#(that’s gonna be the random thoughts tag btw!)
accirax · 6 months
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Through the magic of an AU, Xander, Min, and Teruko make it through the night, avoid a Class Trial, and participate in the first motive alongside everyone else. Except, this time, the first motive is... a gift exhange?
(basically, if it wasn't clear, i'm drawing the drdt characters doing a secret santa exchange with each other, hopefully posting one interaction per day until christmas!)
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franeridan · 8 months
i KNOW that oda is aware he's drawn some extremely gorgeous ladies since he obviously does that on purpose (though i believe he's unaware of just how beautiful some ladies he's drawn that stray too far from his usual model are), but I'm, like, pretty much convinced he has absolutely no clue he's also drawn some of the most good looking manga dudes out there. I'm sure he has no idea. He puts down lines and then he's like "???? why are people so obsessed with this guy he has barely shown up ever????" while we're all sitting here going heart eyes or whatever. It's been twenty-six years maybe it's time for him to get on with the program. It's like his experience with benn and ace in the very beginning taught him absolutely nothing
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nellandvoid · 22 days
oh goodness i just realized that with 46*| there’s gonna be a parallel mabel and dipper,,,,,,,, and a parallel soos and wendy,,,,,,,, oh my goodness the angst between these people and parallel stan, ford, and fidds,,,,,,,,,,,,
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Haha oops I've been sorting the tags on my blog for six hours...
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i520u · 8 months
⌕ dates with riize 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
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hello briize hello riize lovers i’m one of you please keep the requests coming
PAIRING riize x gn!reader (not proofread!)
TAGS sfw, fluff, headcanons
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literally all sunshines and rainbows throughout the rest of the relationship
if you get into an argument with him that has GOT to be your fault idk what to tell you
i feel like he’s the type of boyfriend to teach you how to drive
and when you hit the curb he’s like “that’s okay! we can try again when i fix the car!”
but at the same time he’s gripping that roof handle in the car for dear life but he’s just too sweet to tell you that your driving’s horrible
he never lets you drive again btw
also i feel like instead of a gf effect, it’s the opposite with him because he gives you the bf effect
your entire fashion style is gonna change for sure like have you seen this man? that is a man of AESTHETICS
would be so enthusiastic with teaching you all the tiktok dance steps
and none of these tiktoks are cringe they’re actually those cool ones
the type to hug you at the end of the tiktok video or kiss the temple of your head idk…
i imagine his ideal dates might be cafe hopping/cafe hunting all across tokyo or just shopping around shibuya
takes you to one of those claw machines while you’re shopping and he’ll try winning you a random plushie of an anime that neither of you watch
so now you have a random plush of like… some dude from haikyuu
would pay for your drinks btw (coffee, milk tea, matcha)
cake decorating
he just looks like he’d enjoy doing that like did you see how proud he was wearing that hello kitty hairclip
please this man is gonna hear you suggest it and he’s like “LET’S GO!!”
craziest part is that he’s gonna eat you up at decorating it too
you’ll see him make a cute flower on his cake using the cream and you’re like “how did you do that :( how dare you be better than me :(”
and he’s gonna giggle nervously and his face is gonna turn a light shade of red while he helped you out
“i’m not better than you, we’re equally good.” and then he compares your cakes together and the only reason why yours looks ok is because he helped you for the most part
if you genuinely feel a little gloomy that yours looked bad he would purposely mess up on the rest of his cake
because eunseok will never be caught dead leaving his beloved partner unhappy, no matter how small the issue might be
i feel like he would notice those little shift of emotions that you have that even you barely notice
and he’d do his best to cheer you up because you’re just his everything </3
after the cakes are done he takes 282629 pictures of you and your cake and then he’d probably say things like “keep posing, you’re so pretty”
i think most of his dates would involve domestic things like that
if you don’t live together he’d crash to your house, help you deep clean the entire house and he considers that a date too
a little bit more low maintenance when it comes to relationships if that makes sense
also i think he’s not very clingy but he LOVESSS a clingy partner even if he doesn’t verbally say or show it
he’s always have a light blush on his face whenever you just cling on him
so please cling onto him as much as possible
just a feeling… but
gym dates 😭
and he’s so cheesy about it okay like at first you’re reluctant because the thought of going to a gym scares you
but then the first time you go there and he’s like so touchy with you in a good way
purposely standing so close to you while he helps you out with the equipments
maybe at one point he’s even like “yeah just do it like that.” while helping you out with the weights and then giving you a kiss on the cheek
which catches you off guard you almost dropped the weights but he was holding it with you so you’re good
when you blush he would let out a flustered giggle and won’t comment on it
and then you make it even worse by saying something like “i’m just flushed from the workout” and he’s like “sure babe”
would always be close to you just in case you’re caught underneath the weight and you can’t lift it up anymore
at the end of the date you’re like “i can’t move my legs” and then he just carries you
takes you out to eat something sweet afterwards
he’s going to be all smiley the whole time too
at the end he’s like “didn’t i tell you it would be fun? do you wanna go to the gym with me again next week?”
if you say no he’s not gonna sulk and punch the wall or something he’s just gonna be like “aww that’s alright too.” and then kiss your head
then he would say something like “you were incredible on your first try though, i’m proud of you.”
clenches fist i want him so bad…
i swear wonbin’s a little weird
like have you seen his tiktoks… something’s strange about that man
i think he stated before that he loves shopping so you KNOW what that means
always send you vids he sees on the internet about some new shop opening up in hongdae or something and he’s like “let’s go bae”
sends you the weirdest tiktoks and is like “you”
and then you’re like “wonbin what”
and he won’t elaborate
sends you his fit checks
if you don’t approve he will actually sulk i’m not kidding
sometimes when he’s bored he’d write a song for you
like not a singing song but a musical one from his guitar if that makes sense
he loves matching with you. matching earrings, matching clothes, matching beanies.
ohh i feel like he’d also do those cute couple videos on tiktok like you know he would slow dance with you in the snow and post it for everyone to see this man LOVES soft launching you
his soft launches are also by no means him trying to hide you or keep you a secret, it’s more like… he just likes to have a mysterious vibe to his online person 😍
also i think he loves leaving kisses on your neck whenever you snuggle up to watch a movie or something
like you’re talking to him while you’re on his lap and he’s just like “mhm, and then what?” and then he gives you kisses down your jaw and neck
he’s all over you PLEASE no matter in public or private and it’s even worse (or better 😜) in private too
definitely a gamer bf
dates with him involves him going out to see the sun for the first time that week ❤️
i’m just kidding but your dates probably involves a lot of going out because you feel like this man NEEDS to get some sunlight
also one of the guys that enjoys PDA
he wins the idgaf war he would kiss you at any point of time if he suddenly feels like it
you can just be talking like straight up gossiping about something that happened between your aunt and a scammer and he would just…
he would just grabbed the sides of your face and plant the deepest kiss ever
and then you’re all flustered and he would burst into laughter
he’s the biggest flirt ever he has this one stare that would leave you WEAK in the knees
definitely has a habit of staring at your lips when you talk which makes you SOOO nervous
plays with your hands or hair while you talk
just a thought but he’d definitely run his thumb over your lower lip after he kissed it WOAH
calls you with the most generic pet names but god it makes you run LAPS
also when you come over his house he’d make you pull for him on that FIFA game idk how the game works but i hope you get what i’m trying to say
AH i feel like him as a bf is so fun
he looks like so much fun from the instagram/tiktok posts tbh
the most normal boyfriend ever help idk how to explain it
sends you pictures of him at work with captions like “fighting my hardest battle (i’m at the work i willingly applied for)
various dates
he doesn’t always suggest ideas for dates but he goes ALL out for you when you suggest them
you want to watch the sunset? best believe he’ll take you to the prettiest beach he could find for you to enjoy
you want to have a movie date? he’s gonna set up the projector at his house HIMSELF
i don’t think he’s very keen on kissing in public but he has no problem holding you close to him
holds your hand, holds you by your waist, EVERYTHING
takes 0.5x pictures of you from your forehead
he has a picture of the two of you completing a heart drawn on your cheeks as his lockscreen
always yapping about you like
“my lover made me this lunch”
“my lover gave me this for my birthday”
“my lover tied my tie for me today”
his favourite type of dates are karaoke dates sorry like this man is beyonce’s son he’s GOING to use that godsent vocals of his
also i feel like anniversary celebrations are so grand with him his love for you is so genuine he wants to give you the world and more
i want him so bad… he’s my goat
he’s bred in BOSTON you know he goes crazy with that shit
make you dress up fancy in silk and satin and stuff everyone once in a while to take you to a fine dining i’m so serious
takes you on concert dates too
like… mitski or laufey or niki zenfaya concert dates
he would lift you up on his shoulders during these concerts so you would see clearly
also likes backhugging you
he’s so soft spoken so you don’t have the heart to ever start any arguments with him
when he was a swimmer he’d give you those vip pass or something (idk how dating an athlete works oops)
after his competition finish and he’s still wet from the water and its just covered by his towel and swim attire, he would go up to you with a flushed face and would ask you if he looked cool or not
i think he’s the type to enjoy talking to you most of the time during dates or just like an everyday occurrence
like he loves staring into your eyes as you speak he loves you so much but he’s too shy to tell you that so often
he’s not the type to just blurt out “i love you” but you can just tell that his feelings for you are true from the way he stares at you
would let you decorate his hair with your hairclips and would wear them out for the rest of the day
he’s soooo smitten by you it’s crazy
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minispidey · 8 months
03: Barbie and the Giftshopist.
Steven Grant x f!bimbo!reader. previous part. series masterlist. next part.
03. Everyday she wears pink.
(A/n: your feedback on the last chapter about me writing the moon knight system is so amazing tysm! i referenced mpgis here and more legally blonde. i wanna note that reader has been a lawyer for a couple years now and amazing at it 🤸‍♀️ btw update tags are open!)
warnings: mention of cock, swearing and cursing, mention of blood.
the cock line is from my bubs @ominoose ily
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"This isn't just a date. This is a date!" You told yourself as you threw random articles of clothing behind you as you hunted for a specific dress.
You thought maybe you shouldn't wear pink. Maybe you have a pretty dress he hasn't seen you in.
You barely slept due to excitement.
The way he talked and looked at you made you swoon over him. Just thinking about makes you-
You squealed as your leg involuntarily kicked up. You blinked twice in confusion "That is so weird..."
Maybe you were horny.
"Oh gosh, not again. Bad leg!" you scolded your beautiful leg as it kicks up again "Down girl, down! No nasty thoughts about... about... about the hot neighbor across us- no!"
You almost moaned at the though of his lips against yours... You shuddered as you kept remembering the way he looked at you. You laid down in the pool of clothing as you imagined how your little lunch date will go.
As usual, you two walked out of your flat at the same time, discussing where the two of you were going for lunch.
"Wetherspoons..." you parked your pink corvette outside, looking at the flowers decorating the place. Your high heels clicked on the pavement as you walked inside, still in your pink work suit despite planning on changing.
It was a busier day than you thought, but of course lunch time is important.
Your eyes lit up as you spotted Steven, sitting up rather stiff "Stevie!" you smiled as you walked over to his table "Hi, so sorry I'm a bit late. Traffic and all."
But Steven looked back at you with such a loving look in his eyes "It's alright, love. I haven't been waiting long."
The truth is, he thought you weren't gonna show up.
"Have you ordered yet? Gosh, you must be starved." you opened the menu and browsed.
"I haven't." he shook his head, opening his menu as well.
"Cross examination was a success." you smiled "Next week's the next trial with the witness."
Steven didn't know what you were talking about, it was out of context "That's great!" he responded.
"So then he was like no and I was like, you are. Then he was like no but then I was like you are! And he was like, I kinda am. So long story short he's like, totally gay." you said as you looked at your compact mirror.
"Thank gosh I figured it out, because no way can he say my Chanel is so last season when his shirt is so last year. My client was totally bugging, but we figured it out and I, like, totally won that. How about you, Stevie? How's your day?"
Steven smiled back at you "T'was alright, love. Just the usual." he says sarcastically "Donna's been a real-"
"Excuse my language— Bitch? Cunt? Pain in the ass?"
He chuckles "Yes. A pain in the arse, love."
"She always sounds like she's giving you a hard time. You sure you don't want me to talk to her?"
"I don't think it's lawyer-worthy. It's really alright, love." Steven shakes his head "Just another typical day."
"Yeah, which can be classified as workplace abuse."
"Really. I'm fine."
You press your glossy lips into a thin line before sighing "Alright. But if you need someone to represent you in court, I'm your girl." you playfully winked at him.
Steven blushed before nodding "I'll keep you in mind then." a waiter comes up to the two of you and he began to order "-and a cocktail. Uh, how about you?"
"Um, I'll have the Soup of the Day with half a baguette, and Pasta Pomodoro with salmon. And— wait did you say a cocktail?" you blinked twice at Steven "I'll have a cocktail too, thank you."
You smiled at the waiter as he repeated the order to you two before walking away.
"Jeez, Stevie. It's only lunchtime." you giggled at him.
"I-I just wanted something strong."
"Work's really stressful, huh?"
"It really is." he sighed "Working late again tonight. But this uh lunch date is really cheering me up."
Your cheeks felt hot, making you smile "That's so sweet... tell you what, I'll pick you up from work tonight again. I'm working late too anyways."
It was Steven's turn to blush. His hand shakes with his head "You're way too nice. I don't wanna bother you. It's quite overwhelming too." even his ears turned red.
"Steven, you shouldn't turn away blessings." you winked as you giggled. Your cocktails were served just a few minutes later.
"I haven't had a cock in a while."
Steven felt his drink rush to his nose and he quickly grabbed a napkin. He coughs a few times before looking up at you.
"Oopsies, I meant a cocktail." you covered your mouth, smiling "Well, I mean... I haven't had that in a while either."
You took a sip of the drink and Steven stared at the lipstick mark left on the edge of the glass. You always wore a certain shade of lipstick, and it always drove him crazy.
There were times he'd imagine smudging your lipstick... in more ways than one.
After lunch, the two of you laughed as you drove to the museum. Steven just kept falling more and more into your wonderland of pink and diamonds. He stared at you with half-lidded eyes, listening to every word you said.
The thing about Steven is that he loves to ramble and talk a lot, and so do you. He knew you were perfect.
"-and I was like, thank gosh I talked her out of buying an orange chiffon scarf. It doesn't suit her spring tones at all! There's a fine line between terracotta and brown."
That evening, your pink corvette was parked outside of the museum, waiting patiently for Steven after a long day of reading case papers. You puckered out your lips to reapply some lipstick before popping and smiling at your reflection.
Your freshly manicured nails tapped on the steering wheel while humming a small tune.
Then suddenly someone knocks on your window.
He looked like he was roughed up, red staining his clothes, but it's not his blood. It didn't even look like the same clothes he was wearing during your lunch date.
"Oh my gosh, Steven-"
...but that's actually not your main concern.
"-I told you, blue and black as a combo is a total crime against fashion. If it were me, I'd make it law." you groaned, opening the locks of your car "Get in."
His eyes widened but he doesn't respond, only taking the passenger's seat like you commanded.
"Oh, you have a little stain there." you pat the patch of blood using a pink handkerchief with lace trim and your name embroidered on the corner.
He continued to stare at you as you took his hand and placing your handkerchief on his palm "Here. You can give it back to me some other time because I seriously I need to take you shopping this weekend."
You thought maybe he's always tired after work, that's why he's so quiet, like yesterday.
"Maybe I can figure out your color palette so I know what looks best on you. Your shirts are cute, I'd have to admit, but some of them are... meh. No offense but some prints are worse than the last. OH! I know, we'll do a whole shopping day on the weekend. An hour or so won't cut it. I know it's your weekend off, but trust me when I say when your pretty neighbor's a fashionista, your life is gonna change."
Steven looks at you from the mirror's reflection before shifting his eyes towards the body— Jake. Unlike Marc's creepy silent behavior from the night before, Jake actually looks at you as you went on and on.
He even responds with small nods.
"Can we not make this a habit? First it's Marc pretending to be me in front of her, now it's you. I don't need your help with her. Can I please go in my own pace?" Steven tells Jake, but Jake shook his head in a not now kind of motion.
As Jake entered the apartment after waving goodnight to you, he's met with a poor attempt of a glare from Steven "Don't look at me like that, you wanted the girl so I gave it a push."
"I want to do this on my own. Marc doesn't want me to, I don't know about you, but I don't need help. Can I please do it my way? It's all I ask."
"Can you ask her out?"
Steven pressed his lips into a line before letting out a sigh "Give me the body. I'll... try."
"Alright, alright. You go on ahead."
Steven, now in control of the body, swung open the door and he sees you struggling to find your keys. You blinked twice before smiling at him "Hi again, Stevie. My keys are just- ugh, a lot." your keychains jingle as you tried to find the right key.
"Can we go on a date after shopping this weekend?" he blurts out quickly. Steven was red as a tomato "D-Dinner date."
Your eyes lit up and you felt the butterflies in your stomach again "I'd love that! I'll just- oh! I found my key!"
And you also found the key to your locked-up heart.
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UP NEXT: the best weekend ever! a date with steven and a little breaking and entering 💅
tags: @red-hydra @monsterroonio @pastelpinkpilatesprincess @letmehavemyfictionalmen @uncle-eggy @superduckmilkshake @3zae-zae3
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marylily headcanons because they truly consume all my waking thoughts: 
over the summer of third year Lily had gotten braces, and had to leave once a month to go the dentist. Every time she came back with a different colour on her teeth, Mary was the first and only person who noticed and complimented her. (Again yes this is because I have braces) 
They were the kind of people who talked about anything and everything just to bond together. They would not STOP talking about something passionate to them. Once they spent a whole 12 hours discussing feminism and the effects of white feminism 
Lily always wore a gold heart necklace made of pearls and Mary always wore a silver chain necklace with stars. Mary was a gold girlie and Lily a silver girlie, but they always wore those bc they loved each other <3
THEY HAD THE FUCKING WEIRDEST HALLOWEEN COSTUMES ISTG. Like they always matched together but it would be insane random shit. Once Mary was a shark and Lily a half bitten human, emphasis on the BITE wound
Mary was scared of the dark, so whenever they cuddled she had a little night light and Lily had to wear 2 sleeping eye masks to sleep properly (eventually Mary got over it lol cause she was with Lily) 
Mary’s patronus was a moth and Lily’s was a butterfly. Nobody shut up about it for a long long time
They had an open concept flat but it was filled to the BRIM with little trinkets and everything they could find. Every little drawing Harry had drawn of their little family was hung up on the ‘Harry Wall’ (btw their little family was Mary, Lily, Marlene, Sirius, James, Regulus, Pandora, everybody. He tried so hard to draw them it was cute)
Once they had to share their apartment with Dorcas and Pandora, and they all passed around Harry because he loved Pandora so muchhh (this is turning into a marylily raises Harry… anywayssss)
Mary was the unhinged obsessed with fandoms, while Lily was a casual enjoyer
I’m gonna make my own tags for my own headcanons and shit it’s gonna like #fatimahs headcanons 🩷
@ferraridepartment you might like these u said u wanted some marylily stuff <3 (sorry if this was annoying)
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amiizuki · 2 months
it will be forever funny to me how the flashback portraits of Wittebrothers made Caleb seem like he's had packing peanuts for a brain
(this post ended up becoming quite lengthy, and so did the tags somehow, because I kinda devolved into a rant closer to the end of writing this whole thing, so bear with me here)
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so we know that Philip and Caleb became orphans when both of them were still kids. after that, they ended up in Gravesfield and, to fit in with everyone else who lived there, picked up witch hunting and started thinking that witches are pure evil. Caleb knew perfectly well that he's the only family Philip's had left and that he even may be his his only friend, since, judging by the portraits, they've only ever hung out with each other and we don't know if those two ever made any other actual friends.
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until one day, during a witch hunt he and Philip were both a part in (something Caleb seemed happy to do, judging by his smirk there), he met a witch – Evelyn – someone he's been taught to hate and want dead by the townsfolk. someone who, again, in his mind, should be evil.
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but he just suddenly does a 180 and goes "damn, you can make fire with your hands, you're actually pretty cool"
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and then a few days (?) of talking to her later, he's running off to live with her in the Demon Realm, while simultaneously not giving a single fuck about the brother he's abandoning.
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(he even runs off with a smile, with a literal :D face, I fucking can't lmao)
Philip ends up seeing Caleb get dragged off through a weird portal and later follows along, thinking something like "no, my brother wouldn't just up and abandon me without saying anything. he probably got captured by that witch we saw together that one time! she probably used some demon magic to bewitch Caleb and took him through that portal to kill him or worse! I gotta go save him!". and, after spending god knows how long in that realm, searching endlessly for his missing older brother, he eventually finds him. but he also finds that Caleb is not only perfectly okay and not hurt in the slightest, he's also peacefully walking together with the same witch who "captured" him, even holding hands with her.
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and when enraged Philip tries to attack Evelyn, to protect Caleb from the witch who took him from his home, from his brother, still thinking that Caleb's under her control, Caleb just... gives him a hug and goes on to introduce the witch as his new wife to him (I'm assuming that portrait is the same day as the other three, if not the same scene), also adding on top of that that they're having a child. all as if nothing happened. treating the whole thing like everything's perfectly okay and just another normal day, fully ignoring the fact that he threw his brother away with no care or thought, leaving him completely alone, a full orphan, now with zero actual family left (in TTT, during their backstory, it's said that "Caleb did his best to take care of his younger brother", meaning that either they never got adopted in Gravesfield, or whoever adopted them didn't give a shit about the two, so they still mostly had to fend for themselves), all to go smash some random 5 out of 10 witchussy he talked to, like, 3 times. no fucking wonder Philip killed him!
(btw, jokes aside, it didn't seem like he intended to kill Caleb, because in that portrait where he's ready to kill with a knife in his hand, he's facing forward, while Caleb is actually to his left. so it just looks to me like Philip was gonna try to kill Evelyn again, and Caleb either jumped in front of her to protect her and got accidentally stabbed or he attacked Philip back, to, again, protect Evelyn, and Philip ended up winning that fight. but that's just my theory)
my brother in literal christ and literal titan – why in the FUCK are you just hugging it out with a smile on your face??? you ran off while giving absolutely no warning to anyone, especially your younger brother! why do you think he's here and actively trying to attack you and your new wife? you're not even trying to address the fact that you left him! at least when Luz ran off to a different realm without warning, she had a "I'm still at the camp" cover, so Camila wouldn't worry that much about where her daughter is, and even then she still felt bad for leaving her mother and planned to go back home once summer was over. this chucklefuck, on the other hand, just permanently portaled away to the Boiling Isles, knocked up a witch and fully settled down there, walking around with a big ol' smile and no care in the world. "Philip who? never heard of him"
the only thing that would sorta make this situation seem better (as in, not make Caleb seem like an overly naive ignorant brick), in my opinion, is if they added one more portrait – after the one where he meets the witch, but before the one where he leaves. in that portrait, Caleb would look like he's trying his best to convince Philip that witches aren't actually evil, and perhaps even try to get him to go live with them in the Demon Realm, all the while Philip's looking at him with either disagreement/disappointment/disgust or just rolling his eyes and full on ignoring him, while sharpening his witch hunt tools or something. then it would look like Caleb at least tried to make his brother change his mind, like he tried to offer him a chance to go with them. but no. with the way the portraits look in the final version it just seems like Caleb was fully on-board with killing witches since he was young, even pulling his younger brother along to think the same way, Philip also thought that Caleb was perfectly fine with killing witches, but once he actually meets a real witch (assuming they've never met one before) he instantly pulls an uno reverse card and just runs off with her, without so much as telling his brother beforehand.
I'm not trying to say that "Belos should've been redeemed, because he's the victim here and Caleb is bad and it's all his fault". he still murdered his brother and went on to manipulate everyone on Boiling Isles for centuries, with his end goal being the death of all witches, while simultaneously being stuck in the loop of "denial" and "bargaining" stages of grief – repeatedly trying and failing to recreate a perfect copy of Caleb, but also killing each one that came out wrong or went against him. Belos not being redeemed in the end was the right choice (ignoring the "Belos was always le bad" from King's dad), I agree with that. frankly, if he actually got redeemed in the end, I'd probably be seething for the next 3 to 5 years, like how I did after the Diamonds' "redemptions" in SU (yes I'm still pissed about that lol). I'm just saying that, from what was shown to us, Caleb didn't seem like that good of a person either, not as bad as Belos ended up being, but still not that great. and, once again, seemingly had a raisin for a brain.
(off topic, but during Masha's retelling of Wittebane's backstory, their "sounds like big bro got a hot witch girlfriend and little bro got upset" line was so fucking cringe, it gave me a fever for 3 days the first time I watched the episode)
k, rant over, I dunno what else to add
TL;DR: I think Caleb was dumb as a brick, because, from what was shown to us in their backstory, he seemed to have run off to Demon Realm and abandon Philip without telling him anything beforehand. when Philip came to BI to look for his brother, who he assumed was under control of the witch who "took" him, since he thought his last living family member wouldn't just abandon him, and when he eventually found him, and it turned out he wasn't in any danger at all, Caleb just brushed the whole "I left you for witchussy" thing under the rug and pretended everything was and is perfectly fine, even though it clearly isn't. rip bozo
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piko-power · 4 months
It wasn't until the Knuckles Series trailer when I realized how much I love Sonic and Knuckles' dynamic.
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Honestly, I'm just excited to see these two interact. I know the show's probably not gonna focus more on these two and more on Knuckles and Wade, but them interacting is something I NEED.
Especially since this is after Sonic 2 and they've become (brothers) friends after their confrontation and after Sonic finds out that what Knuckles been through as a child is the same as what Sonic himself went through.
I just wanted to talk about Sonic and Knuckles' growth in their friendship and in themselves and how it makes me feel at the moment because their relationship and brotherhood is gonna drive me crazy and I need to tell EVERYTHING.
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Everything will be under the cut since it's gonna be one hell of a ramble post. (btw if you tag this as ship I'll sell your kneecaps to the dark web)
At the beginning of the movie, Sonic suddenly got a visit from his worst enemy that he thought was banished to the dreaded Mushroom hellscape. He didn't expect him to bring any company, however.
An Echidna. The same species who nearly took Sonic's life and took Longclaw's.
Sonic only knew these Echidna best from the day where he lost everything. He couldn't save Longclaw in time from the Echidna tribe. He did blame himself, but deep down he was also mad at the Echidna.
So it was understandable that Sonic wouldn't be so pleased to see an Echidna in his house.
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It's one thing if Robotnik came back, but a random Echidna who swore to destroy Sonic at any cost? Sonic ain't having none of that.
The Echidna took away something dear to him once, he won't let it happen again.
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There's just one problem: Knuckles is WAY too strong for Sonic. He may have the speed, but he didn't have the punches like Knuckles.
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Clearly it was quite a terrifying moment for Sonic. He couldn't fight back against the Echidna and he even knew about Longclaw.
From his POV, it was all shocking. Of course later on in the movie, he finds out that the Owls and Echidna were at war for the longest time over the Master Emerald.
So it's no wonder that Knuckles is after Sonic, who was raised by Longclaw.
So the fact that Sonic and Knuckles thought they were both bad guys is actually pretty messed up, since the Owls were the bad guys to the Echidna as well, so Knuckles thought that Sonic was the bad guy too.
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And after learning more about the Master Emerald, it was Sonic (and Tails') mission to make sure the Emerald is safe and make sure Robotnik BUT ESPECIALLY KNUCKLES don't get their hands on it.
Everything about Knuckles is a mystery to Sonic. He doesn't know a lot about him. All he knows is that he's after a giant gemstone full of ultimate power.
The power to turn thoughts into reality.
And since Sonic knows that Echidna only want power to themselves and other selfish needs, at least according to him, he knew Knuckles has to be stopped. Robotnik included, but now there is a new threat.
A threat Sonic wished would never come back to his life.
Meanwhile with Knuckles himself...
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Knuckles never really thought about sticking around with Robotnik. He only needed his help to find the hedgehog. But after overhearing about ultimate power, Robotnik insists to join Knuckles on his journey.
Knuckles doesn't know a lot about Robotnik and was a first skeptical, but he seemed to be trustworthy. If he wanted to help Knuckles restore power to his people, then he would have to believe that maybe forming an alliance with this man won't be so bad.
After all,
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When was the last time Knuckles had a friend? When was the last time Knuckles trusted someone? When was the last time someone liked him, or looked after him?
After what happened to his people?
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The closest family member he had was his father, who he and his tribe never came back after their battle. Knuckles was left there, waiting for them to come back.
It eventually dawned on him that they'll never come back.
For the longest time, he went off on his own to find this hedgehog, for vengeance. And to find the Master Emerald in time before he does. (I think he believed he was searching for the Emerald as well.)
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Throughout his journey in the galaxy, he came across some trouble along the way. Some scavengers straight up take him away and put him in a Rise of the TMNT ass arena. (You know the one I'm talking about. 😉)
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Apparently word goes around about how Echidna are, and Knuckles didn't like this at all. (He won against the beast in case you're curious.)
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He did gain some assistance on helping him find the hedgehog, but he wouldn't call them his friends. They are only there to help him without a choice after all.
What caught his and the scavengers' attention was the energy surge that spread through the galaxy from this planet invested with mushrooms.
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The first thing he finds is this bald man with weird clothes and a blue quill that looked awfully familiar. This man knows where the hedgehog is and where to find him.
For a while, Knuckles been on his adventure alone after loosing his family. He thought he was better off alone on his journey, but after meeting Robotnik, he never knew that he would befriend this man.
He seems to be smart and makes all kinds of machines, and even has a goat milker. (The king of Bi Men, Agent Stone) If Robotnik can help him find the hedgehog, and the Master Emerald, then Knuckles is fine with being friends with this man.
He never had a friend before, he only had a father. A friend sounds nice. Who wouldn't be friends with Robotnik?
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Sonic and Knuckles' view of each other shifted slightly during this scene, in Siberia.
Knuckles is tired of Sonic messing around, saying that he knows nothing about him. All Sonic knows is that his tribe is most famous for ruining his life. (Ouch)
Knuckles didn't take that kindly, stating that he lost everything because of you. His people, his father.
The reason why Knuckles' journey is important to him right now, was his father's last words to him:
"Your moment to honor our tribe will come, but it was not this moment."
Hmmm... That's sound really familiar...
Wait a minute...
"There will come a time where your powers will be needed... But you don't choose that moment. That moment chooses you."
Tom Wachowski said that. Sonic's father.
Those words were similar to what Knuckles' father told him... before he died.
Sonic really didn't know Knuckles. At all.
Yes, what Knuckles is doing is pretty bad. He still assume that Knuckles is gonna use the Emerald for something awful.
But after hearing Knuckles' story on what happened to his people and his father... After what happened to all those Echidna and Longclaw... After figuring out that him and Knuckles' trauma share similarities... After figuring out that they both lost something so important to them...
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Sonic just felt... devastated. (The second image even looked like he's on the verge of tears finding out this information. 🥺)
He had zero clue Knuckles went through all that, and just trash talked his tribe right there. Hearing his story just... broke his heart.
He, too, lost everything that day. They both lost everything that day.
Knuckles didn't have to hunt down Sonic because of all that but he did, because since he was technically on the Owl's side, Sonic was also "responsible" for the demise of his tribe.
Knowing that Knuckles believes this just hurts Sonic more. To make things worse, Tails attacked at the wrong time, giving Knuckles the belief that Sonic was tricking him.
At this point of the fight, I believe Sonic doesn't want to fight this guy. Yes, he's on Robotnik's side, but he wished he wasn't.
He knows Robotnik and Knuckles doesn't. Robotnik might mess with the Echidna and just make things worse for him. If he is his ally, the first one he had maybe, then it won't be pretty if Robotnik does something stupid.
Unfortunately, that's exactly what happens next.
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The next time they meet was in the Labyrinth, right where the Master Emerald is. Knuckles is done with Sonic's crap, and Sonic is going to stop him.
Sonic really didn't wanted to fight him anymore, and just wanted him and Robotnik to leave the Master Emerald...
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But he's not given much choice.
A big fight broke off between two powerful critters over the Emerald, meanwhile Robotnik sneaks off to get the Master Emerald into his grasp.
Thankfully, before things got messy, Sonic pointed out that Robotnik was stealing the Emerald, and this infuriates Knuckles.
This man. This deceiving man, wished to join his side to take out the hedgehog just to take the Emerald for himself.
Robotnik himself even mocked at the fact that Knuckles believed that he and Robotnik were friends. The first friend he ever had, and he straight up betrayed him.
And just like that, he takes the Emerald and leaves. (or Chaos Controlled I think...?)
The place begins to flood and Knuckles gets trapped underwater. Sonic, not okay with the fact he has to go in the water, AGAIN, jumps in anyways to save him.
He cannot let this guy drown. He went through too much crap and he can't let this happen to him. He doesn't care that they fought, he wanted to save him.
Eventually he did, but...
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Sonic couldn't swim. He tried to reach out for Knuckles who was getting further and further away from him. He nearly drowned but at the right moment, Knuckles came back down to save him.
They both have a moment together on the beach, throwing sand at each other. XD
Knuckles was confused on why Sonic saved him, despite the fact he tried to destroy him. He says that being a hero isn't about taking care of yourself, instead it's about taking responsibility for other people. Words from his own father.
While Tails was on his way to save Sonic, Knuckles mentions how he and Sonic lost everything and wonders how despite that and failing, how did he kept going?
Simple. He found a new family. New friends. And he can too.
Learning about Knuckles' childhood, and knowing what he been through, and witnessing Robotnik's betrayal to him, it's clear that he need to do something for Knuckles.
He knows that Knuckles isn't the bad guy, he was just used for Robotnik's deeds. Knuckles only wanted what was best for him and his people.
But Sonic knows now what Knuckles really needs.
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A family.
Knuckles lost his and so did Sonic. He doesn't want Knuckles to be alone again. He's been alone for too long just like Sonic. He offers Knuckles to join him on his adventure.
But he also wanted him to join his family.
Knuckles is quite surprised about the offer. It's understandable.
All they've been doing whenever they meet is fight, but after learning about themselves, after a small quiet talk with each other, Sonic just...
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Smiles and offers his hand. He doesn't want him to be alone anymore.
Knuckles just looks at him. It look liked he was unsure about the offer for a split second. But he's thinking about it, as Sonic smiled at him.
After everything they've done to each other, Sonic is willing to help him out and give him everything he truly needed without even knowing what he truly needed.
Sonic, according to Knuckles, is a strange hedgehog, but has a heart of gold. He seems to be strong too after all this time. He lost everything, but he never gave up. Not even once, even when things get tough.
He gained a new family because of that.
Knuckles respects that. Mentally anyway.
It will take some time to process and adjust everything, but if what Sonic's saying is true, about not being alone anymore...
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Then Knuckles believes him.
After taking the offer, a lot happened afterwards.
Him and Sonic and Tails fight against a giant Eggman Mech.
He gave Robotnik a taste of his medicine and retrieve the Master Emerald before him and Tails fall to the ground.
He and Tails witnessed Tom, Maddie and Sonic getting crushed by Robotnik, before seeing that Sonic absorbed the power of the Emeralds.
Tries to protect Tom and Maddie from a possible corrupted Sonic, but then gets slapped by a chili dog.
He and his newfound friends made a vow to protect the Master Emerald.
And plays baseball for the first time with his friends and goes out for victory ice cream.
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It's safe to say that Sonic and Knuckles' friendship means a lot to me than I thought. With the Knuckles series coming out, I am excited to see what will happen between them.
It's clear that it will be just older and younger brother shenanigans and I am all here for it.
I love their dynamic a lot, but now I'm a little obsessed with them at the moment. Their origins and their differences and how they grew together is really special to me.
I love Sonic and Tails' dynamic but Sonic and Knuckles' is something I never really thought of a lot until now.
Every time I watch Sonic 2, I just feel so happy for Knuckles now that he's got friends and family who love him and look out for him.
In fact, after watching Sonic 2 for the first time, almost two years ago, I loved Knuckles a lot. I used to think he was a fine character. I enjoy his character, but after watching the movie, he became one of my top 10 favorite characters.
I love him so much and I cannot wait to see more of my favorite version of Knuckles, and more of Sonic and Knuckles' interactions.
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yanderesimp2000 · 2 months
Yan Adam x Fem reader Chap 3/5 someone else DARES TO FLIRT ON YOU !MINORS STAY AWAY
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CHAP 1 https://www.tumblr.com/yanderesimp2000/745338401920860160/extreme-yandere-adam-x-fem-reader-chap-15-start?source=share
CHAP 2 https://www.tumblr.com/yanderesimp2000/745426251094818816/extreme-yandere-adam-x-fem-listener-chap-25?source=share
Tags, Cuddles, kisses,protective, 9 feet size diff , wing snuggles, daiquiri?!, RIBS?!!,horny listener
TWS, Manipulation, Violence (not on you), someone trys to SA you (NOT ADAM), Alcohol, Yanderery, Adam being a incel and misogynist, blow job, and brainwashed reader
btw this takes place in a universe where Adam won the Battle of Hazbin hotel and killed all the main hazbin hotel cast also PLEASE GIVE ME REQUESTS
my english might be bad I'm from Armenia
it been about 3 days since your little "illness" stopped affecting you Adams gonna back to work making your lonely he's only here at night so he cant give you the attention you desperately crave "like a little fly to soda" Adam described your attention craving
His mansion he keeps you locked up in is cool to live in it had 5 floors and everything you could want like,pools a huge kitchen and dinner room, multiple living rooms a indoor theater but it's never engough your just counting down the days Adam dosnet have to do first man stuff for 7 whole days strait and you will get all the attention and love you want
as you sat on your bed watching Tv some reality TV show you here someone unlock the front door "what upppp Baby" It was Adam you rushed over to the door and he gave you a hug "ughhhhhhh today was soooo boring sera was being a bitch again something about You cant banish random people to hell because you dislike them like bitch? im fucking Adam I can do whatever I want I'm god first creation and his favorite so you can go eat shit" the way Adam described sera just made you hate her all you could think was is "how could she disrespect him does she know who he is you should be lucky to be in his presence" but you just said "yeah I know seras a bitch I know I know" Adam was happy to hear that at said "well atleast someone understands even lute is on Sera side"
adam groaned before Slumping down and laying down on the couch before saying " hey babe do we still have so raw ribs in the fridge" he said You then said "I'll check" before opening the fridge to see the rack of ribs he brought home one day you then said "yeah do you want me to make them" you said in your soft caring voice adam LED mask lit up and he said " YES YES YES FUCKIN MAKE THEM" Like a ecstatic puppy when you bring out his food
you then start to cook them Adam always thought that It was your job as a women to do the house work and cook and clean for him and you agreed since for some strange reason you could not remember what you life was like before he Married you so you just blindly agreed to everything he said once you were done seasoning the ribs you put them on the slow cooker for 2 hours before laying down on the couch with him like you always do
he started to snuggle you before telling you the same story's he always tell you "did I tell you about that one time this bitch girl that was Lucifer daughter came over and took me to court over the extermination it was sooooooo annoying then we killed them all and it was fuckin great" he said proud of himself "yes babe youve told me" you said Slightly annoyed
Adam then said "ugh this couch is too small were gonna go to the bed" he then picked you up with one hand like he always does and just carried you over the the bed and placed you on it before also laying down on the bed " your my little teddy bear y'know that small helpless... weak you have to rely on me for shelter safety and protection and that's Just the way I like it" he softly and gently cooed "and the world is dangerous their would be sooo many creeps that would try to take advantage of you and take you away from me so you should never try to leave its too dangerous" he said gently but very firm and something about it your mind just agreed with him " he was right you should stay with him" was all your little brain could think as you nuzzled into him
when you nuzzled into him he was surprised but loved it "ohh someones a little love bug today" he teased before starting to kiss you on your forehead his wings starting to wrap around you two creating a soft little fort as you two were snuggling you noticed some knots and dirt on Adams wings which just bothered you so much you started to clean and prune them this surprised Adam but he just giggled a little "sorry my wings are a little dirty but its always nice to know someone can take care of them for me" you walked out of the bed and grabbed the brush to brush his wings like the good little wife you were he giggled and cooed over this you just dropped everything to clean his wings as you were doing that he felt your wings " if only I could take care of myself like you do I'm a fucking mess" a complained "your wings are so sleek and soft they always look like its your first day in heaven and mine are dirty and rugged" he groaned "but hey I have you and your such a good wife you just clean them for me" he laughed
when you were done cleaning his wings he praised you like you were a toddler "wow I look so pretty, what ever would I do without you, Their so sleek and shiny just like yours,how could you do all of this so quickly" this coddling was interrupted by the buzzing of the oven that had the ribs in them " fuck yeah' he yelled before jumping out of bed and running towards the kitchen as you followed behind him to take them out when you took them out Adam just grabbed one of the burning hot ribs and shoved them in his mouth you looked at him shocked but he said " fucking delicious thanks babe" you heard the ribs FUCKING SIZZLE WHEN HE PICKED THEM UP
Besides that concerning discovery the dinner was pretty good he talked to you and seemed to enjoy the ribs a lot making your heart happy he then groaned "welp that was nice time for bed" you weren't tired and said "w-wait" but I was to late he picked you up and walked to the bed and threw you guys down on it " I said it was time for bed" Adam growled ignoring your protests as he feels asleep you were forced to sit their smushed in-between his arm and his chest For another 3 hours before you finally fell asleep against him
3 days later
it was finally the day were Adam got 7 whole days off no doing angel stuff he promised you guys would go do something and now you were he was dressing you up looking thur dresses while he was in his classic robe attire you guys were going to his favorite club for a date and you were so excited 1 because it was your first time out of his mansion in 2 months and 2 he was actually taking you on a date
adam then showed you a nice baby blue dress that fir very tightly on you he then said "yes yes that's the one so everyone will know how fucking smoking hot you are and THEY CANT HAVE YOU because your alllllllllllllllllll mine" the dress was very tight but you said it was okay because he said it looked cute on you so it had to
He then said "okay were both ready so lets go" you two walked out the door and heaven was just a pretty as it always was the huge building all the gold and marble and just everything as you two walking you heard people mumbling "how did Adam pull that girl" "must of bribed her or something" "wow shes hot shit" but you didn't humor them ignoring them and just focusing on Adam as you two walked to the club which he always talked about so you knew it was gonna be a lovely experience
as you two rounded the corner he said "prepare to be blown out of your fucking mind" then you saw it big flashy signs and a bouncer that said "come in sir" when he saw you and adam" when you two walked in you were seated in one of the best seats in the club were he ordered himself a large daiquiri and you a small red wine you guys drank and talked and listened to music as he blabbered his head off about story's that he told you a billion times but you didn't mind at all and you were with him it was all fine
Adam started to get a little drunk and started to get even more touchy and affectionate then he already was "nice t-t-tits bitch" he said words slurred "T-thank you" you said felling flattered but a little insulted at being called a bitch " can I have my rib back" Adam said before erupting in laughter "its okay even though you came from my r-rib your m-much fuckin hotter then in" he teased again before saying "when we get home I'm gonna fuck ya hard yeahhh gonna knock ya up give ya babys make ya all round gonna baby trap ya then you could Neva leave me" he said words slurred you were slightly annoyed by this and said "Adam having babys would be wonderful but I would never leave you, you know that right?" you said trying to reassure him "yeah yeah I fucking know I was just fucking around bitch" Adam said laughing a little before saying " I gotta fuckin piss I'll be right back" before standing up and leaving
you sat their fiddling with you thumbs waiting for adam to return when an angel came up to you he was unattractive in your standards so you didn't bat an eye that was until he said "hey baby you could do sooooo much better then him you know that" you tried to ignore him but he persisted "he treats you like trash right yeahhh I bet he does I would treat you like the queen you are" you get angry and said "fuck off I'm not going out with you or leaving him" the angel looks offended but then says well then I'll just give it a little sample then before punching you to the ground holding you down before trying to touch you private area he didn't even seem to notice Adam walking over to the stall
2 seconds later he was ripped of you and adam had never looked so angry before "YOU DARE TOUCH MY WIFE IN MY CLUB EVEN AFTER SHE SAID NO" he said in-between punches "Scum like you have no place in heaven" he said before snapping his fingers opening a portal to hell "wait no no no no no no please I'm sorry please nooooooooooo" he said before being sucked in before the portal closed Adam was panting looking like a rapid animal everyone in the club was looking at him " lets go babe" he said before grabbing your hand and flying out of the club back home
When you got home Adam said "fucking scum trying to hit on you I'm sorry you had to see that but he deserved it" he said still fuming "it's okay Adam" you said gently trying to calm him down but God he was so hot when he was angry it just brought out his dominate side which you found so hot he then walked over to the couch and sat down to watch his favorite show
this was your chance you thought he always was the one to ask to fornicate so it was your turn but you were to nervous to directly ask him from Adams perspective he was just sitting on the couch watching his favorite TV show when all of a sudden he felt something you... you were sitting on the floor in-between his legs rubbing your face against his soft bulge looking up at his longingly he was surprised and that well you were asking to fuck he giggled and said "that's one way to ask if you can suck my dick" before taking his underwear revealing his 35 cm dick complete erect he then teased "hope ya don't choke" before grabbed you by the hair and putting your mouth against his dick you gladly opened it and started to suck on it purring and playing with the soft tip arousing Adam even more 'good good girl" he said "I hope ya dont chock on it although that would be cute" he said in a low purr you were to preoccupied to listen and you just kept sucking him off rubbing your tongue against the veins bulging through and the gentle tip tickling him he then said "going all the way in" then shoving his whole dick down your throat you were surprised you did not gag maybe heaven does not have a gag reflex you thought while sucking it "that's it baby this is your dessert after all those drinks" he said as the bead of precum went down your throat it was so nice to have all his love and affection and to pleasure him it was just an addicting feeling Adam then blurted out " are you ready for you dessert " before pulling his dick partially out before cumming all onto your tongue letting you taste it "don't you dare spit it out" Adam said firmly as more ropes of cum went into your mouth. by the end your mouth was filled with his sticky salty cum you started to gulp it down as he cleaned himself up he laughed and said "Ya like your dessert because your gonna eat that EVERY DAY" before saying "its getting late lets go to bed
as he was sleeping your played with his bulge it was soft and warm kinda like a pillow he was enjoying it as he blurted out "ugh yess" once and awhile it was just the perfect pillow you finally rested on his bulge using it like a pillow and fell asleep
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husky-studies · 1 year
What is with this little gremlin I have to babysit-?
Concept: Blade had to take care of teen!reader (who kafka picked up after a mission cus they keep calling her mommy /hj) who acts like a little gremlin and he had to make sure reader doesn't end up blowing up an aeon or something.
Character(s): Blade, mentions of Kafka and Silver Wolf
Warning(s): none, this is platonic btw
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-Okay first of all, you lucky ass being a random teenager just walking by and had the thought to call kafka mommy/mom/mother when you see her to the point she brings you back
-second of all now you have blade (balde) as your babysitter, have fun tormenting him with your shenanigans
-"Where are you parents." "Kafka is my mom" ~you two when you first met probably
-you probably call him Baldie because you saw Silver Wolf making a typo when texting with him
-at first Blade didn't think much, you're just a teenager. What can you do? Blow up and aeon and their followers?
-yes. Yes you can.
-when that happens for the first time he genuinely panicked because HOW TF R U DOING THAT?! Kafka is gonna be happy but he DOES NOT WANT TO DEAL WITH AN ARMY OF ANGRY FOLLOWERS ALONE RIGHT NOW
-When that whole shenanigan is done, he's going to carry you like a sack of potatoes and carry you back to the headquarters...and give you an earful for doing that
-but is that going to stop you? Absolutely not
-"kid..what is that" "Nothing you need to worry about :)" "I swear if thats a nuk- i know that face. No." ~Blade when he saw you bringing in some boxes
-ALSO yk that Blade got captured in the Xianzhou Loufu right? YEAH YOU BEING THE ABSOLUTE GREMLIN YOU DECIDED TO BREAK HIM FREE
-In the most destructive way possible...
-"GENERAL JING YUAN! WHAT HAPPENED?!" "A teen nuked him" "Wait what-"
-Also the fight with Jing Yuan:
"What are you youngster up to? This isnt a place to hang out" "AND THIS ISNT A PLACE TO KEEP BALDE IN. LET HIM GOOOOOOO"
-annnnd you started nuking the place, the room is filled with explosives and your whines to let Blade go
-did you succeed? Hopefully, now you can continue to torment him /hj
-now the astral express is confused when Jing Yuan told them to keep an eye out for a teen with nukes
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Tag(s): @mitzukitsuna (for the idea :])
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wonuwrites · 29 days
Ok my friend I thought of some options for another song reaction:
Smut - Levii's Jeans by Beyonce
Romance - Love Me Anyway by Chappell Roan
Angst (big BIG angst) - A House in Nebraska by Ethel Cain
I hope you like one of these!
Oooo~ I will check these out but def write them for you! I decided to breakup "Love Me Anyway" into units so this will be order so you know <3 According to randomizer I will be doing them in these order
Love Me Anyway (Vocal Unit) *You are here*
Love Me Anyway (Performance Unit)
A House In Nebraska (ps this song devastated me and I'm SO fucking excited for this one)
Love Me Anyway (Hip Hop Unit)
Levii's Jeans
I'll tag them in this when they are ready but hey let's get into the Vocal Unit's Love Me Anyway <3
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ღ vocal unit || performance unit || hip hop unit
Just like my other song reactions, the order of the people in the drabbles will be in order of the song lyrics of the song <3. (btw this is my new favorite song so thank you anon i love you.)
Warnings: nothing really, might have some cursing but it's just gonna be pretty fluffy :) Some body confidence issues in Jeonghan's btw
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ღ Joshua: "I love you because you have those Polaroids of me inside your nightstand."
You had decided it was time to do some spring cleaning. You had put your hair up and was straightening some things up in your room. You found some of Jisoo's jewelry and decided to put them in his nightstand. That's when you discovered a polaroid book you never saw before. Impulsively, you grabbed the book and saw that there were a bunch of random Polaroids showing you and moments in your relationship. Your heart started to swell as each memory came flooding back as you touched each picture. It made you love him even more. Little did you know, Jisoo had gotten home a bit earlier and was leaning against your bedroom door frame watching you relive the memories. He couldn't help but feel a bit anxious because that was supposed to be your anniversary gift that was a month away but he also loved how happy you looked looking at them. He felt very similar actually. It was at that moment when you looked up at him and couldn't stop smiling, "baby, how long have you had these?!" "Awhile," was all he could say while he looked at you which made you blush. You looked back at the photobook and just felt so touched to be able to go through memories like this.
ღ Jeonghan: "And I love you because you're understanding when I'm too shy to show my skin."
Jeonghan's love language toward you was teasing for most part. However, there were times when he knew that you needed a little TLC aka tender love and care. Those times came when you were struggling with the way you looked and a bit self conscious about showing skin. He would know you were struggling with negative thoughts pretty quickly. If you were in a sundress that was a bit shorter and you kept trying to pull it down in the back, he would casually stand behind you so nobody could look. When you were sitting, he would hand you his jacket with a soft smile so you could put it over your thighs. He hated that you had these thoughts but he knew you were working on them. He learned pretty quickly compliments would do nothing but these actions he did always made you snuggle up to his side and he'd feel like the luckiest son of a bitch ever. <3
ღ Woozi: "And I love you because you lead me back to bed when I wander in my sleep."
Jihoon found out about your sleepwalking ways literally the first night you both had a sleepover. He thought you got up to go to the bathroom and when you took awhile to come back, he went to go investigate because well... he missed you. When he saw you 'staring' at your house plant and telling it that 'you didn't need ketchup' he put two and two together. He found it precious and didn't want you to be embarrassed about it so he never made it a big deal. Whenever you would sleepwalk, he would simply just lead you back to the bedroom. He would fall into whatever you were talking about. If you were ever embarrassed by it in the morning, he would quickly shut it down and say "it happens babe, don't worry about it." When you would say "no it's not normal," he would just wrap you in his arms and kiss you. He literally had no issue with helping you when you slept walked and helping you was normal for him. It was the least he could do.
ღ Dokyeom: "Autumn came and December went. Turned you down at your high school dance. You la-love me anyway."
You were sitting next to your newly wed husband, Lee Seokmin, as members of Seventeen and both of your family members came up to share stories about y'all and your relationship. You've known each other for ten years but had been dating/engaged for the last three. That's why when Mingyu who went to high school with you both came up he couldn't help but laugh before starting his story. "When Seokmin first told me he had a crush on (Y/N), we were getting ready for a school dance." This made Seokmin blush and hide his face while you started to laugh. This bit of lore from your relationship was embarrassing for you both however it was funny to see where you both ended up being. You see, Seokmin used to be even more shier then he was now and you were just super self conscious. It was the second to last slow dance and he came up to ask you to dance. You just shook your head and ran away leaving him in the dust confused. You just didn't think someone that was as attractive as him would ever be genuine. Even though it mortified him at the time, he still ended up marrying you and neither of you could ask for a more perfect ending. <3
ღ Seungkwan: "When I met you at summer camp, I would never give you a chance. You still la-love me anyway."
When you were younger, the more red flags a man had, the better. That's why Seungkwan was not on your radar when you both were camp counselors. He was kind to the attendees and everyone. He always flashed you a smile because well he was down bad first glance but to you he could be nothing but a friend. It wasn't until years after you both met and had been friends until you realized it had always been him. You both had been sitting on a blanket watching the stars when his hand just grabbed yours. You looked over at him confused but the look on his face was nervous. He always had a confident aura around him but tonight he was nervous. This was a new side of Seungkwan and it made you nervous as well. "(Y/N), I love you. I've loved you since day one. Can you please give me a chance now?" The question made you blush like crazy before you nodded. "I should've given you a chance years ago, Seungkwan. I love you too."
Hopefully this was good <3 Stream Love Me Anyway bc it's so cute :) (Performance Unit's should be up later today or tomorrow <3)
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dirtysvthoughts · 2 years
19, 33, 70 with minghao pls!! love your writing btw!
dirtysvthoughts hits 100 followers!
a/n: whew, it’s been a minute and for some reason my ideas aren’t flowing for that last jh request, so i’d figure i’d work on other requests to help me out! hope you enjoy anon! <3
tags/warnings: female! reader, soft dom! hao, virgin! reader, VERBAL consensual sex (please remember that sexual consent means words coming out of your mouth, not only your body language), fingering, this is probably gonna be short and sweet lol we’ll see
19. “i think it’s time you get of that v-card.”
33. “i just want to please you.”
70. “don’t be afraid. it’s me.”
[10:01 p.m]
you shy away from his touch, slightly embarrassed at how aroused you already were. the barely lit bedroom you two were in practically added tenfold to the sexual tension - away from all of the noise, drinking, and dancing you left behind.
“why are you acting all shy now?” minghao asks, caressing your cheek. “don’t be afraid, it’s me,” doing his best to reassure you.
“i’m just nervous is all,” you say avoiding eye contact with him. “not gonna lie to you hao, i imagined that my first time would be more romantic and less noisy,” you laugh to yourself, but you were a little disappointed that such a milestone wasn’t going to happen the way you thought it would.
you always envisioned flowers on the floor and the bed, candles filling the room with a sweet aroma, and minghao kissing you so tenderly all over your body, moaning loudly to let him know how great he was making you feel. but no, your first time was gonna be at someone’s apartment in a random room, loud ass music still being heard instead of how you and minghao’s skin would sound together.
“besides, what if someone catches us?” worry feigning in your voice. “don’t you wanna at least wait until we - mmmm,” your sentence is cut off when minghao starts kissing your neck, his fingers delicately unbuttoning your shirt to reveal your chest. your shirt gets thrown to the other side of the room, and hao guides you to the edge of the bed, his mouth refusing to leave your skin.
once he has you at the edge, he begins to undo your shorts, revealing your lace panties. with your assistance, he’s able to get your shorts off and he begins to run your clit over your panties.
“f-fuck.. minghao,” you call out for him, your back already arching at how good you felt. you begin to roll your hips and take his fingers even further down your panties, wanting him to touch you were you really wanted it.
“i just want to please you,” minghao whispers in your ear. “you’ve been waiting such a long time for this, wanna make it so special for you. gonna fuck you so hard that you’ll crave my touch.”
you moan out at his words. “y-yes, hao, wanna feel your touch, wanna have your body next to mine all night long.. want you to fuck me like you want.”
his fingers enter your panties and he fingers your clit, your moans getting higher in pitch, your legs nearly closing to trap his hands. your hip rolls have become more intense, the noise from the mattress proving that you were getting close.
“shit, hao, im coming, i’m coming - minghao, i!” you loudly, sharply gasp out as your orgasm washes over you, your juices coating his fingers, your panties now soaked.
hao licks his fingers clean, and you can’t get enough of the sight. how the fuck was he so fine?!
he chuckles at your dazed state, hooking your leg over his, a wet spot forming on his jeans when your crotch makes it over to his lap. “now i know you’re ready for me,” he says as he single-handedly takes off your panties and tosses them in the same corner as your shorts and shirt.
“i think it’s finally time you got rid of that v-card,” he says. “what do you think?”
“i think it’s time too.. please make me see stars, hao.”
“you’ll be seeing more than starts by the time i’m done with you.”
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communistkenobi · 7 months
hiiii i'm about to start reading orientalism and i remember you reading it kind of recently and posting about it as you went along. but i've been trying to find the tag you posted under and can only find 4-ish posts at a time. did you have a tag where you liveblogged your reading or am i just remembering you posting more about it than you actually did? i'm so excited to start btw in large part because of your experience w it
I haven’t live-blogged very much of it (here is the tag I use if you want to see posts I’ve made about it) but this is actually a good reminder to do that more because I find it really helpful to post about it to synthesise my thoughts about it as I go. I’m stuck in a kinda boring section where Said talks at length about random historical figures and how shitty they are so I think I’m gonna skip around a bit (which, forgive me if you’ve heard this already, but that is an enormously helpful trick for reading academic texts that I need to stick to more regularly - skimming/skipping is totally fine, you can always mark sections you skip to go back to later. Reading “the whole text” is not a mark of comprehensive learning and often unnecessary, especially when reading theory). So far I’ve found the book switching between two modes, one where Said is relentlessly re-stating his thesis with every single sentence and piece of evidence he presents, which I find to be especially powerful and effective, and the other is him picking apart the work of some French or English asshole intellectual from three hundred years ago. Which is both amusing and instructive, and he often does it for the purposes of sketching out the development of western thought, but I find the book’s pacing to jolt a lot because of this, and it can drag at times. It’s an extraordinarily powerful book and I wish you all the best with reading it!
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cthulhu-with-a-fez · 1 year
Hey how do u know if u wanna be a boy in a cis way or a trans way? I’m a girl btw
alright so i'm gonna preface this by saying that i'm... probably not the best authority on What Makes A Man(TM), considering that i'm not one, and that no answer i give is going to catch every relevant topical nuance? but i know i've talked a bit in the tags about my personal blend of cis+ gender-woogity, so i'm gonna go out on a limb and assume that's what you're asking about!
it got pretty long, so i put it under the cut :D
there's two ways i tend to approach my assessment of my gender, which for purposes of this ask let's call "diagnostic" and "diegetic".
the diagnostic approach is more or less what it sounds like - comparing and contrasting what i understand gender to be, denotatively and connotatively and culturally, with what my sense of my own gender is, and trying to figure out what feels closest to me and why. this has been influenced pretty heavily by two posts i've seen floating around over the years but can't for the life of me find right now.
one of them is just a quote to the effect of "consistently wishing you were a different gender is a pretty strong indicator of being that gender." and it makes sense, right? human intuition, gut feeling like that, is made of a million little deductions about the world relative to yourself that you don't consciously process all of, but which make themselves known however they can. if you're a girl but you keep finding yourself thinking "man, i wish i was a boy," that might be your brain doing behind-the-scenes pattern recognition about being a boy and trying to flag your attention towards it.
which isn't to say that it's an infallible tell, gut feelings are not always correct, let alone accurate! even when they are, you're getting, like. fortune cookie amounts of information about things that might require thesis paper amounts. but that's where you have to take a level in metacognition and think about why you think about or respond to something the way you do. or, to quote discworld,
“First Thoughts are the everyday thoughts. Everyone has those. Second Thoughts are the thoughts you think about the way you think. People who enjoy thinking have those. Third Thoughts are thoughts that watch the world and think all by themselves. They’re rare, and often troublesome. Listening to them is part of witchcraft.”
― Terry Pratchett, A Hat Full of Sky
figuring out the why of your own responses is good for tons of non-gender-related reasons, but it's especially helpful with those kind of vague but persistent I Feel A Way About This thoughts. if you're a girl and you keep thinking "man, i wish i were a boy", there's a lot of reasons you might think that! for legit gender reasons, yeah, but it might also be "i wish i were a boy because their clothes look better" or "i wish i were a boy because then i wouldn't get cat-called" or "because they get paid more" or "because no one assumes they can't pick up heavy things" or more. some of them are aesthetic things, some of them are cultural misogyny things, all of them are relevant and valid! but it also makes it a little harder to tell how heavily gender-weighted they are in general - you can be mad about the pay gap and and explore a more masculine silhouette while still robustly being a woman.
(though, pro tip about the clothes? regardless of your genderfeel, men's section jeans are where it's at. huge pockets. not made of tissue paper. sized with actual waist/inseam measurements instead of a random number revealed to a women's fashion exec in a vision. cannot recommend them strongly enough. have pocket. be free.)
that brings us to the second post that i regrettably can't find, and another excellent diagnostic tool!
it was a comment written by a trans man in a longer thread about gender identity, talking about something that helped him distinguish between 'cultural misogyny sucks' thoughts and 'i am not a woman' thoughts. he definitely explained it more eloquently, but his rule of thumb was "would this upset me if it happened to me, but not to a female friend?"
for example, if someone holds the door for a girl and calls her "ma'am," all courteous manners, that would probably not be an issue for most women! but if you aren't a woman, or you're starting to not feel like one, it might not feel so comfortable an interaction.
i've learned to use that as a baseline for a problem management system for "i wish i was..." thoughts like those - it really does help to distinguish between external circumstance thoughts wearing a gender envy hat vs actual gender envy thoughts hiding under an external-circumstance hat, especially when there's multiple confounding factors involved. for example, let's go back to the clothes thing for a second!
i've always had a bit of a contentious relationship with clothes shopping, which in hindsight was a combination of personal aesthetic, sensory issues, body image issues, and gender issues. trying to develop my aesthetic was hard, especially back when "department store girls' section" was my only real choice and the best i ever hoped for was a grudging least-worst option just to get it over with. this has since changed! i have experienced presentation euphoria! i have a style now that feels comfortable and makes me happy! but it was a steep climb to get there until i learned how to identify what made the least-worst option least worst and move closer to it.
sometimes it's easy, like "this fabric is soft but the color is hideous" so find a different color, or "it's too tight across the chest because it was designed for someone skinny" so try a different size, or "this is just blatantly not-my-aesthetic" so move on. but sometimes it's "i'm getting steadily more upset trying to find a dress that i don't hate on my body despite them looking and feeling just fine on the hanger," and that one's a little tougher.
because on one hand, part of it really was the body image issues. i don't need to shop plus-size, but there's still something really disheartening about basically every retail outlet's 'normal' size range heavily implying that i'm only barely thin enough to be worth catering to, you know? fatphobia in the fashion industry is a whole different other conversation that we're not having right now, but it heavily contributed to some non-gender-related body dysphoria that's played first-chair tuba in my brain for a long time.
but on the other hand, looking at myself in a mirror wearing a dress and really hating it wasn't entirely about my body in a dress - it was also about my body in a dress. it didn't really click until a good friend of mine invited me to be in their wedding party, and said "we're not doing bridesmaid's dresses, just bridal party colors, wear whatever you feel most comfortable in as long as it matches!" and i spent ten seconds mentally gearing up for another godawful harrowing misery gauntlet of dress shopping -
and then stopped. because.
if i can wear something comfortable.
and a dress isn't.
...... what if i wore a suit?
and lo, i went to men's wearhouse and got slacks and a vest and a buttondown and a tie and it was amazing. i feel so fucking good in that outfit, i feel handsome and classy and confident in a way i literally never once in my life have felt while wearing a dress.
most of the time, people want things or don't-want things for a whole blend of reasons, and if there's one reason yelling loudest (hello, body-dysphoria tuba) it's often hard to tell what the rest of the factors are. but it's really, genuinely worth it to try and figure it out, even if you have to dig through a big old lump of stress and misery to get there - understanding yourself better and accepting what you find will only ever lead to quality-of-life improvements. sometimes it's as simple as refining your aesthetic some more, realizing "i can do better than grudging least-worst options" and navigating towards a wardrobe that you actually like!
but sometimes, it's realizing that your clothes don't make you feel good in the first place because they're expecting a kind of gender performance out of you that you can't comfortably give.
and that's where the "diegetic" part of my self-analysis kicks in.
the definition of "diegetic" is (of sound in a movie, television program, etc.) occurring within the context of the story and able to be heard by the characters. the score of a movie is non-diegetic, whereas the song playing on the radio during a driving scene is. how does this relate to my gender, you might ask?
well... perception.
i can be on as many levels of Advanced Gendermancy as i want, but that's all non-diegetic. myself as i am, occurring within the context of existing in public and able to be seen by the other people out there living life? i'm gonna get perceived as a gender, and i'm gonna get perceived as "girl," with maybe an addition of "... queer?" when i feel like making a statement with flannels. and that's okay with me. it's not a hardship to have people assume i'm a girl, because yeah, i'm a girl! ish! mostly! girl-lite, girl-as-default, noncommittal-wiggly-hand-gesture rounding-down-to-the-closest-answer girl.
but the thing is, i'm a carpenter. blue-collar union carpenter. women comprise... i think 2% of the construction workforce in my area. which means that just by existing on-site, i'm making all the guys remember that the gender binary exists because there's now a "them" for them to be an "us" about. i get called "miss kelly" like that's my whole name by the guys from my company who know me, and i get called "young lady" by guys from other companies who don't, and it's all very respectful and courteous, but... i don't want it. what i want is access to the "we're literally all men here so it doesn't even matter that we're men" gender space they have without me, which i can't have, because i am diegetically female in a male-dominated field. and if gender is a fluid, i'm a water balloon deforming under pressure, because the more frequently i get Gendered on-site - even when everyone's been nothing but polite about it, and certainly not intending any insult! - the more stressed-out i get in the same direction as wearing dresses made me feel. it's too much, too constrictive of an expectation that i do not meet, and i don't like it, and you know what helps?
chasing masculine presentation a little harder to make up for it.
being seen and Gendered masculinely, even if it's a little more than i would normally want, feels good because it's balancing the pH of my gender fluid again, and getting to have that is entirely dependent on someone else perceiving you and acting on that perception.
so that's part of it as well, beyond any interior exploration you can do. it isn't just about what you feel like, which is certainly important - it's also about the way people treat you relative to what you feel like. and it's hard, it's really really hard, to figure out what's right for you in that balance, especially if you don't know what's wrong in the first place.
it's like being blindfolded on a beach and told to find wheat grains scattered in the sand by touch alone. you know there's something good out there but not where it is or how to find it, only that you don't have it, and if you find wheat at all it's mixed in with so much sand you can hardly taste it anyway. if you're lucky, you bump into someone who's gone through it already who can take the blindfold off and show you how to sift for wheat instead of just eating a handful of sand and hoping, and that makes it easier, but for every one person like that there's a hundred more who've never had to try to pick wheat out of sand and can't tell the difference anyhow who think you're just not trying hard enough to live off of the """wheat""" you've been given.
i can't really tell you what it feels like to want to be a boy, because i'm not a boy and i don't really want to be? but i can tell you how i worked out the gender that i've got right now, and i hope it helps you anyway.
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furfag-cringelord · 8 months
redoing my intro shit this is a temp placeholder <3
hi! im miles! you can also call me jay, pyral(spite), nep(eta), flutters(hy), or gir!
my pronouns are primarily it/ix/bite/pup but i am good with pretty much any neos :3 feel free to check out my pronouns.page for more fun stuff such as neopronouns and xenogenders and names and words :33
i am an osdd-1b system host but dont post system stuff that often 👍 i post a lot more about our audhd bpd and fibro but even then i prefer to use tumblr for fandom shit as opposed to sadposting lmao
uhh feel free to dm for our discord / simply plural / instagram if we're mutuals btw :3 and even if we're not you can ask for my spacehey / twitter / tiktok / ao3 / furaffinity
i won't ever be able to make a full list of my fandoms bc there's too many but currently what i rb a lot of includes invader zim, ace attorney, car seat headrest, homestuck, pokemon, 1 trait danger, welcome to night vale, the magnus archives, my chemical romance, my little pony, sonic the hedgehog, and waterparks
im working on a bit of a basic tagging system for organization which works as follows
#brain thoughts - random thoughts & original posts
#friend art!!! - friend art tag
#furfag scribbles - my art tag
#furfag answers - ask tag
#furfag ocs - my ocs
#furfag wolfposting - wolf/dogposting because i am a wolfboy
#rawr >:3c - kin/source stuff
#:33 <> - equius/meowrails stuff :3
#mutual food :3 - cooking my mutuals
#carnivorous fagposting - cannibalism and teeth and meat and flesh and all that sexy stuff
if i post anything you want tagged specifically lmk :3 i'll do the same for things that bother me
i don't wanna have a huge dni list so im just gonna block ppl that make me uncomfortable i love my beautiful wife the block button
and now the obligatory userboxes and blinkies :3
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