#(not playing yet but I’m already conflicted XD)
boneless-mika · 10 months
I am intending to play as a halfling bard if that impacts your opinion at all (might change my mind)
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songbirdtales · 11 months
Trust Me, It Doesn't Happen
A little lil break up conversation between the songbird and ascended astarion. There's no way in the 9 hells they'd become a vampire spawn for him, and I dont imagine he could stay with them without that control so... Also this is the stuff ive been working on for my dnd campaign and when I tell you I've made 3 players and myself cry in sessions so far and we havent even had a group session 1 XD
“People think the greatest threat to a vampire is a cleric with a stack. It’s not. The biggest threat to a vampire is another vampire.” The words rang in their ears from months ago, the way he used to sound. Now, Astarion sounded and moved a little too perfectly. It felt unreal.
“You wouldn’t be just another spawn. You’re far more than that to me.” He looked so truly wounded by the hesitation, yet there was something missing. There was nothing behind his eyes, the mask now fully affixed to his face obscuring any truth behind it completely.
He could see the conflict in their face as their eyes studied him frantically. “They’re scheming, paranoid, power hungry beasts.” His old voice continued in their memories as they took another step away from him.
“I’d never want to control you.” He stepped forward, advancing as he saw them pulling away from him. With each step back they took, he advanced, looming as they shrunk. “I-”
“So why would any vampire give up control over a spawn? To create a competitor?” Pain formed on their face as his old voice overlapped his new.
“Love you.” He looked so sincere, so warm, but his voice sounded just like the first time he’d ever said it. When he was lying.
“They wouldn’t.” Astarion could see Tav visibly wince, as if someone were twisting a knife in their side before all emotion drained from their face.
“That’s what you’ve been waiting to hear, isn’t it?” He was so sure of himself, he hadn’t realized he’d already lost them.
“Trust me, It doesn't happen.” Tears welled in their eyes as they took a deep breath in and sighed out to the memory, 
“I do trust you…” They squeezed their eyes shut, tears streaming down their cheeks. “I’m sorry,” They gasped. “I can’t…”
Astarion perfect face twisted with a hint of confusion, his head tilting slightly as Tav answered his ghost. “What was that, little love?”
“This is over, whatever it was.” They let the ring drop to the floor. “I won’t be your Astarion so you can play Cazidor.”
Anger bloomed in him, instantly blossoming into aggression as he got in their face, nose to nose with them. He’d yelled at them before, but never like this. “How dare you-”
“Then tell me that’s not exactly what this would be.” They pleaded with their eyes just like they had so many times just before he'd fail them. "Tell me and I'll believe you."
He fell silent, trying to wrestle his anger down quickly for a reply but his hesitation was answer enough for the bard. The Entertainer saw the Charlatan for what he was. They always had.
“You told me exactly what vampires do and I believe what you told me then.” There was so much pain in their eyes, but he couldn’t see past his own panic as they slipped through his fingers. “I believed the old you because at least you were honest about being a liar.
“You will regret this.” He hissed as his composure cracked.
“I’m sure I will.” There was a strange calm to Tav as all the walls came back up. “If I don't come by it on my own, I’m sure you’ll make me.”
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itstheelvenjedi · 2 years
15 Questions, 15 Mutuals
I was tagged by @mimabeann ty! :D I’m not gonna tag 15 people bc I have fear of being that annoying so :’) if you wanna do this consider this a tag, and no pressure if not!
1. Are you named after anyone?
Not exactly. Though my name is biblical. My mom isn’t particularly religious, she just liked the name.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Literally yesterday rippp :’) having to talk to multiple diff ppl none of whom have notes on what you’ve told the other people so you have to re-live the terrible shitty awful 2 year period that was 2020 - 2022 all over again = panic attacks and lots of crying (I’m ok today just hella tired ;w;)
3. Do you have kids?
NOOOPEEE. And I never will. The bullshit from this family ends with me y’all XD
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I’d have to be honest and say yea, I do. It’s prolly a defence mechanism oops. Also I just grew up like that so weh
(No. 5 is missing)
6. What’s your eye color?
Hazel! it switches between 2 of the 3 colours depending on what colour(s) I’m wearing etc. not gonna get any more specific than that bc Safety uvu
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings! I don’t hate scary movies and I will watch em on occasion but pls I’m depressed enough already I need happy endings /hj
8. Any special talents?
Apparently I’m scary good at customer service for someone with such crippling social anxiety and fear of conflict so ig that counts? lmao
9. Where were you born?
on the coast in South Africa (again, not being any more specific for safety)
10. What are your hobbies?
Drawing, writing, playing video games (SWTOR, RDR 2/RDO, The Sims 4, Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons and ARK: Survival Evolved are the usual go-tos but I have others aswell ofc), I will never not pet a (friendly) dog/cat/animal if I see it
11. Have you any pets?
I have a corn snake named Enigma, at the moment! But my finances recently took a hit so as much as I’d love to get another pet once Enigma goes I prolly won’t be able to afford any more pets. Being disabled & unable to work and yet still expected to pay hundreds of bucks a month just so you can have food to eat bc you can’t cook on your own and someone has to do it for you kinda do be like that /s
12. What sports do you play/have played?
I used to play both Tennis and Netball as a kid! I have not played a sport in over 10 years, since my hip crapped out. I can barely walk without dislocating it now, I ain’t running or jumping NOWHERE bucko LOL
13. How tall are you?
5′4″ or thereabouts, idk the exact measurement nor do I care lol
14. Favorite subject in school?
English, Biology, Drama
15. Dream job?
idk really. I’m too disabled to do the one thing I actually trained for now (working with animals). I really wanted to get a qualification in Animal Assisted Therapy forever ago and train and use therapy animals (like cats, dogs, ferrets etc.) to help people work through trauma and stuff but I struggle so much with day to day things nowadays that it’s clear to me I won’t be able to do that (and I’ve made peace with that) I guess it’d be nice to publish a book or something one day, idk *shrugs*
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just-fandomthings · 3 years
Big Congrats on 100k hits!
Are you still taking Frostiron prompts? If so, would Loki cooking Tony dinner for a night of cuddling and making out as a romantic surprise interest you? 🥰🥰🥰
Thank you for the congrats and thank you so much for this prompt!! I really hope you enjoy this <3 For context for this fic, this is a canon-divergent AU after Ragnarok, and Tony and Loki have been dating since prior to the events of CACW.
This fic is very soft and fluffy (we're in our feels for this one, folks), and this does also contain mild sexual content xD
“What’s all this?”
Loki looks up, his hand freezing mid-air before he schools his expression to one of innocence. Tony blinks back at him, looking tired, but his tone is amused and his eyes are fond, which in turns softens Loki’s resolve. “I made dinner,” he answers simply, because that much has already been given away.
“I can see that.” Tony grins, moving closer. “Why though?” He’s almost within arm's reach, but he darts away before Loki can touch. “I know what you’re trying to do and that’s not playing fair; don’t try and distract me,” he says, still smiling. Damn him, he’s going to spoil Loki’s entire plan. “I want to see.”
“You’re home early,” Loki tells him in response, stepping back into his path to block his line of sight. “I’m not ready for you yet.”
“But you’re almost done, aren’t you? Come on Lokes, indulge me, please? It’s been a long day, and-”
“I know,” Loki says, stepping closer, and this time, Tony lets himself be pulled into a hug. “You had back-to-back meetings for your company for a better part of the day, and then you went straight to a meeting with your teammates. That’s why I made-”
“My favorite.” Tony leans back just enough to make eye contact, his eyes warm and touched as he tilts up to press a light kiss to Loki’s jaw. “You made lasagna, my favorite meal, just because you knew I had a long day today?”
“A long and stressful day,” Loki corrects, because Tony is all too prone to downplaying his own grievances. “I thought comfort food might be a nice surprise to come home to- but mostly, I did it to make you smile.”
Tony, instead of answering, kisses him. Loki can feel his smile against his lips and is hard pressed to contain a smile of his own. The so-called “honeymoon phase” of their relationship has long passed as they’ve endured conflict and injury both personally and to their relationship, not to mention the many fights they’ve had over time, but their relationship has grown all the stronger for it and the result is this: a beautiful and powerful bond unlike any Loki has ever had before. It’s certainly more than he ever allowed himself to hope for.
There’s a huff of laughter against his collarbone. “I guess I’m not enough to keep you occupied anymore,” Tony fake pouts, his eyes all too amused as he leans up to kiss Loki’s jaw, then the corner of his mouth. “Where’d you go just now without me?”
“I went nowhere without you,” Loki tells him, “For I have you still in my arms, do I not? Besides, you were the subject of my thoughts.”
Tony waggles an eyebrow at him. “Oh really? Do tell.”
“Tonight, I will,” Loki tells him, stepping back after one final kiss. “For now-” He stops, laughing at the muffled whine that escapes Tony at his departure. “For now,” he continues, “I have a table to finish setting while you hide away, because I have another fifteen minutes still before you were due home.”
Tony’s face goes through a variety of emotions unexpectedly, all in an instant, before he explains his early arrival: “The meeting went sideways, so I ducked out early.” His tone is just a little too nonchalant to hide his stress and perhaps, pain as well.
There’s a great deal many things he could say in response, but all Loki says is, gently, “Then it’s all the more important that I take care to ensure dinner is perfect. If you wish, you may change into something more comfortable-” He stops at the look in Tony’s eyes. “Or you could take a seat and let me spoil you as I wish.”
Tony ducks his head at his words, but his blush is obvious. “Can I help set the table?” he offers instead.
“That’s fine,” Loki agrees and, unable to quell the rush of affection he feels for the other, steps closer and leans down to kiss the top of Tony’s head.
If Tony is surprised by the gesture, he doesn’t show it, he just sets to work on lighting the candles like Loki motions for him to do. Between the two of them, it takes only a few minutes to finish setting the table. FRIDAY turns the music on quiet and brings the lights down to low at his request, and just like that, everything is ready.
Tony still has that warm, fond gleam in his eyes as he sits down in the chair Loki pulls out for him. “You’re really going all-out tonight, aren’t you?” he says.
Loki gives a one-shouldered shrug as he sits to Tony’s right. “That’s the plan.”
“Why?” He quickly backtracks by adding, “I know why, you said so already, it’s just… why?”
Loki takes a moment to find the right words. “You have been under immense pressure these last several months with the return of your teammates,” he says. “I have seen the weight it has placed on your shoulders; the grief you have endured. I can do very little to relieve that burden in some way, but I can offer this: an evening of relaxation, of comfort, to hopefully offer a reprieve to some of your stress.”
Tony is quiet for a minute. Loki watches him silently, more fond than anything; he's perfectly content to wait for a response. “You’re right, it has been a pretty rough few months,” he says finally. “Having to work alongside everyone again, trying to rebuild trust…it’s hard.”
The exhaustion he came home feeling is clear to see now. Loki reaches out, taking Tony’s hand in his with a gentle squeeze. Tony gives him a small smile, his expression easing. “What you did tonight is amazing, I really appreciate it, and in a moment I’m going to shut up so we can eat, but really, if you’re trying to make me feel better, all I need is you.”
“You’re not going to stop me from spoiling you tonight,” Loki tells him, because he knows that’s what Tony is really trying to say. “But I appreciate your sentiment, and I know you mean it.”
“Of course I do,” Tony answers as if he thinks Loki’s mere presence is all he needs to be happy, like that’s as simple and easy as breathing. It’s a sentiment that never fails to steal Loki’s breath away and leave him in utter awe.
Tony’s smiling like he knows exactly what his words have done to him, which, he probably does. Loki’s left with only one thing to do: he leans across the table and kisses him.
“At this rate, we might never get around to dinner,” Tony murmurs against his lips, stealing another kiss and then another, causing Loki to lean forward for another. “We might just have to skip right to dessert.”
Loki reluctantly pulls away, just barely resisting the urge to close the distance between them again. “And have my hard work turn cold and become tomorrow’s leftovers? Not a chance."
Tony groans. “Fine, you win. But-”
“Tonight,” Loki promises.
It’s with that thought that they cut into the lasagna and begin to eat. Their meal passes exactly as Loki intended: good food combined with pleasant conversation and laughter noticeably eases the tension in Tony’s shoulders as the evening goes on. By the time they’ve set the dishes in the sink for later and have retired to the sofa, Tony is very clearly much more relaxed than he had been when he had first gotten home.
Tony, as he usually is able to after being friends and being together for so long, seems to read his mind with ease. “Thank you,” he says quietly as they sit down together, barely any space between them. “I needed that.”
“It’s what you deserve,” Loki answers him softly. “I’m glad I could help.”
“You always do.” Tony moves closer until he is tucked under his arm, his head on Loki’s chest. “How’d it go at New Asgard today?”
Loki sighs. “Decently, I suppose. Many people are still struggling to acclimate and to rebuild their life here, which is understandable. However, Thor, Val, and I were able to make notable progress in our designs for the right direction for New Asgard, and I believe in a few months we’ll see the fruits of our labor.”
“But it was stressful,” Loki admits. “There are understandable tensions that remain against me from many, and that is not a strain that time may necessarily heal.”
“Maybe not fully,” Tony agrees, “But progress can take different forms. There’s effort that needs to be made on both sides.”
“Now you’re just echoing my words,” Loki tells him; he had said nearly the same thing to Tony months ago when the Rogue Avengers had first returned to the states.
“It helped me to hear,” Tony shrugs. “Figured maybe you needed to hear your own advice.”
“I am clever, aren’t I.”
Tony laughs. “You’re dating me, so I’m not so sure about that.” Despite his words, he doesn’t sound resigned to a bitter truth he falsely believes; actually, he just sounds amused.
“You’re right, I’m not clever: I’m a genius of the highest intellect,” Loki agrees. “I saw what too few did; I saw the opportunity of a lifetime at your side, and now we are here.”
Tony snorts. “Charmer.”
“Is it charm, if I’m telling the truth?” Loki leans down to kiss the top of his head.
“Now you’re just flattering me,” Tony says, laughing. He laughs so easily with him, Loki’s discovered, and he loves that. “But this does beat getting thrown out a window or being enemies from afar, I’ll give you that. And the sex is phenomenal.”
Loki startles out a laugh, flushing slightly despite himself. “I’m glad you think so.”
Tony leans back a little, eyes twinkling. “I know so.” He shifts, tilting closer to press a kiss to Loki’s jaw at the spot that always makes him shiver. He can feel Tony’s smile as he does just that, and no doubt that’s the exact reason that Tony kisses him there again. He hovers close in his space as he trails kisses along his jaw, until finally, Loki can kiss him properly.
Loki pulls him closer until Tony is in his lap, until barely any space exists between them. He brings one hand to Tony’s hip, holding him steady as he brings the other up to cup his face. Tony leans into his touch just so, his eyes fluttering closed as Loki traces his thumb over the corner of his mouth. It’s easy to pull Tony in for a kiss, and then another. Loki gets lost in the moment, time not even a distant thought anymore as Tony moans softly, providing him the chance he wants to deepen their kiss.
Finally, Loki leans back, pressing their foreheads together lightly as he gives Tony a chance to catch his breath. “ Fuck , Loki,” Tony murmurs against his mouth, his breathing heavy and unsteady. He rocks closer as Loki trails his hand up his side, his breath hitching.
“May I?” Loki asks in way of response, touching the fabric of Tony’s suit jacket in silent request.
Tony nods, something in his expression easing as Loki’s Seiðr dissolves his jacket. Tony undoes the first few buttons of his suit shirt and then leans back in, kissing him soundly until Loki’s left breathing heavily.
Perhaps that has something to do with the fact that he can feel Tony already half-hard against him, or maybe it has something to do with the fact that Tony’s in his lap—
Or maybe it’s a combination of both; Tony moans quietly against his mouth, shamelessly rolling his hips as he does so. Loki moans at that, unable to keep quiet, his grip on Tony’s hip tightening with barely retained composure.
“Bedroom,” Tony finishes for him, grinding down once more. His suit pants really leave nothing to the imagination, and Norns help him, Loki wants.
It takes hardly a single thought to gather his Seiðr and bring them to their bedroom. Loki eases Tony onto his back, settling between his legs as he follows him down to kiss him. He balances most of his weight on his left hand, careful to only put so much on Tony as he uses his right hand to finish undoing the buttons of Tony’s shirt.
Tony whines against his lips, arching into his touch with a breathless murmur of his name. “I’ve got you,” Loki promises as he gentles their kiss to something softer, sweeter. He touches his hand to the center of Tony’s chest; a simple brush of his Seiðr is all that’s needed to remove Tony’s shirt.
“You too,” Tony says, pleads, tugging on Loki’s shirt as he trails his hand up Loki’s side to his neck, tucking loose strands of hair behind his ear. Loki shivers at his touch, following his request as he makes his shirt dissolve. Tony runs his hand over his chest as soon as he’s able to; at the same time, he leans up to meet him halfway as Loki leans down and kisses him.
It’s easy to get lost in the moment, his attention narrowing to the sounds he can drag out of Tony. He presses a kiss to Tony’s throat just under his ear, quietly thrilling in the way Tony shivers at his touch with a faint whimper. He takes his time pressing kisses down Tony’s throat until he reaches his collarbone; he’s not in any hurry, not when he knows they have the entire evening and all night.
“Loki,” Tony moans, arching up into his touch in a clear request for more, and oh, that’s lovely.
Loki surges up to kiss Tony and tells him exactly that, saying roughly, “Lovely man; do you have any idea what you do to me?”
Tony laughs breathlessly against him, eyes sparkling as he says, “The same you do to me, I’d imagine.” He rolls his hips against Loki’s to emphasize his point, and message received.
Desire strikes him so fiercely at the action that Loki’s control wanes for a moment; his Seiðr dancing along Tony’s skin in a warm tease that leaves him trembling and pleading for more. Loki exhales shakily and controls his Seiðr, letting it soothe along Tony’s sides as he slowly moves down, pressing kisses to Tony’s chest and then to his stomach.
He hesitates when he reaches Tony’s waistband, searching for permission, and all Tony says is a fierce, “If you dare stop now, you’re sleeping on the couch for a week.”
Loki laughs, unable to help himself, as he helps Tony out of his pants and then his boxers. His own arousal is straining against his pants, almost uncomfortably so, but Loki ignores it as he settles back down between Tony’s legs.
“May I-”
“Yes, yes, please,” Tony answers before he can finish, his breathing uneven and clearly quickening with anticipation.
Loki kisses the inside of Tony’s thigh in response, bringing one hand up to part Tony’s legs a little to give himself more room. Tony trembles under him as he lightly brushes his fingertips across Tony’s thigh, moving closer to his cock— but he purposely does not touch him.
Tony whines, a cut-off sound of frustration that Loki delights in. He’s in full control of what happens and they both know it, just as they both also know that his entire focus is spoiling Tony and giving him what he wants.
Just not right away, that’s all.
He kisses the inside of Tony’s thigh again, trailing his fingers over his abdomen as he does, and lets his Seiðr curl around Tony’s cock. Tony moans, rocking into his touch, and his breath hitches as he gives a ragged call of his name.
Loki grins, letting his Seiðr tease Tony for a few moments more before he leans down and finally takes Tony’s cock in his mouth. Tony’s responding exhale is somewhere between a whimper and a sigh, and it’s perfect.
After over a year of dating, Loki knows exactly what makes Tony shiver with ecstasy, what makes him gasp, and most of all- he knows what makes him lose control. And that’s his goal: to tease Tony into his first orgasm; then, he’ll eat him out until Tony is hard and leaking again. Then, and only then, will he fuck Tony until he comes for a second time.
It’s what Loki has been looking forward to doing all day: spoiling Tony exactly as he deserves to be treated.
So that’s exactly what he does.
Later Tony tells him, curled into his arms with his head on his chest, “I was right, by the way.”
There’s a beat of silence as Loki waits for him to finih his thought.
“Sex with you is phenomenal.” Tony’s quiet for a moment, and then he admits, “It’s perfect, even.”
He’s not just talking about sex, Loki knows.
“Yes, we are,” Loki agrees softly, and kisses him.
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mickules · 3 years
Okay I saw your Mastermind Ishimaru and I got some ideas when you said it looked like a Persona 4 shadow confrontation.
Ishimaru's dungeon would be a Military Base with books lining the area. The part of him he wants to suppress is his wish to control the naturally chaotic surroundings. This includes the students in the school. His persona would be Hercules and specialize with fire based attacks. His weapon would be a sword of some sorts (he does kendo after all). Hercules did an unspeakable crime (the scandal) and seeks redemption by doing 12 different labors (Ishimaru's attempts of lessening the scandal of his name).
He would not join the investigation team until Mondo is thrown into the TV (I know, in the original picture had Mondo there). We see that during the class trial Ishimaru voted for himself. He was desprate to save his only friend. So only then does he offically get his glasses and join the team.
I am such a nerd.
Nerd away! Persona 4 has such a good premise to play around with.
Taka conflating his political aspirations with the military complex really expresses the internal conflict of wishing to lead but being scared of tyranny- as you say, how far will he take his instinct to control the natural chaos around him?
The comparison between the redemptive trails of Hercules and Taka's almost Sisyphean task of vindicating his family name is surprisingly apt! Taka's whole purpose being cleansing a sin he had no control over, and the prescriptive position of 'Moral Compass' imposed on him as a way toward absolution totally has echoes of Hercules Labours. (Plus trying to turn over a foul reputation isn't unlike slaying a hydra; one rumour refuted - two more in its place.)
You're also right about Taka getting involved because of Mondo that's thoroughly in character and it mirrors similarly to Chie and Yukiko. I originally had Mondo already a member of the team so he might see the depth of the insecurity of the 'flawless moral compass'. We get to see Taka's reaction to Mondo's deepest psychologies within the game, but Mondo seems to keep Taka (and chihiro) on a pedestal, he never sees how utterly Taka breaks.
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It's a solid analysis, I love folk going deep with that kind of exploration! I think it's why I enjoy the dangan characters so much, there's a lot left on the table but it's not so empty that there's nothing to work with, it gives us interpretations that are entirely opposite, yet not actually contradictory! The chatfic banter gets me creased everytime! Captures the chaotic energy that is the gaggle of class 78 without adult supervision. I especially like the context building prose cutaways; really solidifies their offline relationships, and their intentions behind their messages in the chat. (I'm honestly dumbfounded that anyone references my memey nonsense outside of the social experiment that is tumblr XD My mind cannot compute)
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:-o! No worries, that'd be more than fine, that'd be a real treat!
I mentioned it before but I'm clumsy with computers, something about them just slides through my brain and I'm left fumbling around. So if I miss something or I'm slow to notice or respond; that is entirely on my end! I'm loosey-goosey and am fairly unflappable so don't ever think that I've been bothered by any messages or the like :)
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Yessss! Spoil me with more fanfics!
Can I just say, I am in awe of fanfic authors in all honesty; I cannot do what they do, the command of language to just - invent something? Magic. Genuine sorcery. Major props. All the ones I've been recommended so far have been ace; previously we had 'Jealousy' (they're on tumbl as @faustsqueeze I believe!) which I cannot predict the direction! I'm in anticipation of how those twists are gonna play out! 'University and Society' has great interpersonal interactions, and I'm a big fan of how natural the characters are in an aged up alternate setting. I've got 'Beyond Despair' in my bookmarks; The palpable tension rising from the stress of the distorted trials is! Good shit! Plus I'm a slag for a good mystery 'Mr Loverman' is waiting in the wings cos' oof you weren't lying about angst I'm gonna want to be comfy when I read that one 'The Hope out Here' was haunting - solid Aoi breakdown of how the class might survive in the dispaired world 'Liar' built up to just a wonderful crescendo! Trapped and forced to interact is prime Taka-Mondo real estate, love to see it.
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heymeowmao · 2 years
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2022.04.02 - https://weibo.com/l/wblive/p/show/1022:2321324753885637247075
Ning-ge hasn’t got anything better to do...
LYN: Hallo everybody, good evening. I’m Modern Brothers Liu Yuning. I really haven’t got anything better to do.. Other than stream, all I do is... stream. XD
Comment: You even dressed up. Is it for the trending topic? LYN: It’s not. How anxious for it do you think I am??
LYN: We’re trying to go for an early class and a late class thing. I did the early class already (4/1) and now we’re working on the later class. 
Comment: How do I get this big strawberry to go away? LYN: Don’t you think it brightens the mood? Why do you want to get rid of it? Why don’t you just get rid of me??
LYN: I saw a comment this afternoon that I thought was really nice. The person said that they’re really bored in quarantine and they knew I was going to stream so at least it felt like they had a friend somewhere out here to accompany them. All of a sudden I felt like my stream had been upgraded. It’s so meaningful that it’s able to give you a sense of accompaniment. In that case... let me stream a while.  LYN: There was someone asking this afternoon, if I would be streaming tonight. I even replied to them and asked them if they thought I didn’t have anything better to do than to stream for you all the time. But alas, when night fell... here I am. 
Comment: Are you not busy? LYN: Are you worried that I don’t have any work to do? I’m quite busy- there are a lot of things to do. But I just think that nothing is more important than you.  LYN: Oh? What’s with the sudden cheesiness? 
Comment: Ning-ge, you’re trending. LYN: See? That’s why I have to thank weibo and all of you for tuning in. I haven’t even gotten started yet and I’m already trending. Comment: How long have you been streaming for? LYN: I just started- we’re only five minutes in. You came in at just the right time. 
Comment: What a dedicated anchor. LYN: This... makes me feel a little conflicted. They said I was an anchorman... which is not WRONG, but why do I feel a little inferior? Other than streaming on weibo I’m also a singer! I’m a singer, my friends. Don’t forget, ok? LYN: Other than singing, I’m also an actor- should I act out a little scene for you too? Comment: Since you said you’re a singer, why not a song? LYN: That was my intention exactly. LYN: /in a funny voice/ Let’s go! Uh.. what should I sing? Comment: You’re already hoarse. LYN: /still in that voice/ No~ No, I’m not. My voice is normal. It’s not hoarse!
LYN: Let’s sing something... something from a singer I like very much. His name is Liu Yuning. Let’s see what songs he has, that I can sing for everyone. Comment: My favorite singer is HZT. LYN: Yeah, alright. I like him too. Hm... what should I sing... Comment: Beggar. LYN: I haven’t sung that in a long time! Let me see if I have the accompaniment.... because I have to go to JT’s drama to play a beggar... Alright, let’s go.
 -- 乞丐
Comment: Keep going! LYN: This person’s already too into the music. They enjoyed that first song too much and want me to just continue with another. First of all- this isn’t a concert. Even if it was! It’s not like you had to buy a ticket!! [..] You didn’t buy a ticket, so what right do you have to make demands? If you had spent some money to come here, and THEN asked for another song, then I wouldn’t be right to refuse. But you didn’t.... let me rest a bit, at least!
Comment: Aren’t you a professional singer though? LYN: I’m not. I’m just a music-lover, not a professional singer. Professionally, I learned how to be a chef. If you were to ask me how to make a dish, I can sit here and walk you through the whole process. But as for singing I can only count as a lover of music, not a professional- because they all have certifications and have gone to school for it. I learned how to cook. LYN: Someone really did make an order! Crispy Sweet and Sour Pork!! Red Braised Pork! LYN: Uhm... /puts on some ~cooking music~/ Let’s talk about how to make crispy sweet and sour pork, my friends. /really explains the whole process - even two methods of seasoning it/ Comment: Honestly, I’ve never had it before. LYN: Next time I’ll make it and invite you to my house. Wait for me. Wait for my call.  Comment: Oh, you learned professionally? LYN: With me- I love whatever I do. 干一行,爱 一行,一行行行行行. - purposely messes up how to say it; bc ‘行‘ can be read two ways (xing or hang). See more: here.
Comment: Ning-ge, there’s a reflection from your glasses. LYN: That’s the air of mystery I want. I don’t want you to see my eyes- so you can’t figure out what I’m thinking. 
- someone asks him about another dish LYN: Look it up online! You really came here to learn how to cook??? Should I change my stream title to “Ning-ge’s Little Kitchen”? I just wanted to prove that I was a professional, not that I really wanted to teach you how to cook... 
Comment: Why is your streaming room so dark. LYN: It’s the mood. It’s the late-night mood. If you want it brighter I’ll grab a candle for you. Comment: To make it romantic. LYN: That’s right. Let me find some romantic music. LYN: ~ Honestly, sometimes.. every person is an innocent child. When you can't sleep at night...~ Doesn’t this music fit this type of mood? Music is a very important part of making an environment. Comment: This type of music doesn’t suit your stream. LYN: My stream should be loud and noisy? Because I am a loud person.
Comment: Ning-ge, turn off the mood lights. LYN: I saw that, too. That the lights hurt your eyes. But the streamer in that case had the lights pointed directly at their face- mine are behind me. They’re shining on you. They can’t hurt MY eyes, but they can hurt yours. /laughs/ I’m fine, but YOU be careful.  Comment: AHH MY EYES! LYN: Stop messing around. My light, in your screen is only a blue stripe, it can’t hurt you. Unless.. there’s no “blue” in your world? I just said it to scare you, and you’re really playing along. It’s fine as long as it’s not shining in my eyes. Comment: It’s purple. LYN: It is blue, just that my filters are on. I’ve adjusted the color settings, so that the blue might look purple. Over here- is a rose red but right now it looks pink. Comment: Is the blurring filter on max?  LYN: :( How can you guys be like this. Why do you think that filter is at max?? /scoffs/ You’re kidding me.. /shows his screen settings/ Look at how high the blur tool is. [t/n: it’s at max.] It’s... oh, it is at 100. /denial/ The max is 1000! I’m only at 100 right now!! Comment: Is the “big eyes” filter on? LYN: No, that one really isn’t on. My eyes are small enough. LYN: ... LYN: Why do I feel like I’ve been cyber-bullied? I came here with good intentions, but you’re all criticizing me. I’m not happy. :(
LYN: Alright! What song do you want to hear? Let me know. Tonight’s for entertainment- I’ll take you out clubbing later.
Comment: I heard you signed into YY’s agency? LYN: You must be new. Welcome. I also welcome everyone else who is watching my stream for the first time today. How many of you are there? Can you type “me” into the comments? I want to see how many. LYN: There are quite many- you’re all typing ”me”. You can stop pretending. I’ve seen some of your IDs so many times already. Thank you for coming to watch my stream- I know a lot of you may have just clicked in through the trending topic. Let me introduce myself. I’m a singer/actor. My name is Liu Yuning. I’m a singer and recently- even if you haven’t watched my dramas- I’m sure you’ve heard of them. Comment: You’re an artist (yisu). LYN: 去你的. You flatter me. I’m not buying it. I’m not an artist. LYN: I only have skills (jisu). I’m not too bad at cooking. 
LYN: My O My? I haven’t sung that in a long time. Let me try. It’s a song off my first album. I just saw the track... But I don’t really want to sing it, because this song is a little sad. I want to sing more lively songs and then later in the night I’ll sing the slow songs.
Comment: You didn’t finish talking about the agency. LYN: I talked about this maybe last year? All the tabloid accounts make up stories that are a year late. I already laid it out last year, and they only got around to writing the rumor now. It’s a good agency, and I also really like YY, and if I were to be signed into it it would only be my honor. But the thing is- I am NOT signed with them. I used to have an agency, and it’s been about a year since my contract with them ended. So now I’m my own boss. I saw that the tabloid said I wanted to sign with a few big projects, and that’s why I needed to sign with an agency. But I am my own boss- I have my own studio and it’s quite nice. We have a lot of work already, so I don’t see the need to sign with a bigger agency. LYN: But this rumor came around because I have worked with YY’s agency- Yuetai Entertainment. My first concert, I signed with them and worked with them to accomplish. My second album that I’m working on right now, I also gave to Yuetai to take care of. It’s a partnership, not that I’ve signed under them. I won’t sign with anyone. LYN: A different company came to me recently and wanted to know if I would like to sign with them. My first reaction was of course, not to sign. I’m my own boss now and I have a lot of freedom- I can do what I want to and take the jobs I want. Thankfully I have a pretty good reputation in this circle, and a lot of people are still WILLING to give me work. Sometimes I can go to a wrap party and get a job out of it- do you think I need a company... I don’t need one. Also- I saw the company doesn’t have any work for its own artists, what do they want to sign me for? Some of my friends are part of their company- they’re all at home doing nothing. I don’t want to go and give you MORE pressure. It isn’t worth it.  LYN: I’m not likely to sign with any company, but I will work with them. For my music and my concerts, I’ll work with Yuetai. I didn’t sign with them, though I’d like to... well, I wouldn’t. This is hard to say. If I had the chance, it would be my honor. There’s nothing wrong with saying that, right? I can’t let anyone get leverage over me with those words. It’s ok, right? Not problematic?
Comment: Ning-ge, can you make the sound louder? LYN: Can you make your own audio louder instead? Please, I’m begging you. I already need to shout to get you to hear me. Comment: The sound isn’t loud or quiet. LYN: Fine. I’ll speak like this- straight from my mouth. I’ve adjusted the volume of my mic now. When I sing I’ll turn it down.
- someone asks about his hair LYN: It’s been a while since I’ve cut it, since I need it for my drama... Someone asked me when I’m going to be in a crew. They must not follow me very closely- I’m in one right now. I hope to shoot three dramas in one year, so I’m all set. Three dramas, one variety show, and one album.
Comment: When are you going out tomorrow? LYN: I know someone who sells the schedules for all celebs, do you want his contact info? LOL. No- I have to go out pretty early tomorrow. It’s a full day of fight scenes. I’ll definitely stop streaming before 11p too. I need to make sure I get enough sleep or I’m afraid I won’t be able to keep up tomorrow.   Comment: Why do you have their contact info. LYN: I was making a joke! D: Why would I? To buy my own schedule?? Or to buy someone else’s- I’m going to chase the stars? No. I was just joking.  Comment: You can buy other people’s. LYN: Why would I?? I’m a part of this industry, my friends.  Just because I’m sitting here streaming with you, don’t forget that I am a part of the entertainment circle. If I wanted to know someone’s schedule I could just ASK. Are you under the misunderstanding that just because I chat here with you that it’s my job? Please don’t forget I’m a singer and an actor. If you’re going to be like that I’ll leave! 
LYN: The last stream, didn’t I bring up the Fox Spirit Matchmaker? And then I saw someone say I mentioned it just for clout. If I ever find them I’m gonna give them a flying kick. Let’s talk this out. If I mention this drama in my stream, what good does it bring me? Nothing. LYN: If I really wanted to gain something I’d bring up any artist and then diss them. For example, “Get LYN out here.” “I’m here, what do you want?” “LYN sucks.” If I tell him off a little I guarantee I’ll be the talk of the town. LYN: I stream for my fans. For the ones who’ve been with me for five or more years, since I was still on the streets. For the fans who just got to know me three years ago when I first debuted. And for the fans who got to know me the past 1 or 2 years from the variety shows or dramas. I need to make them feel like chasing this star is a unique experience. Also, I really do just want to talk. Honestly, I don’t really have a lot of friends. Streaming is the only way for me to let off steam. LYN: People who like me or people just stopping by can watch a little. But if you REALLY don’t like me, stop watching. Don’t watch AND be angry about it. It’s like walking down the street and seeing some dog poop. You’re not going to say it stinks but also get a closer look to see HOW much. If you don’t like me, just go around- you don’t have to pay me any attention. LYN: Not to say that I am calling myself dog shit... that was an example. Maybe not the greatest example...  Comment: Why did you diss yourself... LYN: Human nature. If you don’t want others to hate on you, you have to hate yourself first. If they can’t diss me any worse than I diss myself then they’re going to give up trying. If you’re bullied at work, just start slapping yourself. From the moment you get off the elevator until you get to your desk. I guarantee no one else is going to bully you again. Because you’re already doing it to yourself. Don’t you think this is logical? They’re probably going to think you’re crazy and if they mess with you again, that you’re going to off them. LYN: Maybe my explanation was a little extreme, so please don’t actually do that. Just diss your self before other people get the chance to. That’s all I’m trying to convey. Comment: You can diss yourself but not hurt yourself... LYN: I was just trying to make an analogy, you don’t have to be so serious!! This is like going out to buy a sweetheart cake (lao po bing - “wife” cake) and complaining that there’s no “wife”. Shredded Pork with Garlic Sauce (yu xiang rou si - fish-fragrant pork slices) doesn’t have fish in it. Comment: Who’s Bi Fang and why do you have to hit them? [t/n: 打个比方 - dǎ gè bǐfāng = make an analogy. 打 = “hit”; it’s a play on words) LYN: /sigh/ This is why you have to subscribe to my weibo. Later I’ll tell you why we have to “hit bifang”. Everyone who comes to watch me gets online classes.  Comment: There’s no squirrel (song shu) in Squirrel Fish (shong shu yu). LYN: Oh, are you a cook too?
--- song relay
LYN: Alright. Let’s sing something... Something not mine. How about Xue Zhiqian? I haven’t sung his songs in a long time. - wanted to sing 像風一樣, but there’s no accompaniment. 
Comment: Shan Yichun. LYN: She’s a woman! Her songs are all in the female key. I can’t.
- couldn’t find ANY accompaniment for XZQ’s songs, so he tries another singer: Wang Sulong. LYN: WSL! I can. Every time I go to some event they always want me to sing his songs. They probably figure I have a similar tone to his. XD Our voices are both very sweet~ - wanted to sing Sponge Baby, but the track isn’t available either :p LYN: Someone else!  Comment: Zhang Bichen.  LYN: :x A male singer, please. I can’t sing female singer’s songs. There’s no saying I can sing male singer’s songs either.  Comment: HZT. LYN: Ok, let’s see... let me tell you- his songs are all so hard to sing. I can’t sing them- they’re too high. Let’s listen to this one. // Ok, whatever- let me try it.
-- 舍不得 LYN: /gives up halfway/ Actually I wanted to use this song to show you my rap skills.
LYN: Let’s try someone else. This is the best of my personal ability. This song is so difficult. Comment: Li Ronghao. LYN: Ok, I can.
-- 年少有為
Comment: I cried. LYN: You must be using me as an excuse to cry, because I didn’t sing it with THAT much emotion. Just for fun. Comment: What’s there to cry about? LYN: Don’t be like that. Everyone’s experiences are different, their living conditions are different, their emotions are different. Maybe I sang something that was sentimental for them. Or maybe it sounded so bad they cried. Anything’s possible. Don’t go around laughing at others. Don’t laugh when others cry. I’m like this too- if I go to a movie and everyone else is laughing, I’m sitting there thinking, “What’s there to laugh about?” But I won’t say it out loud. Everyone’s different.  Comment: You were afraid to get hit, so you didn’t voice it.  LYN: That was part of it, too. - advises people to leave comments with good intentions, and not to always attack people
- next singer to try: Mao Buyi LYN: Mao Buyi-laoshi. See? You might be the same age or older than someone else in this industry, but there’s nothing wrong with calling someone “laoshi”. At least I thought that was a safe way of calling people. But there are always people who can nitpick- they thought I was being facetious.
Comment: Lao-da, HZT’s here. LYN: What’re you telling me for?
-- 不染 LYN: Eh? What type of glasses does Mao Buyi usually wear? Black frames, right? Let me switch. - got stuck in the middle of the song and blames it on his microphone
- next singer: Wang Junkai LYN: I don’t know about WJK himself, but how about I sing one from the three of them (TF Boys)? The only song I know is probably 宠爱. I know I might be a little old and not suited for this song, but I still hope you can sing along. LYN: Let’s get ready. Let me wear my sunglasses. So no one can recognize me.
-- 宠爱 LYN: Let me find a “younger” filter to go along with it. This one. Let me pretend to be cute for a sec.
Tumblr media
Comment: Cheesy. LYN: My glasses already cover half my face- could you not just IMAGINE that I’m younger? It’s true that I’m over 30. But can’t a guy dream of being more childlike? I don’t care- I’m going to finish the song! - when the song’s over LYN: It’s true. I’m too old for it. You’ll have to excuse me.
Comment: Are you selling glasses? LYN: Yah, you want any? If you don’t want any, then why are you asking?? 
- next singer to try: Lu Han LYN: I actually do know his songs.
Comment: Ning-ge, why do you know so many people’s songs? For clout?  LYN: No- when I go on some shows and see singers I’m really happy. Like Jam Hsiao, DZW, XZQ, etc. I’m so happy when I see them, because- well, I can’t say they’re my idols, but they are singers I like a lot. I used to always listen to their songs, even long before I debuted. Even though now we’re in the same circle and we’re colleagues, I was listening to their music on my way up. I really dislike those people who think too highly of themselves once they make their debut. // Before I debuted I was already someone who liked to sing; who’s song could I sing to? There are only so many. Now I’ve become one of them. :) - side note: tells people off for posting walls of text because it influences other people’s viewing experience
-- 勋章 - it’s too high for him :p LYN: My equipment is so unreliable. It’s normal to experience unexpected technical difficulties- not even just in my stream! It happens during concerts too! Right, my friends? Fam?? (read: back me up here XD) Comment: Change it (your equipment). LYN: Let’s forget about it. I’ve grown attached to this mic.
Comment: Second Hand Rose LYN: You guys go so hard?? I think I’ve only heard one of their songs... I think it’s called 仙儿, but there doesn’t seem to be an accompaniment. It’s probably not available because they’re a band. 
Comment: Something from EXO. LYN: I already sang it didn’t I? One from HZT and one from LH.
Comment: Zhai Xiaowen. LYN: I’m sorry- I’ve heard him sing, but I don’t know any of his songs. I know him. We did Our Song together. 
Comment: Xu Song. LYN: Let me see what songs he has. I know 有何不可. There’s no original accompaniment- it’s all what other people have arranged. Let’s try. -- 有何不可 LYN: ??? Is this a kazoo performance? LYN: Let’s try a different one of his songs. 灰色头像. No accompaniment for that either. Alright. Let’s try another singer.
LYN: Stop typing in actor’s names. I haven’t heard a lot of SINGER’s songs, why do you think I’ll listen to ACTOR’s?? You might have heard them, but not me. oTL
LYN: Zhou Shen! I saw a lot of people typing his name. He uh.. his singing is more in the female range. If I sing his songs I might... (die?). There’s no need.
- next singer: Zhang Jie LYN: I’m a little afraid to sing his songs because he goes too hard. All of his songs are difficult to sing. Sometimes I don’t dare to sing his songs because I don’t think I CAN. They’re high and you have to have power. His songs are likely to make you pass (away). LYN: I’ll try it.
-- 天下 - moment of silence for ning-ge’s vocal chords XD LYN: Give me another chance. // I’m a man. I’ve got to power through this. - can’t power through it LYN: I think men also need to have a weaker side. They can’t pretend to be too strong. Otherwise they won’t be self-aware. LYN: Who requested Zhang Jie-laoshi’s songs. Get out here! There are two singers whose songs I will never sing in my stream again. The first one is Wu Qingfeng and the second is Zhang Jie. Not because their songs are bad, but because I’m not good enough.
-- bathroom break -- (neighbors are fighting) Comment: Who won? LYN: No- I just found out. They’re actors and were practicing their lines. Comment: Who? LYN: What’s it to you?? 
LYN: Alright- do you have any favorite singers? Type their names into the chat.
LYN: People are still typing Zhou Shen’s name. Even though we are friends, I really can’t sing his songs. Some people might now know, but in musical terms I’m considered in the male mid-range. Zhou Shen is already the male high-high-high range. We’re not in the same range, so I really can’t sing his songs. Comment: Can you sing the female mid-range? LYN: The female mid-range is already very high for men.
Comment: Jay Chou. LYN: I know a lot of his songs! I may not be able to sing them all the way through, but I’ve heard almost all his songs before. LYN: Black Sweater? How about I sing you a “White Sweatpants”? Do you want to hear it? It pairs nicely with “Black Sweater” too, we can listen to them together. -- 黑色毛衣 LYN: Alright, up to here is enough. Comment: I want to hear 算什麼男人 (What Kind of Man ). LYN: Why? Is it a gift for your ex-boyfriend? LYN: I dedicate this song to all of our female friends’ ex-boyfriends. -- 算什麼男人 LYN: Alright. That’s about enough of that. 
LYN: Let’s chat a bit now. Stop requesting songs now, I can’t sing anymore. I have a new day of filming ahead of me tomorrow. I have to wake up for makeup at 6a- so around 5:30a. Let me preserve some energy. I’ll chat with you.
----- chat [ skimmed ]
Comment: Let’s talk about motorcycles. LYN: I don’t know how to ride them. I had like.. a moped before, though.  Comment: Didn’t that doctor you played ride a motorcycle? LYN: The stunt double rode it for me. He rode it over and parked it, and THEN I got on and off for the shot. I can’t ride.  LYN: It’s normal isn’t it- I mean, look at the Hollywood actors, aren’t they all using stunt doubles for these things? You think all those artists are so good at driving??  Comment: Those are race-cars tho.
Comment: Ning-ge, you’re exceptionally handsome today. LYN: What, I’m perversely handsome? What does that mean- that normally I’m ugly?
Comment: What’s the bracelet? LYN: It’s nothing. These are just uh... it’s a bracelet. Very cheap. I uh.. I saw someone else wearing it and I thought it was nice. It’s for warding off evil- because I feel like I’ve been needing to ward off evil lately. >.>  Comment: What’s it for? LYN: You might not know Hengdian, though it could be because I’m a little more cowardly. Sometimes when we film it’s in a really old style neighborhood, and we wrap for the say at 2 or 3 in the morning. There are no lights, and then when the car lights turn on, all they reflect on is red cloth. It’s so scary. At least, I’m scared- so it’s a way for me to alleviate my fear. I don’t know what I’m scared of, I just am. I’ll just need a set of red sweater and sweatpants and I’m all set.
Comment: Ning-ge, those little figures behind you moved. LYN: You mean these guys? Great. I’ve been waiting for the day they move. I love them so much.
LYN: I went to record for Detective Plan and I even asked them- are there are particularly scary elements to the show? They asked me if I was scared of ghosts, or what. Like- zombies, devils, witches- things like that I’m not afraid of, but I’m kind of afraid of our Eastern ghosts. Those things mentioned in movies when we were young I’m afraid of, but not vampires. They’re so cool! I remember I was watching Vampire Diaries (?) and I thought, “Wow, so handsome!”  LYN: That’s why I don’t play those escape rooms where there are horror elements. Zombies are fine, but embroidered shoes I’m out.
- can’t talk about his next drama yet because the contract is still in the works - also afraid the leak info about his next project bc 9/10 something WILL go wrong
LYN: My friends are always so worried that I won’t have any work to do. If I stream and my mood is a little low, they’ll start thinking all sorts of wild thoughts. And If I’m happy during my stream they’ll start to extrapolate and conclude that I HAVE work and rest assured. But you don’t need to worry about me, really. I know what I’m doing. Sometimes I may be a little subdued in a stream because I have TOO MUCH work. Have you thought about that? I’m genuinely tired. So you really don’t have to worry about me. I’m doing just fine. 
Comment: When will you work with Yang Zi-laoshi? LYN: I’m waiting for you. I await the day you become a producer and fix her for a project, and then come to find me. Ok? I know a lot of people want me to work with certain other people, and I know that you will be happy for me when that time comes. But the condition is that YOU have to become amazing first. You have to have the ability to sign them first, and then invite me. Only then will we be able to work together. LYN: Of course, I will keep doing my thing- walking forward one step at a time. But I won’t be able to work with them through my effort/wishful thinking alone.
***  - saw a tabloid that was analyzing LYN’s Development Progress and Predicting his Next Steps LYN: Let’s go through this line by line:
1. "It’s difficult for male actors who are short to get cast in dramas. But being too tall also has its disadvantages- because you have to put into consideration whether working with female actors will be influenced.” LYN: You’re just afraid they won’t be compatible, right? First of all, this writer must not have seen The Long Ballad.
2. “LYN, due to being too tall, has been switched out of roles.” LYN: Let me tell you where the fault here lies; it SOUNDS alright, but- I have never, up to this point, never met anyone who lost a role because he was too tall. I have heard the opposite though. 
3. “There was a drama based off a manhwa that came to look for him-” LYN: I don’t think this has ever happened?? Maybe I’m not suitable.
4. “- but when the investor saw him, thought he was too tall. Though the producers pushed for him, in the end he did not get the role.” LYN: The keyword here is “investor”- uhm... this being only appears for movies. Every web drama or tv drama out nowadays don’t have “investors”- they’re produced by platforms or film and television companies. 
LYN:  I know I’m not handsome enough for a drama (based on a manhwa). But if it was based on a short story- I’d be okay because there’s no set image to associate the character with. LYN: But actually I really do know of one drama (based on a manhwa) that stuck my image up next to a character- but they never contacted my studio or anything. Comment: The Long Ballad. LYN: Hao Du was more of a supporting character anyway... Comment: Zi Chuan LYN: No, I was confirmed for that role long before.. LYN: It’s a drama but I’m not sure who specifically they cast. One of my friends sent it to me- they said, “Look. We’re having a meeting for this drama. Ning-ge, your picture is on there.” Comment: TGCF. LYN: No, no. I can’t. That one needs someone ah.. younger.  Comment: Hurry and tell us! LYN: I won’t say... if I’m not wrong it was Yi Ren Zhi Xia (Under One Person/The Outcast). But I don’t even know if they started shooting or not- I just know they used my picture, is all. 
5. “LYN has a respectful attitude when filming, everyone seems to like him-” LYN: This is true. 
6. “-so his resources will not end. His next drama is a modern drama.” LYN: I’ve said in my stream that it’s a modern drama already. That doesn’t count as something you looked into. I said it myself.
7. “His live-stream have a good reception, so his studio has decided to use it as a place to promote him.” LYN: First off, my streaming does have a nice reception, yes. But I don’t do any publicity here, because I don’t have any products. I only promote things when one of my dramas is actually airing. Wouldn’t it be strange if I were streaming and I didn’t mention my drama AT ALL?? So I guess what they’re saying is also true. I do share with you when my dramas or songs are released. Otherwise what’s my stream for? Just playing around with you guys?  LYN: There really is no design to my stream- no one’s writing me a schedule or line-up. I just come here and respond to whatever you’re typing. I’m the type of person who will be really awkward if I have things set-up a certain way. So I come here and just let it flow. If I have to follow a schedule I’ll be really awkward about it.  LYN: ALSO! Sometimes I stream for five hours- tell me how you’re supposed to plan for that??
LYN: Another thing is- when I’m going to shoot a drama, I very rarely go out to MEET anyone. There won’t be any investors who want to meet me. Usually actors only meet the director or producer. Who do you think I am, to be meeting with INVESTORS? Do I have to drink two glasses of wine with them, too?? I’d LIKE to meet with some investors but there’s no chance. XD
Comment: Where’s your rich woman? LYN: I don’t know! She hasn’t spoiled me yet. I don’t even know where she is.  LYN: /to the mysterious rich woman/ Spoil me already! Get me some resources! Don’t give me a surprise, just tell me already.  LYN: hahaha
Comment: Sing Heroe’s Theme song. LYN: The drama’s not even OUT yet. 70% chance it’s airing in May, but I don’t know the exact date. Comment: Which platform is it on? LYN: HOW DARE YOU! It’s Tencent’s. You have to remember. Zi Chuan is joint Tencent and iQiyi. ALZ is Youku’s! LYN: ZC has already contacted me, to go do the voice-over on April 10. 
- talks about Detective Plan- which has been postponed again but SHOULD be able to air on time in May. It’s fun for Ning-ge bc usually when you go to a show you have an idea of what’s going on, but for this one you don’t have a clue. You just have to look pretty and bring your brain. The only thing you have to know is your name. Says the production company must have pulled out all the stops for it- because all the props he sees are expensive. XD Normal people look at the guests, but Ning-ge looks at how much the props must have cost. Haha.
 LYN: Sometimes when you’re watching a drama- there’ll be a sudden endorsement. You might feel a little annoyed at them, and want them to go away. But- what did I want to say here?- Just think about it. Without these endorsements the program you’re watching wouldn’t even be able to air, you know? There’s just no helping it. You need someone to invest in your project so that you can complete it. As a viewer myself, I can understand where they’re coming from.  - gets into brands/platforms and which ones he CAN mention on stream and which ones he CAN’T; depending on the situation- you’ve got to be aware of where you are.  LYN: Sometimes I’ll go to attend some event- and they’ll tell me that after my song I’ll have to do a short introduction of the broadcast station and name of the even I’m attending. That gives me so much pressure! I forget about the song and just keep going over it in my head- where am I right now? What am I here for? Because if I forget and I say the wrong thing I’m never going to be allowed on that station again. 
-- bathroom break --
Comment: Ning-ge, will you hold a fan-meet? LYN: Why? Should I do a handshake meeting? You buy my album and I’ll shake your hand. I can’t. Let’s not gather in large groups right now. If I had the time to do a fan-meet I’d rather hold a concert. 
Comment: My mom said your accent is too strong. LYN: /switches to Standard/ Aunty. This might be the first time you’re seeing me. I am an innocent big-boy from Liaoning, Dandong. My accent is heavy because when I stream I hope my friends can feel close to me. When I stream I use my hometown dialect. But- I can speak Standard Mandarin, Aunty. Did you hear me, Aunty? :)  - tongue twisters LYN: Do you think my Mandarin is standard enough? 
Comment: You’re going to sign with YY’s agency right? LYN: My friend- when I stop streaming for today, please watch the playback. I’ve already addressed this question. Alright?
Comment: Ning-ge, you can get a certificate for speaking Standard Mandarin. LYN: I don’t see the need. As someone trying to get by in this industry, I thought having more skills was better. So I went crazy. I thought- was it possible for me to get a certificate to be a principal (?). I looked up what it takes to pass the test- and I gave up. There’s too much material. It would have taken me three years to finish reading all the books before I could take the test. It didn’t only rely on how good your Standard Mandarin is. There’s a lot- look it up.  LYN: I gave up. I couldn’t even learn properly when I was going to school. So I thought, there was no need to torture myself. 
Comment: Ning-ge, could you be yourself again. I’ll tell my mom not to speak nonsense.  [t/n: bc for the past three questions he’s been trying his best to speak Standard Mandarin only] LYN: When I speak to other people I do use Standard. It’s just that when I’m streaming I want to relax a little. It’s just because no one’s talking (audibly) to me- all the comments you type I auto-translate into the Dandong dialect.  - briefly shows off his Shandong dialect bc someone asked.
Comment: Ning-ge, do you use Standard when talking to Daimi? LYN: I never use Standard with her. I use English. XD LYN: Daimi! Come here. Daimi, Daimi. Come here. Come here, please. Please. PLEASE? Ok. Up to you. LYN: F! F, F, F! F! (bc “f” sounds like “arf” = dog barking sound)  LYN: She’s ignoring me. She went away a little- I scared her.
Comment: Do you know any Chongqing dialect? LYN: I don’t. But this drama- originally my character is from Sichuan. I thought it was okay, because a lot of the actors on set are from there, so I could learn from them. But I found that if I open my mouth and try, the character’s going to flop. Comment: Can you do Henan dialect? LYN: [t/n: I didn’t get what he said, but I get the feeling it was something along the lines of “shut your big mouth” idk, though.] - Tianjin Dialect, Beijing Dialect, Cantonese (reciting song lyrics), Minnan Dialect (one of his aunt’s husband is from Fujian, Fuzhou; the dialect is close), Shanghai, Xinjiang (nope, but he’s heard it before, bc he was shooting a scene with Reba once, and she took a call during a break and was speaking it. LYN: It was so cool!) LYN: Let’s stop talking about dialects, because I really don’t know them. I can’t speak them. Honestly I only really know a little Cantonese and the Dongbei dialect. Everything else- I’m not good at it. 
- Promoting Dandong as a tourist city~ 
Comment: Have you been to Saiyang (?)? LYN: As a person from Dandong, do you think I haven’t?? Many years ago when I was in Happy Boy (Kuai Le Nan Sheng aka Super Boy) I went to the competition in Saiyang. I was even in Happy Boy! I told my mom I wanted to go and she asked me why- was it because I was not happy? I told her no, it’s because I wanted to be a celebrity. She said “Alright” and went with me. We took the train there- I think it was three hours? It should be faster now, maybe one hour, because there’s a speed rail. That was my first time in a competition- I was quite young. I won’t tell you HOW young, though.  [t/n: the first season of Super Boy was 2007- so 18 years old. The second season was 2010 - 21y/o. Or third season in 2013 - 24 y/o. Which one is it hm....] LYN: I had to prepare a song and I went with “你是我的眼”. Have you heard of it? -- 你是我的眼 LYN: Of course I didn’t sing it that way. It was my first competition ever and I was really nervous. I went in there, introduced myself, and started singing. There was no music accompaniment at that time! I got two lines in and they told me to stop, and asked if I had any other song prepared. So I sang Zhang Huimei-laoshi’s 人质. Judges: Alright, stop. Thanks, you can go. Young LYN: Did I pass? Judges: We don’t disclose that today. You can go back and wait for the official notice- we’ll call you. LYN: So I waited until today- 2022, and they still haven’t gotten back to me. LYN: They didn’t get back to me the first year, so the second year I went back. I don’t know what got hold of me. I didn’t care- I was working towards my dream. I went again. Comment: Which season? LYN: The- the season Hua Chenyu came out on. [t/n: HCY was on the third season in 2013. So that means Ning-ge was 21 and 24 respectively, when he went audition the first and second times. :p (If my math is right)] LYN: But this time, I didn’t go to Saiyang- because I thought there were a lot of skilled singers gathered there. Because there’s a music school there. So this time I went to Hangzhou. I’d never heard of any music academy there, so I thought I had a chance. But at this time I was already working in a bar, and doing okay for myself. Comments: /naming music academies in Hangzhou/ LYN: I didn’t know at the time! I still didn’t have much saved up- the bar only paid me 800RMB a month, for six songs every day. Later it raised to 1200RMB. At that time I didn’t really have a lot of money, but I bought a plane ticket to fly to Hangzhou. That was my first time on a plane- all for my dream. But I didn’t have the money initially- I asked the bar owner if he could give me my pay in advance- 3000RMB. He asked me why and I said it was because I wanted to try being a celebrity. He was afraid that if I succeeded, I wouldn’t come back and then I’d owe him money AND he’d lose a singer. But I negotiated- If I succeeded, I would pay him back double. If I didn’t I’d still have to come back and work, right? I’d been working there for three years already, so he trusted me, and he gave me the money. Comment: Did you pay him back yet? LYN: ?! I didn’t succeed back then! I had to go back to work!! I got to Hangzhou- I forget where exactly. THERE WERE SO MANY PEOPLE. There were multiple days for the auditions and I thought if I went on one of the last days there would be less people. There were even more. I got in the queue and there were 300+ people ahead of me. It was so hot in Hangzhou (Southern, HOT) as someone from Dandong (Northern, COLD) it was too much for me. That was my first time in the Southern region, my first time on a plane. There were so many people I took a picture and even made a post about it, and got a little emo.  - goes on telling the story of what went down that day, including making two friends from Ansan, passing the first round and meeting the judges in the second round- which he didn’t pass. LYN: Wait- how come I’ve talked so long about Super Boys? But in the end I went back to the bar and was able to return my boss the money he lent me. 
Comment: It’s a good thing you weren’t chosen, otherwise you wouldn’t be the Ning-ge we know now. LYN: Well said. I don’t think this is shameful at all. People will do a lot of things on their way to success- as long as it isn’t illegal or immoral- none of it is shameful.  - Also tells how he tried auditioning for The Voice, too. For three years. LYN: Life is just like this, but as long as you continue to persevere, one day a surprise will be waiting for you.  LYN: I went from being eliminated from Super Boy- twice!- to singing OSTs for the hottest dramas. This is what’s called a “counterattack”! Sometimes I even look in the mirror at myself and say, “Liu Yuning, who knew a day like this would come.” LYN: So if you have a goal, as long as you keep on trying to reach it, I believe one day you will succeed. It doesn’t matter if you stumbled along the way, you’d still be better off for having tried.
- tells a story about when he was on Singer 2019.  LYN: A lot of things got popular in 2019, including me. Li Xian was big that year... also The Untamed, and uh.. YCY’s group... I think ZYL also had an “ignition” point that year. There was a lot. - received a lot of criticism for being on it, because people didn’t think he was worthy or qualified. LYN: I had just debuted. I was weaker back then- I came back to my room and cried. Wailed. The neighbors made a police report. I made a post about it- it’s still up- I wanted to morally kidnap them. I said, “Are people not allowed to have dreams? Please just give me one song’s worth of your time.” I felt a little aggrieved- the program invited me to be on the show! And they were still over here yelling at me. I didn’t receive an appearance fee- I had to prepare my own clothes, my own transportation- I SPENT money to be there; they still yelled at me.  LYN: When you’re standing up there for the second round, not knowing if you’re going to pass into the next or sing your goodbye song- that moment is the most cruel. I had a feeling I was going to lose- I was just a viral star- just a little internet famous, after all. But when you’re standing there you can’t help but feel despaired. It just proves that all that people were saying about me was right- I wasn’t worthy. I felt like when I opened the envelope it would be those three words: You’re not worthy. I just felt like that. LYN: The fact that I’m able to say this today means that I’ve already recovered from that trauma. I’m just telling you how I felt back then. It’s the reason why I’m able to have such a strong heart/mind now. Pretty much nothing phases me now.  - talks about how there were two music producers on that show from Lianoning, who invited him for drinks after he was eliminated. So LYN, AZ & DF went. LYN got two beers in, needed to use the restroom, tripped on a corner of a suitcase and grazed his arm against the wall. He was bleeding but still needed to go to the restroom so he went. Then AZ & DF took him to get his arm taken care of and go home. LYN: I think the scar is gone? /looks/ Oh, it’s still here. // This scar teaches me something- on my road to making music... don’t drink. So I really try not to.
LYN: Alright. I hope you had a wonderful night. Let’s meet the next time. Goodnight everybody. 
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gyroshrike · 3 years
Tell me why you love Gamtav; give me a whole rambling essay if you can. I like seeing people excited over the things and ships they like!
Oh, are you sure you want this? Do you really want to open Pandora's Box? Are you ready for the amount of rambling I can do about GamTav? How much time do you have? Because this is going to be a doozy. I haven't even started writing it and I can tell.
And before I get into it, people gotta know that most of this is based off of pre-murderstuck Gamzee
What do I like about GamTav? What do I like about GamTav??? One of the things that plays into me loving this ship so much is how much I love Gamzee and Tavros as individuals. Whenever I start reading a new piece of media, without question my favorite characters are almost always the really, really nice ones. Boku no Hero Academia? Kirishima. Anohana? Poppo. Legend of Korra? Bolin. And in the beginning of Homestuck, Gamzee and Tavros are just really, really NICE.
Oh, well, Gamzee is really, really nice. When we first see Tavros, he’s being a little shit to the kids, but that's because he was intentionally trying to troll. But once we get into Act 5 and we see Tavros interact with his friends, we realize he's generally a really kind person. His conversations with Nepeta, Gamzee and Aradia are all really sweet. His pesterlog with Vriska, which is the first one we get to see after he is revealed to us as a character, immediately paints a picture of him as someone struggling with his self-esteem and someone who is trying really hard to build himself up as a person. Way to fuckin’ endear me to a character IMMEDIATELY.
For most of the early comic until Act 5, we see all the trolls trolling the kids and even talking shit back and forth to each other. Gamzee was one of the first trolls who we see be purely sweet and supportive to his friends. His first pesterlog after we’re introduced to him is with Karkat and Karkat does nothing but talk shit. xD He does his usual song and dance of saying just the absolute worst things possible in that Karkat way of his and Gamzee just laughs and nods and basically says, “Yeah brother, you go, I love you, you're my best friend.”
We see Gamzee talk with Equius and we already know at this point that Equius is weird, but Gamzee is so jazzed to be talkin’ with his friend. He's just so supportive of Equius and even when Equius tells Gamzee that he must stop doing soper, Gamzee just says, “Okay, sure, you got it, I trust what you're telling me because you're my friend.” Now Equius is not actually ready for Gamzee to listen to him and backtracks and is like, “Wait, no, you don't have to listen to me, let's roleplay instead,” and Gamzee's like, “I don't know how to roleplay, but I'll try for you bro.” He’s just really fucking cute???
Short version: When we meet them, Tavros is someone you want to root for and Gamzee is just the nicest guy on the planet.
Gamzee loves his friends so much and from early on it's made apparent that he wants to love and support them, and would honestly do a lot for them even if he doesn't know what he's doing.
Also along with just being a generally sweet guy Tavros is the nerd archetype I love? He loves the troll equivalent of Pokemon and card games and other things like that. Also he just really loves animals? And I always love the characters who love animals. It's a really big weakness I have. Not to mention, talking with them? That's so COOL? So badass??? Like, UM???? He could control them, but he doesn't like forcing them to do bad things against their will. (Going off of how when suggested he control the imps to defeat them, but feels like that would be unfair/mean.)
SPEAKING OF THE IMPS. Of the twelve trolls, Tavros and Gamzee are the two of them who BEFRIENDED their imps. Isn't that so fucking rad????? They both started off fighting them at first, but then they both later mention that they are able to chill with their imps instead. Gamzee shares pie with them and Tavros communicates with them using his powers. I freaking LOVE that parallel. When I first noticed it I almost keeled over. See, I'm also a sucker for characters who like to attempt peace before conflict, so of course I'm going to love that both of them made friends instead of enemies.
So Act 5 Homestuck has already set me up to basically completely love these two characters. Now, I am a really big shipper. In almost every piece of media I go into I generally come out with ships and that's a big way that I engage with fandom. Now Homestuck, I actually didn't ship that much at first when I first started reading, which is pretty strange for me. I think I just kind of let the ships fall into my lap up until that point. I know my brain had really enjoyed the ideas of Karkat and Terezi, Dave and Terezi, and had even teased inklings of "What if?" and "Oh, I like them," about Rose and Kanaya. But for the most part I wasn't really into Homestuck for shipping at first.
The concept of GamTav, or PBJ as it was more commonly referred to then, was introduced to me by my friends. I had two irl friends who were reading the comic with me and they were ahead of me by some decent amount of pages at the time. At one point they started making references to PBJ and really liking PBJ and I was a little confused because I didn't quite know what they were referring to at first. I learned pretty soon that PBJ was Gamzee and Tavros and I remember being really excited for the ship because it was the first time I'd seen my friends get that excited for a ship. Which is really funny because now in the twilight years of the Homestuck fandom, of the three of us, I'm the only one gripping white-knuckled onto GamTav and breathing it like my life depends on it, while the other two have moved on to much different things. If I'm being honest, I'm pretty sure one of them doesn't even really like Gamzee that much anymore, but respects how much I love him and lets me rant and rave to her about him whenever I want.
It wasn't long after that that I finally got to the infamous "Make out a little" conversation between Gamzee and Tavros. I read the pesterlog and suddenly everything I had seen and heard from my friends made sense. I mean, not that I'm saying that's the ONLY reason GamTav makes sense. I just mean I understood what my friends specifically were talking about. Of the pesterlogs we've seen between them before that, Gamzee and Tavros obviously had a decent friendship. I'm pretty sure in the comic Gamzee was the first person to have a pesterlog with Tavros who is genuinely nice to him. (And this is conversation happens directly after Tavros’ conversation with Vriska, so it’s a wild contrast.) So as a friendship, I was already super down with Gamzee and Tavros-- you know what? Now that I think about it, I feel like I remember in [S] Make Her Pay being disappointed that Gamzee and Tavros were fighting alone and not with each other. Because a lot of the other trolls had paired up to be cool duos, you know? We had Karkat and Terezi, Feferi and Sollux, Nepeta and Equius, and I think I remember being bummed that Gamzee and Tavros weren't paired up. So I, at the very least, think I wanted things for these two even if I hadn't stepped into the realm of actually shipping them yet. I don't remember, this was YEARS ago.
Anyway, the infamous makeout conversation happens, and I'm sold hard for life. I have a lot of other Homestuck ships that I'm into and I enjoy, but none have ever, ever, ever, ever come close to GamTav.
I realize that I've written so much and I still haven't gotten to the meat of why I like them.
So I like ships where the parties involved are best friends. I love it when the characters in a ship are bros who love hanging out, who love doing silly things together. That awesome video "What your favorite Homestuck ship says about you" had me dead to rights. Called me out so hard. My ideal ship dynamic is "being stupid together"? Way to come for the throat. That's exactly it. At their core, Gamzee and Tavros are one of the funnest bro combinations I have ever seen. And what makes them so fun is both of them are huge dorks. HUGE dorks.
When we first meet Gamzee, he stares off into the colors of his miracle modus while making the most ridiculous face, tries to unicycle but just fuckin' pieruettes right off if it because his legs are too short, and just straight up reaches into his modus with his bare hands. Don't even get me started on how he scares himself with his own horns. That shit kills me.
We've already talked about how Tavros is a huge nerd, so that's covered. But like… have you heard him rap? This guy just gets so into it and has so much fun while simultaneously sounding so silly. He's flirty and awkward and ridiculous and has this shit eating grin on all the time.
They are those two friends who get up to shenanigans where everyone else around them just kind of shakes their head and thinks that they're so dumb (in an affectionate way), but they don't care because all they DO care about is how much fun they're having together.
One of my favorite things about Homestuck in general is it lets its characters be bad at things. John and Karkat suck at coding. Gamzee, Tavros, and Dave are bad at rapping. Rose becomes a prolific author, but I would argue she's bad at writing when she's 13 because, wow is it a slog to get through her wizard fanfiction LMAO.
And GamTav is a perfect example of two people who just have fun together being bad at things together. There's no pretense of needing to be cool or needing to be good at something or any type of shame or embarrassment. They're just so silly and they don't mind being silly around each other and they never make the other person ashamed of who they are. We even see some of that last bit in the comic. Gamzee never puts Tavros down. In one conversation, he acknowledges Tavros' disability, but doesn't taunt Tavros for it, doesn't make it a joke, or make him feel bad. It's just acknowledged and then they move on. Then Tavros mentions that while he doesn't share Gamzee's religious or spiritual views, he is supportive of them. I am such a sucker for shit like that.
In every way, shape, and form, Gamzee and Tavros are supportive of each other and just and totally uplift the other person. Both of these characters go through so much verbally (both jokingly and maliciously) at the hands of their peers for being who they are that Gamzee and Tavros' conversations were so refreshing to just see them be unabashedly themselves with another person.
And they make each other happy! Tavros' first conversation with Gamzee was the first time we see where Tavros is purely elated to be talking to the person he is talking to. And Tavros obviously makes Gamzee really happy. They just make each other so happy! And I love that shit!
Gamzee is, without restraint, supportive of everything that is Tavros. Gamzee is the type of person who would look at anything Tavros wants to do or is trying to do and put his whole heart in supporting Tavros and telling him, "Yeah bro, you can do this, you're amazing, I love you, go get 'em, you're the best, you can do anything you put your mind to,” and I love that for Tavros.
Gamzee was the friend I spent all of Homestuck wishing Tavros had. Tavros spent so much time talking to Vriska, interacting with Vriska, adventuring with Vriska. And that entire time I was just wishing that Gamzee was there instead, just so Tavros would have someone to be nice to him.
After murderstuck, I spent years waiting for Gamzee and Tavros to meet in a dream bubble. That was all I wanted. I wanted Gamzee to have to look Tavros in the eye and face what he had done, own up to everything to the person he loved most in the world. But of course, post murderstuck, Gamzee gets everything stripped away from him that made him the character he was in the beginning. It wasn't even a satisfying villain arc! It was just confusing! I feel like I could have dealt with it if Gamzee was a well-rounded villain. But instead his entire villain shtick was just surrounded by a bunch of question marks! I spent all of Homestuck waiting to learn what exactly was going on with Gamzee and then we never got that and that fucked me up.
And of course, oh, of course, up until the very end of the series, in the very, very, very last animation we ever see, Homestuck Act 7, Tavros is standing by Vriska's side, as he has had to do since the very beginning.
I haven't read the epilogues or Homestuck 2, so I'm not going to touch on anything that happens in those series and I would appreciate it if no one responded to this with spoilers. Don't even tell me things like, "Oh, you'll like Gamzee," or "Oh, you'll hate Gamzee," or anything like that. I don't want any hints. I already got enough. I want to form my own opinion when I finally get the energy to go in.
Nowadays, I stick almost exclusively to humanstuck AU's for my GamTav. Because even if canon GamTav wasn't so sad and depressing, there are other things that make me way too sad to think about. As a bronze blood, Tavros's lifespan is going to be significantly shorter than Gamzee's. No matter the good or bad context surrounding their relationship. Even if they were the perfect, fluffy, happy couple in canon, I can't deal with that lifespan difference. It breaks my goddamn heart.
I live in a world where I can rewrite the circumstances surrounding these characters and make it play out in a way that is much more to my liking. Writing them in humanstuck AU's lets me take away all of the things that make my heart hurt and instead repurpose them for really meaningful, emotional character building arcs and that's my main focus when it comes to GamTav.
Something I'm also really picky with when it comes to this ship is that I need the core of Gamzee and Tavros' character growth to happen apart from each other. I have found that I don't like stories that center Gamzee and Tavros or their relationship as the pivotal point of their development. I don't like when Gamzee is the pillar of Tavros' confidence. I do like when Gamzee helps out building Tavros' confidence by being supportive and saying nice things and encouraging him, but I don't like it when he is the main source. I don't want Tavros' growth to be hinged on Gamzee being in his life.
The same goes for Gamzee. I don't like stories where Tavros is the one thing keeping Gamzee from doing bad things. I don't like when their relationship is framed as being the one thing keeping Gamzee from going murder mode all over his friends again. I've read fics where Gamzee struggles either with murderous instincts as a troll or mental health as a human and Tavros is one of the only things that keeps him from going off the deep end. I don't like that. I want Gamzee's growth to be primarily on his own or at the very least not supported by his romantic partner. Of course, I love it when Tavros is there when he needs him to hold him or soothe him or say kind things or help him through his struggles. I'm not saying I don't want Tavros to comfort him at all or ever, I just don't want Tavros to be his sole anchor.
I just love idiot best friends in love.
Oh, OH! ALSO. Gamzee doesn’t give a FUCK about the hemospectrum. One of the first things he says to Equius is how he doesn’t get it, how he’s not better than anyone else, how he doesn’t even know how to ACT better than anyone else. How am I not supposed to love that?
Opposite sides of the hemospecturm relationships are so fun. I love the idea of Gamzee entering a room full of strangers and them being like “Oh no! :O !!!! Scary subjuggulator!!” and Tavros comes rushing over all happy and excited and they just snuggle all cute and gross and everyone watching’s jaw just drops.
This might sound weird, but I also think one of the things that endear me to characters is them getting misinterpreted and then me having fun drawing them more ‘accurately’? Tavros is so often depicted as uwu soft weepy boi and I love drawing him with a mischievous grin just as ready to do something stupid and get himself into trouble as Gamzee is. Equius TOLD Tavros not to go near the stairs with his new robo legs. What is one of the things Tavros does immediately? Go try the fuckin’ stairs. And he KEEPS DOING IT.
*lays down on the floor* I just… I just want domestic GamTav where they move into a nice wheelchair accessible home (modified in a similar way to Tavros' hive in Pesterquest) and Gamzee massages Tav's back when it aches and tells him he's the light of his life and in turn Tavros holds Gamzee close on his darker days and Tavros kisses his hands and brushes his hair out of his eyes and boops his nose and they laugh so hard together that they cry.
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Spade Theory: Hannibal is a child?
I have a strong suspicion after having played the Spade trial that Hannibal is a child who aged himself up. Apparently I’m not the only one either. Several of the other people I know who’ve played it think there’s a chance of that as well.
The most interesting part of this to me is the dynamic between Ace and Hannibal. We go in thinking Ace works for Hannibal in the same way he worked for Vivaldi, but that’s totally inaccurate once you see them interact. In fact we get to see a side of Ace I never knew existed.
Ace as a big brother/guardian.
Hannibal presents himself in public as a strong intimidating figure of power. He has to since there is already a lot of conflict in his territory. But when he’s alone or around someone he trusts, he becomes a hermit who likes to play by himself. Ace, not so surprisingly, is attracted to the hermits lol. He gives advice and will tease Hannibal, but in a way that’s meant to help him grow as a person. Ace honestly uses teasing to help Hannibal and Alice become good friends. Because without Ace, Alice wouldn’t have known what Hannibal really thought or felt through his prior intimidating demeanor. So while it feels a bit like bullying to reveal the true nature of the Lion to the Outsider, it’s done with the intent for all three of them to have fun and play together, and to help Hannibal become better at socializing. It seems Ace is quite fond of Hannibal, unlike his relations to the people of the Castle of Heart or the Administration. I couldn’t help but joke that he’s taking on the Monrey legacy of adopting children XD.
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Oddly, Hannibal even says that if Alice is Ace’s friend, then she must be a good person. I see two possibilities here. Either Hannibal is innocent and doesn’t know about Ace’s true nature because Ace has hidden it from him, or Hannibal knows all about Ace and the kind of people he latches onto. It could really go either way, and I won’t know for sure until we get further into the game.
Also, as far as Hannibal possibly being a kid playing an adult, there was another scene that came off that way. A scene where he brings Alice onto a train where he’s having talks with the Hatters. The talk was going poorly, so when he sees Alice, he thinks she can make it go better. His own skills at negotiating are oddly bad for someone who’s supposed to have been experienced at running their own territory. Even if it weren’t his strong suit, he’s exceptionally bad at it. Like he’s just not there yet mentally. Like a child he looks to Alice for support in a similar way as he looks to Ace.
So yeah, that’s the contents of the theory. We’ll see if anything comes of it or not. I’ve seen some people compare Ace’s relationship to Hannibal as similar to Julius, but the only connection I’m seeing is the dark hermit aspect. The relationship itself is very different. It’s more like Ace has stepped into Julius’ shoes and has become the guardian. But since he’s still Ace, he can also come off as a big brother figure. It’s that teasing nature I think.
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aeternallis · 4 years
Unpacking the Anti-Sessrin Argument :: Father/Daughter & Grooming
While I was watching AxelBeats’ newest video on the Sessrin discourse, it got me thinking that maybe the reason why the Anti-Sessrin argument even exists in the first place is because Rumiko Takahashi never fully defined Sessrin’s relationship. The audience had different interpretations, of course, but she never explicitly named whatever it is between them. 
It sounds like I’m just stating the obvious, but hear me out. It often baffles me whenever the antis describe Sesshoumaru as having raised, essentially “groomed” Rin for the purpose of sexual gratification. I mean—that’s pretty much the definition of “grooming,” isn’t it: to consistently lower a child’s emotional defenses and befriend them, for the purpose of sex.
But in that same vein, the anti-Sessrin argument also claims (at least most of the time) that Sesshoumaru and Rin also had a father/daughter relationship, from the context of the original show.
Which...kinda contradict each other? 😅 If one sees Sessrin’s relationship as that of a wholesome “father/daughter,” the idea of Sesshoumaru “grooming” Rin is negated, isn’t it? Because in the context of the original anime and the subsequent sequel, describing these two characters simultaneously as “father/daughter” and “an older man grooming a child” wouldn’t make any sense, considering the fact that both descriptions have virtually opposite intentions. 
It can only be one or the other.
At least in a fictional context, anyway. As I said, it’s always been difficult to pin down Sessrin’s relationship because Takahashi herself had never defined it either. Sesshoumaru’s character arc is hella subtle, considering the fact that he’s not part of the main group and at most, he is a secondary character (but one that definitely makes an impression), if not a minor antagonist in the beginning. Lol
I’ve always been of the opinion that if you’re going to define the relationship of two characters in any piece of fiction, whatever label that may be has to apply to the entire story of said characters. It would be an erroneous flaw to define the relationship of two characters as one thing based on your initial impressions, then another thing entirely just because you don’t like the trajectory of said relationship. 
I don’t mean to say that relationships are static; after all, the emotional connections between two characters are always evolving, either for better or worse. That’s what makes a story, and what allows the audience to connect with the characters. 
I only meant that the label has to be reflective of the characters’ actions. 
After all, Yashahime is considered the sequel to Inuyasha; it acts as a continuation, not a reboot or a separate story of its own. Yes, the focus has shifted to an alternative main cast, but the story is still being told within the framework of the original anime. 
As I said earlier, a lot of antis describe Sessrin as having a father/daughter relationship, but what specific actions did Sessrin perform in the original anime gave off that impression? 
From the beginning, Rin has never had expectations of Sesshoumaru as one would expect to have of a daughter to a father. Throughout the original anime, she fends for herself and only relies on Sesshoumaru for protection. In the context of the time period, Rin receives no form of dowry from him, she’s not used as any sort of pawn (political or otherwise) to his advantage at any time, and for the most part, has no right to whatever assets he may own as an heir (in this case, Jaken’s services and Ah-Un’s loyalty). Sesshoumaru instructs (forces) Jaken and Ah-Un to care for Rin, but I highly doubt the latter has the right to command them, were she truly perceived to be an adopted daughter to a youkai. 
For example, in episode 162 of the anime, Rin herself acknowledges that she doesn’t know what role she plays in Sesshoumaru’s life. For some context, there’s a scene in the episode where Jaken explains that in the future after the situation with Naraku is settled, Sesshoumaru will most likely build an empire. In this future empire Jaken envisions, he proclaims that he’ll be a chief minister, so Rin asks the following question:
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In this scene, it clearly shows that Rin has no expectations of Sesshoumaru as one would have as a perceived daughter to a father.
Conversely, Sesshoumaru doesn’t give Rin any rights as a daughter would rightfully have from a father. Rin isn’t overprotectively cloistered away in a palace (or in Towa/Setsuna’s case, within a barrier that surrounds a beautiful forest), he does not pass on any sort of inheritance to her (unlike, once again, Towa/Setsuna’s case, in which they both inherited his powers), does not actively tell her of his singular interest in pursuing Naraku, and most of the time, remains emotionally distant from her. 
And to repeat that, emotionally distant, but it doesn’t mean that he’s not affected by her kindness. 
In the end, she’s free to roam around with him as she pleases--or leave his side, as she pleases. She doesn’t have the restrictions or expectations that would be placed upon a female of that time period; Sesshoumaru lets her live her life, as she pleases. 
Grooming  _________
On the other end of the spectrum, I ask once more: what specific actions did Sessrin perform in the original anime that gave off that impression?
And before one begins to even think about that question, please note that using the reason “in Yashahime, Sesshoumaru married Rin and they had children” as the specific action would not make any sense; this action is just an end result, but nowhere does it indicate where or how the perceived grooming took place. 
To reiterate, throughout the original anime Sesshoumaru remained emotionally distant from Rin; his main focus for most of the time was trying to take Tetsusaiga, tracking down Naraku, and/or trying to find a weapon that can match/surpass Tetsusaiga. 
Hell, even in one of their first significant moments together when he brings her back to life that first time, it wasn’t for any reason of trying to obtain sexual gratification from Rin; the audience is fully aware that he was just mostly out to test Tenseiga’s power (as Jaken himself reiterates). Mauledtodeath!Rin just happened to be there as a stroke of luck and an opportunity. 
What limited scenes they did have together were brief (not to mention that he ignored her half the time), and with hardly any insight into Sesshoumaru’s thoughts, this argument is very much a moot point. 
To be honest, the “grooming” argument IMO is actually kind of ironic, yknow? XD A lot if not most of the antis hate the Sessrin shippers because they think that we condone pedophilia and grooming...yet they were the ones to reach this conclusion on their own. They’re the ones imagining a Sesshoumaru who only had dirty thoughts towards Rin, who raised her to be his outlet for sexual gratification. Lol 
Either way, the situation is funny in that context! 
My Conclusion _________
So what does all this mean? Nothing much, only that I still don’t really understand where the father/daughter vibe and grooming thing comes from. Lol When I say I never saw those things in the original anime, I meant it. If one were to think about the context of the story and how it was portrayed, the accusations that are stacked against Sessrin are just assumptions based on one singular fact that Sesshoumaru married Rin and had children with her.
To me personally, the one label that defines the relationship between Sesshoumaru and Rin, the one that makes sense if we were to look at Inuyasha and Yashahime as a continuous narrative, is that of lord and vassal.  
In an interview with Yashahime’s staff (wonderfully translated by ayuuria here), the producer Naka Toshikazu stated that it was a challenge trying to continue Inuyasha’s story because of how Rumiko Takahashi so neatly concluded it. They only had direction to go somewhere with a new story when they realized they could make it about Sesshoumaru’s daughter. 
And it makes sense, doesn’t it? After all, the reason why they couldn’t just pursue Inukag or MiroSan’s story is because those relationships had already been defined. Both are two sets of characters who fell in love whilst they went on an adventure, and they’ve done their part to save the world. 
Would a story about Shippo or Jaken or Koga have pulled audiences as much as the main cast did? Where would the conflict come from? How could they continue the story without having to repeat the original narrative? Without having to create a new Naraku? 
It makes sense that Sesshoumaru and Rin would get together, if only because they were the one relationship that Rumiko has never defined, not in the anime nor in the manga. Zero in episode 15 of Yashahime states, “The Lord Sesshoumaru, one who is known to detest both humans and half-demons, has taken a human for a wife.” 
Just think of how bold of a story that is, one that can match the stakes of the original story, whilst still being able to continue within the frame of the narrative? Think of the implications of what that means in the narrative of Inuyasha, that the one character who arguably hates humans the most, feared and respected by other youkai, went through such a character arc that he would marry a member of a species he claimed to hate and sire children with her. 
Of course there would be repercussions; of course other demons wouldn’t be happy or be easily accepting of it, Shikon jewel prophecy be damned. 
Of course Sesshoumaru has to work hard to earn his complete happy ending with his family. He fell in love with Rin, a human woman, after all. And in the story of Inuyasha, has that not always been the catalyst for everything else? 
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talkfantasytome · 3 years
This got a little long, forgive me if this is tormenting you, but I really love to talk about this and I also loved your answers and would love to know your point of view on other parts of the story.
So, here I will show you my thoughts about what might happen in the next book with Azriel and also how I believe more people will know about Lucien and Helion in the next book. Let's go.
This is a thought of mine, but I think that probably in the next book more characters will learn that Lucien is Helion's son. I remember that either Rhys or Feyre said that they hadn't told anyone yet because it wasn't the time. I think that maybe something happens and in one of the meetings they have, in the search to find a solution to something Feysand can tell the IC, or something happens and Lucien unintentionally releases some power that makes other people suspicious. I think SJM is taking too long with this issue and it will get too rushed if she adds this only in the last book. Making a small comparison with TOG we saw as the books went by more and more characters knowing until they had the reunion between father and son.
I just don't know how this will be added in the story, because I believe the next book (using logic and the end of the book), will be about the Ilyrians vs Valkyries conflict, Ilyrians vs NC and the autumn court conflicts. Maybe Eris will use this to make Helion want to kill his father, we know he is looking for someone to kill him. As we know that Cassian and Rhys deal with Eris, I believe we will see less of him in this book as we saw in ACOSF but he will still appear in the Nightmare Court, on another hand, who gives information to Azriel is Lucien, so I believe we will see some conversation between the two.
I believe that the Ilyrians will plan something to hit the girls for getting out of the bloond rite alive, I believe that some Ilyrians will be inspired by them, probably Emerie will suffer something since besides being Ilyrian, she had her wings cut off and works and lives there, I am not sure but I think they will want them to stay training in the Ilyrian training camp. As Rhys and Cassian said it will be hard to make Azriel want to defend the Ilyrians because to him they could all die, I believe that will be one of the points to work on, maybe working with the Ilyrians he will feel the need to protect them and the fact that the Valkyries are connected to that makes me 50% sure that will be one of the triggers for him to defend them. (Just like Nesta who wanted the women to train to defend themselves and why it helped her with her trauma, I think this Ilyrianas training will mess with her feelings for being connected to her mother and the way she was treated). I also believe that the Ilyrian who did not kill the girls in the blood rite will reappear, probably mediating the problem between the Valkyries and the Ilyrians, to show Azriel that not all Ilyrians are bad and so on.
(I think this will be the first plot of the book, as it was in ACOSF, making this one want to go train, then her liking to train and wanting the other women to train as well. I think something like that will happen at the beginning of the book with Azriel).
The other plot I am not sure but I think it will involve AC again and Gwyn. I don't know how it will happen but I am really excited to read the next book.
Do you agree with this thought?
Hi Nonnie! No, definitely not tormenting me. <3
So, first, I just want to say this seems totally possible! Admittedly, that's not saying much, as I'm very open-minded to the possibilities of the next books and, also, considering what "possible" means, you really can't say something isn't possible. So, you won't find me saying something isn't possible unless it's like "I think Nesta and Rhys are going to go on a Bryaxis hunt, and they're going to fall in love and end up cheating on their mates with each other while Cassian goes off to Autumn to f*ck Eris and Feyre decides to explore her sexuality with Emerie." Like, okay, no, that's not gonna happen. 😂
But, with anything that really does seem to be thought of based on what's happened in the books and being foreshadowed - totally possible!
As for me, personally - I agree with a good chunk of this, but not sure on all of it, so I'm going to dive in to help explain better.
Lucien & Helion: Honestly, yes. I do agree more people will find out in the next book. I do hope it's saved mostly for the full novels over the novellas, as it's such a big plot point, so I really don't want anyone finding out in a novella, except maybe characters that would be completely unaffected by this. Like, for example, say people find out in book 5, then the Emorie novella comes out (that's my hope), and Mor reveals to Emerie about Lucien...unless Emerie and Lucien become besties in book 5, it really has very little effect on her life, so that's okay. But other IC members, for example - it needs to come out in a full novel.
That is, unless, it becomes the main plot point of a novella. But, since we know Lucien's story is likely to be in a novel, I find that unlikely.
So I do believe we'll start to see more. I think Cassian starting to see something in Lucien was a bit of foreshadowing, and my guess is that for the next book we'll see more of Lucien and E\ain, just like we saw more of Az in ACOSF - as the way to build up their book.
In terms of how it'll be added, I've added thoughts on that in the next section.
As for Eris & Helion, I honestly don't think we'll see Eris "getting" Helion to kill his father. Whether or not something happens between Helion and Beron, who can say? It's possible. But I don't see Eris playing much of a role in that, just potentially benefiting from it. XD
Illyrians & Valkyries: I also agree the next book will have more focus on this. ACOSF was about the creation/establishment of the Valkyries, and I think book 5 will have a focus - though maybe smaller - on the building up of the Valkyries more. I also agree, believing that makes it harder to understand how Lucien's story will come into play.
BUT. With the knowledge that Gwyn's grandfather was an Autumn Court High Fae, and since we do believe there's likely to be a focus on the Valkyries, that's possibly where it could come in. If the book really is Az-Gwyn, we will see more of Gwyn's story and development, and if there is any relation to Lucien, then I think we'll get to see their relationship grow and develop. And that would be a prime spot to bring in the other aspect of the story and reveal it a bit more. Similarly, if it's more Eris and Gwyn getting to know each other, that could still be an opening for this plot point.
As for the Illyrians planning something to hit the Valkyries - I'm, honestly, not convinced. They already did that in bringing them into the Blood Rite, so it would be a rather similar plot point to once again have the Illyrians secretly plan to hurt the Valkyries.
I DO agree there will be conflict there, for sure. I think there's already growing conflict in Illyria, so that's where the main focus will be - the Illyrians are discontent, I think there was growing belief of a possible rebellion or something? So I think that's likely what will have a focus, and the Valkyries will come into play in a way that, I think, will act as a catalyst.
I could see the issue being that the Valkyries come round, proving how females can be trained, now with two Carynthians and an Oristian (sp? 👀), and they could become a beacon for Illyrian females. Especially with Emerie, proving what you can do even with clipped wings (what a badass). And maybe they start to get the females training more. They'll still have their training at the House, considering the priestesses, but Nesta, Emerie, and Gwyn (hopefully), I'm guessing, will do stuff in Illyria with Cassian and Az.
Az & Illyrians: I definitely agree. One of the biggest aspects of most characters' emotional arcs is accepting themselves, who they are, who they were born to be. And that's going to be a HUGE part of Az's emotional journey, because we know he doesn't accept himself. Just as I believe E\ain's will be revolving around accepting herself as being High Fae, Az's will likely revolve around accepting his heritage. He tries to pretend on so many levels that he's not an Illyrian, but he is. He can't hide it. That's part of who he is.
And I get it. The Illyrians can kinda suck. Az and Cassian are two opposite sides of the spectrum of having a hard time with their heritage. Cassian hates the way they are, and wants to change it, but also desperately wants their approval (bby boi <3). Az, on the other hand, literally wants to never deal with them and act as if he's not one of them.
So I agree about that part of Az's emotional journey. I think it'll involve more, with him finally understanding he is worthy of love and accepting every part of himself, but the Illyrian side is a big piece.
Overall, I'd say I agree with a lot of what you've said. I typically don't think too much about possible future plot points the way I do relationships and other things, mostly because I generally plan to be surprised. LOL But, in thinking about it, that's sort of where I end up on possibilities, especially when thinking about ways in which we might see certain things play out. I definitely have no idea what the big climax will be, nor am I sure how it'll tie to the overarching plot. Plot is, admittedly, one of my weaker links - I'm not good at big climaxes...👀 So no way can I guess what another author would do. But in terms of build up to major plot points, those are my thoughts.
Thanks for the question! :)
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crystalirises · 3 years
The World Moved On, but You're Stuck in the Past
Ah yes, Villain Dream who does not see himself as a villain my beloved <333 Honestly, I'm not really sure what Dream and Wilbur's current evil (are they still villains??? Dream probably not cause the poor guy got tortured oof and maybe not Wilbur cause... I don’t know, is he being evil??? Is he okay??? I don’t know what these characters are up to) plans so just... have this flimsy idea cause I don't know what they're planning XD
TW: Mentioned Blood, Implied Murder, Villain Dream who does not realize he's the villain and so justifies the crimes he did, and Insane Revived Wilbur Soot
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28886223/chapters/80235868
He was free.
Wilbur was the first face he saw once he took his first step into the outside world, splatters of green blood decorated the obsidian floor and walls. The revived man was standing with a sword, leaning against it while he waved Dream over with a smile. He tried not to be disgusted by him.
“How does the sun feel on your skin? I remember the day you brought me back, the sun was rising in the distance and I never felt so alive. It’s good to be back, right Dream?” He met the man’s eyes, those dark pools seemingly darker than the day that he had died. He still looked like he’d just recently gotten out of Limbo, and Dream had no doubt that the man had been neglecting his own care. He could only hope that he didn’t have to drag the man’s ass out of Limbo again due to his own negligence. Besides, Wilbur had a point. He looked down at his fingers, basking in the sunlight that shone down upon them. It felt nice against his cheek. “The warden had been difficult to fight but, I guess I just got lucky. You know, I made a new country.”
“D-did… you?” He coughed, pressing a hand against his mouth. It had been so long since he’d spoken. He felt cool glass touch his skin, glancing over to see that Wilbur was handing him a water bottle. Dream didn’t hesitate to snatch it from the man’s hand, drinking the water quickly even if it meant he’d had to pause every now and then just to cough. He hadn’t had clean water in a while. Wilbur watched him with narrowed eyes, a smile on his face before Dream noticed what the man was now holding. His mask. He reached out to grab it. “Another L’Manburg—?”
“L’Manburg is now a fucking crater.” He flinched, a memory of Quackity flashing in his mind. His scars still stung, even if he was used to the pain. Wilbur pressed the mask against his hand, rolling his eyes while a sneer stretched across his face. “This new country will be better. It will.”
“... if you say so…”
“But, let’s not get on the wrong foot here. We’re friends now, allies even, right Dream? You brought me back from that shithole and I paid my dues by setting you free? But who’s to say that our little friendship should stop there, hm? Y-you know? I-I mean you’re all alone now, like me.” Dream gritted his teeth at the reminder, his hands curling into fists. How far he’d come. Now he was at the bottom with Wilbur Soot of all people. No best friends to hang out with. No mother to cry to. No fiance to love and hold. And all because of children who couldn’t realize their place in his world. “So I was thinking. You need a place to stay, hm? Well, why not stay with me!”
He raised a brow at the suggestion. Allies with Wilbur? And with a country involved? That was not going to end well. Dream glanced over at the prison, his throat drying and his knees buckling under the weight of his fears. He didn’t care for Wilbur, but what choice did he have? “Deal.”
“Good man!” He recoiled when Wilbur wrapped an arm around his shoulders. Wilbur’s stare stayed on him for a while longer, and Dream could already tell what he was thinking. He scowled at the thought. He didn’t need the man’s pity. So what if he was thinner? He could still beat the resurrected fool in armed combat. “Y-you know, Quackity has his own nation too.”
“I know.” Las Nevadas, he’d heard Quackity mention it before, and even the warden had mentioned it once. Wilbur had a determined look in his eye, a dark one that Dream knew all too well. Except somehow he felt that they had swapped roles, Dream had directed Wilbur to cause L’Manberg’s destruction, and now Wilbur was directing him. He sighed but followed after the madman. It wasn’t like he had anything else on his schedule. But he wasn’t sure if he could even face Quackity after… Dream placed the mask over his face. He would not let Wilbur see his worry or his doubts. He needed an ally, especially now more than ever, even if it meant having to help Wilbur in the destruction of another nation. “What plan of attack are you proposing? What did Quackity do against you? I will join you Wilbur but I would like to hear an explanation first.”
“He didn’t want me in his nation.” And oh how the world changes. Dream tried not to scoff at the ridiculous answer. He’d felt the same way when L’Manburg was made, who was he to judge a clearly unstable man? Wilbur had stretched out his arms, resting them against the back of his head like a man who had nothing to stress about. Dream didn’t like how it felt to stand next to him. He felt short, weak. He clenched his teeth together, feeling them grind against each other. Dream could only hope that Wilbur didn’t make him his lackey. He would kill the man and send him back to Limbo if he so much used Dream like that. “He let Purpled, Sam, Foolish, and some weird slime monster into his nation. He… he even stole my son from me… the fucking asshole.”
Fundy was with…
“You created a new nation to spite him?” Dream looked away, wishing that he had his old lime jacket instead of the dirty prisoner outfit that he wore. The warden had made sure that the uniform didn’t come with pockets… after the first incident. “Must you get into another conflict?”
Dream stopped listening once Wilbur began his tirade on Las Nevadas and how he wanted a rivalry with Quackity. He didn’t care for the resurrected man’s shenanigans. Dream was free, and that was all he needed Wilbur for. Getting a home and an ally were added bonuses. He nodded along, pretending to listen while his mind drifted to what Wilbur had mentioned. Fundy was in Las Nevadas, and he sided with Quackity. His heart began to beat even faster in his chest, an ache spreading over his entire body. How long has it been since he’d even last seen his fiance?
He should pay him a visit.
 “Should I add breaking and entering into your list of crimes or should I message Sam and let him see for himself?” Those weren’t the first words he had expected to hear once he’d managed to sneak into Fundy’s little cabin. He had tried knocking, a lot, but nobody had come to the door. Dream had checked through one of the windows and had found Fundy curled up in bed. He hadn’t come there to talk… not really. He just wanted to see Fundy again. The fox hybrid glared at him from the end of the small bedroom, his claws out while he clambered to a sitting position. His eyes were narrowed into slits, and Dream only had a second to realize why Fundy hadn’t begun to growl at him. There was a baby fox hybrid next to Fundy, but they were fast asleep. “Get the fuck out of my house. Don’t think I won’t hesitate to call the warden on your ass.”
“I wanted to see you.” Fundy rolled his eyes at his words, shaking his head before plopping back down on the bed, careful not to actually disturb the sleeping kid. Dream tried to keep himself from prying, but it was hard not to. He hadn’t seen his fiance in so long, and now that he has, there’s a lot of details to take note of. For one, Fundy was living in a cabin far away from where anyone could find him. There were dark circles underneath his eyes, and despite being threatened, Dream had noticed the fox hybrid’s sluggish movements. The way his eyes seemed to blink open and close like he was processing that Dream was really in front of him. Not to mention, Fundy had a kid. When did that happen? “Wilbur broke me out a few weeks ago—”
“Why?” He stopped, glancing over at Fundy who had curled up again, a hand resting on the back of the kid’s head. Fundy’s eyes were closed, his breath harsh and filled with controlled rage. Dream leaned back against the wall, shoes scraping against the floor while he adjusted his mask. He used to be comfortable not wearing his mask around Fundy, but now, he couldn’t even fathom what they were to each other. He swallowed down the bitter taste in his throat. He did what he had to. No matter what he had to lose in the end. Still. Seeing Fundy this way, seeing the world move on without him, it felt like he had been drenched in lava. How dare everyone move on? Did his words mean nothing? Did his actions mean nothing? Had they not thought of what he had meant at all? Everyone moved on, and didn’t bother to listen to him. Fundy had turned to glare at him, a tired yet furious look in his gaze. “Why the fuck would you bring Wilbur back?”
“I needed someone to help me escape from prison. Wilbur would have done anything if I’d asked him to—” He jumped before a pillow could slam into his face, glancing over at Fundy whose glare hadn’t wavered. He wasn’t sure if it was his reflexes or Fundy’s exhaustion that saved him from getting hit. Dream sighed, placing a hand against his chest. This is why he hadn’t wanted to talk. He wasn’t a fool, he knew how his own fiance would react to him being free. “None of you would have helped me, anyway. Wilbur was my safest option. Besides, I memorized the revival book and I wanted to see if it worked. I know Eret and Phil tried to bring Wilbur back before—”
“You’re playing god again. I’m not surprised, you’ve always been like this, haven’t you?”
“What…?” Dream glanced over at Fundy, slowly moving to pick up the pillow that had been thrown his way. He handed it over to his fiance who quickly grabbed it from him. “I don’t…”
“Since the start, we’ve all been puppets in this game of yours, haven’t we?” He watched Fundy hug the pillow closer to his chest, the fox hybrid burying his face. Maybe he couldn’t stand to even look at him. “This whole world, our lives, we were just dolls for you to play and discard once you’ve gotten bored. Wilbur had been the perfect doll, doing what you wanted in the end. Tommy is your least favorite, isn’t he? Since he’s always getting in your way? You hate him.”
“I hate the trouble he’s caused.” He huffed. It felt like no one really understood him. Dream leaned back against the wall, knowing that the longer he stayed near Fundy, the higher the chance he’d get his mask scratched. “Tommy’s with Wilbur over at his new nation. He’s untouchable if I want to keep my alliance with Wilbur, but I believe that I might be able to co—”
“You’re still the same Dream who got imprisoned, glad to know you haven’t changed a bit. Gods, what did I ever fucking see in you…” That stung. Dream glanced over but Fundy had chosen to lay back down again, nuzzling his chin on top of the younger fox hybrid’s head. A part of him couldn’t help but envy the display, wondering if he and Fundy would be married if he had only succeeded and hadn’t been imprisoned. Whose kid even was that? Dream stood up, catching Fundy’s attention again. In a better world, he could have shown everyone that he had been in the right. Then his best friends would still be his friends. Then his mother would still see him as her duckling. Then his fiance would have still married him and they could be living in a quaint cabin together. “What was I to you Dream? I was a puppet too, I know, but what role was I suppose—”
“I want you back.” He hadn’t meant to say that, but it was too late. He was only glad that his face was covered by the mask. Fundy stared at him, an incredulous look morphing across his face with every second that ticked by. He watched Fundy pull the kid closer to himself, like he was scared of… of what Dream would do. “Can’t we try again? I could show you my intentions. I-I could convince you why I’m in the right. We-we could work together! We don’t need Wilbur or Tommy, it could just be us! Everyone’s moving on, and everyone’s changing, so why can’t we try again? This would be a new chapter in our lives. Please. Please, come with me. Please, star.”
“You hurt my dad. You hurt my uncle. And now you’re asking me to go with you?”
Fundy laughed, shaking his head. “Fuck you.”
The fox hybrid sighed, turning away from him. “Get out before I call the warden.”
A heavy air fell over the room.
Dream sighed, “I’ll see you tomorrow, Fundy. Goodbye.”
Yogurt, you are there in spirit
AKA sleeping while dads argue in front of you
23 notes · View notes
cryingcow · 4 years
Character Story - Daigo [RGGO]
This might be the longest Character Story I’ve done and man do my fingers feel it, but here’s Daigo! Now with GIFs, because I finally figured out how to use screencapture on my phone and I want to show how extra Majima’s sprite is XD (Thank you @onadacora​ and @blurred-voices​ for the request!)
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Story: Kiryu leaves Daigo in charge of the Tojo Clan, but the people really don’t like nepotism, surprisingly. Majima returns to the clan but doesn’t listen to Daigo because he doesn’t have the required gym badge to tame him yet.
Bodhisattva Majima: “The Tojo Clan is pathetic! This is all Kiryu-chan’s fault for leaving!!”
Bonbon Boy Daigo: “Majima-san, I know you’re upset about your breakup, but please stop taking it out on our men D: ”
Note: “Bodhisattva” according to google means “a person who is able to reach nirvana but delays doing so out of compassion in order to save suffering beings” (so yeah Majima’s definitely full of shit). “Bonbon” refers to whiskey bonbon. EDIT: Apparently it’s slang for “rich spoiled brat”. (Yay new Daigo nickname!)
|A few months after Kiryu Kazuma settled the score with Goda Ryuji and the Go-Ryu Clan, Dojima Daigo is recommended by Kiryu to be appointed as the Sixth Chairman of the Tojo Clan.|
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Kiryu: “Then, I trust you to handle the rest . . .  Daigo.”
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Daigo: “Yeah, please leave it to me.  . . . But . . . why me?”
Kiryu: “What do you mean?”
Daigo: “I think there are others more suitable than me. Such as Kashiwagi-san and Kiryu-san . . .”
Kiryu: “No, there’s no one else more suitable to be the Sixth Chairman than you. That’s what I think.”
Daigo: “More . . . than anyone?”
Kiryu: “Daigo, you are strong. You have the strength not to give in to violence or power. Now, with the Tojo Clan exhausted by the conflict against the Omi, we need a strong leader like you.”
Daigo: “A strong leader . . .”
Kiryu: “You will surely unite the Tojo Clan. I believe so.”
Daigo: “Kiryu-san . . .”
|After several months . . .|
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Kodama: “That bastard Sasaki, invading our territory, what is the meaning of this?! Sixth Chairman!!”
Daigo: “. . . I don’t mean to leave it alone. I have repeatedly advised Sasaki to be careful.”
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Kijima: “It’s not just Kodama, I’m affected too. Are you just going to let them do what they want?!”
Daigo: “. . . I’ll have a lot of words for Sasaki.”
Kodama: “Honestly, I don’t want to hear what you’re going to say. I’m sick of the Sixth Chairman.”
Daigo: “. . .”
Kijima: “You think this is all right? Sixth Chairman, do you even know what you’re saying? ‘The Sixth Chairman is a half-assed yakuza who lets the direct patriarchs do what they want’. That’s your reputation in the clan, right?”
Daigo: “What?”
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Kashiwagi: “Kijima, watch your mouth.”
Kodama: “Kashiwagi-san. These are just facts. Even if you look away, it won’t solve the problem. Moreover, Kanda, who recently became the head of the Nishikiyama Family, is rumored to be planning something big.”
Kijima: “Haa~. None of this would be happening if the Fourth Chairman was still holding the seat.”
Daigo: “. . .”
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Daigo: “Damn it! Nobody listens to what I have to say . . .”
Kashiwagi: “I’m here. The resistance is strong . . . even so, there is no courtesy to the Sixth Chairman.”
Daigo: “. . . but . . . what they are saying is also plausible.”
Kashiwagi: “Sixth Chairman, this isn’t solely your responsibility. There was also that incident with the Omi, and the clan is still in turmoil. The police are also keeping their distance from the Tojo, and the battle for territory is accelerating.”
Daigo: “Yeah. I can’t leave it as it is.”
Kashiwagi: “Jeez . . . that Kiryu left such a heavy role on you.”
Daigo: “Kashiwagi-san. For now, let’s talk to Sasaki again.”
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Sasaki: “Sixth Chairman, even if you say that. I’m not doing anything wrong, am I? You just pay the money properly, make a contract, and buy the land, right?”
Daigo: “However, the land is Kodama Family territory. It doesn’t make sense to buy territory from your own relatives.”
Sasaki: “What reason. I’m not doing anything illegal, right? I even consulted with a lawyer.”
Daigo: “Even if you didn’t violate the law, you violated the code. I can’t forgive you for that.”
Sasaki: “Good grief, the person who was just a mere gangster the other day is now acting like he knows anything about being a yakuza. Didn’t the deceased Patriarch Dojima . . . no, didn’t your daddy give you a special education?”
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Daigo: “What?”
Sasaki: “At this point in time, let me tell you . . . no one accepts you as the Sixth Chairman. Doesn’t have any experience or track record. Doesn’t have his own family. Aren’t you just recommended by the Fourth Chairman? On the contrary, until recently you were just a thug who drank a lot. Being fucked over by the Omi, getting captured, and after being released you play around with your parents’ money like a good-for-nothing boy?”
Daigo: “What was that?!”
Sasaki: “Is that who’s supposed to be the Sixth Chairman? How funny. You think anyone would agree to that? Hey, you . . . how much did you bribe the Fourth Chairman?”
Daigo: “Bastard!!”
Sasaki: “. . . That’s right. What are you going to do?!”
Daigo: “. . . if people don’t understand what you say, you need to change the way you say it.”
Sasaki: “Sixth Chairman. You think if you hit me in a fight, I’ll answer to you?!”
Daigo: “Yeah. If I can do it, then I’ll try it!”
{Daigo beats up Sasaki.}
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Daigo: “Who are you calling a boy? Huh?!”
Sasaki: “Gyaah!!”
{Sasaki collapses.}
Daigo: “Haa . . . haa . . . haa . . .”
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Kashiwagi: “Daigo! What happened?”
Daigo: “. . .”
Kashiwagi: “Is this . . . Sasaki? Daigo, you . . . no way . . .”
Daigo: “If people don’t understand what you say, you need to change the way you say it.  . . . Kashiwagi-san.”
Kashiwagi: “. . . Sixth Chairman. Is this what Kiryu expected of you?”
Daigo: “Eh?”
Kashiwagi: “Anyone can rule by force if they’re strong enough. But is this what Kiryu wanted you to do?”
Daigo: “That is . . .”
Kashiwagi: “I know suddenly being thrust into this role is confusing. But still . . . don’t lose sight of what you have to do as chairman.”
Daigo: “. . . Yeah. I already know that.”
Daigo: “. . .”
|After a few weeks . . .|
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Kashiwagi: “. . . Sixth Chairman. There’s been talk.”
Daigo: “Talk? Of what?”
Kashiwagi: “Yeah it’s . . . should I call it good news, or should I call it bad news. Actually . . .”
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Majima: “. . . I’m tired of waiting! How long I’ve waited!”
Daigo: “Ma-Majima-san?!”
Majima: “Daigo-chaa~n! Great to see ya!”
Daigo: “Kashiwagi-san, is this what you were saying earlier?”
Kashiwagi: “Yeah. the Majima Family will return to the Tojo Clan. It seems that Kiryu persuaded him. He wants him to support you.”
Daigo: “Kiryu-san? For me?”
Majima: “So, I’ll be taking care of ya from now on.”
Kashiwagi: “. . . Majima. I ask that you moderate your behavior.”
Majima: “Oh, leave it to me. With a bodhisattva-like heart, I support Daigo-chan.”
Daigo: Yes! If Majima-san returns, that would be reassuring! With this, the Tojo Clan . . . I think it will finally come together.”
Majima: “. . .”
Daigo: (Alright. From now on, let’s brace ourselves!)
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Yakuza: “B-Bastard . . . What’re you doing?”
Majima: “You . . . I heard it. You’re dissatisfied with Daigo-chan’s manner of doing things. It sounds like something is being planned behind the scenes. Are you staging a coup d’état?”
Yakuza: “Wh-What the hell are you talking about?! Guh!!”
Majima: “Get up. I’m not through with ya yet.”
Yakuza: Hiii! No more!!”
Majima: “The Tojo Clan has become weak. If Kiryu-chan was still here . . . It wouldn’t be such a mess!!”
Yakuza: “Gyaaa!!”
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Daigo: “What was that?! Majima-san again?!”
Kashiwagi: “Yeah. This is the 19th incident this month.”
Daigo: “Damn it. Why is he doing this?”
Kashiwagi: “It seems he is rampaging as much as he likes against those under suspicion of rebellion against you. With or without evidence, if he has judged you to have the will of rebellion against the Sixth Chairman, he will give you no mercy . . . Thanks to that, the number of voices dissatisfied with the Sixth Chairman is only increasing.”
Daigo: “. . . Majima-san, this is counterproductive . . .”
Kashiwagi: "That man is the kind of guy whose leash you couldn’t even hold in the first place. That Kiryu, bringing back such an outrageous problem child . . .”
Daigo: “It can’t be helped. I’ll have a word with him . . .”
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Majima: “Daigo-chan, what’re ya talking about?”
Daigo: “Majima-san, I heard you’ve been rampaging around Kamurocho.”
Majima: “Kiryu-chan told me to. Hit the guy who opposes Daigo-chan from one end. That was what Kiryu-chan endorsed.”
Daigo: “Kiryu-san said that?”
Majima: “That’s the truth. I don’t know what to tell ya: if an idiot strikes, the owner will bite back to discipline him. With a dog.”
Daigo: “Th-that may be so . . . but what you’re doing is overkill.”
Majima: “. . . Haa. Daigo-chan, you’re an amateur.”
Daigo: “. . . Majima-san. Thank you for doing this for me and the clan. However, because of your rampaging, the Tojo Clan is plunged into more and more chaos. That is . . .”
Majima: “Daigo-chan! There seems to be a misunderstanding, so let me clear it up.”
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Majima: “I don’t want to do this for the Tojo Clan and Daigo-chan.”
Daigo: “Then . . . are you doing this because of Kiryu-san?”
Majima: That ain’t it.  . . . It’s because . . . I want to rampage.”
Daigo: “Eh?”
Majima: “Kiryu-chan asked me to do it for Daigo-chan, it’s just for the cause!”
Daigo: “Wha-”
Majima: “Besides, the only one who can order me around is someone who is stronger than me! But Daigo-chan . . . you’re weak. I met ya the other day and it was easy to see at first glance.”
Daigo: “W-Weak?”
Majima: “Hopeless. I won’t listen to someone that weak. Y’know, that kind of thing!”
Daigo: (What . . . such an absurd person . . .)
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Kashiwagi: “Really. Majima did that . . .”
Daigo: “Yeah. I’m in trouble.”
Kashiwagi: “. . . But, Sixth Chairman. Are you in a position to criticize Majima?”
Daigo: “Eh?”
Kashiwagi: “The other day, you too tried to make Sasaki obey with violence.”
Daigo: “!”
Kashiwagi: “What Majima is doing and what you did are essentially the same. The result is the current turmoil.”
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Daigo: “. . .”
Daigo: “. . . Kashiwagi-san. How would Kiryu-san deal with this?”
Kashiwagi: “If it was Kiryu? No . . . I think the problem here is, ‘What would you do?’”
Daigo: “Me?”
Kashiwagi: “Yeah. There must be a reason why Kiryu is willing to entrust the Tojo Clan to you. In that case, it shouldn’t be about what Majima or Kiryu will do . . . but rather what will you do?”
Daigo: “. . . so it should be by my method?”
Kashiwagi: “Yeah. Just think it over.”
Daigo: “Okay . . .”
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Daigo: (My method . . . In terms of achievements and popularity in the Tojo Clan, I can’t hope to match Kiryu-san. Majima-san’s way of domination through violence, that’s not my way . . . Then Kiryu-san, what were you expecting from me?)
Driver: “Uooooo!”
{The driver swerves wildly.}
Daigo: “Oi! What?!”
{A hail of bullets rings out.}
Daigo: “What?! A shootout?!”
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Thug: “Dojima Daigo!! Come out!”
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Daigo’s Bodyguard: “What the hell are you doing?!”
Thug: “You guys, do it!!”
Daigo’s Bodyguard: “Kuh . . . this many people . . .”
Thug: “You’re annoying!! Now die!!”
{the thugs beat up the bodyguard.}
Daigo’s Bodyguard: “Damn. . .”
Thug: “Hahahahahahaha!! Die!!”
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Daigo: “Oi!! Stop it!! Aren’t I the one you want?!”
Daigo’s Bodyguard: “Sixth Chairman . . . please run away . . .”
Daigo: “No. I can’t. If I run away, you guys . . .”
Daigo’s Bodyguard: “B-But . . .”
Thug: “Hehehe. Don’t count on it. There are 30 people here. The load is too heavy for the Bonbon Boy!!”
{Daigo defeats all 30 men.}
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Thug: “S-So strong . . .they didn’t say . . .”
Daigo: “You thought a chairman who sits at his desk all day and only does clerical work couldn’t fight? You guys . . . who hired you?”
Thug: “Damn . . .”
Daigo: “Answer me!!”
Thug: “. . . To-Tojo Clan.”
Daigo: “What? Oi!! Which family was it?”
Thug: “Come on! I don’t know! He seemed to be from a family at the lower end, but he didn’t give a name!! We were just given money by him and were told to kill you!!”
Daigo: (Shit. Who the hell could it be?)
|A few days later . . .|
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Daigo: (The other day’s attack. The assailants didn’t seem to know anything . . . The person who hired them. If I think about it . . . it must be someone who has a deep grudge against me. Sasaki . . . he was still complaining about me after that, but could it really be him?)
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Kashiwagi: “Daigo! It’s terrible! There’s an attack! Sasaki’s office is being attacked!”
Daigo: “Attacked?! By who?”
Kashiwagi: “. . . Majima. It seems he called up his family and headed to Sasaki’s office.”
Daigo: “What was that?!”
Kashiwagi: “Majima thinks Sasaki is the culprit who had you ambushed, said he was going to execute him.”
Daigo: “E-Execute?”
Kashiwagi: “Sixth Chairman. We can’t forgive Majima’s violence anymore. Isn’t that right?”
Daigo: “Y-Yes!! Let’s head to Majima-san right away!”
Kashiwagi: “. . .Yeah!”
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Daigo: “Majima-san!!”
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Sasaki: “U-Ugh . . .”
Majima: “Oh, Daigo-chan. Yeah, I came here too. This guy spilled everything. He said he had Daigo-chan attacked.”
Daigo: “You?”
Majima: “Rebellion against the chairman won’t be forgiven. You’ll be executed.”
Daigo: “Majima-san, stop it!!”
Majima: “Stop? Why? Didn’t this guy try to kill Daigo-chan?”
Sasaki: “D-Don’t kill me . . .”
Daigo: (Th-This method . . .)
Daigo: “. . . Majima-san! This method of making a mark is wrong!”
Majima: “. . . Haa. Don’t say something so boring. Besides, didn’t I say so the other day? The only ones who can order me around are those stronger than me. Is Daigo-chan stronger than me?”
Daigo: “. . . Th-that is . . .”
Majima: “Or . . . can ya prove it? That Daigo-chan is stronger than me.”
Daigo: “Eh?”
Majima: “Since you’re silent, I guess that means I don’t have to do what you say . . .”
Daigo: “Prove . . .”
Majima: “If ya can’t do it, then don’t do it. Let me do things my own way!!”
Daigo: “W-Wait!!”
Kashiwagi: “Daigo. Majima is provoking you. If you hop on . . .”
Daigo: “I know that. But . . . if I pull back now . . .”
Majima: “What are you going to do? To stop this guy from getting killed, are ya gonna prove you’re stronger than me?”
Daigo: “. . . . . . . . . Understood. Let’s fight, to bargain for his life.”
Majima: “Oh! So you’ll do it?!”
Daigo: “Yeah. And . . . if I beat you, please swear your loyalty to me.”
Majima: “What? That’s a hefty condition. Well, in that case . . . If I win, I get the Tojo Clan. I’ll be the next chairman.”
Daigo: “What!”
Kashiwagi: “O-Oi! That’s . . .”
Majima: “If ya can’t meet those conditions, then this discussion is over. Let Sasaki die.”
Sasaki: “H-Hiii~~!!”
Daigo: “. . . Alright. Let’s drink to your conditions.”
Majima: “Kukuku. Yeah. We’ll have to do that, Daigo-chan.”
Kashiwagi: “Daigo . . . ! This method . . .”
Daigo: “Pardon me, Kashiwagi-san. But this is the only way . . .”
Majima: “. . . Really. I should change the location. The best stage for the best event is . . . I’ll contact ya in a moment, so please wait. The pickup will come soon.”
Daigo: “. . .”
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Daigo: “Here?”
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Audience: “Wow!!”
Ring Announcer: “L a d i e s   a n d   G e n t l e m e n ! ! We suddenly have a special match tonight! Tojo Clan’s Sixth Chairman, Dojima Daigo VS  the patriarch of the Majima Family directly under the Tojo Clan and the Mad Dog of Shimano, Majima Goro! The battle for the chairmanship is about to begin!!”
Audience: “Oh~~~~~~!”
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Daigo: “Wh-What is this . . .?”
Majima: “A special match. Isn’t it more exciting to do it this way?”
Daigo: “Heh. How like you . . .”
Majima: “Time to say goodbye, Daigo-chan!!”
{Daigo and Majima fight in the ring, presumably shirts off. Daigo . . . very much does not win.}
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Daigo: (Damn . . . of course . . . he’s incredibly . . . strong . . .)
Majima: “After all that, Daigo-chan, it wasn’t enough. this is how it turns out.”
Daigo: “No, not yet!”
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Majima: “Hmph. Let go.”
{Majima kicks Daigo.}
Daigo: “Guh!! Damn it!”
Majima: “Can’t be. I shouldn’t hit ya that way. It’s too full of holes!!”
{Majima kicks Daigo again.}
Daigo: “Gah! Guwaaaaaa!!”
Ring Announcer: “Oops, Dojima Daigo is  d o w n !”
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Majima: “This is the end!! Uoryaaaaaaaaa!!”
{Majima kneedrops Daigo in the head.}
Daigo: “~~Gah!!!!”
Ring Announcer: “The Mad Dog of Shimano’s ruthless kneedrop downed Dojima Daigo with a direct hit to the skull!!”
Daigo: (No . . . I can’t beat . . . this person . . .)
Majima: “It’s over, Daigo-chan. The Tojo Clan is mine.”
Daigo: “. . .”
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Kiryu: “Daigo, you are strong. You have the strength not to give in to violence or power. Now, with the Tojo Clan exhausted by the conflict against the Omi, we need a strong leader like you.”
Daigo: “A strong leader . . .”
Kiryu: “You will surely unite the Tojo Clan. I believe so.”
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 Daigo: (. . . I see. So that’s what you meant, Kiryu-san.  . . . Strength is not just about power. The strength of Kiryu-san that I admired . . . is so much more than that!!)
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Majima: “Wh-What?!”
Daigo: “. . . Haa . . . Haa . . . Majima-san, it’s still . . . it’s still not over yet!!”
Majima: “Hn. Ya talk big. Uooryaaaaaaaaa!!”
Daigo: “Guh!!”
Majima: “Good . . . now stay down, Daigo-chan!!”
Daigo: “No, I can’t lose. I can’t afford to lose!”
Majima: “Wh-What are you doing? Are you really going this far for the Tojo Clan and Sasaki?!”
Daigo: “. . . Majima-san, I finally understand now. What Kiryu-san expected from me and entrusted to me.”
Majima: “Wh-What?”
Daigo: “I will not give in to violence, because there is something to protect. But. If I succumb to you here, I would be recognizing that violence rules. I can’t admit that . . . so I can’t back down!!”
Majima: “!! . . . Hopeless. Daigo-chan, you . . . Being great . . . it’s hard. Meeting Kiryu-chan’s expectations.”
Daigo: “?”
{Majima falls to the ground.}
Ring Announcer: “Wh-What the hell is this?! Majima has fallen?!”
Daigo: “!”
Majima: “I lost. I’ve been completely defeated. Daigo-chan has crushed me.”
Ring Announcer: “Th-This is . . . the Mad Dog of Shimano has been torn downnnnn!! A miraculous reversal by Dojima Daigoooo!!”
{The crowd cheers.}
Daigo: “Majima-san, you promised. From now on, follow me. Okay?”
Majima: “. . . Yeah. Do whatever ya want with me. I entrust my life to Daigo-chan. Really, you’re a great man, Daigo-chan. It’s your win.”
{The crowd goes wild.}
|A few weeks later. . .|
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Tojo Clan Member A: “Hey, have you heard the rumor? It’s said that the chairman disciplined a rampaging Majima with an iron fist.”
Tojo Clan Member B: “Ah, really? I can’t believe it.”
Tojo Clan Member A: “But lately, the Majima Family patriarch has been listening to the Sixth Chairman, and quietly does as he is told.”
Tojo Clan Member B: “No way, the Mad Dog of Shimano deferring to that boy?”
Majima’s voice: “Who is this ‘boy’?”
Tojo Clan Member B: “P-Patriarch Majima . . .”
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Majima: “As long as my eyes are black, rebellion against the Sixth Chairman won’t be forgiven!!”
Tojo Clan Member B: “Hiii. I’ll be careful!”
Majima: “Hmph. Just rumors, at most.”
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Sasaki: “I’m really sorry!! For me . . . to do such a thing . . .”
Daigo: “It wasn’t for you. I did what I should as the chairman.”
Sasaki: “But my betrayal this time can’t be forgiven! I will atone here as a yakuza!!”
Daigo: “Can you even use your fingers? I don’t need you to do such a thing.”
Sasaki: “But . . . !!”
Daigo: “With the Tojo Clan exhausted after the conflict with the Omi, we need as many people as possible. We do not allow acts that will impair it. Work frantically if you want the chance to remove your finger.”
Sasaki: “S-Sixth Chairman . . .”
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Kashiwagi: “Everything worked out as you expected.  . . . Majima.”
Majima: “Whatcha mean?”
Kashiwagi: “The Mad Dog of Shimano that rampages as he likes, obeys when the Sixth Chairman punishes him . . . For the newly appointed Daigo who has no backing yet, that legend will become his strongest backing in leading the Tojo Clan. In preparation of that, didn’t you rampage around just so you can challenge Daigo to a one-on-one battle?”
Majima: “. . . You’re overthinking it. I just do what I want to do and I did it.”
Kashiwagi: “Hmph. So you did.”
Majima: “I was convinced and have accepted him as the Sixth Chairman. That guy is worthy to lead the Tojo Clan.  . . . Daigo-chan is real. More of a worthy man than I thought.”
Kashiwagi: “. . . Yeah. Maybe Kiryu had seen Daigo’s worth . . .”
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Daigo: (The rebuilding of the Tojo Clan is just getting started.  . . . Kiryu-san, please watch. The future of the Tojo Clan that you protected, I will take over and show you.)
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god-of-dust · 3 years
since i already posted Rising Sun, i thought that it would be interesting to show part of my writing process for it. this is part of the first, unedited draft that i wrote without any finesse and then rewrote completely. notice the “send help” bit XD
He waits until Aang's finished with his mantras before speaking. “Can I have your opinion on something?”
“I'm listening,” Aang says, voice deep and resonant.
“The anniversary of the genocide will be in a few months,” he begins, unsure on how to approach the subject.
Slowly, Aang exhales, rolls his shoulders and neck and opens his eyes to look at Zuko. “Yes.”
“I'd like to make it an official day of remembrance.” He passes a hand through his hair, gathering his thoughts.
“That's... incredibly thoughtful, Zuko. Thank you.”
Zuko scratches at a bit of sealing wax that's stuck to his desk. “The power I have means nothing if I don't use it to right the wrongs that my family has done. To be honest, there's a lot that needs to be mended, especially when it comes to your people, and even for this anniversary I have no idea what to do. What's the appropriate way to do this?”
“In truth, I have no idea either.” Aang briefly clutches his beads. “Now that the war is over, I have more space to think about what happened and how I want to honor my people so that their teachings aren't forgotten, but it's—well, a lot.”
“I was thinking about theatre—a play that tells the real story, what truly happened that day, instead of that bullshit militaristic propaganda we've been fed during the war.” Zuko offers cautiously.
“That could work. Can I think about it some more?”
“Of course you can. But, um, on the topic of propaganda... there's also something else I've been meaning to ask you.”
“There's always something else,” Aang says, and even though his tone is neutral Zuko still flinches. There's unconcealed tiredness in those words, one that Zuko is well-acquainted with; long nights spent wondering if the demands of his title will pile up and pile up until they swallow him whole, followed by long days where he brushes away the bruises under his eyes and puts on his best diplomatic face to attend to those very same demands.
“I'm working with my advisors to completely rewrite the school curriculum. They've been a great help, but for all their genuine interest they've been indoctrinated about Air Nomads as much as anyone else in this nation. I want kids to be taught about your culture, and for that I need you.” Before Aang can reply, Zuko speaks again. “I know that I'm asking too much. I know that this would be yet another responsibility you got saddled with... but you're also the best person possible for this.”
Aang's smile is a wry, bitter thing that makes Zuko's chest ache like a hollowed out tree. “Not the best. The only one.”
“You're not the only one. I could recruit some of the Air Acolytes if you think it's a good idea.”
“No, that wouldn't be enough,” Aang says, shaking his head minutely. “They're passionate scholars, and their presence soothes the part of me that was afraid that any hope for community had been lost. Still... they can never get it completely. There are things that can't be taught, only lived.”
There's nothing that Zuko can reply to that. No words will ever be enough to restore what has been destroyed and taken away from Aang; as much as that wound appears to be scarred and healed, Zuko can see that there's a well of grief that Aang doesn't let anyone get close to.
Some gaps can never be closed, but others can.
He rises from his desk and crosses the distance between them, kneeling before Aang. They're at the same height now, and Zuko gently presses his forehead against Aang's; after a small moment of hesitation, he places a hand against Aang's cheek. This tentative touch is all he has to offer.
“I wish I didn't have to ask this of you,” Zuko murmurs, eyes closing in surrender, thumb stroking soft skin.
They breathe together like this, slipping into a state of shared equilibrium. It doesn't erase the pain, but it makes it bearable. A thing that they both can carry together.
“I'm the last airbender. I won't disrespect my people by running away. Besides, I'm the Avatar, and my voice carries authority that I'm meant to use exactly for reasons such as these.”
Zuko sighs. Outside of the window, where the sky is beginning to darken, a handful of stars begin to emerge from its expanse. “I want more than anything to see you at peace, and yet I find myself burdening you with heavy choices, over and over.”
“Your choices aren't easy either, Zuko.”
“No, they aren't. But then, I'm honor-bound to rule this nation to the best of my abilities, regardless of my wishful thinking about how easier it should be.”
Aang squeezes one of his shoulders, reassuring him with a simple touch.
I know how it feels. You're not alone.
And Aang does understand, better than anyone else. The feeling of suffocation that comes with the high stakes involved in any misstep, the anxiety that has taken permanent residence under Zuko's ribs ever since his coronation. He never speaks about it, not out loud, and he's glad that he doesn't need to.
Aang puts a hand on the back of Zuko's neck, lightly kneading the lingering tension away.
Why is it that Aang makes it easy to accept a touch so loving and tender? He'd struggled to accept his uncle's hugs and comforting pats, feeling unworthy of his freely given affection.
Aang doesn't owe him anything. And yet here Zuko is, unmoving, his own palm still cupping Aang's tranquil face, fingers tracing absent patterns on it. Thoughts slip away, awash by the simplicity of this moment.
"Be here, Zuko. There's a lot we must do, a lot that's been appointed onto us, but now we have this."
"Thank you," Zuko whispers, and he means it.
The pressure of Aang's hand on Zuko grounds him. They breath as one, and for a moment they are one, a single essence.
“The first time I entered the Avatar state I experienced visions of the world that can't be expressed with words,” Aang says. “I saw the oneness of all things. I saw impermanence, the mutable nature of everything. Going back to being myself, with a body, after that... It took a bit of adjusting. Okay, a lot of adjusting.”
“How did you do it?” How can a person contain all that? is what Zuko wishes to ask, though he doesn't quite dare.
“I don't know. It's an apparent contradiction that I have yet to come to terms with. I have a duty as Avatar Aang that I'm meant to uphold, while having witnessed that, ultimately, I have no separate identity at all.” An exhale, long and deep. “Sometimes it feels meaningless. Why bother, why struggle, when we are all one and the same? But it's what we're here to do, what I am here to do.”
“You're the most selfless person I know.” It tumbles out of Zuko's mouth, unfiltered. Aang is... all that.
At Aang's age, Zuko had only cared about firebending forms and maybe his crush on Mai. He'd still hoped for his father's approval. Then there's Aang, a hero, a survivor, who's seen more than any person would be able to bear; the most profound loss, the glory of victory, and the ultimate detachment from it all.
It's impossible that this larger-than-life being can be so unassuming. That he has love for Zuko, so much that his scarred heart can drown in it.
Never has he felt so cherished, with no strings attached, no familial bonds, no hidden treachery glistening behind constructed gestures.
His chest isn't hollow anymore. It feels full, the fuller it's been in a long time, overflowing him. The naked affection he holds for Aang is humbling, devastating.
Aang has the supreme quality of making Zuko feel like he belongs. They belong together, as strange and different as they might be, as conflicted Zuko might feel about it. It doesn't matter.
When Aang talks about oneness, this is what Zuko can compare it to. Their mingled breaths, Aang's hand on his skin. That time at the Sun Warriors temple, along with now. They have everything. They are everything, and when they're together, Zuko can believe that they can achieve anything, overcome any struggle.
There's no obstacle big enough to stop their combined strength.
Is this what unconditional love is? The complete, utter perfection Zuko feels?
Nothing can mar this. Not when Aang is with him.
“I want to be there for you. I want to do everything in my power to provide reparation, to acknowledge the harm that's been done to your people, to offer my effort to make it right again... but I don't know how. I need you, Aang.” He stares into his eyes, gold meeting gray. “I need you to teach me. To tell me if I'm doing it wrong.”
“Okay,” Aang says, simply. “I'll be your advisor in this.”
“I'm so sorry that I'm asking this of you. I'm sorry that this is yet another burden piled up on top of your other responsibilities.”
Aang sighs. It's not a sad sigh, nor a frustrated sigh. Just... a deep exhale. “Someone has to do it. Might as well be me.”
“I wish you didn't have to.”
“Wishing is pointless. We might as well act on what we have.”
Zuko shakes his head. “I still can't accept the things that I suffered through. I haven't forgiven my family for what they've done. My father is rotting in prison, and he deserves it. For what he's done to me, to you, to this nation. The fact that you can be so calm about it... how? How can you be so calm?”
“Forgiving is not forgetting. What has been done has been done, and it's still impressed in my memory and will always be. But punishment serves no one.”
“So he should just... not pay for what he's done? Where's the justice in that?”
“Justice is meaningless. Justice is the illusion of balance, based on false ideas of truth.”
“Aang I don't fucking get it. He's a genocidal maniac. Send help.”
“The pain he's caused can't be mended through punishment. It cannot be solved in any way. We can only acknowledge that pain and make sure that it doesn't happen again. And... I'm glad that you're thinking about this. It warms my heart that you feel this way.”
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If we put Gil, Merlin and Solomon in a room together what could possibly happen?
Anon, this is a great idea. There is endless chaotic potential here. This is my first time writing them all together, so i hope my characterization is okay.
For this request i decided to pick Caster Gil. Triple caster mayhem is my favorite kind of mayhem.
~Gilgamesh, Merlin and Solomon in a room~
- Gilgamesh and Solomon had no idea how it had happened. Even with their clairvoyance and foresight, they never expected for such a shocking twist of events to occur.
- All that happened was that Solomon took a well-deserved nap; whilst Caster Gilgamesh more or less fainted as soon as he landed on his bed.
- Yet, here they were; greeted by none other than the most irritatingly evasive mage to ever exist. Waving cheerfully at both kings, Merlin raises his cup of tea. "Yahoo, Gilgamesh; Solomon! Fancy seeing you here, in my Garden of Avalon! I haven't had guests in a while."
-Merlin's eyes glimmer mischievously as he recalls past events...
- "Merlin. I need you to give these two a nice rest. Trap them within your realm, if you will." Gudako's eyes were steely, as they stared Merlin dead the eyes. "Think you can help me out here? I know you can be a lil shady sometimes, but I'm betting on you here. Force these kings to have some TLC." As Gudako faces them, Merlin leers like a cat whose got the cream. He loved plans like these.
- "Sure, I can help." Merlin all but purrs, as he slinks towards Gudako. "But what's in it for me?" Hoping to make himself look as terrifying as possible, he leans dangerously close towards them. "I'm an incubus, you know~ Master shouldn't rely on me too much..." However, as soon as Gudako promises to give him some of their more...interesting dreams, Merlin grins. "That's a deal!"
- So now, here they all were. Flowers drifting through the bright blue skies as a billowing grass spread before them; the garden was like something out of a dream.
- However, the mood between them all is naught but peaceful. As Solomon gawps in shock, "...h-how did you get past my clairvoyance?"; Gilgamesh clucks his tongue in irritation.
- "I could fathom if you wished to solicit me over a nice cup of tea; but to trap me here, with none other than that buffoon for company? I'm outraged by this, Merlin!" As Caster Gilgamesh points angrily towards Solomon (who is already feeling worn out by the current circumstances), Merlin chuckles at his outburst.
- "Well, even if that's true, he must've brought us here for a reason. Let me guess, was it Gudako?" Solomon remains eerily calm, as he takes a seat next to Merlin. "There's no point hiding things. Let it out, Merlin."
- "Awe~ You're such a spoilsport, Solomon." Merlin confesses the truth behind why he has brought them both to his realm tonight. As Gilgamesh slaps a palm to his forehead in agony, Solomon smile softly at that. Although he finds Gudako's methodology to be a bit...shifty, their good intentions warm his heart.
- Stuck within his realm, they play multiple games of cards; but due to everybody's clairvoyance, it ends in utter shambles. In particular Gilgamesh keeps on trying to prove to Solomon that he's much better than him, and Merlin keeps tricking them all by using his magic to change the cards.
- "You utter buffoon! This isn't relaxing in the slightest!!" Infuriated by this, Gilgamesh pulls out a box of Karuta Cards which leaves the other two absolutely flummoxed. 'That gate can really store anything, huh...' Although he knows a great deal about it already, Solomon can't help but be impressed.
- However, this game fares even worse than the last one; with heavy squabbles and debates breaking out between them, as they all scramble to grab the card that matches the poem being read out. Growing tired of this farce, Solomon asks for a ceasefire.
- Despite this, they then begin to play an extremely passionate game of beer pong, but everyone remains sober; so there's no fun to be had!
-Caster Gilgamesh then tries to raise the stakes with some gambling, but then remembers that Solomon probably left his cash in the real world; not this dream world.
-Then Merlin tries to enforce Gudako's advice by subjecting them to a flower massage with his magic plant skills, but that just leads to more confusion and conflict.
- Eventually, the three of them all give up; entirely worn out from these activities. With nothing else to do, they begin to talk; laugh and enjoy some merry cheer.
- Maybe being here wasn't so bad, after all. just kidding caster gilgamesh will probably hunt gudako down once he reawakens in chaldea
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can you recommend me some good Ben Barnes movies/series? im watching the chronicles of marine prince caspian/voyage of dawn trader over me over again because I cannot get over how GOOD he looks but I need more
Oooh hello, here comes my expertise :D So, let’s begin with the more popular ones. 
Obviously him being Prince Caspian and King Caspian, you’re already watching that, but just in case anyone needs this, I will write them down. 
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian [Film]
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader [Film]
I was not a big fan of Caspian as a prince to be honest. Of course, when I was a teenager, sure, but as I grew older I had to realise he was just an entitled little sh*t at times, just like Peter :D So, when I will start writing for Caspian, it will be enemies to lovers xD
I’m assuming I don’t even have to talk about Dorian Gray. It was one of his most popular movies and it will never be forgotten. 
Dorian Gray [Film]
It was his next big role after Prince Caspian with a very interesting plot-line if you ask me.
Probably you have also heard about Billy Russo who was played by Ben Barnes, but if you haven’t here you go.
The Punisher [Series]
It is a very good series, but you do have to be prepared for some bloody scenes and shootings and betrayal and all those heavy stuff. It’s not an easy watch, but certainly worth it :)
He also played Logan Delos, who was quite a conflicting character, but I loved him. According to Ben, some of Logan’s characteristics were actually based on him, which I have no idea how true is, but... please tell me more :D
Westworld [Series]
If you like cocky self-destructing bad boys, Logan is for you :D
Another one I thoroughly enjoyed is a movie he shot with Katherine Heigl. He is playing a very laid back guy and I can just see Ben Barnes’ real personality in Ryan Brenner’s character so I just loved it :)
Jackie & Ryan aka Love Me Like You Do [Film]
It’s more like a romantic, closer to real life movie, but it has a certain charm, that I found to be very sweet. 
There was also a film where he played Josh Sawyer a father, who got into a car accident with his family. It was quite a heavy film too. [x]
Locked in [Film]
I would say I enjoyed it, it was an interesting concept, however, critics have rated it very low, so I guess it depends on you. I’m not a movie expert so I wouldn’t be able to tell you if technically it’s a good movie or not, I personally liked it. 
Anyways, I will not explain every single series and films he has played in, so here are some that are also good to watch from him. 
I have watched
Killing Bono [Ben Barnes as Neil McCormick] [Film]
By the Gun [Ben Barnes as Nick Tortano] [Film]
Seventh Son [Ben Barnes as Thomas Ward] [Film]
Easy Virtue [Ben Barnes as John Whittaker] [Film]
I have not watched yet
Gold Digger [Ben Barnes as Benjamin Greene] [Series]
Sons of Liberty [Ben Barnes as Samuel Adams] [Series]
And as very side characters
Stardust [Ben Barnes as Young Dunstan Thorn]
The Words [Ben Barnes as The Young Man]
The Big Wedding [Ben Barnes as Alejandro Griffin]
And of course, his upcoming simp-worthy role as The Darkling/General Kirigan in Shadow and Bone, coming on 23 April 2021 on Netfilx :D
I hope this helps :D
“Reading is my therapy” masterlist
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braceletofteeth · 3 years
Anon about the sfh / hannibal fic, it's one of more popular ones on ao3, but really I just want to write a fic where Moonjo is arrested/incarcerated in a mental institution (for dangerous criminals) after the quote on quote 'horrors of eden' incident/massacre took place. Jongwoo just got a really good job there as a guard thanks to Jaeho (who's dad runs the place), and the most dangerous inmate there begins calling him 'jajya' and won't keep his eyes off of him. Jongwoo just wants to keep his head down and do his job properly so he can pay for his brother's medical bills/help his mom but this Moonjo keeps enticing him with conversation... and promises of some kind of bloody freedom... all the while calling him 'special.' //mind games will be played// (in this au, Jongwoo never went to Eden and hasn't been corrupted, yet, sort of). Seems kind of dumb now that I type it out and I'm not sure if I can do it justice, but I really want to try. ;w; Thank you for the encouragement.
[holds back screaming in order to not scare beautiful writer away]
How do I put this... hm... This idea is so good that I'd skip classes and sleep to read the resulting fic. If I had something like this in my to-read list, but couldn't get to it because I was too busy, I'd feel miserable and wouldn't be able to stop thinking about it waiting for me there.
That's how much I want to see Jongwoo and Moonjo meeting again in a scenario where they know exactly who each other are this time. Because, in the show, Jongwoo is just mostly suspicious. I'm really curious to know how it would be if he knew Moonjo was a "dangerous criminal" from the beginning, with Moonjo managing to reach out to him despite the walls between them.
Moonjo wouldn't be able to stalk Jongwoo outside, because he's caged, so the decision to keep the job and keep seeing Moonjo would be entirely on Jongwoo's hand. Oh, the internal conflict! This is so exciting, Mx. Writer! I'm sorry I'm already making theories about your fic yzgsgsbbshsh'
You've also made me face the fact that, the reason I so often imagine scenarios where either Moonjo or Jongwoo (or both) go to prison, is because I've read too many Hannibal fics where the characters are separated by a glass wall XD And I can't get enough! There are still a few on my to-read list. There is just something about aching for someone that you know exactly where you can find, but still can't reach.
That wouldn't be the focus of the fic, but still! There is so much you could explore!
Know that we'll be rooting for you, but don't think too much about it. Concentrate on what you want and let yourself fall in love with your own idea. If you're worried you won't do it justice, it's because you care about it. There is nothing wrong in caring; the more we care, the harder it is for us to give up.
Thank you so much for telling me about your idea, Mx. Writer! I'm gonna have many daydreams with this scenario. If you ever need to talk to someone about it, I'll be here for support. 😊
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