#(she has said this about almost every silhouette)
libbytwq · 11 hours
"Recieving Answers" part 1
next part: N/A
SMGL:E walks slowly out of SMG1 and SMG2’s house, being careful to shut the door without making much noise. They let out a sigh in relief as the door shuts almost silently.
They look around and gaze up at the night sky. The stars were gorgeous. But now was not the time.
SMGL:E pulls out a small scrap of paper from his jacket pocket. Karen had found it this morning and handed it to her when SMGL:E stepped into McDonald’s. Neither knew where it came from.
It read:
Dearest SMGL:E,
Meet me by your USB. I may have the answers you’re looking for.
♡ An old friend
It was awfully sketchy, and awfully vague. But the idea of having closure to the gaps in his memories was worth every second, so SMGL:E speed walked in the direction of their USB.
The cool night air brushed their face and ruffled the fluff on their tanuki tail and blew through their fluffy ears. SMGL:E wore a serious and determined look on her face.
Closure... knowing about what happened before arriving in the Mushroom Kingdom... this is exactly everything SMGL:E could ever want!
Several little twinkles appear in the corner of SMGL:E’s line of vision. A pink one, a teal one, and a blue one. She sighs. They are used to these sparkles appearing at random points throughout the day and don’t want them to bother her now, not when she’s so close to having answers.
From the corner of his eye, she sees the teal spark whizz in front of her in some sort of shape, and for a moment, he thinks he saw the teal sparkle write a word, before it disappears as fast as it appeared.
SMGL:E frowns and continues speed walking in the direction of his USB. They will ignore it.
The blue spark whizzes in front of him, just like the teal one, and forms another word.
SMGL:E groans and picks up the pace. They maneuver their way into the forest their USB is located.
Whatever these stupid sparkles are, they are trying to stop her from finding answers.
She will ignore them. They keep going.
The pink spark doesn’t form any words, but whizzes around her in speedy circles, and feels what feels like a hand grab their shoulder, but there’s nothing there, just pink sparkles, and it’s not enough to pull SMGL:E back. But it’s enough to startle him and yank her shoulder away.
They groan loudly, stop running, and yell out into the night, to wherever these sparkling entities are around them.
“Whatever you... things are, I want you to leave me alone for just this moment!!” SMGL:E shouts, frustrated. “This is my one chance at finding out a hint on who I actually am, I need answers, and you won’t take this away from me!”
They stop yelling, and wait for any type of response.
Nothing. No sparkles.
SMGL:E sighs in mild relief and wanders into the clearing of the forest, and spots the USB.
But there’s a person standing in front of it, their back facing her. Someone who looks familiar, but still someone she’s never met in their life.
They wore a dark gray vest and a white collared shirt, and long, sleek, black gloves that reached their elbows. They wore dark pants and knee high, sleek boots. Their hair was black and sleek, and in the silhouette of the night, they looked like they had fluffy gray ears, similar to the fluffy ears SMGL:E has, except her ears are purple.
SMGL:E swallows nervously and hesitantly steps closer. They clear their throat. Here goes nothing.
“...You wanted to see me?” Her voice wavered as she spoke.
The figure turned around and SMGL:E sees their face for the first time.
A familiar face, yet so unfamiliar. They had a singular curved, dark gray horn just above their forehead in the direct middle, and three eyes, two in normal spots and one on their forehead, with black in the spots the whites should be. Their pupils were a glowing white color, and they stared at SMGL:E, and a smile curves from their lips.
“I was hoping for the day I’d get to see you again,” they said. “I’ve missed you.”
They walk towards SMGL:E and grins. They were shorter in stature compared to SMGL:E.
SMGL:E tilts their head, a little nervous.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know who you are. When I crash-landed here, my memories were all out of whack-”
“That’s perfectly okay!” They say, the smile not leaving their face. It was comforting, but also... ominous, but SMGL:E wasn’t sure how. “I don’t blame you for your memories being a little fuzzy. It must be awfully terrifying not knowing what happened prior to this… but I’m here to offer you some answers.”
SMGL:E’s face lights up and she sighs.
“Thank you… what’s your name?”
The mysterious person smiles a soft smile, their glowing white pupils twinkling lightly.
SMGL:E was a little stunned.
Ignatius… that sounded… extremely familiar…
SMGL:E had a habit of associating colors and words and objects and creatures with specific letters of the alphabet. I, J, K, L, M, N…
Something clicked in her brain.
These letters were people.
And Ignatius was the I.
They matched the exact vibe SMGL:E associated with I.
The one SMGL:E didn’t like thinking about for too long. The affection, yet the dread… the feeling of being able to meld with this person perfectly, yet the feeling like she will crumble if she allows that to happen… the one they associated with black and gray and white… the one they associated with the number three… it all made sense!
SMGL:E smiles softly, mildly nervously.
“…I don’t exactly remember you… but I remember your vibe…” SMGL:E says softly.
Even if the vibe was a little ominous, having some semblance of familiarity is a relief.
Ignatius smiled softly.
“What a relief… now for your introduction…”
SMGL:E glances around slowly, mildly confused.
“…You already know my name..? You wrote it on the paper you got to me…” SMGL:E says, tilting his head.
Ignatius chuckles under its breath.
“Maybe so, but you don’t know your name, now do you?”
SMGL:E feels even more confused.
“I do, though?” SMGL:E responds, puzzled. “It’s literally SMGL-“
SMGL:E stops as Ignatius cuts her off.
Did… did they just…
She looks at Ignatius stunned, who just looks at her with a knowing smile.
“Your name, before your memory got wiped, was SMGLore,” it says, walking closer to them. “That’s what the L stands for. Lore.”
SMGL:E feels their heart race.
That was the name on the tip of her tongue that they were seemingly always unable to say. Every time she tried to say it, she glitches out a bit, as if he had forgotten it, despite not forgetting it.
SMGL:E gasps when they realize they are able to say it.
“…oh my goodness… Lore… that’s me!”
She grows giddy and ecstatic. They can remember his name! After so long, she could remember what the L stood for!
Ignatius gazed up at SMGL:E lovingly, smiling softly. It had been a hot minute since it has seen her smile like that.
SMGL:E turns to Ignatius, beaming happily, before going to his chaotic performance grin.
“Now I can properly introduce myself to everyone I meet!” they proclaim loudly. “IT IS I, SUPER MEME GUARDIAN LORE!!”
The yelling echoes throughout the forest, and Ignatius chuckles softly.
“Do you want to keep the “Error” in your name, too?” it asks. “That’s what the E stood for in SMGL:E, right?”
She grins and shrugs.
“Eh. It gets to be a bit of a mouthful, y’know? Maybe I can drop the ‘Error’ sometimes.”
Ignatius chuckles, and SMGL:E’s smile softens. Despite this being the first time since they lost her memories they have heard Ignatius laugh, it feels like he’s heard it dozens of times before.
Ignatius steps closer to SMGL:E and puts both it’s hands on her shoulders and gazes up at them lovingly.
SMGL:E feels their heart skip a beat in his chest, and they blush lightly.
“Ignatius, hang on, what’re you-“
Before she could finish the sentence, Ignatius had pulled SMGL:E by the shoulders into a kiss.
SMGL:E freezes and doesn’t reciprocate the kiss immediately. Part of her felt horrified that this was happening, but part of them felt like this was right and perfect and wanted it to continue, and yet there was another part that felt ashamed for thinking that, because he wanted to save her first kiss for Karen, and now it had gotten pretty much stolen.
SMGL:E pries Ignatius off of her and breaks the kiss.
“W-Woah woah woah, hang on… what was that for?”
Ignatius was a little stunned when she parted the kiss, but composes itself.
“…Right, you don’t remember…” they say, smiling softly. “…We loved each other, Lore, y’know. Before your memories got lost.”
SMGL:E blushes and sighs.
“…Okay, maybe we were a couple back before I ended up here, but even if you’ve known me all your life, as far as I’m concerned, I’ve only known you for two minutes, so having my first kiss stolen by someone I’ve only known for two minutes is… yeesh…”
Ignatius’s eye twitches.
“That was far from your first kiss though, darling…” they say, a loving smile on its face.
SMGL:E blushes and frowns.
“Okay, whatever, but that felt like my first kiss…” they grumble softly. “I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings, but I was saving it for someone that wasn’t you.”
Ignatius’s smile falters for a moment, but quickly regains themselves.
“Someone else..? Who else could there possibly be?” they say.
SMGL:E almost names Karen, but feels the colorful sparkles from earlier return. SMGL:E feels a little frustrated that they’ve returned despite her yelling at them, but doesn’t show it on her face. Ignatius can’t seem to see the sparkles, which is a bit of a relief.
SMGL:E feels the phantom hand of the pink sparkle gently tug on their arm, almost as if it wanted her to stop speaking. SMGL:E sighs and decides not to say Karen’s name.
“It’s none of your business,” he says. “I came here for answers about my past, not small talk about my love life. I don’t want to focus on our history quite yet… I just want to know what’s going on. Tell me where I came from, what am I, how I got here… everything you know…”
Ignatius looks a little less happy than it was earlier, but smiles softly anyway. SMGL:E swears she saw a flicker of Ignatius’s hair drift up like a piece of ash from a fire into the night.
From the corner of her eye, SMGL:E sees the three sparkles whizzing around, the pink, teal and blue all writing out a word.
SMGL:E pays it no mind and looks down at Ignatius again, who smiles a charming, yet eerie smile.
“…Very well. I will tell you all I know.”
end of part 1
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egophiliac · 7 months
final character for the justice rides is kr jigen, who is most definitely a g3 homage, and so far, feels like all of them have a theme of being based on existing krs with a strong sense of justice
honestly at this point the biggest surprise is that he actually did turn out to be G3 and not some other absolutely wild choice (I had harbored some little hope that maybe the blue/red might be for Meteor, alas) (m-maybe if we hit enough preregs they'll give us a Fourze rider...)
I'm definitely enjoying all the justice boys though! they look like they're going to have a really delightful dynamic; can't wait to see them in action :D
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but now we gotta get ready for a weekend of TOUGH BOYS! I have a couple of guesses based on those silhouettes, but uh. well. we'll see who they actually turn out to be. :')
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bleachification · 1 month
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pairing: zoro x reader
word count: 3.5k
synopsis:  being in love with zoro is not for the weak, especially when such a love is unrequited. so it is all the more confusing when a certain pirate refuses to let you go when you decide to give your heart a break and leave the crew for good.
note: i really need to stop writing zoro fics with an arranged marriage and bodyguard/protector type premise. with that being said… enjoy xoxo
(also yes this is part ONE)
+ + + + + + + + + + + +
Thunderstorms are the perfect weather conditions for silent rumination. You isolate yourself in a corner of the ship, eyes closed as rainwater glides down your face in cool streams. With a smile, you breathe in the scent of salt and earth that mingles with the southern winds. 
The crew is below deck, sheltered from the downpour and crackling lightning that splits the skies every so often. They’re all asleep and have been for a while now. You are the outlier. The strange one that decided to sit between a storm and the sea during the devil’s hours. Funnels of black clouds swirl angrily above you as it continues to pour. Your clothes, hair, everything is drenched. Soaked down to the very bones—some particularly weary ones. 
You relish the feeling of the water against your skin for another moment, reviving yourself from the bleak reflections plaguing your mind. By the time you make it inside, a decision was made. 
The next morning, faint sunlight filtered by sparse clouds light up the horizon in hues of soft orange and calm yellow. The water is still. Steady. Almost as if it had forgotten its role as a tempest’s plaything mere hours ago. It’s early. Much too early for most of the crew to be awake, but you can hear a faint tinkering from Usopp’s room and the steady footsteps of another member coming up the stairs to the upper deck.
A familiar silhouette appears in your vision. 
“Morning, Robin,” you say. 
The archaeologist comes to stand next to you and nods. “Good morning. You’re up early.”
“Had a lot on my mind. Doesn’t leave much room for sleep,” you point out. 
“Did you get any?”
She raises a brow, unconvinced. 
“About an hour's worth,” you shrug. 
An arm sprouts up from the railing you’re leaning on. It holds out a mug of steaming coffee. You take the cup gratefully. The smooth liquid warms you up in the crisp autumn air. Robin takes a sip of her own drink before responding. 
“What’s the verdict?” She asks. 
“I’ve decided to go.”
She sighs. “That’s it then. I understand there’s no point in trying to change your mind?”
You shake your head sadly. The past few weeks of turmoil and trepidation cemented that certainty. You can’t stay. Not when the fate of a nation falls on your shoulders… and certainly not with feelings as forbidden as the ones you harbour. 
“Is it because of him?”
“No. No,” you emphasize at Robin's doubtful expression. 
“Don’t lie,” she chides. 
You grimace. “Well, not entirely because of him.”
Robin scans the calm horizon with watchful eyes, a storm of thoughts whirling into action behind that piercing gaze of hers. The archaeologist has always been the most logical out of the crew, favouring rationality over emotion. It is the trait you admire most about Robin and the reason why you sought her counsel specifically, choosing to confide in her—and only her—about the decision you faced. 
“He deserves to know,” she says softly. 
You stiffen, the mere thought making your throat tighten up with anxiety. You shake your head, effectively ending the conversation. At the perfect time too, as one by one the rest of the crew pad up the stairs, ready to start the day. 
Luffy first, bounding up the steps with a large grin. Nami follows, then everyone trickles through the doors. Zoro is last. 
The swordsman yawns and stretches his arms behind his head, taut muscles glistening under the morning sun. He opens one eye, peeking at you from under sleepy lids. Your heart clenches at the lazy smile he greets you with. 
This is going to be difficult. 
“Mornin’,” Zoro mumbles, stifling another yawn behind his fist. 
The rest of the crew bustles about, running around the deck in preparation for the day ahead. You hear Luffy’s excited laugh somewhere in the background followed by familiar shouts of concern and beratement from Nami, Sanji and Usopp, each taking turns to scold the captain’s latest—and no doubt foolish—idea. Whatever it may be. 
The noise and chaos fades away the moment Zoro walks up to you, his warmth surrounding you despite the cold morning temperature. It makes it near impossible for you to focus on much else. Anything else. 
“Hey,” you say. 
He frowns, eyes scanning your face. You resist the urge to touch it, anxious. Was there something on your face? A pimple? An eyelash? 
“What? What is it?” You ask, nerves alight. 
“Did you stay up late?”
You blink, caught off guard. Did you really look that tired?
“Yes,” you answer plainly. There’s no point in trying to hide it from him. “I couldn’t sleep.”
Zoro arches a brow. “Why not?” Concern laces the question. You almost crumble, seconds away from confessing the truth you’ve been hiding for weeks, when someone barrels into Zoro, knocking him over and effectively ending your conversation. 
Luffy, unfazed, pops up onto his feet and dusts himself off, his signature toothy smile never having left his face. Despite his right-hand man groaning on the ground next to him, Luffy seems as chipper as ever. 
“Sorry, Zoro!” He apologizes, not sounding very sorry at all. 
“I… hate… you…” Zoro grunts, still recovering from having the wind knocked out of him. 
Luffy only laughs it off and runs back to the rest of the crew, chattering about some new adventure that is bound to be more effort than it is worth. 
“You okay?” You press your lips together in an attempt to stifle a laugh. 
Zoro takes the hand you offer, warm palm wrapping around your own. You can feel rough calluses against your skin—a testament to his training. You pull him up and watch him steady himself. He doesn’t let go of your hand. Nervous, you break contact first. 
He shoots you a puzzled look, but decides against commenting on it. 
“I will be once I knock him upside the head.”
“Let’s not give the poor boy brain damage.”
Zoro snorts. “You mean more than he already has?”
You laugh, the sound almost entirely concealed by a burst of raucous shouts coming from the other side of the deck. Curious, you begin walking over to the crew. Zoro follows suit with his hands in his pockets. As the two of you make your way across the ship’s expanse, the sight of Nami and Luffy arguing comes into view. The others stand off to the side, exasperation and amusement colouring their expressions. 
“It’s too risky!”
“It’ll be fine, why are you being so boring?”
“I am trying to keep us from getting killed,” Nami seethes. Her face is set in a tight scowl that twists her features into something alarmingly frightening. You haven’t seen her this angry in quite some time. 
“Not if we’re careful,” Luffy defends. The captain looks bored and irritated at the same time. 
Nami’s right eye twitches.  
Oh dear. 
“And since when are you careful?” 
“I’m not. But [name] is.” Your captain jerks a thumb in your direction. 
All heads swivel to look at you. 
You raise your palms up, placating. “I… just got here.”
Nami runs up to you, eyes pleading. The ginger-haired woman grabs your shoulders and gently shakes you. 
“Please knock some sense into him!”
You tilt your head and lean to the left in order to peek at Luffy from behind Nami’s frame. The boy scratches the back of his head with a toothy grin. 
“Would you care to explain, Captain?” You ask bemusedly. 
Luffy’s eyes dance with mischief. “We’ve got a mission!”
It’s Zoro that steps in this time. “Just the two of you?”
“Well, yeah,” Luffy answers plainly. 
You gently pry Nami’s hands off. “Why?” 
“You’re the only one who knows the layout of the place,” he explains. 
You frown. “What place?”
“Aracorn Palace,” Robin interjects. There’s a small smile on her face as she watches the situation unfold. Always assessing. Always dissecting. 
Aracorn… such a familiar name. It takes a second before a sliver of memory tickles the edges of your mind. An image forms; one of a mighty castle built from silver and stone erected in the heart of a powerful city. 
You used to travel there for important delegations and social banquets. Luffy is right. You do know the area well. 
“We’re going there? What for?”
“And why only the two of you?” Zoro questions. 
“To be stealthy,” Luffy grins. 
“Right. Stealthy. You.” Zoro stares, unconvinced. 
Luffy ignores his second-in-command. “We’re going to go rescue someone. He’s being kept in the dungeons.”
So many questions. 
“Who is it?”
Robin, again, speaks up. “His name is not important. He may not even own such a thing. His role as an ex-member of an underground information guild named Kleios is what makes him useful to us. An execution date has been set for tomorrow evening, so if we are to save the man, we must do it soon.”
“Well? What do you say?” Luffy's enthusiasm is palpable. 
The rest of the crew watches you, assuming that you would wave it off. The danger is obvious, and you are—among most instances—level headed enough to pull the plug when needed. 
One last adventure. 
You surprise them. 
“I’m in.”
✧ ˚  ·    .    
You should have known it wouldn’t be easy. In fact, you should have known that the entire plan would fall apart because of course it did. Nothing ever seems to go right for the crew. Right now you curse such rotten luck. Although… it isn’t even luck, not really. It’s the captain… Zoro… Nami… Sanji… the whole lot of them! No matter how organized—how meticulous—a plan was, it never actually fucking went to plan. You suppose you’ll miss it. That unmanned chaos. You suppose you’ll miss all of it. As for who you’ll miss most…
“Zoro!” You stare up at the swordsman in both relief and horror. He dangles from a rope ladder, cascaded off the side of a strange looking vehicle—one with wings and whirring motors that suspend its large metal body in the open air. Usopp sits in the pilot seat manning the impressive contraption. Sweat beads on his forehead from concentration. The others are likely protecting the ship from the nation’s naval cavalry. 
 You increase your pace despite the burning sensation in your lungs. Hot on your heels is a stretch of armed guards mixed with strange looking creatures that look to be a gruesome mismatch of different animals—both natural and mythological. 
Luffy, for once, listened and fled alongside you when shit hit the fan—albeit with extreme reluctance. The captain was able to deal with the first rush of soldiers and their Chimera, but the monster was vicious and even Luffy struggled. That was a mere one. The royal guard owned five. And all of them, snapping their fanged teeth and snarling in hunger, are quickly closing the distance between themselves and you—their prey. 
The prisoner was long dead. The whole thing was a trap designed to ensnare the Straw Hats, and Luffy and you had walked straight into it. By the time you both realized you had been played, the cavalry had already surrounded you. Thankfully, Luffy was the master of creative escapes. He was not, however, a master of subtle ones. What was originally one guard unit and its accompanying Chimera quickly turned into all of them chasing after you in a vicious frenzy. 
“Don’t engage! We’ll come to you!” You shout towards Zoro, urging him to stay aboard. You can see a sort of panic in his eyes, mottled by excitement. He’s itching to fight. But doing so would be his biggest mistake yet and likely his last as well if he does not heed your words. 
The murderous soldiers are practically breathing down your necks, and even with Luffy trying to fend off as many as possible, you will quickly be overwhelmed by the strength of the Chimeras. The monsters growl and roar as their heavy steps thunder behind you, bloodlust practically soaking them through. If Zoro abandoned the ladder and tried to fight them off… it would be sheer suicide. You won’t let that happen.
Luffy manages to stretch out and grab hold of Zoro in the near distance. With a yell, he swings himself up and grabs you along the way. You yelp, the sudden movement catching you off guard. You shut your eyes as the wind whips you in the face. With a soft thud you land against a warm mass.
Zoro catches you, arms encircling your waist. 
“Are you okay?” He murmurs into your ear. 
You sag into him from relief. “Yes. Is Luffy…?”
“He’s completely fine,” Zoro smirks. 
Luffy, who is sprawled across the floor, gives you two thumbs up in reassurance. You can’t help but laugh. 
“Usopp! Take us away.”
The pilot gives you a smile and a salute before he presses a button and pulls the wheel up. Slowly, you feel the contraption tilt upwards. Smooth and steady. 
Out of nowhere, you and the rest of the crew are violently thrown to the left as something punctures the metal wall of the vehicle and jerks the entire thing back. Before you go slamming into the wall, Zoro twists himself around and cushions the blow. 
“What the hell?” Zoro’s grip on you tightens protectively.
A strange red pincer curls into the crumpled sheet that—just a moment ago—was the side hull. It looks to be the same sort of armour that is found upon the back of a crab, except it bears a darker color. Not unlike a deep pool of blood. Its shape is almost identical to that of a scorpion's tail but riddled with sharp ridges that cover its surface. The thing is the size of your head—a grotesque limb extended from one of the Chimeras, no doubt. 
Zoro and Luffy both immediately jump into action, the former slicing at the pincer while Luffy tries brute force. Neither works. Solid and unbending, the pincer trembles then stills. The next second you are staring into the howling winds and open space. The army roars beneath you, fifty feet below. The ugly beast with the scorpion tail isn’t finished. It narrows its beady eyes and with astonishing speed, it whips its tail upwards, spearing the floor. 
Usopp does his best to recenter, managing to keep everyone upright and away from the gaping hole left by the ripped wall.
“Shit,” Zoro hisses. “The damn thing is too tough. I can’t cut through.”
“I can’t rip it out!” Luffy frowns, throwing punch after fruitless punch at the immovable pincer. 
Panic threatens to overwhelm you.
Shit, shit, shit. Shit!
Something glints in the corner of your vision. A solution strikes you and you scramble towards a device on the floor. 
“The laser cutter! I can–” but your voice is lost to the bellowing winds as the monster yanks its tail once more, causing the entire machine to shake. You fumble with the device and clumsily clasp it in your trembling hands. Vertigo strikes you as you look down for a split second. 
The ground is nearing at an alarming rate.
It’s too close. Too—
Zoro jumps. 
“NO!” You reach out in an attempt to pull him back but you're too late. The fabric of his shirt slips out of your grasp and Zoro goes tumbling down—straight into the unhinged maw of the monster below. 
You aren’t sure if the screams piercing the air are your own or if they belong to the dying men below. With fluid ease, Zoro manages to sidestep the beast. He dives into the mass, slashing through their ranks. It is beyond impressive. 
But it is not enough. 
The Chimeras have zoned in, their attention drawn to Zoro. Snarling and snapping, they circle their prey. 
Its suicide. 
Luffy steps forward, ready to leap into the chaos, when familiar shouts sound from below. 
The rest of the crew are here. 
You collapse in relief, adrenaline draining from your body. 
He’s okay.
✧ ˚  ·    .    
“This is such a stupid fight,” you sigh. 
“This isn’t a fight,” Zoro frowns, unnerved by the very idea of arguing with you. 
Sanji pipes up. “It sounds like a fight.”
Nami pinches him by the ear and drags the chef out of the kitchen, scolding him as he protests and apologizes. 
“But Nami! They’re in my workspace!”
You and Zoro both ignore him, too preoccupied with the argument at hand. 
“I saved your life. His too. If anything, you should be thanking me.”
You scoff in disbelief. “I’m not going to thank you for your recklessness.”
“And I won’t apologize for it,” Zoro says firmly. 
“You’re going to get yourself killed one day! I refuse to stick around and watch it happen.”
He freezes as he catches onto the underlying meaning behind your words. “What do you mean by that?”
“I…” you hesitate, unprepared for this conversation. You didn’t mean to let news of your departure slip out. This isn’t how it was supposed to go. You’re both too agitated. Too riled up. 
“What do you mean by that?” He echoes. His voice is low and careful, tip toeing on the edge between urgency and trepidation. 
You want to turn around. Walk away. Lie. 
But this is Zoro. A man you entrust with your life and, occasionally, your heart as well. Secrets don’t belong in your relationship—as muddled as it is—and they will only consume what trust you have forged through the years. 
It is time to bear the truth in front of the most terrifying witness. 
With a rough swallow, you tell him everything. Your plan to leave the crew, to retain your birthright, and to finally settle your country’s score, once and for all, by bringing peace through union. A marriage between royal heirs. You and a foreign prince. 
You can’t look at him as the secret you’ve been harbouring finally spills over your lips like oil. If you look at him, you’ll cry. 
“…I leave in two weeks,” you finish. You’re still staring at the ground, heart racing a mile a minute. 
There’s no answer. Silence stretches on for a while, so quiet a person’s breath could be mistaken for thunder. So cloying, it stains your lungs. Finally, you can’t take it anymore. You snap your head up, ready to demand a reply from the swordsman, but the look on Zoro’s face wipes anything you have to say from memory. 
Shock, anger, disappointment, sadness. Those are all too shallow of description for the depth of what he is feeling. The best he settles on is desperation. An intensely unpleasant anxiety that borders on panic. That is what currently thrums in his veins. 
You’re leaving…?
“You won’t change my mind Zoro.”
He doesn’t answer. 
“Nothing will,” you add softly. 
Especially not him. 
This is your goal—your dream. He can’t take that away from you no matter how much he resents it. He simply can’t. But he can be angry, can’t he? He deserves that anger. Needs it to keep him sane. But before he can articulate it, you speak up again, turning the subject back to the argument before. 
“The point is you’re too rash.”
He’s barely listening. “It’s my job.”
“No,” you reply firmly. “No it’s not. You put that title on yourself—placed that burden on your own shoulders, never asking for a hand. Not even when so many would offer.”
“I don’t need help. I protect my friends. That’s what I do,” he grits out. 
“Even at your own expense?”
You scoff in disbelief. “It's idiotic.”
“It’s my duty.”
“So you say!” You throw your hands up, exasperated and frustrated. “But that’s not all it is, is it? You fear losing that part of yourself—the protector, the bodyguard, the shield—because you would lose yourself in the process. Your entire life—your purpose—does not revolve around meaningless self-sacrifice and protecting us from a world we choose to exist in!”
He scoffs in sheer disbelief. “And you? What exactly is your role? Don’t you dare stand there and attempt to psychoanalyze me when you’re just a damn coward!”
You suck in a sharp breath, his words striking deep. “I am not a coward.”
“Then why the hell are you running away?!”
“Running? Running?!”
He nods, jaw clenched. He avoids looking straight at you—at the hurt in your eyes. “Yes. The only thing you know how to do.”
Anger replaces hurt. “You fucking hypocrite,” you spat out.
He shakes his head. “I’m just calling it like I see it.” 
“You are nothing without your so-called duty,” you hiss. “So you do not get to judge mine.”
“Is that why you abandoned it in the first place? I wonder where this valiant change of heart came from.”
“You could never understand.”
He drops his gaze to the floor and takes a heavy step back. Zoro can barely look at you. “You’re right. I could never understand turning my back on people who needed me.”
Those are the last words he says to you. The next morning, you are gone. All of your things and belongings cleared from your room—like you had never existed on the ship in the first place. 
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violet-eng · 11 months
Neuvillette and his arranged marriage with fem!reader - NSFW
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Summary: so... Furina is such a gossipy and she's kinda boring so she wants Neuvillette to marry to some random girl that can be a challenge for him... would he like this traveler?
TW: smut. Has a plot. Kinda angst? p i v. Breeding kink, praising. Unprotected sex with this daddy judge. I think that's all... MINORS DO NOT INTERACT PLEASE JUST KEEP SCROLLING.
🎨: @zlidbhypy/@zljdbhypy
The judge had lived long enough to be carried away by appearances, his image in society was expected of a man with his profession, with his knowledge and his stature. However, in the eyes of Lady Furina, as much a lover of spectacle and scandal as possible, the great judge needed a slightly more modern image to present to the citizens of Fontaine-and perhaps to bring a little gossip as well.
The idea had consumed her so much that at the moment she met you she could think of nothing else but arranging an engagement with Monsieur Neuvillette. You were the living image of what she was looking for: a young woman of society, a foreigner with a wide knowledge of the vast continent and above all, ambitious. 
There was a flash that Lady Furina highlighted in you, a furious soul difficult to tame, a challenge for the great judge. How fun it would be to see that: the distinguished gentleman try to control the disdain of his future wife, lover of saucers with spicy mixes, so friendly to those with vision Pyro... almost as contrary to him.
You met Neuvillette a day before the wedding, when Lady Furina had given him the wonderful news that he would marry you. He could not refuse, not the Archon, and she was aware of that-that made the matter more fun.
Neuvillette looked serene during the announcement, did not give the Archon the joy of a grimace of disgust... of course not, he was not like that...
On the wedding day rain fell so much as to drown the neighboring nations, tormenting those present of the ceremony. Monsieur Neuvillette was outside the compound, admiring the horizon, yearning for the freedom he possessed years before. To this had its existence been reduced? To be a puppet for the entertainment of the Archon? To tie himself for life to a woman he didn’t even know? If only he could return to his old form... spread his wings and get out of that place...
"The rain is wonderful," you exclaimed beside him, tearing from his chest an impression he managed to hide. "I hope the tears of the Hydro dragon are of happiness for the wedding and not of misery".
"They’re just legends, stories for children," he said, though an inch of him, deep down, was delighted by the idea that unlike the rest of Fontaine’s inhabitants, you didn’t dislike the rain... the one he was provoking...
"All legends have some truth in them," you whispered, giving him a sincere smile.
The ceremony had been short because of the rain, yet your happiness was overflowing. Your dress was drenched, your hair was alike... Everything was ruined, Lady Furina kept saying it, and yet you seemed to be living the best day of your life. Neuvillette could not look away from you at any moment, you had bewitched him, a single phrase had sufficed to achieve that...
The room was spacious, exquisitely decorated, illuminated to depth, the details and finishes seemed measured with hard effort... very much like the great judge. You had been unwise to ask if you had separate rooms, that had upset him for a moment... You certainly didn’t seem to have the same scruples as him.
You opened the window of the room, resting your elbows on the frame and sucking the dew that the rain brought with it. Neuvillette stood still in his place, looking at your figure, analyzing every detail of your silhouette, trying to perceive your essence, your energy... There was definitely something special about you.
"Can I come out?" you asked, were you asking permission?
"You must not ask for my consent to be free in the place" actually, he did not think it proper from you to ask permission for something… he perceived you from the first instant as a free being in tune with nature.
"It’s my way of asking you to go out with me to enjoy the rain," you said, approaching him and extending your hand. 
The thick drops of water hit the roofs, the fountain of the courtyard was about to overflow with water, the surface covered of the leaves that the wind had brought with it. You got rid of your coat and your shoes, went into the fountain and sat in the middle, above the water level, your legs dipping, you picked up the dress on your knees. The fabric was thin, almost transparent now that you were soaked and uncovered. Neuvillette scanned the surroundings, hoping no one would look at you, you were his wife... was he jealous? No, it was a simple sense of duty now that he was a married man...
"Come closer" you said from your position, pointing your finger at the place in front of you. Neuvillette, almost hypnotized by your loud attitude, dragged his feet towards your spot, sitting across from you, likewise, his legs underwater. The familiarity of the rain on the current that had formed under his feet was pleasant, almost satisfactory, so much so that it incited him to move his hands on the surface of the water, forming figures that allowed his hydro vision. You smiled at the small spectacle he displayed for you, admiring the sublime movement of his hands, the way his fingers flexed on the leaves and the drops of water ran down his hands.
You leaned toward him, taking him by surprise, joining your lips with his. He did not turn away, but, on the contrary, he dropped his hand against your neck, drawing you closer to him, tasting the nectar of your lips and your tongue.
"I want something to be clear" you dictated separating yourself from him, "we’ll have children... not because the charlatan Archon wants it for her entertainment, no... we will have children because we both want it, it was clear?".
For all the Archons... those words coming out of your mouth, pure poison, so hostile to the Archon, calling her in a way that he could never, with your face framed by your soaked locks and your lips swollen by the kiss... There was nothing he could want but a woman like you. 
The matter of your affinity for the falling flood, added to your folly of calling the archon such a derogatory name... you were an interesting, exceptional creature whose behavior went beyond his control and knowledge. You were a challenge... his challenge... and his enthusiasm grew in his chest as well as in his pants.
You had both returned to the room in sultry form, between kisses and gasps, getting rid of your clothes on the way. He cornered you on the wall of the entrance, his hand in fist resting above your head, his forehead against yours, the other hand holding your chin, joining his eyes. Neuvillette’s chest rose strongly, seeking air, bewildered by the growing ecstasy, the desire among you that was born. 
Taking you by the waist, he turned you against the wall, your face crashing against the cold marble and your palms resting at your sides. You felt his breathing on your neck, his chest against your back, his hands sliding over your curves, right to your hips, over your panties. You let out a soft moan as you felt the fabric slip under your legs and fall to your ankles.
"Monsieur..." you whispered trembling as the cold pouring through the room brushed your thighs and bare ass. 
"You don’t look as bold as you did a few minutes ago," he whispered... low, almost growling, you swore he was smiling, you sensed it in his voice.
"It’s... just... ah~" you cut the phrase in half when you felt him slip into you, separating your folds, forcing you to suck it. Your hands in fist, your hips rising, trying to avoid its passage inside you, your shoulders gathering at the sensation that flooded your center, your sex. 
"Monsieur~" you moaned, your forehead wet against the marble, your hands scratching the wall looking for something to soothe the burning between your legs, the feeling of its length between your damp walls.
You didn’t think the judge would be so vocal. When he slipped into you, he grunted, so pleasantly your legs seemed to melt. You felt the breath of his groan in your ear, your name coming from his lips.
"So soft" he whispered, resting his hands on yours, his forehead on your shoulder, "so tight..." continued advancing, rising to the bottom, "so mine"...
Neuvillette fucked you against that wall as if he was in heat-and perhaps he was-as if you were going to escape at any time from his grip, though you couldn’t. 
The moans and gasps were embarrassing, thanks to the rain they did not cross the walls, the sound of wet skin crashing during each penetration was burning, lustful. The words that came out of the judge’s mouth every time you girded your limb were a sea of incongruities, just as the phrases that your mouth dropped when he caressed your clitoris, that little lump had become his favorite toy.
The onslaught was strong, your breasts pounding against the wall every time he burst into you, rubbing against your delicate interior, which seemed made for him.
"You take me so well," he groaned, as he continued his beat against you, your breasts rising and falling down the wall. You were trapped between the wall and the monster of pleasure the judge had become.
"I will fill you with my seed, I swear..." he gasped again, his voice raspy, with flashes of hunger and lust.
"Neuvillette~" you let out a high-pitched moan, had touched your point, that felt so fucking good, the way he arched to hit that gummy dot on your cervix. He kept going, and kept going, you didn’t want him to stop. Fuck, he was so good at it, who’d say a gentleman of his countenance could be taking you like an animal in heat.
He kept hitting that delicious spot inside you, stroking your sensitive organ, one, two... three times, you suddenly felt a knot forming in your belly.
"Oh my~... don’t stop Neuvillette~..." you begged, eyes closed, lips separated by groans. The sound of his gasps flooding your eardrum... you both were close…
His onslaught lost rhythm, the intensity was almost unbearable, he came out one last time to get into you, fucking you so hard that you felt your orgasm burst and you let out a scream. He would not take long to reach his climax similarly, unloading all his seed inside you
The bed was warm, you needed it after what happened... Neuvillette lay beside you, caressing your cheek, watching the way you fell asleep. 
He looked out the window, the rain had stopped. He was completely happy... so long ago that he did not feel the fullness he had at the time... 
He placed a soft kiss on your forehead, curling your head in his chest, feeling the warmth of your gentle breathing. He closed his eyes, falling asleep beside you, yearning to tell you one day about his identity... someday…
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perfctvelvet · 2 months
Can I request some Taylor Swift x reader strap-on action?? <3
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Melting Point; Taylor Swift/Fem!Reader
Content: 2nd POV. Former lovers, slight angst, jealousy, infidelity, teasing, brief oral sex, tribing, strap-on sex.
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If there was one thing Taylor wanted most it was to look like she wasn't bothered by whoever was on your arm tonight.
You two agreed that having mutual friends wouldn't be a problem at all, that you are both "mature" and can "handle" being around each other after your almost-relationship fell apart. Taylor walked around as if nothing about what was happening could phase her, but she was lying to herself. She would look at your post and watch your instagram stories over and over again, looking to catch a glimpse of an unfamiliar silhouette. The healthier thing to do would be to not go looking at all, but she did. She looked and every time she saw something she didn't like she felt a weird thump in her chest. She carried around that jealousy for days and eventually forgot about it; until it was time for her to hurt herself again.
To be her and this pathetic was embarrassing. It makes her feel low and when she's in a low place she acts out. She had raised her skirt to be a few inches shorter and pulled down her top. There wasn't any guarantee that you were going to budge or want her back. She was the one who had ended things, so you were well within your rights to do what you want, but she was in one of those moods where she wanted fuck everything up.
She had been eyeing you and whoever that is with you all night until she walked away leaving you alone by yourself. Taylor was bold to walk across that room and place herself right in front of you. You had no choice but to accept her presence, after all you two had agreed that you can be around each other without any problems
"Y/n! Hey!"
Taylor gets close as if the music is too loud for you to hear. You looked surprised to see her, which she liked because it means she has the upperhand.
"Hey, Tay! I didn't know you were coming. Syd didn't tell me you were coming."
A nickname many people called her, but it sounded so different coming from your mouth. The single syllable always came out of your mouth so soft and sweet and reminded her of moments when you two were alone, together.
"You know I always come to anything Sydney throws." Not exactly the truth, but you weren't going to challenge her on it which is exactly why she said it.
Taylor thought about playing nice and coy tonight, but she got straight to the point.
"So, who did you come with tonight?"
Your eyes go wide and you try to stumble through getting a sentence out. You were allowed to do what you want, but you feel like you've been caught.
"What do you mean?"
"Oh, c'mon. I'm not dumb Y/n. I saw that girl you were with. Is she your girlfriend?"
You look away unable to answer because she got you. You didn't know how to answer. You were just seeing that girl in the same way you were just seeing Taylor before her, but admittedly it wasn't the same. Everything was so fun with Taylor, electrifying, and you feared that you would be searching for that with everyone you tried to date after her.
"Is that why you watch my stories? To see who I'm with?"
"Well, is she the shadow I see?"
Taylor always had the upper hand whether it be her getting the last word or making your heart beat uncontrollably. No matter how hard you tried to move on, you wanted her so bad. You two wanted things to work out but there was an underlying feeling that you two specific people would never be able to work in the way you want it to. But sex didn't require further thought on the status of one's relationship.
"Taylor. Are you really going to do this to me?"
The look in your eyes, the sound of your voice; she's got you. She keeps the shit eating grin off of her face, but she's beaming on the inside when you silently agree to ditch her date and go back to Taylor's place that was blocks away.
'You always know how to get someone into trouble while keeping your hands clean.'
You had told her that just a few weeks after knowing her. On your second day of meeting each other you were pinned to a wall with her hands down your pants. She rubbed you in the most magical way and made you cum in record time. You were embarrassed sometimes by how bad you wanted her; it offsets her embarrassing tactics to get her way.
What you missed most about Taylor was how she kissed you. She grabs your head in the most possessive way as if you would dare move away from her. She always kissed you hurriedly like you would you disappear within seconds. You found the overwhelming desperation to be endearing somehow. Her name and status left you a little enamored with her, but seeing her stripped down into her rawest form, a ball of need and desire, made you see right through her. It seemed like she needed this more than you, something that you enjoyed even though it would be a little wrong to admit out loud.
"I missed the way you taste," Taylor moans between kisses. She meant more than just the way your lips taste. She wanted to kiss and lick your skin, and to taste the sweetness between your legs. She was dominant when she got like this and you let her takeover pleasuring your body.
Taylor peppered your neck with kisses before grazing the skin with her teeth. You inhale sharply and suck your stomach in. You don't exhale until she pulls your top down to reveal your tits. 'Of course' she thinks to herself; you weren't wearing a bra tonight. The idea of you anticipating running into her excited her. She needed you to want her just as much as she wanted you.
"I want to make you cum so bad," she confesses. You spread your legs without even thinking, wanting the same thing as her.
She sucks one nipple for a few seconds before licking the skin between your tits. You bite your lip and moan in pleasure. You feel your body sinking into the softness of her bed as she moves lower. She loves that you wore a short dress that gives her better access. She pushes it up to reveal your black, lacy panties. She can vaguely see your pussy through the material, but she knows that you're wet.
She kisses your pussy through your panties just to be able to watch you lose your mind. You moan loudly for her. The moans get breathier each time she kisses your clit. She licks you once and you can feel her saliva come through the material. Each kiss makes you shake, but what feels the most intimate is when she kisses your inner thigh. She knows just how sensitive your skin gets when you're this turned on. You shiver under her touch. She tweaks your nipple with one hand and rubs her hand up and down your stomach while teasing your pussy.
All she wanted was a little taste, but her hunger was growing. She pushed the fabric to the side and licked your bare cunt.
"Such a pretty pussy," she coos into you.
You throw your head back and cry out for her.
"Fuck Taylor...fuck, fuck, fuck."
Your cries sound better than any melody she could compose, paired with how sweet your pussy taste. She was obsessed, and she doesn't know how she could've ever let this go -- let you go.
'Just a little taste...just a taste'
She has to remind herself of her own pleasuring rumbling inside of her, the pleasure she craved that made her bold enough to ask you to leave your date at the event. Taylor has spent her days just enjoying herself between her legs, proving herself to be an unselfish lover. Today she wouldn't be selfish, but she feels too feral to take her time.
Her skirt comes up to reveal her bare pussy. You wore no bra, she wore no panties, you two were like the last two pieces to complete a puzzle.
You can't help but nearly jump into her arms after you sit up. You wrap your arms around her neck and kiss her. Once again, she grabs your head and kisses you back with intense passion. Her tongue slides into your mouth as she holds you tightly against her body with her arm. One hand comes running down your side and to your ass. She grabs your soft flesh before she pulls at your panties to get them off. The feeling of soft lips crashing against each other and caressing touches made you explode, but your pussy missed her touch. You absentmindedly humped the air but that wasn't satisfying enough.
Taylor knows you well enough to be able to sense your hunger. She pushes you back down onto the bed, your tits jiggle as you fall back. She straddles you, slowly lowering her wet pussy onto you. Feeling the mix of your juices makes you melt and moan. She grabs onto your leg for leverage and begins to hump your pussy. She kisses the tense muscles in your calf before she begins to moan herself.
"Fuck your pussy feels so good!" She cries out.
Taylor began to move her hips so fast that the sound of your skin slapping together sounded like all the times one of you have fucked each other from behind with a strap-on. You could feel the mess created by the two of you seeping on to your thighs. You loved how messy and sticky you two got when you rubbed your pussies together. You were hooked on the rhythm she set; steady, but not too slow.
She loved watching you beneath her. The sight of your tits moving with each thrust and how you threw your head back in pleasure. Your pleasure was at her mercy and she loved it. Your tits moved faster and your body jerked when she picked up the speed. Taylor could feel the pleasure deep in her stomach and it was ready to make its appearance. She was moaning almost as loud as you are.
"Fuck...you're going to make me cum!"
Every cry that was plucked from your throat made her weaker and weaker for you. Your eyes were shut tight and your head moved from side to side in the throes of pleasure. You looked so beautiful, and she loved watching you. It made her cum hard against your sweet pussy. Every inch of you turned her on so much.
You feel her gush against your sex and a few seconds later her contagious pleasure makes you cum too. Your fingers dig into the skin on her hips ensuring that you will leave a mark there. Taylor wasn't the only one obsessed because the rush of endorphins almost made 'I love you' slip past her lips. You had enough sense not to let lust cloud your judgment and you just moaned her name instead.
"I can't get enough of you," she whispers against your skin. You can see it in her eyes and feel it in her touch that she's not done.
"I wanna fuck you Taylor."
"You just did," she laughs breathlessly.
"No, I want to fuck you."
She now understands what you are insinuating.
"I want to fuck you, Y/n."
Taylor missed the way you reacted when she filled you inch by inch. She'd slowly watch your brain melt into a puddle as the stretch set little fires off inside of you. And the sounds of your body meeting together in desire always filled the room. You two got a little taste of it early when you rubbed pussies.
You mull over which you would enjoy more, fucking her or her fucking you? Your orgasm was so good, but left you wanting more. You see the look in Taylor's eyes you and know she's going to be adamant about wanting to fuck you, so you let her. She uses the strap you always loved and lines it up with your sopping entrance. You hold your breath as you watch her slide in. It's been so long since you've been split open like this, you could cry tears of joy.
"Oh god...don't stop!" You're already whining for her and she's barely gotten started.
"What happened to your manners?"
She pushes into you painfully slow until the tip hits the soft, spongy sweet spot inside of you. She pulls out just as slowly too, teasing you to death.
"Please! Please, Taylor, I need you so bad!"
You couldn't even hold an ounce of shame in your body if you tried to. It felt way too good. And you let her know that by moaning loudly with each thrust she was kind enough to give you. Taylor couldn't stay at that slow pace forever, she was desperate to fuck you open. She began to pound into you, her strap bullying your poor pussy every time. Feeling you cling to her was better than anything else in the world. You needed her to keep filling you up so bad and she wouldn't dare stop until you were cumming all over her strap.
"You missed this, didn't you?"
You turn your head to the side to avoid her gaze. You couldn't speak, but your moaning spoke for you. Of course you missed this. You had a chemistry with Taylor that felt rare to find. The girl you've been seeing for the last few weeks...she was kind, but she wasn't Taylor -- she wasn't what you needed.
Taylor played with your tits while fucking you. They moved in an almost hypnotic way that she couldn't take her eyes off of them. She loved how they would harden instantly in her mouth whenever she sucked on them. She loved how wet she could make you just from caressing them.
"I'm gonna cum!"
Taylor thinks to herself, 'already?'
You had came not even more than 10 minutes ago, but your pussy was so sensitive that it couldn't withstand much more. Your walls tightened around her strap, and one more poke at your g-spot and you were cumming all around the rubber toy. You mewled and arched your back like into the air. Your body went stiff as you somehow came harder than before. Pure waves of pleasure washed over you and cleared away all of your reservations about Taylor and where you two stand. When you came down from your high, your mind was spotless.
The two of you were often able to multiple last rounds with each other, but tonight felt different. You just wanted to lay there with her, limbs tangled together, and she wanted the same thing. The stillness of her bedroom brought her closer to sleep. Until you speak up.
"No, what?"
"She isn't my girlfriend."
Despite physically having you for the night, the answer to her question satisfied Taylor more than anything.
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aphroditeinthesea · 3 months
can i please request a percy jackson x reader where the reader is a daughter of aphrodite to the song i can do it with a broken heart by taylor swift
“ i can do it with a broken heart ”
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percy jackson x daughter of aphrodite 🌊
⚠️ percy is an ass to the reader but that’s kinda a given + percabeth inclusion woop woop
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
i can read ur mind
she’s having the time of her life
there in her glittering prime the lights reflect
sequin stars off her silhouette every night
i can show you lies
“I’m so happy you're finally getting over him,” her sister smiled, hand on her back.
She forced a grin as she continued to sing along to the campfire song. She nodded and waited for her sister to turn her attention away. When she finally saw the girl from the corner of her eye turn towards her boyfriend.
Y/N looked down to the grass. If she looked up she knew what she would see. Just the thought was nauseating. The boy who she claimed to all her friends she would marry, who she already had best laid plans to move to New Rome with and go to college together.
Everything that came to a crumble when he decided he did want those things. Just with his best friend instead.
She watched from across the way how his arm was wrapped around the blonde. They weren't even talking, just looking into each other’s eyes. It was as though they were having an entire conversation without saying anything. She recalled how when she first started going out with Percy and her friends tried to warn her. Everyone knew that the two were soulmates, except for three people.
She wondered if on some level she always knew, too. Maybe she was just denying it to stay with him for just a little bit longer. Even if she screamed all night the day she he broke up with her.
If you were ever so inclined to wonder what really truly happened, here’s the deal:
It was like any other Friday. Perseus Jackson waltzed into her cabin, head low almost as though he cared. He told her he wanted to talk to her privately in cabin three. Her heart sank. She knew. She just knew.
Soon enough, while she sat on his bed and he stood in front of her, he spoke in his softest voice.
“We need to break up.”
She felt her head get dizzy while she looked up at him, “what?”
“I’m so sorry,” he sat next to her, “I hate having to do this to you.”
“Why?” was all she could say.
His eyebrows creased, while tears welled up in his sea green eyes. She felt like she was looking into one of the clear seas of Greece. “I dont feel about you the way that I should.”
She sighed, “Annabeth.” Although because of the weakness in her voice, all that came out was, “Eth.”
He understood her. Slowly nodding, he began once again, “I realized I feel more about her than I should,” he took a breath, “but I wouldn't do anything before ending this with you. I couldn't hurt you like that.”
That damn loyalty of his.
“I get it.”
i’m a real tough kid
i can handle my shit
they said “babe, you gotta fake it til you make it”
and i did
The next morning, it was like it never happened. Afterall, a girl’s gotta have a reputation to upkeep. Everyone’s favorite daughter of Aphrodite. Who could hate a girl so bubbly and peppy and outgoing and happy and has never once had a bad hair day?
Everyone tried to get her to talk about it, but the only thing she said was “I’m helping at arts and crafts today, tee-tee-why-ell!”
With a smile on her face and the taste of vomit on her lips, she pranced around helping campers make vases and false confidence.
“You need to guide your hands up more, like this-”
She looked up to lock eyes with the daughter of Athena. “Annabeth.”
“I really wanted to talk to you.”
She flashed her blinding smile and raised eyebrows, “I would love to talk, but I’m right now,” even though her blood boiled at the sight of the blonde curls, “see you later, though.”
“I’m staying.”
“Oh!” She squeaked, “grab a seat.”
lights, camera, bitch smile
even when you wanna die
he said he’s love me all his life
but that life was too short
As soon as y/n was alone she broke down, hitting the floor. She felt all the pieces of her shatter. She had spent hours grinning like a winner before she finally crashed.
She let out every emotion she had felt that day. The anger, the sadness, the betrayal, the heartbreak, all of it. She let out a scream for every glance she shared with either Percy or Annabeth.
But just before dinner, she dolled up her makeup and curled her hair to perfection. Then brushed it out. Then straightened it.
She knew she was overthinking it, but how damn stupid would she look walking out to dinner with hair that mirrored the girl she was just left for? Of course, the meal went as it always would. Her cracking jokes with her siblings, giving out advice that not a soul asked for, all was normal except for the table across the way.
The Poseidon table, which was currently being shared by a certain blonde. This had to be a joke. She watched their conversation flow so easily. The laughs, the smiles, whispers, before Annabeth snuck back off to her own table.
She thought to herself that maybe she should have done that. I mean, if little miss perfect could bend the rules a little, why couldn't she? Maybe that’s why he left?
Over the next few weeks, she tried to block out everything about him. Maybe it was just a dream. But occasionally she’d find something of his in a drawer. Crucial evidence she didn't just imagine the whole thing.
She was sure she could pass this test. The test being the ability to not spend her days crying. And although she did cry a whole lot, she was so damn productive. It was honestly an art. She knew for the rest of her life that this time really proved how good she was at faking. You know? ‘Cause she’s miserable and nobody even knows.
Try and come for her job.
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priceyprice · 10 months
Prof!Price as he's sitting on his couch, on a phone call with one of his colleagues.
On his other hand, he has a glass of bourbon that he was drinking from an hour ago. It was a late night, and the two of them agreed to make an important call so they could talk about a few students and their academic progress. Price just was at the comfort of his home listening to his friend. "Mike is failing my class. I've already called other professors, and they said he's doing fine with them. Is it the same for you?"
"Hmm... He's not my best student, but he isn't my worst either."
"Alice is failing my class, too. Is she failing yours?" Price agreed for his colleague to tell him the name of his students, and he tells him about their academic progress since he doesn't have his notebook where all their grades are (nor he doesn't care about that notebook right now late at night). He knows every student he has, part of being passionate about his job. "She's not failing my class, but she's late for an assignment that was due yesterday."
"Yeah, she always does that. It's not surprising. What about Cole?"
Price sighed, closing his eyes for a moment. "He's doing fine, too. He scored a good grade on the last exam."
"He's doing bad in my class, which is confusing since the other professors told me he's good in their classes too. Man— Am I the problem?"
Price chuckled darkly at that. "Maybe."
"My methods of teaching are great. I don't understand why I have a lot of students failing."
"Because you're teaching statistics."
"And what's wrong with that?"
Price could hear the wave of laughter from the other side of the call, making him smile a little. "You're an asshole... Oh, right! I almost forgot. What about-"
"J-John." His eyes snapped up at the same time his friend said her name. He tapped her naked thigh with his glass as a gesture of keeping silence. She lets out a little whimper, feeling the coldness of the glass. His name rolled out of her tongue by accident, but that didn't stop her from riding him like he's the only thing she could breathe.
Her hands go up, passing his shoulders until they find his neck, her fingers caressing his short hair. She's desperate. The call is taking longer than expected, and her lover —who's her professor— doesn't have any intentions of making the call shorter so he can have his way with her.
He's doing it on purpose.
"Hm? Who's she?" Price said teasingly, looking at the one the two of them were talking about. She looked so beautiful with her full body naked, going up and down on him, trying to search for a release. The dim light of his lamp table rests on her silhouette, making her look like the most beautiful art he has ever seen.
He's pretty sure a few gods from the Olympus are envious by the beauty she possesses while riding him. It was like he's her throne while she sat on him worshipping her.
"Oh wait, I remember her..." Price said in a husky voice, the feeling of her heat embracing him is making him crazy. He puts his glass on the table beside the couch and takes a strand of her nearly damp hair between his fingers, pressing a few light kisses.
"She's doing great in my class, a very intelligent student. What about yours?"
"Yeah, she's..." She's riding me right now, trying to stop her beautiful voice from moaning. "She's one of my top students. I can say she's on top of everyone... even of me." She gasps when his fingers start caressing the mons' pubis. "Shh..." He said lowly, looking at her big, desperate eyes.
"She's not my top student, but she's one of them."
"Yeah, she's very..." She lets out another whimper clenching around him when she feels him in her favorite spot. This was driving her crazy. The thought of her riding her professor while they were talking about her was the hottest turn on she ever had.
"Wait, give me a second. I think there's someone knocking on my door." Price puts the call on mute and looks at her. "My love, I need you to calm your voice."
"I c-can't. It's too much..." He caressed her cheek, stopping a tear. Then, he puts a few strands away from her sweating forehead, a very gentle expression, in contrast with how his cock is abusing her insides. "I know, baby, but I'm in an important call. Just use my cock however you like and when I'm finished I'll promise you to fuck you and please you like the goddess you are." She moaned as a response, her head falling against his shoulder.
Price unmuted his call and put his phone back on his ear. "Sorry, a lousy neighbor. Who are we discussing again?"
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
I apologize for any misspelling and mistakes. Any suggestions or comments are appreciated. 🫶
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darsynia · 1 month
Heyyy. I hope ur requests are open. Anyways. Can I get a shot of tequila w/ Steve Rogers and the reader reunited after like 6 months apart because he went on the run and didn’t want to disrupt her life. Like maybe she was on Tony’s side in Civil War but helped Steve anyway because they were together since CA:WS. She tracks him down in Switzerland and he comes home to the safe house to see her heels by the door like they usually would be back in New York. Then he sees her sitting in the dark, save for the fireplace, and they argue about how he can try to leave but she will find him everytime because she loves him. So they have some “reunion fun” and maybe after, they’re having some pillow talk where she’s worried that he’s been with other women in 6 months apart. because let’s be fair, we can’t blame her. have you seen the nomad-hair ‘n beard?… 😭
Thanks for the request, nonnie! I couldn't work in the very last bit, but hopefully you'll enjoy. Rating is NC-17, minors DNI. 1,800 words. (I forgot to add, 180F is a good temperature for green tea--and yeah, a kettle would be in C probably but bear with me for the metaphor ❤️)
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The chilly wind is not the reason Steve feels cold on his walk home. He’s living in a fully furnished home for the first time in six months, but nothing about the space feels welcoming. He can’t settle. Somehow the many barracks he’s lived in over the years made him feel more comfortable, and he knows the reason why.
You’re not there.
The thought stings, and he grits his teeth, keeping his eyes on the road. The last thing he wants to do is look familiar, and maybe that’s the problem. If he’s not allowed to be Steve Rogers, no amount of handmade quilts and cozy living room furniture will make him feel at home.
He rounds the corner, pulling out his key with a half of a block to go. The rental is quiet, out of the way, obscure, even. Half the time even he struggles to find it. From three houses away, he sees a pair of deep red heels next to his front door, as incongruous among the quaint townhomes in Willisau as a palm tree. The spasm in his chest isn’t something the serum in his veins can heal, but Steve tells himself nothing’s really there. He’s imagined your shoes waiting outside of almost every place he’s laid his head since he left, and now it’s Switzerland’s turn.
He studiously ignores his lintel as he unlocks the door and goes inside.
 Steve’s sure he’s right when everything is the same as he’d left it. You've never failed to leave your personal touch in his living spaces--a hand knit scarf hung next to his coats, a delicate bunch of flowers on the table in a vase he'd long ago forgotten he owned.
The orange of sunset stretches across the floor from a back window, and he can smell the tang of woodsmoke, a familiar occurrence in this neighborhood. It isn't until he puts his shoes and keys away and pads into the kitchen that he finally realizes he’s not alone.
The smoke smell isn’t from outside. The fireplace is lit, and when Steve steps into the doorway, he sees a familiar, precious silhouette. Even though you have to have heard him, you don’t turn around, so he chooses discretion as the better part of valor. You’ve always said a warm cup of tea is comforting after a long day, and it has been that.
He sets the temperature on the kettle, places two mugs, and then goes looking for tea, concern and frustration growing. You've never not greeted him, but those had always followed a goodbye, something Steve hadn't had the courtesy to give when he'd left. The first two cabinets yield nothing, and you haven’t spoken or come in, yet.
Then, suddenly, you’re there, walking in and showing him exactly where the tea is, right in time for the kettle’s finishing beep. You’ve always been like that, exactly what he needs at exactly the right time, and that hasn’t changed. It’s damning and loving all at once.
Steve grabs at one of the tins, but you set a light hand on his, leaving it there are you say something about temperatures and tea leaves. He’s barely listening, focused on the way your touch has jump-started his heart, his lungs, and… everything else.
“Steve!” you say, snatching your hand back and giving him an affectionate, frustrated look. It’s more the latter than the former, but at this point he’s parched soil grateful for a slight drizzle. “Did you hear any of that? I asked what temperature you set the kettle.”
“Uh, whatever the default is?”
Brand new to this kitchen though you are, you pick it up and start it again, noting that the water bubbles up right away. “212 is my guess. That’s too hot for this. It’s green.”
Steve very much wants to point out that all tea is green, but he knows better. Instead, he says, “We can pour it out and start over?”
You look at him for a long moment, your body a foot and several hard conversations away, and finally nod. Neither of you say anything as the new water heats up, but Steve feels the metaphorical distance between the two of you narrow as you breathe each other’s air for the first time in forever.
When the kettle finally sounds, it’s somehow familiar. In his head Steve feels another timer go off, and he heeds it.
“I’m--” he starts to say, but you interrupt.
“I know.”
To hide his apprehension, Steve grabs the sugar, a spoon, and an amused look. “You don’t know what I was going to say!”
“I know all of them. You’re sorry. You’re not coming home. You’re doing this for my own good. You’re lonely.”
“You’re right.”
“I know.”
The two of you settle next to each other on the couch with a not inconsiderable amount of painful distance between you. That doesn’t translate to the conversation, though. It’s full of honesty (“I didn’t want to leave. I wish it didn’t have to be this way, but I’m not done with the things that need to be done, and it’s not safe for you here.”) from both sides  (“You’re physically gone and I hate that, but emotionally, I know you don’t want to let me go. I’m always with you, and I’ll always find you. There’s no one that can keep me safer than you can.”).
Once the tea’s long gone and the fire has died down to embers, neither of you have said the most important words, the healing words. 
Finally you whisper them, tears welling up in your eyes. “Steve, I love you. It doesn’t have to be like this.”
He opens his mouth, certain of his mission, as sacrificial as it is--but you slide up beside him, warm and loving and his.
“It can be like this,” you rasp, sliding your hand along his chest and up into his hair to pull his lips down to yours.
Steve groans in gratitude, angling his head in welcome and grasping at your hips to drag you onto his lap where you belong. He sends up a prayerful apology to any member of his family that still checks the earthly realm to watch him live a sinless life. Today is not that day. 
You’re wearing soft dress pants, just loose enough for him to slide his hand past your waistband, thumbing caresses along the heat of your inner thigh until your hitching ‘yes’ of a sigh gives him more explicit permission. He’d missed your body, missed this, the warm slick of your welcoming folds, the way you gasp and tense when he strokes you. This angle shouldn’t work, but he’s strong, and he knows how much you love that, so he nuzzles the join between your neck and shoulder, breathing you in.
You release your deathgrip on his shirt to snake your hand up into his hair, dragging your fingernails deliciously against his scalp. Your movements are imprecise and shaky, a testament to his own erotic movements, and Steve groans aloud at the realization. The timbre of your voice as you whisper his name hints at how close to orgasm you are, and he takes the opportunity to escalate his onslaught.
“Let go, sweetheart,” he whispers against your skin, thrusting his fingers inside at unpredictable intervals to prolong your pleasure. You have always both loved and hated that, wanting instead to lose yourself in the rhythm of predictable movements--but your most vocal climaxes come just like this.
Steve backs off again, and you roll your hips, tempting him to return. “I’ll never let go,” you growl, pushing off just far enough to start unbuckling his pants. “You should know that.”
It’s an inflection point, and though Steve’s a soldier, he doesn’t fight you. You’d been so close your whole body had started to tremble, but instead of taking what you could from him and then shifting the mood, you’d taken the route of self-sacrifice. Those thoughts flee the battlefield when you urge him to lift up enough to tug his pants out of the way. Impatience sings through his veins. He wants to take charge and--
“Oh,” he says. The whole world shifts from black and white to color as you slide down between his legs, taking him in your mouth. He’s almost too sensitive for this, grabbing a fistful of the couch instead of your hair, knowing his own strength. You anchor yourself with a hand grasping that same forearm, moaning as you suck as if feeling the flex of his muscles is itself erotic.
Steve knows the whining noise he can hear is coming from his own throat, but doesn’t care about anything but the surging joy of this moment. You know exactly how to work him, adding everything he loves about you, about the ‘us’ he’d wanted to build with you. When he’s almost, almost there, when he knows your next move would be a deep-throated encouragement to spill in your mouth, you pull back.
The lesson is sharp and warranted, but Steve’s trust doesn’t waver. He looks down at you--‘submissive’ at his feet but fully in charge of the moment--and nods. I get it. Your light smile and little squeeze of his arm before you get up feels more like home than anything in months.
“I love you,” he says, and means it more than he ever, ever has.
“Hasn’t anyone told you not to say that in the middle of sex?” you tease, moving fluidly to shed the rest of your clothing. The only thing you keep on is your electric blue bra, and Steve lets out a tiny little noise of want when he sees it. It’s his favorite. Eight months ago you’d tried to get rid of it and he’d snatched it up out of the ‘to toss’ pile and buried it in his drawer, the drawer you’d given him in your bedroom for when he slept over.
He hadn’t wanted to leave it behind, to leave you behind, but it felt like the right thing to do at the time. Now, looking at your sultry, challenging expression, he truly understands the mistake he made.
Steve opens his mouth to tell you how beautiful you look in the firelight, how sorry he is that he ever thought he could walk away to make your life safer, how--
“Prove it, soldier,” you tell him. The words are confident, but there’s a waver in your tone that he put there.
He reaches for you, pulling you onto him, into him, straight through his skin, your sighs writing your name on his heart. It's exactly where you, where he belongs. The result is a rolling boil, a volley of exploding shells, a Brooklyn apartment with a pair of red heels at the door.
It’s been a battle, but he’s home.
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kobb4ni2 · 4 months
Did you think I was doing sending more Sea Serpent Reader requests? No I still have more ideas!
How do you think Reader meeting the rest of the 4 yonkos/7 warlords would turn out to be? If we are going with the marine route I can see the Marines trying to hide Reader but how can you hide a 200ft long Sea Serpent that just cruising along the headquarters? If it was pirate/independent route I can see her stumbling upon them as she is traveling
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It’s been so long since I’ve writting tbh. I’ve been busy with a lot of things like taking care of my sister and school and sorry if this was short too😭 I only decided to do the Warlords for this one and not for the yonkos😔 BUT you can ask again the same ask but for the yonkos!!
Like you said mootie if we choose the Marine route there would be rumours that the WG is hiding an ancient god/dess and the Warlord isn’t exceptional to it.
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Jimbie would be whole entirely believe that they captured Sea Serpent! Reader, his ocean friends had told them about Sea Serpent! Reader awakening but they couldn’t confirm where you went after you woke up. And since Sea Serpent! reader is a LITERAL important figure to Fishmen's identity and culture, it pissed Jimbie the hell off when the found out that the WG aka the people that he is working under to keep his people uplifted. Using an important Fishmen figure and using them for their own selfish goals made him furious.
Jimbie wanted to confirm this but never even got a proper answer. But by pure luck Jimbie managed to meet you in person, Jimbie had to compose himself when he did because it’s their (hypothetical) land creator. Jimbie treated you will high regard and respect, he even hinted that if you ever needed help breaking out from the WG clutches he’d be there to support you and ready to turn his back against the government. Jimbie of course told this to Neptune I wholeheartedly agree that Neptune already knew that you awaken from your slumber via Shirahoshi, but he too was extremely furious when he heard that the WG captured Sea Serpent! Reader.
Doflamingo has ears everywhere and his Celestial Dragon blood just makes him more overwhelmingly powerful when it comes to dirty secrets against the World Government. So the second they confirmed your existence and your capture he already knew it, and his eerie grin somehow got wider (if that is possible) and even started laughing maniacally, Sea Serpent! Reader bear existence would shake the entire world and if Sea Serpent! Reader manages to break the chain from the World Government then it would be a world to behold.
Doflamingo would suspiciously start going to almost every Warlord meeting heck he would even suddenly appear at important marine meetings, he would devilishly tease them about knowing their “dark secret”. He would find out where they keep you and visit you deep at night a silhouette towering that is coming towards your window caused you to be awoken by the shadowy figure that covered the moonlight you would immediately see him. His grin goes wider every single second he sees you and at the end of a conversation, you’d see a red flower with a white bow that looks like a bunch of strings at the end of your bed.
Mihawk is a strange deal indeed. He would know about Sea Serpent! Reader existence/ knows that Sea Serpent! The reader is without a doubt real. He would also know that the WG already have their dirty hands with a chain wrapped around your neck. Sea Serpent! Reader met Mihawk when Sea Serpent! The reader was still free and roaming, she would have landed on his island thinking that no one was there but surprised Mihawk was there.
Imagine being Mihawk in this scenario, like you’re just sipping on your wine while reading a newspaper until you hear a loud though near your beach, and when you look outside you see a 200 feet mythical creature that is rumored to have existed hundreds of years ago just at your island resting while petting the monkeys that live there. A sight to behold indeed. Mihawk would usually tell any creature or people to leave his island if they’re lucky enough not to piss him off but this time was somehow an expectation he was interested in your whole being (not romantically yet), you brought out intrigue that is rare to Mihawk.
You decided to spend more time talking to him than expected and at the end of the day when the waves started pulling and pushing itself forcefully and the full moon helping so was the time you left him. Mihawk let you leave but what a mistake was that, day after day when you left all his mind, was plagued by you and your stories it was interesting at first that caused him to be attracted to you, but when he heard the reason why you haven’t visited him in a long time because of the WG, he started doing his investigations and found out where the WG kept you, and it was surrounded by Marines and even near some Admirals, as much as Mihawk wants to slice them immediately so he can meet you again, he had to control himself so no panic arises at the base. When he finally met you, you were shocked but better yet concerned about why he was even here, but he should have nonchalantly said that he was bored and heard some information about where you were and wanted to see you again. This became a routine to Mihawk he would memorize the schedule of who would be at the base surrounding you and visit you and at the end of each meeting he would leave petals of a flower or even a whole rose like Doflamingo but the rose was made in his garden.
Boa would have heard stories about you during her time as a slave from fellow fishman slaves. She only thought of you as a legend until quite some years there were rumours at the Marines that managed to transfer to Amazon Lily, Boa didn’t care at first until she too saw your tail playing with the Sea King protecting the island. It’s made her rather curious but decided that;yes-you do exist. But will she find out more about you? Nope, you possess no danger nor interest in harming her or her people. But when Boa heard that the WG might have captured you she felt very uneasy, she may not have shown it but even if that time she wasn’t close to you, she was concerned about what the WG did to you..especially the Celestial Dragons. She did more research about you and fortunately, after a boring ass Warlord meeting, she overheard Mihawk and Doflamingo (Doflamingo was scowling at Mihawk bc he sees the flowers Mihawk leaves) conversation about a certain “them” and Jimbie was also shocked, but by Boa’s observation knew that Jimbie knew more or even met you already then those two.
Kuma, Kuma, Kuma..boy where do I start? Kuma knew already about you since his childhood, he knew that the WG covered the whole history between you and Joyboy, knowing that your living existence is the key to their dark and dirty secrets. Kuma looked forward to seeing you like Joyboy and when he heard that Bonney had a friend that saved her from drowning, that had the exact description as you, surely it was a coincidence right? Years passed by and surely but slowly he knew that the WG was holding your captive, but he wasn’t fully sure until the day Dr. Vegapunk made him into a cyborg, Vegapunk told everything about you and the facts you shared with him, Kuma filled with Joy cried knowing that the world will hear the drums of liberation once again, and as a send-off gift to Kuma, Vegapunk show him S.Serpent so he can see what you looked like.
Crocodile would have heard about you via Robin, she saw Robin deeply interested in your story, that she would spend days reading books she already read about you, Crocodile didn’t care until he has found out that you are beneficial to his plans when overtaking Alabasta. But then started doing more research about you and was entrenched by you.
After he was freed from impel down, he then saw you siding with the Marines, he knew that the WG captured because of rumors from when he was spending time down there, but when he joined the Cross Guild he just found out that you already met Mihawk, he was jealous yes but he will now pry your eyes towards him than that clown and bird.
You meet Jimbie at Fishman Island after Shirahoshi cries and summons Sea Monsters and you are there waiting to strike whoever tries to hurt Shirahoshi. After the whole interaction Jimbie went to talk to you and King Neptune even asked you if you could stay at his palace, but you declared that you were going to travel the whole world. See if things have changed, Jimbie heck even the whole fishmen race tried to persuade you to stay but at the end of the day, they all respected your decision to leave. And not even a month after you left you already have a bounty on your head, because you flip down a Marines and Celestial Dragons ship. Jimbie was scared for you especially when your bounty poster had your face on it (majestic ahh, even if you massacred those in the boat) and you had a head of 1 Billion Berry meaning that the WG knew who you were.
When joining the Sun Pirates with Fisher Tiger, the first to greet him in his journey was you, giving him a peep talk about when it comes to being a pirate. Since you always stuck with the Sun Pirates you were somehow an unofficial crew member, both and Jimbie’s relationship bloomed like a dying flower. Fisher Tiger and heck the whole crew saw the glances and protectiveness that Jimbie shows when it comes to you, the longing, lovesick eyes Jimbie when he talks to you but still respects you as a fellow crew member.
Jimbie knows that you can protect your self but he’d always be at your side using his Fish-Man Karate to block any kind of canons on your way. After becoming a Warlord he knew that he may never even see you since he is closely connected to the WG but heck the Fleet Admiral is talking to Jimbie about maybe recruiting Sea Serpent! Reader as a Warlord 👀
Mihawk’s scenario is still the same but with a twist. Ever since that day you met him you would time to time again visit his island and even have dinner with him, you would tell stories about where you went those days when you weren’t here, he would act like he didn’t care but is ABSORBING every single words that falls from your sweet lips. Once time you turned into your human form but a little bit smaller but still taller than Mihawk, he could stop staring at your legs and whenever you trip he’d be there to catch you it’s now like a 6th sense of his. When you become a pirate you try your best to visit him but since you have a bounty on your head you try to avoid him so you can cause less trouble for him which causes Mihawk to be concerned. He spends more time looking towards the beach to even see a glimpse of you. But day by day he was growing tired of this waiting game, he then grabbed his hat and coat and began to look for the treasure that left his grasp.
Doflamingo would have already started sniffing your whereabouts even if you haven’t even shown yourself to the WG, he just knows that you are real and swimming even if you haven’t even met him yet. You both would have officially met at the sea when his crew was ramshaking an island that you swore to protect. Doflamingo would have never forgotten the day that he fell in love with you (obsessed) even if you beat his crew and subordinates and forced him to leave the island alone and never come back, he knew that he had to get his hands on you.
So he would visit the island he ramshackle and even used his power so no pirates or marines and touch the island, the people were incredibly scared of him at first but he pulled some strings so that they could trust him, giving them resources from Dressrosa, via food, education and many more. Until one day they held a festival meant for your arrival and when he heard of such a thing he forced the mayor or king (whoever is in charge of the island) to let him take care of the festival, everything must be perfect just for you. The food and music were ready every kid was happy and jolly even if the guy who prepared all of this was the same guy who destroyed their island just a few months prior. When you came out of the sea Doflamingo was just grinning ear to ear it was scary even to his crew. There you are, in person his trump card against the world and the same person who will stay by his side till his dying breath. God knows what will happen to you when Doflamingo manages to get you strung up in his twisted sense of love.
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sunflowersteves · 1 year
hello again!!
i loved the blurb of the last req i sent in so you’re getting my new idea >:)
ok so miguel and reader are married and he notices that during missions she fiddles with her engagement and wedding rings under her suit and he thinks it’s the cutest thing in the world 🥹
i’m just the softest for miggy i can’t
have a great day/night and DRINK MORE WATER!!
ugh I love this sm. ty for your patience!! I have so many requests for miggy it’s insane and I love it. So, I kinda got carried away and I made them fiancee’s but I hope you enjoy it 💗
pairing || miguel o’hara x f!reader
warnings || soft!miguel, fluff, fiancé!miguel
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Miguel is an intuitive person. He could observe someone from afar and understand their weaknesses, triumphs, and fears. He has always been quite the observer.
For you, though, he knew everything. Your favorite food, your favorite movie, how your energy levels plummeted after a lot of stimulation, the way you got nervous around new people—everything.
He might not admit it to anyone, but he knows. He understands that this level of love—this care for another person—ran deep in his bones. His heart always thumped across his chest from your mere presence. No matter how much he resists the complacency of personal attachments, he can never resist you.
He might be grumpy. He might yell and get angry. He might roll his eyes and huff out his breath, but Miguel loves so deeply that it punctures his chest and creates a chasm of adoration for you.
Miguel was obsessed with the silhouette of you alone, never mind the way his stomach swirls with contentment and love when your hands glide smoothly across his chest. Never mind the way his heart stops every time you send him an endearing smile.
Miguel is hopelessly and helplessly in love with you, and as an observer, Miguel saw the little things.
He observed the way you would fiddle with his fingers underneath the table when you were nervous.
He observed when you would tap a finger on his bicep, completely subconsciously as you told him about your day.
He observed how you pressed deep kisses onto the scars that scattered across his chest and abdomen.
God, how he loved it. He never said a word, though.
His lips would quirk in the faintest of smiles as his body felt hot from the interactions. His hand would splay themselves on your thigh because he knew that you would need something to fumble with. He would lean his shoulder into you so your fingers could tap away absentmindedly.
Miguel knew your idiosyncrasies very well—and it was a mission in his head to file each of them into his mind so he could keep them for eternity.
This one, though, was new.
Miguel had proposed to you a week ago—a week exactly from today. It wasn’t your typical proposal where everyone in the background claps and congratulates you.
Miguel had taken you to your favorite spot. In Nueva York, there’s an old district that was a historic area full of old buildings. He took you to the top of the Chrysler building—that one being your favorite from the older days.
He didn’t prepare a big speech. He wasn’t sure he could without the swirling emotions of how much you truly meant to him. So, instead, he makes it simple.
“Te amo.”
Your eyes widened substantially at the indication of those words. Your mouth opened, jaw dropped almost to the floor. Tears started to collect on your eyelids, but you refused to let them fall.
“Miguel—” Your voice chokes in on itself as he showed you the ring. He looks at you, eyes wide with hope. You rarely saw that expression flash across his face. “Yes. Te amo también, Miguel.”
Without any words, he slipped the ring on your finger, and the two of you sat in silence. His body pressed up against yours, and he contently sighed.
Ever since he slipped that pretty ring onto your finger, you would feel it. You would twist the silvery metal. You’d swirl and fiddle with the accessory.
Sometimes, when you really needed comfort, you would place your lips onto the solid ring. When Miguel wasn’t around, you knew that he was always going to be there. He was always with you—even when he wasn’t.
And just like now, as your listening to Peter B.’s words, you’re twisting the ring around your finger. Miguel watched from afar, without coming towards you, as you subconsciously press your lips to the band.
Miguel couldn’t suppress the smile that curled on his lips as he watched you. His heart beat loudly against his ears—mission no longer on his brain.
Your concerned eyes eventually found him, and you melted. He could immediately see the anxiety dissipate from your shoulders from his presence. It made his stomach swirl with love.
Then, a voice appears next to his ear. “You guys are so cute. I’m gonna cry.”
Miguel rolled his eyes. “Shut up, Lyla.”
“When you have your wedding, I’m gonna be front row, okay? It has to be that way because—”
“Lyla.” He growls. “Shut up.” He wouldn’t admit it in the whole damn world, but there was still a smile on his face.
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Out of The Woods
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pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
summary: A look back into our reader's past, and a run-in with one, too.
chapter warnings: slow burn,mentions of grief, parental loss, motherhood, swearing, alcohol(ism), child neglect, childhood trauma. Maggie fluff to fix it all <3
a/n: EEP EEP EEP, i know i know its a slooooow burn but we truly are just getting started. Enjoy!
chapter two: Tell Me A Lie || series masterlist
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SEPTEMBER 17th, 1982
Freezer-burnt Egos sit three high on the olive green plate in front of you.
“Great.” Syrup hasn’t been purchased in weeks, so you slather each one with a smear of grape jelly. All served up with a side of tap water.
One bite in, and the sound of shattering glass startles the appetite out it you.
“Dad?!” You shout in a panic.
The sight that greets you on the living room is one that’s become familiar in the few months since your mom’s passing. Your father, slumped over in his beat up recliner, a shattered vodka bottle on the floor next to him.
“Shit…” you’re frantic as you rush to grab the broom and dustpan. It’s become a routine, clean up dad’s mess so that he doesn’t hurt himself when he wakes for his night shift at the Plant.
While it may be routine, it’s certainly not normal. No fourteen year old should be shopping for groceries, and doing laundry and writing checks to the electric company with a letter begging for them to give her a little more time with the lights on.
Every payday, you’d wait for Dad to pass out in his chair, and you’d take most of the cash from his wallet. It was just enough to get yourself food for the week and pay what you could. If he noticed the missing money, he never said anything, but you assumed he did notice that debt collectors had stopped calling so much.
“Bye, Dad.” You whispered. No response—then again, there never was.
The bag of glass was thrown into the trash on your walk to the garage. Hopping on your rusted out silver bike, you started the 2 mile ride to Hawkins High.
In truth, this has become the only slice of peace in your day. You could shut your damn brain off and just breathe. Not worry about the inevitable chaos that waited for you at home.
It was Friday, which means a meeting with the school counselor to see how you were doing since your mom died. June was…it was a time you’ve tried to block out. To suppress any memories or feeling from that awful day.
“Did you hear me, hon?” Ms. Kelly’s soft voice pulled you from your dissociation.
“What? Oh, mhm.”
She looked at you softly, tilting her head as a sign she absolutely did not believe you.
“Listen,” she pulls the file off her desk and turns it for you to see. “Your grades…they’re not at all reflective of your abilities. Your teachers think you’re brilliant, but the lack of effort on homework and tests is something of a concern.”
The pain of holding back tears began to prickle your throat. “I know, I’m—I’m trying. I’m studying as much as I can—“
“You’ve got such a bright future, just work a bit harder, hm?” Her smile was one of reassurance and confidence.
It’s not Mrs. Kelly’s fault. She didn’t know about what was happening at home, so she certainly didn’t know the impact of her advice.
“Work harder,” you whisper, venom coating your tongue. “Got it.”
The smile on your face is only there to keep the tears at bay. She excuses you to get back to next period, and you practically sprint from her office.
Where your legs take you, you’re not exactly sure. But the room is empty and dark and at this point you’ll take any refuge you can get.
So you sit and sob, heaving breaths and crying into your palm to muffle any sounds. How long you were there you have no idea, but it was long enough to hear the bell for end of the school day.
The door to the room opened, pouring in light from the hallway.
“Shit…you okay?”
His voice was so gentle and unsure. Backlit as the door closed, the shadow of his silhouette almost made him look like an angel.
Long shaggy hair, denim and chains and leather.
An angel--dressed like a devil.
You attempted to stand quickly, muttering a half-hearted apology, but you stumbled. Luckily for you, the stranger caught your elbow and waist.
“Whoa, hey just—here, sit for a sec, okay?” He guided you to the table across from where you’d sat, and ushered you towards one of the chairs.
“You’re not hurt are you?” His voice was so soft; a kindness you hadn’t heard in a long, long time.
You shook your head, “No, no. I’m fine.”
He laughed softly, “You sure about that?”
The tears in your eyes put holes in his chest.
“I’m Eddie,” he sat next to you on the table, “Who might you be?”
You whispered your name, and he smiled, then whispered it right back.
Eddie was gentle with you. He sat in silence for a few minutes, waiting for your breathing to return to normal.
What you didn’t know was how he watched you. The way he recognized the pain in your eyes—a kind of sadness that only people who’ve experienced it can understand.
He knew a bad home life when he saw one, and It made him angry.
Angry that someone could look in your eyes and hurt you. That people could see how broken you were and take advantage of it. Worst of all? He was angry there was no one there to protect you.
As far as he was concerned, that changes today.
Eddie cleared his throat, and your eyes found him again. “Look at us,” he nudged your shoulder. “strangers a couple minutes ago, now we’re acquaintances. Who knows? Before we leave we might even be friends.”
A genuine and true laugh escaped you. It’d been so long since you’d heard your own laugh, the sound alone was foreign.
Though for Eddie, it was a sound that made his heart beat faster and face turn rosey, even under the gross fluorescent bulbs.
“I’d like to be your friend, I think.” You smile. Crinkles formed by his umber eyes as he mirrored your grin.
Your hand juts out, extended to him for the taking. “You’re not a serial killer, right?”
His warm grip finds yours, “Not to your knowledge.”
There’s a pain in your cheeks from smiling so hard. “That’s reassuring.”
Eddie jumped up, offering you his elbow. “Whaddya say, kid? Care to cause some chaos and debauchery with your new pal?”
It’d be easy to say no. To allow yourself to return to the shell you’ve built around yourself in order to protect your heart in a way no one else would.
But you didn’t hesitate. Linking arms with Eddie, his scent invaded you—nicotine and weed and…vanilla? Whatever the combination, you’re sure it was uniquely and perfectly him.
“Whatcha got in mind?”
Eddie could have said anything and you’re pretty sure you’d have agreed. “Oh, sweetheart. Just you wait.”
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“Mama! Do we have any straw’bies?” Maggie asked from the kitchen.
The smell from the chemicals you’re cleaning the shower with make your head throb and the sweat on your brow itches you for the ten millionth time.
Deep breathes. Deep breathes.
“No, Mags. C’mon, get your shoes on. As soon as I’m done here we’re going to the store.” You throw the yellow gloves down into the sink, giving them a quick rinse.
The weekend has brought some seriously good progress. Friday you’d managed to get Maggie registered for school, and start cleaning out the house.
Boxes of old newspapers and tchotchkes your father had kept sat stagnant, collecting dust and taking up far too much space. None of it mattered to you, so you’d trashed it.
All of it.
Saturday was spent taking trips back and forth to the Goodwill, hoping and praying your little car would survive after all the driving she did. You’d bought a few cheap gallons of paint from Melvald’s, this house was your home now—Maggie’s home. It was time to wipe the slate clean and create a place the two of you could fill with love and laughter and memories
“Mom?” Maggie mumbled, mouth full of banana as she watches you slink into your jacket.
You grabbed your keys. “Yes, angel?”
“Can we get ice cream? Wouldn’t that be a fun way to ce-bre-late me going to big girl school tomorrow?”
I need to find a damn job.
You do some quick math, adding and subtracting based on what you had left in your savings, and what you’d set aside for bills.
You drop to your knees in front of your daughter, getting right down to her level to place a big kiss on her forehead. “Of course we can. Good idea, Maggie-moo.”
Her dimples were so deep from her big wide grin, you poked a finger in each of them.
“Moooom!” She laughed, swatting your hands away.
“Whaaaat? I just love you! Now c’mon, we gotta go get your asparagus.” You hold the door and Maggie jumps onto the porch.
“Ice cream!” She shouts, making a mad dash to the car.
You chuckle. “Right, right. Ice cream.”
The store is a mere 10 minutes drive from home. If you ask Maggie, she thinks 10 minutes is the perfect amount of time to throw an impromptu concert from the back seat—room for encore included.
The moment your hands grasp the shopping cart, Maggie’s arms are up. “Assuming the position, I see.” You smile proudly.
Scooping her up, you plop her right on her bottom into the cart. Maggie wiggled, gasping as the two of you strolled past the chip aisle. “Don’t forget! We have to get some snacks for school too!”
“Right,” you braked, and turned down it. “Let me guess, Doritos are the perfect school snack?”
Her eyes are wide, clearly overwhelmed at the selection the Pete’s Grocery has to offer. “Can we gets the cheese ones?”
“Sure thing, Sunshine.”
Shopping is entirely uneventful. It’s mainly you budgeting and planning on dinners for the week. Everything bought has to have more than one use or purpose, or you don’t get it. A few jars of pasta sauce, some spaghetti, a loaf of bread, peanut butter and jelly. Chicken, canned corn, strawberries and bananas and a few boxes of mac n cheese. No the shopping spree Maggie thinks it is, but you’ll make it work.
“Alright kiddo, now the piece de resistance…the ice cream section!” You use your best announcer voice as you scoop her from the cart, and let her roam free.
She squeals. “Mom! There’s so many kinds!”
You watch her, taking in how the littlest things in this life make her the happiest you’ve ever seen her. You’re so engrossed in your daughter, you almost don’t hear it. The familiar tone that had engrained itself in your memory, the sarcastic “Sure, Robin.” that had been a staple in his vocabulary since High School.
Any calm feeling you’d had vanished, stomach churning inside you. “Mags,” you called in a hushed tone. “Maggie! C’mon, baby, just choose—“
The voices were an aisle away, and moving closer to you.
Maggie was in her own world, running back and forth to different doors in careful deliberation.
You could feel yourself start to tremble, calling her a bit louder this time. “Maggie-moo, please hurry—“
“Ho-ly shit.”
Of course Robin was the first to say something. She stood with her mouth agape, Steve perplexed next to her. When he’d followed her gaze, the two bags of chips he was holding fell to the floor.
He called your name like he was unsure. Questioning if the ghost in front of him was really his friend from all those years ago.
“Mommy! I founded the one I want!” Maggie screeched as she barreled toward you, clutching a box of Bomb Pops to her chest.
Your two old friends’ eyes went straight to your daughter.
Robin’s eyes were so wide, you thought they’d burst from her skull. “Mom?” She questioned.
Steve followed her up with, “No freakin’ way.”
Maggie chucked the pops in the cart, and stood by your side, your arms instinctively reaching for her. She must have followed your eyes, because soon, she too was in the middle of the staring contest the three of you had started.
She was quiet for a moment, studying them, and it wasn’t that long before she started giggling the tiniest bit. She covered her mouth, making herself laugh with whatever joke was rolling around in her little mind.
Maggie walked up to Steve as she laughed, and smiled her big toothy grin at him. “Hiya, Cheeseball!” She spoke through her giggles.
Robin’s laugh caught her so off guard she started coughing, and Steve was all smiles. “Excuse me? Who told you about my nickname?”
Maggie laughed, “My Mommy! She said your name is Steeb and you’re a real cheese ball!”
“Steve, Mags. Steve.” You were laughing, thankful for your daughter for saving you and for easing the tense moment you were seconds away from having to address.
“Nope, uh-uh. He’s Steeb now, from this day until his last.” She looked at you, get big smile taking up her face. Her eyes were soft, softer than they’d been moments ago. She looked back to Maggie, “And who’re you?”
Pride filled Maggie’s voice, “My name is Maggie and I’m six years old, but I’ll be seven soon! Mommy telled me birthday is Star Wars day.”
Robin’s brows pinched together, “Star Wars Day?”
“May the 4th.” You and Steve answered in unison.
The hazel-eyed boy looked at you, offering you a small smile.
Robin went back to talking to Maggie, asking her about Star Wars and her why she chose Bomb Pops. Steve walked over to stand next to you.
He plopped the chips in the top of your cart, and without any hesitation, pulled you in for a hug.
“God, I missed you.” He whispered into your hair.
You could feel the emotion squeezing your throat, “I missed you so much, Stevie.”
He held you a few more seconds, using Robin as a distraction. “Is…is she—“
You gripped him tighter, “Not here. Please not here, Steve.”
Steve Harrington was many things, but dumb wasn’t one of them. A bit of an airhead, and clueless sometimes, but not dumb. He’d seen it immediately, the resemblance between the two of you, and the one of Maggie and his other friend.
Steve let you go, looking over your face. “Does, um…does he know?”
With shame in your heart, you shook your head. “No, and I need to keep it the way.”
The for now went unsaid.
Steve nodded. “You haven’t ran into him yet then, I take it.”
“No,” you whispered. “I don’t even know what would happen if we did. Can’t think about it, not right now.”
Maggie approached the two of you, yanking Robin by her arm. “You were right, Mom! I do like this Robin lady.”
When the laughter died down, it was then Robin asked the question looming over the four of you.
“So, and pardon-my-french Little Miss M, but what the hell are you doing back in Hawkins?”
And with that, the floodgates opened.
You told them about what you’d been up to the last seven years, and what brought you back. Granted, you kept everything very Maggie-friendly—meaning most of your words were very PG friendly.
It was a weird feeling, admitting to all of the half-truths you told yourself, and how you had to push them out of your life. You wanted to tell them anything but the truth. To spare their feelings and the thought that you too could just as easily abandon the people who, at one point, were some of the most important people in your life.
"That's...that's heavy shit." Steve breathed.
You nodded, fully aware of the hanger-ticking-timebomb Maggie was becoming.
"We'll, uh...we'll catch up soon. Gotta get the grouch dinner."
"I am not a grouch." Maggie crossed her arms, and turned away.
"Of course you're not! You're just a girl who knows what she want." Robin high fived Maggie, and your heart melted.
You hugged them both one more time before loading Mags back in the cart, "Stop by anytime," You said with a smile. "You know where I live."
195 notes · View notes
reverseexorcist · 7 months
★ 𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐬 ★
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Wow just realised this entire time my asks have been off woopsie ●_● Should be fixed now.
Anyway, since y'all went feral over this dynamic (and I can't blame you), here's more of Carmilla with her adopted fallen angel child.
I know I said part 2, but I'm honestly considering making this a sort've slice-of-life series seeing as I absolutely love this dyanmic and I'm having some serious brainrot over these two.
Part 1 ↫ Right Here
➲ 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚 Carmine + !Fallen Angel!Reader
➲ Romantic ☐, Platonic ☒
➲ 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 Count; 3,662 Words
➲ Warnings/notes; Female reader, somewhat depressed reader, minor mentions of gore, sleep deprived writing, potential ooc Carmilla, mother mode Carmilla increased
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Getting used to your new life required more effort than you ever thought was ever needed. Getting used to living in hell was a chore in of itself, and quite a tedious one, and getting used to the new family you now found yourself surrounded by only piled on a tad more stress.
Unlike heaven, the land below was almost always swathed in some sort've darkness - There was literally no day night cycle at all and it was fucking with your head. Your poor circadian rhythm was completely thrown all over the place when three in the morning was just as bright at two in the afternoon. Not to mention the smoke ever present in the air. You weren't sure which you hated more between the two.
(Probably the air. You actually liked it when you breathed and didn't hack up a lung.)
It was a lot, especially when you were getting used to your new wingless life.
(Which sucked, by the way. Every time your fight or flight response kicked in, you found yourself straining your back muscles trying to lift off with nothing to support you and it made you want to cry every single time it happened.)
However, all of this was way better than what could've happened had Carmilla not saved your life. Your back still ached and the phantom pain still tortured you at night, the feather-fluff nubs of your old wings only served as a painful reminder. As much as you hated to admit it, often times you'd spend the entire night longing for the newly comforting touch of your adopted mother figure…
Wow. That felt weird to admit. That and a whole lot of other repressed emotions and memories.
You groaned and sighed, clutching your head and threading your fingers through your tussled bedhair. Your back muscles flexed, the sound of rustling feathers muffled by the mattress. The sensation was weird enough to make you 'gwak', roll on to your stomach and faceplant into your pillow. It was more natural that way, anyway - When one has wings it was rather difficult to sleep on your back, afterall, at least after your first growth spurt. You never thought you would miss the feeling, but you fought to find any silver lining in your new life. And in a world that was mostly shades of red, silver was quite a luxury.
Your somewhat depressing quiet time was broken by the gentle tapping of steel carefully approaching your room.
"Mi peque?" You didn't have the energy to jump, already having heard the delicate 'tink' of Carmilla's pointed shoes against the hardword floor of your new home. Her silhouette took up most of the doorway, the faint light spilling in from the hallway making the angelic steel decorating her body glow, much like the warm lull of her crimson eyes. Your head tiltied to the side to stare at her, but otherwise you made no movement.
She blinked once and ducked her head to step into your room. If you were, well, you from about a week ago, you probably would've been shitting bricks at the sight. It was lowkey terrifying, mostly because Carmilla was so much taller than you and had the expression of a constantly pissed off commander or something. However, it didn't scare you - Mostly because your worst nightmare had already come true.
"Can't sleep?" Her voice was soft, something that completely contrasted her outward exterior. It was soothing, though, and you found yourself not caring when she settled herself on the end of your bed.
(Your new bed. Your new bed that you could, for once, comfortably stretch out on.)
"Something like that," You mumbled, practically whispered. Your eyes glowed much like Carmilla's, like a mischevious cat from your spot hidden under your multiple blankets. "It's, mm, weird. Sleeping by myself."
Her eyebrow quirked, a silent invitation to continue if you wanted to. Maybe? Emotions were still hard to read for you.
"Well, because I'm used to sleeping in the barracks with the rest of my platoon. It's apparently really comforting, seeing as I haven't had a good sleep since I got here," You grappled your blankets a little tighter, as if doing so would provide you with some sort've phantom comfort that you secretly longed for.
A breath of silence hung steadily in the air, as if both your minds were churning on what to say next.
"I'm sorry."
You both said at the same time, which seemed just a little cliche. Slinking out from underneath your covers, you couldn't help by eye the demon across from you warily.
"Why're you sorry?"
"Because, I'll admit, I'm a little rusty," She reached up and untied her buns, letting her hair loosen and tumble down her back. "It's been a while since my girls were young like you-" You scoffed, which prompted an amused smirk "And it's not like I know anything about taking care of an angel."
"Well, you're doing better than what they were doing up there," You blankly motioned upwards where the pearly gates shone brightly in the sky like a constant sun. "Plus, I'd say you're dealing with me as gracefully as you can."
"Elaborate?" Carmila carded her fingers through her hair, tilting her head curiously. The mountain on your shoulders threatened to stumble, and by god you were ready to let it fall.
"Well, it's not like any heaven-born has parents. Heaven was always all about equality and shit, and every single child was raised by the community. And yeah, it was all rainbows and crap because everyone was loved mostly equally, but it sucked because I was always just another nestling that someone had to keep an eye on," You brought your knees up to your chest. "That's why, when the lieutenant gave me her offer I didn't refuse, cause I thought 'wow, someone noticed me!' and it was a feeling I chased ever since."
It felt nice to let it all out for once. Not like anyone else around you back then really cared, cause they all went through the same thing.
Beside you, the covers rustled. Carmilla opened her arms wordlessly, minutely enough that if you didn't want to, you could probably brush the motion off as stretching. But, the warmth the she radiated was sorely tempting, and your little serotonin deprived brain was severly touch-starved.
Wow, four days into your new life, and you found yourself snuggling into the arms of one of Hell's overlords. And, sullying the lord's name, by god you loved it.
Not a single word had to be uttered between the two of you, not as long as you didn't want it. That was the silent message that you both clearly understood.
It kind've made you want to cry, if you were being honest with yourself. In a place that had seemingly been perfect, you found your life lacking, and in the burning pits of eternal damnation, you'd found yourself feeling loved for the first time since you could remember. The way Carmilla's hold around you grew tighter, just ever so slightly - A comforting weight draped across your shoulders as you leaned into her warmth. That, along with her mellow breathing, it felt homely and nostalgic.
Tugging your blankets a little tighter around yourself, you didn't even fight the way your eyelids drooped.
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Two weeks.
It felt like a lot longer, but you'd been living in hell for fourteen days, and it already felt like you'd been living here for months.
Well, it certainly didn't help that you never really left the main house. Like, ever. And you, for one, weren't complaining. The burning pits of Hell left much to be desired, and as a little angel who hadn't even had her first adult moult yet, you didn't really fancy going galavanting off around Hell, even if Carmilla was hovering over your shoulder like a helicopter parent.
Still, after the first week where you'd discovered and explored all the places that you were allowed to (the allure of the armory was great, but the potential wrath of an angry demon was greater), there wasn't really anything to do around the house. Sure, it was probably one of the safest places in the eternal firepit, but neither Carmilla nor Clara and Odette were ever really around, and it left you bored out of your mind.
Sprawled out across a rather decadent couch, soaking up the hellfire from outside, you found yourself wishing that something would happen that would hopefully prevent your mind from rotting further. But, if the big man from upstairs was paying attention, he surely must've hated you, because literally nothing was happening.
You sat up, straining your ears.
Nope. Absolutely nothing.
You flopped backwards dramatically, back of your hand against your forehead and all.
Maybe, if you still had your weapon, you could've spent your time training or practicing or something. There was a training room somewhere in the house, and you weren't explicitly banned from using it, and it wasn't exactly a useless way to spend your time.
(At least that way you'd be able to get some reasonable exercise in rather than just moping around all day.)
Maybe that was something you could ask Carmilla later. She wasn't the type to be against learning self defense, however you had no idea if even she deemed yourself too young to learn how to fight. She certainly was not happy when she found out about how you were sent to fight with baby feathers still warming your wings, that was for sure.
At least you had something to talk about when she got home.
"You want to learn how to fight?" As expected, Carmilla didn't seem entirely thrilled at your idea.
"Not necessarily. Just, how to use weapons?" It was more of a question than an answer, but it seemed to ease the tenseness in her shoulders.
"What type of weapons? Swords? Spears? Firearms?" She fixed you with a look. "If you want to get started, the first thing you could do is be a little more specific."
Which was certainly not the answer you were expecting, so you took a few moments to blue screen.
"Well, I wasn't too fond of using spears… Swords don't sound to appealing either…" Your eyes started drifting, and soon you found that your real answer was right in front of you.
"If possible," You wrung your hands nervously, "could I use shoes like you do?"
Honestly, Carmilla's unique fighitng style had piqued your interest ever since your head became clear enough to notice. Having your hands free sounded more appealing than lugging around a heavy blade.
The demoness paused for a moment, completely silent as she studied you with a stern gaze. It wasn't negative or positive, if anything it was most likely calculative. You weren't entirely stupid, even if you were young, and you weren't naive. Carmilla was weighing the pros and cons of teaching you her trade.
"Why? They aren't exactly easy to use," That wasn't a no, at least.
"I don't like melee weapons, not hand-held ones at least," There was more to your answer that Carmilla already knew. Months of cycling through weapons till you landed on one you could somewhat use you realised that you absolutely hated using hand-held weapons.
Carmilla sighed, a small smile appearing on her face.
"Okay, but it's not like I have spare angelic steel laying around. We'll have to wait till I can melt more down," She mused, almost seeming excited about crafting you your own weapon. But her words only confused you more.
"But, we do, don't we?" You furrowed your brows.
"The steel in the armory is meant for prepaid orders-"
"I was talking about my old helmet," You hoped that didn't sound too rude, interupting her. "I mean, the entire thing is is technically angelic. I don't know if it's steel exactly, but I know for a fact it's just as solid!" Now you were the one musing.
Like mother like daughter, almost.
"We could certainly try…" The two of you shared a look.
"Like… Right now?" You prodded almost mischeviously.
Tired as she was, Carmilla couldn't help but falter and smile, your enthusiasm almost contagious.
"Well, we can have a look."
After that it was only a matter of days. Carmilla was far more invested in your new project than you had expected, and even Clara and Odette had briefly joined in, if only to get a sneak peak at the workings behind an exorcists helmet. For the briefest of moments, with all four of you crowded around a table with tidy plans sprawled all over its surface, it almost felt like you were a family. Which, did prompt a stray thought in your head.
After gently pulling the threads of angelic steel from the rivets in the helmet's horns, you couldn't help but bundle them to your chest. They weren't exactly big, nothing compared to the horns of a full fledged exorcist, but they were still something.
So, while your mo-… Carmilla was busy melting down the odd, almost obsidian material of your old helmet in preparation of your new shoes, you were busy tinkering away with your own little side project. Of course, it was hard to explain the various little burns marks littered across your palms that had started appearing, but that didn't deter you one bit.
In fact, during this time, you found yourself shyly approaching the taller of Carmilla's other daughters, Odette.
One thing about her that confused you was the fact that her horns were fake, merely attatched to the band that held her hair up. But right now, that was exactly what you needed.
It was a sweet sight, honestly, at least to Carmilla.
You were huddled against Odette, listening with rapt attention as she explained something to you, finger brushing against what was most likely some sort've plan.
With a smile, Carmilla got back to work.
At the end of it all, you were left with a pair of shoes similar to the overlord's. Pointed and shiny. Sharp and deadly, yet oddly comfortable. The only key difference was the colour - Forged from the scrapped glass of your old helmet, the shoes were jet black inlaid with threads of silver, trailing all the way up the ballet ribbons.
And with your shoes, a matching set of your own horns. Odette seemed proud at the sight of you with small, obsidian horns branching from your head, unable to stand still as you clutched your new weapons to your chest gleefully.
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There was a massive learning curve to your new weapons, but at least you weren't bored around the house anymore. Most of your time over the next month had been dedicated to learning how to move around in your new shoes, building both the strength and balance so you could walk, let alone run. So many bruises had been blemished into your skin, but in the end you were able to walk almost as easily as Carmilla did.
(Of course, the demoness had way more experience under her belt, but you were still doing pretty damn well.)
And during that time, the bond between you, Clara and Odette had only grown. Sure, they were only around as much as their mother, but after donning your horns, it seemed whatever barrier that had been built between you and the sisters had been torn down. Seeing as the two could also walk en pointe like their mother, many a helpful tip had been shared from them which served to get you walking faster.
It was endearing as it was funny to watch.
But, being couped up inside all day everyday was starting to wear you down, which was certainly starting to show with the way your pep had slowed down significantly.
With a heavy heart, Carmilla finally unleashed you on the world outside, accompanied by Clara and Odette.
In reality, you were just tailing behind the sisters on one of their usual deliveries. This way you could stretch your legs and practice on terrain other than the smooth floors of your home, which, while it was more difficult, was learnt within no time.
As dreary as the place looked, there were certainly sights to see around ever different corner. You'd found yourself tempted to wander off every five minutes or so, especially when you passed by a rather bright looking… hotel? The entire vibe seemed friendly and inviting, unlike the rest of Hell, but you really didn't fancy getting lost, so sticking close by Clara and Odette was the most sane option in the moment.
Or, at least that was the plan.
Really, with your head on a swivel trying to grasp every sight and sound (which you regretted not a moment later) you'd lost sight of the sisters and found yourself completely by your lonesome.
Which… Fuck.
That wasn't the most ideal position, especially when you really couldn't do more than walk in your new shoes, but they couldn't have gotten far, right?
You were wrong. Turning either corners of the street yielded no Clara or Odette, which only made your heart sink further into your stomach because you really didn't fancy getting cornered in an alley.
Backtracking, you tried your hardest to think. Perhaps, if you could find your way back to the hotel, someone there could help you? It was wishful thinking, because this was Hell after all, but the aura was so different compared to the rest of the ring of wrath that maybe, just this once, luck would be on your side.
But of course, since this was you, luck was mercilessly right out of your reach. Not a moment later, a rambunctious howl pierced the air and a group - a pack? Of hellhounds started approaching you. Which, y'know, wasn't good, especially with the way their ears were pinned back and grins plastered across their faces.
Oh shit.
You started speed walking away, or your best attempt at it, in what you hoped was the direction of the hotel. Down in the streets without either of your guides, it all seemed like one continuous labarynth of red, LEDs and very questionable stores. And, as it turned out, lots of dead ends that you could easily get cornered in.
With the blood thrumming in your ears, heart pumping in your chest loud enough that it shook your head and just the general sense of 'oh shit I am so fucked', you really didn't pay attention to whatever the hounds were spouting off about. Lots of snapping of teeth and snarls, some crude gestures that made your gut twist anxiously and your feathers rustle nervously.
(You were seriously considering using a shoe as a knife. It wasn't like it was impossible with how sharp they were.)
At least, that was your train of thought. Until a resounding bang pretty much deafended you, echoing a chorus of ringing in your ears as the middlemost hound collapsed, head exploding with the force of the bullet that lodged itself firmly within the back of his disintegrated skull.
With dramatic timing, the others peered over their shoulders, only to be met with the towering, thoroughly pissed off form of Carmilla Carmine.
The barrel of her rifle was tinted with holy silver, but she seemed perfectly happy and prepared to behead them with a well placed kick. Whichever worked, you knew Carmilla prioritised your safety over the method of execution in the end. And in the end, the alley was scattered with various corpses in various states of limb loss, and you were carefully toted away in the arms of Carmilla.
She was furious. Probably. Maybe. You couldn't really tell. her face was completely stoney, and you were still awful when it came to identifying emotions. You assumed most of the anger had been taken out on the unsuspecting assholes that had cornered you. And for some reason, that only made you more anxious.
Not being able to tell what she was thinking was off. Back in Heaven, you could tell when Lute was pissed off, or proud, or indifferent, or whatever other emotion she was feeling at the time because she didn't really give two shits about what the recruits thought of her. And at least that way you could prepare on how to react. If she was angry, you knew to stay out of her way. If she looked indifferent, you knew you had to work harder in training. If she was proud, well, also best to stay out of her way so you didn't ruin her mood.
You whimpered and huddled a little closer. Carmilla clutched you a little tighter.
"Are you alright?" She finally asked once you were close enough to home that is was mostly just her employees around the two of you.
"Please don't be mad at Clara or Odette. It was my fault for getting lost," Was what you went with anyway. Carmilla shushed you gently.
"I'm not mad, I just want to know if you're okay."
Which completely threw you off. But you just went with it.
"M'fine. You got there before they could do anything," Those words seem to put her mind at ease, her shoulders visibly untensing as she exhaled a long sigh.
She hugged you, closer and tighter to her chest as if scared you were about to disappear from her hold. And you could only return the gesture, sinking into her comforting warmth. It made you feel small, almost like a little nestling on her first trip out of the nursery, but you found that you didn't really give two shits in the moment because you felt completely, wholly safe right where you were.
"Mi peque, mi querida, mi corazón," She uttered softly, "never wander from your siblings again."
Despite the firm tone, you could feel the care dripping from her words. You sighed and relaxed.
"Of course, mother."
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Rules + Info,
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
the yan hxh character's favorite types of styles on you.
(warning for some not SFW implications/reader described as fem)
chrollo loves you in classy, elegant, yet formfitting outfits that highlight the silhouette of your body. slim blazers, short pencil skirts, sheer tights, pumps. will be smiling happily to himself if you struggle with heels since you're forced to cling to him, or trip. purposefully gets outfits that are difficult for you to put on by yourself (like having a zipper in the back) so you must begrudgingly call upon him for assistance.
pretends he 'forgot' to include some pants or shorts as potential options but it was 100% intentional. don't believe his lies. he loves anything that reveals your collarbones but not if you're going out. only he gets to see them, no one else. he mostly goes for neutral colors with a heavy emphasis on black, ivory, beige, navy, and sometimes burgundy if he's feeling a bit wild.
as far as accessories go, he favors dangling earrings and choker-length necklaces. you don't get to wear watches anymore because when he last gifted you one, you kept checking it every time he started talking, and it kinda hurt his feelings. he is a fan of you putting your hair up because he loves admiring the muscles of your neck and it grants him easier access for kissing.
(phinks, feitan, machi and paku under the cut)
phinks originally gives you some t-shirts and sweatpants because hell if he knows how to dress a woman. he doesn't want you thinking he's some pervert that kidnapped you purely for sexual gratification — no, there's a deeper connection he's trying to foster with you here. that being said... if he could have it his way, his biggest fantasy is having you wear those tennis outfits. preferably with white or pink colors. he just thinks you'd look really cute. the short, pleated skirt brushing against your thighs, tight polo shirt, a pair of high top tennis shoes; he'd be in heaven. phinks will want to scoop you up and twirl you around or some other romantic-sounding shit.
doesn't really have any preferences when it comes to accessories. his biggest thing is in the colder seasons, seeing you wrapped up in a scarf is super endearing. it makes his heart almost beat out of his chest. jewelry isn't a big deal to him. he'll gift you a fair amount because he figures Woman = Want Shiny Thing (as if you're a crow), but it doesn't do much for him visually. aside from stud earrings with simple designs, like a flower or moon. he thinks that's pretty cute.
feitan doesn't think about fashion much. he literally wears the same thing every day and only washes his bloodstained jacket if you ask nicely (aka plead). he gets you some long shirts and calls it a day. when you ask if you can have shorts or anything similar to that, he silently stares at you. unlike chrollo, it really didn't occur to him. if he's in a good mood he'll pick up what you asked for. probably gets an uncomfortable material or the wrong size but it isn't out of spite, he genuinely has no idea what he's doing.
he discovers by accident that the sight of you in a sheer nightgown is especially appealing. other than that, the only preference he's aware of is seeing you in light colors. it gives you this innocent glow that he finds aesthetically pleasing. the way it further highlights how different you are — pure (by his standards, at least), virtuous — really does something for him. he has a weird obsession with your wrists so he's gotten you a few silver link bracelets. that's the most you get to accessorize should you ever choose to wear them.
machi lets you wear whatever you want and listens to your clothes requests, because she's too embarrassed to admit what she'd find you cute in. no one could get the information out of her, even if it came down to torture. so... what she wants more than anything (drumroll please)... is to see you wearing one of those short overall outfits over a plain shirt. she'd be staring at you as if you were the mona lisa. she has no idea why the concept entices her as much as it does. all she knows is that you'd look fucking adorable and she'd commit multiple crimes for you.
she likes you in denim, any color really. jean shorts, ripped jeans, skinny jeans, flared jeans, wide jeans, high waist, low waist; she's all about it. oversized tops are a big favorite as well. extra points if the sleeves are too long and cover most of your hand. you think she's glaring at you but in reality she's trying so hard to keep her fraying mind in check.
pakunoda has you looking runway ready whenever she takes you out. the woman did research. a lot of what you wear is tailored specifically to your complexion, body type, facial structure, etc. she enjoys high fashion and has procured pieces made by the biggest names. most of what's in your closet is either wool, pure cotton, or silk. it looks and feels luxurious. she favors seeing you in jumpsuits or maxi-length dresses. coordinating outfits is a favorite of hers, she has color theory down and you both look stunning together. around the house (or wherever she's keeping you), you're free to dress as you please. you both have matching house slippers and robes.
accessories will depend on the season, but you can expect to be wearing sleek sunglasses and the occasional hat. for jewelry, she goes for her birthstone, diamonds, and gold. nothing too ostentatious though. she keeps it classy. while she'd love to see you in stilettos, if you can't walk in them well, she'll go for flat pumps instead.
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mchlgayser · 1 year
☆ we've met again ft michael kaiser
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synopsis: Four years past since you left and raised his kid alone until fate decides to bring him back to the picture.
─── ୨୧ warning: slight angst
─── ୨୧ notes: Is the fandom dying?? Why hadn't my post gotten as many hype as before lmao! It's sad but anyway I'm back with another drabble to feed you all!! Happy reading everyone xoxo!
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You hastily pick up your car key and grab a few of your works essential stuffing them inside your suitcase. Your four-year-old son is by the patio sitting and playing games with his nanny when you tread to him 'Kay, mama had some work to do. I promise I'll be back for dinner. Be a good boy for me and do not cause trouble alright? Have a nice day at school.: He nods putting down his gadget, and wrapping his arms around your neck to hug you 'I love you' You give the side of his head a chaste kiss before letting go.
'I had some leftovers from last night you can use as his lunch and as for the dinner I'll just buy takeouts.' You inform his nanny giving her an advance payment before you left the house.
You drove to your office receiving an unknown call on the way. You pick it up and greet the caller but silence. They said nothing before it abruptly ended. You stare at your phone before shaking your head. It didn't occur to you about anything serious as you continue steering the car and parked at the basement parking lot.
Your secretary, Miss. Juliette is already by the automatic door waiting for you with a clipboard in her hands. You got out of the car and rush to her 'What's my schedule for today?' You punch the elevator button while your secretary notify you about every single of your tasks today.
You got a lunch with one of your important client, a meet -up with your temporary business partners and a dinner with another client -
'Cancel my dinner with Mr. Han. I'm having dinner with Kayden tonight.' Juliette didn't need to be asked twice knowing how firm you can be when it comes to your son. For him, everything comes first. No matter how important your job is. She immediately postponed the dinner meeting to another date before moving along with you to your cabin.
'Do you need your coffee today?' You rapidly nod and start doing your tasks, bringing out works and files so that you can finish faster. 'Make it two, I need extras.' You lend a sweet smile before you got to work.
The clock almost strikes six - just enough time for you to finish all of your work for the day and get the takeouts you ordered online. You pack your stuff and your necessities when your phone rang for the nth times of the day. You didn't think twice before picking up 'Hello?' It was silence... Again before a sharp and low 'Hey' is heard.
You blink in surprise asking them to know who they are but no answer and it ended again. You rolled your eyes and left the room to the car park. Yo throw away your bag in the back seat and resounded the car, cooling off the engine and blowing on some loud music to distract you from the suspicious spam calls.
'Yes, thank you so much! Have a nice day!' You rolled up the window putting down the food beside you on the shotgun seat. You maneuver the car to Kayden's school in silence but the radio.
You arrive at Kayden school's main gate and got out to meet with his teacher 'Hello ma'am. I'm here to pick Kayden up.' She was looking at you back and forth 'A man has already picked him up claiming to be your husband. Kayden went along with him.' You started to panic bringing out your phone and calling his nanny asking her to come by his school and help you look around.
You bow down at his teacher and run around the neighborhood, looking for your son. Thick tears threaten to fall when you look around but find him nowhere.
You call for his name again but are abruptly interrupted when you see a vogue silhouette of your son with a familiar blond and blue streaks hair sitting together on a bench near the playground.
'Kayden!' You yelled his name averting his whole attention toward you 'Mama!' He cries out running your direction to hug your trembling form 'You scared me!' You scolded him with tears now cascading down your cheeks 'I'm sorry...' You sigh tightening your hug and breaking it off after some moments.
You suddenly remembered the familiar blond guy with your son 'And who are you with-'
'He is with me.' The familiar voice brings you out of your trance. You pick Kayden up and rush away but he holds your hand 'I met him already, no need to hide away.' You carefully yank his hand away and sigh.
You put Kayden down and hide him behind you out of instinct.
His irises collided with yours, the identical smile adorning his complexion. 'This weird uncle said that he's my father. I don't believe him because he is so ugly. I don't have an ugly father right, ma? I'm too handsome to be his son.' He absentmindedly roasted his biological father that succeeded to bring a smile and a chuckle from you.
You pull his hand gently and turn to Kaiser 'He got all your traits.' You mentioned bringing confusion written all over Kayden's face.
'You are making my mama cry.' He said creating a dagger on Kaiser 'Am not.' He challenged, his hand on his midriff with his head tilt aside 'You are. If you are my father then you are the reason my mama cried almost every day because... She missed you.' A soft gasp elicited from you, your eyes sheet moist with tears once more.
'Then tell her, she should've not run away.' Kaiser held your hand, one brow furrowing. You push him away and wipe your tears. 'Kayden, stop spouting nonsense.' He huffs and pouts away.
'How do you find out about us?' He shrug 'I had my ways and that is not your concern. Not at all.' He lifts your chin and smirks 'You are still as beautiful as I remember.' You scoff but could not help the bright red hue on your cheeks.
'And I suppose it was you too, the one that's been calling me?' He laughs but nodded 'But I'm sure with my calls it helps to remind you of one thing.'
'And that is...?'
'It would be dangerous for such a gorgeous lady as you to be in a house that's not with your husband.'
'Can you stop flirting with my mama, weird uncle.' Kaiser is about to bite the tongue of his son but you prevent him from doing so 'Kay, I need you to start getting along with this uncle from now on.' He groan cut obligated
'Do you finally accept me back? Oh, and I need an explanation as to why you left. It can't be because of you are pregnant...' You look down at Kayden and ignored his question.
His mouth formed an 'o' shape but then he smiles 'I guess I can forgive you.'
'I think I need some time...' You suddenly mention making Kaiser confused 'About what?' You held his forearm 'About us.'
He nods picking Kayden up and make him yelps in surprise 'Sure. Let's go now little K.'
He places an arm around your waist and the other used to hold Kayden. You smile feeling somehow relieved - Kaiser and Kayden ended up bickering as to who you loves more all the way home and they both get a nice scolding after.
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charincharge · 3 months
I Don't Want To Wait, seventy-four
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rowaelin high school bff au masterlist
AN: Well, babes, this is it. The final effing chapter of IDWTW. When I started writing this, almost exactly four years ago (chapter 1 posted on may 29, 2020!), I had no idea what it would become. I thought it was going to be vv casual prompt-based high school pining vignettes, simply to rewrite my own version of Dawson’s Creek – if you’ve ever wondered why it was called IDWTW, that’s why! It was a temp title that stuck! – but 375k+ words later… it’s become so much more. And that is because of YOU. Whether you have been here since 2020 or you joined along the way or you're finding this years after the face, I am infinitely grateful. I don’t know that I would have been able to pull through the last few years without your kindness and enthusiasm for these two idiots (and their friends and fam). I have loved telling this story, but mostly, I’m grateful that this journey introduced me to so many incredible humans and created a community of babes I will hold near and dear to my heart for literally ever (it’s true, I loved one of you so much that I drove across the country to meet her, and in a few short months she will be my WIFE!). This story brought so much good into my life, and I am hella proud to finally conclude it. From the incredible creators who made fanart, to the essays of comments on each chapter, to the back and forth of discussing consent, sexuality, and reproductive rights in my inbox, every gif, comment, reblog, message, ask, and interaction of any kind has been a joy. Thank you.
With all of that said, let’s wrap this mother up.
A soft glowing circle lit up the black beneath Aelin’s feet. Her stomach tightened as she rested on one leg and hitched to the side in a slow exhale. Her breath centered her as she pulled her pointed toes up her calf until it extended into a slow and steady develope. Just as she had barely met the apex of her leg’s vertical reach, she exhaled again and twirled to the floor. The music cascaded over her as she continued to move, her muscles moving on autopilot into seamless choreography. She had beaten out several far more senior company members for this solo and had practiced it so many times that it lived within her, sure to remain there for the rest of time.  With each of her graceful steps, the spotlight followed her and swathed her in its golden column, as if she were being beamed up into the sky above. With how much lift she got in her leaps, she felt like she was, too. Finally, the bass came in signaling the end of her solo and for the rest of the company to join her on stage, but even as the spot widened until it cast a bright haze across the floor, the floor remained empty.
Confused, she looked into the wings, but all she saw was blackness, not even the barely there violet glow of the stage manager’s lamp. She was grateful for her muscle memory, as her limbs continued their practiced movements as her brain whirled in confusion and panic. She was mid-twirl when the music came to an abrupt stop, and she had to put her entire energy into not tumbling over her own foot. When she finally regained her balance, she looked up and around in confusion. The audience, which she’d thought was packed, was emptied out, only one solitary figure remained. Even barely lit and in silhouette, Aelin would recognize her mother’s haughty posture and signature bouffant. Her slow, delicate clap was a stark contrast to the thrumming pulse of Aelin’s heart pounding against her rib cage.
“Mom?” she breathed, barely a whisper but it still echoed through the empty theater.
“A child bride,” Evalin replied with disgust.
Aelin’s brow shot up. “H-how did you—?”
Evalin cut her off. “You thought you could steal my wedding dress from my closet, and I wouldn’t know about it?”
Aelin looked down in confusion, but sure enough, her recital clothes had transformed into the ivory strapless column sheath she used to admire as a small girl. Rhoe had kept their wedding photo in his bedroom long after Evalin left, only removing the photo when a young Aelin commented with a wistful sigh that she’d never seen Rhoe smile the way he did in the black and white snapshot. The dress was stunning in its simplicity, all clean lines and structured satin.
Her hands pressed against the fabric, as if knowing this wasn’t right, but unsure of the how or why. A soft tinkling laugh drifted across the room, and Aelin’s eyes darted to the noise, hopeful that someone had come to save her from this bizarre encounter and nearly collapsed in relief when Rowan’s shock of icy hair appeared in the doorway.
He looked as handsome as ever in his lacrosse jersey, a wide grin on his face and a giant trophy in his hands. Her smile matched his, realizing that he must have come here straight from his championship. Winning his championship.
“Rowan!” she called out, but he didn’t look up. Instead, he offered his free arm to the source of the tinkling laughter. A beautiful woman accepted his bicep and wrapped both her manicured hands around his forearm possessively. He leaned down and brushed his lips against the top of her head in a gesture so familiar that it physically hurt Aelin to watch. “Rowan?” she called out again, this time much quieter.
Evalin’s cruel bark of laughter was the only response she received. “You offered him everything, and it still wasn’t enough. You’ll never leave this small town. You really are your father’s daughter.”
“No,” Aelin told her mom emphatically. “NO!”
“Yes,” she said simply.
“NO!” Aelin screamed again as unwitting tears streamed down her cheeks, hot under the persisting spotlight. “R-rowan!” she choked out, but he couldn’t hear her, too enraptured by the woman in his arms, eyes — and ears, apparently — only for her. “Rowan!” she sobbed. She went to leap off the stage, but she was caught mid-air, her back hitting something with such a force that it knocked the wind of her.
“Ace?” Rowan’s voice was in her ear, his hand rubbing at her back as she gasped for air. She cracked her eyes open and sagged as she realized that she was safely wrapped in Rowan’s firm embrace. “Whoa, you’re okay.” His voice was a reassuring balm to her heart, which felt bloody and bruised.
“I’m okay,” she forced out, though it came out so shaky that Rowan pulled back to peer into her eyes. She wanted to avert her gaze, hopeful that he wouldn’t be able to see the panic that was still coursing through her body, but the dark green of his irises calmed her, so she stared and focused and thought of things that reminded her of the deep shade of Rowan’s eyes. Emeralds. Yulemas garlands. The long row of lockers in their gym room. Grass and trees in the setting summer sun. The jade plant that Maeve claimed brought her good luck that sat on her kitchen counter. Moss. Green tea leaves. The fake snake he’d placed in her bed every prank week. That knocked her out of her tranquil stupor, and she couldn’t help but frown at him.
“Yeah, you’re okay,” he said, but continued to rub circles into the tense space between her shoulder blades. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Aelin shrugged. “It was weird.” She paused for a long while, trying to think of how to tell him about it. “My dance showcase went off the rails?”
Her admission had its intended effect. He squeezed her tightly and kissed the soft spot of skin behind her ear. “Well, that’s silly, brain,” he said, letting his kisses trail up to the side of her temple. “You already crushed your showcase.”
She grinned in response. It was true. She had crushed the showcase, and Rowan had been there just as she’d dreamed in his jersey and trophy in hand. They’d gone into double overtime, and he’d barely made it to her opening solo. With seconds to spare, he’d slid into a seat in the front row, so she’d be sure to see him cheering her on. But she’d known it the whole time. She could feel his gaze on her as she twirled across the stage. The end of that performance had been, well… not the same as her brain had rewritten it. But, Rowan was right. Her brain was being silly.
“Maybe it’s just acting out because someone kept me up all night,” she said, loving the way that Rowan’s ears still turned pink.
“It’s not my fault,” Rowan said, but his blush said otherwise.
“Sure it’s not,” she said with a lascivious smile.
To celebrate their final week of high school, Aelin and Rowan had planned a movie marathon on Maeve’s rooftop. It included a trifecta of essential graduation movies: Can’t Hardly Wait, Booksmart, and Grease. But what she hadn’t realized was that Rowan wouldn’t be able to help himself from singing along. And he knew what his singing voice did to Aelin’s libido. She couldn’t help herself. Somewhere in the middle of Greased Lightning, the movies were all but forgotten as the pair tangled themselves in each other.
Stretching his limbs to the sky, Rowan looked like a literal god. The early morning sun cast a glow across his stern brow and strong nose, making him look as chiseled as a marble statue.
“If you keep that up, I’m taking you right back to bed,” he said of her lusty gaze and hooded eyes. He poked her side, eliciting a loud squeal.
“Whatever,” she laughed. “It’s not like we have anywhere to be today.”
It was true. Today was the last Monday of the year. AKA, senior skip day. And she’d purposefully not committed to joining anyone’s plans, so she and Rowan could extend their marathon if they wanted to – she also had High School Musical 3, She’s All That, and Dazed & Confused lined up — or just laze around all day. But they had time. Considering where the sun was, it was still very, very early. She imagined Maeve would be in the midst of morning service and briefly considered heading downstairs to grab them some coffee and croissants, but instead she laid back onto the mattress and fluffed a pillow beneath her head. Rowan followed, nuzzling onto her chest. She stroked his hair, not wanting to separate herself from him with the tendrils of her dream still lingering in her consciousness.
“Last week of senior year,” he said. “In three days we’ll be high school graduates. How do you feel?”
“Terrified,” Aelin said, the word blurting out before she could filter it back. Damn that coffee-free brain.
She could feel Rowan tense slightly, but he let her early morning admission slide, and she was grateful for it. “Mm, me too,” he agreed. “The lacrosse boys signed up to do a car wash for community service day, and I’m worried I’m going to see things I can’t unsee,” he said with a shudder.
Aelin couldn’t help but snort. While today was a skip day, tomorrow was a service day. Each senior had to do some sort of community service in order to graduate. Ridiculous. Not like they hadn’t all passed their classes already. She supposed the sentiment was nice, but as someone who’d been volunteering with the hospital for the last two years, it felt a bit shallow. Unauthentic. Forced, if you will. And the athletic teams always used it as an excuse to strip down to their skivvies and wash horny housewives’ cars for an exorbitant amount of money. At least it was better than the Boy Toy auction Lorcan had told them they’d finally outlawed because of the gross raunch factor.
“Just tell them to use a sponge and that their junk isn’t for rubbing against dirty cars,” Aelin advised. Rowan groaned loudly.
“Great, now I can never close my eyes again,” he whined.
“Are the cheerleaders also doing the car wash?” Aelin asked, definitely not thinking about her dream at all. But Rowan was definitely not going to let that comment slide. His head popped up, and she found herself ensconced in his shadow as he peered down at her with an accusatory glare.
“I think a few of them are,” he said. “But… you remember that I’m about to marry you, right?”
“A lot of married people cheat, Rowan,” she said, pushing him off. She hadn’t meant to be so pouty about it, but she couldn’t get the image of his arms wrapped around that dream woman out of her mind.
Rowan looked rightfully hurt, the corners of his mouth turned down and his brow furrowed as he stared her down. “You cannot be serious.” He knocked at her temple. “This has gone beyond your brain being silly. We are so many years beyond this. Do you have amnesia?” He knocked again. “Helloooo, Aelin, are you in there? Have you been possessed by the ghost of your past self?”
“Shut up,” she mumbled, pushing his hand away, but he persisted.
“No,” he said, pulling his pants from last night on. He searched for his shirt briefly, but unable to find it, he simply turned toward Aelin in stoic silence, arms crossed over his bare chest and face looking discontent. “I’m not going to let you say shit like that, Ace. That’s…” He pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation. To be fair, she was exasperating. “That’s hurtful. To me. I know you’re scared about the future, but I thought we established that I’m in this with you.”
Aelin scrambled to her feet. “We did.”
He stood there, tapping his fingers against his bicep which was curled protectively around his torso still. Not letting her in. Waiting.
But she couldn’t explain it to him. That lingering nagging feeling of insecurity and worry and failure. So instead, she apologized. It wasn’t what he wanted, but it was good enough for now.
. . .
Instead of spending senior ditch day in bed, Aelin and Rowan joined their friends for a never ending picnic day in the park. Which wasn’t exactly what Aelin had wanted, but she had a feeling that she needed to loosen the reins on her panic, lest she piss him off even more. She had a feeling that maybe she’d loosened things too much, though, when she realized midway through her community service day that she hadn’t heard from Rowan in hours. She’d been helping the hospice section of the hospital, which was designated for those who needed round the clock medical care. Their rooms varied from being fully decked out with medical equipment and monitors to the one she was in, which simply had a low bed, a tv, and a chair. Not a monitor in sight. Had she not known the woman needed constant care and surveillance each time she rose from her chair to go to the bathroom, she would have thought she was in someone’s grandmother’s house. As the woman made her tenth trip to the bathroom, Aelin took out her phone. Just to peek. There was no text from Rowan, btu there was one from Dorian. It was a link to a TikTok with the side eye emoji, and she clicked it quickly.
She watched as washboard abs and pecs were drenched with soapy suds as they washed dirt-ridden cars. She bit her lip as Rowan came into view, his muscles rippling as he reached across the hood, his biceps flexing and unflexing with each wipe.
“Mmmmm,” Aelin’s elderly patient hummed appreciatively over her shoulder as she exited the bathroom and spotted the phone screen. She scrambled to put it back in her pocket, but her patient simply chuckled dryly as she snatched the phone into her wiry grasp. “A friend of yours?” she asked curiously, peering up from the screen where the video was replaying.
“Boyfriend,” Aelin admitted, her cheeks burning.
“Lucky girl,” the woman giggled, her hazel eyes alight with joy as she handed the phone back to Aelin where it made its way back into her pocket quickly. “What are you doing spending your time here with an old fuddy-duddy like me?” Aelin was about to protest, but the woman continued. “What’s his name?”
“Rowan,” she finally said as the woman wrapped herself in a thin blanket and tucked herself into her favorite upholstered rocking chair.
“Rowan,” she repeated back. “That’s a good name. A strong name. A reliable name.”
Aelin frowned. “Reliable?”
“Well, isn’t he?”
She nodded. “Yes.”
“Sturdy,” the woman continued. “In more ways than one. I can tell.”
Aelin gasped, chastising the woman for her forwardness but she simply laughed it off.
“You’re right,” she whispered, as if she were letting her in on a big secret.
“Go, get out of here,” the woman laughed.
“But I still have two more hours?” Aelin said of her unsigned sheet of volunteer paper, but the woman simply shook her head and beckoned for Aelin to come closer.
“I appreciate your service,” she rasped, “But I just want to nap, and it’d be a shame for you to watch me sleep for two hours. You’ll have the rest of your life to work,” she said signing and dating Aelin’s paper for two hours in the future. “You can fuck around for a few hours.”
Aelin gasped again at the profanity, but smiled regardless.
“Thanks,” she said, but the woman had already nodded off in her chair.
. . .
“Droooooool,” Lysandra laughed as she poked Aelin’s side and pulled her out of her skin-induced stupor.
“Were staring?” Lys cackled, following Aelin’s eyeline to where Rowan was clad only in his old red lifeguard shorts. The backs of his thighs were exposed, the hem of the shorts riding up as he leaned down to clean the back bumper of a particularly dirty sedan. Unlike his teammates who were filming each other and tossing sponges back and forth, Rowan was focused on the task at hand, making sure that the car he was working on was well-cleaned. “I hate to interrupt your literal wet dream,” she continued, “But, I wanted to invite you to a party.”
Aelin grabbed the paper from Lysandra’s hands and looked down at it.
“You’re having a party?” Aelin asked, surprised by the idea of her sober friend having the graduation rager she’d always wanted to throw.
“It’s gonna have booze,” Lys said, “But… I will not be partaking.” She cleared her throat. “I know that this year is not at all what I imagined, but I finally feel like I’m okay, and I would feel like shit if I didn’t throw the graduation party of the century.” She flicked her brown curls over her shoulder. “Just because I’m sober doesn’t mean I can’t party.”
“Certainly not,” Aelin agreed. She looked at her friend who’d been through the wringer and spit out again and had come out seemingly unscathed and couldn’t help but wonder… “Hey, Lys?” she asked before her friend could move to the next person. Lysandra looked up, eyes curious. “Do your parents know you’re having this party?”
If Lysandra was surprised by the question, she didn’t show it. Instead, she half shook her head and half shrugged. “No.”
“Should I be worried about that?” she asked, but to that, Lys gave a hard head shake.
“But you haven’t reconciled with them?” Aelin didn’t know why she was asking these questions, but at the same time, the answers seemed all too important.
“It’s hard to reconcile with someone who doesn’t care,” Lysandra finally said. “But, I will say that I’ve let it go.” She cleared her throat. “The needing them to care.” She smiled then, a small curve but Aelin saw it regardless. “I wanted them to care for so long,” she admitted. “For too long, probably. So I acted out. A lot. Willing them to pay attention, at the very least. But you can’t will someone to care, even your parents,” she laughed softly. “And I’ve been through enough therapy now that I’m starting to realize that as much as that hurts, it’s okay.” She paused. “I don’t need them to care. Because I care enough for all of us. And I realized there are a lot of people out there who care, too.” She paused, looking at Aelin, as if trying to cut through the bullshit and tell Aelin exactly what she wanted to hear, and in that moment… she did. “Does that make sense?”
Aelin nodded. “It does.”
Lysandra tapped the paper in her hands. “Immediately after graduation, and we’ll go all night. Bring your bathing suit,” she said.
“Will do,” Aelin laughed, but she couldn’t help but let her mind wander to Lysandra’s words. Her friend had laid it out plainly for her. What she’d been afraid to admit all along. That she maybe really seriously actually needed to go to therapy. The wounds her mom had imparted on her psyche ran deeper than she knew how to deal with. If her dream was any indication, her mom still controlled some part of her identity, and she needed to release that. Because that had nothing to do with who she was as a human. Not at all.
After the dream, she had thought that maybe she needed to call her mom and let her hear her thoughts, but Lys was right in her assessment: it was impossible to control someone else’s feelings. Even your mom’s. Yes, she wanted her mom to love her and want the best for her, but truly, her mom barely knew her. All Evalin knew was propriety and etiquette and history. She didn’t know that her favorite color was green, like Rowan’s eyes. She didn’t know that her favorite food was Maeve’s chocolate cake. She didn’t know that she was thinking about a career in medicine and how much she loved helping people. And she certainly didn’t know that Aelin wanted at least five kids and to make sure that every single one of them felt loved and adored by both their parents. No. She couldn’t make Evalin care, or pay attention long enough to even try to care. And she had to let that go. It would take a lot of work, but she had to.
With that in mind, she called out Rowan’s name, followed by a whoop and a loud expletive. His answering blush and crooked finger, beckoning her to wrap herself in his half-naked embrace was all she needed to know that she’d been forgiven. But she knew she had to explain anyway. He let his teammates know that he would be back in a minute and let Aelin pull him away from the long line of cars still waiting to be washed.
“I’m sorry,” she apologized, tilting her head upwards where he loomed over her. He softly kissed the top of her head, warming her even more than the mid-afternoon sun. “I could say I don’t what came over me yesterday, but… that’d be a lie,” Aelin continued.
He squeezed her side in response, not interrupting her but acknowledging that he was listening and waiting.
“Did you know that the morning of my sixteenth birthday I woke up and resolved that I would kiss you that year?” she asked, and he barked out a confused laugh.
“Um, what?”
“I was so determined to do it, too. And do you know why?” she asked as she let her hands trace small circles into the soft skin of his back.
“Because you knew you wanted to be with me forever and ever and that we’re perfect together and meant to be and we’re each other’s soul mates and other halves and one of us just needed to make a move?”
Aelin snorted loudly. “No,” she laughed, screwing up her face. “Not at all.”
Rowan’s forehead wrinkled as his brow transformed into a deep furrow. Clearly her words weren’t at all what he expected to hear. But, she knew she needed to get this out.
“When I thought about why I wanted to kiss you so badly, I realized that it was a test. If I kissed you and blew up our entire friendship, then I’d be right about everything I thought about myself. That you could never love me as much as I loved you. And so obviously you’d leave. Because everyone leaves.”
Rowan’s grasp tightened around her waist, locking her against his chest. “But I’m still here.”
“You are.” She paused, finally letting the words come to the surface. “I think…” She shook her head. That wasn’t the right start at all. “I know… that my mom deeply screwed me up.” She took another deep breath. “And watching you get recruited and this whole college limbo thing has made it so much worse. Because every day it feels like I’m just waiting for you to get up and realize that you’ve outgrown me. But you haven’t done anything to make me feel like that at all. And so, I’m really sorry. My issues are my own, and I’m going to work on them.”
“Thank you,” he said. “For the apology, and for letting me know what’s going on in there.” His fingers tucked under the hem of her shirt and matched the circles she was placing on his back. “I’ll try and remember all of that when you inevitably freak out again, but I look forward to proving you wrong every day for the rest of our lives. Because I’ve said it a few hundred times before, but I’ll keep saying it until you believe it: you’re stuck with me. Forever.”
“Forever,” she echoed back.
“Whitethorn,” a rough voice called out. “We need you back!”
In his absence, the line of cars had somehow grown impossibly longer. “Looks like you’ve got work to do,” she said, raising her brow.
“Will I see you later?” he asked, and Aelin couldn’t help but scoff.
“Oh, you thought I was leaving?” she laughed. “Don’t be ridiculous. I’m going to snag a prime spot for ogling and then maybe we can hop into the jeep when you’re finished.”
“Really?” he laughed. “Even smelling like sweat and sunscreen?”
“Ohhhhh yes,” she said, practically drooling as he let her hands climb up the ridges of his defined abs. “That’s even better.”
He responded with a deep kiss that set her body ablaze, tingling from head to toe, that was interrupted by more panicked calls from his teammates. After prying himself away, Aelin found a spot on a nearby bench, giving her the perfect view to fawn over half-naked and half-wet Rowan for the next few hours.
. . .
The next morning, Aelin was awoken much too early. She was pulled from her easy slumber with a dance remix of Pomp & Circumstance coming from her phone alarm. What the hell? As she slapped at the table next to her, attempting to turn off the too-loud music in vain, she felt her dad’s hand cover hers and lead it to the offending object.
“Congrats, graduate,” Rhoe’s warm voice lilted as he gently rubbed at her shoulder.
“Dadddd,” she groaned as she attempted to put her pillow over her head. Now that that music was off she could go back to sleep. Or so she thought. She should have known better than to play tug of war with a man who could bench press and carry three times her weight. Rhoe’s soft laughter was a stark contrast to the forceful way he wrenched the pillow away. She managed to keep it within her grasp, but Rhoe’s strength kept it locked at a significant distance from her face. She tried to pull it closer, but Rhoe wasn’t letting that happen. She guessed it was time to wake up, per Rhoe’s request.
Defeated, Aelin let her fingers drop from the pillow, and finally cracked an eye open. Behind her dad’s head was a swath of green and gold, and she focused she could see that nearly ever inch of the room had been filled with balloons.
“Happy last day of high school,” her dad said with a too-wide smile given the early hour. When she opened her other eye, his smile widened even further, showing off two deep dimples that she recognized from her own reflection.
“It’d be happier if I could sleep more,” Aelin grumbled, but it wasn’t with any real mirth. Hung on the outside of her closet door, Rhoe had steamed her deep emerald graduation robe.
“I have one more day left with my high school student, and I plan on making every second count,” Rhoe said, causing Aelin to smile in reply.
“Tyrant,” she laughed. But she was grateful.
After allowing her to get ready, the pair made their way to Maeve’s, where she’d saved a two top for them by the window. Within seconds of sitting, a large hazelnut coffee and platter of stuffed French toast and bacon appeared in front of her. Yes, being in a small town was sometimes annoying – but no matter where she and Rowan went in the world, she knew a plate of Maeve’s home cooking would be waiting for her when she came back.
She and Rhoe enjoyed a lazy brunch, ordering second and third cups of coffee.
“Fourth?” Rowan asked, coming around with the coffee pot.
“If I have any more coffee I’ll be peeing every twenty minutes for the rest of the day,” she laughed, shoving him away. Though he hadn’t been able to join them for their breakfast because he was helping train a new staff member for Maeve, he’d dropped a soft kiss on her cheek every time he’d passed by their table. Which. Was a perfect way to enjoy her day. They’d planned to have a celebratory brunch the four of them, since they’d all be going to Lysandra’s (family inclusive!) graduation party following their graduation ceremony, but having it just be Rhoe and Aelin felt right, too.  
“As if you don’t do that already,” Rhoe scoffed. “I’m half expecting you to hop off the graduation stage as soon as they hand you your degree to take a pee break.”
“Dad!” she said, cheeks blooming with redness. Yes, she had brought up peeing first, but she couldn’t believe her dad would talk about her like that in front of Rowan.
“Please,” Rowan laughed. “As if I don’t know about your tiny bladder.”
“You’re both the worst,” she grumbled. “Can we talk about something else besides my pee schedule?”
“Yes, I wanted to ask what you’re wearing under your gown today,” he said before his brain caught up to what he said. “Not in a sexy way!” he said, blush raging as Rhoe raised a pointed brow in his direction. It’d been a while since she saw Rowan look so flustered under Rhoe’s gaze, and she forgot how amusing it was. “So we can coordinate,” he finally said. “For photos.”
“Not in a sexy way,” Rhoe muttered to himself. Something akin to a wheeze came out of Rowan’s mouth as he tried to correct himself again, but Aelin thought it was time to put him out of his misery.
“You can wear whatever you want,” she said. “Because I’ll be wearing a white dress.”
Rowan’s widened eyes darted to Rhoe and then back to her, and she didn’t miss the way his throat bobbed with a nervous gulp.
“A white dress?” he croaked.
“Mhm,” she said. “So anything you wear will go with it.” Her eyes sparkled with mischief.
“Speaking of,” Rhoe said, clapping his hands loudly and breaking them from their joint reverie. “We should head out so you can start getting ready.”
Aelin rolled her eyes, knowing that her dad was teasing her about how long it took her to get ready, but as she glanced at the time she realized he wasn’t entirely wrong. They had been so caught up in their lengthy breakfast that it was now well after noon.
With a small kiss, she told Rowan she’d see him out on the lacrosse field in a few hours. Unfortunately, Galathynius and Whitethorn were annoyingly far apart in their grade lineup, so she wouldn’t see him for real until after the ceremony. But all he did was send her away with a smile and a kiss.
“Can’t wait,” he said.
. . .
Of course they were graduating on the hottest day of the year. Though the weather forecast had predicted partly sunny skies and balmy breezes, instead they received a cloudless sky, still and relentlessly hot beneath the beatific sun. The thick polyester robe in dark emerald green created a tent of heat around her, and she could feel every inch of her skin beading with sweat beneath it. She hoped when she took off the gown she still looked somewhat presentable, otherwise her hours of preparation would be for naught.
True to her dad’s prediction, Aelin had taken a while to get ready, shaving her legs thoroughly and straightening each strand of her long blonde locks. Of course, beneath her cap and combined with the thick humidity, her hair was beginning to show its natural wavy texture again. And she had a feeling that as soon as her cap was off, she’d be pulling her tresses into a giant pile on top of her head, pictures be damned. Luckily, she’d sprayed her face with a few layers of setting spray so no matter how much she sweat, her winged eyeliner and flawless complexion weren’t budging.
Beside her, Dorian swiped a bead of sweat that had fallen down his temple. Not even his mop of thick curls was enough to prevent the amounts of sweat from cascading down his cheeks and neck.
“If this speaker doesn’t hurry up, we’re going to boil alive,” he whispered as their graduation speaker drolled on. The man was supposed to be inspiring — he was an author turned executive, but his slow talking pace seemed to be getting slower with each word. Not only that, but each word seemed to be the same tone with no inflection, and Aelin was worried all of them were going to fall asleep before their names were called. Maybe she’d be more inclined to listen to his words of wisdom if the hundreds of them weren’t swimming in pools of their own sweat.
Somewhere in her musings, she heard a round of applause, signaling the end of the speech. Thank god.
The next speaker was their class valedictorian, slash Prom Queen. None other than Elide.
“On behalf of the Seniors, I’d like to take a moment to thank everyone who has been a part of our success,” she began. “The last four years have been filled with bumps in the road, and it hasn’t been easy. But our success is a direct result of everything you’ve given us. Your care and belief in us and faith when we doubted ourselves have been integral in our quest for knowledge. That includes our teachers, who taught us not only school lessons but lessons in life. Our parents and families, who have been there since the beginning. And the families we’ve created along the way.” She paused, searching for a face in the audience, smiling widely when she found her teal-haired girlfriend smiling back at her. “The bond that links us isn’t one of blood. It’s forged in joy and tears and friendship and respect,” Elide’s eyes found Aelin’s at that moment, and she couldn’t help but smile at her friend. “And no matter where this crazy life takes us beyond today, we will always take this place with us. Because home isn’t just a place. It’s a feeling, it’s a light in the darkness. It’s hope. And so, to the Orynth High senior class, I say, as we forge new paths for ourselves, may we never forget home.” She cleared her throat and smiled widely. “Let’s hold onto the memories and camaraderie and picture-perfect moments, for they made us who we are. Congratulations… we did it!”
The whole class whooped and hollered and clapped wildly, none more so than Manon, who beamed up at her girlfriend from the front row.
And just like that, it was time.
Aelin held her breath as Principal Havillard took the podium and started calling out their names. Her heart raced as her row stood, waiting to take the stage. Her nerves were momentarily squashed as Manon made a lewd gesture with her tongue between her fingers after accepting her diploma. She watched as Lysandra proudly plucked the degree and held it over her head. She knew her friend hadn’t been sure she’d be able to graduate, and it was a relief to hear her name.
Before she could process anything else, she was walking up the stairs and hearing her name being called out. “Aelin Ashryver Galathynius.”
She nearly tripped over her own feet at the chorus of shouting that came from the back of the chairs. She looked over at where Rhoe and Lorcan were shouting wildly and realized that they were accompanied by the entire fire squad. Aelin’s breath caught in her throat at the display of raucous hooting and hollering. These people who had known her since she was a child had come to cheer for her and see her graduate. She had not anticipated that at all. And she found herself completely overwhelmed.
Beside the squad, Maeve cheered, and on the other side of the chairs, down by the W’s, Chaol and Rowan stood and shouted with hands on either side of their mouths. A thrill of love and support rushed through her. She couldn’t believe how many people were here for her.
She grabbed the diploma from Principal Havillard’s hands and raised it into the air, causing the cheering to explode again. She stuck out her tongue and crossed her eyes, making a silly face in the direction of her family.
Elide’s words rang in her ears. Her family. The squad, her dad, Lorcan, Maeve, her friends, and of course, Rowan. That vast group was more support than most people got in their lifetime. She’d never forget that.
She made her way back to her seat, laughing as Dorian flipped off his father and then booked it away from him, cackling wildly. Always a troublemaker, that one. And finally, after what seemed like forever, it was Rowan’s turn.
“Rowan Eugene Whitethorn.”
Aelin shot up from her chair, screaming as loud as she could, and despite being many rows back, she could feel Rowan’s eyes lock with hers. His lopsided grin was just for her, and she felt a thrill of joy run up her spine at the look.
“I love you,” she mouthed to him, causing his grin to widen.
“And with that,” Principal Havillard concluded. “I give you the senior class. Congratulations, graduates!”
Aelin stood and joined in the cheering again, her voice starting to go hoarse with the efforts of her support. They did it.
. . .
“Congratulations, Fireheart,” Rhoe said, throwing his arms around Aelin. Despite the heat, she welcomed his embrace.
When he pulled back, she noticed a large bouquet of her favorite flowers in his hand. He held them out to her, the red and orange flowers flickering like a live fire beneath the late afternoon sun.
“Thanks, Dad,” she said, suddenly feeling emotional.
“I’m so proud of you,” he said, and she could tell that despite his dry cheeks, he’d been crying. “And I love you so much.”
She hugged him again, pulling him tight and not letting go for a long while. After they parted, Aelin was passed around for hugs to the entire squad, each one of them telling her a story of something she did when she was a small girl hanging out at the station, imbuing her with joyful memories.
Then it was Maeve’s turn, who didn’t hold back her tears at all. Fat blobs rolled down her face, and she didn’t both to move them away, seeing as they were coming in a steady stream.
“Oh, hon, I’m so proud of you,” she said as she practically squeezed the life out of Aelin. She was grateful she’d unzipped her graduation robe, otherwise she was sure she would have passed out from heat stroke by now.
“And what about me?” Rowan low voice interjected. Maeve burst into a fresh round of sobs as she pulled him close.
She blubbered into his shoulder about how proud she was of him, of both of them, of all their achievements and how grown up they were, and Aelin could feel her heart expanding. It felt like she was going to burst wide open.
By the time everyone had said their piece, the field had mostly emptied out. Aelin heard a soft ripple of groans as a few of the firefighters took out their pagers.
“Fire?” Aelin asked as she peeled the sweaty gown from her shoulders.
Rhoe shook his head. “Worse. Graduation pranks abound, apparently.”
Aelin laughed, understanding that her dad was probably in for a long night of nonsense work.
“So I shouldn’t expect you at Lysandra’s?”
Rhoe shook his head. “You don’t want your old man crashing anyway.” He narrowed his eyes at her, as if he was blinking back more tears and sniffed loudly. “Have fun. You deserve it.”
“I will,” Aelin said, hugging her dad one more time. As he left her with a wave, she looked around for Rowan, who was standing just a few feet away, talking with Maeve. She took a deep breath and lifted her chin.
“Hey, you” he said, offering his arm out to her with a wide smile. She leaned into his side and took a deep breath, letting her happiness flow through her.
A flash went off in their face, and Aelin knew that whatever moment Maeve had just captured that she’d be framing it.
“You ready?” she asked, and his smile widened.
“You headed to Lysandra’s?” Maeve asked, completely unaware of the real conversation happening between the two of them.
Rowan nodded. “Do you want to meet us there?” he asked Maeve, but she shook her head and waved them off. Apparently she had a big night of dinner service ahead of her, but she sent them off with a joint hug and another tearful smile.
And just like that, it was time.
. . .
 In the days, months, and years that followed, whenever Aelin was asked about her wedding, she would say that it went by so quickly that she couldn’t remember it, and that was mostly true.
From the time the pair entered city hall to when they exited, a total of maybe ten minutes had passed. There was no aisle to walk down, no verbose exchanging of vows, no romantic readings or passages, but it was perfect nonetheless.
Aelin clasped her bouquet of kingsflames in one hand and Rowan’s hand in another, letting her skirt swish as she swayed back and forth. She had no idea what words the city official said. All she remembered was the brightness in Rowan’s eyes as they stared down at her and the way he kissed her when they’d been pronounced husband and wife.
As they made their way back to his car, Aelin was giddy. They rolled the windows down, letting the cooler air whip through the jeep, a wild giggle bubbling up in her throat and fizzing like champagne with each second that passed. Delicious and lightheaded inducing.
They had done it. They’d actually gotten married.
She looked over at Rowan, who was already staring back at her, a soft dreamy smile on his face. She couldn’t help but grin wider at him, laughing again as his smile pressed against hers. She loved when they kissed like this – a smashing of two smiles that wasn’t quite a kiss at all.
The stress that they’d felt over the last however many weeks, months, years, wasn’t present at all in his posture. She glanced down at his hands poised on the steering wheel, his fingers curling around the black leather in a loose grasp and tapping along to some silent tune in his head. The late afternoon sun filtered through the window casting him in a glow that made him look like a bronzed god, and Aelin sighed happily. This man was all hers. Forever.
She’d always known their lives would be intertwined, but to actually make it official was something else. The light turned green and the car lurched forward as he pressed on the gas and began driving again. But the adrenaline surging through her was too much. She couldn’t just sit in this passenger seat, she needed to do something.
“Pull over,” she said, eyes flashing at their surroundings.
“Huh?” Rowan’s head whipped toward hers, confused.
“Pull over!” she said again, louder this time. Verging on panic.  
Rowan’s relaxed posture immediately reversed, the thick corded muscles of his shoulders and neck tensing as he looked for a spot to pull over.
“There!” she said, her pulse racing wildly.
Up ahead was the empty parking lot of the library. Though it was usually sparse there, there was not a car in sight, and Rowan wasted no time swerving into the lot and putting his hands on Aelin’s shoulders, examining her up and down.
“Are you okay?” he asked, green eyes taking in every detail of her body as if searching for a gaping wound or sudden injury.
“I’m perfect,” she replied. And she was. She was elated. Running on adrenaline and joy.
To calm her suddenly worried boyfriend — no, husband — down, she placed her hands on both his cheeks and kissed his mouth in a soft, sweet kiss.
“Keep the car running,” she said, picking up Rowan’s phone where it was plugged into the car and adding a song to his Spotify queue.
“What are you doing, Ace?” Rowan sighed, exasperated with her antics. Panic was nowhere to be seen anymore in his posture, only annoyance. Which only made her smile wider. As the first notes of the song came onto the stereo, she cranked up the volume and hopped out of the car. She smiled up at the sky, swaying to the beat, basking in the first signs of sunset and pink tinged clouds overhead.
To his credit, Rowan didn’t ask any more questions. He simply followed her lead and exited the jeep.
“Husband,” Aelin said, offering out her hand. “May I have this dance?”
Rowan’s returning smile was so large she thought it might crack his whole face. Gods, he was gorgeous.
He pulled her close, swaying with her as their song played. “I can’t believe our first dance is to Dancing In The Moonlight,” he chuckled.
“We wouldn’t be us if it weren’t,” she said, leaning into his chest as his arms circled her waist and pulled her close.
And though the song was upbeat, they stayed embraced and tangled up in each other, slowly swaying, chest to chest, hearts beating in rapid tandem with the beat of the song. They were so wrapped up in each other that Aelin barely noticed the sun disappearing behind an ominously dark cloud until a large raindrop plopped onto her nose.
And another.
And another.
She thought they would run back into the car and seek shelter, but neither of them made a move. In fact, the rain just seemed to invigorate them. Rowan stared up at the sky and laughed, Aelin following right after him. He lifted his hand and spun her in a circle, both of them laughing with reckless abandon as Aelin’s skirt flared out around them. He spun her again and this time ended his flourish with a dip, kissing her deeply.
Time seemed to cease to exist as they danced. Under the raining sky they became a mess of water-drenched spinning, laughing, kissing, and singing.
The skies continued to pour, until they were both soaked through. But as the last notes of the song played, their little magic bubble disappeared.
Aelin looked at Rowan and then back at her white dress, which was now dripping.
“Omg I look like a drowned rat!” she shouted through the rain.
Rowan laughed, pulling her back into the jeep and grabbing a towel from his back seat to dry his own hair off before sliding into the driver’s seat.
“But a very cute rat,” he said, causing them both to burst into laughter once again as they took off toward their graduation party.
By the time they arrived at Lysandra’s, they were still water-logged, giggling messes. Lys gasped at their disheveled appearance, eyeing them up and down with a wary eye.
“Ummm, no,” she said.
“No?” Aelin laughed, feeling drunk on endorphins.
Lysandra’s wary eye morphed into a blinding smile at the pair of them. “Get out of here and go celebrate on your own,” she laughed. “And congratulations,” she whispered.
“For graduating…?” Aelin asked, and Lysandra couldn’t help but snort loudly.
“Babe, you’re wearing a white dress and a shit-eating grin.” She paused. “I’m happy for you.”
She embraced the pair of them. “Now get out of here before anyone sees you.”
Aelin and Rowan didn’t need any more prompting. Apparently they were not subtle enough to pull off seeing other people right now.
“Where to?” Aelin asked Rowan as they slid back into the car.
Rowan smiled back at her. “Anywhere we want.”
“Let’s go,” she said.
And with that, they hit the road. Overwhelmed from the day, Aelin promptly fell asleep in the passenger seat, letting the feel of the car lull her into a dreamless sleep.
. . .
“Aceeee,” Rowan whispered, pulling her from her slumber. It was completely dark outside and the pair were stopped at a gas station slash motel. “You gotta get out of the car and then you can go right back to sleep,” he said softly.
“I’m awake,” she mumbled through a wide yawn. “Where are we?”
Rowan chuckled as she practically poured out of the car into his arms. She hadn’t realized how exhausted she truly was until after they’d checked into the motel, which was surprisingly not seedy, and she was sitting back on the bed. Her dress wasn’t wet anymore, but it certainly wasn’t going to be comfortable to sleep in. She wished they’d thought to prepare better for this sudden excursion. Of course, Rowan had.
“I picked up some essentials at a rest stop,” Rowan said, as if reading her mind. He pulled out an oversized tee that read “Geck Yo Act Together,” with a large picture of a gecko on it and tossed it to her, along with a toothbrush, toothpaste, and a little thing of mouthwash. He also pulled out giant sandwiches and chips and bottles of water and a Terrasen mountains tee for himself.
“Smart,” Aelin laughed, realizing the last time she ate was her (albeit giant) brunch, hours ago. “Is that where we are?” she asked, realizing she had no idea where they were.
“No,” he said, grinning softly. “I thought maybe we’d drive south. Explore for a while.”
“Is this our honeymoon?” Aelin laughed, looking around the small, dingy motel room. It wasn’t exactly what she’d imagined, but she also had never imagined getting married at eighteen.
“You told me you wanted to find the continent’s best chocolate piece of cake,” he said, and she couldn’t help but bark out a loud laugh.
“That could take weeks!”
“You got somewhere to be?” he asked, brow raised. And she loved the way his smile promised devious, devious things. And suddenly, she wasn’t so tired anymore.  
“I also got one more thing,” he said. She watched as he pulled a thick gold band out of his pocket, and she suddenly couldn’t breathe. He sat on the bed beside her and slid it onto her finger and her heart nearly stopped as he pulled another to slide onto his own. They were practically matching, except while a red stone sat in the middle of her ring, a dark green one that matched the shade of his eyes sat on his.
“Oh,” she said, her throat feeling remarkably dry. She tried to swallow, but it was too rough. A lump in her throat that wouldn’t abate. She tried again as she stared at the ring on her finger, her heart pounding as the red stone flickered in the dim motel room lighting. Why couldn’t she swallow?
“It’s just temporary,” Rowan rushed out, mistaking her silence as dislike. “The rest stop had a pawn shop, and I just knew we needed them, but they’re just for now…”
She cut him off with a swift and forceful kiss. “They’re perfect.”
“Hey, where’s my phone?” she asked. “I need to take a picture of this immediately.”
“I plugged it in,” he said, pointing to where he’d already set up a little charging station.
She picked it up, intending to take a picture of her ring, but an alert from literal hours ago disrupted that. She couldn’t believe it. An email in her inbox that read: Wendlyn University Admissions Update. Oh gods.
Without another word, she clicked into the email, heart pounding. Her eyes skimmed quickly, hoping to get the band-aid ripped off quickly, but she paused on the word CONGRATULATIONS.
“Oh my god. OH MY GOD!” she screamed, throwing the phone at Rowan. He picked up the phone and smiled widely, whooping and wrapping her into a bear hug so tight she couldn’t breathe.
“You did it,” he mumbled through kisses. “I knew you were going to do it.”
Unable to control themselves, their kisses increased, heating up wildly until his kisses seared through her, worshipping each inch of her skin. She was breathing hard as he peeled her out of her dress and pushed her onto the bed and continued to whisper adorations and plans of their future. How proud of her he was, and how he was never going to let her forget it. She shivered as he let his mouth skimmed against her, and she promised in that moment to never take him or his love for granted. This is why she didn’t need handwritten wedding vows — because they vowed to each other all the time with a simple kiss. And more than kisses. They brought each other to orgasm again and again, until they were both sweaty and spent and shaking with pleasure. They both poured every ounce of joy and relief into their intertwining bodies, finding their own perfect rhythm, until long after they should have gone to sleep. But neither wanted this magical day to end.
He was twirling the ring around her finger when Aelin remembered that she hadn’t taken a picture of it yet. She reached for her phone and started at a text from her dad, which just said: Checking in.
“Oh my god,” Aelin said again, bolting upright.
But Rowan just chuckled sleepily, reaching out with one of his hands to squeeze her bare backside. “Yeah, baby. Oh my god. You’re incredible.”
“NO, ROWAN,” she said smacking his shoulder. “What were we thinking? We got married! And then left home without telling anyone?” She actually couldn’t believe she had done that. What was she supposed to write back to her dad? “Rhoe is going to KILL ME,” she said, finally realizing what had occurred over the last twelve hours. “No, wait. He’s going to kill YOU! He’s going to arrest you for kidnapping his only daughter!”
At that Rowan really did laugh and pulled her back down into his embrace. “Ace, are you serious?” his laughter poured over her, silky smooth. “You think I would marry you and take you out of state without explicitly asking your father for permission and telling him our plans?”
Aelin’s eyes widened as she looked at Rowan with serious eyes. “He knew?”
Rowan kissed her shoulder and mumbled a soft, “Go to sleep. I’ll tell you everything in the morning.”
She paused. “You made a plan, but didn’t think to pack a bag for me?”
He chuckled again, pulling her tighter against his side. “I did pack a bag for you,” he said. ”I just forgot toothpaste and a nightshirt,” he said, his lips loosening as sleep threatened to take him over. “You didn’t need it, though.” And with that, he was asleep.
“I love you, too,” she replied, pushing his hair from his eyes and loving the way he smiled at her touch, even asleep. Unable to help herself, she laced her fingers through his and snapped a quick pic of their intertwined hands before sending it off to her dad. As she rested the phone down and closed her eyes, she felt ready for the next chapter. Except, it wasn’t really a chapter, she guessed. It was the rest of her life. A new book she was writing. She didn’t know what it would entail, but she knew that she couldn’t wait.
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sarahghetti · 11 months
absolutely purr-fect; m.k. x reader
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pairing: marc spector x reader, steven grant x reader, jake lockley x reader
summary: you and the boys adopt a cat.
warnings: none! only fluff 'round here, folks.
word count: 2.4k
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if there’s one thing the boys all have in common, it’s that they’re all cat people.
steven thinks they’re particularly cute, and has always liked the idea of having a cat curled up beside him as he reads.
jake got attacked by a dog during a mission once and has been wary of them ever since.
marc just appreciates their independence—the fact that their trust needs to be earned with a little more effort, a little more patience.
(you give him this look when he says that, and steven snorts from inside their headspace. marc pointedly ignores you both.)
they’ve always wanted a cat, but the logistics of it never worked out given their vigilante schedule.
getting someone to drop by and feed gus the ii and his friend once a day? no problem. but leaving a cat at the flat? even if it were in the care of one of their neighbours, the idea makes them uneasy.
but then they met you. and since you’ve moved in with them, the opportunity has become much, much more feasible.
steven often looks through listings from the nearby adoption centres, cooing over the cats they have available.
steven lets out the most precious little gasp, excitement illuminated by his laptop, and you can’t help but lean over to see what he’s looking at. a picture of a scrawny-looking shorthair with a pronounced snout is pulled up on the screen.
“his name is scream,” steven supplies, utterly enamoured.
“scream,” you repeat, and he nods. “well, the flat does have good soundproofing.”
he scrolls down some more and almost instantly, there’s a fluffy mess lounging on the back of a couch that catches your eye. your hand falls on steven’s to stop him from going down any further.
“kit kat!” you take control of the trackpad to circle kit kat’s adorable face. steven shakes his head, raising an eyebrow.
“oh, but does kit kat hold a candle to margarine?” margarine is a kitten so small that she looks like she’d immediately get lost in the mess of books and knickknacks strewn about the apartment.
steven’s posed an impossible question. you pout a little. “I want both.”
he sighs. “me too, love.”
jake sends you a picture of every single cat he spots on the street. they vary in quality—some are so close that you can count each whisker while others are nothing more than a fuzzy blob in the night.
the utter quantity is enviable. you have half a mind to think that they just spend their entire night patrol looking for cats around the city.
that said, if you ask, “did you get to pet it?” the answer is almost always no.
for all of yours and steven’s window adopting online, marc is the one who ends up bringing a cat home.
not even an hour after marc left to patrol, you stir awake to the sound of the front door banging against the adjacent wall. your boyfriend’s quiet voice hisses, “shit.”
“marc?” you yawn, rubbing your eyes as you sit up. usually, he’s mum as a mouse when he comes back, cautious not to disturb you. you squint at him in the dark. “are you okay?”
“’m fine.” his silhouette moves into the living room, and one of the softer lamps is clicked on. “just—”
a sharp little mrow interrupts him, and you both fall silent as it rings out in the flat. was… was that—?
“marc!” you throw the blankets to the side as you jump out of bed, scurrying so fast to his side that you nearly trip over your own feet.
he’s still in the suit, mask and hood retracted, and held gingerly in his gloved hands is a dirty bundle of orange fur. the little guy is dwarfed against marc’s broad chest; narrowed green eyes watch your movements suspiciously. you bring your hand up to let the kitten sniff you, but marc leans away. “careful—he’s a bit touchy.”
“you’re holding him fine,” you point out, and he snorts.
“hardly.” as if on cue, the kitten lets out another piercing cry, squirming and scratching so fiercely that you’re sure it would leave some marks if not for the suit. marc grimaces as he tries to maintain his grip without hurting him, but his eyes widen when you sigh endearingly. “oh, no, don’t you dare—”
“can we keep him?”
while marc knows that he can’t say no to you for very long—a fact that’s going to be the end of him someday, he swears—he does effectively put that conversation on hold until the kitten can see a veterinarian in the morning.
trying to convince you to go back to sleep is a lost cause. you’ve brought home a stray kitten, marc—there’s no way you’re leaving him to try and figure out what to do on his own.
the commotion also wakes up steven and jake. you can only hear marc’s side of the conversation, but it’s clear that they’re as excited as you are for your new guest.
marc’s staring down the mirror, brow furrowed at whatever his alters are telling him through the reflection. the kitten is nonplussed by the argument happening over its head, only sinking further into marc’s arms.
“no, we can’t keep him—”
“aw, come on!” you interject. marc, unable to do anything that could bring you down when there’s that much excitement in your voice, only responds with a restless noise.
“he could already have an owner somewhere,” he reasons. one of them must offer to take over, because his mouth twists into a stubborn scowl soon after. “I’m fine.”
getting marc to take care of himself is a herculean feat, so you switch tactics, placing a hand on his shoulder. “I think they just wanna meet the kitty.”
still, he bristles, and holds the kitten almost protectively against his chest. “the meet and greet can happen after we figure out what we’re doing.”
he steps away from the mirror then, and you pump your fist when his back is turned.
there’s a chance.
it’s the most intense googling research session you’ve ever been a part of.
marc gets most of the grime off its fur with a damp cloth, handling the kitten so gently that it might as well be made of glass. he still won’t let you touch it—too worried that it’ll hurt you somehow.
(you go along with it because yeah, if it does bite you, there’s no way marc’s letting you guys keep it.)
an old cardboard box is pulled out of recycling to serve as a makeshift bed, and some spare towels are neatly spread out on the bottom to provide some bedding.
you watch marc have a staring contest with the kitten as it sits inside, every muscle in his body tensed and ready as if anticipating a fight. the kitten, a valiant opponent, doesn’t seem to show any fear at the sight of your boyfriend, ancient ceremonial armor be damned.
it’s not until it’s contentedly chomping down on some boiled chicken you prepared that marc finally gives up the driver’s seat, getting some rest at yours and the others’ insistence.
jake comes in with a wide, wide grin, immediately crouching beside the box with a disbelieving sound.
“so small,” he comments, twiddling his fingers in a way to entice the little guy. the spark in jake’s eye is enough to know that he’s on your side in the keep-him-or-don’t conversation.
which means that finally, you can ask the question that’s been on the tip of your tongue all night.
“what should we name him?” after the impromptu bath, the orange of its fur gleams a little warmer in the low light of the flat, but you wait patiently as you let kitten sniff you. you bite back a giggle when its whiskers brush against your hand.
jake winces in a way that tells you that he must be getting an earful from inside the headspace, but presses on. “juice? naranja? OJ?”
you raise an eyebrow. “you really want to name him after orange juice, huh.”
“yeah well, steven says some egyptian god.” he rolls his eyes. typical.
“and what does marc say?”
“marc says—” his voice shifts to a monotone drone “’—oh my god stop trying to pet the cat it’s still dirty and hostile and why are we trying to name the damn thing it’s only been here for like an hour it’s not staying jake shut your mouth you’re not funny—’”
your laugh startles the kitten but you can’t help it, burying your head in your arms to muffle the sound to no avail. if you looked up, you’d see the smug look jake is pointing at his nearest reflection.
there’s a nudge at your side as you quiet down. “and what about you, carino? what do you think?”
“hmm.” you tilt your head. “where did marc find him?”
a pause as he listens, then, “in a dumpster. behind that chinese place we like.”
your mind whirs, and you can see that jake is following the same train of thought. egg tart. chicken chow mein. mapo tofu.
you gasp, “dumpling.”
the look on marc’s face when you put ‘dumpling’ on the forms at the veterinarian’s office is priceless.
for what it’s worth, the kitten is in surprisingly good shape. some washing up, a round of vaccinations, and one microchip later, he’s released back into your care with little fanfare, but you’re positively buzzing.
you guys go a little overboard at the pet shop. jake fills the handbasket with an assortment of toys while steven and marc argue incessantly about the best food to buy, which bed he’d prefer.
“thought you didn’t even want to keep him!” steven snarks into the gleam of a metal shelf at some point, and you can practically hear marc’s ensuing scoff.
when you guys get home, jake dumps all the toys on the ground at once, a colourful mess of bells and feathers that almost blend into steven’s existing mess.
to no one’s surprise, dumpling plays more with the disposable plastic bag than the toys themselves. still, that doesn’t matter—jake can lay on his stomach and play with him for hours.
steven, mediocre human food chef, becomes a master cat food chef.
“good god,” you comment as he comes back from the store with his arms full of fancy looking packages. what started as mixing wet food in with the dry has seemingly become a new pinpoint of steven’s focus, and your eyebrows raise a little more with each label you read.
chicken liver, mussels, duck egg—all freeze dried and decked out in cartoony illustrations. dumpling jumps up to take a look, sniffing inquisitively at each bag.
“you’re gonna be eating better than us,” you quip. he’s still a little cautious, shying from sudden movements, so you just let him explore and don’t push when he slinks away.
“little guy only deserves the best, doesn’t he?” steven pulls out dumpling’s fish-shaped dish. you watch, mesmerized as he carefully begins to put food on it; he’s even pulled out the kitchen scale to properly measure everything.
steven talks as he goes, telling you (and dumpling) about each element with the same vigor he would apply to egyptology. organ meats for nutrients, bone broth for hydration, oils for a shiny coat—dumpling looks as baffled as you are.
although—he also looks quite impatient. steven keeps having to push him back to keep him from the dish before it’s ready. his little paws slide on the counter each time.
“ta-da!” steven presents the finished product to you with a flourish. it’s surprisingly well-plated for someone who sometimes eats straight from the pan.
though it doesn’t last long. the second he places it down, dumpling is ravenous. broth is splashed onto the ground. bits of dehydrated powder get caught in his chin. you worry a little that he’s gonna choke somehow.
steven manages to pull his attention away from the scene for a second, turning to you. a proud smile pulls at his lips. “think he likes it?”
with all your efforts, it doesn’t take very long for dumpling to get comfortable; the flat becomes his kingdom.
you find him lounging on the top shelves of steven’s bookcases and leaving stapler-like holes in marc’s research notes with his teeth.
jake is constantly running around looking for his driving gloves because dumpling always manages to get his paws on them and always squirrels them away in separate locations, somehow.
you wake up more often than not to a mouthful of fur—he loves to sleep on your pillow, regardless of whether or not your head is already on it.
“why. why.” marc dangles dumpling in the air by his front legs. an entire piece of sushi—swiped from marc’s plate on the coffee table—hangs from the kitten’s mouth, nearly the size of his head. there is not a hint of remorse. “steven’s putting a dent in our finances to buy you organic beef hearts or whatever-the-hell and you come over here to steal my food?”
the defendant remains silent. marc lets out a low grumble and deposits dumpling onto his lap, sushi and all, keeping his hand on him to stop him from taking anything else.
you lean into his side. “thought you said we shouldn’t give him any scraps, hm?”
it’s true—while jake folded immediately, often sneaking bites to dumpling under the table, and steven excuses a bit here and there just as a treat, love—marc is the strict cat-dad who stubbornly ignores those big, begging green eyes whenever they pop up during a meal.
or at least, he was. marc chews slowly, an obvious delay to answering your question, and so you hum again, prodding. it’s not that he’s hated having the cat around, but for a while it was clear that he was the sole holdout to keeping him.
finally, he swallows. you wait with bated breath as he sighs. “he can have a little bit. just this once, though.”
the last part is said directly to the culprit, who’s purring like a motor with the soils of his hunt. your grin is blinding. marc goes back to eating, but you and dumpling come to the same delightful conclusion—
yeah, it’s not going to be just this once.
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