#*sprays disclaimer EVERYWHERE*
hel7l7 · 1 year
How do you deal with the thought that some people use your art to trigger their trauma further? Do you put some disclaimer here and there or do you not care because it’s their trauma?
I've had this ask in my inbox for months. And I keep coming back to it but never felt ready to reply. 
When I first received this anon I was hurt, scared, felt like maybe all that I had been doing all this time had been wrong. That maybe I did more damage than good by sharing my art. I wanted to apologise and distance myself from the art I was making. 
Later when I gave myself more time to think about it all I realized it was not as simple as that. 
When I first started hel7l7 I never intended for it to get as big as it did. I didn’t have a plan for it or expected myself to still be doing this 5 years later. I shared my art because it felt like my feelings had no other place to go and in that I gave myself full expression of whatever it was that I was feeling at the time. In the past years there have been pieces that I would not post again if I’d made them now. But at the time I I was struggling and all that I was trying to do was find a connection. Some understanding, someone who understood the pain I was in, so at least I’d not have to feel so alone. 
With this account so big there now comes a whole new aspect to it: How do I give myself the freedom of expression while also maintaining the responsibility of what I post and how it affects people who view my art. And is this my responsibility at all? 
Recently I did a survey asking followers of hel7l7 to tell me a bit more about how to experience this account. And although it definitely did trigger some more "negative" feelings like sadness or anger it also made people feel less alone in their suffering. People have referred to my art as cathartic or hopeful. Pain is often a little easier to bear when it is carried together. I think in most of today’s cultures it is often still better to act like you’re fine rather than to open up about what you’re struggling with. With hel7l7 I try to create a place where everything is okay, where even dark, unaccepted feelings can be there. I’m not saying we should all go out into the world and give into all that we feel, just creating a place where at least it can just be for a minute. So that maybe later it is a little easier to let it go and just live life a little lighter. 
Art is art. Whether you like it or not. Art is supposed to make you feel something. It makes you think. If you go on the subway and see a spray-painted piece on the side of a bridge this can make you feel angry, in a museum you may find a piece of art that provokes a deeply uncomfortable feeling in you or the little painting on the wall in your grandma’s kitchen makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside. Art is everywhere. And so are triggers. If you’re struggling with PTSD or anything else there will be triggers everywhere. The real world doesn’t hold back for you so that you can live in a sugarcoated space where nothing will ever hurt you. With the internet this got taken to a next level. Everything is everywhere all of the time. And this creates a whole new place where we have to find our way. It is impossible to escape all triggers. But do you love yourself enough to create a safe space for yourself? Do you notice what helps you and what doesn’t?  I think we all have found ourselves in places of the internet that maybe did more harm than good. But sadly that’s part of finding your way in the world now. When I was younger I used to look at blogs on tumblr that triggered me, or followed Instagram accounts that just fed my obsessions. In the end it was MY responsibility to see that this was hurting me. And it was my responsibility to set myself free from it. 
The world isn’t going to protect you from all that causes harm. You have to want to get better and move away from that. 
And with that said it is safe to assume that some people may follow me because it hurts them. Because they do want to trigger themselves or because they do like to see that at least they’re not the only one in pain. But that’s part of their process. You’re only going to want to change when you’re feel that the pain you’re causing yourself is not worth it anymore. When you’re ready for a new step. 
Am I to blame for making this account? Some would say so. 
I never made this account to cause harm on anyone. And I think I’d have quit long ago if I didn’t get so many positive messages. I think that below the line there’s currently still more people who benefit from my art than people who are suffering because of it. 
With that the pain in people is there before they view my art. The ones who view my account with the intends of triggering themselves already have a problem. I didn’t cause it. I’m just the tool they use to hurt themselves. Does that make me the responsible one for the damage? It could be if my account was only ever negativity and darkness. But I try to sparkle a little hope here and there. I try to find a way to show the progress and the pain simultaneously and maybe somehow I reach a healthier part in them too. 
My pieces are not about diving deeper into the darkness. It is about expressing feelings that may have been neglected for a very long time. It is about being real. About being raw. About being human. 
You asked me if I don’t care about other peoples trauma. And I do. But I cannot hold myself responsible for everyone who decides to view my art. You don’t have to follow me. I tag stuff on tumblr so people can blacklist it. I keep pieces to myself when I think it is too much. But I also allow myself freedom in my art. And every time I try to make a decision based on what I think is best in that moment. 
And with all of that said I know there’s a thin line I’m walking. I hope that if I ever find myself on the dark side of it all that I’ll be able to call quits and stop making art. (For a little while.) And in the past months I’ve definitely been looking for ways to make more recovery focused art while also trying to not fall into the trap of toxic positivity. Feelings are feelings and please let’s feel them instead of acting like nothing ever hurts us. 
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plaindangan · 4 months
Does Junko ever decide to stop getting milked for a month or two, so that they can grow like crazy and feel the Despair of not getting all that stuff out, especially since she produces so much every day~
Disclaimer: R18 material! If not to your liking then please do not view!
She has a masochistic love for it. That growing feeling of being oh-so filled with milk, knowing her body desperately needs release and constantly having to deal with the embarrassing leaking occasionally that ruins her shirts, especially in public...she's an utter slut for it~ God helps anyone (Mukuro/Yasuke) when she finally cracks and makes them spray her gallons everywhere, though the euphoria of that release is heavenly to her too~
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sithqueenkat · 1 year
Pool of Starlight reader x cal kestis
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Just a little wholesome fun with Cal Kestis
Disclaimed: none
“You woke me up from a nap for this,” you muttered, shielding your eyes from the bright sun as you stepped off the Mantis. You had crashed hard on the flight over and were barely awake as Cal dragged you to see some surprise he had planned. He had been out exploring the desolate planet since sunrise.
The mission had taken you to a far off planet that bordered the outer rim. Rumors of a once lost Jedi Holocron surrounded it, and they were too tempting to not draw your crew in. There was no way he had found such a rare object without your help, but he was excited nonetheless. You stumbled keeping up with him.
“It’ll be worth it, trust me,” he reassured as he held back various branches so I wouldn’t get scraped. The brush was thick and the air was heavy.
Not too long after, we came to a clearing, a sparkling light overwhelmed my senses. When my gaze adjusted I found a pool of starlight in front of us. I let out a gasp.
“It’s beautiful, Cal,” I breathed.
“I know, I came out here for some early meditation and its beauty reminded me of you.”
Your cheeks flushed and you dipped your head. 
“But what is it?” you asked, stepping closer.
He leaned down and took a scoop of the dark water in his hands. It glistened intensely. He shrugged letting it slip through his fingers. 
“I’m not sure, but this planet is known for its natural beauty.”
His fingers traced the hem of his poncho before he yanked it over his head. This only made me blush deeper.
“You’re not seriously getting in?” you questioned. 
He smirked and winked at you before diving in. Droplets of starlight sprayed everywhere, soaking you nearly entirely.
“Cal!” you hissed, shaking your hands dry.
“Come on in!” he called after you. “It feels refreshing in this muggy heat.”
It was awfully warm out. Even in the loose clothing you wore, you found yourself dripping with sweat. You turned around to make sure no one was watching you, whether it was Cere or any enemy troop, you didn’t want to be caught together like this in the water. 
Suddenly strong arms gripped your waist and you let out a squeal as Cal threw you over his shoulder. 
“That wasn’t a request,” he said with a laugh before throwing you into the water.
The refreshing water surrounded you and cooled your senses as he came barreling in after you. With a laugh you began splashing him. You’d find yourself playing for hours in the water with him.
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300iqprower · 2 years
Okay so soem good news regarding the name "Legal Shower". It refers to a poison that Ruby unleashes on enemies (according to Illya's bio) that would "even make the hydra recoil" but is "safe for children" so I think the word "Legal" here is like a disclaimer saying it's fine to have Illya spray poison everywhere and not...something else. But I dont' blame anyone for getting suspicious cause honestly so did I.
ffs just call it like...Water Hazard or something then. they know what they did. They dogwhistle constantly, they don't get to be cheeky about it.
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wil-is-done · 2 years
When You’re A Mystery Kid - Chapter 36B: Assault on the Fearamid - Part 2
Summary: At summer’s end, there was a storm, one that even the demon fears. (Warning for graphic violence)
Word Count: 12.355
IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a repost.
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters featured here.
“Bill’s coming!” 
Lili’s scream echoed off of the walls of the massive chamber, louder than the bickering group at the chamber’s center, and immediately silenced them all. She took off in a sprint towards them, Raz only a split second behind. He looked over his shoulder as he ran, at the gaping entrance he left behind. Bill had not appeared through it just yet, but he knew they only had maybe seconds at most before Bill arrives. 
The lingering pain at the back of his head began to grow stronger. They might have even less time than he thought. “Everyone, run!” Raz yelled. “We need to get out of here!”
The group spent a moment frozen, their eyes slowly widening, gears turning in their heads as the realization of what’s happening dawned on them. 
Coraline was the first of them to break out of their reverie. “You heard him!” she barked, pointing a finger towards a grand doorway leading deeper inside the Fearamid. “We gotta move!” 
That managed to break the rest of the group from their stupor. They scrambled, stumbling and tripping over themselves, towards the doorway that Coraline pointed to. It was all a chaotic blur of people and movement. Dipper picked up a discarded paint spray can as he ran. Mabel had her grappling hook in one hand and Pacifica’s hand in another. Norman stayed in place for a second longer than the others, his palms turning into fists, before he followed the others. Coraline made sure everyone was on the move before she herself started running. As Raz ran, he spotted a circle of symbols from the corner of his eye, surrounding an image of Bill. 
Raz and Lili finally caught up to Coraline, who stayed at the back of the group. 
“What do we do now?” he asked, desperate, through panting breath, to Coraline.
“There’s a ritual that can stop Bill. We need Stan, Ford, Wendy, Soos, Robbie, McGucket, Gideon, Pacifica, Mabel, and Dipper to do it.” The determination and resolve that burned in Coraline’s eyes was almost scary to see. “We have to protect them, at all costs.”
Raz nodded resolutely. His eyes narrowed at the ten people running in front of him. He’d done escort missions before. He knew how this worked. Ten people to protect. Ten people that holds the key to saving the world. Ten people he’s prepared to die for, if needed. 
He felt a sharp spike of pain at the back of his head just as he, Lili and Coraline passed through the doorway. The entire structure rumbled, and he could’ve sworn the floor began shifting. That could only mean one thing.
Bill’s here. 
“You dirt walkers are trying to do a little ritual here, huh?” Bill’s voice sounds like it came from everywhere. Not like an echo, it was as if he spoke through the floor and walls and ceiling. “Tell you what; call it off and I promise I’ll only make you all suffer for a few millennia!” 
Raz heard someone yelping, and even a few quiet whimpers, but they all kept running. He glanced back; the hallway behind them was still empty. It won’t stay that way for long. 
“We need to find a place to try the ritual again!” Dipper’s voice came from the front of the group.
“And the time!” Wybie shrieked back. “We won’t be getting neither with Bill right on our asses!” 
A terrible plan took form in his mind. Raz’s face darkened. He skidded to a halt. Lili immediately stopped next to him, joined by Coraline, then Wybie, until everyone stopped in their tracks, their attention focused on Raz.
“Raz?” Coraline’s eyes narrowed. He knew she knew what he had planned.
Raz stared each and every one of them in the eye, putting on the bravest face he could muster. “You’re on your own for the place, but I can give you the time.”
They reacted with gasps, refusals, and unadulterated horror.
“Raz, you can’t, we have to-!”
“No, no way, not in a million-!”
“That’s suicide, Bill’s not going-!” 
“Don’t even try,” Raz replied succinctly, cutting them off. “Just go.”
They didn’t leave, at first, but the look on Raz’s face made it clear that he made his mind. There was nothing they could say that would dissuade him. One by one, they slowly turned on their heels and ran off ahead. The Mystery Kids was the last ones to leave, and among them, Lili and Coraline were the ones that stayed the longest.
“Kick his pointy ass for me.” Coraline gave him one last smirk, before she spun around and sprinted off to rejoin the others.
Now, the only ones left were himself and Lili.
“Lili…” Raz began.
Lili raised a hand. “Don’t even try.”
Raz couldn’t help but smile. It was stupid of him to even to try to get Lili to leave. Not to mention, rather hypocritical. 
His smile didn’t last long, fading as he turned to stare down the long hallway behind him. Beside him, Lili did the same, her expression grim and determined. The rumbling of the walls, the shifting of the floor, the throbbing pain in his head; they’re all getting stronger.
Lili shifted her stance, bringing a finger up to her forehead. “We don’t stand a chance.”
“No.” Orange psychic energy pulsed to life from Raz’s taut fists. “No, we don’t.”
When Bill appeared, the pain skyrocketed. Raz’s knees nearly buckled. His vision blurred and shifted, it took everything in him to keep his focus. Just looking at Bill hurts, in more ways than one. 
Bill floated forward, closing in on Raz and Lili. He looked amused. “Goggles and lily pad! Planning on giving up?” He glared, and Raz heard Lili hissing, holding back a scream. “If you do, I’ll be nice and use your skin for my new curtains! Don’t worry; I’ll make sure you’re alive and conscious for the entire process!”
“Human skin… is a terrible match… for the aesthetic of this place.” Raz forced a grin through gritted teeth. It probably wasn’t the best idea to devote what remained of his brain power for snappy comebacks, but then again, none of his decisions today were particularly smart. 
“Wait, you’re fighting back?” Bill burst out into laughter. “That’s idiotic, even by the standards of three dimensional beings with overdosed minds like you!”
Raz gave Lili the tiniest of glances. On my signal…
“Sure, we might be idiotic three dimensional beings with overdosed minds,” the pulsing energy in his fists grew stronger, larger, swelling beyond the limits of what he knew was safe, “but we are idiotic three dimensional beings with overdosed minds that’s going to take! You! Down!”
Raz held both hands out, Lili extending out one. Two massive orbs of orange and pink-ish energy, each one larger than him, shot out from their palms. The knockback was enough to send the two skidding back a few inches. The orbs sailed through the air with a booming roar. Bill’s single eye widened in surprise. 
“What the-?!”
Both orbs struck Bill square in his eye, the blast massive and deafening, Bill reeling back by a few feet. The entire structure shook, the corridor suddenly bathed in a kaleidoscope of orange and pink lights, almost blindingly so. Raz and Lili had to shield their eyes from the light and the sheer force of the blast. 
“My eye!” Bill screamed out, clutching his eye. “Cheap shot, you psychic inbreds!”
No time to waste. Lili threw her hands in the air, eyes tightly shut, her brows furrowing in exertion. Bits of stone from the floor, walls, and ceiling was ripped out, flying to a central point above Lili’s head. Raz felt the intense heat of Lili’s pyrokinesis, and witnessed as the gathered stone bits began to melt, coalescing into a ball of molten rock, growing larger and larger as more material flew up to join it.
“Cover me,” Lili whispered through gritted teeth.
Raz nodded with a grunt. He sprinted off straight towards Bill, peppering him with small blasts of psychic energy. With Bill still reeling, he was oblivious to the growing ball of molten rock, and each blast Raz shot made sure to keep it that way. Raz easily slid under the distracted Bill, firing off a couple more psi-blasts for good measure, breaking off into a sprint again on the other side. Bill finally recovered with a grumble about his eye hurting. He quickly spun around and fired off a wave of blue flame. A levitation ball bounced Raz above the wave of searing, cerulean flame. Summoning a psychic platform beneath his feet, he used it to launch himself back at Bill. Twirling in midair, a massive, ethereal fist came to form behind Raz. He swung his fist with a battle cry, the ethereal fist flying past him, aimed straight at Bill. The fist struck Bill’s eye, impacting with a resounding, satisfying thud. Bill reeled, and Raz grinned. 
Down below, seeing her chance, Lili hurled her molten boulder with a grunt of exertion. Bill remained oblivious. Raz’s grin grew wider. 
Suddenly, Bill’s eye flitted left, finally noticing the molten boulder. A new arm suddenly sprouted out of his body, rushing towards Raz, rushing far too fast for Raz to react. Dark fingers clamped down tight around Raz, pinning his arms against his sides. Raz bit back a cry of pain from its crushing grip. He barely had time to even attempt an escape before Bill’s arm abruptly sent him swinging through the air towards, in Raz’s horrified realization, the path of the molten boulder. In that split second before impact, Raz hastily threw up a barrier around himself, and braced. 
The impact was overwhelming. The pain was overwhelming. It was crushing, searing, melting, pulverizing, all at the same time. His vision shifted back and forth between complete darkness and a blur of shapes and colors, and it took everything in him to not succumb, to hang on to that colorful haze. His ears were ringing, so loud he thought his eardrums might burst, but distantly he could still hear the sickening crunch of something breaking, the sizzling of clothes burning, Bill’s booming laughter, and even more distant than all that, the sound of Lili’s horrified screams. 
Raz felt another impact, this time not nearly as bad the first one. Some distant corner of his mind still had enough clarity for him to realize that he’s now lying face down on the ground. The appeal of succumbing, of letting it all go, has never been as strong, and it continued to grow stronger by the moment.
Lili’s scream reached him once again, but only barely. It was followed a cry of panic. A cry of fear. 
Something stirred within Raz. Something that pushed him to crack his eyes open.
All he saw was a blur, at first, but everything slowly came to focus as the moments ticked by. He saw Lili, standing closer than he thought she would be. She held an arm out, desperately reaching for Raz. Tears were streaming down her face. He had never seen her look so afraid before. Raz drew a strained gasp when he realized why.
Her legs had been turned to wood. Her feet turned to roots, stuck into the floor. The transformation slowly continued to spread upwards, past her hips and up to her stomach. Bill floated behind her. There was a sick sense of amusement in his eye.
“Irony is my eighth favorite form of humor!”
Bill laughed again. Lili sobbed. All Raz could do was watch.
“Raz, please, hold my hand, please,” she begged, the transformation spreading past her chest, “Raz, don’t let me go, I don’t wanna go, please, Raz, please.”
Raz raised his hand and held it out to Lili with all the strength left in him, but it wasn’t enough. Her fingertips were so maddeningly, frustratingly close to his. He couldn’t muster the strength to close the distance. When her begging stopped, her sobs ceased, and she became deathly silent, her wooden fingers were only inches away from his reach.
Raz’s hand dropped lifelessly to the ground. He choked and sobbed, hot tears streaming down his face.
“Oh, boo hoo, kid. It’s only permanent if I want it to.” Bill turned around and began to float away from Raz. “Don’t bother getting up. I can make things worse for you.”
The sight of Bill leaving, so indifferently, so nonchalantly, after what he did; it set something off within Raz. Something in him snapped, and he felt anger like he never felt it before. He had no idea how it was possible, or where he got the strength to do it, but he suddenly found himself barely standing on two feet, his fist faintly pulsing with energy.
“Bill!” Raz’s voice echoed throughout the cavernous hallway. Bill stopped moving away. He didn’t turn to face Raz. 
Raz took one step forward, and stumbled. Raz took another step, and tripped. With every step he took, it threatened to send him crashing to his knees, but he didn’t care. He didn’t care that the energy pulsing from his fist fizzled out about five steps ago. All he cared about was Lili, and Bill, and how good the demon would look after Raz had beaten the shit out of him.
In desperation and rage, Raz raised a hand, ready to fire.
Bill spun around. He glared.
Pain flooded Raz’s senses. It felt like a thousand needles were piercing his skull, like two mountains were pressing against his head, like his skull was set aflame with the fires of Hell. His jaw stretched open in a silent scream. He dropped to his knees, and would have fallen flat on the floor if he didn’t catch himself, his arms barely holding himself up. Something wet, something warm, dripped out of his nostrils, then dripped out of his eyes, then dripped out of his ears and mouth. A pool of red began to form underneath him. 
He could still hear Bill’s voice, mocking him.
“Look at you! I’m barely doing anything and you’re already leaking human juice from all your face holes!” 
Raz had no response. He couldn’t think of any. His mind was a blank, empty of everything except for the pain.
“You’re never getting up from that, goggles.” The floor all around him shifted. “But here’s to make sure.”
Water burst out of the floor. It rose to the air before the flow bent and curled, forming a dome around Raz, tightly closing in upon him. Raz let himself collapse to the floor. His eyelids lowered and closed. He tucked his knees against his chest. He had succumbed. Bill left without uttering another word.
He had no idea how long he laid there, curled into himself, when he felt something wet tickling his back, the tips of his hair, and the soles of his shoes. He didn’t even have to open his eyes to know what’s happening.
The dome was shrinking.
“Turn right over here!”
Coraline’s voice was confident and unwavering; the group following her directions without question, taking a blind right turn in the ever-increasingly mazelike corridors of the Fearamid. Her features were etched into a mask of undaunted bravery, but even then, she still found herself shooting looks over her shoulders more than once. That loud boom earlier that rocked the entire structure; no doubt that that was because of Raz and Lili. She just hoped it turned out to be a good sign. 
That right turn eventually led to the group passing under a massive doorway and emerging into an equally massive, barren room. Besides chunks of rubble, there was practically nothing to speak of in it; no furniture, no windows, no way forward. 
“Oh no, dead end!” Mabel wailed. Panic was quick to swell among the group. After all, turning back was certainly too risky of an option to take. 
Coraline’s eyes scanned the room closely. In spite of, or perhaps because of, her desperation, her eyes caught a glimpse of something in the far corner of the room. “Over there!” she shouted. 
Coraline led the group as they flocked towards it. As they got closer, it became clear that what caught Coraline’s eye was a doorway. A normal, human-sized doorway, unlike the gigantic ones she had encountered before, that had almost entirely collapsed in on itself, but it still had just enough space for people to crawl under. 
“Come on, everyone. Through here.” Coraline stepped forward and did her best to lift the collapsed parts of the doorway to create just the slightest bit more space for the others to pass through. Mabel and Wendy came up beside her and helped her with the deed. Without further prompting, one by one they crawled under the doorway, starting with Gideon, then Robbie, and so on. The Mystery Kids were the last ones to pass through, and Coraline made sure she was the last one to do it. She took a glance behind her for a moment, her eyes darting left and right for any sign of Bill or his ilk, before she swiftly ducked under the doorway. 
The room beyond was rather similar to the room before in some aspects; namely that it had scarcely anything but rubble in it, it had no windows, and no other doorways forward. What was different about the room was how small it was compared to all the chambers and hallways she’d seen in the Fearamid. The height of the ceiling was about the same height as a normal room, and even the rubble here was smaller. This room was basically the Fearamid’s equivalent of a crawlspace. Despite that, it still had more than enough room for the rather large group.
Neil stepped up into the center of the room and looked around. “Hate to say it, but I feel like this room is about as safe as it gets,” he said. 
“He’s right.” Coraline wasn’t exactly happy with it, but her feelings weren’t important right now. “We’ll hole up here, try the ritual again. Hopefully this time no one’s gonna mess it up.” She didn’t even bother with subtlety when she sent a glare to both Stan and Ford. 
“Sounds like a plan.” Dipper nodded. He walked up to Ford, holding out a spray paint canister. “Great uncle Ford?”
Ford didn’t take the canister immediately, not at first. He was still wilting under Coraline’s glare. When he did accept the canister, he did so without as much as a whisper. 
Coraline threw her gaze to the side and silently scoffed. Good.
Ford was quick to busy himself with recreating the required ritual circle from earlier in the center of the room. The other nine spoken of in the prophecy stood around in a circle, anxiously waiting until the mystical circle was finished. The rest of the Mystery Kids mostly paced around the room nervously. Coraline knelt by the entrance of the room, her eyes flitting between Ford working on the circle and the room outside. 
Ford barely managed to draw a circle when a voice echoed down the hallway and into the room. 
“Organ bags! Come out, come out, wherever you are!” 
Coraline’s blood ran cold. It was as if time itself froze inside that room. Everyone stopped in their tracks, even Ford, looking like a deer in the headlights. 
“Keep drawing!” Coraline snapped at him. He did so immediately.
“Th-that was… was Bill,” Wybie stuttered. The horror in his eyes was all too palpable. “Raz and Lili…”
Coraline tightened her palms into fists. As if the air in the room wasn’t grim already. Dipper wrapped his arms around himself, shaking his head. Mabel had her hands covering her mouth, trying her best to choke back her sobs. Neil collapsed against the wall, clutching his head in his hands. Norman stood almost deathly still in the corner. Coraline had to shut her eyes as tightly as she could. This was no time for tears. Not for her. 
She opened her eyes and stared out into the room and hallway before. She just had a grim realization. “We need more time,” she stated, simply. 
She wasn’t surprised when Norman immediately spoke up. “Coraline. No.”
“What other choice do we have?!” Coraline rose up to her full height, drew her mace, and gripped the weapon tight. “I’m stepping out there and buying you guys time. None of you can stop me.”
To her relief, no one actually took her up on that. However, when Wendy broke away from the circle, her brows furrowed and her axe in hand, Coraline raised her guard.
“Don’t even try, Corduroy.”
“I’m not.” Wendy raised her axe up to Coraline, handle-first. “I just thought you needed this more than I do.”
There was a beat, a moment, where Coraline simply stared dumbfounded at the offered axe. When that moment ended, she readily accepted the axe with her left hand and gave Wendy an appreciative smile. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted Stan breaking away from the circle too, opening his mouth to speak. Coraline’s smile disappeared. 
“Look, kid, before you go through with this stupid idea, you gotta-”
“No, you shut the fuck up!”
Coraline’s words were ringing, cutting cleanly across the air.
“You think you still have a say in this?! Two of my best friends might be dead, all because you two ancient, idiotic troglodytes can’t keep your hate boners in check for five fucking seconds! We could’ve-!”
Coraline held herself back from saying any more. Her eyes were starting to water. 
“Just do us all a favor, and don’t fuck it up again,” she finished. Stan retreated back to the circle without another word. Not that he needed to say anything; the chastised look on his face spoke louder than words. 
Coraline casted one last glance to everyone in the room, to her best friends, to the people she’s fond of, to the people she once hated, and to the people that now kind of hate. She turned, walking closer to the collapsed doorway. She paused when she realized Wybie was following closely behind her.
Coraline sighed. “Wybie. I know you know what I meant.”
“Then you’re not taking a step outside of this room.” The boldness in his voice and the finality in his tone were unlike anything she’d ever heard from him before. 
Coraline spared him a glance over her shoulder. “And you’re gonna stop me?”
“I’m… gonna try.” 
That’s rather impressive, she had to admit. Annoying, but impressive. Coraline set aside both of her weapons for a moment. She turned on her heels to face Wybie, finally. His brows were knit into a glare, his hands balled into fists, genuinely looking ready to do his damnedest to stop her. Gently, Coraline approached him, gingerly placing both of her hands on his shoulders. Wybie’s eyes flitted between them with a nervous glint. She grew closer and closer still, until their faces were only inches from each other, and she could feel his warm breath tickling her lips. Wybie’s eyes were wide with surprise. Coraline’s eyes were closed out of guilt.
“Neil, hold him back.”
A look of shock and confusion barely dawned upon Wybie when Coraline shoved him back into Neil, who immediately wrapped his arms around Wybie in a tight bear hug.
“Wha- Neil?! No, let go of me, you-!”
Coraline wasted no time. With one swift motion, she picked up both the axe and her mace and ducked through the collapsed doorway.
“No! Coraline, please, you can’t do this! He’s going to kill you, you crazy-!”
Coraline didn’t hear the rest of what Wybie said. She was already in a full sprint going down the corridor. 
Coraline briefly wondered how long it would be until she encountered Bill, and what she would do when that happened. She didn’t wonder for long. After only three right turns and two left turns, she skidded to a halt. For a moment, she tensed, her knees suddenly weak, chills running down her spine. Another moment, she shook off her doubts and pushed down her fears, and held her weapons at the ready. There, floating at the far end of the corridor, was Bill Cipher.
Bill, from what she could tell, looked pleasantly surprised to meet her. “Doll face! Let me guess, defiant to the end?” 
Coraline didn’t bother gracing that with an answer. She took off in a sprint, full speed, her mace and axe bared and eager to rip a demon to pieces.
“Oh, there it is! Hilarious!” Bill’s single eye turned into a deep crimson color. “Or it would be, if it’s not getting increasingly annoying!”
Bill snapped his fingers, the sound resoundingly reverberating off of the walls. A deep rumble shook the corridor, giving Coraline pause in her advance. There was a sudden sound of stone grinding against stone, and Coraline watched wide-eyed, as an entire section of the corridor began to rotate clockwise. Another rough grinding noise, a different section of the corridor beginning to rotate, this time counter-clockwise. Three more sections rotating clockwise, four more rotating opposite, on and on until the entire length of the corridor was transformed into an ever-shifting, spinning, chaotic mess of blocks and stone. Coraline simply gritted her teeth and leapt from one section to another. There was nothing he could do to stop her from pressing forward. 
That was when Bill clapped his hands. 
The clap echoed louder than the snap. Coraline paused again, her eyes darting left and right for signs of something, anything, changing. Her eyes were drawn to a tile high above her that had started moving as if it was shuddering. In the blink of an eye, the tile suddenly shot downwards as a pillar in blinding speed. Coraline barely managed to move her foot only a split second before the stone pillar struck where it once was. More and more pillars shot out of the ever-changing floors, walls, and ceiling, all throughout the corridor, adding in to the cavalcade of chaotic madness before her. Not that she’s deterred, not in the slightest. 
Jump. Roll. Sidestep. Vault. Leap. Slide. Both her brain and body, and the connection in-between, pushed to their limits. The smallest misstep, the tiniest miscalculation, and it could all be over in an instant. Against all odds, against the shred of doubt that gnawed at the back of her mind, she’s gaining ground. With every pillar dodged, with every platform traversed, the distance between her and Bill grew smaller. She heard another clap. Coraline doubled her speed.
A pillar shot up underneath her feet. For this, Coraline didn’t dodge. She rode it as it carried her high into the air. Guessing she’s at the correct height, Coraline launched herself off of the pillar, both her weapons gripped tight, straight at Bill.
Bill reeled, caught off guard. Coraline swung her axe. Bill swerved to the side at the very last minute.
Coraline landed with a roll. When she looked back, she saw Bill glaring at the underside of his left arm, where a small, clean cut had exposed bits of the flesh underneath.
Coraline leered up at him. “So you can bleed.”
Bill shifted his glare to her. The exposed flesh reformed itself. He spoke, his voice low and distorted.
Coraline almost laughed. Despite everything, pissing Bill off felt good. 
Her leer didn’t last. The ground shook and rumbled again. Her instincts screamed at her to start moving once. She leapt, and an earthen jaw clamped down on the empty air where she once was only a split second later. She barely caught her breath when she felt the ground tremble. She rolled, and a jaw rose out of the ground, missing her by inches. They were like bear traps, made from the floor itself. Coraline quickly learned to keep moving and move quickly. 
At some point, it became almost like a dance. A game. One that she’s playing with Bill, where she kept winning every round, pissing off Bill more and more. She grew rather bold. Confident. Overconfident, even.
But overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.
Coraline leapt again, but she knew she slipped, her jump not covering as much ground as it was supposed to. Something solid clamped down hard on her left leg. Her jump cut short, she fell into a crumpled heap on the floor. Her mace and axe fell out of her grip with a clatter. Even without looking back, she knew what happened. Coraline got careless, and the jaw got lucky, catching her by the foot. She tugged with all her strength, once, twice, to no avail. She remained stuck.
A shadow loomed over her. Her heart plummeted to her stomach.
A single misstep.
“Done? Can we now skip to the part where I win and you get to enjoy an existence of eternal pain?”
Coraline’s answer was to reach for her axe and chuck it as hard as she could at Bill. The weapon found its mark right in his eye, but Bill didn’t even flinch. Coraline’s heart plummeted even lower.
“You kids have a thing for being a pain in my eye, don’t you?” Bill blinked once, crushing the axe with just his eyelid. The remains clattered to a halt before Coraline’s prone form. 
“Do you have any idea how powerful I am right now?! I turned this hallway into a chaos carousel with just a snap of my fingers!” Bill gestured towards the gauntlet that Coraline had just passed. “And with another snap,” he snapped his fingers again, the cavalcade of shifting stones immediately grinding to a halt, before it reverted back to a normal corridor, “I can take it all away!”
In her endless list of terrible decisions, Coraline decided to tack on one more, by putting on her biggest shit-eating grin and snickering, “Still managed to nick ya.”
Bill actually landed, the floor beneath him cracking. His eye, blood red. His voice, rumbling and distorted.
“Your worst nightmare is that sorry excuse for a demon! My finger is enough to take her place!” Bill raised a single finger. “Here. Watch.” 
Coraline did watch, as the skin on that finger peeled away into a tangled mass of endless obsidian wires. Each strand was razor thin, razor sharp, glinting in the reddish light of the Fearamid. The ends of each strand suddenly solidified, morphing into metallic needles that danced in the air like snakes. Coraline was shocked out of her macabre reverie when Bill lowered his finger to point it at her. The needles shot at her, the black wires trailing eternally behind them. As they slithered closer and closer and closer, Coraline tried once more to free her trapped foot. No avail. She braced herself for the worst.
Something suddenly stepped in front of her.
No. Someone.
She only had a split second of thought, but with that ratty, black coat and matted, dark hair, she recognized who it was instantly. 
Wybie had both of his hands held out. The mass of needles and wires quickly consumed them. 
“And the wrench throws itself into my plans!” Bill bellowed, annoyed and frustrated. 
Any instance of Bill being annoyed would have usually attracted Coraline’s attention, but she had other things in mind right now. “Wybie, what are you doing here?! I told you to stay put!” she shrieked. 
With the needles and wires still swarming his hands, Wybie screamed back over his shoulder, “And I told you you’re not doing this by yourself! I’ll always follow you, Coraline, until the ends of the… of the…”
Wybie faltered in his bold declaration, as the swarm surrounding his hands cleared, revealing that the needles and wires had literally sewn the fingers of each hand together into a single, useless limb. Coraline gasped in horror. Wybie stared at his hands, slack-jawed, too terrified to speak. 
“C-Coraline…?” His low, timid whisper was barely audible, but it set something off within Coraline. 
The wires weren’t finished. They pulled at his hands, pinning his arm against his sides, before it began to swarm all around his torso like rabid wasps. Once it cleared, it had stitched the length of both his arms to the sides of his torso. Even then, they weren’t finished, immediately slithering downwards towards his legs. They circled them, swarmed them, and once they were done, his legs had been fused together into one. Wybie was not prepared, teetering for a moment, before he fell to the floor with a yelp. 
The mass of wires and needles still hasn’t stopped moving. It had begun to creep upwards, headed to Wybie’s face. 
Wybie locked his gaze with Coraline’s. Wide eyes filled with fear met wide eyes filled with desperation. Coraline couldn’t think of anything she could do other than to plead, to yell out his name, over and over again. Wybie’s lips quivered, like he was about to say something, but he never had the chance. A needle pierced through the upper right corner of his lips, and it quick wound its way along the length of it. Within seconds, his lips had been sewn shut. A pair of needles went a bit higher, to his eyes, and before long, his eyelids had also been sewn closed. He still squirmed, he still screamed, blindly, in his grotesque bondage. 
Coraline collapsed, slamming her fist against the floor in anger, in sorrow, at her own failure, quietly sobbing Wybie’s name to herself. 
“Sit still, and I might just let you die.” Bill’s voice rang, distant, dispassionate. He turned, floating away from her. 
Coraline didn’t even think. She was seeing red as she reached for her discarded mace and tossed it at him with all the strength she had left, screaming bloody murder all the while. The mace sailed through the air, only to come to a dead stop in midair halfway through its arc. Bill spun in place, slowly, facing her with his eye glowing red. Despite her rage, Coraline shriveled under Bill’s imposing gaze. 
“You don’t know when it’s time to quit, do you?”
She heard stones cracking, and to her surprise, saw the earthen jaw that pinned her foot crumble into pieces. However, before she could utilize the opportunity, she was enveloped by a blue glow, and she felt herself lifted up to the air. She flailed frantically, trying to escape, to no avail, rising higher and higher until she was at eye level with Bill. Her mace, still floating in midair, was suddenly, effortlessly split into two. Both halves flew at her and, before she could react, each one clamped and locked themselves around her wrists. She cried when her wrists were suddenly pulled behind her, the metal meeting each other with an echoing clang. The makeshift shackles melted and joined together, leaving her hands uselessly locked behind her. The pile of rubble below her that was once the earthen jaw cracked and crumbled even further into grains of sand. A sudden gust of wind cleared the sand away and revealed, among the dark-red tiles of the Fearamid, a small door. 
Coraline’s eyes widened in horrified recognition. 
The small door slowly swung open with a long, whining creak, revealing a lightless, impenetrable, unending abyss, and faintly, a singsong hum of something pretending to be a human woman. 
“Run along home to mommy.”
Bill’s words rang in her ears as the glow surrounding her fades, and gravity took its course. Down she went to the abyss below, to her fated destination. Fear seized her heart in a vice, cold and unrelenting. Any semblance of composure had abandoned her. Her mask of bravery, of determination and valor, long gone, discarded. She screamed. She cried. She begged. All for naught. Plunged into the abyss, to be claimed, consumed. 
“Just a little doll, afraid of the dark.” 
Her scream was silenced as the small door slammed shut.
Norman could’ve stopped Raz and Lili from staying behind, but he didn’t. Norman could’ve stopped Coraline from leaving the room they hunkered down in to slow Bill down, but he didn’t. Norman could’ve stopped Wybie when he broke free of Neil’s bear hug and went out after Coraline, but he didn’t. All those times when he could’ve stopped his friends, and he chose not to. All because of a strange, vague whisper at the back of his mind told him to. 
And now, that whisper urged him to leave this room and confront Bill. 
He nearly acted on it almost immediately. He managed to catch himself, instead casting his gaze around the room. Ford’s progress on the ritual circle was halfway complete, and all ten of the people needed for the ritual were all here, safe and sound. Logically, there was no need to step outside of this room. 
Norman watched Ford as he moved to finish the lower half of Bill’s depiction, but as he pressed down on the can’s nozzle, instead of a spray of blue paint, all that came out was a hiss and empty air. 
“Oh no.” Ford frantically shook the can and tried again, only to get the same result. “This can’s empty.”
There it was. The reason. 
The entire structure suddenly rumbled. Tiny chunks of the ceiling broke off and fell to the floor. Norman jumped as an all-too familiar voice filled the air.
“I’m getting really tired of these distractions, Fordsy!” Bill’s voice sounded livid. “You throw one more kid at me, and I’m gonna lose it!” 
That was another reason.
“What do we do now, dudes?!” Soos shouted, clutching the top of his head.
“We can still finish the circle!” Ford yelled out. “Quick, everyone search for something sharp, something that I can use to carve out the rest of the circle!”
Everyone was quick to do so, scampering towards the piles of rubble scattered around the room. Neil did so too. Norman didn’t. He had his eyes locked on the partially collapsed doorway, the only entrance and exit to this room. 
“Hey, Norman, c’mon!” Norman heard Neil say. He wasn’t expecting Neil to be suddenly standing beside him. “We gotta help look!”
Norman took one last look around the room, at everyone busy scrounging through piles of rubble, then at Neil. “Neil, promise me you won’t let anyone follow me outside,” he said. 
It took Neil a second to digest what Norman had said. Once he did, he didn’t take it well. “You want to-?! Norman, why would you want to do that?!”
Norman clamped a firm hand on Neil’s shoulder. “Just trust me on this. Promise?”
Neil hesitated for a moment, but he eventually gave him a steely nod. “I do. I promise.”
Norman replied with one last smile, which Neil was quick to reciprocate. As silently as he could, with everyone but Neil still preoccupied, he slipped underneath the doorway. 
Emerging on the other side, he stared down the massive, barren room he’s in, and at the massive doorway where Bill would soon emerge. One step after another he took, drawing closer and closer to the center of the room. Energy flowed from his center to the tips of his fingers, first starting as a trickle, but with every step he loosened his limits more and more, until energy were surging towards his hands. Some managed to escape his control, manifesting as quick lashes of yellow that burned at the edges of his sleeves. He was only a few steps away now. Out here, he won’t hesitate. 
“Wait, where’s Norman?” 
Norman stopped. Even out here, Dipper’s voice still managed to reach him.
“Neil, where’s Norman?!”
Norman couldn’t afford to take the risk. Without looking back, Norman opened his palm at the doorway he emerged. A bolt of lightning left his palm, quickly followed by the sound of lighting striking and of rocks falling and crumbling. Amidst it all, he heard Dipper’s voice screaming out his name. 
Norman drew a deep breath. Now he couldn’t hesitate even if he wanted to. 
Three more steps, and he was at the room’s center, standing tall, fists clenched, waiting for Bill’s arrival. 
The wait wasn’t long. Bill emerged from the massive doorway, his single eye already colored a vibrant crimson. He scanned the room, until his gaze met Norman’s. Norman might only be seeing what he wanted to see, but when Bill’s eye landed on him, he could’ve sworn he saw Bill flinch. 
“Ghost boy,” Bill said, his tone peculiarly flat. “Where’s the rest of your little troupe?” 
Norman glared up at him. “Whatever you say to me, it won’t work.”
“Not even if I say I will make the people you loved suffer the most?” Bill asked, as if that question was supposed to be a joke.
Norman’s reply was to hold out both of his hands, palms opened. “I’ve only done this a few times so far.” He changed his stance, spreading his legs to better handle the knockback, and gritted his teeth. “This is the first time I’m not sorry for using it.”
The energy surging and building towards his palms were practically fit to burst. Finally, Norman let go of his control of it, letting it all loose. A singular bolt of lightning shot out of his palms. It split the air in a flash, crackling and hissing like a cacophony of angry snakes. Bill’s eye went wide with clear, genuine fear. Hastily, in panic, he put up his arms to shield himself. The lightning bolt struck Bill’s arm with a deafening roar of thunder, and Bill… yelped.
A quick, weak yelp. Something caused by the spittle of boiling water, or a sudden shock of static in a dry day. Not by a bolt of lightning that Norman knew for a fact was the single most painful thing someone could feel. All Norman could do was stare, frozen, dumbfounded. Even Bill seemed bewildered, staring at the spot where the bolt struck his arm. His gaze moved to meet Norman’s. 
“I-Is… Is that the best you can do?” Bill asked, something almost like caution clear in his tone.
Norman was too afraid to answer, because it was a yes. 
His answer must have been written clear on his face, because Bill began to laugh. It started as a low, disbelieving chuckle at first, but it quickly devolved into an unrestrained, booming guffaw. Norman stared down at his palms; at what he thought was something that could stop Bill.
“Well, you sure made me feel like an idiot, kid!” Bill mocked as his laughter died down, mimicking wiping tears from his eye. He floated forward. Norman slowly backed away.
“Here I was, worrying that I’ve got a storm coming!” Bill leaned closer, close enough that Norman nearly fell over. “But you’re still just a pathetic, little spark, aren’t you, Norman?”
Despite the demon inching closer, Norman’s eyes were drawn again to his hands. There were sparks still, surging beneath the skin. “That’s… that was supposed to…” 
“Supposed to what?! Hurt me? Kill me?!” Bill’s voice rocked the entire structure. His entire body changed color into dark red, his eye turning into deep black with a shining yellow pupil. “I am beyond anything you’ve ever faced, witch! There’s no hurting me, there’s no killing me, there’s no banishing me.”
That time, Norman did fall over. As he stared up with wide eyes, Bill withdrew. His composure returned to something resembling calm.
“Let’s make this easy for everyone,” he said. His hand burst into blue flame, and he pointed it at Norman. “Tell me where Ford is, and I might not kill you.”
For a split second, Norman had the urge to cast a glance at the collapsed doorway hiding the others. He easily resisted. Instead, he rose back to his feet and, though much more timidly this time, extended his hands out towards Bill. The surging energy was still there, electricity rippling across his skin. If he couldn’t defeat Bill, then he could still slow him down. 
Bill sighed. He lowered his arm, the blue flame fizzling out, much to Norman’s surprise.
“Not done, huh? Fine!” Norman thought if Bill had a mouth, it would’ve cracked into a wicked grin. “Since you’re so eager, I’ll make this easier for ya! I’ll give you a bigger target!”
In the blink of an eye, and with a terrible roar, Bill transformed. The hands that took all of Norman’s courage to hold up slowly lowered themselves at the sight. A towering beast of crimson red, his body segmented by maws ringed with yellow fangs and slobbering, black tongues. Eight yellow, shining appendages sprouted from his body; six serving as his ‘hands’, two serving as his ‘legs’. His single obsidian eye, repeated three times across all four of his sides. The eye that was facing Norman narrowed down at him.
Something primal at the back of his mind told him to turn tail and run. Instead, what he did was hastily raise his hands back up again. Norman willed energy to surge to his fingertips. 
A bolt of his lightning left his palms. 
A wave of blue flame left one of Bill’s hands, massive and all-consuming. 
Everything turned black.
When his senses returned, the first thing to greet him was pain all over his body and the smell of smoke. The second to greet him was a worrying numbness on his palms. The third was how he was sprawled on the Fearamid’s floor, arms splayed wide on each side. The fourth was Bill’s voice, low and distorted. 
“One last time. Where. Is. Ford.” 
Norman’s intent was to give Bill the middle finger, but the numbness on his hands made it hard to tell whether or not he succeeded. Although, judging from how Bill grumbled, he was hopeful that he did. 
“Fine! Be that way!” Bill sounded like he was huffing. “You should know this is the second time I’ve resorted to torture today!”
Norman heard a finger snap. The earth suddenly rose and clamped down around his wrists. Norman gave it what amounted to a courtesy struggle, but it was no use. Even if he wasn’t in the state that he currently was, he had no chance of breaking free of the earthen shackles. Another snap, and the floor he laid on began to rise and straighten, until he was perpendicular to the ground, suspended by the wrists thanks to the shackles. Through the haze and pain, Norman realized, disturbingly, that the piece of the floor he was hanging from had been shaped to bear more than a passing resemblance to a cross.
“There! Just like that fake thing you humans worship!” 
Norman would’ve rolled his eyes if he could. So much for subtlety.
Bill circled Norman, all four his eyes searching the barren room. “I know you can hear me, Fordsy! I know you’re seeing this!” he bellowed. “Come on, Sixer! You know I can still make it worse for this kid!” 
With his head hanging low, Norman chanced a glance at the collapsed doorway. He quickly looked away when he caught sight of three pairs of eyes peeking through the tiny gaps in the rubble. 
No response came. Bill fumed, while Norman smiled in silent gratitude. “Alright, fine!” From a swirl of darkness, a giant nail materialized on one of Bill’s hands. He placed the tip against the palm of Norman’s left hand. The size was immediately made apparent, the ‘small’ tip covering the entire palm. On a different hand, Bill materialized a giant hammer. “I’m giving you to the count of three! Or this,” Bill pressed the tip harder against Norman’s hand. Norman had to bite down to hold back a scream, “becomes far more historically accurate!”
Norman glanced at the collapsed doorway again. There was still no apparent response. Good.
Norman drew a deep breath. To say that this would hurt was an understatement. 
Bill raised his hammer. Norman resolved to try his best to hold back his scream. Out of the corner of his eye, however, he spotted a light shining through the gaps of the doorway.
Bill swung his hammer down. The rubble blocking the doorway began to shrink. Norman nearly cried out in horror.
The hammer stopped inches from the nail. Both vanished into thin air as Bill’s eyes lit up with glee. All Norman could do was shake his head in horrified disbelief.
Dipper stood in the doorway, flashlight held out in hand. Beside him were Mabel and Neil, both trying to pull him back into the room. 
“It’s us that you want, right?!” Dipper yelled out again. “Let him go!” 
There was a flash. A rift. A break in reality. For a moment, Norman saw two Bills. Another moment, and Bill was suddenly floating in front of him again. In one hand, he held Dipper, and in another, was Mabel. They struggled with all the strength they had, but there was no escaping Bill’s grip.
“Finally!” Bill raised Dipper and Mabel closer to his front-facing eye. “You kids really went out of your way to make things annoying for me! The good news is that it’s finally over! Bad news is, well, none! For me!”
Bill held Dipper in front of Norman, practically waving him around like a toy. “Couldn’t resist, can you, pine tree?” he mocked.
Norman’s gaze met Dipper’s. “Why?” he whispered, barely heard.
“I’m not just gonna let him do that to you,” Dipper replied, true and genuine. In any other circumstance, Norman would have felt happiness hearing that. Dipper cried out as Bill pulled him away from Norman.
“Now!” Bill leaned in close until his eye was at arm’s length from Norman. “How should I turn you into a corpse?”
Bill lifted Dipper and Mabel to his left-facing and right-facing eyes. “Any suggestions? Pine tree, shooting star?”
“Fuck you!”
“You jerk!”
“Just kidding! I already know the answer!”
Something fell from the ceiling to dangle in the distance between Norman and Bill’s eye. Norman’s blood went cold when he realized it was a length of blackened rope, tied into a noose. 
“Just like back in the day! Isn’t that right, witch?”
Norman tried one last time to put up a fight, to will energy to surge forth once more, but even that was impossible in the state he’s in. A pair of Bill’s hands moved to wrap the noose around Norman’s neck, their motions bizarrely gentle and delicate. The noose was tightened; not yet enough to squeeze, but just enough to always make its presence known. Bill stepped back with a sick sense of pride in his eye. Dipper’s struggle heightened into a frenzy, spouting incoherent screams and Norman’s name. Mabel did the same, even as she broke down and tears started streaming down her cheeks. All Norman could do was watch their anguish as he teetered ever closer to submitting to his own.
“Going up?” 
The shackles, the cross that held him crumbled into dust. The rope, the noose around his neck squeezed and pulled. It dragged him higher and higher to the dizzying heights of the ceiling. Panic quickly set in. Norman’s desperate, weakening fingers clawed against the rope that bit into his neck. Air was running out. Limbs were going numb. Darkness crept at the edges of his vision. Faintly, he heard the twins, calling out for him.
Terror, dawning. Despair, succumbing. Acceptance, settling.
Faintly, he heard Bill, threatening the twins with death.
Control, liberated. Anger, released. Hatred, unleashed. 
Hatred. Hatred. Hatred. 
Everything turned red.
Everything turned black.
“Last chance, Ford! You tell me how to break the barrier, or I turn these two into corpses!” 
Bill’s voice was almost deafening as he loomed over the doorway into the room where the others hid, completely dwarfing it in this monstrous form. In Bill’s unrelenting grip, Dipper still struggled to break free. Despite what he had just witnessed happen to Norman, despite the pervading sense of despair within, he still struggled with all the strength he could muster. Across from him, Mabel matched his struggle pound for pound, even with her cheeks still caked with fresh tears. 
“Great uncle Ford, don’t listen to him! He’ll just kill us anyway!” Dipper yelled out, his voice starting to become hoarse. He had no idea if it even mattered or not, but when no response came from the doorway, Dipper took that as a small victory.
However, that feeling was short-lived.
“Good point, Dipper!” Bill held the twins out under his gaze. “Maybe I should kill one first! Let’s take a pick, shall we?!”
Dipper turned to look at his sister, their gazes meeting with one another. Terror was clear in their eyes, for each other as well as themselves. 
Bill’s pupil transformed into the shape of a shooting star. His eye locked onto Mabel, red light shining upon her like a spotlight.
Bill blinked. His pupil took the form of a pine tree. Dipper was bathed in red light.
He blinked again. A shooting star-shaped pupil. Red light shining upon Mabel. 
One last blink. Dipper closed his eyes. He braced for it come. At the very least, Mabel got to survive. 
Thunder. Righteous and frightening. One that he didn’t just hear; he felt it. Shaking him to his core, leaving him feeling small and perilously mortal. His eyes shot open. A compulsion left his gaze drawn towards the sky.
Dipper looked up, and saw a storm.
A mass of black had engulfed the ceiling. It roiled and swirled, forming a tumultuous whirlpool of shadows. Breaks of light intermittently snaked from one patch of darkness to another. At its center, at the eye, was a blinding, yellow light. It looked unnatural, and it felt almost divine. 
Dipper wasn’t the only one drawn to the storm. Mabel did too, staring in a mix of fear and awe. Even Bill had his gaze drawn upwards.
“What the-?”
Bill was cut off by a wraithlike shriek. 
A flash of lightning. Dipper cried out when he suddenly felt himself falling. The landing was rough, but the hard ground was far more preferable than Bill’s grasp. Mabel landed the same manner, not too far from him. A few feet from the two was a shining, yellow shape, hunched over and panting. Looming above, Bill’s eye practically popped out of its socket, staring at his two severed limbs, the flesh exposed and burned, leaving a faint trail of black smoke. 
Bill roared in pain as the shape rose to its full height.
The shape was none other than Norman. Beautiful, terrible lightning covered every inch of his being. It changed and shifted in every moment, nary a second of stillness. Snakelike flashes of electricity snapped and sparked at the air and the ground around him. His eyes were blank, yet filled with terrible, righteous fury. How he moved was unnatural, every motion and every twitch unnerving. Despite all of that, this was unmistakably Norman, his friend that he’d made at the start of summer.
Dipper had never thought he would ever see Norman and feel such a primal urge to run away from him. 
Bill had ceased screaming. His eye glared death down at Norman. His remaining limbs burst into blue flame and he lunged.
“You deranged, little witc-!”
Norman spun around. He held a hand up, palm opened. The world turned white.
As color and sound returned, and as his sight recovered and he lowered his arms from shielding his face, Dipper jumped back in shock. “Holy-!”
The entire section of the Fearamid beyond Norman was gone. The ceiling, the walls, the hallway; all completely obliterated. In its place was a gaping hole at one side of the Fearamid, giving Dipper a clear view of the blood crimson sky of Weirdmageddon. Gale winds rushed in, already beginning to chip away the edges of the Fearamid that survived the attack. What’s more, at first glance, he saw no sign of Bill whatsoever. 
Dipper’s stare landed on Norman. Could it be…? 
“Hey, kid!”
Dipper couldn’t help but feel disappointed, when he heard Bill’s booming voice. That disappointment quickly turned into astonishment when he actually caught sight of Bill. Or, what’s left of him. 
Out of his eight limbs, only two remained. Even then, one was already halfway gone. The entire lower half of his body was missing, and the same could be said of a small chunk of his just above his eye. Disgusting, dark red flesh sloughed and spilled off of him from every part where it was exposed. He was shaking furiously, painfully. He still had a glare fixed upon Norman, and it was one that could kill.
“You missed a spot!”
With a disturbing cry of pain, Bill quickly reformed all of his missing parts in a cacophony of horrible squelching noises. That nearly had Dipper groaning in frustration. The hope that steadily swelled in his heart came crashing back down. Even after that, Bill still shrugged it off like it was nothing. He’d imagine Mabel was thinking the same thing, based on how she slammed a fist to the ground. Norman, on the other hand, looked completely undeterred. At least, as far as Dipper could tell. He’s still having a hard time believing that the wraith of rage and lightning a few feet from him and Norman were one and the same. 
Norman unleashed a chilling, wraithlike shriek; a voice that was not at all like the Norman that Dipper knew. With a burst of electricity, he launched himself and flew straight towards Bill, leaving a trail of crackling yellow behind him. 
The approaching streak of light was impossible to miss for Bill. Blue flames burst into life on three of his hands. With a roar, he unleashed a wave of fire that sailed through the air at Norman. Norman easily danced in and all around the torrent. Darting around in speeds barely caught by the human eye, until he was clear of the onslaught. With another shriek, he doubled his speed, and was upon Bill in a split second. Bill desperately swerved to the side, but he wasn’t fast enough. Norman crashed into Bill’s right side, obliterating a sizable chunk of his body and two of his limbs in an explosion of flesh. The impact didn’t slow Norman down in the slightest, speeding past and leaving Bill to scream in pain. He flew up higher and higher, only seemed to be satisfied when he was among the clouds, far higher than even where Bill was. Bill’s missing flesh and limb quickly reformed. He turned his gaze upwards and glared. It was clear that neither had no intention of backing down. 
The battle in the skies had Dipper so enraptured that he jumped when he felt a pair of arms tightly wrapping around him. He immediately calmed when he realized it was Mabel, hugging him, and he gladly hugged her back. A different pair of arms lifted him up to his feet. This time, they were Neil’s, who still had his eyes glued to the sky as he helped Dipper up. Not that Dipper could blame him. His attention was immediately drawn back to the fight as well.
Norman unleashed another chilling shriek, the electricity covering his skin sparking and crackling wildly, snapping against the empty air around him. The sky around Norman darkened, black clouds congregating into one, as if summoned by his cry. They grew so large that, for a moment, the blood red sky turned pitch black. It was so dark that Dipper lost sight of Norman’s shining form among the clouds. He had a feeling Bill did too.
Another shriek. The clouds burst into blinding, radiant light. 
A torrent of lightning shot out of the clouds. They crackled through the air to join into one upon Norman. His form grew brighter than even the radiant clouds around him. He brought his hands together in front of him in a tranquil rage that bordered on unnerving. Energy surged towards his palms, manifesting as a chaotic mass of electricity that hissed and snapped like maddened vipers, fueled on even further by the lighting feeding into him, growing and charging until it became something truly massive. As it reached its apex, Norman fired. 
Dipper shoved Mabel and Neil to the side, once he realized they were in the line of fire. 
The bolt of lightning was the largest that Dipper had ever seen in his life. It looked less like a lightning bolt and more like a divine serpent that descended from the heavens. It pierced through Bill’s eye socket easily, it pierced through the Fearamid behind him, and it didn’t stop until it struck the ground. Dipper pressed himself and Mabel and Neil against the wall, desperate to put as much distance between him and the streak of light as possible. The world nearly turned blinding white again. The strike ceased; the red sky of Weirdmageddon returning and Norman’s form dimming to its normal glow. 
“Again with the eye!” Bill cried out in pain, clutching the empty eye socket where his eye once was. 
Dipper gaped at the mark the attack left on the Fearamid. Beside him, Mabel and Neil did the same. By this point, the Fearamid must be just a few careless knocks away from falling apart.  
“D-do we… still need the ritual or…?” Neil said, nervously glancing at Dipper. By this point, Dipper had begun to wonder that as well. 
He didn’t have long to think, as Bill’s furious roar broke him out of his thoughts. If it wasn’t clear that Bill had been pissed before, then there were no doubts about it after that. 
Blue flame came to life from all six of Bill’s hands. He blindly fired it at all directions, flailing his arms around in a disturbing, mad frenzy, creating an ever-expanding ball of blue, fiery death. Norman was quick to dart around the flames, but even with his blinding speed, it wasn’t enough. He managed to dodge the brunt of the encroaching flames, but a stray trail of flame caught him by surprise and licked at his arm. Dipper gasped when he saw Norman veering downwards, the electricity around him sputtering out. However, it seemed he managed to catch himself, slowing down to a hover. He glared at Bill, furious, but visibly injured, one arm hanging limply at his side.
Without hesitation, Dipper turned to Neil. “Yes. Yes, we do.”
Dipper led the other two as they took off in a sprint towards the room where everyone else hid. Or, as it turned out, what was left of the room. The ceiling was gone and half of the room was replaced by a steep plummet to the ground far below. Thankfully, the ritual circle was left untouched. With the ceiling gone, everyone had a clear view of the fight that’s been occurring in the sky. Everyone, except for great uncle Ford, was transfixed, practically frozen in place. 
Wendy was the first to break out of her stupor and actually notice that the three had returned. “I-is that… Norman?” she sputtered, weakly pointing at the sky.
All Dipper could muster was a slow nod. 
While everyone was watching the fight, great uncle Ford was still hard at work chipping off pieces of the floor with a rock, and thank god for that. He really did take Coraline’s outburst earlier to heart. 
“Finished!” Ford announced, stepping back with a relieved grin. That managed to gain the attention of everyone in the room.
The ritual circle was indeed finished. Half painted on the floor half carved out of it. The key to banishing Bill, once and for all.
“Everyone, step into the circle!” Ford shouted at the others. “Razputin and Lili, Coraline and Wybourne, Norman; they have bought us precious time! We must not waste it!”
Dipper was the first one on his symbol. “This is for them all! Let’s go!”
“For Gravity Falls! For the Mystery Kids! For the rest of the world!” Mabel grandly announced, standing tall on her symbol.
One by one, the others followed suit, stepping onto their respective symbols. This time, without needing to be told, everyone held hands with each other. Dipper wrapped his hands around Wendy’s and McGucket’s, and held them tight. Mabel did the same with Pacifica and Gideon. The only ones left that haven’t held hands was Grunkle Stan and great uncle Ford, and Dipper couldn’t but sense a horrible feeling of déjà vu. Silently, they gave each other a look; one that said more than a thousand words, more than what Dipper could infer from what he knew about the two. Still not saying a word, their joined their hands together. Everyone in the circle began to glow. 
Dipper felt the familiar sensation something stirring within him, of an energy building up to a crescendo. Dark clouds formed far above, a looming vortex of shadow with the circle at its center. It wasn’t nearly as massive the clouds that formed during Norman’s attack, and it felt different too, somehow. Norman’s felt divine, otherworldly. This felt earthly. Natural. 
Bill had been occupied with fighting Norman, but the growing mass of clouds finally caught his attention. His gaze shifted from the circling clouds down to the ritual circle. His eye widened. 
“No!” Bill abandoned his fight with Norman, flying towards the circle at full speed. “No, no, no, no, no!”
Bill had murder written all over his glare. Dipper gulped. 
A bolt of lightning clamped down on one of Bill’s hands. Seven more lightning bolts came to restrain the rest of Bill’s limbs. The streaks of electricity trailed back to Norman’s fingers, using them to hold Bill in place. Bill tugged and pulled on them with all his might, one time, two times, but Norman didn’t budge an inch. Dipper let out a breath he didn’t even realize he was holding.
The energy inside him finally reached its peak, Dipper could tell. He felt the energy leaving him; saw the glow rise from his body. The glow left everyone’s bodies, forming a circle of shapeless blue lights above their heads. Dipper watched, mesmerized, as the light above him assumed the form of a pine tree; his symbol. The other lights did the same; Mabel’s light forming into a shooting star, great uncle Ford’s into a six-fingered hand, Soos’ into a question mark, and so on. The lights had a gentleness to it, twinkling and shimmering almost merrily. Gazing upon them, Dipper felt a strange sense of tranquility washing over him. Peace. Relief.
The lights began to revolve, slowly at first, but it didn’t take long for it to gain speed. Gusts of wind picked around them, circling them, as if following the lights. The shapes lost their form as the lights revolved faster and faster still. They blurred together into a spinning, luminous, resplendent halo of blue light that grew brighter with every passing second. It began to shrink, the revolutions continuing to gain speed, condensing into a single point in the center of the circle. Bill bellowed a wordless roar. The light gathered into a radiant singularity. Dipper grinned.
He glared towards the sky, towards Bill. “Here’s to never meeting you again, Bill Cipher.”
The light launched with a high-pitched screech. A beam of blue sailed through the air. The lightning holding Bill dissipated, Norman darting out of the way in a blink. Bill had nowhere to run. 
The light consumed Bill. It surged on unflinchingly towards the gaping rift in the sky. Bill pushed back against the light in a mad, frantic desperation. Pieces of his physical form began to crumble, the tips of his flesh sent back to the rift whence they came. In the throes of his enchanted banishment, Bill unleashed a roar of pure, violent rage.
“I’ll be back! Mark my words! Even if it takes another trillion years! I will return and burn this pitiful dimension into oblivion!” 
More and more of Bill fell apart, dragged back to his dimension by the light. His hands, his legs, his top hat, parts of his body; collapsing into nothing but formless flesh and banished to never return. His eye was the last of him to remain, engraved into a seething glare. Dipper could’ve sworn that eye was glaring specifically at him.
The last of Bill’s voice echoed throughout the land. The last of Bill’s presence in this world sent back through the interdimensional rift. 
For the second time that day, the world turned white.
The sun was shining. Birds were singing merrily. Gravity Falls’ town square was packed with the townsfolk. All of them confused as to how they got there. All of them confused as to how everything returned to the way they were. All of them paid little mind to their confusion for the moment. For now, they all basked in the light. 
Neil, standing up straight and tall after pressing himself against a corner for most of the ritual, basked in the light.
Wybie, spending a moment gasping in panic after suddenly freed from the terrible wires and needles that constricted him, basked in the light.
Mabel, still clutching Pacifica’s hand in a tight grip as if her life depended on it, basked in the light. 
Lili, taking in a deep breath and staring in wonder at her form that now has returned to normal, basked in the light. 
Raz, realizing with a start that the bleeding had ceased and the encroaching dome of water was nowhere to be seen, basked in the light. 
Coraline, rubbing her unbound wrists and silently grateful to no longer be in the clutches of darkness and needle-like fingers, basked in the light.
Dipper, scanning the clear sky in search of a particular person he held most dear, basked in the light. 
Norman, the one that Dipper was searching for, descended from the light. The electricity that covered his skin had calmed almost to a complete stop, ebbing away as he descended. The crowd parted and formed a circle at the spot where he would land. Dipper was the first to emerge into that circle. The rest of the Mystery Kids were only seconds behind. 
Norman gently touched down upon the ground. The last of the electricity clinging on him dissipated into thin air, leaving him as regular, plain Norman. He stood there, staring blankly ahead, for all of five seconds before his knees buckled under him and his eyes rolled to the back of his head. Dipper was immediately there to catch him when he fell. He pulled Norman into a tight hug, a smile on his lips, tears rolling down his cheeks. Mabel joined the hug. Neil joined the hug. Raz, Wybie, Coraline, Lili; they all gladly piled on to the big group hug. Smiling. Crying.
No words were said. No words needed to be said. 
They won.
And that was that, folks. The end of the Weirdmageddon Saga. 
This was, without exaggeration, a gargantuan endeavor to undertake. While I always knew this would take a lot of work, I was still not prepared for just how much work there would be. I had to spend several consecutive nights staying up late to get this done in time. I had to wrestle with my own expectations and hopes of what this chapter is going to be to get this done at all. Not helping was the fact that I suddenly had a mountain of college work to do. In the end, I can only hope that I have done the story and event justice, I have done the characters justice, and I have done the hype I built up myself justice. 
As for the chapter itself, personally, I’m overall pretty happy with how it turned out! I got to write awesome scenes that I have always wanted to write for months now, and got to write awesome scenes that popped into my head in the process of making this chapter. Not to mention, everyone actually got to do something cool in this chapter! I realized Wybie’s part in Part 1 being a highlight for a lot of people was probably because he’s the only one that got to do something cool in it. Although, full disclosure, I will admit that the power levels definitely got way buckwild near the end there, with Norman. Definitely broke someone’s suspension of disbelief. Here’s hoping I didn’t do that to too many people. 
Now, while this might be the end of the saga, this is far from the end for this entire story. So, no worries to y’all who are thinking that this is the end. I’ve got stuff I’ve been concocting in the background for months now. New adventures, new enemies, and you guessed it, lots and lots of new additions to add to the team. For my plan right now, I have four more chapters that will act as sort of a bridge between this saga and the next. I’m hoping I can get them all done in December, so we can kick off the new year with a brand new saga! Get mega hyped for that, y’all!
Last but not least, I would like to thank you, the reader. To those who have stuck with ever since I started this fic like three years ago, and to those who have only recently discovered this fic, I cannot thank you enough. Your support and your kind words all this time are like the fuel that feeds my fire. With it, this fire has grown brighter than I ever thought was possible, and I am eternally grateful for it. 
Thank you for reading, thank you for your support, and I hope you have a nice day!
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ncrevi77 · 5 months
Cape Lookout
The first place I will be reviewing is Cape Lookout, NC. A lesser known beach destination amongst most locals it is not what most would expect out of a typical North Carolina beach as the entire island is a national park. Ever seen pictures or videos online of people driving their cars on a vast deserted beach or camping out of their cars on the beach? Well this place is exactly that. Short of the ranger station, a few camping cabins, the old lighthouse, and from what I was told an abandoned small town towards the northern end of the island, the entire beach is about as close to undeveloped as you can get. 
          I had the opportunity to go this past summer with a few friends. We spent a few weeks doing our research on what we needed, and how exactly to prepare our cars for beach driving. (disclaimer if you plan to go please do some research on driving on sand. If you don’t and get stuck, I was also told somewhere out there on the internet is a community of frequent visitors who will thoroughly enjoy your mistake through sharing pictures online.) We went for a few days and made some amazing memories. There is no light pollution so you can actually see the milky way on a clear night, the ocean water is almost blue, the wildlife is evident everywhere you look, and the fishing is amazing. 
          Overall this place is amazing especially for the price. You will need to reserve a ferry spot and get a license to drive your car out there, and you may also need to invest in some new camping gear. If you do your research and plan accordingly with weather in mind, I do not doubt you will love your experience, I am already planning on returning this summer again…. BRING BUG SPRAY! 
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ncreviews77 · 5 months
Cape Lookout North Carolina
          The first place I will be reviewing is Cape Lookout, NC. A lesser known beach destination amongst most locals it is not what most would expect out of a typical North Carolina beach as the entire island is a national park. Ever seen pictures or videos online of people driving their cars on a vast deserted beach or camping out of their cars on the beach? Well this place is exactly that. Short of the ranger station, a few camping cabins, the old lighthouse, and from what I was told an abandoned small town towards the northern end of the island, the entire beach is about as close to undeveloped as you can get. 
          I had the opportunity to go this past summer with a few friends. We spent a few weeks doing our research on what we needed, and how exactly to prepare our cars for beach driving. (disclaimer if you plan to go please do some research on driving on sand. If you don’t and get stuck, I was also told somewhere out there on the internet is a community of frequent visitors who will thoroughly enjoy your mistake through sharing pictures online.) We went for a few days and made some amazing memories. There is no light pollution so you can actually see the milky way on a clear night, the ocean water is almost blue, the wildlife is evident everywhere you look, and the fishing is amazing. 
          Overall this place is amazing especially for the price. You will need to reserve a ferry spot and get a license to drive your car out there, and you may also need to invest in some new camping gear. If you do your research and plan accordingly with weather in mind, I do not doubt you will love your experience, I am already planning on returning this summer again…. BRING BUG SPRAY!
0 notes
trustdomains · 2 years
Easy cat treats
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Substitute pureed, cooked chicken combined with one tablespoon of cod liver oil for the tuna packed in oil. Cool completely before serving to your pet.Cook in the oven at 350 degrees F for approximately 25 minutes.Using two spoons or a small cookie scoop, create balls and place them about one-inch apart on a non-stick cookie sheet.Add the tuna mixture to the dry ingredients, and add the water a little at a time until a slightly sticky dough ball is formed.In a separate bowl, combine the tuna and egg together, mashing the tuna until it is no longer chunky.In a bowl, mix the flour and powdered milk together.Grease a cookie sheet with margarine or use one lined with a silicone sheet.Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Here are a few Homemade Cat Treats you can easily feed your cat: Carrot and catnip kitty treats These nutritious carrot and catnip treats will make your cat.*Disclaimer, if you have any hesitations about using catnip, please consult your vet.What cat doesn't enjoy a little tuna now and then? This quick recipe will give your pet plenty of tasty tuna treats to enjoy for several weeks if stored in an air-tight container in a cool place. You’ll want to bake these treats for 20 minutes and only serve once completely cooled. If needed, add just enough flour to allow the mixture to stick together. Place the carrots in a bowl and mash them into a paste. Begin by steaming the sliced carrots until they are soft and mashable. Lastly, push the dough down, so the treat is the s ize of a nickel, and place on parchment paper. These easy two-ingredient treats are a tasty option for your kitty to enjoy. When you’re happy with your dough, place it onto a floured surface, and get ready to roll up those sleeves! Pull off small pieces of the dough and roll them into small balls. It would be best if you aimed for a sticky consistency. Combine all the ingredients into a large bowl and form into a dough. Continue to add flour, one tablespoon at a time, until the mixture begins to pull away from the sides of the food processor and just starts to form a ball. Pure the can of sardines (with the oils) in a food processor, then add one egg and a 1/2 cup flour. While you’re at it, make sure to line a cookie sheet with parchment paper so that you’re ready once the preparation is done. Step One Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. You’ll want to do this first as your oven can take the longest to warm up while you get on with the rest of the homemade cat treats recipe. Is it just us or is catnip everywhere these days? If your cat likes to indulge in the occasional nip or two, this homemade cat food recipe is a must!īefore getting started, get your oven preheated to 350 degrees. Spread 1/2 of a 5.5 oz can of cat food onto a sheet of waxed.
When they’re ready, pop this into the freezer et voila! How to Choose a Cat Food That is Best for Your Cat Hills Pet Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Next, spoon in your mixture and add your cat treat into each cube. Grab your ice cube trays and spray them with cooking spray for easy removal once ready. The look of this might not be attractive, but you’re almost done! Combine these two ingredients and mix until well-blended. The Homemade Cat Treat Recipe Book - Fun and Easy Homemade Kitty Treats (how to make cat treats, best cat food, homemade cat treats, cat treat recipes). The first step in making your catsicles is to decant the wet cat food and fill the empty can with goat’s milk. Warning: this might not be a pretty process, but trust us, your cat will love it! However, a chunkier gravy can be more up your cat’s alley and requires fewer dishes! The benefit of a puree is that you can freeze into ice cubes and preserve it over an extended time. Keep this cooking over low heat while stirring from time to time until the gravy is at a thick consistency.ĭepending on your cat’s or the chef’s preference, blend your gravy into a puree. Using your chicken stock, take a sauce pan and s tir the stock in with the flour, meat, and salt. Make sure to store the stock aside- this will come in handy in the next section! Once ready, remove the chicken and chop the pieces up. It’s best to keep this on the boil until the parts become tender. The first thing you’ll want to do is to get the chicken parts boiling in water.
½ cup of a mixture of chicken gizzard and heart.
Just like hooman babies, covering any unlikeable food in gravy is a parenting hack as old as time! If your cat is a little bit on the picky side, we highly recommend whipping up this yummy topping for their usual meals.
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muthaz-rapapa · 4 years
Happiness Charge was unpopular in Japan because at the time, Frozen was the it franchise for young girls there so it suffered poor toy sales, continuing on with Go Princess' toys. It didn't help even more that New Stage 3 was released in theaters the same day as Frozen.
Ah, that’s right. Frozen. I usually don’t correlate Precure with other franchises but can’t say it wasn’t inevitable that its toy sales would suffer when the Frozen craze hit. Especially so in Japan because Disney has a huge market there.
But please don’t imply that Frozen is the only or major reason why HaCha as a whole didn’t do well because it isn’t. Those two things are not exclusive of one another.
HaCha is not as favored simply because it wasn’t a strong Precure season. Its story wasn’t all that engaging despite the fact it was supposed to be the 10th anniversary season. Reception of the main cast is still rather mixed and how satisfactory their character arcs were handled remains in debate (Yuko didn’t even get one). The pacing was slow at the beginning, it had no concrete theme to work with, the concept of international Cures never reached its full potential. In short, HaCha didn’t live up to the hype assigned to it and had a lot of flaws that pulled it down.
And I’m just talking about what I know of the Precure fandom’s feedback, ok? Nothing else from what’s outside it. I still recall how everyone rejoiced when Go!Pri’s first episode came out, some even commenting that Go!Pri should’ve been the anniversary season instead. While Go!Pri certainly wasn’t perfect, you could already tell back then that it was going fare a lot better than HaCha did. Why? Because the writing for Go!Pri was better. That’s why a lot of fans loved it.
Now, I’m well aware that everybody knows Precure is just one giant commercial for the toys Bandai churns out every year. I’m no marketing expert nor do I have that much interest in the money-making kiddie aspects of the franchise…but it just makes sense to me that you’re more likely to buy stuff of something you really like, y’know? In other words, if a company wants their products to sell, their ad (the TV series) has to be good enough to convince their customers to buy them.
So if you were to ask me why I’m not interested in HaCha merchandise, my response would be because I didn’t like HaCha enough. If you were to ask me why didn’t I like HaCha, I wouldn’t say “it’s because I like Frozen better” because Frozen has nothing to do with what I liked or didn’t like about HaCha. I’d say because HaCha failed to generate any love from me as a viewer.
Of course, I’m not a kid. I’m an older anime fan with my own purchasing power and sometimes unnecessarily complicated thought processes. There’s a big difference there. But I think the same basic logic would apply to children anyway. If they’re not interested, they won’t want it. Even if Frozen wasn’t a factor in this case, sales would still suffer if HaCha couldn’t win over its audience. Probably not as severely without Frozen in the picture…but yea. The TV series is largely responsible for the success of its toys, too.
Finally, figure collecting. (if this is not relevant to your ask, feel free to ignore the rest under the cut. I’m gonna talk about it though cuz it’s the whole reason I have merchandise posts to begin with)
It’s like toy collecting except hellishly more expensive and soul-consuming (so don’t do it).
Unlike toys, however, which will always be made to accompany the broadcasting season, figures are a niche in the otaku community and their releases are largely dependent on how many fans are invested in a series.
Take a very recent example: Kimetsu no Yaiba. There is a truckton of new goods being announced every single month/week ever since the anime adaptation became a massive hit. More love from fans = more demand. So of course, the figure companies would want to jump in on that. It’d be dumb not to.
But then let’s put this in the mahou shoujo genre perspective. Unlike classic juggernauts like Sailor Moon and CCS or a series that was popular enough to bump it up into the mainstream crowd like Nanoha and Madoka Magica, chances for a magical girl series to get the PVC treatment are very slim because they don’t draw as much demand as say the shounen titles do. Yea, I guess we can call Precure “mainstream” at least in the mahou shoujo category because it seems like a lot of people who watch anime in general are aware of its existence (Yukari Tamura’s mom watched it so no more needs to be said there). Even so, that’s still not enough. With Precure being a children’s show and its main target are kids who would probably want the toys more than they want figures, Precure isn’t a sure fire brand that a lot of figure companies are willing to stake it out for. It’s not that there’s a lack of older fans in the Precure fandom (as pixiv can prove to you, oh lord). It’s because there’s less certainty that the majority of these older fans will absolutely buy Precure figures if they were to be released. Especially now with the increased pricing everywhere.
That’s probably why Bandai often skips over old seasons to focus on the newer, popular ones for the S.H. Figuarts. They will only make figures for a particular season that has a good profitable percentage. More recent and favorable ones like KiraPre and Hugtto would sell so those Cures will be prioritized. Older and less popular ones like HaCha and MahoPre are stuck on the waiting list because there’s no way to know how many of their figures can even sell.
And then the figures that didn’t do well at all regardless of which season (Sekai Seifuku Sakusen), those are dropped completely, never to be heard of again.
That’s just the sad reality of it. :(
Again, do keep in mind that I’m just humble collector and these are mostly speculations at best. I’m not an expert on this topic so my words should be taken with several grains of salts.
But overall, I don’t think my reasoning is far off. I mean, it’s just plain common sense. You make things that you can definitely sell. That’s all there is to it.
Why do you think Disney hasn’t stopped throwing Frozen in our faces?
EDIT: I forgot to add that since it seems Bandai still holds the license for producing Sailor Moon figures, then it’s highly likely they’re holding the license for Precure as well. This means that even if other figure companies with better reputations (ex. Good Smile Company, Alter) wanted to make Sailor Moon or Precure figures, they can’t because only Bandai has the rights to distribute products of those brands. That’s why there’s a lack of variety for these two series. Add that to the extremely slow pace Bandai takes in getting their so-so quality figures released, you can clearly see why Precure has such a hard time being relevant in the figure community even though it’s a well-known franchise that has been airing practically non-stop for almost 20 years.
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peejsocks · 2 years
I have a request from the prompt list! And your ask button/ inbox shows up on mobile 🙂
If it’s ok I pulled two prompts from two lists.
The first is from Saying I Love You Without Saying I Love You: “I don’t ever want to stop touching you” “good because I never want you to stop touching me”, and the second is from Prompts That Hit In All The Right Places: “use me”
I just thing they’d go so well together for Jackass the movie era curly haired Bam
Sorry, I’m the anon who just sent in a prompt request for bam, if smut is possible that’s be good. It’s just one of those days!
bam margera x f!reader
a/n: thank you for requesting, especially for bammy, he’s always a pleasure to write about :)
disclaimers/tags: smut. very nsfw. violence mentioned, blood. no Y/N. please practice safe sex.
prompts: “I don’t ever want to stop touching you” “good because I never want you to stop touching me” + “use me”
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A familiar night with the Jackass crew, nothing groundbreaking. Except for the fact that this party was in a plain white home in the middle of nowhere, very Last House on the Left, or Beetlejuice. The night had yet to tell which.
The people throwing the party, who definitely didn't live there and thought it was funny to invite a bunch of drunk youths to this godforsaken land, were pretty cool. Mostly industry folks. Unfortunately for Bam, those invitations extended a little too far.
Laughing with Wee Man on a floral-themed turquoise couch, the sounds of a fight interrupt your peaceful moment. Following the commotion, Jason and you step out into the back of the property to see a familiar head of long dark hair being pushed around by at least three other dudes. Pontius and Steve-O are trying to get in the way of anything serious happening, but Knoxville seems to be almost succedding in convincing them to let Bam get a little roughed up, and to find someone with a camera.
You're not not a fan of violence, and everyone knew the youngest of the group was not your favorite. He nagged, you rolled your eyes, he noticed and tried hurting your feelings, you hurt his worse and he loses it. Cycle of life. Being a medical practitioner and nurse on set meant you had your fair share of interactions with him whenever something needed stiching or cleaning up, but even in pain he'd refuse to let you check him out if he wasn't spraying blood everywhere. He was proud, or didn't like you, or both.
Drawing you back into reality, a bottle of Jack Daniels shatters on the ground but not before hitting Bam right on the temple. You think, it’s hard to see over a crowd. Something was yelled too, and whatever it was certainly ticked your frenemy because there's more noise of glass breaking and he's swinging. Finally, your friends step in and some girl who probably organized the party came to kick the guys out. It doesn't go well, and when Bam moves to duck away from a sucker punch, his legs slip under him and he falls ass flat on the many shards on the ground. Idiot does not comput and rolls in pain, on top of more glass.
Drawing you back into reality, a bottle of Jack Daniels shatters on the ground but not before hitting Bam right on the temple. You think, it’s hard to see over a crowd. Something was yelled too, and whatever it was certainly ticked your frenemy because there's more noise of glass breaking and he's swinging. Finally, your friends step in and some girl who probably organized the party came to kick the guys out. It doesn't go well, and when Bam moves to duck away from a sucker punch, his legs slip under him and he falls ass flat on the many shards on the ground. Idiot does not comput and rolls in pain, on top of more glass.
At that, instinct kicks in and you’re by his side, also doing damage control with the woman.
“Hey, look, we didn’t start this,” You had no idea whether or nor that was true. “And our friend is bleeding. I’m a nurse, let me at least help him and then we’ll go”.
Eyes highlighted with pink eyeshadow look down at the boy still wincing on the ground, then back at you. "Upstairs, second door to your right, bottom drawer."
You don't even acknowledge the other guys before crouching down to Bam and putting his arm on your shoulder, using all your strengh to lift. Many eyes follow you inside.
In the bathroom, you laugh out loud over how useless this first aid kit is. What did you expect, really. Bam, who was placed on the edge of the soft lilac bathtub, asks what's so funny and when you show him the nearly empty box, he sighs and hits his head on the wall behind him.
"Easy, Rocky, don't wanna aggravate a concussion." That reminds you to check if there had been a direct hit to the temple and a hospital visit was needed. Coming closer, you see tears forming at the waterline of fiered up blue eyes.
You cringe a little and press your thumb to the right side of his forehead. He doesn't flinch and there's no blood around it, so you assume the worst did not happen. Relieved, your fingers snake to the nape of his neck and feel around his scalp to check for liquid leaking or bumps. Nothing either.
Bam's eyes are shut and he's just breathing, struggling but a little more relaxed under your touch. So you linger, fingertips still on his soft thick hair - wet with sweat and alcohol that was splashed in its direction - thumbs applying light pressure where his jaw and neck connect. Looking down at him, unwelcome thoughts about how pretty he looks dissipate shamefully when light irises catch you staring. Faking a cough and cutting off any physical contact, you spit "All good, no seemingly serious injuries." As you turn to grab some peroxide from the kit, Bam gets up to leave.
"No, no, no. There's blood spraying all over the floor from your hands and arms, sit down." You exaggerate and he stops but doesn't sit. "Spraying, Bam."
Back fully leaning on the wall, he sits back where he was without a word. How innovative for Bam Margera.
"Aha, tweezers." All set up, you sit on top of the closed toilet lid in front of the silent boy and start collecting tiny shards in a hand towel, eventually shaking it on the sink and moving on to clean the blood along his tattooed skin.
"I like some of these, they suit you." Wherever the hell that came from. A simple thank you. "Oh, so you have not lost the ability to speak. Good. Medically speaking, personally that's terrible news."
More comfortable, he confesses. "I feel like shit."
"You look like it too." It's half true, he is oily and covered in whiskey and dirt from the ground outside, but that signature long black coat is nice. Silver rings contrasting the dried red liquid on his hands. "What happened?" You look back at his scratches and cuts to allow room for him to consider if he wants to tell you.
"They're...old friends from high school." Friends is in quotes, so not friends. His lips part to say something but nothing comes out at first. "I'm so embarrassed, dude.”
That surprises you, so your fingers halt their activities and you look at him, brows furrowed. One of your hands still holds his wrist.
Clearly waiting for an explanation, your intense gaze makes him shift uncomfortably. Mouth moves to speak but again nothing comes out and his jaw clenches.
Big hands had balled into fists without Bam realizing, causing blood to drip again as unnoticed shards prick him. His eyes are tearing up once more and you feel bad, he's obviously in pain. Gently, you wrap both hands on top of one of his, not breaking eye contact, and force him to unclench it, red liquid dripping faster. Now aware, he blushes furiously as the other hand repeats the movement, undoubtedly more ashamed over his reaction.
"Look, I know we're not friends, but you can talk to me. I won't make fun of you or secretly record it or whatever." Leaning closer, you hope he can see the sincerity in your eyes while you clean the last of the fresh blood.
"It doesn’t even matter. I’m so fucking angry, I can't even fucking express it." Words barely come out, fighting against gritted teeth.
"So use me." You turn to throw away the used material.
"What?" He looks confused when you move back in, and you understand. Weird words.
Adding context, you start, "Use me as your way to express it. However you want. Yell at me, curse me out, pretend I'm those three douchebags. I don't care, whatever helps you channel those bad feelings and let them out so you can get rid of it all. How do you usually de-stress? What would make you feel better right now?"
You could not have predicted this. Bam closes the remaining distance between the two of you with a brutal clash of your lips. Your eyes are still open, and it is awkward, very awkward.
When he moves away, palm delicately placed on the side of your face, the look in his eyes is pleading. For touch, for affection. When they snap down to your lips again, dead feelings you had gotten over a long time ago resurface and you soften, breath hitching in your throat. "Would that make you feel better?"
He meets your gaze, silent, and you have your answer. That same second a decision is made and you lean in, Bam meeting you halfway.
This time it's calm, each tensed up bundle of nerves masked as people taking sweet time to find out what the other tastes like. Licorice liqueur, mostly.
This isn't enough, so you take initiative to deepen the kiss, already in trouble either way. Tongue sucking on his, he moans in your mouth and it makes you shiver, a shockwave traveling all the way to your core. It really isn't enough, so you put your hand on his dick, over his pants, feeling a sizeable bulge.
Instantly, Bam pulls your hair and tightens the hold on your waist. He breaks your kiss, finally, to wrap your legs around his middle and hook his arms under your thighs. Standing up, he doesn't make it far, pushing your back to the wall of the bathroom. "No, not here." You say, motioning to the other room.
He obeys, carrying you back into the suite but not the bed or the couch. As soon as Bam steps out, he positions you against the wall right next to the bathroom's doorframe and the bedside table. Bastard, he was mocking your demands.
Fine, you'll play his game.
Eyes open, noses touching and lips grazing, you don't kiss him. Instead, you grind on his hard dick, covering as little surface as possible, just enough to make him weak in the knees. He hisses and you do it again, rocking forth so well this time he drops you.
Bam does not give you any apologies or openings, pulling you in by the back of the head and pressing you impossibly further, tongue not hesitating to assault your throat for a single second. In retaliation, you palm his bulge again, actually making some movements now and he thrusts in your hand. His own lowers to wrap around your throat, squeezing hard. Like a delicious game of chess.
You could go back and forth all night with him. Except this isn't about you, it's about easing Bam's distress. And this is how he chose for you to help him. Feeling tremendously charitable, your fingers start undoing the button and fly of his black pants, not teasing him so much after remembering you were there for good deeds. Your hand dives in his boxers right after you spit on it.
God, the way he has to stop everything he's doing at once just because your hand is wrapped around his cock is extremely gratifying. Maybe you could get something out of this experience too.
"Don't move your hand anywhere else." You whisper into his lips, reffering to the barely-there touch of his fingers constraining your airway.
As you start stroking slowly, the pressure returns twice as strong. The sound of a sharp inhale makes blue eyes search for yours, asking if it's too much, you just stroke him again and circle the tip of his head with your thumb to let him know it's good. Everything's good. The veins running along his shaft pulse and twitch, he curses you, specifically.
When you take your movement all the way down to the base of his cock, repeating it a couple times, Bam's hand that wasn't choking you pushes on your bra, bringing attention to the fact that you're both too clothed.
"How do you want me?" His lips are parted, nose smushing yours, breathing uneven. "My clothes. How do you want me?" You're playing your role very well, modesty aside.
"Take it all off, except your underwear." Removing your hand from his pants, Bam puts the longest distance between you two since 10 minutes ago. Right now, not having the warmth of his body invading your space was excruciating.
He steps back, taking a minute to watch you undress. Only his white boxers and metal chains stay on his body. His curls flop perfectly, unkempt from your messing, around his face. Next, your eyes dance around his abs and he notices, snapping his fingers and telling you to hurry up.
“Are you still okay with all this?” His hand is on his covered bulge, almost like he's trying to hide something offensive before you can tell him yes or no.
There’s no verbal answer. You simply lean back on the wall, lower part of your body sticking out a little, as if to say, “Just come man handle me already.”
Not a fan of caprice, he does.
“And don’t you dare rip fine lingerie, I’ll kill you.” Words strangle out of you with difficulty as Bam goes straight to your breasts, sucking on the abundant skin so fully it’ll definitely leave marks maybe just from the tip of his nose buried in the reddened flesh.
“I could just eat you up.” Calculated gentle hands open your bra clasp and it falls to the floor, relieving for you in more than one way. “I don’t ever want to stop touching you.”
Bam’s tongue is tracing every freckle on your chest. “Good, because I never want you to stop touching me.”
“Such a nice daddy's girl.” There is a ‘pop’ noise as his mouth finally leaves your nipple. You want to say something back to that outrageous claim but fingers have already made their way under your panties and words escape you completely. “C’mon, my pretty little slut, be good and lemme hear you.”
At that, you feel the cold metal of his rings graze your skin, middle and index finger teasing tentatively on top of your slit, up and down. Bam takes the fingers off of you and into his mouth, sucking them clean with a ‘pop’ of its own. Stare unwavering, “What kind of sadistic whore gets this wet over someone they don't even like?”
Again, you’re willing to play this game, it’s distracting him from his own bad thoughts. That’s totally the only reason your reaction is to open your mouth. He laughs at your eagerness.
Forcefully grabbing your chin, he slides his thumb in and you coat it nicely in your own spit, eyes locked in as well.
That’s when you notice his willingness is showing too. Bending on one knee, Bam takes his time kissing down your body before finally pulling your panties down your legs, mouth stopping to allow his tongue to lick up juices daring to spill. He does it like he's famished for you, not because it’s part of foreplay but because he desesperately wants to savor the taste, he wasn't kidding. Sighing inside of you, tip of his nose poking your lower stomach, he grabs at your thighs to separate them slightly and get a better hold of your weight. If you didn't know any better, you might think he wants you to sit on his face. It’s passing, just two languid lapping kisses on your cunt, enough to make you cry out his name.
Bam takes his lips off of you torturously. Standing again, one hand on your stomach as the other pushes his boxers off, he keeps you in place as you watch him. His cock springs out, reddened, swollen and leaking. Your mouth waters.
There’s no precision and calculated moves anymore. After hoisting you up, his hand align his tip with your entrance.
Full body weight leaning in and counting on that brown-ish wall to take it, he slides inside of you slowly, right down to the base of his dick. He grunts but you almost sing in pleasure.
Taking it back out nearly completely, his chipped black finger nails dig into the skin of your waist, setting you in place for what’s to come. When he slides it up again, obscene wet noises are all you can focus on hearing.
“Bam, you feel so good, but for the love of everything, faster.”
He angles you a little better on his cock, and starts moving in and out, slowly increasing in tempo to guarantee you’d adjust well to his length. At some point, Bam starts rolling his hips in a way you’re not there enough to understand exactly but it is unspeakable of, hitting you exactly where you need him to.
“Fuck, baby.” His forehead is creased, in deep concentration and pleasure. He looks so beautiful. You feel yourself tighten around him and he cries out your name this time.
“Who’s your daddy now?” You laugh.
It’s unacceptable that you find humor in this, so he picks up the pace, straight fucking you into the wall, both bobbing up and down like in some very vulgar movie. You’ll probably have bruises all over to prove this night happened.
Soon, his hips start slowing down and you know what’s happening.
“I want you to come inside me.” His movements almost halt entirely.
“Oh, fuck, dude, don’t say that without a warning.” He looks apologetic.
“Look at me.” He does, in a second this turns from a raunchy unplanned fuck to a soft and vulnerable experience of giving. “It’s okay, just tonight. Use me.”
Blue eyes look up to you with appreciation, and remembering how hurt they looked earlier, you genuinely smile and nod. If this is all you had to do to see his precious face light up again, you’d do it without thinking about it even at all.
He spills inside you with just a few more strokes, you come right after, both suddenly out of words after nearly an hour of filthy commentary and teasing. Shy.
Bam hides his face on your neck, stabilizing his breathing, arms wrapped around your waist lazily. Your feet are already grounded again, fingers scratching his moist back up and down. When your breathing syncs up, he retracts to grab a clean towel from the bathroom cabinets.
Cleaning you up in silence, and helping you put your clothes back on, Bam is distant. His touch is soft but when it leaves you, there’s a burning there, a longing. Oh, no.
He speaks first. “Fuck, I’m sorry I did this.”
“You’re sorry you fucked me?”
“No! Jesus, no.” Sitting on the bed, elbows on top of his spread legs and head on his hands, he sighs, not looking your way. “I’m sorry I did it this way.”
Frowning, you ask him to explain. Honestly, if he tells you he regrets everything now you might declare eternal contempt and become his sworn enemy.
Dedicatedly tattooed arms beckon you forward and you follow, which was quickly turning into a dangerous reocurrence with the two of you tonight.
Trapped by his legs on each side of you after doing as he commanded, one of your hands is brought up to feel the temperature on his forehead. "I think I'm sick, I feel dizzy too."
Oh, that's rich, trying to get away from a conversation by playing sickly patient. Him. Ready to leave, you turn your body but don't get far as Bam grabs your wrist and pulls you back in place.
"Fine, sorry, I'm sorry." That familiar slurred quiet speech tugging at your heartstrings, he’s defeated. "I just want you to stay. Please. Stay?"
Dammit, this kid is taking you on a fucking roller coaster tonight and you might be too weak to ride. "I don't mind helping, but is this gonna be a thing? Where you feel sad, can't process your own emotions, call me to fuck me then tell me you regret it and then retract that and ask me to stay?" It's unfair to throw something you willingly did back on his face, but you don't wanna get into something unhealthy and make promises you can't keep. It's a one and done.
"I don't regret it, stop." His hands are still gripping yours, holding you there, terrified you might run. Probably should. "I want you to be it. For me. Like, for good, right now."
"It's really hard to make sense of what you're saying. I know you're shit at this but remember? You can talk to me."
"I like you, I want you, please don't hate me anymore." God, he sounds like a confused but well-meaning child and it pisses you off how much it fills you up inside.
"I mean, there had to be a reason the sex was so good. People don't fuck like that without feelings." Blue big eyes look up at you as if what you said did not correlate to the conversation at all, so you unveil the enigma for him. "There's feelings on the other side too, Margera, keep up."
"Since when?"
"Always. Just fought against it, I guess. Didn't sound like a good idea. Plus, thought you hated me, so." You are both shy again, it's so ridiculous.
Knowing you both suck at verbal communication, Bam cuts the confessionals short and pulls you down to his lap. "Just stay, not only tonight, but every night, please?"
Straddling him, you kiss his cheek and ask, "Would that make you feel better?"
if you survived that ily. i’m really not a fan of this one, don’t think i did my best, but i hope it’s enough to give u guys some nice daydreams
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minisugakoobies · 2 years
Hoooooo boy, I’m excited for this 😆 Smut #37 and #39 (if they work together) with Mr. Jeon Jungkook?
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Title: By the Light of the Moon
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: smut, friends to lovers, College!AU
Rating: M (18+)
Warnings: swearing, kissing, fingering
Word Count: 489
Disclaimers: NSFW, I don’t own BTS - they just inspire me
Summary: Just you and Jungkook, and the ocean, under the moon.
Prompts: 37 “we should skinny dip.” & 39 “were you checking me out?”
A/N: I'm excited that you're excited, @bangtanintotheroom! And yes, the prompts worked very well together! Thank you for your support and enthusiasm for my writing - I hope you enjoy what I've got for you! 💜
Unbeta'd as usual. I’d love to know what you think - my inbox is always open! 💕
Milestone Celebration Masterlist
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Starlight gleams in Jungkook’s eyes as you tilt your head. “What did you say?”
“I said, we should skinny dip.” His smile is a dare.
You gaze out at the tranquil ocean. No one is around for miles, besides your friends, all of whom are asleep right now, back at the beach house.
You were the one who’d suggested taking a stroll along the water’s edge, not ready to call it a night. Not ready to leave Jungkook’s side. What could be more perfect than walking with him, by the ocean, under the bright light of the moon?
“Okay.” Jungkook’s eyes widen slightly. He didn’t think you’d agree. That just spurs you on more. “Fuck it. Let’s go for a swim.”
You turn your back, tugging your dress over your head. A glance over your shoulder finds Jungkook frozen. Staring. You’re not sure if he’s still surprised you said yes, or that you’re already undressing, or at the realization that you wear nothing underneath your flimsy dress.
“Come on!” you urge him, chucking the soft material in your hands at his head. He utters a tiny “oof!” and you giggle as you run into the ocean, diving under once you’re waist deep.
The icy water is an absolute shock to your system, and you sputter as you reemerge. There’s a splash next to you and Jungkook shoots up, dark hair breaking the surface as he yelps, “Goddamn, that’s cold!”
Laughing, you send a handful of water his way. “This was your idea, dummy!”
“Yeah, and you went along with it, so really, who’s the dumb one here?” He slaps his hands against the surface, chuckling as you try and fail to avoid the spray.
After a few minutes of intense splashing, you both still, bobbing quietly.
You need to know. “Were you checking me out?” The reflection of the night sky on the ocean bathes Jungkook’s face in a soft glow as he peers at you before answering.
“When? On the beach? Yes.” You weren’t expecting him to be so blunt. It must show. “Before that, at the party, when you came downstairs in that dress? Yes.” He glides closer, one hand grabbing yours, pulling you to him. “On the way to the beach house? Every day before that, every time I saw you on campus? Yes, yes, yes.”
His arms clasp around your waist as you float together. Your fingertips dance along his shoulders as he presses against you. A cloud passes over the moon, but you don’t need any light to find his lips. You gasp into his mouth as his fingers slide to your core, stroking and plunging to find the warmth inside.
In the morning, there will be questions to answer. And sand to clean. Everywhere. But for now, there is nothing but the moon, and the ocean, and his name on your tongue as you come undone in the gentle swell of the waves.
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© 2022-23 by sunshinerainbowsbts/minisugakoobies. Crossposted to AO3. Please do not copy or repost.
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out of curiosity (and if u do not feel like answering thats totally ok!!) why do you (and others) not like being aspec?
(disclaimer: i write from my perspective and with the added bits of other aspec people i have spoken to)
First, you are not straight. There are many starting points to realizing you're aspec, but that was my first one. I'm not straight. I am not the default. Every queer person will be able to tell you what that feels like. The sudden rush of oh when you realize that there's something different. If you're lucky, that's accompanied by oh, I'm [x], or oh, this is like [x], or even hey, I can talk to [x] about this. If you're lucky, riding that first wave of realizing you're not straight leaves you there.
Queer. Gay. Lesbian. Bisexual. Pansexual, even.
Every queer person can tell you what it is like to be afraid to be queer. That I can almost guarantee. Because of the culture we are in, there is that fear. If you're lucky, you'll have someone you can go to, or at least someone you know and say 'yes, I'm like them.' Some of us aren't lucky.
So there's the fear of being not straight. That's the first hurdle.
Then you have to get over the fear that there isn't a word for what I am.
Again, if you're lucky, you'll know what asexuality is. Extra lucky, demi-sexuality. But if you look at the other words I've listed further up in this post, they all have a common denominator. You still feel sexual attraction. In a lot of literature and representation, queerness is defined as championing variations on what is perceived as natural sexuality. Sex and sexuality themselves are still inherent. You still feel sexual attraction, you still want to have sex with someone, you still have it.
Getting over the fear of being broken is terrifying. The fear of there's something missing, there's something wrong, I'm wrong, I'm broken, I need to be fixed. The truth is there is nothing wrong, you aren't broken. There isn't anything wrong with you, sex doesn't make you human or whole.
So let's say you've found the word. You've found it, or it's found you, and you have a name for it now. Asexuality, demi-sexuality, aspec. That can be a bit of a relief. Can be.
But now that you're thinking about it, it's everywhere.
One analogy I've always been fond of is this: sex is like perfume. It’s like explaining to someone that you were born without a sense of smell, and everyone goes around spraying perfume everywhere. You’re not really affected by it, and you don’t have a problem with people spraying perfume everywhere, the problem comes when people don’t believe you can’t smell because you still have a nose. And everywhere you go, everyone is talking about how good it smells, or how much it smells, or telling you what you smell like. And you have absolutely no idea what they're talking about.
Being alone like that is terrifying.
And then you have to explain yourself. Most people won't know what asexuality is. They won't know what it means. Coming out is difficult enough, coming out equipped with a whole vocabulary lesson is harder. If you say 'I'm gay,' or 'I'm a lesbian,' or even 'I'm bisexual,' most people are at least going to have some idea of what you're talking about.
You say the words 'I'm asexual,' and you run the gauntlet of 'oh, so you're like a plant?' 'That's not real.' 'What does that mean?'
You have people who don't believe you, people who think you're making it up for attention, people who tell you you'll understand when you're older, people who think you've been horribly traumatized, the list goes on. Are you destined for a single, relationship-less life? Will you always be compromising on some part of your boundaries to make a partner happy? Are you supposed to 'settle' for a 'compromise' because you've failed at getting the type of relationship so many things are telling you will make you 'complete?' Because they can't imagine not being attracted to anybody.
Trying and failing to get people to believe you is terrifying.
And then you have the people who actively hate you.
I am grateful that in the very early stages of my presence on this platform, I did not engage the giant eldritch beasts of discourse. There are people who say they are 'cringe' for engaging in 'ace discourse,' as though it's like jamming out to cheesy pop songs or that weird mustache phase that happened in like, 2012. No. It became a meme, a hobby, a fucking past time that was treated like a debate topic and not shitty, bigoted actions against real people.
You have the people who accuse you of being toxic and abusive for trapping a partner in a sexless relationship. You have the gatekeepers who demand you be excluded from the queer community. You have the people who believe they can fix you, whether you like it or not. You have the people who tell you that you aren't oppressed because you're making a choice not to have sex, or not to want sex. You have the people who tell you, over and over again, that oppression and trauma is only worth fighting back against if it is big, loud, and obvious, and none of the little things you encounter everyday that make you feel just a little more broken are worth it.
You have the people who tell you be grateful it isn't worse.
And that is terrifying.
I am lucky. I found the word 'asexual' after a few years. I had a successful relationship with another woman who I still care for very deeply. I am surrounded by a group of friends who know and understand my identity. My parents love and support me.
I am lucky. I found the word 'asexual.' I am in a place where when I need support, I can ask for it.
I am lucky. I found the word 'asexual.' I'm fine now.
I am lucky.
I am fine right now.
But does this help explain why sometimes I'm not?
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faetarou · 3 years
𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭 || 𝐢𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐳𝐮𝐦𝐢 𝐡𝐚𝐣𝐢𝐦𝐞
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fandom || haikyuu
pairings || iwaizumi hajime x reader
gender || fem!reader
request || anon said: Oh my god so I was just thinking about this but a short fic where reader accidentally confuses iwaizumi and akaashi would be hilarious 😭can be a 'x reader' thing if you want but the thought just randomly popped into my head [from fae: DKLWSDJWKSJ ALL MY ANONS ARE SO SMART- i wanted to write my beloved haji today, hope that's okay !!]
warnings // disclaimers || swearing, alcohol and drunkenness, mention of throwing up but nothing happens, university!au, sideship!bokuaka, i am so sorry about the continued puns in my titles
word count || 1.4k
taglist || @kenmaslov3r​ ​, @jojowantstocry , @igyus , @imarriedachef [you can send me an ask or dm to be added !!]
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IT WASN'T LIKE Y/L/N Y/N was that drunk - she'd been counting her shots and everything!
Well, in all honestly ... Y/L/N Y/N was drunk off her ass. The small hangout she'd been enjoying with her friends had basically turned into all of them trying to outdrink each other with a seemingly bottomless bottle of tropical vodka that, quite honestly, tasted like shit, but the five were too drunk to care. It was too much fun to bother over the semantics of whether the alcohol tasted like a rotting palm tree's bark or not.
Y/N was sure they would've made a ridiculous sight to any outsiders who chanced a glance upon them - four well-built guys and a single girl, all crammed into a suffocatingly small university dorm, sprawled on the floor in a wonky circle with plastic cups and the aforementioned bottomless vodka bottle.
"This was a bad idea," Akaashi Keiji grumbled, though he was smiling wider than he did most days. "You're all really fucking drunk."
"So what?" his boyfriend, Bokuto Koutarou, slurred dopily, smiling at nothing as he downed another shot and gestured for a refill. "Life your life, Keiji."
"I think I'd listen to you, if your idea of 'living life' didn't include spending an hour throwing up in the bathroom tomorrow morning," Keiji returned dryly, attempting to slide the alcohol out of the group's reach and failing at the fault of his own tipsiness.
They all roared with laughter at his words, though he made up for them by kissing Koutarou softly on the cheek.
"A display of public affection, disgusting." Oikawa Tooru spoke up, jokingly. He was the reason they were even gathered in the first place - if Y/N hadn't met him in some of her classes, she never would've been able to introduce him to her two closest friends (currently on the verge of making out), and they wouldn't all be ... hilariously drunk right then.
Tooru's roommate, Iwaizumi Hajime, snorted, leaning back on his hands in a movement that flexed his arm muscles impressively enough for Y/N to stare unabashedly. "Like you can talk when you don't get any affection, Shittykawa."
Y/N choked, spraying vodka everywhere as Hajime practically pounded her back as she cackled, hand promptly whacked over her mouth. "He's- he's got you there."
The brown-haired boy scowled at everyone gathered, who were all shamelessly laughing. "Oh, fuck you guys."
"In your dreams," Y/N still had the presence of mind to reply, with a drunkenly confident wink.
"That's revolting," Tooru groaned, throwing an empty Solo cup at the girl, who let it hit her cheek as she giggled.
Hajime slung his arm around her, causing her to flush even more than she already was from the shots, because damn, those thick-ass arms are wrapped around me. "That's my Y/N, trashtalking our little shit."
As Hajime pretended to wipe tears from his eyes, Koutarou pointed at him, excitedly shouting, "Your Y/N?! Do you like her, Zumi?!"
To their collective surprise, an actual blush spread across his cheeks. "None of your business."
"No, no, tell me!" the girl in question grinned, her words tripping over themselves the same way her feet were as she tumbled up for a bottle of mineral water or something to drink that wouldn't add to the headache beginning to pound inside her skull. "I always wanted to know, because you're really hot."
Completely unaware of her tongue being substantially loosened due to her excess alcohol consumption, Y/N's thoughts spilled from her mouth without a filter in place. She grinned widely as she returned to their circle, near-throwing the bottle of mineral water as she boldly seated herself on the black-haired boy's lap, running her hands through his hair slowly.
"Um, Y/N?" Tooru spoke up, sounding torn between laughter and second-hand embarrassment. "That's- um, that's not Iwa."
'What do you mean?" she slurred, gesturing to the spikes in his hair (a result of her playing with it, though the intoxicated student didn't know that). "He looks just like my Haji."
With the repeating of 'her' Haji's earlier words, she leaned forwards, heavy eyes flicking down to his lips as the distance between them lessened, until-
Y/N was seized by the shoulders and lifted away, deposited on the floor none too gently with a grumpy, "Hands off my boyfriend, Y/N."
"Haji's not your boyfriend!" she cried, nearly moved to tears at her frustration. "He's mi- oh, wait, I haven't asked him out yet."
Tooru let out a howl of laughter, practically beating at the floor as he barely gasped out the words he meant to say. "Y/N, you were - fuck, I wish I'd filmed it, it was so fucking funny - Y/N, you sat on Akaashi's lap!"
The statement acted like a slap to the face to give her brief clarity in her haze of drunkenness, and, true to her wheezing friend's word, when she swept the circle with refocused eyes, she found ...
1. Oikawa Tooru rolling around on the floor, choking with laughter with literal tears rolling down his cheeks.
2. A petulantly pouting Bokuto Koutarou, pulling into his arms-
3. The aggressively flushing Akaashi Keiji, who was practically deceased at the hands of second-hand embarrassment, and, finally,
4. A miraculously even redder Iwaizumi Hajime, a hand over his mouth as his gaze flickered between Y/N and his lap, blushing more and more by the second until his hand moved upwards to slap over his own eyes.
"Oh no," Y/N groaned, sudden sobriety descending over her, her face aflame. "I- Haji- oh, shit."
With those words, the vodka in her system finally sent her off to sleep, and she drowsily leaned over, her head falling on a firm shoulder before it could hit the floor.
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The first thing Y/N was aware of was the stabbing pain right behind her eyes as they struggled to open. She groaned, raising a hand to pinch the bridge of her nose, though her movements were sluggish and her limbs felt heavy.
"I take it you don't remember much about last night."
Y/N's body froze up at those words, uttered by an oh-so-familiar voice, and she finally took stock of her surroundings.
She lay on the floor of Koutarou and Keiji's dorm, where she had fallen asleep the previous night, a blanket thrown over her. Attempting to find the source of the voice, she nearly passed out when her gaze fell upon Hajime, leaning against the nearest wall with a cup of coffee in his hands, wearing no more than a pair of sweatpants.
"I gave you my shirt as a pillow," he offered, when she remained silent, desperately tearing her eyes from the tantalising sight of his bare chest with a thousand and one mental admonishments. "Didn't want you to be uncomfortable."
"Thanks," Y/N finally managed, sitting up with a hand to her head and a loud groan, as memories of the shots last night came back to her. "Wait ... Haji ... please tell me what I think happened yesterday didn't."
He laughed, the sound making her stomach turn flips. "If you mean that you sat on Akaashi's lap, tried to kiss him because you thought he was me, and then passed out from being ridiculously drunk and also catastrophically embarrassed, then yeah, it did."
She buried her head in her hands, mumbling, "I don't suppose we could act like that didn't happen?"
"Nope," Hajime smirked, wandering over to kneel in front of her, so they were at the same level. "But I can do this."
He didn't give her the opportunity to ask further questions, because his lips pressed softly against hers, despite the atrocity she was sure was her morning breath and appearance.
"It's a new day," he said as he pulled back, leaving her absolutely breathless in shock. "If you wanted to kiss me so badly, you coulda just told me instead of Akaashi, y'know?"
And, just like that, Y/N was back to embarrassment. "Ooh, I so don't wanna kiss you now."
Hajime barely spared her a glance as he stood to find her some water and meds. "You sure about that?"
"No," she admitted begrudgingly.
"That's what I thought, 'my Y/N'."
"For fuck's sake, shut up, Haji!"
"That's 'my Haji' to you, isn't it?"
Y/N let out a strangled groan, refusing to let Hajime see the smile beginning to curl along her lips.
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࿐ 𝐟𝐚𝐞'𝐬 𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐞𝐭, 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐬𝐨𝐨𝐧 !!
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hungrywriter · 2 years
You’re just like me pt.8
Camilo Madrigal x female!reader
Disclaimer: I don’t speak spanish, I apologise for any grammar mistakes.
A/n: This series is actually ending soon!
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“Alright, see you tonight?” Camilo said as he gave his girl a basket of bunuelos. Y/n nodded as she put her arms around him to give a quick hug. Tonight was Mariano’s proposal to Isabella. Abuela had invited Y/n to join as well and who was Y/n to refuse free food? Camilo thought that the duo doesn't seem right with each other but if that's what Abuela wanted, then they have no choice but to do it. Just as they separated from each other, Mirabel walked past. Y/n asked if she was okay but Mirabel shrugged her off, muttering something about going to Bruno’s tower to investigate under her breath. Camilo didn't hear anything but Y/n had changed her ears to bat ears to listen better. Y/n looked at Camilo and he shrugged, not thinking much about his cousin.
Earlier, when Y/n was hanging out with Camilo, she had asked about Bruno and his whole family started saying that Bruno is someone who shouldn't be talked about. It seems that Bruno caused despair everywhere he went with his future vision. Camilo exaggerated that he had a 7 foot frame, rats along his back and that he sees people’s dreams and feats on their screams. Y/n was a little sceptical at first, but when he realised how serious they were about Bruno, she wondered if such person existed. After watching her walk down the hill, Camilo went to his room to prepare for the evening's event.
It was already evening and dinner had started. Y/n sat between Camilo and Dolores. Y/n was no empath but she felt the tension between Dolores and Mirabel as the younger Madrigal stared at Dolores while scooping food on her plate. Just as Isabella shoved a plate of muffins in front of Mirabel, Dolores turned to Y/n and whispered to Y/n about Bruno’s vision. Y/n was so shocked that her mouth turned into a chicken’s beak and she clucked loudly. The whole table whipped their heads at her as Camilo rubbed her back. She laughed nervously and changed back, coughing chicken feathers out her mouth. 
Now it was Y/n’s turn to play the staring contest with Mirabel. What's worse was that Mirabel was sitting right in front of Y/n. She had never been much good at keeping secrets, so she was tapping her foot nervously on the floor, pretending to smile as she looked everywhere except at Mirabel. Seeing her nervousness, Camilo asked if everything was okay with her. Y/n only nodded. When Mariano gave a plate of avocados to Mirabel, Y/n took this opportunity to tell Camilo. When he heard it, he shifted into Mirabel, then to Bruno and to a distorted version of himself. Y/n took his hand into hers and whispered to fix his face. He coughed and it was back to normal. Isabella then passed down the water, only for Camilo to tell his father, His father spat out his water and it sprayed all over Mariano. His father then told his wife and the message finally reached Mirabel’s mother. Y/n only sighed as she knew the dinner would only go horribly. 
Mirabel managed to convince Mariano to propose but things only became worse. Somehow, just somehow, Bruno’s vision tablet ended up on the dinner table and in front of Abuela. Y/n examined it closely and saw Mirabel in front of a cracked Casita. Just then, all hell broke loose. Casita started to crack, and everyone’s powers seemed to be failing them, except Y/n’s of course. Y/n didn't know what to do but suddenly she felt Camilo’s hand become bigger. She looked to her left and saw that Camilo shifted into a man but a baby’s head replaced his normal one. When he made eye contact, he grew a moustache. Y/n would laugh but she bit it back considering the situation. The Guzmans left in a panic state while Abuela hurriedly shouted that the magic was still stronk. After that, the Madrigal family left the dining room. Camilo moved a few steps forward when he noticed that Y/n wasn't following him.
“Hey, you okay?” He whispered for the second time that night.
“Huh? Yeah, yeah I’m fine. You go ahead, I’ll be right behind ya,” She replied, rubbing his hand with her thumb. A soft smile appeared on Camilo's face as he stepped outside to see what was happening.
Y/n took a deep breath before joining her lover outside, only to be interrupted by rats carrying Bruno’s shattered tablet. Y/n glanced outside and saw that the Madrigal was in a frenzy state so she figured that they wouldn't notice if she was gone for a while. She changed into a rat and followed them. They went into a hole and through a few tunnels when she reached a room. The room had a chair, a table and a few clothes were hung on a string at the back of the room. Y/n climbed the table and she saw chalk lines drain on it. There were words too. It took her a few minutes to figure out that it spelled out ‘Bruno’. So, Bruno was real after all. An old, shaggy man entered the room with Mirabel following him behind. That man must be Bruno.
“So, you’ve never left,” Mirabel said. 
“W-well, I left my tower, which, as you know, has a lot of stairs. And here, eh? Kitchen adjacent! Ooh, Ooh, plus free entertainment!” Bruno said as he picked Y/n up and placed her that looks like a theatre with another rat.
“So, what do you like? Do you like sports? Game shows? Telenovelas? Their love could never be,” He said, as he put cards with holes that fit Y/n’s head nicely. 
“Only three shows? Must be boring,” Y/n spoke up, forgetting that she was still in her rat form. The Madrigal duo looked at you, one with a look of surprise and another with a smile.
“That rat, he can talk?!” Bruno shrieked as he took his broom, wanting to smack the talking rat with it. Mirabel pushed back her uncle while trying to convince that Y/n was a human too.
“First things first, old man, I am not a rat,” Y/n said. “And second,” She continued while changing back to a human, “I’m a girl,” At  this point , Bruno looked like he was about to faint but he managed to hold on. Mirabel started asking her tio about the vision and they started to have a serious conversation. Y/n played with her furry friends and did not join the conversation as she felt that it was rude to pry on a family matter, yet she listened to it from far. When Bruno explained, she finally made sense of what had happened and that his family and the people were wrong about him and he was just misunderstood. 
“Or maybe I’m wrong. You know, it's a mystery. That’s why this vision is-pfft.” Bruno said as he pushed Mirabel and Y/n out of the door.
“Look, if I could help anymore, I would, but that’s all I know. Good luck, I wish I could see more,” He said as he closed the door. Mirabel sighed and her shoulders slumped. As Y/n patted her back, she had a crazy thought. Y/n grabbed Mirabel’s hand and kicked Bruno's door.
“You wish you could have seen more, then see more! Have another vision!” Y/n said, as she marched towards Bruno. Mirabel caught on to her friend’s idea and joined her as well. 
“Look, even if I wanted to, which I don’t, you wrecked my vision cave. Which is a problem, because I need a big, open space.” Bruno protested. 
“We’ll find one!” Y/n exclaimed.
“Where?” Bruno asked and there was silence upon them. It did not occur to the teenagers that an open space would be hard to find and they don't have much time. All of a sudden, a young voice broke the silence.
“Use my room,” Antonio said, as he and his animals filled Bruno’s room.
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bioodorange · 3 years
||The Pastas At The Beach||
this was originally like an entirely different post but ehhh this ways better!
disclaimer Im setting this like, at a beach with a boardwalk and such next too it? Public beach, small time vacationing!
and that they conviently like..pass as human
I hope you guys enjoy!! remember too check out my announcement board!
taglist: @frozensriracha @creepy-bi-day @capricornartistsstuff @krayolacolor
Jeff the Killer
Jeff doesn't really do much at the beach
The salt water irritates his skin and he burns easily, doesn't want too deal with it
Spends most of his time asleep
Hogs all the damn towels by sprawling out all over all of them
Gets sand over everything that they brought with them
Forgets how wind works and it gets everywhere
When its time for some of em too go get food, he always fucking goes
Wants too walk around and do something, and maybe not get blamed for all the fucking sand when everyone sits back down
He wears one of those like protective long sleeved shirts? and red swim trunks that are just somewhat obnoxiously bright
While getting the food he has a brilliant idea
Befriends the fucking seagulls
Lures them back too their umbrellas and just vibes with his bird army
atleast he's not alone anymore?
Ben Drowned
first off I know like he doesn't go swimming
but imagine if he did
his fucking goggles get filled up with blood
gets weird ass tan lines from the blood on his face like, when he's not swimming
has too wear the goggles when he puts on sunscreen-
ok ok thats it
fucker wears like mountain dew swim trunks
and those arm floatie things despite not going anywhere near the water
He tries too sit around Jeff but that gets boring fast-
Just walks the fuck off without telling anyone, on a journey for adventure
Will spend literal hours sitting underneath the boardwalk until someone finds him
After that they get him like one of thise beach toy kit things
Sally's nice enough too fill the bucket with water too, so they can make sand castles and stuff
She walks along the shore line with him, gets pretty shells too
Also if Ben were too go in the water
He's a fucking shark magnet with all that blood-
But don't tell him that, he won't come back too the beach
Ticci Toby
Toby is very excited too go to the beach
He didn't get out much as a kid
Siked as hell too get in the water
Drops his stuff off as soon as possible and runs right into the water
And thats when he realizes he can't fucking swim
Awkwardly flaps his arms around until a wave moves him along too back where he can stand
Everyones kinda confused when he comes back like "?? You were so excited, what happened?"
"I can't swim :(("
Cody volunteers to teach him right away, like the great brother he is
The thing is Cody is a horrible fucking teacher
Another few minutes of Toby getting owned by some waves and Cody just screaming stuff like
"Use your arms Toby- no not like that how I showed you- no I'm not going too help how are you supposed to learn-"
That's when Kate drags him back too shore and Doby and Brian teach him instead
In a bit he learns and ends up having a lot of fun
I feel like Toby would really like boogie boarding?
A lot easier then surfing but still a good time
Also they have too tie a red scarf around his arm so they don't loose his ass in a crowd, or in the water
Third Base
so far, Doby's the only one on this list who actually came prepared
I feel like he'd use one of those face lotions that has SPF 30 in it already?
Smart enough so he doesn't have too smear sun screen around his face, can just use the spray stuff and get going
Also has shoes and sunglasses too go with each like swimsuit/outfit he brings
Mans is put together
Really likes collecting shells and stuff
Walks with Sally, shows her how too find them
Wakes up kinda early as it is? So its easy for him too go too the beach early and find the shells before the tide pulls them back out
It's one of his favorite times, actually
The suns just rising, a few shops are opening, only a handful of people are on the beach
Does it everyday as his "alone time" before everyone else wakes up
Spends most of his time with everyone kinda relaxing?
I can see him really liking those beach volleyball games
Or just playing frizbee in the shallow water!
Really, really enjoys making sand castles
Builds a moat and everything so it stays up when the waves start coming closer
Cody, another kid who never got much beach expierence
But acts like he did
Buys one of those waterproof, phone lanyard things
Forgets too fucking close it properly
Doesn't have the first idea of what seagulls are like
"Oh come on buys its fine-" gets fucking owned for his cheesestick
Lowkey scared of them after that
Refuses too eat on the beach after that
Sits with ben under the board walk and curls around his chips
Spends most of his time in the water
Wants too see how far he can go before the lifegaurd calls him back
Finds it funny as shit too just slowly go deeper while grinning at them
Until a wave slaps him in the back of the head
And then he gets scared of the deepwater too
After he looses Swimming Coach privellages gets really fucking salty and sulks on the beach
Kate takes pity on him and walks around the boardwalk with him
But he also didn't know you have too reapply sunscreen after you go swimming
Gets really really bad sunburn
Jeff, Ben and Toby take turns slapping it whenever he gets too cocky
This is gonna be a Dad Tim one, fight me
Really has no idea what the fuck is going on, but still manages too keep everyone together?
Tells the same story, atleast twice a day, about the killer wave that almost took his shorts off
Gets in fights with seagulls whenever they get realitively close too the group
Also buys one of those crappy beach wagon things too put their stuff in
Buys a mug and cheesy beer koozie
Doesn't enjoy the beach that much but gets excited too go?
Ends up sitting down for most of the time unless he gets dragged on walks
Might just kinda walk until the water is at his knees and just kinda stand there, and nod a little
Giving mother nature his approval
He takes Sally out and holds onto her stomach, lifts her up over the waves whenever they come
Asks her what she can see, before he drops her back down
Tries it with Ben, gets kicked in the gut-
Favorite time is when it's dark and they go
Not for a long time, just a few minutes too walk along the shore before it gets dark
Designated photographer
Is supposed too be taking photos but mostly gets footage of the stupid shit that happens
Like Jeff not being able too figure out the dishwasher or Clockwork wrestling with her dresser where only half the drawers worked
Just kinda sits back and watches things go up in flames
He's the designated like playlist guy too? On the drive over, whenever he got bored just
"Hey what song should I play?"
And watches chaos ensue
His vacation is watching everyone else have a bad time
Makes up for it though, saves them a shit ton of money by making dinner every night.
I feel like he genuinely enjoys late nights on the beach, like Tim
Gets some beautiful photos of the water, and people taking walks that he's pretty damn proud of
Maybe once or twice he'll join Doby for a walk too get pictures of the rising sun
Likes getting small things from the gift shops
Shark teeth, maybe a cheesy snowglobe
Something silly but nice too remember the trip by
Eyeless Jack
first things first, ya know those double-lens glasses? Like you flip up the sunglass part and theres normal lenses underneath? Someone gave him those
But their are crappy eyes painted on the normal lenses
He's very confused but its just ridiculous enough for him too like
The beach isn't his favorite place, I HC him as nocturnal and most things are open during the day
He takes too the rides and crappy carnival games that are open late at night
He can't see everything super well but makes up fun things for himself
Enjoys going on rollercoasters that he has no idea what the hell the drops look like
Fucking hates bumper cars
Can't tell where everyone's coming from or when
More nerve racking then fun
Whenever they go to the beach beach he just kind of chills
Akwardly curls up on a towel because he's big as shit
Where ever they stay he walks around, uses his echo location shit too find out all its quirks
"This walls more hallow then that one- those support beams in the lobby are doing a very shitty job of keep things together"
Loves sitting out on the balcony and just smelling the salt air, listening too people laughing and the ocean waves
Just the small details a lot of people miss
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queenfinehair · 2 years
Until the bitter end
Chapter six
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Warnings: Violence, blood, death. Small bits of gore.
Song mood and This one
Disclaimer: gif not mine, it belongs to
A wave of cheering greets you as you make your way back to the tents of the camp. Halfdan is smiling with his arms wide and it's the first time you'd seen that smile so big across his face. He absolutely sparkled under the rising sun. Hands from campers pat his back and a hug from Bjorn follows. The message had been delivered to the lot and no one could quite believe that Halfdan, of all people, was going to be a father. Not only was he to be a father, but a husband to boot.
With the cheering crowd and Halfdan smiling, Bjorn leaves his side to go to yours. "Congratulations, Y/N." Wrapping you up he hugs you close. The sibling-like feel of him warms your heart as you offer a "Thank you," hugging Bjorn back.
"And you are sure you want to fight?" He asks and looks at you, holding your arms at their sides gently. Children meant a lot to the blonde man, Halfdan meant just as much, so you knew his concerns. "I have already discussed this, yes I am going to fight." Your will was still strong although now your nerves did start to act up.
"I will keep an eye on you then. Halfdan said you were staying nearer the back, but I know you." He chuckles and nudges your chin with his fist. You chuckle softly, "If that is what you wish." That is all you say and walk away.
Your armor is loose on you so you head to Idunn and have her tighten you up. She did your hair so it was held back from your face. Your sword was sharp and sheathed by your hip.
It was time.
----- On the field -----
The drums pound in rhythm as Halfdan, Bjorn and the others move on to the open field from out of the trees. He had given you one last kiss before moving out, stroking your cheek with affection as he said, "I love you, Y/N."
You watch from far back as King Harald and his pack move from across the way. The last encounter you had with him had not been a pleasant experience and you were ready for your chance. Staying so far back took away from that chance and you slowly inch a little bit closer to the front.
Idunn, ever vigilant with an eagle eye, stops you where she is. Recently she had lost a child so another person was willing you to be safe. "Y/N," her voice was gentle but firm, "be careful." Idunn's auburn hair was plaited, the braids forming a small crown around her head. The shield she held had many nicks and blood stained the scarred wood.
You nodded your agreement, body buzzing with antsy energy. Hopping in place and tapping your sword on your shield impatiently you soon hear others join in, hyping themselves up. The sound of many shields and axes pounding became deafening, the atmosphere around you crackles.
Halfdan was at the front of the ranks, eyes mad and wide as he looks towards his brother. The cries and chants from both sides spark his passion and he paces the grounds as both sides halt. Licking his lips and shouting a war cry with the rest of his people, he was ready.
The birds that swarm above must have had such a sight to see, and they were everywhere. As if watching the show, they hovered and circled; cawing, chirping and singing.
Halfdan was the first to react as the Kings men charge forward, ready for bloodshed. The man that came into contact with him was a sorry sight to see. A pathetic looking individual that stood no chance and he fell almost immediately, his blood spraying everywhere. Halfdan laughed madly as it squirted onto his armor, drops flinging to his face.
"Archers!" Bjorn shouts and soon the sky is raining arrows towards Harald's side of men. It looked promising from the beginning as many fell, but many more still came. An emotion bordering on fear runs through your veins, humming a warning.
The cries from beside you signal danger and before you know it you and the back ranks race into the woods, hunting for your prey. Arrows narrowly miss you as your shield is held up, your heart racing. They had ambushed you from the woods, your men and women not prepared for the onslaught.
Stay safe
Halfdan's words echo in your mind as you come into contact with the first of the enemies. The rattle of his axe on your shield sends you backwards. Regaining balance, your sword connects with his neck, slicing a clean cut across his throat. A strangled gargling sound are his last words and you race on, blood dripping from your blade. The battle that wages in the forest was everything opposite of staying safe. Many people were falling, screams roared into your ears and you knew you were trapped there.
Then there was Idunn, again, by your side and she was dragging you out of the trap. "Get out of here!" She yells, pushing you through the thick of the trees. Back on the field things weren't any better, so many of your people already fallen as King Harald's army kept coming. From all directions you see people dying, limbs being cut off, some hanging loosely by meger strips of flesh and cartilage. One woman you come across had her stomach split wide open, her intestines showing, gooey and redish pink as they ooze out of the wound.
Halfdan was drenched in blood and sweat, both liquids rolling down his face. He cries to the sky, amping up the people around him to stay strong. "Fight!" He shouts, "Do not back down, do not run! This is your destiny!" A woman charges at him, her sword drawn, shield raised to protect her body. Halfdan is quicker and more agile as he slides by her, spins and his weapon cuts deep into her back. She falls flat with a choke and he steps on her, pulling the axe from the meat.
Harald. You saw him in the mess, fighting, killing your people with no remorse. Yelling his own battle cry you see Halfdan then, close by his brother. Their eyes lock and for everything going on around you, you freeze. Only when an arrow whooshes by you do you run faster ahead, your target in sight.
Halfdan pauses as he faces Harald, both men panting, covered in sticky red. They share conflicting emotions as they stare at one another. The younger of the brothers waiting on Harald's next move. Why wasn't he attacking? You think as another man before you is knocked down, a sword piercing into his eye. He wails before the weapon you hold drives deep in his mouth, cutting off the cries.
"I don't want to kill you, brother!" Harald shouts, raising his sword, "it is not too late to join me!"
The scene before your eyes is in slow motion. It's like you're running through thick mud as you race to Halfdan, tears stinging your eyes as you watch your life flash before you.
Harald strikes Halfdan then, a clean and quick clean cut going down the side of the younger man's neck. Halfdan doesn't fall at first, his wide eyes look in your direction before toppling over. Harald bends down to him, holding his brother's neck.
The noise that comes from you is primal, "NO!" It hurts your throat, scratches it as you unleash the sound. As fast as you were trying to run before, you find your steps stopping right in their tracks. Your legs are shaking and threatening to give way.
"I will see you in Valhalla, brother." Are the final words Halfdan hears before the life fades from his eyes.
"HARALD!" another violent cry from you before you're scrambling to reach Halfdan's side, only to be intercepted by a strong pair of hands. Bjorn.
"Look at me, Y/N!" He shouts, "it is too late for him! Run! Now!" He tries to shake sense into you, slapping at your face to get your attention.
The world stops around you as you look into Bjorn's eyes and shake your head. "I need his body, Bjorn!" Your voice is crazed and you sound like a mad woman. Your safety was the last thing on your mind.
"Later! Now go!"
One last glance around and you know the situation is hopeless, too many of you have fallen and Harald's army is relentless in their attacks. Where one man falls from the Kings side, three of your people go down.
Bjorn pushes you gently, urging you to safety and you go, running back to find the shelter Halfdan had first told you to find.
----- Aftermath -----
It was done. The battle was over and you all had suffered a great loss of men and women. People were now on the grounds searching for bodies of their friends, lovers and spouses. Puddles of blood dot around the now barren field. You saw grisly sights that now sent a wave of sick into your stomach. You have to breathe through your mouth and keep swallowing to fight off throwing up.
Some still beg for help but it's far more humane to end their misery. Bjorn sends more people to their fate, you can no longer bear the violence and blood. What was the point anymore? To slay humans for lands that you didn't care about? For kingdoms that you'd never be apart of?
With Bjorn by your side you're both running to find Halfdan. You refuse to let Harald take him, he didn't deserve the body of his slain brother. You figure that if Harald wanted his brother, he'd have taken his hours ago. No, this was your right.
Closing in on where the front ranks had been you see Halfdan and rush over. Falling to your knees you take his head into your arms, the blood from his ghastly wound had already begun to coagulate but it still managed to get on you. "My sweet Halfdan," you cry kissing his forehead and then his cheeks. "Valhalla is lucky to have gained you. You are worthy, I hope you know that."
Bjorn stands beside you and watches as you lovingly caress Halfdan's hair. It's matted with sweat, blood and mud, his eyes still wide open. You try not to curse the gods and their will but you're confused by their promises. A life for a life? You think as your body shakes with grief, cradling Halfdan's limp neck.
"No, no, no." You shake Halfdan gently, voice weak, "please wake up." You choke out, growing furious at your fate. "We are not yet married and you have a growing family now. Wake up, Halfdan!" His head lolls back and forth, lifeless eyes never looking to anything particular as you shake him again.
"Y/N." Bjorn kneels next to you and removes your hands from Halfdan, picking up his body. "Come now, we shall give him a good send off."
A last fleeting look back and you pick up the battle axe your lover had wielded, walking away with Bjorn.
You were done fighting forever that day. You gained nothing and lost everything, lost the one person who mattered most to you. The world seemed somehow duller in color, the sounds coming to you like your head was under water. If this is what grief was, it was otherworldly.
The fire blazes as Halfdan's body, surrounded by extravagant furs, jewels and axe, is sent away. Tears fall freely as you close your eyes and offer the gods anything you can for his safe journey to greet them. His favorite light beige color of fur dangles in your hands, gripping it with such force your knuckles are white. The breeze picks up and fuels the flames higher to the stars. Many stand back from the heat but you stay put, happy with the intense warmth. Had it not been for the seed in your womb you would gladly have laid in the fires to go with Halfdan.
"Y/n..." a voice floats to you and your eyes search, brain so foggy from today. It's only Bjorn and he's grabbing your arm to move you back from the fire. You hadn't noticed that you were inching closer, vaguely watching the skin on Halfdan bubble up.
"Bjorn.... I can't-" and you take a quick breath in, exhaling through your nose. The smell is overwhelming and you can feel what little you had to eat sneaking up through your throat.
Bjorn watches as you heave the contents up, patting your back as more people leave. The sickness keeps coming on and soon you're just plain heaving. Nothing but stomach cramps are left. You slowly rise, wipe your eyes and nose as Bjorn stands with open arms.
Shaking your head you refuse the hug. You can see the tears in his eyes and know that if you hug him and he cries, that's it. "I can't hug you." You sniffle and swallow hard.
"Then I'll hug you." He snatches your body up into a tight embrace. The sight of Halfdan burning is more than you can process now, his body unrecognizable. You close your eyes away from the sight and wrap your arms tightly around Bjorn.
"I miss him already," you whisper, "How can I do this alone?"
"You won't be alone. I made a promise before the battle that should Halfdan fall, I would look after you. Funny, it's almost like he knew what was going to happen today."
Setting you down, Bjorn places his hand on your shoulder and you stand in silence for the better part of an hour.
"Come, let us go back, we need to move on." Bjorn says as gently as he can.
With a final look at what's left of Halfdan, you blow him a kiss, chin quivering. "Until my final hour, I will never stop loving you."
Tags: @naaladareia
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