#(pls don't ask I'm joking I need to calm down!!!)
kneelingshadowsalome · 8 months
What does Konig look like to you? Colonel and younger. Do his looks change depending on whatever story you’re writing?
Oh this may sound weird but I don't have a hc for what König looks like under the hood 🥺 I just have some vague "vibes" and they change quite a lot depending on the story.
Such as: yandere and young recruit König have bleak, listless eyes that turn magnetic and intense the minute he sees you. They also have feral, nasty smiles, I bet they're smiling under their hoods when the'yre about to shoot someone (or tease and chase you).
Most of the time König just looks like he hasn't had a good night's sleep in ages. But his eyes always either soften or "turn on" when he sees you. Colonel König has a softer smile and more body fat and he probably has a short hair because it's easier to maintain.
And then!!! In Roman and Greek au's König turns wayyy more hairy. Like I'm seeing this dark bearish beast who has a soft, dumb stare and a boner when he forgets he's not supposed to stare. Perhaps a wider jaw and bigger hands, heavy balls, things like that. Yeah, no face headcanons, but a lot of body hair and genital headcanons I have...
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angelfic · 5 months
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pairing: jason todd x best friend!reader
summary: the 3 times jason takes care of you and the 1 time he lets you do the same. alternatively, jason thinks he's invincible, but his best friend needs to be protected at all costs.
warnings: unedited. again. pls don't kill me. swearing, kissing, mentions of blood/weapons/injuries, mentions of periods, reader is a nursing student, best friends to lovers!!! <3
author’s note: *shoves it at you* another one of these fics with the same format, this time with jason :) listen to 'sweet' by cigarettes after sex while reading this btw. and let me know what you think!! drop an ask or a message, don’t be shy!💌
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1. when finals are going to kill you.
Sometimes you think being a vigilante like your best friend is worth the constant risk of dying if it means you never have to open another textbook again. When you voice this to Jason, he scowls like you've just threatened to kill a kitten in front of him.
"That's not funny. Don't even joke about that," he scolds, still frowning at you from the opposite end of your kitchen island. His Red Hood suit is sprawled out in front of him as he stitches up a loose hem, compliments of the last goon he most likely beat to a pulp. You make a face at the fact that his sleeve is covering your anatomy notes, ignoring the way he leans down in attempt to catch your eye. He resorts to snapping his fingers in your face. "Hey. Hey, I'm serious."
"Jason," you sigh, setting down your pen and resting your chin on your hand as you talk to him. "I'm studying for nursing school finals in my kitchen, because I didn't want to walk the five more steps it takes to get to my bedroom after making instant ramen. Do you really need me to tell you I'm not being serious about becoming a vigilante?"
His shoulders relax very slightly, but his expression stays annoyed. "You're going to give me an entire head of grey hair before I'm even thirty."
"Well, at least we know it'll suit you," you say through a yawn as you point to the white streak running through his hair. "So, if anything, you're welcome."
He gives you another withering glare, going back to his stitching. The tiny needle in his large hand distracts you for a minute until you realise that Jason has stopped sewing and you're actually staring into nothing now. He notices your eyes that have glossed over and immediately reaches over to slam your textbook shut, startling you back to attention. It isn't until he does this that you feel the exhaustion seeping into your bones, emphasised by the knot in your neck and the cramp in your writing hand.
Jason drags your textbook away from you, along with your notes. You take a second to appreciate how careful he is not to crease the pages, knowing you'd lose your mind. "Okay, you're done for today."
"Huh?" you mumble stupidly, his words registering in your mind too late and you realise he's just hijacked your study material. "Wh- Hey! Give it back, Jay, I have-"
"Finals, I know. Last I checked, you need to be alive to take finals and I don't see that happening unless you take a nap," he says, voice a little too calm for someone who you're about to pounce on and claw at until you get your textbook back. You sluggishly clamber off your stool and step in front of Jason, who immediately raises his arm to hold your textbook out of reach.
You look up at him and attempt an intimidating glare. "Hand over the textbook, Todd."
Jason raises his eyebrows, huffing out an exasperated laugh. "Lift one of your arms to get the book and its yours."
Your finger doesn't so much as twitch, but you sway a little until you reluctantly accept that maybe he's won this one. And maybe a nap does sound pretty good right now, you think with a groan, dropping your head so it rests on Jason's chest. Your arms hang floppily at your sides. "I'll kick your ass after my nap," you mumble into his shirt.
"I'm terrified," he deadpans, and you hear the thud of the textbook on the counter before his large hands come up to grip your waist so he can walk you backwards to your couch, knowing you well enough to anticipate your grumbles if he were to attempt to take you all the way to your bedroom. You smile into his chest.
"You've met your match, Red," you say as dramatically as you can for someone who's practically the equivalent to a sack of potatoes against Jason right now. When you feel the back of your legs hit the couch, you grip onto the bottom of Jason's shirt and tug at the fabric before he can let you go. "You're my human pillow, where do you think you're going?"
Before he can answer, you nudge him onto the couch and he obediently lies down so you can nestle in next to him and plop your head back onto his warm, muscled chest. You blame your exhaustion for your shameless behaviour.
Despite the tiredness, you can't help irritating Jason just a little bit more. "Hey, Jay. What would my vigilante name be?"
"Shut up," he says without any bite, resting his chin on top of your head. You snicker into his shirt, half delirious with fatigue but awake enough to feel his face moving as he smiles when he thinks you're not looking.
"Something cool. Like Nightwing," you mutter sleepily, poking the bear.
"What? Nightwing is not as cool as-" Jason starts incredulously, but cuts himself off. "Whatever. Go to sleep."
You hum, eyelids feeling heavy and you start drifting off, the last thing you register being Jason's fingertip tracing circles on your back.
When you wake up, Jason and his suit are gone, but you have a blanket tucked around you and a box of your favourite cookies on the coffee table.
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2. when, apparently, you aren't immune to the streets of gotham.
Considering you live in the most corrupt city in the world, you probably should be a little more cautious about going out at night. It's not like you don't take precautions, though. Like every woman in Gotham, you're loaded with pepper spray every time you leave the house. Unlike every woman in Gotham, you also have multiple vigilantes in your phone with whom you share your location with.
Even then, you aren't stupid enough to step into any alleyways. You wish that were enough to stay out of trouble, but as soon as you realise the streets have completely emptied while you've been distracted with your thoughts, you start panicking a little.
You're fine, you reassure yourself as you slide your phone out your pocket to pull up your recent texts. You keep your screen open just for some reassurance, gripping the sides of your phone tightly when you hear some distant footsteps.
It's only ten more minutes to the convenience store, so you're more irritated than scared when you hear the footsteps quicken behind you, catching up. Your fingers fumble to text an SOS to Jason, but you accidentally tap send on your chat with Dick instead. With slightly shaky hands, you try and send one to Jason as well, hoping it's gone through when your phone is suddenly knocked out of your hand.
"Oh, for the love of-" you hiss, when you hear the cracking noise of your screen against the pavement and you don't risk reaching down to grab it. Instead, you turn around slowly to face a dark figure, clad in a cliche, all-black outfit and stood in a threatening stance. God, you hate Gotham.
"Hand over your-"
"Wallet, money, most prized possession," you cut the man off, probably very stupidly. "I know the drill, hang on."
He falters for a moment before anger clouds his expression and he pulls out a knife before you can get your wallet out. You try not to sigh in relief. For anyone else that might sound crazy, but knives you could manage. Being best friends with Jason Todd means of course you've been made to learn self-defence. Disarming someone with knives was doable enough to learn as a nursing student. Guns, on the other hand, are out of your league.
The fact that you know how to defend yourself doesn't make the knife look any less threatening and sharp, though.
"Hey, look, I'm not gonna be difficult," you say, dropping your voice to a low murmur as though you're trying to coax a cat out of a tree. "I'll give you my money."
"Yeah. Yeah, you do that," he rushes out, sounding confused. You kind of feel bad for him. Most people confronted with a mugger would probably be a lot more scared than you're acting and it's clearly throwing him off his game. You almost regret bothering to send your SOS and as you're thinking about how you're going to apologise to Dick for wasting his time, you go to grab your wallet to try and stall before the mugger becomes violent. "Stop! Put your hands up. I'll grab it myself."
You furrow your brows, about to argue that no, he fucking won't. But you see that the man's face suddenly becomes ten times paler than before and he's looking behind you instead. Your shoulders sag with relief as you spin around to see Nightwing in all his black and blue glory.
"Is there a problem, ma'am?" he lowers his voice an octave and you fight the urge to roll your eyes. He seems to be focusing hard on acting like strangers, because anyone with eyes would see the problem very clearly in the form of a man wielding a knife.
"Please, help me," you respond, drily. Dick raises a brow at your flippant attitude, so you clear your throat, kicking it up a notch. You glance at the man behind you and try to look more terrified than you feel. "Please help me, Mr Nightwing. This guy's got a knife, and he's going to stab me with it."
The man frantically shakes his head, dropping the knife immediately and backing up. "I wasn't! I swear, man, I was just trying to scare her. Look, I'll just-"
"Hey." You hear another familiar voice boom, this time through a modulator. You sigh, lifting your head to see Jason, all the more threatening as Red Hood. His guns are already in either hand by his side and you have to respect the mugger for not passing out where he stands. If you didn't know it was Jason behind that mask, you'd be terrified to death. He tilts his head, evaluating the man. "Where do you think you're going?"
"Nowhere, I-"
"Exactly," Jason's warped voice comes out tight, and you hear the cocking of his gun, making you whip around to send a panicked look to Dick. He runs closer to you and you drop your voice to a whisper.
"I've got Hood, you take care of the guy."
"Don't do anything stupid," he says, not unkindly and the two of you snap into action.
You run back over to the mugger and step in front of him, making Jason falter in his movements and lower his gun. His chest rises and falls with deep breaths like he's exercising real control. "Move."
You stay as still as possible, arms splayed out in an attempt to cover the man behind you, despite the fact that Jason definitely possesses the skill to take him out even with you in the way.
"Put your guns away," you hiss when Dick has successfully restrained the man out of earshot and is dragging him away with ease. Jason steps towards them, but you stay in his way, using both hands against his chest to stop him. It's more of a symbolic gesture than anything, since you know you wouldn't be able to budge him an inch even if you threw yourself at him with full force. He stops anyway, looking down at you with his hands gripping his firearms tightly. "He was practically harmless. Let Nightwing deal with him. Please."
You're talking him down, trying to waste time so Dick can leave before Jason is able to do anything. You know you've succeeded when he tucks away his weapons, albeit reluctantly. Dick is too far away with the man now, anyway.
"What the hell were you doing out at this time?" he says, raising his voice instead of the usual quiet, deadly anger he reserves for the people who deserve it. It's how you know he's worried, when he doesn't try and control his temper. "And without dropping me a text first, so I could check on you? You do understand where you live, right?"
"Don't yell at me!" Your voice cracks in the middle of your sentence and you feel your lower lip tremble slightly. Jason stills. You refuse to cry, cursing your damn hormones and the fact you're a woman and the fact that you're cramping again. You aren't in the mood to talk to Red Hood right now. You want Jason. "And turn off your stupid voice thing!"
He obliges quickly, stepping closer to you. You're angry at one less thing now that his voice is back to normal. "I'm sorry for yelling. Please don't be upset with me, I was just worried-"
"You were going to kill that guy."
"Damn straight," he fires back, defensive again.
You glare at him and he has enough sense not to speak further. Shaking your head, you let out a frustrated groan. "He was a lousy mugger. That hardly deserves a bullet through the head."
"Are you forgetting that he had a knife?" he exclaims, throwing his hands up. Suddenly, as though he's remembering something, Jason folds his arms across his chest. "Why'd you call D- Nightwing for help first?"
"Oh, I'm sorry. How about next time, I'll ask the guy with the a knife if he can hold off for a second while I select the right contact number!" you grit out, hit with another wave of cramps, extremely tired of this conversation. "It was an accident, you idiot. I meant to text you first."
You can't see Jason's expression beneath his Red Hood mask and you aren't going to ask him to remove it in the middle of the streets, but you imagine he's mollified with the way his shoulders relax a bit.
Huffing, you walk away to get your phone, gingerly picking it up to inspect the newly made cracks all over. You vaguely register Jason standing over your shoulder before you shove your phone in your pocket, a problem for tomorrow. You turn around to face him and clutch at your lower stomach, breathing turning shallow.
"I was on my way to the convenience store," you explain, gritting your teeth. "I assume you're coming with me now?"
"Why did you need to go so late?" he questions, typically not letting it go. Instead of responding, you screw your eyes shut and puff out a few pained breaths. He immediately grips your shoulders and begins inspecting you. "What? Are you hurt? What happened, did he get you?"
"I have cramps, you ass," you groan, shoving his hands away. He ceases looking for an injury, and you don't need to ask him to remove his mask to know that he's relieved. "I was going to the store so late because I'm out of my sanitary products."
"Oh," Jason says gruffly, a hint of embarrassment creeping into his voice due to his excessive worry. "Well, I kept a whole box of pads and stuff from the other month in my apartment. It's closer, come on."
You sag with relief, dragging your feet to follow him as the two of you walk to his place. You're in his apartment so often that you're not surprised it's stocked up with period products as well as your usual things for when you stay the night. You feel a funny little flip that has nothing to do with cramps when you consider how he kept everything.
"Do you need me to carry you?" Jason asks, completely serious, snapping you out of your thoughts. "I know how bad the cramps can get."
"I took some meds a couple hours ago, they're not the worst yet," you explain, shaking him off and trying not to think about him offering to carry you all the way to his apartment just because you have cramps.
You reach his complex quickly and he sends you up while he enters through the fire escape from a back alley as not to expose Red Hood's living quarters. By the time you've entered through his door, Jason is already there, judging by his helmet sitting on his kitchen counter.
"Be out in a second," he calls from his bedroom and so you flop down on his couch, face down in one of the cushions as you try to think about something other than the sharp needles stabbing your lower belly. He walks out while you're writhing in pain and sets down some pads, two painkillers and a glass of water on the coffee table. "Here, take them now and go sleep in the bed. There's some snacks in my nightstand if you get hungry. Do you need me to stay home?"
You reluctantly turn over onto your back and see that he's also holding your fluffy panda hot water bottle. You might combust, there and then. Pouting, you reach out for the panda, grabbing it to hold it close to your body and sighing at the slight pain relief. "I'm okay, you can go back to patrol. Thanks for looking after me, Jaybird."
"It's nothing," he shrugs, turning away to hide the pink flush appearing on his cheeks and grabbing his helmet. He shoves it on quickly and you try not to let out an unattractive snort of laughter. He turns on his voice modulator. "Text me if you need anything."
With that, he slips out of his window, making sure to shut it tightly behind him. You stay on the couch after knocking down a couple of painkillers  and try to entertain yourself with some TV while you wait for Jason to come back.
You mournfully scroll through your phone, trying not to cut your fingers on the broken glass. The actual phone seems to be giving up on you as it takes forever to click on one thing to the next. Giving up, you toss it on the table and close your eyes. Making make a mental list in your head of things to do tomorrow, you add buying a new phone to it and prepare to say goodbye to a healthy chunk out of your bank account.
You don't remember dozing off, but your alarm startles you awake and you grab around for it on the nightstand next to you. Turning it off, you decide to brave the world outside the comfy sheets and realise you're in Jason's bed. He must have gotten back late and put you there, you think with a smile, suddenly happier than you were when first waking up. This happy attitude sours a bit when you nick ur finger on the broken glass of your phone screen trying to turn off the rest of your alarms.
Making your way out of his room and following the smell of toaster waffles, you see Jason plating up some breakfast for you. "Morning," you yawn, plopping down on a kitchen stool. "How was patrol?"
"Same old," he says, giving you the usual, non-descriptive answer. For all you know, he could have taken down an entire drug ring single-handedly and you'd be none the wiser. He sets down a plate in front of you, as well as a rectangular box. "Here."
You inspect the box, confused and wanting to focus more on the food before you process what it is and your jaw drops. "Jason Peter Todd. What the hell did you do!"
"Your phone broke," he says, gruffly, clearly trying to downplay the fact that he bought you a brand new smartphone, a later model than the one you already have. "Don't make a big deal out of it."
"Of course I'm going to make a big deal, Jay," you say, frowning. "I was going to get one myself today. Why did you waste your money on me? How much was it?"
"Don't worry about it," he says flippantly, plating up his own waffles. You should have known better than to ask. There's no way he's taking money from you.
You sigh, shoving your waffles and the phone out of the way to make your way over to him. "Jay," you say softly, grabbing his face in your hands. His eyes widen slightly and you fight the urge to smile. "I can't accept it."
"I said it was nothing," he replies, furrowing his brows and you release his face in favour of hugging him instead. "And it's not a waste if it's on you. You're taking the phone."
"It's everything," your voice comes out muffled by his hoodie. The cost of a phone really is nothing to Jason. It wouldn't have made even the slightest dent to his bank account, but that's not the point. "You need to let me take care of you for once. Oh, one more thing."
He hums in question, resting his chin on your head and wrapping his hands around you.
"If you buy anything for me again, I'm cutting a heart shaped hole in your suit."
Jason huffs out a laugh and you feel the vibration through his chest. "What about the coffee I get you after class every Friday?"
You stay silent.
He snorts, knowing he's got you. He drops a kiss on your head and grins when you look up to frown at him. "That's what I thought."
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3. when this guy just won't take a hint.
Jason owes you big time. You've had the longest week of your life and yet here you are, in a floor length, dark red dress and heels, for crying out loud.
Realistically, this is the least you could do for him, showing up to a gala thrown by his father to keep him company. You're more than happy to do this as a favour to him, but that fact doesn't make the heels pinch at your toes any less.
"I haven't worn this dress since high school," you grumble, twisting it around your waist where it fits snugly. You're thankful for the fact that it falls loosely past your waist, or you'd have ripped it from your body by now. "If I eat one thing, it might actually tear."
"I'll give you my jacket when you spot the appetisers," Jason says, absentmindedly. You squeeze his bicep gently in thanks from where your arm is looped in his as he leads you into the venue. "Anyway, we'll be in and out, as always. Just making an appearance for Bruce."
"In and out," you repeat, lowering your voice as the two of you enter a more populated area. You know even though Jason moans about these events, he wouldn't be here if he really didn't want to be. He cares, even though he'd never admit it.
Groups of businessmen, celebrities, entrepreneurs; basically a bunch of rich people who are dressed in clothes that are definitely more expensive than your rent are milling about, every one of them with a drink in their hand. Their unwavering smiles and the constant trips to the bar are nothing new and you wrinkle your nose at the atmosphere of the place. "Do they even know what charity Bruce is throwing this for?"
Jason raises an eyebrow. "Bruce could be throwing this thing for homeless badgers and they'd be none the wiser," he mutters, a hint of bitterness creeping into his voice. Rolling his neck, he takes a deep breath. "I should go say 'hi' to him, while he's talking to a bunch of people. Prove that I actually showed up. You wanna come?" 
You almost agree, not wanting to be left alone, but just before you reluctantly trudge over to a group of Bruce's boring business associates, you thankfully spot Jason's brothers by the bar. "I'll just go hang out with Dick and Tim, is that okay? I can come with though, if you want."
"Nah, go ahead," he says, detangling his arm from yours and giving you a reassuring smile. "Come grab me when they start getting annoying."
"Be nice," you warn, gently shoving him towards the group of men as you make your way to Dick and Tim.
"Hey," Tim greets you with a smile, glancing up quickly before returning to his phone. He does a little double take, eyes snagging on your dress and his smile turns devious. "Well, you look nice. You're wearing a very... nice colour..."
"Tim," you heave a deep sigh. Dick rolls his eyes, but he can't help the corners of his lips quirking up. "You can't keep doing this every time I wear red."
"I'm not doing anything, just making an observation," he shrugs, rocking back and forth on his heels in an attempt to look casual. Tim glances around to see make sure no one is in earshot before lowering his voice. "Hey, totally unrelated, but I heard Jaybird nearly shot a guy for almost mugging you."
"Leave her alone," Dick intervenes before Tim can needle you further. He definitely enjoys it too, but ever the golden boy, he seemingly wants to keep the peace. "How are you doing after that, anyway?"
"Fine," you nod reassuringly. "Thank you, again for showing up, Dick. I really appreciate it."
"Don't be silly, it's-"
"I heard he got you a brand new phone, too," Tim pipes up, cutting his brother off.
"Tim," you groan, thwacking him in the arm with your clutch. He barely flinches. "For the last time, Jason and I are just friends."
Tim opens his mouth to respond, but his eyes dart behind you and he thinks better of it, choosing to just smirk like the troublemaker he is.
"That's good news." You whip around to locate the source of the voice, finding yourself looking at a guy you've never met before. He seems to be around your age, dressed smart and very rich looking. You stand there stupidly.
"For who?" you ask, chuckling nervously.
He shrugs, giving you a charming smile. "Anyone who wants to buy you a drink. May I?"
Understanding dawns on you and you glance at Dick and Tim with wide eyes, feeling a little awkward that they're here for this interaction. Dick keeps his expression carefully neutral as he considers the man, whereas Tim frowns when he meets your eyes, jerking his head as subtly as possible in Jason's direction.
This has you glaring at him and just to prove a point, you plaster on a wide smile of your own and return your attentions to the stranger. "Yes. You may."
The two of you walk closer to the end of the bar and away from the others. You pointedly don't look at them. "What was your name?" you ask the stranger, mostly for the sake of being polite.
"George." A rich guy name, you think to yourself. If Jason were here, you know he'd have a million things to say.
He asks your name and you give it to him as he orders you a drink without actually asking what you want.
"Pretty name," George remarks, handing you a glass of something you've never had before. You pretend to take a sip, smiling in thanks. "So, what's your story?"
You try not to outwardly cringe at the question, sorely regretting tonight's decisions despite the fact you've been here less than half an hour. "I'm just here to keep my friend company." You keep the story short, not bothering to explain how you know the Wayne family.
"Ah, well. I dont blame you for looking so bored. I'm just here because I have to be as well," he mutters, swirling the contents of his glass. "Business connections and such."
"Oh." You find yourself being less and less interested in this conversation. "Do you know what the fundraiser tonight is for?"
"God, no," George laughs, taking a sip of his drink. You try your hardest not to grimace, mentally checked out of the conversation already. "It's always the same shit, anyway. Forget all that. Drink up and we can get out of here."
You nearly choke on your own saliva at his sheer confidence and set down your drink. "I really shouldn't. I'm, uh, I'm okay staying here."
"Aw, come on," he leans in a little closer than you'd like and you try to look as imperceptibly as you can for Dick or Tim, but it seems they've left you to face the consequences of your own actions. Traitors. "You don't look like you're enjoying yourself. What, you don't like me-?"
"Hey." You feel Jason's presence at the same time as hearing his voice. You almost laugh at how relieved you suddenly feel and you and relax into his hold when he places both hands on your waist. Jason drops his voice to a murmur that only you can hear. "Ready to go home?"
You nod, turning to leave. About to bid a quick goodbye to George as not to be rude, you open your mouth but get stopped in your tracks.
"She's fine right here, man," George says, voice as smooth as glass. If the glass is shattered into sharp, pointy spikes that are as uncomfortable as this conversation, that is.
Jason's previously polite smile hardens as his front is now practically plastered against your back. "She can talk for herself."
"She was actually just-"
"She's right here," you interrupt, squirming out of Jason's arms to step back. He drops his hands immediately, but doesn't look at you. Instead, he assesses George through a narrow eyed gaze. You can't decide if George is being brave, or stupid for not cracking under the weight of Jason's intense glare as he stands there, all six foot two of him posing a threatening picture. "Right, well. I'm just going to-"
"Hey, hold on," George says, averting his all-too arrogant gaze back to you and gripping your upper arm, jerking you slightly. You flinch a little when he moves into your personal space. "You aren't going to give me your number?"
His grip doesn't hurt, but it's a world away from gentle and you almost gape at the fact he doesn't seem to be aware of how uninterested you are.
Jason immediately clocks this, stepping forward. "Yeah, I don't fucking think so," he says darkly and then he shoves at George. Hard.
The people nearest to you gasp and titter when they see George careening into the stools at the bar and you slap a hand over your mouth, shocked. Shocked that Jason had actually gotten violent as Jason and not as Red Hood. All over a random creep, no less.
Before George even has the chance to recover from the surprise of Jason's brute force, you pull harshly on Jason's suit jacket, steering him out of the venue and into the hall. He follows you without protest, still breathing heavily.
"What the hell was that?" you hiss, trying to keep your voice quiet, despite being alone out in the entrance hall.
"He grabbed you," Jason says slowly, as if he's confused as to why you're upset. His expression is tight, like he's being careful to control his anger even now that you're away from George. "I would have done a lot fucking worse to him if you hadn't dragged me out of there."
"You cannot go all Red Hood when you're Jason! It's suspicious as hell. Not to mention how you were practically back-hugging me like some sort of reverse bulletproof vest."
"I always do that," Jason says, calmly. The fact that he isn't raising his voice just spurs you on to raise yours higher. The multitude of emotions swirling around in a confused whirl around your stomach makes you nauseous.
"You hate being touchy in public," you say, pinching the bridge of your nose in frustration. "Last month, you punched Tim in the stomach for putting his arm around your shoulder. Anyway, that's not the point! You're so occupied with trying to take care of everyone that you never consider yourself. Or let anyone else do so. Yeah, that guy was an asshole. But he was just an asshole trying to talk to a single girl. He wasn't some... some crime boss or villain or evil freaking mastermind for you to take down!"
"I don't need looking after. And he didn't know you were single," Jason scoffs, running a hand through his neatly combed hair, mussing it up. If you weren't so irritated, you'd take a moment to appreciate how much you prefer it when he looks like this. Real and raw, like the current expression on his face rather than closed off and emotionless. "You came here on my arm, wearing my colour, like Tim's always fucking going on about. You... you're my..."
"Your what, Jason?" you ask, hysterically. You're almost yelling now, finally ready to snap at Jason's inability to share his thoughts with you. He stays silent, face going blank again, an indication that he's closing himself off to you. Your shoulders sag from exhaustion. "Come talk to me when you can give me an answer. I'm going home, I'll get Dick to give me a ride."
You don't wait for a response as you walk back into the venue. Thankfully, Dick is near the entrance and you don't have to subject yourself to too many stares before he takes you home. You don't glance at Jason on your way out.
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4. when he asks for your help.
You're moping. You don't bother trying to deny it, but you're definitely moping around your apartment since your fight with Jason. You wake early every day and get dressed and study, but your movements are almost robotic in nature.
Dick has tried texting you a few times, but you've decided to just avoid looking at your phone, because it's the one Jason bought and it just makes you feel even worse. You aren't sure if Jason's tried contacting you, but your phone stops going off around the same time as Dick's evening patrol and you don't let yourself dwell on it further.
The two of you have never gone this long without speaking and aside from the pit of unease in your stomach as well as the sadness hanging over you like a dark cloud, you're also just bored. You have acquaintances from your nursing course, but no one close enough to do anything with this late at night.
Oh, well, you think to yourself, Chinese food and Grey's Anatomy for the second night in a row it is.
You take a quick shower, standing under the hot water for longer than necessary to let the time pass. Getting out, you change into your second pyjama set of the day, opting for a hoodie when you feel a chill in your room that wasn't there before.
You go to shut your bedroom window with a frown, not remembering why you opened it. The handle is stiff and you internally curse your landlord for still not fixing it as you finally succeed in shutting the damn thing after a particularly hard tug.
It shouldn't have taken that much energy out of you, but you're panting when you walk out of your bedroom to enter the living room so you can sit in front of the TV and order the takeout that you probably shouldn't be eating.
Before you can even attempt to regulate your breathing, you look up in the direction of your couch to find Jason sitting there in his Red Hood suit and slap a hand over your mouth to smother your shriek.
"Oh my God," you gasp, your free hand flailing out frantically to grasp the door frame in an attempt to steady yourself. The minute it takes for you to catch your breath is enough time to take in the state of the vigilante sitting in the dark of your living room.
You switch the light on and Jason winces at the sudden brightness, but you take the opportunity to give him a thorough once over. His dark hair is disheveled and falling into his eyes from hours of confinement in his helmet and he has a fresh bruise blossoming across his cheekbone.
You hardly ever use the main light, usually opting for a warm-toned lamp instead, so when the main light casts the cuts and scrapes on Jason's body in a harsher light, you want to turn it off even more.
Jason's eyes flutter shut for a second and you immediately rush forward to assess him for any injuries causing major blood loss. "Did you get stabbed?" you ask clinically, your voice void of any emotion. "Are you bleeding under your suit? You need to stay awake-"
"I'm fine," Jason mutters, opening his eyes to peer up at you through tired eyes. "I'm not bleeding or anything. Just wiped out from patrol."
You relax slightly, taking a step back to create some distance between the two of you. "Oh. You snuck through my window to tell me that you're tired?"
"Anyone could have snuck through that damn window," he says, brows furrowing in disapproval. He's been hassling you about the security of your apartment since you can remember and you usually wave him off, but in this moment you bristle.
"You don't get to be annoyed at me right now," you say, crossing your arms and glaring at him through narrowed eyes. "Why are you here, Jason?"
He grimaces at the use of his government name coming from you and takes a deep breath. "I haven't slept."
"So, go home and take a nap," you say, exasperated, letting your hands fall to your side as you're about to turn around and walk back into your room. Before you leave, you hear your Nursing teachers' voices in your head, reprimanding you and you sigh. "And you want to clean those cuts before they get infected."
"Could you do it for me?" Jason asks quietly, barely audible. His jaw clenches with the effort of asking you the question. "Please?"
You blink at him. "But, I- You've never..." you trail off, not knowing what to say. Jason has always refused to let anyone else patch him up after patrol. Hell, he's even learned how to do stitches on himself when you're the one learning how to do them for a living.
"I want... to let you look after me," he whispers, looking at you imploringly like you're going to refuse. Your irritation immediately melts into something else that you don't want to analyse any time soon.
"Oh," you exhale softly, heart twisting unwillingly. You nod slowly, words escaping you again. "Okay."
Jason's head flops back onto the couch cushion and he sighs like all of the tension is leaving his body. His hair covers his eyes, but you don't miss the dark circles under them, contrasting starkly with his skin, pale from exhaustion.
You consider letting him stay there, but you know it'll be easier in the bathroom where you keep all of your first aid supplies and the lighting is better for when you're practicing your techniques. "Come on. Up," you say, gesturing to the bathroom with a jerk of your head and you walk away, allowing him to come in his own time.
While you're digging through your bathroom cabinet for all the supplies you've haphazardly thrown in after using them, Jason slips in and you glance over at him quickly. "Sit down," you mutter, reaching up for the disinfectant. It sits on one of the higher shelves and you have to get on your tiptoes to reach it. Jason instinctively moves to help you but you shoo him away, managing to grasp it yourself. "Sit down."
"Yes, nurse," he huffs out a quiet laugh and you bite back a smile, opting to roll your eyes at him instead. Setting your supplies down behind Jason, you focus your attentions on unzipping his suit. The way his arms are resting limp in his lap tells you that he's not wanting to move anytime soon. You bring the zipper down yourself and pull off each sleeve cautiously, not wanting to rip the suit further where the torn fabric is clinging to the bloody cuts in his skin.
Once the suit is hanging loosely around his waist, you see from the black tank he's wearing that the cuts are localised to his now bare arms from where he's been defensive, whereas the fabric on his chest and abdomen are intact.
Jason's eyes track your face as you assess the extent of his injuries and when you lift your face to look at him, he's unabashed, continuing to look directly into your eyes. Your cheeks warm and you stutter out a sentence "I-I'll be right back, one sec."
You rush out of the bathroom and into your kitchen to pull open the freezer and scramble around for a bag of frozen anything. Settling on a bag of peas that you have no intention of cooking anytime soon, you hurry straight back to the bathroom.
Jason eyes the peas warily and you raise a brow, daring him to challenge you. When he stays silent, you move forward to shove the peas onto his cheek where the bruise is a darker red mark than before. He hisses when the icy bag makes contact with his face, flinching away from it.
"Ouch," he mumbles belatedly, giving you a sheepish smile when your mouth sets in a line. You should probably be gentler with him considering it's the first time he's allowing someone to physically care for him and it's you he's choosing to cross that boundary with. It's not like you want to scare him off so he never asks you again, but you can't help still being annoyed with him after your fight.
You sigh, trying to relax your face into a non-threatening expression. "Sorry. Keep it on your face to stop the swelling."
Jason grasps the bag slowly as you let go, letting his fingers brush over your own. You clear your throat and focus your attentions on the cotton pads, dousing them with disinfectant. Jason looks at you through one open eye, the other obscured by the bag of peas. "You shouldn't be the one apologising," he says, after a beat.
You purse your lips, bringing a cotton pad up to Jason's shoulder. "I know," you say simply before you press the disinfectant into one of the larger cuts, harder than probably necessary. Jason screws his eyes shut and works his jaw, but stays quiet. "Did that hurt?"
Jason shakes his head immediately, letting out a short breath he was holding. "Nope. Felt good actually. Kinda like a cooling effe- Shit," he hisses, tensing his arm. You think that's enough torture for now, instead continuing to gently wipe away the blood and dirt.
"I won't apologise about that one," you say, shrugging. Jason cracks a smile and you find yourself hiding one of your own as you clean off the other, smaller cuts and scrapes that don't need bandaging. "Are you hurt anywhere else? Promise I'll be nicer about it this time."
Jason shakes his head again, so you dispose of the cotton pads and get the band-aids, the only noise in the bathroom being the sound of you rummaging through your supplies. When you spot the choice of band-aids, you grin. "Pick one."
Surveying the two that you hold in your hand, Jason's gaze lingers on the dinosaur patterned band-aid, before flicking his eyes up to yours and raising an eyebrow. He points to the other one. "I'll take the Hello Kitty."
Your grin widens, knowing he's only choosing the pink Hello Kitty band-aid to appease you. You're certainly not going to challenge him about it as you carefully peel off the backing to stick it over his shoulder. Stepping back, you tilt your head to evaluate him and nod. "You look very pretty."
Jason smirks, but the slight blush creeping across the cheek that isn't covered by the frozen peas doesn't fool you. "Pretty enough for you to forgive me for being such an ass?"
"That depends." You take a tentative step towards him, crossing your arms. "Are you going to stop being stupid?"
Jason lowers his arm holding the bag of peas and places it behind him. With both hands, he reaches over to your arms, uncrossing them to bring you forward until you're standing close. He's so impossibly tall in your tiny bathroom that even standing up, you're only eye level with him as he sits on the closed toilet seat.
"I can't promise that I'll never be stupid in front of you again. You kind of have that effect on me," he says, sighing like it's some curse inflicted on him. You thwack his rock-solid arm and he grins. "I can promise I'll let you take care of me from now on, though. And that I'm going to stop lying to you."
"What?" you ask, eyebrows furrowing. You're even more confused when Jason places his hands around your waist to guide you onto his lap, both your legs hanging off one side of him. You raise both eyebrows expectantly, waiting for his answer, but he merely stares at you, smiling. "Jason. When have you lied to- mmph-"
He cuts you off by pressing your lips together in a kiss, one hand still holding yours, intertwining your fingers while the other tilts your chin up so he can kiss you deeper. You're a little slow on the uptake, frozen from shock for a second, but it isn't long until you're kissing him back just as eagerly. You shift in his lap, lifting one of your legs to swing over to his other side until you're straddling him and Jason takes a sharp inhale, sitting up straighter and pulling your body closer to his.
He pulls away for a millisecond, before his lips reattach to your jaw, travelling down to pepper soft kisses down your neck and you let out a noise halfway between a sigh and an embarrassing whimper. Jason groans at the sound, nipping at your neck and you feel like you can't breathe enough air.
He pulls away again to catch his own breath and you take the opportunity to come to your senses and lean back, gently pushing at Jason's chest. You breathe hard, trying to lift your gaze from Jason's swollen lips and he seems to be having a hard time looking away from your own.
"Jason," you say, voice shaky and uneven.
"Mhm?" he hums distractedly, pressing a soft kiss on your jaw before looking at you again.
"You kissed me," you point out, stupidly. "You really, really kissed me."
"I did," Jason murmurs, both hands cupping your face. He swallows, expression going from dazed to nervous before he speaks. "You asked me what you are to me before you left the other night."
You nod slowly, head still reeling from the kiss. Truthfully, you were willing to pretend the conversation never happened if you could go back to being friends again. You missed Jason. 
"You're everything to me." Jason's shoulders are relaxed, his face free of tension as he says this. You're so shocked by the fact that he doesn't seem to be in pain as he opens himself up to you, that it takes a minute to process the actual meaning of his words. Your lips part but he shakes his head, continuing to speak. "You're everything. And sometimes I can't even think about that too much, let alone speak it, because I'm scared it'll consume me. I'm scared you'll consume me. The idea of compromising your safety, the idea of you loving me back, all of it. I'm... I was scared."
You lift your hand to place it over Jason's, still resting on your cheek. "That's okay. I can think and speak enough for the both of us," you tease and Jason laughs quietly, his breath tickling the inside of your wrist and sending a shiver down your spine. "You're everything to me as well, by the way. And sometimes all I can think about is loving you. I was just waiting for you to say it first."
Jason smiles and you think the corners of his lips lifting up and his eyes lighting up is the most beautiful thing you've ever seen, each time blowing you away like it's the first time you've witnessed it. "Does that mean I lose? Kinda feels like I've won," he tilts his head, pretending to think about it.
"Oh, you've so lost," you furrow your brows in a mockingly serious frown. "And I'll be telling Tim as much."
Jason stills. "Please do not tell me that he bet you fifty dollars I'd confess first as well."
Your jaw drops. "That little bastard was playing both of us?"
You start laughing when Jason lets out an irritated groan, dropping his head onto your shoulder to bury his face in your shirt. You thread your hands in his hair and wrap an arm around his neck. He sighs, half content and half resigned. "I say we don't tell him for as long as we can get away with it. Live in peace for a while."
"We're talking about Tim here," you remind Jason, leaning back to lift his head and look at him. "I wouldn't be surprised if he already knew. And he'd literally never talk to you again if he knew we were hiding it after he finds out."
"I don't care," Jason says, lifting your hand to brush his lips over your knuckles. He leans back to run his eyes over your face, drinking you in like looking at you is a rare occurrence that he doesn't get the opportunity to do much. "You're all I need, anyway."
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© angelfic 2024.
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rafecameronssl4t · 2 months
Chasing Smoke || Rafe Cameron x fem!reader
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Summary: canon fic based off season 2 ep 4 where Rafe and Barry visit John B's house while they were all hiding
Warnings: gun use, swearing, drinking, if theres anything else lmk
Word count: 1,423
A/n: boy do i love writing canon fics hehehehe. I’m also compiling a bunch of fics in my queue because I’m going to be busy w school so pls put in your requests!!!!!
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divider by @yoonitos
You were sipping on your fruity drink as you conversed in conversations with a few of your girlfriends, Rafe standing just a few feet away animatedly chatting with his friends. “Bro, the kick on a Glock 17, man. You load it up, line it up, and it's like—" he mimed the motion enthusiastically. Before you could warn Rafe about the guy sitting close behind him, he had already backed into him. "It knocks you off your freakin' feet."
"Hey, excuse me," the guy interjected, his expression one of clear annoyance. "Yeah?" Rafe responded, completely unfazed. "Do you mind?" The man stared at Rafe in disbelief. "I'm so sor—" you began, trying to smooth things over, but Rafe cut you off. "Hey, hey, don't apologize. Let me handle it, yeah?"
Rafe turned his head around, leaning casually on the counter. "I'm sorry?" he asked with a hint of sarcasm. The man raised an eyebrow, his irritation clear. "I said, do you mind?" he repeated, his voice growing sharper.
Rafe took a moment before replying, "Yeah, I do mind, Bob." He smirked as the man scoffed in disbelief. "Take a shot with me, pussy," Rafe challenged, his voice dripping with mockery. You slapped his shoulder, "stop it," you hissed at him.
"Come on. Take a shot," Rafe continued, his voice steady as he poured his drink onto the man's hand. The man shot up from his seat, shoving Rafe hard. "Hey! What the hell are you doing?" he yelled, his voice loud enough to draw the attention of everyone around. Your eyes widened in alarm as heads turned.
In the corner of your eye, you caught sight of Kelce rushing towards you, his expression frantic and urgent. His footsteps echoed in the dimly lit bar as he approached, weaving through the tables and chairs.
"Take a seat. That's what you need to do," Rafe commanded firmly, his voice cutting through the tension as he pushed Bob back into his seat. The atmosphere was full of unease, the murmurs of other patrons now audible as they glanced over at the commotion.
“Whoa! Whoa!" Kelce interjected, his hands instinctively reaching out to grab Rafe's shoulders, attempting to calm him down. You exhaled a breath you didn't realise you were holding, grateful for Kelce's intervention. "Go get the manager. He's crazy!" Bob's voice rose above the murmurs.
"Eat shit," Rafe retorted sharply, his frustration palpable as he resisted Kelce's efforts to pull him away from the conflict. Kelce persisted, trying to redirect Rafe's attention. "Hey," he began, his tone soothing yet urgent. "What?" Rafe snapped, his gaze still locked on Bob with a mixture of defiance and irritation.
"Calm down, all right?" Kelce urged, his voice steadier now, trying to reason with his friend. Rafe rolled his eyes in exasperation, but the tension in his shoulders began to ease slightly. "I swear to God, 20 minutes ago, I just saw John B and your sister, bro."
Your eyes widened in disbelief, your lips parting as your mind struggles to process Kelce's words. "You're joking, right?" you managed to utter, searching Kelce's face. "I'm not kidding! They're alive," Kelce insisted.
Rafe and you exchanged a stunned glance. "Me and my girl are just tryin' to relax, and you're telling me this bullshit?" Rafe responded, disbelief and annoyance laced in his tone.
"I know you're trying to relax, bro, but I saw them buying beer at Geechie's!" Kelce pressed on. "That's bullshit," you interjected, not believing him. "Do you guys wanna go see for yourselves?" Kelce challenged, his eyes darting between you and Rafe. "I'm telling you, I saw them. Go sober up, man." Without waiting for a response, Kelce dragged both of you towards the exit. "Hey, put it on Cameron!" Rafe called out.
"I need to know who's over here at John B's spot," Barry's voice cuts through the tension in the car, his grip on the gun drawing your annoyance. "Barry, could you please not hold the gun like that? Seriously, I don't even know why I'm here!" you groan from the backseat, frustration evident in your voice.
Rafe turns around from the passenger seat, fixing you with a stern look. "You're here because I told you to be, alright? So just be quiet," he grumbles, turning back to Barry.
"Listen, I don't know if he's there, okay? I just know he's on the island," Rafe says, trying to reason with Barry. "That's a complete lack of discipline, man," Barry shakes his head, irritation coloring his tone.
"Then what's your suggestion? We're about two minutes from the fuckin’ place, alright?" Rafe snaps back. "We do some recon," Barry suggests firmly. "Why don't you just follow my lead for once and shut up? all right?" he adds, frustration clear in his eyes as he looks at Rafe.
"Recon, huh?" Rafe mutters under his breath, clearly not thrilled with Barry's suggestion. "This is ridiculous," you interject from the backseat. "Yeah, Princess here agrees. Why'd you bring your girl out here with us, Rafe?" Barry questions, prompting an eye-roll from Rafe. "She's here because I told her to be, alright? Just shut up and drive," Rafe retorts, his tone edged with impatience.
"Tranquillo. You feel me?" Barry says to Rafe as he pulls up just a few meters from John B's house. "Tranquillo?" Rafe repeats skeptically, his gaze fixed on the house ahead. "Tranquillo, baby," Barry reassures him as you roll your eyes at the two.
"Let's be smart," Barry advises as you all exit the car. "Rafe, just to be clear, the gun is just for show, right? You're not planning on shooting anyone," you whisper urgently to Rafe as he hums in affirmation, as you exchange a look with Barry.
You follow closely behind the two men, your senses heightened as you scan the surroundings. "Okay, check it," Rafe whispers as the three of you huddle behind some bins. "All right, I ain't see shit, what 'bout you?" Barry asks quietly.
"Nothing," you add nervously, your eyes darting around anxiously. "No. They can't be far though," Rafe whispers, his voice tense with anticipation. "Right, here's what we gon' do," Barry begins, and you lean in closer to hear him clearly. "I'm gonna go inside. I'm gonna flush them out if they're in there. I want you to flank left, meet me out there by the porch."
"And princess, well, you're gonna be with Rafe, aight'? Make sure he ain't gonna do something he'll go cry about later on to us," Barry instructs, loading his gun that you were unaware he was carrying. "You have a gun too?" you whisper sharply at him as Rafe quickly covers your mouth with his hand. "'Course I do. Now, let's go!" Barry commands, rising from the cover, and Rafe pulls you along with him.
You and Rafe step cautiously into the front yard, your hand gripping his arm for reassurance. You point silently to the recently extinguished fire pit, sharing a worried glance with him. Rafe clicks his tongue in frustration, muttering under his breath, "Where the hell are you?"
You flinch instinctively at the sharp sound of glass shattering nearby, turning with Rafe to see Barry angrily tossing aside a few bottles. "Yo!" Rafe calls out, his voice tense with frustration as Barry storms out of the house, slamming the door open. "Anything?" Rafe asks urgently.
Barry scoffs, his expression darkening. "No, ain't shit in there, bro," he replies curtly, rubbing his forehead in exasperation. Rafe closes his eyes briefly, disappointment evident on his face. "No? Nothing?" he presses, hoping for a different answer.
"No, nothing, Rafe," Barry responds firmly. "They were obviously just here though, judging by the smoke," Rafe points out, scanning the surroundings. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Great observation, boy scout!" Barry retorts mockingly, earning an eye-roll from you as you observe the banter between the two boys.
"They can't be far, you know?" Rafe continues, his voice tinged with determination. "Smokey the bear! Look at you, bro!" Barry laughs with sarcasm. "They gotta be around here somewhere," Rafe reassures himself, running a hand through his hair in frustration, while you sigh and settle onto a nearby log.
As the tension mounts, Rafe falls silent, his gaze shifting towards a massive tree nearby. Both you and Barry follow his gaze, noticing the initials carved into the bark. "P4L," Barry reads aloud with a chuckle, and Rafe joins in, shaking his head in disbelief. He makes eye contact with you as you stand up from your spot.
"So your sister's a pogue for life, huh, Rafe? Who would've thought?" you mutter under your breath, a hint of irony in your tone, prompting a laugh from Barry. Rafe remains quiet for a few seconds, shaking his head in frustration. You immediately regret your remark as his anger visibly simmers.
"Shit!" Rafe suddenly erupts in anger, causing you to flinch back instinctively. Barry moves swiftly to place a hand on your back, his expression shifting to concern. "Rafe, chill, man," he urges calmly, sensing Rafe's escalating temper. You gulp nervously, knowing Rafe was beyond furious right now.
Without warning, Rafe starts shooting his gun wildly at the tree, bullets whizzing dangerously close to you. The loud bangs echo in the quiet surroundings, and you instinctively cover your ears, fear gripping you. "Hey! Whoa! Hey, chill, bro! Rafe!" Barry intervenes, grabbing Rafe's shoulders in an attempt to restrain him.
Your hands tremble as you yank the gun out of Rafe's grip, your voice shaking with anger and fear. "What the fuck, Rafe! You're going to get us caught, you idiot!" you yell at him, adrenaline coursing through you.
Barry looks around anxiously, realizing the precariousness of the situation. "Let's bounce, let's bounce. Let's go!" he urges urgently, starting to move away quickly. You follow suit, grabbing Rafe's arm firmly. "Hurry up!" you plead, snapping him out of his daze, and together you rush back to the car.
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mazosstuff · 2 months
Could you answer a curiosity of mine?
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Pairing: Jing Yuan x gn! reader
Cw: none
Word count: 1.0k
Synopsis: You notice something off about your partner's hair, so you point it out and get to spend some quality time with him.
A/n: I finally did it. I completed this fic, and now I can post it! As always, requests are open. Pls check the pinned post!
Divider by @firefly-graphics
It was a day like the others. You were tidying up a little while your partner, Jing Yuan, was taking a shower to clean off all the dirt and sweat he could have on his body since summer was coming up and the days began being hotter and hotter by the minute.
You still couldn't believe you could call the General of the Cloud Knights of the Luofu and one of the Seven Arbiter-Generals your partner.
The relationship was at the first stages, still pretty contained and not much action besides lingering kisses and long nights spent cuddled one against the other.
The Dozing General, after all, hasn't been romantically infatuated with anyone since his teen years.
But, besides that, you two had great chemistry and were a match made in heaven. The frequency of your visits started to piss off Yanqing for how much time and attention you were taking away from his master. He even started joking around with Yunli of how you two should get together.
The two young ones teased the hell out of both of you, but in the end, they've grown to like the idea of you two together.
As you folded and put away the dirty sheets, you went to grab new ones from one of the shelves in the closet that was in the corridor before the main bathroom.
Coincidentally, you both happened to open the doors of the rooms you were in, one to enter, the other to exit the bathroom.
There you saw him. The General, no, Jing Yuan was standing right in front of you. He looked like he had just come out of the shower. His hair was dripping wet. He only had a towel wrapped around his hips to cover his intimates and... he noticed you staring at him.
You quickly averted your gaze and buried your face in the clean bed sheets you had in your hands.
"I'm sooo sorry Jing Yuan! I didn't mean to invade your privacy" you said hurriedly as you got out of that little corridor.
All of the sudden, you felt his hand grabbing your wrist to pull you closer to him.
"H-huh?" You stared at him with a confused and flustered look on your face.
"I'm sorry if I'm making you uncomfortable, my dear. I'd just like to ask you if you could help me with drying my hair... it's a really... tiring process, and if I have to be honest, I don't think I have the strength to do it myself." Jing Yuan asked calmly. Did he really not care that there was one single layer of fabric that hanged on his hips for dear life that separated decency and indecency?
You sighed. "Okay... can you at least put something on?"
"Of course, dear" he said with his usual calm smile as he approached the bedroom and changed into his nightrobe.
Once dressed more decently, you invited him to sit with his back on the side of your shared bed. In the meanwhile, you prepared all the tools and products you thought he needed when in reality, he never really cared that much about styling his hair or using products to protect them from heat or being frizzy.
You sat down on the bed behind him and placed yourself with your legs at his sides.
As you combed and dried his hair, you noticed two major elements. You knew his hair was layered and not cut straight... but not like a wolf cut. The complete opposite.
"A-Yuan...?" You called out for his attention.
"Yes?" He answered with a soft and sleepy tone.
"Could you answer a curiosity of mine?"
"Of course. What is it that plagues your mind?"
"Have you ever got an undercut?"
He placed his hand over his face in order to hide the faint blush on his face even if you couldn't see it.
"Yes, I had one. When I was still a teenager, it just so happened that there was a really hot summer and... I gave in. I couldn't resist the heat, and, in the end, I gave myself an undercut. Like I said... dealing with these hair it's really time-consuming." He explained and then lowered his voice when he admitted he couldn't bear the heat of that summer.
"Don't be flustered, I get it. I knew some people that had to do the same thing..." You eased his worries. "And... by the way, have you ever considered having curly hair?"
"Yes. I actually did. But, as you may have figured out, I have little to no time to actually care about what hair type I have"
"That sounds like bullshit to me." You got up from your seat on the bed and indicated the bathroom.
"... is this a cue to go back to the bathroom, dear?" He asked with a smirk on his face.
"We have time now. Go and put your head under the running water. This may take a while"
"Yes, my love" he said as he went back to the bathroom. You were left there with a deep blush on your cheeks.
"Damn you..." you muttered under your breath as you waited a bit to calm down and then went in the bathroom where he was waiting for you with his hair damp.
After a good hour and a half, you made him look in the mirror with his damaged, loose, but still there, curl pattern.
"So... what do you think?"
He looked at himself in the mirror and not only he felt a little boost for his confidence, but he also appreciated the opportunity to spend some quality time with his partner. Doing something that made him leave the general role and indulge in the little things that made life worth living is surely something he doesn't do often.
"It's... really good. I appreciate what you've done for me tonight, dear"
"Don't mention it. I like spending time with you and taking care of you"
He leaned in and left a soft kiss on their lips.
"I look forward for the next time then." He said as soon as his eyes met with yours.
Your cheeks turning red was the last thing you wanted him to see tonight.
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Likes, comments, and reblogs are always much appreciated. <333
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strongheartneteyam · 11 months
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[ credits of the Neteyam pic go to cinetrix ]
Champagne Problems
Part 7
Pairing: Neteyam Sully x female!human!reader
CW: loads of angst, sexual tension, reader apologizes to Neteyam, fluff, Neteyam yearning for reader, physical contact between Neteyam and reader, some humor in Kiri's and Neteyam's interactions, Neteyam and reader miss each other, wounded Neteyam, reader's strong romantic feelings towards Neteyam, jealous reader, Neteyam talks to reader about the na'vi spirituality, reader is slowly starting to trust Neteyam, TRIGGER WARNING for mentions of a deceased family member and reader's feelings about their absence in her life, Neteyam comforting reader. Tell me if there's more, pls.
Again writing in the am... That's one of the only periods of the day I actually have some peace and quiet, so… 🤷🏻‍♀️ what can I say? Your girl does what she can. lol hope y'all enjoy this. Comments would be very appreciated 🤍 ps: there's just so much angst in this damn fanfic that I can never write it without getting emotionally destroyed 🥲 send help
Slightly proofread. There might be some mistakes along the way. I can't do more than that now bc it's past 5 am, I still didn't get any sleep and I'm dying 💀💩 love y'all ❤ bye I'm gonna try to sleep now
Part 6: I tried to hide but I still believe
So many questions but I don't ask why
Maybe someday but not tonight
Hush hush, now
Don't you ever say a word of what you ever thought you heard
Don't you ever tell a soul but you know
I tried to hide but I still believe that we were always meant to be
And I can never let you go
Hush Hush (Avril Lavigne)
You weren't quite sure what to do now. Your heart was pounding as nervousness covered you and there was an ache, a burn inside your chest.
You decided to close your eyes again and pretend to be asleep. You didn't know if Neteyam had noticed you there or not but you were praying he hadn't.
"Brother? Why are you back early?" Kiri questioned as she held a wooden green bead between her index finger and her thumb. All Kiri could think about was "Oh, Great Mother, this is gonna get really awkward really soon."
"Hi to you too!" Neteyam joked and Kiri rolled her eyes at him "I got bitten by an animal. No big deal, though." He tried to calm his sister down when he noticed the concern in her features "But as it was in my arm, I couldn't really go hunting with my friends for at least two days because it's swollen, so… I'm back early. There's no fun in being there for longer if I can't join the hunting competitions with the boys." Neteyam laughed it off but the bite was still hurting in a pungent way that bothered him a lot.
Kiri laughed "Yeah, I see. And I bet grandma was healing you with those herbs that make the wounds burn even more that you hate so much and you couldn't wait to get on your Ikran and fly back here, right?"
Neteyam frowned but he was chuckling too.
"Yeah, you got me." He scratched his head. It was a habit of his. "By the way, can you help me out with the bite, sister?" He asked
Kiri sighed in disappointment "Why didn't you send for Ronal? I'm kinda busy here." She signaled with her head towards her hands that were holding her necklace
"I don't wanna disturb her sleep. She might try to drown me." Both siblings started to laugh "Plus, you're a great healer." Neteyam defended himself and stroked his younger sister's ego
Kiri let out a grunt.
"Ok, then. Sit down and I'll help you."
"Thanks, teylu." He teased
Calling each other "teylu" was Neteyam's and Kiri's favorite way to insult one another. You know, it's a sibling's thing.
"You're the teylu here!" Kiri snapped back but in a playful way "Bothering me in the middle of the eclipse… did you know I have guests? Be quiet, they're asleep." Kiri said in a hushed, low tone as she gathered the medicinal plants she kept in her marui and the water she needed to mush together to make a healing substance and apply on Neteyam's wound
"Who are you talking about?" He chuckled "Is Tsireya and some other friend of yours spending the night here?"
As soon as Neteyam heard your name come out of Kiri's lips, his mouth got dry and he felt his heart skip a beat. Neteyam gritted his teeth, his jaw tensing up. He couldn't believe you were there. He couldn't believe he was gonna see your face again. Neteyam had started to wonder if maybe you had found a way to not come back to his tribe because of your job ever again after your team started to show up there without you multiple times. He didn't know if he should be sad or happy that you were there in his sister's home. To tell the truth, there was a mix of both emotions moving in an agonizing little dance inside his chest. He missed you like crazy and he had been dying to see you again but he knew that as soon as he looked at you again and saw your small frame and smelled your unique scent, he would find it utterly hard to resist taking you in his arms and kissing you. Yes, Neteyam was still hurting a whole lot and he was still a bit angry at you, but, Eywa… he felt like a piece of him was missing ever since you left. The yearning to feel you against his body again was bigger than the wound in his ego. So, Neteyam had to make a big effort to keep himself together and not run to the tiny but hugely beautiful girl he now recognized as being you, sleeping in one of the mats on the floor of his sister's marui. 
Neteyam had no idea you were actually awake and listening to the conversation he had been having for some minutes now with Kiri.
Kiri had now taken care of Neteyam's wound. It was on his biceps.
"Damn, it must have hurt a lot… Poor him…" You thought.
You breathed in deeply and breathed out, trying to gather courage to do the next thing. You got up from your mat, your legs carefully avoiding Adeline and Kate, as their bodies were lying right next to where you were lying before. 
You walked towards where Neteyam and Kiri were. She was finishing putting away the healing materials in a straw basket while squatting. 
"Hi." You sheepishly greeted Neteyam "Can I talk to you for a sec?"
His feline yellow eyes lingered on you for a second, like he was trying to find a way to respond, but it was difficult to do so.
"Sure." It was all he could say
Kiri gazed rapidly at the both of you "I'm gonna give you guys some privacy." She could feel what you guys were gonna talk about. 
All of you were keeping your voices down so your conversation wouldn't wake the girls up.
Kiri quickly got out of her marui, leaving you and Neteyam "alone" (Technically, Kate and Adeline were there too, even if they were asleep, nothing could guarantee that they wouldn't wake up).
You sat down next to him on the floor, feeling awkward and guilty.
"I'm sorry I was rude to you that morning after the party. I didn't mean to be. I didn't mean to… I don't know, to be so blunt, to be so… cruel when turning you down. I really am sorry. I understand if you're mad at me. I deserve it." 
"I wasn't mad, I was… hurt." Neteyam admitted 
"You were a little mad." You insist with an awkward smile
"Yeah, my pride was hurt. As I said, at the end of the day, it wasn't anger, it was pain." There really was pain in his face, even now
Damn, now you felt even worse…
"But we can just forget about it. It's in the past now. I accept your apology." Neteyam smiled to hide the part of him that was still screaming at him to ask you once again to be his mate. Maybe this time you'd say "yes"... Damn, who was he kidding? He knew it was just stupid wishful thinking.
"Thanks for being so nice to me even after I was such a jerk to you… You didn't have to forgive me, you know." You gave him a sad smile
"Of course I have to. You deserve it. You deserve so much more." He smiled back, sheepishly 
You sighed internally. Why did he have to always be so nice? That only made your heart hurt more and more for rejecting him that morning after the beach party. But it was for the best. It's better if you and Neteyam share nothing but a friendship. You would never wish to taint him with all the turmoil of negative emotions and traumas you carry around wherever you go.
"So… Can we… be friends?" You asked, fearing the answer that was coming
"Of course, tawtute." Neteyam confirmed as he smiled kindly at you "I'd love to have you as my friend."
A few seconds of some awkward silence later, you tried breaking the ice.
"So… I saw you talking to Munì. How's she doing?" The words left your lips before you realized it, leaving a sour taste in your mouth.
Way to go, (y/n)! Worst possible way ever to break the ice!
Neteyam's hairless eyebrows frowned. 
"I don't know. I haven't talked to her since that morning."
"Really?" There was way more anger slipping out of you than you had anticipated. "I saw the way you two were smiling at each other. You really did not talk to her after that morning?" Why were you questioning him like that? Jesus…
God, you didn't even have the right to be angry! Neteyam wasn't your boyfriend or anything like that. But still, jealousy was eating your insides.
Neteyam laughed at the question, realizing you seemed jealous and bitter about it. But it seemed too good to be true. Did he really still have a chance to win your heart? Eywa knows he would never give up on trying to get you if he knew he had even the slightest of chances with you.
"Tawtute, I was just talking to her. You have to stop assuming things about people!" He smiled at you showing no teeth while shaking his head from side to side, showing you how silly your bad habit was "Actually, I was trying to be nice to her to not break her heart too much because yes, she was flirting with me but I wasn't interested."
You felt blood run to your cheeks.
"But you guys seemed so happy…"
"I was just being nice to her." Neteyam reinforced "I promise. Do you trust me?" He asked gently 
Unfortunately, the first instinct that came to your head was "Don't believe him. He's lying to you. You saw what you saw." but this time you were able to actually think a little more, be a little more rational and wonder "What did I actually see? Neteyam was really just talking to Munì. I didn't see him touching her or kissing her or anything. OK, she was smiling and clearly flirting with him, but that doesn't matter. Just because she was trying to charm him, it doesn't mean he was being charmed by her. All I saw was him treating her nicely and smiling at her and Neteyam is usually nice to everyone. He's right… I should trust more freely."
You looked at Neteyam and breathed deep.
"I do." You gave him a coy smile and he smiled back, this time revealing his big sharp fangs to you as his lips parted.
Damn, why was he so freaking hot? Ugh!
After some time spent talking to each other, Neteyam took something out of a small dark brown pouch bag.
"I made this for Tuk" Neteyam said, holding an oblong piece of wood with an image of a Viperwolf (or a Nantang, in na'vi) carved in it. "She loves Nantangs."
"It's beautiful. You're talented." You smiled at him
"Thanks." Neteyam smiled back, his golden eyes squinting slightly at you 
The gift Neteyam had made for Tuk reminded you of the gifts you and Tracy would give each other. You used to make colorful bead bracelets and give them to her. She would get so happy and smile widely at you. Your heart would feel warm. After she grew up a bit and wasn't a small toddler anymore, she started to make you some and give them to you too. It became a sisterly tradition for the both of you.
God, how you missed her… Your chest started to hurt and a lump was now in your throat, making it harder to breathe.
Neteyam noticed.
"Are you OK?" He asked, concern all over his beautiful features 
You started telling Neteyam how your little sister had died in the car accident. You finally let your defenses down to the point that now you felt comfortable to tell him not just that but also how you felt agonizingly alone and lost after her passing, as you both had a strong, pure bond. Tracy used to be your best friend.
"I loved being her big sister, giving her advice and taking care of her. I miss all the nights we would stay up eating candy and watching stupid teenage movies because she loved them so much." You reminisced through tears
Neteyam related deeply to you, on how it felt good to be the older sibling. All he could do was thank Eywa that he still had all his siblings alive, safe and sound. Thinking about losing little Tuk, Lo'ak or Kiri like you lost Tracy made his chest hurt profusely. He could only imagine your pain. He knew he could never actually know how much it must have broken you in pieces to see your little sister for the last time, paler, no longer breathing, but he felt so, so much empathy towards you.
All Neteyam wanted to do was hold you tight and make all your pain go away. He knew he couldn't get rid of all your sorrows but he would surely make his biggest effort to fight away all the demons he would be able to. 
"Eywa, (y/n)... I'm so, so sorry about that. I can only imagine how much you must miss her. I know I would if I lost any of my siblings…" Just the thought of that made his chest hurt a little bit "You know, my people have a saying about death: All energy is only borrowed, and one day you have to give it back. I don't know if it gives you any comfort but I think it's a good way to view the passing. It's not the end. Your sister's body helped plants grow on the ground she was buried in, did you know that? A part of her still lives inside the leaves or the flowers or the grass there. I'm assuming Earth's ground works like Pandora's ground does." He chuckled slightly, trying not to seem disrespectful 
"Neteyam, that's actually… really comforting. And beautiful. Thank you so much." You smiled at him and felt an urge to touch his hand to show him your gratitude but you thought it was better not to do it.
Eventually you fell asleep, back against the marui's wall. Neteyam carried you to your mat in his arms, carefully, just so he wouldn't wake you up, even though you seemed to be in deep sleep. He softly laid you down on your mat and felt the urge to kiss you goodnight but he knew he couldn't. And it broke his heart not to do it because he loved you with all his body and soul.
Neteyam quickly left Kiri's marui and headed to his family's home, trying hard to forget your beautiful sleeping face all the way until he got there, trying hard to forget your unique and addictive scent, the way your lips felt just like the inside of a rose when you both had kissed, the way it felt to mate with you and feel your soft human skin against his… It didn't matter how much he tried, he would never be able to forget you. Your name was tattooed on his heart.
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parkerloves · 5 months
AND MY GOOD LUCK KISS? | MM93 x Fem!Reader
paring: marc marquez x alex bestfriend!fem! reader
trope: bestfriend's bother + smau
summary: yn seems to be more around the paddock than before to support her best friend what leads to her spending a lot more time with his brother too
fc; chiara oliver + pinterest girls (but picture her as you like)
warnings: none, just a lot of fluff, a bit of spanish and a bit of jealousy and bullying (joking ofc)
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alexmarquez73 has posted!
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liked by yourusername, marcmarquez93 and 14,846 others
alexmarquez73 : Race week is back but someone is here to bother me (again)
tagged: yourusername
yourusername: You were literally begging me to come, like??????
user324: WE MISSED YOU AROUND THE PADDOCK yourusername: I MISSED BEING AROUND THE PADDOCK TOO (he's hiding me or smth)
marcmarquez93: skipping me over now?
yourusername: ... I'm blaming your bother, bye alexmarquez73: why having enemies when i already have her? yourusername: because you don't love your enemies, you love me xx. user658: i don't know how they even put out with eachother yourusername: it's not voluntary
yourusername has posted!
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liked by alexmarquez73, marcmarquez93 and 746 others
yourusername: LOOK AT MY FAVOURITE PEOPLE oh yeah, and marc and alex are also there ig
tagged: alexmarquez73, marcmarquez93
alexmarquez73: if you hate us so much then stop coming over
yourusername: and leave Shira and Stich without their best friend? I couldn't be that cruel
user324: be honest, do you even like them?
yourusername: mmm... no alexmarquez73: YN yourusername: alright alright, maybe a bit marcmarquez93: gracias?? *thank you*
marcmarquez93 has posted!
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liked by yourusername, alexmarquez73, and 19,694 others
marcmarquez93: she picks up my phone more than I do.
tagged: yourusername
yourusername: and i fill you gallery with my beatiful face
marcmarquez93: I can't complain about that one user324: are they flirting or am I just so lost? user992: I mean, Alex would be her brother after all... in law, but brother alexmarquez73: 🤨🤨
yourusername: i was hungry, he offered food, i came over user157: she's just a girl guys yourusername: you know the deal darling
alexmarquez73 has posted!
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liked by yourusername, marcmarquez93 and 14,846 others
alexmarquez73: great FP1 and FP2 with my personal paparazzi and for some reason Marc decided to join in
tagged: yourusername, marcmarquez93
yourusername: says the man that posted TWO pictures of me
user654: she's more in his profile than himself
yourusername: they can't get over me
user343: Am I the only one wondering if it's Marc or Alex in the last slide?
user194: Is definitely Alex trying to set them up together
yourusername: nah he doesn't want that
user532: YN??????????
yourusername has posted!
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liked by alexmarquez73, marcmarquez93 and 746 others
yourusername: do you know how they say that drivers in his home race spend time in their home? WELL THESE TWO MF LIE get out of my house pls
tagged: alexmarquez73, marcmarquez93
alexmarquez73: And the need of post the most shittiest pictures ever?
yourusername: 1) my revenge 2) i have to give content to the girlies 3) why not?
marcmarquez93: can i still come over tonight?
user725: and to ask for A DATE????
chat in between marc and alex
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yourusername has posted an story!
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first one: caption: what a gentleman, liked by marcmarquez93 and 862 others
alexmarquez73 has replied to your story
did he said something weird?
hi to you too, I'm great, thanks for asking
he's weird in general, so no gtg bye
second one: caption: 🫠🤍, liked by alexmarquez73 and 957 others
alexmarquez73 has replied to your story
jezz calm down I just wanted to try this new restaurant
so nothing romantic...?
shup up Lex
that's not an actual answer
read at 21:48 pm
marcmarquez93 has posted!
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liked by yourusername, alexmarquez73, and 19,694 others
marcmarquez93: i do pick his phone more than him... but he was being quite intimate with his bike, i didn't want to ruin the mood
tagged: yourusername
alexmarquez73: AT LEAST the bullying to him is back
yourusername: he's still all yours, leave the jelousy it makes you uglier alexmarquez73: stop hating on your bff please? yourusername: booooriiiing
marcmarquez93: @yourusername remember me again why do i leave my phone near you?
yourusername: because you love me and my pictures marcmarquez93: idk if it's this worthy user725: they're going to kill Alex at this point alexmarquez73: i'm already dead at this point
alexmarquez73 has posted!
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liked by yourusername, marcmarquez93 and 14,846 others
alexmarquez73: ready to race y algunas tradiciones no se rompen *and some traditions can't be broken*
user527: traditions? what traditions?
user135: The first time y/n went for the first time to a grand prix she gave Alex a "good luck kiss" on the cheek and he got a podium, again with the second and it had been like that since forever
yourusername: I should be the one keeping those trophies fr
marcmarquez93: if it works with me i would give you mine alexmarquez73: bro that's OUR tradition marcmarquez93: i need my own good luck kiss
marcmarquez93 has posted!
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liked by yourusername, alexmarquez73, and 19,694 others
marcmarquez93: P1 BABY!!! great race today... and maybe i need to continue with this tradition for a while
tagged: yourusername
alexmarquez73: the worst thing is that they did it in front of me, iugh, congrats anyway ig
yourusername: i got you a p2, my kisses are magical, your welcome user725: you can't deny they are cute alexmarquez73: but it's weird
yourusername: CONGRATS BABY (i should start charging for these)
liked by the creator
yourusername has posted an story!
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caption: he actually gave me the fucking trophy, liked by marcmarquez93 and 862 others
marcmarquez73 has replied to your story
i made a promise
i was not
coming over anyway?
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111 notes · View notes
yeonslayjun · 6 months
Dumb and Dumber - Hualian
Hua Cheng and Xie Lian are so OBVIOUS and OBLIVIOUS at the same time Honestly They amaze me ngl
Cuz Hua Cheng be Like - Wdym Gege Loves me?? That's impossible like I don't think he loves me solely for the fact that I'm one of his last believer left and that I built a FUCKING CITY for him and how I ran helped him in a case and dressed up as a Groom and gege was a bride (Oh his dead heart definitely started beating then pls ) and how I Built a temple to worship him and how I released 3000 lanterns for him and that I've made 10,000 statues for gege and not how I have red thread of fate on my finger bc he tied his hair on my finger
ALSO wdym I had my gay awakening at the land of tender??? Impossible He's my god I can't have those feelings for him bc I'm a dirty piece of shit (NO YOU ARE NOT)
and DEFINITELY NOT HOW I GAVE HIM Spirtual Power... DEFINITELY NOT HAHAHA.... Now let me just ask his hand for marriage OH nvm I'm unworthy he doesn't like me ( WHILE XIE LIAN IS SITTING ON HIS LAP ) let's make it into a joke hahaha..... OH? Gege's says he's happy for my beloved when will he know it's him talking about?? :( ( let's ignore he didn't know half of these lmao)
OH MY GOD GEGE SAW THE STATUES That's it I'm getting disowned by him He'll hate me ofc he will... I knew this would happen no I'm okay, IT'S FINE... Yeah he really should make it clear that he doesn't love me huh? :((
Like Hua Cheng is SO DOWN BAD for Xie Lian Like Honey we get it You exist to LOVE your Taizi Danxia and to serve Cvnt and angst
My guy Xie Lian here is SO VERY OBLIVIOUS like I get that he was practicing abstinence but bro's like -
Oh Hua Cheng is such a pretty name *giggles* Oh and his hands were so beautiful and he was gentle with me too when he dressed as the Groom *blushes* Oh Crimson Rain Sought Flower is his name? *swoons* HOLY SHIT HE'S HOT *nosebleeds*
I like this kid san lang. OoO Did he just suck the poison out of me?!?! DAYUM he killed so many people at once *swoons x2*... WAIT IS HE HUA CHENG??!?! Oh my gosh IT IS Hua Cheng ajhsjdhsudhu Let's act calm and composed hehe. Let's sleep together cuz He would never hurt me >:( I wonder what happened to the kid who said he'd worship only me :( He was a good kid yk? Had one eye covered too kinda like you actually haha Funny Right???
He's so perfect as a "sworn brother" ( Yes I'm looking at you SQX) protecting me and shit. Wait he trusts me??? ME?!?! huh?!?!. San Lang~~~. AHHH HE RELEASED 3000 LANTERNS FOR ME AHHHH I LOVE HIM as a friend ofc ofc.
Oh I LOVE getting Spiritual Energy from him <3 that wasn't a kiss nope it wasn't.... ERROR 101 San Lang asked my hand in marriage ERROR.... o h He was Joking :( ofc he was :((( I wish he wasn't tho :((((( SAN LANG HAS A BELOVED?!?!? Ofc he has He's such a handsome and kind man he probably gets all the bitches he wants But why do I feel smth weird in my heart?? (IT'S CALLED JEALOUSY YOU DUMB MOTHOFO )
Honestly God (Jun Wu LMAO) Knows how he survived the past 800 years like BRO WHY IS YOU SO STUPID when it comes to love?!?!? Like ISTG He's one of the smartest of all the jokes called "GODS". But he still doesn't get it till he saw the 10,000 statues Hua Cheng prepared like pls
ALSO Hua Cheng the ghost king who defeated 33 gods and how his smartass self esp rubbed the floor with them Civil Heavenly Officials But the one moment he needs it to realise the VERY OBVIOUS FACT that Xie Lian loves him The Genius Smartass is nowhere to be seen
But tbh I can't blame Hua Cheng much here cuz Xie Lian was very oblivious to his own feelings pls BUT STILL
Their Slow-burn was too much for me Like the chemistry was SO OBVIOUS but they're just Dumb kids when it comes to feelings *sighs* The Hualian Brainrot is rotting my brain away as we peak
83 notes · View notes
So... um... I'm kind of sick and am in desperate need of Sebek Zigvolt fluff.
How about a Fem!Reader who takes care of Sebek when he's sick, please?
I've read your other works and I absolutely love them 🫶🫶
*ੈ✩‧˚₊⁀➴ A/N: HIHI! Im crying' over here Im so happy you read my other works too even though they aren't twst fandom. I just love writing. ALSO SORRY THIS IS SO LATE. Ya know I was just going to make it head cannons but here is a whole ass story cause it's super late and I could not stop on this one while writing it. I really hope that the characterization is right, I don't know that much about Sebek. BUT I hope you enjoy and thank you for being my very first request! ✧.*✦ *.✧.* *ੈ✩‧˚₊⁀➴Sebek x f!Reader *ੈ✩‧˚₊⁀➴Word Conunt: 2.3k <- yes 2k more so pls enjoy *ੈ✩‧˚₊⁀➴ Tags: sickies in bed, indirect kissing, ungodly thoughts and confused feelings, slightly hidden fluff, in denial about feelings
───────────✧.*✦ *.✧.*✦ *.✧.*✦ ───────────────
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The moment there is enough peace on campus to hear your inner thoughts you know something was out of place.
The first couple of periods rushed through with mild amusement. Grim snoring on your left and occasionally a new note would come from Ace across from you making comments about how 'boring' the lecture is.
The usual, but someone was missing in your day.
Next, lunch went with a suspicious calm. No major fights, a couple forkfuls of food splattered in glory across the table from missing its targets, casual conversation, and nothing more.
Usually, lunch is more...
You couldn't find the answers until you saw Lillia who taps your shoulder out of your daydreams. You let out a small gasp waking up to reality, "Lilia! Don't do that- you scared me half to death."
A small fang pokes out of his smile, "Why I'm only here to deliver a message." He puts his hands up in mock surrender, "The small one Sebek is out with a cold right now. Tucked right into bed."
It was like a lightbulb going off. The boisterous energy that would usually interject into your day leading to ridiculous jabs at each other, Sebek, was missing.
No wonder you felt so off.
"He wouldn't keep quiet when I told him to rest. Saying things quite out of place-" he leans closer to you whispering into your ear in a small voice, "' Where is she? Where is (Y/N)?'"
You can feel the tips of your ears burn but you hope your face doesn't give anything away as Lillia breaks away a little happy smile on his face, "Why it seems he is quite fond of you."
Before you could even retort he quips in, "He's up on the second floor at the dorm. Passed out after I cooked him my famous soup!" He waves walking down the hallway, "Keep well!"
He disappears around a corner and you take a deep breath. Sebek sounds delusional, and you can imagine it has to do with something he ate, especially since Lillia cooked it up.
You hear the warning bell and you scamper off to class.
Later today you give him a visit…
Just to make sure he was alright.
Wallet slightly lighter and a fresh chicken noodle soup you step into Diatom's lounge. You're thankful there is barely anyone here right after school, you are even more thankful Jade didn't even bat an eye when you asked for the rushed order before the kitchen was even open. In fact, he just smiled…calmly…
There was more to dissect on that another day.
Winding up the stairwell, you come to a hallway filled with similar wooden doors all facing one direction. The only difference was a small name plate etched into each forehead of the door. The back of your heel clicked down the cobblestone.
"Sebek, Sebek- ah there, Zigvolt."
A knock for life, you hear a groan like one of those zombies in the movies.
"Hey Sebek we uh-" you think about your words before they spill out how much today actually felt off without him, "I heard you were sick!"
You joke raising the bag of soup up as he could see through the door, "I brought you something a little 'better' than Lilia's cooking!" It was more to test how healthy Sebek was and you did not even hear a response.
Wow, he really must be dying.
You crack the door open peeking your head through. Clumps of tissues were littered on the floor along with some plastic bottles and a different assortment of cups and medicine on his nightstand. What you could assume is a mound of a person was huddled into a little ball underneath the sheets.
You walked through carefully avoiding the snot-filled tissues on the ground, "Sebek, hey. How are you feeling?" You tug the edge of the sheet just to let him know there is a healthy presence of life here, "I brought some soup. Really cost me an arm and a leg (yet),"
A shift of the blanked and another groan escapes him, full of snot he lets out a sneeze. He shifts his body to barely peeking out of the blankets, "You cough you're here?" He says it with no bite, but more of wonderment.
It makes your heart melt just a little.
The two of you have been playing this game recently… where he would make an effort to find you and "train mentally" against you. For what training, you still never understood, but it is a usual constant 'noisy' flow of Sebek. Sometimes he brings you extra lunch saying his enemy couldn't give him an easy win when you weren't having a good day. Other times, he might come to do his homework prideful when gets a question right before you and indignant when you need to teach it to him.
…It was obvious you were playing a game. The shy looks went as you both glance over each other, the constant quarrels that you two would get into and it would slowly fade to each other's company. It was even apparent to Silver, yes Silver that you two have been dancing around each other's toes! He said, 'You two are like the old couples in the valley.'
No, you weren't, this development was by Sebek only! It had nothing to do with you and you became a little closed off and a little more cold and you ignored what was hurt on Sebek's face because how could you recognize that emotion if you did not know him well.
A creak breaks you from your daydreams, "(Y/N)…how cough a human like you is going to get sick." You give a soft laugh sitting by the edge of the bed, "Well, it's pretty incredible you're this sick with your genetics, though maybe it's a blessing that I am human- got to have a better immune system than you."
A gaggle of annoyance, "Not- cough true. You're really cough weak."
You roll your eyes, "Obviously since I'm sick in bed right now. Here you should eat." You step near the nightstand to make some room for the bag gently cracking the tape around the lid of the soup. It smells fantastic.
"Here sit up so you can eat."
He doesn't move or at least maybe he tried to because you hear a grunt. What a baby. You place the soup on the nightstand and reach for the covers of his bed pulling it just to be met by resistance.
"Sebek, come on you have to eat."
"I- no hack la-later would be fine."
"But it's going to get cold!"
"Its! It's fine! I cough like it cold…?"
What a liar. He may be able to lift eight chairs but you have the power of surprise on your side. Your hold lessens on the sheets.
"Alright…then I'll come back later."
He relaxes underneath the sheets, "…really?"
Your grip tightens against the sheets again, "Pshhh NO!"
Sheets wave in the air with also a couple of tissues and oh no was that his phone? It's alright though because you won this one and you look down to hopefully see indignation on Sebek's face but…he's- oh completely naked from the top up.
Strongly lined abs with traces of sweat falling down the lines of etched muscles, the way his pecs were peaking due to the sudden rush of cold air, and his collars dipped nicely really painting the picture of a perfect man. Your eyes meet with Sebek's and he has red forming around the edge of his face from the fever! It's the fever…
The sheets slowly cascade down and messily cover his perfect body his shoulders and head now peeking through.
Was it hotter in here your throat feels more dry as you chide him in fake authority, "You- you should really sit up and eat." You glance at the soup the steam still leaking out, "I'll help you!"
It's only a ten-second break to calm your thumping heart as you balance the soup in your hands reaching for a spoon inside the remnant of the bag. You face back and Sebek is now sitting up slightly against the headboard, sheets tucked in like a modest princess above his chest, the face still red.
You make a place facing him, he won't meet your eyes and to be honest, you really can't meet his. But it's not like you haven't seen guys at the beach before, or even at home when it was too hot of a day. The soup swirls in its paper-like container as you lift the spoon up.
"Here say ah."
He doesn't, mouth still shut, ears tingling red. You knew this look it was when you got the question right first when you won.
But that really didn't matter right now.
You lower the spoon, "Alright. Fine. I'm sorry I took your sheets from you." You don't think about how hot he is and continue on, "It's really yummy soup though. I think that you should have some."
To prove your point you blow on a spoonful and dip it into your own mouth, you try not to think of why his eyes won't leave the spoon. It pops out of your mouth, "See better than Lilias."
His eyes furrowed, "You- you can't say anything about cough Lilia-sama." He nodded towards a half-empty bowl on the nightstand, "See! His food is hack delicious." He really must be delirious because the bowl is caked on black with thick goo hardening in it. You don't fight him though, because this is the first real response you got out of him.
You nod, "Yes yes, then you should be able to finish this too?" Another dip into the mixture, "Say ah."
He looks so reluctant like a cat being sprayed with water, but slowly he opens his mouth, "..ah"
You place the spoon in his mouth and you see the way his teeth are a little sharper than yours clink on the spoon, mouth closing around it before a little pop as you pull out.
Your ears start heating as well, you hope you're not getting sick also.
It's almost done when you can touch the bottom of the soup bowl and Sebek has been quite well-behaved the past couple minutes. After the last bite, you pack the trash and a couple of the tissues are littered around in the bad crinkling it shut.
The air was tight.
"I…I should get going." You try to find any excuse to get out, "Grim- he um- need to be fed! Yeah, so I should go back to Ramshackle."
Sebek knew you well enough to hear a shifty excuse so you believed that was the reason he grabs your hand before you can leave, "Wai- Wait!" he hacks into his other arms elbow, "I want- I-." He takes a deep breath his voice becoming less choppy, "They say I need to say "sincerities" when it's my loss…so cough for a small human like yourself coming here I- hack thank you…"
It's the first thank you he has ever given you and you feel this is more than just a 'thanks for taking care of me'. It felt more about the two of you. In truth and honesty, you were the ones who took the first step away from him, even though you may have something more akin to 'feelings' than the general source of friendship you have with your other friends.
You needed to take the first step.
You gave a small smile, "Oh, the great Sebek is thanking a 'small human' like me." You walk up to his bedside, him still sitting in the same position as before. You're close as you lean down only inches away, "Well then, you're welcome Sebek."
You give a small kiss, right on the side of his cheek, just a peck before Sebek has time to process in his foggy brain.
You are already out the door the time you hear a loud holler from his bedroom. Your face was burning red but it felt nice to finally start exploring these feelings.
A couple days later and Sebek was back in action.
Though, he was with you almost 24/7. Even in the evening, he stayed for extra study lessons, more than usual. It went on like that for a couple weeks.
Of course, you are a little slow to the advances of Sebek and it took Lilia (again) to really make the pieces fall in order. It was just a casual conversation
"I'm glad the dear is a little more open about you, why he was such in denial that he even made the excuse to see you as "mental training"!" Lilia laughs and you do your best to add on the conversation.
"Well he's getting better at math now so maybe he will be teaching me about potions soon."
Lillia laughs even harder now at your response and you tut, potions were difficult alright? He seems to read your face with the knowledge of a sage and wipes a nonexistent tear from his eye, "No you are mistaken dear. He said something across the lines, 'My heart keeps thumping around (Y/N) and I need to fix it!'." He grins, "Why he was such a cutie saying that, so in denial back then- you ask well."
Your face is flush, cheeks a rosy red. And comedic timing comes when you least expect it because Sebek is racing down the halls toward the two of you. He grips your face between gloved hands, your face squished together, "Your face is evenly red… ARE YOU SICK!?"
Your words are muffled together, "Nomhrooo mmmmh fhhine Sebrekkk!" You pull his hands away from you, "I'm fine!"
Lillia looks completely amused by this and just has to open his mouth, "Why Sebek, (Y/N) was just telling me how she felt a little under the weather today."
"What no! I'm fine Sebek, really."
He doesn't believe you of course and that day you're carried in his arms to the infirmary him muttering how a pitiful human like you should be more careful all through a crowded hallway.
God, what were you going to do with the both of you?
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kamakazih8syou · 2 years
"let's go home" Ghost x GN!reader
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PREMISE: Ghost gets a little tipsy and forgets that he's talking to his lovely partner
PAIRINGS: Ghost x GN!reader
WARNINGS: talks of being drunk, alcohol consumption
AN: THANK YALL SM FOR THE LOVE!! PLS GIVE ME STUFF TO WRITE ABT, MY ASK BOX IS WIDEE OPEN this is also a little short but ive been in a little writers block :(
You rarely ever get a day off. Like, ever.
You are always busy, always working, always on your feet. Your free time is spent with your husband, Simon and even days where the both of you are free, your days usually get cut short by missions, getting called in for last minute work, etc etc... Today was different.
You and 141 were going out for drinks as you usually do when a mission is over, you went back home, freshened up, and put on a nicer outfit then your gear. As you walk to the car you get bombarded with texts from Soap and Gaz saying how you needed to "Get your slow ass over to the pub" You chuckle at the text, and you back out of your parking space.
You walk into the pub and you immediately notice something is off, the boys are much louder then they would usually have been when, from their corner of the bar you hear them cheering in celebration and laughing. That's when you hear it Ghosts laugh.
Ghost tries to be stoic, rarely letting himself slip up and letting himself show any emotion that isn't neutrality or anger. At most, he lets out a soft chuckle to one of his own unfunny dark jokes, or to you trying to make him laugh in public. This was different. He was having a hearty laugh at something you couldn't even fathom, it was probably an unfunny joke being completely fair. You smile when you walk up behind him and brush his arm in the way you always do to let him know its you.
"Hey, ease up. I got someone back home" Simon says roughly, he pulls his arm away from your hand. You attempt to say ,"Ghost its me-" but you are cut off with a harsh "Yeah pal whatever you say, just keep your hands off. I don't want you, i'm waiting for my partner." You chuckle, realizing that Simon may have had a little too much to drink, and you decide to play along as you slide into the seat next to him. "Oh my, I didn't realize you were taken! Tell me more about this partner" You say with a smile. Simon responds by clearing his throat, "Well, they're amazing for one. They reign hell on anything they attempt to do and I honestly don't think I could even try to do half the shit they do. They're always working so hard for everyone and I can't- I don't even think I could imagine a life without them. I didn't think I could love someone before them but... here they are, proving me wrong every single day." Simon takes a sip of his whiskey, and looks at you long and hard.
"You kinda... look like them" Ghost says while squinting his eyes, almost as if he's trying to play a game of, "Guess the Difference" in his head.
"What's yer... what's yer name love?", Simon says, slurring his drunken words.
You sigh and kiss his masked cheek, " Let's get you home Si.", You say with a little laugh; You grab his hand and lead him to your car.
"I didn't think you had that many nice things to say about me Si, you really know how to flatter someone", You say as you're driving. You think Simon is sleeping, his body rested softly on your passenger door as you make your way home.
"Mmmm, I meant every word dear..... you're amazin and I wouldn't change you for a thing...", His words are strung together and are filled with sleep. You love it when he's like this, when he's relaxed and calm. When it seems like all his worries and his past has drifted away for the time being. When he opens up and lets down his walls he's built around his heart. Simon has never been an open man, but when he is? He never fails to charm you. You love Simon.
You love days like these.
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joelslegalwhre · 2 years
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Look how cool this is
paring ⁀➷(adult) adam reed x (pregnant)fem!reader
word count ⁀➷ 1.2k
summary ⁀➷ You never had the chance to go to the cinema and see your favourite movie in 2022. But travelling back in time with Adam you get a second chance, and your baby bump turns out to be the perfect cup holder.
warnings ⁀➷ pregnancy, light swearing, mention of adoption as a joke, some logical things (might not be like in the movie), they’re going to watch Top Gun
a/n ⁀➷ YES THANK YOU ANON. I got the idea when i watched fantastic beasts 3 in cinema and couldn't get it out of my head. (If this was a drinking game for „Adam" you'd be super drunk once you finished, sorry for the 3 567 „Adam"s)
Also if anyone knows ANY good fic or whatever with adam pls tag me, i need content.
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„Adam?!" you shouted through the forest. Did he tell you to stay hidden until he comes back? Yes. But was your bladder going to give up any minute? Also yes. So you were definitely not going to listen to your husband.
Meanwhile, Adam was in the shed, searching for something he had left there the first time he came back. Hawking's barks could be heard in the distance and all his hope of getting in and out of the house without his younger self noticing, were blown into the wind. Not a moment later, the smaller version of himself opened the door.
„Hi." he grinned from one ear to the other. „Hey.“ Adam said, while still looking for his wallet, he had left last time, in case he needed money.
His card was definitely of no use in 2022.
„I hid it under one of the couch cushions." young Adam pointed to where the old couch was, mostly covered in webs. Adam turned around, lifted the cushion and grabbed his wallet.
„It was safer there, than in one of the boxes."
„Yeah, yeah." Adam grumpily gave him a look. Hawking was wiggling his tail, happy to see not only one but two Adams.
„Adam!" you shouted as you reached the garden. It was amazing. You knew Adam's house from pictures, but it was even more wonderful in real life and with so much life in it. The baseball was lying under one of the big ferns, the door to the kitchen standing wide open… shit. The door to the kitchen was standing wide open.
Oh shit, shit, shit. Your hand started stroking your baby bump, trying to calm down.
You looked around. There was no one to be seen, but you were listening for just the smallest noise. „Adam?" you now whisper yelled.
Where has he gone?!
You found the rather big shed, a little offside of the house. Quietly approaching it, you knew Adam used to have a dog, you still listened for noises.
Adam opened the door to the shed.
„Ugh, goddamn Adam. My heart almost stopped." you still whisper yelled, holding one hand to your heart. He grinned and came towards you. Adam gently placed his hands on your shoulders. „Sorry, are you okay?"
„Yeah, you're lucky I love you." you joked. Adam bent down to place a kiss on your lips, while you were still smiling into the kiss.
„Who is-. Woah.“
The both of you immediately parted by the sudden voice. Adam rolled his eyes in annoyance, before he turned around. Right then, Hawking started barking, wanting some attention from both Adams.
„Couldn't you have wai-„
„Hawking! Zip it!,, they both shouted in annoyance at the same time.
„Couldn't you have, I don't know, just stayed in there?" he sarcastically and most of all annoyedly asked, pointing to the shed with an exaggerated gesture.
„Don't be so rude.“
You turned to the smaller version of him, lightly pushing your husband aside to see Adam better. „Hi, I'm y/n." you smiled. He came closer, but his eyes couldn't decide whether to look you in the eyes or to stare at your stomach.
„She is beautiful.“ Adam whispered to your Adam.
„And she is pregnant." he added, as if he needed to point it out. Adam tilted his head to the side, giving him an „oh really" look. You just chuckled and smacked Adam's shoulder.
„Hi, I'm Adam." he finally said and held his hand out. „Hey Adam. Nice to meet you. Again.“ He chuckled at your comment, and you just winked with a smile.
„Alright, okay." Your Adam grumpily interrupted. „He's cute." you said, turning to your husband. „He's me.“
„You're cute too." Little Adam followed your little spat with a huge smile.
Your Adam now looked at his watch, his eyes widening. „Shit."
„What's wrong?" you asked, brows furrowed. „The movie starts in less than an hour. If we don't go now, we'll miss it." Adam grabbed your hand, and dragged you through the garden to the house.
With young Adam right on your heels.
„Wait, wait Adam. What movie?" He stopped, tuned to you and exhaled. „I wanted it to be a surprise, but this moron needed to stare at my wife for ages."
„Hey.“ Adam protested. „Technically-“
He was interrupted by his older self. „You always wanted to see the new Top Gun when it was still in cinemas. And we missed it, so I'm taking you now to see it." Your eyes were watery when he finished. „Really?"
„Yes baby, really.“ Adam smiled and pecked your lips. „Now get your pretty ass moving and follow me.“
You squeaked and grabbed your husband's hand. „I love you, Adam."
„I love you too, baby." he smiled.
„But Adam?" you quickly said. „Yeah?"
„I need to pee really bad." you innocently grinned. „Well, you're lucky this house has got a toilet." he winked. „Let's go,".
„You too, loser!" Adam shouted to his younger self. You chuckled and stuck your hand out, for little Adam to take it.
Holding both Adam's hands felt strange and so normal at the same time. Almost like he was your child. As if you've travelled to the future instead of the past. A funny thought, considered that you'd basically hold the hand of a little version of Adam, just like now. A smile crept on your lips, and you stroked Adam's hand with your thumb.
„Alright, we have seats 10, 11 and 12. Row H." Adam coordinated the three of you to the seats. Little Adam went ahead of you and was already sitting down on his seat, while you and Adam put the drinks in the cup holders. You handed little Adam his Popcorn and plopped down on your seat next to your husband.
„Ugh, your baby is getting heavy, dude." you exhaled as you could finally rest. „Sorry, dude." Adam mocked you, which made you chuckle. „You know, what," you said, looking over at little Adam. „He's probably only here because he secretly always wanted to watch the movie in cinema. I'm just a pretext.“ He chuckled and put a handful of popcorn in his mouth.
„Adam." you whispered. „Hey look.“ You poked his arm.
"Look how cool this is." You, almost proudly, smiled at him. Your belly had the perfect size to work like a table when you were sitting. Your drink was resting on it, being held by leaning against your chest. „Like a freaking cup holder" Adam said and copied your grin.
You raised your brows in amazement and nodded.
Adam chuckled, „How on earth do I even deserve you?" he asked with a loving smile. You turned your head to face him, when he kissed the tip of your nose. „Have you seen yourself?" you asked with a smile, „l've married the man anyone could just dream of.“
„l don't need to look at myself. I've got you. And you're all I need to see."
„Could you maybe do that," little Adam gestured with his hand, „after the movie, please?" He turned back to the screen, and put another handful of popcorn in his mouth.
„Sorry." you chuckled.
„Oh as if I care about what I say." your Adam beefed.
Putting one hand on your baby bump, he gently began stroking it with his thumb. „If this baby turns out like me there, we have no other option but to give it up for adoption." he dryly joked. „Adam." you slapped his shoulder but grinned at your husband.
༄ Don't copy, translate or republish any of my works on any app or other platform please. I only post my work on Tumblr and Wattpad.
Reposts are always appreciated, they really make my day🧡
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diagonal-queen · 2 years
Mutually Beneficial Transaction
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♡ pairing: Chuuya Nakahara x gn!Reader
♡ synopsis: After not seeing each other for a while, you and Chuuya spend the day together. It gets a little more romantic than you expected.
♡ wc: 1.4k
♡ cw: Swearing, mentions of death.
note: I'm so, SO sorry that this took so long to complete anon. This was one of the first reqs I got and I feel like I've let you down T-T I had a bunch of different ideas for this but not a clue which one to use- hopefully you like the end result though <3 Apologies for errors, hope you enjoy x
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Most people would see you and Chuuya as you were out and about and make the assumption that you were on a date. After all, you were dragging him from place to place, a couple clothes bags dangling from your free arm while he followed you with a fond smile on his face. You didn't have any issues with this, but it certainly wasn't the case. However, if it were, you're sure you would have been all over Chuuya and vice versa.
Yokohama was well known to be a city teeming with crime, specifically at the hands of the notorious Port Mafia of which Chuuya was an executive. You weren't a member yourself but you didn't feel as if you had anything to fear being close with Chuuya. You assumed that since you'd known each other for so long that you had some form of immunity. That being said, it had been a while since you were able to spend any personal time with him.
That's the reason that, on a rare day off, Chuuya called you to meet him at a nearby cafe for breakfast to spend the day with you. Feeling a little lonely without him, you were more than happy to participate. Thus, you spent the day running around Yokohama with Chuuya doing a multitude of things- shopping, trying different foods, and the like. Doing couple-y things, you thought. The question of whether or not Chuuya was at all like-minded lingered in the back of your head most of the day.
Around mid-evening before dinner, you and Chuuya found yourselves a bench near the port and took your seats, letting your arms rest from the bags they'd been carrying, and your feet rest from taking you so many places. The sunset setting on the horizon was a bright orange, the sky a calming ombre of shades of pink and blue.
"Today was brilliant, Chuuya," you breathed, a serene smile gracing your face as you absorbed the view. "Thank you for all this."
"It's nothin', really," he sighed, brushing a stray ginger lock from his face. "I'm just glad you were happy."
"You're way too nice to me. You know I won't be able to repay you- at least not like this?" You cocked an eyebrow at him, with a chuckle.
"I don't care about that. You spending time with me is payment enough." Chuuya glanced over at you with a smile. "I'm glad I got to hang out with you today."
"It really has been a while, huh?" You mused. "Things are busy in the mafia right now, I guess?"
"Things are technically always busy there, but because I'm an executive I have a lot more shit to do than most other members." He explained.
"That's also why you're so fuckin' loaded, I guess." You joked. The man beside you let out a snicker. "Seriously, though, just because you make a lot doesn't mean you always need to spend it on me."
"It's honestly fine, hon. I mean it. Besides, I kinda like buying you stuff." When you tilted your head at him as if to ask for further explanation, he elaborated. "You always get so excited whenever I get you a gift. It's nice knowing that I'm able to make you happy."
"You make me happy whenever I see you, regardless of whether you buy me things!" You insisted, shifting towards him and earnestly taking his gloved hand in your own. "I like spending time with you! I wouldn't be your friend if I didn't, you know."
"...yeah." He squeezed your hand. "...hey, can I ask you something?"
"Of course, Chuuya."
"Have you been feeling lonely recently?" The question surprised you, because it seemed rather random and uncharacteristic coming from Chuuya. You turned to face him.
"I mean...I guess, a little. It's been kinda lonely not having you around. Sometimes I got worried that you'd died or something," you admitted, your voice quiet.
"Died? Me?" Chuuya asked, making you giggle.
"I know, I know. Even God wouldn't be able to kill you. But I really couldn't help but worry. I'm glad to have been able to spend today with you. I like knowing that you're alright," you cast him a genuine smile, "and I had a great time. Did you?"
"'Course I did. I was with you." Chuuya responded returning your beam. You tapped your lips and weakly swatted at him.
"Shush, you."
"Now that I think of it, I did kinda miss messing with you." Chuuya leaned forward as his eyes narrowed.
"You're so damn sadistic, Chuuya. No wonder you're a mafia exec- that title suits you to a tee," you scoffed, pushing your finger into his forehead. "I can't even catch a break when I'm on your good side."
"Don't complain, you have it pretty easy with me."
"Whatever helps you sleep at night." You rolled your eyes. "Cheeky..."
"Who's cheeky?" Chuuya raised an eyebrow. You leaned forward to reach his eye level, both of you staring one another down. You smirked at him.
"The one spending all his money on me so that he can mess with me, maybe?" You suggested, with a small head tilt. The pair of you shared a quick chuckle, before it suddenly dawned on you how close you were to Chuuya.
You took note of how soft his glove felt on your hand, and how his breath danced across your face. The air around you suddenly seemed hot and sticky. You could hear your heartbeat in your temples.
"...you know what?" Chuuya spoke softly. "If you wanna repay me, maybe there's one thing you can do..."
Your eyes flickered towards his lips. "Yeah?"
"Mhm. You don't have to do it if you don't want to...but I'd appreciate it a lot."
"Anything for you, Chuuya," you breathed.
"Is that right?"
"Of course..." You had mentally prepared for this moment for years, and you felt a surprising amount of confidence. Though, that was mostly because Chuuya seemed to be returning your...very fervid attitude. You were both quiet, the only sounds being your slightly wavering breaths. Your faces were barely centimetres apart now.
"In that case..." you inhaled and closed your eyes in anticipation, quickly melting into his touch when your lips connected.
Chuuya did feel warm, and you felt a tingle in your chest. Your first kiss with Chuuya was better than you'd expected; not only did Chuuya meet all of your expectations but he also seemed equally interested in kissing you. You could only assume, anyway, when Chuuya's fingers found their way beneath your chin and gently lifted your face up so he could better access your lips.
The moment felt fleeting. When Chuuya pulled away you wanted to take his face and keep kissing him, but you didn't. That would probably shock him. You opened your eyes to see Chuuya's blue ones boring into yours. His face was relaxed, if a little flushed.
"Oh...oh, you're good at kissing..." You practically mouthed, you were so quiet. Chuuya couldn't hold back his laugh at your expression.
"How kind of you."
"No, like-!" You huffed, pushing him away from you. "You are a sadist."
"Nah, not to you," he shook his head. You didn't know what to say to him. Chuuya let out a relenting exhale. "I can be if you want me to be."
"...yeah. To be honest, you'd kinda lose half your charisma if you weren't." After saying that, he gave you a frown. You stifled a giggle.
"I'm the cheeky one?"
"Yes, you are. But I think I prefer it that way," you smiled. Chuuya truly couldn't get enough of it.
"I think...and you be quiet," he began, pointing a stern finger towards you. "...I think you and I are a good match. Dating-wise."
"You don't say?" You teased.
"Y/N, I'm being serious here," he insisted, taking your hand once more. "Can I be your boyfriend?"
"...yes?!" You raised an eyebrow. "I wouldn't have kissed you if the answer was no? You dense idiot, Chuuya."
"My apologies for making sure I wasn't dragging you into something you didn't want," he rolled his eyes. You laced your fingers together, before lifting your joined hands and pressing a kiss to the back of his hand. His gaze softened. "...thanks, hon."
"Seriously, though, I actually won't be able to spoil you or anything like that, so are you really sure you wanna date me?" You asked.
Chuuya sighed in exasperation. "I'm cuttin' you off if you keep this shit up, Y/N."
"Okay, okay!"
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i'm kinda tempted to write something now based on my first kiss because imo it was CRAZY romantic, but i don't wanna disrespect the person with whom i shared said kiss. if you're reading this; hey man do i have permission to write a loose recount of what we did except instead of us it's like some fictional people? i will give you a creative credit for worldbuilding
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sonicsbfwannbe · 6 months
Wait that was KENTA??
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Summary: Kenta makes progress in feeling comfortable around x-hunter. Very heavy on Alan being a supportive and perfect. (Its rush pls don't judge to harsh I beg)
3rd pov
After everything that had happened X-Hunter and friends more or less taken Kenta in. While he had contributed to the terrible things Tony was doing it was pretty clear that he never actually wanted to and at the end of the day he was a good person forced to do bad things.
Kenta was appreciative of the fact that they were so keen to have him around but that didn't mean he didn't struggle to be comfortable. He couldn't bring himself to do or ask for anything if it could potentially even slightly inconvenience someone.
He didn't doubt that they were happy to do things for him or even just be there for him but he had never been allowed to want and asking Tony for something usually had its consequences. He felt as if he still wasn't allowed to ask for anything not that he would even know how.
He also didn't feel right joining in on the way they all teased each other. The playful jabs that would be met with a light hearted sarcastic comment. What if they took him as actually being mean? What if he just wasn't allowed? He just couldn't risk losing what he had with them.
Fortunately he had a new family that was very stubborn.
Kenta pov
"North and Sonic are gonna go to the store tomorrow to stock up the pantry at the garage is there anything you want them to grab for you?" Alan asked me. I've been working there doing paperwork since everything calmed down and I really enjoy how kind everyone is here.
"No it's okay I don't need anything," I tell him. This is true while I do have snacks and drinks I like I don't actually need any of them. I know that's not the answer he wants but that's all I can bring myself to give for now.
"Kenta that's not what I asked and I know that it's hard for you to ask for things and I also know that one conversation is not going to fix that but I promise you that we all want to be there for you. We want you to join in on the jokes. If we didn't we would not have welcomed you here so for the love of god please just tell me what to add to the list for you," Alan lectured. I noticed he was like that, always making sure everyone knew they were cared for. He was genuinely the kindest person I've ever met. Not that it was much of a competition.
"Uhm... I really don't know, maybe just some sports drinks," I was so caught off guard by how blunt he was being. Even though I did believe him I still couldn't breathe as I scrambled for something to request.
"Okay good, you can text me or one of them if you want a particular brand or flavor or if you think of anything else."
I nod before he turns to walk out the door probably to keep asking around.
"And Kenta, I'm proud of you for asking I'm sure that took a lot but that is what we are all here for. We are family here and we really hope that you will see us as such when you are ready," Alan said and slips out of the room with a smile.
*1 year later*
Alan pov
It's been a slow day at the garage which to most people would mean calm. People idly doing their work at a comfortable pace in no rush to get a million things done. Not at X-Hunter though, not for me.
Slow day means that means that everyone is running around and being loud. Not for work but just enjoying themselves as they work. I absolutely love these days just my boys without weight on their shoulders just free to have wreckless fun.
Unfortunately today I got to be the central target for any teasing and wrestling. I would absolutely never tell any of them but I kind of enjoy it, they would never let it go.
I had spaced out watching them chase each other around when I suddenly have someone lunge on my back to start wrestling. Of course it was North ever the problem child.
"Why must you do this to me while I was minding my own business," I ask him more of a rhetorical tease than an actual question.
"Because it's fun duh," North retorts as he tries to put me in a headlock.
"Careful old people's bodies are sensitive you don't want him to throw his back out do you," a voice behind me speaks casually.
"Hey I'm not that o-" I start as I turn around. Wait was that Kenta?? He didn't even look up and just continued filling out paperwork but he had a noticeable smile on his face.
The entire garage was quiet from shock. Everyone had turned around to check that they heard it right too. If it wasn't for the smiles across everyone's face they might be mistaken for being upset.
"HOLY SHIT KENTA IM SO PROUD!!"  North shouts as he runs to hug Kenta. Me too.
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justrandomthoughs · 2 years
Just vermax being confused but supportive when dragon reader and Jace end up smelling like eachother (they steal eachother’s clothes without the other knowing). He thought his master’s mate was the other girl (Baela) but clearly not. Now he’s just wondering when she’s going to start popping out eggs.
Another situation:
“How many children do you want?” Reader asks Jace. “Idk but I’ve always pictured myself with a big family. And you?” He says. Reader thinks for a moment then smiles
“….five..five children..atleast” (ik reader is going to get dicked down so good pls-)
Okay, okay, okay. First, a joke/anecdote. When I was younger, like 12-13 (before I stopped being religious, lol) I wanted at least 4 kids. Two girls two boys, because if I fuck up one I have an extra. Lmao, what a cruel bitch lol. Now I only want as many kids as I can handle, but at least one. I don't know bro, I fucking hate how much I like people and kids, I just want to love on them lol. Thank god I'm not going to have one till I'm 35 or something lol.
But in A Song of Fire and Ice, you GOTTA be popping out babies because lord only knows what will happen to them after they leave your womb (lol, fml). Also dragons lay in clutches. I don't know if the readers of ASOIAF really know about the intricacies of dragons sexual cycles, but I know that we saw the dragon eggs that Daemon got in HOTD. I'm not particularly into egg laying kinks, but in compensation (also just biology), Dragon! Reader would probably gives birth to twins most commonly (50%), triplets second most common (40%), and a single baby very rarely (10%). She is gonna be a fucking brood mother. What a terror lol.
Also yes (sorry lol I addressed the blatantly sexual part first), both Yan! Jace and Dragon! Reader take each others clothes. For Jace, the scent grounds him and reminds him what he's fighting for (also Alicent always comments about how he smells like dragon [your scent is similar but so distinct that nothing else is as intoxicating to him]). For you it calms the power/rage within you and makes you level headed. Both of you always smell & give a kiss to a piece of cloth that has each others scent on it before battle. It's like a promise to return to each other. No matter what.
Finally (lord help me I'm sorry about the structure of this lol, I did it most to least invigorating to write about—so in case you were wondering the method to my madness there it is), I don't really know how Vermax thinks about Dragon! Reader. Could it be in the same vein as Daenerys's dragons, like working in a pack? Probably not unless they were raised together. But I think Vermax would respect the reader as he recognizes your strength and approves of you as the mate of Jacaerys.
Hmmmm.... I still need to think about Dragon! Reader and dragon interactions/relationships lol!
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sarasa-cat · 1 month
Feeling behind on EVERYTHING thanks to probably-almost-definitely COVID recovery.
If left to my own devices, I sleep for 13.5 hours all in one go, just dead to the world oh so dead, not waking up for anything. That makes fitting everything else in a little bit difficult.
All that is really left is:
a. Managing the inflammation from low-grade viral-induced asthma which is definitely a thing I have experience with and do not enjoy.
b. Giving my body whatever time it needs to recover which means if sleep is what is on the menu during the best weather of the year (where I am) well, fml, but that is how it is gonna be.
In short, I'm going to be a bit flaky with being online for the rest of this month. Sometimes I will be VERY online as in EXCEEDINGLY online, and then other days I'll be making the best of what time I have to keep Life/Work/Shit moving forward and will probably seem like a ghost.
Low-grade viral induced asthma talk will commence here:
So, it is really simple: many different kinds of viruses can set off viral-induced asthmatic swelling of the airways. After the virus is long dead, the swelling persists. Fun times. 🙃
Normally, these days, if I am in a micro-climate that is dry enough** (I'm not talking desert bone dry, although I do like it, but just Not Perpetually Damp And Moldy), I just let all of my asthma medications expire at the bottom of an overstuffed medical-junk drawer in the bathroom. The only thing I take daily is a cocktail of OTC allergies meds.
When viruses attack --- as in the common cold, flu, etc. --- I dust those bad boys off and get on top of things as fast as possible while also making a point of AVOIDING ANY kind of irritating particulate air pollution that will set it off or make it worse. Cheap wet wood smoke? Neighbor's stank-ass BBQ? Get that shit outta my life.
The better course of action is the slow and boring kind: cancel the next 3 weeks of activities and just let it calm down with inhaled corticosteroids. But, if things get really bad or I am desperate need of immediate relief because my schedule cannot accommodate 3 weeks of doing very little followed by 2 more weeks of regaining my prior-to-attack aerobic stamina, I just break the glass and pop open the steroid step-down pack. Fast and effective, but annoying side effects can also occur.
Right now I have decided that things aren't bad enough for the BIG GUNS and that I can (grumbling grumbling grumbling) sorta afford to be on my ass for 3 weeks. But hooboy, I am not having a good time of it. (Oh, and that, that upcoming 10k fundraiser I had originally planned on staggering through? my participation is entirely, completely, no questions asked cancelled).
What I really want to do is just sit outside in a hot and dry place and let my whole body dry out. You might laugh but I am not joking about the power of that speeding things up. Unfortunately, despite it being august and living in a place that is definitely feeling the effects of global warming, it doesn't get hot enough here to be bathing suit weather under the baking hot sun. But, taking a picnic blanket+basket and a sketchbook to spread out under a tree in a park does sound like a good idea for tomorrow and Saturday (while dressed in long pants, t-shirt, and light cotton sweater).
Anyhow, for now I am taking the SLOW recovery route because I don't have anything forcing me to wage hardcore steroidal warfare on my body, which is precisely what the prednisone does.
But that means I will be flaky because my time is constrained. Some days I'll just say "fuck it" and have a sick day in bed with my laptop or phone and I'll be exceedingly online. Other days I'll make the best of the time I have to do all the adulting that still needs to be done by me, to get actual work done, or to make careful use of energy to (at this pace) inch-worm my way through the epic KonMari of various shit in my house & home-office/studio that needs to be organized.
This is really annoying and not how I planned on spending my august --- which is actually my favorite month of the year! But, oh well. OH WELL.
oh well.
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saphlore-blog · 2 months
no one asked but here's my skincare routine xx 🌚 (including pictures of all the products !)
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i'm a teen with acne-prone slightly sensitive skin that gets oily by the end of the day🧖‍♀️
(i'm 99% sure i'm allergic to salicylic acid bc it didn't help with my breakouts/caused them so i avoid it in my routine❕)
as a makeup remover i use the elf holy hydration makeup melting balm 🚿
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& a makeup eraser cloth 🧽
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for stubborn waterproof eye makeup i use garnier skin active micellar cleaning water all-in-1 waterproof (aka the blue one) i have a huge bottle of it :)💧
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(i want to start using reusable cotton rounds so pls lmk of any good brands !)
i just ran out but if i haven't worn makeup but my pores feel especially clogged i use the burt's bees oil cleanser 🥥 (you do have to double cleanse with a water based cleanser afterwards !)
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for a daily water-based facial cleanser i use two different ones
the cerave foaming facial cleanser 🧼 "oil control" on the bottle is no joke ! i don't get oily in the day anymore bc of the niacinamide in this :)
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but it can be a little drying/strong so i mix it with the cetaphil gentle skin cleanser 🛁
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i use this really cheap & generic silicone face scrubber for my nostrils/chin/sideburn-hairline area 🧽
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once a week i use this scrub pixi peel and polish its a mask with physical and chemical exfoliants
it smells like lemon cucumber water🥒 and can also be used for body acne on the chest, back, & arms !!
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once a week i use an AHA chemical exfoliant it's elf supertone toner 🌝 it has glycolic acid and is has a little bit of a lemony scent
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what i use as a daily toner is thayer's rose-scented witch hazel spray 💌 it calms down any redness i have instantly !
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i used to use the cerave daily moisturizing lotion but it was a little oily and it was impossible to apply makeup on 🧘 so now i use it on my hands before doing my facial moisturizer
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and for that i use a mix of elf holy hydration gel-yeah moisturizer and elf holy hydration face cream 💦 it's pretty self-explanatory but the former is a clear gel and the latter is a white cream, i adjust the proportions for my moisture needs :) ⛲️
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in the winter or if my face feels dry or in need of healing i use clinique moisture surge overnight face mask 🦪
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"mask" is a little misleading as you just apply it with your moisturizer like any other lotion 🧴 it's super hydrating, it's a little expensive but i got it as a gift and a little goes a long way ! :)
after a breakout has healed completely i use a little bio oil on top of my moisturizer to fade any dark spots/scars 🐚
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after i shower and exfoliate my lips i use this random lip mask from bath and body works that's watermelon scented 🍉 it's thick (a little goes a long way) and yummy
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i also use smith's rosebud salve in this tin 🌹 it's like a nice scented vaseline
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i don't use it all the time bc it's expensive but i love the mario badescu caffeine eye cream💆it's so good for my sunken dark circles ! but avoid getting it in your eye and keeping it in the bathroom bc it curdles if it gets too hot from shower steam
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for active acne spots i use might patch pimple patches 🩹regular for whiteheads and micropoint ones for swollen spots under the skin
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those are pretty expensive so for smaller spots i use mario badescu drying lotion overnight 🫧
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i'm pretty bad at remembering sunscreen in the morning but i just got the glow recipe dew balm with spf 45 and niacinamide 🌸 i love the glow and the light fruity scent :)
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i do want mention that my life-saver game-changer for stopping cystic acne (those painful lumps deep in the skin) and just acne in general has been hormonal birth control pills ! after i started BC for pcos/hormonal reason all of my breakouts decreased significantly🪽
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tysm for reading !! 🕊️ xx
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Ok but may I request other characters as dads with their kids on the first day of school? 👀 Cuz ya know I gotta ask about Yuu and Satori.
Yuu, I don't have any immediate ideas (that's why yer here, right Ma? <3), but poor Tori, I can picture him being so nervous, especially if their kiddo is a bit more crazy, like him. Pls, it's like, my favoritest thing about him, that he's his genuine self always, but we know that school was super hard for him... now his own kid is starting school 😬
- Dragon anon
Oh of course we have to do Yuu and Satori 🥰🥰🥰 our sweet bby libero and middle blocker 😫😫
*if anyone would like more characters, feel free to send me an ask! I'm loving these!
On the outside, he's calm
On the inside, he's a wreck
Probably didn't sleep the night before 🥺
He packs the best lunch for your son and includes his homemade chocolates 😍
"Satori, are you ok?" You ask your husband as he sits in the kitchen. It's only about 6:30am and he's already awake.
"I'm ok YN, just nervous you know. What if he gets picked on? Or what if people call him weird?" Satori says as you sit down next to him and rest your hand on his forearm.
"Love, I promise, if anyone says anything to him, he will probably kick their ass," you said as your husband barked out a laugh, "plus Wakatoshi sent him that signed Team Japan jersey and he's been wearing it none stop. I'm sure all the kids will think he's the coolest!"
"You're right YN," your husband says as he kisses your cheek.
"Plus we can always bride his teachers with your chocolate?" You joked
"Do you think I should have made more? What time is it? Oh god I don't have long!" You husband say, frantically whipping out his pots and pans, preparing to made the entire school chocolates.
He's channeling his nerves in baking YN, assure your man!
Probably the one whose the most calm
Shocking I know 🤣 but he's so excited
Your daughter is totally like you and he has no worries other than one 👀
"YN!" Your husband shouts as you come down the stairs for the kitchen to see your husband and daughter standing there.
"Yuu what's wrong?" You say as you husband dramatically points to your daughter.
"Dod you do her hair? And look at her outfit!" Yuu screams, as you study your daughter
"I'm so confused Yuu, what's wrong? She looks so cute!" You say as your daughter sits with a wide smile on her face.
"She's too cute YN!! You know there are also boys in this school right? Oh God we need to un-enroll her!" Your husband says, frantically pacing up and down the kitchen
"Yuu, she's 5," you say as your husband just looks at you.
"And?? You know how I was as a kid! What if Tanaka's son is in her class? Oh my god YN we need to homeschool!" Yuu says panicking.
"Suga is her teacher Yuu, I'm sure he has everything under control! Let's not worry about boys right now. Let's wait until middle school at least," you say, ushering your daughter to the front door.
Noya's child and teenage years are finally catching up to him and he's not happy 🤣
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