#(shallots as onion replacement)
pianokantzart · 9 months
I just made the Mama Mario soup.
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I can see why Luigi got so excited, that stuff good.
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kimberlyeab · 5 months
Ashley: "You know, it's actually the mark of a good cook that they're able to pull off substitutions in their recipes."
Andrew: Looks at beef stew.
Andrew: Puts down spoon.
Andrew: "Ashley…"
Ashley: "Yes, dear."
Andrew: "What's in this?"
Ashley: "Oh, I replaced the shallots with yellow onion."
Andrew: "Thank fuck."
Ashley: "Also I used your ex-girlfriend."
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tricksterdraws · 3 months
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Are you really couple cooking with wine if the bottle, the next bottle and half the box the wine came in isn't empty by the end of it, after only needing 150ml for the recipe? my piece for the @hprecipe-recfest. Thank you so much for hosting, this was so much fun to do :) Recipe is below the cut also featuring a live demonstration of me playing ship of Theseus with it
Tartiflette (For 6 people) the * marks stuff you can easily replace with something else see end of recipe for that
Recipe takes about: 50-60 minutes in total - 30-40 min in preparation, 20min in baking You'll need: 900g potatos (hard boiling) 400g bacon* 5 shalotts* 2 gloves of garlic salt and pepper 150ml wine (white, dry)* 1 Reblochon (400g-500g)* how to prepare: Wash the potatos and cook them without peeling them first until completely cooked (~20 minutes). While the potatos are on the stove, dice bacon, garlic and onions and fry all with a bit of oil on medium heat until everything is cooked. Once the potatos are finished peel them and slice them finely.* Preheat the oven to 200°C/390°F. Save yourself a headache later and oil the baking pan. For the next steps it helps if you know how salty your bacon is! Put half of the potato slices into the pan and salt and pepper it. Then put half of the onion, bacon, garlic mix down, salt and pepper that too. Repeat with the other halves, so you have 4 layers in total. Pour your wine over the layers and slice your cheese so it can cover the entire casserole while melting. Put it onto the middle level of your oven and bake for 20 minutes. Note: If you have leftovers you can just freeze them and reheat them in the oven. (personally wouldn't recommend microwave it gives the soft cheese a funny bytaste) Alteration suggestions: bacon: if you don't eat pork just use chicken or beef optimal would be an air dried one but really it's whatever, personally I use this recipe to use up kinda dry leftovers shallots: just use whatever onion is in season wine: also alcoholic: if you already have an open white wine honestly just use that one up if it's a dessert one just add a bit of vinegar if you want the tardness to be strong but otherwise you'll be fine non-alcoholic: use veggie stock with a bit of vinegar instead the recipe needs some sourness that'd otherwise come from the wine so I wouldn't recommend using only stock Reblochon: you need a camenbert-like soft cheese if you don't like spicy ones use a mild one, if you have leftovers use these If you have sensory issues or the potatos you have shouldn't be boiled in the skin just peel them before cooking honestly. You'll lose some of the earthy taste the recipe is going for but it's a pretty subplimental taste here.
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chronotopes · 18 days
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btw today I did “I didn’t have eggplant so I replaced it with broccoli and I don’t like the texture of cubed tofu so I cut it thinner and we didn’t buy shallots at wegmans so I used an onion and we haven’t unpacked measuring cups yet so I eyeballed everything” shit to a recipe and it turned out quite delicious in spite of all that. Win after win!!!
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pinkfey · 5 months
omg can u kindly drop the tortellini soup recipe....every time my wife makes regular tortellini i get so excited & to find out there's a SOUP FORM?? game changer
YES OFC tortellini nation rise!!!!!!
here is the recipe that he loosely follows.
he adds basil and he replaces onions with shallots and celery with green onion stalks!! definitely add your own seasonings to taste bc it can be pretty plain otherwise (he just kinda vibes with whatever he feels like using that day). we also make our own tomato sauce with fresh tomatoes as opposed to buying it canned, which adds abt forty minutes onto the total cooktime but imo is so worth it >:)
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milk-and-violets · 20 days
hello please give us your soup recipes ( ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
apologies to anyone who has ever sent me an ask please know I read them and weep and then forget to answer them
if anyone has questions about these soups, please feel free to ask in the replies or dm me!! also, you are welcome to reblog and add your favorite soups, I would love to see what other soups y'all enjoy :)
ANYWAYS here are some of my favorite soup recipes (part one ? I may post more if people like them)
This soup. This soup. Several things to say about it. Firstly, it benefits greatly from buying the nice crushed tomatoes, like the $5-6 cans if you are able to. The tomato makes up a lot of the broth flavor, especially if you want to make it vegetarian and thus leave out the sausage.
Secondly, double the garlic cloves (eight garlic cloves? yes, I'm serious) and use canned brown lentils. A whole can. Two if you feel like it, I often do. It's really very little detriment to the recipe over dried ones, and the soup comes together much quicker when you're not waiting for them to soften. You will need to decrease the cook time, or it will become mush.
Lastly, replace the water with chicken or vegetable broth, it's just better, and the celery is optional, especially if you're allergic, since apparently that's possible.
I acknowledge that this one is a stew, not a soup, however...
This dish is a delicious cross between a more English beef stew (see: NYTimes Beef Stew if you're interested, I highly recommend) and french Coq au Vin. It calls for boneless pork shoulder, but if you can't find that, bone in is fine, just more work. You will need to cut out the bone, which can then be roasted in the oven, I like to use the preheat time (this recipe requires some oven braising) to do so -- just pat dry, coat with olive oil and salt. You can also save the bone in a zip lock in your freezer, for making tonkotsu ramen broth, if you're like me.
Martha uses a pound of "small shallots" which I really find to be a bit much. Use that many if A) they're on sale, B) you've replaced them with pearl onions, or C) you really really love shallots (I respect that.)
I like to add eight cloves of smashed garlic to this, and 4-5 yukon potatoes, washed (but not peeled) and sliced into 1.5 inch cubes (you can assess their size based on vibes and how long you want to cook them for, approaching two-bite sized is generally good).
You can reduce the garlic cloves by half if that's too much for you, or if you're adding a significant amount of shallots still. I've used only 3 large shallots ones before and found it to be enough, so use what you've got. The potatoes add texture and body to the soup, and something to chew on other than the pork, which balances the dish.
Also, Martha suggests you cut your carrots lengthwise, but I personally prefer medallions, as they're much easier to serve and eat. If you're very worried about overcooking your carrots, maybe do large chunks.
This recipe does call for hard apple cider, which it really does need, but if you have to leave it out due to allergies or food restrictions, I suggest adding an 1/8 cup or so (maybe less, that might be a bit sour) of nice apple cider vinegar, and substituting the rest of the liquid with more chicken broth. Serve with some nice crusty bread! Or maybe egg noodles, if you leave out the potatoes and want a really Coq au Vin-esque experience.
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Alright, so I think I did the formatting correctly, and you should be able to click this image to access the recipe link, but just in case:
Anyways, this recipe calls for 2 cans of cannelini beans. If you can't find those, great northern beans are basically the same. For the sausage, it may also be sold as mild italian sausage, and you do not need to buy it in links, buying loose ground sausage is much easier.
It also calls for two bunches of kale, which is frankly a ridiculous amount, I would only put in that much if this is the only source of vegetables you'll be getting for a month. One (Large!) bundle of kale should be fine. After rinsing, you can simply rip the leafy parts away from the stems, and then discard the stems, or steam them if you really want to eat them. Personally, I don't think they belong in soup.
The onion you use for this should be a yellow onion, maybe white if you're desperate and fear no onion. It calls for 1 potato, you should use 3-4, medium to large sized (Russet!) potatoes. Use your heart to decide when it's enough potato for 52 oz of broth. Likewise, you should consider doubling the amount of garlic that goes into this.
If you don't want to do the math, 52 oz of broth is a little less than 2 whole packages of store bought broth. You may find that you want to add the last bit when you add the potatoes, just to give them a bit more liquid to cook in, since you should use more potatoes than the recipe calls for. If you make your own chicken stock (which is quite easy, and I do recommend it, but it's not essential here) 52 oz is about 6 and a half cups of liquid.
The serving suggestion is to top with cheese, which is really up to you. If your spice tolerance is in the negative, like mine, you may enjoy eating a nice cheese on the side with your bread. Port Salut is a very good spreadable option, or perhaps an aged gouda or white cheddar. Having bread alongside this is really a must.
I suggest making a garlic oil to top the soup, to replace the plain olive oil for drizzling. To do this, simply mince another 2-3 cloves of garlic (more depending on how much oil you want to make), heat generous amount of olive oil over medium heat, then add garlic and saute until fragrant. Do not let the garlic get completely golden brown, unless you really enjoy it crunchy. This is going in soup, and should be minced fine, so having slightly raw garlic will not be an issue. You can store this in an air tight container in the fridge, just scoop some out to top your soup before reheating.
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garden-with-squid · 10 months
Last day of August! Just passed another heatwave, so I watered, pruned, and fertilized. I removed the Black Cherry tomato, may it rest in peace, because it looked spent. Your fruit made so many bowls of pasta - store bought does not hold a candle to your deliciousness.
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For seeds, the onions are leggy but alright (I added sifted compost and half strength fertilizer), the lettuce has germinated, and the zinnias look amazing. I think the compost mix really held moisture like I wanted. And since I struggle with starting indoors, I sowed some more onion seeds in an outdoor container. It’s shallots, then Texas early, then red onion (I think)
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This rest of this post under the cut will be a season review and planning for fall.
Summer season review: Overall, I did experience the same garden fatigue from the heat and watering, even though this summer was way more mild than last year. The ollas work great so far, so maybe that will help next year. I loved every bowl of homegrown cherry tomato pasta we made, and we even got some chilies and bell peppers. Great improvements over last year!
While it will stay hot for another month or two, I’m excited to try new things during fall. Apparently, California’s expecting lower than average temps and more rain; the whole year’s been like that.
Considerations for fall:
How densely do I plant to soak up extra water while allowing airflow/avoiding disease?
Will be there be enough sunlight to grow everything?
What if we get a freeze?
What if there are storms?
Upcoming projects/plans:
Cover crop beds 1 and 3
Plant beds 2 and 4 with onions, carrots, garlic, lettuce, broccoli, etc
Start a container garden on the pavement with berries, strawberry tower, tea plant, dragonfruit trellis, flowers, etc.
Install ollas and arch trellises between the beds
Replace daybed with little table and chairs to make a nice seating area, no rat nests!
Maybe set up an outdoor seed starting station? The bench is getting pretty full
Add dwarf tomato to the kitchen windowsill
At my parent’s house: harvest persimmons, sow wildflower seeds, plant trailing nasturtium
As you can see, I really want to do a lot this season. Invest some money and level up my gardening! I’d love for my garden to look more like the ones I see online, and it will take a few more years of experience to get there. If I challenge myself, I can get there.
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comfortablyvegan · 2 years
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been so long since i posted but hello!
made a vegan lemon chik’n dumpling soup with some chzy biscuits after work today 😋
recipe ⬇️
chopped up 4 celery stalks, 1 carrot, 1 leek, 1 medium onion, 2 shallots and 3 cloves of garlic, and sauteed it all til the onions and celery became translucent. added 1.5 knorr vegetable bouillon cubes to 1 cup of water and tossed them both in to dissolve the cube. (skip this step if you like i just find sometimes it dissolves weird)
once the cube was dissolved i added maybe 5 cups of water, 3 bay leaves, 1/2 tsp dried basil, 1/2 tsp dried parsley, 2-3tsp better than bouillon (i like using this plus the cube for depth in flavour) and 3-4tbsp lemon juice.
let it all simmer and once the veggies are tender remove the bay leaves and add 3 pillsbury biscuits cut up into small cubes (mine were about 1cm cubes), and 1/3 cup crumbled soy curls or chicken replacement of your choice. simmer for maybe another 7-8 minutes to fully cook dumplings. add another half or full cup of water depending how much has simmered off. add salt and pepper to taste and more lemon juice if needed. i like to press 2 cloves of raw garlic in at this point too for a stronger garlic flavour as it cooks down a lot.
i used the remaining biscuits and cut them in half and stuffed them with cheese before putting the top back on.
took me about 30 mins and probably cost a total of $10CAD
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dicaculus · 10 months
Title: A Pile of Hot Metal and Dirty Dishes Artist: Crankyfossil Rating: Explicit Pairing: Magnus Bane/ Alec Lightwood Wordcount:42,462 Summary: Magnus Bane is the Head Chef at Encanto and doing just fine. Or that’s what he tells Simon the therapist, his boss Raphael, orders him to go to. Magnus is a genius in the kitchen, his food is art, but if he starts a fight with one more disrespectful customer, he’s gone. Simon is useless though, going on about Magnus using work as a means to distance himself from meaningful relationships, and emotional walls that could rival a fortress. What does he know? Magnus is fine. Then everything goes wrong. His best friend, Catarina and her daughter get into an accident. His eight-year-old niece, Madzie, is the only survivor and Magnus finds himself going from cool uncle Magnus to the only parent Madzie has left. To make matters worse, Raphael has replaced him while he’s on leave. Alexander Lightwood is a menace. He’s careless, breezy, and annoyingly good at everything he does. Magnus can’t stand him, but with Madzie refusing to eat his cooking and his hands full, Magnus needs all the help he can get. Along the way, Magnus begins to realize there’s more to life than seared cod and lemon dressing, and maybe, just maybe, it’s a life that he wants Alexander Lightwood in.
This fic was created for the Malec Discord Mini Bang 2023.
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For Magnus Bane, Mondays meant a few things. Encanto was only open for dinner, he was at the pier in the early morning with his coat on to stay warm while everyone else was still sleeping.
“Got some nice lobsters from Maine this morning”
Magnus leans forward, inspecting the lobster. The fishmonger gestures towards but tuts and looks back at the man. “Those are a little too small. "
“Try these” He gestures to a second pile of giant lobsters.
Magnus quickly inspects the lobsters, hard shells, two full-sized claws, and no open wounds or legions. “Yeah, these are good. Have them delivered to the restaurant at 2:30. "
But Mondays for Magnus also meant seeing Simon the therapist, whom his boss, Raphael ordered him to see, but to him he’s useless.
“You have to stop using your work as a reason to avoid relationships, Magnus. "
“One day, those emotional walls you’ve built around yourself have to come down. You can’t keep everyone at a distance forever. "
“... a coping mechanism related to the trauma you endured as a child. "
If Magnus hears the man say the word trauma one more time, he’s going to lose it. So instead Magnus spends the hour talking about food, the menu for that week and trying to convince the man to let him bring some food to their next session.
“Some chefs call them ‘lovebirds’, a romantic dish for a special occasion. Properly cooked,
they're as tender as butter. They can be roasted, stuffed with wild rice or barley..or you can broil them, poach them... barbecue them, and even braise them. But there's no greater sin
than to overcook a quail. When cooked correctly it has a touch of pink on the breast, but you need the right quail. It has to be fleshy or it dries out too easily. I prefer to serve them roasted. That makes their taste richer and more robust. And a side of truffle ravioli and wild mushrooms go deliciously well with them. Of course, you can also cook them in a pig's bladder in a mix of Madeira and cognac. You see, the bladder helps protect the quail and keeps it moist. You could serve it with a tender sauce of thyme, spring onions, caramelized shallots, and truffles. Truffles go perfectly with almost any quail dish because they elevate the delicate taste.”
“Am I boring you?” Magnus pauses, looking at Simon who has a scowl on his face and looks incredibly bored.
“No, not at all,” He sighs “Please, go on”
Magnus squints at the psychologist not believing him but continues despite know he’s lying. 
“They wonderfully elevate the delicate taste of the quail. But you have to really
be able to afford truffles, otherwise, you just better forget about it.
Magnus pauses, thinking for just a moment before he claps his hands and turns towards the other man again “Now, for an appetizer, I suggest-”
“Magnus,” Simon says, wiping his face with his hands, “Would you mind if I change the subject for a moment?”
He gestures towards the couch sitting in the middle of the room across from where he sits in an armchair, a clipboard set in his lap. Magnus sighs and moves away from the tall windows of the office and sits on the cream couch. Simon uncrosses his legs and sits forward in his chair, looking Magnus in the eye.
“Why do you come to see me every week?
“My boss said he'd fire me if I didn't get therapy.” He says with a roll of his eyes.
Simon hums and removes his glasses, wiping the lenses clean with his shirt.”And why do you think he thinks you need therapy?
“You know,” Magnus says, uncrossing his arms, “I have no idea.” 
“Well, would you look at that doc? Looks like our time is up” Magnus stands up with a smile, grabbing his coat from the coat rack and slipping on his boots. “This was great. See you next Monday and good luck with your sister’s wedding menu and remember what I said about the quail.”
Magnus doesn’t wait for a response before he opens the door and lets it slam shut behind him.
“Why do you see me every week?” he says mimicking Simon in the elevators. "Shouldn’t he be telling me that? Unbelievable”
Despite it being a Monday night, dinner at Encanto was fully booked. The kitchen is in full swing, taking order after order, working together like a well-tuned machine. The sound of clanging pots and pans, the searing of meat, bubbling liquids and Magnus’s authoritative tone fill the kitchen.
“Ordering two tasting menus.”
“Clary, I need a quail and a Dover sole for table nine.”
“I'm still waiting on those beef tenderloins. Where are they? Pick up!
 “Scallops, tenderloin-”
“Magnus, the Branwells are here”
Magnus glares at Raphael, hoping to communicate how much he’d like not to be interrupted during a busy service, especially when reading orders.
He rolls his eyes. “They want to tell you how brilliant you are. "
“Brilliant chefs belong in the kitchen. Clary, don’t cook those too long they’ll get—”
“Tough, I know,” the redhead says with a shake of her head
“No,” He says, swatting Clary’s right bicep. “Dry, they will get dry”
“At least say hello. You know the Branwells are some of our most loyal and best customers”
Magnus looks over to Raphael, who hadn’t gotten his message to leave the kitchen when he was ignored. With a sigh, Magnus mutters a ‘Fine’ and unties his apron from his waist,
“I get tough, the Quail will get dry, Clary.” He squeezes the redhead’s shoulders “Control the ship until I’m back.” 
“Yes Chef” 
“I also want to go over the menu for the lunch menu for this week,” Raphael says as he walks through the kitchen doors. 
Magnus sighs again and tosses his lightly stained apron at the man. “Later”
Magnus plasters on his signature smile as he greets the Branwells. Charlotte and Henry Branwell, a now-retired couple who’ve had a reservation at Encanto every week since Magnus became head chef. They celebrated birthdays, anniversaries, or any special occasion with them and, as Raphael said, they were some of their best customers. The couple stands from their table and greets Magnus with warm hugs and a kiss on both cheeks from Charlotte when he reaches the couple’s table.
“You're a magician, Magnus,” Charlotte exclaims. “My husband sings your praises whenever he eats your food. It’s all he’ll speak of for days. It's hard not to be jealous.” She says with a laugh.
“I worship anyone who can surprise my palate, no need for the jealousy my dear”
Magnus watches the couple squeeze each other's hand, for just a moment he feels the pains of jealousy seeing how in love the Branwells are after so many years together. He clears his throat, thanking the couple again and walks with them to the door.
“Well, it's always a pleasure to cook for you both. I’ll see you next week?”
“Of course.”
“Well,” He says, “Until next week then, have a good night you two”
After a final wave, Magnus shuts the door behind the couple and watches silently as they walk down the street hand in hand. He wonders how it would be, being with the same person for so many years, knowing everything about them, raising a family, and growing old together. Underneath Magnus’s hard shell is something he’d always secretly dreamed of, a man or a woman to grow old with, watch mindless tv in the evening with, and bicker about paint swatches for the kitchen. 
“Your emotional walls are so high they could rival a fortress,” Simon’s voice echoes through Magnus's head. 
Magnus shakes the thought from his head. His kitchen needs him.
“I'm telling you it's not cooked properly” 
The woman’s voice pulls Magnus from his thoughts. Annoyance fills Magnus at someone, a patron, judging his food. He walks over to the table. Standing just behind is Raphael, at the table is a couple clearly in the middle of what looks like a perfect meal to him. 
“May I ask what this is about?” asks Magnus, looking between the pair
‘Magnus, I'll handle this.”
“You're the chef? The woman says, pointing a badly French-manicured finger in Magnus’s direction.
Magnus stands up straighter and swallows, taking a deep breath so he doesn’t break the woman’s finger. “Yes.”
“There's something I'd like to show you.”
“Don't do this.” Pleads the blonde man sitting across from her.
The woman tuts and waves her hand in front of the man and ignoring his protests. Suddenly Magnus is offended for the husband and his patience is quickly running thin. 
“My husband’s foie gras hasn't been cooked long enough.”
“Excuse me?”
Raphael reaches for the plate, trying to diffuse the situation. “Why don't I bring you a new appetizer with my compliments?
“It's cooked just fine,” Magnus tells the older woman,
“Nothing to be ashamed of, honey.” She says, touching Magnus’s hand that rests on the table. She says it in a way you’d speak to a child, patronizing with a faux smile showing her lipstick-stained teeth. “Even the best stumble over foie gras.”
Honey? Now that won’t do. Magnus pulls his hand from underneath the older woman’s and takes the plate from Raphael’s hands, his lips tight and irritation covering his face. From the corner of his eye, he can see Raphael with a pleading look on his face, but he ignores him and carries on.
“There's nothing wrong with this. It's precisely comme il faut.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“Comme il faut? "As it should be. 140 degrees in the oven, 80 degrees water temperature, for 25 minutes not too long, not too short, with the perfect touch of pink. “He slams the plate back on the table, the sound echoing through the quiet dining room “Honey.”
“I am a paying customer. How dare you speak to me like this! Are you going to let your chef speak to me like this?!” Raphael is silent, not sure what to say or want to make it worse. She pushes her chair back, it scrapes the wooden floor and hits the wall behind her with a thud as she stands. “We'll take our business somewhere else.”
The woman pulls her coat‌ on and heads to the door. “Let's go, Benedict”
Benedict silently stands, putting his coat on without a word. He looks Magnus in the eye and mutters a soft ‘sorry about her’ before following his wife. Magnus doesn’t understand how such a soft-spoken man could be married to that barbarian. Maybe Benedict should take his business elsewhere, too.
“May I suggest Raj's hot dog stand at the corner?” He says, following the couple to the door, “He cooks to order.”
Magnus slams the door shut behind the couple and heads back to the kitchens, ignoring the stares of the customers who witnessed the scene. The metal kitchen doors slam behind him. He picks up a fresh apron, tying it tightly around himself, washes his hands, scrubbing the woman and her comments off of himself.
“Everything okay, chef?” Clary asks when Magnus stands at his station.
Magnus nods “Peachy”
“How many times have I told you, Bane!” Raphael roars as he slams open the kitchen doors. He stands on the other side of Magnus’s station. Raphael slams his hand on the counter, making everyone in the kitchen jump. “You can’t make a scene every time someone doesn’t like your food”
Magnus rolls his eyes. "Please, that woman was ridiculous and had no idea what she was talking about. " He leans forward on the counter. “She didn’t know what comme il faut meant and I’m supposed to trust her opinion on foie gras?!”
“She’s a paying customer! If she says the foie gras is not done, it’s not” 
“Foie gras is cruelty to animals” Clary pipes in
“Stay out of this Clarrisa,” Raphael bites without looking away from Magnus
“Clary, why don’t you take your break,” Magnus says softly. “Go eat something, I’m sure Peanut is hungry” He gestures to Clary’s very pregnant stomach.
Raphael follows Clary with her eyes, making sure she’s gone before looking back at Magnus, the glare still on his face.
“I swear to God, Magnus, if you weren't one of the better chefs in this city, I'd fire you.” 
“One of the better chefs?” He says with a gasp. “What's that supposed to mean?”
Raphael simply shrugs and says nothing else before turning around and leaving the kitchen, letting the door slam closed and a stunned Magnus behind his station.
“He's just saying that to annoy me,” Magnus says, pressing his lips together. He pauses and looks up at his other chefs. “Isn't he?
“Whatever you say, chef.”
The following Monday Magnus is back at the fishmongers. He orders plenty of seafood for the restaurant, lobsters, scallops, and shrimp. He orders them to the restaurant for noon and starts to leave when a familiar monger waves him over.
“Hey Magnus, over here!”
“Hey Travis, have anything good for me”
“Do I have anything good for you?” He chuckles. "Check it out” he gestures to a crate 
Magnus steps over and takes the lid off and gasps, “Golden tilefish! Travis, I can’t believe you got them. They’re beautiful.”
“Anything for Magnus Bane and… are you working tonight? I know a good Thai place—”
“I am actually,” Magnus says, crossing his arms over his chest. “Just for a few hours to get some things done. My best friend and her daughter are coming into town. “Get the fish to Encanto for two, ask for Clary. She’ll sign for them. "
Travis shakes his head. "I don’t give up that easily. One of these days, I’ll get you to go on a date with me. "
Magnus sighs heavily. "Look, Travis, I think you should know I don't generally do that.”
“What, have dinner?”
“Dinner dates”
“How about breakfast?” Travis asks “We’re both here early in the morning, there’s a little diner down the street—”
“Travis, I don't go out with people I work with.. or buy fish from‌.”
 “You seem to have a lot of rules” He shrugs
“What's wrong with having rules?” Magnus asks with an exasperated sigh. He pulls out a plate he’d taken from home and sets it on the coffee tables, from his bag Magnus pulls out other small containers filled with various items.
“Rules control us,” Simons says, “Sometimes too much—”
“I'm not controlling,” Magnus says with a scoff, as he opens the multiple containers. The aromas of herbs and spices hit Magnus’s nose, making him close his eyes to inhale the beautiful smell again with a hum as it fills the office. “I just prefer things to be done exactly right. That's why I usually end up doing everything myself.
Simon is silent as he watches the chef prepare him a plate. He notices the squinted eyes, his tongue poking out of his mouth as concentrates on dressing the plate to his high standards. 
“And since when is not shitting where you eat a bad thing?!” Magnus wonders, looking back at Simon. “Do you have any idea how complicated it is to coordinate 40 dishes at once and create a new menu every week?” He sighs and adds something green on top of the dish Simon assumes is a garnish.
Magnus stands with an excited smile, and gently places the round plate on top of Simon's clipboard, filled with notes about their session. 
“I hope you like scallops, I want to bring more of my Indonesian heritage into the menus so I’ve prepared you scallops with a gulai sauce” He turns around and sits back on the green couch, losing his containers and packing them in the bag he brought. “Well, go on, tell me how it is?”
Simon sighs. “I thought we agreed you weren’t going to cook for me anymore. "
“I didn't cook it for you,” Magnus emphasizes. “I just tried some new ideas. Who else am I gonna give it to and get honest feedback from?”
Simon puts the plate on the floor beside his chair. Magnus winces at his food being on the floor and tries not to take it personally. 
“Now, we're gonna try something new this week. I'm going to ask you questions, and you're gonna answer them.”
Magnus groans in displeasure, but goes along with it, turning himself so he can lie on the couch and look up at the ceiling instead of Simon’s face.
“How long ago was your last relationship?”
Magnus turns his head to the side and looks at Simon with a raised eyebrow “Isn't that a little personal?”
“This is therapy, Magnus. Things often get personal in this office, and as you know nothing leaves these four walls. So how long?”
Magnus looks back up at the ceiling. “I don't know. Three years ago, maybe four.”
“Who ended it?”
“I did. She was getting way too demanding. "
“How so? Was she controlling you, abusive?”
Magnus shakes his head. “No, nothing like that.” When Simon is silent, Magnus knows he wants him to elaborate which he does with a heavy sigh. “If you must know, after two years, she wanted to move in together.” Magnus turns his head to the side again. “Are you really not going to eat the scallops?” 
Simon stares at him with wide eyes, not expecting the harsh tone from the chef’s mouth.
“Let’s make a deal,” Magnus says, sitting up. “I’ll answer all the questions your little psychologist heart desires as long as you agree to try the new dishes I come up with. "
“You’ll answer all of my questions, honestly?” Simon asks dubiously.
“Yes, I’ll answer all your dumb questions” Magnus sighs
Simons agrees to the deal and picks the plate back up from the carpet and places it on top of his clipboard. Magnus sighs happily and lays back on the couch, staring at the ceiling with a grin that’s quickly wiped from his face when Simon resumes his questions.
“Where were we…ahh, what's so bad about moving in together? Two years is a long time. In fact, some couples move much faster than that. "
“She asked me to give up my apartment. Why would I wanna do that?”
Magnus loved his apartment. It was an older building in a beautiful part of the city, close to the pier where he’d meet fishmongers and other merchants—a spiral staircase to his door, large windows, and nice neighbours who were respectful. You couldn’t get anything else like it in the city, especially at the price he paid.
“I'd move out,” Magnus continues “We'd get a place together that isn’t nearly as nice... she'd eventually leave, then where would I be?
“My God.” Simon moans loudly
Magnus sits up and looks at the psychologist with a raised eyebrow and a smirk on his face.
“The sauce is so good. I’ve never tasted anything like it”
“Thank you.”
After Simon, Magnus heads to the restaurant like normal. Prep goes by smoothly, as does the beginning of dinner service, but Magnus doesn’t hold his breath. It’s only just started after all. 
“Where's my lobster for table 12?!” He yells into the kitchen
“Plating, chef”
“Well, plate faster or the garnish will get cold and we’ll have to refire the whole table!”
The familiar sounds of searing pots and pans clanging are background noise as Magnus makes sure every dish is perfect when it’s handed to him. He’d put the finishing touches on the dish, dots of sauce, a finishing garnish or send the item back with some choice words if the food wasn’t any good. Some would call his standards too high. Some would say that he was too harsh on his staff and there was no need for his yelling. Magnus would roll his eyes at those people. Magnus started his career in a kitchen with a notoriously angry chef who wasn’t afraid to belittle you for overcooked lamb. He shudders at the memory. Magnus was nothing compared to that man. 
“I'm an actress and I don't do naked bondage movies.”
Magnus holds a chuckle as he listens to the waitstaff talk, sure he could reprimand them but they always did their jobs and secretly he found the conversation amusing.
“The world is so full of pervs.” Hisses a waitress. “That guy at table 10 is the worst. Every week he’s with a different woman!.”
Magnus knew the table they were speaking of. Once a week for the past year, the same man always had table 10 reserved. Every date was with a different woman, all at least half his age, and on every date, he’d spend hundreds on dinner and drinks. Some thought he was seeing escorts, others thought he was a sugar daddy, but the only thing they knew for sure was he was married after witnessing him take a wedding band off and shove it in his pocket before his date arrived. 
“I swear, he leers at my tits,” she continues angrily, picking up her table’s food. “One more time, he's gonna regret it.”
The waitress turns around and goes to leave the kitchen, but as she leaves, a waiter pushes the door open. She tries to move to the side but the door and the waiter hit her, knocking her food to the floor, and both of their dishes shattered into pieces on the floor with a loud crash.
“Damn it, Carlos! Watch where you're going.”
Suddenly the kitchen is in chaos, waitstaff and chefs flood together, picking up the food and the glasses knocked to the floor. Carlos apologizes repeatedly to the other server, who glares at him while picking things up. The phone rings loudly in the background, yelling from the servers and Raphael echo through the kitchen, the clang of the remaining chefs cooking and more servers looking for their table's food. 
Magnus has had enough.
“Pay attention, everybody.” roars Magnus “How about less gossiping about our customers and more serving them?!”
“Sorry, chef,” mumbles the red-faced servers.
“Raphael, please apologize to table 10 for me and tell them their food will be delayed.” The man nods and then heads towards the doors. “And get a male server to replace Candice for table 10. You know, he makes the waitresses uncomfortable with his staring.”
“Carlos, you’re on table 10,” Raphael says before leaving the kitchen.
“Fire two lobsters right away!” He bellows to his chefs, then he turns around and faces the servers, “As you can see, things are a little chaotic right now so the rest of your tables might be a little delayed.” He fumes.
“I'm really sorry about that,” Carlos says, tears running down his cheeks
Magnus sighs heavily and nods, deciding to take pity on the new server. “Just don't let it happen again, Carlos. Now wipe those tears and take a deep breath. There’s a bathroom down that hallway if you need a moment, you have ten minutes until your table is up”
“Now we're gonna run out of lobster,” Magnus mumbles to himself, watching the expensive crustacean be peeled off the floor and tossed in the garbage, “Why did it have to be the special.”
“Magnus, we're not gonna run out of anything. We're fine,” says Clary, squeezing his shoulder. 
"It was an accident, deep breaths now. Come on hydrate.” She hands him a bottle of water. He takes a sip but quickly gulps more down, only now realizing how thirsty he was.
“You're like a mom already.” He remarks, handing Clary back the bottle.
“Well, I've gotta practice while I can, right?” Clary teases rubbing her belly.
“Chef refired lobsters for table 10!”
Magnus thanks the chef and grabs one of the bottles, putting the finishing touches on the lobster dishes.
“Would someone please get the phone?!” He snaps when it rings again
“If it's Catarina, tell her she said 9 and I can't make it any sooner,” Magnus says as he dresses another plate with pesto.
“It's for you,” Clary says.
“Take a message.” He says, waving her off.
Something in the hesitant tone of his friend’s voice makes him look up. Clary has the phone cradled to her chest like she’s holding a child. “I think you better take this.” She stares at him with wide eyes, her body trembling.
“I think..” she clears her throat “You need to take this, Magnus”
Magnus approaches Clary with narrowed eyes. The way she’s looking at him makes his heart beat faster, filling him with anxiety about who is on the phone. Clary hands the phone to him and pats him on the shoulder before going back to the kitchen, easily taking charge.
He takes a deep breath before putting the phone to his ear. It’s in that moment, with one phone call and a single sentence, that Magnus’s life changes forever.
“Magnus Bane, my name is Dr. Roberts, there’s been an accident..”
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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National Coquilles Saint Jacques Day is celebrated every year on May 16 to honor ‘the Shell of St. James,’ another name for the popular seafood scallops. In France, the coquille is a certain species of scallop and, for this particular dish, only the coquille can be used. It is made with a mixture of butter, cream, mushrooms, and cheese. But don’t worry, in other regions that where the coquille cannot be found, people can use any variety of scallop and cook them in a wide range of ways.
History of National Coquilles Saint Jacques Day
National Coquilles Saint Jacques Day is a rather unusual holiday and, while the origin remains a mystery, it does have a rich history.
It’s believed that the scallop shell is a symbol of St. James, who was one of Jesus’ twelve Apostles. There are legends who suggest that the scallop shell served as water and food bowls for pilgrims during their journey to Santiago de Compostela. The carved shell of a scallop can be found on the front of houses used by pilgrims at stopover points.
‘Coquilles Saint Jacques’ are scallops cooked in a certain French way. In France, most of the king scallops come from the Atlantic and are called the St. James scallop. There is a popular theory behind how the dish got its name. According to legend, St. James saved a knight from drowning and when the knight emerged from the water, he was covered with shells and so the phrase ���shells of St. James” came around. However, it is to be noted that the dish isn’t directly connected to St. Jacques/James and only gets the name from him.
Over the years, the dish has become extremely popular in many parts of the world. While it remains traditionally French, the Italians of Montreal have adopted it as their own and added a twist to it. They have replaced the original Gruyère cheese used in the preparation with classic mozzarella cheese.
National Coquilles Saint Jacques Day timeline
12th century Scallop Shell Gets its Name
The scallop shell gets its name ‘The Coquille St Jacques’ based on the symbol used by pilgrims walking to St. Jacques de Compostelle.
1846 Scallop Recipe
A written recipe for cooking scallops by sauteeing or stewing them is published.
1920s Part of the American Diet
Scallops become part of the regular American diet, especially in coastal communities.
1950s Coquilles Saint Jacques is Born
Scallops served in the shell with butter, cream, cheese, and shallots appear on French restaurant menus.
National Coquilles Saint Jacques Day FAQs
What do you eat with Coquilles St. Jacques?
You can serve Coquilles St. Jacques as a first course and, if it’s the main course, then French cut green beans along with almonds and fried onions complement the scallops nicely.
Coquilles Saint Jacques is of what origin?
Coquilles Saint Jacques is a traditional French dish and it made an appearance on the menus of French restaurants many years ago.
How do you make Coquilles Saint Jacques at home?
Scallops can be made in a variety of ways! However, to perfect the Coquilles Saint Jacques, make it with a mixture of butter, cream, mushrooms, and cheese and bake it in the scallop shell.
How To Celebrate National Coquilles Saint Jacques Day
Make your own Coquilles Saint Jacques
Go out for Coquilles Saint Jacques
Learn to make Coquilles Saint Jacques
Making scallops the French way at home is not as intimidating as it sounds. The mixture only requires butter, cream, mushrooms, and cheese. After that, you just have to bake the scallops. So what are you waiting for? Get right to it!
Don’t like cooking but you really want to have this exquisite dish? You can simply head out to a French restaurant and order a plate, or two, of Coquilles Saint Jacques. You can even take a Insta-worthy photo and show off your meal, using the hashtag #CoquillesSaintJacquesDay
Look for local cooking schools or ongoing workshops near your area and sign up to make scallops. Once you’ve mastered how to cook this mouth-watering dish, you can make it for your friends and family and show off your newly acquired skill. You can even use this skill to impress a potential love interest.
5 Interesting Facts About Scallops
Japanese cuisine
Food source
Various forms of preparation
Two varieties
The edible meat inside the shell is firm and white, and the roe is soft and reddish-orange.
In Japan, they’re eaten as sashimi or sushi.
Scallops are considered a highly prized food source in many countries across the globe.
Scallops can be prepared in a variety of ways such as sautéing, grilling, broiling, and poaching.
Edible scallops are the bay scallop and the Atlantic sea scallop, with the former being smaller in size and cheaper than sea scallops, which are giant and expensive.
Why We Love National Coquilles Saint Jacques Day
They’re cooked the French way!
Scallops are healthy
Eating without guilt
Everyone has a different way of cooking scallops and Coquilles Saint Jacques are scallops cooked in the French style. Enjoy this day by devouring scallops that are cooked with a mixture of butter, cream, mushrooms, and cheese, baked in a scallop shell.
Worried about your health? Fret not! Scallops are actually really healthy as they’re rich in omega-3 fatty acids. The healthy fats in them can help to balance your cholesterol levels. Moreover, they also reduce the risk of heart disease. Scallops are high in magnesium, which contributes to good heart health. Don’t limit yourself and dig right into that plate full of tempting scallops.
Who doesn’t love a food holiday on which you can just eat without any guilt? Especially when the food in question is the delectable scallop. So don’t feel bad about celebrating this Coquilles Saint Jacques Day.
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chaoticsoft · 1 year
I Turn 30 in 6 Days. Here Are Some of the Things I've Learned:
Cut your kitchen sponge in half. They really don't need to be as big as they are to get the job done and it makes the pack last way longer.
Cheap(er) shampoo, expensive conditioner.
If you can afford their care, a little animal companion does wonders for your mental health.
Learning languages is a cool and sexy way to keep your brain malleable.
Speaking of malleability, stretch your muscles every single day. Every. Day.
If you are someone who gets a period, menstrual cups are something that's improved my quality of life so much. Reusable, cloth pads and period underwear are also game-changers. Good for the environment and you save so much money.
If a job hires you on the spot, like immediately, barely asking you a single question about your qualifications, there's a 97% chance that job is going to be a disaster.
In a similar vein, if someone gets very, very serious about you/tells you they want to marry you after barely dating for like a month, that is a red flag. While there are cases where it can work out, 9 times out of 10, that person is not in love with you (How can they be? They don't know you yet), and is simply desperate to be with someone, anyone, doesn't really matter who. Not a healthy foundation for a relationship.
Protein helps a hangover. Everyone finds their own little things that work for them, but my personal favorite remedy is steak & eggs.
Speaking of alcohol, I am of the "harm reduction" school of thought. If you're going to drink (or do drugs, for that matter), do it at home where you are safe and around people you trust. Use as little as possible and take tolerance breaks.
Cooking doesn't have to be complicated. If you can read, you can do it. The easiest thing ever is soups. A good rule of thumb is to start with something from the allium family (leeks, garlic, shallots, onions), something to add bulk like your potato of choice, carrots, butternut squash, then something leafy for texture like kale, bok choy, cabbage. Nutritional yeast can add a wonderful flavor.
Try and have at least one healthy, easy meal you can make when you're in a bad headspace. My go-to is lentils cooked in vegetable broth eaten over microwaveable rice. Or I throw a bag of frozen vegetables and a can of coconut milk into a pan with turmeric, ginger powder, cayenne pepper, coriander, etc.-- Bam, vegetable curry in like 10ish minutes.
Sex toys are tools to achieve or enhance sexual pleasure. A partner who is threatened by a vibrator ain't shit lol.
If you, like me, were never taught how to self-soothe (regulate your negative emotions/calm yourself down without spiraling into darkness), a piece of advice my therapist offered me was to speak to myself as though I'm a very small, frightened child. To comfort a child that's crying, I would not say, "get over it, you dumb bitch" or whatever cruel, negative self-talk I tend to throw at myself. Instead, I would speak calmly to that child. I would gently soothe them, reassuring them that they are safe. I do this with myself all the time now, calling myself "sweetheart," assuring myself that everything will be okay. It has not replaced the mean, negative voice in my head, but it does always challenge and often override it.
Your healing does not depend on those who hurt you being sorry.
If you are the marrying kind, marry the one who feels like safety, who you look at and your heart thinks, "Home." Marry the one who, when they tell you everything will be alright, you can believe them. It helps, also, to find your best and deepest friendship in your mate. To genuinely like as well as love them.
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onthefoodscene · 10 days
Watermelon Feta Salad
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The headnote says “As a kid I would get in trouble for sneaking the center of the watermelon and leaving the butchered remains in the fridge (I still sometimes do it). Watermelon is my favorite summer fruit. On a hot summer day a few years ago, someone served me watermelon with torn mint, salt, and pepper. With some encouragement from the host, I skeptically tried it. I was hooked! This is one of my all-time most popular salads; it’s so fresh and easy to make. It’s surprisingly fabulous in every way, blending sweet, salty, spicy, and savory in one delicious bite. (Hot tip: play a little Harry Styles in the background while you prep it.)”
Ice water
1 tablespoon very finely diced shallot
¼ cup fresh lemon juice (remember to zest first)
2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh basil
2 teaspoons lightly packed grated lemon zest
Flaky sea salt and freshly
cracked black pepper
8 cups cubed seedless watermelon (1-inch pieces; about 1 large watermelon)
1 ½ cups cubed seeded English cucumber (1⁄2-inch pieces)
1 ½ cups crumbled feta cheese (see page 43)
½ cup coarsely chopped fresh mint
3 tablespoons very finely diced seeded and deveined fresh jalapeño
¼ cup fresh mint sprigs, for serving (optional)
Recently I found yellow and orange watermelons at the market. Try a multicolored watermelon salad or replace a quarter of the melon with honeydew and cantaloupe for fun. Some versions of this classic combination call for red onion, another way to experiment.
 Fill a 250-ml beaker or a small glass bowl halfway with ice water and add the
shallot. Soak for 10 minutes, then drain and pat the shallot dry.
WHISK: In an extra-large salad bowl, combine the shallot, lemon juice, oil, basil, and zest and season with salt and pepper. Whisk until well combined, then taste and adjust the seasoning if needed.
TOSS: In the bowl with the dressing, add the watermelon, cucumber, feta, chopped mint, and jalapeño. Toss until all the ingredients are evenly combined and coated with dressing, top with the mint sprigs (if using), and serve.
ENJOY: I’m having it with a rosé or iced mint tea.
Excerpted from The Salad Lab. Copyright © 2024, Darlene Schrijver. Photography Copyright © 2023 by Erin Kunkel. Reproduced by permission of Simon Element, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, LLC. All rights reserved.
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slimdownpete · 2 months
Keto butter chicken is a tantalizing twist on the classic Indian dish, reimagined for those following a ketogenic lifestyle. This creamy and flavorful dish features tender pieces of chicken simmered in a rich and aromatic sauce made with butter, cream, and a blend of traditional Indian spices.
The chicken is typically marinated in a mixture of yogurt, lemon juice, and spices such as cumin, coriander, and garam masala, imparting it with layers of flavor and tenderness. In the keto version, the yogurt is often replaced with high-fat, low-carb alternatives like full-fat Greek yogurt or coconut cream to keep the dish within keto-friendly parameters.
The sauce is the heart of butter chicken, and it's where the magic truly happens. Butter, onions, garlic, ginger, and a medley of spices like turmeric, paprika, and fenugreek are sautéed together to create a fragrant base. Tomato puree or crushed tomatoes are then added to lend a tangy sweetness to the sauce, while heavy cream or coconut cream adds richness and creaminess without compromising the dish's keto credentials.
The result is a sumptuous and velvety sauce that envelops the tender chicken pieces, infusing them with layers of flavor and spice. Keto butter chicken is typically served hot, garnished with fresh cilantro and accompanied by low-carb sides such as cauliflower rice or keto naan bread, making it a satisfying and indulgent meal that's perfect for anyone looking to enjoy the flavors of Indian cuisine while staying true to their ketogenic goals.
With its rich, creamy sauce and bold, aromatic spices, keto butter chicken is sure to delight your taste buds and satisfy your cravings for a comforting and flavorful meal, all while keeping you firmly on the path to ketosis.
Keto Butter Chicken
Preparation time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes 🍽 Servings: 1 Ingredients: 100g Chicken breast, diced 10g minced Garlic 10g minced Shallots 5g minced Ginger 2 tsp Curry Powder 2 tsp Tomato Paste 1 Tbsp Butter 2 Tbsp Heavy Cream 1/2 cup Chicken Stock Fresh Cilantro for garnish Procedure: 1) Melt butter in a pan. 2) Add ginger, garlic and shallots. Sautee until aromatic. 3) Add tomato paste and curry powder. Roast for about a minute. 4) Add chicken stock and bring to a simmer. 5) Add chicken pieces and simmer for 10 minutes. 6) Add heavy cream and simmer until thick. 7) Top with fresh cilantro. ➡️ Nutritional Information: Energy - 395 kcal Protein - 23g (25%) Fat - 29g (67%)
With its rich, creamy sauce and bold, aromatic spices, keto butter chicken is sure to delight your taste buds and satisfy your cravings for a comforting and flavorful meal, all while keeping you firmly on the path to ketosis.
To Learn More About Keto Click Here
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fooddiaries · 8 months
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Cheese & Onion & Carrot Sandwich
In a mixing bowl mix together 50g cheddar* (grated), 15g red onion or shallot (grated), 20g carrot (grated), 40g mayonnaise* and some freshly ground pepper.
Toast a couple of slices of bread. Spread butter* on one side of both slices of bread and then spread the filling on one slice, right to the edge. Top with the second slice and cut in half diagonally.
Serves 1.
Replace with vegan cheese, mayo and butter for a vegan option.
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garden-with-squid · 5 months
Yearly Garden Review - 2023
The garden has improved so much over the past year.  I grew, harvested, and learned so much more than I did last year.  And that’s despite the weird weather - this was a very wet, gloomy year in SoCal, even into June and July.  
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We loved the tulips this year and plan to plant out more chilled bulbs soon.
Surprise potato harvest in bed 2
Bed 3 was so incredibly beautiful in the spring - purple alyssum beneath fresh, green growth.  The alyssum also helped with water retention and attracting beneficial insects.  The soil in bed 3 felt loose and healthy compared to other beds that time of year.
Larger harvests of peppers, eggplants, and so so many tomatoes.  I couldn’t believe how tall the tomato plants grew!  We ate them all the time and they were delicious, especially the Black Cherry.
We cooked and ate more of our harvests.  Delicious omelettes, pasta, soups, and stuffed peppers on Halloween.
Installed ollas - extremely helpful!  Really helps keep water more consistent.
Grew delicious broccoli.  There are side shoots still growing too.  I didn’t realize how big broccoli plants actually get.  Bed 2 looks great still.
Ordered a tea plant.  It’s pretty dead now, but it was nice having a camellia for a bit.
The jasmine bounced back and bloomed a bit!
Got local compost and made my own potting mix
The dragonfruit is still alive, and hopefully will grow more this spring.
Notes for improvement:
I struggled to germinate seeds, both direct sown and started indoors.  The care/watering is hard for me to do consistently.  It was a real shame to kill all the shallot seedlings in particular - I was really hoping to grow some since they’re harder to find in store.
Lots of dead plants.  If I stopped talking about any particular plant in the logbook, it’s because it died.  The rosemary and lavender plants in bed 4 will probably need to be replaced this spring.  A lot of flowers and container plants didn’t make it.  For some reason, sunflowers struggled a lot too.
Aphids, cabbage worms, and rodents.  Barrier protection would probably help a lot, plus more consistent watering.  I did see a good number of ladybugs and larva this year.
Garden fatigue hit at different points in the year, usually when work was stressful or it felt like my garden wasn’t as good as it should have been.  But it helped to remind myself how much better I’ve become since last year, and that it will continue to get better as I gain more experience.  
Looking forward to the year ahead, I want to harvest many things in the summer/fall - okra and watermelon for my uncle, more nightshades, onions, pumpkins, and flowers.  I want to try growing on the trellis (I plan to install one more).  Most of the work will happen in March/April - that’s when the cover crops in beds 1 and 3 will be ready to turn in and transplant time for all the summer crops.
I’m currently using the wintertime to take a break, only checking the garden once a week or so.  While I could grow a winter garden in my zone, I find I’m very lazy on cold mornings, and having a season of rest is important to me symbolically.  
I think I have a solid foundation of skill and experience to build on, so I hope to have a very productive garden this year.  We’re also supposed to have another wet season coming up. So we’ll see how that affects things.  Very fitting for Year of the Dragon!
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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Dear Sofia Coppola, Please Release Your Daughter From Jail In a world of "nepo baby" discourse that threatens the fabric of society, let's hand it to one who actually got out of bed and decided to work: Romy Mars, Sofia Coppola's daughter!The future TikTok star announced from teen prison this week that she'd been grounded for using her parent's credit card to charter a helicopter to Maryland so she can "have dinner with a camp friend." In lieu of a helicopter ride for Denny's in a Maryland truck stop, she instead filmed herself cooking.“Make a vodka-sauce pasta with me because I’m grounded." Literally! That helicopter is never going to take off. None — (@) The video has since been deleted but as you can see above, she begins with the revelation that she can charter a helicopter but can't tell the difference between an onion or garlic. After googling images of the two, she picks up a shallot. “Also, I thought I would do this since I’m already grounded since my parents’ biggest rule is, like, I’m not allowed to have any public social media accounts." Why, one might ask, do Sofia Coppola and her dad, musician Thomas Mars, not want the 16-year-old on social media? After holding up a Grammy to the camera and posing with it like a makeup guru and some eyeshadow, she elaborates that "They don't want me to be a nepotism kid but TikTok is not gonna make me famous so...it doesn't really matter."How quaint to be reminded that to the child of Sofia Coppola, TikTok stars are how famous, exactly? Release this kid from teen jail immediately! She also introduced viewers to her babysitter's boyfriend and a dog, because "my parents are never home so these are my replacement parents." She then makes the boyfriend shop for the ingredients to vodka sauce — because it's Women's History Month — and promises a part two "where I actually make the pasta!" Something tells me we're never going to see that pasta or have it explained how a 16-year-old can charter a helicopter.Photo via Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty https://www.papermag.com/sofia-coppola-daughter-tiktok-2659636227.html
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