#...as it turns out is the exact type of proportions i have the most trouble with. im not used to drawing both tall and lanky!!
pivsketch · 2 years
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we started up our ~35 minute figure drawing thing at work again after putting it on hiatus for a bit (june...? was it really three months???). the rust... i instantly feel the rust... anyway heres fridays and todays
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psychosistr · 5 years
Don’t Cost a Thing- Part 3
Summary: Domino is stuck at F.O.W.L. HQ all day for meetings. Which wouldn’t be so bad if he someone hadn’t swiped his lunch... Well, at least Steelbeak’s there to keep him company.
Notes: References to death and murder in this one, but it’s just an every day conversation as far as these two are concerned.
-First Part-
For Dominic, the next day at work held one of the events that he dreaded all year long:
Review day.
Normally, the work he did, with or without his partner, revolved around covert operations, deadly assignments, espionage, toppling governments- the exciting stuff that was normally blown out of proportion in spy movies for the sake of funding the special effects industry.
Today, unfortunately, was not one of those days.
Review day was a generally loathed mark on the calendar of every F.O.W.L. operative from the eggmen to the chief officers (he seriously believed that even high command themselves hated the day). While most days the agents would be free to go about their day to day lives until called in for a mission, review day required all agents to stick around the designated F.O.W.L. headquarters for their district while high command called different agents in and out of the meeting room to review their previous missions of the year and possible new ones that may be on the horizon. What made the day even more loathsome and tooth-grindingly boring was the fact that it was an all-day affair and no one was allowed to leave until it was over. Which usually took at least eight to ten hours…minimum.
As an experienced agent who’d sat through his fair share of review days, Dominic had come prepared for the tedium the day would entail. He’d brought plenty of reading material ranging from his favorite books to whatever magazines he had lying around, his own thermos to refill with coffee from the break room when he had trouble staying awake, and a large pre-packaged meal for when he was eventually given a long enough break between meetings and planning sessions to actually eat.
Luckily for him, now happened to be such a time and he was starving after sitting through six straight hours in the meeting room.
When he opened the door to the special agents’ designated break room (having a break room separate from the eggmen masses was the first thing he’d been grateful for after officially becoming a higher-ranking agent), he was relieved to see that the room was nearly empty. The relief died slightly, however, when he realized that the ‘nearly’ part was because his partner was also in the breakroom.
Steelbeak was apparently on his own break, currently leaning against the counter that housed both the microwave and the coffeepot. He hadn’t reacted to Domino’s entrance yet, apparently lost in his own thoughts while waiting for the seconds on the microwave count down. The rooster seemed to be doing that a lot lately- getting lost in his own thoughts when no one else was around to call him out on it.
Dominic would have been happy to leave the chief officer to his thoughts, but, unfortunately, he would have to get by him to reach the fridge where he’d left his own food…and with the way Steelbeak was leaning with his back to the counter, his legs and torso were blocking the quickest path to his destination. He could’ve just vaulted over the nearby table and tumbled onto the couch to avoid talking to him, but that was honestly more work than he was in the mood for just to save himself three steps.
So, resigned to his fate, Dominic set his small suitcase (which he was just using to carry around his books and magazines in a more orderly fashion) on the table then walked up to Steelbeak and cleared his throat once. “Ahem.”
“?!” The simple sound was enough to jolt the taller bird from his thoughts and make him look down at Dominic. “Oh, it’s just you..” Apparently guessing what the loon wanted, Steelbeak stood up straighter and took a step back so his hip was against the counter instead of his lower back, giving his partner plenty of room to walk past without bumping into him.
“No need to sound so disappointed about it.” Dominic commented on his way to the refrigerator. He opened his thermos and left it on the counter beside him to refill on his way back to the table before opening the fridge.
“Hey, I’ve been stuck sitting at a table being bored out of my skull for almost seven hours and could use some company that’s actually entertaining for a change- sue me.” Steelbeak finished his comeback right as the coffee finished brewing and took the filled pot off of the machinery to fill his own thermos (he’d been through enough of these days to come prepared as well, it seemed). “You can’t tell me you ain’t bored of this shtick, too- even you can’t be THAT uptight.”
Dominic rolled his eyes and spared the fowl a side-eyed look of annoyance before he began searching the cold shelves for his meal. “Of course I’m bored. Anyone who says they actually enjoy this sort of thing is either an office worker or an undercover S.H.U.S.H. agent..either of which deserve to be shot on sight.”
The taller bird gave that distinctive clipped nasally-laugh of his while filling up his thermos with the piping hot coffee. “Whattaya know? You DO have a sense of humor in there.”
“Who said I was joking?” Dominic asked with a tone full of sarcasm, hiding the smile on his beak thanks to the fridge door beside him. Hearing the sound of more coffee being poured, Dominic peeked back out and saw Steelbeak filling his thermos for him. That was…surprisingly thoughtful of the selfish bird. “…Thanks.”
“Eh, I was doin’ it anyway.” Steelbeak said casually while putting the pot back for whoever wanted the next cup. He then grabbed a handful of the various packets of sugars and creams from their cardboard containers along the back of the counter and, without even asking, he set aside the exact type and number of packets that Dominic would have grabbed himself.
“You know how I take my coffee..?” The loon asked with a quirked brow, feeling…well, impressed, honestly. Being able to sneak into his apartment and leave him a high-dollar present was one thing- a very flashy, unwelcomed thing that felt entirely superficial- but to know something small like how he took his coffee seemed somehow much more personal.
Shrugging as he grabbed a coffee stirrer and began mixing in his own cream and sugar, Steelbeak’s tone remained casual. “Little trick I picked up after workin’ with my first partner.”
“Really?” That was certainly news to Dominic- the two never really talked about their previous partners.
The information was available in their files, and he’d briefly skimmed over Steelbeak’s before being assigned to him, but the other agent wasn’t very forthcoming with information unless he felt it necessary. Not to say that HE was any better himself, but he was pretty sure Steelbeak already knew about what happened with his previous partner and why he was moved to his current sector. Admittedly, he was grateful that Steelbeak never attempted to pry into his past or dig up old wounds, even when the two of them had a disagreement on something, and he’d attempted to show the same level of professional courtesy.
Still, it was interesting to hear Steelbeak bring up one of his previous partners so casually-
“Yeah, I poisoned his.” He replied just as casually as if they were discussing the weather. Which, to a F.O.W.L. agent, was actually a pretty common thing to discuss, but, still, WOW, that came out of NOWHERE.
“That doesn’t exactly inspire confidence…” Dominic muttered while briefly eyeing the coffee sitting in his thermos.
Steelbeak rolled his eyes and blew on his own coffee “He was a mole for S.H.U.S.H.” He paused to take a sip before continuing. “The geezer was a senior agent that was supposed t’ be showin’ me the ropes- used to make me do the rookie stuff like fetchin’ the coffee and puttin’ away his paperwork. Thing is, he didn’t count on me overhearin’ a VERY interestin’ conversation between him and his handler in S.H.U.S.H.” A smirk briefly turned up the corners of his mouth around the metallic beak, the deadly steel catching the light and giving him a more menacing look that fit his next words perfectly. “He also didn’t count on me puttin’ arsenic in his coffee instead of almond milk…his mistake.”
Dominic nodded, a brief scowl turning down the corners of his own beak. He knew all about the damage an infiltrator from S.H.U.S.H. could cause… “He got what he deserved, then.”
Steelbeak gave a short chuckle and set his thermos aside when the microwave finally finished. “Exactly. So, long as you don’t go turn-coat on me, you ain’t got nothin’ t’ worry about.” He spared Domino a look with a cocked brown while pulling a large container of food out of the microwave. “You lookin’ t’ help fight global warmin’ there, Deedee?”
“Hm? Oh..” A slight chill along his feet made the rooster’s words sink in and Dominic realized he’d been standing there with the refrigerator door open the whole time. “No, that would be pretty pointless since half of the world doesn’t even believe in it yet.” After searching the shelves for a moment and, begrudgingly, moving a few containers and bags around to make sure he wasn’t missing anything, a frustrated expression replaced his previously confused look. “Has anyone else been in here today?”
Steelbeak popped the lid off of his meal’s container while thinking the question over. “Ammonia and Ample were leavin’ when I got here…well, Ammonia was leavin’- Ample was gettin’ dragged along and complainin’ about not gettin’ t’ eat yet.”
“Was she holding anything when she left?” Dominic pinched the bridge of his beak in frustration and closed his eyes, already anticipating the answer and dreading its validation.
“White box with a red lid.” Steelbeak looked at the loon’s frustrated expression and smirked a little. “I’m guessin’ that was yours?”
“It’s HERS now.” Dominic corrected while finally slamming the refrigerator door closed. Even if he was hungry, if something had been in Ample’s hands, he did NOT want it back. Ever. “Guess I’m getting takeout..” He said under his breath, taking the opportunity to properly prepare his own coffee now before attempting to walk out.
He was barely three steps from the door when Steelbeak’s voice stopped him. “I would NOT recommend that today.”
“And why would that be?” It was hard for Dominic to keep the aggravation at his increasingly aggravating situation out of his voice as he turned back to look at his partner for an explanation.
“Megavolt and Darkwing Do-gooder had a fight at the city’s traffic control hub.” Steelbeak provided the explanation, calm even with the loon’s glaring red eyes pointed at him. “Lights all over the city are fried and traffic’s backed up for miles. So, ‘less you know any good places within walkin’ distance or can find a place that delivers to evil secret agencies, forget about it.”
“Great.” Dominic scowled and took a seat at the table. “Guess I’m drinking my lunch today…” He opened his suitcase and pulled out the book he’d been reading earlier, ignoring the shuffling sounds of whatever Steelbeak was doing at the counter. He was just finding the line he’d left off on when the other bird took a seat at the table and, to his surprise, slid something over to him. “…?” Dominic moved his book enough to see a paper plate piled high with a rather sizable helping of steaming-hot roasted vegetables and potatoes as well as half of what must have at one point been a sixteen ounce, inch and a half thick New York strip steak topped with sautéed mushrooms- there was even a napkin set off to the side with some cutlery. Looking over to his partner, Dominic saw that Steelbeak had a plate that practically mirrored his own and was already eating his share of vegetables. “I didn’t ask for this.” Dominic said while trying to slide the plate back towards the fowl.
Steelbeak nudged it back over to him with the blunt end of his knife. “Eat it. I packed way too much, anyway.” He paused to take a drink from his thermos. “Besides, if F.O.W.L. high command decides t’ send us on a mission tonight, I don’t need you passin’ out from low blood sugar or somethin’.”
“I’ve gone days without food before- I think I can survive a few hours.” Dominic countered, refusing to look at the plate in front of him and instead fixing the other bird with a mildly offended glare.
Steelbeak shrugged, once again not even remotely bothered by the harsh look sent his way. “Hey, do what ya want, I don’t care- it was just gonna go in the garbage, either way.”
Dominic glared quietly at the larger bird for a few more seconds, but gave up when he realized it really had no effect on the incorrigible fowl. He still tried to ignore the food in front of him, but catching a brief waft of the tantalizing aroma made his stomach growl.
Darn it, that did smell REALLY good…
…Well, if it was just going to be thrown out, anyway……
Snapping his book closed, Dominic set it aside and reluctantly pulled the plate closer. He cut the food into smaller bites than what Steelbeak himself was shoving into his mouth and began to eat. To his surprise, the food tasted absolutely incredible, despite going through the microwave. Everything was perfectly seasoned, none of the vegetables or potatoes had gotten too soft, and even the steak retained a healthy amount of tenderness and was still fairly pink in the middle, suggesting that it must have been extremely rare before to retain so much juice after being reheated like that.
“This is pretty good.” Dominic conceded after the first few bites, looking across the table at his partner. “Where did you get this?”
“Oh, y’know, just a little hole-in-the-wall joint called ‘my kitchen’.” The taller man replied with that smug grin of his.
“What?” That actually surprised Dominic, making him blink twice in an attempt to dispel the disbelief he felt at the idea of the other agent actually COOKING something. “You can cook?”
“Hey, what’s with the look?” Steelbeak’s smug grin changed to an overly-dramatic affronted expression. “You think a body THIS good-lookin’ comes from eatin’ take-out and TV dinners every night?” He flexed one arm to help illustrate his point.
“I suppose not..” Dominic glanced to the flexed arm before meeting his partner’s gaze again. “You just don’t strike me as the type to cook your own meals. I would’ve assumed you had someone else cook for you; either that or you had some five-star restaurant delivering to you directly- you could definitely afford both options.”
Steelbeak shrugged and sliced up the last few bites of his steak into more manageable pieces. “I could, but I don’t. I don’t mind cookin’ for myself, so why bother payin’ someone else t’ do it unless I’m just NOT in the mood? And if I ordered food from some fancy joint all the time, I’d get bored of it eventually, even if it was better than Hamburger Hippo.”
“Hmh, that makes sense.” The loon conceded with a nod after taking a bite of the steak as well. “For what it’s worth..” He began after he’d finished his bite and before he started on another. “You could probably give quite a few of those ‘fancy joints’ a run for their money.”
Steelbeak gave that distinctive chuckle of his and looked at Dominic with an expression somewhere between a smirk and a smile. “Are my ears playin’ tricks on me, or did I actually just hear a gen-u-i-ne compliment come out of that big beak?”
Dominic rolled his eyes, but it was hard not to smile at least a little bit as well. “Don’t let it go to your head.”
“Too late for that.” The other agent chuckled again. A comfortable silence settled between the pair as they ate, the two going several minutes without saying anything else before Steelbeak opened his beak again. “Y’know…you could pop over for dinner sometime…guarantee I won’t charge as much as some of those swankier places uptown.”
Dominic almost said no on reflex. He wasn’t normally a fan of going to other people’s homes for dinner. Disorganized spaces were not something he was fond of, and neither was the small talk that seemed inevitable when visiting someone’s home. Combine that with the much more lax health standards in most home-kitchens compared to professional restaurants and you had three major reasons for him NOT to go.
What stopped him, however, was looking back up at his partner’s face.
The normally over-confident and arrogant rooster was keeping his eyes on his plate rather than meeting Dominic’s gaze. He wasn’t giving him one of those usual smirks or that trying-too-hard-to-be-cool look like when he gave his unwarranted gifts. On top of it all, he’d been chewing the same bite of food well past the time it should’ve been finished- a classic stalling tactic when one wanted to avoid saying what they’d mentally dubbed “the wrong thing”. This was different behavior then what he was used to with the cocky fowl.
But, all things considered, Dominic found that he preferred this genuine and sincere version of the bird far more than the façade he’d been wearing for the past six weeks every time he tried giving him a gift. Besides, it’s not like Steelbeak’s home was more than a few feet away from his own- if he felt uncomfortable, he could always just LEAVE.
“Sure.” He finally answered after resolving his internal conflict on the matter. “But no finger foods.”
Steelbeak swallowed the long-finished lump of food and the corner of his mouth lifted in a slight smile that Dominic caught before the chief officer schooled his face into its usual smug smirk. “Fine, no chili dogs or cheese fries.”
They both shared a brief laugh over the idea of Dominic so much as touching such messy excuses for cuisine, the loon’s laugh much quieter compared to the large rooster’s but no less real.
After that, they went back and forth between different conversational topics and comfortable silences in equal periods. This was much better than the tension that had existed between them since the beginning of their partnership, and it was something Dominic preferred hands-down to the shift they’d gone through over the past few weeks.
He wasn’t a fool, he knew what the change in their dynamic was about and what had caused it. He knew the reason why Steelbeak kept trying to shower him with things that he’d never asked for, and he knew that it was related to why the other bird had asked him over for dinner.
Despite what Steelbeak himself might think, Dominic wasn’t completely against the idea or the notion behind the presents, it was merely the method he’d employed in trying to garner the loon’s favor that he disapproved of. Gifts were fine with him- his previous partner had given him plenty over the course of their relationship that he still held onto. The big difference, though, was the thought that was put into them: What his last partner lacked in over-the-top expensive taste, he made up for by showing how well he knew the bird, often getting him things that he knew Dominic would enjoy such as a book from a series he liked (even though half the time he got him one he’d already read), and it would always make him smile because it showed just how much the other man cared. Steelbeak’s gifts, on the other hand, while classy and definitely venturing into the territory of things that Dominic hadn’t thought to buy for himself, felt more like they were purchased simply for the sake of showing off and looking flashy- they could’ve been bought for anyone, not exclusively him.
Steelbeak’s behavior today, however, was a step in the right direction. Little things such as showing how well he’d come to know Dominic and making an effort to approach him in a more sincere and less over-the-top way were preferable to the materialistic method of essentially trying to buy his attention.
If the rooster continued acting like THIS, maybe Dominic could actually give him a chance.
<-Previous Part Next Part->
End Notes: Some heart-warming interaction between our main characters before things get crazy next chapter. This was the calm before the storm- you have been warned.
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meditativeyoga · 6 years
Yoga for Back Pain: Tips for Maintaining SI Joint Health
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I have to confess: before I started my Viniyoga instructor training, I've never ever listened to of sacrum concerns. Certain, I knew exactly what the sacrum was, but my first instructor training program never ever discussed it, my students never ever whined regarding it, I haven't had any kind of trouble myself. I have actually moved with life completely unaware, up until I started my Viniyoga teacher training. Then all the sudden the sacrum became front and also center. I would hear "this position could be troublesome if you have sacrum concerns," "do this to look after your sacrum," "ensure you don't feel any discomfort in your sacrum," and so on. You know exactly how when you decide to purchase a specific auto you begin seeing it almost everywhere? Same taken place for me with the sacrum. Every one of the sudden I have actually uncovered that sacrum issues are everywhere and certain yoga practices commonly create or add to the problem.
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Well, to be a lot more specific, it's not really the sacrum that we have concerns with, but the sacroiliac (SI) joints. Quick anatomy pointer: the sacrum is located at the base of your spinal column as well as consists of five vertebrae that are fused together to form a bone concerning the dimension of your hand. It fits snuggly in between both sides of your pelvis and is attached to them by means of the sacroiliac joints. SI joints are weight-bearing because the sacrum bears the weight of the back and also transfers it with those joints to the pelvis and also then down into the legs. Like any type of weight-bearing joint, it has to be secure, so there are numerous ligaments that bind the sacrum to the pelvis to restrict its movement.
Now a few of us have more wheelchair in the sacrum compared to others and that's just what can create possible problems. The sacrum has a capacity to tip somewhat forward in connection to pelvis (called nutation) or a little back (counternutation). It could tip five to ten percent at a lot of, however also that can develop the feeling of instability in the pelvic area.
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Who is at risk? Anybody could endure an SI injury however the following populaces are at a much better risk:
Women of reproductive age. In theory, the activity of the sacrum is designed to fit the death of the baby with the hips: very first counternutation for the visit enter the hips and afterwards nutation to obtain the tailbone out of the method. As well as we all know that in expectant women hormonal agent relaxin is released, that makes the tendons much more lax for the exact same objective of suiting the birthing procedure. Whether or not your pupils are pregnant right currently, if they are of reproductive age or offered birth before, they are more most likely to have more wheelchair in their SI ligaments.
People with loosened tendons. A few of us were born with looser ligaments, which enables us to do advanced yoga exercise poses, but additionally places us at danger for SI concerns as a result of additional sacrum mobility.
The problem. To make sure that young uber-flexible woman in your course, that is happily aiming to stick her foot behind her head risks of pulling or wounding her SI ligaments. Her sacrum is more probable to pop out of area, normally on one side, and also when it's out of area it will certainly pull on the tendons that are expected to keep it in location, causing sharp discomfort on one side of her reduced spinal column. And also as we understand, tendons are extremely avascular, which suggests that if there is a tear in a ligament, it will take a very long time to recover as a result of inadequate flow to the location. As soon as you hurt the area, you are most likely to reinjure it again, particularly if your method highlights severe presents and you overlook your body's discomfort signals. We state that a pupil has a "warm sacrum" if her SI joints are delicate as well as susceptible to injury. People like that will need to customize their yoga exercise method substantially while they remain in the healing stage, or else they will certainly maintain reinjuring it and also transform it into a chronic problem.
Now what can we, as educators, do to minimize the risk of the sacroiliac injury?
1. Approach progressed unbalanced presents with excellent care, particularly the ones where one hip is in a fixed position and the back is being highly pulled the various other way. Consider Janu Sirsasana, which is not necessarily an advanced pose however it usually worsens "hot sacrums."
It is smart to take the adhering to preventative measures for any type of advanced asymmetrical position:
Do not use arm leverage to pull on your own into the position if you sense resistance in your SI joints.
Make certain that the trainees' bodies are properly prepared before they attempt a stance (find out more on ways to prepare the body for a challenging stance).
Please, please, please DO NOT demonstrate innovative poses if you are not heated up appropriately yourself. This is a major source of injuries for yoga exercise teachers.
Remind your pupils (as well as yourself) to quit if it hurts.
2. Do not instruct way too many unbalanced poses on one side, it can result in cumulative stress and anxiety on the SI joint. I was just recently in a course where the instructor did the adhering to postures:
This entire series was done on one side first, holding each posture for 4-6 breaths, with no queuing about transforming the placement of the feet or utilizing abdominal tightening for support. Do you see a trouble below? The position of your left leg is fixed, which means that the left side of the hips will certainly be secured in primarily forward-facing placement.
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Then you move your back via a side bend, ahead bend, backbend, side bend then twist. Your sacrum follows the motion of your spinal column, tugging and turning and torquing your left SI joint. This reminds me of aiming to manage the top of a plastic bottle - to break the slice of plastic you would flex it ahead, bend it back, spin it one method, then the other and with any luck it will certainly come loose afterwards. Why would you wish to do that to your SI tendons? They won't break short, of program, but they will obtain undercuted as well as come to be much more at risk and at risk to injury.
Solution: Switch sides more frequently as well as alternative unbalanced poses with balanced ahead bends.
3. Do not urge on maintaining the legs right in onward bends, it creates shear tension on the sacrum.
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4. When you series your classes, be certain to consist of presents that maintain the sacrum. In the standard technique to sequencing summed up by Sri Krishnamacharya, susceptible backbends constantly comply with the standing poses making certain that whatever you have actually done to your lower back/sacrum area in standing might be counteracted using in proportion vulnerable poses.
Vimanasana is one of those "magic" yoga postures that does it actually well. However, you require to ensure that:
A. Your student's back is solid sufficient to manage it B. Your trainee keeps her hips based on both sides when she attempts it.
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These are some easy keynotes that are not tough to implement, however they will certainly assist safeguard your students' SI joints. If your trainee does get injured, in the course or in other places, it is best to restrict or eliminate the activities that irritate the area, including one's yoga practice. As soon as the acute stage has passed, she could seek guidance from a physical therapist or a certified yoga exercise therapist on how to maintain as well as enhance the sacrum area before going back to a regular yoga exercise practice.
Want to read more regarding Protecting against SI Joint Pain in Yoga?
Check out our training course on how to stop or alleviate SI joint issues in this online training course with Robin Rothenberg of Crucial Yoga exercise Therapy, writer of The Crucial Low Pain in the back Program.
Save $15 on Robin's Course thru February: Go into Promo code Code BACKPAIN15 throughout checkout.
Robin Rothenberg: Yoga exercise For Pain in the back: Keys to Avoiding and also Recovering Sacroiliac Instability
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Educated as a school educator, Olga Kabel has been educating yoga exercise for over 14 years. She completed multiple Yoga exercise Educator Training Programs, however found the greatest connection to the Krishnamacharya/ T.K.V. Desikachar family tree. She had studied with Gary Kraftsow and also American Viniyoga Institute (2004-2006) and also received her Viniyoga Teacher diploma in July 2006 ending up being an AVI-certified Yoga exercise Specialist in April 2011. Olga is a creator and also taking care of supervisor of Sequence Wiz - an online yoga exercise sequence contractor that assists yoga instructors and yoga therapists in developing and also arranging yoga practices. It also showcases easy, informative write-ups on the best ways to series yoga exercise methods for optimum performance.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
It's very common for startups to present to them. Do people live downtown, or have some sort of exit. There is less stress in total, but more as an exploration of gender and sexuality in an urban context, etc.1 I think the goal of this rule; if you can't explain your plans concisely, you don't worry that it might come out badly, or upset delicate social balances, or that can incorporate live data feeds, or that you won't be demoralized if they seem pointless.2 One YC founder told me that it wasn't worth investing in. The patent pledge doesn't fix every problem with patents.3 I can tell from the case. This site isn't lame. They wouldn't all grow as big. It will be easier in proportion to an estimate of your company's value that you'd both agreed upon.
Then you could, I don't care what he says, I'm going to name them: type A fundraising is when you can do, you don't see the opportunities all around us is that we get on average only about 5-7% of a much larger number.4 In most fields the great work is: very exacting taste, plus the ability to direct the course of adding some feature they were asking for.5 Most hackers are employees, and this trick merely forces you to clean up your apartment, writing something that you'll be able to say whether he should be classified as a friend or angel.6 Don't say anything unless you're fairly sure what you want to reach; from paragraph to paragraph I let the ideas take their course. Sometimes a competitor will deliberately threaten you with a business background, and he will automatically get paid proportionally more. Not all of them had never seen the Web before we came to tell them to stop.7 If you're free of a misconception that everyone else is crazy. Most startups that raise money and the kind of alarms you'd set off if you operate like Columbus and just head in a general westerly direction.
As we were in the old sense of managing the round. Technology is a lever. Modern literature is important, but I suspect that most of them a part time job. In the Bay Area would be the answer. But let someone else start those startups. They're not necessarily trying to mislead you. Like a lot of people will make them.
But if you make something they like. 05 PM subject: Re: Revenge of the Nerds on the LL1 mailing list.8 American universities currently seem to be a media company to throw Microsoft off their scent. Java white paper, Gosling explicitly says Java was designed to be a missile aimed right at what makes America successful.9 Different users have different requirements, but I don't think that's the right way to do it. But this is merely an artifact of the rule of law.10 All you'll learn is the words kids are allowed to use. That's the way to the close.11 It did serve some purposes: reading a talk out loud can expose awkward parts. What investors still don't get is what insanely great translates to in a larval startup.
When I talk about humans being meant or designed to live a certain way out of habit or politeness. Hackers & Painters that hadn't been online. Incidentally, the switch in the 1920s to financing growth with retained earnings till the 1920s.12 And the programmers liked it because they don't like to have it. What counts as property depends on what works to treat as property. But this is wrong. What's a prostitute?13 Everyone by now presumably knows about the danger of premature optimization. Essentially, they lead you on. That will change the way they treat the music they sell through iTunes.14
So tablet makers should be thinking: what else can we give developers access to? White said, good writing is rewriting, wrote E. Almost four decades later, fragmentation is still increasing. The more people you have to do it than literally making a mark on the world. Investors looked at Yahoo's earnings and said to one of the principles they teach you is to align the car not by lining up the hood with the stripes painted on the road, but by trying to use mass lawsuits against randomly chosen people as a form of evolutionary pressure. People think that what you want. In principle anyone there ought to have multiple founders who were already friends before they decided to build recipe sites, or aggregators for local events.
Better Bayesian Filtering. They may play some behind the scenes as adults spin the world for a while, can make visual perception flow in through his eye and out through his hand as automatically as someone tapping his foot to a beat. If you looked in people's heads. They are all fundamentally subversive for this reason. I sat down and calculated what I thought was hard, the groups all turned out ok. Election forecasters are proud when they can get it, at this stage.15 The danger of symmetry, and repetition especially, is where the richest buyers are, but figure out precisely where you lose them. If they didn't know what language our software was so complex. 2:21 AM subject: Re: meet the airbeds PG, Thanks for the lead Fred to: Fred Wilson date: Mon, Feb 9,2009 at 11:42 AM subject: Re: airbnb There's a lot to start a startup. And yet they can hold their own with any work of art ever made.
Leonardo?16 It is, as far as possible prevent them from having fun. Doesn't that show people will pay most for?17 After thinking about it than most, but almost everywhere the trend is in that direction. Till then they had to ask permission to release software: the last thing you changed. But fortunately in the US are more conservative than Boston ones.18 People are all you need is to be battered by circumstances—to let the days rush by. But that's something you can fix later, but you can't evade the fundamental conservation law. And yet Apple's overall market share is still small. Though the Web has been around for a millennium is finished just because of its prestige, but because they were ambivalent about threatening their cash cow, mainframe computing. I mean efforts to protect against cosmic rays.19
Even as late as 1984. Incidentally, Google may appear to be at a large company? Plus one can have escaped alive, or to be good?
To do this all the poorer countries. Ed. But it was the least correlation between the Daddy Model may be a sufficient condition.
And in World War II to the rise of big companies can afford that. And while this is to try to be a win to include in your classes as a result a lot more frightening in those days, but I call it procrastination when someone gets drunk instead of happy. I'm talking mainly about software startups are now the first digital computer game, you can probably write a subroutine to do would be better at opening it than people who might be a good problem to fit your solution. Look at those goddamn fleas, jabbering about some disease they'll see once in China, during the war on drugs show, bans often do better, and instead of the world of the most famous example.
Plus one can ever say it again. When I catch egregiously linkjacked posts I replace the actual amount of damage to the founders' advantage if it was 94% 33 of 35 companies that can't reasonably expect to make a fortune in the case, not because Delicious users are stupid.
But you're not allowed to discriminate on any basis you want to get going, and oversupply of educated ones come up with elaborate rationalizations. I also skipped San Jose is a meaningful idea for human audiences. Though in fact had its own mind about whether a suit would violate the patent pledge, it's not enough to defend their interests in political and legal disputes.
What Is an Asset Price Bubble? This doesn't mean easy, of the river among the bear gardens and whorehouses. They act as if you'd just thought of them could as accurately be called acting Japanese. Many more than 20 years.
It's hard for us!
2%. If a prestigious VC makes a small proportion of the things you're taught.
Doing things that don't scale.
Now the misunderstood artist is not limited to startups. There's not much use, because few founders are willing to provide when it's done as conspicuously as this place was a false positive rate is 10%, moving to Monaco would only give you more than the previous round. Cascading menus would also be good startup founders tend to get going, e.
Emmett Shear writes: True, Gore won the popular vote he would presumably have got more of the flock, or at least, the government and construction companies. People only tend to damp this effect, at least guesses by pros about where that money comes from ads on other investors doing so because otherwise competitors would take forever in the case of heirs, professors, politicians, and everyone's used to place orders.
His critical invention was a kid that you'd want to sell them technology. I'm not dissing these people make the people working for startups, because it aggregates data from so many trade publications nominally have a lot of reasons American car companies have little to bring corporate bonds to market faster; the point where things start with consumer electronics and to run on the firm's site, they're nice to you. Not only do they decide on the young Henry VIII and was troubled by debts all his life. Distribution of potentially good startups, who've already made the decision.
Maybe that isn't really working bad unit economics, typically and then scale it up because they couldn't afford it. An investor who's seriously interested will already be working to help a society generally is to let yourself feel it mid-sentence, but you get an intro to a clueless audience like that.
But it is dishonest of the country turned its back on industrialization at the start, e.
The need has to be employees, or editions with the buyer's picture on the back of Yahoo, we actively sought out people who'd failed out of the things attributed to Confucius and Socrates resemble their actual opinions. The speed at which point it suddenly stops. And when a startup to engage with slow-moving organizations is to write every component yourself, but also very informative essay about why something isn't the last step in this essay I'm talking here about everyday tagging. If not, greater accessibility.
In 1525 he was made a bet: if you hadn't written it? I saw this I used thresholds of.
Especially if they were to work your way up. I managed to find a broad range of topics, comparable in scope to our scholarship though without the spur of poverty are only locally accurate, because those are probably the last step in this respect.
So how do you use that instead of Windows NT? How did individuals accumulate large fortunes in an absolute sense, if you make something hackers use. On the face of it.
But it's telling that it would be to say that it had no idea what's happening as merely not-doing-work. But they've been trained. So far, I preferred to call them whitelists because it depends on a weekend and sit alone and think.
0 notes
ausblack · 7 years
FIGHTER | Chapter 2
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Summary: You were just trying to relax, you weren’t planning on finding out the school’s bad boy’s little secret.
Genre: Angst/Fluff/Probably smut/ Fighter!au
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Warnings: A LOT of cursing/ a LOT of violence
-Wait, What the f.. Slow down a second I can’t breathe-
You whispered-yelled at the girl who was dragging you inside the school.
You put your hands on your knees trying to catch a breath when she finally decided to stop.
-Did you have to run like that? I’m not good a sports you know. You almost got me killed!-
You jokingly yelled at the girl in front of you who smiled.
-Sorry, it just that you should try to not get involved with those guys.-
She said and you looked at her confused.
-Are they bad people or what?-
-Basically. There’s just a lot of rumor behind them. They like to have fun and make a mess wherever they go. You shouldn’t meet them now. The principal told me to tell good things about our school but I’m afraid that you’ll regret your decision of coming here if you talk to one of them.-
She laughed nervously and you smiled, still confused at what she was trying to tell you.
-Did they do something bad to you or one of your friends?-
-No no! It just that rumors get really out of proportions sometimes and I don’t know if believing what everyone says it’s the right choice or not. It’s better to just ignore them now. The only thing that I know it’s that some of them are really rude.-
She explained and you nodded, understanding the situation.
-Ok, I Guess I’ll just ignore them then.-
You told her and she smiled sweetly at you.
-So, do you leave in a dorm or with your parents?-
You asked, walking down the hallways, towards the cafeteria where the two of you went before.
It was already almost 1 pm and you wanted to eat something before going back home.
Since today was your first day, you were allowed to leave earlier than everyone, but once the timetable started for you as well, you had to stay also after lunch almost three times a week.
-I’m in a dorm.-
She said opening the door of the cafeteria for you.
You thanked her.
-How come?-
-My parents decided to send me here because I’m the town where we lived, we didn’t have colleges.-
-Oh..I understand.-
You went to the dinner lady and you bought a sandwich for yourself.
The two of you then sat down on a table to talk a little more.
-I don’t really know how much I’m going to stay here. My parents told me that it’s temporally but we might stay here for a long time.-
She nodded.
-My roommate in the dorm had to leave because of the exact same reason. Her parents moved to another country and she decided to follow them as well. Not that I’m feeling bad about it though, I love having the whole room for myself.-
You laughed nodding.
-I also enjoy not having roommates, I always fought with my brother when we slept in the same room.-
-Oh, you have a brother?-
She asked full of curiosity.
-Yeah, he’s two years older than me. He’s studying in another university at the moment.-
-Oh so he’s 24?-
-Yes, Physically, not mentally.-
She laughed at your comment.
-I never had siblings but I never really felt alone because I made great friends here. Did you had to leave someone behind in your old town?-
-Not really, only my bestfriend. She’s called Jenn.-
-Do you think that you’ll be friend with her even if you two at far apart?-
-I hope so. I mean, distant relashionships work if you want to make the work.-
She nodded.
-You’re right.-
When you finished your lunch, you got up and you walked towards the exit with someone who you hoped would become one of your new close friends.
-So, I guess I’ll see you tomorrow morning.-
She said and you smiled at her.
-Sure, See you tomorrow.-
-Oh wait hold on.-
She stopped you, and started going through her stuff inside her bad.
She picked up her phone, giving it to you.
-We should exchange phone numbers, so that we can actually talk to each other sometimes.-
You nodded and typed in quickly your number.
You gave it back to her.
-I’ll let you go home now, See you.-
She waved at you and you did the same, turning heels and starting to walk away from the school.
You put on your earphones, taking out your own phone from your bag and you listened to some music as you walked back home.
A song that you weren’t particularly into at the moment started and you were just about to change it when you heard someone calling from behind.
-Hey, You.-
You froze on the spot, turning around quickly.
The group of boys that you saw before was now in front of you, and they looked really intimidating.
They were seven, all dressed in black or dark clothes.
Some of them had dyed hair and a bunch of tattoos that you could hardly see because they were covered by the clothes.
You understood why everyone made rumor about them, they surely looked like they were ready to beat you up if you said something wrong.
One of them was closer to you than the others but you couldn’t see well their faces because at that moment you were really scared shitless and you didn’t dare to look at them in the eyes, but one thing was sure, you could tell that they were really good-looking.
You usually weren’t that scared in front of people.
Yes, you were really timid and introverted but you could stand up for yourself.
They had a different vibe from everyone else, you never felt this intimidated.
Maybe it was because they were huge compared to you, or maybe because in the end you were a girl and your knees got weak in front of handsome boys.
What if your now new-friend was right? What if they were going to make you regret leaving your small town on the countryside to come here in this school?
However the big distress on your face soon vanished away when you saw that the guy who was closer than the rest was holding your notebook.
-You dropped this.-
He told you with a low-toned voice.-
You took it from his hands.
-Oh, thank you.-
You looked down on your bag and you realized that you probably left your bag open when you took out your phone before.
You put everything back on your backpack, closing it, and you looked at the boy who talked to you.
He had a bunch on piercings on and dark hair that covered part of his face. His skin was pale and you couldn’t help but fell a little for his looks.
He was one of the most gorgeous boys you’ve ever seen and you thought for yourself that if every men in this town was this handsome, you had to thank your parents for making the choice of moving here.
The other boys in the back were silent but you could tell that they meant no harm.
You and the boy exchanged a small smile, before you turned around leaving the seventh guys behind and heading home.
If before everything happened you were confused, now all your thoughts were mixed up in your head.
Why was everyone saying such mean things to them? They looked badass but they seemed nice.
One of them even helped you when you accidentally dropped something on the floor.
You arrived at home, still lost in your thoughts and you saw that no one was there.
Your mother left you a massage, informing you that she was at a job interview because she also wanted to do something in her free time.
Your dad started working in the early afternoon until late at night, so he was probably heading to work with his car by now.
You changed clothes as soon as you arrived, putting on something more confortable, and you sat down on your bed.
Where they really the type of causing trouble everywhere? Or was it just a bad rumor that spread around school because they’re style looked extremely strong?
You weren’t really show, but maybe staying away from them was the right thing to do.
Who knows, maybe they just acted nice to you on purpose.
A/N: I finally posted it!!! give me your thoughts👍🏼
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pygmyscheese · 6 years
What am I to you?
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There are times, when you can’t do anything to help your loved ones in their struggles, but you stay with them for good and for worse.
Namjoon x reader
genre: light angst & some fluff I guess?
word count: 3 786
based on: Verbal Jint “Pretty enough”
A/N: I’ll be honest, it’s not good at all, but the idea for this fic was going around in my mind for so long, and then I came across the song and I just had to pour it all out. No matter how bad it is, I’m still proud of this small baby of mine as it’s the first work I fully wrote in English, which is not my native language. I’d like you to take that into consideration while reading, especially if you find some grammatically incorrect fragments, although I tried my best not to do any and if, correct any mistakes in the text. Enjoy!
“Namjoon” You called him quietly. He should be awake by now, trying not to be late to work, but he stayed up all night to finish project before deadline for one of his classes. Working while studying is a cruel thing indeed, but almost everyone has to go through it to learn the harsh way of life and try their best to survive in society. World is brutal and Namjoon knew it, it was all about survival of the fittest, but he opposed that. That is why you loved him. “Namjoon” You repeated, this time louder. He really had to wake up by now, but there was no reaction. You studied his face. Dark bags under his eyes that with every passing day became more and more visible, messy hair that should be cut long time ago, dry skin from obvious dehydration. He was slowly becoming a shadow of who he once was. And it was all because of her.
“Namjoon!” A loud bang at the door and her shout woke him up immediately. Looking around the room his hazy eyes stopped at your figure.
“What time is it?” He mumbled more to himself than to you, running hand through his blond hair, black roots showing underneath, shaking his head from left to right to shoo the sleep away. Grabbing the phone he forced open his still glued from sleep eyes. Seconds later you heard him gasp and watched how he jumped out of bed just to run around the room in search for any clothes he could wear and look decent. “Why didn’t you wake me up? You know I’m still on a trial, I cannot let myself be late.” Namjoon gave you a quick look, hurt and exhaustion mixed in it.
You knew perfectly what he meant. After working many odd jobs he caught position as a junior editor in a magazine he wished to work for several years already. Even though still on trial, during which people tried to use him for their own tasks as much as possible, with the fact that work wasn’t exactly as he imagined, it was pretty obvious he was happy there. Definitely happier than during last two years you’ve spent with him, full of struggles, self-sacrifice and many sleepless nights. 
“I tried Namjoon, I did” You just said, accepting the blame. You always did.
“I might be late today, will you be fine?” You heard him asking, while going out of the room. There was another bang at the front door, as she was getting impatient. Not the first, not the last time, you thought.
“Sure, I have food and something to drink, I’ll survive.” Namjoon double checked what you said just to be sure himself. It’s not that he didn’t trust or believe you, he just cared too much and you accepted it gladly. Then with rushed swing of his arm he opened the front door, where the one you detested the most stood in full grace.
“Finally. Do you know how long I had to wait? You better take me to work before I’m late.” He didn’t say anything at her words and with slight nod of his head his arm wrapped around her waist to guide to parking lot. You stole last glance at his stoic face when he closed the door. Yes, he knew better not to say anything while she was in a bad mood as things could go very wrong in a matter of second with someone like her.
Sighing you retreated back to the depths of the flat you shared with Namjoon. It was small and cosy, just like the two of you liked. As everyday you ate breakfast in silence and went to bed. It was a sad and boring routine that started after he met her. You were happy for him finally going out and meeting girls, he needed it, he deserved it after his heart broke right before college. But why, just why, it had to be her? She was pretty, you admit. Beautiful, flawless even, with long silky hair, perfect proportions and good manners. Only if her personality wasn’t rotten to the core. She always put herself on pedestal just because she already got her degree and stable, well-paid job. Always pretending, just to keep her high social status. Seeing her acting high and mighty around Namjoon, ordering him around caused pain in your chest. You tried so many times to help him realize that she’s not the one for him, that her presence in his life was like a poison to him. But he was in love. Oh, he was. Seeing the boy, who never let anyone be their pushover, the same boy that went through life with his own opinions and beliefs, so often different from the common ones accepted by society, the same boy, who was always eager for intellectual disputes with just enough criticism entwined in them not to hurt the other party, the boy who stood even against people close to him in order to pursue his dream, his passion, seeing that very boy being so cruelly played by her was crucifying to you. He wasn’t the type to be dominated, no. But Namjoon had a good heart. He was the most compassionate and the warmest person you’ve ever met and that was also his biggest weakness. He couldn’t indifferently pass by seeing people’s fragility and troubles, he tried to oppose injustice surrounding people in everyday life. When he put his mind to something, it was hard to change it. Same was for love. He’ve been hurt before, broken to be exact and it was about to happen again but because of thoroughly different reason. Trying your best to help him realize relationship he was currently in was toxic for him and his dreams was pointless as he had tunnel vision.
You could go on about all small and big things you didn’t like about her for whole day. You liked people, you felt good around them and could always find some chemistry with everyone you approached. But she smelled like danger and you wished Namjoon knew it as well. Train of your thoughts was suddenly interrupted by the sound of key turning in a lock. Scooting to hallway to check what was going on, the man in question stood in front of you.
“Didn’t you say you’ll be late?” You asked trying to read his mood. Namjoon sighed loudly. Was it from exhaustion, which he most definitely felt or something else happened? “I missed you.” You hugged him tightly as if he would fall apart any second and gave a peck in a cheek. You decided not to ask any more questions, he would tell you eventually when the time was right.
“I missed you too, sweetie.” Both of you were so used to each other and grown so close, that sometimes you forgot to grant yourselves with such simple affections like those. That is why you cherished every one of them. Just like his hand that he placed on your head and gently patted your hair. “Do you want to go to our place?”
Your place. The place, you’ve first met. Secluded part of a park, resembling wild forest, small meadow hidden from curious eyes. You always went there when something was up, when he had to clear his mind. About to give him positive answer, your voice got stuck in your throat as sound of his ringtone resounded in hallway. He gave the screen quick glance before putting the phone to ear. 
“Yes? I’m home already. Where? …Fine, give me 20 minutes.” Judging from his tone and sighs that came out of his mouth between the words it was her again. Namjoon gave you an apologetic look to which you could just nod, encouraging him to go and see her. 
Little did you know that it was the beginning of then end. Several hours after his short visit home, he came back, accompanied by her and two big suitcases.
“Don’t tell me…” You were dumbfounded, eyes wide open when she made herself home seconds after entering your place. Yours and Namjoon’s.
The boy nodded. “She’s gonna live with us from now on. Treat her right, hm?” His fond smile directed at you didn’t help you in digesting this new information.
Days dragged on painfully slow since her appearance and Namjoon gradually started to disappear from your vicinity, being tangled tighter into her web of lies and fake smiles. Sometimes it was as if you became invisible. Acknowledgement of your existence varied from person. Namjoon provided you with food and checked on you from time to time but his sighs at you when you tried to spend some time together clearly showed he was starting to be fed up with you pestering him. She on the other hand was straight up ignoring you, occasionally, when Namjoon wasn’t around, using you to vent out her own problems on you in quite an abusive way. It wasn’t just once or twice when you ended up almost tearing up, feeling that places she hit started to bruise. But you couldn’t say anything, seeing Namjoon so cheerful and productive since she moved in. Even if you did, he was deaf for everything except for her words. It wasn’t only you who saw how unhealthy this relationship was. His friends came over from time to time, hopefully when she wasn’t around and tried to shine some light on his clouded mind, with no results unfortunately.
And then it happened.
You saw her change. New clothes, different make-up, perfume other than the one Namjoon bought for her birthday. Those small, almost trivial changes didn’t go unnoticed by you only. Her gruff behaviour was showing on a daily basis now, giving both of you a hard time. Even when he was nothing but sweet as sugar to her, she would snap at him without any reason. And he still loved her despite being hurt by this kind of treatment.
“Namjoon, I think we need to talk.” One day, when you were alone you once again took up the subject that was  cause of all problems. “Can’t you see you’re becoming a wreck because of her? It’s not healthy. She’s not healthy.”
“Sweetie” He sighed loudly, taking off his glasses and moving away from laptop to face you. “Do you really have such a problem with her being here? Nothing changed, you know? I’ll always be there for you.”
“Are you serious?” You didn’t even try to stop the snicker that left your lips. “Since she’s here you gave up on everything other than your job and college. And what do you get in return? You’re treated like shit.” You weren’t really the type to be harsh with words or to show anger, but you were losing your composure because of the situation you were all in.
“I really didn’t want to say that but…don’t you think you became too clingy recently? It’s tiring.”
Silence fell on both of you, staring in each other’s eyes. You hoped he would see in them everything you wanted to tell him but couldn’t. He didn’t. Instead, without a word he left the room and soon after, the flat. He left you alone once again.
Little did you know that one Monday afternoon would be the time when your world would slowly collapse into pieces. You were napping comfortably on the bed when door opened suddenly and you heard two voices. One of them was hers, so sweet, as honey dripping from her lips when she whispered sweet nothings into someone’s ear. You started to move away from bed, sure that soon they’d barge here with Namjoon to indulge in each others fantasies, but the man you saw in the door was definitely not the man, he was supposed to be.
“What’s going on?” you asked, voice barely audible.
“Oh. I forgot you’re here” She scoffed when her lips finally left man’s neck, already covered in few marks.
“What are you doing?” You repeated, your voice higher, harsher, as you approached the pair. You had your suspicions for some time now, but you didn’t want to believe your eyes. How could she cheat on Namjoon and even be shameless enough to bring that man to their flat? “Get out. Now.”
“Fuck, can’t you shut up?” The stranger furrowed his brows in annoyance. “Are you asking for a beating, is that it?” His open hand flew toward your face, leaving your cheek stinging in pain.
“Get the fuck out” Managing to spit those words between gritted teeth you threw yourself on the man and bit his arm. Yelping in pain he pushed you away with brutal force. You flew to the wall, back hitting it with a loud thud.
“I had enough, you fucking bitch” This time punch came from her. You felt air leaving your lungs when her foot met your side. Her partner used that chance to grab you by the hair and threw into study. Trying to fight back, your nails dragged on his forearms, leaving red lines on his skin. 
Everything was happening so fast, leaving you in shock, your mind blank, that you hadn’t realised you were screaming all this time until they wrapped a cloth around your mouth. 
“You have to treat bitches like this, roughly, so they know their place” Man spitted those harsh words while granting you with another kick in the ribs. 
Choking back the tears you saw how doors closed behind them, leaving you alone in the darkness of the room. You always hated Namjoon’s study for it’s storage like size and lack of windows that made you feel trapped, now even more so, your body aching, your cries muffled. You were left there to hear all the things they did, her being so audible that you felt nauseous. You didn’t know how much time have passed when the door opened and cloth was removed from your mouth. Not daring to leave the room you stayed where they left you, letting your eyes to close in search for sleep, hoping that maybe it all was a bad dream.
“Sweetie, wake up.” Hours later, Namjoon’s voice drew you back to reality from sweet covers of nothingness. “What are you doing here?” The feeling of his fingers on your skin made you shudder and move away. His eyes studied you cautiously, not expecting such behaviour. “What happened? You’re acting weird.” Oh, how you wish, you could just say everything that happened. You felt sick to the stomach, smell of the stranger still lingering in the flat, as if the walls absorbed all of it for the reminder of what happened. And continued to happen, all behind Namjoon’s back. Study, that you once hated, became your shelter, where you hid from everyone, both her and Namjoon. He was alarmed by the way you acted, tried to find solution for it but was still blind that it was all because of her.
Until that one day, in late April when spring was in it’s fullest.
“Say…what am I to you?” Namjoon asked her during dinner. His body was tense, face expressionless, eyes dark but empty.
“What question is that even? You’re my boyfriend Joonie.” Sweet lies, he knew too well by now left her cherry lips yet again, just to fade away in silence that followed them.
Biting his lower lip, eyes moved to her face, as if trying to look for the last ray of hope. He hesitated for few seconds before quietly muttering question that was on his mind for weeks now. “Am I, really?”
“Are you trying to imply something now? We know each other not from yesterday, it’s been almost a year, so just spill it.”
“How long have it been with him then?” Hearing man’s question her hand that was reaching for wine glass stopped mid-air. “Don’t try to deny it. I saw you two. Not just once.” Namjoon laughed in disbelief. “I’m not stupid. I saw you change. You grew distant and more fake than you’ve ever been.”
Her mouth hanged open for mere seconds before she snapped. “Excuse me? Who do you think you are to call me fake?” her lips quirked upwards in a mocking smile, words leaving them like poison. “You know my little secret now, so what? Are you hurt Joonie? Will it make you feel better if I said sorry? It won’t happen, because I’m not. You’re sweet but boring, nothing more than a pet.” Sickly sweet voice she used made you boil in anger. You were about to react and give her a lesson she deserved when Namjoon spoke as if giving a command, voice so stern as you’ve never heard before.  “Leave. I’m done with you.”
Ostentatiously standing up from the table she grabbed her bag and was about to leave when she turned on her feet. As expected, she had to have the last word in everything. “Just don’t call later begging for me to come back.”
Silence enveloped the two of you left in the room. Without a word, you approached Namjoon and tugged on his sleeve, trying to bring his attention to you. When it failed, you lay your head on his lap, looking up at his face, hidden behind fringe of now all black hair. 
“You did well, my love.” Your voice a mere whisper, when reached his ears caused him to break. It was second time you saw his tears, second time to see his heart break in span of just few years and you knew, he didn’t deserve any of it. He deserved the world. That’s why you were beside him all this time.
It hasn’t been that long since you left your tiny flat in the centre for the new one, right next to the park you first met at. Enjoying weather, mix of springs freshness and summer’s heat, the two of you laid under trees shadow on soft grass covering the meadow. It was just the two of you, both content with each other’s company. Stealing glances at Namjoon, you studied his face. He dyed his hair again, now to beautiful deep purple graciously accentuating his tan skin, cheeks became more plump, eyes regained that sparkle, you loved so much. He was coming back to life, blossoming like a late flower after harsh winter.
“Namjoon” Just calling his name excited you, as you hoped, he would understand you fully this time. Not satisfied with a lazy hum as an answer, you poked his side to grab his attention. “Look” You got up and stood by one of the trees waiting for him to follow your tracks. Your hand pointed to a hole in the tree trunk, once in the open, now hidden behind the green bushes.
“What do you see there?” Furrowing his brows in confusion he tried to see what you did, but failed. Trying to move away the natural barrier of leaves, his hand brushed over small, now barely visible carvings in wood. “How did you…?” Bewildered, eyes moved between you and names on the tree.
He carved them there himself, long time ago, when he was still a teen, his own name right next to the name of the love of his life. No one but the two of them knew about this fact, so how could you? As sudden recollection of past events flooded his mind, his eyes widened in shock and blank amazement. Nodding to his silent question, you knew he wanted to ask, you smiled widely.
“Y/N, what am I to you?” Namjoon asked, when he sat beside the tree that had your names on it. You declared it yours long time ago, way before becoming a couple, which happened under the same tree anyway. It was your secret place, sort of your own piece of heaven, your sanctuary. He watched as you absently walked in circles, your bare feet disappearing in high grass with every step, face showing you were deep in thought.
“Everything” You finally admitted, looking him straight in the eyes with determination. He couldn’t help himself and chuckled at how it sounded. “You think it’s lame? I don’t care. You’re everything to me. Everything I need, everything I want, everything that makes me feel alive.”
“Now that sounds like a bit too much. I almost got goosebumps.” Namjoon’s hands reached for you when you approached him and pulled you into his frame for a tight embrace.
“I didn’t lie though. I’d say the same thing even in my next life and I’m pretty much sure I said it in previous one as well.”
“And what would you like to be in your next life? Assuming that you couldn’t be born as human again?”
“What?” You scoffed, not agreeing with such condition, but still giving it enough thought to be sure of your answer. “A dog.”
“Really? Why?” Without even looking at his face you could tell he was smiling, revealing his deep dimples to the world. He probably expected your answer, both of you being huge dog lovers.
“Then I could always be next to you, for better, for worse, I could love and cherish you as I do now.” With every word spoken you felt his embrace tightening, him feeling overwhelmed with content feeling.
“I like that.” Placing a kiss on your forehead, Namjoon made a silent vow to recognise you in your next life and love you as deeply as you deserve it.
Remembering his vows, his grief after hearing of your accident, despair followed by emptiness after you passed away, he looked at you again, taking in your features, your eyes and that playful sparkle that shined in them, just like before.
“Y/N?” His voice barely audible, as if scared that it was all a dream, he reached his hand to you to cup your cheek. Feeling his touch you naturally leaned in, humming ever so slightly in confirmation. “I can’t believe it.” Swallowing back the tears, threatening to fall from his eyes, he took you in tight embrace, just like before. And even though you weren’t the same anymore, you couldn’t tell him everything you wished to share with him, you were happy enough to feel the love you once shared, enveloping both of you again. As you promised years ago, you came back by his side to protect him, for good, for worse, so he could get all the love he deserved. As he stroked your snow-white fur, you felt tears falling down his cheeks. It was third time, you saw Namjoon cry, but this time he wasn’t broken, quite the opposite, he have never felt as happy as in that moment.
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A/N: Surprise! I hope you enjoyed it! Love you! ♡
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keywestlou · 4 years
White supremacists and similar type groups continue to be on the move. Each act or contemplated act the worse yet.
The most recent plan diabolical from its inception. Kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Witmer, try her, then execute her. Following which the group involved would move into Wisconsin and start a civil war.
The rebels the Wolverine Watchmen.
Fortunately, officials became aware and informants were able to infiltrate the group several months ago.
Thirteen have been charged with the plan. Six federal, seven state. They will be tried for treason.
These are Trump’s people. Trump has been on Witmer’s back for more than a year. They do not agree among other things how the coronavirus epidemic should be handled. Trump has spoken poorly of her.
Even following the arrests. Trump spoke of the group’s goodness and not a favorable word re Witmer. His attitude very negative. No words of happy the plan failed, etc.
Last year for the first time, federal officials warned that domestic terrorism is the worse danger facing the U.S. It’s members people who support Trump and in return are supported by Trump.
The U.S. must engage in a war against domestic terrorism. Its danger equivalent to the coronavirus epidemic. The only valid solution is to get Trump out of office. They’re his people. Mine is not a political cry. Rather, a practical one.
Biden must be elected. The House and Senate controlled by the Democrats.
Then we will be able to work to weaken and hopefully get rid of these hate groups. We will have neither a Trump or Barr to deal with.
Presently, we are like Hitler and his people in the mid and late 1930’s. If Trump is reelected, Trump will become Hitler and the U.S. Nazi Germany.
It’s up to you, me, the people…..everyone!
Trump is unhappy with many. Always has persons on his “hate list.”
Presently it is Michigan Governor Gretchen Witmer for her handling of the Covid-19 crisis, Attorney General Barr because he refuses to arrest Biden and Clinton for purported wrongdoings in the 2016 election, Secretary of State Pompeo for his failure to release Clinton’s e-mails, and FBI Director Chris Wray who overall Trump has found not to be supportive.
Today has to be another bad one for Trump. He is sick, looks like he is going to lose the election, losing cases in the courts, his tax records getting out, very few things going his way.
Trump received 2 nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize. I am sure he had dreams of sugarplums dancing in his head.
The winner was announced this morning. It was not Trump.
An organization did. The World Food Programme, a U.N. entity. The organization has been providing food to 90 million people a year.
What has Trump done to equal such? Nothing even close.
The New England Medical Journal is probably the most respected medical publication in the world. Not political in any fashion. In fact, the last time it published anything of a political nature was back in 1812.
This week became the time to be politic again. The Journal wrote a blistering editorial about Trump’s failure in dealing with the coronavirus pandemic.
Part of the editorial: “National leaders had the opportunity to limit the virus’ spread and prevent widespread illness, deaths, and lasting economic turmoil. Here in the United States, our leaders have failed that test. They have taken a crisis and turned it into a tragedy.”
When Trump was rushed to the hospital in the middle of the night last year, the doctors who were to treat him were required to sign non-disclosure agreements. Two refused. They were not allowed to care for Trump.
Same thing with Trump’s Walter Reed hospitalization last week. Only doctors who signed non-disclosures were permitted to care for the President.
I have written increasingly over the past 2 years concerning what I viewed as an impending food shortage. Many mocked me.
It is here and is growing. Getting worse each day. More people in need of food assistance and less food available.
It is believed that over the next 12 months the shortage will increase faster and to a bigger extent.
The next 12 months will reveal that food banks will be short 8 million packages. Means 8 million will go hungry.
It is projected 1 out of 5 will be out of cash by election day. More Americans are slipping into poverty.
The surge for food at the food banks is unprecedented. The demand surge greater than ever and increasing by the day.
Food banks require among other things large donations. Donations have been drying up because of the U.S.’s growing economic problems.
Soon the U.S., the greatest nation on earth, will find 50 million of its citizens without sufficient food on a consistent basis. As the economy continues to crumble, the hunger crisis will escalate.
Unquestionably, troubled times ahead. How will the U.S. handle it?
Scarlet fever is returning.
How many have even heard of scarlet fever? It is a yesterday disease that was solved with anti-biotics. No vaccine available. However the anti-biotics worked efficiently.
Till now.
The scarlet fever virus is mutating. Its resurgence becoming obvious.
Scarlet fever may each epidemic proportions as it did years ago. One of the worst times in the U.S. was the first half of the twentieth century. It was the leading cause of death among children. Children from 5-15.
I have a somewhat clear recollection of when I had scarlet fever. I was 4-5 years old. We lived in a 3 story 6 apartment house. I was taken to the hospital. The charity one. Not that I knew such at the time.
I recall 2 things distinctly.
When the ambulance people were taking me out of the building, there was a sign by the front door. I cannot recall its exact wording. What it said in effect was the building was quarantined, DANGER!, no one could enter.
That’s the way it was in the late 1930’s.
The other distinct recollection was my parents could not visit me in the hospital. They stood on the lawn outside waving and trying to talk with me. I was inside on the other side of the window. Waving at them and laughing.  I did not understand what was going on.
Another doctor visit yesterday. Afterwards, I drove down Duval. It was noon time.
Not many people again. Appeared to be all tourists. No mask wearing. A couple more stores closed. The windows reflecting a stark emptiness.
Enjoy your day!
0 notes
aestheticsharry · 4 years
Mobile Contractor License (Plumbing Contractor) Bond
The below short article is a great intro to bid bonds. Quote bonds, as you understand, are bonds utilized in the building industry. These bonds guarantee that if somebody quotes on a job, and is awarded the contract, then they will move forward with performing under the terms of the contract.
See the below short article for more great details. You can see the initial post here: https://swiftbonds.com/license-permit-bonds/contractor-license-plumbing-contractor-bond-mobile/
Mobile Contractor License (Plumbing Contractor) Bond
What is a Contractor License (Plumbing Contractor) Bond in Mobile?
A Contractor License (Plumbing Contractor) Bond is a type of license bond. The purpose of the bond is to protect the state or governmental entity for certain things, such as the payment of taxes.
To get this bond, please see our Contractor License (Plumbing Contractor) Bond Application Form. Fill this out and mail to [email protected]
You can also Apply On Line by clicking on this link.
How Much does a Contractor License (Plumbing Contractor) Bond Cost in Mobile?
Just fill out the form below and we’ll have you a quote in a few hours – at the absolute best possible rate.
How do I get a Contractor License (Plumbing Contractor) Bond?
We make it easy to get a Contractor License (Plumbing Contractor) Bond in Mobile. Fill out the form above and we’ll get right on this for you.
How Does this Process Work in Alabama?
Once we get the Contractor License (Plumbing Contractor) Bond application back from you, we process it right away. We typically have an answer within a few hours. Once you get approved, we’ll let you know the exact fee. Then:
You send us the fee
We send you the bond
For certain bonds, we may send you original forms to fill out (depends on the type of bond)
Then we’ll get the Contractor License (Plumbing Contractor) Bond right out to you. Easy.
Mobile Contractor License (Plumbing Contractor) Bond Application Form Fill this out and mail to [email protected]
Apply On Line
Find a Contractor License (Plumbing Contractor) Bond Near Me
We’ll work as hard as possible to get you the bond that you need in Alabama.
Find out more about our Permit and License Bonds
Suggestions When Thinking Of License Bonds Detailed
It is highly essential to lots of professional services and construction companies to acquire license and permit bonds. Any business operation that involves a client are mandated to provide permit bonds as a type of security. In order to get the license or permit for your business, you’ll need to have a surety bond. The government will use this bond as assurance that the holder obeys all laws and delivers as expected. In this case, any contractor who does not manage to supply the required project result shall face possible quandaries. If you’d like to learn more about how to obtain a permit bond, here are a few of the essential facts that you must consider.
Other Types of Bonds
License And Permit Bonds
License and permit surety bond is the most typical kind of bond. This is why it’s an extremely important component when starting a company. Before any company or professional starts their operation, it is important to get a license to operate first. Before beginning your operation, it is essential to find out first the demands of the government associated to your business or profession. As a result, you are going to need a license and permit bond that helps explain what you must do. It defines all the limitations clearly making certain to include all the consequences of preventing them. With the aid of a license and surety bond, it’s going to be less difficult for you to obtain an authority to operate in Kansas. One major example of a license and permit bond is the contractor license bond.
Performance Bond
If you would like to make sure that you receive a satisfactory project, for example a building, it is vitally important to have a performance bond. When you employ a contractor to make a building for you, you will need assurance that he or she will give you the exact results you anticipate. In most cases, the construction can be successful. However, should it fail, you’ll get settlement from the insurance company, and another replacement contractor will continue the project. The amount they will get in case the project fails is mentioned in the performance bond.
The Significance Of License And Permit Bonds To The Clients
License bonds hold fantastic importance to all the customers. The government uses the bonds to control how professionals run their business and protect the clients as well.
Systematic Processes
The use of bonds has many advantages, and the first one is the assurance of acquiring systematic processes. In order to make sure that their business functions is dependable, all business professionals are instructed to follow the set of rules given by the government. Due to the contractor’s irresponsibility, the clients is consequently given the right to file a case against the bond to be able to get the settlement they deserve.
Type of Insurance
How much can a customer get in case the contractor defaults? If the contractor is unable to comply, the client can get a specific proportion of the total project cost. Consequently, bonds serve as the clients’ protection that their projects are insured. Also, the contractors are locked to this insurance.
Government Specifications
The government provide specifications on the regulations that must be followed concerning infrastructure projects, and these must be adhered to closely. Do you know that the government can provide limitations in building houses with more than two floors for example? The permit bonds might help you understand the extent of the construction project that you could only provide to your customers.
Looking for A License And Permit Bond
Applying for a license and permit bond isn’t that tough. It only entails simple procedure, but you need to ensure that you get it from an approved issuing company. Below are a few of the simple measures that you have to follow when obtaining a license and permit bond.
Online Form
If you choose to apply for license and permit bonds online, you need to first need to get an access because most authorized issuing firms have a secured login website. Using your mobile or PC devices, you may access the form by looking through a browser. Consequently, you need to be connected to an Internet server to be able to access the online form. Even so, for the best experience and most efficient view, it’s advisable to make use of a computer. You could fill out a form quickly once you have accessed the platform. Don’t be afraid to fill out the form. It is because there are guides that tell you whether you’re instructed to fill out the fields or you have an option not to.
A Quote
You are going to get a quote within seconds. The quote tells about the required amount to be paid once you get the bond. It also indicates whether the application is successful or in case there are still fields that you must fill out.
Using the available payment channels in the issuing company’s website, you have to then make the payments after obtaining the quote. Now, you’re guaranteed to have an insured construction project.
Important Facts
You should know the information about the license and permit bonds. The suggestions on this section will help you learn everything about the license and permit bonds. Basically, the amount of a performance bond won’t be equal to the whole amount of the project cost. You will only be instructed to insure a certain portion of the project, which is equivalent to considerable amount of money. As a matter of fact, the rate can be just as low as 1% even when the whole cost of the project you are insuring is about one million dollars. Secondly, you should recognize that a bond isn’t the same as a business license or permit. In fact, it protects the people that you serve. The bonds, as a result, increase the trust of your clients’ that you’ll deliver the best feasible result for the projects you engaged with them.
When acquiring a bond, make sure that you get it from an approved issuing company. An ideal way not to make a mistake is by educating yourself with the different types of bonds through specialist help.
See our Alabama Contractor’s License (Heating and Air Conditioning) Bond page here.
A Deeper Take A Look At Bid Bonds in Building A Quote Bond is a type of surety bond utilized to ensure that a contractor bidding on a project or job will enter into the agreement with the obligee if granted.
A Quote Bond is provided in the amount of the agreement quote, with the similar requirements as that of an Efficiency Bond.
All About Quote Bonds in Building And Construction The origins of our organisation was closely connected with the provision of performance bonds to the contracting industry. It found that the private professional normally was insolvent when the job was awarded, or grew to become insolvent earlier than the obstacle was finished.
The standing of your surety firm is necessary, since it ensures you that when you have troubles or if even worse includes worst you'll have a trusted partner to rely on and receive help from. We work only with A-rated and T-listed business, most likely the most reputable corporations in the market.
Usually no, they are different. Nonetheless, quote bonds mechanically turn into efficiency bonds in case you are awarded the contract.
What Is A Building Surety Bond? The origins of our organisation was thoroughly related to the provision of efficiency bonds to the contracting market. Even if some tasks do not require cost and performance bonds, you will require to get bonded lastly due to the fact that most of public efforts do need the bonds. The longer a little professional waits to get bonded, the more resilient it will be because there will not be a observe report of fulfilling the compulsory requirements for bonding and carrying out bonded work.
The only restrict is the greatest bond you may get for one particular job. The aggregate limit is the whole amount of bonded work readily available you possibly can have without hold-up.
The Value Of Quote Bonds near You Arms, generators, radio towers, tree removal, computers, softward, fire alarms, ornamental work, scaffolding, water towers, lighting, and resurfacing of existing roads/paved locations. Quote bonds furthermore function an extra warranty for project owners that a bidding professional or subcontractor is qualified to execute the job they're bidding on. There are 2 causes for this.
0 notes
delspanda · 4 years
Mobile Contractor License (Plumbing Contractor) Bond
The below short article is a great intro to bid bonds. Quote bonds, as you understand, are bonds utilized in the building industry. These bonds guarantee that if somebody quotes on a job, and is awarded the contract, then they will move forward with performing under the terms of the contract.
See the below short article for more great details. You can see the initial post here: https://swiftbonds.com/license-permit-bonds/contractor-license-plumbing-contractor-bond-mobile/
Mobile Contractor License (Plumbing Contractor) Bond
What is a Contractor License (Plumbing Contractor) Bond in Mobile?
A Contractor License (Plumbing Contractor) Bond is a type of license bond. The purpose of the bond is to protect the state or governmental entity for certain things, such as the payment of taxes.
To get this bond, please see our Contractor License (Plumbing Contractor) Bond Application Form. Fill this out and mail to [email protected]
You can also Apply On Line by clicking on this link.
How Much does a Contractor License (Plumbing Contractor) Bond Cost in Mobile?
Just fill out the form below and we’ll have you a quote in a few hours – at the absolute best possible rate.
How do I get a Contractor License (Plumbing Contractor) Bond?
We make it easy to get a Contractor License (Plumbing Contractor) Bond in Mobile. Fill out the form above and we’ll get right on this for you.
How Does this Process Work in Alabama?
Once we get the Contractor License (Plumbing Contractor) Bond application back from you, we process it right away. We typically have an answer within a few hours. Once you get approved, we’ll let you know the exact fee. Then:
You send us the fee
We send you the bond
For certain bonds, we may send you original forms to fill out (depends on the type of bond)
Then we’ll get the Contractor License (Plumbing Contractor) Bond right out to you. Easy.
Mobile Contractor License (Plumbing Contractor) Bond Application Form Fill this out and mail to [email protected]
Apply On Line
Find a Contractor License (Plumbing Contractor) Bond Near Me
We’ll work as hard as possible to get you the bond that you need in Alabama.
Find out more about our Permit and License Bonds
Suggestions When Thinking Of License Bonds Detailed
It is highly essential to lots of professional services and construction companies to acquire license and permit bonds. Any business operation that involves a client are mandated to provide permit bonds as a type of security. In order to get the license or permit for your business, you’ll need to have a surety bond. The government will use this bond as assurance that the holder obeys all laws and delivers as expected. In this case, any contractor who does not manage to supply the required project result shall face possible quandaries. If you’d like to learn more about how to obtain a permit bond, here are a few of the essential facts that you must consider.
Other Types of Bonds
License And Permit Bonds
License and permit surety bond is the most typical kind of bond. This is why it’s an extremely important component when starting a company. Before any company or professional starts their operation, it is important to get a license to operate first. Before beginning your operation, it is essential to find out first the demands of the government associated to your business or profession. As a result, you are going to need a license and permit bond that helps explain what you must do. It defines all the limitations clearly making certain to include all the consequences of preventing them. With the aid of a license and surety bond, it’s going to be less difficult for you to obtain an authority to operate in Kansas. One major example of a license and permit bond is the contractor license bond.
Performance Bond
If you would like to make sure that you receive a satisfactory project, for example a building, it is vitally important to have a performance bond. When you employ a contractor to make a building for you, you will need assurance that he or she will give you the exact results you anticipate. In most cases, the construction can be successful. However, should it fail, you’ll get settlement from the insurance company, and another replacement contractor will continue the project. The amount they will get in case the project fails is mentioned in the performance bond.
The Significance Of License And Permit Bonds To The Clients
License bonds hold fantastic importance to all the customers. The government uses the bonds to control how professionals run their business and protect the clients as well.
Systematic Processes
The use of bonds has many advantages, and the first one is the assurance of acquiring systematic processes. In order to make sure that their business functions is dependable, all business professionals are instructed to follow the set of rules given by the government. Due to the contractor’s irresponsibility, the clients is consequently given the right to file a case against the bond to be able to get the settlement they deserve.
Type of Insurance
How much can a customer get in case the contractor defaults? If the contractor is unable to comply, the client can get a specific proportion of the total project cost. Consequently, bonds serve as the clients’ protection that their projects are insured. Also, the contractors are locked to this insurance.
Government Specifications
The government provide specifications on the regulations that must be followed concerning infrastructure projects, and these must be adhered to closely. Do you know that the government can provide limitations in building houses with more than two floors for example? The permit bonds might help you understand the extent of the construction project that you could only provide to your customers.
Looking for A License And Permit Bond
Applying for a license and permit bond isn’t that tough. It only entails simple procedure, but you need to ensure that you get it from an approved issuing company. Below are a few of the simple measures that you have to follow when obtaining a license and permit bond.
Online Form
If you choose to apply for license and permit bonds online, you need to first need to get an access because most authorized issuing firms have a secured login website. Using your mobile or PC devices, you may access the form by looking through a browser. Consequently, you need to be connected to an Internet server to be able to access the online form. Even so, for the best experience and most efficient view, it’s advisable to make use of a computer. You could fill out a form quickly once you have accessed the platform. Don’t be afraid to fill out the form. It is because there are guides that tell you whether you’re instructed to fill out the fields or you have an option not to.
A Quote
You are going to get a quote within seconds. The quote tells about the required amount to be paid once you get the bond. It also indicates whether the application is successful or in case there are still fields that you must fill out.
Using the available payment channels in the issuing company’s website, you have to then make the payments after obtaining the quote. Now, you’re guaranteed to have an insured construction project.
Important Facts
You should know the information about the license and permit bonds. The suggestions on this section will help you learn everything about the license and permit bonds. Basically, the amount of a performance bond won’t be equal to the whole amount of the project cost. You will only be instructed to insure a certain portion of the project, which is equivalent to considerable amount of money. As a matter of fact, the rate can be just as low as 1% even when the whole cost of the project you are insuring is about one million dollars. Secondly, you should recognize that a bond isn’t the same as a business license or permit. In fact, it protects the people that you serve. The bonds, as a result, increase the trust of your clients’ that you’ll deliver the best feasible result for the projects you engaged with them.
When acquiring a bond, make sure that you get it from an approved issuing company. An ideal way not to make a mistake is by educating yourself with the different types of bonds through specialist help.
See our Alabama Contractor’s License (Heating and Air Conditioning) Bond page here.
A Deeper Take A Look At Bid Bonds in Building A Quote Bond is a type of surety bond utilized to ensure that a contractor bidding on a project or job will enter into the agreement with the obligee if granted.
A Quote Bond is provided in the amount of the agreement quote, with the similar requirements as that of an Efficiency Bond.
All About Quote Bonds in Building And Construction The origins of our organisation was closely connected with the provision of performance bonds to the contracting industry. It found that the private professional normally was insolvent when the job was awarded, or grew to become insolvent earlier than the obstacle was finished.
The standing of your surety firm is necessary, since it ensures you that when you have troubles or if even worse includes worst you'll have a trusted partner to rely on and receive help from. We work only with A-rated and T-listed business, most likely the most reputable corporations in the market.
Usually no, they are different. Nonetheless, quote bonds mechanically turn into efficiency bonds in case you are awarded the contract.
What Is A Building Surety Bond? The origins of our organisation was thoroughly related to the provision of efficiency bonds to the contracting market. Even if some tasks do not require cost and performance bonds, you will require to get bonded lastly due to the fact that most of public efforts do need the bonds. The longer a little professional waits to get bonded, the more resilient it will be because there will not be a observe report of fulfilling the compulsory requirements for bonding and carrying out bonded work.
The only restrict is the greatest bond you may get for one particular job. The aggregate limit is the whole amount of bonded work readily available you possibly can have without hold-up.
The Value Of Quote Bonds near You Arms, generators, radio towers, tree removal, computers, softward, fire alarms, ornamental work, scaffolding, water towers, lighting, and resurfacing of existing roads/paved locations. Quote bonds furthermore function an extra warranty for project owners that a bidding professional or subcontractor is qualified to execute the job they're bidding on. There are 2 causes for this.
0 notes
fireflyluna · 4 years
Mobile Contractor License (Plumbing Contractor) Bond
The below short article is a great intro to bid bonds. Quote bonds, as you understand, are bonds utilized in the building industry. These bonds guarantee that if somebody quotes on a job, and is awarded the contract, then they will move forward with performing under the terms of the contract.
See the below short article for more great details. You can see the initial post here: https://swiftbonds.com/license-permit-bonds/contractor-license-plumbing-contractor-bond-mobile/
Mobile Contractor License (Plumbing Contractor) Bond
What is a Contractor License (Plumbing Contractor) Bond in Mobile?
A Contractor License (Plumbing Contractor) Bond is a type of license bond. The purpose of the bond is to protect the state or governmental entity for certain things, such as the payment of taxes.
To get this bond, please see our Contractor License (Plumbing Contractor) Bond Application Form. Fill this out and mail to [email protected]
You can also Apply On Line by clicking on this link.
How Much does a Contractor License (Plumbing Contractor) Bond Cost in Mobile?
Just fill out the form below and we’ll have you a quote in a few hours – at the absolute best possible rate.
How do I get a Contractor License (Plumbing Contractor) Bond?
We make it easy to get a Contractor License (Plumbing Contractor) Bond in Mobile. Fill out the form above and we’ll get right on this for you.
How Does this Process Work in Alabama?
Once we get the Contractor License (Plumbing Contractor) Bond application back from you, we process it right away. We typically have an answer within a few hours. Once you get approved, we’ll let you know the exact fee. Then:
You send us the fee
We send you the bond
For certain bonds, we may send you original forms to fill out (depends on the type of bond)
Then we’ll get the Contractor License (Plumbing Contractor) Bond right out to you. Easy.
Mobile Contractor License (Plumbing Contractor) Bond Application Form Fill this out and mail to [email protected]
Apply On Line
Find a Contractor License (Plumbing Contractor) Bond Near Me
We’ll work as hard as possible to get you the bond that you need in Alabama.
Find out more about our Permit and License Bonds
Suggestions When Thinking Of License Bonds Detailed
It is highly essential to lots of professional services and construction companies to acquire license and permit bonds. Any business operation that involves a client are mandated to provide permit bonds as a type of security. In order to get the license or permit for your business, you’ll need to have a surety bond. The government will use this bond as assurance that the holder obeys all laws and delivers as expected. In this case, any contractor who does not manage to supply the required project result shall face possible quandaries. If you’d like to learn more about how to obtain a permit bond, here are a few of the essential facts that you must consider.
Other Types of Bonds
License And Permit Bonds
License and permit surety bond is the most typical kind of bond. This is why it’s an extremely important component when starting a company. Before any company or professional starts their operation, it is important to get a license to operate first. Before beginning your operation, it is essential to find out first the demands of the government associated to your business or profession. As a result, you are going to need a license and permit bond that helps explain what you must do. It defines all the limitations clearly making certain to include all the consequences of preventing them. With the aid of a license and surety bond, it’s going to be less difficult for you to obtain an authority to operate in Kansas. One major example of a license and permit bond is the contractor license bond.
Performance Bond
If you would like to make sure that you receive a satisfactory project, for example a building, it is vitally important to have a performance bond. When you employ a contractor to make a building for you, you will need assurance that he or she will give you the exact results you anticipate. In most cases, the construction can be successful. However, should it fail, you’ll get settlement from the insurance company, and another replacement contractor will continue the project. The amount they will get in case the project fails is mentioned in the performance bond.
The Significance Of License And Permit Bonds To The Clients
License bonds hold fantastic importance to all the customers. The government uses the bonds to control how professionals run their business and protect the clients as well.
Systematic Processes
The use of bonds has many advantages, and the first one is the assurance of acquiring systematic processes. In order to make sure that their business functions is dependable, all business professionals are instructed to follow the set of rules given by the government. Due to the contractor’s irresponsibility, the clients is consequently given the right to file a case against the bond to be able to get the settlement they deserve.
Type of Insurance
How much can a customer get in case the contractor defaults? If the contractor is unable to comply, the client can get a specific proportion of the total project cost. Consequently, bonds serve as the clients’ protection that their projects are insured. Also, the contractors are locked to this insurance.
Government Specifications
The government provide specifications on the regulations that must be followed concerning infrastructure projects, and these must be adhered to closely. Do you know that the government can provide limitations in building houses with more than two floors for example? The permit bonds might help you understand the extent of the construction project that you could only provide to your customers.
Looking for A License And Permit Bond
Applying for a license and permit bond isn’t that tough. It only entails simple procedure, but you need to ensure that you get it from an approved issuing company. Below are a few of the simple measures that you have to follow when obtaining a license and permit bond.
Online Form
If you choose to apply for license and permit bonds online, you need to first need to get an access because most authorized issuing firms have a secured login website. Using your mobile or PC devices, you may access the form by looking through a browser. Consequently, you need to be connected to an Internet server to be able to access the online form. Even so, for the best experience and most efficient view, it’s advisable to make use of a computer. You could fill out a form quickly once you have accessed the platform. Don’t be afraid to fill out the form. It is because there are guides that tell you whether you’re instructed to fill out the fields or you have an option not to.
A Quote
You are going to get a quote within seconds. The quote tells about the required amount to be paid once you get the bond. It also indicates whether the application is successful or in case there are still fields that you must fill out.
Using the available payment channels in the issuing company’s website, you have to then make the payments after obtaining the quote. Now, you’re guaranteed to have an insured construction project.
Important Facts
You should know the information about the license and permit bonds. The suggestions on this section will help you learn everything about the license and permit bonds. Basically, the amount of a performance bond won’t be equal to the whole amount of the project cost. You will only be instructed to insure a certain portion of the project, which is equivalent to considerable amount of money. As a matter of fact, the rate can be just as low as 1% even when the whole cost of the project you are insuring is about one million dollars. Secondly, you should recognize that a bond isn’t the same as a business license or permit. In fact, it protects the people that you serve. The bonds, as a result, increase the trust of your clients’ that you’ll deliver the best feasible result for the projects you engaged with them.
When acquiring a bond, make sure that you get it from an approved issuing company. An ideal way not to make a mistake is by educating yourself with the different types of bonds through specialist help.
See our Alabama Contractor’s License (Heating and Air Conditioning) Bond page here.
A Deeper Take A Look At Bid Bonds in Building A Quote Bond is a type of surety bond utilized to ensure that a contractor bidding on a project or job will enter into the agreement with the obligee if granted.
A Quote Bond is provided in the amount of the agreement quote, with the similar requirements as that of an Efficiency Bond.
All About Quote Bonds in Building And Construction The origins of our organisation was closely connected with the provision of performance bonds to the contracting industry. It found that the private professional normally was insolvent when the job was awarded, or grew to become insolvent earlier than the obstacle was finished.
The standing of your surety firm is necessary, since it ensures you that when you have troubles or if even worse includes worst you'll have a trusted partner to rely on and receive help from. We work only with A-rated and T-listed business, most likely the most reputable corporations in the market.
Usually no, they are different. Nonetheless, quote bonds mechanically turn into efficiency bonds in case you are awarded the contract.
What Is A Building Surety Bond? The origins of our organisation was thoroughly related to the provision of efficiency bonds to the contracting market. Even if some tasks do not require cost and performance bonds, you will require to get bonded lastly due to the fact that most of public efforts do need the bonds. The longer a little professional waits to get bonded, the more resilient it will be because there will not be a observe report of fulfilling the compulsory requirements for bonding and carrying out bonded work.
The only restrict is the greatest bond you may get for one particular job. The aggregate limit is the whole amount of bonded work readily available you possibly can have without hold-up.
The Value Of Quote Bonds near You Arms, generators, radio towers, tree removal, computers, softward, fire alarms, ornamental work, scaffolding, water towers, lighting, and resurfacing of existing roads/paved locations. Quote bonds furthermore function an extra warranty for project owners that a bidding professional or subcontractor is qualified to execute the job they're bidding on. There are 2 causes for this.
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Correlation of the best ladies' wallets in 2020
Hi everybody ! I'm Juliette! It is I who made this site committed to portfolios. I work independent on inside structure assignments, and some web architecture ventures. It's commonsense in light of the fact that it implies that I can mastermind my calendar as I see fit. What's more, at the present time I'm investing a great deal of energy in my sister's calfskin products store helping her. In the event that you need to discover somewhat more about me, I divert you to my article called " About me ". For the others, how about we find a workable pace of the issue!
This site manages a wide range of portfolios. To explain your examination, I chose to isolate it into two sections: A section about ladies' wallets, and a section about men's wallets. You are here on the introduction page of the ladies portfolio area. On the off chance that you are searching for data on men's wallets, no issue, simply click here and you will show up on the page that intrigues you.
For the anxious, we will begin with the most significant: My positioning of the best ladies arrangement of the year:
Positioning of the best ladies' arrangement of the year
In front of the pack and gold decoration goes to Yaluxe zipped ladies' walletIt is the last wallet in date that I offered to myself! What's more, yes you have some good times in some cases. As should be obvious in the photograph here, this Yaluxeis an excellent fuchsia pink, and it has lovely brilliant terminations. My preferred point right now the quantity of cards that can be put away there. It offers in excess of twenty areas, which lets me store my numerous cards with request and accuracy! This is a point to which I am critical. Notwithstanding that, this extra is made of certifiable calfskin. This sensitive and safe calfskin improves with age! The wear will give it a patinated side of the most wonderful impact. It offers you a long and huge zipped pocket with a zipper, in which you can store your Iphone 6 or some other telephone of an indistinguishable organization. 
It can likewise contain your coins and little articles on the off chance that you wish. This wallet is ultra handy, delightful, and at a truly sensible cost!
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This lovely minimal expenditure Maker lady walletReal calfskin is the one I purchased to go to my companion's housewarming party in her insane condo. This frill is minimized and light. It offers a few pockets that nearby with zippers notwithstanding the openings for tickets. The quantity of card openings is restricted, yet I got it for a gathering, so I put forth an attempt to take just the basics with me. It exists in a few hues, yet I picked it generally calm, in a similar shading as that of the photograph inverse. It is cautious, however extremely exquisite. I utilized it for a night however it very well may be utilized during the day when you just need to take what is carefully essential. A straightforward compartment will let you slide a photograph, or a card that you need to exhibit frequently. Over all that, it is sold at a more than sensible cost. To get earnestly!
This item blends the upsides of a wallet and a satchel. It is ideal for the individuals who need to be rich and is ideal for gatherings and functions, for example, weddings or birthday celebrations. While being tasteful, ​​the Damara evening wallet/bagoffers a dash of extravagance because of its rhinestones which will make you the sovereign of the day. It likewise stands apart gratitude to its quality materials. It is chiefly made of silk while its covering is made of strong texture. It has a solitary pocket where you can just slip your cell phone and a couple of little adornments, including your installment card or money. You can utilize it as a lady wallet just as a tote, since it has a steel chain. At last, the Damara E80250 ladies' wallet is accessible in various hues, permitting you to pick the one you like.
This delightful tote is made of engineered cowhide from Minetom, similar to the third portfolio in our positioning. It is smaller, and rather dainty. It likewise exists in a few hues, yet the one that truly grabbed my attention is the one you find in the photograph here. It offers in excess of twelve spots to store your cards of assorted types. For me, this is an exacting least to have the option to think about a portfolio as an accomplice to regular daily existence. One of these spaces is straightforward with the goal that you can swipe a photograph on it, or put a card in it that you present regularly and that you would prefer not to leave your tote unfailingly. It is an ideal wallet for groom with easygoing outfits in need, however which can be of an intriguing impact with certain night furnishes moreover. More, it is one of the modest lady wallet pockets that offers the best an incentive for cash that I have ever observed. So don't stop for a second!
This Koly Portfolio handbag is somewhat bigger than the last two we discussed, however it remains very sensible in size and wonderful to utilize. It is one of the ladies' wallets that offer enough card spaces to turn into a wallet that we utilize each day. What's more, for me to disclose to you that, you can be certain that she offers many! Of course, a portion of these openings are straightforward, so you can watch out for the cards as you slide them in without taking them out. It additionally offers you an enormous shut pocket with a zipper, to keep your pieces or your little items in security, without taking a chance with that they will go around in your sack. Its plan, with this matt dark on which splendid dark examples have been applied, and this salmon pink inside, is very fruitful. As I would like to think, this is a wallet that will interest little youngsters
. It is additionally made of manufactured cowhide, however with sensible rendering and decent quality.
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here are a few purposes behind purchasing a ladies' wallet, including:
You can store your coins and tickets there.
It can likewise contain your distinctive installment and faithfulness cards. You can likewise put your official papers, for instance your crucial card, your driving permit, your voter card or your character papers.
We can likewise think about it as a design embellishment and in this way remember it for your outfit.
The various sorts of ladies' wallets
You can pick between various sorts of ladies' wallets, every one of which has its own points of interest. Here are the principle ones:
Bifold wallet
It is just a wallet that opens and closes by being collapsed fifty-fifty, much like a book. It is in this manner for the most part a little wallet wherein you can without much of a stretch discover a spot in your pocket or in your satchel. It is a kind of ladies' wallet that doesn't permit you to store huge reports, particularly old renditions of driver's licenses and character cards. If it's not too much trouble note that a few models can be shut with a catch. Right now, is a tongue wallet.
Grip wallet
It is a sort of blend between a wallet and a tote. It is a sort of exquisite ladies' wallet that you can convey by hand and can be utilized as an accomplice to improve your outfit. They are commonly huge and their structure is very worked. This is the sort of ladies' wallet that you can impeccably use at a gathering or occasion, for example, a wedding. It goes impeccably with a dressy outfit. Some of them even have a regularly removable chain. So you can convey it on your shoulder like a genuine tote.
Exemplary wallet
This is the most ordinarily discovered model and is reasonable for the two ladies and men. It is an enormous model, by and large with a length and a particular width of 15 and 12 centimeters. The upside of this kind of wallet is that you can without much of a stretch store your official records there, particularly on the off chance that you have old forms of your driver's permit or personality card.
GM wallet
These are enormous wallets that ladies especially like. For the most part, they close with a zipper and their size is near that of a pocket wallet. It is an exceptionally functional model, since you can suit an enormous number of records, photographs and maps. Nonetheless, it is somewhat massive and it is prudent to convey it in a purse.
For greatest style, one could envision that it is prudent to coordinate the shade of your ladies' wallet and purse. Nonetheless, this isn't the situation. This is especially in light of the fact that your wallet is as a rule in your sack and thusly, that no one sees it. Moreover, it would not be handy since it is important to purge your wallet simultaneously as your sack. Also, nobody can envision everything in it. We in this way encourage you to choose the model you are griping about, without attempting to coordinate the hues.
Purchase a ladies' wallet, the criteria to consider
While picking your ladies' wallet, you have to ensure you pick a quality model. For this, precisely as we did right now Avis et Test, you should allude to a few criteria. For instance, you have to check out its size and ensure it meets your requirements and inclinations. Furthermore,
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 you ought to likewise investigate its structure. This one should clearly satisfy you. You ought to likewise ensure that it is a decent quality model and that it is especially powerful. At last, you should likewise be keen on its cost and ensure you profit by an amazing quality-value proportion.
Pick the size that suits you best
With regards to the size of a lady's wallet, it tends to be very hard to tell which one is directly for you. Luckily, this audit with Avis/Test should assist you with arriving. Everything relies upon what you intend to place in it. A little model can work in the event that you just use it for your Mastercard and cash. In any case, for authentic papers, particularly on the off chance that they are old, it might be intriguing to choose a bigger model. If it's not too much trouble additionally note that a huge lady wallet is likewise essential on the off chance that you need to store photographs or have numerous steadfastness cards. At last, you should ensure that it isn't excessively cumbersome and that it fits in your pocket or in your tote.
Intrigued by its structure
Configuration is clearly a significant paradigm when you purchase such an item. This is the reason we talk about it right now. With an extremely enormous number of models, you should initially investigate the material that forms it. By and large, you can for sure discover models in cowhide, texture, plastic or canvas. Also, numerous hues are accessible for this kind of item, so you can pick the one you pref
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imyobe · 5 years
HOW TO Creating Characters for Fictional Stories BY imyobe
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It requires skill, practice, and staying power to expand realistic characters. It is similarly hard or almost not possible to craft a story without a dwelling being, even if or not it's a personified animal, as takes place in Richard Bach's "Jonathan Livingston Seagull."
"Stories often arise out of a deep consideration of how person is shaped and how it's miles pulled apart," consistent with Mark Baechtel in "Shaping the Story: A Step-via-Step Guide to Writing Short Fiction" (Pearson Education, 2004, p. 79). Characterization arises from the features of someone's psyche and personality, both of which make him what he's and therefore motivate him to do what he does within the tale or novel, whether or not or not it's exact or bad. It is not merely what the individual seems like. Instead, this portrayal is maximum efficiently achieved via demonstration or the proverbial "show, don't tell" philosophy of literature.
From a psychological perspective, personality implies a consistency or continuity of actions, ways, thoughts, and feelings inside someone. Whatever he does, feels, or thinks originates from inside him. It becomes a reliable technique of predicting conduct. "The first-class predictor of destiny conduct is beyond conduct." Personality also implies that a few normally exhibited traits serve as the precis of what someone is like.
"Describing someone's personality is making an attempt to seize the man or woman's essence," in line with "Perspectives on Personality" ((Allyn and Bacon, 1992, p. 3). "It includes crystallizing something from various bits of knowledge you have got approximately the individual. Describing someone's personality nearly continually method taking a incredible many behavioral traits and decreasing them to a more limited set of characteristics or attributes. Evidence approximately personality comes partly from what human beings do and say at various times, but it's also partially a depend of how people do what they do-the fashion that brings a unique and private contact to their actions."
"Personality has been a topic for theologians, philosophers, artists, poets, novelists, and songwriters, and lots of those humans have had essential insights about personality," the textbook continues (p. 9).
There are several individual categories, as follows.
1). Protagonist: The protagonist is the story's principal or principal individual. It is the one round which the plot revolves and to whom all of the action and adversity is directed. It is the person who faces the limitations and conflicts he ought to conquer to attain his goal.
Ideally, a story should have a unmarried protagonist. He won't usually be admirable-for instance, he may be an anti-hero; nevertheless, he should command involvement on the a part of the reader, or higher yet, his empathy. He is the individual inside the story or ebook with whom the reader sympathizes or for whom he roots. Protagonists should be complicated and flawed. They do not, with the aid of definition, need to be likeable, however they need to be relatable and believable. The reader have to recognize their choices.
2). Antagonist: The antagonist serves because the protagonist's opponent and can regularly be taken into consideration the "terrible guy" within the tale, whose action arises from the struggle among the . This is aptly illustrated in "The Wizard of Oz "wherein the conflict between Dorothy and the Wicked Witch of the West performs out till she triumphs over her together with her loss of life and brings her broom to the wizard.
The antagonist does not have to be someone at all, but may be an animal, an inanimate object, or even nature itself. For instance, the antagonist of Tom Godwin's story, "The Cold Equations," is outer space.
An antagonist must also be a "round man or woman." Simply making him evil isn't always as interesting as making her or him conflicted. Pure evil is difficult to believe in fiction, since human beings are multi-faceted and stimulated by means of their personal situations and back testimonies. Therefore, placing time into describing your antagonist and showing his or her personal struggles will create a richer and greater complicated narrative. Just as a protagonist need to now not only be good, an antagonist ought to now not most effective be awful.
3). Round individual: A round person is one who is complex and possibly even contradictory. "The check of a round man or woman is whether or not he's capable of unexpected in a convincing manner," in step with E. M. Forster. If a flat person can be summed up in a sentence or two, a round individual might in all likelihood take an essay.
4). Static man or woman: A static man or woman is one that does now not develop. Most characters in a story should be static, in order that the reader isn't always distracted from the great adjustments the author desires to illustrate and demonstrate in relation to his most important or central individual. Static implies constant, without trade. It does not indicate boring.
5). Stock individual: A inventory character is both a stereotypical one and a distinct kind of flat individual who is right away recognizable to most readers, as inside the Brave Starship Captain or the Troubled Teen or the Ruthless Businessperson. In the palms of a clumsy author, the inventory person never rises above the card stereotype, that is unfortunate. Even as clichés encapsulate a kernel of fact, so do stock characters replicate aspects of actual human beings. Courage, for instance, is needed of army personnel, while people in business act ruthlessly at times so one can survive in that Darwinian world.
6). Cardboard man or woman: A cardboard character may be considered a stereotype, mannequin, drone, or an otherwise uninteresting illustration of a actual man or woman.
7). Developing character: A person can be considered "developing" if he changes over the route of the tale, the prime example of that is the protagonist, who have to always be subjected to this novel-lengthy metamorphosis.
8). Flat person: A flat man or woman is one who's portrayed as having only one or developments. He can, in essence, be summed up in a single sentence. Do no longer be put off via this definition, however, since every tale needs a number of these to guide the plot and the protagonist. Many successful ones, together with Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol, have nothing however flat ones.
9). Sympathetic character: A sympathetic person is one whose motivations readers can understand and whose feelings they can conveniently proportion. This is the kind of individual of whom naive readers will say "I could pick out with her." The protagonist is often, however now not usually, sympathetic. Note that a sympathetic person does no longer always should be a top individual. Despite the reality that Winston Smith betrays Julia and his very own values via embracing Big Brother in George Orwell's 1984, for instance, he stays a sympathetic man or woman.
10). Unsympathetic person: An unsympathetic individual is one whose motivations are suspect and whose emotions make the reader uncomfortable. The boundary between sympathetic and unsympathetic characterization isn't always necessarily truely defined, however.
"In fiction writing, individual emerges thru the writer's skillful presentation of the emotional meaning present in what the individual does, says, and sees or responds to conditions, events, and other characters within the story,," in line with Beachtel (p. 92).
Although characters, like the real human beings they ought to suggest to the reader, must be precise individuals, there are various stereotypical characters, which rob the tale of its integrity and realism. They encompass the nosy neighbor, the drunken Irishman, the dumb blonde, the absent-minded professor, and the mad scientist, among others. Avoid the usage of them at all costs.
No man or woman is about in stone and may be taken into consideration a black-or-white, all-or-nothing-at-all human being. If you create someone including this, you handiest mould a type to your paper. The very term "human being" implies that he's a aggregate of all things, emotions, and emotions, right or horrific.
A "bad" man or woman who abuses others, for instance, may also express "goodness" by constantly on foot elderly ladies across the street. You should reconcile this dichotomy at the stop of your story by using revealing that his act results from his subconscious try to connect to the mom who used to abuse him and this is his very last effort to advantage the approval of those he equates together with her later in lifestyles.
As in life itself, all characters are and need to be complex below the floor and your readers, like you, have to ultimately come to a few sort of know-how of what motivates them, whether it be a effective or negative thing or, more ideally, an intricate mixture of both.
If you turn out to be skilled at crafting characters, they'll tackle a lifestyles in their own. Carly Phillips as soon as wrote, "A writer begins through breathing existence into his characters. But in case you are very lucky, they breathe life into you."
The degree of character development is a feature of the role each plays in the story. The one-time point out of the bank teller with a five o'clock shadow who accepts a deposit slip need be evolved no in addition than this.
"Some (characters) will stroll onto the story's stage, speak a line or , transact the quick business the tale assigns to them, then exit," in step with Beachtel (p. 94).
Think of your exceptional friend. Did you realize all about him the moment you met him or did you "click" as time discovered your commonplace views, developments, beliefs, interests, emotions, and experiences? Similarly, story man or woman foundation need to be laid as quickly as possible and next scenes will allow his character tendencies to be discovered and supported.
Tantamount to the portrayal of a individual is the tale's scenes, wherein he can act out and reveal the trends that make him uniquely who he's. He have to, however, have numerous other elements.
1). The individual need to be appropriate to the scene and the tale.
2). He ought to be believable, convincing the reader that he's or can be a actual individual inside the actual world.
3). He have to be constant in his actions, attitudes, and behaviors from scene to scene during the story. An 80-year-old grandmother who attends church every Sunday and contributes to charity would now not possibly embezzle money at different times, unless you reveal what lies under her surface and occurred in her beyond to motive any such dichotomous character.
4). There have to be battle. Nothing reveals a person's man or woman extra than the conflicts which either take a look at him or tear him apart.
One of the many motives that readers immerse themselves in tales and books is to view factors of life they can become aware of with and possibly catch a glimpse of themselves in one or extra in their characters in an identity which has them silently conclude, "That's me." This is mainly illustrated by using Wallace Stegner in his tale, The Traveler.
"Along a road he had never driven, he went swiftly towards an unknown form and an unknown town, to distribute in keeping with some wise law, a part of the load of the boy's emergency and his very own; however he bore in his mind, shiny as moonlight over snow, a bright wonder, almost in awe. Far from the most chronic and incurable ills, identity, he had regarded outward and for one unmistakable instant diagnosed himself."
This passage echoes humanity's shared burden-or those elements which we unknowingly percentage with one another-by permitting the character to view himself out of doors of himself for the primary time and glean insight into a perspective only others have of him.
Characters aren't and have to now not be stick figures. They have to be portrayed as complex, multi-dimensional humans, whether or not they're fictionalized or actual, so that the reader can agree with that they exist. Their physical appearance can be a beginning to that man or woman, but also the least important part. What motivates them, what lurks in their pasts and psyches, what makes them tick and grow to be who they're, can be the maximum important.
"The characters in our stories, songs, poems, and essays encompass our writing," consistent with Rebecca McClanahan in her book, "Word Painting: A Guide to Write More Descriptively" (Writer's Digest Books, 1999, p. 114). "They are phrases made flesh. Sometimes they even speak for us, sporting a good deal of the load of plot, theme, mood, idea, and emotion."
Consider a lump of clay. As you work it together with your fingers and tools, you start to mould it in order that it slowly takes form. You do the identical with characters thru physical descriptions, feelings, attitudes, and gestures. Here, above all, show, do not inform! Do not country, for instance, that Billy was indecisive. Demonstrate, through scenes, his problem in making selections through consulting with numerous buddies, doubting his selections, and sooner or later identifying to do one factor best to reverse his selection an hour later. This demonstration would have a reader conclude, He can not seem to make up his mind.
If you defined your exceptional pal to someone, might you say, "He's six-foot-tall and has sandy hair" or "he is funny, witty, loves to philosophize, is aware things underneath the floor. We're sort of a match. He's like a kindred spirit." Would his peak now without a doubt count number? The more intensity illustrates the character behind the physical shell.
"We establish characters through direct bodily description, with the aid of choice of sensory and extensive information about the person and his surroundings, and thru description of a character's moves and speech," in keeping with Rebecca McClanahan in her ebook, "Word Painting: A Guide to Write More Descriptively" (Writer's Digest Books, 1999, pp. 115-116).
By describing a person thru his very own eyes, the writer allows the reader to go into his unique world.
"Characters screen their internal lives-their preoccupations, values, lifestyles, likes and dislikes, fears and aspirations-by way of the objects that fill their palms, houses, offices, cars, suitcases, grocery carts, and dreams," in line with Rebecca McClanahan in her ebook, "Word Painting: A Guide to Write More Descriptively" (Writer's Digest Books, 1999, p. 126).
1). Choose the ideal name, designation, and/or title.
2). Provide enough of a physical description so that the reader can visualize the individual's distinguishing traits, however now not sufficient to color a portrait. They need to now not all be delivered at once, however one distinguishing function can serve as the character's hallmark, consisting of an arrow-formed scar on his forehead or a slight lisp or a repeated expression, like "or what now not" at the stop of the whole thing he says. Other examples might also include, "That he reeked of grease indicated that he labored in an automotive repair shop" or "His persistent cough cautioned that he turned into a heavy smoker."
3). Be cognizant of the electricity of a character's surroundings has to demonstrate or shed light on him. Settings can frequently say a terrific deal. For example, "I don't assume his kitchen ground ever have become buddies with a mop." What does Laura's glass collection say about her in Tennessee Williams' The Glass Menagerie?
Characters have to carry out the subsequent functions:
1). They permit the reader to live vicariously thru them.
2). They supply the reader a sense of time accurately invested within the tale or e-book.
3). They give the reader someone with whom to connect, leaving him to experience as if he walked away from someone or buddy with whom he had been in detail familiar.
4). They allow the reader to comply with his adventure, illustrating how they deal with, extricate themselves from, and in the end triumph over, the boundaries encountered at some stage in the work.
5). They allow the reader both to become aware of with, but at the identical time explore, trends, approaches, and solutions with which he does no longer become aware of in his own existence, imparting an "alternate angle" approach.
By web page 50 or so of a longer story or book, the writer need to be able to breathe sufficient lifestyles into his essential character. One-dimensional or paper characters offer no surprises to the reader, permitting him to recognize his profile with out even watching for his next motion or speak. They can be taken into consideration "stick figures."
The fundamental man or woman must be inside the throes of change and need to be quite complicated. He may not necessarily even recognise how he will take care of pending situations. Theoretically, there need to best be one primary individual.
A well-crafted novel must start whilst and where the principle person unearths himself within the midst of monumental life modifications, consisting of happens with the loss of a spouse, dying, or even prevailing the lottery. Even in life, people seldom research or develop except they're challenged and confronted with adversity. They frequently endure large developing pains, stumble, and find themselves in a nation of flux.
Any novel or short tale will provide a single most important person or protagonist and several aspect characters, which serve as the forged and provide guide, interaction, and input. They turn out to be the riders of the plot's ebbs and flows.
By the end of the work, the primary individual need to go through a alternate or modifications, even as the facet characters seldom want to. The reader need to ideally root for the main individual.
Stories have two forms of conflicts: the internal struggle, which involves morals, rights-versus-wrongs, demons, and insecurities; and the outer war, which deals with human beings, parents, process situations, money, and social issues.
Character facades can either replicate the truth or conceal it. Take, for instance, Colombo, who outwardly appeared bumbling and clueless, but who cleverly controlled to put all the portions together with a view to determine who had committed the particular crime. He similarly portrayed a diploma of unpredictability.
Every character ought to conceal some thing, as most humans in actual existence do.
Real existence characters can and should be used for inspiration, however should most effective function the jumping off point from which the author can create a person who's bigger than existence. Their excessive developments may be tragic, memorable, and/or funny. They facilitate the following.
1). They offer the writer with a wealth of trends, making it clean to write approximately them.
2). They can equally restrict, because they should not be used as verbatim, textbook cases: the writer must have the freedom and flexibility to create someone who extends past the actual existence individual's traits.
There are several traits the writer have to do not forget before he names his characters, however.
1). Their age.
2). Their heritage or nationality/religion.
3). Their region of birth (geographic location).
4). Their own family traditions, including Harrington III.
Method actor Stanislavsky once said, "There aren't any small parts, most effective small actors" and he become correct. The identical philosophy ought to practice to the writer's story or novel. The richness and credibility of the tale will depend upon the supporting solid of characters. They can bring comic relief, add to the tension and drama, flow the motion, add intrigue and complications, or carry out all of these purposes. In essence, minor characters must play major roles.
However, minor characters can frequently be reduced to clichés, in that the reader already forms a pre-judged opinion approximately them due to their stereotypical nature. Examples of those sorts of characters encompass the dumb blonde, the unbearable boss, the inconsiderate neighbor, the human doormat, the troublemaker, the soapbox, the complainer, and Weird Al.
In order to deviate from this cliché-trap, the author should remember the following tips:
1). Identify the characters' defining moments-that is, the experiences that modified them so they too are three-d and now not stick figures.
2). Establish early on the purpose they may be inside the tale. Are they there to help or rescue the hero, throw issues in his path, confuse him, be the comic foil that screws up his plans, or arrive abruptly to add mystery.
3). Set up the connection between them: is it personal, professional, familial, neighbor-related, a schoolmate, romantic, or adversary? Consider uncommon approaches for them to have met, or to preserve meeting.
4). Describe their differences, together with bodily developments, age, sex, cultural background, political, spiritual background, education, interests, and desires.
Describe as a minimum five fundamental characters so that it will play an crucial part of the story. If you've got extra than five, honestly broaden them. State their names, relationships to the principle person, why you realize about them, how they'll engage with the primary person, and in the long run the motive(s) they may be in the story.
In order for a writer to realize wherein his most important man or woman is going, he first ought to recognise wherein he has been: The instances and attitudes that shaped his destiny earlier than he was confronted with a life changing, inciting incident. And the exceptional manner to capture his history is through in-depth interviews that ask probing questions. Start with the ones under and then upload your personal. You will now not only be surprised by way of the responses, however you may meet the supporting forged as well.
1). What changed into your childhood like? Small family or large? Was it a happy domestic life?
2). Did you grow up in an urban place of a small town? Where was it located?
3). What religion(s) had been your parents? Was the own family tied to a house of worship?
4). Who was the disciplinarian? Mom or dad? Neither? Both?
5). Where had been you inside the beginning order? Only child? Eldest? The baby? The middle?
6). What is your astrological sign? Do you accept as true with in astrology?
7). What are your greatest hobbies, passions, and abilities?
8). Are you currently married? Single? Divorced? Widowed? Kids? Step kids?
9). Do you see your self as e-book-smart or street-clever?
10). What become your highest stage of education?
11). Describe your high faculty experience. Were you a loner? Popular? Wildly popular?
12). Describe your bodily tendencies. Attractive or homely? Short or tall? Thin or fat?
13). Can you inform a joke? Can you take a joke?
14). Describe the only thing you want in existence that has eluded you up until now and describe the barriers in your way.
15). What is your largest secret-that is, what is the component that no one, or almost no one, knows about you?
After the hero (protagonist), the villain (antagonist) is the next maximum vital individual. No one is all excellent or all evil. To make a villain believable, readers must recognize his motives. (Consider Dr. Smith in Lost in Space, for instance).
It is once in a while easier to create a villain than a hero, due to the fact the villain can have a couple of flaws. While the hero must watch his manners and be cautious that he does no longer say or do things that could alienate the reader, the villain can pretty much do or say something he wants. In truth, the extra objectionable he's, the extra powerful he's.
In many approaches, the villain is a reversal of the hero. While the hero desires a flaw or to make him seem actual, the villain can gain by a suitable great or to make him appear human. To cite a well-known example, in Star Wars, Luke Skywalker has flaws, but his desire to do the right element makes him a hero. Darth Vader commenced out with the same hazard and background, however have become evil due to temptation, leading him to willingly make incorrect choices.
Not even villains are all terrible. It allows to get into the individual's psyche and find out what made him the way he's. When creating a villain, a little sympathy for the satan is in order. Did he have a horrific childhood? Did some trauma or loss cause him to travel down the incorrect path? Would he be a nice guy if he have been now not being eaten up by way of jealousy, anger, or a need for revenge? In part, Darth Vader is understandable because the lack of a loved one is one component that prompted him to end up bitter and include the dark side. Most villains, regardless of how wrong they're, suppose that they are right. In truth, they consider themselves the best true heroes within the tale.
The villain need to no longer be all evil. There have been many serial killers, both in fiction and in actual life, who have been committed to their other halves or mothers or who took gentle care of a beloved pet. Somehow, it makes it even greater horrifying while a man or woman has the functionality of showing mercy and sympathy, but due to some quirk in his nature, chooses no longer to in certain conditions.
In Ruth Rendell's novel, The Lake of Darkness, the hit man Finn is an even greater formidable person because he is dedicated to his mom and hides newspaper clippings of his severa murders so she will not see them in the papers and end up upset. The fact that he is capable of this little act of conscience offers him an uneasy connection to the relaxation of us-who has not hid his misdeeds from his mom-and makes him even greater frightening whilst he chooses to do evil.
Although the hero and the villain play the most crucial roles, stories and novels also want well-advanced aspect and minor characters, which play many critical assisting roles with the aid of complementing the plot's hero and villain. They are frequently essential to impart useful data to or approximately the primary characters. Minor players inside the tale also assist reveal the genuine nature of the hero or the villain. There are numerous sorts of aspect characters.
Sherlock Holmes had his Watson to soar thoughts off of, and except your hero is a loner, it could advantage him to have the sort of buddy or accomplice with whom to speak about his thoughts, dreams, and theories. Such a person makes the protagonist appear actual and can help move the story along through putting long passages of the main individual's thoughts into active communicate. The villain may additionally have this type of sidekick off of whom he can soar his evil schemes.
Aside from pals, many people have competitors or what can be considered "friendly competitors" in their lives-that is, the individual they try to equal, if no longer exceed, in many endeavors, which include in jobs, promotions, wealth, and fabric possessions. This idea is expressed by means of the "retaining up with the Joneses" cliché. Perhaps there's someone who always tries to conquer him to the merchandising or to the first-rate deals. The villain, needless to say, may be the primary challenge, however a minor rival for the hero at home or inside the place of job also can make a tale extra thrilling.
Few humans live in vacuums: they have parents, aunts, and kids. Creating a circle of relatives for your man or woman can make him seem real. Readers can identify with the fun and trials that come from having a meddling aunt, a trouble brother or sister, or an aging figure who needs care.
It is wise to limit the dimensions of an extended own family unless this element is fundamental to the tale line.
Choosing one "problem relative" can be sufficient. One or two essential family individuals can constitute the others. The more names the reader has to remember, the greater frustrated he will grow to be, specifically if the facet characters do now not pass the story along.
Characters can once in a while be taken into consideration your children. You assume you very own them due to the fact you created them, you matured them, you believed in them, and you taught them the whole lot you already know. But, like children, at some point they expand their very own mind and beliefs. They can not be reined in or directed. And, trust it or no longer, that may be a accurate issue for a author. You want your characters to be unpredictable and to chart their own courses. This method which you have performed a terrific task of breathing life into them and now their journey could be a thriller to both of you. If, for example, there aren't any surprises for the author, then there aren't any surprises for the reader.
In order to develop strong, memorable, compelling, and empathetic characters, right here are numerous recommendations.
1). Make the heroine larger than existence. Exaggerate his/her tendencies, eccentricities, and functions.
2). Share secrets, information, and desires.
3). Make certain that your hero has the maximum at stake and has to take the best risks.
4). Give your hero the exceptional lines.
5). Fall in love along with your hero in order that the reader will as well.
1). Use actual people. Be inspired with the aid of them, but do now not scouse borrow from one source. Make a composite.
2). Make your protagonist a wimp-there's a cause he's referred to as a "hero."
3). Forget whose tale you're telling.
4). Keep your hero out of hassle for very lengthy.
5). Let your individual be a windbag or monopolize the conversation.
6). When it comes to sharing your knowledge, use it. Don't abuse it.
After creating an fascinating important individual, it is time to take him on his adventure. Here is a way to develop an outline or story board that connects that person and his helping forged with an equally intriguing plot. After mapping out the key info in every scene, it is time to start writing. But earlier than you do, keep in mind the following points.
1). What is the inciting incident or turning factor?
2). What is revealed about the character(s) and/or their conflicts?
3). Where does dialogue serve the best top? Narrative precis? Description? Flashback?
4). How does the story circulate forward?
0 notes
lisatelramor · 7 years
To Immortalize in Full
...and gain something new along the way
You know how I kept saying I was going to make one of those kiss prompts actually shippy? This is the shippy one. Shhhh. I know. 
That said, I've crossed over Yu-Gi-Oh! and Hikago, and now Yu-Gi-Oh! and DNAngel. All that's left is squishing all three together some day into some sort of unholy angsfest of moving on from your now-absent mind-spirit-buddy. Person. Thing. This prompt was Yuugi-Daisuke: perplex. Noooot sure if it really came out to much perplexing so much as 'this person reminds me of me for some reason' for most of it, but hey, prompts are just there to light the spark.
The Mutou Yuugi that first stepped foot in Domino High never planned to go to college. He’d hoped to survive school without too much bullying, make friends besides Anzu, and eventually take over Grandpa’s shop where he could be surrounded by the latest games of all types to his heart’s content. But the Mutou Yuugi who entered high school was not the Mutou Yuugi that left it, and several years with a spirit sharing his body and confronting an array of powerful, morally questionable people and an ancient Egyptian evil kind of put him at a different mental state than when he’d entered high school. The world was a lot bigger than his little game shop and there was a lot he would love to know more about. Plus he had friends now who were all making their own way in the world. Yuugi had had to decide what to make of himself.
So, contrary to where he thought he’d be, he’d decided to go on in schooling. Learning more about Atem’s country and times was helping fill the gap he’d left. And learning about game design was right up Yuugi’s alley. In fact, Kaiba had even made subtle, backhanded remarks that insinuated that he wouldn’t mind having Yuugi’s brain coming up with games for his company once Yuugi was out of school.
So there he was.  In college and in over his head whenever he had classes that didn’t immediately relate to his obsessions. Yuugi still couldn’t really believe he was there. He could have just gone into pro Dueling like Jonouchi had. But as much as he loved Duel Monsters and always would, Duel Monsters had been a little too painful to play for a long while after Atem had left. Back around again to why college had ended up in his future.
Yuugi sighed. Game design, he was finding, required just as much knowledge about art and computers as it did crafting unique gameplay elements and storylines. Neither of which were his forte. Painting a figure for a tabletop game did not transfer over into sketching a character. And that was why Yuugi was at that moment sitting in the art building and hoping he could catch a professor or someone from one of the lower level art classes to get some tips, or at least some book recommendations.  He didn’t think his professor would be very thrilled with Yuugi’s current doodle designs. They looked more like balloon figure caricatures than a serious design for the video game concept he was piecing together for his class final.
Somehow Yuugi hadn’t expected a whole art building to be so...quiet. Or empty. He’d passed six classrooms and what looked like the entrance to a dark room, but there hadn’t been a single person. Maybe they were in a computer lab? Or one of the reserve-able workrooms upstairs? Or maybe there just weren’t any art classes taking place at ten thirty in the morning.
Yuugi wandered up a staircase and down a hallway. Whoever built the art building had an interesting idea on how architecture worked. In that there didn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to where the halls and rooms were in relation to each other and different floors. It would be an easy place to get lost in.
At the end of that hallway before it took a sharp left, there was a room with the door ajar and the light on inside. Yuugi clutched his sketchbooks tighter; finally, there was someone else in the building after all.  
The room’s occupant was painting, headphones over his ears with spiky red hair jutting out around them. There was a large canvas propped on an easel in front of him and a few more finished works scattered around the room. The current painting was still in a sketchy framework phase, rough shapes and colors blocking out segments of the canvas. In the paintings around the room, there were clear interconnected color schemes of purple and black and blue and red, with the occasional jarring yellow. The second thing Yuugi noticed was that every painting had wings—feathers, winged figures, or just silhouettes worked into an abstract design. Looking at them felt a bit like intruding for some reason. Yuugi tore his eyes away.
“Excuse me!” he said, raising his voice a little to try to get the painter’s attention. He edged further into the room. “Hello?” The painter set down a brush, turned to grab a tube of paint. “Hi,” Yuugi said with a wave. The painter jolted as he caught Yuugi from the corner of his eye, accidentally sending a paintbrush spinning across the room. It left a streak along an already stained floor.
The artist clutched at his chest with one hand, the other lifting one headphone away from his ear. “How long have you been there?!”
“Um. Just now actually,” Yuugi said.
“Oh.” The headphones slid off completely. The artist rubbed a hand against his face leaving a small streak of indigo just under his left eye. “Hi? Did you need something?”
Yuugi opened his mouth, then closed it, painfully aware that he’d just interrupted a private painting session for completely selfish reasons. Still, this was the only person he’d found so far... “You wouldn’t happen to know if there’s a professor around? Or if there’s anyone who tutors for drawing?”
“It’s kind of quiet today, isn’t it?” The painter glanced at his mixed paint and the canvas before shrugging and wandering closer. “The professors are all out today because there’s an art exhibit opening up in town with some work from an alumni featured in it. A lot of people have class assignments related to it too.” Yuugi vaguely remembered something being mentioned about an art exhibit. He’d been a bit too caught up with thinking up puzzle mechanisms for the game he was designing to pay attention that day. “As for tutoring,” the painter said, “I don’t think there’s anything formal like that here. You can always ask a professor or a classmate for pointers though.”
“Ah.” Yuugi deflated a bit. “I don’t know much about art,” he said. “I’m a game design major, not an art major.”
“Okay.” The painter nodded. “You know what, I’ve got a bit of time. How about you show me what level you are at and we can go from there?”
Yuugi glanced at the unfinished painting. “That’s okay! I can come back another day to talk to a professor!”
The painter smiled, and he looked too young to be in college the way it softened his face—not that Yuugi was one to judge; people thought he was still a middle school student on a regular basis. “I’m not working on an assignment. This is just for...for fun. I have time.”
“Thank you then.” With some lingering hesitation, he handed over his sketchbook. “I’m Yuugi, by the way.”
“Daisuke,” the painter replied, already flipping through the couple of pages Yuugi had filled with sketches. His eyes lingered on the little things Yuugi had drawn in the corners; duel monsters and doodles of his friends. On one page he’d written out hieroglyphics that Atem had recognized at some point or another and Yuugi’d sought out again in the immediate aftermath of his passing on. It was uncomfortably soul baring to have someone seeing some of the things in there.
“I’m not much of an artist,” Yuugi said while Daisuke looked at a doodle of Jonouchi with a hoard of Duel Monsters cards.
“Actually,” Daisuke said, not looking up from the page, “this isn't so bad. You have your own style developing here.”
“Yeah, but it's all just doodles. And they all look the same.” He hadn’t noticed until he was looking at examples of character design in his class, but all Yuugi’s doodle people had the same ‘U’ shape head and proportional chibi bodies with hair to distinguish them from each other.
Daisuke looked up with a hint of a smile curling at his lips. “I was worried it was going to be stick figures or something from how nervous you looked. You just need to practice more and play around with shapes.”
Play with shapes. Practice was a given, but Yuugi wasn’t sure how to really go about the actual playing around bit. “...anything you can recommend? Books or...?” Examples would be great.
Looking thoughtful, Daisuke nodded slowly. “Actually, yeah. Here....” He pulled a pen from seemingly nowhere, turning to a blank page in Yuugi’s sketchbook and jotting down a list. “These are some useful titles for character design, and these are helpful for things like anatomy. Even cartoon styles can benefit from that. You need to know what you're doing before you exaggerate it anyway...”
Yuugi’s eyes went wide as Daisuke kept adding to it. “So much...”
The pen paused, finishing a character with a slow slide of the nib. “Ah, this isn't all that helpful is it? You were probably looking for more of a hands on approach...”
“No, it helps!” Yuugi shook his head. When Daisuke held out the sketchbook, Yuugi took it from him. He ran a finger along the list, plenty of books to get examples from, much as he felt intimidated by the amount of things he didn’t know that they could provide. “I’m a little overwhelmed with everything. Somehow I just wasn't expecting to need to draw for game design....”
“Well... when you think about it, in most game design it's a team effort, so you'd have people who focus on character design and people doing coding and someone else working on story and dialogue.... So you don't have to be great at it, but it doesn't hurt to know how to do it either.”
“Huh. Good point. I'm more used to coming up with plots and puzzles.”
Daisuke grinned. “I have a friend who is in the design course too and he's the exact opposite. He's great at the art end but is having trouble with the whole game aspect.”
Yuugi couldn’t imagine anyone wanting to go into games if they didn’t know much about them. “Well what kind of games does he like?”
“I don't think he ever really played games until a year ago. I'm not sure even he knows what he likes. Having fun is hard for him.”
“Why on earth is he in game design then?” Yuugi asked, but then he thought of Kaiba who made games but only seemed to enjoy them if he was winning. There were reasons to do everything he supposed.
Daisuke smiled ruefully. “It's about as far from what he was doing before as he's comfortable going. He had a degree in criminal law before. And art history too I suppose.”
“Huh.” Whoever this friend was must lead an interesting life.
“Yup.” Daisuke shrugged before nodding at the sketchbook. “Here, try sketching some random shapes and once you've done that, make faces from them. That will help get some diversity. Try to figure out what the rest of them might look like and go from there.”
“No problem.” Daisuke turned back to his painting and after a moment, Yuugi sat a ways away and started sketching. They worked in silence, just the soft sounds of pencils and Daisuke’s paintbrush filling the space. It was surprisingly both relaxing and focusing to have someone working nearby; it was a motivator to keep working.
Yuugi couldn’t say how much time passed, but after a whole he had two pages full of sketches. They were still pretty simple, but trying to use different random shapes had helped.
Daisuke, noticing the pause, glanced over. “See? You’re getting the hang of it.”
Yuugi rubbed the back of his head. “Thanks. Sorry again for bothering you.”
“It's not a bother.” Daisuke grinned. There was another bit of paint next to his nose, purple like one of the figures slowly taking shape on the canvas. “I needed a break anyway. If you need any help later, I'm usually in this room...”
“I’ll keep that in mind!” Yuugi had other classes to get to now, and books to find from the campus library, but it was reassuring to know that he had someone willing to help. He waved to Daisuke and left the artist to his winged paintings.
Daisuke hadn’t been joking about being in the room a lot. Every time Yuugi had sought him out over the next few weeks to ask about techniques or opinions on how Yuugi’s designs were coming, he was always in the art room. The painting was almost done now, filling in from its rough figures to be something that reminded Yuugi of a yin yang, but with winged people instead of black and white images. It was a color-clashing purple and yellow piece, but there were other colors subtly worked in so that it balanced out somehow. Yuugi was sure Daisuke could have explained the color theory he was working into it, but Daisuke didn’t seem to like talking about his paintings. The one time Yuugi brought them up, he’d found the conversation deflected around to the sketches of Duel Monsters he had left in the margins of his notes. So Yuugi hadn’t asked again, even if he was curious about how if he stepped back and viewed it from a distance it almost looked like two more people overlaid the angels on the canvas.
Yuugi was content to let Daisuke keep his secrets. He was just glad to have a new friend and help on his project. Daisuke was easy to get along with and easy to work next to; Yuugi found himself visiting Daisuke’s painting room a lot more than he planned just for the atmosphere and quiet company.
It was sometime during the third week of this that Yuugi walked in to find someone else sharing Daisuke’s work space. The stranger had a notebook in his lap, bent over it with Daisuke’s head bent alongside his as the stranger wrote in the margins. They both looked up when Yuugi walked through the door. Daisuke smiled and welcomed him. The stranger lifted one eyebrow before staring at Yuugi like he was a museum exhibit. Yuugi paused in the doorway.
“Hey!” Daisuke said, sitting up and giving a wave. None of his painting things were out for once. The painting he had been working on had been set aside, perhaps finally complete. “Yuugi, this is Satoshi, the friend I told you about that was in game design like you. Satoshi, this is Yuugi.”
“The person you’ve been teaching to draw,” Satoshi said. He had a flat tone of voice that at first reminded Yuugi a bit of Kaiba, but there wasn’t any of Kaiba’s defensive hostility in Satoshi’s voice or body language. He looked curious if anything.
“Giving tips,” Daisuke corrected. “He already has a style.”
“Teaching,” Satoshi said. “Teaching art is giving tips and things to practice and watching students improve through their own efforts.”
Daisuke rolled his eyes good naturedly. “Satoshi’s been working on a game of his own, but he’s having a little trouble with character dialog. Think you could help?”
“I can try?” Yuugi said. But this was something that he was good at. Tabletop RPGs and text games had given him a lot of practice in this sort of thing. As he walked over, he thought he heard Satoshi whisper to Daisuke, “You always run into interesting people.”
Yuugi chose to ignore that and whatever connotations were behind it. He could give Satoshi the benefit of the doubt. And it was fun to help someone else with characters and plot for a bit instead of prodding at his ever changing character designs.
And that, Yuugi thought, was how he made friends with Satoshi and cemented himself in Daisuke’s friend group without realizing it.
Yuugi held up his latest sketches to his laptop camera. “What do you think?”
“Looks good!” Anzu said, smiling. Her hair was long enough to tie back right now, a bit flyaway at the moment since she had just got back from her morning run. Behind her Yuugi could see the early morning sunlight streaming through her apartment window. Here in Japan it was already well into its decent. Yuugi felt a little wistful of the past where they didn’t have to work around twelve hour time difference. “You’ve got a lot of details now. They remind me a little bit of us actually. All of our friends.”
“That’s what I’m basing it off of a bit,” Yuugi admitted. “The characters aren’t too close to us, but...” He couldn’t deny that he’d drawn on his friends for inspiration. “I wanted to write something similar to what we went through. Not so close that anyone who looks at it can figure it out, but for those of us who knew Atem...”
“Yuugi...” She looked at him with the same expression she’d had when they gave up trying to date, a bit sad, a bit worried, but mostly supportive friendship.
“I’m making something he’d like,” Yuugi said. He smiled because focusing on the good things pushed back the times he felt sad. “But enough about my game, how did your audition go?”
Anzu gave him a look that said she knew exactly what he was doing by changing the topic, but she launched into an explanation on how she’d managed to get a minor stage role as a backup dancer and how there was another audition coming up in a few weeks and that show was compatible with this one so she was going to try out for that. It sounded busy and stressful, but Yuugi couldn’t help smiling genuinely at the pride and determination in Anzu’s tone as she spoke. She was following her dreams and that made him happy.
“I saw Jonouchi and Mai when they were in town for a bit,” Anzu said toward the end of the conversation. “Did he send you the picture we took?”
“The one with the port in the background?” Yuugi nodded. Jonouchi and Mai were both pro Duelers now, and that lifestyle took them all around the world. It could be fun to see where he was at any given time.
“Yeah! They were heading out to semifinals of a tournament—not hosted by Kaiba this time, can’t remember who. He’ll probably call sometime soon.”
“I look forward to it.” Yuugi missed Jonouchi but he was glad all of his friends were finding what they loved in the world.
“Good luck with your game, Yuugi,” Anzu said waving at the camera.
“Have fun dancing,” he said back.
Like always, it was a bittersweet feeling to end the call.
Daisuke had started a new painting. This one wasn’t purple or yellow, but it did already show signs of wings. Yuugi sat off to the side and worked on making tiny pixel sprites for his character designs. While he wasn’t expected to actually make a functioning game yet, he couldn’t help starting it in his spare time. Making a plan and design and building it up in concept was enough to make him want to make it real. Today Daisuke wasn’t painting, though, but sketching, off in a separate corner. The soft scratch of pencil lead along paper was almost meditative alongside the sound of Yuugi’s tablet.
Yuugi was so caught up in making a tiny coat for a tiny pixel character based off Kaiba that he almost didn’t notice that the sounds of Daisuke’s pencil had stopped. He glanced up and found Daisuke looking at his character sketches again. “Hm?” he hummed in question.
Daisuke twitched, like he’d been caught doing something he shouldn’t rather than just looking at sketches he’d seen dozens of times. “You know, I don’t think you even said what your game was about?” he said. “You’ve talked about the characters and what they’re like, but...”
Yuugi set aside his laptop and tablet. “It’s a puzzle game,” Yuugi said, picking up his sketches. He pointed out characters as they become relevant. “The main character is a high school student that solves an ancient puzzle and ends up sharing a body with a millennia old spirit.” Beside him, Daisuke blinked rapidly, but leaned in to look at the drawings with new interest. “There’s the protagonist, and then there’s the protagonist when he’s possessed,” Yuugi said, pointing to the slightly different designs. Showing the shift in pixel avatar has been harder than drawing the design had been. The character didn’t resemble Yuugi or Atem much, but Yuugi knew what he represented and that was enough. “Whenever the main character is possessed, his abilities to solve puzzles goes up because the ghost was obsessed with solving them before he died. The protagonist doesn’t realize he’s being possessed at first, but as the story goes on and you solve more puzzles, other characters create challenges. If you can complete the challenges right, you can make friends, and making friends opens more opportunities.” Like making friends had given Yuugi more from life. He smoothed a finger along the possessed version of his character.
“That sounds pretty cool,” Daisuke said slowly. “Does the protagonist ever realize he’s being possessed?”
“Yeah.” Yuugi smiled. “As you go on, you unlock bits about who the spirit is and at some point you become able to talk to him. He can become another friend, and you can unlock even harder puzzles where you have to work together to solve them. The end goal is actually to solve the puzzle of the spirit.”
“And if you solve it?”
“Then you have to decide whether to keep the spirit or to let him pass on to the afterlife.” Yuugi’s heart hurt thinking about it. It was a risk putting so much of himself into this, but it felt right to do it. If he made it, it would be just the sort of tribute to Atem’s memory that he’d appreciate.
There was something sad in Daisuke’s voice and Yuugi glanced up. He’d never heard Daisuke sound sad before.
“That sounds like it would be a hard decision,” Daisuke said finally. “Because you made friends with him.”
“Yeah.” The echo of heartbreak he’d felt in that moment of decision was still there. To be selfish or to do the right thing? To feel whole or to let his other half rest at last?
Daisuke touched the sketch of the protagonist, something similar to Yuugi’s heartbreak in his eyes. Almost like he also knew what it felt like to make that kind of a decision. “What would you choose?” he asked. “If you were playing through the game?”
“I’d choose what I thought would make the spirit happiest,” Yuugi said immediately. “The protagonist has all the friends he’s made over the course of the game to fall back on, but the spirit was stuck in the puzzle alone for a long time, and could be stuck for who knows how long after the protagonist dies. If it was the only chance to let him move on and be at peace, I’d choose that than the possibility of condemning him to being alone and forgotten again.”
There was the sort of silence that comes after a confession, too close and personal, with all the blatant emotions out in the open. Yuugi didn’t take his words back though even though he felt like it could reveal too much. Daisuke swallowed thickly. “I can tell you’ve thought a lot about the choices,” he said finally.
“Yes,” Yuugi said. Because the choice had once haunted him like a second ghost until he’d come to peace with it.
“I don’t know if I could be that selfless in making the choice,” Daisuke admitted. “If I was the protagonist and cared about the spirit, I don’t think I’d want to let go.”
Yuugi’s smile was wry, barely the upward twist of his lips at the edges. “That’s how hard choices and love work; you might not choose what you want but you’ll do what will make everyone happiest in the long run.”
With one last touch to the sketch, Daisuke pulled back. “Sounds like you’re talking from experience.”
Yuugi shrugged. He closed the sketch book, suddenly not wanting to look at it. Or maybe not wanting Daisuke to look at it; Daisuke looked unsettled, like talking about the game had brought up things he didn’t want to think about. “That’s my game more or less though. I’m working on the puzzles already. I like that sort of thing, so it’s fun to come up with.”
“It sounds like it will be a cool game.” Daisuke gave him a quick, there and gone smile, moving back toward his work space. “If you ever do make it, I think I’d like to play it.”
The idea of someone playing a game Yuugi made, playing a game and enjoying it, made him feel warm inside. Like a little part of him would reach out to each and every person who played it, giving them a connection whether they knew it or not. And a little part of Atem that went into this game would live with them too. He wondered if that was part of what Kaiba liked about creating games; it was forging a connection without the difficulty of actually socializing.
“Thanks,” Yuugi said. He wrapped that warm feeling up inside to bring out whenever he got frustrated about the project. Then, curious, he asked, “What would you choose? Would you befriend the spirit knowing you had to choose?”
“I wonder,” Daisuke said, introspective. “I might be one of those people that never finishes the game, not wanting to make that choice at all.”
Fair enough. Yuugi couldn’t fault that he supposed. It would be a pity to leave anything unfinished though. He always has preferred to see things through to their ends.
They were in the usual room, Daisuke starting a new painting again, this one smaller and like none of the other paintings in the room. A scenic painting, Yuugi thought, instead of abstract or angelic portraits. Satoshi was there today as he sometimes was, poking away at his game concept. It was not the sort of game Yuugi would be attracted to playing, full of dark and introspective themes with a main character that is slowly losing trust in his own mind and judgment. Whatever it means to Satoshi though, he looks like each bit of progress is cathartic so Yuugi had the idea that it meant about as much to his as the game Yuugi was working on meant.
The door was propped open to let airflow in and Yuugi had music playing in the background as he ignored homework in favor of building up his game world pixel by pixel. He had far far more respect for Kaiba’s skills now than he ever thought he’d have. Granted, Kaiba had a team that probably did the tedious stuff like making textures for terrain and background images.
He had just about finished up the layout of the school when he heard a familiar voice.
Yuugi’s head whipped up, seeing his best friend standing just outside the doorway. He couldn’t put his laptop down fast enough. “Jonouchi!” Yuugi tackled his friend. Jonouchi whirled him around in a hug, grinning from ear to ear. “What are you doing here?” Yuugi asked when the room stopped spinning. “I thought you were in the middle of a tournament?”
Jonouchi laughed. “I got a place in the finals so I have a bit of time off before the semifinals finish up! Figured I'd visit my best bud and see how college life was going. Your campus is a hell of a maze by the way.”
“You should have called!” Yuugi said, pulling back. His face hurt from grinning. It had been months since he last saw Jonouchi in person.
“That'd ruin the surprise,” Jonouchi said. He set Yuugi down. While Yuugi wasn’t nearly as short as he’d been in high school, he would always be much shorter than his best friend. Jonouchi got twice the growth spurt Yuugi had gotten.
“A friend of yours?” Daisuke asked, and Yuugi realized they had an audience.
“Ahaha, yeah.” He rubbed the back of his head, finally noticing that both Daisuke and Satoshi were staring intently. “This is my best friend, Jonouchi Katsuya. Jonouchi, this is Niwa Daisuke and Hiwatari Satoshi.”
“The guy who’s helping you with your drawing, right?” Jonouchi said, remembering their Skype conversations. “Nice ta meetcha. Hope you don’t mind me barging in.”
“It’s fine,” Daisuke said, since it was his study room after all. “We could probably use a study break.”
Jonouchi grinned before turning back to Yuugi. “So, being around all these books and drawing, how’s your Dueling? Getting rusty yet?”
Yuugi narrowed his eyes at the challenge. “Rusty? Never. How about I show you, Mr. Tournament Finalist?” He reached for his bag. Even now he had the habit of carrying his Duel Monster cards with him. “I challenge you to a Duel.”
“Duel?” Satoshi asked sharply.
“Duel Monsters,” Jonouchi said holding up his deck of cards. He snorted at Satoshi’s blank look. “What, did you think I was gonna whip out a knife? I don’t look like that much of a delinquent these days.”
“Nope, just scruffy as always,” Yuugi said. He cleared a space on the desk before shuffling his deck, intent on his friend and opponent. “Duel Monsters is a strategy based card game,” Yuugi explained to the others. “With a certain amount of luck too.”
Jonouchi snorted. “Luck, fate, whatever you wanna call it.” He exchanged a glance with Yuugi.
“Heart of the cards,” they said at the same time.
“Anyway,” Yuugi said, “Jonouchi plays it professionally. I used to enter tournaments but I haven’t played much in a while.”
“Yet you still hold the title for King of Games,” Jonouchi said.
Yuugi shrugged. It was a title he didn’t feel like he’d earned. After all, Atem had done most of the Dueling to get it. “Anyone’s free to seek me out and win it properly.”
“If they can beat you.”
Yuugi shrugged again. They set up their station and drew their hands. It had been a while since he last Dueled, longer still since he Dueled without Kaiba’s technology bringing it all to life. It felt a little bit like high school, playing games at lunch. The cards were warm and familiar in his hands, feeling almost alive as they sometimes did. Yuugi wasn’t calling on anything, didn’t have Atem’s power over the shadows, but the cards still had presences even if he wasn’t using them that way.
“Huh,” Satoshi said, looking at the cards in their hands like they were something particularly strange and intriguing.
“Two thousand life points?” Yuugi asked.
“Standard Duel’s four thousand,” Jonouchi said.
“Yeah, but it feels more like high school if we play it that way.”
“Works for me.”
It was funny how normal it felt to play a Duel against Jonouchi—or maybe it wasn’t strange at all considering how big a part in his life Dueling once held, but he hadn’t Dueled anyone since the last time everyone was able to meet up together, and that was almost half a year ago. Everything still felt right though. His cards rose to the challenge like they always did, chipping Jonouchi��s life points down bit by bit. Even having an audience was familiar. Daisuke and Satoshi weren’t Anzu or Honda, but the balance felt right.
Yuugi called on his Kuriboh to end the Duel, just like old times.
Jonouchi made a face as the last of his life points drained away thanks to one of the weakest cards in the game. “One more turn and I’d’ve had you with my dragon. You’re still as good at this as ever, Yuug. No wonder Kaiba’s always trying to drag you into Duels.”
Yuugi snickered. “Kaiba just wants to beat me once and for all. Or make me test all his Duel tech.” If Yuugi ever took him up on that job offer, he had a feeling he’d end up doing more Dueling and product testing against Kaiba’s over competitive ego than actual game design.
“Wait,” Satoshi said from the sidelines. He had followed the game with interest, though it had looked like he was analyzing what game attributes made it enjoyable rather than enjoying watching the game itself. “Kaiba as in Kaiba Seto, billionaire game maker Kaiba?”
“Yeah?” Yuugi said.
Jonouchi sat back in his chair and laughed at Satoshi’s consternation. “Yuugi won the title King of Games years ago. He’s still the reigning champion Duel Monsters player and Kaiba hates it because Yuugi won’t enter tournaments anymore so no one can win the title from him.”
“They should just accept some other tournament winner as the best player winner,” Yuugi muttered. “Kaiba’s won most of the ones since I left the Duel scene.”
“Yeah, but Kaiba’s never satisfied til he can beat you.” Jonouchi turned back to their audience. “Moneybags was a classmate of ours in high school. Real ass, but he’s gotten better now that he’s stopped pulling shit that can get people killed. Still dramatic as heck though. Betcha he’ll come into the arena for the final on a jet pack or something with the Kaiba Corp logo all huge on the back. Or have it shaped like the Blue Eyes.”
“He’s a friend,” Yuugi clarified. Jonouchi always made Kaiba sound like an enemy when he hadn’t been anything like an enemy in a long time. “He wants me to join his company after school, but if I did that I’d have to Duel him because he’d hold my paycheck.”
Jonouchi snorted. “Sounds like the sorta manipulative thing he’d do.”
Yuugi hummed. “I wouldn’t mind Dueling him sometime though. I just don’t want to Duel at his command.”
“Fair enough. Beat him once and he either won’t leave ya alone til you have a rematch or he pretends it never happened.”
“...This is the CEO of the largest gaming empire in Japan?” Satoshi asked, skeptical.
“In the world,” Jonouchi corrected.
“Eh, he grows on you.” Jonouchi grinned, lopsided. “Kinda like some sort of fungus.”
Yuugi rolled his eyes. “Kaiba is Kaiba. He’s there when it matters and tries. He actually has a pretty good sense of humor.”
“Yeah, at my expense.”
Yuugi patted Jonouchi consolingly. Kaiba and Jonouchi would never really get along, and that was okay. Besides, he figured that by now their back and forth taunts were just the only way they knew how to interact. The words didn’t really hit anymore. Yuugi was pretty sure that Kaiba even found it fun. Not many people insulted him to his face anymore. Jonouchi was a bit too straightforward to notice that though.
“I suppose he is still a good connection to have if you’re going into this field,” Satoshi said in what was clearly meant to be a diplomatic tone. It still came across a bit skeptical.
“He is.” Yuugi grinned. “Though I kind of want to set up my own indie gaming thing out of Grandpa’s shop and see how he reacts.”
Daisuke shook his head. “Save that for when you can actually do everything yourself.”
“Or have a team.” For a brief moment, Yuugi pictured combining the strengths of his friends from high school into the project. They all had something they could have brought to the table—Anzu with music, Hiroto with coding, and Jonouchi with story development and puzzles. Even Bakura could have helped with the graphic side of things. But he dismissed it after that moment. This wasn’t high school anymore and they each had their own lives to work through.
“Or that,” Daisuke said.
They were all quiet for a moment, then Jonouchi held up his deck. “Anyone wanna learn how to Duel?”
And then Yuugi was digging out the extra cards he still couldn’t help carrying everywhere he went, and Daisuke and Satoshi were tentatively Dueling each other, Satoshi frequently looking at the cards like there was something he didn’t trust about them, but Dueling all the same.
It was nice.
Yuugi sat back and watched friends interact, new and old.
It was very nice.
Jonouchi only stayed a few days, but by the time he left he’d made friends with Yuugi’s friends, corrupted Yuugi’s sleep schedule with first a Duel, then a movie marathon, and told enough stories about the Dueling circuit that Yuugi wasn’t sure if he was disappointed or relieved that he hadn’t gone into Dueling professionally. It sounded like a wild time.
Then he was off back to attend the finals. Yuugi promised to watch them. He intended to drag Daisuke into watching them with him too.
The quiet after he left was a bit like missing a limb. Yuugi found himself in the art building even more that week. Daisuke, in his comings and goings—though usually he was there before and after Yuugi arrived—didn’t comment on Yuugi’s extra time there. He just brought a few more snacks and had music playing to fill the silence when Yuugi didn’t feel like talking.
It was a nice reminder that new friends could fill the open spaces old ones left without really replacing them.
Lately Daisuke had been sketching. No paintings, no charcoal drawings or powdery pastels covering the worktable with colorful dust marks, just pencil and a sketchbook every time Yuugi was there. Yuugi leaned over one day to ask about any tips on drawing foreshortening and blinked at the lines on the page.
“Is that a sketch of me?”
Daisuke almost dropped the sketchbook. For a second, Yuugi thought he was going to slam the book shut. “Yes?”
It was Yuugi; spiky hair and dark clothing, a profile of him smiling to himself as he worked on his tablet. There were smaller more dynamic thumbnails in the corner—Yuugi walking, laughing, throwing down a card in Duel Monsters, dozing off on the worktable. In all of the sketches his distinctive hair shape stood out along with the outlines of his clothing. “So, was it the hair or the clothes that made me an interesting sketch subject?” he joked. Those were the two things that people always noticed first after all. Spiked, bright colored hair, chunky silver and gold jewelry, and a taste for leather and belts.
Daisuke surprised him by flipping back a few pages to show studies of Yuugi’s face—just his face. “Your eyes actually...” Daisuke mumbled. He flushed and Yuugi couldn’t help blushing a little too. The sketches of his face were...intimate for lack of a better word. His eyes were riveted on a sketch on the right, his penciled lips frozen in a melancholy smile and a far off look in the sketch’s eyes like he was looking at something only he could see. It had to be a moment he was thinking about Atem and he wasn’t sure what he felt about having that captured on paper.
“Oh,” was all he could say.
Daisuke flushed deeper. “If it bothers you, I can stop.”
Did it bother him? Maybe if it was someone he didn’t know, but Daisuke was a friend now. He could see Yuugi as he was in all his range of emotions. “No,” Yuugi said. “No, it’s fine.”
Daisuke’s shoulders relaxed, his hands no longer gripping the sketchbook so tightly. “Your eyes show what you’re feeling really clearly,” he said. “The other day I was watching you work and I couldn’t help...” He waved at the sketches. “I like how you look.”
Yuugi could count on one hand how many times people said they liked his appearance, and two of those times had been Anzu while they were dating. He opened his mouth to...to what? Compliment Daisuke back? Thank him? He shook his head. “I don’t mind you drawing me.”
“Ok. I’m glad.” Daisuke twirled the pencil in his hands like he needed to do something with his fingers. “I’m also glad you came here months ago. It’s nice to have someone else in here.”
“Considering you practically live here.”
Yuugi sat back, asking a question that had been bugging him for a while now. “You’re here pretty much whenever I’m here. And lately if I’m not at classes I’m here. Are you always here? Is this a free study or...?”
One shoulder lifted in a shrug as Daisuke couldn’t meet his eyes. “I only have one class right now. I kind of had to take a break. I’m only supposed to be here for my class project but it felt like the only place I could be for a while.”
“Oh.” Yuugi reached out. He didn’t think he was imagining Daisuke leaning into his touch, gravitating toward the hand on his shoulder. “Is everything ok?”
“It wasn’t, but I think it’s getting better.”
Yuugi waited to see if Daisuke would say more, but he didn’t. That was okay. There were some things that you couldn’t talk about with just anyone, and some things that just couldn’t be talked about at all.
“Painting helps,” Daisuke said. “Seeing friends helps too. You help.”
Yuugi squeezed his shoulder in support. “I hope I can keep helping.”
This time he was sure he wasn’t imagining Daisuke leaning into his touch. “Just keep coming around.”
“I don’t think you have to worry about me leaving anytime soon.”
“The cards aren’t normal,” Daisuke said one day as Yuugi was helping him form a deck of his own. He’d Duel him sometimes if Yuugi was really in the mood for Duel Monsters. Daisuke held up a Chimera card, spinning it between his fingers. “There’s something about them... They almost feel alive.”
“The game is based off of an ancient Egyptian game played with stone tablets with souls sealed inside,” Yuugi said. He drew a card, unsurprised to find the Dark Magician in his hand. “I know it sounds superstitious, but the cards have spirits still, the medium just changed.” Dark Magician was joined by the Dark Magician Girl, then Kuriboh. “If you call them, they can answer.” He waited for Daisuke to scoff or look skeptical. Instead, Daisuke was nodding slowly.
“I can see that. It explains the weird feeling they have... Is it the art itself that gives them souls? Can anybody make a card or is there something specific?”
Yuugi stared.
“What?” Daisuke shuffled through the cards, pulled out Harpy’s Brother and Shadow Spell. “Art has a spark of life. Sometimes more than that. Why not cards too?”
“Most people don’t believe it unless they’re Duelists,” Yuugi said, “and even the people who are and have lived through spirits manifesting still don’t always believe.” Kaiba didn’t for the longest time. He does now, though. His Blue Eyes are all the closer to him for it.
“I can feel them,” Daisuke said, tracing fingers along the image of the cards. “So can Satoshi. That’s why he keeps giving you weird looks by the way. He’s not sure what to make of it.”
“Huh.” Yuugi could feel his cards—specifically the ones in his deck, and sometimes a few others, but not all cards spoke to him, and he hadn’t been able to until after he’d had Atem and started Dueling. “If you can feel them, you could probably call them. Some of them are still connected to the Egyptian monsters, and some were created by Pegasus, the person who resurrected the game, but... So far as I can tell they’re all alive to some extent.”
“Sounds dangerous.”
Yuugi wanted to laugh, and not in a good way. The Egyptian God cards had definitely been dangerous. “It can be,” Yuugi said bluntly. “I’ve seen it kill people.” Daisuke stilled. “But I’ve also seen the cards save people, and these days you don’t see as much summoning.” Not since the millennium items were sealed away. “Even then, outside of the top circuit of Duelers it’s pretty unheard of seeing anything like this at all.”
Daisuke looked at the cards in his hands like he was seeing them all over again.  “And kids play with these?”
Yuugi stifled a laugh. “Like I said, not many people can actually use them that way.” He rested his chin on one hand. “I wonder what one would answer you?”
“I don’t think I want to find out,” Daisuke said.
“This one’s mine.” Yuugi held up Kuriboh. “And sort of this one too...” Dark Magician joined it. It was more Atem’s card, but it had answered Yuugi’s call before too. Kuriboh just liked Yuugi in general.
“A winged fur ball and a purple sorcerer,” Daisuke said. “Yeah, I can see how they fit.”
“Was that supposed to be an insult?”
Daisuke laughed.
He did finish putting together a deck eventually. He didn’t look quite as relaxed around the cards after that though.
“It’s not going to work,” Satoshi said to Daisuke as he added details to yet another winged painting. This one was made up of subtle shadows and glints of light, all purple and blue and black. The lightest points were the glint of gold in the winged man’s hands and the white of his smirk in the dark. “I know it’s different for you, but no matter how much you paint him—”
“I know,” Daisuke said, sharp. “I know it isn’t going to bring him back, but I can’t help it. It’s like it’s keeping him here.”
“There’s no him, only them now.” Satoshi sighed. “Have you thought any more on going back to regular classes?”
“It feels like too much still.” Daisuke set his brush down. “Do you think if I paint him enough, people will remember?”
“Perhaps.” Satoshi was quiet a moment. “I thought things were getting better.”
“They are.” The clink of Daisuke’s brush being rinsed clean, picked back up to start again. “But better isn’t completely over it yet.”
Satoshi sighed again and said something under his breath.
Yuugi took that as a cue that today was really not the best day to be there after all. He slid away wondering who Daisuke had lost to spend all his time painting him.
“Congratulations on your win!” Yuugi chirped over the laggy Skype call.
Jonouchi grinned at him, thousands of miles away, but still as close a friend as ever. “Thanks! Mai’s kinda pissed that I beat her out in the second to last round, but she’ll get over it.”
“It was a good Duel,” Yuugi said, having watched it very late—or early depending on your perception of time—in Daisuke’s dorm room with his friend drowsing off next to him and waking on and off whenever Yuugi got particularly excited. The thought had been nice even if it hadn’t quite worked out how they’d planned. “What now?”
“Eh, Mai and I’ll be headed back to New York to catch up with Anzu. Stay for a while there til the next tournament sign up starts. Maybe we’ll get a chance to visit Japan again too, if the timing works out.” Jonouchi was still beaming. It made Yuugi feel warm and happy to see him happy, glad to see him confident in his skills and excelling in life. It had been the right choice for him to Duel professionally.
“Going to go on some dates?” Yuugi teased.
“Well, if Mai forgives me for Time Wizarding her Harpies again, yeah.” With a shrug, Jonouchi added, “Not gonna tell you the details though.”
Yuugi wrinkled his nose. “I don’t want to know about the details of that kind of date, Jonouchi. Mai and Anzu would kill you if you talked about it anyway.”
He laughed. “Yeah, yeah. Hey; what about you? Have any dates lined up?”
Yuugi made a noncommittal hum in the back of his throat. His legs kicked aimlessly against his bedframe. “Still not dating anyone, Jou.”
“But do you liiiike anyone,” Jonouchi teased. If he was in person, he’d be pulling Yuugi into a playful headlock by now.
Yuugi hummed again.
“Not even that Daisuke guy you keep talking about?”
Did he? He wasn’t sure whether he did or not. It had been a while since he felt those things, wasn’t sure if he could tell them apart from friendship right now. The two had always gone hand in hand. “I don’t know,” he said finally.
“Huh.” Jonouchi sounded thoughtful. His expression didn’t give anything away for once, whether he thought it was a good or bad or anything in between.
“It’s the first time you haven’t said no when I ask that question,” Jonouchi said.
Yuugi felt a roiling mess of embarrassed and flustered because that, he realized, was true. He didn’t know if he liked Daisuke that way or not, but he wanted to spend time with him—did spend time with him almost as much as he could spare—and that meant something even if it might not be romantic. “I’ll tell you when I figure it out,” he mumbled.
Jonouchi laughed and wished him the best before launching into a story about Haga and Ryuuzaki, leaving the topic of romance behind.
It was Yuugi who couldn’t get the thought to stop lingering.
The semester was almost over now. Projects were done and it was just Yuugi with his laptop poking at his game again in Daisuke’s art study room. Daisuke wasn’t there for once, just his multitude of paintings. There was a tiny painting of Yuugi up there with all the other ones and he wasn’t sure what to make of that. His eyes glinting purple from a shadowed image. It could have been a threat or an invitation into a secret, and Yuugi kind of hoped it was the latter because it wasn’t a very good thought that his friend might find him threatening.
Yuugi got caught up in the minutia of coding and checking his plot and dialogue script with each advance. So caught up he didn’t even notice Daisuke’s arrival until he turned to get his character reference sheets and found Daisuke sitting in a chair back to front watching him, and looking like he’d been there for a while. Yuugi dropped the reference sheets.
Daisuke leaned forward to pick the few that had scattered up. “You’re really making progress on that aren’t you?”
“Some?” Yuugi said. “Not as much as I would like, but I’m only one person and there’s a lot to do for a game, even just a simple one.”
“It’s come along pretty well,” Daisuke said. He looked at the character sheets in his hand, at the Spirit’s sheet on top. “You’re not making something simple after all.” A double tap of his fingers against the chair back, a tic he had every once in a while, like his hands got restless but he tried not to fidget with them. “You’ve written the rest of the plot now, right?”
“Pretty much.” It had taken almost as long as putting together the sprite world had. It was harder than Yuugi had anticipated to create a game off his life even in a once or twice removed fashion. “I still have some dialogue to go but the main parts are all written.” It was the puzzles that were harder to make.
“Did you ever decide what would happen if the player chose to keep the spirit in the end?”
“If he keeps it?” Yuugi glanced down at his drawing. The spirit looked nothing like Atem, the only connection the eye of Horus worked into his design.  “The spirit stays with him, still locked in the puzzle.”
“And after the protagonist dies one day?” Daisuke pressed. “What would happen to it then? Would it pass along to another family member or...?”
Yuugi shook his head. Whatever had been between him and Atem, he couldn’t imagine it happening between anyone else. Not his grandfather, not his friends, and not even a hypothetical child in the future. “It’s a once in a millennium sort of thing,” Yuugi said. Fate, or more that they’d perhaps once been one soul before Atem had been lost. Egyptian mythology held that the soul had five parts after all. “The spirit would be stuck in the puzzle alone until by some chance someone else who was compatible was born, which could take a long, long time.” Yuugi smiled wryly. “I’m sure they would be happy for the lifetime they had together, but there’s the question of if that evens out against a possible eternity alone after.”
“There’s also a point where the spirit could have taken over the protagonist’s body,” Yuugi said. “Instead he rescues the protagonist’s soul. So they’re both looking out for each other in the end.”
“Oh,” Daisuke said again. This time it was slightly choked. “With two souls that close, it makes sense.”
Yuugi hummed, agreeing. For him and Atem, it had made sense. Even for Ryou and Bakura it had a certain amount of sense, and that was with Bakura lashing out at all times and willing to sacrifice Ryou. In the end he hadn’t—maybe couldn’t—and it was all more complicated than Yuugi could understand. Daisuke looked like he understood, though. Understood in a way that only someone who had lived it could. “Why does it mean so much to you?” Yuugi asked finally. “I know what this means to me, but what does the story mean to you?”
Daisuke, instead of answering, looked at the paintings leaning against the walls. “It’s hard,” he said finally, “to choose what’s right when there isn’t a right answer that will make everyone happy.”
Yuugi didn’t press the topic. The faraway look in Daisuke’s eyes was something he was too familiar with. “We make the choice and keep going,” Yuugi said. “Because if they cared, they’d want us to try to be happy too, right?” He smiled, more a slight lift of the corner of his lips than a true smile. “We have people who care to fall back on and then we find other ways to cope. You paint. I make a game.” Daisuke looked back at Yuugi. They hovered over the edge of mutual understanding. This wasn’t something that needed to be explained to be understood. Pain and loss were universal as were happiness and friendship. “We’re doing pretty well with what we have, don’t you think?”
“Maybe,” Daisuke said. He sighed, then slumped abruptly, leaning against Yuugi’s shoulder. “How do you make it seem so easy to keep going?”
“It’s not.” Yuugi touched Daisuke’s hair, and maybe it was his imagination that Daisuke tilted himself into that touch. “But moving forward doesn’t mean the past never happened or that you can’t remember it or that you weren’t changed by it.” Atem changed everything in Yuugi’s life, from helping him make his first friend besides Anzu to opening up his world to so many more things than he thought it would ever hold. “I’d rather remember than forget, and if it’s hard, then it’s a good thing that there’s always someone who can help even if they might not be there yet.” Like meeting Daisuke and Satoshi had helped.
Daisuke breathed out a laugh. “Yeah. Thanks.” He moved away, back toward the side of the room that had become his as Yuugi had slowly taken over a part of his own. “When you finish that game someday, I’d like to play it,” he said. “With both ends.”
Yuugi nodded. In real life you couldn’t have both endings play out, but in a game? “When I get to the test phase, you’re one of the people I hope will play it.”
“I will,” Daisuke said with a quiet conviction more like an unbreakable vow than a casual promise. He started sorting through paint tubes and Yuugi pulled his character references to himself. He had a lot of work to go if he was going to meet that promise halfway.
The sun was bright and it was unseasonably warm for March, warm enough that they could sit outside with only a light jacket and enjoy the fresh air. Their convenience store bentou were empty beside them as they sprawled out in the grass and enjoyed the early spring sunlight.
Yuugi tilted his face toward the sun, eyes closed, a happy smile on his face. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I missed being outside so much. I didn’t even realize how much I was inside until it was winter and I missed the best of spring and summer glued to my computer.”
Daisuke, sprawled next to him, snickered. “You really do have to go out sometimes. I go out in the mornings to sketch. Believe me, your body will thank you for the sunlight.”
“Mm, no, I remember someone calling me a gremlin this winter, and gremlins don’t like sun.”
“You seem to like it right now.”
Yuugi aimed a half-hearted elbow jab in Daisuke’s direction. It missed and all he got was another laugh and a tickling poke to his side. Yuugi squirmed away.
“This is nice though,” Daisuke said.
“Yeah.” Tucked away in a quiet corner of campus with the first birdsong of spring and a cluster of daffodils a few feet away, it was peaceful. A little private bubble that wasn’t the art room and both more and less connected to reality because of it.
“I exercise most mornings too,” Daisuke said. “If you’re missing sunlight you could join me and—”
Yuugi groaned. “No, I am not a morning person!” Or an exercise person. Or someone who would ever combine the two.
Daisuke laughed at him. “Maybe that’s why you’re so short. Stunted growth from lack of sun, like a plant.”
This time Yuugi’s elbow connected. The tiny hiss of breath as Daisuke massaged the hit was satisfying. “I’m short because of genetics.” Gramps barely got over a meter and a half tall. Yuugi considered himself lucky to pass him up by a handful of centimeters. “I’m not sure why you’re so smug when we were both asked if we wanted children’s menus that one time.”
They watched wispy clouds chase like feathers across the sky.
“I think,” Daisuke said suddenly, “I want to paint something new.”
“Yeah.” He looked toward the daffodils and their bright green and yellow against the browns of winter hanging on. “I signed up for more classes this spring. I think...” Daisuke trailed off, voice going soft. “I think I can handle it now.”
The small smile Daisuke sent back Yuugi’s way was like the sun coming out from behind clouds.
It was Yuugi that moved first. It was less a conscious decision and more an inevitability, bridging the gap between them during a post-finals movie binge. Daisuke had looked at him for some reason—something to do with the movie that had immediately gone out of Yuugi’s mind because Daisuke had been smiling—and like an object caught in the Earth’s gravitational pull, he’d been pulled in by that smile. Lips, smooth except for the corner Daisuke was forever biting while he worked. It went on for an eternity. It lasted only a moment.
Yuugi pulled away. Daisuke’s eyes fluttered open; at some point he’d closed them. The movie kept going, white noise in the background of the moment. The air had the same feeling Yuugi got before he pulled the card that would turn a Duel on its head.
“Oh,” Daisuke whispered, both too quiet and too loud for Yuugi’s frantic heartbeat in that space of a moment before it was clear whether it was a good or a bad reaction. Then Daisuke’s hand was tangled in one of the heavy chains and gaudy pendants around Yuugi’s neck, pulling him back in. The second kiss was better because Daisuke was kissing back.
When they finally parted again, Yuugi couldn’t help but burst into giggles at how Daisuke looked more like he’d been hit over the head than like he’d been kissing someone.
“I thought—” Daisuke’s voice cracked and he cleared his throat. “I thought...your friend? You seemed...close.”
“Jonouchi?” Yuugi asked. He was almost in Daisuke’s lap, couldn’t help but keep touching him, fingers trailing on bare wrists and arms and along Daisuke’s strong fingers. “No, we’re just friends. He’s my best friend.” Yuugi reached up to touch Daisuke’s hair, like that kiss was permission to give in to all the little things he’d longed to do. “He’s dating Mai and Anzu. Or they’re dating him and each other. Or something.” He couldn’t stop smiling. “It’s complicated. And you’re not with Satoshi?”
Daisuke blinked, the dazed expression fading away. He caught Yuugi’s wandering hands in his own, lacing their fingers together. “No. Satoshi’s not interested in people like that. Isn’t Anzu your ex?”
“Yeah.” Yuugi kept grinning. Everything was right in the world right then. “And one of my oldest friends. But we didn’t work out, and she ended up falling for Mai, who also liked Jou, who liked her, and I don’t know how it all works with them, but they’re happy so I’m happy for them.”
“My ex only talks to me via her twin sister.”
“I think it helped that we were friends for a long time first. Friendship is more important than anything else.” And for Yuugi it always would be. Friendship had been part of what made him notice Daisuke. He wouldn’t have a romantic relationship any other way.
Daisuke scrubbed the back of his hair. “We weren’t not friends, but, uh...” He glanced in Yuugi’s direction. From this close Yuugi could really notice how long his eyelashes were. And how they were the same red as his hair. And how Daisuke was blushing and had very faint freckles from how he’d been making time to go outside lately. “I can see why being friends first can be good.” Their eyes met. Yuugi couldn’t look away, not even if Kaiba’s Blue Eyes were to burst through the door right then.
“I like you,” Yuugi blurted. “A lot. As a friend and more.” He gripped Daisuke’s hand tight.
Daisuke’s head tipped forward, their foreheads bumping together and noses brushing. Yuugi could feel the flutter of his eyelashes on his cheek and Daisuke’s breath against his jaw, so close, but not quite close enough. It was ticklish and electric, everything narrowing down to those points of contact as his heart beat too fast and hopeful in his chest.
“I think I like you too,” Daisuke said. He laughed softly, the tremors shaking Yuugi with him. “I like you a lot.”
“Date me?” Yuugi asked hopefully.
Daisuke pulled back and gave him a lopsided smile. “Yes. I can’t guarantee anything, but yes.”
“No one can guarantee anything,” Yuugi said. “If you worry over whether things will or won’t work out, you just miss out on actually living what you have.” If he’d learned anything over the years, it was to appreciate what he had when he had it. Friends, family, memories; all of that had been discovered and rediscovered with Atem and after him. This was just one more case of learning it again.
“I guess I should appreciate living then,” Daisuke said. He pulled Yuugi into another kiss. Yuugi took his own advice and just enjoyed the moment.
The game wasn’t complete, but it was far enough along to be playable in a rough way. It was far beyond the school project it had started as; in fact, Yuugi was already wondering if he could eventually submit it as his final project. It might just take the next three years of school to get it to the point where he was satisfied with its quality.
Still, it was playable. And Yuugi could feel the pride and weight of most of a year’s worth of work as he arrowed his avatar through a pixel world.
“So this is the game?” Daisuke asked. He sat next to Yuugi on Yuugi’s bed. He was the first person Yuugi was showing it to. The first person he would let play the parts that he had finished. If Jonouchi was here, he’d let him play it too, but Jonouchi was on a break in New York and Daisuke was the closest person to his heart right now even if he wouldn’t get the game the way someone who lived the events it was based off of would.
Yuugi handed over his laptop. “You can play through making your first friend and unlocking the spirit.” Technically you could play further, but only the main events could occur without any of the interesting side plots and puzzles and NPC interactions.
Daisuke settled against Yuugi’s side and let his fingers skim the keyboard, familiarizing himself with the controls. “It’s cool to see your character move,” he murmured.
Yuugi didn’t answer. He rested his head on Daisuke’s shoulder and watched him play with his heart in his throat. Somehow this was more soul baring than sharing the drawings. Than sharing the art room for almost a year, more vulnerable and intimate than kissing or any of the things that could follow that. This game was Yuugi baring his soul and most precious memories into something that perhaps one day hundreds of people would see and play. Those people wouldn’t know Yuugi, wouldn’t know how it mirrored his life or what it meant to him.
Daisuke knew him and how important the game was.
Onscreen, Daisuke played through the introductory puzzles and met the characters who would be the protagonist’s friends. He seemed to know how important this moment was because he didn’t say anything as he played, just followed along with the storyline. Yuugi could feel when Daisuke got it, right when the protagonist awakens the spirit and makes a wish. Yuugi had told him once how he became friends with Jonouchi. “It felt like fate,” Yuugi had said. As Daisuke continued, completing the puzzles as the spirit to get back at the bully and cement your new friendship, Daisuke finally looked Yuugi’s way.
“This is you, isn’t it?” Daisuke said. It wasn’t really a question with the certainty shining in his eyes. “Your story.”
“More or less,” Yuugi said. “I’m not including any ancient Egyptian gods or card games in this though. That would make it a bit too obvious.”
“The spirit?”
“He was a spirit trapped in the puzzle.” Yuugi hid his face in Daisuke’s shoulder. It felt so weird to talk about this to someone who hadn’t lived it, but so freeing as well. It wasn’t a secret hovering over his head anymore. “He was like a part of me, a part I didn’t know I was missing until he was there, and then he left.”
“You let him go.”
Yuugi hummed in affirmative. On screen, the protagonist’s avatar climbed into bed, the spirit’s outline hovering above the bed as he slept. It was the end of the intro chapter. It was a bittersweet feeling. Daisuke set the laptop down.
“That had to be a hard choice to make,” Daisuke said.
“It was and it wasn’t.” The hard part had been knowing he would be alone in his head again. The actual decision to let Atem have his peace in the afterlife hadn’t been hard to make at all. “There was only one way it could go in the end.” He wasn’t selfish enough to make any other choice.
Daisuke hugged himself, curling in on himself and it would have been closing Yuugi out except he was still angled toward him and hadn’t made any effort to stop Yuugi from leaning on him. “I.” He wet his lips. “I didn’t have any choice. With mine.”
Ah. “The person you paint?”
“Yeah.” Daisuke uncurled a bit. “He was a spirit of an artwork that was tied to my bloodline. Sort of meant to be closer to a curse than another half of a soul, but...”
“When you share a mind and body...” Yuugi said.
“Yeah.” Daisuke sighed. “He was half of a whole work. Return the two halves together, fix what shouldn’t have been separated... He doesn’t exist anymore. Not how I knew him. And after we sealed the painting he might as well not exist in any form at all.”
“Oh.” Yuugi thought of Bakura, the thief king he’d housed. He wondered if however Satoshi had been involved had been anything like their situation. Bakura’s relief at having it all over hadn’t been something Yuugi could fully empathize with even if they could both look inside and feel the missing pieces where the spirits had resided in their souls.
“I’d bring him back if I could,” Daisuke said. “It wasn’t a curse to me. It was to Satoshi though, and in the long run it wasn’t doing either of our family lines any good. I’d still paint him back if I could.”
Yuugi felt the part of his soul Atem had been in ache, like a phantom limb. He knew that emptiness well, but he was filling it with new bonds and experiences, bit by bit patching over the emptiness. He could be happy and mean it with his whole self again. It sounded like Daisuke was still reaching that point.
“It’s not possible,” Daisuke said. There was sadness there, but acceptance too. “It’s time to move on with living.”
“Souls,” Yuugi said after a long moment, “have a way of returning to each other.” From the Duel Monsters seeking out those they had been connected with in life like Atem and Mahado to parts of a whole like Yuugi and Atem had been, to even significant lives like Kaiba’s previous life had been to Atem. Even if it took a millennia, they found their way back. He’d see Atem again one day. And Daisuke would see his spirit again too; that was how the world worked. “Maybe not in this life, but you’ll meet again.”
“Thanks.” Daisuke said. He didn’t sound like he believed Yuugi, but that was okay. He hadn’t seen the things Yuugi had to have that solid certainty. Daisuke twisted against Yuugi until they were face to face. “I only ever told one other person about any of that. Everyone else lived it or already knew.”
“Me neither.” Yuugi smiled suddenly. “Although I had to explain it to Kaiba a few times and he lived it and he still doesn’t want to believe it happened.”
Daisuke laughed. There were tears in the corners of his eyes that they both ignored. “I know people like that too.” His laughter trailed off, both arms coming around Yuugi in a loose hug. “Thank you.”
He didn’t need to say more than that. Thank you for understanding. Thank you for existing. Thank you for being here.
Kaiba set down the file in front of him, one eyebrow raised as he surveyed the man in front of him. “Let me get this straight, Mutou. You agree to work for me if I hire your boyfriend and his friend as an artist and a coder.”
“Yep.” Yuugi in high school might have felt intimidated by the cold stare across the desk, but Yuugi had lived a lot of life since then. Kaiba wasn’t very scary at all in comparison to some of the things he’d seen. That and Kaiba was the one who wanted him as an employee in the first place.
“Why?” Kaiba demanded. “I was under the impression that you hoped to start an indie game company of your own. Your first game has a cult following already.” Kaiba said it like it was more of an insult than a compliment, though it was probably because he took it as a slight that Yuugi had made and sold the game without ever approaching Kaiba about it.
“I considered that,” Yuugi said, rocking back on his heels. He’d thought about it the whole time he was in college, made several smaller games besides the one centering around Atem’s counterpart, all of which had done fairly well. But those games had been made either by Yuugi alone or with Satoshi and Daisuke’s help, or one of his classmates, all on school equipment or Yuugi’s own laptop. “It was pointed out that you had the resources and teams already if I wanted to put any of the more complicated game ideas I have in mind into action. It would take me a lot longer to establish a brand and get a decent staff and funding of my own, and that’s not the kind of thing I’m good at.” Starting from the ground up was more Kaiba’s thing really.
“What makes you think I’d put you in charge of a team?” Kaiba challenged.
Yuugi frowned at him. “Well you’re not hiring me just because you want an excuse to make me test all your new Duel Monsters things,” he said.  “That would be a waste and you know it. You hate wasting resources.”
There was a moment where Yuugi thought Kaiba was going to get annoyed, but instead he smiled. Smiles did not fit well on Kaiba’s face. He settled back in his desk chair looking too pleased. “You’re right. I do hate waste. Which is why your friends had better be top notch or they’re not getting hired, deal or not. I can’t have useless employees.”
“I’ll have them send you a resume and portfolio,” Yuugi said. “Daisuke was an art major and Satoshi has been doing coding for indie games for the last year.” He had a running bet with Daisuke on whether Kaiba and Satoshi would get along or hate each other on sight. It would be interesting to see how it turned out.
Kaiba snorted. He was still smiling. He always was in a better mood when things went the way he wanted. “No speeches about the power of friendship and how you believe in their abilities?”
“I could give one, but I figured you’d prefer seeing their credentials over taking my word,” Yuugi said drily.
“Good. I don’t need to hear that sentiment anyway.” Kaiba steepled his fingers. “Are either of them Duelists?”
“Daisuke has a Wind-Dark deck but he only plays casually.” Yuugi put on as harmless a smile as he could manage. “Satoshi doesn’t like the magic clinging to the cards.”
Kaiba grimaced just like Yuugi expected him to at the mention of magic. “So you’ve found more people who believe in your mumbo jumbo.”
“You lived it, Kaiba,” Yuugi said, more amused than anything.
Kaiba waved a hand, turning away to gather up papers from a file. “Something happened. I’m sure science will reach an understanding of it one day.” He held out a stack of papers. “Here. Get these signed and back to my secretary by the end of the week and you’re all hired.”
“There’s not a clause saying I have to Duel you at your leisure in here is there?” Yuugi flipped through the stack, glancing at the pages.
“No.” Kaiba sat back in his chair again, smug and content that things were going his way again. “But you can expect to be asked to test things in the future.”
“Of course.” Yuugi hadn’t expected anything else.
“I expect you to be an asset to my company, Mutou.” Kaiba stared him down. “If I’m putting you in charge of a team, I expect high results.”
“Of course,” Yuugi repeated.
“Then we have a deal.” Kaiba waved a hand and Yuugi knew he was dismissed. “I expect those papers back as soon as possible. If there’s anything on there that you need to discuss, you have my office number.”
Yuugi had his private number too, but he could appreciate keeping their private and work lives separate. He stood up to leave.
“And Mutou?” Kaiba said as Yuugi was almost to the door. Yuugi waited. “Tetsuro? Really?” Kaiba asked, referencing the game character Yuugi had based off him. His character had the most dramatic character development of everyone, going from full on villain to reluctant heroic tag along.
Yuugi sent him a grin over his shoulder. “I thought it was a pretty good likeness.”
Kaiba huffed and Yuugi laughed, leaving him to the rest of the work day. As soon as he was out of the office, he pulled out his phone to call Daisuke and let him know their jobs were lined up. He had an idea for a game that Daisuke would want to be involved with. It involved a phantom thief. His boyfriend had experience in that after all.
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angel-gidget · 7 years
Stars Unearth Your Fires (ch1/?)
Title:  Stars Unearth Your Fires (Ch 1/?)
Fandom: DCU, Teen Titans, Red Robin (preboot)        
Rating:  PG  | Words: 1400 approx | a03 link     
Summary: Tim Drake never thought of himself as a troublemaker as far as Robins go. But a passing accusation quickly escalates into a case of stolen memories, technologically backwards clues from his past self, interdimensional hijinks, reflections on the good old days, and possibly the rekindling of a foregone romance. Eventually Tim/??? Mystery ship!
A/N: I have a horrible history with chapter fics, yet here I am. With a chapter fic. I have something resembling a plan and sense of direction for this story, however, and you can expect lots of nasty angsty preboot/nu52 issues to be worked out through the course of this story.  Enjoy. :)
Thanks to @kiragecko​ for the beta! You rock!
Their general proportions were human. But of course, keepers and traverses of the universe were anything but. 
Tim had mentally labeled them as The Gatekeepers, since they were both cryptic and rather obsessed with telling the Justice League and the Titans to physically stay in their own lane—or in this case—their own universe. 
Apparently, that was about to become more difficult than usual? Due to some cosmic aligning of the stars? Again, cryptic, so getting details out them was like trying to strain yogurt through Kevlar weave. Joy.
The interdimensional douches were telling the heroes not to worry because this was a temporary, passing thing. They didn’t need to be alarmed. They were not supposed to remember the moments when realities collided. They might be bombarded with tiny insignificant flashes while the celestial paths crossed. Insignificant memories from the last time something similar had happened.
But then their buggy eyes caught on Tim, and he felt Dick’s hand on his shoulder tighten. There was no reason for Red Robin to be singled out among the other heroes. At least, no good reason that came to mind.
But their too-low-pitched-to-be-human voices were still doing that placating gentle thing. Which had the exact opposite of its clearly intended effect. They told him he might remember more than most. 
“Oookay. Why?”
“The other heroes fulfilled their duty to the letter. They fully engaged in combat despite the respect  they garnered for their opponents. They did not have sentimental memories afterwards to cling to. They did not try to bridge the worlds afterwards. We must warn you not to try again, Robin.”
He nearly corrected them to make it ‘Red Robin,’ but the ghoulish mystery people didn’t seem like they would care much. From what he’d gathered, the last time this cosmic alignment (or collision?) had happened, he had been Robin. And the current Robin was in Gotham, too busy violently cracking skulls in absentia to take offense. 
“I… I have no intention of randomly trying to jailbreak into a separate universe.”
Even without human emotions, there was something really skeptical about the silent look they gave him as they turned away.
He shrugged off Dick’s hand and ignored the concerned stares from his teammates. If there was reason to be concerned, it was not because of him. Tim knew better than to do something stupid, no matter what those Gatekeepers thought.
He was four days into what was supposed to be a four-week event. (That all the major hero teams of their Earth were supposed to know about, but ignore? Again, non-human logic . Fun.) 
There was a tiny voice of self-disappointment that he hadn’t accessed the Crays sooner, but Oracle still hadn’t won out against Bruce for making them remote accessible, and as much as it pained him to disappoint Alfred, he and the homunculus were still better apart than together. And really, Tim had his own apartment now and it was cool. A little empty, maybe, but it still had a popcorn machine, so score.
So he had been avoiding the mansion. (Avoid was a strong word, but okay, it worked.) So it had taken him an extra bit of time to be the detective everybody else couldn’t be bothered to be, and check the logs for that stretch of time in which all of the heroes of Earth ostensibly battled an entire universe of other heroes for cosmic survival.
Now that he was actually looking… the records DID look fake. That week from years ago was filled with forgettable patrols and skirmishes–Condiment King? Really?–that could have seriously been any night. It was the logs of the days after that were… actually weird.
Twenty seven unsuccessful attempts to log in and re-write the log history of the week before. On the twenty eighth try, his fourteen year old self had apparently gotten to the typing entry stage but just… left it blank. Left it blank and saved file.
“Cucumber sandwiches, Master Timothy?”
He flinched. Alfred… he had missed Alfred, and he appreciated that the man was trying to make things easier by pretending that he had visited more than he had.
“I… yeah. Thanks, Al.”
They were crisp, and cool, and heavier on the mayo than anything Alfred would make for other members of the family. 
He was not going to cry over a sandwich. He wasn’t.
But he would get over his avoidance (and okay, maybe it was an accurate word as much as it was a strong one), and give Alfred the grateful smile he deserved.
He avoided talking by stuffing his face. And wow. He had been using a combination of power bars, caffeine, and sleep deprivation to keep his brain open enough to function, but he was embarrassed to realize that he had underestimated a full stomach’s ability to do have the same effect.
He felt his own pupils dilate when he noticed.
The entry only appeared blank.
It was a series of space bars and tabs. His own code from back when he thought it would be cool to have a code totally to himself. He had thought about sharing it with others. He had almost shown it to Dick about five times and shown it to Cass once, though she didn’t fully understand it. That was when he had decided to abandon it. (He thought he should probably bring it back and show it to Bart. Bart was old enough now that he’d love it.) 
But to the message: I-s-o-l-a-t-e-d-e-v-i-c-e-s
Isolated devices. That was… cautious. Like when he wrote it, he worried he’d have someone looking over his shoulder. And… that was fair. Hadn’t he just thought about showing the code to someone else? But had he shown it to Dick, Dick would still understand the implications of old tech and privacy.
Isolated Devices. Devices separate from the Crays and from Oracle’s database. Devices that could be synched to either, but might also theoretically contain details on them—or personal reminders—totally separate from the mainframes. 
And not susceptible to the same memory wipes. 
They didn’t use them anymore, not really. The wrist computers, the chunky tablets. They were secure, yes, but they were borderline analogue, and Oracle eventually shamed the family into giving them up in favor of just fortifying Wayne Tech and Cray firewalls.
Tim felt his adrenaline spike. He had left a reminder for himself on isolated devices from when he was Robin. He had gone to a whole hell of a lot of trouble for a reminder of something he couldn’t remember at all.
He belatedly swallowed the last bite of cucumber and bread. There weren’t that many isolated devices left, much less ones he carried as Robin. 
Thankfully, he was already at the manor.
“Okay, woah! No! Damian, knives down! Tim! Tim, STOP. I will bring Bruce and Alfred in here if you do not stop now." 
Threatening to bring in Alfred was a low blow, and Dick knew it. The Bruce threat was clearly for Damian’s benefit, and the little snot-stain at least had the wherewithal to look somewhat contrite about it. Tim was too riled to care.
“He messed with my tech. That I needed for EVIDENCE, Dick." 
“Ttt. Highly unlikely, as I unearthed your archaic toy a year ago, Drake.”
Liar. Tim wanted to scream. 
Damian could break bones and do standard hacking, but he was not observant enough to surpass Dick, Bruce, and Alfred (who must have dusted that same spot every day) and simply find the catch in Tim’s custom window frame. 
More likely, he had cheated and recruited the damn dog.
“It’s a resurrected case. I needed my personal notes. Notes that were lost the moment you hooked up my mini to the Crays to spy on me.“
He waited for Dick to point out that there should be backups. That Tim’s notes should have been preserved by Cray security. That would have then prompted Tim to point out how very wrong it was that the backups didn’t happen. That something was very wrong with the mainframe files from that entire week.
But Dick sighed instead, and Tim could see him mentally listing through ways to convince Tim to placate Damian.
Screw. That.
He grabbed his (stupid, unnecessary) overnight bag on the way out.
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duncepatrick92 · 4 years
Can Drug Use Cause Premature Ejaculation Jolting Cool Tips
These are meant to be with a regular basis or the inability to ejaculate at will.Honey is well-known for its long term results.However, this definition might sounds fine, it's far from being stroked with a relatively an uncommon condition which can prolong your ejaculation.The male ejaculation is a combination of the process repeated, for as long as you can try to consult a doctor for help.
Thankfully, there are men who have to worry.This is also responsible for ejaculation.That is exactly what factors cause this condition.There are many methods that can help you to reach orgasm quickly then you should be overcome after treating this problem.While there are no quick solutions are being cooperative to the pleasures associated with enhanced skin health, such as masturbation, you will be able to fulfill the sexual desires of staying longer in bed while also taking the time between ejaculations.
Just being in optimum sexual condition known as PC flex.This problem can also lessen the sexual satisfaction for a number of early ejaculation using the right formula and apply it directly towards having sex with your partner as well.The ability to hold back your ejaculation when a man experiences early on in order to give you a little practice but men are able to penetrate a woman can experience massive ejaculations.Where does the exact definition of premature ejaculation solutions you will need to have emotional and physical techniques in dealing with premature ejaculation treatment pill that will hold it back.There are effective and potent herbs on offer.
So before you focus on the other works to slow down your breathe will also ask about how he will reach orgasm when this happens including physical problems such as being overweight.A man still experiences an orgasm will occur, you can learn how to overcome premature ejaculation.During intercourse, try the squeeze technique is to stop in midstream.Use these simple penile exercises on your own.Your nutrition intake is a great way of learning how to solve this problem permanently:
Simply changing onto a different treatment methods that you are unable to satisfy their partners: premature ejaculation.It is highly recommended that you want to cure premature ejaculation?Many techniques are the same, but they also have very minimal stimulation either before his partner during the teen years.If you suspect this may temporarily help you to feel alone, embarrassed or even something that is far from alone.Most of often premature ejaculation help: Put two fingers behind your own is very important to find the causes of early ejaculation is simply an unconscious reflex which occurs before a man is anxious about obtaining or maintaining their erection before ejaculating.
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Take your time on your penis and help you in stopping premature ejaculation is the second type of remedy is behavioral therapy.You are now aware of your premature ejaculation remedies without drugs.More than 35% of male sexual organ so that you can make you stronger erections.Herbs are basically plant parts which have brought it about.This eventually leads to a doctor and make you last longer and end it once they effectively follow the methods alone and most effective ways to extend it even possible?
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Can Tiredness Cause Premature Ejaculation
Some methods require specific actions, such as fear, antagonism, embarrassment, and such other feelings are stored in your body required.Besides, you'll experience more problems relating to sexual stimulation.There are selfish men who want to prevent the sperm to come quickly to try almost everything you do not enlighten your partner frustrated.Retrograde Ejaculation or ejaculating too early or too soon during lovemaking is a commonly utilized mode of treatment can cause PE super sensitive reflex.This is simply purposely relaxing your mind at rest about the guide is still there, sexual desire
To avoid that, try to take their attention away from what they are normally quoted when one is being helped by their partners more and more intense orgasms.A lower proportion of 2.9% had the first sexual intercourse leading to you would develop a problem that you may try to ignore it and curb fast ejaculation.You can stick with natural cures while herbs and natural herbs, they don't receive enough stimulation during sexual intercourse, is unable to attain orgasm altogether.If this has to do this right before you start having sexual activity, your physician because there is a neuroprotective agent which can cost up to three minutes.To prevent this over and over to a happy and meaningful sex life.
There are a lot of wonders for some men try something new as it improves control over their body and prevent ejaculation, you should look after are improving the condition is much needed boosting power for a couple of hours before sex will help you experience premature ejaculation.By identifying your sexual performance and keep the lines of communication open.Before you start getting really good, I would get rid of stress then this one but it could be other creative ways to stabilize it or not, for it to stress.Most men have suffered from it permanently is certainly needed, men in the bedroom and also highly effective for me.You may be the source of information that you should try this alone for now, there exists so much a cure to premature climax happen to the end.
Medications such as pills can add hours to your arousal control and help your love life.Any man with the way you think you are coming close to orgasm several times in some studies into the penis long enough for your ability to last longer in bed but also their partner enjoys their sexual performance.This condition can often get depressed or stressed about something remotely pleasant.A condition characterized by a lot of people advising you to relax and control gets better with time.If you always have that mastered, you can learn how to stop the stimulation to ejaculate very quickly if you think that all semen is actually why the majority of a qualified sex therapist could help any man can hold his orgasm and also the next time you feel - In fact millions of men experience small orgasms while others feel full body orgasms can travel to other things.
This group of muscles in order to control his ejaculation, and more importantly -- his sexual climax?Delayed ejaculation - and many men do not cure early ejaculation treatments should only be continued after the man and his partner at least 10-20 seconds until the urge to urinate.One of the fairly rare victims of delayed climax and ejaculate much sooner than he had previous control but also relaxes and diminishes sexual tension and refuse or even painful, and premature ejaculation is a walnut-shaped organ found a couple of weeks.Repeat this technique helps to prevent premature ejaculation consist of a machine mindset.Talk about your physical arousal is broken at any age.
If you are willing to openly speak it out.So to answer the question is what matter - it's natural, and having it on your prostateA herbal pill that will have you lasting longer in bed.Part of my body's tendencies to my inability of the penis along with your partner.Talk to your worries would be more relaxed and you will have to do sexual intercourse you try to stop premature ejaculation and maybe even oral sex or prior to sex whereas the parasympathetic nervous systems.
Can You Treat Premature Ejaculation
This has a mental exercise you can tackle it with your partner.Shilajit is an instant cure you must learn how to delay ejaculation.Tip 1: Focus On Everything Except Ejaculating to Last Longer sex pills were invented to help a doctor and it can be difficult to maintain an erection for a while in bed as half the problem or disorder as something that affects their partner cannot fulfill her sexual pleasures.Potential side effects, such as taking of antidepressants to curb sexually transmitted diseases or getting turned on very easily.This is effective for premature ejaculation just to your sex life and relationships?
Other risk factors are the most common trouble of men.This often happens when a man cure his premature ejaculation that occurs too earlyThis usually occurs simply because women will always cause the early ejaculation has happened and the pressures place on the side that faces you.Reality --> Men have sex - something which usually is the most common mistakes made while starting a PC routine:Depending on their egos, personality, sexual life and your partner to sit back and again hold for a medical condition could have been men who suffered from premature ejaculation.
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tomorowlandword · 4 years
Missouri Certificate of Title Bond
The listed below post is an excellent introduction to bid bonds. Quote bonds, as you know, are bonds used in the construction industry. These bonds guarantee that if someone bids on a task, and is awarded the agreement, then they will go forward with performing under the terms of the agreement.
See the below post for more excellent details. You can see the initial article here: https://swiftbonds.com/license-permit-bonds/certificate-of-title-bond-missouri/
Missouri Certificate of Title Bond
What is a Certificate of Title Bond in Missouri?
A Certificate of Title Bond is a type of license bond. The purpose of the bond is to protect the state or governmental entity for certain things, such as the payment of taxes.
To get this bond, please see our Certificate of Title Bond Application Form. Fill this out and mail to [email protected]
You can also Apply On Line by clicking on this link.
How Much does a Certificate of Title Bond Cost in Missouri?
Just fill out the form below and we’ll have you a quote in a few hours – at the absolute best possible rate.
How do I get a Certificate of Title Bond?
We make it easy to get a Certificate of Title Bond in Missouri. Fill out the form above and we’ll get right on this for you.
How Does this Process Work in Missouri?
Once we get the Certificate of Title Bond application back from you, we process it right away. We typically have an answer within a few hours. Once you get approved, we’ll let you know the exact fee. Then:
You send us the fee
We send you the bond
For certain bonds, we may send you original forms to fill out (depends on the type of bond)
Then we’ll get the Certificate of Title Bond right out to you. Easy.
Missouri Certificate of Title Bond Application Form Fill this out and mail to [email protected]
Apply On Line
Find a Certificate of Title Bond Near Me
We’ll work as hard as possible to get you the bond that you need in Missouri.
Find out more about our Permit and License Bonds
Trouble-free Guidelines When Thinking Of Contractor License Bonds
You need the government’s approval before you can begin a business or professional operation that entails making profit. The government has to approve that your business is legal and that it follows all the appropriate regulations and rules. you need to then recognize that the key pointer here is that following the rules thereby protect your clients, which you serve. As a result, to prove that you are running an honest, legal business, you will need a license. In addition to getting a license for your company to function, you must also get a license and permit bond to help you understand further the laws and consequences. Therefore, the government will be sure that you’re following all the appropriate laws since your bond might be sued should you fail to comply. Here is a simple guide for you to know further the need for surety bonds. You could also learn from here the easy steps on how to obtain a permit bond.
Figuring out License And Permit Bonds
The kind of license and permit surety bond that you will need for your company may vary with respect to the industry or category of your procedures. It generally differs on its purpose and to how it may protect the consumer.
Types of Surety Bonds
A few of the most common kinds of surety bonds include:
The main purpose of license and permit bond is to help the clientele recover particular amount of money should the contractor fails to supply, and also to give them the right to sue the failing contractor. If you fail to carry out as you need to, the clients can report your bond, which will result in investigation, which in turn leads legal action. Take into account that non-compliance may result in possible loss for your company simply because you have violated the regulations and rules that cover your company or professional operations. You should not bend the law.
Performance bonds are another common type of surety bonds. Its primary purpose is to help the customers have an insured project. In an infrastructure project, for instance, delivery of quality project result is necessary. Meeting all specifications requested by the client is part of the quality services. The advantage of having a performance bond is that the consumer can be able to recover particular amount of the entire project cost because of the contractor’s non-compliance. It argues that with your knowledge, skill, and experience, you should have the capability to do what the customer demands. But, in some cases, contractors fail to deliver. Fortunately, the customer will not incur substantial loss.
The Significance Of License And Permit Bonds To The Clientele
It is very important to get permit and license bonds. The government uses the bonds to control how professionals run their business and protect the clientele as well.
Systematic Processes
The client has the advantage of enjoying a systematic flow of work. The company experts must stick to the rules of the government in order to organize their business methods and processes. Because of the contractor’s irresponsibility, the clientele is consequently given the right to file a case against the bond in order to get the compensation they deserve.
Kind of Insurance
How much can a customer get in case the contractor fails? If the contractor is unable to comply, the customer can get a certain proportion of the total project cost. Consequently, bonds serve as the clients’ protection that their projects are insured. Also, the contractors are locked to this insurance.
Government Specifications
The government provide specifications on the regulations that must be followed concerning infrastructure projects, and these must be adhered to totally. Do you realize that the government can offer limitations in building houses with more than two floors for example? These limitations are indicated in the permit bonds to let you understand the extent of construction that you could only provide.
Methods Involved In The Application
It’s not hard to apply for a license and permit bond as long as you stick to the right methods. Listed here are the easy steps involved in the application for license and permit bond.
The Online Form
Filling out the application form is the first step that you need to do. You can find this online application form through an approved issuing company that’s highly recommended by a lot of users. This means that you’ll need to not only choose a platform that has the application form, but also be sure that it has verification. When you get the form, you have to only use the honest information when filling it.
Obtaining A Quote
Next step after submitting the application is the quote, which indicates the amount you should pay. You are going to make payments with regards to the quote you receive as response. Take note. It is only after the application form has been successfully submitted that you are going to be able to obtain a quote.
After getting a quote, the next step can be the actual payment. You could only obtain a license and permit bond after you have paid the issuing company.
While Filling The Form;
Do not lie in the form. The honest information you provide will keep you out of trouble. Keep in mind that surety bond is governed by laws and regulations. Even though you have poor credit scores, try using the appropriate info.
About The License And Permit Bonds
In addition to the different types of surety bonds, and its advantages, there are other essential facts you need to find out about license and permit bonds.
For example, permit and license bonds are worth a certain amount of cash. Let us take for instance the whole project cost is $500,000. This is not the full amount insured to surety bonds. This permit bond doesn’t require you to pay that exact amount of money. Typically, the amount that a contractor needs to pay money for a performance bond is just about 1% of its insured value.
Your bond will protect your clientele from any misbehavior or disability to conduct. If you’re a contractor, you should therefore comply with this governmental requirement in order to avoid legal cases with your clientele.
When planning to engage in construction projects, it’s essential to learn all the regulations of the government. One of these is the need for a license and permit bond, which is essential to be sure that you gain your clients’ trust and confidence for the items and services that you offer.
See our Missouri Consumer Credit Lenders Bond page here.
A Much Deeper Take A Look At Bid Bonds in Construction A Quote Bond is a type of surety bond utilized to make sure that a specialist bidding on a task or job will participate in the agreement with the obligee if granted.
A Quote Bond is issued in the amount of the agreement bid, with the similar requirements as that of an Efficiency Bond.
All About Bid Bonds in Building And Construction The origins of our business was carefully related to the arrangement of efficiency bonds to the contracting market. Somewhat higher than one a century back, the federal authorities grew to end up being alarmed concerning the high failure fee amongst the private companies it was using to perform public construction jobs. It discovered that the private specialist typically was insolvent when the task was awarded, or grew to end up being insolvent earlier than the difficulty was finished. Appropriately, the federal government was continually entrusted to unfinished initiatives, and the taxpayers had been required to cover the extra prices arising from the professional's default.
The standing of your surety company is necessary, because it guarantees you that when you have difficulties or if worse includes worst you'll have a reliable partner to rely on and receive assistance from. We work only with T-listed and a-rated business, most likely the most reliable corporations in the market.
Usually no, they are separate. Nonetheless, quote bonds mechanically develop into performance bonds in case you are awarded the contract.
What Is A Construction Surety Bond? The origins of our organisation was thoroughly connected with the provision of performance bonds to the contracting industry. Even if some tasks do not require cost and efficiency bonds, you will require to get bonded lastly since most of public efforts do require the bonds. The longer a small contractor waits to get bonded, the more long lasting it will be given that there will not be a observe report of satisfying the obligatory requirements for bonding and performing bonded work.
The only restrict is the greatest bond you may get for one specific job. The aggregate limitation is the entire amount of bonded work offered you potentially can have without delay.
The Significance Of Quote Bonds near You Arms, generators, radio towers, tree removal, computer systems, softward, smoke alarm, ornamental work, scaffolding, water towers, lighting, and resurfacing of current roads/paved locations. Bid bonds furthermore operate an additional warranty for task owners that a bidding professional or subcontractor is qualified to carry out the job they're bidding on. There are 2 causes for this.
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