#(i remember at one point whisper says it's been two months but also a school year ended n started n also it was valentine's day)
edmunsonss · 1 month
Love Letters to Future Selves
Pairing: Eddie Munson x GN! Reader
Summary: Eddie finds a letter that he was never supposed to read.
Word Count: 5.4k
Warnings: Swearing, kinda angsty??, it's also overly dramatic and not proofread because I just wrote this in class (sorry professor!).
A/N: I don't know what this is but I had the idea sitting in my lil idea dump, so yeah! I hope you like it :)
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Air hits your face as you stand there, alone, overlooking the city from your small apartment’s even smaller balcony. Ever since you arrived to New York, standing out on the balcony at night and looking at the lights that illuminate the buildings all around you is something that brought you comfort. Now it’s just a poignant reminder of the decisions that have brought you there.
You still remember the day the letter arrived in the mail. Eddie was there with you, sitting on your bed as you both tried to complete your English Lit assignment. It was one of the first times in your whole High School experience where you could genuinely say homework was enjoyable. Even Eddie seemed to be enjoying it, more involved in a project than you’d ever seen him be.
Your mom called your name, told you there was mail for you, which immediately made you look at Eddie.
“I think I’m going to be sick, Teddy.” You wished it was a joke, but you had genuinely felt your heart fall to your ass at her words. You had been waiting for that letter for months at that point.
“It’s going to be fine,” Eddie reassured, “There’s nothing to worry about, my little valedictorian.”
Eddie had never cared much about school, as demonstrated by the fact that by next fall, he would be a three-time senior at Hawkins High. He would have never imagined that he would end up becoming the biggest nerd in school’s best friend. Life was funny like that sometimes. Now there you were, about to escape Hawkins and go to college while Eddie stayed behind.
“Okay, okay.” You mumbled, anxiously playing with the ring on your finger, “I’ll just go get it before I throw up.”
You ran into the kitchen and basically yanked the letter out of your mother’s grasp. After mumbling out a quick apology, you went back into your room and shut the door behind you.
You stood there for a few seconds, back pressed against the door. It felt as if the purple envelope in your grasp was mocking you, like it knew the letter inside of it would change the course of your life.
“Well, open it!” Eddie laughed and secretly wiped the palm of his hand on his ripped jeans, just as nervous as you were.
“Shit, shit, shit.” You went and sat by his side once again.
“NYU.” He whispered. Your dream school ever since you were a little kid, the dream he had seen you chase for years.
You messily ripped the letter open, blinded by pure excitement. Everything went silent for a few minutes, you swore you even stopped hearing the Metallica record that had been playing.
Eddie read the letter with you, slightly craning his neck to look over your shoulder. The next thing he knew, you were screaming out of pure joy. He barely managed to catch the words admitted… Tisch School of the Arts before you threw the piece of paper into the air.
He treated you to a celebratory dinner that night. With the little money Eddie had, he took you to your favorite diner and let you ramble on and on for hours about everything you would do once you were in New York.
When the time came, Eddie was the one who helped you get settled into the apartment you would be sharing with two of your classmates. He helped you decorate your room and stayed the week before school started. You explored the city together and he made sure to take the subway to Tisch with you every morning until you had it perfectly memorized. You also took him to watch West Side Story and insisted on going to George’s for breakfast, just like your family did when they visited the city. It was probably the most magical week of your life.
Back then, you had been afraid of the distance pulling you apart from each other, but Eddie killed your fear with every call he made and letter he sent. You would even visit each other on holidays and it would almost feel as if nothing had ever changed.
You were still living inside that illusion until about an hour ago. You had just gotten back from class and figured it was a good idea to give Eddie a call before his show at the Hideout, craving to hear his voice. Neither of you had been able to talk over the phone that whole week and all you wanted was to hear how your best friend was doing.
You dialed his house number, which you had memorized as well as if it were your own. What you didn’t expect, was for someone else to pick up the phone on the other side.
“Munson residence,” Spoke a sweet voice. You frowned, what the fuck?
It definitely didn’t sound anything like Eddie’s voice, or Wayne’s. It did sound familiar, but you couldn’t put a face to the voice.
“Hello? Anyone there?” She said after a beat of silence had passed. That’s when it dawned on you. It was Emily Richards.
WHAT THE FUCK? Emily was a cheerleader, one of the nicest ones of the bunch, sure, but that still didn’t explain what she was doing at Eddie’s trailer. It surely wasn’t for one of his deals or she wouldn’t have picked up the phone.
“Uh… Ah… Hi,” You mumbled awkwardly as you anxiously toyed with the telephone cord. You told her your name, “I’m Eddie’s friend.”
“Oh! It’s so nice to finally meet you! Eddie always speaks wonders of you. I’m Emily, his girlfriend.”
You felt your jaw go slack at her words. They almost seemed to repeat themselves in slow motion inside your head… His girlfriend. Panic invaded your mind as jealousy crept into your heart and punctured it with a knife, but why?
It was perfectly fine for Eddie to have a girlfriend, right? Right? Millions of questions swarmed your mind, from thinking why he never told you about her, to wondering where this blinding jealousy came from if you were just friends.
“I think Eddie’s in the shower.” She said, abruptly putting a stop to your train of thoughts, “But I can tell him to call you back if you want.”
“Uh, that’s-that’s alright, I’ll just call him another time. Thank you though… It was nice meeting you.”
You hung up immediately after that. You’ve been out in the balcony ever since, sulking for God-knows-what reason. You fish around your pocket for the clove cigar you know you’ve got somewhere, but before you can even find it, your roommate, Tessa, walks into the apartment.
You turn to greet her, only to find she’s already looking at you with eyebrows raised. A sigh almost escapes past your lips at her expression. Tess hasn’t been your roommate for long, yet she seems to pick up on every time you’ve had a shitty day just by taking a look at you. In your opinion, it’s fucking insane… Slightly scary too.
“Don’t look at me like that! It’s not my fault you chose the balcony as your ‘I’m miserable’ spot.” Tess goes over to your tiny kitchen and you can see her shuffling around until she comes across the box of cookies that has become part of every deep conversation you have with her.
You spend most of the night sitting on the couch, talking about Eddie. Tessa is clearly unaware, but when you stir close to the topic of your jealousy she makes you question everything you thought you already knew about where you stood with Eddie. You still think about it as you lie in bed and stare blankly at the ceiling.
“I don’t understand him,” She had said, “Why would he cheat on you?”
“Cheating? Who said anything about cheating? You do know Eddie and I were never dating, right?” You reply. Tessa raises her eyebrows as she shoots you a questioning look.
“Friends with benefits then?”
“No,” You laugh. “We’re just… really close. I mean, we’ve basically known each other our whole lives. Eddie’s my best friend, nothing more, it’s how it’s always been.”
“Babe, I really don’t want to be pushy here but… does Eddie know he’s just your friend? He’s smitten! I swear he looks at you like the sun shines out of your ass.”
She then asked the question that kept you up the rest of the night, “If you feel nothing for him, why are you this upset over him getting a girlfriend? You can lie to me all you want, but you can’t lie to your own heart.”
You teased her for how cheesy her words sounded, but deep down, the question left you with more doubts than you’d like to admit.
You’re more than aware that there was a time where you did have feelings for Eddie, but a long time has passed since then. Back in your freshman year of High School, you had awkwardly tried to shoot your shot on at least three occasions, only to be turned down every single time.
It hurt at first, but you eventually got over it, because your friendship with Eddie was far more important than your romantic feelings. Yet, there seems to be where the lie is, isn’t it? To think you actually got over it. If that is the truth, then your discovery shouldn’t hurt as much as it does.
So, as you lie in bed, staring at the ceiling, you come to the realization that your feelings for Eddie have never gone away. No, you are in love with him. Shit!
The thought startles you out of bed in an instant. A million thoughts buzz around inside your head and you cannot imagine a way in which they will quiet down on their own, so you do what you’re best at, you write.
You sit at your desk for a long time and write out a letter for Eddie. A letter you know he will never read because you find it unfair that you’ve decided to write something like this when it’s already too late. So you just use it to write all the feelings you’ve bottled up for years, then, you bury the letter somewhere inside your closet, never to be found again.
A smile illuminates Eddie’s face as he listens to the soft purrs of the cat perched on his lap. His fingers comb through her soft fur while his eyes are focused on the TV in front of him.
He’s been trying to keep himself busy until your classes end for the day. There are still a few boxes of stuff waiting to be unpacked, but Eddie wants to get your permission to do so first, knowing the only empty space left in the room is in the closet, which still has some of your stuff.
After Tessa moved out once she graduated and Eddie finished High School, he had moved to New York to help you keep the apartment you loved so much. The salary paid by the bakery wasn’t cutting it anymore and month by month you struggled to gather up enough money to pay rent.
Eddie had gotten himself a job at the bar downtown to help out. You’d insisted on him taking the biggest room and despite his refusal to do so, you had already moved most of your things into Tessa’s old room, claiming it was the least you could do for him after he left so much on pause back in Hawkins just to be with you.
After a while of watching TV, Eddie finally hears you open the door and turns to look at you as you walk in. The cat on his lap jumps down and walks over to you after stretching out her body nonchalantly. Eddie pouts and mumbles a barely audible “Hey… come back.”
Your shoulders sag as you pet her soft fur, then lazily drop your bag by the door and change your shoes. Eddie watches as you head straight for the coffee maker. A big yawm escapes your mouth and you rub your tired eye.
“Hi Teddy,” You turn your attention to him once the coffee starts brewing and offer him a smile, which he gladly returns. He can’t help but think of how adorable you look in your fluffy white sweater and the pair of bunny slipper that are keeping your feet warm. He’s no stranger to this sight, you’ve had more sleepovers than Eddie can count. Yet, the desire to wrap you in his arms and cuddle you is still present.
“I see you’ve met Storm.” You say, looking at the cat brushing her body against your leg.
Eddie straightens up ever so slightly and wiggles his legs like a little kid to stretch them out, “I didn’t know you guys had a cat.”
You laugh, “She’s the neighor’s, actually, but she likes sneaking in through the balcony sometimes. Don’t let her get too close to your hair though, she’ll chew on it.”
“Isn’t that like a sign of love or some shit? Pretty sure Henderson said that once…” You shrug and finally pour yourself a cup of warm coffee.
You cradle the cup on your hands as gently as if it were your most prized possession, “Wouldn’t know, Teddy. Anyway, I’ve got some homework to finish, but feel free to tell me if you need anything. We can go get dinner once I’m done too.”
Eddie hums—basically moans—in delight at the idea of food, already picturing the delicious pizza he’s going to be eating later, “Ugh, yes please. I can’t stop thinking about Joe’s pizza.”
“I told you it was better than Wade’s.”
“Woah! Nothing’s better than Wade’s.”
“Keep lying to yourself. It stopped being good like… years ago, it’s the nostalgia talking.” You argued and picked your backpack back up, making a beeline for your room.
“Hey, sweetheart, before you go. Is it okay if I move some of your stuff out the closet?”
You shrug once more, “Sure, knock yourself out, Eds.”
Eddie has spent almost a whole hour organizing the closet and he’s sure it’s only a matter of minutes before he goes utterly insane. He’s never been the biggest fan of cleaning, especially not when the only thing in his mind is what he’ll eat when he’s done.
His dark eyes scan over the next box and he can’t help but let out a deep sigh at what he knows is inside. An “in need of sorting” label is messily written on the side of the cardboard box, which contains some of his records and some things Emily gave him during the months they were together.
It’s been over a year and a half since they broke up and he’s over it, but even then, he isn’t exactly thrilled of having to sort through those things. As much as he likes to deny it, Eddie still feels a slight pang of guilt in his chest when he thinks of her.
He decides to move the last box of your stuff out of the closet instead. It looks small, which makes Eddie assume it mustn't weigh too much, so he picks it up, not putting much care in supporting the box from the bottom.
He quickly realizes his mistake when he picks it up and it is as heavy as if it was filled up with stones. He huffs and watches helplessly as the bottom of the box gives out and all its contents end up scattered on the bedroom floor.
Eddie doesn’t give it much thought before he kneels down and folds de box closed again, securing it with some tape he sees lying around. He starts picking up your stuff and dropping it in the box. It’s mostly school papers, Eddie notices, the weight coming from a few pocket-sized books.
His fingers brush over a folded piece of paper. Eddie doesn’t mean to snoop, but he can’t help but notice that at the top of the pages Dear Eddie is scribbled in your handwriting.
He thinks it’s probably a letter you meant to start but didn’t finish, which wouldn’t be too unusual given how busy you are with school. That’s why it comes as a surprise when he unfolds the paper and sees it’s filled with your writing. The With love at the bottom an indication that you did finish writing it.
Eddie sees no harm in reading it, after all, it’s addressed to him, right? So he plops down on the floor and shimmies around until his back is resting against the bed.
Dear Eddie,
It has always amazed me to think of how much you’ve changed my life. I still remember the day I met you, do you remember it too? You walked into the classroom wearing a shirt that was a few sizes too big for you, fingers tightly holding on to Wayne’s hand. You were so reluctant to let go, but you eventually did and sat on the only empty seat left, which was right next to me. The rest is history.
Eddie smiles as he reads. He remembers that day too. You don’t mention it in your letter, but at the time, you had greeted him with a bright smile, which had reassured him everything would be okay despite everything.
*I hold the memories of every moment we’ve spent together close to my heart. They remind me of how lucky I am to have you in my life. Maybe I’m getting too emotional, but you’ve done so much for me all these years. Like that time I was upset because my parents were going to miss my first play, so you made Wayne, Gareth, Jeff and Grant go with you so I’d have people cheering me on in the audience. Or that other time when I was practically shitting my pants out of nerves a few days before my Tisch interview so you made us go on a road trip to Indianapolis to “*calm my nerves” as you’d said.
There are obviously thousands of other times where you’ve been my knight in shining armor, despite me saying I don’t want one. Truth is, I want one if it’s you behind the armor. Is that a cringy thing to say? Maybe. I don’t know.
I found out about Emily just a few hours ago. I keep wondering why you didn’t tell me about her when I went over to visit for Thanksgiving break. I’m glad you didn’t though, because you can read my expression annoyingly well and I’d be afraid of you finding any traces of dissapointment on it. Keep in mind I’m not disappointed in you for having a girlfriend, it’s great actually! You deserve nothing but happiness because you’re nothing short of an amazing human being, whether you believe it or not. I fear my state of dejection would have been my own fault ‘cause of something I didn’t say.
I feel the need to say it now because I’m stupid and I’m selfish. That’s why I don’t really plan on sending this letter out. I can’t be unfair and burst into your mailbox with my confession right after I’ve found out you have a girlfriend. I just wanted to write this out because I don’t know what else I could possibly do with all this love I feel for you. Which is actually funny if I think about it, because if it were about anything else, I would have already called you so you’d knock some sense into me, but I can’t exactly do that right now, huh? Not when it’s about this. Not when I don’t want you to know.
But yeah, Teddy, I love you. I love you so much more than a friend should. I always share my secrets with you, but I think I’ll keep this one to myself. I’m sure you know already though, I asked you out like three times in freshman year, I wasn’t exactly the most secretive about it back then, huh?
Eddie has to stop reading right then and there, both to collect himself and wonder what the hell it is you’re talking about. Eddie’s sure he’d remember you asking him about because the one thing he’s dreamed of for years is taking you out on a date. He’s always fantasized about how he’d drop you off at home and kiss you on the porch like they did in those boring romance movies you liked. It wasn’t like he hadn’t tried, in fact he had asked you out on several occasions during freshman year too! You rejected him every single time.
Now that he has time to think about it, he comes to the conclusion that all along you’ve just been morons. Two lovesick morons. He figures it’s time to fix it, but first he finishes reading your letter.
Whether you know… or don’t, I’m not sending this letter. Even if I were to, it isn’t cohesive enough, or whatever. My creative writing professor has made me become obsessed with writing everything perfectly, it’s fucking exhausting, not like it matters right now anyway.
I don’t really know what else to say other than: I fucking love you and I hope it’s the only secret I ever keep from you.
With love.
There’s a deep sense of longing in his heart, accompanied by nostalgia as he remembers growing up with you by his side. Eddie wasn’t stupid, he knew just how lucky he was to have you in his life, had never taken it for granted in fact.
In hindsight, a lot of things make sense now that he knows what you felt back them. Eddie can’t help but think of a particular Friday night, the week before Halloween.
Eddie had his eyes on the road, but otherwise, his attention was fully set on you. Hellfire’s yearly Halloween campaign had just finished and, per tradition, he was driving both of you to the trailer so you could have a scary movie marathon.
Ever since the campaign ended, you had been catching him up to what went down during the brief time window where you didn’t see each other that particular day. Much to his dismay, you were telling him about how Christian Adams—some guy from science class—asked you out on a date after first period.
“My first date! Can you believe it?” You shouted over the music playing loudly inside the van, “I’m kinda nervous, Teddy.”
He tapped his fingers on the steering while as he stole a quick glance in your direction, “Who was the date with, again?”
You groan, “Eds! Don’t start falling asleep on me, dude. It’s with Christian Adams, you know-”
“Ah! The idiot who told Harrigan two plus two was five?” A throaty laugh escaped past Eddie’s lips, you rolled your eyes.
“It was stupid, wasn’t it? I thought I’d seen it all when I heard you say Thor was a Greek God.”
“You absolutely cannot compare my honest mistake with that shit! I’m about to be a super senior and even I know basic math.” You guffawed at his comment and shook your head in pure amusement.
Eddie parked the van and you walked into the trailer, still laughing a bit. Wayne, who was sititng on the kitchen counter with a bright blue cup in hand, looked at you.
“Hey, old man,” Eddie greeted his uncle lovingly and gave him a side hug.
“Hi Wayne!” Your best friend gave your hand a gentle tug and gestured to his bedroom.
You playfully swatted his hand away and took a moment to open your backpack and grab the mug that was securely wrapped in layers of newspaper and paper towels. Both men watched with interest as you peeled each layer of paper away to reveal a beautiful mug decorated with a detailed drawing of a deer.
“I got this for you! From Colorado.”
Wayne gave you a small smile, which for someone like him was basically the equivalent of a toothy grin, “Look at that boy, should take notes from them.”
Eddie pouted jokingly at his uncle’s words and turned to look at you, “Where’s my souvenir?”
“It’s in my backpack, Teddy. Shut up.”
“Make me.” You furrowed your brows and turned to look at him, only to find him looking back at you with a shit-eating grin on his face.
“You suck.”
He pulled you towards his bedroom once again and this time you didn’t put up any resistance. Wayne watched it all unfold and sighed, “You kids are going to be the death of me.”
You had been in Eddie’s room for almost an hour at that point. Wayne had already gone to work and Eddie was busy writing down something on his DnD notebook.
Your fingers plucked at the strings of his beloved guitar, which you had insisted on not hooking up to the amp.
“So… Why did you say you were nervous for that date?”
“Well, what if he wants to kiss me?!”
“You kiss him back if that’s what you want.”
“I’ve never even kissed anyone before, what if it’s gross? What if I suck?” By that time, you were pacing around the room, Sweetheart long forgotten in Eddie’s bed. This was a topic you had discussed with Eddie countless times, but it was never something that was the cause of actual concern, until that moment.
“I heard somewhere that pretty people are good kissers, so you must be amazing at it.” You stopped dead in your tracks at his words. You knew he was probably kidding, but that didn’t stop you from feeling your cheeks heat up at his compliment.
“Ha. You’re so funny.” You replied in a dry, sarcastic tone. A beat of silence passed before you spoke again, “We could always test that theory though.”
From his expression alone, you knew he couldn’t tell if you were serious—you were… Kinda. You thought that your crush on Eddie wasn’t much of a secret at that point. You’d asked him out when you were younger, but you had never been so direct about it.
There was a glint of mischief in his eyes as he stood up walked towards you. For the first time in years, you felt nervousness crawl into your heart. For as long as you could remember, Eddie had been your safe place, you always found solace in those warm brown eyes of his, yet at that moment, you couldn’t help but wonder if your stupid comment was about to ruin everything.
Eddie’s fingers grazed your face as he cupped your face. He was intimidatingly close by that point. You let your hands wander to the curls that sat right below his shoulders. That naughtiness in his eyes was long gone, replaced by a tender look.
He took that last step needed to close the distance between you. His lips brushed against yours in a timid peck that couldn’t have lasted longer than a few seconds.
The brief contact gave you enough confidence to kiss him one more time. You let him guide you and quickly realized just how correct it felt to have his lips on yours. There was nothing but pure joy in your heart as you enjoyed the feeling of having him close.
Much to your dismay, Eddie eventually pulled away. He said nothing for a few moments that seemed to stretch into eternity. Then, he let out a breathy laugh and spoke, “Well, theory confirmed. That was… wow… you’re totally ready for your date, yup.”
Back then, Eddie had noticed something in your expression shift after the comment he’d made, but you’d left almost immediately after, which left him no time to ask. When you saw him Monday morning, you acted as if nothing had happened and told him all about your date with Christian. He had been hurt, but now he understood how much of an idiot he was for that comment and how he had hurt you too.
In his own defense, Eddie was genuinely convinced that you had no other intention behind your comment. He actually thought you wanted to practice kissing for a date! WHAT A FUCKING IDIOT!
Eddie stands up, doubt planted in his heart like a poison, but he isn’t going to let that stop him, not again. He firmly holds the letter in his hand as he walks down the hallway to where your new room is. His hand trembles as he raises it up to knock.
He doesn’t even need to knock again before you open the door, a confused look on your face, “Since when do you knock?”
“Since, uh, now… I guess.”
You smile at him, “Well,that’s a mi—”
The words die down in your throat and your smile vanishes as you notice what he’s holding.
“Oh.” Is the only thing you manage to say before tears start welling up in your eyes.
Eddie can see your temptation to close the door on his face, but before you can do it, he musters up the courage to speak up, “I found it by accident while cleaning out the closet. Why didn’t you send it?”
Your lip trembles as you find a way to answer his question. “How could I? I had no right. I spent years hearing you talk about how you wished someone would give you a chance to show them you’re so much more than stupid town gossip. I wasn’t going to ruin your chances of that happening, not when you had someone so perfect by your side.”
“I always had—still have someone perfect by my side. You.” Eddie watches as you shake your head and tears start falling freely down your face.
“You can’t say that, Teddy. You can’t give me hope.”
Eddie doesn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around your body and pull you close, “I never told you why I broke things off with her, did I?”
You shake your head against his chest, “I broke up with her because I kept comparing her to you. I kept hoping to find at least half of what I have with you. I know it’s wrong, but you’ve changed my life. You know every little thing about me and you’ve never loved me any less for it. You care so much about me, about Wayne. It’s you, always been you and I wish I could have had the courage to say that I love you sooner.”
“You love me?”
He cups your face with the same gentleness as he did that one autumn night, “So much more than words can express.”
“Kiss me then.”
“As you wish,” He says with a lopsided smile and lets his lips meet yours.
Eddie feels a heavy weight lift from his chest at the feeling. The kiss is so tender yet full of so much passion, caused by those bottled up feelings you have shared all this time. The way you hold each other makes him feel like you’re both trying to say every feeling to that single kiss, and it’s truly magical.
When you pull away, Eddie is met by a sweet smile and your kind eyes, “I love you to.”
It’s a funny thing how everything has played out, or at least it is to Eddie. For two people who understand and share things with each other, you’ve sucked at sharing one of the most importat things of all. That you love each other. For this reason, Eddie can’t wait to make up for all the time he didn’t spend showing you how much he loved you.
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siyzuii · 14 days
quick intro & psa for my page + how i shift <3
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like the title says.. doing a quick psa & telling you how i personally shift basically almost every time!
remember none of my posts are tailored to fit every shifter because they can't possibly be. what works for me might not work for you, and vice versa. i am not responsible for your shifting journey. thank you!
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okay i'm gonna keep this short hi if you don't know me yet you can call me xylia or léa ! close friends call me stella but those are usually the people that i've known for longer.
i'm a minor but if you'd like to know my age for specifics please dm me privately (however, i will only tell people that i consider friends or plan to become friends with)
i currently only have one (main) dr which is my kpop dr so if you're a kpop shifter interact please!!!
first psa !! i've only been on tumblr for about a month so bear with me because i'm not that good at navigating the app yet neither do i know some terms that people use on here
my first language also isn't english so please don't expect me to be the best at it, i might have to ask you what things mean or how to do things.
second psa !! i recently started school and it's keeping me extremely busy (constant homework, unexpected tests, etc) and i'm also focused on my own shifting journey (it's helping a lot) so i prefer to avoid social media that i don't talk to close friends on right now. this is why it might take a while for me to respond to you if you decide to drop an ask or dm me but i promise as soon as i read it i'll get to it asap!
i also get notifications a lot surprisingly, 99+ every time i check, so it might take longer for me to respond to comments and i might not see yours until i check back again.
please remember that i can't immediately respond to you or answer all of your questions but i'll try to help as much as i can!
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         HOW I SHIFT
okay this part is probably why you read this post in the first place so i'm not going to bug you too much anymore. things that are optional in my routine will be marked with a pink * but everything is optional really, this is just what i personally do.
also note that you do NOT have to sleep to shift!! if you're not a fan of that i don't recommend doing what i do because for me it works easier doing an "asleep method" or whatever (i don't fw methods)
* ⨳   ʾ   OO1   #THROUGHOUT THE DAY   . 
this is VERY much optional especially because i don't do it consistently and surprisingly when i don't listen to subs i get way more success in shifting?? but sometimes i still listen to them
subliminals (2) or supraliminals (1) (both two different things but you might've seen both) are basically affirmations backed up by LOA either made really quiet + sped up with audio masked over it so you don't interpret them consciously (1) OR converted into a frequency (2) usually with supraliminals, the affirmations are just loud enough to get to your subconscious mind (but for the sake of comfort & for it being easier and a more general term, we'll just say subliminals for now)
hearing whispers/the affirmations on a very low volume is pretty normal most of the time but if you hear it too clearly, turn your volume down. if your head hurts or you get any bad symptoms it's a good idea not to listen for a while and to rest.
i suppose it's recommended to listen to subs consistently for results to work but you obviously don't have to! it's just something i do throughout the day. i'm very into LOA and subs help me improve my subconscious mind a lot.
this title is kinda misleading because it's not really faking as you are your dr self and always have been, you are living their life right now, you're in that reality, but you're not aware of it yet.
but, i like to think & sometimes even act like my dr self (well because that is me) and at one point it just becomes an automatic thing.
for me, it helps to think about what i have to do when i wake up in my dr, who i'm going to see, etc. mostly think about where i expect to wake up which is a MAJOR important thing in what i personally do to shift.
can i say gaslighting..? i honestly don't know. i wouldn't call it that. but knowing that i'm in my dr right now and that i'll wake up there tomorrow feels amazing, constantly affirming that to myself helps me a lot.
even when i wake up and i'm supposedly still in my cr.. wait what do you mean..? i'm in my dr right now! i shifted!
(yeah you get what i'm doing there?)
* ⨳   ʾ   OO2   #RIGHT BEFORE SHIFTING  . 
again very much optional but right before i intend to shift i sometimes listen to subliminals!
these motivate me a little more! i imagine these throughout the day as well but it's not very important so i didn't put it there.
⨳   ʾ   OO3   #ACTUALLY DOING IT  . 
roll over and go to sleep hoping for the best
simple. easy. that's what i do.
okay kidding it's a taaaaaad bit more than that but in its all i basically just do it and it works HAHAHA
after making myself comfortable i affirm that i am in my dr right now and that's where i will be when i wake up. this part is important to me, my expectations are important to me. i also do some other robotic affirmations & affirmations that are a bit more tailored to myself (you can do it in a sassy way, exaggerated happy way, pissed off way, etc. to fit with your personality here)
these noises aren't from my cr..
i sleep in an environment where noises will always get to me which is why i like to pretend everything i hear is from my dr and boom, it's true.
for example.. got a fan playing in the background? well i just so happen to have one in my dr room.. and it's hot in there!!!
this is mostly what gets me to actually shift. i can visualize but it's just not that efficient for me when it comes to shifting.. but knowing i have something to work with (like noises) makes it a shit ton easier for me and i love it
both for the funsies and because it actually helps. i imagine myself in scenarios from my dr. again.
it's as easy as that y'all.
if there's no noises in the background and i don't have anything to work with i just do the rest, think really hard about my dr, then let go and go to sleep. yeehaw
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like i said i can't determine whether this works for you or not and there's no guarantee that it works for both you and me. but i usually either shift like this, or have vivid dreams about my dr. that's just me though!
remember you have an eternity to shift, and you will do it! i believe in you!
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caitlinclarkluver22 · 3 months
~Tell Ur Girlfriend ~ C.C ( nsfw mdi)
warnings: light smut, a little bit angst, master baiting , cussing, anger love confession, w/w, consent was given throughout this fic btw, idk i think that’s it
pov: caitlin clark is with her boyfriend, but she just can’t get you off her mind
“ should i tell my boyfriend what ive been doing? been thinking of you. everytime i screw him.”
( btw this is my first ever one shot or wtvv sooo yeaaa 😭 also i js love this song with all of my heart I WILL NEVER GET TIRED OF IT!! i also don’t really know the word count…so please tell me how to do that im kinda dumb, and also don’t mind the switching in point of views, this was kinda a mess!💕)
also blue means flashback, pink are lyrics from the song!
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“ fuck caitlin…yea you like that don’t you?”
Caitlin, in fact, did not like that. Her boyfriend had had a difficult and stress filled game tonight, and he needed something to help relieve his anger a bit. Caitlin, being his girlfriend, offered to help.
As caitlin stared longingly at the clock propped up on the bed side table, she awaited for when this was going to end.
“ oh yes- mm such a good girl for me hm?”
Ew. Caitlin didn’t like being called that…unless it was by someone else….no she can’t be thinking of her, that was long ago….right?
“ should i tell my boyfriend what i been doing? been thinking of you, every-time i screw him.”
Her boyfriend, after finishing, was now fast asleep and snoring in bed beside her. But caitlin couldn’t sleep, she could only think of you. She remembered the intimate moment as if it was yesterday….
…the team was having a sleepover, all the girls from the basketball team were there. They all were watching a movie, the fragrance of melted butter popcorn in the air, and the laughter that could be heard even if miles away taking over the atmosphere . You and caitlin had been best friends since high-school, you guys were inseparable.
Although you guys were best friends, everyone knew that you had a severe, but secret, crush on caitlin. and caitlin reciprocated those feelings too.
it was so bad, that even some of the fans had theories about the two of them, wether it’d be that they were secretly dating or even that they were just hooking up. therefore, when caitlin revealed her 3 month secret relationship with her boyfriend…the fans weren’t the only ones who were disappointed.
at the sleepover, everyone had fallen asleep, except for caitlin.
and you of course.
as you attempted to fall asleep, you felt a gentle tap on your back. you turn around to see caitlin with a small mischievous grin plastered on her face.
“ hey, you awake? psst…psst…hey wake up..” , caitlin whispers to you.
“ caitlin im not even asleep, i physically cant. and..what do you want?” , you say slightly irritable since you were so close to dozing off.
“ i don’t know..i just can’t fall asleep. can you?”
“ well not anymore thanks to you” you silently grumbled, sitting up criss crossing your legs.
you and caitlin had chosen the second couch, it was slightly small but they fit just fine. the other girls were on the seats they had chosen while in pairs , sound asleep.
caitlin was already in a sitting position, her legs criss crossed like yours.
“ so why’d you wake me up…?”
“ um just wanted to um-…..okay fine you got me. i don’t know im just bored out of my mind. plus isn’t this a sleepover..? like why is everyone asleep so early?” caitlin rambled .
you couldn’t help but chuckle at this, caitlin always rambled to you about nonsense. i mean of course she did, overall she was your best friend.
but when she rambled, it could also mean that she’s nervous…stressed even.
“ don’t worry cait, it’s okay i’ll stay up a little longer to talk to you if you want “ , you laugh.
caitlin did the cutest grin ever , her deep dimples showing immediately.
“ omg okay thank you so much- i just…idk needed someone to talk to.” she said, her smile fading out into a tiny but noticeable frown.
you sat there, worried.
“ hey you okay cait..?”
“ yea im fine..its just..” , she muttered while looking at her phone, her eyes slightly watering. she turned the phone and showed you what she was stressed about.
on the phone, it was on iMessage , she was texting her boyfriend. he was basically mad at her for “ not telling him” that she was going to the sleepover since he “ needed” her because of his incredible loss. he then proceeded to break up with her, definitely impulsively making decisions due to his anger.
as she continued reading the series of messages, she got more shocked with each message sent. her eyes scanning the screen, getting more angry yet sympathetic the more she read.
“ why would he say that? are you okay?”
are you okay?
those were the three words that made caitlin break. the guard she put up finally shattered as she started uncontrollably sobbing, hugging her best friend tightly.
“ i don’t know, i didn’t do anything wrong. what’s wrong with me…what did i do?” , caitlin sobbed incoherently, tears spilling from her beautiful brown eyes.
all her best friend could do was rub on her back slowly, comforting the athlete.
“ shhh…it’s okay caitlin. i’m here okay? i’m here.”
as those words left your lips, caitlin looked up at the girl, her eyes swollen and glossy.
“ maybe i just need to pay more attention to him, or maybe i just need to dress prettier or-“, she cried, her head hung in her hands now, slightly tugging on her hair due to the amount of stress placed on her.
“ no caitlin. look at me.”
caitlin brought her gaze from her hands to her friends face, gosh she was beautiful.
“ your the best girlfriend he could ask for, if he doesn’t want you to hang out with your friends, then honestly fuck him. he doesn’t deserve you and you deserve better. and i know that might be mean or harsh to say, but it’s true and someone has to finally say it. he’s always controlling your every move and everyone sees it. you don’t look happy anymore. if anything u look drained all the time. i don’t want to see you like that anymore baby. i love you too much to see you suffer like this.”
baby. ugh the pet name she loved to be called by you.
wait. did you say you…loved her? she stared at you, the question threatening to spill from her lips.
“ you love me?”
“ ugh of course i do caitlin! how could you be so blind? i’ve loved you ever since we first met in freshman year. ever since we saw eachother at basketball tryouts. i’ve loved you for so long, and you just keep letting this asshole break your heart over and over again. and i just have to comfort you and myself with the reality of everything. you know how much that hurts? having to live with the realization that you will most likely never love me back? and to think that-“, you were cut off by lips being pressed to hers.
caitlin pressed her lips against yours, hungrily grabbing your hair and pulling you closer, her hot breath mixed with yours.
you kissed back, grabbing onto her lovely hips, pushing her back against the arm of the couch. you straddled her, both of your hands on her face.
with one hand, you slightly pulled on her hair, causing her head to go back, revealing her neck to you. you kissed on her neck, searching for not only the sweet spot , but for the noises you dreamt that she’d make for you.
caitlin then moaned softly as you found the spot that made both you and her weak. after you heard the noise caitlin made, you made sure to concentrate on that one spot, sucking and biting on the place that mattered.
this action had caitlin a mess, her moans and whimpers slowly getting louder by the minute, both of their cores getting hotter and needier for eachother with every kiss they shared.
“ fuck i-i need you…”, caitlin whimpered, her hands grabbing onto your hair, pushing you closer to her exposed neck that was now full of purple hickeys.
“ shh don’t wanna be to loud…hm? be a good girl and stay quiet..”
…..as caitlin remembers the intimate moment, she didn’t take the time to notice her long fingers down her pajama pants, under her panties, slowly rubbing circles onto her now aching clit.
fuck she was close.
as she continued masterbating, she stuck three fingers in herself, moaning at the pleasure. she couldn’t help it. she moaned more at the combination she was feeling, the pleasure of three fingers up her core, while circling her clit at the same time.
as she was caught up in the moment, she moaned your name, a little louder than expected. she didn’t mean to.
as she finally finished on her slender fingers, she opened her eyes, only to see her boyfriend fast asleep and snoring.
it wasn’t until then that she realized how much she really wanted you. no….needed you. all she could do was sigh, lay down, close her eyes and dream about you, her dreams being the only place where her fantasies came true.
“ and if you want me, you gotta put the word in. go tell ur girlfriend, that im ur girlfriend.”
it was now the morning, she woke up with a little stretch looking beside her. right next to her was an empty spot that her boyfriend should’ve been in. then again, he always did this. after sex there was no aftercare or quality time spent together. it was just..well…sex.
she sighed with her head in her hands.
what has she got herself into?
“ cuz i don’t wanna live a lie, lie, lie.”
damn did she miss you. she missed the feeling of you against her neck, your kisses and ur sloppy hickeys. she missed the smell of that damn cherry chapstick, and she missed the sound of your moans that made her go insane.
she had to go see you.
there caitlin was, knocking at your dorm door, room 422, just like she had remembered.
“ coming!”
‘yea you will be coming very soon’, she thought.
you opened the door to see caitlin, she was dressed in a white nike jacket, black shirt under, and matching joggers that replicated the jacket, her hair was pin straight.
“ hey cait, what’s u-“, you got cut off when caitlin pushed her back into the dorm, pinning you against the front door, hands holding your wrists down, definitely going to be bruised later, as caitlin hungrily kissed you.
you moaned at the sudden action, moaning into caitlin’s mouth, only driving her to continue.
“ ugh i’ve missed you…” , caitlin grunted, as she moved her lips against yours, you kissing back even harder than she was.
“ caitlin…ugh…mm…caitilin what about y-your boyfriend..?”
“ ugh i can’t anymore with him, been thinking of you everytime i screw him, i swear.”
“ but what if he finds out? what if he catches us then-“
“ what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”
“ we were just friends, but then came in cupid. the tension was buildin, we had to pursuit it.”
caitlin was now on top of you, fingers circling your clit. both of you were partly unclothed, the only clothing intact being your panties.
“ fuck caitlin i’m almost there, please.”
“ please what?” , caitlin asked almost teasingly.
“ please just fuck-“, she was saying as there was a knock on the door, a shout coming right after.
“ caitlin! i know your here, your location says so!”
you and caitlin could recognize that voice from anywhere.
it was caitlin’s boyfriend.
well fuck.
“ go tell your girlfriend, that im ur girlfriend”
OMGGGG I FINISHED IT!! i had literally the hardest time writing this like i legit forgot about it but then i came to a restaurant for a couple hours and my writers block sorta just vanished and i started writing sm.
IF YOU WANT A PART TWO JUST SAY ITTT!! idk if people willl actually like this, it is my first so please don’t judge too much, i tried my best! anyways i hope you caitlin clark fans enjoyed this! have a good day and remember to watch indiana fever tonight at 6:30!
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morgana-larkin · 2 months
Hi, I don’t know if you’re taking requests but I saw a video where a kid says to her father that he is her best friend. So I thought about a story where Mel is really close to the reader daughter a she says that to her. The reader and Melissa can be a thing already or not.
I am taking requests and this one is cute. Not edited in the slightest and I hope you like it!
On another note: I have 14 prompts to get to, so if you sent one then I will get to it!
You Got A Friend In Me
Warnings: Mel fluff with a kid
Words: 2.3k
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You take your daughter to her classroom in the morning. You’ve only been able to walk her to the doors as your work was half an hour early for the first week of school but now you’re free to bring her directly to the classroom. When you get close you see red hair standing at the doorway greeting the students. The redhead looks up and your breath catches in your throat, she’s beautiful, she’s also your daughter’s teacher, but beautiful.
“Hi Ms. Schemmenti!” Your daughter Alison says to her. “This is my mom!” She says proudly. The redhead looks at you both with a smile.
“Well good morning Alison and Mrs. Y/l/n.” She tells you and you chuckle.
“Actually it’s just Ms. The Mr was never in the picture.” You tell her and she gives Alison a high five as she walks in the classroom.
“Well just Ms, I’m Melissa Schemmenti.” She says and holds out a hand to shake. You shake her hand and your breath hitches at the touch.
“I’m Y/n Y/l/n.” You introduce yourself and then pull your hand away. “Bye Alison, see you after school.” You tell your daughter, you give Melissa a smile before leaving. Melissa watches you walk away, she’s definitely attracted to you and she knows it.
At the end of the day you come to pick your daughter up. “Hi Ms. Schemmenti.” You say as her back is turned to you and she turns around and sees you.
“Well hello Y/n, and just Melissa is fine.” She says and you smile at her before you see your daughter coming towards you.
“Mom! Mom! Look what I made in class today!” She says and shows you a picture she did. “Look there’s you and there’s me, and grandma and grandpa are there.” She tells you and points everyone out.
“Wow there kiddo, it looks amazing! It’s going right up on the fridge when we get home. Now go put your shoes on so we can go.” You tell her and she smiles before going to put her shoes on.
“So is there no mister in the picture?” Melissa asks you and you look at her before shaking your head.
“Nope, gone before I found out I was pregnant.” You tell her and she tilts her head at you and you lean closer to her to whisper the next part. “One night stand.” You tell her.
“I see, well she’s lucky to have you. She’s a happy kid.” Melissa tells you genuinely.
“Thank you. Ya she’s always been my happy girl, even right after my ex girlfriend and I broke up 6 months ago.” You say and Alison comes back over to you.
“Shoes are done and tied up!” She tells you and you look down at her feet.
“Good job sweetheart. Now let’s go home and hang up your picture on the fridge.” You say and you both say bye to Melissa before going to your car.
Unknown to you, Melissa lit up when you said ex girlfriend, so you’re single and into women. She’s attracted to you and since she’ll see you everyday, twice a day, then she has a chance to get to know you more and more. So that’s exactly what she did, everyday when she saw you she started a small conversation with you. A month later you two exchange phone numbers and a long conversations in the evening. A month later she asks you out and you immediately agree. You go on multiple dates and Alison began wondering why you’re spending so much time with her teacher.
“Why are you spending a lot of time with Ms. Schemmenti?” She asks you one day before you go on your date with Melissa.
“Because we like each other. Remember that other girl I spent a lot of time with about a year ago, Kate?” You ask her and she nods. “Well it’s just like that. I know you’re only 8 but in time, you’ll develop romantic feelings for people as well and want to spend a lot of time with them.” You tell her and she thinks about it for a second before speaking.
“Why do you and Kate no longer see each other?”
“Because we broke up sweetheart, we decided that we were better off to find other people.” You tell her genuinely. You told her that you and Kate are no longer seeing each other but you never told her why and she never asked until now. Just then the doorbell rings and Alison runs to go get it. She opens the door to see Melissa standing there, ready for a date with you.
“Hi Ms. Schemmenti.” She tells her and Melissa shakes her head with a smile.
“Alison hon, I told you that you can call me Melissa outside of the classroom.” Melissa tells her.
“Oh right, sorry Ms..uh Melissa.” Alison says and steps aside to let her in the house. “The babysitter isn’t here yet.” She adds.
“Well that’s alright, I don’t mind waiting with you both.” She tells her.
“Do you have romantic feelings for my mom?” Alison asks her and Melissa tilts her head and looks at her confused.
“My mom told me that she has romantic feelings for you and that’s why you spend a lot of time together.”
“Oh, I do have romantic feelings for her. I like your mom very much.” Melissa tells her and then you come down the stairs.
“Hey Melissa!” You tell her and she smiles when she sees you.
“Hey hon, I heard the babysitter for Alison isn’t here yet.”
“I just got a text from her saying that a last minute family emergency came up and can’t come.” You say with a pout.
“Oh, well that’s alright. We can go to a different place with Alison or we can stay here and cook something.” Melissa immediately says and you don’t know how you got so lucky. She’s willing to spend time with you and your daughter wherever.
“Really? It would be perfect if we just stay here and cook something.” You say and she smiles as she goes up and holds your hands.
“Of course, I love spending time with you, no matter where it is and Alison is a sweet kid.” Melissa looks at Alison when she says the last part.
“You’re so sweet.” You tell her as you walk up to her and give her a kiss.
10 minutes later Melissa is in the kitchen preparing a meal while you teach Alison how to properly set a table. When you were done with the table you both make your way back into the kitchen to keep Melissa company.
“Do you have any homework to do?” You ask your daughter as you stand next to Melissa.
Alison thinks about it for a moment before saying “nope.”
“What about the math problem work I gave at the end of the day?” Melissa asks and you look at Alison who’s pouting.
“Why did it have to be my teacher?” She complains and Melissa giggles.
“Are you struggling with the math problems? Cause I can help you after supper?” Melissa offers and Alison smiles before nodding her head.
After finishing the amazing pasta that Melissa made, you all sit on the couch and watch an episode of Scooby Doo before Melissa helps Alison with her homework.
“What’s new Scooby Doo, we’re coming after you. We’re gonna solve that mystery.” You all sing.
After the episode is done, Melissa and Alison sit at the coffee table and gets the work out while you get Alison’s lunch for tomorrow ready.
When you come back out you see Melissa with her glasses on and she’s reading the question that they’re on.
“So farmer Macdonald has 40 pigs, if he adds 17 pigs then gives away 20 then how many pigs does he have left?” Melissa reads the question to Alison.
“Why would he add some then give some away?” Alison asks and Melissa smiles.
“Who knows? Maybe he added some and realised it was too many to handle.” Melissa tells her and Alison thinks about the question for a second.
“And were any of them pregnant?” Alison suddenly asks and Melissa thinks about it.
“It doesn’t say, does it?” Melissa says and hums. “Let’s go with that, none of them were pregnant.” Melissa adds and Alison nods.
“Ok, so he has 40 pigs, then I have to add 17 right?” Alison asks and Melissa nods. Alison puts it in her calculator. “Ok so he has 57 pigs after adding 17.” Alison says as she writes it down. “Then I have to subtract 20?” And Melissa nods again. “57 minus 20 is… 37.” Alison says after putting it in the calculator.
“Yep that’s correct.” Melissa says to her proudly and Alison writes it down with a smile. Alison then reads out the next question and they work on it together.
After half an hour you make hot chocolate for all of you and you bring it out when they’re done and hand them one each. You hand Melissa a cup with a kiss and she smiles at you before Alison brings her back to the homework.
They work on the homework for another half hour before they finish. Melissa puts her glasses back on the top of her head and looks at Alison with a smile.
“You’re a smart kid Alison.” She tells her and Alison looks at her with wide eyes and smiles.
“Yep.” Melissa tells her and Alison puts her homework back in her bag.
“Do you want to watch a couple more episodes of Scooby Doo before bedtime?” You ask them and Alison excitedly nods and sits down beside you on the couch. “Wanna stay too?” You ask Melissa and she looks at the time.
“I should probably get going, it’s getting late.” She tells you and Alison pouts.
“You can sleepover here if you want.” You suggest and she looks at you.
“Are you sure?”
“I wouldn’t have offered it if I wasn’t.” You tell her and she chuckles.
“I guess you wouldn’t. Ok I’ll sleepover.” She says and Alison bounces over to her and drags her to the couch and Melissa giggles at her excitement.
The next morning you and Melissa walk into the school holding hands with Alison in front of you. Alison sees her friends down the hall and runs over to them after giving you a hug goodbye. You and Melissa walk over to the break room together and you go to say goodbye before entering but Melissa brings you inside. She gives you a smile when you look at her confused and you smile back at her and nod.
“Melissa, who’s this?” Jacob asks as he’s the first to see you and Melissa enter.
“Aren’t you Alison’s mom?” Gregory asks. “She was in my class last year.”
“Oh that’s right, you are. Oh Alison is a sweetheart.” Barb adds.
“Yep, she’s Alison’s mom and my new girlfriend. And her name is Y/N Y/L/N.” Melissa says proudly and everyone gasps.
“Girlfriend? Wow Melissa you scored a hot one!” Ava says as she walks by with her coffee.
“It’s nice seeing some of you again. Alison is very happy here every year.” You tell them all before turning to face Melissa. “I gotta go to work but I’ll see you later.” You tell her and she nods before you give her a kiss and then leave. Everyone stares at Melissa in shock as Melissa is looking at the door with a smile before turning around and going to sit with Barb at their table. Barb gives her a smile and a nod of approval.
After school you let Melissa know that you’re running late and she looks after Alison until you get there. When you get to her classroom you see Melissa and Alison on the carpet talking and you just watch them interact with a smile before letting them know you’re there.
“Melissa?” Alison says and Melissa turns her attention to her.
“Ya hon?”
“I’m happy that you’re the one with my mom. She’s happy and I like having you around. You’re my best friend.” Alison tells her and Melissa’s eyes immediately fill with tears and she puts a hand over her heart.
“Really?” She says, starting to choke up and Alison nods. Melissa engulfs her in a hug and you snap a picture of them. You then make your presence known when they’re finished hugging.
“Hey you two.” You say and walk in and they both look at you. Melissa and Alison get up and Alison immediately runs over to you to give you a hug.
During the hug Alison whispers in your ear. “I don’t know why but I made her cry.” Alison whispers and you smile as you pull back.
“I heard, she’s happy that you like her so much, that’s why she’s crying, cause she’s really happy.” You explain to Alison as Melissa walks over to you both. “Ready to go home?” You ask and she nods then looks at Melissa.
“Are you coming home with us?”
“Oh um, I can if your mom is ok with it.” Melissa says nervously.
“Of course, you’re always welcome at our house.” You tell her and she smiles with a blush as she nods.
“Ok, I’ll meet you both there after I grab a couple things from my place.” She says and you nod before bringing Alison to the car to go home.
Later that night, you and Melissa are cuddling on the couch with Alison cuddling Melissa on the other side of her, all watching Scooby Doo. Melissa is happy with her life, she’s got a girlfriend who she loves and a kid who loves having her around. She gives you both a kiss on the head and continues watching the episode with a smile.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
Let me know if you want to be added!
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clarisse0o · 2 months
Camp Wiegman-Part 29
Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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Alternative Universe : Military School
Words : 5k
Friday, January 1st, 2:30 AM - Manchester Street.
- "What was I thinking, listening to you?" I grumbled, following them through the freezing cold of the city. "And on top of that, we’re wandering around in skimpy outfits in the middle of Manchester ! If we run into any shady characters, you'll see!"
- "Are you done complaining?" Mapi chuckled. "You're exaggerating with the 'skimpy outfits' bit. We’re just dressed for a party."
- "Are we almost there?" I asked, ignoring her remark.
- "Yes, yes, I can see them from here!"
- "Is it those three over there?"
- "Yeah, she said she’d be with some friends."
I tried to make out the people Mapi was pointing to, but they were still too far away to see clearly. The dizziness from the alcohol wasn’t helping my vision either. Mapi had tried to get me drunk, but I managed to keep it under control by passing off my drinks. I could honestly say I drank in moderation. Well… sort of. It was around two in the morning, and I was walking as straight as I could. She had me downing drinks since midnight, and this time, I couldn’t escape. Then the other wanted to go outside to light some fireworks, so we took the chance to sneak out, thanks to Maya and Ella, who we swore to secrecy in case anything happened. Alessia would have been informed too, but she was busy dancing in the living room. She was probably the most intoxicated of us all, thanks to Mapi's little game. I shivered, wrapping my arms around myself. We were walking in heels through the snow, with only tights covering our legs. If I catch a cold because of this nighttime adventure, they’ll be hearing about it for a long time!
The people we were supposed to meet were at the end of the street. As we got closer, I could start to see them better. Jennifer was easy to spot, I could see, she was just as beautiful as she looked in the photos Alexia had shown me. As for the other girls, they had their backs to us, so it was hard to tell what they looked like. They were laughing together, seemingly oblivious to us. I felt uneasy at the thought of meeting new people. I wasn’t as open to it as I used to be. Alexia had reassured me, though, saying I had nothing to worry about. She also informed us at the last minute that she’d be with two friends, probably knowing I would’ve refused to come if I’d known earlier. She would have been right.
Without warning, she started running towards them halfway to catch up faster. Her excitement must have taken over since she told me they hadn’t seen each other in a month. It must be hard for her to maintain this kind of relationship. I would find it tough to be away from the person I love for so long. Their relationship must be built on a lot of trust. Proof of that: she’s with two girls, and she doesn’t care. We finally reached them. Alexia was already in her girlfriend’s arms, wishing her a happy New Year while kissing her. As for us, we stayed back from these new people. At least, that’s what I thought until I met the gaze of one of the girls who had noticed us.
- "Oh no, I can’t believe it," she laughed.
I froze, my lips slightly parted. My first instinct was to immediately look at the second girl, who turned around at her friend’s comment. What the hell? What are they doing here?! I quickly remembered that Jenni used to be an instructor at Camp Wiegman. From their surprise, I could tell they weren’t aware of this awkward plan either. Mapi nudged me lightly to snap me out of my shock.
- "Do you know them?" she whispered to me.
I still couldn’t find my voice. It wasn’t until the girls reacted faster than me that I really pulled myself together.
- "You must be Mapi?"
- "Uh, yes?" she answered hesitantly, looking at me strangely. "Are we supposed to know each other too?"
Alexia burst out laughing at our awkwardness. That girl was going to pay for organizing something like this! And while I’m drunk too!
- "So, are you going to introduce us?" my best friend huffed.
- "Mapi... This is Bronze and Engen, instructors from my school."
She didn’t react immediately, probably taking a moment to process who they were. Her confused expression suddenly turned into a big smile.
- "Nooo way! You’re kidding, right?"
The awkwardness returned. If there was one thing I didn’t expect, it was meeting my boss and my best friend at the same time. Mapi didn’t hesitate to scrutinize them closely now that she knew who they were. She was probably trying to figure out which one was Lucy. Still, she didn’t say anything and instead wished them a happy New Year. I realized that with everything going on, I hadn’t had the chance to do so either. So I also went around, starting with Jenni. This girl was just as beautiful up close as from a distance. I was almost jealous Alexia of for being with someone like her. I moved on to Engen, then finally reached Lucy. For her, I allowed myself a reunion hug. I had missed her a lot. She accepted my embrace, wishing me a happy and better New Year, which I really hoped for.
- "I’m starting to understand why you asked me not to mention your friends," Jenni commented. "Can someone explain what’s going on?"
- "This is Ona," Engen introduced me, pointing in my direction.
- "Ooooh!" she responded. "So, this is your little protégé?" she asked Lucy.
- "Oh, please, don’t start," she rolled her eyes.
That remark left me puzzled. It was as if they’d already talked about me tonight. The thought that she might have talked about me to her friends made me smile. Then again, I wasn’t getting my hopes up. Knowing her, she probably mentioned me with a lot of professionalism. I didn’t have time to figure anything else out because Engen started speaking again.
- "And you must be Mapi, her fearless best friend?"
- "Fearless?" Mapi laughed. "Is that what you call me around here?" she asked, turning to me.
- "Actually, I’m the one who calls you that," Lucy cut in. "It seems you have a tendency to drag Ona into parties."
I stepped back, suddenly remembering the state I was in. Oh God, now is not the time for her to notice. She knows me too well for that to slip by. It would be a shame to start the new year on a bad note.
- "Yeah, well, Ona’s old enough to go out when she wants."
- "That doesn’t change the fact that you influence her."
- "Yeah, well—"
- "Whoa, girls," I laughed. "Let’s avoid a showdown over me during your first meeting, shall we?"
- "She started it," Mapi pouted.
Lucy rolled her eyes in response and turned to Engen, who she started chatting with.
- "By the way, you have good taste," Mapi murmured to me, so only I could hear, with a teasing look. "You described her perfectly."
I would never understand how this girl could change her attitude in two seconds. But I blushed at her comment, not helping my case at all.
- "Stop, not here," I replied quietly.
- "Oh, don’t be shy," she said, letting her finger trail down my cheek. "I’ll leave her to you for sure. She doesn’t seem to like me much anyway."
- "I’m not interested in her. How many times do I have to tell you?"
- "Who are you talking about?"
We looked up to see the girls had finished their conversation. I realized we weren’t as discreet as we’d thought.
- "No one," I answered before Mapi could reply. "So, did you know about them?" I asked, pointing to the couple behind them to change the subject.
The girls turned to look at them. This brief moment gave me a chance to observe them, and I noticed they were both wearing dresses too. It was even stranger than seeing Lucy in jeans last time.
- "Jenni’s a friend of ours, so yeah, obviously."
- "I didn’t know you were," Lucy added to Engen’s response.
- "I wasn’t going to tell you and risk getting Alexia in trouble."
- "She’s not wrong," her friend laughed. "That’s not something you tell your instructor, you know," she said, nudging her.
- "What do you know? We tell each other a lot!"
- "Sure," I scoffed. "You don’t tell me anything! It took me forever just to get your name."
- "Hey!" she protested. "I’ve told you things too!"
- "Oh, right. Now that you mention it, I did know about your relationship status and orientation before your name. I forgot about that," I teased.
I ignored Engen and Mapi’s reactions, focusing only on my boss, who suddenly looked at me strangely. The alcohol had given me the courage to respond with such tact. I chuckled, realizing my mistake, which made Lucy narrow her eyes. If I had been discreet up until now, I think I’d just blown it. I bit my lip to stifle my laughter, but it was no use.
- " Ona..." she began in a threatening tone. "Are you drunk?"
- "What, me?" I said innocently. "Nooo. Of course not," I giggled nervously. "What makes you say that?"
I was in deep trouble. I took a step back as she stepped forward. I’ve always said I was a terrible liar. It’s not for nothing that I turned off my phone before we left. I didn’t want her to find out about the party through messages or photos. I wanted to avoid facing her when I got back. Now I had to deal with it face-to-face right now.
- " Ona..." she warned, stepping closer as I backed away. "Don’t you dare make me run in heels!"
As soon as she said that, I turned and fled. I grabbed onto Mapi in my haste, but managed to break free. My smile widened, realizing just how much I had missed this kind of situation. I loved being the center of her attention, even if it would have consequences. That was the least of my worries at the moment. I regretted wearing heels too, which prevented me from running faster. I struggled to stay upright, and it didn’t take long for it to show a few meters ahead. My ankle twisted involuntarily, but I was caught by arms that prevented a ridiculous fall. I blushed at the unexpected closeness with Lucy, who sighed into my ear, as if relieved that we’d avoided the worst. I was still unsteady, but she continued to hold me firmly until I was standing on my own. I bit my lip now that she had caught me.
- "I’m sorry," I giggled. "I swear, I tried to be reasonable! It’s the girls who insisted, and the wine was really good. Did you know I love white wine? I don’t think I even knew that myself."
Lucy blinked at my rambling. I laughed uncontrollably, realizing how happy the alcohol had made me. Or maybe it was because Lucy was in front of me? I couldn’t say. Lucy analyzed me carefully, making me giggle again. I knew I was in trouble, but I couldn’t help it. The girls had joined us by then. They were worried at first, but eventually smiled when they saw how happy I was.
"Relax a bit, Luce. Look at her, she didn’t do anything wrong, and it’s the first of January. You’ve had a few drinks too. »
- "Ah!" I unintentionally provoked her. "You dare forbid me something you don’t even follow yourself?"
- "It’s different," she narrowed her eyes. "And at least I can still stand in my heels!"
She nudged my shoulder slightly to prove her point. I wished I could be stronger and stand straight, but my body didn’t seem to want to cooperate and started to wobble.
-« That doesn’t count! I can barely walk in heels when I’m sober! »
- "I confirm, snorted Mapi.
- I should throw you into the snow to sober you up.
- You wouldn’t dare, I chuckled.
I squeal when my feet no longer touch the ground. Shit, shit, shit! I immediately start struggling, squirming on her shoulders and hitting her back. It’s useless given how easily she holds me by my legs and waist.
- Hey! Put me down!
- No. Let’s see who’s too scared! That’ll teach you to provoke me and not listen to what I say.
I gasp, feeling the cold on my bare legs when she drops me onto a pile of snow by the roadside. She tries to get up afterward, but I pull her down so she falls on top of me. She retaliates instantly, throwing handfuls of snow at me, most of which end up in my mouth. I cough to spit it all out.
- Stop, stop, stop. Please stop! Okay, I get it, I get it! I’m wide awake now!
I stop wriggling when I realize the snow is seeping through my jacket. Lucy seems to pity my pleas because she stops immediately. I grin mischievously at her naivety, grabbing some snow to fight back. My reflexes must not be my own anymore because she grabs my wrist before I can throw it.
- Don’t even try.
Her threatening voice makes me shiver. I immediately drop the snow, which was starting to burn my hand, admitting defeat. I wasn’t trying to make her angrier; besides, her punishment was well-deserved. It’s also very effective, as clear thoughts start to return. I blush in embarrassment, already regretting my actions. Lucy notices my state and sighs in relief as she releases my wrist.
- I’m cold.
My words are accompanied by shivering, making Lucy smile. She helps me up after her, making sure I stay on my feet by keeping her hands on my shoulders. She looks at me for a moment, rubbing her hands on my arms.
- I think it’s slipping under my dress…
- Take off your jacket then.
- No, it’s cold.
I groan in a plaintive tone. She doesn’t seem inclined to change her mind. She unzips my jacket herself. A shiver of cold runs through me immediately. I try to ignore Mapi and Engen’s laughter, who are now at a distance from us. I feel my cheeks heat up as she takes off my jacket, fully revealing my dress. Mapi chose one of the sexiest ones in my wardrobe. Maybe I should have thought about a sweater now that I see myself in this outfit.
- Turn around. We need to act quickly.
I sigh, twisting around in small steps to give her my back, then cross my arms to preserve what little warmth I have left. The only thing motivating me to let her do it is that the last time I was in this situation, I caught the flu. I tense up when I feel her reach for the zipper of my dress.
- We don’t want you getting sick again, huh? she murmurs calmly. I doubt you’d want to go back to eating soup.
- It’s not funny, I grumble.
- I know you secretly like it.
- No, I grimace. I’ve had enough.
- It’s not that bad.
- No, I sigh. But—
- You’ve had enough, she finishes for me, mocking me. There, I’m done.
I realize she only distracted me while she zipped up my dress. I glance over my shoulder to see her holding a now damp tissue in her hand, then I look up into her eyes. She smiles gently at me as she lifts my jacket, which she had kept between her legs. Without a word, I slip my arms into one sleeve after another.
- Thank you, I murmur.
I quickly close my jacket and cross my arms again. I slowly turn back toward her. She rubs her hands on my arms again to help me warm up. Now that the buzz from the alcohol has passed, I feel tired. The girls approach us with big smiles. I hope they didn’t see any of my nudity. Lucy was behind me, so she must have made sure they didn’t see anything.
- Starting off the New Year well, huh? I chuckle.
- Hmm, she simply replies with a smirk.
- You were nice. I expected worse revenge, I admit, making her laugh.
- Take it as a New Year’s gift. You just wasted my only generous punishment of the year.
- I’ll make sure to remember that, I mumble, making her smile broadly.
I look at our friends who are whispering amongst themselves. It’s strange to see them so friendly so quickly. The whispering stops when they notice us. I raise my eyebrows, silently asking Mapi what’s going on. She just shrugs with a sly smile.
- Girls, we need to get back, says Alexia, who is desperately clinging to Jenni. Is Alba driving you crazy with phone calls too, Ona?
I pull out my phone to check. I groan when I see she’s right. I knew this plan was a bad idea. We snuck off without telling her. I look at the girls, who clearly don’t seem eager to leave. I’m surprised that I don’t want to either.
- Yeah, but there’s no way I’m walking in this state. My feet are freezing, and I’m not getting blisters over this, I say as my only excuse.
- You and your heels, Mapi laughs.
- Stop making fun of me! You’ll soon find out where I’ll stick them if you keep acting like this!
She bursts out laughing, knowing full well I’m referring to her behavior all evening. She hasn’t done anything to me directly, but she’s still driven Alessia to drink herself into a stupor.
- Admit it, my idea was brilliant! she snickers. Damn, she made a face when I put my hand on your thigh under the table!
- What is she talking about? Lucy asks me.
- She wanted to prove to me that Alessia has a crush on me, so she spent the whole evening cozying up to me.
- It was funny, admit it, she grins even more. I bet she’s passed out on the couch right now, given the state she was in when we left.
- Are you proud of yourself? I growl. The poor girl is going to get ideas about us now!
- So what? You told me you’re not interested in her.
- That’s no reason to play with her feelings.
- Hey, don’t go talking about feelings. She doesn’t even know you, she snorts. Maybe attraction, but not feelings!
- What do you know? She’s a nice girl!
- Hello, girls. Who cares? We have another problem right now! says Alexia, waving her phone around.
- Why don’t you all come up to the apartment for a bit? Jenni suggests.
The idea was appealing, but we hesitated because of Alba’s harassment. None of us really wanted to return to our party, especially knowing what awaited us. So we all agreed to stay. I took it upon myself to text Alba to let him know we were fine and would be back soon. We’ll probably get an earful when we return, but whatever.
- Will you carry me? I asked Lucy.
- What? she frowns. Carry you? Are you serious?
- Please! My feet hurt! You owe me this.
She sighs, but to my surprise, she agrees to let me climb onto her back. She crouches down so I can wrap my arms around her neck. I make sure my dress is in place before she starts walking, holding my thighs firmly to support my weight. Our friends lead the way to the elevator that takes us to the fifth floor. Jenni opens one of the doors on the floor, and we enter the apartment. We’re immediately greeted by a medium-sized living room. A table stands in the middle of the room with several used plates, a sign that they’re not the only ones celebrating here. I don’t have time to see more before Lucy sets me down next to Mapi on the couch.
- Want something to drink? Jenni asks.
- Vodka orange for Ona, snickers Mapi.
- Stop, I grumble. You’ve made me drink enough tonight. I had to get rid of half the glasses you served me.
- Is that why Alessia is passed out on the couch?
This girl exasperates me so much that I stop responding. It seems she won’t drop the issue with this poor girl. Despite my asking, she kept at it again and again.
- Sorry, she finally says when she sees I’m ignoring her. Can I have a coffee, please? Mapi asks.
- No problem, Jenni smiles. Ona, Ingrid?
- Coffee for me too, please, Ingrid replies before Jenni turns her eyes to me.
- Nothing, thank you.
- Are you sure?
- Yes. I don’t like coffee, and I don’t want anything else.
- You don’t like coffee? Lucy asks me.
I shake my head in response to Lucy, who is already in the kitchen with Alexia to prepare the drinks. Jenni joins them to help. My roommate is the first to return with the two coffees for the girls. I groan when Mapi starts up again, sliding her hand discreetly onto my thigh. I smack it away and scoot as close to the edge as I can on the other end of the large couch.
- That’s enough. You’ve had your fun tonight.
-Oh, come on! Stop ignoring me! Just wait until we’re in bed tonight if you think this is “handsy.” »Voici la traduction en anglais :
"Keep it up, and I'll make you sleep on the floor or with Alexia."
"No way," Jenni retorts from the kitchen. "Not if she has wandering hands," she adds, making us laugh.
I don't know how many glasses my best friend has had, but it's way too many if she's acting like this. I thought she had drunk less than me. Lucy returns to us, handing me a cup. I frown, especially since she has another one in her other hand.
"I said I didn't want anything."
"It's hot chocolate. You need to warm up."
In the end, I smile at the thought that hot chocolate would be nice and thank her. She sits down between Mapi and me, much to my delight. At least she'll leave me alone now. I take the liberty of looking into her cup and grimace when I recognize coffee. She brings it closer to my nose, making me pull back.
"Do you want to taste it?"
"No, thanks."
"I'm sure you've never tried it."
"No, but I don't want to. It's not something that appeals to me."
"Too bad for you," she says, bringing the cup to her lips.
I smile and bring mine to my lips as well. It's so good. It's just what I needed after this hectic evening. It soothes me and makes me even more tired at the same time. I don't even know what time it is. With this thought, I let my head fall tiredly onto her shoulder.
"Hey, don't cheat on me!"
"Shut up, Maps, we're not married."
"Not yet."
"You're such a pain, you know that?" I ask, lifting my head to look at her.
"We're bonded, remember?" she says, tugging on her necklace.
"Bonded, my ass!"
"Hey, I remind you that I'm in the middle here in case you didn't notice!"
Lucy pushes us, pointing out that we had gotten closer during our interaction. Just after that, she surprises me by taking my pendant in her hands to look at it.
"Is that your Christmas present?" she asks me.
"She's afraid of losing her best friend status," I scoff.
"Isn't that the kind of gift you give when you're, like, twelve?" she asks Mapi, letting go of my necklace.
I burst out laughing at her disappointed face. Lucy sure knows how to get to her tonight. I didn't dare say it, but I had exactly the same thought when I opened the box.
"No!" Mapi replies, completely vexed. "We're far from each other, so it was obvious I had to give her something that reminded her of me."
"Hmm, sure," Lucy responds indifferently.
I smile and rest my head on Lucy again. At least I'll have some peace now that Mapi is sulking. I observe the couple on the other couch across from us. I envy their hugs and kisses at the moment. I miss those affectionate moments, and seeing them in their own little world doesn't leave me indifferent. I had been avoiding that kind of relationship since Feli. I regret that an asshole like her made me forget the good things.
"Are you okay?" Lucy asks me.
"Hmm... tired."
"Did you manage to get some rest?"
"Yes, well... not so much in the last few days, but I'm fine."
"I've been waking up in the middle of the night for the past few days, but it's okay."
"What? Why didn't you wake me up then?" Mapi suddenly wakes up at this response.
"I manage to fall back asleep. I didn't see the point."
"Hmm... don't hesitate, okay?"
"I know."
"Did you two sleep together the whole vacation?" Lucy asks us.
"Correction, she crashed at my place the whole vacation."
"You're the one who said you didn't mind!" Mapi retorts.
"Do you really think I was going to let you spend Christmas alone?"
"No, but kicking me out because I'm annoying, yes!"
"You know that's not the case," I roll my eyes before sitting up. "Except when you act like tonight. Then you are annoying."
"Oh, come on! I just wanted to have fun. Admit it was funny!"
"You're not the one who has to deal with the consequences."
"Everyone has their own mess, right?"
I groan in exasperation against Lucy. That was the last straw. I would never have the last word with her anyway if I kept responding. Seeing that I'm not reacting anymore, she tries to move her hand towards me, but Lucy intercepts it, much to my delight.
"Are you done now?" Lucy scolds her.
"Mph, fine, I'll stop," she says, pouting.
"We should head back, right?" Ale chimes in. "Albal is going to lose it otherwise, and I don't want the others to get caught in the crossfire..."
"We'll walk you back with Ingrid," Lucy announces. "She won't be able to say much with us."
"No, it's okay. Don't bother. We can handle it," Alexia replies.
"We're walking you back," Ingrid insists this time. "She won't dare say anything if she knows you're with us We'll just say we ran into you and helped you find your way back."
"Come on, it's decided," Lucy concludes, slapping my thigh. "Up you go."
I groan at this gesture. I finish my cup before following the girls' lead. I thank Lucy when she takes our cups to put them in the kitchen. We then put on our jackets while Alexia properly says goodbye to her girlfriend. She doesn't come with us since their group of friends is expected to return soon from their nighttime walk. Besides, Alexia prefers to avoid Alba seeing her for the moment. We say goodbye to Jenni before leaving the apartment with our two instructors. I asked Lucy to carry me again, but this time she didn't give in.
"By the way, was that your apartment?" I asked her.
"If it were mine, I'd have the keys, don't you think?"
"So it was Jenni's then?"
"Yep," Ale responds. "cool, right?"
"Are you talking about the apartment or her?" Mapi retorts. "Because you sure spent a lot of time revisiting her mouth tonight."
I give her a light smack on the head, even though she's right. She tries to smack me back, but Lucy saves me again by telling us to stop our childish behavior once and for all. I smile, noticing that she had the desired influence on Mapi. The warmth I had just regained evaporates once we're outside. I'm not usually sensitive to the cold, but since I've been here, it's been a different story. The return is quick with Mapi and Ale chatting nonstop, getting along perfectly well. As soon as we arrive in front of Leah and Alessia’s house, Alba bursts out. She must have been spying behind a window to have noticed us so quickly. She was about to start yelling until she saw the people who had taken the trouble to walk us back. The poor girl starts stuttering, losing all her credibility. Our other friends soon follow her out. Some of them are in pretty bad shape, like Patri, who tries to hug Lucy while wishing her a Happy New Year. She immediately turns her down but still wishes her a Happy New Year.
"But... what the... what the hell is going on? Where were you all this time? » Alba exclaims.
"Calm down, will you?" Engen responds. "We're the ones who delayed them when we ran into them. Got a problem with that?"
"You were together all this time?"
"We ran into them on the way," Lucy repeats. "We just came to diffuse the situation, so try to leave them alone. We'll know if you don't."
Alba reluctantly nods. The two instructors still wish everyone a Happy New Year and remind us to be ready for the start of school. Most of my friends go back inside now that the most interesting part is over. They managed to calm Alba down, much to everyone's surprise. We say goodbye before going inside. I was about to follow the girls, but Lucy stops me.
"You know you can reach out to me if you have a problem, right?"
"Yes, of course."
"Then do it, even if it's in the middle of the night. Okay?"
"Hmm..." I reply, averting my eyes.
"Look at me."
I sigh, meeting her green eyes. It seems my nighttime awakenings didn't fall on deaf ears.
"We're friends, right?"
"Really?" I ask in surprise. "You've always said otherwise."
"You know our relationship has always gone beyond instructor-student," she chuckles, running a hand through her hair. "You can contact me whenever you want."
"You too," I let slip, which makes her smile.
"Go inside and get some sleep. You need rest. I can see your dark circles from here. I want you in good shape for Sunday night, okay? By the way, how are you coming?"
"No idea, I'll figure it out."
"Hmm. We'll talk about it again then. Go on now, they're waiting for you."
I turn around to see that Mapi and Alexia are indeed waiting for me at the door, along with Alessia. I give Lucy one last hug, which she doesn't refuse. She orders me once again to go to bed immediately, which I nod to, though I'm not sure if I will. I also say goodbye to Ingrid before joining the girls. They immediately suggest we go upstairs to avoid Alba's wrath now that we're alone. This suits me given my supervisor's last order and the fatigue that hasn't escaped her notice. I hope this situation will be just a passing phase; otherwise, I'll have something to worry about in the future
@okaybronze everything for your happiness
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87 notes · View notes
iwasabs · 3 months
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hatefucks are the best way to make up after a fight. you gotta follow your instincts, even next to a room filled with your friends
pairing miya atsumu x fem!reader
content contains rough sex, oral sex, vaginal sex, fingering, semi-public sex, abrasion kink, asphyxiation kink, praise kink, possessive characters, jealousy, slight age gap (feel free to add anything i missed in the comments)
A.N. THIS IS A POST HIGH SCHOOL SCENARIO, CHARACTERS ARE 18+. please read the informations above carefully. if ANY of the contents triggers you, DO NOT read this post. if you're a minor, please scroll. requests on my blog are open.
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The noise of the ball slamming on the ground and the screams of joy echoing throughout the gym won't stop pounding your head. The friendly match has been going on for the past hour and a half. As a manager, you're sitting on the bleachers with your team, Inarizaki, and Nekoma and Fukurodani. Every time you glance at Atsumu, you clench your fists harder, remembering the little encounter he had earlier. You've never been the jealous type, the main reason being you never had a relationship this serious, but also the fact that you always dated nerdy guys who weren't that much on the cute side.
Three years ago, at the beginning of your first year, you met Atsumu. He was five years older than you and everybody knew him because of his undeniable volleyball skills that brought so much fame to your school and his innate charm. He's one handsome motherfucker. You two are the definition of she fell first, he fell harder. Being older than you, he didn't really notice you three years ago, but, when you contacted him as a manager earlier this year, he couldn't help but notice how well you grew up. As soon as you turned eighteen, six months ago, you started dating. Since then, you have to push back girls and boys with a bat, because your boyfriend surely doesn't go unnoticed. Now that he's the official setter of MSBY, he and his teammates offered to host matches in their gym every now and then to play against the Inarizaki team and raise the bar. As soon as the news spread, these matches have been crowded with fans. It's a shame the MSBY gym is enormous because it's getting almost impossible for you to contain your boyfriend's groupies.
Today, things have reached a new low point. Usually, people stop at comments about his beauty or his muscles, but earlier, you witnessed a gut-wrenching scene: a girl, probably a couple years older than you, whispered something in Atsumu's ear, then took a picture of the both of them, fiercely touching your boyfriend's bicep. With steam coming out your ears, you ran towards them, clearing your throat.
'You should head to the field, baby. We'll start training in a few minutes.' you said, crossing your arms under your chest and glaring at the skank. She willingly ignored you, pressing a kiss on Atsumu's cheek and waving him goodbye.
He must've heard the sound of your blood boiling, because he tried to say something, but you pushed him away and sprinted to the field.
So now you're here, sitting on the bleachers, enraged with your boyfriend because he's too hot to walk on this earth. When the match ends, both teams sit in a circle, discussing the game together. Your intense staring activity gets interrupted by a first-year student, whose name you never remember, who slightly taps your shoulder to get your attention. He's a very shy guy, but you were told he's got the biggest crush on you, so you always try to be nice.
'Y/n s-senpai, I'm sorry to bother you, but I wanted to thank you for your help with my English class. I passed the test' he stutters, eyes on the ground.
You let out a scream of joy, getting a few people's attention, then jump on your feet and hug the guy tightly. He's shorter than you, so his face is basically squashed between your generous boobs. you smile at his flustered cheeks and wave at him, watching as he literally runs away. A weird feeling on the back of your head makes you turn around, facing Atsumu's face. Every crumb of anger disappears when you notice he's clenching his jaw so hard he'll probably break a tooth. Unlike you, he was born jealous. Even when his teammates and best friends spoke to you, he couldn't stand it.
Totally ignoring him, you turn you back on him and wait outside.
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After getting takeout food and drinks, you head to Bokuto's house to spend some time with Atsumu's friends. You two haven't spoke to eachother since the skank-incident and everybody noticed a little tension. When your boyfriend has the audacity to sit next to you on the couch and rest his hand on your inner thigh, you quickly get up.
'What the hell do you think you're doing, Miya?' you try to keep your voice down so you don't cause a scene in front of everybody.
'What do you think? I'm trying to touch my girl, who's been ignoring me the whole day.' his tone is louder, so everybody turns around.
'I'm not doing this with you.' you say grabbing your purse.
You hear Atsumu calling you multiple times, but you ignore him and proceed to greet the others. You're about to hug Bokuto when Atsumu suddenly grabs your arm and tries to stop you from leaving.
'C'mon baby. What's going on?' he says in a softer voice.
'I'm not your baby. I'm sure that whore left you her number, so feel free to call her and leave me alone' you say, basically screaming. you hear the others' giggles, so you try to pull away, but Atsumu picks you up, resting his palm on your butt.
'Leave me alone, you perv!' you scream hitting his back.
He fixes you on his shoulder and takes you to the kitchen, slamming the door.
'What the fuck do you think you're doing, y/n. Why are you acting like a baby?' he says with a confused and slightly annoyed tone.
'Me? A baby? Atsumu, do you know how tiring can be being with you?' you push his chest.
'Everyday a new threat, always somebody around you, complimenting and touching you' you push his chest again.
'I'm tired, Atsumu. I'm fucking tired.' you start punching his chest, until he grabs your wrists and stops you, pushing you against the kitchen counter.
'You're so worried about people around me, but what about you, uh?' he hisses.
You give him a confused look. He runs his finger on your throat, then squeezes your cheeks with his big, calloused hand, forcing you to look at him.
'You always run around in this flimsy shirt so those suckers you go to school with can't help but look at your boobs. And you put on this ridiculously short skirt and these stockings that could turn on a dead man. Always smiling at everybody, playing with your hair or biting your nails when you're annoyed.' he whispers in your ear, his hand lowering to squeeze your neck.
'W-what are you talking about' you say and he tightens his grip. You slightly arch your back, getting aroused and feeling Atsumu's grin in the crook of your neck. He knows you like it. In a split second, he spins you around, grabbing your hair in his fist.
'Do you like that loser you hugged on the bleachers today?' he whispers again. You grin. Let's play.
'He's cute' you answer. He pulls your hair and you let out a moan. He presses himself into you and you feel him hardening.
'Do you think he could fuck you the way I do?' he asks, spreading his hand on your belly, pushing your body harder against his.
'I don't know, but I'm sure he can't wait to' you smugly reply. In a heartbeat, his hand shifts from your belly to your stockings, ripping them apart. He touches your panties and lets out a bold laugh.
'Are you getting wet while we fight, y/n?' he asks, biting your earlobe.
You don't answer, so he moves your panties to the side and with no warning enters you with two fingers. You let out a loud moan, so he covers your mouth with his hand.
'Oh, come on baby. Do you want everybody to hear how I fuck this little brat attitude out of your body? Be a good girl and let me use your little pussy.'
He grabs your neck again, pumping two fingers in and out your wet core. You try to grab the counter to stabilise yourself, but he brings your body back, resting it on his chest. The moment he adds a third finger, you feel your knees weaken.
' 'tsumu' you moan.
'What, baby?'
'Please.' you whine, moving your hips to add friction.
'So eager to come on my fingers, aren't you, little one?'
You whimper, nodding your head. He fucks you with his fingers deeper and deeper, until he touches that soft, spongey spot that gives you the most pleasure. A powerful orgasm reaches every end of your limbs, making you shiver. You look at the ground, where a puddle of clear liquid is staining the floor. You flinch and cover your mouth, trying to get away from Atsumu, but your legs still feel numb, so you trip. Atsumu catches you immediately, spinning you around.
'Look at you, princess. You squirted for me like a good girl. You don't have to be ashamed of yourself.' he says, caressing your cheeks, his fingers still soaked in your juices.
You look down, embarrassed, when you notice his prominent hard-on. He chuckles.
'Would you mind helping me with that?' he asks with a cocky smile, rubbing your cheek. You grab his hand, guiding his fingers into your mouth and sucking on them. His expression suddenly changes, his eyes shining with mischief.
'On your knees, little one' he says, and you instantly drop on the ground, your stockings getting drenched in your squirt. You carefully pull his sweats down and free him of his underwear. His cock bounces on your nose and you grab it with both hands, unable to circle it with only one palm. You give it a couple strokes, spreading the precum leaks with your thumb. While circling the tip, you give it wet kitten licks, tasting his aphrodisiac flavour. One of you hands automatically moves to his balls, the other one still stroking his length, while you put him in your mouth. You feel his breath hitching, his hands pressed on the counter. You slowly start moving your head up and down, reaching half of his shaft, stroking with your hand where your mouth can’t reach.
‘Princess please, try harder. Need you to swallow my cock’ he says, biting his lips. You try to suck deeper, but you gag on his girth, making him even harder. You pull him out with a loud pop, inhaling some air while still coughing.
‘ ‘m sorry baby I can’t, you’re too big.’ you say, cleaning the mix of precum and saliva from your mouth. Atsumu grabs your hair and guides your mouth back to his cock.
‘One more time baby, c’mon’ he asks slowly guiding your head up and down. After a couple seconds you gag again.
‘Don’t stop, little one. I need you pretty mouth now.’ he says with a voice so sensual you feel like the most beautiful girl on heart. You ignore the gag and keep sucking on his cock. You feel him growing impatient, moving your head faster, until he’s unable to control himself anymore and starts moving his hips. He quickly speeds up his tempo, fucking your mouth with his whole cock. Every time he slams on the back of your throat, he speeds up, shamelessly moaning. You’ve always loved how vocal he can get when he feels pleasure.
‘So hot and wet. My little princess. ‘mh f-fuck- taking me so- ‘mhg- so well, choking on my dick.’
The room is filled with your gagging sounds and his moans. You feel his heavy balls tighten.
‘Close your eyes, baby’ he says. After a couple seconds, you feel his cum dripping down your throat and filling your mouth. You plan to swallow every drop of it, but Atsumu pulls out, grabbing his cock with his hand and coming allover you face, covering your cheeks, lips and forehead in thick ropes of white cum. He grabs you from the ground and drops you on the counter. He slowly gathers every drop of his cum from your face, making you suck it from his fingers. You look at him with the biggest doe eyes, instantly feeling him hard again.
‘What are you doing to me’ he says, resting his forehead on yours. you cup his face with your hands.
‘Fuck me’ you tell him with the most innocent look.
He doesn’t waste a second spreading you legs and, hand on his cock, guiding himself inside you. He doesn’t give you time to adjust, slamming his whole cock inside your cunt, balls deep. You scream in both pain and pleasure, grabbing the skin of his back and scratching it. He gets harder at the slight pain caused by your scratches, so he starts moving inside you with a soft pace, that quickly speeds up, fiercely thrusting inside you. He covers your neck in bites and hickeys. Still weak from the precious orgasm, you become a blabbering mess, holding onto him for dear life.
‘ mhg- g-god, ple-please daddy’ you whimper. Hearing you call him daddy makes him spin you around, chest on the counter. He’s now pounding inside you with a wild strength, your boobs spilling out your bra. You don’t usually call him that, but it’s not the first time you notice he likes it.
‘ ‘m gonna fill you s- mhn fuck- so much you’ll have my babies, belly so big everybody will know how well i stuffed you. F-fuck- be so fucking good taking care of our children.’
He grabs your hair with one hand, using the other to cup your boob. The powerful thrusts and the obscene sound of his balls slapping your butt are the last straw that gives you the second orgasm of the night. Atsumu fucks your sensitive pussy until he comes too, spilling inside you.
He grabs your hips and helps you sitting on the counter, with your boobs still out of your bra, your ripped stockings and cum dripping down your legs. He squeezed his cock back into his underwear, adjusting his pants. He grabs your leg, taking off your stockings and throwing them in the bin. He cleans your legs and the floor, while you fix your hair and your shirt. Once he’s done, he looks at you, positioning himself back between your legs. He kisses you, resting his hand on your cheek. You stroke his hair and moan into his mouth.
‘Princess if you go on like this i’m gonna get hard again’ he says, grabbing you by the hips and putting you back on the ground. He rests his hands on your shoulders, guiding you back to the living room, where everybody’s staring at the both of you with smiles and grins.
‘y/n, i’m so sorry about your stockings’ Bokuto says, making everybody laugh.
‘I-Im going to the bathroom’ you say embarrassed, knowing that everybody heard how much you like to be fucked by Atsumu. You kiss your boyfriend on the lips, then head to the bathroom, while he slaps your butt before sinking on the couch with a satisfied smile.
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bonelessghoul · 2 years
The Lion and the Snake
Summary:  “Hi! i’d like to request a Tom Riddle x Gryffindor reader please :) she’s also a pureblood but Tom and his posse loves teasing & taunting her because she’s from their rival house but nonetheless she also happens to be the only girl that doesn’t follow Tom around like a lovefool while most girls in Hogwarts do yet she it’s as if she’s immune to his good looks & charm and this annoyed the hell out of Tom, she’s also really smart and always in a competitive match to see who gets the top of the class–  Sorry ran out of wordcount, what if one day Gellert Grindelwald manages to broke into Hogwarts and he suddenly looks for her in the great hall like “Is someone with the name of y/n Peverell here?” (yes that’s the twist, she’s a Peverell descendant) and Tom is shock to find out how significant her standing actually is in the wizarding community & her 3 ancestors are rumored to be the inspiration of tale of the 3 brothers, making her the heir to deathly hallows. Thank you!”
Note: Once upon a time on a blog that was hacked but I still have access to, this little short was written. I had that blog for like 10 years so I kinda scroll through it and read through my old stuff sometimes and this was one I wanted to bring back! hope it picks up among you all as it did long ago. This was requested by @ queenofmankind so I don’t wanna blow up their @ til they reach back out to me bc idek if they remember this request :D 
Part Two
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December 1943, Hogwarts 
A mahogany red scarf with evenly placed golden stripes and the hint of crimson in your long robe was enough to set you from the crowd like a lion in a room of snakes. Not only do they not belong together, but one boldly and obnoxiously stands out more than the others. Well, perhaps it depends on what one would fear the most.
That was how YN felt in her sixth year Potions class.
Sitting straight in your seat, you ignored the pesky glares of the Slytherin boys that surrounded you, murmuring about you and a few other Ravenclaws nearby.  There was one particular look you were concerned about though and it was right next you on the face of the very famous Tom Riddle.
This was not for lust but instead, a strongly embedded competition between the two of you since you stepped foot in Hogwarts. 
Both of you were among the smartest in the school, every other month replacing each other at the top when it came to who brought in the most house points with their immaculate reports. But there was nothing more to your relationship with him than mere academic rivalry. 
Riddle revolted you, unlike the rest of the girls in the school who fell at his feet. Even the boys and the professors did.
Tom was ghastly, but undeniably sat tall with a strong face that was dare you even say chiseled in the slightest. Every movement he made was so sleek like it had been rehearsed or perhaps he was an animagus as a black cat. Either way, it was suspicious. Even the way his hair curled at the top subtly falling over his forehead seemed way too perfect.
What unnerved you the most was his little following.
Upon return for your sixth year you could not help but notice the little band of misfits seeming all the more exclusive this year. They were the same loud and rambunctious boys you grew up fighting (well, it was more so being bullied and tormented by Malfoy and Rosier) but there were more whispers than laughs in the past few months.
“Today, we will review the Draught of Living Death. I like to give this as testament to what you all have learned before the winter holidays.” announced Professor Slughorn.
“Sounds a lot like you.” you whispered towards Tom, grinning smugly to yourself.
Tom inhaled through his nose. “Watch your tongue or I’ll put it in your wretched orange juice at breakfast.”
“What is your problem with orange juice?”
That was how most classes went. Occasionally, the two of you would laugh at the others wit and that’s how the other knew they had won for the moment before the next battle struck again. You would have taken it as friendly banter when you two were alone, however, Malfoy and others followed him like leeches and they were more harsh.
Professor Slughorn rambled on. 
Of course, the two of you already studied excessively for this the night before.
“I don’t have a problem with it, I just don’t understand how you don’t get sick of it every morning.” Tom muttered, rolling his eyes. “Regardless, I do hope you enjoy finishing after me.”
“That’s assuming you could even brew it in the first place considering your failure with the love potion two weeks ago.” you scoffed.
But there were times of pure frustration in the heat of a race of who could get theirs done first that made you want to hex him to death. Within not even ten minutes, the two of you had your sleeves rolled up, eyes strained on the task before you, moving like mirror images as you sped through the lesson and already far ahead of everyone else. But there was a draw. With the two of you side by side and the other Slytherin boys around your table, you all struggled with the Sopophorous bean.
Most people had either given up or nearly blew their faces off at this rate.
“Bloody hell, YN, if that comes near me one more time I’m dumping your head in this damn cauldron!” Abraxas seethed, dodging the bean that had flung from under her blade.
She winced slightly as she reached for another one.
“Aw don’t threaten her mate, she’ll cry again until we lose house points.” said Dolohov from beside him.
You glared, now suddenly positioning the bean and your knife so that when you pressed down it went directly into his direction. Tom watched idly with amusement as the boys around her erupted into laughter. 
Except, it went in the completely wrong direction and hit Tom in the face.
“Oh, shit…”you quipped, suddenly holding your breath as you tensed up to the equivalent of a stone wall, trying to stifle a laugh while his friends nearly fell from their seats.
The laughter ceased and when he abruptly turned towards you with a grimace, your entire body flinched away like it knew he were a monster ready to pounce. But you were left staring while your blood pulsed, watching as his face ran through several emotions before you calmed.
“You’ll regret that later, Peverell.” Tom snapped, throwing the stupid little bean back at her without even looking.
With ease, you caught it. Being a Quidditch player gave you some qualities you were glad to have.
You didn’t say a word after that.
It seems that class would end in a draw today.
Later that evening, a Hogsmeade trip was taking place.
It was the last one of the year so you and your friends gathered quickly for it.
Tom and the boys, the Knights of Walpurgis in particular you overhead one day, idly stood by at one of the corners as all the holiday hustle and bustle rampantly took over the cobblestone streets. Music played in the distance, lights were strung everywhere you looked, and occasionally a highly decorated Christmas tree larger than life filled where there was space for it.
But aside all the obstructive scenery, Tom’s eyes lingered on YN.
YN lived for the evenings out where she could dress in a nice skirt and sweater, running around with her friends to grab all the sweet holiday treats. They were looking for dresses in particular this evening for the Winter Ball the Headmaster allowed despite this war ravaging times. It was taking its toll on everyone, but it was a nice celebration considering most people were staying at the school.
Adis and Margot, your two best friend stood by you as you tried on several different dresses. Adis was in Ravenclaw and Margot was in your own house. 
But house differences aside, all of you were clearly growing frustrated with the stress of shopping and you believed nothing feeling right on you. To make it worse, the moment you found one you were pulled away from the allure of it when several boys knocked on the shop window and began shouting insults your way.
Of course, it was them.
As much as your blood boiled, your heart seemed to tighten as well at how personal this attack felt.
They really knew how to poke and prod the right places.
“Don’t listen to them, YN.” Margot said, giving them the finger as she shut the curtains.
Tears stung your eyes as you looked at your reflection. You had no idea what made you so stressed lately. Normally, you were always so composed when it came to them. But after going through a dozen dresses on an empty stomach, you were bound for frustration.
“Yeah, they’re just jealous you’re prettier than the other pigs of Slytherin.”
Snickering, you then sniffled and rubbed your eyes, rubbing away some sleepiness as well.
“Tom was probably behind it. They follow everything he does.”
The girls glanced at each other and back at you as you finally regained yourself from that stressful moment, taking a seat upon the velvet cushions by the dressing rooms.
“No way. Tom adores you more than any of the girls that fall to their knees for him.” Margot chuckled.
Leaning back, you nearly laughed with disgust. The mere thought of it made you wriggle in your own skin like you had touched something slimy. 
“I’m sure if he did it was merely a tactic of his to distract me or use me in some way. I’m his only competition here. There is nothing but twisted motives behind whatever he does. Plus, I hardly noticed anyway.”
“Suit yourself.” The girls said at the same time, shrugging as you shook your head at them.
When the time came to pick a dress that you gratefully found, there was only enough time to grab some food before returning back to Hogwarts. Knowing your father loved some of the treats from the candy shop, you told the others you would catch up with them while you ran in.
New rules had been put in place with Grindelwald reigning terror on your world. It was a miracle this place was even open. After picking up a bag of sweets from, you walked out to catch up with the girls.
But to no avail, you managed to walk straight into the back of someone else while your eyes searched for the girls.
“Oh, I’m sorry—oh, it’s just you.” You frowned, watching as Tom Riddle turned around to meet your eyes.
That brief moment you two met each other’s eyes, there was a split second of adoration that nearly pulled you in. They were strikingly green. Everything about his face struck you deep in your chest where knots were forming as you spoke. You were especially flustered when you remembered the conversation with Adis and Margot earlier. 
But taking a deep breath, you hurried around him.
“Wait!” he said urgently, catching your elbow.
Grinning without an ounce of humor, you spun back and threateningly looked up at the boy.
“Let go of my elbow or I’ll scream.”
Tom’s face mirrored yours and his eyes didn’t leave you as he released his hand, that touch alone leaving a cold space.
“What do you want? Still mad about earlier?” you scowled, walking ahead of him when you noticed the crowd of students were far ahead of you two. “It is quite a concern of mine that we’re about to take the trail back through the forest while all the students are out of earshot.”
The forest was filled with a strong chill enough to silence the air around you, only able to hear the sound of Tom’s footsteps catching up with yours. You knew it would snow soon, piling another layer upon the blanket of white that covered the ground around you. With the sun setting, mere remnants of pinks and orange guided your way, lighting the shimmering snow as the night was coming on the other side and here you were, walking in the middle of it with Tom Riddle.
“Why did you flinch earlier?” he asked.
Your face scrunched up. “I don’t know? Perhaps because we used to fight in our first year and I was half expecting you to hit my head with a book? I wouldn’t have put it against you not to.”
When you looked over at him, his eyes were straight ahead. He never failed to keep his chin up and you rolled your eyes, wondering how he could hold himself to such a standard even when it was just the two of you. It’s not that you felt comfortable with him but there was a weird common ground that was shared with your rival.
“You were scared?” he asked again, more pressing this time.
“As if.” you scoffed.
“I was just a bit surprised, thinking you had done it on purpose.”
Raising your brows, you looked at him. “Why would I want to bother you on purpose? Well, I do that every day. But not to that extent.”
Tom grinned. “Well like any other girl at this awful place, they think taunting me is the best way to get my attention and I merely assumed you were following their tactics.”
Even you had to laugh out loud when those words came from his mouth.
 “Please, spare me! I never thought you could make me laugh but you are absolutely a joke. You think I’d ever think of you that way? The person I literally hate the most?”
Tom shrugged, seeming all too confident for someone who just completely shattered the expectations he had for your response. Inside, he was writhing. Your laughter had once been a mere nuisance, one you could tolerate and sometimes even be relieved to hear but now, it had made his blood boil. You two continued in silence for a moment.
But he couldn’t believe you were being a hundred percent honest. Tom had no idea where the question came from, but his mind worked too fast for him to catch up on, and now he regretted it, knowing it was a foolish question anyway.
“I refuse to ever adore you, let alone the ground you walk on like everyone else here does, Riddle. I had my moments where I thought we could be friends. It amazes me how I can see right through this little façade you put up. You are the loneliest person I know for someone who has the whole school chasing after you.”
“Lonely?” he chuckled darkly, narrowing his eyes at her. “You think you know me because you’re not blinded by some infatuation?”
Shrugging, your mind wandered to your earlier years when you had almost been caught up like everyone else. But you knew your drive to be better than him would always win.
“That’s exactly what I think.”
The school was nearing up ahead. It pained you to think you would miss this conversation. This only happened once or twice a semester with you two outside the classroom banter.
“Then why bother fighting me, YN? If not for a silly crush, then for what?”
Tom was angry and he didn’t know why. He should have never opened his mouth and pretended like he could care less of your presence. But the way you flinched at him today left him reeling, wanting to know more about why your mind worked the way it did. How could you have been so briefly terrified by him and not even know what he has done in the past year? What made her so pesky and defensive all the time if she had no clue what he has been building for himself?
“Believe it or not, Tom, I don’t have to have feelings for you to enjoy the never ending competition we have.”
Ah, so you were as clueless as he presumed.
A pureblood with no interest him or his horcruxes or pursuit of the dark arts. Just a pawn. Barely even that.
“Why did you even have to ask that tonight? I thought you’d send your boys to laugh at me as I picked a dress in the shop and be done?”
Tom’s head whipped towards her. “They what?”
You chuckled grimly, shaking your head at him. “Never mind.”
To your relief, the school’s warmth was already touching the tip of your nose. You were feeling suffocated by his questions. Conflicted at your own stirring chest, you quickened your pace.
“Let’s pretend we never had this conversation, Tom. If you were trying to drive me away and dim down whatever friendship we had to some stupid crush so you could painfully reject me, you failed miserably.”
Once you were inside, Tom was left standing there, lips slightly parted open as he stared in your direction. Even after you walked away, the coldness consumed him, numbing whatever thoughts he had tonight and wishing to forget them. He was hoping it could be something pathetic so he could discard you, getting you off his mind for good. But Tom realized that was going to be a lot harder than he thought.
YN was never going to be ridded of his thoughts.
One Week Later
The Gryffindor common room could be heard from your chambers where you remain alone in the strong candlelight, staring at yourself in the mirror.
For the Winter Ball, most girls would wear dresses the represented their houses colors. It was tradition. But when your eyes fell on this dress in Hogsmeade last week, you knew you would escape your stiff mind with the message it would send for it was no color at all. The white, sleeveless gown fell to your feet, sticking close to your body while a lighter piece of fabric of the same design bellowed out behind you from your shoulders. It was hardly white, more ash, with little intricate designs of vines and branches all tangled in one with shimmering little details in between.
The very idea of sticking out with your attire at such a highly anticipated night made you sick to your stomach and you hadn’t stopped fidgeting all day, ready to start dry heaving over the sinks. 
“YN, are you almost—!” Margot shouted, rushing into the room with another friend of yours, Ada.
Your eyes met theirs through the reflection, and the girls jaws nearly hit the floor.
“That is beautiful.” Adis gasped.
Once more, you began poking at your hair which was tucked back in a bun with stray pieces falling in front of your face and they rushed over to swat at your hands. The makeup on your face suddenly felt heavy. 
“I don’t think I want to go anymore.” You groaned, turning to face them now.
The two girls wore dresses of the same deep crimson color, nearly matching in style as well. It was often the three of you that would attempt at matching but it was clear this night was not the case and it made you feel uncomfortable in your own skin.
“Why? Afraid the school is going to see you shine in something other than a school or Quidditch uniform?” Ada chuckled, still ogling at you in the mirror.
Smiling, you shook your head, looking down at the sheer fabric that covered your arms and the silver décor it sported. At first, you truly had never felt more beautiful. But the more you thought of it the more your mind wandered to all the possibilities of what could go wrong. Every nerve in your body tensed at the idea of walking down the steps towards the Great Hall alone.
“I promise you, YN, you will turn heads for all the good reasons.” Margot said, taking your arm, followed by Ada who linked yours with hers.
“And we won’t let you fall!”
Laughing your stomach knots away, you allowed your friends to drag you through the common room. Already you were receiving appraisal from the people in your house and when you had your larger group of friends walking with you, it made you ease up instantly. The humor and charisma of the Gryffindor house was unmatched and you were extremely relieved to have it.
You had a great support of friends in this house, especially because of how involved you were, and to say the least, everyone was astonished at your gown. 
But a wall came crashing down when you reached the grand staircase leading down to the open floor just before the Great Hall’s entrance. Every voice became clear and every mingling face did too as they glanced up at the Gryffindor crowd as they descended the stairs.
In a sea of red, your cheeks were beginning to match it as you strolled down behind the group of friends in your ashy white gown. Falling behind was a mistake, and now, you just kept your eyes on the next step in front of you.
“Just breathe, YN.” You heard one of your friends say through the ringing of your ears.
Instead of doing that, your hand slid down the stone railing while the other lifted the front of your dress a few inches. Breathing became impossible when you made eye contact with the shadow in the corner of the room that was Tom Riddle.
You cursed under your breath, hating that he was the first one your eyes fell upon.
The boy had ben standing there among his loyal followers and their dates, knowing this night was a small celebration for themselves as well as the entire school. 
Having made a horcrux already and on the quest for another, Tom was willing to allow himself to pause one night. The endless nights reading and searching for more could be at ease. That didn’t mean his thoughts weren’t racing constantly with all that came with his aspirations.
He thought it would be impossible to let them cease until the group before him started murmuring and turning their heads towards the stairs.
Tom, his face void of any interest, had followed their gazes and immediately spotted YN.
The moment he hesitated, the very moment his chest tightened he realized he was unwell, and just as he caught his lips turning upward, Tom had reeled himself back into a painful reality, quickly turning his head away. It nearly took the breath out of him and he was heated to allow it to happen in the first place.
When you saw his head immediately turn away, your heart sunk, The day you felt disappointed from Tom Riddle not looking your way, you were sure hell would freeze over. But here you were, forced to walk into the Great Hall like nothing had even happened.
At least the sight of it was enough to take your mind off of your troubled emotions. It was a winter wonderland in its purest form with snowflakes trickling down from the cloudy ceiling. Three Christmas trees that were as tall as the gaping windows stood at the front of the room, frosted and covered in ornaments the size of your head. All of the floor and walls were covered in an icy white color, making it feel like you weren’t even in Hogwarts anymore.
The feast arrived and once you had something in your stomach, you could ignore the fleeting glances you and Tom had shared since you walked in.
They were keeping your cheeks flushed at least.
Headmaster Dippet made his short and sweet introduction before all the students and professors mingled on the dance floor. Live music played and your friends dragged you to dance even if your dress had taken up too much space. But the more you did so, the more lighthearted you became in your movements and quite literally undid the stiff person you felt you were.
Of course, the Quidditch captain Daniel and other boys from the team snuck in flasks of firewhisky so it surely helped ease your nerves.
Other students from different houses and even some of your teachers complimented you to your surprise.
But when the music slowed, you watched all of your friends pair up to your dismay, immediately sinking your shoulders. Adis, Margot, and Ana were nowhere to be found as your head turned like a swivel.
“Hurry, join in!” Margot chuckled, waving you to step in with her and her date from the Quidditch team.
You opened your mouth to protest, ready to rest your feet and take a seat at the table, but a finger had tapped your bare shoulder, causing you to spin back around, facing the last person you would think to see in this moment.
“Need a partner?” Tom Riddle asked.
The words were caught in your throat, foolishly standing there with your lips slightly parted as you tried to comprehend his offer.
“Unless you would like to sit down?”
“N-no. I would love to dance.” You stammered, watching his lips curve.
Your heart began hammering against your chest when you stepped closer to the boy, a knight clad in his black and shining armor that enamored you once you were too close to it. There was no stepping back when his hand grabbed yours and the other rested on the small of your back. The ability to breathe slipped through your mind as you stared up at him, looking down at you like he had won.
“Of all the girls in this room that probably want to murder me now, you choose to dance with me?”
Tom shrugged slightly, seemingly guiding you with ease while you nearly stumbled.
“Afraid to dance with me, YN?”
While your nerves were shot, you couldn’t help but mirror the subtle grin on his lips.
“I’m not afraid of anything, Tom Riddle. Part of me believes you’re dancing with me so that, in fact, these girls could murder me.”
Something turned his grin wider and you rolled your eyes.
“Maybe the only person to ever to be my academic match just may be the only suitable dance partner as well.”
With the last conversation you two had, you didn’t expect this to go so easy with him now. You didn’t dare bring it up and ruin this brief moment of common ground you two stood on. When you looked up at him there was only him and not even the stares burning into the back of your head mattered.
“And shortly when we return from the holidays, we will be back to the competition just like that.” You mused.
“Just like that.”
A million questions wandered through your mind. If only you could know what was going on in his.
For the first time it seemed, you wore a genuine smile on your face when you looked up at him. Even Tom, who had too been alone, wondered what it was about tonight that made him act so out of character. He would have gladly hung in the corner of the room, but the moment he saw her alone, something rash had unleashed inside him.
It seemed his thoughts were visible to you, because while you tried to look anywhere else as his gentle touch paralyzed you, you couldn’t help but notice his quizzical face.
“I hope you’re not having second thoughts, Riddle.” you chuckled, one misstep away from his toes and one away from letting the firewhisky talk.
“I was thinking about when I trip you and make a run for it.” he mused, his eyes drifting up to the ceiling.
“That’s nicer than what I imagined.”
The numbing comfort it brought was fading, and your skin begin to feel every inch of fabric to an annoying degree. You constantly chastised yourself for your sheer awkwardness and you knew that this dance was only making it worse despite how much you secretly enjoyed it.
“So, are you staying here for the winter holidays? I know Professor Dumbledore made an announcement the other day saying students were welcome to stay. I considered it.” you rambled on.
Something in his demeanor changed at the mention of the holidays though.
“Yes, I will be staying here.” he had said briskly, the sudden change making you sink internally.
“I’m sure it’ll be a thrill to stay here without the worry of studying for a couple weeks. I know I’m relieved.” you tried to tease. 
He raised an eyebrow at you. “You’re not going home?” 
You shrugged, pondering the decision still with a few days left to make it. 
“My family probably won’t be home to be quite honest. I still have a few days to make up my mind. I would simply like to get through tonight first.”
“Oh, something bothering you, Peverell?” Tom asking mockingly.
Suddenly, he had leaned back to twirl you under his arm and the breath had simply left your lungs as he pulled you back in, an unwavering and almost goofy smile on your lips. You laughed at him, knowing very well he knew the right buttons to poke.
But the second you opened your mouth to speak, the sound of glass shattering from all angles had filled the room and there was a split moment of silence before the sound of startled screams filled in for the music that abruptly stopped. Instantly, you ducked ever so slightly, watching as the room dimmed and glass flew with the cold air that rushed in. 
As if you weren’t frazzled enough, something kicked in when you looked at Tom.
“What is going on?” you asked to yourself, scanning the room for your friends.
But everyone was whizzing by and you backed into Tom as your head began spinning. With the chandeliers extinguished of their light, you had squeezed his hand as the moving crowd had pulled you two into the same direction.
One of the professors had called out a spell, lighting the chandeliers once more and someone was trying to order everyone to an exit.
Suddenly, the doors of the Great Hall opened faster than you’ve ever seen them move in years and not a single soul moved. Standing on your heels, you tried to peak your head over the crowd of students that started backing away and worriedly looked up at Tom whose eyes were slightly widened now. Glancing back, you finally caught sight of a white haired man and your blood immediately ran cold.
Gellert Grindelwald entered the room and as did two aids of his all dressed darkly, wands pointed at the crowd of students even as the Professors all came to their defense at the front.
You wanted to be with your friends. You wanted to hold them knowing very well this might be the last time you see them and yet, that fear could not be felt now as you had gone entirely numb. The only thing you had was Tom’s hand still gripped in yours.
“How lovely!” Grindelwald boasted. “A welcoming party just for me?”
“You are not welcomed here, Grindelwald.” You heard a voice boom back.
Was that Professor Dumbledore?
The professor stepped forward, just yards away from Grindelwald. 
People around you whispered the horrific things about him. His rise to power was almost insurmountable with his pure blood motivated agendas.
“I was only visiting. I don’t wish to harm the little brainwashed minions you have called your students. Hogwarts has done that enough, brainwashing them to believe they are safe from the world around them.” He chuckled darkly, immediately straightening his face only a second after.
Tilting your head, you couldn’t help but be curious to see the most dangerous man in the world standing before you with his quirky character. He seemed more like a jester than a monster. It didn’t seem real.
“What business do you have here?” the Headmaster demanded.
“Is there someone of the name YN Peverell here?”
Nothing could have prepared you for the moment Gellert Grindelwald called out your name. Your knees nearly buckled beneath you when heads started turning towards you. The room had gone so silent that in the midst of it all, your heart was like a drum. The few people who met your eyes you wanted to burn, not wanting to be seen or heard, shaking your head as tears swelled in your eyes.
But it was your fault the moment you shuffled back, colliding with Tom Riddle who was frozen like a wall.
“Oh, that wasn’t so difficult.” said Grindelwald.
Before you knew it, your body was not your own and you yelped as you were pulled forward by an invisible force. The students you had surrounded yourself with were no longer around you, leaving you cold and exposed as your unmoving body was now just a few feet away from the Gellert Grindelwald.
“Leave her be, Gellert!” shouted Dumbledore. 
The tears you had no control over streamed down your cheek. You were terrified, staring into the piercing blue eyes of a monster who was looking at you like prey.
“Are those your friends?” he asked, tilting his head, then looking at them. “I hardly think they are given how quick they were to give your identity away.”
Shutting your eyes was the only thing you could do. Before you knew it though, a force had pried them open and you let out a soft whimper.
“You see, I do not wish to harm her for she is more valuable than even you know, Albus.” Gellert said, walking around you now. “I have been quite interested in her family for some time, but they weren’t the easiest people to find so I figured their youngest daughter would be a place to start.”
No matter how much you tried to move, you didn’t budge. More tears streamed down your face and the only thing you could control was your breathing. If your lessons had taught you one thing, it was to keep a clear mind and steady breath. If all else had failed, listen to yourself.
But how could you? What did he want with your family, let alone you?
“Gellert, you let her go. Now.” Dumbledore said, his voice unwaveringly terrifying.
“The name Peverell has been a name I thought did not exist anymore, but here we are.” He announced, throwing his hands in the air. “She is the sole connection to the Deathly Hallows, therefore, I cannot simply just let her go. Surely you understand?”
Your brows furrowed.
That stupid children’s book? Your mind raced back and forth, wondering how that was even possible. With how old that story was, it would be impossible to even figure out how your last name somehow matched the that of the three brothers.
But your memories betrayed you when you thought of all the times your parents read it to you as a child.
There was something there, something that you knew was important but couldn’t quite remember just yet. It was hard to think past your body being paralyzed and your heart in a frenzy.
“She’s just a child, she has nothing to do with such a thing!” one of the female professors pleaded.
“On the contrary, she does.”
“Well I’m afraid there is no time to figure it out.” Dumbledore threatened, withdrawing his wand.
Grindewald glanced back for a brief moment, and with the wave of his hand, your body was free to move but you were tossed aside in the air, holding your breath and squeezing your eyes shut as you tumbled to the glass covered ground. As you rolled, your body was scratched but your blood rushed so quickly you couldn’t be bothered by the stinging. You tried to gather yourself, watching as a powerful rush of lights passed between the Professors and Grindelwald’s gang.
With the tables just behind you, you glanced at your friends who were all being ushered away in your direction yet they were not close enough to you. Looking at the fight that ensued before your eyes, filling in for the lights that had previously disappeared, you started inching back towards the tables for cover.
“Ah ah ah!” Grindelwald cynically laughed, waving his finger at you. “You’re not going anywhere, Peverell.”
For some reason, you thought you could escape and the second you jumped to your feet to make a run for it, you heard the words, “Crucio!”
A synchronous gasp came from everyone around him when Grindelwald shouted those words though and Tom nearly sprung forward towards you. But like everyone else, he stood there in shock.
It didn’t register. There was no time to even think as your entire body was consumed by a white hot pain that ripped through every little vein in your body. You dropped as quickly as you stood, so submerged in pain you could not breathe let alone scream as you began trembling, writhing away as if you could escape the unsurmountable burning that tore through you. But when you finally released your breath, a scream so bone chilling escaped your lips and you didn’t even hear it as your ears rung from the feeling itself.
Tom Riddle had never been so caught off guard in his life. He had never felt so moved by anything until he heard your scream. He had tried to push forward, but the professors were pushing back, getting everyone to safety.
A synchronous gasp came from everyone around him when Grindelwald shouted those words though and Tom nearly sprung forward towards you. But like everyone else, he stood there in shock.
“Cease your fire and I will let the girl go. But be warned, she will not be safe from me.” The white haired devil announced.
Every professor ceased their movement and Grindelwald released his hold on you.
Even when he did though, just that short minute of time your body experienced such trauma, you were sobbing as you still felt it streaming in your blood. Your vision went blurry as you rolled over, feeling your stomach churn as you stared at Grindelwald in the moonlight. As your ability to think returned, you wondered when you would be dead already.
Instead, he disappeared and you could finally breathe again but instead, you quickly fell to the exhaustion.
Grindelwald left, apparating through the windows into the night, leaving an eerie silence in the Great Hall.
Everyone rushed over to you but Tom Riddle stood by still reeling from the scene that unfolded before him. Abraxas remained at his side, looking quite horrified actually.
“YN bloody Peverell.” Malfoy said in awe. “I thought that whole lineage stuff was a myth.”
Tom’s eyes could not be broken from your sight. He was compelled to follow, but he stood his ground, knowing his impulses were getting the best of him too much already tonight. Another student picked your body up and he narrowed his eyes, watching as you were carried away.
“It seems we are among probably the most important Pureblood in the world now.” Tom observed. “And Grindelwald won’t stop til he has her.” 
In a moment where possibilities should be surging through his mind now though, all Riddle could think of was finding you because there was something about you no longer being in his sight anymore that made his chest tighten. That alone made him want to destroy the entire room.
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Fight Me, Love Me, Save Me Pt. 1
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This will fill the "It's mine, and you can't have it." square on my @jacklesversebingo card. The quote will be bolded.
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Summary: A series in three parts exploring Y/N's and Dean's relationship from bickering children, to love and broken promises, to a plea for salvation.
Warnings/Explicit 18+: None really. This part is mostly fluff, with a tiny bit of making out at the end. They are both 17 when they're making out, so technically underage, but barely - and they are the same age.
Pairings: Dean Winchester x Y/N
Word Count: 4,398
A/N: So this series will fill the last three squares on my bingo card. This part covers "It's Mine, and you can't have it." Part two will cover Broken Promises, (Nov 12) and part three will be for the Isolated/Trapped square. (Nov 19)
I hope you enjoy!! If you do, please remember to like, reblog and/or comment. Means the world to us writers! ❤️
The dividers included here were created by @talesmaniac89
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Dean and Y/N basically spent their childhood bickering. They met when they were six, when their fathers teamed up for a hunt. The two of them, and Sammy had been left together with a friendly old lady who was mostly deaf, so she very happily didn’t have to hear their constant fighting. 
They fought over toys, they fought over snacks, they fought over who would get the first turn on the tire swing in the old lady’s backyard. Dean’s longer legs always got him there first and he’d gloat down at Y/N, his smile wide and wicked.
“Too slow, Y/N!” He’d taunt. “It’s mine, and you can’t have it!” 
Since their fathers often teamed up, they ended up with the same babysitters, or in the same schools all the time. Dean was always popular; the teachers always adored him and his sweet smile and big green eyes. But Y/N was shy and slightly awkward, so the other kids didn’t usually play with her and teachers tended to ignore her. 
Dean would never let that stand though. When they'd play tag in the schoolyard he’d purposely go up and tag Y/N even though she hadn’t been invited to play the game.
When he’d tap her arm, she’d scowl at him. “I’m not playing, you idiot.” 
But Dean would ignore her and any of the other kids saying she couldn’t play. “You’re it!” He’d yell and then run away, sticking his tongue out at her and taunting her because he knew she’d never stand for it, and be forced to play. Once she was playing, the other kids usually didn’t care and the game would go on.
No one teased and tormented her like Dean did though. He was constantly yanking on her ponytail, or shooting spitballs at her from across the classroom. They competed over everything; test scores, who got to be the Christmas tree in the Christmas concert, who could skip with a jumping rope more times in a row without stopping, who built the best sand castle, who made a better volcano in science class - anything and everything.
In spite of that, however, Dean was also her biggest champion. When they were in third grade, Chester Hugo, a wiry little blonde boy, called Y/N fat and ugly and laughed at her. He showed her a picture of a whale in the encyclopedia in their classroom and laughed as he pointed to it.
“That’s you.” He whispered, and all his friends giggled with him silently. 
Y/N tried to ignore him, but at recess she was standing up against the brick wall of the school as usual, and Chester began waddling around in front of her and puffing out his cheeks. “Look everybody, I’m Y/N.” He called out before doubling over with laughter.
He only laughed for a second though, because without warning he was tackled to the ground by Dean, and began shrieking and covering his face as Dean pummeled him.
Dean got detention for three days because of it, and got grounded at home too. Y/N felt terrible, but Dean said it was worth it because now every time he walked past Chester, the bully shrank away or ran inside. 
When they were in the sixth grade, they went to Truman Middle School in Fort Madison, Iowa for a few months and ended up with a teacher who was absolutely terrible - Mrs. Abernathy. 
She was ancient and obviously didn’t really like kids anymore - if she ever had. Her classroom rules were arbitrary and confusing. She was constantly yelling at her students for doing things that had been permissible the day before. She barked orders at them and expected silence from them at all times. 
One afternoon the class was set to dissect a frog and Dean and Y/N were paired up to share one of the hapless amphibians. Mrs. Abernathy gave them their frog, closed inside a glass jar, along with a jar of cotton balls soaked in ether to toss in with the frog to kill him.
As soon as the grouchy old lady had moved on, Dean picked up the container holding the frog and pushed it into Y/N’s face.
“Hey Y/N look! It’s lunch time!” He said quietly, thrusting the frog towards her over and over.
“Stop it!” She said in an angry whisper, turning her head. After a while Dean grinned proudly at his ability to gross her out and set the frog back down.
Y/N looked down at it, and then got closer to the jar as the frog lifted its two front legs to press against the glass, looking for a way to hop out. It hopped around the confined space, rather pathetically trying to get free. Suddenly Y/N felt sick to her stomach and tears came to her eyes. 
She looked at Dean. “I wanna let him go.” She said quietly so only he could hear. 
Dean frowned at her. “What are you talking about? In like two minutes we’re gonna kill it and then look at its guts.” He said, trying to tease Y/N out of her concern for the frog.
But it didn’t work. Y/N shook her head, her tears falling fast now. “No, Dean, don’t kill it. I don’t wanna kill it. Look at him.” She said pointing to the little green creature desperately hopping around as though it could sense its impending doom.
Dean shook his head, trying to reason with her. “Y/N it’s just a frog. It isn’t gonna feel anything, the cotton ball will just make him fall asleep and then he'll die.” 
But Y/N was shaking her head, her eyes slightly frantic as Mrs. Abernathy reached the front of the classroom, having given everyone their frogs. Suddenly Y/N grabbed the jar and yanked it open, allowing the desperate frog to immediately hop away. 
She realized her mistake quickly as the frog simply jumped up onto another table and made the boys there scream and jump back, knocking their own frog to the floor so it smashed open, giving a second frog its freedom. The class erupted into chaos as the two frogs hopped around the classroom. Three more frogs had their jars smashed open as some kids scattered and stood on chairs, and some kids chased after the frogs.
Eventually, when all the frogs were finally rounded up and put back into new jars, (much to Y/N’s dismay) Mrs. Abernathy began looking for a culprit. She stood in front of Y/N’s desk and her always stern face was particularly harsh as she pointed a bony finger at her.
“That frog came from your desk, Miss Y/L/N, do you care to explain yourself?”
Before Y/N could answer, Dean stood up. “It was me. I opened the jar.”
Y/N looked at him, frowning and shaking her head. But Dean waved his hand at her. “Y/N told me not to, but I thought it would be funny if he got out.” He shrugged and gave a wholly unrepentant grin. “And it really was.”
Y/N tried to say something, but Mrs. Abernathy was too busy grabbing ahold of Dean’s arm and manhandling him out of the room. “Principal Yates is going to hear about this, young man.”
Y/N felt her stomach plummet as Dean was yanked out of the classroom. She sat quietly at her desk, guilty and sick feeling, as the other kids took full advantage of the teacherless classroom to discuss the frog escapade - loudly and with many sound effects. 
When Mrs. Abernathy returned, Dean wasn’t with her. Y/N tried to talk to her and explain the truth, but the teacher wouldn’t listen.
“Enough!” She shouted angrily. “There has been more than enough disruption in this classroom for today. Sit down and take out your math textbook.” Y/N opened her mouth and the old lady sliced her hand through the air. “Now!” She barked loudly, making all the other students pull their textbooks out as well.
Y/N didn’t see Dean again until the end of school. He was walking down the side road that led to the motel they were all staying in.
“Dean, wait up!” She called to him and he slowed his long stride. When she reached him she shook her head. “What were you thinking? Why did you say you did it?”
Dean shrugged. “Dunno. I just like to see Abernathy go berserk.” He said with a lazy smile.
Y/N frowned. “You got in trouble. Did you get detention again, or -” She stopped still and gasped. “Were you suspended?”
Dean just shook his head and kept walking. “No, it’s fine.”
Y/N ran after him. “What do you mean? What did Mr. Yates do?” When Dean just sped up and kept walking Y/N reached out and grabbed his hand, trying to force him to stop.
Dean winced and inhaled sharply, his face contorting in pain. He tried to pull his hand away, but Y/N had already seen the huge red welts that were spread over his palm and fingers. Tears immediately flooded her eyes and fell down her cheeks as she stepped closer and cradled his hand in hers.
“He gave you the strap?” She whispered, horrified at the image of Dean’s hands being struck over and over with the thick leather strap the principal kept hanging just outside his office.
Dean shrugged as Y/N lifted his other hand and looked at the damage there too. “Yep, five licks for each hand. Said it was supposed to make me remember to not let the devil use my idle hands for mischief.” He rolled his eyes. “I can’t wait till we're out of this bible-thumping, piece of shit town.”
Despite the life they led, Y/N was still sheltered enough that hearing Dean swear felt rebellious and she blushed a little. Then she sniffled and looked at Dean with remorse suffusing her face. “I’m so sorry. I never should have done it. And I really wish you hadn’t said it was you. I should have been the one getting strapped.”
Dean frowned darkly. “No, that would have been so much worse.” He said quickly. 
Y/N’s brow wrinkled in confusion. “What do you mean?”
Dean’s face flushed and he just shrugged and pulled his hands away from her. “No, I mean - I just mean, you know I’m a hunter, I’m used to it. I mean the last hunt I went out on, I took down a werewolf.” He bragged. “You and Sammy, you’re still soft.”
Y/N scoffed at that, running to keep up with him as he walked on. “Whatever, oh great Winchester. ‘Took down a werewolf’? I feel like you probably had some help from your dad and mine.” She said, rolling her eyes.
“Doesn’t matter! I still fought him.” He argued, and the fight was back on. 
Within a few years though, Sam and Y/N did begin to join the hunts. They started slowly, hunting ghouls and wraiths, and other easier-to-hunt monsters.
However, in Y/N and Dean's Junior year, the end of middle school for Sam, their Dads began asking more of them, claiming that they needed to concentrate on learning to hunt. They told the two of them that they were needed for more important things than algebra. That was when Dean dropped out of high school, going to work with them and hunting full time. 
He told Y/N that he was just sick of school, and he’d never need it anyway. But Y/N knew he’d done it to give their Dads the help they wanted while giving her and Sam more time to be students.
By the time they were sixteen Y/N had figured Dean out. He still teased her mercilessly, constantly trying to annoy her with his hard rock, making fun of the boy bands she listened to. When she scored a ninety-five on her chemistry test, he’d called her poindexter for two weeks straight. 
But he was also fiercely protective, and he would bloody the nose of anyone who tried to hurt either her or Sam.
And she knew she was right about why he dropped out of school. Sometimes, when she and Sam were sitting around the motel room doing homework together, discussing the novel one of them was reading, or trying to make sense of trigonometry, she’d look up and catch Dean watching them with a look of longing on his face as he was cleaning weapons.
It was always gone in an instant when he noticed her watching, and he’d usually crack some kind of joke about what nerds they were, but Y/N knew what she saw. She would usually suggest that they stop their homework and watch a movie. Or she’d beg Dean to take them for a ride in the Impala that he’d inherited when he turned sixteen and his dad bought a truck. He’d always act like it was a huge pain, but she knew he loved it when they all piled into the car, rolled the windows down, and pretended to be carefree teens for a while.
She knew him and he couldn't get anything past her.
What did sneak up on Y/N, however, was how much she actually liked Dean. Like…like-liked him.
It became clear to her one day when she was seventeen, and in her senior year. Dean swung by one afternoon to pick up her and Sam after school. He was standing outside, leaning against his beloved car, waiting for them to show. She rounded the corner with a few girls she was doing a group project with; they were trying to iron out details of when they were going to meet to collaborate. 
When she saw Dean waiting there, she raised her hand to let him know she saw him and she was coming. Sam bolted past her and ran to the car. “Tell him I’m coming!” Y/N yelled after him.
She turned back to the discussion wanting to hurry up so she didn’t miss her chance at a ride. But all of the girls were just staring at her like she’d grown a second head.
“What?” She asked, self consciously covering her face slightly, worried she had something in her teeth.
The short girl to her right, Tracy she thought her name was, sputtered slightly and then looked pointedly at Dean. “Are you kidding me? What? Who?” She asked, flipping her hand quickly in Dean’s direction. “Who the hell is that?”
“Oh,” Y/N responded slightly confused, “that’s just Dean.”
“Dean?” The red-headed girl across from her asked. “Is he your brother?”
“What? Ew! No.” Y/N denied vehemently, and it took her a moment to figure out why that idea grossed her out so much. When the girl with braces (Sheila?) spoke though, the reason hit Y/N like a Mac truck.
“He’s so ridiculously hot!” Sheila exclaimed and all the other girls agreed quickly, giving giggly little moans and being incredibly obvious about staring at Dean.
At first Y/N’s mind wanted to mock that idea, remnants of their childhood rivalries and bickering jumping forward. But then she looked back at him where he still stood, talking to Sam. 
Holy crap, she realized with a bolt of lightning kind of realization, he really is ridiculously hot.
He wore black jeans and his black Metallica t-shirt which stretched tightly across his newly broadened shoulders. His hair was thick and perpetually looked like he’d carelessly run his fingers through it. His smile was bright and blinding even across the schoolyard, and though none of them could see it, she knew his eyes would be twinkling in that mischievous way they did when he was bent on getting into trouble.
She could see that he was noticing all the attention he was getting, and he patted Sam on the shoulder and started to walk towards them. Sam gave a full-body eye roll and got into the back seat.
The girls all turned shrill as he approached, laughing like dying hyenas. Y/N felt anger start to burn in her stomach and it confused her. But when Dean stopped in front of them and smiled charmingly at each of them, Y/N recognized that it was jealousy turning her heart green and she was shocked. 
“Hello, ladies.” Dean said in a would-be suave kind of way. It made Y/N roll her eyes, but her classmates practically swooned. 
A chorus of dreamy hellos followed and Y/N grabbed on to Dean to pull him away. But Dean resisted and shoved his hands in his pockets. “So I’ve, uh, got my car over there.” He said, thumbing towards the Impala, his face full of teenage boy pride. “Anyone need a lift?”
All of them began nodding and squealing, but Y/N shouted over them. “No, it’s fine, Dean, let’s just go. They’re good.” She succeeded in dragging him off but when they were a few yards away from them, Y/N ran back quickly to warn her temporary classmates, using a paraphrased version of she and Dean’s childhood refrain.
“Stay away from him. He’s mine and you can’t have him.”
Once Y/N realized her feelings for Dean, things became very awkward for her. All the things that used to be simple, sitting beside him to watch a movie, training with him for hunts, simply sitting across the room from him and looking at him - they all became unbearable situations that she didn’t know how to deal with.
When she sat beside him now she could feel the way he radiated warmth, she could feel her heart skip a beat when he’d shift his leg so his thigh pressed against hers. When they were training, simple holds that she had only ever cared about breaking out of before, now left her breathing heavy. When his big hand would wrap around her wrist or whenever he'd reach his strong arms around her waist from behind, it was everything she could do not to just sink into his arms like putty. 
About a week and a half after her epiphany hit, she and Dean were alone in the motel room, sparring, and he pushed her up against a wall, pinning her there and expecting she'd try to get out. But he was breathing softly across her cheek, his face inches from hers and her whole body started tingling, making her lose her grip on the knife she held. It fell from her grasp and ended up slicing his calf on the way down.
“Aah! Jesus!” Dean shouted as he let her go and hobbled away from her. “What the hell, Y/N? What’s wrong with you?”
He sat down on the bed and Y/N ran over to pull up his slashed jeans, gasping at the long wound that bled down the side of his calf.
“Oh my god, Dean!” She said, jumping up and quickly grabbing the first aid kit. She got back on her knees beside the bed and pressed pads of gauze against his leg to stop the bleeding. She looked up into his face and saw his eyes closed in pain. “I’m so sorry! I just…”
Tears hit the backs of her eyes and she shook her head, looking back at his leg. “God, I’m so sorry.” She repeated in a teary voice.
“Hey.” Dean said as he lifted her chin so she was looking at him again. His thumb brushed away a tear that fell down her cheek. “Sweetheart, it's fine. No need for tears. I’ve survived worse.”
Y/N’s breath stilled in her chest and she whispered quietly. “You’ve never called me that before…sweetheart.”
Dean immediately tried to act casual, but he wasn’t a very good actor. “I didn’t mean anything by it. Don’t, like, freak out about it.”
Y/N nodded and went back to caring for his wound. Once she got the bleeding stopped, she could see it wasn’t very deep. As she cleaned it, she could feel the tension between them rising, like something thick and palpable. 
Dean cleared his throat. “Did you, uh…I mean do you want me to call you that? Or, I mean…did you like it?”
Y/N felt her cheeks turn a burning red and she shrugged as she taped a big piece of gauze over the long cut. “I dunno.” Was her only response.
She was finished taking care of him, so she stood up and started to walk away. But Dean’s hand shot out and grabbed her by the back of her t-shirt. He let go as she turned back to face him. 
“Why have you been so weird lately?”
Y/N laughed nervously. “What are you talking about?”
Dean stood up and pressed closer to her, slipping his hand around her so that it laid against the small of her back. Her blood pumped hard in her veins and she licked her lips. Dean’s jaw clenched and his eyes fell to her mouth.
“I mean that you’ve been weird with me all week. Ever since I picked you up at school and you got all jealous.”
Y/N’s jaw dropped open before she slammed it shut and spluttered. “Whatever! You wish! Like I care about the dozens of girls you riffle through in every town we stay in.”
Dean moved closer to her and brought his other hand up to cup her cheek and trail his fingers along her jawbone. “I mean…it does actually seem like you care a little bit.” 
He walked her backwards a few more steps so that she was pressed up against the wardrobe that sat in the corner of the room. His eyes roamed over her face and then he looked deeply into her eyes, and his green-eyed gaze made her feel exposed, like he could see into her soul so there was no point in lying to him. He’d always known how she felt. He knew when she was scared, knew when she was annoyed, and when she was furious; he knew her sadness and the loneliness that seized her sometimes. 
He always knew, and he always knew just how to make things better for her. She’d already realized that she was actually incredibly attracted to him, but now she realized that he was also her best friend. She felt incredibly stupid for not realizing that sooner. She’d always thought of him as this annoying gnat that wouldn’t leave her alone. But really he was the person who knew her the best, the one she was never afraid to go to for anything, the one she knew would always have her back.
Dean’s breath was soft against her lips as he hovered there. “So, do you care, Y/N? Even a little?”
She could do nothing but nod, and then close the distance between them, pressing her lips against his briefly before pulling back, terrified to see his reaction. 
But a wide, slightly goofy smile spread across his face and it made her smile in return. “I’m gonna take that as a yes.” He said before he planted his mouth over hers and kissed her for real. 
She’d never been kissed before, but she’d imagined it many times. This was nothing like she’d imagined. It was much wetter, much hotter, and much more all-consuming than she’d imagined it would be. Her head was swimming, and she felt like she might pass out. He swept his tongue into her mouth and she moaned. 
The thought of “french kissing” had always weirded her out a little. Who wanted someone else’s tongue in their mouth? But Dean’s tongue was silky and skillful as he trailed it along the roof of her mouth. It felt possessive and that feeling made her stomach clench in a pleasant and shaky kind of way. 
When she reciprocated, slowly allowing her tongue to trail along his, Dean groaned and slipped both his hands down over her hips to press her closer to him. She gasped as she felt his hard on through his jeans, pressing against her lower belly. 
Dean pulled his mouth away from her and dropped his forehead to her shoulder, before turning his head and pressing soft kisses along her neck.
“Sorry.” He said gruffly. “It’s just…I mean, fuck you’re crazy hot. Sorry.” He said again, but Y/N giggled, more thrilled than she could say at his reaction to her and to their kisses.
“But,” Dean continued, “there’s no rush or anything, no rush to, you know, do anything.”  He raised his head to look her in the eye. “I’m just so glad that you're, uh…that you like me, you know…like that. I’ve liked you for so long.”
He brushed his lips across hers. “Been wanting to kiss you since we were about eleven years old.”
Y/N’s eyes widened. “Seriously? I just realized last week that I wanted to kiss you. How have you known this long, and not tried to kiss me even once?”
Dean shrugged sheepishly. “Never thought you’d want me to, and I wasn't about to try something and weird you out…or make you stay away from me. But then, you seemed so jealous the other day, and the daggers you were shooting at those other chicks gave me some reason to hope. Then you’ve been so weird ever since.”
Y/N snorted. “Whatever, I wasn’t shooting any daggers. I’ve been very cool and collected this whole time.” She lied.
Dean laughed. “Yeah, the gaping wound on my leg says otherwise.”
“Hey, don’t blame me because you lost focus and got yourself hurt.” Y/N said haughtily. 
“Lost focus? I did not lose focus. You got all swoony and dropped the damn knife.”
“That’s totally not true. You know you always - “
Suddenly Dean cut her off with another kiss, one that was deep and probing and left Y/N completely senseless.
Dean’s breathing was harsh and shallow too as he rested his forehead on hers and spoke against her lips.
“God, I’ve always wanted to do that.”
“Kiss me?” Y/N asked, her eyes still closed.
“No. Shut you up.”
It took Y/N a moment to register his words and then her eyes popped open and she saw his wide, mischievous grin and punched his upper arm lightly. “You’re an asshole.”
Dean nodded and yanked her tight against him. “Yeah, but I’m your asshole.”
Y/N laughed. “Yes.” She nodded. “But let’s just remember who kissed who first.”
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1 - Jensen RPF + Any/All characters Jensen plays. @lyarr24 @deans-spinster-witch @impalaslytherin @maggiegirl17 @akshi8278 @candy-coated-misery0731 @deanswaywardgirl @slytherinlyn314 @globetrotter28 @jensensgirl @perpetualabsurdity @tristanrosspada-ackles @djs8891 @muhahaha303 @kayyay1219 @emily-winchester @recoveringpastaaddict @maximumkillshot @mimaria420 @sacriceria @envyaurora95 @lacilou @jc-winchester @spnwoman @mimi-luvzyu @jackles010378
2 - Dean Winchester Fics Only. @carryonwaywardgirl
3 - Any/All Fics (regardless of fandom/character.) @kazsrm67 @sexyvixen7 @alexxavicry @nancymcl @spalady26 @slut-for-evans-stan
4 - Everything (includes fan vid/DOOL edits as well) @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men @maliburenee @supernatural4life2022 @spn730015 @kickingitwithkirk @waywardbaby @foxyjwls007 @deanwanddamons @deandreamernp @deanwithscissors @myloversgone @snowlovespie @leigh70 @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @charred-angelwings @hopefuldreamers-world @jensensgotyoudean @thoughts-and-funnies @magssteenkamp @princessmisery666 @eevvvaa @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @waynes-multiverse @mrsjenniferwinchester @bernasaurus @jensenslady79 @courtn92 @avanatural @ellie-andthemachine @this-is-me19 @roseblue373 @katbratsupernaturalwhore @fanfic-n-tabulous @k-slla @stoneyggirl2
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hauntedwitch04 · 11 months
Amazing life
Remus Lupin x reader
Author's note: This oneshot is purely and selfishly for me, since two years ago I published my first post and I wanted to celebrate it in this way, manifesting the life I desire and dream about every day of my life. I hope you enjoy it despite the fact that it is very personal.
"Oh my God!" Comments in a whisper, which actually turns out to be half shouted.
Immediately you hear your husband's heavy footsteps coming toward you from behind. You immediately sense his presence as he lowers his torso so that his head is beside yours. In his hand is a cup of hot chamomile tea, which he immediately places on your desk as he leaves a kiss in the crook of your neck.
"What's the matter honey, something wrong with the book?" asks Remus slightly concerned to see your face upset, but at the same time happy, which does not allow him to fully comprehend what he sees.
You shake your head without saying anything, and with your finger point to him a date under a Tumblr post now centuries old, from an account you may have left hanging in that limbo of existence for years, with no real reason to exist except to feed your own memories.
"That's today's date." He confirms, looking at the date marking the computer: November 2.
You still remain silent as you stare out the window at an undefined spot, as you smile and let a few tears run down your cheeks. You listen carefully to the sound of the rain beating down over the glass of your small apartment in downtown Edinburgh. You had finally managed to move to this city after having spent a lifetime dreaming of doing so, and you had also managed to do so with the man of your life, or rather you had met him there on your first trip made in discovering this wonderful city that enchanted you with its charms, and you had immediately fallen in love.
After a few years you got married and decided to stay and live in Edinburgh, where you pursued a career as a filmmaker, and as a writer in your spare time.
You've always loved both film and writing, and you couldn't give up either of them in your life, and in return you got nothing but joy and a few less hours of sleep.
Just now you were looking for an old written note in your computer documents, for a story you are writing, when you remembered that you might have written it of the drafts from your first Tumblr account, where you started writing, and so you ended up spending hours rereading and commenting on the stories the little you had written, laughing, crying, and sometimes ashamed of your work, even though you often stopped and thanked even those poor oneshots that you didn't consider up to your writing because they were simple or trivial, because after all, it's because of them that you got where you are now.
Everything up to the first story you had written. A simple oneshot about Rhysand, a character in the series "A court of thorns and roses" written by Sarah J Maas. You had finished reading the series a few months earlier, and you had become very attached to that character who had made you fall in love with her words and actions.
The month before publishing this had been one of the worst months of your life. You had had an accident working out, and you had injured ligaments in your ankle, and you had stayed home from school for a month, crawling and hopping to get around, having to ask everyone for a hand and hating every second of it, since if there is one thing you can't stand in the world, it is showing weakness and asking for help.
You had spent a month alone, seeing all your friends go to school and have fun together, while you spent all day alone with your thoughts, and so your only refuge had been writing.
You had decided to write an oneshot about one of your favorite characters, to comfort yourself for a moment, without the idea of publishing it anywhere. It wasn't the first time you had published something on the Internet, but it was the first time it would be solely yours, and written solely for you, and that made you a little anxious. Eventually you had decided to post it on Tumblr, after several indecisions and in the throes of an anxiety attack, you mashed on that sadistic button that published your first story, before walking the dog and praying to all the known gods that you hadn't fucked up.
As soon as you got home you had checked and were amazed like a little girl seeing Christmas presents under the tree, seeing that three people had liked your story.
From there it was all history, in the good times and the bad times of your life, a constant that allowed you to survive, thanks in part to the support and love of the people who followed your page, read your stories and whom you had come to know over time.
You have never met better people than on Tumblr, devoid of hate or resentment, always ready to help others with a comment or a compliment.
"This is the first story I ever wrote." You whispered to your husband who had stayed behind to read the story while you looked out the window.
He brings his eyes to you, smiles and kisses your forehead.
"It's been a lot of years, and yet it seems like yesterday that I wrote this simple imagine. It seems like yesterday that I was a simple little girl with a dream in her drawer." You confess, as you feel tears welling up in your eyes.
"I am proud of you, who you were and who you have become." He whispers after slightly pulling his lips away from my forehead.
I smile, and he smiles back, as with one last kiss he pulls away to take the old coffee cup to the kitchen, promising to come back, wanting to read all the things I had written in my youth.
I laugh, as I shake my head, and smile to think how little me did not expect this life, and how much I longed for it at the same time, and I would like nothing more than to go back and confess to him to hold on, that sooner or later life will get better.
I look at the picture on my desk, a picture of my last birthday, spent with all my friends from high school and college, and I smile to think that in a little while, on my birthday, maybe I might want to go back in time and see little me one last time, and tell her how magnificent our life had become.
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the-spaced-out-ace · 8 months
I REMEMBER SEEING ART WITH THIS A FEW MONTHS BACK BUT I WANT TO EXPLAIN (still crediting @wetcatschwartzy for the idea/inspiration though. also hi i'm aware we've never spoken sorry for tagging you in my unhinged fic idea post) BUT ANYWAY uhhhhhh. 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee. But make it the main cast of NPMD. An au that appeals to ???? people ?? it definitely appeals to me
And now the cast I'd so and my justifications, idc
Steph Lauter as Olive Ostrovsky
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Thought process: We know Olive's dad works a lot, is emotionally distant, and Olive implies that he can be downright cold or abusive during the I Love You song, which lines up pretty well with Steph and Solomon's relationship. Olive's mom ran off, and we never get any mention of Steph's (picture Steph being introduced by the hosts mentioning her mom won Honey Queen or something). Both know their strengths and weaknesses but have serious self-doubts about their own intelligence (Steph being convinced she's dumber than she realizes, Olive never answering until she whispers the word to herself). Also I thought about Mariah singing TILY Song and sobbed.
Pete Spankoffski as William Morris Barfée
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Starting off strong, they both have very stupid names that they KNOW are stupid and try to defend the moment they can ("It's Polish" / "There's an accent aigu"). Both of them have grumpy/cold exteriors, but when you get down to it, they're both just socially awkward and autistic coded but very intelligent kids that are really just at the Bee to try to make something of themselves (Barfée dropping out because of an allergic reaction at the previous Bee could totally translate to Pete having a diabetic emergency). Both develop crushes on Steph/Olive by the end of act 1 of their respective shows too, so. There's that I guess.
Grace Chasity as Logainne Schartzandgrubinierre
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"But Ember, wouldn't she match better with the Catholic--" GRACE DOES NOT LIKE CATHOLICS. Also I have thought this through. Logainne is politically aware, cutthroat, and automatically assumes herself to be the most important person in the room. She takes up every project and social issue that she can to appease her dads, determined to be as perfect as they want her to be. She loses the Bee because she gets overconfident, taking a serious blow because of her pride. Grace takes up every project and social issue that she can (anti-hocoming posters and the prank on Max for example), can be cutthroat (canonically has murdered at least two men), and thanks to her holier-than-thou nature, assumes herself the most important person in the room. She takes up cancelling HOCO and is always early for school and is extremely devout because that's the perfect little girl her parents expect from her. And she'd probably get so into it she'd fall from pride, too.
Max Jagerman as Marcy Park
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HEAR ME OUT! Marcy has been the top of her class all her life, to the point she was moved one grade ahead. She's popular, she's intelligent, she's multitalented, and she's peaking at age 12 and aware of it. "I Speak Six Languages" is literally her having a breakdown realizing she's been the "best" for too long and it's stressing her out. Max, meanwhile, says he knows he's peaked in high school, and therefore is making the most out of his popularity and status while he can. Like, I can picture him mentioning he's done every sport available to him and being the best athlete is only going to do so much for him in his life in a "I'm so sick and tired / of always being the best and brightest" type monologue. So when he drops out on purpose, who would he daydream about instead of Jesus? Maybe some NFL star idk. Everything I know about football is about the Chiefs (Missouri represent) and also learned against my will.
Ruth Fleming as Chip Tolentino
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They're both horny, both proud of their own nerdiness, and would both ABSOLUTELY catch feelings for a competitor's sibling and immediately forget what word they had to spell. And would both make jokes about the especially dirty sounding words (to be fair all his words are kinda funny. And I DID learn the word "tittup" from this show) (look it up I dare y'all). Ruth singing Chip's Lament? Funny to me.
Richie Lipschitz as Leaf Coneybear
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AuDHD coded, tendency to have the wrong takeaways, generally socially awkward even among the other nerds. Tbh that's all I got, they're matched up because they're the last ones. Still kinda fits though.
And I have less justification for the adults but here's my takes anyway
Miss Mulberry as Rona - sweet but stern ladies who've been taking care of after school functions for years
Tom Houston as Douglas Panch - he doesn't want to be there, he's as confused as everyone else (but without the hitting on Mulberry stuff he's never do Becky wrong like that <3)
Dan Reynolds as Mitch Mahoney - he's a volunteer counselor!
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tojivu · 1 year
a/n part 1 out of idk.. anyways this was so heavily inspired by phoebe bridger’s songs.. i’m so obsessed with her (=´∀`) oh and also by a book i finished a long time ago but haven’t gotten over lol. i tried writing this in 3rd person pov but tbh it’s hard for me to display emotion in my writing if it’s 3rd person cus it’s like giving u instructions on how to feel 😭. I KNOW ITS 2023 OKAY I KNOW WE DONT LIKE 1ST PERSON ANYMORE BUT PLS LET ME HAVE MY MOMENT
warnings/tags barely proofread (i tried), if yall don’t like tis i’ll probably discontinue it LOL, childe x implied f!reader, sfw.
listen to chinese satellite by phoebe bridgers.
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“Good morning.” Ajax is speaking to you, voice low. “It's a hot day.”
You were shivering, actually. Mornings were always cold no matter what the temperature was. Nevertheless, you nod and agree with him anyway. “Yup, isn’t it?”
You two were standing outside your house, waiting for the other to initiate the walking, to which you end up doing it. He follows behind, the path too narrow to fit the two of you—this was a familiar sound. Heavy footsteps you could only recognise to be Ajax’s only two metres behind you. You don’t need to turn around to know he’s staring at the back of your head.
Such a nostalgic feeling, you think. You and him have been passing by the same trees and the same brown-cream coloured houses for 5 years now.
“Can you believe that we’re graduating in two months?”
He doesn’t answer.
You repeat the question again and he finally responds. You turn around, curious as to what had gotten him so distracted; his phone is in his hand, he’s looking into it and it’s pointing at you—his bright yellow phone case pales in comparison to the smile he has on his face.
“Not even going to let me pose?”
“You don’t need to do that. Your morning face is enough.”
“What does that even mean?”
“You’re pretty when you wake up.”
It’s 6 in the morning. Ajax was never one to think before he speaks, especially when the sun had just risen 5 minutes prior. You ignore what he says, assuming he just couldn’t tell that isn’t something you say to friends.
It’s 8:27 am. You’ve been sitting through an hour of English, and you swear you thought the subject couldn’t get any more boring than when it was in middle school. You’re spinning your blue MUJI 0.5 tip pen between your middle and index finger, ultimately failing after 5 seconds and letting it drop to the floor. It rolls away, farther than you could bend and reach for—a soft metal clinking sound is heard when you realise it’s hit someone’s chair.
The red and black coloured backpack on the floor next to the chair made it obvious where your pen had gone and who’s chair it hit.
You whisper-yell, “Hey, can you pick that up?”
Ajax turns around and looks at you and then the floor. You’re thankful as he picks up the pen, but then quickly confused as to why he just turns forward again—keeping your pen at his desk.
YOU: It feels as though the evening has been stretched, like time is in slow motion and not in a good way; because I’m looking at Ajax sitting across from me and we have not spoken. I have a cup of coffee in my right hand, much too sweet for my own taste; a cat drawn from the latte art I don’t remember requesting. I’m very sure I asked for a bunny. I’m very sure. I think I left my Math textbook in class. The trees look really lively or something like that, I don’t really know, I am making sure to look away from Ajax because I know he’s staring.
“What what?” He acts like he wasn’t just staring at me for the past 5 minutes. “Is there a problem?”
“My problem is that you’re being weird today.”
His mouth is agape, too dramatic to be genuine. “That’s rude.”
I don’t know what to reply to him now, knowing that he’ll just continue acting stupid. My shoes squeak against the wooden flooring as I lean back in my chair, it’s evening now and I’m so exhausted. People from the high school three streets away from ours are filling the tiny place up, passing by our table and some stare at Ajax as they do. The oak tables that were empty just a half hour ago are now full of teenagers, this whole place is infested with us; behind, left and right.
It’s not weird for people to stare at Ajax when we’re out together. It’s not like he’s a celebrity or anything, but somehow every girl I know has heard of him or has heard of him from someone who has heard of him. It’s a big chain of people I find impossible to keep track of. If you mentioned his name anywhere, someone would definitely go “you know him too?”.
I’m drinking my tea slowly and quietly. A group of girls are laughing so loud my eardrums could burst. Another group of girls walk in and the familiar bell sound of the café entrance rings, and it’s no surprise they know Ajax too; he smiles at them, I can’t tell if out of politeness, when they walk by. They’re giggling to themselves and I can’t help but feel a bit lost.
“What’s wrong with you today?” He’s asking me as if multiple things aren’t wrong with him. Suddenly, I’m the one with the problems.
I don’t bother anymore, I think about that moment minutes ago over and over again and I have no idea what to make of it. That giggle wasn’t a “what a coincidence” giggle, more like a teasing sort, the kind your friends do when your crush talks to you.
“Nothing is wrong with me.” I’m lying. “I’m gonna go home.”
He is so clueless, so oblivious to everything it is paining me. Oblivious to the amount of girls that are looking his way in this very establishment, at this very moment in time. It makes me almost angry, somewhat, that he doesn’t know.
AJAX: It is 7 P.M. and dark out. I think she’s angry but she’s just slouching over, but I get some sort of sensing that she will explode if I try to talk to her.
“Helllooo.” I’m next to her now, and she doesn’t want to reply to me; her eyes are on mine, eyebrows furrowed and clearly sending a message: Don’t even say anything.
I feel myself smiling because she looks very adorable. She is much shorter than I am. When she’s angry, I’m never able to take her seriously. I don’t think I ever have. Oftentimes in her fits of anger I am caught admiring her, smiling because I think she is so dramatic. When we were 15 she once yelled at me for using her charger, and apparently ‘making her phone charge slower’. She is one of the angriest and most short tempered people I know, yet I think she pulls off the frustrated pout and narrowed eyes very well. It doesn’t matter much to me.
“I’m not gonna ask what’s up with you because you got mad when I did.”
She looks forward again and we are still walking. Her house is still a few blocks down. I think she’s getting tired, too. I shouldn’t have dragged her to get milk tea with me. This path is too narrow to fit the two of us.
I walk in front of her and I can hear her tongue clicking out of annoyance. I bend down and stretch my arms, “Get on my back”.
I feel weight shifting onto my upper back, her long hair is tickling my neck but I don’t mind. Her arms are tired, slow in their movements as they wrap around me too, her head on my right shoulder and she does not say a word in all of it.
“Thank you.” she is whispering to me a few minutes later, and I think I am getting tired too. My legs want to give out. They don’t because I don’t let them.
It’s another 10 minutes and I’m at her front door, unlocking it using the key in her wallet; her parents are on the couch and watching TV and I start to wonder what this would look like to them.
“Ajax?” Her mother turns her head around and is surprised to see me, considering I wasn’t calling to say I was coming over. I haven’t done that in months.
“Is she okay?”
“She’s just tired, that’s all.” I tell her and I try my best not to speak too loud in case the girl on my back wakes up. I can feel her breaths on my back, slow and controlled. I bring her upstairs to her room and I lay her on her bed. Her room has changed quite a bit since I had last been in it, her desk is much more organised than it was a few months ago.
I found myself rejecting her invitations to hang out in her room over the summer break.
I think if I were to be alone in a room with her for too long I would end up blurting it out. I would tell her I’ve loved her since we started being friends, and she’d kick me out of her house and never talk to me again. But now she’s sleeping and I think I’m okay, so I pull her blankets over her and whisper; “Goodnight, I love you”.
YOU: I have no idea what day it is. I feel sticky. I look around and after a few seconds I sigh out of relief, realising this is my house, and these are my bedsheets. I don’t remember how I got here, though, my uniform is still on and the last thing I can recall is me on Ajax’s back.
I reach for my phone but realise it’s dead. A post-it note is next to my nightstand, ‘You’re welcome for the ride back. Call me when you wake up You owe me’, and on the bottom right corner there is an ugly and disproportionate cat drawn.
He didn’t even have the courtesy to remove my socks for me, but I guess that’s fair because I don’t think I’d go anywhere near his feet either.
I plug my phone into my charger and wait. I don’t know if he wants me to call him, but I think I should, I want to.
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28 days later and i’m back with this shitty fic — 130423
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writing-fanics · 2 years
Changes between y/n and you cause when I start binge writing I start to forget but it’s the same it’s you
Imagine finding out while at Nevermore that you’re pregnant. Bring too nervous to even get up from the toilet seat crying, and wondering why this had to happen.
Then as if on cue Xavier arrived, wondering where you were since you two always walk to class together.
He sees you on the ground crying, with a pregnancy test in your hand. He doesn’t say a word tell talk about it later. He just kneels down and wraps his arms around you comforting you.
Holding you close as you cried, at the realization there’s a little baby inside you. You didn’t know how far along you were but the signs were their
Nausea, Fatigue, Swollen Breast, You remembered how you almost passed out while in class once and had skipped your period.
You were scared gripping onto his blazer while crying into his chest. He just whispered sweet nothings into your ear. How he’ll always be there and no matter what choice you make he’ll be there to support you.
But you could tell in his voice he was trembling he too was scared. So you also wrapped your arms around him holding him close.
The two of you secretly scheduled an appointment for She was only 3 weeks along.
Xavier was there with you and held your hand the entire time. It wasn’t long until the two of you started talking about the baby.
Should you keep it? Get rid of it? Or put it up for adoption?
You really didn’t know. The fact that the two of you created life inside you just maybe you feel happy a bit. You already saw a future with Xavier maybe a family down the line but now?
You were still in school and wouldn’t be able to handle a baby. Leaving for months then coming back for a couple of weeks to only leave again. That’s not healthy for either her or the baby.
Then there’s everyone finding out. The teachers. And possibly getting expelled for doing the deed on school. (Which probably has been done before students getting caught)
Xavier and You, decided you’d continuing talking and either come up with a deisicon soon. Of course, Wednesday found out easily it was too obvious. The signs that you gave off said it all.
Eventually, the two of you decided to keep the baby. It was a hard choice, yes being a young mom would be hard. At least, you’d have Xavier by your side.
When your friends found out they were both horrified and excited, that in 9 months they’d be seeing a little Thorpe/L/n.
[Y/n] obviously, down the line had to leave Nevermore due to her pregnancy but honestly was instant on Xavier staying so he could continue his education. But he of course was like “Fuck no!” And left along side y/n to help you with the pregnancy
Ugh, how tired the two of you would get. You decided, to live with your parents for the time being showing Xavier your child hood room. Your parents when they found out about the bay were both shocked angry but eventually
Came around, and decided to help out. Xavier oh my god, paint the entire baby room and would do it again once the two of you get your own place
He painted little stars, animals, and a big painting of you and him together and that just made you break down in tears.
Seeing the baby via ultra sound Omg. You were so happy and excited seeing the little head and hands. And heart beat
then Xavier had to deal with your crazy cravings to the point your parents helped him out.
Pickles and ice cream
Pickles and peanut butter
One moment you’d want something the next the smell would make you sick
He remembered when you were craving Korean food, and there wasn’t one nearby so this man drove an hour and a half just to bring you back some Korean food.
(I need to marry this man now!)
Was what you said out loud as you ate the food.
But seeing the baby. The entire world stopped. Seeing her tiny little hands and feet, when they placed her one your chest.
You were crying tears of joy. The moment Xavier saw her he was in love. His baby girl his daughter, oh he’d be the best father spoiling her rotten.
Keeping the boys away from her until she’s 30. When he held her in his arms oh did this man cry. While cooing over his newborn who stared up at him in awe.
She looked just like her mother and had the same features as him. His little girl.
Xavier would be an amazing dad kinda teared yo writing this it’s just so sweet
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mydarlingbeatrice · 1 year
Arcadia , PT. 2
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Sad and lonely, the poor girl watches as the entire school gets ready for the upcoming Valentines day. She had heard from one of her closest friends, Andromeda, that this year Hogwarts would have more preparation for the loved holiday. 
"I'm surprised you're not with James, you still like him don't you?" Andromeda questions her, taking a bite of her biscuit after. She stares at the girl in front of her, waiting for an answer with raised eyebrows. 
The girl sighs and looks back into her tea, trying to formulate a response for her friend. "I don't know Andy, I think he likes Lily Evans. They've been talking a lot this past month. He might as well ask her to be his Valentine!" She pouts, complaining. 
Andromeda considers the weight of her words for a mere second, "Well, I've heard that the Rosier, Evan was his name wasn't it? Yes him, he's been glancing at you quite often in the hallways! Why don't you see if you like him?" She turns to look at the girl, waiting for a response. 
She however, smiles before responding, "Perhaps. He's been nice to me so I don't see why not? Maybe he'll take my mind off the boy I've liked for almost 4 years." She says. The two girls stand up to put their trash away as they exit the Three Broomsticks. 
. . . 
I freeze. I was truly stupid to come to the Three Broomsticks without expecting a couple. But, I didn't know that I'd be faced with James Potter accompanied with an annoyed looking Lily Evans. Andy looks at me staring the two down. She grabs my arm and we quickly make our way back into the campus. 
"Stay unaffected." She tells me when we walk through the hallways to the library. I smiled at her, entering the library. 
My face morphs into one of surprise as I find a now awake Evan Rosier staring back at me, smirking while sitting in one of the many chairs that we have. 
My luck just keeps getting better, doesn't it?
Andy smirks, "Well, go to him!" She whispers to me, pushing me towards the man. My face is still stuck in the surprise I had when I first saw him. 
"What a pleasure, lovely to see you darling." He says in a nonchalant way, still smirking at my smitten face. I quickly regain myself, patting my hair down. 
I stare at him nervously, flashing him one of my smiles. "Can I sit here?" I say, pointing to the seat next to him. 
. . . 
Evan and I had been getting along for the most part, we had shared mostly similar interests. Currently we were talking about Slughorn’s new project in Potions. “That’s amazing! How long did it take for you to finish the brew?” I asked him. He thinks, trying to remember. 
“Erm, I don’t think it took much time! I mean, I did also have Snape as my partner..” He finishes off with a chuckle, adjusting to face me in his chair. 
I smile softly at him. “Of course, Snape’s amazing at Potions! I’ve never seen him not make a potion perfectly. Need to ask him his secrets!” I laugh along with him. 
Soon, a comfortable silence falls over us as I turn to my homework for Slughorn, writing “The Draught of Living Death” in underlined letters. I continue to finish up my essay and go over it with Rosier, who doesn’t hesitate to help me. We both peacefully look over each other’s essays and homework. Suddenly, we are interrupted by a loud slam against the outside of the library door. I furrowed my eyebrows as I then saw Sirius, Remus, James and Peter emerge through the library’s old wooden doors. 
I smile brightly as I look towards them. They however, fail to return my advances as they look confusedly between me and Evan Rosier. “Hello you guys! Come sit with us.” I scan all of them with a smile, faltering my movements when I see James. 
“Hey, can I talk to you in private for a second?” The brunette I was staring at asks me, I nod wordlessly as he pulls me out the library. 
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fitzrove · 4 months
(if you're still doing these!) 3, 8, 34 for the ask meme?
3. 3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of?
Oaghh this is actually a tricky question!! But maybe I do know how to answer...
The Cat Returns (Studio Ghibli / Hiroyuki Morita)
It's my #1 comfort movie haha. I used to watch it with my sister when we were little, more so than any other Ghibli film (I did grow up with them and liked a lot of them - but I have to admit: I've never understood the appeal of Totoro specifically, I still think it's overrated hfhfjfj). Apparently it's widely considered to be a less good movie than the others, partly because Miyazaki wasn't that involved in it, but I think it's amazing. Also, I saw Whisper of the Heart (the one it's a spin off of) as an adult and didn't like it at all ajdjfkfk. The music, the worldbuilding/aesthetic, the (sometimes very eccentric) Finnish dub and the inherent whimsicalness of the story are very nostalgic and fun for me, and I've always loved cats, so :D
2. LOTR trilogy
It's cheating haha but putting all three under one heading. I've gone to a cinematic back-to-back marathon event of the extended edition... It took 12 hours and was one of the best moviegoing experiences of my life xD I feel like once you've done that, you're at a point where you can definitely say you're not going to get bored of it. I mean, I've been known to dip to get more snacks during some sequences (particular non-favourite is Shelob - not for any lack of fondness for spiders btw, I just find it a bit tedious as an action scene and it's at a point in the story where I'd rather be Moving On), but overall I really love these films - the story, the world, the characters, the music, the sheer amount of effort and care that went into making them and how it really shows >:]
3. POTO 2004
<333 Favourite musical film hahahahahah. I know this is controversial, but for me personally it's in some aspects even more fulfilling than seeing the show in the theatre. My favourite part/character of the show and book is and has always been the opera house!!!! I looooove theatres and theatre backstage stuff, especially big fancy old opera houses, and the movie is very immersively costumed and staged (set?). I don't watch it often (in full anyway - I rewatch the Carlotta scenes semi-often though), but I feel like if I was strapped to a chair and made to, I would just be vibing.
8. any reoccurring dreams?
I've only had one (1) actually repeated dream in my life, where it played out the same beat-for-beat as if watching the same VHS tape again, first when I was about 5 and again when I was maybe 7 years old - a weird Disney pastiche of Aladdin and The Little Mermaid haha. Repeating themes are more common. My least favourite of those was when my mental health was at its absolute lowest in my life during high school, and for around too months I kept dying in different kinds of highly specific ww2-related circumstances 😭😭 (I don't know if I started reading survivor stories too young - around the age of 10 or so...) ANYWAY yeah haha, not many specific reoccurring dreams. I wish I could repeat the one or two times in my life when I've dreamed about flying, it was a lot of fun >:]
34. any pet peeves?
Too many - I feel like half my tumblr posts are about these xD
One big one rn is that many German theatres don't let you book your tickets in just one step. They make you put in all your info and pick a seat and everything, and only then (after a 5-10 minute delay) do they send an email asking to transfer the money to secure your booking. Well, I was meant to go somewhere tomorrow, but turns out I never remembered to send the money in time and have lost my seat :----) It's okay haha it's going to thunder and rain tomorrow anyway, I'll just stay in my hometown and go see something here later lol...
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midniightlovr · 1 year
Okay does anyone ever like cling into something someone said in a conversation that was probably meaningless to them but in someway meant everything to you? Because I do a lot, especially with my one friend.
So We go to the same church and we were at the yearly party/Vidgil we have the night before Good Friday. So we play our usual game of hide and see in the dark of the Church. Everyone teams up and (since me and friend have been being friends more) we teamed up. First round we were looking around for somewhere to hide when he pulls out this god spot of a hiding place.
In the church at the side entry doors there’s this little like room in between two sets of doors. There were these huge stone pillars framing the doors and that’s where we hid (much to my objection) we were out of sight but still in the building.
So we were whisper talking about the others not being able to find us and our friends and school.
We were sitting there across form each other waiting for our friends to come and find us, and I decided to let him in on a secret I’ve been holding onto for a while now. (For context we were somewhat friends before Covid when I was around 10/11 and he was 13/14 then the pandemic hit and we lost contact, but we reconnected a few months ago and it’s awesome) Anyway in 5th grade when all you talk about with your friends is new movies and boys and crushes, someone is bound to ask who you have a crush on. And me being the honest 5th grader I was told the truth “no one” but pretty sure we all know that is never believed and they asked me again and I panicked saying the first name that came to mind (name of new friend from church)
like a couple weeks before that night I had been talking to my two friends (I’ll call M and A) about it (the vidgil, my friend,) and the one story came up. A started calling him “crush boy” and M caught onto it and did aswell (all on good fun) but I thought I was going to die, because I knew that they’d meet at some point most likely at my Confiration since his younger sisters were also getting confirmed. I had no interest in them meeting and A and M calling him “crush boy”
So four years later here I am sitting on the stone floor of a church hiding from our friends in the dark with that same friend telling him the whole story (I’ll be honest it took a bit to get there I was very reluctant at first) waiting to be called weird and immature but he looks at me with a goofy smile on his face and the only thing he says is “I’m honoured it was me” and then conversation moved on a bit and we’re still sitting on the floor somewhat silence someone talking and I don’t really remember what brought I up but he laughs and says some thing along the lines “you know we’re kinda like Steve and Robin, sitting here on the floor of an empty room talking about the randomest things”
And let me tell you I died, I smiled and i know it was a big one that was partially covered by the darkness. “Yea, the bisexual and and lesbian”
Yea so that entire experience had basically been stuck to be like glue and I very much have hyper fixated on the the fact he compared me to my favourite supernatural fighting, sarcastic lesbian who I’m probably unhealthy in love with. Now I regularly call him Dingus and Harrington.
This post ended up being much longer than I planned but in some way I’m slighting glad it worked
This memory would save me from Vecna
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yenalogyy · 2 years
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Hanni | Surprise
It’s been years ever since Y/N and Hanni have been friends. From elementary, all the way until high school where they’d always be at the same school. Though not every year they’d get to be classmates, they’d take the chance of hanging out in either recess, or after school.
Not only that, they even have the same dream in mind, which was to be an idol. At the moment, they were students who were secretly trainees in one of the biggest agencies in the music industry. They’d go separately whenever they had classes, else they’d go home together and hang out.
And today was no exception.
“Y/N, want to go to that cafe I told you about before?” She asked, after she approached you after the teacher had left the class.
“Oh, sure.” Her eyes sparkled with joy as she noticed from the corner of her eye, her friend was approaching.
“Where’re you two going this time?” She asked. It was Minji, the student who happened to also be their co-trainee under the same agency.
“We’re going to the cafe I told you about before! Coming?”
“I don’t have anything better to do after, so.” She shrugged, before agreeing to her offer.
They arrived at the cozy place they’ve been talking about for days, and immediately made themselves comfy. With Y/N sitting across from both of them.
“I’m gonna go to the back first. Be right back.” She walked away, leaving the two to talk with each other.
“Ya. Her birthday is coming up in around a month, you know that right?”
“Duh, how would I not remember?” He rolled his eyes.
“Oh you and your own little world, just the two of you.” She nudged.
“I have an idea in mind for it, but I need your opinion.”
“I want to act as if I forgot about her birthday, once it comes”
“Ouch. Don’t you think it’ll hurt her too much?”
“Yeah… but this is something I want to do. I’m ready to take up any beating she’ll give later.”
“Alright? Go for it, I guess. I’m not going to take any responsibility though. …wait.” She stopped, tapping her chin.
“I think you should go further with it. How about acting as if you’re interested in me?”
“Uh Huh… sounds good. How about we act as if we’re close?”
“Great idea.” Minji moved to sit next to him, signaling that she wanted it to happen as soon as possible.
“Oh, here she comes. Act normal.” She whispered.
“Ya. What’re you two talking about?” Hanni asked.
“It’s a secret of course. Right Y/N?”
“It is. Sorry, Hanni-ya.” The two giggled, summoning a jealous Hanni out of its slumber. She slipped herself between the two, separating them.
“Look who’s jealous.” Minji teased.
Time skip
His actions towards her gradually got colder and colder each day, as he would intentionally act as if he was busy everytime she came by to him. At first, she only thought of it as him having a full schedule for the few days it happened, but it continued, and continued to a point where she realized that there was something off.
“Y/N, wanna go-“
“Sorry, Hanni-ya. I got something to do today.” He stormed off the class, leaving her in the dust without letting her say goodbye. Her smile dropped, as the thought of his recent acts was starting to make her feel he’s starting to stay away from her.
He can’t be distancing himself from me? Right? I didn’t do anything that’ll make him hate me, right?
The day has finally arrived. It was the weekend, and both Hanni and Y/N were supposedly going to be in the same class. Hanni was the first one to arrive, both excited yet worried about how Y/N will behave.
“Surely he remembers that today’s my birthday…? He couldn’t have possibly forgotten about it. We’ve known each other for years, and he would wish me a happy birthday without fail. Yeah, that’s right. Stay positive, Hanni-ya.” She slapped her face, waking her up from the negativity that was building up inside of her.
Moments later, she saw the door knob turning revealing the one and only, Y/N. She stood up, greeting him and asked.
“Y/N, you’re-“
“Sorry Hanni-ya, There’s something urgent that I have to do, can we talk later?” He said, picking up the keys which were in his pocket in order to open the room that was connected to where they were in.
“Oh.. okay..” She said, feeling dejected after seeing how his response was during her special day. She kept her smile until he had left the room.
Y/N.. you didn’t say.. happy birthday..
She sat down, leaning towards the glass and staring at the door of which he came into.
Did you forget that it was my birthday?
“Hanni-ya! Come over here for a sec!” She wiped the tear off of her left eye, before forcing a smile and walking up towards his call.
“Happy birthday!!!” He shouted after she had looked inside, to which she had no idea what he had prepared. It was a small setup consisting of a cake and light party decorations with few party hats.
“Hanni-ya? Hello?”
“A-Ah! Yes, I heard you. What is this?”
“What do you mean? It’s your birthday!” He carefully placed a party hat on her head before she could fully grasp what was going on.
“You… Did you plan this?”
“Yeah. I’m sorry that I told you to go back with Minji ahead last night. I was just making sure that everything was set in place before today. And to make sure that you do not know what I was preparing.”
Hanni couldn’t help but let her tears pour down her eyes, making him panic at her sudden cry.
“Ya, why’re you crying?”
She stuttered while muttering her words. “I- I thought you started to hate me because you told me to go ahead last night, and your behavior towards me the last few days was just… I don’t know.. it seemed so distant rather than how you were before.”
She stopped her words, breathing in air before continuing.
“And with how you seemed to become so close with Minji in such a short time… I was sure that- you know, that you like her.”
“The two of us actually teamed up in order to make it seem that way so… you weren’t seeing things. It was just the two of us acting. Sorry about that. Besides, there’s another girl that I’m in love with. Someone I have been together with ever since I was little.”
He moved closer, leaning towards her face, and said. “And that’s you.”
She was taken aback, as she stepped away from how aggressive he was being, which made him chuckle.
“Hanni-ya. I’m in love with you. Will you go out with me?”
She stood there, not giving an immediate reply and instead, hesitated on giving him an answer as if torn on making either decision.
“Ya, are you getting back at me after what I did?” She giggled, having a good laugh at his reaction before stopping, and replying to his question.
“Yes. I will.”
“Ya, you started without us! Lim Y/N!” Soon after, the group barged in and complained about Y/N’s doing.
“It's not my fault that you guys took so long. Hanni here would’ve cried her eyes out if I had waited for you guys longer.”
“YA!” The rest of you then continued to enjoy the small party for a while longer before the class began.
A/N: Happy belated birthday Pham Hanni
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