#189 days to be exact
kwyw · 1 year
Remember when Karlie hinted at Midnights by wearing the exact same color scheme just a few hours before it was announced?
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And now she hinted at the exact same color scheme (with headphones!) for 1989 TV… 189 days before the release. Imagine that.
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dairy-farmer · 1 year
genuine question, how was like dc incest ships formed? like how did it all start :0
ooof that stretches back WAYYYYY back to like...the birth of dc comics. i'm no comic historian and i have limited knowledge for the rest of dc aside from batman but based on what i've read and know i'm 99.99% certain that the first ever batcest ship was between bruce and dick. and it became rather infamously known because of this psychologist named fredric wertham who sort of waged a war against comics- remember in like the mid 2000s when parents were clutching their pearls and saying videogames made kids violent?
well this was that, only with comic books and in the 1950-60s. he said comic books were filled with violence and sex and they would make kids violent and engage in sexually promiscuous behavior.
he directly addressed batman and robin's relationship calling it essentialy queercoded. his exact words about their relationship were:
"Several years ago a California psychiatrist pointed out that the Batman stories are psychologically homosexual. Our research confirms this entirely. Only someone ignorant of the fundamentals of psychiatry and of the psychopathology of sex can fail to realize a subtle atmosphere of homoerotism which pervades the adventures of the mature “Batman” and his young friend “Robin.” (p 189)
"Just as ordinary crime comic books contribute to the fixation of violent and hostile patterns by suggesting definite forms for their expression, so the Batman type of story helps to fixate homoerotic tendencies by suggesting the form of an adolescent- with-adult or Ganymede-Zeus type of love-relationship." (p 190)
"Sometimes Batman ends up in bed injured and young Robin is shown sitting next to him. At home they lead an idyllic life...They live in sumptuous quarters, with beautiful flowers in large vases, and have a butler, Alfred. Batman is sometimes shown in a dressing gown. As they sit by the fireplace the young boy sometimes worries about his partner: “Something’s wrong with Bruce. He hasn’t been himself these past few days.” It is like a wish dream of two homosexuals living together." (p 190)
my favorite is this one:
"The Batman type of story may stimulate children to homosexual fantasies, of the nature of which they may be unconscious. In adolescents who realize it they may give added stimulation and reinforcement."
the goddamn batman is going to make kids GAY
however there is one thing to note about what wertham was getting at: he was outraged that batman and robin were gay- not that they were incestuous. in fact, nowhere in the book does it mention anything about incest but i just ctrl + f searched that so it's possible they COULD have mentioned it, but if they did they didn't call it "incest".
outrage from conservative parents and "proper" communities of course meant they didn't want their kids reading this "filth". internet archive, which has a copy of this book you can read for free if you're interested in the quacky stuff he was trying to argue, has a footnote about the very REAL conseqeunces his publishing of this book had.
it was that "fredric's book and testimony at Senate Hearings within 6 months of his book publiation, was used to ban many comic books and an industry-wide self-censoring to be launched."
this is what led to the Comics Code Authority (1954). below i included a screen shot from wikipedia of a list of the things they censored and banned. you'll be able to note not a single bullet point mentions 'homosexuals' and that's because it fell under the umbrella of "Sex perversion". gay people were percieved as sexual predators by default then and still today they're viewed that way, though the conversation has shifted more towards pointing fingers at drag queens and trans people.
batcest has a pretty deep history and i could go on about how adam west and burt ward's flamboyant portrayal of batman only fanned the flames of the whole 'batman and robin are gay' thing but i think this small batman history lesson was enough.
even though the Comics Code Authority is no longer a thing, getting dissolved in 2011, i think you can still see the little threads of influence that remain and the fact that many of the writers and artists really don't have full creative freedom and control over the character they're writing for.
which is a shame. an enviornment where creativity isn't allowed to thrive is not an enviornment where it will survive.
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Is Jon tall or short?
I think he’s short. (I’ll explain why under the cut)
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This is to Jon; I think it’d be kinda weird to describe oneself like that if you’re shorter than the person you’re talking to. (I know this might just be about weight, but to me it seems more like it’s all dimensions, including height)
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Granted this is from a weird eldritch being, that, I think, can be rather large. So perhaps not concrete evidence.
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Again, this a threat, so might just be hyperbole.
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Another threat(?), might just be belittling. Edit: Nikola also calls him “little Archivist” in episode 97.
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Once again, another threat, so might still be an exaggeration.
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You guessed it, another threat, but I feel it at least safe to say Jon’s smaller than the cop.
While it’s not, perhaps, the best evidence; I at least think it’s enough to say Jon’s not particularly tall, perhaps average height at best?
There’s also the fact Jon could barely carry a pipe around, (a pipe Elias could, apparently, bludgeon a man’s head in with). Jon also looks pathetic enough that Basira can’t even fathom him being able to murder someone.
(To be clear, I’m not saying Jon isn’t tall, just giving my reasons for why I think he’s short. Headcanon him whatever height you’d like)
His only concrete description is that he looks like he hasn’t slept in a week.
Just for kicks, here’s my personal headcanons on the archives staff’s (and Elias[and Georgie]) height and/or build.
Jon: Tiny. To me, he is the smallest wet cat of a man, 5’4” (162.5 cm) at most. No meat on his bones, just a little guy.
Martin: Like he says, not the smallest guy, I imagine he’s a heavy guy, very huggable. I know there’s the common headcanon that he’s exactly 6’(183 cm), but to me, he’s got 6’2” (189 cm) energy. (Am I the only one that took “not the smallest” to mean absolutely jacked at first, just a total beefcake)
Tim: Average. Average height, average build. Probably 5’9” (175 cm) decently muscular, (from those kayaking trips)
Sasha: canonically tall. Sasha’s tall, I’d say 6’1 (185 cm) I kinda imagine her to be curvy(?, I don’t know if that’s the right way to put it) you know those people who have, like some good arm fat? (I’m sorry, that’s probably the worst way to describe it, but I don’t know how else to explain it) Really soft, kind looking type of person.
Elias: Elias is an odd one, ‘cause depending on the day I might think he’s kinda big, like 5’11” (180 cm) and somewhat muscular (less so than Tim), ‘cause he did bash a man’s head in. But on other days, I might go with the common twink version of Elias, I’m thinking 5’6” (167 cm), so still taller than Jon, but shorter than most guys. (He was also described as a “weird little freak” by Daisy, but that was, once again, a threat, so might just be intimidation)
Melanie: Canonically skinny. Honestly, a lot like Jon, I imagine her to not have much meat on her bones,(although, probably more muscle on her than Jon) she’s all sharp angles. While I do like the idea she’s the exact same height as Jon, I think she’s either one inch taller or shorter, either way she’s intolerable about it.
Georgie: I don’t really have any specific height for Georgie, but I’d probably say somewhere around 5’5” - 5’7” (165 - 170 cm). Like Martin, she gives off very huggable vibes, kinda like that one person you know that’s really nice and soft looking, but can also just verbally destroy someone.
Basira: Average height, on the heavier(?, not sure that’s the right word for it) side. It’s implied that she and Martin are not as skinny as Melanie, so I think Basira’s pretty muscular, but it’s like in a weight lifter kind of way. I feel like she’s probably 5’8” (173 cm).
Daisy: strong. If anyone is absolutely ripped in The Magnus Archives, (other than Jared Hopworth) it’s Daisy. However, I don’t think she’s that tall, probably same height as Tim at 5’9” (175 cm).
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drstonetrivia · 11 months
Chapter 11 Trivia
"Mr. Ishigami, I don't feel so good…"
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This is Mirai's first introduction, in a very sneaky way!
(She was not the girl Tsukasa gave the seashell necklace to in chapter 5.)
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Despite not knowing what happened in the past, Tsukasa inserts himself into Senku and Taiju's memories, protecting them from bullies, being tested on, and helping out with the rockets.
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Taiju just about managed to catch Senku before he hit the ground. He's surprisingly fast.
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Earlier, Taiju told Tsukasa he doesn't hit people, but Tsukasa still considers him a threat anyway.
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Calculation time! How heavy is the rock Taiju lifts?
First let's approximate the size: the flat base looks like it has a similar diameter to the length of his knee to the ground. We know Taiju's height is 189 cm, and that length is ~1/3 of his height, giving us 63 cm.
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Several angles show us that this rock has a round cross section but has a square profile, so we'll assume a cylinder with a diameter of 63 cm and a height of 23.5 cm.
Converting to meters, we get a volume of 0.29302, or ~0.3 ㎥.
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We can't know the exact mineral composition of the rock to get its density, but we do know that it contains iron pyrites and was found on a volcano, so we'll assume it's an igneous rock (=the type made from cooled lava).
The average density of common igneous rocks is 2776 kg/㎥.
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Multiplying this by the volume of the rock, we get…
832.8 kg.
For context, the current world record for an Atlas stone lift is 286 kg, and Taiju is throwing his rock around like it weighs almost nothing.
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In case Taiju's feat of superhuman strength wasn't impressive enough, in order to escape from Tsukasa, Taiju uses pretty much textbook misdirection to allow his lovely assistant Yuzuriha to grab and throw the black power.
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Tsukasa seems surprised that they'd use black powder here, despite everything that happened in the last day or so pointing to this very moment.
Back in chapter 9, Tsukasa himself even mentions its existence and its use against him.
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Taiju is very polite, he bids Tsukasa farewell right before he blows him and half the mountain up…
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dizzyfie · 2 years
Day 1 (Redo) Goal 500
breakfast : /
lunch : /
dinner : spaghetti - 260 cals
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snacks : mini cookies - 120 cals
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siracha avo with chips - 189 cals
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so yes this is a redo to my 500 cals a day during the weekend I had so many birthdays it was so hard to resist 😭 but today I pulled through and I earned some extra cals today because of walking 74 to be exact and I absolutely HATE walking really proud of myself I’ll do a weigh in tmr to see the little bit of progress I got going anyways have a great night 💗
500-570+73 - 3 cals left
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kazanfamily · 6 months
Mmmm for ur ask game a few days ago!!
🌫️- How many people are in your system
🌊- What's everyone's favorite colors?
☂️- Most common fronters?
☔- Collective pronouns?
💦- Everyone's pronouns?
Thanks for the ask! We only keep our count for active/non-dormant members, which is currently 19 according to Simply Plural. Our total count is kept on PluralKit, which is at 189.
Our main fronters are me (Alfred), England, China, Japan, Italy and Romano. This has been pretty consistent through our system history, any deviations likely being when the rest of the main family used to front more.
Our collective pronouns are he/they, with he/him preferred when speaking to our singletsona, and they/them when referring to us as a system, but we like both either way!
As for the two remaining questions, here's the full list based on our active members! (A few names have been hidden for privacy)
Alfred - he/him - Blue
Alice - she/her - Light blue
Angel - fluid pronouns - Pink
Athena - she/her - Yellow
Canada - they/them - Red
China - any pronouns - Red
🍊 - they/she - Orange
England - he/him - Purple
Isav - he/they - Cyan
Japan - he/him - Pink
Mica - they/them - Blue
Migi - she/they - Cyan
Niko - they/them - Cyan
Nile- she/they - Black
Romano - he/him - Red
🖊 - she/her - Black
Spain - he/him - Red
Tighnari - he/him - Green
Italy - he/him - Green
Funny thing, just last night we actually happened to make a fun little scheme for this exact same question! Red tied with cyan/light blue, the latter of which happens to be pretty much our system signature color!
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jess-moloney · 3 months
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So the average waist side of a woman in the States is 38.7 inches. Even with the stretch that Renell says these have that still doesn't reach 38 inches. Which means these $189 capris are not meant for anyone of average size. Isn't it kind of a bad thing when your XL size is smaller than the average size of your customers or is that just me? Also I noticed on their website they have the two small icon/pics of the capris but if you click on them you don't get to see a different image/angle. If you visit on mobile you get an option to see 3 different images but the third one never loads.
It's also a pre-order and it will ship in four weeks but it's supposed to be for summer so I guess you can wear it for like one month in actual summer if it gets to you that fast (or at all). Do these people even know how to do merch drops? It was announced as being dropped at noon eastern time today but nothing say sold out yet. I guess it won't ever say that because it's pre-order, but on their old website they had a bunch of stuff listed for pre-order that was also sold out.
Doesn't make any damn sense because can't you just take all the pre-orders you get? How do you sell out of something you haven't even ordered yet? I guess we'll see what happens. You can also get an extremely similar-looking item here for a fraction of the price. The only "benefit" you get for the price with these capris is the giant ICE logo on the side.
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There's also this t-shirt for $75 dollars, I don't know if that tiny image is supposed to be the view of the back but when I click it, it doesn't load.
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There's no sizing chart to this whatsoever, but according to their below average sizing chart for the capris I'm gonna say that there's absolutely no way to trust what size you might actually be getting. You can also get similar shirts made of the same material for about half the price. Once again the only benefit is the Ice Studio logo. You're paying for the logo.
Now, I get fashion and how it works, don't get me wrong, I get that people pay for the logo all the time but what the fuck does Ice Studios do that people would want to overpay for the "privilege" of having that logo on them? They aren't Gucci, Tommy Hilfiger, do people really buy these things just because of a studio that no one else knows? That doesn't do anything other than I guess take photos of people and make some videos? I'm not saying the photographs are bad (nor are the videos) but I can't see who would be such a fan of this stuff that they would shell out nearly $600 for a full outfit. This would be including the sunglasses cause you gotta "look cool" right?
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There's also no way for me to remove an item from the bag. I mean at all. So say I clicked on the wrong size pants or decided I didn't want them but I did want the shirt. Too bad for me because now I have to buy them both. I tried leaving the website, refreshing, hovering over the pictures, no fucking options to get them out of my cart. Everything about this is awful, including the fact that they still have no publicly posted TOS or return policy. Anyone who trusts this website to send them anything is an idiot.
Jess promoted this on her IG story and it's weird that the drop happened the same exact day that Jamie's new song was coming out. I don't know if this was planned on purpose but I assume that Jess shared these when she did because she knows that Jamie's fans will be on his IG for his stuff and see that she promoted a story and look at it (if they follow her) which means extra traffic. The fact that she's involved with all of this and this is how poorly the "business" is run is just bad. Jess should be able to do better and know better with all her alleged education in this area. Why can neither of them design a working website or hire someone to do it for them?
The website credits another designing company as doing it for them but seeing the results...which is this...I personally wouldn't use them for anything. Ugh. This is either some kind of scam or these people are just the dumbest business women on the planet at this point.
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theculturedmarxist · 11 months
The director of Jenin Hospital announced that two martyrs and three injuries were administered to the hospital after Israeli occupation forces shelled the al-Ansar Mosque in the Jenin refugee camp in the occupied West Bank.
The Israeli occupation army confirmed that a fighter jet had targeted the mosque and its surroundings at around 2 a.m. on Sunday.
The airstrike against the al-Ansar Mosque coincided with reports of Israeli infantry units being deployed at the camp's entrances, without the exact scale being specified.
The shelling came at a time when Israeli attacks on Palestinians in the West Bank and the occupied territories in 1948 are escalating, parallel to the continued criminal bombing of civilians in the Gaza Strip.
Concurrently, Israeli occupation forces stormed the city of al-Khalil and the town of Beit Ummar in the West Bank.
Al Mayadeen's correspondent confirmed that Israeli settlers attacked residents of the town of Huwara, south of Nablus, and opened fire on Palestinian homes.
Additionally, the Ministry of Health announced on Saturday evening the death of 19-year-old Palestinian youth Qassam Farouk Mohammad Haj Ahmad, who succumbed to critical injuries sustained from Israeli gunfire to the head about a week ago in Tulkarm.
Reports by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) show that Palestinian casualties of settler violence in the occupied West Bank have been sharply increasing over the past three years.
In 2020, 24 Palestinians were killed by settlers or the IOF. It increased by four-fold in 2021 reaching 84. In 2022, the number of Palestinians killed was 154, increasing to 277 in 2023 as of October 20. 
Up until September 19, prior to Operation Al-Aqsa Flood, 189 Palestinians were reported to be killed. This number saw a sharp spike since October 7, with 88 Palestinians killed over the span of two weeks.
That is roughly seven Palestinians killed each day in the West Bank aside from large-scale massacres being committed against their brethren in Gaza. The UN has also recorded 102 attacks of settler violence targeting Palestinians and their property in the West Bank in the past two weeks. 
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kirstielol · 1 year
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food log for may 12th 2023
(38 calories) coffee
(240 calories) chocolate protein shake
(509 calories) baguette with goat cheese and smoked salmon, and a bowl of gumbo soup
(189 calories) chocolate protein ice cream and a cookie
(601 calories) veggie stir fry with chicken sausage and udon noodles, and a side of kimchi
daily total - 1,577 calories & 90g protein
i think i've been like 200-300 over budget every day this week lol. my calorie goal is 1,400 per day, so next week i'd like to work on getting it closer to that. i'm not fussing too much over being perfect right now, i'm just happy i'm finally getting back into the habit of counting calories.
today we're going to my parents house to celebrate mother's day. my dad's cooking us dinner, he says he came up with a really good marinade and he's making bbq'd kebabs. i won't be able to count exact calories, so tonight will mostly be a guess. shouldn't be too bad though! i do also plan on having a few drinks 🍸
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ellalily · 2 years
So, do you want to hear about queer horror? :D. I did a big research project on it for English class and I interviewed the guy who wrote the book I sourced.
So, queer horror *lemme dig out my big fat essay
Harry M Benshoff wrote a book called "monsters in the closet: homosexuality and the horror film". You can probably guess what's it's about from the title >this book is super interesting and I do recommend it
He said there are 3 main ways to identity a film as queer
1. It has queer characters
2, if it was written/produced by q queer person
3, through subtexts
Why is horror queercodded?
So, there js a study mentioned in the book about (1984) anti homosexuality attitudes and they broke the fears down into 3 categories
1, threat to individual
2, threat to others
3, threat to community
Horror exploited these fears (not modern films but the older ones). There were trans psycho killers [sleep away camp (1983) and silence if the lambs (1991)] and several other things but this ask is already super long
And then there was they hays code which didn't allow openly queer characters onscreen so subtext was there instaid.
Also since homosexuality was feared/not understood at the time, queer people were demonized and often took the roll of the monsters. Othet thjngs that people feared. Like communism, and durring ww2 nazis and the aids crisis (which has a ton more too it)
One notable film director is James whale, a gay man who directed many films, like Frankenstein (1931), the old dark house (1932) etc... from a different source I had came the quote "these films set the template for many horror films to come" [subisatti from #189 queer fear special issue. Rue morgue magazine. July/August 2019]
And now as queerness is more accepted there isn't a need for that subtext and the villains arnt demonized queer people ect. Lindenburg [how to make a monster: homosexual experience jn horror and thriller cinema, [fisher digital publications at St. John fisher college ___I think it was some sort of end of year college essay, I can't remember though.] He said "horror cinema will always have jts origin in gay experience"(pg 11)
Though this representation was bad, in an interview I did with benshoff, he said something along the lines of
I would rather have had that bad representation then none at all
(Paraphrasing, can't remember exact wordjng)
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this long brain vomit of a topic I loved learning about. If you want I could send you my essay and my sources.
Hope your day gets better
Persob this is the most fascinating thing I've read all day
Thank you so much for sharing!! Your long brain vomit was amazing. (And I would love to see your essay and sources if you dont mind👀)
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eld-posh · 21 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: BareTraps Harmony Womens Size 9.5 Shoes Red Mary Jane Comfort Wedge Flat.
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thefirelookout · 6 months
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We want to go home at some point this year. Nothing is certain, but it's something to look forward to. I feel like buying the entire Hudson's Bay store for Maa; for Ammu I feel like I can carry the entirety of Bed Bath and Beyond in my suitcase. I know full well that there's no splurging with our dwindling grad student finances, but still.
I thought of a Humayun Ahmed horror story that I'd read long ago; a story called Ouija Board. Alauddin, a not-so-prodigal Bengali son has returned home with a white wife; his seventeen-year-old sister (that's a Humayun-favourite age if I may say so) is judging the hell out of them. What really struck me in the story are the gifts he brought for his family: a gray pure wool sweater for the mother, a gadget for the father, and a lip gloss for the sister.
How bad were these gifts, really? I went over to some websites to check. On the lowest end, merino wool sweaters on Banana Republic start at 99 dollars. I searched "pure wool" and an Eddie Bauer sweater for 189 dollars showed up. In the print I'd read he kept calling it a lip glass. Could it be a Mac Lipglass? Those are 25 dollars apiece. Little stocking stuffer type lipglosses from Elf are 5-10 dollars apiece, but of very good quality.
I remember how Alauddin's behaviour broke his family's hearts, I remember that well, but a chill ran down my spine when I thought about gifts. Just last week I was talking about taking sweaters for my mother and mother in law. Just a few days ago I was thinking of taking lipsticks for my younger cousins. I remember how in the story, Alauddin explained how money was tight; how his wife had decided to travel in the last moment. Money is short on this end too.
Back when I'd first read it as a teenager, these seemed like weird gifts. Now that I'm older, these are the exact kind of gifts that make sense. We are to pack light to avoid suspiscion and a monetary fine. We are to carry something for everyone and make the most people happy. It's not like we have to, but we do love everyone. Strange how we remember experiences in one way but their interpretation changes over the years.
I'm on the other side of this gifting business now, the seventeen-year-olds are going to judge away. I hope they understand though, just like I did today, or at some point.
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2022nursejessie · 7 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Aeropostale Denim Short Size 10 Mom's Hi-Rise Distressed Super Soft 100% Cotton.
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dualcastimpact · 8 months
WoL Question of the Day #189
how did you decide on the color of their hair? in a game with fantasy hair colors, i feel like this can be an interesting choice to make. Dec 3, 2022
Raginmar's gray streaks are actual graying hairs from age and all the stress and trauma he's gone through in his life, while Hyllizirn's are dyed in a attempt to resemble her brother more. Kirika's hair colour alludes to her name 『桐花』, which means paulownia flower.
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These three are the only ones whose hair colour had any real thought put into it. For the others, it's a combination of "oooh this is a nice hair colour" and "wait do I already have a character with hair colour in this exact shade??"
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esonetwork · 1 year
'The Menace' Book Review By Ron Fortier
New Post has been published on http://esonetwork.com/the-menace-book-review-by-ron-fortier/
'The Menace' Book Review By Ron Fortier
THE MENACE By Mickey Spillane & Max Allan Collins Rough Edge Press 189 pgs
This book is a gem in that it actually contains three different works by the indisputable master of private-eye fiction, Mickey Spillane. The first is a novella based on a television script and adapted by Collins. The second is a long lost short story and the last is a non-fiction true crime essay based on an actual murder case. All three are memorable in their own way and combined, offer up a small glimpse of the unbounded talent and imagination Spillane possessed.
“The Menace” itself is a thriller regarding a grotesque serial killer targeting doctors in a small southern county. Sheriff Cutter, a veteran of the NYPD, puts the pieces together and discovers the killer’s next victim is a likable pediatrician and his young son. Yet despite surrounding the doctor and his family with a cadre of officers, Cutter soon learns his monstrous foe is not going to let anything deter him from his savage goal.
“The Duke Alexander” is a hilarious tale of mistaken identity. A garage owner is on vacation when he is crosses paths with an exact look-alike who happens to be a foreign gigolo in this country to marry a wealthy debutante. Honestly, Spillane’s comedy is worthy of a Marx Brothers feature. It is that funny.
Finally, Collins wraps it all up republishing a short true-crime essay wherein a young woman’s body, left at the bottom of freezing cold lake, eventually rises to the surface and kicks off an investigation, which via the science of the day, eventually tracks down the killer.  
Three for the price of one sums up “The Menace.” A satisfying fun read you don’t want to miss.
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ragunath12 · 2 years
2022 was the year with the most NFT investors despite its drop in volume
The NFT and DeFi industry suffers the ravages of the cryptocurrency bear market, although it maintains higher numbers than the previous one of its growth.
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The volume of NFTs (non-fungible tokens) in marketplaces is USD 189 million, according to data from the Dune explorer. This figure reflects that there is still a large flow of money in these assets, despite the fact that it is small compared to its best moment.
Records indicate that the all-time high volume for NFT marketplaces development was $1.805 million in August 2021. The low since then was $84 million in November 2022. That represented a 95% drop of which it has recovered slightly afterwards
These results show that the volume of NFTs in marketplaces increased slightly in December 2022, after hitting a year-and-a-half low the previous month. However, it is still far from its prime. Although, it should be noted, that the performance since then has been better than it was before the peak that began in mid-2021.
The high demand for crypto assets in 2021 led to their prices reaching their all-time high in that year, and NFTs were not out of this trend. Like bitcoin (BTC) and ether (ETH), NFTs boomed at such a time , which then fizzled out throughout 2022. An event that occurred in parallel to the crash of markets in general, such as stocks . stocks and stock indices .
The global economic instability of 2022 had a full impact on both traditional and non-conventional investment assets. Proof of the latest is CryptoPunks, the NFT collection with the highest volume on the market, whose transaction movement dropped from the all-time high of USD 44 million in August 2021 to USD 1.8 million at the end of 2022, according to data from DappRadar .
Now the NFT market is 3 times bigger than it was before its boom :
Despite this sharp decline in NFT volume, activity on its market has not fallen as much . In fact, it has reached its all-time high in January 2022 with 511,000 transactions and 255,000 traders, according to Dune. Then, such figures have dropped to around half, bottoming out in November, the month in which they increased slightly.
Shortly into 2023, the explorer shows that there are 262,000 transactions and 144,000 NFT marketplace platform development traders. These numbers, although they show a decline from the crest of the wave, are three times higher than those registered before the market boom in mid-2021. A panorama that indicates that interest in these assets continues.
In any case, it is prudent to consider that the number of traders may not be exact since Dune does not clarify where it takes its data from. In case it is based on how many existing NFT addresses there are, the number of traders could be less since each one can have more than one address .
The NFT collections with the highest volume are CryptoPunks, Bored Ape Yacht Club, Mutant Ape Yacht Club, Art Blocks, and Otherdeed for Otherside . These are the only ones in the market that by the end of 2022 register a volume of more than one million dollars each.
Bear market drags down NFTs and DeFi, but does not kill them :
The decline in NFT volume over the past year has paralleled that of DeFi (decentralized finance). According to blockchain explorer DeFiLlama , the amount of money deposited in DeFi contracts called “total value locked” (TVL), is down 78% from its peak .
Near the start of 2023, DeFi’s TVL is at $39 billion, which shows that there is quite a bit of money sitting in these assets. However, it reflects a significant drop compared to the historical maximum of USD 180,000 million that it registered a few days before the beginning of 2022.
In this way, the DeFi TVL is currently reaching its minimum of almost two years since February 2021 . Those with the most deposited value are MakerDAO and Lido with around USD 6 billion, followed by AAVE , Curve and Uniswap at around USD 3.5 billion each.
This scenario shows that DeFi has also been affected by the global bear cycle that continues to impact investment assets in general. In fact, its behavior over the last year has been very similar to the total cryptocurrency market.
According to explorer CoinMarketCap , the total cryptocurrency market capitalization is down 72% from its all-time high of nearly $3 trillion. Such a milestone was reached in November 2021, driven mainly by increased demand for bitcoin , and has since fallen to USD 810 billion today.
Despite this, the total capitalization of the cryptocurrency market is still higher than it was before the bull run that took it to its all-time high. And the same is true for both the value that is in NFT marketplace development service as well as in DeFi. Such a scenario indicates that their fall has not yet erased all the growth they did at their best .
Therefore, given a bull market recovery, we could see a bounce in assets in the cryptocurrency world in general. And that includes the DeFi and NFT industry which, despite the current down cycle, is still active and better than before its boom.
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