mean – meaner than usual – and it casts a cloud of shame over him. He really thought he’d passed that point in his life where he masqueraded around his feelings and hacked them up alone until his throat bled. Childish, it felt. Something that gave him grief and gratitude – annoyed at his immaturity, but a strange sense of happiness at the fact that he could afford it. Still, you deserved better, and that pained him.
You grant him a small scoff then continue your ministrations.
Naturally, his eyes come to focus on your eyebrows knitted together, your tongue darting out of your mouth ever so slightly as the artistic vision you have in your mind comes to fruition, the subtle tremor of your careful hands. Instinctively, one of his hands comes up to stabilize yours, gripping the joint of your wrist.
Breath hitching just slightly, you quirk a brow. “You know… if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you look like you’re enjoying this.”
“Gotta get you to my mom.” He mumbles, hand dropping to his side like a dead fly. “Get your eyes checked.”
After a few more strokes of the brush, and a couple dozen eyerolls, the design is finished.
“Done.” You say happily, fingers holding Ao’nung’s chin as you admire your handy work.
The pattern isn’t particularly complex or striking, but it decorates the high points of his face, each dark shape a representation of his achievement and growth as a hunter, as future Olo'eyktan, and your favourite – boy that loves the water.
Ao’nung’s eyes widen when he takes in his reflection.
“It’s, uh… more subtle than I thought it would be.” He says finally, clearing his throat, heat colouring his cheeks a new kind of colour.
He had to admit, it was pretty. He must have imagined what this would feel like a thousand times in his life. That one day, he’d rise to his rank, wear his adornments, and feel completely different. Feel like he was worthy of his position in the clan. To his surprise, time moved fast, but he very rarely did. All Ao’nung felt over the years was a lot of sameness – but today, wearing your tattoos on his face, he felt a sense of pride pang in his chest. He looked the part, and maybe that meant something.
“Well, we can’t have the clan forgetting you’re handsome. However would they stand your prickly temperament?”
Ao’nung feels prepared to roll his eyes at the diss, but then he catches himself. Better yet, he catches you, saying something you hadn’t exactly meant to reveal, but knew to be true nonetheless. He looks at you cautiously.
“You think I’m handsome?”
Chewing your bottom lip, you contemplate for a moment. Was there really anything wrong with admitting it? Just about everyone on the reef thought so, he had to have known that.
“Everyone thinks you’re handsome, Ao.” You try to soothe over the slip-up. “People line up to see you when you come back from the hunt, I think someone fainted when you tamed tsurak, this information can’t be surpris-,”
“But you.” He says quickly, eyes excruciatingly earnest. “You think I’m handsome?”
“Yes…I do.”
Ao’nung supposes he shouldn’t be surprised, and yet he is. He wasn’t a stranger to be being praised for his looks, but this was uncharted territory – a line that had never been crossed, and maybe intentionally so. Since when did you think so? Since when did a compliment for him fall so easily off your pretty lips and tongue like you were the only one he was meant to receive such words from?
You must have noticed his slow blinks and slightly gaping mouth as he thinks through it all, because then you’re saying something that has him absolutely reeling.
“Eywa, if that blows your mind, how are you going to react to the fact that I had a crush on you half my life?”
There’s a hint of humour in your tone, but Ao’nung is having a hard time understanding why it’s so funny – eyes nearly bulging out and erratic breaths practically choking him.
“Had?” He stammers, past-tense poking a hole in his heart. “When?”
“When?” You snort. “Like, forever. Well, until I grew out of it.”
He must look insane, brain jumping from thought to thought, zoning in on words that illuminate a fire in his gut, and others that just as quickly put the fire out in a wade of water that he, for once, does not welcome. A revelation, and the revocation of it. A sparkling jewel in his palm mere seconds before it disintegrates, leaving no trace of what once was, as if it were merely a tantalizing mirage and nothing more.  
“When the Sully’s arrived?”
“Yup.” You say too casually for his liking, popping the ‘p’. “And before… and after.”
“But I was so mean.”
He bites his tongue almost bitterly, almost incredulous. He had admirers over the years, sure – but those were souls that knew him from great distance, and there was comfort in that. But you… you knew him. Not just the great triumphs, but the pitfalls which were equal in magnitude and not for the faint hearted. He had to admit, his concept of love was more superficial. In fact, he wasn’t sure he’d ever feel it, at least not in the way his parents did – in his eyes, they got lucky, and his future partnership was bound to be more political than it was anything else. And maybe that was his crutch, the lack of feeling. Maybe that was the reason he’d never crossed this line, never entertained having you as his.
Because that would be all-consuming. That would be the truest thing he’d ever felt – really a fish out of water like everyone pegged him to be. Painfully new, and painfully beautiful, and completely unrecoverable if it ended up not working out.
Though at this moment, he hates himself for that careful distance between you – the way this is a wound you’ve presumably healed from, while he bleeds out right before your eyes.  
“What can I say?” You smile, teasing him in the way you do, the way he loves. “I like a challenge.”
“Right.” He manages, breath still shaky, but the corners of his mouth slowly lifting.
The tide was changing and he needed to find a way to make it stop.
Apparently, his father was right. All those years spent build levees would finally coming to good use.
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The night’s festivities are an especially generous feast and a series of dance rituals that you, while hesitant to admit it, know like the back of your hand.
Ao’nung sits with his father and other seasoned hunters in the clan, nodding absentmindedly to their spirited conversation about tracking game, which he admittedly knew very little about.
Really, he smiled when they smiled, stroked his chin when they seemed to debate something, and when he really hadn’t a clue what Tonowari was saying, gave a pretend laugh followed by a silent prayer to the great mother that he wasn’t being informed about someone’s death.
He had more important matters to mull over. Like you, sitting across the fire pit, engrossed in a conversation with his sister.
Entirely too receptive to his gaze, you momentarily stall from your speech to meet his eyes, lips curving into a small smile and hands giving a tentative wave. Ao’nung opts out of waving back but holds his piercing stare, convinced that the rounds of your eyes are more illuminating than the fire – and unlike its embers, your luminosity will stay.
“My son,” Tonowari’s voice booms over the overlapping chatter. “What are your thoughts on the matter?”  
Ao’nung nearly chokes, the tips of his ears turning an endearing shade of purple as he realizes he’s been gawking for far too long, and the last topic he recalls listening to was three conversations ago.
“I think, uh… everyone has made some important points.” He mumbles, while you and Tsireya snicker at him from across the fire.
Tonowari quirks an eyebrow at him, but luckily, chooses not to harp on it. He slaps a hand over Ao’nung’s back as if to excuse him from the conversation – not that he was contributing much anyways.
Ao’nung smiles gratefully and quickly makes his way over to you, scratching the back of his neck.
“Was that as embarrassing as I think it was?”
“Even more.” You laugh, scrunching your nose in a teasing kind of sympathy. “But it’s okay, we still love you.”
The ease to which the word ‘love’ falls out of your mouth makes him wince a little – this wasn’t the kind of love he’d found himself craving from you as of late, tossing and turning in his marui when he’s meant to be sleeping, very much aware that he’s awake behind those closed eyelids. He turns to Tsireya.
“Can I borrow her?” He asks as his sister’s eyes swell with intrigue. He feels the need to explain. “For a dance.”
Tsireya nods, a small smirk on her face before she dismisses herself.
“Duty calls?” You ask, shivering as his hands find their place on your hips, the pair of you slowly swaying back and forth to the beat of ceremonial drums. This is a practice for all courting Na’vi couples – they surround you at all sides, clumsily moving their bodies and giggling together, their love almost something physical in the air.
“Something like that.” He mumbles, eyes sheepishly raking over you. “You look nice.”
“I don’t have any extra food, Ao.”
“What? I don’t want your food.” He erupts. “I’m being serious.”
“Oh, okay. In that case, thanks. You look nice, too.”
Ao’nung’s ears perk up, toothy canines peeking out from under his lips in a sideways smile. He hopes the budding violet colour on your cheeks means what he thinks it does.
“So, what have you been up to?”
“Since I saw you this morning?” You repeat, eyebrow slightly raised.
“Yes. I mean, no.” He breathes shakily, rubbing his face in dismay. “Or, you know, in general.”
“Nothing too crazy.” You say softly, a certain lamenting in your voice. “I kind of live in a box, remember?”
Ao’nung nods. He bites the inside of his cheek, thinking for a moment, the heels of his feet burning as he tries to think up a way to make that sad look in your eye disappear.
“But I’m here.” He offers.
“Yeah. You’re here.”
The way your eyes soften as you say words has his heart soaring. He leans in a little closer, the rhythmic buzzing of the percussion reaching a peak. Your mouth parts slightly. It feels like it means something.
But you’re soon interrupted when the music stops and all the couples come to a halt, just the painful empty air of what could’ve been filling the space between you.
Ronal appears from just across the fire-pit as she pulls her son in for a conversation he’s sure he won’t listen to. He mouths a gentle ‘sorry’ before disappearing, leaving you with your thoughts and Tsireya, who takes a seat on the log next to you.
“You two look friendly. Or should I say, more than friendly?” Her grin looks like it could reach her ears it’s so wide.
“It’s pretend.” You remind her dejectedly. “Just because you and Lo’ak are going strong, doesn’t mean you can bring your loved-up vibes over here.”
Tsireya scrunches her nose in displeasure at the English word. It didn’t mean much when Lo’ak used it in conversation, and it didn’t mean much now.  
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed this, but my brother pretends very poorly.”
Your gaze shifts to where Ao’nung is standing, eyes trained on his mother with a far-away look in his eyes – you have to force yourself to bite back a laugh.
“He doesn’t see me that way, Reya. He never has.” You sigh, chewing on your bottom lip. “And besides, even if he did… I can’t be the mate he needs.”
“You love him, do you not?” She asks, clearly puzzled.
You look at Ao’nung again, now speaking in a small circle of Na’vi.
One member in particular makes your tender heart ache. A young Metkayina woman. She’s a skilled weaver and even better huntress. Beautiful, reliable, eager for leadership and responsibility. Not weighed down by strangeness. Not heavy with unbridled emotion. Strong and loving, in the way he needs – more palatable.
“Maybe love just isn’t enough sometimes.”
“Maybe,” Tsireya’s voice breaks through your spiral. “You are scared.”
Perhaps Tsireya has a point, or perhaps she doesn’t. Regardless, the constricting in your chest is hard to shake off. Even when she softly cups your cheek before walking away. Even when Ao’nung finds a way to escape whatever boring topic of discussion that has it’s claws digging into his sides, and his lips, yearning for yours, again. Small smile teasing at his mouth, he tugs at your hand.
“Hey, maybe we can get them to play a little more? Have another dance?”
“Ao… I think we need to stop. I-I don’t want to do this anymore.”
More than the words, it’s the pain in your eyes that punches him hard in the gut, leaving his lungs gasping for mouthfuls of air that don’t seem to dull the stinging. Your breaths do something similar, chest heaving, fighting every instinct in your body that tells you this is wrong because protecting him feels more important. It’s in that moment that Ao’nung realizes he doesn’t like comparing you to fire. It’s born to die. Warm and hungry, but it’s not for touching and it’s not forever.
His hand leaps forward to catch your shoulder, but you’re bolting before he can follow-through – fingers flinching back from the heat on your skin.
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a/n: reblogs + tags are always appreciated 🪐🩷🫶🏼 i hope you enjoyed! how do we feel about part 3? 🤭
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mono-dot-jpeg · 1 year
protection - k. leona
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summary; you don't need protection but leona likes to insist on it when the rest of his dorm are trying to be assholes.
genre/extra tags; fluff, comedy if you squint, jaguar! reader, cat behaviors but with humans, quiet-ish(?)! reader, reader has vitiligo, reader is mc but not really???, reader is referred to as mc and prefect, reader has no mentioned skin tone, reader is implied to be shorter but not by much (sorry, jaguars are just shorter than lions), slightly badly written hurt/comfort, ooc leona?????
[warnings; assholes being assholes, making fun of appearances (specifically vitiligo) but like this all only happens at the start and 1-2 times]
[gender neutral! reader]
word count; 907
a/n; yippee!!! thank you for the request! i hope you enjoy! i had a good time writing this! something abt jaguars just makes me so happy like when i watch owls. they're just silly little guys yk
also im bad at writing mean shit sometimes so uih,,,, dink donk sorry. also the spots that reader have are the rosette spots that jaguars have!! i only say the ones on the arms but it's implied that there's a pattern on them on their body :)))
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you haven't really had much time in the savanaclaw dorm because despite how it contains people like you, they were not very nice. but it didn't really matter to you as you didn't need a pack to live happily. you have a pack, yeah, but it wasn't really a necessity for your kind of beastmen. you've learned very quickly that jaguar beastmen aren't really social people. so you've been accustomed to being alone in peaceful silence.
"you're brave for coming here looking like that. spots and all."
and you're more than used to a few verbal jabs about your looks.
you attempt to walk past the three beastmen but they're blocking your way. you huffed in annoyance.
"are you here to see dorm leader? because i'm sure he doesn't want to see you." one of them (the assumed leader) pokes at a particularly different part of your skin. it just happens to be one of the several spots you sport on your arm, the biggest rosette spot. you don't say anything as you push past them.
the collar of your shirt is tugged on, forcing you to stop. "we didn't say you could leave, short ass."
"no, you didn't, but i did." leona's voice rings out in the common room of the dorm. the air felt colder than ice despite the beaming sun outside. "you got a lot of nerve trying to make fun of my partner, you know?" he rolls his eyes at the trio as he pulls you to his side. "you okay, mc? they didn't hurt you right?"
you're faced away from the three as you look at leona, "i'm good." you mutter. you're not really shaken up, maybe feeling a little odd. somehow it felt different from the other times that you've been made fun of. was it because of leona coming to help?
"good. if there's any scratch of you, i don't think i would be so easy on you lot. tch." leona glared tiredly at the three beastmen. the trio pathetically blabbers their apologies as they leave. "why don't you fight back?"
you shrug as you both walk to leona's room, "i'm used to it. it's not the first time people picked on me." your ears flicker at the sound of beastmen in their respective dorm rooms. you can distinctly hear jack working out, it makes you huff in amusement. "i'm not social like you, leona, i don't express my anger as easily as you. also they just wanted to get a rise out of me to make me look bad in front of you."
"well, you should say when you're mad. or at least fight back?" he muttered. "you're... just as strong as i am."
"heh, takes a lot to call me strong, my lion." you snickered for a second but you stop, frowning slightly as you remember the odd feeling from earlier.
"shut up." he knocks a knuckle against your head. he opens to the door to his room, he gently grabs your hand and takes you into his room. closing the door and locking it, he faces you. "are you sure you're okay?" he asks. his eyes are stern but soft as he stares at you.
you take a moment to answer. in that moment, he rubs his head against your neck as if to comfort. "i don't know? felt weird when you stood up for me." he moves his head to look at you and wait for you to continue. your hands grip his clothes at the waist. "it didn't feel bad. they made fun of my... spots. i'm usually used to it but it felt different today. is that weird?" your ears flatten as you look up at him.
"nothing weird about feeling bad. being insulted sucks." he pauses, "was it at least a good thing that you felt when i came around?" his free hand reaches to brush his fingers through the layer of fur on your ears.
you lean into the touch, "i think so. but the insults kind of sunk in after that too..." you muttered as you rest your body against his. he's quick to lead you onto the bed, both of you laying down and finally getting comfy. "didn't like it. just wish they just made fun of my personality and not.. something i can't control." you try your best to explain. you pick at the stray hairs on his face, staring at your jaguar spots on your arms. "heard comments like it all the time and yet... something felt off." you sigh, "maybe it was because they mentioned you." his ears twitch at the comment.
"what did they say?"
"that you wouldn't wanna see me. poked at my spot after that." your finger rubs over the biggest rosette on your forearm.
"i'll make sure they get their heads straight." his hand grabs at your wrist and moves your arm as his lips kiss the spots. "until then, i won't ever say i don't want to see you. i love you a lot... and i hope you know that." his voice is stern but you can see the love pouring from his eyes as he stares at you.
you can feel your face go warm as he continues to stare at you, "s-stop looking at me like that, would you?!"
"but it's cute watching you be all embarrassed over me saying i love you." he snickers.
"back- back off, leona! not all of us are whipped for their partners!"
"don't lie to yourself, you love me too."
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lovelywoos · 2 years
then came you | l.jh
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genre: opposites attract au, highschool au, strangers to friends to lovers; fluff, comedy, angst!!
pairings: introverted!woozi x extroverted!reader (y/n uses they/them pronouns, but small scene where it mentions that y/n wears a skirt)
word count: 7.9k... jfc
warnings: swearing, a fight scene (not violent, more like a lot of swearing), and the fight scene has a lot of repetitive swear words because i don’t swear that much help :”)
description: in which you, the student council vice president, and lee jihoon, the quiet boy in the back of the class, fell in love despite your differences.
a/n - this was a lot of fun to write but near the end of editing it i was literally pushing SHOVING this out of my drafts to publish im so sick of it now. i rushed the editing so ... forgive me pls. ***fight scene is also inspired by the ep 3 of the kdrama “our beloved summer.”
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one. meet cute
well, if it wasn’t for the consequences of your actions smacking you right on the face. yes, you should’ve studied more for that physics test. and studied harder. but also yes, student council duties needed attention. that group project for math was very time-consuming as well in your defense!
all those excuses and yet you still broke down.
sitting and hiding under a table in your school’s music room was becoming familiar. sometimes you wish you weren’t so outspoken or eager because now you’ve bitten off more than you can chew and are suffering the exhaustion from it.
but anyways, thank god for sound-proof music rooms! (your sniffles were beginning to inch their way towards sobs…)
“you okay?”
you jump at the sudden voice, head bumping against the desk with a heavy thud.
you blink up at the voice’s owner, furrowing your brows in annoyance.
the pale boy stammers in shock, struggling to put together his words. he heard you crying while entering the room, but seeing your puffy and bloodshot eyes made him wonder if he should’ve just made a 360 and left the room the first time he heard sniffles.
“s-sorry! i didn’t mean to scare you!” he stutters, rushing to you as you make your way out from under the desk. he quickly puts a hand under the desk, making sure you don’t bonk your head a second time.
you get up, quickly wiping your tears away from your face with the sleeves of your school uniform, the boy could get a good look at your face.
l/n y/n. student council’s vice president and class representative. he knew you very well. everyone did really. you were always all over the place talking to people, socializing, getting things done, and leading the way. you definitely didn’t know him though (he was right).
“it’s fine. don’t worry about it,” you assured, smiling slightly in an attempt to ease his obvious nerves.
you sigh before adding, “just don’t… tell anyone, yeah?” you read his name tag pinned on the chest of his uniform. lee jihoon.
“of course, don’t worry about that.”
“okay well, i have to get going now! see you around!” you send a friendly wave, walking for the door as jihoon interrupts you.
“wait! here, ta-take this,” he hands you a wrinkled napkin he had just pulled from his pockets.
when you stare at his outstretched hand, jihoon explains, “for your tears… although you’re not crying anymore, huh.”
you hold in your smile seeing the napkin most definitely from lunch that was just placed in your hand. so cute.
jihoon watches as you make your way out of the music room, thanking him, making him promise one last time to not tell anyone about today, and saying a goodbye.
so when you close the door behind you, he sighs with a gentle smile on his face. so cute.
two. i hate everyone but you
“lee jihoon!”
before becoming friends with lee jihoon, people should know that jihoon hates five things: people who touch him, annoying people, talkative people, being told what to do, and opening up.
and you haven’t seemed to pick up on these things yet after being friends for about… two months? but for you, it was bearable.
so whenever you march up to his desk, he doesn't complain.
“your group mates just told me how you haven’t attended any of the work meets they planned!” you sighed, pressing your lips together. “and take those damn earbuds out!”
“okay, okay. sorry,” jihoon leans back in his chair with tired eyes before explaining, “i’ve been doing my share of the work anyway, so why does it matter? i can’t be needed that much.”
you pout before sitting at the empty desk in front of him. you also notice how his eyes seem so focused on his hands all of a sudden.
you poke his forehead with your forefinger, making him look up to look at you with wide eyes.
“it’s just me, be honest,” you say in the gentlest tone jihoon’s ever heard from you.
he takes a moment to think before nodding. you smile and lean in, ready to hear his side of the story.
“they’re not the greatest people. i overhear them sometimes and they’re always gossiping. i don’t think i’d be able to stand being in a room with all of them talking for like two hours,” jihoon finally explains, but he’s taken aback as he sees your attentive and genuine expression.
he clears his throat and adds, “in conclusion, they give me a headache, and being with them for hours would drain my social battery for the day, no, week.”
jihoon forgets to mention that being around his group would be unbearable also because you were a common topic amongst their gossip. he remembers the day when one of his partners said you were such a teacher’s pet only for the sake of impressing the student council’s president, choi seungcheol.
he quite literally had to take a step outside before he said something he would regret because l/n y/n doing something for male validation? he would laugh in their faces if he had the courage.
“i see… it’s alright, i’ll see what i can do. don’t worry, jihoon! just focus on your part of the work and let me do the talking!” you grin, standing up abruptly.
jihoon just smiles up at you and nods, not surprised at how you were going to speak in his defense once again (this was becoming the new norm as you two became friends).
before turning to leave, you reach a hand out to ruffle his dark black hair, messing it all up. you quickly dash off, not letting jihoon scold you.
he hides his smile and growing blush as he reaches up to fix his hair.
jihoon still hates five things: people who touch him, annoying people, talkative people, being told what to do, and opening up. but if they come in the form of you, he doesn't seem to mind so much. especially if every time he reluctantly opens up, you always seem to understand him.
three. what was this feeling?
“i swear to god if i don’t beat her, she’ll never let me hear the end of it!”
jihoon was about to lose it. you were pacing back in forth in front of him. every time you had finally stopped moving or talking, he would place the sunscreen in your hand so you could apply some on your face yourself before your race. but every single time he did, you just gave him a look and shoved it right back into his hands, continuing your rant.
“she keeps going on and on about how the class representative should be good at everything including athletics and so sports day should be a breeze for me! why do class representatives have to go last in the relay? it’s so weird! i could be helping student council pass out waters right now or something like…”
your words fade away as his attention diverted to the couple a few feet down the bench from you two. the girl squeezed some sunscreen onto the back of her hand before applying it to her boyfriend’s face.
and to be honest, he couldn’t even remember who you were talking about anymore! yuna was it? or maybe yuri? yura??
so fuck it.
“i think she’s just jealous she’s in a lower class than me! because what other reason could—"
jihoon grabs your hand, pulling you down next to him. as your mouth hangs open in surprise and confusion, he twists the cap off, throwing it to the side and squeezing some onto the back of his hand. he takes a deep intake of breath.
jihoon slaps (not that hard actually) his sunscreen-covered fingers on your forehead making you freeze. unable to form words, sounds even, you just stare at his focused eyes, the slight furrow of his brows as he spreads the sunscreen on your face.
you curse the heat, maybe also your flustered emotions, as your cheeks warm up when you take in the close proximity between you two and also because his cold, pretty hands were on your face!! he was so gentle and cautious with you that you had a feeling he was as panicked as you were right now.
as you were freaking out and praying he couldn't hear the pounding of your heart, jihoon was busy wondering if this was too much. was this weird? was he making you uncomfortable??
jihoon, now much more uncomfortable with the sudden silence, began to change the subject. “you know someone so thoughtful of their skincare shouldn’t forget to put on sunscreen.”
when you responded with a flustered silence, he snorts as you refused to maintain eye contact with him.
he takes your silence as pre-anxiousness for your event, instead of it being because of his bold actions. “you’ll be fine in your race. so beat yuri, get this day over with, and let’s do something after school together, yeah?”
so he did listen to your rants.
it made you think. when was the last time someone paid attention to your rambling? when was the last time someone cared enough to want you to put sunscreen on? when was the last time someone comforted you even when you didn’t show you were troubled?
"anyways!" jihoon yells as he jumps up from the bench, "you still have some sunscreen on your face, but I've done enough so..." (way to ruin the moment, jihoon...)
you felt your heartbeat quicken when jihoon pulled you up from the bench by hand and gave your head a couple pats to calm the anxiety.
“so remember why you wanna win and use that to motivate you. you got this, y/n!” he holds a fist up, truly wishing you the best even though you very well knew he had no care in the world for today’s sports day.
what was this feeling?
four. it's love
the moment you start running, jihoon felt his hands get clammy and heart start pumping though he wasn’t even running. okay, so maybe he was completely listening to your rants even if he didn’t want to. maybe he did want you to beat yuri because he loved seeing you so passionate about something and always rooted for your success.
so as you passed yuri in your relay right before the finish line, maybe he did jump from his seat and start cheering. for once, he ignored all the stares from people around him who were shocked to hear his voice louder than class-speaking volume. he was just so so excited to see you sprint past the finish line with the biggest smile on your face as your classmates rushed over to congratulate their class representative.
he watches as you scan the bleachers, eyes lighting up as you find his eyes and mouthed the words, ‘i won!’
jihoon nods with a smile, sending you two thumbs up as you laugh before turning away to talk to your friends.
despite you being surrounded by so many people and him on the bleachers by himself on sports day, he still can’t help but finally realizes he likes you. he always has despite all the differences. lee jihoon likes you. and his smile never fades away upon processing this fact.
five. the argument
it’s been 11 days, 10 hours, and 34 minutes since jihoon had spoken a word to you. at first, you decided to keep track of the days so you could use it as a point to argue with jihoon. but that was ultimately thrown out of the window when jihoon remained giving you the silent treatment and no argument, not a single word from him was in sight (you did not expect this). he probably just needs some time alone... right?
on the other hand, jihoon could always feel your burning, infuriated stares burning a hole in the back of his head. it came to the point where walking by you in the hallways felt like he was on fire.
lee jihoon was conflicted. he enjoyed being your friend (even if it felt like it should be more sometimes), but at what cost? his mind just kept going back to your friends' conversation that day.
just as jihoon was about to unlock the restroom stall, his hand freezes at the mention of your name from someone's mouth. his name as well.
"you think y/n is actually friends with that loser?"
"the nerd who always listens to music in the back of the class!"
"ah, lee jihoon? i mean... i doubt it. they're probably hanging with him to make him feel like he belongs, you know? he has no friends so that's probably why."
"holy shit, that's so depressing."
and when jihoon is conflicted, he did what he does best: stay silent. because yes, being your friend made his year. should he keep being your friend even if he knew you were doing it out of pity? would he go that far for his crush?
as jihoon makes his way to the music room after just finishing his lunch, he decides to just stay silent forever! confrontation is difficult... so none of that!!!
he reaches his hand out to turn the knob of the music room, but lets out a pained groan as the door flies into his face unbeknownst to you who just got too excited at his presence because now you could finally talk to him alone!
"jihoon! i knew you'd come here! let's talk," and suddenly all your angry, violent thoughts that said to be angry at lee jihoon for ignoring you for so long flew out of your head. all rational thoughts: gone. you grabbed his hand that wasn't rubbing his now red forehead and pulled him into the room.
jihoon sighs. so much for no confrontation.
when jihoon closes the door behind you both, you take a deep inhale of breath and exhale to calm your nerves. you've been thinking about this moment for ages, don't mess it up now!
you turn swiftly to face jihoon with a bitter expression on his face, making you gulp as the nerves begin crawling back.
"li-listen, whatever i did i'm sorry. i truly didn't mean to hurt you, so please, tell me what i did wrong so we can talk it out and i can apologize properly!"
for the first time since being pulled into that room by you, he looks at you to meet your eyes. how could they be so... genuine?
he looked at you in a way that made you want to sink to the floor. "well? are you gonna say anything?" you frown as he stares at you wordlessly.
"why are you friends with me?"
you blink at him in shock. "w-what?"
jihoon sighs and repeats, "why are you friends with me?"
you struggle to form the right words to say. "well... we kept running into each other and i liked talking to you so i just stuck around.” that could be worded much better, you think.
he didn’t believe you.
“you’re only friends with me because you’re vice president and it’s your job to help your peers, right?”
your jaw went slack.
“where did you get that from??”
this look was different. not mad, but hopeless. “not important. just answer me, is it true?”
“of course not! who told you that? why would you even believe that?” okay, now you were starting to get worked up because that’s such a horrid thing to assume of you! did he have that little faith in you?
his fists tighten because suddenly pin-pointing all the flaws in his friendship with you became easy.
“hey, but to add on to that, why do you baby me?”
your eyebrows knit together because you just got even more lost if possible. “baby you? since when? how? where did any of this come from, jihoon?”
“can you quit being so focused on where this is coming from? it’s coming from me, okay? it makes sense anyways, i am nothing like any of your friends. why me? why be friends with me—“
“why can’t i just be friends with you because i want to?? do all my friends need to be the same?”
he lets out a menacing scoff. “okay, so am i some charity case then? a friendship made out of pity because i can’t seem to ever speak up for myself and you always have to swoop in to save me? i can defend myself, y/n. why do you act like i’m a defenseless loser that needs to be protected and babied?”
“i have never thought about you that way! first of all, whoever told you i was friends with you because it was my job has no idea what you and i are. you’ve never given other people the time of day to listen to their stupid opinions, so why now, huh?”
because it was about you.
“second of all, you always complain about people not understanding you or mistreating you! you always let people walk all over you! i am sick of having to watch you pretend like you’re cool and unbothered at what people say about you, so forgive me if i’m standing up for you because i care. it’s not my job, i’m doing it because i’m your friend. and if you were uncomfortable about it, just tell me! set boundaries! not give me the silent treatment.”
“well i don’t want to be your friend anymore.” his words were eerily cold. he gave up. he clearly didn’t want to try for this or you anymore.
your gentle pants from your yelling fill the silent and tense atmosphere of the music room where you two first met. silent because his words were still processing in both of your heads and tense because this was probably the end of your friendship. you both couldn't meet each other's eyes.
as jihoon was gauging your troubled expression, a pool of heavy guilt filled his stomach. that sentence was not how he imagined it would go. he always thought it would be said bravely. lovingly. like in a confession. not like friends breaking up!
so you decide to give up too because what’s the point in trying when he doesn’t trust you.
“okay then. i respect that. i have nothing else to say. do you?”
he grimaces at the way your voice shakes. the way your nose scrunches unpleasantly. and his heart regrets the way your eyes shine over with tears. jihoon would never believe that he would one day be the cause of your pain and tears.
“no.” goddammit, that’s not what he wanted to say. why was he such a coward?
“okay.” your voice was just a whisper as you breeze past him, not wanting him to see you cry a second time.
when the door of the room shuts behind him, he cries. for the first time in a long time.
he can’t even remember what he was mad about. he could only remember your broken expression and your broken tone. he messed up something beautiful all because it was hard believing that someone as amazing as you would want to be his friend. and possibly like him.
six. right person, right time
22 days, 12 hours, and 16 minutes. why are you even keeping track anymore at this point? you two are not friends. period.
you weren’t even friends with him for that long! you had your other friends too anyways so why did cutting things off with him hurt so much? (i wonder why).
after not talking to jihoon, you start to realize how being his friend was such a breath of fresh air. a break from life. a good and genuine change. it was great. this was probably because how jihoon had no care for social cliques or no expectations or just no interest in things outside of grades and music!
and so for the first time in a long time, someone wanted to talk to you about something that had nothing to do with student council, clubs, school, volunteering, or community service. meeting jihoon was a quick and sharp realization that all your friends, all the people you surround yourself with, are people from the student council or simply smart-popular people! over-achievers! nerds!
maybe jihoon was right when he said you were the definition of a nerd who also happened to be popular… (which you refused to believe because how could a nerd be popular, jihoon?)
nevertheless! jihoon’s interest in music, critiquing animes, playing instruments for fun (not just in school like what), and best of all his carefree attitude, truly make all these nerds around you so bland and basic.
like finally, someone who busies themself with something, not about school or accomplishing something worthy enough to put on a college application.
and about his carefree attitude, it’s crazy how you never noticed until jihoon mentioned how uptight some of your friends were after hearing a close friend of yours, who was also secretary of the council, talk to you about something school related. all you and your friends talked about was school.
so yes, being friends with lee jihoon was beyond eye-opening and more life-changing, but it also made you view your friends differently. were they even your friends? if you weren't a part of all your extracurriculars, no, if you just weren't smart or outgoing, would they care about you at all?
this epiphany has let you see your friends for the people they are. you indeed saw this for yourself when some dumb boys began picking on him.
"seriously, i get if you don't like us. i respect that even. but failing us just because you think we're inferior to you makes you look like a fucking loser," park junghyung laughed cynically as he pulled a chair next to jihoon's desk, getting all up in his face.
if you don't see it, it doesn’t exist. jihoon has been repeating this sentence for the past five minutes because junghyung and his friends couldn't stand not being carried through group assignments for the first time in their lives.
"i didn't fail you, that's up to ms. lee."
with that, junghyung's tight-lipped smile dropped and his "patience" ran dry. he shot up from his seat and kicked it to the floor, the loud clanging sound making people gasp and begin to watch the situation unfold.
yeah, maybe removing his entire group's names from the presentation before submitting was too bold of a move. well, they should’ve done shit to help if they didn’t want a failing grade, right? after all, you always told him 'be bold and be strong! don't let stupid idiots walk over you! run over them instead!' wait, why as he even thinking about you in this situation?? damn it!
so, cue you walking toward jihoon's classroom, ready to confront some bullies and you’re only doing this because it’s the right thing to do, not that you still like him or anything (lie)! you don’t dare to hope you two might reconcile and maybe even become friends again after this because that’s so dumb (lie). and hopefully, jihoon won’t think you're babying him, you just want to clear his name! (truth).
however, seeing your crush (100% truth) lee jihoon being cornered by park junghyung who was grabbing his collar while everyone was staring and recording was not what you expected! are you seriously about to walk into a fight for your crush… (yes).
"you must think you're all that to pull such a move, huh. in reality, you're just a pathetic shit who can’t even pull bitches because they all pity you.” was he talking about you?
now that he thinks about it, the voice in the restroom that day was him. it was park junghyung.
honest to god, jihoon 100% firmly believes the best choice in this situation would be to run because he cannot fight. he guesses he can try, but unfortunately, junghyung is a fit dude. a big dude. if only he didn’t talk about you and insinuate you were a bitch.
jihoon grabs junghyung’s collar and throws him off. he’s at his limit right now.
“if you didn’t want to fail, maybe stop partying and getting drunk of your ass to get away from your fucked up home life? maybe actually use that empty shit brain of yours and do something with it? maybe then you wouldn’t have to ask your rich dad or student council friends to pull favors so you don’t get pushed down a class or kicked out of school even.” jihoon is suddenly very memorable of all the school gossip you’ve told him before.
junghyung laughs in disbelief. “you’re asking for it, you little fucker.”
well. this was it. this is when jihoon gets sucker punched.
“y-you dickhead!”
woah, was that… you??
everyone, including jihoon and an impatient junghyung turns to see you pushing through crowds, and marching your way in between junghyung and jihoon.
junghyung rolls his eyes when you grab jihoon’s hand reassuringly and glare up at him.
“come on, y/n. quit the charity act. it’s getting annoying now. move aside, yeah?”
a slap resonates through the filled classroom. gasps fill the room as even more phones go up to record the student council vice president slapping it boy park junghyung across the face.
jihoon’s eyes go wide. wide! he instinctively pulls you behind him, shielding you from a fuming, red junghyung.
he side-eyes you who was also very shell-shocked at your own actions.
“y/n, what the hell are you doing?” he whispers as junghyung’s group goes up to him to ask if he was okay.
“to be honest, i don’t know. just know i am not babying you. i’m doing this and have always been doing this because i care about you, now move. i’m not done.”
jihoon’s eyes soften as he caresses his thumb over the back of your hand. he doesn’t deserve you.
junghyung lets out a laugh of disbelief. “you know what, you two deserve each other. you’re both fucking insane.”
“well, you and your friends are all fucking stupid.”
yes, you knew his friends (also your friends) were in the room watching. yes, you knew you would be losing a lot of friends today if you continued talking. yes, it’s worth it if it’s for lee jihoon especially if they all think of him the same way junghyung does.
junghyung clenches his jaw before taunting, “oh really! i wonder what our friends will think about that,” he turns around to the crowd of people with arms wide, “what do you guys think about the genius and model student y/n swearing and assaulting other students? their own friend at that too!”
you scoff and roll your eyes at this boy’s sheer audacity. he was never your friend.
junghyung gets more pissed off at your reaction and says, “since when were you such an annoying bitch?”
you cross your arms across your chest impatiently. did he think he was that intimidating? “i’ll start being a bitch because it’s sickening watching you push everyone around. what? do you think i’m like everyone else?”
jihoon panics when he feels you try to push past his arm as junghyung does the same also while his friends attempt to hold him back.
jihoon laughs awkwardly, trying to calm the situation. still making sure to keep an arm between you an junghyung, he apologizes, “they’re just a bit mad at the unnecessary crowding and recording haha, please understand.”
you whip your head to glare at jihoon, “quit apologizing when you’re not in the wrong. now move.”
you move closer to junghyung staring at you with cursing eyes.
“woah junghyung, you gonna slap me back? punch me? like you do with your classmates and call it messing around?”
“man, this bitch is fucking insane!”
“i’ll show you how insane i can be if you keep taking advantage of jihoon or anyone else just because they’re nice people.” you feel jihoon turn around to face you completely, but refuse to look at him because you knew you would melt instantly. you missed him.
you hold his hand tighter before concluding, “now you’re always gonna be known as an idiot who bullies smart kids because he can’t do shit in school. i really won’t let it slide if you mess with jihoon again,” you turn to scan everyone who was in the room recording, “send that video to the principal if you want i don’t care!“
you pull jihoon away from junghyung who punches the nearest desk before letting out a frustrated yell.
“move. move!” you shove your way through the crowd as your friends, well, maybe not friends anymore after they had just seen you slap and swear at someone… but it didn’t matter you’d see them tomorrow for student council stuff anyways if you still had your position after this.
you and jihoon walk away from everyone who began to disperse, gossiping because how could model student y/n act so aggressively?
but that was the last thing on your mind because you felt like there was a lot to discuss with jihoon.
jihoon who just trails behind you, hands still entwined with yours, was zoning out thinking about what just occurred. you stop abruptly, making him walk into your back.
you pull him into an empty classroom and shut the door behind you, letting go of his hand.
you sigh and put your hands on your knees, trying to catch your breath for a moment. you had so much adrenaline running and you could even hear your heartbeat in your ears.
you still manage to slap jihoon’s hand away when he attempts to turn on the lights, “no lights right now.”
he nods, staring at your tired figure awkwardly.
jihoon scratches the back of his head, not knowing what to say. does he thank you? scold you for nearly getting beat up for him? risking your spot and position in the student council?
his thoughts clear as you begin rambling. he sighs internally hearing your panicked tone. “i know, i know! we’re not friends anymore and you didn’t want me to speak for you or to you anymore, i know. i’m sorry. i just… i care about you so so much, even if we're not friends. i never approached you after you caught me crying because i pitied you and felt it was my duty to be there for you. th-that was never the case. so please don’t be mad at me, we can go our separate ways after today. just know—“
jihoon grabs your arm, pulling you towards him so he could wrap his arms around you. he cups the back of your head and in a hushed tone says, “it’s okay. i’m sorry. i was wrong. it was my fault. i still wanna be with you. i was just lost for a moment, i’m sorry i hurt you. you didn't deserve to be treated like that by me. i hope you can forgive me even if i don’t deserve it.”
tears brim your eyes as you nod, sniffling. you hope he understands what you were trying to say wordlessly when you wrap your arms around his waist tightly, not wanting to be apart from him again.
jihoon never knew what to say to people, especially when it came to comforting someone. but then came you. and the words flowed so easily.
seven. because i like you
your phone buzzes in your pocket, you glance down cautiously, avoiding getting caught by your teacher. back then you would have never check your phone for anyone else, but you had started to for jihoon. you blame him for being a bad influence on you, but he said you were being a bad influence on yourself.
hoon: i’m in the music room rn. can we talk?
you: yes, please. i’ll be there in ten after my council meeting
you sigh. this felt like deja vu. hopefully, it wouldn’t end up too much like last time you both were in here though.
you turn the knob and pull the door open, making eye contact with a lee jihoon who was sitting on the ground, leaning against the wall.
he couldn’t even say a word as you let go of the door, closing it in your face. you were not as mentally prepared as you thought you were.
moments later, the door swings back open and you speed walk over to him, plopping down on the floor in front of him.
“sorry. i just needed a moment,” you mutter, looking down at your shoes.
he chuckles at your cute antics, “that’s okay.”
jihoon then pulls out a wrapped triangle gimbap in one hand and a yakult in the other, hands both outstretched to you.
you blink owlishly at the two snacks in his pretty hands as he sighs with a slight smile, “it’s for you. i know you didn’t get to buy lunch because your student council meeting just ended.”
when you still didn’t move after his explanation, jihoon just places it down in front of your legs.
“a-ah! thank you, jihoon! you didn’t have to…” you clear your throat, realizing how affected you sounded by his actions.
“i wanted to,” jihoon replies nonchalantly, taking off his jacket at the same time.
you peel back the wrapper of the gimbap with a throbbing heart and smile, also trying to change the subject before you combust, “is it hot in here?”
without a response, jihoon drapes his jacket over your legs, which were also sitting uncomfortably because of your skirt.
you look up at jihoon looking off to the side with timid eyes, “sorry, i shouldn’t have sat on the ground. you can use my jacket for now.”
you punch his shoulder with a giggle, thanking him as he groans.
“since when were you such a gentleman, gosh jihoon.”
he rolls his eyes in a joking manner, “since always, you just never notice.”
“sure sure. anyways, what…. did you want to talk about?”
the light and comfortable atmosphere and banter between the two of you just now had made you completely forget this was the first time you talked to jihoon after the junghyung incident. though it was only two days ago, you were busy talking to the principal and dealing with the whole situation, which left you no time until now to talk to him. which still wasn’t even enough time!
“oh yeah,” jihoon looks up from his lap to make eye contact with you, suddenly in a serious mood, “i just wanted to see how you were. did you get in trouble?”
“mm, yes and no? like principal han was pretty mad, but all those years of sucking up to her did me good because she said she still thinks i’m a good student, i just handled the situation wrong,” you say while trying to peel off the lid of the yakult.
jihoon notices, taking the drink from your hands and poking a straw through it for you…….
was he hiding the straw from you just so he could do that….cheeky idiot. anyways!
“continue?” jihoon inquires softly, handing the drink back to you.
“t-thanks. uhh, i have to make a formal apology to several classes tomorrow morning! i think just the classes in our hallway because those were the ones that gathered to watch us the most, which was so rude by the way?? why would they just stare and record? couldn’t someone get a teacher? ugh, but i also have to do a buuunch of community service this weekend with everyone who hates me now after the whole thing.”
jihoon frowns. he forgot that you defending him that day ended up making your friends distance themselves from you. he can’t help but feel at blame. at fault. did you even have friends anymore?
your eyebrows furrow when jihoon’s expression began to get cloudy and disturbed all of a sudden.
“jihoon? what’s up?”
“i’m sorry,” he replies almost instantly, making you blink in shock.
“i’m sorry that helping me that day made you get on bad terms with everyone. god, they’re your friends and fellow members… you’ll have to see them everyday a-and i made them all turn on you. i’m sorry, i shouldn’t have said anything to junghyung that day. i shouldn’t have let you talk to him. i shouldn’t have—“
you lean forward on your hands, landing a peck on jihoon’s cheek, successfully shutting him up from his intrusive thoughts.
“geez, jihoon… i thought you said you have trouble expressing your feelings! why are you only expressing the negative ones to me??”
jihoon’s cheeks grow and feel fiery as his hand goes up to his cheek, fingers ghosting over where your lips were just a moment ago. the feeling was still there.
not noticing his blushing state, you continue ranting, “even if i knew the outcome of that fight, i still would do it all again in a heartbeat. a heartbeat! i did it because i like you, okay? i wanted to. it’s not your fault, so why would you apologize?”
jihoon’s eyes shoot up to meet yours. “you like me?”
now it was your turn to become shy. did you really say that…?
your heartbeat pounds against your rib age, not knowing what to say. “do you?”
“yes. and i have for a while.”
you nod, managing to calm your heart. you suddenly find your gimbap very interesting now. “good. we’re on the same terms then.” but then you thought about how jihoon remembered you had meetings on wednesdays and never got the chance to eat lunch.
your heartbeat goes wild again. (gosh, him and his acts of service!!!)
jihoon shakes his head with a quiet laugh at your response, “i guess we are.”
sensing how you seemed very overwhelmed with the unexpected confession, which was not how he imagined you would react if he ever confessed (not that he imagined it or anything…..), he decided maybe making another move or establishing anymore between you two would be for another day. for now, he likes you and you like him. that’s enough for the both of you to be on cloud nine.
eight. closest to the heart
today was the day. lee jihoon will be giving you his nametag today because even though you kissed him that day, nothing has been established since you two refuse to talk about it! although you both can tell the other has some sort of interest or feelings for the other, that was all. nothing more, which was enough for a few days. then jihoon got sick of it and wanted to officially be yours.
hoon: music room after school?
you: yes but buy a cola for me this time too please
hoon: of course :)
you: last time you forgot
hoon: no i ran out of money and offered you mine anyways
you: you’re a bad liar
hoon: i’m sorry
you walk into the music room with a bright smile. any bad memories of this room were quickly replaced with fun, heart-aching memories of him. memories of spending all of lunch eating in here, gossiping away at your now ex-friends. memories of watching him in amazement as he composes a beautiful melody with the several instruments in this room just with the talent of his mind. memories of your feelings only growing more and stronger for him.
waiting for jihoon to arrive, you walk around the room, smiling at all the instruments jihoon has played for you. he was so different from you in such a good way. you who only took up extracurriculars for the sake of having something to put on a college application versus jihoon who did non-academic activities just because he genuinely found peace and joy in them. he was so amazing in your eyes. you wish he could see himself the way you saw him.
while scanning around the room, your eyes land on a piece of paper with writing on a table. you raise an eyebrow. barely anyone else comes here and jihoon always comes here with you? or so you thought?
you walk towards the paper, picking it up to read it. instantly, you recognized it to be jihoon’s writing. you have never met a boy with such nice handwriting before until him.
he had made a short bullet point list.
don’t stutter. look them in the eyes. don’t ramble and be straight to the point. be honest. finally, give them the—
a high-pitched yell interrupts your reading. “Y/N!!”
you yelp as jihoon comes speeding at you, swiping the paper off your hands and into his pocket.
he pants, a hand gripping the table as you look at him bewildered.
“jihoon, what the heck?”
“s-sorry, just boy stuff, you know?”
you stare at him with a blank expression, not believing his lie for a moment. “no, i don’t know.”
jihoon laughs awkwardly with gritted teeth, desperate to move on to another topic.
“oh! i have something to tell you! that’s why i asked you to come here today.”
you nod, gesturing for him to continue.
he clears his throat, fixes his posture, and takes a breath.
“y/n. i already told you this, but i want to tell you again. i like you. i’ve liked you since the early days of our friendship when you kept following me around and i tried to make you leave me alone by constantly saying that you talk too much. that was a lie. well, you do ramble, but i didn’t mind because i do too. i just didn’t know how to deal with such a pretty person wanting to talk to me every day.”
he smiles unconsciously because even the thought of you made him smile. just the thought of you alone.
“i began to like you more when you would come to the music room with me during lunch even when you said your friends wouldn’t stop complaining about it. i liked you more when you texted me good morning and goodnight, when you asked me if i ate, when you wanted to listen to my music, and when you were just you. i don’t think i’ve ever shown my music to someone before, but you’re a special person to me. you will always be a special person to me. and… i hope to be a special person to you as well…”
with a shaky hand, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out his nametag. jihoon grabs your hand and places it in your palm, closing your hand around it.
your confused expression sends jihoon into a whirlwind of panic.
“i like you too, jihoon. you’ve always been a special person to me, though.” jihoon falters when you undo the pin of his name tag and attempt to pin it back on his uniform.
“are you rejecting me?”
the absolute seriousness but also slight wavering of his voice makes you nearly drop the name tag.
“what?” you shriek, “of course not! i thought we were making this official!”
jihoon thinks, trying to connect the dots together... nothing’s connecting.
“we are. and i wanna be your boyfriend…but why are you giving me back my name tag?”
you glance down at the his name tag in your hands puzzled.
“i thought you wanted me to pin it back for you. as in like ‘i like you so much here’s the honor of letting you pin my name tag on me,’” when you take in the horrified look on your now boyfriend’s face, you laugh awkwardly, “isn’t that what you wanted me to do?”
“no! oh my gosh, i would never confess to you in such a douchey way. ever. i just…” his words trail off when he realizes maybe you didn’t know what giving a name tag to someone meant. that never occurred as a possible situation in his head. and trust when i say he thought he mapped all the possible situations that would result from him confessing.
“wait, don’t you know what giving you my name tag means?”
you blink twice.
jihoon lets out a sigh of relief and then laughs at your adorable, lost state.
he collects himself, but one look at you makes him melt and throw his arms around you in a hug.
your breath halts when jihoon practically puts all his weight on you, snuggling his head into your neck.
his soft voice makes your body shiver.
“there’s basically this … tradition where a boy gives his name tag to his crush as a way to confess his love because name tags sit close to the heart.”
the wheels in your head begin turning again.
“so … in way, i’m giving you my heart.”
when you respond with a sniffle, jihoon pulls back from the hug immediately.
“are you crying??” he looks at you with wide eyes, cradling your head.
you pout, “no, but i might. that’s so cute, jihoon. i love it so much.”
your hand grasps his name tag tighter. he just gave you his heart.
you pull his hand, closing the distance between you two once again.
you lean your head on his shoulder, whispering out five words so quiet so only he could hear, “i love you so much.”
“i love you too,” he responds almost immediately.
you hold in a giggle when you feel his pounding heart as he holds back a quip when he also hears your heart beating erratically in the silence and comfort of the music room.
nine. a love that lasts
“highschool love never lasts.” okay tell that to you and jihoon then.
“are you… crying??”
when those words slip from jihoon’s mouth, a sob escapes your throat.
you hid your face with your sleeve, tears falling nonstop and crying, “you wrote a song for me!”
jihoon gawks at you because he was baffled. were these good tears? bad tears? shocked tears? angry tears??? he should be good at reading your emotions by now! he’s been dating you for seven years now. eight years as of today because it was your relationship’s anniversary! and he's written you several songs before??
he stumbles out of his chair to you as you continue to cry (sob).
“y/n, what-what’s wrong? whatever i did, i’m sorry. it's my fault,” he sits beside you on the couch of this recording studio, rubbing your back comfortingly.
“no, you did nothing wrong at all,” you sniffle, “i just love the song so much. i love you so much.”
jihoon bites his lip, holding back a chuckle. he turns your face toward him with both of his hands, cupping your face so he could wipe your falling tears away with his thumbs.
his hands pause as he squeezes your cheeks. “i love you too. i’m glad you like the song so much. happy 8th anniversary, y/n. thank you for loving me all these years even though i was so difficult and still am.”
you close your eyes, more cries erupting as jihoon dares to laugh at you and pulls you in for a warm, but crushing hug.
you sometimes wonder how you would’ve survived high school without jihoon. then and now, he has been someone who helped you breathe when things began to get overwhelming. he was your anchor. for jihoon, he was speeding through life, wanting to grow up as soon as possible. that was until he fell in love with you. you made him feel want to cherish his days and live happily. his life had meaning again. his days had the motivation to do more. you brought out the best in him.
he now begins to wonder how you’ll react when he pulls out the rings and asks the biggest question of his and your lives. however, he has a feeling it’ll be a good cry as well.
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canonically47 · 8 months
my take on the OFMD s2 finale: fuck that
(major spoilers continuing from here)
it’s sweet that the crew now also has zheng, auntie, spanish jackie and the swede is back, the reunion kiss was the sweetest thing ever, i loved lucius and pete’s wedding etc etc but there’s some things i can’t look past.
let’s get into izzy. izzy went through a lot this season. he started off as someone we were meant to dislike and slowly evolved into the only reason the crew was alive and functional. they became his family, and he became their new, true leader. their new unicorn, if you will. they cared for him, they loved him, and he loved them back. hell, he even had that sweet speech about piracy that made me tear up!
but then he died. and this isn’t the bury your gays trope, since the show has dozens of happy gay people and a lot of queer joy, but the redemption through death trope - or at least a poor attempt at him.
look at me. izzy got all the redemption he needed. he proved himself. he was happy. he was content. he had a good life ahead of him. and then he died.
his final words didn’t even mean anything, because ed still left the crew (along with stede). and this is sweet because they got to fulfill their dreams of having an inn, but this would have been better if izzy’s speech was just slightly different. or if it was like it canonically is, then it should have been established the crew was going to visit, or the inn was temporary, or ANYTHING.
back to izzy - i’m not mad he died. i’m mad the timing was horrendously bad. a single 28 minute episode is not enough to have ed’s character arc evolve, a sweet reunion, lots of drama and comedy, kill izzy off, have a lupete wedding, and have gentlebeard stay behind to have an inn. there should have been one or two extra episodes. there should have been more time to mourn izzy! i was sobbing my ass off and the show had already moved on to the wedding - i mean, what?? are we just not meant to care? i get that he had that burial, and he was shown as the last frame in the show yes, but how much tribute is that? stede’s dialogue made it seem like he barely cared when we knew the two had gotten closer! i get that he may have had conflicting emotions and this show is a comedy, but come on, people, you can do better!
the inn idea is sweet but i don’t see it lasting. the fourth episode really makes me wary of this idea because those two girls really fucking hated that domestic lifestyle bro!!! also, ed just accepted himself as a pirate outside of blackbeard, he just forgets that life? that’s bullshit. you can’t just spend the entire season exploring ed’s character as a pirate and then drop the pirate part. you can’t!!!
still mad about izzy. still confused about why everyone was in such high spirits after his death despite, you know, them getting along with him amazingly this season and loving him so deeply. but whatever, i too would be back at sea and giggling after my (at heart) captain died. in fact, i would even get married after that! yay, ring those bells! (/sarc)
i loved the wedding but you cannot tell me it wouldn’t have been better if there had just been more time between izzy’s death and it.
also. i’m pretty sure so many other characters walked off wounds in that exact area izzy got shot in... but i guess... plot armor??
tl;dr: i’m pissed off at OFMD’s season two ending, especially the way izzy’s death was handled.
yeah, i’m not happy with this. at least put me out my misery and announce this is the last season. dragging it on for longer would not work.
ending words: i would have been much more content with izzy dying if he was given more time, if his death was handled better, and if his speech had meant anything at fucking all to ed.
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mlobsters · 6 months
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supernatural s12e7 rock never dies (w. robert berens)
still kind of boggling that they went with rick springfield for this recurring incarnation of lucifer. funny getting closer to current times - like hey 2016/7 wasn't all that long ago. trying to shift brain to tech and references and such.
SAM So I've been trying to dig up info on the British Men of Letters, keeping an eye out for cases, and you've been goofing off with a game that went out of style five years ago?
LOL see i thought words with friends was popular then, but i never played it. guess we're just ignoring the very obvious lucifer letters in dean's letter tray thingy
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DEAN You still living out an '80s buddy comedy with Crowley? CASTIEL Unfortunately.
that horrifying forced smile made me laugh so hard i choked
dear lord the cheesy 80s-esque sitcom music and the cliche montage of LA-ish things i am not optimistic about this -_- dean's ranting about LA but he had fun when they were there 10 years ago? he enjoyed being a PA, he banged the actress he liked on the way out. apparently grumpy old man now
also rolling my eyes per always about insisting dean has this really narrow taste in music with the added annoyance of him being an asshole about sam liking something else. they had the one episode (10x12) where dean admitted to liking taylor swift's shake it off after being de-aged and hearing it. i thought he had a little personal growth moment 😔
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i'm glad they had sam push back on dean being an ass and in a way where it's not a fight, sammy just figures out a way to force dean to bend the knee and listen to the vince music with the unimpeachable logic that it's research. and he's so pleased with himself
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DEAN Hey. You consider switching up your duds there? Bit stiff for this town. SAM He could be an agent or something. DEAN Yeah, maybe a third-tier agent. CASTIEL At least I don't look like a lumberjack.
okay that made me laugh. they're both so grumpy and cas really went in with a good snarky tone. and dean, doing the harsh but fair face
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admire crowley's ability to find a way to have a good time regardless of the circumstances
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s12e7 / a different world (1987-1993) kadeem hardison as dwayne wayne
my god another blast from the past, so many good actors on that show!
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i'm making a slightly more distressed version of sam's face right now
well hey dean's drinking the vegetable water, maybe he'll be enjoying the vince music by the end too. you can do it, dean
CASTIEL Well, the only way you'll clear that crowd without drawing fire is if he's otherwise engaged. DEAN Engaged in what, Cass? Killing you? SAM Cass, you'll last...three minutes tops. CASTIEL Then I'll buy you three minutes. CROWLEY Make it four. What? I help.
wonder what he's up to
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funny how the v-neck makes an otherwise not that far outside the realm of what dean might wear outfit very much outside the realm
LUCIFER!VINCE Because it's fun. Because I can. And because being Lucifer? So much Judeo-Christian baggage. But Vince? He's famous. Everybody loves him.
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look at our sam being apparently stronger than lucifer's telekenesis on the doors which doesn't make much sense but it's a striking vaguely jesus-y visual so let's go i guess
DEAN Why are you doing this? LUCIFER!VINCE Why? SAM You and God made up. You forgave him. What would he think? LUCIFER!VINCE I'm not especially interested in his opinion. Dear old Dad, he finally apologized for abandoning me. And what's the very next thing he does? [Voice breaks] He ditches me. [Laughs] And you, too, by the way. And rides off into the sunset with Auntie Amara. He needed my help, and he'd say anything to get it. His words, your words, they mean nothing. Don't you get it? This is all meaningless. Heaven, Hell, this world. If it ever meant anything, that moment is past. Nothing down here but a bunch of hopeless distraction addicts, so filled with emptiness, so desperate to fill up the void… they don't mind being served another stale rerun of a rerun of a rerun. You know what my plan is? I don't have one. I'm just gonna keep on smashing Daddy's already broken toys and make you watch.
i am so confused. lucifer's upset over god abandoning him, and he's hurt by... sam and dean? what. have i already forgotten how they left things with him? there was never any chumminess, was there? i don't think this is the lucifer that i know
sam looks pretty with this backdrop but i started laughing when these horns came in to be some i dunno, rousing of spirits, call to arms on the lucifer hunt! "and we will stop him! we will. it's what we do, man" *sam stares off mournfully in the distance* cue the sad cellos
in the wiki
When Castiel calls Dean, his name appears on Dean's phone spelled as "Cass," thus re-igniting the age-old argument: is it Cas or Cass?.
i mean, in the script it's cass. when metatron was typing, it was cass. the captions say cass. the only people who use cas are fandom?? if we're talking english, cas would be pronounced more like kaz. anyway. i don't see how this is an argument. my personal (probably unpopular) opinion is fandom preference of not using the more feminine spelling (shortened cassandra etc)
well now that i read the linked cas or cass, looks like my points stand
(on twitter) Robbie Thompson: why is Castiel’s nickname spelled Cass not Cas? again: for science Eric Kripke: I think “Cass” just looks cooler on the page. And “Cas” might sound like “Caz.” But that’s just my opinion. Now get back to work.
thank you, eric, for the pronunciation note. somewhat vindicated 🤪
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Thoughts on Queen Bee
It was good. I enjoyed myself. Definitely one of the weaker episodes, but it wasn’t TRYING to be anything groundbreaking, so it’s fine. I was able to adjust my expectations in just the right way after Viv tweeted about it. She reminded us that this was gonna be a style-over-substance episode, and that’s what we got! A LOTTA style, and not much substance.....(unless you count the ones Blitzo was running on all episode)
The only thing groundbreaking is Kesha, who it turns out, is a pretty good VA? And having a song actually written by her, and performed by a DARN GOOD sound-alike. The lyrics of “Cotton Candy” aren’t amazing, but it SOUNDS great, and that’s what matters for party songs. XD I’ve had it stuck in my head all day.
It’s cool to have another complete song outta Helluva. We need more of those in season 2. “House Of Asmodeus” spoiled me XD
As for Bee herself, I didn’t really like her design all that much at first, cuz she didn’t look anything like I’d imagine Beelzebub to look in Helluva (compared to Ozzie who I thought was a good interpretation of how people usually envision Asmodeus). She’s not ugly or anything, and I love her color palette, but it felt like Viv was more focused on the Die Young callback than making her look like the Sin when designing her. But apparently, there ARE some things that she’s kept in mind and played around with (such as “Lord of the Flies” becoming “Queen Bee” - even though she should technically be a princess since the other Sins are princes, it rolls off the tongue better here), and she has a more monstrous form that we get to see. I’m pretty sure I’ll like her more as I get used to her. She just wasn’t what I expected.
There’s not really a lot to talk about story-wise. Like I said, style over substance. “Visual spectacle” to cap the season off. I like that it’s a happier second half to Ozzie’s. Both have parties run by a Sin, both have big songs, but the mood is completely different, like they’re symbolizing the different parts of Helluva’s first season - the dramatic, character-driven part, and the fun, humorous part. It’s a shame that the legal issues held this episode back so long that it can’t be considered Ozzie’s second half anymore, cuz I really do like the idea of the two episodes being foils to each other.
But uh, anyway! The only real meat in this story is just a few sweet moments between Loona and Blitzo. And also Loona being SUCH a mood. Me at parties. Always. XD It was also cool to see Tex again, since I like him, and Bee gets points for actually seeming pretty chill, especially compared to Ozzie. But that’s really it. The comedy wasn’t even really that amazing. The Dennis scene was the only time I really laughed, but I’ll take what I can get.
The delays also screwed the episode over slightly. I DO still feel bad for Blitzo, but if the episode had been released in order, I would’ve been a lot more scared for his mental state. It does lose a LITTLE impact when we know he’s gonna recover (or at least, mostly recover).
A teeny bit of woldbuilding here too- It was also cool to see a bit of the Gluttony ring - yeah, just one location, but it gets me curious to see more of it someday. We also get references to Satan and Belphagor, which means that.....there’s only one left. Only one Sin we haven’t heard from. The one who’s, fittingly, from the one ring we haven’t been to yet - Envy. I wanna see the Envy ring now. What’re they gonna do with that place? It can’t even be green! Greed is green! How does a place run by envy look? I guess the ring will be.....aquatic-themed? Maybe? I’m worried that we probably won’t be meeting the man himself due to involvement in Hazbin, but I wanna see the ring at least. Surprise me, Helluva! You already did that last episode with Sloth looking actually neat and appealing, pfffff- But yeah, that’s a long-term hope. Let’s actually get to Mammon first. One thing at a time.
S-sorry for the tangent, but yeah, this episode really doesn’t have a lot to talk about. I’m done now. XD It was fun to watch, but not one of the best I’ve seen from the show!
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beastofmoss · 1 year
tell e about your OCs. also did you know Daiki is the name is of Ritsu's seiyuu
Ooh! Oh! Hiii, and sure- but I have a lot of things about them so I'll probably just get the basics. And no, I did not know about that!? That's interesting, thank you! I'm also biting you for asking this (affectionately) going insane
Sorry this is so long, and it doesn't really scratch most of the lore for them 😬
Also, let me know if anyone wants the picrew I used ^^ I may of went overboard here hahahah~!
Most of my idol unit were from when I first got into enstars, so some lore got lost- which sadly means that Daiki, my youngest and mint idol, is put on the backburner until I can figure out what to do with him. (I sadly also forgot his last name as well, and I'm not even sure if Daiki is his real name either)
Also the oc foreign idol unit I have is called "Buskin and Socks", very heavy motifs with theater and deals with comedy/tragedy (hence the name). Each song was supposed to tell a story with character roles that each member would play.
Also some old art of Daiki as well!
Daiki: tooth obsessed big little guy. was supposed to be the youngest of the unit. He was supposed to be the pure knight, and was a semi-foil to Sierra (The double faced queen) I ended up dropping him, but his concept will probably be used for later.
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Sierra Rivera: transfem. (18) shes 5'11. She/her user. I'm still working on her bc I'm not really used to having a meanish character. She comes off across as flirty and cute, but is kinda just manipulative and just likes to leave an impression. Attention seeking in a way as to never be forgotten. Slightly murderous, hasn't murdered anyone yet- but she's willing ;). She's a huge wip but I love her a lot. She's the only one that sees Frecil as just a weird guy (the others see them as differently). She's has a hearing aid and does do the choreography of performances. Also step-sibling to Frecil.
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José Diaz plus picrew: he's like 5'10. With Daiki out of the unit and put on a back burner, he's actually the youngest(17)of the ground and leader bc enstars love putting their youngest members as leaders. Also trans. But, yeah, he's selective mute and is just very shy.
Like, not in a blushing mess kinda of way- just more aloof? I wanted to explore shyness in a way that's not a stumbling mess, if that makes sense? He's very anxious and probably the most "normal" of the unit. He's very kind and sweet-hearted, having a love for hello kitty. I'm still exploring him as well, but he's definitely fun to explore and I love him dearly. Funny enough, he's also plays the dubious confirmed or not enstar-like game, he's a rabbit!p. He looks up to Frecil and had this weird devotion with him, both as someone he looks up to (putting Frecil on a podium) and as his mentor. It's interesting to say the least.
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Frecil (Frederico Rivera) they/them user,: 5'2
The shortest of the unit, but they are the oldest (20). This little guy was made to be my absolutely bonkers character when I first made them, and now I'm reworking with the original concepts and giving them more depth. Probably the one with the most thoughts. They are blind. The ears are also fake/not canon to their actually design. Does most of the vocal training/writes the songs.
They are probably the most experienced of the unit, having gone through the ringer a couple of times. I mean, to be the one at the top and fall type of story. I often think of them as a fallen angel at times. They're just someone who's kinda done with the limelight and just kinda sits back when it comes to idol life.
They somehow?? Smell like?? Wet earth??
They act very child-like to throw off people, speaking rather child-like as well. Has been known to bite people, give people rocks, and has territorial battles with Mayoi in the vents. Just a very out there, eccentric, character. They and José were the ones that created Buskin and Socks. Ahh, I should stop before making this too long hahah~
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Cherry/Aela Barbasdotter: 19, 6'0, she/her user as well. Oh! And one of my producers, mostly producing with Socks and Buskin.
Her design mostly stayed the same, but her personality is a lot different than before. Before she was bubbly and cheerful, often time picking up others with ease. Now she's more stoic and guarded. She's always so strong, but in a chubby sort of way. Like she could very easily pick up all cast in Enstars bc I think its funny to pick up the more taller idols like they were kittens. Despite her cold mask, she's actually very very very nice and kind- often motherly towards others. But also very protective. So protective that it kinda causes issues with the growth of Buskin and Socks. There's some issues between Frecil and her. She kinda treats Frecil likes they are some sort of fragile doll, afraid to watch them fall apart again. It's kinda dehumanizing at times, but she's also very loyal towards Frecil and what they are trying to do. She's well-research and very professional when she works with idols. Some final girl stuff going on with her.
She's been with the idol unit since the beginning.
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Diwa García; 17, she/they. 2nd year.
She can see ghooostt~. The ability is "genetic" in their family. Their mother is from Philippines, so that's where most of the ghost-seeing relatives are from. Her little immediate family (her mothers and them) are kinda the black sheeps of the family, which is due to her mothers being ghost hunters for a TV show. Kinda like selling out in a sense?
Nonetheless, Diwa's kinda been isolated as a kid- so talking to living people is a bit difficult for them at times. It doesn't help that sometimes they can't tell who's alive or not. She honestly thought that some of the idols are, well, ghost. She actually doesn't want her mother's fame nor her ghost seeing abilities to be known. She just wants to be normal, and is just obsessed with anything she considers normal. Oh to be someone who desires to be normal and never being able to reach it. Also, she's missing a pinkie! Hahahah!
She's probably the character with the most interactions with the main cast compared to the other ocs(due to Cherry kinda "cock"blocking Buskins and Socks from interacting with other idol units etc).
She's terrified of bodies of water/water ghosts, so she is absolutely terrified of Kanata. It doesn't help that she's friends with Tetora, and kinda gets dragged out by him. Also has a "lowkey" crush of Narukami~!
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saltynsassy31 · 1 year
I promised @mossy-fruit a fanfiction like.....two months ago aND IM STILL WORKING ON IT I PROMISE
It's just....I made it longer than I had hoped for 👉👈
In the mean time, I humbly offer this one-shot I thought of the day I had conceived Orca. Ft. Patch
Theme - comedy
Orca put away his suit back in its rightful place in the lockers, the chatter of his coworkers filling the room as they ate their lunch.
"You heading out so soon, Orca?" One of his teammates asked, raising a brow in confusion.
"Well, that's unusual of you, did you finally find something better to do with your life?" The inkling joked, laughing slightly at himself as Orca simply rolled his eyes.
"I don't always work, ya know."
"Really? Could've fooled me!"
Orca slams his locker shut. "It doesn't matter what you think I do, I'm going out, I have a meeting with someone and I'm not the type to be late. Just don't screw yourself over and hop down a title again, I am not going to demote myself a 5th time this week."
"No promises, captain." His friend said, doing a mock salute at him and putting out his tongue playfully.
Orca gave him a small, playful glare before walking out. "See you guys."
"See ya!"
"Take care!"
"Don't let the small fries bite!"
And with that, he was out. He checked his phone for the coordinates to the location of their meet up, he struggled slightly to pin down exactly where it was but he eventually found it. It was small and a bit of a remote area but that wasn't all too important to him.
Orca pushed through and continued his way over to the front door, knocking on it and waiting for an answer.
"Coming!" A voice in the other side called out. It wasn't long until the door opened to reveal an inkling with short, messy and burnt cyan tentacles, just like one of his coworkers had described him. The door wasn't fully open yet, only half of his face was poking out, a suspicious glare on his face. "May I help you?"
Orca gulped slightly, sure, he'd be able to fight himself out of any danger, but that wasn't really his biggest worry, no, he was actually awful at socialising and he always got nervous around new people, which, as his friends had told him, made him have this awful glare that could scare anyone away and that was the last thing he wanted to do.
So he tried to put his best smile, which didn't seem to have worked as the inkling gave a slightly startled expression, he had been practicing his smile! It can't be that bad. "Hi, I came here because some of my colleagues at grizzco recommended you to me for new weapons?"
That seemed to have gotten his attention. The inkling opened his door a bit further, poking his head out and looking around. "Yeah, you're in the right place, been waiting for ya. Anyone else with you?"
Orca shook his head. "No, just me."
The other nodded and opened the door fully, stepping to the side to let him in. Orca looked around the small workshop curiously. "You can sit over that couch over there while I go get the weapons, I'll he quick."
The octoling nodded, having a tight grasp around the straps of his book bag over his shoulders as he walked to sit down.
The inkling, Patch, if Orca recalls his name correctly, walked off into another room, leaving the other to his thoughts. He was quick to become fidgety, looking around the quiet, empty room, he found himself becoming drowsy, which only made him panic further.
He could feel his heart beat and that wasn't good.
You see, he didn't really have a normal heartbeat, being a playtoy for the people underground, being sanitised had eventually become his fate. Even after removing most of the sanitisation, it had already taken affect on his body in many different ways besides just his appearance. His heart beaing one of them.
He barely had a pulse, he, for the longest time, though he didn't even have one until he had his first panic attack and felt something beat in his chest, which wasn't helpful because the sensation had been foreing to him, but that's besides the point, the pulse wasn't even that strong either, it was just an average pulse but to him his heart was going fast.
He isn't sure how he is even alive, his friends had reported that when he sleeps, he doesn't even have a pulse, he doesn't even breath, they thought he was dead the first, which is concerning. But he tries not to think too much about it, less he were go to the hospital for it.
He shivers at the thought.
It didn't help that he was already a pretty pale octoling and colder than the average octoling or inkling, what made it really worse was that he was a really heavy sleeper and would only wake up to very specific noises that woild kick in his fight or flight senses. In any case, he usually just tries to avoid sleeping around new people, sleepovers being a complete no go.
But he was just so tired. He hadn't had the chance to properly rest for the past couple of days now, or, more accurately, he hadn't let himself have the chance to properly rest, so really, his own fault here.
His eyes could barely stay open and he found himself catching his head from falling over every so often. Well, maybe he could just close his eyes for a little while, right? He won't sleep, just close his eyes as they felt like they were burning and it was becoming increasingly hard to keep them open, his already blurry vision going even more blurry despite him wearing his glasses.
So that's what he did, he leaned his back on the couch and closed his eyes, but he had underestimated how tired he was because as soon as he did he was out like a light.
"Hey, sorry for the wait, I was struggling to find the grizzco weapons since surprisingly not many people request for it." Patch chuckled as he walked back to the main room only to see his customer dead asleep on his couch.
"Huh, guess that job really does a number on someone, huh?" He chuckled to himself, putting the box of weapons over the table in the middle and walking up close to the other. His suspicions of the ocotking's job being exhausting was confirmed by the slight bags under his eyes, making his mask look bigger than it's supposed to.
He felt a little bit bad waking him up but they came here to do buisness, he could sleep afterwards once he was home. "Hey, wakey wakey, I got your weapons." Patch said, shaking his shoulders slightly, ignoring the other's freezing touch.
He didn't budge.
"Hey, dude, wake up. I know you're probably really tired but my workshop is not your bedroom." He shook him again but nothing.
"Hellooooo, anyone in there?" Patch knocked om his head, grabbed both of his shoulders and shook him, but no response.
Now the cold of the other’s skin felt like a burning stove as he felt himself start to panic, letting out a nervous laughter. "H-hey, c'mon now, this isn't funny."
Still nothing.
His mind blocked the fact that the other wasn't even breathing, he probably was just very weakly, some people do that, right? And quickly reached for his wrist, searching for a pulse, nothing, not there, not I'm his neck, placing a ear to his chest just to be sure but nothing.
He quickly stepped back, his hearts lodged in his throat, making it hard for him to breath, his ears ringing with the silence, making it almost unbearable. He found himself yelling just to fill that void. "AAAAAAHH OH MY COD, OH MY COD HE'S DEAD, HOLY FUCK."
He quickly placed a hand over his mouth and stomach, he felt sick like he could puke.
No way, no way that this guy just died, on his couch. "What do I do? What do I do!?" He found himself repeating that like a mantra, walking around in circles.
"Should I call the police? No, no, they'd investigate my workshop too, should I just bury his body? Does he have friends or family? Are they worried he's gone? Oh god, they probably don't even know."
He turned back to the body, still unmoving, he had to cover the evidence.
He ran back to the storage room and grabbed a shovel that he never found use for until now and ran back to the living room
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going a bit on films of jason sudeikis because i really just know him from comedies. hannah waddingham’s works on the other hand, a harder one to track down.
rewatched Horrible bosses and We’re the Millers and then watched for the first time Sleeping With Other People, Tumbledown, and Kodachrome. sometimes it really is the luck of the roles that gets you to spread your wings, huh. glad to see him in different roles. 
i liked Kodachrome best, story-wise and acting-wise. Even though the climax is predictable, it’s because of the clashing of Ed Harris and Jason’s characters as well as the intervention of Elizabeth Olsen’s character that make you want to look forward to that kind of a climax so that when it finally comes, it still leaves you emotional and hopeful. 
Tumbledown [SPOILER ALERT] was great for the symbolism, but I was still hoping for more interaction between the two leads before it led to where it did because I felt they were missing a pivotal moment where, yeah okay I cannot deny I’m into you - or maybe I just missed something that another viewer might think considers a scene as this moment. Regardless, I was drawn in. Jason’s look here by the way? Yeah okay yes I get it. I mean I REALLY get it. His look could trigger the transition from winter to spring.
With Sleeping With Other People it was the timing of the climax that I wished was different. I understand why they went for a slightly longer period but I mean c’mon the audience and the characters were there already and then everything was halted and delayed for it to sink in with the main characters what they knew all along. The guy had to realize what a ‘real’ relationship feels like while the girl had to believe she doesn’t need to be attached to someone anymore to enjoy life. I see it. I just think if the realization was a bit earlier, it would work fine too. 
now i want to sink my teeth into hannah waddingham’s filmography BUT MY GOLLY TED LASSO IS INDEED HER BREAK. i watched clips of hers from Sex Education as the mother of an aspiring swimmer and her small scenes were brilliant! Then there’s clips of her lovely singing in youtube and bits from Spamalot. Saw Hocus Pocus 2 for her and dammit was it short! F it why is theater work still not available on loan or something online. I. want. to. see. more. of. this. remarkable. woman. I’m trying to get a copy of Winter Ridge just to really see her in another role. Meanwhile, I’m gonna rewatch Ted Lasso and just marvel at her facial reactions all over again. Those microexpressions, mouth twitches, and expressive eyes are going to leave me in endless adoration of her - and will continue to thrive as I imagine her face while reading wonderful tedbecca fanfics. Every she’s included in gifs I make I love staring as it repeats because there’s just so much there to see. and anyway, WHERE IS SEASON 3!?
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remedywriter · 2 years
Till The End Of Time.
Issue 7.
A/N: Been a little busy. Sorry about the wait.
Warnings: none, much fluff.
Time went by and eventually Brooke started getting ready for her date that night with Captain America. Since they confirmed the event, Brooke had been up in the clouds with excitement. She had never been this excited over anything before. None the less over a guy. But this guy was different. Different than any other guy she had ever dated. Rather, different from ANYBODY she had ever met.
As she got ready to leave, Eddie tried to coach her about Captain America. Brooke truly just wanted to get to know Steve Rogers first, but Eddie couldn't help himself. He gave her a basic rundown of pretty muche every event that took place during the first year of the war. Even as a former soldier herself, she couldn't help but be amazed at all the stories.
After many, many stories, Brooke was finally ready for her date. She didn't dress too fancy. She just wore a nice dress with some brown boots. She was excited and very happy. It hadn't even been a full day since they had last seen each other, yet Brooke couldn't wait to be in his presence once again, and Brooke didn't know that the feeling was mutual. Steve was also looking forward to the date with much anticipation.
The two met at the restaurant and sat down at a table. The comedy show that was going on wasn't really that funny. The comedian laughed at his own jokes more than anybody else in the audience did. He was slightly obnoxious as well. Steve felt a little awkward about it. It was his idea to come here. Sam had told him that he went there a few weeks ago, but that the comedians switched out every so many days. He hoped that the guy performing that night didn't ruin the date for Brooke. But she didn't seem to mind that much. She kept making her own jokes about the comedian.
"I honestly can't tell if this guy is funny or not. I can't hear him over the sound of the guy behind us snoring." She giggled. "I wonder if they're hiring. I would love to go up on a stage and mumble three words in between fake laughter. Not to mention getting paid for it."
Steve chuckled. "I thought you like your job."
"I do. At least I'm good at it." Brooke said. "I do like it though. I like the thrill and excitement of it all. But I also get to help people. It's the perfect job. For me at least."
"I agree. Helping people has always been important to me. Even back when I was too small to help myself." Steve answered.
"So my cousin told me about a mission you went on back in the forties." Brooke began. "He said you were supposed to be on a tour to sell war bonds, but you ran away to rescue the men of the 107th regiment. The ones who were taken by Red Skull. Is it true?"
Steve got all embarrassed and started blushing. "Yeah, it's true. My friend was in the 107th. I thought he was dead. It turned out he was alive and had been taken and experimented on."
"You saved him?" Brooke asked. "Did you guys stay friends throughout the war?"
"Yeah. Well, he, um..." Steve trailed off, trying to find a way to explain things. "He died. Before I went into the ice."
Brooke was silent for a moment. Her happy mood quickly changed to one of sympathy. "I'm so sorry. I know what it's like to lose friends in war. You go back home and they don't. Sometimes you wish it had been you, and that they could've lived."
"More than you think." Steve sighed. "He was my best friend. Since we were little kids. We grew up together. Bucky was always there to try and stop me from getting into fights with people we both knew would kick my butt. We were on a mission. During the war. We were on a train. He was about to fall off. I couldn't get to him in time. I couldn't save him."
"It wasn't your fault." Brooke reassured him, sweetly. "Speaking of friends, how did you and Buckh meet? I know I asked before when I was questioning you about him being H.Y.D.R.A., sorry about that by the way, but I don't think you actually told me?"
Steve didn't mean to let out a little snort. He took a moment before answering to think of what to say. "We umm... we met not too long after I came out of the ice. He helped me adjust. He's a good friend."
"I'm glad you have people helping you adjust. I couldn't imagine waking up one day and finding it's been seventy years." Brooke said. "But at least there's some things that are better."
"The internet has been very useful. I've been trying to catch up on 'classic movies' that came out years after I 'died'. But it's not so bad." Steve explained. "Some of the people are pretty nice too."
Brooke blushed. "I'd say something nice about you, but I'm not good with words. I'd probably end up saying something stupid like you have a very balanced face."
Steve laughed. "Thank you?"
"Exactly." Brooke shook her head. "I'll get better. I promise." 'Can't get worse.' She thought to herself.
"It's the thought that counts." Steve smiled.
By the end of their date, both were satisfied. Both had a good time, and both were looking forward to their next encounter.
Brooke went home and tried to get some rest. It was hard with Eddie asking questions every five minutes, but she still managed to go to sleep in the end.
The next morning, Brooke woke up and started her day like she would any other day. She didn't have any more cases to work on. She figured it would just be an easy day.
After Brooke had just finished breakfast, she got a phone call from Steve. She was happy to be hearing from him.
"Hey, what's up?" Brooke asked.
"I need your help." Steve replied, in what sounded like almost a panicked tone.
"Ok, what's wrong?" She questioned.
There was a brief pause over the line.
"Bucky's missing."
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timegears-moved · 11 months
totk rant anon here once again! i see that you completed the dlc and got to the final cutscene with that other really sweet revali moment, which naturally i also love a lot. revali confirmed best babysitter!
also i feel like with this + the earlier cutscene, the dlc kind of recontextualizes what teba says to revali at the end of the main story, and i just think that's neat.
(teba, having watched the Great Master Revali Himself sit perfectly still for 8 hours straight because there was a small child sleeping on him: "this has been... enlightening.")
on a slightly different note, i know it's a bit late for a follow-up to the previous ask i sent, but just in case you haven't yet refreshed your memory on revali's original dialogue for the windblight intro in botw, the main points are:
-tells link to be careful, same as in the localization. though interestingly enough, he has dialogue warning link to keep his guard up a bit earlier, once link has activated all terminals, which DID actually get lost in localization. every other champion gives link a subtle warning ahead of time but for some reason only revali's was removed in translation (replaced by "flap to it!" which... doesn't really convey the impending danger as effectively, i feel.)
-"100 years ago i let my guard down/got careless and was killed by that thing ganon created." this is localized as the "only because i was winging it" line.
-states that while he'd rather not have to say this, he's counting on link to take revenge for him. notably, unlike in the localization, he does not use link's name here. in his original dialogue, he only calls link by name once in botw: at the end of his cutscene with medoh where he acknowledges link as the key to defeating ganon. with that in mind it's interesting that aoc revali addresses link by name from fairly early on (which is ALSO changed in the localization in That One Cutscene. make up your minds people!) perhaps a slight hint that this version of revali already acknowledges link and is just too tsundere to admit it?? who knows.
also you mentioned the "just a scratch" line from aoc so i feel obligated to mention that that's actually one of the most bafflingly hilarious localization choices i've seen, because. what he says originally. is more along the lines of "damnit!" and i really want to know who it was that came to the conclusion that the best way to translate that into english would be to have him say literally the exact opposite. it's not exactly out of character for him to try and brush off the danger he's in (though he does seem to be a bit more honest with himself when he's alone), but it's still. the complete opposite of the sentiment his original dialogue conveyed. and that's really funny to me.
WAIT SORRY IF IVE ANSWERED THIS LATE???? idk when you sent this but it literally just appeared in my inbox????? thanks tumblr for keeping me from my revali enrichment 🙄
YEAH I THOUGHT ABOUT THAT. the dlc makes that part of the ending soo much better. like seeing the revali is actually sweet and a big softie underneath his bravado is a lot nicer than just teba going oh he's a cunt actually.
omg yay i love learning more about how the english translation sucks. a lot of it just comes across as the translation team not wanting to acknowledge certain aspects just to exaggerate his dickishness or for comedy. i think revali making himself out to be very cool while also making stupid bird puns is ridiculous and wonderful and i love it but i wouldn't sacrifice genuine more meaningful parts of him for them.
the way the japanese version had revali not call link by his name until he could accept link as the better warrior is so small but says so much and it's just not as impactful in the english version?? like this is literally a plot point in the tp manga with midna not calling link by his name and when she finally does it establishes a turning point in their relationship and it means so much there, so i wish they kept it here. him using his name is aoc is interesting though. it's like some days he wakes up and decides to be a tsundere and other times not sjhdjdj.
LMAO i suppose it's an attempt??? at trying to get his character???? like they obviously can see that his attitude is a front. also that reminds me of how teba also says dammit in botw and who is letting these birds swear in these nintendo games.
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