#near headcannon
budd-ie · 3 months
“Mu Qing is too logical for his own good” is such a real problem that he deals with and as tragic as it makes his life I also think it’s really funny when someone is accusing him of something and instead of telling them to shut up or leave him alone the first thing he does is pull out the 95 fucking theses detailing every single thing wrong with their argument WITH historical evidence and additional considerations from scholarly psychology articles, MLA format works cited and completely annotated. It could use an editor and some bias correction, but he actually makes a pretty good point. anyways tgcf ace attorney au when
#mu qing xie lian hua cheng and Ling Wen in a San FranTokyo court of law needs to happen#Hua Cheng is the guy who became a lawyer to chase a boy. he would be a defense attorney too#Xie Lian is a lawyer because of his natural strong sense of justice and he would probably be a prosecutor too based on his track record#it’s not a perfect parallel but you know what I mean#xie lian is still so phoenix wright by nature but hes just a prosecutor now. they both have survived a multitude of near-death experiences#Hua cheng plays a natural game where he only bites back if something is worth his time and doesnt usually seek trouble.#therefore hes the most ruthless defense attorney you've ever seen. he would update the autopsy report#you could also argue that xie lian would still be a defense attorney if you consider the way phoenix uncovers truth within his defense#and then ends up sending someone else to jail in the end. which happens very often#mu Qing started off as a prosecutor but Xie Lian said he would be a better defense attorney and he was right#Feng Xin is the. uh. bailiff. or something#judge jun wu#Ling wen is like the final boss of witnesses. that brocade immortal scene where xie lian absolutely fakes her tf out is so iconic#unless ling wen is gumshoe just much much less silly goofy#does anybody have that one edgeworth art where its. i ask the witness a question. i press them. they lie. they go to hell#if you do PLEASE dm me im begging you i need it#the wind master is maya holy shit what if#banyue is pearl#no-face von karma...... qi rong franziska......#again its Not a perfect parallel by any means but the spirit is here#rb with your tgcf lawyer headcannons#tgcf#tian guan ci fu#heaven official's blessing#mu qing
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sleepyboywrites · 1 year
Hey there, do you wanna do yandere headcannons for the creepypasta characters? (Specifically Trans or Cis Male Reader) whichever once you want, I did it with the TF2 characters and it was tons of fun
Hey! I hope it's okay if I just do an in general Male Reader because I don't like to use specifics unless it's necessary, like for trans/cis exclusive experiences ie: dysphoria/euphoria, overly descriptive nsfw if I ever end up doing something like that, and/or things like periods which cis men don't experience to allow more people to relate. In short I just don't want any male readers to feel excluded if it's not an exclusive experience if that makes any sense.
Also I apologize for not posting in a bit and taking so long to respond to this turns out I have too many thoughts about this particular prompt actually so this will probably turn into individual series/posts after this one
Yandere! Creepypasta x Male!Reader.
Tw: yandere behaviors kidnapping, murder, physical or psychological abuse, slightly spicy? for a couple Idk, it's nothing descriptive just mentions of a perverted mind and could possibly be interpreted in that way
Eyeless Jack
• obsession obsession obsession. Beastlike has things he stole from you in a nest. Kills people who interact with you. Almost wolf-like if I had to put a fine point to it.
• At first it's just people who were mean to you, hurt you, or made you feel badly about yourself because surely a boy like yourself would praise him for being so helpful to you, right?
• Then it's anyone who gets too close or appears to like you romantically.
• Then it's anyone you spend too much time with which interferes with time meant for him.
• He's delusional, but in the practical sense.
• Think, "I'm doing this to protect him" , "Those people would hurt him eventually", "He's not safe on his own, he needs me to look over him." "The outside world will tear him apart."
• Stalks you 24/7. You are never without eyes on you but you also don't have a clue he's watching at first.
• After all he only steals things you haven't worn in months or you could chock up to misplacing.
• And he's a hunter so he specializes in stalking whether for food or in personal matters.
• You won't know he's there until it's too late.
• He'll make his move to kidnap you once you've essentially isolated yourself out of fear to those around you dying. He'll treat you gently during his kidnapping.
• Using his medical knowledge he'd give you anesthesia as you sleep and take you home.
• May remove an organ or two as souvenirs, treats if you will to add to his nest.
• Once you are in his possession he will add you to his nest and you'll wake up pressed firmly into his chest as he mumbles incoherently.
•If you ever try to leave he will make you pliant in anyway he can think of. He's not above physically harming you if that makes it so you can't leave him. He worked so hard to retrieve his mate and he won't lose you even if he has to hurt you or you end up hating him but you will stay.
Ben Drowned
• A lot like EJ he's also always watching difference is you are always overly aware of his presence.
• He wants you to know that he's watching. He wants you to interact with him. Even if that interaction is you yelling at him and begging him to leave you alone.
• He is 100% playing some sort of sick game with you that he knows you'll lose. Think you'll develop Stockholm syndrome before he even kidnaps you.
• If he ever leaves you alone for a few days you'd find yourself missing the teasing remarks and add ons normally added as you went about your day.
• All due to his tendency to drive people insane of which you are not immune but the trail of your insanity leading directly to his arms.
• He knows this and is overly cocky about it both to your face and to others. Think, "oh poor you, you love me, what an unfortunate situation." To your face the first time you fall asleep around him with a stupid sick grin or "I'm going to kill you and he's going to come to me for comfort and protection when he finds out." when talking to someone he's deemed bad for you.
• He wouldn't go on a murder spree without a trigger but then like Jack that'll devolve into killing anyone he disapproves of which is everyone else.
• He has a general distaste and distrust of people due to the nature of his creation and will find an excuse to kill anyone around you should his murderous intent be triggered which can happen in three different ways you're constantly distraught by someone, you start ignoring him to be around someone else, or you've failed to keep him entertained so he needed a more entertaining situation.
• Possesive with a capital P, if he does not know your precise location or have you within arms reach at any given moment he will lose it.
• Clingy but veiled with indifference. He'll act as if he doesn't care but insist on keeping some kind of contact at all times. Once he physically has you this would be physical contact and before hand just following you everywhere saying he doesn't have anything better to do.
• Will use psychological and emotionally harmful methods to keep you in line if you ever try to reject him or his advances but claims won't hurt you physically in anyway.
• His vice grip on you reveals otherwise though. Enough so to encourage you to go along with him.
Laughing Jack
• I feel he'd court you in cat-like ways. If you've been in his box more extravagant shows with him as the lead, carrying you around places. (Being weary to let you leave until he eventually stops letting you leave.
•Leaving you gifts that go from sweet to scary really fast. Think your favorite treats and then your loved ones' hearts carved from their chests so you never have to leave him again.
• He's the king of being delulu and reacts poorly to ungratefulness so do try your best not to scream or hit him when instead of cotton candy he has a loved one's head on a stick.
• You can try to gently coerce him to stop killing your loved ones in order to isolate you and making you stay forever/to let you go. But he'll say "you're being silly" and "here is where you belong you goofball of a boy. " covered in your loved ones blood as he ruffles your hair.
•The accidentally kill you for being ungrateful/not accept him and keep your corpse like your still alive type.
•Keep it lighthearted and the Jester is your friend. If you don't and mention troubles he'll fix them violently.
• Is constantly coddling and cuddling you.
• Since he was once a guardian angel and he believes his murdering of ungrateful children is God's work, he sees you as a present for all his good work.
• Like a child being gifted a puppy on Christmas.
• Bone crushing hugs and grips that bruise your skin and make it so it hurts to move but he acts like he didn't mean to and gets moody if you push him away or say he's hurting you.
• It's an act though, he likes seeing you squirm in pain and the expressions you make trying not to cry when he holds you.
• He thinks it's cute. He thinks you're cute when you're in pain.
• On a lighter note, he 100% is the type of clingy to hold your sleeve going places or to poke you (mostly) lightly in order to get your attention.
Homicidal Liu
•The softest in this lineup.
• I believe the term is dormant Yandere? Yeah. It is, because you wouldn't guess something is off until something starts getting between the two of you.
• You remind him of before his traumas, whether that be you look like someone who was kind to him before or upon first meeting you were genuine, honest, and kind. You make him feel safe and calm or as calm as Sully gets and he's never letting you leave him.
• He'd incorporate himself into your life truly getting close to you. Like this is months if not years long in the making. He becomes the closest person to you in your inner circle and you're the same for him. He plays the long game.
• You guys live together and you probably already like him the same way he likes you but both of you are too awkward to talk about it and Sully has been forbidden to say anything or Liu threatened to take his meds. Or you guys are in a long-term committed relationship already.
• Protective, possessive, and obsessive but fairly level headed. He is aware of the reality of the situation. Ie: his possessiveness is giving you his clothes and repetitive thoughts of "mine" during times of physical contact or seeing you in his clothes and needing texts or where you are, why you left, and when you plan on being back as well as if anything changes. He obsesses over your likes, dislikes, mannerisms, emotional cues, and interests so he essentially knows you even better than you do. Protective being watching over you as you sleep in situations where it's acceptable to do so and setting up security systems for the house.
•More likely to grab your arm or hug your knees and sob "please don't leave me" than he is to ever hurt you. The most agressive he gets is when Sully is fronting but even then the likelihood of him hurting you above holding you a bit too tight is 5% and reserved for extremely specific occasions which virtually don't happen. Ie: you find out he's a murderer and react too poorly in a way he didn't expect, you leave him cold turkey, you treat him poorly
• Clingy always needs some kind of contact most of the time this equates to holding hands/pinkies in public and ensuring the two of you are essentially attached at the hip. Though because he's entered your inner circle you just think it's because you two are close and that's the product of your closeness.
• His hunting turns into stalking and killing those who've been bugging you and you've talked poorly about whenever he feels his bloodlust bubbling over.
•'Cause if he kills people you've said that you wished would die or that you hate you'll be able to forgive or even praise him right?
• Unlikely to kidnap you unless he gets caught/found out then he'll probably relocate the two of you but he'd rather talk to you about it beforehand so it'd be a last minute emergency type thing. Or if you spend too much time away from him.
Jeff the Killer
• Doesn't play games of any kind. He'll observe you just long enough to learn about you, your schedule, who all knows you, and how frequently they check in. Then he'll remove obstacles and he'll just just take you.
• Impatient and the shortest fuse known to man.
• He's not afraid to hurt you in fact he enjoys it so the more perverted side of him wants you to push him and his expectations.
• The chain you up in a basement type
•He'll kill anyone involved with your life so when you beg him to let you go with tears in your eyes saying you have people waiting for you he can tell you with certainty that you don't. Not anymore. Laughing as he tells you and stroking/tugging at your hair.
• Degrading and mean to the point where you can't tell if he hates you or not. Uses pet names in a derogatory way as well.
• Pretty distant and cold even after you warm up to him and he lets you wander around a contained and highly surveillanced area, though it's probably just the torture basement he chained you up in to begin with.
•Most affection you'd get is a pat on the head or shoulder.
•Any other form of affection wouldn't really feel like affection.
•Wants to break you into a mindless doll essentially for him to love, use, and abuse. But the breaking you into it is very important to him.
• Will torture you severely for any mishap.
•The only way you can tell he's attracted to you beyond physically, is if he goes too far with the torture, when he's patching you up, or when he brings you something you like/he likes.
•Though he talks to you sweetly sometimes after you pass out and/or are slipping into unconsciousness. "You were made for me, sweet boy." "So good for me." It wigs you out though.
•you will feel like you live on eggshells as try your best to accommodate to him.
• you are most likely to go insane and learn to crave his mistreatment.
• Delusional. He is convinced you and him are in love and have the white picket fence dream. Complete with a German Shepherd and two adopted kids.
• And because of the way his brain is scrambled once he starts thinking about you regularly he can no longer tell what really happened or what was a daydream.
• Hopefully he has a good enough grip on reality to have actually interacted with you before his delusions convince him that you need to be with him at all times and he kidnaps you.
• 'Cause if not he's going to be really confused as to why his boyfriend who told him this is what he wanted is freaking out to the point of needing restrained. You'll hurt his feelings and he'll probably successfully gaslight you into believing his delusions himself.
• Also the lock you up type but more in the paranoid of others stealing you from him way, so if it's not together you aren't going.
• Like Jeff he allows you to roam around a highly surveillanced and locked up area but unlike Jeff it's an actual house and not a basement.
• He will hole up with you for weeks until duty calls or the house runs out of supplies
• Very "I love him I love him I love him I love him" coded and needs you to be just as enthusiastic.
•The hurt you on accident and profusely apologize immediately after but loves how you look when you cry and tremble as he patches you up type.
• Think someone telling him something that insinuated his affections towards you didn't count so he grabs your arm and squeezes it as you try walking away, asking "Toby... you're hurting me." He says wide-eyed struggling for only a moment as his kidnapper/partner tightens his grip with steel cold eyes. "Tell me it counts. It counted right?" (may or may not be my first ex-core as in my experience based)
•He feels really guilty about it too and periodically he will be crying into your lap forcing you to comfort him after an outburst because he feels just like his dad and he hates it.
• Much like Homicidal Liu and Hoodie he is actively incorporating you into his life. Difference is he's trying to manipulate you into thinking he's the only one you can trust.
• Uses the White Knight Method, which in case you're unfamiliar is a highly efficient manipulation technique in which they solve your problems while unbeknownst to you being the source of said problems until you become obsessed with or fall in love with the "knight" protecting you.
• If you feel like someone is watching you, he's toying with you. In fact he'll probably show up shortly after from the opposite direction of where you think watching is coming from and ask you if you're okay. Revelling in the look of fear on your face as you gush to him about what's bothering you and promising to protect you as he walks you home.
•He'll sabotage your relationships by making you think that they're the ones who've been leaving disturbing gifts on your doorstep/trying to hurt you.
• It's very much so a game to him and you're the prize.
• He's the type to want to see every emotion you have to offer.
• He's also the likes when you smile and likes when you cry more type
• But his need for you to need him and seek him out basically nukes the previous headcannon and makes it so he settles for comforting you when as far as you know something/someone else made you cry.
•Essentially by the time he's done with you, you'd beg to never leave his side, for him to keep you close and keep you safe but you don't have to because that's right where he wants you.
• Stalker alert! He's watching you sleep and following you everywhere
•Also uses the White Knight method but he uses what would have been a one time scary occurrence and uses that occurrence as a scapegoat to make more situations/scenarios which isolate you and bring you closer to him.
• In fact, his protection is a gateway to you, his foot in the door.
•It starts with him stepping in when things get scary then you see him somewhere you frequent and you talk to him or he talks to you and numbers are exchanged.
• After of which you are his clearly. Obviously, you just don't know it yet.
• Then he starts staging more scary, making your loved ones hurt you/turn on you/are the culprit in a scary situation until he's all you have. Until you need him.
• Mans has hidden cameras all over your house.
•You know where most of them are after all it was his idea, he said it was for your protection. What you didn't account for is all the hidden cameras in the gifts he's got you.
• He's the quiet, doting, infantilizing type.
• As in he genuinely believes you are too small, weak, and pure to know any of his intentions and he treats you as if you have no clue about anything always. Babies you constantly at a gradually increasing weight until it's suffocating.
• He wants to lock you up and protect you.
• Gaslighting king, if you catch on or try to leave him he will gaslight you into staying.
• Think "Baby boy what are you even talking about everything I've done was for your protection and your protection alone. There's no secret cameras you don't know about you're being silly." Or "Sweet boy, I've never done anything you didn't want or need. I'm very intuned to your needs and you need me. You need to be protected, you aren't safe unless I'm near."
• So genuinely and heartfeltly said that you'd clearly be the bad guy for even thinking like that and with how deep he has you you'd believe him too.
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thelien-art · 1 year
Huan; Hound of Valinor
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He´s a good boi
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keehlmyself · 9 months
late night christmas headcanons with (some) the death note cast!
this post will include: light, l lawliet, misa, matsuda, near, mello, matt & sayu.
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— ' its the most wonderful time of the year ! '
LIGHT YAGAMI ★ [pre/no-kira!]
unsurprisingly, light is a very considerate gift giver. on one hand he tries to get gifts that will be more beneficial in the long run! at the same time he attempts to get something that he knows the person will like.
i can imagine light would be the kind of person to end up scouring the store for something affordable, useful and still likable. (spoiler! he fails to find items that fall into all three categories)
his gift-wrapping is neat. his mother, sachiko, taught him how to wrap gifts at the ripe age of 7. ever since then, he helps her every christmas :)
most items on wish list are stationary, up until little specific things — like a certain keychain or an expensive book.
one of his favourite things about christmas is the cookies that his mom makes. his favourites are (of course) the classic chocolate chip and simple vanilla biscuits.
he used to believe in santa when he was younger until the illusion and magic was ruined for him. as a result, while sayu was still young, he made sure that she'd continue to believe and have something to look forward to every christmas.
one time, he got L for a secret santa activity. he was fully aware that L was already rich. he could have anything he wanted! and so, he decided to make his own gift (with misa's assistance).
when he was younger, christmas was quite bleak at wammy's. other kids seemed to have fun but he just found himself incredibly uninterested in the holiday.
still, watari would get him gifts — and secretly? he felt appreciated.
years later, the kira task force would somehow find themselves discussing their holiday plans. L had decided to allow everyone to take a few days off (as pushed by his mentor, watari) to celebrate christmas with their families.
matsuda (bless his soul) decides to go ahead and suggest an office christmas party! at first, L is hesitant..
but he accepts. obviously.
with their basically infinite budget, the food is to die for. cakes, ice cream, meats, a few traditional meals from across the world..
secretly, this was L's quiet way of showing his own appreciation to everyone.
now you're probably wondering, 'what are his gifts like?' ... honestly lame. it depends; but for the most part, his gifts rely on practicality.
misa gave him shampoo for christmas once. and deodorant. and slippers. she wasn't trying to be mean, she just thought L didn't know those things existed and she wanted to guide him..
if you aren't upfront on what you want for christmas, he'll give you stationary, socks, utensils, etc.
misa is serving absolute cunt in that outfit she's wearing. she went all out - went shopping just for this. she's the type to wear little cute scarves, arm warmers, beanies.. and she looks good in them.
her gift giving abilities are god-like for the most part. she shops in advance and asks people for their wish lists
cute gift wrappers!! candy print, little cats, reindeer, hearts, etc. definitely for lights gift: she'd wrap it in hearts! (he did not reciprocate..)
at times, she worries she won't be able to spend christmas with her family (mostly just the task force) due to her modelling and acting career. she has to constantly do photoshoots, film commercials, and it stresses her out.
to make up for it: she drinks hot chocolate. and her hot chocolate is always the cutest. cute mugs, cute marshmallows, etc. but it still tastes good.
she taught sayu how to do her hot chocolate recipe! (it was barely her own recipe, she just adds alot of cute little etuff)
she's the type of gift wrapper to put ribbons on her gifts.
when asked about what she wanted for christmas, she said something cheesy like; 'anything as long as lights there'
christmas party planner 4everrrr
buys gifts a few months too early, our considerate king.
draws/doodles on the gift tags! (taught by misa)
he nagged watari to teach him to make cookies. he wanted to make some christmas cookies for L, in hopes that he'd win his apprpval.
wears ugly christmas sweaters a few days before christmas.
and so, this conversation ensued;
L: 'that sweater looks rather old.' Matsu: 'what? no, its barely been used' L: 'ah. it mustve been rotting in your closet.'
loves the concept of santa claus. has tried to make watari dress up as santa.
when he was younger, his parents brought him to talk to santa! by this time, matsuda already new santa claus wasnt real.
and so, he had an existential crisis the moment he realized that there was infact a white haired-white bearded man, clad in red.. and may be his childhood hero.
he liked rudolph alot and for one Halloween, he dressed up as him
christmas at wammys was especially tiring for him. the children screaming, the sound of wrapping paper ripping being heard throughout the entire orphanage.. wasn't for him!
he didn't have many friends so he never really received any gifts.
his first ever gift was from linda — it meant alot to him. it was a little paper origami doll of him. it was taped horribly.
his family before the orphanage? he couldn't really remember, so along with that, he couldn't remember the christmases they had.
near gives gifts when he can.. by that, when or if he remembers.
his gifts range from socks to an entire mansion. he's not very responsible with his money.
HATES the mistletoe. one time he was under it the same time as mello. did they kiss? no, but mello did chase him around.
now sorta looks forward to christmas because of eggnog and all the toys he gets out of it. he gets ALOT of toys.
he dislikes carollers. he thinks they're too noisy. one time, he and a few other kids were forced to perform a sonf infront of everyone as part of the wammy's christmas party..
he was stood still and stayed quiet the entire time.
he had alot of items on his wish list. most predominantly; accessories, clothes and of course.. chocolate.
mello is given a LOT of chocolate every christmas — with the exception of near who gave him a toothbrush out of mild concern.
his gifts are the best. by that, he just gets whatever the person wants (but at times gets everything)
mello just wants to be better than everyone when it comes to the gifts. and everything. there's a reasoning behind it, being; from a young age he always thought that if he gave the most and got the most, it would mean that everyone would like him.
there's a secret mostly one sided competition between near, matt and mello every year over who gives and receives the most gifts.
he gets into multiple fights with near, which results in him dumping a glass of eggnog down near's back.
near was not happy with the disgusting feel of wet clothes stuck to his skin. insert him literally SCREAMING
the closest person of authority in the area was giving mello a look of, 'make him stop or so help me'
wears all black to a christmas party with the exception of a red christmas hat
his wishlist is a little expensive, mostly 'cause it's all video game related — and clothes. did he list the clothes? no, mello did, 'cause matt's clothes are starting to fall apart at the seams.
he and mello think the christmas games are lame but they participate anyway. matts always helping mello win.
matt absolutely half asses his gifts! unless you're someone he likes or has a crush on.
lowkey pigs out during the christmas feast. he has fast metabolism so it doesn't really affect his body, but he does receive these wide-eyed looks from mello like 'holy shit you're gonna eat ALL of that?'
sings christmas songs to annoy everyone. definitely.
when he was younger, he wasn't really able to celebrate christmas properly with his family. i headcanon that he got into wammy's at a really young age and that he was there when near first arrived too.
he might not seem like it but he was one of the people (like linda) to try and make christmas a little more happy and sweet for the newcomers/the younger kids in the orphanage. he didn't want them to experience the same dissappointment and upset he felt every christmas when he was still with his family.
matt plays holiday pranks on everyone.
this is contradictory to the headcanon i made before the last, but he once told a random kid on the street santa claus wasn't real and it started crying.
when she was younger, she'd save up all her allowance so she could buy her family gifts. admittedly — sayu's gifts never really aligned much with whatever was on their christmas lists. but she was so sweet, how could they reject?
sayu once got her and light matching slippers. hers were bunny slippers and his was dog slippers. (based off of this)
she believed santa was real up until the age of 15. she got a little angsty around those years..
her wishlist is mostly things like nail polish, certain percume, journaling books, clothes — but one year she wanted a pet mouse.. so she wrote down mouse.
well, sachiko wasn't a big fan of rodents. so instead she got her a computer mouse. and a new PC to go along with it. sayu liked it! she did want a computer too, yes..
she was salty about the pet mouse thing for the next 2 weeks though.
can't wrap gifts to save her life. she's the gift giver who puts her gifts into those paperbags and puts a ribbon sticker.
sayu loves to bake cookies with her mom. even after the events (yes, when she was traumatized to all hell by mello and the mafia) of death note, she continued to bake with her every christmas.
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yourkidding · 1 year
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L was like my heir needs to be ATAP. (AS TRANS AS POSSIBLE)
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heyheydidjaknow · 2 years
Hello! How are you?
I don't know if it answers these questions, but if it does... between Near, Mello, Matt and L. Who would get along better with a partner who has a high libido or would neither of them be okay with it? jajdjs
Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.
A little bummed but getting on. Again, y’all don’t need to apologize for submitting stuff; I enjoy reading what you send in.
I don’t imagine that any of them (besides maybe Nate) would have any sort of issue with a partner with high libido. I would tentatively say that Matt would be the most enthused given that I think he would also have a high libido. Mello would give you shit about it but would secretly get a rush from the idea that he can make you that horny (even if that isn’t necessarily the case). L would not be able to keep up with you physically (though he would be all for overstimulation) but would take the time to make a game of how many times he can get you off in a session before you call it quits. Near wouldn’t know what to do apart from give you sex toys.
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silverjurors · 1 year
I would love Ein to be in MCD as Irene's brother not because of any contributions to the plot but because of the DRAMA that man could cause
Like, Irene is canonically gorgeous, he would 100% have experience intimidating potential love interests away
Imagine the menace he could be when put into MCD context with that kind of life experience
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So I have this idea that at Wammys house all the kids were given obligatory music lessons and then voluntary extra lessons where they learn to play an instrument because music is good for the soul and mind of course we can't have a genius without music lessons
L - he probably started with piano because he's got piano fingers and he became good at it really quickly, so he moved on to other instruments. He chooses to play the interesting ones like contrabass flute or hammered dulcimer after that and used those to figure out other similar instruments on his own so now he's just a one man band. His favorites are the low winds, he's got crazy good breath control
Near - he didn't really want to do the voluntary music lessons at first but he was "heavily encouraged" bc he's gifted or whatever so he chose violin and obviously was great at it. Eventually he got more curious and decided to try out french horn, and he's good at that one too but violin is his instrument. He doesn't play any others
Mello - he also declined the music lessons at first and was actually super opposed to it until he found out near was doing it, but he didn't really find any of the instruments worth his time. Roger recommended percussion for him because he likes hitting stuff and so he plays a drum set pretty well. As more of a concert instrument, he plays timpanis which he likes because he gets to hit more stuff really hard. He also tried violin at one point in order to one-up near but got too mad at it and almost broke it trying to fling it across the room
Matt - he didn't take music lessons other than the obligatory ones. Best he can do is kazoo, and he's an orange belt in recorder karate 💪 I wouldn't be surprised if he taught himself to play the squeezebox either
BB - he played piano because L did, but that's it. He memorized the pieces that L practiced and watched all of his lessons
As for the characters that aren't from wammy's house....
Light - he's a trumpet player and there's no argument. He knows other brass instruments too, like trombone and baritone and stuff but he mostly does trumpet. He started taking lessons when he was like nine and did a normal amount so he's no prodigy but he is pretty talented. I do think he's pretty bad at music theory though so he chose to drop it mostly after high school
Misa - she probably did flute for a couple years because it was the cutest of the six choices given in grade school but never really picked it up
Ryuk - the swaggest armpit fartist ever
Matsuda - I don't really have backstory for him but he seems like a soprano sax guy ☺️
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Tim: Catches up with Chris Kent on a monthly basis
Tim: goes with Steph to hang out with Kara
Tim: goes with Bernard in double date with Jon and Jay
Tim: is practically dating Kon
Tim, to Superman’s face: “I have a slightly justified hatred for you specifically and am not giving it up”
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op3ra · 7 months
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two EARLY early rusty pfps of mine.........these are so old it feels like they're from another dimension at this point. both are from september 2022 or so
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scrollll · 8 months
Hi there :) I'm sorry to bother you but this is very important because you are now the chosen Ace who can give me their perspective on Zouey. I have adamantly argued that Zouey can be read as being on the ace spectrum but some of my friends say that's not realistic. My arguments: - He gets aroused by things that are removed from reality (hentai) and in moments where there is no risk of actually having to be sexual with the person (Teena as a model) but he struggles to enjoy the "real" thing -> sounds very aegosexual to me. - He says sex is for everybody but him. Later he changes that to "sex might be for him if it's combined with love" -> that could either hint at him being demi or it could mean that he is willing to have sex out of love for his significant other (as many aces do). - He can give pleasure and touch others but doesn't like to be touched -> this feels ace to me but I can't really explain why - Even when he touches Teena, he often struggles with things that are "more" sexual (like touching genitals) -> could be that he feels strong sensual attraction towards Teena. He also seems to distance himself from the reality of the situation by escaping into the fantasy of hentai, another thing many aces do because the reality of sex actually turns them off. - He thinks he wants to have penetrative sex with Teena but then doesn't enjoy it
Their strongest counter argument is that Zouey gave Teena a bj in episode 1. Now, I see their point. And I don't think Zouey being acespec is the only valid interpretation of his character. I like some of the other interpretations just as much. BUT I hate when people tell me that he can't possibly be on the ace spec. We have so little representation as it is and telling us that a character who speaks to us actually can't be like us feels shitty. I'm ace myself but my experience with sex is quite different from his. From your post it seems that you can relate to Zouey a lot. So if you feel comfortable sharing your perspective, I'm sure that would be valuable not only for me but for other aces as well. Thanks for making that post! (Also that Chinese definition of asexuality is so badass xD)
For starters, my sweet love anon, thank you so much for this ask and a big warm hug through the internet for you if you feel comfortable with it :D
And it's no bother, I like talking and writing XD
And regarding Zouey... welp, you asked, so I will deliver but be prepared for a longer essay XD
Let's start with the basics for those who are not quite familiar with asexuality: asexuality is a broad spectrum with many different nuances, gray areas and so on.
In the asexual community (as well as in some others), a distinction is made between romantic and sexual orientation. It is therefore possible to love a person romantically and still have no or only very limited sexual desires.
So: Asexual people fall in love with others, they want romantic or platonic relationships, but mostly without feeling sexual attraction for them.
Asexuality doesn't always mean that a person doesn't have sex. Yep, it may sound strange at first, but it's true. Many asexual people satisfy themselves or have sex, e.g. because they want to have a child, but nothing more. Some asexuals who are sex-positive or sex-neutral, i.e. who are not repulsed by the idea of sexual activity or are simply indifferent to it, have had sex or participate in sexual acts.
So an asexual who has sex will not suddenly become homosexual or straight, they can still feel like they belong to the ace spectrum. There are a variety of labels that break it all down and all fall under the ace umbrella, like placiosexual, lithosexual, cupiosexual, but to make a long story short, for many of us it's just too complicated :) So many just prefer "Ace-spec" or Ace-spectrum, but that's a personal preference of myself and a few ace friends of mine. It's nice to know the labels, but usually just too complicated for everyday use XD
And I also rank Zouey's blowjob from EP.1 on the ace spectrum. You very aptly mentioned the point that Zouey gets aroused by things that aren't part of reality. I think in EP 1 the blowjob went in exactly that direction.
For Zouey, as we also find out later, Teena is first of all a beautiful work of art himself. In his imagination, he sees him more as a statue that he can touch than as a person. Only when he runs into the bathroom does this bubble burst for the moment.
Zouey seems very overwhelmed to me, which I can understand, because he normally only experiences sexual stimulation from two-dimensional figures. Teena, however, crosses the line. For Zouey, he is at first only a two-dimensional figure on his easel, but at the same time he exists in real life. Zouey, who only knows sexual attraction based on hentai or pictures, is now confused as to whether this means that he finds Teena or only Teena's picture (similar to Jump's) attractive.
At this moment, however, I don't think he really got anything like sexual arousal or desire from Teena himself. It was, as I said, initially only Teena's picture that aroused him, the confusion comes because Teena runs after him and Zouey is undecided whether he should treat him like an aesthetic art object or like a human being and whether he would still find him attractive as a human being at all.
Zouey decides in favor of safety. He wants to return to the art room, back in front of his canvas and the distance he knows and feels comfortable with.
The blowjob is initiated by Teena putting Zouey's hand on his crotch, making it clear that he is not just interested in a conversation and certainly doesn't want to go back to painting.
And Zouey knows that.
In a household like that with Captain and Porsche, it's pretty much impossible to avoid the topic of sex permanently. As an ace, we may not be interested in sex, but especially if you have friends who are very sexually active, you get a lot of information.
And you can't tell me that the baddie bunch hasn't talked about blowjob tactics and the like at least thirty times. Especially because really none of them can shut up and Captain and Porsche are very keen to get Zouey deflowered soon.
So Zouey presumably knows the stories from his friends and knows on a logical level what it means when someone practically hands you their dick on a silver platter. And he has the theoretical knowledge, so why not try it out, especially with an aesthetically pleasing man like Teena, who is a painting come to life for him from an artistic perspective?
What I'm trying to say is that I don't think it was a real sexual attraction at that moment, but rather an action-reaction. Of course, attraction can also play a role, but as I said, it doesn't have to be sexual, it can have an aesthetic origin, especially with Zouey's artistic mind.
Sex-indifferent aces are not repulsed by all sexual acts, so if our partner desires certain types of satisfaction and we feel like doing it, why not?
As the episode progresses, Zouey gives Teena another blowjob, but still dear people, Bj does not equal sex. Zouey still clearly shows his rejection of penetrative sex, or sexual acts that involve him. And that's pretty typical of us aces, or at least the ones I've met on the spectrum so far.
It feels okay to read about or watch sexual acts (mostly for aesthetic reasons rather than masturbation, but I don't want to generalize) because in 3rd perspective you are detached from the action and can look at it objectively.
You're not involved and that's nice.
By satisfying Teena, Zouey can still keep himself uninvolved. A nice term under the Ace umbrella for this is: Placiosexual (meaning a person that is okay and comfortable with performing sexual actions onto others but is uncomfortable having sexual acts performed onto them) This can still have limits and gradations, such as no penetrative sex in general or sexual acts under certain conditions.
As I said, also with the further development in the series and the way he deals with Teena and sexual innuendos, Zouey just feels very ace-coded to me. He moves on the spectrum, again, labels are nothing solid, but the vibes and the whole thing… Yeah, he is a fellow oft he ace for me XD
I wouldn't be surprised if he turns into Demi or Gray-ace, but his general view of sex and the way he's starting to expand his comfort zone bit by bit is very familiar to me from myself and my adventures on the asexual spectrum XD
However you interpret Zouey, for me he's chilling on the ace-spec XD It's my personal interpretation of him and I'll stick with that for now. I don't want to badmouth anyone's idea of Zouey, in the end he's a fictional character that we can interpret differently :)
But it feels very nice to have someone who thinks similarly :D
So, before this gets way too long, I'll make a cut here, but feel free to write me or send an ask if I should clarify anything :)
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Was sleep deprived last night and thought about if the Ravenstag was the other way around in terms of design and suddenly was assulted by the image of a furry bird with antlers just ominously following Will around and I have not stopped cackling since
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fan-therapy · 1 year
How would the wammy boys (and Light) take to a reader who dresses grungy metalhead style and listens to nirvana SOAD koRn and Slipknot and is antisocial and clingy to them also GN reader and preferably headcannons (established relationships because duh) sorry if it's kinda long but I want to know if they'd like me
Wammy Boys with a Grungy Metalhead Reader
hi! so i made these all SFW, also im not super familiar with the metal scene but i tried my best! i hope you enjoy it! thanks for the request anon <3
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L Lawliet 🍰
-he doesn't really get it at first.
-he thinks its a little strange, the music you listen to.
-also, the clothes?
-he just wonders why you wear so many dark colors!
-on the personality part, he surprisingly lovessss the clinginess
-he doesn't mind having you clutching onto him and sitting with him while he works! he likes it!
-he's also antisocial, so he likes that definitely <3
Near/Nate River 🧩
-he loves the style!
-he thinks the look is really cool, even if he doesn't think he himself would dress that way
the music, though, is another story
-i'll say now that it's NOT a deal-breaker for him
-but he doesn't like it.
-he thinks it's too loud and intense and overwhelming. he's the type of person to listen to classical so metal is too much for him tbh
-just like L, he's also antisocial, so he likes that aspect of your personality. the clingy side of things isn't an issue either. he doesn't mind it!
Matt/Mail Jeevas 🎮
-oh god he ADORES you.
he's not antisocial so he might try to pull you out of your little hole, but he's also okay with sitting back and playing some games with you
-hes even clingier than you lmao...
-like, he LOVES your attention. he needs it and he thrives on it.
-he loves everything about you.
-especially your style! he thinks you look so cool.
-when you two started dating, he was introduced to metal for the first time and now he's fully obsessed with it.
Mello/Mihael Keehl 🍫
-i think he also likes metal!
-he listens to the same bands, goes to the same concerts, all of that
-when he was younger, he might have even tried making some metal music himself.
-y'all dress kinda similar too, so you go together really well.
-you would totally go to concerts together but that's not relevant
-on the clingy side of things, he might not always be super affectionate but he won't ever get pissed at you for wanting his attention
-he doesn't mind your antisocalness, he's not too antisocial but he doesn't really mind that you are!
Light Yagami 📓
-good lord you two are polar opposites.
-like, he can't stand metal music and says it distracts him and makes his head hurt
-but if you really wanna listen to it, he won't stop you. he might just put some earplugs in though...
-he doesn't mind your clothes.
-like, he thinks it's cool, but he's not nearly as obsessed with it as matt.
-he will never ever stop you from clinging onto him. he doesn't mind it at all, so why should he stop you?
-he does try to get you out of your shell though!
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feralferretxp · 1 year
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Goofed off and made a screenshot edit with Bang with my human design for him except the being a human part
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deepdeanvsweston · 5 months
POV you're Daisy Wells' girlfriend and it's break at your sixth form. She's gone precisely 4 days without a mystery of any sort and so has now defaulted to infodumping about her earliest and most tried and trusted special interest: my little pony. You listen and realise you are dating a Horse Girl.
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silverjurors · 1 year
Incredibly random headcannon:
Zane doesn't fear Janus, despite the fact that they are very unsettling and could easily kill him if they wanted to. This is because Zane knows that Janus is in love with him is incredibly loyal to him and would rather die than kill him
Zane does, however, fear Lillian. Not because she's ever been aggressive towards him or anything, just because Zane has a deep internalized fear of porcelain dolls and Lillian is like one of those dolls but life sized and significantly more deadly
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