#*❈ ‣ psa — and yet with you my world has started.
madlori · 21 days
General PSA - Michelin stars
Because this came up in a conversation I had last week.
The context was someone talking about being excited to visit a restaurant with one Michelin star in Chicago (the closest city to my city to find a starred restaurant). Someone else said "One star? So it's terrible?"
Pause, rewind.
The Michelin star system is ascending, not descending (as a five-star rating system is). You can have either zero Michelin stars (99% of of the world' restaurants), ONE star (currently about 2900 restaurants worldwide), TWO stars (about 500) or THREE stars (currently 145).
There are 6 three-star restaurants in London. Four in New York. This is the highest distinction a restaurant can achieve.
This is why you hear about chefs "earning their star," when you go from the rank and file to having a star. And once you have one, you can earn more...or you can lose it. Restaurants are re-evaluated to ensure they're maintaining their standards.
The Michelin guide does not review only fancy restaurants. Many of the starred restaurants are very high-end, but lots aren't. I ate a one-starred restaurant in San Francisco called State Bird Provisions which you'd be fine to go to in jeans and a tee. It was great. There's a food truck that has a Michelin star.
Michelin also only covers certain cities. They're continually expanding, but right now in the US they cover New York, DC, Chicago, California, central Florida (Miami/Tampa/Orlando), Colorado, Atlanta, and just recently added the five major Texas cities (Dallas/San Antonio/Austin/Houston/Fort Worth) although those results haven't been released yet. They cover a lot more in Europe and Asia (the Michelin guide is French).
And yes, it's the same company as the tire manufacturer. Early in their history they wanted people to travel more by car, and use their tires, so they started writing and printing guidebooks for travel. This evolved into restaurant ratings, and somehow along the way it became the ne plus ultra of restaurant hierarchies.
This has been your infodump post for the evening, brought to you by MadLori, Inc.
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thevirgodoll · 2 months
doll diary.
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hey angels! PSA: the wrong environment can literally take the life out of you. I’ve noticed ever since I stopped being in a hostile work environment, my skin cleared back up, I started back my maintenance routine, I got proper rest, and I’ve had more time to write posts and draft them.
point of it all is: if you’re compromising your desired lifestyle/dream, it’s not for you. if it feels wrong in your gut, in your heart, then you HAVE to walk away. and if you can’t just yet due to circumstances, live as if you have.
delusion carries people through the WORST situations. but it’s not delusional if it’s destined to happen.
exist in a reality where everything is okay and you have your dream lifestyle. it’s already on its way to you. if something pulls you further apart from the world you created, how healthy is it?
whatever doesn’t fit your narrative has to go, and I really mean that. people lose themselves in regret every single day. I refuse to play myself like that.
don’t get distracted by a lifestyle you aren’t meant for that you compromise your values and your dreams.
ask yourself if this job, this person, etc is part of your storyline. you’re the producer and you call the shots. or are you in a new season?
think of everything and everyone that doesn’t fit as plot points to push along your story. same with opportunities. just something to lead you from one place to the next.
that’s all for now. stepping into my new season.
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razz-is-queer · 3 months
life update: i’m 17 now and just recently watched we’re all going to the world’s fair and i saw the tv glow as a trans girl. i desperately want HRT but my conservative evangelical christian parents are deeply transphobic and would never give consent. i have one year left until im able to get it without parental consent. i genuinely don’t know if i can wait another year. i need to be comfortable in my own body. i will last one more year and then i can start to heal. psa to any adults contemplating having kids: if you aren’t going to love them unconditionally, don’t have them. look what “unconditional yet extremely conditional love” has gotten me. no love like christian hate ❤️. anyways please be safe out there and always show love to your queer/trans friends and family. people try to blame the rising suicide rates of queer kids on their “doubt” or “regret” over their identity but it’s really because of homophobic, transphobic assholes perpetuating this ideology that queer and trans people are wrong. goodnight anyone listening out there.
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anyaeras · 1 year
Breaking Character || W.Maximoff
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Paring || sitcom milf!wanda x AFAB!reader
Summary || When wanda is getting bored with the whole sitcom way of life, she decided to spice it up in this small town.
Warnings || Smut (at the end) ,, affairs ,, reader has a pussy ,, they/them pronouns ,, possessive!wanda ,, top!wanda ,, bottom!reader ,, legal!agegap ,, fingering ,, tit play (a little) ,, degrading (if you squint) ,, praising ,, cunnalingus ,, slight innocent!reader
Psa || expect sitcom style typing, it's meant to be silly and cringy please enjoy
Life was easy, all fun in games, every now and then some new shenanigans would come about yet it seemed it was all the same, everyday the same story it was getting old.
Wanda maximoff, she was loved by the town, Westview seemed to be just the right fit for the women, she was happy to be there, Wanda wasn't old at all she was in her late 20s, but like many other women she was forced to marry quickly after becoming an adult, so she managed to settle for vision, but he was so boring and she wanted more, I mean come on the time is rolling into the 80s it's time for a change, to evolve. This whole republican motherhood needs to die out, She wanted a change, she wanted a revolution, or just something to make her life more interesting. Vision wasn't enough for her anymore he didn't please her, and she wouldn't be shocked if there was a divorce coming her way.
Today was no different than any other, wake up, get the kids ready, take them to school, and come back to the house. Drink a cup of coffee, maybe even clean the house a bit.
"Tommy! Billie! Come on. We gotta get going" raising her voice the sound of Wanda's soft sokovian voice rang throughout the house, and following was the sound of multiple footsteps coming towards her, who at the time was standing by the front door ready to go.
Dropping the kids off was easy, I mean she did this everyday, the same story different day kinda thing, debating on going to the market for a moment Wanda decided to go as it would be a way to get out of the house, plus she had been putting off the chore for a whole, picking up some groceries for dinner, walking threw the aisles, into the meat section is where she spotted them, y/n y/l/n, they were new in town, still mysterious and unknown to Mrs.Maximoff, but y/n drew the women's attention, as they were young yet charming, sweet and innocent to the big bad world, she was interested in them.
While Wanda was lost in thought it seemed y/n had been looking down at their shopping list, not paying attention to what was in front of them, and would run right into Mrs. Maximoff.
"Oh my, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to bump into ya, I just wasn't paying attention and was lookin down at my list!" Y/n rambled, their clear mid-western accent was coming through showing Wanda they were not from around here.
"It's alright darlin, no harm done." She replied softly, yet, the bold tension (started by wanda) was definitely prominent. Y/n was growing shy under the older women's glare, so they sparked up conversation.
"Well I'm y/n y/l/n, and you are?..." y/n waited for a responses
"Wanda, Wanda Maximoff , I think I saw you around at the talent show earlier this week? If I'm not mistaken mmm?" The gingery women was thinking aloud yet y/n agreed, as the women looked relatively familiar to them.
"Oh yes, you were in the magic show right? Oh my was that your husband? You guys were very funny!" Y/n complemented, to which was taken to heart by Wanda , she always liked a nice complement, and was glad to hear people enjoyed the show, it was a nice little ego boost for the Westview witch.
The weird encounter kind of came to an end at that point yet wanda seemed to be thinking about y/n much more than she intended.
Later on Wanda was out in town on a stroll with Agatha , the infamous, next door neighbor , gossiper herself, Agatha was all for playing into the daring tension between wanda and y/n, that dark haired woman always did love some drama, and why be so traditional I mean it's 1980! It's time to make some change, maybe spice up the relationship...
"Yes yes Agatha, vision is great and all, but we don't have that magic, that feeling no more, he doesn't please me" wanda went on to say, as Agatha listened, she was honestly pretty encouraging, pushing wanda to go for it, I mean the what's the worst that could happen, right? Y/n y/l/n wasn't married yet, they were a little younger, yet they still were very bright, plus they didn't give off an uptight traditional way kinda attitude.
It seemed like deja vu, the way right then and there wanda this time ran right into y/n.
"We've got to stop meeting like this" y/n said with a slight hint of humor.
"I don't know, at this point I'm starting to believe you enjoy when we run into each other" wanda playfully shot back.
"Maybe so" y/n laughed back giving candy a bright idea, as somehow it seemed they were alone and Agatha had busied herself a few feet back.
"How about we get to know each other, well in another way haha, me and you could go grab a bit?" The older women proposed the idea, and was met with awkward silence for a moment before y/n agreed which was a little shocking to the other women.
Wanda started leading y/n off to an outdoor seating of a small local restaurant, and it seemed Agatha had "gotten lost" and left the two, letting them do their thing.
Wanda was definitely blunt she wasn't great about beating around the bush, yet she did try too.
"So tell me about yourself?" Mrs Maximoff asked pressing for more information about this younger person.
"Umm my names y/n y/l/n, grew up in a small conservative town, I'm from the Midwest, moved down here for a change, I like change I like being different" y/n kinda let the words flow, yet the women sitting across from them just sat and listened, letting y/n just talk.
"I cant brush this off anymore." Wanda cut y/n off and It was quick and to the point.
"Would you be interested...well in me? I mean you aren't married, and the lord above only knows how attractive I find you." Wanda let it out her thoughts, expecting the rejection, yet you cant blame a girl for trying.
"Yes. Yes I'd be interested, in you!" It was mumbled yet clear as day to Wanda when she heard y/n agree to the idea.
"Really? Okay, well you live alone, and I'd love to be alone with you so, how about your place Thursday" the women once's more proposed an idea to which y/n agreed and told her to call them whenever.
The two parted ways after the lunch break, both more than satisfied with the idea of each other, Wanda somehow ran back into Agatha as now she was telling her neighbor all the details.
"I can't believe they agreed, I mean this is...not very... you know holy? Good? Wife? of me, but I have needs and vision just can't fill my needs any longer" the Sokovian women went on, justifying herself yet Agatha didn't care, she was supportive no matter what.
"Wans, just be smart about this and no one will get hurt."
Thursday came rolling around fast. After the same old dropping the kids off for school, and running to the shop, wanda now found herself strolling up to y/n's house , which it wasn't to far, it was normal for Wanda to take walks, so she decided to just walk to block to arrive at their house. It wasn't like Wanda to be nervous, she was a calm, yet not patient type of person. Finally she pulled herself forcing her legs to walk towards the door, only needing to knock once.
She was met with a warm greeting from y/n, as they stepped aside letting the older women come in, y/n oddly really wanted to impress Wanda, they did things differently then most, they set up a lunch of the two of them, and got out a nice bottle of red.
"Aww you didn't have to do all this darlin, but it's nice, thank you" the compliment was taken to heart by y/n, they weren't married, so they don't come home and make dinner for anyone ever, so making a meal for this women was nice.
"It was no trouble really, it was nice to make a meal for someone" they replied causing wanda to send a soft smile their way, which lead to them sitting down to talk over another lunch.
Yet one thing led to another and things started to happen...
"Y/n im a bit older then you, are you sure you want this?" Wanda pushed making sure this wasn't gonna be a bad idea.
"I swear I want this just like you do..." y/n's words came out confidently, and that was enough for Wanda to jump into action. Standing up quickly moving to y/n she placed her hands on y/n's face before pulling them in for a sweet kiss.
Wanda took control quickly pulling them by their arm to the bedroom (which the gingery brunette had to look for but found it evidently) before pushing y/n onto the bed to continue what she started with the younger one back in the dinning room.
Wanda sat up pulling the silky robe you had put on off you, before removing her sundress, moving back to push you into the bed starting to suck on y/n's neck, leaving soft purple marks on their lower neck, drawing soft moans from the person below them.
"Oh god" fell from y/n's mouth making wanda laugh above them.
"I don't think you want god to see this silly"
Wanda clapped back before starting to pull at y/n's bra, making it pop off, tossing it to the floor before starting to groop their tits softly with both her hands, slowly building up pressure, before she wrapped her lips around y/n's bud sucking it slightly as they arched their back in response.
"Mmm seems like you enjoy being mine" Wanda laughed leaving a trail of kisses on the other person stomach, yet it seemed y/n had a little be of confidence, being able to reach out and pull the older women up to their face so they could get another kiss. After the short kiss broke, wanda laughed at the boldness of the younger one, yet at the same time Wanda's fingers were making their way under y/n's waistband, the women's fingers slipped easily threw y/n's slick folds.
"Oh my darling, you are dripping, all for me hmm?" Wanda was having to much fun embarrassing y/n, it was just so much fun. Y/n moaned at the feeling of the women's fingers slowly moving inside them, wanda slipped two fingers into them to which was enough to make y/n mewl below her.
"Look at you, a moaning mess, all for me, I mean you're mine right darling? No one else's right" Wanda asked sternly as she started to move her fingers at a decently quick pace, lost in pleasers all they could do is nod to answer her question.
"Good, so good for me" Wanda praised as she added a third finger causing y/n to jump a bit as she stretched out their pussy. Wanda was growing impatient, she wanted to make y/n scream and that's what she was gonna do, picking up her speed she was trusting her fingers in and out of the younger one, fast and hard pretty much forcing y/n over the edge and with a scream y/n couldn't even stop themself before hitting their climax quick and hard, throwing them into shock.
Wanda slowed down leaving her fingers inside y/n for a moment longer while they came down from their high, eventually wanda removed her fingers which were covered in y/n's juices, before moving then in front of your mouth, pushing past your lips forcing you to taste yourself, allowing you to moan at the flavor.
"You are so pretty honey, you turned me on so much, do you think you can help me?" Wanda asked softly getting a yes from y/n, before guiding them off the bed, to kneel on the floor next to the bed placing you between her legs, wanda pulled her own panties off, before prompting y/n to eat her out.
Y/n wasn't skilled yet they tried their hardest, slowly licking a long strip before driving in, trying to pay attention the the women's clit, and the moans coming from Wanda were definitely encouraging, the women soon put her hand in y/n's hair, guiding them a bit more, and as y/n lapped on Wanda, the women grew closer to her own high.
"Yes just like that darlin, keep go-" Wanda cut herself off with a moan, as she let go, Wanda came, as her legs where shaking yet still trapping y/n between her legs until she was able to calm down.
Pulling y/n up off their knees and back into the bed with her, Wanda laughed a little as she noticed how messy y/n's face was, giving them a kiss moaning slightly as she tasted herself in their mouth, before laying down pulling y/n into her to relax together on the bed.
"Yes y/n?"
Y/n turned now facing Wanda looking up to make eye contact with the women
"Can we take a bath?"
"Of course darling".....
From that point on Wanda and y/n would always be together in some way, yet due to Wanda's powers no one dared to question them, Wanda may have broken character, but the story kept going
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major-comet · 1 month
The Best Red vs Blue Watch Order Guide Ever. Of All Time.
So. You want to watch Red vs Blue, huh? Maybe you read my long post about how it's so weirdly incredible yet impossible to recommend and now you want to give it a shot. Or maybe you have seen the show before, but it's been a long time and/or you didn't watch any of the mini-series or anything and want to give it another go. Either way, looking at a show with a 21 year history is kind of daunting, and you have no idea where to start.
Well luckily for you, I've done the work for you.
This watch guide will cover all 19 seasons of the main show, most of the mini-series, and some of the PSA's and other such bonus content. There will be links provided for where you can watch everything I talk about. This Google Drive (from reddit u/Exitity, unsure if they also have a tumblr) has all of the individual episode uploads, and most of the stuff I'm going to be talking about, although I'm trying to use YouTube links wherever I can. Any links will be colored in light blue for additional visibility.
Couple of quick things before we begin.
When possible, watch the individual episode uploads rather than the "complete" editions. The "Completes", while they may provide a more streamlined viewing experience by cutting out all of the bumpers and outros and such, accomplish this by cutting out a lot of jokes. RvB has a lot of jokes that happen during the fade to black at the end of an episode, and a lot of those get lost in the edits. There's also some things that just straight up get cut for seemingly no reason. Side note, the DvD/Blu-Ray versions seem perfectly fine, and honestly are even better to watch than the individual episodes if you have them. They're like a best of both worlds - adding some extra music and such (ESPECIALLY in the first 5 seasons) that really helps make a nice presentation of the show. If that's an option available to you, I recommend it. Otherwise, stick with the individual episodes.
At the end of each entry in the list, I may present a Side Quest section. This will include anything I feel you should watch that isn't necessarily canon, but helps add some extra life to the series. This may include some behind the scenes stuff or a selection of the PSA's and the non-canon mini-series. This stuff can be really great for building out the characters in a way that doesn't necessarily affect the greater story, and can especially be good for interactions between characters that maybe don't interact much in the main show. Anything I put in a Side Quest is strictly optional, but will add to your viewing experience. Obviously, there's a lot more bonus material than what I'm putting here. I'm just putting down some of the highlights. And if you end up liking the PSAs and such then just know: there's so much more for you to explore.
Early RvB is very much a product of it's time, and sometimes you'll get hit with a line that stops you dead in your tracks. Adult-oriented comedies can always be a minefield, and RVB's roots as a show made for Halo fans in 2003 definitely don't help. However, while this is the most common in the first five seasons, it never really stops being an issue. The purpose of this guide is simply for watch order, but if you have any specific trigger-related questions about any season of rvb please feel free to shoot me an ask or even a DM - i'm more than happy to help.
Okay, let's begin, breaking it down by arc.
The Blood Gulch Chronicles
You may hear people telling you to skip the first five seasons of the show and just pick up with Season 6. Those people are lying to you and do not have your best interests at heart. The first five seasons are pretty much strictly comedy, and from Season 6 onward the show starts to explore deeper themes and stories while still falling back on that comedic foundation. Skipping straight to the deeper stuff doesn't work very well IMO, because those five seasons are spent getting to know the characters we're going to be following for the rest of the show. The stuff that happens in Blood Gulch never stops being important - whether it's side characters showing back up again later on, or laying the foundation for a lot of the moments and story lines that make some of the later seasons so special.
Anyways, the watch order.
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Out of Mind - Mini-series
Season 5
Blood Gulch Side Quests
Tattoo Point/Counterpoint - Season 1 PSA
A Message to the Science Community - Season 2 PSA
Real Life VS. The Internet - Season 2 PSA
All of the deleted scenes, honestly, but This One in particular because asphodel and I quote it all the time.
The Outtakes/Bloopers - I'm not gonna put the link for these and the deleted scenes for every arc, but just know that you should watch them after every season/arc. There's some great stuff in there.
The Season 5 Alternate Endings
Either watch it Now, or after you watch the finale, but I highly recommend the 2003 Season 1 DVD Commentary. It's just Burnie (Church/Lopez/Vic) and Geoff (Grif), and it's really nice.
If you've ever watched any behind the scenes stuff for RvB or even rooster teeth as a whole, you have almost certainly seen This Clip, which is a behind the scenes of the voice recording for Grif and Simmons' lines in episode 1.
The Recollection
Recovery One - Mini-series
Season 6 - Reconstruction
Relocated - Mini-series
Season 7 - Recreation
Season 8 - Revelation
Recollection Side Quests
First! - Season 6 PSA
Small Rewards - Season 6 PSA
Rock the Vote and Rock the Veto - PSAs made to encourage RvB viewers to register to vote. Which at the time you could do on your xbox 360. These are here mostly as a "wtf" historical piece.
Halo-Ween - Season 7 PSA
Valentine's Day - Season 7 PSA
Fire Safety: Where There's Smoke... - Season 7 PSA. genuinely one of the best.
Holiday Plans - Mini-series
The Reach PSA series - Three parts total, only part one is linked.
Project Freelancer Saga
Season 9
Technically there's two mini-series that take place during Season 9 - being M.I.A. and Where There's a Will, There's a Wall. I really love them, and would recommend watching them after S9, but if you really want to roll into S10 you won't miss much. Weirdly there's a place later on that would be a great spot to circle back to these, but I'll save that for later.
Season 10
Project Freelancer Side Quests
This is a great spot to circle back to older side quests you may have skipped, btw.
The Season 10 Table Read BTS - Season 10 was the first time they ever did a full cast table read for the show, and it's cool to see a few snippets from it and hear the crew talk about it.
Matt Hullum Talks to Himself - watch this after M.I.A. it's a live table read of part of the script, with a focus on a conversation between Sarge and Doc (who have the same voice actor)
This 10 Year Retrospective that was put out around Season 10. Watching it now, knowing that they were about halfway through the lifespan of the show / company gives it a whole new perspective.
Remember Not to Forget and Voting Fever - PSAs made to promote the launch of Halo 4. Voting Fever is one of the Best Ever (and listen to the full version of That's How Voting Works afterwards!)
This Interview between Burnie and Trocadero talking about the music the band has done for the show. This playlist also has a bunch of other behind the scenes and other such bonus stuff from the DVDs and Blu-Rays, it's great to keep around.
The Chorus Trilogy
Season 11
The Chorus Journal Entries - Only three have fully machinimated versions, the last one is just the log entry. Bridges the gap between 11 and 12
Season 12
Season 13
Chorus Trilogy Side Quests
#1 Movie in the Galaxy - PSA
Getting Away From it All - PSA
#1 Movie in the Galaxy: 2 - PSA
Uh. I think the RvB Holiday Special goes here
Matt Hullum (Sarge) reading an excerpt from 50 Shades of Gray at a book signing.
Season 14 - Anthology
I get it: not everyone loves the Anthology format. I truly do recommend watching all of it at least once - or if you haven't in a long time. My only Side Quests are to say that this is the perfect time to go back to M.I.A. and WTAWTAW if you skipped them after season 9, and that if you skipped the #1 Movie In the Galaxy PSAs during Chorus, watch them now before the third one, which is in this season.
The Shisno Trilogy (seasons 15, 16, and 17)
Season 15
Season 16 - The Shisno Paradox
Season 17 - Singularity
Shisno Side Quests (this is taken from our survey data because it's been so long since I've watched much of any shisno-related stuff)
Hard Truths - PSA
Diversity - PSA
Cultural Appreciation - PSA
Lopez's Technical Guide to Empathy - PSA
Unreal Estate - PSA
Caboose's Guide to Finding Your Home - sequel to the Guide to Making Friends from season 14
RvB: Zero + Family Shatters
okay so here's the deal. If by this point, you're really just interested in the characters you've been watching for the past 17 seasons and not so much the story or anything - you may not get much from watching Zero. I do think it's interesting to watch, if only because I think it's got a lot of missed potential. Zero is not served well by being a season of RvB, I think I would have liked it a lot more if it were stand-alone, though that doesn't fix all of my issues with it. If you wanna jump straight to the series finale, you absolutely can. It's a pretty short watch, though, and I've heard that Family Shatters was better. I'll watch that one at some point.
Family Shatters - spinoff
This is it! The series finale.
I'm not doing this with an other season (though I do recommend going back and watching all the teasers and trailers at some point), but before you watch the finale you should watch The First Trailer For It. I think it sets up the season really well, and helps make some of the rushed set-up exposition in Restoration make a little bit more sense. honestly this should just be considered the first scene of the finale. Then watch the finale, and then you are done with all of the main show of Red VS Blue. Go forth, and be free.
Final Side Quest
I'm putting anything that came out in the nebulous time between Zero and the finale in here. I'll come back and edit this once we find out what on earth is going to be on the Blu-Ray.
Offensive Driving
First Person Tutor
Moving Out
The Video RT Made to Announce Master Chief and Blood Gulch Were Coming To Fortnite. This played at the game awards and my soul almost left my body
This is also where I'll put QvsA, which is the Grimmons mini-series, though I haven't actually watched it myself yet. They're all on youtube.
My all-time favorite RvB fan edit - doesn't actually have any clips post-anthology, but I think the end is a great time to watch it.
If none of this makes sense, or you just have any questions at all - I am More than happy to help answer your queries. I hope this helps :) Also if any of the links are broken please let me know.
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wind-it-up-p21 · 2 months
PSA this is going to be very long and I would post it on my own blog but I am not ready to talk about this without being anonymous yet since a few of you know who I am in “real life.”
As someone who grew up in a sport very similar to dance and had what seems to be a very similar experience to Dyllan here’s what I have to say (disclaimer my experience obviously was not exactly the same but I will explain how they overlap).
I was a part of a team that was and is still known to be one of the top teams in the country. If you wanted to make a name for yourself in this world my team was one of the places you would go to do that. Girls travel from all over the country to compete with them.
On my said team I was one of the “favorites” though I never thought of myself as one until I got older and I realized it again when I walked away and looked back on my experience and it became more obvious to me.
To start, my coach made it very clear to the rest of our team that me and 3 other girls were “the hardest workers” and that we had special relationships with her. Just to name a few things she did to validate this with me: She told me consistently that she loved me and that I was special, I was one of four students invited to her wedding, and she would put me and the other 3 favorites in groupchats or have meetings with us to basically tell us we needed to lead the team to victory and it fell on us to be the examples for the team. I could go on and on but you probably get the point.
I was apart of this team for the same amount of time that Dyllan spent with Molly. My last year on the team I was in high school and wanted to enjoy my social life as well as competition life. I was dedicated to the team, but I also wanted to maybe you know go to a school football game or two. The minute that my team wasn’t tunnel vision in my eyes my coach started to put such intense amounts of pressure on me, take away “privileges” I had, and threatened what I now realize was my status on the team in order to get me to forget my social life and eat/sleep/breathe our sport and team. She had done this before, but it was now on another level. My mental health was at an all time low and nobody but my parents knew. People would say that because I was one of the team stars there was no way I could possibly feel like a victim in this situation. I felt trapped and didn’t know what to do because this team was my everything and everyone knew how big of a role it played in my life, but I needed to get out.
It has now been many, many years since all of this went down. I have taken time to process what I went through and I still am impacted by the trauma of it all. When I finally decided to walk away after that last year, a ton of my teammates ended up following me. It was an exodus like the one p21 had. Meanwhile, one of the other favorites now works for the organization, but clearly suffers from anger issues and anxiety now. At least one of the other favorites has openly regretted not leaving at the right time.
All in all, everyone is gonna have different experiences on a team like mine or project 21s. However, if it’s a toxic environment for so many people it’s toxic for everyone. Some people may just not realize it. They have drank the kool aid and they’re knee deep in it. We can’t control who stays and who goes, so what we can do is support the girls who are there while continuing to validate the emotions of those who left. If Dyllan and so many other girls were so clearly negatively impacted by Molly and P21 there’s obviously some truth to it. With that being said it doesn’t mean we can’t root for the success of girls like Gracyn and Regan. They’re children, and they’re individuals. They are not the reason so many people have struggled at P21. I have a lot more on my mind regarding our support to them and P21 but I’ll spare you all of it considering this is already a 400 page novel.
This was so interesting to read and I really agree with everything you said! It really puts into perspective how someone might seem really successful at their dance studio or any sport but actually be really struggling mentally
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Psycho Analysis: Snowflame
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(WARNING! This analysis contains C-C-C-COCAINE!)
Imagine this absurd concept: A supervillain cartel boss whose powers are fueled by him getting high off his own supply. Imagine too that this man wears a ridiculous outfit, and exists to be an anti-drug PSA that fails epically because he makes doing drugs look awesome. Now also imagine that everything about him is played completely straight without a single bit of acknowledgment of how absurd and campy the whole thing is.
That, my friends, is Snowflame.
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The New Guardians is a comic series that would have been long forgotten as a crusty relic of the late 80s if not for giving the world the absolute coolest villain ever conceived. Snowflame has amassed a cult following the likes of which would make Jim Jones envious, due to the sheer absurdity of his existence and the pure unadulterated action movie villain charm of his dialogue. He’s perhaps one of the most minor villains out there with only a handful of appearances to his name, but he’s loved more than villains who’ve appeared twenty times as much as him.
I’m here to show you why.
Motivation/Goals: Snowflame is a cartel leader, and so he really wants to peddle drugs. Guess which drug is his forte. Go on, guess. And that’s really all there is to him! I need to reiterate that his threat as a cartel leader is played completely and utterly straight even as he spouts off the hammiest dialogue you’ve ever seen and literally gets a power up by snorting coke. This is the very core of his appeal, in that he is something genuinely terrifying and threatening but presented in a way only a comic book can pull off.
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Of course, his true motivation is far, far simpler.
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Look at this man. That is the face of a man who exists solely to snort illicit substances up his nose. He lives to be high. That is the extent of his desires, and all else is second to that simple goal. As long as he can ignite and continue to be the instrument of cocaine's will, he is satisfied.
Final Fate: Every single time Snowflame shows up, he dies. In his initial appearance, he apparently blows up, but three decades later, he makes his coke-fueled return to do battle with Catwoman, and despite inhaling enough cocaine to kill an elephant, a feat that should theoretically make him nigh invincible, he fucking dies.
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...Or does he? Snowflame returns yet again in Peacemaker Tries Hard! Here he does battle with, you guessed it,
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...who puts a poison dart frog in his cocaine and kills him.
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Maybe. My theory is that Snowflame is the Kenny of the DC universe, and whenever some bastard kills him his coke-fueled powers just respawn him the next day.
Best Scene: While his fight against Catwoman is unfortunately lackluster as ordained by the writers (Selina is not lasting two seconds against Snowflame and his coke-fueled powers under realistic circumstances), it gave us one of the most gorgeous and badass panels ever made:
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Really brings a tear to your eye, doesn’t it?
Best Quote: Yeah, there’s no fucking contest here, it’s this:
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Final Thoughts & Score: I think I speak for all of us when I say Snowflame is one of the greatest fucking characters ever conceived.
Everything about him is a towering testament to what makes the medium of comic books great. The best villains tend to be the wildest and most out-there concepts, like a giant alien starfish that mind controls people, or a gay gorilla in love with a brain in a jar, or a giant racist communist egg. And don’t even get me started on the villains the Doom Patrol fights! Snowflame is the epitome of that; he is what would happen if Tony Montana was a DC supervillain by way of Captain Planet. He is absurd, over-the-top, and so goddamn cool.
It’s very obvious they were trying to do an anti-drug PSA here given the time the comic was released, but it absolutely falls flat on its face when the strawman constructed to be defeated so that the lesson might be dispersed is an absolute lunatic who dresses in colorful spandex and spouts off the most epic lines to ever come out of a villain’s mouth. Everything about him is absurd, but unlike something like Egg Fu he’s absurd in a tasteful and cool way rather than a shockingly racist way. Snowflame is just a dude who snorts cocaine to gain superpowers, it’s as simple as that and yet it’s also completely bonkers.
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It’s genuinely unsurprising that this guy managed to get such a massive cult following that he spawned a fanmade webcomic and then got to pop up in the comics again over three decades after his supposed death. And it’s said cult following that has allowed him to pop up time and time again, even getting an appearance in the fourth season of Harley Quinn. I’m sure you can guess that I’m part of that massive cult fanbase, and I can only dream of writing a villain as incredible and grandiose as this drug-addled madman. Infinity/10 isn’t a real score, so he’ll have to settle for a 10/10 instead.
...Oh yeah, remember in the Egg Fu review when I said I wasn’t going to review Hemo-Goblin?
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Psycho Analysis: Hemo-Goblin
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This is gonna be really short, because there is so little to this guy. He is a one-shot, but boy what a fucking shot he is. Hemo-Goblin is a racist vampire created by South African white supremacists to give members of the New Guardians AIDS. You read that right. This is a racist AIDS vampire.
Now, unlike Egg Fu, who was a horrible racist caricature created from topical anti-communist sentiments of the time, Hemo-Goblin was seemingly created with better intentions. But you know what they say about intentions; the road to Hell is paved with good ones. I get wanting to do a commentary on the AIDS crisis, and I don’t think it’s out of the question for a superhero book to handle such a thing, but maybe having an AIDS-powered vampire give HIV to a Jamaican woman and a gay man isn’t the most tasteful and nuanced way to do this.
Oh, and by the end of his only appearance, he dies of AIDS in jail.
I’m not gonna lie, guys: I kinda love this stupid fucking creature. His weird design, the absurdity of his concept, and the awful execution of his premise makes him memorable for all the wrong reasons, but he’s memorable nonetheless. I think if Snowflame didn’t exist and wasn’t the coolest villain ever, more people would talk about the insanity that is Hemo-Goblin, though having a single appearance before dying and never appearing again doesn’t help his case much. Still, he’s just cazy enough to earn himself a 3.5/10, so he’s got that going for him.
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thestrangestperson · 1 year
Hi! Are you trying to write some British people? Here are some random thoughts about exaggerated Britishness (With heavy chat about Scotland because I know Scotland the best):
"I'm going to the store!" Store is not a popular word for a place to buy things. People from the UK will generally say "shop". If they're just going to get milk or something, they may go to the "corner shop" - which people from NY especially will know as a "bodega"
"Hand me an eraser." While some people do say eraser, "rubber" is more common. This is amusing to me because to people from the US especially, it's very different in meaning.
If your character is visiting someone, it's very common to be offered tea. "Fancy a cup of tea?" or more casually "Fancy a cuppa?"
Pub ≠ bar. Pubs include bars, but are also places to get a meal. People do go there to drink ("Get a pint") though, and some pubs don't serve children or allow them in. Many do, however.
There are 100s of accents across the nation, more than just typical posh English, Welsh and Scottish. Please pay attention to your character's background and dialect. The city of London alone has 4 major accents. (For Good Omens fans, Crowley and Aziraphale are both sensationally posh. Aziraphale speaks "The Queen's/King's English" which is notably more formal and collected - Crowley does not.)
Some good swears include "Bellend", "Pillock", "Knob" and "Twat". In Scotland we also have the tamer "Daft(ie)" and "Tube"! Any object can become an insult: "You FUCKING MICROWAVE"
Some good pet names include "Love", "Pet" and "Poppet"
Along with tea we have a carbonated drink called Irn Bru. This is ESPECIALLY popular to Scots but you can find it in England. It is bright orange and fruity in taste.
We buy milk in pints
The chocolate bar Freddo is typically how we measure inflation these days. (I wish I could say this was a joke but tabloids love the chocolate test)
It does rain a lot. Like a shit ton. There are sunny days but nonetheless. The way to start conversation is ALWAYS weather. "Lovely weather innit?" always works, especially in terrible weather.
Sarcasm and dry humour are very popular.
A lot of people smoke or vape. This is very evident especially in cities like London and Edinburgh.
People from southern England especially are typically very removed and tend not to pay attention to anyone else. It's a massive "Not my problem". They can be very friendly by all means, but typically keep to themselves and don't talk to many people.
Biscuits rule the world, especially custard creams. (Jk, they're very loved though)
The school systems are different from that in the rest of the world. Even to one another. The Scottish, Welsh and English education systems are different - but are all composed of Primary school and Secondary school.
Typically people are either passionately wild for the Royal Family or REALLY dislike them.
Terraced and semi detached housing is very common. In Scotland we have "closies" which are blocks of flats that home lots of people, and are typically very square and deshevelled.
McDonald's did not arrive here until the 70s. People were confused by it to begin with.
Fish and chips is a stereotypical yet popular dish. Many people refer to going to a fish and chips shop as "Going to the chippy". Often they do not have seating, and are takeout exclusive.
Britain is a geographical reality, composed of Scotland, Wales and England. The United Kingdom is political and composed of Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and England.
Irish people may not enjoy being referred to as "British". Furthermore do not call a Welsh, Scottish or Irish person "English". This is a bad idea and will make people mad.
Day in the life of a true Brexit geezer is a documentary. (Jk)
Basically everyone "hates" the English. Whether this is playful or genuine varies from person to person. Even the English hate the English.
Older women especially have very strong feelings about Princess Di (She was so beloved)
For Good Omens fans: Soho is a small tiny little area in the BOROGH of "The City of Westminster". This is a borogh at the heart of London. You can walk Soho in a day.
Most cities don't have boroughs, but do have wee areas which are basically suburbs or collections of areas.
In schools, it's very common to refer to your teachers as "Sir" and "Miss". This also applies outside of school for young people, but generally is seen more in schools.
"Mate" is the most common way to address a male presenting person passive aggressively, along with "Love" for female presenting people. "Mate" is more common and works both ways.
"Pissed" means drunk. "Oh, he's pissed" = "Oh, he's drunk". Increasingly you'll find people say "pissed" to mean angry, especially young people. However "peeved" is what was originally used to mean angry.
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hwajin · 2 years
#!! - 𝐓𝐖𝐈𝐍 𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐌𝐄 — 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫 ; ɢᴀᴢᴇ
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𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: angst, fluff
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: hyunjin x reader, chan x reader
𝐰𝐜: 6.7k
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: a party wasn't in your plans; nor in his. and yet you've let yourself bribe by your friend to go out; as did he.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬/ 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: LONGEST CHAPTER SO FAR AND UGH i hope you'll like it as much as i liked writing it!! pls leave feedback if you had any thoughts while reading!! psa: every big cut is a pov change!!
series masterlist | next chapter
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You were lounged onto your sofa, feet dangling off the armrest, warm sweats and fluffy socks protecting you from the ever-sinking temperatures that slowly started settling into your home. Two weeks have passed since the boy in the store has made his appearance – two weeks of his face perpetually appearing before you, two weeks of thinking about him in uncalled times, two weeks in which you still called him only that; boy in the store. Because his name was yet unknown to you, seemingly not bound to be ever found out. And then, in the first place – why did you know it’s been two weeks? You were measuring time with the help of him unknowingly, knew exactly when the encounter happened in the shop – when he seemed to have shaken your world up and alive. Fourteen days called for your interest, for this sick crush to dissipate and fade into nothing. Fourteen days was long enough to forget a stranger you’d likely never meet again. Hell, you were committed to another person, after all. Yet here you were, spilling your heart out so Seungmin, because your best friend was a more trusted source than your boyfriend when it came to this matter, when it came to the boy, the stranger in the store.
“I just don’t get it. Like, I want to forget him Min, I really do… but he keeps just popping up in the weirdest times…–. Like alright, I get that he was attractive… I guess– and that Chan and I have been weird lately, but why am I this fixated on him? It’s not like we talked even… he shouldn’t be in my head this much. He shouldn’t be in my head at all, but I can’t like, get him out.”
Your voice hinted frustration, words rolling past your lips quickly. It’s been fourteen days since Seungmin has turned into your only source to vent, because neither Chan nor other friends were ever bound to find out about the stranger. Though you haven’t initially planned to tell even Seungmin all about him. In your defence, there hasn’t been much to tell initially, not until the stranger started to appear everywhere you looked, anywhere you went. Only then you grew concerned, when it had started to feel like an obsession, an unhealthy one, and only then Seungmin had the privilege of getting to know your confusion about him. Seungmin had brushed it off at first, arguing that the mess you and Chan had going on currently was the reason behind the strange infection the boy had cursed you with. Only after a while your friend has joined your concern, when you wouldn’t stop talking about him and had cried to Seungmin due to guilt nagging at you. Because Seungmin knew your feelings for Chan still existed somewhere within. Not simply because you had told him, necessarily; Seungmin knew you well, and you weren’t the type to drop people simply because you hit rough patches. You were a fighter when it came to anything regarding emotions, had always been one who held a strong importance towards loved ones, one who didn’t drop friends and partners when things went into phases of negativity, because according to you there was always room for improvement, always time to rethink and re-evaluate behaviours and feelings, because according to you people weren’t only one sided; always carried more beneath the surface. Seungmin knew your feelings for Chan remained, even if hidden or forgotten for the moment, buried beneath thoughts that hurt and words that weren’t spoken, and he knew that the sensibility of your persona surely called for you to struggle deeply with an unknown man having occupied your every thought in the matter of fourteen days, while the man you were bound to was giving you a hard time. He felt with you, could only imagine your turmoil of emotions.
“Can I be honest with you? You sound mad stressed to me. You’ve been ranting about this guy for the past two weeks, whether you want to remember him or not is not the problem, it sounds unhealthy, just in general.”
Seungmin wasn’t scolding you, but the tone in his voice was serious – he was taking the matter with full importance. He stood from his seat by the kitchen counter and plopped himself down next to you, the cushions dipping under his weight, pulling you with it slightly.
“So I say you let loose, how’s that sound? You haven’t been out and got drunk in ages, it’s high time miss ma’am.”
You scoffed, huffing air out in a mix of annoyance and defeat. Because Seungmin had a point, surely. It has been ages since you’ve gone out to have fun with friends, ages since you drank so much your head was a maze the next day, since you had no worries other than the hangover that was plaguing you the next day. And maybe Seungmin was right, entirely. Maybe the only reason your mind focused on the stranger as much as it did stemmed justly from stress, experiencing it in all parts of your life recently. You were busy with studies, homework and upcoming exams piling up your desk. If it wasn’t school you spent your time with work, jobs aching at your every muscle. And in between your boyfriend, whom you were nothing but unsure about as of late, adding to the growing pile of anguish, duties. For a second it scared you, the fact you viewed Chan as another problem to take care of, another duty. That he wasn’t a safe haven you could flee into, not anymore. That university and work was something you handled by yourself now, without his reassurance. Because though not everything was going bad with your boyfriend, though there were occasional moments of short-lived happiness, you were wary of approaching him with concerns. And he wasn’t either lately, as though trying to save the both of you from additional negativity, trying to desperately dance around the fact you’d crumble if a word of worry was uttered.
You gave yourself a good shake, hoping to get rid of yet another wave of uneasy thoughts, angry at yourself for getting lost in them all over again. You sat straight on the sofa, bringing your legs up in the process and crossing them comfortably before you. Seungmin was right, as so often. Your behaviour, your obsession or crush, whatever you wanted to call it, was unhealthy, your constant state of stress only demanding damage to your nerves. You needed and deserved a break. Maybe, you thought, partying and getting drunk with Chan would get the both of you closer again. There’s been a time where you’d both wake up with hangovers every other weekend, after campus parties and friendly get togethers, nights spent carelessly and always together, mornings dreadful but strangely comforting – it seemed so far away now, the life you used to have, when you first met, and all felt easy, simple.
But you made it your duty to repair what was broken. To make an effort, to talk things out with Chan, get him to let loose with you for just one night. You were sure one night wouldn’t close fix everything that needed fixing, but sitting aimless wasn’t in your plans. Efforts in love didn’t come with ease, needed time. And you were ready, desperate even, to spend that time on Chan. Because you weren’t one to let love slip past your fingers, when you had experienced it so vividly, so passionately, with the one person that you’ve been sure of since you met first. And just as you’ve finished that thought, just as motivation and a zest for motivation struck you; the stranger flickered up behind your eyes. Fuck.
“You know what Min,”, words came scattered, in a somewhat stressed manner, as to stop your train of thought, “you’re a genius. Let’s call together some of our friends, too.”, words sounded nervous, as to overplay the ever appearing picture of the stranger, “I bet none of them got to party much lately-“, and then your voice cut off, bitter realisation hitting you like a truck and shortly replacing the memories to the stranger in the store, “-when did we all grow up so fast?”
The last part of your sentence was quiet, sounding longing, reminiscing old times. You weren’t old yet by any means, only starting adulthood, only learning how to cope on your own. And yet the realisation of the speed that life was passing by always felt unexpected, and the feeling of wasting your life away nagged at your bones. Felt like time was running out, that you needed to grasp moments left and right to remember your youth by. And to think of all the things you haven’t yet achieved – it was frightening, scared you. And to think of Chan, having met him with the start of your very first semester, when he had been in his third by that time, a bit older than you and helping you out when studies got overwhelming, and when he had dropped out not short after to pursue music, yet never leaving your side and revealing his interest in you eventually. Back then you were sure he'd been the love of your life. You had imagined a life together, and back then it didn’t feel like time was flashing too fast. Because back then you were sure, convinced. Naïve maybe, but in love. Yet now you were getting older, day by day, and the confidence about a life with your lover has managed to slip past you, despite your attempts to hold on to it. The fear of not growing old with one another, because if it wasn’t Chan, you doubted it could be anyone else. As much as you’ve lost your spark, as distant as you grew, you’ve once loved as passionately as no other.
Except. Except the stranger in the store turned out to be more important than you now made him out to be, that it had a deeper meaning to your crossing paths. Because he yet seemed to not leave the depths of your mind, yet seemed to have nestled himself into your brain. And you wondered, couldn’t help but question if there was a sort of twisted sign behind his reappearing face, if it meant anything that you were seemingly stuck on him. And if, in case you wanted, allowed yourself to believe that there was more to him, in case you accepted him, the stranger could, after all, flip your worlds upside down. Not solely in your mind.
An ear damaging bass was everything Hyunjin could take in, every other of his senses overstimulated. He didn’t quite know the reason he agreed to Jeongin when the word “party” had left his lips; maybe it’d been his puppy eyes, his concerning skill to manipulate one into fulfilling each and every wish of his.
“Oh, come onnnn, you haven’t been out in ages… please? I don’t wanna turn up alone.”
A sad pout had adorned Jeongin’s face, and Hyunjin had almost caved in already. His friend was closer to him than a related brother, and denying him never seemed to work for Hyunjin.
“Ask someone else to go with you, I’m sure Minho or Lix would love to go. I’m not looking forward to going to a party where I don’t know anyone but you.”
Not having looked up from his sketchbook Hyunjin had kept his composure, convinced Jeongin wouldn’t possibly annoy him any longer, would understand his reasoning and ask their other friends; there’s been plenty after all. And then he’d added a “You’ll mingle with other people, and I’ll just stand there. No thank you, I’ll pass.”, to accentuate just how much he despised going. Jeongin truly had had to understand after that arguing, wouldn’t – couldn’t – possibly look through Hyunjin’s lies. Because if Hyunjin was fully honest he simply hadn’t wanted to go, more excited to laze around at home, his roommates out of house and a home full of silence to himself only. It would have been the dream.
“Maybe you should be mingling with other people, you haven’t met anyone in ages. I swear to God, you’ll end up like those lonely artists who spend all their time in front of canvases and turn crazy eventually because they’ve forgotten how it is to be touched by a woman.”
By that time Hyunjin had been up on his feet and on the get go to leave, egging Jeongin on to hurry up because the night wasn’t endless and the party wouldn’t last forever. If he’d been asked, Hyunjin would have denied that his friends teasing argument made him worry, question his life for even a second. He would have argued that it had left him cold, that he had enough friends and that going out and dating wasn’t all a problem to him, that he could pull if he wanted to. And it wouldn’t only be a lie to others, it was a lie to himself. Hyunjin’s consistent friend group hasn’t changed in years, ever since he met them in college, and his relationship laid so long in the past that the nights spent alone, without a body laying next to him, grew a creeping routine on him. Then again, if anyone’d point that out, he’d argue it’s for the best, that it’s the lifestyle he chose for himself to be happy. That the books in his shelves, all talking about love, and his recently watched movies, all portraying romance, and the songs that blasted in his ears without a break, all singing of lovers, wasn’t anything he actually wished for, not for himself anyways. That he wasn’t actually that sappy and hopeless. That pathetic.
Though, as much as Jeongin wanted Hyunjin to mingle, to mix himself into a group of people and start growing closer to strangers he’s never seen before, Hyunjin realised quick that agreeing to the party wasn’t his best decision, competing to be his worst, in fact. He wasn’t a mood killer, someone who understood fun and loved seeing it, participating in silliness, sharing dumbness with others. He was able to let loose, has had multiple times, suffering the consequences later on; be it a stinging headache the next morning or a bit of uncleaned vomit on his shirt he hadn’t had the mind to change out of – Hyunjin knew it all and surely didn’t dislike parties, but maybe he simply didn’t like them sober. Or in a crowd of strangers, with no known soul next to him.
Speaking of, the crowd was all but too big for the place he was in; he was sure Jeongin mentioned the name Seungmin when talking about the host and home, a friend, or a friend of a friend, he didn’t remember. It was a small, rented apartment, with neighbours all around, suburb-y and neat. Not fit for flashing lights and a booming bass. Hyunjin was surprised no one had filed a noise complaint yet. And it was strange, if he thought about it, standing leaned against a wall, a red cup in hand, in a house he didn’t know whom it belonged to. To be invited to a party – not directly, yet invited – without knowing a single soul. To see groups messing around, couples kissing, strangers making out, and knowing none of them. To be strangers to everyone while all in the same room having fun, while all between the same walls letting loose. It somehow felt meaningless, but maybe Hyunjin was being dramatic, and needed to get out of his head for once.
He sighed heavily, squeezing his eyes hard to try and rid himself off his thoughts. He’s had a weird feeling since the first step he’s made through the door, a somewhat choking one, as if something was blocking his way of breathing, as though someone wanted to knock the oxygen out his lungs. He wasn’t sure where it was coming from, blamed the slump he was under lately. Yet there was a lingering feeling, a pulling, an urge. And he thought about you, more often than usual, and hated himself for it, more than normally. He came here to forget about you in the first place, or to meet new people, or maybe those two played together somehow. And yet your face circulated his mind more frequently, more demanding throughout the duration of the party. He tried to ignore it, moving his body from corner to corner, occasionally chatting with people who seemed familiar, daring himself onto the dance floor once or twice. All of it without managing to fully ignore it, ignore you.
He’d love to have an actual drink right now. Actual spirit that would kick him off his feet, actual alcohol that would burn down his throat and set dizziness to his brain. But Jeongin was surely getting drunk already, and he and Hyunjin needed a driver to reach back home. Hyunjin might hate being the driver more than the actual parties altogether, if he thought about it. So instead, he poured himself a cup of Coke when he reached the bar – not without shoving people left and right with his elbows, the word personal space was an unknown one to drunken crowds – and started to inspect from there, from a new location. Hyunjin registered additional noise, turning his head to see the setup of a karaoke bar in one corner of the house. The singing was horrible, but it put a grin on Hyunjin's face. It was strangely calming to watch people be themselves, to watch humans being humans. He let his gaze fly over the ocean of heads, and the smile didn’t fade his lips. All was loud and bright, chaotic and messy.
And then, without a chance for Hyunjin to prepare himself, without a possible warning to his heart – he saw you, and it was quiet from one moment to the other. As though an illusion first, a hallucination.
He blinked once, twice, a third time. Because he couldn’t believe his eyes, because they surely had to play a joke on him. Because it couldn’t be possible that you were standing – dancing – before him, in flesh and bones, in a dress that hugged your figure so nicely, in carefully prepared hair and make up. Looking as pretty as he remembered you to be, if not prettier. And a smile adorned Hyunjin’s face, because his heart grew easier, because the choked up feeling he’s had from the moment of setting foot into this place dissipated. Because somehow you seemed so easy to grasp now, so easy to approach. Because somehow love felt so near to grasp now, not far to approach.
Until he saw another man dancing behind you.
Hyunjin didn’t see him at first, needed one, two seconds to grasp the situation fully. He checked if it really was you – but it had to be, he remembered your every future, he could tell you in his dreams if he had to – and behind you, closely, too closely for Hyunjin’s liking, another man, his hands on your hips, looking too intimate, too loving to be a mere stranger.
The high he had felt periodically was replaced with a low so deep that he feared tears might swell past his eyes, hot and thick ones, ones that showed frustration, maybe anger. Though he wouldn’t possibly cry at a place like this, would search for the bathroom, at best. Yet he couldn’t get his eyes off you. Even if he wanted to be on the lookout for the bathroom, even if tears of seeming lost love did stream down his face and wet his shirt, with the crowd looking him up and down and up again, wondering who the guy was who stood occupying the bar with puffed up eyes and swollen lids – he wouldn’t, couldn’t possibly back away from the sight of you, the rest of his surroundings appearing only through milked glass.
So Hyunjin kept his spot, not a single muscle of his able to move, seemingly. He leaned against the counter, red cup still in hand, the dark and sparkling drink in it long forgotten. What were the odds to see you at this party, on this night, in this house? Who were you a friend of, who was the man behind you, why did it pain him so much to see you dancing with him, so sensually atop, was it any serious with him, or did Hyunjin have a chance, to go up and talk to you, if he tried enough? How were you looking so effortless, hips swaying to the music, heels high yet kept balance, dress looking uncomfortable yet kept composure? Questions. And nothing other than.
If Hyunjin had to, he wouldn’t possibly be able to describe you, the whole of you. You possessed an aura that seemed to be your very own, that seemed to be so captivating Hyunjin felt as though in trance, when his eyes glided your figure, took the real of you in. Or maybe that’s how only he felt about you, and maybe only due to the single reason of having had you live in his mind relentlessly for weeks prior. If he thought about it he still couldn’t believe the coincidence; the man you were dancing with or not, he was looking at you, in flesh and bones, and it eased his heavy heart to a minimum.
Hyunjin must have been staring too long – or too intensive –, or maybe you simply felt a gaze upon you, felt someone else’s eyes on your body. You looked up, head that was thrown back onto the man’s shoulder moments before was now turning, as though looking for something. Someone.
And Hyunjin didn’t want to back away. He could, easily so. Could avert his eyes elsewhere, could hide from you, could risk to never see you again, spare himself of the embarrassment of being caught looking, at a girl seemingly taken.
But he didn’t. Because a voice told him you’d remember him too, told him that you haven’t been able to forget him as well, that he has been on your mind as much – as persistent – as you were on his the past weeks. That maybe, just maybe, if he kept his eyes on you, if he tried luring you in with his thoughts that you couldn’t possibly read but maybe could after all, that maybe if you heard his calls you would make your way to Hyunjin and dance with him instead. Or talk with him. Or laugh with him. Or do nothing with him at all. Simply be. But with him.
And then your eyes met his. Found what they were searching for, it seemed, because they fixed with his own ones and Hyunjin knew that you knew. Must have, that you recognized him, that you felt the same rush through your body. Similar to when you have first locked eyes, a feeling so all intaking it was knocking the both of you out of your breath. Because you also stopped moving, also sucked in a breath, also stared, and only stared. Unable to move.
None of you did anything, for how long you weren’t sure. You had stopped dancing, only standing, body turned fully to Hyunjin. The both of you stared away with big eyes, surprise and something like anticipation laced behind your lids, curiosity, and you didn’t go as far as letting your gazes wander across each other’s bodies. It was eye to eye, and the rest of the world stopped for a stretched out second, while you were trying to sort your thoughts, think of next actions, make sense of the situation altogether. If it was real at all, if the other was thinking the same, if both of you were delusional simply, and far too hopeless, pathetic. If both of you needed a slap back to reality. Because you didn’t know each other, and you had come with another man. And because Hyunjin wasn’t one to start conversations easily, and that you surely would send him off if he came even close to you.
Until you noticed the man behind you over your shoulder, speaking words to you Hyunjin couldn’t understand, until the man had his eyes on Hyunjin as well, for only a second, to check where – who – your eyes were fixed on. And then the man stood before you, blocking Hyunjin’s view to you, but he saw your arms behind his figure, expressive, as though proving a point. Of course; you’ve been staring at another man, your boyfriend’s madness – if he was one, a boyfriend, and if it was any, madness – nothing but understandable.
And yet, you had been staring. Boyfriend or not, madness or something else, the man you had danced with had seemed an important one, a close one, and yet you had been staring at Hyunjin, stopped dancing for it. For him. And it might make him an asshole, but joy filled his veins. The high he first felt when he had laid eyes on you crawled back, because he hadn’t left you cold, as you haven’t left him unbothered, not possibly. If it was curiosity, interest, something different altogether – you had been staring. At him.
The moment you locked eyes with him your world seemed to crumble. Feeling as though the floor beneath you fell apart, as though the sky tore open above you and sent heavy storms right to where you stood, Chan still behind you, not noticing your startled antics at first. It wasn’t possible, couldn’t be. Though, if you really thought about it – it was a big party, only a house party yet a big one, and the odds that he was a friend of a friend wasn’t hard to imagine. And yet it was strange, oddly confusing. Maybe not to see him in general, but to see him here, out of all places. Because tonight was supposed to provide an opportunity to forget – forget him and any other nuisance you needed desperately to forget. And having him here now, standing mere feet away from you, leaned against the counter of the bar so pretendingly careless, a physical reminder of the man that had only lived in your head for weeks – it was strange, oddly confusing.
And then your view was blocked, and Chan’s chest was in your direct vision.
“Babe, you good? Do you know him?”
You wanted to scream, shove Chan out of the way, run and reach the stranger you’ve felt so pulled to, so connected to. You wanted to tell Chan everything, spill your hearts out to him, admit to him every of your secrets you’ve been holding onto within yourself. You were ready to give him up right now, and the thought itself was so utterly stupid that it took you a step back, from Chan, from the stranger whom you hoped was still standing there, would still be standing there for the rest of the night, would maybe even come up and talk to you. You looked up at your boyfriend – oh how you hated that word – and didn’t make a sound, didn’t deny nor confirm his question. Because even if you did say something, even if you did spill your hearts out; you weren’t cheating, not physically nor emotionally. Saying you knew the man would be a lie, saying you didn’t would be one either. Nothing you could say would be appropriate, and it frustrated you. Hurt you, because everything you’d say would hurt Chan, either way.
And the night had been going so well, before he made presence in your vision. Chan hadn’t been the happiest to be dragged to a party, needed a lot of convincing to even start to consider a night out. But you had collected yourself, had sat him down and had talked, for hours. Had talked more than you have in ages, had cried together and promised each other that you’d be trying, from now on, trying harder and more passionately to fix the broken parts in your relationship. And the party had been fun, eventually. Chan had agreed to have a drink, the alcohol – and the lack of familiarisation to it – had him tipsy fast, and it was calming, to have seen him so careless. And you had danced, long and much, and you had kissed, slow and fast, and you had held each other for the whole night being. It was refreshing, it felt like old times, it felt like love for the first time in forever.
Until there’d been a shift in the atmosphere, until his face started flickering before your eyes, and you’d had the urge to pull your brains out. The air had started to feel thick, suffocating in a way it shouldn’t be pleasurable but was, nevertheless. But you had promised, to Chan and yourself, so you hadn’t paid attention.
Until you had seen him. And all the promises, all the talk and the crying, any effort you had been ready to make seemed like vanities, felt null.
“Y/N, answer me. Do you know this guy? Who the fuck is he?”
A slap back to reality, and your brain started working again. Back to your helplessness, because Chan’s question wasn’t a ‘no’ or ‘yes’ question, not in this situation. And again, both answers – if you did decide for the short version – would hurt him. Because eyeing a stranger must be as painful as staring down another man you knew.  
“No, I don’t. I don't know who he is.”
Your voice felt weak, nevertheless you screamed against the music, hoping Chan would overhear the shakiness in your words. Your boyfriend eyed you up and down, and his head turned for a split second, likely checking if the stranger was still looking. You hoped to God he wouldn’t. Or maybe you hoped he would.
“Then why the hell is he staring you down?” Chan’s eyes were on yours again, and your face heated up. In anger and frustration, or in fear, you weren’t too sure. You were angry that Chan couldn’t just let it go, didn’t believe you right away, angry at the stranger for appearing here, now, tonight out of all nights, and for further staring at you, despite seeing you with another man; and you were frustrated, because in that moment you didn’t want to be with another man, wanted to be with the stranger. And you were scared that Chan might read you, your thoughts that you have kept secret from him desperately.
“How should I know why he’s staring me down, he’s weird!? Why are you attacking me for it?”
You lashed out, unwanted, and it took you another step back. You needed to get out of here, get some fresh air, clear your head. The alcohol in your system didn’t make your situation any easier.
Another look of your boyfriend over his shoulder, and back to you. You didn’t want to fight, not in a place like this, not before the stranger, not while neither you nor Chan were fully aware of your actions, your words. You’ve had far too much to drink for arguments. You sighed; you debated simply leaving the situation, fleeing to the bathroom or the balcony, though that would give Chan a valid reason to suspect you, to bombard you with more questions about the stranger you didn’t know anything about, in all honesty. You knew you wouldn’t be lying to Chan, yet it would feel wrong to say that there was nothing at all, no secrets and no strangers that held more importance than they should be holding. You wouldn’t be truthful, and you didn’t want to lie to him.
“Alright, let’s go out for a bit and talk, yeah? Get some fresh air… come on.”
You weren’t in the mood to talk, nor in the mood to be with your boyfriend, but Chan must have seen your defeat, noticed your change in behaviour. Or maybe he had similar thoughts to you, maybe he simply didn’t want to cause a scene, in the midst of a dancing crowd that was suddenly far too loud for either of your liking, and Chan took you by the hand and dragged you with him, gen balcony, towards easement, and away from the stranger.
He was panicking, looking for Jeongin in the middle of drunken faces and flashing lights, until he finally saw the pink haired man, standing in a circle of friends, red cup in hand, looking careles, and eyes blown out in intoxication. Hyunjin had to know. He needed to know who you were, what you were doing at this party. And, since he hasn’t seen you in a while, if you hadn’t gone home already. Not that Hyunjin had a plan, not that he had the courage to talk to you. But a desperate voice in him, a desperate and urgent pulling forbid him to stay and do nothing, at all. He could do as little as ask who you were, because Hyunjin wouldn’t forgive himself ceasing the moment altogether. And he knew it was pathetic, but love has never felt so close to him. Has never felt like he would let it slip through his fingertips if he didn’t act on it now, felt like he needed to make an effort, because the result would turn out for the best. He wasn’t one to believe much in destiny, but whatever spell you have put him under when you first crossed paths felt too inhumane to simply ignore. To simply brush off as dumb, and naïve.
When Hyunjin finally reached the younger friend, he was greeted by the strangers around him, and it took him everything to keep his calm and say a quick hello to the round, before dragging Jeongin with him, away from listeners, but if others could hear wasn’t really all that important to Hyunjin, not really. Only thing he needed to know was if Jeongin knew, if he could help him out of Hyunjin’s self-proclaimed misery.
“What’s up with you, you look like you’ve seen a demon. You good?”
The man took another sip from his cup; under different circumstances Hyunjin would have warned him to start taking it slowly, would have reminded Jeongin of his tolerance, though tonight Hyunjin couldn’t care less whether his friend woke up with a hangover the next morning or not. The only thing on his mind tonight was you.
“Listen, this girl I told you about, the one I’ve seen in the store, two weeks back-“
Hyunjin’s words a waterfall, but Jeongin rolled his eyes, annoyed, interrupting.
“Bro don’t start with that, c’mon. You came here to meet new people, didn’t you? Mix yourself into the crowd and-“
Hyunjin grew impatient.
“No, no, no, you don’t get me, she –. She’s here. Tonight. She’s here at this party, I saw her dancing.”
A look around the room from his friend, though Jeongin couldn’t possibly know your face. His mouth agape, his eyes wide as he locked them again with Hyunjin’s. Lips opening and closing as to say something yet being indecisive, perplexed, and Hyunjin’s gaze was one of impatient anticipation to hear Jeongin’s next words. Maybe he had a plan, and knew what to do. And he hoped to God he wouldn’t advise Hyunjin to just let it go.
“Wait… for real? She’s…-“, a moment of debating from his side, and Hyunjin could see the cogs in his head twirling, “bro then why are you talking with me, go up and talk to her! Ask her to dance or something?!”
Jeongin would have had a point, surely, if the situation wasn’t more complex than this. And his face dropped when Hyunjin told him about the whole encounter, about the other man, a presumable boyfriend, and that he simply needed to find out who you were; where you came from, what you were doing at this party, who you were invited by. For whatever purpose Hyunjin wasn’t too sure himself – he knew he didn’t have a chance, and he wasn’t one to pursue a person taken. Nor was he one to be persistent where it wasn’t welcomed, knowing to keep his distance wherever needed. And yet he simply needed to know. For his own satisfaction, maybe without any twisted intentions at all. It’d justly kill him if he kept wandering in the hidden, in the unknown. It’d justly ease his mind if he knew about you at best, though it would never be enough to ease his soul. But it had to be enough, for now.
“I don’t know man, you could ask Seungmin, it’s his party, he invited most people here. He might know her, or her boyfriend… if he is one.”, a concerned look from his friend, and then he spoke again, “You won’t do anything stupid, though, right? If he is her boyfriend, you forget her, yeah? I don’t care if you think it’s soulmate shit, if she’s taken you back off, don’t be an ass.”
It was almost humiliating what Jeongin thought Hyunjin to be capable of; yet only after a vocal reassurance did his friend let go of the matter, and promised Hyunjin to help looking for her.
But the man felt hopeless. Hyunjin felt defeated, frustrated. Angry, with himself. Angry that he ended up building expectations, angry that everything he told himself not to do – imagine things, let his mind go, fix his heart on only the image of a person – he ended up falling into the rabbit hole, nevertheless. Because it was a fact that he hadn’t known you, not enough to fixate on you, not enough to be sure you’d be available, ready, wanting to date if he only asked you. He could believe in soulmates and destined connections and found love all he wanted – it wasn’t the reality he lived in, and the sooner he got out of his head the healthier it’d turn out for him in the long run.
And in the flow of thoughts, in the lostness of worries and guilt, he saw your figure, by the end of the room; without the man Hyunjin oh so despised without knowing him a bit. You simply stood there as though unsure of your next steps and actions, stood there and let your eyes wander across the crowd; as though looking for someone. And a flicker of hope within Hyunjin wanted him to be the one you were searching for.
And then your eyes locked with his. Similar to before, they have found their way to fix with his gaze, because maybe he was the one you were looking for, because maybe you have wanted to know as well, simply know, clarify. Or maybe because it was coincidence, maybe your eyes have not been looking for his in the first place; yet they stayed on his ones, if he was the one you’ve been searching for or not, they didn’t back away even when Hyunjin held the gaze, when he wasn’t the first to break the eye contact.
And then you started walking towards him. Not after a moment of hesitation, after a second of what seemed like debating. Your strut was rather unsure, almost frightened. Yet you were going, towards him surely, couldn’t have another destination than him. And Hyunjin could only wait. He grew nervous, by the second – because what was he supposed to say, do, possibly? Should he wave you a smile? You didn’t know each other well enough for that. Should he simply look at you, without a reaction on his face whatsoever? It might come off as rude. And for the nth time that he thought about you it seemed dumb, but while you were making your way throughout the place of the living room Hyunjin knew that you knew. That you were only walking up to him because the day at the store hasn’t let you go either, because maybe you were longing for a love similar to the one he’s been searching for all these years. Because maybe the word soulmate wasn’t one you would laugh about like most of his friends, because you’d surely relate and understand if he only uttered the words.
And then you stood before him. Eventually.
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enruiinas · 5 months
psa: writing epiphany /realizing why i feel a bit disconnected with my writing of late (but also that it's something i can fix!)
having a bit of an epiphany talking some issues i've been having with my writing out with a friend. i haven't figured out exactly how to address it just yet, but sitting down and acknowledging some things I'd been somewhat aware of but afraid to really start thinking about has been extremely helpful.
the tl:dr; of the epiphany is that i've recognized i've gotten a bit self-indulgent in my writing lately, and it's gotten really easy for me to "push" my threads in directions i'm not entirely sure are true to character (replying to things that are probably not the way law would actually handle them in the interest of getting to certain plot points or points in a dynamic discussed ooc).
as always, this got wordier than intended, so more rambling about it (& what it means for my current drafts!) below the cut.
on one hand, it's easy to feel like this is a really bad thing because of the sheer number of my ongoing threads i think this has crept into & left me in a spot i put myself in where i feel disconnected because what i want to happen and what would actually happen are not always one in the same.
on the other hand, i'm really excited to sit down and actually start thinking about this because i think it's going to be really beneficial for my writing in the long run. i don't know what i'll need to do to remedy this just yet. it may be that i need to take a step back and really commit to my New World rewatch to get law's voice back in my head before i can get some things back on track. i may need to either restart or edit some things - i'm not sure yet. BUT for several months now i've felt like there must be a reason i was feeling the way i was and i really think this is it. knowing there is a reason means there's something i can fix and i am so excited about that. T_T
it may take me a little time to figure out what i need to do from here. i'm not saying i'm going to need to drop anything just yet, because ideally just reconnecting with law's voice will help me get some stuff i feel off on back on track, but i'll post updates as i learn more/figure out how to address it! thank you all for your patience up to this point (if i owe you things) or going forward if you don't mind sticking with me while i sort through this. ;^; i do think this is a really good thing for me and should lead to better replies in the long run so thank you if you're willing to wait!
[Follow-Up Post]
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mulitfandomshipper100 · 6 months
Author Notes: PSA: I have no idea what fishing is actually like, I just write for the plot aka “Elenaomi” . Since there are so few fanfics of Elenaomi I’m making my own, but only available on Tumblr.
Chapter 1
The Boat
Looking out at the sea Naomi spied a net the crew forgot to haul up. After securing the net, fish tumbled onto the deck. The next day Naomi set out again with her crew until the sun set. Sailing was easy for Naomi, but it got lonely sometimes. All day she would hear the crew talk about their spouses and parters; and families back at shore. Don’t get her wrong, having her Dad to sail back to every day helped, but she waned to go on grand adventures and see the world!! And maybe… one day settle down; have a family someday.
What she didn’t know was that her future wife would come barging into her life in the form of the royal princess. Naomi started her day as she usually would. Eating breakfast, changing into work clothes, and helping to prepare the ship. As the squeaking wheels of the yet to be delivered fish rolled down the pier she heard two locals talking about the boats that kept disappearing; likely someone was stealing them, but no one had seen anything yet. The royal guard had found nothing for days on end… , but there was nothing that could be done.
Spotting the huge dark brown sign “Trading post of Avalor” Naomi walked in. “Same order today Naomi?” the owner said. “Yes, of course” Naomi replied her lips upturned slightly. “Have you heard about the third new ship that was stolen in last 24 hours?” Jamie said with worried tone. “What!? How!? Naomi stuttered, “I need to let my father know right away!!” She sprinted out the back door and up the stair.
“Dad, another ship’s gone missing” Naomi said, breathless from running all the way there. “I’m with the princess, Naomi.” Her father scolded her. The princess? Naomi thought, what is she doing out here in the port? Her train of thought abruptly stopped when she saw the princess’s eyes. Amber brown eyes like the color of a ship that had been freshly painted. She didn’t realize how beautiful the princess was until that moment, but that was to be expected, she was a princess after-all she reasoned. After helping Elena save the boat and her sister, and the daring adventure of riding a jaquin, she was exhausted. She wanted to sleep, but the royal crowing of princess Elena was that night and her father would expect her to be there with him, along with many other guests.
Naomi arrived at the ball in a purple and pink dress. She had trouble picking the right out fit because she wanted to look stunning for the ceremony. “Hey! Naomi nice to see you here! Mateo greeted cheerily. Hi, I didn’t know wizards were invited to these kinds of things.” Naomi jumped! She wasn’t ready for the laughter behind her back. “I’m glad I put you on the grand council! At least now I have someone to balance out Esteban’s humor” Elena said sarcastically with a smirk. Naomi felt her heartbeat speed up at the compliment and her face flush a light red. Naomi was about to thank the crowned princess for the compliment, when it was announced that the palace was closing down for the night.
No one noticed Naomi’s reaction to the compliment, except her father watching with a keen eye and serious expression. “Naomi what do think about the crowned princess” Nomi’s father said with a neutral voice. “Dad, She has a name you know”, Naomi said teasingly. “I think Elena will bring a new age of peace a prosperity to Avalor, with the right people by her side” she said thoughtfully. That was all her father needed to hear, to see that Naomi had built a strong friendship with the princess. It seemed like Naomi did not realize the strong feelings she had for the princess, and only time would tell whether or not it would bloom into something more, he thought to himself smiling. “Well, Elena is young and has much to learn, but I’m sure with your guidance she will make a great Queen”, Naomi’s father replied smiling.
Laying in bed that night, Naomi couldn’t stop thinking of the grand adventure she had and how she felt excited to start her new job as part of the grand council. She still felt nervous about work with the princess, but maybe that was because of how beautiful she is; Naomi thought casually.
Author Notes:
Let me know how I did with the first chapter. I don’t know when I’ll finish the second one because school is really busy for me rn.
Comments are really appreciated! Sorry for any mistakes in my writing, I’m seriously the worst writer you’ll ever read. (Feel free to repost, with credit to me of course.)
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I want to start reading books what do you recommend?
I don't know what you're looking for specifically so I'll make a big list of advice, just read the parts you care about and have fun :)
•For some advice!•
NEVER be afraid of looking something up. That's how you learn. I spent most of my time learning English by just looking up whatever I didn't get, and now I'm a fluid speaker with a vocabulary big enough to match my ego.
This is personal but god stay off tik tok or "booktok" or whatever I promise your'e not missing out on anything please save yourself PLEASE
•Where to get books?•
Go to your local library and be very very nice and polite to a librarian and ask if they have any book recommendations or ask if they happen to have books about something that interests you and if you find something then get a library card and borrow them and be careful with them and bring them back on time. This has been my library PSA.
•Book recommendations for starting out•
Okay if you're Just getting into reading books at ALL then I'd recommend these book series meant for teenagers to young adults:
Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children
What if circus performances were real? But with time travel and monsters and war.
Artemis Fowl
Do you wanna see a capitalist child exploit the fairy world for money?
Percy Jackson
Okay you probably know this one. Greek mythology is real and it's coming to get you. Probably the funniest narrator I've ever seen. God Percy is so cool I wish he didn't go to hell all the time
Skullduggery Pleasant
Jazz music. Skeletons. Mystery. Throw fireballs at stuff until you figure your life out.
•My personal favourites•
These are mostly pretty easy to read fiction, but uh I'm not gonna recommend Manhunt by Gretchen Felker-Martin to a beginner
Charming protagonist, creepy yet intriguing, god i love Neil gaiman
Six of Crows
Heist! Really cool magic system! Teenagers with invariably fucked up backstories! Gang violence but like for good reasons (probably)
The Long Way To A Small, Angry Planet
Basically the opposite of star wars when it comes to world building (it's really good). Cruise through space and have fun reading about the bird people.
This Is How You Lose The Time War
I'm still crying. Time travel war spy love story. Poetic about finding ones humanity again. Made me a bit deranged. Might contain the meaning of life.
And most importantly:
(the fun one.)
This is not longer a recommendation. I am making you read Disc World. They don't have to be read in order, but I suggest starting with Colour Of Magic. Really and truly some of the best books ever written. Fantasy and stretching magic rules until they break and shattering the fourth wall so the characters can pop in for some tea. Why not. We have imagination powered dragons and turtle powered planets. C'mon
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ofmermaidstories · 2 years
hello, darling mermsy!! i’m back, yet again, with another brainrot proposal for you — but this time for our blasty boy!
we’ve heard of dekules, but are we ready for bakushang? shangkugo? (basically just katsuki as li shang, i’m realising only now that there’s no easy way to merge their names together <//3) they’re both tall, dark, brooding, but are soft and caring if you get through to them deep enough. our courageous, troublemaking Y/N and the newly appointed captain of the emperor’s army, bakugo katsuki! what a perfect match!!
i believe this isn’t by any means an original idea!! i know andy has a fic about this (it’s absolutely incredible, melted my brain just three chapters in) if u haven’t already read it!!! just wanted to get your take on this if u haven’t already done one yet, bc i recently rewatched the 1998 mulan and had the lightbulb to word vomit about this to you!!!
hansy!!! my love!!! i’m sorry, i meant to slip into your inbox to wish you well/ask how your exams went—are you free from the perils of schoolwork, yet??? you’re so clever, i bet you did well. 🥺🍀
but okay let’s play, LOL. War Paint was one of the very first BNHA x Reader fics I ever read so I will always be fiercely loyal to it!!! Saying that, and I mean this with nothing but absolute love Andy, DONT @ ME, but reading War Paint gave me less Mulan vibes and more Song of the Lionness ones.
(Simplifying it—really simplifying it—a girl pretends to be her twin brother so she can train as a knight! There’s lots of magic and even some romance and Tamora Pierce has been one of my favourite authors since I was a kid!)
I think it has to do with the fact that War Paint is focused on barrack/training/castle life and the subplot with the thief—whereas when I think of Mulan, I think of war.
Mulan is one of my favourite 🅱️isney movies!!! I first saw it when my primary school had a fundraiser—they set up a projector and screened Mulan and I very distinctly remember being overwhelmingly excited as the opening credits started (I nearly choked on my red twists/twizzlers) and my Dad telling me I had to be quiet LOL. If I had to make a graphic showcasing all the fundamental pieces of media to both my personality and who I became as a person, Mulan would be centre of it. 🥹
(PSA: true to your heart is a bop and has been in my liked songs on spotty ever since i’ve had an account!)
Tbh, I’d never seriously tackle a Mulan-inspired fic just out of respect for Andie Trousers Multipled by Several, but if I did, I would absolutely play hard into the war angle LOL. Maybe even indulge in some war crimes!!! You know that scene where they finally make it to the village in the pass and it’s been burnt to the ground? Yeah. Yeah. 😌 I think we can ramp that up. Have our Reader and Captain Bakugou & Co engage in some Revenge War Crimes. People are bastards in wars already, without feeling justified about it. I was literally just watching a documentary the other week about some Aussie soldier who’s facing trial (has faced trial?) for being an absolute cunt—one of his lighter cruelties involved him shooting a family’s tied-up dog as he searched their home, so take that, take the power people feel like they have when you give them a weapon and a uniform, and then put them in front of a massacred village and see what happens next. 🔪
And idk id guess there’d be a romance in there somewhere too. 💀💀💀💀 tbh im more interested in the war tho LOL. (BECAUSE!!!! LISTEN!!! i like a challenge!!!!!!!! And I think trying to fic-ify an AU that dovetails closely to the (🅱️isney) Mulan tale brings up a lot of interesting questions when it comes to world-building, and like what you need to avoid/honour, especially if you’re borrowing from an actual, real world culture for it. The Mulan legend is Chinese, for starters—and My Hero has a Japanese cast written by a Japanese man. So, okay, maybe to simplify things for ourselves we Fantasy-AU it—but then do we eurocentric the world around them, to play it safe? Is that less playing it safe and more whitewashing? My Hero being Japanese informs the canon characters, which are traits that spill over into our fanon. Traits that we love! So is it a disservice to them to strip them of it, just so we can play War? Does this stripping make it worse when we bring in atrocities like slain villagers, and revenge acts? Do we honour canon by letting them keep their Quirks? How badly does that ramp up things then???? Like, idk, I could literally bang on about this for hours (and have, in the group chat LMAO im sorry besties 😭))
This is literally too much overthinking for your ask, Hansy, I’m sorry. 😭 ITS IMPORTANT THO. Because the world around them informs our characters!!!! So pretending we sort all that out, now we have our upstart, hot-as-shit Captain Bakugou, who has idolised General Toshinori for years now—and he’s out to prove he can train the best of them!!! Except he’s working with like, farm boys! Gutter-rats, given the choice of this or execution! Maybe there’s a cohort of like, genuine scrappers, but Captain Baku here has deliberately been given the bottom of the conscript list: this is a test. And I!! Personally!!! Think that should make him an utter bastard when dealing with our Reader!!! I think in canon, Bakugou is like, learning that people need more than to be told “u suck, do better” so I like to believe Captain Bakugou would try—maybe he and his lil friends learnt hard in a trial by fire when they were kids, during the First War—so he’s earnt this leadership role. But he’s used to fighting with peers! Peers that knew what they were doing! And now he has to oversee the training of like, the most inept civilians he’s ever witnessed! I think we could justify him losing his cool—specifically with our Reader. 😌
A Reader who doesn’t take it!!! I’ve always liked that in 🅱️isney’s Mulan, she does it for her father. So I’d give that same motivation to our Reader—a tomboy who’s always been better at giving the village boys a run for their money in their little games, who’s always wanted to go and play with them when they roughhouse. Maybe to make things more interesting, we introduce a fiancé—one of those same village boys! They grow up together, have an arranged match. Maybe he’s genuinely kind, in love with Reader whereas Reader’s just kinda like, ho-hum—but then the War pt. 2 rolls in, and he’s swept off in the first round of conscription (so that there’s no one left to volunteer in Reader’s place for her dad, in the next round!).
Oh. You know what? We could ramp up that massacred village scene by making his platoon or whatever they’re called the ones that were stationed there—so Reader finds fiancé’s helmet!!!!! And then she’s all like, omg, 😧. And then she could tie it to her saddlebags and eventually bring it home to his folks. 🥺
(Reader and Bakugou could prop themselves up in their grief, maybe? Because I know in the film the stationed army is overseen by Li Shang’s father, right? So maybe in this version it’s like, idk, Jeanist or Edgeshot or something. Maybe Endeavour? Less because I think Bakugou would be cut up about it, and more because that means we could throw Todoroki in there as well, like, presumed dead (and then he’s NOT because I know Andy would have my head if I killed off her Special Angel Man in a fic!!!), but then that means in the meantime that Bakugou can mourn one of his besties (and they are besties!!!)).
I don’t want a dumbass Bakugou, either, so I think we’d have to follow Andy’s lead and have our Captain clue in early-on that Reader has been lying about their identity. And Bakugou just admires tenacity so he’s less like omg my gendernorms are being called into question and more like FUCK why won’t this useless extra get better at FIGHTING??? That could also maybe make any romantic moments kinda interesting—Reader could have this whole internal thing of, oh my God, he doesn’t know the truth, I’m terrible, is he going to be embarrassed when he finds out??? And then you have the actual reveal—someone else making the discovery, and wanting Reader executed for it, and then Bakugou’s refusal to do so is less a begrudging “you saved my life, and now my debt is paid” and more a silent confession of his feelings!!!!
I just—there’s so much you could do!! There’s so much you could do with all of that!!! Urk!!!! I wanna rip into it with my TEETH. I just—aJFDLKSFJLKSDFJLdmfhfskdmhj.
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fear-tear · 2 years
Sonic Lost World if SEGA hired a proof-reader (PART 2: Desert Ruins)
PART 1: https://at.tumblr.com/fear-tear/sonic-lost-world-if-sega-hired-a-proof-reader/0df4ft3iufmg
This part is...surprisingly fine in the original. The only major change happens in the final cutscene, the one where Sonic kicks off the plot... and the shell.
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We’re introduced to the shell and get a basic idea of how Eggman forces the Zeti to work for him.
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Zomom’s introduction. That’s it, that’s the point.
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We’re introduced to the Extractor, the life-sucking machine. Again, no need for changes. Except for one line...
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In the original, Zavok comments “speak for yourself” in respons to Eggman stating that he doesn’t mean to destroy the world.
I don’t think Zavok wants to destroy the world... just yet.
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If you think Sonic acts like a little prick in this scene... well, you’re right. But keep in mind two things:
1) Zomom attacked first, in Desert Ruins Act 2
2) Zomom has the last word when he smacks Sonic upside the head.
I think they’re even.
And now, the Main Event!
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So far, so good. By the way, I think “I hone your abilities; I equip you with the most powerful mechs I can create; I even give you a giant sandwich, and you still disappoint me!” is a great example of the “Arson Murder and Jaywalking” trope.
And then, here comes Sonic. In the original, Sonic kicks the shell away... just because. He just thought it was another weapon, Meanwhile, Tails took an eternity realising that the shell it’s the thing controlling the Zeti (Tails, dude, you just need to watch the scene to understand it.)
In my version, their motivations are way different.
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Now, Sonic acts out of the goodness of his heart. He sees Eggman torturing people, he jumps to the save.
Meanwhile Tails (doing his researches on the Miles Electric) realizes one secon too late that the Zeti are alien to such concepts like friendship.
The Zeti strike back. In the commotion, Orbot gets damaged and his voice chip glitches out.
Before, he started talking in pirate. In my version, however...
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...he recycles bits of Eggman’s PSAs from Sonic Colors.
More chaos ensues, and Tails gets hurt.
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In the original... sigh... Tails finds the strenght to throw shades at Sonic. When Sonic laments that he should have listened to Tails, the fox (still battered and bruised) mutters “...you think?”. 
No one likes a “I told you so!” guy.
So, what did I do to save Tails from this mischaracterization?
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I made him DEAF. Temporarily, don’t worry.
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ifritcookie · 1 year
I quit CR:K about a month ago. This blog will be on indefinite hiatus as a result. I may reblog some fanart now and again but expect minimal posts for the foreseeable future.
Why'd I quit? Game's unplayable.
(Below is my rant/vent on the matter so have a read more cut. Ye have been warned.)
CR:K has had notorious lag issues, especially on iOS devices, for over a year now. It's had crashing issues for almost as long. I first noticed the crashing properly around the BTS event; it was about once every 15 minutes back then. An affront to any reasonable game developer, but... tolerable. By Triple Cone Cup, that time was down to 2 minutes. By Legend of the Red Dragon, one minute. World Exploration could no longer be done, as loading into it prompted an instant crash. By Summer Soda Rock Festa, I could no longer load into the game at all. I can't play on my phone even if I wanted to; I HAVE to use an emulator.
I have submitted support requests. I have submitted feedback tickets. So many people have done the same. The issues remain and continue to get worse and worse with every update.
Cookie Run: Kingdom is a mobile game. My phone isn't new by any means but I keep it in good condition and it can run every other game, including similarly "beefy" ones, without crashing. But even emulators running on good computers struggle with CR:K these days.
It's been obvious for months that testing isn't being done properly and content is just being cranked out for money's sake. Bugs that should be caught immediately (titles shifting out of place on the arena loading screen comes to mind) continue to happen. Assets are breaking in old areas of the game. Pre-existing memory leaks remain unfixed. Crashing and lag plagues more and more players. Nothing is done to try and fix any of this. And yet Devsisters has the manpower to develop and release multiple brand-new games on top of it all? It's just... it's a slap in the face, really.
I stuck around solely for my guild, but CR:K is just a waste of my time at this point. No other game crashes so much; my bar for "playable" is on the FLOOR and it cannot meet it. I miss my guild dearly; I led it for over a year and knew some of my members for even longer. We hit Grandmaster III for the first time in our last season. It was best to quit while we were ahead, given everything. I'm still so proud of all of them.
I was once a paying player, because I LOVED this game despite its flaws. It felt like it had heart and like they cared. What happened to the DevNow's and the spirit? Yes it's more p2w now, but it goes beyond that for me. They took a good game and they ruined it, due to their own negligence.
When I started playing, I promised myself I'd only play so long as it was fun. It's not fun anymore. I leave more frustrated and stressed than I started. So I quit.
I won't be returning to playing until they fix all those critical issues -- if even that. They'll certainly never be getting my money again. Other developers deserve it more.
For those who continue to play, I ask you to vouch for your friends having lag and crashing issues (especially if you're crash-free). It'll affect you too eventually. All the people that said "well maybe it's just your device" to me a year ago are having the same problems now.
Oh, and PSA: check your battery health if you have an iOS device. Mine went from (literally) "100%, in perfect health" to "hey you need to get this replaced" in 6 months, solely from playing CR:K. Thanks, I hate it :)))))))
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🤨𝘘𝘖𝘛𝘋: 𝘞𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘢𝘯 𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘢𝘨𝘦 𝘪𝘧 𝘪𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘢 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘥 𝘧𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘺 𝘮𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳?
🚨PSA: This book is on sale right now for Prime Day. I did not plan for my review to be posted when the book went on sale.🚨
𝐑𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝟓/𝟓 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬
𝑇ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝐵𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑚 𝐵𝑜𝑜𝑘𝑠, 𝐴𝑛𝑎 𝐻𝑢𝑎𝑛𝑔, 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑁𝑒𝑡𝐺𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑦 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑎𝑟𝑐 𝑖𝑛 𝑒𝑥𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑎𝑛 ℎ𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑟𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑒𝑤.
Dante Russo is being blackmailed by Francis Lau. Dante's only option is to marry Francis' daughter, Vivian and if he does not, then his younger brother, Luca will die.
Dante and Vivian are forced in arrange marriage, but Vivian does not know about the blackmail. She wants to do anything to make this engagement and one day, the marriage to at least be amicable and not stone cold like it is going now. Dante has never wanted to get married, and his end game is to take down Francis Lau and be rid of this engagement. However, as time moves on, things start to blur from wanting revenge to falling in love.
I read Ana Huang's Twisted Love back in March 2023 and I absolutely loved it and devoured it. I knew from then on that I wanted to read more Ana Huang, which I now own more of the Twisted series, but have not gotten around to them yet. But I saw King of Wrath on NetGalley and instantly knew I needed to request it right away.
King of Wrath was such a great read for me because a lot of books that I've been reading physically make me lose focus really fast, but this book did not. King of Wrath kept me engaged with the plot line and the characters from the beginning of page one.
I enjoyed watching Dante and Vivian grow as a couple, but even individually. Both characters end up growing so much individually throughout the story because of the forced marriage situation and because both characters bring out the best in each other and makes one another want to make changes in their lives.
All I can say about the romance is that it was hot at times, but also sweet at times. I got to admit I love Dante with his grand gestures when it came to wooing Vivian.
King of Wrath does not just focus all on romance (even though it is a pure romance novel) but focuses on societal issues/pressures with those who are from new money and old money. We see how reputations are easily threatened, how powerful and wealthy people can protect certain people. and how a person's image/reputation is perceived. On top of that Vivian's parents are always critical on her actions, her appearance, and everything she does, which makes her be a fake version of herself around them in fear of disappointing them, which does mix with their culture with honoring your elders. With Dante, his parents left him and his brother to be raised by their grandfather who was strict and all business, so that plays a part of how he interacts with others, but also shows the issues with his family.
This book made me laugh, squeal, smile, and get annoyed with certain characters, but I just loved this book so much and it makes me want to keep reading books by Ana Huang. Now, I just need to get my hands on King of Pride ASAP.
✨✨✨You will love King of Wrath if you enjoy these tropes: enemies to friends to lovers, forced proximity, arranged/forced engagement/marriage, billionaires, grumpy x sunshine, revenge.
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