#15k little blossoms
honeymouthedtales · 2 years
Oh... To see them fall in love before presenting would have been so beautiful. 😭 The chances are so low for that option. It's because I imagine them like being a bit anxious about it. Like... DH yes or yes thinking that he will be an alpha so I wonder if he would have been worried after MK presented as an alpha first or both declaring their love for each other but trying to suppress their feelings because they both were "going to be" alphas and kings 😭.
The many possibilities. Oh, Miss Cla, I do really want to know what could have been for them in that parallel universe. But well... Let people decide.
I hope you are doing fine, Miss Cla (if not, sending you good energy). Also wishing that you are healthy and that good things happen to you.
Been reading this since the very first chapter, yes, since day one, and.. oh... Miss Cla thank you so SO much. And congratulations.
it would've been very angsty i tell you. they would fall in love as equals thinking they'd both be alphas and it's impossible. they would never talk to each other but their eyes would follow each other's every movement across the halls, desire like a yoke around their necks only them could see. the thing is, they would know it was reciprocated, of course they would know, because they can't keep their eyes off each other and neither of them looks away when their eyes meet, so they would know. and everyone else knows as well, but they never even talk and so no one can ever accuse them of anything.
but i have a headcanon about this, and idk if i'll ever write it but oh heaven i love to think about it. they don't talk to each other, but sometimes they would quote poetry, which is something that people used to do in the past to show their culture and how well educated they are, so dh once quotes this very obscure poem from an author who died of unfulfilled love, and the following day mk would offer to play a song at the harp and it would be a song without lyrics but everyone knows it's from a ballad of two lovers who can't be together, and it's horrible and too subtle and no one can reprimand them because they're doing nothing wrong but everything they say is a call to each other but neither would take the step.
also mk would feel terrible for ds, dh wouldn't because he knows she already feels terrible for him.
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denim-mixtapes · 2 years
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And I know it's just a phase, you're not in love with me, but if you wanna piss off your parents, baby, that's alright with me.
Pairing: Eddie Munson/Fem!Reader Word Count: Just over 15k Summary: Dreading going home to strict parents over Thanksgiving break, your good friend Eddie Munson offers to tag along and pretend to be your boyfriend to get under their skin and take their focus off of you. Over tense dinners and pointed conversation, you seek comfort in his closeness, blurring the lines between fact and fiction. (Based on the song 18 by Anarbor) Warnings: NSFW 18+ SMUT, Minors DNI or I'll stub all your toes. Tense family dynamics, strict/overbearing parents, idiot friends to fuck buddies, teasing, fingering, oral (both f & m receiving), squirting, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, forced orgasm if you blink, unprotected sex (DON'T DO THAT, STUPID), an stupid amount of pet names (baby, sweetheart, princess, sweet thing) instead of Y/N. I think that's it but lemme know if I missed anything!
[Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] <- Coming Soon! [AO3]
a/n: I meant to post this on Thanksgiving, but it...got away from me as you can tell from the word count. Sorry for the delay and for the long lead up before the actual smut but I hope yall enjoy!!
The first time you met Eddie Munson, you threatened him with pepper spray. 
Okay so maybe it was actually hair spray, but the threat was there. 
He had walked into your dorm room unannounced, and in a moment of panic you completely forgot you had a roommate that could potentially have visitors. All you knew was that you were alone in your dorm, and then without any preamble or warning, there was a mysterious man with long hair, dark features, and wrapped in leather letting himself in. 
And he believed you at first, he really did, held his hands up in defense and stepped back out into the threshold with wide eyes and an apologetic ramble. Until he noticed that your trembling hand was not clutching a can of mace, but a travel sized bottle of Aqua Net, shaking just as much as you were. 
He couldn’t help but laugh. 
He still stayed back, knowing that you were not his intended target and surely you must be nerrvous, but dropped his hands to lean on the door frame, his whole body shaking with laughter. Despite your initial fear, his humor was contagious. The once intimidating man who stood tall and broad was hunched with laughter, his eyes wrinkling around the edges when his smile widened. You couldn’t help but soften and lower your arm, chuckling a little (albeit nervously) along with him. 
“Yeah, killer,” he laughed, voice low and smooth, “put that thing down before you hurt someone. Or worse, make ‘em crispy.” 
“I– panicked,” you admitted, defeated. Then, standing taller again, trying to keep your defenses strong, “but what are you doing walking into random girls' dorms?” 
“Uh, Buckley,” the stranger pointed to your roommate’s side of the room. “Robin Buckley? She lives here, right?” You nodded. “We’re friends, I’m meeting her for dinner and she told me to come on up when I got here. She said you’d be in class.” 
Huh. You’d have to talk to her about warning you before she let just anyone walk on in unannounced. 
“Canceled,” you mumbled in explanation, then gestured to Robin’s bed. “Uh I guess I won’t make you sit out in the hall. You can wait for her here.” 
A wide, toothy grin spread over his features and he approached you with big, thankful eyes shining under the fluorescent overhead lighting. A hand outstretched, he replied, “appreciated. ‘M Eddie.” 
And so began a blossoming friendship. Over the rest of your freshman year, Robin introduced you to more of her friends. You didn’t have trouble making your own friends, per se, you had a few classmates who you would grab lunch with between classes and a couple study groups, but the people your roommate introduced you to just clicked with you. You heard all about her girlfriend Nancy, though she was off in Boston at Emerson, so you only ever spoke to her when Robin had her on speaker phone. Everyone else just kind of came along naturally. You were attending school far from home, but within reasonable distance from Robin’s hometown of Hawkins, so even though Eddie and her best friend Steve weren’t attending college anywhere, they often found themselves on your campus to bug your roommate (and by proxy, you). 
By the end of your first year at school, you were confident you were part of their crew, and you were happily signing up to room with Robin once again the following year. 
Which is what brought you here. 
You’re laying in bed, feet thrown up against the cinder block walls and your head hanging over the edge, Robin mirroring you on her own bed. Steve has long since gotten dizzy and sat upright next to Robin, and Eddie called you all ridiculous from the get go and chose to lay on your bean bag chair between the three of you. 
“What the fuck am I gonna do,” you moan, scrubbing your hands down your face in defeat. 
“I’m sure it’ll be okay, babe,” Robin assures, though you know she is just blindly trying to comfort you. 
“Okay,” Steve leans forward, elbows on his knees and squints at you. The effects of Eddie’s special cookies are hitting all four of you hard, all of you lazy and sluggish and a little less cohesive than your usual state. “Explain to me again what the problem is? It sounds like your mom just wants you home for Thanksgiving.” 
Sitting up slowly and trying to ignore the head rush you get from being upright once again, you gripe, “that is the problem. I went to school across the country from home for a reason. I’m already going back next month for winter break and I want to be there…as little as possible. So I was hoping I could work through Thanksgiving break like last year.” 
“No dice?” Eddie asks from his spot on the floor, even though you swear you’ve gone over this with all of them three times by now. 
“No,” you grumble, “last year I worked in the caf, so it was no problem, they were open all break for students staying on campus This year–” 
“The library closes over break.” Robin cut you off to supply. 
You only nod pitifully, slumping back into your stack of pillows with a hmph. You’re aware that you’re being dramatic, but you’ve grown accustomed to your life away from home. Away from watchful eyes and curfews at 19 years old and sharp comments about your wardrobe that honestly, could be much, much worse. The last thing you want to do is return home and be treated like a child again. 
Eddie’s fingers wrap around your ankle comfortingly, but he hits a ticklish spot and you kick at his hand lightly, laughing all the while. 
“Home is really that miserable, huh?” He asks quietly. Not prying, not judging, just pondering. 
“I have a dad who still treats me like I’m seven and a mom who keeps trying to set me up with members of her church in hopes that they’ll ‘lead me back down the right path’…what do you think?” 
Your three friends mumble a series of one word replies all at once. “Yikes.” “Barf.” “Christ.”
The conversation moves on after that. Robin and Steve arguing about Back to the Future, something they always seem to go back to when they’re high. She told you once that they saw it in theaters the first time they smoked together, but the way that neither of them could keep a straight face told you there was more to the story. You half listen, grumbling to yourself and counting the browning ceiling tiles above you. 
Your mattress dips and you look up to see Eddie grinning at you behind a curtain of hair, sitting cross legged on the spot next to you. 
“What?” You ask through a laugh, eyeing him briefly before going back to the task at hand, the ceiling tiles. 
He nudges you with his knee, trying to get your attention. “You know what you should do?” Your response is no more than a hum adorned with a question mark, but it prompts him to continue. There’s a gleam in his eye when he goes on, “somethin’ wild. Show up at home with a tattoo or bright purple hair. Or a tongue ring! Something to push their buttons and shock ‘em a little.” 
Eddie Munson always has a way of turning your mood around. His joy is infectious. If he’s laughing, you’re not too far behind him, and it’s always been that way. Likewise, he’s quick to follow when you dissolve into giggle fits, his demeanor and pose always mimics yours, just like now when he ends up on his back beside you, legs dangling sideways off the edge. 
You end up passing ideas back and forth for a few minutes. 
“Teardrop tattoo,” he says, snorting. 
“A pentagram.” 
“You could shave one side of your head.” 
“Or my eyebrows.” 
“Get tattoos where your eyebrows used to be. Something classy like…hail Satan.” 
“Or Daddy’s girl,” you sputter, unable to hold back the raucous laughter any longer. 
Eddie joins you, practically cackling with how sudden it is. “I think that’s it. That’s the one.” 
And then it hits you. Something still just as shocking as showing up with a tattoo, but much less permanent. It’s right in front of you, it has been the whole time. You sit up suddenly enough to get Steve and Robin’s attention and grin wildly down at Eddie. 
It’s his turn to mumble out a soft, “what?” enraptured by your sudden intensity.
“I think I’ve got something better. Something that won’t cost me hundreds of dollars or my future chances at employment.” 
“Go on,” he urges. 
“You come home with me.” 
From the other half of your room, Robin and Steve shout their confusion in unison, but Eddie just sits up to mirror you, mischief etched in his smile. “How bold of you, sweetheart. You know, I’m surprised it took you this long to ask.” 
“No- shut up,” you laugh, shoving at his shoulder lightly. “I’m serious. You just told us earlier your uncle has to work on Thanksgiving. Come back to my parents with me. You’ll get a home cooked meal, all the fixings, really, my mom goes crazy. I mean this with all the love in my heart but if I bring home a guy like you?” You giggle, “my dad’ll lose his shit.” 
“You flatter me,” he chuckles. Then, smirking, “you askin’ me to be your fake boyfriend, sweetheart?” 
“I– yeah.” 
“Hell yeah,” he nods, “I’m in. When are we leaving?” 
Robin throws a pillow at you, missing terribly but still getting your attention. “What the fuck just happened?” 
As promised, as soon as your last class on Tuesday let out, you loaded up your car and headed to Hawkins to pick up your boyfriend-for-the-week. He’s waiting for you outside his trailer, leaning heavily against the stairway railing, ankles crossed, cigarette hanging from the corner of his mouth. He doesn’t have much by way of luggage, just a tattered olive green backpack hanging off of one shoulder that he throws in the back seat alongside your prim camel colored leather duffel bag. 
When he slides into the passenger seat he leans into your personal space, drawing out his greeting with a smug smile. “Hi, darling.” 
“Hey,” you greet, palming his face and lightly shoving it away. “You ready?” 
Eddie Munson practically pouts at you. “What, no hello kiss?” 
“Can it, Munson,” you chide before shifting your car in gear. “You’re not on the clock yet. We still have a four hour drive before you’re officially the boyfriend.” 
“I’m just saying,” he shrugs, “it’ll be a hell of a lot more believable if we have a little practice beforehand. I mean- we’re going to have to put on a show, right? A good actor doesn’t go in blind. They run lines. Rehearse. Don’t want you freezing up in shock when I plant one on you in front of dear ol’ Dad for the first time, do we?” 
He’s leaning into you again, speaking with a kind of intensity only Eddie can, and it makes you shake your head. 
“Okay, well, I’m kinda busy driving at the moment. I’ll get back to you at the next rest stop.” 
The first stretch on the open road is spent concocting a story. How you met, how long you’ve been together, things that might come up in conversation. Something not far from the truth, so that you could keep your stories straight, but embellished a little where you needed to. He supplies the story for your first date, dinner at a diner and live music somewhere on campus. You raise him dinner at a dive bar and listening to cassettes in the back of his van. He calls you diabolical. 
At your first stop, about an hour in for gas and snacks, he offers to drive until the next stop and you pass him the keys with a soft smile and a hurried kiss to the corner of his mouth. It’s fleeting, over before it’s even started because it stuns him, and you skip away to the passenger side feeling way more smug than you have any right being. 
“Who were we worried about freezing up, again?” You asked over the roof of the car, ducking at the last second when he throws a balled up napkin at you. 
For this portion of the drive, you take the opportunity to get to know one another. Favorites and firsts, pet peeves and guilty pleasures. Some things you knew already after a year of friendship, the little things like favorite bands and movies, but you knew you needed more than that to be a believable couple. You learn that he loves the smell after it rains and that even though he hates raisins, he loves cinnamon raisin bagels because they remind him of his Uncle Wayne. He learns that your favorite color changes with your mood, about your irrational fear of revolving doors, and the exact number of blankets you absolutely need in order to fall asleep (though he had his suspicions, he’s seen you make your bed before). 
Over your game of twenty questions, his hand wanders from the wheel to the gear shift, the movement subtle because he’s always talking with his hands, and eventually it lands hesitantly on your thigh. You pretend not to notice, but bite back a smile and catch yourself flushing in the reflection of the window nonetheless. 
After another hour or so of driving you make him pull over for a bathroom break and offer to take the wheel again when you’re done. You make to take the keys from him, but he’s quick to hold them over his head, just out of reach. 
“Hey!” You complain, now your turn to invade his personal space to try and steal the keys back. “It’s my car. Let me take over!” 
You’re suddenly hyper aware of how close your faces are when a slow smirk spreads over his lips. “Now, baby, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I made you drive when I’m right here, fully capable?” 
“Damn, Munson.” You snark, “we’ve been together all of two hours and you’re already trying to turn me into a passenger princess?” 
“Maybe I am.” His free hand wraps around your waist, landing at the small of your back to pull you just a little bit closer, closing the gap between you. You let out a small yelp of surprise that Eddie quickly swallows, his lips landing on yours harder and more insistent than the last kiss you shared. Your shock wears off quickly, leaving you leaning into his embrace with a happy hum in the back of your throat. Just as he swipes his tongue over your bottom lip, you’re made aware of your surroundings when a passerby clears their throat. When you pull away and catch a glimpse of his face, you’re certain you’re going to have to get used to that damn smirk. It seems to be his natural resting face since you asked him to do this, and god if it doesn’t suit him. “I kinda like that term,” he mumbles, emphasizing the new pet name as he ushers you around to the passenger seat, repeating it back into your ear with a hushed breath, “princess.”
You’ll have to get used to all the blushing too. 
With a lead foot and a hand absent-mindedly tapping along to the radio on your thigh, Eddie manages to shave a half an hour off the rest of the drive, and before you know it and without another rest stop, you’re directing him off the highway and through the cozy streets of your small hometown. You managed to give him a run down on all of the relatives he could possibly meet this weekend. Who to watch out for and who to actually play nice with (really, it’s just your parents to look out for), names and how they’re related to you as if there would be a quiz at the end of Thanksgiving dinner. Hell, knowing how overprotective your parents are there very well could be. 
It’s silent when he pulls into your parents driveway and cuts the engine, so quiet you fear he might hear your heart beating rapidly against your ribcage. Staring down the house, the walkway seems to stretch out longer than you remember. Your heart leaps into your throat. 
“Hey.” Squeezing at your knee where his hand is still resting, Eddie’s voice is sincere. When you turn to look at him, his eyes are soft, encouraging. He lets his head rest back against the seat with a thump and smiles. “I know I’m here to piss off your parents, but I’m still your friend, too. I’ll be right by your side all weekend, if it ever gets too much, just say the word and I’ve got you, okay?” 
You’re not sure where this burst of sentiment came from, but you’re grateful for it. His words wrap around your heart and squeeze, and you blink back the tears they bring. Though you’ve had fun planning to torment your family, there was still a weight on your chest every time you thought about going home and Eddie, ever observant, could tell. 
“Kay,” you say softly, mouthing an even quieter thank you. Then, leaning across the center console, you brighten up. “Run lines one more time before the big scene?” 
It’s a bold request, a little selfish, partly because you want to stall a little longer but frankly, you just want to kiss him again in the safety and comfort of your car. Where it can be just that, a kiss. You want another moment all to yourself without the watchful eye of your family, and without the obligation of having to prove something.
He kisses you lazy this time, hands framing your face, lips dragging slowly against yours like he has all the time in the world. Like he’s stretching out this moment so you don’t have to face the next one. Your eyes flutter shut and you reach for him clumsily over the console, clutching onto the lapel of his leather jacket like he was going to float away if you didn’t. 
You don’t want to admit it, but you could get used to kissing Eddie Munson, charade or not.
When you part ways and reluctantly make your way inside, Eddie insists on carrying both your bag and his own. You try to argue but he has none of it. You let yourself in the front door and call out a greeting. 
Christmas music filters in from the back of the house alongside the smell of your mom’s famous baked spaghetti. “In the den!” Her voice calls out from the same direction as the music. Toeing off your shoes, you gesture for Eddie to follow you through the halls and into the den. It’s the picture of your childhood, exactly as you remember. Your dad is hidden behind the newspaper, houseshoes propped up on the coffee table. In her armchair facing away from the door, your mom is curled up with a book, reading glasses perched on the end of her slender nose. She feels your presence and greets you without looking up. “Hi honey! Give me just a second to finish this paragraph and I’ll get up, give you a big hug.” 
Eddie’s presence is solid against you, warm, and his firm hand at the small of your back is a constant reminder that he’s there within reach. You try to speak up, to introduce him, but your throat goes dry, and soon enough your mother is tossing her book on the coffee table and standing to greet you. 
“Sorry honey, I – oh, hello!” She’s shocked, clearly, but still keeps a polite, tight smile. “Who’s this?” 
Prompted by her comment, your dad folds down one corner of the newspaper to glance up at you. His poker face isn’t as great. You can see the glare flash across his features before he folds the paper and stands. When he says hello to you, it's with a bright smile and a tight hug, but the second he addresses Eddie, his demeanor chills again. 
“Guys this is Eddie,” you introduce, reaching behind you to take his hand. The words feel clumsy on your tongue, but you manage to play off the stutter as nerves. “My boy– my boyfriend.” 
You could hear a pin drop. 
In the silence that follows, you begin to rethink this entire plan. You suddenly feel so small, back in your childhood home and under the intense stare of your parents (though your dad’s eyes are definitely more trained on Eddie’s every move than your own). But you didn’t come all this way and drag your friend all this way to back down now, so you take their stunned silence as an opportunity to turn in Eddie’s hold and grin at him eagerly, mouthing the word showtime. 
He takes his cue, cupping your cheek in a warm palm and dragging you toward him to close the little distance between you. It feels different this time, like he has something to prove. He’s insistent, leaning into you hungrily and nipping at your lips with a wicked chuckle under his breath as he retreats. He stands at full height again to finally address your parents. 
“Thanks for having me, sir,” he quips, and he salutes, actually fucking salutes, much to your father’s outrage. Then he turns a charming smile on your mother, “ma’am.” 
His kill-them-with-kindness attitude and sickeningly sweet fake politeness has you biting back a laugh, but nobody in this room is paying an ounce of attention to you. 
Thank God.
The rage in your father’s voice is unmistakable, the heat of it pours from him in waves when he responds. “I would say it’s my pleasure but I don’t remember inviting you, son.” You’re afraid to look too closely, but you’re almost certain the vein on his forehead is fit to burst already and you’ve only just arrived. 
“Honey,” your mother pipes up, putting a calming hand on her husband’s arm, though you can hear the strain in her voice as well. “When you called and said you were bringing a friend who had nowhere to go for the holiday I…well I thought it was going to be Robin.” 
“Oh, no,” your lips press into a line, and without thinking, you reach out for Eddie’s hand for support, breath hitching at the bite of cold metal from the various rings he’s always sporting. “Her family is big on holidays. Never miss one. But…” Giving Eddie’s hand a tug to pull him closer to you, your other hand comes up to rest on his shoulder, giving it a gentle pat for good measure. You ham it up, laying your head on his shoulder with a dreamy smile as you continue. “Eddie’s only family is his Uncle Wayne, and he’s going to be workin’ a double on Thursday. I couldn’t just leave him behind with a frozen TV dinner for Thanksgiving of all days.” 
Though strict, you know your mom isn’t made of stone. She can’t resist a sob story and she’s a sucker for any holiday, so despite the concern in her eyes and a husband fit to start screaming any moment, she smiles and nods. 
“Of course, honey,” Her voice softens, though her guard is still up. She turns her pointed smile on Eddie and gestures to the door, “the guest room is already made up for you, and it would be a shame to spend the holiday alone, so we’re happy to have you, Eddie.” 
The sound you make is somewhere between a scoff and a laugh. “Mom! That’s hardly necessary. I’m an adult, I’m perfectly capable of sharing a bed with my boyfriend.” 
Eddie quirks an interested brow at you but you roll your eyes in dismissal. 
It’s not that you want to share a room with Eddie. If you’re being honest, you haven’t really put much thought to the sleeping situation. It only makes sense that he would take the guest room…but you also know that if the goal is to get under your parents’ skin, this is the way to do it, so you give a petulant whine and a huff for good measure. 
It’s your father who speaks up this time, pushing forward and deliberately between you and Eddie to break your embrace as he makes his way toward the stairs. “Absolutely not,” he doesn’t look at you as he speaks, only stops near the door to pick up both of your bags and continue up the stairs. “You are nineteen, just barely. That may make you an adult on paper but you are still my child and a guest in this house so you’ll do as I say.” Passing your childhood bedroom, he drops your duffel at the door with a scowl and moves two doors down to the guest room where he throws Eddie’s knapsack even harder onto the bed. “And we don’t know this punk from Adam. You’re lucky we’re letting him stay at all, so be grateful for what you have, which is only two doors separating you.” 
Ever the peacemaker, your mom steps in and clears her throat. “What your father means is that we would just both be more…comfortable if – for this trip – Eddie stayed in here. Right, Dear?” 
Your father sighs, “yes, yes, that’s exactly it.” 
“Anyway,” she tries to move past it, like she always has, sweeping his anger under the rug and trying to move on before there can be any more unpleasantries. It’s one of the things you hated most about being home, the fact that she so clearly agreed with most of his conservative and overprotective views but tried so hard to make it seem like she was on your side. She moves in to give you another tight hug. “We’re so happy you’re here, honey. Dinner will be ready soon, why don’t you two get settled in and then meet us in the dining room?” 
You thank her softly and a little insincerely, and the pair of them retreat back down the stairs, allowing you to let out the breath you’ve been holding. 
“Jesus Christ, I get what you mean.” Eddie Mumbles, and you only groan in agreement, falling gracelessly onto the edge of the bed with your head in your hands. The bed dips as he joins you, and soon enough you’re both laughing softly at the absurdity of the situation. “Hey,” he nudges your shoulder with his own, “you’re killing it.” 
“Hardly,” you snort, “I feel like I’m a kid again. It just…this all sounded fun in theory but I forgot how small they make me feel.” 
“All the more reason to keep on keepin’ on. C’mon, I want to see how many more times we can make that vein in his forehead pop.” A reassuring arm wraps around your shoulder and shakes you lightly until you let out a soft laugh. “There she is! Nice touch demanding that I stay in your room, by the way. Really! If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you actually wanted me to.” 
“You’re an idiot,” you giggle, standing up and stretching out your tired limbs. “Come on, let’s go eat.” 
The rest of the night goes rather uneventfully. It’s tense, for sure, but the initial shock has worn off and by the way your parents are acting, you’re certain they managed to sneak in a drink each while you were upstairs. The conversation over dinner is mostly focused on you, how your semester is going and how much you like your job. You ask them about their careers, about family members you haven’t seen in a while. Eventually your mother’s need to be seen as polite prompts her to include Eddie in her questioning, but she keeps it mild for now, asking how he liked the drive to your hometown and if the food was to his taste. 
After dinner your mom offers coffee and a movie, but the long drive and your early alarm for school this morning are an easy enough excuse to retire early and get a good long night’s sleep before the rest of your family arrives tomorrow. 
When you part ways in the hall at the top of the stairs, he stops you with a hand on your wrist and a mischievous grin. 
“What?” You laugh, looking down the stairs, “You want a goodnight kiss now, too? They’re not watching.” 
“Here,” he replies, reaching for the back collar of his tattered Black Sabbath t-shirt and pulling it over his head effortlessly. He hands the shirt over to you and gives it a little shake, “wear it down to breakfast in the morning, yeah? It’ll drive them crazy.” 
You thank him as you take the shirt from his hand and smile, trying your best not to let your eyes linger on his exposed skin, pale and littered with tattoos, some you’re just now seeing for the first time. With a blush and a shake of your head, you bid him goodnight and retreat to your bedroom. 
The morning of Thanksgiving brings another early wake up call, but it’s hardly a surprise. Holidays have always been this way, up at the crack of dawn and helping in the kitchen all day since you were old enough to snap green beans. It’s not all bad, some of your best memories are with your mother and aunt in the kitchen. Cooking together almost made you forget how unbearable it was to be home. 
It goes as it always does, the two of you still in your pajamas, getting the more annoying and time consuming prep out of the way before anyone else wakes up. When your dad joins you in the kitchen, already fully dressed and sporting a tired scowl, you make the coffee while your mom pauses to throw the breakfast casserole she’d prepared the night before into the oven. You’re like a well oiled machine, and you work together so well that she almost doesn’t notice your choice in sleepwear. 
“Honey, why don’t you go upstairs and change into something a little more appropriate?” She suggests coolly. “I can hold down the fort until Aunt Ellen gets here.” 
“Aw,” you pout softly, pouring your own cup of coffee. You know why she’s urging you to change, and it makes you want to push the issue even further. “But we always stay in our pajamas until Grandma’s on her way! Even Aunt Ellen brings her comfies to cook in and a change of clothes for dinner.” 
“You and I both know that is hardly your typical sleepwear, dear.” Your father grunts from behind the morning paper. 
Although she bristles at his blunt choice of words, your mom looks at you with concern, clearly agreeing with him. 
You only huff, watching the creamer swirl as you pour it into the darkness of the mug. You’re about to respond when a pair of warm hands wrap around your waist from behind, making you jump. 
“I think you look killer,” Eddie chuckles at your surprise, his head nestling into the crook of your neck to press a kiss just behind your ear. “Y’wear that thing better than I do, Sweetheart.” 
Head bowed, you roll your eyes at his theatrics but hug his arms closer around your stomach, turning in place to wrinkle your nose at him, a hint of jest in your tone when you greet him. “Good morning, baby.” 
His eyes flick past your shoulder to your parents to be confident they’re looking (of course they are), then with another dark laugh drops his head to greet you with a feverish kiss. It’s too much for a simple good morning, utterly indecent the way his tongue slips past your lips without permission, and his hands drop to your hips to turn you further into his embrace, until one of your parents – you couldn’t care less which one – clears their throat and startles you apart. 
Your face is hot when Eddie smiles brightly, hitting you with a wink and a cheerful, “mornin’.” He mumbles a soft, “gonna go for a smoke, be right back,” into your ear, and then louder, calling over his shoulder as he walks toward the front door, cigarette dangling from his lips, “smells delicious already, ladies, I can’t wait!” 
You’re feeling quite smug at their stunned silence, until the door slams behind him and takes the breath from your lungs with it. You grip the mug so tightly your knuckles turn white, and the quiet from behind you turns deafening. 
It’s your mom that breaks it first, talking in a hushed tone that she must think you can’t hear, despite only being a few feet away. 
“He smokes?” 
“Are you surprised?” Your dad quips, “look at the kid. I’m surprised you can’t smell it on him.” 
“Oh, come on. Don’t be cruel. I’m just as unhappy about this as you are but there’s no reason to be rude.” 
That’s when you jump in, the scoff on your lips is almost as natural as your breath. “You guys know I’m right here, right? You are being rude, both of you.” 
“Oh, sweetie, I’m sorry.” Her voice is more patronizing than remorseful. “But truly, what is it that you see in that boy? He seems nice enough I suppose, but he’s not what I would have hoped for you at all…and he’s so crude.” 
That’s exactly what I see in him, you think, the ability to get under your skin. 
“And what would you have hoped for me? Hm?” You press, arms crossed over your chest and hip cocked against the counter. “Some ivy league robot who only cares about your approval? Who I have nothing in common with? Why does it matter?” 
“Oh, well, I–” 
The phone on the wall wails, cutting her off, and a glance at the clock tells you that it must be your aunt calling to say she’s on her way. 
“Saved by the bell,” you mumble as she goes to answer the phone, then spit, “I’ll go change so I don’t embarrass you.”
Back in your room, you decide there’s no point in changing twice, so you pull out the outfit you’d packed for dinner. It’s rather mundane, just a corduroy skirt and an oversized sweater, something you’d normally wear to a family gathering, but the skirt is quite a bit shorter than you’re used to wearing, and instead of the modest tights you would usually pair with this kind of outfit, you opted for some plush over the knee knit socks. 
You take your time getting ready, feeling slightly guilty for leaving Eddie to his own devices downstairs, but he’s a big boy, he can handle himself. You need a few extra moments to cool down and collect yourself before more family shows up. 
There’s a soft rap at your door as you’re finishing up your makeup with a thin layer of lip gloss and you sigh. 
“I’ll be down to help in a minute!” 
Except it isn’t your mom on the other side as you’d expected. Eddie’s voice is gentle when he calls, “It’s me.” 
You let him in with a soft, apologetic smile. “Hi.” 
“Hey,” he smiles, looking appreciatively up and down your form. “I take back what I said earlier. This look is killer, you look great.” 
You brighten, flushing at his praise and taking in his own change of outfit. Nothing fancy by any means, just like you suggested when he asked about dinner attire. The same torn black jeans he wears often, a threadbare and bleach stained Metallica baseball tee, and his signature battle vest overtop. Hair clearly adp purposefully untamed, he’s decked out in his usual accessories. Thick, heavy rings on his fingers and a black bandana stuffed in his pocket, he’s even gone the extra mile and smudged a little eyeliner on his water line. You’d be lying if you said he didn’t pull it off. 
“Thanks,” you breathe, playing with the cuffs of your sweater absent-mindedly. “You look…disheveled.” 
He laughs at your choice of words, but takes it in stride, doing a quick spin and taking a dramatic bow as you laugh along with him. “Thank you, thank you, I’m only following your expert direction.” 
The neck of your sweater scoops low when you sit on your vanity stool to zip up your boots, slipping off of one shoulder delicately, and Eddie’s gaze burns as it follows the movement. He doesn’t try to hide the fact that he’s staring as he perches himself on the edge of your bed, his lopsided smile only growing when you giggle out a soft, “what?” 
“I have an idea,” he beckons you toward him with a jut of his chin, “come here.” Though you furrow your brow in confusion, you cross the room to stand in front of him. Instantly, his hands reach out to take yours and hold your arms out wide so that he can take another good look at you. You pretend not to notice that his gaze lingers at the bare skin of your thighs on display, then pauses again at your exposed shoulder. He tugs on your hands until you’re even closer, standing between his legs with a curious look in your eye. Hands dropping to your hips, he noses at your neck, breath tickling your delicate skin as he continues,  “you know what might make this outfit even better?” 
“Better?” You question, reaching to tangle your hands in his hair, knowing exactly what he had in mind. “Or just more scandalous?” 
Eddie’s lips ghost against your skin as he says, “darling, who said it can’t be both?” 
It's cruel, you think, as latches onto the soft skin just over your pulse, nipping lightly and then soothing the sting immediately with his tongue. Cruel that this is all an act, that your friend Eddie Munson wouldn’t be adorning you with love bites if it weren’t for this stupid plan to piss off your parents. Cruel that you can’t separate fact from fiction as he sucks a deep bruise into the flesh just above your collarbone and your grip on his hair tightens, an involuntary whimper caught in your throat. 
He pulls back to admire his work, pursing his plush lips with an appreciative hum. One hand leaves your hip to rest on your neck, thumb pressing into one of the fresh bruises there, pride shining on his face when the action makes you shudder. 
There’s no way he doesn’t notice how red you’ve gone but he doesn’t mention it, only smiles brightly and ushers you toward the door with an encouraging, “break a leg down there, kid.” 
Only then do you realize the commotion downstairs. The boisterous voice of your Aunt Ellen as she helps your mom in the kitchen, the sound of thundering footsteps as her kids play tag in the halls they definitely shouldn’t be running in. 
Eddie keeps a tight hold on your hand behind you as he follows you down the stairs, but you’re squeezing his right back, suddenly even more nervous now that some of your extended family has arrived. 
Your heart pounds through greetings, through quick hugs and happy hellos and nervous introductions. It hammers in your chest even harder when Eddie’s hand slips down to rest on your ass as he politely chit-chats with your uncle. This is the plan. This is what you wanted. So why are you so nervous? It doesn’t calm down until some time later, when your cousins convince Eddie to join them outside for a makeshift game of hockey in the iced over driveway. Your dad and uncle sit in the dining room chatting over scotch, while the rest of you return to cooking. 
“So Eddie seems nice,” Aunt Ellen says with a smile while you peel potatoes with her at the kitchen island. There’s no sarcasm in her tone, no ulterior motives. It seems as though she means what she says, and it's a comforting contrast to the harsh words and sideways glances you’ve been getting from your parents. “You two kids meet at school?” 
Outside the window, the hockey game has dissolved into a snowball fight, your younger cousins ganging up on a solo Eddie. You realize you’re staring, zoned out as he easily picks up the youngest to use him as a human shield, unable to stop yourself from smiling as your cousin giggles and brings Eddie down with a smashed snowball right to the face. You can practically hear his dramatics through the window as he mimes a wounded heart and dramatic battlefield death. 
“Kinda,” you hum, shaking yourself from your daydream and smiling back at her softly. “He went to highschool with my roommate, Robin. Their hometown is a lot closer to school than here, so I got to know a lot of her friends pretty early on.” 
You try not to elaborate too much, but your blush betrays you.
“You had it bad, huh?” She teases. 
“I…might have developed a big dumb crush pretty quickly.” Not entirely a lie.
“Well it must have worked out well for you, huh? Seeing as he’s here and all.” 
“Yeah,” you chuckle, “Mom and Dad aren’t too thrilled about it.” 
She shrugs, wrinkling her nose at you and leaning in to whisper, “to be honest, this could be good for them. They need to loosen up a little, maybe this’ll push ‘em in the right direction.” 
You snort, “you’re telling me.” 
“You could make it a little easier on them though,” she chuckles, gesturing to her own neck not-so-subtly, “maybe show them his good side before you try to intentionally rile them up.” 
Rolling your eyes, you throw a potato peel at her and shake your head. You had the feeling going into this that if anyone was going to find you out, it would be your aunt. Though much to your relief, she seems to still believe you’re actually together, so maybe you can keep the act going through the rest of the weekend. 
She gets pulled away when her cell phone rings, most likely your Grandma calling to ask your parents address despite the fact that they’ve been hosting thanksgiving here since you were born, and in the blink of an eye her seat is taken by your mom. Her arms are folded on the table in front of her, ignoring the pile of potatoes that still need to be done and eyeballing your own paring knife pointedly until you slow to a hesitant, confused stop. 
“Honestly, young woman, I don’t know what’s gotten into you.” She scolds, voice hushed but harsh as ever. 
With a roll of your eyes, you answer, “if I didn’t think you’d kill me I would say you know exactly what’s gotten into me.” 
“Enough!” She looks over her shoulder to ensure that her outburst wasn’t heard and that your aunt is still occupied. God forbid anyone realize she’s experiencing any emotion that’s less than pleasant. “I don’t care how much you care for that boy or how you act at school but right now you are back under our roof and you’ll carry yourself with grace.” 
“No buts.” She hushes to a whisper as your aunt approaches again, “now go put on some makeup or a turtleneck before Grandma gets here or your father notices, because I assure you he would not be nearly as kind as I.” 
“Yeah,” your chair makes an awful screeching sound as it scrapes against the floor as you stand. “Because you’ve been so peachy keen.” 
Halfway through Thanksgiving dinner, things are going swimmingly. Eddie seems to get on great with the rest of your family, which somehow only seems to upset your parents even more. He talks music with your uncle when he comments on his tee shirt, and compliments you and your mom on the cooking no less than five times, thanking her profusely for the meal, and chats excitedly with your cousins about DnD when they ask about the tattoo of a D20 on his forearm. They’re all eating up his attention, but your parents only sit in silence, observing. 
It isn’t until your grandma asks him about school that you finally get a reaction out of them. She had unknowingly uncovered the ace up your sleeve without either you or Eddie having to bring it up and you’re downright thrilled to see where this goes. 
You’ll have to thank her later. 
“Oh, uh, no ma’am.” Eddie chuckles. Confidence puffs his chest as he grins knowingly, stealing a peek at your mirrored expression from the corner of his eye. “Wouldn’t you believe it, I’m shit at school?” He pauses for everyone to balk at his bold wording. “Who would’a known, right? I’m the picture of a 4.0. Anyway, to answer your question, I just graduated in June, so I’m taking some time to focus on my band.”
His age had already come up in conversation, so it was only right for your uncle to assume, “oh, well, well school isn’t for everyone. What’s important is that you made it through. What was your degree in?” 
You clear your throat uncomfortably, ducking your head to hide the smile threatening to break out. 
“High school, actually,” Eddie snickers, “took me three senior years, but I did it!” 
Silence takes over the room once again, even shocking your extended family. You could hear a pin drop, and you do hear your dad choke on his turkey. 
Acting oblivious to their shock, you prompt, “tell them about your band, baby.” Giddy smile plastered on your face, you reach out for his hand and address your family again, “they just booked a consistent gig! How exciting is that?” 
“I’d hardly call Tuesday nights at the Hideout exciting, but you gotta start somewhere, right? Plus,” he drops your hand in lieu of resting his on your thigh, his grip warm and familiar. Turning another wily smirk on you he adds, “we’ve got at least one fan who won’t miss a Corroded Coffin show. That’s what counts, right?” 
Leaning across the table to pester you more quietly, your mother hisses, “I thought you had study group on Tuesdays.” 
“I do!” You defend, “we just…meet at the Hideout.” 
In reality you’ve only been to one of Eddie’s shows, the first one at the Hideout that they played as a tryout, and you had a damn good time. But you do have a study group that meets on Tuesdays, regrettably not at the Hideout but in the common area of your dorm building and even more unfortunately, right when Corroded Coffin is about to go on.
 You can’t stop yourself from smiling at their shock. Every little thing he or you say to surprise them makes it a little more amusing. 
Last night their anger felt overbearing, casting a shadow over you, made you feel small. But the more you catch them off guard, the less they say, and the more you want to laugh at the surprise and disgust in their eyes.
Dessert brings pumpkin pie, coffee cake, another round of drinks, and more inquiry from your aunt. She even managed to slip Eddie one of her husband’s beers, much to the disapproving glare of your father.
“Eddie,” she hums, grinning at him over the rim of her wine glass. “Were your ears ringing earlier? We were gossiping about you.” 
“Oh yeah?” He asks, a sly smirk and a raised brow pointed your way.  He leans back in his chair, right hand reaching out to rest once more on your thigh under the table. He tilts his head even further toward you, “all bad things, I hope?” 
“Aunt Ellen was asking how we met,” you smile sweetly, licking away the remnants of cool whip on your dessert fork. 
His eyes darken as they follow the motion and his hand creeps higher, pinky finger stroking at the hem of your skirt absent-mindedly as he speaks. You fight to keep your breath from getting caught in your throat at the cold bite of his rings against your flushed skin. “Oh I see,” he hums, then, his attention snapping back across the table, cutting through the tension you both just created, “did she tell you how she tried to hairspray me to death?” 
“She didn’t,” your grandma exclaims, “please do tell!”
“So I’m planning on meeting my good friend Robin for a nice meal, right? Sounds like a nice evening! Except…”
You try to stay engaged in the conversation, to tell your side of the story, you really do– but the weight of his hand high up on your thigh is distracting. It’s hard to focus on much else, especially when he kneads gently in time with his elaborate storytelling, his thumb caressing the rolled hem of your thigh-high socks and stroking the skin just above it. 
Why, you can’t help but think. You’re the only ones seated on this side of the table, and sheltered from view by the tablecloth. There should be no reason for him to be touching you like this when there’s nobody to see it happening. You wonder if he knows there’s no point, but then his hand creeps even higher and his fingertips slip under the edge of your skirt and into the crease where your thighs press together. This time you can’t stop the stutter in your breath and he notices, smiling at you wickedly, tongue darting out to wet his lips. He knows it’s affecting you, and even worse he’s trying to get a reaction out of you. 
But he just keeps on talking, stealing the show.  
The story of how you met melts easily into the previously fabricated story of your first date, and so on. The stories just keep flowing. That’s the thing about Eddie, he could be reading you the instruction manual for a toaster, but the way that he tells stories is captivating. The way he speaks of your first date, and then of your first anniversary (something you hadn’t discussed on the drive, but damn it if he wasn’t quick on the draw with it) has your family on the edge of their seats. Your aunt listens with glee, but your parents are horrified at the thought of him taking you to a dive bar for dinner or staying overnight in your dorm. Whether they like it or not, he knows how to command a room. 
When things start winding down, after goodbyes are said to your Grandma, you’re rescued from having to do the dishes when your cousins talk you into a game of Monopoly. Eddie picks your favorite piece, but relents quickly when you send him a pout and opts for the thimble instead. 
“So what are you, a $100 on Free Parking family, all taxes on Free Parking family, or a boring family?” Eddie asks, digging out the loose bills in disarray at the bottom of the box.
“Better,” you hum, “you boys know where the stash is, d’you mind?” 
Your cousins laugh, the eldest pulling a bag of halloween candy out from under the coffee table you sit around. “Already on it, cuz.” 
Watching as he dumps a few pieces into the middle of the board, you grin. “Perfect.” 
After a rousing game (where Eddie absolutely made fun of your candy pot right up until he landed on Free Parking and won it), your extended family starts to pack up to make the hour’s drive home. You say your goodbyes, Aunt Ellen whispering a reminder to go easy on your parents into your ear when she hugs you tightly. Eddie high fives your cousins as they pass, and shoots them a devil horn gesture as they make their way to the car. You swear you hear your dad mumble under his breath about him corrupting them, but bite your tongue. 
You barely made it back to the den to start cleaning up the board game when the knock comes at the door – their car won’t start. It’s cold and it’s dark and without hesitation your mom offers them shelter for the night. 
“The boys will have to sleep on the pull out in the den,” she muses quietly, thinking out loud. “It’s not much but they’ll be comfy there. Ellen, you guys can take the guest room.” You crack a smile as she keeps talking, mentions that your dad and uncle can take a look at the car when they’ve had a good night’s sleep and the sun is up, and Eddie catches your eye with a mirroring grin. 
“I’d be happy to look,” he offers, drawing both your parents’ attention. They’d forgotten about him in their plan. “I’m no professional, but my uncle and I have lifted parts from enough junkers to know my way around an engine.” 
Your mom looks between you and the boy next to you, brow drawn together in concern. “Oh, I’m not sure that’s the best–” 
Cutting her off, you rest your hand on Eddie’s elbow and smile saccharine, “that’s so kind of you, Eds, thank you.” 
He knocks your hand from his arm in favor of wrapping it around your shoulders, curling your body into his side and kissing your temple with a loud smack! His grin is downright smug when he says, “looks like I’ll be bunking with you after all, huh, Princess?” 
“Lucky me,” you mumble, turning away quickly to hide the rapidly forming flush in your cheeks. “Um, hey, can you help my dad with the pullout? It sticks. I’ll go change the sheets in the guest room.” 
“You got it, baby,” he smiles good-naturedly. “Where can I help, Dad?” 
As you walk away, you can hear the exasperation in your father’s voice as he informs the boy that it would be in his best interest to call him Mr. or Sir, and you can’t help but giggle at the stuttering response Eddie gives. 
You’ve tossed Eddie’s bags into your own room and stripped the sheets from the guest bed by the time your mom meets you in the guest room with fresh sheets. You quietly make the bed together until she speaks up. 
“I’m sure you find yourself so lucky to have gotten what you want,” she muses, tucking in the top sheet on her side of the bed a little more harshly than necessary. “But under no circumstances does this mean you can take advantage of my kindness. I was not about to let our family go without a place to stay for the night so you may have found yourself sharing a room but I expect no funny business.” So casual in her cruelty, she emphasizes where she needs to but otherwise her voice is calm. 
“Right,” you snort, “because the mood is so perfect with my parents down the hall and aunt and uncle in the next room.” 
“I’m only saying, that boy is changing you. You’re acting so differently since you brought him ‘round and I-” 
You cut her off, throwing the pillow you just put a new sham on back onto the bed violently. “I care about that boy,” throwing air quotes when you repeat her words, “and if I’ve changed, it’s only because he showed me what it’s like to be cared for in return!” The words flow from you freely, without much thought. You’re reacting with what you know will hurt right back, but you’re also speaking from the heart. Even just being friends with not only Eddie, but Robin and Steve as well, has built your confidence and taught you plenty about love and support, even if it was just platonic. 
Her voice drips with condescension when she replies, “Honey. Do you truly think a boy like that has good intentions with a girl like you? He drinks, he smokes, he’s skipping college and doesn’t have a job because he’s in a rock band for Pete’s sake. I’m just worried about you. Guys like that only want one thing.” 
With your back to the door you don’t notice Eddie approaching, and he hovers just outside the door and out of your mom’s view. He doesn’t want to eavesdrop, but he could hear your shouting match from downstairs, and he wanted to be close by if you needed a comforting word or pep talk.  
“What’s that, Mom?” You argue, arms crossed tightly over your chest. “Sex? Who’s to say we haven’t gone there already? And what could you do to stop us from fucking all night tonight? We’re both adults. We could go at it for hours, under your roof, right down the hall from you and technically all you can do about it is kick us out. Oh well!! We’ve got a car and a couple hundred bucks between the two of us, we could swing a motel for the night. The point is, it could happen anywhere, so wouldn’t you rather know that I’m safe at home and not sharing a wall with drug addicts and prostitutes down at the Motel 6?”
She’s silent for a long moment, both of you unmoving and staring angrily at each other. 
“...You’re not actually going to have–”
“OF COURSE I’M NOT, Mother,” you groan, “and do you think I would tell you if I was!? God, I knew bringing him here was a mistake. Don’t worry, we’ll be out of your hair first thing in the morning. I’m not going to bother staying the rest of the weekend in a house that makes me and my boyfriend feel unwelcome.” 
Suddenly very reminiscent of your high school days, you stomp away with an exasperated groan, brushing past Eddie in a fury and you couldn’t even begin to care in the moment to ask how much he’d overheard. You were hot in more than one sense of the word, livid at your mother’s attack, blood boiling at the fact that even she – who has always been more lenient and quick to defend against your father – could think so lowly of Eddie without even giving him a chance. You know that’s the point. You know you brought him here specifically to get a rise out of them, but God, this was so much worse than the stunned silence and speechless stuttering you were expecting. 
With every step closer to your room, the need to get out of this damn outfit gets stronger. Despite your aggravation, every brush of your skirt against your thighs brings your mind back to dinner and Eddie’s curious touch, the gentle squeeze as his fingertips brushed at the crease of your crossed legs, the casual nonchalance as he kept talking even though he knew exactly what he was doing. 
It's annoying, really, how easily he infiltrates your thoughts and without even trying distracts you from your rage. Only, now he’s all you can think of as you slam the bedroom door and rifle through your suitcase. By the time you start the shower, you’ve moved past wondering why he was touching you like that when it didn’t benefit the plan, and when you strip down and step under the steaming spray you’re more than curious how far he’s willing to take this. You have to admit after shouting about how much sex you were going to have with him tonight, you’re starting to wonder how much of a possibility it could be.
Would he actually touch you? Let you touch him? He was eager to paint your skin with possessive marks earlier. Was he just that committed to the bit, or did he really just want to? 
Would it be so bad if he did? 
As much as you want to draw this shower out, slow, careful caresses of your skin as you touch yourself the way you imagine a certain guitarist might, you decide it’s not the best idea with a houseful of family. Soon enough you’re toweling off and feeling less angry than before, though no less frustrated. 
When you make it back to your room, there’s an open copy of Advanced Dungeons and Dragons and a weathered journal laid out on your bed, suggesting that Eddie had been hiding out there, however he’s nowhere to be found. You manage to get your hair most of the way dried by the time he comes back in, the faint scent of smoke and fresh snow billowing behind in his wake. The stick of a lollipop he won in your game of Monopoly earlier juts out from between his lips. 
Smiling softly in greeting, you expect him to beeline back to his notes, but to your surprise he turns your way and leans one hand on your vanity. The other comes to rest under your chin, urging you to look up at him. He smiles back, bigger, encouraging. His lips are tinted pink from the candy and he even nods a little when your own smile grows, as if he could tell that your first wasn’t that genuine. 
“Y’okay?” He murmurs, thumb stroking absently at the sharp of your jawline. “It’s been fun messing with them, but that screaming match must’ve been a lot.” 
“Yeah,” you mumble, “I’ll get over it, but are you okay? You were the one she was insulting.” 
He waves off your comment casually, a wrinkle in his nose and the hint of a laugh in his voice. “I’ve been called worse, and in her defense, we are trying to make me look bad.”
“I guess, but I still didn’t like hearing her speak about you like that,” you chuckle and stand, scooting the stool back in order to wrap him in a hug. After a brief pause, you mumble into his neck, “... and thank you. For checking in.” 
Eddie’s hands squeeze where he holds your hips fondly, and he pulls away from your embrace just enough to get a good look at your face. His eyes shine beneath his furrowed brow, impossibly deep brown in the low light of your room, they search your face for any hint of distress, and when he’s confident you’re telling the truth, only then does his gaze land on your lips. You swallow thickly, blink slowly, try to convince yourself you’re making this up. He pulls the lollipop from his mouth, slurping obscenely as he does.  There’s nobody around! He has nothing to prove! So then why is he leaning in? Why do you let him, and lean up onto your toes to close the gap? 
Quiet takes over the room as Eddie’s eyes fall shut, followed quickly by your own. You gasp gently, but lean into his kiss eagerly, the hand around his shoulder reaching up to tangle in the mess of curls at the base of his neck. His lips meld with yours, working you over in a deep and tender kiss that makes your stomach flip. It’s soft. Familiar in a way you wouldn’t expect. 
It might be your favorite one yet. 
He tastes distinctly of cherry and leftover tobacco, lips sticky with sugar and oh, so delicious. 
When he breaks the kiss he doesn’t go far, lips traveling to press sweetly at your temple for a fleeting moment. 
“What was that for?” You ask, breathless. “There’s nobody else around?” 
Eddie hums, “maybe I just felt like it.” Taking in your choice of pajamas, he grins even wider, “kinda like you just felt like wearing my Sabbath shirt again, I’m sure. Did you mean what you said back there?” 
Stalling, you pluck the candy from between his fingers and take a moment to savor it. Sure, it’s a little bit of a tease, the way your tongue darts out to lick it salaciously before taking the whole thing in your mouth with a soft hum, but it’s payback for both times he’d gotten you worked up earlier today. By the look on his face, payback is a bitch. 
“How much did you overhear?” 
“Oh, you know…” his hand trails up the length of your forearm, enveloping your own, only to take the sucker back from you and toss it into the bin, forgotten already. “Just the part about us going at it for hours.” Hands on either side of your face, he crouches until he’s fully in your space, lips just a hair away from your own. “How it was going to happen no matter what.” You feel his smirk more than you actually see it, and your breath gets caught in your throat. His hair curtains around you, tickling at your neck and shoulders.This can’t actually be happening – right? His thumb drags lightly at your bottom lip, “that we were gonna fuck all night?” 
“I– I didn’t know you were there.” You stutter out, afraid to admit anything more than that. 
“...Tell me to stop and I’ll stop.” 
You don’t. Instead, you find yourself falling forward, colliding once more in a clumsy kiss. You stand slowly so that he doesn’t have to crouch, never once letting your lips leave his. It’s an intoxicating contrast to the last kiss, all bruising pressure and teeth and tongue and desperation. He licks into your mouth without asking permission, though you would have given it freely anyway, and his hands creep downward on your body, caressing your waist and falling to rest on the swell of your hips, squeezing gently. When you surge up onto your tiptoes to kiss him deeper, he notices the wobble in your legs and shifts, hooking his hands on the backs of your thighs and lifting you to rest on the edge of your vanity. You gasp in surprise at his boldness, at the strength you didn’t know he possessed, and break the kiss in the process. 
“You know, I was hoping you weren’t all talk,” he beams with pride, taking in the sight of your bite swollen lips and chest heaving with ragged breath. Placing a hand on either side of your hips, his head drops to mouth hungrily at your neck, giving the same attention to the opposite side he had earlier, pulling at the neck of your stolen tee-shirt to suck another bruise into your collarbone. In between passes of his tongue and nips at your sensitive skin, he keeps talking. Eddie Munson does not know when to shut up, not even now. “Been wanting to get my hands on you since we met,” he mumbles into the hollow of your throat, you can feel another smile pressed to the skin there, “somethin’ about being threatened by a sweet little thing like you…” working his way back up to find your lips, he basks in the small noises coming from the back of your throat. “...really does it for a guy.” 
“Oh yeah?” You tease, hooking a finger in the collar of his shirt and tugging, but before you can continue the thought, the vanity beneath you gives an awful creaking sound under your combined weight. Giggling, near mortified, you bite your lip and shift your eyes toward the bed, “you wanna…?” 
“Thought you’d never ask,” he jokes in return, helping you down from your perch and crossing the room. He shuffles up toward the headboard, pulling an old teddy bear from under him when he leans up against it and raises his brow at you. 
Taking the stuffie from his hands to throw it across the room with a soft glare, you settle into his lap comfortably, one knee on either side of his hips. His hands land on your own hips and pull you closer to him roughly with a soft, amused huff. He kisses you like it's his last chance, hands firm on your hips holding you in place where you can feel his cock, half hard with interest pressing against you. 
You kiss him for what seems like hours. For all you’re concerned it could have been. Eddie consumes you, the scent of smoke and leather engulfing you and invading your senses. It’s a scent so perfectly Eddie, with a little sweetness and a little bit of something dark, just like how he kisses. Sweet pecks and soft caresses of his lips against your jawline immediately followed by lewd, wet passes of his tongue and sharp, stinging bites. He kisses hard and messy, unabashed, fingers squeezing at the meat of your ass and pulling your hips harder into his.
This time when he kisses down your neck, he doesn’t stop at your neckline. He pulls at the shirt collar, carelessly stretching it past the point of no return in favor of uncovering more and more of your unexplored skin. Cold fingers prod at the skin of your lower back, making you squeal and grind harder against him, heat pooling in your center. 
Your position is making you hyper aware of just how wet you are, your panties sticking to your lower lips with it as you rut against his clothed length. Your hand stays firm on the back of his neck, nervous and unsure how far to take this, but Eddie clearly knows what he wants, his own hands exploring. Not an inch of your body goes unnoticed as he caresses you, light fleeting touches here and there followed by rough, possessive hands, kneading at your curves hungrily. He’s taking his time learning what makes you tick. Thumbs brush featherlight over pebbled nipples through the worn material of your shirt, drawing another breathy moan from your lips. Though he grins in satisfaction, looking up at you with a mix of admiration and provocation. 
“Careful,” he murmurs, gaze falling on your chest as he seeks out the hardened buds again and pinching, cocky smile only growing at the responding whine you let out. “Don’t want anyone to hear you, pretty thing. Or did you forget where we were?” 
Not one to go without a fight, you grip his jaw and turn his face back up toward yours, “shut up and put your mouth to good use, baby.” 
He smirks at the pet name, capturing your lips once more and turning you both until you’re laying back against the mattress. Eddie hovers over you, staring, eyes raking over you briefly before he makes his way down your body, stopping at the waist of your sleep pants with a happy hum. He traces the elastic teasingly before hooking in and pulling them down, tossing them out of the way carelessly. You press your thighs together when he does, and he tuts disapprovingly, thumb caressing the crease between your thigh and hip. 
“Aw, sweetheart, you’re not gettin’ shy on me now, are you?” He teases, gently coaxing your legs back open, chilled air hitting the damp cotton and making you shudder. Lowering himself so that he’s eye level with your clothed cunt, he smirks, “that’s what I thought.” 
You expect him to rid you of that layer as well, but he doesn’t, not yet. Instead, he noses at the growing wet spot, inhaling deeply and giving a dramatic, gleeful sigh. He’s not so cruel to keep teasing you though, quickly mouthing at your pussy through the thin material of your panties. The added friction is unbearable, pleasure settling low in your belly as he licks broadly at the wet spot with a low groan, pointed tongue finding your clit surprisingly quickly. Pulling back briefly, he admires the way that the material clings to you, now wet with your slick and his saliva, the soaked cotton hides nothing. He murmurs something about “isn’t this a pretty picture?” and reaches out to touch you, fingers stroking over your clothed cunt in a rough drag, but the way your blood is rushing in your ears you barely hear him. 
When he finally peels the ruined panties off of you, you prop yourself up on your elbows to get a good look at him between your legs. His hair’s a mess, disheveled by your hands running through it, bangs pushed back from his forehead from his efforts. His lips are kiss swollen and red from the cherry candy, pulled back tight over an eager grin. He licks his lips, eyes glittering as he stares down at you, utterly enraptured. He looks at you as though you were his last meal, like you were the most delectable treat, and it makes your stomach flip.
He dives back in, tongue gliding between your lips easily and circling your clit once, teasingly, before retreating back down to your entrance. With a huff and a repressed squeal, you drop back onto the bed, hand flying to tangle in his hair as he tongues at your hole eagerly. Nose bumping your clit with his efforts, he laps at your juices until you’re whining for it, a weak little “please,” falling from your lips. Any other day he would tease you. A quipped please what, what do you need? But he senses your desperation and relents. 
“So wet, sweet thing,” he chides, reaching out to drag two fingers through your dripping folds and pushing them into you without warning, forcing the air from your lungs. You bite your lip in an effort to keep quiet, only letting out the softest whimper when his thumb joins in, rubbing at your clit lazily. “Tell me, are you always this eager?” 
“When some asshole’s been teasing me since dinner, yeah,” you quip, throwing an arm over your eyes to hide your embarrassment. 
“Oh, I’m an asshole?” Eddie asks, scissoring his fingers and leaning down to lap at your nub, suckling lightly until your thighs tremble and your pussy clenches down on his fingers. “Do you even know what you were doing to me at dinner?” His pace quickens, fingers drawing obscene, wet sounds from your cunt as he pumps them faster. Resting his head on your thigh to watch as his fingers disappear in and out of your dripping entrance, he continues, “The way you were lickin’ that fork clean after dessert should be illegal. Had me wonderin’ what else you could do with that tongue, I just had to level the playing field.” 
He strokes at that spot deep inside you right as his lips wrap around your clit once more and you swallow a groan. 
“Fuck, Eddie,” you whimper, hips moving on their own accord, canting down to meet his eager ministrations. “Right there.”
He almost sounds pitiful as he coos, “I know, baby, I know.” 
He continues to work at your g-spot, languid, repetitive strokes that bring you closer and closer to the edge each time. Pressure builds in your pelvis, an unmistakable ache in your limbs as you tense up. He can tell you’re close, the fluttering of your walls around him and thighs caging his head in firmly. If he minds, he doesn’t let on, only doubling his efforts and adding a third finger as he thrusts back in. You’re getting close, but words are hard to find when he’s smiling so pretty at you and those long, thick fingers stroking deep within you with a come-hither motion. 
“Eddie, I’m– fuck, you gotta–” 
“That's it, Princess,” he encourages, leaning back on his heels to get a good look at you. Your whole body flushed, his tee shirt rucked up on your chest, your fingers curled in the bedspread beneath you. With his fingers still buried inside you, he reaches out with the other hand to abuse your clit, quick, messy back and forth motions that are absolutely maddening, just on the edge of too much. “C’mon, sweet thing, come for me.” 
There’s nothing you can do to stop your body from obliging, bearing down as your orgasm rips through you, your release coming from you in waves, splashing over his hands and the bedsheets between you. Your fingers go numb as you white-knuckle the bedspread, toes curling and mouth hanging open in a silent scream as he works you through your orgasm. 
Though he gives your oversensitive clit a much needed break, to your dismay, he doesn’t let up on fucking his fingers into you, gazing down at the mess you made in awe, a lopsided grin on his face. “You didn’t tell me you're a super soaker, sweetheart. What a pleasant surprise.” 
“I–” you try to interject but gasp at his unrelenting fingers. “I’m not usually.” 
You’re too embarrassed to admit it again, so you only shake your head, flushing even deeper under his scrutinizing stare. It’s all too much, you’re oversensitive and spent already but god that doesn’t mean you don’t want more. 
“Please,” you start, reaching for his wrist to still his motions. You aren’t above pouting when you say, “let me return the favor.” 
“Uh-uh, sweetheart,” his grin is downright evil, “not yet…I wanna see you do that again.” 
You weren’t sure that was possible. Hell, until a few moments ago you didn’t even know you could squirt at all, let alone twice in a row. But he’s determined, and he’s already kept you teetering on the edge since your first orgasm, so it doesn’t take much. He speeds up again, hand curling to cup your cunt with his efforts, and the slick slip-slide of your previous release gives him the perfect traction to continue the onslaught of attention to your overstimulated clit. Your hips can't decide whether they want to twitch away from the attention or grind down into it, ultimately going with the latter, much to Eddie’s satisfaction.
Ducking his head, he sinks his teeth into the swell of your inner thigh, relishing in the way the pain makes you clench around him yet again. 
“You got another one in you,” he encourages, “I know it.”  
And he’s right.
The coil in your belly has been threatening to snap as soon as the last orgasm dissipated, his constant attention on your g-spot enough to send you over the edge again, but it’s not until his lips latch onto your clit one more time, the delicious drag of stubble against your inner thighs a whole new sensation, that you let loose. Gripping onto fistfuls of his curls again, you take note of the wild growl the action draws from him as you spill onto his tongue, your release puddling under you and soaking into the sheets. 
“Shit, Eddie, stop, I–” You pull at his hair lightly to get his attention, “s’too sensitive.” 
Despite your complaint, he grins happily and crawls back up your body, taking the hem of your shirt with him and pulling your last bit of clothing off of your body before capturing your lips in a deep, languid kiss. The distinct taste of Eddie, of tobacco and sugar and your own release is intoxicating, and you sloppily make out with him until you can no longer taste yourself on his tongue. You can’t help but giggle as you pull away. 
“You still with me?” He asks gently, damp fingers brushing through your hair, though you have no energy to care about the mess. 
“Yeah,” you mumble, “just needed a second.” Reaching down to palm at the achingly hard bulge in his pants, savoring the moan he swallows, you tease, “I feel a little underdressed, here.” 
“By all means,” he hums, turning to fall on his back beside you, a cocky smile dancing on his features, “be my guest.” 
You follow suit, sitting up to straddle his lap again, lifting the hem of his shirt up and over his head. Peppering his skin with the same attention he showed you, you take your time nipping and sucking and adoring his newly exposed skin, appreciating your favorite mark (an angry looking, deep purple bruise forming just above his demon head tattoo) with a bitten lip and smug smile. He looks ruined and you haven’t even touched him yet, not really, and you take pride in the way his head lolls against the headboard, eyes heavy-lidded and crinkled from his smile,  pupils blown as he watches your every move. As you rake your nails down his chest (an act that pulls yet another deep growl from within his chest), you cant your hips down against his. The drag of denim against your bare pussy is almost too much, on the brink of both pleasure and pain in your overstimulation, and the way that it makes you shudder has his cock twitching with interest. 
Scooting down his legs, you lay between them lazily, twirling your finger around the button of his pants and savoring the impatient noises he’s clearly trying to hold back. You decide he’s been too kind to you already to deserve anymore teasing, so you make quick work of unzipping his jeans and freeing his aching member. He helps you shuffle them, along with his underwear, down his legs and as soon as you get a good look, your mouth starts to water. Flushed at the tip and weeping, it’s the most enticing thing you’ve ever seen. 
Leaning in to catch the bead of precum on your tongue, you moan at the earthy taste and let your eyes fall shut. Eddie swears above you and that only eggs you on, reaching out to take his length in one hand, you give it a long, broad lick from base to tip and around the head before taking it into your mouth, reminiscent of the way you’d enjoyed his lollipop earlier. (If you’re being honest, you much prefer this to candy). 
“Shit, sweetheart,” he groans, leaning up on one elbow to get a good look at you and burying his free hand in your hair. “Just like that–look so perfect like this.” 
He babbles as you suck him off, an incoherent string of desperate phrases that all circle back to one common theme – how good you look with his dick in your mouth. His praise goes straight to your throbbing core, more slick dribbling from you with every word. You find yourself clenching down on nothing, feeling suddenly empty without Eddie’s thick fingers there.
You pull off of him with a satisfying pop, beaming with pride as your hand works him over in your absence. 
“Do you ever shut up?” You tease, cupping his balls lightly with your free hand before ducking to take one into your mouth. 
He chokes out his response, “not often,” sighing as you take him back into your mouth, your tongue running over the thick vein that runs up the underside of his shaft. “But you’re gettin’ close… Get up here.” 
Pulling you off of him by the hair, he urges you back up the length of the bed. Propped up against your mess of pillows at your headboard, he pulls you back to hover over his lap and drags the head of his cock through your wet folds teasingly. Capturing your lips again, he licks hot into your mouth, positioning your hips square over his waiting member, but leaving it up to you to seal the deal. 
You sink down onto him slowly, inch by thick, delicious inch, savoring the stretch and the slight burn that comes with it. Even with proper preparation, he’s big, and fills you to the brim when you finally settle into his lap, his cock fully sheathed inside you. 
Drawing a shaky breath, you wrap your arms around his neck and press your forehead to his, all sweaty bangs and shared breaths. He gives you a moment, pressing a gentle kiss high on your cheekbone and lingering there until you thread your fingers into his hair again and give an experimental roll of your hips. Both of you share a groan, breathing each other in as you slowly start to move. 
It's like a dance; you push, he pulls, moving together like you’ve rehearsed this a million times. You feel impossibly full as you bounce on his cock, lewd, wet sounds coming from where you’re joined, and the pressure builds in your stomach once again. 
Eddie’s hands fly to your hips, guiding your movements and holding you in place to fuck up into you without restriction. Unable to hold back, an involuntary moan tumbles from your lips and you fall forward, biting into the crook of his neck to stop yourself from making any more noise. He hisses at the sting and his hips stutter, but if he’s more affected than that he doesn’t show it. His hips continue to piston up into you, his cock forcing tiny little hiccuping noises from your throat as you clamp your eyes shut. 
“Yeah baby,” he encourages, pulling your hips down for a particularly harsh drag, the wiry hair at the base of his cock tickling at your clit from the force of it. “Y’can’t stay quiet, can you? Even now?” Reaching between you, he circles your still sensitive nub with his middle finger, kissing you to swallow the sounds you make as he spreads two fingers over your puffy lips, prodding at the taut, stretched hole where he thrusts up into you.  “Christ, if you sound this fuckin’ pretty when you’re trying to keep quiet I can’t wait to hear you when you aren’t holding back.” He speaks low in your ear, his voice impossibly deep and his words go straight to your core, zapping like static over your skin. “You’d like that, huh?” He prompts, tugging at your earlobe with his teeth, “wanna make you scream my name.” 
You lift your head to kiss him, if only to shut him up, and whimper into his mouth, eyes screwed shut, but give him what he wants with a soft whine of “Eddie,” against his full lips. 
“I guess whining will do for now. Look at you, messy thing,” he’s unrelenting on your clit now, swift, circular motions made jagged by his stuttering thrusts. He’s just as close as you are, if his jerking motions and labored breathing tell you anything. “You gonna come on my cock? C’mon sweet thing, I wanna feel you.” 
“I don’t– I can’t, ‘s too much,” you babble, lost in the way his cock drags over your inner walls and the insistent swiping of his fingers at your clit. It’s so good but it’s all too much, and you’re certain if you have another orgasm, it’ll be the end of you. 
The hand that isn’t buried in your cunt comes up to hold your chin, forcing you to look at him as he says, “sure you can, baby, c’mon,” then after a surprisingly tender kiss pressed into your lips, he demands through lidded eyes, “come for me, princess.” 
Even if you didn’t want to, your body obeys, the pleasure licking up from your core and spreading through your limbs like fire. Your skin burns, your cunt spasming with the force of it, and when you force your eyes shut, forehead pressed against Eddie’s in exhaustion, you swear a tear leaks out. 
He groans, the fluttering of your walls triggering his own release, pulling you into a hard, toothy kiss to dampen the sound he makes. He pulls out just in time, splattering your stomach with his seed and already you’re mourning the loss, feeling impossibly empty but sated nonetheless. 
Your mouths hang open against one another, sharing damp, hot breaths for a few moments as you come down from your high. 
“Fuck,” you sigh, rolling off of his lap to lay beside him, a delighted little chuckle falling from your lips. 
“My sentiments exactly,” he muses, turning on his side to brush the mess of your hair behind your ear. With a kiss to your temple and a soft, “wait here,” he rolls away, pulling on the first pair of pants he can find (which just so happens to be your pink snowflake pajama pants) and looks both ways before stepping out of your room and toward the bathroom. 
As you wait for him to return, you can’t help but return to your thoughts from earlier. 
Would he touch you? 
Would you really mind if he wanted to?
Fuck no. 
What does this mean for your friendship? 
Fuck off, don’t worry about that right now. Enjoy the moment. 
Soon he’s back with a warm washcloth that he uses to gently clean you up, taking care around your sore, red center, and then mops up his spend with a surprisingly delicate touch. In the other hand he has another fresh set of sheets, which he holds up with a snarky smile. 
“When your legs work again we can change these out,” he teases, “seeing as you ruined the ones on there now.”
Running a hand down your face, you blush. Even after everything, you blush at his remarks. “Shut up.” Giggling, you hop down from the bed and pull on his discarded boxers and the now stretched out Black Sabbath shirt before helping him change the sheets. 
In the end, you decide that it’s not worth it to finish out the weekend at home and set an alarm to get up before any of your family. It’s far too early for either of your liking, but it’s a necessary evil. 
When the car is loaded up and you drop into the passenger seat, it feels natural when Eddie’s large hand lands on your thigh. The sun is just starting to rise in the rear view mirror, and you’re eager to get a move on, but not before properly thanking him. 
Leaning over the center console, you press a kiss to his cheek, then again to his lips when he turns to meet your affection. You sigh, a dumb smile plastered on your face as you breathe your first full breath all weekend. “Thank you, Eds.” 
“Hey,” he chuckles, squeezing your thigh happily, “I’ll help you piss off your parents any day.” One more longing kiss, his lips sliding against yours without urgency, without anything to prove, just an exchange of affection between two maybe-more-than-friends who don’t have any roles to play anymore. He bites your lip as he pulls away, winking, and throwing the car into drive. As he drives away he laughs again, fixing you with an adoring stare. “My little showstopper.”
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allwaswell16 · 1 month
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A One Direction fic rec of fics that skip over portions of time and that take place over the course of years as requested in this ask. If you enjoy the fics, please leave kudos and comments for the writers! You can find my other fic recs here. Happy reading!
- Louis / Harry -
📆 Hold You Now by solvetheminourdreams / @cursethedaylight
(M, 131k, ex-fwb) When he accompanies his best friend to a family wedding across the Atlantic, he'll be forced to reopen old wounds and face his past—one that no one wants to hash out, but may just have to.
📆 Strawberries & Cigarettes by dimpled_halo / @comebackassholes
(E, 76k, omegaverse) Two stories, eleven years, and the two boys that never stopped loving each other.
📆 7 Up by @cherrystreet
(E, 51k, friends to lovers) we follow the lives of Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson in an interview setting every seven years. They fall apart and come together, their lives and emotions recorded
📆 when we were younger by luinlote
(E, 53k, canon) In where you get to see small glimpses of Harry and Louis' life together through the years, first through the eyes of others and eventually their own, as their life keeps spinning madly around them.
📆 Dear Devoted Delicate by therogueskimo / @bravetemptation
(M, 47k, canon) A collection of moments in time that show just how worth it love is when it’s real.
📆 the love it takes, it's worth it all this time by hemakeshimstrongx / @hemakeshimstrong
(T, 46k, canon) a timestamp fic between 2010 and 2022, told using snippets of harry's house. the album imagined from bottom to top, the moments little flashbacks in film reels. it's about love, and it's about keeping that love alive despite surmounting challenges.
📆 yeah, he's a looker (but i really think it's guts that matter most) by devilinmybrain / @thedevilinmybrain
(E, 40k, Oli pov) Five times Oli was asked to do something that was outside of his job description, and the one time he didn't have to be asked.
📆 Love is the Right Place by Chelsea Frew / @chelsea-frew
(T, 33k, friends to lovers) Over the years, friendship turns to more. Just as their romance blossoms, however, Louis gets an offer which promises fame and fortune far from home.
📆 When You Know, You Know by @mission2feelike
(M, 27k, omegaverse) Louis and Harry have been friends for years, their friendship maturing easily from pups to teenagers to adults. 
📆 Anonymous Said by @alivingfire
(T, 21k, bookshop) two boys, two blogs, two years of anonymous messages, and a bookshop where it all comes together.
📆 Love in slow motion by sloganeer
(E, 17k, Posh & Becks au) A series of glimpses into the life of Harry Styles, pop star turned fashion designer; his husband, Louis Tomlinson, football legend; and their four adorable children.
📆 I Wanna Feel (Your Love) by @infinitelymint
(E, 15k, canon) Five moments in Louis and Harry’s life based on five of the biggest emotions: fear, sadness, love, anger and joy.
📆 Go Out for Adventure, Come Home for Love by myownspark / @myownsparknow
(M, 9k, 5 times) Four years of iconic moments that inspire tattoos and promises.
📆 Here We Come A-Wassailing by @lululawrence
(NR, 8k, Christmas) The year Louis was in the 8th grade, his mom decided to gather the families of their closest friends to go caroling. 
📆 Flowers of Tomorrow, Seeds of Today by @haztobegood
(G, 7k, fae/fairies) Louis is a changeling and Harry is a human and their fates are more connected than they know.
📆 Like A Neon Sign by @reminiscingintherain
(T, 7k, canon) Harry had always been perfect to Louis, through every age, through every stage, and in all the important ways, he was proud to have been able to witness the growth that Harry had experienced first-hand.
📆 Though the Seasons Change So Quickly (Keep Them Buried In My Heart) by LiveLaughLoveLarry / @loveislarryislove
(G, 6k, canon) A series of moments of Harry and Louis' relationship through the years, from the very beginning to the present, through the perspective of those around them. It's beautiful and it's brutal, it's awe-inspiring and it's awful - it is what it is.
📆 Dear Louis by callmenine
(E, 5k, famous/not famous) The one where Harry is a popstar having an existential crises and writes a song for his high school ex-boyfriend Louis after more than ten years of no contact.
- Rare Pairs -
📆 in darkness i follow you by @leighbot
(E, 6k, Zayn/Louis) four glimpses into Louis and Zayn's relationship through the years. With bonus side!Narry.
📆 like air to me by yeah_alright / @uhoh-but-yeah-alright
(M, 5k, Zayn/Louis) Five times Louis’ smoke break brings back memories of Zayn and one time it brings him back to Zayn’s doorstep.
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chlorinecake · 10 months
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Blood OnIce | 얼음에 피 - a park sunghoon ff
⚡︎ cw: mentions of suicide and anxiety, bullying, violence involving guns and knives, character deaths, swearing, heavy petting/kissing, domestic abuse themes
⚡︎ genre: horror, psychological thriller, slow burn, angst
⚡︎ summary: new relationships blossom as you try to lead a normal life proceeding your abuser’s death, but what happens once a series of chilling phone calls disrupts your peace again?
⚡︎ wc: 15k (have fun with this hour long read lol) ~ previously...
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❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆ now and then
Since the fateful day of his death, Sunghoon Park was infamously known for the heinous acts he so gallantly committed out of love for his late little sister.
For the most part, the identity’s involved in Sunghoon’s amateur high school killings to his eventually more-experienced university slaughters were publicly announced.
Those victims being Cha Jun-Hwan, Nakamura Kazuha, Maddison Dupont, as well as her twin brother Maxwell, and a few unnamed others.
News outlets gave you, Sunghoon’s deadly obsession in this horror story, the nickname V, as you played the role of his only victor, escaping the torture fest you endured for three months while his other victims could barely last an hour against his signature weapon:
A Buck 120 Hunting Knife.
Memories of the events that Sunghoon sent you through roamed within the darkness behind your drowsy eyes, and it didn’t help that he practically haunted every other aspect of your waking life.
You smelt him after scrubbing yourself near clean of your own skin.
You could hear his daunting voice in stolen moments of silence.
You saw his face behind every masked murderer in your nightmares.
His oh-so-handsomely crafted face.
You could only imagine how many more people would exalt his name as a Dahmer or Bundy after seeing it.
That kind of thing always bothered you...seeing people on social media praise murderous monsters as if they were worthy of admiration.
In the beginning, you always thought that “V” was short for victim, and it honestly enabled you to feel like one.
That is, up until Dr. Lee, who you always just called Heeseung, stepped in to help you recover.
Or… more accurately, forget.
"How long are you gonna let Sunghoon control your life?" He'd ask you in half-whisper, to which you'd only shrug in response.
It wasn't like you didn't want to get over everything that happened.
Hell, if it were possible, you’d want a complete brain-wipe of Sunghoon, but Heeseung tried everything that was clinically moral to help you.
Your treatment started with cognitive behavioral strategies that helped you associate your fears with the strength it took for you to both withstand and overcome them in reality.
Next, you went through imagery rehearsal therapy to get over the nightmares.
Multiple times a week, Heeseung would ask you to describe your nightmares in detail, drawing pictures or writing out the most vivid scenes as needed. Then, you would write out a changed version of the dream, mentally rehearsing the new imagery until your nightmares were replaced by it.
In all of your illustrated revisions, Sunghoon’s face was completely blurred out in black crayon, because in an ideal world, you wouldn't want to remember that face ever again.
And so, you didn't.
It was a rare medical phenomenon that your treatment resulted in you fully forgetting the face of your humanoid fear, but you still weren't quite ready to live normally.
Despite three months of therapy having passed, Heeseung still wanted to work with you in recovery for at least another half-year.
And this is the exact path that led to you and Heeseung developing into something a little more than friends. Something like occasional dinner dates with equally occasional kissing afterward.
On the lips, of course. That's where he liked kissing you the most.
Currently you were marked at three weeks on a prescribed medication for PTSD and anxiety patients, and you can't remember when you felt better.
There were a few side effects to the medicine, like declined appetite and wonky periods, but you’d rather take that over a potentially worse lifestyle without the meds.
You were finally getting your life back, and with Sunghoon officially out of the picture and new friends by your side, you had nothing to worry about.
➠ monday
The ways of a Café Royale worker came naturally to you, which is why your boss (aka the café owner) put you in charge of training the new employee, Lee Hyun-Seo, but you just called her Leeseo.
You had been training the young girl for over two weeks, yet she still struggled with the entry level basics, like handling restaurant grade coffee makers or properly handling a broom.
Despite how much of a slow learner she was, you and the staff decided to keep little Leeseo around.
One of the reasons being that her parents were struggling financially, and the girl just wanted to lend a hand with some of their bills.
The other reason was that Leeseo had a way of charming people, staff and costumers included—like a vessel of sunshine, she almost always had a smile on her face, and you commended her for that given everything she was going through at home.
“I can help!” Leeseo beamed, leaping to take the second tray of food and drinks you carried.
“Thanks, kiddo,” you chirped, finally using two hands to hold the tray.
“Ugh, what must I do for you to stop calling me that?” She whined, placing the steaming hot mugs on a costumer's table.
“Focus,” you said, pointing out how she nearly spilled a cup of black tea on someone’s lap.
You beelined back to the front counter, grabbing the plate of assorted sandwiches that just came out. “That’s for table 16,” Yunjin said, “and this is for the hottie at 23,” she continued, handing you a folded napkin.
“What, did he ask for math help?” You teased, observing her phone number jotted down in blue ink on the piece of paper.
“Just give it to him, alright?” She pleaded with frustration, turning back around to prepare the upcoming orders.
You hit up table 16 first before making your way toward table 23, where Nate was sitting. He was the same guy with dyed silver hair you met a few weeks ago, and since then, he had become a regular costumer at Café Royale.
The most you knew about him was that he enjoyed writing creatively, and was working on a piece to enter for a contest. He was also very passionate about his afternoon dose of caffeine, which you find rather odd at best…
You’d give it to Nate that he was a particularly attractive guy, but not worth doing anything unprofessional like… I don’t know, passing a customer your phone number at work?
“Good afternoon, Nate,” you smiled, handing him the napkin to which he immediately noticed its inky etchings.
“Damn, now I’m offended that you think I’m single,” he joked, eyes following the series of numbers on the paper.
“Trust me, I’m not your secret admirer,” you replied, pulling out your note pad to write, “What can I get for you today?”
“Oh, I had something at home. I just like writing here sometimes,” he smiled, closing his computer.
“Well, it must be something juicy if you won’t even let me see it.”
“Ugh, it’s in draft form right now! Give me a few days and I’ll be happy to show yo—“
“Focus, ____,” Leeseo interrupted as she walked by, showing off the $50 tip she just nabbed from table 16.
You sighed, both at Leeseo’s petty remark, your loss on 50 bucks, and Nate’s ability to enthrall your attention.
“Good luck editing,” you smiled, closing your notepad before getting back to work.
Nate had become a usual costumer ever since the first day you met about three months after you started working here.
You two grew particularly close, especially once he started staying back at the cafe during your night shifts to walk you to your car.
Whenever the sun set a few hours before your shift ended, he noticed how nervous you looked... staring outside the French café windows as if the starry night whispered threats.
If it weren’t for Heeseung, you wouldn’t even have a personal car to get you from point A to point B. He gave it to you as a gift once you started working.
He was able to pick you up for the first week of your job, but after that, he couldn’t make the commitment anymore given his own chaotic work schedule.
So, in typical Heeseung fashion, he bought you a whole freaking car, and he wouldn’t let you refuse his offer under any circumstances.
“Just take the damn keys, ____,” he’d chuckle, watching as you shyly did just that, walking over to the vehicle and taking your first spin.
Back to Nate though, he had a funny way of telling you “bye” on nights like those.
"Watch your back," he'd say, waving with arguably the most attractive smirk you've ever seen as you’d pull out of the driveway and head home safely.
Of course, you'd never admit that first part to Heeseung.
You read the order note that Yunjin just wrote from the last costumer: Two iced vanilla lattes with four mini dessert pops. As a waiter, you already expected that you’d do a lot more floor work than just placing food and drinks on a table here and there, so you took it upon yourself to help Yunjin out by fixing this order.
“Thank you BIG TIME,” Yunjin exclaimed, wiping off the counter near the register.
“Of course, you’ve stirred enough drinks for the both of us.”
“Pfft, I was talking about passing Nate my number, Strawberry Shortcake. Do you think he’ll actually call back?”
“Hmm, probably not… I think he said something about having a girlfriend already?”
“Liar! You berries and cream filled liar,” Yunjin teased, tossing a handful of blueberries at you.
“That doesn’t sound very PG,” you giggled back to her, eating one of the blueberries that landed on your workspace.
"Hey," Leeseo said shyly, tapping you on the shoulder, “I’m gonna step out for a bit, if that’s okay.”
“Mhm, you can’t fool me, iPad kid. Now focus, remember?”
“I am focusing, ____… Its just some girls came in from my school and I really don’t want them to mess with me at my job.”
You handed Leeseo a pair of tongs to grab the cake pops you needed, “I didn’t see any girls, Leeseo.”
The metal tongs clinked against the glass cake pop case, “I told you about them last week, ____… plus, girls like them are pretty hard to miss,” she whispered, pointing her head in their direction.
Pretty hard to miss? Yes, but basic modern day teenagers nonetheless? Double yes.
You tried not to make your peeking look so obvious, so you finished up the lattes and brought them to Leeseo’s classmates to get a closer look.
From their conversation, you could tell the two girls were talking crap about someone, thanks to stream of swear words that flew from their lip-sticked mouths. You placed their order down on the table, but they ignored you, daring to raise their voices even louder so you couldn’t get a “You’re welcome” in.
Yikes, you thought to yourself, thinking about the way your high school self, Maddison, and Kaz used to bash Wonyoung while she was in the same room.
“Aiko’s the short one with the eyeliner, and Maeve's the taller one with pink hair. Don’t let their looks fool you though… Aiko’s the real monster.” You remembered Leeseo telling you when you drove her home after training one time.
That was the same day Leeseo mixed up more than four orders and accidentally sweared in front of a little kid. He asked her for a breakfast croissant to which she replied, “Sorry, but you’re shit out of luck bud, we just ran out.”
Harmless mistake, I know, but the kid’s mother wasn’t too forgiving about it.
“Those girls from my school have been blowing up my phone with hate messages since I left school today… I swear they have nothing better to do with themselves…”
“And does that explain why you said “shit” to a little kid,” you asked.
“N-no, but, they’ve got my head in a bad place… My focus is probably ruined for the rest of the day now,” she sighed, washing the chocolate from her hands before sitting on the kitchen floor.
Leeseo found herself in the same place today, sitting on the kitchen floor as you brought Aiko and Maeve their cake pops before joining Leeseo on the ground.
“I knew a girl just like you when I was in high school,” you began, voice almost falling to a whisper, “Much like those girls out there, me and my friends treated people terribly, especially this one person.”
“So then what happened?” Leeseo asked, looking at you, even though your gaze fell to your lap, stuck in a daydream.
Memories that part of you wished you could forget resurfaced in your mind. You swallowed the lump in your throat, tightening your grip around nothing before answering.
“She killed herself.”
Leeseo’s eyes widened a little at your words, her chest raising differently as her breathing style changed.
You could tell she was shocked, as would anyone who heard such a thing.
She remained quiet as if waiting for you to say something else, and so you did.
“Hey, if you’d feel better hiding in the kitchen until they leave, you can.”
She looked up and smiled. “Thanks, ____!” She beamed, reaching in her pocket for her smartphone.
“Nuh uh, you’re still on shift, buddy, now help Yunjin out with the dishes!” You chuckled, heading to the front to deliver more orders.
Yunjin was the only other person you had told about Wonyoung and everything else.
It wasn’t intentional, but after having one to many egg nog shots at a Café Royale employee's function, you confessed as she drove you home.
You had grown comfortable with Yunjin knowing that dark part of your past, and even now with Leeseo, given that you’d always viewed her like a little sister.
Beep, beep.
It was a reminder on your phone that you'd set yesterday, saying that you had to meet with Heeseung at his place around 5pm.
Maybe the girls won't notice if I slip out for the day, you mischievously thought to yourself, hanging your work apron over the wall coat hook before sneaking out of the café undetected.
Traffic had you running late to Heeseung's place, but he wasn't to upset about it, given that he got held back at work an extra hour to sort files in his office. Needless to say, your dinner "date" ended up starting a little later than desired.
Even so, Heeseung made an effort to keep the night special, but it seemed as though your mind was in a different place at the time.
“You’ve barely touched your pasta,” Heeseung nudged, thinking of any way to start a conversation amidst the awkward silence.
“Oh, sorry! Yunjin brought me a coffee so my appetite’s a bit mild.”
“That’s okay, I’m really just trying to get you to say something,” he smiled, but it didn’t quite reach his lovesick eyes. He just stared down at his plate, twirling the saucy red noodles around his fork.
“Uhm… well, how was work?” You tried, cringing at yourself.
Heeeseung put his fork down, wiping the corner of his mouth with a napkin, “____, why’re you acting like a stranger all of a sudden? You’re always comfortable talking to me. Is it because I was late today?”
Your gaze fell to his lap where he sat with parted legs. Shit, stop peeking, you internally scolded yourself.
You're not sure what made you feel this way tonight, but your mind was on everything else but the pasta in front of you.
Was it the way he decided to cuff his sleeves today? No, he always wore his shirts like that. Maybe it was the way he occasionally tugged at the tie around his neck, or the little breaths he'd let out each time you crossed and uncrossed your legs, or the smirk he'd flash whenever you failed to hold eye contact with him for longer than five seconds.
“So I see you’d rather daydream about my dick than have a simple conversation with me,” He said, voice sounding offended yet prideful at the same time.
You shook your head at his words, biting your lip to keep in the embarrassed laugh that dared to slip past your mouth, “Sure, but you don’t have to say it like that.”
“Why not? I can tell you liked it,” He pressed, talking a sip of the white grape champagne in his wine glass, coating his peachy lips.
In all honesty, you've been sexually attracted to Heeseung since you first met him during one of the darkest stages of your life, and you couldn't help but feel bad about it.
Of course you appreciated him for other reasons, but at the end of the day, he’s your crush and mental health care provider all at once. You dreaded the idea of adding “fuck buddy” to that mix, and frankly, you weren’t sure you'd be able to handle it, despite already testing that boundary a few months ago at his freaking job of all places.
“There are just times when I feel like what you said might be true,” you answered, finally feeling comfortable enough to look him in the face.
“Times where you'd rather daydream about my dick than talk to me?”
“Fine, fine, I’ll stop,” He chuckled, his contagious bright smile making you laugh a little yourself, "So what is it?... That happens in your daydreams, I mean," he went on.
"In detail or the safe for work version?" You giggled again, honestly trying not to engage in his flirting for the sake of your own existence.
"I never noticed how pretty your laugh is when you're nervous and trying to hide it," he smiled, tilting his head at you.
"Oh and where'd you find that one, in a Rizzler's 101 Guide?" You teased, nudging his knee with yours.
"No, I really mean it," he smiled again, getting up from his seat and meeting you on the couch.
Gently cupping your face in his hands, he pulled you in for a kiss, which quickly led to a full blown make out session. You don't think you've ever felt hornier while kissing someone as you let out sounds you didn't even know you could make.
Heeseung's hand got lost under your shirt while yours were gripping at his neck, pulling him impossibly close to you. Your legs were hooked around his waist as he softly grinded against you, both of you feeling light headed just from the simple touches and sensations.
You wondered what it’d be like to go all the way, so you took off your top, and he followed after you, kissing down your neck as you clenched around nothing.
The warmth of his breath against your cold skin sent shivers down your spine, your fingers combing through his hair as if trying to calm his growing desire for you.
The little nips he left on your neck reminded you of the way Sunghoon used to wake you up from naps, but you tried to stay in the moment.
Heeseung held your waist with one hand while he slipped past your panties with the other, looking at your face for some kind of cue before touching you any further.
You let out a whine, feeling his fingertip barely graze your sweet spot before he started to rub it in circles.
“I love the little sounds you make for me,” he whispered, inserting two fingers with ease given how wet you were.
The words of Sunghoon echoed in the back of your mind, which was almost worse than actually seeing his face. As much as you wanted this moment with Heeseung, your mind was letting your past get in the way of it.
You felt your heart beat increase with each thrust of Heeseung’s fingers, his pouty lips latched to your skin as if he were a leech.
It all felt so good, but every time Sunghoon crossed your mind, you felt like screaming.
You tried keeping your eyes open so your mind couldn’t deceive you with images, but a certain thought resurfaced when you felt Heeseung pulling down your pants.
I’ll show you just how deranged I am.
“Stop! Stop it! G-get away from me!” You thrashed beneath Heeseung, causing him to jerk away immediately. He stared back at your shaking body in shock, trying to figure out what just happened and why.
“_-____, are...are you okay?” He asked sincerely, looking into your now teary eyes.
Your chest kept heaving as a mix of scary emotions started to build up at your core. “I’m sorry, Heeseung,” you sniffled, swallowing the lump in your throat. “I just... I can’t do this.”
“W-what do you mean? Can’t do what?” He asked again, putting his shirt back on and passing you yours.
“The touching stuff... I just-" you sighed, preparing yourself for his response, “I couldn't stop thinking about him.”
Heeseung knew exactly who you meant, despite you not being able to say his name.
“I understand what you’ve been through, ____, but I hate that it has to affect us even now. I thought you said you got over all that...”
You scoffed at his words, “Aren’t you the doctor here? That’s how trauma works, I’m afraid.”
You reached for your own top, snaking your head through the hole and fixing yourself on the couch.
He stared back at the pasta that now set awkwardly on the coffee table before you. As if your words went through one ear and out the other, he went on to ask, “Is there someone else?”
“What? No, Heeseung, I would never do that to you.”
“I get that, but would it really be all that bad? It’s not like we’re officially in a relationship.”
“I know we’ve been through a lot together, and if you’re not ready for this kind of thing, I’ll move on, love.”
“Just because I’m not ready to be intimate with you?”
It was strange how just a few moments ago you were giggling only to now be turning cheeks at each other. The room fell silent for a few moments before Heeseung got up from his seat and handed you your purse, “You can go now.”
You blinked in disbelief, “You're kidding, right?”
“No. I want you out of here for the night. You need some space.”
“Are you sure this is about what I need?” You asked as he walked you to the door.
“Thanks for coming over. Have a good night, ____.” He whispered, not meeting your face before he closed the door behind you.
You felt confused as you stood outside his apartment, feet practically glued to his "Welcome In" doormat.
The irony, you thought to yourself.
You didn't wanna think about if there was something you could've said or done to change the way things went tonight.
Another oddity was that even though Heeseung was persistent on you continuing with therapy because he knew you weren't ready, he somehow expected you to at least trust him in that moment.
Maybe it was time for you to accept the fact that you'd never be normal... not after Sunghoon.
You went straight home after your argument with Heeseung, that is, if you could even call it that.
By now, you were very aware that guilt was one of your strongest emotions, so you felt the need to call Heeseung and leave things on a more positive note.
Or perhaps it was the only way you could try killing off the awkwardness burning in your veins.
Kicking your shoes off, you didn't bother to wash up before plopping your body on the couch, crossing your feet and typing in your phone password.
You went to your "Favorite" contacts list and pressed Heeseung's name, staring at the call option for a few moments before finally clicking it.
Boop... the dial tone rang.
Boop... the sound lingered a few more times before going to the voicemail option.
You instead opted to leave a voice message, rambling some simple (and apologetic) nonsense and pressing send.
He must've read it because three, hopeful dots appeared as you awaited his response... that never came.
Ring, ring, ring, your phone blared, an unknown caller daring to interrupt your silly love affair.
"Ugh," you sighed, hanging up before the number called again.
Ring, ring, ring.
We can all take a guess what your mind immediately thought of at the familiarly ominous ringtone.
Not wanting to feed into your own cowardice, you answered the call, hoping that it would somehow grant you a fleeting feeling of control.
"Long time no see, ____," the raspy voice slithered from the other end of the phone, laced with a craving for mischief.
You were a bit startled by the caller using your name.
"Sorry, but you're a little late with the Halloween pranks. Try again next year-"
"I was thinking, we should play a game."
Oh dear, not this shit again, you thought to yourself.
"Uh, I think you've got the movies mixed up, buddy. That line's from Saw," you replied, fighting back the giggle that danced in your throat.
The old you would've been trembling from a call such as this, but given the circumstances, you were glad for anything that would distract from your cringey thoughts of Heeseung.
"Hmm, I see you're still the scary movie type?" The voice snickered.
"Not at the moment. Right now, I'm more interested in this game of yours. Though, if it involves stripping, you can count me out early."
"Heheheh, don't worry. There's no stripping this time. I've learned from experience that you're not down for that kind of thing. On-top-of-the-clothes fun was always your favorite."
Your jaw clenched at his statement, making you curious to know who was behind the call this time, but you continued to play along.
"Okay, I'm listening."
"Perfect. It's called guess who's gonna get skewered like a fucking pig?"
"Whoo, we're jumping straight into the extremes, huh?"
"Absolutely! Extreme is my favorite," the voice went on, but you were now (re)distracted by thoughts of Heeseung, dumbly staring at the three dots on your phone screen that had yet to dissolve into a message.
"Hey, you still there?"
"Oop- Sorry... you must be boring me, I guess," you teased.
"You guess what?"
"Oh, I forgot we were playing a game," you chirped, sitting up straight now as if the caller was right in front of you, "Hmm, do I get any hints?"
"No, you're smart enough to guess without any."
"Fine," you exhaled, assuming that the answer was yourself. Preparing to perform, you cleared your throat in case you had to fake-cry, "My guess is some guy who probably watched the Scream movies one too many times."
"Well well well. Has my life been threatened by the very person who failed to take it?"
"W-what did you just say?"
"Aww, you almost sound excited about that. Do you miss me, princess?"
"Uhh, I don't know what you're talking about," your voice cracked at the dreadful nickname, a fear you haven't felt in months rumbling in your chest.
"Do you miss the way I made you feel?"
"I hope this isn't your idea of a funny prank, because the humor died after you asked about scary movies."
"You have a strange obsession with death, don't you ____? Answer me this: when was the last time you visited my grave? Or my sister's grave?"
"You're sick," you spat, raising your voice a little louder than intended.
"Mhm. That just means we have a lot more in common than you thought. Anyways, should I knock or just carve my way in-"
Boop, boop.
You cut the call, immediately blocking the number and running to your bedroom, locking the door behind you.
As if it were a shield, you hopped in your bed, tucking the covers over your head and squeezing your eyes shut.
Albeit, you were now well distracted from any thoughts of Heeseung, but unfortunately, something far more daunting than a pasta party gone wrong took its place.
➠ tuesday
You had work at the café early the next morning, and didn't get much sleep after that unexpected call. To no surprise, Heeseung never texted you back, but again, that's not really something you were worried about at the time.
Nate was already at the café when you got there, earlier than his usual time, but you took it upon yourself to serve him before Yunjin could step in to play the role of her own cupid.
"Morning, Nate! Don't tell me you already had something before you came here," you teased.
"Hey, and no, not this time heheheh."
That laugh... were you being paranoid?
"I'll have a black coffee... and maybe something sweet if you wanna surprise me," he smiled before noticing that you looked a little off, "Hey, is everything alright? You don't look too good."
You shifted in your stance, trying to stay in character of the happy waitress he knew you to be, "Oh- yeah, I just didn't get much rest last night. Who knew caffeine was so anti-sleep?"
The café door bell rang as a trio of elderly ladies walked in... the same ones Yunjin accused of Karenism after you abandoned ship yesterday.
You didn't want her to have to serve them so you turned in Nate's order so you could take their's.
Leeseo wasn't in work today because she had school, so some guy (who's name you could barely remember) took her place, and boy was he a lifesaver in the kitchen.
He had the older ladies and Nate's order made within minutes, handing you the trays in each hand as Yunjin busied herself doing who knows what.
"Here’s your black coffee and a tiramisu square,” you chirped, placing the mug and plate beside his laptop, “I know you’ve tried this one before, but I really think it suits you.”
“Aww, thanks, ____,” he pouted playfully, “How can I ever repay you for such kind deeds?”
Your gaze immediately fell to Nate’s delicate fingers that rested idly near his keyboard.
“Your story. I wanna see it,” you said plainly, tucking the serving tray under your arm and peeking over his shoulder.
“You’re joking,” he said, slightly closing his computer.
“Aww, c’mon! I’ve been dying to read it! If you make me wait any longer I might literally combust!”
“Fine, okay, I’ll show you,” he sighed, playfully rolling his eyes, “but only because I wouldn’t want anyone to clean up your gory remains.”
He moved his coffee out of the way to prevent any accidents, slowly lifting his computer back up for you to see, “Promise you won’t judge me? Like I said, it’s in draft form—”
“I promise, Nate, now stop stalling,” you giggled, squinting your eyes at the tiny words that filled the screen.
You caught sight of the words ghost face, suicide, and revenge almost immediately, your body language clearly exhibiting how you felt on the inside.
“Is it really that bad,” the platinum haired boy asked with furrowed brows, taking in your now disgusted demeanor.
“I… this is unbelievable…”
“Just give it a chance, ____! Trust me, the plot gets better in the next chapter, when the main character finally realizes that the guy behind the mask was the party host all along—”
"What are you, some kind of sick freak?” You interrupted him, careful not to show your anger as you closed his computer shut.
“I… I’m sorry, what?”
“How much do you know?" You went on, slightly raising your voice.
“____, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he almost laughed, trying to shake off how nervous you were making him feel.
“You’re the pervert who called me last night, aren’t you?”
“____, please calm down, you’re scaring me,” he pleaded, standing up from his seat and placing his hands on your shoulders.
Everything in you wanted to push him away, but once the glares from the surrounding costumers and Yunjin entered your field of vision, you simply backed away, swallowing the anger that bubbled within you.
You reached to take off your apron to which Yunjin immediately scolded you, “Nuh uh, you’re not getting away that easily… Get over here, now.”
Letting out a sigh, you looked at Nate with both confusion and shame, walking behind the café counter to where Yunjin was standing.
“What was that all about?” She asked, shaking your shoulder, “Huh? You’re making me look bad in front of my crush, y’know?”
“I got a call last night. A ghost face call,” you whispered, fighting back the tears meddling with your eyes, “It could’ve been a prank, but it seemed so real.”
She took your hand, guiding you into the kitchen where prying eyes and nosey ears couldn’t interfere.
“And you think it was Nate?”
“He’s writing an entire story about it, Jinnie! I can’t be crazy for drawing that conclusion!”
“And you’re not crazy… probably just a little hangry… and sleep deprived,” she smiled, handing you a cookie you didn’t even realize she was holding til now, “Eat it.”
“B-but the chocolate’s all melted.”
“Eat it, ____,” she giggled, shoving the cookie past your lips and into your mouth.
“Ahh, what the heck!”
“Hey, don’t talk with your mouth full,” she grinned, dusting the cookie crumbs on her apron, “now hurry up and finish that… we’ve got a lot more costumers to serve before our shifts ends."
Later that day, you somehow found the balls to apologize to Nate for blowing up on him. You didn’t expect him to be so forgiving, especially considering that you literally accused him of harassing you.
During the brief apology, you explained to him everything you went through in the past, apologizing again for trauma dumping on him. But, like always, he was very understanding, even laughing it off by saying he’s grown used to people having dramatic responses to his art.
“So, you’re V?” He asked, walking beside you as you made your way back to work from your lunch break.
“I’m what?”
“You know, V. Sunghoon’s survivor.”
You usually didn’t like your name being used synonymously with Sunghoon’s, but this time, you didn’t mind as much. Maybe that had something to do with Nate’s undeniable charm.
“Yeah, I-I guess I am,” you half-smiled, walking a bit slower as you weren’t quite ready to leave his side, “Why were you so fascinated by that story, anyway?”
He hummed in thought, looking at the sky before answering, “I’ve got a pretty messed up past, myself, y’know? I hate that certain things turned out the way the did, but it helped to shape me into who I am today.”
“And who’s that, if you don’t mind me asking. Who are you?”
He smiled, licking his teeth at how catty your voice sounded, “I’m an attractive guy with an ugly little kid who’s both obsessed and afraid of death hiding behind it all.”
“Explain that for me.”
“Only if you’re ready,” he said, a silence meddling between you two before you nodded, cueing for him to continue.
“When I was younger, some guys broke into my parents house while my mom and I were solving a puzzle in the kitchen. She hid me in the cabinet, but didn’t have enough time to hide herself before the burglars shot her straight in the chest. That’s just the short version, but part of me hasn’t been the same since then,” he paused, taking in a breath before continuing.
“I know she’d want me to lead a normal life after everything that happened, but I’m still attached to the darkness I saw. It’s a part of me now.”
You were trying not to show it on your face, but you weren’t expecting a guy like Nate to have gone through so much. He handled his pain a lot better than you ever could, and you both envied and admired him for it.
“Sorry, I know that was a lot to take in,” he sighed, sticking his hands in his pocket.
“Nate, I literally just told you that a serial killer held me captive for months while I carried his baby. You’re good,” you chuckled, nudging him on the shoulder.
You two bonded on other things like your experiences with therapy, sharing with him the medication you’d been taking to help with your anxiety.
“I don’t know, ____. I took that same stuff when I was a kid and it fucked me up bad… I’m sure you’ve been having adverse symptoms from it, right?” he frowned, walking up to the café entry with your hand in his.
The bell jingled behind you, gracing both your senses with sweet aromas.
“Yeah, actually… I have.”
“So. You can choose to follow doctors orders or take my advice instead. The choice is yours,” he shrugged, letting go of your hand at the sight of Yunjin coming from around the counter.
She wasn’t oblivious to you two holding hands, but it didn’t bother her much anyways.
“Welcome back, strangers. I see you’re both on good terms now? No more witch hunts?”
“No more witch hunts,” Nate confirmed with a smirk, showcasing the faint dimple on one of his cheeks.
➠ wednesday
The sound of iceskates gliding across a frosty arena filled your ears.
The audience of chilly bodies was silent, eyes gawking in awe at the sight of the skilled dancer practically controlling gravity itself.
It was astounding how skilled this faceless skater was.
You were very much aware that you were currently in a dream, thanks to the mere fact that you’d never actually attend a figure skating show in real life.
Not that you had something against the sport…you just simply couldn’t handle the thoughts that came with it anymore.
Knock, knock, knock.
And in typical dream fashion, you teleported to an entirely different space within seconds, in this case, your apartment kitchen.
Pacing to the front door, you slung it open to reveal a quaint cardboard package lying on the ground.
You picked up the box, walking over to the kitchen counter before placing it down and grabbing a knife to cut through the packaging tape.
Flipping over the cardboard flabs, you were met with the sight of a tiny red sequined dress and a devil horned headband tucked neatly beside it.
Kazuha, you instantly thought to yourself.
“Remember this?” A gentle voice chirped, pulling you from your thoughts.
You whipped your head to see none other than a figment of the late Wonyoung. Even after all your treatment, you could never forget how beautiful she was… even your dream managed to capture the ethereal essence of her beauty.
She held a blue pregnancy test kit in her hand, dressed in the same school uniform she’d always wear, her pink lace socks resting at her dainty ankles.
“Wonyoung?” You asked in shock.
“The one and only. My brother did a good job of making sure you never forgot about me,” she said with a pout, making your own mood fall.
“I could never forget you, Wonnie. No matter how desperately I might’ve tried to.”
She smiled at your words, taking a few steps closer to you, “I haven’t been called that in a while… anyways, the pack said it only came with one test, but it gave me two instead. Trust me when I say you might need this later.”
You nodded in response, putting the test in your kitchen cabinet and closing the box with Kazuha’s costume in it.
“Hey, not so fast!! I wanted to try that on, y’know?
“Kaz!” You nearly yelped, running into her arms and giving her a hug.
“Okay okay, I missed you too, ____, but chill out with the PDA. I have a strict no-homo rule,” she chuckled, kissing you on the cheek anyways.
“Sooo you and Wonyoung get along now?”
“Surprisingly, yes. When you’re dead, I guess grudges just matter less to you. It’s easier to forgive than to hang on to that kind of pain,” she sighed, propping herself on the counter.
“Speaking of the dead,” you began curiously, “how is he? Sunghoon, I mean….”
The light presence in the room suddenly faltered at your mentioning of his name, Kazuha and Wonyoung exchanging troubled looks to each other before meeting your frame with forlorn eyes.
“W-what is it? Did something happen?” You pressed, sensing the dark cloud that slowly engulfed the three of you in the now dull kitchen space.
Wonyoung fidgeted with the beaded bracelet on her wrist before answering you with a shaky breath.
“Sunghoon isn’t here with us.”
Beep, beep, beep.
Awaking from your dream as if struck by lightening, you reached out a hand at the sound of your vibrating phone rumbling against your nightstand, revealing Heeseung’s contact flashing on your screen.
It was now 7 o’clock on the dot.
“Heeseung?” You asked in a groggy voice, rubbing your eyes from how brightly the sun shone from your bedroom window.
“Hi, I’m standing outside your door right now. Are you home? I knocked over ten minutes ago—”
Boop, boop.
You abruptly cut the call, putting on a pair of shorts (since you slept only in your panties), as you ran to answer the door.
Heeseung was standing there in a very nice outfit, but your current emotions weren’t interested in the slightest.
You practically leaped on him, shaking his shoulders with crazy eyes as you spit out words you yourself could hardly keep up with.
“Sunghoon!! H-he’s- He’s still alive, Heeseung! He never died! That… ugh, that means he's still out there! He's wants me dead, Heeseung! That explains everything!!"
“____, slow down. I can hardly understand a word you’re saying,” he chuckled, cupping your face in his hands, “breathe for me, okay?”
“I- I am breathing, Heeseung,” you sighed, anxiety pumping stronger in your veins than oxygen.
“I know,” he smiled, kissing you on the nose, “can I come in so you can tell me everything?”
You let him inside, taking a seat on your living room couch as he helped himself to fixing both of you a cup of coffee as if you were his guest.
“It was a dream, but… it all felt so real.”
“And I get that, but you know you’re not supposed to entertain those sorts of thoughts,” he half frowned, placing the warm mugs on the coffee table before you, “Now be honest with me, did you want to stay in the dream? Did part of you maybe want to think about Sunghoon?”
“You know I have to ask these questions, ____. What kind of answers were you looking for?”
He peered into your eyes as if searching you for the words you were too afraid to say.
That’s when your phone blared with a text from Yunjin.
“Oh, crap!” you pouted, swiping the message on your phone, “I’ve gotta get ready for work in a few minutes…”
Heeseung tried to maintain his cool demeanor, “Well, can we at least finish our coffee first before you abandon me?”
“Of course, Hee,” you smiled, taking a sip of the milky beverage, “what were you doing here so early, anyway?”
He almost appeared to be caught off guard by your question, but you brushed off the suspicion, blaming it on the dream you’d just had.
“Oh- don’t worry about that now. Let’s just enjoy this moment before you go off to serve the fellow coffee-holics in our city.”
Yes, you and Heeseung often behaved as if you were in a seriously committed relationship, but at the end of the day, there was no label between you two.
A few more minutes passed, and your mugs were empty.
“Thanks for stopping by, Heeseung, but I’ve gotta get ready,” you smiled, walking him to your front door.
“You’re welcome, ____. And by the way, I saw your message. I really appreciate you being mature about everything, and I hope that you forgive me for the way I acted,” he said as you slowly closed the door in front of him, beelining to your bathroom to brush away your coffee breath.
Café Royale was closing early for the day as inspections were scheduled during your afternoon shift, so your entire team had the rest of the day off.
You decided to stay back to do some last-minute tidying before you’d leave.
All there was left to do was throw out the table flower water and leave a note for the inspectors.
That’s when you heard a thud against the back wall of the kitchen, high-pitched pleas falling from a familiar voice.
You dropped the the flower vase, not caring that it shattered on the ground as you made a run toward the door, following the ruckus outside.
On the side of the bakery, you found the two girls from the restaurant pinning Leeseo against the wall while a girl you didn’t quite recognize recorded the ordeal.
Leeseo’s eyes were squeezed shut as the girl brought the camera closer to her face, “Don’t act all shy now, slut. We know how much you like being on camera,” Maeve cackled.
The part of you that would usually freeze in moments like this had died with Wonyoung.
You marched towards the girl recording, snatching the phone from her hand before launching it into the nearby parking lot.
“What the fuck,” she exclaimed before cowardly backing away. You yanked Aiko away from Leeseo, grabbing her face in your hand.
The two other girls were already making a run for it as your grip on Aiko's face tightened, causing her to wince at the feeling.
“Aren’t you like a grown woman or something? Get your hands off me!!” She squealed, possibly forgetting how to use her arms as she fought dumbly trying to escape your hold.
“I hope you didn’t think that shit was funny,” you said, observing her dull blue eyes.
There was nothing behind them, complete emptiness.
Much like Maddison, you thought to yourself.
“You leave Leeseo alone from now on, alright? She’s a hard working girl and doesn’t need punks like you making her life more difficult.”
Aiko's gaze darted between you and Leeseo who stood awkwardly in front of the wall, “An innocent, hard-working girl, huh? Wow... you really are two-faced.”
“I don’t think you answered her question,” Leeseo pitched.
Aiko only laughed in response, blinking a few times before answering, “Like I said, get your fucking hands off me, or there’s gonna be a serious problem,” she taunted, titled her head before you let go, watching as she walked away.
“See you at school, Flash,” she smiled, disappearing behind a corner.
“What’d she just call you?”
“Nothing!” Leeseo responded, a bit louder than planned.
“Don’t lie to me, kiddo. What does that name mean?”
“It means I’m a slut, okay? Just like they said,” she sighed, picking up her apron that the girls had thrown on the ground earlier, “a stupid slut that sends stupid photos to stupid boys who tell stupid girls.”
You couldn’t think of anything else to say to her in the moment, as you’re sure she had heard enough of your advice.
All you did was pull her in for a hug, running a hand through her hair as she fought with the lump growing in her throat.
“You are not a stupid slut, Leeseo. You’re a teenage girl just trying to survive in this world,” you encouraged, breaking from the embrace.
That’s when you noticed Nate from afar, walking closer as you and Leeseo tried to recollect yourself.
“What was that all about?” He asked, giving Leeseo a side hug as she hid her face from him shyly.
“Depends, how much did you see?”
“Well, I saw you get all handsy with that high schooler who was harassing our girl over here,” he huffed, “you okay, Sissy?”
“Yeah, Nate, I’m fine,” she nearly whispered, crossing her arms.
“Look, Nate, I’m not usually that aggressive. I just couldn’t hold back when I saw-"
“____, stop your rambling,” he smiled, bringing a finger to your lip for a moment, “You were fucking amazing. Most girls wouldn’t have reacted the way you did, and I’m sure Leeseo is grateful that you stood up for her.”
You felt you stomach flutter at his words, or maybe it was whatever compelled him to touch your lips.
“Yeah, Nate’s right. You’re like… kind of a badass now.”
“Oh, only kind of,” you chuckled, nudging her waist.
“Yeah, because you let her go.”
Nate nodded in agreement with Leeseo, shrugging his shoulders in a teasing way, “She does have a point there, ____.”
“Well, it’s important to end your battles just as wisely as you pick them,” you said, the three of you walking towards the parking lot.
“Well said, Yoda,” Nate teased, making eye contact with you before speaking, “so, you doing anything after this?”
“Yeah, I’ve gotta clean up some glass I dropped in the shop, but I’ll text you later if I can meet up.”
“Okay,” he smiled, giving you and Leeseo both one last hug before heading back to wherever he came from, “Stay out of trouble, you guys!”
“We’ll try,” Leeseo called out, walking towards the cafe.
“Hey, you’re off for the day. Enjoy your time-off.”
“I will… after I return the favor,” she winked, heading towards the utility unit and grabbing a broom.
Despite having gotten off from work early, you still felt a little worn out from a certain series of events that occurred earlier. So, you decided to calm yourself down with a nice evening bath before bed.
After blow drying your hair, you proceeded with some simple skincare steps before finally ended with moisturizer.
That’s when you got a call from Yunjin. She was never one to call you this late, so you answered the call, hoping that everything was okay on her end.
“Hey, what’s up?” You asked, holding the phone to your ear as you closed your container of face cream.
“Oh my God, someone’s trying to kill me!”
“You’re joking.”
“No, I’m dead serious. Poor choice of words, but I’ve been running for five minutes and I’m about to give up,” she said, voice starting to crack, “…I thought it was funny at first, but now I’m really scared.”
“Oh my God, do you still see them?” You asked again, clutching to your phone.
“No, but I can hear their feet… I’m so fucking scared, ____.”
“I know, Jinnie. Where are you?”
“In the neighborhood-“
“Okay, I’m calling the police-“
“No, ____, don’t hang up!”
“Yunjin, I HAVE to.”
“Please don’t! I already tried but they sent me to the holding line… I just need to hear your voice right now, okay?”
“This is ridiculous! Your life is on the line here, I have to do something!” You cried, heart racing with your feet as you rushed to put on your coat, grabbing your car keys, “I’m gonna call them right now.”
“F-fuck, fuck, fuck,” she stammered, starting to sob, “you really shouldn’t hang up right now, ____.”
“Everything is going to be okay, Yunjin, just keep talking to me, I’m on my way to you!” You panted, running to your car without even making sure your apartment door was locked. “Do you still hear them?”
“Yes, and they’re getting faster! I don’t know what to do,” she said, choking on her own breath.
“Yunjin, sweetie, I need you to calm down. Your nerves are only going to make things worse.”
“What the fuck, ____, I’m gonna die!!”
“Fuck, Yunjin, don’t say that! Look around, is there anywhere you can hide? Any possible weapons?”
“No, I can’t see shit out here!!”
“Wait- I think I see you,” you said, zipping down the street.
“Is that your car? AHHH!”
“Yunjin!?!! What happened?!?!”
“I tripped- ugh, fuck…,” she sobbed, getting up with adrenaline until she caught a glimpse of the cherry colored blood dripping down her leg, making her feel lightheaded.
“Yunjin, are you okay?”
“Eugh- yeah,“ she groaned, “I just can’t feel my fucking legs… hurry!!”
“Shit, I lost you…,” you cursed under your breath until it hit you, “WAVE YOUR PHONE AROUND ON FLASH!”
“I- o-okay, okay!” She stuttered, fumbling with the phone in her hand as she put on the flash and did as you said.
You saw the faint white light radiating from her smartphone about three houses ahead of you.
Slamming your foot on the gas, you nearly flew down the street, a screeching sound echoing from your tires.
Your brakes came to a clean stop as you drifted around the corner, rolling down your car windows.
“Hurry, get in, get in!”
Yunjin only nodded as she ran toward the car, shoulder jerking as the car door resisted in opening.
“What the fuck, ____, unlock the damn door!!”
“Fuck, I did!!” You cried, frantically pressing the unlock button.
Quick thinking kicked in as Yunjin opted for the window, crawling in desperately as the hooded and masked figure sprinted towards your vehicle from behind her.
You reached out your hand to pull Yunjin’s body into the car the rest of the way before zooming off, the crazy killer having gotten just close enough to graze her calf with his blade.
“Hughh,” She exhaled, struggling to get a hold of her breath, “how does he know you?”
Darting through the neighborhood, you tried your best to escape the psycho, even though he didn’t have a chance to catch up with you on foot.
“W- what? What do you mean?”
“The guy in the mask, he said that he was gonna kill me because of YOU, ____! Holy shit, and he was tall as fuck with that freaky ass voice you were telling me about… And there was another girl out tonight! Oh my God, I bet he went after her too!”
“Another girl??” your voice raised slightly, "w-what'd she look like?"
"She's... I've seen her before... that kid... the one from Leeseo's school who comes around the café sometimes."
"No, not her... the prettier one."
You didn't wanna think about how Aiko was likely running for her life outside right now, but it was too late to turn around, so you distracted yourself by something else, “…how’s your leg doing?”
“Fine,” she whined, wiping the tears of black mascara that painted her cheeks.
“I don’t feel safe anymore,” she continued, shaking her head as her lower lip quivered, “none of us should…”
“I know, Yunjin.”
“You keep saying that, but I get the feeling there are a lot of things you’re late on clearing up about this, ____. Help me know, too.”
Your chest raised as you took a deep breath, letting out a sigh before answering, “that guy tonight…. I can’t say that I’m sure, but I think it’s Heeseung.”
“Your boyfriend,” she asked confused.
“He’s not my boyfriend, Jinnie.”
“Yeah, and I also doubt he’s a fucking psychopath. Isn’t he a doctor? He helps people for a living, you know?”
“Fuck, Yunjin, he’s the only other person who knows the full story. It just makes sense.”
Silence filled the car for a moment.
“Okay, now THIS is ridiculous. For the love of God, could you think of any other person that would possibly wanna torture us like this,” Yunjin nagged, looking at you as your eyes were still trained on the road.
“It… it could be… I’m just guessing, but… Sunghoon?”
“Huh,” Yunjin scoffed in disbelief, “So your dead boyfriend?”
“Whatever you wanna call it,” you replied sharply, feeling frustrated from life itself.
“Great, so what do we do about him now? How do we beat the final boss?”
Your grip around the steering wheel tightened as both fear and shame rose in your gut. You dreaded the moment you shared your past with Yunjin, and you dreaded the guilt that came with her almost losing her life because of it.
You took a deep breath and focused your eyes on the road, trying to fight back the tears that dared to spill from your terrorized eyes.
“We tell Nate,” you said, making a U-turn as you trailed down the road.
"Right, the computer obsessed nerd who drinks way too much coffee...” she cheered facetiously before continuing, “oh, and do you have an aspirin with you by any chance?"
"No. Here, drink this for now," you said, handing her the water bottle from your car door that you don't even remember purchasing.
She shook her head, taking a long sip from the bottle before resting it between her legs, "All I know is that this costume party better be fucking worth it."
➠ thursday
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You took Nate up on his previous offer to hang out and decided to invite him to have drinks with you and Yunjin at the local outdoor tea shop. That's where you two decided to tell him everything that happened the other night.
“I just... I don’t know what to do anymore, Nate," you frowned, stirring the tapioca pearls at the bottom of your cup.
“Every problem has a solution, ____. Your goal is to have your normal life back, right?”
“Yes, you know that, Nate. All I've wanted for the past few months is a slice of normalcy.”
He looked at Yunjin, whose facial expression mirrored the frown you wore, trying to come up with something, if anything at all, to grant you this craved slice of the ordinary.
“Fine. I have an idea in mind, but you might think it's a little crazy.”
"Crazier than looking over your shoulder every five seconds in fear of some punk with a knife kink," Yunjin asked in a goofy tone.
"Not quite," he began, taking a sip of his tea before continuing, "I've been meaning to throw this Halloween party at my house for a while. I'll text you all the updates if you're interested, but people will be wearing costumes."
"You're solution is a fashionably belated adult dress-up party?" Yunjin asked, yet stated in disapproval.
"Exactly. It'll be fun and best of all, normal. Obviously there's no pressure for you two to come, it was just an... a dumb idea, I guess-"
"No!" You excitedly interjected in Nate's defense, "That's actually a really great idea, Nate! We're young adults for crying out loud. Silly parties are literally a defining point of our culture."
You're not sure what got into you, but Kazuha would be proud of your willingness to mingle if she was here. Despite your past experiences with costume parties and undeniable intorvertism, you weren't gonna let some masked goon get in the way of your chance at feeling normal again, even if it was only for a few hours.
Yunjin cocked an eyebrow at you in confusion and concern, "I don't know, ____. Being in an environment like that can disturb your recovery. Plus, I'm not sure if that's the safest idea either, considering how that midnight prankster literally cut me."
"We'll be together the entire time," Nate bud in, "I'm a pretty strong guy, y'know? And from what I've seen, ____ here can be pretty badass when it comes to defense."
You tried not to laugh at the memory of Aiko and Leeseo's parking lot showdown yesterday. It flattered you that Nate viewed your protectiveness as a sign of courage, even though you might've gotten a little carried away.
"Uhmmmm, she's blushing... Why is she blushing?! ____, did something happen that I don't know about? Nate, for the love of God, would you please stop smirking!!" Yunjin huffed, dying to know about this obvious inside joke Nate just told.
"I'm not smirking," he lied, chuckling at Yunjin's words as he struggled to look her in the face out of embarrassment.
"We're not hiding anyyyything. Right Nate?" You giggled, flashing him a corny wink.
Yunjin rolled her eyes at you two, taking an annoyed sip from her boba as you guys fought the growing urge to buss out laughing.
That's when you all spotted Leeseo walking home from school with her hair covering her face. You made an effort to call her over, but she obviously ignored you until Nate said something.
"Sissy," He almost whispered with a now forced smile, sensing that something was off by her foggy aura.
She stopped right in her tracks, bashfully lifting her head to reveal her tear-stained cheeks.
The three of you got up from your table, rushing over to comfort her.
"Hey, why the long face, kiddo?" Yunjin asked, taking Leeseo's backpack so the poor girl could finally relax her anxious shoulders.
"S-something happened to Aiko last night," she let out through broken sniffles, "Maeve was telling the whole school about it today."
Oh my God, you thought to yourself.
A worried expression wavered over Nate's features, "W-well... what'd she say?"
"She was talking on the phone with Aiko last night to make sure she got home safely. That's when Aiko said this weird guy kept texting her... Maeve listened to the whole thing..."
"Leeseo, I'm kind of missing the point here," Yunjin pressed, not being able to read through her words clearly.
"Aiko told Maeve that some guy in a costume started chasing her... Another girl was running away with her, but Aiko couldn't tell who she was..."
"Maeve said she heard Aiko stop running, followed by painful screaming and coughing... we don't know for sure but... people are saying that its a ghost face copycat-"
Nate stopped her mid-sentence, wrapping his arms around her as she weeped into his chest.
"I know it's silly that I'm crying because she was such a bitch to me," her voice cracked, tears leaving darkened grey spots on Nate's turtleneck.
"You're not silly for having a heart, Leeseo," you said softly, holding your own hands from how cold your surroundings suddenly became.
"They found her body, ____," she sobbed, hardly being able to contain her breathing, "that freak killed her."
Nothing else was said as there was nothing left to say. You all stood around Nate and Lesseo in a circle, meddling on the increasingly horrifying status of your realities.
Turns out that the new masked goon on the street wasn't some lame copy cat, but unfortunately, someone much more sinister.
➠ friday
During your lunch break, you decided to tell Heeseung about Nate's costume party tonight. Not because you wanted him to join you or anything... mostly because you thought it'd be the right thing to let him know. Though, if you knew he would've reacted in the way he did, you simply would've avoided telling him altogether.
"Why would you go to a party like that, ____?" He scolded, shaking his head at you, "People in masks, carrying fake knives and what not. You're not ready, ____! A kid was literally just stabbed to death in our neighborhood!"
"I am ready, Heeseung! Hell, I don't even remember what Sunghoon looks like at this poin. He's officially a part of my past now, and I thank you for everything you've done to help me heal since that, but please, don't ruin this for me."
"Ruin your mood before a bogus late Halloween party?" He scoffed, leaning against the wall in the cafeteria.
You decided to break the news to him after surprising him at work with some lunch you made for him that morning. You understood exactly where he was coming from: Heeseung only wanted the best for you ever since day one, but you still wish he wouldn't have been so harsh about something as simple as a costume party.
"Please don't get mad at me for asking, but have you stopped taking your meds?"
Your heart dropped at his words. Was there an obvious difference in your behavior that would make him know that?
Now it was your turn to feel guilty, "I'm sorry for not telling you, Heeseung. I haven't taken any over the last few days, but I promise you, I've never been happier!"
"____, you think I don't know about that little stunt at your job? Your emotions are out of control!"
"I only stopped taking the meds because Nate suggested I give them a break. If me not feeding into fear is what losing control of me emotions looks like, then so be it," you fought back.
"God, listen to yourself, ____. Valuing the advice of this Nate guy over me, a professional healthcare provider? Where's your trust in me?" He frowned, voice falling to a whisper.
Beep, beep, beep, the cafeteria microwave chimed through the tension of the room. Heeseung had put the lunch you made him in there a few minutes ago, and you're sure it was pretty over-warmed by now.
"I'm trusting in myself from now on," you replied, adjusting your purse over your shoulder and turning to walk away from him, "Enjoy your food, Heeseung."
Once again, it was a Friday night and the mood was right, as you liked to say.
The decorations, the vibes and snack table—it was all reminiscent of Sunghoon's party last summer, but minus the fear that came with it.
You couldn't help but think about Kazuha in the atmosphere.
Parties were always her scene, and now that you think about it, Yunjin had a spirit very similar to Kaz, and Nate… well, he was a lot like the person Sunghoon had fooled you into thinking he was.
Kind, gentle, healing.
You and Yunjin were dressed to impress in your flirty cat costumes, Nate opting for a more relaxed apparel in a graphic sweatshirt, silver chains, and ripped jeans.
"It's my emo persona," he clarified for the both of you who were still confused as to why he didn't dress up at his own party.
"Cool, so does this emo version of you go by a different name orrr-"
"You died your hair black," you interrupted, staring in shock.
Nate's smile froze before twisting into something more mischievous, "Yeah, I did. Too bad our friend Yunjin here didn't notice... have you been drinking?" He teased, poking her on the forehead.
"Hands off, Lil Huddy, and no, I'm still waiting for the host to show me where the bar is."
"As you wish," he smiled, taking you and Yunjin's hand in his, slipping past the crowd and beelining toward his indoor bar.
One Of The Girls pulsed from the radio speakers, thrumming through the party air as surrounding bodies either swayed or made conversation to the rhythms. The mysterious aura of the song lingered in your limbs as you struggled to wrap your head around what bothered you about Nate's costume tonight.
You didn't wanna say it was the hair, because this new, dark look made him undeniably more attractive. Still, there was something different about his eyes. Something that made you feel uneasy.
So you brushed it off.
"What's your poison," Nate asked with a cheesy grin, placing three chilled shot glasses and a drink mixer on the counter.
“Hmm,” You began, tapping at your chin, “how about something creamy with a dairy base? In honor of our feline outfits.”
“Got it,” he huffed, rolling up his sleeves and examining the array of shelved alcohols behind him. He went for a bottle of banana liquor and crème de cacao. Pouring the amber liquids into the mixers along with some whole milk and ice, he gave it a theatrical shake before pouring it into your shot glasses. “Voila, my ladies! Tell me what you think,” Nate hummed, looking into your eyes as he licked the bead of milk from the rim of the cup.
Yunjin took a sip first and then you, surprisingly pleasant flavors of warm chocolate greeting your taste buds. “Woah, this is actually really good! The banana doesn’t taste synthetic, either!” Yunjin chirped, going back for another sip.
“That’s because I only buy the finest quality products for my guests,” Nate said, eyes turning back to you as he leaned over the counter, wiping the sweet foam from your lips with his thumb.
“Jeez, I’m still right here, y’know?” Yunjin cringed, making you and Nate both feel a little shy.
“What’s this drink called anyway? I wanna make it at home sometime,” Yunjin continued.
“It’s called a Banshee. You can look up the recipe online.”
“Oooh, sounds dangerous.”
“It’s not. Most Banshee’s only warn of pending deaths, while others relish in the pain of people who’ve harmed them in some way.”
“Interesting, but what does that have to do with bananas and chocolate,” you asked.
“The short answer is nothing at all,” Nate said, walking around the counter to sit in between you and Yunjin, “it’s just a silly name, I guess.”
After you three finished up your drinks, you headed back to the dance floor where you made absolute fools of yourselves. Yunjin, who got the dropsies early on, called in an Uber to drive her back home.
“Yunjin, I’m not letting you go home alone while drunk,” you retorted, walking her to the car, “Besides, I’m sure your driver won’t mind looking at two pussies for the night.”
“Yeah,” she giggled, leaning her head into your shoulder, “but maybe some other time when I'm a little more in touch,” she smiled, drawing your attention to the tinted windows of the vehicle. You could barely make out what the driver looked like.
“Anyways, you and Nate deserve this night together. I’ll be fine, I promised,” she said with slurred words as you watched her enter the vehicle.
“Okay, Jinnie. I’ll see you tomorrow then,” you waved as the car pulled off.
“Tomorrow!” She cheered back before rolling up the window.
The party continued as normal, you and Nate sticking by each others side for the entire time. As expected, a few ghostface cosplayers welcomed themselves to the party space, but you weren’t gonna let them worry you.
Buzz. Buzz.
Your phone vibrated in your purple handbag. Pulling out your phone, the bright screen revealed an incoming call from an unknown number.
What a wonderful surprise, you thought to yourself.
You went to press the hangup button, but Nate stopped your hand, meeting your eyes with his encouraging ones.
“Go on… answer it,” he almost whispered, securing your waist with his protective hand.
You’re not sure what compelled you to listen to him, but you felt strong enough to answer the call just as casually as it came.
“Who is this,” you asked dumbly, your gut having told you exactly who it was before answering.
“Does my voice ring any bells?”
Gut wrong. It was Heeseung. You had forgotten all about how you blocked him a few hours after your argument to make sure he didn't get in the way of your party plans. That explains why he called from a burner number.
“What do you want, Hee,” you said with a sigh, now walking away from Nate’s hold.
“Oh, so first, you risk your health by going against my advice, and now I’m not allowed to check on you, either?”
“I’m fine, Hee,” you answered, only for another ring tone to fill your ear.
You glanced at the phone screen: another unknown number was intersecting the call.
“Gimme a second,” you paused, accepting the incoming call and putting Heeseung’s line on hold.
“You're enjoying this, aren't you?”
Nevermind. Gut actually right, just slightly delayed. It was the ghostface creep calling to ruin your fun.
“Enjoying what, exactly?" You pressed, already feeling yourself get a little nervous.
"Enjoying this taste of normalcy, of course. You're not trying to forget about me, are you princess?" The gravelly voice slithered, sending chills down your spine.
It was obvious that this psycho wanted you to think they were some kind of Sunghoon Park reincarnate, coming back to haunt you all over again. The part that you didn't understand, however, was how they knew so much and why they were willing to kill for the sake of a prank.
"Look, I don't have time for your games right now, stay out of my life," You bit back, trying to hide just how scared you truly were.
"Oh, ____, we both know that I can't do that. But I'll promise you this much: No more games tonight. Deal?"
You took a moment to breath before answering, "D-deal."
"Perfect. Now if you're a smart girl who learns from her mistakes, you won't hang up until I say so," the voice hissed.
The sound of what you assumed was a vinyl record scratching against a pin met your anxious ear, an upbeat piano tune rumbling from the track.
"Unusual. They say strange fascination, in...fatuation! A lunatic."
"What is this," you couldn't help but ask, even though you knew there wouldn't be an answer.
"Cause my insides are red, and yours are too! And the red on my face is matching you," the chilling recording sang, "And goodness you're bleeding. What a wonderful feeling. You're down and you're pleading. My head is just reeling-"
You subconsciously walked back closer to Nate as the chorus erupted, bumping into him as you were lost in whatever trance this freak was successfully putting on you.
The urge to hang up grew stronger with each second, but you knew better than to test your luck so soon.
"ꪻꫝꫀ ᥅ꫀᦔ ꪑꫀꪖꪀᦓ ꠸ ꪶꪮꪜꫀ ꪗꪮꪊ " The final lyric whined before the phone call ended abruptly.
Heeseung's line appeared to have cut a few minutes ago, too.
No... he hung up on you.
You called Heeseung back who immediately answered, “Where are you?” You started, not even trying to hide your sense of urgency.
"Why, your new boyfriend abandoned you already?"
"Cut the crap, Heeseung, where are you??” Your voice cracked this time.
"God, I’m at home, ____, why--"
Nate snatched your phone, cutting the call as he turned you to face him, "What the hell was that all about?"
“That ghost face creep wanted me to stay on the phone while he serenading me...”
"You're kidding."
"I wish. Too bad I got scared into listening."
"It's okay. I'm sure you did the right thing. Now where are we headed."
"Wherever Heeseung is. I'm skeptical that he may be behind all of this, but if he's not, that phone call I got was just a distraction. He could be in trouble." You said, taking Nate's hand in yours as you led him outside of the party and to his car.
"Okay. Is there any way you can track his location?"
"Yeah, as long as he has his phone with him," you said, getting in the car and putting on your seatbelt.
Nate passed you your phone so you could pull up Heeseung's whereabouts. From the looks of it, he was driving somewhere, and definitely not home like he said he was.
"What's he doing in the middle of nowhere?" Nate asked, narrowing his eyes at the phone screen.
"I have know idea, but we have to follow him," you said, holding up your phone for Nate to follow the directions.
Yunjin sat quietly in the backseat, observing the night skyline behind the foggy car windows in between her recurrent dozing.
A certain bump in the road caused the car to shake, disrupting Yunjin's slumber once again. That's when she overheard the Uber driver on the phone with someone.
"Hey... not sure if I'm hallucinating or not, but were you just on the phone with my friend?” She asked, having heard a familiar voice on the other end of the call.
The driver didn't pay Yunjin any mind as he continued speaking on the phone, the female voice repeating the name "Heeseung" a few times before hanging up.
"Oh my gosh!" She gasped in shock, taking in the view of the drivers face from the rearview mirror, "You’re Heeseung? Wow, you’re like... wayyyyy hotter than I thought you’d be. Respectfully, of course, since you and ____ have history. She is literally so lucky to have you around.”
“She sure is," he said with a forced smiled, but it didn't quite reach his dark, doe eyes.
His grip on the steering wheel tightened as he turned down yet another rocky trail.
“Hey, I think you made a wrong turn, my street is that way…” Yunjin mumbled, not wanted to come off as bossy.
“Oh- Yeah, I'm taking a short cut to avoid traffic, don't worry about it.”
She simply nodded in response, dozing off for another 10 minutes before waking back up again. Yunjin was never really a lightweight when it came to drinking. If anything, it sometimes seemed as though she was immune to its effects.
"What the hell was in that Banshee," she thought to herself, rubbing the heaviness from her glittery eyes before looking back out the window again, taking in the view of trees and wildlife that made up her surroundings.
“Hey, we’ve been on this road for a while now, are you sure you're on the right path?”
Heeseung pursed his lips at her question, taking a breath and holding it in his chest for a moment, “I can't take you home tonight," he said, eyes still trained on the road ahead of him as he locked the doors.
"Haha, very funny, but suddenly, I gotta piss. So unless you wanna smell my golden release in your car for the next month, I suggest you take another detour, Dr. Lee," She threatened, unbuckling her seatbelt to ease the pressure around her stomach.
"I'm afraid I don't have much time to tell you this, but someone from ____'s past is out to hurt the both of you. You need to understand that Nate is not who he says he is," Heeseung frowned, letting go of the breath he'd been holding.
“Yeah, no kidding, but that still doesn't explain where the fuck you're taking me,” Yunjin retorted, fidgeting with the car door handle as a way to annoy him.
“Would you please stop doing that? I'm already on edge right now, and you would be too if you actually listened to what I'm saying," Heeseung sighed, raising his voice slightly.
"I am listening."
"Great, so hear this. I'm taking you somewhere safe from whatever's to come tonight.. otherwise, you could be in even more trouble.”
Yunjin let his words sink in before answering, "Okay, I hope that I'm making the right decision by trusting you, but what about ____?"
"I'll take care of her after this, just focus on yourself right now," he replied, pulling the vehicle into the driveway of a mysterious log cabin cradled within the depths of the forest.
"Get out," Heeseung said, exiting the vehicle with haste as Yunjin followed after him, walking up to the front door where a key was hidden beneath the doormat.
"Just follow me, he'll find you too easily up here," he went on, grabbing her hand and leading her to the downstairs basement.
With how fast Heeseung was moving, Yunjin barely had enough time to make out her surroundings, her peripheral vision being filled with colors instead of identifiable objects... Or maybe that was the affect of Nate's Banshee still lingering in her system.
The last thing she'd remember was Heeseung bringing her into the basement before closing the door, approaching her with a wooden chair in his grasp as everything around her went black.
According to your phone's GPS, you were still a few minutes shy from arriving at Heeseung's location. Though, the undeniable familiarity of your surroundings brought up a feeling of anxiety in the pit of your stomach.
The way the moonlight peeked through the trees, casting an ominous glow on the hood of Nate's car was all too reminiscent of a few scenes from your nightmares.
Scenes where Sunghoon would drive you to and from the clinic as if it were a daycare center for punished girls, watching from the hospital cafeteria window as bright mornings slowly faded into a starry nights.
Much like tonight, that is.
The bright car headlights of the vehicle glazed the surface of a rectangular sign hanging above the front door of the shady cabin. hidden within the first as Nate pulled into the driveway. A sign that read the words "Park Lodge."
Another sight that caught your attention was the same Uber car that Yunjin got into and the front door that was left open.
Oh God, help me please, you thought to yourself, or maybe prayed, fidgeting with your fingers as Nate stopped the car, ceasing the calming sound of the air conditioner.
"Are you sure you wanna go in, or would you rather stay out here," Nate asked softly, looking in your direction as you simply stared in your lap.
Still dressed in your slutty cat costume, you couldn't help but feel silly, almost as though you'd gotten dressed up to make a fool out of yourself tonight.
So many thoughts and questions were running through your head: Was Yunjin okay? Why the hell would Heeseung come here? Does he have something to do with this recent outbreak of ghost face hysteria? Who could you trust?
You closed the car door, leaving your hand bag behind, walking up to the cabin with Nate beside you.
Despite everything you'd been through, this was easily one of the most frightening experiences of them all, but you couldnt let fear get the best of you.
Not yet.
Not now.
"What is this place," he asked, taking in the interior design of this forbidden cabin you knew all too well.
"My former torture chamber," you sighed, opening door after door in search of anything at all, "The place where Sunghoon would..." your voice trailed off, "the place where it all happened."
Nate only hummed at your words, eyes scanning your movements as you continued to search the space like a maniac, but to no avail.
That's when you saw a trail of dirt leading to the basement.
Two trails, that is. One from a man and the other from a female.
"In here!" You called out to Nate who ran towards you, twisting the door handle that refused to grant you access.
"Step back," he said, and you did, watching as he gave the door a few kicks before it slung open, the handle clashing with the wall behind it.
"Watch your step," he warned, taking in the extravagant view of steps that lead to whatever was hiding within the darkness of the basement aside from the many demons Sunghoon left behind.
Step by step, you watched as your feet met each level, Nate's shoes clicking behind yours. Once your boots finally met solid ground, you weren't too surprised to see Heeseung pacing around the room casually.
You didn't even realize Nate was holding your hand until he let go of it, leaving your side for reasons you didn't immediately understand.
“What’re you doing here!?” You nearly shouted, a disgusted look wavering over your face at Heeseung's relaxed demeanor.
But to your surprise, he didn't answer, only watching as Nate made his way to the closet, looking to Heeseung before asking, "Is she in here?"
Heeseung nodded, and with that, Nate took it upon himself to open the closet door, revealing none other than Yunjin's unconscious body sitting, no, tied to a chair with rope, a rectangle of duck tape covering her mouth.
You’re not sure why you just stood there and watched, but you did. Something about seeing yet another person end up in a bad situation simply because they were your friend made you freeze.
Nate’s previously nervous expression was taken over by a much more malicious one, his hand going to grab a handful of Yunjin's hair before giving her head a shake, “Is anybody home,” he snickered, but she remained asleep, only groaning at his actions.
“Don’t touch her like that!” You finally yelped, causing Yunjin to regain her consciousness from the loudness of your voice.
Nate removed the tape from her mouth.
“_-____?” She stuttered over your name through half lidded eyes, looking back at you.
Blood trickled down Nate’s arm as he dug the rim of his knife further into the flesh of Yunjin’s throat, her eyes rolling into the back of her head as her arms tensed up from the pain.
“Shit, looks like I missed the rope,” Nate pouted facetiously, letting her head hang forward as he licked the bead of blood that trailed down his knife, “I've always had bad aim.” “Why the hell did you do that!!” Heeseung yelled, running up to Nate and pushing him away from Yunjin, “We agreed that we weren’t gonna kill her, that’s why I told you to spike her drink in the first place!”
“But gosh, you have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to do that,” Nate defended, to which Heeseung scoffed annoyedly.
“Yunjin didn’t hurt your sister! And she wasn’t like that other girl you killed that night. Our other targets deserved to die. Not her,” Heeseung said with a heavy voice, almost as if wanting to cry, but you knew he wouldn’t.
Closing the closet door, a look of disappointment wavered over his features, “You're loosing grip of your purpose, Sunghoon.”
You felt as though your world stopped spinning at the realization of everything that was going on.
So you weren't just going crazy this entire time?
“N-…. N-no, it can’t be,” you stuttered, feeling as though your legs would give out. “Don’t touch me!” You barked as Heeseung tried to catch you from falling, which you did anyway, right to your knees.
“This whole time… S-Sunghoon, I...I thought... y-you're supposed to be dead,” your voice cracked, another tear joining the cloudy stream that already stained your face.
“With that logic, I guess I'm supposed to be a lot of things... Sane, kind, honest. By now though, you should know that I've always danced to the beat of my own drum," Sunghoon smirked, playing with the bloody knife in his hand, "What did you think of that song, by the way? Pretty good, right?"
“You fucking monster! Y-you… you killed two innocent people!”
"Oh, big woop! It's not like they were going to turn out to be anything anyways," Nate scoffed, twirling the weapon once again, "I'm sure you probably have a lot of questions you'd like to ask, so I recommend you start talking before my patience runs out."
"Heeseung... I... I don't understand your role in all of this..."
"There are no excuses for my actions, ____, but I owed it to Sunghoon. We both found each other during some dark times in our lives. He promised to help me get some pretty bad people off my back if in exchange, I helped him kill off that Jun-Hwan guy... I just got in too deep to turn back.”
"But why? Why go on for so long? Why not just kill me off and relish in your fleeting sense of justice?" You cried, not being able to control the tears spilling from your eyes.
Your entire life for the past 6 months had been nothing more than a big fat lie.
“God, didn't I already explain this part to you everyday when I had you down here all those days? I did it for my sister, ____,” Sunghoon hissed.
"So you tortured me everyday for months while I carried your child for some lame attempt at redemption?"
"Exactly. See? I knew you were smart."
“No... maybe in the beginning your intentions were noble, but now you’re just acting on your own sick impulses! You like hurting people!”
"Okay, I thought I told you to ask questions, not lecture me."
“Your entire plan was to make my life a living hell! All that shit you said about loving me was a part of this grand psychological game you’re playing!”
“Bingo! You’re on fire, princess,” he winked, unfazed by your emotional outburst, "Now, in a few seconds, I'm going to slit your eyelids in half so you can watch as I stab you multiple times in the face. Any last words?"
You couldn't even be mad at yourself for falling for his tricks... People always said that psychopaths had a way of making some of the most convincing actors.
"Fuck you," you spat, lips trembling like an earthquake before him.
"Cute. If you so happen to wake up in heaven, tell Wonyoung I said-"
A silver bullet lodged through the center of Sunghoon's chest, the loud sound making your ears pop.
Another bullet joined the first one in his chest, the silver blade finally falling from his cold grasp and clashing with the wooden floor.
This shot went off with a ring, gushing through his forehead as his now lifeless body met you on the floor, splashes of red decorated your skin. It was interesting how his beautiful face stayed in contact after the collision.
Your jaw went slack at the sight, a mixture of terror and surprise running through every cell in your body.
You turned to see the source of the gunfire, finding none other than Leeseo standing with the smokey weapon still pointed at Sunghoon's head, her index finger slowly easing into the trigger again.
"That's enough!!" You yelled, haulting what would've made her fourth shot at him.
Putting the gun on safety, she tucked it into her brown leather jacket, grabbing you by the hands as she lifted you up from the ground, greeting you with her embrace.
"What the hell are you doing here, kiddo," you sniffled in her shoulder, feeling as though your body was on the verge of breaking.
"I suspected Nate had something to do with Aiko's death, so I started following him and noticed that he kept coming back here for some reason," she whispered, breaking from the hug.
"I'm so glad that I brought my dad's pistol with me tonight. I heard that there was a party going on and I had a feeling what kind of monster I was dealing with early on. It sucks to say that my instincts were right-"
"I saw him kill Yunjin from upstairs. I froze at the sight in the same way you did-"
"Leeseo, listen."
"What?" She said, taking your hands in hers.
“Nate wasn't real… his real name is Sunghoon Park.”
She screwed her eyebrows at your words, "Wait- Like the original guy from the ghost face incidents this summer?"
"Yes," you replied plainly.
"But... the news said he died... h-he... no, V hit him with a car outside of the hospital! He was in a coma-"
"Look, there's a lot more to the story that I have yet to tell you because I'm still trying to understand some of it myself... I'm just glad you were brave enough to stand up for us like that."
All she did was smile. Even in the face of danger, she always had a way of bringing sunshine to the room. "Are you sure I shouldn't shoot him one more time though?"
"He's dead, Sissy. For good this time, okay?" You reassured her as the sound of police sirens rumbled from above the basement.
Could this girl get any smarter?
"Hey... Where'd Dr. Lee go," she asked, taking one more good look around the basement.
"Don't worry about Heeseung. He wasn't on our side, either," you sighed as a team of police officers came rushing down the stairs, infiltrating the space.
➠ a little over one week later, monday
You still think about what would’ve happened if you wouldn't have dragged Yunjin into going to Sunghoon's party with you that night. If you didn’t trust "Nate" over your own gut feelings, falling for his charm in the same way you did when you first met him. If you never continued therapy or even a relationship with Heeseung. If you never betrayed Wonyoung for your friends to the point that she was bullied to death.
Would you, Kaz, and Madds still be friends, attending the same university together as you took on the exciting new adventure of adulthood? Would Sunghoon and Jun-Hwan be professional athletes in the Olympics, Wonyoung cheering them both on from the sidelines?
So many questions, but you're afraid there are only limited answers to them at this given moment in time.
Right now, you were rewarded the chance to lead your life the way you wanted, fear-free. “Hey, ____! Are you still down to hang out after work? I wanna show you the poster I was working on for Café Royale's holiday menu!” Leeseo chirped as she untied the bow to her apron, tucking it away in her sack. “Yeah, I’ll be out in a sec!” You called out to her, heading to lock up the kitchen before you left.
The owner of Café Royale had flew in town a few days ago, as she was also in search for normalcy some place outside of town. She felt the need to come down and check on things, bidding her condolences. "You might wanna keep a good eye on these," she said, placing the store front keys in your hand as she made her way outside, you following closely behind after hanging your apron over the wall hook. "I really can't thank you enough for this, ma'am," you expressed, watching as she got into her fancy purple car.
"Start by not letting me down. I understand that this is a big responsibility I'm leaving you with, but I know you can handle it. You're a trooper, ____," she smiled, closing her car door before pulling off, joining the rest of the busy vehicles rolling up and down the road. Leeseo was already at your side by now, hooking your arm in hers as she lead you in the direction of her "In Progress Creative Project."
"What'd the boss lady wanna tell you," she started, legs following the exact same step speed at which you walked.
You took a moment to soak up the evening sun, relishing in this feeling of normalcy you oh-so craved for far too long.
Here goes that word again, you thought to yourself, meeting Leeseo's eyes with your own enlightened ones.
"Let's just say I'll be sticking around this town for a lot longer than planned."
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❅ Thank you all so much for reading Part 3 of this absolute train wreck of a story! Special thanks to @ashgonedash the original requestor of this story, @squoxle my trusted creative assistant, and @yourmomscuntis2tighy for additional support and creative inspo! Couldn't have done this one without y'all!
❅ Make sure to check out my enhypen bookshelf here for my fun reads and yonder content !!
✎ ᴀ/ɴ: in no way, shape, or form does this fanfic intend to romanticize unhealthy relationships or abusive behaviors. i simply write for entertainment and creative purposes. thus, reader discretion is always advised.
taglist: @ashgonedash @nikilvr @ttokyoobv @yourmomscuntis2tighy @fightqueen @addictedtohobi @sltfohoon @lisaaannna @beomgyusonlywife @casualcloddeputyherring @calichuchies-blog @devqrasgirl @rhiannass @lovelycassy @pinapplefntacupss @en-thralled @nikimeows @kaykay11sworld @j-wyoung @flowerbe0m @clarisabutterfliescupcake @wonnyan @sunghoonmyprince @heeseung-min - EVERYONE ELSE I couldn't tag for some reason?? Sowwy hehe
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What You've Done, You Cannot Undo (Medieval AU)
As summer fades, the ghouls settle in further. New friends and relationships blossom, and a new band performs their first ritual in the local village.
Rating: M Content: possessive behavior Words: 4812
Links to full fic: Tumblr | AO3
Not bad for a fic that was meant to be 5 chapters and about 15k words… this was supposed to be a quick little fic that I wrote before moving on to write the longer soulmates AU I’ve been planning since around March! 
As I think I've mentioned, this isn't the end! This was always supposed to be a Raindrop fic, and so Swissalps's story will be continued in a sequel. I'll be dropping the first chapter shortly, and I have a special invitation for it if anyone wants that in their ask box! message me or reply if you'd be interested?
I can't let myself get too sappy here or it'll end up longer than the chapter itself. But thank you to everyone who's been so lovely about this fic in replies or reblogs (especially looking at @everybodyshusband @cosmicseafoam @jazz-bazz @0-miles-away @papaslittlesunshine @ligovskaya @midnight-moth @karmicbias @kentuckyfriedsatan and anyone who's AO3 username I haven't correlated to a tumblr blog yet!), I wouldn't have stuck with this so long without you guys 🖤🖤
Read below, or on AO3!
The weeks passed, the summer fading further every day. With the final harvests nearly all brought in and the trees painting themselves in a hundred shades of amber and gold, autumn was finally upon the Abbey. No amount of dulling of the colours of nature could dull the passion of Rain and Dew’s relationship however, even as they found themselves slipping into a routine. For the Abbey’s fire ghouls, it was all hands on deck to help keep the grain dry, yet amidst his busy schedule Dew still found ample time to luxuriate in him and his pack’s safe and comfortable new home. Most importantly though, he thought, he had time to spend with his m– Rain.  
Dew had to stop himself for the thousandth time from thinking of Rain as his mate. To him, the rituals were practically complete. Having passed on his amulet, he had opened his heart and shared his soul. For Rain though, he knew they were only at the end of the first step of the many that comprised a water ghoul's courting ritual. They had many months left before Rain would have completed his side of the tradition; the next step being gifts that were less about being pretty, and more practical gifts for their future together. Dew had no way of knowing that Rain was already hard at work on that front; taking advice from his new pod of water ghouls on the best kinds of kelp to harvest from the lake here, and the weaving patterns that would create the softest possible blankets from it. Dew was happy to wait for Rain however; even if it took millennia, he would wait for him. 
As the weeks passed for Dew and Rain and their relationship grew both deeper and stronger, Swiss and Mountain continued to dance around each other, both backing out of making the final move at the last second. Their friendship had never been stronger, and with that came the higher pressure of what was a stake if their feelings were not reciprocated. 
Aether could see straight through their – at times – comedically oblivious behaviour. He had known Mountain for so many years now, and Swiss a great number too, that he could decipher the thoughts running through their heads just like reading a book. Seeing his pack couple off like they were doing could have made him feel lonely and jealous, he supposed. Considering his thoughts however, he couldn't find a scrap of negativity towards any of them. Really, he was just happy to see his pack happy.  
He had a fulfilling life; a pack, new friends around the Abbey. Aether had always said that he was happy alone, with no desire to settle with a mate. Admittedly, Mountain had said something similar when they first met, but Swiss seemed to have been an exception there. Over the recent weeks since Cumulus had properly introduced them, Aether had especially been enjoying getting to know Cowbell. The quiet ghoul's steady, timeless attitude felt grounding amongst the recent chaos of his life, and Aether could tell they seemed as delighted to have made a new friend as he was. 
Aether’s role in the infirmary was also going better than he could have expected. Astra had quickly seen how unnecessary any training she could offer him would be, and had set him up mentoring some of the younger quintessence ghouls. To his mild amusement, he had gained a small gaggle of quintessence ghouls who followed him around the infirmary like little ducklings, hanging on his every word and keen to lap up every scrap of knowledge he imparted. Aether found he enjoyed that side of his new role more than he had expected, and looked forward to teaching the younger ghouls each shift. 
With the Harvest Festival quickly approaching, one of the main tasks of the infirmary ghouls had been to prepare a supply of tinctures and remedies for the ghouls and siblings alike who would inevitably indulge a little too heavily in the Abbey’s famous blackberry wine. Due to his extensive knowledge of medicinal plants and herbs, Astra had delegated the task of organising this to Aether, who had grasped the extra responsibilities firmly. 
Before the festival however, came the one thing that was more exciting to the pack; Swiss, and Copia’s first musical engagement in the local tavern. Sunshine and Mountain were also heavily occupied now in rehearsals for it, the three ghouls – and one human – doing an excellent job of hiding their nerves from the rest of the pack. 
The pack was something else that had grown stronger at the Abbey, thought Aether. It hadn’t taken long for the five ghouls to begin to see the ghoulettes they lived their lives in such proximity to as more than just casual friends. Dew had clearly seen them as family long before the others had, but within the span of time they had been here the other ghouls also came to see them as an interwoven part of their lives. 
The ghoulettes, Cirrus and Cumulus in particular, had been referring to the new ghouls as pack, long before they were aware of it. The Den had become so much more crowded and noisier since they arrived, but none of the ghoulettes would change it for the world. The Abbey could feel large and lonely at times, and the constant presence of at least one member of the newly extended pack made everything feel cosier.  
Indeed, the concert – Aether still found calling it a “Ritual” to be laughable, although he would be happy to be proved wrong – was to be their first true pack adventure. The nine ghouls, plus Cowbell, Copia and several Siblings of Sin, were all planning to make the journey down the hill to support their leader’s latest passion project. Cowbell had offered to drive them in the large horse and cart usually used for their monthly grocery runs to the village, and as such the event was developing quite a party-like atmosphere. 
Even amongst the ghouls not attending, most either too busy or incapable of holding an adequate glamour, the day held excitement and novelty. There was a general buzz in the air throughout the Abbey, and it was riding this high that inspired most of the ghouls to finalise their remaining chores before the harvest festival the following day. 
One ghoul in particular who seemed to be buoyed along by the jubilant environment was a young, dark-haired fire ghoul. He was comparatively new to the Abbey, arriving some years after Dew left. Swiss was hurrying back to the Den, bringing armfuls of freshly-washed clothes from the laundry when the fire ghoul strode up to him with a self-assured, almost cocky, grin. 
“Good luck for tonight,” he purred in a low voice like treacle, reaching out a muscular arm to lay a hand on Swiss’ own bicep, “I’ll be at the festival tomorrow, if you want to get a celebratory drink together?” 
Swiss stood confused: he couldn’t remember ever speaking to this ghoul before, and certainly not in a way that would cause him to be so familiar with him. He hoisted the pile of clothes further into his arms, trying to think of a polite was to ask who he was exactly. 
“I, um…” Swiss trailed off, distracted by a low noise ringing in his ears. He shook his head slightly, trying to dislodge it but to no avail: if anything, it seemed to be getting louder. A dark and earthy scent suddenly assaulted his senses, and he wondered if he was falling ill, or if he had been cursed or something. It seemed the fire ghoul could feel it too though, as Swiss saw the colour drain from his face, rendering his tanned, olive skin an ashy grey. His terrified eyes were fixed on a point above and behind Swiss, and he stood frozen like a deer caught in a ranger's torchlight. Swiss cautiously turned around, half expecting to see some kind of nether-worldly monster oozing out of the wall. 
All he saw was Mountain however, stood tall and stony-faced with a dark aura emanating from him. The added height of his antler-like horns meant he cut an imposing figure. His lip curled into a snarl as he growled again, and a new wave of that woodsy, almost possessive scent washed over Swiss. As much as it seemed to be scaring the fire ghoul, Swiss thought it smelled divine. He smiled at Mountain with a questioning head-tilt, wondering where this strange behaviour was coming from so suddenly. The Earth ghoul’s eyes were fixed on the fire ghoul however, who managed to unfreeze for long enough to stutter out a disjointed sentence. 
“I’m sorry!” He looked like he was staring straight into the face of death himself. “I didn’t know, I’m sorry!” 
With a jerk of his head, Mountain dismissed him, sending the terrified fire ghoul scuttling down the hallway as fast as he could run, his tail between his legs. Once he was out of sight, Mountain seemed to calm down. His expression softened, and the air around him seemed lighter again.  
“What was all that about?” Swiss asked, confused by the earth ghoul’s sudden black mood, and the even more sudden departure of the unknown fire ghoul.  
Mountain muttered something Swiss didn’t catch and started relieving him of the large bundle of black clothes in his arms. Swiss trailed back to the Den beside him, still utterly confused by the interaction that had just taken place. 
“Was I meant to know who that was?” He mused aloud. “He acted so familiar, yet I can’t remember him from anywhere!” 
Mountain almost dropped the clothes, as he doubled over and snorted with laughter, previous aggressive attitude long behind him now that he had the multi ghoul to himself again. Was Swiss seriously that clueless about the fire ghoul’s unsubtle actions? Ever since he’d known him, Swiss had been taking advantage of the humans’ proclivity for flirting with him, often reciprocating if he thought it would secure him more work, or tips and favours. He couldn’t think what would have changed now to make him so oblivious, unless it was simply that it was another ghoul, rather than a human? 
“He was clearly flirting with you, Snapdragon!” Mountain guffawed in disbelief. “Could you really not tell?” 
Swiss’s quizzical expression suggested that no, he had not been aware of that. Adding to his confusion was Mountain’s reaction: he seemed to be finding the fire ghoul’s actions funny now, but what had the growling and – he realised what it was now – scenting been about? The bounce in the taller ghoul’s gait could only be described as victorious, and he chose to file all the hope about why that could be away until after their performance tonight. That wasn’t a distraction he would allow himself today, not when Copia was relying on him. 
Swiss had a suspicion however – one he kept to himself – about why he hadn’t grasped what the fire ghoul was really suggesting, and it had everything to do with the earth ghoul trotting slightly ahead of him. He was self-aware enough to know his feelings for Mountain bordered on infatuation, and he figured that now he had become used to the intensity of those feelings that he had forgotten what anything smaller felt like. The thrill of attraction, or of a newly developing crush felt so insignificant now that they were dwarfed by the magnitude of his feelings for the earth ghoul. He only had eyes for Mountain, and the thought of anyone else thinking they stood a chance in the battle for his heart was laughable to him. Hastening his steps to catch up with Mountain, Swiss fell into step with him to revel in being by his side once again. 
Reaching the Den just before they did was an excitable Dewdrop. He burst through the main door, and then into the room he shared with Rain, brandishing a dull metal object. 
“Look!” He exclaimed to a slightly startled Rain lounging in their nest. “A horseshoe!”  
Rain could see that, although what he couldn’t see was why Dew was quite so excited about such a mundane object. He smiled at him with a questioning tilt of his head and waited for Dew to elaborate. 
“The humans do something with them at weddings,” Dew explained as he joined Rain on the bed, still clutching the curved iron shape, “something about them catching luck? I thought we could hang it on our door!” 
He held it out for Rain to examine, demonstrating how it could look like a vessel for capturing luck when held in a U-shape. Rain took it from him, and it really was just a regular horseshoe: slightly rusted and worn down from use. More interesting than the horseshoe though, Rain realised that this was the first time Dew had ever brought back something to keep for himself. He let Dew chatter on about needing to find a hammer and some nails, if they should think about painting their door before or after mounting the horseshoe, and what colour Rain would like if so, would he like teal? Rain nodded along, only half his mind on the conversation. The other half was preoccupied celebrating this relatively large step for Dewdrop; this was yet more proof that he was finally starting to settle properly and relax, putting down roots for himself and Rain, finally feeling a sense of permanence. 
“I got it when I went to see Cowbell just now,” Dew elaborated, “to check if they’re all ready to drive the cart down to the village tonight. They were just reshoeing the mare we brought with us from the village, so that means this shoe played a part in getting us out of there! It really is lucky!” 
Rain melted further. It was becoming increasingly apparent that deep down Dew had the potential to be an incredibly sentimental ghoul, and he couldn't wait to see how that continued. 
“It seems to be working so far then,” Rain murmured, holding it up, “I've had nothing but luck since you came back for me.” 
With that, he leaned in to steal a kiss; both the horseshoe and all talk of home décor soon being forgotten. 
The day seemed both to drag and pass all too quickly at the same time. Before they knew it, Swiss, Mountain and Sunshine were all dressed, and carefully buffing the metal masks that were a part of their outfits one final time. Copia had decided they added a nice touch to their costumes; the shining horns hinting at their ghoulish nature without actually revealing it. The whole Den was alive with excitement and nerves, the fervour growing as the light outside began to fade. 
Walking out to the front courtyard to meet Cowbell with the cart, Swiss proudly led the way with his guitar strapped to his back. This felt familiar, and more importantly it felt right; doubly so with Mountain by his side. Cowbell was leaned against the wooden trailer, as human-looking as anyone could remember ever seeing them before. They were smiling softly, although slightly apprehensively, as the pack approached. Behind the pack followed the Siblings of Sin, who had initially been keen for an evening out but now seemed to be regretting their decision. Swiss could smell the waves of alarm pouring off them as they got closer, none of them used to interacting with the ancient ghoul who lived in the stables. 
“Good evening, dear ghoul!”  
Copia greeted Cowbell as he bustled forward and hoisted himself up next to them at the front of the cart. The rest of them would be travelling in the back, even though none of them were particularly keen to be sharing the space. They had no choice however, and the Siblings dutifully lined up behind the crush of ghouls that were piling in and jostling for space on the narrow wooden benches. Rain and Dew happily squeezed themselves into a corner, and Swiss settled himself into another; Mountain willingly joining him and shuffling closer until their thighs were pressed tight against each other. There was eventually space made for everyone and with a jolt, the cart set off. The sudden motion and continued bumping along the cobbles of the courtyard threw Mountain even closer into Swiss. Even once they were onto the smoother path into the village, he remained plastered along Swiss’ side as the countryside flew by.  
It really was a beautiful evening, Swiss though as he glanced out at the trees and fields around them. The orange sunset cast its glow over everything, making the whole world look like it was on fire. Most vibrant of all however was Mountain; his auburn hair glowing in the light like it was itself aflame. With his large horns glamoured away, the russet glow was all that served to make him appear as otherworldly as he did. Swiss thought that the whole world around them could truly be on fire, and he would be happy to sit and burn if only to stare at Mountain for a second longer.  
They continued rattling down the hill towards the village, and Swiss felt a pang of longing when he spotted Dew with his head leaning on Rain’s chest; held against his front by the water ghoul's long arms. He wished he could be so casually affectionate with mountain, but he dared not. He wouldn’t allow himself to dream that until he had first concluded the hard part – making sure they really were both on the same page. He didn’t deserve such a reward without the prior work, he thought.  
All too soon they were slowing to a stop outside a wide stone building that was emitting a narrow stream of smoke from its chimney: the village tavern. The Siblings practically fell out of the cart, their instincts screaming at them to put some distance between themselves and the ghouls. 
“Go, my Children, enjoy yourselves!” Copia laughed as they threw themselves towards the tavern door. 
The ghouls were only slightly more restrained as they clambered down and spilled into the building. Cowbell made no move to follow the others inside, instead staying next to the pair of horses, stroking one's nose. Aether paused, looking back at them. 
“You aren't coming in?” he asked, worried that the ghoul didn’t realise that they were welcome in too. Cowbell shook their head. They didn’t like crowds, especially human ones, as the noise and bustle were too much for their deeply ancient mind to handle. Despite that, the biggest thing stopping them now however was their appearance: Cowbell gestured to their feet, where Aether saw that their hooves were very much still visible. 
“My glamour’s incomplete,” they shrugged, “’m out of practice. It’s been centuries since I last used it.” 
One day, Aether thought, he would ask Cowbell just how old they really were. He suspected it was millennia. 
“Go inside with the others,” Cowbell smiled a wonky smile, “I’ll be happier listening out here anyway. Besides, I have company.” They stroked the second horse. Reluctantly, Aether followed after the rest of the rabble he called pack, throwing a final look back at Cowbell. They were muttering something in the horse’s ear while continuing to pet them. It sounded to Aether like they were speaking Infernal, a language only spoken in the pit, or so he thought. The horse didn’t seem perturbed though, and she whinnied happily at the attention. 
Inside the tavern, the atmosphere was jovial already. The large room was dimly lit, wood-panelled walls and supporting columns all stained dark with years of fire and tobacco smoke. Scattered across the panelling were a patchwork of lighter sections from recent and less-recent repairs. The only lighting came from lanterns that lined the walls and hung directly from the vaulted ceiling, as well as a small number of candles dotted on tables that lent a cosy and friendly air to the place.  
Better lit however, was the makeshift stage against the wall. It was slightly raised, simply built from a few wooden planks resting on crates, but it did the job. On the other side was the bar, its countertop polished as smooth as glass from generations of patrons leaning on it. Along its length were a line of stools with faded fabric covers, and the remaining floor space was filled with a hodgepodge of tables and chairs, scattering in increasingly private settings ranging from the centre of the room to corners almost entirely shrouded in darkness. 
Leaping lightly onto the stage, Copia looked resplendent in his robes, with his face painted black and white in the mimicry of a skull. Swiss thought he cut an imposing figure, when he wasn’t turning around to look at his ghouls with nerve-tinged excitement at least. The man stretched his arms out wide, the candlelight flickering off his bedazzled chasuble and truly making him look like the head of the dark church. 
Before long, the tables began to fill up with locals, intrigued by the talk of visiting musicians from the mysterious Abbey up at the top of the hill. Rain, Dew and the other ghouls not performing settled themselves at the table nearest the stage, Dew looking particularly excited and practically bouncing in his seat beside Rain. Swiss didn’t know what had overtaken him recently, but he seemed so much lighter and carefree now. He assumed it was Rain. The bustling crowd completely filled the tavern as the four musicians took their places on stage. Swiss caught Mountain’s eye once he was settled on the box he used as percussion. He saw the twin green flashes of his eyes behind his mask wink at him, silently wishing him luck. Swiss beamed back at him, his teeth glinting in the firelight through the bottom of his mask. With a final tune of his guitar, and another smile at Sunny, Swiss nodded to Copia and the man addressed the crowd. 
The ritual passed in a blur, and before Swiss knew it, they were leaving the stage to rapturous applause and cheers. As he stepped down onto the solid floor, Swiss had a large beer thrust into his hands by a grinning stranger. The jubilant atmosphere continued as the night wore on, the ghouls and their Papa swept up with the crowd, never finding their tankards dry. Even the ghouls who had not been performing seemed to be having fun, spending the local money Copia had given them to allow them to fit in and enjoy the night. The man himself was circling through the crowd, inviting anyone and everyone to the Abbey’s harvest festival the following night. His plan to spread their message was going better than any one of them could have imagined, and he had gained the interest of several curious village members.  
The noise and ruckus were proving too much for Aether however, and after a while of watching Dew and Swiss race each other to down their pints, he grabbed a pair of tankards and slipped out the door. Another musician had taken the stage, an accordion player, and Aether found Cowbell tapping along to the beat on the frame and iron wheels of the cart with two sticks like it was a drum kit. Aether chuckled as he approached. 
“Copia ought to make the band all wear floor-length robes, then you could join them!” 
Cowbell looked slightly sheepish at being caught, but their forked tongue slipped out as they smiled anyway. They joined Aether where he perched on some crates and accepted one of the beers gratefully. Apart from the rhythmic sound of one foot and one hoof tapping on the ground, they sat in a comfortable silence; two friends enjoying each other’s quiet, unhurried company. 
Back inside, Swiss could feel every drop of alcohol going to his head, and he thought Mountain must be feeling it too. The night was blurring together into a busy cacophony of singing, cheering and laughing. The one thing he could feel coherently was the constant, grounding pressure of Mountain’s hands on him. The earth ghoul had slunk across the tavern to join him, then barely let him go all evening, always keeping a hold of his waist or hip, or letting their shoulders press against each other. If their tails weren’t safely hidden away, Swiss had the feeling that they too would be braided together.  
In his fuzzy mental state, he wasn’t entirely sure what could have brought such behaviour on. The almost possessive twinge to it, like Mountain was trying to ward the humans off, was making his him feel even more floaty than the alcohol. Running on a high from the successful performance, Swiss couldn’t find the mental energy to really care about why Mountain was suddenly glued to him, he only cared that he was. He saw Rain and Dew similarly pressed together, and his inebriated mind let him convince himself that they could be the same, if just for tonight. 
Whoever was on stage currently seemed to know the audience well and was gradually convincing more and more of the tavern’s patrons to dance to the jig he played. The humans pressing close, swirling and stamping to the beat, swept the ghouls up in their fervour. Swiss soon found himself pressed closer to Mountain, dancing partners even without indenting to be, the pair clutching each other's arms for balance as they ebbed and flowed with the tide of the crowd. 
As the dance ended, Swiss fell against Mountain’s chest. The earth ghoul held him close while they both caught their breath and laughed at the exhilaration. For a while, they held each other and swayed to a slow dance only they could hear. Hearts beating in sync, Swiss looked up at Mountain to see him already staring down at him. His peridot eyes were at the centre of his vision, the only thing Swiss could focus on. They seemed to grow and expand to fill his field of view, and Swiss only realised that this was because they were getting closer together when the twin points of light blurred out of focus.  
Swiss’s eyes fluttered shut, and with his vision gone all his other senses heightened in response. He could feel Mountain’s breath against his face and could smell the sour note of beer in it, although he didn’t find that as off-putting as he supposed he should as he stretched up on his tiptoes to bring them closer still. Swiss felt rather than heard Mountain’s final sigh against him, before the soft yet insistent press of Mountain’s lips to his shook him like an earthquake. With all their prior hesitancy washed away by the free-flowing liquor, Swiss pressed back instinctually, throwing his arms around Mountain’s shoulders and holding on like his life depended on it.  
Time meant nothing to the pair as they ignored the general ruckus of the crowd around them, and the chorus of whoops and cheers that Dew was leading. It was like all the background noise had faded away leaving only them stood in a world of their own. Before long, although it was really several hours at this point, Copia was desperately trying to shepherd his sleepy, tipsy ghouls and the Siblings into the cart to head back to the Abbey. They had a busy day tomorrow, he reminded them, as he had promised all the villagers that their little band would be performing at the harvest festival too.  
Slowly, they all stumbled out into the brisk night where Aether and Cowbell were waiting, three sheets to the wind themselves. Swiss and Mountain had managed to make it over the threshold of the tavern without separating, but getting into the cart proved more difficult. Breathing their own air for the first time in a while, they unsteadily clambered into the trailer, cramming themselves into a corner to continue where they left off, despite the jeers from the ghouls around them. 
“Even we're not that bad!” Swiss thought he heard Dew crow from somewhere behind him. 
Eventually, they had made the short trip back up the hill and were all bumbling back into the Abbey, still drunk off free beer and good energy. Kiss broken, Swiss continued to hold Mountain's hand as he pulled them into the Den and their room. He kicked his boots off, uncaring where they landed as they tumbled into bed, still giggly and touchy but both too tired to do any more than that.  
“Today was fun.” Swiss purred sleepily, as he wriggled in Mountain's arms. The earth ghoul was almost asleep already as he hummed in affirmation. Quickly, they fell into a deep, contented sleep. They could think about what the events of tonight meant for them in the morning. 
To be continued... 
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wangxianficfinder · 9 months
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In the mood for...
1. Itmf best brother nmj/nmj is everyone’s da ge.
🧡 Where's Your Emergency? by trippednfell (M, 64k, WangXian, 911 Dispatcher WWX, Single dad LWJ, Kid fic, Modern AU, D&D Games, Angst with a happy ending)
2. I randomly came across this video recently of the Japanese Rabbit Hopping Assc. today, and I immediately felt compelled to ask if anyone has written (or possibly is inspired to write) 'actually very serious rabbit agility racer Lan Wangji'
Video link if anyone wants it lol:
Tumblr story by @/mondengel2 I took it as a prompt
3. Hii!! I am really looking for fics with angst with happy ending (happy ending for wangxian mostly) coupled with Jiang Yanli betraying Wei Ying if there are any? Thanks!! @yilinglaobunny
4. Hiya!!! I've got an IIMF request: fic where Wen Yuan is actually a blood heir of the Wen and that somehow factors into the story importantly (like, he's Wen Rouhan's grandson, has special Wen powers, etc). Thanks for all the hard you you all do! @kimboo-york
sami's 'Dream of Youth' and 'Hand in Hand Together' has A'Yuan as Wen Xu's bio son. It's a minor plot point though.
The Dreams of Youth by sami (E, 85k, WangXian, YZY/TLJ, Canon Divergence, Time Travel, Fix-It, Family, Not Lan Sect Friendly, Bad Dads, good dads, JFM's A+ parenting, Qingheng-Jun's F- Existence, Childhood Friends to Lovers, Sort Of, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Explicit Sexual Content, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, Some People Live/Not Everyone Dies, Canonical Character Death)
Hand in Hand Together (All Your Life) by sami (T, 41k, WZL/JC, WangXian, Queerplatonic relationship, Implied future MingLi, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Canon-Typical Violence, Canon Divergence, Time Travel Fix-It, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Healing, Slow Burn)
When Flowers Spring from Killing Things by windsweptice (B0redaf) (Not rated, 100k, wangxian, Wen WWX, Demonic Cultivation, WWX Has No Golden Core, he's got a resentful one instead, Yīn Iron, WRH pov, LWJ pov, WWX pov, WWX Isn't Adopted by the Jiāngs, Sentient Burial Mounds, XY Is A Little Shit, WQ pov, Protective WWX, Protective WQ, Cinnamon Roll WN, Protective WN, LXC pov, BAMF WWX, Burning of the Cloud Recesses, Fall of Lotus Pier, Cultivation Discussion Conferences, BAMF LWJ, BAMF WN, BAMF WQ, Good Person WX, WWX Has a New Golden Core, Cloud Recesses Shenanigans, Weddings) might not be everyone's cup of tea cause he's literally wen ruohan's son
5. Hello! ITMF a fic where WWX survived the siege at Burial Mounds and remembers that LWJ saved him that night at Nightless City. Then WWX finds out about the punishment LWJ had to go through because of that. And WWX takes LWJ to Burial Mounds to mend his scars and they end up together.
I saw a fanart of wangxian with Yilling Patriarch!WWX treating LWJ's scars and that was all I could think about.
❤️ A Myriad of Blossoms by Itszero (E, 56k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Arranged Marriage, Forced Marriage, YLLZ WWX, Hurt LWJ, Cruel wwx, he's cruel until he's not, Protective WWX, Caring WWX, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Eventual Smut, Bottom LWJ, Dark WWX) pls pls read this because based on ur request this is amazing (pls don't hate wwx in the beginning)
6. Hello! I'm in the mood for fics where wwx is experiencing some kind of delusion or psychosis and lwj (or other characters) try to help him through it. I don't mind wether it's canon universe with the demonic cultivation being the cause, a curse or even modern au.
From Underneath by steppjes (M, 15k, wangxian, Character Death, Major Character Injury, Modern, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Mystery, Supernatural Elements, Demons, Ghosts, Hallucinations, Grief/Mourning, Blood and Injury, Depression, Hospitals, Mutual Pining, The Troubles of Baby Acquisition, Very on brand self hate from wwx, he's going through a lot okay)
Mud on Your Feet by AvoOwO (Not Rated, 59k, WangXian, Nightmares, Sentient Burial Mounds, Possession, Panic Attacks, Night Terrors, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Good Sibling JC, Hurt WWX, Soft WangXian, Blood and Injury, Hallucinations, Delusions, JC Loves WWX, Insomnia, Good Sibling WWX, Sleepwalking, Sleeptalking, Protective JC, POV LWJ, PTSD, Post-Canon, YLLZ WWX, resentful energy, Fluff and Angst, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Soft JC, Yúnmèng Siblings Feels)
let me sing to you by greybird_crookedbranch (T, 61k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Canon Compliant, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, adorable Juniors, Minor Original Character(s)for plot purposes, Minor Violence, Demonic Cultivation, resentful energy, Trauma, Guilt, Protectiveness, BAMF WWX, Hurt wwx, Protective WWX, Protective LWJ, Baby Lans, WWX loving and being loved by tiny Lan babies, LWJ being utterly whipped for WWX, Mental Instability, Possession, Angst with a Happy Ending, POV LWJ, a tasteful seasoning of Yunmeng Bros Reconcilliation, CQL canon except LWJ is not chief cultivator, Nightmares)
out in the garden, there's things you hid away by saltyfeathers (E, 121k, WangXian, Possession, Animal Death, mass death event, Suicidal Thoughts, Suicide Attempt(s), lotta hurt lotta comfort, wwx-centric, unfortunately there's also a bodily fluids warning, just like a lot of bodily fluids, there is sex and it is all in the last chapter, Serious Injuries, Angst with a Happy Ending, Post canon)
Something at the Door by Pip (Moirail) (E, 50k, WangXian, Modern with Magic, Modern Cultivation, background 3zun, Background Yi City trio, Intrusive Thoughts, Horror, Suicidal Thoughts, Temporary Character Death, Blood, Explicit Sexual Content, Mutual Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, Mystery, Urban Fantasy)
7. Helloooo mods! It’s been a while! 💜 for the next itmf can i get some completed fics that explores wen ning in a romantic way? Like fluff and falling in love? Aside from JC , i don’t mind who he’s shipped with.
Thank you! 😊 @jikcf
the height of summer by la_dissonance (G, 8k, WN/LWJ/WWX, Getting Together, Romance, Accidental Courtship, On purpose courtship, Polyamory, Fluff, a small amount of pining, Love Confessions, WN/Happiness forever otp, Gift Giving, Secret Admirer)
8. Can you please find a au marvel or Wwx as Wanda or black widow ! Thank you 😊 @brighterthanmagicalfluff
9. Ok guys, I'm in the mood for your favorite Good Uncle LQR fics. I don't care for any other details besides that, please & thank you
小兔子 | Little Bunny by dragongirlG (T, 6k, LQR & LWJ, LXC & LQR & LWJ, LSZ & LQR, minor wangxian, POV LQR, love language: acts of service, Caring LQR, Character Study, Canon Universe, References to Canon, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Comatose QHJ, Grief/Mourning, Hurt/Comfort, Hopeful Ending, Podfic Available, Good Uncle LQR)
🧡 Stunted, Starving Juvenility by TomatenMark (E, 742k, WangXian, WIP, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, Feelings Realization, Getting Together, Sexual Tension, Supportive LQR, Light Angst, Internalized Homophobia, Period-Typical Homophobia, Hurt/Comfort, WWX learns about his parents, First Dates, First Kiss, First Time, LWJ is confused, Then he is 100 percent on board, Kink Discovery, Kink Exploration, Bisexual WWX, Dual Cultivation, Slow Burn, Fix-It of Sorts, Not JFM friendly, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Fluff and Angst, Blood and Gore, Supportive LXC, Protective LXC, Canon Divergence, Inventor WWX, Eventual Smut, Possessive LWJ, Genius WWX, Cultivation Sect Politics, Scheming NHS, Cultivation Discussion Conferences, Pre-Sunshot Campaign, Minor Character Death, NHS gets himself a beard (not the facial kind), POV WWX, Fluff and Smut, Burning of the Cloud Recesses)
Lessons relearned by Iamnotawriter (T, 44k, WangXian, LQR & WWX, Not Madam Yu Friendly, Time Travel Fix-It, Angst with a Happy Ending, Canon-Typical Violence, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Inventor WWX, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, No Golden Core Transfer, YZY Bashing)
Skate Happy by cinder1013 (E, 12k, wangxian, Modern, Meet-Cute, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Skate disco waiter outfits, booty shorts, Inappropriate Marriage Proposal, secret wedding plans, Good Uncle LQR, Good Friend JGY, not entirely evil XY, wwx has low self-esteem, but it works out in the end, They buy a farm, wwx wears what he likes, Panties, Anal Sex, A+ parenting all around)
🔒 Baby, Beard and Birds by mondengel (G, <1k, LQR & LWJ, Fluff, Babyfic, Family)
🔒 An old kettle, a tiny teacup, and a new pot. by mondengel (G, 2k, LQR & LWJ)
Between the rotten apples lies a fresh grave by hamlets_ghost (T, 12k, LXC & LWJ, WangXian, NieLan, Modern AU, Twin Jades of Lán Dynamics, Canonical Character Death, (Madam Lan), child LXC, Child LWJ, Child Neglect, implied kidnapping, (madam lan), Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, (also madam lan), this is not a happy fic so mind the tags please, passive suicidal thoughts (but not really?), Angst with a Happy Ending, non-linear timeline, semi-explicit discribtion of a corpse (chapter 3), Slightly hinted 3zun)
When we were small by deliciousblizzardshark (T, 7k, LXC & LQR & LWJ, Implied WangXian, Modern AU, Kid Fic, Good Uncle LQR, Neurodivergent LWJ, Baby LWJ, Baby WWX, Parenthood, Homophobia, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, POV LQR, Implied/Referenced Underage Sex, Grief/Mourning, Emotional Hurt/Comfort)
Discordant Rhapsody by nirejseki (T, 49k, LQR & WWX, wangxian, JC & WWX, WQ & WWX & WN, LWJ & LQR & LXC, canon divergence, fix-it, hurt/comfort, trauma, politics, protective LQR, protective LWJ, protective WWX, LQR centric, whump, angst)
through the eyes of elders series by Fleetling (T, 13k, LXC & LWJ, LXC & LQR, wangxian, LXC & WWX, LQR & WWX, CQL Canon Compliant, LQR's perspective on wangxian, mainly him being frustrated at wwx wasting his talents and then realising that oh no that backfired wangji's in love, the homeoroticness of sword fights, wangxian DOES NOT get together there's just ust and longing glances like in canon, LQR isn't bad he just wants the best for his nephew, LQR pov, LQR is a good uncle, LXC recovering from the whole JGY thing is a major part, Wingman LXC, good brothers!!!)
Good Guy Lan Qiren series by thunderwear (T, 28k, wangxian, LQR & WWX, Canon Divergence, Fix-It, Golden Core Reveal, LWJ's POV, Fluff, Everyone Lives AU, LQR finds out about WWX's core, wwx and lqr are friends?? In My Fic? its more likely than you think, lwj in the bg like whats happening?, WWX goes to Gusu, Mutual Pining)
The stuffed bunny, the beautiful nephew, and other gifts from Lan Qiren by deliciousblizzardshark (G, 8k, LQR & WWX, wangxian, Modern, Single Parent WWX, Good Uncle LQR, Accidental Uncle Acquisition, Found Family, Fluff)
10. OMG I REALLY WANT TO READ REVERSE ROLES LZ AND WWX (ex: cold WWX and troublemaker LZ, Top WWX and Bot LZ) IDK 😭 @naoenowa
11. hi! I'd like to make an itmf req for canon era fics that feature a dark(ish) gusu lan/lan zhan, such as "hoards and treasures" by apathyinreverie which i loved. for instance, fics where the gusu lan interpret their rules with a darker lens, and where they might turn to manipulation/deceit to achieve what they consider right.
i know about "A Matter of Time", which is on my read list! but I'm also esp interested in seeing the dark gusu lan/lan zhan trope explored without time-travel elements. thank you very much! @potatokunst
12. Hola :) , For the next In the mood for, I'm really, really interested in Lan Sizhui fics centric, specially related to Gusu Lan or his relationship with Clan Lan.
you are my chosen family by jinyinhua (T, 14k, LSZ & LJY, wangxian, LJY & LSZ & LWJ & WWX, 5+1 Things, Good Kid LJY, Good Kid LSZ, Blood and Injury, Night Hunts, Drinking, Age Regression/De-Aging, Married Wangxian, Fluff and Humor, Found Family, Gūsū Lán Juniors Dynamics)
Revolution by mrcformoso (T, 8k, WangXian, ZhuiYi, Light Angst, Happy Ending, POV LSZ, Found Family, Toxic Elders, Fatherhood, Growing Up, The Lan Juniors, LWJ Adopts LSZ, WWX is LSZ's Parent, LSZ is a polite menace, Canon Compliant, Canon Divergence, Good Uncle WN) You might need to read the other stories in the series but if you just want LSZ feels then this can stand alone :)
this blood in my mouth by ShanaStoryteller (Not Rated, 3k, WangXian, POV LXC, Post-Canon)
13. Hi!
For the next IMTF, I'm looking for fics where LXC finds himself a new passion and is hilariously bad at it, much to others' amusement & secondhand embarrassment. Especially lwj or lqr is suffering.
His partners, be it jgy, nmj, jc or anyone, is very supportive of lxc's passion. It could be baking, gardening, cooking, dancing etc.
For example, "The evolution of the heart" by Uglybeautiful, Radiencia..(lxc takes up magic/the art of illusion and joins a circus) @imstillthinkingaboutithmm
Magic Mishap by Regency_Bunny (T, 8k, WangXian, NieLan, Modern AU, Single parent WWX, Fluff, Humor, Kid Fic, Meet cute, Love at first sight, Himbo LXC, Magic tricks)
The Shape of Your Love (is Horny) by Vamillepudding (T, 25k, WangXian, XiYao, Urban Fantasy, Getting Together, Romantic Comedy, WWX is Bad at Being a Demon, LWJ is definitely a Monsterfucker) had a running gag about LXC taking up new hobbies that he is horrible at, including ceramics, perfume-making, knitting, etc. JGY is very supportive and LWJ and LQR try to ignore it out of politeness
14. Hi! I’m itfm
a) tattooed lwj agenda. Specifically when his arms are tattooed and they show when he pulls up his sleeves, but anything and everything is fine
b) Ceo lwj where his employees find out he’s married or dating wwx or regular office worker lwj and his coworkers find out
Thank you! @wangxian-is-my-life
(our friendship) up against the ropes by daltoneering (E, 36k, WangXian, Modern AU, Friends to Lovers, Getting Together, lan zhan FUCKS, Fluff and Smut, Experienced LWJ, Oblivious WWX, Mutual Pining, Friends With Benefits, Pining while fucking, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Masturbation, Spit Kink, Dirty Talk, Light Bondage, Praise Kink, Dom/sub Undertones, Kink Negotiation, Pride and Prejudice 2005 (dir. Joe Wright), mentions of Wei Ying/others and Lan Zhan/others)
🔒 Craquelure & Coverups by Inessencedivided (E, 27k, wangxian, Modern, Tattoo Parlor AU, Reincarnation, Tattoo Artist WWX, Tattooed LWJ, Dreams and Nightmares, Past Lives, trauma discussions, Mutual Pining, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Chronic Pain, First Kiss, First Time, Body Worship, Non-Penetrative Sex, Happy Ending, further tw in the notes)
Tattoos for Broken Hearts by TriviasFolly (G, 1k, WangXian, Modern AU, LWJ has a Tramp Stamp Tattoo, that's the fic) lower back tattoo
like strawberries on a summer evening by ritualist (E, 15k, WangXianChengYi, Foursome - M/M/M/M, Modern AU, Accidental Voyeurism, Office Sex, Semi-Public Sex, Choking, Light Dom/sub, Light BDSM, Bratting, Light breathplay, Wei Ying says no when he means yes (and everyone understands this to be the case), Mild S&M, Spitroasting, Rimming, Porn with Feelings, Polyamory) lawyers, poly 4some
15. Hi! For ITMF, could you recommend me a heavy plot fic in canon era before WWX died and revolve around him. It can be fix it/time travel/canon divergence/etc. No bashing except several character like YZY, JFM, LQR, JGS, WC, WLJ. You can bash them but i prefer not.
Thank you @idontknowwhattowriteforusername
16. I saw a lwj whump in the itmf some time ago but I can't find it.
I believe it was physical lwj whump specifically, can u help please?
hope you're having a nice day
Alter by Solmae (E, 162k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Drama & Romance, Slow Burn, Canon-Typical Violence, Rape/Non-con Elements, Gang Rape, Forced Prostitution, PTSD, Top/Bottom Versatile | Switch WangXian, Explicit Sexual Content, Sexual Slavery, Angst with a Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Torture) LWJ is taken as a sex slave by the Wen, so definitely counts as whump
Bring Your Wonder (Lose Your Faith) by kianspo (M, 75k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Canon-Typical Violence, Different Sunshot Campaign, straight boy wwx, Feelings Realization, Protective LXC, Protective WWX, BAMF WWX, Angst with a Happy Ending, Twin Jades of Lán Feels, POV Multiple, LWJ Whump)
17. Hi! I know this isn’t your normal ship, but could I itmf WWX/NMJ fics? I recently read “Better Things To Do With A Flute In Wartime” (a WWX/NMJ/ eventual also LWJ fic) and really liked the dynamic between WWX and NMJ. Particularly how blunt NMJ was, how he valued WWX’s mind and strength from a kind of unbiased viewpoint as a sect leader and war general, and also that they bonded over unorthodox cultivation methods. Would love to see more of this couple! Thank you so much!
An Elegant Solution by giraffeter (E, 205k, niewangxian, canon divergence, arranged marriage, friends to lovers, fix-it, everyone lives au, courtship, polyamory, smut)
Crowned in Glory (fear no more) by Pip (Moirail) (E, 19k, NMJ/WWX, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Multiple Orgasms, Overstimulation, Loss of Virginity, Size Difference, Sunshot Campaign, Sexual Tension, Certified dage fucker, Dirty Talk, Oral Sex, Rimming, Canon Divergence, Butterfly Effect, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood and Injury, Hurt/Comfort, Dubious interpretation of resentful energy)
Resent & Blossom by manaika (T, 26k, NMJ/WWX, JC & WWX, LWJ & WWX, NHS & NMJ, NHS & WWX, Love Triangles, Pining, Arranged Marriage, Canon Divergence, Angst and Feels, eferences to Fatal Journey, Strangers to Lovers, Implied/Referenced Murder Attempt)
Pastime (With Good Company) by nirejseki (Not rated, 25k, NMJ/WWX/LWJ, Canon Divergence, Arranged Marriage, WWX is very thirsty, and not straight at all, same for LWJ, WIP)
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
142 notes · View notes
lindszeppelin · 2 years
The Things Left Unsaid
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Pairing: Austin Butler x Fem!Reader
Prompt: You and Austin were old flames many moons ago, but when he wrote you a letter to come and visit him a lot of feelings rise to the surface.
Rating: Mature. 18+. Bye-Bye Minors, peace out
Warnings: this is basically a repurposing of The Notebook but slightly different lol, fluff, smut, probably inaccuracies of country/farm living, oral (f and m receiving), a lot of pining, some angst, handjob, squirting, swearing.
Word Count: 15k.
a/n: Hey babes! So, since Austin and I both love The Notebook with every fiber of our beings, I wanted to try my hand a writing a sort of Notebook-esque story. It needs to happen and I wanna give him his Notebook fantasy lol
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This can't be happening. Not now, and certainly not like this. A letter had appeared in your mailbox. Who the hell writes letters anymore in this day and age? Only one person you knew would be sentimental enough to take the time to write a letter and mail it out, and that was your ex Austin Butler.
It seemed like dogs years since you and Austin were so head over heels in love with each other. The cutthroat California lifestyle led by the rich and famous was something that you and he detested to your core. But you somehow found a little pocket of paradise in a Spanish style villa out in privacy of the Hollywood Hills where you created a blended home.
He was in the throws of a blossoming acting career, having already played a couple of tv roles and small time film parts that he secured under his belt. And you were following your passions all the same. Young love was so good, so innocent. You both were absolutely positive that you'd be together forever. At one point you had even talked about the possibility of marriage and children. But all things must come to and end. The reality of a white-picket fence with a golden retriever and kiddos attached to your hip was now something that had to be confined to living in your daydreams.
Maybe it was the stress of his budding career that poisoned the sanctity of your relationship. You still aren't really sure of the exact reason why the two of you called it quits. It just sort of happened, and you force yourself to forget the pain of that day. But at any rate, the loss of him in your life was too much to bare. In one last ditch effort to show his love, Austin offered you the Spanish villa for yourself while he would look for lodgings elsewhere. But you declined. All of a sudden, California got too claustrophobic for you to handle. If you didn't break free from it's vice grip on your throat you would surely suffocate.
Moving across the country seemed like a harsh way to part. In your dazed and confused mind you thought that it was the best choice to make. The jarring juxtaposition of your old life in LA versus the new one you're trying to form in the chilly Boston city sometimes made your head spin. But your family lived here, and putting as many miles between you and your used-to-be soulmate was okay with you.
You climbed up the social ladder at your prestigious career, and Austin had landed the role of a lifetime in securing the Baz Lurhmann picture about Elvis Presley - Austin naturally played Elvis in the film. You knew he was just born to play that role.
Unfortunately, the success of your ex's monumental accomplishment was tarnished. Even in your little studio apartment on the east coast, you simply couldn't stop seeing his face everywhere. He was haunting you like a nightmare you couldn't wake up from. All of your coworkers and friends were buzzing around you about his incredible portrayal as The King of Rock and Roll. Even hearing Elvis Presley's music could sometimes trigger a near anxiety attack.
Pangs of resentment filled the pit gnawing away at your stomach as you had no choice but to look at posters of Austin's chiseled face with striking blue eyes and his newly fashioned black tresses as you thought back at the love you and he once shared.
As time went on, you thought you had gotten over him. Finally, maybe now that the pandemonium from the Elvis movie had died down after a few crazy months, you thought you were free from the nagging thoughts about your old flame. You thought you were safe from his reach.
That is, until a letter addressed from the actor to you was nestled in your shaky hands.
A thousand and one different thoughts were flashing through your mind. You just knew that when he settled on the idea of reaching out to you that he was sitting down at his desk, fumbling around for his favorite pen that has the perfect amount of flow to the ink, hunched over the parchment and wracking his brain on what the hell to write down.
A part of you imagined the scenario - that he ruminated over every single word. How many drafts of this letter did he go through before sending this final one out to you? Two? Five? Ten? You thought about him crumpling up each written attempt and throwing it into the trashcan, dissatisfied with his efforts. He knew he could do better. And this was his one chance to bridge the gap between you two. It had to be perfect.
You thought about how he clutched the letter close to his heart before finally mustering up the courage to slide the letter through the post office drop-off box. He knew that once it was gone from his hands that he couldn't take back what he wrote. And your reaction to such a letter scared the shit out of him.
Was this the right thing to do? Should he just go home and try to forget this is even happening? 'Get back in the car and leave, now. What the fuck are you doing, Butler?' He'd berate himself.
But the thought of your beautiful face raced through his minds eye once more, and that was that. Fuck it. What's done is done.
As you hold the note in your hands you can tell that in his usually neat penmanship are telltale signs of nerves. He veers off the page and curves his sentences at a slight upwards angle with the occasional janky letter as he scribbled. Your body was overcome with cold sweats as you scanned over the letter, reading it again for what felt like the hundredth time.
Dear Y/N, I hope this letter finds you well. Forgive me if perhaps I'm overstepping a boundary by writing to you. The last thing I want to do is make you uncomfortable. My intentions for sending this to you are nothing short of respectful. I simply just wanted to extend an olive branch.
Firstly, I sincerely hope that you're enjoying your life out in Boston. My genuine wish is that you're thriving, doing whatever it is that makes you happy. I'd sleep easier at night knowing that you're satisfied. Things on my end have been insanely busy. If I'm being forthright, I'm just not used to my life being made a spectacle for the media. As I shield myself away from the world and come to terms with the advancement in my career, I think back to us and what we once shared. I cannot feign ignorance in the way that things dissolved between us. My head was not in the right frame of mind as I was trying to simultaneously juggle our relationship and my career. For that, I am overtly apologetic from the bottom of my heart. You deserve more than that. The young guy that I was all those years ago is not the same man that's writing to you now. I've changed for the better. With time, perhaps I can prove myself to you. As you can tell by the return address on the envelope, I'm not writing to you from California. Like you similarly expressed, the city just got to be all consuming. Miraculously, I found a little farmhouse out in Georgia that was going to be demolished. But I bought it and fixed it up. Most of my time is spent here when I'm not working. If I may be so bold, I would like to extend to you an invitation to come down here and visit - if you'd like. It's very quiet so we'll have the lay of the land to ourselves, no media or cameras in sight. If you'll have me, I would be honored to show you around and have dinner with you. How does the 13th at 6pm sound? You are under no obligation to respond back to me. All you have to do is simply show up, or not, and I'll have my answer. Yours, A. To say that receiving this letter was a lynch pin in your plans, or lack there-of, would be an understatement. You've spent the last few years trying to move on from the heartache, and then out of the blue a letter like this appears in your lap.
Logistically, this whole scenario just doesn't make sense. The 13th is only 3 days away. How the hell are you going to explain this to your boss? Oh hey, sorry but I need time off. Why? Because my super famous ex boyfriend wants to wine and dine me in the Georgia countryside for reasons I can't really explain. Yeah right, sounds totally believable...
You're not even sure that it make sense to yourself. The undertones in this letter give off the impression that Austin still has some kind of romantic interest in you. Why would that even be the case? You've been broken up for years and he's chasing a career that takes him all over the world. I'm sure he's in the arms of gorgeous models every night. What would he want with his ex girlfriend?
God, if you're gonna be forced to think about this any more then you need a strong cup of tea, and soon. It's too early in the morning to be pondering about a hypothetical rekindling of a long lost love affair. And besides, you have to get ready for another day at work. As you put the kettle on the stove to boil, you toss the letter onto the dining room table and put it out of your mind.
Two days went by and you still hadn't made your mind up about what you were going to do. To be honest, you were rightly annoyed that the letter didn't walk itself off of the table and into the trash so you didn't have to think about it anymore.
As you took off all your makeup, brushed your hair, and slipped on one of your comfy nighties for bed you spotted the letter out of the corner of your eye. It was taunting you now, you were sure of it. His words lifted off of the paper and floated their way into your brain, stirring your emotions.
Listen, just give him the benefit of the doubt. He wrote you because he obviously wanted to reach out to you in a more personal way. Just read the fucking letter again and decide once and for all. Keep an open mind.
Sighing in defeat after the losing battle with your own subconscious, you make your way over to the letter waiting expectantly for you on the table. As your eye scans over his proclamation one final time, you latch onto the last sentence he wrote. "All you have to do is show up, or not, and i'll have my answer."
Goddamn it all to hell.
No more procrastination. The decision was made. You knew all along that this was the choice you were going to make, and you just had to put it off until the last conceivable moment - for dramatic effect obviously.
With the letter in your hands, you open up your laptop and purchase a roundtrip ticket to Georgia before you have the time to change your mind. I guess this meant that you had to pack, you have a plane to catch at noon tomorrow.
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Well, there was definitely no going back now. Today is the 13th, and you landed down in Georgia at roughly 3pm. You were lucky that there was a nice 4 star hotel in the area that had a room available for you to stay in at very short notice.
The excuse you gave to your boss that morning was that you had a family emergency and you wouldn't be back for a few days. It was a miracle they bought it and didn't ask questions.
You got yourself settled as best you could in your room. The time was ticking, you knew you had 3 hours until you would be face to face with the man you once considered your everything. Heat rose to your face, causing a hot flash that made you fan yourself. You tried to reason with yourself that it was the southern heat that has you in a tizzy. But the butterflies were creeping into your stomach, threatening to fly away the closer the clock neared 6pm.
In your haste to book a flight the night before, you didn't think too much about what you were going to pack for outfits. As you pulled your suitcase out and placed it on the bed you crossed your fingers that you managed to pack something nice for this meeting.
Thank the high heavens that in your stupor you did throw in there one of your favorite dresses as of late. It was a gorgeous silky A-Line number that flattered your curves and flared out in all the right places. The shoes you gave yourself to match were some cute nude sandals with a chunky high heel, perfect for walking on the grass.
You fluffed your lashes with a few coats of mascara, drew on some eyeliner, and applied a soft rose lip stain to doll up your face. Using the hotel hairdryer and a round brush, you attempt to make voluminous bouncy curls that softly frame your features. And the finishing touch before you headed out the door was a few spirts of your signature floral perfume.
Well, it was now or never.
The car ride over was excruciating. Every minute your nagging thoughts coupled with the impending notion that you're going to be spending time with your ex nearly sent you over the edge. A long and winding dirt road brought you directly to one solitary white farmhouse with a detached shed at the back. There was nothing around as far as the eye could see, just a vast lush landscape sprinkled with dandelions and sunflowers. Right next to the side of the house stood a beautiful peach tree, and you could even see the makings of a small garden with tomato plants and various herbs sprouting tall and proud. You never took Austin to have a greenthumb, but then again it's like you're re-learning everything about him from scratch.
As you got out of the car, making sure to park a little bit away from the front door as to not rouse Austin's attention just yet, you surveyed the quaint lodgings for a few moments.
He told you in his letter that he had fixed up the near demolished house. You had no idea he was such a handyman either, because it looked beautiful. A crisp coat of white paint with contrasting blue shutters stood out among all the greenery like a Monet painting. There was a little front porch that had a swinging chair that looked so inviting to sit on and get lost in thought. It was positively charming.
As much as you tried to distract yourself from the inevitable, you simply couldn't faff around anymore. You filled your lungs with the fresh country air and steadied those butterflies that felt so close to erupting from your uneasy stomach.
You didn't even realize that your feet had betrayed you and moved on their own accord, climbing up the steps to the front door. It all happened so fast in one swift motion. No sooner that your hand reached out to knock on the screen door that Austin was right there. He must have the eyes of a hawk and spotted you approaching from a mile away. Regardless, he was standing right before you. You had to question if you were dreaming or if this was actually happening.
The warmest grin was spread sweetly across Austin's face. As he learned his tall body against the doorframe, you both eyed each other from head to toe. You almost couldn't believe the man standing before you was the same person you had dated all those years ago.
He had longer hair and a noticeable beard defining his sharp jawline which gave him an effortlessly rugged appearance. His classic old Hollywood looks were still ever present, and not a damn hair was out of place. One of his favorite canvas Carhartt jackets was sitting perfectly on his broad shoulders, even in this godawful heat he still wore them like a security blanket. Your eye traveled down the length of his legs in the Levi's he had on. He aged like fine wine, and a part of you hated yourself that you still found him handsome.
The two of you just stood there, not saying a word. His crystalline eyes wandered eagerly down your feminine curves that were accented by your silky dress. It really is so true that men are such visual creatures. Austin's carnal desires overtook his brain momentarily as he thought about ripping that dress off of you, revealing what you were wearing underneath. But he had to stop himself from thinking any further. Pull yourself together.
He shifted his weight and cleared his throat as the awkward silence rang loud in both your ears. I mean, what the hell can you even say in this strange scenario anyway? Someone had to be brave enough to speak up, and not one of you had moved their proverbial chess piece on the board yet.
After what felt like an eternity of just standing there on his porch and your skin crawling with anticipation, you couldn't take this anymore.
"It's nice to see you." You blurted out. Your fingers fumbled as you interlaced your hands loosely Infront of you. It was strange that you found yourself reverting back to girlish inclinations in front of him.
He sighed longingly. "Yeah, it's so good to see you as well. Thank you for accepting my invitation." Austin softly spoke. His voice reverberated low in his chest, sounding equal parts soothing and sexy. He got out of your way and held the door further open, gesturing with his hand inside.
"Please, come on in."
Nodding your head, your heals click on the hardwood floor as you step into Austin's living space. It was simply decorated with just the necessities like wooden tables holding up vases full of wildflowers, a fabric sofa that looked comfortable enough, shelves packed tightly with different sizes of leatherbound books and vintage records, and the kitchen was neatly organized with copper pans hanging from hooks on the wallpaper, with a cute yellow antique fridge and matching stove.
You spun around slowly and took it all in.
"Wow, Austin, you did a really great job of making this place a home. I wasn't sure what to expect when you said you rebuilt it."
He shut the door and shoved his hands in his pockets nervously, making his way over to you. "Thank you. Yeah, it's been a really fun project that's for sure. All the furniture I got second hand from vintage spots, and anywhere else that I could get my hands on nice accent pieces. I've only been actually living here for a little while, so it's not as homey as I would like it to be. But it's mine."
A shy smile crept up the corners of your rosy lips. "This house definitely suits you. What you lack with the furniture you make up for with books."
Austin chuckled at your noticing his obvious book collection, running a hand through his blonde waves. "I probably have more books than the local public library."
"You always were a bookworm." You teased lightly.
He shrugged his shoulders playfully, "I figure ones life is enriched the more that you pick up a book and read something. Can be whatever genre you want. But I don't know, books are my happy place. It's the smell of the vintage leather. The worn-in paper. The slightly smeared ink that stains my fingers with each flip of a page. I find solace in it."
"I know you do, Aus." His old nickname just rolled off the tip of your tongue with ease, a little too much for your own liking. You haven't been around him for more than maybe five minutes and already your mind comfortably reverted to your old girlfriend tendencies. You hoped that Austin didn't catch what you said, but he certainly did by the way his eyes lit up at his name falling from your lips once again.
You bite your tongue in your mouth, chastising yourself for faltering so soon. But there was nothing that could be done about it now. For Austin this was good news. Could a possible spark be reignited? It gave him a little hope, and he clung to it desperately. But, on the outside he remained calm and collected. The night was still young. Who knows what will happen.
Austin tried his best to curve around the tension that hung in the air. "I'm sure you're tired from your trip. We've got about half an hour until 6pm, so if you want I can make us dinner while you go relax."
Maybe that was a good idea after all. Giving you guys some much needed space after your fatal flub seemed enticing. "Sure, that sounds good."
"Great. How does a glass of peach tea sound? I made a pitcher this morning."
You knew Austin took cooking as a serious hobby, but peach tea? For some reason that impressed you. "Sounds delicious actually. Thank you."
"Alright, wait right here I'll pour you a glass." He clasped his hands together and took a couple long strides before he went into the fridge and put some ice cubes in a glass, pouring you a generous helping. Goddamn him for being so polite and gentlemanly.
"Here you go, Y/N. I hope it's good, I'm still perfecting the recipe." As he carefully handed you the beverage, the shock of the icy glass helped to ground you and put your nerves at ease as you were flustered under the collar, still trying to grapple with the fact that you were here in Austin's kitchen.
He watched intently, focused on your reaction, looking for any tiny micro expression that could tell him if you're satisfied by his concoction. That was another quirk of his that he seemingly still kept. Austin relished in preparing something he worked hard on, and then seeing what the reactions to it will be - Ever the people pleaser. His stare on your lips as you took a gentle sip of the refreshing liquid was a little unnerving for so many reasons that you didn't want to entertain right now.
The fruity taste lingered on your palate. "Mmm. Very good. Just the right amount of sweetness." You say, delivering your final verdict. This pleased him, as his eyes got all squinty and his nose crinkled a little when he gets jovial.
"I'm glad you like it. Now, go get comfortable. Dinner will be ready in 30."
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As Austin prepared dinner in the kitchen, you chose to sit on the swinging chair outside, peach tea in hand, just absolutely reeling.
You didn't want to start thinking about how gorgeous he looked. You also did not want to remember the fact that he couldn't take his pretty eyes off of you. And under no circumstances did you want to ponder the mere thought of how you were staring right back at him.
That internal battle was still raging inside of you, and you had a bad feeling it was only going to get worse as the night wore on. You had to face the facts. This was your reality. Instead of trying to make it worse for yourself in the long run, you have to just chill out.
This is simply two long lost friends that are coming together for a nice meal and a chat. And at the end of the night you go your separate ways, probably never to see each other again. Whatever false narrative you needed to spin to get yourself through this one night had to be enough.
Whatever he was cooking smelled delicious, and you hadn't eaten since breakfast so you were famished. As you finished the last remnants of your peach tea, you closed your eyes and just let the wind wash over your frazzled mind. Nothing good ever comes from heated emotions. To make the best of this situation, you had to relinquish all control and give in fully to the unpredictability.
The sounds of birds chirping in the distance filled your ears the more you sank into meditation. With one deep breath, the waves of anxiety and dread rolled through you and dissipated with the gentle breeze. The lightness you felt afterwards was welcomed.
You were so beyond gone in your mind, out in the vast blankness of space, that you didn't hear the screen door open beside you. A breath was caught in Austin's throat as he saw your long locks flow around you carelessly. To him you looked so serene and beautiful like a goddess. His arms were itching to reach out to you and wrap you up in a warm embrace, to remind himself of what it felt like to hold you close to his chest. But he knew that he couldn't look at you for too long. He didn't want to ogle, plus the more he looked at you in this way the more his heart ached. Austin committed this moment of peace to memory before he had to make himself known.
Clearing his throat gently to get your attention, you slowly opened your eyes and caught sight of him. He had changed out of his jacket and into a white cotton button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up with a few of the buttons undone, revealing a weft of curly blonde chest hairs. Classy, casual, and so sexy without trying to be was his forte. Damn, he looked good.
His lips quivered as he struggled to try and form the words to speak, but his mouth suddenly feeling dry. "Dinner is ready, Y/N."
With a renewed energy, you threw him a soft smile and made your way inside.
While you were outside calming yourself down, Austin threw together a really beautiful dinner spread. The large dining room table was adorned with two plates on opposite sides. In the center was a mason jar filled with a random assortment of flowers from his garden, and two long candles that he quickly lit with his zippo created a lovely ambiance.
The two of you sat in a comfortable silence as you ate this wonderful homecooked meal Austin worked so hard on. You have to admit to yourself that he really did put in a lot of time and effort into this dinner for you. Everything was not overly done, like he was trying hard to impress, but it was simply him.
Austin was on one end of the table, and you were on the other side. It seemed like a rather massive distance was keeping you so separated, but it was better this way. You both occasionally passed satisfied glances to each other in between bites of food and sips of pinot grigio. When you completely inhaled every last bit of food from your plate, you sat back in your chair totally stuffed to the brim.
"I have to say, that was really delicious Austin. I'm so full I can't eat another bite."
He chuckled and finished off the last drop of his wine. "Good, i'm happy that you enjoyed it. I can't remember the last time I made a proper meal, especially with company."
"Do you not have many people over?" You asked.
He shook his head solemnly. "No not really. I uh, kind of keep a low profile around here. What with all the..." he waved a lackadaisical hand in the air, "...you know."
You weren't entirely sure what he meant, but you assumed he was talking about his newfound celebrity status. Does he really get mobbed all that often? You hadn't the faintest idea of what he actually has to put up with in his daily life. But you can only imagine the strain that takes on his mental health.
"Yeah, I'm sure that it can be really hard to deal with sometimes." You fiddled with the hem of your dress, looking down and suddenly overcome with a bout of shyness. There was a question you had put on the backburner since the moment you saw him this afternoon. But you weren't sure if you should leave it alone, or find the right time to ask. Now that you had settled more with this situation you find yourself in coupled with Austin's naturally easygoing energy drawing you out of your shell, you felt comfortable in bringing it up.
Obviously it had occurred to you that since your breakup, Austin has probably been in other relationships. Or you assumed so anyway. You weren't one to pry, but you couldn't deny that it was a burning question that you wondered to yourself.
If Austin tells you he is currently seeing someone, what would that change in the way you view him? The romantic undertones that were left between the lines on the letter he wrote you seemed clear as day. But who knows. Austin is kind of that way with everyone. Maybe he was just being nice. Maybe this really was just two friends getting together, and not two exes with an undoubtable spark.
Your eyes looked everywhere but his, too afraid that his oceanic eyes will suck you in and see through the veil to your subconscious thoughts. The question was on the tip of your tongue, it was no use trying to stifle it down.
You smoothed down the front of your dress and regained some composure. "Have you been seeing anyone in particular these days?" You spoke, trying to sound put together. With just enough courage you finally looked him in the eye.
Maybe it was the way the candles flickered in the light, but you swore that you saw Austin's eyes sparkle again like they did not that long ago when you called him by his forgotten petname.
This was his big break into the conversation he was hoping to have. He chose his words carefully. "When you say 'anyone in particular' I presume you mean, am i seeing any 'woman' in particular?" He clarified.
Biting your bottom lip, you simply nod your head.
He shifted slightly in his chair, leaning forward. The floor creaked beneath his boot heels. "No. I haven't been interested in dating for a little while now. Nor have I had the time to allocate to forging a romantic bond with a woman. But as of late, I've been thinking about maybe opening up that part of me again. For the right girl."
Austin held prolonged eye contact with you as he let that last sentence fall from his lips and onto the table. He hoped that you picked up on his meaning. Dating any other woman except for you was completely out of the question. He prays he's playing his cards right.
"What about yourself? Has there been a special man in your life?" He asks, throwing the ball into your court now.
You also lean forward in your chair, mirroring his body language. "No. I've kinda been busy just focusing on my career and healing myself. But who knows what the future may hold..." You leave your comment purposely open ended, leaving it up for him to extrapolate whatever he wants from that breadcrumb you left behind.
"Hmm." Was all he managed to hum under his breath. He broke eye contact with you as he sat back in his chair yet again. His thumb and forefinger stroked his bottom lip, like he usually does when he's overcome with racing thoughts.
You could tell he was ruminating over something and wasn't willing to share. Noticing his lack of an answer, you prod a little further. "What's going through your mind?" You carefully asked.
After a brief pause, his lip sprang free from his fingers and he placed his hand on his thigh. "Do you know why I asked you to come and visit me?"
"Because you wanted to show me around your new place."
"While yes that is true, that wasn't my only reason."
"Then enlighten me, why did you invite me here?"
"Because I missed you." He said plainly.
His words hung thick in the air like a suffocating fog causing you to hitch your breath. That was part of the truth, but there was definitely more he wasn't saying. Whatever it was, you were gonna yank it out of him. "That's it? You write me out of the blue, haven't spoken to each other years. You invite me all the way out to your farmhouse in the middle of Georgia, make dinner and offer me peach tea just because you miss me?"
Austin fully leans forward in his chair, elbows folded and resting on the table. A match was struck and a flame grew behind his eyes, but it wasn't from sexual desire. He was growing irritated. "What are you trying to infer here?" He asks, totally bewildered by your sudden bite.
You crossed your arms in front of you. "I think we both know that there's more to your plan than you care to let on."
He scoffed "Is that so? Well, since you seem to have it all figured out, why don't you fill me in." He's trying but failing to remain levelheaded. And so are you. All common sense leaps out the window.
You let out an exasperated sigh. "Austin, please be serious." You roll your eyes.
"I'm afraid you're gonna have to do better than that, Y/N." He tisked.
"Fine. Let me be clear. We broke up and you haven't said a word to me in all these years. Now all of a sudden you just, miss me?" You hissed.
Austin raised a quizzical brow. "Is it so wrong for me to miss you?"
Annoyance flooding your senses, you doubled down. "It's not that it's wrong, you just kind of left me high and dry and now we're in this situation." The words flew out of your mouth at warp speed.
A dry chuckle filled the air from the other side of the table. "From my recollection, you were the one that flew all the way across the country to get as far away from me as possible. Remember?" Austin said.
Fuck, that's it. Any chance of having an adult conversation was long gone by now. Your heart was pounding in your chest, and you could feel the pump adrenaline rush to your brain, shutting down all logical rationale.
"And from my recollection, you were the one that ended the relationship in the first place without any good reason." You raised your voice.
"Aaah." Austin pieced the puzzle together. "So that's what this is all about." He nodded to himself, saying matter-of-factly. Now it all made sense. He genuinely didn't realize that you harbored negative feelings over the way things ended. It was all being laid out on the table.
"Well, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that once we split I wanted my space. So yes, I did fly across the country. But it was to get away from the reminder of what we had." You huffed.
"Do you loathe me that much that you had to up and leave? I offered you the villa. You didn't have to move coasts." He asked, there was a twinge of hurt to his question. It was a tough one to ask you, but he needed to know.
You shook your head, astonished. "How could you seriously expect me to stay when that house held every single memory of what we shared all those years ago. Do you think I actually wanted to stay in the place where we were building a life together? And then it was all ripped away. It was painful for me." You trailed off. In an attempt to self-soothe, you stroked one of your arms comfortingly as those difficult memories from your past love flickered through your mind. Some of these sentiments you hadn't even expressed to yourself, let alone to Austin. You wished that the floor could open up and swallow you whole.
Austin's jaw clenched. He was fighting back the urge to break down in this very moment. Seeing you open up a part of yourself that's been closed off of all this time was hard to watch. It was a tough pill to swallow to think that he had caused you to feel this pain. And he mentally kicked his past self for it. He truly never wanted to hurt you.
He let out a long sigh, lowering his tone and stripping away his ego. "Listen, Y/N. I take accountability for how things ended between us. That wasn't the plan for the future that I wanted with you. I envisioned a beautiful, harmonious coexistence with you by my side. Like I wrote in my letter, I was having a hard time coming to terms with my privacy being stripped away the more that my career took off, completely out of my control. Maybe deep down there was a part of me that knew that the more I was getting pushed into the spotlight the more that the public would sink their claws into you, stripping away your innocence. A-and, just knowing that you were in the crosshairs of it all, i simply couldn't allow you to get hurt by my lifestyle. No way..." Austin shook his head and trailed his wandering eye away from yours as he got lost in the thought that tormented him the most.
There it was. There was finally the answer that you have been searching for this whole time. A lot of emotions were rising to the surface and you weren't sure you knew how to process them.
With this important piece of information dawning on you, you bravely express the most important takeaway from this entire ordeal that's been left unsaid. "So, you broke up with me to protect me?"
Your fatal question was followed by a long break of silent reflection. You could cut the tension with a knife. In your heart you knew this was the answer, and he knew it too. But to hear the truth being spoken out loud was cataclysmic.
Finally, Austin returned his azure orbs to you, glazed over with an emotion that you can't really read. His voice waivered as he somberly spoke. "They say that if you love something you set it free. If it comes back, then it's yours to keep..." He swallowed thickly, "If it doesn't, then it never was."
The realization of what he just said hits you like a ton of bricks. He loved you enough to let you go, to shield you from the hardships of his new life. And in writing you that letter he was testing the waters to see if that philosophical phrase was right. He wanted to see if the love was still there, if this could be remedied with time. If you came back to him, then he would have his answer. Just like he said in his letter. And you yourself denied your bodies natural inclinations to fall right back in line with him for all these years. Even when you were on differing sides of the continent, that thread that attaches you together at a soul level never withered away. It remained intact. You both could never properly move on from your romance. Nobody else could come in and replace the love that you two share for each other.
As much as you were angry and bitter with the breakup, this clarity shot down any last resentment you were holding onto.
Only one thing mattered. You were his to keep.
Suddenly you feel dizzy, the room began to spin all around you with your onslaught of sudden vertigo. Everything that you forced yourself to bottle up was now backfiring on you. It was bubbling to the surface like a bottle of coke that was shaken for too long - the pressure escaping through the cracks.
You found yourself being drawn to Austin's body like a moth to a flame. To fight the forcefield would be a fruitless endeavor. To think that you wanted nothing to do with him would be a fools errand to believe, because you know that's not true. It became all too clear to you that you still loved him. And while it scared you to admit that, your body gave in to the overt sexual desire that was churning inside you. That all too familiar coil in your stomach tightened with desire.
You forcefully stood up from your chair, and it nearly toppled over as you rose to your feet. Taken aback by your outburst, Austin planted himself firmly on the ground and stood up from his seat as well. Did his confession upset you? If you were about to storm out of the house he was prepared to run after you. While he was deathly afraid to lose you for a second time, he had to be ready for anything.
Both of you were in the height of your flight or fight response, standing at the dinner table, caught in a fiery glare. If looks could kill, you'd both be dead on the spot.
Austin trembled as he tried to find steady ground beneath him. He wanted to cut through whatever it was that you were thinking in your mind - to explain himself and put you at ease. He wasn't giving up on you without a fair fight.
"Y/N?" He tested the waters, his voice shaking.
Without hesitation, you turned on a dime directly towards him, skirting around the table. His eyes widened in trepidation as you approached. He stepped to the side of the table in preparation to get in your way and stop you from fleeing.
But what he didn't know was that you weren't leaving at all. No sooner than you got within arms reach of Austin that you grabbed his shirt collar and pulled his body towards you. A colliding of lips was harsh and unexpected to both of you, you weren't aware of your own strength. You felt as if you'd fall at any given moment, but he swiftly caught you and wrapped his long arms around your waist - pulling you impossibly close to his chest.
This wasn't the sweet, innocent kiss you both had thought about when you pictured this reunion. It was one that was oozing with so much longing, pent up aggression.
You initiated the kiss, snaking one hand into his sandy mane that clung for dear life, and the other now grasping at his flexing bicep. His strong mouth was hot, burning for you. The natural scent of him wafted through your nose as you breathed in his musky pheromones. He clashed his lips again and again against yours, probing your bottom lip with his tongue and your greedily sucked him in.
Austin growled low in your mouth, and he swallowed all of the whimpers that came pouring out passed your lips. One of his hands trailed down your ass, palming you through your dress and squeezing a large handful of your flesh roughly, his fingers sure to leave bruises on your backside by morning.
The feel of you in his hands once again felt like home. And as his tongue worked with yours in a sinful display of carnal lust, you drank him in happily once more - as if you had never broken up in the first place.
Austin's hand on your waist snaked up your spine, catching the zipper of your dress between his fingertips. He toyed with it though, never daring to pull it down just yet. That was enough to set you off. You needed out of the dining room and into his bed or else you'd implode.
Your swollen lips parted from Austin's roughly, but he went on the attack and planted hungry kisses down your neck - his growing appetite for you seemingly insatiable. Remembering that one sweet spot that made you putty in his hands, he latched onto that place on your neck and sucked the delicate skin until it left a purple bruise. You mewled, gripping stronger onto his arm and further tangling your fingers into his blonde tresses.
Releasing your neck from his mouth, his tongue licked over the area, soothing the irritated skin. You felt your knees practically give way.
"Austin," You sighed wantonly, "Please take me. Now." You begged.
You didn't need to tell him twice. "Yes, ma'am." He cooed, panting in your face as his lips captured yours once more for another searing kiss before his hands went to the backs of your thighs. Instinctively, you jumped up into his arms, wrapping your legs high around his waist and your arms around his neck as he held you firmly in place within his embrace.
How far away the bed was from the dining room table you had no idea. You hoped it wasn't a long journey, because you were both getting antsy for more skin to skin contact. As he cradled you in his strong arms he walked the both of you through a narrow corridor and turned a corner to the staircase. How he managed to carry you all the way up these stairs without getting winded turned you on even more than you thought possible.
You weren't done having your way with him though. As he made his way through the second floor, your lips placed gentle kisses along the bulging veins of his neck. He hummed lowly at your efforts to distract him, fully basking in the way you payed extra attention to every single inch of skin you could get your mouth on.
Finally, at the end of the hallway was the final destination. With one of his feet he kicked the door of the bedroom wide open. It nearly cracked the door hinges it was that forceful. He just simply couldn't wait any longer to have his way with you.
Making his way to stand at the foot of the bed, he braced his body weight on the plush comforter with one of his knees, and bent forward to place you in the center of the bed. You sighed at the loss of contact from Austin, but it wouldn't be for long.
You sat up and watched as his electric blue eyes glazed over with lust bore into yours as he quickly removed his shirt, throwing it somewhere he'd forget about later. And he toed his boots off, now leaving himself in nothing but his jeans.
It had been way too long since you've seen Austin like this. In the years apart you can clearly tell that he's put on some muscle definition. A shy whimper left your lips as you fully took in the sight of his broad chest, heaving with exertion and glistening with sweat.
Even with his tanned skin you could tell a faint blush was creeping onto his cheeks in the way that you stared at him like he was a full course meal. He exhaled deeply, a cheeky side smile was plastered on his face. Here you were, his dream girl, in his bed like he fantasized about for years, begging for him to take you. Austin was on cloud nine, and he wouldn't hide his obvious insatiable urges any longer.
And honestly, neither could you. Why the hell have you been tormenting yourself, trying to pretend that you didn't love him when you clearly still do? It was stupid, and after what you said to him downstairs at dinner you wanted to make it up to him.
As Austin was about to climb onto the bed to join you, you held up one of your hands, "Wait, Austin."
He stopped dead in his tracks. He prayed to God you didn't just all of a sudden grow a conscience and change your mind. "Everything alright?" He asked, concerned.
You nodded, shimmying your way down the massive king sized bed and leaping down to the floor below you. Your eyes met in a meek moment of hesitation. You allowed your fingertips to softly twirl around his chest hairs. You could feel his heart pounding like a drum beneath your hand, he drew in his lower lip and bit down in an effort to stifle the tiniest moan that wanted to escape. His hands tenderly cupped either side of your face, waiting expectantly for your instructions.
"I just...I want to please you first." You spoke softly. Your idle hand beside you burned hot against his skin as you let you fingers do the talking. Eyeing him fully, Austin gasped when your hand trailed over the waistband of his jeans as your fingers circled the faintest of touches along the rock hard outline of his engorged cock.
"Oh, God." His eyes closed, savoring this small touch, moaning breathlessly as you traced around his swollen member through his jeans, his hands clutched harder around your waist.
Swallowing thickly, he opened his eyes which were completely blown black, and shook his head. This wasn't usually how things went. He was the man, and he wanted to please you first. But how could he deny himself when you had him literally in the palm of your hand. "Baby, you don't have to."
"I know. I want to." Feeling bold, you went on your tiptoes and steadied yourself with a hand on his shoulder. His arms pulled you flush to his hard body. In an ultimate power move, your tongue slips past your lips and licks the shell of his ear. He throbbed in his pants, whimpering at the sudden contact.
With your lips still pressed to his ear, you breathed hotly, "I want to remember what it feels like to have your cock in my mouth."
Emitting a deep growl, Austin harshly grabbed your ass with both hands, forcing your stomach to press right against his erection. You writhed in his grasp, sighing deliciously as he rocked his length into your pelvis.
"You're a goddamn vixen, you know that? Miss me that much you wanna suck me off, huh?" He gritted through his teeth, getting high on your breathy moans that fill his ear. He ground his cock harder against you, drunk on the friction.
This now marked the start of your mission to treat Austin like he deserved to be treated. With everything he's done for you, you feel like he's earned this, and his efforts will be heartily rewarded. You reluctantly detach your mouth from his ear and place both your hands on his chest, pushing him back against the bed playfully. When you don't immediately climb onto the bed after him, he sits up on his elbows, watching your next move intently. The unpredictability is what keeps him on the edge, wanting so much more.
You make sure Austin has his undivided attention you as you reach behind your back, unzipping your summer dress all the way. You teasingly push the fabric down your shoulders and shimmy it slowly down your body until it pools into a heap on the floor - the whole time never breaking eye contact with him. You slip out of your heels and discard them to the side.
Austin bites his lip at the sight of you in your matching white lace panties and bra. This confirms to him all the same that you are in fact his angel. He thought God definitely took his sweet time in making you. And he made you just for him.
Now finally, you rose up onto the bed. On your hands and knees, you swayed seductively over his long body. You settled to straddle his lap with your legs on either side of his hips. His large hands smacked your ass, and you moaned fully right into his face at the delicious sting. He chuckled devilishly before he rose his back off the bed, bringing your lips back where they belonged. His plump mouth nearly engulfed yours as he ravenously devoured you, his strong tongue lapping back against yours in a fight for mutually assured dominance.
You wouldn't let him have his way, not yet. Taking his lower lip in your mouth, you bite down softly. He wined, and he let his hips rise off the bed as he rolled himself directly into your soaked pussy that was barely hanging on by the lace panties that covered them. With his hands still firmly on your ass, he pushed you down on his dick as you rode along his impressive length.
"Aus." You moaned. Hold on a second, this was all too much, you have to remember the task at hand before you let yourself come all over his jeans. You reluctantly pry yourself away from his firm grip on your ass, and traveled down his lower half, placing wet kisses along his chest and abs.
Looking up at him through your long flirty lashes, you unbuttoned his pants and unzipped the fly. Hooking your fingers in the waistband of his jeans and underwear, you pull both of them down his legs at the same time, discarding them into the distance behind you.
Finally, you were met with the glorious sight of Austin's naked form. He looked like a Greek God, sculpted by the most talented hands on Earth. His cock lobbed back against his stomach, the tip angry and red and dripping already with a bead of pre-cum. You haven't had Austin in so long that you weren't sure if you could be relaxed enough to fully take all of him into your throat. But you sure as hell were gonna do your best, and make him feel amazing.
He wined impatiently as you licked your lips in anticipation for his cock in your mouth. But you were gonna have your fun with him first. You peppered his inner thighs with chaste kisses, making him writhe beneath you. He already could tell you were gonna torture the daylights out of him and leave him begging for more. But honestly, he didn't care.
Austin left one of his hands idle on the bed beside him, while his other hand made its way into your soft hair. He wasn't forcing or guiding you anywhere near him, he just lovingly tangled his fingers through your silky strands as you took your time in making your way over his aching cock.
You made sure your hands were sufficiently warm to the touch as to not startle him with possibly cold fingers by blowing hot air onto them. And then you took your left hand and gave it a generous coating of your spit. When you hand wrapped firmly around the base of his cock Austin let out a soft moan, his brow furrowing already and you barely touched him. He was watching everything, not daring to miss a move you'd make.
Slowly but surely, your hand began to squeeze and stroke up and down on his shaft. You expertly rotated your wrist in small circles around his length and paid special attention to his swollen tip before making your way back down to the base - repeating this motion.
"Lord have mercy." Austin mewled in his newly acquired southern drawl that you haven't heard before. It seems like playing Elvis Presley has left an impression on him, and he took those little bits of his accent with him. It was fucking hot.
Austin was gone to lunch, totally transported to another planet at the feeling of your warm hand jerking him off. He wasn't at all prepared for what you were about to do next, though. With your left hand working his cock you lowered your mouth down to his aching balls. Your tongue licked one long fat swipe across the left one before you took it into your mouth.
Austin shivered, his grip on your hair tightened and his mouth hung open in awe, a drawn out ragged moan leaving his lips.
You released him from your mouth and repeated the action to the right one. Drool was dribbling down your mouth and making a mess as you were lavishing his balls, Your left hand then began to swirl around his tip just a bit longer, applying the right amount of pressure to elicit the sexiest noises coming from Austin's mouth. "Goddamn it, Y/N." He groaned thickly.
Satisfied that you gave plenty of attention down below, you now focused your efforts on his cock. With your hand still firmly around him, you parted your eager lips, allowing your spit to drip down his dick and coat him further, fully slick and ready for you. Your hot breath pooled over his tip before you finally lowered your mouth onto his needy cock.
Austin threw his head back against the pillows, the feeling of your hot lips wrapped around him was overbearing in the best ways. "Fuck yes..." He bellowed.
This spurred you on, seeing him come undone with barely just one swipe of your mouth on him. You were already soaking, this was turning you on like no other. You felt your wetness seep out from your panties and onto your inner thighs as you clamped them shut, trying to create friction for yourself as you worked wonders on his cock.
You weren't about to deepthroat him right away, not now anyway. You were just focused on taking in a much of him as you could comfortably allow, and using your hand to pump the rest of him in tandem.
The slurping noises your mouth made as you bobbed your head along his cock, strings of spit cascading around him, was salacious. You set a steady rhythm, milking his shaft and swirling your tongue along the underside of his cock as your mouth took him in. You moaned around him in your mouth, sending a sinful vibration along his shaft.
Austin's hand gripped even harder on your hair as you worked him, and again, he was not pushing or guiding you anywhere. He allowed you to set the pace and do whatever you wanted. However, his hips had a mind of their own and they rose off the bed, his cock going deeper into your mouth. A panic rose within you as you felt your inexperienced gag reflex activate, but you relaxed your throat as best you could to accommodate his length, gurgling around his cock crudely.
"Fuck, just like that baby. So fucking good." He moaned. You quickened your pace a little more, stroking his length and easing the rest of him into your throat. Austin was fully drenched in your spit as you sucked his cock. You hummed in pleasure at the sight of Austin in the throws of passion, the vibration making him groan louder and bucking gently into your mouth. You gagged a little more around him, but you tried your best to relax your throat.
"Such a good girl taking, my cock so well." He praised as he watched you with heavy lidded eyes. He knew you didn't really like to deepthroat, but he just couldn't help himself. He was dreaming about your lips around his aching dick for years, and now it was finally happening. If he wasn't careful, he could come at any second. And he wanted this to last.
He hated having to stop you mid sloppy blowjob, but he had to forego his enate desires and save his impending orgasm for later. Plus he had other things he wanted to attend to first.
"Baby," He sighed lustfully, trying to get your attention. His back rose off of the bed and you looked up at him with doe eyes. "You're gonna make me come if you keep going like that." He chuckled breathlessly at the lewd vision of his cock still deep inside your mouth. This was definitely a sight for sore eyes.
Catching onto his meaning, you released your hand from around him and you slowly removed him from your mouth with a wet plop. His cock fell back against his stomach with a thud.
"I just realized how much I missed this." You pouted.
Butterflies rose in his stomach at your confession. You really did want him just as much as he wanted you. The insecurities that plagued his brain in all this missing time without you insistently told him that you were better off without him. That some other man could take care of you better than he ever could. But in the recesses of his brain, he knew that was the worst lie. Sure, he had brief periods of imposter syndrome. And he worried if he would ever be enough. But the better part of him knew that he was. He was an idiot for letting you go in the first place. But he needn't try to concern himself with matters of the past - this was the present. And right now, he just watched you messily deepthroat his cock. If that didn't scream "love" then he had no idea what did.
He smoothed down your messy hair tenderly, a warm smile creeping on his gorgeous face. "You haven't the faintest idea of how badly I wanted this exact moment to become a reality."
"Oh no, I could tell." You teased.
Austin scrunched up his nose adorably. This was his happy place. You here in his arms, your body warming his bed. It was heaven on earth.
Seeing how badly you wanted his cock in your mouth gave him a second rush of adrenaline. While his weeping tip leaked even more pre-cum, he can't be focused on his release.
Austin cradled your face in his hands, rising you up from the bed below him. The faint saltiness on your mouth from his impending load lingered on your tongue as he kissed you passionately, adoringly.
It became all too apparent to you, now that you were back on your hands and knees, that your juices were practically rolling down your thigh. You have no idea how these panties haven't evaporated into nothingness from the vast amount of slick coating them. But Austin intended to rid them soon enough.
Pulling you against his chest, he smoothly rolled you over so that you were laying on your back. Your legs instinctively parted, beckoning for him to come in. And he took to settling between your thighs, contentedly. His hands nestled on either side of your head, steadying his body weight, as he took your breath away with strong longing kisses. You moaned into his mouth and he happily took them, giving his own moans right back to you.
As his tongue was swirling around in your mouth, you couldn't help but think about his mouth ravishing your lips down below. Your clit pulsed at the obscene thought. It was hard to kid yourself about the fact that you had thought about this many a time - him going down on you. No other man could ever eat your pussy the way that Austin does. He's like a master at his craft, and he's an overly generous lover. You need him in every conceivable way.
Needy for any kind of friction to soothe the ache between your throbbing core, your hips rose off from the bed as you captured his bare cock still drenched in your saliva in-between your clothed folds.
You whimpered wistfully as you worked your tongue against his harder in his mouth. "Austin, I need you." You said between steamy kisses.
Gripping onto your thighs, he splayed them open wider for easy access, and rubbed his cock along your pussy, hungrily growling into your mouth.
"How much do you need me? Tell me." He rasped huskily, his voice dripping with sex as he continued to grind himself against your soaked cunt.
You sighed raggedly against his open mouth. "So fucking bad." You begged.
That was all that he needed to hear. He attacked your neck with open mouth sloppy kisses as he made his way down to your breasts. You sat up quickly and helped him to unhook your bra, throwing it across the room. Your nipples grew instantly hard at the cool breeze hitting them, and under the devouring eye of Austin as he licked his lips eagerly. He bent his head down and trapped one of your nipples in his mouth, rolling it around with his warm tongue.
"Aus..." You moaned, rolling your head back as you basked in his mouth on your breast. In response, you lifted your hips higher off the bed and ground yourself harder against his cock. A low hum emanated from his mouth and sent a shiver down your spine.
After giving plenty of attention to your nipple, making it stand to attention just the way he wants it, he moved over to ravage the other one, his tongue flicked against the sensitive pert bud. You gasped as he rolled your nipple into his mouth, your hands flew to his hair and found purchase in his sandy waves. "Please..." You pleaded.
Giving you what you want, Austin snaked his way down your stomach, peppering chaste kisses along your navel. Finally, his face was directly in line with your slick heat. His azure sparkling eyes landed squarely on you longingly, as he placed one brief kiss over your clothed pussy teasingly before pulling down your panties. You gasped at how close he was to your sex as he played with you.
It was almost embarrassing how truly wet and ready you were for him. As he removed your underwear, a trail of your juices got pulled down along them from your oozing core. Austin threw you a coy smirk, amused at how the string of slick just kept going the further he brought your panties down your legs.
"Fucking hell baby, you are soaked. And all just for me." Austin cooed. With his index finger he pulled at the string of delectable wetness, twirling it around his finger as your slick finally pulled away from your panties. He brought his finger into his mouth and sucked in earnest. He closed his eyes and savored the first taste of you he's gotten in god knows how long. This got him impossibly hard.
"You taste just as sweet as I remember." He mumbled hoarsely.
Seeing him get lost in the taste of you from just this little gesture sent you careening over the edge. You squirmed against the bed, fully exposed to him and sopping wet for his viewing pleasure.
He practically salivated at your shimmering pussy as he took in the full picture of you spread wide, gushing and needy for him. Your pussy lips were flushed like a beautiful rose as they bloomed open for Austin's ministrations. Seeing your slippery juices spread across your folds and your inner thighs made his cock throb hard and proud against his belly.
He was definitely ready to dive headfirst, and so were you. This pining business was exhausting, but damn did it ever keep you both on your toes. And better yet, you both wanted to bask in the glory of each others bodies once more.
Austin got comfortable beneath you, the bed was big enough so that he could lay on his front while you had plenty of room as well. Like a serpent, he slithered his body up your legs, leaving smoldering kisses on your inner thighs in his wake.
You grabbed your breasts in your hands, gently kneading them as you softly whimper at his velvet lips against your delicate skin. Finally after what feels like forever and a day, his lips were tormentingly close to your weeping folds. Just like you had teased him before, he was going to return the same tenacity to you. You swallowed harshly as the building tension rose to the surface, waiting for him to take what's his.
In the most agonizingly delightful way, his wet tongue swiped one soft lick across your throbbing clit. The strangled whine that left your lips was music to his ears. He barely even started and you were a hot mess for him, yearning and writhing for him.
His tongue found it's way down to your gushing hole, collecting the succulent nectar, flicking a long fat stripe up through your folds and teased around your clit in a figure 8. He remembered exactly how to pleasure you to make you come hard and fast, it wasn't lost on him at all. It was complete muscle memory.
Austin was taking his time with you, enjoying every sound and movement you made while his tongue swiped deliberately slow kitten licks against your clit. "Austin!" You shrieked, his dirty blonde locks getting abused yet again as your dainty fingers wound around his tresses. He moaned against your folds, his hot breath spreading across your inner thighs and mixing with your slick.
Everything about your luscious pussy drove him crazy. His tongue probed your lips and savored in the feeling of them collapsing against his mouth. And your bulging clit stood to attention as he ran just the tip up and down languidly. He was awestruck how your body responded to him effortlessly, getting wetter for him by the second. He could taste you all day.
Soon enough, Austin spread open your lips even more with each rhythmic lap against your pussy. His entire mouth greedily engulfed your folds as he sucked, creating a vacuum against you, his tongue creating pulsing swipes and licking all of the sticky sweet slick you had to give him at the same time.
"Oh fuck, yes!" You groaned, your head fell back against the pillows. Your hips matched the steady pace he set as you fucked his face. He moaned, cajoling him to set his sights solely on your swollen bud. With a loud flop, he released your folds from the confines of his heated mouth and used one of his hands to spread your lips apart with two fingers, revealing more of your sensitive clit that's been so far left untouched by his tongue.
This nearly nocked the wind out of your sails as he set a devastatingly fast pace of sloppy, wet licks against your clit. He felt you pulse with gusto against his tongue as your engorged bundle of nerves gets battered, groaning against you. Your legs shake around him violently, your breath hitches in your throat, and you're just laying there unable to make any kind of noise from how completely blissed out you are.
"Ohmygod" You moaned helplessly, marveling in Austin's determination at skillfully eating your cunt. The feeling of his prickly beard scratches against your thighs as he consumes you. The burning sensation is a welcome addition.
After giving ample attention to your clit he dived back into your folds, collecting every single drop of your wetness and vigorously lapping, swiping, and licking you into smithereens. He was a man hellbent on making you come, and he'd stop at nothing to get you to your climax. He moaned huskily against your slick folds.
The sound of his powerful tongue macerating your juicy pussy mixing with his saliva filled the room. It was insanely pornographic. He ate you like he was starving - like you were the sweetest confection he's ever tasted. His swollen red mouth and wet muscle suckled on your heavenly nectar as if he could die at any second. He missed you so fucking much these last few years. To say he was making up for lost time was the understatement of the century.
As if he couldn't devour you fast enough, he somehow picked up the pace. He abruptly plunged his tongue deep inside your pussy, causing you to squeal his name loud enough for the neighbors to hear. He grabbed hold of your hips and bounced your pussy against his tongue roughly. The tip of his nose was grazing against your clit with fervor. This was it, this would be the end of you.
You conjured up enough strength to look down at the man before you, desperate for you to come, lapping up your slick, groaning hotly against your pussy. His bangs fell into his face, plastered to his forehead with a noticeable layer of sweat. This was the best workout of his life.
You rocked yourself hard against his mouth, your wetness coating his entire face and dripping down his chin. "Aus, I-I'm gonna f-fucking come..." You warned him, clinging to his hair for dear life. All he could afford to reply back to you with was a sexy growl of approval as he tongue fucked you. One of his hands wound their way around to your clit and spun fast circles, sending you directly down the one way street of your orgasm.
Within seconds, you were coming. Your hands clung onto the sheets beneath you, your back arching off the bed entirely, as you wailed Austin's name loudly. Your orgasm rushed through your body violently, making your legs tremble uncontrollably around Austin's head, and your slick coating his face even more. He slurped and swallowed up every last remnant of your climax, cleaning you up. You shivered as he gave your clit a few last generous kitten licks before he rose to kneel on the bed.
Austin heaved ragged breaths, looking totally fucked out with your juices blanketing his nose, mouth, and chin that he wore like a badge of honor. He proudly displayed a wide grin as he successfully brought you to your first orgasm.
"That was mind blowing." He said, accomplished about his fruitful efforts.
"Mmm." You nodded in agreement, totally unable to utter a single word as you tried to recover from your impactful orgasm, the wave of your release rattling you to the bone.
He crawled up your body, settling back between your legs. Seeing you reeling from the earth chattering orgasm he gave to you definitely stoked his ego, and endeared you to him all over again. His girl was back - just when he thought he'd lost you forever. As he put all his weight on one hand beside your head, his other hand held your chin, angling you down just enough to brush your lips against his in a loving kiss. You could taste yourself on his mouth, riling you up all over again and ready for climax number two.
As he deepened the kiss, his hand left your chin and gently squeezed one of your breasts in his large palm. You hummed into his mouth at the feeling of his fingertips drawing lazy circles around your now hardening nipple. The fact that he can manipulate your body with the tiniest amount of effort was maddening, getting you wet all over again in mere seconds.
He didn't stop there. His fingers then traveled further south until he took his cock in hand and stroked the tip up and down against your clit, causing the most intoxicating friction.
Your lips pulled away from Austin's kiss as you moaned softly at the feeling. He was so close to railing the life out of you, but it took a hell of a lot of willpower to keep that thought at bay as he teased you.
"You ready, darlin'?" He rasped, his voice slipping back effortlessly into his southern drawl. He let the tip of his cock slide down to your slick entrance, running circles around the tight ring of your walls, teasing you further and making sure you're primed.
Your bedroom eyes were in full effect when you caught him in a smoldering stare. "Yes, Aus. Please don't tease me any more. Take me." You sighed.
He nodded, having fully heard your plea. Your legs went to slide around his waist, pulling him close to you, coaxing him. Running his cock up and down your soaking folds a few times to coat himself with your juices, he eased into you.
The feeling felt oddly foreign to both of you, but at the same time it felt like returning back to creature comforts. You were both homesick for this primal necessity for his dick to be buried snuggly inside of your warm walls. No more did Austin have to jack himself off to this exact moment left to his own devices, nor did you have to miss the sweet sting of your pussy accommodating his girth. This was the reunion of a lifetime.
You both let out a primal groan in unison, the intermingling of your pleasure sounding like the most beautiful music. He stayed still inside you for just a minute, letting your walls fully relax around his cock, before he ventured on. In no time he completely bottomed out. You clung to him with all of your might, your hand grasping at any part of him that you could. And his free hand immediately went to find residence on your throat, not applying pressure yet, just simply resting there.
"Are you alright?" Austin inquired softly through ragged breaths. It had been far too long since you've been stretched to max capacity by his cock, so he was dutifully checking in on you. His baby blues flickered over your face, trying to gauge your comfortability and any signs of pain.
You smiled shyly at his sweet gesture in a moment of intense passion. "Yeah i'm okay, I promise."
He smirked. "Okay, good." His lips placed a delicate kiss upon your forehead adoringly, happy in the fact that he didn't hurt you - at least not right now. You knew in the back of your mind you would be sore as hell for a week after this.
You clenched your walls around him voluntarily, letting him know he was safe to continue on. He gasped at the feeling of the vice grip you already had around his engorged cock. In his mind, he made a silent vow that he would last long tonight - fore he knew he was already too far gone.
"Someone's eager," He growled, the hand around your throat constricting just the faintest amount. "You need me that desperately, babygirl?"
Oh god, he was gonna string this out. Just the dirty words pouring out of his mouth alone made your pussy clamp down around him, earning you another rumbling hum from Austin.
Showing him just how much you wanted him, you started to move your hips along his shaft as best you could, using your legs around his waist as an anchoring point. "Fuck me, Austin Butler."
His heart thumped wildly in his chest at your obvious show of depravity. And his full name falling from your lips as his cock was filled to the brim inside your slippery cunt was all the motivation he needed.
Trembling, he slowly pulled nearly all the way out of you, leaving only the tip inside. You wanted him to fuck you? Well, he hoped you were ready to live up to your words. Because no sooner that he pulled out of you, he thrusted his cock all the way back inside your pussy with a gutteral groan. And this time, he didn't leave room for you to adjust around him. He began to snap his hips against you.
Your head fell back against the pillows, eyes closed shut, his name falling from your lips in a high pitched wail. This was the moment you both were waiting for all these years. Finally you were connected mind, body, and soul - and quite literally joined as one with every deep stroke of his throbbing cock thrusting in and out of your dripping pussy. It was like every single drop of angst, anger, resentment, and past bitter feelings was getting fucked out of you both. Leaving nothing behind except your sweaty bodies, rocking back and forth in an animalistic showing of unification. You craved to be fused together as one entity, and with each long and masterful brush of his cock against your walls, it was starting to become a reality.
"Jesus fucking Christ, you're so tight." Austin moaned in your ear. "I've been dreaming of the day I could be inside your perfect pussy again." He sucked on the sensitive skin on the side of your neck, you moaned louder at the harsh contact of his lips against your flesh, your pussy clamping down around him.
Your arms hooked underneath Austin's biceps, slotting your nails perfectly into the contours of his shoulders as you used him as leverage to bounce yourself onto his wet cock coated in your juices, matching his fast pace. "You feel so fucking good." You mewl into his neck.
This spurred him on like no other. You brought out the uncontrollable wild man inside of him. His carnal tendencies that he usually pushed aside in favor harnessing his wallflower facade were rising. His inner savage was coming out.
As if he couldn't possibly get any deeper, he was about to prove you wrong. His hand left your delicate throat, which left a red imprint in his absence. He peeled his face from off your neck and rose up, putting more of his body weight onto his knees. His hot hands scorched your skin as he took hold of your thighs and pushed them both up into your stomach, spreading you further open. You were merciless to his sheer strength as he gripped your inner thighs and rammed into you at this unexplored angle.
"Austin! F-Fuck!" You moaned. Your juices squelched loudly around his thick cock that was sheathed in your slick. His leaking tip was puncturing your cervix with each and every sinful thrust of his hips. From this depth he was hitting that sweet spot only he can find as he dicked you down so good, delivering long and masterful strokes that struck you dumb.
"Look at me baby." He panted. You hadn't even realized your eyes were still glued shut this entire time, you were just getting lost in the feeling of him. This wasn't a harsh command. He wanted to see you unravel before him.
Your eyes sprang open upon his request, and the vision of the man before you was glorious. Your walls fluttered around his cock, gushing a new concoction of wetness around him, leaving you both messy.
He breathed heavily as he pummeled your divinely made pussy. His pupils dilated, totally shrinking away those beautiful ocean eyes you loved so much. His golden hair stuck to his face with perspiration, and his puffy bottom lip was drawn into his mouth.
Your incessant and needy moans cascaded around you both, bouncing off the walls and alerting every nearby neighbor to your sinful deeds. You couldn't believe this man was yours, right now in this moment. He almost didn't look real.
One of your hands unwound itself from his shoulder, and reached out to touch his face. Your thumb stroked his stubbly cheek adoringly. Which was an interesting contrast between the pounding your swollen pussy was receiving down below. This innocent moment of vulnerability made you both realize something - there was no way you could ever go another day without each other. You were bonded for life.
Austin's face lit up as he turned his cheek into your hand, his heart was melting for you. Releasing one of his hands from your thigh, he placed it on top of your hand and kissed your palm sweetly. "My darling girl." He praised between gasps of air as he plunged his cock deeper and deeper into the confines of your pulsing slick.
You probably could have cried from this heartfelt display of affection, but you cried all the same when he picked up the pace. You were both on the ride to the finish line to chase your orgasms together. It was only a matter of time.
Your hand slipped from his face and back onto yourself where you toyed with your nipples in your fingers, bringing you closer to the precipice. Austin looked down at you playing with yourself as he mercilessly snapped his hips vigorously against you. Your walls clenched around him, drawing him deeper as he repeatedly brushed against your g-spot. He groaned huskily at the sight of you.
He could tell you were close, and by god he was gonna get you there faster than you could imagine. Two of his long fingers disappeared into his mouth as he sucked on them, letting a bit of drool seep from his mouth and onto where your bodies were conjoined, adding to the juicy mess around his cock.
With just the right amount of spit coating his fingertips he made a beeline for your puffy red clit, painting spirals and figure eights at a steady pace.
You spasmed around his dick, throwing your head back and shaking at the newfound sensation. "Fuck yes baby, just like that." You shrieked. You tweaked your nipples harder in your hands as Austin sloshed around your delicious juices inside of you with every caress of his aching cock.
Austin had to control himself as he was on the verge of coming, but knowing you were so tantalizingly close, he was determined to carry you to the finish line. He played with your clit faster now as his lusty eyes burned into yours.
He completely let go of your thighs all together and fell forward onto his elbow, drilling the life out of you, as his one hand down at your clit was still assaulting you. "Allow yourself to fall, baby. I'm here to catch you. Give in to me, my angel." He moaned hot against your neck.
This was it, you were done for. As he masterfully flicked your swollen bud and fucked you into cloud 9, you could feel yourself falling from the sky and landing face first onto the ground.
"Austin!!" You whined breathlessly. Your legs shook around his waist, and you shuddered against his body as you felt a gush of hot liquid squirt out of you and splash all over Austin's cock. But you weren't close to finishing yet, your climax was creeping around the corner.
Realizing what had just happened, that you indeed squirted forcefully all over him, Austin bellowed gruffly. "Oh god yes. You're incredible. You're gonna make me come any second."
As your walls fluttered around him and his cock was pulsing harshly, his thrusts were getting sloppy. It was a rare occasion that both of you would come together, at the same time. But clearly tonight was a night for miracles to happen.
You wanted to see his face as he came inside you. So your hands latched onto his hair and you pulled his head back, forcing him to look you square in the eye as you both unfurled.
"I-I'm gonna come s-so hard." You pleaded desperately.
"I'm right there with you, angel." He lost it completely when you shuddered beneath him, your pussy milking his cock for everything he's worth as you start to come. You whimpered his name as you rode out your orgasm, squirming beneath his fingers as he still circled your overstimulated clit.
"FUCK. Goddamn..." He slammed inside of you once, twice, thrice...and then he joined you in an orgasm that rocked his world. Austin couldn't help hoarsely moaning into your face as his hot come spilled inside of you with a fury. Your swollen cunt hungrily drank every single ounce of his sticky seed as he coated your walls.
You collapsed back onto the bed, your tired legs splayed to either side of you as you tried to catch your breath. And Austin started to shake as the dead weight of his lean body failed to stay hovering over you any longer.
With his half hard cock still full to the brim of you, he took you in his arms and rolled over onto the bed, pulling you on top of him. You could hear the racing of his heart beating hard in his chest, as he tried to regain composure with shallow breaths.
His arms lazily draped around your waist, his fingers brushed tiny circles on your flushed skin. Finally, with enough strength, you placed your hands on his chest and rose up to get a good look at him.
You both smiled, beaming from ear to ear. And without warning, Austin giggled cutely.
"Oh Lord..." He trailed off, running a hand through his hair and down his sweaty face. A pink blush rose to his sculpted cheeks.
"What's so funny?" You ask playfully, still trying to get air into your lungs.
Giggling once more, he placed a hand over his heart. "I was absolutely certain that I ruined any possibility of getting back together with you. But hot damn, I sure as hell was not expecting his outcome." He chuckled, the corner of his eyes crinkling as he smiled brightly at you.
"Well, I'm sure I wasn't helping matters by being a total bitch at dinner." You countered, being able to laugh at yourself now.
Austin's face immediately fell. "Don't say that, baby. You had every right to act the way you did. I didn't properly communicate my thoughts and feelings to you. Can you forgive me?" He asked demurely, his brows raised.
"Austin," Your sticky body detached from his as you fully straddled his lap, sitting up with your hands still on his chest. You slowly rolled your hips back against Austin, causing him to moan. "Your cock is buried inside my pussy. There's nothing to forgive." You reminded him, grinding a little harder against his cock that's surprisingly hardening back up quicker than you thought was possible. He had an insane sex drive. Or, he just missed your pussy so bad. Honestly, it was probably both.
He bit down on his lip as his hands found their way to your hips, pushing you back onto his stiffening erection. As you rode him, his come and your juices poured out of your pussy, combining into an erotic thick sludge that trickled down your thighs and onto the bedsheets.
"Mmm. My little minx. Ready for round two already?" He winked, suggestively.
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FIN. (sorry to end it on such a cliffhanger lol)
tags: @aconflagrationofmyown @powerofelvis @harringrove-sketchbookpages @samfangirls @headfullofpresley @2lekk @moonchild-daniella @ggwritesstuff @plasticfantasticl0ver @austinbutlersworld @unadulteratedkingdomzombie @sapphirescripts
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Complete fics posted on AO3 this day
1. Because it's you by @xx-thedarklord-xx [T, 14k]
►'They are only together because they are soulmates.' They were so much more than that and it was about time the world realized it. This is a story of how Harry and Draco fell in love and how very little being soulmates had to do with any of it.
2. Do I Wanna Know? by gabby2685 [T, 2k]
►What started out as a tentative truce between Harry and Draco, blossomed into a beautiful friendship. But could they actually have deeper feelings for each other?
3. Nervous? by @invisible-nerd-girl [T, 46k]
►Harry gets drunk at a party, only to remember a game he over heard muggles talking about. He ends up playing with Draco who doesn't back down. Much to his surprise, it doesn't end there.
4. What happened at Christmases by ProseMary [?, 15k] 💗
►Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy kept encountering each other at some point of Christmas during eight years they spent at Hogwarts. This is the story of how it happened.
1. Last-Minute Leather by @sailtomarina [M, 1k]
►Harry's late on his Christmas shopping, and it's all Draco Malfoy's fault. What do you get a man who buys himself everything, anyway? ★ HP Yuletide Bliss 2023 | @hp-yuletide-bliss
2. Sharper than a Sea Serpent's Tooth by Anonymous [T, 40k]
►Draco expects his research trip to Crete to focus on the ecology of ward design, with perhaps some cheeky visits to the elusive sea serpents and the odd sleepy beach day. Instead, he encounters a Past he's spent over a decade trying to outrun, and a familiar scowl under glasses and a scar. Featuring just so much imagining being on a hot, sunny beach for your winter pleasure. ★ H/D Erised 2023 | @hd-erised
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sitp-recs · 1 year
hi liv!! i've been following your blog for years and it's always been such a comfort to me, thank you for all you do!!
i got broken up with this week, and i'm taking it very hard. it's my first real breakup and no one's fault, so it's just horribly sad. do you have any recs that are just soothing and soft at this time? just anything that will make me feel like things will be okay
no worries at all if not, i know this isn't exactly specific and you must be busy <3
Oh darling, I’m so sorry to hear that 💔 I’ve been there and I know it’s not easy but you’ll get through it! Give yourself time to grieve and rest over the weekend. I’m sending warm hugs, hopefully these will help soothe your heart. I’d also recommend dustmouth’s incredible comic stories, they’re my go-to comfort food!
Market Saturdays by iota (M, 3k)
In which Harry is an accidental part-time cheesemonger, Draco is an organic farmer and they fall in love. Not an AU.
The Long Fall by tackytiger (M, 3.6k)
It's supposed to be a simple house renovation, and maybe it's just the paint fumes, but Harry is feeling dizzy around Draco Malfoy. And what's the real meaning of family, anyway?
Life goes not backward by shealwaysreads (T, 9k)
Harry still isn’t used to gifts, but this one is different. A story of coming home, finding safe ground, and the wild courage of putting down roots.
fine i'll hold my breath / til i forget it's complicated by teatrolley (NR, 11k)
Harry and Draco become friends with benefits, and Harry thinks it's more complicated than it actually is.
the way you make me glow by softlystarstruck (M, 11k)
In a cottage next to the sea, love blossoms. Or perhaps it’s been there all along.
warmest part of the winter by warmfoothills (T, 11k)
It’s not even a balcony, it’s just a window with a bit of a ledge, and Draco’s read Shakespeare anyway, he knows how this one ends.
How We Throw Our Shadows Down by thistle_verse (T, 14k)
Draco has finally found the perfect, rare piece to complete his collection. The only problem is that the item belongs to Harry Potter, the last wizard on earth Draco wants to ask another favour from.
Yours Truly by skeptique (M, 15k)
Every single one of Harry’s exes has gone on to marry the next person they date, and with the upcoming nuptials of numbers six and seven to each other, Harry’s feeling exhausted by it all. It doesn’t really matter if he lets people assume Draco Malfoy is his boyfriend for a moment of peace. In any case, Draco’s been away for five years and there’s no way he would find out, right?
Sourdough by academicdisaster (M, 17k)
Draco writes romance novels and doesn't leave his apartment much. Harry bakes bread and sells it to Draco. Draco is quite weird. Harry might like that.
The Snitch-Maker by Omi_Ohmy (T, 21k)
Draco is content with his Snitches, with the tap tap tap of his hammer, and the tiny gears and sharp scent of metal in his workshop - until one day Harry Potter appears, asking for help to solve a rash of Snitch-tampering in the Quidditch world.
Nice Things by aideomai (M, 22k)
The first thing that happened was Theodore Nott came back from France.
On the Turning Away by blamebrampton (G, 25k)
It's one thing to be good at not making a besotted fool of yourself over a man when he's busy being the most famous wizard in the world and you're tucked away quietly in Wiltshire. It's quite another when you have to see him every morning.
Open For Repairs by FeelsForBreakfast (M, 35k)
After the war, Draco works at a tv repair shop and Harry breaks things.
Eager for the Sky by oknowkiss (M, 35k)
It was announced, just as the Triwizard Tournament had been, at the start of term feast. A year-long, international Quidditch varsity match — the inaugural Wizarding Academy Cup.
Follow the Water by xanthippe74 (T, 38k)
Harry Potter’s life is fine. Maybe a little dull and predictable, but he shouldn’t complain about that, right? When he unexpectedly finds himself at Luna’s house one afternoon, Harry gets invited to join the secret wonderland that she’s creating with a surprising group of friends. Maybe a summer outdoors is just what a former hero needs to bring some zest back into his life.
And if you’re in the mood for long fics:
Like Lightning at Your Fingertips by potterwatch (T, 43k)
The problem with living with another insomniac is, eventually, they find out you’re one, too. When Harry and Draco return for their eighth year, they think they’ll see very little of each other. Then McGonagall assigns them to room together. And the castle starts breaking. And there’s that thing with Potter’s magic.
A Room Up There (And You In It) by thestarryknight (T, 59k)
When Preservationist Draco Malfoy was assigned to work on Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place, he was excited to delve into the gorgeous Black family antiques. His excitement quickly ended when something in the House decided it did not like his presence one bit. Featuring a grumpy antiques lover who most certainly did not sign up for this, encounters with a vengeful apparition, and a healthy application of Christmas spirit.
Little Deaths and How to Avoid Them (or Draco Malfoy's Guide to Stop Dying and Start Living Instead) by nerakrose and dustmouth (T, 96k)
Malfoy is way too interested in coroner reports for somebody who's definitely not looking for ways to die, Harry wants to be friends with him, and Ginny wants to break up with Harry.
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theharrowing · 11 months
Happy NamGi Day!
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in honor of such a glorious holiday, and because i am feeling a little extra today, here are all of my namgi fics, as well as some of my personal favorites!
♡ - fluff | ☽ - smut | ☁ - angst | ✎ - wip | ☆ - personal fav
just namgi
One Day at a Time | 2 parts, 39.4k words, ☆ ❣ Yoongi x Namjoon | ♡ ☽ ☁ ❣feat. established Namjoon & Jung Wheein ❣ past acquaintances to lovers, a/b/o ⚠ infidelity, mpreg, painful knotting ↳ Yoongi loves to help others. As a professional surrogate, he takes pride in using his body to help families bring life into this world, and love into their homes. But when his high school crush Kim Namjoon hires Yoongi to help him and his wife conceive, things get…precarious. |Or, Omega Yoongi gets bred by Alpha Namjoon and holy shit, does he fall in love.
Sun Seeker | 3 parts, 38.7k words, ☆ ❣ Namjoon x Yoongi | ♡ ☽ ☁ ❣ strangers to lovers, tattoo shop au ↳ Namjoon does not do impulsive. He doesn’t understand the fuss about body modifications, and he has never considered getting one. That is, until he meets Yoongi—the prettiest man he’s ever seen, who happens to be a tattoo artist—and he can’t stop thinking about going under Yoongi’s needle to have an equally pretty design tattooed onto his skin. 
Entanglement | oneshot, 10.9k words ❣ Namjoon x Yoongi | ☽ ♡ ❣ best friends to lovers, confessions, loss of virginity, very little plot ↳ Namjoon is eager to finally lose his virginity and decides it would be wise if his best friend Yoongi helps him. (He is totally not in love with Yoongi, or anything…)
Lips Like Honey | oneshot, 13.9 words ❣ Namjoon x Yoongi | ♡ ☽ ☁ ❣ strangers to lovers, light angst, very little plot ↳ Chef Min is easily the prettiest man Namjoon has ever seen and now Namjoon is questioning everything—including his sexuality.
Honsool | 3 parts, 8.5k words ❣ Yoongi x Namjoon | ♡ ☽ ❣ friends to lovers, requited unrequited, snowed in au  ↳ The whole group is snowed in during their winter trip and Yoongi drinks enough whiskey to finally tell Namjoon how he feels.
namgi x reader
Collateral | 22 parts, 245k words, ✎☆ ❣ Yoongi x Female Reader x Namjoon | ♡ ☽ ☁ ❣ feat. Taehyung x Jungkook, Seokjin x Hoseok, Jungkook x Reader ❣ strangers to lovers, mafia au, poly ⚠ drug use, graphic violence, dark themes - see fic warnings ↳Your ex-boyfriend gets in over his head working for the local mafia, and Boss Min has come to collect his payment: You. But was it simply a matter of being in the wrong place at the wrong time? Or has he always had his sights on you?
namgi x members
Pretty in Pink (Make Him Purr) | oneshot, 15k words, ☆ ❣ Yoongi x OT6 | ♡ ☽ ☁ ❣ established relationships, canon compliant, animal play, marathon sex, light angst, very little plot ↳ Yoongi—long-established power top of the group—secretly wishes he could shed all of his responsibility and allow the members to take care of his needs while he’s dressed in a frilly pink kitten outfit. Well, it was a secret until Namjoon discovers the outfit, pulling the cat out of the bag, so to speak, and forcing Yoongi to decide whether to show that side of himself to the rest of the guys.
my favorite namgi fics by others
The One by nicedress | oneshot, 22.2k words, ☆ ❣ Yoongi x Namjoon | ☽ ☁ ❣ strangers to lovers, pistolverse au, serial killer au, smut, angst, fluff if you squint ⚠ dead dove! murder, slut shaming, rape culture, open ending - see fic warnings ↳ Every stamen lured into Yoongi’s bed leaves him with a new blossom on his skin and a new grave on his property. When he encounters Namjoon, a stamen who refuses to touch any pistil unless it’s his soulmate, all Yoongi sees is someone naive and easy to control. Someone to help around the farm without complaint. Someone to dig holes without realizing they’re graves. Someone Yoongi’s not quite willing to kill—not yet.
What the Stars Look Like Under You by nicedress | 11 parts, 134.4k words, ☆ ❣ Yoongi x Namjoon | ♡ ☽ ☁ ❣ strangers to lovers, porn star au, sub/dom, smut, angst, fluff ⚠ implied/referenced rape (not between namgi), panic, suicide ideation - see fic warnings ↳ After building a porn career as a popular submissive, a scene gone wrong sends Yoongi spiraling. Switching roles gives him new purpose and shields him from the trauma he’s not willing to face, but having the world’s most pretentious, ecofriendly Dominant steal his spotlight isn’t making things any easier.
Forever Rain by Kumatokkii | 9 parts, 66k words, ☆ ❣ Yoongi x Namjoon | ♡ ☽ ☁ ❣ enemies to lovers, rapper au, smut, angst, eventual fluff ↳ Underground rappers Agust D and RM have had an unspoken feud that's spanned years, always hinting at each other in their lyrics, never fully saying it. Then Agust D crosses the line and calls him "Namjoonie" in his rap, on stage, for all to hear... To Namjoon's utter embarrassment.
♡ - fluff | ☽ - smut | ☁ - angst | ✎ - wip | ☆ - personal fav
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honeymouthedtales · 2 years
what are ur thoughts on mh talking abt babies....
it would be very cute. i wouldn't be able to write it in the current timeline since mk just said they haven't talked about it in months, but i could write it as a flashback of them talking about it in robyn 🥺
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allwaswell16 · 2 years
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A fic rec of One Direction fics with an asexual character in the fic as requested in this ask. For more fics with an asexual character, you can find my asexual Louis fic rec here and asexual Harry fic rec here. You can find all my other fic recs here. If you enjoy the fic, please leave the writer kudos and a comment! Happy reading!
promise your whispers are mine by lightswoodmagic / @lightwoodsmagic
(E, 94k, catering au) Harry’s the head chef at Azoff’s Catering, and he loves his job; the opportunity has always been more than he could dream of and he’s proud of the food he creates. Until he meets Louis, an event coordinator rising through the ranks with his own company, and who reminds him of the dreams he once had for his own career.
What I Have With You (I don't want with anyone else) by @lululawrence
(NR, 73k, fake relationship) Louis is an asexual alpha, Harry is his aromantic alpha friend and possible roommate, and faking a relationship might be exactly what they need to get their families and friends off their backs.
now you're in my life (I can't get you off my mind)  by we_are_the_same / @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed
(M, 34k, a/b/o) as much as Harry loves the concept of dating, the reality sucks.
Something Deep Inside by lightswoodmagic / @lightwoodsmagic
(M, 17k, canon) the five times Louis had to hold back his feelings, and the one time he didn't.
Ace Drag Queen Louis by @musketrois
(NR, 16k, series) Louis is a drag queen and Harry is the photographer that wants to be more than friends.
balance between you and me by beckywritesthings / @beckydoesthings
(T, 15k, a/b/o) As a successful businessman, Louis is used to the long hours, never-ending work, and constant exhaustion. What hits the hardest, even though he'd never admit it, is the empty apartment he comes home to every day. 
All The Shades In Between by LaDiDah 
(G, 10k, Potter Direction) Harry is hit with a rogue truth spell and can't control what comes out of his mouth; a bit awkward when his adoration for Louis has only grown over the years.
Somebody Get Me Through This Nightmare by @lululawrence
(NR, 11k, neighbors) “You are always welcome to sleep on my couch if you need,” Harry offered immediately. “I still don’t think it’s quite as bad as you seem to believe it is, but I’d much rather you be next door than fifteen or twenty minutes away at someone else’s house.”
serve me up a little hope on the rocks by we_are_the_same / @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed
(M, 10k, bar au) Louis is a bartender who doesn't take drink orders, but just makes drinks based on what he thinks his customers will like. Harry is just another customer. Or is he?
in comes the rain by BeforeEternity / @starlitlou
(M, 7k, established relationship) Being ace and an omega had never been Louis' favourite combination. Even less so when his heat is involved. 
when we get intimate by rainblou / @loubbies
(E, 6k, a/b/o) Harry is asexual. It becomes a problem when his heat arrives and Louis, his alpha, doesn't know.
Peach Blossom Has Just Begun To Bloom by flamboyo / @riverswater
(G, 4k, pride parade) Losing sight of their friends, Louis and Harry decide to spend the march together talking about their identity and their pride, and eventually concluding to never let each other go.
Talk with me, Walk with me by @loulovehome
(G, 3k, self discovery) AU where Louis and Harry’s relationship develops at the same time that Louis starts figuring out his asexuality.
let's run all the red lights by wordsnnotes / @quelsentiment
(T, 3k, childhood friends) Harry has always been in love with Louis, and he doesn’t know what to do about it.
Baby, Don’t Apologize by @neondiamond
(T, 1k, a/b/o) Harry being an asexual Omega means his Alpha Louis has had to spend his ruts alone for the past decade despite being mated.
An ace week by Onlythebrave_6
(NR, 1k, established relationship) The one where Louis is not that confident with his identity but Harry decides that the asexual awareness week is the best time to make him feel even more loved and supported than he usually is.
-Rare Pairs-
Situations Like These by wordsnnotes / @quelsentiment
(T, 30k, Louis/Zayn) It’s not that often that Louis feels this way about people. His lack of sexual attraction doesn’t prevent him from experiencing these fleeting moments of aesthetic admiration, but it’s rare for him to get almost obsessed with someone’s beauty the way he is with Zayn’s. 
we're still the kings of the Friday nights by we_are_the_same / @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed
(T, 22k, Zayn/Louis) Zayn’s been everything, for so long now. His moral compass, his partner in crime, his ride or die. And as of tonight, the first boy Louis has ever kissed.
Like it was at the start by wordsnnotes / @quelsentiment
(T, 14k, Louis & Liam) A platonic soulmates AU set in Lake Louise, Canada.
a little tenderness by @disgruntledkittenface
(NR, 10k, Niall/Harry) Touch deprivation makes a lot of sense now that Harry thinks about it. Niall seems generally unwell; he appears to be weak, his skin is pallid and his lips look chapped, and his breathing is ragged. 
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royal-ruin · 1 year
other genshin fic recs here genshin fic recs by pairing here personal favorites are starred, by the way. everything is complete unless stated otherwise.
misc. genshin romantic fics
kujou sara / yoimiya
daylight star by Anonymous (~5k)
a hand around her vision / a hand around her throat
Yoimiya breaks into a prison. It begins there.
hu tao / yanfei
*plum blossoms in winter by arsonide (~15k)
“I just think she’s beautiful,” Hu Tao stated certainly.
“The most alluring flowers tend to have the deepest thorns, Hu Tao,” Zhongli warned, though his voice was still light.
Hu Tao wasn’t listening to him. She waved at him lightly, dispelling whatever lecture he had for her on his tongue. Yanfei was stunning, that much was true, and her grandfather had always told her to appreciate anything she found half as beautiful.
Or, Hu Tao thought that the flowers she threw up paled in comparison to the way Yanfei made her feel.
hanahaki au. one of the best genshin fics i’ve read
kojou sara / kokomi
*kin-mokusei (where it is sweeter) by daiicraaa (~10k)
In battle, you cannot hesitate. Sara knows this as well as she knows her own name, engrained into the fibers of her soul. But then, when the time is finally right to strike down her enemy, she hesitates, and Sangonomiya Kokomi smiles back at her.
She is beautiful.
Do not tell the Shogun; I am a traitor.
it’s so good. enemies to lovers.
amber / eula
but i can’t help, falling in love with you by doriangraysbitch (~5k)
“What do you mean?” Lisa asks, spinning around, face bewildered. “You and Amber aren’t dating?”
Eula clears her throat, feeling heat on her cheeks. She lowers her eyes to the floor so her blush won’t be so noticeable. “No,” she says. “We aren’t.”
There is such a long stretch of silence that Eula looks back up at Lisa in confusion and a little bit of challenge. “…Oh,” Lisa says finally. “I’m sorry, dear, I just assumed.”
And Eula would gladly leave that topic alone forever, but there’s something bothering her about how Lisa says it, how certain she was that she was right.
“Does everyone think that?” she asks, fighting to keep her voice level, even though her heart is racing and she feels slightly faint.
Lisa hesitates just long enough to confirm Eula’s fears.
“Oh, archons,” she says, absolutely horrified. “Oh, no.”
or, everyone thinks eula and amber are dating. gay panic ensues.
kamisato ayaka / kujou sara
*colour me by sambharsobs (~8k)
[It is symbolic. From the nine sips of sake to the political weight of their alliance, all of it is symbolic. And, perhaps most important of all, is the meaning behind Ayaka’s white wedding kimono.
She is a blank canvas, chaste and pure, for her future spouse to colour as she deems fit.
But Sara has not looked at her once since the ceremony began.]
OR: The Kujou Clan’s adopted daughter and Kamisato Clan’s second sibling are wed in a desperate attempt to salvage political images, and Ayaka does not know how to reach for Sara.
wow, just wow. i absolutely loved this fic.
albedo / venti
Of Wind and Chalk by sparklinglabyrinth (~15k)
Albedo suspects a certain bard is more than meets the eye. Numerous developments occur that only continue to fuel his suspicion until the truth is inevitably disclosed. (Or Albedo musing on multiple in game events related to Venti, Mondstadt and Durin)
arataki itto / gorou
bringing a bouquet to battle by wormkinnie (~7k)
Arataki Itto is a lot of things: Very strong, very fast, very handsome, cunning, charming, talented, good at fighting— hey, you’re getting all this, right?
He is not, however, that good with dogs (or guys who have the features of dogs. or guys at all).
[Excerpt from That’s Life Issue #107 (Note: For the anonymity of the asker and Ms. Hina, personal details may be removed or edited.)
Ms. Hina! How do I block my mind from someone?! When I talk to this person they seem to be finding my weaknesses! It makes my head feel very strange. This is bad! I can’t let my focus fail me, because then I will be bested in competition, and this is unthinkable. Reply soon. Your biggest fan.]
something a bit more lighthearted for a change.
Commission: Who Is Ms. Hina Dating? by underthethousandstars (~3k)
[“You want us to find out who Ms. Hina is dating?” Paimon cried, bringing Lumine back to reality.
“Why is this a commission?” Lumine asked, raising a brow in suspicion.
“Her fans have noticed a change in quality concerning her love advice and have come to the conclusion that she must be dating someone.”]
Lumine is commissioned to find out who Ms. Hina is dating.
diluc ragnvindr / zhongli | morax
*what cannot be said (will be wept) by muichirou (~15k; Warning: MCD)
[When he spotted red hair — much like flames, blaring and vibrant — amidst grassland, only punctuated by the lone glaze lilies, he felt intrigued. The human’s red locks were falling out of his dark hood, barely hidden, like a tempered storm.
It was bewitching.
Rex Lapis wondered what someone like him was doing in Liyue— someone as entrancing as him.]
(or: zhongli and diluc have met before, many moons ago.)
zhongli | morax / venti | barbatos
the anemo archon is dead (long live the anemo archon) by heavymoons (~6k)
The Tyrant of the Winds, Decarabian is no more. As the newly minted Anemo Archon, Barbatos wishes he had read the fine print before crossing paths with the implacable God of Contracts.
(In which, Venti accidentally trespasses, gets arrested, and tries to broker the grandest alliance in all of Teyvat, in that order.)
[“I owe you an apology,” is what Morax says, unexpectedly.
“An apology?” Venti parrots, his gaze unconsciously drifting down to his shackled hands and then to the thick bars on his cell. He wonders if the people of Liyue just have very strange ways of apologizing.]
*such impossible bliss by nyabatos (~2.5k)
[there’s a breath of warm air against his cheek, a huff of laughter, “you know, you don’t have to look at me like that.”
morax blinks. “like what?”
“like you’ve never seen a winged god before.”]
takes place when the original seven were alive.
diluc ragnvindr / venti | barbatos
pointing at the moon by ohwickedsoul (~2.5k)
[“Do you still love the crystalflies?” Venti asks, runs a finger around edge of his wine.
Diluc goes very still. “What?”
“They haunt your vines,” Venti says, smiles into his glass, soft and a little melancholic. “I thought you liked them?]
ganyu / keqing
*heartbeat of the world by Sephirron (~7k)
To Ganyu, a thousand years isn’t very long at all. She watches Liyue rise and fall, build and rebuild. But never in all her years has she met anyone like Keqing, the single mortal that didn’t believe in gods.
But Keqing cares about others, that much is clear. They stand worlds apart and Keqing barely looks her way. Ganyu is convinced she is the one human that Keqing didn’t care about. Her fingers brush against her horns. Or maybe, she is convinced that Keqing could never care for a god, even if it was human.
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weeklyreadings · 11 months
Week 38 - 42
Meddling, Menswear, and Magic By @writcraft
Rated M. 18k. Drarry
Draco Malfoy is working in a job he hates and avoiding the magical world entirely, but he really is fine. When a bequest from Severus Snape brings Draco back to a much-changed magical world, he must find his place within it and navigate his growing attraction to Harry Potter in the process.
My Moony by MsAlexWP
Rated E. 12k. Wolfstar
Remus Lupin and Sirius Black have a night of mind-blowing sex after meeting at a club. Remus thinks it's a one-night stand, so he doesn't tell Sirius about a really important part of his life, one that usually scares people away. But when his feelings blossom, Remus realizes he needs to come clean about the little girl at the heart of his secret.
It's the Love of the Chase (That Created the Ride) by @lqtraintracks
Rated E. 14k. Drarry
Draco and Harry are new Auror partners. It's a bit dull. Until they finally see some spell action and things get a lot more interesting (in Draco's pants).
Silhouettes by sweet_s0rr0w
Rated E. 17k. Dronarry
Draco's trying to fix the Burrow, Ron's trying to grieve, and Harry... well, just what is Harry actually doing, anyway?
Kill, Fuck, Marry by @lettersbyelise
Rated E. 13k. Drarry
Harry and Draco unexpectedly meet again on Draco’s birthday, years after their last encounter.
What Have You Been Hiding Under Those Robes, Professor Malfoy? By @thebooktopus
Rated E. 15k. Drarry
After an accidental explosion in the Potions classroom, professors Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy have to utilize the emergency showers at the back of the classroom. Harry is surprised to find that prim & proper Draco is positively covered in tattoos. And… are those nipple piercings?
Born Slippy by dracoladon
Rated E. 8k. Drarry
Harry finds that it's less 'one tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor' and more 'one tequila, two tequila, three tequila, decide Malfoy's quite fit, actually, and decent company after your friends traitorous abandonment, floor.' With Malfoy lying next to you.
In Evidence of Magical Theory by @bixgirl1
Rated E. 43k. Drarry
When a hex meant for Draco accidentally catches Harry as well, they're forced to learn to understand each other in ways they previously might have thought impossible.
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Once, under the plum blossoms (15242 words) by threading_in_dreams
Genshin Impact | one-shot | 15k | Childe/Xiao | Teen And Up | No Archive Warnings Apply
Tags: Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Time Shenanigans, there's a time loop but the story isn't from the looped character's POV, a little bit of hurt/comfort as a treat, Falling In Love, also a lot of fighting
Sent to investigate an ancient domain that seems to be disappearing entire squads of Fatui, Childe ends up on the path of the elusive Xiao, who knows far more about the strange time divergences at play in the place than he’s willing to share. How could Childe resist the call of adventure, specially when it comes in the shape of a beautiful, lethal man?
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magpiefngrl · 3 years
Fanfics that I enjoyed in 2021
If you've followed my monthly reading recs, then you might have noticed that I've read very little fanfic, esp in the past few months. That hiatus ended in early Dec when I reached 100 reads on GR and promptly abandoned books for fic lol
With the year coming to a close and my monthly review project coming to an end, I wanted to make a list of some of the fics I loved this year/month. I might not have read a ton, but I discovered some gems.
This post isn't as detailed as I'd have liked (or as I'd initially planned), but I'm in bed with covid and can't muster the energy to dive deeper into my reading history or write long recs; I do want to get this post out, though, because it cheers me up to share the joy I received from these works with you. It will make me even happier if you find something to enjoy! (do let me know! It pleases me no end when people come back to tell me they loved something I recced.)
So, without further ado, here are some fics I adored in the past 12 months, all highly recced:
First sight by any_open_eye (wangxian, 1.2k, M) Beautiful writing. I devoured everything else this author has written.
Heart Like Neon by @lqtraintracks (drarry, 41k, E) I loved several LQT fics this year (Mad Sparks, 5,400 miles, Two Starts One Finish, Bolts) [how could I not, LQT's the bomb] but the tension in this one destroyed me.
The Pleiades Were Watching Too by @the-starryknight (drarry, 1k, M) A spectacular future tense angsty drarry. (and everything else Starry wrote for the Summer Writin' Challenge,. Go check the series out, it's a marvel of craft!)
(our friendship) up against the ropes by daltoneering (wangxian, 37k, E) One of the most memorable wangxian fics I've read, with a sex scene that lasted almost 9k and not one word felt gratuitous. What is this magic? Super hot and emotional, a reread for sure.
After the Final Rose by azurewaxwing (wangxian, 55.4k, E), Bachelor AU, absolutely brilliant. The kind of story you click on to check out the beginning and end up inhaling all ~60k in one night. This author has some awesome fics, incl this superb example of epistolary fic (plus academia): (no one else can) take me there.
A light turned on in the night by lunarriviera (Yizhan, 12k, E) Incandescent.
A Lifetime of Study by Tepre (wangxian, 15k, E). The typical "tearing your heart out of your chest and stomping on it" experience one expects from this author; thanks, @tepre. <3
in the blossom season (in the pouring rain) by varnes (wangxian, 14k, M) Single dad Lan Wangji and florist Wei Wuxian and identity porn x 3. Loved it to bits. (am so looking forward to Varnes's SNL AU live from new york; it sounds incredible)
#vanlife (all things go) by TheDameJudiWench (wangxian, 15k, E) My author crush this year. I've gone back to their work again and again. They've written some of the best Dead Doves I've read.
For Want of a Nap by nirejseki (several ships, 6k, M) Hilarious.
Byzantium: The W. B. Yeats Quintet by eldritcher A series of 5 fics featuring Snape x someone else each time. The prose is phenomenal, the pairings incredibly unusual, and the mood is totally up my alley. Outstanding.
can you feel it by lanzhancore (wangxian, 5.3k, E) Crack fic, which isn't usually my thing, but I had a ball with this author's works, esp their slutty Wei Wuxian. This one is hilarious.
why wait by novembersmith (hualian, 3.7k, E) Gorgeous.
I'll prob remember another ten outstanding fics the moment I press "post" but this is the way of things. Thank you, dear authors, for making me happy and giving me comfort when I needed it. Here's to more fantastic works in 2022 xx
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