#*fingers crossed* hope you like it
emberglowfox · 8 months
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Keeper -- a short comic about an angel meeting a robotic lighthouse keeper that doesn't know the world has already ended. Made in about 18 hours for a 24-hour 24-page* black and white comic challenge (that I arrived late to, ha.)
*the actual submission does not include the cover, which was created after the fact for this post.
This was a really great learning experience as someone who's... never really made a completed comic. I ended up really attached to the story by the end of the project (possibly due to all-nighter deliriousness lol) and ultimately am very proud of what I made.There are some things I'd still like to change, particularly text placement, but in keeping with the spirit of the challenge I've elected to leave it as is.
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messrsbyler · 2 years
ao3 authors who have no social media are are so mystical. they really be writing and posting some of the most perfectly crafted pieces of media and then disappearing without a trace
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anewp0tat0 · 1 year
Happy Fathers Day, I'm finally on time for something!!! I don't have that much flavor this time though folks. just sweetness. that's it. hope that's cool, never too bad.
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if you think this is anything but platonic then no, plz. away
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npd-goro-akechi · 3 days
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shirozora-draws · 8 months
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*looks at the clock* oh god not AGAIN-
I was editing the Grogu baby crimes shaker charm to get a second samples order on order, but I had some stuff from Shotdeck, an excellent resource for your composition and color key needs, open on the side as references for the 3quelfic illustrations, and saw one out of the corner of my eye that had a particular composition/color key. That was all I needed for the brain to flip a switch and demand I break out the quick/rough sketch brushes.
I have the worst impulse control.
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3gremlins · 17 days
me: i care less about dragon age now, it's been almost decade, i am tired.
*a few crumbs of dragon age news*
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mathildejr · 9 months
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Meet Mariam and Tantine (real name unknown), the main characters of my upcoming story for Shortbox comics fair :) Out October 1rst!! Less than two weeks and you can read it aaah
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kindlythevoid · 3 months
Y’all, y’all, I know this is (among many, many other things) the talk-about-your-fanfics site but I physically cannot talk about them without being prompted. However, because I am dying to talk about them, I have decided to do it in the format of an ask game.
What story (stories?) are you writing rn that you’ll most likely publish next? ∩(´∀`∩)
What story (stories?) are you writing rn that will most likely linger in your head for an undetermined period of time? (*´▽`*)
What tropes do you like writing about the most? (´▽`ʃƪ)
Lore dump about the OCs (see tags for options)! (∩˃o˂∩)
One individual fun fact for each OC in the tags. ヽ(‘ ∇‘ )ノ
Longest fic you’ve written (published or not)? ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
Shortest fic you’ve written (published or not)? ‹•.•›
Fic that is near and dear to your heart? ♡
Top three fics you’ve written (in author’s opinion)? ♡♡♡
Story Moodboard of choice (either you or author picks the story; author makes). (◡‿◡✿)
OC Moodboard of choice (either you or author picks the OC; author makes). ❀☉‿☉❀
Write another line in your WIP (rude, productive, but okay). ◔̯◔
Drop a playlist for a story! ♪♡♪
Umm… yeah, so feel free to reblog to use the ask game yourself!! Fingers crossed all those nervous writers get to lore dump, yeah?
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soupbtch · 2 months
ummm. my fic is done.
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holocene-sims · 8 months
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friendship with my semi-hiatus ended, now this sim i made is my best friend 🤝
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Saw a post someone made on Twitter about the cost of mxtx books?? And they?? Said they cost? $1080??
And I’m hoping it was a joke for a meme or something, but if not, I would respectfully like to know where they’re buying their copies because,, that’s, that’s no.
No. That’s not how much they cost.
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abitterberryblog · 20 days
this community needs more memes. you're welcome.
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beesinspades · 10 months
i know astarion's attitude towards sex is all due to his trauma but. listen. there are some aspects of his romance and experiences that can be so relatable as a sex-neutral or sex-averse ace person. in fact him being ace or acespec on top of the trauma makes him even more compelling and tragic to me. it would've been amazing and interesting if he'd been canonically ace and these aspects plus how his asexuality affected his traumatic sexual experiences had been explored as well
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analogwriting · 4 months
Chapter 13: širdies
Donquixote Rosinante x gn!reader word count: 2.2k a/n: this one is a bit smaller than usual and it's a lil uneventful. kind of a filler chapter as i set grounds for the next one lmao first|next
You're not exactly sure when you fell asleep - well, more than likely, passed out, but when you woke up, you found yourself in your room at Pops’ house. It makes sense Marco brought you here. You probably weren't safe in your own place. You had no idea who would come after you or even if anyone would come after you. People didn’t typically know where Pops’ lived and he’s been out of the scene long enough that they should leave him alone for the most part.
You just hoped that they wouldn’t drag him into your mess like you had everyone else.
That, and being alone probably wasn't the best idea. This way Marco could keep an eye on you and make sure you didn't run off. He was well aware of your bad habits; take just the other night for example. He didn’t want to have to hunt you down again. He’d already done that once this week. You only did it once in a blue moon, but this way he could prevent it from happening in the same week. 
You sighed, putting your head in your hands. You weren't even sure how long it had been since you , but it was dark outside. You rolled over and glanced to your tableside; the clock read three in the morning and your phone laid there with a shattered screen. You didn’t even bother trying to see if it worked. Who did you have to get a hold of right now? All you needed was Pops and Marco and they were both in this house. You’d replace it eventually.
But not right now. 
The events replayed in your head. You hoped everyone was able to make it out okay. As much as you didn’t trust Doflamingo or your own father now; Crocodile seemed like the kind of man who would at least keep his end of a bargain. If not, you would unleash hell. You had no problem taking all of them down or die trying.
After all, you had nothing left to lose now.
You sighed, laying on your back and staring at the ceiling. What were you to do now? You didn’t have the hospital. You had gotten Corazon shot. You dragged innocent people into your own mess that you created by being an absolute idiot. 
Why did you think you could have it all? Leaving your father’s family and still keeping a good relationship with him? Being able to have the hospital but also aiding those who were injured and helping others escape from the hell that was that lifestyle with no consequence? 
You were Icarus and flew too close to the sun. Everything you had worked so hard for - gone in an instant.
You felt a headache come forth and you knew you’d cry if you had any tears left at this point. Exhaustion was creeping back into your very being. It wasn’t long before you fell back asleep.
The following week, you hardly left your room or your bed. Hell, you hardly even ate. You just didn't have the energy to do anything besides sleep. When you were awake, you were plagued by your own thoughts of what happened and how you have nothing now. It just wasn't something you could deal with - you still had a hard time believing it. It was easier to sleep - especially when you didn’t even dream. It was just an endless black void and you welcomed it with open arms.
Marco basically had to drag you out of bed to make you shower, but you went right back into bed afterwards. He tried to talk to you, as did Pops, but you didn't provide much of a conversation, so they both ended up just leaving you alone for the most part. 
You heard the door open and the smell of food. It made you sick to your stomach, but one could also argue that you probably felt that way because you haven't been eating. “I’m not hungry, Marco,” you mumbled from your blanket cocoon.
“Yeah, he mentioned that you might say that,” a voice mumbled that was very much not Marco - or Pops for that matter.
You sat up quickly, squinting in the dark room to see who it was. You recognized his voice, but you just couldn't believe it for some reason. 
You felt your face heat up and honestly you didn't know why. Quickly, you turned on the lamp on your bedside, hissing at the light. You’d hardly seen any in the last week anyway. “What are you doing here?”
“I might have begged Marco to let me come visit…” The man made his way over to you and that feeling struck you again. You went to move to catch him, only to get tangled up in your blankets and crash to the floor the same time he did. 
“Ah, fuck.” You slowly pushed your way up off the ground, only to realize something.
You froze in place the moment you sat up and realized he was under you. Your entire body suddenly felt like it was on fire. “Oh my god, I am so sorry,” you mumbled, scrambling to move off of him. “Are you okay?”
You remembered his wound, sitting back slightly and lifting his shirt without thinking. “How are you healing?” 
“If you wanted me alone in your room with my shirt off you could've just asked,” he teased, nervously grinning at you with red cheeks. Your eyes widened and you covered your face. 
“Oh my god. I'm so sorry.” For fuck’s sake. A week was all it took for you to forget how to interact with others? 
He slowly sat up, chuckling as he did so. You slid into his lap as he moved, not removing your hands. You were too embarrassed to even look at the man.
He removed your hands from your face and you looked up at him, face red. “I'm healing fine, thank you.” His expression was soft as he took your face in his hands with a gentle smile. Your eyes widened as you looked at him, heart beginning to run wild.
“Are you okay?” 
Then it was as if the floodgates opened. So much for thinking that you ran out of tears because you had plenty now as they started falling down your face. Dammit. Doesn’t he know that he’s not supposed to ask a question like that? 
“I'm so sorry, Rosinante,” you said softly. “I’m sorry that I dragged you into all of this.” You pulled your face out of his hands only for them to find your face again so you had to look at him. You averted your eyes, refusing to look at him.
“Look at me.” His gentle demand made your heart lurch and your gaze shifted to him in surprise.
His expression was still soft, tone still gentle. “You didn’t drag me into anything, y/n.” 
“Y-Yes, I did.” You hiccuped slightly from your sobs. “You were out. You were free from all of this. I shouldn’t have even tried to entertain the idea of us. I should’ve known it’d be dangerous. I’m so-”
“Y/n.” You stopped, sniffling as you looked up at him. 
“None of that is your fault. You didn’t know that your own father would betray you.” Marco had filled him in on all the details of what had actually happened, unbeknownst to you. “You didn’t know that he was going to team up with my brother. You didn’t know they’d take over your hospital and use us as collateral.”
“Yeah, but-”
“But nothing. Yes. I got out, but I also know that things can catch up with me at any moment, just as you do. One can never really leave this life and all that, right?” You just looked at him, trying to find the words to say. You didn’t know why he wasn’t mad at you. He was just…so kind and you didn’t understand. It just felt like it’d be easier if he just hated you, then you wouldn’t have to deal with all these other complex feelings.
“Not only all that, but I still made my decision even after finding out who you were, remember? Sure, it took me a minute. Mostly because I was embarrassed for having made an ass of myself that night. Law was trying to get me to talk to you the whole time. I’m pretty sure he was ready to have my head.” He made a sheepish expression as if he was apologizing to the young man in his head for that one.
“I don’t give a shit where you’re from - I’m from that same place. I’d be hypocritical if I judged you for it. We’re in this together now. I mean. Well, uhm. If you want,” he mumbled, rambling a bit towards the end, his face slowly turning red.
You had stopped crying at this point, honestly just taken aback by his words. Your heart was beating so fast as you sat there, in his lap, with your face in his large hands. You could read between his ramblings. 
He was right, though. You didn’t necessarily drag him into anything. He had been the one to take the initiative. Hell, he was even going to ask him out before your father showed up. You had planned on telling him everything if things did end up getting serious. If he had asked you out that day, you would’ve immediately told him everything. You hadn’t planned on lying to him at all - you believed in full transparency. Especially since he was from the same background as you. 
The way he found out was unplanned, but it was going to happen all the same. 
He had come back. You thought it was only because he found out that you were also the person who saved Law, but he had hardly mentioned that. Law had even confirmed that it wasn’t because of that. It was just shit timing from when they found out and when he was ready to confront all his feelings. Everything seemed to be happening out of order and now you were trying to put the pieces together.
You moved without much thought, kissing him hard. He made a small noise of surprise, but was quick to melt into it. Your arms slipped around his neck as his found their way around your waist. It was getting hot and heavy quickly, but you knew you couldn’t go too far since you were in Pops’ house and you would rather die than get caught by him or Marco.
You pulled away, both of you panting heavily as you tried to catch your breaths. Corazon rested his forehead on yours, looking deep into your eyes. You finally spoke after a moment. “Yes. We’re in this together.” You supposed you should answer the sentiment he had stumbled over earlier.
He chuckled softly, pressing another soft kiss to your lips. “Good because I’d be real sad if otherwise.” You snorted, rolling your eyes. He was such a goober, but it was cute.
You thought for a moment, frowning slightly. This was great and all, but…where did you go from here? You could start dating, yes. This was one thing solved. There were still tons of things you had to deal with. You had to get your hospital back somehow. You also needed some answers from Pops. It was time you found out exactly what happened between him and your father. You needed to make sure all your staff were safe. Obviously Corazon and the boys were safe, but you needed to know about everyone else as well.
You had let everything get to you. You had fallen off the deep end, but you were back now thanks to Corazon’s help. Only…you had no idea where to begin.
You suddenly felt him press a kiss to your forehead and you looked up at him. “I can see that big brain of yours is back in business,” he said with a large, goofy grin. You felt your heart start racing again. Fuck, he was beautiful. He stood up, picking you up with him. Luckily for him, Pops was also a very large man, so all the ceilings in this home were tall. He could stand with ease.
“However, it’s late. There isn’t much we can do now. Why don’t you sleep on it, let your thoughts organize, and we can figure things out in the morning, hm?” He slipped into bed with you and you felt your face warm up. 
“If your goal was to get into bed with me the whole time, you could’ve just asked,” you mused, using his words from earlier. This time he went red. “That’s not…uh…”
You laughed, settling into the bed and pulling him with you. “I know, I know. Now c’mere.” You could already feel the exhaustion from the crying and from your brain turning back on. He was right, you needed a good night's sleep before you started tackling this absolute shitshow that you needed to deal with. You’d waited this long, what was a few more hours?
The moment you felt Corazon pull you in and wrap himself around you - you were out like a light.
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squuote · 1 year
we need to go back to when people treated stanarrator as a small fun aspect of the game and not the fandom’s main focus please. yes the narrator is gay or whatever, cool, let’s talk about him possibly being a skull now
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namu-the-orca · 1 year
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DEAR FRIENDS. My apologies for another enormous silence. After the Delphinus delphis colour anomalies poster I’ve been wanting to make something similar for, well... everything else. It’s a lot of fun going through all sorts of species!! However it’s also a lot lol. Maybe “draw everything first, then figure out how you want to organise this” isn’t the greatest strategy, but here we are. Hence the lack of uploading (though part of that is also just me being busy and scramble brained). 
Anyway, consider this a preview for all the ODD BOIS which are - slowly but surely - coming your way. I think they’re super fascinating and I hope you’ll find them too!!
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