#*felt unbearable
tobiasrieper · 8 months
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Bramble: The Mountain King (2023) | Dimfrost Studio
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sinnaminie · 5 months
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Happy last day of 2023!
For my final plushie photo of this year, I’ve assembled all the Pedro Pascal plushies I could find for a family photo.
Thank you all for the love and support over the past 12 months. Hope we all have a wonderful 2014 😘
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jenanigans1207 · 3 months
All I’m saying is that in the supernatural universe, I firmly believe that the most popular destiel fics are written and posted by one Sam Winchester under a pen name. And he doesn’t even come up with elaborate plots. He just dictates, almost verbatim, interactions he witnesses Cas and Dean having and then just tacks a kiss or a love confession on the end.
And everyone comments about how he just gets their characters, how he builds such convincing sexual and romantic tension, how the characters feel like real people instead of words on a page. Sam is the most popular destiel ao3 author, his fics on every single rec list, and it’s simply because he got tired of watching Dean and Cas pine uselessly for each other so he decided to make it everyone’s problem.
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3-aem · 4 months
Hey there. Just a quiet bystander who's been following your work for a while. I just wanted to say that from an external point of view if just seems that this person is extremely jealous of your talent and is trying to do everything in their power to ruin your life. They must have an extremely miserable and unfulfilling life and can only find joy on trying to make people as miserable as they are. Probably some very bad inferiority complex, they must be thrilled every time they get a reaction out of you. So please don't let them bring you down, do your best to ignore them and they most likely will eventually tire and look for a new victim, that's how this kind of hateful people is. They don't deserve your energy and attention. Lots of love for you from Chile.
i know. i have seen that sentiment and i appreciate you saying this to remind me.
but it is difficult still for me because i really don’t enjoy making people upset and it is hard for me to hear. it really affects me to see. so i want to fix it but when i realize i can’t its hard to handle. maybe also, they did finally make me as miserable as them and thats why i am saying anything at all. dealing with it internally finally became as painful as me just saying it.
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crippled-peeper · 26 days
it it okay to ask why your type of quadriplegia is terminal as opposed to other types where people can live a long time with adequate support?
It’s not the paralysis alone that makes my life shorter, that’s just a part of it and a contributing factor. Many quadriplegics do actually eventually die from complications of their conditions - the biggest causes of mortality being infection, pneumonia, and suicide in that order
My particular condition doesn’t have a name - or rather it’s a combination of MANY differently named conditions.
I have rods and pedicle screws fused to 10 of my vertebrae (19 screws - 2 rods) which have been in my body for 10 years now. This has caused 2 other complications in my spine -
1: adjacent disc degeneration
2: flatback syndrome
I have 5 herniated discs (yeah it gets worse) above and below my spinal fusion because of these two complications. 2 of these herniations, one above the fusion & one below, are moderate-severe and are compressing my spinal cord right now as I type this
I have an additional disc located C5-C6 that has been removed and replaced with an implant called the MOBI-C, which is made of a titanium alloy (like the rods & screws) but also a small piece of silicone in the center that unfortunately has a tendency to break and my surgeon believes mine is broken now. This arthroplasty is sitting below one of my worst (but surgically unaltered, for now) disc herniations.
“But Morg,” you might be wondering, “if the 10-level spinal fusion (which is huge!) caused so many complications and is causing your spine to degenerate and fail, why don’t they take it out or shorten it?”
the short version? they simply can’t. spinal fusions are designed to be life long. they can’t take out the implants without replacing them with something, and even that may be impossible because of the lack of remaining bone structure (my spine was severely deformed, and they removed a lot of the vertebral body)
the whole reason I’ve become a novelty to the neurosurgery department at my hospital is because they (with their experience and imagination) are looking into my future and seeing not good things for me. it has even been suggested that they consult with my other doctor(s) and refer me to the Mayo Clinic to see if there’s anyone there with experience working on people like me - or if there’s even anything at all they can do for me at this point.
all this being said…. It’s hard to picture myself dying of anything else at this point. you can generously estimate that patients like myself have a 30-year lifespan, and I will be singing high praise of the universe if I live that long, but I’m not optimistic about say, outliving my twin who has had no surgery before, or even my older sibling.
I try to be optimistic, right, but I am a man of science so I must also be realistic which means listening to my doctor’s genuine concerns about my quality of life and complicated pathologies.
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siriuslygay1981 · 3 months
'Despite what he had said to Regulus, he wishes he had told Barty he loved him, even just once.'
' I'm really sorry we only got to love each other for three seconds'
“He didn't leave any note, me and- Me and Everly wrote it.”
'Perhaps it’s the sound of the knife clattering to the floor that finally makes her realise, that Evan is never going to reply again.'
'Eventually Barty learned to live again, he learned to go to class, learned to breath, learned to eat, drink, sleep, all of it; but he never learned how to love again.'
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w-tsugua · 4 months
Tori: Dracula had it right, sleep all day, live alone in a castle, and explode into bats to get out of all social situations.
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au-hemeanssomething · 13 days
I think having adhd means that if you fixate hard enough, you can shake off the need of proper human interaction [temporarily]
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minimoniii · 11 months
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and they’re boyfriends
#oppenheimer#lawrenheimer#i just made that name up 💅 let’s get this ship sailing#IDK how to explain it but the CHEMISTRY they had#it was unbearable i felt like i was choking on air when they were close to each other#so good. literal art#wait sit down let me convince you to ship them!!#personally i shipped them from the first moment but the scene that is really precious for me is that one#when Izzy and Oppenheimer are sitting in the hallway and you see Lawrence walk in and then immediately leave when he sees them#cause like. you KNOW he came there to give a NEGATIVE ass review but then he saw Oppenheimer sitting there looking all defeated#and he just couldn’t do it#and i especially think of that scene in contrast to the discussion on Kitty’s testimony#since both of these scenes occur in the hallway some fake-deep analysis is necessary#it’s like 🤌🤌 Lawrence protected Oppenheimer with his silence the way Kitty protected him with her testimony#sort of a way to hold onto his morals while letting Oppenheimer go just out of sentimentalism#(my bad theory is that Lawrence was HURT by the knowledge of the affair w Ruth because it meant he wasn’t the only one 🤫)#(GOD i can just picture their relationship it would be so MESSY)#(Lawrence hopelessly in love. Oppenheimer being well aware and just using him for his body. Lawrence who can never refuse him anything.)#(wait did this turn into a foil for the relationship with Jean???? but with the roles reversed??????)#also?? irl Lawrence DID testify against Oppenheimer and ripped him to shreds (😭) so like. we know what movie!Lawrence protected him from#ohh and what i also find really interesting is the parallels with Kitty since off the top of my head there’s 2 more#the fact that Oppenheimer takes Lawrence to New Mexico as he did with Kitty later#and the fact that Lawrence encourages Oppenheimer to be ambitious and take the opportunity w the project#(and iirc it’s his words that finally convince Oppenheimer?)#anyway that was my dissertation on why you should ship them; if you aren’t convinced then i hope i’ve at least made you mad 😴
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thyandrawrites · 8 months
Dabi danced then changed clothes and burned himself to near death again and everyone just left the fandom hdjsjshdhjs like his chapters used to give us early leaks just saying 💅 (but srs the pacing of this last arc has been horrible, for understandable reasons but still, and even tho the volumes have been selling well in japan bnha is not important or relevant to SJ currently so i wonder if hori doesnt hurry with the ending it wont eventually get canceled)
I don't think a title like bnha is under risk of being cancelled, ever, what with it being in the top ten sellers of the year. The rushing is just pacing issues and possibly editorial interference imho. The former is something Hori admittedly always suffered from. Overhaul's needlessly long arc comes to mind as the first example, but then also the overarching Todofam plot went at a snail pace, so much so that fans predicted where it would eventually go years before it became the focus. Hori's not the best at figuring out how much space to give to big plot points, and with the story reaching its climax and many character arcs converging, he sort of... Let down a lot of expectations? He tried to give everyone space but sorta ended up with a big messy soup imo.
But tbh it wasn't even the pacing issues for me. My passion for the series dwindled when a lot of character arcs took weird directions or straight up stopped moving. Which is as much Hori's fault as it is mine I suppose. I expected bnha to act more on its premises than Hori really wanted to, and as a result felt pretty "meh" when entire plotlines were swept under the rug or forgotten about in favor of character stagnancy and protecting the status quo
It's just... Eh. I'll own up to the fact that I probably shouldn't have expected the story to go my way, but I also think Hori wasn't entirely honest, either. The quality of the writing took a nosedive when Hori got scared by his own premises and backtracked. Personally, I find it a dishonest way to tackle the plot. Either commit or don't hype it up as though you intend to
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sinnaminie · 5 months
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Speedo Javi plushie 😎
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jackienautism · 10 months
i’m tired of being silent. please please please i can’t be the ONLY person on this goddamn planet who can’t fuckijg stand dylan
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charliesclit · 1 year
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Moodboard for the glitties girlies (gn) after the result of that poll
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polithicc · 11 months
started my period and now im evil
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haleyincarnate · 1 year
I feel like such a captive to my mental health.
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opens-up-4-nobody · 6 months
Genuinely, I've watched the 1st episode of the terror so many times I can quote along.
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