#(answer: it did not and she is faking it heroically)
jyou-no-sonoko19 · 2 years
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dantakeyoman · 2 years
I would reallyy love if you could write about how when the Sully family reaches the new tribe all of the Metkayina girls are trying really hard to get Neteyam to notice them (Cause you know he's the oldest, a good warrior and is gonna be a leader soon) but they dont know he already has a mate and the reader gets jealous. So neteyam has to comfort her and when she realizes she is being silly and has nothing to worry about...this one metkayina girl really pushes it....(im talking getting touchy with neteyam, always finding ways to get him alone and is rude to the reader) and she loses her absolute shit and you can decide what she does but i want it to be very possessive like behavior😏 sorry this is long😅
Metkayina Girls Start Falling At Neteyam's Feet and You, His Mate, Get Jealous (SFW)
Reader is Fem! Omaticaya
CW: a story of jealousy with aa twist, these girls are really shameless, Kiri and Lo'ak duo, sorry im posting so late, my stomach actually really hurts rn, but not writing for so long has been driving me crazy, anyway, enjoy <3 ( i barfed in my mouth a little bit writing some of this cringey shit )
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"Humans?! That must've been so scary for you! What happened next?" Leyelu asked as she stretched, laying herself stomach-down in the sand in front of Neteyam, batting her eyelashes.
"Yeah, did you fight them? I'm sure you did, since you are such a strong warrior," Nayat smiled, scooching her seat closer to the boy.
"Um...well, I didn't-." "Impossible. I can imagine you swooping in and saving your family. All heroic-like," Srraza smirked, openly raking her eyes up and down Neteyam's body, not caring how uncomfortable he looked.
Their shameless display made you want to vomit, and possibly scream, at the same time.
There were a total of three girls. Leyelu, Nayat, and Srraza. And all were practically throwing themselves at Neteyam.
It had been about a week and some change since you and the Sullys arrived at Awa'atlu. And every day, without fail, these girls managed to tail Neteyam, following him and showering him in praise whenever they could.
You hadn't had not two seconds alone with him before one of them, or all three, came barging in with some fake excuse of a heavy basket they needed help lifting or a boat they needed help loading.
You knew Neteyam never entertained their advances, and were thankful for it.
But being his mate, you couldn't help but feel frustrated. (and maybe a little jealous)
"If you scowl any harder, it's going to become permanent," Kiri playfully warned, your face amusing her.
"Are you alright?"
"I'm fine," you curtly answered, tearing your eyes away from the scene angrily.
"Yes. I'm fine is stretched tightly across your face right now," Lo'ak smirked from his spot in the sand, hands behind his head as he subathed.
"(y/n), I hope you know that Neteyam would never-." "I know," you sighed, already guessing what Kiri was going to say.
"I trust Neteyam completely. It's just-."
You couldn't finish the sentence. It was embarrassing.
"Just what?" Lo'ak asked, ears perking in intrigue.
"Give her a minute," Kiri shushed, smacking him in the arm, earning an annoyed ow! from the boy.
"It's not that I'm scared Neteyam will leave me. It is just...I don't see why he won't," you started, staring down at your feet in shame.
Kiri and Lo'ak both whipped their heads towards you in disbelief, their expressions contorting into ones of confusion.
"What the hell are you talking about?" Lo'ak asked, confused.
"Lo'ak!" Kiri scolded.
She was thinking the same thing, but he could've been a little easier on the delivery.
"Look at them," you sighed, holding out your hand to the girls, who were still fake listening to Neteyam's story.
"Leyelu's father is one of the best hunters in the clan, only second to Tonowari. Nayat's mother is incredibly skilled on the loom, who is now teaching Nayat everthing she knows. For Eywa's sake, Srraza is studying under Ronal to be a healer."
The brother ans sister's expressions slowly softened, the meaning behind your words now coming to light.
"You are the best dancer the Omaticaya have ever seen. And the best the Metkayina have seen, as well," Kiri tried to comfort, a warm smile on her face.
"Oh, yes, because dancing can help me hunt for food. And dancing can help me make clothes. Let's not forget, it can help me heal as well," you sarcastically agreed, snippy.
Kiri sighed.
She didn't take it to heart, not one bit. She understood your frustration.
"They all have spent their years learning skills that can be of use, be important. All I have to show for mine are a couple of dance moves."
Lo'ak looked like he wanted to say something, but decided against it until you were finished.
"And the best part of it is they are all gorgeous, the most sought after girls in this village. And I'm just...me."
Kiri felt her heart ache.
She had no idea you had been feeling this way this whole time.
She thought it was just a small case of jealousy. But it seemed to be much deeper than that.
"So, no. I'm not frustrated or scared of Neteyam leaving me. I am frustrated and scared because he has every reason to."
You turned back to the scene, only to see Leyelu resting her hands on Neteyam's chest, leaning into his face.
"Hey, Neteyam. Have you ever given thought to who could possibly be your mate?" she asked with a smirk, peering up at him through her beautiful eyelashes.
It was as if you didn't even exist.
"(y/n), wai-." But you ignored Kiri, abruptly standing up, not wanting to watch the scene any longer.
"Dammit, (y/n)! Sit down and look," Lo'ak groaned, roughly pulling you back down and turning your face to watch Neteyam.
"Do not touch me," Neteyam sternly ordered, grabbing the girl's wrists and pulling her hands of him, harshly.
"I know that you know I already have a mate. And you trying to make advances on me while knowing that is incredibly disrespectful."
The girls were giving him puppy dog eyes, as if that would guilt him into stopping.
It made you gag.
"I do not appreciate how you've been disregarding (y/n) this entire week. Especially when she has done nothing to you."
"That's exactly the point. She does nothing. She is just there with you. You two do not even act like mates," Srraza scoffed, rolling her eyes.
"That is true. I never see you two hug, or kiss, or embrace each other romantically at all," Nayat agreed.
"Because any time I get alone with her is interrupted by you three!" Neteyam exclaimed, annoyed.
His sudden burst shocked you.
You didn't know he felt this.
"I only get time to myself every once in a while, and I like to spend it with (y/n). But ever since I've gotten here, you three have used every mean under the sun to keep that from happening. For Eywa's sake, that was what I was on my way to do now before you all came along!"
"But why? She doesn't hunt, she doesn't loom, she doesn't heal, she can't even carry a tune. She's boring, plain. Why would you willingly want to spend time with her?" Leyelu asked, cocking an eyebrow s she crossed her arms.
"That's why you look like a dead fish, bitch!" Lo'ak loudly called, making you and Kiri die in snickers.
The girl whipped around, glaring daggers at the boy.
"Lo'ak!" Kiri tried to scold, but couldn't through her laughter.
"It's true! If her eyes were any farther apart, she'd be able to see the back of her head," he huffed.
You were his friend. And he didn't like people talking shit about you.
Meanwhile, Neteyam was using every ounce of his strength to not bare his teeth at the girl.
"I don't care about what she can't do. I love what she can. She's a phenomenal dancer, and has forgotten more moves than you three will ever learn. She's funny, she's kind, she's caring, the farthest thing from boring. And her beauty makes the three of you look like a patch wet sand. I am lucky to call her my mate, and if you all would excuse me, I'm going to spend the rest of the day with her," Neteyam angrily corrected, pushing past them and walking towards you.
And as he drew closer, you smiled, wider than you had in a while.
You felt foolish for thinking he could do better than you.
Especially after he just confessed that he believed he could do no better than you.
It made you feel happy, and loved, and secure in your relationship.
There was no one that could take your place because you were the place, and the only one who could ever be it.
And now knowing that fact, sent you over the moon.
taglist !!
@vane28282, @remutoast, @p1nkprint, @ladyorchidia, @anthonys-viscountess, @karmz-7319, @cantbuysophialove, @scarabruhs, @an0th3rsss, @deloe18, @mariiyoushi, @av1xar, @alexxcorona113, @may-and-lay, @overlyfancybreakfastfoods, @harshita-hiranyamayi, @qui-02, @myheartfollower, @morks-watermelon, @bangtanxberm, @adavenus, @sweetdayme4427, @lilac13, @torchbearerkyle, @dazedshoon, @rovckwell, @wonieee, @0710khj, @multifandomreader73, @kadu-5607, @la-cey, @roseazura, @sophiejiro, @angelbeari, @bludyl
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poppitron360 · 3 months
“Trust me, Hephaestus cabin doesn’t see fire powers as cool. Nyssa told me that they’re super rare. When a demigod like me comes around bad things happen. Really bad.”
“Maybe it’s the other way around,” Jason suggested. “Maybe people with special gifts show up when bad things are happening because that’s when they’re needed most.”
Leo cleared away the plates. “Maybe. But I’m telling you… It’s not always a gift.”
Jason fell silent. “You’re talking about your mom, aren’t you? The night she died.”
Leo didn’t answer. He didn’t have to. The fact that he was quiet, not joking around- that told Jason enough.
“Leo, her death wasn’t your fault. Whatever happened that night- it wasn’t because you could summon fire. This Dirt Woman, whoever she is, has been trying to ruin you for years, mess up your confidence, take away everything you care about. She’s trying to make you feel like a failure. You’re not. You’re important.”
“That’s what she said,” Leo looked up, his eyes full of pain. “She said I was meant to do something important- something that would make or break that big prophecy about the seven demigods. That’s what scares me. I don’t know if I’m up to it.”
Jason wanted to tell him that everything would be all right, but it would’ve sounded fake. Jason didn’t know what would happen. They were demigods, which meant sometimes things didn’t end okay. Sometimes you got eaten by the Cyclops.
“The Lost Hero” Pg. 285-286.
Told Leo he was needed
Was able to see through the mask of the jokes
Told Leo his mom’s death wasn’t his fault
Told him that Gaea was only doing it to get inside his head and that he shouldn’t blame himself (FACTS)
Told him he wasn’t a failure
Told him he was important
Wanted to tell him everything would be alright
Generally just listened and was there for him and made himself a safe place where Leo could open up and be vulnerable
Earlier in this scene he also told him his powers were cool and that he wasn’t a freak.
Is too pure for this world
Several times throughout the book he comments on how awesome Leo is and how hard he’s working
Is an amazing boyfriend best friend to Leo
What did Calypso do?:
Yelled at him
Threw stuff at him
Told him she didn’t want him because he didn’t look as “Heroic” as Percy or Odysseus
Made him sleep outside
Probably a lot more that I’ve forgotten about
Just generally treats him like shit
And that’s only HoH- I’m still reading BoO
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cosmos-coma · 7 months
My Sun, My Star- Epilogue
A/N: Hello! This is just a short little scene I thought would be sweet! Thank you all so much for the wonderful comments and reblogs and a BIG THANK YOU for the astounding 130+ followers I gained from this series alone! You guys are wonderful!!
Pairing: Bucky x Reader / Winter soldier!Bucky x Reader
Words: 665
Warnings: None! just fluff :)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Bucky Masterlist
Buy me a Coffee?
“Come on- let us see..!” Sam urged as he tried to peer around the Soldier’s broad shoulders, only for your Star to turn his back on him again. Even Natasha was trying to get in on the fun and see her honorary niece. She had a mission to become the coolest aunt on the team and she had to start right away to get ahead of the others.
“No.” The Winter Soldier simply answered, easily side-stepping and maneuvering around their advances.
He was too busy staring down at your daughter Selene’s little sleeping face. He had barely wanted to give her up since she arrived a day ago and refused to let her go for anyone who was not yourself. You only smiled and shook your head. You knew he was just trying to soak up his time with her while he still could. 
But this time you didn’t feel sad as you knew the end of his time was drawing near. Your eyes did not pool with tears and your voice did not quiver because in the short weeks before your pregnancy came to a close you and Bucky had been talking. You wanted to see how he felt about maybe letting the Winter Soldier out a little more often, or perhaps just not pushing back quite as hard when he needed him. It didn’t have to be for days or weeks on end, but something to make sure he didn’t get lost in the background again, to make sure he knew he had people waiting for him. And while you and Bucky hadn’t actually gotten around to making a firm agreement you’d like to see him try to deny you after today. Between giving birth in a safe house and the heroic actions of the former assassin, you don’t think he’d have the heart to say no to your request.
“Y/n, tell your boyfriend I want to see the newest member of the team…” Sam turned to you with defeat written in his frown as he failed to get a good look. 
“And I need to become the cool aunt before Wanda gets a chance to show off her magic,” Natasha chimed in as she tried to fake him out- it didn’t work.
You held your hands up, “I’m afraid it’s out of my hands guys… You’ll just have to wait your turn like everyone else.”
“Wow… and here I thought we were friends,” Sam joked as he shook his head before going back in for a few more tries. 
“And to think I made you my famous pancakes…” 
You laughed as they were blocked at every turn, it honestly didn’t even look like the Soldier was trying too hard either. Still, Your heart shone rays of joy as you laid back in the comfy chair of the tower, enjoying the entertainment before you as you took your own time to soak up moments with your beloved star. 
On the way back from the safe house you had told him about the talks that you and Bucky had. You could see before he even said a word that he was beyond excited to know he would see both of you again. The way his eyes widened ever so slightly, the way the corners of his mouth fought beyond their better judgment to crack a smack smile, his expression said it all. You reminded him that nothing had been settled yet, but he couldn’t care less about that, he just had only one request:
“Yes, my star?”
He smiled, a little less awkward now as he gained practice, “Promise me you’ll take photos when I’m not there, okay?” he looked down at her as he spoke, his hopeful smile shining down as she lay in your arms, “Promise me that I’ll still get to be a part of every single moment, okay?”
Your heart melted and you smiled softly, “Of course, My Star… You’ll be with us every step of the way.”
Bucky Taglist:
@writingmysanity@simpxinnie@goldylions@mirtaqueen@blackhawkfanatic@mcira@aagn360@nialiuwanderlust@waywardhunter95 @hsllfirescoops
Thanks to everyone who wanted to be tagged this chapter! If you want to be added to the general Bucky taglist please DM me!
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bumblebeesfromvenus · 3 months
Taunting Ghosts 👻
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Two idiots go ghost hunting, and it backfires. That's it. TW: bad jokes.
I know it looks scary, but I promise it's not. I was cracking myself up while writing it lmao
The ask is here!
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"Did we really have to fly all the way to fuck-knows-where in Spain for this?" Leon groaned in annoyance, one hand stuffed in his pocket, the other holding a flashlight as the both of you made your way deeper into the woods.
You rolled your eyes.
"I don't know if you know this, but ghosts don't exactly have a knack for phones. Or international flights."
He grumbled something illegible in response, continuing to follow you.
Ghosts, spirits, demons and the like had always spiked your interests. The ever wavering question whether there was an afterlife pulled at your brain. You thought maybe you'd convert to a religion to have your question answered, but never in a million years did you think you'd pick up ghost hunting.
It's a fickle thing, ghost hunting. The large amount of fake content for views made it hard to decide whether you wanted to believe in entities or not. You had to try for yourself. To quench the thirst for knowledge.
That's how you ended up here. In a deep woods in rural Spain, searching for evidence that the biggest local legend was ,in fact, not just a story.
It had huge impacts on the superstitious locals, keeping them from the heart of the forest.
It's said that an ancient cult inhabited these woods, performing rituals and sacrifices to appease their God.
All that is known about the cult is that they called themselves "Los Illuminados" and often used insect and hive imagery. A swarm that could only survive together. Should even the smallest fly fall out of line, it would mean the terrible demise of the entire cult.
The reason why you were here, however, was to investigate a particular event that supposedly occurred.
The cult craved more influence, their following never enough for the ambitious leader. In an attempt to gain followers, they took the daughter of the chief with the biggest village.
They'd planned to indoctrinate her and send her back, hoping she'd influence her father enough to teach their ways. The girl, however, was resistant and fought them every step of the way. In the end, to spare them any more trouble, they sacrificed the poor girl.
It's said that she stumbles aimlessly around the woods, crying and weeping to find her way back home. Uncanny wails have been reported by the locals, saying they came deep from the forest. Not only that, but low moans and groans that shook the trees supposedly stemmed from the followers, patrolling the woods in search of their leader who had abonded them for his own selfish reasons.
Leon gave you an unimpressed look as you told the story.
"A bug cult? That kidnaps people? A bug cult?" He asked skeptically, his brows raised.
You huffed, shoving at his arm.
"It's not a bug cult. They were firm believers of the hivemind. Although I think they took that a tad bit too literal." You answered, your nose scrunching up.
As much as Leon didn't believe in any of this ghost crap, he did enjoy your little adventures. Even if they were at night after you'd dragged him to some abondend asylum or something of the sort. He loved seeing you so passionate. Your belief also meant that you had immense
respect for ghosts and spirits, which ended up with you being very jumpy and scared at times. Leon didn't mind. He could play the heroic protector, having his arms wide open for you to shield you from any evil. He indulged you, too.
Going along with your theories and agreeing with you when the all common question of 'did you hear that?' inevitably came up.
He was a good boyfriend, after all. The best, actually. Always insisting he carry your bag filled with all of your gadgets and devices.
From spirit boxes over candles, salt, and bundled herbs to thermal cameras and Ouija boards. It was all safely stored in the backpack slung over his shoulder.
Dry sticks and leaves crunched under your shoes as you went deeper into the forest, illuminating the way with your flashlight.
You stopped in your tracks and turned around to face Leon.
"Oh, would you do me a favor and take this a little bit seriously? I don't need angered spirits on my plate, too."
"I don't what you're talking about, babe. I'm like a super legit ghost hunter." He scoffed jokingly.
You rolled your eyes, but the hint of a smile that tugged at your lips wasn't missed by him. Leon held his flashlight in all different directions, taking in the woods.
"You know, this is actually a pretty good spot if you wanted to start a cult." He mumbled.
You perked up, eagerly turning to face him once again.
"How so?"
"It's isolated enough so you won't be discovered, but it's not too far away that it would cause significant suspicion if a group of people would come from here. Either to indoctrinate or potential supply runs. It has some memorable spots, something that would help with remembering the way but would be of no meaning to outsiders." He explained.
Your face lit up as you listened to him carefully.
"That's fascinating-"
"Oh, and the bone crosses that were hung up on trees that I've been keeping track of."
Your expression fell.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
After Leon had gotten an earful from you, you were heavily fixated on the bone ornaments he'd mentioned.
He led you to one, shining the light on it. You examined it, pulling out a little book and putting down a quick sketch of it.
The ivory, although darkened and withered, stood out against the dark and rough bark of the tree.
"You said you saw more of these?" You asked in a mumble, eyes trained on the bone in front of you.
"Yep. All along the path we went down."
"Interesting... Oh! What if they used them as-
"-trail markers?" Leon smirked, watching as you grumbled something about him being a know-it-all little shit.
"But it's brilliant! A clear sign for the followers but due to the beliefs of the locals, none of them would've dared to step past a tree marked with a bone cross..." you mumbled in amazement, a smile spreading on your face.
Leon smiled at you adoringly.
"My clever little know-it-all." He teased with a grin which earned him a huff and you sticking out your tongue at him.
You gazed a little longer upon your, well Leon's discovery, a strange and eerie aura making it hard to avert your eyes. Leon mirrored your actions, not taking his eyes off it as a silence fell between the both of you.
A gentle breeze was combing through the thick canopy of leaves, their rustling the only sound echoing through the woods.
After a moment, Leon broke said silence.
"Should I touch it? I kinda wanna touch it."
Your eyes widened, and your head snapped towards him. "Leon, no, no do not touch the-"
"I'm gonna touch it."
"NO, Leon, don't you dare touch that cross-"
Your warnings were for naught as his hand was already reaching out. Before you had any chance to stop him, his fingertips came dangerously close to brushing against the bone.
He couldn't make contact with the cross, however, because just as he was millimeters from touching it, it fell to the ground.
You let out a loud shriek, startled, your hand slapping over your mouth. Leon flinched slightly but regained his composure quickly.
He had to hold back a snort at your reaction, instead deciding to wrap his arms around you from behind and pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
"It's alright, sweetheart." He murmured into your hair.
"I swear to god, if we're cursed now I'll kick your ass." You said sharply, staring at the now broken pieces of bone that somehow still formed a cross as they laid scattered on the ground.
Leon scoffed.
"We're not cursed. Besides, I'll protect you from any evil spirits."
Your expression softened and your heart swelled. How sweet of him. Ever the hero, putting your safety first-
"I've watched all the Ghostbusters movies."
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Despite the chill and unsettling feeling that sat deep in the pit of your stomach, you refused to give up your search quite yet.
You followed the markers even deeper into these haunted woods, hoping you'd find something at the end.
And find something you did. It was a large clearing, the moon fitting perfectly into the space of the trees when you looked up at the sky.
It was like they split just for her, asking for her light to shine down on them.
"Wow, look at this.." You beamed quietly, turning in every which direction.
What stopped your gazing was a large stone structure resembling an altar. It had a symbol carved into its front, only barely visible as it was obscured by moss and weathering.
"Oh shit, so they were real..." Leon mumbled, walking closer as he inspected the altar.
"There's always a bit of truth to a legend!" You smiled, pulling out your sketch book to draw the symbol, or what you could see of it.
You made sure to faintly sketch in any cracks and scratches. You wouldn't miss anything on this. You wouldn't let yourself.
"Ha! What did I tell you?" Leon beamed, breaking into a laugh as he pointed at something on the altar.
"It is a bug cult!"
There was a small colony of insects huddled together in the middle of the stone table.
"It is not a bug cult." You replied, unimpressed.
"What are you talking about? That one is clearly preaching a sermon." He argued with a serious tone, gesturing at one of the bugs being proped up on a small rock.
You looked at each other for a beat before Leon started cackling.
"He's not- it's an insect!" You tried to stay serious, but the idea of a tiny cockraoch indoctrinating even tinier cockroaches had made a mental picture appear in your brain.
It didn't take long before you, too, were in tears of laughter.
"Can- Can you imagine him having a robe and a little staff and everything?!" You wheezed, holding your stomach as your combined laughter bounced off the trees and into the night.
Leon was doubled over, steadying himself on the altar. You were gasping for air at that point, trying to calm you nerves with deep breathes. Your mistake was looking over at Leon when you'd thought you'd calmed down, only making the two of you break into another fit of laughter.
You were wiping tears from your lashline, inhaling sharply, determined to finally get it together again when you noticed streaks of deep crimson running down Leon's arm.
"Oh my god!" You gasped, rushing over to him.
"What the hell happened?! Are you okay." You asked frantically, inspecting his hand for any cuts or other injuries while wiping away the blood with your shirt.
Leon didn't move, only staring at his bloodied hand.
"Sweetheart..." he said lowly, making you look up at him with a concerned look and furrowed brows.
"This..." he swallowed before continuing," this isn't my blood." Leon stated quietly, keeping eye contact with you.
"What? But how could-" you chuckled breathily, your gaze drifting to his hand.
Your eyes widened as they fell to his arm that you were clutching, not a scratch in sight.
You looked back up at him with parted lips.
"Oh crap."
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I hope it made you laugh at least a lil bit :D
More of my works -> 💫
《taglist》: @vampkennedy @dmitriene @k-fallingstar @argreion @leonslittlekennedy @allysunny
lmk if you want to be added to my Leon taglist!
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threepandas · 3 months
Your Biggest Fan: Part 2
-Villian Yandere Izuku-
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Did you know his Hero~ was blacklisted at twenty-six different agencies, for publicly calling them out on Quirkist policies they refused to change? The most recent was for blatant mutation Quirk discrimination. The lead hero not only ignored it! He PARTICIPATED! She blasted it EVERYWHERE~
He's going to lose his license.
There are entire CITIES where she's not welcome. Agencies that won't answer her calls. Step after stubborn step, ever forward, as she stands the only thing between the SUFFERING, the WEAK, and the endless SEWAGE that spews and spews their hate! Ah~♡
She's so COOL~♡
Her costume's super practical, you know? She got it designed over seas! You can really see the western influences! They like focus on protection first, THEN Quirk. Instead of the other way around! Not like the Japanese. We also focus on marketability when designing, where as she went into a tax funded Heroics system for her education.
It makes her look INTIMIDATING. Foreign. Vaguely militaristic. Ha ha! As though that's not what Heros ARE! What they have BECOME! But not Her~ oh no, no no no, SHE took their tools and made KINDNESS out of it!
Safe parks to play in! Eco-friendly lighting for roads at night! Donating time and money to old pre-quirk cultural heritage sites. So she can help preserve history and traditions! Because before Quirks? We were still PEOPLE. Our past is IMPORTANT.
Community and kindness, mercy and... and...!
He whines. Squirms in his chair. So cool! SO COOL~♡!
It's so hard to keep his hands to himself. To keep them respectful. He shouldn't-! He CAN'T-! But... ah~ look at how REGAL she looks! And in THIS photo? She looks so soft and kind? Giving a speech to kids~ He wishes it was him. He would listen for HOURS. It'd be amazing.
He bet he could ask SO many questions! And... and she'd answer ALL of them! She'd be so happy to have an active listener. Someone engaged. Attentive. He'd remember ALL her talking points and ask after each one~ They'd talk for HOURS. P-probably get thirsty. She notice the time.
Go "ah, look at the time, Izuku-chan! It's been so long! Getting so LATE! But I still want to talk to you! We should get dinner." And he'd say YES, of course!
He can't resist anymore. The thoughts, his fantasy, too much to endure. His eyes flick from photo to photo. Not enough, not yet, but soon... so they WILL be. He'll get MORE. Right now... right now he needs... ah! There. Graduation. Formal dress.
He can pretend it's a date~♡
All dressed up, just... just to meet HIM! He can barely breath at the thought. The audacity of it. She would NEVER. B..But he could dream, right? No one needs to know. What he IMAGINES. What he thinks about as his hands unbuckle his belt, drag his pants down and open wide.
Runs hands across his skin, up under his shirt and vest, down and across where he wants it most, like he's EXPLORING. Like he's someone else. Someone with gentle, powerful, hands. His back arches, hips lift, but he refuses to stop his teasing. He wants to be rough. Would want HER to be rough.
She would refuse him.
He... he just KNOWS she would. Would tell him everyone else has been rough enough. Their first time should be gentle~♡ Ah~
She would grind the tip until he couldn't STAND it, just like he is. Listen to him babble and beg. Hips bucking in her grip. Begging her to let him WORSHIP her. To slide to his knees between her legs and never come out. Use his tounge and his fingers to make HER feel good. Make her MELT. Over and over, forever~
Just the thought of it has him spilling into the fist of his hand. All but milking himself dry. It's not enough. His body rides the aftershocks of pleasure and still... drinking in HER, plastered up all around his desk, brought up on his screen, it's not ENOUGH.
He needs audio. Videos. Enough for that high end deep fake program he had made. He... he could make her say ANYTHING. The thought sends a sharp, shuddering, jolt of pleasure through him. He could have SO MANY videos of their dates and... and intimate moments and casual conversations! All before he gets the courage up to TALK to her!
It's perfect~♡
Like a scrapbook of their lives to come! W-well, a FANTASY scrap book... Cool as she is? Busy as she is? She probably doesn't even have TIME to date. And what could a deku like him even OFFER? But... but ah~♡
He can DREAM can't he?
Look out for her, like she looks out for everyone else?
He's her number one FAN! They didn't talk for very long... but he can already TELL. He IS. She's the BEST. And she's gonna be his number one too~
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ranbling · 2 months
Thank you for answering my ask! You mentioned something I (somehow) forgot to mention, the fact that yea the reason why Chase’s dad gets more focus in the fandom is simply because we not only get to actually see him but also that Chase directly expresses anger towards him. I am curious tho as to why his mum gets barely any mentions though? Like you’ve said it seems like we don’t even get to hear her name. If we were to interpret it as an “artistic choice” let’s say, I guess it could be read as him just blocking out those memories, or like I’ve sort of mentioned in my last ask, Chase seeing blaming her failures on his father leaving, which is why he’s more upset at his fathers actions than at his mothers (because admitting that only one parent failed you is much less painful than admitting that both of them did. But that is another story.) I’ve also seen somewhere that he’s got a sister? Which  I’m guessing also isn’t that explored on, as I also didn’t see any name or trace of her. Kind of a shame because I think that just adds another layer to his family background  and upbringing.
To summarise: Chase got strong daddy issues, Chase got even stronger mommy issues(potentially)
So, I think Chase as a character is very secretive about things that matter. He makes up heroic stories to flirt with girls, has a whole fake reason as to why he wanted to become a doctor, but doesn't really talk about his personal things. He only opens up to the kid with the alcoholic mom to help, he tells the nun about the seminary school, but the team does not know about it and he only talks even about his father when he literally shows up and Chase can't avoid talking about him. His mom on the other hand is dead and had been for a long time. I can't remember if we know exactly how old Chase was when she died (or if it was even mentioned) but he wasn't even an adult yet. It's in the past and I do think Chase is chosing to just... not focus on it. His mom was an alcholic, she is dead now and it's easier to just not bring her up
So yep, I def think he blames his mom alcholism on his dad leaving (and possibly cheating on his mom) and it's just easier for him. He left and everything is his fault and the fact that both of his parents failed him can be blamed on Rowan
Also, his sister gets brought up in s8, but it's just a little mention and I'm not there yet in my rewatch and honestly I can't even remember what they said about her. I know she is much younger than Chase, so that's another trauma
other explanation of why it's not really brought up: it's the House show and the other characters' past is not really relevant to the show, so they only give us little snippets to get some kind of backstory, but don't expand on it
Also I'm really enjoying your thoughts, so thank you for sending these asks!!
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toweringclam · 9 months
Harrow Nova's mental illness
Harrowhark's mental illness is such a vital part of her character and I think any AU that doesn't address that is Doing It Wrong. However, under different circumstances, her issues would likely manifest in different ways. But how? As is, it's somewhat difficult (by design) to pin down what exactly her delusions are, since most of them have some material support in the story, and I think that's very important to Harrow Nova.
Basically, everything she sees and believes should have enough support in the story itself that it becomes difficult or even impossible to truly separate what is true from what isn't. Vibes only here. Like does Harrowhark have a truly special relationship with Alecto? Probably not, actually. Alecto loves everyone, and she loves with teeth. That sort of thing.
So what are Harrow Nova's delusions? Granted we're working with a very tiny sample here but I think the answer is clear:
Grandeur, manifesting as being chuuni as fuck.
Chuunibyo ("eighth grade syndrome" in Japanese) is often seen as a punchline. Kids who think they can throw fireballs or give themselves more heroic epithets than Achilles are funny, right? Well...what if they're serious? Most kids know it's fake and are just trying to be cool, but what if they actually believed it? Based their whole life around it? It happens, it's not good, and mocking them online is NOT HELPING. (It's not funny, stop it)
But think of the tone of Chapter 40 with that in mind. Read it with the knowledge there are two different layers of unreliable narrator. Try looking at it from another character's perspective. The weird little gremlin got out of her cage and is now swinging around a pelvis on a chain, calling it a holy relic. Worse, she's somehow got her hands on a sword. She declares herself with a bunch of titles and challenges the Cavalier to a duel. He draws to defend himself, and everyone scolds him.
This is normal for Harrow. It's probably an escalation, but no one acts like it's her fault. They react with pity, not scorn.
So while mainline Harrowhark developed religious and persecutory delusions due to her station, Harrow Nova developed grandiose delusions from hers. From talking to people who suffer from grandiose delusions, they can actually serve as a defense mechanism. The world is cruel, but if you're The Special, you WILL get through this.
Is that actually the Chain of Samael? It could be. Does it have any special powers? Probably not, but maybe. WE know the creche slaughter happened, and she thinks it did, but wouldn't it be in Priamhark and Pelleamena's best interest to try to gaslight her on that? Is she officially a cavalier secondary? Is she even that good a fighter or do people just not want her to hurt herself?
From her perspective, it's moot. This is her reality. Those are questions for Gideon's perspective.
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pesterloglog · 4 months
Jake English, Dirk Strider
Page 633-636
JAKE: Fuck!!!
JAKE: Why did she have to go and build a moon laser!!!
JAKE: Why did she have to go and
JAKE: And SAY all that!!!
DIRK: It's not over.
DIRK: That moon laser doesn't mean shit.
JAKE: ...if theres no one to press the button?
DIRK: Boom.
DIRK: Or, you know.
DIRK: No boom.
JAKE: Her guard is down...
DIRK: And you have a gun.
JAKE: I have TWO guns.
DIRK: Let's be real, this wouldn't even be the first time you've thought of it.
JAKE: Its... an option.
DIRK: You help her win the battle.
DIRK: Avoid baptizing the Earth with laser-fire.
DIRK: And she uses The Point, and the world doesn't end.
DIRK: Probably.
DIRK: Who the fuck knows.
JAKE: What should i do?
DIRK: I'm not gonna tell you.
JAKE: I already know youll want me to do whats heroic.
JAKE: But you wouldnt want me to kill jane either.
JAKE: Would you?
DIRK: Stop staring at me like I'm gonna tongue-kiss the answer into you, dude.
DIRK: You know what you need to do.
JAKE: But jane was right about me!
JAKE: I cant be trusted.
JAKE: I dont even like 99% of people.
DIRK: Then do it for one person.
DIRK: Aren't you tired of spreading yourself thin trying to believe in everything?
DIRK: Because it's looking pretty fuckin' likely that the future where Tavvy is happy and the future where Jane is alive don't coincide.
DIRK: You have to kill one for the other to survive.
JAKE: It sounds like youre gunning for her.
DIRK: It sounds like *you're* gunning for her.
DIRK: Say what you will about Dirk, but he always wanted you to be your best self.
DIRK: He pushed you hoping if he did it hard enough, you'd push back.
DIRK: That's a far cry from whatever neutered domestic purgatory Jane's offering you.
DIRK: Wasn't it nice to be believed in, man?
JAKE: Ugh.
JAKE: Can i make an honest query?
JAKE: Did i really kill him?
JAKE: I did, didnt i?
DIRK: Common sense says no.
JAKE: Cant you swing that one by your esoteric telepathic dirk connection?
DIRK: That's a tricky fuckin' wicket, man.
JAKE: Its "sticky wicket".
DIRK: It's nothing, because that's a stupid fucking phrase cooked up by fake people about a fake sport from a dead planet.
DIRK: Anyway, it's tricky because there's not really all that much of anything left of the big man.
DIRK: Not here, anyway.
JAKE: Oh, baloney!
JAKE: Thats not how this works. Youre the supernatural tsaheylu of our combined "steezes".
JAKE: This isnt my first ride in the rodeo, mister, I KNOW THE RHYTHM OF THIS BUCKING BRONCO.
DIRK: I'm sorry.
DIRK: He's gone, dude.
DIRK: Yeah.
DIRK: Get it all out, man.
DIRK: I know a crisp glass of personal culpability isn't what you ordered, but hey.
DIRK: It's better than relapsing.
JAKE: Im drunk right now.
DIRK: And that sucks, buddy.
DIRK: But I'm talking about the big show of "everything's fine now" kitchen table red undie dirty dancing you did.
JAKE: Oh, i forgot about that.
DIRK: You fuckin' wish you did.
DIRK: It'd be the only reasonable excuse you'd have for nipping this uncomfortable epiphany in the bud so you could slink back to following orders from Dirk.
JAKE: ...
JAKE: Gods hooks, i backflipped right into my old ways!
DIRK: Don't beat yourself up about it. It's a running theme with literally everybody we know.
DIRK: You all get caught up in these feeling jams, hugging it out in self-realizational bliss.
DIRK: Then, bam.
DIRK: Premature ejaculation.
DIRK: That passionate growth grind ends before it builds to anything actually satisfying.
JAKE: :(
JAKE: Are you saying i need to be red undies jake again?
DIRK: Absolutely the fuck not.
DIRK: Hands off the belt, buddy. You've graduated.
DIRK: You're fully dressed Jake now.
DIRK: Sitting on the sticky floor of a custodial closet, hidden away from anything certain and good in this world.
DIRK: Alone.
JAKE: This is scary! I dont like this.
DIRK: Fuck yeah it is. This is sweaty, achey, burning transformation, brother.
JAKE: I want to go back! I want to be the other guy again.
DIRK: You can't be the other guy anymore, Jake.
DIRK: We're sending him upstate to live on a beautiful farm, where they're gonna immediately drag him out back and put him out of his fucking misery.
DIRK: Remember when you told Egbert you wanted someone to hold you accountable?
DIRK: Well.
JAKE: Nooooooo.
DIRK: "Here's Johnny!"
JAKE: Oh...
JAKE: *sniff*
JAKE: Oh, dirk...
JAKE: Cripes, if there really is no magical component to all of this,
JAKE: if youre really gone,
JAKE: then i am simply a forty year old man... being led by the nose... by an imaginary friend.
JAKE: That is not cute.
DIRK: It's kind of cute.
JAKE: Its mental illness!
DIRK: It can be both.
DIRK: Look.
DIRK: What you need to do is stop sobbing into your own fucking arms and make a decision.
DIRK: Spying for the rebellion, running away... these were steps in the right direction, but they also had, y'know.
JAKE: Plausible deniability.
DIRK: They were deflections.
DIRK: And at the end of the day, that's what choosing Jane would be, too.
JAKE: Its odd, but...
JAKE: Shucks, i dont want to cut her down right before she makes this big turnaround.
JAKE: If shed decided to keep her promise...
JAKE: thatd be bitter fucking berries to live with.
DIRK: But?
JAKE: But she probably wont change, will she?
DIRK: Why in the fuck would she?
DIRK: She'll have won.
JAKE: But... i dont think she was meant to be this way. Do you?
DIRK: Like, was she born to be a wildly racist dictatorial cake boss?
JAKE: Ok, when you put it that way it sounds a bit bonkers.
JAKE: What i mean is...
JAKE: Take me, for example.
JAKE: I know its not my fault janey got a bit rough and tumble with our relationship. That fundamentally, i didnt deserve it.
JAKE: But that doesnt exactly make me a mensch by default, does it?
JAKE: In fact i worry there might be more of me thats, well... inherently bad than not.
JAKE: And thats why everything tends to get so furiously fucked all the time!
JAKE: Everyone is waiting around for this better version of me to pop up, but thats never going to happen.
JAKE: Because if it did, it wouldn't be me anymore.
DIRK: So, are you trapped being Mr. Pissy Pantyloos Loser Man no matter what?
JAKE: Sort of.
JAKE: What do you think?
DIRK: I don't know.
DIRK: Maybe?
JAKE: Oh...
DIRK: Who even gives a fuck?
DIRK: This is some big philosophical philandering you're trying out, and we didn't even finish elementary school.
DIRK: The best we've got to work with is whatever you gleaned from "My Dinner with Andre" and "Blade Runner."
DIRK: And you fell asleep during "Andre."
JAKE: Point taken.
DIRK: Here's what we do know: when you face our friends tomorrow, they're gonna be none-the-wiser about the insane masturbatory matrix bullet time battles you've been having with yourself in your own head.
DIRK: What will be real to them is what you DID.
DIRK: That's it.
DIRK: Show them you're trying.
DIRK: Or don't, and get left behind.
JAKE: Good god...
JAKE: This is the worst pep talk... ever.
DIRK: It's you, dude, what did you expect?
JAKE: True.
DIRK: Do you want to be left behind?
JAKE: I want to see tavvy grow up!
JAKE: I want to choose him!
JAKE: But i want to believe in jane too...
DIRK: Sigh.
JAKE: Listen.
JAKE: I never really understood all that much of the "doomed timeline" hoopla you cerebral types tend to gab on about.
JAKE: But... its nice to think that there might be countless janes somewhere out there who never stopped being happy.
JAKE: Baking, getting up to all manner of lighthearted mischiefs... true blue all around.
JAKE: When i think of her, thats whats real to me.
JAKE: What she is now, what these rotten unenviable circumstances have made of her, its all just...
DIRK: Happenstance.
JAKE: Is that stupid?
DIRK: Probably, but you're a god of Hope.
DIRK: You're a poster-child for making stupid shit feasible.
DIRK: And no one has the power to say what's true for every Jane.
DIRK: I'm sure if you asked a couple of them how they feel about labor camps and domestic violences, they'd hit you with a "Woah there, buster jones."
JAKE: "Thats not for me!"
DIRK: "No siree!"
JAKE: Hehehe.
JAKE: Exactly.
JAKE: If i can believe in those janes,
JAKE: i think i can let this one go.
DIRK: Extravagant hoops to stumble through just to keep believing, man.
DIRK: It's sneaky. I like it.
JAKE: Its decided then?
DIRK: Seems so.
DIRK: You can finally leave the closet.
JAKE: Har, har.
JAKE: Goofs aside, old buddy...
JAKE: I get the strange sense i wont be speaking with you again.
DIRK: You won't. Why would you?
DIRK: You're normal now.
JAKE: But-
DIRK: You don't need him.
JAKE: It feels good to pretend, though.
JAKE: To hold on a little while longer.
DIRK: Don't.
JAKE: Fine! Fine...
JAKE: Hope is the crummiest aspect of the lot, huh.
JAKE: I swear the only time its worth a lick more than delusions and hot air
JAKE: is if it really fucking hurts.
DIRK: Welcome to being a person, Jake English.
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quackle · 3 months
I saw your post about Millie being an arguable anti hero and I agree! I saw people saying Bowie and Julia were anti heroes and I’m sorry but what??? I love them both but they’re straight up villains 😭 Bowie isn’t totally evil but he still broke Prillie up & mocked Millie about it in the finale & Julia is self explanatory…
it took me a while to answer that question admittedly, but i'm really glad you agree with me! to me, millie does have the characteristics that could lead her to be an anti-hero, but only if the writers decide to dip into that potential arc for her. (it'd be so interesting if they did... millie total drama we will get you to that merge once more so you can shine again...)
i wouldn't call bowie an anti-hero. i can't even necessarily call him an anti-villain either, because his goal was selfish and more-so understandable to himself rather than others with more of a moral code. he strives to win by any means necessary, including breaking up a friend duo, fake-apologizing to the others with no remorse, and, at one point, cheating with mkulia (and ripper for like... .5 seconds) so their team could win more challenges. that's just purely antagonistic on his part, even though raj was the main reason bowie stopped in the end.
and to claim julia as an anti-hero is a huge miss considering she is quite literally thee villain of the reboot. from lying to cheating to making an enemy out of about 95% of this cast (with her one and only current friend being someone who was also her enemy at some point), she's just. she's an antagonist and that's it. there's nothing 'heroic' about her (and thank goodness for that because we need her silly loser evil ass energy in this cast like please keep her the way she is-)
hashtag blonde antagonists for the win. i'll always adore you bowie and julia worstie duo both together and separately <3
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ailendolin · 1 year
ThemThere Thursday - 07 - BBC Ghosts
Title: Good Boy [AO3]
Characters: Alison/Mike, Robin, Thomas, Julian & Fanny
Prompt: A fic about Alison, Mike and Robin after Robin saves Mike and Mike sees him. - Prompt sent in by the lovely @harrisonwells
Prompts are closed.
Good Boy
“Robin’s room is upstairs, right? The rundown one that’s drafty?”
Alison looked up from their latest electricity bill.
“You do know that describes about every single room in this house, right?” she pointed out. When Mike gave her a look, she sighed. “Yes, it’s the one upstairs. Why? Is something wrong with it? Despite the obvious, that is.”
Instead of answering her question, Mike hummed thoughtfully to himself. “And Robin’s obsessed with the moon, right?”
“Yes, Mike, as you very well know,” Alison said with a hint of impatience, not understanding what he was getting at. “What’s with all the questions?”
Mike flashed her his most charming, innocent smile and Alison immediately knew she wouldn’t like whatever he’d say. “Promise me you won’t be mad?”
She sighed. “What have you done?”
“Nothing!” Mike hurried to reassure her. “I promise! But I’ve been thinking – Robin saved my life, didn’t he? Last week when I was out in the storm.”
“Because of the stupid bear,” Alison couldn’t help but remind him.
“Yeah, whatever,” Mike said with a roll of his eyes. “So when he redirected the lightning I saw him for a brief moment and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about that.”
Alison felt her eyes soften. “Oh Mike, why didn’t you say anything?”
“No, it’s not like that,” Mike waved her worry away. “I know we’ve thanked him for what he did but with the gatehouse burning down and the whole insurance mess it feels like we haven’t really appreciated it enough, you know?”
Thinking back to the last few days, Alison had to admit he had a point. They’d been crazily busy this past week trying to figure out their whole life all over again, and while a part of her was relieved they agreed the gatehouse might not have been a good idea in the long run, the decision not to host guests anymore felt a lot like they were back at square one – financial struggles and worries included. Robin’s heroic deed might not have gone unnoticed but Mike was right: it hadn’t gotten the attention it deserved.
“So what’s the plan?” she asked.
Mike pulled her against his side with a grin. “Giving him the moon and stars.”
It took a few days to get everything organised. While Mike was in charge of getting all the necessary things (Alison tried not to grimace when she saw how much it all cost) and setting everything up, her main task was to keep Robin busy and far away from his room.
“So … how’s your mouse family doing?” she asked Robin the day they planned to put their plan into action and inwardly winced. Judging by the incredulous looks both Julian and Thomas – who happened to be in the room at the time – were giving her the question sounded as painfully awkward as it felt.
Robin, thank god, frowned at her for an entirely different reason. “Mice grow fast. Babies are all grown up now.” The words, You should know that, went unspoken.
“What a shame,” Alison lied through her teeth as she desperately tried to think of another way to get him out of the house for the day. “I’ve got a little time now and would have loved to meet them.”
To her surprise, Robin perked up at that. He jumped up from his seat by the chessboard and, his eyes bright with boundless excitement and enthusiasm, said, “I can show you fox family!”
Alison blinked. “We have foxes here?”
“Why do you think the grounds aren’t overrun with the hares the Captain is so fond of fake-killing?” Thomas asked from the sofa, raising an eyebrow.
Robin pointed at him as if to say, See? He knows.
“I don’t know, Thomas, maybe because Barclay real-shoots them all?” Alison suggested, an edge of annoyance creeping into her tone. She regretted it immediately when Thomas winced and covered his wound.
“Foxes, eh?” Julian said, bringing the conversation back on track. He got to his feet with a groan. “Can’t say I wouldn’t prefer Samantha Fox but beggars can’t be choosers. So lead the way, ape. It’s not like we have anything better to do anyhow.” He looked at Thomas. “You coming?”
Thomas hesitated for a moment, his eyes darting up to Alison before dropping back down to his shoes again.
“Come on,” Robin gently encouraged him. “Cubs have grown much since last time we saw them. They out of the den now!”
A little of the tension around Thomas’s eyes bled away when he looked at Robin. “Really?”
Robin nodded. “Dreamer still stay close to his mother but Bella love to explore.”
“And Cleo?” Thomas asked.
“Still the runt of the litter but oh, very feisty,” Robin said with a great.
Thomas breathed out a laugh and it was with a start that Alison realised they regularly observed the local wildlife together. She’d had no idea but it made her heart feel a little lighter. Thomas spent so much time on his own she sometimes worried he’d lose his connection to the other ghosts. Knowing he was off to the woods with Robin during some of the time she’d always believed him to be sulking somewhere was a welcome revelation and relief.
“You named them?” Julian asked, interrupting her thoughts. Both Robin and Thomas turned to look at him, silently daring him to make fun of them, and he groaned. “Of course you did. I swear you two are just as bad as Fanny.”
From somewhere within the house, an offended Fanny shouted, “I heard that!”
By the time they came back from their little excursion in the woods, it was late and Alison couldn’t feel her toes anymore. She’d underestimated how much time, effort and patience it took to get even a glimpse at wild animals. The ghosts, of course, didn’t have to worry about where they were stepping but she had to be careful around all the dry twigs and branches barely visible under the layers of dead leaves covering the forest floor.
In the end, it was worth it, though. She’d never seen a wild fox with her own eyes before and watching the three little ones play under the watchful eye of their mother was incredible and so much better than any nature documentary on TV. Both Robin and Thomas’s faces lit up with awe when the cubs first stuck their tiny noses out of the den, and even Julian couldn’t help but smile when Cleo, clearly the boldest, raced around the small clearing chasing a butterfly.
The sun was just setting as they made their way back to the house where Mike was already waiting for them. “Where’ve you been?”
“Oh, just in the woods, watching Robin’s fox family,” Alison said with a smile. Under the pretence of giving him a kiss, she whispered, “Is everything ready?”
Mike’s eyes lit up and he nodded. Alison gave him a subtle thumbs-up before she turned back to the ghosts. “Robin? Would you come with us upstairs for a moment?”
Robin, after sharing a confused look with Julian and Thomas, shrugged. “Okay.”
They went upstairs, and when Mike stopped in front of Robin’s door, Robin cocked his head to the side in a confused way that reminded Alison of a mangy but trusting dog. “This is my room.”
Alison bit her lip to hide her smile. “Robin says we’re at his room.”
Mike nodded and turned to look at where he thought Robin was – a little too far to the left and too high up in the air. “Yeah, that’s right. See, Ali and I, we’ve been talking about the day the storm hit and you saved my life, and we wanted to thank you for that.”
Furrowing his brows, Robin glanced at Alison. “But – you already did. Said, Thank you, Robin. Me remember.”
“He says we already thanked him,” Alison told Mike.
“Well, yes,” Mike said. “But not, like, properly. You redirected freaking lightning for me, mate, and I saw you! That was so cool!”
Robin, Alison noticed, looked a little flustered under Mike’s praise.
“Was no big deal,” he mumbled, scratching his ear.
“It was, though,” Alison corrected him gently, wishing she could actually reach out to him. “It was a huge deal, Robin.”
“Still is,” Mike added. “And that’s why we planned a little surprise for you. I really hope you’ll like it.”
With that, he opened the door to Robin’s room and stepped aside. Robin’s mouth went slack when he saw the glow-in-the-dark stars spread out all over the ceiling. They weren’t randomly placed, Alison realised after a moment. She could see Orion above the area where Robin usually slept, and Cassiopeia right above the window.
“Mary,” Robin whispered suddenly and pointed at one of the stars that seemed to glow just a little bit brighter.
Swallowing around the sudden and unexpected lump in her throat, Alison told Mike, “He just found Mary.”
Mike’s eyes softened and he stepped into the room, somehow managing to avoid running into Robin.
“Annie’s there, too. See?” He pointed at another star, not far from Mary’s, and Robin’s eyes followed him. “And here’s William though to be honest I have no idea who that is. And Graham – also no clue.”
“Not true!” Robin said with a laugh that sounded just a little teary. “Armour downstairs is Graham’s.”
Alison blinked.
“Really? How come I didn’t know that?” At Mike’s questioning look, she explained, “Robin says the armour downstairs used to be Graham’s.”
“He never fall over with it like Mike did,” Robin snickered under his breath. Alison decided not to relay that bit to Mike.
“So, I take it he likes the stars?” Mike asked.
Robin nodded.
“He does. Very much so.”
“Great!” Mike said. “Because I’ve got another surprise for him.”
He reached up to touch something anchored to the ceiling and a second later, a moon lamp lit up and bathed everything in pale yellow light. Robin’s eyes widened in awe and he breathed out a reverent, “Moonah.”
“Go on, try turning it off and back on again,” Mike encouraged him with a grin.
Robin’s eyes lit up with giddy excitement before he closed them in concentration. His powers had grown since the lightning strike and it took him barely a moment to switch the lamp off and then back on again. He opened his eyes and let out a gleeful laugh. “Ha! Me did it!”
“Yes, that’s it!” Mike cheered at the same time. “Now you’ve got your own moon and night sky!”
His words gave Robin pause. Alison wished Mike could see him because his eyes were shimmering with so much gratitude in the faint glow of the moon that it took her breath away. He seemed to be itching to reach out to Mike but since he couldn’t, he bowed his head and said, very quietly, “Thank you.”
“No, Robin – thank you,” Alison whispered with a heartfelt smile.
Mike nodded und pulled her close. “Yeah, thank you. You’re the best.”
With a pleased look on his face, Robin sat down on the floor, right under the moon. “Me good boy.”
Chuckling a little wetly, Alison nodded. “Yes, you are.”
They bid him goodnight, and when Mike closed the door behind them Alison leaned up on her tiptoes to press a kiss to the corner of his mouth and whispered, “Well done, you.”
“Well done both of us,” Mike smiled. “Though I’m low-key jealous you got to see baby foxes.”
Alison patted his arm. “I’m sure Robin won’t mind taking you to see them tomorrow. You’re probably his most favourite person in the world right now, so …”
The pleased smile on Mike’s face almost made her add, “Good boy.”
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lovefairymina · 9 months
(A nice ending for that sad Aredhel x male reader fic)
Aredhel had been taking care of you after the whole fiasco with Eol. You had miraculously survived from the poison and the wound and Eol was no more. It eased your soul that Aredhel and Lomion were safe, but surprisingly, Aredhel had not left your side since you woke up from the coma , especially when you all found out that you had lost the use of your legs. Your life was spared but the poison had taken your ability to walk.
You were sit down in a wheelchair and Aredhel seemed to have take it upon herself to push you around even if she didn't have to. She even refused to let servants to do it for her. It might have been out of protectiveness since you did nearly die.
Lomion had been protective as well. He always came to check on you while trying to adapt living in Gondolin. There was always a sense of fear in his eyes, like he was anxious to find you in worse situation than before. It honestly felt strange to have two elves looking after a human man like yourself so intensevely.
"Arrie? You do know you do not have to look after me. You are a princess and your brother had given caregivers to do that for you," you said as you two arrived to a garden. "I know, but I want to," she answered as she settled down on a bench beside you as you began feeding the birds that arrived. "Why thought? It feels a bit out of place that you are suddenly so intent to stay put and look after a mortal like me?" you questioned.
"You had done so much for me and Lomion. You looked after us. You even nearly died saving us and lost your ability to walk. I think its only fair I now look after you," Aredhel said as one of the birds landed on her hands. You looked at her with pretensious surprise. "Oh dear, who are you and what have you done to the wild untameable Aredhel ?" you questioned. She lets out a laught. "Is it really that big of a surprise I decide to stay put?" she questioned.
"Yes! You're usually either sad or depressed when you stay put. You are someone who can't even sit down for a one minute before venturing god's know where," you said and she released an amused chuckle.
"I'm glad thought. You're finally smiling again," you said as you petted one of the birds. "You're not putting on that fake smile to appease Eol anymore. You are finally smiling and grinning like the first time we met. It feels more like real you," you glanced at her. Aredhel looked back at you with hidden surprise before letting out a gentle smile.
"But you do know that I won't be here forever? I will eventually pass away from old age," you questioned. "I know…" Aredhel answered. "But… If I can help you live comfortably till the end of your days. I'm more than happy to oblige. Me and Lomion nearly lost you," she looked down.
You glanced at her and gently grabbed her hands into yours. You held on to it and rubbed her calloused fingers in comfort, knowing it would comfort her. "Even if I had died from the poison. I want you to know I would have done it again. You two are important to me. But… I would have also refused to die easily, not until I knew you and Lomion would have been okay," you said as you looked at your dearest friend.
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“I know, Y/N. You've chanted those words to me more than I can count on my fingers. However, now it is our turn to ensure you are well taken care off,” she laughed and gave your hand a gentle pat before turning it into a squeeze. “And I am more than blessed that Eru had given you the opportunity to live after your heroic moment, for I have been given a good friend. I am blessed that you are here with me during your mortal years.”
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spyroforlife · 1 year
I finally retrieved the ancient texts from my storage unit
aka the "books" I made from the ages of like 9-12(??) by writing and drawing on printer paper (or just notebook paper!!) and then stapling them together, I'd do a lil cover and everything, I'd write a summary on the back like Real Books Have, and I was so proud of them
and I have kept them all. and now. I decided to look at them once more. the relics from as early as 2005..
so. You guys wanna see an unfinished dragon comic written by a 10-year-old?? haha yeah you do c'mere
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Super Dragons #1. Rhynoc Trouble With Powder
Written and illustrated by (full name redacted for privacy reasons)
This is labeled #1 but I never did more lmaoo let's dive into this mess
(rest will be under the cut, along with transcriptions of the writing because it didn't scan very well but also I just had terrible handwriting and the crayons smudged like hell. I WILL preserve any spelling or grammar mistakes in my transcription so you can really get an idea of my skill level back then)
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So first off can I just say. I am. OBSESSED with how I would consistently draw dragon wings backwards, ignoring my older brother who constantly pointed it out to me and I was like "no they're not", until I eventually paid more attention and tried following some tutorials on how to draw Spyro-style dragons and I was just like ohh. Okay. Yeah. I'll fix that.
Also I like that while Deserae is a "sun dragon" she has no features that would make you think that, she's just a magenta and pink dragon. Though in retrospect I'd suppose that'd make for a fun subversion of expectations. My thinking was clearly next level. So, the text:
Once upon a time, there was a brave dragon. Her name was Deserae. She controls the Sun. When awake, the Sun is bright. When asleep, the Moon comes out. But one day, Deserae overheard a group of Rhinocs talking about keeping her asleep, so that the Sun will never come out. Deserae was devastated! She saw Permanate Sleeping Powder. That's what they were going to use!
Deserae: (thinking) That one Rhinoc has a fat head
Unnamed Rhynoc: We'll put her to sleep with Powder!
Now here's a fun thing of note, young me insisted on trying to fit characters fully into the panel instead of just letting parts go past the borders, so. Keep an eye on parts like tails going forward because it's ridiculous what I did with them sometimes. I also would have characters like, think about random stuff I personally thought was funny while drawing, or they'd explain things unnecessarily. idk why, it's just what I did
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Spyro jumpscare! Deserae makes a badly done flier trying to find a bodyguard (if she has such an important role why does she not already have one? who knows) and surprise, Spyro answers the call. Because he's a heroic guy and that's what he does <3 And bigger surprise, he and Deserae immediately fall in love. He was a boy, she was a girl, can I make it anymore obvious?
Deserae started to make posters to get protection. She isn't a good drawer, but it worked!
The poster reads "WANTED BODY GUARD. FOR INFO CALL 111-2531"
In just 1 hour Spyro called. He did it for free! (An arrow points at Spyro, labeling him as Spyro) Deserae accepted him. Spyro got to Deserae as fast as possible. Spyro and Deserae fell in love with each other as soon as they met.
Spyro: (thinking) She's the girl for me.
Deserae: You're handsome.
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Spyro said, "So... What is it you need to be protected from?" Deserae told him all about the Rhynocs and the Permanate Sleeping Powder. They went off to find the Rhynocs.
Spyro: (thinking) Great! Tracks!
Spyro and Deserae headed to the lake. There wasn't anything there. The volcano did not have anything either. Finally they came to a forest.
Spyro: They might be in the forest!
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They found a bag of the Sleeping Powder. Spyro destroyed it, but little did they know, it was a fake!
Unnamed Rhynoc 1: Where did I put that Sleeping Powder?
Unnamed Rhynoc 2: How should I know!? (while thinking 'It's in the safe.')
Back to the dragons...
Spyro: At least we got rid of the Sleeping Powder.
So he thought. The real Powder was in the metal safe.
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Spyro had to use the bathroom, so he ran off and left Deserae.
Deserae: Hurry up!
Unfortunately, the Rhynocs heard that Spyro had stopped protecting her. They headed her way.
Unnamed Rhynoc: Sun dragon! You're mine!
The Rhynocs found Deserae and shot a net on her. Then they carried her away.
Deserae: No!
Deserae got bored in the room they put her in. So she decided to work on her fire power. Suddenly, Deserae changed color to confuse the Rhinoc!
Unnamed Rhynoc: WHAT IS THAT NOISE!?
Note: I love how I keep switching between spelling it as Rhinoc and Rhynoc. For the record, they're a classic Spyro enemy and Rhynoc is the correct spelling, I believe. Meanwhile, Deserae's color swap was done entirely because I was using a different set of crayons from the usual ones and had to use different pinks for her, so I just decided to make the color switch a part of the story. Lmaoo
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The Rhinoc opened the door and Deserae flamed him accidently. Another Rhinoc came running and saw her. But he was so stupid he let her out because he thought she was another dragon.
Desarae: I must find Spyro! (while thinking 'Idiot')
Rhynoc: Beat it!
Deserae got back to the forest's entrance. Spyro was laying down, sleeping. Deserae shot a flame at him to wake him up.
This is what happened...
Spyro: What the... Deserae! Is that you?
Deserae: Duh. Oh wait, I'm still a different color.
I adore how my sequence of events here is Spyro going off to use the bathroom, Deserae gets taken in the meantime, and apparently when he gets back and can't find her, he just... lays down to take a nap?? Okay man. Sure
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Spyro went to find some sleep. Deserae turned back to shades of red-violet.
Deserae: My horn bent! (While thinking 'I'll have to fix it...')
Deserae headed to the lake for a drink and some fish. It's very dark water.
Suddenly, and trust me when I say I don't know how it happened, Snape from Harry Potter walked up.
Deserae: Snape! I like your daring! I do stupid things too!
Deserae: (thinking) Is that a dress or robe? His skin is pale.
Snape: Do I know you? (While thinking 'Dragons are big...')
Snape ran away for unknown reasons. Deserae found Spyro.
Spyro: Stop doing that!
Deserae: It does work. (While thinking 'I'm good at talking while flaming')
aand that's it. I never got further than that. The goddamn Snape cameo hit me like a truck, god. I forgot I just threw him into this for no reason. He's there for one entire panel and just runs off again. Good riddance.
So yeah, that's Super Dragons. Again, I love Spyro walking away from the person he agreed to protect to go sleep, and she again just went and found him and flamed him to wake him up. That probably would have been a running joke if I kept writing this. There's also how they fell in love at first sight, only for that to proceed to just not be relevant for the rest of it. Spyro/Deserae I guess
But yeah looking back at this was SO fun, yeah there's very little artistic talent but nonetheless, I had an idea and I followed it, and ya gotta respect that. Everyone starts somewhere, and that's where I started with learning to write and draw. With silly lil dragon stories like this, many of which didn't get finished or shared, but any practice was still valuable. For anyone who decided to read through this whole post, I hope you've enjoyed taking a look at my oldest creative works. I might scan and share more of my old "books", I'll use the tag 'my old writing' for any of it, lemme know if you're interested in seeing more! :D
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ksfoxwald · 11 months
Fire and Hemlock Readalong: Part 4 Chapter 1
Part Four: Nowhere
We return again to adult Polly, taking stock of her current reality and going about things very methodically in a way I don't see a lot in protagonists, and which I very much admire. Too many writers simply let their heroes go straight for the correct answer, and don't let them dwell on the problem. But of course, Diana is always asking 'how would a real person act in this situation?"
First Polly looks for her photo and her papers. She still has the Fire and Hemlock picture, but not Tom's photo.
We get some more clues from Granny, who as Diana explains in "The Heroic Ideal "Granny takes on the role of Fate and Wisdom quite overtly, shearing fish and explaining the riddle of the ballad of Tam Lin." She tells how every nine years, a funeral comes down from Hunsdon House at Halloween; every 81 years it is a woman, but all other times it is a man.
Polly runs into Nina and Leslie, neither of whom remember her, on her way to see Ivy. Polly is shocked to see that Ivy has transformed physically into Edna, although of course she has been all along. Ivy goes on about happiness again, saying "I'm only asking for what should be mine." To which Polly retorts "Who says it should be yours?" Because Ivy is Laurel, entitled to take what she wants from others, but still left empty from it.
As Polly leaves, Ivy asks where she is going. " 'Nowhere,' Polly replied, not thinking. Hearing herself say it, she gave a cackle of laughter as she hurried out of the house." She really is in search of Nowhere.
She hunts down David Bragge, who is at least able to confirm that she did receive mysterious packages of books during her childhood. Now that she's an adult, she realizes the implications of his over-friendliness and is more cynical than shocked by it.
We learn that in this new timeline, she met Seb when he crashed a party of Fiona's and sought her out immediately; that he "cajoled, bullied, and pleaded with her to get engaged to him"; that she met his parents, to which his father responded "Well, now, this is clever of you, Sebastian!" This is likely the "other way" that he was arguing for at the fair - get Polly under their control by marrying her, which is exactly Laurel's methods.
Seb also fills in a few gaps. "Laurel and my father used to be married before, you see, before my father met my mother." And that his mother died nine years ago.
So now we have a picture of Seb's life. Laurel and Morton are an immortal duo, but Morton leaves her for a mortal woman and has Seb. Laurel retaliates by taking Seb's mother - whose funeral Polly gate-crashed. Or rather, I always assumed the funeral was the whole "immortal periodically fakes their own death" trope, considering Laurel inherited basically everything, and Tom doesn't mention it; but Seb's mother would have been the one who actually died. You almost feel bad for him, thinking what that funeral must have been like from his perspective. How much did Tom know, I wonder?
Anyway, coming back to the themes of Nowhere:
Thomas Lynn, if he had ever existed, had been so separate from her everyday life that it had been an easy thing to slice him out of it - as easy as Granny fllleting plaice for Mintchoc. Except that he had not been separate at all. Almost everything Polly did in those five years went back to Mr. Lynn somehow. The four years after that had been formless and humdrum years. Polly had done things, true, but it had all been without shape, as if she had been filleted away from her own motives and the things which gave her shape.
Even her ordinary ventures like playing soccer (as hero training) and being in the school play (and inviting Tom) have all had strong connections to Tom and Nowhere. Diana brings us once again to the importance of imagination and creation in being a person; because what is a self but an imagined character, a hero, if you will?
With nothing conclusive, Polly goes back to Granny's to pack for college, but Granny, still in her aspect of wisdom, encourages her to keep trying. "If a book set you off, a book may help again," she advises.
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bythenineshards · 2 years
I hate when the acotar fandom uses words like "morally grey" and "dark romance" but throws a tantrum whenever someone says their fav did something bad. Darling, the point of morally grey leads in dark romances is that they do bad things. And that's okay! Because this is fiction. No one is mad that the character did bad things. We're mad that neither the fandom nor the story wants to acknowledge that the character did bad things.
Genuinely confused on whether they think Rhysand is a morally grey dark villain or an uwu baby can do no wrong (this sorta mindset is alright jokingly, the problem is, most of the fandom thinks this unironically).
(Hello this is the Hades and Persephone anon, you imagining the excessive quotation marks as someone aggressively air quoting something is spot on. Sorry for the long ask, it's just that I think your blog is cool and you were really nice when answering my last ask)
Hey! Happy to see you again! Don't worry about the length of an ask. Sometimes it takes a lot of words to get out what you wanna say. I'm happy to have you here. I'm glad I didn't come off as a frigid bitch. I feel like I do sometimes because of how blunt my word choice and cadence is.
I know what you mean about the dark romance thing. However, I think the claims of it being a "dark romance" are a primarily Fandom thing. I could be wrong, but I've never seen an interview with Maas that says she considers this a dark romance. In all the interviews I've seen, she talks about how great she thinks Rhys is and how his evilness is all fake, and he's actually a good guy blah blah blah. I don't think she sees what's wrong with Rhysand. I genuinely think she sees him as this incredible Prince Charming and pinnacle of a healthy relationship. The defense that Acotar is a dark romance is something the Fandom says when someone points out the cold, hard truth of his actions and the implications of them in a real relationship.
The narrative of Acotar is plainly on his side and sees everything he does as heroic. A lot of dark romance I've read doesn't go out of its way to justify the dude's horrible actions. The story knows he's a bad dude, but sometimes people want to read about a hot, toxic dude who does horrible things. Fiction is a way to do that from the safety of your home.
I think her Fandom suffers from this unbearable need to be liked. They don't like being told that Rhys has done something wrong and you didn't fall for his excuses. I don't like Rhys because his actions suck, he's a stagnant character and he's paraded like a hero by the book. If the book didn't do this and let you decide what your opinion of him was, I don't think I'd have as big an issue. And maybe, if it was actually a dark romance book, and he didn't do certain things that I really don't like, I wouldn't have this blog.
And if I'm wrong and she's calling this a dark romance, then I have qualms with her advertising it to children and why she didn't commit? If she really wants Rhys to be this horrible guy, why didn't she commit to making him bad? Why does she go out of her to cram it down our throats that he's actually this super swell dude? You can't have it both ways.
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be4nb4g · 1 year
New magical girl just dropped
“New magical girl just dropped.” J placed a newspaper on the coffee table in the first-floor lounge of the Villains Union. It was a simple setup that consisted of a couch, a matching lounge chair, a lamp, and the coffee table. Garfield perked up from his spot on the chair. He had been looking at superheroes' Instagram accounts and silently judging. The recent one had decided to wear white pants after Labor Day, which was not a hard rule Garfield abided by, but he was also at a park supposedly rescuing some kitten. Who wears white pants to a park?
“Volatile things those creatures.” Cerulean sat on the side of the couch furthest away from Garfield with a book on thermodynamics and pyrokinesis. He hardly looked up as he reached for it. His eyes narrowed when Garfield jumped to it first.
“Ooh! What’s the theme of this one?” All magical girls appeared with a theme of some sort.
“Strawberries I think?” J took a seat on the arm of Garfield’s chair looking over his shoulder as he looked at the paper. The newspaper had a big image of the girl who did in fact have a strawberry-themed dress along with a matching jacket and hairband. “She’s the fourth berry-themed hero to appear in the last month.”
“Sounds like a berry-themed villain has been up to a lot of nonsense for four of them to appear in a month.” Jack Hallow was lounged into the unoccupied side of the couch and glanced at the newspaper in Garfield’s hands. 
The front door to the union opened causing the group to look up as Veronica walked in with a tall and lanky man who could best be described as dark cottagecore and could worst be described as a decrepit-looking pedophile.
“And there’s their bad guy,” Jack said under his breath as the two approached them.
“Gentlemen,” Veronica made steely eye contact with Jack, “Jack. This is our newest union member, Brambledark.” The man- Brambledark stood up taller than before and the dark vines that wound his arms seemed to move as if there was a draft.
“Hello, it is a pleasure to meet all of you. I have come here to solve the problem of my minions being destroyed by some of your heroic miscreants.”
“You’re from out of Jam aren’t you?” Jack asked in a way that implied he already knew the answer. It was sentiment lost on Brambledark.
“Yes. I am from the ancient dark grove of Cynthium where I have been researching the mystical berries of light.” None of this information was particularly interesting for any of the group although J did their best to feign interest. Garfield was mostly appalled by the foliage that appeared to be Brambledark’s outfit.
“You two hear about the newest magical girl?”
“Magical girl?” The tall mess of dark leaves questioned. “I thought magic was common here?”
Jack and Cerulean gave each other a look that ran along the lines of, ‘this poor idiot has no idea he’s going to be beat up by a group of sparkly girls’.
“Magical girls are girls who randomly receive great powers usually from some magical artifcast or familiar.” J explained.
“Emphasis on ‘girl’.” Jack snatched the paper from Garfield who hardly noticed as he was too busy taking mental notes of all the things he hated about Brambledark's appearance.
“Because they are female?”
“Because they are children.”
“The new girl is actual trans.” J piped in.
“Yay for representation,” Jack said sarcastically waving one of his hands in fake excitement.
“How old is the new girl?” Veronica left the new recruit to sit next to Jack and see the paper for herself. J opened his mouth to speak but Jack got to it first.
“She’s fifteen.”
“Fifteen?!” Bramble’s gapped in shock.
“One of the older ones actually,” Jack handed the paper to Veronica, “youngest was eight if you’re wondering.” Bramble stared in shock and walked over to the wall for support.
“I actually went to highschool with a magical girl. She was super popular.” Garfield said as he finally pulled himself from looking at Bramble.
“Oh! Which one?” J asked.
“Allison Crystalis.”
Veronica abruptly dropped the paper to her lap.
“You went to highschool with Allison Crystalis?”
“Yeah.” Garfield sounded uneasy as all eyes focused on him in a mix of surprise and suspicion.
“Isn’t she in the sidekick program now?” J asked trying to divert the conversation.
“Isn’t she still in highschool?” Jack asked closing in on Garfield. Cerulean seemed focused on doing the math in his head while Garfield tried to sink into the chair. “How old are you?”
Garfield mumbled something under his breath.
“Nineteen.” He said just loud enough for the group to hear. Jack burst out laughing. Veronica and Cerulean were clearly surprised and Bramble looked like he was about to faint.
“You’re only nineteen?! How did you even get in the union?!” Veronica stood up and started to pace.
“The cutoff is only eighteen,” J mentioned.
“I am an adult.” Garfield protested standing up.
“You are a teenager. How are you even allowed to fight?” Bramble stammered.
“Come on you two.” Jack managed to pull himself together from his laughing fit. “It’s the Villain’s Union, what do you expect? So what he’s a kid? He’s still doing some pretty damn good work for his age and I’d rather him here than not. Besides it could be worse.”
“How could it be worse?” Bramble asked.
“He could be losing to a group of middle schoolers.”
“Has someone here lost to a group of middle schoolers?”
Jack smiled coyly at Bramble, “Not yet.”
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