#20 min
notimeforfeast · 27 days
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samtalksmusic · 9 months
my top 3
beginning of the year:
Burn(Juice WRLD)
Just Wanna Rock(Lil Uzi Vert)
Flaws and Sins(Juice WRLD)
end of the year:
Superhero(Future and Metro Boomin)
20 Min(Lil Uzi Vert)
No More Parties in LA(Kanye West)
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bajillionblunts · 1 year
Lil Uzi Vert - 20 MIN (Burt Dogg Remix)
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readysetjo · 8 months
This woman keeps us in digital queues
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leilaniirodriguez · 2 years
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This request is for the 20 minute one shots. Matt and Mello discuss plans to go on a date but incidentally stay at home.
I've been wanting to do this forever but I burnt out before I got the chance, BUT! Here it is now :] it's a very adorable idea and was very fun to write. I may have gone over 20 minutes, but just enough to get it to some sort of natural stopping point, because I love the idea so much and wanted to do it justice. Thank you!!!!!
Mello would not consider himself a romantic person. The very thought of Valentine’s Day makes him cringe, and the more red hearts and pink roses he sees while out and about, the more he feels himself getting close to burning down the romance section of the nearest library.
However, he would consider himself the very best at everything, ever, which includes the best boyfriend. So, when Matt mentions they should have a date night on the first weekend off they’ve both had in weeks, Mello decides that he is going to plan them the best goddamn Valentine’s Day date his loser ass bitch of a boyfriend has ever seen.
It starts with a candlelit dinner at the most expensive restaurant he can find. They’re not hurting for money, given Mello’s high reputation and higher rates in the detective industry, and Matt’s mostly-legal tech exploits, so he makes a reservation for the night of Valentine’s day with no problem. He even looks up the menu online to plan what exactly he’s going to order for maximum-romance points, and to make sure they have something that Matt will actually eat, given he has the palette of a six-year-old.
Then, he books them tickets to a show. A movie may have worked, and certainly would be enough for Matt—he’s always insisting the simple things go a long way—but Mihael Keehl doesn’t do ‘simple.’ So after a lot more furious googling, he finds a highly rated Broadway performance taking place at a theatre in the heart of the city, and books them tickets for a private booth that they won’t have to share with any strangers. It’ll just be the two of them, and Mello smirks when he thinks of the possibilities.
The show is in the late afternoon, so they’ll be going straight to dinner after it finishes. It’s a short ride by taxi, both the play and the restaurant have raving reviews, and Mello is certain this will be the best Valentine’s dates in the history of ever.
It snows.
Because of fucking course it does.
Matt, who has no idea of his plans, doesn’t understand why Mello is screaming into a pillow on the sofa at three in the afternoon, and Mello doesn’t tell him, as he’s too busy screaming into said pillow. It wouldn’t be an issue—the show is indoors—but for some reason, today of all days has to be when the city’s water system throws a bitch fit from the sudden cold, and he gets a notification on his phone that his tickets have been refunded as the entire theatre, as well as the surrounding block, has been completely flooded.
No matter. It’s no matter. They’ll just go see a movie. Dinner and a movie. It’s more Matt’s style anyways, he probably would’ve been bored at the show. This is actually a good thing.
Mello sits up on the couch and looks over at an understandably startled Matt.
“We’re going to see a movie,” he says. Matt blinks once, twice, then nods.
“Okay. What movie?”
Mello pauses. He…has no idea. He hasn’t been to the movie theatre in ages—he hasn’t had time, for one thing, and he usually can’t stand the places, with their crusty seats and stale popcorn and the ever-present smell of butter. He doesn’t even know what’s playing.
So, he looks it up online. The movie theatres nearest to them are all playing different movies, and with his plans for the show already ruined, he’s twice as determined to pick something good. Matt sits beside him and rests his head on his shoulder.
“You gonna tell me what you’re schemeing, or do I have to spend the rest of the day by myself?”
Mello pauses. He didn’t even realize it, but he has in fact been completely ignoring Matt. He bites his lip and stares at his screen. Matt can be…indecisive. He’s never been the one making the decisions, preferring to let Mello call the shots. However, this is supposed to be their perfect date, and Mello supposes that it would help to get some of Matt’s actual input.
So they squish together on the couch with Mello’s laptop between them, carefully looking through the list of movies. Matt points something out that looks interesting, but Mello is skeptical, and after a few minutes debating back and forth, he decides to just pull up the trailer to get a better idea.
The trailer is shit, which Matt reluctantly admits, so they go back to searching. Watching the trailers seems to work the best to compare the movies, but after a few minutes of both of them trying to see the screen, Mello just pulls Youtube up on their TV to play them from there.
“Wait, which one was that?” Matt asks once the umpteenth trailer has cut to credits. Mello glances at the list he’s still got on his laptop.
“That’s the last one listed for Moxie Theatre.”
“The trailer was all over the place, I don’t even know what genre it was. Can you find another one?”
Mello does, pulling up the second listed trailer for the movie. Then the third. Then goes back to one of the first trailers they watched, because Matt says he can’t remember if he’s seen it already. Mello’s stomach growls—he was planning on getting a light snack at the theatre—and Matt makes a bowl of popcorn because he’s ‘been craving butter,’ as if that’s a normal fucking thing for a human being to say.
The movie trailers are actually pretty entertaining, and Matt suggests they look at a few for movies they’ve already seen together, seeing how they hold up to the actual film. The popcorn is wedged on the couch between them, but when it’s done, Matt scooches closer and rests his head on Mello’s shoulder again. Mello lets him, searching for another old trailer to play.
They both decide that none of the new movies playing today are as good as the trailers for ones they’ve already seen, and Matt looks so excited when he asks if their streaming service has Toy Story that Mello can’t exactly say no. 
It’s not until Buzz and Woody are stuck in the claw machine and Matt has his hand buried in their second bowl of popcorn that Mello remembers what it is they were supposed to be doing.
Frantically, he grabs his phone and checks the time, heart sinking into his toes when he sees that they’ve missed their reservation. There’s a snoozed alarm and even a missed call from the restaurant, which he must’ve missed when he put his phone on silent to hear the TV better.
He buries his head in his hands, feeling sick with disappointment. 
“Mel?” Matt asks from above him, and Mello hears fabric shuffling before he lays a mostly butter-free hand on his shoulder. “Hey, what’s wrong? We can watch something else if this is too sad.”
Despite himself, Mello snorts. He looks up at Matt, who looks genuinely concerned, which only makes him feel worse.
“You’re gonna think I’m crazy.”
Matt raises an eyebrow.
“Well, yeah, obviously.”
Mello rolls his eyes, but he lets Matt run a hand down his back anyway.
“I had this whole big romantic plan for tonight,” he admits. “Like, this kickass Valentine’s Day date, with a theatre show and a fancy dinner…but the theatre flooded and I got so distracted with the stupid movie trailers that I forgot about dinner, and we missed our reservation and now the whole thing is fucked up. I ruined our first actual date in ages.”
He hangs his head, glaring at the floor in an attempt to ward off the welling self-loathing he feels building in his gut. 
There’s a few moments of silence before Matt snorts.
“That’s it?”
Mello looks up, scandalized. Matt raises his hands and tries to backtrack.
“No, sorry, I’m not—it’s just—that’s what you’re so upset about? Mel, I thought something seriously bad had happened.”
“Did you not hear me?” Mello snapped, crossing his arms over his stomach and glaring at him. “I ruined everything.”
“Mello,” Matt says, and he sounds so fond that even in his state of self pity Mello feels his cheeks flush. “You think I give two shits about some stuff show and fancy dinner? Did you not see me eat Kraft mac and cheese for every meal for like, two weeks straight a few months ago?”
Mello frowns. “Well—”
“And honestly,” Matt continues, “I have the attention span of a squirrel on coke when it comes to shit like plays or whatever. That’s always been your thing, yeah? And even the movie, like, I had way more fun making fun of shitty trailers with you than I ever would’ve at some sticky theatre.”
He rests a hand on Mello’s knee and rubs circles with his thumb, giving him that lopsided grin that Mello thinks might be his favourite sight in the world. It’s Matt’s genuine smile, the one he reserves for him and him alone, and despite the failure of the night he can feel his heart lightening just a little.
“It’s the principle of the thing,” he insists, though his protests are feeling a lot less convincing then they did before. Matt rolls his eyes.
“Trust me,” he says, “this was probably one of the best dates I’ve been on.”
Mello can’t help but snort.
“You’ve never dated anyone but me.”
Matt grins and leans forward, kissing his cheek.
“That’s the best part.”
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cardvngreenbriar · 1 year
im going to THROW UP
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moodywyrm · 1 year
i would like to befriend a crow, I think that’d be nice
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histemar · 1 year
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artemiss-ss4 · 3 months
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roseshark · 4 months
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Vow 🪝
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spedleadership · 8 months
Feeling drained? Heres how to rediscover your childlike wonder
Feeling drained? Here’s how to rediscover your childlike wonder The older I get, the more I enjoy acting like a kid. I jump at every opportunity to do backflips in the pool and absolutely love seeing the circus when it’s in town. Tags: 20 min, sel via Pocket Visit Now February 07, 2024 at 10:29AM
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frownyalfred · 5 months
Jason to Bruce privately in the Cave: “That was the stupidest decision I’ve ever seen you make. Do you really think they’re going to want to be your friends once they find out the truth? If you could unclench for ONE minute this all could’ve been avoided—”
Jason at the Justice League meeting on the Watchtower ten minutes later: “If anyone even LOOKS at Batman I’ll rip their throat out. None of you fuckers understand how many favors he’s doing your sorry asses. If you’re too stupid to listen to Batman, that’s your prerogative. He’s the only thing keeping this damn satellite in ORBIT—”
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koolaidashley · 7 months
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How I think a de aging ep would go
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scrombit · 2 months
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yo danny fenton he was just fourteen !!!!! idk why the quality decreased dont ask me
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lizposting · 5 months
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“thank you bugga” we all chant in unison @buggachat
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