#36 exposures
faithdragon36 · 11 months
Soooooooo I may have made a genloss animatic ?
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rotisseries · 2 months
girls 4 days after saying they don't like ttpd
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georgebbwbush · 2 years
excited to finish this roll of film and get it developed...not excited to think about how i just spent $11 to take 12 photos before i even get them developed
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mike----wazowski · 1 month
persona 3 reload made me want to platinum persona 3 portable out of spite but i'm afraid i just can't with the theo fight. it's the most ridiculous shit in any game i've ever played 😭😭😭 you need a fucking spreadsheet and 9 months of preparation and to plan your every single move and hope the stars align at exactly the right moment
and i thought the yakuza platinums were bad
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cornerihaunt · 6 months
might post some of the pics i took!!!
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robotpussy · 1 year
i have run out of film omfg ☹️
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leatherbookmark · 1 year
hmm hmm. i finally got the means to check the status of my photos online And it says there are 34 photos... but the film had 36 exposures? why :’(
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sabertoothwalrus · 28 days
I'm going to think out loud about the dungeon meshi ages for a sec
I'm going to preface this by saying that this is based on my existing knowledge, and fact checking is difficult because there is A LOT of contentious research out there.
First of all, I think a lot of people come at this from a modern lens, forgetting the context that this is fantasy medieval era. this is fiction. on top of that, this is specifically Ryoko Kui's understanding of medieval era aging. plus fantasy. So before anyone comes at me with a bunch of 'ermmmm actualy's just consider that I don't really care and also it might not matter in this context lol
as far as the "age of maturity" assigned for each race, something I don't see many people talk about is that "teenagers" are a fairly recent concept. For a long time, you were either considered A Kid or Not A Kid. but this doesn't necessarily mean kids were more/less developed then, just our cultural expectations for certain age groups have changed.
Laios says the age of maturity for tallmen is 16. I don't think that means 16 year olds in the dungeon meshi universe are necessarily "more mature" than modern 16 year olds, but moreso that they have more responsibilities. However, things like medicine, smoking, drinking, sun exposure, physical activity, etc all affect age, so it's possible that developmentally they're closer to modern 18 year olds? Izutsumi is 17 (less than two weeks from turning 18, actually), and very much acts like a modern 17 year old.
The age of maturity for half-foots is 14. Chilchuck was 13 when he got married and had his first two children. Even though, at age 29, he's the equivalent of a modern 50 year old, I don't think he was That much more developed at 13 than a tallman. I think if half-foot 14 is equal to tallman 16, then Chilchuck was Pretty Damn Young for a parent LMAO. Even if you're generous and say tallman 16 is a modern 18, he still would've been younger than that.
The long-lived races are interesting. Marcille is obviously a unique case, and not a lot of this applies to her. We do know what Senshi was like as a minor (miner, lol), and he seemed like a modern 15ish, considering he was 36 and dwarf maturity is 40. I think it'd be really interesting to delve into how a culture functions with people being developmentally adolescent for soooooo long. Imagine middle school lasting 20 years. that would fucking suck. I suppose it makes sense why long-lived races are so patronizing.
Moving onto lifespans, I want to emphasize that they're average lifespans. Even in the manga, they say some half-foots live to 100, it's just rare. So it's less that a tallman 60 year old is "older" than a modern 60 year old, it's that it's easier to keep people alive for longer nowadays. Modern medicine is a BIG contributor. Dental health as well, considering how much your health is affected by your diet (and how much the action of chewing alone aids in digestion). Curious to know what the FUCK elven dentistry is like.
It also makes me wonder if half-foots would have a longer average lifespan if they weren't like, used for bait and treated so poorly, but half-foot 29 does seem to be middle-aged for half-foots. so who knows!
In that vein, I don't know if I can see Mithrun quite making it to 400 😬 like, his experience as a dungeon lord took a lot out of him quite literally, and he's doing exceptionally well despite it! I imagine he'd eventually start to develop a lot of heart problems if he doesn't have them already. Perhaps early-onset dementia. His memory seems still quite intact (he corrects Kabru on his story's accuracy) and he doesn't act like, lobotomized. He doesn't seem forgetful or confused, and he has a sense of humor/sarcasm still. It's mostly his task initiation that's been affected.
I almost want to say that mana affinity could affect long-lived races' lifespans, except dwarves have very poor tolerance for mana, so it's probably not that.
okay anyway I didn't really have a point to this post so I'm just gonna end my rambling here
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iww-gnv · 10 months
American workers are dying, local businesses are reporting a drop in productivity, and the country's economy is losing billions all because of one problem: the heat. July was the hottest month on record on our planet, according to scientists. This entire summer, so far, has been marked by scorching temperatures for much of the U.S. South, with the thermometer reaching triple digits in several places in Texas between June and July. In that same period, at least two people died in the state while working under the stifling heat enveloping Texas, a 35-year-old utility lineman, and a 66-year-old USPS carrier. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were 36 work-related deaths due to environmental heat exposure in 2021, the latest data available. This was a drop from 56 deaths in 2020, and the lowest number since 2017. "Workers who are exposed to extreme heat or work in hot environments may be at risk of heat stress," Kathleen Conley, a spokesperson for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), told Newsweek. "Heat stress can result in heat stroke, heat exhaustion, heat cramps, or heat rashes. Heat can also increase the risk of injuries in workers as it may result in sweaty palms, fogged-up safety glasses, and dizziness. Burns may also occur as a result of accidental contact with hot surfaces or steam." While there is a minimum working temperature in the U.S., there's no maximum working temperature set by law at a federal level. The CDC makes recommendations for employers to avoid heat stress in the workplace, but these are not legally binding requirements. The Biden administration has tasked the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) with updating its worker safety policies in light of the extreme heat. But the federal standards could take years to develop—leaving the issue in the hands of individual states. Things aren't moving nearly as fast as the emergency would require—and it's the politics around the way we look at work, the labor market, and the rights of workers in the U.S. that is slowing things down.
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bootleg-nessie · 2 months
List of Extremely Cursed Knowledge
Having autism and ADHD is a blessing and a curse because on one hand, I’m basically a walking encyclopedia of random facts and information. On the other hand, a fair amount of that information is so fucked up that it’s not socially acceptable to share it with anyone. So naturally, I took every fucked up fact, every bit of twisted trivia, every bit of cursed knowledge that I could come up with off the top of my head and compiled it into one big list to post on the internet. Some of this information may permanently ruin your (you, the reader) perception of certain things. None of this information should have ever seen the light of day, and a fair amount of it was never, ever meant to be known by humans.
You cannot unlearn anything on this list. This is your chance to scroll past.
You have been warned.
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According to FDA standards, a jar of peanut butter is allowed to have up to seven (7) rat hairs before it’s considered unfit for human consumption. If it has 7 or less rat hairs it will still be sold in stores.
If I just ruined peanut butter for you, don’t google the FDA regulations on any other foods you enjoy.
Human teeth have 36 calories each.
The average human body has roughly 125,000 calories. This is actually relatively low, which makes cannibalism in humans generally unsustainable.
Human meat tastes like pork.
Penguins have been observed practicing necrophilia.
Dolphin vaginas secrete a substance that acts like an aphrodisiac on steroids. When scientists swabbed some of it on a chimpanzee’s penis, it masturbated so furiously that it had a heart attack and died.
Dolphins have been known to intentionally commit suicide if kept in poor conditions.
Scientists that work with cockroaches often become allergic due to exposure. Simultaneously, they also develop an allergy to chocolate and pre-ground coffee. Make of that what you will.
Dolphins have been observed masturbating using decapitated fish heads.
Dolphins have been observed getting high on pufferfish venom recreationally, sometimes even passing a pufferfish around like a joint.
There’s a LOT of rape across the entire animal kingdom. Like, a LOT. It’s especially prevalent in dolphins, otters, ducks, penguins, and primates, to name a few.
On a related note, female ducks have corkscrew shaped vaginas. Male ducks also have corkscrew shaped penises that measure in at a whopping eighteen inches.
The barnacle has the largest penis to body size ratio in the animal kingdom, with its penis being up to eight times as long as its body.
Chimpanzees have been observed using frogs as a fleshlight.
A disembodied human head weighs about 10-12 lbs and is balanced in such a way that requires you to use both hands to pick up.
Pigs will eat every single part of a corpse - including bones. In 2012 a farmer in Oregon was eaten by his pigs after having a heart attack and falling in their enclosure. This also makes pig pens a prime spot for dumping bodies.
A body will decompose faster if you fill the rectal cavity with yogurt before burying it
When burying a body, make sure to bury it in a heavily wooded area. If vegetation is too sparse and/or the body isn’t buried deep enough, it will be easily noticeable after a few months because plants will grow in much thicker directly above where the body was buried.
You cannot bury a body in sand, as sand is too porous. The smell will seep through and give away the location
The entire universe could theoretically exist as a false vacuum and collapse into nothingness at any moment without warning.
Any alien civilization advanced enough to detect life on earth is also probably advanced enough to destroy our entire planet almost immediately. At the peak of interstellar technology, the only limiting factor is the speed of light. If they decided to attack, we probably wouldn’t even know it was coming until the entire surface of the planet was already vaporized.
It takes three and a half rotations to fully detach a human head from its body.
Recently deceased bodies can experience rigor erectus, which translates to “death boner.” This is especially common in victims of hanging, as it’s primarily caused by trauma to the cerebellum or spinal cord.
There is an extremely real chance that you have unknowingly purchased a product that was made by modern day slaves at least once in your life. Coffee, cotton, fish, clothes, shoes, and technology are among the most vulnerable industries.
A decapitated head remains conscious for several seconds after separated from the body.
The entire koala population across Australia is currently undergoing a major chlamydia epidemic. It’s actually been extremely devastating for them and they’re currently facing the threat of extinction because of it.
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marzipanandminutiae · 4 months
A Crimson Peak Timeline
(based on the art book, documents shown onscreen in the movie, and the character bios GDT wrote- where the bios don't contradict film canon. I've attempted to combine the two where contradicting elements are unavoidable.
Sometime during the reign of Charles II (1660-1685). Edward Sharpe created Baronet for services to the crown in providing clay for construction projects. Allerdale Hall built in the parish of Above Derwent, Cumberland, England.
1841. Carter Everett Cushing born the second son of six in an impoverished family that traveled the eastern US for his father's masonry business.
1863. Beatrice Alexandra Chetwynde, eldest daughter of a large, wealthy family, marries Baronet James William Sharpe. The marriage is contracted solely for the Chetwyndes' land, which adjoins the Sharpe estate.
April 1, 1865. Lucille Sharpe born.
Sometime between 1865 and ~1873. Carter marries 18-year-old socialite Eleanor Wyndham-Beckford, to the immense disapproval of her family. Though she is disowned and the couple struggles to make ends meet for years, Carter ultimately becomes a successful developer.
February 18, 1867. Thomas Sharpe born.
C. 1867-1872. The Sharpes employ a wet nurse- and later nanny -named Theresa, who would become the only adult to care about the children in their lives. She would ultimately be sacked after Beatrice caught young Lucille snuggling with her for warmth on a winter's night (on the grounds that a noble child should not be close with servants- a "crime" for which Lucille was beaten severely).
1876. 11-year-old Lucille murders her father with poison distilled from mine tailings, after he took Thomas on a hunting trip and left him in the woods to die of exposure.
Late 1876? A mining vein near Allerdale Hall collapses, killing several child mine-workers. I could have sworn I read somewhere that James foolishly dug a mining tunnel under the house shortly before his death, and that's what destabilized it, but I can't find it now.
October 9, 1877. Edith M. Cushing born, after Eleanor had suffered several miscarriages.
1878. Thomas and Lucille begin a secret sexual relationship.
Early August, 1879. Beatrice catches Lucille and Thomas together; Lucille murders her to keep their secret. The siblings try to run away together but are caught and brought back. Thomas is sent to live with an aunt and uncle in Whitehaven (who in turn send him to boarding school), while Lucille is forced into a mental institution.
Probably summer, 1885. Thomas finishes his schooling and rescues Lucille; they return to Allerdale.
1887. The Sharpe siblings travel to London seeking investors for Thomas' venture to reopen the mines. A wealthy, terminally ill gentleman, Major Richard Upton, takes a liking to Thomas and begs Thomas to marry his disabled daughter, Pamela. At Lucille's urging- since they're running out of both options and money -Thomas agrees. The two attempt to poison Pamela to death, but Lucille ends up strangling her instead.
Sometime between October 1887 and October 1888. Eleanor Cushing dies of cholera and appears to Edith as a ghost.
Early-mid 1890s. Carter and the recently widowed Mrs. McMichael have a brief flirtation that both Edith and Eunice oppose. Though it goes nowhere, the rift between the two girls is never healed.
Late October or November 1892. Edith (age 15) becomes infatuated with a 25-year-old poet who is having marital difficulties. After convincing Carter to hire him as a tutor, all unknowing, she confesses her feelings to him. He not only takes his leave of the Cushing family, but of Buffalo itself, quickly moving away with his wife and children.
1893. The Sharpes travel to Edinbrugh, where Thomas again finds no investors but does attract the attention of a 36-year-old widow of means, Margaret McDermott. Once again, he marries her and helps Lucille poison her, though she is ultimately killed via blunt force trauma.
Summer 1893. Edith asks her best friend, Alan McMichael, to kiss her so she can write about kisses more accurately. It means nothing to her, but sparks an unrequited passion in Alan
1896. Lucille falls pregnant by Thomas. He travels with her to Italy, which he loves and she despises. There he meets a wealthy woman named Enola Sciotti, widowed and bereaved of her only child, and decides of his own accord to marry and murder her in their usual fashion. The Sharpes and Enola return to Allerdale.
1897. Lucille is delivered of a son, who may or may not be sickly. Enola tries to care for her and the child, promising she can save him. The baby either dies of natural causes or Lucille smothers him under the conviction that his cries mean something is terribly wrong with him and he can't live- this is one contradiction in the bios vs. the movie that I prefer to leave vague, since it's possible not even Lucille remembers what happened. Either way, she blames Enola and dispatches her by unknown means. Thomas patents his excavating machine.
Late summer(?) 1901. Alan returns from studying medicine in London and sets up an ophthalmology practice in Buffalo. Edith's debut novel, Figures In The Mist, is rejected for publication by Oglivie and Sons. Thomas seeks investment in the mines from Cushing and Co., unsuccessfully. Edith and the Sharpes begin a friendship. Edith sees her mother's ghost for the second time.
September 14, 1901. President William McKinley dies after being shot at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo. I include this because the fact that the movie doesn't is hilarious to me.
October 21, 1901. At the Cushings' dinner party, Carter bribes the Sharpes to leave, instructing Thomas to break Edith's heart or he'll tell her about the marriage to Pamela. A deleted scene reveals that he was on the verge of relenting and investing in the mines when he read the private investigator's report.
October 22, 1901. Lucille murders Carter at his club, then departs to return to England. Thomas and Edith become engaged.
Late October-early November 1901. Thomas and Edith are married and travel to Allerdale.
November-December 1901 (possibly into early 1902?). The rest of the movie's plot.
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andy-wm · 8 months
You might be a 10, but he's Park Jimin.
Friends and lovers of ARMY, be thou a buttress in the cathedral of Park Jimin.
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Although this post is a direct result of the Jimin's Production Diary Fanmeet, it meanders through a quagmire of seemingly unrelated thoughts and mixed emotions. There is passion, there is incredulity, there are tears, there might will definitely be lewdness... because in the last 36 hours I have had approximately 2 hours sleep and now i am writing this instead of going to bed. Therefore I take no responsibility.
Moving right along...
Did anyone else notice the way Jimin shook hands with female presenting ARMYs...
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vs the male presenting ARMY?
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He launched himself at that man like he was meeting an old friend!
Ok that's not exactly true, but he did head towards him and offer his hand.
I nearly swooned, i can tell you.
If i had knows such a handshake might be on offer, I would have commited crimes* to get into that fanmeet.
Not that I needed any more encouragement.
If I had won a ticket in that raffle i would have been there with bells on.
The fact that my own gorgeous husband was returning home tonight after nearly 4 weeks overseas would not have stopped me. I would have left him a perfumed love letter promising all manner of treats and favours on my return. And then I would have stashed the front door key under a pot plant, and been on a plane before you could say 'Is that really wise?'
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This is a PSA for people whose partner or spouse or FWB is a Jimin stan.
Listen up, silver medalists. Sulking, grumbling, or resising Park Jimin will do you NO GOOD.
You can save yourself an ocean of tears if you accept what cannot be changed.
There's no point trying to compete with Park Jimin.
Because let's be real, he won just by existing.
The only way forward is to accept your fate and support your Jimin-biased ARMY in their times of need.
Because there will be times of need, let me assure you.
Although you may not realise it, being a Jimin-biased ARMY is a dangerous calling.
When Jimin unleashes the devastating force of Dimple, your partner will need you to tend their wounds and you will have to listen to to endless recounts of how PJM chose violence that day.
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They will need you when Park Jimin incapacitates them with an irresistable mochi attack. It may seem harmless, but extended exposure will render them useless and leave them in a gooey heap on the floor.
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When he shamelessly and without remorse launches a full frontal attack, you will need to be on hand to drag them away from the danger, regardless of how much they kick and scream.
You are advised to wear protective clothing in instances such these...
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Or these...
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Or these...
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Picture yourself as a buttress in the cathedral of Park Jimin.
This is a necessary and noble undertaking, and a compromise you will ultimately be happy to make.
You are shoring up your ARMY's defences against the dark arts of Jimin's lips, hips and vocal flips.
You are sheltering them from the burning brightness of,his angelic visage.
You are their comfort in the storm of passion that Jimin will stir in their loins... and if you play your cards right, you may also be the happy reciepient of their pent up lust - that's definite win for you.
Ultimately, this is how you will prevail.
A word of caution though:
Do not underestimate the power he wields.
There will be an ever present danger of you yourself succumbing to the charms of Park Jimin.
Remember this ancient warning:
Once you Jimin,
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you cannot Jimout.
*I would never. I am lawful good, but with a side of chilli and a few shots of whisky (so really, anything could happen). Also, be gay do crime is a thing. I dont make the rules.
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Hello! My name is Mae!
(she/her) A 22 year old student that will make cute people bleed out instead of doing homework! I like drawing and writting. I submitt content whenever I can, if not assume my proffesor buried me six feet under planimetry.
I'm here to whump both humans and angelic creatures, make some worldbuing of the fun kind, and say all kinds of nonsense. I like mainly lab and mediacl whump, religious whump with a bunch of phycological inner workings of my characters so expect my own content to be like that.
If you want to know i'm still kicking, DM about your characters or stories and I won't shut up!
This is where I'd put my masterlist IF I HAD ONE!
Exposure experiment
My characters
(profiles and details comming soon)
Émile Finch | 28 year old male, formerly a middle school biology teacher now a prisoner accused of treason and serving sentence in the Research Center (Whumpee/occational Caretaker)
Hans Kesselman | 36 year old male, the oldest son of the RC director and captain of the Heavy Task Division. In charge of both Émile and the angel creature (Whumper)
Unknown angel creature | real age unknown, real gender unknown, real name impossible to pronounce by humans. Goes by Azazel because of and ancient friend, but nobody tell the characters about that. non-human Whumpee)
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hldailyupdate · 8 months
The Unlikely Lads: How Pete Doherty, Louis Tomlinson and Noel Gallagher teamed up for rising star Andrew Cushin
Not much can unite an Oasis brother, a One Directioner, and an erstwhile Babyshambler – but Andrew Cushin has done just that. Mark Beaumont speaks to the singer and his A-list backers about what they see in this Geordie ‘destined for great things’
Maybe once in a generation, the stars align: barriers crumble and the pop lamb lies down with the indie rock jackal. Kylie Minogue and Nick Cave. Miley Cyrus and The Flaming Lips. And now, Louis Tomlinson and Pete (now Peter) Doherty: united not on record, but to co-release the debut album by 23-year-old Andrew Cushin, a little-known Newcastle troubadour with a gift for mesmerising superstars – from all walks, evidently.
There’s no other explanation for a story that reads like A Star is Bornmeets Pygmalion, with a dash of The Karate Kid – on a hefty fried breakfast – thrown in. One whiff of Cushin’s early live footage and Noel Gallagher was producing his songs. A glimpse of him playing on Soccer AM and Tomlinson swept him away around the world on tour. Brief exposure to his onstage performance and Doherty was clamouring to release his debut album alongside Tomlinson, in what has become a hands-across-the-cultural-ocean collaboration. Forget “right place, right time”, Cushin is the right place and his time is clearly now.
“It’s all happened very much by chance,” this Geordie Maharishi self-deprecates down the phone from an airport midway through his 36 dates supporting Tomlinson on a tour that’s taken him across the UK, Europe and America. In several weeks his album, Waiting For The Rain, will come close to breaking the Top 40, partly down to such support from big-name mentors, partly thanks to an arresting talent set to bewitch a generation. “There’s a lot of acts that gig for three or four years and then they get discovered,” he says. “We were the opposite – you’re going out on this tour, but you’ve already got these big names behind you, you’ve just got to go and learn now. It’s been like an apprenticeship in music.”
Luck, Cushin’s celebrity backers will attest, had very little to do with it. “The songs are great,” Tomlinson tells me. “They’re super honest, super real. The lyrics cut deep, some of them, and I think that’s really brave as a new songwriter.” Doherty agrees. “It was the weight of what he was singing about, that was the first thing that grabbed me,” the Libertines rocker says. “The emotional weight of his songs and also the strength of his voice.”
Hard-earned traits, it transpires. In the wake of his father’s death, a then 18-year-old Cushin began pouring his anguish and survival instinct into rock-leaning singer-songwriting of brutal honesty and stirring redemption. If “Just Like You’d Want Me To” was an open letter to his father about his determination to overcome his grief and forge on to glory, the glowering “4.5%” was a devastating portrait of the effect his dad’s alcoholism had on the family. “By 12, he’s falling down the stairs, by one he’s claiming no one cares,” Cushin sings over plaintive piano and a faded heartbeat, “each drink, it drowns your son and daughter”.
“I wrote that three days after he passed away, out of such horrible emotions of losing a parent and not being able to speak to anybody,” Cushin says of what he calls his “therapy song”. “Sometimes it is hard for me to sing because it does bring me back to that place. But at the same time I’ve played that song so many times now and it’s amazing how many people come forward and can relate to it. Anybody who goes through having a parent who’s alcoholic or a friend who’s alcoholic, they all have similar stories and feelings about things that go on. If somebody knows someone who’s an alcoholic, they’ll know what I went through and vice versa.”
Cushin set about playing his songs around the pubs of Newcastle. Within three weeks he had secured a manager with links to Noel Gallagher who, in turn, put Cushin in touch with promoters and labels after being emailed a video clip of a live show. “When I was growing up my heroes were Noel and Weller and basically everything that my dad used to listen to,” Cushin says. “So to be doing music for about three weeks and to have an email from Noel and him to help us out with promoters and that, it was an insane three or four weeks. I hadn’t even played a gig outside of Newcastle at that point.”
Gallagher produced, sang backing vocals and played guitar on Cushin’s 2020 track “Where’s My Family Gone”, a raw dissection of familial conflict and the third and final single Cushin released on Virgin before his deal collapsed and gigs dried up during the pandemic. Cushin took Gallagher’s parting advice to heart, though. “He told us to graft,” he told NME in 2020. “He just said keep your head down, work hard and write, write, write. That’s what I’ll do.”
Constructing his album during the Covid downtime, Cushin swiftly bounced back, blessed from pop’s Mount Olympus. At his first post-lockdown shows, supporting Doherty solo for three dates, he found the Libertines singer side of stage each night, increasingly enthused by his performances. “I got about two songs in and I looked to my left and he was stood at the side of the stage kinda clapping away,” Cushin recalls. Doherty, having launched his own label Strap-Originals, enquired if he was signed. “I went, ‘No, no, we’ve just been released’, he went ‘Let’s see if we can do something’. Second night it was ‘We definitely need to do something’ and by the third night, he was all for it. Within four or five weeks we had a full album deal on the table.”
As the deal progressed, Doherty took Cushin on UK tours, drinking and jamming together on the road. Although, from the sound of it, touring with the now reputedly drug-free Doherty is no longer the class-A bacchanal of old. “I wouldn’t necessarily say [the tours were] wild,” Cushin claims, “Peter is getting on a little bit now, he’s a little bit older.” Then, last October, a fateful performance on Soccer AM mesmerised another high-profile supporter of the six-stringed arts.
“I just thought Andrew came across really f***ing confident,” says Tomlinson, who messaged Cushin on Twitter after the show to offer him a support slot at Shepherd’s Bush Empire. That show turned into 36 support dates across the world. “A lot of my fans will know that I’ve always been interested in new music and people on the up and however else I can offer a bit of advice or help. And if he’s already got the songwriting prowess that he’s got at this age on his debut album, the kid’s destined for great things. He came out on the American tour and he was mostly acoustic for a lot of it and that’s a real tough gig, just you and a guitar. But his voice is f***ing huge, a really big sounding voice. He really came into his own as a singer but also as a performer.”
As curator of his own The Away From Home indie rock festival in Italy, where he headlined alongside acts such as Blossoms and The Cribs this August, Tomlinson confesses to having been One Direction’s secret guitar rock fanatic. “It’s what I grew up listening to,” he says. “There was this really good indie bar in Doncaster where I grew up. It was 10 quid all you could drink. It lasted about 18 months and then the council banned it, but it was f***ing incredible. So that’s where I got into all that indie guitar music and stuff like that. To be honest, I kinda dumbed that down a little bit when I was in the band, obviously, because it was a very different thing, One Direction. So I think as I’ve gone out on my own it’s been about re-finding my roots and guitar music is something that has had a massive influence on my life.”
To this end, Tomlinson hopes to convert his more pop-inclined fans to the ways of the distortion pedal, bed hair and fourth-day jeans. “What’s fascinating to me is watching my fanbase watching [guitar bands], listening to this music and taking a real passion like I do. That makes me really proud.” And also, from a talent show phenomenon who’d otherwise have wanted to become a teacher or sports coach, a touch of popstar payback.
‘If I’m feeling down or if I’m in a bad way my therapy is the guitar’ 
Tomlinson’s 78 Productions teaming up with Doherty’s Strap-Originals label, then, isn’t quite the clash of cultural opposites it first appears. “Look at some of the great labels,” Doherty argues. “Look at The Sex Pistols with Malcolm McLaren getting together with Richard Branson. Over the years, labels’ main aim was to be a springboard for their artists to get as many people to hear the music they believe in. Whatever that takes – if that means having a major label take you up the alley for five minutes I will do that for my artists any day of the week.”
“Obviously I was a massive Libertines fan growing up,” says Tomlinson of his grungier counterpart. “It’s an honour to me. I really look up to [Doherty] as a songwriter, as a poet, as a creative in general. And I also know that he’s got Andrew’s best interests at heart, which is not something you can always say in these kinds of joint ventures.” The pair haven’t yet met to thrash out the details over a power fry-up, though. “There’s not been a lot of back and forth,” says Tomlinson, “We’re both busy guys. I’d love to sit down and have a chat with him, definitely. That sounds like the kind of business meeting I’d want to turn up to.”
It’s something of a fairytale ending for Cushin, and his Dave Eringa-produced album that is so fraught with struggle. Alongside celebratory Britpopian terrace anthems like “Wor Flags” and orchestral pop uplifts like “Dream for a Moment”, grimy soul rocker “Let Me Give It To You” tackles drug abuse, while the fatalistic “The End” envisions Cushin’s own funeral, complete with child choir singing: “It’s the end of everything and I didn’t mean a thing.” And, on “You’ll Be Free”, he confronts the sometimes-fatal consequences of men being expected to bottle up their pain.
“Suicide is something I hold very, very close to my chest, unfortunately,” Cushin says of the song. “I’ve lost the most important people in my life to suicide. Everybody coming through with their support for different organisations has been amazing but, for me, I can’t go and talk to someone. If I’m feeling down or if I’m in a bad way my therapy is the guitar.”
There’s something deeply heartening, then, about seeing Cushin so enthusiastically grasp the A-list opportunities flung in his path. “We were over the moon when both Louis and Peter both came together,” he says. “It’s such a dream thing for me to be in the middle, releasing a record through these two unbelievable artists. We’ve already done so much so quickly and we’re in a massive whirlwind of people just pushing and pushing.” Cushin may be the celebrity-coveted Bored Ape NFT of singer-songwriters, but his value is set to rocket.
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blueberryarchive · 7 months
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File Name: The Hecate Project
Classification: Top Secret
Subject: 377
Background: Experiment #377, nicknamed Jungkook (Name provided on the birth certificate found in his chambers) is a classified research project initiated by the Cromwell Agency on September 1, 2023. The project is aimed at discovering the behaviors of this creature, the first hunted in almost two centuries, caught by the Cromwell Hunter Foundation.
The last subject, experiment #376, died due to the negligence of the hunters and scientists themselves.
The main objective of #377 is to find a way to make his DNA useful for operations under extreme and rigorous conditions. Including infiltration, night operations, and search for objects.
Among other objectives is the consideration of training the species for recruitment into the Cromwell Hunter Foundation.
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Subject Profile
Code Name: Jungkook
Species: Homo Desmodus
Age: Appears in his 20s.
Physical characteristics: 5'10, aprox. 70kg, intensified senses, increased strength, agility, non-human flexibility, iris and cornea turn scarlet red after 6 o'clock.
Diet: Requires a minimum of 3.0 liters of human or animal blood to maintain physical abilities.
Intellectual Skills: Has the ability to communicate and understand two languages (Korean and English), knows how to read, write, and do basic mathematics.
Psychic abilities, such as controlling the mind. (On September 12, at 03:25 a.m., one of the scientists was found dead in the laboratory where 377 was located. The cameras show how a level 9 scientist, Göta Princeton, voluntarily takes the sedative given to Jungkook. The body was found by hunters Bronimir Ehmet and Máximo Felipe at 05:04 with 75% of its blood missing.
Additional Abilities: Can heal a wound of about 6.35mm in 1 second. Wounds that reach muscle or bone in 30 seconds. It can completely regenerate a limb in 36 hours.
Behaviors and conduct of the subject: The psychology department of the Cromwell Hunters has classified 377 as being quick to respond, conceited, and ribald (more notable towards the female sex). Good vocabulary and always looking for information. Aside from the incident with Dr. Göta Princeton, he has maintained good behavior when examined. Although, for precautionary reasons, he has been administered relaxants of about 20g every hour intramuscularly.
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Security measures
Starting at dawn, the work area is kept under minimal light to reduce exposure and damage to the subject.
At least 6.5 liters of O-blood are required to be available in the area. For 377's diet and/or blood loss from one of the scientists.
To enter the subject's dome, an amount of about 25g of Lovatrim must first be administered and wait at least 45 minutes.
Note: Access to this file is restricted to personnel with Level 8 or higher security clearance. Unauthorized access will result in severe consequences.
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Experiment #005 on Subject #377
Classification A
September 15, 2023. The Cromwell Hunter Foundation has chosen four candidates to do the seminal test. Two of the four candidates have died in the last 24 hours of entering the dome. One of the hunters refuses to enter, the last option has been trained for the project and has signed the assigned paperwork that gives Cromwell and Company complete autonomy in her decision to go inside the dome.
What appears on the following pages are the chronicles of the night of the 15th, from 8 p.m. to 3 a.m. The huntress meets 377 for the first time in the dome.
Jungkook's physical and mental behavior is different for the first time in the whole project. The eyes appear to be of a vibrant red.
For the first time we get a glance of the acicular canines.
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tiredspacedragon · 5 months
That post about what happened to Nidhiki's Air Scythe reminded about something I've been meaning to talk about for a while, which is how mutation and transformation in Bionicle work in relation to tools.
For the longest time, I've found it strange that characters' tools transform with them when they get mutated or transformed in some way. Especially when it's something like the Toa Metru's tools changing when they became Toa Hordika. How could an injected mutagen affect an external object? And after giving it some thought, I think the answer is that, like most things, mutagens and other transformations don't work the same way in Bionicle as they do in the real world.
I posit that most* methods of transformation in Bionicle, such as through exposure to Hordika Venom or Energized Protodermis, or via the Matoran metamorphosis cycle, do not cause a physical transformation so much as they transform a being's essence, with the physical change following as a consequence of or perhaps reaction to the affected being's change in internal form. (Potentially made possible by the adaptive nature of Protodermis?)
This change in essence provides two potential explanations as to why external equipment like armour, Kanohi, and tools are transformed along with their bearers. For one, because the change is not rooted in biology, it is possible that the equipment's own essence is transformed independently; this method may be true for Energized Protodermis specifically, given that of the 42 Kanohi Nuva known to have existed, 36 were were created by Artakha through immersing Kanohi in Energized Protodermis while (presumably) unworn.
The second explanation is more universal in application and is my preference between the two, and it is that, over time, a being's equipment becomes part of their own essence. The Hordika's tools were transformed because their Toa Tools were part of their identities, as was the case with Lhikan's swords becoming his shield as a Turaga. We know this connection to be canon in some sense, as it is the explanation for how Takutanuva was able to revive Jaller after his death: through the imprint of his spirit, or essence, that lingered on his mask. I favour this explanation not only because it has support in-text, but because it adds importance to the storytelling medium of character design, oft neglected in Bionicle. With this explanation, not only is a character's equipment an avenue for revealing nuances of their personality, history, and abilities, it is a part of their very selves just as much in-story as the characters' tools are part of their set.
*On a related note if the hypothesis that most transformations affect characters' essence is taken as true, it marks Pit Mutagen as a notable exception, as it canonically does not transform Kanohi or tools, at most only damaging them, as can be seen with the tools of the Mahri Nui Matoram, the mutated forms of Lesovikk, Sarda, and Idris, as well as Brutaka's blade and mask remaining unmutated, with most of his transformations described as fins and spikes, possibly all organic growths from beneath his armour
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