en8y · 2 years
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[IMAGE ID: three rectangular flags, each with seven horizontal stripes, all of which are the same size. the left and right flags are identical, while the middle one has the sigils of the healing coven, and the plant coven. the healing sigil is to the left and slightly above the plant sigil, which is to the right and slightly below. the colors of the stripes, from top to bottom, are as follows: navy blue, cool blue, teal blue, mint green, bright green, medium green, and dark green. END ID.]
healiplantmagicial: a gender related to, or influenced by, healing magic and plant magic. the user could use both, use all forms but favor healing magic and plant magic, only use one while admiring the other, or admiring someone who uses the other; any way that both could effect your gender!
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anthony-crowleys · 2 months
Osha killing Sol like that doesn't feel right to me because he didn't get to explain his actions to her.
And by that I mean the writers didn't want him to and just made him repeat that he did the right thing and that he wanted to do what was best for her.
He could have said the classic "It was a mistake I'm sorry forgive me!!!"
He could have said "I was wrong and acted irrationally because I was worried about your safety please forgive me."
He could have said "I didn't understand the power your mother was wielding and thought she was about to cause harm to me, my friends and you (even tho it was Mae in that scene), I'm sorry???"
Or my favorite that covers all the points "Hey kid look your mom transformed in a cloud of black smoke and also started to dematerialize your sister who I thought was you and I panicked?"
Old Sol didn't looked as delusional and misguided as young Sol up until ep. 8, and you'd think he would have learned from his mistakes, but no, 180 surprise he's actually convinced he's in the right and doesn't explain the very specific situation that led him to kill her mother on top of that.
Like they really gagged him in that scene smh
And I mean, even tho I love him and I'm sad he's dead, the point I'm making is: Osha should still kill him but at least make him try to explain.
That way, the fact that she doesn't listen and just snaps is even more powerful, because like this he really looks totally and completely in the wrong, which, I'm sorry, he isn't, and she looks kinda justified, which… Defeats the point of her going full dark side to a degree, because it's not as impactful if they are painting him as a delusional selfish idiot that doesn't understand that he has made a big mistake and just doubles down out of fucking nowhere because the hints we got were pointing more towards a repression of a general "darkness" and not an implicit and deeply rooted self-rightouness.
So, good person who fucked up big time but he's genuinely sorry and asking for forgiveness is denied that AND killed while unarmed BAM! welcome to the dark side girlie!!
Anyway, this show couldn't make up it's mind about the characterizations of it's main cast and just put them at the whims of a unfocused plot, so they decided that now he is a self-righteous broken dumbass and that he will not act like a normal person trying to make her see what happened from his perspective.
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cha-faile · 11 months
I just...
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cannot help but notice
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how close these two are
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nyaagolor · 1 year
NYC is very fun bc on one hand I have access to food and drink and art and culture beyond my wildest dreams but also I have been haggled more times than I thought reasonably possible. I know I should expect the unexpected but I don’t think I’m ever gonna get used to the teenager in the Guy Fawkes mask who follows me to work every day
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
What if New Management Roxy had a book holster
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Revelation: i never used tumblrs website. I use mobile
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homunculus-argument · 6 months
Random worldbuilding idea: a culture where everyone is a goth, but for perfectly sensible environmental ressons.
Wearing mainly/almost exclusively black clothing because either the dye protects them/the fabric from something in the environment, black clothes are the most convenient ones to maintain, or then a century ago black dye was extremely difficult and/or expensive to produce and only the wealthiest of society could afford it, but now a cheaper dye method has been invented and after a huge trend of Now Everybody Can Wear Black, it just stuck and nobody even remembers why all clothes are dyed black. It's just tradition.
Everyone wears demonia-style platform shoes because the climate is wet and cold, and for most of the year the ground is either muddy or covered in icy slush, so knee-high tall boots are simply the most pragmatic way to keep the rest of your clothes reasonably dry and clean.
Silver and leather jewellery is widespread because the land is rich in metal ore - while the rich can afford to buy/commission delicate silver threads, even the peasants can afford some sort of rough iron chains and studs on their wristbands. Studded leather is more sensible than having metal rings touching skin directly, due to the cold weather. Studs and chains also double as armour and weapons which technically speaking don't count as such, allowing people to circumvent any "can't openly carry weapons during peace time"-laws. Law enforcement could not confiscate someone's bling without causing public riots.
Everyone is about as pale as their natural complexion allows since the climate is cold and dark and the sun does not rise much during the winter. Cold dark winters are also the reason why the culture is so morbid in general - in the heart of the darkest months there's fuck all else to do than write poetry about the moon's silver light and the howls of wolves and the beauty of death, while polishing your iron chains until they shine like silver.
Domesticated ravens are more covenient for messenger birds than doves are, as they're hardier and can manage the climate better. Even if more modern messaging technology has been invented, people prefer sending letters by bird because it's more romantic and poetic. Sending someone a raven message poem about how you'd like to be buried in the same grave together one day is a very standard way of flirting.
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postersbykeith · 1 year
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runariya · 16 days
Vampire jk which abducted reader from a covenience store bc he thinks she's pretty and he won't share. Make it yandere and DARK pls pls
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(yandere) part of the prompt game pairing: vampire!Jungkook x f!reader genre: vampire!AU, yandere, dark romance warnings: yandere, obsession, compulsion so kind of non-con, mentions of blood, lmk if I forgot smth word count: 1.775
a/n: hope it's dark enough lol
There’s something about the way you move, something about the way you exist, something so breakable, so delicate, so utterly fragile in your very being, like a porcelain doll poised on the edge of a shelf, waiting for a hand, just one careless hand, to shatter you into a thousand tiny pieces—shards of glass, glittering remnants of what was once whole but could never be put back together again.
Jungkook watches you, has been watching you for months now, lurking like the monster he is, in the corners of the streets you walk down in the darkening evenings, in the dim alleyways of your naive routine, unnoticed but always there, lingering with an intent that borders on obsession. Your skin is pale, your eyes wide, innocent, doe-like, and your lips are so soft-looking he sometimes wonders what it would feel like to press his thumb against them, feel the warmth of your breath, see if you’d break under the slightest bit of pressure, just snap like a twig in winter, cold and brittle.
It’s funny, he thinks, how you walk through life so unaware, so untouched by the darkness that curls around you, the shadows that creep along the edges of your world, waiting to consume you, and he, of course, is one of those shadows, watching you, biding his time, waiting for the perfect moment, the moment when he’ll take you, make you his.
You’re so beautiful in your naivety, so perfect in your ignorance, and there’s a strange satisfaction in knowing that he’ll be the one to break you, to take that innocence and twist it into something darker, something that belongs to him, something that can never escape him once he’s had his way with it.
It happens on a Tuesday, a drizzly, grey afternoon in the convenience store, where the fluorescent lights buzz incessantly overhead and the air smells faintly of damp vegetables and cheap cleaning products. You’re there, standing in front of a shelf filled with canned soup, your fingers trailing absentmindedly along the labels as you read them with that same curious intensity you seem to give everything else, as if choosing a can of soup could somehow change the course of your life.
He stands a few aisles down, pretending to be interested in some boxed pasta, but his eyes are on you, always on you, drawn to you like a moth to a flame, that simmering sense of possessiveness curling tighter and tighter in his chest while saliva collects in his mouth, fangs protruding just a little.
You’re wearing a light dress today, something floral and soft, something that makes you look even more delicate than usual, and it’s that sight, that perfect, breakable sight, that makes him decide that today is the day, that he’s done waiting, done watching, done hiding like some kind of forgotten nightmare. No, today he’ll take you, and you won’t even know it’s happening until it’s too late.
He approaches you slowly, casually, his footsteps silent on the linoleum floor, and when he’s close enough that you can feel his presence, you turn your head to look at him, those wide, innocent, beautiful eyes locking onto his, and for a moment, just a brief flicker of a moment, you look confused, like you don’t quite know what to make of him, but that’s okay. He’s not worried. He never worries. He knows what he is, knows what he can do, and humans are so terribly easy to manipulate, to control, to bend to his will without even realising it.
“Hey,” he says, his voice low, smooth, almost like velvet, as he steps closer, his eyes never leaving yours, and there’s a slight smile playing on his lips, a smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes, because why would it? You’re just a fragile little thing, after all, and he knows exactly how fragile things can break.
You blink up at him, that confusion still clouding your gaze, but there’s something else there too, something that he recognises immediately—the fear, the instinctive fear that all prey feels when it senses a predator nearby. But you don’t run. You don’t even move. You’re frozen, like a deer caught in headlights, staring up at him with those wide, pretty eyes, and it’s almost too easy, almost too perfect.
“You’re coming with me,” he says, his voice still that same velvet tone, but there’s an edge to it now, a command, and as he says the words, he reaches out, his hand brushing against your arm, and he feels the spark, the connection, the compulsion sliding into place like a key turning in a lock.
Your eyes glaze over slightly, your lips parting just a little, and you nod, so softly, so obediently, it makes his cold heart swell with something dark and possessive. You’re his now. You don’t even know it, but you’re his, and there’s no turning back.
A young grocery store employee approaches you then, a kid really, barely old enough to be working here, and he’s looking at you, not at Jungkook, with concern in his eyes, because even he can sense that something isn’t right, that something about this situation feels off, but Jungkook doesn’t care. He doesn’t care about the boy. He only cares about you.
“Is everything okay?” the boy asks, his voice hesitant, unsure, and he takes a step closer, like he might try to intervene, might try to play the hero in this little scene, but Jungkook just looks at him, just gives him one look, one cold, dead-eyed look, and the boy stops in his tracks, the blood draining from his face, fear settling deep into his bones. He doesn’t say another word. He just turns around and walks away, too scared, too weak to do anything else, and Jungkook almost laughs, almost, but there’s no time for that, not now.
“Let’s go,” he whispers to you, and you nod again, that same obedient little nod, and he takes your small hand, cold fingers wrapping around yours, pulling you along behind him as you walk out of the store, out into the rain, out into the world where no one will stop him, where no one will even try, because no one ever does.
His house is dark, shadowed, the kind of place where nightmares are born and never quite die, and as he leads you inside, he watches you closely, watches the way you move, the way you follow him without question, without hesitation, and it’s almost laughable, because you’re so fragile, so tiny, so breakable, and he knows, deep down, that he could crush you in an instant, snap you in half without much effort, and you wouldn’t even fight back. You wouldn’t even scream.
He brings you to the living room, where the air reeks with the scent of old wood and something else, something metallic and dark, like blood that’s dried long ago, and he pushes you gently onto the couch, watching as you sit there, your hands folded neatly in your lap, your eyes still glazed over, still lost in that compulsion, and it’s so satisfying, so incredibly satisfying, to know that you’re his now, that you belong to him in every way that matters.
“Do you know how long I’ve watched you?” he asks you, his voice soft, almost tender, as he sits down beside you, his cold hand resting on your knee, his inked fingers trailing lightly over the fabric of your dress. “Do you know how long I’ve waited for this moment?”
You don’t respond, of course. You can’t. Not while you’re under his control, not while his will is the only thing that matters in your mind. But that’s fine. He doesn’t need you to respond. He just needs you to listen.
“I’ve watched you for months,” he continues, his voice low, almost a whisper now, as he leans in closer, his lips brushing against your ear, inhaling deeply as his fangs come fully to life, “and I’ve thought about all the ways I could take you, all the ways I could make you mine. You’re so pretty, so perfect, so breakable… like a fucking doll. I could snap you in half if I wanted to, you know? I could break you, and you wouldn’t even know it until it was too late.”
His hand moves up your leg, cold fingers sliding under the hem of your dress, and you still don’t move, still don’t react, and it’s almost intoxicating, the power he holds over you, the way you’re completely at his mercy, completely and utterly his.
“But I won’t break you,” he purrs softly, his voice almost gentle now, as if he’s trying to soothe you, trying to make you believe that he’s not the monster you should fear. “I won’t break you because I’m not like that. I’m not like the others. I have a gold heart, you see… but my hands are cold. So cold.”
He lifts his hand, showing you his fingers, pale and icy, and he watches as your eyes follow the movement, as if you’re mesmerised by the sight of him, by the sight of something so inhuman, so otherworldly.
“I won’t break you,” he repeats, and this time, there’s something darker in his voice, something twisted and possessive and full of the kind of love that only monsters can feel. “I’ll keep you, instead. I’ll keep you safe. I’ll keep you forever.”
And then he leans in, closer and closer, until his lips are inches from yours, and he can feel your breath on his skin, warm and soft, and it’s almost too much, almost too perfect, because he knows that in this moment, in this exact moment, you’re his, completely and utterly his, and nothing will ever change that.
“You belong to me now,” he whispers against your lips, and then, without waiting for a response, without giving you a chance to even think even if you tried, he kisses you.
His lips are cold, colder than ice, colder than death, and he feels you shudder beneath him, feels the way your body reacts to the touch, the way your skin prickles with goosebumps, and it’s so satisfying, so incredibly satisfying, to know that he’s the one causing it, that he’s the one who owns you now, body and soul.
And as he kisses you, as he feels you give in to him completely, he knows that this is just the beginning, just the start of something darker, something twisted, something that will never end, because you’re his now, and you’ll never be anything else.
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lonelychicago · 6 months
I get drunk on jealousy
buck/eddie | background and temporary buck/tommy | explicit | 5.7k words
“Is he in bed with you?” Eddie asks instead and Buck stumbles in his steps. “He just left,” Buck mutters absentmindedly as he hops from foot to foot, doing practically freaking gymnastics to put on the pants with one hand while the other holds the phone and the hoodie hands carelessly and dangerously from his shoulder, slowly sliding down and on the verge of falling to the ground. It's too late and Buck is too fucked for this shit. His ass is still a little sore— not really in a painful way but there. In that way you feel that phantom sensation when you move. That ‘I had a big dick up the ass and was fucked all the way to Sunday not even half an hour ago’ kind of sore. “Oh, okay.” Eddie murmurs, voice crackling. or: Eddie calls Buck in the middle of the night at a not so covenient time, words are said, feelings are revealed and Buck's strenght is tested.
read on ao3
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en8y · 2 years
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[IMAGE ID: three rectangular flags, each with seven horizontal stripes, all of which are the same size. the left and right flags are identical, while the middle one has the sigils of the construction coven, and the illusion coven. the construction sigil is to the left and slightly above the illusion sigil, which is to the right and slightly below. the colors of the stripes, from top to bottom, are as follows: dark brown, cool medium brown, light brown, cool light grey, seafoam green, medium dull blue, and dark cool grey. END ID.]
constrillusimagicial: a gender related to, or influenced by, construction magic and illusion magic. the user could use both, use all forms but favor construction magic and illusion magic, only use one while admiring the other, or admiring someone who uses the other; any way that both could effect your gender!
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jeonsolar · 2 years
I can't believe I just watched an 8 hour long Nikolina, Kanej, Wesper fanfiction of Shadow and Bone/Six of Crows.
Tags: canon divergence, Major Character death, Slowburn, But no slowburn if you know who I mean, Darkling’s evil AmPlIfIeD, 😉, Baghra is good in this one cuz I say so, Malina will be the main focus but I can assure you this is Nikolina, Just wait, Speedrun books 2 and 3, I have a whole new plot written post the Canon divergence, Darkling will NOT take his shirt off for that scene of the book, but I'll give you some Darklina choking to satisfy you Darklina freaks, Marriage of Covenience, Author skimmed the books and picked only a few things that they cared about, Like heavily laying undertones for Nikolina, Mathias is there sometimes, Sometimes, Like for real there will be episode where you straight up forget he's a character, Past Darklina, Current Malina, Future Nikolina, Zoya Genya and Alina are Bffs!, David my beloved 😔
Tell me if I missed anything that is not spoilers.
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Do you think Tom getting Hagrid expelled was probably the best thing to happen to him? Because, assuming the Chamber of Secrets fiasco never happened, Aragog would have got out of Hagrid's trunk and he would have killed someone eventually.
It was probably pretty clear to everyone that Hagrid didn't open the Chamber and Aragog didn't attack anyone, as why would a Acromantula petrify a bunch of students and kill only one without eating any of them? Hell, Acromantula's can't even petrify people, so Aragog's clearly not the culprit. But, they were just the covenient scapegoat to make it seem like they were doing something.
It must have been pretty easy to justify Hagird remaining on school grounds as gamekeeper since he was just the fall guy and to everyone else the real culprit must have either got cold-feet after Myrtle's death or got killed themself by whatever monster they were using since the attacks stopped after that.
But, without the Chamber opening, Aragog would have no doubt escaped sooner or later and would have made lunch out of some poor little first-year. If that happened, Hagrid would have probably ended up in Azkaban.
There's a lot to unpack here.
What I Think is the Going Theory By People
At first, it looked like a prank, a very terrifying and unsettling prank but a prank. Someone rights blood on the walls that The Chamber of Secrets is Open, Enemies of the Heir Beware. And just. What the fuck.
The prank continues to get worse as several students are petrified. However, there's a key thing there, they are petrified and not killed. Petrification is a terrible but very reversable process with no after effects going by what we see in canon. It's just a pain in the fucking ass and you better hope you have enough mandrakes on hand or else it'll take for fucking ever to order them all.
Because of that, while it is terrifying and harmful, it's not quite the same as say when Katie Bell was cursed by the amulet in HBP where she had to go to an intensive ward in the hospital for months.
It still I imagine for most people falls in the realm of 'really stupid, dangerous, awful, what the fuck prank that some pureblood idiot thinks is funny'.
I imagine there's increasing speeches of "please knock this the fuck off whoever is doing this" at dinner in the Great Hall from Dippet and him only getting blank stares in response as the vast majority of students is not the ones doing it.
I'm sure like in canon people outside Slytherin blamed the most Pureblood Slytherin they could find (like how Harry assumed it was Malfoy at first), Dumbledore blamed Tom because he always does/he knows Tom is the Heir of Slytherin in actuality and that there might very well be a Chamber of Secrets or even if there isn't Tom would sure use the mantle if he ever found out about it, and I have my thoughts for what the Slytherin's thought but that's another post for another day.
Then a girl dies and suddenly this isn't a prank. There's a period of panic when the school is considered being shut down by the board, maybe there really is a Chamber of Secrets, and then they find a likely culprit, Rubeus Hagrid who has an Acromantula wandering around the school and has a history of bringing in extremely dangerous creatures into the school.
The thing is, I think most people at the time, and even later (barring those we see in canon who for their own reasons do not believe this) think it was Hagrid and a no brainer.
He has a creature whose bite causes death wandering about the halls and then shock of all shocks a student dies. True, while Acromantulas don't petrify, it's entirely possible that the petrifications/blood on the walls wasn't Hagrid and an unrelated stupid Pureblood prank. Added to this we don't seem to get much of a sense of forensic investigations/autopsies when it comes to wizarding world crimes (note that crime scene investigations is never really mentioned and there's only Aurors who come up whose job is just to catch dangerous Dark Wizards, not figure out what the hell happened at a place). So, I'm not sure that they could conclusively say what Myrtle had or had not died from/if they did an autopsy. For that matter, I don't know if it's common enough knowledge of what death by Acromantula looks like in a body after X hours have passed.
It's also not clear, I'm sure to most people given that Hagrid seems to be a pioneer of studying creatures, how Acromantula's feed and how they behave. Do we know that Acromantulas under threat don't poison their victims then scamper away? Do they always bite to feed? Since we know the spiders are sapient this has an extra layer of spice as well--humans certainly don't always kill to feed.
Which makes the defense of Hagrid of "but Acromantulas don't cause petrification!" or "An Acromantula would definitely eat that person it came across and never kill them in any other circumstance" very thin.
I imagine it depends who you ask but there's probably a few prevalent theories on how this all fits together:
Hagrid's spider killed Myrtle, but the blood and the petrifications were an unrelated stupid prank and no one wants to stick their nose into it after a girl died. After Hagrid's arrested/the death, all of it stops anyway so let's not think about it.
Hagrid's spider killed Myrtle and Hagrid had prepared for this eventuality by writing blood on the walls and petrifying students via some other method left and right so that people would think it was a Pureblood Slytherin. Hagrid has notably had run-ins with Slytherins before (see Tom noting the werewolf cubs under the bed/presumably having clashes with Hagrid) and it's possible he already resented them and that this was a ploy to frame someone else for murder/the spider's activities.
Hagrid was innocent! Someone else unrelated used some other monster that then never struck again and was never seen again and was never found in fifty years since to kill Myrtle and petrify those students! Sure, Hagrid has a bad history of bringing in dangerous creatures, doesn't get along great with other students who keep narking on him, and has been quite isolated and admittedly resentful of Slytherins but he's innocent! Because he's a good person who'd never harm a fly! (Except that there's the possibility this was unwitting manslaughter because Hagrid was letting a spider roam the halls)
I don't think anyone thinks Hagrid's actually the Heir of Slytherin or that the Chamber of Secrets even really exists. There might be some, but they'd be considered very stupid.
He has a creature whose bite causes death wandering about the halls and either the petrifications/blood was an unrelated prank from someone who was very unfunny or else Hagrid did it to cover up for himself/out of gleeful preparation for when his spider finally did kill someone. I imagine it depends who you ask, some will think Hagrid only did the death, some will think he did the whole Chamber of Secrets thing as well.
I imagine several don't even believe the Chamber existed or was opened at all but that Hagrid was definitely 100% guilty.
That is, unless you're Dumbledore, in which case it was that fucker Tom Riddle and you know it, you know it in your bones, you can smell it in the air, you just can't fucking prove it. But one day, Tom. One day.
Was Hagrid a Scapegoat/Was it Clear He Didn't Do it?
Honestly, I don't think he was. I think they honestly and truly believed that he was the one responsible because of what's outlined above. Added to the fact that arresting him caused it all to stop when the spider disappeared... it's not a good look.
A scapegoat is one thing, but very important people's children all go to Hogwarts, and people like the Blacks, the Malfoys, so on and so forth don't want a scapegoat they want this stopped. If it was just Dippet appeasing them then I imagine there'd be a lot more pushback for investigation. I think the Board of Governors believes it was Hagrid as well as does the Wizengamot at large.
So, no, not a scapegoat, they 100% thought he did it.
Similarly, I think pretty much everyone except Dumbledore believed Hagrid was responsible. No, it wasn't obvious that Hagrid didn't do it (for much the reason it wasn't obvious to Harry and Ron after Riddle told them. Harry didn't want to believe Riddle, Hagrid's so nice, but it... tracks...)
The them getting killed themselves by the monster is... well... who is missing aside from Myrtle? And why would that stop the monster from rampaging? The spider's gone and we know it's gone so kind of makes sense that everything stopped when the spider's gone.
Was it Hard to Hire Hagrid?
I imagine it was actually quite difficult for Hagrid to be hired on as assistant groundskeeper. I think what saved him there was Dumbledore really going to bat with him for Dippet using the "this poor orphan boy with no prospects and I personally think he isn't responsible for reasons I can't get into because no one will ever believe me" and Dippet feeling sympathy and telling himself "okay, Hagrid had his wand snapped, he is an orphan with no prospects who will starve if we don't employ him here, and his supervisors can keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn't do anything".
I imagine a lot of the students and the Board of Governors were very leery of Hagrid being hired/in proximity of the students but some combination of Dippet and Dumbledore brushed that under the rug.
By the time we get to canon enough time has passed, enough has happened, that people have kind of forgotten about this as shown by it not being discussed until the Aurors arrive for Hagrid because "wow Hagrid, this is exactly like fifty years ago, you're still here, and we have you on record saying things like 'all Slytherins are evil at birth', are we doing this again, Hagrid?"
Would Hagrid Have Ended Up in Azkaban if the Spider Had Killed Someone?
Honestly, I don't think anything would have changed from what happened in canon. Because this is what people thought happened.
If there was no Chamber of Secrets debacle and this just randomly happened I think Dumbledore would still go to bat for Hagrid and get him the groundskeeping job (as it seems Dumbledore must have covered for Hagrid in the past). Dumbledore would probably blame Tom Riddle or else quietly admit it was probably Hagrid but Hagrid's just so sweet and it was clearly an accident.
Given that this is exactly what the Wizengamot/greater Wizarding World thought happened, I think Hagrid would be given the same punishment of expulsion and wand snapping, probably because it's manslaughter and he's a minor.
It was only when we went for round 2, fifty years later when Hagrid's an adult and it's looking very purposeful/not like manslaughter, that Hagrid got his stint in Azkaban.
And at this fucking point--
Well, @therealvinelle and I have an @rankheresy episode planned. I'll just leave it there.
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queercripintersex · 1 year
Oh lovely, there's a perisex person going around the intersex tags who read a bunch of medical literature, a few webpages of one long-defunct intersex advocacy organization, and now thinks they have the authority to say what intersex is, that sex isn't socially constructed (sigh), and that the problems facing intersex people are that we face "misinformation about what being intersex is".
I'm honestly at a loss at how to deal with this stuff. Somebody says they spent many hours reading medical literature, doesn't seem to have read even the most basic materials from intersex studies, openly admits they don't follow any intersex people, and now feels entitled to tell us intersex people that the problems we're facing is that we're getting it all wrong? Seriously?
This sort of hyper-medicalization is actually very seriously part of the oppression that intersex people face! If you want to understand what intersex is you cannot only read biomedical sources and one old intersex advocacy website. You have to read actual works from actually intersex people on the experiences we face. You have to actually listen to a large variety of intersex voices, not just a single one that coveniently doesn’t challenge you or your beliefs.
Because if you did you'd know that being intersex isn't just about physiology, it's also about the social experience of experiencing intersexism. And the hyper-medicalization contributes to the intersexism! 
The hyper-medicalization takes the focus off of the actual social experiences of being intersex, and sets the tone of the conversation about policing categories and diagnoses rather than dealing with oppression, stigma, and isolation.
The hyper-medicalization means that intersex people don’t find the community we need, only furthering the isolation and shame felt by so many intersex people.
The hyper-medicalization means that intersex people are not given the basic respect to be authorieties on who we are, that instead it is doctors and biologists who get to decide what intersex means and that if we feel otherwise (which we so often do) that we are wrong.
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pequenaotaku · 5 months
Episode 01
"After the Rain Comes the Sun"
As promised, here it is!
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Until I was proud of the end result. Editing the bases is always easier than the images... Five and a half hours editing just two, and that's because I was stuck on one of them for four hours. Guess what it was.
About the route of each one, here is a summary:
Olivia Roux is Devenementiel's new employee (I still haven't gotten used to pronouncing that evil name!). Her story is basically that she just got out of college, was studying marketing, and was looking for a job. What follows is almost the same as Ysaline. Her mother was having a cocktail, met with Devon, found out he was looking for a new employee, and ended up recommending her daughter. I hadn't planned, but I ended up liking Zahra's background. And as a mother, she is the greatest love. So I changed some of my plans to keep things the same. Except that thing about... "Sleeping with that fifth-rate Don Juan." Definitely doesn't sound like something Ollie would do. Sweet, sincere, obstinate.
Colette Lebarde is a new business partner at Devenementiel. They made a contract to help each other, as she is also a small businesswoman looking to stand out in the field. What does she do? She sometimes helps Thomas with the technical side, but her area involves music. She produces sounds herself and is always very demanding in this regard. When organizing events, this is always your first concern. She is always walking around the company's open space, and always says it's because the place is really fun, with a good atmosphere. Not that that's not true, but the reality is that she doesn't have much to do when she doesn't have work. She usually works as a freelancer. Rebel, playful, attentive.
Meredith Dubois is actually Jason's assistant, and has been working at Goldreamz for a few years. Yes, I know that, canonically, Spencer (a character who hasn't appeared yet) is his assistant, but I don't care. He may have some other title, perhaps as a department manager or just as an ordinary employee. I love the Enemies to Lovers story concept, and from what little I've seen, this route looks like it's going to be full of clashes. Delicious. It would be cool to go that route, of course, but I couldn't think of a convincing, or covenient, excuse for Devon hiring three new people at practically the same time when his company seems to be in a tight spot, so that Mere and Jason end up having to stand against each other, so instead I decided to bring them together at once. That said, I ended up adding Ysaline's tragic past at EPMC with Ioan into her backstory after all. This makes for good drama. Having been Jason's assistant for some time now, she knows him well, and always tries to keep him in line so that he seems like a respectable boss, even though in the end it is an almost impossible task. Do what? Having the maturity of an 8-year-old child to respond is what gives this man his charm. Energetic, but serious and respectable.
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If you want more basic details about my girls, you will find them in this post here that I made a long time ago. And if you are still not satisfied, I am always available to respond.
See you soon~
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hollenka99 · 4 months
Me, entering the death corridor the second time: Okay, I need to be very careful and not fuck this up because I would like to get further this time. Oh look, the game is even making one of the pillars sparkly for my covenience.
Siffrin: *walks straight past that pillar because I wanted to check the whole room*
The rock: Allow me to introduce myself.
Loop: *most likely facepalming*
Me: Motherfucker-
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