#...still sets off my ooc alarms
hiveswap · 10 months
We did it kids the fictional man has finally lost all light in his eyes
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rxzennia · 23 days
with love, happy birthday
– tales of the voracity pathstrider
✎𓂃 happy (late) birthday, kakavasha. somewhat established relationship, pet names, aventurine’s real name, sleepy/ affectionate aventurine who’s probably very ooc. a quick one (i lied, this is like 2k worth of yapping and its 12am) because i was busy playing the update and haven’t been writing at all; i hope i did his lore justice ;-;
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kakavasha stirs as the sun shines in his face. weird, doesn’t he usually have an alarm set? or, at the very least, don’t you usually wake him up?
he feels around the bed for you, but his hand lands on smooth scales instead of you. when he reaches further, he grabs a handful of sheets, and he realizes you’ve gotten up before him and left a few of your serpents with him. he sits up with a yawn, his hand subconsciously seeking out the creature curled up into a ball next to him.
“mm, where’s your…” kakavasha takes a moment to find a word to describe you, and he very quickly gives up. it’s too early for this. “where’s your main body?”
main body…? i mean, he was almost going to say “host”, like… possessed host? parasite host?
the serpent makes a little noise as it opens and closes its maw
drooling, as usual, as it hangs around his hand
does it even understand him?
it does. just needed a moment to comprehend
it slithers up his torso and settles around his neck after doing a few loops
he used to be horrified because your serpents are, like, huge, and what if they decide to strangle him???
but he knows by now that they’re friendly and won’t hurt him
it tries to guide him to you by tugging on either the right or the left sides as he gets out of bed
he finds himself outside of your office… is this where you’ve been?
he lifts his hand to knock, but then he hears you; you seem to be on the phone?
“thank you. then i will leave it to you,” you say, in your typical detached business voice. you glance towards the door when kakavasha enters without knocking, your eyes softening almost immediately at his disheveled appearance of having just gotten out of bed. 
you wave him over; he doesn’t hesitate to settle in your lap and snuggle up against you. the serpent around his neck moves over around yours as well and finds itself a nice position there, essentially tying you two together. kakavasha watches as you spin the pen in your hand idly as you listen to whoever you’re talking to, and he admires you as you work – you’re so different when you’re serious! which makes how sweetly you treat him all the more special to him.
“of course, rest assured,” you answer, to whatever question the other party asked, “yes, a quick rundown report will do. is that all?”
it seems that is, indeed, all, as you end the call and practically slam the phone back onto its stand.
you wrap your arms around him and rubs your nose against his exposed collarbone
this man never uses the buttons on his pajamas properly
“honey?” you ask, using the pet name you have for him as both a tease an an endearment
“do i not have plans today?” he slurs a little, he’s still not quite up yet. “my alarm didn’t ring, and you didn’t wake me up…”
“no,” you answer quickly, lifting your head to peck him on his jaw, “you’re free today.”
you probably either took on a bunch of his work for yourself, or you’ve delegated to his team
he’s so happy when he hears that from you
he got a day off without having to use his vacation days? 
kakavasha can’t quite believe it. you, voluntarily clearing his schedule for him? “really?”
“really, mr aventurine.” you sigh, giving him a playfully harsh pinch on the nose. “kakavasha, i hear it’s your birthday today.”
the pout on his face when he hears you call him aventurine fades immediately upon hearing the next part of your sentence. he’s suddenly wide awake, because in no world had he expected anyone to celebrate his birthday for him again.
“what would you like to do?” you ask, signalling for your serpent to set him free from its coils.
he has no idea
he doesn’t celebrate his birthday anymore, unless someone gives him a cake 
and even then, it’s as simple as he can make it
the day is associated with far, far too many bad memories
so much for being blessed, he thinks, but now that he’s let you into his life…
maybe this day doesn’t have to be filled with only painful memories now
and it’s not like he’s particularly worried about losing you in terms of death
and you seem pretty content staying with him right now
he’s still thinking. he’s still thinking about the things he wants to do.
there’s so much, but none significant enough to be done with you on such a special day
he wants to do something unique with you
something more than just go on a date(?), share a cake and cuddle
you stare at him, and you sigh, “your morning routine, at least.” you nudge him off your lap as you carefully swipe your thumbs along his lashes. “you have eye boogers.”
kakavasha sputters and flushes. oh, you’ve just ruined his ethereal sleeping beauty image by pointing out he has eye boogers. he almost teleports into the bathroom after you’ve said that, and you run your hands along your serpent like you didn’t just almost give him a heart attack.
you have no plan either, if we’re being honest
all you can think of is to shift everything off his schedule so he can take a break
you did think about taking him on a day trip
but like… where? it’s not like you have a hometown to show him
but just going anywhere doesn’t quite feel right, either
you’ve also thought of giving him an audience with your primal form as a gift, but…
isn’t that nightmare fuel?
and also, you’ve never outright told him about your path, or much about yourself (though you’re pretty sure he’s made some guesses)…
so that’s a no
“what should we do?” you mumble, as your leviathan curls around your neck and stares at you with its maw
it does a biting motion with its maw and tilts its head
“brunch?” you raise a brow at its suggestion
how the hell did you get to brunch from that one little move
also, who would’ve thought that you knew how to cook? 
then again, if anyone’s been around as long as you have, they’d know a few handy skills
“woah… you can cook?” kakavasha walks out, looking fresh, as he sees you sliding plate after plate onto the countertop. “i thought you didn’t need to eat?”
“not a need, but i like flavors.” you reply, pointing him towards a chair with your spatula. “sit. i’m almost done.”
while you’re at it, you slide him a mug of mildly sweetened coffee mixed with milk tea
non-authentic xianzhou beverage because you only have access to whatever expensive coffee and teas your boss has stocked at home
you’re not cooking up anything fancy, really, just quick things
like… breakfast items level quick and simple
except you’ve never once cooked in front of him, so he thinks this is all really new
plus it’s you, you’re cooking for him, putting your heart into it, how could he not feel all tingly inside?
!!! do you even know !!! how much you make him swoon !!! with these subconscious things you do !!!
(you generally don’t, though you have the tiniest, tiniest idea in the far back of your mind)
when you finish up and sit down across him, his instinct is to try to feed you
you flinch backwards because what you saw was a fork coming straight at your face
and then you see it’s him trying to feed you, but now you’ve spooked him
he’s got the saddest pout you’ve ever seen on him
did you not like being fed?? :(
before he could pull his hand away, however, you gently take his wrist and let him feed you
you have no idea how much he loves how careful every touch of yours is
this is kakavasha’s first time having food made by someone dear to him since he became aventurine, and he could almost cry at the mere emotional implications of such a gesture, especially when it's from you.
“if you don’t mind…” kakavasha pokes at his plate with his fork as he slowly starts, “i… don’t want to go anywhere. just stay here with me?”
“of course,” comes your reply, “anything you want.”
he’s the birthday boy, come on, there’s no way you’re going to deny him his wishes?
you don’t think you’ve ever seen someone eat while crying and still somehow manage to scarf down so much
but you’re having your eyes opened right now
“it’s not going anywhere,” you say, knowing full well your words will fall on deaf ears, “slow down…”
well, whatever makes him happy, you suppose
you made all this mostly for him anyway
you pick up a few pieces of this and that and feed it to the leviathan waiting on your shoulder
and then you pick up a pancake for yourself
and when you turn back to the table, he’s cleared out every dish
granted, you made like five in total, so it’s really not a big feast…
but still, you didn’t think it was possible
you ask, “should i cook more often?” 
he hops off his chair and decides to squeeze next to you in yours
you naturally slip an arm around his waist and pull him into your lap
“will you?” he raises his question in a trembling whisper, like he’s just been offered the world
“i don’t mind.” you say, as you stack the dishes together and prepare to clean up
he buries his face in your neck. “the housekeeper can do it… i want to cuddle.”
you find yourselves on the rooftop. obviously, kakavasha is latching onto you this whole time, so you’re the one who lugged both him and you up the stairs. time passes by quickly, even if you spend it in comfortable silence; before you know it, the moon hangs high in the sky and the glittering stars are out.
“you really like it here.” you state, an observation based on how many times you’ve found him up here late at night.
“that i do,” he replies quietly, wanting nothing more than just to melt into you. “give me your hand?”
you raise a brow as you offer him your hand
he runs his fingers over yours, holding your hand with both of his, tracing every knuckle and every finger
“do you pray?” he asks, suddenly, breaking the trance you’ve fallen into as he touched your hand
you’re not a particularly religious person, but… 
“i’m not opposed to the idea,” you say
then it’s enough, he thinks, then he’ll entrust you with a ritual of his people
he’ll give you a very, very important piece of him
after all, he knows he’s in good hands now – you’ll take care of him, won’t you?
he moves your hand around, then, until your palms are flat against each other
you can tell right away what he’s trying to do, and your heart swells with a torrent of emotions
“may the mother goddess thrice close her eyes for you...” kakavasha begins, his voice shaky just as his person. he interrupts himself with a breathless whisper – “repeat after me.” 
he takes a deep breath, calming his mind as he comes to terms with how much he will be baring before you. it’s alright, isn’t it? you’ll treasure all that he is. “– keeping your blood eternally pulsing. may your journey be forever peaceful, and your schemes forever concealed.”
you repeat his words a little clumsily, and you press your hand a little tighter against his. it doesn’t take a genius to see that this is such a fragile moment, one where kakavasha’s past, present, and future intersects. where his pain and his solace meet, and where all that he holds dear are at the very forefront of his mind as he finds his way forward. he trembles in your embrace, tiny sobs ripping from his throat as he struggles to keep your palms together.
you briefly wonder if this would be blasphemous, you holding him tightly with your free hand. “shh,” you coo, “shh. take a break, even if just for today…”
it’s too cruel to demand him to keep fighting even on his birthday. you try to shield him from all that is around you with your scarf and your figure, just as you want to shield him from all that could hurt him in the world. the night winds are chilly, but between you and him, you are warm.
“happy birthday, kakavasha.”
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fadingdaggerr · 1 month
Hii!! I hope you've had a great day!!
So, I had this idea and I can't stop thinking about it, it's like rotating in my brain like a Rotisserie Chicken. IDK if you're still taking requests but I just had to send this.
Anyway, Melissa and reader are in someone else's house (R parents or idk some kind of sleepover with the teachers) and for some reason they can't sleep together in the same bed/room, like they're used to, which is concerning R because Melissa doesn't really sleep well alone.
But Mel tries to ease R saying she'll be just fine for one night, and very reluctantly R agrees.
Well, it turns out she can't. R and obviously a few others in the house wake up to Melissa's screaming in the middle of the night and R runs to her, shes is sobbing, shaking and clutching R for dearlife, just absolutely terrified and not even letting R move. R calm her down and take care of her, like with a lot of fluff and comfort.
I'm just obsessed with R taking care of Mel and being really sweet.
Yeah that's it. I love your stories, they are really really good. And I could only think of you when this thing came out of my brain.
+ I absolutely loved what you did in "Know I'm Alive", I was kicking my feet and internally screaming. (I sent that anon 👉👈) So thanks, I enjoyed it a lot, like a lot a lot, like, if I could I would eat that it.
You're really talented!! <3
by the sun, by the moon
pairing: melissa schemmenti x gn!reader
summary: request above! | 4.8k
includes: no pronoun use for r, fluff, hurt/comfort, family play fights/sibling banter, r’s family adores mel, probably ooc!mel oops
warnings: unhealthy relationship dynamic (short), attempted violence (short), mentions/insinuations of sex, one outdated traditional value, sleep difficulties/nightmares, anxiety/panic attack
note: please feel free to skip the section that discusses the unhealthy relationship dynamic/violence. it begins after the first section divide with the line “for her entire childhood…” those topics are only explicitly stated there and only referenced one other time. please do not feel as tho you need to read triggering material to understand the story, i tried to make it understandable without having to read potentially distressing content :)
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Melissa’s head tips back when she hears you coming back downstairs, having been waiting for you since your mom called during The Real Housewives time. The way you’re watching your feet with furrowed brows makes her fully turn until she’s kneeling on the couch, leaning over the back to get closer to you.
“Something wrong?” Melissa asks, reaching to grab your hand to pull you closer.
You shake your head, “no, no.” Warm hands rise to cradle the redhead’s face, “how would you feel about spending the night at my parents place Saturday? They’re hosting Jonah’s birthday, wanted our help to set up the night before.”
Her eyes widen, “just Saturday night?”
“Just Saturday,” you reaffirm, tucking a loose hair behind her ear. She cautiously nods, barely moving. “We don’t have to if you’re not comfortable with it, I’m not going to make you.”
“I know, I know,” she says through her breath, “we’ll stay the night.” The kiss you press to her forehead feels heavier than just a silent thank you.
For her entire childhood and through her marriage, Melissa slept like a rock. She slept through Kristen Marie’s and Joe’s snoring, her college girlfriend’s sleep talking, her parents having a screaming match so loud the cops got called. Before starting teaching, she even had to train herself to wake up at the sound of her alarm, knowing that being late to the school was ten times worse than being late to JC Penney.
Two years after she finally left Joe, Melissa met Eric.
Tall, charming, nice-smelling Eric with his salt-and-pepper beard always tidy, a covered up Marine tattoo on his forearm. He’d bought her drink after his friend accidentally knocked hers off the counter of the bar, and two hookups later, she was agreeing to a real date. Three months later, she was his girlfriend and allowed him into her apartment. He got to know where the spare key was hidden after a year.
Eric was everything Joe was not. During arguments, Joe would shut down and leave, only returning when he smells like cheap liquor and some other woman’s perfume. Eric always stayed, told her his point of view, listened to hers, calmly told her when she was overreacting. He was smooth, never raised a hand towards her or threw things at the walls. Melissa always knew when she was in the wrong, but he never made her feel bad about it.
Eric was particular. He liked his shirts folded a certain way, beer only from a glass, and silence when he worked. If she was excited about anything, he only ever allowed her to speak about it until he’d lost interest, almost always by the time she paused to take a breath. When he properly introduced her to his friends, his hand on her knee would tighten when she spoke. Quickly, she learned that the tighter the grip, the less she should speak. Four hours at some sports bar and Melissa had only been able to say a total of six sentences. Eric liked Melissa quiet. Melissa became quiet.
He started to prod about meeting her family, and she shut him down. Again and again. The fourth time, he banged his fist against the table, the end of his fork creating a small dent. Green eyes fixated on the dent as he began to calmly explain that he had introduced her to his family, it was her turn. Mumbling those were your buddies got her stuck on her own couch that night, clutching the blanket Nana made her before she started college.
Two months later, she began to slowly bring back Eric’s clothing to his apartment on the off-chance they went there for a night. Grading her student’s assignments began to take longer and she triple-checked the scores to waste more time, suddenly too tired to have sex or even talk before going to sleep. Otherwise, she listened to his rules, spoke when spoken to, cooked when asked.
The morning he narrowly avoided calling her a moron to her face when she made the eggs over-medium instead over-easy, she officially made her choice. That night, at the Italian restaurant he brought her to, she called it off.
“Why?” Eric asked, eyes stone, unwavering from hers.
She took a deep breath, “you treat me like a pet. Speak when spoken to, move when told, I’m sick of it.” Her grip on the table cloth tightened, “tomorrow, I will put your stuff outside. You’ll pick it up when I tell you to, and then you will leave.”
He sits back in his chair, tongue poking at his bottom lip, “and if I don’t want to break up?”
“Too bad,” she shrugs. Standing from the table, Melissa leaves him with the check and the sad excuse of Italian cuisine on the table.
At work the next day, it takes all morning, lunch, and prep to fully debrief Barbara on everything that had been going on. It made sense to the kindergarten teacher why she had yet to meet this Eric fella, but after hearing this, she knew Melissa wasn’t proud of getting herself in this situation. A promise of a wine weekend and greasy food makes Melissa truly smile. Barbara hadn’t realized how fake every little grin had been until now, she missed her best friend.
That afternoon, Melissa came home to the loose brick that hid her spare key ajar. The blood in her veins runs cold. Opening the unlocked door, glass scratches across the wooden floor, crunching under her heels. Every picture frame, the television, the radio, the coffee table, the stovetop, the tea set from her grandfather, all smashed to pieces. Holes were in nearly every wall, the stair railing broken. The entire first floor was destroyed, only upstairs was left pristine, as if nothing had happened at all. Bat in hand, she checks every closet, under her bed, in the bathtub, everywhere. He was gone.
Leaning against the wall, she slides down and sobs. Melissa is forced to make a choice she didn’t want to make. Opening her phone, she calls Joe.
Joe, despite everything he had done, was at Melissa’s house within the hour. In one hand he held a bag from the hardware store, containing new locks and keys, the other hand had his very own bat, nails pounded through the wood. Like he said when they signed the papers, just because he wasn’t in love with her, doesn’t mean he didn’t care.
Three weeks later, after things had settled and locks were changed, Melissa felt more secure. Still every night, she woke at every sound, wind and the smoke detector quickly became her mortal enemies. Bundled in her soft pajamas and thick comforter one night, she finally fell into a hard, deep sleep forced from pure exhaustion.
Paperclips, a screwdriver, and a small sheet of flexible metal are all someone needs to pick a lock and shift the deadbolt. Eric surely knew that, always the smart man, yet never the brightest. Slowly, he moved up the stairs, bourbon fueling his motions as well as his heavy steps.
A particularly loud thunk wakes Melissa, hand flying under her pillow to the bat Joe had made her promise to keep there. Another thump made her jump out of bed and to the side of her dresser with an iron grip around Edith Houghton. When her door opened, she stayed pressed into the corner, hoping she stayed hidden just long enough for him to leave so she could grab her phone.
Liquor breeds stupidity, worsens it when it is already present, and Eric had left to check the bathroom. Quickly, Melissa called the police, shakily texting Joe as she whispered to the operator. At that point, she didn’t care who got there first. She just wanted to be free of him.
She moved to a new apartment before the month even ended. Barbara insisted on cameras, which Gerald installed. Joe insisted on a nailed up bat, which he made himself. Not a night has gone by since then where she didn’t have it within arms reach of the bed.
It took six years for her to sleep again.
The light tracing of nonsensical patterns on her abdomen is what wakes Melissa, eyes cracking open to the bright sun peeking through the curtains. She wishes now, more than ever, that she had agreed to the blackout curtains, groaning into her pillow. With the knowledge she’s now awake, several soft kisses press against her shoulder, traveling to her neck. With a sleepy grin on her face, Melissa turns to face you.
“Morning,'' you mumble against her lips, hand traveling up to her hair to separate the knots that you created. “Sleep good?”
The only response you get is a little huff that almost sounds like yeah, her face burying in your neck to hide from the light. You lay there with her, finishing your detangling mission as Melissa’s nails trace up and down your arm. A final, sound kiss lands on the crown of her head before you shuffle out from underneath her, reaching for your previous discarded university shirt and sweatpants. The redhead watches through droopy eyes, scanning over you before your pajamas cover everything she adores.
“Gotta get up, beautiful,” you say through a yawn as you walk out the room, “we need to be leaving for one.” A tiny groan escapes her lips as she rises from the bed, though a small smile crosses her lips when she sees your sweatshirt thrown over the chair in the corner, just waiting for her.
Not even halfway down the stairs, there’s a clatter from the kitchen and a quiet exclamation of fuck. “You’re not even awake and you want me up,” Melissa says as she walks to the coffee maker. She’s met with a small slap on her ass in return, not even caring to be embarrassed of the girlish giggle she lets out.
Whose fault it is that you’re late leaving, who could tell? Between the forgoing packing and wrapping your cousin’s present last night for a taste of Melissa and her lack of pants this morning, it’s hard to say. Nothing that going a gentle twenty over on the highway can’t mend.
Driving up the dirt road, the dense trees thinned and your parent’s yellow house came into view. Your father’s questionably functional truck sits in the front of the garage, your mom and brother’s cars parked close together on the lawn. Seeing the way your hands tighten on the steering wheel, Melissa slides her hand from your elbow to the free hand on your thigh, playing with your rings to calm you. Being at your parents house was always overwhelming, fun, but overwhelming.
Narrowly avoiding scraping the side, you pull in next to your brother’s car. Looking at each other, you and Melissa give each other a nod of we got this. She’d been over here before, she’d been to three family reunions and almost every birthday party, but never had you two stayed the night, always being some of first to leave to sleep in your own bed.
With a little grunt, you hop out of the car and jog to Melissa’s side to open her door. She gives you a half glare when you tap her hand away from helping carry the bags in, you never let her lift a finger, if you can help it.
“Well, look who decided to show up!”
Both you and Melissa jump at your mother’s yell from the porch, bangles clanking together as she widely waves to the both of you. Gravel crunches under her feet as she rushes over to the two of you, immediately pulling Melissa into a hug. Before you were banned from saying it, you used to joke that your parents preferred your girlfriend to their own child. The giant smile on Melissa’s face when she interacts with your family makes it worth it.
Tumbling upstairs, you bring your bags into your childhood bedroom with Melissa close behind. Even with every time she had been here, she loved being in your room. It was a time capsule of your life before college, all the posters of bands and movies still hanging on the walls, trinkets covering every space. She particularly loved the little collection of rocks on your bookshelf, clearly in order from favorite to least favorite.
The bed bobs as you both drop onto the mattress, groaning at the comfort after three hours in the car. You turn your face towards her, leaning to press a kiss to her shoulder, “I love you.”
Melissa leans in closer, “I love you, too.” She watches your eyes flick to her lips, beating you to the chase and pressing her lips to yours softly. It takes every ounce of effort to not moan at your tongue tracing her lip, her hand coming up to grip your shirt and keep you close. Stomping up the stairs makes you both jump apart, feeling like teenagers getting caught, not that the room was helping.
The door opens to show your dad, boots trekking in dirt that will inevitably get him in trouble with your mom. The hand not on the doorknob is over his eyes, “you two better be decent. Ma has lunch ready downstairs and clothing is probably mandatory.”
“Knock it off,” you mumble as you shuffle towards him so he can give your head a gentle noogie. Neither of you were big on hugs, only really being physically affectionate with your partners, but the love is always clear in every fistbump and hand on your shoulder.
You and Melissa trail behind your father as he goes to the kitchen, both fighting laughs after nearly getting caught by your dad. However, the second your mom peers over at the two of you, you both act like you had been silent the whole time, eyes flicking around in feigned innocence.
Lunch is a mismatch of all the foods your mom made for the birthday party the next day, making you all be her taste testers, even if she only really wants Melissa’s opinion as the other cook in the family. Pasta salad, potato salad, mac and cheese, shortcake, even some chicken with her new lemon pepper recipe. You and your brother fight over who gets first dibs on the pasta salad, ending with his wife taking the serving spoon from your hands and grabbing some for herself.
“Act your age,” Kennedy says to her husband, making you laugh, before she gives you a sharp glance, “that goes for you, too.” Melissa turns away to unsuccessfully hide her own laugh from you.
Lunch ends with your mom and your brother arguing over another serving of macaroni, “we need food for tomorrow! Fuck’s sake, Marcus.”
Your father divides everyone into groups to set up the backyard. Your mother takes Melissa and Kennedy to help set up the tables and lights, forcing you and Marcus to help your father with the tent, bonfire pit, and yardgames.
Getting all the yardgames for the little cousins was the easy part, even if it took a while because the three of you had to play a game of cornhole before you could do anything else. None of you got a single one in after two turns, making you all set into defeat, the game was agreed between the three of you to be stupid now. With your father taking a break now, getting the tent together was a doomed venture with you and Marcus.
“If you don’t let me hold it up, it’s gonna keep falling.”
“Fuck off! No, it won’t,” Marcus says with confidence, trying to stand the tent all at once before securing it. Four had already fallen, and a job that should only take twenty minutes was taking nearly an hour.
“How is it gonna stay up if nothing’s holding it, huh? Thought you knew everything?” He flips you off and doesn’t answer, continuing putting the spike in the ground, though without the other end being held up, the weight pulls it down again. Giving up, you walk away and attempt to find your dad for something else to do. You stop in your tracks, just step from the patio.
Watching Melissa with your family always makes butterflies erupt in your chest. She used to be so nervous around them, uncharacteristically quiet and meek, but now she’s almost as carefree with them as she is with her own. The sunlight makes her hair shine, and it’s damn near impossible to look away. It seems you’re of similar mind, her head turning towards you, fighting a grin when she sees the dopey grin on your face.
You almost start to walk towards her, but a strong hand pulls you back. Your dad pushes the hatchet into your hands, “you’re on firewood duty.”
“Nope, you’re not slinking off to your girl. Go chop the wood, Casanova,” he says as he walks back to help Marcus with the tent.
It’s hours before you even get a chance to see Melissa again, as if your parents were keeping you apart. Which they were, knowing that you’d ignore everything you had to do if it meant you got to just look at Melissa. By the time you got back inside, the button up you’d been wearing was abandoned on a lawn chair and you were out of breath. How much firewood does one bonfire even need?
Walking in the backdoor into the kitchen, Melissa is leaning against the counter, her eye on the mixer filled with what will be cheesecake going to your tanktop clad form as she chats with Kennedy. Creeping up beside her, you wrap an arm around her waist and press a lingering kiss to her cheek, mumbling a greeting into her skin before trudging upstairs to shower the sweat and dirt off.
By the end of the night, everyone is half-awake and struggling to keep their eyes open as a TV movie drones on. Neither you or Melissa are paying attention, too wrapped up in one another in the arm chair. Legs dangling over the arm, Melissa is seated on your lap, head tucked into your shoulder as you mindlessly play with her hair. The hand on the back of your neck stops its soft ministrations, her breathing slowing as she fights falling asleep.
You speak quietly for only her to hear, “you ready for bed?” She just nods against you, and you tap her legs to prompt her to move. Her hands hold onto your arm to steady herself, wavering where she stands.
“Alright, we’re calling it. Night guys, we’ll see you in the morning,” you announce into the room as Melissa starts going towards the stairs, not trusting her ability to speak when she’s this tired. You get a quiet chorus of night before you walk to the stairs, but your mother’s voice stops your movements.
“Jellybean, could you do me a favor and take the trash out before you head upstairs?” she asks without taking her eyes off the TV.
You internally groan before nodding, turning to Melissa, “go up, baby. I’ll be right there.”
This catches your mother’s attention, immediately moving to face you, “you mean to say ‘goodnight,’ right?”
Her eyebrows rise, “you’re saying goodnight, then going to your room. Right?” Melissa’s blood immediately runs cold, color draining from her face. If she was tired two minutes ago, she was wide awake now.
“No...” you say slowly, confused, “why would Mel not also be in there?” You peak over your shoulder to Melissa, giving her a look before your attention is back on your mother.
“So, you’re staying in the guest room? Or is Melissa?”
Your face screws up, “Neither of us? My room’s got a full, that’s fine for us.”
“Hell you mean ‘no,’ Ma? Marcus and Kennedy are sharing a full, it’s not a huge deal,” you hear Melissa step down from the stairs, her shaky hand holding your elbow.
“Marcus and Kennedy are married, unlike you two. I know you live together, but my roof, my rules. You know that,” she says matter-of-factly. The other three people in the room pointedly avoid looking at you, not wanting to get on your mom’s bad side.
You argue back, “that’s fucking ridiculous, Ma. We are grown adults, in a relationship.” The arched brow on your mother’s face tells you that you shouldn’t be arguing, but she doesn’t know. She doesn’t know about the panic that is starting to eat away at Melissa’s veins at the sudden thought of sleeping without you, something she hasn’t done once in over three years now.
“No rings, two beds. Don’t think I won’t be checking.”
Not wanting to make more of a scene, Melissa tugs on your arm to gain your attention. Turning to her, you can see the silent plea in her eyes for you to give it up. Shoulders sagging, you let out a grumbled fine. Breaking away from her, you go to the kitchen and roughly pull the trash from the bin. It takes a great deal of effort to not slam the door as you stomp to the garage. When you come back in, you don’t bother saying anything to anyone, just wrapping an arm around Melissa to guide her upstairs.
When you get into your room, you shut the door and lean against it with a huff. The two of you silently change into your pajamas, moving slowly from exhaustion and an attempt to prolong your time together. Melissa turns away to fold her clothes on the bed, and you move to wrap your arms around her waist, propping your chin on her shoulder.
“I’m sorry,” you say, “I’ll stay in here tonight. Not like she can’t ground me anymore.”
Melissa turns in your arms, loosely wrapping her own around your shoulders, “it’s alright, I’ll be fine. I don’t want her mad at you for my sake.”
“Don’t do that,” she says, though the sigh in her voice gives away her uncertainty, “I’ll be okay, amore.”
Your eyes scan over her face before you nod. Her arms pull you closer, noses brushing before she presses a sound kiss to your lips. Melissa’s arms shift and her hands cup your face, moving your head to press kisses to your cheeks, forehead, and chin, until the sour look on your face disappears.
Tugging her into you, you bury your head into her neck, pressing a long kiss there. From her neck you mumble, “I’ll be in the room right next door.”
“I’ll survive in the guest room, this is your bedroom,” she says, though she doesn’t fully mean it.
“What’s mine is yours. Plus, this one’s more comfortable, you’ll thank me later,” you hug her tighter, “so... I will be next door.”
“I told you, I’ll be fine,” she says. It’s more for her than you this time. Three years. Three years of falling asleep with you still awake beside her and waking up with you already looking at her.
You walk her back towards the bed, getting in with her, though not under the covers. With everyone, especially your mother, you don’t think it’ll hurt to stay until Melissa falls asleep. Her back presses to your front, hand holding yours to her chest, fast beating heart beneath. In a hushed voice, you speak about little things that don’t matter in hopes that it will calm her enough. Slowly her breath evens out, face burying into the pillow as it always does when you hold her like this.
Carefully, you detangle yourself from her and press a kiss to her hair, “I love you.” Stepping out of the room slowly, you leave the door cracked just a little and eye Melissa before turning. At the top of the stairs is your mother, brows raised.
“You better be going to your own bed,” she says quietly, though her tone is hard.
Rolling your eyes, you respond, “I am. Just had to make sure Melissa was asleep first.” You try to go into the room next door, but your mom’s face is silently asking for context, “she doesn’t sleep well. Different place, different sleeping arrangement, it’s difficult.”
You don’t particularly appreciate the dismissive way your mom just nods before walking towards the master bedroom, clearly thinking it was just an excuse, but it’s too late to fight about it. The sooner you sleep, the sooner you can wake up and crawl into bed with Melissa before she wakes. You watch the crack in the door and listen for Melissa until sleep comes over you.
Something wakes you just past three in the morning, an ear splitting scream coming from next door. At first, you think it’s just your own anxiety, closing your eyes slowly. A second scream, this time of your name, and you’re springing out of bed, throwing the door open hard enough to bounce off the wall and slam shut. Four steps bring you to your childhood bedroom, rapidly swinging the door open to run in, not noticing the others joining you in the hall.
When you get into the room, moonlight illuminates Melissa where she’s sitting up with a hand gripping her shirt as she breathes in quick, panicked pants, eyes flying around the room until they land on you. Before she can even reach for you, you’re practically pouncing on the bed to get in front of her. Your hands go to her shoulders, her own gripping your forearms, her watery eyes darting around your face. Taking in deep breaths and letting them out slowly, you motion for Melissa to mimic you, trying to slow her rapid breath and heart.
Short gasps become slow, shaky breaths as panic begins to fade and tears form. A whimper of your name makes you pull her into you, her arms gripping your shirt and she cries into your neck. Between broken sobs, only the words window, knife, and everywhere and mention of a him come through, but you understood. This wasn’t the first time Eric’s actions haunted her at night, though it had been nearly two years since she’d woken up in a sweat.
Peeking over your shoulder, you see your parents and brother in the doorway. The look you give your mother is filled with anger and a raised brow that says I told you to listen. The clear fury makes your father pull her back towards their own room, pushing your brother to his. Some level of courtesy hits your mom, closing the door fully before she gets tugged away.
Attention back on Melissa, you alternate between playing with the ends of her hair and lightly dragging your nails over her back under her shirt. You tuck her hair behind her ear, tacky from tears, “you’re safe, Mel. Nothing and no one’s going to hurt you, I promise. I wouldn’t let them.”
Rocking side to side gently, you feel her breathing return to normal, body no longer shaking from tears. Trying not to jostle her, you turn your body to lay down with her, keeping her tucked into your neck with your arms around her. Pressing a kiss to her head, you slide an arm down to grab her hand, lacing your fingers together.
“I’m sorry,” she whispers, just below your ear.
You squeeze her hand, “you never have to apologize for this. If anything, I’m the one that should be sorry. I should have stayed.”
She sniffled, “I’m a grown woman, I should be able to sleep alone.”
“And I should be able to stand up to my mother about sleeping in the same bed as my girlfriend, yet here we are,” you say jokingly, trying to lighten the mood.
Thankfully, she chuckles, the vibration on your skin making you smile, “so it’s all your fault.”
“I’ll gladly take the blame,” you mumble as you settle into the bed more, relaxing as you feel the redhead relax against you.
In a sudden move, Melissa props herself up over you, hair dangling in your face. Leaning down, she kisses your forehead, then each cheek, and finally your lips, long and loving. It’s a quiet thanks that she will never owe you.
“I love you,” she whispers.
“I love you more,” you whisper back.
It takes half an hour for sleep to creep back in, Melissa’s breathing growing slow where she rests on your chest, your heart beating under her ear. When she eventually falls back asleep against your chest, you stay awake and trace lines on her back. You’ll gladly stand guard if it means she sleeps peacefully, stay awake if it means she’s safe.
note: solaris write a fic under 3k like u planned challenge good lord man. also thank you thank you for the compliment, it’s an honor to be the first person u thought of to write this. i hope i did ur vision justice <3
as always, feedback appreciated <3
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bingwriterxo · 1 year
five more minutes
pairing: sam carpenter x reader
summary: in which sam just wants five more minutes together
warnings: probably OOC sam
word count: 1170+
author's note: this was a request! and this is my first time writing for sam, so i don't really have her personality down. also, got carried away with the dream sequence LMAO
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You’re alone in a field, the sun beginning to set in front of you and painting the sky various hues of pink, orange, red, purple. Birds are chirping in the trees that frame the grassy terrain, a smooth, somehow familiar tune falling out of their beaks and into your ears. There’s a light breeze painting over your skin, refreshing you from the otherwise humid air. As you stand there, all you can think is, Sam would love this place.
And then, suddenly, she’s beside you. 
“It’s beautiful, huh?” she asks, her arm brushing against yours. “So peaceful.”
“Yeah,” you agree, not bothering to question how she had appeared and instead reveling in the fact that she was there. “It really is.”
Sam takes a few steps forward and then glances over her shoulder, holding a hand out for you to take. “Come on.”
You don’t hesitate as you intertwine your fingers with her own. “Where are we going?”
“I have a surprise for you,” she says, grinning from ear to ear. Her eyes are shining with pure joy, so who are you to refuse?
She leads you through the field with slow, lazy steps, and you don’t think you’ve ever seen her so content in her life. Here, in a place where she knows there are no threats, where she can relax and relieve herself of her anxieties. For the first time, her shoulders aren’t tense, and she’s not squeezing your hand like she’ll have to drag you along in a high-speed chase at any point. 
The two of you travel farther into the field, and you see no end point, but you don’t raise any questions. You simply follow her, enjoying her hand in yours and the ease that she’s at. 
Suddenly, she stops, and you have to dig your heels into the dirt below you to stop yourself from running into her back. You peek around her shoulder yet see nothing, and you furrow your eyebrows. 
“Sam, what—”
Before you can finish your question, she’s spinning around, her hand still in yours, and kneeling down on one knee. You gasp, realizing quickly what’s happening, and your eyes widen. Your heart is fluttering, and you think your legs might be shaking, but you can’t really feel them. 
“Y/N,” she begins softly, “I know we got off to a rocky start.” You giggle, thinking about the first time the two of you had met, in which Sam nearly tased you when you tapped on her shoulder to return her wallet that she had dropped. “But the journey that we’ve been on since then has been the most wonderful years of my life, and I’ve never trusted anyone in the way that I know I can trust you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, if you’ll let me.”
She reaches behind her with her freehand, digging into her back pocket, and returns with a ring box. You briefly wonder how you hadn’t seen it early but almost immediately dismiss the thought as she pops the box open, revealing a beautiful ring within. 
“Y/N, will you marry me?”
A loud, incessant beeping woke you from your dream, and you groaned. Without even opening your eyes, you reached out for your phone, bringing it close to your face. You cracked one eye open, ready to turn off the alarm, but you were met with a blank screen, which meant only one thing. 
It was Sam’s alarm. 
You turned over and were met with the sleeping brunette, her hair mused and breathing still even. For a moment, you simply looked at her, taking in her beauty, but then the alarm seemingly got louder, and you knew that you had to wake her. You reached over her body, careful not to jostle her too much, and turned the alarm off before returning to your original position. 
“Sam,” you whispered, placing a hand on her cheek. You were always careful when tasked with raising the woman from sleep because you knew how high-strung her body ran, even if she didn’t mean for it to. The first time you had to wake her up, she had tackled you to the ground, strong even though she was barely awake, and then proceeded to apologize profusely. 
You tried again when your first murmurings didn’t work. “Sam, baby.” You rubbed your thumb along her skin, ran it over the bridge of her nose. Your gentle touches seemed to work as Sam’s eyes fluttered open, dark brown peeking out from beneath her lashes. 
Her immediate reaction, as per usual, was offering you a small smile. “Morning, pretty girl,” she said, lifting a hand to pick up your own. She brought yours to her lips, pressing a kiss to your knuckles. “Any good dreams?” she asked, in the same way she did every morning. 
You hummed, thinking about what had occurred just before you were woken up. “They were amazing.”
She rubbed her thumb along the skin of your hand, squeezed it slightly. “Good.” Her eyes started to close again; she was clearly extremely tired, which you already assumed because Sam always woke to the first ring of her alarm. 
“Your alarm went off, baby,” you said. “You have to wake up for work.”
Sam grumbled softly. “I’d rather stay right here.” To emphasize her point, she reached out, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you into her. She rested her chin atop your head and intertwined her legs with yours. Warmth was radiating off of her, and you were tempted to fall back asleep. 
“Baby,” you mumbled into her chest. You slipped a hand beneath her t-shirt, fingers running along the skin over her ribs. “You have to get up.”
“How am I supposed to get out of this bed when you’re cuddling into me like this? It’s not fair,” she murmured. She tightened her hold on you and you felt more than heard as she let out a content sigh. “What if I just called out sick?”
You laughed into her. “You know you can’t.”
If you looked up, you were almost positive she would be frowning, her eyebrows knitted together in disappointment. “I know,” she groaned, “but let me have five more minutes. Please?”
“Okay,” you agreed, nuzzling further into her. Your hand slipped from her side to her back, tracing over her spine lightly until you reached the nape of her neck, where you lightly played with her hair. “Five more minutes.”
bonus: when you woke up again, you were still pressed against sam’s front. you sighed happily and tried to bury yourself deeper into her touch before thinking, wait, sam?
you sat up, hand flying toward your phone. you picked it up, turned it on, and your eyes widened at the time: 10:56AM.
“oh, fuck,” you said. you glanced at the woman still sleeping and shrugged. well, she’s clearly not gonna go in anyway, you thought as you slipped into her hold again. might as well let her sleep.
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kichikichiko · 1 year
Trip to dreamland
Request by : @lunarowen 🤭
Synopsis : Wally sees his beloved tired and sleepy, so the puppet prepared his Darling charm and comforts you
Pairing: wally darling x gn puppet! Reader
Cw: fluff, comfort, established relationship, slightly OOC?, sleeping together on the same bed 🥹🫶🏻, not proofread
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Sorry to bother you both, but have you seen (name) anywhere today?" The neighbourhoods favourite artist asked Julie Joyful and Frank Frankly, interupting their conversation.
"Oh sorry wally! I havent seen them at all today! Now that I think about it, they seem quite off the day before, right Frank?" Julie looked back at Frank, looking for some kind of answer
Frank nodded after a bit of thinking and looked at the yellow puppet "why dont you ask Eddie? He's probably delivering mail right now"
Wally thanked the 2 and made his way down to Eddie Dear's post office and asked him the same question.
"Sorry Wally" Eddie started, back facing Wally as he sorted out mails and packages. "I havent seen em today either, I will stop by their house later on, if you want I can report to you what I find"
Wally shaked his head "no that wont be necessary I think I'll just head over to their house instead, thank you Eddie"
You and Wally were suppose to have a painting date around the woods of the neighbourhood, but you never showed up.
After a bit, the yellow puppet arrived at your home and knocked a few times, when there was no answer he started to get worried.
He knocked again "hello~? (Name), its me Wally. Are you alright in there?" No answer
He pondered for a bit then decided to do something
"I'll come inside then (name)"
He entered your house and stood at the entrance, waiting to hear something, anything from you but again no sound can be heard.
Wally went up the stairs to your bedroom and knocked, "(name)? Are you alright?"
He opened your bedroom door slightly and peaked his head in, the sight he saw was you propped up on the floor dozing off with papers scattered around the floor.
Wally walked up to you and crouchrd down, shaking you a bit to wake you up.
You opened your eyes and groaned a bit "wally...? What are you doing here? Were suppose to meet tomorrow..."
"It IS already tomorrow (name), you didnt show up at our meeting place" He answered you with his signature smile and lazy eyes.
Once he said that did you finally gain your senses, you looked around to see the sun shining through your window, then at the clock and back at Wally
He didnt seemed bothered at the slightest, making you feel guilty. "Im... so sorry Wally I didnt- I should have set an alarm! I didnt realised I dozed off last night oh no!"
Wally placed his hand on your head and shaked his head, the smile still on his face "dont worry about it, I was worried something happened to you, speaking of which...whats with all this paper scattered about?"
You scanned the area and finally remembered what you were SUPPOSE to do the night before
"I was... trying to prepare a drawing of the both of us last night.. as a surprise gift to give to you when we meet up..." blush formed around your cheeks (if that was even possible) as you looked down to your hands, slightly embarrassed "none of them looked nice so I kept on trying to draw a better one... i guess I lost track of time and the next thing I knew, I've already fallen asleep"
The yellow puppet laughed at your words, "ha.. ha...ha" some puppets thoight the way he laughed was iffy or strange, but you never thought of it that way, in fact when he laughs, it washes your worries away.
"Oh dear (name) I think all your drawings look lovely, I would have appreciated all of them either way and Im sure you know that" he gave you a closed eyes smile reassuring you, making you smile a bit. He took your hand and stood up "lets just spend the day at your place, you seem pretty tired so lets just relax"
You nodded and lead him to your bed as you layed on it Wally following along.
He attemped to hug you, but ended up limp in the process making you laugh "youve gotten slightly better at this Wally"
"Im glad, the concept of hugging is still strange to me, ha.. ha.. ha..."
Comfortable silence ensued and you started feeling your eyelids drop, before you made your way to dreamland, Wally kissed your forehead and said the following words,
"Have a wonderful trip to dreamland, I'll see you there, Darling."
Masterlist here!
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egcdeath · 2 years
sunday kind of love
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request: I'm still so so so in love with jake lockely, and wanted to request something with him and his girl being domestic af, like going to the night market together to get stuff for a late dinner, him not letting her get an uber because he's the best, dancing with her in the kitchen while it cooks 🥺 you're so good at writing intimacy it kills me honestly (in a good way) 
pairing: jake lockley x reader
summary: a glimpse into the best and most domestic day of the week for jake and the reader.
word count: 5.1k
warnings: SO MUCH FLUFF!! you will need to see your dentist after this, domesticity, playful nagging, a lot of references to food idk why, dialogue heavy towards the end, really really soft, not beta read
author's note: i want to preface this by saying that jake is ooc. to be fair we’ve seen like 3 minutes of him in canon, but he is just a big old teddy bear softie in this fic who loves his gf more than anything. this fic involves the same couple from love in bloom. i wrote it with them being together for at least a few years in mind, but it’s really up to interpretation, and you definitely don’t have to read that before you read this fic! i hope you enjoy.
Saturdays used to be your favorite day of the week; that was, until you fell into your Sunday routine with Jake. 
You woke up to the rhythmic snoring of the sleeping man beside you, the familiar vibrations from his chest rattling through your own body, fueling your reluctance as you slowly and quietly slipped out of bed, attempting to escape the heavy arm laid across your own chest. Despite the knowledge that he often slept like a rock, you made sure to avoid your one creaky floorboard as you escaped your bedroom. 
Rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, you evaluated the ingredients you’d picked up from the farmer’s market just a day prior before turning on a playlist of some of yours and Jake’s favorite music. 
It was almost alarming how easily you’d fallen into a familiar rhythm with the man—beginning with routine visits to the market on the weekend, to second, third, and countless other dates, then escalating into spending more time at each other’s places together, and collaborating on little things together when you couldn’t be together, like watching the most recent season of Acapulco Shore while sending texts with commentary to each other, or adding a song you thought he might like to your shared playlist. Falling for Jake, and loving him, was easy—something you frequently thought about, like now, as you evaluated your pantry and fridge for something nice for your partner to wake up to.
You eventually settled on dressing up some avocado toast on Jake’s favorite artisanal sourdough, and got right to work with washing and cutting produce, along with arranging the avocado in a manner that was simply unnecessary—although, as you’d learned, it was the little details that Jake appreciated. Singing under your breath along to a song that Jake had added to the playlist, you found yourself focused and lost in making a clean green spiral of avocado slices. 
“Morning,” Jake said raspily, voice low and groggy from sleep. He casually snaked his arms around your hips as he approached you, setting his head on your shoulder, giving you the tiniest start. You couldn’t deny that one of your favorite parts of spending the weekend with Jake lied in how you kicked off the morning. The back hug and cheek kiss was now a classic move, one you always looked forward to while you stood alone in your kitchen, despite the tiny scare it always seemed to give you. 
“‘m glad you finally decided to wake up,” you teased, setting down the butter knife in your hand that you’d been using to design your own toast, and reaching up to gently scratch the stubble on the cheek next to yours.  
“It’s hard for me to get my beauty sleep without my girl,” he shot back, pressing a gentle kiss to your cheek. You fought (and lost) a smile as his stubble gently rubbed against your face, a familiar comfort that seemed to make your heart leap no matter how many times you felt it. 
“I dunno, you still look pretty beautiful to me,” you shrugged, reaching back down to the cutting board to grab a washed strawberry by its stem before holding it up to Jake’s mouth for him to bite while you held your free hand under his chin in order to catch any mess. “Open.”
Jake gladly took your strawberry offering and practically purred. “Delicious. But not as sweet as you, cariño.”
“Shut up,” you laughed, watching Jake with nothing short of hearts in your eyes as he shuffled away from you and made somewhat of a beeline to your Keurig. You paid him no mind as you moved over to your stovetop to work on cooking eggs to go on top of your toast. “Did you sleep well?”
“I’d sleep better if you didn’t leave me,” he sighed dramatically, grabbing two mugs and coffee pods as the machine gurgled at him in a frankly uncouth manner.
“I was gone for like, ten minutes tops. You’re just clingy,” you teased right back, setting a lid on top of the popping skillet. 
“Can you blame me for wanting to spend every second of the day con mi corazón?” Jake questioned, walking to your fridge and grabbing your respective creamers. “You’d be complaining too if one of your major organs got up and left you alone in the middle of the night.”
You scoffed playfully, “It was nine in the morning! I’m tired of this honeymoon phase. Will you ever stop being lovesick?” you whined, setting your hands on your hips as Jake took a detour to snatch yet another strawberry off the cutting board on his way back to your now fully functioning coffee machine.
“Unfortunately no. Doc says it’s chronic. I may never recover,” he sighed, adding the creamer and sugar to your piping hot drink in just the way he knew you liked it. “And Doc told me that the only temporary cure is for you to stay in bed with me all night.”
“That’s too bad,” you feigned disappointment, sliding the now over-easy egg onto Jake’s overdressed toast. “I guess I’ll sacrifice the possibility of ever bringing you breakfast in bed. Those are just the kinds of things you do when you love someone.” 
You made quick work of putting finishing touches on the slice before grabbing your plates and heading over to the table. 
“Eh, I’ll live,” he shrugged, setting your mug in front of you, then leaning down for a quick kiss that you gladly returned. “Everything looks amazing. You’re amazing.”
You shook your head fondly, “sit down and eat before I make you take me to the dentist for being so sweet.”
There was never a dull moment between the two of you, which was why something as simple as doing the dishes had somehow managed to become a ‘moment.’
It all began when Jake insisted that he do the dishes, as he often did, followed by you protesting (as you often did); something about you being a good host and him being a good guest. Either way, it ended with you at the sink, and Jake on drying duty standing in a comfortable silence as your joint playlist flipped through some of your favorite songs. 
Eventually, one slow song in particular popped onto your speaker, eliciting a soft gasp from the both of you— one that said ‘This is our song!’ without really having to say anything at all. 
All at once, the fork in your hand fell into the basin of the sink, and Jake set the partially dried mug onto your countertop. You gave each other a certain look, and Jake reached out an expecting hand, one that you gladly took.
He pulled you close to him and hummed softly along to the words as he wrapped his arms around your waist once more and softly swayed you along to the music. 
You draped your arms around his neck and wordlessly grinned up at the man who seemed just as happy as you to be dancing along to the song that had grown to have so much meaning to the two of you. 
Catching you off guard, Jake lifted an arm, encouraging you to do a little twirl in the tight space of your apartment dance floor, and twirl you did, returning to him with a giggle as his ever passionate eyes locked on yours, as if you were the only person in the entire world. 
You held on tight to Jake once more, heart (and body) practically melting as he sang the last few lines of the song to you, maintaining that intense, yet adoring eye contact before he leaned down once more to give you a soft, tender kiss. 
Jake stepped on your foot a few times, and you’d be lying if you said that you didn’t catch your own on his, but standing in your kitchen, swaying along to your song, there was no place on Earth that you’d rather be. 
There were only so many times that you could playfully tell one another that you didn’t smell the best until you finally had to do something about it, so it was no surprise when you and Jake ended up in the shower together, somewhere between comfortably and uncomfortably cramped between the tile of the wall and the flimsy curtain. 
Showering together had become yet another staple in your Sunday routine—something about saving energy and money on a water bill, or maximizing your time together. In reality, you knew there was nothing Jake looked forward to more than the intimacy of something as simple as a joint shower… and the promise of a thorough scalp massage just happened to be a bonus. 
You lathered up your hands in your favorite lavender body wash and gently massaged the suds into Jake’s back, smiling to yourself when he unconsciously let out the sigh and tension that his body had been holding onto. 
“When are you gonna let me take you out to get a real massage?” you asked, running your hands up to his slowly untenseing shoulders. 
“Never. You do a good enough job,” you could practically hear the bliss in his voice as you both cleaned and kneaded his back. 
“While I appreciate the flattery, I promise you that once a professional gives you one, you’ll never go back,” you lightly ran your nails down his back before passing off the body wash for him to take care of the rest of himself while you worked on shampooing his hair. 
“You’re perfectly adequate enough for me,” he countered as you rubbed the product into his scalp. “And if you keep that up, I’m going to fall asleep.”
“Hey! You’re not allowed to fall asleep before you lather me up. Those are the shower rules,” you paused from your scalp massaging to peek around Jake’s torso, and didn’t miss the slightly too relaxed expression on his face. “I’m serious, Jake. I’ll make the water freezing cold right now if I must.”
“Fine, fine. Turn around,” he ordered, voice slightly more alert from the new threat of a cold shower. You gladly followed his direction, pleasantly humming to yourself as Jake rubbed soothing suds onto your body. 
“Stop, you know I’m ticklish there!” you laughed, attempting to slap away your partner’s hand as he unnecessarily emphasized rubbing on your neck. Jake’s laughter joined with yours, the sound of your shared giggling filling up the room. “You have one more strike, Jake Lockley,” you threatened emptily. 
“Yeah? Or what?” 
“Or you’ll be showering alone for the rest of your life,” you snapped back, suddenly reaching for the sides of his torso, eliciting a mixture of Spanish curses and laughter as you tickled him back in his most vulnerable spot. 
“Okay, okay, I get it, we’re even now,” he wheezed out, grabbing your hands to stop you. “I don’t even know if I want to shower with you anymore.”
“I don’t believe that coming from the biggest shower sap in the entire universe,” you looked up at him expectantly, using your joined hands to wipe out some of the water in your eyes. “You come here every weekend practically begging for a shower and massage.”
“Fine, you got me there.” Jake conceded. “It’s time for you to rinse, though. I’m starting to prune up.”
You nodded in agreement before awkwardly shuffling around so you could rinse yourself off at a somewhat better angle, and you cringed at the heat. “I’ll never understand why you need it so hot. Are you trying to boil us to death?”
“Hey, I just like my showers hot,” he defended. “But I guess dying with you is my ideal way to go.”
You rolled your eyes, turning back to lightly hit his chest. “You are something else.”
“One day we’re gonna move into a place with two sinks,” you mumbled against the toothbrush in your mouth. “I can’t go much longer like this,” you glanced up at Jake in the mirror, fighting laughter as you peered at his foamy mouth and ridiculous appearance with just his waist wrapped in a towel. 
“Why? You don’t like being close like this?” Jake asked, gently bumping his hip against yours and smirking at you through the mirror. 
“Something like that,” you muttered back, spitting out the remaining toothpaste and reaching across your countertop to grab a roll of floss. 
“Are you asking me to move in with you?” Jake asked after a beat as he watched you quietly floss your teeth. 
You shrugged cavalierly, but the heat practically radiating off of you betrayed your true feelings on the matter, and it certainly didn’t help that Jake was standing so close to you. The truth of the matter was that you would love to move with him, maybe go upstate and have a pet and a garden, and eventually even children—but for now you were just enjoying your Sunday with the man you loved in a bathroom that was far too cramped to comfortably brush, let alone floss your teeth—and that was plenty for you. 
Besides, Jake knew what you really wanted regardless of what you did or didn’t say. 
Rain lightly pelted against the living room windows, a soft soundtrack of serenity that contrasted awfully well with the overdramatic reality show playing out on the television while Jake laid against your chest, half-lidded eyes falling closed every now and then as you ran your fingers through his curls and occasionally scratched his scalp. 
“This is just ridiculous,” you murmured, glancing down at Jake as you aimed your commentary toward him. “Can you believe they’re doing all of this for fucking Flavor Flav?”
Jake grunted out a sound of agreement, not really processing anything you’d just said as he was clearly much more interested in being spooned and having his hair played with than the trashy television playing in front of you. 
“Having a good time?” you asked with a cheeky grin, obviously picking up on his distraction. 
“With you? Always,” he hummed. “I’m not having a good time with Pumpkin, though. She needs to leave New York alone.”
“Right?!” you laughed. “You just get it. I’m glad I have you to indulge me in my shitty shows.”
“I feel like you’re indulging me. These have always been a guilty pleasure of mine,” he confessed. 
“Really?” you asked with raised brows. “I never would have guessed. Really! I’m not being sarcastic or anything.”
“I guess our terrible television taste makes us the perfect pair,” he suggested. 
“Yeah, just our television taste,” you retorted, amusement ever present in your voice. 
While your local grocery store was no farmers market, it was nice to grab a few pantry staples for the week at a much more understandable price. It also just so happened that you had an extra pair of hands and an Uber driver to assist you during your weekly trip. 
You happily strolled through aisles, tossing whatever looked right into the basket that Jake was faithfully following you around with through the store.
“You’re doing a great job sticking to your list,” Jake teased as you checked off pasta from your list after tossing various other grains that were not exactly pasta into your basket. 
“Thank you,” you gave him a tight smile. “Y’know, it didn’t always used to be like this.”
“Really? Tell me more,” you gave the back of the cart a little tug to let him know that you were on the move once more. 
“Alright, once upon a time, long, long ago, only one person lived in my home for all seven days a week—me,” you continued to guide him to a checkout lane. “But then, one day, a man, a very handsome and lovable one, ended up essentially moving in for two of those seven days. And my pantry could no longer keep up with those two mouths. Especially when the handsome dork thinks that finding a bunch of ingredients and cooking together is the ideal date.”
“Is it not?” Jake asked, setting one of the fully checked out and packed bags into your cart. “I understand now. I’ll never question you ever again.”
“Stop,” you laughed, grabbing the next bag from the cashier. “You don’t have to stop questioning me, you just have to stop judging me.”
“I’m never judging you! Just making observations.”
“You’ve done enough damage today. There’s no coming back from the things you’ve said in the walls of this store.” 
Sundays were a day of domestic chores, which meant laundry, and ever since Jake started staying with you more often— a lot of it. 
You were fortunate enough to have your own washer and dryer in a practically microscopic closet next to your kitchen, meaning that you had a more than ideal view of Jake working on your next meal as you fidgeted with the settings on your washing machine. 
You attempted not to pay him too much mind as you moved one load of clothes into the dryer, but the very obvious scent of burning herbs was too much to ignore. 
“What’cha doin’ Jake?” you questioned, wandering over to him as he peered into the oven. 
He looked back at you and gave you a guilty half-smile, eyes shifting back to the mystery item in the oven. “Just admiring the view.”
“The oven view?” you asked, already slipping on a mit and maneuvering yourself in front of the appliance.
“The you view, pretty girl,” he attempted, knowing that neither of you were buying his words.
“Mhm. You’re a cute liar,” you laughed, opening the oven and coughing as a mixture of steam and the stench of a burnt item hit your nose. 
“Come run another errand with me,” you asked as you finished folding up the last of your laundry. Jake peeked out from the closet and raised a curious brow at you. 
“What’re we doing?” he questioned, hooking one last piece of clothing onto the valet rod before flopping onto his back atop your bed. 
“It’s a surprise,” you sat down on your knees next to him and leaned over his face. 
“I’m scared,” he countered, the dopey, lovesick smile on his face not matching his comment at all. 
“Trust me,” you reached down and grabbed his hand, giving it a little squeeze. “It’ll be fun. It’s just a surprise. You trust me, right?”
“I do, but when you keep bringing up trust it makes me not want to trust you,” he laughed. 
“Fine. Don’t trust me. Just trust that you’re gonna have a good time.”
“Hey! I never said I don’t trust you! I would trust you with my life, and even more.”
“I’m convinced you really will never grow out of being a lovesick sap,” you teased, pushing down that warm and fuzzy feeling in your stomach in favor of nuzzling his nose. 
“I love when you drive my car,” Jake commented as you parked in a spot of the mystery location. 
You really didn’t drive too often, only when you had a secret date you’d planned that you didn’t want to have spoiled by Google Maps. Other than that, Jake practically insisted on being your chauffeur, even when it came to mundane tasks, like a trip to the hair salon on a Tuesday afternoon. 
“Stop being sarcastic,” you scolded, your tone not matching the silly smile you shot Jake. 
“I’m not! It’s very endearing,” he countered, grabbing his wallet from the center console. “So what is this mystery errand?”
“We’re at a night market! They have a bunch of vendors selling neat things they made, and a ton of street food, since lunch was kinda a flop.”
“So it’s like the farmer’s market?”
“Yeah, but at night. So it’s different.”
“Sounds different and fun,” he concurred. “What are the odds we’ll need an umbrella at this market?”
“Slim to none, since it stopped raining hours ago. But we will be outside.”
“It stopped raining hours ago, but the sky looks ominous as hell right now.”
“It’s only like that because it’s late. And because of pollution.”
“Mhm, sure.”
“I’ll bet you that it doesn’t rain.”
“And what do I get when I win this bet?”
“Prizes are to be determined. But don’t hold your breath. There will be no rain.”
“I’m sure,” Jake nodded as he reached into his backseat to grab an umbrella. “Just in case.”
“You won’t need it, but okay. Come on,” you popped out of the car, hurried around the front, and opened Jake’s door for him as well. “M’lady.”
“Keeping chivalry alive as always,” he mused as he slipped out of the car. 
Jake slipped his hand into yours and you gladly wove your fingers together—a comforting and familiar motion that seemed to warm you up from the inside out— before you led him into the entrance of the market.
It started with one droplet hitting your cheek as you stood in line to pick up bao that was allegedly the best in town, then another, and suddenly it was as if all hell broke loose from the heavens above. You both glanced up at the sky in a synchronized act, then back down at each other. 
In one quick moment, Jake had popped open the umbrella and held it over both of your heads before too much rain had the opportunity to drench the two of you. 
“Start thinking of what I’ll get for winning our little bet,” he goaded, shifting the umbrella slightly further over to you to ensure that you wouldn’t get too wet.
“It seems like you’re already having enough fun with bragging rights that you really don’t need a reward,” you shot back, moving in closer to him to attempt to avoid getting too wet, as it turned out that the umbrella was not quite big enough for two people. 
“I’ll gladly take your permission to bring this up at every opportunity I get,” Jake continued on, perking up when your names were called with food. “Why don’t you go find us seating and I’ll grab our food? You can take the umbrella.”
You nodded, taking the umbrella and briefly basking in only being a little wet before hurrying off to find a seating area with some kind of roof. 
After searching a good amount, you stumbled upon a little tent with only a few people scattered about, sitting at various different tables. It wasn’t too long before Jake showed up in the tent, lifting up one of the little paper trays as if he were waving at you with it. You could’ve sworn that man had a sixth sense for where you were located, but you weren’t particularly mad about it. 
Your partner walked up to you, pretty much drenched from the less than pleasant weather. He sighed out something that seemed like relief as he sat down next to you, passed you your similarly damp food and wasted no time getting straight to business. 
“This is really good,” Jake commented between ravenous bites. “Here, try mine,” he held up his bao to you and you took a bite, humming pleasantly at its flavor. 
“Okay, okay, try mine,” you held one of yours up to his face, and didn’t miss that his eyes lit up after taking a little bite. “Wanna swap?”
He gave you a smile that said a thousand words, and you gladly switched the paper trays in front of you. “You know me so well,” Jake hummed, extremely content as he finished off your order. 
As you sat, the cold wind and a stray drizzle of rain continued to batter you, despite you being under the overhead safety of a tent. You couldn’t help but shiver as you and Jake played Words with Friends, attempting to wait out the rain. 
“Are you cold?” he asked, wrapping an arm around your hip and pulling you closer to his side in an attempt to share some of his warmth.
Jake’s observance was both a blessing and a curse. Sure, you were shivering a little, but it really wasn’t that bad. And since you were showing any sign of discomfort, you had a feeling you knew the direction of this conversation. 
“I’m okay,” you dismissed. 
“No,” he countered stubbornly, already shrugging off the shoulders of his jacket in preparation of draping it around you. 
“Jake,” you whined. 
“No, really. I was overheating. You feel the heat radiating off of me, right? Why not share some of the heat with my girl?” 
There was no other protest you could make, as Jake was already slipping his surprisingly warm jacket around you. 
A few rounds of your game and facetious arguments later, the rain still hadn’t cleared up. You were usually quite patient, but the thought of getting out of your wet clothes and laying in your warm bed was far too exciting of a prospect to stay under the shelter for one minute longer than you needed to.
“Think we should just brave it?” Jake asked as if he could read your mind. 
“Please. I was literally about to ask you the same thing,” you both were already getting out from your seats as you spoke. 
“What’s our plan here? Duck and run?” Jake asked, already popping the umbrella back up.
“I think so. And my honest opinion is that the umbrella is only going to slow us down. We need to raw it.”
“Ew,” he cringed at your word choice, and began to fold the umbrella back down. “But you’re right about it slowing us down. Okay, let’s go.”
You two looked at each other and took a dramatic deep breath before grabbing one another’s hand and rushing out from under the tent.
You had an idea of just how ridiculous the two of you must’ve looked, holding hands and running in the rain as an umbrella dangled off of your wrist, but you would be lying if you didn’t admit just how fun it was. 
It was surprisingly easy to find your vehicle, but before you could slip into the passenger side, Jake grabbed you by your waist and pulled you into a rather dramatic and surprisingly passionate kiss. 
“I’ve always wanted to do that,” he gasped breathlessly, winded from both running and kissing you so intensely. 
“Rom-com kiss? I think we can both cross that off of our bucket lists,” you giggled, pecking his lips once more before getting into the car. 
“That was fun. We should do it again sometime,” Jake chimed as he sat down next to you, immediately blasting the heat in the car. 
“I think we have different definitions of fun,” you panted. 
It was a miracle that Jake had managed to stay over so long, usually opting to leave your apartment sometime in the evening with a gentle kiss and a promise to be back the following weekend. But not tonight. Following a second shower together—the result of getting so damp at the night market—Jake followed you to bed and laid on his side as he watched you get a book out and try to relax your mind enough to fall asleep. 
You’d be lying if you said that you didn’t love when he decided to stay over an extra night, or that you didn’t love when he got into one of his ‘lost puppy dog’ moods where all he wanted to do was follow you around and be close to you. Hence, why you didn’t comment on him laying his head on your stomach while you attempted to read, despite the action distracting you every time you noticed the heap of wet curls sticking out from the top of your book.
“Would you marry me someday?” he asked out of the blue, looking up at you from where his head was resting on your stomach. 
You would be taken aback, but it wasn’t the first time one of you pulled out a future card after a long day of domestic bliss. 
“What do you think?” you asked, setting your book down on your bedside table. 
“I don’t know. That’s why I’m asking you,” the earnest look on his face telling you that he genuinely was curious—if not a little concerned—about what your answer would be. 
“We’re practically a married couple already,” you slipped your hands down to cup his face. “Some of my friends think we’ve been engaged for months. I’ve received texts asking why they haven’t been invited to the ceremony.”
You both chuckle at that, Jake’s sounding slightly more nervous than your own. You rubbed at his forehead gently with your thumb, as if you could wipe away his worry lines. 
“Please don’t look so anxious. I will marry you someday. Hell, if you proposed to me right now, I would find a minister online and marry you in this bed at this very moment. How else are we gonna have two and a half kids, a few cats and dogs, and a garden full of meaningful flowers in our suburban upstate home?”
“We could be lifelong partners…?”
“Shh,” you cooed before beckoning him closer to you. “C’mere.”
Jake readjusted himself so he could properly spoon you, giving you a second to hit your bedside lamp before wrapping his arms and body around you. 
“That wasn’t you proposing to me, was it?” you asked, your hands finding his as you cuddled. 
“No! No. I just wanted to gauge how you feel about me.”
“You really think I would say no to marrying you?”
“I just come with a lot of baggage, you know? Seeing each other is one thing, but marriage?”
You rolled over a bit awkwardly so you could properly face the man. “I would spend the rest of my life with you if you had three eyes, a tail, and were the owner of the baggage factory. We all have our things. I don’t love you any less because of it.”
Jake sighed, and you weren’t quite sure whether it was a sigh of relief or surrender. 
“It’s true. Really. You need to worry less about whether or not I’d say yes, and worry more about how you’re gonna propose. I love you, but asking to get married while I’m trying to read before bed isn’t gonna cut it. I might end up thinking it’s a dream.”
“I’ll keep that in mind. Maybe even add it to my proposal notebook.”
“You have a notebook on how you’re gonna propose to me?”
“Maybe…” he drew the word out.  
“You are so…” you broke out into laughter. “I don’t even know. I just adore you.”
“Would it be redundant to say that I adore you?”
“Maybe a little bit. But I wanna hear it anyway.”
“I adore you. I truly love you to the moon and back,” he hummed, pressing a soft kiss to your cheek. 
“Mm, music to my ears,” you yawned sleepily. “I love you too. Sweet dreams.”
“With you? Always.”
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themagisterprotocol · 3 months
ooc: Still feeling low energy, but definitely able to respond today... slowly.
In other news, had a dream last night that I was an incarnation of the Master who doesn't exist, looked like a teenager with shoulder length black hair and blue eyes, made his base in a secondary school so wouldn't bring attention to himself.
His aim was to sabotage the school play, which was being attended by the MP of the town it was set in, as his daughter was in it, to gain control of them and have them run for PM while he ran the behind the scenes, intending to destroy places and build fear across the country so they voted for him, with the end goal of having the MP cause WW3 so he could swoop in and save the Earth right as everything was near total death and become the ruler of the Earth, or whatever.
He got on the production team and was working in the sound booth, slowly sabotaging everything, eventually setting the fire alarm off once he knew he'd be able to pull the MP away from the crowd outside, this was executed perfectly...
... Unforunatley for him, 14 and Donna were there to watch the play, one of Donna's family members was in it, and 14 spotted him running off with the MP and just... knocked him out.
Then I woke up.
So I suppose 14 woke me up this morning.
Oh, also the play was shit.
... I suppose I have a Master OC now fjhfhfjd assigned OC by my dream.
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mrsquill · 1 year
In Another Life
Summary: So, my heart was so shattered by what happens in the opening scene of the Last of Us that I’ve set out to fix it MYSELF. That’s right! This is basically what could’ve happened on Joel’s birthday from Sarah’s POV had the outbreak never happened.
Notes: I’m not from the States, so forgive me if any cultural references are wrong. I edit this on my phone so if it looks awful I’m sorry (photo belongs to Pinterest)! I also sucked at the game so again please don’t be mad if anything is OOC - I based this off the beautiful portrayals by Pedro and Nico. Also, mostly inspired by @fuckyeahdindjarin and I screeching at other in our inbox about Joel and Sarah ;_;
Warnings: None? Very fluffy, mentions of blood.
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Sarah woke with a start, glancing at the luminous green numbers of her alarm clock glowing in the darkness. 3:13am. She sighed inwardly, stretching out under the thin blanket as she realised she still had her jeans and sneakers on. The last thing Sarah remembered was falling asleep on her dad - crap, just after she’d assured him she wouldn’t. He must’ve put her to bed. The combination of his deep breathing beside her and a shitty film on TV - turns out, totally not riveting - was clearly enough to lull her into what she thought would be a dreamless sleep, exhausted after waiting up for her dad on his birthday.
Sarah sat up in bed, kicking her sneakers off and changing into her pyjama pants, brow furrowing as she groped blindly in her subconscious for memories of the dream - no, nightmare - she’d been having; it was just below the surface, almost slipping away from her in its entirety, only the jagged edges remaining. Sarah remembers an overwhelming sense of fear; her heart pounding, helicopter blades whirring, her dad shouting, Uncle Tommy’s voice, too, calling her name.. People screaming.. and blood. So much blood.
Just a dream, she decides with a shrug. A glass of water is what she needs; padding downstairs soundlessly so as not to wake her dad in the search of something refreshing, trying to forget the sweat dewing her brow.
As she tiptoed into the kitchen; Sarah noticed his spiky handwriting hastily jotted down on the back of an envelope on the counter; probably in the pencil he almost always had behind his ear at work:
‘Hi baby,
Uncle Tommy got himself in trouble. Gone to rescue him, won’t be long. See u in the morning X’
Sarah fought the urge to roll her eyes. She loved her Uncle Tommy - he’d basically raised her, alongside her dad - but she knew he drove his older brother crazy with his escapades. She wasn’t sure she’d have it any other way, though. It was all she’d ever known; the three of them were a close - if unconventional - family unit.
Sarah wanted to ask her dad about her mom one day, but not because she felt she was lacking in love - quite the opposite. It wasn’t always obvious, but it was there - in every joke at her dad’s expense, in each soccer game he and Tommy turned up to, in every hiking and rafting trip they took together, and in each Polaroid picture they took every Christmas at Sarah’s request.
She wrung her hands together, now, hoping Uncle Tommy was okay. Pouring her water, she thought she’d head back to bed; peek round her dad’s door to hopefully find him snoring on his back as per usual.
As Sarah headed for the stairs; she saw him sprawled out on the couch, jeans, boots and shirt still on, one arm dangling off the couch as he - yep - was snoring to high heaven. If he’s this relaxed, Sarah reasoned, Uncle Tommy must be okay.
She moved soundlessly towards him before she noticed what was on the coffee table next to him. A cake. Not just any cake - it was covered in fancy frosting, and had a pack of candles and a bottle of pancake mix sat next to it. She grinned, feeling a little guilty for giving him such a hard time, imagining her dad trawling the all-night gas stations for a birthday cake as well as dealing with whatever shit his little brother had pulled.
Sarah reasoned that she could wake him and send him to bed, the sky behind them still an inky black as Texas slept on outside. He looked so peaceful, though, and she knew he was exhausted from the extra long shift he’d pulled that day - which she knew was for her benefit. She drew the window coverings instead and pulled a blanket over him; settling herself with her own in the armchair next to him.
Sarah knew she should go easier on her dad - sometimes she felt like the parent - but that’s the way things had always been, they took care of one another in different ways. She resolved to ask him for a hiking trip in the morning; promising that this time she wouldn’t scamper ahead and would wait for him to actually get his breath back. It was her favourite thing to do with her dad - they could share a slice of cake each with a beautiful view for miles and miles.
The thought made her smile as Sarah settled in to try and catch some sleep before the sun started to rise, feeling a little safer from another nightmare as long as her dad was close by.
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sapshorelines · 2 months
GUNS AND PASTRIES | CHAPTER 1: Down the rabbit hole
San X Ftm!Reader (MAFIA AU)
Story summary: M/n just open a bakery in downtown Seoul not too long ago, it was his dream to start a bakery business. But what happens when he goes to take out the trash, he see's a man hiding near his trash bleeding out as another group of men ask his whereabouts. Does M/n rat him out or help him?
(2.9k words | not proof read)
!! TRIGGER WARNINGS (CHAPTER 1) !! Swearing, Blood, Gunshot wound, Mentions of an attack, Mentions of taking T with syringe
AUTHORS NOTE: first series womp womp, anyway p1harmony are your college besties, sorry if it seems a bit ooc < / 3 , anyway hope you guys will enjoy this series !!
!! NOTE !!
None of my works represent any IRL people. These works are purely meant for entertainment purpose and shouldn't be taken seriously. Do not steal any of my works and reupload them to other medias
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It was a quiet morning, the sun was starting to rise from the horizon. A person was laying down in a bed, sleeping peacefully under the covers, not being bothered by the sunrays that started to slowly creep in.
Then, a loud buzz went off from the nightstand. Damn, guess this person can't sleep in, yeah its a weekday rather than a weekend. The male reaches for his phone to shut the alarm off and grabbing the phone. He turns it on only to be blinded by the bright light of his wallpaper. He waits a bit for his eyes to adjust to the brightness to look at the time, 6:20am. The male groans as he would scroll through any messages that his friends have sent him. Which he did have one unread message from his friend Shota.
[Soul👽] [ (ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ ♥ ] [ image attached ]
Ah yes, his college friend that stays up at ungodly hours playing video games. Sometimes this man goes days without any sleep but hey, that's just him. The male opens the image that was attached and it was a picture taken from Shota's phone at a screen. It was a picture of a build from minecraft and the caption reading 'A gift from me M/n-hyung!'. M/n smiles as he would react to the message that was sent with a heart. Yeah, M/n has a minecraft server open for him and his small friend group.
M/n sits up and stretches his arms out, then rubbed the eye boogers out of his eyes. Well, he's gotta start the day. He then gets out of bed, taking his phone with and putting it in his hoodie pocket as he made his way to his apartment kitchen to make himself some breakfast. M/n gets himself some simple milk and cereal along with some fruits to mix it in with. He then sets the bowl down on a coffee table, then grabbing the remote to turn the TV on. He swaps through a few channels to see what is happening with the news. He then stops at his usual channel that he watches news from because there really isn't much going on right now.
He continues to eat his breakfast, once finished he then grabs the bowl and takes it to the kitchen to set in the sink so he can clean later. M/n then makes his way to the bathroom to get ready for the day such as taking a shower and taking his meds, yes this includes testosterone shot.
Short timeskip later he was getting ready to head down to his bakery shop below to prepare to open. Yes, M/n opened a bakery not too long ago, about five months ago and business is amazing for him. His business rest nearby a metro station, so a lot of people come to grab a quick breakfast to snatch to eat on their way to work, and a lot of people enjoy M/n's pastries and such. It's the best in the area too!
M/n enters the employee area to start his shift, not realizing his friend Keeho had already clocked in. Keeho just stood there in silence, getting the bright idea to startle M/n. M/n paid no attention as he was clocking in, but as he was done he turns to his left-
"JESUS CHRIST KEEHO-" M/n yells, followed by Keeho laughing. "I got you!!" He taunts M/n, still laughing. "Don't do that!" M/n was annoyed at this point, this was probably the third time and he's still yet to get use to Keeho scaring him. "But it's funny!" Keeho chuckles.
"To you it is." M/n then started to put on his apron, he already changed into his uniform due to his apartment being literally right above him. "Anyway, do we have any orders to take out today? I can tell Jiung to do that today." Keeho asked, yeah Keeho is pretty much the manager too. "Uhh, let me check real quick." M/n says as he would quickly go to the computer to look. "Yeah there is a few orders that are due at noon, they aren't far ether so he can just take my bike and deliver them." M/n explains to Keeho.
"Alright cool, he's coming around noon, he has a doctors appointment today." Keeho says to M/n as he finished putting his apron on.
"He told me a few days ago, don't worry." M/n smiles, "Now, shall we get ready to open-" Right before M/n could finish his sentence, someone burst through the room, it was Intak. He was almost late, again. "I'm here!" He exclaims.
Both Keeho and M/n stared at Intak, bruh moment.
It soon got to be noon and the morning rush had died down a bit, but there were people here who were using this time to get work done and such. In fact it wasn't just a bakery, it was also a bit of a cafe too! But anyway, the door opens and in comes Jiung and Shota! Though Shota doesn't work here, he usually hangs out. The perks of being a twitch streamer.
"Hey M/n-hyung!" Jiung waves as he see's M/n cleaning up the counter a bit. "Oh! Hey Jiung!" M/n smiles, then seeing Shota right behind him. "Oh, hey Shota!" M/n greets him as well.
"Oh right- Jiung you got to do delivery today." M/n reminds him, "Yeah I know, do I need to take the car or-" "Nope, you can take my bike for today. There's not that many orders and they're all close by too."
"Oh! Alright, could I take Shota too?" Jiung asked, "If you want, I might have a spare bike too. I would just need to find the keys to the lock. Ill go look for them, I just need to wait for Keeho to get off his break." M/n says as he would toss the dirty paper towel into the trash can.
"Alright, Ill go clock in real quick." Jiung says as he would quickly make his way to the back to clock in. Shota stood there awkwardly, typical. "Oh yeah, I did see that build you made me last night." M/n says, "It's amazing!"
Shota smiles, "Ah, thats good." He smiles as he slowly made his way to the counter. "Are you going to stream tonight?" M/n asked him, in which Shota nods. "Cool! Ill tune in right when I close shop." Lets not forget that M/n had a QR code to his twitch account on the front of his bakery. How amazing of him.
Then, Jiung would come back out along with Keeho. "Keeho can you cover for me real quick? I need to go back to my apartment to grab the key lock for my other bike."
"Yeah sure go ahead." Keeho says as he makes his way over to help Intak. M/n then rushes to the back of the building where there was emergency stairs, M/n usually uses this as a way to get into his business and into his apartment. After awhile M/n comes back down with the keys, "Here Shota!" M/n then tosses the keys to Shota which, he got smacked in the face with, causing Jiung to laugh.
"Oh sh- my bad dude." M/n apologizes before letting out a chuckle. "Anyway, stay safe both of you."
"We will boss!" Jiung says as he hops on one of the bikes. Shota was struggling a bit to unlock the extra, rip.
Its now late afternoon, the sun was setting down and people are returning home from their work. M/n's bakery was starting to close up shop but still had a few last minute customers getting food for dinner or dessert. Keeho was taking orders as M/n was cleaning up the counter, Intak had already headed home to do college work.
Once the last customer walked out, Keeho walked over to the entrance and swapped the sign to 'closed'. "Has Jiung and Shota come back yet?" Keeho asked.
"No I don't think so, they might have used this opportunity to go to that arcade they were talking about. As long as he got those orders in I wouldn't mind." M/n says as he was putting away things. "You sure? Do you not care about the bikes? Do you not remember-"
"Keeho, its fine." M/n then closes the storage room. "You heading out?" M/n asked. "Uh- yeah I gotta go study."
"That's alright with me." M/n says as he started to take off his apron. "Do you need help with your uh, thing?" Keeho asked. M/n was confused at first on what he meant but Keeho pointed to his thigh. "Oh! No I don't, I'm able to do it myself, don't worry man."
"Alright, I'm gonna go ahead and clock out and take the trash out." Keeho says as he walked towards the back and started to take his apron off. "Don't worry about the trash, Ill get it. You can go ahead and clock out."
"You sure?"
"Mhm." M/n nods.
"Alright, cya tomorrow." Keeho smiles as he heads to the back. M/n then started to grab all the trash bags in the store to throw out. Usually Keeho exits through the front so he can make sure he had locked the door. So, M/n makes his way out the back to the alley way to the side that has their trash bin. He then opens the door looking towards the street and-
He stop dead in his tracks.
M/n notices a man sitting next to the trash, hiding from view. M/n then notices the blood coming from the mans shirt, he was bleeding. Before he could even say a word or do anything, he looks back over to the opening that lead to the sidewalk as he see's three men come from the corner.
"Hey kid!" One yells out to him, these guys looked sketched as hell to M/n. M/n also notices that they were out of breath too.
"Have you seen a tall man, short black hair, he's got a bullet wound to his shoulder." The crusty man asked him. Like if the world had frozen, M/n's brain was going insane. He just so happen to stumble upon something gang related. Shit. He was having a war in his mind, should he help this man or rat him out?
..He's injured, why should he rat him out to crusty old men?
"I saw him run across the road that way, he must be going through the back alley way of downtown that leads out of town." Holy shit lets hope he rolled a Nat 20 on persuasion.
"Huh, thanks kids." The more taller lanky man says, "C'mon, lets get that rat." The other two men would not and just like that the three ran off out of view, and when M/n KNEW for a fact that they were gone. He quickly threw the bags in the bin and immediately ran to the guy hiding next to the trash bin. He would then hoist his arm around his shoulder, noticing the size difference.
This guy was packed!
Anyway, he quickly helps the man inside and immediately shuts the door. M/n was about to call out for Keeho to help but he notices that his bag was gone. Fuck.
M/n then quickly grabs a spare chair that just sat against the wall and set the man down. He didn't want to ask questions right off the bat and M/n quickly ran to get the first aid kit to patch the wounds up. He then rushes to the closet in the employees room and grabs the first aid kit. M/n then rushes back and sets the kit down, but he notices the man was starting to fall to sleep.
"shit-" M/n swears under his breath, "Hey- dude- can you hear me?" M/n asked, which that got the man's attention. "Can I take off your shirt real quick so I can at least stop the blood flow?"
The man nods. He then takes his jacket off, then he lets M/n take off his shirt. "Holy fuck- you need to go to the hospital, Ill call-"
"Don't.." The man says, cutting off M/n. He was also out of breath and he was trying to fight internally to stay awake. "Do.. do you have a car?" He asked, in which M/n nods. "Yeah, Ill take you. Just let me stop the flow." He says as he quickly got a bandage wrapped around the wound. M/n tried his best to wrap the bandage but he was also trying not to stare at this mans abs and chest, he was handsome as hell.
But he also notices a tattoo near his hip, it was some kind of symbol that had an A and Z overlapping. He didn't put too much thought into it as he would finish wrapping the bandage.
"Alright, its the best I can do for now. Now lets get you to my car." M/n says as he puts the mans jacket back on around his shoulders, then helping him up. They quickly made way to the garage that was attach to the building, luckily, M/n's small car was on the first floor. M/n then puts the man in the back of his car, then quickly making his way to his driver seat.
The car started and they were off to the hospital.
"Stay awake man!"
The drive back from the hospital was.. weird. He didn't bring the man with as of course he had to go in for surgery. Hell M/n didn't get his name. What a shame. Well, at least M/n was being a good Samaritan by bringing a man in that got shot by some crooks. Though he doesn't know the full story.
Once M/n got back home, he enters his apartment after returning to finishing up closing up shop. He realizes he left his phone on the desk in the employee room, he didn't bring it with and he notices it was blowing up with notifications from his group chat with his friends. M/n would grab his phone and started to read through the messages. Most of it was Jongseob freaking out over breaking news, then Jiung saying him and Shota almost got caught up in it as they've just cycled by that building, and Keeho was pretty much asking for M/n to return any text, which the rest joined in.
M/n quickly typed a reply back.
[M/n] [Dude, you're not gonna believe what just happen]
[Keeho🐺] [Dude where the hell have you been???? Its been an hour and you haven't return any text] [Did you have any problems with getting your meds in???]
[Soul👽] [o(╥﹏╥)o]
[Jiung🐿️] [you locked me out and i couldnt clock out, is everything alright??]
[M/n] [Yeah everything is fine I just had to take a guy to the hospital]
[Intak🐶] [WAIT WHAT?]
[Jiung🐿️] [WYM HOSPITAL???]
[M/n] [Can I like explain???]
[Jiung🐿️] [o yeah] [go ahead]
[M/n] [When I took out the trash there was a dude bleeding out right near it and I had to take him to the hospital, some weird people were looking for him but I didn't expose him.]
[Jongseob🐯] [dude could you have saved a gang member from that explosion??]
[M/n] [????] [huh???]
[Theo☀️] [You haven't heard the breaking news???]
[M/n] [No???]
[Keeho🐺] [Right before we were about to close some bomb went off in the business district, they said its gang related] [ attached link ]
M/n was dumbfounded, well, he did have the TV off in the cafe at the time so he wouldn't have known. He then clicks on the link to read the news article.
At 6:32pm, a explosion went off within the lobby of NOVA Inc., a well known bank business. Witnesses say after the explosion a bunch of men ran out in different directions wearing all black, then were soon chased by other men. Witnesses also say that there was a shootout between the two groups. Police are still investigating the scene and are positive that this attack was caused by gang related activates. No arrest have been made but a dozen innocent civilians were sent to the hospital, no deaths have been reported. This story is still being updated.
Holy shit.
Did M/n just save one of the men that ran from that attack?
No fucking way.
M/n returns to the group chat.
[M/n] [Dude I think I just saved a gang member from being shot from other members]
[Keeho🐺] [HUH??]
[Intak🐶] [no fucking way you sure???]
[M/n] [I'm pretty positive, when I was patching up his wounds he had some sort of tattoo]
[Jongseob🐯] [Wait what was it?] [Like what was it shaped like??]
[Soul👽] [(⊙_◎)]
[M/n] [It was like] [An A and Z overlapping each other??]
[Jongseob🐯] [dude no way] [i have no clue who these guys are!!]
[M/n] [Then why tf did you ask?]
[Jongseob🐯] [i dunno]
[M/n] [lol ok sick man]
[M/n] [lol ok] [anyway I don't know if this guy was apart of a gang, I guess I gotta wait and see tomorrow or something]
[Keeho🐺] [Fair point] [Hey don't forget your meds dude!!]
[Theo☀️] [You beat me to it] [fuck you]
[Keeho🐺] [Sis please]
M/n then sets his phone down and turns it on silent mode, he knows these two are gonna argue over stupid shit again so he rather not deal with it. Anyway, M/n then starts to get ready for bed.
Not realizing what kind of rabbit hole he got himself into.
I hope you enjoyed this! I am open for critique and suggestions to improve!
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sonohban · 1 year
honestly while Piccolo was kind of an ass in dbssh, I think its justified to a degree. He has ulterior motives (getting gohan to fight) but he still had a good reason and total control over the situation... and he was kinda right about how Gohan SHOULD have sensed his energy... (which I think is out of character for Gohan, ngl. He should've been more than smart enough to know it was piccolo)
i think you're kinda right. i think it's in character for piccolo to be mad that gohan slacked off on training (i don't really blame gohan tho. i know phd students it's rough out there) and even kidnap pan to get him back in the game but i still think it was kind of an insane move considering piccolo would know how gohan would react to that emotionally considering what was at stake (at least in gohan's eyes?). which i know was the whole point (gohan sees loved one in danger> goes insane pipeline) but the fact that piccolo specifically put pan "in danger" even knowing about cell max just to get him to train more was kinda wack. i also know pan was supposed to not be in any real danger but like cell max should have set off some alarm bells imo. i'm not really upset about this choice too much anymore because again i think it's kind of in character for piccolo and also dragon ball doesn't go deep into exploring complex emotions so whatever it made for a good movie
AND YES IT WAS OOC THAT GOHAN DIDN'T SENSE PICCOLO'S ENERGY WTF.... me and my friends joke that he was so frazzled from being in The Zone that he just was totally out of it but the second he saw red ribbon goons show up he should have been more on guard. now that i think of it it's funny that he was treating them like a casual nuisance not just because of his strength but because it's also a very "you're goku's son alright" moment but in the end he should have at least noticed one of them had a strong ki signature :[
ok this is also entirely unrelated- was gonna write this in the tags but *i* think it's too funny for that. like if they had showed gohan visibly sleep deprived and/or hopped up on caffeine MAYBE that would have conveyed the obliviousness a little less ooc BUT ALSO how funny would it be if beast gohan was a DIRECT result of the unholy cocktail of massive sleep deprivation and energy drinks. beast gohan more like monster (tm) gohan
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eartheats · 5 months
hello hello! (again!)
been a bit since I did an updated one of these, huh??? but it's been about a year since i did my original one, so!!! time for a new introduction post!
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(art made by the wonderful @professor-amaryllis's player!!!)
anyway, hello!!! my name is ren (they/them or ze/zir!!), i'm 24 years old and welcome to my silly lil blog! i mostly use this to reblog orthworm and orthworm accessories!!! i'm a pokemart worker who's on leave at the moment, and i'm currently sort of a student at the blueberry academy! i'm currently taking some researcher courses there, and i'm tryin' my hardest to become an authority in steel type pokemon! though, uh, most of my experience is with my favorite pokemon, who i'm guessin' y'all can tell who it is. heehee
but uh, what else...i've actually got a fair amount of experience as a steel type trainer, and most of my research is focused on orthworm! their environmental impact and their role in the ecosystem is just fascinatin' to me, especially livin' near 'em in zapapico for most of my life! that's actually how i befriended my big ol' lug of a partner, lulu, who you'll be hearin' about a LOT on this blog heehee. he's been my buddy since i was a tyke, and we've been trainin' together for almost two decades at this point!
arc, i'm probs gonna ramble forever if i keep this up. i guess i can basically summarize everythin' else!!! i used to be a student at the old uva academy, and it sucked! was a student at the new one too, but circumstances have made keepin' up with that and blueberry stuff a lil harder than expected. i got my foot in the door originally workin' at the montenevera chansey supply, so i know a lil bit about pokemon medicine too if ya ever need advice.
i'll leave y'all with a trainer card, if ya ever need to contact me please feel free to shoot me an ask!!! promise i won't bite. maybe i'll make one'a them faqs at some point...and maybe a page for my pokemon!! that'd be real neat heehee
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((ooc info below the cut!))
HELLO ONE AND ALL my name is Sable (they/them exclusively), late 20s, nothing's really changed all that much but I needed to make an updated intro for Ren at some point anyway, so now seemed to be a good time!
guess to set some basic ground rules:
follows will come from @shinydracozolt! that is my main blog full of weird shit, so uh, don't be alarmed.
Pelipper mail type things are on, but I can turn them off if I wish to. I will let everyone know if I decide to do this.
I have not Tumblr RP'd before, please be gentle with me.
Blog will occasionally dip feet into the High Stakes pool, especially with current plots going on in the background regarding Ren's mother, who's kind of a messy shitshow of a person. Ren's backstory in general is kind of a mess! Mom is evil with connections to Team Flare and dad is dead so uh. Whoops.
This blog will occasionally delve into sensitive topics, mostly with ask games and such. The ones that mostly pertain to Ren are: mental abuse by a parent, bullying at the old Uva, the massive shut in arc they had between ages 14-18, underage drinking (they still partake and aren't an alcoholic, but they and the bottom of a bottle go way back, so to speak), and occasional mentions of weed. (they themselves don't do it but a friend and coworker of theirs is a stoner. these posts will be tagged accordingly)
There will be occasional shenanigans with @ribesrubrum! Basically I had Ren befriend a canon character in their Kitakami arc and didn't want to potentially make things awkward, so they will interact occasionally. Don't be alarmed!
Lemme know if you need any trigger tags accommodated and I shall do my best! My memory is not the greatest thing in the world but I will do my best. <3
Would prefer no NSFW sent Ren's way, they are ace as hell. There may be occasional mentions of it from other blogs, but they'll be tagged accordingly.
Not exactly open to shipping with Ren because, once again, the whole ace deal, but if something starts to go that way feel free to let me know? But I am going to say no automatically if the player is a minor and the character in question is not 21+.
Can't really think of anything else I wanna say, but I mostly play fast and loose with shit and Ren's kind of off in their own little world sometimes lmao
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fallen-in-dreams · 8 months
Morning After.
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Also on AO3. Pairing: Gaara/Sakura. Summary: After a night of debauchery, he fell asleep with her in his arms, slept tangled with her in the sheets, and woke with a stupid grin on his face. Gaara was not a morning person, but this, he could get used to. Prompt: Day 22 | Morning After Rated: Explicit Words: 4,433. Status: Complete. Author note: A bit late for the day prompt, but it was a last-minute whim of a one-shot. The title's a bit on the nose but honestly, it is the only thing that stuck when I tried to change it. Heads up: the Gaara in here is my version of a cheeky AU Modern Gaara. And to be honest, my favourite version - beating out the canon-divergent AU (canon-like personality) by a smidgeon. So be warned: he's not in character to any level of expectation. Enjoy. ^_^ Tags on AO3: Gaara is Bad at Feelings (Naruto), Denial of Feelings, Gaara is in denial, Out of Character, OOCness, POV Gaara (Naruto), Pillow Talk, Smut, Smut for the sake of smut, but feelings too, Fluff, but it’s the in denial kind, Romance, Romance if you squint, Gaara is a pervert, Sakura is just as horny, Sex Positive, Alcohol references, Mentions of Birth Control, Gaara is a little shit, thoughts of non-consensual somnophilia, Limited Sakura POV, Gaara (Naruto)-centric, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, AU Modern, Modern Era, Cheeky Gaara, Cheeky Sakura.
For GaaSaku-Fanfests Month 2023. @gaasaku-fanfests
Morning After.
⏰7 A.M.⏰
Hmm. Mmm. Wazza…
Her head was pounding. Her body was unusually warm. And there was an ache between her legs that would’ve set alarm bells blaring had she been aware enough to care. A weight had settled on her but she was too comfortable to shove whatever was cuddling her from her person and instead snuggled into the extraneous heat. Her brain was trying to wake her up.
Noooo. Bad brain. Too comfy. Go back to sleep.
⏰8.10 A.M.⏰
She was dreaming of flowers and hot red sand melting her juicy, succulent buds. A wave of pleasure wracked her body as she almost started awake; strong arms tied her down and she relaxed into the invasive hold. A strange noise she hadn’t noticed the last time she almost woke up was shrill in her ear. She frowned in her sleep, huffing and wriggling until it stopped.
Then everything went black and the buds started to bloom.
⏰9 A.M.⏰
Someone kill that sound. It’s too early. Fuck me.
He groaned, his sleep-hazed mind barely registering the end of his dream. It blurred and zoomed back into focus before he became aware of the warm, feminine curves that were pressed against his side. Their legs were entangled. And his morning wood was achingly tucked between hers. He blinked heavily. Had it been a dream or did he really… His body wasn’t normally this sore after sex. It must’ve been rough…
Need more sleep.
He drifted off with a smirk on his face.
⏰10.05 A.M.⏰
Sunlight poured in through a nearby window, and when he tried to open his eyes, it felt like he’d fallen asleep with his face planted on the surface of the sun. His eyelids were still too heavy and his body too exhausted.
Fuck this. Fuck the sun. And fuck whoever left the curtains open.
He needed to sleep. His bedmate sighed and he instinctively gripped her tighter, shifting his hips to press himself further into the curve of her. The open window had one silver lining; the cool breeze made it (barely) comfortable enough to spoon. His body ached for more of what it received the night before.
Right after I take another nap.
⏰11.55 A.M.⏰
Gaara let out a soft gasp as he woke quickly, his eyes opening before he was aware of what he was doing. The clock on the wall told him it was a more reasonable hour to be waking than his last attempts. He sighed and rolled away from the window, even though the sun that had been trying to blind him before had diffused, moving away from the glass panels and fluttering curtains. He’d slept through all four alarms set on his phone, and so had, it appeared, his bedmate. The feminine curves previously pressed against him had extricated themselves from his person and rolled over inelegantly in the opposite direction, though she was clearly still very fast asleep. The sheets had fallen far enough that he got a good view of her arse.
Yawning, Gaara wiped the sleep from his eyes as moved to sit against the headboard of the bed, stretching out his aches and pains, very aware of his own nakedness. Now free of the night’s entanglements, he could admire the slender form of the woman he’d slept with. He’d been pining over her for some time (not his wording), trying to worm himself into her life. It wasn’t altruistic or even innocent. He’d wanted to fuck her. But Sakura had a temper to go with her charming personality so once he’d gotten to know her more a niggling voice had begun to form in the back of his head.
“Is this even worth it?”
Then she’d smile at him and yes , he’d decided, she was worth it. He’d learned pretty quickly that she wasn’t the type for a simple tussle in the sheets, so he’d had some serious cajoling to do. Now, of course, his friends’ predictions had come true: he wanted to keep her. The previous night’s activities had solidified it. He hadn’t fucked her. No, it wasn’t as harsh as that. If he didn’t know himself better, Gaara would call it making love .
But he did know himself.
He shifted onto his side, contemplating sliding into a spooning position and attempting to cajole her body into reliving their intimate excursions. It couldn’t hurt to touch her at least, though he was wary of that temper of hers and how she might react if he just started picking up where they left off.
Remembering the first and only slap she once gave him for his inappropriate behaviour, Gaara decided to remain upright and just revel in the memories of what she felt like (not to mention her adorable flirtations the night before) while he waited for her to wake up. His eyes raking in her form, his fingers twitching.
It had all begun with a celebration for their mutual friend; an engagement announcement and a few shots of his favourite alcoholic fruit juice (shōchū) later and Sakura Haruno was putty in his hands. She wasn’t drunk when she shoved her tongue down his throat the first time, claiming she was just so happy for their friends and kissing Gaara was definitely the best way to showcase that. Apparently. She’d started drinking right after that first kiss, but then he’d matched her for every cocktail so he didn’t feel too bad about letting her continue her groping of his person as the night wore on.
And he gave as much as he got.
Gaara remembered, quite vividly, every dirty word she’d whispered into his ear, clearly thinking she needed extra, but salacious, reasoning to get him into bed. Fate , she’d said, had decided . He’d scoffed at that. The fact that they ended up in his hotel room while the party was still raging downstairs, in the newly legal casino, was an inevitability, not fate. They left the Tokyo nightlife behind and partook in each other, instead. Drunk but not sloshed. Buzzed but not inebriated. Yet still so unrestrained and juvenile in their antics that sober would never be a synonym.
The question now was, how much did his little minx remember?
Hands clasped together and cushioning the back of his head, back slouched against the headboard and legs crossed (under the sheets), Gaara watched with both fascination and wariness as Sakura Haruno began twitching. Was she waking up, finally?
She moaned into the other pillow, slumping onto her stomach, uncovering herself completely to his eyes. Before this, the sheet had been tangled around her legs and waist, offering tantalising snippets of her bare arse, but now she was fully on display. Just face down. She seemed very adept at both hogging blankets and giving a good show. He himself still had a modicum of modesty left.
For now.
Perhaps out of respect but more likely out of concern about being caught staring if she were to wake suddenly, Gaara tried in vain to ignore the sway of her bum as she groaned. It reminded him of her playful side from the night before. She was both a tease and sexually dominant once she got going. A flushed Sakura wiggling her bum at him was ingrained in his memory for all time. Part of him wanted to lean over and poke her. She’d likely give him another slap if he tried that, though.
The wiggling stopped, another groan; Sakura seemed to be coming to with her face planted in the pillow. But when she rolled onto her side it was to face away from him. Her arms stretched over the left side of the bed, pushing her body closer to him.
Her voice was soft and mildly hoarse; he guessed from all the crooning and screaming of his name she’d done hours earlier. Gaara couldn’t help but grin as she started suddenly and fumbled her way into a semi-seated position.
He waited. Eventually, she looked over at him, her green eyes widening as they found his.
She looked confused. There was no hours-long remembrance of sexual misconduct realisation on her face. No knowing glint in her eye because of what they’d done and how eager she’d been. Granted, his own memory was a little fuzzy on some details, but her confusion implied she was drawing a complete and total blank.
“You don’t remember last night?” He asked.
Sakura pulled away quickly. “Huh?” Her voice was high-pitched. “What the hell ?”
He watched her closely as her expression turned from confusion to ire rather quickly, wondering if she was debating on slapping him again. She sat up straight quickly, then groaned, grasping her head with her hands, clearly ignorant of her nakedness. Not one to ignore an opportunity, Gaara smiled as his eyes raked the full length of her bare body. Everything was exactly as he remembered.
“How much did I drink last night?” She moaned.
“No more than I did.”
He shifted his bum on the bed, tugging on the edge of the sheets as if to remind the pinkette that they were both very naked. She didn’t seem to notice at first but then a flush of red spread over her face and neck, she let out a weird “eep” and then pulled both sheets up to cover her breasts. Unfortunately for her, that left him exposed. She turned her eyes away when she realised, the flush on her face and neck darkening against her fair skin.
Well, she wasn’t trying to slap him so Gaara decided to use the same tactic he’d employed the night before.
“I’ve already seen everything you have, love,” he purred.
His body hummed with appreciation; the breeze from the open window did nothing to tamp down the heat building in his core. He trailed a hand up her arm and was pleasantly surprised when she didn’t pull away. She kept her face hidden in her hands and a scrunched-up section of the sheets, fisted in her hands as he became more adventurous. He turned to face her better, tracing his fingers along her sides, spurred on by her shiver as she continued to let him touch her. She stiffened when his hand found her hip and then splayed his fingers over her lower abdomen. Drawing circles on her skin with this thumb, he returned her stare as she regarded him warily, the corner of her eye twitching. On the plus side, her grip on the sheets loosened.
Emboldened, Gaara smirked at her, still stroking her gently. “What? Turnabout’s fair. My turn to come onto you this time.”
“You came onto me last night,” she said, narrowing her eyes at him.
“No. You came onto me, first.”
“I did not ,” she snapped.
“You did so.”
“Did not!”
He gave her a condescending look.
“I didn’t.” She sounded less sure this time.
Sakura turned away from him and closed her eyes like she was trying to dig deep into her memories to find something buried and vague but palpable. He watched as she scrunched up her face in concentration before letting out a huff and opening her eyes again. She looked defeated.
“So, was it good for you too?”
Okay, that wasn’t conducive to his desire to get her underneath him again but her reaction was funny. She snarled and tugged harder on the sheets. She seemed too angry to speak. Gaara laughed. Okay, he was done teasing.
“I’m joking. Well, kind of. It really was good for me.”
She sighed releasing her death grip on the sheets. “Don’t you get tired of being such a dick all the time?”
He shrugged. “Depends on what I’m doing with it.”
She didn’t rise to the bait this time. Disappointing. Instead, Sakura shoved the sheets toward him while trying to maintain her dignity. He didn’t help, lifting his knees and letting the linen fall back onto the bed. She glared at him. For all her indignation, he wondered why she wasn’t trying to leave .
Gaara decided that Sakura wanted to be in bed but stopped himself from saying it out loud.
“Okay,” she said softly, more to herself than to her new lover. “I can be mature about this.”
She was psyching herself up for something, inhaling deeply through her nose then letting the breath slowly through the same cavity. Her mouth was a little too busy pressing into a thin line to be helpful. But on the plus side, all her frustration seemed to have floated away on a cloud of rainbows by the time she opened her mouth to speak again.
“Last night was–”
“Amazing,” he interrupted.
She rolled her eyes. “I mean–”
“So, bad then?”
Sakura flushed. “No! I–”
“Loved every minute and want to do it all over again?”
He really should have stopped trying to annoy her but she was so cute, flustered. However, she didn’t get riled up again and instead, the corner of her mouth twitched in what could only be called amusement.
“Were you going to say something different?” He fake-pouted. “Because if so, then I–”
“It was, uh… lovely?”
Lovely ? Just lovely ? Even if she didn’t remember every sordid moment of the most exquisitely delicious sex he’d ever had, the least she could do was be polite about it. Not shatter his manhood. It was his turn to frown in annoyance. He grabbed the pillow from behind his back and hit her in the shoulder with it. Not too hard but not gentle either.
Just the way I like it.
Ignoring their nakedness ( when had she stopped caring about that? ), Sakura let the sheets fall from her hands, turned to grasp the only other pillow on the bed and (with both hands) slapped him upside the head with it.
She’s back to slapping again.
But this version was enjoyable.
He returned her challenging grin and pounced. Sakura giggled as she threw her hands up to ward him off. He came at her with his pillow and she tried to slap him again. He got her on the arm again then grabbed her pillow with his free hand, pulling her upwards and toward him so he could hit her on the bum. She wrenched her weapon from him and giggled again as they exchanged blows with pillows again. He found himself laughing out loud and almost fell over when Sakura tried to push him. On her knees, she was fully exposed and his body hummed as he used the momentum of her attack to get a peek under the flailing pillows. Between her legs, up and down her body… those tits.
He groaned, feeling himself hardening with every second. Gaara grabbed both their pillows and shoved at Sakura, pushing her onto her back, and straddling her. He had no idea what this was supposed to be, between the giggling, heavy breathing, the mutual shit-eating grins and her sudden change in demeanour.
But I like it.
The wild, irrepressible sex kitten from the night before was making herself known.
Gaara found himself, quite suddenly, looking down at the flustered woman, his knee between her legs, their breaths intermingling, their lips less than an inch apart. Heavy breathing, parted lips, dry mouth; yes, it seemed like she was as attracted to him as he was to her. Last night had not been an accident.
He lowered his forehead to her as they stared wide-eyed at each other. The throbbing pain between his legs was demanding attention and Gaara didn’t want to disappoint his favourite part of his anatomy. But… Sakura returning his attraction was not permission. He waited, licking his lips and swallowing hard.
She said nothing, her body trembling like she was still trying to grasp what had happened.
We partook in the rather childish antics of a pillow fight then I won by pinning you to the bed and now we’re so close I could just… slide right inside of you, if I were so inclined.
Oh, he was definitely inclined. But how to move things along?
Gaara sighed, his eyes darting to the side as he contemplated this. Moving quickly, Sakura took advantage of his hesitation and pushed at him. She yanked on him, using the pillows squashed between their chests for leverage, to get him flat on his back. He didn’t fight her, eager to see what she was planning to do with this faux position of power.
He just raised an eyebrow at her, smirking again.
“It’s my turn on top,” she said.
“To do what?” His voice was croaky. He sensed this was a do or don’t moment between them.
Sakura lowered her face to his, the pillows on his chest the only barricade to her going any further. She was straddling him, breathing heavily and clearly as aroused as he was. Her lower half pressed against his. He groaned as she shifted her pelvis… likely on purpose, the fucking minx.
She pulled back, leaving the pillows on his chest and flushing with clear excitement as she left herself uncovered for his perusal. “Your move, Sabaku.”
Cheeky woman.
His eyes inevitably dropped from hers, soaking in the familiar sight of her bare breasts. He remembered cupping them on more than one occasion the night before, pleasantly surprised by how well they fit in his hands. How quickly and easily the nipples hardened under his teasing. Perky and pointy , if memory served, were his slightly inebriated thoughts at the time.
Slowly, as if he were afraid of startling a wild animal, Gaara removed pillows as a barrier to her. Then he slipped his right arm under her armpit to pull her down far enough to capture her left breast in his mouth. The nipple pebbled between his lips. Sakura moaned, wriggling her bum against him and pushing her chest further into his face.
Her voice was honeysuckle and sultry. After a minute, he switched to the other breast and she half-slumped, her body shuddering. It might’ve also had something to do with the delicious friction building between their legs.
“Hm.”Sakura let out weird noise after nonsensical word as she unconsciously ground against his erection. She was already so slick and primed to go.
He hissed at the strained stiffness she was grinding over and murmured, “fuck, yes,” against her pert nipple.
Uncertainty seemed to have returned her, however, and she let out a frustrated sigh before pulling away from him, her legs remaining blissfully in place even as she stopped moving her hips. It was a disappointing turn of events, but he took the opportunity to move his hands to cup her breasts, thumbs tracing circles over both areola. She closed her eyes. Whatever reservations she’d had a moment ago did not extend to this at least, or so it seemed.
Sakura only allowed him a few more moments of this before grabbing his wrists and pushing his arms away. He groaned and a light smirk played at the corner of her mouth, but she didn’t address his frustration. When he let his arms slack under her grip, she released him. He didn’t dare return to her breasts for fear of retaliation, though he so wanted to, and instead rested his hands on her hips.
They stared at each other, silently. So much of this interaction had been silent. Or at least, without words.
He reached up and stroked the side of her face. “You really can’t remember last night?”
She hadn’t been drunk, right? No, she had been. Well, as much as he’d been drunk. And she had a reputation for drinking others under the table. The previous night hadn’t seemed any different as her equilibrium had been tested to its limits but she’d definitely been a more than capable lover the night before. He’d always known she was feisty but, for some reason, Gaara had gotten it into his head, in all the time he’d known her, that she’d be more submissive in bed. Her morning-after, domineering personality seemed to match the confident, beautiful woman who’d sucked him off so casually in an alcove mere meters from where their friends were still partying before suggesting they take “this fun” upstairs to his hotel room.
I’m loving every facet of her.
Gaara watched her face morph from intense scrutiny of his person to startled coyness and felt himself growling again, in realisation. “You minx! You remember!”
Unable to keep a straight face any longer, Sakura burst out laughing, falling forward to bury her laughter into the crook of his neck. The vibrations of her body against his were welcomed, but not the focus of his attention right now.
Right up until the moment the damn broke she’d been a really good actress. Gaara was both impressed and annoyed by how thorough this deception was. She continued to laugh, albeit softer, into his neck.
“You were already awake when I woke, weren’t you?” he asked softly. Dangerously.
“No,” she said weakly, letting out a soft hiccup as the last of the bulk of her laughter.
“I don’t believe you.”
Sakura sat up quickly, almost knocking the wind out of him. The look on her face was one of mock terror, ruined a second later as she started giggling again. But before he could properly admonish her, she leaned down and pressed her lips against his softly, pressing their mouths deeper immediately. He blinked and she was gone, sliding off him and lying back on her side of the bed. She looked much happier now though. It deflated his indignation.
“I really didn’t remember,” she said after a moment. He hummed and closed his eyes. “It was fuzzy until you groped me. Things slowly started coming back after that.”
He grinned but didn’t reply, self-satisfied.
A minute later, Sakura rolled over to face him and tentatively tapped her fingers along his chest. “Are you still very, very tired?”
They weren’t going to talk about how they ended up in bed together, it seemed. He glanced at her and turned to face her. His hand danced along her hip.
“That depends.”
“On what?”
“On whether or not that was your attempt at seduction.”
She snorted, obviously now remembering her bumbling efforts the night before. “Last night was amazing,” she said seriously. “I’m not sorry I seduced your sorry arse.”
He smiled lightly.
They stared at each other silently. This could be the beginning of something truly amazing if he didn’t screw it up. She blinked owlishly at him. Was that permission?
Ah, screw it.
Gaara flipped Sakura onto her back and wedged his knee between her legs again. She laughed in delight, the grin on her face was challenging as she smirked up at him. Not waiting for further approval, he slid his hand down her body, rubbing between her thighs, finding that sweet nub and pressing gently against it. He knew from last night that she didn’t like it too hard there; he swallowed her moans with his mouth, nipping her bottom lip to demand entrance. Between his stimulation and the friction at the apex of their thighs, Sakura very quickly began writhing in blissful agony beneath him. She eagerly latched onto his hip with her leg, begging him without words to just bury himself between her thighs already.
Obeying the silent, almost-command he grasped himself, pumped a few times, and rubbed the end of his length against her folds. Sakura was panting and gasping, having broken their kiss.
“Fuck me,” she said, having found her voice. “Now, please!”
Gaara grinned and returned to kissing her as he tucked himself snugly in the gap between her thighs. More teasing. More anticipation. She was wet and sticky and beyond ready for him. It was enough lubrication for him to slide right into her. He had not been expecting that giggle-moan from her as he started moving immediately, pushing and pulling against her, inside her.
His name her sultry lips spurred him on, and he thrust faster into her trembling body. The rest of the world disappeared. His rhythm was demanding and coaxing. He wanted her to scream underneath him. To shriek and squawk and make all manner of nonsensical noises because the feel of him moving inside of her was really that powerful. Call him an egotist but when she was too fucked to even articulate his name or the name of whatever kami she believed in, that was when he knew nobody would ever compare to him. Ever again. The thought of her wanting anyone else was too much. He had to show her that this was it for her. With him.
She cried and moaned, holding him tightly as she tried desperately to move with his thrusts. His movements were too erratic by the time she managed some kind of success and Sakura fell into the abyss that was Gaara Sabaku, once again.
His arms were like jelly, his body shaking with the effort of remaining taut above her. The bed groaned beneath them. And eventually, something had to give.
Gods, fuck.
His body was on fire. She felt so god damned fucking good clutching and spasming around him. He was distantly aware that Sakura hadn’t been the only one making nonsensical noises when he felt his end fast approaching. If he’d had the mind to count, Gaara would’ve lost count of how many times she came around him.
I’m done.
Feeling confident in his memory of Sakura claiming to have a birth control implant (she called it Eton… something) Gaara shuddered one last time, emptying himself inside of her. The energy damn broke and he was suddenly very exhausted.
Happy but exhausted.
He stayed on top of her as Sakura kept her legs locked around his waist. She seemed unwilling to let him go. But eventually, she released him and Gaara tried to roll of without bumbling, he really did. But he was like a rubber chicken. He flopped and went limp, having to unwrap her right leg from his after he’d fallen onto his back.
Sakura didn’t laugh at him but couldn’t hide her smirk. Maybe she hadn’t caught her breath yet. Yeah, maybe. He wanted to cuddle. Gods, he wanted to hold her and never let her go. He wasn’t going to admit these things out loud though.
I need to sort myself out.
Oblivious to his internal struggle, Sakura glanced over at him, still smirking. “We should meet like this more often, Mr Sabaku.”
She burst out laughing again and after a moment’s hesitation, he joined her.
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princesssmars · 2 years
something new pt.II
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a monet de haan x reader
the royals of constance billiard have invited you into their ranks, and the princess seems to have a motive.
contains: slighttt angst for kinda shitty parents in the start/middle. mostly fluff and me loving monet. maybe some ooc moments. the writing style changing every section. not really proof read we die like men.
a/n: writing this i realized that the group in ggrb does. not have a name. so corny ass "the royals" it is ! <3 this took me forever but im inspired by gg spotify playlists and pure gay yearning. also what the hell do you call someone with black hair.
if there's one thing you should have expected from becoming friends with the royals of constance billard, it was how quickly they got stuff done.
on your way home from the charity benefit hall, you opened your phone to see that the six enigmas you had met at the party had all followed you and already added you to a group chat. as soon as you open it you already see audrey tagging you and telling you how you're all meeting up tomorrow to go shopping, apparently. lucky you.
once you arrived at your parents townhouse, maybe one of the only things you found bearble at this point was your new home, for its gorgeous interior and exterior and your spacious room, you rushed inside and up to your room so as to avoid whatever bullshit about your behavior they're going to chastise. after cleaning yourself up and getting ready for bed, you laid down and typed ‘sounds like a plan. see u tmmrw.’
putting your phone on your nighstand to charge, you were left to stare at your ceiling and ponder over what happened tonight and asking why. why did these people gravitate to you so quickly? did they just want another rich kid to add to their posse? you knew people just used each other often in your world of the rich and powerful, but god did it seem unappealing.
as much as you hated to admit it, you wanted real friends. hell, maybe even a girlfriend.
as the thought crossed your mind, a certain brown skinned girl with ombre twists crossed your mind, making you jolt up in bed.
“no…no no no dont do that.” you whisper and smack your cheeks, trying to convince yourself that no, you didnt have a crush on probably the most beautiful girl you've ever seen. that was crazy. pure insanity.
it made no sense. you could tell the kind of person she was, the queen bee, (technically the queen bee's second hand, intriguing), the girl everyone wanted or wanted to be and she knew it.
she also seemed a bit mean, which you were normally into.
but you didnt want to get yourself hurt.
not after what happened last time.
and so you fall asleep, thinking of pretty clothes and fake smiles.
youre rudely awakened by your alarm at around eight am, set the night before so you could get ready for the day ahead. you get up from bed, struggling to not check your notifications and messages on your phone before making your way to your on suite bathroom. in there you do your usual morning routine, rinsing off your body in the shower and doing your facial routine at the sink.
once youre finished, you head over to your closet to pick out an outfit when youre phone starts ringing. you see the caller id is max, and you swipe on the green to answer. "hello? you get up ths early too?"
"nah, but i had a feeling you would be. seem like the early bird type." max's voice drawls through the phone, still deep with the effects of sleep. "are you up at the asscrack of dawn because youre excited or because youre used to it?"
you laugh slightly, flipping through your pants and your skirts. "a bit of both, actually. my parents always made me get up really early so i know i have time to do everything. but the sunrise is also pretty."
max's voice laughs through the phone. "thats a good reason, ill admit. personally i like the sunset better."
"then i guess we've come to an empasse..." your voice trails off, finally finding a suitable outfit for looking nice but also being comfy while you walk around. "im about to get dressed, should i call you back?"
"nope put me on speaker, we've got things to talk about before we go shopping today." he states. youre confused, but put the speaker on anyway, giving him the go ahead to start talking.
"alright, youve probably already guessed this because you seem smart, but we all kinddd of want something from you." his bluntness makes you giggle.
"want something? from me? i sure hope its not my money." you joke, smiling as you hear his playful scoff from the phone.
"trust me, we're covered on that front. it was really julien and monets idea to bring you into the group, which congrats for getting in at the speed of light, by the way. i wasnt expecting any new additions considering weve all been mostly best friends for years."
this was monets idea?, you think to yourself as you finally wiggle into your clothing. there was a bit of a connection last night, but you didnt think it was strong enough for someone as seemingly impassive as her to start indoctrinating you into her friend group.
"what do you mean by mostly? you all seemed close from what i saw." you question.
max sighs through the phone, telling you that you might have guessed wrong. "its...a bit complicated. ill explain more of it later. my dads are calling me for breakfast. by the way, do you want me to pick you up later? i dont mind."
"sure, i want to hear all of the group secrets on the way there, though." you joke, laughing harder when he gives a fake laugh through the phone before saying your goodbyes.
after youve gotten dressed and made sure you had everything, you head downstairs to get a quick morning snack before the drive.
after grabbing your quick bite, youre stopped in your tracks by the sight of your mother in the doorway. she's wearing sportswear and her skin is slightly sweaty, meaning she just came back from her morning run. she eyes the food in your hand and you scoff, brushing past her to the front door.
for the next few minutes you stand in front of your home, scrolling through your socials and lightly listening to music until a honk makes you jerk your head up. in front of the sidewalk sits a very nice white car, with a smiling brunette boy looking straight at you.
"hurry up! i dont wanna hear audrey badger me for being late." he yells, making you match his bright smile. you get comfortable in the front seat, already vibing with the song he has playing from his spotify and the sweet smell of his car.
"do you really use a jelly bean air freshener?"
"i needed one that fit my personality."
"ah, i was wondering why i liked you so much."
throughout the drive to the mall, you get closer and laugh more with max, showing each other your favorite songs and laughing at each others lip syncing. after a few minutes, you finally ask him the question thats been on your mind.
"what did you mean earlier when you said you all...mostly got along?"
he stares straight at the road for a few seconds, the corner of his lips quirking up. "do you still talk to the people youve known since you were little? and i mean really little-preschool age."
you think about it beofre shaking you head. because of your parents frequent moving, you didnt make any solid connections. hopefully that would change soon.
"well youre kinda lucky. it sounds great when youre young to be best friends forever but in high school people...change. it starts slowly at first but it gets more noticable. i mean, when we were kids aki was like the mediator of the group, but now hes more impassive. audrey was the mother hen but now shes more overbearing, the list goes on." he rants, his voice sounding more melancholic as he goes on. "dont get me wrong, i love my friends but...everythings changing."
you nod along as he talks about his worries, giving him someone to vent to and taking in all of the information hes telling you.
max parks and you both make your way to the entrance, and he laughs at the look on your face when he says next time you should use the subway.
once inside, the rest of your new group of "friends" come up to you both.
"yn! i hope you made it here alright, hopefully max didnt talk your ear off on the way here." aki says, standing in front of you hand in hand with audrey, who smiles at you.
"youre just soo funny, menzies. you really should pursue a career in comedy." max jokes dryly, punching his friend in the arm playfully. as they start a playful arument, audrey takes your hand and pulls you over to where her and julien were standing.
"its so nice to see you again, yn," julien greets you and takes your arm in hers, audrey taking the one on your other side, "todays gonna be so fun, i promise. monet and luna are over in gucci, but i was thinking of heading over to saks..."
"why dont we meet them in gucci? then we can all shop together..." you suggest, your voice trailing off when you catch the look max is giving you in the corner of your eye.
julien smiles, tugging you along.
you get to the store, eyeing the collection of clothing, purses, and shoes. after a few seconds of looking around, your eyes connect with monets from across the store.
luna is next to her, the noirette talking lowly while shes observing a heel in her hand. but monets eyes stay on you, humming along to whatever shes saying-
"i think this would look pretty on you, yn," audreys soft voice yanks you out of your trance, holding up a cropped coat up to your chest, observing it from all angles.
"yeah, you're right. but its still august, isnt it a little too soon for a coat?"
"it'll get cold quick." monets voice pops up from the other side of audrey, startling you a bit. "didnt you live in maine previously? i wouldve thought all they had was lobsters and snow."
"i traveled with my parents in the winter months often, so i didnt feel the cold. but there were some perks of living there. a lot less...trash."
monets eyes widen and audrey barely stifles a laugh at your comment, the former slightly glaring at the two of you. audrey composes herself quickly.
"monet is right, once it hits late september the temperature starts dropping quick. youre buying it." audrey thrusts the piece of clothing in your hand, starting to look for more in the expensive collection.
monet still stands in front of you, smiling at you with an emotion in her eyes you cant quite place. but if you had to guess, it was nothing good for you.
"what do you want from me?" your bluntness shocks her out of her stupor, the girl crossing her hands on her chest.
"why do you think i want something from you?"
"lets not act coy. i just got here and your merry little band is trying to make me feel as if ive been here for years, and i know you have something to do with it."
she continues to smile at you, tapping her manicured finger on her arm. "and just why would i do something like that? i dont even know you."
alright, this was just pissing you off. "look, im not gonna turn into one of your little pawns. so whatever dumb ass game you're playing, leave me out of it."
"oh, yn," she sighs, bringing her hand up smooth her soft hand down your face, "you're already on the board. and trust me, when the time comes for choosing, youll wanna be on our side. now, lets go shopping, hm?"
you open your mouth to rebuttal but she shuts you up with a wave of her hand, moving directly to your left to loop your arms together and continue walking through the store.
despite some hesitance brought on by your inherent suspicion and monets ominous words, you will admit you had some fun with the group at the mall and going around to see the sights of new york.
but maxs comment from the car rung in your head often, and you noticed how they all had little groups within them. monet and luna mostly stayed to themselves if they weren't getting julien picture perfect for a picture. said julien really only seemed to connect with audrey, talking to obie but his face looked...conflicted?
during your observation your eyes yet again catch on monets, who just gives you a little smile and a wave.
you had a feeling this wouldnt end well for you.
eventually the sun starts to set and conversations start to dull, with julien suggesting you all come to her place and chill and to record some stuff for her instagram. julien calls her drivers to pick you up, but because of the uneven number, someone is going to have to sit by themselv-
"join me in the second car. i wanna talk." monet whispers from behind you, causing a shiver to go down your spine at the sudden nature of it and her closeness. intrigued you oblige, crawling into the back of the suv behind her and settling in.
its quiet for a handful of seconds, only the faint noise of the city and the moving car surrounding you.
"what do your parents do?"
the question throws you off. you would have thought she had done extensive digging on your history.
"theyre in the investing business. they just look to colleges with the most promising alumni and fund their programs. guess they also invest in start up businesses. but frankly i dont care and want nothing to do with it, and im confused at why you're asking me this."
she sighs, as if debating if she wants to speak - or really if she doesnt. she closes her eyes and rubs one of her temples with her fingers before pushing what she wants to say out.
"im asking because i want you on my side. everyone treats me like im just one of juliens dumb followers and that what i do is a joke but its not. i want to actually do something and make a business for myself, thats why i push her so hard. i dont want to join my familys company and i can tell you dont either."
you nod along to her words, not going to ignore her opening up to you. "buttt what do you need me on your side for? are you going to start some kind of war or..."
"i love julien, i really do. we've known each other since before we started teething. but shes changing and becoming this...sentimental wannabe good girl and i know eventually shes gonna leave me and my management in the dust. when it happens i need something to fall back on."
"so what, you do all of this shit for me just to be your back up plan?"
"i did it because i need to trust you. and i need you to trust me." she states, looking you dead in the eyes. you can see the sincerity in her eyes, and you hope its real because if not she was a really good liar. "besides, i know alll about what happened at your last school. you may try to act like some impassive above it, all cool girl attitude, but i know we're a lot more alike than you think."
your heart stops the same time the car does. the sincerity is still there, but nows its sinister. manipulative. and if you were being honest, kinda hot.
"think about what i said. and dont mention this to the others, ok?" monet composes herself, getting out from over you when the door is opened and youre still frozen in place.
you're snapped back into reality when she grabs your hand and helps you out, pressing her shoulder to yours as you walk into the lobby of juliens building. you dont know whether to be scared or excited when she whispers in your ear again.
"it can be our first little secret."
this. took me forever. and kicked my ass. but season two is here so i rushed. id appreciate any feedback bc ik the plot right now feels messy but hope yall enjoyed anyway <333
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Howdy~! For the 100 follower prompt, I would like angst prompt #4 with Leona Kingscholar, please! Angst with a happy ending, please? Thanks a bunch!👍 Also, congrats on the 100!
Angst 4: "My wounds are of no concern to you"
Lol OOC and mentions of bruising 👍🏻
Existence is pain and I'm bad at this. I'm writing this in calculus because I don't wanna be here :3c
He'd been cold to them today, moreso than usual
The sudden frigid edge to his tone when he spoke to them, cutting them off mid sentence, set off an alarm bell in their head
His normal lazy drawl was nowhere to be heard and in its place had been the inimicality of how he spoke presently
They didn't understand what they had done to make him angry
If they'd even done anything, that is.
And in turn they debated with themselves on whether they should give him space or try to speak with him about his sudden dismissiveness
On one hand, speaking to him could lead to an argument
One the other, they might be able to improve his
The latter seemed to be the favorable outcome
They'd wait until after classes had ended and he retired to his bedroom, however, figuring that it would be easier to approach him when he was more comfortable
When they arrive outside his door, they speak to make themselves known before letting themselves in
He cracked an eye open at them from his bed, the emerald freen of his irises gleaming in the darkness of his room
No words were spoken, just glances exchanged.
At least until they cleared their throat to aid in their preparation to speak
Leona? Has something happened?
They removed their shoes and approached him, footsteps quiet against the floor
Upon their reaching out to touch him, he grabbed their wrist
You're playin' a dangerous game, herbivore.
They frowned deeply
Despite being fully aware that it was his pride at play here, they couldn't help but feel the sting of his behavior
With a sigh they pulled their arm away and sat down on his bed
You acting like this only concerns me more. I know that there's something wrong Leona.
There was a long pause as they wallowed in their thoughts
And they sigh, running a hand through their hair, before turning to face him, expression serious
Kingscholar, I swear to the 7, if you don't fess up-
They cut themselves off when he lets out a growl
He'd failed to catch their hand again when they made a jab at his ribs with their fingers
A sneer crossed his face at having been found out and he huffed, falling back against the pillows
There was no longer a reason to bother
They lifted his shirt to see the the problem, brows furrowing at the large bruise across his ribcage, dark against his skin
He cuts them off this time, voice annoyed in a way that takes them aback
My wounds are of no concern to you
Their face contorted into anger as they stare at him incredulously
Like hell it isn't! You have punctured a lung if your ribs turned out to be broken!
He rolled his eyes as they stood, excusing themselves from the room
It took a few minutes, but when they returned they carried with them a small bag of ice
Gingerly, they press it to his side, apologizing for jabbing him to begin with
He sighed, expression still very much annoyed
The position of his ears and movement of his tail, however, conveyed his apology
His pride wouldn't allow him to say it aloud, but they'd been around him long enough to understand
I expect you to explain later.
He said nothing, but they knew he would
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kiidwritings · 7 months
so cringe, but i love u <3
chapter 1: gillette razor
wc; 3385. tags/warnings; maybe ooc .T4T RAAAGGHHHH!! Trans horangi. Trans könig. 5+1 Things. sorry if könig is ooc. also horangi might be ooc. I TRYING. idk i based his AUDHD on mine so :P. same with könig's social anxiety. author is nd. Author is trans. she/he/they könig. transfem könig. im trying my best ;-;. not beta read. (some) events based/inspired on stuff in author's real life. possible grammatical errors. mentions of sex. body/gender dysmorphia. mentions of needles (T-shot). vomiting. PISS (not in a sexual way 😭). grossness/unsanitariness. konig is a bit of a slob (lmk if I missed anything!)
a/n: i posted this on ao3 back in mid-october, but been too busy/forgot to post it here...oops ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. i was deadass thinking about leaving this (I've been in a creativity flunk, I hate my art and my writing), but then I remembered I made this /for/ someone basically, and I'm no quiter!!!!! 💪🏽 I'm the youngest of 5 siblings and lived in a full house, so most these icks are based on things they've done/do. i project heavily onto the characters so they might be OOC. also, horangi is used for on-base settings and hong-jin is used when he's just a civilian/off-base.
pairing: kim "horangi" hong-jin/könig
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Moving in with a partner is always awkward. 
You have to accommodate their living style, how they run things, a new environment, and just living with another person in general (which differs greatly from living with siblings- take it from Hong-Jin who grew up with four sisters).
During their first time on leave together, they instantly noticed things about each other that were never brought to light while on base.
Konig was an early riser (not by choice, just by force of habit), while Hong-Jin liked to sleep in, especially without the sound of an alarm clock waking him at the asscrack of dawn.
(It had actually taken some time before they shared a bed. The first time Hong-Jin even suggested it, Konig exhaled and swallowed an entire chunk of bread whole, before proceeding to cough up the mushy bits as Hong-Jin patted his back too hard.)
At first, Konig found it cute as Horangi tried to pull them back to bed, mumbling and pushing his face further into the pillows. And if she did need to wake Hong-Jin up, he’d wake up grumpy, sitting in bed with a sleepy scowl for about 10 minutes (with some additional complaints or an ogle at Konig as he got dressed) before slipping out of the comfort of bed and also getting ready. 
The two had gotten comfortable enough to share the bathroom, mainly while brushing their teeth or enjoying a nice shower together with or without any funny business is up to you to decide .
Two toothbrushes, one that looked hardly used besides leftover moisture and one with bristles so flattened it was a surprise the owner still had enamel on their teeth, leaned against each other in a little decorative cup Konig picked up from the thrift store. It was old, its design- different varieties of cats in beachwear- having worn off and the plastic was graying a bit.
The bathroom air was moist and hot as Hong-Jin entered, Konig not bothering to lock the door knowing he’d come in whenever he finished grumbling over not being able to sleep through the morning. The shower ran hot as steam wafted past the thin shower curtains and Konig hummed a tune. A mix of incoherent words and hushed melodies resonated from her chest and throat. Hong-Jin smirked and with help from the see-through curtains, poked Konig in the tummy through the PVC. 
Konig gasped, and pulled the curtain to the side, only allowing his head and shoulders to peek through. Hong-Jin grinned and relished at the sight of Konig’s slick and freckled skin. There was a tint of pinkness to it from the hot water cascading out of the shower head. Their hair was sticking to their forehead, the curls now slicked with water and shiny.
“Good morning.” Hong-Jin purred. He thought about joining Konig, but he didn’t smell and wasn’t really in the mood for shower sex.
“Ah! What was that for?” Konig let out a huff of amusement and shot her partner back a cheeky smirk.
Hong-Jin just shrugged and leaned back against the bathroom sink. “Just felt like it.”
“Want to join me?” Konig asked, using his hand to wipe some excess water from his face, huffing like a seal clearing its nose.
Hong-Jin just shrugged again, turning around to face the fogged-up mirror. “Neh,” He absently drew a smiley face in the mirror's condensation coating. 
‘Not in the mood for sex.’ he thought.
He shouldn’t say that, that’s forward. Plus, Konig might find that weird…yeah, don’t say that. Think of something else-.
“Not in the mood for sex.”
“ What?! ” Konig gaped.
“What?” Hong-Jin turned around and awkwardly stared at Konig’s shocked face.
“Are you in the mood for sex?”
“What, no I just said I wasn’t.” Konig blinked and his eyebrows furrowed with confusion.
“So why’d you mention it? Does me showering turn you on?”
Hong-Jin blinked hard, doing a double take. And I thought I was forward, geez! “No! I mean, yes!...No, sometimes?” 
What the fuck was this conversation even???
“Are you turned on right now?” Konig asked, probably just trying to fill the awkward silence and also trying to understand the reason behind Hong-Jin’s initial response.
“No! I’m not turned on, I’m normal, I’m…I need to pee!”
And with that, Hong-Jin pulled the curtain back to hide himself from Konig and practically slammed the toilet lid open, signaling to Konig to not peek past the curtains and also to drop the conversation.
Once he was sure she was back to bathing herself, he did his business. Making sure not to flush (to save Konig from getting burned alive from the already hot water getting hotter), Hong-Jin washed his hands and began brushing his teeth. “Do you need help with your T-shot today?” Konig asked, now that the awkwardness had disappeared from the previous conversation. Hong-Jin spits in the sink, cupping his hands and gurgling the water. The water was colder than usual, probably from the mintiness of the toothpaste residue, and chilled the teeth were cracked and sensitive. “Yeah, that’d be nice,” Hong-Jin said, wiping the excess foam that dribbled out his mouth and began splashing water in his face. 
Konig liked helping with Hong-Jin’s T-shot. He could do it by himself, but sometimes he wouldn’t stab hard enough, or seeing the needle go in made his chest tighten. But the domestic sight of Konig’s big hand engulfing one of his thighs and having her other hand slowly sticking the needle into the fat made Hong-Jin want Konig by his bedside, at his beck and call if he batted his eyelashes innocently enough.
(Sometimes Konig thought about starting up on estrogen. They wouldn’t mind if they were born a girl. The thought of wearing a bra made him feel dirty like she was some pervert who was faking her identity. Word would go around that KorTac’s titan colonel was a tranny who thought he was a girl and wore a bra. The thought of rumors and the loss of her reputation all because she wanted to express herself made her stomach churn and a sense of dread ran down his spine. 
But why should he care?!...well, he did care a lot .
Years of being made fun of and looked down upon (not literally of course) would all be down the drain. His secret was safe with Hong-Jin, his partner, and Horangi, his teammate.)
“And what do you say…?” Konig teased, a grin present in the tone of her voice. Through the curtain, Konig was washing off his body, splashing water on his face and running his fingers through his hair.
Hong-Jin just scowled, rolling his eyes and flushing the toilet, letting the scolding water pour down onto his cocky girlfriend. “Ah ah! Heiß! So verdammt heiß!” (Hot! So fucking hot!) Konig yelped and rushed to turn off the water as their mischievous tiger of a boyfriend left the bathroom, chuckling quite proudly to himself. 
The rest of the morning was casual. The two went about their typical routine, it was nothing special; making breakfast, and doing minimal chores. Hong-Jin liked to go on a run before the sun was really shining, and Konig had some laundry to fold that he’d been putting off (his mama ain’t raise him to be a slob, so having to walk past that pile every day made guilt tickle his stomach). 
Hong-Jin had returned to the small apartment covered in a light sheen of sweat, adrenaline still running through his body. Walking into the bedroom, he fell back onto the bed, just nearly missing the neat stack of folded laundry with his leg.
Konig huffed, “Be careful, I’m being helpful here.” Hong-Jin just responded with a huff of his own from deep within his chest and swung a leg over to land on Konig’s lap, which as a result, knocked off some clothes from the folded pile. 
“Hey! Vorsichtig! ” Konig pouted and gave a smack to Hong-Jin’s calf. He could only smile and snuggle into the pillow.
“Tired…” Was all Hong-Jin replied with, turning onto his side, being mindful of his leg now and inhaling the musk and scent on Konig’s pillow. It smelt of pine-scented body wash and 3-in-1.
Konig exhaled once more, re-folding the messed up clothes but allowing Hong-Jin to keep his leg on her lap.
“We need food,” Hong-Jin mumbled, eyes still closed.
Konig just hummed, “ Ja… ”
Hong-Jin let his hand find its way to Konig’s thigh, squeezing a bit, “Come with me?” Hong-Jin tilted his head to peek up at his girlfriend. Konig just continued folding clothes, glancing over to meet their boyfriend’s gaze.
“Great, let me go shower.” Hong-Jin shot up, once again knocking over some clothes (Konig scoffed and looked at Horagni with great offense). 
He gathered some new clothes, threw his sweaty workout clothes in the battered hamper, and walked into the bathroom. 
The shower knobs were adjusted to just the right water temperature. Absent-mindedly placing his hand on the sink while looking at himself in the mirror, he left something under his hand.
A small puddle of water. Nothing too bad. But in the water were tiny hairs, red hairs to be exact. Some were curly and some were just straight. Hong-Jin felt his skin crawl and immediately wiped his hands on a hand towel hanging nearby. He felt sick.
Was Konig always this gross? How can someone just leave behind such a mess and not think to clean it up? Did he just touch his shaven pubic hairs???
Hong-Jin shuddered, washing his hands once… then twice, and took a deep breath, analyzing the scene.
With a bit of an attitude, he walked out of the bathroom to Konig. She was putting away the clothes, reorganizing the ones that wouldn’t fit in their dresser drawers. Everything was folded military-style, neat and compact.
“Konig,” Hong-Jin gritted his teeth. Konig looked back and blinked, “ Ja ? Why the long face, tiger?” Hong-Jin just huffed and threw a thumb over his shoulder to the ajar bathroom door.
“You left your fucking pubes on the bathroom sink.” His voice was sharp and annoyed. Konig blinked before flushing.
“Yeah ‘oh’ . Go clean it up…” he took a big inhale and then exhaled. “Please?”
Konig paused, looking to the floor, embarrassed, before glancing at Hong-Jin, and then making their way to the bathroom.
The sink was cleaned in no time and an apology kiss was planted atop Hong-Jin’s head, right on the side part of his hair. “I’m sorry,” Konig mumbled, lips still against his head, inhaling the scent of the hair oil Hong-Jin used.
Hong-Jin just gave a smile, it didn’t reach his eyes but if it weren’t for the arm sliding around her waist, Konig would’ve assumed he was still upset with her.
“It’s fine, just gross.” Hong-Jin’s cheeks tinted in response to the kiss and he squeezed Konig’s love handle, causing the latter to stiffen.
And like promised, the sink was free of any hairs.
It seemed like that problem was resolved, Konig made sure to clean up after himself on the days when he did shave so everyone was happy…
Until it wasn’t. 
The issue arose (again) one early morning when the sun was still asleep. It had been an evening of takeout, kissing, watching movies, kissing, a little drinking, making out, and like the old farts they are, snuggling in bed (with some more kissing and a messy handjob) before falling asleep to the sound of each other’s hearts beating.
It was about 2 AM, and the outside world was quiet. Hong-Jin’s eyes fluttered open, cold hardening the corners and causing him to wince. Konig laid on his back, hairy chest and chunky stomach on display and snoring, not to the point of keeping Hong-Jin up, but putting him at ease when the night was too quiet. 
(Hong-Jin loved how Konig ran hot, all that muscle and fat did wonders to circulate heat that was then shared with Hong-Jin, their loving boyfriend. The more fat on Konig’s body, the more there was for Hong-Jin to love. And Konig loved Hong-Jin's slim figure, his muscle and small tummy fit perfectly in his arms- two puzzle pieces that loved the skin-to-skin feeling.)
With cat-like stealth, Hong-Jin slipped from Konig’s big strong arms and ventured to the bathroom. The fluorescent overhead lights stung his eyes and he squinted his way to the toilet. 
He went about doing his business, trying his best to keep his mind calm, usage of his sleepy brain would cause it to wake up and then he’d stay up on his phone until either Konig slid it under his pillow or he passed out from the blue light. 
Before flushing, Hong-Jin could make out something in the toilet bowl (besides his piss). Did he get his period suddenly? No, it just ended last weekend. 
Finally taking a second to rub his eyes and concentrate, he released it was pubes.
Instead of leaving them on the sink, Konig had used the toilet to shave. Fine in itself, Horangi did the same thing. But leaving them in the toilet and not flushing wasn’t . She must’ve shaved after Horangi had been settled into bed that night.
Letting his curiosity get the best of him, Hong-Jin tore off a small bit of toilet paper and lifted the toilet lid, only to cringe and shoot his hand back, seeing as stray pieces of pubic hair littered the bare toilet bowl rim.
Hong-Jin shivered, he left dirty just looking at it. He quickly flushed the toilet along with the torn toilet paper and washed his hands and just above his wrists. He ended up being too angry to sleep before passing out two hours later, refusing to snuggle back up with Konig.
Even once they were back on base, Horangi seemed to notice this “ick” of Konig’s. It wasn’t like he made an effort to look out for every stray hair of Konig’s, but with that gross memory in the front of his mind, he couldn’t help it.
He had just happened to be walking to the locker room when Konig turned the corner, shoulders brushing.
“Oh, hallo Horangi.” Konig seemed rather chipper this morning, maybe because Horangi had come back from a mission four days ago and she was happy to see him.
“Konig,” Horangi nodded his head. He was dressed in a plain green shirt and some cargo pants. The humidity of the base hallways made the fabric of his clothes and mask feel like they were sticking to his skin from all the sweat he’d built up while working out. It was a good thing he’d kept his sunglasses in his gym bag, the moisture would've sure collected underneath the frames.
“I heard about the mission you were on, good job meine Kätzchen. ” (my kitten) Konig’s eyes upturned through the eye holes of his mask, and they reached out to place a gentle hand on Horangi’s shoulder. Horangi scoffed, shrugging their hand off playfully, and scowled under his mask.
“You know I hate that pet name.” Horangi narrowed his eyes at his taller lover but there was no real malice in his voice, in fact, he even blushed a bit under his mask, the hairs on the back of his neck standing up with flusteredness.
Konig just chuckled, before leaning down a bit, the fabric of his hood just barely touching Horangi’s cheek. “If the circumstances were different, I’m sure that pet name would be getting a much-needed rise out of you.~” 
There was a fluttery feeling in Horangi’s chest and he felt his skin heat up more and he licked his lips a bit. 
With a quick glance at the open end of the hall, Horangi shifted their masks out of the way, letting himself venture underneath Konig’s and share a passionate kiss. With the built-up tension in the air, it quickly dissolved into a quick makeout session. The only thing to break them apart was the sound of a shower stall door slamming shut. 
Konig was the one to pull back, a string of saliva quickly being lapped up by her and she grinned. The two were panting and Horangi was surely sweating more from the heat underneath Konig’s mask and building up below.
Goosebumps prickled Horangi’s skin and suddenly the air of the hallway wasn't as dry anymore, the layer of sweat cooling him down. 
“I’m guessing meine kleines kätzchen will be ‘stopping by’ this evening?” Konig whispered, his soul patch rubbing against Horangi’s cheek as his lips brushed against his earlobe. His body was now boxing in Horangi’s, their most vulnerable parts brushing against each other’s. Horangi bit his lip, slipping his mask back up.
“Yes sir.”~ He purred. Then they parted their separate ways, both riled up and ready to jump each other’s bones the next time they saw each other.
Later that night, long after Konig had finished his reports (that he’d procrastinated long enough getting done) and everyone had started settling down before lights out, Horangi had Konig straddle to the bed, moving his hips in an exotic and hypnotic way. Their masks and most of their clothes were tossed aside, leaving them both bare and vulnerable to each other’s wandering hands and teeth. 
Horangi hadn't expected to be so pent up from just a bit of teasing that afternoon, but god , if his giant girlfriend didn’t destroy his insides by the end of the night, he’d lose his fucking mind.
He leaned down, pressing a sloppy kiss on his bite mark placed perfectly on their pulse point. Konig was panting, body flushed and reacting in malicious ways to Horangi’s teasing. 
“Where are your condoms at, big boy?” Horangi whispered, sucking another kiss onto their chest.
Konig sucked in a shaky breath and stammered to speak, “ I-im bad…badezimmer- oh gott… (In the bathroom- oh god)” Horangi tsked and rolled his hips into Konig causing her to whine. 
“English, 여보… ~ (Yeobo/Darling)”
With another whine and a flutter of her lashes, Konig was able to composure herself somewhat to divert from her mother tongue, “Bathroom…m-medicine cabinet.” 
Reluctantly, Horangi peeled himself from Konig (who was practically about to burst), and upon flicking on the bathroom light, felt like ice water had been poured on him and the wetness down below was instantly dried.
The bathroom was as tidy as a man could have it, nothing out of the ordinary except for the sink which was COMPLETELY covered in shaven hairs. On the edge, next to his flattened toothbrush, was a simple black razor, the blades surprisingly clean with a few stray hairs caught between, like lettuce stuck between teeth.
…well not completely, but it looked like the sink hadn’t been shown a sliver of care, not a single good scrubbing (or…some form of cleaning).
Horangi’s jaw dropped as he stood in the doorway of the small bathroom. 
He felt sick, he wanted to spit up to get rid of this gross feeling all over his body- he felt contaminated.
Sure this wasn’t Horangi's living space, (he was actually jealous Konig got his own private bathroom because of his ranking), but oh god the sight was gut-wrenching. Did they not see nothing wrong with just leaving their hair all over the sink, the place where they left their toothbrush that went in their mouth and that mouth and tongue swapped spit with him-
Konig shot up upon hearing Horangi retch, throwing himself to the toilet and regurgitating a mush of greasy mess hall food into the porcelain bowl.
“Hong-Jin, are you ok?!” Kneeling down next to Horangi, he used one hand to swoop his hair out of his face and the other to softly rub circles on his back. Horangi groaned, spitting some extra bile into the toilet water-vomit mixture.
With a shaky voice and trembling body, Horangi turned his head to Konig and gritted his teeth. “Your sink is disgusting …!”
Konig blinked, face contorted into a confused and worried look. “Huh?”
“Your SINK-” Horangi’s stomach roared and another wave of nausea rolled over him. “It’s covered in HAIR.” 
Konig just shushed his little tiger as Horangi's back arched like a cat throwing up a hairball.
So much for the sex…Konig had a raging hard-on he desperately needed to be taken care of…
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Have a good day/night! :3c - alienkiid
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©kiidwritings 2020 - 2023; all rights to the stories are reserved to @kiidwritings! please do not plagiarize, modify, edit, translate, or repost any of my work!
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sakumz · 1 year
happy 100 followers! could you write for kuro kiryu? tyy :3
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₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚. [ k. kuro x gn reader ]
warning❗: slight ooc
genre 𑁍 : fluff
wc ⚘ :
a/n ꕤ : (❁ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)  ty, hope u enjoy this anon! 𓂃𓈒𓂃𓈒𓂃𓈒𓂃𓈒𓂃𓈒𓂃𓈒𓂃𓈒𓂃𓈒𓂃𓈒𓂃𓈒𓂃𓈒𓂃𓈒𓂃𓈒𓂃𓈒𓂃𓈒
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" thank you for taking care of my younger sister, " kuro, your boyfriend says as you pat his sister head before bidding both goodbye.
you're hoping she seriously doesn't spoil the gift you're planning to give him tomorrow to celebrate your anniversary as he prays she doesn't say anything about his gift for you either.
with one last sigh before heading to bed for the horrors of tomorrow, hopefully it isn't as horrible as you thought. you slept.
waking up, wasn't the best. first you missed your usual alarm you set and then the bus to work, you were considering taking the day off honestly. second, coming face to face with a happy and giddy kaoru wasn't the best, he's ready to blabber his life away for you to listen but you're rushing late so with one " sorry I'll hear you out later " and a push to kaoru to get in the lift. you didn't expect your boss to call you into the office after, there goes disturbing kuro in the morning.
hearing your boss complain about your work in the morning really was a big turn off, slamming your head softly against the table. you got ready to edit the draft your boss wasn't happy with, can't he just edit it since they were minor errors? ignoring the buzz from your phone wasn't really the best idea since they were coming from your beloved but hey this work is long due and you should focus on it just this once.
kuro can't help but get a little concerned for his lover, you were locked in your own little world for god knows how long. you didn't respond to his good morning message and its already afternoon, you were really busy so as the good bf he is. he comes barging into your office with a slice of cake and your favourite coffee at hand.
" hey, " he greets all cool and smooth as you flush over how you probably look right now, paper splatter all over your desk, laptop glaring at you as you ignore the laptop for papers at hand and your pens all over.
" sorry for the mess, but look! I've come up with a new stage idea for akatsuki, rabbits and undead, there's even one for valkyrie but I doubt boss will allow me to show it to valkyrie but I really think shu will like it or at least mika would... " you were ready to share everything you have for kuro to listen as he hands you the cake and coffee as you thanked him for those and remind you about dinner with him as you nod your head ready to talk more, only for him to apologise and go as he too has a busy schedule.
with a bittersweet goodbye, you both part ways and continue on your day. you falling asleep and forgetting about the time. kuro comes in after work is done, well everyone was supposed to leave and it was only you both and a few security guards left, honestly rei and keito were probably still in the building.
with a sigh, he cleans up your space before waking you up gently to tell you it's time to go home. you stared at him in bewilderment, kuro laughs at your reaction before taking you outside. the cool air hitting you as you shudder at the feeling, you forgot dinner with him but here he is still taking you out. you turn to pull something out of your bag, its the gift you made for him and the gift you hope his sister hasn't told him about as kuro smiles and gratefully takes from you. the cute bear that you crochet as a gift for him will remind him of you everytime that's for sure.
after the sweet dinner planned, you both were walking around the cool street. he walks you to nice area with little people around, with the moon shining nicely and beautifully for background. he gets on one knee, about to propose when he pulls out the small black velvet box revealling a shiny cute diamond ring perfect for your delicate finger as he says the words you longed to hear. without a second after he was done asking the question "will you marry me?" you say "yes, of course."
he slips the ring into your finger, before kissing your lips and you hugging him after for what felt like forever. you both broke from the moment when his phone rings and he picks up right infornt of you, it was his sister telling him to go home before the last train with a simple thank you he takes your hand, ready to bring you home. how you both can't wait for life as a married couple.
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