the-goya-jerker · 5 months
portrait of ross in la?
Oh, I do not feel comfortable rating this one or searching for any eroticism in it.
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This is a piece of art inspired by the death of Ross Laycock, the lover of artist Felix Gonzalez Torres, during the AIDS crisis.
Ideally this piece is 175lbs of candy (corresponding to an average body weight of an adult man). Throughout the day, pieces are taken and taken. Like Ross, it wastes away, and viewers are left with the anticipation of loss.
This piece genuinely makes me feel like my heart has been ripped from my chest. I want to wail with grief when I think about it too long.
Instead of a review, I humbly offer up, for your elucidation and viewing pleasure, relevant works.
Check out the others works of Felix Gonzalez Torres, they're very moving.
Electric Fan (Feel It Motherfuckers): Only Unclaimed Item from the Stephen Earabino Estate by John S. Boskovich, a thematically similar piece of art. It also brings me to tears when I see it.
Let the Record Show by Sarah Schulman, which is based on...
The ACT UP Oral History Project, a project that seeks to preserve the history of the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power and their activism through the AIDS Crisis.
United in Anger a film by Jim Hubbard, a documentary on ACT UP
If plays or films are more your style, I recommend Angels in America by Tony Kushner. My favorite version is the 2003 TV series from HBO. It stars Justin Kirk, and it is genuinely uplifting and gut wrenching all at once.
If anyone else has pieces of art they suggest, please, feel free to reblog with them! I think art is one of the best ways sometimes to engage with historical atrocities like this. Whether that art is fictionalized or factual, it connects us like nothing else.
Let yourself learn about this and let yourself feel things about this.
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sexhaver · 1 year
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princeofcyberpunk · 4 months
ok i literally went onto genius going "im sorry tyler what the fuck did you just say can we get a run back on that" and THE ANNOTATORS DONT EVEN FUCKING KNOW WHAT HE MEANT LMFAOOOOO
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lesbienneanarchiste · 6 months
Hate when I'm trying to find a recipe for smth I've never made before and all the recipes I find have completely different ingredients and/or proportions and/or preparation steps. Especially when it's something I don't want to have to waste ingredients on if I have to trial-and-error my way through. You want me to waste half a bag of flour?? In this economy????
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kindalikerackham · 4 months
In the creation of the time traveller, we imagine time in loops, in lines, in an endless branching explosion of decisions into a silly little network graph. None of these fully encapsulate the way we generally portray time (and I'm sure my suggestion will be no exception). Even in this branching eternity, our stories coalesce into the one core timeline, the one true story's outcome.
Maybe I've just been scrolling past too many mobile game ads, but I've recently become fond of another visualization. In my mind, the water of time flows down, down, down, and the facts of physical life shape its direction and speed, its depth and intensity.
It is thus the task of the time traveller to adjust that direction. Outside of time, they present new obstacles to its path upon returning, and the shape of the water changes, sometimes in minute twinges affecting few, sometimes in swirls of paradoxical eddies and stagnation, and, often, in the alteration of the flows beneath it.
Thus, the origin of the time traveler is real, and the river that dripped their way created them. And thus, the flow of time ceases to water it.
Thus, the new obstacles presented by the time traveler have real and lasting effects on the path of the water, though often much remains the same.
The old path of the water is no longer possible, but its still real. And it's effects will last, barring other obstacles' intervention.
That old path can be returned to, if the obstacles is removed or significantly altered.
Other streams may exist as well, but they're not xx
And in it all, time continues to flow down through the obstacles of space and time and human tampering
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effervescentdragon · 1 year
It matches with your fanfic perfectly, the vibes are✨️👌💕😌
ooooh YES! i dont want to repost the amazing art without the author's permission but everyone should go and give love to this post by @penaltyboxboxbox bcs the art is AMAZING and it matches my charlos mafia au a lot 😻😻😻
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kiss2012 · 2 years
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deep breath. bisexualityyyyyyy
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ash-morse · 2 years
when: december 16th
Court’s first questioning had gone by utterly unremarkably - it had only been a few minutes long, having answered the questions with nothing to note, and going about his day. In all honesty, he hadn’t thought much of it since he had walked out of that room. It was easier to put the entire situation out of his mind then think about something having actually happened to Greer, only really facing the fact when it was brought up to him again - which, fo course, made each time he recalled the fact that THE GOLDEN GIRL was missing feel like another gut punch.
Which surely wasn’t helping with the nerves he was feeling as he was waiting for his questioning this time around. 
“Mi - uh - Courtney Mills?”
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He looked up when he heard his name called, standing up from the seat he had claimed while waiting, lips pressed together at the agent who had stumbled over what to call them. “Mister is fine,” he said politely, the smile on his face undoubtably tight - or it would be to anyone who knew him, familiar with how easy his grins usually were. 
It wasn’t the greatest omen. Court was aware that gender was...complicated, and was perfectly fine with going by he/him pronouns - preferred it even, most of the time! Though he did have to wonder how much of that was due to his constant desire to not rock the boat. But he definitely wasn’t going to examine that with FBI agents - they could call him whatever the fuck they wanted.
But anyways. 
He followed the tall (attractivelikeholyshitwhydidhelooklikethat) agent into the office they had commandeered to interview people out of, gulping as the door shut behind him, sitting into the chair Agent Choi motioned towards, eyes darting between the three agents in the room. 
“So, Courtney,” Choi began as he sat down opposite them, leaning back relaxed in his seat, the exact opposite of Coco’s ramrod straight spine, knee bouncing up and down underneath the table. 
“Court’s fine,” he said, attempting to offer a smile - again, anyone who really knew how freely the smiles on his face usually came would recognize that it was strained. 
The agent paused, glancing over at the dark haired woman, who scrawled something down on her notepad (probably just his name, right? It had to just be his name, there’s no way he had already fucked up in his first two words, like that was impossible...right?) before looking back at him. “Right. Court,” Choi said. “To start, can you talk about your time capsule video? Give us some context for the clip that was leaked?”
That was not the direction they had been expecting them to start in. Court’s head angled to one side, his smile faltering for a second. It’s not that he had anything to be guilty over. Sure, he had been in a weird head space, but it was just...ranting in a state of vulnerability. Not that that made it any easier to talk about. “It’s a bit out of context, to be honest,” he said. 
Court paused, letting out a deep breath. “Honestly, I was sorta, like...it gets better-ing. Talking about how things had changed for me since high school. I wasn’t the most popular, you know-” at that, the female agent’s eyebrows raised, Courtney catching it out of the corner of his eyes, a flush coming to his cheeks. “But changes like that are hard to get used to, you know?”
Agent Choi nodded. “So do you...consider yourself popular at Ogden?” 
The heat on his cheeks only deepened, Court glancing down at the table. Was that a loaded question or what. “I...guess? I don’t know. I have a lot of friends, I guess, but I’m not like...part of the popular crowd,” he murmured. He had a lot of casual friends. But sometimes it seemed like no one really knew him - but that was something to unpack with a therapist, not with FBI agents. And...well, awfully close to what Greer had said in her video, which couldn’t be a good thing to admit that he related to. 
“Like Greer.” 
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Court’s eyes just darted back up to Agent Choi, glancing between him, over to Agent Murray, and to Agent Brown sitting in the back, eyebrows furrowing so a crease appeared between his eyebrows, missing where the question was in that. As a few seconds ticked by, he just nodded, unsure of what else he could offer them. 
"Were you aware that Greer Morrison had submitted a video at the end of last year?”
Lips parted, tongue pressed against the roof of his mouth, confusion only deepening. “No?” he said. Why would he know that? How would he know that? “No,” he said, more firmly. “I, uh...I didn’t really talk about anyone’s videos with them.” 
The agents nodded, a few notes scrawled, Court’s blue eyes widening as he waited in the silence, a nearly audible swallow as he tried to beat down his nerves. 
“Some other students have brought up your relationship with Greer’s boyfriend. Why do you think they thought it was relevant?”
His eyes got so round, the whites were nearly visible around the entire bright blue iris. Shit. Were people talking about him? Oh, no, why would they do that? What he had done...
“Uh, um...” he stammered, shrugging up his shoulders. “Kit’s one of my best friends, you know? And he was, uh...Greer’s boyfriend? So that’s probably why people...thought it was relevant?” Coco said, his voice rising into a question with the end of every sentence. 
Agent Murray finally spoke, her dark eyes inscrutable as she leaned forward, her demeanor nowhere near the easy-going one of Agent Choi. “Had Greer brought up breaking up with him ever? Or anything of the sort, like she did in her video?” she asked.
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Coco’s eyebrows turned upwards in the middle, his lower lip ever so slightly jutting out. “Not, uh...no. I mean, not to me,” he said softly, shaking his head. That had made him sad - thinking that it had probably made Kit sad. And he hadn’t even gotten a chance to talk to him about it before he had been kicked out of school. Which was even sadder. 
Agent Choi glanced over at Agent Murray, some sort of communication apparently going on between them with just a few glances, something Court would’ve noticed if he had looked up from where his hands were clasped on the table, though he was still wallowing in the reminder of his best friend. “And...did you ever hear of anything regarding THE NAIVE NEWCOMER using steroids? You’re on the same team, correct?” Agent Choi asked.
 That had Courtney’s head snapping back up right, mouth hanging open. “No! No,” he said. “Absolutely not. He...he wouldn’t. There’s no way,” he said - no, insisted. He knew he had things he didn’t talk about, things he hid from his teammates to be able to play, things people wouldn’t suspect of him - but Kit wouldn’t have. There was no way it was true. 
The scrawling of a pen has their eyes shifting back towards Agent Murray, who didn’t look up from her notes, causing Coco to swallow again, his adam’s apple bobbing in his throat. 
“Do you have any reason to believe THE GOLDEN GIRL would want to leave Ogden College?”
Court just shook his head, curls bouncing. “No,” he said in a whisper. He couldn’t exactly admit the truth, could he. That no matter how good things seemed...there was always a reason.
When it became clear that was all he was going to say, even with the silence the agents let drag out for a few moments longer than were comfortable, Agent Choi spoke up again. “Were you aware of Greer planning to travel to Portugal this summer?”
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What? Where did they keep getting these questions from? How were they all related? Coco felt like they were jumping around from question to question just to get his head spinning, wondering if everyone’s questionings had seemed this disjointed, or if he was missing something. “No. Did she go to Portugal?” he asked, nose slightly scrunched up.
Agent Choi offered him a small smile, giving his head a shake. “We can’t disclose that,” he said, leaving Courtney’s lips parted, looking at the agent in ever deepening confusion. “Is there anything you know that you’re not sharing, Mr. Mills?” 
Court just looked at him, still trying to figure out where they were leading him with these questions - because he had no idea what they were looking for with this. “Uh. Um. No,” he said, pushing his chair back. “Am I, uh...good to go, then?” he asked, barely waiting for them to dismiss him before he exited the room, looking like a dog with his tail between his legs as he fled. 
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sndwave · 6 months
you know a call was botched when you're actually kinda glad your team lost because if theyd won on the score from that botched call it wouldve been tainted
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clarenecessities · 1 year
Watching the numbers tick up and our compliance percentage tick down is filling me with a deep existential dread but if my labor was so indispensable perhaps there should have been better contingency plans in place
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thebahwrites · 2 years
Are you going to update give your heart a break or killshot first ?
My plan was to update Give Your Heart a Break first! I wanted to sort of... alternate updating them between weeks but it turns out both my beta readers are slow ass fuckos 🥲🥲🥲😮‍💨
Actually REVOLTED I've got both chapters down and their aesthetics at the ready but my homies are taking their sweet time, so... whichever gets back to me first I suppose??? Hopefully it'll be gyhab!
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randomhealer · 9 months
⇢ ˗ˏˋTaking care of a tamagotchi together ࿐ྂ
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writing this since 3am and now it's five, unreviewed, neutral reader
Malleus Draconia
Malleus is a needy father... he already has a tamagotchi so as soon as you found out about this you automatically became the tamagotchi's mother/father along with him.
Malleus is so happy that his little virtual pet has someone else to take care of him along with Malleus, Malleus also uses this to spend more time with you, you are like a little family...
He will also demand that you spend time with the Tamagotchi, claiming that the pet misses you and feels neglected, he will get upset and pout if you don't spend time with him and the Tamagotchi.
There would definitely be another tamagotchi if you let him have one...like a little brother or sister for your tamagotchi...
but he is content with just one while you take care of him with him there is nothing else that would make him happy.
Jade Leech
Jade just looked at you with his usual smile as you explained about the virtual pet for him to take care of for you before saying a light "oya? if you wanted a child just ask me to make one with you-oh? don't you want to?" It's okay, I was just joking" but after giving him the tamagotchi, he seems to take seriously the idea of ​​being you tamagotchi's father.
all the time he keeps the little thing away from Floyd, feeds him only healthy food, always bathes him and leaves the tamagotchi playing in the virtual park while he works on Lounge, after he comes back he gives the tamagotchi another bath and puts him to bed, Even though it's a virtual pet, he takes care of it as if it were real. After he gives you the tamagotchi back he explains everything that happened, what he ate and what he did, after that he will always take care of your virtual pet if you ask, occasionally you will have discussions about what would be healthy for the "child" of you or not (you saying that the tamagotchi needs to eat more sweets than mushrooms and fruits)
"too much sweets can end up giving them a stomach ache, you know I only want the best for our baby, besides I know you keep feeding him cakes every time you take care of him..." Jade says while talking to you at Mostro Lounge, smiling when he saw you trying to explain yourself.
...Meanwhile, Azul accidentally overheard this little part of the conversation and spent a week thinking about how he was going to ask Jade if he has a child with you or something...
Deuce spade
Deuce was more than happy when you gave him the tamagotchi, he looks at you with those eyes saying 'I'll be the best father in the world, I won't disappoint you' but he ends up forgetting about the tamagotchi and letting him starve to death the same day.
Poor boi...He even took care of him in the first hours, gave him food, bath and affection but the day went on and he was busy studying for a test, he went to the basketball club and even had extra classes with Divus... at the end of the day while he was almost asleep he was scared and remembered the virtual pet... when he saw the dead pet on the screen he was scared and in shock, he didn't know they could die...
he was literally in shock as if he had broken an egg... (old reference lol)
but in the end he knows he wouldn't be able to sleep without telling you this, in the end when he tells you he's almost in tears as he apologizes to you, until you explain that everything was fine and that you could revive another tamagotchi...he stays relieved but still continues to apologize and promises to take better care next time.
(Later Trey and Cater find out about this and help him take care of his pet in the meantime Ace is just laughing in the background)
Floyd leech
Floyd got a little irritated when he saw that you were paying more attention to that thing than him when he came to visit you, so he did the great feat of throwing you Tamagotchi through ramshackle's window.
(just joking about Floyd's part, I was going to do something more detailed but all that comes to my mind is either him throwing the tamagotchi somewhere and forgetting or him trying to eat the poor tamagotchi and not being able to and getting angry about it and ending up breaking lol, I was finally going to sleep but I couldn't without getting it out of my mind... Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates it)
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yanderestarangel · 9 months
anon requested: "Virgin Tomas and virgin reader first time headcanons? Pls"
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TW : ftm reader, afab anatomy, praise, unreviewed, smut, virgin concept, soft!dom tomas, oral (f!re), blood.
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♡ - Tomas was a shy man, and unfortunately, so were you... In other words, neither of you two had enough attitude to give in to the carnal desires that threatened to eat you both alive. Tomas, before any sexual contact between the two of you, would masturbate a lot, always thinking about you, just touching your soft thigh was enough to make him extremely hard - to the point of feeling pain in his dick because of the erection in his pants.
♡ - He would be so flushed and red, imagining the dirtiest things with you, how beautiful you would look beneath him, you knew he suffered from being in need of you... Which made you even more shy. You were two virgins with normal young adult insecurities... But each time, each time you touched each other too much in the 'innocent' kissing sessions - it was a mess of soft moans and drunk's - hard cock against your body, whispering how. You were beautiful, how I loved you... Nothing but praise, however, the ninja's sea-colored eyes reflected your hunger and his, the hunger to explore the unknown together.
♡ - Tomas would soon rub his throbbing length against your entrance, both still clothed, but the thin clothing couldn't contain the air of lust already built there. You two looked like two time bombs... About to explode - and the fire was activated by Smoke's words in your ear. "-You love me, don't you? I can't take it anymore, I want you dear.. Fuck you make me so hard."
♡ - He leaned forward once more, placing a tender kiss on your neck before trailing downwards towards your nipples, sucking and nibbling lightly on each one, eliciting tiny moans from you. Meanwhile, his free hand continued its sensual assault on your sensitive areas, probing deeper into your wet folds, circling around your clit, teasing it just enough to keep you on edge but not quite satisfied. "-Tell me if you want me inside you little boy," he growled, his breath hot against your ear, again."-Do you trust me?" Tomas moaned in agreement, his big hands finally reaching under your shorts and panties, feeling the warm, soft flesh of your pussy. His fingers traced slow circles around your entrance, teasing you mercilessly as he enjoyed the sounds of pleasure escaping from your lips. "-Good boy...," he murmured, his voice husky with desire. "-Now, spread your legs wider for me." He waited patiently until you complied, watching eagerly as your thighs separated, revealing more of your body for him.
♡ - Smoke would stay between your thighs, smelling the sweet, inexplicable scent of your arousal, tasting your juices as you could feel him grunt and moan softly against your clit, sending waves of pleasure with every flick of his tongue against you. Incoherent words full of desperation for release would be heard by both of them, outside the confines of the room. He would be a trembling mess when he felt you cum on his tongue, he had already cum in his own underwear from the friction of the mattress beneath both of you, apologizing quietly for such an act, begging for the two of you to finally make love, taking each other's virginity once and for all - something you accepted, dizzy and too shaky from the orgasm he had given you with his mouth. Both of your clothes fell around the room, while Vrbada took off his pants and fuck... He was so huge and thick down there, with little white hairs growing in his groin, his cock proud and begging for any part of your body, He stood up and pulsed with each kiss Tomas gave you - he was aware that he was a huge man, who could break you in half, but he had to be patient for you, so he won't demand that you return the favor and suck his dick... Not the first time.
♡ - The sight of Tomas on top of you was breathtaking, he was whimpering in low murmurs, tears were falling down his face, out of joy and pleasure, as he clasped his hand in yours. "-Is this okay, baby? I don't want to hurt you. Let me know if you want me to stop or if you want me to continue." he manages to speak between broken moans, increasing the pace slightly, taking you to heaven and hell at the same time. His dick filled you completely, even if he hadn't even put it all in - "You're such a good boy...", "Oh god... I'm gonna cum soon sweetheart...", "God... you're so beautiful...", "You're going to make me cum so hard..." - These were some of the several phrases he directed at you, his boyfriend. With each thrust, he took you to the rhythm of a second orgasm you had that night, milking his cock with all his might. Tomas holds himself back from cumming, but from the moment you cum it becomes even more beautiful for him... he will scream your name - releasing his load inside your uterus, grunting and shaking, bending down to capture your lips , crying even more after cumming whispering "-I love you, I fucking love you" as he continued to fuck your pussy, even after you had cum, without caring about the blood from your hymen, coming out of you and dirtying your thighs, his hands explored your body - the two of you were going to stay all night exploring each other.
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tojosuggestionbox · 3 months
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To say that the situation has been hectic would be an understatement, but rest assured, I am well enough to be able to help stabilize the Clan. There is no need to worry; actions are being taken to ease the Chairman's return.
That being said, there is much more to be done. Many smaller functions of maintaining the clan have fallen to the wayside- namely the Suggestion Box. A number have gone unreviewed during this turbulent period.
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Unfortunately, it is not only our Chairman who has been targeted. Captain of the Tojo Clan and Interim Chairman Kashiwagi Osamu was also attacked, and we can confirm that the attempt was successful. This is one among many reasons that Tojo HQ functions have been in disarray. Responsibilities have had to be delegated out in a way that is less than preferable, but we will manage.
While there are still many more submissions in the box, Majima-san did surprisingly well in organizing them. Though I am curious about what submissions he supposedly answered.
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It has become apparent to me that some of these submissions are... woefully out of date. I apologize for the severe delay.
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nocturnesmoon · 8 months
You don't have to do everything alone
A/N: Making some blurbs while I work on a longer piece, could be awhile before that one comes out though, probably gonna end up at 10k words if I haven't calculated it wrong. Requests are open too if you got a blurb you'd like to see!
Blurb: Reader is overworked and gets pulled away by their boys.
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The screen in front of you had gotten exceedingly brighter during the last few hours. You could feel your brain slowly turning to mush in your head, no matter how hard you tried to sharpen yourself.
The sun outside had long since gone down, replaced by a dark and clouded sky that you didn't have time to pay attention to. You could feel your eyes hurting, slipping closed every now and then from exhaustion. Most people had already gone back to the barracks by now, done with their work for the day and in for a good sleep.
You couldn't afford such a luxury right now, not with the current mission and everything that's at stake. You didn't know how long you had been at it today, but it's all your mind had been focused for the last week. Your job was to track the targets, find them, information anything you could to figure out potential locations.
That's what you'd been occupied with for so long now, and you were failing at it.
You were supposed to be a specialist, a professional who knew what they were doing. Instead, you were here, with a headache that could kill, no hope, and tons and tons of unreviewed files you had yet to get to.
You take a deep, long breath, hoping that it could give you some relief in your state. It doesn't. Your hand comes up to rub at your neck, taking the opportunity to look around the office you'd been holed up in.
You'd been right to assume everyone else had already gone, someone must have missed you were still in here and turned off the lights. Either that, or you'd been sitting still as a statue for longer than you thought.
It was a possibility, judging by the ache in your bones when you stretch and pop your sore joints. You didn't dare look at the clock, but you didn't doubt that you had missed your usual afternoon gym session. There was too much to do to allow yourself to be distracted, even for a few moments.
You knew a large part of this operation now relied on you and few others. Ones that you didn't count on being competent enough to get the job done, so it came down to you. Not that you felt very competent now either, you weren't much better, having found no solution to your problem yet.
With a sigh, you turn back around in your chair, honing in on the sharp screen once again. You could ignore the ache in your stomach for a bit longer, if you just tried a few more things, maybe you could find the fix all solution you'd been looking for?
Even with your split mind, and rundown state, it wasn't hard to get back into focus. It was the only trait you could rely on now, the focus carrying you through long enough to fix your problems one by one.
A downside, some would say, would be the way you tune out of your surroundings, you stop noticing things happening around you, not to mention the passage of time completely eludes you. You didn't even realize when the light in the office were turned on, or when two different sources called your name. You didn't notice the footsteps become louder in your direction, or when two shadows towered over you.
You were only torn out of your focused fixation when someone gently slid down a hand over your eyes. Your breath hitches in your throat, your hands coming up to grab at the arm and push it away but getting stopped by a different set of hands.
"Jus' us luv" Simon's gruff voice vibrates close to your ear, making you relax your shoulders and let your hands fall back to your lap. It's only now when your eyes are shrouded in the darkness his palm creates that you realize how much your eyes were hurting. You forcefully blink a few times, settling for closing your eyes, protected behind the security of his hand.
You lean back in your chair, feeling the back of your head collide against Simon's firm stomach. You crane your head upwards, despite not being able to see him, you can almost imagine the curious look he has on when you do. His other rough hand slowly slides from your shoulder, over your throat, holding a persistent comforting weight there to keep you in check.
Your lips part ever so slightly, letting out a long gust of air, expelling everything in your lungs and making your shoulders sag. You had barely noticed how exhausted you had gotten, but this was nice.
You try to jerk your head when you hear someone else's movements, but Simon holds you in place. You feel a different set of hands gently lay on your shoulder, that someone shuffling in-between you and the desk you'd been spending the last several hours at.
"Missed ye darling," you let out a small huff when you hear the Scottish accent, not that you expected him to not be hot on Simon's heels. Your scoff is silenced when he gently places his lips on yours, Simon's hand not even bothering to move to give him space to do so.
In a way you don't want him to move his hands away from your face and neck, it was somewhat stabilizing. "What are you two doing," you ask, slightly out of breath when Johnny pulls away. From the sounds and his movements, you guess he crouches down in front of you, placing both his hands on each of your thighs.
You reach forward, blindly searching for him, and only finding him when he guides your hands to his face. "You've been actin' off," Simon starts out, Johnny slipping in a hum of agreeance, "you're working yourself to death dove."
You let out a huff in response, not wanting to agree with him no matter how true his statement was. You run your hands through Johnny's hair, grabbing playfully at his mohawk. You lean forward, gently sliding out of Simon's hold.
His hands resting on you retract, and you almost instantly regret it, squinting your eyes in the bright light. "M'fine," you mumble quietly, letting go of Johnny and looking into his bright blue eyes, "Jus' a bit stressed".
"C'mon to bed, love," you had halfheartedly expected Johnny to plead with you, but he seemed way past that now, using a more authoritative tone and leaving little room for disagreeing. Of course, that didn't mean you weren't going to, though.
"Can't" you continue to mumble tiredly, doing your best to keep your eyes open and ignore the dull ache in your head, "still have to finish this." You hear Simon let out a heavy sigh behind you, you'd almost feel guilt under his disappointed stare if you weren't already ridden with it already.
"You've worked hard enough for today, there's always tomorrow" Simon reasons with you. You're about to protest again when he points another thing out, "don't come with another excuse, you can barely even keep your eyes open, don't deny it."
You barely catch the glance the two men exchange with each other, but you don't fail to recognize what it means. You've already lost the fight at this point, you didn't have an argument that would actually make them listen, and deep down you knew they were right.
"I…" you barely get your word out before Johnny stands up, taking your hand in his and softly pulling you to your feet. You don't know when or how, but they'd already turned off the computer you had been using.
You take a step towards Johnny, but instantly feel your vision swirl, the millions of thin pricks blacking out your view for a good couple of seconds. With a groan, you collide against his chest, closing your eyes and staying there long past how long it took for the prickling to disappear.
"Ah got ye," he mumbles quietly, bringing around his burly arms to encompass you into a hug, placing a small kiss to the side of your head. The last of your willpower and determination to continue and finish your work tonight, dwindles away when you feel his warmth.
"When's the last time you ate?" you hear Simon ask in a quieter, knowing tone. You wince against Johnny, knowing the scolding you were gonna get later. It was hard for you to recall much of anything from the day, most of it was spent in front of a screen with data, minimal breaks. You weren't entirely sure whether or not you had eaten anything that day.
Johnny takes in a deep breath; you feel his chest expand under your cheek before lowering back again. "We'll get ye some leftovers on the way back aye?" he mentions and softly turns you around, "Garrick left some from his last meal, ah think it's something ye will like."
You nod gently, letting the exhaustion take a small win when your eyes softly close. You don't feel like opening them again, being quite fine with falling asleep standing up right now. "C'mon, let's get you to bed, Johnny'll get the food." Simon places a hand between your shoulder blades, guiding you along.
How you stay upright all the way to your room, you have no idea. You're pretty sure you should've collapsed at least ten times on the way here, but with Simon's hand on you, you felt like you could push on just a little more, and finally you could collapse on your bed.
Simon let's out a breathy chuckle at your theatrics, moving your limbs around like you were a doll. He pulls you up and takes a seat behind you, pulling you close with your back to his chest. You feel his hot breath on your ear, and after getting yourself comfortable, you can finally feel yourself relax.
"You need to stop taking on everythin' alone" he dips his head into the crook of your neck, his lips ghosting over your skin. "You're not the only one working on this, you can take a break" he mumbles, and lets his arm travel over your midriff, pulling you even closer back against him.
"I know, but the less I’m working, the more time it's going to take to find our target" you answer, moving your hand up to run it over his scalp. Your attention is taken away from him when the soft click of the door opening reaches your ears.
With a small smile, you greet Johnny back in, watching the plate of food he brings along. As soon as you smell the delicious meal, your stomach rumbles, loudly. You grimace, once again having forgotten the gaping hole you felt in your stomach.
"Hungry then aye?" He sits down in the bed next to the two of you, handing you the plate of food, which you accept graciously. You knew how good of a cook Gaz was, but this was one of your favourites, it was likely he had intended to give you some as well, had you been available at all during the day.
You let out a sinful groan when the food collides with your taste buds. "Thank you…fucking hell," you mumble with your mouth full. You make a mental note to thank Kyle for the food later, and then also beg him for another batch.
"Easy," Simon grumbles from behind you, "gonna upset your stomach by eating so fast." His hand comes to rest against your elbow, slowing your movements so you don't inhale the food on your plate.
"I know I know," you mumble between bites, catching the cheeky grin Johnny gives you from how you sound with your mouth full. "It's fine, I can eat, take a nap and then get back to it" you declare after finishing another bite of your food.
"Nu uh," Johnny shakes his head, seemingly amused that you think you're not going to be resting longer than that. "We'll keep ye in bed until ye're rested properly" he reaches his hand forward, letting it rest on your knee while his thumb rubs against your skin.
"What you can't do that-"
"We'll do whatever it takes to make sure our darling isn't working themselves into the ground again," Simon comments from behind you, leaving you a bit stunned at his sternness. You feel him gently take the empty plate away from you and put it on the bedside table when you're done.
"You can't keep me chained to the bed," you respond with a pout, crossing your arms over your chest and twisting your body to look in the eyes of the man behind you. He doesn't look like he's about to put up with your shit, however, and doesn't even dignify you with a greater response than his infamous glare.
Johnny brings your attention back to him, turning your head back by grabbing your chin. He leans in to plant a gentle and short kiss to your lips. "Ye heard 'im, whatever it'll take love" he chuckles quietly, the breathy sort of way.
You feel heat rise in your cheeks and let out a squeal when he picks you out of Simons lap, rolling over and ending up on top of you in the bed. He rests his chin against you, letting his weight hold you down and give you a comfort to your restless edge.
The light turns off above you, and it doesn't take long after that before the bed dips and Simon joins beside the two of you. Johnny let's out a satisfied hum when Simon pulls you both closer, wrapping you all up together in the blankets.
"Goodnight, ye sleep tight now, darling."
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wilwheaton · 7 months
One point about this plan which is worth noting explicitly is that it is a microcosm of the chaos-based authoritarianism we have now seen unfolding around us for years, and saw again in spades in the legislative chaos last week. As I mentioned, the plan outlined here was not really to allow or make it possible for Congress to install Donald Trump as President. It was rather to make Congress play the role of chaotic, dysfunctional laughingstock, a body which was clearly unable to bring the electoral chaos to a conclusion. In other words, the plan was to discredit parliamentary democracy as a functional system and thus provide an opening and justification for the Supreme Court to step in, as an unreviewable power, to install Trump as President against the electorally expressed choice of the American people.
TPM AT WORK: Never-Before-Published Details on the Trump Coup
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