#3D Games
metalblue1991 · 1 month
The fact that dragon quest 11 has a mode where the entire game is recreated in 2d is one of the coolest shit ever and i wish more games did stuff like this
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jade-len · 5 months
my very specific urge to 3D beam svsss has put me in a chokehold and now i'm currently learning how to use blender (or at least, trying to. i don't know what's going on most of the time lol)
but, like. not in the donghua way. in an arcane, spiderverse way. can you imagine just how gorgeous that would look? i genuinely feel like it'd match svsss so well too, with how deliciously expressive both animations are
the mix of 2D and 3D.. arcane's character designs, raw emotion, almost painter-like style... spiderverse's fun way of using frames and colors. it'd pair especially nicely with sqq's inner monologues, action scenes, the absolute pain of the endless abyss arc.. all that jazz! like just think abt it..
anyways, i genuinely really want to at least try and create some small animation or/and 3D based game (yes i'm actually considering it) with this idea but i have. absolutely no idea where to start. if you guys have any tips on learning animation, art, etc... pls give advice <3 (or not)
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bios-hzrd · 6 months
I think there should be documentation on what unique game design can be afforded while working with 2D or 3D space. I don’t really have a point here, just a few observations on a really good game.
Neon White is a speedrunning based 3D platformer. Each level you navigate through a simple very a to b to c obstacle course. Think Super Mario 3D world. It’s linear in a 3D space.
Then you do it again trying to skip over as much of it as you can to get a better time.
It has very fun visuals, as it has you parkouring through a bunch of buildings in the sky.
What’s interesting though, is that because of the extra space afforded by having a whole extra dimension to work with, it can combine its shortcuts and decorative elements.
In 2D space decorations usually can’t be tangible, because they can’t interrupt the main path. Alternatively if the player spots a platform deviating from the main path, “that has to be a shortcut, why else would it be there.”
I’d imagine there’s also psychology at play, about how we may be more prone to treat 3D games as “separate reality” where we treat 2D games as “creation designed for amusement.” Likely because reality is a 3D space.
Neon White deliberately abuses its unique privilege of being able to place things to the side, to make decorations with collision.
The game moves to muddy the line between “play area” and “real location” with random pillars (floating platforms) and flowing water (conveyor belts) that clearly don’t help at all in getting from point to point, but just look nice.
Which makes it all the more surprising when one of those actually was a shortcut.
Additionally back to psychology I’d expect that your perspective being “facing forwards” not “omniscient observer that can see all relevant playspace” encourages you to instinctually go from point to point, giving you a pattern to break out of.
As such it gives this great “stop seeing things of how they are intended to be, and start thinking of what they can be” vibe that I imagine is quite speedrunner-y.
I don’t think you could replicate this feeling this way in 2D space. Maybe if the player could clip through walls.
Maybe all this is a little obvious, maybe I could’ve phrased it better, but I figure it ought to be said.
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retro-gaming-times · 1 year
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Wolfenstein 3D released on PC 31 years ago today!!
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lunacapra · 5 months
I would love to know any video game settings (specifically 3D) that are commonly missing but that you'd love to have
You can also pick from this list if you'd like:
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supernightboy08 · 7 months
My favorite Nintendo 64 games:
1. Super Mario 64 (1996)
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2. Ocarina of Time (1998)
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3. Donkey Kong 64 (1999)
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4. Majora’s Mask (2000)
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flutterlyfloored · 1 year
Yrgo Game Creator Students proudly announce: Flutterly Floored Full game release June 29 on ITCH.io
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wallflower26 · 1 month
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douxie-merlin · 1 month
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Мне нравится 3д искусства!
Я планирую научиться создавать 3д мадельки персонажей😋💙
Надеюсь у меня получится!
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fgmtzdev1 · 2 years
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Nintendo Power #257 from August 2010, with Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies featured.
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bananplaysshu · 8 months
Wishlist my Farm Management game here!
DEMO is coming...👨‍🌾🍅🐄
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Thanks for reading through and for your wishlist! Appreciate it. Subscribe to our mailing list if you're interested in Farmieland:
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techysaad · 4 months
How to Make an Addictive Game Design
Hey there, fellow gamers and enthusiasts I am Techy Saad a Game Developer! Welcome back to another deep dive into the fascinating world of game design. Today, we're unraveling the intricate web of psychology and player engagement within the gaming realm.
Secrets of Addictive Game Design:
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Understanding the Psychology Behind Gaming
Have you ever wondered why certain games keep you hooked for hours on end while others fail to hold your attention? Well, it's all about the psychology at play. Game designers meticulously craft experiences that tap into our cognitive and emotional responses, keeping us engaged and coming back for more.
The Power of Rewards
One of the fundamental principles of psychology in game design is the concept of rewards. Rewarding gameplay in the form of in-game currency, achievements, or leveling up creates a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment in the minds of players, which in turn drives our want to keep playing and advance further.
Immersive Storytelling
Since humans are naturally good storytellers, game designers take advantage of this natural ability to craft engrossing narratives that entice players into rich, immersive worlds.
Read the full article by clicking below.
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retro-gaming-times · 1 year
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Pulled a few consoles out for a group pic. Need a couple of accomodating box shelves really for better pics.
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pinkpinkparfait · 2 years
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wxs miku stimboard!
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credit og sources when using gifs shown!
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yandereaddictsblog · 1 year
I know I know its been a while.. 🤓
Cuz its 🧏‍♀️
"Happy 💗💗💗's Day"
Makes me wanna fall inlove....... well jus kiddin... 🦄🦄🦄
Anyways i present this clip feeling at peace - yey that is all!!
Song by: @beabadoobee
Song Title: Tired
Well the music mixed well to the clip.
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devhubby · 1 year
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