#(i'd faint and cry and sob on the floor)
hamlets-ak · 2 years
you don’t think i’m a bad person ? ༊*·˚
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m.list ◦ askbox
synopsis: in which you find out that regulus got the dark mark
You leaned against a pillar, your back feeling the cold transferring from the marble to your exposed back, making shivers run to every part of your body. The music coming out of a pianoforte filled your ears, fading all the other sounds of people surrounding you, dancing, laughing, chatting…
The House Elves did great job with the decorations. The place was filled with white roses, his favorite. Your eyes traveled to the fresco at the ceiling, falling down to the paintings hanging on the walls and moving slowly to the marble ground in front of you.
There was no point of you being there if he wasn't. You had examined every single face in the room and none of them belonged to him. To your one and only. To the light of your eyes, the light of your soul, the light of your everything. To your Regulus Black.
Regulus Black, the person you would kill every star for, burn every tree, drain every ocean. You would trap all the earth's oxygen in a jar and give it to him, you would shrink the moon so he could carry it in his pocket. He was your everything.
And it was killing you like a slow-acting yet painful poison the fact that it's been a while since you exchanged your last words. He had decided to abruptly cut the ropes connecting you without any explanation.
You had written him plenty of times about how much you missed him. How much you missed the days you were lying in bed together wrapped around one another, his hands on your forehead as he was staring at the ceiling calm and serene, and your eyes sinking into his stare. You would give the world to go back to these days, when you were walking around the room feeling his eyes fixed on you, and you pretended that it didn't affect you at all.
You had written to him that your life didn't have meaning without him. You were miserable.
Only then did he send a letter to you with two sentences written in a sloppy handwriting you've never seen from him. It concerned you because even though you could tell that it was his handwriting, his letters, it wasn't his hand that was writing it:
Dear Y/N,
I'd rather see you miserable than dead.
Burn the letter.
Of course, you didn't burn the letter. If these were his last words to you, you wanted to have them, even if they hurt.
Every time you read those two sentences, you could feel knives piercing your heart, breaking it, and letting it fall in pieces right in front of his feet.
You breathed out heavily, feeling like you were suffocating, like you couldn't breathe. So, you decided to go for a walk around the manor. Besides, there was no point in you staying at the ballroom and watching all the people having fun, when he wasn't there with you.
You made your way deeper into extremely quiet halls, then to another and then another, as if drawn by a supernatural force to a lane that was leading to another world.
Weak square lights were balanced at the pillars, as the gleaming moon was pouring her pale light inside. Everything was dark but you kept walking.
Suddenly, the sound of your shoes started to quieten and got replaced by a painful scream. It turned your blood cold, utterly horrifying. Your body froze for a few moments before you took out your wand.
From the last door to your right, you saw a faint light coming from a half-opened door. You moved slowly deeper in that direction your grip tight around your wand ready to attack or defend yourself from the scream.
Another animalistic scream was heard and you felt paralyzed by fear. You gulped but you kept going until you heard another painful cry followed by sobs. You weren't sure if it was a wild animal or a poor child.
« Fuck! », the voice cried loudly. Your lips separated and your wand fell down. Without much thinking you burst into the room, letting the door hit back at the wall with a thunderous sound.
Regulus was curled on the floor, his back balanced against the cold wall, legs close to his pounding chest. His dark curls were concealing his face that was buried between his legs.
The moonlight slipped through the window swimming inside to give light to his form. His tie relaxed hanging from his neck and the sleeves of his shirt raised as he was holding tightly his left forearm, pressing his fingers on it.
If it wasn't for the damn moon you wouldn't have seen anything, but your eyes fell immediately on the place he was holding.
Your lips quivered and you stood there like a statue looking at him, not being able to move or say a word.
« Y/N, I'm not joking, get the fuck out of here! », he shouted looking at you angrily. You opened your mouth taking a few steps back. Regulus had never raised his voice like that, not to you, not to anyone. You were completely terrified by his tone, his mad expression, and the Dark Mark stained on his arm.
« What the hell Regulus? What is this? », you asked your voice high as you kept shaking your head in disbelief.
« What does it look like to you? », Regulus glared back at you. His face was deformed by pain. Your lips couldn't stop trembling and your eyes brought tears that were streaming like small rivers down to your cheeks. You wished the old Regulus could come to you, hug you tightly, and with his tongue lick the sorrow away.
« Regulus, » you murmured his name sweetly like a prayer. Regulus breathed out and covered his face with his palms. He started to cry as well because he hated being the reason of your tears. If he could cry for both of you and stop those drops from running down your chin, he would.
« Please, get the fuck out of here! », he screamed at you through sobs. Watching him like that made you walk closer. Regulus wouldn't hurt you, not your Reg, not the guy that was putting flowers behind your ear.
You sat right beside him slowly slipping on the floor. Regulus shook his head. He couldn't understand why you weren't leaving.
« Please, leave, » he murmured. Even if you wanted to leave, you couldn't. You were drawn to him like a magnet. You loved him so much, nothing mattered to you. He was in pain, that's all you saw, you wanted to take his hand and kiss it. You wanted to kill anyone who did this to him and caused him that much pain.
« I am not going anywhere, Reg, » you said, voice soft.
« You don't get it, Y/N, » he replied. « I had to do this! » You touched his shoulder and pressed your eyes shut tightly. You were so scared of him, but you loved him too much. If he was going to be your doom, let his shoulder be the last thing you touched. « I had to, » he cried even harder.
« Why? », you asked. You didn't know what else to say. « Because of your parents? » Regulus lightly raised his gaze for you to meet his swollen gloomy eyes. « We made plans, remember? That we were going to get the fuck out of here. »
« And you think he wouldn't find us? », Regulus asked with a bitter smile. You didn't speak back. « Y/N, I didn't do this because of my parents. » He looked away.
« Then? »
« I did this because of you, » he said and bit his lips. « I did this because if I didn't, he said he would hurt you, in ways… you don't even want to imagine. » You gulped and for a moment felt completely vulnerable and exposed.
« Me? Wh-why? »
« Because the only way he could get me, was through you, » his lips quivered for a moment. « Because Y/N, you are the only thing I care about in this life. » More tears ran down your cheeks as you looked at him. You sealed your lips together to get strength. Your arms wrapped around him, holding him tight. For a moment he stayed still, surprised by your reaction, but then he tied his arms around you too, holding you for dear life. « That's why I wrote you this stupid letter, » he said to your ear. « I can't be with you, Y/N, not like that. » His forehead touched yours lightly rubbing his head against yours. You held him on the back of his neck, feeling his curls tangling between your fingers.
« I missed you so much, » you said. He wrinkled his eyebrows pleadingly, the fingers of his left hand wrapping around your wrist to feel your pulse. He was shaking and felt heavy, as if the earth was dragging only him down and no one else. Frozen thumb drew the line of your most prominent vein. He tried to show you how it felt to be with someone like him; someone heavy, and cold, and helpless; someone in pain. But you didn’t care because you were holding his head steady and would never let it fall.
« You're killing me, » Regulus sealed his eyes, shaking his head. He let his fingers slip down. « Please, don't say that. We can't. I can't do this to you. »
« Regulus, listen to me, » you said, lightly lowering your head to look straight into his eyes. His gaze couldn't meet back yours and fell to the floor. « There is nothing that can drive me away from you. » He left a shaky breath slowly raising his stare.
« You don't think I'm a bad person ? »
« All I think is that I love you. »
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cherrycola27 · 2 years
Till Death?
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Pairings: Rooster x Reader? Hangman x Reader
Warnings: Major Character Death, language, PTSD, Physical and Domestic violence, pregnancy loss, Minors DNI. 18+
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Part 3
You stared at the box of tampons, just sitting on the shelf, mocking you.
You tried to think back to the last time you had your period, but you couldn't remember.
You had always religiously taken your birth control. "Shit" you breathed out. You thought back to the night Jake had taken you to a western bar and taught you how to line dance. You were barely three months into your relationship. That night ended with the two of you tangled in the sheets.
The next morning, you noticed that you'd skipped a pill, but one missed pill couldn't hurt right?
You quickly tore through the bathroom cabinets, looking for a pregnancy test. You had some leftover from when you found out you were pregnant with Nick.
You found a box and ripped it open. You took two just to be sure.
You set them down on the counter and set a timer on your phone. When the alarm went off, you flipped them over.
"Honey, are you okay?" Rooster called out, gently knocking on the door. He pressed an ear to it and heard the faint sound of you crying.
He opened the door and saw you leaning up against the bathtub, knees pulled to your chest and tears in your eyes.
"Oh, Honey. What's wrong?" He asked, coming to sit down next to you.
"Rooster don't." You said. "Honey, everything is okay, just tell me what I can do to make it better." He was really trying, and you were about to rip his heart out.
You sighed and raked your hands over your face.
"I'm pregnant." You said in a small voice before sobbing again.
Rooster felt the air leave his lungs. His chest hurt like it had just been ripped open. You were pregnant, and there was no way it was his. You were pregnant with Jake's baby.
"Okay." He said, pulling you to his side. "We'll figure this out together." He assured you as you continued to cry.
"I'll text Jake and have him come over tomorrow." Rooster states.
"Bradley, I don't think that's a good idea. He'll go ballistic. What if—what if we didn't tell him." You said.
"Honey, we have to tell him. If we didn't, he'd figure it out. We need to tell him. Whatever happens, I still love you. We can make it work." Rooster assures you before helping you up off the floor.
That night, neither of you sleep.
The next day, Jake came over at 3pm on the dot. You were shaking, dreading the conversation. Rooster tried to calm you. But you were on the verge of a breakdown.
You jumped at the sound of Jake knocking on the door.
"Come in!" You yelled. Jake wordlessly entered the room.
"Hangman, have a seat," Rooster said.
"Can we make this quick? I have a date later." Jake said sitting down.
You took a breath before speaking. "Jake, I—I need go tell you something, but you can't fly off the handle. Please." You began. He sat back in the chair, looking between you and Rooster.
"Jake, I'm pregnant." You say You look at his face, expecting him to have some sort of reaction, but he doesn't.
"Congratulations?" He replies with an attitude. It dawns on you that he hasn't made the connection.
"Jake. I'm pregnant." You tell him again. "Okay? And what do you want me to do?" He replies.
"It's your baby, Jake." You say looking him in the eyes.
"Is this some kind of joke? Did he put you up to this?" Jake asks, pointing at Rooster and lean forward in his chair.
"It's not a joke, Jacob! I'm pregnant, and it's yours! Rooster hasn't been back long enough for it to be his!" You yell at him.
"Forgive me if I have a hard time believing you. You told me you were on the pill." He retorts.
"You remember that night we went line dancing a couple of months ago? Well the next morning I realized I'd missed a pill, I didn't think much of it, but when I check my cycle tracker, that was right when I was ovulating, so like it or not, it's yours." You state crossing your arms. Rooster rubs a soothing hand on your back.
"I want a paternity test. ASAP!" He barks at you, standing up to leave.
"You think she's lying to you?" Rooster buts in to defend you. "You really think she would tell you it was yours if it wasn't? I'm not thrilled about it, but it's the truth!" Rooster says, getting in Jake's face.
"I'm just trying to make sure all my boxes are checked. If it is my baby, I'll make sure it's taken care of. Just erring on the side of caution is all." Jake says, taking a step back.
"I'll make an appointment with my doctor. I'll need a DNA sample from you, Jake." You tell him trying not to cry.
"Just let me know when, Honey." Jake says before turning to leave. "Sorry to cut this sort. Like I said, I have plans." Jake winks at you before leaving.
By some miracle of God, your OB can fit you in the next day. She's heard the news and tries to be supportive of you and your situation. She confirms that you are, in fact, pregnant, roughly ten weeks along. You call Jake, and he and Bradley both give a DNA sample. Ten days later, the results arrive, and just as you had predicted, Jake was the father.
The three of you agree to keep your pregnancy on the down low for as long ad possible.
Once Jake had proof it was his child, he seemed to soften around you. The biggest issue would be custody. You agreed to a 50/50 split, with Jake being able to see his child whenever he wanted.
He was supportive of you and started turning one of he guest rooms into a nursery. Bradley was heartbroken, to say the least, but he couldn't be mad at you. You thought he was dead. You had fulfilled your promise of until death. He tried his best to mask his pain, but as your stomach grew, so did the pain in his heart.
He knew he loved you, and he would love his step-child, too. But he also knew that he died a little inside each time he saw your pregnant belly because it came with the constant reminder that you would never be fully his again.
You were almost five months now, and you had told your parents and the Daggers. Jake didn't want to share the news with his family back in Texas, knowing his father would fly off the handle.
Rooster had made true on his promise to be better for you, but sometimes you could still see the flash of hurt, just behind his smile.
Aside from that, you two were healing. Everything was going as well as it could until today.
You and Bradley were working around the house, preparing for a new baby when you heard a knock on the door.
You went to go check to see who it was. When you opened the door, you were shocked to see a dark-haired woman with sun-kissed skin on your doorstep. Based on how she reacted to you opening the door, she was surprised to see you as well.
"Hello?" You greeted her.
"Um hi. Is— is Rooster here?" She asked.
"Yes, he is. Is there something I can help you with?" You ask her.
"Um, I'm not sure. Who are you?" She looks at you nervously, eyes glacing from your bump to your face.
"I'm his wife. Who are you?" You question her.
"Honey, who was at the—" Rooster stops when his eyes land on you and her at the door.
"Karmen?" He whispers. "Karmen, what are you doing here?" He steps in between the two of you.
"I—I should go." Karmen says. You look between her and Rooster. There's something between them, you're sure of it.
"Nonsense, why don't you come in." You smile at her before grabbing her arm and leading her inside. Karmen takes a seat in an armchair. Rooster sits on the couch while you go to the kitchen and get everyone a drink.
"So Karma—Karmen was it? How do you know Rooster?" You ask, taking a sip of your iced tea.
"We worked together at the resort in Mexico when I was gone." Rooster answers quickly. You can tell he's uncomfortable with her being there.
"Oh, okay. Well, why are you here, Karmen?" You ask her. "I was visiting my sister, and Miguel, the resort manager, said that once Rooster remembered who he was, he came back to California. He gave me your address. I just wanted to see how he was doing." She stutters out.
You nod your head before setting your drink down.
"Karmen, were you sleeping with my husband in Mexico? Is that why you're really here?" You say calmly.
Rooster chokes on his drink.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know he was married, but neither did he, and he just left without saying anything, and I came here to tell him off. And I realize that's a mistake now, and I truly am sorry. But you guys seem happy, you're expecting." She rambles.
"It's not his baby." You deadpan. Her eyes grow wide.
"I was dating his best friend before Rooster came back." You inform her.
"Oh, well, that's something." She states.
"Well, I can see that you have a lot going on, and I'm sorry I just showed up with no warning. I promise I didn't know. I truly apologize. So, I'm going to leave because it seems like you have a lot going on, and I don't want to be a part of that. Good luck with everything, Rooster." Karmen says before practically running out of your home.
After you hear the door shut, there's a beat of silence before Rooster speaks.
"Honey I—" He begins before you cut him off.
"Save it, Bradley." You spit. You stand in front of him. He can see the fire in your eyes and the hurt in your heart. Your cheeks are flushed, and tears burn the corners of your eyes, but you refuse to let them fall.
Rooster stands up to approach you, but you take a step back from him.
"Don't touch me." You warn in a low voice.
"Honey, please just let me explain." He pleads with you.
"Absolutely not Bradley. You didn't give me that option, so why should I extend that same courtesy to you?" You sass him.
"You gave me so much hell for being with Jake when I thought you were dead. I mean, you almost killed him! And you destroyed our bedroom! I didn't know you were alive!" You shout at him.
He opens his mouth to respond, but you don't let him speak.
"You are such a hypocrite, Bradley! You knew about her when you came home and you never said anything. So what? It's okay that you slept with someone else in your absence, but it's not okay that I did it?" You point an accusatory finger at him.
"In case you forgot," He yells back at you, "I didn't know who I was. I didn't remember you or the life we had. We only hooked up a few times. I never expected her to show up here!" He throws his hands in the air.
"If hadn't shown up here, would you have ever told me? Or were you just planning on keeping that your dirty little secret." You say through clenched teeth.
Rooster takes a deep breath. "I don't know, I—I don't think I would have." He says.
"Well then," you say flatly. "I can't believe you right now. What happened to being a better man for me?" You say turning away from him. You won't let him see you cry.
"At least I didn't sleep with your best friend." He growls at you. You clench your first, ready to fire back at him.
"And at least I didn't get her PREGNANT!" He screams.
You turn to look at him, heavy tears slipping down your cheeks, the anger has fallen from your face, and hurt has taken its place.
Rooster knows he's fucked up the moment your eyes meet his. It was a low blow. He'd taken it too far.
"Shit, fuck, Honey, I—I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that." He rushes to you, but you push him away.
"I can't do this right now, Bradley. I need some space." You tell him. You slide on your shoes and grab your purse and keys. You take a deep breath before starting your car and backing it out of the driveway. Bradley watches you from the window. He sees you take a right at the end of the street. He knows exactly where you're going, and he can't be mad at you. The only person he has to be mad at is himself.
You make the five minute drive to Jake's house with tear filled eyes.
You knocked on the door, praying he would open it.
He was shocked to find you on his doorstep. He wasn't expecting you, but one look at your tear stained cheeks, and your solemn expression was enough for him to pull you in.
He helped you onto his couch and made a mug of your favorite tea. He didn't pry, opting to wait until you opened up to him.
It took you a solid twenty minutes to calm down enough to speak to him.
When you did speak, the words poured out of you. You told Jake about how this woman had just appeared on your doorstep out of the blue. You told him about how she and Rooster were apparently a thing in Mexico. You told him about how hurt you were that he didn't tell you and that he never had plans to tell you about her. Finally, you told him about how he yelled at you over the fact that you were pregnant with Jake's baby and how he tried to use that to justify what he did.
"Oh, Honey, I'm so sorry." Jake said, drawing you near.
"You know I would never hurt you like that, right?" Jake asked you. You looked at him with questioning eyes.
"Honey, I still love you, and I could be so much better to you than he is. Rooster is obviously still mad about everything even though he pretends he's okay." Jake explains.
"Jake, what are you saying?" You ask him.
"I'm saying I want you to leave him. Choose me, be with me, love me. We could be a family. You, me, Nick, and this baby. Honey, you can't tell me that you don't want it. I mean, look at where you're at. One fight, and you're running back to me. I know you still love me." Jake says before pulling you into a bruising kiss.
You push him off of you. "Jake, what fuck?" You say.
"Oh Honey, don't be like that. Please." Jake steps towards you.
"Jake I came here for a friend not a fuck, and I need you to respect that." You tell him.
"We both know that I could treat you better than him. You're just to hard headed to leave him! You're so hung up on this promise that you made to him, but he isn't even the same person you married!" Jake shouted at you.
"Jake, I made a vow! For richer or poorer, sickness and health, till death for crying out loud! You don't leave someone when things are hard!" You shout back at him.
You hadn't planned for two screaming matches today, but here you were.
"You were more than willing to jump into bed with me a few months ago. Where were your vows then?" He shouts.
"I thought Bradley was dead! I thought I had honored that vow! You were the one who told me he would want me to move on and be happy!" You scream at him.
"Yeah, because I was in love with you, and I need you to see that! Jesus I've been in love with you for years, and yeah I was sad when we thought Rooster was gone, but then, you chose me. And then he shows up out of the blue, and you run right back to him like what we had was nothing!" Jake's voice cracks as he chokes back a sob.
"Jake, I chose my husband. We had six months, and they were great. But Rooster and I have a lifetime." You try to reason with him.
"FUCK!" Jake screams, grabbing his mug and throwing it across the room.
You yelp and jump back.
"I tried Honey, I really did, but if you're going to choose him, you leave me know choice." He says, his voice dropping.
"I want full custody of the baby." He states with venom in his voice.
"No." You spit back.
"I don't think you're in the position to tell me what to do. My family has money, I can hire the best lawyers in the country, and with the paternity test proving that it's mine and the violent outbursts Rooster has had, I don't think I'll have any trouble winning, hell, they might take Nick away from you too." Jake states. He has no remorse in his eyes.
"You wouldn't dare Jacob Seresin, you wouldn't fucking dare!" You scream at him. You want to hit him, but you think better of it.
"Try me." He affirms.
"Loving you was the biggest mistake of my life. And I'm going to do everything in my power to make your life as hellish as you did mine. Now get out of my fucking house!" He screams at you.
You run for the door and get in your car. You can't breathe. Your chest is tight, and tears cloud your vision. You don't know where to go or what to do.
You had nowhere to go, Bradley hated you? Jake despised you and wanted to take your children away from you. How the hell did you end up here?
You head out driving blindly because of the panic. Your heart raced in your chest. Jake's words filled your brain and rattled your nerves. What were you going to do? You couldn't let him take your babies.
You pressed on the gas, driving out of your neighborhood and towards the beach.
You weren't paying attention and blew right past the stop sign.
Rooster was sitting in the living room when his phone rang with an unfamiliar number.
"Hello is this Bradley Bradshaw?" The voice asked.
"Yes?" Rooster responded.
"Mr. Bradshaw, this is Dr. Jenson from San Diego Medical Center. We need you to come down here immediately. It's about your wife. There's been an accident."
Rooster rushed into the emergency room, what he didn't expect was for Jake to be there at the same time.
"My name is Bradley Bradshaw, my wife, they called me, she's here... she was in an accident." Rooster says to the receptionist before Hangman can speak.
"Yes, um, let me page the doctor. Have a seat." The woman at the desk directs.
"What are you doing here, Bagman?" Rooster asks.
"I guess I'm still listed as one of her emergency contacts." Jake states.
"You need to leave." Rooster tells him.
"Like hell I will. She's carrying my child. Remember?" Jake smirks at him.
He's putting on a front. Inside, he's dying. He knows that this is his fault. He shouldn't have talked to you that way. He shouldn't have told you to get out. He knew how upset you were. He never should have let you leave or said those hurtful things. He prayed to God that you were okay. As soon as he saw you, he would apologize for everything.
"And she's my wife." Rooster replied. "But I understand why you are here. Like it or not, we are going to have to be around each other for the next eighteen years. So I'm willing to let bygones be bygones and try to work past this if you are. Because she's going to need both of us right now." Rooster said, softening. Jake nodded in agreement.
"Bradshaw family?" A doctor called into the waiting room.
Rooster and Jake both shot up. The doctor led them into a smaller room. You weren't there.
"Gentleman. I'm Dr. Jenson. I called both of you." He begins. I've looked at your wife's file, and I'm aware of the situation." He continues.
"I'm not going to sugar coat it. She was in very rough shape when she was brought in. We were able to stabilize her. With some physical therapy, your wife should make a full recovery, Mr. Bradshaw" Dr. Jenson continues.
"Okay. And?" Rooster presses him, he can tell that the doctor has more to say.
"However, the accident sent her into preterm labor. We did everything we could, but we weren't able to save your son, Mr. Seresin. I'm sorry. I'll give you both a few minutes. I'll send a nurse to get you shortly.
Jake and Rooster sat there in silence. Sadness, and an understanding passed between the two of them.
Jake tried to hold it in, but the sobbed bubbled up from deep inside him. He dropped to the floor crying out: "It's all my fault, it's all my fault!"
Wow. What a chapter. Babes, I'm sorry for the emotional damage! I never thought I would say this, but my Tag List for this fic is FULL! Thank you to everyone for all the support on this fic. There is more to come, don't worry. If you are interested in reading the other parts, and you feel so compelled to do so, turn on notifications for my posts. As always, likes are amazing, but comments and reblogs are golden!
Tag List: @pisupsala @shanimallina87 @luckyladycreator2 @mak-32 @katieshook02 @samhapner6 @rosiahills22 @thedroneranger @roosterforme @youlightmeupfinn @withahappyrefrain @arson-tm @sebsxphia @potato-girl99981 @caitsymichelle13 @lillyrosenight @callsign-hummingbird @inky-sun @writeroutoftime @afterglowsb-tch13 @heyoimjordy @phoenixssugarbaby @hypatia93 @bradshawseresinbabe @je-suis-prest-rachel @teacupsandtopgun @boringusername3 @starlightstories @daggerspare-standingby @utterlyhopeful-fics @talkfastromance4 @fighterpilothoe @t-nd-rfoot @phoenix1388 @abaker74 @peppizzathief @gigisimsonmars @emorychase @wannabeschyulersister @greatszu @shawnsblue @tributetomrsniffles @tv-fanatic18 @angelbabyange @sadpetalsstuff @softmullet @cowboybarbie @shewritesfiction13 @sweetlittlegingy @rogersbarnesxx
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wheels-of-despair · 1 month
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Under Pressure | Eric x You vs. The Apocalypse | Series Masterlist
Chapter Six: Told You I'd Come Back Summary: The world just ended and there are monsters in the streets, but the only thing on your mind is finding Eric. Words: 2.2k
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You're too frightened to close your eyes.
You spend all night staring into the black, eyelids slow to blink and feeling like sandpaper when they do. You don't know what's worse; the occasional yells and crashes from outside, or when it goes silent.
You've never been so happy to see a sunrise in your life. When that first hint of light starts to appear in the room, you poke your head out from beneath your desk. No movement. You crawl out and see what you couldn't last night.
A cloud of dust over everything. A few splatters of blood. Are those… entrails?
You glance in the direction Doris disappeared in last night, wondering if you should wait for her. You decide not to; if silence is key, it's best to go alone. You pick up your bag, holding it tightly under your arm to stop its contents from rustling. You look directly at the floor in front of you as you leave the building. The stairwell is dark, but you don't dare reach in your bag and fumble around for the miniature flashlight on your keychain. You'll take it slow.
When you finally step through the hole where the door used to be on the ground floor, the sun has risen enough to nearly blind you. You let your eyes adjust for a moment, then take in your surroundings.
Chaos. Wreckage. Despair. Not a soul in sight.
But no demons, either.
You stick to the sidewalk, dodging debris left and right. The path is probably clearer in the middle of the street, but you don't want to be that exposed. What if you need to duck into a building or behind an overturned mailbox to hide?
You keep your feet light and your eyes to the ground as you make your way to the hospital. Your legs are starting to ache by the time you turn onto the street. All the glass of the front door and windows has been smashed. Some of it's bloody. An ambulance is flipped near the entrance, dripping liquid into a pool on the pavement. A blackened firetruck is still on fire by the nearest hydrant. You look from one to the other, mentally calculating the distance, and hurry inside the building.
You creep up the stairs and quietly trek through the halls, retracing your path from yesterday. Bloody streaks decorate the floor. Medicine and cleaning supplies are scattered everywhere. Doors are smashed completely off their hinges. It's a miracle that you find Eric's room in all the disarray. The door is closed. That's good, right? You reach for the handle, turning it slowly and pushing against it with your shoulder, praying to whoever's listening that your brother-in-law is alive and well.
He's not in there. You close the door quietly behind you. His sheets are hanging off the bed. IV leaking onto the floor. The windows are still whole. Maybe someone got him out? If you were in a hospital, where would you hide? You cross the room to check the other side of the bed, and when you turn back around, your eyes land on another door.
A bathroom. You creep toward it and put your ear to it. You can't hear anything. You try the knob, but it's locked.
Bathroom doors can only be locked from the inside, can't they?
"Eric?" you whisper. No response. You move your mouth closer to the doorframe, hoping that your voice travels better through the crack. "Eric?"
A gasp? Was that a gasp?
"Eric, it's me," you breathe, blood rushing to your head. "Are you in there?"
You hear a shuffle. A slight click. The door's handle begins to move. You stand back. He opens it a sliver.
You're so happy to see that big brown eye peeking through the crack at you, your hand comes to your mouth to stifle a cry.
He pushes the door open further, and you step inside. He pulls it closed behind you, noiseless until the faint click of the lock.
You sink to your knees on the floor between his and wrap your arms around him. He silently sobs into your shoulder again, and you rock him just like yesterday. Even when he stops crying, you can't bear to let him go. Talking is easier when you're this close, anyway.
"Told you I'd come back to get you," you whisper into his ear. You pull back and he smiles shakily, one more tear falling from his eye. You wipe it away with your thumb.
He points to a spot on your head. You feel it and wince, and so does he. That must be from where you hit it on your desk.
You wave it off like it's nothing. You're fine. You look him over, checking him for injuries. He's got a few bandages on him from yesterday, and a bloody spot where he pulled the IV out, but you don't see anything alarming.
He gives you a thumbs-up.
You move to sit next to him, leaning back against the wall of the tiny bathroom and closing your eyes for the first time in what feels like hours. You blow out a long breath and open them again. If you don't keep moving, you're going to fall asleep.
"We can't stay here," you whisper.
"It's not safe out there," he protests, as quietly as he can.
"I don't think it's safe anywhere."
"What's happening?" he asks.
"Some kind of creatures," you explain. "Helicopters came overhead last night, told everyone to shelter in place and make no sound."
"Did you see them?"
"No," you answer. "But I heard them."
"You made it here from work?"
"Yeah," you answer. "Which is why I think we can make it home."
Eric's eyes fill with tears at the thought, and you reach for his hand. He squeezes it and shakes his head.
"I don't want to die," he whimpers.
"Eric," you start, "we can't stay here in this tiny hospital bathroom forever."
"It's far," he whines.
"Only a few miles," you smile. "I came further than that to get to you."
"I can't," he cries, tears spilling over.
You maneuver yourself between his legs again, taking his face in your hands.
"Baby, I know you're scared. But right now, we have to be brave. In here, we can last maybe a day or two. If we make it home, we can wait it out. People are going to figure out a way to beat these things, and when they do, someone will come for us."
Eric shakes his head, his bottom lip quivering and teary eyes pleading. You wrap your arms around him and squeeze him to you.
"We can do this," you assure him. "You and me."
He takes a few deep breaths. You rub his back, feeling his heart pounding through his thin t-shirt.
You look down at the rest of his ensemble. Sweats and a thick pair of socks, provided by the hospital.
"Do you know where they took your clothes?" you ask. He shakes his head. "Do you think you can make it home in this?" He nods, and you smile.
You lean forward to kiss his forehead, and he wraps his arms around you again. A minute passes, and he makes no move to let go.
"I'm going to count to three," you whisper, hoping to give him a gentle push. "Then we're going to get up and walk out of here. You stay close to me, and be as quiet as you can. Okay?"
He nods into your shoulder.
"One." You help him stand. "Two." You unlock the door and look into his fear-filled eyes. "Three," you mouth as you open it. He shrinks back against the wall. You step out, making sure the room is still clear, and reach out a hand for him.
He hesitates.
And then he takes it.
You lead him from the room, closing the door quietly behind you. He's limping a bit, but doesn't have too much trouble keeping up. You lead him through the hallway and down the stairs and back to the front door that isn't really a front door anymore. The fuel still drips from the ambulance, and you quicken your pace. You want to be far, far away from here if it reaches the flaming firetruck.
Eric trails behind you for the most part, relying on you to pick out the best path. You try to avoid anything that might cut through his socks, but it's difficult. There's so much glass in front of every building, you eventually give up on your plan of staying in the shadows and lead him to the street. He walks beside you now, slow and wincing occasionally, but he never makes a peep.
An ear-splitting boom from the direction of the hospital makes you and Eric nearly jump out of your skin, letting out yelps of surprise. Your eyes widen at the noise, both your own and the explosion that was probably heard by all of Manhattan, and you take his hand and drag him off the street and into the nearest building.
It's a pizza parlor. You drag him under a table, where you're protected on multiple sides by a wall and the seats of a booth. You hear the legs thunder by, on both the street and the buildings above, and hold each other while you wait for the horrors to pass. When the floor stops shaking and it goes silent outside, you pull away to find Eric in a panic.
His hand clutches his heart. He breathes in quick puffs. He's crying, and sweating, and scared.
"It's okay," you breathe, glancing around nervously. Can you make any sound out here? You brush his sweaty locks off of his forehead and try to look less terrified than you feel. "Breathe with me." You breathe in deep and blow it out slowly a few times, urging him to mimic you. He does, and once he catches his breath, he nearly collapses on the booth supporting him.
You look up, see hundreds of wads of gum stuck to the bottom of the table, and look to him with exaggerated disgust on your face. He smiles weakly at your attempt to lighten the mood, then crosses his arms on the seat of the booth and rests his head on them. You scoot closer, giving his back a gentle rub while he regains his strength.
When he raises his head again, you tilt yours toward the street. He nods, albeit reluctantly. You crawl out from under the table and take his hand when he stands. You return to the street and notice that you're halfway home. You point to a street sign and smile. "Close," you mouth. Eric tries to smile. You carry on.
You're a block and a half away from home when you hear a helicopter.
You yank Eric off the street again and through the crumbling hole of what used to be a convenience store's window. You feel awful about his socked feet on the glass, but those can be fixed. You crouch behind the register, and hear the thundering sound of hundreds of legs running by as the helicopter passes overhead. Eric collapses to the floor, leaning his back against a display case.
"Travel south with extreme caution. This is a mandatory evacuation order. We remain under attack. Seek shelter on water. The attackers cannot swim."
They couldn't have told you this an hour ago?!
You look to Eric, who's shaking like a leaf. You pull him to you, letting him bury his face in your shoulder again. You dare not even whisper while those things are out here, so you rub gentle circles on his back. You're not sure if it's more for you or for him. When a full minute passes with no sound from outside, you let Eric go.
At the loss of contact, he folds in on himself. He lowers his head and hugs his arms to his chest. You kneel next to him and stroke his hair, not knowing what else to do. His breathing eventually evens out, and you stand. You don't see anything outside.
But you see the blood soaking through the bottoms of Eric's socks.
"Oh, baby," you breathe, sinking back to the floor.
"I'm okay," he mouths, flashing you the okay sign for emphasis. "South?" He points downward. You shake your head.
"Home," you counter. You point to his feet. You lean forward and kiss his forehead, then stand and reach for his hands. You're so close. Even if you were willing to turn tail and go back after all this walking, Eric's feet wouldn't allow him to make the journey. You need to get him inside and bandage those up right now.
He lets you pull him up. You wrap an arm around his middle so he can lean on you and take some of the weight off of his feet, and lead your hobbling friend out of the store. Three minutes later, your apartment building comes into view. Still intact. No gaping holes or missing windows. You sigh lightly in relief and look to Eric with a smile.
You enter the lobby and turn around to hug him. It's part celebration, part apology for the six flights of stairs you're about to make him climb on his bloody, battered feet.
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108garys · 11 months
Here is what can only presume is the first Du'mark fic, based off the idea of Mark ending up in the blackout room instead and because @unhingedlesbear's Du'mark propaganda gave me the idea. This is the first time I've written for Mark and I'd love to hear how I did, also there's a little Markate in there too
I basically did this in one sitting at whatever o'clock in the morning so I can only hope that it flows well and all that(I may be a Du'lie/Heclie enjoyer but this rare pair demanded at least the one fic lol)
@kassiekolchek22 @delurkr @tatjana-fantasy @qusok @blubary @ctrvpani @kindheartedgummybears @mybrainrotforreal @ivycross I know it's not the weirdest thing I've ever written but I'm almost here like "sorry for inflicting this on you"
And before I forget "Du'met" is Morello and "the stranger" is Du'met because Mark doesn't know any better at this point and consider this a hate letter to Mark's light source
He went through the images he'd captured before dinner as the faint scent of decay stalked him. The floorboards creaked under foot as he walked the hall, echos of past arguments playing over in his mind…
Mark stopped. A door shut down the hallway, further down than their rooms… He turns to investigate and… Crying?
He picked up his pace, a woman? Mr Du'met said his wife had died, a child? Jamie said they left but maybe…
Suddenly the lights go out. He stumbles, putting his hand against the wall, steading himself as his eyes adjust. He breathes slowly, focusing, looking around trying to find the source of the crying. He clutches his camera with a trembling hand, the dim red light reflecting eerily off the paintings and giving him a few feet of visibility. The texture of the wallpaper grounding beneath his finger tips as he takes step after cautious step down the ominous hallway and still… Decay creeps at the edge of his senses. Hounding him, waiting for him to lose his way and-
Another door slams shut back the way he came. He hears the sound of an argument but can't make out who or where… He feels eyes on him. Things moving in the darkness. On impulse he raises his camera and snaps a picture. The flash lighting up the hall, showing him the way and disorienting him in the process. He leans against the wall. Breathe. Breathe… Breathe. Every breath decay enters his lungs, the taste of death on his tongue. A ghost of something long gone invading his senses. What is that?
The sobbing continues. He pushes himself away from the wall willing himself to continue, it was this place that had him on edge, he reminded himself, the dark isn't unnatural and it was just a big old house. He figured if he was smart he could make his way with decent visibility but he couldn't help but envy Jamie and Erin for having flashlights.
After a few more minutes of tense wondering he turned a corner and saw a row of windows letting in moonlight and an open door at the end of the hall. Light emanating from inside…
It was the only place the crying could be coming from. Mark entered the room, it was small and empty. The source of the crying came from a cheap recording device attached to the wall. He stared at it as the crying played over… He couldn't make sense of it, who would do this? Why would someone do this? He was unnerved as he as he reached to deactivate the recording but then-
"Fuck!" that was the third time he'd been scared by one of those fucking HH Holmes mannequins. He stumbled back, falling on his ass in the process, his head snaps to the direction of the only door as it shuts tight behind him and he is again in complete darkness. Breathe. He tries to calm down as he scrambles back against the wall, camera forgotten on the dusty floor in his panic. He keeps his eyes shut, as he slowly stands up, the cool wall pressed against his back, strange noises in the distance. He opened his eyes, letting them adjust what little they could and... And he was not alone. He felt the movement in the dark, the presence of… Someone. He can't quite make out. A small light blinking on his camera just barely illuminates a stranger's hand, gloved and clinical. Offering the return of what was his…
He reaches tentatively for his camera. Trying to make out the man's face but as his fingers brush the edge of the lens the camera dropped. The hand grabbing his wrist. The flash goes off, lighting up the space. Lighting up the stranger's face. Tall, masked and dressed to fit with the rest of this awful place but Mark could only see those eyes. Intense, blazing with unnatural determination. With certainty.
Then darkness consumed him. Blind after the light fades. Pressed against the wall, pain in his wrist, chest to chest… Heart beating rapidly. He stares out unseeing, feeling those eyes, ingrained in his mind. The sharp edge of a blade whispers against his jaw. Warm breath against his lips. The afterimage of decay, the ghost of a long dead devil. Everything screamed at him to fight but cold metal kept him in check.
His hand numb as the vice grip tightens around his wrist, the knife's edge drawn slowly under his chin. Tilting it slightly. His mouth part as he takes slow nervous breaths. Thinking of what to do. If this was the end. Of his family. Of Kate and a life in Brooklyn. Of those eyes staring through him, etched into his psyche and blotting out all else like spilt ink across everything that he is and values. This man had made himself the centre of the universe and he held Mark's breath as the blade jerked, cutting a thin line under his chin. 'I could have killed you, it would have been easy' Mark felt it in every fibre of his being, he knew it was true. He leaned his head back as the stranger got closer-
A knock at the door caught what little of his attention he could spare. "Mark?" he heard Kate's voice as she knocked again. "Are you in there? I heard you and-"
"I-I'm fine, I just-!" he panicked, as he felt the stranger's tongue slide against the small cut. He could explain… How could he explain!? The man let out a soft sigh as if he enjoyed the taste of Mark's warm blood. Was he going to kiss him or kill him or… Or worse. "The door shut behind me and I," he tried to turn his head, to not think about the eyes full of certainty that the man's will would be enforced, he can barely feel his fingers. He didn't want her to freak out. "I… I think it locked behind me."
"O-okay we'll find away to get you out." Kate sighed with relief, Mark heard her call out. Heard Charlie respond and footsteps running down the hall. The stranger leans in as if to kiss or to bite. Mark's nose press against the painted noes of the mask. He could almost see it. That image burnt into his minds eye. He feels the lightest touch of soft lips against his own, seemingly inadvertently. Mark holds his breath as the stranger pauses, as if debating his next move…
He pulls away at the sound of banging at the door. Mark puts an arm and feels… Nothing? Where did he go? How did he get in? What the hell just happened!? His head was spinning and he could barely make sense of what the others were saying. He slid down the wall, even now he felt those eyes on his skin. The uneasiness of not knowing, the ghost of an almost kiss that may have spared his life, of what would follow… What would follow?
His universe was small containing only the banging at the door, the beating of his heart and eyes like black holes drawing him in with certainty. The crushing palpable sense that he had been marked by decay, no longer outside of him… He reached for where his camera had fallen. It's familiar weight comforting in his hands.
He snaps out of it as the door bursts open. The light blinding him momentarily as Kate rushes towards him to see if he's okay. He blinks, disorientated as her face comes into view. Her eyes, full of warmth and uncertainty and life… She helps him to his feet, the scent of decay replaced by her perfume as he steps into the light. Mark pulls her into a tight hug, burying his head in her shoulder as he calms himself.
He loves her. Soon he would have to explain what happened… At least what he thinks happened. Soon the eyes would return and death would stalk the halls again but for now he just held tightly to her.
His love... his life.
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siilverwiitch · 3 months
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Chapter 1: The Dreams of a Non-Dreamer
Fandom: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs
Character: Nakahara Chuuya
Language: English
Words: 1,429
AO3 Link
Sometimes in life, it takes a single choice to make a difference. Sometimes that choice is the end result of an accumulation of previous events. Sometimes it means staring frozen at the maimed corpses of your friends. Searching for any sign of life. Hoping. Praying to find anything that may point to a happier outcome. Sometimes it means making the decision to follow the trail of a destructive psychopath.
For me, this is exactly what happened. Not even a few hours earlier these same maimed corpses were living, breathing people... my friends...
As I stand on the threshold of a massacre, I try to piece together what, or more specifically who did this. And almost as quickly as my head is bombarded with these thoughts and overwhelming emotions, it becomes intensely quiet. Too quiet. I can hear my own breaths, shallow and holding back an emotion I'm not ready to face.
The whole scene before me is an absolute train wreck. A situation I can't seem to tear my eyes away from. My entire body felt far too alive, but somehow at the same time entirely dead. Completely numb. I felt something damp roll down my cheek. I slowly reach my hand up and wipe the dampness away. Am I crying?
As I start wiping my cheeks with a fiercer intensity, I get a sense of déjà vu. How could this have happened before? Flashes of memories flood my mind. Looking down at my hands I see blood that wasn't there before that disappears once I blink.
"This has happened before."
Each time I look around the room, the more I notice small details that are wrong. A picture that has the wrong people in it. Looking back towards my friends' bodies, I notice a tiny detail.
"Wait, wasn't Lippmann's beauty mark on the left?"
Something is very wrong. It's not like I could explain it away as a dream. Could I?
At the realisation that I was reliving the scene I had experienced six years ago, I felt my chest tighten and before I could stop it, a small choked-off sob escaped. It seemed to echo into the deafening silence.
"Why?... I… I can't... I don't want to go through this again..." I took a sharp intake of breath that ended in another sob, "I can't relive this again..."
My knees gave in, and I slumped to the floor exhausted. The room shifted sharply, and my head hit the floor with a crack.
At the sensation of my skull connecting with the carpeted floor, I slowly cracked my eyes open taking in my surroundings. I was on the floor of my apartment's living room. The chair I had previously been occupying was now on its side. Miraculously, the bottle of wine remained upright and not a drop spilt during the potential chaos of the resurfaced memory.
Rolling onto my back, I stare at the ceiling trying to piece together whatever the hell just happened.
The silence of the room, so different from the violent memory that had just overwhelmed me, was both a comfort and a source of disquiet. My mind raced, trying to grasp the fragments of what I'd just experienced. Memories and reality seemed to blur together, and I couldn't tell if what I'd seen was a vision, a flashback, or something else entirely.
I forced myself to sit up, my head throbbing. My eyes landed on the overturned chair, the untouched wine bottle, and the faint impression of my body on the carpet. Everything was as it had been moments ago, yet I felt profoundly changed.
I staggered to my feet, gripping the edge of the table for support.
Even a week after my - dream? I still feel... off. Almost like I'm walking a fine line between reality and some hellscape of memories, fuzzy remnants of a time I have long forgotten and faceless ghosts that have started haunting my waking hours. Staring into my own eyes I realise I don't feel like I'm looking at myself but rather some stranger. I hate times like this, the last time I felt like this was when... was when... "Fuck", I push the palms of my hands against my eyes groaning, "Why am I like this?" Standing straight I remove that hat from my head placing it on the bathroom vanity top, the chain gently clanking as it makes contact with the hard surface. "I'm a fucking mess" I run my hands through my hair, "Huh, it's gotten pretty long. I should probably get a haircut" Movement out the corner of my eye catches my attention, not another one. These ghosts are starting to get on my nerves. I just want the past to stay where it belongs. In the past.
Most of them I can ignore or at least brush off with ease, but this one in particular was much more difficult. The bastard was very persistent. Today's ghost was this one. "Piss off you piece of shit!" Slamming my way out of the bathroom into the lounge space I was greeted by an empty space, no one but me. "Just leave me be" Please. I can't do this now. Entering the space properly I watch as a bandaged arm disappears into my bedroom. "I'm not playing these fucking games anymore you fucking ass!" Stalking towards the door the ghost had gone through I was once again greeted by an empty room. Sinking to the floor I realise just how irrational I have become. I'm following a phantom through my empty apartment like a mad man. "Shitty mackerel" I fucking miss you. Deciding my floor is going to be my final destination for the night I resort to lying down fully on the carpet. Closing my eyes, I realise just how exhausted I really am. I also notice that they're damp, and my vision is becoming slightly blurry. Laughing to myself I feel overwhelmed with emotion yet completely empty at the same time I can't believe I'm wasting tears on you; I thought I was over this. The last time I cried - cried? No only humans cry - the last time my eyes decided to do this was when you blew up my fucking car. And left me. Alone. Prick "Are you fucking happy now you fucking bag of walking bandages!? Huh? Are you proud of yourself? Are you fucking happy now? Pretending to be the good guy. Pretending you're not still mafia black!" I wipe the moisture collecting in my eyes finally clearing my blurred vision, and for a split second, I see that shit-eating grin of his. That I miss. Letting out a dark laugh I realise that I've missed that shitty mackerel for more time than I want to admit. Soon I let the darkness of sleep finally claim me. Only one memory plays through my mind. It was one I cherish fondly; one I share with the ghost of my past. It was one of the few times Dazai and I had spent a quiet night alone together. One where we weren't mafia but the teenagers we really were. I fucking hate. love. miss. him.
"Turn off the light jerk" At hearing no movement or response I finally crack an eye open. Oh. The sun coming through the window hits me in the eye forcing me to squeeze my eyes shut again. At the intrusion of the light, I slowly regain more consciousness and the realisation that I made the shit decision of sleeping on the floor instead of on my way more comfortable bed. "Well, that's gonna make me ache for the rest of the day"
Now I want to preface the next actions with a disclaimer, I would never usually only ever act on dumb impulsive thoughts when completely hammered, but I was an emotional wreck and still not fully conscious. Opening my phone, I scroll through my contacts until I find the mackerels. Hesitating for less than half a second, I tap on it and start messaging.
Hi I'm just. just what?
I try again
I hate you. [Sent] I hate you so much [Sent] But... [Sent] I also stupidly still miss you. Ass. [Sent] Because I fucking still... [Sent]
Typing and pressing send it takes me until I've typed my final message to realise they had sent. Shit.
I love you and I hate it. [Sent]
I send the final message. Fuck it, future me can regret it.
After my dumb ass decision, I pass out from exhaustion again, completely missing the message notification going off...
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wisteriasymphony · 5 months
comfort snapshot for @asukiess ignore whatever the other one's name is queen she's not important just crtl+f mari onto it no biggie
The lock looked simple, and like it had been forced upon before in the past. Claudia fought with the doorhandle for a moment, but it wouldn't open.
Jesus, calm down. You know he gets a bit of a fuse sometimes, hearing you try to break a door down isn't gonna fucking help you much.
She sighed, speaking softly.
"Adrien, I'm going to try and open the door," Claudia whispered, "And then I am going to step inside. I am not going to hurt you. I won't even come close if you don't want me to. Okay?"
Three minutes of dead silence. And so, she slipped her fingernail into the lock's middle slot, the lightest force enough to spring it open. She tread carefully into the bathroom, finding Adrien in the corner. He had ransacked every cabinet in the room and stolen all the towels and washcloths and even the bathroom rug; And in that corner, he had curled up in a ball and covered himself with them, until his silhouette was more of a shifting mass of fabric than a boy.
He didn’t bother to look at Claudia, only muttering “I’m disgusting” under his breath like it was a curse.
“Hey, people say things they don’t mean all the time.” Claudia slowly knelt down onto the floor, watching Adrien with a concerned gaze.
“I promise I didn’t mean it. I don’t– I wouldn’t want—“
“Shh. It’s fine, okay? I’m not mad over it or anything,” she said, crawling over to him. “…I’m going to put my hand on your head. Is that alright?”
He nodded, and so Claudia started to stroke his hair again. Adrien still couldn’t bear to look at her… but the feeling was nice. Even if it only led to more tears. It was insane to think that she’d still really love him after that. Was he even worth it? She had to have known that he wasn’t.
"Why do you stay?" Adrien finally asked. "You seem to make it so clear that I don't mean anything to you. Like one of these days you're going to discard me at the drop of a hat." He stared her down with dull, watery eyes, for the first time in a long while. "Why do you even stick around?"
It was clear that there was a very specific answer he was looking for. One that validated all of his worst fears, one that reminded him that even the person he loved most in the world would only ever see him as one thing. But Claudia was tired of lying. Even when it meant she said things people weren't expecting to hear.
"Because I don't know what I'd do without you." Claudia slipped her jacket off her shoulders, placing it in Adrien's lap as another thing to cover himself with. "Because I like hearing you talk, and I like your laugh, and I like that none of your fancy photos ever show the dimple on your left cheek but I get to see it everyday." Claudia laughed to herself, admitting "..It's very faint, but it's there."
Adrien shifted closer to Claudia, leaning on her a little more. He was still crying, sure, but the tears were slowing down. She was doing something right for once.
"What else... I like listening to you play piano. I think you're the best in the whole world."
"Th... that's not true..."
"Psch! To me, it is. Beethoven can suck my left nut for all I care, he's probably terrible compared to you."
This time she got a laugh back. Another shift closer. Adrien had finally reached a hand out to cling onto her.
"..So you do love me?"
"Mhm." Claudia planted a kiss on his forehead. "I love you, I love you, I love you, and I mean it even more every time I say it. I don't care what you look like, what you say to me, even who you are. 'Cause I don't love Chat Errant, or Chat Noir, or even Adrien Agresté." She placed her pointer finger on his chest, leaning in to let their foreheads touch. "I just love you."
He broke out into sobs again, his face contorting into something scrunched and unsightly. "Y-you won't let me be cold anymore, right? I was s-so cold— I-" Adrien let his head fall to her shoulder, heaving and blubbering into it. "And the lights and they'd— The way she touched me in- I-in— It lasted for so long and- There's pictures of all of it and— A-all I can remember is that I was so cold-"
He stopped when he felt her hand hover over the towels draped on his shoulder—stopped talking, stopped breathing, probably stopped blinking too. Claudia could feel he had the most terrible fever, was probably only going to kill himself with all these layers... but she moved her hand to his head, ruffling his hair.
"No, I won't let you be cold," she said, taking off her shirt, then her bra: giving him the former but setting the latter on the floor. "Here. I'll warm you up."
When Adrien went to hug her, a few of the towels fell off his shoulders. Claudia swore she'd never been hugged this hard in her life—maybe that even most people would never been hugged this hard. He seemed to wrap his body around her, clinging on by every means he could, shaking and heaving and yet still holding on however he could. But Claudia was stable, and her skin felt like dew-kissed stones in a riverbank. Not cold, but just.. a little less warm. The good kind.
"D-do you ever feel like you want your mom," he asked, the words breaking against his tears, "...But you— But you know that she'd only make it worse?"
Claudia knew that if Adrien's mother had still been alive, this would have been the moment Claudia planned to kill her.
"...Every day, Eddí," she said, shifting to kiss the top of his head. "Every day."
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photogirl894 · 2 years
Hello. May I ask for “can you stay? Just for tonight, please. I don’t want to be alone with my thoughts.” “‘l’ll stay for as long as you need.”
with Hunter, please?
I sure can! Sorry, anon, that I'm just now getting to this after you sent it to me months ago! 😫 I hope this makes up for it!
13. “Can you stay? Just for tonight, please. I don’t want to be alone with my thoughts.”/“l’ll stay for as long as you need.”
Pairing: Hunter x fem reader
Warning: mentions of panic attacks
You were crouched down in the corner of your apartment, hands clutching at your head, tears streaming down your face, your breathing rapid and heavy and your pounding heart being the only sound you could hear.
Earlier that night, you almost could've been killed and by some miracle, you were alive.
You were a bartender at 79's, the Clone bar on Coruscant and you rather liked the Clones. A lot of them were very noble, kind and fun. They weren't rude to you, tipped you and never really caused much trouble.
There was one Clone in particular that you had your heart set on and that was Sergeant Hunter of Clone Force 99. He was handsome, no doubt, and was very charming. You would catch him looking at you sometimes and you both would flirt with each other, which led you to believe that he was attracted to you, too. You liked it when he regaled you with stories of missions he and his squad had been on and when he'd get all confident and a little cocky about his own endeavors.
Then that night, all hell broke loose.
A group of bounty hunters had crashed the bar and started a riot. Before you knew it, there was blaster fire everywhere from both bounty hunters and Clones alike. Hunter had been talking to you at the bar when they came in and he told you to get down behind the counter where you both thought you'd be safe. Unfortunately, in the midst of the fight, one of the bounty hunters managed to find you behind the bar and aimed his blaster at you. You called out for help; for Hunter, fearing for your life as it looked like it was about to end. Lucky for you, Hunter heard your cry and shot the bounty hunter before he could shoot you.
"Get out of here! Run!" he ordered you.
Before you even realized what you were doing, your feet had carried you out of 79's and you went the only place you thought you would be safe: home.
It had all happened so fast and you had almost died. You would have had Hunter not been there. They had still been dealing with the bounty hunters when you had fled. Even in the midst of your current panic attack, you hoped that he and his brothers were all okay. You stayed on the floor like this for what felt like ages.
Eventually, there was a faint sound you couldn't make out past the thundering of your heartbeat. It sounded like a knock on your door and then a voice, but you couldn't make out who it was. Everything was hazy and distant and you couldn't focus on anything outside of your terror and anxiety. Then you heard the faint voice again and a figure was coming into view. There were hands on your face and as your vision cleared, you saw Hunter's face close to yours, his eyes wide with concern and fear as he was on kneeling in front of you.
"Hey, sweetheart, look at me! Look at me!" he stated, cradling your face in his hands. "Are you okay?"
"Hunter...you're all right," you gasped upon seeing him. When he nodded, you answered his question, "I'm...unharmed, but I...I was so scared."
"I know," he said, releasing you. "We found out those bounty hunters were offered a nice sum of credits for every Clone they killed in that bar. Who offered them the job, we don't know."
You gasped and let out a choked sob at the prospect of all the Clones being killed. That was so terrible to think of.
"I'm so sorry," he said softly. "I just thought you'd want to know why that all happened."
"Thanks for letting me know," you said through a strained voice, "and thank you for saving me. I'd be dead if it weren't for you."
He gave you a small, reassuring grin and replied, "Well...I've got to protect my girl, don't I?"
That wasn't the response you were expecting to hear and you found yourself beginning to calm down, your focus now fully on him. "Wait...did you just call me your girl?" you inquired.
"Yeah," he said. "That is...if you want to be. I really like you and seeing you in danger tonight made me realize I can't hide that anymore."
A smile crossed your face and you released another choked sob, your emotions still running high. "I would love that more than anything, Hunter," you told him.
Now full of gladness at your acceptance of his offer, Hunter put his hands on your cheeks, guided your head forward and placed a doting kiss in the center of your forehead before touching your heads together, giving you a sense of safety and security.
Being overwhelmed with all sorts of emotions in that moment, all you wanted was for Hunter to remain there with you to help stay off any fear or uncertainty left in you, so you hesitantly requested of him, "Can you stay? Just for tonight, please. I don't want to be alone with my thoughts."
"I'll stay for as long as you need," he promised as he wrapped his strong, shielding arms around you and held you close.
You closed your eyes and let yourself relax in his embrace, your terrors slowly fading as the night went on. As long as Hunter was there with you, you would always feel safe and protected no matter what.
20 Fluff/Relationship Prompts
More Hunter fics
Bad Batch Writing Requests
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Hiya! Can you pls do Marilyn thornhill x fem reader, where they are together and reader knows about Marilyn's past but one evening Marilyn feels especially insecure regarding that she never fit in and was kinda like an outcast, so y/n is there to show Marilyn that she means the world to her?
normie outcast {m. thornhill}
summary: req above !
relationship: marilyn thornhill x reader
extra/warning: mentions of abusive family. I've done something similiar to this it's linked: here
of course you knew of your girlfriends past, she told you a few days after you become serious with the relationship. But you didn't know about her revenge plan and thats why when you were told about her past you were drowned in sympathy for her. It was a sensitive topic around the two of you, and so it was avoided but on your way back from after school duty you could hear the faint sobs coming from a usually empty classroom. At first you thought it was a student, so making your way over to the door you were cautious on who it was but opening the door you froze in surprise.
"Mari dear?" You manage to get out, walking towards her. The women in question looked up from her spot at the front of the classroom, quickly trying to cover up the fact she had been crying. "Olivia! I was just about to come find you to ask you about the- uhm- staff meeting tomorrow!" she says, voice still thick with emotions.
"no, don't change the subject. I know something is wrong, you can't hide it from me my love. Let me help you." The pain that was in your girlfriends eyes was unbearable, so sitting down on the floor you pulled her into your chest.
"please, i promised you day one that i'd be there for you! Don't stop me from doing my promise." a sigh told you all you needed to know, "fine if you need to know, todays the 10 year anniversary since escaped my family house."
"oh mon cheri, i am so sorry, but you're free now and you've got me and i will never ever let you go." you told her rubbing circles on her back as her sobs continued to get louder and heavier.
"It's a relief, you know? When I was a kid, I always thought I'd be stuck in that house till my dying day, I think teenage me would be proud on how far I've come since I escaped, proud of the things I was able to achieve without my parents, proud of what i've made of myself." She confessed looking up at you with a small smile, you were proud for your girlfriend to be able to open up to you about her most vulnerable time in her life.
"I remember my brother telling me the night before he left that he'd get us both out of our family, Start a new life and when he died I didn't feel sadness- maybe pain but the main emotion was anger. He deserved to live! He was the only person who was there for me during that time." She continued whilst you listened quietly.
"Then once I left, I was able to get a few side jobs until my parents died and I was able to return." She pauses looking at you, "And, then I found you, sometimes I like to think my brother lead me to you." "Darling, I admire you strength. You've had so many ups and downs through out your life, and yet you still are here! Thats some god damn good mental strength." You tell her pulling her in for a hug, "and i'm glad that your brother lead you to me."
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bibliphale · 1 year
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post season 2 ep 6 drabble ── tied heavily to @n1atruc's meta post here.
heaven was too vast , too empty. it made me yearn for the warm clutter of my bookshop , of the faint smell of dust & freshly brewed tea , of the idly flickering lamp by my desk , of the faint , familiarly cloying cologne of the demon who snored on my sofa. blunt , manicured nails dug into the grooves of my palms , clasped neatly behind my back as i peered out of the offices , overlooking the sheer expanse of the planes of heaven. too bright , too ethereal ; a bit like me now , i supposed. i could see the reflection of myself in the window panes ; my eyes glowing like the supreme archangel's would , my hair too long , smoothed neatly back from my face despite the wildness of the curls. i'd grown a beard , but even that was relatively tamed , just as white as my hair as i watched the unfamiliar shape of me waver in the reflection of the glass.
i remembered how hard i'd tried to keep myself composed in the elevator leading up to heaven , all those months ago. how the metatron babbled on about the second coming , like i was truly listening , like i wasn't staring out into the voided , empty nothing , swallowing back the innate desire to double over & wretch up what was left of the coffee he'd offered me. the higher the elevator climbed , the further i could feel myself distancing from crowley.
oh , crowley. i'd never been that angry before , not with him. not as he crashed our lips together with bruising force , so sloppily i swore our teeth clattered & i bit the inside of my cheek , a choked sob escaping my throat as soon as he released me , my fingers knotted 'gainst his back soon falling away to fist at my sides. i'd known demons were manipulative , but i'd never for one second thought he would go to those lengths with me. i'd wanted to kiss him for eons , even well before 1941 , but i'd always daydreamed about gentle things , of tender , summer kisses with sunshine beating down & the smell of wildflowers around us. romantic things. not this , not violence , not as i tasted my own blood in my mouth as he stepped away from me , throat bobbing as i fought the urge to cry.
i love you. you stupid , stupid demon , please , i love you , i need you , don't do this , don't you dare make me choose.
                   ❛            i .. i forgive you.            ❜                    heaven called to me , it sang with the promise of renewal , of bending with me to accommodate my new changes ; but oh , how could i focus on such distant things when the creature i'd loved for so long finally confessed their love for me ? it was a tool to make me stay , a barbed , digging manipulation tactic that dug it's spears into my heart & forced me to dig my heels into the floor , otherwise i might've crumbled at his feet to cry.
i forgive you for trying to do convince me to stay. i forgive you for not seeing the bigger picture. i forgive you for not coming with me.
even now , i could taste him. drifting my fingertips across my lips as i stared at my reflection , my other hand still balled into a fist at my side , nails slowly beginning to bite crescent shaped marks into my skin , the acrid copper stench of fresh blood hitting my nose before i could feel the pain. it was like crowley had kissed me , reached down into my throat , & wrapped his claws around my heart. he still held it , even now , even while it beat painfully 'gainst my chest , i could still feel him. there was a blistering heat that seared across my skin , forcing me to suck in my breath , dropping my fingers from my mouth as i whirled around on my heel at the same time an alarm began to blare somewhere within the building. miracles were happening on earth , & not good ones ; mild natural disasters stretching across several countries. if i strained my ears , i could almost swear i could hear screaming.
no. no , i couldn't hear it. i could feel it. no other angel around me reacted the way i had to the sound , simply glancing at the world map in passing for a couple heartbeats , then moving on. couldn't they feel it ? hear it ? the violent pain that tore within me forced me to stumble , to clutch my fingers at my chest , digging fingers past my blue silk tie to press my hand to my heart , which was thundering much harder than it should. crowley. i knew it was him. i didn't know how i knew , but i did. i'd heard those exact screams before , but i'd buried the memory of them , feeling nothing but guilt as i'd turned my head away from watching him plummet to hell. tears spilled down my cheeks , the grieving sobs pouring nothing but holy water as i gasped for air , on my hands & knees as i clutched at my chest. someone was there , another angel had stopped to help me to my feet , bewildered by the state of me. they couldn't hear the screaming , they couldn't feel what i felt.
                   ❛            i'm fine , i'm fine , don't .. don't touch me , please don't.            ❜                    i wheezed , gently ushering her hands from my arms , scrambling away from her to press my back to the window , sitting haphazardly collapsed 'pon the white tile , inhaling a shaky breath that caught in my throat with a hyperventilated sob. palm pressing to my forehead , i willed the screaming to stop , the pain to go away. i had my own pain to deal with , which was so much easier to compartmentalize without all of this. i love you. i love you , please , i'm so sorry i never said it. that wasn't the right time to say those words , i knew that , i know he knew that. nothing about that last morning in my bookshop had been right , we'd been angry , desperate. i'd had my first kiss , yet remembering it brought nothing but agony.
don't do this. i'm doing this for us. for the world. one day i know you'll come to see what i did had been the hardest choice of my entire life , but i'd rather you hate me & be alive , safe , than love me & be constantly in danger , or dead.
sobs muffled behind my palms , what a sorry sight i was. the new supreme archangel , crying into their fingers , a crumpled mess on the floor of heaven as other angels walked past awkwardly , uncertain of whether to help or not. as my hands fell , i glared balefully up at the ceiling , my throat painful , constricted , tears streaming down my cheeks as i willed them to stop. the screaming had stopped , as had the quiet alarms. but the pain didn't go away. it was like a knife had punctured between my ribs , like crowley's claws were digging into my heart , squeezing as i slowly bled out internally. tongue rolling over my lips , i pulled my sleeve down to my fingers , wiping anxiously at my eyes as i struggled back to my feet , my white hair a knotted , wild mess now as i carded my hands through ; a weak attempt at smoothing them out again.
i had to see this through. i'd made my choice , as painful as it was , i had to see this through to it's completion. i could make a difference , i could change the way people think. i could get the almighty to agree with me , to see the good i was doing. i knew i could. willing the pain to dimimish , but knowing bitterly that it wouldn't , i pressed my palm to my chest as i peered out over the expanse of heaven again , shoulders heaving as i struggled to calm my breathing , which wheezed through gritted teeth , lungs burning as i pressed my forehead to the cool glass. stop. god , please , make it stop.
i'm sorry , crowley. i love you but i need to do this.
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elizabethmaximoff89 · 3 years
Listen Before I Go ~ WANDA MAXIMOFF
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⚠️TW: self harm, mentions of suicide, eating disorder⚠️
You hadn't expected for the day to end like this but you carried yourself up to your room and slumped down into the bed. You were anxious and tired and all you wanted was a hug from your girlfriend. You looked at the clock on your nightstand - 9pm. Wanda would definitely be finished with her last meeting now so she should only take a few minutes to go up to your room.
You sat up in bed, arms wrapped around your legs with your head in your lap waiting for Wanda to return. You started fidgeting with the rings on your hands, a telltale sign of your anxious state, as you tried to hold back tears. Just then, you heard Wanda outside the door and she entered the room to find you in your state. She dropped her bag on the floor and rushed over to the bed, taking you into her arms. You wrap your arms around her and squeeze as tight as you can.
"Hey, hey" she whispered, pulling away to cup your face with her hands, wiping away your tears.  "Baby what's wrong? What happened? Did someone hurt you? Who hurt you? You know I'll kill them right?!"
"No it's not-" you sob. "Nobody hurt me. I-" you gasp for air "I thi- I think I... hurt... myself"
"You what?" she grew more concerned. You tried to avoid eye contact but you could hear her sniffing back tears. She pulled her hands down the side of your body and rested them on your thighs and you winced at the contact. She pulled away and looked down at your leg, then back to you. She couldn't see what had happened because you had covered up but you knew that she knew it wasn't good.
"Baby" she cried "wha- why? what made you do that to yourself"
"I..." you struggle to speak between your strangled sobs "it doesn't matter. I just need you please" you pulled her back towards you, wrapping your arms around her and burying yourself deep in her neck.
"It's alright baby I've got you, you're safe. I've got you. You're safe, ok? Just..." you heard her take a deep breath before she whispers "you trust me, right?"
"Yes. Of course I do." You affirm
"Okay so... can I please see? Please baby I can help" she pulls away from you ever so slightly and her hand trails down to the waistband of your bottoms. She looks back to you asking for permission and you nod, lifting up slightly as she pulls them down. She covered her mouth with a strangled gasped as she saw the damage you had done to your leg. Cuts and bruises plastered all the way from your waist, down your hip and towards your knee. You were several shades of purple and red. You saw a faint glow of red in her eyes as she grew more and more upset.
"Are you mad at me?" you sobbed
"No baby, I'm not mad. I just want to know why" she said, stroking your hair reassuringly. You stare into thin air for a few moment until she pulls your attention back to her. You didn't want to tell her. You didn't want her to know you were weak. That you couldn't handle it. You wanted to be strong for her.
"I don't know if you remember Y/n but I can read minds right? I know I said I'd never read yours but if there's something I need to worry about then I won't hesitate to" she warns. You knew she wouldn't give up on this so you thought you may as well try to be honest with her.
"I- I've been having a hard time with... everything... with school, with work, with myself. I just can't do it anymore, any of it... I'm so sorry"
Wanda hushes you "hey baby you don't need to be sorry. I know exactly where you're coming from ok?" You nod back at her "I've been in similar positions but... you should of come to me. You should of told me all of this and I would've helped you"
"No- nobody can help me. not even you" you grumble
"that's not true! I can help you, I promise. You just have to let me okay?"
"It doesn't matter. I just want this whole thing to end" you cry "I need to end it"
"Please don’t say that y/n!" She warned, no longer able to hold back her own threatening tears
"No I can end it all!! If I'm not here then I won't suffer and you won't suffer so just... let me end it"
"DON'T SAY THAT!" she demands, her eyes and hands glowing in an instant. Her hands flew out to her sides. A hue of red burst from her hands and shot towards the walls, pulling the contents of a bookcase across your bedroom. A couple of smashed ornaments and some heavy books lay scattered across the floor.
You look at her, scared and anxious. She took a few deep breaths before the red aura clouding her eyes had disappeared. She looked back up into your worried eyes.
"I'm so sorry baby." She cooed, leaning back up to hold you face. "Please don't ever say that again," She warned. "You are going to get through this, I am going to get you through this. Together. Ok? Next time you feel like that you find me straight away and I'll come to you no matter what. You're my person, ok? I want to look after you. I need you y/n. Do you understand me?"
"Yes Wanda" you mumble
"Right… now let's get you cleaned up. When was the last time you ate?"
"Um earlier" you lied. She knew you were lying. She raised her brows at you and you instantly caved
"A couple... days ago, three maybe? What day is it?" you reluctantly admit. She rolled her eyes and carried you towards the bathroom. Wanda began to undress you, taking off your jumper and shirt, leaving you in just your bra and underwear. She sat you up on the counter and grabbed a wash cloth and began to press down lightly on your bruised side, nursing the pierced skin. You winced slightly each time she touched you but got used to the pain quickly.
"All done" she said, kissing you on your forehead "now let's get you in bed and I'll go make us up some food okay?"
You nod back at the brunette and jump down from the counter, feeling yourself drop slightly as a dizziness races through your head
"hey, easy detka" she whispered, catching you just in time
"I'm okay" you smile back up to her as she helps you into bed. She finds her way into the closet and pulls out your favourite hoodie of hers, handing it to you as she turns on the tv.
"I thought you didn't like me stealing your clothes" you joke
"But you look so good in them" she winks
Wanda finishes with the tv, putting on your favourite show and she placed another delicate kiss on your head. "I'm going to make us some food okay baby, stay awake, I won't be long" you hum in response.
About 30 minutes later
You were completely exhausted. You don't know how you managed to stay awake but somehow you did. You heard Wanda's footsteps getting closer and sighed in relief when she finally came back into the room.
"You're back" you said, sitting up and pulling the blanket down so Wanda could slide in next to you
"I'm surprised you're still up" she joked as she handed you a plate "here"
"Thanks" you took the plate from her and kept it on your lap as you continued to watch the show
"Moya lyubov" Wanda whispered. You turned around to look at her "You need to eat something". You hummed in response as you picked up your fork and started playing with the food. Suddenly you began shaking and you couldn’t stop until you felt the pressure of your girlfriends hands on your own, pushing the fork down from your grasp. You felt the bed shift as Wanda put her plate down on her nightstand and repositioned herself on the bed, grabbing your plate and fork. She picked up some of the food and held it up to your mouth in attempt to feed you.
"I'm not hungry"
"Y/n, you've not eaten in three days, come on...please? Just a little bit, I don't want you getting sick" She spoke sadly. You opened your mouth as she bought the food back up to you and she continued to feed you a few mouthfuls. A few rogue tears roll from your eyes and down your cheeks "finished?" Wanda asked and you nodded back at her. She didn't argue with you this time, taking both of your plates over to your desk and jumping back into bed with you.
"It's ok sweetheart, you did so well! Good girl... I'm so proud of you" she said wrapping you up in her arms and pulling you impossibly close.
"I love you Wanda" you mutter
"I love you so much more y/n" she whispered, trying to hold back tears.
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ashley-jones · 3 years
What is Lost is Never Forgotten
A simple oneshot of Thranduil helping his daughter come to terms with her wife's death during the battle of the five armies.
Warnings: Mention of death, blood, injuries, depression, talk of suicide, self harm, coming to term with lost loved one, harassment, y/n is not used, no names are mentioned
Pronouns she/her are used
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The princess of Mirkwood sat at the top of the tower, her wife of 400 years laid slowly dying across her lap. The blond tried everything in her power to stop the endless bleeding. "Stop.. Meleth nin.. t-there I'd nothing you can d-do.." the red head whispered. Her curls where falling over her wife's leg, the princess' tears fell to her bloodied cheeks.
"Please don't leave me.." the princess whimpered. Her tear covered lips pressed to the others, more hot tears falling down each of her cheeks. The blonde's Forehead pushed against the others, her heartbeat coming to a slow stop. Sobs and whimpers left the princess, hand shaking fingers grasping the others arm pulling her closer. Pained cries began leaving her, soon a pained and highly emotional scream left her. Her hands lifted pushing blond hair back causing blood to stick to the few braided strands, staining her temple with her own lovers blood.
Her throat went raw, her head leaning down pressing into her wife's chest, begging with a rasped tone for her to wake up or just to come back to her. Heavy footsteps rushed to the opening of the tower before coming to a stop.
Thranduil stood 15 feet from his daughter, his daughter in law laying dead in her arms. His daughters sword had been tossed and was leaning on it's last life on the cliff side. An orc laid dead with Luna's sword plunged into it's chest, but the orc got it's final blow on the guard. He could hear his daughters pleas for Luna to awake and hug her, to kiss her, to return back to Mirkwood with her so they could bathe and then curl up and read together.
Finally he moved forward kneeling down beside the crying princess. Gently shifting her body allowing her to cry against his armour. Her hands, sleeves, uniform and even hair was covered in Luna's blood. She was shaking with so many emotions. She wanted to scream, to lash out, to kill every ork that even dared to walk middle earth. But she couldn't, she didn't have the strength.
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The princess was locked away in her room. Legolas was gone, having gone West to find a ranger their father had spoken of, most likely to never return to Mirkwood. Her door was locked and chained stopping anyone from entering. No maids could go in, meaning the princess wasn't getting much food. Thranduil was unable to enter, even though he could easily bust those chains from the door, he didn't. He wished for her to come to him.
He knew this pain. The feeling of loss and guilt of losing the love of his life. He wanted nothing to do with anyone after his wife, his children's mother, passed away in battle. He still feels that loss, his wife having moved on into the realm of the dead and most likely already reborn and moved onto another.
His daughter will now have to deal with the spirit of her wife just as he did with his. She will be forced to live with that guilt of not being strong enough to fight for her soulmate. The portrait that sits above their once shared bed will always be a reminder that she wasn't good enough to save the one person she could share her whole soul with.
So when he heard the chains falling and hitting against stone flooring, he was up from his desk and already pushing the oak door open. The princess was out of her room, guards looking towards her, maids whispering. Her hair was in a messy braided bun, that was horribly done, but she didn't seem to care. She wore her red nightgown that reached her knees. Her eyes red and once unharmed skin was licked wnd stained with blood. Her sleeves where darker than the rest of her gown, which causing the king to drop the scroll he had been reading and rushed to catch his fainting daughter.
Her head fell back against his arm looking up at him with a begging look. "M-make it stop.. a-ada it hurts.." she whimpered. "Get me a healer!!" he roared. "NOW!!" he yelled. Maids and guards flinched immediately obeying the King's order. Her ocean eyes met his fear filled with ones, his large hand was grasped tightly around the bleeding wounds, stopping the blood flow as much as he could. "I d-didnt wanna d-die.." she suddenly whispered. "I w-wanted to...." she cried.
"You're not gonna die Melethel.." he whispered. "You need to live on for her.. Just as I did with your mother. So I will not allow you to die, you have so much ahead of you Melethel.." he whispered. His voice was shaky as he held his daughters cheek with his unused hand.
The healer took her into her room quickly, beginning the process of healing the deep inflicted wounds. Thranduil stood beside her, holding her unharmed hand, whispering sweet nothings to her to keep her awake. "Gi Melin.." he whispered. He kissed her forehead, thumb running across her knuckles.
"I loved her so much.." she whispered. "I know..." He quietly replied. Her arm was stitched and bandaged over twice. Thranduil had helped her into a new night gown, as she fought anyone else who tried to touch her. Her shaking had gone down a bit as she cuddled up to her father, eyes slowly closing, allowing her body to fall asleep for the first time in weeks.
Her wedding ring never once left her finger, a memorial was being built along side her mother, the past on queens statue was cleaned and fixed up leaving nothing but a peaceful environment.
Luna looked upon her soulmate, ghosted hand trailing over her arm, the wounds healing over, now leaving behind a tattoo that matched the ones on Luna's right arm. "You have to live on Meleth nin, for I will never leave your side.. And once I have been reborn I will come to you."
Luna went from an assassin sent to kill Thranduil and Legolas after refusing treaty with another elven kingdom. After her failed attempt she was placed in the Mirkwood dungeons, where the lingering princess had found the assassin. She was a very different she elf. Luna was taller than the princess, with shoulder length curled red hair. She had tattoos on her chest and on her right arm.
Soon Luna had escaped from the cell, in hope of escaping from the kingdom but a certain young scream had completely stopped her. Following the scream and quiet whimpers, Luna came upon the princess with 4 maids around her and 3 tall guards. The girls where pulling at her dress trying to unclothe her.
None of this went well Luna, because she stepped forward shouting at them to leave the blond alone. The guards quickly straightened when they realized the prisoner had escaped. As they laughed and went to capture her, she knocked one down and captured his sword, taking the two others down in the matter of seconds. The maids where next. None of them got away without their heads hitting against wooden walls.
The assassin had pulled her jacket free of her shoulders leaving her well toned arms and cleavage to show, wrapping it around the princess who was staring up at her in awe. Even when the king had come rushing to the commotion she never looked away from Luna.
The kind made her his daughters guard. She would be the only one to step close to the princess other than Thranduil, Legolas, and Tauriel. If anyone else dared to come near her, Luna would have them down in seconds. But within a month, a guard and princess relationship turned into something much bigger. The princess surprisingly made the first move. It was the night of her older brothers birthday, everyone was pretty much passed out drunk or just lingering in the dining hall with the king.
Luna and the woodland elf had escaped to her main chambers. The room was a place Luna knew well, having hardly left this area because the elven Princess was always reading or just enjoying the sun from the balcony. The moon shinned brightly through the large glass windows, the princess was sitting on her bed with Luna standing watching the leaves shift with the wind.
"Luna.." the she elf whispered. The red haired woman looked down at the royal elf, who was already staring up at her like a puppy. The princess stood, her silver robe falling from her arms, hands moving to her guards waist and soft pink lips pressed into rough ones. Rough hands shifted to her waist, arm wrapping tightly around her melting into the kiss.
An elven Princess married her guard that was once sent to kill her father. They spent 500 years together, and 400 of those years they where married. They where happy, with one another, and no matter if they fought they still looked at one another as if they have fallen in love all over again.
And as the eleth looks up at her wife's statue with big ocean blue eyes. Blonde hair flowing along with her blue sleeves gown, the tattoo on her silken skin covering scars was open to the sunlight. Wedding ring reflecting with the sun just like her silver circlet with the crescent moon in the front and tribal designs in the back.
"I hope you are resting well Meleth nin." she whispered.
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What do the Wammy Boys Remind me of?
(This idea was inspired by some other posts i saw ♡ I thought ìt was a fun idea so I thought I'd hop on it. If the original people are uncomfortable with any similarities please let me know and I'll take it down immediately. Thank you.)
☆ Bonfires late at night against frigid fall air, Criss-crossed tire prints burned into an abandoned road, Frustratedly punching a pillow while biting back your own sobs because you aren't allowed to cry, Small Victories and huge losses.
☆ The feeling of envy creeping into your chest you always push back, Singing along to your favorite song and feeling the happiness and humanity rushing back to you. Studying frantically to gain leverage over your rival but being unable to commit or focus. Highlighted passages and star shaped post-it notes. ☆
☆Doodling in the margins of your work while the sounds of familiar music envelops you.
☆ Taking matters into your own hands and refusing to conform. The feeling of the cold winter breeze rushing through you like a knife as you realized you won. The feeling of falling and realizing you had a parachute halfway down. Your heart beating in your chest like a drum. Forgiveness.
☆ Snowflakes falling down quietly over a familiar field. The pang of loneliness but knowing you can't do anything about it. The smell of spilled ink and strong peppermint.
☆Empty staircases and abandoned rooms. Faint music you know belongs to your rival...You want to hate it but you cannot. So you listen through the wall silently, secretly hoping they win.
☆The feeling of judgement and unwanted opinions. Frosted Window panes. Readjusting your shirt ever five minutes to cover your body better...
☆Unfinished meals and scattered cards. Sterilized floors and counters.
☆ Unadultered joy and childlike hope. The potential of a million opportunities you refuse to waste. A little demon in the corner of your heart nagging to bite that you push down.
☆Nothingness. Your thoughts rushing through your head as you sit alone with yourself.
☆Bluebells swaying against the grass after a rainstorm.
☆ Cigarette smoke and strawberry pockys. Frustration and a missed childhood you are eager to get back and keep for good.
☆Compassion and loyalty. Fun and risk taking. Dragging your best friend by the arm to ride the biggest Rollercoaster in the amusement park for the 50th time. Walking the edges of sidewalk curbs to see if you can balance the sunset ebbing brilliantly behind you.
☆8 bit covers and the sight of the stars behind a dusty windowpane. The joy of gaming combined with unadultered nostalgia.
☆Adrenaline. Sneaking out to cheer your friend up in the middle of the night with some good old fashioned puns and a million places you two could bus to before everyone wakes up.
☆Fear and anxiety but....Belief in the impossible. Simple dreams and big hopes.
Beyond Birthday-
☆Food you know you should eat but don't want to touch. The sweet flavor of Raspberry jam filling your mouth.
☆Rain rushing down your face as you mourn people who barely knew you but you loved. Realizing that no one will remember you when you go but you can make them remember you for what you did.
☆Big dreams and little time. Journals filled with plans and hopes and aspirations you will never know but make you feel fuzzy and seen when you read.
☆ VHS tapes and faded manga. The feeling of fighting to live.
☆Constant reminders of who you are. Layers of makeup and the faint smell of coffee. Ambition. Half finished horror novels and candy corn in a bowl.
☆ A warm pull telling you you can still be saved and its not too late you constantly ignore. Yearning.
☆Fear and hate. Refusal to quit and be seen as weak to someone who doesn't even SEE you.
☆Running into the woods at night as the thistles gnaw your legs, only looking back once at your old home. Stopping to wish well on the bastards left behind before running again. Freedom.
☆The smell of matches and gasoline you always knew were your trademark...Regret.
L Lawliet-
☆Stale coffee and thick icing. Knowing more about the world than almost anyone but having no one know you. Questioning who you are and what you really stand for.
☆Realizing you never had a childhood and never will. Familiar dreams and distant places. The glow of a full moon steaming through your window.
☆Scattered papers and cold rooms...Trusting No one but admiring their lives and them being good people. Acceptance.
☆A routine you can never fully leave behind. Classical music drifting from a place you can't quite locate but reminds you of home.
☆ Dull aching for change, and adrenaline when it does. Curiosity. The thrill of the chase as you trail someone running through a deep forest, them always just avoiding your grasp.
☆Confusion and effort. The taste of blood mixed with sugar.
☆Feeling alive for once.
☆Warm blankets and Old buildings. Snow crunching beneath your feet. Waking up and realizing your all grown up and another year has gone by.
☆Knowing someday you will be happy and change something.
☆Knowing your succesors will change the world on their own even without you and a warm feeling in your heart.
Hey Mitsu here!! Thanks for all the support on the last posts you guys are lovely...Have a wonderful day <3
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bumblesimagines · 3 years
Green Thumb
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Part 15
Request: Yes or No
Nebula and Tonys friendship was v cute and we deserved to see Tony be a dad to her. This feels v short so I'm sorry
"Maybe some company will do you good, (Y/N)." Natasha said softly, rubbing your arm. You stayed silent, staring at the table. Rhodes had offered you your old room back but you couldn't give him an answer. Your gaze shifted to the glass of water, brows furrowing when the water in the glass began to move. Natasha followed your gaze.
"I'm not doing that." You said softly, glancing at her. Steve entered the room, heading towards the exit.
"Something's coming." He called. Rhodes and Bruce quickly followed him out. You stood up, doing the same. You walked out onto the field, seeing Pepper staring up at a ship. You watched the woman set it down, looking back at you all. Steve ran forward, helping Tony off the ship. Pepper sobbed, running forward as well. You turned, walking back towards the facility.
"Great, the douchebag survived." You muttered, opening the door and sitting back down. You knew loss would come with trying to save the world but you didn't expect to lose everyone you loved. Clint and Natasha were still around but they were grieving as well.
"(Y/N), this is Carol Danvers, a friend of Fury." Natasha said as she entered the room. You turned to look at the blonde, giving a small nod. You watched as Rhodes pulled up images of everyone who had been lost to catch Tony up. Your gaze dropped onto the table when you saw your friends images appear.
"World governments are in pieces. He did.. He did exactly what he was planning to do. He wiped out.. 50 percent of all living creatures." Natasha explained, voices getting softer. You took in a shakey breath, sitting up and glancing at everyone. You made eye contact with Tony. He was skinny and weak but he held sadness in his eyes.
"Is Barton..?" Tony trailed off.
"Clint survived... Laura and the kids are gone." You told him, voice threatening to crack. Tony inhaled deeply, nodding.
"Where is Thanos? Where is he now?" Tony asked, looking at Steve. Steve frowned.
"We don't know. He just.. Opened a portal and walked through." Steve said, staring down at the floor. Tony hummed, turning to look at Thor.
"What's wrong with him?"
"He's pissed. He thinks he failed. Which, yeah he did but so did the rest of us." The talking raccoon, Rocket, said. You didn't have enough energy to question how a raccoon ended up in space, much less question how it could talk.
"Honestly, until this exact last second, I thought you were a build-a-bear." Tony said, looking at him.
"Maybe I am." Rocket muttered in a tired and defeated tone.
"Thanos has been missing for three weeks now. We've got nothing. Tony, you fought him."
"Who told you that? No, he wiped my face with a planet while the magician gave away the stone. That's what happened. There was no fight-"
"Okay, okay.. Did he give you any clues?" Steve asked. Tony blew some raspberries, shrugging. You sighed at his childish response.
"I had a vision. I didn't want to believe it.. Thought I was dreaming-"
"Tony, I need you to focus."
"-And I needed you. As in past tense. That trumps what you need. You know what I need?" Tony knocked over some glasses, standing up from his wheelchair. "I need to shave."
"Tony, Tony, stop." Rhodes approached him as Tony ripped off his IV needle.
"What we needed was a suit of armour around the world! Remember that? Whether it impacted our precious freedoms or not." Tony looked over everyone.
"Your project got Sokovia destroyed and ruined." You reminded him, finger running over the rim of the glass cup. Tony began stumbling as he argued with Steve, stumbling towards him. He ripped off the Arc reactor, putting it in Steve's hand before falling to the ground. He fainted afterwards so Rhodes and Steve got him to the medical unit.
"This is such a shitshow. I'm going home." You said, standing up and picking up the glass. Natasha turned towards you.
"Stay for a little longer-"
"For what? So I can be told nothing's gonna bring back by family? My best friends? I had nothing then I had something and now I have nothing again." You flinched when the cup shattered, pieces of glass and water landing on the ground. You sighed softly, taking the shards stuck in your skin out.
"Sorry. I'll clean this up." You mumbled, using your other hand to get the water off the floor. Carol blinked, watching in surprise. You opened one of the cabinets, pulling out the first aid kit. You turned your head when Carol stood beside you.
"Hey." You breathed out, running your hand under water to wash away some of the blood. Carol picked up the antibiotic cream, using a cotton ball to dab it onto your cuts. You didn't really feel like healing yourself.
"I'm sorry you lost so many people." She said quietly, picking up the bandages and wrapping them around your hand.
"Well, shit happens." You looked at your bandaged palm, sighing softly.
"I lost two best friends." Carol said, leaning against the counter.
"Nick and Monica, the daughter of a good friend." Carol looked at you, arms crossing.
"Sams' sister calls nonstop and I don't know what to tell her. She has two toddlers, both parents passed away, and she's a widow. How can I tell her that her older brother turned into dust and I couldn't do anything to save him? Dad and I can't even look at each other without noticing how empty the house feels. I wake up everyday hoping it was all a nightmare but then I don't hear Laura telling the kids to get up or Clint going on about teaching Lila archery." You looked away from her, eyes watering. Carol placed a gentle hand on your arm, giving it a light squeeze.
"You did what you could. What you have to do now is be there for the people who are still here. Your friends sister needs you. She needs someone familiar. Someone close to Sam and someone who was there in his last moments." Carol said, watching you.
"You'll never get back up if you keep knocking yourself down." She said softly. You let out a shakey sigh, nodding and sniffling. Carol offered you a napkin, patting your back before she walked away. You wiped away your tears and splashed some water on your face, patting your face dry. You turned and grabbed the broom and collector, taking care of the glass. You put the first aid kit away as Carol re-entered the room with Natasha and Steve following.
"Hey, we usually do things as a team here." Natasha said as Carol spun around to look at her.
"We realize up there is your territory but this is our fight too." Steve added.
"Do you even know where he is?" Rhodes asked, head tilting. Carol shrugged lightly.
"I know people who might."
"Don't bother." You looked at the blue android girl, Nebula.
"I can tell you where Thanos is." She revealed. The humans glanced at each other before gathering in the office to hear what she had to say. You leaned against the doorway, semi interested.
"Thanos spent a long time trying to perfect me. When he worked he talked about his great plan. Even disassembled I wanted to please him.. I'd ask where we would go once his plan was complete. His answer was always the same." Nebula turned her head to look at everyone. "To the garden."
"That's cute. Thanos has a retirement plan." Rhodes mumbled as Rocket climbed onto the table, making a hologram of Earth appear.
"When Thanos snapped his fingers, Earth became ground zero for ridiculously high cosmic proportions. Nobody's ever seen anything like it." Rocket said, making the hologram change to a different planet.
"Until two days ago on this planet." Rocket motioned to the planet shown. Nebula nodded, leaning forward.
"He used the stones again." Natasha whispered. Everyones attention shifted onto the planet.
"You can count me out. I have a therapy session soon." You called, turning around and walking down the steps.
"You go to therapy?" Rhodes asked, brows furrowing as he turned to face you.
"Yeah, it's called napping."
You entered the house, taking in a deep breath. Neither you or Clint dared clean up the place. Everything was left exactly how it had been left after Thanos snapped his fingers. You entered the livingroom, gaze landing on the metal on the ground. You sighed softly, picking up the monitor. Clint had broken it. Clint not following the rules of his house arrest was probably the least of the governments problems. You tossed it onto the couch, walking to the kitchen and opening the fridge.
"Beer, beer, beer, leftovers, beer." You mumbled as you sorted through the fridge. You shut the fridge, looking at the drawings and pictures pinned to it with magnets. You swallowed, leaving the kitchen. You stepped over the Legos on the ground, going to the front door. You watched as Clint drew an arrow, shooting it at a target in the distance. All Clint did was practice. Probably to get his mind off things.
"Should I head into town for food?" You called out. Clint stayed silent so you took it as a no. You took out your phone, looking at the contact.
Sarah Wilson
You watched it ring, guilt creeping into your heart. You sighed, licking your lips and answering.
"Oh, thank god! I've been trying to reach you for the past few weeks. I haven't heard anything yet about Sam and the others. How is Sam? Is he with you?"
"Sam.." You started, biting down on your lip as you shut your eyes. You let out a heavy sigh, taking a seat on the stairs.
"I should explain everything in person, Sarah. I'm not gonna make you wait until I get to Louisiana. Sam.. He, uh.. He didn't make it. I'm s-sorry." You sniffled, hearing a soft gasp leave Sarah.
"Oh, God.." She whispered.
"I-I'll stop by. I tell you everything but.. Sam.. Sam was a hero until the end." You said softly, hearing the kids in the background. You were relieved she wasn't completely alone.
"C-Could you just stay with me on the phone?" Sarah asked softly.
"Yeah, of course." You replied, answering her softly cry.
"What the hell am I gonna do now? Half the folks in town are gone and.." Sarah sniffled. You listened to her soft sniffles and sobs, sighing softly.
"I'm not gonna leave you, Sarah. Sam would have my head if I did." You smiled softly, hearing her chuckle.
"Thank you."
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loki--fics · 3 years
All For You - Part 2
Loki x Reader
Content Warnings: abuse mentions, violence, strong language
Word Count: 2,294
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     Loki had only been partially right the night before - you did have a slight headache when you woke, but it wasn't nearly as bad as he had made it seem like it would be. It's nothing a couple of aspirin can't cure, You thought as you rubbed the sleep from your eyes.
     "Well look who finally decided to get up." Your head snapped to the side, your fiancé's voice startling you. "Did you have fun?"
     You sighed. "What are you on about now?"
     "As if you don't know," He scoffed. "Bringing that God back to our room, flirting with him, kissing him."
     "For fuck's sake, Ben, he kissed my cheek," You retorted. "I'd had a bit too much to drink so he walked me back to our room."
     Ben was visibly seething. "Is he better than me? Is that it? Are you going to leave me for him now?"
     "God, what is wrong with you?" You snapped. "I only just met him last night!"
     "What's wrong with me?" Ben shouted, grabbing you by the arm and yanking you off the bed. "I'm not the one behaving like some depraved whore! That's all you, Y/N!"
     You rolled your eyes. "Oh, yeah, because you eye-fucking Nat last night totally wasn't worse than a kiss on the cheek."
     The force behind the resounding crack that followed was enough to knock you to the floor. Your eyes watered as you held a hand to your burning cheek, the sour taste of iron filling your mouth as your head spun trying to process what just happened.
     Touching a finger to your lip, it came away bloody, and you looked up at your fiancé in shock. "Did you just hit me?" 
     Immediately, Ben's face softened as he dropped to his knees in front of you. "Baby, I am so sorry, I- I didn't mean to!" He kissed your forehead and pet your hair. "You know I didn't mean to do that, right? I just… You made me so angry, it wasn't my fault! I- All I could picture was Loki kissing you, and-"
     "Ben, stop," You said, too in shock to cry. "Stop it."
     "And then you said I was eye-fucking Nat, when you know I wasn't, right baby?" He continued. "You were just being jealous, and maybe you aren't as hot as she is but if I wanted her then I wouldn't be with you, okay? I love you."
     You looked at him in disbelief. "Maybe I'm not as hot as she is, Ben?" You asked coldly.
     "Baby, come on, don't be like that," He scoffed. "It's okay, I'm not going to go after her, I love you."
     Shaking your head, you scooted away. "You love me?" 
     His eyes welled up with tears. "Don't make me beg, please? I love you, Y/N. I didn't mean it, I promise. You know I wouldn't have done that if you hadn't made me so angry, don't you?"
     Your resolve broke at the sight of Ben crying, and you placed a hand to his cheek. "Please don't cry," You said softly.
     "Let's just forget this ever happened, okay?" He said. "Don't tell anybody, then they'll think I'm an awful person and they'll try to make you leave me, and you don't want that, do you?"
     "No," You sighed. "I know you didn't mean to, Ben. I'm sorry I made you so angry, it won't happen again."
     He smiled, kissing you roughly. "I know baby. We're leaving today anyway, so let's just get packed up, and-"
     "I'm going to take a shower," You interrupted. "Then I'll help pack, okay?" Ben nodded as you stood, and started to follow you to the bathroom until you turned around. "Alone, please."
     His smile faltered, but he nodded. "Okay, I'll just pack it all up myself then, I guess." 
     "Ben, I'll help when I get out-"
     "No, just go enjoy your shower alone," He said harshly before turning around and throwing your things into suitcases. You let out a sigh and walked into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind you. 
     Walking over to the mirror, you inspected your cheek. There was a very prominent angry red handprint, already starting to bruise, and blood was dripping from your split lip. You felt tears burn behind your eyes as you started the shower, undressing slowly before stepping in. You noticed bruises on your wrist and arm beginning to form as well, and it was like the floodgates had burst open as tears poured from your eyes.
     You sat on your knees on the floor of the tub, hunched over as you tried to sob as quietly as possible. You didn't bother with actually washing yourself, you just sat there and cried until you had no tears left and the water went cold.
     Turning off the water, you wrapped your body in a towel and grabbed a second one to dry your hair, ignoring the pain in your wrist as you did so. The bruise on your cheek would be easy to hide with makeup, and you could cover the bruises on your arm with long sleeves, but your split lip was another thing entirely.
     I'll have to come up with a story to explain that, You thought as you went about your routine. You splashed some cold water on your face, hoping to get rid of the puffiness of your eyes, and then brushed your teeth (and in doing so, reopened the cut on your lip). After it had stopped bleeding, you began layering concealer on your cheek to cover the bruise, trying to take your time before you had to face your fiancé again.
     Even with all of your stalling, you were soon finished in the bathroom, and walked back into your room to find Ben sitting on the bed, suitcases unpacked, with a sour look on his face.
     "What's the matter?" You asked. "I thought you said you were going to start packing while I was in the shower."
     He huffed. "There's a snowstorm moving in, we're not going to be able to leave for at least another few days."
     You tried not to show the relief that poured through you at the news. "I'm sorry baby, I know how much you wanted to go home today. This could be a good thing, though-"
     "How is it a good thing?" He snapped. "I don't want to have to stay here, with that slimy snake Loki just waiting to get his filthy paws on you."
     "You're right, I'm sorry," You replied quickly. "I was just trying to see a silver lining, but I guess there is none."
     "Whatever," He grumbled. "We'll just stay in here."
     You raised a brow at him. "Baby, if I have a few more days to spend with my brother, then I want to spend them with him, not hiding in my room." You saw him stiffen, and knew he was getting upset so you quickly continued, "Besides, would that not be suspicious, if we stayed holed up in here for days?"
     He sighed. "I guess you're right. Just… Stay away from Loki, if I catch that weasel anywhere near you, I'll kill him."
     Deciding that now would not be a good time to mention that he, a normal human man, could not kill a magic wielding God, you simply nodded. "Okay, I'll stay away from him. Let's.. Let me get dressed, and we can go eat breakfast, alright?"
     He rolled his eyes, but nodded, and you quickly picked out an oversized, cream coloured turtleneck and black fitted jeans, throwing them on after putting on clean knickers. 
     "Are you ready?" You asked, and he nodded. The two of you walked to the kitchen together, where you were greeted by your brother, who was very obviously nursing a hangover. 
     "How are you feeling, Tony?" You asked. "You must have one hell of a hangover, because you look like absolute crap."
     He chuckled dryly. "I'm surprised you don't, Y/N, what with all that Asgardian wine you drank last night." 
     You felt Ben stiffen beside you, but you didn't dare look up at him. "It's nothing that a couple of aspirin won't fix," You replied, looking for something to change the subject. "Did Pepper make breakfast? It smells amazing in here."
     "Yes she did," Tony said. "She just finished, went all out since you two are here. The whole shebang."
     You smiled. "Well, I'm going to go check if she could use a hand setting the table or anything. Ben, you can stay here and catch up with Tony, tell him about your new job."
     Giving your fiancé a quick kiss on the cheek, you escaped to the dining room, where you found Pepper laying plates down in front of the seats at the table. "Hey! Do you need a hand?"
     "Oh, no, Y/N, you're our guest," She said, smiling warmly. "I'd never ask you to- Your lip! What happened?"
     You felt anxiety prick at your chest as you forced a smile. "I'm a pretty rough sleeper, I must have smacked myself. But please, you put so much effort into cooking, it's the least I can do."
     You felt a wave of relief crash over you as she accepted your explanation and handed you the rest of the plates. When you had finished putting them out, you helped her carry the food from the kitchen, and Tony wasn't kidding when he said she made the whole shebang - French toast, eggs, sausage, bacon, hash browns, crêpes, and fresh fruits.
     "That's everything," Pepper said, setting down two pitchers of orange juice. "Thank you for your help, Y/N."
     "Of course," You said, smiling warmly. "Is JARVIS going to let the others know breakfast is ready?"
     "Yes," Tony said, walking in with Ben. "But I'm starved, so I'm not going to wait for them." 
     You and Pepper laughed as the four of you sat down, and you filled your plate with some French toast, fruit, and hash browns as more of the Avengers began to trickle into the dining room.
     Everyone chatted amicably amongst each other, giving much deserved compliments to Pepper on her cooking, but you could feel Ben seething next to you. What had Tony said to him that would have made him angry all over again? It couldn't have just been about you drinking that wine, could it?
     Whilst you were eating, the cut on your lip reopened once again, and you had to excuse yourself to the kitchen to clean it up. Dabbing a paper towel to your lip, Loki meandered into the kitchen from the hall, eyeing you.
     "What happened?" He asked, eyes staring at your split lip and noticing the faint discolouration on your cheek. 
     "I'm a rough sleeper," You said. "I must have hit myself in the mouth while I was asleep or something." 
     "Did you hit your cheek as well?" He asked.
     You looked away from his intense gaze. "I don't know what you're talking about," You replied quickly.
     He was about to reply when Ben walked into the room, his eyes immediately falling on Loki. If looks could kill, Loki would be dust on the floor - but, to be fair, so would Ben. 
     "What do you want?" Ben snapped. "Here to mack on my fiancé some more are you?"
     Loki looked at you, and you looked at Ben. "It wasn't like that, Ben, we'd all had a lot to drink last night."
     "Yeah, I know you kissed him first," Ben said, his voice thick with barely-suppressed rage. "Tony told me."
     You froze, looking at him in shock. "It was on the cheek!" You hissed. "Ben, please just stop this!" 
     "What's the problem?" Thor asked, walking into the kitchen. 
     Ben visibly paled, and his shoulders sagged. "Nothing," He said, obviously defeated. "I was just leaving." 
     "What happened?" Thor asked after Ben left. "He seemed upset, is he okay?"
     "He's fine," Loki said quickly. "I provoked him."
     A look of understanding came over Thor's face. "Ah, yes, well that does make sense. You need to stop that, brother."
     Loki nodded, and Thor went back in the dining room. Turning back to you, Loki looked at you expectantly.
     "I do believe you owe me an explanation," Loki said. "That is twice now that I have witnessed your fiancé speak to you in such a manner."
     "I don't know what you're on about," You huffed.
     Loki stepped closer to you. "Have you forgotten that I am the God of Lies? You cannot lie to me, I will know."
     "Well, you're wrong." You turned away from him. He grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him.
     "Your lip is split open, your cheek is bruised, that oaf you call a fiancé speaks to you like you are his property, and twice now I have had to step in to cover for you." His blue eyes bore into yours, and you were at a loss for words.
     Taking a deep breath, you exhaled slowly. "I don't know what you want me to say, Loki. You don't know what you're talking about. Ben would never intentionally hurt me, he loves me." 
     "So he's unintentionally hurt you, then?" Loki asked, catching on to your careful choice of words. 
     You pulled your chin away from his grasp. "I would appreciate it if you would stop interrogating me and allow me to finish my breakfast," You said. "You're welcome to join."
     You plastered a smile on your face as you walked back into the dining room, ignoring the dread seeping into the pit of your stomach. Ben was livid, that much was obvious, but you tried to convince yourself that there was no way he would repeat the events of that morning.
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cherryjuicegf · 3 years
Hello! If you're in the mood for it, i have a prompt I'd love for you to write: Geralt having an anxiety attack (or something like it) and Jaskier showing him how to deal with it. If you're not comfortable writing this then that's also fine, no worries!! Hope you have a lovely day <3
it takes two
thank you for this prompt sweet anon!! sorry it took me weeks, i hope you see it :') soo it's modern au still witcher geralt and it turned out long?? i didn't expect this, but i hope you enjoy nonetheless!! 💞💞
1,2k, modern au, emotional hurt/comfort, tw anxiety attack, implied injury
The sun is setting.
Geralt doesn't remember how long it's been since he last saw the sunset.
If he thinks about it, it isn't so long ago. Four days at the most. Yet it feels like a thousand years.
Fair enough, Geralt thinks and then he realises. He hasn't slept in four days. He almost laughs at himself. Almost, because the sound that accompanies the broken huff escaping his lips is more like a silent sob.
It's all a blur and he's afraid that if he tries to make it clear, he'll lose the last string of sanity remaining. He doesn't want to make it clear. Struggles not to. A moonless dark night, tall trees rising above their heads, as though ready to devour their pray, forest sounds that resemble choked wails more than leaves rustling. Silence, a sudden one. Claws, glistening. A scream. That wasn't his.
A desperate cry. That was definitely his.
And then red, and voices, and white. A line. Moving. He's grateful it's moving but he doesn't remember exactly why as he sits.
Wrong. He does.
The air is too hot. It should be colder, Geralt wishes it was colder. So that it can hit him in the face, slap him, drive him out of his spiral. He clenches his fists. Water. He needs cold water.
Am I dying? Geralt, am I dying? Don't let– don't be silent Geralt, Geralt, please, am I– Geralt– Ger–
He puts his feet on the floor but they can't support him. He falls on the chair again, takes a deep breath. Clenches his fists as if to fight an inexistent threat. Oh, it's clear now. It got clear.
Too clear, too hot, too loud, like a laughter mocking him, screaming as though for revenge, you weren't there, you weren't there, you weren't–
His voice. Oh, his voice, clear as a song, and yet too loud, too loud, still echoing like that scream in the forest. He shuts his eyes, tight as if to drive the image away, as if thinking that if he closes them hard enough he will wake up and this will be a dream, all a dream, a nightmare where there are claws and a heart beating and voices and he's choking with a blood that is not his and oh, how desperately he wants it to be his, how desperately he craves to seep the blood gushing from the wound, wipe it all away, and the wound, and only choke, choke, choke–
"Geralt! Geralt, look at me!"
Cold hands are holding his face and suddenly he gasps. His breath hitches. He can't open his eyes, it's still too loud. Still too weak, those hands, clinging on his, trembling, shaking, just like now, just like he's trembling...
Oh. He's the one trembling.
"Geralt, love, can you look at me?"
It's soft now. Barely a whisper. The hands are still there, still cold, but now firmer, strong. He swallows.
"It's me, love. I'm alright. We're alright. Look at me, please."
He takes a deep, shuddering breath and finally, finally opens his eyes. And his heart skips a beat.
He's there. Alive. Huge blue eyes, staring at him almost terrified. He hates that look in those eyes. Yet there is something else now too. There is worry. For him.
A smile, bittersweet. "There you are. Stay with me?"
He's not sure if the voice he hears is coming from the same lips smiling at him but he complies. He knows that voice. Trusts it, especially now that it's smooth like velvet, not hoarse and crying anymore. He feels his eyes wet.
A thumb wipes a tear running down his cheek. "Hey there. Breathe with me, okay?"
He does. Watches as the other's chest –Jaskier's, he realises with a sudden relief– moves with each heaving breath. Follows its rythm. In, out. In, out. Three in, one out. Again.
Jaskier nods and smiles at him again. "You're doing great, dear." The world is less blurry now. As he squints, Geralt can discern the city lights tangling between Jaskier's hair as he's sitting before him. He can discern a faint sparkle in his eyes. He meets them, eager and suddenly warm.
Stroking his face and still holding eye contact, Jaskier sighs silently. "Can you tell me five things you can see, Geralt?"
A game. They'd done this before. Geralt swallows but doesn't dare close his eyes. "I see..." His voice quivers in his throat. "I see the chairs we chose for the balcony.... I see the lights–" a sob chokes him "–the lights down the street... I see the sun setting..." He pauses and Jaskier nods encouraging. "I see the stupid hawaiian shirt you bought last month..." He huffs a laugh. "I see your eyes looking at me."
"That's great!" Jaskier exclaims with a whisper and tilts his head. "Now, what about four things you can touch? Only if you can."
Geralt trails the iron armrest of the chair. "I can touch the armrest..." He reaches out to Jaskier. "I can touch the fabric of your shirt... I can touch," he swallows and raises his hand, "your hair... it's soft." Jaskier chuckles and now the hands on Geralt's face are gentler. He holds them in his. "I can touch your hands."
"Three things you can hear? You can do this, Geralt."
Jaskier's voice is not as loud as before. This time, Geralt closes his eyes. "Your voice... The cars on the street..." Takes a deep breath. "A cat meowing in the corner."
A small pause and Geralt can practically hear Jaskier's grin. "Can you smell a thing or two?"
Geralt hums. "That cherry shampoo you wash your hair with..." He smiles faintly. He likes that scent. "And pizza... It's heating in the oven."
"Oh, you're a darling," Jaskier mutters and shakes his head. "We're almost over, dear." Geralt sighs and now the warmth is running all over him. "Something you can taste?"
He feels Jaskier's breath hitting his skin and, eyes still closed, he leans over. Meets his lips halfway. Slow, sweet, nothing like the taste of blood there was in them once. Jaskier's tongue is teasing his lips.
He pulls away, opens his eyes. Still close.
And there, Jaskier's gaze brighter as ever in the sunset, his smile enough to make him forget all the times he almost lost it. Geralt's hand squeezes his cupping his face and he presses their foreheads together. "I'm here, Geralt. I'm alright."
There's a lump choking his throat and Geralt lowers his look, lips tight. Under the shirt, he can discern a white bandage wrapped around Jaskier's torso, slightly red. There was a time when it was soaking. "I wasn't there," he says and it feels like echoing his darkest nightmares. "I was too late. You could've–"
"Shh. No need." Jaskier shakes his head. "You were there and will always be there for me. And I'll do the same for you, I promise." His hand trails on Geralt's chin, holds it up to make him meet his eyes. "Are you okay?"
Geralt stares for a second. Then, feeling his feet returning to the ground, he sighs. "Only if you are."
With a small laugh, Jaskier places a kiss on his lips. "I am." He moves strands of hair behind Geralt's ear and Geralt leans into the touch. His hands feel like home and he smiles. "Like that, we're alright."
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straykidsworldwild · 3 years
Phil Hawkins x MC
Part 2 (1/2) : MC goes to work and a certain boy comes to meet her for lunch.
Heyy guys! Here's a piece of part2. It was too long to put the whole thing on Tumblr at once (apparently) so I had to cut it in half 🙈 (2/2) is coming!!
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(I just made the collage. Credits go to the creators of Duskwood and the owners of the pics.)
I slowly wake up, feeling and hearing something buzzing. With my eyes still closed, I slide my hand under the pillow next to mine to grab my phone. I hate waking up by alarms… It feels like I am being cut in my sleep. And I’m not going to lie… I love my sleep just as much as I love food. Who doesn’t? I open my eyes and turn the alarm off before quickly closing them again. I didn't sleep well last night… When I went to bed after texting Phil to tell him I got home fine, I couldn’t stop thinking about the discussion we had at his bar. Was I right to say “yes” for lunch tomorrow noon? Was he being serious? Is he playing a game? Am I falling in his net? I don’t know and I think that’s what terrifies me with him. I just don’t want to be his next hookup… If I start something, it’s for a serious relationship, not to play around. That’s not my thing. But that’s exactly what Phil does so… I guess I should just trust a little more myself. Anyway, that was just the first part of the night, because the next part, all I could do was think about my uncle. Every time I closed my eyes, I just recalled amazing moments with him. Moments that mom, he and I won’t ever have again… I laid on my back, on my sides, on the side… And I did this over and over until managing to fall asleep.
I turn on the lamp on my nightstand when I hear my phone suddenly buzzing again. But I turned it off… Oh! I grab my phone and answer the call after looking at the I.D. caller.
- Hey, mom, how are you? I just woke up… I tell my mother with a still sleepy voice as I sit on the side of my bed. The light is still too much so I close my eyes for a few seconds more. Suddenly, a noise coming from behind the phone call catches my attention. It’s not a noise I am used to hear her make... Mom? I call her with some concern.
- “He's gone…” I hear her simply whispering through the phone as another sound catches my attention again. Sobs… Mom is crying. I’ve heard my mother crying before. It’s so… Strange and heartbreaking. I mean, mom has always been that strong figure, fighting everyone coming in her way or in mine… But she never broke down before me.
- I know, mom. I'm so sorry. But… I begin to respond calmly, keeping the pain to myself. I’ve never heard nor seen my mom crying in my life. She’s all I have as a family and hearing her in such pain… It’s heartbreaking.
- "Can you come over today? I'll need you to finish the preparation of the funeral. I can't do this alone. And..." She interrupts me, sounding overwhelmed and submerged. I lower my head and keep a desperate sigh inside of me. I wish I could already be next to her and tell her to not worry. That she doesn’t have to do anything. That I will take care of this for her. But I can’t because of my dumbass boss… Unbelievable...
- I'd love to, mom, really. But I have to go to work, I begin to say, sounding sad and sorry for not being there for her. I hate it. I feel like I’m betraying my own mother. That I’m not giving her the support she needs right now. And maybe the one that I also need... But she knew uncle Alex for longer than I did so it’s fairer that I should be there for her... But once I'm out, I'll stop by your house to come help you, okay? So I can see you a little bit too, mom. I should finish at 3p.m. today, if my boss doesn't think otherwise, I tell her gently. Though, an unsure point is heard in my voice. We never know with my boss… If he had a bad day, he is capable of giving you two extra hours to do just because he wanted to.
- "You know, your uncle was always there for me. I remember when we were kids…" I frown with sadness to the sound of her voice. It’s broken… She sounds empty. Out of life. "There was this horrible kid terrorizing the youngsters. I was one of those kids being terrorized, but of course, as my big brother, he protected me. He always did. He was really protective, you know?" She recounts me in brief words with a trembling voice. I know the story by heart. Uncle Alex used to tell it to me as a bedtime story. He was the hero of course. I never doubt that… I hear mom sniffling and letting another sob out. "So was he with you, baby. He loved you as his own, you know?", oh… When she said "baby", her voice just completely broke. I could barely hear it. I continue to look down as I feel a lump forming in my throat. I miss Uncle Alex like crazy... "And he did the same when your father left..." She admits to me, going to the topic about how my uncle was protective. Which I already knew as well... It honestly hurts to hear all of this so soon after his tragic death. I still haven’t digested it. It’s still not real to me. I still think I will see him today or tomorrow or the day after tomorrow... But it seems to make mom feel better by saying those words to me, by recounting her memories. So, I'll listen carefully. Or I'll try, at least… If I don't break before too. Her pain is so profound… And shared.
- Mom, you don't have to tell me all of this now. Let some time pass. It's hurting you, I say with a slight pleading tone, hoping she will listen to me. I know it's hard to not think about it or to not want to talk about it. But I just think it's too soon for her. And for me... She can't turn the page in a finger snap. It’s impossible. Even if she feels like she did or she has to do it, it might not be the best way.
- "I love you, MC. You're my baby girl." She says over the phone, sniffling sadly again. I nod even though she doesn't see me. I am staring at the floor, my sight being blurry. Not again...
- I love you so much, mom, I reply to my mother, controlling my voice as much as possible despite the tight ball in my throat. She doesn’t need to know that I’m about to cry too. I hear her sniffling behind the phone call again followed by a new sob. I can't… Look, I have to go, mom, but I'll come see you later today, okay? I'll come with a little surprise, I tell her gently, wanting and feeling the need to cheer her up. I just want my mother to be happy again.
- "A surprise? You know I don't like surprises much, MC.", She replies with a mix between her crying and a faint chuckle before reminding me how she has always hated surprises. I know…
- That's why I'm bringing you one, I answer to my mom, cracking a smile to the sound of her faint chuckle.
- "You're a little Devil, just like your uncle... What's the surprise?" She begins to say before pausing. It's true, I got a little bit of him too. I guess it's because he sort of raised me and because I'm a (l/n) as well.
- Mom, if I tell you there would be no point for me to call it a surprise, wouldn't it? I answer with a gentle and playful tone before giggling. I hear her crying turning into giggles.
- "I tried. Okay, go to work, baby, and... I'll do a few things here... I'll try. Oh, and I ordered the flowers you asked me to pick for your uncle." She responds with another small chuckle before sniffling one more time. I smile a little more, glad to hear that I managed to make her smile a little bit despite the situation. She ordered the flowers… My smile grows a little more, glad about this news.
- Okay, call me if you need me for anything. Doesn't matter if I work or not, okay? I love you, mom, I reply sincerely to my mother, giving her a little cheerful tone.
- "I will. I love you too, baby. See you later.", She says back to me, sounding a little better then when I answered the phone. I smile and wait a few seconds before hanging up. Right… I feel like I have another long day coming… I let a long sigh out, as if I am trying to get rid of a weight on my shoulders, before wiping the tears in my eyes. Well, I've got to get ready...
Almost an hour later, I am on my way to work. Like every day, I see the same streets, the same cars, the same shops, the same streetlights… Of course, I am not going there with an ounce of motivation. I’d rather stay home or go anywhere else, but not there. I’m not saying being a waitress is the worst job, but my boss and some clients are actually really hard to deal with. Anyway…
I rapidly reach the back door of the restaurant I work at and enter the building which leads to the kitchen. The cooks and the waitresses are all here, ready to work. Oh, almost… I hold the door for Angie and she runs in, thanking me at the same time. We exchange a smile and get ready to start working. The clients should start coming soon… It's been three months since my boss decided to expand the restaurant to include a little coffee shop. I think it was a good idea, a good change in Duskwood. It was a test at first to see if people would like it. The clients seemed satisfied so that’s why I am here so early every morning now.
- MC! I look up immediately after hearing a gravelly voice yelling my name. My boss walks briskly towards me, a frown of madness plastered over his face. As usual... What time does my watch indicate? He asks me while showing me his watch on his right wrist. What…?
- 8:01am.? I answer, not sure where this is going.
- You were supposed to be here at 8:00a.m.. Not at 7:59a.m., not at 8:01a.m., but at 8:00a.m.! Is it so hard to understand in your dummy brain? He tells and asks me with madness, actually scolding me for arriving one minute late. As always, he raises his voice while talking, making sure everyone can hear who is commanding here. I guess you see what I meant when I said that I wasn’t very motivated to come to work...
- I'm sorry, boss, I simply say as I don’t want to argue nor lose my job. Well, it’s mainly that I’m not up to an argument right now… I have other things to think about. To worry about.
- Don't. Since you came late, you'll go home late. You're finishing at 6p.m. today, he tells me with a correcting tone, looking down on me. He’s joking, right? 6pm?
- What? You're making me do three extra hours for one minute late? I demand him with disbelief as I’m getting upset.
- And you're not paid for those, he points out seriously, still speaking as loud as before. Not paid?! Better and better...
- Sir, I can’t work extra hours today. I have to go see my mom this afternoon after work. My uncle passed away yesterday and I have to help for the funerals and… I explain to my boss with seriousness, going up against him. I mean, I can be shy and quiet and all, just don’t take me for an idiot or play with me.
- That's not a valuable excuse. Get to work before I change my mind and actually fire you for rebellion, he orders me seriously and sternly. Right… I look down, not responding to not receiving any consequences later. Everyone, back to work! he screams to all of his employees before walking away to do his life. Dick!
- Don't listen to this cold hearted dick, MC, I hear Angie telling me as she comes to stand in front of me. She’s a little taller than me. If you need to leave, then do. I'll cover for you. I knew something wasn't right yesterday but we barely crossed paths so I couldn't ask you what was wrong. I'm really sorry about your uncle, MC, she apologizes sincerely to me as she puts her hand on my shoulder. Angie is one of the only workers I get well along with here. Yeah, nothing goes well in this restaurant… It’s sad because it could have its potential. I smile at my friend while weakly nodding.
- Thanks, Angie, I thank her sincerely as I place my hand on top of hers. She smiles and nods back before the two of us take separated ways to go do our work.
The morning passed pretty quickly to be fair. I prefer when it’s like this. Working and watching the time pass is one of the worst feelings. There were so many clients this morning that I didn’t have time to get bored. It’s actually pretty rare that there are so many people coming in the morning. I mean, it’s still a little buzzy usually but not this much. I hope that will put my boss in a good mood and he’ll kind of forget the late minute thing this morning… Right, even I don’t believe this… I take the plates and cutleries that customers have left to clear the table. I clean it well and let other customers settle in. The noon hour and 1pm are the worst. There is often a line of customers waiting for a table but it goes on pretty well usually. Anyway… It’s time for my break. I put the dirty dish and cutleries in the bassin which is on a cart to later go to the kitchen.
- Hi, I turn around to look at the person who is not so unfamiliar to me, I'm looking for a pretty (h/c) with crazy (e/c) in which you would easily get lost in. Have you seen her around? says and asks me, a man, using a flirtatious and slight playful tone at the same time. I smile and softly laugh while nodding.
- Yeah, I think she went back to the kitchen a little while ago. But I don’t know where she went after, I reply playfully to my friend as I point towards the kitchen. The man softly laughs back before passing his hand in his long hair which isn't in a ponytail or a bun for once. How dare he look so good?
- How are you, Gorgeous? Asks me gently, Phil, as we are facing one another.
- I’m good. I have the same problem as last night, but I’m good. You? I answer with a very faint sigh as I keep a small smile before asking him.
- I'm good, thanks, he responds, having that damn smirk in the corner of his lips. The two of us stare at each other for a little moment, a smile on our face. I can’t really explain why or how, but seeing him here, now, like we said last night, makes me happy. So, is it still on for having lunch together or...? He asks me, a point of nervousness heard in his voice. He isn’t sure of himself which is so rare to see.
- Yes… I begin to tell him before hearing a gravelly voice calling for me.
- MC! I turn around and see my boss approaching us. Oh… No time for talking! Get back to work! He tells me harshly in front of Phil. Oh God… So awkward! I know I have said stories to my friends about my boss, but none of them actually saw the man talking to me that way. And I wish it wouldn’t have been Phil seeing and hearing him talking to me this way. What is he going to think?
- You're seriously letting that dumbass talking to you this way? I hear Phil whispering lowly in my ear. His deep voice echoing in my ear… He sounded like he couldn’t just believe what he just heard. Oh but it’s real, Phil… I live it every day like all the employees here.
- It's almost 1p.m., sir. I'm on my break… I begin to respond to my boss, not forgetting that I actually want to get out of work at 3p.m and not 6p.m. I still have hope… A faint one but, it’s still there.
- Break? He repeats my word with disbelief as he is standing right before my face now. No break for you today. Come on, move! He exclaims, speaking with a mad tone as usual. If I didn’t know him, I would think he actually hate me. Which might be the case… It’s not possible to scream so much on someone without reasons, right? Ugh, is that guy ever happy? Or just calm?
- Hey! I hear Phil’s loud voice coming from behind me before I could say anything to my boss. I slightly widened my eyes in surprise as I didn’t think Phil would say something. She's your employee, not your stooge! You should watch it! He tells him with a warning tone which I’ve never really heard before. The only time I heard him using this tone was when one of his regulars overstepped the line. I look on my left as I see Jessy’s brother standing next to me, slightly getting before me. Oh… He looks so mad.
- And who might you be to talk back to me? Questions, my boss to Phil. Oh no… I glance around us and notice that customers are staring at us, watching the scene. So awkward… Before Phil could do something or say a word, and mostly before it goes too far, I grab discreetly Phil’s wrist. He doesn’t move nor look at me. My boss is still staring at Jessy’s brother. He is not pleased at all...
- Look, sir. She's been working since 8:00a.m., and it's 1p.m. in less than five minutes. You can't take off her lunch break just because you're her boss, it's against the law. But if you think you are above them, maybe we could stop by the police station to see who's right? Responds calmly and politely, Phil, all while still having this warning and serious tone. I’ve always been amazed by how polite he can stay despite the circumstances or the situation. I mean, it’s easy to lose control due to anger, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he fights.
- 30minutes. No more, tells me, my boss, reluctantly giving me a break. Thanks to Phil… I nod positively before he turns around and leaves us at a quick pace. Phil turns around before looking down at me.
- Thanks, but you didn't have to do that, Phil, I thank him with a small shy tone, yet, thankful he actually stepped in for me.
- I did and I wanted to. But honestly, that guy deserved more than just a "talk", he replies with sincerity and seriousness. While talking about my boss, I could hear the madness in his voice. I nod understandingly as I give him a small smile, appreciating it for standing up for me. It’s not every day it happens. Come on, he suddenly tells me with his infectious smile. I don't answer. Instead, my smile grows wider while the two of us walk through the restaurant to reach the outside. Oh, he has a bag! How did I not see it?
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