#(but 'I nEED to fit in Ant Man suit' so work out he does)
dogcodedcatboy · 3 months
HIIII CRICKET we need bug, tarot, and headphones for aaroman like. Now. ‼️‼️
♡ @eternally-smitten
HI NATTTTT !!!! thank u for sending an ask owo hope ur doing well 💚 this answer is gonna be long as fuck cause u picked such good questions...
(also putting the bug prompt under a readmore so ppl who do not want to see insects can skip!)
tarot - what tarot cards would best represent your s/i and f/o?
aaron looking ass question...he loves tarot cards...im on my break at work so i cant do the deepdive i wish i could so these might just be out of the major arcana ... however i would love to look at all the cards and like rlly pick ones.
roman is the devil (ha). it's commonly interpreted as being related to feeling stuck (caged perhaps?) where you are. stuck in bad patterns, dependencies, etc. not being in control of your own destiny. also a few sources i looked at talked abt it being associated w materialism and also playfulness sooo
aaron is the chariot. card associated with confidence, assertiveness and control. maybe even aggression. keeping your impulses under wraps to get shit done, the balance between heart and mind.
i will end up elaborating on these later bc i know aaron is Truly something in the swords suit. but. this is good for now.
headphones - what genre of music does your f/o like to listen to?
MAN. SO MUCH TO SAY ON THIS...keepin it brief. my roman playlist is built around his music taste so thats a good place to start but. 90s/2000s alt rock/art rock. pixies, blur, placebo, radiohead, talking heads, arcade fire...whatever LCD soundsystem is.
i think he likes electronic music too (in the scripts he is listening to EDM before his fathers funeral so? weirdo) and no one is immune to some good 2000s pop.
thinking abt aaron influencing romans music taste... he likes how sad csh sounds and will listen to them. aaron puts him on to Say Anything and he really really likes them bc theyre weird and edgy.
also the bloodhound gang 😔
bug - if your s/i and f/o were insects/bugs, what kind would they be?
OH BOY im so entomologypilled so this is a hard one cause i wanna pick things that fit...
aaron is (surprise) an african deaths head hawk moth (Acherontia atropos). not just because he has a tattoo of one / they look cool. they just happen to be ASSHOLES as far as moths go. when theyre scared/pissed off the squeak really loud??? they also have been observed to raid honeybee hives (rude). the adult moths look scary w the skull and the bright colors but they are harmless to humans.
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roman roman roman...this is a hard choice bc hes such a sad little mammal but... my first instinct was jumping spider bc its small and cute and has big wet eyes (also they are a little faggy). but specifically i think he would be smthn in the genus Myrmarachne because they are mimics (batsean mimicry is so roman, when a harmless species makes itself look like something more dangerous to avoid predation) !!! blending in w the evil bitey ants for protection but. not so aggressive after all.
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alternative answer from a friend. i like this as well bc then they r both moth boyfriends
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particlexxdealer · 3 years
🐢 for a mental health headcanon, 🦄 for a physical health headcanon
rp meme: open | 🐢 & 🦄 | @feathersofvibranium
🐢 - for a mental health headcanon
Aside from having abandonment issues and a severe dependency for his roommate Luis, Scott does have some pent up paranoia in relation to the Quantum Realm. The silence and darkness he ventured toward the first time was unbearable. If he developed lasting side effects from entering the Quantum Realm (twice if counting AaTW), he doesn’t know and that terrifies him. Witnessing Ava’s condition and Janet imprinting on his mind was enough to last him a lifetime. However, he will still to go back in order to help find a remedy for Ava’s Molecular Disequilibrium.
🦄 - for a physical health headcanon
Scott actually gets out of shape fairly quick and it got worse with age and parenting. He picks at Cassie’s plate when she doesn’t finish and Luis’ family makes really tasty, tempting food. The Ant-Man suit naturally requires alot of stamina and physicality, but if he wants to keep his agility and parkour abilities he has to exercise daily.
House arrest hindered his work-out routine slightly (had to buy a treadmill and rig some areas in his house), but thankfully he has enough discipline (and time) to adapt and continue his fitness. For sure, he has great arm and core strength. That never changed.
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milkybonezz · 2 years
Concept! Instead of the losers club having to go back to derry its the Bowers gang 👀 Mayperhaps we can get a couple of hc with reader 👀👀
anon, I like your style... I have some hcs about these silly little boys and their silly little careers so you have unleashed something awful
We shall start with the man himself Mr. Henry Bowers:
Now, I like to imagine that Henry stayed in Derry, taking the role of Mike within this scenario because irony obviously, but it also seems the most fitting for him. He will have stayed on his father's old farm and refurbished it, growing produce and other such things to sell but business is sure to have fallen during the big boom of exported produce in supermarkets year-round. He was the one that made all the calls and got his boys (And you, dear reader) back together again in Derry, although admittedly he didn't want them to come back as he had never really settled down into anything serious relationship wise and that fact deeply embarrassed him. Kept his gorgeous mullet, as with it comes his true sense of identity
Patrick Hocktetter
This one's a tricky one, because I cannot conceive a world in which Patrick lives past 20 but let's all pretend that he does. In the book (despite my best efforts to forget any mention of Patrick within it) it is said that Patrick took a liking to art which leads me into thinking that he could have potentially done something with it if he could escape the clutches of the large brown scrawling phase, although that would definitely sell well because art has gotten to a point where a brown squiggle is worth more than an actually well-constructed piece. Okay rant over, but Hockstetter became their resident artist, and piggybacking off of this, he found he didn't need to settle down but could rather benefit from it and use that lifestyle to continue living his little pervy life with no resistance. The call from Derry was unexpected, but not unwanted really.
Reginald 'belch' Huggins
Reggie I feel went on to do some sort of public service, I'm particularly drawn to him being a firefighter but goddamn it he'd be one hell of a nurse. He for sure settled right down and fairly quickly too. A family man through and through but unfortunately without any kiddos at all, so he lives vicariously through fostering them with his wife instead. He lived pretty simply, and had gone on to maintain vintage cars like his trans am in his free time. God he's the sweetest middle-aged man in the world and he'd pretty much completely forgotten about Derry until Henry, his old pal Henry, had called into his work, telling him it was back. That really shook him up, but he's not one to go back on a promise. He moved out of Derry not long after his mother passed away, but didn't leave a moment before. Reg became her primary carer in her final years of life and was there right until the bitter end.
Victor Criss
Initially I had Vic pinned as more of ant arty, free spirit type of guy and then I realised he would probably be suited to a profession requiring intelligence and a lot of it, so I chucked him in as a civil engineer, earning his degree at one of the most prestigious tech universities in the world, MIT. His hair is no longer bleached, a phase that clung on until his mid-twenties and let thereafter. Vic was the richest when they were kids and this still remained, he had shitloads of inheritance money from both his grandparents as well as his actual parents piled up on top of his pretty handsome salary. When Henry called he was pretty freshly divorced and on the verge of being all washed up, nothing but money and a big empty house, so it was nice to hear someone else's voice, even if it came with the announcement that he would have to pack some clothes and fly himself back to Maine... Back to Derry.
Our dearest reader
Now, I cannot actually decide what line of work you want yourself to go down in this scenario, but I can try and prompt where I think you guys might have ended up. If this doesn't suit you, feel free to disregard it and build your own storyline. However, for the sake of this I'm lumping the readers together and putting you all down as a photographer, okay? Okay. You moved out of state after high school to pursue these photography dreams of yours and you got really good at it too, I mean photographing celebrities for Vouge kind of good. You found someone halfway decent and got eloped, just a small thing, no big deal at all. Admittedly you don't truly know if you love them or if you're just with them to fill the void. Like shoving a matching piece from a different puzzle into a jigsaw so that there's no gaps, even if it doesn't feel quite right. The call from Henry gives you an out, it gives you an opportunity to retrace your steps. To find that puzzle piece you seen to have lost along the way.
adding Peter Gordon and Moose Sadler to the fray bc I'm bitter they weren't in the movie(s)
Peter Gordon
Peter Peter Peter oh boy! For those of you who have not read the book, Peter is another rich, West Broadway kid and therefore I'm a little drawn to him just sort of lounging jobless and relying on daddy's money to keep him afloat but at the same time he could potentially buy out a big company and work as it's head so that is the path I selected for him. I feel like he'd definitely be all about benefiting from the US's terribly unfair health system and run himself quite the successful pharmaceutical business. Got himself a wife or four and lived pretty damn good. The call from Bowers probably brings up a lot of resentment that he'd been harbouring after the rockfight where he stopped being friends with Henry, but in his heart he knows it's go back and fight or commit one final act of cowardice and end it all. He chose the former.
Steve 'moose' Sadler
Now, I can imagine Moose leaving Derry, but I don't think he'd ever leave Maine. Poor thing's dumb as a box of rocks withing that state so going elsewhere and having an accent barrier was just another thing he didn't want to deal with. Much like with Reg I do picture him to be a family man, or at the very least settled and comfortably married. A construction worker seems like his calling. He's big and strong and too dumb to know that his job doesn't really pay as well as his wife would like it to, but it keeps them in their house and puts food on the table so she can't complain all too much now can she? Moose's phone call was the longest, as he had retained the least of that summer they all faced It together, but he was certainly the most eager to come and reconcile with Henry. Where Peter held resentment with Henry after the rockfight, Steve was clinging on to shame, and lots of it.
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monicashipslokius · 3 years
Loki looks at them, these simple mortal beings. So primitive. Like ants, running loose, lost without a queen. But they needn’t fear any longer. Loki is here, and will be their leader now. They will find purpose - glorious purpose - under their rule.
“Kneel!” Loki says again, louder, and finally they fall into line. One after the next, down to their knees, to praise -
“Um. Excuse me. Uh, sorry. This is awkward.” A man steps away from the rest. He’s wearing a dreary brown suit with a tie that needs fixing. Gray hair. Mustache. A typical, everyday Midgardian.
Loki should silence him at once. And yet - they still their hand. There’s something oddly... compelling about this fumbling oaf. Perhaps it’s the way he’s looking at Loki. Not with fear, but with interest. Curiosity. Almost a quiet understanding.
No one ever looks at Loki like that.
The man rubs the back of his neck. “It’s just that. Well. I think I might be your soulmate?”
Someone in the crowd shushes him.
Another asks, “Are you crazy?”
A woman hisses, “Mobius. There’s no way -”
The man - Mobius - glances back at her and shrugs. “So they’re ambitious.”
“They’re going to kill you.”
“Nah.” Mobius turns back to Loki. “Just a little pussycat.”
He starts forward, gently moving through the kneeling crowd, whispering, “Excuse me, pardon me, coming through,” on his way to the front.
Loki tracks his every step, watchful for any sign of trickery, but they can detect no magic on this mortal. The absolute gall of this man, to approach Loki - child of Asgard, god of mischief - as if they are equals.
Loki shouldn’t just silence him, they should scorch him from the whole of the realms.
But then Mobius smiles at Loki, a big, wide thing that twists Loki up inside. Perhaps they will wait to destroy him, if only for a moment, if only to hear him out. Loki considers themself a fair god, after all.
Listening. Then destruction.
“Speak, mortal,” Loki commands. “If that is what you desire. But know your life hangs on your words.”
Mobius looks at Loki, watching for a moment, smile never dimming. “Oh, yeah. You’re definitely the one.”
“I am all things,” Loki says, ever magnanimous.
Mobius points at them. “You’re my soulmate.”
Loki frowns. “I am not.” Then they frown harder. They know lies well, and that  felt like a big one.
But that couldn’t be.
“I have no soulmate,” Loki says, ignoring the familiar sting that comes with the words. Words repeated again and again, as all the seers in Asgard looked into their future and saw them standing alone.
Mobius’s smile softens. “Are you sure about that?”
No. Not really. How many years have passed since Loki last had the seers check? Is it possible... perhaps Mobius had been born in that time? He is but a mortal. How old could he be? 40 years? 50? The blink of an eye.
Mobius holds out a hand. “Wouldn’t you like to check?” That suit truly is ridiculous, outdated and well-worn. If they are soulmates, Loki will take him to Asgard at once and buy him -
Loki forces an abrupt stop to their own thoughts. This is deception, meant to shake them from their true purpose.
“Once I discover you are deceiving me, I will purge you from existence.”
“Okay, sure. Whatever you want.” Mobius waves his hand impatiently. “Isn’t worth trying? Then, you know, purge from existence and all that...”
“Mobius,” the same woman whisper-yells from the crowd.
Mobius rolls his eyes. “Work friend. She’s very protective.”
“She has reason to be,” Loki says, looking at that offered hand. At the long, steady fingers, the delicate wrist. Mortals are such fragile things. Beings to be conquered. Not loved.
And yet.
Loki lifts a hand. They rub their thumb and forefinger together. They will attempt a small touch for curiosity’s sake. Then, the promised destruction.
“Aren’t you afraid?” Loki asks.
“No. Excited, maybe. Not everyday you meet your soulmate.”
“You keep saying that.”
“I’m feeling confident.”
Loki swallows hard. Then they reach out. They don’t take Mobius’s hand, not fully. They merely brush the pad of one finger to the edge of his thumb.
It is enough.
Visions flood through their mind. Mobius laughing. Mobius taking Loki’s hand, pressing his lips to their knuckles, one after the next. Mobius leaning in and kissing them on their lips. Mobius pressing Loki against a wall, and Loki letting themself be pressed.
“I love you,” Mobius says under cover of darkness, in the light of day, out in the ocean on the back of some type of motorized water vehicle. “I love you,” again and again, filling the dark depths of Loki’s heart until it overflows, bursting with happiness. With immeasurable love.
Loki snaps back to the present and slowly, so slowly, withdraws their hand.
Mobius’s smile could light the whole city. “I knew it was you.”
Loki opens their mouth to speak, but what comes out is a gasped breath, very near a sob. The love from the vision has vanished, but the phantom feel of it has Loki wanting.
Deception. Has to be. But they are immune to enchantment. And there’s no magic on this man.
To be loved like that. To be held and... cherished. Even now, Mobius looks at them like they hold of all of his hopes and dreams. Loki wonders how they are looking back.
“It’s okay.” Mobius holds up both hands now, like placating a wounded animal. “I know it’s overwhelming.” Mobius takes a small step forward. Loki does too. Mobius is right there. A promise of a life Loki never thought they’d have - right there.
“Mobius,” Loki says, and the name is perfect on their tongue. They could say it a hundred times more, a thousand. They are desperate to. “Mobius.”
“I’m right here.” Mobius steps closer. Loki reaches and grabs his forearm, bunching a handful of that ugly sleeve into their fist. “I’ve got you.”
“You cannot imagine how long -”
“Step away from him,” comes a new, authoritative voice. This one, like Mobius, lacks fear, but unlike Mobius, is decidedly not Loki’s soulmate.
“We’re kind of in the middle of something,” Mobius says over his shoulder, to Captain America. “Could you give us a minute?”
Captain America does not give them a minute. “Release the citizen, Loki.”
“Wow, you are really misreading the situation,” Mobius says.
In the sky, a flying vehicle arms its weapons. Every nerve in Loki’s body stands on end, seeing Mobius in the way of it.
Loki yanks Mobius forward, closer to him, then behind him, shielding him with their body.
“Loki!” Mobius starts.
But its too late. Captain America is moving closer. Loki blocks some of his blows, misses a few others. He’s strong, but not on the level of a god. Not usually. But Loki keeps leaving themself open to protect the vulnerable mortal behind them. Loki doesn’t think Captain America would hurt Mobius, but the risk is too great. The cost is too high for Loki to guess wrong.
The sudden arrival of Tony Stark only makes matters more difficult.
When Loki raises their hands in defeat, Mobius storms around them.
“Mobius,” Loki says in alarm. Mobius is now in the way of far too many weapons. Does he not understand how fragile he is? Or how important?
“I got this, Loki,” Mobius tells them. To the others, “Now everybody hold on a minute.”
“Please move yourself to safety, citizen,” Captain America says.
“I’m perfectly safe right here.”
“Standing right there is how you get a knife in the back,” Tony Stark says.
“Loki won’t hurt me.”
“He must be brainwashed,” Captain America says.
Mobius huffs out a frustrated breath. “You aren’t listening. Loki is my soulmate.”
Tony Stark looks at Captain America. “Definitely brainwashed.” He clears his throat. “But I’ll bite. Who exactly are you?”
“Mobius M. Mobius.”
“Uh, huh. So your parents hated you,” Tony Stark says. Before Mobius can answer, Tony asks, “And what do you do, Mobius M. Mobius?”
“I’m a data analyst for a corporate conglomerate.”
“Right,” Tony Stark says. “Loki of Asgard forever bound to Mobius M. Mobius, the data analyst. Sounds fake, but okay.”
Mobius’s shoulders sink. “You don’t have to be rude about it.”
Annoyance flares hot under Loki’s skin. Mobius is perfect and how dare these simpletons insinuate otherwise. How dare they make him feel anything less than he is.
Loki takes a strong step forward, but Mobius catches sight of them first and places a hand on their chest, stilling them. Loki holds, only for Mobius’s sake.
“It’s no big deal,” Mobius says.
“They cannot speak to you like that. You are the soulmate of a god.”
“I’m not thrilled about it either. Data analysis is a respectable line of work. I’ve saved my company hundreds of thousands of dollars.”
Loki nods along, hoping they look impressed enough to spare Mobius’s feelings, when truly they have no idea what he is talking about. But whatever restores Mobius’s confidence is what they will do.
“Huh,” says Tony Stark. “Pencil pusher just stopped the god of mischief with a touch. You see that?”
“I saw it,” says Captain America. “I don’t think they’re lying.”
Mobius presses his lips together in a hard line before taking a breath and saying, “Loki, you have magic, right? Can you like...” He holds up his hands and waggles his fingers. “Magic us out of here. I think it’s getting a little crowded. Some conversations are supposed to be private.”
Loki likes the idea of... talking, but they had a plan when they came here today.
Loki looks at the scepter. At the people, no longer kneeling. At Captain America and Tony Stark, arguing about Mobius. And then, finally, they look at Mobius himself, with his calm, steady presence, ever-soft smile, and ill-fitting suit.
Loki meant to conquer all of Midgard. And this, being captured, was part of the plan. But. Perhaps. What’s waiting another day? Or two.
They very well can’t let Mobius be captured. To think of it, most of their plans might need changing now.
“Hold onto me,” Loki says.
“Happily.” Mobius goes easily into their arms.
And Loki holds tight as they magic away.
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nightowlfandom · 3 years
Yandere! Corrupt Angel! Keigo Takami X Demon! Reader- Episode 1/3: The Same Side Of A Coin
Hey friends.....this is a ride Theres talkings of suicide, sinning, degredation, heaven vs hell and religious themes. You’ve been warned.
You stood in the middle of the dancefloor, staring around the room. Once a year heaven and hell would come together and host the gala of the century. The Dark One and The Holy One would set aside their differences one day out of the year and host a party bringing both their children together for a huge affair.
Every demon and angel across the nine realms would show up. The beautiful, the ethereal, and the not so beautiful too. You watched as each leader sat respectfully on their thrones.
You watched as The Dark One looked over his people. It was times like this you admired the man. Your soul had mistakenly fallen to the pits of hell when an angel who wouldn’t do their job correctly denied your entry to heaven. You were given special treatment as a result.
The other demons knew you didn’t do anything wrong and they didn’t hold it against you. In fact, the other demons treated you like a kid sister. They never let you near any real demon business. 
“Ah, Young Y/N! Come!” The Dark One waved you over. “There’s someone you must meet my child.” 
“Yes, Sir!” you gave a thumbs up from the crowd. “Excuse me, Pardon me.” you shimmied through the crowd. You caught the eye of many angels. The other demons spoke highly of you, saying how the feather freaks would be lucky to have you...they were right.
You wore a black gown, with a pretty decorative necklace. Your wrists were decorated in beautiful lace cuffs that matched the rings on your right hand.
“Y/N, my word you look beautiful as ever.” The Dark One praised. “I want you to meet-”
“The Holy One, I know you...my family speaks...spoke-” you corrected yourself. “Highly of you.”
“Y/N, as I live and breathe. Old Goat Face wasn’t kidding.”
“Oh shut up and fix your bedsheet, Cloud Breath.”
You giggled as the two argued like siblings. 
“Y/N, I would like to personally apologize. I’m afraid some of my children can be quite...elite about who the let through the gates.”
You remember being thrown down the stairs, falling for a while, then landing next to a lake of lava. Of course that was a while ago.
“It’s okay...not like I was the purest soul in the world anyways.” you shrugged. 
“Sin does not define you my child, I’m sure your heart would have landed you here with me had a different angel been working that day.”
That didn’t change the fact that you were booted to hell. No one could change that even if they wanted to.
“Ah! Keigo My boy! Over here!” You watched as The Holy One waves someone over. You kept your eyes on the Dark One.
“How are you holding up, dear?”
“I’m well.” you bowed respectfully. “Sorry for not socializing enough.”
“You have nothing to be sorry about, my dear girl. As long as you are enjoying yourself.”
You smiled, about to reply when a new body came into the picture. A tall man, in a black tuxedo strode up to you, the dark, and the holy One. he was obviously an angel from his golden thin rimmed halo hanging above his head of sandy brown hair. Only instead of white wings, his were blood red. They were unlike any you’ve ever seen before. You had never seen a higher level angel before in the flesh.
“Y/N, Triple 6....this is Keigo.”
“Nice to meet you, man. Don’t let twinkle toes tell you anything about us. Demons aren’t so bad. Y/N here is proof of that.”
“Y/N huh?” you finally met his sharp eyes. His gaze held yours for what felt like an eternity. His smug expression slightly faltered as he stared at you. His lips parted slightly at the sight of you. Never in all his days had he seen such a low level demon hold such a high priestess appearance. “I’m...charmed to meet you.”
“Likewise.” you bowed your head respectfully. You had noticed a few select demons getting near you. All the upper levels seemed to glare at this Keigo person with intense hate and you were positive it wasn’t just because of the color differences. 
“You don’t have horns.”
“Excuse me?” you raised an eyebrow.
“You have no horns.” he said again, a smirk teasing his lips.
You moved your hair from in front of your forehead to reveal two little bone-ish stubs. They weren’t sharp, nor prominent like the higher-ups. You remembered the others saying you needed horns that fit you just right. They would grow...eventually. 
“Hm, Keigo, Y/N...why don’t you two go on the dancefloor?” The Holy One asked.
“With this asshole? No thanks.” you rolled your eyes. “You think just because your higher up than me, you can disrespect me?” you crossed your arms. (Read more below the break)
“Disrespect. Dear girl, it was merely an observation!” he looked amused at your anger.
“Don’t you smile at me.” you seethed. “I know a pompous ass when I see it.”
“Y/N, do try and calm yourself.” The Dark One put a hand on your shoulder. “I’m sure he didn’t mean it with malice.”
“Come on. What do you say.” he held out his hand. He winked.
“Only because I refuse to say no to a God twice.” you seethed.
Everyone watched as Keigo, wings spread crossed the dancefloor with you on his arm. You obviously weren’t too happy, given your first impression had already down down the drain. 
He’d better not touch Y/N if he knows what’d good for him,
Keigo of all people, dancing with a demon doesn’t surprise me.
You tried to ignore the gossip as a hand rested at the base of your spine. Keigo looked down at you, his smugness unwavering as he began move with you to the music. It was a low, slow jazzy tune with what could be described as a ‘sensual piano’ melody. 
“I really didn’t mean it the way you took it, doll.” he whispered in your ear. “But you’ve got fire, I respect that.”
“I..I’m sorry.” you sighed. “I’m just...used to people degrading me because-”
“This is so new to you.” he finished, his smile slightly faltering. “I was like that too, thousands of years ago.”
“Well I’m on year two so-” you scoffed. “It’s not that bad...I guess. Hell isn’t as bad as the books say it is.”
“Well heaven isn’t all clouds and rainbows either, doll. I’ve been banished so many times I’ve lost count.”
“Banished? I don’t understand.” you tilted your head to the side.
Keigo could see what was left of your innocent aura hanging around you. Most people who fell into the pits of hell were already long gone with no trace of human emotion or attachment. You...were different. It reminded him of...himself once upon a time.
“I’ve gone rogue. They tried to restrain me but they give keep giving me chances.” he shook his head. “That’s the think about the Cloud Kingdom, dear. They refuse to believe there are bad people in the world.” 
“Is that why...your wings are-”
‘No...that’s more of a stylistic choice...can’t let all those souls go to waste can I?” he winked. “Red suits me don’t you think.”
“Y-yes.” you replied honestly, finding it hard to lie. 
“So what about you?” he raised an eyebrow. Among the hum of the other patrons and the music, not to mention your demonic heart thumping loudly against your chest you felt Keigo’s breath on the shell of your ear. It was like he was telling you a secret. “What brings you to the pits...killing an ant by accident?”
“My application for the gates was apparently denied.”
“No why would that be.” you don’t look like the type to sin.
“Trust me.” you shook your head. “I’ve sinned more times than I can count...I guess putting a bullet in my head was the last straw.”
Keigo’s breath hitched in his throat as you told your story. You...you shot yourself? Such a small thing? You weren’t a murderer, or god forbid anything else. He felt himself silently fill with rage. You had the glow of an angel that was for sure.
“I’ve come to terms with it. Guess I wasn’t worthy.” you shrugged.
“You are always worthy.” he abruptly cut you off. “It’s these white wear wearing, cloud riding fuckers that aren’t worthy.” he seethed. ‘What other sins could you have possibly committed.”
“...The Dark One hasn’t told you?...I’m a lust demon in training.” you explained. “I used sex to fill voids when I was alive. When I couldn’t replace my pain with pleasure...kapow!” you put your fingers to your head and faked a gunshot.
“Lust demon?” Keigo raised an eyebrow. “That explains why you look so sexy tonight.” he flirted.
“Are you hitting on me?” your eyes widened.
“Depends. Do you like it?”
You hadn’t noticed that Keigo body was flush against yours. Skin to skin. You felt warm, scorching hot beneath him. That was the demon fire. 
“Y-yeah.” you nodded. “I do...wow-” you stepped back from him and fanned yourself. 
“Is everything alright?” Keigo stepped forward and laced his hands in yours. 
“What have you done to our sister?” a high priestess demoness waltzed up. She glared at Keigo who seemed unfazed, only raising an eyebrow. “Y/N, Dear are you alright?”
“I don’t know.” your chest heaved. “I feel- so...” you partially moaned.
“What has this angel scum done to our sister.” a male demon stormed up. He unfurled his dragon-esque wings. “Sister Y/N, say something.”
“I need air...I have to go outside.” you immediately walked away. Keigo, in a confused state watched you walk away.
“Sister Y/N is unwell! We must go after her.”
“She’ll be fine, we’ll know if she’s in trouble.”
Call it instinct, but he had to follow you.
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bamfdaddio · 3 years
X-Men Unabridged: 109 (1978)
The X-Men, those plant-loving mutants that have sworn to protect a world that hates and fears them, are a cultural juggernaut with a long, tangled history. We’ve been untangling that history for a while, but sometimes, you really want a more in-depth look. Interested? Then read the (un)Abridged X-Men!
(X-Men 109) - by Chris Claremont and John Byrne
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Ororo not noticing Moira casually drowning Banshee or Wolverine being punted around by some poutine-roided idiot because she’s too busy eating the Piotr-shaped eye candy is such a mood.
I wonder what my ethnic curse would be. Perhaps: ‘By Mata Hari’s bedazled bikini!’
Plot-wise, issue 109 is not that dense. Half the issue deals with the X-Men coming home from their space-adventures, the other half has Wolverine dealing with the Canadian government coming to claim their lost asset. I mean, Claremont uses three pages to tie up some loose Shi’ar ends through flashback because the last issue couldn’t fit it all in. It’s by its very definition a breather issue.
Doesn’t mean it’s not awesome.
WHERE TO START?! Why not with plant mommy Ororo?
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Storm’s secondary mutation has to be that her hair always looks like a fabulous follicular cascade, even during an indoor spring shower.
Look, if I had weather powers, I’d probably be using it for mundane shit like watering my plants and ensuring nice weather at my friend’s weddings too. (Okay, maybe sometimes I’d zap dudes who tell random girls in bars to smile more.)
While Storm talks to plants and takes all her clothes off, Kurt does the other thing I do after a rough day at the office: he calls someone for some nookie.
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I love that Amanda is so extra that she gives out signed photos of herself.
Kurt just looks so fucking cute here. Look at those little fangs! Yeah, Amanda, get it.
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Like a lot of people to whom communication comes as easily as breathing, Piotr is defeated when faced with a blank letter. Look at that trash can: he’s tried this waaaaay too many times.
Anyway, I think “Sorry I haven’t been writing, was busy saving the universe. Weather’s lovely” has a nice ring to it.
Star Wars had been out for around half a year when this comic was published, and it’s safe to say Claremont was a huge fan. You can tell by the direction these comics are taken: the whole Shi’Ar space opera is obliquely inspired by Star Wars and Star Trek and their aesthetics. I mean, Corsair asks to be beamed up and there’s even references to a captain “Spo’ock”.
It was the end of the 70s. Everybody wanted to be a Skywalker: space was big, y’all. Nightcrawler loving the movies is not a coincidence - I wonder if Claremont was also a fan of Errol Flynn.
Anyway, we follow Kurt one more floor down, where he spooks Scott, brooding at the window. The result is an unintentionally hilarious interaction, where Scott and Kurt discuss Real Issues Like Men while Jean comes out to her parents outside.
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“Mom and dad, I’m… the Phoenix.”
“Honey, we figured you might be when you introduced us to Misty Kn… Wait, what?”
To be fair, being possessed by a cosmic force for rebirth is almost the same as being gay: it imbues you with fabulous new insights, you start experimenting with your wardrobe and ever so often, you want to burn down the galaxy because some bitches in a gay club have slighted you.
But all that will come later.
Anyway, Jean’s kinda silly coming out leads to a pretty honest heart-to-heart between Nightcrawler and Cyclops. Scott tries to give Kurt grief because of his happy-go-lucky attitude, and Kurt gives him a deserved put-down.
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Life can be unkind, Scotty, so embrace the kindness provided to you by a wise little devil.
Scott prefers to brood and Kurt is hanging with Amanda, so it’s a foursome - maybe even a double date? Moira and Sean, Piotr and Ororo. Logan asks for a ride - not because he wants to eat cheese and crackers among ants, no, he wants to blow off steam.
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The X-Men’s chicken or egg: did Logan’s sideburns decide the shape of his headpiece, or did the headpiece shape his haircut?
I started reading the X-Men just when the Marvel Universe was starting to reach the height of Wolverine saturation: he was simply everywhere. Like, at some point, he was in X-Force and the Avengers while also being a Headmaster of the Jean Grey school. Add to that him being the face of the Fox X-Men universe… Listen, it was easy to get sick of him. I kind of did.
But this? Original flavor Wolverine, who’s still kinda short, kinda ugly and kinda stuck being a loner? He works as a character. Chris Claremont is beginning to explore his duality: the wild animal who has been experimented on vs. the honorable man who would do anything for his found family. He gives me major Granny Weatherwax vibes: he’s the kind of person who doesn’t need people, but he does need people to know that he doesn’t need people.
So yeah, he's still cool.
Also, his healing factor hasn’t been kicked to superhuman levels yet - you know, being able to regenerate from a single cell or whatever - so he actually feels kind of anxious when he’s about to toss himself off cliffs etc.
Not happy about that red belt, though.
Anyway, Wolverine is out doing the noble hunting-without-killing-thing, and then this motherfucker wrapped in a flag shows up. Look, I know I have something against dudes who brandish their nationality as their superhero identity, but this fool is just… ugh.
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James MacDonald = the worst. Trust me on this.
Major MacMapleleaf then punts Wolverine across the forest, right into the other X-Men’s picnic, and now we’re all caught up.
Out of all the X-Men in this issue, Sean gets the least amount of screen time but, hey, at least I can steal a joke from him.
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Don’t worry, despite the martyr/pièta pose, Moira will turn out just fine!
You weren’t worried?
Look, is there anyone who genuinely likes Moira as a character?
James Hudson, being the worst, doesn’t give a fuck that he just cross-fired an innocent woman - er, innocent as far as he knows, at least - and just nopes out of there, too outnumbered to fight the X-Men.
Yeah, you better run.
He vows to return with Alpha Flight, which… Eh, he’ll at least bring some more interesting characters with him. (Snowbird!) Now that he has sown enough seeds for a future plot to pick up on, Claremont calls it a day. I will also call it a day, after a little fashion watch. Out of all of these character, who has chosen the worst outfit?
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Scott. It’s Scott. Look, I get that those ruby quartz glasses make the world a different color for you, but you’re wearing a mustard suit and a bespeckled yellow shirt underneath. Even when considering Moira’s attitude, it’s still the most stank thing in the doorway.
Sean, just what do you see in her?
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lord-of-gender · 3 years
A Small Problem - Part 3
The Red Banquet
2761 words
As the 25th came Phil and Niki were having alot of trouble getting Tommy into something nice. He refused to wear the suit that was his years ago claiming it was 'too itchy'. So they resorted, with much protest from Techno, to making him a version of Techno's cape from some of his extra fabric and the old L'Manburg suit that once was Fundy's to be wore underneath.
"Oh my god, finally," Phil said as Techno grabbed Tommy from running out of the cabin.
"Let's go! Let's go!" Tommy chanted, giggling as he latched onto Techno's arm, he picked the boy off and handed him to Phil.
"Are you sure you're not coming," Niki asked.
"No, I don't trust that Eggpire, besides I have other things to do." Techno said.
During the trip through the Nether Niki and Phil politely chatted, but Tommy remained silent and huddled against them, as if they were the only things keeping him there. He never liked the Nether, he didn't know why, it was just scary and didn't sit right with him. When they neared the community portal Tommy sprinted to it, wanting, almost needing to get out.
"Niki!" Hannah said when they came out of the portal, "you look beautiful. Who's this little guy?"
Tommy looked to Sam who was behind her, he'd learned that there were certain people who couldn't know his name. "I'm Tommy," he said when Sam nodded.
"Ooh! Are you now," Hannah said, surprised.
"Yeah!" He said excitedly.
"We should probably get going so we're not late," Sam said as Tommy ran up to him and walked next to him.
"Sam, Sam," Tommy pulled on his suit, trying to get Sam's attention, "look what I can do."
"What is it," Sam said, looking down at him as Tommy furrowed his eyebrows in concentration.
"Oh you're going to be freaked out by this," Phil laughed and Niki giggled.
Slowly Tommy's features changed, he started sprouting fur and whiskers on his face. Tommy grinned up at Sam as his face looked like a raccoon.
"Okay, that's weird, how long has he been able to do that," Sam asked Phil.
"A few days, but Techno's discovered he can only do animals. We were in quite some shock when we found him fully transformed into a raccoon," Phil explained. "And of course Techno's first instinct was to exploit it."
"Ranboo didn't let him," Niki inputted when Sam started to look worried.
Soon they came up to the entrance of the banquet, everyone wore nice suits and dresses. They all stuck with the red theme of the banquet. Tommy morphed back to look normal as everyone fawned over him. Everyone had complied with the Eggpire's request of no weapons or armor, well except for Phil. Techno had insisted that he bring at least his bow and sword which could easily be hidden, a totem, and a few potions.
"Wow, you all look amazing," Antfrost greeted them. Not mentioning Tommy, who as soon as he saw Ant didn't budge from Sam's side.
"Thank you, you look very dapper yourself Ant," Puffy said, laughing.
"You okay buddy," Sam took Tommy to the side as they entered the basement where the Egg had taken over.
Tommy shook his head, tears welling up in his eyes. "I don't like it. Something's wrong."
"Do you want to stay with Phil," Sam asked, thinking maybe Tommy would feel safer with someone he was more familiar with. Tommy thought about it then nodded, trying to stay as far away from the Egg as he could.
"You alright Tommy," Niki asked the boy as he came up to Phil and grabbed his pant's leg.
"I-I fink something is going to happen, I don't know if we should be here," Tommy said.
"I'm sure everything is going to be fine Tommy, you have so many people here who care about you." Phil said, "I promise nothing bad is going to happen to you. Okay?"
"Okay," Tommy nodded and the trio walked over to where the others had gone over to dance.
"Care to dance," Bad said, offering his hand to Puffy. She accepted, this could be a statement between the two leaders. One against the Egg, the other for. A symbol of unity and peace.
As Hbomb continued to play music Niki and Eret danced as well, Foolish swept up Tommy and started to dance with the kid, sending Tommy into a fit of giggles as he was spun around. The boy forgot about his uneasy feelings and started to enjoy the party.
"So who's ready for a feast," Ant announced and they were led to a large table. Tommy sat by Phil as he sat near the edge of the table.
"So toasts, speeches, does anyone have any," Bad said.
"I do actually," Foolish said, as he spoke Tommy's ears started ringing and he zoned out. Something was wrong, he didn't know what put something was happening. "But I'm willing to give you a 3rd- 4th chance."
"Phil, I want to go home," Tommy whispered, but Phil dismissed him. He wasn't going to be rude, the Eggpire seemed to have changed.
"I'd like to say something as well," Eret said and started speaking how he was glad the SMP was turning back into how it was.
"You know what I've learned over my time," Ponk said, "as a wise man once said, people do change." They expected him to elaborate but he just stopped there.
"You look beautiful tonight," Sam muttered.
"I would like to speak as well," Puffy said, breaking the silence and standing up. "Bad, I'm glad you hosted this party. We've been through alot together and this egg has separated us quite a bit. And I'm happy that I won't have to sacrifice anymore friendships. Thank you for today, and I hope this brings us all together. I also hope that after today we never have to hear the words 'a new neaf' or 'second chances' or 'bygones be bygones' because you will start doing what's right. And I'm glad that the fighting's finally over."
"I can agree with that," Eret said, raising his glass. Everyone copied saying cheers and raising their drinks.
"Would anyone else like to say some words," Bad asked, looking around.
"Well do you have anything to say, Bad," Puffy asked as she sat down.
"Why yes, I do actually," Bad said. "I would like to say I appreciate you all coming. This was a perfect opportunity for us as a community to come together and honestly, to let bygones be bygones. To set any past issues aside and to set things right, so we can grow and advance in the future."
"Phil," Tommy tugged on his jacket, starting to panic as lava poured from walls, trapping them in the room. "Phil, we need to go."
"Not now Tommy," Phil hissed, why was he so insistent on leaving? Realizing he wasn't going to get Phil's attention he got up and was going to Niki who wasn't sitting too far from them.
"And now," Bad said as the lava encased them, "prepare to die."
"What," Puffy exclaimed and the others started to panic as well. "What about turning over this leaf?!"
"No, the leaf is staying the way it is," Bad said.
"Tommy," Phil grabbed him, and gave him a potion as Puffy uncovered the armor she had hidden, but was gone. "Listen to me you take this fire resistance and get out of here. The entrance is just over there, you run, and you go find help. Okay?"
Tommy nodded, he looked at the lava nervously but Phil and everyone was counting on him, he had to do it. He gulped down the potion and sprinted where they had come in.
"Stop him," Hannah yelled, running after Tommy. "Tommy get back here!"
Phil pulled out his bow and shot the few arrows he had at Hannah. She whirled around to look where the arrows had come from. Unsheathing his sword he ran after Hannah, buying the time Tommy needed to escape. She had armor and Phil didn't so he was forced to throw his sword to the side in order to not be killed.
"There, I have nothing else," Phil said, putting his hands in the air. He'd done what he needed. He'd got Tommy out and soon he'll be back with help.
"Now Sam!" Puffy said, Sam flipped a hidden lever and tnt came pouring down onto the Egg. But as it blew up obsidian covered the Egg and vines surrounding it, protecting the Egg from the explosion.
"Did you really think that would work," Bad laughed with the others as Phil was forced back to the crowd. "After Quackity tried that, we took extra precautions. Now who should we execute first?"
"Execute?!" Eret exclaimed with the others freaking out as well. "You're a monster."
"You're one to speak," Ponk said, he was apart of the server when Eret had betrayed L'Manburg.
"I've changed, I have learned not to betray others trust in me," Eret said.
"Well maybe you could be our first sacrifice," Bad said, "we'll take care of Phil and Sam next."
"No, no, no," Eret said as he was forced up to the area in front of the Egg.
"Stop!" Foolish said, he couldn't let Eret be killed, not while he could still do something. "Enough. You know protecting itself from tnt, that was impressive. But can it survive a barrage of lightning?" He raised his hands and started to channel his power as a god, but nothing. Nothing happened. "I-I don't understand."
"You really think you can come into the Egg's domain and be able to defeat it," Bad said, "I have an even better idea. How about we sacrifice the totem first."
"No!" Puffy screamed as Eret was let go and Foolish forced up to the podium and forced down to his knees.
"You could have prevented this Puffy," Antfrost said, "you could have stayed with the Eggpire and none of this would be happening."
"We don't know that," Sam said.
"I left the Eggpire cause I realized we were hurting people," Puffy said.
"But look at where that got you, we're going to kill your son," Ant said.
"Puffy, it's okay," Foolish said, and Ant swung his sword down, a bright green light filling the room as the totem lost his first life.
"No!" Puffy cried, tears started to spill from her eyes, and there was nothing she could do.
"One down and so many more to go," Bad laughed, looking at all of them. "Now who do we kill next? Perhaps Sam for trying to blow up the Egg, or Philza for hiding Tommy from us or even-"
"You're not going to be killing anyone!" Quackity leaped down from a small opening in the basement. "Bad, this isn't you. This isn't you Bad, we both know this."
"Where did you come from," Bad demanded, pointing a crossbow in Quackity's direction. He had nothing and didn't seem to have any weapons.
"I know what you're doing here but you're going to stop right now," Quackity said, pulling out a sword. "Look at what you've done. This is impressive. But you have to stop. This whole Egg thing has gotten out of hand. You just killed a man. Was that your plan all along? To kill innocent people? This has gotten completely out of control and I'm not going to have it. You're going to stop, right now."
"Now why would we do that," Bad walked towards him as Quackity equipped armor. "You think putting on armor will help you? Why do you think we did all this, we did this for the Egg. You can't give us what the Egg can give us. Don't get in our way. Don't try and stop us."
"Bad, look what you've done," Quackity walked around the room. "You've trapped all these people here, all these innocent people. In what you've disguised as a party. What have they done to you?
"You are a pawn to power, something that doesn't care about you. I mean look at the Egg, it doesn't mean anything Bad." Quackity slipped a golden apple and axe to Puffy, "So how about he stop playing games. How 'bout that?"
"I can't, I can't stop and you know why," Bad said. "And you know what Quackity if you wanted to stop us, you should have brought an army."
"I did, in fact I brought the next best thing," Quackity laughed, "I brought my biggest enemy."
"Alright Quackity, where's this Egg you were talking about," Technoblade emerged from the same opening. Phil started laughing as dogs came in behind him, teeth bared and ready to attack at Techno's command.
"It's right here, Techno," Quackity grinned, putting his sword against his shoulder.
"Let's go!" Phil said as Niki whispered it, he wasn't afraid to show his support to his friend.
"And not only that, I went looking across the entire lands for the best mercenary I could find. Cause you're right, I can't take you alone. So I got two of the best fighters on the server, welcome him Bad," Quackity said and Purpled emerged as well.
"Purpled," Bad exclaimed, "we hired you to kill Puffy and you join the enemy's side!"
"Bad, to be frank with you," Purpled said, "Quackity just had the better price."
"And Techno," Bad said, thinking he could negotiate with him. "You and Quackity are enemies! Why would you side with him?"
"Did you really think Bad, that you could execute my closest friends." Techno said, "No, your biggest mistake here was inviting Phil and thinking you could attempt to kill him without me finding out. And that's just the tip of the iceburg. This Egg, it's warping peoples' minds, it's controlling them and has no plans of stopping. And this Egg is the epitome of everything I stand against as an anarchist. So yeah, you've given me enough reason to work with Quackity."
"We're not going to let you stop us," Bad said, his voice wavered though, could they taking on The Blade himself? Most of them had seen the destruction he brought upon L'Manburg. "We still out number you, four against three."
"Not for long," Puffy said, splashing a potion of strength on herself and ran at them with the axe she now had. "You're dead Antfrost!"
"Wait! When did Puffy get a weapon?!" Bad yelled as Puffy attacked Ant.
"You've taken my kindness for weakness," Puffy said, swinging the axe down and killing Ant before he was able to defend himself. She turned around, tears streaming down her face, ready to attack the others as well.
"Dogs attack!" Techno yelled, attacking Ponk. Quackity and Purpled followed, attacking Bad and Hannah.
The three did their best to fight off the dogs, able to kill and injure some of them. But is wasn't enough they would soon be overwhelmed.
"Retreat," Bad yelled, they were no match for them. He broke into a wall near the Egg that opened up into a maze of tunnels.
"Purpled, you follow them, we'll take care of things here," Quackity said, Purpled nodded and ran into the tunnels.
"Phil, are you alright," Techno went up to him and Niki. "Where's the kid?"
"I gave him a fire res and sent him out, I thought he would have ran into you," Phil said.
"And the Eggpire knows who he is," Niki added, "we have to find him."
"Got it, we should take care of this Egg though," Techno said.
"I-I'll build a prison for it if I have to,” Sam said.
“Okay, but will that contain this?” Quackity asked, “are we sure that’s going to be enough?”
“We need to leave,” Techno said, the only way out was the opening they had made in the wall. “Tommy’s out there, we have to make sure he’s okay.”
“I should come,” Sam said, he needed to prioritize Tommy, even if it ment pushing back trapping the Egg.
“Alright, I’ll see what I can do here,” Quackity said, “Techno, you know the way out.”
Techno built a path up to the opening and handed Phil a weapon to defend himself with. When they got out of the basement Phil spotted someone wandering around, thinking it might be Tommy he ran in their direction, Niki following.
“Phil!” He exclaimed when he saw them, “boy am I glad to see you.”
“Wil-Wilbur,” Niki said, she couldn’t believe it. This wasn’t Ghostbur, but Wilbur himself, in the flesh.
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Reality Check - Chapter 8 Part 2
“We’ll take care of it from here, L/N.  You aren’t allowed back in.” Hayward said. 
“What do you mean I’m not allowed back in?!” You yelled, frustrated.  You spent all day talking to him just for him to tell you that there’s no plan where you go back. 
“I can’t risk having you under Maximoff’s magic again.  For all we know she’ll use you to destroy us.  You’re done here.” 
“But I have the best chance of going back in.” 
“I don’t care.  Woo, escort her out of here.  I don’t care where she goes but she can’t stay here any longer.” 
Jimmy nodded solemnly, holding out a hand to you.  Still angered by Hayward’s words you stood up from your chair abruptly, pushing Jimmy’s hand out of the way.  “You don’t get to make that choice for me.  I’m going to find out what’s going on inside the hex.” 
Hayward glared at you before raising a hand to his earpiece, muttering something you couldn’t hear.  He left the room as two guards came in, grabbing you by the elbows.  “You can’t do this!” You yelled out to Tyler.  “I will find my way back into Westview!” 
The guards began leading you down the halls as Darcy, Monica, and Jimmy all watched.  They didn’t know what they could do to help you.  You watched the hallways carefully, making sure you knew exactly where you needed to go once you broke free from them.
They led you outside, towards one of the trucks.  They threw you in before you could do anything, locking you into place with a set of handcuffs.  You huffed at them as they moved to the front of the vehicle.  One of the men sat behind the wheel, adjusting the mirror.  “Where are you taking me?” You asked them.  
Their answer sent shivers down your spine.
“To a place you won’t be able to come back from.” 
The drive was long, about two hours if you counted the seconds correctly.  The place they were talking about looked like a prison.  The walls were easily forty feet high, glaring down at you as if you were merely an ant.  The men dragged you into the building, leading you down yet another hallway.  You half expected a light to flicker on the way.  
The end of the hallway had a large desk with a woman sitting behind it.  She glared up at you from her seat, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose.  “Is this the mutant you were telling me about?” She asked, almost disgustedly. 
“Yes, ma’am.” 
“Bring her in, take her to the confinement room,” She sighed and handed one of the guards a key.  
“The what room?  Do you people even work for S.H.I.E.L.D?” You turned to look at them, seeing their empty expressions. They nudged you, forcing you to walk down a new hallway.
“We work for S.H.I.E.L.D, but we work for another agency as well.” 
“Another agency?  Dare I call you H.Y.D.R.A agents?” You tried to keep your brave face on, but it was hard knowing that you were being taken somewhere you didn’t know by people you didn’t know.
“A group even more powerful than H.Y.D.R.A ever was.  We handle mutants like yourself more specifically.  Haven’t you noticed that you’re completely drained of your power right now?  The cuffs are made to fit you perfectly, drain you of any energy you may have.” Your eyes widened in fear.
“So what’s the point in having me?” 
“Right now?  We’re just here to make sure you don’t mess up the timeline.” 
“How would I mess up the timeline?  The Avengers worked with time travel weeks ago and now you’re saying we could still be altering timelines?” 
“Precisely.  In fact, you could be altering it even more than you ever realized.  With your powers, if you were to come into contact and team up with the Scarlet Witch again, you could corrupt the entire multiverse.” 
“Multiverse?  The Scarlet Witch?  I don’t even know what you’re talking about right now!” You exclaimed.  
“It’s for the best you don’t then.  Don’t worry.  We’ll only keep you here until The Scarlet Witch is revealed.  It shouldn’t take too long.  We’ll see you soon, L/N.”  They pulled off your handcuffs and shoved you into a room.  Before you could race out of it, they locked the door.  
The room seemed to be made out of a metal.  It was all just metal, cold, and eerie.  A bed was in one corner, a desk with very few books, and a toilet and sink were on one side.  The other side had a chest, you assumed it was probably filled with blankets or pillows.  Whatever the room was made of, it had to have been made out of the same metal as the cuffs.  You still felt drained by it. 
“What do I do now?” 
A week had passed and you found yourself sitting by the desk, reading a book.  You felt like you were going insane there.  A man would bring you food twice a day, giving you a small smile each time he did.  You merely glared at the man and waited until he was gone before you would eat.  It was always something a small.  A sandwich, an apple, maybe a bottle of water.  It was always on paper plates and paper napkins, ensuring you wouldn’t have anything sharp or heavy. 
“Good news,” The man greeted you one day.  You watched him with a careful eye.  “The timeline is almost restored, meaning you’ll be free soon enough.  It should only be another day or two.  I enjoyed our time together, even if you don’t.  Many of the people who show up here are less than pleased and they would insult me quite a bit.  I would prefer a nice conversation, after all I am just the messenger, but I’ll take what I can get.”  He placed the plate down.  A granola bar and a ham and cheese sandwich.  Predictable. 
“Hopefully tomorrow is the last day we’ll see each other.  I look forward to it,” He smiled once more before leaving.  
You looked down at the plate, picking at the granola bar.  What were you to do now? 
The next morning you woke up, waiting for the man to appear once again.  He was a friendly face at least.  Given you hadn’t seen anyone else all week you were almost kind of glad to see somebody each day.  You were positive you would start hallucinating at this rate.  
The door opened for the first time today, but it wasn’t the man you were waiting for.  It was a different man.  One you hadn’t seen in a week.  His mischievous grin was as wide as ever, his black hair was pulled back behind his ears.  He wore a Gucci suit.  Of course he did.  
“Did you miss me, darling?” He asked, raising his arms up as if he expected you to run to him. 
You looked at him with wide eyes.  “How are you here?” You asked him. 
“What do you mean?  I know I’m dead in this timeline but surely you knew it was me inside the Scarlet Witch’s reality,” He chuckled. 
You stood up, walking to him slowly, scanning his face for any kind of flaw.  Any indication that someone was pretending to be him.  “The Scarlet Witch’s reality?  Don’t you mean Wanda’s?” 
“Wanda, Scarlet Witch, same person, just different names.  Now, I’m a little disappointed to hear that you couldn’t see through my illusion, but I can’t say that I’m surprised.  You were never one for noticing it after all.” 
“You were in there all along?” You asked breathlessly.  
“Of course I was!  Scott was never a man who lived in Westview.  He was merely someone I made up so I could be close to you.  I needed to help set the timeline straight.  The T.V.A would have had my head if I couldn’t do it.” 
“Who’s the T.V.A?” 
“The Time Variance Authority.  They’re the ones who locked you up here, despite my arguably great reasons why they shouldn’t,” He spoke bitterly.  “But, I had to help them with this timeline.  I’m from a different timeline.  One where Thanos hasn’t snapped away half of the universe.  I escaped using the Tesseract.” 
A lightbulb seemed to flicker on in your head.  Of course it was him!  Bruce told you about what had gone wrong during the “Time heist.”  He mentioned how Loki managed to escape in 2012.  “You’re working for them?” 
“Not anymore,” He winked.  “I extracted some of the Scarlet Witch’s magic before she took off with the Darkhold.” 
“Wanda has the Darkhold?!”  You almost screeched.  Through your readings on Asgard you learned of the dark magic the Darkhold possessed.  It was known for corrupting people’s minds when read.  Considering your friend was already unstable enough to create a false reality you were terrified by what she could do if she had the book. 
“Shh!” He hushed you quickly.  “There are still people in the building.  But yes, she does.  Don’t worry, I’ve seen the rest of this timeline.  She’ll be alright with help from the Sorcerer Supreme.  But you hold no important place in this timeline anymore.” 
“What do you mean by that?” You asked. 
He walked up to you, close enough to place a hand on your waist comfortingly.  “Y/N,” It brought tears to your eyes to hear him say your name once more.  “I want you to come with me.” 
“Where would we go?” 
“Anywhere.  We can go anywhere you’d like.  This timeline, another, somewhere on Midgard or somewhere far away from it.  But I’m asking you to run away with me.  I know you may be frightened by the idea, especially because I’m not the same Loki you used to know, but I don’t want to live without you.  This is our chance to finally have a life together.  Free from Odin, from Thanos, from everyone!  We could finally be together.” 
You searched his eyes for any lies.  It wouldn’t be the first time he betrayed someone he loved, but you couldn’t find an ounce of betrayal in him.  He was being completely honest with you.  You smiled slightly, tears brimming your eyes.  “Loki, I have friends here.  Family.  Knowing that Wanda is out there with the Darkhold is terrifying me.” 
“And you can see her again, I promise you.  But for now we must leave.  You won’t see her for quite a while, but,” He hesitated for a moment, debating whether or not he should tell you the next piece of information.  “But you will see her again.  She’s going to use the Darkhold to cross the multiverse.  We can safely see her again, but right now we have to go.” 
The two of you looked out of the room quickly as you heard yells coming down the hallway.  The T.V.A was close now.  They were planning on arresting both you and Loki.  “What do you say, Y/N?” His eyes were pleading, begging you to go with him.  
You took a deep breath, wiping your eyes, before grabbing onto his hand.  The other hand, that was still on your waist, tightened his hold slightly.  You smiled up at him.  “Let’s go,” You whispered. 
He returned the smile, before saying one last thing to you. 
“Oh, how I love you.”
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Yeah, no, I’m with Wanda on this one.  We’re not ending it like that.  Reality Check is far from over.  Happy April Fool’s, everyone.  
Part 2 will be out tomorrow.  
@emberfulclass @momoneymolife @high-priestesss @hailey-the-heathen @mochminnie @dpaccione @intricate-melody @lindseyrae20 @storminateacup15 @ilovemollyweasley​ @bookgirlunicorn @chims-kookies @austynparksandpizza​ @yikesdameron​ @littleladdty @three-eyed-snail @kymera-casterwill​ @justsomerandompersonintheworld @followthepastelcloud​ @11mb0​ @carolinesbookworld​ @from-hel-i-with-love @grimalkynslee @boywivlove​ @prettysbliss​ @youreobsessedwithmarvel​ @th3gl1tt3gram3roff1c1al @luthien-t​ @lokilove3000 @treblebeth​ @weclassygirl​ @justfangirlingaround​ @drpepperobsessed​ @how-does-this-work​ @prideofnewberk​ @matterdontminduntildone​ @brynthebulldozer​ @shittyfuckinweeb​
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pla-teau · 4 years
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hayward | i was one of the many few who really wished death on the man cause he’s just the worst. this man emptied his clip at two children. i’m glad jimmy was able to pull a fast one on this dick and that darcy hit him with the ice cream truck and very happy to see the man being taken away in cuffs.
vision vs. vision | while i would’ve enjoyed seeing them fight it out until one completely lost, it wouldn’t be vision without some philosophic conversation. it’s true vision fashion. he doesn’t fight unless it’s a last resort. he’s logical and can assess other means in which to deter a foe. truly enjoyed the scene and now i’m just curious as to where tf white vision yeeted off to after regaining the memories from hex!vision? some have speculated possibly wakanda since that is the place where he died. twice. i would love to see him possibly interact with shuri since she would’ve appeared in the memory montage that hex!vision provided him with alongside other events from infinity war.
agatha (aka not mephisto) | overall, i loved agatha as a character and i’m glad she wasn’t killed off by the end of the series. i know she was more villainous in the show but i’m glad they somewhat neutralized her even if it was by cruel punishment brought upon by wanda to keep her trapped in westview as a nosy neighbor. it keeps the door open for us to see more interactions between her and wanda. i’m also glad that she was the foe wanda had to go against. i know many (like myself) speculated mephisto would appear and be revealed but i’m happy i was wrong about that. this is the first entry into phase four and to spill out a big bad right away? probably not the best move. i know ant-man 3 is planning on introducing kang the conqueror so i wouldn’t be shocked if mephisto is used as a red herring to distract us from the actual big bad of the phase, kang the conqueror (while still keeping mephisto around obviously for future battles and possibly use him as a big bad down the road).
family is forever | i was sobbing when seeing the hex start shrinking down in the distance outside the boys’ window. i love that wanda and vision made the move to put them to bed as a way of saying goodbye so they wouldn’t have to see them disappear. i hope to see these same boys come back cause i think no matter what your theory was on them, viewers fell in love with them. if planning for young avengers, i cannot wait to see them be a part of it. given that these boys weren’t real and not actually wanda’s children, i think they’ll go the route that they’ll find each other even if not as a blood related family but reincarnations that know that wanda was their mother in one instance and see her as a mother figure (alongside their actual mothers, of course). i just love them and i really wish they stuck around but i know this won’t be the last time we see them!
wanda’s outfit | i love it and i think pays homage to her comic book costume while still fitting the aesthetic of wanda and the mcu. love the attention to detail and the pattern on her headpiece. someone on here also pointed out in a post how it resembles magneto’s suit and it makes me love it more because of that. in conclusion, this is the scarlet witch and she’s hot.
wanda and vision’s farewell | if i was sobbing at billy and tommy’s fate, i was wailing by the time these two started saying goodbye. we learn that the main reason vision was able to be created the way he was by wanda was because of the mind stone. while she is the scarlet witch, she was exposed to and enhanced by the mind stone that ended up becoming vision. like she said, it’s a part of her. he lives on in her and overall, this scene just cemented that these two are meant to be together. they are going to be that power couple in the mcu moving forward, together or apart. we know these two are meant for each other and have so much love for each other and will find their way back always. while they may change, the one thing you can bet your ass on is that they fucking love each other.
ralph bohner | the twist that no one saw coming - peter is ralph. it’s clear that he was being controlled by agatha because the moment monica took off the necklace, he woke up from her spell. a lot of people are swirling around to say that he’s probably woo’s missing person. we don’t know that and it’s something that’s left unconfirmed. while i would’ve enjoyed the reveal to be peter actually being peter from the x-men universe, i’m also happy he isn’t. yes there was a lot of fanfare and hope for this series to introduce the multiverse but in retrospect, it would’ve been too much to throw at us at the beginning of phase four. throwing in the multiverse right away would’ve taken away from the series being about wanda (separate point i’ll get to at the end). do hope to see evan peters in a future mcu project, though!
wanda’s story moving forward | i hope wanda becomes a sort of anti-hero for the future. this does set up her appearance in doctor strange 2 and i can’t wait to see what she does. while agatha said she’s destined to destroy the world and her power exceeds the sorcerer supreme’s, i hope the writers don’t make wanda into this villain that loses her logic because of extreme power. wanda has proven agatha wrong already by acknowledging the error in her ways. when she realized she was hurting the people of westview, she let them go and stopped hurting them. she learned that yes, she is hurting them without knowing so what she has to do is let them go. wanda has learned throughout her years with the avengers the consequences her powers can have on people. we know she’s never been trained by a witch and yes, that makes her dangerous with her chaos magic. the second post credit scene shows us that she’s determined to teach herself even if it’s through the darkhold. in seeing what she’s done and the power she holds, i think wanda will be this gray moral character. she holds a great deal of power, the most powerful being on the planet at the moment, and that can cloud her judgement at times. despite being an avenger, this show has really shown us that wanda is alone. while she was with the avengers, what have they really done? they kept her in check and helped her utilize her powers for good but then when civil war happened, she was detained and treated like a weapon of mass destruction. the avengers are clearly nonexistent and those that are around, haven’t bothered with her. i also hope that this new phase of marvel kinda tears down the original avengers and their actions because while intentions were good, not everything or everyone was perfect and there’s consequences. and i hope those consequences are shown through the main characters of this phase like wanda.
the complaints | while i loved this show so so much, i did have some issues. while i enjoyed that this show fleshed out more of wanda’s past, i’m sad that they didn’t confirm or at least try to make wanda jewish since they completely erased her romani roots from the comics. this goes back to my whole thing with representation which i’ve mentioned before in response to an article. while i love elizabeth olsen’s portrayal and care she has for wanda, a romani actress still should’ve been cast from the beginning. the least they could’ve done was at least make her jewish even if ever so subtly because that is the other half of wanda’s identity, even if it’s been retconned often. if they are never going to confirm her as magneto’s daughter in the mcu, at least honor that aspect of her identity if you’ve erased one major one already. representation matters and i wish they tried to do right by the character since they clearly paid close attention to other aspects of her comic book history and took a deep dive into her mental health. come at me for these thoughts but i’ll stand by them. another is just directed at the press for the show (i’m looking at you paul bettany). while fans went ham on the theories and marvel will do anything to misdirect you, i think there should’ve been a clear up from marvel about bettany’s claims of a big cameo coming in the series when it was about himself. i get you don’t want to spoil the show and the big surprises it may hold for the audience but still. i think there should’ve been someone behind the scenes or bettany’s publicist could’ve kinda told him to stop hinting at a super duper big cameo. yes, fans got carried away but i think when you’re doing press for marvel, it should be somewhat common knowledge that fans are going to analyze and try to figure out wtf is gonna happen. it’s fun theorizing, don’t get me wrong but when it’s gone the way it has for this show, i think it leaves a lot of people unsatisfied. i’ll admit i was being a clown thinking i’d see patrick stewart as professor x again since he’s an actor paul’s never worked with before and would be a huge fan service for the audience like in the mandalorian season finale. tldr; crazy fan theories comes with the territory. my final grievance actually has to do with the set up for monica’s engineer. i was also hoping we’d someone big or someone that could be big in the future, possibly it was a skrull at the end but the tone and way monica talked about it, i think it was underwhelming to see a character that we came not to care too much about.
final thoughts | overall, i loved this show and it was refreshing to see marvel embrace the magical side of their universe as it continues to expand. the cast was amazing. everyone in the cast and crew deserve awards because this really gave us a show about wanda. i think a lot of people lost that (including myself) with all the theorizing; goes back to my complaint about press for the show. it gave us a show that dealt with trauma and grief in a way we haven’t seen before in marvel’s cinematic universe. i’ll admit i didn’t care much for wanda as i did with the others but this show made me care for her a lot more and made me a bigger fan of her and vision’s story. it grounded itself in dealing with wanda’s grief and trauma in a new way while also exploring her character more. so i’m happy that we didn’t get a super big cameo or that the multiverse wasn’t confirmed because then the tone and attention would’ve shifted away from this story being about her. i hope marvel can give us shows like this that make us care about a character’s emotions and feelings rather than just how cool and badass they look in a suit. it was clear that the cast and crew made this with such love and care that had good storytelling and kept us on edge every week. i hope that marvel can show us these types of stories and ranges from characters in future movies as well.
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cherrysha · 4 years
If You Let Me
my stupid ass laptop crashed while writing this so i think that meant i should post it asap. Anyway i rewatched the chimera ant arc and Shoot’s transformation inspired me to make sad smut because yall kno i cant stay away from angst. i hope this hurts in a good way! feel free to tell me ur thoughts and opinions!
Summary: After surviving the Chimera Ants, Shoot comes back into your life after years of being gone, claiming to be a changed man. But you’re tired of being his only when he needs you.
Word count: 2,848
My requests are open atm
Warnings: dubcon, angst, fingering, oral sex
18+ crowd here. No minors should be reading this
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You see him there. Standing in front of the store window. He doesn’t do anything, just stares until you notice him before disappearing into the crowded city streets. You can’t help but be shocked. He’d been gone for years, leaving you to wallow in your misery and self doubt.
Four hours left in your shift and you didn’t have to guess where you’d find him. Probably in the same place he always was when he decided to show up again. Every minute you stood there, greeting customers and cleaning up after them you couldn’t help but the think of what you’d actually say to him.
What you wanted was to yell, to scream until your voice left you. Maybe you’d quietly tell him to leave and never come back. But you’d done all of that before. No matter what you had to put your foot down. You shouldn’t have let it continue for so long anyway.
Four hours later and your hunch was correct. Door still locked, he sat right at your kitchen table nonchalantly leaning back as if he belonged there. At one point he did, but the memory of it alone is enough to make your chest ache.
“What is it Shoot?” You sigh, dropping your bag and keys on the table. You follow suit, dropping into a chair to sit across from him.
He’s quiet as you sit down, hand fiddling with the material of his shirt. Nervous habit, you knew all too well how hard they were to break.
“Why are you so upset?” And he asks it as if there’s nothing wrong. Like it was normal for him to be here. Your irritation was only growing as you stared at the man in front of you.
“What a stupid question.” You mumble, pulling a cigarette out of the pack in your pocket. Before you have time to react he’s crushing it between his fingers, eyes trained on you while he speaks
“I thought you stopped smoking.” It’s almost a question and his eyes are full of concern.
“Believe it or not, a lot changes when you’re not here. My life keeps moving without you.”
“Ah” he says, as if he’s finally realizing it.
“Do you think I might’ve changed since we last met?” You give him a once over, shaking your head ‘no’ before he continues.
“Maybe you can’t see it.” His eyes are guarded as he waits for your reaction. You know what this is before he even has time to finish. He was trying to sway you, make you believe he was different and let him stay for the night. And in the morning you’d be alone again.
“Ah..” you sigh, mimicking him. With a nod of your head, you pretend to play along.
“How many hours are you going to be a changed man?” You cross your arms “One? Two? Are you going to at least wait until I fall asleep this time?”
He lets out an exasperated sigh, finally letting an emotion play across his face. Irritation. How ironic. “Why do you have to be so -“
“You’re the one who decided to leave, Shoot.”
“And you always let me come back.” he says calmly. “How do you think I feel?” There’s guilt in his eyes, as if he means to say that  he knows the pain he’s caused and that it’s eating him alive. But the way it sounds when it hits your ears is that because you accepted him over and over again, you’ve caused him unnecessary grief. His words are enough to make you overlook the sad expression lingering on his face.
“Oh no... don’t you sit there and try to blame this on me! You left. I didn’t. Don’t make yourself out to be the victim here Shoot! I didn’t fuck up your emotions. That was all you!” There’s a pause as he stares at you. That’s how he always was. Always so composed but you could tell what he was thinking nonetheless.
“That’s not what I was trying to do” and there’s this resolve in his voice, as if he’s accepted the fact that this isn’t going in the direction he wanted it to.
You pinch the bridge of your nose, closing your eyes before responding. “Well, what were you trying to do then?”
And you know the your next words are harsh, but after years of holding your tongue you don’t care to mince your words for his benefit. He pauses to consider your question and that’s when you say it “Or do you not want to talk about it like usual? It’s just too fucking difficult you’re gunna have to run away like you always do, right?”
All he does is grit his teeth. But it’s that reaction alone tells you the most. Like the flip of a switch, anger swallowed any sadness that was left on his face, and that was enough to prove him right. He wasn’t the person who left you all those years ago. You lean back in your chair with a sigh, choosing to ignore the tension in the room and his piercing gaze. No, this wasn’t the same Shoot. he should’ve left by now. But you know old dogs rarely learn new tricks. Just because he learned a new one didn’t mean he was the type of man to stay. He’d proven that time and time again.
“The doors open, Shoot.”
You rub your temples. This exchange has already dragged on far too long and the exhaustion you felt earlier from work was slowly returning to you.
He chuckles, it’s something dark and it makes your eyes snap open to look at him. He looks relaxed, like he’d finally gotten what he came for. But there’s tension hidden in his body. The loose fabric of his clothes couldn’t hide that.
“You always liked to hear yourself talk.”
And he says it as if he hasn’t been gone for years. Says it like you’re willing to concede if he just pushes hard enough. If he pressed the right buttons. It makes your stomach turn. Not again. You were done with this game.
“Yeah and look what good that did me.” You counter his laugh with a smile that doesn’t reach your eyes. “All that begging and I still ended up alone.”
You get up before you have time to see his reaction. it’s over, you shouldn’t care about the sting your words would leave him with. Slowly you move behind him to the balcony, letting your arms hold you tight, as if to keep yourself from falling apart.
You were too tired to be angry, too exhausted to bicker with him much longer. Yes, you loved him. Loved him since you were kids and that’s why you knew better than anyone that his word meant nothing. He was a man of inaction, it was in his nature to flee at the first sign of a fight. And after all these years, you loved him even though he was nothing but a coward.
You could give in tonight and wake up with an empty bed in the morning, or save yourself the heartache and make him leave right now.
The view on the balcony wasn’t bad for how cheap this place was. City stretched before you, lights and people converging as if it was just one giant organism. The sun was setting but, in a place like this there was rarely any peace. People scurried like ants, darting around as they quickly made their way home, to work, to restaurants and clubs. This big city with all these people and he still managed to find the one he was looking for. All so he could satisfy his guilt while paying no mind to how you felt. Yeah, It was time.
“The door, Shoot. It was nice catching up but I have work in the morning.” It’s quiet but you know he’s heard you.
There’s some shuffling as he gets up and you don’t let yourself turn around to see him leave again. You know what it looks like and you know the emotion that would climb it’s way out of your chest if you saw it one more time.
What you don’t expect is the feeling of his chest pressing against your back. The warmth there enough to make you release a quiet gasp. You were almost positive he would’ve taken the opportunity to leave. His arm pulls you closer as the words leave his lips.
“I’m sorry”
“I’ve heard it.” You snap, willing the anger and frustration back down your throat. “I’ve heard the ‘I love you’s and the promises to change before, Shoot. I’ve heard it all.” You can’t help it when your voice cracks, or the tears that start sliding down your face.
“Just save it and leave. Don’t make it even harder for me.”
He turns you around and he’s wearing this expression you haven’t seen on him before. You’d call it determination, that was the only thing you could describe it as, but there was something else there too.
His movements are slow and you can already tell where this is headed. In a few moments his lips are on yours, fingers tight against your chin holding you in place. You try to fight it, try to pull away but he can tell that the effort is half hearted and it only spurs him on even more. If you truly didn’t want it you would’ve stopped him earlier.
After a few seconds you give in to the taste of his mouth mixed with tears. It’s warm, it’s familiar and you can’t help but lean into it. You know it’s wrong but it’s too late to stop. When he finally lets you go you’ve shattered in his grasp. Resolve broken, there’s nothing left to hold back the flood of emotion that’s built up inside of you for years.
“I hate you!” You scream. And you hope beyond anything that the same man who would leave is still in there. You could pick up the pieces later but if he stayed it’d only be worse once he was gone. You try to push him away, tears soaking your shirt as you shove against his unforgiving chest.
“I hate you.. I hate you.” The words slowly fizzle into sobs that wrack through your body. Shoot only pulls you closer, arm coming to fit snug against your waist.
“I’m not leaving, y/n. Huh? Look at me. I’m not leaving.”
You can barely see through the tears flooding your eyes but it’s there. That resoluteness etched deep within the lines of his face. You prayed it was deep enough for him to have changed, you prayed it was shallow enough for him to leave for the final time and spare the ache in your heart. You prayed to be free of this cycle.
You lean into his chest, immediately soaking the fabric there. Your voice is a whisper when you finally speak again.
“I don’t believe you.”
“You don’t have to.” He whispers, ”Just give me a chance to prove it.”
You don’t speak, don’t react as he lifts you up and carries you inside. How long has it been since he was here? In your apartment? Your bedroom? You don’t remember, but it feels like a thousand lifetimes ago.
Soft kisses litter your pliant body as soon as he lays you on the bed. It’s different than the usual way he’s done it. Something tender flows through him and into you with each press of his mouth. Maybe he can sense that you’ve given up. It didn’t matter how hard you tried to fight it, you always ended up underneath him.
But there’s something so guilt free about the way he undresses you, lays you before him and gives a kiss to your mound. his touch is far sweeter than what you’ve come to expect. Before, he’d rush quickly through the act to outrun the guilt that slowly built up inside of him. But now, he takes his time, savoring every minute he can as his mouth sucks bruises into your hips. your thighs. There’s a tender moment before he buries his face between your them, quickly licking a stripe up your center before stopping to suck on your sensitive clit. Once he has a taste he can’t stop himself from taking what he came for. He doesn’t have the patience to.
Whimpers mix with the sobs that leave your throat. You could never help the way your body responded to his touch, couldn’t help the way slick dripped down your thighs at the mere thought of his mouth on you. And he doesn’t let any of it go to waste, lapping up everything you have to offer him. He’s starved, and now was his chance to have as much as he wanted.
He had been selfish, he knew that. But as much as he was giving right now he was aware of how much he was taking. This was no different. Your body underneath his. Legs tight around him as he ate his fill and then some, not stopping when you arched against him. A broken wail leaves your throat. No, he was still selfish. He needed all of you, every last drop.
There’s no break, no rest as he pushes you over the edge. You can tell he’s not trying to make up for lost time. He couldn’t change the past or the mistakes he’d made along the way. It wasn’t guilt either. No sadness in his face or in his movements against you. It was a desperate need that drove him, nothing more. You’d never seen this much of him. Still fully clothed, he left his heart lying naked on the sheets for you to see. It’s so overwhelming that it makes your head spin. Coupled with the orgasm still rushing through your body, it was enough to make you go limp beneath him. Before you know it, he’s lifting his mouth off of you, giving you respite from the pleasure for only a few seconds. Shoot kneels between your open legs as he deftly pushes two fingers deep within your cunt.
It’s indescribable. You hadn’t felt this good in such a long time, the pleasure of your last orgasm still so fresh that his thumb moving against your clit bordered on painful.
“I love you” and he says it like it’s not a mere feeling, but an absolute fact. His eyes bore into you, stern expression on his face as he fucks his digits in and out of your soaked core. He feels it. The clench around him as he says it. There’s no denying what his words are doing.
“Stop it Shoot.” The tears come back again with a vengeance as you cover your face with your arm. He speeds up, thumb brushing quicker at the bud hidden between your folds.
“I love you y/n”  and there’s this conviction in his voice you can’t ignore. But you know better. Sobs shake your body as you clench tight around him again. If he kept it up you weren’t going to last very long.
He’s moving, determined expression still on his face as he kisses his way up your stomach to your chest, nipping at a pert nipple before giving the same attention to the other. His lips are on your neck, sucking and biting dark bruises into your sensitive skin.
“You don’t have to say it. You’ve done enough for me sweetheart.”
His warm mouth presses against the hollow of your neck before continuing.
“Just come for me okay?”
You can’t help but to obey. You whine as your body tightens around him before it suddenly lets go. All the pain, the hurt, the betrayal is forgotten as he works his tongue into your mouth, taking every noise you make for himself. It’s mind numbing and the wind is knocked from you at the sheer force of it. You move your arm to fist the sheets underneath you, an electric current still pulsing through your veins as he stills his digits inside and switches to just lazily rubbing your clit in circles.
Shoot watches with rapture at the pleasure on your face, eyes red with tears and lips swollen from his mouth. He wanted more. Wanted to take everything you could give him and then some. To make you cry with pleasure as he pushed your body to it’s limits. But this night wasn’t for him and he was aware that you had given everything you could. It wasn’t about what he wanted. So he pulls his fingers out and undresses, shushing you when you start to tell him you can’t, your too tired. “I don’t want that” he whispers.
He crawls in bed next to you, holding your naked body close as he places kisses to your neck. your breathing evens out and you fall asleep much quicker than he expected. but it was okay. In the morning he’d be there. He’d prove himself to you and would take whatever you were willing to give afterwards
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travellvogue · 4 years
Picnic- Anyone You Like
He was nervous, so nervous. The fact you’d accepted his offer of a date took him by surprise, and now he found himself watching you with a wide smile as you walked along the length of the park towards where he’d set up camp. Sat on the thick plaid blanket, the layer of material protecting you from the itchy long strands of grass and the exploring ants, the array of treats neatly laid out under the shade of the large oak tree. A choice of grapes, bread sticks, mini sandwiches he’d woken up early this morning to chop the crusts off of, frantically panicking that they won’t look as impressive if they’d been lazily left cut in half- doubting his options of plain ham, plain cheese, marmite and jam- wanting to make sure there was definitely something there that you’d like. His hands grow clammy with every step you took. Does he go in for a handshake? A hug? Kiss you on the cheeks? No that’s too prim-and-proper.
The bustling of the city skyline seemed to become silent the second you reached him, it was just you and him in that moment. He opted for a hug, your arms wrapping around his muscular frame with a warming ‘hello!’ instantly putting him at ease. “Welcome” he giggles nervously, arms splayed out, presenting the selection of goodies he’d prepared for the two of you, taking a seat on the blanket and patting the space beside him for you to join. Your top dangles open when you lean down and he has to stop himself from looking, busying himself with the trays of neatly cut sandwiches. “I made some sandwiches, there’s different options in there.. You don’t have to eat all of them, I just wanted, y’know to make sure-there’s marmite- wait no one likes marmite I-” your hand delicately rests on the side of his arm. Your smile melting his nervous hurry of words, his sentence barely able to string itself together. 
“I love marmite” you wink, watching the weight drop from his shoulders, a quiet sigh of relief, pulling back the layer of cling film that coated the tray, “and I love the effort you’ve gone to, thank you so much” you take a bit of the sandwich, humming in delight at the taste, the first thing you’d eaten all day- too nervous to even think of forcing some soggy cornflakes down your neck this morning. He blushes at your praise, offering you options from the never ending supply of treats.  
Small talk is made as you nibble of pita bread and cheese, asking him about how his recent game was. It wasn’t intrusive, he appreciated that, other girls would swoon over his footballer status but you held a comfort that made it feel like a regular nine-to-five job. 
As the conversation began to pick up, hours passed, and you found yourselves lying on your tummies, heads propped up by your hands, shoes flung to the side of the blanket with your bare feet swishing in the air, tapping each other's ankles every so often, the small contact giving him the comfort he needed. Indulging in a game of ‘people-watching’, the city that never slept offering endless conversation, watching the couples walk by hand in hand, some staying a few metres away from each other looking rather tense, others linking arms deep in conversation. He seems himself in some of them, you by his side blushing at the compliment he’d give you, your hair falling over your shoulder, only for you to complain that you’re in desperate need of a haircut. But he liked it, the way it traced down your back, the loose strands making themselves known at the front of your face, only to watch you tuck them behind your ears to stop them protruding your eye line. 
“How long do you think they’ve been together?” his daydream is interrupted by your gentle voice, a single finger subtly pointing at the new pair of people. Maybe mid-20’s, the man tall and lean, around the six foot two mark, the woman far more petite, the skirt she was wearing only made her legs look shorter next to his. Their hands were clasped together, bright smiles on their faces as their arms swung back and forth in an over exaggerated fashion. 
“Ahh, the honeymoon stage” he hums, exuberating a fake confidence as though he was certain on the answer, your giggles filling his ears as he continues the characteristics, fingers brushing against his chin as though he was combing through a long beard, deep in thought, watching them walk along the path out of sight. “Six months, madam” he winks at you, popping a grape into his mouth, watching you raise your eyebrow and nod in agreement. He feels a burst of pride, he’d impressed you. 
The hurried businessman sprung up the next conversation, the overly expensive suit still failed to sit properly at his ankles, flapping vigorously with every stride he took. Phone held against his ear, orders shouted into it at what you could assume was aimed at his assistant. 
“Phil, thirty four-” you begin, painting a picture of the strangers background story, he listens intently with a wide smirk, “works in fInAnCe mAnAgeMeNt, and is always bragging about his sex life despite his wife not giving him any cose the newborn takes up all her time” you shrug, you look over to him, only to notice he’d been staring at you the whole time, smiling and blinking slowly as your eyes meet, blushing vigorously, wondering if you’d gone too far. 
“So instead he flirts with the lady at the front desk, and he’s got a tinder profile set up on his ‘work phone’, describing himself as an ‘avid runner’” he continues for you. The two of you laughing loudly at the information you’d received from the poor guys image.
His hand comes to brush against yours, fingers pushed through your own, lifting both your hands to point at the bustling group of mums approaching the corner of the lake. Too caught up in their meaningless conversation of pelvic muscle exercises and the smoothies they’d been trying to notice one of the many babies is heading directly for the water, excitedly chasing after a terrified duck. “That better not be you when we have kids” he nudges your shoulder with his own. Only for his whole body to freeze in a fit of panic. Fuck. what did he say that for? On a first date?! 
“Absolutely not” you scoff humorously, his comment made the butterflies in your tummy erupt and set off in flight to help the poor duck. Gripping his hand firmer to comfort his worry. His nervous giggle growing a decibel louder as he shuffles closer to you. “You’d never find me in a park… I’ll be in Selfridges, taking full advantage of your credit card” you let out a loud howl at your own joke, hearing him playfully tut at your words, watching you in such awe as you role onto your back, staring up at the passing clouds, only then realising the sun was beginning to set behind the large oak tree, the hours having flown by with the easy conversation. 
“Very funny pretty one” the nickname didn’t faze him this time, now he laid on his back next to you, your head twisting to look over at him. Your smile growing at the sight of his own, his hand coming to find yours again. 
He’s silent.
You both are.
Neither of you speaking in the moment, his body now propped onto its side, looking down at your resting beauty, tucking that troublesome strand of hair behind your ear. Fingertips brushing against your skin, the golden sunlight painting you as a goddess, something you’d only find in the movies. And yet here he was, in his own fairy-tale. 
If anyone was watching you, laid on their bellies creating background stories for strangers they’d never met. They’d say the two of you had been together for years, that ‘honeymoon’ stage never leaving, not with the way you still looked at each other. They’d giggle as they made make-believe careers for you both, naming your first child for you. Then they’d watch, in silence, as he leans forward, lips slightly pouted, eyes beginning to close. 
Closer, closer, closer. 
“Turtle” you speak. His eyes now open, lips relaxed, eyebrows furrowed in confusion, 
“What?” he chuckles nervously. The so-close-yet-so-far feeling looming in the pit of his stomach. Your arm flies up, index finger pointing towards the fluffy cloud above your heads. 
“It looks like a turtle” you giggle. His breath leaving his nostrils in defeat. Laying down beside you once again, shoulder to shoulder, eyes studying the clouds above your heads. 
He can’t help but smile, maybe he didn’t get the kiss, but he got all this, the tranquility of feeling you’d known someone for years, the normality and comfort of your eyes, the peaceful trance of your smile, the music of your giggle. 
As he lays down on the crumb covered picnic blanket, he finds himself imagining your future, creating the future for him and the girl laid next to his beating heart and twisting stomach, the girl he’d only met today.
thank you for reading! let me know who you imagined it with x
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biggest-stupidhead · 4 years
Who We Were Before (Levi x OC)
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Summary: Three girls living in a society where ghouls are despised by humans. They must find out who they are in order to be with the people they love. Lust, jealousy, unrequited love. And the need to fight for what they believe in. Will they hate the CCG forever? Or will some people change their beliefs? Can they break the cycle of hatred that has been push upon them? Or are they just what everyone thinks? Monsters.
Word Count: 2.2K 
When the world has labeled you a monster, you can't help but fit into that role No matter how you feel, you will always be an ant they must crush under their boot. How could she be any different? When she looks into the cracked mirror, all she can see is a ghoul. The red in her eyes is persistent as she tries to keep her hunger down. Her stomach growls angrily at her, as she looks across the way to see her neighbor closing his blinds. She thinks how easy it would be to finish him, nobody would know. He's old and has no family, he's alone. Just like her, she wonders if when people look at her they see what they see in him. Ugly, unwilling, all alone. A reject to all society holds dear. She shoves those intrusive thoughts aside and refocuses on the task at hand. She can hunt later, but now she needs to get ready for work.
Yomo usually carries some extra food on him in case of emergencies. But his food comes with a cost, a cost that she'll never hear the end of. Besides, she's not one to beg. If she's lucky Itori will let her off early and she can snag a drunk in a back alleyway. She finishes pulling on her white button down shirt and checks her appearance in the mirror. She has the same sunken eyes, the same messy mane of blonde hair. Her curls are harder to manage nowadays since she has such little strength. She really should start taking better care of herself. How can she love herself when nobody else does.
The walk to the bar is usually a lonely one but for some reason, tonight the streets are bustling and crowded. Her stomach twists painfully as the smell of human flesh wafts into her nostrils. She's so focused on controlling her hunger she doesn't see the small child in front of her. The small girl crashes into her and smiles apologetically up at her. She looks at her small frame and thinks about how easily she could crush her bones. With great self restraint she pushes past her, the child whimpers and calls out to her mother.
She reaches the bar and like always it is mostly empty, except for the usual trio that sat perched upon the barstools. At first she was apprehensive of the older male ghouls, but overtime she's come to respect them greatly. Itori stands to greet her with a wide smile, although she can see Yomo behind her with an irked expression on his face.
"You're late." Yomo quipped, setting down his wine glass harshly.
"Won't happen again." she said, shooting a cold look at Yomo. He huffed and took a sip of his blood wine, averting his gaze. As she settled behind the bar, preparing herself for a long boring shift, Uta held his glass out for a refill. She pulls out a bottle of blood wine and pops the cork, the smell washes over her and her stomach growls loudly. Uta chuckles as he tops him off, Yomo looks at her knowingly.
"When was the last time you ate?" Yomo asks with a hint of concern in his voice. She rolls her eyes and pours herself a glass to tide her over.
"Don't worry about it, I've got it under control." she says not meeting the tall ghoul's eyes. He reaches into the deep pockets of his trench coat to produce a neatly wrapped package. He slides the package across the bar without another word. She snatches the parcel and unwraps it with urgancey. Itori chuckles as the young woman scarfs down the bloody hunk of meat.
"Geez Emi take it easy, not like it's going anywhere!" Itori teases as she swirls her wine in her glass. Uta chuckles at Itori's jab and watches Emi wolf down the food, her eyes dark, irises glowing red. Yomo clicks his tongue and frowns at Emi, who was now wiping the corners of her mouth free of blood.
"Always such a lady." Uta sighs wistfully as he holds out a handkerchief for Emi. She accepts the napkin and wipes the remaining blood off her chin daintily in spite of Uta's remark. She then turns to take stock of the alcohol, even though it's rarely used, only kept in case a human patron comes through. Her pointless task is interrupted by the chime of the familiar bell. She turns to see who has entered, her eyes widening at the sight of three familiar faces. Reiner leads the trio into the small space, all of them wearing matching suits. Emi quirked a brow and smirked as they sat down a few seats away from the older ghouls.
"What brings you to this side of town?" Emi inquired as she poured them some blood wine. Emi hadn't seen the younger ghouls in some time, almost a full year now.
"What, we can't come visit our dear friend?" Reiner smirked as he accepted the glass Emi handed to him.
"Bullshit." Emi smiled at him playfully, leaning across the bar.
"You caught me." Reiner chuckled, holding his hands up in surrender.
"So what do you want?" Emi asked, her eyes roaming over the trio, they'd changed a lot.
"We have a job for you if you're interested." Annie spoke up, swirling the blood around the delicate glass.
"Depends on how dirty the work is." Emi sighed, grabbing her own glass to take a sip.
"Oh it's dirty alright." Reiner said with that same smirk that made her want to sock him in that square jaw of his.
"Not interested." The blonde says, going back over to top off Uta who has a large smile on his face as well.
"We can offer you money." Bertlot says, his eyes glued to the bar.
"What do you take me for, a prostitute?" She asks him, her cheeks turned slightly upward. Annie gives her a small chuckle, not into her games that she usually likes to play with the trio.
"Will you do it or not?" Annie asks again, more demanding than before.
"If i do, this will be the last time." she says, looking at the three.
"Fine. This will be a good send off." Bertolt says, finally meeting her eyes.
The young woman nods, and the muscular boy writes out the address she must go too. Even putting his number on the napkin. He hands it to her, she smiles to him and rips off the part with his digits.
Halfway across the dazzling city, an annual ball is commencing. Ghouls from all over have come to take part in the feast that Shuu Tsukiyama has prepared. The event is well known and very prestigious, only the richest members of the ghoul society are present. The patrons fill the balconies eagerly awaiting for the main event to begin. Two girls walk into the ring, their hands intertwined, looking eerily similar. They wore pristine white dresses, framing their delicate features. They almost looked like dolls. Everything matched, perfect carbon copies, even their masks were identical. Mainly featuring perfectly hand crafted masquerade masks that matched their dresses. Dainty lace lined the bottom of the mask, falling onto their noses, leaving the lower half of their faces exposed.
Shuu flicked his wrist to signal for the gates to be opened. The crowd cheered loudly, clapping and stomping and shaking the arena. A large man came stumbling out of the darkness, clearly he was owned by one of the patrons. He laughed at the sight of the two ghouls, knowing that he could take them easily. They looked to Shuu, who gave them an encouraging nod. The two broke apart and ran along the outskirts of the arena. The oafish man turned his head sluggishly as he tried to follow the girl's quick movements. He lashed out at the girl to his right, who easily dodged his slow attack. The other rushed in from behind and leapt up onto his broad back, wrapping her legs around his thick neck. He choked and stumbled backwards, his fat fingers clawing at the girl's creamy thighs.
The girl in front of him unleashed her blue bikaku kagune and swept him off his feet.
"No fair!" the man screamed as he threw the girl off his neck. She slid in a puddle of blood, her white dress now stained in the dark liquid. She snarled and unleashed her red and blue bikaku kagune as she rejoined her twin, the two rushing him from the front. He barely blocked the blue kaguned girl as she lashed out at his large belly. The other girl's punch landed successfully and managed to penetrate his vast stomach. The man choked on his own blood as he fell backwards. The twins stood over him, looking up at their master for his order to finish off the man. Shuu nodded proudly and the two launched into the air, their kagunes flashing in the light as they descended to administer the final blow. The crowd cheered loudly as life drained from the man's eyes, fat tear rolling off his cheeks. They intertwined their fingers once more and bowed as the audience gave them a standing ovation.
The pair retreated into the dark underbelly of the building, leaving the loud arena behind them. With an exhilarated chuckle one of the girls pulled the white wig and draped it over her arm.
"That was awesome!" She giggled as she shook the excess blood from the wig.
"It was sloppy." the other snarled as she ripped the wig off and shook out her dirty blonde hair.
"Don't be so uptight, Shuu told us to have fun with this one." she said, placing the wig on a mannequin's head sloppily.
"When you have fun you get careless, and one of these days you'll have too much and get us killed." she reprimanded, reaching to fix the wig and place her own down.
"Lighten up Addy, nobody likes a party pooper." the girl pouted as she pulled her skirt up to inspect the deep gouges that the man had left in her thigh.
"Nobody likes a corpse either, Alice." Addy lashed out, gripping her sister's wrist for her attention. The other girl pulled away as if she'd been burned.
"If I don't have fun then what's the point?" Alice scoffed, smoothing her skirt down.
"Don't tell me you've forgotten. We're in this mess because of grandma, she needs us." Addy says glaring at her sister, not knowing what solicited this behavior.
"It's always about grandma." Alice sighs as she watches some blood drip onto the floor.
"Yeah because she's sick." Addy snapped, her posture tense as she watched her sister.
"Forget about it, I need to go clean up." Alice mumbled as she marched out of the small dressing room to find some bandages. Addy sighed as she watched her disappear into the darkness before turning to inspect her appearance in the mirror.
Alice ran her fingers absentmindedly over the textured cobblestoned walls as she wandered through the basement. She froze when she noticed a dark silhouette standing outside of the bathroom. The shadow pushed off the wall when he noticed the girl's presence.
"Nice work out there." his smooth voice cut through the thick silence. She dared to take a few steps closer to the mysterious boy, thoroughly intrigued.
"Thanks..." she said carefully as she stepped into the dim light that was barely illuminating the corridor.
"Shame you're wasting your talents here." his teeth flashed as his lips peeled back in an endearing smirk. She chuckled nervously and shifted her weight a bit awkwardly.
"Where do you think they'd be more useful?" Alice asked, playing into the stranger's alluring aura.
"There's a group called Aogri, you can do whatever you want when you want to. I think you'd fit in nicely." he spoke slowly as he closed the space between them. Alice stood tall as she tried to not fall into his deep purple eyes.
"You wouldn't even have to wear those silly costumes.If you're interested meet me at the abandoned mall in the 1st ward." he said softly as he brushed a lock of her blond hair off her cheek. Her breath caught in her throat as she dipped her head to hide her blush. He chuckled and dropped his hand, much to her disappointment.
"Alice I-" Addy froze, a roll of gauze in her hand as she took in the scene before her.
"Who are you?" her voice turned hostile at the sight of the stranger.
"The name's Ayato." he replied, stepping away from Alice, who seemed to be in a daze.
"I don't care what your name is, what are you doing with my sister?" she snarled, stepping between the male and her sister protectively."
"He's just offering us a job." Alice said, snagging Addy by the back of her dress.
"I don't give a damn." Addy snarled, still looking at the boy accusingly. Ayato held his hands up in surrender as he took a few healthy steps backwards.
"You know where to find me if you change your mind." he winked at Alice before disappearing into the shadows. Addy huffed and steered Alice into the bathroom to clean her wounds.
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sirsapling · 4 years
Tony's tumor in ultimates is an infinity stone? How does that happen exactly?
ANON, I have had this post sat in my inbox for at least a year now, and I never answered it because I got so excited to write it but I kept faltering on how to do so.
HOWEVER, blessed book club has finally lead me to I think the best answer to this question canon can provide. (This post is also going to use some of the panels and thinking from THIS fantastic explanation by @copperbadge​, however we come to different end conclusions)
TW: Artistic depictions of surgery, Discussions of suicide, Frequent mentions of Terminal illnesses
(If you make it to the end however there’s a little surprise)
To begin with, its good to know what just what an infinity gem is (comics uses gems over stones, I’m not sure there’s actually a difference). 
Because earth 1610 is a never one to slack, it had EIGHT gems rather than five, and Susan Storm works out that Gems are formed by earth changing events. While the comics only really clearly details a few of these, it's not too hard to work out possible others.
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[From Ultimates Comics: Ultimates #25, 2013.]
This gives us half of the gems. The earths formation is most likely what plonks the power gem right smack dab in its core, Reeds destruction of Asgard in The City forms another, that's two more. So we’re left with two to go, and one of them is smack bang in the middle of Tonys head. (We can assume Anthony is not any of these other gems, because Sue doesn't know of his existence) 
Now we’re entering theory territory, but hear me out. While most of the gems are found sort of in and around the things that created them, Anthony seems to form an interesting point that he's IN Tony’s head. We don't get many clues about Ant’s specific growth, since we only find out what he is as he’s being removed, but Reed gives us one big ambiguous clue:
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[From Ultimates Comics: Ultimates #27, 2013.]
This is a comic book, so he doesn't actually explain this story. However this is enough of a clue with Tony to look at different points in canon Anthony could have formed. For instance, Tony has attempted suicide in the past, It could come from his cancer forming, or when Natasha Betrayed him, or when his brother dies.
Cross reference these events by looking at possible world shifting events linked to them, and the most damning one I found was Greg. And the timing fits PERFECTLY for Anthonys development. Greg’s death comes as the result of him slowly creating and selling off super human secrets across the globe to stage pro-democracy rebellions, in order to put himself in centre stage as someone controlling the globe. He also engineers himself some nanobots in a way that essentially gives him the powers of a god, he is even able to wield mjolnir with ease. In a couple hours Greg changes physics and entire areas of the globe.
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[From Avengers vs New Ultimates #6, 2011.]
At the same time Peter Parker is killed as a result of being attacked by the sinister 6, shifting the faith of many people in Super heroes, this may have also contributed to the volatile state of the world
In the end, Thor ends up killing Greg, despite to Tony’s evident distress and believe that Greg didn't need to die. Tony very clearly loved his brother a lot, bonded as many twins are despite the clear dysfunction of their relationship. I think it is this time period of likely intense grief and depression that gave the gem a place to form in Tony, he had been right at the epicentre of this event, right where a gem could find a now missing spot in his head for his brother and form up, attracted to his grieving. It’s right after this that Anthony first develops, after Steve has run off the the desert to have feelings and Thor likely distanced himself from Tony’s choice to talk to Ant, give him a chance, comes from extreme loneliness.
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[From Ultimates Comics: Ultimates #11, 2013.]
This shows where Tony finds out his cancer has returned, and you can see a big, white, circular lump on the scan, deep in his head, right where Anthony is later pulled out of. Tony had already been receiving chemo before Gregory died to try to combat his cancer, and it's likely discovering that it hadn't worked and the mass in his brain had just got newly bigger, Tony decided not to continue treatment. His symptoms suggest a blend of grief linked mental illness, and him beginning to speak to Anthony.
Why does Tony never discover a big old lump of gem in his skull? Well, Anthony is quite sweet, and Tony seems to take to parenting him on instinct. They make a deal: If Ant agrees not to grow, Tony won't continue treatment. Without digging Tonys brain open and looking, It can be pretty hard to tell what things are on scans. So if every time Tony had a scan, Ant didn't grow, then Tony had no reason to go looking really. And I doubt he’d really want to, Tony adores Anthony, why wouldn't he love a mental manifestation of his childish self? Someone without any of Tony’s stresses, still innocent and bright, a time likely before Tony felt his own brother begin to pull away from him when they were children.
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[From Ultimates Comics: Ultimates #22, 2013.]
SO that's where I think Anthony comes from, a blend of Tony’s intense depression and grief along with the entire world shifting from his brothers reality bending mental break, boiling up and forming something extra ordinary right in Tonys own Skull, completely unnoticed till Reed Richards finds him and takes it all away again.
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[From Ultimates Comics: Ultimates #22, 2013.]
I know it could be potentially argued that what happened with Greg isn't such an earth shattering physical event as the others given, but I’d say that it is, even if it wasn't physically. It's never defined what gem Anthony is, he's just shiny and orange. It's possible Anthony could be the Soul gem or the mind gem as he has his own independent consciousness. Both of those could be formed by the massive mental shifts that occur as Greg dies. Several governments topple, and all of America is faced with the horror of finding out Spider-man has died. Tony himself has to shift from being a twin, part of one soul, to being on his own. His reactor even splits right down the centre.
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[From Avengers vs New Ultimates #6, 2011.]
If you managed to get through reading all of this, here’s a little surprise Anthony to thank you. He’s having a sulk because Tony still won't build him is own suit, meanie.
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Spidey Senses (pt. 3)
Peter Parker x reader
Summary: You and Peter suit up and fight.
Word Count: 2730
Chapter 1 • Chapter 2 • Chapter 4
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You woke up in Peter's warm arms, feeling his chest rising and falling peacefully. You slowly got out of his warmth and out into the cold room, where you took a quick shower. While in the shower, Peter woke up and figured it would be nice to get out a pair of clothes for you, laying it out on the bed before going back to sleep for a bit. You grabbed the clothes with a smile and changed in the bathroom. While you were doing that, there was a knock at the door.
Peter got up and opened the door, with low waisted sweat pants and no shirt. Happy furrowed his brows. "What are you doing in y/n's room? Where is she?"
"I think she's changing now in the bathroom. Did something happen?"
"Were you in here with her all night?" Happy was enraged at the misunderstanding situation he was watching.
"Um, yeah?" Peter leaned on the door, which pissed Happy off even more. Was he just eating this up?!
"What the hell is wrong with you? She's only 15, and you're seriously going to toy with her feelings just to sleep with her? Have some respect for her, and yourself!"
As Happy yelled at Peter, Peter was backing up out of shock, causing Happy to walk in. "No no no no no! It isn't like that!"
You got out of the bathroom, having heard Happy's voice and just finished changing. "What'd I miss?"
"Happy thinks we had, like, sex or something!" Peter looked at you in a panic.
"Woah!" You walked in between Happy and Peter. "It's really not what it looks like. I get nightmares so Peter slept in the same room with me. That's it."
"Oh." He shifted his feet awkwardly. "My, my bad. Sorry."
You smiled. "Thank you for defending my honor though. That's really sweet of you." He smiled and nodded back. "So did you want to tell us something?"
"Oh, right." He walked to a different door and opened it, revealing another room.
"Woah, was that a part of our rooms too?!" Peter asked.
"Oh my God that's so cool." You whisper yelled.
Happy geastured to the two suitcases, and Peter got out his phone to record. "Is, is this for for us?" He excitedly asked.
"Who else would it be for?" Happy said.
"This is the coolest thing I've ever seen!" Peter quickly said, almost out of breath. Happy then walked away. "Wait, Happy!"
You then bounced up and down. "This is awesome!" You both put on your outfits facing away from each other. "Okay, ready?"
"1, 2, 3!" You both turned around to see each other in your super suits. "You look amazing!"
"So do you!" You both hugged each other, and Peter spun you around. You had one mask to cover your eyes and another one to cover your mouth and nose.
"What are you two doing?" Happy came in again.
"We put them on?" You said, confused.
"No, you don't put them on yet. We're taking a plane and then you two put them on. I just wanted you guys to grabs the suitcases."
You both put on your normal clothing over the suits, Peter recording the two of you messing around. You went on the private plane and messed around some more, with Peter waking up to a sleeping Happy as a prank. That's when you got to the empty airport and waited for your signal.
You glaced at Peter, only to see him taking out his camera and still filming. "Are you recording this too?!"
"I need to get everything." He then pointed the camera to you. "Alright, let's see that face."
"This face isn't gonna be front and center in your videos Peter. You know I hate seeing myself on camera." You turned away from him.
He felt a little bad for reminding you of your insecurities, but decided that teasing you would make you feel better. "C'mon, just a little." He reach over and pulled down your mouth mask. "Let's just get the smile and..." He pulled over your eye mask as well. "Aww, see? You look nice."
He pinched your cheek and you giggled, swatting his hand away. "Okay, you got me. I guess I'm in your video diary."
"Don't worry folks, we got her smile." He teased some more. You put back on your masks and hugged him from the side as he talked to the camera one on one.
The signal was then shouted, and you both swooped in, you shooting a web at Steve's arm while Peter grabbed his shield. "Hey everyone." Peter said.
"Did we miss something?" You teased.
A big fight erupted quickly, and you were defending everyone whenever you could. You and Peter were with the Falcon for a bit. "So what's your suit made out of? Carbon fiber?"
You hung upside down and stared at the fallen Falcon. "That would explain the flexibility ratio."
"So Tony just hired teenager hims now?" Sam asked sarcastically.
"Does our intelligence threaten you?" You asked seriously before giggling and coming back to the ground. "I'm totally kidding man. I love your wings and I'm a pretty big fan."
Then there was that amazing moment for you when Clint was coming at the Black Panther, who was trying to get to the Ant Man. As he was running you ran over to him, sliding on your knees as you stuck out your arms. "Need a lift?" You asked.
You then boosted him up where he hopped right above Clint and punching Ant Man. "Thank you young one."
"Course sir!"
Soon the Ant Man was suddenly huge, and you followed in Peter's lead of wrapping him in webbing. You then heard Peter ask, "Hey, have you guys seen that really old movie Empire Strikes Back?"
You bursted into a fit of giggles over the question, and you heard, "Jesus Tony, how old are these kids?"
"Just hear Peter out sir." You suggested.
He was panting from working hard at this point, as were you. "You guys remember... on the snow planet... with the walking thingies!"
"I think the kid might be onto something." Tony said. Sure enough, it worked.
"Yes~!" You cheered.
"That was awesome–!" You and Peter both got cut off from the slap of the Ant Man's hand. You both slammed into the ground, where Tony told you guys that you did a great job, and that you were done.
You both took off your masks. "So," you said breathlessly. "We just fought with the Avengers."
"I stole Captain America's shield." You both giggled.
When you both got up and retrieved Peter's camera, you saw that Happy was waiting in his car outside. You both got in and sighed at the comfort of sitting on cushions. "Rough fight?" He asked.
"The guy with the metal arm was pretty cool." You said. "And I like Falcon's suit."
"I like how Mr. Stark vouched for us with the War Machine." Peter said.
"You two look like crap." You gave Happy a smile at the comment. "You're going to be in the hotel for the rest of the day, and Tony's gonna come with you tonight to drop you two off."
Once you two were in your hotel room, Peter rambled on to his camera, and you put in some information occasionally. Once Happy came and told him to shut up, he turned off the camera and faced you.
"So I have, like, a huge favor to ask." You sat on your bed and patted him to sit as well, which he did. "I need help with talking to Liz."
"W–um, okay." You said slowly. It's fine. You were his friend, and you had to help him out. Even if it hurt. "It's easy, just talk to me and pretend I'm her."
"Okay." He said quietly.
"Hey Peter." You said and smiled.
"H...Hey Liz."
"How was your day?"
"It was, um, it was good. How's your day? Did you–Did you have a good time, or... not that you were going anywhere but if your day in general was a good time. Y'know, sometimes you could just be at school and have a good time or—"
"Peter stop." You said, giving him a wide grin as you covered his mouth with your hand. "You need to take a deep breath and calm down."
"I know, it's just really hard when I'm talking to her." He sighed in defeat. "I'm just gonna keep looking stupid in front of her. What's the point."
"Don't say that." you said quietly. You leaned into the headboard, and opened your arms. He laid down into your side, fitting perfectly. You began stroking his soft hair. "You don't look stupid, and you never have. You just need to be confident with yourself and talk to her as if you were talking to any other girl. You're amazing Peter, of course she'll like you back."
He tightened his grip around you. "Thanks y/n. You're amazing too."
You both dozed off, but unlike the peaceful Peter in your arms, you fell asleep upset with the doubts about yourself kicking in. Your dreams went back to the thought of your mom and her friends. The drugs. You couldn't stop them from putting a needle in you. You thrashed around but they pinned you down. You yelled out for someone to help you, but they covered your mouth. Nobody's going to help you.
"Y/n wake up!"
You jolted up from your bed, where Peter was shaking you awake. You had tears in your eyes. "I... They held me down... I couldn't move..."
"It's okay. It's just you and me. Nobody else." He brought you into his arms as you hugged him tightly, quietly sobbing.
Happy then came into the room. "What happened?"
"It's nothing, she just had a nightmare." You hid your face in Peter's shirt, not wanting Happy to see you like this. "She doesn't like people seeing her cry."
"Oh, uh, sorry." He then left the room.
After a bit you stopped crying, Peter being patient with you the whole time. "Are you okay now?"
"I guess." You sat up and turned away from him, putting your face in your hands. "I'm sorry you had to see that."
"It's okay, sometimes you just need to let out a good cry." He scooted closer to you. "Can I see your face please?"
"Why?" Your voice came out as a whisper.
"Cause you're hiding it from me." He gently moved your hands. "Look, I found my best friend."
You smiled and went on your knees to wrap him in a hug. "Thank you Peter. You always make me happy."
At that moment, Peter noticed how good you smell. He's always been around your familiar scent, but it was never this good before. And you hair, was it always so soft and shiny? You felt so soft and warm right now. He didn't know how to describe it, but you just felt so overwhelmingly nice in his arms.
It was cut short by Happy knocking as Tony barged in. "Alright, time to go." You both sperated and quickly got your stuff. As you were leaving Tony blankly told you, "Your face is puffy. Why?"
"Your ego is huge. Why?"
"Fair enough." You and Peter packed up the car when when Happy whispered to you, making sure you were okay. "Y/n, you and me are in the back. Kid you go in the front."
"Um, Mr. Stark sir." Peter fiddled with the bottom of his shirt.
"Look at me in the eye when you're talking to me." Peter's head quickly shot up. "Okay, what?"
"Please don't pressure her with questions. She's been through some stuff and I don't think it's fair if–"
"Peter, it's okay." You said. "He's still gonna overstep. I don't mind."
"Okay." You both smiled at each other as you went into the car.
"Happy put up the divider." Once it was up, he turned to you. "So you two had a moment."
"It's not a moment, I just had a nightmare. And by the way, what did you say to him yesterday?"
"I was just helping him compare you to that other girl." He said casually.
"You what? Wha–why would you do that? She's like, actual perfection!"
"And what do you think you are?"
"Nowhere near her." You sighed and looked out the window. "Well that explains him asking for help on talking to her."
"Oh wow, what an idiot. That's not at all what I was going for." He put his hand under his chin.
"I know but he gets like that with her. He really likes her Tony. Thanks for trying to help, but me and him are hopeless."
"I call bullshit on that. You two are adorable, and I can tell you'll end up together."
"Thanks." You smiled.
He knocked on the dividers, and you and Peter switched places, only with the dividers down. Peter talked to his camera some more, and Tony caught him, making a joke about it before talking into the camera as well. He then told the two of you that you were keeping the suits.
"One question I do have is for the other kid."
"Is he talking about me?" You mumbled to Happy.
"I think he is." He mumbled back.
"Did he just call me the 'other kid'? That's so rude." You then turned to Tony, smiling at Happy's quiet, high pitched chuckle. "What's up?"
"Why do you call me Tony instead of Mr. Stark like Peter? You called everyone else sir."
"That's not true. I call my new best friend Happy by his name."
Happy looked at you and awkwardly shook his head. "She doesn't mean that Tony."
"Yes I do. I'm stealing your friends. Now I just need to meet James Rhodes and Pepper Potts."
Peter let out a chuckle, and Tony laughed as well. "Watch it kid. And that didn't answer my question."
You shrugged. "I don't know, just sounds right. I guess I can try." You made your voice sound more mature when you asked, "Will that be all Mr. Stark?"
"Okay now you sound like Pepper, which is really creepy for me."
You giggled. "Tony it is."
"Oh, and before I forget." He took out a check and stuck his hand out for you to take it. "Here you go."
You only stared at it. "What's that for?"
He lightly scoffed. "You don't really think I'm not gonna help you out when you're living in a dump like that."
You frowned, and the car came to a stop at your apartment complex. "That dump is what I call home Tony." You said quietly. "I'm proud of it."
"No offense kid, but you really shouldn't be proud of that." Peter said nothing, but his body language changed.
"Well I, the 15 year old, got an apartment by herself. I got a job to pay for my living, and I cook and clean for myself. I even started buying cable recently. So yeah, I'd say I'm proud of what I managed to do. Some people aren't as lucky as me. I'm not a charity case, so don't treat me like one."
He hesitated. "I didn't mean–"
"Goodbye Mr. Stark." You then got out of the car, and they heard a glimpse of you saying "Linda!"
"I'll take the check Mr. Stark." Peter said. "I'll make sure she takes it tomorrow. She just gets angry and embarrassed when people look down on her. It's happened to her a lot, but she'll realize that you did it out of kindness."
Tony stared out the window. "Who's that?"
Peter saw that you were talking to a homeless girl, and buying a newspaper from her. "That's Linda. Y/n became friends with her not too long after she moved into the apartment. They talk, sometimes she cooks for Linda and let's her shower, and Linda sometimes leaves some money on y/n's counter. Maybe like a dollar or two. Y/n doesn't say anything about it so she doesn't embarrass Linda."
Meanwhile, you were talking to your friend outside. "Okay, I'll get us something to eat. I don't really have anything made so cereal it is."
"Lucky charms." She called out as you ran up the stairs.
"Got it!"
While you were preoccupied, Peter and Tony got out of the car. "Hey Linda." Peter said.
"Hey Peter! I'm sure your internship trip was fun with y/n."
Peter chuckled. "Yeah it was awesome."
"Kid go get her bags." Peter didn't say anything is he went to the trunk to get your suitcases. "Hi. Tony."
"Yup. Do you have a bank account?"
"Well, no."
"Then here." He took off his watch and handed it to her. "This is all I really have on me at the moment."
"Holy shit. Um, thank you sir!"
"Don't mention it." Just as you came down the steps with two bowls in hand, Tony nodded to you and went into the car.
"I'll bring these up to your apartment for you." Peter said.
"You have a lot to tell me you little shit." Linda said, grinning wide. "You didn't mention Tony Stark being a part of your internship tour."
"Ugh, I guess I could tell you a little bit." You teased.
"I just want to hear about him. Holy crap he's hotter in person."
"Do you ever not cuss Linda? Like, shit bro."
"What are you gonna do, tell my parents? And what about you? You just cussed."
"What are you gonna do, tell my parents?" You chuckled.
She scoffed and looked down at her bowl. "That was a pretty good come back."
"Okay, your stuff is in your living room." Peter said as he came out. You both hugged. "Good night."
"Night." He then left you to your nosy and thirsty friend.
Author's Note: Sorry this took long to do. I'll be quicker from now on.
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Whatever It Takes (one-shot)
Synopsys: This is the fight of their lives. Get the stones, bring everyone back, but don’t screw up what happened during the last five years. But maybe there’s a chance to bring back even those that weren’t dusted. Well, whatever the case, that is what the Reader will do if the opportunity presents itself.
Pairing: Loki x f!Reader
Genre: angst/ fluff
Warnings: swearing, blood, mentions of wounds and death
Word count: 15676 (I don’t have a life :) )
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       Whatever it takes.        The words echoed through Y/N’s head like a mantra. They were going back in time to retrieve the Infinity Stones. As insane as that sounded, it was their actual plan. The only plan that gave them hope to bring everyone back.        “All right,” Tony brought Y/N back from the dazed state, readying herself as she stood next to Steve. “You heard the man. Stroke those keys, jolly green.”        “Tractors engaged,” Bruce announced, and she pulled in a shuddering breath. They were actually going to do this.        From the corner of her eye, she saw Rocket hand Clint a shrunken version of the ship her father and Nebula had arrived on. “You promise to bring that back in one piece, right?”        Clint rolled his eyes, voice uninterested as he moved to stand next to Nat. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. I’ll do my best.”        “As promises go, that was pretty lame.”        It had been a while since Y/N found anything remotely funny, so when the snort escaped her nose, she was shocked herself. The past five years had been hellish. And even that was an understatement.        To be completely honest, she had been luckier than most. She still had her dad, and Pepper had survived the snap as well. The twenty-two days he’d been M.I.A in space Y/N would’ve completely lost it if not for her mom. Though they were not blood-related she refused to call her otherwise. The woman had helped Tony raise her, and there would be no other way she’d regard her or him. They were her family.
       But then he’d come back. With Captain Carol Danvers carrying the spaceship, he was safely placed on the ground. Steve rushed forward to help him off the steps, and Y/N crumbled to the ground upon seeing her dad after almost three years of her own absence.        After that and the Avengers’ unsuccessful retrieval of the stones, the three of them moved into a lakeside house and just stayed there. Y/N recounted what had happened after she’d been trapped in the Rainbow Bridge after Thor’s last visit to Earth. When the topic of Loki and her being together came up, she had almost given Tony a heart attack.        “Don’t worry dad,” she sniffled, “he won’t come back.”        In any other circumstance, he would’ve been happy about the crazy Asgardian not stepping a foot near his daughter, but the tone of her voice made him realize that it wasn’t a good thing.        “How so?” he had mumbled in her hair.        “Same reason we lost so many others,” Y/N had replied. “Only that time he didn’t snap his fingers, but his neck.”        The two spent the rest of the night curled up into one another, trying to keep the other somewhat together before Pep joined and helped them start the mending of their hearts.        Then Morgan was born. Y/N didn’t know how to feel about it at first. It felt like they were trying to move on while others were left to piece together the broken shards, but when her sister’s little finger had wrapped around her own, the fierce love that filled her chest was a force to be reckoned with.        Now, Y/N surveyed the room, and excitement started to fill up her body, despite everything. This was their chance, not only to bring everyone back but to keep what they had gained. Because there would be no other outcome she’d accept.        “See you in a minute,” Nat remarked, and a moment later they were all flying through the quantum realm.        Y/N had never been a squeamish person. Whenever they had movie nights and Clint or Sam, as always, picked a horror film, no matter how many guts flew towards the screen, she was unfazed. Quite a lot of the time, her line of work consisted of splattering other’s brains against walls. And when you can control everything with just your mind, frying someone from the inside out wasn’t uncommon.        But the second they were thrown on the Chitauri overrun streets of 2012 New York, Y/N was slammed against a car, and she had to hold onto it for dear life.         “Bug, you okay?” Tony’s hand went to her back to soothingly rub it.        “ ‘M alright,” Y/N wheezed. Fuck that breakfast was really hard to keep down. “Just give me a second.”        While she was recuperating, Steve laid out the plan once more. “All right, we all have our assignments. Two stones uptown, one stone, down. Stay low. Keep an eye on the clock.”        Originally Y/N was supposed to go with Bruce to The Sanctorum, but they ended up deciding she’d be great backup for the rest as they would have to get past not only Loki and whatever he might decide to do, but also Hydra.        Right as they were about to split, 2012 Hulk landed with a harsh thud on the ground, flipping a car over onto a Chitauri troop before jumping on top of it as if he was a kid jumping on a bed.        Y/N looked over at Bruce who had a hand on his face.        “Feel free to smash if things don’t go your way,” Steve patted him on the arm, and Bruce sighed.        “I think it’s gratuitous, but whatever.”        For a moment everyone watched as he removed his shirt and reluctantly punched a car before throwing a motorcycle.        “Okay,” Tony pulled them back, “it’s time to move.”        Through an underground tunnel that connected the garage to the main parts of the Stark Tower, Steve rushed inside with Y/N, while Tony and an ant-sized Scott flew in through the window.        “I’ll take the stairs up and wait by the elevator,” Steve commented, “I need you to find two of the security suits and suit up. Tony will be with you shortly.”        “Got it, Cap,” Y/N gave him a mock salute and was off to the races.        They didn’t have much time. Hydra would get the staff pretty much immediately, and then it was up to Steve to retrieve it, while Tony had to help Scott get into the position to cause 2012 Tony a heart attack, and then subsequently get the case with the Tesseract to them.        “A heart attack, really?” Y/N had first remarked, eyebrows shooting up in disbelief. “You clearly have zero care for your own life, do you? And what if mom finds out?”        “Got any better ideas?”        “Uhh knock yourself out and pass as yourself? Trigger the security system? Maybe something that won't put your survival at risk.”        “Do I look like I could pass as a version of myself from back in the day?”        That was true. Tony had gotten significantly greyer, and the lines on his face were more prominent, though in Y/N’s opinion that was more so to do with all of the grief, not age.        “I dunno,” she had smirked and crossed her arms, feet resting on the top of the table as they went through the information of what they knew of the stones, “put a little bit of dye in there, and I’d say you’re as good as new.”        Tony gave her a gentle smile and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. Y/N instantly put her head on his chest and relaxed. “Thanks, bug, for caring about me,” he muttered. “You always know how to lift me up.”        “That’s what family does.”        Now, Y/N was rifling through the SHIELD uniforms quickly taking one that seemed to be her size and another one to fit Tony.        “Ugh, Mr Rogers,” Tony exasperated through the comms as all of them got into position, “I almost forgot that that suit did nothing for your ass.”        “No one asked you to look,” Steve sighed through almost gritted teeth, but Y/N had to agree. The 2012 suit had been a complete flop in accentuating the Captains assets.        “I think you look great, Cap,” Scott responded. “As far as I’m concerned, that’s America’s ass.”        “You done there?” Y/N whispered as she moved into position downstairs to wait by the elevator. “We’re kinda on a mission here. Also, America’s ass only appeared when he got into that hot ass stealth suit. Thank you, dad, for that.”        Steve groaned while Tony chuckled. “Thank you, bug. I’m glad at least someone appreciates my designs. But also, do not ever talk about looking at Steve’s ass ever again, or I’ll ground you.”        “How can I not?” she muttered. “It’s right there.”        But before Steve could say a syllable, Tony spoke up. “All right, Cap. I got our sceptre in the elevator just passing the 80th floor.”        “On it,” he was back to his ‘soldier mode’. “Head to the lobby.”        “Alright. I’ll see you there. Kid?”        “Waiting for you by the staircase, the second suit is secured,” Y/N confirmed and settled in her position.        “You’re a gem, bug.”        Y/N smirked, and she would’ve stayed somewhat happy if not for STRIKE team appearing. “Ugh,” she groaned and sneered in Hydra’s direction. “Can I take those guys out? Preferably with a sniper?”        “We don’t have time for that, kiddo,” Tony’s voice was now right next to her.        “Bullshit, there’s always time for a little bit of that.”        Tony rolled his eyes, but nevertheless, everyone was more or less in position. “Thumbelina, do you copy? I’ve got eyes on the prize,” he murmured right as his own younger version started to walk out of the building but was interrupted by Alexander Pierce showing up.        “Bombs away.”        A few seconds passed without anything happening, making Y/N’s nerves spike when Scott exclaimed, “Is, is that Axe body spray?”        “Yeah, I had a can just for emergencies. Relax. Can we focus please?”    “I’m going inside you.”    “Ew,” Y/N winched, “don’t ever say anything like that ever again.”    From the sidelines, she observed everyone until her eyes befell on Loki. She knew she’d see him here, there was no escaping that, but Y/N thought she had prepared herself better than this. Her breath got stuck hallway to her throat and tears threatened to spill from her eyes because here he was – in chains, yes, but alive. Alive and breathing and snarking back.    “All right, move it, Stuart Little,” Tony was starting to get impatient. “Things are getting dicey up here. Let’s go.”    “You promise me you won’t die?”    Tony rolled his eye, and Y/N slapped his arm. “You’re only giving me a mild cardiac dysrhythmia.”    Scott rebutted. “That doesn’t sound mild.”    “Do it, Lang! Window’s closing in. Pull my pin!”    And that’s when he did it. “Here goes!”    If Y/N was being honest up until five years ago that day had been the worst of her life. After watching her dad fly a nuke into space with Pepper right beside her, and now seeing him crumble to the floor, was incredibly hard. To the point, she almost rushed to his side because the horrific memories were bad enough, but as planned, 2012 Tony dropped the case, and Scott kicked it towards the 2023 Tony and Y/N.    With one swift movement, he had the Tesseract, and both were on their way to the meetup point. Then everything turned south. The Hulk smashed out from the stairs, knocking Tony and Y/N out of the way, and the suitcase with the Tesseract flew open, making the cube bounce out and slide all over the floor.        “Shit,” Y/N almost yelled and scrambled to her feet right as the glowing stone stopped by Loki’s feet. She didn’t need to be a mind reader to know what would happen next.        Without thinking, Y/N grabbed onto 2012 Loki’s shoulder right as he took the Tesseract and used it to disappear. A second later, the two tumbled onto the ground, and she managed to knock the cube out of his hold.        Unsurprisingly, his chains and the mask on his face were off in an instant, signifying the fact he had just been playing along. Maybe his plan all along had been to bring together the Avengers in hopes of stopping Thanos one day, no matter if under the influence of the Mind stone or not. Or maybe he had just wanted to get back to Asgard and rule there.    The two were up, their clothes covered in dirt, but Y/N’s focus on the Tesseract instead of the alien looking planet surrounding them, and Loki’s was on her.        “I need that,” she said pointing at the cube.        “That’s not a nice way to ask though, is it?” Loki snarked back, the two circling one another like lions ready to attack. When his back was on the stone, and it was in her eyesight, she got ready. Y/N blew a strand of hair out of her face and whipped her gaze back to look at the younger Loki.    “I wasn’t asking.” And that’s when she pounced.        When they first started training together, Loki had had the upper hand. For one, he was a literal god with hundreds of years of experience, and two, she wanted to learn his tricks. He was able to make new moves and surprise her, catch her off guard and bring her down, but this time Y/N knew she had him.        They’d been together for three years, and though that was nothing but a blink of an eye for him, she knew how his body moved and bent, where his mind went to as he thought of his next attack or defence. Y/N knew him like the back of her hand.        The second she deflected his dagger and twisted his arm around, she slammed the back of his knee and elbowed him in the back of his head. She had him. But Loki was stunned in a different kind of a way.        “How did you know I’d do it?” his blue eyes were wide and looking at Y/N in complete bafflement.        She didn’t deign to respond, instead, just kicked him in the jaw sending his head backwards.        Three more steps and the Tesseract would be hers, but of course, once again things had to go south. A cold palm grabbed at her ankle, harshly yanking her down. Y/N was happy she managed to keep her tongue behind her teeth, but the clank wasn’t pleasant either way.        “I’m sorry,” he smirked scrambling to straddle her, “but this will hurt.”        His fingers pressed against her forehead, and Y/N’s eyes rolled to the back of her head. But Loki was not expecting the things he saw.        It was him. But it wasn’t. And yet it was him with her and they were… tangled together in a bed. Their legs brushing against the other’s, soft fingers tracing his jaw and cheekbone while his lips left invisible marks on her lids, brows, nose and finally where she carved him the most – lips.        “If paradise exists,” her voice was quiet as if she was afraid to pull them out of the moment, “this is it.”        “Really? In the arms of a child’s nightmare?”        “In the arms of the coolest man in the existence of the universe. Quite literally, your skin is freezing cold.”         Loki snorted shaking his head. “That’s because I’m a Frost Giant, darling.”        “Mhm,” her eyes were closed, content, “you never fail to remind me that. Especially as one of the reasons as to why I should be afraid of you.”        “You should.”        Her Y/E/C eyes were now open and had a defiant look in them. “Yet here we are.”        “Yet here. We. Are,” he accentuated each word with a kiss.        And what was so weird to the Loki watching what undoubtedly were Y/N’s memories, was the pure love her felt radiating off from them. No animosity, no scheming or underlying negative intent. When she gazed up at him, all he could feel was love.        Loki retracted with a gasp clutching his arm to himself as if it had been singed, while Y/N balled up in a fetal position, fingers quickly burying themselves in her hair.        “Just please,” her voice cracked. “I need it. I need it to make everything better… I couldn’t save you then… let me do something good for once.”        Loki didn’t respond. He just stood there shocked and… and hurt. Hurt because the girl on the ground was weeping and weeping for him. Hurt because she looked like a fractured vase ready to crumble at the softest touch. Hurt because somehow someway the two of them would meet, fall in love, and, once again, he’d ruin something so precious.        “I don’t want to hurt you,” Y/N gritted with a tearstained face, but with such defiance in her features, it took Loki aback as she finally glanced back at him, standing up on sure feet. “But I will if I have to.”        “Why didn’t you use your powers on me?”        That was not the question Y/N expected Loki to ask. In fact, she hadn’t used her powers ever since Thanos, so the only way he could know that was if he had felt them in her memories. Back then she’d have no problems surrounding the both of them in a telekinetic bubble to keep the world away.        “ ‘M a bit rusty,” Y/N gritted and steadied herself again, “but I’m also desperate. So, I’ll do what I have to.”        With that said, glimmering silver threads started to weave up and down her veins right to the middle of her forearms. It felt good to let loose, but after having bottled everything up for so long, Y/N was afraid she might explode. Though, if that was the cost, she’d pay it.        Just as the blood vessels in her eyes turned from red to silver, power now fully encompassing her body, the Asgardian prince suddenly whipped his head to the side to where the Tesseract laid.        “Do you trust me?” Loki asked, and as he said that, his eyes turned from the blue hue they’d assumed while under the power of the Mind stone into his jade orbs. It was like a punch into Y/N’s guts for she was looking into the eyes where her home was. So similar yet so different.        “You? Not really, no.”        But he just rolled his eyes like her Loki used to. With both of his hands raised, he moved closer to the cube. “Don’t,” he glanced at Y/N as she twisted her palm upwards ready to strike. “I promise I’m not going to flee. I swear… on my Mother.”        With those words all will to fight left her, her powers pushed back into that bottle where she’d hidden them. Because Loki might’ve been the god of lies, but he would never break a promise he’d vowed to keep on his Mother.        Y/N watched as he cautiously took the final steps to the Tesseract and lifted it from the ground. And though she expected to have to fight him for it, Loki marched towards her and extended his free hand.        “Trust me on this one. That’s all I’m asking.”        His green eyes bore into hers so deeply Y/N felt her heart breaking once again. Just like it had when she had stared at her lover in his final moments of defiance before they ceased to sparkle forever.        She wasn’t even fully in control of her own body when her hand slid in his cold one, and, once again, they were transported to somewhere else. Instant warmth from all around surrounded Y/N as she beheld green vines wrapped around marble pillars, and a nightlight sky full of stars.        Y/N was about to ask Loki where he’d taken her, but next to her stood not a tall man, but a slender woman with hair down to her waist. For a second, Y/N was dumbfounded as she scanned over the expanse of the garden, in search for Loki before she realized that woman was Loki. That’s when she remembered his shapeshifting abilities were more than just snakes and ravens.        “You know, it’s a good thing you never assumed your female form while with me.”        “Really?” she smirked, but Y/N could see the underlying uncertainty in his face. “How so?”        “Because somehow I can guarantee you would wear my clothes, and I was not prepared for you to look better in them than me. You always had trouble with asking for things… And you were out of my league as a dude, so as a woman I’d have no chance.”        Her shoulders instantly dropped, and Loki ushered them to start moving.        “Where are we, by the way? Just curious.” Y/N piped up as they ventured towards two grand oak doors with intricate designs before being swept inside by the moving crowd. The large hall they’d entered was nothing short of grandiose.        Huge tables were set up in long lines where people feasted on all imaginable things whether fruits, meats or vegetables. Everything and anything your heart could desire could be found on them. And the people were no different.        The shapes and sizes did not matter, nor did the colour of their skin because each and every person was dressed in jewel encrusted and gold-thread lined clothes, their hairs up and loose in different styles, each more intricate than the other.        But nothing matched the place itself. The warmth it radiated was not only physical form the ginormous hearths lining the sides of the room, but also emotional. It was welcoming and endearing. With the yellow light that surrounded them, stars shining through a cupola right above them, Y/N never wanted to leave this place. And how could she when right at the far side of the room by a table that stood higher than anyone else’s, her Loki sat and drank?        “Loki?”        Despite the fact that her voice was not raised but at a normal level, despite the roars of laughter of the rest in the room, instantly his head snapped up from where he had been leaning to the side listening in on what a gorgeous woman was telling him.    His green eyes widened in disbelief, and for a minute both just remained as they were – Y/N frozen in the middle of the aisle, and Loki sitting on the gilded chair. Then he was up and jumping over the table running towards her.        The wind got knocked out from both of them as their bodies collided. They were crying, rivers flowing from their eyes as they trembled in the others grasp. For Y/N, it might have been five years, but for Loki, although it was a split second, it felt like an eternity. Any moment without her was too long in his already centuries-long life.        “I love you,” Y/N instantly said grabbing onto his cheeks and pulling back, completely not believing he was there, but she would not let go of this moment. “I love you and I’m not wasting another second. I didn’t get a chance to say it before, but now, knowing this might be it forever, I’m… I’m not going to let this slip. I love you, I’m in love with you, all of that and above.”        “I – you,” Loki couldn’t form any words, green eyes frantically taking in every inch of Y/N’s face. His body screamed at him to never let go, to wrap his arms around her and pull her flush to him. To become and remain as one. But the only thing he could do was ask, “how are you here?”        “He won, Loki.”        “What?”        “Thanos,” Y/N sighed and shook her head, “he won. He got the rest of the stones, snapped his fingers and wiped out half the universe.”        “S-so you’re gone as well?” the question was barely audible. There was such pain in his eyes and such guilt, Y/N instantly knew what he was thinking of – I failed, and this is my fault. Even sacrificing everything wasn’t enough. I failed you, and you’re dead because of me.        “No,” she grabbed his face between her palms, “no… I’m… still alive… Even if I was… you know… dead, I don’t think, I’d be here, in Valhalla and such… actually, it’s been five years since then. And now we’re on a time heist.”        His black eyebrow raised in a sleek arch. “A time heist?”        “Well, that’s what Scott calls it.”        “Who’s Scott?”        “Ant-Man.”        “Ant-Man?”        “It’s,” Y/N huffed, “it’s a long story. But basically, the stones are in the past, so we’re here to get them so we can undo the Snap.”        His hand had remained on her waist the whole time, but the second she mentioned the Snap it tightened its grip. “Then how did you end up here?”        “I uh,” Y/N smirked and shook her head looking down at the ground, “I met someone along the way.”        Loki’s heart shattered at the words, but he willed himself to smile. It had been five years for her, and the only thing in his life that he found had meaning, was her happiness. Sure, he wanted it to be him, but he couldn’t blame Y/N for trying to move on.        “They’re really great if they allowed this opportunity,” his slender finger brought her chin up, and their eyes met once again. “But I don’t think they’d like it if you professed your love for someone else.”        Y/N’s eyebrows scrunched up, and her mouth opened but no words escaped her. She couldn’t understand what Loki was talking about, but then it dawned on her, and she had to hold off the snort that threatened to escape.        “No,” she shook her head, “I don’t think he’d mind much. He’s…. a bit brash right now, a bit self-centred… and frankly quite the asshole.”        She could feel the other Loki bristle from somewhere behind them, but Y/N’s lips pulled in a soft smile.        “But underneath that, I know there’s a good person with a broken heart. And that they just crave a bit of love. So no, I don’t think you’d mind much if I told you I loved you.”        “Wha-“ but Loki didn’t finish his sentence as the puzzle pieces settled in place. Time heist. Past. The stones. Undoubtedly New York and the Tesseract. Which meant he himself was somewhere in Valhalla in disguise with the blue cube and had brought her here to him.        A tear slipped down his cheek, and Y/N wiped it away with her calloused thumb. Too many battles stood between the soft woman he'd met and the hardened warrior in front of him. Not that she couldn’t hold herself before, but now he could see too many harsh edges on her… too many for her to ever have.    “I’m one lucky man, aren’t I? To have such a kind soul give her all to me?”    “And I’m one lucky girl to have you trust her with your heart.”        “You know,” he swallowed hard, “that whatever happens, I can’t come with you, and I won’t come back after you snap your fingers…” a tear rolled down Loki’s cheek, and with a sad smile, Y/N wiped it away. “I wasn’t one of the decimated.”        “I know. But at least we got this. At least now you know I love you.”        “I already did, darling. You didn’t need to say it. I could see it in everything you did for me, and never,” he made sure the last word was hard and strong and sure, “have I doubted it. I love you too.”        “I’m so sorry I couldn’t save you,” Y/N murmured in the crook of his neck, hot tears splashing against his chilled skin.        “Had you tried to do anything, you would’ve succumbed to the same fate. And I could never exist knowing I was the cause of it.”        Y/N sniffled shaking her head. “I mean you wouldn’t be. It’d be my own stupidity, but whatever.”        The rumble, however, broken it was, seeped out from his bones into hers, if only for a moment reminding her of the good times they’d spent together. Of all the laughter they’d shared, and had now been granted another moment.        Y/N felt someone approach, and right as she pulled her head away from Loki’s chest, a perfectly manicured hand settled on his shoulder.    “My son,” a woman with golden tresses and the kindest smile Y/N had ever seen stood next to them. “Is she the one?”        The girl pulled back completely and wiped her suddenly sweaty palms against the tactical suit only to dirty them more with the soot that covered it.        “It’s uh very nice to meet you. I’d say it’s absolutely lovely, but given the circumstances, I really can’t.”        “Can’t say I’m too happy about the circumstances either, but to finally meet the woman who’s been taking care of my son’s heart, is a pleasure,” Frigga responded with a gentle grin.        Loki’s palm briefly tightened around Y/N’s waist before he slid it down to grab her hand in his. One last second.        “Loki’s been talking about you a lot.”        Y/N sniffled and wiped away a tear. “Hope only bad things. That way I have a higher chance to impress.”        Frigga sighed and shook her head. “Just the good ones, I’m afraid.”        “And here I thought I could woo your mother,” Y/N chuckled, but everyone around them could hear how forced the levity was. She was just about to give her final final goodbyes when someone coming forth from the crowd startled her.        She had turned back into her male-Loki form, given how there was no point in hiding anymore. Y/N had practically spelt it out that it was him who had brought them to Valhalla with the Tesseract, and no illusion would ever fool Frigga.    “Y/N?” he asked looking at the Tesseract in his hands, teeth gnawing on his bottom lip. “Approximately after how much time do we meet after New York?”        “Give or take a couple of years, why?”        “If I go back,” and now the younger Loki was looking at the possible incarnation of his older self and the woman, “will we meet for certain?”        “Loki,” Y/N went up to him detaching from her lover’s grasp. “If you go back if you do as my Loki did… you’ll most likely succumb to the same fate…” tenderly she placed both her palms on his cheeks and made him keep his gaze on her. “You have a chance to leave all this behind. Ditch that damned Tesseract, and live out your life. Because Thanos won’t stop. Not now, not ever. That’s why we’re trying to undo everything. You go back, and you’ll die.”        For a second the 2012 Loki seemed to rethink everything especially as his eyes drifted to where his older counterpart stood next to his mother. And a relieved sort of smile came over his face. “Somehow, that fate doesn’t seem so bad. Especially if only for a moment I get to have a happy life… if only for a moment I get to know you… because even death doesn’t seem to keep you away from me.”        Y/N snorted and rolled her eyes, punching Loki in the arm before pulling him into a hug. “I probably shouldn’t be saying this but just so you know,” she mumbled, “when we first meet, I beat the shit out of you.”        “You kinda already did,” Loki’s grip tightened before letting go.        “Oh no,” her Loki approached the two, “what she did to you – me? – was nothing. Trust me… or yourself… I guess? This is all so very confusing.”        Reluctantly Y/N turned back to her Loki, letting her forehead rest against his chest.        “I wish we had more time,” he whispered hiding his nose in her hair and gently stroking the locks. They were shorter and dryer than he remembered. As if she hadn’t had a single moment to take care of herself. Or hadn’t wanted to.        “I know,” Y/N gulped and released a shuddering breath keeping the sobs away. “But I’ve learned to be grateful even for the smallest of moments… and this was more than I ever hoped to have. I just wish whenever I die, I could come here,” Y/N whimpered, “to you… I could come home.”        “Nothing and no one will ever replace you, and every second without you, my love, is Hel. You are my everything. Don’t forget that.”        “Somehow this love declaration,” Y/N sniffled, “isn’t making me feel any better. I don’t want you to be miserable.”        Loki tilted his head to the side but smiled. “You made sure that I knew perfection through you, so it’s kind of your fault,” and before she could rebut, his lips were on hers. For the first time in five years, they were on hers once again. And Y/N was not about to let him go that easily.        The thought that people were all around them was completely thrown to the wind, and she grabbed at the hairs on the nape of Loki’s neck and brutally yanked his head closer, making him moan into the kiss. The touch of their lips was already messy from all the tears, but when his tongue snaked its way into Y/N’s mouth, she completely melted, to the point he had to keep her body against his as tightly as possible to prevent her from collapsing to the ground.        “I don’t want to go,” she choked back once both came up for some air, “I don’t want to leave you.”        “But you have to.” He hated the words that left his mouth. If it was up to Loki, he’d grab Y/N by her waist have her wrap her legs around his, and he’d go to ends of Valhalla to spend an eternity with her. But alas, that was not in their cards. “Make everything right. Bring everyone home.”        And Y/N nodded, not daring to look up at him because she knew she’d completely break if she did. Without a glance back, she grabbed onto the hand of 2012 Loki and nodded at him to do it. To open the portal. But he didn’t.        “You said that Thanos won… and now you went back in time to undo what he did…” 2012 Loki seemed lost in thought as he chewed on his lip before uttering, “What if there was a possibility both of you could return? I mean, I did bring you here,” Loki gave Y/N a pointed look and flipped the Tesseract in his hand. “What makes it that he can’t walk out with you?”        “In theory, that’s all fine and dandy, but that is the Space stone, not the Time stone. If we’d return anywhere that would most likely be back to 2012, but I need to get back to 2023, and this,” Y/N pointed at the Stark-designed bracelet, “is the only way. We travel through the quantum realm, and I only have enough Pym particles for one jump let alone another bracelet.”        “So, you get back to 2012, travel to whatever time you need to get more of those particles, get Stark to create another bracelet, and you’re set to go.”        “It’s not that simple,” Y/N exasperated. “First of all, I have no idea when Pym invented them. Second of all, if I get stuck there, I literally have no way to get back apart from staying there and growing old, most likely creating a new timeline as is, and that would fuck up a whole bunch of things for me.”        “Y/N,” 2012 Loki’s voice was low and gentle. Soothing almost. “Are you su-“        “Just do it,” she hissed, red-rimmed eyes boring into his. “Just take me back.”        And there was nothing else to it. With a bowed head, Y/N awaited for that pull she’d felt while they’d been flung through space the first time, and a couple of seconds later they were back in Stark tower, though now it was a secluded enough room, most likely a storage area instead of the crowded lobby.        “So,” Loki looked over his shoulder to spot any guards and then back to Y/N, “this is it, huh?”        She lifted her shoulders and then dropped them with a deep huff. “I guess so. I still mean it by the way,” she wiped away a tear. “That you’re an asshole.”        Loki smirked twirling the Tesseract in his hand. “Noted.”        “Miss Y/L/N?” a voice she hadn’t heard in years popped onto the speakers. Y/N and Loki both dropped to the ground crouching behind the wall, and his head turned to the side as her breath hitched.        The voice was uncertain as if he couldn’t understand what was going on, but it was really him.        “Hey, J.A.R.V.I.S. How are ya’?”    “I’m quite alright, Miss, but may I ask, what are you doing with the prisoner? You know your father and the Avengers are looking for him.”        Loki’s face turned into a sneer, and Y/N had to put an arm out in front of him, so he didn’t do anything stupid like give away their position of where they were hiding if for whatever reason someone was down there.        “Yeah, I do, bud, but here’s the thing…” she bit on her lip. Dad would kill her. “I think both you and I know something’s going on.”        There was a pause, as J.A.R.V.I.S contemplated her words. “Yes, I think I do. Given how my scans showed there were two Mr Starks in the building as well as two Captain Rogers and an undefined male the size of an ant, I’m quite certain that other things than the attack are going on as well.”        Y/N smiled, looking up at the ceiling. “You were always the clever one out of all of us.”        “I’m an A.I. Miss,” and even though his voice was levelled, she could hear the sarcasm slip through, “I do know everything.”        “Yeah, you do,” Y/N whispered and glanced at Loki who was just observing the interaction. His eyebrow raised in question.        “Ok,” she finally said. “Here’s the deal – you need to keep this information to yourself. No matter what dad says or does, do not let him know this. I’m pretty certain you know there’s another Banner in the city as well, but I need you to keep the last half an hour under lock and key and throw it in the ocean. For everyone’s sakes.”        J.A.R.V.I.S’s answer came a second later. “And when Mr Stark asks me to replay the footage for the debrief?”        “Just,” Y/N shrugged, “act as if we were never here. A.K.A – erase the parts were there suddenly showed up duplicates of people. And when I get out of here, that as well, please?”        “I can, Miss, but first you’ll have to get past the S.H.I.E.L.D guards situated on each floor as well as the STRIKE team.”        “Mhm,” and then something went off in her mind. “Speaking of S.H.I.E.L.D – you might want to dig a bit deeper into what you found on the Hellacarrier.”        “And what would I presumably find there?”        “Oh you know,” Y/N waved J.A.R.V.I.S off like it was nothing, “some little tidbits of hidden Hydra members within S.H.I.E.L.D.”        “That is… truly interesting.”        “Indeed,” Y/N nodded along. In a way, she was trying to prolong every second she could spend in this timeline, because no matter the fact it wasn’t her Loki, it was Loki one way or another.        “Don’t you need to go?” he motioned with his head to the bracelet that sat snugly against her knuckles. And she did, actually. She had to find Tony, Steve and Scott and explain what the hell had happened when some words spoken to her before wouldn’t leave her mind.        “J.A.R.V.I.S, buddy,” Y/N spoke looking up to Loki. “Can you help me with a little science project?”
       His heart had shattered five years ago when he’d had his final look on Y/N’s face to engrain every detail in his mind before Thanos snapped his neck. This – her having been in Valhalla and having had those few moments with her - hurt more.        Loki was just about to walk away, his mother wiping away the tears that streamed down his cheeks when the Tesseract portal opened once again, and his 2012 version stepped out with Y/N.        “This is your choice,” she held up a second bracelet, twin to the one on her own hand. “But we might need your help in whatever happens.”        She was visibly shaking, fingers holding onto the piece of technology with such a tight grip, the leather glove covering her palm looked about to burst.        Loki’s head whipped back to look at Frigga, to maybe see her own face just as stunned as he was, but that was not the case. Just as kind as her smile had been from the beginning, it remained at that moment.        “Go,” she muttered to Loki, before pressing a gentle kiss to her son’s forehead. “Be with the one you love.”        It was the only thing he needed to hear. As much as it hurt to leave his mother behind, he knew there’d come a time the two would be reunited. But this was his time to be with Y/N. A second chance that if let go of, would never return.        Practically sprinting, he grabbed the bracelet from her extended fingers, and he saw how her form sagged with relief, a chocked back sob lumping up somewhere in her throat.        “Oh, and please take care of your brother!” Frigga exclaimed before the three were enveloped in blue-black clouds of smoke, and then they were gone.
       Two more seconds, a recalibration of the bracelets, and Loki and Y/N were whisked away from the destruction of 2012 New York and back to the old Avengers compound in 2023.        “Y/N?” Tony was baffled as to how she was back, fully prepared to drown himself in grief as he had thought he’d lost her.        “Brother?” Thor’s breathless whisper to Loki was filled with so much joy it was like he was visibly beaming. But then everyone’s eyes drifted to the empty spot next to Clint.        “Clint, where’s Nat?” Bruce asked stepping forward.        Y/N squeezed Loki’s hand harder. Just by the look on Steve’s face and Clint’s broken soul, she knew the answer.        The archer didn’t even look at them as he stepped off the platform and slammed the stone on the table nearby. “She got the stone.” And he walked out.        Y/N was about to be sick. She was about to throw up right in the middle of the stand, but not before ruining a bunch of punching bags. Her powers screamed at her to be released, to somehow alleviate the anger coursing through her veins, but she pushed everything down, just like she had for five years.        Suddenly, the fact she had Loki with her, that they were together meant little to nothing. Because Nat was gone.        It felt like an exchange. Like it was Y/N’s fault. Selfishly she had thought they could have it all. Keep what they had, and bring back what they’d lost. Those were Tony’s words. But as they repeated themselves through her brain while she stalked away and outside the compound, she couldn’t help the hand that slapped over her mouth.        What was it worth if it meant her family would still be broken in pieces?        “Darling?” her trickster’s soothing voice full of concern came from somewhere behind her, but Y/N wasn’t ready to face him.        “Can you give me a moment?” hoarse words came as her response. “I just need a minute alone.”        “I truly don’t think that’s the be-“        “Please.”        She couldn’t keep it together for much longer, and she sure as hell won’t let him see in that kind of a state. Especially because Y/N blamed her decision for the loss of Nat.        “Just,” she cleared her throat not looking back at him. “Just give me a moment, and I’ll be back inside. Thor probably wants to talk, so you should go to him.”        But Loki turned out to be closer than expected. His cold lips pressed a single kiss to the base of her neck. “I’m always there for you.” With that, he retreated as Y/N had asked. That’s when the dam broke.        She crumpled into a little ball, two trembling palms pressed against her mouth to keep in the sobs inside, as she leaned her head against the wall of the building. And she remained in that same position for a good while just letting grief and pain consume every inch of her body until someone sat down by her.        “What happened?” Tony asked, pulling Y/N into his side. “Are you alright? How is he here? Why is he here?”        “Firstly,” she choked on her own spit before straightening out. His calming touch on her back, easing some of that hurt. They all were hurting. “2012 Hulk was not happy about you making him take the stairs, which lead to us losing the Tesseract, and me jumping to try and get to Loki. Secondly, I’m fine. Thirdly, that is a bit harder and longer to explain. And lastly, because we might need his help.”        “With what?”        “Dad,” she whispered, “we have no idea what could happen to whoever wields the stones. Not only does he have powers that include healing, but he knows more about those things than we do… and he’s in a better condition to explain that to us than Thor, at least right now. Everything that happened was a hard blow on him… he might try and do something stupid.”        She gave him a painful smile because she knew Tony understood she was talking about herself as well. “People might try and do a lot of things out of guilt.”        That’s when Tony’s head cleared. “Like try and snap his fingers?”        “Mhm,” Y/N nodded leaning her head on his shoulder. “Loki might be the only voice of reason to keep him from it.”        “And you?”    “What about me?”        “Will he be enough to keep you from doing something stupid?”        A little lightness settled in her heart. “I’m a Stark. Stupid’s our middle name.”
       Just as predicted, once the glove was done and ready to be used, Thor volunteered to be the one to wield it. Despite Tony’s protests saying that he wasn’t in the right condition to do so, despite Steve saying it was okay to let it be someone else, the thunder god would not back down.        Y/N had not spoken to Loki about what had happened to her once outside the compound, but she had been right when talking to her father. He was the only clear voice that could get through his brother’s mind.        “Brother,” Loki spoke looking into Thor’s eyes that had tears in them as he so desperately was trying to push his way to the gauntlet. “Let this one go. Please.”        “Just,” Thor smashed his fist against Loki’s chest but there was no fight left in him. “Just let me do one good thing. Let me bring them back.”        “You’ve done enough, brother,” Loki’s voice soothed him. “Let someone else do the fighting for once.”        One final weak punch against his chest, but Thor backed down, and Bruce stepped up.        What happened next was a blur. Bruce dawned the gauntlet, he snapped his fingers, Loki dropping to his knees next to Tony as they applied what healing medicine and magic, they knew. Scott made everyone notice how there was suddenly much more life outside, and Clint’s phone rang, his wife on the other side of the line. Then everything was blown up.        Quite literally, a barrage of bombs obliterated the compound, sending everyone every which way. Y/N had enough of a mind to surround herself in a ball of telekinetic shield as she plummeted towards the hole in the ground, debris and rubble settling on top of her while rushing water quickly filled up the space.        She had no idea where anyone else was. Y/N could hear voices speak through the comms, what sounded like Tony trying to wake up Steve, and Rhodey was calling for help somewhere not far from where she herself was stuck, but there was so much ringing in her head, it took all of her concentration to keep the shield up to not get crushed by the tons of concrete about to fall on her head, Y/N couldn’t respond to the people calling to check if she was alright.        Her comms crackled before they completely gave out. Y/N was on her own.
       Not only was everything down below the rushing waters and rubble chaos, but on the up as well. Thanos was back and stronger than ever. As Steve, Tony and Thor went against the Mad Titan much as they had half a decade ago, even without the stones, it seemed so much dier.        He was practically invincible, his double-edged sword slashing at Steve’s shield with such vigour that he felt it in his teeth.        “Okay, Thor,” Tony announced seeing Thanos fling Steve away. “Hit me.”        Thor smashed both Mjolnir and Stormbreaker together and with a yell, directed the lightning to the wing-like opening of Tony’s suit which he instantly charged up with, and shot Thanos with all of his repulsors. But even that would not take him down.        As Thor swung Mjolnir at Thanos, and Tony charged to deliver another hit, the Mad Titan managed to grab the Iron Man suit, and used it as a human shield, properly knocking the genius out.        Thanos’s smirk widened as Thor came his way, ready to deliver the killing blow, his battle axe pointed at his neck, but one little misstep, and he had the upper hand over the Asgardian. With a wicked grin, he grasped onto the handle of the weapon made specifically to kill him and pushed Stormbreaker deeper and deeper into Thor’s chest. Right as it was about to pierce the god’s skin, Mjolnir flew into Thanos’s face.        Everyone was blindsided for a moment making the two conscious Avengers and the purple nutsack turn their heads to the side.        With unreal rage shining in her green eyes as she stared down the Thanos, Nat lifted her head. And then a devilish smirk pulled up the corner of her lip. A smile that made even the Mad Titan bristle.        “I’m always picking up after you boys, huh?”        She didn’t give him even a second to recuperate before swinging the hammer right up into his jaw, making the alien fly backwards.        “I knew it,” Thor’s brilliant grin was such a stark contrast to the scene around them, it almost felt out of place. Almost.        “Guess we got the answer to that age-old question?” a teary-eyes Steve limped towards Nat, his heart bursting at the seams. He always knew she was worthy, despite her past. None of theirs was clean, but it wasn’t about that. It was about doing everything to right those wrongs. And Natasha was the purest form of that.        “Guess we did,” Nat smirked and twirled the hammer in her hand before rotating around herself and smashing it against the shield where Steve had crouched down and lifted it above his head.        But the rejoicing didn’t last long. Thanos once again got the upper hand. With Tony still out, F.R.I.D.A.Y desperately trying to wake her boss up, Nat flung against the wall and stunned, and Thor slammed so hard against the ground he could feel his rib crack, it was just the Captain left standing.        Slash after slash after slash Thanos practically destroyed Steve’s shield before throwing him away. He looked at the jagged edges of the symbol of freedom. Something that symbolized what Captain America was; now shattered and broken. But even then, he stood up.        Swaying and barely able to hold on his feet, Steve was ready to face Thanos, no matter if he had help and his family by his side or alone. He was still that same kid from Brooklyn who didn’t know when to back out of a fight. And this was the fight of their lives.        He’d been afraid a few times in his life, stubbornness mostly making him disregard the queasy feeling in his stomach. The first time was when he stood up to a bully at school. He was way bigger than Steve, and the blond knew he’d get a pummeling. The second time he was truly afraid again was when he lost Bucky. When he was clutching to that side of the train and watched as his best friend fell to his death, and Steve could do nothing.        Putting that plane in the ocean was another one. He’d prepared himself for death, to be knocked out immediately, but that was not true. Instead, Steve, with horror flushing through his body, realized that permanent sleep would not come for a while. So, he’d laid down on the ground and waited. All he remembers after that is cold.        Waking up in a different century without anyone to hold on for support was another one. Then finding out Bucky had been alive this whole time tortured and under the control of Hydra one more. The breaking apart of his makeshift family and cluelessness as to what to do now, another. Thanos. And now the purple grape once more.        But his army was no match for what they’d fought in Wakanda. This was a universe against one man. Yet even through that, even with his body screaming for him to stop, Steve fastened the belts of his shield tighter to his arm and faced the oncoming onslaught.        And then…        “Cap, you hear me?”        His comms crackled once more.        “Cap, it’s Sam. Can you hear me?”        His heart sped up.        “On your left.”        Slowly, not wanting to believe the voice ringing through the communication system, Steve turned to his left only to see bright orange sparks fly in a circular motion. And then it spread. With each passing heartbeat, it grew wider and wider and then, as tears of joy and relief flew down Steve’s cheeks, as he saw Tony finally regain consciousness and Thor and Nat all sat up from the ground, Sam flew into the air.        He flew in a sharp U-turn motion around Steve before back inside the portal, Shuri, T’Challa and Okoye leading the Wakandan army. It was a message to Thanos form the family he’d taken and but was now back. Don’t you dare touch him.        Fear morphed into hope as more and more portals opened, and he saw Bucky and Groot exit, he saw people and creatures he didn’t know join the fight, sky splitting apart and letting space ships stand their ground against Thanos as well.        The universe. He hadn’t just pissed off Earth, Steve remembered. He’d fucked with the whole damned universe and now had come the reckoning hour. With a little flinch to the side, Steve watched as Giant Man emerged from the rubble of what used to be his home, but in his palm was more help.        Bruce with Rhodey next to him and Rocket placed on his shoulder all stepped onto the battlefield, while Y/N, her veins and eyes glowing silver, floated herself and Loki next to him.        Steve hadn’t seen her use her powers in so long, he felt physical relief, and when Wanda settled herself next to both her and Loki, the Scarlet Witch’s eyes glowing a blazing red while the trickster’s hands were surrounded by jade swirls, he knew that this time would be different. They had the upper hand.    “Avengers!” he yelled rushing to stand in place as the leader, letting that hope and happiness and rage fuel him as the army made of everyone willing to fight in the whole cosmos had his back. Steve was ready.    “Assemble.”        Repulsors and lightning and the Seidr and so much more blurred together as everyone charged at Thanos.        “How do you wield this thing?” Natasha grunted swinging the hammer at one of the beasts coming her way and taking off its jaw. “It’s horribly balanced.”        “Trust me,” Thor huffed and motioned with his head to Stormbreaker. “This one’s worse.”        “Tasha?” Clint’s voice cracked at the last syllable when he finally emerged from the rubble, and she was the first person he saw. His eyes immediately started watering. Somehow by some impossible force, his redhead was there. And wielding Mjolnir.        For a split second, their eyes met, and Clint was greeted by the widest smile in the universe, but she didn’t get to run and hug her best friend when she was knocked down by a beast, a painful grunt escaping her, but Sam was there and took the hound off its balance and viciously stabbed it in the chest with his wings.        There’d be time to bring her in the tightest hug ever and smack her over the head for what she’d done on Vormir, Clint told himself. He’d make sure of it.        “Cap, what do you want me to do with this damn thing?” he spoke into the comms while dodging the attacks coming his way.        “Get those stones as far away as possible!”        “Wait!” Loki yelled and rushed to get to Clint. “Give me the Gauntlet.”        “Not a chance, Rock of Ages,” the archer extended his sword. The last time the two were in the same room they had not ended on the best of terms. And even though he'd helped bruce after he'd redone the Snap, he still didn't trust the god.        “Oh you, moron,” Loki gritted, making a clone of himself behind Clint. Unfortunately for the Avenger, he wasn’t fast enough, and the raven-haired god snatched the Gauntlet, but despite what Clint expected him to do by pulling the thing on and wielding the stones, he didn’t.        Instead, Loki grabbed the Space Stone. For a moment he was overwhelmed by the pure power it radiated and dropped down to his knee, making Clint have to fend off a few attackers, but then Loki was up, back straight and eyes glowing cobalt blue with a smile that chilled the archer to the core.        “Uh, guys, Witch-boy has the stone.”        “What?” Steve was almost panicking. “Get that thing away from Loki!”        But as Clint was just about to fight with the god once more, he stopped dead in his tracks. As he looked upon the man who once had him under mind control and made him fight his friends, his family, he instead turned around and protected him, with Y/N guarding Loki’s twelve because both in the sky and on the ground two large portals were being opened.    Not the kind the Wizards and Strange had with the glowing orange sparks, but blue-black clouds rolling into themselves as they expanded and glorious rows of golden armoured soldiers came marching out while the silvery gleam of the swords of the Valkyries, the wings of their Pegasus’s glinting in the sunlight of Valhalla took to the skies.    “Thought we might need some help, so I gathered the best of the best. Now,” he said replacing the Infinity stone back into the gauntlet, “get them out of here.”    And never in his life did Clint think he’d be taking an order from Loki, yet there he was nodding and running away.    “No,” Bruce interrupted, “we need to get them back where they came from.”    Y/N grunted and whipped her head around as she barely avoided a lethal slash of a claw. “No way to get them back,” Loki yelled over the commotion and ducked as Tony blasted his repulsor over his head and pulverized an alien. “Thanos destroyed the quantum tunnel.”    But then Scott, as before with his time heist idea brought hope once again. “Hold on! That wasn’t our only time machine!”    And over all of the commotion, everyone heard the annoying sound of his car’s honk.    “Anyone seen an ugly brown van up there?” Steve sprinted up the debris to oversee the field, but the Valkyries had a better advantage point.    “Yes,” Brunhilde managed to reply as she led the charge against the Leviathans, “but you’re not gonna like where it’s parked.”    “Scott, how long do you need to get that thing working?” Tony asked, killing a beast that was about to pounce on Pepper from behind.    Scott shook his head surveying the position he was in and where the van was. “Maybe ten minutes.”    “Get it started,” Steve ordered. “We’ll get the stones to you.”    And with Hope’s confirmation that they were on it, everyone now refocused their attention on protecting the stones and making sure they were delivered to Scott safe and sound.        Though everyone was fighting to the best of their abilities, back to back with strangers as if they’d known one another their whole lives, people still got taken down. One of the beasts had gotten a claw in Bruce’s ruined shoulder and had pushed him to the ground. Brawl overtook his brain part as he tried to fight it off, but it was no use as tons of pressure were put on the wound, pain clouding his whole being until it wasn’t.        Sudden relief and the release of pressure came when Natasha had swung the hammer and dislodged the thing off of Bruce’s body.    “I thought I failed. I – I couldn’t bring you back.” He didn’t even care about the horrible throbbing in his side. Nat was back. She was there, and her palms were on his cheeks, green eyes looking over every inch of his body to see if there were any more injuries.    “But you did, big guy,” Nat crouched down pulling Bruce in a hug. “Just not to here, but where I was – 2014 Vormir. Took me a moment to gather my bearings, and then I jumped back into the quantum tunnel.” She pulled back and gave him a smile. “A split second later Thanos showed up, and I got blown away. Did you really think you’d live your lives without me? In any case, I’d find a way to haunt your asses. I could smell the stupid even from galaxies and years away.”    “Well, as Y/N said,” Tony remarked into the comms. “Stupid’s our family’s middle name.”    “Speaking of stupid,” Loki piped in, “how’s the van going?”    “The system’s fired,” a clearly distressed Hope replied. “Scott’s hotwiring it now.”    A collective ‘fuck’ could be heard ringing through the field. When Y/N got the information, her own comm long ago useless and discarded somewhere under the compound, she felt something in her gut was about to sour.    Whipping her head around, her eyes befell on Wanda pulling Thanos apart limb by limb, the pain from losing her brother years ago and then Vision right in front of her fueling her powers.    In that little moment, Y/N had been distracted, Loki’s hand wrapped around her waist as he flung her to the side, away from the attack of a Leviathan.    “What are you thinking?!” he yelled, terrified that had he been a second too late she’d be dead.    “Thanos-“ but Y/N didn’t have enough time to even finish the sentence when blasters started raining down on them. Even though her instinct was to curl up in a ball and shield her head, that’s how long she hadn’t used her powers, Y/N gathered herself enough to extend her hands upwards much like the sorcerers had and created a shield to protect the ones on the ground.    Each hit against it was like a knife to a part of her body. Loki had grabbed onto her shoulder, pushing his own powers into her veins to help her somehow, but even with their combined strengths, he knew Y/N wouldn’t last long, and neither would he.    The god could feel her fatigue and how each blast slowly but surely depleted more and more of her essence.    “I love you, my darling,” he muttered leaning his head down and kissing her neck. “More than anything.”    And though it was intended to be a goodbye, as he was about to push all of his powers into Y/N to keep her alive, the assault stopped. Instead, the blasters turned their nozzles to the sky and fired there.    She sagged against his side, Loki immediately supporting her weight as everyone watched in confusion as to what they were firing at.    “Does F.R.I.D.A.Y know anything?” Y/N asked still blinded by the smoke that covered the sky.    “Not as fa-“ he started but then the ship was struck by a single blinding beam and brought down in moments crash-landing in the lake. Carol.    “D-Do you know her?” Loki asked clearly bewildered at Y/N’s smiling expression.    “We just might have a chance,” came her simultaneous reply as the Captain said, “Danvers, we need an assist here.”    She was the additional force they needed, but she was also the additional motivation for Thanos to get the stones faster.    As everyone gathered behind to protect Captain Marvel, the glove and in turn Peter Parker from any harm that might come his way, Y/N noticed how Wanda took to the skies with the Valkyries, meaning Thanos knew he could have his shot now. But not if she had any say in it.    Whipping the last bits of her powers around the Mad Titan, Y/N brought him to the ground; pushing so that his elbows and back were flush against the battered earth. She was quickly breaking down, the flame that burned inside of her dwindling like a candle in the wind, but she had enough for one last move. One last sacrifice.    “I love you, Loki,” Y/N whispered to her trickster, watching as he fought a horde of the Outriders, and gave all of herself to the kill.    Proxima Midnight's spear into her shoulder threw her off balance. The pain was unexpected and harsh. Y/N let go of Thanos, and that gave him the chance to throw her away like a ragdoll.    “That’s my kid!” she vaguely heard Tony roar or maybe whisper but there was no time to focus on that. Proxima Midnight was clambering her way towards Y/N, and then again, as she was about to bring her powers to null and give her life in the process, pain shot down from her shoulder all the way to her side, as Loki had grabbed the spear and with lethal accuracy struck Proxima Midnight in the chest.    Y/N was gasping and whimpering from how much everything hurt, but that was nothing compared to the numbing fear that spread once she saw Thanos extend his hand up in the air with their version of the gauntlet on it. Somehow while she was fighting her own battle, he’d gotten the stones. It had all been for nothing.    “I am inevitable,” Thanos grunted, staring down Tony, but when his fingers snapped, when they were supposed to be wiped out from existence, nothing happened.    Y/N didn’t need an explanation as to what was about to happen. She had had a gut feeling of where everything was going right from the get-go but seeing the man that had raised her as his own despite it not being so, seeing her father figure raise his gaze to meet Thanos’s made her heart plummet.    The nanotech pulled the stones upward and settled them against each knuckle with the Soul stone in the middle. Y/N knew this was it. She knew it would be the end. But someone she had never expected to intrude did.    “Stark, take my hand!” Quill yelled as he sprinted towards the genius with an outstretched palm. Everyone but Nebula, Groot, Rocket and Drax seemed confused, as the Guardians were already rushing towards where Tony was kneeling on the ground.    The second Peter’s hand connected to his, both let out gasps – Tony of relief, Peter of strain as the power of the stones rippled through them both. That’s when everyone on the battlefield sprang into action rushing to their sides.    A moment of confusion from Thanos, was enough for the rest of the Avengers to gather and grab onto the extended palms of the Guardian’s, while Y/N clasped onto his right shoulder with Pepper behind her, then Steve, Nat, Clint, Thor and Loki lengthening the line.    The second Bucky took hold of Sam’s hand, was when Thanos realized what was going on. Everyone else was preoccupied with becoming a part of the chain, but not Carol. Scrambling up from the ground, she shot to the Mad Titan mid-run and knocked him over, bringing him into a chokehold, while Strange and the rest of his Wizards created a huge shield around all the heroes and kept the barrage away.    Thanos raised his fist into the air signalling his army to attack while trying to get rid of Carol, but it was no use. As Peter Parker finished off the chain, taking a hold of Bucky’s and then Shuri’s palms, creating a full-on circle with Tony in the middle, Carol had her arms wrapped around Thanos’s neck, pulling him back and throwing him off his balance while Wong, Strange and the rest of the Wizards created shields of magic to guard them.    “And we… are… the Avengers…”    With a final defying smile to Thanos, the monster that had been haunting him for more than a decade in life and in nightmares, Tony snapped his own fingers. The use of the stones made everyone groan as the collective power of them rushed through the connected bodies, but one by one, the army disintegrated before their eyes as did Thanos himself; sitting alone on a piece of debris with a bowed head in defeat.    The moment the deed was done, Tony asked F.R.I.D.A.Y to release his arm, dropping the metal piece with the stones to the ground, relieving everyone and himself from the painful strain.    Y/N’s shoulder started to profusely bleed, more so than it had before, and the last thing she saw before darkness came was the beautiful face of her Loki. If this was it, she was glad they’d had at least those few moments together. And then everything was black.
       Never in her life did Y/N think the first thing she’d hear after waking up from a coma would be Tony’s yelling about how irresponsible she was, Pepper’s sobs of how stupid and selfish it was of her to leave them like that and Loki’s incessant pacing, while from time to time he threw her a worried gaze which quickly turned into an icy dagger.    “Wow, what a ‘welcome back, you’re not dead’ greeting this is,” Y/N grumbled and quickly regretted it.    “Don’t start this, missy,” Pepper was beyond furious. “Do you know how scared Morgan was when we brought you here like that? When she saw you bleeding and unconscious?”    “You are so grounded for lying,” Tony piped in from his wheelchair.    “And then that whole time travel thing!” Y/N’s mom continued. “I mean, I get that I can’t stop every idiotic thing your dad does, but you! I thought you had some sense in that brain of yours! And how dare you fall into that coma! Three days!”    Y/N was about to mutter a ‘technically it wasn’t my choice’ but the glare she got from Loki was enough to shut her up. Sure, all the words were harsh and should’ve been breaking her heart left and right, but for her, it was hard to keep the smile away. So, she didn’t.    “And what do you think is so funny?” Tony grunted, annoyance clearly written all over his face. Y/N just shook her head.    “Nothing,” she shrugged and then hissed when her body reminded her something had been jammed pretty harshly in her shoulder. “Just that I love you too. All of you.”    That stopped Pepper’s ranting and Loki’s pacing.    “I love you too, sweetheart,” Pep instantly replied, and threw her body against Y/N’s, pulling her in for as tight of a hug her daughter could handle.         “You just scared all of us so bad.”    “I know,” she muttered, looking over at her dad and then Loki. “I’m sorry. But to be fair,” she mumbled into Pep’s shoulder, “dad did an even stupider thing.”    The older woman laughed and pulled back wiping away her tears and the tears that had spilt down Y/N’s own cheeks. “Trust me, he already heard every single thing on my mind about that stunt he pulled.”    “And you couldn’t wait for me to wake up because…?”
   It took everyone a couple more days to recuperate, but once everyone was back on their feet or as healed as they could be by that point, Tony and Pepper invited everyone to their lakeside house to their vow renewal. Y/N’s arm hung in a sling as she stood with Morgan clutching on her dress as their parents recited the promise to love and care for one another for the rest of their lives.    Nobody tried to hide their tears, letting them flow freely, because for the first time in a long while, they were from joy, and everyone had decided to embrace the feeling to the fullest extent.        As Happy led Morgan inside the house, with the promise of burgers, and Tony and Pepper went to the side to talk to Clint and his family for a bit, Y/N found herself wandering off to the lake.        The water was still a bit chilly, definitely not warm enough for swimming, but she had no problem putting her feet in it and letting the liquid ripple around her ankles. Loki found her just like that – surrounded by tranquillity and peace.        “Do you think he did it?” Y/N asked her head leaning against Loki’s shoulder as she surveyed the calm waters once he had sat down next to her on the little dock.        He had conjured up a full-on black suit, and she’d be lying if she said that outfit didn’t do things to her.        “Who did what?”        “You… or younger you. Do you think he went back and let himself be taken to Asgard, despite what I said would happen?”        “If he knows what’s good for him,” Loki’s cold finger lifted her chin up to look at him, “then yes.”        His lips brushed against hers with the last spoken words before he pressed them fully to Y/N’s. So long had they been deprived of one another’s love, he had become so touch starved in what had been single moments without her, it was insane. But he’d have to endure it a bit more.        “Ok, you two, knock it off,” Tony’s voice interrupted their peaceful moment. The whizz of his wheelchair was practically silent. “I don’t wanna see you shove your tongue down my daughter’s throat. If it was up to me, it’d be cut out from your mouth.”        “Dad!”        “You’re my child!” he exasperated. “It’s my duty to scare off any potential boyfriend, let alone someone like him.”        “In times like these, I really wanna play the ‘I’m adopted’ card,” Y/N huffed but pulled back from Loki and stood up to face her father.        “Adopted or not,” a stern finger was thrown her way. “You’re still my kid.”        And those words, the fact that he had always thought of her that way, the fact that when they’d seen one another after years apart, and his first reaction had been to cry and never let go, made something in her heart break.        “Promise?” Y/N tried her best to hide the husk in her voice. “That I’ll always be your kid?”        Tony’s rough palm grasped her own. Years of mechanical work had turned the once soft skin into coarse and blistered one, but the touch was as gentle as ever. “Even when I’m grey and old.”        Y/N snorted. “You already are.”        That made Tony scoff and pull his wheelchair away. “You sure we’re not blood-related?”        “Would that make a difference?”        “None whatsoever, bug,” came his immediate reply.        Loki had been standing to the side watching the interaction between the two. So much had happened from when he tried to take over New York to where they were now, and it was insane to think how much would still change. Though he could feel that Tony didn’t have the warmest of feelings towards him, no need for magic to figure that one out, Loki didn’t think there was any hatred either.        “Can I just,” he suddenly interrupted making the eyes of the two Starks flit up to him, so different yet the same. “I just… I want to apologize. For what happened in New York.”        “Which part?” Tony snarked back. “The one where you threw me out the window of my own tower or the one where you tried to enslave Earth.”        “Uhh… both?” Loki’s eyebrows raised and he gave Y/N a ‘help me’ look, but she just smiled and shook her head.        Tony sighed rolling his eyes. “Look. I’m not going to pretend that I’m okay with this cause, I’m not… but for whatever reason,” he gave Y/N a pointed look, “you mean a lot to my daughter. And during these five years, I’ve come to an understanding about it. Doesn’t mean I was or am happy about it… but I think at this point we’ve all been through enough shit to put the past in the past. So, truce?”        He extended his hand towards Loki. It was an open palm for him to grasp, but there was so much more lying underneath that single gesture. It was saying ‘I trust you with my daughter's heart. I’m willing to put my own hurt somewhere else for her happiness.’ It was also ‘If you ever dare hurt her in any way – emotional or otherwise – this will be the same hand that breaks your neck.        But Loki, after a moment of hesitation, of disbelief, grasped Tony’s palm and squeezed it. “Truce.”        “Okay, good,” the genius nodded his head and rolled back his chair a bit. “But if you start calling me dad, I’ll nuke you into space.”        Loki pressed his lips together in a thin line, but everyone could see the smile he was attempting to suppress. “Duly noted.”        As the god and the mortal conversed and were actually having a somewhat decent time, Y/N’s eyes drifted over the expanse of the field. It was surreal to have everyone there and to have met all the people that in one way or another had impacted their lives even if she hadn’t known of them.        For example – Peter Parker aka Spider-Man. He was holding Morgan in his lap and talking to Happy and Pepper, though everyone could see the chauffer’s fluttering gaze towards his Aunt May.        He had been the reason Tony had not been able to throw away Scott’s idea of time travel completely. He’d made such a huge impact in his life, Tony had almost sacrificed everything for his family. And Peter most likely would never know that. The guilt would be too much to handle, as Y/N still saw the pain flash through his eyes whenever his brown orbs dropped to the wheelchair Tony was bound to. So, her dad would keep it to himself.        Then there was Nat. A double agent with a heart you couldn’t trust that had become the soul of their group. Clint hadn’t let go of her hand or waist or any kind of contact with his best friend. Sure, he sorta had to when Steve had swept in after the battle and kissed the living daylights out of her, but the archer was sure to be at least in a ten feet radius of his fiery counterpart.        Bruce had Nathaniel on his shoulders as all of them talked, smiles that hid the horrors they’d faced adorned their features, but if for one day all of them could pretend that everything was perfect.        Almost.        As Y/N surveyed the scene, she saw Steve peck Nat’s cheek and run off to the side while Bruce took the giggling kid off his shoulders and set him beside his dad.        “It’ll only take a few seconds,” Steve replied to Nat whose arms were crossed as she chewed the bottom of her lip. “You won’t even notice that I’m gone.”        That’s when it hit Y/N – the stones still needed to be replaced. Without a word, to her dad or Loki, she detached from the trio and rushed to the makeshift platform.        “Just to warn you,” Nat bristled a bit, “you might not like what you find on Vormir.”        “I already hate that place without being there. I don’t think there’s much that would make it even worse than it being where you…” he gestured vaguely towards her form. “You know… you did that… thing that we’re not gonna mention out loud.”        A small smile tugged up at Nat’s lips. “Point taken, soldier. But just trust me on this one. You’re not gonna like what you’ll see.”       Giving Nat one last glance, that said ‘okay?’, Steve readied himself to make the jump again, Mjolnir, the suitcase with the stones and his old combat gear on. He double tapped the bracelet, and the red-white suit embraced him,     but not before Y/N stopped what they were doing.        “Hey, Steve?” she called to him, jogging up to the platform and making him remove the helmet.        “Yeah, bug?”        “Can I uh can I join you?”        That took Loki by surprise as he had run after her pretty much the second, she disappeared from his grasp. “Darling?”        “Don’t worry,” she gave him a quick peck, stroking his jaw and then went to snatch a second bracelet from Bruce. “I’ll be back in a minute. You won’t even notice that I was gone, I just have to do one thing.”        “And can I know what that thing is?”        Y/N hummed but shook her head. “Nope… I just… don’t wanna say anything unless it doesn’t work.” She gave him a half-smile, one last kiss on the lips and jogged back to where Steve stood.        “You two ready?” Bruce asked calibrating the machine up.        “Ready,” they replied in unison the last syllable masked by the suits morphing around their bodies.        “Making the jump in three…” Bruce started the countdown, and Loki crossed his arms.        “Two…”        The prince bit the inside of his cheek. She’ll be back.        “One…”        And then they were gone. In the stroke of lightning, both Y/N and Steve disappeared into the Quantum realm.        “Bringing them back in five seconds,” Bruce announced pretty much immediately, and Loki prepared himself for the most agonizing five seconds of his life. Five seconds from that moment would determine whether she decided to stay, or if she had failed to replace the stones, or worse – she was gone as a whole. And he didn’t know if he could take it.        “… two, one,” the scientist's voice reverberated through the Asgardian’s mind, and then they were back. But instead of happy and satisfied smiles, he was greeted with Steve’s furious tone.        “What the fuck was that, Y/N?”        “Whoa, language, Cap,” she chuckled and hopped off the platform.        “Don’t,” he pointed a finger at her. “Don’t start. You just decide to fuck off to who-knows-when without a single word?”        “Look, I just made a little detour to 2012, what’s the big deal?”        Before Steve could go further with his scolding, her boyfriend interrupted saving her from another onslaught of berating.        “So, you went back to check on me?” Loki’s eyebrow was raised in amusement as if he was not breaking down on the inside from relief that Y/N was back in his arms.        “You know, not everything is about you,” she bumped her hip with his. “Sometimes it’s about Tony.”        That definitely made the genius’s head perk up.    “Of course. Didn’t you know, everything’s about me?” Tony remarked, and Pepper, Steve and Nat all simultaneously rolled their eyes. “Wait, why is everything about me? Not that I’m complaining but I’d like to know what I’m being accused of first.”        “Actually, nothing this time,” Y/N smirked and moved towards him. “In fact, I wanna give you something. Can you uh, disable F.R.I.D.A.Y just for a moment though?”        Tony’s eyebrows furrowed but he did as asked.        With a tap against his right shoulder where the Iron Man arm was attached instead of a sling, a little port opened up, and Y/N stuck a flash drive into the slot. It took a moment for things to fire up, but when they did Tony’s heart jumped to his throat.        “Sir?”        And that’s when Steve realized what had happened.        “J.A.R.V.I.S?” Tony’s voice wavered in disbelief, and the eyes of the rest of the Avengers widened. Wanda upon hearing the familiar tone even went closer. Y/N thought she saw her mouth ‘Vis’ with furrowed eyebrows, but when there was nobody, the witch stopped in her tracks.        With glistening eyes, Tony looked up at her. “Why did you do that?”        Y/N shrugged, keeping her own tears at bay, but when he tugged on her hand and she sat down in his lap, she just burrowed her head in the crook of his neck. Tony just held onto her tighter. “He’s part of your family. Our family. And this time no one gets left behind.”        “I’m a bit out of the loop here, sir,” J.A.R.V.I.S.’s warm voice floated around them, making Y/N sniffle. “Would you please hook me up to the internet or just explain what is going on? For some reason, the connection has been lost.”        “Sure, thing buddy…” Tony dragged a hand down his face and placed the other one on Pepper’s palm that had grabbed his shoulder, leaning his cheek against it. His heart had never been this full in his entire life. Sure, there was a piece in Vision missing, but he was pretty sure if he worked together with Shuri and Wanda, they’d be able to get figure out a way to bring him back.    “It’s good to have you back, buddy,” he replied, clearing his voice once it cracked, and kissed Pepper’s hand in content.        “I was never gone, sir.”        And at that moment, it didn’t feel like the A.I. was saying, ‘I was never gone simply because Ultron never happened’. It was him saying ‘I’ve always been with you. You can’t get rid of me that easily.’        As Y/N stood up, watching her makeshift parents slowly make their way to the house the now ex-Captain who had passed on his shield to Sam approached.        “Why did you do that? Why didn’t you tell me?”Steve asked, walking to stand next to the woman as she crossed her arms and shrugged.        “I missed him. And if I missed him, then I can’t imagine how tough it must’ve been for dad. I mean, J.A.R.V.I.S was his friend, his family and was always there for him. And to lose him in such a horrible way and try and find it in someone who wasn’t really him… I just wanted to do something for him… he literally would’ve died if not for that crazy idea Quill had,” Y/N wiped away a tear. “I think it’s the least he deserves. And for the not telling part… I didn’t know it would work, I didn’t really think I’d be able to copy such a huge amount of data, so I didn’t wanna give false hope.”        “Stupid really is your middle name, huh?” Steve’s hand went to ruffle Y/N’s hair, but she flicked his hand away with a scoff.        “Do I need to bring in Bucky in this conversation? Cause I think he might have a few choice words for stupid being my middle name.”        “Nat,” Steve exclaimed dramatically, “save me!”        “Not a chance mister I-don’t-need-a-parachute-when-jumping-out-of-a-jet.”        “You don’t need a what now?” came the too calm voice of Bucky, from where he stood next to Sam, both talking about what it meant for him to take over Cap’s position.        ‘Run’ Loki mouthed to Steve, and without a second, he did, dashing to where Tony and Pepper were conversing with J.A.R.V.I.S just so he didn’t have to deal with Bucky’s scolding. He might have had his friend back, but that didn’t mean Bucky needed to know all the shit he’d been up to.        “So,” Loki leaned his forehead against Y/N’s, arms wrapping around her waist to secure her in place. “What were we doing before we were so rudely interrupted?"        “I think there’s someone else you need to talk to first,” Y/N detached from him with a small smile and nudged her chin towards a person standing behind Loki.        “I uh,” Thor fumbled for a moment and gave the two an apologetic smile, as they pulled back from one another, “I didn’t want to interrupt the moment.”        “That’s quite alright,” Loki mused, “you always knew the worst times to show up.”        Y/N slapped him in the arm hard enough that it made the raven-haired prince wince and pull away.        “What?”        “Be nice!”        With an 'I'm watching you' mouthed Loki's way, Y/N walked away from the brothers and went to talk to Peter. They hadn’t had a real chance to get to know one another, and she wanted to figure out who was the boy that her father loved so much, he was willing to give his life for.        “I’m,” Thor started. “I’m leaving Earth. For now, that is.”        That was not something Loki expected.       “And what will you do exactly?”        The blond shrugged. “It’s time for me to be who I am rather than who I’m supposed to be.”        Loki’s eyebrow raised. “And that includes…?”        “Don’t really know yet,” Thor shrugged, “but Asgard would need a new king.”        His brother’s mouth dropped open, but the thunder god just shrugged like it was something not even worth mentioning. “It’s what you’ve always wanted.”        “For a while, yes,” Loki nodded putting both his hands in his pockets before lifting his eyes from the ground and looking at Y/N who was talking to Peter and had Morgan on her hip. “But I think I’ve found a different reason to go on…”        Thor snorted, nudging his brother’s shoulder with his. “Anything to do with a certain girl?”        “Everything to do with a certain girl,” came Loki’s immediate reply. “So, you better find someone more qualified to take the place. I just know that this time I won’t waste the chance I’ve got.”        “I wouldn’t ask you to,” Thor almost murmured but it was loud enough for him to hear.  “How’s… mother and father?”        Loki gave him a sad smile. “They’re… good.”        Thor’s chin quivered for a moment before he slowly nodded, and his lips twitched upwards. “Did you give him a hard time about Hela?”        “Didn’t really get the chance, but I sure enjoyed it when he bristled first seeing me.”        “We’re a weird bunch, aren’t we?”        “The weirdest, but that’s what makes us great,” Loki patted Thor on the back, and together they moved to where everyone had gathered.        “Listen, I’m not happy about you and knock-off Severus Snape being together, so the second he hurts a single hair on your head, he’s dead,” he heard Tony exclaim, and Loki could practically feel the eye-roll Y/N made.        “Dad,” she groaned her arms crossed over her chest, but Loki couldn’t help the laugh that escaped his throat as his arms wove around her middle, and he rested his chin on her shoulder. He might have been permitted to enter Valhalla, but if there was a paradise it was there.        “Sissy,” Morgan pulled at Y/N’s sleeve and brought the attention to her, “who is that?”        “This is Loki,” she said with such fondness in her voice, that her little sister’s eyebrows furrowed identically like Tony’s did when he had to listen to bullshit.        “But that’s the one that attacked daddy!”        “Yeah, but,” she tried to find the correct way to explain everything that had happened but there was too much to say, so she just relented to the easy way out. “Remember when I said I was off in space for a bit? And I met someone?”        “Yeah,” she nodded still eyeing Loki suspiciously, “you said he protected and loved you. But why did he hurt daddy then?”        Loki who’d been biting the inside of his cheek while listening to the conversation put a gentle hand on the small of Y/N’s back. “If I may?”        She nodded albeit a bit reluctantly and watched as he crouched down to be eye level with Morgan.        “I – I did, hurt your father… and in turn, I know that hurt your sister, and for that, I will forever be sorry… but I’d like to think I’ve changed,” Loki spoke in the softest tone he ever had. Not even with Y/N had his voice held such tenderness. “I used to use my magic to harm others because it was the only thing, I thought I was good for but then I met your sister, and she showed me I’m capable of so much more.”        As he said that, he opened up his palm to the air, and Morgan gasped seeing the illusion of a Pegasus dancing above his fingers. Sure, she’d spent time around Thor before he went completely off-grid, but real magic was something unprecedented.    “You’re like Harry Potter!” she exclaimed. “Just without the wand!”        “Umm, sure,” Loki gave her a smile that wavered a bit because he had no clue who this mysterious person was, yet it seemed like someone she admired.            “Mom! I met an actual wizard” Morgan yelled running off in search for Pepper as Happy and Rhodey chuckled, but Tony had a mischievous smirk on his face. A new nickname was in the works.        A loud ‘excuse me!’ came from where Wong and Strange stood talking with Wanda, shock on both their faces, but Morgan didn’t care as she jumped up into her mother’s lap and started animatedly explaining Loki and his magic.        “Love, who’s Harry Potter?” he muttered in Y/N’s hair an arm securely around her waist.        “I’ll teach you all about him, don’t you worry,” she smiled turning to face him and clasped her palms behind Loki’s neck. “No boyfriend of mine will not know who The Boy Who Lived is. Besides,” her lips brushed against his making Loki chase after her, “we have all the time in the world to do so.”        “Promise?”        “Promise.”        Finally, after doing whatever it took, everything had fallen into place.        They were home.
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A/N: welp... this is a beast :D
Another family fix-it-fic from yours truly :D
P.S. what did ya think?
P.S.S. my tags are always open :)
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dontcare77ghj · 5 years
Natasha x reader x Bucky
The three of you definitely had stereotypes that most people believed about you. Vampires were creatures that shield away from bright, peppy, people and were enemies with werewolves. Fae were tiny men and women who got drunk on cream and were always happy. Werewolves hated vampires, were blood thirsty killers and could turn into a dog whenever they wanted.
While not all of these were true, the three of you did fall into some of these categories. Natasha really was more of a grumpy character, you could be quite peppy, and Bucky did enjoy turning into a large dog more often than not.
But that doesn’t mean that the three of you were your stereotypes. Just because Natasha could be grumpy, doesn’t mean she wasn’t the softest person to exist, just because you were peppy, doesn’t mean you didn’t have dark days, and just because Bucky turned into a wolf doesn’t mean he was bloodthirsty.
You are more than the stereotype.
“Come back to sleep bed, lynbovnik.” Natasha cooed, reaching out to grab Bucky’s hand. Bucky huffed slightly and turned around to give her a soft smile. You and Natasha were wrapped around each other watching him intently, you albeit sleepily.
“Doll, I promised I’d go for a run with Steve and Sam this morning. Just like the I promised to go yesterday, and I canceled then, I can’t cancel this morning.” He said, kissing her hand lightly. “I promise I’ll be back soon.”
“You do know you two are torturing Sam, right?” You asked, raising an eyebrow at the man. “He can’t keep up with Stevie and don’t act like you don’t cheat.” You added, smirking as he tried to look innocently.
“It’s not cheating.” He argued, leaning down to kiss you on the brow. “It’s just using an advantage I have.”
“If you’re going to cheat, you might as well just come back to bed.” Natasha said, smiling coyly.
“Nice try.” Bucky smiled, kissing you both before moving over to the door. “I’ll be back soon.” He promised, waving to you both before leaving the room. Natasha rolled her eyes before curling further into you and burying her face in your chest.
“Good morning to you too.” You chirped, running your finger through her short red curls. “Someone’s affectionate today.”
“You smell good.” She murmured, raising her head slightly. “So does Buck.”
“I’ll ignore the creepy factor to that.” You smiled. “When was the last time you fed darling?” You asked, pushing back her hair to look at her eyes.
“Couple days ago.” Natasha shrugged. “I’m still fine for a while.” She said, raising herself up further, until she was straddling you. “What do you say, we call in sick today and when Buck gets back just all stay in bed?”
“We don’t get sick.” You laughed, a tinkly sound you’d been told. “Everyone knows that. They wouldn’t believe it for a second.”
“They could.” She mused, kissing you on the neck. “I could tell them you were infected with something life threatening and the only cure is to stay in bed and cuddle all day.” She continued, looking at you with a smile. “I think they’d buy that.”
“You know you try to pull that, and we’ll have Clint and Steve and Tony, badgering us all day. We wouldn’t get a moment’s peace.”
“A girl can dream.” Natasha said, laying her head back on your chest as you wrapped your arms around her. The two of you whispered plans for the day to each other and shared gentle kisses, for a long time, never moving from your position, and that was exactly how Bucky found you when he came back.
“I see you two have been productive.” He commented, leaning against the door frame with a smile.
“The most.” Natasha replied, lifting a hand out for Bucky. “Come back to bed, Buck.” Bucky smiled as he came back over to bed. He laid down and pulled you both onto his chest.
“You two do know we have to get up soon, right?” Bucky mentioned, kissing you both on the head.
“No, we don’t.” Natasha said, shaking her head with a smile. “Didn’t you hear? Y/N has a life-threatening illness and the only way we can cure it is by cuddling all day.” She added, taking your hand in hers.
“Y/N is sick? Well, that changes everything, we’ll have to cancel everything today and make sure she gets better.” Bucky said, settling back in bed with the two of you.
“Bucky, no! Tony, why are you encouraging this?” Natasha sighed, exasperatedly. You and Steve shared a look before entering the main living room. Natasha was glaring at a meek looking Tony and Sam, Tony in his iron man suit and Sam wearing his wings pack, while Bucky watched the interaction in wolf form.
“You two are supposed to be grown men.” She continued, pointing at Tony and Sam. “Why can’t you ever act like it?”
“Why aren’t you yelling at Bucky?” Tony whined, pointing to the dark-furred wolf. “He joined in too. It might as well have been his idea.”
“He is currently a wolf, Stark.” She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. “When I want to feel crazy, I will yell at him.”
“Is it safe to ask what the hell is happening?” You asked, watching the scene in amusement.
“Ask these two children.” She exclaimed, throwing her hands into the air. Moving away from the two men, and wolf, she pressed a kiss to your lips before stalking out of the room muttering about needing a drink.
“Okay, what did you two do to Nat?” Steve asked, shaking his head as he moved to the two. You moved over and sat on the floor and greeted Bucky.
“Why does everyone assume it’s us?” Sam whined. “What if Bucky started it? Or, what if Natasha just went crazy and started yelling at us for no reason?” both you and Steve said nothing, only stared at the two. “Okay fine, it was us.” Sam relented.
“What did you do?” You asked, standing up. Tony and Sam looked at each, waiting for the other to admit what they’d done.
“We might have got a Frisbee.” Tony admitted, causing you and Steve to groan.
“Oh Gods.” You groaned, holding you hand over your eyes.
“And we might have started playing in here, with Bucky.” He continued, rubbing the back of his neck. “And then we decided to up the ante and we got suited up and Bucky shifted.”
“What did you break? Who did you break?” Steve questioned, looking between the three.
“Only a table.” Sam insisted. “And then Nat came in and started yelling about wearing our suits inside, and throwing things inside, and treating Bucky like a dog when he’s not a dog.”
“But to be fair he was acting like a puppy. Like an excitable puppy.” Tony continued.
“Give me the Frisbee.” You demanded, holding your hand out. Tony sheepishly handed it over to you. “So, you were playing fetch with Bucky.” You stated an the two nodded. “And you did he enjoy it?”
“It seemed like he did.” Tony said as Sam nodded.
“And you two didn’t invite me, for shame boys.” You said before showing Bucky the Frisbee. “You want to play Buck?”
Bucky let out a happy bark and started jumping around your legs.
“Y/N, Nat isn’t going to like this.” Steve tried to warn.
“I can handle Nat. Come on, Buck, catch.” You said before throwing the Frisbee to Sam. Sam caught it with wide eyes before smirking.
“Catch Tony.” He said, throwing it to the iron man. Soon a full game of Frisbee broke out complete with everyone using their suits/powers.
Both Sam and you were flying and took great pleasure in stealing the disk whenever you wanted. Steve used his superior speed to keep the Frisbee from everyone and Tony did a little bit of everything.
Meanwhile, Bucky barked happily and ran around enjoying what was happening around him, acting much more like a puppy than a werewolf.
“Get it!” Steve said to Bucky, pointing at you. Bucky raced forward and grabbed the Frisbee out of your hands and flung it towards Steve. Bucky than give you a wolfy smile before tackling you to the ground.
“Aah, Bucky no!” You complained trying to get away from the man/wolf. Bucky licked a long stripe on your cheek causing you to groan and everyone else to laugh.
“I leave you alone for ten minutes.” Natasha said from the doorway. Everyone stopped at the sound of red head and turned to face her. “I thought we established no Frisbee indoors and that Bucky is not a dog.”
Bucky climbed off you and shifted back. “Nat, it’s just for fun.” He said, moving over and pulling her into his arms. “Come join us for a while, doll. You’ll see it’s fine.” He added, running his hands down his arms.
Natasha didn’t say anything for a minute, just looked at the five of you. “Fine.” She sighed, placing her drink on a side table. “But the second someone breaks something we stop, deal?” She bargained.
The five of you agreed to her terms and she helped you up as Bucky shifted back to wolf form.
“Now that we’ve got that out of the way,” She started before stealing the Frisbee out of Steve’s hands. “Catch Y/N.”
The six of you continued your game of Frisbee, or really keep away, for a long time. All of you enjoying the feeling of not having to hide and being able to use your abilities/suits comfortably.
You’d barely left the bedroom all day. You couldn’t find the energy or the will to want to move. You’d had to cancel all your plans for the day but didn’t find yourself feeling guilty over cancelling.
It had been a little over two years since you’d been banished from your home realm. For wanting to help humans and not fitting the mold of your people, they kicked you out of the realm and onto earth.
Realistically you knew things worked out well. You’d ended up joining a team of people who also enjoyed helping people and the world, you’d gained a new fantastic family and you were in love with two of this planet’s best people.
But it still hurt. Your birth family had abandoned you and banished you from your own home, because you weren’t what they wanted you to be. You couldn’t find the energy to want to be okay today, so you didn’t.
You stayed in bed. Natasha and Bucky knew that their words, while soothing, weren’t going to help with how you felt. You’d slept for most of the day, Nat waking you up to force you to eat something, but otherwise you were left alone.
“Dorogoy, wake up.” Natasha cooed, gently shaking your shoulder. You groaned and attempted roll away from the woman only to bump into Bucky.
“No.” You moaned, burying your face into the pillow. “Let me sleep.”
“Please, baby doll, just open your eyes for us.” Bucky murmured into your ear, letting out a sigh you rolled over, opened one eye and peaked at the two. They both looked incredibly suspicious.
“What are you two up to?” You asked, raising an eyebrow at the two.
“You’ll find out.” Natasha said cryptically, grabbing your hand. “Come on, dorogoy. You’re going to want to get up for this.” She continued, pulling you into a sitting position.
“Are you sure?” You asked, allowing yourself to be pulled up. “Because right I just want to sleep.”
“Positive. You’re going to want to see this.” Bucky promised, helping you out of bed. “This is a surprise, so we’re going to need you to close your eyes so we can get you changed.”
“Guys I appreciate the effort, but if this surprise has anything to do with sex, I’m just not in the mood. I’m sorry.” You apologized, glancing between the two.
“This surprise has nothing to do with sex.” Natasha swore, taking your face in her hands. “It is solely to cheer you up, and if you see how we dress then you’ll guess what it is. So, we just need you to close your eyes for us, okay?”
“Okay.” You agreed, closing your eyes. The two quickly undressed and re-dressed you, before sitting you on the bed and changing themselves.
“Alright, baby doll, I’m going to lead you now.” Bucky said, leading you by hand. He led you forward and from the ding you could tell you were in the elevator. When the elevator stopped Bucky led you out and continued to walk you forward. After a car ride and some more walking the three of you finally stopped.
“Am I allowed to know where I am now?” You asked, eyes still closed. Natasha and Bucky chuckled lightly at the slight whine in your voice. They knew you hated surprises.
“Open your eyes, dorogoy.” Complying you opened your eyes and were stunned at the sight that was before you. You were standing in the middle of a forest decorated with twinkling lights, blankets and pillows covered the forest floor with a low moss-covered table set with food and wine.
The air was thick with the rich scent of flowers and the woods themselves. The sounds of a running creak and the wind dancing though the trees echoed throughout the forest.  Looking down Natasha and Bucky had dressed you in the short, flowing, backless, dress you’d arrived on Earth in.
Looking at Bucky and Natasha with tears in your eyes, you noticed they’d dressed in a similar style as you. Natasha wearing an almost matching dress and Bucky was wearing a long sleeve red shirt and black pants.
Running over to the two you quickly pulled them both into your arms. “I love this.” You whispered, tears slipping down your cheeks. “It reminds me of my old home.”
“We thought you’d like it.” Bucky murmured, pulling back to wipe the tears off your cheeks.
“Are these good tears?” Natasha asked, looking slightly concerned.
“The best.” You smiled, letting out a little laugh as you wiped your tears away. “Thank you for this. I love you both so, so, much.”
“We love you, doll.” Bucky replied, kissing you chastely.
“Love you too, nasha malen’kaya feya.” Natasha murmured, repeating Bucky’s actions.
“Now come, I want you to show me everything.” You chirped, pulling away from the two and running closer to their surprise. The two smiled watching as you flittered around the forest talking to the trees an animals.
You were back.
The three of you were more than the stereotype.
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Here are some more Halloween themed works; Iron  Switch  Blood
Coming soon;
Wanda x reader x Natasha
Sam x reader x Steve x Bucky
Steve x reader x Natasha
Bruce x reader x Tony
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