#.i'll resist the obvious joke
everyneji · 4 months
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msgexymunson · 2 months
The Ink Shop Part 2
Description: After your encounter with Eddie, things are beginning to get a bit more complicated; especially when you ask him for another little favour. But, will Eddie go for it? 
Warnings: NSFW, minors DNI this ain't for you, angst, tiny bit of fluff, smut, fem oral receiving, male masturbation.
A/N: OK when I said this will be in 3 parts I lied, it's totally going to be at least 4, maybe 5! Thank you for the love you've shown the first part, it's incredible! You're superstars. 
❤️ If you like it please comment and reblog, it really makes my day!❤️
7k words 
Masterlist Part 1
For some reason, the shop seems more welcoming today than ever. It might be the fact that the sun is shining, it might be the radio seemingly playing all your favourite songs, or it might be last night. Either way, you feel loose and free, laughing at jokes, smiling at everyone, and genuinely just happier. 
Eddie saunters in thirty minutes late and you barely notice, apart from flashing him a bashful smile. 
“Well hello there sweetheart, you seem chipper today.”
You roll your eyes at the obvious insinuation, but your smile is warm. “I had a good night's sleep, that's all.” 
“Bet you did,” he grins, “you look real pretty.” 
Looking down, you consider your outfit; you'd decided enough of the corporate clothes, this is a tattoo shop after all. So, you'd paired a roll neck sweater with a short jean skirt and sneakers. A more relaxed outfit to go with a more relaxed attitude. Before you can say anything in reply he strolls over to his station. 
Right, so a few jabs, but he's being nonchalant. So put it out of your mind.
The morning moves quickly, a messy blur of clients and phone calls. After a fast lunch, the shop finally calms down a little. When you're focusing on sorting the mess of the heavy bookings tome in front of you, Eddie approaches, mischief glinting in his eyes. 
“I see London, I see France…” 
You follow his bowed head and cross your legs in sheer embarrassment, realising a sliver of your panties must be on display. 
He simply laughs, throwing his head back far enough that your gaze drifts to his Adam's apple. 
“Sorry, I couldn't resist, I'm a big fan of this skirt,” he says, drinking you in with his eyes, “anyway I wanted to ask-” 
His sentence is stopped however by the loud ringing of the old corded phone. You and Eddie share a look, yours begging and his smug. Before you can grab it, he picks up the phone, putting on a ridiculous British accent. 
“Good Afternoon, London Underground Airways, this is your captain speaking- Oh shit Mac- Yeah she's- I know I'm not supposed to answer- Sorry I- Fine, here.” He brandishes the phone at you. 
“Hello? Oh, of course I'll let them know- I understand- It'd be my pleasure- see you soon.” replacing the receiver, you make a note on the pad at your side. 
“What'd he say?” Eddie asks, hovering over you. 
Not giving him the satisfaction of a look, you continue to make your note, however perfunctory it may be. “Mac's going to be a little late, he told me to tell his next client.” 
“He said my name, I heard it. What'd he say?” 
Placing your pen down with a loud click, you turn to him. 
You tell him as you smile smugly. “He told me to hit you for answering the phone.”
If anything, his grin grows broader. “Oh? Go on then princess, I'd hate for you to break the rules.” He turns his face, no doubt expecting a cuff to the back of the head.
Spinning on your stool, you slap him right across the cheek; not with all your strength, but certainly hard enough to remember. Eddie's face is a picture of shock, pink handprint already flushing his cheek. 
But that just makes his smile wider. 
“Harder.” He asks, eyes flashing arousal at you. 
“Eddie!” you shout, pushing him away, but his laugh echoes through the shop. Before he has a chance to continue, a burly biker type walks right in the door. 
“Good afternoon, can I help you?” 
“Yeah, It's Jimmy, I'm here for Mac?” 
“He's running a little late, but he'll be with you as soon as possible. Can I get you a coffee or something while you wait?” 
You can't help but hear a huff from Eddie, but before you can question it he's drawing in his book, entirely oblivious to the outside world. 
At the end of the day, you're tired, but still in fairly high spirits. It's the first time you've seen everyone in the shop at once. There's an edge to the air though, as if an expectation hangs over everyone. 
So… bar?” Mac asks in a defeated tone, although he's smiling. Everyone reacts; Eddie woops, pumping his fist, even the usually reserved Miranda is clapping quietly. You smile and nod, finally understanding what the atmosphere was about. 
As you all enter the dimly lit bar, chatting and laughing, you hear a low huff. 
“What did I do to deserve this?” John is standing behind the bar. An imposing figure, his arms crossed and face surly, but there's a kindness in his eyes. Mac leans straight over and hands him a card.  
“Easy John, I got this,” he chuckles. The card is accepted gratefully, the gruff demeanour lessening with the promise of payment. 
You accept a bottle of beer and slide into a nearby booth, the rest of the group filtering in. Mac walks over, eyes the space next to you, then grabs a stool to sit at the head of the table. It throws you for a minute; surely he knows he can sit there? Before you can tell him so, Eddie waltzes across the room with a tray of tequila shots and all the fixings with a cheeky look in his eyes. He slides right in next to you, tray and all, and places it on the table with exaggerated care. 
“Ladies, gentlemen.” He says, gesturing to the tiny glasses like an old timey butler. There's a succession of groans from the party, but despite this they all grab a shot. All except you. 
“I don't think I-” you begin, but he's waving a hand in the air. 
“Come on, you drink. It's a shot. Never had tequila before?” 
Fixing him with a sharp look, your cheeks begin to redden of their own accord. Eddie smirks and tosses his head back, hiding his eyes with one hand. 
“Shit princess, what did you do at college?” 
“Study.” You say primly, but take a glass tentatively and place it in front of you. 
“Right, so for the new guys…“ Eddie smiles right at you and licks his hand between his thumb and pointer finger. That hint of silver mesmerises you, the ball of his tongue piercing catching the light. It's almost sensual the way he does it, your eyes automatically following the movement of his tongue. “salt right here…” he sprinkles some on the spot he moistened, “then, lick, shoot, suck.” 
In a few fluid movements he licks the salt from his hand, downs the shot, and sticks a wedge of lime in his mouth. As your brain finally engages after that display, the little show that shouldn't have heated your insides up, you follow along, and take your shot with everyone else. It's easier than you would have thought, the lime easing the burn somewhat. 
Eddie squeezes your thigh under the table and whispers low enough for you to hear. 
“Good girl.” 
Shooting daggers with a simple look, he just smirks, leaving his hand on your bare leg as if challenging you. Dimly, you hear the echoes of a conversation in front of you; it's Julio, arguing about good tequila not needing salt and lime, but you're lost in the deep pools of Eddie's chocolate eyes.
For a moment, your body flashes red hot and you regret your choice of the high necked sweater. Tearing your eyes away you look at something, anything, but Eddie. 
The conversation drifts between all manner of subjects and you start to relax, the beer and tequila swimming in your belly loosening your tongue. It's nice, having a chance to chat and giggle with your coworkers in a setting not interrupted by the constant buzzing of tattoo machines. 
Julio and Chloe end up in a full scale argument about the karaoke machine in the corner. Before you're subjected to the horror of having to sing in public, you get up to grab another beer. Perching on a stool by the bar with your purse in hand, you're waiting patiently to be served. 
Eddie strolls over. You see him in your periphery; that confident walk as if he owns the very ground he walks on. Casually he hops up on the stool next to you, making no effort to hide the way he undresses you with his eyes. 
“Quit staring Eddie,” you say testily as you knock the bar with your bank card. 
“Now I can't look at you?” He asks with an amused grin. 
“I said quit staring, not quit looking,” you huff out. 
“What's the difference?” He asks, shrugging his shoulders and scrunching his nose at you.
You groan, turning on your stool to face him. “You are impossible,” 
He sticks his long tongue out childishly, flashing his piercing at you. 
Thankfully, John's voice cuts through the squabble. “What can I get you?”
“May I have a beer, please?” 
“You certainly may.” John cocks his thumb in your direction, addressing Eddie, “I like this one, she's polite. Don't scare her off.” 
Eddie dramatically holds his chest. “You wound me, sir!” 
Two beers are placed on the bar and John waves your card away. “Don't worry about it, Mac's treating you guys tonight.” 
As you swig your beer, you contemplate for a moment, trying to work out something.
“You're staring, sweetheart.” Eddie grins, as he gulps his drink. 
“I wasn't staring, I was thinking! I know that's a foreign concept to you.” It's catty, you know that, but he just seems to bring it out in you. No one else has annoyed you so much in your life just by… being. 
“That was rude. I thought we were playing nice?” he pouts playfully. 
“Sorry. I- Can I ask you something?” 
“Sure, shoot.” 
Turning to him, you speak what's on your mind. “Why do people get their tongues pierced? No one really sees it. I get like, nose and eyebrow piercings and stuff, but the tongue one I don't understand.” 
Eddie's grin is wide as he bites his bottom lip and stares at you. Well, you couldn't call it a grin. It's a flash of teeth, almost wolfish in its delivery. 
“Oh princess, you are too cute.” 
Staring at him with your brow furrowed, you try to work out what he means, but the longer you take, the more amused he looks. 
“What? What is it?” 
Sighing, he leans closer, the scent of aftershave, cigarettes and man clouding around you. “It's got a purpose, sweetheart.” 
“What, like, kissing?” 
Shaking his head, he looks you up and down. “Kinda. Kissing somewhere… specific.” 
Realisation breaks across your face, followed by a fierce blush that you can feel to the roots of your hair. Laughing, Eddie pulls away a little and takes a mouthful of beer. 
Voice an airy whisper, you lean over to him as you speak. “And girls like that?” 
His laugh is so loud it reverberates around the bar. 
“Yeah, a lot, in my experience.” 
Well, the thought is there now, and you're pretty sure it won't ever go away, not without some sort of mind bleach. Eddie's head between your legs, his long tongue exploring your sex. The image is burned into the back of your brain, playing on a loop.
“You're looking a little hot there,” he says, as if he can read your thoughts. It's fair to say it wouldn't take a psychic to know what's rattling around your head right now. 
“I'm fine, this sweater is too warm,” you shake out, pressing your thighs together. 
Mouth opening and closing like a fish, you finally snap it shut with a crunch. Curiosity is eating away at you, and it's too easy to say what's on your mind after a couple of drinks. 
“Eddie, could you… tell me, what- what it's like?” 
He chuckles lightly and scoots closer to you. “you know I can't, I've not exactly had the pleasure.” 
“I know that, I mean…” 
For a second he just gapes at you. 
“Wait, princess, are you asking me to tell you or… show you?” 
Flustered, you turn away a little. “Sorry that's- that's too much isn't it. It's just you… did such a good job with the, you know, the other thing, I was just curious.” 
Eddie bites his lip, puffing out a little breath. “You know, flattery works with me. I did a good job, huh?” 
“Well, yeah. I can imagine you'd be really good at… that too. I could, owe you a favour?” It's bold, especially from you, but the way he's looking at you, the slight flush to his cheeks, you'd put money on him agreeing. 
Eddie stares at you incredulously. “Wait, you're saying you want me to stick my tongue in the holiest of holes and then you owe me a favour?” 
“Yeah? Like a little… arrangement.” 
He rubs his face with his hand, his voice muffled as he speaks. “I'd feel like I was taking advantage of you.” 
That confuses you for a moment. Surely you were the one who asked him? Hesitantly you reach out and touch soft fingertips to the back of his hand. 
“Fuck.” He looks around, and turns to you, gazing into your eyes for a moment. 
“Fine. Right now.” 
“Oh I didn't-” 
“Listen, before I change my mind. Meet me out back. I'll tell the guys you're not feeling well and I'm taking you home.” 
Wordlessly, you grab your purse and head to the back door, heart hammering in your ears. It's a little dank out here, with the sound of a dripping pipe and moss covering the cement. Eddie comes out a moment later looking more serious than you've ever seen him. 
“You sure about this?” He asks, searching your eyes. 
‘Yeah, but…” you look around the small yard, gesturing vaguely. 
“Oh. Oh! You thought- oh Christ no, not here. I'm not a complete asshole. Come with me.”
Letting out a relieved breath, you follow him. He walks over to a gate in the fence and opens it, which leads down a narrow alleyway, a little shortcut between yards. That eventually opens up to another road with a couple of apartment blocks. The one he moves towards looks mostly clean, if a bit lifeless, with a creepy looking van parked out the front.
“This way sweetheart,” he says, leading you through the courtyard and to the stairs. 
For a second you stop in sheer surprise. 
“Wait, you live this close and you still manage to be late for work?” 
He chuckles, looking at you over his shoulder. “I have a condition, you know. Chronic tardiness; I'm afraid there's no cure.” 
You bat him on the arm playfully and he grasps your wrist, stopping on the stairs briefly, giving you a look that is wickedness personified. 
“If you're gonna hit me, do it properly.” 
He laughs loud and grabs your hand, holding it in his until he reaches his door. That alone is enough to shut you up. It's warm and rough, and the feeling of his skin on yours, no matter how tiny, sends bolts of sensation through you. 
“Right, here is my castle,” he says as he opens the door and lets you inside. 
Chaos. That's the first word that crosses your mind. It doesn't look dirty, there's just things everywhere. A bookshelf stuffed with books and weird little trinkets placed any which way dominates one wall, and another on the other side with a huge music collection. There's a poky little kitchen with a couple of pots still in the sink, and a big couch with mismatched cushions takes up the remaining space. A tower of board games is precariously leaning next to it, and on the wall over the TV is an honest to goodness sword.
“It's nice,” you say as you walk in, as if you're not mentally organising it in your head. 
“You hate it.” He scoffs, pulling his boots off and dumping them by the door. 
“No, no, it's very… you.” 
“I stand by my previous statement.” He grins at you, clearly indicating he wasn't being entirely serious. 
“This is the bedroom.” He walks over and nudges the door open with his foot. Surprisingly, apart from an open clothes rail, an overflowing laundry hamper, and an enormous bed, there's not much in it. The wallpaper is a pretty purple colour, and looks oddly familiar. 
“Eddie isn't that the same wallpaper-” 
“-As the shop? Yeah. Mac let me have the leftovers. I was broke and this room was fucking pink.” 
You snort out a laugh; the thought of Eddie with a pretty pink bedroom was rather unbelievable.
“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. I can live with purple.” He roots around and grabs a pair of sweats. “Make yourself comfortable, I'm gonna change real quick.” 
Then he walks out into another doorway, you assume the bathroom. The urge to snoop is real, but you resist. It looks like he spends less time here anyway. 
The question is, how comfortable are you supposed to make yourself? Nerves start settling in, the thought of what you've asked him to do is finally sinking its way into your mind and down your jangling spine. What if he doesn't like the underwear you're wearing? God, you've been at work all day, what if you smell bad? Or taste bad? What if- 
“You can sit down, princess.” 
Eddie saunters back in, shirtless, a pair of grey sweatpants hanging so low on his hips you see his cut groin. A little squeak hiccups out of your throat at the sight. You stay standing, ready to make your excuses and leave, but the signal hasn't reached your legs just yet. 
“What's wrong?” his eyes are brimming with concern as he steps toward you. 
“No I- I was- maybe this-” 
“Hey, look at me,” he says, grabbing both of your hands. You stare up at him, his face gentle. 
“Whatever you're worried about, I'm sure it's nothing.” 
“But i haven't showered-” 
“When did you last?” 
“Well… this morning.” 
“You're fine. Trust me.” 
He backs you up onto the bed, your knees folding as you flop down. The air around you feels full, humid with anticipation. He's so close, your bodies almost pressed together. 
“I wanna kiss you.” He says softly, stroking a lock of your hair out of your face. Heart leaping into your throat, you try to suppress the urge to lean forward. The last thing you need is to fall for this man. Chloe's words echo in your head; he's not boyfriend material.
He'll break your heart. 
“That's not part of our deal, Eddie.” 
A frown flickers across his face. It's just for a second, a flash of vulnerability, before his usual cocky smile returns. 
“That's not where I wanna kiss you.” He winks and tugs at your top, “can I take this off?” 
Nodding wordlessly, you help him and wriggle it up and over your head. 
“God damn.” Eddie props up on an elbow, running a finger between your breasts, before following the edge of your black cotton bra. 
He looks up at your face, grinning wide, and points at your neck; little purple marks adorn it. “That why you wore that sweater today?” 
Flushing crimson, you run fingers across your neck. 
“Yeah, you marked me Eddie. Not exactly discreet.” 
He chuckles, stroking the side of your neck. “Sorry sweetheart, I won't do it again. Well, not anywhere that anyone can see.” 
Heat floods your stomach, the stark realisation that you want him to mark you clings to your insides. If he notices your reaction he doesn't say, instead he leans toward you pressing a gentle kiss to your cheek. 
“You're really pretty. I don't know if I said that before.” 
Awash with a new heat in your cheeks, you smile bashfully. “Thanks, I don't get told that very much.” 
Staring at you, he shakes his head.
“You should. You should be told every fucking day.” 
You open your mouth, but before you can reply he kisses your jaw, running his tongue down your neck, before he presses his mouth to the top of your breast, sucking roughly. A gasp flies out, and your hand makes a decision entirely on its own to grab his hair. 
It seems it was the right thing to do, judging by the deep groan that comes from him. It seems to spur him on, and he yanks the cup of your bra down, taking your nipple into his mouth. His tongue teases it, rubbing his piercing over the pebbled nub.
“Oh Holy fuck!” Back arching with the foreign sensation, you revel in it, wriggling underneath him. He smirks against your skin, and takes your nipple between his teeth. Moaning loudly, you pull his hair. 
“Fuck, sweetheart,” He looks up at you, pupils blown to black, “can’t hold back if you do that.” 
It's not a dare, but it tastes like one, and before you can think you're tugging at it again. Eddie's eyes roll back, and a hard look crosses underneath his eyes. 
His actions turn a little feral, pulling you up so he can unhook your bra, practically ripping it off you before his mouth is all over your chest, firm fingers digging into the flesh of your hip. 
“Fuck, Eddie” you stutter it out, voice laced with need. 
“Yeah?” He whispers out breathlessly between urgent kisses, making his way down your stomach. Suddenly he takes the flesh of your hip in his mouth and bites down little before sucking a bruise as you writhe under him. 
He reaches your skirt, hooking fingers into the waistband as he looks up at you, his tone urgent. “Can I?” 
As you nod frantically, he reacts immediately, yanking it down along with your underwear. 
“Fuck, look at you.” 
The urge to close your legs is real, embarrassed at the way he's ogling you right between your thighs. They quiver with tension, but Eddie forces them open with his large palms. 
“Don't hide from me. You still want this?” 
You nod, and his head snaps up to look at you. His voice is hard, swirling around your insides with an intensity you're not used to from him. 
“Say it. You need to say it.” 
‘Yes, please Eddie.” 
That satisfies him. He leans forward, breath ghosting over your clit. You're waiting for his mouth, his tongue, but that's not what happens. He inhales you, nose so close it's almost touching your sex. 
“Jesus Christ, you smell so fucking good.” 
“Eddie!” you cry it out, cringing at his words as you bury your face in your hands. 
“Relax princess, it's a compliment.” 
Before you can retort that it's not a compliment, it's weird, and he's a freak for saying it, it no longer matters. He's licking a fat stripe up the length of your pussy, long tongue pushing against you hard in an animal-like gesture. 
The noise that expels from your chest is inhuman, a choked, guttural breath that belongs in a cave somewhere, not a bedroom. 
He doesn't relent, his mouth exploring every inch of you with a ferality that has you tingling all the way to your toes. His fierce movements, accentuated by the bump of his piercing, have you nearly leaving the mattress. You're not sure if you're trying to get more, or move away. Not that it matters. His hands are holding you so firmly that all you can do is wriggle helplessly like a fish on a line. 
Fingers trace the outside of your entrance before they slide in, beckoning your release. Whimpering, you grasp the bedsheets in a need to keep contact with something real. 
“Talk to me,” he says between mind numbing messy kisses to your clit, “good, yeah?” 
“Eddie, f-fuck, its incredible, please, oh God, k-keep going!” 
You can practically feel the smirk on his face as he dives back in, suckling at your clit with an unmatched fervour, his tongue piercing flicking expertly as he does so. Suddenly, you're not creeping toward your release, you're being hurtled toward it, thrown into the depths of absolute pleasure. 
Hands finding their way into Eddie's hair again, you hold on tight, buckling up for the ride. It's almost violent the way he pulls your climax from you, and you scream loudly, almost folding in half before you fall back onto the bed. 
Eddie sits up, hands placed on your thighs, as he grins proudly, face shining with your slick. 
“You OK princess?” 
OK doesn't seem to cover it. You're panting wildly, each breath shallow and ragged, brain melted into soup. 
“Think you can go again?” 
That gets your attention. You sit up, gaping at him. “Again?” 
Chuckling, he runs a finger up your slit and circles your clit in a teasing manner. The slight touch has your thighs trembling. 
“I think you've got at least one more in you.” 
Without a further word he presses his tongue against you. On instinct you grip his hair once more, bucking your hips up. 
“Fuck, that's it sweetheart, ride my face.” 
This time he slips his tongue inside as his nose nudges at your clit, the thick muscle curling and writhing. Holding on tight, your hips know what to do, your body reacting and rolling to meet him. 
You're yanking his hair hard as you grind against his face, pulling deep grunts and moans from him which vibrate inside of you. It feels primal, sheer need clouding your mind, a fog that rolls into every limb and leaves no part untouched. 
“Eddie, fuck!” You moan loudly as your walls clench around his tongue, another climax bubbling its way to the surface. He doubles down with his efforts almost as if he needs this as much as you do. 
With one final thrust of his tongue you whine out your orgasm, back finally touching the bed once more. There are no thoughts, only your heavy breath and beating heart keeping you in the moment. 
After a few seconds that seem to stretch on for a year, he hovers over your face. He's wiped off your release, but nothing could wipe that smug grin. 
“So? Good?” 
It's not like he doesn't know. You pat blindly at his arm, words stuck in a puddle on your tongue. In an unexpected tender gesture, he swipes his thumb over your chin, his gaze pensive. You stare back, fingers reaching out to gently touch his cheek. 
“Are you going to kiss me?” You whisper, the words pooling from you unbidden. 
For a split second you think he's going to lean in and close the gap, but he flashes his teeth at you and flicks the tip of your nose. 
“That's not part of the deal.” 
Disappointment leaks into your stomach. Which is entirely unfair. He's using your words after all. Fighting the feeling, you force a smile. 
“I think I'll need a wheelchair to get home.” You chuckle, indicating to your still twitching legs. 
“Stay here. I'll take the couch.” 
“Oh, no, Eddie, I couldn't kick you out of your own bed thats-” 
“Hey, it's fine, honestly. I wouldn't offer if I didn't mean it.” He shrugs and rolls off the bed and onto his feet in one quick movement like a cat. “Here. If you want something to sleep in.” He hands you a faded t-shirt. Hesitating for a moment, your hand hovers over it, but he stuffs it into your grip. 
“Honestly, it's fine. I can drop you home before work so you can get changed and stuff. No big deal.” 
“What about your chronic tardiness?” You joke, smiling softly at him. 
“You're here, I'm sure you'll whip me into shape.” 
“You'd probably like that,” you tease. 
“More than you know.” He winks again, and walks to the doorway. “Night, princess.” 
“Night Eddie.” 
When he's gone you shrug the shirt on. It's clean, but there's an undercurrent of pure Eddie still there that's more comforting than you'll care to admit. Then, you lay there, staring at the ceiling. 
Well. You certainly weren't expecting to end up in Eddie's room, in his bed, but here you are. You're not sure what this all means just yet and processing it is just hurting your brain. A part of you is saying that you should get out now whilst you can. Another, louder part is telling you this is where you should be. The only problem: is this message coming from your heart, or much lower down? 
Chloe drifts into your mind whilst you lay there. Did they hook up in this bed? Are you in the same place she was? And how did that end? Clearly it was on good terms, considering how friendly they are, but how many girls have been where you are right now? A few? A dozen? A hundred?
After a while your thoughts just start to ache, leaving a migraine behind your eyes. Shifting on the bed, you try to get comfortable, but it's no use. You wonder if Eddie is still awake. After all, he's the only one that can answer your questions. 
Sitting up a little, you listen intently for any signs of life from the next room, but no matter how hard you strain your ears, you can't hear anything. 
As you quietly get up and creep to the door, you press your ear to it. Maybe that was a word you heard, a loud breath, or the signs of an overactive imagination. Turning the doorknob like a safecracker, you inch the door open ever so slightly to peek beyond. 
There he is, laying on the couch, eyes tight shut and face contorted in concentration. Odd. You slowly guide the door open a little more and your eyes nearly bug out of your head. 
Eddie's laying there, hand down his sweats, tugging at himself like there's no tomorrow.
You almost cry out in shock but manage to swallow the noise just in time. For what feels like a full minute you stand and stare, mouth gaping open. It's like you're hypnotised, unable to tear away from his urgent movements. 
A particularly good stroke has him bucking into his hand, and he lets out this strained whimper that shoots directly between your legs. 
Right, stop. This is wrong. How would you feel if he caught you? …OK, bad example. 
Reluctantly, you close the door again as quietly as you can before climbing back into his bed to stare at the ceiling once more. 
It looks like it's going to be a long night. 
“You look really great,” Chloe says as she strolls into the shop, handing you a coffee, “like, happier, more relaxed.” 
It's a few days after your impromptu sleepover at Eddie's place, and she's absolutely right. You do look more relaxed, even you've noticed the change. There's more confidence in you, and a smile that was once a little forced is warm and genuine. 
“Thanks, I think I'm getting more comfortable here.” It's not a lie, exactly, but it's certainly not the whole truth. 
“Good, glad to hear it!” She beams at you and heads to her table. 
The bell over the door chimes once again startling you. Miranda and Mac are already here and it couldn't possibly be Eddie this early. 
“Um… Hi.” A gangly youth walks in, all arms and legs and bright blonde hair. He shuffles over to the counter awkwardly. 
“Morning, can I help you?” 
“Y-yeah, you do walk-ins today, right?” He asks, brandishing a crumpled flyer at you. 
Face lighting up, you fix your best smile. 
“Why yes we do, it's walk-in Wednesday. It's a little early though. Can I see some ID? 
He hands it over. The guy's freshly 21 and knows it, puffing out his little pigeon chest with pride. 
“Excellent. It's about 10 minutes until we open, but Miranda will be with you. Miranda, you got a book for this guy?” 
Confusion paints Mirandas's face, but then she smiles. 
“A walk in? Wow.” She strolls over and hands him her portfolio of designs, introducing herself. 
When Eddie finally turns up, there's another guy waiting. 
“You're not my 10:30.” 
The poor boy looks at him nervously like he did something wrong. 
“Eddie, he's a walk-in.” Mac says, calling over his shoulder. 
Eddie smirks at you and leans over the counter. 
“Well well, bet you're happy. Atta girl.” 
Blushing profusely, you move to tap him on the arm in warning, but he grabs your hand and kisses it. Heat flies straight to your belly at the gesture.
“Let me know when my 10:30 is here, alright sweetheart?” 
He's still holding your hand, brushing his fingers over your knuckles. Weakly you nod, gazing at him as your toes curl in your shoes. 
Shooting you a wink, he ambles over to his station as you watch him, eyes drawn to the way he moves. 
There's three more clients asking about Wednesdays; granted, one didn't have an ID, but the other two were seen and inked, and one even booked a follow up with Miranda. 
Buzzing with job satisfaction, you're grinning when you nip to the restroom, walking through the narrow corridor. As you exit, you're immediately accosted by Eddie. He stands close, a hand loosely holding your wrist to keep you there as he bends to whisper in your ear. 
“Now, you're not supposed to touch fine art, but someone's gotta pin you against the wall and nail you right.” 
“Eddie!” You whisper shout at him, only serving to make him chuckle low in his throat. 
“Sorry, couldn't resist. I have an idea, for that favour you owe me?” 
Body tensing of its own accord, you look up at him, your cheeks flushed and mouth slightly parted. Before you can ask what it is, a voice cuts through the tension. 
“Hey, keep it at home guys.” 
Mac's standing at the other end of the corridor with his arms crossed, a faint smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. Pursing your lips, you wriggle from Eddie's grip. 
“It's not what it looks like Mac, I promise.” You say, shouldering past Eddie. 
“Come on sweetheart, don't get all shy on me now!” He shouts, walking after you.
You ignore him, giving Mac an apologetic look, and sit back down at the counter. God, that was embarrassing. Seems like professional and discreet are out the window. 
“So, as I was saying-” 
“Eddie, stop, not now.” you say, cheeks bright red. 
“I was only-” 
“Eddie please! I don't want to get into trouble!” 
Eddie scoffs and rolls his eyes, but backs off finally. 
You make a very clear point of being busy until the rest of the day, completing any ad hoc tasks you can think of. Tidying the stock cupboards, refreshing the consent sheets, and even organising the sparse counter. Anything to avoid further comment from Mac. 
When six rolls around you turn to talk to Eddie, but he's already leaving without a glance at you. 
Sighing, you make your way outside and home, trying to ignore the little sting in your chest. 
It's Saturday before you see him again. Your day off was mostly spent worrying about how you upset him and thinking about everything you could have done differently. 
By the morning you're an emotional wreck, anxiety having done her job and left you a bubbling mass of maybes. When Eddie storms in the shop with a proverbial rain cloud over his head your heart pangs in your chest. 
He's such a big character, and you didn't realise until now the influence this has on this place. Usually he's energetic and upbeat; however, with this melancholy energy coming from him, everyone seems to stoop a little more, eyes a touch downcast, movements more shuffled and broken. It's like a black hole has descended on the shop, pulling joy from your soul and sucking everything into its gravity.
The tattoo shop is quiet for a Saturday. Not from lack of customers; it's just a more hushed and sullen atmosphere. By the afternoon you decide enough is enough and you grab Eddie's arm between clients.
“Eddie, can I talk to you?” 
He gets up, stretching his back in a feline movement, and walks with you slowly to the stockroom. 
“Listen, I'm really sorry about what happened on Wednesday, I didn't want to upset you and I can't stand seeing you like this and-” 
“Woah, sweetheart, slow down. You been worrying? About me?” He tilts his head, giving you a small lopsided smile. 
“Yeah? I thought you were mad at me.” You mumble out. 
“Oh, princess, come here.” He wraps you in his arms, holding your head close to his chest. A relieved breath puffs from your chest as you melt into the hug. 
“That's not what I'm upset about, I promise.” 
You pull from the embrace to look at him, a hopeful smile tugging at your lips. 
Stroking your cheek softly, he presses his lips together. “You're adorable,” he moves his hand away and starts waving his arm about as he tells you what's wrong. 
“You know I'm in a band? Well we've got this regular gig at Hatters, which is great and all, but I found out they're looking for more bands at The Pit. That big rock club on Main? I've been trying to get hold of the damn owner but he's ignoring all my calls and I'm pissed off.” 
Grinning, you grab his arm. “Eddie, I can totally help you with that.” 
His gaze is soft and warm as he asks “Really? You'd do that for me?” 
“Of course I would. You got their number?” 
He digs around in his pocket and passes you a wedge of shiny paper. Unfolding it, you look at the details, smiling even wider when you see they're attempting a ladies night. There's a telephone number at the bottom, the contact listed as William. 
“I gotta idea. Just roll with it, OK?” 
He looks confused but nods at you. Skipping to the counter, you pick up the phone and dial the number. When it's answered by a young woman, you speak with a nasal voice, sounding almost bored. 
“Is Bill there?- Tell him it's Barb- oh trust me he's gonna wanna take this call honey.” 
Eddie's staring at you with an amused expression; you look back at him, flashing a smile while you wait. 
“Bill! How long has it been! Oh, don't say you don't remember me… oh, you do!- I'm good, I'm good- I'm managing this band, yeah, you've gotta book them- Corroded Coffin- yeah, yeah- They are hot right now, selling out their shows- look I know you're struggling getting the ladies in, but that's about to change. Their lead singer is-  well lemme tell you, if I were a younger woman- haha yes, sounds great! Next Saturday?- Nine- Great stuff- I'll speak to you soon.” 
Placing the phone down with a little click, you cross your legs and look at Eddie smugly. 
His jaw may as well be on the floor, eyebrows so high that he resembles a cartoon character. 
“Barb? Selling out their shows? If I were a younger woman? Where the fuck did that come from?” 
You giggle, “I thought he'd listen if he thought I was a business connection. I took a shot, a little bullshit can take you far.” 
He swoops over to you and grabs you in his arms, lifting you bodily from your seat and swinging you around as you squeal helplessly. 
“Saturday? Not even midweek? Princess I owe you big time.” 
“Eddie I already owe-” 
He's not listening, running over to Mac and bouncing on the spot like a child. “Mac, Mac, did you hear? I'm playing at The Pit!!” 
You watch as he explains what just happened; he's so animated, gesticulating wildly as loose locks of hair fly from his bun. Mac beams at him and hugs him in a fatherly motion before Eddie springs back over to you. 
“Who the fuck is Barb?”
“I dunno, she sounded worldly.” 
He grins, shaking his head, “I can't believe you lied for me. You seem… different lately. More confident. It suits you.” 
Blushing, you thank him. For a second you stare at each other, both lost in the other. 
Eddie shakes his head, and looks at the time. 
“Fuck, right, I got 20 minutes, I'll be back!” He grabs his coat and runs out of the shop shouting “personal errand!” 
Chuckling, you sit back down at the counter. Mac approaches, smiling softly. 
“You did good Miss, he's really happy.” 
“Thanks, I couldn't bear the sulking.” 
He laughs and touches your shoulder, “he cares about you. In case you didn't notice.” 
He walks away nonchalantly as if he didn't just drop a bomb at your feet. Eddie cares about you? You're still pondering it when he returns a half hour later looking sweaty and dishevelled. 
“Princess, I got you a present,” he whispers, brandishing a nondescript black bag at you. You peek inside and shut it immediately. 
“Eddie what the fuck!” You whisper, face flooding with blood at the sight as you hide it under the counter. There's a sex toy in the bag, well at least one, but you were so shocked at the sight you didn't get a good look. 
He chuckles and leans in close. “Thought you'd like it.” 
“Eddie I don't know how to- to use this stuff,” you mumble quietly, looking around to make sure no one's listening. 
He smirks at you in response.
“You free tonight? I can show you.” 
@liminalpebble @eddies-puppet @rip-quizilla @micheledawn1975 @vanilla-demon @millercontracting @roanniom @josephquinnsfreckles @leelei1980 @mrsjellymunson @eddiesprincess86 @ali-r3n @choke-me-eddie @littlebebebunny @big-ope-vibes @tlclick73 @reidsgubbler @siriuslysmoking @keanureevessmile @fhsbsvy @yourdailymemedelivery @aurora-austen @rach5ive @honey-teaaaaaaaa @nina211544 @bbabycass @cactusangie @skrzydlak @took-me-hours-to-steal-those @hereforshmut @nabiiturner @darlingbravebelle @freak-of-hawkins @randomworker @serenadingtigers @1paire2vans @sapphire4082 @xmasterofmunsonx @steamystrangerfics @vol2eddie @storiesbyrhi
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hard-core-super-star · 8 months
for your love, i'll do whatever you want... [K.Bishop]
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pairing: alpha!kate bishop x omega!reader
summary: omega heats are incredibly unbearable, thankfully kate knows just what to do to make you feel better.
warnings: shameless smut -> minors, you're not allowed [omegaverse au {written by someone who has very minimal understanding of the logistics and makes everything up on the spot}; omega in heat = needy alpha kate; fingering {R receiving}; so much praise; technically pet play but only if you squint {kate does call R puppy more than few times}; finger-sucking {i couldn't resist}]
wordcount: 1.9k
a/n: i have no explanation for this, i just...think she's neat. i read literally one omegaverse au fic and now i have brainrot. clearly, the only solution was to pass it on to all of you. i've never written anything like this before so uh...be warned, i guess. once again, this is about the closest i'll get to doing kinktober but this variant of kate [along with vampire!kate] might be sticking around, we'll see. also, believe it or not i did some world-building but tried not to include too much and just focused on the filth. you're welcome, i guess?
* * * * * * *
The sound of the bedroom door opening makes your tired eyes snap open. You blink the drowsiness away long enough to recognize Kate’s frame as she slips into the room. Her steps are slow, almost bordering on hesitant, but the mere sound of her boots on the floor makes your heart race.
The archer had been gone for what felt like months. In reality, she was only gone for four days. Not even a full week had passed without her and yet you’ve been desperate for her return since the moment she walked out the door. 
You assumed it was only due to the strong bond, and slight dependence, that had started to form since the brunette brought you to her apartment a few months ago. She’d rescued you from a cruel living situation and shown you kindness you never even thought was possible.
Especially from such a dominant alpha. 
But Kate’s nothing like all the alpha’s you’re used to. She’s all soft chuckles, understanding looks, and feather-light touches. The literal definition of care lies in the depths of her pale blue eyes. 
It’s truly no surprise, then, that you fell for her instantly. 
And it’s even less of a surprise that being without her triggered an avalanche of feelings that resulted in your heat. A heat you were forced to endure on your own with no gentle touches or whispered praise.
Until now.
“y/n.” She makes an effort to keep her voice quiet despite her obvious concern. “How’re you holding up?”
The answer to that is crystal clear considering you’ve made no attempt at getting up and rushing toward her like you usually do. You want nothing more than that but your entire body aches in ways you’re not used to feeling, at least not on this scale. Your skin burns with pure warmth yet your body shakes as if you’ve spent the past few hours out in the cold.
You’re barely able to lift your head, the faintest of whimpers slipping out. Your lack of a response is all she needs to approach you and the comfortable nest you’ve made in the corner of her bedroom.
Your nose picks up on her scent immediately and the lower part of your body wastes even less time in reacting. You’d be embarrassed if you weren’t so desperate to feel her touch on every part of your overheated skin.
“Uh oh, I know what that look means,” she jokes as she sits in front of you. 
Your grumble of discontent is wiped away the second she reaches for you. She easily picks you up, letting out a slightly playful grunt, before maneuvering you onto her lap.
“Kate,” you mumble.
“I know, sweetheart, I’m right here.” 
Her hand gently grasps the back of your head, guiding you forward until you’re able to seek refuge from the overwhelming sensations rushing through your entire being. Her scent drives your body wild but it’s also the only thing capable of calming you down so you bury your face into her neck without hesitation.
“Baby…” Her tone makes you shiver and you subconsciously shift closer to her. “I’d like to hear your voice.”
You know what her request actually is, you’ve heard it countless times since she started the hard work of putting your broken pieces back together. Your hands grasp the front of her shirt and you fidget with the fabric until you find the words you’re searching for. 
“I missed you.”
You don’t see the smile that graces her lips but you hear the slow exhale of relief she lets out. The fact that you’re speaking to her is a good sign, one that reassures her enough to finally start touching you.
“I missed you too,” she admits as her hands begin to wander. “I thought about you every day I was gone.”
She keeps one arm wrapped securely around your waist but lets her free hand caress you in all the right ways designed to soothe you while simultaneously driving you insane with need. Just because she’s the kindest alpha you’ve ever met doesn’t mean she’s not a massive tease when she wants to be.
“Katie,” you practically whine. 
Your reaction brings a chuckle out of the brunette that only serves to intensify the ache between your legs. You’re both acutely aware of the amount of slick that’s dripping down your thighs by now but while you’re on the edge of desperation, Kate’s having the time of her life. 
She always loves knowing how much you need her, how much you crave her, and today is no exception. 
“Yes, sweetheart?” The pads of her fingers ghost along your chest, barely grazing against the side of your breasts. “Do you need something, pup?”
Hearing that one word out of her lips shouldn’t be as attractive as it is. Although, that could easily be said about any and every single thing Kate does. 
All you can do for a few seconds is whimper and press yourself closer to her, your hips shifting every which way in search of some friction. Friction she easily denies by shifting her lower half away from you which means you’re forced to pull yourself together and ask for what you want.
“Mhm, need you.”
Kate rewards your obedience by finally letting her fingers play with your hardened nipples. Her touch is soft even while she tugs on them just enough to draw out another needy little sound from you. “You have no idea how adorable you sound right now. You’re just a pretty omega in need of her alpha, aren’t you, baby?”
You open your mouth to answer her but instead of words, a sharp moan leaves your lips as her mouth meets your shoulder. She trails a line of kisses along your warm skin, allowing you to bask in the comfort that underlies such an intense moment.
She’s had her fun and now her full attention goes toward making you feel better the only way she can right now.
Her hand starts its descent once she’s satisfied with the amount of skin her kisses have covered. She moves slowly despite the obvious wetness that’s started to drip onto her jeans. She’s not trying to tease you anymore, though. Her touch is reassuring, a silent promise she won’t hurt you like all the ones who came before her. 
The noise you let out once her hand cups your aching cunt borders on pathetic but there’s no time to feel embarrassed. There’s no time for anything except grinding down against her fingers while they stroke your swollen clit.
“Good girl,” she murmurs in between soft kisses. You can tell she’s barely holding back the urge to pierce your shoulder with her teeth. “Fuck, you’re so wet, baby. Is this all for me?”
Her question is meant to be rhetorical but you don’t dare risk it, already too far gone to be able to deal with more teasing. “Yes…just for you.”
Kate’s fingers stutter in their movements. She wasn’t expecting a response, much less one that makes her possessive, and borderline primal, instincts flare up. The change in her scent throws you off, especially when the words that escape her are almost as needy as your own.
“You’re so good for me…so fucking pretty like this. God, you’re driving me crazy, puppy.”  
The emphasis on the word is enough to make you cry out in pleasure but then she sinks two fingers into your tight pussy and you swear the world stops moving for a few ecstasy-filled seconds. 
Kate doesn’t mind that you stop rocking against her, she’s much too eager to show you she’s the only one capable of making you feel this heavenly while doing such sinful things to your body.  
She’s also already obsessed with the way you’re clenching around her fingers and it shows in the non-stop groans coming out of her.
Groans that push you closer to the edge.
“You’re taking my fingers so well.” She’s panting into your shoulder but you can’t blame her for it since you’re in a much more desperate state, panting and groaning against her neck. “So tight but so needy for more, isn’t that right, pup?”   
“Yes-” Kate slips another finger inside you before you can get too far. “Fuck! Please!”
You don’t know if it’s your words or the sound of the tears that are gathering in the corners of her eyes but she instantly turns back to that gentle alpha you know so well. The one who puts your needs above her own without missing a single beat.
“I know, I know. Just relax, let me take care of you.” 
Her fingers thrust inside of you at a rapid pace but she’s careful not to get too rough with you. She shifts a little, kissing her way across the top of your shoulder and to the side of your neck.
You’ve never felt closer to her than you do right now and the feeling is somehow more overwhelming than your pleasure. 
Kate’s thumb starts drawing circles on your throbbing clit and you almost fall apart instantly. She knows. Of course she knows because she’s spent hours getting to know every part of what makes you who you are. Including your painful past. 
She lets you bask in the feeling of holding back until your cries of pleasure border on discomfort. “It’s okay, puppy,” she mumbles while nuzzling your neck. “You don’t have to wait, you can cum for me. Show me you’re mine.”
There’s no way for you to last any longer once she says that. 
Your mouth drops open into a long moan as Kate coaxes your orgasm out of you. You’re sensitive and desperate and yet the thing that causes you to truly give in to your release is the care she puts into everything she’s doing. 
She’s giving you everything you want because she knows it’s the only thing that’ll make you feel better. The only thing that'll take away the discomfort of your heat and the anxiety that still thrums through your veins from being with her.
Your entire body shakes and shudders from the strength of your orgasm, Kate’s fingers slowly fucking you through it until you fully collapse against her. 
“Good girl.” She plants a kiss on your neck before pulling her fingers out of you. 
You whine the second she leaves your cunt empty but you’re too worn out by everything that’s happened to beg for another orgasm. Instead, you accept the fingers she presses against your lips, opening your mouth without a second thought and moaning at the taste of the wetness that covers the digits.
“There you go, just like that, pup.”
You’re far too exhausted to reply so you settle on sucking her fingers while she whispers soft praise into the space between you.
After days of yearning for the alpha’s touch, your body finally feels soothed. Relaxed to the point of comfortable sleepiness, not the awful stress-filled exhaustion you were forced to deal with on your own.
You’re finally safe in the arms of someone who genuinely loves you for who and what you are.
“Does my sweet omega want a nap?” 
Her soft tone makes you smile around her fingers. You let out a muffled sound of contentment and Kate merely chuckles in response at how eager your sucking is despite your obvious fatigue.
“Okay, sweetheart. Just close your eyes, I’ll be right here to take care of you when you wake up, alright?”
There’s not a single doubt in your mind that she’ll be true to her word.
So, you close your eyes and take a few deep breaths that fill your entire being with the smell of her. You belong completely to Kate and you wouldn't have it any other way.
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urhoneycombwitch · 3 months
Read about husky!eddie last night, dreamed about him, still thinking about him, NEED HIM TO DICK ME DOWN SO BAD 😩
ahem. I’m just going to rattle off some scenarios. Continuing off of hot af husky older neighbor Eddie: He starts offering to come over and “fix things” all the time. Maybe he’s under our sink and checking the pipes. Maaaaybe he convinces us to sit on his face. We’re facing away from him so we pull his dick out and jerk him off while grinding on his tongue 🥵
He noticed our car making a weird sound.. brings his tools over but before you know it we are riding him in the back seat because we can’t resist bouncing on his thick thighs 😵‍💫
Eddie can’t quite believe how obsessed we are with his body.. how we just can’t wait to get his shirt off and kiss and nibble his pecs, down to the soft pudge of his tummy, down to his thick cock (which we worship) and he’s more than happy to just rail us every night like we deserve.
Thank you for listening. I’m gonna go to eject myself into the sun
if you're throwing yourself into the sun can I come join u HOLY FUCK
+18 mdni
he's a handyman for sure, works for an emergency lockpick company but his knowledge is vast. jack of all trades but really good with weird appliance noises and strange car sounds. good with his hands.
I think it becomes a joke, between the two of you- maybe it starts out earnest, your garbage disposal really was acting up- but every time you ask Eddie to fix something ya'll just end up having insane sex.
he likes being asked just as much as you like asking. you sidle up to him while he's working on his own car out in the apartment's parking lot, hands covered in grease, failing to hide his grin as you cross the asphalt.
you explain what's been leaking out of your AC, really playing up the dramatics even tho you know Eddie's not a hard sell, kind of losing the plot a bit as you zone out on his hands- winding a clean rag at the grime around his rings (which he keeps on while working despite the obvious safety code).
"your AC, huh?" smug son of a bitch. with pretty curls peeking out the back of his black handkerchief, chain glinting off the heft of his pecs through that obscene goddamn muscle tee.
"yes, Eddie. my AC. 🙄"
he hmms and haws for a bit, really enjoying making you squirm 'cuz he knows you won't outright ask for a hookup so this is just one way to get payback.
"got a pretty busy schedule today, doll," he tsks, stretching out a boot to lean into his knee, widening his stance, "but I'll see what I can do. maybe this afternoon."
you know it won't even be 11am before he's tongue-deep inside your pussy, your knees on the kitchen tiles, hand wrapped around his thick cock, brushing against his stomach with each upstroke, tools scattered around your kitchen haphazardly in the vague shape of a pretense.
would love to write more for husky!neighbor!Eddie feel free to send reqs or any prompts!!
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as-i-watch · 25 days
have you ever ranked pirate flag designs? i think i really need to know your take on that… and also who you think designed them in the crew?
Oh this is a good one, i havent done it and havent even thought about it before!
Im not gonna rank all the flags bc im sure i'll forget some, so...
Top 10 Jolly Roger 💀
10. Hawkins Pirates
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It has a bit too much going on but i like it, i think its creepy and gives off black magic vibes, true to Hawkins powers and aesthetic
9. Kid Pirates
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There so much going on but its badass. It feels like a 13 y/o boy assisted in the choices but its also feel honest, like he genuinely is that. Very true to Kid's personality
8. Thriller Bark Pirates
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They showed a bit more restaine than the other two, more clean. Strong aesthetic game in desing and colors, you just know they have a haunted mannor dracula shit going on
7. Whitebear Pirates
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Instant classic. Neat and to the point. If you have a physical trait like that use, brand on it. I also like the angry eyes on the skull
6. Buggy Pirates
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Speaking of physical traits. No messing around, clown, bosh. I also like it looks silly, it doeant strike fear but its so funny looking that i like it
5. Red Hair Pirates
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Against what i've saying, i love they resisted the urge to give their jolly roger red hair (there are other red haired people, its not that unique). Its a classic timeless look. The red streaks bring it together to look like Shanks scars but also an eyepatch but also blood.
4. Heart Pirates
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Law does not have a jolly roger he has a Brand™. The jolly roger has nothing to do with his physical appearence of name of the crew but it has a story, or backstory rather. Its a unique shape, it has its own color scheme, he slaps it on on everything. Its a logo, and i like it
It also if you look at it for long enough it starts to look like a surprised egg with striped piyamas on
3. Straw Hat Pirates
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Talking of branding. Simple, effective, a pop of color on the hat. Silly looking and you inmediatly know who is behind this crew. A personalised classic and bc its so straight fowards just beats Law's desing to the top three
2. Cook Pirates
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Its so silly i cant not give it high marks. Can you even imagine been terrorised by a crew that sails around with that? Amazing. And from the man nicknamed Red Leg Zeff bc of the blood that his kicks drew, duality of men
1. Kuja Pirates
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Now that is a look. Its simple yet scary af. It really intimidates you, and its related to Boa but not in a too obvious way, a call back to Medussa and gorgons, badass and dangerous women. Impactful, effective and iconic.
And as for who made them: Hawkins(?) (dont know any other members) / Kid and Killer helped / Hogback / Whitebear but i think he consulted Rogers and they sortof copied eachother / Shanks age 14 as a joke / idk why but Lucky Roux / Law. / Luffy and Usopp helped (as we know) / Zeff (he is quirky like that) / Amazon Lily's CM
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scribbledghost · 3 days
Pairing: Fem!Simon "Ghost" Riley x Fem!Reader Rating: T Word Count: 1,003 Warnings: minor descriptions of violence/injuries, discussion of mental health/self-destructive issues Notes: I'm hungry and cranky and overworked so have this thing where Fem!Simon tends to your injuries.
You're not well.
Haven't been for some time, some might argue.
But it doesn't matter. Not to you, anyway. You simply retreated to your sparring matches at the backwater, unregulated gym you frequent weekly, getting far too vicious as per usual. The coach you were with today had kicked you out after you'd spit blood that wasn't yours onto the mat in front of him.
But it didn't matter. Not to you.
You trudge back to your home late in the night, getting only as far as the front door before you catch her eye.
Simon Riley. Your neighbor.
You've spoken numerous times, enough to form some flavor of a friendship with the woman. (Though, if you were truly honest with yourself, the idea of it being more has often crossed your mind). She passively knows about your weekly gym retreat, and has even helped patch you up after a few.
When she meets your gaze through her kitchen window and silently nods her head in a "come over" motion, you know tonight will be one of those times.
You pause, emotions still raw and adrenaline only just now beginning to fade.
But still, you go anyway.
She has the door open when you arrive, all 6 feet 4 inches of her blocking the way as you simply stare up at her.
You're starting to get tired.
Simon's face is unreadable as she steps back, allowing you inside. She leads you to her bathroom, grabbing a first aid kit from beneath the sink. She places it on the counter and then, in a move that sends heat creeping up your neck and across your cheeks, grabs your hips to lift you a few inches higher and onto the counter as well.
She first tends to your split knuckles as she stands between your legs. Calloused hands that have little business being as gentle as they are sanitize the cuts and scrapes, washing away the dried blood before wrapping them as best as she can.
Next is the cut on your cheek. One hand finds its way to your other cheek, cradling your head and holding it in place as she tends to the wound.
You want to close your eyes and lean into her touch. But you resist.
Her voice is soft when she apologizes as she puts the antiseptic on the cut.
You want to tilt your head and kiss the palm of her hand. But you resist.
"Where else are you broken?" she asks when she's done, her hand leaving your cheek far too soon for your liking.
You neglect to make the obvious joke of pointing to your head.
She then hooks a finger under your chin and brings your gaze up to her.
"Don't lie to me, love."
You want to melt. You want to lean forward and bury your face in her neck. But you resist.
"...My side. 'S bruised."
She lifts your shirt up slightly, her fingertips leaving goosebumps in their wake.
"Yup, looks like it'll be nasty in the mornin'," she confirms. "Wait here."
You do as she asks as she leaves, only to return a moment later with an ice pack wrapped in a cloth. She returns to her previous spot between your legs and places the compress on your skin, holding it there herself. Without thinking, you reach one hand up to her shoulder and grip the fabric of her shirt.
"I'll jus' keep this here for a minute," she says. "Be sure to keep ice on it again when you get home. Won't swell as badly."
The two of you exist in silence for a while. Until Simon breaks it.
"Let me guess, 'I should see the other bloke'?"
You only hum absentmindedly. She's right, but you don't feel like explaining how the "other guy" will probably be sporting the outline of your teeth on his arm for at least the next week.
More silence follows. And once again, Simon is the one to break it.
"'M not gonna ask you why you do this," she says gently. "You've got your reasons, an' I'm not entitled to 'em. Just don't want you to think no one's noticed."
You're not sure how to respond. She's spoken about her past only briefly in the context of her own mental struggles, so you don't doubt that she'd understand that you seek out physical violence once per week as a way to feel something - anything - that isn't emotional pain. But that's a lot to say at this time of night, and you're still tired.
Then her free hand comes up to cup your cheek, and your thoughts short-circuit. It doesn't help when she gently rubs your skin with her thumb, intermittently running it over the bandage she placed there earlier.
You want to lean into her touch and close your eyes. This time, you don't resist.
You hear her take a deep, quiet breath.
"Starved, aren't you?"
Once again, you aren't sure how to respond. How do you tell this hulking, quiet woman that she's right? That you are starved for any kind of touch that isn't brutal and wild and ruthless? That, even then, you're only starved for her soft and gentle touch?
You feel the ice pack leave your bruised skin, and Simon gently pulls your shirt back down into place. You open your eyes, and the hand you've got on her shoulder slides up to her cheek, mirroring her own pose.
The atmosphere is thick, your mind muddled. Your body moves on its own as you gently guide her face to you.
Your brain starts functioning again when her lips are a hair's breadth away from yours, and you stop.
Though you have your suspicions, you've never asked (and Simon's never said) if she's interested in other women. An acrid streak of panic pins you still. But her low, gentle voice soothes you.
"It's okay."
You want to kiss her. And, now that you have her permission, you don't resist.
Neither does she.
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drvirgus · 2 days
Protecting (my heart)
Idol! Minji X bodyguard! Reader
Description: getting a new job as NewJeans bodyguard isn't really something Y/n thought would happen to her. What exactly happens when she suddenly felt attracted to one of the NewJeans members? Can Y/n stay professional or are her feelings for Minji too much to handle?
Warnings: stalking; harassment; kys jokes; suggestive language; death threats; mention of abuse; mention of murder;
Chapter: what an actor (Half-Written)
"Good morning," I greeted with a smile, setting my phone aside and watching the raven-haired beauty slowly lift her head from the bed, looking around with visible confusion. Her eyes widened as they met mine.
"You're awake?! Are you okay?! Wait??? I'll get the doctor," the younger woman exclaimed in panic, jumping up from the chair in a flash. I quickly grabbed her wrist and pulled her onto the hospital bed. Almost immediately, my arms wrapped around my beautiful ex-girlfriend. "What are you doing? You're injured," she protested, trying to resist as I held her close.
"Ouch. Don't move," I hissed playfully, feigning pain, causing Minji to stop resisting. A smile spread across my face as I closed my eyes, feeling the warmth of the woman beside me.
"I'm fine, Minji," I reassured softly, lying back comfortably in the hospital bed while pulling Minji closer to me. "Don't worry," I whispered into the empty white room, the small TV playing silently in the background.
Minji hesitated before relaxing, resting her chin on my head and wrapping her arms around me. "I... I was really scared," she admitted quietly, her voice trembling with fear. I chuckled as I held onto her tighter.
"The stalker... is no longer a concern," I began slowly, soothingly stroking the taller woman's back. "You don't need to fear anymore," I concluded with a satisfied sigh.
But Minji immediately rolled her eyes. "Why... don't you believe me when I say I'm scared of losing you?" Minji asked, pulling me even closer. Her arms tightened around me even more firmly. "Do you think I've spent even a second thinking about that bitch? I was scared for you, Y/n," the taller woman confessed in my arms.
I sighed softly, nodding tenderly with my head. "You... were bleeding... you passed out," Minji whispered, the memory still very fresh in her mind. "I thought... that would be the last time," Minji added, and I heard her sniffle, so I lifted my head slightly to look into her face.
"I love you, Y/n. I don't want to be angry with you anymore."
A smile formed on my face as I raised my hand to wipe away the tears from the younger woman's eyes. "I know. I know you love me, Minji," I started, making Minji laugh a little. This made her shed even more tears. "I love you, Minji," I said softly as I looked into her tear-filled eyes.
her grip on me loosening slightly as she leaned back to look into my eyes. "I don't ever want to lose you again," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper.
"You won't," I promised, my gaze unwavering. "I'll always be here for you, Minji. Always."
As we lay there in each other's arms, I felt a sense of peace wash over me. No matter what the future held, I knew that as long as we had each other, we could face everything.
"Ouch. It hurts sooo much," I exclaimed dramatically as I saw Minji looking at me with obvious concern. Her eyes narrowed with worry. "I think you need to stay with me for the next few days," I gasped as I tried to get up, but I fell back into bed as if the pain from my wound was too much.
The nurse next to me looked at me questioningly, holding the new bandage in her hand, as she was here to put it on. "Okay. Yes," Minji nodded, "I'll stay with you for a few days," she replied. I gasped in pain as I nodded my head. "Can you... bring me something to drink?" I asked, looking at the much taller woman.
Minji still looked concerned as she nodded. "I'll be right back," she said as she left the room. I hissed once more, this time louder so Minji could hear me. When the door closed, I fell silent and looked at the nurse. "Are you in pain? I can bring you some painkillers," the older nurse said as she examined my wound. I was just leaning back, staring at the door where Minji had been standing until recently. "Not necessary. The wound doesn't hurt at all," I replied casually.
The nurse nodded with a puzzled expression and calmly changed the bandage.
Minji came back into the hospital room with a drink in her hand, causing me to grimace in pain again. "It hurts," I complained painfully, making Minji even more worried. Eunchae, who had been sitting on the couch eating, looked at me with disbelief.
The nurse chuckled as she finally realized that I was just acting. Minji came closer, looking me straight in the face. "Are you okay?" she asked softly and concerned. I hissed and pretended to struggle against the pain. "Yeah... I'm fine," I gasped, which wasn't very convincing.
Eunchae just stared at me with her mouth open, then shook her head. Minji looked somewhat stressed now. The nurse left the room, and almost immediately, I pulled Minji close and rested my head against her. "I don't know if a few days will be enough for me to feel better," I said softly.
Minji's hand on my head as she gently stroked it. "I'll stay until you're feeling better," Minji replied, making me grin immediately.
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Taglist: @itzzyyyyyyydaaaa @acegaydar @alexxeey @sixflame438 @pandamiswifey
a/n: Thank you all for reading "Protecting (My heart)" This is the end of the story and i hope you liked it. Hopefully we read each other in my other storys/Smaus. Good day 🤭🫡✌🏼
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praisethesuuun · 1 year
I can I request a Poseidon NSFW alphabet please?🥰
So, before you read I have to make some assumptions: the first is that this alphabet has been made as canon as possible; the second is that for this very reason it may not be liked. Having said that, I'll leave you with the reading.
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A: aftercare <what they're like after sex>
Poseidon is definitely not the type to cuddle and cradle his lover profusely, he doesn’t see the need for it and for him it’s a waste of precious time; however, once the love sessions are over, he stays awake, watching over your sleep and observing your sleeping body, without letting even an inch of skin escape. It’s his way of taking care of you.
B: body part <their favourite body part on them and you>
His favorite part is his hair: always so perfect and cared for, he loves running his hands through it and feeling it soft like golden waves; only he can do it, no one else is granted such freedom. The part of you that he prefers are the eyes: so sparkling and vivid, they change color according to the shades of the sea, and he stares at them whenever you’re busy doing something and so you can’t notice his gaze. Sometimes he finds himself thinking about what would happen if he stole them from you.
C: cum <anything to do with it, really>
Poseidon doesn’t like to see his sperm: it’s the most obvious symbol of his weakness for you, his need for you, and he sees it as a huge flaw in his perfection, something no one should know. But if he cums inside you, who can know the truth? Of course you won’t tell anyone...you just have to try.
D: dirty secret <a dirty secret of theirs>
Before penetrating you, Poseidon loves, LOVES, to put you in the most awkward and painful positions to test your resistance. If you’re really going to be around him, you have to prove you’re capable of it: bear the pain without complaining, know how to stand up to him, and take the pleasure yourself. If you know how to do it, he will have nothing against giving you the fun you want, but you have to earn it, and hard too.
E: experience <how experienced are they>
Poseidon doesn’t have much experience because, before you, his body and mind have rarely made him understand that he needs another person. Moreover, this is not his problem, but yours: you will have to teach him everything, whether you are more experienced than him or not. And don’t leave anything out!
F: favourite position <self-explanatory>
Doggy style: he doesn’t have to look you in the eyes, plus in this position he can dominate you as he wishes, pull your hair, grab your buttocks and make you scream as and how much he wants. Good luck!
G: goofy <would they use humor in the moment?>
He NEVER smiles or jokes in any way, much less while he is fucking you unconscious. In these moments he is even more serious and silent than usual, neither your moans nor your praises elicit the slightest smile from him. A statue.
H: hair <how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the courtains?>
They match and yes, he’s well-groomed (he doesn’t even have to make too much effort because he’s not very hairy there). He cares a lot about his hygiene and to present himself as tidy as possible, so you won’t have to reproach him for anything.
I: intimacy <are they romantic in the moment or they do not care?>
Poseidon is rarely romantic: few caresses and only a few kisses, he prefers to use his hands to torment all your most sensitive points and squeeze you so hard that he takes your breath away. However, it may happen that sometimes a little sweetness flows through his veins and then he touches you more delicately and repeatedly strokes your hair and back, whispering something nice to you.
J: jack off <...self-explanatory part 2>
He never does it because there is no need to: he rarely gets turned on if you’re not there next to him, it always happens in your presence. It is another of the skills that he must recognize.
K: kinks <their kinks>
The Tyrant of the Seas loves to see you wriggling under him, so his kinks must involve something that causes torment (but not necessarily pain): however, there must be no marks on your skin, everything must look perfect… therefore, he would probably have a tickle kink. He would also do it to see how much you resist and with what spirit you face the torture, and furthermore the sound of your increasingly loud and uncontrolled laughters would give him enormous pleasure. What a benevolent god he has.
L: location <where they usually do the do>
His entire palace is one big place where you can bend to his will. The servants quickly disappear at the first moan you emit, everything is silent, there is only you two: there could be no better nest where to test your love.
M: motivation <what turns them on>
Whenever you show yourself haughty and imperious, with that high chin and attitude worthy of who owns the world, he can’t help but feel invaded by the urge to take you on the spot and roll you under him to see how much your composure remains so. If you are in a private place, it will do without ifs and buts; if, on the other hand, you are in public, he will wait for the right moment to push you against the closest wall or the first hidden corner and give vent to his urges.
N: no <things they refuse to do>
Seeing yourself covered in fluids of all kinds (and not water), or dirty in some way. The slightest stain, even a tiny one, sinks his pleasure, there’s nothing that can fix it and make him interested in you again until you’ve cleaned up or changed clothes. Even then, however, it takes a while before he gets close to you again.
O: oral <do they like giving or receiving?>
He prefers to receive than give, the feel of your soft lips around his cock is one of the things he learned to love quickly. He is also good at giving, but before he does it you have to entertain him with your skills for a long time, and only after that he will decide what to do. And you have to swallow all of this sperm.
P: pace <are they slow and sensual or fast and rough>
It depends on the mood, but initially slow. Then, as your moans become more frequent and louder, he speeds up and the sex becomes not necessarily rough but certainly much more animated.
Q: quickie <would they fuck you for five minutes or wait until you wait home?>
Often and willingly, since you are always available. Remember that your personal duties, of whatever kind, will always come after him, so if he asks, you answer; otherwise, he will come and pick you up.
R: risk <...DUH>
He’s not a lover of it: he’s quite habitual and not interested in experimenting, you already manage to give him what satisfies him, so why try something new? That would be a waste of time.
S: stamina <how long can they last?>
He has considerable energy, so prepare for multiple sex sessions throughout the night, each of them quite long - unless he gets tired first, of course. If he sees that you can’t stand it anymore he stops, but he does it reluctantly, and asks you to train your resistance to be able to keep up with him in the next few times. What a bi-
T: toys <do they own any? do they use them?>
Just the word bothers him, let alone seeing them around the room. He doesn’t need it like you don’t need it: you are enough for each other.
U: unfair <how much they like to tease>
A lot, really a lot: from the orgasm denial to pulling back in the middle of intercourse because something you did didn’t go his way - and then he makes you pay by starting to tickle you until you’re about to pass out -this god is the ultimate expression of the unfair in the bedroom. I am very sorry for you.
V: volume <are they asking for a noise complaint, or are they quiet?>
Not a sound, not even a moan. Dead silence compensated by your voice, which in all this silence is even higher and clearer. At least while it lasts!
W: wild card <a random headcanon☆>
If you ask him to have sex in the sea, he can’t help but grab you and fulfill your desire. He takes you where you can’t touch and watches your every move as you try to stay afloat and meanwhile you have to deal with his hands, his mouth and his intimacy that overbearingly demands attention, all while the waves play against you. But it was you who wanted it, so you can’t complain about anything.
X: x-ray <what to they look like under there?>
This god doesn’t have a huge fish, but he knows how to use it against - inside, pardon - you and that’s enough. It is medium long and smooth, slightly thicker at the base.
Y: yearning <are they in the mood to fuck or are they tame?>
Not very high: sex is not among his priorities and he is not the horniest person you can meet, however if he gets excited it can be difficult for him to control himself and he must satisfy his urges as soon as possible.
Z: zzz <how quickly they fall asleep afterwards>
Before sleeping, Poseidon loves to contemplate you for a long time; only when he is satisfied with your sight will he follow you to sleep, without any thought or concern to cloud his mind.
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keruimi · 4 months
Her Past with Him
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Tengen Uzui x ex wife!reader
Disclaimer: Angst. Yes another angst. A slight mention of abuse too.
Notes: I'm sorry if its cringey. I'll try to fix it after my exams 🥹 comment your thoughts, its appreciated.
Part 2
My first love was my first lesson that I was thankful for. Because of her, I manage to treat my next lover better.
It's been 7 years... Those entertaining years when I became an Oiran at such a young age.
After divorcing my husband at the age of 14.
"My Lady, we're finished" I heard one of the servant ladies as I took a tissue so I could avoid my lips from smudging more.
"I should entertain my loyal guests then" I said with a sweet smile on my lips before standing up with the help of one of the girls.
On my way to the room where my clients are waiting. I met Oiran Warabihime that made me greet her.
"Greetings to you, my fellow Oiran" I greeted her as she gave me those fake smiles that made me want to annoy her more.
"You still have clients? It seems like they never got tired of you" I spoke first.
She opened her eyes and I immediately saw the deadly glint on her eyes that made me send a sweet smile to her.
"Well, they can't resist me now? Some of them are my loyal customers. Most of them said that I'm still the favorite and the greatest one in this district." She uttered with a smile that made me open my fan to cover the lower part of my face.
"Is that so? I only see a woman who enjoys polyamory" my eyes close due to my smile but I felt her smile lowered a little.
"What an irony!" She laughed like I was telling a joke as she passed me and at the exact time, I felt a sharp pain in my arm.
"Aren't you the same?" She whispered to me as I remained calm but I wanted to glare at her so badly.
She ruined my clothes! Let's just say the sleeves but still.
She left without any other words that made me huff before ordering a servant to get me a sewing kit as I took my handkerchief to stop the bleeding.
But I saw a silk that looks like Oiran Warabihime sash. I smirk when I saw it before I grip on it and give it to one of the servants who was beside me.
"Burned it now"
"But my Lady..." She hesitated knowing it came from her but I just gave her a gentle smile. "I don't need it"
I heard the applause of my audience before I left the room knowing I earned a lot today.
As always...
Because of the work I choose, I manage to afford my materialistic desires.
But it was not enough.
I was quietly walking the hallways before I gasped when someone pulled me in a room.
I quickly took one of my hair pins and would turn to swing it on the person but my hands were pinned on the wall behind me as I familiarized the silhouette of a man in front of me, dangerously close to me.
"Tengen!" I gasped out as he stared at me in a serious gaze that made me wonder what I did wrong.
"I sense a faint aura of the demon on you" he exclaimed without wasting any time.
I went quiet at that time thinking of any encounters today with anyone. I didn't sense it.
But I hissed when a pain shot from my arm that made me snatch my hands from him that made me realize.
"Oh maybe I did..." I muttered before laughing quietly. I accidentally put myself in danger tonight.
I surprise him by pushing his body to the ground as I sat on his lap. "Thank you for informing me. Now I need you to stay with me tonight"
There was underlying fear in my tone and it seems like he can't help stare at my face.
"You did"
He stated the obvious before I traced his face with my finger as a small smile lifted from my lips.
"I kind of annoyed her so she might come for me" I explained as I took one of his arms before putting it around my waist.
"Please?" I begged him but he just sighed and removed his hand from my body but he still let me sit on him.
"I already have wives. You should know your limits, right?"
I felt my energy disappear as I nod my head before I removed my hands from the hem of his clothes.
"You're here for them right?" I exclaimed as I put a hand on my lips to hide how my teeth grit due to the anger building up inside me.
He focuses his gaze back at me with wide eyes, thinking I know where his wives are.
How can I forget?
I felt my eyes gloss before showing him my smile that held so much pain.
"I didn't know you had that in you. How come I never felt that?" I asked him and I saw his eyebrows knitted knowing where this conversation will end up.
"Don't go there" he warned, not wanting to dig up the past we both have.
But I took the most hit out of the both of us. If he already moved on, I can't
"I remember how you didn't even bother to save me from them"
"Stop please!" I exclaimed in pain as the Mistress kept slapping me in anger and even pulled my hair before smashing my head on the wall.
I felt blood trickle down my forehead as the only thing I can hear are the servants trying to calm her down as her hysteric cry echoes along the hallways of the manor.
"You killed my son! You murderer!" She called me the name I despised the most and I can't help but defend myself.
"He tried to take advantage of me! I didn't mean to kill him" I raised my bruised body from the wooden floor but I cried out in pain when she landed a kick on my stomach that made me hold on it.
"You went too far! I will not forgive you for this!"
"Mom, what happened?" I heard the voice of my husband as I finally let myself lay on the floor to ease the pain my whole body is going through.
I thought he would understand, but that event took a huge turn in my life.
Because the moment I opened my eyes, I could not see the worry nor concern on the gaze he gave me.
It was...blank
And I knew I needed to explain my side before he thought of the wrong thing.
"Tengen, I didn't mean to kill him. I panic and... And" I frantically explained as he put down the bowl of medicine at the side table and didn't bother giving me another glance.
"You could've told me"
"You were not there"
"Then just harm him. You don't need to take his life"
I felt my heart drop on his argument as I didn't bother to go further on my explanation.
Of course he would choose his brothers over me. I was just a woman arranged for him.
But my loyalty was unwavering. The fear that I am being touched by another man clouded my vision until I didn't know what I was doing anymore.
"I just protect myself" I whimpered out but he didn't speak anymore.
That side of him was so new that the next few days felt like winter.
He didn't dare speak on my presence and I let him, because I thought he was trying to give himself a space to think about the incident.
To make up to that sin I cause, I let them hurted me so I would at least feel less guilty. I never spoke about it because the atmosphere between the two of us still cold.
But that misunderstanding was never resolved when one dinner changed my whole perspective on him.
"Tengen is almost 15 years old. We need to look for 2 more suitable partners for him"
I felt my world turn black and white when I heard those words from the head of my family as I dropped the chopsticks I was holding.
I gave a side glance to my husband who silently continue eating his food that made my chest tighten in anger and pain.
The moment we stepped inside the bedroom, I didn't even get to utter a word when he decided to completely end a conversation that hadn't started.
"Y/n, let's not talk about this" he easily shrugged that but for me, it was a huge deal.
He was my husband, he was only supposed to be mine!
I can't help myself as tears build on my eyes before I walk towards him and deliver a harsh slap at him.
"How can you easily dismiss such issues like that? If you don't care well then I do!" I screamed as he decided to face me and I saw how his eyes softened from how I looked.
From the gaze I gave him.
I slowly started to love him because of how he respects me as a woman and how he cherishes life no matter who they are.
But how come it led to this?
"Tengen, I love you" I confessed as I hid my face using my hands before I slowly let my body fall on the ground as my sobs are the only thing we both can hear from the room.
"Y/n, I can't do anything about it. I'm completely powerless" he muttered as he crouched in front of me. I raised my head when I thought of an idea as I desperately grip on the clothes he was wearing.
"We can run away"
I lost my grip when he stood up from his position that made me look up at him who looked down at me in utter surprise.
"Tengen, don't you care for our well-being? You're clearly not happy here so why don't we run away?"
I suffered a lot too from this household. The times he was not here, I received nothing but abuse from the elders.
Because of that one incident.
If I stay longer, I would be close to my death.
"I can't"
I can't be with him...
I felt my tears stop as I was taken back at his choice. He wants to stay in this maniac family?
"You don't want to leave?" I whispered as he sighed before kneeling in front of me as he took a hold of both my arms.
"Y/n, just be patient"
I unknowingly tighten my grip on my dress as my gaze of shock turns into disbelief.
How long do I need to endure everything.
I decided to forget my growing feelings for him as I pushed him away from me.
What is he waiting for?
Was he waiting to realize how toxic the family he love? He is completely clueless on the thoughts running in their mind!
They are willing to kill each other and he is not, because I was aware on how much he love his siblings.
But that great that he is willing to marry another wife just because of the tradition?
How about me? How about the respect he had for me as his partner?
Y/n... You don't know him...
The room was silent as I found the strength to stood up from the ground.
My family sold me off here. I never felt important if it wasn't for him.
But I feel like it starts and ends there.
I leaned my back on the wall of the room before I raised my eyes to look at him who was watching my every move.
"Do you think my feelings are a joke?" I uttered breathlessly as he walked near me but I just slapped his hands away.
"I can't believe you" I uttered in disbelief as I chuckled. "Then go and wed with them"
"It's obvious that you never really cared for my well-being" I tiredly stated as I lost the will to continue fighting.
A tear slipped from my cheeks. As I hug myself to keep myself together.
"I can't believe I thought of you differently" I uttered weakly as I angrily wiped my tears.
"I want a divorce"
A tear fell unknowingly from my eyes as I was back to reality. "I suffered because my husband didn't give a damn to me"
"Y/n" he called but I just glared at him.
"I suffered so much when I became your wife, because I defend myself from the hands of your loved one for the sake of my respect to our marriage"
"You killed him. You ended a life, Y/n" He tried to contain his building anger as reasoned at me, my face shows my disbelief.
"Because I was protecting mine!" I argue back as he went quiet. My hands began to tremble.
"Because I was yours that time, Tengen. I am not theirs" I can't help but lean forward as I rest my forehead on his shoulder.
"Why can't you understand? I did that for myself. I did that for us. Because no matter if I injured or kill him, the outcome would be the same." I continued and uttered my thoughts the time I did that grave sin.
"In the end, I would still suffer in the hands of your family..." I sobbed out as I felt his hand on my back.
"I would fight for you" he breathlessly muttered at my chest tighten from his words.
"How would I know that when you treated me the same like the others? I never felt like I was your wife, someone special."
I thought of the wives he mentions now as tears continue to fall from my eyes.
"If you could have treated me the same way you did to them... I would have never left"
As I reunited with my three wives, I suddenly remembered the first woman who I took in.
Her life with me was still fresh on her mind that avoid her from moving on. The conversation we had, the pain was still evident from her tone and eyes.
Maybe, she indeed started to love me in just a short time than what I have thought before.
I can admit that I didn't treat her right.
She was the lesson I decided to learn. The mistake I tried to correct.
But our story has already ended 8 years ago. There is no use in going back to the past, when I have my present that would be with me in the future.
But that guilt was still present on my chest that I started to wish.
She could find a better man than me. Someone that would really treat her right compared to what I did.
I whimpered as my body was aching in every part as I looked at my surroundings.
It was dark...
The last thing I remember was the house collapsing.
The silence made me think of my decisions.
I made it harder for myself to move on when I started that conversation with him.
I shouldn't have...
He could never love me. I heard how he really cared for them compared to us when we were younger.
He grew up to be the person he wanted.
While I continue to live in the past I badly want to forget.
The pain was tolerable, it felt like going through hell again and it reminded me of my experience from the Uzui household.
I can handle it until they find me.
The question is...
Is anyone even looking for me?
I have no one that made me lose respect myself and become a toy to the men.
But if fate would give me another chance to try...
I felt the wooden piles on top of me being moved as I stayed still from my position.
Another chance...
A hole was finally given as I saw a man with yellow eye peek through it.
Confirming there is a person under the collapsed building, he wasted no time on removing the broken wood on top of me.
"Are you injured?" There is no worry nor care in his tone but at least he still asks me.
I tiredly shook my head as he pulled me out. The moment I did, I saw him walking away with the three girls who supported him.
The three girls that Tengen cared for.
If I could have... Care for him like they did.
Would I get a happy ending?
I felt my vision starting to turn black as the words of the man with me finally entered my ear.
"Oi, Oi"
"Try to stay conscious" I heard him as I indeed tried to keep my vision. I felt a warmth embrace me on the cold night as I was carried somewhere.
I look at the sky above me as I prayed again for a second chance.
For my next love, If I can try...
I hope it's a love that has no thorns...
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p-redux · 1 month
Had no idea cherylecheryl was bootsaucepunk but makes perfect sense as both are pathetic, nasty, malicious bullies. Thanks for the interesting info.
Hi, Anon. Sorry it took me a few days to put this together. This post is gonna be a long one. So, grab a beverage and get comfy.
For those who don't know, Tumblr blog Bootsaucepunk has been around for years and has cemented a reputation as a Sam Heughan and Caitriona Balfe hater. As far as her being the Instagram troll cherylecheryl, well, we know Bootsaucepunk's name is Cheryl. How do we know this? Because she OUTED HERSELF and her FULL NAME, Cheryl N. on her OWN, now deleted Twitter account. Everyone who was around back then knows Cheryl's last name, but I won't post it in its entirety since not everyone may know it. Cheryl doxed HERSELF, and I'll show you how down below, but I won't repost her last name for obvious reasons. After Bootsaucepunk revealed her own identity, of course, people easily found her info, including that she's from New Brunswick, Canada. But this is because SHE HERSELF posted her full name and a pic of herself on her Twitter account. Here's the backstory of how she DOXED HERSELF a few years ago...
Bootsaucepunk gloated that she would repeatedly harass Sam on social media, he would block her, and then she'd create new accounts. She also badmouthed Caitriona Balfe, her husband, Tony McGill, and bragged that Cait blocked her too. On the left side of the screencap below, you can see her as Bootsaucepunk talking about Sam reporting her to Twitter, Twitter suspending her accounts, and then she would create new ones. She even joked that she's playing "whack a mole" with Sam. Harassing Sam and Cait is a GAME to her. On the right side of the screencap, she posts a LONG diatribe talking crap about Cait, after Cait blocked her. 👇
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Bootsaucepunk continued to boast that Cait blocked her and showed the proof of this. 👇 I've also attached the PROOF that Bootsaucepunk is Cheryl N., provided by HER. 👇 You can see that Bootsaucepunk is asked by another hater, Cant-Resist-Temptation, what Bootsaucepunk Tweeted that caused Cait to block her on Twitter. And Bootsaucepunk replied by posting what she said to Cait WORD FOR WORD. Basically, Cait blocked her for talking shit about her husband, Tony McGill. The thing is those EXACT words were posted on her real life Twitter account, CherylN_____89 (now defunct). 🤦‍♀️ Either she didn't think people would make the connection, or she was so arrogant she thought no one would call her out. (Click on the screencap to read it better). Oh, and notice in the second paragraph, Bootsaucepunk takes the opportunity to continue to talk negatively about Cait.
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Let me show it again so that everyone is VERY CLEAR that Bootsaucepunk posted on Tumblr the Tweet that got her blocked by Caitriona Balfe (she's responding to another hater, its-mootpoint). 👇
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And it is VERBATIM what Cheryl N. posted on her then Twitter account! 👇
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AND Cheryl/Bootsaucepunk was either dumb enough, or arrogant enough, or both to post it on her Twitter account with her FULL NAME and REAL PICTURE. 🤦‍♀️
After that, everyone in the fandom knew EXACTLY WHO Bootsaucepunk was on Tumblr. Bootsaucepunk tried to say that the pic she used on her Cheryl_____89 Twitter account wasn't really her. But, after she posted her full name, the fandom had no problem finding her on social media. 👇 Obviously, the avi pic on her old Twitter account is from YEARS ago, so she looks younger, but the pic matches her Facebook account. There is NO denying it's the same Cheryl N. And I have other pics of Cheryl N. from N.B., Canada proving this. But Tumblr only lets you post 10 pics or collages total. I'm not posting her full face, she did that all on her own, but trust me, it matches the pic SHE POSTED as her avi on her CherylN_____89 account. Same face, same person, no room for doubt. Bootsaucepunk IS 100% Cheryl N. from New Brunswick, Canada.
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Again, this is NOT ME doxing her, SHE handed her identity to the fandom on a silver platter...and MANY other people in the fandom then called her out publicly as Cheryl N., and as a Sam Heughan and Caitriona Balfe hater. Here is just a small sample. 👇
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Cheryl deleted her CherylN_____89 account on Twitter, but we know the approximate date when she posted the Tweet that got her blocked by Cait...because another person responded to her on February 12, 2020, calling her out for the Tweet. And also chastising for touting herself as a journalist. 👇
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Guess WHO else was stirring the pot, harassing Sam, right around the SAME TIME on Instagram? 👇 Instagram troll, cherylecheryl commenting on an Instagram post, stating that besides trolling Sam on Instagram, she would also troll Sam on Twitter. That particular cherylecheryl comment was dated March 20, 2020. And CherylN_____89 was called out on Twitter by the account Fans of Sam Heughan on the SAME DAY--March 20, 2020!
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Instagram troll cherylecheryl has DIRECTLY harassed and bullied Cait, Tony, Sam, and EVERY woman Sam has ever dated. This is well documented for YEARS. But here's just a small sampling of cherylecheryl harassing Sam's ex, Anna Modler and most recently, the Brazilian fan who got a pic with Sam in London, and inadvertently posted a video of Sam and rumored current date, Sarah Holden. 👇
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And those are the MILD comments, she's said some horrible stuff to Sam's ex, Mackenzie Mauzy, Gia Marie, as well as many others.
Something else that's of note. An ex-shipper who got sick of Cheryl's bullying, DMed me and showed me cherylecheryl's Instagram account and something very interesting on it. Here's the content of cheryelcheryl's Instagram account. 👇 It's all faux shippery Sam Heughan and Caitriona Balfe pics. Fake, fake, fake, fronting as a shipper, yet we KNOW all the crap she's said to Sam and Cait, and about them. The cognitive dissonance is staggering. And she also follows all the hater accounts that mock Sam's dates and Cait's husband, Tony. Her oldest post is dated January 10, 2022, in it, she attacks another fan, she attacks actress Hannah James directly, and boasts the fan blocked her. BUT, if one checks her account info, it shows the account was started in March of 2018! It's not logical that she created an account in 2018 and didn't post anything until 2022. No posts at all for 4 years? NOPE, she obviously posted from 2018 to 2022, and then DELETED posts that would identify her as Cheryl N. This is also why the account shows she's changed her username 2 times. Lemme guess? Was it originally CherylN_____89? 🤔😊 👇
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For those saying cherylecheryl isn't Bootsaucepunk, um, I just PROVED to you beyond a shadow of a doubt that Bootsaucepunk IS Cheryl N. And Cheryl N. has an extensively documented history of saying horrible things about Caitriona Balfe, her husband, Tony McGill, Sam Heughan, and EVERY woman he's ever dated. Cherylecheryl on Instagram has an extensively documented history of saying horrible things about Caitriona Balfe, her husband, Tony McGill, Sam Heughan, and EVERY woman he's ever dated. And I showed you in a screencap above that cherylecheryl on Instagram talked about going go harass Sam Heughan on her Twitter account. Just like Cheryl N. aka Bootsaucepunk. Gee, what are the odds that there's another Cheryl who's a horrible troll and isn't Cheryl N. aka Bootsaucepunk? C'mon, now.
Regardless, there is NO doubt WHO Bootsaucepunk is = Cheryl N. And not only is she a Sam hater, but she's also a Cait hater. Let that be known to newbies who aren't aware of the history. I'm shown accounts who claim to be Cait fans but they associate with Sam hater accounts who interact with Bootsaucepunk, comment on her posts, let her comment on their posts, and mutually reblog. In your disdain for Sam, you're inadvertently commiserating with a Caitriona Balfe and Tony McGill hater.
So if the hill you want to die on is proving that Bootsaucepunk on Tumblr isn't cherylecheryl on Instagram, that's on you. BUT, do not forget that Bootsaucepunk IS a PROVEN Cait hater. There are MANY other examples of her hate toward Cait, but the ones I showed you up above should be enough to distance yourself from her. Make NO mistake, Bootsaucepunk hates Sam Heughan AND Caitriona Balfe, and has gloated about her disdain for them BOTH for YEARS. There's no justifying or excusing Bootsaucepunk/Cheryl N.'s behavior and anyone who associates with her is guilty of condoning such behavior.
I rest my case, your honor. Case closed, Edith.
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fallinforerling · 1 year
casual | e.h
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Summary: While you’re enjoying a casual situationship with a wonderful guy, accepting that at the end of the day you're just friends, people around you insist in the fact that you’re both in love with each other. But that’s nonsense, Erling isn’t in love with you... Right?
ೃ⁀➷ masterlist
ೃ⁀➷ erling's masterlist
ೃ⁀➷ erling's taglist
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
“Baby, you know I can be there in two days if you want me to, you know that? I have no problem.” The soft tone Erling was using made you smile while you took your shoes off. 
“Erling, it’s alright. I know you’re away for work... We can hang out when you come back.” You knew he wasn't physically present in the room, but just hearing his voice through the phone gave you goosebumps. “Don't worry, I'll miss you like crazy while you're away.”
You meant it as a joke... At least partly.
Not too long ago you were hugging and kissing him goodbye, wishing him good luck on his next match and saying how sorry you were for missing the opportunity to go with him; despite all of that, you already missed his scent and his arms around you, regretting not accepting his late invitation.
“I know you will.” His cocky tone made you smile even more. “Make sure to watch the game, I'll score a goal just for you.”
It was a stupid joke, but it made your stomach explode with millions of butterflies. How couldn't you feel excited when he said things like that?
“Just one?” You laughed. “That’s a bit dissapointing coming from the top striker himself.”
His laugh was everything you were waiting for. It was sweet and relaxing. God, I miss him. 
“Well, okay little miss. I’m going to do my best and score at least three goals for you. Mark my words.”
“We’ll see, Erling.” 
                                               ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚*ੈ✩‧₊˚⋆·˚ ༘ *
“You? Watching football?” The voice of Eve, your roommate, startled you. 
“God, you scared me!” You shouted, throwing a pillow at her. 
She avoided the hit with ease, staring at you with her typical look of “I know what you’re doing”, making you feel immediately flustered. 
“What?” It was better to play dumb than to admit anything in front of her. You knew how she worked; the subject wouldn’t be dropped in at least five months. 
“Oh, don’t act like you don’t know. Watching football at six p.m instead of Youtube or something more suited to your taste?” She sat beside you, paying attention to the screen. “Of course, there he is.” 
Against your survival instincts, you turned to the TV screen without shame, smiling a bit when you saw Erling’s serious expression while warming up with his teammates. He looked so focused and professional that you couldn’t resist the urge to stare at him and feel proud of where he’s standing. 
“And... Are you wearing his jersey?” That obvious detail didn’t escape your friend, who took the fabric of the shirt between two fingers, letting you know how fun the whole situation was. “You’re such a simp.” 
“Oh, shut up.” You barked, feeling your cheeks warmer and warmer by the minute. “It’s for good luck.” 
And it was true. Since the day you stole and wore one of Erling’s shirts to watch the game at home, ManCity always had a good performance and he scored at least two goals per game. 
“And! Football is interesting once you get the hold of it. It’s not just sweaty men running after a ball.” You leaned against the sofa, deciding to ignore the cheeky smile on your friend’s face. “Stop looking at me like that. You rather stay and watch or stop judging me and leave.” You weren’t serious and she knew that, but that didn’t stop her from acting offended. 
“How dare you!” She pushed your shoulder, laughing. “It’s not my fault you’re so in love with your boyfriend.” 
The words froze you in place, feeling awkward for a long moment, only interrupted by the sound of the game starting. You watched Erling’s figure move around the pitch, chasing any clear opportunity to get a hold of the ball. Your mind wandered for a few minutes, going between his performance, how good the team was doing and your roommate’s words. 
“He’s not my boyfriend...” You finally said, taking a deep breath. It was strange, you felt a bit wrong after saying the words... Like you were betraying Erling with them. 
“Come on, babe. I’m your friend, I know you.” Eve’s tone was soft when she responded, looking at your profile with a serious expression. “And it’s okay to be in love, especially with him. He’s a very nice person, and treats you the way you deserve.” 
“I know he does...” Before you could say anything else, the game dynamic changed suddenly, leaving a very obvious opportunity for Erling to score. Your hands grabbed the end of the sofa with force, almost shouting towards the screen. For a second, time froze and then he scored his first goal of the night, running to one of the cameras. He looked directly at it, kissing one finger that was wrapped in white tape three times before making a heart with his hands and smiling. Almost immediately, teammates like De Bruyne and Alvaréz hugged him, taking him away from the camera. 
A big smile crept to the surface of your face, making it almost impossible to pretend anything else than happiness. You touched the ring that was on the same finger as Erling’s, feeling extremely pleasured by the fact that he was wearing it today. Just for you.
“You were saying?” 
“Shut up...” You said after a few seconds, not wanting to admit anything just yet. The idea of being in love with Erling was so new yet so familiar... “God, I’m screwed.” 
Eve responded with a long laugh. And every time Erling scored again, doing the same ritual, you felt like passing out from the whole new set of emotions running inside you.
                                                ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚*ੈ✩‧₊˚⋆·˚ ༘ *
“Oh my god! This is so exciting!” Claire snuggled Eve’s shoulder, looking extremely happy about our conversation’s subject. “Finally! I’ve been waiting for this since the beginning of time.” 
“Oh, please!” You laughed between words, taking a short sip of the drink you got a few minutes ago. “It’s still new and I haven’t wrapped up my mind around the whole thing.” 
“Of course you haven’t.” Eve said, looking beyond entertained while nursing her own coffee. “You have been so busy denying your feelings that now you don’t even know how to see your “situationship” with him as an actual relationship.” 
You hated the fact that she was 100% correct about every single word that left her mouth. 
Being aware of your deep romantic feelings for the most amazing guy you’d ever met was difficult. You were scared beyond words, especially of how he would react if you ever confessed them to him. 
“I hate it when you show how much you actually know me.” You replied, sighing under your breath. “How do I even tell him something like this?”
“What do you mean?” Claire looked confused for a second, burrowing her eyebrows. “He’s obviously in love with you too. It won’t be too complicated... I think he’s just afraid to ask you to be his girlfriend.” She came a bit closer, biting her lip with a tiny smile. “Between you and me? I’m sure he’s just assuming you guys are a couple already.” 
Eve nodded along, looking at you like it was dangerously obvious.
“I mean...” She started, taking a big sip of coffee before continuing. “You two travel together, you spend most of the month at his house, half your clothes are at his place; you guys share jewelry, share the same type of shoes for the fun of it, you own half the ManCity’s jersey collection, not to mention that every time you can, you attend his matches. For God’s sake! You spent last Christmas at Norway with his family!” 
“Well, when you say it like that...” Your blush was so intense. Hearing your friend listing all the obvious things that made the two of you a couple made you feel beyond stupid for not noticing earlier.
“Just wait and see, darling.” Claire said after a while. Her eyes seemed to hide something and you felt like the two of them were beginning to plot something.
But the scaring part was what could it be...
                                               ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚*ੈ✩‧₊˚⋆·˚ ༘ *
It’s been a few days since the little chat with the girls at the cafe, which made even more difficult to find the way of processing your feelings for Erling.
He was back in Manchester, making you forget about the bundle of nerves permanently installed in your stomach; strange as it may seem, being with him made everything else going on in your head easier. But now that time of peace was over, mostly because your birthday was around the corner and he was beyond excited to celebrate it. You didn’t know why, but you got the feeling of something being happening within the next few hours.  
You opened your eyes suddenly, feeling disoriented for a couple of seconds before realizing you were at Erling’s house. His warm figure embraced you from behind, making you smile widely.
You were spending your birthday with him since the beginning of the day. What else could you ask for?
You could tell he was still sleeping, so you tried to shuffle from his arms as quietly as possible just to check the time, but it was impossible. Within seconds, he was awake as well, kissing your temple and hugging you tightly. 
“Good morning, birthday girl.” His voice was raspy; music to your ears. 
“Good morning, sir.” You turned, looking at him with a wide smile. He looked sleepy and adorable. Ignoring your smelly breaths, you gave him a tiny peck before sitting, making him follow you along. “I need to wash my face.” 
“We.” Was all he said, hugging you one more time before stepping out of the bed. 
You made a long pause, just admiring his bare back and how his muscles flexed with the tiniest of movements. God, he’s so fine. 
You both brushed your teeth, washed your faces, and changed clothes in silence, enjoying a few hugs and kisses, all with multiple “happy birthdays” along the way. This is why you enjoyed so much your time with him; everything felt right and comfortable; he was your safe spot. He felt like home.
“Any plans, any wishes?” He asked when you both were at the kitchen table. “Ask me for anything today, I’ll give it to you.” You gave him a wicked smile in response, making him roll his eyes. “Very mature.” 
“Of course I am. I’m super mature.” You took a bite off the apple you were having. “And as for the wish... Nothing special, maybe some books and crafty supplies.”
“You got it!” 
                                                   ↶*ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊ-
As promised, the two of you spent most of the day driving around town, buying books, supplies and having lunch at one of your favorite cafeterias in town. It was a perfect day, which became even better when you received all the birthday wishes from your friends, family... and Erling’s family, most of them apologizing for not being able to be with you. 
Today felt like such a special day, regardless of your birthday. You loved it. 
“Now... Time to get ready for dinner.” Erling said as soon as you stepped inside the apartment. 
“What do you mean? I thought we were having dinner here.”
“No, of course not. Come on, it’s your birthday. Let me treat you to dinner at some fancy restaurant.” He shrugged when you gave him a confused look. “It’s something people do, right? Let’s get ready!.”
He almost gave you a half-hearted push down the hallway, which was suspicious as it was. Erling never pressured you to do anything. He seemed... anxious. 
But you got ready anyways; within an hour you took a shower, chose one of the very few dresses in your possession that were appropriate for a fancy place, and after a quick makeup session, you were ready to go. 
“Are you telling me where are you going?” You finally said once the two of you were inside the car; the whole process of getting ready was in silence, but a different type of silence from earlier. Very odd.  
“Nope, it’s a surprise. Be patient.” He traced figures on your skin with one of his fingers, looking directly at the street. You smiled a little bit, not wanting to put too much pressure. Maybe he just planned a romantic dinner and wanted it to be a surprise. 
You were fine with that. You loved this man so much. 
While you looked at him, you realized that it was the first time where you actually understood the depth of your feelings for him and admitted them.
“Erling?” You said after a while, holding the hand that was resting on your knee. You needed to tell him. 
“Yes, baby?” He didn’t look away from the road, but you knew he was paying full attention. “We’re almost there.”
“Are we? Good.” Your mouth felt like sandpaper. Why were you feeling like a middle schooler about to confess her crush to someone? You wanted to scream the words, but they wouldn’t come out. It was frustrating.
So you waited until you were out of the car and walking towards the restaurant because suddenly the nerves were taking the best of you. Come on, you can do it! Don’t bitch out of it.
“Mr. and Mrs. Haaland?” The host asked as soon as you entered, making your heart skip a beat. 
“Uhm...” Erling’s cheeks were bright red; he looked at you for a few seconds before nodding. “That would be us, yes.” 
“Please follow me.” With every step the two of you took, Erling’s expression became more and more open, showing a mixture of nerves and excitement. You wondered why...
The host stopped next to a door that seemed to lead to a VIP zone. Both of your eyebrows arched when he opened it in silence and smiled before leaving with a small “Have a good evening.” You kept looking at Erling, stepping inside the room while trying to figure him out.
At first, you found odd that the room was completely dark, and one second later- the lights turned on, welcoming you with a bunch of flashes pointing directly at you from different angles. You almost screamed, but then you recognized Eve’s and Claire’s faces, Erling’s older siblings and his parents, along with many of your friends in common.
“Oh my god!” You shouted with a big smile, realizing it was a surprise party. “Honey!” When you turned to look at him, Erling flashed you the biggest smile you’d ever seen on his face. 
“Happy birthday.” He kissed you for a long moment, gaining a long cheer from your audience. “I’m glad you liked the surprise.”
You held his stare and then kissed him again, feeling like your heart could explode from all the love you were feeling at that exact moment. 
“I love you.” You said, finally, after ending the kiss. You knew only he heard the words. His eyes went blank for a moment before he took your face between his hands, looking at you with a serious expression. 
“You love me?” He asked like he couldn’t believe it. You nodded, smiling like an idiot. Oh, how much you loved him. “God.” He kissed you again, more lightly this time. “I love you too, so so much.” 
Before you could reply, Eve appeared in front of you, smiling like the devilish girl she was.
“Come on, love birds. People are hungry.” She dragged you both toward the table; everyone was smiling and waiting for you to sit. You felt suddenly shy as Alfie gave you a knowing look. 
“Oh, before I forget,” Erling said, taking one of your hands in his. You looked around, making sure that no one was paying special attention. “I thought it was time to upgrade that ring... So...” He shyly put a ring box on your palm. You stared at it, not knowing how to react. “It’s... It’s not like I’m asking you anything, I just wanted to get something nicer since I know you love rings... And you know, this pair we have it’s from my time in Dortmund, I figured maybe...”
“Erling.” You interrupted him, smiling even more at his nervousness. “Yes, to whatever you’re asking, my answer it’s going to be yes.”
“I- Good, I mean, thanks?” You both laughed at his own confusion, calling the attention of Claire, who smiled as well before turning around. “What I mean is... It’s not like an official thing but I want you to have it until we’re ready.”
“I love you, even with this awkward propose thing in the middle of a dinner.” You finally said, opening the box and letting your boyfriend put on the ring for you. It was beautiful and it almost made you cry. 
You were so happy. You loved life and him, especially him. How could you ever been insecure about your relationship with him?
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laurentdiroseti · 2 years
{Leona Kingscholar x gn/MC}
"Don't bark, my king"
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Tags: dom, brat, bite, really soft violence, teasing...
After some evil siblings let Grim and you to rust in the cold, Jack offers you the opportunity to spend the night in Savanaclaw, a warm bed awaits for you hopefully?
Leona: “definetly no”.
MC: "how can you be so heartless? We helped you before".
Leona: "I wouldn't call that help and that cat can sleep with Ruggie for all I care but I won't allow humans here".
You didn't understand from where this imminent discrimination came from, after all, he has never shown it to you. What's his deal?, you wonder. As the number one stubborn person in the planet you would not give up yet. You shut the door and heard his groan in disapproval.
Leona: "what have I just said, child?". He approached menacingly in a slow peace that gave you the chills. You knew you were walking on thin ice. You took one of the sleeping bags Ruggie showed you before and put it in front of him, somehow it also was a barrier.
MC: "see, there's floor enough for me to sleep on. Just let me stay". At this point you could only beg. The moon bathed his back giving him a dark atmosphere. The moonlight was bordering his hair making it look thinner, his shoulders bulkier, his arms stuffer and his eyes brighter. Then, he oppened his mouth revealing his white fangs in a mischievous grin.
In a split of second the sleeping bag you were holding fell to the ground totally ruined by three long claw marks, which let out all the feathers it contained.
Leona: "pity, you can't sleep on the floor anymore".
That somehow turn up your brat switch. You jumped straight to his bed falling in the middle. His expression was priceless.
MC: "if I can't sleep on the floor then I'll have to use the bed". You said sarcastically kissing one of the feathers that flew next to you.
You were ready to get a kick off the room, but something was off. You couldn't see Leona's face due to the sudden darkness, but he was death quiet.
MC: "Leona? Are you all right? It was a joke, I'll get off now".
He stepped to the end of the bed and crawl his way on all four till he faced you.
MC: "Leona?"
When the moonlight appeared again you could see his face clearly. His eyes were glowing, his mouth mid open showing his fangs as he grasped air desperately. The most curious thing was that his cheeks were red. Definetly, not the expression you thought he would give you. Even though he was heavily looking at you it didn't feel like he was a menace.
Leona: "you had to be so stupid right?". He grabbed the sheets next to your head in his fist. "Do you know what this mean?" He said as he pressed his lower parts against yours. You jolt slightly when you felt how hard he was.
MC: "you are in heat?" The answer was obvious but you couldn't escape your oblivious nature.
He grinned and low his head till he was desperately breathing next to your ear.
Leona: "no, I just want to ravage you so bad you would never leave this room if I don't order so". He whispered in a croaky voice.
MC: "don't bark, my king".
Leona's heart skipped a beat after hearing you call him by his most desired title, king. You knew this weak point of his and couldn't resist to use it repeatedly while kissing his cheek.
Leona: "stupid child... Stop it or I'm gonna lose my patience".
MC: "didn't know you have that".
Tired of your comebacks he turned you face down on the bed and left you facing the shattered sheets he grabbed before. At the same time, he took you by the neck and pressed you down the bed. Hate to break it to you, but you couldn't move. His weight was pressing your lower back while his hand made sure you couldnt lift your head.
You felt one finger move from your nape to the end of your back, making his way inside your shirt and returning to the starting point, leaving your back in plain view. He enjoyed watching you twitch by the cold breeze softly caressing your back. But your twitches stopped abruptly when you noticed his hair laying down as his wet lips left a gentle kiss in the middle of your back.
Nonetheless, in an instant his fangs were tearing your skin, while his lips and tongue sucked the surrounding area. When he finished his work he groaned as he contemplated the results.
Leona: "enough of being nice, you entered the lion's den".
---[Part 2]
[thanks to my friend Moon who gave me this scenario idea]
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deluxe-rabbitsu · 5 months
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[Cue happy birthday song in epic mode]
Today is a day where I get a tenfold key set and I'm excited, wonder who's going to greet me? I wanted to make a full on illustration like the groovy art I made for glomas but I got lazy and the anime style is so hard to recreate ;;
More thoughts about Yuunise birthday down below! 🎉
So, I'll explain more of the gifts she has received from her friends.
– Birthday girl sash
Her first birthday on twisted wonderland, she was a little awkward as she received congratulations and well wishes from her friends (even though she didn't said anything about her birthday, Grim snitched); one of the first gifts she received was a nice perfume bottle with a beautiful peach scent. Cater's gift!
– Birthday Jacket
Second birthday, she's getting a bit more open about her birthday since by now the word had spread from the last reunion; it reached sweet Kalim's ears and he was the first one to search Yuunise to get her a birthday gift. A nice set of very good quality nail polishes, now Yuunise can have a nice coat of nail polish that doesn't chip away easily.
– Broomquet attire
One of the most beautiful and meaningful gifts she's ever received, by her third birthday she woke up to find a mysterious box on the foot of her bed; opening it revealed a bunch of envelopes that were sent from the first years. They were letters that sent the honest and full feelings of each of her friends...it was obvious to say that the prefect didn't resist the tears.
– Platinum Jacket
Four birthdays had passed and by now she had been totally open of her birthday, even being the first time that she planned a party for herself; a certain little sweetheart was already waiting for his invitation to arrive and when it did, he wasted no time to get his gift ready. A nice arrangement of Yuunise favorite flowers (tulips!) And something that she's had an fixation on, a couple of owl's feathers. She had mentioned in a joking way that if she ever had an owl feather given to her, she was going to smooch the person who's given it. Rook got his smooch without any excuse.
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beomgyucoded · 4 months
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Bakery Worker!Soobin x Bookstore Worker!Reader
Prompt: “What will it be today?” “One kiss please”
Word Count: 2560
Part Two of The First Kiss Series
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The soft chime of the bell above the door echoed through the quiet bookstore, signaling the arrival of a customer. Looking up you saw it was Soobin, his apron in his hands waiting to be put on. Soobin worked at the bakery across the street. You smiled warmly at him, feeling a flicker of excitement dance in your chest.
Over the past few months, you had developed a secret infatuation for the charming bakery worker. He developed a habit of coming in before his shift, just to say hi to you. His gentle demeanor and warm smile never failed to make your heart skip a beat whenever he came in.
As you continued to gaze at Soobin, a blush crept up your cheeks. His presence had a way of making the entire room glow as if he carried his own personal sunbeam with him wherever he went.
"Good morning (Y/N)," Soobin greeted you, his voice like a melody in the quiet bookstore.
"Good morning, Soobin," you replied, your voice soft and filled with a hint of longing. 
You couldn't deny the fact that your feelings for him had grown stronger with each passing day. Soobin was the reason you got this job in the first place. You and your friend used to visit the shopping center often, and she would always notice how you would linger in front of the bakery where Soobin works. She suggested that you apply to the bookstore, knowing that it would give you a chance to interact with him more frequently. And now, here you were, standing behind the counter, taking solace in his visits each morning. 
"You're earlier than usual today," you observed, a small smile playing on your lips as you picked up a stack of books to be put away.
Soobin chuckled softly, adjusting the straps of his apron as he put it on. 
"I couldn't resist the opportunity to spend a little more time with you," he joked.
Joke or not, you felt a rush of warmth flooding to your cheeks. You fumbled with the stack of books in your hands, trying to hide your bashful smile. Soobin's flirty comment caught you off guard, sending a wave of butterflies swirling in your stomach. You bit your lip, desperately trying to come up with a witty response to match his playful banter.
"Well," you stammered, glancing down at the books as if they held the answer,
"I'm glad you did." 
Soobin's eyes sparkled with amusement as he watched you stumble over your words. He took a step closer, the scent of warm pastries clinging to his clothes.
"Will you be coming in on your break today?" he asked, his voice low and velvety. 
Visiting the bakery on your lunch break became a routine. It wasn't just to see Soobin, but also because they had the most delicious pastries you've ever tasted. 
"Yes, I'll be here. As always," you replied, hoping that your eagerness didn't come across as too obvious.
Soobin grinned, his gaze lingering on your face. 
"Great," he said, his voice filled with genuine excitement.
"I'll see you then."
As the day went on, you couldn't help but feel a mix of nerves and anticipation for your lunch break. You found yourself glancing at the clock more often than usual, counting down the minutes until you could go. The bookstore seemed unusually quiet, as if time had slowed down just to tease you. Now and then, you would glance out the window and catch a glimpse of Soobin hard at work in the bakery. You smiled at the way he interacted with the customers, his gentle, charismatic nature shining through as he served them with a warm smile. 
The sound of the chime above the door breaks your train of thought and you see your friend approaching you. 
"Hey, (Y/N)! I brought you your usual," your friend said, holding up a paper bag with the bakery's logo on it.
You blinked in surprise, temporarily forgetting about your impending lunch break with Soobin.
"Oh, thanks! You didn't have to do that," you replied gratefully, taking the bag from her.
The sweet scent of freshly baked pastries wafted up from the bag, making your stomach growl in anticipation.
"I know how much you love their pastries," she said with a mischievous wink.
"And maybe... I wanted to give you an extra push towards Mr. Bakery Worker over there."
You laughed, feeling a mix of gratitude and embarrassment. It was clear that your friend was trying, yet again, to convince you to tell Soobin how you felt.
"He has a name you know," you teased, playfully nudging your friend's shoulder.
"And I appreciate the subtle matchmaking."
Your friend grinned, her eyes filled with mischief.
"Well, you two are too cute to not be together. It's practically a crime."
Your cheeks flushed bright red and you quickly shook your head in embarrassment. You glanced up and caught a glimpse of Soobin through the window, chatting with some girls from your school. Your friend noticed your sudden quietness and looked in the same direction. She nudged you with an encouraging smile, her eyes full of knowing.
"Looks like he's quite popular with the ladies," she commented, her voice teasing, trying to lighten the mood.
You couldn't tear your eyes away from the scene unfolding outside. Soobin was effortlessly charming, his laughter filling the air as he engaged with the girls. You finally looked away and sighed softly. 
"Yeah, he's always been charming like that."
Your friend sensed the change in your mood and placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. 
"Hey, don't let that discourage you."
You nodded, appreciating your friend's support. Deep down, you knew that Soobin's friendly nature didn't necessarily mean he had romantic feelings for all those girls. But still, you felt a twinge of insecurity. 
"I don't think I'll take my lunch break today," you said, your voice tinged with disappointment.
Your friend raised an eyebrow, her expression filled with concern.
"What? Why not?" she asked, her tone gentle.
"Not hungry," you muttered, avoiding eye contact.
The truth was, you didn't want to risk witnessing any more interactions between Soobin and the girls from your school. It felt like a punch to the gut every time you saw him laughing and smiling with them, while your feelings remained hidden and unrequited. You knew it was unfair to expect him to know how you felt without ever expressing it, but the fear of rejection kept you paralyzed.
Your friend's hand tightened on your shoulder, her voice filled with determination.
"Listen, (Y/N), don't you think he likes you too?"
You froze, your friend's words cutting through the fog of your insecurities. You glanced at her, searching for any sign that she was joking, but her expression held nothing but sincerity.
"What...what makes you say that?" you stammered, your heart pounding in your chest.
She grinned, a mischievous glint in her eyes. 
"The way he looks at you when he thinks no one is watching. I've seen it before, (Y/N). And doesn't he come to see you every morning before his shift?"
You blinked in surprise, your mind racing to recall every interaction you've had with Soobin. Your friend was right – he did always come by before starting his shift, even if it was just for a quick hello. And now that she mentioned it, there were moments when you caught him stealing glances at you when he thought you weren't looking. Could it be that he felt the same way? 
"He does, yeah," you admitted softly, a spark of hope igniting within you.
"But... I don't know, maybe he's just being friendly."
Your friend shook her head, her smile unwavering.
"Trust me, (Y/N), it's more than just friendship. I've seen the way he lights up when he's around you."
She gave one last look to Soobin and saw him dismissing one of the girls as she touched his arm.
"I'm gonna go, I'll come back at the end of your shift and we'll get ice cream, okay?"
You nodded, grateful for your friend's unwavering support. As she left, you turned your attention back to Soobin. His conversation with the girls had ended, and he was now attending to a customer at the counter. Despite your friend's encouragement, when your lunch break rolled around, you didn't go to the bakery like you said you would. Instead, you found yourself wandering aimlessly through the streets, nibbling on the pastries your friend brought for you. You got back to the bookstore shortly after and carried on with your shift.
As closing time approached, your eyes drifted towards the bakery and you caught a glimpse of Soobin bidding farewell to his co-worker while wiping down the counter. A surge of nervousness washed over you as you watched him. His movements were deliberate yet gentle, his smile warm and sincere. Unable to resist any longer, you decided to take a chance. With a shaky breath, you locked up the bookstore and made your way across the street.
As you stepped inside the inviting warmth of the bakery, the scent of freshly baked bread enveloped you, soothing your nerves. Soobin looked up, his eyes widening slightly in surprise when he saw you standing there.
"Hey," Soobin said, his voice soft.
"You didn't show up for your lunch break like you said you would. Is everything alright?"
You nodded, the words caught in your throat. His concern only made you fall deeper for him.
"Yeah, everything's fine," you managed to say, your voice barely above a whisper.
"I just... needed some time to myself."
"Did you already turn off the espresso machine?" you asked, trying to keep your voice steady.
Soobin nodded, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
"Yeah, I just finished cleaning up. Why do you ask?"
"Oh," you said sounding a little disappointed.
"I can turn it back on just for you though," he said, his smile growing wider.
"I was really hoping you'd stop by earlier." 
A rush of warmth flooded through you at his words, and you couldn't help but feel a surge of hope. Maybe, just maybe, your friend was right about Soobin's feelings for you. Gathering your courage, you took a step closer to the counter, leaning against it as you met his gaze.
"Thank you," you replied, a shy smile tugging at the corner of your lips. 
"Do you remember where I'm at on my great menu journey?"
Soobin chuckled softly, his eyes sparkling with playful delight.
"Of course, how could I forget?" 
"You're on the 'Decadent Delights' section now, right?" Soobin asked amused.
You nodded, feeling your heart flutter at the genuine interest in his eyes. You looked away from him briefly to look at the pastries behind the display case, trying to decide what you'd have with your coffee. You watched as Soobin prepared your drink, concentrating on it like it was the most important order he had to fulfill. He placed the cup in front of you, and his fingers brushed against yours, sending a jolt of electricity through your veins. It was a simple touch, but it spoke volumes.
Soobin noticed your attention had gone back to the pastries and he smiled, knowing you always had one with your drink.
"Which one will it be today?" he asked softly.
Turning your attention back to him you decided to go for it.
"One kiss please."
A small smile tugged at the corners of Soobin's lips, a glimmer of mischief dancing in his eyes.
He leaned closer, his breath mingling with yours as he whispered, "Are you sure about that?"
Your heart quickened at his words, the anticipation filling the air. There was a teasing playfulness to his tone, and you knew he was testing the waters just as much as you were. But you were done with hesitation and second-guessing.
With a surge of courage, you leaned in closer, closing the gap between you. Your lips met in a gentle, tentative kiss, but the sparks that ignited were anything but timid. It was as if time stood still as you melted into each other, the sweet taste of his lips mingling with the rich aroma of coffee in the air. 
When you finally pulled away, breathless and flushed, Soobin opened his eyes and looked at you with a mixture of surprise and desire. His fingers gently brushed against your cheek, tracing the path where his lips had just been.
He let out a shaky breath, his voice barely above a whisper. 
"I've been wanting to do that for so long," he admitted, his eyes full of vulnerability. 
"But I've been waiting for you to make a move, to give me a sign that you felt the same way."
A surge of relief washed over you, realizing that your feelings were reciprocated. You smiled, intertwining your fingers with his, letting the warmth of his touch anchor you in the reality of this moment.
"I was waiting for you to make a move," you whispered, a hint of playfulness in your voice.
Soobin laughed softly, his eyes sparkling with adoration.
"Well, I'm not known for my bravery, so I'm glad you made the first move."
You giggled, feeling the weight of the tension finally dissipate. The air was now charged with a newfound sense of excitement and possibility. Soobin squeezed your hand, his smile widening as he leaned in to press a soft kiss on your forehead. 
"Does this mean we're a couple now?" he whispered, his voice filled with hope.
You looked into his eyes, seeing the longing in them, and your heart swelled with affection.
"Yes, I would hope so" you said, your voice steady and filled with certainty. 
The whirring of the espresso machine reminded you of your long-forgotten coffee. 
"I'm sorry, you made this for practically no reason," you frowned, but Soobin shook his head, his voice gentle and reassuring.
"No, it's okay. I've never made that one before, so we'll call it practice."
You smiled, realizing that this was just one of the many little things you liked about him – his unwavering support and ability to turn any situation into something light-hearted. 
"My friend is supposed to meet me here and we were going to get ice cream. Would you like to join us?"
Soobin glanced at the clock on the wall, contemplating for a moment before answering.
"I'd love to join you," he said, his voice filled with genuine enthusiasm. "Just let me lock up and grab my jacket, and I'll be right back."
Minutes later, Soobin emerged from the back room, his jacket draped over his arm. He locked up the bakery, and the two of you waited outside for your friend to show up. As you stood there, shivering slightly in the crisp evening air, Soobin reached out and gently wrapped his jacket around your shoulders, his touch both comforting and intimate. You blushed and took his hand in yours, leaning into him slightly.
Your friend arrived a few minutes later, a wide grin on her face as she approached the two of you. She glanced up at Soobin, her eyes twinkling mischievously.
"(Y/N), would you like to introduce me to your new friend here?" she teased, nudging you playfully.
"This is Soobin, my boyfriend."
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a/n: Soobin's part! Bakery worker Soobin really has my heart 🥺
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kswlust · 2 years
crazy what alcohol does.. | k.sw
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sypnosis : drunk bestfriend!sunoo tells you about how much he likes you and how much he wants you to rip off his clothes and do whatever you want to him, so you do just that.
pairing : bestfriend!sunoo x afab!reader
contains : underage drinking (don't do this!), reader cheats on her boyfriend with sunoo, age gap (reader is 23 and sunoo is 19), lots of swears, making out, hickies, sub!sunoo and dom!reader, oral (m . receiving), reader fingers herself, unprotected sex (not recommended unless ur ariana grande and want them babies), edging/orgasm denial, they get caught at the end.
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'ding dong!' you heard a faint voice shout, along with the doorbell. you looked at the time, making a questioning face. your boyfriend, heeseung said that he was not gonna be home until 3 am and it was only 1. you got up and went to go check it, when you opened the door, to your surprise, you saw sunoo.
"hi, y/n!!" he said happily. he looked so messed up, his cheeks a cherry shade of red, his eyes half opened, his hair all messy. "sunoo?? what are you doing here.. it's 1 am- why do you look so fucked up..?" you asked, genuinely kinda concerned.
"I just went to a party and someone drugged me, fun, right??" he said, obviously joking. he just decided to rebel and underage drink. "haha, very funny." you said sarcastically and pulled sunoo inside, dragging him to sit on your couch.
"why the hell did you drink?? you're not old enough t-" he stopped you, placing a hand on your face and telling you to shush. you giggled slightly before pushing his hand off your face. "I'll get you some water, wait here. don't go anywhere, alright??"
you asked and waited for sunoo to nod before you got up to get a glass of water from the kitchen. you came back to see sunoo chewing on the neckline of his sweater. you stared at him in shock before running over.
"seriously, you had nothing else to eat?!" you yelled, pulling the neckline away from his mouth and handing him the glass. "drink this, quickly-" you said and he immediately followed your order, drinking the glass whole before putting it down on the coffee table and coughing.
"now, will you explain to me why you were drinking?" you asked nicely. the man shook his head as a no. "I wanna tell you something." he said, looking kinda nervous. you furrowed your eyebrows as you stopped the movie that was still playing. "go on.."
"okay, I don't know how to say this but I like you! I know you have a boyfriend and you love him so much but I don't think I can bottle up my feelings inside me anymore. I've liked you ever since the time you tutored me. you just look so fucking pretty and you are so nice to me. you helped me pass my grades and then became my comfort person. you make me so mad because I just can't get myself to tell you that I just want you to rip off my clothes and do whatever you want to me! you looked so hot in that black dress a few days ago, I couldn't help myself but be jealous of your boyfriend. fuck, if only you were mine. seriously, I'm going mad, I'm gonna go fucking mad if I don't get to kiss you right now!" he blurted out, his hand in the air, resisting the urge to pull you closer to him by your shirt.
your mouth dropped, eyes widened, face a pretty shade of baby pink. "but I can't do that, because I don't want to ruin your relationship and our friendship." he said, dropping his hand on his lap.
you were in pure disbelief. there was a very obvious frown on his face. "sunoo, i-" you didn't know what to say. "I'm sorry, y/n, I'll leave." sunoo said, getting up. you felt a pang in your heart. this was so weird and you really didn't know how the hell to react.
the things he said about you kept playing in your head nonstop. you grabbed the bottom of sunoos sweater, stopping him. you pulled him back onto the couch and got on top of him, immediately starting to kiss him like crazy. you could literally taste the flavor of the alcohol as he started kissing back.
you pulled away, staring into his eyes for a few seconds. "y/n.. we shouldn't be doing this, you have a boyfriend." he said as you started tugging at the waistband of his pants. "weren't you the one who wanted this a few seconds ago? you're gonna have to defend me if heeseung finds out about any of this."
if you were honest, you kinda liked sunoo aswell. I mean, he's kim sunwoo, who the hell doesn't like him??? you loved your boyfriend, heeseung, of course but.. sunoos unresistible.
"but if you don't wanna-.." you said, immediately getting cut off. "no, no, please, I do-!" he begged cutely. you smiled, immediately pulling off his pants and boxers in one go, going down and taking him in your mouth.
sunoo threw his head back, letting out the prettiest moan you've ever heard. you started slowly bobbing your head up and down, sunoo resisting the urge to thrust into your mouth. "y/n- please! faster.." he said, gripping onto the couch.
"what'd you say, baby?" you asked, stopping. sunoo whined, a hand going to grip your hair. "faster!" he said, looking down at you. the sight was so fucking sinful. you smiled slightly before going back to bobbing your head, way way faster this time.
sunoo started moaning so loudly, his toes curling. "oh-oh fuck! im close- I'm clo-se.." he alerted you. as soon as sunoo looked like he was about to come, you immediately pulled off him.
"no.. wh- whyd you do that..? thats so mean.." he said, letting go of your hair and trying to sit up, but failing as you pushed him back down and got on top of him. "you said I can do whatever I wanted, so, why don't you behave and take it like a good boy?"
you smiled innocently, sunoos face turned even redder than it already was. he nodded, keeping his mouth shut. you got back on top of him again, rubbing your clothed knee on his dick. sunoo moaned your name over and over again.
"sunoo, I never imagined you as a sub. it's funny how you're under me, behaving so nice and obediently right now. yeah?" you asked, unbuttoning your shirt but leaving it on, just showing your beautiful body. you pulled off your pants and panties aswell, throwing them to god knows where.
sunoo didn't answer, just watching you undress in awe. his dick even harder than before as he stared at your body on top of him. "I asked you a question." you said, pulling him up by the same sweater neckline he was chewing on a few moments ago.
"yes, it- its-" he didn't know what to say, just trying to think of something while panicking was so overwhelming for him. "hush, baby, don't worry.." you said, letting him fall back on his back.
you reached your hand down to your pussy, immediately shoving a finger inside yourself. you moaned softly, sunoo stared at your pretty face as you moaned, pleasing your self. you fingered yourself as a bit of prep.
you pulled your fingers out and stuck them in sunoos mouth, the same mouth he used to confess how he thought about you. you then gon onto sunoo, balancing your self ontop of him before slowly sliding him in.
sunoo moaned so fucking loud, your tight and warm walls just clenching on his dick, making it even harder for him to breathe. you moaned aswell, it felt so fucking good. if honest, better than heeseung.
"y/n, oh my god.. move, move, please!" he mumbled, your fingers still inside his mouth. you took them out and wiped them down on his sweater before starting to move up and down on his perfect cock.
the two of you were making so many lewd voices, it was crazy. this was better than porn. seriously, so much better. you moved fast, kinda desperate for a release too. "y/n, I'm close!" sunoo alerted once again and you smirked. "hold it."
sunoos eyes widened, this was absolutely crazy to him. literally, for so long, you kept telling him to hold it and he was trying to damn hard for so long. he found it unfair how you got to release whenever but he didn't.
"y/n, please.." he begged again, and again, and again, but you never really gave in. you continued cumming whenever and torturing him. now, the only sounds that were heard were you guys' lewd ass noises and wet squelching from your cunt.
you were so busy pleasing each other, that you didn't even notice heeseung walk into the room. "babe, I got you chick-fil-a—" heeseung said with a smile, but his smile dropped as he looked up, immediately dropping the bag in his hands.
you stopped, eyes widened as you turned to him. sunoos heart started beating so fast as he looked at heeseung. well, they were kinda fucked now but the situation didn't stop sunoo from releasing in you when he had the chance.
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© kswlust || translations not allowed, pls don't plagiarize.
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manicpixiefelix · 4 months
Reader and Oliver in the adopted au meet Felix at Oxford still, maybe
Reader owns their natural it factor so they're more outgoing, having that dazzling magnetism that people cannot resist. They and Ollie are considered a package deal, the L/N heirs recently spotted partying in France with their good friend Nick Young (yes, those Youngs)
Farleigh doesn't know what to think of Ollie
been thinking so much about this and about the Crazy Rich Asians AU intertwining
the first year Oliver lives with your family, your parents don't explain why they're taking him to get his passport photo taken. he doesn't even know what a passport is or why he'd need one. you, sitting next to him in the town car (because oliver becomes restless and agitated and shuts down if your parents take him anywhere without you. he will grow out of it soon, but not quite yet), you tell him it's so you can go visit your bestest friend Nicky. your father makes a face like he's bitten a lemon and your mother raises her voice pointedly to ask the driver how much longer.
all you know is that your grandmother is the one who always insists that both you and oliver are brought to singapore too.
("because your father won't let your mother go alone," she shakes her head with an exasperated noise, but doesn't elaborate when you ask her about it, instead continuing, "and i'm not letting them leave the two of you here by yourselves," she paused, adding, "since i couldn't babysit you, because i'll be in singapore too, i've always loved it there, and loved the Youngs." oliver is nine, with his head in nana's lap as she strokes his hair; you are ten, looking up from your gameboy to give her your attention.)
Nick Young is your bestest friend in the whole wide world for the four-to-six weeks a year you get to see him. you spent several summers as the fourth in games between he and his cousins, more often than not becoming his teammate against them, no longer allowing the obnoxious eddie and alix to gang up on him. astrid had always seemed just a bit too old for the horseplay you all engaged in, but she was never unkind to you. your parents don't spend much time at the Young home, especially not your father, who walks around the grand space with an expression like he was holding back sick, but apparently the master of the house, Nick's father, had given express permission for you all to stay there as long as you liked. this essentially meant you and oliver lived there for several weeks, as did your grandmother, while you'd learn much later on that your parents spent their time arguing at various picturesque locations around singapore.
sometimes your mother would join you, and in those moments she smiles at you and oliver, dotes on you both, sits at the table between her two children as you're all taught how to make dim sims by Nick's family. she laughs, and compliments your attempts, and jokes sweetly like you think a mother probably would. in these moments, you catch nana smiling at her, but it's always tinged with a little sadness.
nick's mother can't bring herself to be in the same room as your mother for more than ten minutes before claiming to feel faint, and retiring to her room for the rest of the day, every time. it doesn't seem to bother your mother too much, who gets on famously with nick's father. she calls him Jamie and he makes her laugh so hard she snorts. you've never heard her do that around anyone else.
("nick's father and your mother were best friends too," your grandmother tells you when both you and nick come to her with questions that your parents pointedly avoid. both of you are eight. oliver is seven and hovering by the door, watching you and nick with wide, blue eyes. you and your current best friend share a confused look, and ask her when; "when they were your age," nana answers, like it should be obvious.)
oliver finds someone new to cling to when he's in singapore. when nick and his cousins get too rough and oliver starts to get overwhelmed, for the first time you're torn. you only get a very brief amount of time to spend with nick, but this is your new little brother and you have to protect him at all costs. except then astrid is at the sliding doors to the villa, scolding the boys for playing too rough with oliver, and he looks at her like she hangs the stars in the sky. oliver, who'd pouted the entire plane ride over and wouldn't say why, tentatively asks you that night if he was allowed to be astrid's bestest friend while you were in singapore.
"because you- you're meant to be my bestest friend, but here you're nicky's bestest friend -" and you realise what he'd been so upset about since he'd gotten the news. you give your blessing, knowing it was a good thing for him to get more comfortable around people who weren't you. astrid is hesitant at first; she was too old for you and her brother's shenanigans, and oliver's even younger, but he's polite and he clearly thinks the world of her, and follows her around like an obedient little duckling, listening patiently to whatever appeared to take her fancy at any given moment. for the first few summers that he does this, she seems rather unsure of what to do with him, ending up treating him kindly and sweetly, but rather like a pet; oliver doesn't complain. as the years and summers go by, the brief age gap seems to matter less and less, and soon you, Nick, Oliver, and Astrid become a tight unit as teenagers, exploring the city together, sharing in the highs and lows of being the social and financial elite.
but as you grow older, nick's mother seems less and less able to look at you. you overhear her speaking to your grandmother about things you will not understand until years later - "your grandchild has their mother's smile" is not spoken like a compliment.
back home, it's the summer after you've turned sixteen, and you will hear your mother and grandmother arguing down the hall from your room.
"you want to force them into the very thing that you fought against at their age- that I fought against on your behalf, by your side, against your father - god rest his soul - when you were their age?" you'd never heard your grandmother shout like that before. still, you crack the door open and peer out. they're at the end of the long corridor, but their voices carry well.
"Wanting to secure a legal partnership and future between our families was never an inherently bad idea," your mother argued back, "just because back then James and I weren't right for each other doesn't change that. Nick and Y/N -" your mother tried.
"I'm not having this argument again," your grandmother sounds so tired, "you're just like your father with those poor children; I can't have this fight again, I just can't."
The next summer, your parents go to Singapore without you or Oliver, and you're given both free reign of the house, or the world if you prefer. It becomes the first of many world tours you take with your brother. Occasionally you stop in and see Nick and Astrid, but both you and Oliver, and the Young siblings, leave the rest of your families at home. None of you talk about why, but you have a feeling you all know.
("we could have been siblings," astrid jokes when you're all at the tail end of your teens and drinking in some bar along the coast of Chile. the other three of you all look at her rather bewildered, "father was telling me he almost brought great shame on the family for not marrying your mum like all our grandparents had been pushing them to do." she laughs like it's an absurd idea, and goes on to say how glad he was that the woman he chose, the woman who became the mother to your two friends across from you, worked so hard to become the matriarch the family needed her to be. you and nick share a long, dubious look. oliver sighs loudly and complains about being hungry, immediately turning the discussion towards food. under the table, he gives your knee a comforting pat.)
also, yes; in their very first meeting, farleigh condescendingly pets Oliver L/N on the knee after being twenty minutes late to their two-person tutoring session, because he didn't think to look the man in the face before touching him so casually, and then only after the damage was done did he realise who was sitting next to him. so now, looking at Oliver, thinking about Oliver, or even seeing you, makes Farleigh feel the entire spectrum of human emotions all at once at full force, and he wants to hide like an actual child. which is to say that he hates oliver l/n for making him feel this way. which way? all of them. any of them. bastard's been in vogue and now he's in farleigh's tutoring sessions acting like a righteous dick half the time.
he hates the man. he's had parasocial crushes on both him and his sibling(you) since he was fifteen that still haven't actually gone away. two things can be true.
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