#24 prompts til Christmas 2023
theprongspotter · 9 months
24 Prompts til Christmas: Day 17
“Ugly Sweater” (Jegulus)
“No. Absolutely not.” Regulus shakes his head and crosses his arms. He will not be wearing something so ugly and atrocious— something that’s such an eyesore.
“Baby, please.” James pouts. “Everyone else will be wearing them.”
“I said no, James.” Regulus scowls.
“But our sweaters would even match, Reggie. You only have to wear it this one time for the Christmas party, and that’s it,” James says. “Please, Regulus. Just this once for me?” He pleads, giving his best puppy eyes.
Regulus is silent, and James thinks he’s not going to agree until he sighs and his shoulders sag. “Okay, Jamie, but just this once.”
James laughs, wrapping him in a hug, and kisses his boyfriend’s cheek. “Thank you, love!”
After Regulus pulls the sweater over his head, he looks at himself in the mirror. There’s a reindeer puking up candy canes and chocolates on his bright green sweater. James has the same sweater, but in bright, obnoxious red. “James, this is quite literally the more hideous sweater I have ever seen.”
The raven haired man chuckles. “That’s the point, sweetheart.”
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theprongspotter · 10 months
24 Prompts til Christmas: Day 2
“Secret Santa” (Wolfstar)
“It’s time!” Lily calls out, clapping her hands excitedly.
Pandora and Mary sit on either side of her, whispering excitedly. James sits beside Sirius, Remus, and Peter. Barty, Evan, Dorcas, and Marlene sit across from them, talking amongst themselves with wrapped or bagged gifts in their laps.
“Okay, okay, who do we start with?” Lily asks, looking around at the group of friends. After brief silence and the group exchanging looks, Lily volunteers herself. “Alright, then I’ll just go first.”
Lily holds up a wrapped gift and smiles, leaning over to hand it to Evan. Evan grins back, taking the gift and gently peeling off the wrapping paper to reveal a hardback copy of The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller. He ruffles her hair. “Lils, you know I’ve been dying to read this!”
“Exactly, Ev, and you’re going to love it. It’s such a good read, honestly.”
Remus clears his throat. “I’ll go next.”
He hands a tiny gift bag to Sirius, but his hands are shaking and he seems… nervous to say the least. Yet, Sirius takes the gift from his boyfriend with a huge smile and wastes no time in reaching in the bag to find out what he got. He pulls out a folded piece of paper and his brows furrow. What?
He unfolds the piece of paper and it reads “look up.” Sirius obeys.
Remus is down on one knee, holding a ring box. “Sirius—“
“Yes!” He exclaims, throwing himself on top of his boyfriend— no, his fiancé.
“I didn’t even get to say my speech yet.” Remus laughs, pulling the other into a kiss.
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theprongspotter · 10 months
24 Prompts til Christmas: Day 13
“Santa Paws” (Rosekiller)
Every Christmas, Barty and Evan visit their local animal shelter to donate money. This money covers adoption fees so more animals get homes. This tradition started after they adopted their first cat from there and realized that many of the animals are not getting homes.
However, on the way out, Evan spots a mutt laying quietly in his kennel. “Wait, babe, I want to take a look at him.”
They get an employee to let Evan in the kennel with him. The dog stares at him from his spot on the floor as Evan crouches down and sticks out a hand. It takes a few minutes, but the dog slowly creeps toward his open hand. After realizing that he’s not a threat, the dog licks his hand and his tail starts to wag.
“Barty, look at him!” Evan smiles, scratching behind the dogs ear. “We have to get him! He loves me, Barty, we’re meant to be.”
“I don’t know, Ev, we already have five cats. I’m not sure that adopting another animal is a good idea,” Barty tells his husband. He didn’t even want the cats in the first place. Well, he says he didn’t, but Evan has definitely caught him cuddling up with them on the couch.
But Evan is no longer listening. He smacks a kiss on the dogs head and coos. “I’ll call you Comet. You’re such a good boy, sweetie. Come on, love, you’re coming home with us.”
“Evan—“ Barty starts. Evan finally looks up and opens the kennel door for Barty to come in. Comet barks and jumps up on the man. “Oh, uh… hi, buddy.” He reaches down and scratches the Comet’s head. “Evan, you’re lucky I love you.” He wraps an arm around his husband.
“Yeah, yeah.”
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theprongspotter · 10 months
24 Prompts til Christmas: Day 9
“Decorating is Never Easy” (Wolfstar)
Remus wonders if decorating a Christmas tree with Sirius is a good idea. He finds the answer to be “no” when he turns around and Sirius is covered in lights. They’re wrapped all over his body. “What the hell happened to you? I turn around for two seconds, Sirius, two!” He helps untangle the man, who has an innocent grin on his face.
“Well, I was trying to untangle them, but it didn’t go so well.”
Remus snorts. “No shit.”
The decorating only drives Remus more insane when Sirius places two red ornaments beside each other. He gasps, taking one of the ornaments off the tree and hanging it in another spot. “Sirius, stop putting these beside each other, they’re the same color! It looks gross.”
“Sorry, sorry,” Sirius says, not even fully paying attention. He digs through the ornament box before finding a suitable one and hanging a gold ornament near the red one instead. “Look, it’s like the Gryffindor common room.” He grins.
His husband sighs, rolling his eyes. “Why am I even doing this? I’m Jewish.”
“Because you love me,” Sirius responds in a sing song voice. He wraps his arms around Remus and kisses him.
When they pull apart, Remus smiles, but shakes his head. “You’re something else.”
He hangs another ornament on the tree and Sirius curiously peeks over his shoulder. “Look at him! I remember that day.”
In the middle of the snowflake ornament is a picture of none other than little Harry James Potter. He’s wearing a black dog onesie and laughing at the camera. What’s not pictured is Sirius, who is making faces at his godson behind the camera.
Remus breaks the silence of the moment. “It’s time for the star— Sirius what the actual fuck are you doing?”
Sirius has jumped on Remus’ back and is currently trying to climb onto his shoulders. “Hoist me up, big boy, I’m a star after all.”
“Sirius Lupin,” Remus warns through his teeth. “You’re too old to be doing this. I’m too old to be holding you. My back is aching,” he complains.
“We’re twenty one, mon cheri, live a little.” Sirius teases, pinching his husband’s cheek, who glares in response.
At last, they step away from the tree. The lights twinkle, the ornaments add a beautiful touch of color, and the star on top is shining brightly. It’s a little messy, but it’s perfect to them, and that’s all that matters.
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theprongspotter · 10 months
24 Prompts til Christmas: Day 3
“Snowed In” (Rosekiller)
Evan and Barty had went on a friendly vacation to the mountains. They had plans to return to visit their friends today for the holiday season. Had is the key word, as overnight snow piled high up their door and ice froze their locks. The two men aren’t going anywhere, it seems.
Evan is pacing holes into the floor. “There’s no cell service out here, Barty, what if Reg thinks that we forgot about him? What if he thinks that we hate him?”
“We’ve known Regulus since we came out the womb, I doubt he’ll think either of those things.” Barty says from the couch. “Please take a seat and relax. Shouldn’t we enjoy this?”
But Evan is already talking again. “Okay, sure, we’ve known him for ages, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that—“ In one swift movement, Barty crosses the room and rests a hand on Evan’s cheek.
“May I?” Barty asks, and Evan simply nods, so Barty takes it upon himself to close the gap.
When they pull apart, Barty smirks. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to kiss your stupid face, Rosie.”
“Leave it to you to insult me right after our first kiss together.”
“Mm, technically it’s not our first kiss if you count our kiss in spin the bottle back in fifth year.” He harshly nips at Evan’s neck.
Evan groans and tugs on Barty’s hair. “You’re right, we should enjoy this time alone.”
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theprongspotter · 2 months
24 Prompts ‘til Christmas 2023 Masterlist:
Day 1: “Mistletoe” (Jegulus)
Day 2: “Secret Santa” (Wolfstar)
Day 3: “Snowed In” (Rosekiller)
Day 4: “Christmas Cookies” (Pandalily)
Day 5: “Hot Chocolate” (Nobleflower)
Day 6: “Ice Skating” (Dorlene)
Day 7: “Red and Black Go Good Together” (Quillkiller)
Day 8: “The Perfect Tree” (Marylily)
Day 9: “Decorating Is Never Easy” (Wolfstar)
Day 10: “Happy Christmas, Harry” (Jegulus)
Day 11: “Gingerbread Houses” (Pandalily)
Day 12: “Santa Baby” (Nobleflower)
Day 13: “Santa Paws” (Rosekiller)
Day 14: "Dinner by Candlelight” (Quillkiller)
Day 15: “Snow, Snow, Snow” (Dorlene)
Day 16: “A Test of Speed” (Marylily)
Day 17: “Ugly Sweater” (Jegulus)
Day 18: “First Snow” (Pandalily)
Day 19: “Christmas Shopping” (Dorlene)
Day 20: “Plane Rides” (Rosekiller)
Day 21: “S’mores” (Marylily)
Day 22: “Christmas Sausage Dog” (Nobleflower)
Day 23: “Christmas or Halloween?” (Quillkiller)
Day 24: “Cancel Mariah Carey” (Wolfstar)
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theprongspotter · 10 months
24 Prompts til Christmas: Day 4
“Christmas Cookies” (Pandalily)
Pandora reaches over and gently grabs the bag of sugar from Lily’s hand. “Wait, that’s too much! Lils, the recipe calls for one cup… were you just eyeballing it?”
Lily shrugs. “Baking can’t be that much different than making a potion, can it?”
The blonde sighs, shaking her head, though a smile is still on her face. “What ever will I do with you, Miss Evans?”
"Whatever you desire.” Lily winks playfully before letting out a laugh. Pandora joins in, too.
“You’re something else, really.” Pandora looks back at the recipe. “Okay, you pour in half a teaspoon of vanilla extract and I’ll pour in 2 tablespoons of cream.”
They do just that, even if Lily spills the vanilla extract everywhere and they spend at least ten minutes cleaning it up.
“How are you so good at baking?” Lily asks as she whisks the mixture, looking at the other woman.
Pandora hums and a smile forms on her face again as if she’s looking back on a memory. “Ev and I used to bake all the time. It started off as just something to do to pass time and kind of escape reality, but then we started to actually enjoy it.” She pauses. “Don’t tell Ev that I told you, though.”
“I’d never.”
Lily puts her hands on her hips as she stares smugly at the bowl of icing. “It looks perfect. I’m basically a professional, now.”
“It looks perfect, but does it taste perfect?” Pandora dips a finger into the bowl and puts it in her mouth. She nods approvingly at her friend. “Tastes perfect, too.”
A smear of icing is on her bottom lip and Lily must be staring for too long, because Pandora raises a curious brow. “What?”
“Dora, you have a little something right there.”
“Here, let me get it for you.” Lily says before quickly pressing their lips together.
Pandora grins. “You sly girl.”
Lily grins back and lets Pandora pull her into another kiss. It doesn’t last long, though, because Lily frowns when a burnt smell hits her nose. “What’s that smell?”
Pandora pauses and then gasps. “Lily, the cookies!”
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theprongspotter · 9 months
24 Prompts til Christmas: Day 19
“Christmas Shopping” (Dorlene)
“Oh my gosh, Marls, look at this crop top.” Dorcas gasps dramatically, pulling her wife over to a light blue crop top.
“Get it if you want it, babe. You look so good in that color.” Marlene compliments, pecking Dorcas’ cheek. “But, you also have to remember that we are here to get some last minute shopping done. The Christmas party is tonight and we still don’t have half of the gifts yet.”
“Mhm, yep, gifts,” Dorcas says as she admires a soft purple pair of overalls.
Marlene sighs and pulls on the woman’s arms. “C’mon, love, we need to go. We can come back later, I promise.” Dorcas caves and follows Marlene through various isles. Books for Regulus and Remus, jewelry for Pandora, new converses for Lily, etcetera, etcetera.
The two women stayed pretty focused and on task until they stumbled upon a rack of ugly sweaters.
“Wait, wait, look at this one.” Dorcas giggles, holding up a bright green sweater. Santa’s face is plastered on it and he’s wearing sunglasses. Various sweets surround him, and in big letters it says ‘I DO IT FOR THE HO’S.’ Tears are brought to Marlene’s eyes as she laughs.
When she catches her breath, she spots another one and bursts into a fit of laughter again.
“What?” Dorcas tries to find the one she’s looking at. Marlene points to a dark red sweater. “Oh!”
The sweater has a massive candy cane on the right of it. One the left side, it says ‘IT’S NOT GOING TO LICK ITSELF.’
After a half hour of just giggling at ugly sweaters, the two women move on to continue their shopping journey. Of course, it doesn’t last long though, because Dorcas gasps and drags her wife over to the baby clothing isle. She squeals as she hold up a beige bunny onesie. “Oh, Marls, we have to get a kid!”
“Well, we can make it happen, Cas. I think a little one would be a great addition to the family.” Marlene wraps her arms around her wife.
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theprongspotter · 9 months
24 Prompts til Christmas: Day 20
“Plane Rides” (Rosekiller)
“C’mon, babe, it’s our turn to board.” Evan nudges his sleeping husband before standing up and getting in line with his suitcase. Barty huffs as his eyes flutter open. He stretches, stands up, grabs his suitcase, and joins Evan in line to board.
They take turns scanning their boarding passes before following the line of people onto the plane. Everything is going somewhat smoothly until they have to put their suitcases in the overhead compartment. Barty’s fit perfectly fine, but Evan’s is a struggle to put up there. His suitcase is bulky and sticking out in random places.
“Ev, you packed too many gifts. Your stupid suitcase won’t fit overhead,” Barty complains. He pushes and shoves the suitcase at various angles, trying to get it to fit.
“There is no such thing as ‘too many gifts,’ Barty.”
“We already gave everyone else their presents. We are literally just going to visit Regulus and James. How many presents do they need?”
Evan sighs and rolls his eyes. “Don’t worry about it, Barty, and just put the damn suitcase up.” He glares at his husband when he hears the man mocking him under his breath. He married a literal child.
At last, the suitcase finally slides into the overhead compartment. It’s going to be a pain to get out, but that’s something to worry about later. Now, Barty goes to sit down beside his husband, but he stops and frowns. Evan is sitting at the window seat.
“Evan, you’re in my seat.”
Evan frowns and his brows furrow. “What? No, I’m not.”
“Yes you are. We agreed that I get the window seat on the way there and you get it on the way back.”
Evan huffs, exasperated. “Does it really matter that much, Barty?”
“Yes, Evan, it really does matter that much.”
“Because it was set in stone!” Barty argues.
After a moment of silence, Evan sighs. He moves out of the way and lets Barty sit by the window. “You’re so irritating, Barty, you’re an actual child.”
“But, you love me.” Barty grins. A smile forms on Evan’s lips as he playfully rolls his eyes.
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theprongspotter · 10 months
24 Prompts til Christmas: Day 11
“Gingerbread Houses” (Pandalily)
Lily’s tongue sticks out the corner of her mouth as she carefully pipes icing onto the wall of her gingerbread house. She finishes icing the last part of that wall: the window. Well, she was finished until Pandora decided to become a terrible person. She swipes a finger across the newly iced windows and proceeds to lick it.
“Dora, what the fuck?” Lily gasps, smacking her arm. “It looked so good.”
“It tastes good, too.” Pandora grins at her glowering girlfriend.
Lily eyes Pandora’s gingerbread house. At the peak of the roof, there’s a line of gumdrops. Well, if that’s how they’re playing this game, then she might as well get her turn. She reaches over and plucks a blue gumdrop off the roof and puts it in her mouth.
“Lils!” Pandora frowns.
“What? I’m just giving you a taste of your own medicine,” Lily replies, grinning.
“There’s no sabotaging allowed in a gingerbread house making competition. You should get a penalty for that.”
“Well, you broke that nonexistent rule first,” she argues back.
Through their playful banter, they continue to work on their gingerbread houses. When they’re done, Lily’s resembles a cozy cabin and Pandora’s resembles a beautiful castle.
Lily holds her gingerbread girl beside Pandora’s and squeals, smiling widely. “Oh my gosh, our little people can be in love!”
“Why are they in separate houses, then?” Pandora inquires, quirking a brow.
Her girlfriend huffs. “Shut up, she’s still working on selling the place, okay?”
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theprongspotter · 10 months
24 Prompts til Christmas: Day 6
“Ice Skating” (Dorlene)
Dorcas takes off the blade guards and steps onto the ice. She does a small twirl and smiles as her skirt flows through the wind. She looks up at her girlfriend, who is sitting on the bench with an uneasy look on her face. “Ready, Marls?”
“Why did I agree to this?” Marlene groans as she takes the blade guards off and joins Dorcas on the ice. Her steps are wobbly, and she resembles a baby deer. She immediately clings onto her girlfriend’s arm, resulting in Dorcas letting out a laugh.
“Because you love me, and it’s my turn to choose what we do for a date.” Dorcas wraps an arm around Marlene as she pushes off the ice and skates forward, letting them smoothly glide over the ice. “It’s not my fault that you’re terrible at ice skating.”
“It’s not my fault that you just happen to be the best figure skater out there.” Marlene childishly sticks out her tongue and shoves Dorcas. “You’re the worst, Cassie.”
However, this shove means that Marlene is no longer being held up by Dorcas and she lets out a yelp and flails her hands, trying to grasp onto her girlfriend. Marlene is glad that their friends aren’t there to make fun of this moment. Dorcas wishes she’s catching this on camera.
Luckily, Dorcas is kind and is quick to wrap her arms around the blonde and hold her upright. She pulls her close, smiling softly. “Don’t worry, love, I won’t let you fall.”
“I don’t know, Cas, you could’ve.” Marlene is still trying to regain her breath, holding onto Dorcas with white knuckles. For a moment she thinks to loosen her grip, but it doesn’t seem to bother the other.
“But, I didn’t,” She remarks, pecking the other girl’s cheek. “That’s the difference.”
Dorcas pushes off the ice again and they begin to slowly skate forward together once more.
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theprongspotter · 10 months
24 Prompts til Christmas: Day 12
“Santa Baby” (Nobleflower)
Alice and Narcissa are pressed against each other on the couch and quiet Christmas songs play in the background. Narcissa is sipping on Merlot as she reads a book. Alice is playing with her girlfriend’s hair, braiding a piece of it.
Santa Baby starts playing through the speakers and Alice gasps, hopping up from the couch. She runs over to the speaker and turns it up. She then turns back to Narcissa, who has put her book down and is giving Alice her full attention.
“Been an awful good girl,” Alice sings to her girlfriend. She wiggles her eyebrows as she makes eye contact, eliciting a laugh from the girl. Narcissa is smiling and shaking her head. “Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight.”
She makes a begging motion with her hands and exaggerates big, pleading puppy eyes. “Santa baby, a 54 convertible too, light blue.” She continues to sing to Narcissa before the other woman finally sets her wine down and gets off the couch.
Narcissa sways her hips. “Come and trim my Christmas tree, with some decorations bought at Tiffanys.” She gently pushes Alice back onto the couch. “I really do believe in you, let’s see if you believe in me.”
“Curse you Blacks and your slutty waists,” Alice says, pulling Narcissa down onto her lap. She tucks a strand of hair behind her girlfriend’s ear and finally brings her in for a kiss.
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theprongspotter · 9 months
24 Prompts til Christmas: Day 15
“Snow, Snow, Snow” (Dorlene)
For the past three hours, Dorcas and Marlene have been freezing their butts off playing in the snow like little kids. Their cheeks and nose are rosy pink and their fingers and toes are frozen, but it’s worth it because it’s fun.
Dorcas adds a carrot nose to the tall snowman the two women built together. It took several tries to even make it resemble a snowman. Marlene kept knocking the snowman’s stomach off of the bottom part and then the sizes weren’t right.
She feels a solid, cold thump on her back and turns around. Marlene is doubled over, laughing. Dorcas takes this moment to reach down and form a snowball, which she then throws at her giggling girlfriend. It lands right on her head.
“Dorcas, I know you did not!” Marlene gasps and looks up, making eye contact with Dorcas, who is now giggling herself. The blonde starts to form multiple snowballs and Dorcas takes off running.
She ducks behind a tree and forms her own snowballs. She pops up and looks around, trying to find her target. That’s when she gets pelted with snowballs from behind. Dorcas whips around and throws her own snowballs at Marlene quickly.
When she runs out, Dorcas goes on the run again. She doesn’t get very far, though, because Marlene comes up from behind and tackles her to the ground. Dorcas yelps as she hits the snow and flips over to face her girlfriend.
Marlene leans in and kisses her. Dorcas pulls away after a minute. “Is this your way of making up after brutally attacking me?”
“That wasn’t brutal.”
“Yes it was, I’ll have bruises!”
“Whatever,” Marlene rolls her eyes. She stands up and helps Dorcas get up as well. “We should probably go inside. I can’t feel a thing.”
“We can change and then get blankets and hot chocolate and watch a movie.” Dorcas suggests. Marlene must agree with that idea, because she grabs Dorcas’ hand and drags her toward their house.
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theprongspotter · 10 months
24 Prompts til Christmas: Day 14
“Dinner by Candlelight” (Quillkiller)
Rita lights the last candle. For the past few hours she’s been trying to create a perfect environment for a surprise date for her fiancée. The dining room lights are dim with various candles floating around and a few on the center of the table on dark green table cloth. There a glass plate on either side of the table and fresh spaghetti with red sauce and meatballs sit on them.
The front door opens and shuts, and footsteps can be heard walking towards the dining room. Bellatrix spots her fiancée and smiles as she looks around the room. “What’s this, doll?”
The blonde feels her face heat up. “Well, I wanted treat you after everything that you’ve done for me.”
“Does this mean that I’ll get puss tonight?” She winks, wrapping her arms around her fiancée.
Rita shimmy’s out of her grasp. “Trix,” she warns.
“Okay, okay.” Bellatrix laughs. “I’m listening, my pretty girl.”
Rita rolls her eyes, though a smile remains on her lips. She pulls a chair out and motions for Bellatrix to sit, which she does. She takes the seat across from the raven haired woman. “Don’t make fun of me or say a word the entire time I’m speaking.”
“Mm, I love it when you’re demanding.” Bellatrix smirks.
“Shut up, I’m trying to talk!” Rita huffs. “Okay, so, I just wanted to say that I really appreciate you. You’re so strong and beautiful and smart. I’m just— I don’t know how to put it into words— I just love you so much and I’m so thankful that you’re in my life.”
"I love you so much more.” Bellatrix whispers back.
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theprongspotter · 10 months
24 Prompts til Christmas: Day 8
“The Perfect Tree” (Marylily)
Lily crosses her arms. She shakes her head. “There is no way we are getting that tree.”
Marys brows furrow as she looks back at the Christmas tree she picked out. She looks back at her fiancée and throws her hands up, exasperated. “What’s wrong with it? It looks fine to me!”
“It’s too short,” Lily complains. “Nobody likes a small tree.” The brunette’s lips twitch up into a smirk and Lily smacks her arm. “Mind out of the gutter, Mac.”
This seems to bring the woman back to reality and what’s actually going on in the moment, because she’s back to scowling. “Well, your tree isn’t thick enough.”
“My tree is perfect!”
“No, it’s not! How would we fit any ornaments on the branches?” Mary argues.
There’s a pause, and the only noise heard are the other people looking at the trees. The two women stare each other down, eyes narrowed. Who’s going to break first?
“Okay, fine,” Mary says. “We won’t get my tree, but we aren’t getting yours either. We’ll meet halfway and look for a tree that is tall and thick.
Lily drags Mary through the rows and rows of Christmas trees. Lily would pick out a few, but Mary would argue that they’re still not fluffy enough. Mary would pick out a few, but Lily would complain that they’re not tall enough. It went back and forth like this until they found it: the perfect tree. It’s tall and fluffy, albeit a little crooked as it stands. But, it’s perfect. It’s their tree.
“Part of me thinks that we won’t have enough ornaments for this,” Lily says, looking up at the tree.
Mary shrugs. “I think it’s perfect the way it is.”
“You know what?” Lily turns to face her fiancée. “You’re right, Mac. I think this is the tree.”
“I think so, too.” Mary wraps an arm around Lily’s waist, pulling her close.
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theprongspotter · 9 months
24 Prompts til Christmas: Day 18
“First Snow” (Pandalily)
Lily runs her fingers through her half-kneazle-cat’s fur as she holds a book in her other hand. Honey is purring and he stretches out even more over his owners lap. The two are taken away from their comfortable, warm place on the couch when Pandora comes running into the room yelling.
“Lily! Lily!” Pandora says in between breaths. She smiles wide. “It’s snowing! Come on, you have to come outside and see!”
Lily smiles and sets her book on the table side. She moves a reluctant Honey off of her lap and he meows. Pandora grabs her girlfriend’s hand excitedly and pulls her down the hallway and outside. The ginger woman giggles, stumbling over her own feet as she follows. Honey trails after them.
Pandora twirls around with her arms out and looks up. She sticks her tongue out and tries to catch snowflakes. Lily laughs, and watches her girlfriend for a moment before joining it. The moment feels so surreal and so utterly perfect.
For minutes, the two just twirl and run around and laugh as they stand in the snow. They both pause to catch their breaths, staring at each other. Pandora moves forward and places a hand on Lily’s cheek. She moves forward and connects their lips.
They pull apart and touch their foreheads together. Honey rubs against their legs.
Lily smiles and picks him up before pulling her girlfriend close. “This Christmas is going to be perfect.”
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