#-richie :p
NPMD best line deliveries
oh shit! oh fuck!! i didnt think thered be a skele'uhn here ?!? im so fucking scared of skele'uhnz!!!
dont frighten him pokey you nasssssty boy
were going to jail...and with my luck no one will even B O T H E R making me their bitch...
🐦 heyus the thing about a bãrbĕqüe...it brings folks together...from awl wawlks of laife...theyres a storhé behand everyh burrghurr...everyh kehbahhb...
but I...called God a sonofa B word...who am iaieEUGHAHuhuuuh...
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ahsokatanoe · 1 year
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"If I could play any other character on the show? I don’t know. I think I would like to try my hand at a Richie."
The Bear's Ebon Moss-Bachrach knows exactly how Ayo Edebiri used to cut her onions | BAFTA
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thoughtfulchaos773 · 2 months
The Bear & Dirty Lovers
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This is a dirty meta with a compilation on inappropriate double entendres. I figured I'd write it and put it out there due to looking up the meaning of the Save it for Later song, originally by the English Beat that plays numerous times for a season, possibly rings some importance as much as Strange Currencies did last year. What I find particularly interesting about this song is the double entendre - the song has meaning about a man's journey to finding his place in the world and a cheeky nod to the word "fellatio."
An expert from the lyrics:
Two dozen other dirty lovers Must be a sucker for it Cry, cry, but I don't need my mother Just hold my hand while I come. .. to a decision on it... Sooner or later Your legs give way, you hit the ground
And now, here is a little 50-second combination of all the dirty talk in season 3.
The season rings of sexual frustration with jokes and vulgar dismissals that most of the characters spew in the show. I'd say Richie and carmy- both lonely, sexually frustrated men find double meaning in "you get fucked" with Sydney serving them with "you both can get fucked" (this doesn't mean Sydney wants to fuck them - instead an observation of the unconscious on what Richie and Carmy want).
I'm still fascinated by Richie using Freudian concepts when talking to Carmy. There's also some projection there. The writers must have been inspired by Freud this season (as most filmmakers are). In his psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud discusses humor in his book "Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconscious."
He argues that jokes provide immense pleasure by allowing us to express many of our deepest sexual, aggressive, and cynical thoughts and feelings, which would otherwise remain repressed.- link
Not all Jokes this season served as double entendres- Ted was known to be sex-driven (and possibly representing Carmy's primal mind- s expressed by @outmakingmoonshinethinking.
There's a teenage style of humor this season that you might miss. Sydney is tasting Carmy's sauce, followed by eggplant drawings, as called out by @brokenwinebox .
Also, Carmy tells Sydney she should come.
But like all double meanings- we can relate to the song for the story this season on purpose. It serves as a journey for Carmy as he reflects on whether his career and dedication were worthwhile. It is also a theme song for Sydney as she decides to save her conversation with Carmy for later. It's a reminder that this season is about saving issues for later rather than addressing them now and that they'll be back on the table in season 4.
I'd also like to consider Carmy's perspective since we were in his head for most of the show. He's sexually unsatisfied, hearing and highlighting double entendres in the characters' dialogue because of his sexual frustration is instead used for work.
Although the writers vehemently deny any sort of sex or romance in the show, there are subtle but sometimes overt sex jokes in season 3.
Hopefully, there will be even more jokes and possibly a love scene in season 4.
tagging: @currymanganese, @moodyeucalyptus, @whenmemorydies, @mitocamdria
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gaylittlerichie · 13 days
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crosseyed & painless
6/6 chapters, 58k words
If he were the kind of person who analyzed these things, Richie would clock that he’s getting kind of depressed. Like, actually depressed. But even then there wouldn’t be much he could do about it. There’s no way to express ’Mom, Dad, being cooped up with jack shit to do is killing me, seriously killing me, let me out for a little White Widow and a couple rounds of Missile Command at Bill’s or send me to the rubber room’ and not sound like an idiot baby. Especially given his proven idiot baby tendencies.
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sewerratzz · 4 months
thinking about richie lipschitz on this fine eve
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janicekao · 1 month
No, Fuck You!
Pairing: Richie Jerimovich x Black oc (dark smut) Summary: Based off of season one of the series "The Bear." Carmen Berzatto, a culinary expert has to put his career on hold after his brother Michael's su1c1de being that Michael left the family's restaurant in Carmy's name. The restaurant is busted, in debt, and the staff is hardheaded. Carmy's "cousin" Richie is especially hardheaded. He's 45, doesn't like change in the restaurant, dabbles in illegal side hustles, thinks he's Italian, acts ghetto af, his attitude sucks, he's always cussing, and he is just a lot to deal with it. My addition to the story is an OC young lady who is hired at the restaurant to help with the finances and how badly her And Richie bump heads... until of course, they don't! Warnings: age gap, profanity, vi0lence, smut, fan fiction, public s3x,cr3am pi3, office siren aesthetic, submissive male, toxic, bwwm, fanfic, the bear, quickie, etc. 4038 words I also recommend viewing the story in Wattpad where I was able to use 20 photos in the story instead of tumblr's 10. Wattpad link:
Enjoy my babies <3 ------------------------------
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It's a chilly winter morning in Chicago, and instead of sleeping in snuggly in his warm bed, Richie Jerimovich pulls into his job smoking an early morning ciggie with his suspended license in the pocket of his jeans.
Having trouble sleeping at night pure usual, Richie decides to pop into his job at a restaurant called The Beef two hours early before opening... Before there is even daylight. Although he yawns, he'd rather work instead of staring up at his bedroom ceiling thinking about how his wife is divorcing him, his daughter is growing up without her dad, and how he hardly has enough money to make his own rent next week... Richie enters through the back door of the restaurant and takes off his favorite leather jacket as he places it in his locker.
He grabs his uniform, a white apron and his favorite Tshirt with "The Beef" plastered across the right corner of the fabric.
Staring into the tiny and incredibly dirty locker sized mirror, he takes his gold chain from the inside of his shirt and dangles it on the outside of it. He smooths down his uncombed hair and prickly beard as he begins to chuckle cockily at his reflection. "You suave motherfucker you."
As Richie closes the door of his locker, he nearly jumps out of his skin... Spooked suddenly by the new girl who quietly stands behind his locker.
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"Fucking hell!" He complains. "Lexie? Do I need to put a fucking bell on you or something? Don't ever sneak up on me! Make yourself known when you walk into a building!"
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"Or what?" She instigates. "You'll pop me with that stupid fucking gun you lug around the restaurant with?"
"Yeah, maybe!" He scoffs. "Maybe I fucking will! And before you start, don't give me shit about the fact that I carry heat on me! If you were smart, you'd care a little pussy-pink magnum in your purse... walking around Chicago like you're untouchable, are you fucking insane?"
Lexie rolls her eyes.
"All I'm saying is make yourself known when you walk in here." He continues. "You got me?"
Lexie widens her stance as if Richie who is nearly a foot taller than her couldn't bench press her weight if he felt like it. "No, fuck you! You are the one who should make yourself known... I've been here long before you have."
He becomes even more short-tempered... "Sweetie, I've been here before you were even born!"
"I am speaking of this morning!" Lexie continues. "I thought you were some hobo breaking in through the back... But, it seems that I wasn't too far off."
"Fuck you. Why are you even here?" Richie wouldn't be Richie without furthering an argument. "You can't count the receipts up during your shift?! O-Or complete the payroll from your own fucking house!?"
Lexie's fists tighten. "If it were up to me, your greasy ass wouldn't even be on the payroll."
Richie chuckles... a laugh that fills Lexie with rage. "Well good thing it isn't up to you!"
"Now sign my check and hand it here." He grabs at her arm full of paperwork.
"Not until Friday!" Gritting her teeth, Lexie snatches away with all of her might. "If you're so broke, try being more charming to the customers and maybe you could take home some nice tips at night!"
She continues. "—BUT! Welcoming a customer inside by calling him 'the man with the golden dick' will get you nothing! I mean, seriously Richie?!
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Richie had no idea Lexie pays so much attention to how he speaks to his regulars everyday... He feels that the people of Chicago love his charm and personality... Hell!— Arrogantly, he even believes that they come to The Beef just to see him!
Richie becomes offended. "Okay, first off— fuck you, and secondly— that's the best compliment a man could ever get!"
Lexie rolls her eyes once more before she turns to leave him.
—But, Richie just doesn't know how to quit. "Listen princess you're not here to teach us etiquette okay!? I seriously don't get why they hired you, Carmy's sister Sugar does all the paperwork here anyways!"
Lexie turns around, coming back to the argument as she reddens and continues to shout. "Because Sugar has a full time job and a husband, Richie! She can't spend all her time in this dump going through paperwork full of dust mites!"
"Fine, then why are you here at 4am?" Richie folds his arms, leaning against the lockers to stop Lexie from walking away. "I can't believe they gave you a fucking key."
"The feeling's mutual." Lexie nudges his forehead with her fingertips. "Giving you a key is as responsible as handing it to a bum on the metro. Now get out of my way!"
"You don't need to get nasty young lady." Richie's jaw clenches. He becomes terribly annoyed that the new girl can actually keep up with his banter— and the fact that she might just be better at it. "Take it back."
Lexie grins sarcastically. "Fuck you."
He flips her off. Using his fingertips under his chin, his favorite gesture when he's already said 'fuck you' enough.
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She rolls her eyes. "As if I don't see you do that a thousand times a day. Grow up Richie! You're such a fucking child."
Wanting to leave the locker room, Lexie can't help but become curious as well.
"My turn." She insists, placing her items in an opened locker. "Now, why are you here?"
Richie gulps... He rather not talk about the stress of his life with a girl he swears is the worst investment the restaurant has ever made...
He came to work to clear his head, not to express to some chick that he feels like a forty-five year old deadbeat with no purpose in life.
"I dunno— checking... supplies and shit." He lies.
"No..." Lexie doesn't buy it. "I am here checking supplies for a list of our expenses and doing some budgeting—"
"BUDGETING!?" Richie explodes on his last straw. "Okay fuck this, you twenty-something-year olds have already changed the budget ten times!!! How much more money do we need to save!? The restaurant has already cut out so many classic dishes from the menu and now you're gonna cut back more!?"
"Yes! And if you're so concerned about how much money we bring in, try selling more sandwiches instead of eating them all fucking day!" Lexie blinks her long lashes sarcastically, making Richie fume even more and lose all of his patience.
"Damn it! I've had it with you!" Standing over Lexie, Richie begins to threaten her with a strong finger point into her face. "I have tried to be a gentleman, but you've taken me up to here!" He hovers his hand high above his head, expressing that her attitude has got him through the fucking roof.
"First of all..." Richie continues as he immaturely picks at her looks. "—You look fucking ridiculous! Coming into The Beef looking like a fucking principal in a tight fucking pencil skirt! Put on a Tshirt, and get elbow deep in some fucking grease! That's what we need! Not some Mary Poppins-fucking-secretary!"
"It's called business casual." She chuckles. "And as if we need some forty-five year old washup who leaves cigarettes everywhere, and smokes a pack a day!"
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"You can't cook, you can't clean, and money comes up short every time you work the registers!"
"Fuck you, liar!" Becoming so unbelievably heated, strained veins of tension stands out of his neck each time he shouts. "I'd never mooch from this place! This place is my home, my family!"
"No?" She tilts her head in curiosity. "Well, what about you selling coke out of the back alley too! What would you call that!?"
"LABOR AND INVESTMENT." He shouts. "I'm making ends meet for this shit-hole because someone has to do it when the money gets fucking low! Tell me sweetheart, how the fuck do you think this place survived during Covid??? ME!"
Richie begins to insult her under his breath. "Maybe if your brains were half as big as your fat ass you'd understand better."
"EXCUSE ME!?" Lexie loses her calm.
For a moment there, she was able to keep up with Richie's attitude in a professional manner... However now, her fist down his throat would look pretty good to her.
Richie doesn't repeat himself...
"No! Fucking go ahead!" Lexie argues and begins to push against him, antagonizing a coming fight and nudging him for more. "You want to talk shit, then let's talk shit!"
"What are you doing? Now you wanna fucking fight me tough guy?" Richie rolls his eyes. "Listen, you're pressing your tits on me, you need to back off before we have a problem"
"YOU ARE THE FUCKING PROBLEM!!" Lexie lets out her true feelings of hatred towards him. "Do you know how smoothly this restaurant could run without you constantly aggravating someone!? You stress Carmy out every fucking day! I don't understand why he doesn't just fucking fire you already!"
She continues. "Name one day Richie, ONE DAY that you haven't aggravated someone over their limits with your constant bullshit?"
He scoffs. "It's because you fucking Chicago-gentrifying-fucking-millennials are pussies!!! No backbone!! Upset over everything. You, Carmy, and Sydney!"
"For someone who isn't good at shit, you sure are good at pissing people off!" Lexie continues to bark. "For Christ sake! Sydney stabbed you the other day in your ass for being such a prick!"
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Embarrassed with his known behavior, Richie refuses to meet Lexie in her dagger like dark brown eyes.
"Syd said it was an accident..."His voice becomes meek like a baby.
"I wouldn't blame her if it wasn't!" Lexie shouts.
So used to being the one who annoys everyone else, Richie gets a taste of his own medicine as he continues to be annoyed by Lexie's presence. "Why the fuck were you even hired Lexie!? To keep up with the books and money because you're in Chicago's fucking community college taking up a finance class?"
He laughs. "We don't need you here! You're probably just fucking Carmy, aren't you!?"
The insult goes too far... Lexie winds her hand back and slaps Richie clean across the face.
His cheek heats red, yet he was raised to never lay a finger back on a woman. "Fine." He gulps. "I probably deserved that."
Her large brown eyes eat away at his heart as Richie notices the comment humiliated her into making tears form and glass over at the surface of her eyes.
"God damn right you deserved it." Lexie holds back her tears and ill intentions to cause Richie serious bodily harm.
Little does she know, in Richie's own sick and twisted way, he only brought it up because he's curious if she's already been snatched up by some other guy on the staff. Because if he had the chance, maybe he'd even be interested in her himself...
But he's sure no uppity bitch like Lexie would even look in his direction.
"This is what I mean." She scoffs. "You're disrespectful, and you're a piece of shit who just causes arguments."
Richie rolls his eyes. "And I always finish them too! So what the fuck do you want to do about it?"
The wrong thing to say to a woman who is suddenly about to lose herself. Lexie instantly shoves him against the locker... causing the metal material to ring and bang out loudly.
He gulps, fearing that the young cutie has been pushed far past her limits and that he's about to get his ass kicked.
"Okay, that was all you that time. I didn't say shit to you to deserve that!" Richie argues, attempting to strike fear in her heart. "But you listen... If you put your fucking hands on me again, I swear to god—"
"That you'll do what?!" Lexie entices.
Although comically smaller than the large man, she yanks him down to the wooden locker bench before them. "Sit down!"
He surrenders with his hands held high. "Okay baby chill, you're losing your shit right now, you need to take a chill—"
She grips his face as she stands over him. "DO YOU EVER JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!?"
A question that Richie knows not to answer...
Lexie finds herself staring at the pink puckered lips within her grasp and her thoughts become insane.
A glimmer in both of their eyes immediately changes the tension in the room into something far more worth the adrenaline.
Lexie slips out of the panties beneath her short pencil skirt...
"What— what are you doing?" Richie mumbles as his middle-aged heart beats harder than it ever has.
"Occupying your mouth to keep it from running so fucking much." Her panties slip down off of her heels and into Richie's lap as she tugs a brutal grip onto his short strands of hair... With her grip, Lexie forces Richie's head back and his mouth open as she places her cunt across his tongue.
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Shocked and confused, Richie puts in work anyway. His tongue glides through her folds that surprisingly have slicked during their entire morning spent arguing and he begins to devour her pussy... A cunt so fresh, fat, warm, and half of his age.
The baritoned groans of his voice heat her core like nothing she has ever felt before. Lexie instantly grabs hold onto Richie's shoulders before her weakening knees begin to fail her.
Her eyebrows furrow as she begins to sweetly complain. "Oh fuck Richie..."
Glad to see that Richie's mouth has a better use than just arguing, Lexies squeals lightly as her eyes roll backwards in pleasure. She continues to fuck his face and be teased sweetly by his prominent nose, prickly unshaven face, and wildly fat tongue.
Richie becomes painfully aroused within his jeans. He moans into her cunt as his strong fingers grip at her waist tightly, bringing her closer across his face so his tongue can explore the depths of her flesh even further.
Blessed, yet confused, he begins to pause during his every word from suckling and gently kissing on her tasty mound. "What—the fuck—" He continues. "Are we—doing?"
Lexie squeezes her eyes tightly shut, almost orgasming each time she notices his sky-blue eyes staring up at her.
She bites her lip. "Just don't stop."
Richie hums through her pussy. "Mmm, Okay baby, I won't not til you tell me too."
Hands beginning to reach up her hips to cup at her waist, Lexie's mouth hangs open ajar... infatuated with how his strong fingers nearly double over the tiny measurements of her waist. Richie's grip on her is so powerful, forcing her not to run from his probing tongue and the lewd suckling and squelching that sound sloppily between her thighs.
Her legs begin to shake... Richie feasts on her as if his job depends on it.
She drags her full bottom lip between her teeth, begging for mercy as her core tightens with butterflies. "Mmmm'oh my god!" She whines.
Looking towards the dusty clock in the kitchen that hasn't been cleaned in years, Lexie realizes how close it is to the beginning of everyone's shift... morning prep.
Although time is almost out, she refuses to finish without having Richie put in more work and hammer her with cock.
"Get up. She demands. "Fuck me."
Lexie watches as Richie stands and tears off his apron to get to his pants.
Inside his trousers, Richie reveals a handsome ten inch cock. Veins protruding and swollen hard as it stands erect towards his belly button, Lexie can't wait to have the peach toned dagger deep into her guts. She begins to grin, glad to have trusted her instincts about skinny, tall men, who aren't worth shit. Although maybe not material for a husband, always trust that they'll have a cock big and gorgeous enough that it makes it worth the price of dealing with the constant bullshit that comes along with it.
Lexie wraps her legs around Richie's waist as he unbuttons her top and kisses at her neck and the fullness of her breasts that bulge from out of the top of her bra.
He lifts her against the lockers with clear impatience as he reaches beneath her to direct his cockhead into her flesh.
She coos sweetly. The tip of his erection, bulbous and hot as it lubes itself through the lips of her cunt, sliding backwards until it meets her tight, however inviting opening. She hisses as Richie slowly bucks forward, sheathing himself into her body.
"Jesus, Lexie."He groans out. His member being choked perfectly by her tight pussy.
Richie's many inches continue to dig forward until his hips are flushed against hers. She winces in pain as she tucks her forehead into the crook of his neck.
Richie softly hushes her stress, kissing sweetly at the parts available on her pretty little face. "Just hold onto my neck, okay?"
Lexie agrees through a quickened nod. She wraps her arms around his neck, wincing as the strokes begin.
Richie pulls out half way and slowly returns back fully into her core for his first impale. The two synchronize in a lewd and guilty first moan.
Richie picks up his speed, hips beginning to snap against her spread opened thighs as her pussy sops sticky and wet for him.
Lexie weeps soft tears as she gets railed by someone that she loathes with her entire being.
As her breasts bounce and spill from out of her dress shirt, hair tangling from what was a perfect blowout this morning, she soon realizes that nothing could be more delicious than early morning hate sex.
Richie watches beneath them at how well the little minx can take his cock, her sweet begging and the banging of the old lockers up against them encouraging him to go stronger and make her take his cream.
He stares at her lips, trying his best not to kiss them being that he still is so confused on where they stand... not even fifteen minutes ago, he was a second away from getting his ass kicked by her, and now suddenly... he finds himself balls deep between her legs.
He gulps. "Tell me what you want."
"For you to shut the fuck up." Panting for air, Lexie's brain becomes mush and only wanting to think about their sex.
He chuckles softly, complimenting her under his breath. "You're so fucking beautiful..."
"Yes mama, I'll shut the fuck up." He obeys. "Now what else do you want?"
"Drill me." Her eyes become low and sinister like a siren, full of sinful desire and without any shame. "Fuck me harder."
He nods. "Whatever you want."
Lexie clenches tightly around his shaft as Richie suddenly picks up a dangerous speed, spasming and slapping into her cunt as if she needed to be disciplined.
Now fucked out of her heels, her toes curl within her stockings. She begins to push on his slim and toned stomach for space between them.
—but Richie won't allow it. "Move your fucking hands." He shoves them away.
Her cunt pulses around him. Brain circuit-shorting as she gets embarrassingly used like a cock sleeve by one of the most unrespectable men of this job.
Yet, she wouldn't have it any other way.
Her whimpers become strangled, lips wet with drool.
"Look at you." Richie teases as the corners of his mouth begin to quirk. "Talk so much shit all morning long, but get real quiet with a cock in you."
"Mmm." He continues, skin hot and flushed as he tries to talk himself away from cumming. "You like this shit baby?"
A sudden slow pace blows Lexie's mind as Richie's lower abdomen knocks into her sensitive pearl. The feeling sends her to the moon.
Her nails dig into Richie's forearms as her walls contract around him, pulling his cock deeper inside awaiting to drain him of all his cum.
Richie's jaw goes slack, hips locking in place as he lunges further into Lexie's pussy until their bodies are flushed together.
A choked groan exits the depths of his throat. "Oh my fucking—"
Lexie covers Richie'a mouth as she hears keys and morning conversation outside of the restaurant near the front entrance.
Richie's cock twitches as it sputters out with hot cum. Filling Lexie's cunt with his spend until it begins to web around him.
His pleads and moans are terribly loud as she uses a second hand over the first to silence him.
Lexie's eyes roll backwards as she bites her lip, enjoying the thrill of being stuffed with cum as he throbs and becomes limp inside of her.
"Richie..." she gulps, whispering tiredly. "You'll have to keep quiet."
Eyebrows furrowed as he becomes hooked on the sound of her soft and tired after-sex voice, he'll do whatever she asks him to.
He nods, obeying as a good boy does however nearly biting his tongue off to silence himself as she takes her hands away. "Fucking hell Lexie... Goddamn baby."
He finally calms from his explosive climax, helping Lexie to her feet as they quickly begin to redress.
Stunned, Richie can't help but to watch her (mostly in love) as she places the heels back onto her feet to continue about her day.
Still alone near the lockers, they hurry to prep themselves before the crew comes inside in a few seconds.
"Jesus!" Richie laughs in excitement. "That was the best fuck I've had in—in, well fuck! In my whole fucking life."
Lexie rolls her eyes as he becomes giddy like a schoolboy.
With romance on his mind, Richie nearly begins to plan a day for her to meet his mother, hell— a day for them to marry! "Listen, babygirl, there's this incredible Italian spot on West Avenue, let me take you out—"
"Richie, please. Just shut up." Lexie ignores him as she quickly rebuttons her top and grabs her belongings from the locker.
He frowns, suddenly becoming furious.
"Alright wait a minute!" Richie refuses. "I just gave you a raw fuck in the back of the locker room and now I'm getting the cold shoulder? Are you my girl or what?"
Lexie scoffs.
"Fucking old guys..."She sighs in a quiet whisper, speaking mostly to herself. "Give em pussy once and they get all clingy."
Their arguing comes back at full speed. "It's not old guys you little fucking slut! It's called class, and respect! I wanted to take you out. Lexie, what the fuck do you even want with me?"
"Exactly what we had." She shrugs.
"What?" He lashes back. "I piss you off and then you go all horny she-devil on me and fuck my brains out?"
Lexie freezes in thought. "...yes"
Richie can't believe what he's hearing.
He scoffs, beginning to laugh in disbelief. "You're bugging. You're fucking insane, you know that?"
Lexie sighs as she continues to hurry from what they just committed. "I like things to be simple, okay? Did you enjoy it or not?"
Richie rolls his eyes. Pissed as if he's been used like a two cent whore. "Of course I did, fuck you Lexie.Don't ask me no stupid shit like that, you know I did."
Out of breath as the door chimes begin to ring up front, Lexie smiles softly. "Good! So you just be Richie, I'll be Lexie, and maybe we'll do it again sometime."
"Understand?" She questions, setting boundaries with Richie who is clearly a romantic.
He pauses.
Lexie sighs. "Do I need to ask again?"
"No." He pouts, spoiled from a taste of good pussy.
"Good." Lexie nods and grins tightly as if they just shook hands over a business deal before she begins to walk away.
"Hey." Richie grabs her. "Wait. —Kiss me."
"I'm not going to kiss you." Lexie tugs at his grasp, yet she isn't able to get out of it.
He bears over her... forcing her eyes upon him as he demands for what he wants. "Damn it Lexie, I'm not asking. Kiss me before I start making a fucking scene in here."
Lexie rolls her eyes, knowing that denying him of this isn't worth outing what they've done together.
"Fine." She gives in.
Placing his hands at her waist, Richie pulls her against him. His right hand reaches towards her face where he watches her closely... sweetly brushing her baby hairs out of his view. The hand softly cups the side of her face... wide enough to caress her jaw and neck as he forces her unto her toes to meet his lips.
Their lips finally meet... And the kiss is unbelievably tender... Quickly expanding into something more as their mouths open and tongues tangle.
Richie presses her tighter towards him, hand now trailing from her waist to a smack and grip onto her ass. The other hand leaves her cheek to his digits pulling tightly at her long black tresses.
Their eyes continue to stay closed as their moans heat each other's mouths. Tongue fucking each other with more heat than their actual sex...
Lexie finds herself breath taken and begging for more as Richie pulls away with an intoxicating sexy bite and pull to her bottom lip.
Her eyes soon flutter open.. She gulps, unsure to why it was the most romantic kiss that she has ever had.
Richie grins as he notices the stunning blush that begins to heat her face.
"Now..." Richie bites his lip as he continues to stare at her beauty, smoothing her hair and tucking it behind her ears. "Now you can go."
Unsure of the butterflies in her stomach, she stares into Richie's eyes and slowly nods.
Slightly mad at herself for feeling a growing crush, she can't believe that it is what she's thinking it is... Hell!— She'd even have to beat her own ass if she were to begin falling for Richie Jerimovich...
"I-I have to go now." Lexie gulps.
"Mhm." He nods. "Have an excellent day, sweetie."
She stumbles lightly over her feet, still high off of Richie's kiss and he quietly begins to chuckle.
He's got her right where he wants her. Although Lexie claims to not want anything serious, he's determined to convince her otherwise.
The crew finally begins to pour inside and Richie wishes everyone a good morning.
He loves his job... He loves his family here.
A team of hard working Chicago locals, just trying to make it through day by day. Real people working real jobs.
The Beef is Richie's home. And if things go right... One day, Lexie could be that too.
As Carmy readies himself for the day and prepares himself to run a business he never expected to own... He shouts, wanting a minute alone with his cousin Richie as they dap each other up while they greet.
"Aye good morning, talk to me for a sec Cousin..." Carmy begins. "Listen Richie, when you and Michael began hiring for the restaurant, you hired people who quickly became like family. You have a knack for this Richie, and I trust your judgement."
Carmy continues. "I wanted to ask you, what do you think about this new girl on the books? Yeah, she's saved us a lot of money and things are running smooth as shit... but is she one of us? Can she keep up with the crew?"
Richie shrugs.
Reaching into the pockets of his jeans, his fingers rustle the lace fabric of Lexie's thong that he kept as a souvenir from their early morning quickie before the break of dawn.
The thought of their morning together alone suddenly makes Richie's heart flutter and eats wildly at his soul...
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"Yeah." He gulps. "She's a fucking bitch... but yeah, she's one of us. She's part of the family."
"So fuck it... she stays?" Carmy asks.
Richie chuckles. "Yeah.. if we're lucky."
A delivery man pops inside the restaurant as they continue to chat and Carmy signs a form on the man's clipboard before the man leaves again.
"What was that for?" Richie yawns. "Ordered more napkin supply or some shit."
"Nope! All good on supplies." Carmy pats Richie on the back. "Just signing the invoice on the security cameras we had installed last week."
A chill suddenly falls down Richie's spine.
He looks up at the ceiling, noticing the new cameras installed in every corner of the restaurant. The entrance, the counter, the kitchen, and the fucking locker room.
Richie freezes in absolute horror. "Oh fuck."
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earlylongestnight · 25 days
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✨ 'i swear i won't resume bein' a square until the partying's done!'
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dead-meat · 23 days
1.1k word Richie x Grace Christmas Fic:3
@alivinghorrorcomedy for the idea :DD
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lilacthebooklover · 11 months
hey, writer of the "world's okayest uncle" fic on ao3 and creator of this tumblr post (the uncle paul au) here! anyone got a suggestion for the paul & richie chapter? :)
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reddje · 7 months
p!atd discography is so reddie coded so i made a reddie p!atd playlist
reddie but it’s panic! at the disco
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sageispunk · 1 year
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main masterlist
updated: 1/20/24 | ⭐️ smut | 🐚 fluff | 🥀 angst | 🖤 dark |
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✦ the bear (hulu)
'might be' - Richie Jerimovich x f!reader ⭐️
The first time you meet 🍃 dealer Richie.
'he finds out ur a squirter' - Richie Jerimovich x reader ⭐️
Passionate missionary with bf Richie talking you through it.
'looking ahead' - Richie Jerimovich x reader ⭐️
Richie can't help but to watch. Even if you didn't mean to leave your door open. (dubcon)
breeding kink drabble - Richie Jerimovich x reader ⭐️
Richie can't wait until you're finally knocked up with his baby.
✦ they cloned tyrone
'drown in it' - Fontaine x black!reader ⭐️
He makes you squirt on his face. Happily.
NSFW alphabet - Fontaine x black! reader ⭐️
The ABCs of Fontaine's love.
'eyes on me' - Fontaine x black! reader ⭐️ (Ao3)
You're a little too interested in Fontaine's weapons.
✦ rebel ridge (2024)
'anointed' - Terry Richmond x black!reader ⭐️
When he eats you through the panties.
✦ the usos
'told you so' - Jey Uso x black!OC Ravyn ⭐️
[infidelity, teasing, crazy dirty talk, rough sex]
'belongs to another' - Jimmy Uso x black!reader ⭐️🐚🥀
[friends with benefits, infidelity, weed use]
untitled - Jey Uso x black!reader ⭐️
[alcohol use, groping, teasing]
✦ triple frontier
‘too divine’ - Frankie Morales x f!reader ⭐️
Riding Frankie after a long night out.
✦ marvel
'just one more' - Matt Murdock x f!reader ⭐️
Matthew is out of town but you still need him. (Ktober prompt: phone sex)
'wriggle' - Erik Stevens x black!reader ⭐️🐚
[roommates, teasing, tickling kink]
✦ the last of us (hbo)
'what u need' - Joel Miller x f!reader ⭐️
Teasing Joel underneath a table in a bar sometimes leads to getting ruined on the side of the road.
'melting' - Joel Miller x f!reader ⭐️
Joel wants to try something new. (Ktober prompt: temperature play)
'sticky' - Joel Miller x f!reader ⭐️
Joel wants to learn. So you let him. (Ktober prompt: squirting + masturbation)
'inside'- Joel Miller x mistress ⭐️🥀 (Ao3)
When the cat's away, the mice will play.
✦ how high (2001)
'what's it gonna be?' - Silas x black!reader ⭐️🐚
When two friends finally get a night alone...
'as nature intended' - Silas x black!reader ⭐️🐚
[weed use, hairy coochie praise, breeding kink mention]
✦ formula 1
'foolish' - Lewis Hamilton x black!reader ⭐️🥀
Cause I can't seem to break away from your foolish love...
✦ misc.
'control' - Max Phillips x f!reader ⭐️
Drinking with your boss goes differently than you'd planned. (Ktober prompt: sex pollen, thigh-riding, forced orgasm)
'4/20' - Terrance Coin x black!reader ⭐️🐚
[weed use, neighbors to lovers, age gap]
✦ series & AUs
'the first taste' - vamp!Lewis Hamilton x black!reader ⭐️🐚🥀🖤
What do you do when one night just isn't enough?
'all the way down' - Clifford Smith x black!reader ⭐️🐚🥀
When a night of spontaneity spirals into a full-blown affair out of your control.
'crush' - blackfem!OCs x black!OCs⭐️🐚🥀
Oneshot series based on each song of Ravyn Lenae's Crush EP.
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beeprich · 9 months
“Why’d you ask?” And then Richie giggles, “You think you’re gay?”
Maybe. “No,” Eddie hears herself say it and knows it doesn’t sound sure.
Richie presses on with another laugh, “Wanna find out?”
Fuck it. “Yeah.”
Eddie sounds sure then.
fem!reddie featuring girlfail!eddie kaspbrak and a homecoming
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gaylittlerichie · 13 days
chapter 6 is now out! the fic is finished!
Pairing: richie tozier/eddie kaspbrak
Word count: 58,156 (6/6 chapters)
Winter 1993: between being grounded for a month, Bill roping him in on his super 8 werewolf movie and Eddie getting a girlfriend, Richie’s one step away from blowing his fucking stack.
thanks for reading :’)
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berensteinsmonster · 1 year
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I like the b-team of Riddle school (5, Richy, Greg Sleep and even surprisingly, Joe) and gave them some of my personal re-designs. I just like thinking about them. They’re just so ?????? They’re all just so stupid in my eyes and I love them for that.
btw. I love Smiley so much. She’s one of my favs of the main quartet. I just think it’d be funny if there was someone who was like the exact opposite of her and Smiley was just oblivious to it all (like kuromi and my melody)
I also made some ocs (Conner Flask, Frownie Brownie, and more) that I’ll upload some time by next decembuary. Or maybe never. idk lol
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i made a video of me and my friends @squeakykid and @gloomy-prince playing use your outside voice while completely Normal and not brainrotted
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