#(but it was so worth it I feel so enabled and allowed to talk about him lol)
respondedinkind · 8 months
~ Character Info Sheet
name: Khan Noonien Singh (Ka'anh originally, but no one knows shh secret lore drop more of that further down)
name meaning: Name meaning on earth (human origins): Khan, which is more popular as a surname, is a Turkish boy's name meaning "prince". Khan is a shorter form of Khagan, and was originally a historic title given to military chiefs and rulers. Noonien is of Chinese origin and means "gifted one", though it's unclear whether this is accurate or not. Singh is derived from the Sanskrit word सिंह (IAST: siṃha) meaning "lion", and is used in the sense "hero" or "eminent person" Ka'anh (home planet name version): The one who steps; always forward, never backward.
alias/es: John Harrison, created by Admiral Marcus in case he ever needed to transfer Khan to another place. The faked file about him exists, but has never been used.
ethnicity: Confidential information
one picture you like best of your chara:
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three h/cs you've never told anyone:
Khan's name is actually spelled differently in his native language: It's Ka'anh, but pronounced very similar to the human version 'Khan'. As he'd been risen away from his family and grown up within a facility turning selective bred offspring into future soldiers, he's never gotten to know his surname; All he remembers is someone once speaking out his full name when he was very young still - said memory stuck with him and, once he'd arrived on earth after being found / captured by Marcus, he'd heard the names 'Noonien Singh' while watching the daily news report (which he was allowed to consume on a regular basis, to 'sharpen his intellect and offer him knowledge about the world'). Noonien Singh sounded eerily similar to what his childhood memory is made of, so he chose them to become his second- and surname. At the same time, he decided to change the spelling of his first name as well - as a symbolism for cutting ties to a society he's never wanting to return to without giving up his origins completely.
Khan has a massive sweet tooth - he loves everything sweet, including (hard-)candies, chocolate or baked items like pastries. He also enjoys the taste of savory & sweet mixed together, but despises the taste of bitterness.
Despite his extremely regulated, limited and purposeful upbringing (and him needing to become what he was always meant to be), without many chances for children like him to ever live a fulfilling, explorative life, Khan did figure out in his late teens that he's very much not hetersexual.
three things your character likes doing in their free time:
Watching. He loves to watch what happens around him; He watches people, vehicles, nature, the sky, everything. He takes in the sight and saves whatever seems interesting to him inside his mind, gaining both joy and knowledge while doing so.
Listening to music. He realized that some music can, somehow, connect to his emotions, in a way - there's no real 'genre' he's the most fond of, a track just has to 'hit the spot' for him. Sometimes he gets goosebumps from the sensation of listening to it or experiences intense feelings, even though he's unsure why that is.
He's not really actively doing it yet, but he's very much interested in dancing - it combines his love for music with the need to be active, to move his body and get rid of excess energy. Dancing for him is made of logic, rhythm, but also of colorful sounds and variable movements.
eight people your character likes / loves: Khan doesn't have specific people he likes or loves; He also didn't have the time to find any on earth or somewhere else yet after having been captured by Marcus. He sometimes thinks fondly of his mother, even though he's never gotten to know her - but a part of him believes that he can, somehow, remember a few syllables spoken by her voice. It doesn't make much sense, because he'd been an infant when he'd been taken away from her... but still, the (possibly made-up) memory of her comforts him.
Other than that, people he loves or likes are thread / verse dependent (so far, he's feeling very close to @sxbaist, and seems to form a friendship with @noblehcart's Liesel though it's still in the beginning stages. All other threads with other muses are also at the beginning stage so far, but I am looking forward to relationships being formed in them!)
two things your character regrets:
He knows he's never really had a choice, yet he regrets that he's followed his kind's orders to try and become an elite soldier with so much enthusiasm and willpower that he burned himself down in the process; He cannot blame himself, as the whole of his species has been brainwashed for thousands of years and guided by the same power-hungry government, but he does, to a certain extend. His only purpose in life was to become said soldier, there simply was no other purpose existing for him - yet even with how much he struggled, he sadly only realized after failing the last test that he simply was not meant to ever become one of them. Perhaps it would have been better for him to give up and die, and therefore spare himself the experience of all the things that haunt him to this day.
Perhaps a part of him also regrets having fled from his own planet; He'd wanted to escape, but then he's got captured by Marcus, ultimately leading him into a prison cell to become a guinea pig. Oh, if he'd only let himself get killed as the consequence of failing to become his purpose - he wouldn't be where he is now, still trying to fight against what seems to be a curse he carries like a burden on his shoulders. Perhaps his enthusiasm and will to fight has been the curse all along.
two phobias your character has:
Athazagoraphobia: The fear of either being forgotten or forgetting someone / something. He doesn't want either to happen; He's always trying to memorize everyone and everything, as he thinks that knowledge is one of the only powers he holds besides of what his body is capable of. Besides that, he fears that all his effort has been for absolutely nothing if he ceases to exist and no one will ever remember his existence in the first place - which is likely to happen, and he knows that much, yet it makes him feel incredibly uneasy.
Thalassophobia: A persistent and intense fear of deep bodies of water, such as the sea, oceans and lakes. His fear might consist of two parts: 1). The water itself, even though he's not necessarily afraid of its existence, but of the fact that it can suffocate him easily (memories of his past haunt him, with water having been used in his brutal training sessions to make him become better and successful in his tests), and 2). the depth of said bodies of water; Darkness surrounding him the further down he goes, no way for him to know what's around him or which dangers may lurk in the shadows, trying to eat him whole.
Tagged by: @sxbaist (thank you so much for enabling me ♥)
Tagging: @vulku @fasciinating @noblehcart (bones and Liesel), @darehearts @oceansfirst (whichever muse you feel!) @ensnchekov and YOU.
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timemachineyeah · 2 years
I think it’s interesting that we learn Philip and Caleb became witch hunters to fit in to the existing culture of Gravesfield.
Because the thing about witch hunts is, there’s a lot of zealotry and tattling involved. If they weren’t a pair of traveling radicals, but rather two side characters in an ongoing town furor? That changes things.
Up until now I’ve been a little curious about the dynamic of having Philip be the younger brother. We are more used to stories where the older person has authority over the younger in a way that allows them to be despotic. Basically when you have two siblings in fiction and one is evil, it’s usually the older one. But Caleb seemed pretty chill? People with chill authority figures usually don’t grow up to do genocide? But Philip is really committed to genocide? And jealousy over your older brother getting a girlfriend is a weird thing to genocide over?
But now we learn, that’s not really the story. Or not the whole story.
This is a JoJo Rabbit situation. This is a Hitler Youth situation.
In a town that’s in a fervor to find the hidden secret evil citizens among them, kids are potentially dangerous. The children you love and care for are also the most likely to be unsavvy and get you killed. Sometimes older relatives under those circumstances have to, or at least feel like they have to, let their younger family members be indoctrinated without openly opposing it, even pretending to support it, because, well. Children talk. Often without filter. Maybe it would be okay, but
Is it worth risking one or both of you being hung in the square to test that theory?
So they get to this town. This town will hang or burn you if you aren’t pious enough. And this town defines piety by its hatred of The Devil. We are all trying to prove we hate the devil the most. And Caleb, older brother, is like, okay then. That’s what’ll keep us fed. That’s what’ll keep us safe. He’s not a zealot so much as he’s just trying to keep him and his kid brother alive and win the town’s favor. Maybe the zealotry even freaks him out a bit, but not enough. Not until he meets Evelyn.
But Philip? Philip believes. Of course he does. His brother has never made any indication to him that there’s room for doubt. No one has ever done that. At least no one whose execution he didn’t later watch with his entire community cheering it on. Because they were dangerous. Everyone knows how this neighbor got sick, how witches caused that terrible accident, how Satan tries to keep us from our eternal salvation. This is literal. This is real. This is eternal souls and cosmic reality. He’s a kid, at first. He gets indoctrinated young. He believes this.
And then they find the actual realm of demons. Actual hell. The source of all evil in the universe. Fucking obviously it is his divine calling to destroy it once and for all. Wouldn’t you? If you could end all suffering? Save everyone for eternity? Surely that is noble. Righteous. Sacred.
And how is he supposed to believe anything else? What is easier to believe: the whole world is a lie and he has been watching innocent people killed for entertainment since he was a child - which goes against everything he was ever taught and also feels fucking bad. Or: the witches used their evil magic to convince my brother they aren’t evil, which proves how evil they are. That lines up perfectly with everything I know, everything everyone around me has always said, and makes it okay that I participated in those public executions, and also gives me some good righteous anger to fuel me on a genocidal rampage for as long as I continue to exist.
In Philip’s head, he’s the center of his dramatic fantasy epic. He’s the lone hero up against the big bad. He’s going to take on the Devil himself.
Idk, I just think it’s cool that The Owl House was like, “hey, Satanic panics, fascism, and genocide are allied ideologies, perhaps even the same ideology, and it’s Bad”
Also, “societal pressure to conform enables and even encourages people to hurt those they love”. Camila tried to send Luz to camp because she didn’t want Luz to be bullied the way she had been, because Luz’s principal told her she had to. It was a gesture born out of a desire to protect her, but one that would ultimately hurt. Caleb let Philip grow up more pious than he was because it seemed safest, to protect him. Philip grew up believing in eternal damnation and righteous cruelty, something that has clearly ultimately hurt him I mean look at what he is now. Philip, meanwhile, hurt Caleb and continues to hurt his family because he thinks there’s a Right and Wrong way to exist. To be. The ultimate call for conformity. For hegemony. But he didn’t spontaneously generate this belief. It was reinforced from a young age from a society that wanted to make sure no one was deviating too much. To centralize and maintain power through manipulation, exploitation, and force.
Anyway I cannot fucking wait for Camila and Eda to meet oh my fucking god
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minhosimthings · 9 months
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Call him up. He comes to my bedroom. Ended up we'd fuck on the hotel floor.
Summary: you, Jay, fucking after an award show
Warnings: smut, fem!reader, MINORS DNI, Oral (recieving), some comfort from husband material Jay
A/N: ALRIGHT! First smut work! I definitely need to improve a lot but here you go my babygirls. Also first Jay drabble! YAY! im taking a break from my work and writing whenever I'm at work and just staring at fishies.
Song rec: A&W by Lana del Rey. Yes the title is a lyric from that song. My favourite lyric!
"You wanted to see me baby?" Jay Park. Can anyone in this world get more luckier that you to get Jay fucking Park.
Award shows were boring, but when you had Jay beside you, it made it worth it, for you to stare at that slightly open white shirt with that watch that you gifted him, wrapped around his pretty little wrist. Yet again, L/N Y/N had won another award for best producer of the year. Some more of these and your house will end up becoming a store for selling 'Best producer' awards. Jay's group Enhypen had won 'Best boy band of the year' award this time and you were so proud of him. If not for the slight hiccup.
Being a producer, your ears were probably the most sensitive shit on earth, which enabled you to hear far more further than most people can (I actually have this ability and it's really cool!). Which in turn allows you to eavesdrop easily. But sometimes the eavesdropping isn't always the most comforting thing on this world, and as you heard your fellow producers smoke in the bathroom stalls and say 'She just got that award because she's Jay's girlfriend.' and 'He's so delicious though. Why did he pick that ugly bitch of a whore?'. You weren't really the type of person to cry or feel insecure, I mean after all you were in the kpop industry. Someone was always prettier or more talented than you. But hey, you were raised by some pretty good people, who taught you not to let jealousy take over you. But sometimes even saints abandon their principles in time of desperation. And for you? Your co workers shit talking about you was the time of desperation. You knew being in a relationship in this industry and letting it be public was a risk. But for Jay? Oh honey you'd risk the entire universe to be with him.
"Honey what's wrong? Hey are you crying?" Jay had walked into your hotel room, after you sent a staff member to get him. The afterparty was in the same hotel and you knew Jay would be with the rest of the boys, enjoying, drinking and critiquing every person's outfit. But you just couldn't go and stand there and give fake smiles to your coworkers, and pretend that everything was okay. You needed your boyfriend right now. And Jay would do anything for you, even abandon a party to come up to your magnificent suite. "Baby what's wrong?" Jay sat down on the bed next to you and cupped your cheeks. "You weren't at the party. I brought some food for you." Hearing that only made you sob harder onto your custom made red Prada dress, a gift from the worried man sitting in front of you, wondering silently what he could do to make you feel better as he stroked your hair and put your head against his chest.
"Shh baby shh. What happened?" "I- I heard them s-saying- Jay they think I- don't have- Jay." You sniffled in Jay's chest as he quickly understood what had happened. He had seen your coworkers giggling and approaching him again and again at the party and connecting the dots, it made perfect sense. Tracing the jewels on your dress with one hand and slightly taking off his tie with his other, Jay moved you to the pillow slowly, whilst admiring your figure in that dress. He hadn't had much of a chance to talk to you or see you up close since both of you were seated at different places, far from each other, neither did he have the chance to see you before the show, so when his eyes fell upon the tightly fit fabric on your hips, oh god his entire world came crashing down.
"Jay wha- what are you doi-" "Baby where do you keep the condoms?" You shuddered back as Jay slowly cane above you. "I- I'm on the pill." Jay slowly unzipped your dress, sneaking his hand behind you as you moved your hand to his collar. "Good" he growled against your ear. "You'll see what you're capable of tonight."
"Jay~" you whine as he grinds against your figure, the fabric of your dress slowly getting destroyed and ripped off of your body. You were quick to unbutton his white silk shirt, your gift, and unbutton his pants, throwing away the belt onto the bedside table. Jay moaned lowly as he inhaled the scent of your jasmine perfume, his favourite one. "Shit baby were you always this wet for him?" He teased you as you could do nothing but only whine in response. "Jay ah fuck!" He had slipped his fingers into your cunt, rings still on. The metal of the rings rubbed your pussy so hard, pleasure seeping in and out of you. "Is this ok baby? Or does my love need my cock inside?" "Jay ngh ahh fuck!" He slips himself in at an absolutely brutal pace, that your brain goes dumb and your pussy goes wild. This was heaven like you've never seen it. Jay was angry, so angry, and as his hands felt all of your naked skin, and all of your sadness turning into pure pleasure, satisfaction filled him to the brim. "No Jay don't pull out please." You whine to Jay as he slowly goes back. "Patience baby. Patience. I'll make you feel even better yeah? Give me my belt would you?" You were quick to reach out to the bedside table, where the brown leather belt lay, waiting for its turn. Jay slowly got your hands up and tied them to the bedframe with the belt tightly, as all you were capable of doing was whine and moan for him. "Jay please" He chuckled slowly at your desperate words and made his way down to your ripped pink panties. Pressing light kisses to your pussy, Jay took in your ever sweet whimpers and as his tongue darted out ever so often to flick you cute little clit, it drove you crazy, as you begged and begged for his cock again and again. "Aww does my Y/N want her daddy's dick inside of her now?" You whimpered again as he came up to you, face right above yours, hot breath, tinted with the smell of alcohol hitting your face. "Yes d-daddy please I need it please." You whispered to him. "Anything for my princess." He kissed you with his tongue moving around in your mouth, hands touching your clit, making you moan out his name, in the dirtiest way possible.
"Ah deeper Jay go deeper please." "You like that baby? Want me to cum inside of you hm?" The belt tied around your hands was untied now, as you moved your hands to Jay's pretty neck and thrust him into you. Jay sucked on your nipple softly, love and roses filling the huge room. The bed was definitely strong, because at the rate both of you were thrusting into each other, it should have broke. But then again, the hotel you were in wasn't called the best in the country for no reason.
"Wanna get in the shower baby?" Jay finally pulled out and flopped next to you on the bed, both of your hair and makeup, a mess. "Sure baby. Round two there?" You asked him, massaging your legs. Jay, to your dissatisfaction, shook his head. "No baby. Lets get washed up. We got an event tomorrow don't we? Don't want you limping at the event do we?" You pouted slightly as you remembered the Prada event you had tomorrow and as an ambassador, you had to deliver a speech. Yep another round of sex with Jay right now and tomorrow, nothing would be on your brain other than getting your pussy filled with his cum again. "Alright oh great Park Joengsoeng. I got your lavender shampoo. Wanna use that?" You said while getting up from the bed, completely naked. "Of course baby." Jay replied.
Winning an award tonight was good but getting your actual award with Jay was even better, you thought, as you entered the hot shower, Jay caressing your hips and kissing your neck. Yep you can't wait to get married to this man.
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bonefall · 8 months
so if Mudfur kind of regretted taking Leopardstar to the clan, instead of leaving her safely with Brightsky (well, regretted might be strong word? he did felt like Shite given how she turned out).. then how did Leopardstar felt about him becoming a cleric after winning a fight with Adderfang? i know that timeline-vise she was probably a baby and probably didnt had strong opinion Yet, but like.. if she looked back at his decision, was she be disappointed? angry even?
i have seen posts with how Mudfur felt about her later, but i dont think i seen anything about how Leopardstar felt about her dad.. and maybe even her mom (if she even has memory of her or anything)
Ohh nonnie you're right. Let's talk about BB!Leopardstar.
She is absolutely ashamed of what Mudfur is. She was born after all these glorious stories of her father took place, but to say she was "raised in his shadow" would be a misstatement. She was raised with his legacy as a SETTING SUN.
It was something in the distance, just below the horizon, painting the sky in royal pink, gold, and purple. Though she had never seen the sun itself, the impacts it had on the world were breathtaking, awe-inspiringly beautiful.
And yet, the sun had hidden itself away. Its magnificence is fleeting. He had locked himself away in the Cleric's den, and acted as a Mi to herself and her sister, setting nightfall upon RiverClan
How DARE he? When you are radiant, worth SO much to your Clan as an undefeatable warrior, LEGENDARY in your strength, you should feel RESPONSIBILITY to share that warmth. But he, with only the paltry connection to StarClan of a regular warrior, had chosen "his own happiness" and forsaken RiverClan in the process.
And to be breaking your Vow as a Cleric, to be RAISING CHILDREN when you should be serving your Clan?? Had he not taken to heart the story of Larkstripe? Or respected the pain and sacrifice of Moth Flight as her children were (given/stolen/claimed/bestowed)* to the Clans?
How selfish! And Hailstar enabled him!
Leopardfur is the great-granddaughter of Volestar, who was appointed by Darkstar herself to continue her legacy in spite of any opposition from Oakstar. Volestar kept RiverClan out of the Crusades and was the ONLY outspoken opponent of the madness, adamantly defending the Queen’s Rights and asserting that her Clan was different from the other three.
Leopardstar wants to set this legacy "straight."
Darkstar, Volestar, Hailstar, and eventually Crookedstar are a line of cats who have allowed RiverClan to become weak. Clerics raising kits! Accepting help from Fireheart! Obvious violations of the Law of Loyalty! StarClan took Silverstream to TEACH CROOKEDSTAR A LESSON and yet he just allowed Graystripe to waltz right in bearing the HalfClan kits like a gift, asking him for details of his treachery.
When she took power, she was glad to finally be able to explore options for ousting Mudfur. If he wouldn't take an apprentice, then she would simply exile him and have Tigerstar's cleric train a new one.
So. She did.
Did it pain her? Yes of course, he was her Mi, after all. She does love her family, yes, yes. But she knows the meaning of the word "sacrifice," and HE does not.
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jen-with-a-pen · 7 months
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Previous ⊹ Series
summary: The start of the week that changed everything. Bucky and Sam propose something that Steve shouldn't have agreed to. A good brother is a good brother, though... right?
pairings: Art Student!Frat Brother!Steve Rogers x Film Student!Sorority Sister!Reader
word count: 1.17k
warnings: Bucky and Sam are true frat bros, Clint and Tony are somewhere I swear, annoying roommates, plot development
a/n: never thought i'd see the day again but: here's chapter two! i'm excited to keep building this world and to drag everyone along for the ride. again: mind the slowburn and plot dev, i promise i'm getting there ♥
The most specialest of special thanks to two of my loves @vonalyn and @lunarbuck for helping me flesh out this idea and enable me in my destruction ♥ i owe you both a beefy alpha soon
gif by @paliaphrodite | additional graphics + dividers by me ♥
my ao3 | my masterlist | all tied up masterlist Read this fic HERE on ao3! ♥Reblogs and comments are highly appreciated as always♥
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Last Monday.
“Rogers! Rogers! We know you’re in there!”
“Yeah, c’mon, Stevie! We need t’ talk!”
Fists bang on the flimsy wooden door to Steve’s bedroom, threatening to break it down. Steve rubs his face with the back of a (cleaner) hand as music continues to blare out of his earbuds, charcoal dust from his latest drawing assignment now caking his desk, hands, and floor. He groans. Irritation and a slew of curses beg to launch off his tongue. Pressing his lips together tightly, Steve tosses his earbuds onto his desk and shoves back his chair. The legs scrape against the old wood flooring, screeching loudly and announcing his surrender as he walks to the door. He unlocks it– undoing the deadbolt, too– and swings it open, eyes shooting sharpened daggers at the stupid, knowing grins plastered on his frat brothers’ faces. 
Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson beam at Steve, trouble and mischief brewing behind their eyes. 
As the heads of the household and leaders of the Sigma Beta Theta (ΣΘΒ) Fraternity, one of the oldest– and most infamous– frats in Richards College Greek life, Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson were known campus and state-wide for their level of commitment in Greek life. Fourth years in whatever program they’re enrolled in, Steve couldn’t recall; some rumors claimed they were ‘Super Seniors’ who decided they couldn’t bear to part with their beloved frat. Others said they’ve been out of school, already graduated a year or two before, but were still allowed to run the frat since Bucky’s step-daddy was elected Dean a couple years back. The timing lined up, Steve had surmised, once he’d been pledged.
Sam and Bucky each prided themselves in their muscular, god-like statures to their own accord. Their builds were accentuated by broad shoulders, thick arms and thighs, abs hard enough to crack an egg– and each had one hell of a sex drive, Steve learned, during his first night in the house. 
He adapted rather quickly to falling asleep with his earbuds in. The risk of choking on his own headphone cord was worth a better night’s sleep than lying awake to the constant thump thump thump-ing that came clearly through the walls surrounding his room. Every. Fucking. Night. 
But, Steve had to hand it to them. Even they weren’t entirely self-centered. They still thought and cared about their frat and fellow brethren: mandating daily workouts in the morning (no matter how early your first class is), requiring frat colors to be worn to every sporting event (even chess), and everyone being forced to take a minimum of three shots at every house-held party (including ones during weekdays, midterms, finals, and holidays). 
Steve had been reluctant since the moment he signed his name on the scholarship contract. Something that day made him feel as if he’d signed his life away. He knew that joining a frat was an integral part of his full-ride– that he promised his mother ‘college was taken care of’ so she wouldn’t have to pick up even more shifts at the county hospital. What he didn’t know was which frat to join. That part was up to him. Sigma Theta Beta chose him more than he chose it.
Steve blinks.
Sam and Bucky lean against either side of the doorway, waggling their brows at Steve and glancing from one another to him. Steve rolls his eyes, sighing heavily with an annoyed edge. He swallows the curses and puts on the most neutral tone he can possibly muster. 
Bucky hitches a shoulder and looks to Sam, who exaggeratedly clears his throat.
“Rogers! You gotta stop lookin’ so mean, man!”
“You made me mess up my drawing, again, man,” Steve seethes through clenched teeth. Sam waves a hand absently.
“Ah, you’ll be alright,” he scoffs, “anywho, Buck n’ I–”
“Don’t call me Buck,” Bucky growls.
“–ahem, Bucky and I heard from a lil’ birdy that it’s your birthday this weekend–”
“–and we were wondering,” Bucky chimes in, as if on cue, “if we could dedicate this weekend’s party to you!” 
Steve blanches. His brow furrows after a second, suspicion stabbing him in the gut. 
“You,” he points to both brothers, “Wanna throw a party this weekend. For me?” 
Bucky and Sam nod in unison, grins and gazes growing. 
“Yeah, man! You deserve it,” Bucky says, clapping a hand on Steve’s shoulder. Sam quickly copies him. It’s not reassuring in the slightest.
“Because! As an official pledge, newbies always get thrown a birthday party,” Sam drives an index finger into Steve’s chest.
Steve raises his brow, but buries it again after giving the proposal more than a millisecond of thought.
“My birthday was in July. I wasn’t even pledged yet.”
Sam huffs, smile faltering as he looks to Bucky with slight annoyance behind his eyes. 
“Uh, yeah! Yeah, it was, but,” Bucky mirrors Sam’s prodding finger digging into Steve’s sternum, “this is for your fraternity birthday. Plus, you’re the first pledge in three years, so you get an extra special celebration.”
Their grins begin to make Steve squirm. He pushes their hands off him. The whole thing feels dirtier than his own, charcoal-covered hands. He can see through their shitty façade of charisma, but can’t make out what’s on the other side. Whatever it is, it makes him feel uneasy and ungrateful at the same time.
He’s been the newbie for the last few weeks, and all he’s done is keep to himself and draw for hours in his room. He hasn’t made any real friends, aside from the exchanged niceties from a classmate or two in his gen ed courses. He should be getting out there, getting to know his housemates– his ‘brothers’– better, shouldn’t he? After all, he is an only child. He didn’t grow up with the siblings Bucky, Sam, or Clint did. Tony was an only child, sure, but Steve couldn't find another thing to even relate to the guy about. 
He should trust them, give this thing a shot.
Steve looks Bucky up and down cautiously before turning to Sam, sighing and plastering on a half-smile.
“Alright, sure. I’m game.”
Bucky and Sam erupt into fist pumps and high fives while Steve stands in the threshold with a knife in his gut jamming further and further into his innards. 
“You’re gonna have the time of your fuckin’ life, Stevie,” Bucky reassures him. His fingers dig deeper into Steve’s shoulder and he flinches at the bruising pain. For a split second, he swears he sees a glint of something dark in Bucky’s eyes. Something dangerous. He can’t help but respond with a mumbled ‘okay’ before the two leave to raid the kitchen downstairs. 
Steve turns back into his room, shutting and locking the door and before leaning back against it. His head falls back, cushioned by jackets and sweatshirts hanging from their hooks. He rubs his face, no longer caring about the gritty charcoal covering his face.
What the fuck did he agree to?
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cooki3face · 1 year
I think I saw something earlier or last night that said that men who refuse to grow up will find women who suit their lifestyles and the mental age in which they would like to be instead of growing up, learning to be a man, learning to fulfill his role he’d rather not do the inner work and stick to a constant who will allow him to be immature and will enable him. There are so many situations (especially those I’ve seen first hand) where a man will act out, will mistreat a woman in his life, and often times his dream girl as well, and fumble that girl/woman and not be able to find what it is that he desires on a deeper level any longer or for a really long time. I’ve also seen in other instances men acting out and the women in their lives being hurt by them and mistreated by them and not being able to put their foot down and not settle for his behavior and that further agitates the situation and creates so many delays. I talked about something like this a really long time ago “men will be with/choose who they feel suits their lifestyle best” this doesn’t even always have to do with the physical manifestation of one’s lifestyle either (quality of life, hobbies, passions, or career choices and aspirations) this can greatly have to do with emotional shortcomings, bad behaviors, bad habits, unhealed aspects of one’s mind and inner self, etc.
He wants to lie, be deceptive, mistreat women in his life you may see him cling to someone whom he perceives to be or IS emotionally immature, someone who cannot hold him accountable without holding herself accountable for her lack of healing, shortcomings, habits/behaviors. Someone who struggles with a lack of self worth, self respect, perhaps someone who has people pleasing habits, who may not be capable of putting herself first or leaving in an effective way.
After all, we all embody the energy that we most often attract and as people we mirror each other and are attracted to one another through energetic frequencies. This is why we find we often come across people, friends, romantic relationships, sexual relationships or connections with others that cause deep and profound inner purging or emotional distress. Many of us have unhealed aspects and there are plenty of others whose issues cast light on our own. Those who choose to learn to be better and live a life that requires expansion and growth will learn and those who do not will remain in a space of stagnancy or create delays for oneself.
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stoat-party · 1 year
My lukewarm takes on Romeo and Juliet characters, heavily influenced by the specific production I watched yesterday
Romeo: So extra. Absolute drama king. He would watch Encanto and not be able to stop thinking about it for a month. He absolutely fell in love twice in a week based purely on looks, but that love was pure and romanticized to no end. In his mind, it was worth dying for. He should have been allowed to be a stupid kid, but under the circumstances he felt forced to marry in secret.
Juliet: Every adult in this girl’s life failed her. Of course she fell in love with Romeo, she’s thirteen. Their relationship isn’t particularly profound, it’s their devotion. Their innocence. When you were a thirteen-year-old girl, didn’t you fantasize about doing something drastic just to make your father understand? She’s the girl who acted on that fantasy, in the most horrible way. And she’s a child. A baby. They’re all just babies.
Paris: Himbo. Yeah, he tried to marry a thirteen-year-old girl. Yeah, he’s probably an adult by our standards, or close to it. However misguided his feelings toward her, though, they were real. He felt protective toward this girl he’d barely met. That wasn’t the blood feud talking. It was his meathead himbo brain. What caused this man to think it was okay to marry a little girl? How was he so casual about it? Why so violent? We’ll never know.
Benvolio: Shares an archetype with Horatio. Guy who lives, but at what cost? When I read the play he seemed like the sweet, reasonable one, but this production really played up the teenaged boyness of it all. The important parts to him, though, are that he loved Romeo, and he didn’t want any of this. Noticeably absent in the final acts.
Mercutio: Baby. Actual tiny baby man. I read this book when I was fifteen, I had no maternal feelings toward any of these kids, but this actor’s Mercutio broke me. He was just a little goofball from a rich family, he had no concept of consequences. The actor was an adult but somehow made his voice crack. When he started a swordfight over a cause that had nothing to do with him, it was like I was watching a puppy trying to play keep-away with a tiger. Tybalt even backed off and tried to sheathe his sword, but Mercutio gave him a little *boop* on the backside and it started again. His death scene started off laughing and ended in screaming. After Act III, all jokes in the play cease.
Nurse: I just feel bad for whoever gets cast as the nurse to get insulted for three hours.
Friar Lawrence: Who does this guy think he is? Okay, he couldn’t have predicted the plague or the duel, but he seems very confident about courses of action that have a high likelihood of ending in tragedy. The lesson is, don’t enable teen hormones just because you think it’ll help you end a blood feud. I can’t discount his good intentions, though, and the kids would probably have been worse off without him.
Tybalt: I seethe.
Lord Capulet: I’m doing this for your own good but also I’ll ruin your life if you disobey ok? <3
Lady Capulet: She definitely shares some of the blame for what happened, but her love was genuine. She had been brought into this cycle at Juliet’s age, how was she supposed to break out?
Lady Montague: idk why shakespeare thought killing her offstage was necessary. we don’t even find out until after the climax so why? it’s more thematically consistent if all the deaths are young people.
Rosaline: If thou findeth thyself in a Shakespearean tragedy, get thee to a nunnery.
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halliescomut · 7 months
I'm coming over here to complain only because I don't want to have these conversations with strangers on TikTok.....but I am so frustrated with people watching My Personal Weatherman and going on and on about how problematic and full of red flags Mizuki is. Like I get that having a full understanding of D/s relationships is not the norm, but at this point it almost comes down a little bit to media literacy and cultural awareness. It is so common in a lot of East Asian BL, but very specifically in Japanese BL to see D/s dynamics, that it's worth it to have an understanding of the dynamic beyond what the D and s stand for. But I think one of the most frustrating things about it is the fact that of all of the BLs I have seen that include a D/s dynamic, the one in MPW is the most accurate and least problematic. I see so many people be so excited and rave about other shows that clearly display D/s dynamics without any of the underlying support structures that make that lifestyle safe, but in MPW, where we know there was actual discussions occurring, there's no acknowledgement of that. And that's even setting aside the fact that so many people that I see comment on D/s dynamics in BL shows use the fact that it's a D/s dynamic as an example of why it's problematic. I just find it really frustrating, and even though I've made multiple videos on tiktok about how MPW portrays that dynamic, I'm a very small account. It's not surprising they haven't seen them, especially since it's been over a month since the show ended. And I just don't really want to be the person going into their comments saying "the problem is you just don't understand", because so often that ends in an argument and I don't have the bandwidth. But in the end I guess my point is just that I wish people took the time to infuse a little bit of cultural context into the media that they're watching. Doing so really does help you enjoy what you watch more, understand it better, and enable it to have a greater impact on you.
Now I'm fully aware that there are occasions and instances in MPW that are less than ideal, and the vast majority of those stem from the fact that this is an organic dynamic that developed between those characters. This was not a specifically sought after lifestyle choice and decision, which means that there is a learning curve. We see that learning happen through the story of the show. But those problems also directly stem from the characters themselves refusal to fully acknowledge their own feelings and desires. Again, that's the story of the show itself. You cannot have safe, sane, and consensual without honesty, both with your partner AND yourself. But the show is also entertainment and not instructional, so some creative liberties can be allowed, and while I would certainly be happy to watch an entire episode about them sitting down and fully listing out their expectations and desires for their relationship, that's not something the average viewer wants to see.
I will also admit the fact that this person adored My Beautiful Man, which I almost could not finish because I was so uncomfortable with the interactions of the characters in that series and the treatment of Hira by Kiyoi, is probably coloring my opinions. By the time you get to Eternal (the movie) where their relationship is more settled, I felt a lot more comfortable, but if we're talking about red flag Doms season 1 Kiyoi is definitely on that list.
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madeofsweetness · 2 years
Book Talk Continuation @2pretty
I honestly loved reading your thoughts (the analogy to junk food was perfect!) and I agree with everything you said. The most beautiful thing you wrote was, "Our time should be spent in a way that makes us love life, not distracts from us living it." It’s the whole conclusion of the book really! I’ve noticed that many people in our generation are almost against the idea of this. They call everything cringe, make fun of people who are happy, disrespect anyone who doesn’t believe their nonsense, and try to drag others down. This is the problem of social media I guess and I’m sure you’ve talked about it before.
Also let me point out, the quote at page 202 is spot on! When I began to limit my sm usage and do No Social Media Sundays (thanks to you girl!), I felt anew. I now do not wanna spend no more than like 20 minutes on apps like twitter and tumblr cause it feels weird😭 Cultivating a life worth living is the ultimate freeing state to be in and a lot of these apps become extremely wasteful, once you start filling your schedule with higher quality activities. It’s just like Outkast said, you need to get up, get out and get something. Don’t let the days of your life pass by! 
I would love to hear about any habits you have or will do as well! But here are my habits I would like to implement after reading this book: 
Calling people instead of texting. Honestly, the only people I call are my family but when I make more friends, I want them to know, calling is my preferred method of communication. I want to be even more human again and only texting doesn’t allow for that. (Reference to page 145 about irl communication vs digital)
Printing or writing out directions instead of using google maps. I love google maps but I want to be able to have an internal compass, know which street will come after the other and be able to ask people around me for help like my parents do, without feeling so sure that “oh my phone will tell me”.
Only accessing social media on my laptop instead of through the apps. The apps are there to make the process convenient and addicting but I’m planning on using these apps for a sole purpose which means, I can’t keep caring about conveniency!
Only looking up words in my physical dictionary. As a kid, I loved reading my dictionary and encyclopedia but as technology progressed, it became easier to quickly open the next tab and search "what does [blank] mean?" without thinking. I honestly miss the feeling of cracking open a hardcover book and scanning through the words until I finally landed on what I was searching for. Plus I think dictionaries are good for truth/historical purpose, it’s not based in emotion ;) hehe
Buy photo albums again!! I still use disposable cameras so that’s not a problem, but instead of keeping my pics digital, I want to print them out from my phone and keep them safe in a beautiful family album like how my other memories are. I also was totally inspired by my mom bcs I seen her photo book from her teen years and it warmed my heart completely. Memories will always be cherished, even the silly ones. 
Praying 24/7. To talk, to reflect, to ask for guidance, etc. I’m realizing that praying isn’t to be done only when in a [blank] state of mind nor is it to be "perfect". (Direct reference to page 95)
Learning to not just whip out my headphones when I feel awkward. On page 100, I felt sooo called out when he said iPods created this way of living that now enables you to have a musical backdrop for your entire day lol. I love music too much to give it up whenever I’m outside especially since it helps with my emotions, but I do recognize that being plugged in constantly will not want to make people talk to me, and I want to look approachable and friendly!!
I eventually want to start taking 2 hour walks. That’s it.
Months ago, I wished badly to have love letters written about me from my future man haha, but I realized I could write myself love letters! I decided that every year I could write about what this year was about for me. I don’t know if I will still do that or if I’ll just write everything down in my journal and label that as my "love letter" but either way, I’m documenting off of my phone.
Just like when I was a kid, I now always carry a current book im reading, my word finder book and a notebook whenever I leave the house. Only problem is I need a bigger bag haha.
As a (Black) American, I think it’s crucial for me to learn the skills that my grandmother and great grandmother knew, things like sewing, quilting, and cooking without recipes lol, are what I want to know how to do as well. I think it’s a wonderful way to honor them and when I have my own family, I would love to teach my children too. These crafts should not be forgotten, it’s culture.
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coline7373 · 2 months
I'm on a streak about the anachronism of condom in Amestris.
Hear me out.
Rubber condom date from the 19th century. They came from rubber cast into cement molds.
It wasn't until around 1920 that latex was invented.
Which was possible due to chemical advances and the industrial revolution first, than industrial progresses in assembly lines second.
Amestris don't rely on chemistry.
All its technological advencement rely on **al**chemy.
And yeah, there's automails, but it's done by experts in individual workshops. Not in big factories by machines which can churn them by the dozens.
Look at their reaction in CoS when a plane come through the portal. Total bewilderment.
Due to the "ease" of doing alchemy and how impressive it is, centuries ago, the world of FMA turned their research and technological progress in the direction of alchemy.
Which enable them to do things we weren't capable of, at the same period in time, *but* the reverse is also true!!!!!
The technological progress that allowed for the creation of latex condom and its wide distribution is just not there yet.
Latex condom *could* be made, possibly, like automail. By civilian alchemists in their own private workshops and sold at the front of the shop.
But masse assembly lines that allow the production of materials and goods in nation-worth quantity, at a speed to keep up with national wide demands and cheap enough to beat private contruction/creation by individuals, that absolutely require machines of type that don't seem to exists in Amestris/FMA because their technology hasn't evolved in that direction.
Therefore, latex condoms don't exist yet at the time of Edward's story.
Or of it does, it's "unique pieces". Like pharmaceutical creations, goods made in the back of the shop by experts for one use only.
Must be wayyy more expensive than the ones we currently enjoy.
Also, you must have variations of quality, since you will have variations of quality of raw materials, alchemical arrays and skills.
They won't be one hundred percent safe everywhere so there wouldn't be as much "faith" in their effectiveness than we currently have.
There was a whole part of the population at the start of the century who thought they made sexual intercourse feel not as good as "bare" intercourses do. And since they aren't 100% sure, why bother, you know?
Of course, if wasn't everyone and the condoms themselves got better and better (in feels and safety) overtime but it didn't happened in a day.
Right until the early 2000, you still have big parts of population who thought they were more problems then they were worth.
Still some do, today.
So, to write that people of Amestris buy, use and view condoms like we do nowadays is just anachronistic.
Alright. Now I want a fic where the people in Team Mustang have a discussion in the office about which shop sell the best ones and at which price and who tried what to "test" them.
And Mustang has so many facts and everybody is just??? "We knew you got around but not This Much" But really these are tips he picked up from Madame Christmas and all the sex workers he has ever known since he was four.
So, like, he is infodumping twenty years worth of Usefull Tips to be a helpfull good boss. And his team is like "you want to talk about it?"
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cozza-frenzy · 9 months
Do Not Interact With Fakersystem
How do you do, fellow kids systems? (Only we're allowed to joke about how old we are - Terry) Okay so, obvious advice is obvious, but - it's worth keeping in mind that what we're seeing here is not your typical troll, but is actually a Persecutor Alter. I've looked at the blog, and in response to an ask, they state the blog is run by an alter in a system who likes to fakeclaim other systems. So, yeah, though I know fakersystem isn't going to be able to read this (at least not directly) because I have their ass blocked - if they manage to see this? To this Persecutor; taking out your frustrations on the rest of the plural community - because you're presumably an alter holding your system's urge to fakeclaim itself - is not okay. It might make you feel better because there's a part of you that feels you deserve to be hated, but you need to stop. Talk to your headmates, talk to someone outside your system, and realize that thinking your condition isn't real and you "must be faking" is something ALL systems go through. Reach out to other systems rather than tearing them down, and you'll find support. And to the alters in the system who are enabling this behavior? Letting one of your alters run a blog with the specific purpose of abusing and harassing other people is not okay - like it or not, you guys have collective responsibility for at least trying to keep this shit under control. I realize that if this alter didn't have an outlet they would probably be doing this to you guys, but your inaction is causing other people to get hurt. Talk to this alter or have someone outside sys talk to them, and try and find them something better to do with their time.
As for any other systems reading this? The best way to break this cycle of abuse and discourage them from doing this is to ignore them. Do not reblog from them. Do not answer their asks. Do not @ them. Do not vaguepost about them in the tags. Just block and move on. - Terry, Caddy & Chaos of The Magbox System
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fuzzydreamin · 8 months
Fuzzy's Fallout 4 Mod List
Tumblr media
Finally decided to put together a list of the mods I use. (I even made a quick and crappy banner!)
I use Vortex to manage my mods, it's super easy and basically holds your hand through installing and setting up mods. You're also going to need F4SE no matter what.
I mostly find my mods on Nexus, so just search the names listed here on there. Anything not found on Nexus will have a link to it (tumblr only allows 100 links, so I couldn't just link everything).
I would also recommend keeping all of your original file downloads in a seperate folder in your games drive or wherever, organised however is easiest for you. That way you can check what you have outside of the manager, and don't have to re-download everything if you decide you need to nuke vortex and start fresh - just look for updated files only. You also won't completely lose access to the mods you really enjoy if the author decides to hide or get rid of them, since you'll always keep a version on your computer.
I also play with a lot of Creation Club content.
Woe be upon those who enter beyond here, the list is long.
These are either scripts, fixes, little changes to random things, or just didn't fit in any other category for whatever reason.
Achievements (Enables achievement gain while using mods.)
Better Notes
Publick Occurrences Expanded (Requires 'Better Notes'. Makes the newspaper look better, and also adds new articles for quests and events worth writing news about. Piper's actually got a job now.)
Carry Weight on Level Up (I do more things, I get more shit. I level up and I can carry said shit. Solves my problems without feeling like a total cheat since I still have to level up to earn it.)
Classic Radiation Poisoning
Crafting Highlight Fix
Durable Vertibirds (They'll actually be able to put up a real fight with some super mutants before they still end up falling out of the sky on my head.)
Equipment and Crafting Overhaul (ECO)
Extended Dialogue Interface
HUDFramework (You need this to make the above mod work.)
Loot Logic and Reduction (No more post-war items in pre-war safes.)
Immersive Generic Dialogues (Settler reputation. They talk differently to you based on how happy they are.)
Militarized Minutemen
Militirized Minutemen - Uniforms Patches and Insignia Addon
Militarized Minutemen-We Are The Minutemen Compatability Patch
We Are The Minutemen
We Are The Minutemen - Militarized Minutemen - Uniform Patches and Insignia Addon - Compatibility Patch
Mod Configuration Menu
Multiple Floors Sandboxing
Nuka World - Skip Raiding Your Own Settlements (Lets you go through Nuka World without making Preston mad, but you won't be able to establish any raider camps in the Commonwealth, thus blocking the 'Hostile Takeover' achievement.)
Nuka World Plus (Choose another faction to take over Nuka World after getting rid of the raider bosses. Run businesses and defend against raider's attempts to retake the park.)
Power Armor Fast Exit and Enter
Pride Mod 2023 (Workshop items, clothing, pip-boy and PA skins, and more.)
Rename Anything
Scrap that Misc
Start Me Up Redux
Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch - UFO4P
Wastelander's Cookbook
Weightless Junk and Other Items
Character Creation
Bodyslide and Outfit Studio
Bodytalk V3
Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Enhancer
Commonwealth Cuts - KS Hairdos - ApachiiSkyHair
EoW - Makeup Colors
Lots More Facial Hair
Lots More Female Hairstyles
Lots More Male Hairstyles
Ponytail Hairstyles by Azar
Super Natural Eyes Pack ( Standalone )
The Eyes Of Beauty Fallout Edition
Zella's Hair Dye Collection
Clothing, Armour, and Weapons
1950's Feminine Outfits
Absolutely Head Wear
Animated and Glowing Jewelry
Army Officers Outfit - REDUX
Backpacks of the Commonwealth
Big Dumb Flower Crown
Black Pip-Boy
Bunnygirl Outfit
Casual Survivalist
Classic Holstered Weapons
Collars for Humans
Colonial Attire
Colorful Commonwealth - Sunglasses and Wigs
Combat Armor Headlamp
Commonwealth Shorts
Commonwealth Shorts for Men
CROSS_Courser Strigidae
CROSS Uni BoS Uniform
CROSS Jetpack
Eli's Armour Compendium
Engraved Silver Shroud Submachinegun
Eyewear and Mask Retexture
Fishing Hat
Functional Wedding Rings
Furby Crab Glasses
Furby's Brotherhood Uniform Retexture
Furby's Custom Brotherhood Uniform
Furby's Spiked Leather Collar
Grease Rat Garbs
Hidden Armors
Holstered Weapons by Azar
SIRIUS Assault Suit
K-Girl outfits
K-Girl Outfits for Vanilla-EVB (Let's male bodies wear the outfits from the above mod.)
Magnolia's Burlesque Outfit
More Clothes and Textures
Nurse's Cap
Obi's Choker Collection
Pride Bandanas
Private Military Company
Private Military Company Extended
Proper Party Gear
Retro Fashion Overhaul
Requested Clothing
S.R.O. - Syringer Overhaul
Shino Sailor Moon -Cbbe- Body Slider
Shino Sailor Moon - Extended Sailors
Shaggy Wigs
Short Skirts
Simple Clothing
Simple Clothing - CBBE Bodyslide Conversion
Tactical Combat Swimwear
TheKite's Handmaiden
TheKite's MilitiaWoman Outfit
Unique Uniques - Unique Weapons Redone (Makes named legendary weapons have their own appearance. Also changes their legendary effects though.)
More Uniques - Unique Weapons Expansion (Not a replacer like the above mod, just adds even more weapons with their own looks and effects.)
Vault-Tec Outfits
Wasteland Aviator
Alternate Hancock Outfit Standalone (Colonial Duster Retexture) (Not a replacer - you find it in his office to do with as you like. I like to think it's a winter coat - using with AFT means he will switch between given outfits.)
Codsworth Out of Time Fix (The creator has hidden this mod but it's a real lifesaver if you use a lot of Creation Club content, as the influx of data at the start of the game can bug the start of the main quest, and thus him and Preston. This mod lets you immersively skip the post-war Sanctuary tour and bug exterminating by telling him you already did it, which is where Codsworth would glitch out - not following along and not progressing the quest stage. LMK if you want the file and I'll find a way to share it.)
Combat Zone Restored
Combat Zone Restored Restored (patch that cleans up the above mod.)
Curie's Molerat Disease Cure
Danse GTFO Power Armor
Danse No X-01
Fallout Shelter Online-Inspired Curie Outfit
Fashionable Valentine
Immersive Dogmeat
Nick Valentine Romance
Use Repair Kits On Nick Valentine
Cat Apparel
Cat Inventory
Classic Dogmeat A.K.A. Pirate
Courser Crusher
Crows and Creatures
D.E.C.A.Y - Better Ghouls
Less Loot D.E.C.A.Y.
Deadlier Deathclaws (Makes that starter encounter real tough. Tip: shelter inside the store near the museum and keep luring it out to the windows - let Preston work for his rescue.)
Diverse Cats
Dogmeat Helmets and Hats
Dogmeat's Backpack
Dogmeat's Backpacks of the Commonwealth (Requires the mod above it - Improves the other mod and very importantly lets bags be used with dog armour!)
Glowing Animals Emit Light
Immortal Cats (I also add the additional file to turn cat meat into tins of cat food.)
K-9 Harness -- Tactical Body Armor and Backpack for Dogmeat
k9 harness bandana fix dogmeat (Lifts the bandana a little so it doesn't clip.)
No Legendary Items from Creatures (Bloatfly's don't carry guns.)
NPC Loot Drop Rebalance
Pet Any Dog
Protected Unique Brahmin
Real Dogmeat Armor (Adds protection to the dog armour -works for enemy attack dogs.)
Shadow the Dark Husky Companion
True Legendary Enemies (Fight Todd Howard in his own game.)
Textures and Environment
Burnt Magazines and Comics Retexture
CROSS Crit Gore-verhaul
Darker Nights
Delightful Dead Fish
Enhanced Blood Textures
Enhanced Lights and FX
Furby's Brotherhood of Steel Flag Retexture
Immersive Drumlin Diner
Immersive Drumlin Diner eXoPatch (Fixes stuff for the one above, otherwise you might get the old drumlin and the new one pasted on top of each other, and poor Patrick will be T-posing.)
Improved Map with Visible Roads
Magazine Mesh Cleanup
Nuka Recipe Book 2k Retextures
True Grass
True Storms - Wasteland Edition (Thunder-Rain-Weather Redone)
Vivid Fallout - All in One
Settlements and Building
All Settlements Extended
Art Connoisseur System ... A "Frame" Work (Lets you use mods to add more paintings. Or add your own images.)
Atom Bomb Pinups Paintings (Requires 'Art Connoisseur System'.)
Better Settlers
Better Vendor Stalls
Brighter Settlement Lights
Build Your Own Pool
Business Settlements
Busy Settlers
Capital Wasteland Workshop
Colored Workshop Lights
Colorful Bottle Lanterns
Craft All The Drugs (Lets you plant hubflowers and the like in settlements - they work like crops and can be harvested regularly.)
Craftable Hats (Automatron) (Lets you put 3 kinds of hats on robots.)
Craftable Pride Flags
Crafting Fury 9000 GTX
Crimsonrider's Unique Furniture
cVc Dead Wasteland
CWSS Redux (Build a nicer bathroom.)
Dino's Decorations
Farming Resources
Femshepping's Minimalist Homewares
Fiddler's Green Settlement
Filled Brahmin and Water Troughs
Fizztop Grille Workshop (Changes the exterior.)
Fizztop Grille Enhancements (Changes the interior.)
Free Cage and Trap Repairs
Functional Displays
G2M - Workshop
Generator Fusebox
Graffiti 2 Electric Boogaloo
Hangman's Alley Interior Apartments
Holotape Display Shelves
Homeplate - Mechanist Lair - Full Workbenches
Invisible Furniture
Just Some Curtains and Rods
Lightbulb Wire
Longer Power Lines
Lore Friendly Posters
Minutemen Morale Pack
More Colorful Potted Plants
More Fortifications
Northland Diggers
Nuka World - Bot Mods Extravaganza (Lets you build some nuka world bots.)
OCDecorator - Static Loot
Old World Plaids
Orphans of the Commonwealth
Place Everywhere
Quieter Settlements
Rebuild - AIO (Rebuild the structures in many of the settlements across the Commonwealth -not all of them yet. Keeps that wasteland weathered look without everything staying broken and unusable.)
Rebuild - Shared Resources (Required for the above mod.)
Rebuild - Workshop Standalone (Not required, but adds matching snappable doors and such.)
Rebuild - Modular Sanctuary Pre-War and Post-War Build Set (Unrelated to the other 'rebuild' mods. Just adds House of Tomorrow themed build items.)
Recruit Isabel Cruz as Settler
Recruit Scribe Haylen as Settler
Red Rocket Fresh Paint (Works with Rebuild mod - just changes the floor and walls colour/texture.)
Renovated Furniture
Reversed Workshop Highlight
Scrap Everything
Settlement Keywords Expanded
Settlement Menu Manager
Settlement Objects Expansion Pack
Settlement Supplies Expanded
Settlements Expanded (Let's you unlock a higher settlement building budget, among other things. Larger builds will cause issues -fast travel into your more worked on settlements to help clean the load.)
Shaikujin's Better warning for settlements being attacked
Signs of the Times - Posters
Simply Modular Housing
Singing Settler
Snap'n Build
SnapBeds - Usable Bunk Beds - Mix and Match Beds
Snappable Clutter and Display
Stained Glass Workshop Mod - Unicorn Farts and Godrays
Static Object Decorator
The Cozy Scavver - A Settlement Workshop Kit
The Kuro Tab
The Sanctuary Bridge
Thematic and Practical - Workshop Settlements - Structures and Furnitures
Transfer Settlements - Shareable Settlement Blueprints
Videos of the Wasteland
Vault 76 Educational Films Holotapes (Goes with above mod.)
Vault Posters
Wall Mounted Magazine Shelf
Wall Pass-Through Power Conduits
Woody's Wasteland Stuff
Working Food Planters
Working Table Lamps
Workshop Framework
Xnjguy Filled Mods All-In-One
Boston Pirate Radio - Anarchist Raider Punk
Elvani's Track Pack for Diamond City Radio
Jetfuel Radio Standalone
More Where That Came From - Diamond City Radio Edition
Survival and Immersion
These are mods I don't play with all the time, just when I'm looking for a more hardcore run around the Commonwealth and want to spend the extra time taking care of my character in the wild.
Agony (Rebalances damage, wounds, and healing - really lives up to it's name.)
Animated Chems Redone (Adds more animations similar to Agony, covering what they missed.)
APC Transport (Useful if you don't want to 'cheat' by using regular fast travel but don't want to hoof it from one side of the map to the other. I'd always recommend having FT enabled in survival through mods though, as the reload can help smooth issues out.)
Create Your Own Difficulty Rebalance
DEF_SSW Survival Stats widget redone
Give Me That Bottle
Smokeable Cigars - Cigarettes - Joints - With HardCore Auto Save (More animations, plus a save.)
Survival Mode Console Enabler
Survival Mode Transition Save (Ensures you get a quicksave when entering buildings and the like.)
SURVIVAL QUICK SAVE - No Sleep Till Bedtime (Gives you an aid item you can save to a hotkey if you need a fast save.)
Bethesda Mods
Get these by loading up the game and selecting 'MODS' on the main menu.
CREAtive Clutter - All DLC
CREAtive Teddy Bears
Do It Yourshelf Updated
Easy Homebuilder and Working Double Beds
Home Plate Interior Revamped
Immersive Decor
Makeshift Furniture Pack
More Bang For Your Bark (This mod is specifically for use with the Transdogrifier Creation Club mods - it lets the new dog shapes use clothing.)
MsRae's 76 Style Outfits
MsRae's All The Overalls
MsRae's Horticulture DLC
Railroad Death Bunnies Clothes
(Now, y'all might say that's a lot of mods. And it is. But the only significant issues I have is that when I die my game crashes to desktop, and the excess of Creation Club content loading at the start of the game sometimes bugs out the first stage of the main quest, and thus poor Codsy and Preston. I just have to skip Codsy's search bit and rush to meet and save Preston to see if he will talk to me or not. Otherwise things run as normal -for a Bethesda game.)
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bestocship · 1 year
Sawyer Hale and Beau Eris (@threedeemensional @thewikiplayer)
despite the literal universes worth of separation, against expectation bea and sawyer manage to somehow cross paths in the multiverse. After musical rebels Bea and Bella attempted to save Sawyer from his terrible dad, they quickly became friends with him once he was safe and sound. There, Bea and Sawyer's relationship became one of best friends, before eventually becoming pining, and later romance. Sawyer and bea are a bit clumsy, considering this is their first time in a committed relationship, but their love is true and genuine. They both make each other better while also very much enabling each other's silly gay wrongs (a few crimes here and there). They love each other at their worst and best.
ONE ANSWER. they're the poster children of committed teenage romance. Highschool sweethearts that Last. They're not perfect and they're very clumsy, and they're still trying to get the hang of this, but clumsiness is just another beautiful part of it. Sawyer makes Bea braver and Bea makes Sawyer softer. They represent escaping the prom venue to sit on a hill under the stars instead; realizing how hard you've fallen when you see the other playing happily in the rain; cracking jokes in flower mazes; appreciating their beauty in the light of the TV screen, tuning out the movie. Teenage Romance. and i think that's really cute
Janis and Anon (@end-orfino)
They have a very long history, starting as a weird friendship in first grade. While said friendship started out as Anon trying to convince Janis to join the cult that was controlling their town (that Anon's fam was a huge part of), Anon went through a hell of an arc over the years and by the time they were teens they managed to have a healthy, although secretive relationship. Later on they had to separate due to Janis deciding to run away from said town, but after some heavily traumatizing events influencing both of them Anon followed her steps and they had enough luck to reunite at an abandoned castle in the nearby woods. Right now, around 9 years later, they're known as the two 'witches' who live in said woods that scare off anyone who comes near. Due to everything that happened to them and all the times they had to rely on no one but themselves, their relationship has some hidden issues related to being too dependent and attached to one another, but it's fixable so long as they'll manage to hear each other out and put in the effort to change for the better.
TL;DR: They've known each other since they were kids and witnessed each other grow and change, starting off a relationship they had to keep hidden in their teens. They supported and protected each other as best as they could through harsh times, and right now they live together in the woods with an urban legend surrounding their existence. They have some issues that can allow for their relationship to be called a bit unhealthy, but it's not beyond saving.
They have a great backstory that I struggle with getting out of my head. They went from a slightly false friendship to a genuine friendship to lovers. They were ready to sacrifice anything for each other, from letting one go in hopes that she'll find a better place for herself to killing a much bigger threat just to make sure that the other was going to be safe, even if they didn't think they'd ever see each other again. They managed to get through thick and thin with each other and have attachment problems. They practice magic together enough that they perfected ancient tricks that haven't been used for centuries. They're the perfect example of something living in my head rent free and I'm obsessed with these two. They're SO great and I love them and I hope others will like them too :)
Also if this is going to help anyone, their relationship sometimes feels similar to that of Jenny and Sophie from TWF and Raeda from TOH? I'm strictly talking about the vibes I'm getting from these duos, they weren't really inspired by them directly.
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weriseandthrive · 1 year
Importance of Setting Healthy Boundaries 🌟
Hey friends! 👋
Today, I want to talk about something that's crucial for our well-being: setting healthy boundaries. 🚧✋
Setting boundaries means establishing clear limits and guidelines for ourselves in various aspects of life. It's about defining what is acceptable and what isn't in our relationships, work, and personal lives. 🌈
Here's why setting healthy boundaries is so important:
1️⃣ Self-Care: By setting boundaries, we prioritize our own needs and well-being. It helps prevent burnout and allows us to take care of ourselves physically, mentally, and emotionally. Remember, self-care isn't selfish—it's necessary!
2️⃣ Respect and Communication: Boundaries promote healthy communication and mutual respect. When we clearly communicate our boundaries, we give others the opportunity to understand our limits and expectations. This fosters healthier and more authentic relationships.
3️⃣ Empowerment: Establishing boundaries empowers us to make choices aligned with our values and priorities. It enables us to assert ourselves confidently, leading to a greater sense of self-worth and personal empowerment.
4️⃣ Reduced Stress: Boundaries help manage stress by preventing situations that drain our energy or cause unnecessary tension. They allow us to create a safe and balanced space where we can thrive and feel at ease.
So, how can we set healthy boundaries?
✅ Reflect on Your Needs: Take the time to identify your needs, values, and limits in different areas of your life. Understand what feels right for you and what doesn't.
✅ Communicate Assertively: Clearly and assertively communicate your boundaries to others. Use "I" statements and express your needs respectfully. Remember, your boundaries matter, and your voice deserves to be heard.
✅ Be Consistent: Consistency is key when it comes to maintaining boundaries. Stay firm and committed to upholding your boundaries, even when it may feel challenging.
✅ Practice Self-Compassion: Setting boundaries can be a learning process, and it's okay to make adjustments along the way. Practice self-compassion as you navigate this journey and remember that it's about growth, not perfection.
Let's embrace the power of setting healthy boundaries and create a life that aligns with our values and well-being. Together, we can cultivate healthier relationships and nurture our own happiness. 💕
Feel free to share your thoughts and experiences with boundaries in the comments below. Let's support each other on this important journey! 🤗✨
#SettingBoundaries #SelfCareMatters #HealthyRelationships
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sytokun · 2 years
Just so we can clarify. You actually think the Shane Newville Letter is legitimate? Also, you mentioned Monty's Tweet that involved defending Barbara Dunkelman. You said it was never specified who? Do you seriously believe that M&K "Ruined Monty's vision?" Was it not Miles and Kerry who Monty asked to help him write RWBY, and not Shane or Sheena? Why put on a pedestal people who had nothing to do with the show?
I'm leaving this under Read More because this is a tiring conversation we somehow still have to talk about.
Let's get to the root of this matter, which is the word of the letter vs. that of Rooster Teeth.
A company we now know is willing to spin whatever yarn if it means winning fans over to their side, and more than 40+ employees besides Shane have spoken out against once they actually felt safe to do so, because for once the fandom's opinion wasn't just 100% on RT's side and would immediately dismiss the workers on any other day? We're talking about that company, enabling that fandom, right?
Alright, cool. Because if you still don't think that the letter is at least worth reading after Rooster Teeth is revealed to be one of the worst workplaces ever, after numerous people have spoken regarding petty office politics, blatant theft of intellectual property and PR shenanigans, then I don't think you're here to actually discuss anything other than to get some "gotcha" moment you feel entitled to.
Shane's letter doesn't exist in a vacuum. It exists among years of abuse and coverups at Rooster Teeth, among dozens of anonymous reviews and now dozens of public accounts and callouts from employees we now know is true. All of which Rooster Teeth is more than willing to delegitimize, ignore or divert fan attention from. You realise that's the stance you're taking, right?
What do you see when you think of Shane's letter? Like honestly? That some pissed-off employee would spend 36 pages to gripe about some company that didn't give him what he want, like some spoiled brat? The letter would be laughed out the door and forgotten the moment it went public. But people are still talking about it, and you are still bringing it up and calling it to the witness stand as well. Almost like it still has something useful to say and people just don't want to confront that.
I find it funny that you think you can arbitrate who had nothing to do with what, when we know this is a company that ousted Georden Whitman from running his own show and sought to undermine his involvement with Nomad of Nowhere at every turn. M&K are hardly the actual villains here, but they're there because Monty found them cool to work with on his world, and because RT allowed it so they could keep RWBY in line like they did with Nomad. Almost like this is a grey situation where not everything is clear-cut, and there are human interests and corporate interests involved? You agree with that, right? So why not extend the same coddling sympathy you readily extend to M&K to Shane as well - someone who killed his corporate interests outright because he felt he had something to say about his human ones? Why not him? Because they're the poor little victims and Shane is the bad guy?
Both Shane and M&K were affected by Monty's death. Both probably acted how they felt was best for RWBY. I don't doubt that. One felt it was right to point out the rampant corruption and politicking going on within RWBY's production, which we know is true, and the other... hasn't said anything to counter the former other than "We're doing our best" and "Please don't bring this topic up again". Also they (Rooster Teeth) either fired the people who took his side or those people quit, or they were pressured into deleting their tweets that agreed with him. Do I have to spell out who's the one under attack in this situation, and who's the one exercising their clout to silence and turn public opinion against the other? A whole ass media corporation against one person?
One was candid and thorough with his thoughts and felt it was important enough to risk blacklisting himself in the eyes of the industry and the community entirely, and the other is still hiding behind the corporation backed by a PR team and piles of NDA agreements, and the goodwill of thousands of fans willing to back up this combination of curated responses and willful silence.
It'd make perfect sense for Monty to talk freely about RWBY to Sheena, i.e. his life partner, which meant talking about future plot points and ideas, even if she "had nothing to do with the show" in a strictly professional sense. But that's not what you're concerned about, are you? You're more interested in who you can put in the "bad box" with Shane and who you can put in the "good box" with Miles and Kerry.
Again I find it all very telling that even after it's been clear that the ex-employees of this company aren't the bad guys and RT have never been interested in giving its community the full story, fans are always quick to dismiss and demonise the ex-employees immediately. Almost like it's a trained reflex. Almost like that's exactly how the company wants you to perceive them - a bunch of nobodies and crazy kooks stirring up trouble.
There never was a "Monty's Vision". But I don't need Monty's Vision™ to know what RWBY is and to see clear as day that Rooster Teeth squandered every opportunity they had to do well by this series based on its own established setting and themes. That's what RWDE has a problem with. I bring up Monty in my posts because he created the show and said very specific, public and unambiguous things about it, whether in writing or in the show itself, that pointed to specific and clear outcomes in the show, not because he had some airy-fairy Vision. That's called reading the text and what the author said about his work to determine what the final, finished work accomplished regardless of authorial intent, AKA media critique. I am not weaponising his Vision™ by saying "He wrote this or clearly implied this, and then CRWBY didn't follow through". I am practicing basic pattern recognition.
And whether it's Barb, Miles or Kerry, obviously Monty saw them as friends. How friendly they were is a different topic from "are they the upper management and higher-ups in a corrupt system and may have perpetuated bad practices for years, whether unwittingly or not?" - something that Monty would not be exempt from either, because early RWBY is sketchy as hell too the more you dive into it.
I'd have been happy to have a civil discussion with you. Just because I'm salty in my posts where I post on a public platform critiquing a faceless company doesn't mean I talk to others directly that way, unless they're being an ass. But you saw it fit to waltz into my ask box and have free license to be passive aggressive and make sweeping assumptions about me, i.e. being an ass. So here's your response.
Go read Shane's letter and the 40+ accounts of worker abuse and favoritism in the company:
The same company with the sole right to make RWBY and played it up as "such a great honour" to continue Monty's work;
mishandled and abused that right every year by their consistent lack of understanding of its themes and characters;
used that right to exploit their fanbase to create a shield of sympathy and sentiment around RWBY, so anyone critiquing it or its certifiably horrid production is immediately demonised;
and will use that right to drag RWBY to the grave with them if they go under;
and then you can come here talking about Monty and what he created. You're the one who brought up Monty's Vision™ and whether I think M&K butchered it first, so clearly you care a great deal more than me about bringing up a topic that everyone agreed is stupid and irrelevant to bring up when talking about RWBY.
M&K didn't ruin Monty's Vision™, they, along with the rest of the writing team and RWBY's upper management who approved their poor decisions, ruined a good story with so much going for it if they knew what to do with it. The fact that you say Monty entrusted them with it like some kind of blood-sworn oath and not because RT owns the copyright on his story only makes them look even worse by comparison.
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all-pacas · 2 months
Are you comfortable saying what characters and what about the characterization you disagreed with? Just curious!
I don't want to get too specific because I'm not trying to do any kind of call out post! But it was a sort of situation where a specific character is highly whitewashed and can do no wrong, no matter how understandable or even welcome that would be. It's frustrating writing, not just because it's annoying to read about characters who can and are not allowed to Do Anything Wrong, but also because it's not human.
I'm a huge proponent in messy characters. People making mistakes, making assumptions, saying or doing the wrong thing. Good, well-meaning people who make mistakes, or get upset in the heat of the moment. Especially because they can and absolutely do exist with good or "paragon" characters! It adds so much more depth and interest and relatability! I love positive traits taken to the point of flaws! It's my crack!
And here's the tangent that's made me decide to answer this ask: I. Fucking. Love. That. So here's some very random examples of Good People and Characters with Positive Traits that can be flaws:
PETER PARKER. Amazing Spider-Man's semi-recent Sin's Past arc directly discussed this. Peter has a hero complex; he IS a hero. He compulsively needs and wants to save everyone, explicitly due to his own guilt complexes. It also makes him controlling. He will or won't allow help, will or won't share information. He keeps things to himself, he refuses to share, he intentionally keeps people out of the loop. He wants to save everyone. He thinks he knows how to do it. He dismisses and pushes friends away. He is a great hero and often a shitty friend.
CRITROLE, my guys Caleb and Nott. Best friends, they love one another, they are ultra found family. About halfway through the campaign, Nott begins to struggle with her personal issues, openly and obviously (Xhorhass and Flaskgate). Caleb cares for her a lot. He wants what is best for her. Instead of talking to her about her problems or calling her out on her recent recklessly dangerous behavior, he refuses to talk to her at all. He enables her, an alcoholic, with alcohol. It isn't that he wants her self-harming or in danger, it's because he loves her and can't bring himself to call her out or bring himself into conflict. He Fucks Up.
ALOY Zero Dawn. Another heroic type, she spends about half her time refusing friendship, help, companions, all of it. Her catchphrase is "I'm faster alone." She saves the world and skips the victory party. She's too busy. She has too much on her plate. She hurts her friends. They tell her this. She pushes them away. It isn't because she doesn't want friends -- she's actually a fairly warm person -- or even because she's so anti-social. She has the best of motives and reasons, and she is still a bad friend. She is cold. She is unkind. She is quite cruel to [SEQUEL GAME SPOILER CHARACTER], who we AND she knows does not deserve it, but she sees too much of herself in this person and lashes out. We know why she does it. It's still a dick move. We still love Aloy.
(you might think I'd include current hyperfixation smoothbrain vampire on this list. i cannot. he is an asshole on purpose. his minimal goodness is in spite of this, not because of it.)
I'm not for a second going to pretend that I'm a great writer worth bragging about. But it's something I like to do too. My current OC Tav lady is passive and easy-going. This is a flaw. She isn't passive and easy going because she's okay with shit, but because she feels like she can't and has no right to complain. If you give someone a Trait, follow it to its logical end. How is it good? How is it bad?
It isn't that "these characters are flawed" is some plot twist, it isn't that "characters having flaws" is news. It's that in all three examples, these are characters whose positive traits (heroism, love for another) have the side effect of hurting others. These are characters who are sympathetic (Aloy is isolated, Aloy lashes out for understandable reasons) but still make mistakes (being mean to someone who doesn't deserve it).
In the fanfic I was ranting about, there is neither. The person does not make mistakes, does not take their heroic, story-specific flawlessness into this direction. When arguing, they have the moral high ground, but also the flawless composure to not be rude or hurtful or controlling or a little bit rude in making their points. The other characters fall over themselves to apologize, to understand, to feel sorry for opposing them. It isn't just that they have no flaws (a subjective phrase), it's that the universe twists and conforms to them. There are no consequences, no stakes. They are the sun at the center of the universe. And I vastly prefer messy heroes.
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