#-rd one but. pretty good nonetheless.
maxphilippa · 8 months
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i will poison all your happy thoughts. i will love you like the ashes in my cigarette box.
dawndory is pretty fine to me alright
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ros3ybabe · 1 year
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Daily Check-in Septmeber 14th, 2023 🎀
This was a good day. Busy, absolutely, but good nonetheless. Had a meeting with my 1st dietetics mentor, and she was absolutely the sweetest and sent me an email after our meeting about the projects she wants me to work on currently, as her mentee. Cannot wait to meet my 2nd mentor next week! Also, I got asked to go into work, so I pulled a 6.5-hour shift when I didn't need to, but I need money so it's worth it.
🩷 What I Ate Today -
Breakfast - tuna w mayo and crackers
Lunch - iced coffee, chicken parm, noodles, one garlic bread, some asparagus
Dinner - chik fil a sandwich, medium fries, polynesian sauce
Extra - 3 more coffees in addition to the one I had at lunch
I am overconsuming caffiene so much right now, but I have been understandably so tired, so it's definitely helping me get through my days and weeks right now. I also genuinely enjoy the taste of the coffee I make, so that's always fun. I did just but a matcha set online, so hopefully, I can learn to make my own matcha and cut back on coffee for a bit.
🩷 Personal Achievements -
Attended RD meeting
Had my therapy appointment
Planned out part of my upcoming week/weekend
Studied Japanese for ~15 min
I did not accomplish almost anything school related, but that's okay because I'll have the time to do it all this weekend after work both days.
🩷 Todo for Today -
take Fitness For Health and Sport lecture notes
call embroidery place about dropping off my cooking class's chef coat
Video call with my boyfriend
Complete my Sample nutrition log assignment + submit it (if I have the time)
Study Japanese 10+ minutes
Because of how busy my schedule has been, I've been studying Japanese daily about 10 to 15 minutes a day. I'm starting to remember the hiragana characters pretty well so I've started jotting down vocabulary in a mini notebook.
🩷 Song of the Day - Social Path by Stray Kids, LiSa
This song is on repeat right now. I've always loved both their music and now that they've collabed, I'm on cloud 9. They're voices all sound so good in this song.
That's all for now! Will not be updating the 15th due to working the night shift at my job but will update for the 15th and 16th on Saturday night!
Til next time, lovelies 🩷
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cosmical-flowers · 3 months
Favorite Card Statistics - #1
Last week, I put up a poll (which you can access here) about people's favorite cards from Ensemble Stars! I got 30 responses, so here's the first report!
1. What unit is your favorite card from?
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I was the most curious about this one to see how many people were biased against one unit, but I didn't expect this honestly! Overall, the top unit was Knights, with 9 votes. Second place is tied between ALKALOID, Crazy:B and Switch, with 3 votes each. The units who didn't get a vote this round were AKATSUKI, MaM and 4Piece. There were also no votes for the faculty or other cards as well.
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2. Is the person in the card the leader of their unit?
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Most of the time, they were not the leader of their unit! I expected this more, since there a much more members than leaders. 22 people voted no, while 7 others voted yes. The one vote for other was for a Chiaki card.
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3. What year was the card released?
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An overwhelming majority of the time, the card released in 2022 or 2023! Both years got 10 votes each, making up 2/3 rds of the graph! Seems like it makes sense, since it trended a lot those years.
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4. What era is this card from? (Music!, ES!! Y1 or ES!! Y2)
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Aligning with the response from before, most of the time the card released during ES!! Y1. This category got 21 votes. I expected this result mainly as well.
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5. What kind of event is this card from?
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Reading the question again, this came off a bit confusing... But nonetheless, another one I was curious about! A majority of the time, someone's favorite card would have came from a Scout / Event Scout / Feature Scout banner, with 19 votes. A close second place goes to Event / Climax Events / Shuffle Events with 8 votes. I thought it would've been more balanced between these two categories honestly.
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6. How many stars does the card have?
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Another weird one! I thought much more people would have admired some 4 stars, but it seems a swooping majority was left to 5 stars! 29 people voted for 5 stars alone.
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7. Is the card bloomed or unbloomed?
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A majority of the time, the card is bloomed (makes sense, since the art is so pretty for it). 26 people voted for the bloomed versions of cards.
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8. Written response portion
For this portion, I had people mention what their favorite card was specifically. This includes the name of the card, the character, how many stars the card has, and whether it was bloomed or unbloomed.
The characters who had the most votes were Natsume Sakasaki, Izumi Sena and Arashi Narukami with 3 votes each! Congrats to them for having very likeable cards! Other characters who had 2 votes were Mao, Kohaku, Ritsu and Hiyori.
A card showed up more than once! Izumi's card, Evening Glow Paddle, had showed up twice in the responses! Both times, it was mentioned that it was the bloomed one.
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Honorable mentions for the option to explain why the person chose that card: - Very long talk about Hiiro's Fs1, Intersecting Paths (I loved this rant so much. Anyone who votes, feel so free to rant about why they are your favorite card.) - "he is literally just a bunch of pixels on my screen" for a Natsume card (But if they are pixels why do the pixels look pretty) - Person staring at a Mayoi card for 10 minuets because they were so stunned by it (This was me but with Shinobu's White Day outfit. It changed me. THE ART IS SO PRETTY UWAGHHHH)
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[Thank you to @/cafekitsune for making the banners!]
Thank you to everyone who participated in the poll! I was really happy to see I got this many responses at all! The form is always open, so feel free to send in a card or several cards! There's no limit on how many you can send in! Have a good day / night / evening!
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helpleas · 3 months
heyyy congrats on uchicago!!! thats my dream school too and im rlly happy for you, thats an awesome accomplishment!!! sorry if this is dumb but do you mind sharing any tips or things you did to get in?
i would not recommend my path to getting in at all! But I will go into a lot of detail nonetheless!
RD (January 2) -> Waitlist (March 15) -> Guaranteed Transfer (May 10)-> VERYYY LATE OFFER (June 24)
This path is basically unheard of because they only started offering guaranteed transfer (transfer for year 2 after a year of another university) this year. Also, there was absolutely nothing in my initial offer that gave me any glimmer of hope that I would be going there this fall, so the completely random new offer came as the biggest shock of my lifetime. I only committed to UChicago THIS TUESDAY, so you can imagine how spontaneous and also unorthodox the offer was.
But I can offer some advice on things I SHOULD have done. First of all obviously do ED, something like 80% of the incoming class is ED applicants. Also do the optional additional video after the common app. I submitted my test scores which isn't mandatory- but I got a 1550 on the SATs so if you have anything higher than a 1500 there is no point in not submitting that- I am pretty sure that was the deciding factor on my admission. After getting waitlisted, I sent a LOCI which is like 100% what you have to do.
I wrote both my essays over the course of a day, that day being the day they were due, so I also don't recommend that. But really stay true to yourself in your essays, that is important. They search for the quirky factor in the free-choice prompt pretty hardcore. My free-choice essay was answering the titular question of "Do I Wanna Know?" by the Arctic Monkeys, and I fully disregarded the fact that it was a college admissions essay and just genuinely tried to get to the bottom of it all. I think that is my top recommendation. Answer the questions well, but you don't actually have to market yourself. The way you answer the prompt already shows the kind of person you are. The more unique your answer, your approach, your writing style, the more they see you as a person. Show don't tell y'know? My "why UChicago" essay didn't include any visits to the campus or talks with alumni or students who currently go there, but that's because I'm an international student. If you can visit the campus you should.
As for the kind of student I am... I'm your basic well rounded A-student. I didn't mention any specific activities in either of my essays, but in my LOCI I mentioned my social justice work which 1000% should have gone somewhere in my initial application. I also mentioned that I own and use a flip phone- so that might have helped with the quirky factor. I was the head of 2 in-school clubs after being members, helped with only one broader yet still school led organization, was on a single sports team for 3 years, only took 2 years of languages, but I also stuck with the same 4ish clubs/teams for all 4 years which shows commitment and also that I didn't just do them for college apps.
Basically, don't be like me. Be better, do better, do the extra optional things, commit harder to the extracurriculars you're currently in, and good luck on your applications!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Illegitimi non carborundum!
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kylesbikeadventure · 2 years
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Day 28 - Santa Cruz to Carmel-by-the-Sea
Woke up this morning with a campground in Monterey as my planned destination. Must have been a thick fog last night as the ground was wet and cars full of condensation. It was still a bit foggy when I got away at around 9am, though the fog lifted before long and I biked with an overcast sky for the remainder of the day.
The route this morning took me through residential areas of Santa Cruz that I was curious about last night, and they were very nice. Lots of beautiful homes, plenty of vegetation, and a number of interesting shops/cafes/restaurants to check out. There were also a lot of people killing about, including tons of surfers out on the water waiting to catch a wave. Saw a few bicycles with racks holding surfboards off to the side - pretty convenient way to get around!
I was able to take side roads to Hwy 1 for much of the way today. And soon after leaving Santa Cruz farmland dominated the landscape. Strawberries primarily and in all stages of growth with some being harvested, but also brussel sprouts (I think) and artichoke. I saw a Dole sign as well, so guessing some fairly large scale commercial farming going on.
Shortly before Moss Landing I was on Hwy 1 for maybe a 12 km stretch. Not great riding with how busy and loud it was, but had a large shoulder so felt safe at least. I stopped in Moss Landing at Power Plant Coffee for a bit of a break and phone call home - a neat cafe serving coffee and plants.
Not long after I was able to escape Hwy 1 and stopped again briefly at Pezzini Farms. There were a couple of cyclists there that inquired about my trip, and I downed a couple snacks before heading on. I was slowly catching up to the couple when they stopped and asked where I was headed. When I told them Monterey they graciously offered their futon for me to crash on in Carmel for the night. I couldn't say no to that! So I grabbed Layne and Kay's address and phone number.
I was originally planning on checking out Carmel tomorrow, as well as biking 17-mile Drive after leaving camp in Monterey, but with the destination now being Carmel for the night, I quickly decide to do 17-mile Drive today and let Laine and Kay know I'd get to their place later in the after, at least before dark since I wasn't quite sure how long it would take. That sounded good to them, so they went on their way and I headed into Marina to a grocery store to load up on more snacks.
From Marina, a paved bike path took me right into Monterey. Monterey has a number of tourist hotspots including Fisherman's Wharf and Cannery Row. They were both very busy with people given it is Saturday. The bike path went slightly behind these areas, so I didn't see too much from my seat, but I did double back in a couple places and there definitely seemed like lots of touristy things to do. Not necessarily my jam when on a bike trip, but fun to ride through.
The bike path eventually ended at a road that continued around Monterey, hugging the coastline making for a great ride. This road eventually led onto 17-mile Road. Not sure where the name comes from as I don't think it is that long, but maybe it includes some other roads (such as the one I was first on) that connect around the coastline.
17-Mile Rd has a reputation for being a beautiful drive, and it really is. It snakes along the coastline around 4 gold courses including Spyglass Hill and Pebble Beach. I can imagine my dad would like this stretch quite a bit. It also passes numerous small beaches and lookouts on the rugged coast, a couple small forests, and past some REALLY expensive looking homes. The route can be windy, and today it was a strong headwind from the south making for some tiring riding. Worth it nonetheless!
After a quick stop at the Pebble Beach visitors centre, I left 17-mile Rd and took the route down to the water in Carmel. a steep uphill for me into the town centre which looked beautiful! I'm planning to double back there tomorrow to walk around a bit and really check it out.
Layne and Kay's place is not far from the city centre, and I arrived around 5pm after logging roughly 106km for the day (20kms got missed when I accidentally paused my Strava recording 🫤).
They have been incredible hosts and have made me feel right at home. They cooked me dinner and we had a nice chat about a number of the bike trips they have gotten up to. Kay got Layne into cycling after they got married, and have biked in a number of places around the US and Europe. Kay also did a trans-america tour from San Diego to Florida which sounded like a great time. They've recently tried to travel to Canada, but COVID and a forgotten passport has fouled those attempts. Kay's a veterinarian and Layne is retired and got his pilots license. He spends time flying his plane, doing aerial acrobatics as well. The video he showed me was pretty wild. Needless to say they live a very interesting life!
Tomorrow's ride will be a shorter one into Big Sur, as will the next day, as I'm giving myself time to enjoy what I know is a beautiful stretch with some strenuous riding. Fingers crossed for some clear skies!
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ghjco · 3 years
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Happy Gut Summer: The Magic of Probiotics Explained
No matter what “summer program” you’re subscribed to -- be it “Hot Girl” or “X Dose” -- we’d like to add a unique contender to the mix: Happy Gut Summer. Your gut microbiome is a pretty big deal. These trillions of tiny bacteria that live within us may go unnoticed, but are working their magic nonetheless. These hard-working microorganisms in our gut work silently to break down the food we eat and produce by-products that influence our health on a daily basis. Want to feel your absolute best this season? You need to take care of your microbiome, and probiotics will help you get there.
What Are Probiotics?
Probiotics are members of your larger microbiome community and are a combination of live beneficial bacteria or yeasts that naturally live in your body (4). Together with eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, and fibre-rich whole-grains, probiotics will help your microbiome to thrive.
You might be thinking, ‘Wait, isn’t bacteria bad for me?’
Not these guys! Probiotics are made up of the good kind of bacteria that keep your body healthy and functioning like a well-oiled machine. This beneficial bacteria helps you in many ways, including fighting off other harmful bacteria by acting as its competition. The good bacteria crowds out the bad guys, stealing away their resources and preventing them from taking over. Probiotics also promote a diverse microbial environment, one of the keys to good gut health (1). 
Probiotic Benefits
Once they reach your gut, probiotics produce substances with positive effects; and that’s when the real magic starts to happen. Probiotics’ main output are short-chain fatty-acids, which help to support the cells that line your gut, preventing any bad bacteria you may have ingested from leaking through into your bloodstream. Other powerful effects include lowering cholesterol levels in your blood, destroying disease-causing cells, producing B vitamins, and helping you rebound after infections (3,4). 
Different types of probiotics come with unique benefits. Greenhouse probiotic lemonades contain a vegan probiotic called Bacillus coagulans GBI-30 6086. This strain of probiotics is able to withstand the highly acidic environment of the stomach (5), ensuring that it’s not broken down before it can reach your small intestine and take action.
Once active in the small intestines, Bacillus coagulans aid in the digestion of carbohydrates and proteins, so your body can break down and use these nutrients more effectively. With regard to protein specifically, it has been shown to maximize absorption, amplifying the effects of protein intake from food or supplements (5). 
By creating a healthier microbiome environment, Bacillus coagulans also reduce the occurrence of gas and bloating after eating and eases symptoms of common digestive health disorders linked to bacterial imbalance like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (5).
What About CFUs?
One thing to take note of when looking for probiotic-containing foods or supplements is the number of CFUs on the label. CFU stands for ‘colony-forming units’ which indicates the number of viable bacteria cells in the product (3). Your microbiome is dynamic and changes quickly, so regular intake of probiotics will help to maintain a healthy gut in the long-term. Greenhouse lemonades contain 1 billion CFUs per 250 mL serving, helping you maximize the benefits of your daily fluid intake without having to remember to take a supplement.
Why Greenhouse Probiotic Lemonades Are the Best in the Game
Greenhouse Probiotic Lemonades are a winning summer beverage of choice for several reasons. Lightly sweetened with maple syrup, they contain just 3 grams of sugar per 250 mL serving, making them a light and refreshing choice on hot summer days. The vibrant colour of the Blue and Lavender Lemonades adds oomph as a low-sugar mixer for cocktails or mocktails (PS. Our Kombuchas are great for this too!).
In addition to a small amount of carbohydrates for refuelling, Probiotic Lemonades also contain sodium and potassium, which are important minerals for re-hydrating because they help to draw water into your cells. Whether it’s an extra-sweaty game of doubles or a day at the beach, the all-star team of probiotic hydrators has you (and your microbiome) covered. 
This season, show up to the park picnic with delicious and good-for-you probiotic hydrators for the best. summer. ever.
- Laura Jeha, RD, MHSc for Greenhouse
1. New Frontiers in Probiotic Research 2. Probiotics: What you need to know  3. Probiotics Fact Sheet 4. Probiotics  5. Probiotic Bacillus coagulans GBI-30, 6086 Improves Protein Absorption and Utilization
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curiousherbal · 4 years
Growing P̶e̶r̶i̶o̶d̶ Pains
Mystic Messenger
*Also read Growing P̶e̶r̶i̶o̶d̶ Pains on ao3* 
707 / Luciel / Saeyoung Choi x Reader ; 707 / Luciel / Saeyoung Choi x MC
Fluff & Angst (borderline crack; also dash of h/c)
5.9 k
Rated: T ; TW: Blood
Summary: In all fairness, you had meant to clean up the blood before Seven got home.
*reposting this story in case ppl on tumblr would rather read it here :) ; be wary of Seven route spoilers*
In all fairness, you had meant to clean up the blood before Seven got home.
But it had been a rather tiring day; a tiring, exhausting, not-so-very-comfortable, bloody day. Oh, how the day had been bloody.
It was also only 2 pm.
But you were on your period, so you were allowed to announce the day as ended before it had even begun. Right?
Usually your monthly flows were relatively well-contained, provided you were provided for of course – that is with “all-night” pads (false – they lasted 3-5 hours max on your heaviest days) and supersized tampons (you rolled your eyes at the arbitrary naming of tampon sizes – I mean what’s so “super” about recreating The Shining every day for a week once a month anyway?).
The silver lining in the sea of red was that, as an adult, you were now fairly adept with dealing with Mother Nature’s gifts, a feat that only took many soiled pants, innumerable ruined bedsheets, and the adolescent trauma of tied sweaters around your hips – to accomplish.
You made a mental note to talk about that last one with your therapist next week…
“Ugh,” you let out a groan as you blearily blinked your eyes open. The sunlight streamed through the window blinds in the bedroom that you and Saeyoung shared.
Well, if he were here.
“Disgusting.” You muttered as you yawned and started to disentangle your sticky legs from the sheets.
Your hacker boyfriend had gotten called away late last night, err – more like early morning. Very early morning, you mentally amended with a displeased grunt. He left in a hurry, promising a quick return as he lobbed this and that into a scuffed duffle bag.
“I’ll be back for dinner, my sweetie!” He ruffled your hair and kissed the corner of your upturned mouth, bouncing on the balls of his feet like it wasn’t 1:46 AM. And like he wasn’t about to leave his sleepy girlfriend alone for the night.
“Why – would the Great 707 ever lie to his darling kitty?” Seven grasped at his chest, a look of mock hurt exaggerated across his naturally goofy features.
Resisting a grin at his silly antics, you made him promise to return safely. And by dinnertime, nonetheless. “I’m going to want ice cream tomorrow evening.” You stated drily with a slight twitch of your eyebrow.
“Ice cream?” Seven had a subtly puzzled expression, which he rapidly exchanged for his charming grin, “Of course! My princess requests!” And with that – a kiss on your hand, and a pat on the head to the robotic cat standing guard at the flat’s entrance – the secret agent had disappeared into the night, the last sign of his leave being that of the revved engine from one of his prized sports cars.
In retrospect, maybe you should have been more explicit when hinting that you were going to be on your period.
But you were on your period, and he was a 20 something year old man, and once again, you were allowed to be however you damn pleased, and he should know that you were about to have that time of the month again. Right? Right.
“FUCK.” You dropped your forearm dramatically across your forehead. “Really? Are we really doing this right now?” You picked up the habit of talking to yourself when Seven was away.
“Fine – guess so…” With a sigh of resignation, you braced yourself for the physical exertion required of one to get out of bed.
Your insides churned a bit; it was the tell-tale feeling that only accompanied that of your body prepared to spew blood the second gravity went against your favour. You felt it. You knew it was going to happen; you just didn’t expect for your period to get so heavy so fast, and only overnight too.
“Well there’s nothing for it, Meowy – we’re just gonna have to make a run for it…” You cocked your head to the side, narrowing your eyes at the feline robot that was now preventing the unassuming Roomba from dutifully trying to gain entrance to your bedroom. “On second thought – maybe I should attempt the Tooty-Ta instead.” You laughed grimly to yourself. I’ll have to show Seven that ridiculous dance when he gets home. Lord knows he’d love it.
Gritting your teeth, you peeled back the sheets and carefully swung your legs over the edge of the bed. Your knees knocked as you clenched your thighs together. A bead of sweat rolled down your temple. “Great, heat flashes too? I’m not that old yet, damn.”
“Mrrrrr?” Meowy rolled over to your side, stiffly upturning her neck to regard you curiously, her programming having sensed that you were in distress.
Taking a deep breath, you braced your clammy palms on either side of your hips and gradually began to rise.
Gravity is an incredible thing. An incredibly, predictable, annoying, but necessary force of nature – much to the chagrin of the uterine force of nature you delicately clutched between your legs at present.
One wobbly step. Two. You rounded the bed post and began to reach for the door frame. So far, so good. Encouraged, you picked up the pace. Maybe I overestimated the amount of blood? You smirked confidently and entered the hallway. The bathroom was at the end of the hall, adjacent to the kitchen. Alright – let’s get this bread. You began your penguin-shuffle down the hardwood hall, leaning against the smooth, eggshell finished walls as you attempted to maintain the delicate balance required of your makeshift dance. Ten steps. Eleven. You reached out for the bathroom door, expecting to latch onto the glass doorknob when –
“Agh!!” You tripped over the Roomba.
The blood gurgled and began to plummet (as liquids, and pretty much anything and everything else, are wont to do) now freed from the desperate clenching of your thighs.
With a cry of despair, you clutched at your abdomen as you felt the large swash of bodily fluids exit your aching genitals, seep through your thoroughly ruined panties – Nooo, these are the cute ones with cats on them that Seven got me! – and splat quite dramatically onto the floor.
If it weren’t for the ruined underwear, the upturned Roomba, and the general resignation of being on one’s period – you would have been rather impressed at the size of the splatter that now decorated your floor in a lovely, concentric pattern.
“This…. Has never happened before.”
And it hadn’t. Usually, your periods started in the evening, not the morning. Usually, they were the heaviest on the second day, not the first. And usually, they weren’t of such a viscous consistency and atrocious metric volume that they glitched right out of your body, through your clothes, and landed in a terrific mess on the floor.
“It’s the Honey Buddha Chips; it must be!” You let out a wail of disgust, blaming the sweet and salty junk food as the reason behind your abnormal flow. “Saeyoung Choi, you WILL be paying for my ice cream tonight!”
You failed to realize that ice cream was also categorized as junk food too.
With nothing left to lose, blood still dribbling down your legs, you pivoted on your feet and marched back to your bedroom. Fine. It’s gonna be that kinda day, huh? You angrily snatched a clean change of clothes from your dresser – this time with your designated Period Panties™ – and made your way back down the hall towards the bathroom. A nice, cold shower will do just fine. You tried to convince yourself it was to counteract the annoying heat flashes you had seemingly picked up as a symptom of your menstrual distress, and not to cool the hot, balmy tears of frustration that now streaked your flushed face.
And if it weren’t for the ruined underwear, the upturned Roomba, and the general resignation of being on one’s period – then maybe you would have noticed how your toes and heels squelched as they made contact with the glob of period blood still lying inanimately on your floor.
❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧
Meowy was stressed.
Well, as stressed as her CPU could be, the mini gears and sensors running vapidly in her plastic and metal cat-shaped vessel.
Her auditory sensors reached warning threshold when her master’s precious one made loud noises of displeasure. Her visual sensors were already busy fighting off that dratted antagonist-of-a-cleaning-robot from earlier. And now her thermal sensors picked up the trace of something biological splatted on the ground. Something biological… and warm. Meowy saw red. But unfortunately, the cat robot couldn’t appreciate the literal nor figurative accuracy of that statement. She just knew she was stressed, even if her insentience didn’t quite allow her to know why, and even if that stress was purely mechanical, rather than emotional.
Master could purrrrobably add that feature in a future update, she surmised. Well, if robots could surmise, that is.
You were being quite a bother. And by bother, well, you were the source of your boyfriend’s cat robot’s overstimulation.
Upon showering, you exited the bathroom in a cloud of steam and clean clothes, fit with a cushy pad to catch the rest of your ebbing flow. Your bloody night clothes littered the cool tiles of the bathroom floor, and the goopy glob of period blood still sat, just as liquids are wont to do, inanimately in the same place as before (albeit, perhaps sporting a rustier hue as oxidation took effect).
It’s nice to be clean, you had thought, though the here-and-there prick of abdominal cramps and sporadic dizzy spells are nothing to long for. You had figured that some food and a glass of water would at least help the latter ailment, so you had proceeded to attempt to make yourself a late, light lunch.
Meowy frantically circled the small kitchen, letting out her programmed mews of concern every 2.35 seconds. During her 3rd or 4th worried lap, she ran right into your left foot, which you were precariously balancing on by habit.
For the second time that day, you yelped out an elegant “agh!” and dropped the knife you had been using to spread your favourite strawberry jam on the toast that you were planning to eat. The red-rimmed knife fell to the floor with a cacophonous clatter. Forgotten.
“Meowy!” You snarled as you towered over the cowering robocat.
Instantly, your rage dissipated to remorse as you felt empathy for the poor creature. Unpleasant images of Seven smashing the cat in a fit of similar rage accosted your brain, and with it, the tremulous and turbulent emotions from that past event too.
“I’m so sorry!” Your despondence flared suddenly and tears formed in the corners of your eyes. Mortified at how you treated your emotional support robot cat, you fled the kitchen in a teary haste. You tore down the hallway, intending to crash back into bed until Saeyoung came back home to make amends with Meowy and yourself –
Only to trip over the Roomba again.
“Oof!” Your knees crashed to the floor abruptly, your palms quickly reaching out to catch yourself from falling face first –
Only for them to slide out from under you after making contact with the slick pool of blood and period gunk that you neglected to clean up earlier.
And for the third time that day, you let out a final “AGH!”
Your face rammed into the ground, the bridge of your nose catching the pool of blood on your way down. Resigned, you didn’t move a muscle for five minutes, wallowing in your despair for yelling at Meowy, a lovely hybrid of self-loathing and disgust for not cleaning up the blood, and lonesomeness that ached every time Seven left on an indeterminable, clandestine trip.
Utterly wretched and still just as exhausted as when you had woken up approximately… you glanced at the clock at the end of the hall… 5 PM already??? … three hours ago, you cautiously raised yourself back to your knees. Tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, you sighed dejectedly and stood the rest of the way up.
Trudging solemnly back to your bedroom, you froze as you looked at the state of your sheets.
“Are you kidding me?!”
The sheets were rumpled from your hasty wake-up from earlier in the day, yet that wasn’t what caught your eye. No – your eyes lamentably traced the spotting and pools of long-dried blood that stained the center spread of sheets in the dip where you had slept. I must have leaked before I woke up, and I didn’t even notice.
Dehydrated, fatigued, and entirely resigned to end the day, you turned around and walked the short distance across the hall into the guest bedroom that Saeyoung most often used as an office space for work. (Less often, his twin Saeran would camp out in the small room, though recently he refrained from spending the night, too afraid that he’d become further traumatized by the excitable noises that tended to emit from his brother’s room late at night.)
You didn’t care that there was still blood trekked all over your apartment. You didn’t care that you were now just as soiled as before you had showered. You didn’t care that Meowy was short-circuiting in worry. You didn’t care that Seven had yet to return. You didn’t care. All you wanted to do was crash and wake up from this nightmare of a day.
Just a quick power nap, and then I’ll clean it up before Saeyoung gets home.
So, you curled up on the couch beside Seven’s work desk and cocooned yourself in a large comforter. With your back to the room, you entered fetal position and drifted off to sleep almost instantly, the crown of your head just barely visible from between the cushions.
And if Meowy was yowling as if possessed, well, you were too exhausted to notice.
Not that robot cats could be possessed, of course.
❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧
Fresh-faced and lively – Saeyoung was ecstatic.
The agency work turned out to be nothing more than a casual revenge-driven hacking: a harmless ploy orchestrated by a disgruntled employee trying to find some scrap of solace by antagonizing their rich, snobby boss’ computer system. Yes, it had been unfortunate that the job was sudden and required on-location skills, and yes, Saeyoung was rather reluctant to leave his adorably cute girlfriend alone for the night… but the goodhearted jokester couldn’t help but crack a smile as fond memories from just hours earlier accosted his mind…
❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧
“Mrr?” Elizabeth the 3rd let out a perplexed mew as the penthouse front door opened silently.
Seven creeped in, a finger brought to his lips as his eyes widened upon seeing Jumin’s cat. “Elly!” He immediately clasped his hand over his mouth, embarrassed that he let his excitement upon seeing the pure white Persian cat be audible.
“My darling! Uncle Luciel has come for you~~” He playfully whispered as he set his bag down and crouched beside the spoiled feline.
Elizabeth sauntered up to the intruder, presenting her lushly furred back for caresses.
“Don’t tell Mr. CEO, but I’m working here tonight. I need to access his Wi-Fi network directly.” Seven ran his fingers up and down the cat’s back, encouraged by her accelerated purring. “Don’t worry, ‘tis nothing nasty my friend – he’ll just be forced to do all of his work by hand tomorrow. I think his computer deserves a bit of break, no?” With a conniving twinkle in his eye, Seven began unpacking his equipment, settling cross-legged with his computer on his lap and Elizabeth sprawled out at his side, butting her head against his thighs periodically as his hands flew rapidly over his keyboard.
A large snore startled the mischievous hacker.
“Pshhsh!” Agent 707 brought up a hand to conceal his mirth, desperately trying to muffle the delirious laughter that threatened to escape his throat. Elizabeth glared at him, displeased that the large hand had ceased massaging her backside.
“I’m sorry, my kitty-love, I just didn’t expect Jumin to sleep so soundly!” Seven cooed lovingly.
Within the next few hours, Saeyoung finished up his early-morning hacking endeavors as instructed and deftly returned his equipment back to his bag without making a sound. He stood up and adorned a wistful expression, sad to be leaving his Elly all too soon.
“Oh, my dear – we mustn’t!” Seven scooped up the cat and swung her around, crushing her flat face against his sharp nose. “You know not the extent that this sweet parting brings me pain, but alas, our love is forbidden!”
Seven gently placed the cat back down. She immediately began grooming her mused fur, unimpressed with Seven’s soliloquy.
“Always the lady.” Saeyoung bowed reverently, a hand on the door to leave. “Wait!” Digging excitedly in his duffle, the young man pulled out a thin, red, satin ribbon. A small pawprint locket charm clinked on the ribbon.
Gently fondling the jewelry, Seven clicked open the locket and gazed adoringly at the image within. “Ah, it’s perfect. A representation of our love, my Elly!” With one final glance, Seven clicked the locket shut and bent down to tie the ribbon loosely around Elizabeth’s neck, covering up the collar Jumin had gifted to her prior.
Elizabeth, none the wiser, mewled an unbothered farewell as Saeyoung patted her once more affectionately and made his departure with a cheeky air-blown kiss.
The hacker disappeared from the CEO’s penthouse, slipped past the guards once more, and vanished into the early morning – having one or two more things left to accomplish for the agency before he could return home.
What those tasks were? Well, perhaps it’s best that only special Agent 707 would ever know for sure.
❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧        
This will pay the bills all for next month! Saeyoung thought with a grin, drawn back to the present as he lovingly slid his palm over the curve of the leather steering wheel. Plus, maybe this will teach Jumin not to overwork his minions. The young hacker smirked. He could already sense Jaehee’s displeasure when she would find out that RFA’s very own security hacked her boss for entertainment. And a bit of cash.
Seven wound his way through the hilly countryside, enjoying the dip and curve of the roads. He glanced at the car’s clock: 5:36 PM.
It was approaching dusk, and he was eager to return home. He moved his free hand over to his baby car’s console and pressed down on the window switch.
“Yahoo!” Seven stuck his head out of the window and let the wind ruffle his untamable ginger hair. His striped glasses pushed comfortingly against the bridge of his nose, as the golden hues of the setting sun reflected in his mutually golden irises.
A sudden pang of yearning overtook the young man, thinking about his princess at home. Though it happened without fault every evening, Saeyoung couldn’t help but feel anxious about missing the sunset. He wanted to watch every sunset with you; this would be the first one that you both had missed since you started living together.
A reversed flick of the window toggle and a harder stomp on the gas pedal later, Saeyoung sped back home with renewed urgency. We can catch the tail end of the evening together if I hurry.
Unbeknownst to him, the red, rosy fingers of sunlight that stretched linearly across the horizon were complementary towards the organic drops of red that currently decorated your shared home.
❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧
It was a quarter past 6 when the door to your shared apartment finally received its missing tenant. The last of the sundry locks popped open, the metal restraints finally allowing the port of entrance to swing on its hinges.
“Honeyyyyyyy~ I’m hooOOOMMMEEE!” Saeyoung sang loudly as he shouldered his way through the frame. Closing the door behind him, the totally-averagely-paranoid hacker wasted no time in redoing all of the locks. Turning around with a relieved exhale, Seven carelessly dropped his duffle on the floor and toed off his shoes impatiently.
No less than two steps deeper into the flat, Saeyoung was just starting to acquire a sense of strange foreboding when a white blur came barreling around the corner of the hallway –
“Master! Master! Your precious one!” Meowy, hysterically wheeling herself towards her creator, belted as loudly as her speakers permitted.
“What the hell?” Startled, Seven eyed his rambunctious robot, unable to fathom what in the world could trigger his creation to act so frenzied.
“Master! Your precious one! Blood! Bleeding! Help!” Meowy shrieked, her pitch increasing steadily and becoming disconcertingly garbled, her processors unable to cope with the sensory overload.
Saeyoung froze.
Time stopped.
Her… blood?
“What?! Where? Meowy what happened?!” Seven pushed past the yowling cat, crying your name as he further entered the apartment.
Seven frantically rounded the corner, his panic only increasing with every second that you neglected to greet him at the door. You always greet me when I come home! Where are you!?!  He shouted your name a second time, his heart hammering in his chest, muscles constricting painfully as his mind began to whirr with confusion and pain. You can’t be taken… not again… We just got this together... us.
“Honey?? This isn’t funny!” Saeyoung quickly glanced to his left as he passed the kitchen.
He froze.
There. On the ground.
A knife.
It’s red.
Clumps of something that was equally red and sticky looking surrounded the knife. The knife that should not be laying carelessly on the floor. The knife that very obviously fell on the ground in a struggle and was currently tainted red.
His airway felt constricted. His sense of hearing muffled, despite Meowy still shrieking incoherently at his feet.
As if in his own personal horror movie, Saeyoung pivoted his head to his right, now looking in to the bathroom. Terrified eyes locked onto small, red footprints that graced the floor. They traveled from the hallway onto the cold tiles. He assessed the criminal scene with widening eyes: blood stained clothes were thrown haphazardly before the shower. Your nightclothes. Your nightclothes that you had definitely been wearing. His own t-shirt that you so adorably asked to wear at night, citing that it smelled just like him. The large shirt that he gave you in mock exasperation, secretly fawning over your cuteness when you slid it on.
Look Seven, it’s like a dress on me!
With another frantic gasp, Saeyoung wailed your name brokenly. Once again compelled to action, he tore his gaze from the bathroom and began to sprint anxiously down the adjacent hallway. He needed to find you. Now. It was dark. The air was stale. His nose twitched in distaste as he sensed the twinge of iron that faintly permeated the hall before him. It felt like there had been little movement in your apartment today. He fumbled for the light switch on the wall. His trembling fingers just missed it. His body was already surging forward, so he continued his aching search into the hall blindly, his feet shuffling against each other lamely –
Why is there blood why why why this can’t be happening
Saeran and I… we got rid of Mint Eye, we survived, we did we DID!
but what if they came back
Why did they take her clothes off??
Seven’s stomach sank nauseously.
what if they took her what if – no no no nononono NO!
There was a sign of a struggle; she’s bleeding, she’s hurt!
She’s …. Dying.
NO please God no–!
Saeyoung suddenly tripped over something heavy. He crashed to the ground, blinking away the tears in his eyes despite not being able to see anything in the dark.
His scuffed palms instinctively reached out to catch him. Angry at his own clumsiness, he fumbled for his phone in his back pocket, swiping up to access his flashlight.
“AGH!” He sprang back in a shocked stupor.
A worryingly large pool of dried blood stood out conspicuously where he had just fell. Darker red, nearly black, glossy clumps of something sat atop the dried blood, having congealed to the consistency of rancid jelly.
Without turning back to see what he had tripped on, Seven screamed your name in utter despair, propelling himself upwards as he desperately searched the last two places you could be. Not wanting to confront the bedroom just yet, he yanked open the door to his office space, quickly glancing around in a fretful daze. Not being able to locate you immediately, he finally turned to your shared bedroom. His phone’s flashlight zeroed in on the bed. The empty bed. The empty bed that was speckled with the same blood that stippled the hallway. And the bathroom. And the kitchen.
You weren’t here.
You were taken.
You were injured.
You were gone–
“No!” Saeyoung collapsed to his knees, struggling to dial the keypad on his phone. He wasn’t even sure whom he was calling when a meek voice sounded out behind him.
“… Seven?”
Dropping his phone in alarm, Saeyoung spun around, ignoring how the carpet burned his knees as he pivoted.
You. You were there.
You were clutching at the bedroom door frame, highlighted only by the last surviving streaks of sunlight creeping through the blinds. You looked… fine. Maybe tired at worst.
Saeyoung choked out your name, his eyes instantly filling with tears. Both of you were frozen for several moments, him out of complete bewilderment, and you, cranky but concerned, having finally been woken from your deep sleep by wails of despair. And then –
Seven rushed to his feet and crushed you against his chest. You could hear and feel his heart thumping erratically in his chest. His breath came out hot and moist as he pressed his lips to the top of your messy hair. His lanky arms wrapped tightly around your startled frame, his fingers finding their desperate purchase around your waist and the small of your back. His taller frame shook, and you soon felt something wet streak down your temple. “I thought I lost you.”
Still utterly confused as to what exactly was happening, you just returned his terrified embrace, perplexed as to why your eyes suddenly filled with tears too.
“Seven… Saeyoung…”
He clutched you even tighter, the symptoms of a full-blown panic attack likely to ensue.
Alarmed, you leaned your face back and looked deeply into his blown eyes. You placed shaking yet comforting palms against either side of his sharp cheeks. Fighting past the cotton in your throat, you sought answers for his critical state.
“What do you think happened?”
He let out a wobbly sniffle and returned your intense gaze, gathering the courage needed to answer you coherently.
“Your… your blood. Why is it all over the apartment?” He croaked painfully. As if spooked again, his eyes widened almost comically once more: “You’re not hurt, are you?? Oh God, I didn’t even think to check first. Of course you’re hurt; your BLOOD is all over the place. Oh fuck, it’s on your face too. oh my god. Don’t move, I’m taking you to the hospital oh God…” Saeyoung began to stoop as if to pick you up but you hurriedly made to halt him.
“What – no Saeyoung, stop. I’m fine. See? Why ever would you think that… oh.” You gulped nervously, the hot flush from earlier now creeping up your neck and overtaking your face in shame. Well… fuck.
“Please don’t be mad… um,” you nervously averted your gaze, your hands dropping to pull his wrists out from your sides. You laced your fingers together. “Let’s sit down, yeah?” You guided the shaken man to the end of the bed and then turned away.
Thin fingers suddenly encircled your wrist.
“My sweet, I’m just turning on the lamp. It’s dark now.”
“Oh… right. Of course.”
You padded over to the wall, flicking the switch so that the yellow overhead fluorescent bathed everything in a sad hue.
“Okay so…” You took a shallow breath and eased yourself down onto your boyfriend’s lap, his arms wrapping around your waist once more. You began to card your fingers through his hair. It was a position that brought you both immense comfort and security. “Don’t laugh, but… uh, and I’m really sorry for causing you so much distress, but ahh I guess maybe my body was just so surprised that you got called away real early this morning, remember? Oh of course you remember, you just got back... And so – oh Seven, it must have been the chips! I’m so sorry! I’m a terrible person; I yelled at Meowy and – the underwear! With cats! Saeyoung dear, please understand I didn’t mean to! We can get another pair. But I really blame that stupid Roomba for all of it.” You trailed off pitifully, averting your embarrassed eyes in favour of studying the corner of the bedroom instead.
Silence settled in wake of your rambling statement.
“You… what?” Seven loosened his grip and stared up at your fretful eyes with utter confusion. “Babe,” he took a shaky breath alike to yours, “you know I love you, always, and I mean this in the nicest way possible, but – what the fuck are you talking about?”
Unable to hold back your torrent of hormone-induced emotions, you blurted, “I’m on my period!”
“It happens every month, Saeyoung.”
“Yes, but… it’s not supposed to get all over the floors! And the walls! And the bed – Babe! The knife! There are clumps of FLESH in the hall!” Seven held your arms in a tight grip, forcing you to look right at him.
“I know! I… it was a heavy flow.” Your eyes cast downwards pathetically. Oh man, do I wanna curl up in a ball and die…
Abruptly, a chuckle resounded off the walls. The chuckle grew into giggling, which then grew into bellowing laughter. You joined in with your boyfriend’s mirth, both of you laughing to expel any of the remaining insecurity and fear you both felt. For every laugh, a tear was shed, and for every hysterical giggle, your interlocked hands squeezed the other.
Growing pains and period pains, your relationship had both.
❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧
You didn’t get to watch the rest of the dwindling sunset together.
After calmly and patiently explaining your abnormal and premature flow, accompanied by the resulting afternoon fiasco via Meowy’s unfortunate presence, you had gotten Seven back to a stable mental state. He blushed furiously, embarrassed that he reacted so dramatically to something as old-hat as your menstrual cycle. But you shushed him, gave him gentle, chaste kisses, and assured him that his reaction wasn’t unfounded. It had been… upsetting for you too, even if your feelings were rooted in annoyance and crankiness more so than fear.
Still shaken by the sight of your blood, Saeyoung insisted that you both cleaned up the flat together. He didn’t want to leave your side, after all. With a light smile, he suggested maybe a game to make the task less grisly. An unassuming pair of handcuffs (which were actually the tipping point for Saeran moving out the day he saw them), a large sponge, and some soapy water later, you and Saeyoung were racing down the hallways nearly on all fours, jointed at the wrists, challenging yourselves to stay upright as you both pushed the same waterlogged sponge across the hardwood floors.
You were both giggling loudly, which only became amplified when you realized that you both still hadn’t up-righted the miserable Roomba.
“Left! Left!” Saeyoung shouldered your direction leftwards, and you both were able to – finally – avoid a third collision with the sad robot.
When you both released yourselves from your metal confines and entered the bathroom, you sadly presented your soiled cat panties to Seven. He wasn’t quite quick enough to hide his grimace. The little cats sure do look hellish with all the blood splatters… You cringed in agreement. The footprints were scrubbed off the tile, and you gathered your discarded clothes to put in the hamper.
“See, my lovey, it’s just the underwear that are bloody.” You held up his t-shirt that you had taken to sleeping in. Seven blushed harder and stammered an apology. “Don’t apologize, everything else was pretty much covered in blood… it’s natural to think that the shirt was too.” You offered an easy, albeit still concerned, smile. He gratefully returned it.
Saeyoung stammered the most upon seeing the knife in the kitchen. “I uh –, “ he cupped the back of his neck, “I didn’t really inspect it earlier. I just saw… hehe… red.” His face turned the colour of his hair. Meowy let out a mewl of approval.
Cracking a grin to yourself, you shook your head. “I know.”
❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧
It wasn’t until an hour or two later that you both had finally cleaned your flat of the remaining incriminating evidence. Both tired, you were entirely resigned to spending the rest of this nightmarish day cuddled with your boyfriend in bed. It seemed this was Seven’s train of thought too, until his eyes suddenly lit up with excitement.
“Babe!” He twirled you around the kitchen, picking you up and settling you down on the counter. He wedged himself between your legs as you were winding your arms around his neck. “I didn’t forget.”
“Hmm?” You offered him a dazed expression.
“You scream~” He began to improvise one of his many cutesy melodies, “I scream~~”
Your eyes brightened with sudden realization: “We all scream for ice cream!”
“Yes! My princess requests! And so, I shall deliver!” He kissed both of your cheeks, helped you down, and then shucked off his coat. Wrapping it tightly around your shoulders, he tilted your chin up, “Cute.” Wink.
❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧
Jumin had had a terribly frustrating, annoying, absolutely baffling day.
Upon arriving at work, he was met with a flustered Jaehee.
“Sir, something’s wrong with the network,” she glanced down at her clipboard, “And, ahem, well your technologies, sir.”
An arched brow. “My technologies?”
“It appears everything fed through your devices ends up not going through. I’m afraid we’ll have to complete all documents the old-fashioned way today.”
The other arched brow. “The old-fashioned way?”
“Handwritten, Mr. Han. Everything will have to be done by hand.”
Assistant Kang’s words sealed Han Jumin’s fate. His hands cramped. He had ink smears over his pinstriped dress shirt. And his hair now sported commoner cowlicks.
Jumin returned home around 9 PM, exhausted and bleary beyond belief. “Elizabeth, my love – come and comfort your father.” Jumin stumbled into his penthouse, intent on cuddling his cat since she somehow eluded him earlier that morning.
“Meow~” The stunning Persian vocalized lazily as she sauntered up to her master.
���Ah, what a fine lady you are.” Jumin scooped her up and nosed her long fur. Something round and cool brushed against his skin. Curious, Jumin fondled the delicate metal lock attached to an imposter satin ribbon looped around Elizabeth’s neck.
“What is this?” He scoffed, irritated that one of the guards must have thought to play dress up with his cat.
Jumin set Elizabeth down and removed the ribbon. He clicked the locket open. Inside, there was a photoshopped photo of Saeyoung and his Elizabeth recreating American Gothic, but with childish doodled hearts and horrendous text in Comic Sans font:
707 x Elly forever!!!
“Luciel… I expected no less.” Jumin rolled his eyes. “Well done I suppose, though I’ll have next draw, of course.” The tall man smirked enigmatically to himself and went to bed.
❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧
But for now, somewhere in Seoul, you shared an ice cream sundae with Seven.
❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧ ❧
Several notes ~ hello! I am relatively new to the mysme fandom (quarantine really said hey, why don't you go ahead and fall in love with the RFA boys, and I woefully agreed) This story is actually sort of based on something that happened to me, believe it or not. I mean, beside the having Seven as my bf part T_T I had a really heavy flow one month, like my body decided to just do the period all at once on one day instead of drawing it out for a week or so like normal. So yes - I woke up, felt impending doom as one does, and then stood up to make it to the bathroom. Well, gravity check - like all this blood and ya know the squishy period stuff fell out instead and I was like??? ok???? This was also at like 4am, so I cleaned myself up, and went back to sleep. Sadly, I had to clean up the massive splatter on my floor when I actually got up several hours later. That was probably tmi, but hey, periods are a natural part of life so~~ I'm fine, dw. Periods just be weird sometimes. ANYWAY - you can leave me prompt ideas or send them to me on tumblr via the same username (curiousherbal). The end of this fic sorta alludes to another fic I have in mind ;) EDIT: Which I have now posted, it may be found here Thank you so much for reading! This was a mammoth. I only ever wanted it to be around 1k, but here we are nearly 6k words later.... I just love seven ;_; ok bye bye
110 notes · View notes
makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 231: hey wHAT THE FUCK
Previously on BnHA: Horikoshi was all “lol what if the guy who can clone himself but is too afraid gets over his fears and makes like 200,000 of him,” and then he chuckled and did it. Re-Destro was all, “(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) ...hey, Skeptic.” Skeptic was all, “!!!” and quickly faded himself out of existence like that kid in that one meme. The Legion of Twices rolled across the city leaving chaos in their wake, and helping Compress out of a jam in the process. Meanwhile King Cone continued to harass Dabi, who’s apparently starting to cook himself from the inside out, which I think we can all agree is probably not good. Then, over in the Ol’ Villain Laboratory, Ujiko abruptly decided to throw the LoV a bone and wake up Machia, because I guess Horikoshi was all “so anyway we should do that climax now I guess.” So on to the climax we go?
Today on BnHA: Machia awakens and starts zooming toward where the action is. We then cut to Osaka, where Hawks is apparently waiting for Dabi to show up (he’s late, wonder why that is) because he has a delivery for him. No idea what said delivery is, none whatsoever. Oh hey there, flashback of Best Jeanist -- OH NO. FLASHBACK OF BEST JEANIST, HAWKS IS COMING. OH MY GOD HE HAS AIRPODS ON HE CAN’T HEAR US ffffff. Anyway so we’re just going to ignore all of that, and back in the present Twice catches up with Spinner and Tomura who are both happy to see him and very pleased with his recent character development. The group of them have almost made it to Re-Destro’s tower, although both Spinner and Twice appear to be concerned about Tomura’s current exhausted state. The chapter ends with Twice (well, one of the Twices) arriving in the tower to rescue Princess Giran from Re-Destro’s clutches, which, fuck yeah.
(All comments are my 99% unspoiled reactions from my initial readthrough of the chapter. I did a quick edit for grammar and clarity immediately afterward, and added a couple of ETAs in the process, but aside from that there are no changes.)
so if anyone tried to send me an ask in the last 24 hours or so, you may have noticed that my inbox was temporarily closed (I’ve reopened it now). this was due to a very polite anon ask I received yesterday morning which was nonetheless ominous as fuck
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like, holy shit, lol. so of course my brain immediately panicked and came up with a whole list of things that this could possibly be referring to
Giran dies
someone else dies
Horikoshi kills another dog
Kacchan’s provisional license is revealed but his thumb is conveniently blocking out his hero name because Horikoshi is, in fact, evil
Re-Destro transforms into a big ugly spider-crab creature like Overhaul
RD transforms into something even worse, like a mushroom, or a centipede
worst-case scenario: “My Hero Academia will be on break next week.” or for two weeks. or, god forbid, an entire month. can you even fucking imagine holy shit
so anyway, as previously mentioned I immediately closed my asks so as to protect myself from any potential spoilers, and then I settled in to wait. and now I am finally reading the chapter, so I guess I should brace myself for whatever terrible things are about to unfold
and we’re opening with... what the fuck...
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I guess it’s a nose lol
lmao oh my god
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are you telling me he is going to track down Tomura by scent. Tomura just how rank are you after six weeks of nonstop battling in the woods. no wonder Machia hates you so much. was it really so simple this whole time
anyway, so now this is happening
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I’m not even the one he’s hunting down and even I’m terrified. say a quick prayer for the Liberation Army of Assholes, everyone. they were, as the name implies, assholes, but I’m not sure anyone deserves what’s about to go down. Geneva Convention about to be violated something fierce
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8. new worst-case scenario: Hawks fucking dies. oh my god. I’m about to go put this whole fucking chapter down right now and go take a walk while trying not to panic
so Hawks is crouching on that rooftop with a big ol’ bag. whatcha got there Hawks
(ETA: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)
and he’s being smart and stuff
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okay correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure that Various Bits Of Giran ominously turning up at all of the League’s Greatest Hits locations ought to count as an incident related to the League. eh?? sounds to me like the Hero Network has been slacking
-- NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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(ETA: and I also missed the part about the sidekicks the first time around! what the fuck!!)
shit. well look. if I just stop right here and don’t finish the chapter then it can’t hurt me. but on the other hand, if I quit BnHA right now and delete my tumblr then I’ll never find out Kacchan’s hero name. so anyway this is a really big dilemma for me as you can see guys, but I guess I’m just gonna have to suck it up and read on anyway because I apparently hate myself
ohhhhh shit
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who’s he talking to?? that doesn’t sound like Dabi. and Tomura doesn’t know that Hawks exists. I’m thinking this must be Ujiko, then
lol he’s apparently out in public while taking this call, and his adoring fans are all “OMG WHO’S HE TALKING TO IS IT HIS GIRLFRIEND.” first of all, I think we all know Hawks doesn’t swing that way. and second of all, haha nope
anyway so now he’s flying off to go get some fucking privacy
okay now I’m absolutely positive this isn’t Dabi lol
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because if that is Dabi being all “SPICY!!!” then I must say I’ve really failed to get the correct read on Dabi’s character up to this point. like, I could not have gotten that more wrong if I tried
wow Hawks is really going all in on his whole “secretly disgruntled traitor” act. if I didn’t know better I sure would be convinced
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I love the juxtaposition between what he’s saying and what he’s actually thinking here. he’s so fucking smart, it’s ridiculous. constantly playing this dangerous game of chess in his head and judging what to say and how to act to best gain their trust
wow who is this?? maybe it really is Dabi
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either that or someone new?? is the plot thickening?? jesus christ I was not prepared for any of this, I thought it was just gonna be a chapter of Gigantomachia fucking shit up. not all of this Intrigue
yep it is Dabi. wow Dabi. I’m gonna call you Spicy from now on you little freak
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aaaaaaand now we’re cutting back to King Joffrey* VS Choco Taco. great
*this is a reference to Game of Thrones you guys. “bring me his head!” it’s not the best joke because I immediately realized it would probably require an explanation, hence me explaining it right now. but I’m not gonna go back and delete it though because, well. if the shoe fits, Spicy Boi
maybe it’s not Best Jeanist’s head. maybe I’m having an extreme overreaction to this whole thing. maybe the bag is filled with flowers. or letters to Santa that he’s delivering. or something else really good and wholesome and not-terrible
maybe they found someone with a cloning quirk like Twice’s, and they made a fake Jeanist and decapitated him? Hawks isn’t a fucking murderer though, like surely he wouldn’t go that far to gain the League’s trust even if it would save a lot of lives in the long run. right?? someone please reassure me here I feel like I’m on a boat slowly drifting out to sea with no way back sob help
oh hey look who finally decided to show up again!
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and Spinner too! somehow I straight up forgot about him. maybe he’ll finally show us his quirk and we can forget all this Sopranos bullshit
wow, despite being completely fucking tanked from sleep deprivation Tomura is actually having a very reasonable conversation with Spinner and I’m fucking impressed actually
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it’s really starting to seem that the lack of sleep is actually making him saner, which is extremely intriguing. it’s like whatever brainwashing/mental manipulation that Ujiko and AFO did is slowly losing its effect because of how tired he is. first the flashbacks, then the power upgrade, and now this uncanny single-minded focus that he’s developed. idk, just my theory, but I think we’re seeing a bit of his real personality starting to shine through here
anyway so I guess all these fuckers are about to die
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place your bets everyone. will it be Tomura continuing on his rampage? Spinner finally revealing his quirk? Machia making his grand entrance? or a surprise entrance from Hawks wondering why his boyfriend didn’t show in Osaka like they agreed to retrieve his head in a bag sobbbbb
and maybe I should take back what I previously said about Tomura becoming saner, though. ...
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though I mean, even if he’s saner in general he is still kooky from the no-sleep though
also it looks like the Twices have finally arrived! I didn’t even include them as an option to bet on. I’m really losing my touch here. it’s almost as if I’m distracted by something!!
okay, and now Twice is tackling Tomura to the ground for some reason while screaming “HIYAAAAH!” not how I was expecting you to deal with the situation Jin but okay
okay but not only is Tomura accepting this with more grace than some football quarterbacks, but he’s genuinely starting to remind me of Deku now holy shit. I take back my take-back. jesus christ when did he get so mellow?!
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“I have no idea why you just fucking shoved me into the pavement for no reason but wow, you’ve really gotten stronger bro!” okay, things I was not expecting to happen in this chapter: Hawks going Full Evil while Tomura inches ever closer toward being a straight up nice dude
Twice is all “yeah!!” and says he hopes he can finally be useful to Tomura now. aww
meanwhile the Army of Dipshits is charging in again since they all want to die, apparently. I keep waiting for a few of them to have an epiphany in the background and be all “you know what, maybe I should get the fuck out of here and to hell with Re-Destro though.” but nope, they’re all idiots. it’s really something
Tomura is so fucking nice. his niceness is the balm I needed to soothe my anxiety over Best Deadest Jeanist
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... [headpats]
he remembers from before that RD and Giran are supposedly up in the tower, and he’s more than ready to kill the former. quote unquote, “kill him reeeealll good.” that’s what I like to hear, Tomura
oh my god
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motherfucking League of Softies right here. well except for Todoroki “Queen of Hearts” Touya. there, I worked in a more accessible chopped-off-heads reference for you guys. anyways he has issues, but the rest of the League of Angels is very sweet though
so Twice is shouting “just leave it to mes! hang on Giran, I’m coming for ya!” and I suddenly got scared all over again for Giran oh my god. please don’t hurt him, I was prepared for it before but now Best Jeanist is dead probably and I’m a fragile, vulnerable mess who’s trying to cope with humor and failing sob please
oh my GOD
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oh it’s this guy again
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so did I honestly
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you deserve to die a quick and brutal “Indiana Jones shooting the guy with the big sword” death, buddy. my fingers are crossed for Gigantomachia to just plow right through you as soon as I click to the next page. Horikoshi owes me, so
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wow this is almost verbatim Syndrome’s speech from the first Incredibles
also these guys just keep on getting more horrible. good job assholes
so Spinner’s thinking to himself that every time Hanabata gives a speech his lackeys get more fired up. and he’s wondering what to do because ‘I can’t let Shigaraki get any more exhausted!’
the love these guys have for each other though, I swear. like it genuinely is the sweetest thing. honestly the only real problem I have with this arc so far is that my disbelief is going to be crazy suspended if and when they go back to kidnapping kids and shit after this arc. there’s just no way I’ll be able to reconcile that in my head with the current League of Darlings here. I feel like it would be more consistent for their next scheme to be them angrily raising money for a charity or something
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now what’s happening up in the tower
oh shit
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that was fast Jin
and he continues to be hot. now he’s even doing it while still wearing the Deadpool mask! this is outrageous
gotta love that trash talk. “so you’re the asshole that kidnapped our broker and chopped off his hand and beat up my girlfriend! well guess what! YOU’RE BALD YOU BIG JERK”
Giran hotness status: still hot. this one basically goes without saying but it’s still worth a mention
bold fucking move bringing up your dead mouse secretary, Re-Jerko. sob. please don’t kill Giran or Twice. is that the real Twice?? -- no, because the real Twice is still sitting in that backyard with his arms broken, that’s right. but still, I’d prefer if you didn’t kill this one either though but whatever
where is Skeptic. you’d figure he’d have run into him on his way to the top of the tower. that’s unsettling, him still being out there somewhere
lastly, so long as Schrödinger’s Jeanist’s status remains unconfirmed I will go ahead and assume those really are letters to Santa in Hawks’s bag. that’s so sweet of you Hawks. you’ll fit right in with the League of Saints and I’m sure they’ll be pleased to welcome you
what a sweet and wholesome chapter where nothing bad happened and Best Jeanist is probably just off in Tahiti somewhere enjoying life with his one remaining lung well good night everyone
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bloodydamnit · 6 years
Have you or anyone you know lived in Baltimore? Was Nora right??
Hello there! Omfg im terrible at answering my inbox. I’m getting there!
Okay, so I lived in Baltimore. I’m not sure if Nora did. As soon as I heard, Baltimore and Wesninski I was like, okay makes complete sense. Baltimore has a huge Polish population - namely in Hampden, Camden*, Fells Point*, (as well as some parts of harbor east*). So I thought it was high key perfect??? Idk if she meant it to be this way??? or if Wesninski, to her, was even supposed to be a polish name??? 
As for if she was right, I’m not sure what you mean by that. Baltimore is crime infested with a crumbling infrastructure and guilty of complete negligence to most of its citizens. I can COMPLETELY see a ‘butcher’ living and operating out of this city. As well as COMPLETELY being able to GET AWAY with it. Lets be honest - Nathan is a hitman… I’m not so sure I would qualify him as being a serial killer (but also like… a hitman is just a paid serial killer isnt it?) and he is white, in the affluent areas of Baltimore. People dying and disappearing out of this city is literally nothing. We celebrate if there were no murders that day, you know? I think Baltimore is the perfect place for someone like him to be. Especially with the theories of the dozens of sneaky deals coming out of the higher ups in the city 👀
There are a SHIT ton of condemned, old, and vacant buildings throughout the entire fucking city. Imagine all the fucking places Nathan could have met people in… killed people in… Imagine all the places he couldve fucking dumped bodies and gotten away with easily…
Here are a few of my favorite locations that coincide with not only AFTG, but also places I’d imagine Neil being terrified of / trained in / shit going down around:
• The motel - there is a creepy fucking motel 6 right on North Ave - which is a long street that, to the best of my knowledge, runs through the entire city of baltimore. It’s known for being ridden with crime and crumbling buildings. Theres a Motel 6 directly across the street from the MICA Studio and Graduate building, and every time I see it now, I see Andrew dragging Wymack across the fucking parking lot to get to Neil. It’s also creepy as fucking hell at night. 
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Theres another street right around the corner from it, where I’d imagine they hid the bus. 
• There is this creepy fucking park in Baltimore called Leakin Park. If you know the story of Hae Min Lee, or Adnan Syed, then you know this park. It’s KNOWN for body dropping, murders, etc. Fucking creepy as hell. Sometimes we’d drive past it and I swear to fucking god, you jsut wanted to get away from it asap  - especially at night. There are few streetlights and its just… no. fuck no. 
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You cannot fucking pay me to drive by there at night. Also, if you look closely, one of those paths is called ‘dead run’ and um im sorry excuse me!? 
• I’m pretty sure its canon that they lived in Bmore County. Which can mean a lot of things. So I wouldn’t be able to point you in any which direction, or know what is considered a bougee area around there. I’m pretty sure Towson, White Marsh, Perry Hall, etc, are fairly middle class. If I could see them living anywhere tbh, it would be in Annapolis, but thats a bit of a drive so it doesnt work. Nonetheless, its not impossible. If I could pick where their order of operations though in Bmore would either be in either Harbor East or Camden, which are pretty fucking affluent and hella white (ie. wouldnt it be weird to see this creepy fucking ginger man stomping his way through Baltimores neglected areas? feel like people would notice…).•I’m a firm believer that Mary took Neil to the aquarium or port discovery in the inner harbor and he loved it. And its an extreme shame that Neil cant set foot in baltimore because him and the monsters would have a hella good time at Power Plant. I’m just sayin. I hope this answered your question???? I dont really know what your question was, but heres this.. whatever nonetheless!
* all pretty much in the same area lmfaoooo
okay so there are warehouses around bmore and i cannot for the fucking LIFE OF ME REMEMBER WHAT IT IS CALLED.  but its near hampden?? or maybe hunt valley???? fuck i cant remember. 
also the road i was fucking talking about is called Falls Rd. and if you can avoid it at all fucking costs, do so. fucking christ its the creepiest fucking place. WHICH NOW THAT IM LOOKING, IS TOTALLY WHERE THEY WOULD FUCKING LIVE
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jungcupid-archive · 5 years
i dare you (to never let me go)
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pairing: jungkook x jimin               jungkook x taehyung (subplot)
summary:  and after all that had passed, jungkook would always be pulled back to jimin. he didn’t know why, maybe it was fate (or maybe it was his 9-year-old daughter).
chapter: 2/?
a/n: this story (along with some others) is also available on ao3 (user: we_are_bulletproof)
    “Daddy, it’s almost my birthday, why can’t you just give it to me now?” Mina said, exasperated. She glared at her father as he got ready for work. Jungkook finished buttoning up his shirt and tucked it in from the back.
    “Sweetheart, you ask every year,” Jungkook said in his I’m-a-reasonable-parent-I-swear voice, “and I say no every year. You know the rules. No birthday, no letter.”
    He fiddled with his tie one last time and gave himself a once-over before picking up his briefcase and turning around. Mina stood on his mattress, arms folded across her chest in defiance.
    “You’re the worst,” Mina wrinkled her nose in distaste and let herself fall onto the bed, bouncing from the impact a couple of times before jumping onto the floor. Jungkook mentally mourned the loss of his perfectly made bed.
    “Oh, most definitely,” Jungkook said, nodding sagely and exiting his room with Mina in his wake. “But… would the worst take his daughter out to Cheesy Cheesecakes a whole day before her birthday? Probably not. There go my plans for tonight, I guess.”
    Mina’s slow trudge down the stairs suddenly came to a stop. Jungkook looked over his shoulder to find her pointing an accusatory finger at him, “That’s emotional blackmail.”
    Jungkook blew out a breath of disbelief and fixed his cuffs nonchalantly, “So is calling me, and I quote, ‘the worst’, just so you can guilt me into giving you your letter early. Do you really think I can be bought that easily?”
    Mina paused for a moment while Jungkook flicked his eyes to the clock to make sure he wasn’t running late. She slowly followed him to the kitchen and climbed up the counter to sit on it.
    “Father dear,” she started, batting her eyelashes innocently, “you know I didn’t really mean that.”
    Jungkook snorted while rinsing his apple and then took a bite, barely stopping himself from cursing when some of the juice squirted onto his shirt.
    “Anyways,” Jungkook waved the apple around Mina for emphasis, “Since you’re not up for it, might as well take my other daughter.”
    Mina’s eyebrows narrowed in suspicion, “You don’t have another daughter.” Jungkook tutted while shaking his head and took another large bite of the apple.
    “Oh, but I do. Her name is Jimin and she has pretty brown eyes and she would never, ever think of opening up her birthday presents a day early.”
    “My name is Jimin!”
    “I thought your name was Mina?” Jungkook scratched his head, pretending to be confused and threw his apple core out. Mina hopped off the counter (almost making Jungkook scream because that’s a high drop) and sighed, loud and dramatic.
    “Daddy, do we really have to go over this again? You always called me Min or Min-ah or Minnie or something that wasn’t Jimin so I told you to just call me Mina, which is a prettier name than Jimin anyways!”
    Jungkook’s eyes softened and he smiled, “Okay, okay, I get it. I’ll take you after I get home, deal?”
    Mina grinned triumphantly and she practically pushed Jungkook out the door, “Deal! Hurry up and go to work so that you can come home!”
    “Alright. Hey, SLUG K!” Jungkook barely managed to remind Mina before she shut the door. He heard a muffled “SLUG K!” from inside and, once he’d heard Mina turn the lock, Jungkook left.
    This whole single parent thing, it wasn’t easy. Especially when he had to leave Mina alone at home. Granted, it was usually only for a few minutes before his Mom arrived and took care of her until she left to go to school, but still, a guy worried. SLUG K had originated from Stay Locked Until Grandma Knocks, just a way for to remind Mina to stay safe.
    Sometimes, he wished Mina would just stay in bed like a normal kid until she was woken up to get ready for school, but then his mornings wouldn’t be so entertaining. Besides, she’d told him that she liked watching him get ready and pretending to be his assistant. He’d had a good laugh at that.
    “Assistant?” He’d told her, “Please, you’re going to be the Boss.”
    It seemed like just yesterday Mina was crawling on the floor towards him, and now here she was, dancer extraordinaire in the 3rd grade, already making him so proud at such a young age and – no, he was not  going to cry on the bus.
    “…so I told you to just call me Mina, which is a prettier name than Jimin anyways!”
    It had been Jungkook’s fault, the changing of names. After Taehyung passed, Jungkook couldn’t stop hearing his last request over and over again, constantly. He found it harder and harder to say his daughter’s name, and eventually when Mina was 6 years old, she’d asked him to just stop calling her that altogether (not that he did often).
    There hadn’t been a legal name change involved though, so Jungkook had grown accustomed to the many “your daughter calls herself something completely different than her legal name, is this normal and do we need to fix it” phone calls from her teachers. Those were always fun to answer. Yeah, because Jungkook just loved to be subtly told he wasn’t being a responsible parent.
    Jungkook got off at his stop and straightened his tie, clearing his head of any thoughts. Today, he’d have to be especially focused if he wanted to make it back in time to treat his daughter.
    God, the joys of being an architect.
    Mina sat on the swings and lazily kicked herself back and forth a couple of times before coming to a slow swing. Her Grandma, Hyejung, was sitting on a nearby park bench, looking up from her book every so often to ensure that Mina was alive and well. She watched as Mina waved to get her attention and nodded when her granddaughter pointed to one of the nearby structures and started walking there. It was a cute little thing, a small picnic table perfect for kids Mina’s age sheltered by a blue roof. There weren’t any walls, just 4 poles to keep it upright so Hyejung had no trouble looking in.
    Hyejung checked her phone for any texts from Jungkook and sighed when the saw the time. He was an hour late. Sometimes, she wondered if he needed to have the image of a clock imprinted onto his retina. He always ran late for the most important events. Hyejung put her phone down beside her and had just started chapter 4 of her book when she heard footsteps fast approaching. She snapped her book shut and swiveled her head towards the noise, rolling her eyes when she saw it was Jungkook. The boy was running towards her at full speed with what seemed to be a bouquet of roses and a box of some kind. She shook her head in disbelief and stood up, waiting until Jungkook had reached her.
    “Is… she… upset?” Jungkook asked between breaths, doubled over and breathing heavy. Hyejung slapped her son’s back, making him jump upright. “Mom!”
    “What do you think? Of course she’s upset. Go to her. Now.” Hyejung sat back down on the bench and observed Jungkook approach Mina cautiously, she let out a chuckle despite herself. Some things never changed.
    Mina was practically boring holes into the table with her intense gaze. Jungkook felt a chill run down his spine but he cleared the throat and put on a brave face, nonetheless. He started with the box of chocolates, rattling it in front of Mina’s nose only for her to turn her head the other way. Jungkook coughed uncomfortably and placed the box on the table, bringing out his bouquet of roses instead. Mina took one look and scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest. Jungkook sighed heavily and threw the bouquet onto the table as well. He maneuvered himself into the little structure and tucked his long legs into the picnic table somehow.
    “So, I was a little late-”
    “A little?!”
    “Okay, I was an hour late,” Jungkook admitted sheepishly, “But only because I couldn’t leave!” Mr. Monkey didn’t let me go and when he did, I stopped to pick up all these gifts-”
    “None of which I vibed with, by the way.”
    Jungkook stifled a laugh despite himself. Teaching his daughter what “vibe” meant had been the only good parenting choice he’d ever made. He quickly composed his expression when Mina stared at him accusingly.
    “Okay but hear me out. I got you something really special!” Jungkook fished for something inside of his blazer and pulled out a black snapback with MINA printed on top in bright, neon yellow letters. “You vibe with this, right?”
    Mina tried staying grumpy, but Jungkook could tell from the shine in her eyes that she was about to burst from excitement. He slowly waved the snapback in front of her face, chanting her name until she finally broke out into a smile and grabbed it, shoving it onto her head.
    “You’re forgiven! Mr. Monkey should get fired!” Jungkook grinned and pulled the snapback down over Mina’s eyes, delighted to find that it fit perfectly.
    Mr. Monkey was Jungkook’s boss. Or, the unfortunate name Mina had given him when Jungkook had brought her in to his firm once for take-your-kid-to-work day. She’d heard him singing as they passed by his office and had asked with her innocent 6-year-old face if monkeys were allowed to be kept inside the building. Jungkook had pulled Mina away as quickly as possible, trying not to collapse from holding in his laughter.
    Mina was rambling about how she couldn’t believe Jungkook had gotten her the hat and how she’d been asking for ages and I can finally twin with my friends in hip-hop class! until Jungkook interrupted her with a laugh.
    “Alright, alright, not that I heard a thank you  or anything-” this prompted Mina to lean over and peck Jungkook’s cheek in thanks, “-but you’re welcome. Now get up, little Jeon. Cheesy Cheesecakes awaits!”
    Jungkook somehow got out of the picnic table without losing any limbs and was busy dusting himself off when he heard a soft, “Little Jeon-Kim” from behind him. Jungkook did a mental face-palm and chastised himself for being so stupid. He squatted down to look at Mina, who was still sitting on the bench, a lot more somber than before.
    “Of course, baby,” Jungkook said softly, pulling her closer to him to give her a kiss on her forehead. “How could I ever forget? You’re just as much Kim as you are Jeon.” He stood up and took Mina’s hand in his own.
    “Come on, Grandma’s waiting.”
    Jungkook felt awful, to say the least. It was one day before her birthday, one day before the letter. Of course she’d be feeling a little more sentimental, of course she didn’t want to hear her dad practically claim that, for a moment, he’d forgotten about his husband. Stupid, stupid, Jungkook. It had just slipped out, but that didn’t excuse the reaction it had incited.
    Feels strange to get used to being without you, Taehyung, he thought, who would’ve thought I was capable of that?
    Mina seemed to have lost some of the spring in her step and when they reached Hyejung, she surprised him by saying, “Let’s go home. I don’t feel like going to Cheesy Cheesecakes.”
    Something withered even further inside of Jungkook. Hyejung frowned, “Mina, you’ve been looking forward to this all day.”
    “Mom, it’s fine. We’ll go tomorrow, okay?” Jungkook swiped at her nose affectionately and relaxed when she giggled. Hyejung nodded and relieved Jungkook of the chocolate and flowers.
    “I’ll just assume my lovely son has not completely forgotten me and decided to buy me these out of the blue,” Hyejung looked pointedly at Jungkook, to which he just shrugged and replied, “Hey, whatever helps you sleep at night.”
    Jungkook stepped out of the way when his mother tried swatting him with the flowers, an impish grin on his face.
    “You’re lucky you’re cute, Jeon Jungkook,” Hyejung warned, looking extremely non-threatening with her glasses slipping down her nose.
    “No, he’s lucky I’m cute,” Mina chimed in happily, shrieking when Jungkook went in to tickle her. Hyejung smiled and bid them both goodbye, promising to be at their place early tomorrow for Mina’s birthday. Jungkook waited until she was out of his line of sight to lift Mina up onto the bench and offer his back to her.
    “Daddy’s Back, now open for service,” Jungkook stated professionally. Mina hopped on and pinched Jungkook’s cheeks with her fingers. “As always, navigation will be operated by the pulling of the cheek. Keep your arms and legs on the ride at all times and enjoy!”
    Mina yelled with glee as Jungkook started jogging towards their house which, fortunately for Jungkook’s legs, wasn’t too far.
    “Okay, teeth?”
    Mina clicked her teeth together as she showed Jungkook.
    “A little small, but clean,” Jungkook said, poking Mina in the belly. She poked him back and handed him her toothbrush, sitting on the toilet lid while staring at her feet.
    “Daddy, I want to paint my nails. Can I practice on you first so that I can do it on myself later?” Mina wriggled her toes, looking at them as if they were the most interesting things in the world. Jungkook propped Mina’s toothbrush in its holder and wiped the counter carefully so that no water remained.
    “Sure,” he replied, tapping her head to signal he was about to turn the lights off. She walked out of the washroom and leaned against the wall. “Although, if you want, I can just paint them for you.”
    Mina slipped her hand into Jungkook’s as he closed the door and headed to her room, “You know how to paint nails? But you’re a boy!”
    “So I can’t have nice nails?” Jungkook put a hand to his chest dramatically, “I’m truly hurt, Ms. Mina.”
    The pair of them entered Mina’s room and Jungkook immediately sank into the large beanbag chair, flipping the desk lamp on as Mina climbed into his lap. It was routine at this point, reading to her every night before bed. But tonight, she stopped Jungkook before he could reach for The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe and just lay her head on his chest instead. Before Jungkook could ask if she wanted to read something else (like Naruto, which he’d been wanting to re-read for a while now), she spoke.
    “Was it because of Daddy?” Mina asked, voice still exuding energy. Jungkook stroked her hair, thinking back to another time. Another Jimin. No, it hadn’t been Taehyung who taught him how to paint his nails.
    “A friend taught me, a long time ago. Your Daddy refused to let me paint his nails, something about having to work in a lab and blah blah blah.”
    Mina looked up at Jungkook and rolled her eyes, “You always talk about him as if he was the worst.”
    “Oh, he definitely was,” Jungkook stated factually, “hair too soft, eyes too kind, brain too hard-wired for logic, heart too big, He didn’t want any tattoos or piercings, and he could never figure out the meanings behind my paintings. He was definitely the worst. I mean, can you believe I married a Chemistry professor?”
    “What’s a Keh-miss-tree? It doesn’t make any sense for it to be a type of tree… is it a school thing?”
    Jungkook held Mina’s head as he let out a soft light so as not to jostle it. “You’re right, it’s not a tree, sweetheart. C-h-e-m-i-s-t-r-y. It’s a branch – no, that’s misleading – a part of Science that you’ll learn more about in High School. In fact, Tae tutored me quite often in Chemistry during my first year of University. He was just 2 years older than me but he was nearly done his Master’s degree. This is going to make me look so inferior but, when we graduated from University, Taehyung had his PhD and I only had my Bachelor’s. He was a smart kid. Like I said, the worst.”
    “I like it when you talk about him,” Mina said in a small voice. Her breathing was growing steadier and Jungkook could see that she’d closed her eyes. “Sometimes I miss him even though I only have some fuzzy memories of him. He was the one who picked me, right? When I was adopted?” Jungkook hummed in affirmation.
    “He’d love to see me now,” Mina mumbled into Jungkook’s shirt.
    Oh, he would. Mina had grown into such a wonderful little girl. He was only 29, and yet he had so much to be thankful for already. Occasionally, he’d curse the universe for taking away one of the biggest sources of happiness in his life, but he knew that he’d lucked out in the end. It was hard watching Mina take so many firsts without Taehyung around to celebrate with. Mina’s first steps had been witnessed by Taehyung, but not her first dance performance, or the first time she won an award at school, or the first time she brought home a Father’s Day card.
    But Jungkook had been there, and for Mina, thankfully, it was enough.
    Jungkook carefully reached for a blanket and threw it over the two of them, not confident enough to put Mina in bed without waking her up.
    His mom called him sometimes, telling him how Mina would benefit from a second parent. Maybe a woman, this time. How their family could feel a lot more whole that way. But it was all half-hearted, because Hyejung knew Jungkook could never want that. Not a completely new relationship, not now. Besides, he’d always told her, Mina did have the presence of Taehyung in her life, in a way that even Jungkook didn’t.
    Mina had Taehyung’s letters.
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Introduction to Peruvian Food
One of the incredible attractions of Peru is its nourishment. Pretty much every Peruvian dish is set up with creative mind and contains rice and potatoes in addition to chicken, pork, sheep or fish as the base. Likewise remembered for a significant number of the dishes is an alternate sort of hot pepper local to Peru, which is both of the yellow aji or red rocoto type.
At the point when the Spaniards came to Peru 500 years back, they presented chicken, pork and sheep. Potatoes and different fixings were at that point being developed in Peru and the Spanish took those back to Europe. Today more than 200 sorts of potato can be found in the Lake Titicaca territory which fluctuate enormously in size, shading and surface. Peruvian potatoes can be darker, blue, yellow, and purple in shading and be as little as nuts or as enormous as oranges.
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There are numerous well known national dishes in Peru. Ceviche is likely the most acclaimed and is fish or blended fish in with lime, lemon or every so often acrid orange utilized as a marinade. To give ceviche its energy, hot peppers, green pepper, garlic and onion are then added to the marinade. The dish is served cold with natural corn and cuts of cold sweet potato.
Parihuela is another fish dish which is the like the French bouillabaisse. It is made with fish and shellfish, cooked in a solid juices, and is sufficiently light to be eaten throughout the late spring months. Chicharron is a Peruvian dish that depends on rotisserie meat, pork, or fish. It is typically presented with rice and an onion serving of mixed greens called Sarza.
Rocoto relleno has as its base the rocoto stew which is one of the spiciest chilies on the planet, at multiple times spicier than a jalapeno. The whole inner parts and the seeds of the rocoto are evacuated and loaded up with seared ground meat and pork blended in with hacked onions and cut hard-bubbled eggs with an extra unique flavoring. A cut of mozzarella cheddar is set on top and afterward heated for fifteen to twenty minutes and served right away. Aji de gallina is the nearest dish you will discover to a Peruvian curry, with destroyed chicken cooked in a hot smooth like cheddar sauce.
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Lomo saltado is an exceptionally famous Peruvian dish that is made of singed marinated steak, tomato and onion with seared potatoes, presented with white rice.
A customary Peruvian dish from the good countries is Cuy which is guinea pig and has a taste like bunny. It is viewed as a staple of Andean food and can be heated or grilled and presented with a hot sauce. It is ordinarily served on exceptional events however numerous local people will eat it on Sundays every week with the family.
Pachamanca is a conventional method for cooking meat in the ground, ordinarily on unique events. A cairn of stones are warmed in an empty in the ground onto which basics are put, secured by further hot shakes and straw and afterward covered with earth to slow cook.
Other Peruvian top picks incorporate father la huancaina which is potatoes presented with a fiery sauce, olives, lettuce and egg; dad rellena which is potato patties loaded down with meat; and seco de frejoles, which is sheep stew and bubbled beans cooked in a green sauce, served on white rice and crude onions prepared with aji and lemon. A further staple is pollo a la brasa which is spit broiled chicken presented with singed potatoes and serving of mixed greens.
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The cooking in Peru shifts as indicated by topography with particular dishes found on the coast (despite the fact that these change from the north toward the south), the Andean area and the Amazon bowl. A specific most loved in the Amazon wilderness for instance is Tacacho. This dish comprises of bundles of crushed, prepared and southern style bananas which are prepared and spiced and went with either wiener, pork or hamburger. The dishes recorded above are the absolute most popular yet there are bounty more to attempt. There are likewise various kinds of soup and treats (Suspiro Limeno is an especially decent desert) basic to Peru, just as scrumptious snacks, for example, empanadas.
Furthermore, Peru has been impacted by Western culture and dishes, for example, pizza have gotten well known. Nonetheless, they make it their own particular manner by heating in old-style, wood-consuming broilers which have been customarily utilized for getting ready huge numbers of Peru's most well known dishes. The Chinese migrant populace has additionally made their imprint with Chinese style "chifa" eateries being normal. Visit on this link to get the knowledge regarding the Authentic Peruvian Food.
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The Freakin Incan Address: 4651 Woodstock Rd Suite 305 Roswell, GA 30075 Tel: (678) 587-5301 Email: [email protected]
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cbdherbaloilz-blog · 5 years
Best and Most Tasty CBD Gummies for 2019: What is out there?
Once upon a time, not to long ago, we used to run to the local candy store every time we heard of a new flavor that was available there. We always wanted to be the first kid on the block to see just which all new colorful gummies and candies were available for our eating pleasure.  Think “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!”
o   The Many Different Types of CBD Gummies Out There
Well, there is no need to go into the emotional details but getting fresh CBD gummies can certainly bring a smile to the face of many people. Especially those who just simply love to try out any CBD gummy currently available in the market. If you are the sort who wants to try out all CBD products available today, then you would just simply love this review.  
Let us walk you though the best products that hit the market this year, at least in terms of taste and health benefits as well as that elusive feeling of sheer happiness and bliss.  
But before we go down that path, let us first take a brief trip down history lane and understand what exactly a CBD gummy all about and how many (if not most) of these gummies are actually made. Apart from that, we will also discuss the key differences between the massive number of products that are now available in the local market.
o   Gummy Bears: A Historical Perspective
As of now,  different types of gummy candies are massively enjoyed just about all over the world. As a matter of fact, they now come in many different sizes, shapes, and flavors. However, very few of us even know the fact that ‘gummy bears’ had formally been introduced Europe and later on, the rest of world by a certain Herr Hans Riegel, resident of Bonn,  West Germany (Ii happened way back in the 1960s as the son inherited his papa’s business as Germany recovered from World War II).
This German candy quickly became a standard staple all over Europe and beyond, and to this day, different gummies of all types and shapes are manufactured all over the globe.
Last year may be taken to be the defining moment when it comes to the CBD edibles industry. After all, it was but a simple matter of time before CBD laced gummies were introduced by the as yet nascent but rapidly growing cannabis industry. The mating of CBD and the gummy bear led to the formation of very tasty, and more importantly very therapeutic edibles, to say the least.
The by now almost ubiquitous CBD gummy bear is somewhat similar to its more well-known CBD oil counterpart.  As a matter of fact, the CBD gummy bear is an edible that is absolutely jam packed with oodles of CBD goodness.  The higher quality ones are made up of 100 percent natural CBD. This is why they do not contain any sort of THC as such.  This means they are legal wherever CBD oil is legally sold.
There is a lot of different between the marijuana that people smoke to get high and a CBD gummy bear.  Unlike the pure CBD that comes from high grade marijuana that almost always contains very high amounts of THC),  the CBD gummy is made from a substance known as hemp oil. A by-product of the marijuana plant, it is nonetheless usually pretty non-psychoactive.  Apart from that, it also contains several other pretty important cannabis compounds as well.  These include the following ones:
o   #CBD 
o   #CBG 
o   #CBN
o   Terpenes as well as certain selected vitamins such as B12, D3, and even Vitamin D.
Albeit, that being said, it is imperative to understand that the extraction of CBD from hemp is not the same thing as the extraction of CBD from regular Cannabis (or marijuana).  This is because hemp oil contains far fewer cannabinoids (such as THC) viz-a-viz its regular cannabis counterpart.
This is indeed precisely why, many, if not most manufacturers will try and process huge quantities of it in one go and at a time to get sufficient amounts of precious CBD that they will subsequently extract. While this is a tested and tried process that has the potential to yield excellent results, but it is also a pretty risky procedure that can spoil the plant and the extracts, if it not done right.
In fact, quite a few manufacturers, for instance, try and pump a few harsh solvents such as butane and hexane that are coursed through large volumes of raw hemp. They do this to extract the plant’s more important compounds. While this is certainly an extremely effective method, but if not done right, the very first time over,  it can potentially lead to excess chemical residues that just might be left over in the finished product.
However, enough of the suspense, so without further delay and fanfare, let us check and see which offerings are the very best of the lot, as far as 2019 is concerned:
o   The Hemp Bomb: Pure CBD #Gummy bear goodness
The “Hemp Bomb” is different from most other products available in the market, in the sense that they actually own the proprietary rights to their super-secret CBD formula. Not only do they use this recipe for their CBD oil products, but also for their extra-strength CBD Gummies. In fact, many SBD enthusiasts are convinced that their appropriately named “Hemp Bombs” are the most powerful ones available in the market. While not being the most delectable morsel around, if you want power packed punch the Hemp Bomb is the way to go. From chronic pail to insomnia., the Hemp Bomb has got you covered.
They are not only legal but also available in different flavor profiles and strengths. Apart from that, they also come in four different sizes as well. Thus appealing to both first time users as well as the CBD gummy bear gobbler.
o   CBDistillery: All  Vegan CBD Gummy bears
CBDistillery is no stranger to the avowed CBD consumer. It is undoubtedly one of the single most popular as well as highly successful CBD brands around and is available throughout the North American continent. In fact, it is also available across the pond to our British brethren as well.
The good people at CBDistillery have latched on to a niche market. They do not pretend to cater to all comers, but what they do manufacture is both simple as well as affordable, not to mention highly effective as well. And the product packs a wallop of 30mg of CBD for every cute little gummy bear. And since they always deliver what they promise, you can rest assured that you will be getting a really robust dose full of 100 percent all natural benefits.
The product comes in 30 count bottles s that you know that you will have at least a month’s supply every time you purchase a bottle. Ideal for those people who suffer from sleeping disorders.
o   Diamond CBD Chill Gummies: they got plenty of Chill!
The Diamond CBD brand has been around for almost as long as the stuff has been legal. As a matter of fact, the company is widely considered to be a veritable powerhouse in the edible CBD niche market. As of now, they offer a broad range of different types and flavors of CBD gummy bears. Unlike their competitors, these people are trying to cater to a broad audience, including the introduction of their brand to new users of CBD products. In fact, this is precisely why they are also trying to add new products and offerings to their online customer base.
Their products are typically infused with industrial hemp CBD and are as delicious and tasty as possible. In a nutshell, they have an excellent market reputation and excellent flavor as well. But the proof of the pudding is in the eating, and in the overall therapeutic effectiveness department, their products are second to none, per se.
They make sure that all of their products are very carefully monitored via 3rd party independent labs, and all of their gummy bears are one hundred percent natural products.
o   Conclusion
There you have it. The above Gummy bears have taken the CBD market by storm. The coming months will see if they will be able to retail their edge... Or get tossed away by the competition. visit https://www.cbdherbaloilz.com/
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basic-hockey-girl · 5 years
Summer Fling With Jack
plot: It’s a perfect summer day, so you and some friends decide to go to the beach. When you're there, you see an unexpected guest: Jack Hughes. You're in for a wild ride
length: This is a short read, but there will definitely be a part 2 lol. 
It’s a summer day more beautiful than any other. The hot June sun beats down on the east coast, and you know it is the perfect time for a beach day. You snap your besties Connor, Josie, and Linnea. Everyone’s down due to the perfect weather. You put on your cutest bikini- it’s white and really accentuates your tan. You pack your bag- some sunglasses (duh), your AirPods, a phone charger, a romantic summer read, and of course your Juul with a nice mango pod. You dap chapstick on your plump lips and graze mascara over your eyelids and you’re ready to go.
Linnea pulls up in her white Jeep Wrangler, shouting “get in bitch!” Ugh. Why does she have to be so intense sometimes? You consider yourself the more easy- going type: quiet, nervous, nonetheless a total secret party girl. You sit shotgun and blare “Better Now” by Post Malone as you drive down to pick up Connor and Josie. Connor looks so cute in her pink bikini, you're almost jealous for a minute as you know all the boys will have their eyes on her. Josie seems exhausted- typical, but you know once she has some Lokos in her system she’ll be off the walls.
You and your friends drive down Beach Rd singing louder than ever. Almost everyone in town knows its you pulling up from your energetic energy. Linnea pulls into a parking spot- nearly hitting a BMW. Everyone begins to unpack everything. You're putting on your Birks when suddenly you realize- shit. “Guys I forgot sunscreen” you exclaim. “Shoot I don’t have any either” says Josie. Linnea begins to search her car for some sunblock, but she can’t find any. Suddenly, you say “okay, okay, whatever we’ll be fine. Someone on the beach has to have sunscreen, right?”
The four of you walk down the beach in attempt to find the perfect spot to catch some rays, the beach is mostly full due to the perfect weather. After walking for what seems like miles, you stumble upon a good spot next to some cute boys. “Y/n can you help me with the towel?” Connor says as if she is annoyed. You realize she in fact is annoyed because you’re totally dazing off looking at those boys. One of them looks kind of familiar but you can’t quite figure out from where. “Um... hello, Earth to Y/n! Help us out!!!” Linnea screams. You put down your bag and Hydroflask and help Linnea with the towel. Then, you guys all lay out. 
The sun is absolutely burning against your cheeks, and even through your Ray-Bans and closed eyelids, the sun seems to strike your eyes blind. Nonetheless, you persist through. Finally, the heat seems to get to you, so you and your friends get up and head into the mystic. You and your friends splash around, having the time of your life- and it feels like the best summer day ever. Finally splashing around gets old, so you and your girls get out of the water to dry off. While walking up to the towels, you make eye contact with the cutest boy, and you can’t stop thinking about how you know him from somewhere, but can’t remember where. 
“Heads up” Josie says as she tosses you a Twea. Finally, the day is really beginning to start. You take a few sips and get into the groove of things. You hear a voice, it’s a boy- cute, deep, and dead sexy. You turn around abruptly. “Your back looks kind of burnt haha. Do you need some sunscreen?” All of a sudden you realize where the familiar face is from- it’s Jack Hughes from the US National Development Team! You feel a blush come on, and all of a sudden the weather seems hotter than ever. “Oh uh, ya could you toss me some?” “Of course. So, what’s your name?” He’s so sexy in his baby blue swimsuit that all of a sudden your own name seems to seize itself from your mind. “Uhh, uhh my names Y/n.” He smiles his cute crooked smile at you. “That’s a really pretty name.”
By now your friends are realizing who the boy your chatting up is, and everyone is so jealous. You peek over at Linnea and she smiles and gives you a quick thumbs-up. You attempt to rub the sun block over your skin, going up and down your legs, trying to look cute instead of awkward and uncomfortable. “Yo do you need me to get your back?” Jack says. Jack Hughes rubbing your back? I think yes!!!! He begins to rub his hands down your back, and your feel chills run down your spine. His tender touch feels like something more than just applying sunscreen at the beach. But, before you know it the moment is over. You turn around to him and he smiles at you. “So what are you doing the rest of the day?” he says with a smile. “Oh, um, I’m not really sure. I came here with my friends so probably just gonna kickback and enjoy the weather.” you say. Your arms are crossed and you can't move your eyes from staring at your feet- you never realized how shy you were until this moment. “That’s chill, we should hangout today. My boys are here, we have a week off before some intense practices. Would you want to join us?” You don’t even have to think twice before you exclaim it: “YES!”
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justanoutlawfic · 6 years
The Virgin: An Outlaw Queen Ficlet
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Summary: When Robin's sister accidentally inseminates Regina, their worlds are turned upside down. Little do any of them realize, they're not in as control of their lives as they think. The past Regina never knew about, is suddenly coming to haunt her.
Also on AO3
February 1st, 1994
 Cora sat up in bed, looking down at the baby girls in her arms. She had known that they wouldn’t be identical but hadn’t expected them to look that different. Baby A had fair skin and blue eyes, some wisps of blonde hair atop her head. Baby B had darker features, from her deep brown eyes to the dark fuzz that stood out next to her sister’s. The nurse, who had no idea of the situation, said that she had never seen twins come out looking so different. Cora would’ve strangled her if she wasn’t so exhausted from giving birth.
 The door opened and her father entered the room. Cora looked up at him, craning her neck to try to see behind him, but he simply shook his head.
“Henry is still stuck in France, trying like hell to get a flight but the weather is putting it off for a few days, and that loser you call a lover didn’t show his face.”
Cora huffed. “His name is Jonathan, Daddy.”
“I don’t really care what his name is. You had a chance to be better, Cora. Now, look at you. How is Henry ever going to accept having a daughter with such light features? He’ll know instantly that she’s not his.”
“I could simply say she inherited it from my side of the family…”
“And when he sees that she looks exactly like your gardener?” Cora adverted her gaze down to the babies. “That’s what I thought.”
“I didn’t even think this was possible,” she whispered. “How can twins have different fathers?”
“I don’t know, but I do know that you’ve ruined your life.”
 Cora stared down at the squirming babies in her arms. She couldn’t go back to living at her father’s, working as a cocktail waitress. She had pulled herself up from nothing and there was no going back. Henry was a boring man, not very good in bed. Even so, he was giving her a life that she had always dreamed of.
“No, I haven’t,” she said.
“There’s no way you can…”
“They didn’t survive the labor.” Cora looked up, meeting her father’s gaze. “It was terrible, tragic, but they lost oxygen. I gave their organs so they could save other babies.”
“You cannot be serious.”
“I told you when I married him, I was willing to do anything to keep him.”
“That’s all well and good, but there’s the mere factor of the girls. What are you going to do with them?”
“I’ll worry about that.”
 The following evening, Cora was discharged from the hospital. She wrapped the babies in the blankets that she had been knitting throughout the pregnancy. and put on a shawl before having her father drive her to the fire station. It was the dead of night and chilly, for Florida’s standards anyway. Cora walked up the steps and settled the girls’ baskets down on the steps. Each blanket was embroidered with a name. For Baby A, they had gone with Zelena, derived from the goddess of the moon. Baby B was named Regina, which meant queen. Cora wanted powerful names, so one day they would be powerful women. Zelena’s basket had green ribbon on it, while Regina’s was red.
 “Poor babes,” she whispered. “Life is cruel and full of betrayal. That is my only lesson for you. Now, I must give you away, to give you my best chance.” Cora’s breath caught, as the tears pooled her eyes. “As long as I have the two of you, I can never be more than a miller’s daughter.”
 The wind picked up and the rain began to fall, signaling to Cora that it was time to go. As she walked away, she could hear both of her daughters crying for their mother, but she simply ignored it. She was on her way to her better life.
 October 23rd, 2018
Good food, amazing champagne and everyone donating to the local homeless shelter. It was a night that Robin had been looking forward to for a really long time. His family hadn’t always had the money they did and even so, charity had been so important to his mother, especially given her own upbringing. Robin hoped that she would be happy with how they were giving back. The shelter would be able to do the repairs they needed and add more beds.
 The party would be what Robin remembered as the last night normal night of his life. His father had insisted on a party and Robin told him that if that was the case, it needed to be for charity. There was lots of loud music, the servers dressed as aquatic mythical creatures and bubbles for the few kids that were in attendance.
 Despite the presence of his father, Robin would remember it as a good night. He got to talk with Lacey, it was rare that she went anywhere without her husband and Robin was glad that she had left him home for the night. Robin loved his half-sister with everything in him, but when it came to romantic partners, she either picked the absolute worst person or someone that was far too old. It seemed like Adam Gold was a mix of both of those things.
 Marian stood by his side, smiling from ear to ear. Neither had any way of knowing that this would be the last party they would ever throw together. As far as they knew, the next morning they would be on their way to making Roland a big brother. Roland himself was chasing the other kids around that were his age, tiring himself out. It would be pretty easy to put him to bed that night.
 It was truly the happiest Robin had felt in a really long time. Had he known what would come, he would’ve cancelled Marian’s appointment the next day. Instead, they’d have breakfast at the hotel before taking Roland to school. They’d discuss different, more secure ways of expanding their family. At the very least, he would’ve insisted that his sister stay at the hotel for the night. Roland would love having a sleepover with his favorite (and only) aunt.
 Alas, no one is capable of telling the future. So, he kissed Lacey on the cheek, watching as she headed home to her husband. When Marian suggested they turn in and leave the hosting duties to Richard, he agreed. He picked up a sleeping Roland in his arms and they headed up to their suite together. They lived the last normal night of their lives, when their family could still very much be one.
Sobriety is an uphill battle, ask any addict. There are several triggers that you know to avoid once you start recovery, whether it be people, events or objects. That’s the easy part. One can learn to avoid those.
 What isn’t easy, are the things that come out of nowhere. They pull you down and practically force the bottle to your lips. At least that’s how Lacey Locksley-Gold felt.
 She had cleaned up her act when she married Adam Gold. There was no more hanging out at the Rabbit Hole after her shift, no hustling men as she played pool (even though that had been how they met). She focused on work and being a good wife. With that, she finally did what her family had been begging her to do for years and quit drinking all together. Lacey began attending A.A meetings and left behind the group of friends that pushed scotch into her hands at parties. It wasn’t an easy process, but it was one she was proud of nonetheless.
 After yet another party thrown by her father, Lacey walked into the salmon colored home that she shared with her husband. There was music coming from upstairs, which put a big grin on her face. She walked up, unzipping her black dress as she did. When she reached the door, she took the clip that held her auburn curls up in a bun out and let them tumble down. As she opened the door to her bedroom, she allowed the dress to fall to the floor.
“Waiting for me, baby?” She asked.
 Gold shot up from the bed, but he didn’t do it alone. Beside him was Carlotta De Vil, a fellow lawyer at his practice. Lacey’s jaw practically dropped to the floor, taking in the Dalmatian print lingerie that Carlotta wore, along with the lack of anything on her own husband’s body.
 “Lacey…” he stammered.
 She didn’t say anything in response. Instead, she merely pulled up her dress to cover her naked body before running down the stairs. She got in her cherry red Jaguar, not even sure where she was going until she pulled up at the Hole. Lacey pushed through the doors and marched straight up to the bar.
 “Whiskey, neat,” she demanded.
 Keith simply gave her a smirk and filled her order. Lacey knocked it back in one go, before ordering another one. The thought of her two early morning appointments didn’t even cross her mind, none of that mattered. All that did, was getting the image of Carlotta in her bed out of her head.
Lacey woke up the following morning with a pounding headache and dry mouth. She rolled over in bed, nearly falling over the body that laid beside her. She blinked a few times before realizing it was Ruby Lucas. Wait, why had she gone home with her? Why wasn’t she in her own bed?
 The memory of the night before hit her like a ton of bricks, causing tears to cloud her eyes. She furiously wiped them away as her phone rang, causing her head to throb even more. Lacey followed the sound to her purse, digging it out. The screen informed her that it was her personal assistant. She slid the green button over and held it to her ear.
“Ugh, what?”
“Lacey!” Astrid’s worried voice filled her ear. “You’re late! You’ve got two patients waiting on you!”
“What?” Lacey looked over at the fuzzy red alarm clock that was on Ruby’s nightstand and cursed herself. “Shit! I’ll be right there!”
“Are you alright?”
“I’m fine. Just, distract them.”
 Hanging up the phone, Lacey raced into the adjoining bathroom and splashed water on her face. She borrowed some of Ruby’s makeup to make herself look somewhat presentable, running a brush through her hair. She had a change of clothes at the office along with some gum. Not the most hygienic, but she didn’t have time to go back home and she didn’t necessarily want to, knowing her husband would be there.
 Ruby appeared in the doorway, wearing a t-shirt that rode up over belly button and black underwear. “Hey, I can go pick us up some breakfast.”
“I have to get to work.”
“Need a ride? You left your car at the bar last night.”
“I’ll be fine.”
“I had a lot of fun last night…”
“Does it look like I have time right now, Ruby?”
 Pushing past her one-night stand, Lacey ignored the pulsing headache she had. No one could know how hungover she was, she couldn’t afford for it to get back to her father or God forbid, her brother.
Regina settled onto the bus seat, feeling exhausted. She had been up late the night before grading papers and had considered canceling her visit, but it had taken her months to get an appointment with Dr. Locksley-Gold. She was the only one that accepted her insurance in the city.
 Being 24, it probably shouldn’t have been her first appointment. She had told herself for years that she didn’t need it, it wasn’t as if she were sexually active and up until she started at her new job, she hadn’t had insurance since she aged out of the system. Emma was taken aback when she heard that and insisted she made an appointment right away. Regina had to bite her tongue at how surprised Emma was. Both of them had grown up in the foster system, but after Emma got pregnant at 17 by the son of one of the wealthiest women in the city, her life had gotten a lot better.
 Regina had to fight for any bit of success that she got. She worked her ass off in high school to get a scholarship to a good college, working in any spare moment to make up the rest. On top of a full course load, she had worked as a waitress. Being over the age of 18 meant she could work full time, but that was both a blessing and a curse. She had barely slept during those 5 years, living off of coffee and ramen. It had been worth it, at the very least. She was an English teacher at a Catholic middle school and was slowly chipping away at student loans.
 She pulled out her notebook as the bus drove along to the office. She knew that the idea of a novel was silly, but she couldn’t push the dream out of her head. Books were one of the few things that got her through her crappy childhood. They were an escape to various places, where she could pretend that for a minute, things weren’t so dreary. Maybe she could do that for someone else, no matter how old.
 Eventually, Regina found herself walking inside Dr. Locksley-Gold’s office. It wasn’t long before she was pulled back into a room, where a nurse took her vitals and confirmed the reason for her visit. After the nurse left and she changed into the paper gown provided, she was waiting awhile for the doctor. She couldn’t help but feel her eyes slowly shutting. It was just for a second, the only break she’d get. After her appointment, she had to get to work. She wasn’t going to fall asleep…no…
 The door slammed shut and Regina shot up, the paper beneath her crinkling. She blinked a few times, before realizing the short doctor with auburn hair was talking to her.
“Um, yes, hello. Sorry. I drifted off.”
“It’s fine. I’m Dr. Lacey Locksley-Gold.” she sniffled and Regina noticed that she had red, bloodshot eyes.
“Are you alright?”
“Yes, yes. Please scoot down a bit.” Regina did as told, her feet sliding into the stirrups. “Did you bring anyone with you?”
“Um, here? No…it’s just me.” She was confused. Did adults normally bring someone with them to get a pap smear?
Lacey sniffled yet again. “You’re doing it alone, good for you. It’s…it’s probably easiest that way,” her voice cracked near the end of her sentence and it became clear she was fighting off tears.
Regina suddenly felt very uncomfortable. She wasn’t good when it came to other people’s emotions. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“I’m sorry…I’m so sorry. This is so unprofessional. I’m just going through some personal problems.”
“Um…do you want me to come back then?”
“No, then we’ll have to wait another month and that’s not fair to you.”
 Regina nodded, though still unsure if she trusted the woman in front of her. She stayed leaning back, feeling a tiny bit of discomfort, but then Lacey was pulling away from her.
 “Alright, you’re all set. Just rest here for 10 minutes and then you’ll get your results in two weeks.”
Regna tilted her head. “That’s it?”
“That’s it. And again, I’m sorry about the…you know.” She gestured to her face.
“No, it’s fine. I hope…I hope you feel better.”
Lacey merely nodded, before walking out of the room. God, that had been so embarrassing. She had never broken down in front of anyone like that before outside her family, much less a patient. She just hoped that it didn’t cause any stress and wouldn’t affect the insemination.
 Heading out of the room, she went down the hall to her next patient. She raised an eyebrow when she saw her sister-in-law, Marian, sitting up one of the cots. Lacey’s brother, Robin, stood beside her, a smile on his face. Lacey’s brows furrowed as she looked from her chart, back up at them.
“I wasn’t expecting you two today.”
“We’ve finally decided to try for another baby,” Marian explained. “So, we had the nurse unfreeze Robin’s sperm.”
 Lacey stood frozen in spot, her mind replaying Astrid’s words as she walked down the hall.
 “You’ve got a pap smear in 3 and an insemination in 1.”
 The number on the door read 1…but she had put the sample inside the patient in 3.
 She had put her brother’s sample inside the patient in 3.
 Robin’s only sample. He and Marian had their son four years ago. Shortly after that, he had been diagnosed with testicular cancer. Before entering chemo, Robin had decided to freeze his sperm so that way he and Marian could still live out their dream of having two children in the future. He had beat the cancer and all of his checkups still showed that he was as healthy as a horse. Of course they’d want to try again.
 Lacey suddenly felt as though she was going to pass out. What the hell had she just done?
“Lacey?” Robin asked. “Are you alright?”
 Lacey blinked a few times. She couldn’t let them know. No, that’d be a terrible, terrible idea. Robin would never trust her again. IUI only had a 10 to 20 percent success rate the first go around, Marian and Robin knew that. The odds of it even working on the other patient were slim to none. No one had to know. Especially not Robin.
“Yes, I’m fine. I just…I forgot your sample. I’ll be right back.”
 When Lacey returned, she inseminated Marian with some saline before stressing the statistics once more to them. The hopeful look in their eyes drilled a hole in Lacey’s soul. There would be other options for them, wouldn’t they? Plus, they already had Roland.
 No matter how she justified it, Lacey knew she was wrong. After all Robin had ever done for her, she had just screwed him over in the worst way possible.
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joonie-beanie · 6 years
Welcome to the Wild Side [8]
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<-- [7] | [9] -->
Genre: Superpowers + College AU
Rated: T
Words: 2,932
A/N: Y’all remember during that episode of Run!BTS where Jungkook fell out of his sleeping bag/chair and didn’t really wake up? Yeah.
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Super Smash Bros goes…as well as it can go with 8 borderline drunk college kids playing the game. The 2 players that come in last each round are forced to take a big swig of their drink, and by the time you all decide to put your controllers down poor Jimin and Namjoon have lost the most. Originally the punishment for losing had been taking a shot, but that punishment had changed when Namjoon (ever the button basher and losing his character on screen every 30 seconds) lost the first 3 rounds in a row.
Nonetheless, by the time the game is finished the room is warm with tipsy bodies, and everyone needs a little break. Yoongi shuffles out to the balcony with Hoseok, snatching a half empty pack of cigarettes from the table beside the door. Jin retires to the kitchen, cleaning up any empty snack bags and condensing all the empty bottles and dirty glasses into one area. As he does so, Jungkook and Namjoon quietly start another game of Smash Bros—Namjoon mumbling something about how it’s strictly for learning purposes as Jungkook reaches over and shows Namjoon a handful of different button combinations to use for better attacks.
And then Taehyung and Jimin—
“Psst, Y/N!” a voice whispers loudly, and you look up to find Jimin standing at the end of a hall you’ve yet to venture down, waving you over.
Smiling to yourself, you press off of where you’re leaned against the arm of the couch and make your way over to him.
“Figured Tae and I might as well show you the rest of the apartment while you’re here,” he says, smiling brightly, and then leads you a small ways up the hall. The first doorway you encounter is one that leads to the bathroom—not totally neat inside, but you’re not one to judge. And next—
“This is my room,” Jimin says, stepping into his bedroom and flicking on the light. There are clothes piled on his desk chair, and thrown over the end his cleanly made bed, but other than that Jimin’s room is…nice. A somewhat calm, and bright space.
“And this is my room!” Taehyung calls out, a hand grabbing your forearm, and you nearly fall off your feet when Taehyung suddenly drags you back into the hall and right into the room next door. Taehyung’s room is similar to Jimin’s in its layout, but his bed is messier—school supplies scattered around with multiple colorful pieces of clothing littered across his dressers.
“What do you think?” he asks, posing his hands on his hips proudly. You giggle.
“Well, I think both of your rooms reflect your personalities pretty well,” you say, and the boys both smile.
“But um…what’s this?” you question when you step back into the hall, motioning to a third room at the head of the corridor. “Does one of the other guys live here too?”
“Oh, no,” Jimin says, reaching past you and flicking on the light. Lining the walls are plastic containers and other random items—a queen blow up mattress situated in the middle of the room. “This is just where we keep stuff that we don’t really use but also may need…”
“Plus! It’s the spare bedroom so that whenever we have parties or one of the guys decide to stay over, they can just sleep in here. On our 5 star air mattress,” Taehyung adds in cheerily. Again, you find yourself smiling.
“Good idea.”
“Right? I thought so too,” Taehyung says, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and steering you back towards the living room. Jimin rolls his eyes, following after you both and mumbling under his breath.
“It’s my air mattress…”
“Guys!” Hoseok calls as soon as the 3 of you reenter the living room. Startled, you look up to find that he and the other guys are all gathered in the kitchen, shot glasses lining the counter.
“Oh god,” you say, and from behind you hear Jimin groan quietly.
“Last one for the night!” Jin assures, and you join them, respectively picking up the remaining three shot glasses which are already filled to the top with liquor.
“Ready?” Namjoon asks, looking around and double checking that everyone has a shot. And, of course, everyone does—so he raises his glass.
“To having a good time, and to amazing new friendships,” he says, his tone turning fond and his dark eyes shifting over to you. You feel your heart jump, and when you manage to peel your eyes away from Namjoon’s stare, you find that the six other males have subtly turned their gazes your way as well—full of smiles.
Your cheeks feel like they’re flaming.
“Cheers,” you say meekly, and down your shot, the alcohol settling warmly in your gut.
“Here, lemme get your glass,” Yoongi mumbles, reaching his hand over. Blinking in surprise at his kindness, you thank him and hand it over. However, Yoongi doesn’t move to put them in the sink right away. Instead, his gaze lingers on your face.
“Your cheeks are red,” he comments, and you reach a hand up, pressing the warm skin of your palm to your even hotter cheeks.
“Alcohol makes me blush,” you respond, (which isn’t a total lie, to be fair) and Yoongi hums considerately.
“Sure,” he says, tone knowing, but he allows the subject to drop as he turns his back to you. Still feeling flustered, you grab a bottle of water resting on the counter top and take a long swig. It’s not like they had all just confessed their love to you! Right?? Just that…they enjoy this new comradery just as much as you’re beginning to. And that’s good.
You find yourself smiling against the lip of the bottle, unable to help yourself.
Really good…
“Y/N! We’re gonna start up Mario Kart, you want in?”
“Yeah, for sure!” You immediately respond, hurrying over to the couches and situating yourself on the floor-mattress besides Jin.
“Looks like tonight is gonna be video games until we pass out,” Jin says, smiling over at you. You laugh.
“Honestly, I don’t even have a problem with that.”
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Mario Kart officially ends when Jungkook passes out on the couch between rounds, a yawn from Taehyung triggering a train effect on the rest of you.
“Well, looks like it’s time we all get some rest,” Jin says matter-of-factly, moving around to pick up any lingering glasses or bottles from around the room. Apparently agreeing with that plan wholeheartedly, Yoongi drags himself up the hall, and you watch as he wanders into the 3rd bedroom—the sound of a body landing on an air mattress reaching your ears moments later.
“You want any clothes to sleep in?” Jimin asks, placing one hand on your shoulder while the other rubs at his eyes tiredly. You blink, realizing that it’s better if you sleep here since you’ve had so much alcohol, but before now spending the night had never crossed your mind. Though, judging by the way the other guys are already settling in, you guess that this is a normal outcome for Friday night parties.
“No, I think I’ll be just fine,” you tell Jimin, flashing him a small smile, and he nods.
“There are more blankets in the closet by the front door if you get cold,” he tells you, and then glances over your shoulder, his eyes landing on the peacefully snoozing maknae.
“I guess Jungkookie will take the couch, since he’s already there. You gonna be okay on this mattress?”
He places his foot on the edge of the mattress that you’ve used as a seat for most of the night while playing games. You nod.
“I’m definitely okay.”
“Good, then…see you in the morning?”
“Yeah,” you respond, giving him one more smile, and with a tired smile of his own—eyes creasing shut—Jimin turns and ventures back down the hall and into his bedroom. After drinking a glass of water and putting the rest of the dirty dishes in the sink, Jin and Hoseok turn and head for the bedrooms as well, bidding you a quiet good night as they pass. You casually watch after them—Jin stepping inside the spare bedroom where Yoongi is already resting, and Hoseok closing the door to Jimin’s room behind him.
You figure Namjoon must be sharing Taehyung’s room for the night.
The lights in the apartment slowly turning off one by one, you decided to settle in yourself. Moving off the smaller of the two couches, you snatch a pillow off the floor nearby and snuggle into the (surprisingly comfy) floor mattress. With all the alcohol still in your system, your body feels warm enough, so you don’t bother trying to find a blanket. Instead, you spare one last glance at Jungkook, and yawn.
“G’night, Kookie.”
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Your eyes groggily pop open.
“Mm?” you manage to groan, tiredly lifting your head off the pillow and glancing around the room. Everything is dim—just barely illuminated thanks to the light above the sink in the kitchen still being turned on—yet you see nothing. No movement. No other sounds.
You shrug it off, nuzzling back into your pillow.
Maybe one of the guys got up to go pee.
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Jungkook wakes up because he’s cold.
A whine caught in the back of his throat, he reaches backwards—trying to snag a blanket that he knows is thrown over the back of the sofa. However, his hand only meets air.
Barely awake, he frowns, hand dropping to stretch in front of his body.
Warmth teases at his fingertips, and, mindlessly, he searches it out.
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It’s not entirely strange for Taehyung to wake up stupidly early after a night of drinking. You’d think that the alcohol would help him sleep and keep him in bed until mid-morning, but no. A little after 7am Taehyung’s eyes pop open, and he immediately gives up on any hopes of getting back to sleep.
Instead, moves his tongue against his teeth, feeling how parched his mouth is, and decides he better get up and drink a glass of water. He had forgotten to drink water in between beverages last night, so he has no doubt he’s dehydrated now…
Groaning a little, Taehyung pushes himself up and gently places his feet on the carpet beside his bed. The boxers that had ridden up his thighs slide back to their rightful length as he stands, and he pads carefully around Namjoon who is snor--…not snoring on his floor.
“Are you awake?”
“Yeah,” Namjoon’s similarly deep morning voice confirms.
“…I thought I heard someone in this apartment complex having sex and no matter how much I tried I couldn’t tune it out. My brain just…locked on.”
Taehyung tiredly squints down at the man he knows is at his feet, but can barely see in the early morning light.
“Do you…have a hard on?”
“Good, that’d be weird,” Taehyung grumbles, and then steps over Namjoon’s body, only to be stopped when the taller male speaks up again.
“Are you going to get water and stuff?”
“Cool,” Namjoon makes a grunting noise and presses onto his feet, hand landing comfortably on Taehyung’s shoulder. “I’ll come with.”
Together the two maneuver their way into the hall where it’s considerably brighter thanks to the light of the rising sun spilling in from the glass doorwall.
“Ugh, I could use a shower,” Namjoon says quietly, rolling his stiff neck from side to side. Taehyung hums in agreement, taking the first few steps into the living room, his eyes coasting to the side…and then he freezes.
Arm darting out, Taehyung stops Namjoon in his tracks, shushing the older male when he opens his mouth to ask what’s up. Eyes wide, Taehyung simply turns to look at Namjoon and then looks back to the source of his sudden change in attitude.
Eyebrows raising, Namjoon follows the direction of Taehyung’s stare, his jaw dropping open when he finally sees what Taehyung had spotted.
“Oh my god,” he says in a whisper, and Taehyung twists around, grabbing Namjoon by the shoulders and shaking him.
“Where is your phone?!” he hisses. “Go and get your camera! We need a camera!”
Turning on his heel, Namjoon quickly stumbles back up the hall and into Taehyung’s room to retrieve his charging phone. In the meantime, Taehyung turns back to the sight before him and burns the image into his memory.
At some point during the night Jungkook must have fallen off of the couch (which doesn’t surprise Taehyung in the least), because currently both of you are laying on mattress together, except…you’re cuddling.
Classic big spoon little spoon situation—Jungkook is pressed against your back, his arm draped across your waist, and neither of you seem to notice or mind the intimacy.
“Got it, got it!” Namjoon whispers as he hurriedly tiptoes back into the living room. Immediately Taehyung snatches his phone away and opens the camera app, snapping shots from 20 different angles and moving quietly as possible.
No, he doesn’t plan to use the photos as blackmail, but it’s not every day that you see Jeon Jungkook cuddling with a girl in plain sight. Sure, he’s more comfortable around his hyungs and skinship isn’t a stretch, but girls? He’s always been a bit shy—hence why the scene before Taehyung deserves to be documented.
“Alright, I’ve gotten enough good photos. Back these up to your cloud in case Jungkook tries to delete them,” Taehyung says, handing Namjoon his phone back. The taller takes it from him, and then looks down at the two bodies still peacefully sleeping on the floor.
“Should we wake them?”
“Hell no,” Taehyung says, grinning, and then moves towards the kitchen to finally get that glass of water. “Let’s just see what happens.”
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Almost an hour later, Namjoon and Taehyung are seated at the counter in the kitchen, a cup of coffee and a fresh glass of water placed in front of them, when from somewhere in the apartment a door finally clicks open.
Fingers pausing from where they’re scrolling through SNS feeds, the two males look up as chattering voices fill the hall. Only seconds later, Jimin and Hoseok emerge into the living room, voices catching when they look down and see you and Jungkook still pressed together on the floor.
However, unlike Namjoon and Taehyung neither of the new arrivals bother hiding their shock.
“Ahhhh, oh my gosh!!” Hoseok squeals, his voice not loud but not quiet enough either, considering that you and Jungkook immediately stir from your sleep.
Eyes popping open, Jungkook squints up at his hyungs, and then tiredly nuzzles what he believes to be his pillow but is actually the space between your shoulder blades. Except…after a few seconds he notes how the “pillow” is harder than expected, and smells like fragrant detergent, of which he knows none of his hyung’s use.
Freezing a little, Jungkook leans back and pressed onto his forearm, face heating up as soon as he realizes the position he’s managed to get himself into.
And not to mention…you’re waking up.
He scrambles back, bumping into the edge of the couch with an audible sound, and your eyes finally peel open. Rolling over, your tired stare focuses on him, lips pouting cutely.
“Jungkook? You okay? Did you fall off the couch?”
“Y-Yeah, I fell off the couch,” Jungkook responds, voice scratchy with unuse, and when you lean your head down and rub at your eyes, Jungkook shoots a heavy glare around the room at all of his present hyungs. Of course, the other four males immediately make gestures feigning their innocence, and turn away from him.
Jungkook sighs, rustling his messy hair.
…when had he actually fallen off the couch, he wonders…
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Later that day, after Hoseok had volunteered to teleport you back home and the boys had all gone their separate ways for the day, you find yourself huddled up on your couch doing homework for one of your classes when your phone pings with a new message.
Blinking, you reach over to your coffee table and snatch up the device. There’s a new message in the group chat from Taehyung, but it just says…[1 image attached] on the preview.
Huh. Curious, you unlock you phone and click on the notification, heart jumping against your ribs in surprise when you see that a photo you and Jungkook cuddling in the early morning light is the newest message.
“Oh my god,” you say aloud, and not a second later does Jin express the same words.
[TaeTae] sent a photo
[Jin]: Oh….my god
[Jin] saved a photo
[Jeon Seagull]: T A E H Y U N G
[H O B I] saved a photo
[Agust D] saved a photo
[ChimChim]: I know I’m Taehyung’s bff but I fully expect him to be a pile of guts within the next hour
[RM]: I think maybe he momentarily forgot that Jungkook has super strength and could crush his spine
[TaeTae]: …shit
[ChimChim] saved a photo
[TaeTae]: how do I delete a photo from the group chat
[Agust D]: you don’t
[The Only Girl] saved a photo
[The Only Girl]: …what? He kept me warm. I ain’t mad.
[Jin]: ajkshdkjalsdj oh my god
[TaeTae]: …Jungkookie? Am I…still dead?
[Jeon Seagull] saved a photo
[Jeon Seagull]: Yep
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