#(yes they do immediately get sick. yes he tried to warm him. no they did not listen.)
i3utterflyeffect · 2 months
What if stick!Alan gains powers at some point? He’s fidgeting with a random item and accidentally resizes it somehow, and he just silently stares at it wondering how that just happened and what it means
god that'd be funny. SC is so excited because HOLY FUCK THAT'S SO COOL!!!!! and alan is just unsure if he should be worried about this ability or not. i think it'd be fun if he could do similar things to what agent does with his array of tools as well. plus like. that'd be hella interesting when vic comes around
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i-cant-sing · 6 months
Yandere batfam with a sick reader?
Yes but sick reader who is still defiant because hello, they kidnapped you?????
Reader is just glaring at them with tired eyes and a red nose as they once again tuck her under the covers, Dick is highly worried as he frets over you like a mama hen because he did have a heart attack when he caught you standing in front of your open window, where "harsh" gusts of cold air were "attacking your fragile form", so of course, he had to drag you in and wrap his arms around you, rub his cheek against you because he NEEDS to warm you immediately, lest you die of hypothermia.
Yes, Dick overreacts. And yes, Damian will accompany his brother in his delusions, or well, take any chance he gets to scold you.
"You should be in bed, Y/n." Damian said sternly, his eyes narrowed because how dare you worry his favourite brother like this. "Didn't Dick tell you to rest? Are you that incapable of following simple commands?"
You narrowed your eyes back at him, opening your mouth to say something mean but got cut off by your own coughing fit, making Dick rush to help you drink some water, rubbing your back along it. Your throat felt scractchy, and it hurt to speak, but you still wanted to convey your feelings so-
You flipped him off. For a nano second, because Dick immediately grabbed your hand and tucked it back under the covers while Damian's eyes widened at you disrespect, but before he could make any more gremlin noises, but Bruce walked in and Damian knew better than to complain to him about you when youre already sick, cause Bruce wouldve still favoured you.
"Y/n? How do you feel now?" Bruce asked, his voice gentle as he walked closer to where Dick was throwing away your mountain of tissues.
"Im fine. I wanna go out-" "No." "And why not?" "Because youre sick." "You may be Batman, but youre not a doctor!" "I am your father though."
No, youre not. You wanted to say, but knew that would only piss him off and you need to be on his good side if you want Dick and the others to be off your back so that you can escape.
"Whats her temperature?" Bruce asked Dick, who put a thermometer in your mouth quickly. Dick sighed as he told Bruce how you were out of bed and standing in your balcony in the cold just moments ago.
Bruce placed a palm over your forehead, and you tried to move away but there wasnt really any space or energy for you to do that. Bruce's eyes shifted the slightest bit at your burning forehead. "Why do you insist on getting out of bed and sleeping on the floor? Ive already had to pick you up 3 times in the past 2 days."
You pulled out the thermometer and glared at him. "Im fine. Its just sniffles." Bruce's lip quirked a little. You looked absolutely adorable in your delirious state, like an angry kitten.
"I dont think its just sniffles this time. And-" Bruce pulled the thermometer from your hands that you were hiding under the covers. "-dont hide the thermometer from me." His eyes scanned it and the twitch in his brow was enough for Dick to know that the number was too high.
Bruce then eyed the cough syrup next to your side table- its still full.
"Why havent you been taking your medicine?"
"Im not sick-"
"White paint has more color than you do right now. So why havent you been taking the medicine?" Bruce asked and even though he was a little annoyed, he had enough practice dealing with the other kid's rebellious phases to have the patience of a saint.
You shrugged. "How do I know its just cough syrup and not a sedative?" "It is a sedative too. Its supposed to make you sleepy." "Well, I dont wanna sleep and let my guard down in a house full of 5 strange men." You obviously never counted Alfred- hes the only normal one here- except for the part that he wont call the cops for you, but oh well.
Bruce just casted a look to Dick and before you knew it, Dick was pinching your nostrils close and titling your head up while Bruce grabbed the syrup and poured some in your mouth before clamping his hand over it. You struggled to break free, but you were obviously no match to them. Still, tears of frustration pricked your eyes as you looked at them in betrayal and hatred.
"Drink this and dont argue with me, please." Bruce said- well, he genuinely requested at this point.
You didnt have much of a choice other than swallowing it.
With a defiant glare, you begin closing your eyes as your body gave into the effects of the drug, the last thing that you felt were Bruce kissing your forehead while Dick pecked your cheek.
Jason finally decides to drop by the Wayne manor, only to be greeted with the sight of reader lying on the kitchen floor. His heart stopped for a moment- you werent breathing-
"Y/n!" He rushed to your side, only to be smacked in the face by you.
"Shush. Dont be too loud." Your voice sounded like sandpaper against rocks.
Jason huffed. "Well, sorry for freaking out. I thought you were dead-"
"From a cough? Im not weak."
"Yeah? So, what exactly are you doing on the cold floor in the middle of the night?"
"What? So I cant even take a nap in this house? Jesus Christ, am I allowed to have any autonomy here?"
"Y/n." Jason called, clearly unamused by your sarcasm.
"Fine. I may have fallen and then didnt have the energy to get up, so im just catching my breath here."
"Why are you even out of bed?"
"I was hungry and Im not gonna drink another spoon of Alfred's bland soup again." Alfred made it bland on purpose so that your throat wouldnt be irritated.
"Please stop wasting whats left of your voice on complaints of the soup that you cant even taste." Jason chuckled as he picked you up, only for you to push at his chest weakly.
"I dont need your help. I can walk on my own."
Jason quirked a brow. "If you can make it to the front door without fainting or throwing up, I'll help you escape." You stared at the front door- it wasnt too far, but judging by the fact that its even hard for you to breathe properly and that youve fainted way too many times by just standing for more than a couple of minutes.
But youre stubborn. With great effort, you pushed yourself off Jason and used the kitchen island to pull yourself up. Jason decided to walk in front of you and stand near the kitchen exit because he really wanted to see your struggling face.
You took a trembling step, then another, one hand still using the support of the island until it ended and you were only a couple of feet away from Jason. At this point, you were already out of breath and when you took another step, your legs gave out and the room began spinning.
Luckily, Jason was quick to react. "Alright, just place your arm around mine- or just fall on me, that works too." He teased when you couldnt hold your body weight.
You slumped in his arms. "Just take me to my room." You huffed.
"Alright." Jason lifted your legs up and carried you back up the stairs. "You know you'd get better a lot faster if you just stayed in bed and took your medicine on time. Wouldnt that make your chances of escaping the manor better?"
You stared at him blankly. "Wow. The world must be ending for Jason Todd to be making logical suggestions."
Jason rolled his eyes as he tucked you in bed. "Im just saying, if you get better faster, you'll get to try running from us quicker too."
How do you explain to him that you just dont want to comply to them, even when they're helping you. How do you explain that you dont wanna listen to them because the soft pitiful, patronising look they get in their eyes when they look at you makes you wanna scream and carve your skin out. These are strangers, rich men who just kidnapped you to be a part of their family. No one is that kind. And nothing ever comes for free. Nothing.
"Do you need something? Food, perhaps?" Jason asked. You shook your head. "No, I think Im gonna throw up."
"Oh shit." Jason was hauling his ass out of the room t get you a bucket, only to return with a backpack.
You barely held your puke as you asked. "Wait- whose is this?"
"I dont know!? Damian's?!"
You grinned. "Oh, perfect." You proceeded to throw up into Damian's bag. That little shit just got on your nerves.
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"I know you have attachment issues with your blanket but its been a couple of days now and you need to let me wash it." Dick said, trying to tug it out of your grip.
You sniffled and glared. "Im not a child who needs their blankie, Dick. Im just too cold without it and no other blanket can warm me up the same way it does."
"Give the blankie, Y/n." Dick said seriously.
"Its not a blankie." You retorted, but before you could react, Tim suddenly grabbed you while Dick ripped away the blanket. And even though he immediately replaces it with a clean blanket, you still let out a gut wrenching cry
"You'll have it back tomorrow-" Tim starts saying, only for you to sneeze directly in his face, making him freeze.
"And that's why we use tissues." Dick says, wiping both your nose and Tim's face with tissues, while you're not making any effort to suppress the grin that comes on your lips.
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aethelwyneleigh27 · 7 months
Dad!Simon "Ghost" Riley w/ a sick baby Headcanons and Imagines list
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Am I back with the Dad!Ghost content? You know damn well I am, also yes the render I used is courtesy of our beloved @ave661 who's most definitely annoyed by my existence by now for constantly tagging her.
Will I ever stop writing Dad!Ghost? Fuck no, why? Daddy issues and baby fever, if you want anyone to blame, it's those two. And yes, I will be upset if this doesn't do well. (AHEM, MY SOAP POST)
Taglist of who I this would enjoy this and requested: @puff0o0, @blingblong55, @cutenote, @wise-owl and @connorsui. This last creator by far has given me the best fucking commentary on my work and I have more works on and coming about Dad!Ghost, genuinely thank you so freaking much, you made me cry 😭.
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I'M BACK! Let's start, shall we?
❥ Dad!Simon who's a very nervous first time father, well there's a first for everything and so is the first time your guys' baby got sick.
❥ Dad!Simon who immediately got them a check up, it was a common flu. Naturally medication and antibiotics were prescripted.
❥ Dad!Simon whose heart melts once he hears the soft whimpers of discomfort of the little on as they stir in the crib. The soft raspy cries and flushed chubby cheeks and warm, almost burning temperature.
❥ Dad!Simon who is trying his hardest not to look back the car seat when you were on your way to the clinic, to check on the baby whose little cheeks are bouncing a bit while being entertained by their pacifier, the little cooling patch on their head making their forehead crinkle a bit.
❥ Dad!Simon who was amused by how talkative the little one still is despite being so drowsy and in pain. Babbling their little heart out while sniffling.
"Dada!" the little on calls for Simon, almost in a screaming manner if it wasn't for the poor little thing's scratchy and sore throat.
They let out incoherent babbles to Simon as if trying to tell him something, as if they're chatting like they used to, the only adjustments being the constant sniffles and coughs. Them being reduced to their clogged nose while trying so hard to communicate. (Here's your visual)
Simon took the warm baby bottle from your hands to feed the little one.
"Bee, slow down.." A new nickname picked up by Simon to give to your little one, bumblebee, trying to tell them to slow down from chugging.
❥ Dad!Simon who never thought the baby wouldn't get any more clingy, at least not until they got sick. Constantly asking for "dada" and "mama" while he goes on about his day trying to help his wife, you, to keep up with the chores around the house.
❥ Dad!Simon who feels a bit guilty because he loves the comfort he's able to provide the baby, especially that they're not comfortable and less than happy with the sickness. Having the baby on his chest, patting their fragile back gently with a hand that's almost bigger than their body as their dad's heartbeat lulls them to sleep despite being irritable the whole day.
❥ Dad!Simon who slightly chuckles when the baby's breathing starts picking up, their lips trembling into a pout, little doe eyes starting to get glassy from the tears forming with a pitched whimper, only to be silenced by a kiss from both you and Simon. The toll of the sickness only ever being reduced with yours and his affection.
❥ Dad!Simon who joins in when the baby entertains themselves while playing with the various rattles and teething toys.
Bumblebee shaking the tiny rattle, a bit in frustration, knocking their self back. Luckily Simon had intense reflexes and managed to slip his hand in time between the cushioned but still quite hard floor and the baby's tiny head.
Simon let out a breath of relief, "You sure know how to scare me, don't you bee?"
The baby let out a strained giggle as their dad guided them to sit back up by their head and back.
❥ Dad!Simon who tries his best to make the baby take the prescripted medicine, that baby did NOT like the taste of it and he had to resort to sneaking it in their food to hide the taste of the bitter syrup.
"Come on pumpkin, copy dada okay?" Simon whispers while exhaling loudly out his nose, careful with the baby's sensitive ears.
❥ Dad!Simon who makes the little one blow their tiny nose.
The sleepy eyes of the little one trailing on him, trying to observe and copy, blowing their nose on the soft wipes Simon held against their nose.
After wiping it, Simon noticed how their nose now unclogged helped they sleep far more easier and with less frustration from them.
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Shout out to a very consistent person who has been liking all the things I post despite them not being actual content @poohkie90 <3
Also I had no idea @simp4konig and I were mutuals, I'M FANGIRLING SO HARD WHEN I SAW THE LIKED POST NOTIF.
Sidenote: I'm sick rn y'all, like it just kept on coming. First was my period, then next thing I knew my nose is clogged and I'm sniffling, then the next I'm coughing and sneezing. There's so much blood rn I can't even. I don't feel good at all but I'm pushing through. Apologies if this was shorter than most if you expected from me, I wanted to elaborate on this prompt however I don't have much ideas so I'm sorry to disappoint.
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slayfics · 1 year
Can you please do a Oneshot of Muichiro looking after you, after you got sick and fainted during training? I really love your Muichiro Content ((:
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Muichiro looks after you when you pass out.
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You weren't sure if it was the heat or the lack of breaks from training, but you were starting to feel sick. The thought crossed your mind to let Muichiro know, but then you instantly felt even sicker to your stomach. You finally felt like you were beginning to earn his respect and praise, to tell him now you needed a break seemed shameful.  
You felt the heat pound upon your head, and you noticed spots started to appear in your vision. You closed your eyes and shook your head trying to stay focused.  
Just as you opened your eyes Muichiro was moving to strike you and you barely dodged him. Strike back you told your body and as you picked up your sword, you saw the spots cluster together. On top of this you had an overwhelming feeling of needing to lie down. You tried to fight back but your body revolted and gave way underneath you.  
You felt the soft grass under your cheek as the spots began to cloud your vision blocking out any sun. The last thing you managed to see was Muichiro running towards you.  
Your eyes opened and you recognized the ceiling of Muichiro's mansion instantly. Oh crap. You must have passed out. You sat up quickly in bed but immediately felt a hand on your shoulder. 
"Rest." Muichiro said as he pushed you back down.  
"Master Tokito, I am sorry. I must have passed out. I'm not weak, I promise, let's get back to training." You said trying to sit up again but Muichiro's hand did not budge and kept you lying down.  
"Do not apologize. It is me who should be apologizing. I should have recognized I was pushing you to your limit. I am sorry. Rest for the remainder of the day."  
"The remainder of the day? The Tokito I know would say that is a waste of time." 
"This is not a waste of time. It is a valuable lesson. Listen to how your body feels right now. It is important to know the signs of your body telling you you're reaching your limit. Practice your recovery breathing right now." 
"Ok..." You did as told and began recovery breathing. 
"One more thing. If you ever feel as you did just now out on a mission, you call for me right away. Understood?" Muichiro said with eyes wide.  
"Understood." You said looking down. No matter what Muichiro said you felt ashamed you passed out during training. He must be thinking about how weak you were or wondering how you even made it this far. "I'll try harder tomorrow. I promise I'm getting stronger." You said without making eye contact with Muichiro, you were afraid you wouldn’t be able to hold back the tears that were forming. The shame was starting to swell up in your throat and make it hard to continue recovery breathing. 
"Who said you weren't getting stronger? The past few days I have been holding back less and less with you. You've far surpassed your skills when you first came to me. I am proud of how hard you have worked and to call you my Tsuguko." Muichiro said and moved his hand to pat the top of your head. His words of praise made the tears finally fall but you couldn’t help but giggle at his head pats.  
"You're petting me like a dog now?" You laughed. 
"Does this not make you feel better?" 
"It actually does... but a hug would be better." You said finally looking up at him. Muichiro had just noticed the tears in your eyes. He couldn't explain it but your devotion to wanting to make him proud warmed his chest and knowing you felt discouraged hurt him worse than any demon ever had. 
Muichiro moved suddenly and awkwardly, wrapping his arms around you and pulled you into his chest.  
"Like this?" He asked and you could hear his words rumble in his chest. 
"Yes, this is perfect." 
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Thank you for the request and support! I loved this idea! I hope you enjoyed the fic and it made you smile~
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sanspuppet · 7 months
it'd be so funny if u wrote a fic where u tap on the tip of woos dick as if it was a mic while saying "is this thing on?"
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- nsfw content (18+)
W/T: oral sex, handjob (both giving), swearing
• not proofread so sorry any mistakes
A/O: still kinda sick but i don't want you to wait longer, also im being very slow at writing lately i dunno why :/ im currently working on another req and the maknae line of the imagine "ateez when you fuck then for the first time" so yeah i have a lot to work on
"fuuuck y/n- please-" Wooyoung throws his head back, looking at the ceiling to concentrate only on the feeling of your hands grabbing his cock. He squeezes his eyes, his fingers tightening the fabric of the sheets. Pathetic hushed whimpers keep leaving his mouth as you rub your thumb at the base of his length, joyfully watching Woo getting desperate for more touch. A minimal contact between you and his crotch made him insanely impatient to have you work up his dick, as good as you always did: by now you had pleasured him hundreds of times, that you perfectly know which spots have Woo twitching under your touch. You giggle when you hike your hand up his length and jokingly tap the tip of it, bringing your face closer and banter right in front of his cockhead: "is thing on?" like it's a mic, your mic, you own it, using it however and whenever you want. He immediately replies with a high pitched moan: "Ah- yes! fuck it's turned on-" his voice tone is getting noticeably yearning especially when you start to slam repeatedly his tip on your lips. Without even warning him, you suddenly move your head down his pelvis, taking his cock fully down your throat, squeezing it with your lips while your tongue tries to get it even wetter. As if it wasn't enough for getting Woo's mind completely foggy, totally addicted to how warm and tight your mouth feels, you drag your hand down his balls, palming and massaging them carefully as you raise your head to lick only his tip. "Oh shit- i'm close- so fucking close-" you instinctively move your palm on his length and start to stroke it quickly, giving him the perfect last friction that could get him over the edge, to his climax, giving him another enchanting orgasm. "Yes babe, come on..." you attach your lips to his cockhead another time "... cum on my face, paint me good" he's now a whimpers and moans mess, the pleasure's dazzling his mind that the only thing he can do about is praising you and begging you to don't stop. You can't do anything but giggling mischievously while speeding your pace up and watch joyfully how his dick keeps swirling and twisting under your gaze. And then, it happens. Ropes of cum shooting right at your face, drops and drops falling down your chin, licking away what lands on your lips. You looked at him intensely, like you'd want to devour him countless of times. "Being so nice for me Woo, but we're not done yet, you know it, right?"
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yuri-is-online · 1 month
Trey seeing you like his teasing and bullying, don't tempt the man. He's barely hanging on.
the following is a rough concept? warm up? from a long fic I have been writing on and off for months now. the context is that Trey is sick and Yuu has decided to bring him food before Riddle can kill him w/ Lilia on the assist.
Nothing too explicit... yet. yet
"Seriously." You sigh, focusing on the container and... quivering. Your arms are straining against the containers unintentional vacuum seal, did you run over here to see him as soon as you heard about him fainting? Or were you just too... he doesn't want to say stupid even though it catches in his throat along with his saliva when he sees you roll your lower lip under your teeth and grunt. "It's tight." Yes, something is, wound so tight it ought to snap.
"Need some help?" His voice is uncharacteristically breathy, as is the directness of the offer, and he thinks he can make out disappointment. A phantom strength allows him to sit up as his eyes narrow to let him see just that much better; he tries focusing on your teeth, it's the left canine that's denting your lip. It pushes in as he moves forward, threatens to pierce the flesh. The lump in his throat goes down as he floats more than moves up from the bed, resting his weight against his night stand.
"No." You bring the soup up to your chest before immediately bringing it back down. How silly of you, it must be really hot. "I keep telling you, I'm not doing this because I need you-" Trey moves his arm around to your other side, resting it on his desk and delighting in how clear your surprise is now that he has his glasses on.
"How kind of you." Your tongue peaks out to lick your canine and draws his attention back to your lips. Trey likes your lips, they're so... expressive. Uncontrollable, no matter how much you try to hide how much you want to have him around your lips always give you away. "But you've got to be doing this for some reason." Right now they purse, hooked on his bait and unaware of the line as he leans just a bit more forward crowding you closer to the desk. "That's just how this school works." Your lip trembles. Three more teeth peak out of your mouth and Trey can't even be bothered to list the numbers in his head to distract from where the blood leaving his head is going. He wants to bite down, sink in his own teeth in place of yours and suck-
"Trey!" Thank the seven you put thought to put the food behind you before you went to catch him, Trey's heavy even if you only have to push him back over to his bed which thankfully isn't that far. "You're supposed to be resting." You snatch his glasses from his head before he can even manage to react but he doesn't seem to upset. He wiggles his head back into his pillow, and looks in your vague direction as you finally manage to pop the damn lid off the soup and try to convince yourself the heat hurting your face is from the steam and not your own stupid feelings. "I'll set this over here and get some tea."
"Make some for yourself too." You think you hear him say as you walk on out in a daze.
Trey closes his eyes and tries to take a deep breath without hating himself too much. Something is wrong with him, that's got to be the correct explanation for this.
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appleblueberry-pie · 4 months
Hello again, I hope you are doing well. I was wondering if you are still open for requests. If so, may I please request for Yandere Nanami wherein his precious captive darling is sick and refuses to be nursed by him
I am 4ever open for requests. I am grateful for the meal. It shall be digested properly.
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Let Me Take Care of You.
note: You guys ever been so sick you started crying???
You both knew that this shouldn't go on for any longer. You knew you should've given in a long, long time ago. You've never felt so....terrible from a sickness before. You've never felt this helpless. Weak. But you showing weakness wasn't what destroyed you. You could care less if you looked helpless because the pain and struggle was just that great. You couldn't eat. You could only down liquids and, fuck, you really couldn't speak either. Your lower back hurt. Your arms hurt. Your sides hurt. Your neck hurt. You couldn't rest properly because of the pain. And on top of that, you were extremely fatigued, and dizzy.
During the daytime, you would overheat and even the thinnest shirts with wide-open windows could cool you. But at night, the slightest crack in the window with the millions of blankets you had on top of you couldn't warm you up. It was hell on Earth. And Kento couldn't bare to sit back and watch you struggle any longer. You were his sweetheart. His baby. His everything. And you wouldn't let him help you. It was driving him insane. In the morning, he would watch you move at a snails pace into the kitchen to refill your glass with water. You would avoid eye contact. If he told you good morning, you would reply. But your voice trembled when you spoke, as if it was a task to even make noise. It made him put his newspapers down in extreme concern. But still, you wouldn't let him help you. Take care of you.
It was when he came back for work that he decided he had enough. He thought about it the entire time he was on the clock. He took you in for a reason. He vowed to himself that he would never neglect you and would always take care of you. Yes, he wanted you to be comfortable around him, and yes, he allowed you to set some barriers between the two of you, but you were so sick.
When he walked in the door, all of the lights were off and it was slightly stuffy. The windows were all closed and you obviously didn't eat, seeing the empty kitchen sink with no dirty dishes. He sighs and makes his way to the bathroom. He goes to turn on the light when he hears the soft sound of sobbing from the bedroom. He freezes and turns towards the bedroom door, walking over to sneakily place his ear on it. You're crying. Kento knocks on the door. "Y/n?" Immediately, the sound stops. "Can I come in, please?" You sigh shakily underneath the covers. How the fuck did he hear you? You tell him no. The door creaks open and he softly closes the door behind him.
He walks around to your side of the bed and kneels down to see your puffy face, wet with tears. It breaks his heart knowing he was gone and couldn't comfort you when you were crying like this. "Hey, what's wrong?" He rubs your arm above the blankets and you sniffle. "It's nothing. Please leave me alone." God, you sounded like you were in pain. You could almost see a vein popping out of his neck. You were beginning to stress him out. "Y/n." You shook your head. "No."
His eye twitched and he got into a more comfortable sitting position on the floor. "Sweetie, you know I told you not to keep secrets. Can you please tell me what has you so upset?" It was so painfully obvious what was wrong. There were used tissues scattered on the ground, you had so many blankets, and he could see your sunken in face.
"You're sick."
You used the energy you didn't have to try and turn the other way. You only managed to get yourself onto your back. It was silent between the two of you. You closed your eyes and tried to focus on not crying again, but it was just too much. You didn't want his help. He ruined your life. Kidnapped you, erased your public image, got rid of your phone number. You had nothing but him. You didn't want him. You ignored him. You tried to ignore him. He's right here for you and you just can't help but realize he's quite literally all that you have. It's so humiliating how you have to depend on the only person who you hate that is willingly giving himself to you like this.
A terrible sob rips itself out of your chest and you cover your face with your hands, a migraine reappearing at the strain you place on yourself once more. "I know I'm sick. I fucking know!" You couldn't even properly yell at him, too tired to even try. He frowns, and kneels on the floor, closer to the edge of the bed. "Then why don't you let me take care of you?" He wants to wipe your face of the tears, wipe the sweat off of your forehead. Feel you again. But he's scared he'll stress you out even more.
His hand almost hovers over your face as you cry. Your sad sigh of pain gives him the courage he needs to gently bring the back of his index finger over your face. He wipes a tear that falls down your cheek before bringing his other hand to wipe the other side completely. You let him. His touch was so very gentle. As if he didn't want to scare you away. "I can take care of you...." I am capable, he wanted to add that on. He loved you so much. He would rather fight a thousand curses before seeing you in this state again. He will do almost anything for you. Anything to see you happy. See you smile. He wanted to be fully yours. And he will do anything to prove that to you. Your eyes flutter open when he's done and you look over at him sadly.
Your eyes, so beautiful and beguiling, give him the softest look he's ever gotten from you. It makes his heart skip a beat and he sits up straighter. He would smile at you, but now is obviously not the time for that. "How do you feel? Do you want me to bring you medicine? Are you still in pain?" You look away before making eye contact with him again and nodding. He nods back and responds, "Okay. I will bring you some medicine and more water to drink." He wipes stray hairs off of your face, realizing how much you had to neglect yourself to rest. "I will make you beef stew, as well. You might be hungry, and your body needs energy to survive. I won't let you drink just water. Hopefully you will finish it all, and by then, maybe I could get you cleaned up, if you allow me to." You stare at him silently. He was offering to help you get better. You honestly don't remember the last time anyone has done that for you. But even then, he was still your kidnapper. Still, though, what were you going to do, say no? You hesitate before nodding to him. His face finally softens and he caresses your cheek one more time before forcing himself to stop.
"I love you." A weight is lifted off of his chest when he says those words. He wanted to say it to you in a better moment, but any moment is a good moment rather than when it's too late. He doesn't let you respond and gets up to leave and make you stew, a new fervor in his stride.
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c-nstantine · 4 months
Can't Keep My Hands Off You
Description: Inspired by a comment from @blckbarbiedoll
Warnings: Creampie, quickie, car sex
Word Count: 0.8k
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Y/N smoothed her dress as she stared into her reflection in the mirror of her and Roy's shared apartment. This dress was different than her usual 'princess' style but it looked great on her nonetheless. While it was floor length, there was a slit in the silky material that ran up to her hip. That in combination with the corseted bodice that pushed up her breasts, she looked damn good. She had her hair done earlier that morning to install a long black lace front with a middle part.
"Damn, I am a lucky man," Roy whistled as he approached her from behind. He was practically ready to go outside of his bowtie being undone. His hands found her waist and lingered there as he pressed a kiss to her cheek.
"We look good," She said turning to him and fixing his tie. It had become a habit of theirs for her to do it.
"Maybe too good to go out?" Roy entertained lightly with a smirk. Y/N smacked his chest and rolled her eyes.
"Come on, we're going to be late," She pulled him by his coat sleeve and led him out the apartment door.
At first, Roy was concerned when Y/N told him to pull off into a dark alley just thirty minutes before they had reached their destination. He figured that she was sick or something but then she told him to get in the back seat. He used to pray for times like this when they started dating.
"No panties? You just wanted me to fuck you in the backseat," He said as she ground into his lap. The perk of wearing a dress with such a high slit is that it is easy to fuck in.
"Roy, please," She whined into his neck. Her lips pressed into his neck just above his collar to avoid staining. His hands slipped between them and he rubbed her pussy ever so slightly. His fingers just barely grazed her clit and she let out a small whine.
"Fuck, you're wet already," He groaned and tapped her thigh so that she would raise her hips. He made quick work of belt and zipper before sliding down his pants and boxers. His tip was dripping with precum and flushed red.
"If you ruin this dress, no sex for a week," She spoke as she lowered herself onto him making sure that neither of their fluids got on her dress. She let a loud sigh as she adjusted to his length.
"Yes, ma'am," Roy's grip on her hips tightened as he helped her ride him in the tight space. The car began to rock back and forth but neither of them could be bothered to care.
Y/N's hands gripped Roy's shoulders for support and sure every once in and while her head would bump the roof of the car but that was nothing to the pleasure that she was feeling. One hand left her hip and trailed down to her clit. Her pussy clenched tighter around him as he played with her clit bringing her more and more pleasure. He watched her mouth drop open forming a small 'o'.
"Roy, I'm gonna-" Her voice faltered as she approached her orgasm. Roy took control of her hips and did the work for her. Her moans got louder and louder as she came on his dick.
"Where do you want me?" Roy grunted while trying to keep himself together. He tried his best not to cum until she told him where. His neck and face were flushed red.
"Inside, baby, inside," She instructed him still slowly moving. She let out a whine as she felt his warm seed enter her. The two of their breathing turned into pants as they murmured 'I love you'. Y/N placed a long kiss on Roy's lips and smiled.
"I'll get the baby wipes," Roy spoke after a few moments of contentment. The two of them tried not to make this a frequent habit but as her father's daughter, it never hurt to be prepared.
"Hey, Dad," Y/N immediately greeted her father as they found him through the crowd of people in the venue. There was some classical music playing that made her feel like she was in Bridgerton.
"You look gorgeous as always, Y/N, even if you're an hour late. Roy," Bruce hugged his daughter and just eyed Roy as he normally does.
"Hi, Mr. Wayne," Roy waved from behind Y/N. He didn't know when he would get over his fear of Bruce. Every time he got close, he remembered that Bruce was also Batman.
"It's called being fashionably late. I'll go start my rounds with the old people." Y/N said before disappearing into the crowd of people with her shimmering dress. Roy watched as her hips swayed side to side and she blew him a kiss before conversing with some old billionaire.
"The next time you two are 'fashionably late', you might want to make sure she doesn't leave any marks on you," Bruce placed on hand on Roy's shoulder and pulled him closer. Roy's face flushed red as he reached for the right side of his neck as he remembered what Y/N did to his neck.
"Yes, sir," He spoke quickly and looked down to his shoes. He's really got to learn to resist Y/N.
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Taglist: @flyestvenustrap @megamindsecretlair @blxckdesire @prettyvintageafternoon @lilbanas @certifiedloverwoman @melissa-ashe @hoyoooo
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heartssatoru · 1 year
you’re HCs are amaaaazing!!! I was wondering if you could do how the JJK men act when they are sick (cause men are usually more dramatic when they are sick), and how they act to their gf or want from her.
Could I get Gojo, Megumi, Itadori, Sukuna(we can pretend he gets sick) and anyone else you want?
Of course! Lol for the sake of this fic yeah! Thank you for the request
Characters:gojo, megumi, itadori, sukuna.
Warnings:gojo being gojo, and fluff
Whines and everything, strongest jujutsu sorcerer defeated by sickness.
Literally begs for you to cuddle him or something, you guys can be sick together..!
Refuses to take medicine, disgusting. Anything but that
Begs for kisses cuddle and everything. The only thing this man will accept
Thinks he's dying because he gets sick once, and then starts crying
Says stuff like "for all you know this is my last day" and stuff
You know how I said refuses to take medicine? Minutes later hes whining because of a headache
Also gets offended if you distance yourself because he's sick
Hes a big baby, will complain. When you ask if he wants medicine he says no, then starts complaining again
Loves laying on your thighs when he's sick cause their warm (begs half of the time)
Doesnt make a big deal out of it like gojo does, infact is more mature about it
Takes medicine, thinks he doesn't have time to be sick
Gets annoyed easily though, not at you. Just cause he's sick
Especially when he constantly has to take medicine. Doesn't complain though
Tries not to come close to you, because he's scared he'll get you sick
However if you insist, then he'll let you cuddle him. But still scared you'll get sick
Falls asleep with you, loves your warmth. Even if it's too hot.
Gets a bit clingy, just not enough for you to be able to notice immediately
Also doesn't let you go as soon as you both are Cuddling eachother
Sobs as soon as he finds out he's sick. he hates being sick.
Refuses to take medicine, unless he gets something in return
Like hugs or just affection, like megumi, tries to be careful since he's sick
Melts in your arms, but be careful when hes sleeping.
Will toss and turn, especially if your warm. He doesn't even know though
Whines in your arms when he wakes up feeling worse than before.
Sukuna will call him weak, as expected of course.
Huh? What? Why is he sick? He shouldn't even be able too.
Gets mad n shit, then asks if he could lay on your chest or something
Acting like as if nothing happened, if you say no. He wont force you
Just will be annoyed cause he thinks warmth will help him
However if you do say yes
He'll probably go to sleep on your chest, surprisingly. Or atleast tries too.
Refuses to take that disgusting medicine. Do you take him as weak?
He'll be feeling better within a day
He wasn't, and is pissed cause how did he even get sick?
Uses it as an excuse to be more touchy with you. Any chance he gets he'll take🤷‍♀️
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Bucky Barnes x Reader
a/n: a little angsty.
Summary: On the day of your engagement party to another man, Bucky takes a ride on the train.
“Wherever you stray, I follow.”
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The train rolls forward, a smooth ride to ease Bucky’s aching. Yes, his body is sore and tired, but his mind is a complete wreck. His eyes lull out the window, watching trees moving backwards. The Styrofoam coffee cup in his hand is now lukewarm, but he still drinks out of it. His movement is robotic, hand moving up to his lips; he takes a sip then brings it down. Bucky does this several times as the train moves on, until the cup is empty and then he just sits there. The usual stop is only two stations away and he doesn’t know if he wants to get off.
Maybe he can just stay on, ride it out, see where the train ends up. The thought is so comforting, he decides that is exactly what he will do. Satisfied, Bucky gets up from his seat and goes to the dining cabin to fetch more coffee. The people in their seats he tries desperately to not make eye contact with; if he does, he knows he’ll just attempt to find you in them. Your eyes, soft and puzzling at times, your smile, sweet, but condescending at times – everything that he finds perfect in you, he is always looking for in others.
Bucky gets to the dining cabin and fills his cup to the brim, black coffee, and nothing else. The bitterness tingles his tongue as he takes a sip and debates on ordering a sandwich. He does, a BLT and he takes a seat and watches the scenery. It’s beautiful for a Sunday and he thinks of you, as if it’s the first time of the day. It’s not though, but he likes to kid himself. Anything to not think of what today is, what it means for you, him, everything.
It’s your engagement party; the invite in pieces on his desk at home. The plan was to attend, he was going to be there for you even if it made him sick. Yet, this morning, he found himself on a train. The train the two of you have taken so many times; just for fun, to get away from the city. His sandwich is ready, and he gets up from the window stool and thanks the woman behind the counter. She is beautiful, her smile is warm, but he just takes the sandwiches and goes back to his seat – two cabins away. The announcement for the next stop rings in the air as he takes his seat, settling just as the train slows its speed.
“It’s never too late.”
“Sam, stop, man. She’s happy.”
Sam shrugs and gently pats Bucky on his back. “It’s never too late until it’s too late.”
“When did you become so philosophical?”
They share a laugh, but Bucky’s fades when his eyes catch yours; you smile at him from across the room, newly fiancé’s arm around your waist. He hates him, but he grins nonetheless; if you are happy, he is happy.
Bucky feels like a coward, never being able to act on his feelings. To express what holds in his heart and now, he just sulks in corners of the world. He finally realizes that loving you from afar is all he gets for his nonexistent effort.
“Serves you right,” he mutters to himself as someone plops down on the seat next to him. He groans internally, because since he got on the train, no one has dared to seat in his section. He supposes his hard broach facial expression doesn’t have the same effect on everyone alike. He eyes the person next to him and his heart drops.
“I barely got on, I’m completely out of breath,” you huff, head dipping into the seat. Bucky watches as you fan yourself with the train ticket in your hand. He watches as a bead of sweat falls down your forehead and then when you finally look at him, he curses at you.
“What the hell are you doing here?”
“Nice to see you too,” you laugh, taking a deep breath. “Got any water?”
Bucky scowls, eyes taking in the outfit on your body; it is a cream color dress, long and flowy. Almost a wedding dress, but not nearly fancy enough. The sleeves were long, puffy and to your wrist – he immediately thinks of how ethereal it all looks on you.
Like a modern damsel in distress.
But distress isn’t written on your face.
“It’s fine, I can breathe again,” you smile at Bucky, head turning to him. “Hi.”
He smiles, cannot help it. “Hi.”
“I think we should ride to the end; we’ve never ridden to the end.”
He’s dreaming, he is certain but the way you smile at him; Bucky does not care. Instead, he offers the sandwich in his hand, and you gladly take it, proclaiming how hungry you are. “I didn’t get a chance to eat today.”
“The engagement party…”
You nod. “Couldn’t go through with it. I thought it was what I wanted…that he was what I wanted but that’s not fair.”
Bucky’s eyes watch yours carefully as you devour the sandwich. “What’s not fair?”
Crumbling the plastic wrap the sandwich came in, you swallow the rest and breath out. Your body turns to face Bucky and you reach for the hand not accompanied by cup of coffee. You hold his hand gingerly and shrug. “It wouldn’t be fair to marry him when all I want is you, Bucky. All these years, I wished something would happen between us and it never did. Then I met Ethan, and he was great, but he wasn’t you. Then Sam called me this morning and aren’t we just fools?”
Bucky wants to be angry at his friend for ruining your day, but he can’t. He’s elated that you are holding his hand, saying the things he’s been dying to hear all these years. “What about Ethan?”
You sigh. “This will pass for him; he deserves to be with someone that loves him and only him.”
It feels good, it feels like a clean break and any guilt that was starting to form, disappears. Bucky is free to take you in his arms and he does, hand slipping up around your neck steadying you as he crashes his lips against yours. It’s the first kiss the two of you have ever had and the wait is worth it. His lips dance around yours and your hand presses into his chest, then the train comes to the next stop and the two of you pull away. He laughs, then you laugh. Foreheads press against each other; you ask if he wants to ride the rest of the way or get off at the usual station.
Bucky’s eyes soften and he touches the side of your face with the loving hand of a man in heaven. “Let’s see what’s at the end….”
Nodding, you lean in for a kiss. “…to the very end.”
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lov3m3darling · 1 year
Bedtime Story (Wally Darling x sick!reader)
Yes, I'm writing again this soon. Yes, I'm mentally ill.
Let me live.
Anyway, basically you've caught a cold and Wally comes over to read to you while you're stuck in bed. Reader is gn as usual. No warnings needed on this one! Just some fluff!
Word had spread pretty quickly that you were ill, and all the neighbors were immediately worried about you.
Barnaby and Sally tried to keep you entertained while you were stuck in bed, Julie brought you flowers and soup, Eddie made you a ‘Get Well Soon!’ card, Frank attempted to diagnose you himself (wearing a mask because EW, he didn’t want your germs!), Howdy came over and did some cleaning for you, and Poppy baked you cookies and brought medicine.
But nobody was more worried about you than Wally.
His calm attitude wouldn’t let him show it, but he was fussing over you BIG TIME. He wanted to do something to help, too…but what?
“That’s it! Home, you’re a genius!”
Home knocked proudly.
With that, Wally picked out a nice happy book to read you, and headed out.
He knocked on your door, and heard a sneeze and a whimper, followed by a weak “Come in”
“Y/n? It’s me!”
Your stuffy voice tried to sound happy.
“Oh, hey Wally! What- ACHOO! …brings you by today?”
“Oh dear, (y/n)...you sound just terrible”
You laughed and rolled your eyes, sitting up in bed.
“Golly, thanks..”
But really, Wally thought you looked and sounded just as perfect as always, even with a red sniffly nose and your hair sticking in all directions. 
Yes…he loved you. He was sure of it. He’d known for a while, and he had been ready to finally confess, but then you came down with this terrible cold and he couldn’t.
And you felt the same, which made you feel very conflicted right now.
On the one hand, you were thrilled Wally had come to visit you in your time of need, but on the other hand, you really did look awful and suddenly you became hyper aware of this.
You hastily tried to smooth down your hair as you motioned for him to sit in the chair beside your bed.
“Well, I thought maybe you’d like a story” Wally explained, holding up your favorite book. How did he know? 
“Thank you…that’s really thoughtful. Actually, this cold is keeping me from sleeping well. Maybe a story will help”
He sat down and opened the book, but before he could start, he noticed you shivering despite all the blankets you had.
“Are you cold, friend?”
“Oh, um, kind of. Stupid fever…” you laughed nervously.
“Here, I’ll warm you up”
Okay, this fever must have caused you to hallucinate. Or at the very least, mishear your yellow friend.
Before you could ask him to repeat what he said, he was climbing into bed with you, coaxing you to snuggle up to him for warmth while he read to you.
“Any better? Cozier?”
“Y-Yes” you answered, your heart thumping in your ears. 
Truthfully, Wally wasn’t that warm. But somehow him being so close made you feel much warmer anyway…
He nodded and began to finally read the story.
He hadn't even finished the chapter when he looked down and noticed your eyelids fluttering shut. He was glad; you looked like you hadn't slept in a week. And actually, you pretty much hadn't. He closed the book and waited for your breathing to even out before gently kissing your forehead and smiling.
"When you get better, I'm going to ask you on a date. Barnaby said I should take you apple picking...that sounds like fun, I think. (Y/n)...I think you're just the absolute most"
But he didn't realize you hadn't quite drifted off yet. You heard everything.
You smiled, finally letting sleep carry you away as you made a mental note to act surprised when he asked you out.
Cold be damned, you were on cloud 9!
Ain't he just the sweetest? Idk his voice is soothing to me and I just love the idea of him reading to me for comfort.
Hope this was decent :3
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moonlight1110 · 5 months
Warming up to you ♡
Ghost x Reader ; College!au fluff miniseries
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Tags: VERY quick reads, far from canon Simon, fluff, strangers to lovers!!!!!!!!!!!!!, college!au
PART: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5
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"You caught my cold didn't you"
Sent 1:31pm
"No, I'm perfectly fine."
Sent 1:32pm
"Simon, be honest with me. You're sick, aren't you?"
Sent 1:33pm
Sent 1:34pm
"On my way"
sent 1:34pm
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It was the end of the month, you passed your assignment and all that was left to do was wait for the results. However, you didn't spot Simon in class when you walked in to submit the assignment.
You sighed, shaking your head as you realized he did in fact, catch your cold. You texted him immediately, and with the way he responded, you knew you had to check up on him.
Knock, knock, knock
Heavy footsteps approached the door as you waited outside. Simon's glaring eyes met yours as he peeked out from the small crack in his door, immediately softening once he saw that it was you. "Hey there, you feeling alright?" You ask concerned upon seeing the bags under his eyes.
"Not really, no..." He grumbled, stepping aside to let you in. You give him a reassuring nod as you enter, carrying a plastic bag just as he did for you.
"Medicine? You didn't have to buy me any, I still have a bunch" he looked at you intently as you started pulling the items out. "It's not medicine, I bought you food and some cooling strips" you smiled warmly, feeling bad since you knew he caught his cold from you.
He nods, sitting down beside you. Simon watched you pull the items out, slowly leaning his head down on your shoulder, the sudden weight made you gasp a little bit and you stiffened up to take the weight of his body on yours.
"I'm sorry... This is all my fault" you mumbled, looking over at Simon who had his eyes closed. He hummed, shaking his head slowly.
"Don't worry about that..." He whispered against the shell of your ear, making you shudder a little.
"L-let's get you to bed, come on" you hooked an arm around his torso, slowly standing up with Simon still leaning into you. With how big he was, it was difficult trying to get him on his bed without stumbling.
You tried to set him down slowly but you lost your balance, accidentally making Simon plop down on his bed harder than you intended, with your body almost on top of his, hovering just a bit.
"Oh shit— I'm sorry" you chuckled, Simon scoffed, finding the situation a little funny as well.
You tried to get up from him, but a soft grip on your wrist made you stop to look down at him. His eyes were half-lidded, a small smile on his lips as he looked into your eyes.
"Stay..." He whispered, voice lower than usual due to his cold. You blink, feeling heat rising to your cheeks rapidly as Simon pulled you closer, laying you on top of him.
"Simon, what are you..." Your voice trailed off as Simon looked into your eyes, rubbing your back. "What?" He whispered, eyes glued to your lips.
You shake your head with a sigh as you looked at him, feeling guilty for being the purpose of his cold. "You never should've gotten in bed with me when I was sick... Now you have a cold and it's my fault" you furrow your brows.
"I said don't worry about that..." His voice was soft, almost a whisper as he found you cheek with his hand, caressing it gently as his eyes went from your lips to your eyes, his breath hot.
"No... let me worry" you sighed, closing your eyes as you laid on his chest. You felt the vibration of Simon laughing gently below you, his arms wrapping around your waist as he slowly flipped the two of you over on your side.
"If you're so worried then why don't you get sick again so we can be sick together?" Simon jokes, cupping your cheek in his palm, stroking it gently with his thumb.
His skin was hot against yours and his gaze even hotter as he never broke eye contact with you, his touch ever so gentle, a stark contrast to his hard exterior.
Silence falls over the two of you, but it was comfortable and pleasant... And slowly, as Simon continued to look into your eyes, he leaned in, and you found yourself doing the same.
With closed eyes, you felt his breath dancing on your lips as it brushed against yours, making you breathe heavier. His thumb moved to glide over your bottom lip... And finally your lips connected.
You hummed, finding Simon's cheek with your hand as you replicated his soft caress. It was a soft and sweet kiss, something that you both needed.
"I've wanted to do that for a while" he confesses with a small laugh after you part. His face flushed as he looked into your eyes. It was sweet.
"Let's talk more later... You need to get some sleep"
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makuro-ua · 1 year
okokok wally x reader
except wally doesnt know that hes falling in love with the reader
he just thinks they are Such Good Friends
so he has to have the reader explain to him that no. this isn't just best friendship. youre in love wallace.
also can the reader be silly
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“I think… I love you more than a friend, neighbor.”
Warnings : None
Platonic or Romantic? : Romantic.
Wally stared at the shuffling bush.
You came out of it! In… a karategi? those uniforms for karate? you were holding your hands up as if you were about to hit someone.
Although he’d stifle in laughter like the first few weeks he’d met you or seen you like this, he didn’t. Something else was getting in the way.
His heart jumped, he felt so weird— it was this feeling again! Wally’s heart clenched and he felt swarms of butterflies flying in his stomach. It was strange.
His face would flush up.
And… he was shaking?
You looked around the forest until you saw the lake and Wally.
You put down your hands and walked up to him.
You giggle, patting his shoulder.
“What are you drawing there?”
Wally immediately tried to cover your eyes from the painting. He didn’t know why he did it— but he did? there was a feeling of shame inside of him, like you might not like it.
But he was too late. You already held Wally steady in his seat with both your hands on his shoulders.
“You drew this?!”
You exclaimed, your eyes glistening with amazement.
The butterflies in his stomach fluttered even more, and you hugged him from behind.
“I love it, I love it, I love it!!!!”
You giggled and slightly jumped, careful not to let the seat Wally was sitting in move. It might hit the easel if Wally or you bump into it, and you don’t wanna ruin his painting so you tried not to be too crazy on the jumping.
But it was so amazing!
However, you noticed how quiet Wally got and how his face was in a orange-red tint.
“Wally?— are you… sick?”
You asked him.
Wally shook his head and let out a few deep breaths.
“N-no, neighbor! you just make me feel… so weird when you’re around.”
You looked at him in worry and let go of the hug, backing away.
“Oh- uh… sorry.”
You mumbled. Wally panicked and stood up, walking to you.
“No! No- no not that way, friend! I didn’t mean to hurt you!”
Wally smiled at you nervously.
“Then… what is it?”
You ask. Wally was very hesitant to respond, and you began getting even more curious.
“It’s just… I feel so weird around you. You’ve been on my mind for quite a long time, and it feels like Frank’s butterflies are in my stomach… I didn’t eat them, of course.” 
Wally lied a bit at the last part. He has eaten one of Frank’s butterflies on accident. He was curious how it tasted and he stared at it for too long and— wait. Right.
“I… I don’t know. My face feels so warm, and my heart keeps doing these tricks and flips.”
Oh, now you get it.
“Oh, Wally…”
Your voice softened as you smiled at him.
“You really feel that way?…”
Wally nods.
“Yes, friend— of course I do!”
You hug him and laugh.
“I love you too, silly! That means you’re in love with me!”
Wally’s face scrunched up in confusion and embarassment. 
“L-love?! As in, love in relationship or?…”
“Yes, that love, Wally! those butterflies, thinking of someone all the time, all the things you said are a confession, dummy!”
You chuckled.
Oh, how bright you were. He loved looking at you.
You were so adorable.
“Oh. I… I see, neighbor!”
Wally chuckled and smiled.
“Then… I love you.”
“I love you lots, and lots [Y/N]!”
That soft spoken, monotone voice telling you that he loved you was absolutely adorable.
And you’d cherish him the same way he cherishes you.
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A/N : Oh christ I hope I got this one right since Im not sure how to describe silly— anyways!! I hope you all enjoyed this one. Thank you for reading till’ the end! <33
——-> PART 1
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mazeinthemiroh · 1 year
ah omg pretty princess anon here 😞😞 so sorry i forgot to specify :(( ateez please ^_^ thank you love <3
ateez when their s/o asks them who they think the prettiest princess/prince is
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genre: scenarios; fluff, crack
word count: 0.8k
warnings: idk most of them are a mixture of crack and fluff but MINGIS ONE IS SO FLUFFY, GOT ME IN MY FEELS AND EVERYTHING anyways enjoy ig
pls like and reblog if your enjoy! feel free to request anything <3
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"joongie, who's the prettiest princess/prince in all the world?"
you asked this as cutely as you possibly could. however, you did have a terrible cold and had been sick with it for a couple of days now. your boyfriend was taking care of you for all this time and you felt especially clingy today.
hongjoong tried his best not to grimace as he passed you a box of tissues. "i couldn't possibly answer that now, my love."
"joongieeeeee" you whined before blowing your nose loudly, making him shuffle away slightly.
"i still love you though," he smiled and patted you on the head, to which you rolled your eyes.
"you're my prettiest princess/prince, of course."
seonghwa pressed a warm kiss on your forehead. he had you wrapped up in his arms and both of your bodies were messily on the couch of his dorm room.
you could he hongjoong go 'eww' in the background, making you chuckle slightly. seonghwa peppered you with more kisses after hearing hongjoong's little remark, becoming more and more dramatic with each withdrawal of his mouth. you couldn't help but giggle at his actions.
"wdym mingi??"
this was literally a text conversation between you and your boyfriend, yunho. you asked him who the prettiest princess/prince was and awaited a very easily accessible compliment, only for yunho to reply with someone else.
you scrunched your face up, confused as you awaited his response.
"the other members agree too 😩"
you rolled your eyes at his response. well, there you have it. mingi is the prettiest princess and you just had to accept it.
"you're so pretty," yeosang whispered under his breath as he watched you instead of the tv. undoubtedly, you were much more interesting to him.
"am i the prettiest princess/prince ever?" you fluttered your eyelashes at him and did your best pretty pose.
yeosang drew back in fake horror and whacked you with a pillow, "never do that again."
you, in turn, hit him back with your pillow.
"you're just jealous because you know i'm the prettiest!
catch sannie in a soppy and romantic mood, and you don't even need to ask him this question. he's already calling you these types of names, and more.
"you're my precious princess/prince. my prettiest person. my angel, the love of my life, my soulmate, my everything-"
how many beers had he drunk tonight? oh wait, no. he's completely sober."okay san, i get it," you cut him off, amused by your boyfriend's new mood.
"you didn't let me finish!" san gasped, pretending to be appalled. "you're my honeybunch, sugarplum. pumpy-umpy-umpkin. you're my sweetie pie~
"cut it out," you giggled as he sang even louder for you on purpose. you couldn't help but find it endearing.
"yes, you are."
mingi would reply to your question immediately and without any thought.
both of you say on your shared bed together, sheet face masks in your face and jade rollers at the ready. it was your skincare session, where both of you got to fully relax together and enjoy each other's company.
mingi looked at you dreamily and, god- you'd never thought you would get a man to look at you the way he did.
you pressed a long, slow kiss against his lips, masks still on. there was nowhere you'd rather be.
wooyoung obviously said he was the prettiest princess in all the land. which was actually really hard to argue with.
"i'm prettier than you," wooyoung said in the most childish voice possible before doing the most horrendous aegyo you'd ever seen.
"that was disgusting," you laughed at him hysterically and he shoved you a bit.
"you're not a princess, woo," you retorted when you saw him sulking, "you're boo from monsters inc!"
his eyes lit up at this comment, "oh my gosh you're right! hold on lemme get some hair ties-"
i think you won that argument.
"yes, you're the prettiest princess/prince," jongho replied to your question with a dull voice, not even looking up from his phone as he said this.
you crossed your arms over your chest and pouted slightly.
"you could be more enthusiastic about it, you know."
jongho shrugged at this and finally looked up. he liked doing this; teasing you was just too easy. "you already know you're pretty," he mused, looking back down.
"yeah, but it's nice to hear it from you once in a while," you pointed out, sinking into the couch next to him. jongho chuckled at your behaviour and reached out to hold your hand.
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anime-fan-05 · 6 months
Akatsuki no Yona ~Sleeping together 2nd part~
1st part is here.
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"Hak, I'm cold..."
It's a really cold and very breezy night and, although (Y/N) is wrapped in a blanket, she's still shivering from the cold.
"Ohime-sama (princess), you have the whole blanket wrapped around you, how are you still cold?"
"I don't know... I'm sorry Hak, Yona and I do nothing but cause you problems."
"(Y/N)-hime (princess (Y/N)), you never cause me problems, only your sister Yona does. I'm the one who apologizes to you: when you are cold, I should do everything to warm you, and it's what I'm going to do."
Hak hugs (Y/N) gently, bringing her body between his legs and holding her close. Her cheeks immediately heat up at our proximity.
"H-Hak? What are you doing?"
"I'm warming you up, (Y/N)-hime. Now tell me: why did you choose to sleep with me? Do you want something? -he takes a short break- Or maybe do you want to do something with me?" There it is, his true flirtatious and provocative character. He couldn't be sweet for once...
"Because I trust you a lot!"
(Y/N) can't see it because of the darkness, but Hak is smiling, slightly blushing. However, his blush quickly fades when he takes the princess' wrist and brings her face closer to his. Now she's the red one.
"You shouldn't say that, ohime-sama. It makes me want to do things to you..."
A few moments pass and (Y/N) relaxes in his hold, hugging him tightly and snuggling into him.
"Yes, ohime-sama?"
"Thank you."
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~Cough, cough~
"(Y/N), does your throat hurt?" Yoon gets up from his bed worried.
"It doesn't hurt, ~cough~ I just have ~cough~ a lot of coughing."
"Here -the boy hands the girl a small bowl containing a clear liquid- it's a medicine to reduce coughing. In any case, if your throat doesn't hurt, it means you're recovering."
"This is ~cough~ all thanks to ~cough~ you ~cough~!"
"Baka! Just drink the medicine!" Yoon turned red and flustered.
So cute! (Y/N) can't help but think this.
Then, the boy moved his bed closer to her.
"I'll stay up for a while to check on you and give you medicine for tomorrow. Try to sleep."
"Thank you, Yoon, for everything you have done for me, Yona-hime (princess Yona) and Hak too."
"I-it was nothing."
Now Yoon is all embarrassed, how cute! (Y/N) continues to think.
The sick stares at the doctor for a few minutes without being noticed, then she closes her eyes, and, when she's about to fall asleep, Yoon lies down next to her and closes his eyes, his hand finding its way to hers.
"Weren't you supposed to give me medicine for tomorrow?"
"Sleep, baka!"
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"NII-CHAN (big brother)! YONA!" (Y/N) quickly sits up in her bed, drenched in sweat from the nightmare she just had about her brother and Yona dying.
A few minutes after waking up, the girl hears footsteps and someone opens the door.
"Soo-won..." (Y/N) whispers to the boy who entered her room. Soo-won steps closer to her.
How could she not think about the noise she's made the last few nights? Her room is next to the king's, and Soo-won probably heard her screams and cries every night. The girl scolds herself.
"Soo-won!" (Y/N) screams, hugging the boy and crying into his chest.
The king doesn't ask questions, he just sits at the foot of her bed, carrying (Y/N) in his lap and holding her close to him. After a few minutes, her sobs turn into simple sniffles.
"Are you feeling better?"
"Yes… Thank you, Soo-won." The boy makes the girl sit down on the bed.
"You're welcome. Now, go back to sleep." Soo-won is about to get up, when (Y/N) grabs the sleeve of his dress.
"W-wait, Soo-won! Can I sleep with you tonight?" She's all red and embarrassed for asking.
Expecting rejection, the girl releases her grip on the boy's sleeve, but the king takes her hand and takes her to his room, making her lie down on his bed with him.
(Y/N) gets into a comfortable position and tries to calm her pounding heart, while Soo-won wraps her in his arms in a loving hug.
"Good night, (Y/N)."
"Good night, Soo-won."
Sorry for my long absence, school is killing me. However, I hope you enjoyed it and I respected your request anyway.
💮 Rules 💮 Masterlist 💮
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dekusdarling · 6 months
can u do shoto x reader!
Just a random scenario
omg yes I can. Thank you so much. Happy new year!
Shoto Todoroki has a big secret
ok, it’s not really a secret, but he thinks it is
he…likes you (GASP)
he’s never really felt like this before
you make him really warm? Like, in the face? He’ll have to look that up.
but you brought out his smile, which left your knees buckling because this boy is so pretty.
ugh, he’s beautiful
so of course New Year’s Day when the doors of the dorm open and the class runs into the snow, he has something important to ask you
…do you wanna build a snowman?
“are you certain?” the two toned boy asked worriedly as you zipped up your third layer of jacket.
“certain” you said determinedly. Shoto didn’t ask for much, something that always surprised you considering he was one of the wealthiest people you knew. But when he did, he got it, especially when he asked it from you.
he nodded slightly as he opened the door leading to outside, holding it for you like the gentleman he was.
you smile, walking through the door and making sure he followed you as your boots hit the snow, a satisfying crunching noise coming with the action. you walk to an empty area of snow, untouched by anything besides the occasional animal tracks. You gather snow in your hands with a grin, sprinkling some in his face, to which he gives the most bewildered look and you can’t help but laugh.
“cold” he said with a slight huff, the snow melting on his face as you giggled, trying to roll snow into a ball on the ground.
“Sho’, come help me please?” You said, to which he immediately complied, your voice ringing in his ear like bells. Sho’. It was sweet, just like you. Something only you called him.
he watched you shiver a bit as you rolled the bottom of the snowman with determination. He immediately pulled off his gloves and handed them to you, wishing more than one of them were warm. He worries you’re colder than you’re letting on as your cheeks heat up, something he’d heard was an effect from brisk air.
“I don’t mind. It’s not polite to just let you freeze” he deadpanned, pushing the gloves towards you until you give in and place the gloves over your hands.
they’re a bit bigger than your hands, the fingers of the gloves loose and floppy where your own fingers couldn’t reach, causing him to smile.
snowmen are hard to make, the only thing harder is trying to describe how they’re made, so you made the snowman with Shoto, which I assure you, was hard work.
as the snowman was finished, you two admired your work as snow began to fall, quiet and calm. You smile excitedly, catching snowflakes on your tongue.
Shoto watches you, smiling softly. You’re quite endearing, the way you shine like the sun, the way you wiggle just a bit as you try to catch the snow, as if you’re trying so hard to keep still in order to catch it, but just can’t. You’re sweet, and he watches you like a blind man seeing the stars for the first time; awed and delighted.
“what?” You ask with a giggle as you catch him staring at you. Goodness, his face is getting warm again. Wasn’t he supposed to look that up? He must be getting sick.
he shakes his head with a smile.
“This might seem a bit… blunt, but I think I’m in love with you” he said simply, causing your face to redden significantly and a shy grin to spread across your lips.
“oh. Well, that’s nice. I, uh, I love you too” you babbled, a bit too surprised to give a complete thought.
you.exe has stopped working.
“can i…? *he mumbles shyly, leaning in slightly.
“oh” you say, leaning in to close the gap between them. The kiss is sloppy and at an awkward angle, his face flushed as he tries to explain that he can totally kiss better than that, until you pull him in again for a more skilled, but not theoretically better, kiss.
It must be romantic to kiss next to a snowman you’ve built, where the snow is falling and there’s no one around.
well, you thought there was no one around.
“why the hell should i know where icy hot is? I’m not his babysitter! Leave me alone, round fa- oh for fuck’s sake” the blonde hot head yelled as he rounded the corner and watched you awkwardly step away from Shoto, your lips red with warmth despite the cold as you looked away shyly.
you both got fevers the next day.
Aizawa lectured you about the safety of wearing layers and Mina never let you forget your little rendezvous with “the hottest guy in Class 1-A”. But it doesn't matter.
after all, Shoto Todoroki will never get sick of you.
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