#11th Notebook
stellato-17 · 2 years
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stonefaced-skink · 8 months
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dragontober day 10: chatelaine! after spending so long looking for 100% bright dragons i was surprised by how taken i was by her, all greyscale and then a pop of color. would like to find a mate that's similarly greyscale with a bright tert (hopefully a bit farther apart on the color wheel) to make a lot of similar children
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moonastro · 2 months
Solar Return chart notes iii
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**not my images**
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༘⋆ When i had my SR 4th house ruler in Pisces i moved households.
༘⋆ your SR 8th house in taurus can make you more laid back about money. You worry less.
༘⋆ mercury in 9th house in SR signifies continuing studying so continuing to go to college.
༘⋆ chiron in the 7th house of SR can cause pain with general people that you want to hang out with but they will hurt you or disappoint you. i had this and looking back i wish i could hug her🥲. (so please remember if you have this to not waste your energy on these people because you deserve better)
༘⋆mars in 10th house in SR can mean that you can be offered a job but you refusing or something getting in the way of it. also getting negative comments about your approach to your job.
༘⋆ when i had chiron in pisces, lots of feeling sorry for myself. feeling sorry for yourself and feeling like nobody cares can be a theme for this placement.
༘⋆ south node in 3rd house may signify reading more, i had this conjunct my natal moon and i read lots, especially lots of fiction books because moon= delusion and something that's not real.
༘⋆ MC in 9th house in SR can mean that people identify you with studying and view you as someone really start. people may see you with pen and notebook everywhere or with your laptop studying and may just perceive you as someone who is very educated.
༘⋆ when you have ASC is in Capricorn in SR, you might focus on teeth health more and educate yourself on it or can like your smile more or just smile more in general.
༘⋆ when my SR 11th house governed my natal 3rd house, i had a good relationship with my siblings.
༘⋆ pluto in 12th house, having difficulty sleeping or your sleeping pattern changes. lots of transitions in dreaming pattern also. one day you may have like 5 dreams and remember all of them then the next two days you cant recall any of them.
༘⋆ moon in pisces conjuct neptune= can feel numb that year.
༘⋆moon in 7th house in your SR can signify strengthened relationship with your mother or mother figure.
༘⋆ when i had vertex in leo, that year i had luck in my hobbies and did it more frequently, i found beauty in it and strengthened my ability of it. also was more public about it and like showed it off to others and received praise about it.
༘⋆ another indication of you and your mothers relationship strengthening is asteroid fortuna (19) conjunction to the moon.
༘⋆ the year that i spoke freely, without much thought, mercury was in aries in my SR. it was more talking whatever instead of nonsense if that makes sense. it was for sure a different approach to the way i spoke in the past.
༘⋆ mercury conjunct north node, you may be educating people with your words, speaking about valuable topics that people don't usually talk about or topics that you would talk about to anyone in the past.
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thank you for reading, if you have any questions feel free to ask, ill help out the best i can🤍
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layyeschips · 1 year
Patron God/Ghost King au
where after a few centuries of boredom, Danny gets a sudden influx of college student worshippers but it's not too worrying since all the offerings he's gotten so far are just different snacks ranging from crackers to a full bowl of mac n cheese. Without any other options, he goes to the only halfa he knows who had finally settle down from dimension travelling to studying in a dimension where she knows the people wouldn't need an extra helping hands of a hero.
King Danny "get me out off paperwork" Phantom: Heya Dani, do you know if something happened that resulted in mass worshipping?
Danielle "I built a shrine of my brother in the empty storage closet of my dorm building to see if it would work" Phantom: gee golly I have no clue on what could have happened to result in that
Words tend to spread really fast especially when it comes to tired students who has nothing else to lose. Besides, after leaving a a potato chip on the creepy looking shrine in the storage room and feeling a strange wave of calm/relaxed/focus and passing that paper you've been struggling with for the whole year, who wouldn't keep doing it and leave even more snacks.
Next thing you know there'll be a creepy little shrine piled with snacks on top of it in empty storage rooms of different college and universities. Eventually the students find out what to call their entity of calm after one claimed to left their notebook in the storage only to find a little scribble that says Phantom in that slightly glowing and possibly toxic green ink.
In hindsight, Tim should have probably stayed at home and rest after staying up all night finishing a paper due the day after tomorrow but Bruce had asked if he wanted to tag along the JL meeting with the JLD because of... whatever it was Bruce mentioned so who in their right mind would say no to that. So now here he was half listening to the banter meeting about some eldritch entity that could be a threat to humanity and what offering should they provide to complete the summoning. Of course after hearing a familiar name of his preferred deity of submitting papers on time, the delirious boy never even registered what he said.
Tim "barely conscious on his 11th cup of Pedro Pascal's Starbucks order" Drake: Phantom?? give 'em poptart... green flavour...
[this was just a fun little thought but I might add on to it from time to time]
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azure-cherie · 6 months
Astrology for writers
Placements that indicate potential/ talent / interest in writing + tips
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This post is an amalgamation of tropical as well as vedic astrology, you can see for both the placements hope you guys enjoy it <3
Moon - jup conj in the chart will help you derive inspiration from your emotions while writing . You wanna cry write it down you're raged write it downnn you'll be happy later trust me .
Mercury - jup and asteroid Hermes prominence shows that you should just start writing the inspiration will follow , these are the people who realise after writing how good they have done 😭✨
Moon, mercury, jup , Venus in 3rd house is for courage and motivational writing . Venus also indicates the love genre .
Ketu , Jupiter, in 5th , ketu past life talent for writing , Jupiter being naturally talented with creation, is great with all forms of arts .
Mercury in 5 th are the young teen writers who become great eventually, don't tell me you didn't have a Wattpad phase ( that also applies for Mercury in 3rd )
Saraswati yoga ( Venus and Mercury occupy Lagna, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th, 10th and 11th either jointly or independently, Jupiter being in its own, exaltation or friendly sign) gives talent for writing.
Pluto - mercury, Pluto - moon aspects , speaks about writing in dangerous and difficult subjects , activism as well . Thriller , ghost stories , gore etc.
Neptune - mercury aspects , has vivid imagination and writing about fantasy related subjects .
Punarvasu mercury for poetry .
Krittika, hasta , punarvasu, ardra , mrigashira, Swati , shatabhisha, purva phalguni, purva ashadha, Uttara bhadrapada as moon nakshatra or sun nakshatra might give you fame as well in this sector.
Asteroid Kalliope , Erato , Eutrepe prominent in your chart shows that your inspiration in writing is divine and check the asteroid chart mercury to find the source of it .
If you really like a writer and take inspiration from them look if they have an asteroid named after them and look for the prominence in your chart for eg : 3453 dostoevsky . Look for various writer asteroids and the prominence in your chart , that would help you find more inspiration .
Tip : write in the hour of mercury on the day your moon is transiting for divine inspiration. Making a sigil in this hour in your notebook will also do great .
This is quite the short post if you wanna see more on writer observations do let me know , also if you want to have observations in other topics like painter , dancer etc my ask box is open .
If you Wanna book a reading on this topic including your asteroids about writing / nakshatras and yogas my dms are open . More about it in my dms .
Thank you so much for reading have a great day ❤️
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cupoftaae · 1 year
Hello! your writing is such a comfort to me, and Im a sucker for domestic, fluffy type shit to be honest. could you do something cute like reader is pregnant and tae like journals and vlogs all the time because hes so excited? Was gonna write something like this but I dont think I could do it justice.
uhg this is so cute omg. Thank you for reading my work and im so glad it can offer some comfort, thats such a sweet thing to say :(
I hope you enjoy! <3
warnings- swearing, mentions of pregnancy
ladybug - KTH (drabble)
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Saturday, june 11th, 2022
Taehyung set his phone down on the desk as it recorded him, he smiled and jokingly waved. "hello, today is.." he leans to check the date, "June 11th, its Saturday and the time is 4:54pm. Y/N is in the bathroom taking another pregnancy test because she is now a week late" he laughed and spun side to side in his chair. "I dont know why, but...I have a really weird feeling about this one, a weird but good feeling" he smiled and looked down. The past year has been very exhausting mentally for the both of you. After getting married, you both knew you wanted to have children right away, but your body didn't get the memo.
It was purely negative after negative, to the point where you refused to even take any tests for 3 months...up until now. Taehyung knew he wanted to journal your journey so that years from now you both could look back on the firsts of parenthood. He wrote down everything, from the good days to even the ugly ones, every appointment, every test, everything was in his notebook, and he was hoping that today would be *the* entry, he had a feeling it would be, so he decided on filming it just in case.
"ok, we have to wait 5 minuets" your voice is heard off camera as Taehyung looks up and across the room at you, "Ok" he smiles, waving you over. "cmere"
you nervously walk over as he places you onto his lap, long arms draping around your waist as you exhale. "filming?" you asked, watching him nod. "Do you want me not to?" he asked, "no, its fine, but what if its negative again?" you sigh and turn your body so your back is to the phone.
"then i can just delete it like the other ones" he ran his hand up and down your back, attempting to soothe you best he could. He was in his whole little nervous energy world right now and couldn't imagine how you were feeling, it had been months since the last test, and you werent sure you could take another hit with the reminder that your body isnt working.
It seemed like you had been waiting forever, tae had paused the camera 3 minuets after you came out, playing with your hair as you remained silent, hand in his. Your phone alarm could be heard from the bathroom once the long wait had ended. You, in that moment, wish you had another 5 minuets, because the second the alarm filled the air, your heart has stopped. "Im nervous" you whisper, standing up slowly as taehyung followed. "I know sweetheart, but we won't know unless we look, yeah?" he cupped your face gently, thumbs caressing your cheeks as he pressed a soft kiss to your lips.
You led him into the bathroom with you, "Wait dont turn it yet" he giggled and ran back to his phone he had left in the bedroom. You stared down at the upside-down test which sat on the edge of the sink, feeling your pulse in your ears. Once your husband returned, he closed the door and set up the filming, setting it a bit against the mirror as it faced you both. "dont be nervous, whatever it is, we will get through it ok?" he soothed, hugging you tightly and swaying a bit. It had been a few moments of preparation and deep breathing before finally feeling confident. "Ok ...im ready" you nodded, making him smile, "yeah?", he lifted the test, not flipping it yet. "yeah, but....you need to read it because I think I'll throw up if I do" you laughed, hiding your face in his chest as he breathed out, counting down in his head before finally flipping it.
"what does it say?" you whispered, fingers lightly gripping his t-shirt. Taehyung giggled nervously, "angel, Im not too good at reading these types of test....I-..I dont know if you are pregnant or not"
You let yourself smile at your husbands antics, pulling away to face the test, eyes widening. "baby..."
"what? is it negative?"
"Baby...two lines means pregnant, im pregnant." you turned to him, "Im pregnant" you whisper, taehyung not fully registering it until a few seconds after, head looking back down at the test.
"youre pregnant....." he looked back to you before a smile creeped onto his face, pulling you over and gently lifting you into his arms as tears escaped both of your eyes. there was no talking, just quiet (happy) crying, and touches and squeezes of love and emotion.
He finally set you back down and held your face. "Finally, damnit" you joke, making him laugh as he leans down to kiss you. "we are gonna be parents, baby. It is happening" he cooed sincerely, your hand wiping at his tears. you nodded, "its happening"
He kneeled down and lifted your shirt, his cold hands against your still flat stomach. "hi there" he whispered, making you cry even more as your hand ran through his hair. "we just found out about you, but mommy and daddy already love you so much" he kissed above your navel and held you close.
"Im so glad we got that on camera, fuck" you laughed as he stood up, wiping a tissue under your eyes. "I know!!" he sniffled and kissed you again. "god, I fucking love you"
"I love you too"
Tae picked the camera up and held it to both of your faces, making you giggle a bit. "welcome to the adventures of two 20 something year olds figuring out how to be parents, tune in next week for 'realizing we are too poor for this'" tae finished, shutting the camera off as you laughed and gently slapped his chest.
You sighed contently as he walked back into the bedroom with you, already becoming clingy with just the way he holds you. "this explains so much" you sit in thought, "I thought my period was coming because I was crying so much last week over everything but I guess not"
Taehyung smiled and crawled onto the bed next to you, hand rubbing your stomach. "oh my god, Taehyung, I had wine 2 days ago" you frown, grasping his hand. "im sure its okay, my mom used to have some wine when she was pregnant with me, and I think im okay" he smiled at you, his eyes scanning over your features lovingly. "dont stress, sweet girl, you are gonna be a mommy. We will plan an appointment this week and Ill be there for you ok? I promise" he kissed your hand as you looked up. "I love you so much"
"I love you more"
Thursday, November 20th, 2022
You had taken back everything you said about first trimester being the worst. Second trimester had absolutely everything to despise, and you realized it more each time you began to outgrow an article of clothing.
"theres mama" taehyung smiled brightly as he walked out of his office and into the living room with his camera, filming you on the couch. "shes wearing my sweatpants" he whispered and sat down, flipping the camera to the both of you. You pouted and looked at him, "baby I dont wanna be filmed, i look really gross" you sigh, "No you dont, you look sexy" he teased before shutting the phone off.
"are you still dizzy?" he asked, hand gently rubbing your thigh. "a little...but not as much"
the dizziness you've experienced since the second trimester has been the cause of worry for the past few weeks, despite your doctor telling you its normal.
"Just stay here, chill out and drink water" he smiled and got up to refill your water.
"I hate sitting down all day, its annoying" you huff, laying against the pillow. "I know baby, I know, but its not like your being lazy, you are creating a whole human, its a lot of work mama." he spoke, shutting the fridge to see the ultrasound photo hanging on the door.
You smile at him as he walks over, thanking him for the water. "Do you need anything else?" he asks, hand rubbing your slightly bigger stomach. You wouldn't have guessed you were almost 6 months pregnant, your bump has remained relatively small throughout the entire pregnancy, which you were thankful for, however it seemed like the weight just travelled to other parts of your body, like your feet.
"can you just lay with me?"
"of course baby" he moved to lay behind you, pulling you against him as you both watched tv, his hand finding its familiar place against your stomach, feeling soft flutters, something thats been occurring more recently.
"little ladybug is awake" he whispered and kissed your shoulder. You laugh and place your hand atop of his. You two had never figured out the gender, wanting to be surprised until they made their arrival, but Taehyung had a habit of calling the baby by "ladybug" ever since last month when you two laid outside and a small ladybug found its way to rest on top of your bump. He, of course, wrote the whole thing down in his journal as it happened.
Taehyung deep down didnt care the gender of his child, but he really wanted a little girl. A mini you. He wanted to take care of and protect his princesses all the time, and he so desperately wanted to make you both happy.
2 months later
You had woken tae up around 4am with severe cramping and back pain, he joined you on the floor in the bathroom as he placed a cold cloth on your neck. "just breathe, sweetheart." he sighed, trying to calm you down.
"What if they are coming early? Its too soon tae, and I-"
"shh, everything will be ok. You and ladybug are ok" he kissed your head. "Do you want to go to the ER?" he whispers, watching you nod as he helps you up carefully.
he helped you slip on your sneakers before getting into the car as he began driving to the hospital. "It doesnt feel like, I dont know how to explain.." you mumble, taking deep breathes
"What do you mean, love?"
"It doesnt feel normal and Im afraid something is wrong. Ive never felt this befor- ah!" you whine and hunch in pain as tae holds onto your hand and whispers soft words, promising he is driving as quick as he can.
Once he had helped you into the hospital, the doctor made him wait in the waiting room until they figured out what was the issue. Half an hour of leg bouncing, lip picking, and deep breathing later, a nurse finally stepped into the room to alert him of the situation. "Mr.Kim?" she asks, walking over as he sat up and nodded.
"ah, ok, So y/n is perfectly healthy and ok" she smiles and sits, "what she was feeling, is what the medical industry call 'braxton hicks', they are completely normal, its basically the body preparing itself for when the labor does in fact come." she adds, watching tae instantly relax upon hearing this. "I know its scary for a lot of first time parents but she and baby are in good health"
"thank god" he exhales and follows her back into the hall as he meets up with you again.
"Baby already causing problems for mommy huh?" he jokes and kisses your head, making you giggle and reach for his hand. "Did she tell you?" you ask
"mhm, nothing to worry about."
"kinda scary, if pre-labor feels that bad....then how is real labor gonna feel" you sigh, trying to avoid the thought despite the fact the baby needs to get out one way or another in just a few months.
"hey, look at me" he smiled, "everything will be ok, im right here" he squeezed your hand and leaned to kiss you softly, making you feel better already.
"I know, thank you"
Once you had fallen asleep, taehyung sat at the tiny desk across the room and began to film himself. "Hi ladybug, we are at the hospital because we thought you were making your grand entrance a month and a half early" he laughs quietly "but no, thank god. just stay in there and keep growing, you will meet us eventually" he smiled, "we love you"
march 3rd, 2022.
2:23 pm
You and taehyung had been adding the finishing touches onto the nursery, placing soft little blankets and bedding into the crib taehyung put together. "I like the colors, I think baby will like it" he spoke, adjusting the drawer and adding some more things into the hospital bag.
You were 9 months pregnant at this point, and there was nothing you hated more than moving. you sat in the rocking chair and nodded, watching your husband clean and organize. "hm what about this?" he asks, holding up a onesie that had pink ruffles. "are we bringing this"
"yeah" you smiled and ran your hand over your stomach
"ok" he put it into the bag and zipped it up, placing it by the door.
"Ok, I say we go get some lunch now. Let me help you get downstairs" taehyung smiled and reached out to hold your hands. You groaned and stood to your feet, wanting to just put all your weight against him. "you ok my love?" he coos
He began bringing you down the stairs and into the kitchen when you suddenly gasped, leaning against the back of the couch. "what??" he turned, watching your face turn to horror as you looked down. "I think....my water broke" you yelp in pain as a sudden sharp cramp covers your abdomen. "fuck, ok it hurts" you grasp onto his arms.
"ok, ok, uhm, well, well we need to go to the hospital now" Tae rambled, looking down at the small puddle, unsure where to go as he didnt want to leave you. "Go get the bags please, hurry up" you whisper as you rely on the support of the couch to keep you up.
Taehyung had ran quickly upstairs, nerves fueling his body but yet a smile creeped onto his face. His baby was finally coming, after all of these months, all of these moments, from when you told both of your families, to your baby shower, ultrasounds, shopping...its all coming together right now.
On his way back to you, he grabbed his phone and mindlessly began to film. "no time to talk, apparently you chose lunchtime to come greet us" he laughed and held the phone into his pocket as he came into the living room.
"tae it really fucking hurts" you cry, reaching for him again as he puts a coat over you. "I know sweetheart, its gonna be okay. We are gonna meet our little ladybug soon" he whispers, helping you stand on your own. "we are, huh" you breathe out, sudden excitement filling you.
"we are, time to officially be parents" he smiled and brought the bags into the car before helping you into the passenger seat. "I called Jin, hes coming to watch yeontan" he mumbled as he tried not to speed down the street as your groans became louder.
"hmmph, shit" you gripped the headrest of your seat as you tried not to cry, squeezing taes hand. "sorry if im hurting you"
Taehyung laughed, "its okay sweetheart, just breathe and focus on baby." he assured.
And thats what you did for the next 7 hours
"Hello my little ladybug" taehyung held his camera up to his newborn daughter as she laid against your bare chest. You were sweaty, tired, sore and ready to sleep for months, but you couldn't help but want to capture every moment with your new little family. "We waited so long for you, our sweet girl" he spoke, voice cracking as his hand reached out to hold hers, tiny fingers wrapping around just his one. Your eyes grew wet as you looked at him. "We are parents" you whispered, kissing your daughters head.
"you did such a good job, you are so fucking strong" he kissed you softly before turning his camera off, focusing all on you both.
"I cant wait to show her off to everyone, and spoil her" he added, watching her wide eyes look over at him.
"shes gonna be a very happy little girl" you smiled, watching the sweet interaction. between the two of them. "here, hold her again" you insisted as tae helped you sit up, taking the small newborn out of your arms gently.
"hi" he whispered, listening to her little coo's. He looked at her like she was his whole world. He never knew he needed anything more in his life after he married you, but now he can say with honesty and pride, he feels even more complete.
His wife, daughter, tannie and him.
His little place in the universe.
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astrobiscuits · 6 months
🎄🎵Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas🎵🎄
Holiday (365443) persona chart observations
🎅 Individuals with Ascendant at 1° or 3° get really excited in advance at the thought of Christmas coming. They tend to approach the holidays with the same innocent joy they had as kids even in adulthood
🎅 Stellium in 2nd house = tasty Christmas dishes and gifts are their only priority lmao
🎅 Neptune trine Venus tend to get lost in the beauty and bling of Christmas decorations
🎅 The sign and house where Jupiter is located tells you what type of gifts you might usually get on Christmas (it's also great to use as a gift guide!!):
🎁 Jupiter 1st house/Aries: gym equipment; sports-related merch; tickets to an event, which you're really passionate about; hats/head accessories; could also be something related to the natal Ascendant (check the description for your natal Rising sign for more info)
🎁 Jupiter in 2nd house/Taurus: lots of chocolate and sweets; clothes; art pieces; scented candles; perfume; fine china; kitchen utensils; cookbooks; (renewed) subscription to a movie streaming service
🎁 Jupiter in 3rd house/Gemini: a (new) car; books; musical instruments; handpan (if Jupiter is in Pisces or it positively aspects Neptune); your most memorable gift might come from a sibling or a relative (cousin, uncle, aunt)
🎁 Jupiter in 4th house/Cancer: plushies; heated blanket; board games; photo albums; your most memorable gift might come from your parents or it might be something passed on from generation to generation
🎁 Jupiter in 5th house/Leo: concert tickets; a trip to the tattoo parlor; gold jewelry; could also be something related to the natal Sun
🎁 Jupiter in 6th house/Virgo: Fitbit/smartwatch; aesthetic stationery (notebooks, planners, writing instruments); reusable water bottle; humidifier; pets
🎁 Jupiter in 7th house/Libra: make-up; beauty gadgets; a romantic partner/fiancé (no, but fr, you might get a love confession during the holidays); your most memorbale gift likely might come from your partner (if you have one)
🎁 Jupiter in 8th house/Scorpio: money/gift cards; sexy time toys; stockings; could be something the individual is obsessed with
🎁 Jupiter in 9th house/Sagittarius: trips to exotic destinations; henna hair dye; compression socks
🎁 Jupiter in 10th house/Capricorn: vintage decor; office chair; office purse (or just one that screams "high status"); sterling silver jewelry; high quality alcohol drinks
🎁 Jupiter in 11th house/Aquarius: electronic devices (smartphone, laptop, tablet, etc.); video games; anything related to supernatural beings (aliens, mermaids, fairies etc.); telescope; anything you've wished for/been manifesting
🎁 Jupiter in 12th house/Pisces: anything sleep related - pajamas, bed sheets, pillow sheets (or a new pillow), silk sleepmask; crystals; manifestation journal; tarot decks; art supplies
🎅 Christmas traditions based on the number of planets in angular/succedent/cadent houses:
❄️ High number of planets in angular houses (1, 4, 7, 10) = starting new family traditions
❄️ High number of planets in succedent houses (2, 5, 8, 11) = carrying out family traditions
❄️ High number of planets in cadent houses (3, 6, 9, 12) = tweaking/improving current family traditions or letting them go if they don't resonate anymore
🎅 Sun square/opposite Saturn & Ascendant conjunct/square/opposite Saturn = Grinch who doesn't like Christmas, but doesn't do anything to "destroy" it; might show a lot of sarcasm during the holidays; they might not celebrate Christmas due to reasons related to their position of Saturn
🎅 Sun square/opposite Mars = Grinch who doesn't like Christmas, but actively tries to "destroy" the holiday spirit for the people around them by picking up fights with loved ones
🎅 If you want to "hire" a Santa to show up with gifts for your kids on Christmas (aka choose one of your friends to fulfill this role), the best Santa would have atleast 3 of the following:
Sun conjunct/sextile/trine Jupiter
Venus conjunct/sextile/trine Jupiter
Sun/Moon in 5th house
Jupiter in 2nd house/5th house
Jupiter conjuncting MC
Sagittarius Rising or Jupiter as dom planet
Ruler of 2nd house (benefic planet) in 5th house and vice versa
Asteroid Abundantia (151) conjuncting Venus/Jupiter
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❆❆❆ ~ 𝕸𝖊𝖗𝖗𝖞 𝕮𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖒𝖆𝖘, 𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖞𝖔𝖓𝖊 ~ ❆❆❆
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sxfthannie · 7 months
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↦ pairing: yandere!hoshi x reader
↦ warning: high schoolers making out, hoshi looks at reader in a sexual way at some point, sensual.
↦ note: delusional obsessive boy hoshi sounds just about right!
↦ word count: 1k (damn wtf)
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Hoshi's gaze had been fixated on you from the very beginning of senior year in high school. And he loved jotting down little details about you.
Her school skirt is always slightly shorter than the norm, leading to occasional scoldings from teachers.
Her hair reaches a little lower than her shoulders. (It’s been 3 years and she maintains the same length)
She always arrives at school at 7:30/7:40 A.M.
She always takes breakfast in class before the first class of the day. (It’s always sandwiches and strawberry milk)
Applies her strawberry flavoured lip gloss at least 4 times a day in school. (One, after breakfast, two, a few minutes before lunch break, three, after lunch break, four, before school ends.)
Has a bunch of strawberry flavoured candies in her school bag.
Loves strawberries. (cute.)
She doesn’t like participating in P.E. or any sports event.
She always sleeps during history class, stays in class during P.E and is always attentive during English class.
She likes to watch anime at the back of the class with her friends when a teacher is absent. (She seems to like Gintama recently)
She smiled at me today. (That must mean she loves me?)
And he seems to be persistent on the 11th detail. Both of you are in the same class, which means it’s not impossible to avoid each other and small interactions do happen here and there.
But though he hasn’t asked you directly about it, he seems to believe that you too are in love with him.
Delusional, people would call him. But he knows the truth. He knows you better than anyone.
In the midst of P.E class, Hoshi found himself unable to focus and quickly excused himself, making a beeline for the empty classroom. His face flushed with embarrassment, his cheeks burning like a raging fire. The sound of his own heartbeat echoed in his ears, pounding loudly as if it were a drum. The cause of his distress? You. The teacher had coerced you into participating in P.E today, despite your previous disinterest in the class for the past year or two.
“It’ll be boys vs girls today and it’ll only tally when you participate so make sure to come.” The teacher told you.
But the clothes you had were only from your first year, and they hugged your chest so snugly, highlighting your figure in a way that Hoshi had never expected. He had seen you in your short school skirt before, which was more revealing than P.E. clothes, but this was different. It ignited a whirlwind of thoughts in his mind.
Perhaps he enjoyed the allure of someone exuding sexiness even when fully dressed? No, that wasn't it. He loved it because it was you.
With a slight shake of his head, hoping to dispel the thoughts of you, he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. "Maybe if I write it all down," he mumbled to himself, retrieving his notebook filled with every intricate detail about you and he began to hastily jot down his thoughts.
33. She only has one P.E clothes, which was from two years ago. She had no choice but to wear it today and her che-
As the classroom door slid open, he swiftly concealed the book beneath his desk, trying to appear nonchalant. His gaze fixated on the entrance, his heart skipped a beat when he saw you walk in. A smile accompanied by a gentle nod greeted him, as you settled into the seat directly in front of him.
Usually, he’s happy to be in the same room as you but right now, no. Especially not when you’re still in your P.E clothes.
“Since you left, the boys were outnumbered by one person so I volunteered to sit out too.”
Huh? You’re talking to him? Him?
“Oh, I- I see.” That's all he managed to say, desperately avoiding looking anywhere below your face. An awkward silence fills between the two of you.
"Hey, are you okay?" You inquire, noticing his heavy breathing and his gaze that was fixed on particularly nothing behind you. "Hoshi?" Your voice pronounces his name, and suddenly he becomes acutely aware of the tightness in his pants.
It's the first time you've ever called him by his name. Of course, you were aware of his name, but you had never uttered it aloud before, as there was never a need to call out to him. Hoshi had often daydreamed about the melody of his name rolling off your tongue, but nothing could match the authenticity of hearing it firsthand.
“Are you sick?” You ask him in a worried tone. As you rise from your seat, your hand instinctively reaches out to check his temperature. The gentle touch of your hand against his forehead seems to ignite a feverish heat on his face. "Y/N," he murmurs your name, his grip tightening around your wrist.
Before you can comprehend his actions, he swiftly manoeuvres you, positioning you against his desk. His free arm encircles your waist, drawing you closer to him. Your chest brushing against his increases his already heightened state.
"Y/N," he whispers your name once more, his lips finding yours in a long-awaited kiss. Finally, he experiences the sensation of kissing the lips he had always yearned for. The taste of strawberries lingers on your lips, a delightful result of the lip gloss you adored.
Tongue. Her tongue.
That's all his mind could comprehend, but your lips remained tightly sealed, denying him the one thing he craved in this moment. Hoshi withdraws his hand from your waist, only to slide it beneath your shirt, his icy touch against your flesh causing you to gasp within the embrace. Seizing the opportunity, he thrusts his tongue into your awaiting mouth.
The kiss is messy with a blend of possessiveness and urgency, yet there also lingers a subtle desperation.
His hand continues its upward glide along your exposed skin, encircling your body with a possessive grip that sends shivers down your spine. The hand that once held your wrist is now entwined in your hair. "So soft... Just as I had imagined," he muses to himself.
His plump lips finally part from yours, granting you the sweet release of breath that you had been holding captive.
“Wha– What is wrong with you.?!” He grimaces at your voice, yet still refuses to release you from his arms. He wants to keep holding you like this, to keep you close. “I’m sorry, I–” Hoshi begins to speak, but his words trail off as he catches sight of the expression on your face.
There were many emotions displayed on your face but ‘anger’ wasn’t one of them. Instead, you appear flustered and embarrassed, your cheeks flushed with a rosy hue. "Are you... blushing?" he questions, his hand instinctively reaching out to caress your cheek, only to be swiftly pushed away.
You rush out of the classroom and at the same time, the other students walk into the class. "Y/N," he murmurs your name, his fingertips grazing his lips as he reminisces about the kiss and the emotions that played across your face mere moments ago.
"She definitely likes me."
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creepy-friday · 6 months
Creepypasta x Fem!Proxy
I got a notification via E-Mail that someone left kudos on a fanfiction I forgot about on AO3.I deleted it and decided to rewrite it here.It's not my best work.
Their chatter and the crunching of leaves around the fresh murder in front of you didn't hold the resonating sound of the pen scribbling on your notebook to not fully grasp your attention.
Each word is perfectly put in its right place and with each glance at either the mutilated corpse not too far from you or on the policemen's observations you get closer to the calligraphic and professional sentence you always end every report. Thinking that's enough for today, you placed the notebook back in the backpack you firmly held on your shoulder, the right strap being loose to the mid of your back.
You fade away in their chatter, adding to the crunching of the leaves back in the direction you came from-the woods. You weren't in a particular hurry as today's 'true work' only beggings after two more hours when the manor will 'welcome' a new resident in. The Master dutied you to "welcome them in" as you do to every unfortunate newcomer.
Passing the same route you memorized as the back of your palm, you place your hand on a few oak trees as you pass them, some having so vaguely craved his symbol on them. The oak trees remind you of him as well, his tall and demanding figure only adding to his ghostly white, eerie presence. You were in no place to doubt his wishes, and neither were any of your colleagues-but out of his reach, if that's even possible, you can be curious about his ways of resolve.
The mere thought of a new resident sends shivers down your spine and a pounding headache. To have to deal with another mentally unstable rapist or murderer only adds to the stress of living in his manor.
The crunching on the leaves stops as you grab your bag one more time, ruffling a bit inside of it before pulling your mask out and adjusting it on your face. Not wasting any time you get the notebook out and enter the end point of your destination-an old-fashioned manor that was housing about 15 people. A single push of the enormous marble doors gets them opened, letting the remaining light of the day shine on the dark red material. Closing them back makes you think they're heavier, a deep thud resonating through the silence of the manor before it was accompanied by a pair of footsteps that faded as quickly as they came.
You decided to pay them no mind and to finish your task before the sun could set, ignoring the pair of glowing green eyes that thought they could stalk you from the darkest corner of the room.
"Home so early?" BEN asked with a grin on his face.
The manor has three main floors and many other pairs of stairs, each leading to different parts of the building,but now you were heading to the very last floor, on the very top of it where a room stood out in particular from the others. The last floor was made of a set of 10 inhabitable rooms, in the center of them being one room made out of various shades of red that gave an expensive yet eerie feeling around it. As soon as someone enters the last step and makes their way on the floor, low static begins as the walls start to become suffocating. Each window is shut and hasn't been opened since the day you came here. As you approach the habitated room, the 11th one, the static only grows, but you learned how to combat it, even if the air becomes thicker with each passing secound.
There you stood,in front of The Master of this manor,your rescuer and provider,even with closed doors you felt his gaze piercing your soul,shattering it apart. A different static sound could be heard-the signal that you were free to enter. The room looked as clean as ever, the window behind the tall figure holding no dust particle despite not anyone cleaning it,not even the books on either side of the room had any sign of age on them.
Taking your mask off you reglated your voice and started your statement."I've bought the very few details of Jeffrey's victims."
Silence. Placing the open notebook on the counter you waited for his response,but he didn't even looked at it. Even if his face held no expression,you could feel the tension that beared it.
He finally gave attention to the notebook in front of him for a bare second before returning his head to the clipboard in front of him. A few moments had passed,yet the only thing that was heard was your thumping heart inside your chest.
"Dissmised." you gently bowed your head before you took your notebook back and walked straight out of his office.The familliar creature in front of you turned into something darker as time progressed.
The silence of the manor was disturbed by the chatter of two masculine voices. "Piece of shit Rogers.." a faint click was heard accompanied by some heavy coughs. The man's comment was responded with a few shakes of a pill bottle.
  "You still had some?" you could recognize this raspy voice in any nightmare,Masky's or Tim's bickering being present even in your sleep. Most residents prefer to not use their real name if they can avoid it,mostly to show the lack of empathy and to amplify the need to show that we're strangers to each other.
  "I gotta look out for myself." his partner and friend that lead him to this manor 3 years ago stated. "We're murderers,Brian." Masky replied,half annoyed that his friend isn't understanding of his stress regarding his 'work'. You decided to ignore your partners,making yourself as small and as silent as possible to ride up the stairs to the silence of your room,appealing to your proxy skills,but to not much succes.
 "Where you've been, bitch?" the white masked man barked. "Ditching work for a few notes isn't some lead shit,isn't it?" he continued as he dragged a long puff from his cigar. "Respond motherfucker." he flicked the cigarette down and as he was about to make his way to you Hoodie shaked again his bottle of pills. "You're tired. Get some rest." Masky snatched the pill bottle and walked the other way,adjusting his mask back on. 
Should you thank Hoodie? No,what he did wasn't for your sake,but for this manor's moments of silence before the storm. There were a set of unspoken rules,each one of us knowing them the moment we set foot inside this haunting place. Fights were not allowed inside public rooms,all conflict is either in one's intimacy or outside the manor's quarters. Masky's temper almost made this rule impossible to follow but Hoodie's calm demeanor complimented his fiery personality perfectly. Maybe that's why they came together here in the first place.. "How long now?" Hoodie's voice snapped you out of your thoughts. "One month until the police said they will have a lead." after a few moments of silence his silvery voice responded "Son of a bitch." he got up and walked after his partner,no other word being exchanged in return.
  We were in a sticky situation at the moment,you were only the voice mail of it. Every now and then you are tasked to go out in town to find out if there is any evidence that could lead to the murderous activity of this manor. Every source of evidence is destroyed by any means,the digital evidence is handled by BEN and the human one is handled by the occupats of this manor. Proxies,such as you and the other three men are put to tougher missions,including getting rid of the bodies from the other's killings.
   Recently, Jeff was tasked to get rid of papers in a detective's house but his careless attitude didn't calculate that his wife was home, resulting in his need to get rid of her.
    She managed to run but not too far off as she was killed in the place you just attended. Since his job wasn't to get rid of the body,he called in a proxy,not even bothering to hide the evidence. From what you managed to hear,Toby was the only proxy available at the moment and his arrival was late because of the encounter of a creature on his way out the woods,resulting in others finding the body. You only massaged your temples to the tought of him anxiously walking around his room,waiting for The Master's punishment.
   A few knocks got your attention, making you open the doors in an instant after giving your clipboard one more look. It held the information of the new resident of this manor, its name being on the very top in bold letters, your thumb holding the clipboard on 'Cody's' family name.
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miserablebl00d · 2 months
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𝗦𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆- an hour to say your goodbyes leaves you gut wrenched and drained. Upset from leaving your family and friends soon turns back into nerves as your faced with cameras desperate to capture a shot of the new tributes
𝗣𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴- perfectionist!career tribute reader x career victor!finnick odair
𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀-death,nerves, favouritism, isolation,being left out,stage fright, unattractive reader,pretty previlage, attention seeking,ect?
finnick odair masterlist
The room you sit in is perhaps the richest room you've ever step foot in. While the academy is most definitely on the nicer side then other places in the district it cowards in comparison to this. Velvet couches with gold and silver accents, thick carpets and a large chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Shining light across the room. Substituting for the use of natural lights,the lack of large windows to discourage attempts of escape you assume.
The room remain spotless,despite it only being used once a year not a speck of dust lies around. The door like the rest of the room has an expensive feel — rich mahogany with a golden handle. This was the last room you'd be in at district 4,they made sure it was nice. The room to say goodbye.
An hour, one measly hour was all the time you were given to say goodbye.
Your mom and Cordelia came in first,rushing in and holding you with a tight grip. You remembered when you were younger whenever you hugged your mom you specifically did it tightly to see her reaction. Have a laugh about her saying your squeezing the air out of her, not understanding how that was possible. You knew then.
Your mom's embrace was so strong it was practically knocking the air out of you but it wasn't unpleasant like how you'd imagine. The tight grip was comforting to you — like being surrounded in an army of blankets during a winters night.
It was nice and you could've forgotten about your situation if your moms tears weren't wetting your reaping dress while she sobbed into your shoulder. "Mom." Cordelia says her attempt of a stern voice fails,even she can't stop tears flowing.
Cordelia didn't acknowledge that she did volunteer for you. You didn't expect her to, but deep down it would've been nice to hear her say she wanted to volunteer, but she was just frozen in time cause she was so scared. You knew it'd be a lie but sometimes lies are so sweet you can't help but want them.
Instead Cordelia insisted you had to try and win. In the past you guys spoke about how you would just hope when you went out you'd go easily and quickly — that someone would mercy kill you. Or to just step of the platform, — die before the games even start — die so quickly you don't notice your being blown up into pieces.
But now that it was really happening Ula insisted you try,that you could win. She reached into your mom's bag and handed you your notebook of all and any survival tips you knew — from combat,to how to use weapons and what plants were safe to eat.
It was returned to you after Finnick's (and Oceana's) games by the victor of the 11th games, Mags. She had told you that Oceana had accidentally spilled Esme's wine on the notebook during their first dinner on the train and that thought had sent you to tears. Even now as you look at it you can see the traces of wine on the pages. You wonder if after you die your family and friend's will stare at the traces of you,implanted before your death — like the green paint staining the table cloth after you had done your art project for school.
It was a sad thought and you decided to move on by insisting you would try. Reassuring you mom and sister as best as you can. You had done a lot of reassuring in that hour.
Your dad came separately (him and your mom seperating not long after you were born) you tried not to seem sad, when you cried, he cried. Your dad wasn't a good man you knew that,but he always had a soft stop for his girls — yourself, Cordelia and your half sister ula.
You told him, you knew you could win. Being careful not to say you would win because it was the truth you could win but you also might not. You tried to be reassuring but not implant false hope. Your dad said you were smart and athletic that you could do it — your dad always came to watch your yearly academy sport days.
He said he would pray for you,that god would watch over you. The thought was comforting ,like your dad was fighting for your win even if he wasn't in the arena
Your half brothers came next. It was awkward, neither of them knew you that well — the age difference of 7 (them being older) meant there was only so much to talk about. They were closer with Cordelia, favoured her as most people do. You were pretty much alone if they came to visit.
Now that they wanted to talk to you didn't know what to say. You wished for them to try with you for ages but your most memorable conversation will be the one before your death. Dylan, you barely spoke to in recent years, only a letter sent on birthdays or other holidays. Marin you had seen somewhat recently (him stopping by when he gets fed up of his mom mostly) and as you were older you spoke more. Despite that,you doubted either of them would miss you that much and ula shouldn't even remember you that well,if at all with her being only 5 years old.
Next came your friends. They came in groups, those in your class first,then class 11 a select few in class 10 and a small amount of class 9. It was different for each of them. Some had sat and sobbed,other reassured you that you could win and had the best chance out of any of them,some needed reassurance. It was as comforting as it was draining.
You had said so many goodbyes you almost felt numb. Not sad,not determined nor angry or nervous. You just felt used to the fact that you'd be leaving your friends and family
Your grandparents came to see you last. They had permission from the peacekeepers to stay at home because of their old age but we're monitored by a singular peacekeeper to ensure they watched the reaping at home.
They had come to say goodbye,they only spoke so much English — their lack of understanding of English always annoyed the peacekeepers. Talking in another language that you had learnt from your mother and being around them while young. You didn't know what it was called not understanding the translated name.
It seemed all your dialect had gone out the window because the second they stepped in you struggled to speak. Mumbling out barely comprehendable words of reassurance but they had understood of course they did. They sat with you, calming you in your final moments with family. You could've fallen asleep but your peace was disrupted by the peacekeepers — how ironic.
They shooed your grandparents out the room and you had to intervene before they were shoved out for being to slow. Soon after they left you were summoned and taken into custody — not in handcuffs but surrounded by the peacekeepers. They escorted you of the justice building and transported you into one of many cars that you could only assume occupied your mentors,esme and mark.
Cars, while a thing were quite rare in district 4. Most transports — normally produces and food — were moved by a wagons and horses.
You personally had been in a car once. Taken to the other side of the district with a few of your classmates to see the academy on the north of district 4 — a place called the cliffs —this car was far nicer then the one you had been in before but it was no surprise — this car was funded by the capitol.
The ride didn't take long to get to the train station. It's packed with capitol reports and some adults in district 4 who are firm believers that to be reaped in the games is an honour and regularly attempt to convince our Mayor to encourage academy students to bring back volunteers.
The shouts from those game fanatics in district 4 and the capitol photographer attempt to get a good shot,the flashing of the cameras and the reporters asking questions are all overwhelming.
During the reaping you were too nervous all together to care about the camera and the crowd ,while you attempted to vanish any leftover stage fright by convincing yourself any eyes would be on the eye-catching outfit Esme Squalor is wearing. But now with a camera being shoved in your face every two seconds their was no gaslighting yourself into believing no one was watching.
You knew you weren't the prettiest,there was only a small few people who had ever called you pretty and compared to the monologues you'd hear relatives you visited — after not seeing them in years — give your sister about how pretty shes grown while you stood next to her awkwardly there was no convincing yourself you were attractive.
You suddenly feel even worse with the cameras near your face,capturing ever flaw. So close by that it's sure to capture any hairs on your face and any spots and pores littered over your skin. Picking up on your unevenly tan skin,your frizzy hair and your now dry lips.
It's makes you insecure and probably at a disadvantage. You've seen the effects of pretty privilege in your district why would it be any different in the capitol. Looks could surely help you in the games and right now your not making a good impression.
You want to smile —not cause you happy but because it's the only way to ease the awkwardness you feel in your face — but you still haven't decided how your going to play it in the interview, a smile could go against the whole character your mentor makes for you. In the academy you study successfull interviews and how to win over the capitol. You see the effects a good interview can have,you don't want to ruin your persona with a smile.
You decide against a smile keeping as straight face. Oh well, your smile was nerve that nice anyway. It made your nose hunch downwards while widening and it made you eye corners crinkle making them seam barely open. A straight face was your best bet.
You keep a stoic deminor while Mark is smirking and cheering embracing the shortlived fame he has. His expression seems to be real and he's always like being in the spotlight. During lunch at the academy he always seemed to have to make some sort of entrance in the dining hall. Mark likes all eyes on. He embraces it right until we enter the train and the doors close behind us.
The train starts right away. Moving at a fast pace that momenterly shocks you,taking your breath away for a second. It's a high speed capitol train that average 250 miles per hour. Your train ride won't take long being one of the closest districts the the capitol.
That's it you're of to the capitol, awaiting the inevitable games.
I changed the sisters name to Cordelia cause it links with the story later,hope it didn't cause confusion :)
Also sorry this chapter is so short 😓
previous part next part
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stellato-17 · 2 years
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cherlv · 8 months
*+ ENHYPEN IMAGINE # 2˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ crush!jay x reader
GENRE ♥︎ angst, unrequited love romance, jay and reader is in 11th grade.
ABOUT ♥︎ you decide to stop liking jay.
💌 > hi! This is my second enhypen imagine. I'm planning to do this from oldest to youngest. And please don't judge my writing... im not good :c so i hope you like this story !
WARNING ◆ this is for entertainment purposes only. Anything portrayed By enhypen does not reflect them in real life.
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You remember it ever so briefly. The way he caught your eye the moment you saw him. He was tall, he has glasses and he was soft-spoken. You eventually knew his name.
Park Jay.
Gosh, even his name is handsome.
You would always ask your friend, "do you think I have a chance with him?" Or "Am I pretty enough for him?"
They would all reply with yes. They reassured you all the time.
But you knew it wasn't true.
How could a guy like him every be with me? I'm not even half as pretty as the girls in my section and on his section.
Even with all those painful words, it didn't stop you from hoping. Maybe he was going to like you.
Well, given that all your previous crushes had girlfriends, Jay didn't. This is perfect.
You desperately asked your friends to help you get closer to him, but you have made no progress. The only interaction you both would have was just exchanging 'hi's' or 'good morning's'.
It's okay. As long he doesn't grow a crush on anyone, it's okay.
You were painfully obvious that you liked him. Maybe that's why Jay doesn't approach you like he does to other people. He was always more... composed when it comes to you.
Maybe he's weirded out by me? I mean, he's seen me grow red every time I see him.
But no, that would mean he would try to avoid me. But he doesn't. He greets me. There's no way he could hate me right?
Maybe it's how I look. I know I'm ugly but—
"(name!)" Your friend screams. "What are you thinking about again?"
"There's 5 minutes left 'till the next period, let's go." Your friend grabs and pulls your arm, but you resist.
"Wait! I have to wait until Jay leaves too," you say to her, your neck stretched out to view him.
"God, you and your infatuation with Jay...." your friend lets out a long sigh. "You're seriously choosing him over getting to class in time?"
"Oh! They're leaving!" You hurriedly fixed your things. You stacked your notebooks and pocketed your ballpens. "Let's go!"
"Oh my gosh." Your friend lets out, annoyed.
You both gathered your things and headed to class. In the hallway though, you heard a bunch of girls from Jay's section talking about something.
Something that you feared might happen.
"Bummer, Jay likes a girl from the 12th grade."
"Omg, Really? He's into older girls? Wow."
"I know right. Can't blame him though, the girls pretty as hell!!"
"Did you hear who was it?"
"Kim Ye-jin? I think? I'm not really sure what her name was haha."
"But don't you think they would look cute? I mean Jay is an incredibly handsome guy. I think it's possible they could end up together."
Your heart dropped at their conversation. Your friend heard it too and placed her arms around in attempt to somehow comfort you.
You turned pale and was silent all the way to class.
"Hey. (Name), don't think about it that much, okay?" Your friend tells you, rubbing your back gently.
You nod slowly, staring at your table.
What if it's true? What if...
"Good morning class!"
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Classes are over, and your section was the first one to be dismissed. You're currently waiting for your other friend who are in the other section before you commute and go home.
Not long after, a bunch of students emerge from the school entrance, making their way to the waiting area.
"(Name)!!" Your friend greets you.
"Soo-ya!" You hug her, and she does the same.
"Are you going to go home now?" You ask her. She shakes her head.
"I'm waiting for my sister. She's letting me join her friend's party. Apparently her 'friend' is popular." Soo-ya sighs.
"Wow~ Who's her friend?" You ask curiously.
"I think it's Ye-jin?" She shrugs, "My sister never told me."
Oh? Oh.
"Oh her." You huff. Your face suddenly frowning.
"Yeah, her. What's up with Ye-jin?" Soo-ya asks cautiously. "Wait, did she do something to you?"
"Oh- Uh- no she didn't do anything... I didn't it mean it that way." You sigh, "don't pay mind to what I said." You shake your head. You didn't expect that to come out of your mouth.
"Ooooookkkk...." she says suspiciously.
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After walking home with a heavy feeling, you decided to immediately flop down on your bed. You mother questions your new behavior and you brushed her off, telling her you 'weren't feeling it' today.
You opened your phone to do what-not, then suddenly a 'ping' sound was made. You opened it, and your friend, jake posted a story in instagram.
'THAT WAS AWESOME @pjs_jay' with a blushing jay in the picture.
Curiosity gets the better of you, so.. you asked jake what the story meant.
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Okay. So its true then. You thought it may just be rumors. Your heart shattered at the message.
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You're lucky this is by text. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to hide your sadness.
Maybe... it's time to let him go.
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sovietpostcards · 10 months
Hey! Are you from Russia? If you are - how was your process with learning English? I've been learning Russian for a few years now and cases are kicking my ass to this day
I am Russian and I live in Russia. My process was quite long and not always effective. I started getting English lessons at grade 2 at school (I was 7 then). We had English all throughout school until the last, 11th grade. Although it was so many years, it didn't give me much in terms of actually knowing the language. We had a different teacher every year, we had no motivation and we weren't really required to speak in order to pass, you'd be OK if you learnt the words. I did learn all irregular verbs by heart at school, which eventually proved very handy.
By year 11 I decided I quite liked English and wanted to get into Linguistics in uni. (Spoiler: didn't happen.) My parents hired a private teacher for me and I spent a whole year taking lessons. She was a very methodical woman and gave me what I needed—a system. By the end of school I had a clear understanding of tenses, sentence structure, articles etc.
After that I was on my own. I always had a lot of interests and I put them to use for learning English. Like, in the year 1999 I would be on the dial-up internet looking for the Backstreet Boys lyrics and then translating them using a pen, a paper notebook and a heavy dictionary.
In 2000 I got my first pen pals from outside of Russia and started writing letters in English—a great way to put your language skills to work.
I've always read a lot—articles, forums, letters, books. A lot of my language comes from there. I will often use a tense or choose an article based on "it feels good, familiar" rather than because I know a rule.
I feel truly sorry for everyone who has to battle the Russian grammar, you're a hero for even trying! I'm glad I don't have to learn that if I'm honest. English grammar it so much simpler. But Russian offers a lot of fun ways to play with words and make your own! It's like lego, get some bricks and start building. :D There's also tons of stuff in Russian on the internet, find something that interests you and take a dive.
Good luck! Do come by sometimes to brag of new accomplishments. :)
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You’ve all been waiting quite a while for this, and now I am pleased to announce our tournament entRATS!
So without further ado, hold onto your tails for
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Quite the matchups (or should I say ratchups?) Folks! Round One will start tomorrow at 4 PM CST with Side A Group One! Links will be added here when the time comes. See y’all at the bratcket!
(Quick note: these matchups were randomly generated, please do not come at me for improper seeding lmao. Blame the computer)
Details for the Round One matchups below:
Side A Group One (March 10th):
Master Splinter (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) VS. Matt, Pat, and Nat (Barbie as the Island Princess)
Rattata (Pokémon) VS. Remy (Ratatouille)
Biggie Cheese (The Barnyard) VS. Virgil (Ride the Cyclone)
Roscuro (The Tale of Despereaux) VS. Ripred (The Underland Chronicles)
Side A Group Two (March 11th):
Rat-in-a-Hat (Bananas in Pajamas) VS. Charles Entertainment Cheese (Chuck E. Cheese)
Nigel Ratburn (Arthur) VS. Twitch (League of Legends)
Johannsen (CPU Kerfuffle) VS. Rattrap (Beast Wars)
The Death of Rats (Discworld) VS. Socrates & Ben (The Ratman’s Notebooks / Willard)
Side B Group One (March 13th):
Mad Rat (Mad Rat Dead) VS. Brick (Pizza Tower)
Templeton (Charlotte’s Web) VS. Yuki Sohma (Fruits Basket)
Steve McQueen (House MD) VS. The Giant Rat Who Makes All Of Da Rules (Jerma985’s Rat Movie)
Professor Ratigan (The Great Mouse Detective) VS. Nick & Fletcher (Chicken Run)
Side B Group Two (March 14th):
Dangerous Beans (The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents) VS. Rattus Rattus (Horrible Histories)
Rizzo (The Muppets) VS. Roddy & Rita (Flushed Away)
Ratau (Cult of the Lamb) VS. Kugrash (Dimension 20: The Unsleeping City)
Daroach (Kirby: Squeak Squad) VS. Fink (OK K.O.! Let’s Be Heroes)
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otdiaftg · 5 months
Neil meets up with Katelyn at the library.
It was too early in the year for the library to be crowded, so Neil had no trouble finding Katelyn. An oversized cup of coffee sat at her elbow and Neil was tempted to detour past the cafe for his own drink. He didn't want to look like he was staying, though, so he headed down the aisle to her table without stopping. A biochem textbook was pushed off to one side as she highlighted relevant portions of her notes. Aaron had the same book in his room, as he was studying biological sciences. Neil guessed their similar majors and overlapping classes was how they'd finally met outside of games. Katelyn looked up at his approach and flipped her notebook closed. "Neil, hello! I know it's only been a few weeks but it feels like forever. How was Christmas?" "It was fine," Neil said. "How was yours?" "Oh my gosh, amazing." Katelyn clasped her hands in glee. "My sister finally found out she's having a boy, so I spent most of my break buying things for him. Mom told me I'm going overboard but I know she's just as excited." She'd told them last month that her sister was pregnant, but Neil hadn't held onto the details. He tuned her excited rambling out now, listening only for the key words that meant she was done detailing all her great finds and winter sales.
Day: Thursday, January 11th Time: 9:30 AM EST
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islandtarochips · 2 months
Call of Duty OC: Agnes "Blast" Falagi 💥
A crazy Samoan (and Tongan) girl who is OBSESSED with bombs and would explode anything in her path. She is the second one that the Captain had picked to join the team. If you need anyone to make some CRAZY explosives. She'll be the gal to do the job.
UNIVERSE: Modern Warfare/Modern Warfare 2/Modern Warfare 3
💥 Name: Agnes Falagi 💥 Alias(es): Blast, Aggie, Sergeant Falagi, Sergeant Blast, Blasty (Squirrel nickname her that) 💥 Gender: Female 💥 Age: Early or Mid 20s 💥 Birthday: February 11th 💥 Nationality: United State National 💥 Place of Birth: American Samoa 💥 Home: Utulei, American Samoa 💥 Spoken Languages: English, Samoan (main language), Tongan (conversational) 💥 Sexuality: Heterosexual 💥 Occupation: Sergeant in the Marines, Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Specialist and Sergeant for the Warriors Task Force
💥 Eye Color: Brown 💥 Hair Color: Brown 💥 Height: 5'3/160 cm 💥 Scars: No scars 💥 Face Claim: Teilor Grubbs
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💥 Color: Black and Red 💥 Food: Manapua and Koko Laisa 💥 Drink: Mountain Dew 💥 Flower: Hibiscus and Teuila 💥 Hairstyle: Messy Bun (when she's off-duty) and French Fishtail Braid on duty (Kanoa surprisingly knows how to do it when she asked him)
💥 Myers Briggs Type: ENFP Blast is a very enthusiastic person. Always up for a new adventure, meeting new people and places, even making new things and memories with her team. She always supports her team no matter what they choose. She's VERY friendly (TOO friendly...) and she always find ANYTHING inspirational that got her interests. She might pointed at every small little things. Like, leaves, sticks, small little bugs- ANYTHING. Whenever you give her new projects (even the boring ones), she would gladly do it. She would find nothing boring than getting the projects done! 💥 Playful: She's always playful with her words. From teasing someone or flirting with someone. She always knows how to use her words into someone's heart.😏 💥 Creative: Blast is very creative. Even create things out of scraps. She even draws beautiful arts too! She has a notebook of it and she takes it everywhere she goes! I could imagined that her and Soap will be drawing things together! (If it is true that Soap DOES draw) 💥 Fast-Learner and Good Memories: She can pick up things pretty quick whenever you teach her and she'll do it really quick too. Like, when you teach her how to load a difficult weapons. She will do it faster. Since she has good memories of how it works. Negative Traits: 💥 Blast can be a bit clingy at some point. She couldn't help it. She always loves to stick to someone sides no matter what. Squirrel, Tiala and Kanoa doesn't find that a problem but the other teams...finding it ANNOYING. 💥 She's VERY talkative too. Asking questions too much. She won't be quiet for ONLY a minute. Unless someone ask her nicely to but if not then she'll just keep yapping on and on about random things.
Skills and Abilities: 💥 Fighting Style: Hand-to-Hand Combat, Boxing and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu 💥 Weapons: XM7, M1014 and M203 💥 Distinct Weapons: SIG Sauer M17 and Strider SMF knife 💥 Special Skills: Can defused the bomb faster under 10 seconds. For she may be a chaotic gal in the team but she is a fast learner and knows how it's done. Also can memorize pretty easy and quick. Family:
Malohi Falagi (Father, Deceased)
Mele Finau Falagi (Mother, Alive)
Safaia Finau (Aunty, Mele's Sister, Alive) Trivia:
💥 Agnes is the only child in her family. 💥 She started to be obsessed of making something exploded when she was a little girl. She finds it very fascinating. 💥 "Blast" is the name that Kanoa gave her when she first joined in the WTF. 💥 She's a SWEET tooth. LOVES to eat some candies most of the time. 💥 And if you even THINK of stealing her food. Please don't. She doesn't like it when someone steals her food even if you ASK for some from her. Backstory:
Agnes was born on the Island being happily raised by her loving parents. She was the only child in the family and her parents had spoiled her at some times. She even mostly looked up to her dad. The man who had created fireworks as a side job for special events.
She was very amazed to see her father's creative work. Seeing his creation of making such a beautiful display makes her feel like she wanted to create some too!
She started to make something small. Like small firecrackers. She successfully did it but it almost burnt down the banana trees that were in her backyard. And her mother gave her a good ear folding for that.
But her father was VERY impressed. So he started to teach her how to make explosives as much as he could.
And when Agnes turned 15, she noticed her father was getting ill and knew that they didn't have enough money to get the medicines that the doctor had prescribed. Until she saw a poster about a science fair that will give out money for the students.
She started to feel excited and has hope that this will help her father. So she signed up and started working on her project. Which it's related to fireworks. Getting every detail right of how her father taught her about the fireworks.
Her project had really got the attention of the judges and was very impressed by this much knowledge from a young student. So she won the prize and finally got the money for the medicine.
But...when she arrived home to tell her parents the news. She saw her mother was crying in the living room and her aunty, her mother's older sister named Safaia, was there to comfort her. And she knows why. She knows that her father was gone before they could even call the ambulance. She was devastated and broken to hear her father had passed away.
It took a while for her family to get over their grieves and Agnes stayed strong to help her mother out. When she's a senior in her high school days. She noticed that the school has a special guest coming to explain about Military work.
She went to the gatherings and saw the presentation and the amount of money that they'll be giving. Which gives her great ideas of trying to sign up for it.
Her mother didn't agree to this when she told her about the marines. Afraid that she'll lose her only child and part of her husband's creation. But Agnes had reassured her that she will spend as much time when she comes back from her deployment.
So...her mother let her go and let her sign up for the military after High School. It took Agnes a while to get through the training until she had made it through enlisted. She was also interested in joining the Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) as a specialist.
And her work had paid off when she was picked to help Kanoa and Tiala to assist in one of the missions that is related to bombing. Hostages were used with bombs around them by one of the terrorists.
Kanoa could see how fast and swift Agnes did of disarming the bombs and making new ones to defeat the enemies. So, he decided to pick her to join the WTF. Which she gladly took. She knows that her knowledge and skills of being a bomb expert is a blessing to her. And giving her enough passion to save the people around the world.
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