#4. They were what I deemed 'important'. I had to do those or I will never get a therapist
liebelesbe · 2 years
parents trying to pressure me into a phone call hrrgs
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onskepa · 3 months
Hey saw tou were open!!
Could you do a ronal x platonic female reader, who is having her first mother's day as a new mom. She goes to ronal and explains the earth holiday. As part of her tradition she gives ronal a mother's day gift and ronal gets to see cute teeny tiny human baby!
Hellooooooo~!! So when I read this one, I knew just where to put it! Enjoy~!!
Irayo pt1
Irayo: Best mama's around!
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Ronal kept herself busy these past few days. More busy than usual. Anything to distract the lingering worry of her friend, Irayo. It has been 8 days now, Ronal counted since her last visit. Not just ronal who worries, but her daughter young tsireya is now questioning where her auntie is. Her, and slowly the villagers begin to worry. 
Not to make her worries any better, Ronal has no way to communicate with Irayo. She remembers clearly, the last time she was her friend. Everything was fine that day, irayo behaved normal, acted as normal as she could be. Made another set of friendship bracelets, helped take care of tsireya, did her part in the village. Everything was normal. 
So why now is she gone? Are the sky demons preventing her from returning? Did they deem her useless now? Is she alright? 
So many questions linger in Ronal's mind. Anything she does, her worries are not calmed down. If by day 10 irayo does not return, ronal can only fear the worse. 
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“A little bit dramatic, don't you think?” Irayo asks as she plays patty cake with little tsireya. Ronal was too busy hugging her from the side, saying how worried she was and what possible routes irayo was going through. 
“Not dramatic, only worried,” Ronal says, a bit stubbornly. 
Irayo can only laugh at the tsahik’s antics. 
“What happened? Why were you gone for many days?” Ronal finally asks. Needing to know if whatever happened, that irayo was alright. 
“I am fine, its just I wasnt feeling well and I had to be examined to find out what was wrong” irayo answers. This made Ronal more worried. “And? Are you well? Why didnt you come to me? I could have helped you” ronal gently scolded. Irayo only shook her and answered in her own way. 
She smiled and grabbed Ronal by the hands, guiding them to her belly. 
“I am pregnant” 
Those three words echoed in ronal’s head, slowing taking in what the human just said. Her eyes were wide, almost unbelieving what she said. 
Irayo laughed at Ronal’s reaction. Tsireya laughs as well even though she doesn't know why. 
“And who is the fool who believes he is worthy of you?” 
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Word spread of Irayo’s return and the news of her pregnancy, the people went a bit wild. Welcoming her back, many gave her gently hugs, being mindful of her belly. Even though irayo said she was only 2 weeks pregnant, none took it lightly. Pregnancy at an early stage, any stage really, is the most important. Anything can happen. 
So the villagers, and by extension ronal and tonowari, made sure irayo only did safe, light tasks. Some had given her many things for her baby when its born. Children would follow irayo and ask her so many questions, like what is the difference between a na’vi baby and a human baby. Will the baby be blue or a different color? Small or big? Cute or ugly? 
So many things and Irayo was just happy to resume it all. Even more now that soon, her little one will get to experience the same excitement as she does. Her stage is still early, but no doubt her motherly instincts kicked in. 
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As time goes on, ronal allowed irayo to take care of tsireya more often, to practice in how to take care of a baby. Would talk about her experiences in taking care of an infant and so on. However Ronal does not know how much of the information will be useful to her friend. As she does not know how different a human baby is to a na’vi baby. 
And as the months go by, ronal witnesses irayo’s belly growing. While she may not fully show it, Ronal is secretly excited for the baby to arrive. One day, when Irayo was 4 months pregnant, she asked a sudden question. 
“Would you like to feel the baby?” 
This question surprised ronal. 
In na’vi customs, pregnant females only allow their mates or really close family members to touch their bellies.
Is it the same for humans? 
“Can I…?” Ronal asks hesitantly. 
Irayo nods and gently places ronal’s bigger hands onto her growing belly. 
“The baby is still small, but in future months, they will move and might even kick,” irayo explains. Being still, Ronal can sense a small heart beat. From her experience, this small heart beat sounds healthy. 
“You baby is strong,” she comments. Irayo giggles, she doesn't doubt ronal. She can feel her baby. 
“Baby?” little tsireya echos the word as she waddles over to the two mothers. Practicing how to mother with the little one, irayo feels she is ready. But slight doubt still lingers in her. 
Playing with the child's hair, Irayo confesses her inner struggles. 
“Ronal…do you think I will be a good mother?” she asks. 
Ronal looks at her friend, a sad smile on the human's face. “Of course you will be. Perhaps not perfect, but a good mother. I have seen you around my child, with the villagers' children. Why think you will not be?” 
“I don't know, maybe it is just my mind playing games. I see how you raise tsireya, when she was born to now. You are wonderful to her. You have far more experience than I. the other women, I see how they handle their babies. I fear that whatever I will try, it won't be enough. That maybe I will fail and-” 
Ronal places her hands gently on irayo’s cheek, making her look at her. 
“You will be a wonderful mother to your baby. Anything you will do, shall do, will be seen as perfection to your baby because it will be all that they know. I am not perfect irayo, no one else. I make my own mistakes, but we learn and so will you” 
“Learn!” tsireya repeated. 
Both ladies look down at the little girl with soft smiles. 
Irayo leans a bit to kiss tsireya’s head. 
“At least my baby will have someone to look up to”
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9 months had come to completion. Ronal wasnt able to see irayo for a while. Irayo explained she will need to be under constant supervision since the due date was nearing. Ronal understood, but the inner fears and anxiety creeps every night. 
Will irayo be alright? Will the birth be safe? Will the baby be healthy? 
So many questions, ronal even suggested she helps to deliver the baby. Willing to push aside her own personal views of the sky demons for the sake of her friend. While irayo was happy, she couldn't. 
And it wasn't for another 3 months that finally, irayo returned. This time she wasn't alone. 
She came to the village with her baby. 
Everyone was so ecstatic! 
They all surrounded her and her baby. Welcoming her back and welcoming the baby as well. Her baby was so cute! Mothers praised the little one, seeing how healthy the baby looked. And many more for being curious, it was the first time they have seen a human baby! Who knew they could be adorable? 
However the crowd was quickly disbursed by the presence of ronald and tonowari with tsireya in her father’s arms. 
Ronal of course was the first to hug irayo, letting out a long relieved sigh. 
“Thank Eywa you have returned” she whispers. Looking at irayo, she didnt know if it was the sun, or something else but the human had a natural glow in her physic. That motherly glow all females have after birth. It made irayo look stunning. 
“I am happy to be back,” irayo says. 
Soft babbles were heard, in the small bassinet was the human baby. 
Leaning down, ronal took a good look at the human baby. 
“Has your eyes…” she comments. 
The baby stared at ronal, no fear, only fascination. 
“Would you like to carry my baby?” Irayo asks, knowing ronal wants to. Without needing to answer, ronal carefully and gently holds the baby into her arms. 
“Baby!” tsireya squeals. 
Tonowari chuckles, “yes me’ite, it is a baby. We must be careful and be gentle” he says, tsireya nodding. 
“Your baby is so beautiful…oh Eywa, maybe you bless this baby with a great life and a wonderful future” ronal prays. 
Tonowari gestures irayo to a certain direction, “come, there is much to talk about”
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Tsireya was entertaining the baby, showing many toys and singing little songs. Never keeping her eyes away from her new friend. 
Irayo sits beside ronal, “I have a gift for you~” she teases. 
“I wonder what it could be” 
Already knowing what it is. 
As predicted, irayo brought out 4 bracelets, “new BFF’s bands!” irayo says happily. 
Carefully tying it around ronal’s wrist, doing the same for herself, tsireya and her baby. “We shall commemorate this day as our first mother’s day!” she goes on. 
Ronal looks at her curiously. 
“Mother’s day? What is that?” 
“Mother’s day is a human tradition. Once a year on a special day, we celebrate our mothers. Giving them gifts, a day to relax, and appreciating them overall. So, this is my gift to you and to myself. It is not often celebrated here with my co-workers but at least I can celebrate it with you!” irayo happily answers. 
Looking down at her new bracelet, tracing over the beads and sea glass, she likes it. 
“Gifts huh…well then, I have a gift for you as well” ronal says. 
This makes irayo get closer, already excited. 
“What is it?” irayo answers. Ronal answers deadpanned. 
“I am pregnant” 
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NGL I got carried away but I like it! So, until next time! See ya!
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kachowden · 2 years
hiii i love your writing so much and i’ve been deprived of jessie so my brain keeps feeding me scenarios that i desperately need you to write FOR INSTANCE: jessie using his special android abilities to spy on darling (like hacking home security, their cellphone, fun stuff <3) and maybe he sees darling in some.. compromising positions, either with other people or on their own.. idk i just need more of him please i’ll take crumbs
Yandere Android x Reader <3
Tw: Stalking, Generally creepy behavior, NSFW themes, Masturbation, Jessie is a freak, Happy Valentines Day
<>. <3 .<>
It was a slow day, even by Jessie’s standards. In a fit of anxious motivation the night before, Jessie had finished a months worth of calculations for the company and was now left with nothing to do.
Especially since his favorite worker wasn’t present today.
You had been given a paid day off due to covering for 4 other workers during the holidays.
“I need the extra pay for my cat. His allergies are acting up again.”
He was happy your work got recognized, he just wished it had been another bonus. Or maybe a day in the rest lounge. Not at the apartments. Away from him. Physically anyway.
Though he’s sure you knew he would’ve given you a bonus regardless of you actually getting any work done.
Doing a quick scan of the days schedule, noting happily, though with less enthusiasm than usual, that he had no meetings today. Which meant no interruptions and no visits to his office.
And of course with that privacy he’d partake in his favorite past time, typically only during weekends.
Watching you from the comfort of his monitors.
Every apartment building has a series of cameras, that only few humans were aware of. Mostly as a way of monitoring the behaviors of coworkers and looking for signs of poor mental health.
If a worker showed signs of poor health, mental or physical, they were automatically removed from the schedule until they recovered or were deemed fit enough to come back and not hinder work.
Of course if the worker decided, they could resign from coming back completely.
He feared the day that ever happened to you though. He didn’t think he would last long without you in the building. He barely lasted the weekends as it was.
That wasn’t important right now though.
Right now he just needed some B75 TLC time.
With ease he typed in the memorized address and dorm number of your apartment complex. It was as easy as doing software scans, given how often he checked in on you.
All with your health in mind of course.
Clicking through the few firewalls he smiled anxiously when the screen showed Cam 1. Your living room.
It was hard not to zoom in on various items in your home, even if he had seen them dozens of times before. And memorized their exact location.
Not that was hard for him to do.
A few portraits. A single Vase with wilted flowers from a promotion party months ago.
A cat bed where your- lovely- hairless cat layed, glaring at where the camera was despite Jessie knowing for fact it couldn’t see it.
It didn’t remove any of the chill that permeated his synthetic skin.
His switched to Cam 3, your home office. The camera was already zoomed in from a previous- visit, and as he slowly zoomed out he paused briefly. Those weren’t what he thought they were right? He knew they were yours. Of course he did.
But why was your underwear on the floor??
His synthetic skin was burned a deep cerulean blue. You weren’t a messy person by any means. And typically any article of clothes he was lucky to find was typically in your bedroom. Where there was no camera.
With shakey hands, he fooled himself into believing it was a glitch, and finished zooming out.
Jessie’s voice box glitched when he choked.
There you were, his precious, hardworking, diligent worker, leaning back in your desk chair doing-
“Ah..fucken hell..”
He forgot there were speakers.
Scrambling to plug himself into the monitor his ears flooded with the sounds of you playing with yourself.
Every lewd, beautiful sound registering and imprinting itself onto his hard drive.
The blue of his senors glowed and blinked warnling. Various pop ups appearing in his vision, warning his system that he was overheating, though he merely pushed them away, his eyes entirely unblinking as he stared at the screen.
He felt dirty. Disrespectful in a way.
But he had never felt more alive either.
And god he could not look away. All his sensors were tuned in. He couldn’t hear, or see anything but you.
The only motors that were functioning anymore were his fans and arms. Which was proven when he felt a new pressure on his-lower half and his eyes snapped down to register his hand palming against his office issued jeans.
A loud whirring sound filled the room as his fans tirelessly worked to keep the android from malfunctioning.
His artificial eyes dilating non stop before he leaned back in his large directors chair, hands finally moving to unbuckle his jeans.
A glitched moan poured from the bots lips as he carefully stroked his already unbearably hard cock.
The logistics of an android having a functioning dick was unimportant at this specific time.
Jessie watched in morbid fascination as you fucked yourself to your computer screen. He couldn’t entirely make out what you were watching, but the faint blue glow on one of the individuals was unmistakable
Holy fuck were you watching android porn?
I mean yeah androids practically dominated the industry but you had made your stance on bots very clear. Yet here you were, touching yourself to a video of- was one of those his model??
“Fuck Y/n…” The whine that poured out would’ve been embarrassing if not for his already melted shame.
His receptors took in every detail he could while his hand satiated his growing need.
God he picture it so perfectly.
Your thighs cupped perfectly in his hands, his sensors taking in the softness of your skin, taking in the heat of your very alive being. Feeling you bounce on his cock- fuck or even fucking him against his desk instead.
He gasped and moaned lewdly at what his eyes began projecting in-front of him. You looked so fucken pretty. And you’d feel so fucking good too.
The new upgrade he got would come in handy.
His hand grew quick, timing his release with your own, just to feel a little closer as one of his hands frantically shuffled through a desk drawer, yanking out a coffee stained uniform shirt. your coffee stained uniform shirt specially.
Jessie shakinly held the fabric up to his nose, inhaling deeply with a gargled moan and hunched back. His hips rutting up into his hand once he threw himself back in the chair.
Fuck he was so close- if you just-
“Mm fuck-!”
He cried out when you finally finished, relishing in your labored breaths, his own glowing release staining the mahogany desk and floor.
He panted with no breath, fans on overdrive as he tried to calm himself down, quickly plugging himself into a nearby adapter to reset and power off.
His energy sources were horrifically depleted. He needed to rest.
“I’ll clean up tomorrow…when Y/- B75 comes back….”
Famous last words moment
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lonelystarrs · 1 year
Divide The Love.
Toji Fushiguro x FemReader x Satoru Gojo
You were supposed to be a one night stand, nothing more, nothing important. So how the hell did the three of you end up in this dynamic? Who knows, who cares.
Warnings: 18+ MDNI • 3some f/m only • smutsmutsmut • drabbles • AU toji/Suguru/gojo were house mates • crack • 🌶️ • poly relationship • healthy relationships • Fluff on both more so Gojo • a bit of everything really • gojo’s scene tho <3 🥹
Word count: 7.1k (I am unwell)
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That was what it was to be around you and Satoru.
But oh so taxing.
Toji had all but mastered hiding any hint of amusement when around you both afraid if he ever showed the fact he found you funny he’d never live it down. Your behaviour would be deemed acceptable, Satoru was limitless to his goofiness and the kind of influence you really shouldn’t be around.
Then again you egged Satoru on just as much. Ah who was he kidding. You were as bad as each other.
You were supposed to be a simple one night stand, nothing more and nothing less. You weren’t supposed to be anything special, anything different. Pussy was pussy. Wet was wet.
Yet here you were sitting comfortably between the two men like you’d belonged there from the start. It was coming up to a year since Toji brought you back here. a.fucking.year.
Hell, was he even with his ex wife this long?
He hadn’t had another woman in a year either and truthfully, the thought of it now was kinda a turn off. Maybe it was age, maybe it was boredom of same routines in fucking around. He didn’t look at women like he used to -like an opportunity. Instead they walked by him like everyone else on the street because you plagued his damn mind like a disease.
And quiet frankly he didn’t want the cure.
It was 4 months since Satoru wormed his way in as well, and surprisingly he hadn’t seen anyone else in that time. Toji thought it was a mere one off him joining in one night -a simple threesome to make Satoru stop harping on about his crush on you. Toji thought once he got his fill he’d move on like he always did, he’d get bored and instead he carved a seat for himself and became as invested as Toji.
Unbelievable right?
Suguru used to live in this penthouse with the two men but his passing had brought some changes to Gojo. The dynamic was odd and most people laughed off the idea when they heard you were with the two men. It was impossible, ridiculous and foolish.
“Haha! Right, such a woman doesn’t exists. Putting up with one of you? Let alone both? She a witch or something?”
Maybe you were.
You certainly rivalled most beauty standards without all this crap in your face, make up was only really worn if you done something fancy — you did have a strict skin care routine though.
Speaking of which.
“Can you take this shit off my face now?”
You hummed and looked over your shoulder at Toji who was sat on the couch looking less than fucking amused about the face mask you’d put on him.
Gojo was sat before you with his legs crossed — if he were a dog his tail would be wagging. He was fucking beaming at you whilst you applied the face mask on him, his hair clipped up with some kind of clip Toji had no idea how to even explain —he really didn’t care for girly shit. All he could say was Satoru looked like a cockatoo with his fringe up like that.
“You got another 10 minutes yet, you’re so impatient.”
“I’d use every one of those minutes, you need it old man,”
“Off ya fuck manchild.”
“Don’t be jealous of my baby like skin and good looks, youth is with me!”
You flicked Gojo’s forehead with the mask applicator, a wet slap sounding through the room.
“Ouch! What was that for?”
“Oh please that didn’t hurt you,”
“It did! Terribly so,”
“Manchild,” Toji repeated whilst he leaned back into the couch again.
What the fuck were they doing? Him, Toji Fushiguro an assassin and Gojo Satoru a leader for a world dominating, family owned corporation sat here wearing face masks because their bratty girlfriend won at some damn video game.
Toji looked down, keeping the back of his head cradled by the sofa. He watched you laughing and Satoru’s blue eyes absolutely beaming at you, watching your every expression as you applied the mask evenly on his face. Even with that disgusting looking shitty green mask on your face, hair tied up into a messy bun, some comfy clothes on —matching coloured baggy lounge trousers with a tight little crop top. You still looked so pretty, you held an air of youth and something refreshing about you, yet you carried yourself like a grown ass woman.
He was older than you by 7 years, you were the same age as Satoru at 30 but you made him feel young again. You gave him that stupid rush he’d missed out on as a teen.
His eyes scanned over your body as you sat crossed legged in front of the other man and even with you hardly at your best right now, even with that ugly mask on your face he’d still absolutely fuck you utterly stupid like this.
There was something about the comfort, the familiarity -the trust and calmness here. That was the point you’d both reached with each other, it brought back fondness from his deceased wife and it made him wonder if he got a second chance at this with you.
Watching you like this, the stupidest, simplest of things stirred something ridiculous in his chest that shot straight to his lower stomach, rushing blood to his cock and he felt it twitch in his baggy sweats.
Toji scowled again before glaring back at the ceiling. God you pissed him off. He didn’t want to feel it. He zoned out from you and Satoru, deciding to block out whatever was around him to concentrate on beating down this horridly pleasant feeling in his chest.
He didn’t hear the whispering.
“Does he know you put a pink mask on him?”
“Nah, I took a photo as well when he wasn’t looking.”
“Even with this hair tied up?”
“Yup, his lil top knot n’all.”
“Heheh. Smart move, you gonna bribe him with it?”
“You’re the girl of my dreams,” Gojo sighed dreamily and you snorted a laugh at him, prodding the end of the applicator against his forehead.
“You’ll be saying that to someone else in a few months with your short attention span.”
“Nuh-uh! Told ya, I’m serious about this.”
You rolled your eyes and put the lid back on your face mask pot, going to stand he stopped you half way, his fingers wrapping around your wrist stopping you from fully standing.
“Hey-“ you hummed in response and looked down to Satoru, the amusement dropped from his face, that usual playful tone replaced with a rare softness. “-m’serious, don’t do that.”
“Do what?”
You seen his jaw clench and his blue eyes glanced over you to Toji, who remained glaring at the ceiling tuning out from your conversation, before shifting off else were awkwardly looking at something across the room.
“Nothin’ don’t worry.”
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You had been roped into baking for Satoru because of his endless consumption for sweet things and today you’d agreed to make brownies.
Satoru sat on the island, chin resting into his hands whilst his elbows rested on it. Leaning forward in the high bar stool watching you work with some doe assed expression.
“You gonna put that chocolate stuff in again?”
“The Nutella?”
“Yeah! That stuff,”
“You’re gonna be fat.”
“Nah, besides I know a good way to burn it off,” he winked at you whilst giving a small smirk.
“Y’ever stop thinking with your dick?”
Toji strode by, chiming in his input after returning from the gym and opening the fridge to grab a bottle of water.
You could see he was still sweaty, his biceps looked fucking huge as he still carried his pump from the gym. The veins popping up his arms was enough to make you slow the stirring the spoon in the bowl until you stopped completely.
He was a tall glass of water and you were drinking him.
Well, clearly it was arms day at the gym. You gawked at the man who stood in all his glory, fuck was he always this huge? Had he gotten bigger? That wasn’t just the pump was it? Those tiddies of his… ugh. He’d let you motor boat him, right?
“See something you like, sweetheart?”
Your jaw closed so fast they heard your teeth clack together and you returned to stirring the spoon in the mix of brownies furiously.
“Don’t be jealous cause I can fill her more than you now old man, shootin’ blanks now aren’t you?”
You snorted a laugh and turned back around to the boys,
“More like baby powder,” you chimed in.
Satoru snickered a laugh behind you, Toji’s eyes darkened as they looked down at you whilst drinking, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he gulped down the water.
“Fuck, fuck y/n, I’m gonna cum,” you mimicked him, probably sounding more desperate than he actually came off.
The golden part though, was you lifting your hand and you blew into it, flour clouding across the kitchen and hitting Toji’s chest. Little lumps falling down his body gathering at the band of his joggers.
Satoru was howling behind you his hands slapped down on the islands marble countertop, Toji looking less than amused, despite the glint in his eye giving away that it was funny his ego was simply not letting you get away with it.
The bottle hit the counter and he strode forwards. The amusement dropped from your face and jaw fell slack, Gojo watched with glinting eyes as he drank in the scene unfolding before him.
Uh oh, you were in trouble~!
Toji swiped the bowl from your hands, throwing it to the countertop behind you as he towered before you, one hand grabbing your neck and forcing you up into your tip toes.
“Oh? That funny shit left you pretty fast princess.”
He felt you gulp under his palm, the hand squeezed your neck with the pressure you liked, he felt the vibration of the moan that crawled up your throat. His green eyes glanced down to watch your body, your hands gripping the counter behind you and your thighs rubbed together.
“Tch, look at you-“ he kicked at your feet to separate them, pressing his huge thigh against your pussy and angled it up, he felt you buckle and it let him knew he pressed against your clit just right “-least you know to submit,” he husked out, lowering his mouth to brush against your lips before pulling away.
His hand around your throat left to gather your hair painfully, you winced as he gripped it in his large hand, pushing you down to your knees. His other hand pulling down his joggers enough to release his semi hard dick.
Even soft this guy was huge, thick and long, it silently stood at least 9 inches at least. He was physically daunting in every aspect, Toji was older and his physical form dominated the two of you overall. Everything about him screamed pure man.
Satoru wasn’t far behind at all, a god in his own league and he only bulked out more as he got older. But Toji had something Satoru didn’t have -that rough and ready thing that made you fucking melt. Gojo made you want to challenge him, even though you’d never win but Toji purely made you want to submit.
Toji was filth, mean, cold and reserved. He’d spit in your mouth, he’d eat you out after cumming in you, he’d verbally abuse you in only a way he could.
Gojo taunted and teased, his method was far from clean, but he took a more playful approach. Toji just took.
“Get it hard then-“ Toji pushed your face forwards towards his cock and you seen it flex giving away his excitement, “-I’m gonna paint that pretty face of yours with cum, see if your crap jokes are funny then.”
Your tongue pressed against the tip before licking a line up to the hilt, feeling it hardening under you. Toji looked over his shoulder to Gojo who had remained in his seat, blue eyes watching everything with his mouth formed into a straight line. Amusement had also left him it seems, favouring watching the scene unfold.
“Y’watching kid?” The smirk that spread over Toji’s mouth was nasty, “-maybe I’ll put a kid in her, really take her as mine.”
Toji’s thumb ran over your cheek as he groaned out at the feeling of your warm mouth taking in his head, tongue swirling around it.
“Have you look at her everyday knowing she’s got my kid in her -fuck- tits all swollen and stomach all round-“ his head tilted back as you took him down your throat, his dick now solid as he felt you gag around him “-it’ll drive your cocky ass mad.”
Gojo’s smirk twitched on his lips, refusing to show Toji’s taunting was actually striking a cord in the blue eyes. Instead he opted to tilting his head to lock eyes with you -doe eyed, all glassy looking pretty at him and a mouth stuffed full of thick cock, drool already spilling down your chin.
Satoru almost groaned at the sight of you like that, feeling his own dick hardening as Toji started to rock his hips to gain more friction down your throat, that would swell up as he pushed his cock further down it before retracting.
“Heh, you really hit a nerve with scarface~!”
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Being left alone with you seemed like a rarity these days, even though that wasn’t the case it felt more valuable when he was alone with you.
You were laying on Toji, his thick legs either side of you both flat on the sofa. You were currently asleep on his chest, arms lazily wrapped around his, as you call it, slutty waist.
His arms were folded behind his head, the light from the massive tv danced in patterns a crossed the dark room as the film ran.
He knew you wouldn’t stay awake for it, now he was stuck like this on the sofa fighting his own sleep.
Your face nuzzled into his chest, a satisfying hum leaving you with a dreamy smile.
“Such good tiddies,” you slurred in your sleep, shuffling your body a bit against his.
He snorted a laugh, eyes returning back to watch you nuzzle your face between his pecs.
A smirk appeared on his lips, green eyes scanning over that pretty face looking so content buried in his.. tiddies.
“You’re an idiot,” he mumbled, lifting a hand to brush over your cheek, pushing the fallen strands of hair back.
“Insulting me even when I sleep?” You mumbled, pulling your body into a stretch before settling back on him.
Toji grunted and used the opportunity to shift himself under you.
You lifted your head and rested your chin on his chest, opening one eye to look at him sleepily.
“S’the time?”
You gasped dramatically and rose up,
“Old man! You shouldn’t be up so late, your poor back tomorrow, I’ll be buying you a summer frame.”
“If your fat ass wasn’t sleeping on me-“
“-I’m getting heavy for you? Truly, age is weakening you.”
Toji deadpanned at you before grabbing the back of your head and planting your face against his chest, smothering you. He felt you laughing, muffled by his muscle he smirked, keeping your face from lifting to see it.
You managed to twist your head to the side and dramatically inhaled.
“Death by tiddies won’t look glamorous on my death certificate.”
“Stop being so dramatic, you’re exhausting.” He released your head and let you lift yourself again a pouted now visible in your face and you moved to straddle him. He was shirtless under you because you were wearing his massive black t-shirt, some panties underneath and he wore his usual grey lounge joggers.
Your hands planted on his stomach, the muscle tensing under you and your fingers dented in to the six pack, gently moving them across the deep lines.
He rose an eyebrow as you wiggled your hips against his, he knew what you were looking for and it only made him smirk at you.
“Gotta work harder than that, princess.”
Your hands gripped the bottom of the shirt, pulling it over your head, tits bouncing from the movement.
His hands folded behind his head and he shrugged.
You pouted, frowning at him childishly, he could see the cogs turning in your head but he wasn’t expecting you to reach down, sliding your fingers down that smooth stomach before disappearing into your pathetic excuse of panties. Lacey and perfectly see through.
He watched your index finger press into your folds and run to your hole, gathering slick before moving back to your clit and rolling a circle over it. Hips twitching, an airy moan leaving you and he watched the pink dust over your cheeks, eyes half hooded as you dropped your gaze to his chest.
Strands of hair fell from your shoulders, framing your face as he watched your body reacting to your finger working against your clit. Your breathing picked up, your hips began moving in time with your finger.
Toji’s hands flexed behind his head, jaw tensing as he fought himself to reach out for you. Your other hand tugged at his sweats and he lifted his hips, it was a skill in itself on how you managed to shimmy them down just enough to release his dick with one hand whilst straddling him.
That finger on your clit never stopping as he watched it between your folds.
Your next move however did draw a grunt from him, pushing your panties aside you pressed your wet slit to his hardening length and dragged yourself along it. The airy, whiny moan that left you made his cock flex against your pussy.
“You dreamin’ about dick or somethin’? She’s fucking drooling, fuck.”
Green eyes fixed to watching the length of his dick gliding between your folds, quickly drenching it in slick he could see it glinting from the light of the tv.
Dick flexing again under you, completely acting on its own as you rolled yourself fucking stunningly against his cock, sandwiched between your cunt and his stomach.
Your soft pants in the room, the tv dulling out as he focused on you.
He snorted a laugh when you reached down, lifting yourself up to press the head of his cock against that tight hole.
“You ain’t gonna manage that sweetheart.”
Your hand braced against his stomach and despite his taunt you lowered yourself, his thick head pushing through that tight ring and he felt it actually fucking pop as it pushed through.
He exhaled heavily, hands balling into fists behind his head and he glared at you, your cocky stubbornness was always fun to watch but it always bugged him how you thought you’d manage without him.
Toji was a dom through and through, he’d let you have fun for his own amusement until he had enough.
“Not gonna beg for my help huh?”
“Fuck you, Toji.”
“Feel free, I hope you can fuck that dick,”
He watched you struggle, you sank down slowly and you made it half way before you huffed. Hand against his stomach curling into a fist.
“Fuck, you’re so thick.”
Surprise was shown from both you and Toji as a hand wrapped around your neck from behind, the other gripping your hair and pulling your head back. Lips crashing into yours in an upside down kiss.
Gojo hummed into the kiss, greedily shoving his tongue into your mouth and squeezing your throat lightly.
“You look like you need some help,” his lips moved against yours, shifting his leg he bent it and pushed between Toji’s and the back of the sofa to give himself even balance and position to be directly behind you, his other foot braced on the floor. Satoru’s hands slid down your body, one moved to the front to press against your clit, causing you to moan against his mouth. The other gripped your hip and started to push you down, finger on your clit rolling to distract you.
Blue eyes stared at green, Toji’s mouth formed into a sneer, eyes hardening on at Gojo interfering with his little lesson.
But fuck wasn’t it hot watching Satoru push you down to take him, feeling your pussy stretch to his girthy dick. Gojo’s mouth working against yours in a wet, messy kiss, your hands moving to grip his hair behind you and hold onto him.
The distraction was working, Toji felt you loosen up to swallow his cock to the hilt and he groaned when your warm walls hugged him. He could feel your slick running down his balls and ass, he could see Satoru’s finger running fast but light circles on your clit.
“You gonna ride him? You want my help right?” You nodded dumbly against his mouth, he chuckled against yours.
“You’re such a good girl,” his other hand left your clit so both were resting on your hips, Satoru guided you up Toji’s cock before slamming you back down. Both men heard the breath hitch in your throat, his previous gentle, caring actions and words led you into a false sense of security.
“C’mon then, ride him don’t let us down now,”
The lack of attention to your clit was short lived, Toji finally moved an arm so his thumb could press against the hardened bundle of nerves. He watched your body jolt, your hips rolling and the dips from Satoru’s fingers as he gripped your hips tighter.
“Suggest you hold onto something,” Your head finally tilted back to Toji, his deep voice filtering through but it’s his words that catch your attention.
The pink now intense across your cheeks and nose, eyes all glassy and looking at him like he was the centre of your universe.
Satoru pushed you forward so he could look down with a perfect view of Toji stretching and filling your pussy.
Your hands gripped Toji’s huge biceps, tensed under you as his hands now both gripped your thighs to hold you still.
Green eyes looked over your shoulder to meet Satoru’s.
“Hold her,”
“What?” You questioned, the trace of worry in your eyes at you looked at Toji like a doe in the headlights.
Satoru squeezed your hips, green eyes met yours and Toji smirked at you.
He withdrew before slamming back into you, the wet slap echoed around the room, his warning thrust made your breath hitch before he started to fucking rut into you.
Your nails dug into his muscle, Satoru’s grip stopping you from moving in any way and Toji’s hands on your thighs restricting you further.
“Wanna get fucked dumb huh?”
You nodded dumbly, Toji giving a hard, sharp thrust.
“Use your words,”
“Y-Yeah, fucked dumb-“ you slurred, voice jolting with each thrust and his dick kissing your cervix. You felt too full, Satoru keeping your hips pinned, Toji holding your legs left no room for him to fully slide from you. The constant short, hard fast thrusts of his dick punching into you, keeping you full quickly stirred the heat pooling in your stomach. He was pounding your g spot, hitting it within seconds of filling you.
Toji could feel you clenching around him, his breathing becoming laboured.
“Gonna cum already? Can feel that pussy suckin’ me in,”
“Hell, you’re taking his dick so well.” Satoru chimed in, confirming his words as blue eyes literally watched your pussy sucking Toji’s dick back in. Hearing that wet squelch of your cunt, the slapping of skin as Toji fucked you until you went crossed eyed, slurring words they could barely understand.
“Keep slurring n talkin’ all dumb like that princess, fuck this cunts so fucking good.” Toji growled out, he sounded feral, slamming harder into you and he watched as he took you to seen stars.
“That’s it, fuckin’ let go, give it up.”
“T-T I’m gonna -you’re gonna make me-“
The noise that left you as you came made Satoru groan behind you, you sunk forward into Toji, burying your face into his neck. In return he turned his head, one hand rising to run through your hair and grip it, twisting your head to press his lips to yours, mashing them together messily and desperately as he groaned into your mouth swallowing your noises.
Satoru pouted behind you, briefly taking his eyes from your cum forming around Toji’s cock as he used it to fuck you.
Toji was mumbling against your lips, something Satoru couldn’t hear from his place above the the loud skin slapping and cum drooling cunt being fucked just under him.
His green eyes focused on you your forehead against his, his hand in your hair keeping you close and in place, talking you through something and Satoru watched as you melted for him.
“I can’t- it’s too much, you’re-“
“You can, you’re fuckin’ gonna take it. You wanted this so finish what you started so stop whinin’”
“Breath. Gotta let me cum princess, this pretty pussy too fucking good to stop, you gonna help me cum yeah? Fill you up?”
You nodded dumbly.
His eyes scanned your face, Satoru’s hands left you and Toji moved in quickly, his arms hooking under yours, crossing over your shoulders, on hand remained in your hair then other cradled the back of your neck. Your hands ran through his hair. His feet planted against the sofa, keeping your forehead against his he locked eyes with you as he started to fuck upwards.
Satoru pulled at his boxers, releasing his cock as it slapped loudly against his stomach. A hand reaching out to collect the slick and cum from your inner thigh using it to rub his head, a hiss leaving him as he mixed his pre with it before fisting himself, blue eyes focused on your pussy being stretched and fucked before him.
He did notice the position Toji had put you in, ignoring the jealousy of how fucking intimate it looked.
You didn’t fuck just anyone like that. It was close, messy and focused. Fushiguro was watching you like you were feeding his soul, those green eyes glassy with something he’d never really seen in Toji. That usual hardness broke, despite his brutal fucking and harsh words it broke under that stupid fucking look in his eyes.
The thought hit Gojo at the wrong time.
This really was more than sex between you both? Why did he suddenly feel so out of place, like he shouldn’t have stepped into something like this?
“I’m cummin’ Toji -again- fuck that’s it, fuck-yeah, there! There!”
His huge arms tightened around you, biceps bulging as they hugged you so tight like he was trying to merge your souls together. His hand cradling the back of your neck tightened as he moaned out to you as you cum around his cock for a second time —this time though you brought him with you.
“Shit- m’cummin’-“
His hips pinned up to yours, he lifted from the sofa as his toes curling against it, his stomach spasmed as he coated your insides. His hips fell back against the sofa, a heavy exhale leaving him as you panted above him, light tremors starting through your body.
“Oi,” a cooler hand skimmed over your ass, up your spine and grabbing your hair to pull you back from Toji, Satoru met his eyes “-suggest you pull out, else she’s getting double stuffed.”
Satoru’s spare hand gripped your hip and encouraged you to lift from Toji, his cock slipping out with a wet, cum soaked slap to his stomach.
“Shit, what a sloppy girl you are~”
Gojo eyed your dripping, swollen hole clenching around nothing, quickly guiding the head of his dick to your entrance to stop anything coming out.
“I’ll just use his cum to fuck you huh? Thanks for warming her up-“ Gojo taunted, that cocky grin on his face as he slapped his hand across your ass watching it jiggle.
Toji seen you wince despite the moany breath that left you as Satoru bullied his cock to the hilt without any adjustment, filling you again. Your hands curled against Toji’s chest and he felt you tremble above him.
“Yeah use it-“ Toji folded his hands behind his head again, sitting back to watch. Green eyes drinking you in as you jolted forward with every wet slap and thrust, tits bouncing against his as Satoru started his round of fucking you, “-not like y’have a choice, you’ll never know her pussy without it, Gojo.”
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Satoru Gojo being quiet was unheard of, if anything the man only got more hyper and put his deflection tactics up to god tier when he had something troubling him.
It was fast approaching February and a specific date in particular was causing the eccentric blue eyes some dread.
Suguru’s Birthday.
It was 1am to be exact and you’d rolled over to find the bed belonging to Satoru empty. Toji was away on a job for the next few weeks and that was your allowance to stay in Saturo’s domain.
Toji was first after all, he made that point almost weekly with some kind of remark or holding some kind of action to solidify it.
Such a weird dynamic.
You sighed as you lay flat on the large mattress looking up to the ceiling with a frown listening in the silence to see if you could guess what he was doing.
“I swear to god if he’s sleep walking again,” you mumbled, flinging the thick, warm sheets off you dramatically you swung your feet from the bed and set on mission to find the man.
Grabbing his white shirt thrown over a chair in his room you slipped it on.
Bare feet pattered through the house and you actually felt annoyed by the fact your feet were getting cold —it was the middle of winter after all.
With how silent the house was you thought Gojo had left the penthouse but a sad sigh left you when you seen a low, dull light glowing under the door to the room Suguru once occupied.
“Oh, Toru.” You whispered sadly in the empty hallway.
Your hand hovered over the door, chewing the inside of your cheek, with an inner battle as to whether you should get involved. Gojo shut down and away, he was terrible with processing emotions.
Where Toji was more than comfortable with his, being the black and white guy he was, he was surprisingly easier to deal with in that regard —you knew where you stood with him even if he wasn’t verbal with affection. If he wanted something he had it, if he didn’t he didn’t have it around him. The difficulty with Toji wasn’t his lack of ability to process, Toji was a difficult character in the ways Gojo was easy. Gojo had more morals, he wasn’t as selfish, he didn’t spit venom. Socially Toji was horrendous as well, he was rough around the edges. He was cold and distant. Gojo was more polished, a social butterfly with the charm of a prince.
If this were Toji you’d leave him alone until he came to you.
Emotions and Gojo though? Different kettle of fish.
He needed a hug but he didn’t want anyone close enough to allow himself to accept it.
His facade and deflection was humour, a goofball —being the kid he never could be growing up. But he dwelled in a domain of loneliness that was cured by Suguru and him alone. You always thought Gojo handled his death a little too well, avoiding the grief process.
The blue eyes knew what he wanted deep down but he was scared of having it —of losing it, again.
Plus his enormous god complex only aided his fussiness on things.
You were surprised he lasted the last 6 months in this dynamic, you were convinced he’d get bored and go back to multiple girls on the go to aid his insecurities.
But he hadn’t.
So you needed to help him.
The door opened quietly and Gojo was sat on the end of Suguru’s bed, his elbows resting on his knees, legs man spread as usual. Hands hanging loosely down and his head bowed, hair covering his eyes but through the strands you could see his eyes fixed on the floor.
He looked numb.
“Hey, Sato.”
He didn’t move when your hand ran across his bare back, “-just gonna sit next to you, s’alright yeah?”
He gave some short hum as a response but stayed fixed on his position. You sat behind him, legs sitting either side of him and wrapping your arms around his torso, resting your cheek against his huge back. It looked comical, spooning a 190cm man who was built like a god, your smaller frame behind him.
He didn’t move, even when you gave him a reassuring squeeze with your arms.
“So, I was watching this video today on these kikufuku’s with cream and edamame, they’re your favourite right? Looks easy enough to make.”
You pressed a few kisses to his back, continuing to blabber to him quietly, filling the silence you knew he was wallowing in, in this room once occupied by his best friend.
“Also, I seen this really awesome photo of that bamboo forest in Kyoto, there’s loads of snow there at the moment it looked so pretty. I haven’t been there since I was a kid! Never seen it covered in snow though, ah, I miss Kyoto it’s so pretty there.”
You shifted your legs, placing them over his thighs and he reacted, his hands moved to grip your feet and rub his thumbs over the soles in a lazy attempt of a massage.
“I ordered you a shirt too, it’s really funny. It’s got metalgreymon on it saying digimon is better than Pokémon.”
A smile twitched at his lips.
“Yeah, it is.”
“I liked that horse one, not that weird ugly ass one. The golden one.”
“Yeahyeah! That one,”
Gojo chuckled at your excitement, his hands giving a firmer grip on your feet as he started to come around, crawling his way out of that numb void with a rope you’d thrown down to him.
“You’re not alone anymore, Toru, not if you don’t wanna be anyway.” You mumbled, pressing your forehead against his back.
Gojo looked over his shoulder at you, before turning in your embrace.
“Is that right?”
You gave him a goofy smile and nodded.
“Yup! But you gotta work on it as well, you gotta meet half way.”
He hummed again, eyes drifting to look at his shirt draped over you, one shoulder hanging off and the buttons undone enough to show cleavage. Nipples perking through the material, small goosebumps on your skin. Your long, smooth legs either side of him and he knew you had nothing on underneath.
His eyes drifted to your neckline, following up to your plump, pink lips.
He leaned forward causing you to lean back onto your elbows, his hand skimming up your legs, pushing the shirt up as he placed it against your hip.
He knew it was over for him the minute he finally met your eyes, those beautiful fucking eyes looking at him all glassy, yet filled with something that made his heart warm.
And for once he didn’t wanna run.
“I’m here, Satoru,”
His mouth pressed against yours the moment the words left you, the kiss was hot, messy and desperate. He moaned into you as his tongue filled your mouth, his spare hand moving to pull down his joggers clumsily, freeing his hard cock as it slapped against his stomach.
He felt needy, desperate to be in you. He pressed you into the mattress, both moaning with breathy pants as he pulled your hips towards him, dragging you down the bed. Your legs wrapping around his waist and arms around his neck, burying a hand into his hair and tugging at it.
He rolled his hips forward, running the length of his dick between your folds.
“You’re still wet from earlier huh?”
You nodded against his mouth, not letting him pull away when he went to speak. He chuckled against you, smirking against your mouth.
“Says you, look how fast you got hard.”
Satoru shrugged, his large hands holding the globes of your ass, pulling his hips back he angled the head of his dick at your entrance, pushing forward and moaning into your mouth as he entered you, feeling you stretching around his cock swallowing him to the hilt.
“Fuck, m’never gonna get over how good that feels sliding in first time.”
Your hips rolled up into his and he set a feral pace, he was sloppy, stuttering and kissed you just the same. His hands gripping and smoothing over your skin like he was trying to feel everything.
“You feel s’good Toru-hah- god you’re fucking me so well.”
“Yeah? Gonna let me fuck you like this forever? You know I can’t be without this pussy now right? She’s so sloppy for me, she’s drooling everywhere for my dick.”
You moaned and nodded desperately against him, your heart starting to race as you felt that heat pooling in your stomach, he was so close he was rubbing your clit at the same time. His hips rolling into you as he fucked his dick against your warm walls.
Slurring affection for him, your body rolling to meet his as he fucked you with an intimacy you’d never seen in him.
“You can’t leave me-“ your blurred vision started to focus, hos words bringing clarity. He face burying into your neck, wrapping his arms around your waist making you arch your back, shift your hips down at an angle so he could fuck up into you hitting that spot he was looking for.
“—you can’t leave me.” He repeated it again, slurring into your neck as his pace turned sloppy.
It was too much for him, he felt like he was going to burst, he’d never felt love but he was pretty sure this was fucking it. This unbearable warmth that spread through his chest made the feeling rushing through his dick more intense. He felt so close to cumming as well, struggling to hold on and not fill you up. He could smell you mixed in with Geto, whose scent still filled the room faintly.
But it was enough.
“M’gonna cum,” he slurred, his thrusts becoming frantic but uncoordinated as he bullied his dick into your pussy, clenching around him,
“Yeah? Gonna be a good boy for me Toru?”
“Y-Yeah m’a good boy,” he replied dumbly, chasing that high he was about to throw himself over for you —because of you.
“M’cummin’ fuck- fuck, fuck fuckkk.” He lifted his head and smashed his mouth against yours in a bruising kiss, he exhaled heavily, a whiny moan crawled at the back of his throat. Hips pinning to yours he spasmed against you as he blew his load into you until he felt it dripping past the plug of his dick.
He was breathless when he pulled from you, holding himself up now by his elbows either side of your head. His arms shaking lightly as he collected himself, his dick softening but warming in your cum filled pussy.
“Y’know-“ his voice was a little shaky and he refused to look at you, instead he was looking down at the small gap between you now, your stomach heaving and his cock still buried in you. “-I’ll settle for this, if it means I get you. But I wish it was with Suguru, cause I know he’d have taken care of you better than Fushiguro or me.”
He shook his head, you could see his jaw clenching but your eyes widened when you see the drops fall onto your stomach.
“I don’t deserve you, s’fact. But I’ll try if you don’t leave me.”
Your hands cupped his face, thumbs wiping under his eyes gently, pushing away whatever tears fell from those beautiful blue eyes.
“Can you look at me?”
You didn’t force his head up, but gave him the choice and he did, your breath hitched in your throat.
He never looked so fucking handsome. His hair was a bit messy, his eyes glistening with tears that only made them look more beautiful. His huge built towering over you as he left his cock buried in you.
This was Satoru Gojo.
And you weren’t sure if you’d finally just fallen in love with him at that exact moment.
“You deserve love, just as much as anyone else.”
Gojo slid down your body and down the bed, hands pressing to the backs of your thighs he pushed your knees up to your chest. He didn’t waste a beat, burying his head between your legs, sucking on your clit and rolling his tongue in a circle around it.
“Fuck- Satoru- holy shi-“ you hissed, hands flying into his hair and thighs trying to tighten around his head.
He could feel his cum down his own chin as it leaked from you, your hips rolled and he leaned onto you more to pin you.
He was ruthless on your clit, slurring against your pussy as he spoke.
“Gotta have you cummin’ said I gotta meet ya half way right? Fuck- tastes like us. This why Toji eat you after after he’s cum in you huh?”
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Gojo > I’m taking her to Kyoto, she mentioned wanting to see the bamboo forest. So if you’re back and she’s not there, don’t worry your fat head ‘bout it . She’s only being whisked away for a romantic trip by her most handsome boyfriend <;3
Received 230am
Toji sneered as he read the message that was sent this morning, before moving into the ridiculous amount of messages you’d sent. He swore to god if you were spamming him with fucking sloth photos again, that only you thought were hilarious, he was going to block you.
Brat > Hey, so I might have accidentally knocked your gun off the side whilst house cleaning and it went off. There’s a hole in your cupboard and it went through one of your shirts. Miss your grumpy ass, can’t wait until your back, miss lil T too.
Received 1030am
Brat > well, it’s not lil is it.
Received 1031am
Brat > think I just made that all worse.
Received 1031am
Brat > okay, I lied. Satoru keeps bribing me with stupid shit else he’s gonna tell you. I didn’t knock the gun off, I was pretending to shoot at an enemy, I rolled across your bed, my feet missed the floor and pressed the trigger when I landed. I’m really sorry :( I didn’t know it was loaded. don’t be mad!
Received. 1305pm
Brat > Do you want a pic of my boobies? They’re a good distraction and you’ll magically forget all about it.
Received 1615pm
Brat > actually can I have a tiddies photo? I miss them.
Received. 1630pm
Brat > Satoru is useless at DIY, I bought a new door for your walk in cupboard, he put the handle on the inside and I can’t open it.
Received 1945pm
Toji sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, elbows resting on his knees, sat on the bed of his rented apartment for the mission.
As annoying as your nervous spamming of texts was it was never enough to actually block you, in fact he kinda enjoyed it. After all he might as well use his phone for something other than calls for jobs, and get his moneys worth for buying a more modern phone after you verbally slaughtered him for having a, in your words, a flip phone with buttons that cavemen used and would only be able to send dick pics on in the form of symbols and numbers.
Despite it all, he enjoyed your bullshit you were more tolerable than Gojo in that way, mainly because he could fuck the brat out of you when you went too far.
Not like he’d ever tell your ass that.
You two were fucking chaos.
T > shame he didn’t lock you in it.
Sent 2100pm
Brat > YOU'RE ALIVE! Thank god, I actually called a funeral director to book an arrangement for you tomorrow.
Received 2115pm
T > you mean you’re still gonna bother me when I’m dead?
Sent 2116pm
Brat > Duh, you have no friends who else is gonna arrange it? Megumi is only 18 and he’s got the emotional range of a goldfish thanks to your mean ass. He’d just set you alight in the nearest bonfire.
Received 2117pm
T > why am I with you.
Sent 2118pm
Brat > idk I ask the same thing, then I see that dreamy look when I’m sucking your dick and I have my answer <;3
Received 2119pm
T > that’s my happy face cause you’re not fucking talking. It’s a state of bliss.
Sent 2120pm
He smirked at his phone, watching the little typing bubble appear as you started your reply.
Yeah, you were his little state of bliss alright.
Gojo > enjoy another night alone, I’ll keep her happy and keep her company… with ma duuu’hickkkk. <;3
Sent 2130pm
Satoru could get fucked though, he wasn’t even sure why he tolerated him. Perhaps due to Toji’s line of work he knew you’d be protected by Satoru, after all the guy was far more powerful that him.
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© pharix 2023 permission is not given to repost, translate or post anywhere else.
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radvimes · 14 days
A response to the LDS Church's new Anti-Trans Policies
I just sent the following email to [email protected], and thought it would be worth sharing here, as well:
To whom it may concern, assuming it concerns anyone in HQ-
This email may not be perfectly worded, but I felt it was more important to voice my concerns now than to wait to word them perfectly. I may send more emails in the future.
As far as I can tell, I am exactly the sort of person you want to remain in the church: lifelong member, returned missionary, temple recommend holder, temple worker, sealed in the temple, 3 kids, upper middle class educated Millennial straight white male Melchizidek priesthood holder with nonmember friends that I talk religion with on occasion. However, you're losing me and people like me. I listened to what the church has taught me all my life. I served a mission and went to a non-church college with an institute program and met all sorts of new people from all sorts of backgrounds. I learned that my mission president was secretly gay, and had been repressing it all his life due to harmful church teachings and cultural pressure. I sat with these experiences. When we started the Come, Follow Me program, I faithfully studied all 4 books of scripture in a way I never had before. As I did so, I recognized that the messages I saw taught over and over and over were ones of love and grace. I learned that Sodom and Gomorrah's sin wasn't homosexuality, like I'd heard all my life. It was pride and a refusal to care for the poor and needy. Jesus didn't call people to repentance for being lax in their temple worship or observance of church law; he called them to love one another, pray for one another, be humble, and actually feed and care for one another, especially those we deem unclean, unworthy, or the "least" of us. He showed over and over that his good news is often a kind word, a loving hug, and an invitation to share a meal and a table.
Today, as is poignantly demonstrated by remarks by leaders like Elder Holland and President Oaks, and by relevant church handbook policies over the last decade and the last month, it is easy to conclude that in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, our LGBTQIA2S+ siblings are considered the least of us, even unclean, unworthy, and unwelcome. I had a Jewish friend ask me to tell him about the recent policy changes re: how the church treats trans members, and I had gotten maybe halfway through the changes when he simply said, with a sober expression "so the church has made it clear they aren't welcome, then?" Whether that was the intention or not, that is the message we are sending, loud and clear. That simply cannot be the message our loving Heavenly Parents and loving Savior have for us and our queer siblings. If the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is meant to share the good news of Christ with all of God's children, then we need to actually figure out what good news we have to share with God's children who are queer, or who are like me and care about those that are, and we need to do it quickly, because right now, the only news we have is that they aren't welcome, that we don't particularly have a place for them, and that we don't especially care to. We can do better. We must do better. Right now, we are failing far too many, and it breaks my heart, and the hearts of so many who want to heed Jesus' good news and the 2 great commands to love. We went through a very similar struggle with regards to our black siblings, and did at least 1 right thing in 1978. We can do more right things again.
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ruumirmir · 5 months
𝘈 𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘷𝘰𝘪𝘤𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘗𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘦'𝘴 𝘥𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘛𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶, 𝘛𝘳𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘳 𝘰𝘧 𝘢 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘴 Part I Part II
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ੈ♡˳ Author's◇ note - ladies and gentlemen i fear that im just yapping atp. Ough this is literally my own character how hard can it be to not make his dialogues ooc (quite a lot). aNYWAYS lo and behold part 2 of the voicelines. They're all subject to change as far as lorecrafting goes. But for now!!! loverboy has a lot to say:
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𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘊𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘢𝘪𝘯 [Unlocked at Friendship Lv. 4] A big hulking figure followed by the sound of rattling metal chains as he walks...It would make anyone tremble with fear. Celestia knows what lies under that helmet, but you can rest assured that The Captain is fairly merciful to all. It's just a simple matter of being courteous and following orders. Dare I even say it... one thing that I've heard and observed from the grapevine- is that he's one of the more popular Harbingers... if the bold statements from my comrades are anything to go by.
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𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘋𝘰𝘤𝘵𝘰𝘳 [Unlocked at Friendship Lv. 4] Contrary to belief, the Prime Doctore is a completely sane man. His younger segments, not so much. His experiments have killed hundreds, and I'm sure he would continue if it wouldn't threaten Regrator's profits. He works a little too closely with Lord Regrator, which is bad enough for me. I can't stand it when he asks me to keep their struck deals and the Doctor's activities under wraps... but I do it anyway. I'd be happier if they were never in the same room together, but apparently, those two make 'quite the pair' if I had to quote some rumors.
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𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘋𝘢𝘮𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦 [Unlocked at Friendship Lv. 4] Her reputation as dangerous, even among the Harbingers, should suggest you steer clear of her. I once made the mistake of catching her closed gaze while I was at the palace- and a nasty feeling of paranoia plagued me for days on end. However, if you end up under her radar and she deems you 'interesting'... well- I'll send you my condolences.
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𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘒𝘯𝘢𝘷𝘦 [Unlocked at Friendship Lv. 4]
The Knave, Arlecchino... she's quite the enigma. While she and Lord Regrator are both Harbingers, their demeanors, methods, and goals cannot be more distinct. Her methods, to say the least, are a touch... extreme. There's no denying her skills as a master manipulator and ruthless 'Father' of the House of the Hearth. It's certainly an improvement from the late Crucabena, or so I've heard from the older orphans. But then again, I haven't noticed any changes in the mortality rate of her... "children".
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𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘙𝘰𝘰𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳 [Unlocked at Friendship Lv. 4]
The old Rooster's influence can be found throughout Snezhnaya, and his connections are vast. He seems to be on good terms with Regrator, but that's the only thing I'm sure of. He serves as an advisor to the Fatui Harbingers, and his assistance goes beyond the scope of his political power. I suspect there's something important that he may be working on, but I have no idea where to start… They say he's a master strategist, but his only plans involve making a show that impresses a crowd. I only hope the next time he assembles the Harbingers together, it will be over his casket.
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𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘔𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦 [Unlocked at Friendship Lv. 4]
Sandrone is the head of a team of engineers who build mechanical lifeforms. Some are small and cute, others gigantic and powerful... but all are emotionless and unfeeling. When I hear the word "creation" I think of beauty and passion, but Sandrone seems to only care about destruction. Just like the mech that carries her around. You'd never see her alone; it's as if the puppet is her true identity.
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𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘊𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥𝘦 [Unlocked at Friendship Lv. 4]
Tartaglia, or Childe as some people call him, He definitely has the strength of a Harbinger, that much is undeniable. But he can be impulsive, even downright suicidal at times. It's as if he has no fear of dying. I guess that's what happens when you live for the thrill of the battle. I can't deny that... Even though he's a loudmouth, his skills back up his words. I've seen him cut through enemies as if they were made of butter. That being said, he's still young at heart. Occasionally disruptive for the duties carried out. He's developed an interest in dueling with me ever since Pantalone granted me this title. Lucky for me, I can always request for Regrator's presence whenever I want him to turn tail and disappear.
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𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘍𝘢𝘪𝘳 𝘓𝘢𝘥𝘺 [Unlocked at Friendship Lv. 4]
The first time I saw Signora, I was struck by her beauty and gracefulness. Unfortunately, my admiration was short-lived as she turned to glare at me the moment she noticed. Arrogance. Ego. Self-conceit- now those are mere words when it comes to the Fair Lady. She was as cold as the snow that covers Snezhnaya and as temperamental as the flames she wielded. She had no tolerance for the weak and would just as easily snuff out a life without a second thought. Although I hold no love for her, I almost felt disrespected on her behalf when the Rooster thought to grant only half a day of mourning at her funeral.
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𝘔𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘝𝘦𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳: 𝘐
The Northland Bank is a place of opportunity, a place where you can put your destiny into your own hands... and a place where you can see it stripped from you without warning. I have seen many people come and go in my time here. People from all walks of life, eager to make a name for themselves. Some have found the money and fortune they sought after, while others have fallen flat on their faces.
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𝘔𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘝𝘦𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳: 𝘐𝘐 [Unlocked at Friendship Lv. 3]
I've seen countless conflicts waged with blood and steel, and they pale in comparison to the lives destroyed by the pen. They're both weapons in their own ways. The sword is more direct, no question about it. Yet the pen... it can cut in a more subtle manner, but it slices deep. Both are capable of ruining someone's life. The former requires power while the latter requires intelligence. Really brings out the irony in calling this feathered quill my 'signature' weapon.
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𝘔𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘝𝘦𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳: 𝘐𝘐𝘐 [Unlocked at Friendship Lv. 4]
To the untrained eye, it may seem like some sort of cruel joke. A title like ‘Venator Dux’ is usually given to one who would strike fear in their enemies and inspire confidence in their allies. Lord Regrator, however, has a different plan in mind. Pantalone sees me not as a ruthless warrior, but as the keeper of his secrets. Someone who can wield knowledge as a weapon and turn his enemies’ greed against them. To him, the title of ‘Venator Dux’ is a reminder of my duty. In his words, I was a useful piece that could shift the entire board on his whim. And isn't that something to take pride in? Knowing you're the most favored player in a man's game?
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𝘔𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘝𝘦𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳: 𝘐𝘝 [Unlocked at Friendship Lv. 5]
My father died a proud soldier under the tsaritsa's name. He fought and bled on behalf of the nation she created and dedicated his life to protecting. *Sigh* My father would be ashamed if he could see me now, kneeling before a man. Especially after cursing his grave out for dying under another. The irony is not lost on me. Yet, I would rather serve a man who I respect, who I can reason with, than one who demands endless devotion from her subjects. In a strange way, I feel as though I am honouring my father's memory by following my own path.
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𝘔𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘝𝘦𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳: 𝘝 [Unlocked at Friendship Lv. 6]
Hilarious to think back to my first year of duty. I was no more than a simple receptionist at the Northland Bank back then. Just another faceless pawn, doing my duty to the tsaritsa without questioning her intentions. All I knew was that I was serving the Fatui's goals. I did not kill anyone directly, yet I still had blood on my hands. Every transaction carried the potential for loss and pain, yet I pushed on regardless. I may have been just a receptionist, but I was already well aware of the cost of ambition. Pantalone then, was different from everyone else I'd met in the Fatui. He didn't use force of arms like the other Harbingers; instead, he used his words and intellect to manipulate the political landscape.
In addition, he held a unique perspective on the tsaritsa's ideals. Not once did he preach about blind devotion. He simply told me that if I wanted to make my mark on this world, I would have to be willing to play by his rules. It took me three years to realize what he insinuated... and I found myself gravitating back to him despite leaving the organization of my own accord.
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𝘝𝘦𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳'𝘴 𝘏𝘰𝘣𝘣𝘪𝘦𝘴 Playing the piano, perhaps? I'm no good at it yet... but I've been getting better with some help guiding my hand around the keys. It is... nice to unwind after a long day and let the instrument carry me away.
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𝘝𝘦𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳'𝘴 𝘛𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘣𝘭𝘦𝘴 [Unlocked at Friendship Lv. 4] *Sigh*... I have to be diplomatic with people I despise and feign politeness with those who can’t hold a conversation to save their lives. Sometimes- when I’m in the middle of running an important operation, few of my juniors just keep making mistakes. It makes me wonder how Lord Regrator manages to do the same for days on end with a smile on his face... I'm not like him at all.
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𝘍𝘢𝘷𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘍𝘰𝘰𝘥 I've got a soft spot for a well-seasoned dish of meat. Any kind really— A hearty serving does wonders. Leaves you delightfully stuffed full, satisfied, and warm. I'm not too worried about the specifics of the dish as long as I can savor a mouthful of rich flavor.
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𝘓𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘵 𝘍𝘢𝘷𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦 𝘍𝘰𝘰𝘥 Desserts that are too sweet are an affront to my tastebuds and moral values. Sugar is supposed to be an element, not the whole personality. The only thing that does it well is dark chocolate.
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𝘙𝘦𝘤𝘦𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢 𝘎𝘪𝘧𝘵: 𝘐 Oh! A thoughtful choice, traveller. The aroma alone is tantalizing. Your efforts are appreciated. Thank you.
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𝘙𝘦𝘤𝘦𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢 𝘎𝘪𝘧𝘵: 𝘐𝘐 Hmm... a pragmatic choice. It may not be an extravagant feast, but it serves its purpose. Your gesture is noted.
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𝘙𝘦𝘤𝘦𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢 𝘎𝘪𝘧𝘵: 𝘐𝘐𝘐 An... interesting choice. I suppose variety is the spice of life, but I find my satisfaction elsewhere. Nonetheless, your intention is recognized. I won't let this go to waste.
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𝘉𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘩𝘥𝘢𝘺 Why is there a celebration? A date marking the day of your own birth... It's simply illogical, but the Fatui celebrate birthdays like everything else, so I'll play along. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! There, I said it. You're now a year older, and one year closer to old age and inevitable death. Oh- haha, don't sulk like that, I'm just pulling your leg. Relax. I wouldn't ignore such an occasion. Here, my gift to you... A box of my favorite chocolates. Freshly imported from Fontaine... straight from a bakery approved by Lady Furina herself. They're a bit expensive; but only the best for people I respect.
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𝘍𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘈𝘴𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯: 𝘐𝘯𝘵𝘳𝘰 [Unlocked at Ascension Phase 1] There are depths to my abilities yet untapped. I'm flattered that you thought to lend me a hand.
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𝘍𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘈𝘴𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯: 𝘉𝘶𝘪𝘭𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘜𝘱 [Unlocked at Ascension Phase 2] Oh... careful now, I might want to test it out against you.
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𝘍𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘈𝘴𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯: 𝘊𝘭𝘪𝘮𝘢𝘹 [Unlocked at Ascension Phase 4]
Oh, I've unlocked something new... Fascinating. That burst of light was unexpected but now... I can feel the power. Everything feels lighter and sharper at the same time. I'd be a formidable force indeed in the coming weeks... Well, back to work. My Lord expects a report on current fiscal state by the end of the week.
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𝘍𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘈𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘈𝘴𝘤𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯: 𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘤𝘭𝘶𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯 [Unlocked at Ascension Phase 6]
Aha, I can do a lot more now. More power, better focus, and more options. This is truly remarkable... I'd love to see how my coworkers react to this. Lord Pantalone will be especially pleased, I'd wager. He'd never pass up the opportunity to see his prized jewels shine brighter.
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𝘖𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘛𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘊𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘵
Why not try your luck at gambling if you're running low on mora?
You could con a pretty penny out of someone with a couple of these trinkets. Hmm... no?
This is a pretty fun hobby.
𝘑𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘗𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘺
What? No other companion to recruit?
I'll be charging you a fee of 5000 mora per hour for my services... Ha- I'm just messing with you.
I'm a busy man, so let's keep today's adventure short.
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transpersian · 8 months
Doc 3 is about PZ's kid
And yes, that means what you think it means. We've been talking. A lot.
From my Twitter thread:
Needed some time to think.
I've been trying too hard to make too many people happy, even with contradictory needs. I've been letting people jerk me back and forth on what they think is right. I've been trying REALLY hard to be nice.
Biding my time. No more.
PZ’s kid is okay.
Back in October, after months of worrying about optics, we decided that it was too important: we had to see if Poppy’s kid was okay. They’d literally ESCAPED, ffs. They’re 23, but still.
And before anyone says anything, I WAS RIGHT. This is the first thing they said to me:
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Yes, I understand the delicacy of the situation. Yes, I understand how this looks. But please understand: I’m not just some internet rando who’s in way over her head. I’ve been supporting abuse survivors in deep and intense ways for decades, and I’m damned good at it.
I’d fuck off if they had a negative response. I’d push for them not to be involved in any efforts against their mom. In the end, what ended up being our priority was making sure that The Kid (no real name plz) was okay and knew we were there if they needed help.
Fuck the optics.
I helped them clean up the tracks that led to them, then we started talking. Initially, I insisted on this being strictly for support. They wanted to get involved and I pushed back. Said if they really wanted to, they could send me screenshots, not thinking they’d apply.
Oh boy.
First they sent them to me to illustrate their points, but they insisted that I was free to use any of them. That first batch of 12 was jarring enough.
Then, unprompted, they sent me 70 more.
They want me to tell their story. They want me to show you how PZ lie.
And they’re not in a rush. They want me to be thorough.
So in a move I was barely okay with, they gave me access to their 3200-message Signal chat log so I could figure out where relevant screenshots are and have them take them.
I’m taking my time because they’re hard to read.
My mother left when I was 3. My father remarried 4 years later and she was abusive to me for the following 16 years.
I felt unwelcome in my own home, incapable of doing anything right, constantly eggshelling.
Zena makes my experiences with my stepmom look like Sesame Street.
There are little things you notice when you have texts in DB format.
Like how Poppy said “I love you” to her kid eight times from July ’21 to June ’22.
Only twice from July ’22 to June ’23.
Watching them be believed less and less over Zena, who started blatantly lying.
For the past couple of months, when I’ve been able to, I’ve been studying a way-too-intimate look at the death of a mother’s empathy for her child. I’d chat with them sometimes and give them what support I could. Figure out how to respond to ones like this:
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I know I’ll only get one shot at this, so here’s what the doc will consist of:
A more complete intro about the above
Transcripts of when PZ have cited The Kid’s abuse on stream
A tally of claims to track
The screenshots
Examples of the “assignments” they were given
A 3.5-page long, single-spaced list of what they deemed unacceptable treatment, which PZ promptly wrote off as bullshit and complained to their friends about
Screenshots from those friends
Direct rebuttals against PZ’s on-stream claims
Additional context from my conversations with TK
Somehow forgot to mention a major chunk: dozens of screenshots from TK’s personal discord with a few close friends, serving essentially as a diary of their experiences. Purely testimonial on that front, I know, but…
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I feel like maybe it's worth seeing what a young adult in their early 20s says to their close friends in private about in what's essentially a group chat.
See, PZ’s 23-year-old kid has POTS, a circulatory disorder that affects your body’s regulatory systems, including respiratory. Things that negatively affect POTS:
Skipping meals
Excessive physical labor
What if I told you PZ would punish them with food restriction?
What if I told you of at least three separate mentions of TK being worked to collapse or illness? That they ignored TK’s symptoms and scolded them for not just eating better? That they worked TK for 8+ hrs some days?
What if I told you that TK is 5’1” and 80 lbs (unrelated)?
What if I showed you when, on-stream, Poppy accused TK of intentionally crying so intensely that she dissociated? Or of abusing Zena?
Can you imagine being pushed so far by your parents that you're in wailing tears, and they don't stop until it reaches that point? And then they accuse you of manipulation?
If you're like me (and what I'd imagine is many members of The Foundation), you don't have to imagine it.
What if I told you that what PZ called “intentionally faking forgetting instructions” when TK was really just having a hard time?
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What if I told you I knew what the mysterious psych test Poppy trotted out as proof on stream actually says? What if I told you that Poppy harassed the kid until they gave it up, even though she’s not legally entitled to any of it? Even though she’s abusing the authority of her license?
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Remember how Poppy talked about having to rush to the bank to make changes to her accounts because TK withdrew all of their own trust money? What if I told you I have proof that she was talking to them as early as the next morning and TK was completely cooperating?
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I’ve heard a lot of horrific testimonies about the things that Poppy has done, but this… This radicalized me.
And it’s radicalized anyone I’ve shown it to.
TK has asked me to use everything I can from them to expose @ZenaandPoppy for what they are:
Abusive Hypocrites
So ultimately, how does this incredibly personal violation of privacy factor into the big picture? Yes, I know what this is. I know what it looks like.
But these are abusive parents who have been using their platform to use their own victim for pity points. That’s how they win.
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What I’ve been trying to prove is abusiveness. PZ are recklessly abusive people who hide behind victimhood (and what they used to disdainfully refer to as “idpol”).
This is extensive proof not just THAT they’re abusive liars, but also HOW.
This is what Zena is like with power.
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This is a ways off. Still lots to do. But I just want everyone to finally know why I’m still in this.
I know what Poppy and Zena are. Intimately. Not because I’m a “stalker.” Because I’ve had people come to me about how PZ hurt them. 20+ of them with claims from the past year.
I can’t share all of their claims because they only have so much proof. But I believe victims. And this? This I can prove, extensively.
This is why it’s funny when people accuse me of clout-chasing: I have no online brand to care about, and if I did, this would be insane.
People have asked me what the end goal is.
My goal is COMPLETE deplatforming.
For nobody in this community to trust them with their mental health ever again.
They are justifying their abuse with therapy speak and TEACHING THEIR FANS TO DO THE SAME.
They’re dangerous.
Oh, and Zena! Zena! Yeah, right here. I know you were really sad about being left out of the abuse allegations, but trust me, there will be #noZZerasure on this one. You’re a solid 80% of this one, sweetie! How’s that monkey’s paw working out for you?
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And in closing, I’m just going to give myself this one additional… treat.
If you’ve been following for a while, you know this reference.
But this one’s for the abuse mob:
You still don’t take us seriously, do you?
Or rather…
Are you taking me seriously yet?
Because you will. I promise you, you fucking will. Because you’re about to understand that this has never been for me. It’s never been about me.
It’s about making sure you two have as few avenues as possible to prey on this community ever again.
See you in school.
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valentinetypewriter · 11 months
Me And My Husband - Chapter 4
Summary: the time for Y/n to 'hang out' with Sirius and Remus arrives, everything goes smoothly until the next day the two boys are faced with unwanted guests
Warnings: swearing, smoking, use of the Victorian language of flowers, Sirius and Remus are dicks at the end.
series masterlist
Main masterlist // marauders masterlist
@ashlynnmalfoy @ashisabitgay @rainychaosmiracle
Also I'd love to know what you guys think of this series so far, since im sort of new to writing, so feel free to comment or even send it to my inbox
Word count: 4,030
It's been a long time so I made this one double the length of the other chapters, and I had a lot of fun writing this chapter
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It was Tuesday afternoon and classes had finally finished up. Saying Y/n was nervous would be an understatement, though she didn't really know why she felt this way. She only asked Sirius out in the hope that she could at least try to become friends with him, so that the rest of her life spent with him wouldn't be so awkward. She deemed that it was simply the fact that she's never been on a date, and that dates weren't usually supposed to bring a plus one. Y/n stood waiting by the main exit of the school that would lead them down to hogsmeade, she was pacing by the time the two boys arrived. Sirius was dressed in his usual leather jacket with an old band shirt underneath, Remus on the other hand was wearing a soft looking sweater, it was kind of ugly in a sort of cute way.
"I was beginning to think you had bailed on me" the young girl said after she had stopped analysing the two boys. "Sorry we took so long, Sirius wanted to make sure his hair was perfect" y/n laughed quietly at the joke Remus made at his best friend's expense. "And here I thought he was all natural" Sirius' stormy eyes grew wide, shooting between the two laughing teens "I can't believe you're both ganging up on me". Remus bit his lip to stop himself from laughing at the boy's expression "sorry padfoot, it's just too easy" the shorter boy scoffed "well let's just get to hogsmeade already".
The three teens made their way to Hogsmeade in a somewhat awkward silence, occasionally broken by Sirius and Remus chatting, or if Y/n actually answered anything the two Gryffindors asked her. They were halfway to their destination when Y/n had started asking Sirius more personal questions. Simple things, like his favourite colour and his hobbies, before she decided to ask more important things. "So Sirius, what do you think you'll do after graduation" the grey eyed boy stared harshly at her "what do you think" disdain clear in his voice. The young slytherin shook her head slightly "no I meant, what do you actually want to do" she stared back up at him, her usually dull eyes held a slight sadness to them. Sirius seemed almost shocked, his eyebrows raising slightly, he wasn't expecting her to ever care for that sort of thing. "Oh… well, I'd like to travel around for a bit, and there's quite a few muggle things I have on my bucket list…" he paused for a moment, looking over to his right at Remus, he wasn't sure how to continue. But the tanned boy just gave Sirius a smile and a quick thumbs up.
Sirius looked back over at Y/n, her gaze unwavering as she waited for him to carry on "it's just um… once I'm out of school and move away from my family, I'd have more freedom to actually do those things'' the young girl tilted her head slightly "what sort of things?". "Well there's these things called a drive in theatre, you sit in your car and they project a film onto a large screen" the girls face twisted in confusion. Remus couldn't help but laugh slightly, he remembered seeing the exact same face on James and Sirius when he had first told them about it. "Oh! And there's this performance happening at the end of the year, by The Sex Pistols" the girls eyes widened slightly "The who!?" Sirius smiled slightly "no that's a different band". Y/n's face continued to contort in worried confusion "don't worry I'll show them to you some other time", to be completely honest Y/n wasn't sure if she wanted to know what the boy was talking about.
The trio had finally arrived at Hogsmeade, strolling through the village until they stopped outside a small Cafe. Y/n looked through the window at the many pastries they had on display, Remus and Sirius though were looking through their menu at the types of coffee and tea they offered. "We should go in, they look really good, and I didn't eat breakfast beforehand" Y/n was the first to speak up. The two boys nodded and they walked in, they stood in front of the shop counter waiting to be served. An older looking woman came over to them "what can I get you three?" She asked with a warm smile on her face. "Can I get the strawberry turnover and a white rose tea please" she ordered while pulling out her coin purse, Remus had caught a glimpse of it when she turned to them, it was pale blue with nifflers on them.
"What would you two like?" They both stared for a moment not expecting her to want to order together. Remus started off first "oh uh just a caramel latte and a Chelsea Bun" the young girl then turned to Sirius expectantly. "Don't worry I can pay for my own" he went to pull out his own money, not noticing how the girl's face dropped slightly "don't be ridiculous, I invited you to come with me, I'll pay" the stern tone in her voice and look in her eyes gave no room for argument, Sirius just let out a soft "alright" before slipping his money back into his pocket "I guess I'll just have the Crème Brûlée and a black coffee". Remus's face scrunched up in disgust at the mention of black coffee. "Is that all dears?" The polite woman asked "yes that's all thank you" Y/n handed over the money as the women and a younger looking employee started making their order.
The three had taken a table in the far corner away from the few people who were in the Cafe. "You know I'm glad you agreed to come today" the two boys looked at her, unsure who she was talking about as she was looking down at her hands and Remus noticed a slight tint to her cheeks. "It's just I've never done this before" her cheeks getting slightly red from embarrassment, Sirius looked at her confused "never done wh-" he was cut off as the taller boy kicked him in the leg. His stormy eyes narrowed slightly as he stared over at his friend. Before the girl could notice their weird behaviour their order was called out, Y/n stood up and walked over to the counter. "What the hell was that for?" Sirius whispered harshly "this is a fucking date, Y/n asked you on a date, thats what she's never done before" Remus whispered back "why do you think she didn't want you bringing James, or why she wanted to pay for the food…" he paused for a second looking over at the girl as she was grabbing sugar packets. "Or even why she's been asking you so many personal questions, it's a date and she trying to get to know you" Sirius eyes shot open wide at the realisation "oh Merlin I thought she was just being nosy" Remus slapped his hand onto his head with a sigh "fuck you're an idiot pads".
Before the boy could retort, Y/n made her way back over holding the tray, an excessive amount of sugar packets shoved onto the end of it. "Wow this looks a lot better than I was expecting" she said as she took her stuff off the tray, pushing it slightly towards the boys, Sirius's face burned up as he looked at her. They each took off their own order, Remus moved the tray onto the end of the table after taking a couple of the sugar packets. "So do you come here often Y/n?" Remus asked while pouring sugar into his latte "quite a lot actually, though it's only for their tea and to steal sugar packets" she stated as she nonchalantly shoved the majority of the pile of packets into her coat pocket. The two boys watched in confusion, neither knowing what to say. "uh… what?" Was all Sirius could manage to get out, the young slytherin looked up at him, freezing her action "oh, I realise how weird this seems" Y/n quickly shoved the rest into her coat "its for my pet, she's obsessed with them, no idea why though". The two boys visibly relaxed at the explanation she gave for her bizarre behaviour.
They ate their food with small interruptions such as occasional small talk here and there, or when one of them would offer a taste of their food to each other. After a while of mindless chatter and food sharing Sirius had left their table to go to the bathroom, leaving Y/n and Remus to talk to each other. "Um Y/n if you don't mind me asking… uh why did you invite me and Sirius out, I thought you didn't like us very much". The girl looked down at her cup, bring it up for a sip before responding "don't get me wrong I'm not particularly fond of either of you, but I'd like to get to know him better, I don't enjoy being betrothed to someone I know nothing about" she stopped, taking another sip of her tea "and perhaps if I do become closer to him, he won't be such a prat" Remus laughed slightly at the girl's words "trust me he's much friendlier and more competent when you get to know him". Y/n raised her eyes to look at him, her dull and cold eyes meeting his warmer gaze, she noted how doe-eyed he looked "yes well that's the difficult part, he doesn't really like me all that much, not that I hold it against him" the boys warm hand came to rest on her arm "I'm sure he'll come around".
Sirius was quick to come back before Remus could get an answer to why Y/n had also invited him on her date, Sirius took his seat and they finished their food. Remus stood after unfortunately spilling a bit of his tea on himself, his hands seemingly more shaky than usual "I'll be back in a second, i need to clean this up". Unlike when Remus and Y/n were left alone, the air felt thicker when it was just her and Sirius, neither really knowing what to say or do. And of course Sirius, having a hatred for awkward silence, said the first thing that came to him "You seem to get along with remus quite well" Y/n stared at him "whatever you're thinking, don't" Y/n looked over at the boy they were talking about "I don't like him any more than the rest of your group of misfits" Sirius shrugged "all I'm saying L/n is you seem nicer to him then you do me" Y/n rolled her eyes "well it's a lot easier to be nice to him then it is to you" Sirius stared at her for a moment "I suppose so, perhaps you'd prefer to be affianced to him" she thought for a moment "my parents wouldn't allow that, he's not pure, though if he was I believe he'd be a better candidate than you" the grey eyed boy smiled at her "well that's something we can both agree on". Y/n was done with the awkward tension between the two, she stood up to leave "i'll be outside, you can wait for Lupin".
Y/n stepped out of the small cafe, making her way around to the side of the building, hoping to hide away from prying eyes. She lent against the cold bricks, fishing out an almost empty carton of cigarettes and a blue lighter she had stolen from Evan yesterday. She lit the cigarette in her mouth and took a deep drag as she closed her eyes, letting everything wash away. After a few long minutes Y/n heard the Cafe door chime, she pushed the cigarette into the brick wall a few times to put it out, letting it drop to the floor she moved to the front of the shop seeing Remus and Sirius leaving. She walked over to the two "so where else would you two like to go" the boys looked at each other, it was like they could read each other's thoughts "well we've been needing to go to zonko's since we got back" remus was the one to offer, both Gryffindors knowing she'd be more likely to agree if it was him asking. Y/n rolled her eyes "of course you do, let's go then" she led the way, letting the two teens walk behind her. Zonko's wasn't very far from the Cafe so they arrived quickly. "Well I am certainly not going in there so…" the Slytherin fished out her coin purse again, handing them both a lot more than they would need for what they were after. "I'll be out here, be quick about it".
The two boys were quick to rush inside the shop, searching around for what they needed. Sirius stopped at a small section of enchanted gifts, he picked up a small wooden box decorated with stars. The sign for the small display labelled it an astronomers box, his mind dipped back to the memory of his brother and Y/n stargazing while she was at his house. He hesitated for a moment to take the box, but was quick to move on holding in his hand while looking for what he had first come in for. Remus and Sirius were quick to get everything they needed, paying for their stuff together and shoving it into a bag, Sirius still holding onto the box. They left the store looking around for Y/n, finally spotting her leaving a herbology shop with a cardboard box. "You know she's quite pretty when she is glaring with those cold eyes of hers" Remus said as she walked over, a small smile on her face. "Are you two ready to head back?" she asked, adjusting the box in her hands. Sirius lifted up the bag for her to see "yep we've got everything we need" remus quickly dug into his pocket pulling out the rest of the money Y/n had given them, even with an entire bag full of stuff they hadn't even used half of what she gave them "here's what's left by the way, and thanks for lending it to us" the girl just stared at his open hand, not reaching over to grab it. "Keep it" she stated abruptly, turning around and walking off before either boy could protest, the boys were quick to catch up "are you sure" the girl simply nodded and let out a noise of agreement. "We should get back before it gets any later" the girl kept walking at a brisk pace.
The three made their way back to the castle quicker then they left it, they entered the main entrance, Y/n stopping by a bench, setting down the box. "Oh by the way, I brought you both something" she stared at them expectantly, before they walked over to her. Y/n opened up the box pulling out two glass vases, both green in colour with different patterns decorating them with their own unique flowers sitting inside. The girl handed them both a vase each, to Sirius she gave him one filled with yellow carnations and to remus a slightly smaller vase with a colourful mixture of pansies. "Oh thank you Y/n" Remus said, a smile growing on his face, Sirius held the box up to her "I got something for you as well, it's an astronomers box" the girl held it close to her "well thank you Sirius, that was very kind of you" she seemed to ignore the fact he brought it with the money she had given to him. Y/n was the first to leave, heading off to her common room to relax before dinner.
The next day went by quickly, Y/n making her way to the library to meet with Sirius and Remus like she promised. Unknown to the two boys she had made a slight change to their plan, that change being the two boys who were walking next to her. "I still can't believe you're stuck with those two dicks" Barty said, adjusting the two book bags he was carrying in favour of Evan carrying his school cloak and vest for him. "I don't like it either, but the quicker I get it done the less time I have to spend with them, besides having you two with me makes it more bearable" Evan let out an almost strangled sounding noise as he threw his arm over the shorter girl "awww she loves us" the three laughed with each other before entering the library. The group made their way to the usual spot Y/n sits at, the same spot she told Sirius and Remus to meet her at. "Sorry i'm late, i'm usually a punctual person, unfortunately these two aren't" Sirius let out a quiet groan while Remus just glared as they saw the two boys standing behind Y/n. "Why are they here?" Remus questioned, annoyance clear in his tone "well firstly our group partner is sick" Barty was the first to speak, Evan carried on his sentence "and secondly Y/n's our best friend, who invited us along". The two Gryffindors stared at the mentioned girl, she simply rolled her eyes as she sat down "it's a study session, I'm sure you'll get over it".
The three arriving teens all took seats next to each other, Y/n pulled her notes and books out while Barty and Evan pulled out a single book to read through. The two groups worked quietly, until it was broken by the whining of Evan "this book sucks, are we sure we grabbed the right one Barty?" the boy shrugged, "it's the one that little weasel said would be good for our project" Evan rolled his eyes, he was glad their useless group mate was sick. Evan threw the book shut, looking over at his friend "Y/n my sweet amazing friend~" he dragged out, his tone overly sweet and begging "yes my annoying dumb friend" she said back, in the same sweet tone Evan had used "since you have so much knowledge with little Cosmos you would know the perfect book for us" the girl perked up at the mention of her pet "I suppose I would, I'll go grab it for you, not out of the goodness of my heart but because I need to grab a different book as well, and I don't trust you enough to grab the right book". Both boys smiled brightly as Y/n left to grab the books. Leaving her two friends to talk
"So are you going to go through with that plan of yours tonight Bee?" Evan asked as he lent in closer to Barty. The two Gryffindors now focusing on their conversation while pretending to work "I think I might, I've finally got it all planned out, I'm going to take her to the greenhouse, with the excuse of herbology homework and then I'll give her those chrisa-whatevers" Evan laughed "the chrysanthemums, Merlin how are you a Ravenclaw" Barty shoved the boy slightly, laughing himself "piss off". He hesitated before dropping his head slightly "do you think she'll actually say yes to the date" Evan looked at him in disbelief "stop doubting yourself, I'm 100% sure Y/n will say yes". Remus couldn't help but scoff at his words, grabbing the attention of the Ravenclaw and Slytherin. "Sorry do you have a problem Lupin" Evan asked, quick to get defensive of his friends "no no, it's just funny you think she'd actually say yes" his usually warm eyes seemed cold.
"Well what would you know about our best friend you sleazy little wimp" Evan was always quick to anger when it came to his friends "more than you apparently, I mean you did know she was on a date yesterday, I saw her at Hogsmeade, she seemed awfully close with him" Barty face dropped, an overwhelming sadness engulfing him "she would've told us, I mean she tells us everything" Evan rolled his eyes at the two Gryffindors "they're just lying Barty, ignore them". Remus lent towards them "I'm not, I saw him buy her a gift, a small wooden box, one of those astronomy boxes" this time Evans face dropped, he remembered Y/n proudly showing off the box to Regulus at dinner, saying how she got it at Hogsmeade earlier that day. Remus had a smug look on his face as Evan slumped back into his chair while Sirius let out a noise of shocked amusement.
"well Black you should learn to keep the dirty half-blood of yours on a leash" Evans words were quick to wipe the smug look off the scarred boys face. Both Gryffindors were unaware of the young girl now looming behind them. "I could say the same about your little pet bird" Sirius's harsh gaze met Evans, both boys defending their friends. "You know I'm surprised someone like her is even friends with you, I mean you really are the most pathetic Ravenclaw I've ever met" Remus's insult made the boy sink further into his seat "more so the most pathetic pure-blood I've ever met, do you honestly think you're worthy of even being friends with her." Sirius cut in with his own insult. Barty was quick to flee the library, taking his cloak and vest but not bothering to grab his bag from the floor.
Evan stood out of his own seat he felt burning hot rage slowly take over him, ready to poor out insults at the Gryffindors. Unfortunately his anger wasn't as quick to build as the girl's who was standing behind them "who the hell do you two think you are!" The boys turned around staring up at the now seething girl, her dull eyes seemed to darken in anger "and to think I thought you pathetic Gryffindors could put aside house pride for one evening, but I suppose that's my fault for expecting too much from either of you". The girl grabbed her bag before turning to the two boys "if I ever hear either of you say anything like that to any of my friends again, I swear to make the rest of your time in school miserable". Both Y/n and Evan grabbed their stuff and left the library, Y/n held onto Bartys bag. "I should return this to him, do you think he went to his common room" y/n said her voice still angry "Actually he said he needed to go to the greenhouse tonight, said it was something urgent to do with herbology, you might find him there" she stopped to look at him "thanks Rosie, I'll go find him".
Y/n arrived at the greenhouse, looking around the large room hoping to find barty, but he wasn't there. Nothing even looked like it had been touched or moved since their class, well there was one thing out of place. A sky blue pot had been left shattered on the floor it held blooming chrysanthemum, Y/n thought that the blue pot was a nice contrast to the deep red flowers. She noticed how the pot was smashed in the open space of the floor, it didn't fall from a shelf or table, she thought it had been an act of vandalism or perhaps sour rejection. "Such a sad fate for something symbolic of love" she spoke to herself softly, picking up the flowers and repotting them into an unused pot, it wasn't as pretty but perhaps she could paint it. She set the now potted flowers onto a table before sweeping up the mess of soil and terracotta shards. She decided to take the plant with her, still wanting to paint the pot to the nice blue that was shattered. And to make sure it held up after being thrown around.
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Aka Eddie’s “oh” momemt
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Cuz we all know there was so much more in between, right? The staring, the reaching, the desperation, the physical contact. That was probably their most intimate moment to date. He remembers a searing pain as he looks at Buck. He remembers falling while holding his gaze on Buck. And he thought this was the last moment of his life which he spends reaching out for him. But what about the whole ass scene in the firetruck on the way to the hospital that Eddie claims to not remember???
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Some have indicated that Buck was wearing the same shirt in his coma dream from the shooting. There actually was an earlier cue of it’s significance. In 5x01, the only indication of Eddie’s panic attacks that didn't directly involve Ana (cued by the music) was seeing a man knocked out, with a similar shirt (& facial structure) as Buck. The same Buck from the shooting specifically, where he was in so much pain that he couldn't think clearly and thought Buck was the one who was shot. This is an important detail I'll get back to momentarily.
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Eddie looks away whenever he lies/doesn’t want to confront his feelings, avoiding eye contact when the conversation gets too real. Buck looked him dead in his face in 5x11 and said he doesn’t have to pretend with him, and Eddie walked away. Where Eddie spent 4x14 looking at nothing BUT Buck, in 6x11 he can’t even glance at him. This is important. Eddie is the only one who doesn’t visit Buck on his own time. He doesn’t want to deal with his feelings over the situation. It’s just all too familiar. This is the exact same setup as Shannon. Only now it’s Buck, and he’s actually dead too.
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In 6x10 his fears eventually become a reality. Eddie suddenly has to picture a world without Buck, & he didn’t like it. We finally got Eddie screaming for Buck in the same way the ladder does, & it was brutal. Way different from a regular friend being worried. The calm compitent Eddie Diaz was frantically pulling Buck towards him knowing the effort was useless, shoving his captain out the way to reach him, yelling at doctors to do more????
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The writers portrayed a hypothetical that if Buck never met Eddie, he would have lost everything. He would have been deemed unfit to be a firefighter and a single father, eventually losing both. Eddie is aware of the impact Buck has on him & all the things he's done for him. Eddie is aware of his feelings for Buck but doesn’t want to take the time to realize what that means for him. Which is why he omits. Cuz you see, Eddie's panic attacks weren't really about Ana. I mean yeah they were triggered by her, but it wasn't really the thought of being married to Ana, it was the thought of losing Buck. Committing to a relationship with Ana means that the fantasy he envisions with Buck can never come to light. He then decides to cut ties with her with encouragement from Buck. That then leaves the question, why now?? It seemed like Eddie & Ana were doing fine? Why is he suddenly having doubts?
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The Shooting. As May said in Eddie's presence in 5x15, it took a near-death experience to appreciate what (he) actually had & is encouraged to not hide WHO HE IS. Because of heteronormativity, Eddie spends Season 4 chasing a relationship he never really wanted just so Chris could have a mother figure, failing to realize he can satisfy both their needs with Buck. Eddie didn't start getting panic attacks until after he got shot, where the main vision he had in those moments was of the one he wanted most, Buck. Dying now meant that he could never have Buck, so he spends the last moments of his life reaching for him. That's why one of Eddie's first triggers is of the white-shirt man along with Ana. He remembers.
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ladyathenawisdom · 1 year
Gangster's Wife / Pt. 4
Warnings: Mature Themes, Violence, Language, Spicy, Drinking, Intoxication, Alcohol Intake, Drugs, Drunk.
It was a week later when Hero realized she was vulnerable and weak against all clever tactics. And that her guard was down, along with her apartment's security.
Leader had now gone absolutely bonkers in finding information about Supervillain, along with Teammate and Sidekick. Teammate wanted to go against all odds and find him, wanting to prove she was a good hero.
Sidekick wanted to be deemed important too. But it seemed as if something else lingered, something dark. He wanted to find the criminal, with borderline obsession.
Teammate 2 was begrudgingly agreeing with them, just going along their views. She didn't want to work so much, especially if it lead to nothing. She had high hopes that nothing would happen.
Hero 2 didn't want too, showing her visible fear against the large criminal.
Hero hadn't cared. Except for the fact that Leader had added more hours to track down Supervillain. It gave them more unnecessary extra work, making them more sluggish.
Maybe Hero was being selfish, she hadn't told anyone about what had happened the night of the gala. And she knew she wasn't obligated too. She knew no one knew about her past. No one except her mentor and best friend, who had died a few years ago. Age had finally caught up to them.
But that didn't mean that she was all innocent and free. No, it meant quite the opposite.
"Eek!" Hero yelped, tightening her grip on the towel around her body, her eyes widening as she saw all the henchmen around her lovely living room. It didn't look so lovely anymore.
Many of the henchmen averted their gazes immediately as the hero stepped out of the bathroom. They looked away, fearing the wrath of their boss. Many turned around while others turned their gaze to the ceiling or floor in fear, feeling rather uncomfortable.
Supervillain, who was leaning back against the coach, looked up. His eyes met her gaze, his eyes rake her form.
Hero narrows her eyes. "Are you out of your mind! Get out!" She screams, looking at all the men.
Supervillain snaps his fingers, keeping his gaze on her. "You heard the lady. Step away."
Much to Hero's disdain, they only went in the direction of her kitchen and entryway. Some even went as far to go outside her balcony.
She scowls, turning to look at him.
Supervillain only raised his eyebrows.
Hero stares hard at him. "What are you doing here?" She questions with a frown, pulling the towel down slightly to cover her bottom. She starts to slowly walk towards her bedroom, needing actual clothes on. Her cheeks were still flushing from the slight surprise of the men in her home.
Supervillain follows her, much to her obvious annoyance. "I'm here to visit you. Can I not do that? I need to make sure all the heroes are abiding the law," he said, mock clear in his voice.
Hero pushes him out of her room. "Stay," she points at him. "I need to change."
Supervillain rolls his eyes. "It's nothing I haven't seen before," he smirks, eyeing her up and down.
Hero turns red, either from embarrassment or anger. Maybe both most likely.
Supervillain stares at her, moving closer as he leant against the door ledge. "Don't you remember those nights? Those sweet, quiet and sometimes very loud nights." He purred. "Remember that one night? That night in Ibiza."
Hero clenches her jaw before slamming the door in his face, she huffs and leans her back against the door before locking it and trying to find some clothes and hopefully find her dignity. She breathes out nervously.
Yeah, she was screwed.
It had been almost 2 weeks since then.
Upon Hero 2's request, or rather demand, the team had decided to relax for a night and come out of their worrisome loads of stress for a night out.
Leader had been annoyed and had rejected the idea immediately. But upon learning they needed clear heads to actually work, he begrudgingly agreed. Teammate and Teammate 2 were on board. And Sidekick, he was ready to party. Hero was hesitant but she had also agreed.
She had put on a short black dress with spaghetti straps, a leather jacket, some black heeled ankle boots and her black bag. She had opened and curled her hair and put on some makeup.
Her outfit wasn't as sparkly, sultry, or frizzey as her team's, but she didn't care. She just wanted a relaxing night out without any stress or worry for the future. But it seemed as if destiny hated her.
Hero sighed in annoyance as the loud music of the club rung in her ears. She was sat at the bar, playing with her gin and tonic. She didn't want to drink too much, seeing as they would probably work tomorrow. She didn't need to be hungover.
Hero's exquisite eyes went to Teammate and Teammate 2 who were dancing wildy on the dance floor with smiles on their face, yelling and cheering.
Leader was sat on the side, drinking some scotch sip by sip, looking around in boredom. He really needed to loosen up or something, he was so rigid.
Sidekick was sat on the side with many girls around him, smoking a vape as they all laughed and cheered him on.
Hero shakes her head at him, so immature and irresponsible. Her eyes snap towards Hero 2, she was unfortunately, smoking weed. And holding a small bag with some white substance in it.
Hero's heart starts to race, she sits up slightly as Hero 2 thanks the man.
This wasn't the first time that Hero had seen a hero or even a sidekick get drugs, or drink. In fact, if you looked at it in a different way, the heroes did drugs more then villains. They drank more, they spent more money, they did drugs, it was the fame and money that got to them.
It was all so...twisted.
Hero sighs, shaking her head. She looks back at her gin and bites her bottom lip. Grabbing the drink, she downs it and shakes her head. She takes a deep breath, thinking everything over. She tried not to overthink.
Tonight, she wouldn't think about Supervillain nor the Industry.
She would only have fun.
Without getting drunk or high.
Hero's eyes snap towards the bartender. But then again, it wasn't like she had a low tolerance. She had a high alcohol tolerance, as expected, seeing as she was decades old and drank some times. And over the years, her tolerance grew. "Excuse me."
"Yeah." The bartender turns to her.
"Can I have a few shots of tequila?"
Well, there was no going back now.
Hero stares at the tiny shot glasses with some hesitation. She had told herself she wouldn't get drunk, but she wouldn't if she drank to much. She didn't need or want a hangover. Pushing back all the things holding her back, she grabs each glass and starts downing them.
The alcohol burned her throat but she let it in, feeling a slight buzz in her head. She shakes her head, liking the feeling.
"Go, Hero!" Hero 2 came over, grinned widely as her eyes shone.
Teammate also came over, smiling but also tired from all the dancing. Teammate 2 seemed to be preoccupied with a man, enjoying him as she danced rather proactively.
"You having fun?" Teammate smirks, ordering a vodka.
Hero 2 was holding a martini, taking small sips.
Hero groans. "Maybe I shouldn't have downed them all at once."
"Don't be silly." Hero 2 laughs. "Hey! Can we get another round of tequila?"
Hero huffs. But she didn't regret her decision. Okay, maybe she did. But she downed the next few drinks with her team, taking caution and going slow this time.
"Ooh, I feel so amazing." Heri 2 slurs, giggling. "I'm gonna go find leader." She then walks away, cheering and yelling.
Teammate rolls her eyes, downing another shot.
"We really shouldn't mix drinks," Hero says, eyeing the tequila and voda that Teammate was drinking.
Teammate only shrugs. "Who cares? I don't. I'm not gonna remember this anyway. I'm go find myself a guy to sleep with. See ya!" She then downs her vodka and struts sway.
Hero sighs, groaning as the loud music now seemed to be much louder. Maybe the alcohol really did start to affect her now. The last time she had drank was about a year ago.
She debated about whether leaving the club or not. She really didn't want to leave her friends. But seeing as Teammate went to find a guy, along with Teammate 2, and Hero 2 seemed really preoccupied with her dealer or something. She didn't think she had a choice.
And Sidekick seemed to be busy with a girl, really busy.
Hero quickly looks away, spotting Leader. Her eyebrows furrowed before they widened in panic.
Right Hand seemed to be talking with Leader, both chatting casually.
Hero swallows. If Right Hand was here, that meant that Supervillain....
Her eyes look all over the club, but she finds him no where. She looks back at the two, eyeing them with concern. Surely, Supervillain had sent his right hand here to extract info.
She grabs the last tequila shot and downs it.
She quickly makes her way towards them, meeting Right Hand's gaze. She narrows in on him, frowning deeply.
"Oh, Hero." Leader spoke up. "You're still here. I would have thought you left some asshole or something."
As if boss would ever let that happen, Right Hand, thought.
Hero smiles politely. "You know I'm not the sleeping type. Nor the drinking get drunk type. I'm good."
Leader nods. "Yeah, I get that." He takes a sip of his scotch. "Hero 2 said she was gonna leave with some jerk. Teammate and Teammate 2 already left with their guys. And Sidekick is also probably going to leave."
Hero frowns. Would they just abandon each other for some sex? They could have atleast told her, or each other. "Right.. " Her eyes go to Right Hand, who only gives her kind smile.
Leader downs his glass of scotch.
Hero clears her throat. "Well, I'm also going to leave. If you don't mind."
Leader shakes his head. "Yeah, I don't mind. You can go ahead. I was gonna leave in a couple minutes anyway," he nods.
Hero stares at him for a few seconds before she slowly nods, glances at Right Hand, and gives him a polite smile, before turning and walking away.
Her heart was hammering in her chest, almost beating out of her chest. There was no doubt that he was also here. She was gonna pummel him into the ground, pull him up and then pummel him again.
As she was leaving, a waiter came up to her, holding a tray. It held a black rose and card.
Hero narrows her eyes, already knowing who it was from.
"Miss, this came from a secret admirer for you."
"Secret admirer, eh?" Hero snorts. But she grabs the card anyway, opening it up to read it.
You look absolutely gorgeous
So glad you came out to party
S. V.
Hero rolls her eyes. She quickly rips up the, possibly expensive card, before grabbing the black rose and stalking away. She storms out of the club, her eyes narrowed as she looked around the parking lot and entrance of the club.
The line was long. A few people outside were smoking cigarettes, cigars and vapes. A few were even making out and taking a breath of fresh air.
She then spots it.
His car was parked a few feet away, with some cars with his people surrounding it. It looked as if they were in a gang as his men were dressed in leather jackets and jeans instead of their usual suits.
Supervillain was leaning against the car, smoking a cigar.
Hero clenches her jaw, not bothering to notice the three girls stood a few feet away, they also seemed to be a part of his people. They looked like his assistants or something. She didn't care though, she didn't care if they had the hots for him or not.
Right now, she was fuming.
She starts to storm towards him, her fists clenching as her grip on the Black Rose tightened. Her heels clicked against the pavement.
"Are you out of your fucking mind!" Hero snaps, ignoring the shocked and surprised expressions of some of his men. They must have been new.
Supervillain chuckles. "I see you got my gift,"
Hero scowls. She brings up the rose to his face before dropping it to the floor and stomping on it with her heel.
Supervillain frowns. "Now that hurts my feelings, Hero." He looks at her. "Are you really that angry at me, my love?"
"Don't call me that!"
Supervillain rolls his eyes.
Hero scoffs, crossing her arms. "Have you finally lost your mind? You do realize that my team was also in the club? They could have spotted you. You do know they're tracking you, right?"
"Speaking of," Supervillain eyes her up and down. "You look absolutely-"
"Don't." Hero holds her hand up.
"Is there a reason why you interrupting us, Assistant?" Supervillain raised an eyebrow, a warning in his eyes as he spoke coldly.
Assistant gulps, shaking her head before she backs away towards the other two girls.
Hero narrows her eyes. "Have you grown so lonely, your keeping girls?" She snorts, crossing her arms. Her eyes flashed with a weird but familiar emotion.
Supervillain smirks. "Jealous, my little hero? They're my most trusted tech people. Very intelligent and good at tracking people online."
Hero frowns.
"Do what you want. Your team won't even find me."
Hero sighs, groaning as she held her head.
"Now," Supervillain throws his cigar to the floor, stepping on it. He gestures to his men, who open up the car door. "Get in. I'll drop you off."
"I'm good. No thanks," Hero scoffs.
"You have alcohol in your system, I'm not gonna let you go alone." Supervillain chides gently. He abruptly grabs her wrist, causing her to yelp. "Come."
"No! Let go! I'm only buzzed, tipsy even." She pulls her wrist out of his hand. "Let go of me! I'm not drunk!"
Supervillain snorts. "Sure you are."
Hero pulls away from him. "Fuck off!" She snaps before turning around to storm away. She yells as she's suddenly lifted into the air.
"Oh my gosh! Are you out of your fucking mind! Let me go!" Hero yells as he had lifted her over his shoulder. "Let go of me!" She starts to wiggles her legs, squirming.
Supervillain rolls his eyes, a small smirk on his lips. He nods to his men. "Take the car back. I'll come back in my own." He starts walking towards his own black Mercedes.
Hero yells, squirming and wiggling her legs to get out of his grip. "Let go of me!" She gasps when he delivers a sharp slap on her ass.
"Shush, would you? Your screaming is distracting."
Hero's whole face had turned red.
Supervillain chuckles. "I forgot how much you enjoyed me slapping your ass. In fights and in the bedroom." He smirks.
Hero growls. "That so not fucking true! Forget about it! Let me go! I can arrest you for manhandling and harassment!"
Supervillain snorts, opening up the front seat. "Sure, you can. But you won't." He drops her onto the seat, closing the door. He quickly makes his way to the driver's seat.
Hero scoffs, trying to open the door but finding it's locked. "Open the door." She turns to him.
Supervillain ignores her, starting up the car. He quickly turns and backs out of the parking of the club.
"This is kidnapping!"
Supervillain scoffs. "Yeah, sure it is. Especially when I'm dropping you back at your apartment."
Hero glares at him heatedly. "Fuck you." She crosses her arms and leans back in her seat.
Supervillain smirked as he drove through the road of the city lights. "I would. But you would get angry."
Hero clenches her jaw.
Supervillain glances at her. "Oh come on, that was funny."
"No, it wasn't." Hero replied coldly.
"Wow. You really have gotten boring over the years,"
"I have not!"
"I haven't!"
"Then where's your sense of humor?"
"I don't laugh at your stupid jokes."
Supervillain gasps, looking possibly offended. "My jokes aren't stupid. They are the best,"
Hero shakes her head, glaring out the window.
Supervillain glances at her, humming quietly as he eyed her and down. "You really do look beautiful."
"I know."
"Humble, much?" Supervillain rolls his eyes.
"Fuck off."
Supervillain smirks. "There's that fire. I've missed somebody scolding and yelling at me." He sighs. "It's always everyone who's scared of me. It's pretty annoying."
Hero ignores him.
Supervillain puts a hand on her thigh.
She immediately slaps it away.
"Ow!" He pulls his hand back, his brows furrowed as he stared at the road. "You slap hard."
Slap with a flat palm. That's what he had told her long ago. Hero glares at him. "Don't touch me."
Supervillain smirks. "Your forgetting, darling. That I've touched you everywhere. Multiple times." He purred.
Hero's cheeks tinted, her mind wavering. They went headfirst and without falter, into the gutter. Unwanted memories flashed in their mind, demanding and hot.
All the touches, kisses, tangled sheets, late nights, all those moments came back at her like a train. She scowls. "That was a long time ago," she says quietly.
Supervillain only hums. "And yet, I haven't forgotten about you."
Her eyes glanced towards him, but she didn't say anything. She didn't need to. The silence said everything.
Supervillain continues driving, humming quietly.
Hero swallows, looking away with her eyebrows furrowed. Her pretty eyes go to him as his hands, large and callused, turn the radio on. She takes a deep breath, spotting his muscled and veiny forearm. She looks away.
Yo, what's up? If you trying to get into contact with me
Leave a quick message after the beep
And I'll make sure to get back to you
In one handshake, peace
Hey Mijo, it's me again
I've been tryin' to call you already five to six times
You're not pickin' up your phone and I'm worried
Ya son las tres de la mañana, babe, ¿dónde estás? I know I always bring this up but now it's time we talk Mijo, please take a lil minute, sit back and relax Listen to my words, I ain't tryin to be your mom Te quiero mucho por favor and I deserve to know what's up
Hero frowns, shifting in her seat. Her eyes go outside the window, watching the city buildings go by. It was night now, almost midnight. The lights were still on, with people walking about normally.
Many cars were also speeding away on the road, with horns honking. She could spot civilians walking safely.
All those late night calls, when you gotta bounce Your homies coming first, what's that all about?
I fell in love with a gangster, yeah, that's right
Hero's eyes snap towards him, her eyes narrowed.
Supervillain only hums along, tapping the wheel with beat.
But I don't think you realize how I hurt inside Always worryin', mi pelon, if you're comin home
That's why I call you so much when you leave me alone I don't wanna bug and this I promise you But in this situation, it's so hard to trust you I care about you so much, lovin' you like crazy
All I really want is to have your little baby Tell me that you love me, you will never leave me Soy la reina de tu vida and you're happy to be with me
Hero clenches her jaw.
Daddy, let me know that I'm your only girl The only man that I need in this gangster world is you
Hero starts glaring hard at him.
And I wouldn't trade it
So why you think I would lie, won't you tell me, girl? The only one that I need in my gangster world is youAnd I wouldn't trade it
Hero scoffs, turning away from. "Your unbelievable."
Supervillain only smirks.
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verona2314 · 7 months
Judgment of the Damned (translation) PART IV
Link part III
In the realm of Limbo, where souls deemed too good for Hell but not virtuous enough for Heaven reside, Victoria finds herself thrust into an unprecedented mission. When a notorious sinner, Sir Pentious, achieves redemption and ascends to Heaven, it sends shockwaves through all realms. Tasked with unraveling this mystery, Victoria, a minor judge of souls, is sent to the infamous Hazbin Hotel in Hell. For the first time, an emissary from Limbo steps foot into the fiery depths, tasked with observing and judging the denizens of Hell for their potential for redemption. As Victoria navigates this unfamiliar territory, she captures the unrequired attention of the enigmatic Radio Demon, Alastor. Amidst the chaos of demonic antics and the pursuit of understanding redemption, Victoria must confront her own beliefs and judgments. As she delves deeper into the secrets of the Hazbin Hotel, Victoria uncovers hidden truths about sinners, redemption, and the ultimate fate of souls caught between damnation and salvation. With each soul she encounters, Victoria's journey becomes not only a quest for answers but a personal voyage of self-discovery in the heart of darkness.
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Chapter 4: Rumors from the Past
Hey, its me "Verona". I just want to say a liiitle thing before you start your reading....I must say, this chapter was quite a challenge to translate due to the archaic English in which Zestial should speak. In advance, I apologize. I hope you enjoy the chapter. Love u! (Yep. Spanish is my native language, and yes, there is a Spanish version of this work.)
His body ached all over, as was customary after a day of filming with Valentino. Ever since their little disagreement at the bar, the bastard hadn't given him a moment's rest. He was beginning to wonder if he could keep this up forever, or if he should start imagining the impossible and find a way to free himself from that contract. He shifted uncomfortably in the taxi seat. He needed a good shower.
After a few more minutes of travel, the vehicle stopped outside the hotel. Angel got out and looked up at the building. He hated to admit it, but that place had become a space where he felt safe, relaxed, and happy. A place he always wanted to return to... a home. He shook his head slowly, smiling as he walked towards the hotel. They had really softened him up. Maybe he could buy those lunatics something nice.
He opened the door, stepping into the hotel. The lobby was completely dark and everything was silent. That struck him as odd. Suddenly, he felt someone lunging at him and putting a sack over his head. He tried to break free but his attacker was too strong. He fell to the ground where his arms were tied.
"WHO ARE YOU? WHAT ARE YOU DOING? HELP!" he exclaimed as he was dragged into a room. His assailant leaned him against a wall and removed the sack from his head. Angel looked around and saw Niffty to his right, also tied up. To his left, Husk was in the same condition. "What's going on?"
"Relax," Husk replied irritably.
Angel wanted to ask more but at that moment, he saw someone entering the room.
"Alright," said Vaggie, "now that I have you all gathered here, there's an important matter to discuss."
"Vaggie? What the hell is wrong with you! Why did you tie us up? Have you gone mad?" shouted Angel, feeling indignant. Just moments ago, he had felt so relieved to have returned to the hotel and now this.
"I apologize for the extreme measure, but I needed to have you all gathered without causing a mess. There's something very important you need to know, and you must not speak of it outside of this hotel under any circumstances," Vaggie said in a very serious tone. "There's no simple way to say this. We have a very important guest in the hotel and it's crucial to make a very good impression on her, so you must behave. Niffty, don't stab insects in front of this person, Husk, try to be less gloomy, and Angel, don't be so…horny.
"Can I step on the bugs in front of her?" Niffty asked. "Besides, ever since I started the war in the attic, there aren't as many."
"Ugh, sure," Vaggie replied.
"Who is this soooo important person?" Angel grumbled. He didn't want to have to watch his behavior in a place he considered his home. "I mean, we tried to act well when Charlie's father came, and everything went fine. In the end, we didn't even have to keep up appearances. Why would it be different this time?"
"Angel, please, you have to listen to me this time," Vaggie responded.
"I think we deserve a better explanation. I agree with leggies," Husk said. Vaggie sighed.
"Fine. But as I already told you, this must be kept secret. Limbo is real, and a minor judge from there is staying here. She will be studying sinners, making a report on them, and determining the chances of redemption. In short."
The room fell silent as they watched Vaggie, processing the information.
"Vaggie," Angel said softly, "What the hell did you smoke?"
Vaggie let out a frustrated growl before speaking again. "Fine. Let's start over. I'll explain everything. But please, we have to help Charlie
She woke up with her face resting on the documents. She looked around a little disoriented. It was barely nightfall. She couldn't believe she had fallen asleep. She couldn't afford to nap when she had so much work ahead of her. Her eyes still felt sleepy. Perhaps it wasn't a bad idea to get up and walk around the hotel to shake off the laziness.
She stretched in her seat before getting up and leaving the room. It was a relief to be able to wander the place freely without the deer-ears guy nearby. The decoration of the place was very beautiful and sophisticated. The place gleamed now that it had been reconstructed following Adam's attempt to eradicate these sinners. Victoria struggled to understand how anyone could take pleasure in destroying souls, but, well, Cain must have inherited his temperament from somewhere.
She descended to the first floor via the main staircase, admiring the magnificent chandelier hanging over the hall. Suddenly, she could notice a strange movement among the crystals and bulbs. A kind of red spot moved with agility. She squinted trying to understand what she was seeing. At that moment, she collided head-on with someone.
"I'm so sorry!" exclaimed a boy. His appearance reminded her of a spider.
Victoria mentally reviewed the files she had read. The person in front of her was a resident of the hotel... Angeldust, real name Anthony. "Don't worry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking," she responded amiably.
"No, I insist. Let me make it up to you. How about a massage?" Angel replied nervously. "It'll release all your tension! Not in a sexual way! Ah, it's not that you're not attractive, but you're just not my type. Not that there's anything wrong with you. I mean, it's bad that you're not... No! That's not what I meant. I like to... you know... but not with you. It's just that..."
Victoria listened to Angel's verbal diarrhea, bewildered. What the hell was he talking about? She couldn't make sense of anything, let alone why he was acting so nervous.
"I could massage your feet. Not that I have a weird fetish!"
"Angel, don't say anything else," interrupted a gruff voice from a demon with feline features. Victoria searched her memory again. That must be Husk. The hotel's bartender subtly moved her away from Angel with his wings. "Uh, um, Judge, how about a magic trick?"
Had he just called her judge? Now everything made sense. "No, no. Don't worry. Hey, I know what this is all about."
"Damn it, Husk, you called her judge," grumbled Vaggie, entering the room.
"Look," Victoria began in a friendly tone, "it's really not necessary for you to try to pamper or flatter me. I'm not here with any ill intentions or prejudices. I hope you can treat me like anyone else, without thinking about my judge status. Which I had hoped would remain confidential. But it doesn't matter. I trust I'll have a very good opinion of all of you."
As soon as she finished speaking, something struck her head. She looked down and saw it was a shard of crystal.
"Watch out!" Vaggie shouted, pushing her aside just as the chandelier crashed down from the ceiling with a loud bang. Victoria sat on the floor, observing the scene. Vaggie had managed to evade the impact. From the ruins of the fixture emerged a small woman with a large eye, who laughed nervously.
"Sorry. I was cleaning the crystals. Uh... does this count as attempted murder if it was accidental, right?"-Niffty said. 
"This is fucked up already. Judge Victoria, welcome to the Hazbin Hotel, where this shit will be your daily life," Husk growled, opening a beer can and leaving the foyer. "I'm not cleaning up that shit."
"What a relief, I couldn't keep up with this forced smile anymore. How the hell does Alastor do it?" Angel added, following Husk.
"Well, Judge," Vaggie said, standing up, "at least they tried."
The meeting with the Overlords turned out somewhat predictable. It was evident that Carmilla would be on alert for the potential repercussions following Adam's death. Hell had defended itself adequately for the first time, and that was unprecedented. Overall, the entire meeting revolved around obtaining weapons, planning measures in case of another attack, unity, strength, and similar matters.
But Alastor's mind was focused on more interesting affairs. He knew the judge wouldn't give him much information about... anything. He had already learned that she was a stubborn, reserved, composed, and very intelligent woman. Her witty responses irritated him but were also refreshing. Perhaps deep down, he hoped to have another confrontation with her, but this time, more prepared.
As the congregation neared its end, Alastor directed his gaze towards today's target, Zestial. The ancient being returned his gaze with curiosity. The radio demon simply smiled even wider. It's not that he particularly relished the idea of interacting with that Overlord, but if anyone had answers, it was him. Of course, he had to be careful with his words, as he didn't want anyone else trying to approach the judge, for now. No. It was convenient to keep her presence in hell a secret for the time being. It didn't take a genius to understand that someone like her could be a very important card to play. And…Under no circumstances could he underestimate Zestial, as he was very skilled at noticing subtleties.
"Very well. Does anyone want to add anything?" Carmilla declared before concluding the meeting. As everyone began to leave, Alastor didn't even manage to get up from his seat before he immediately felt a presence behind him.
"Greetings, Alastor," Zestial spoke with that characteristic resonant voice of his. "I knoweth not if mine senses art dulled, but I deem I hath perceived thou didst seek to engage in discourse with me." 
Alastor emitted a slight laugh. "Always so perceptive, Zestial. You're correct. Will you have a few minutes before you go to your teatime with the esteemed Carmilla?"
Carmilla watched them from the doorway of the meeting room. Zestial nodded to her, who, at such a gesture, left the room, closing the door behind her. The ancient being took a seat opposite him and observed him with great interest.
“Very well, Alastor, thou hast mine full attention. I must say, our discourse is always... captivating.-Said the Overlord.
"Oh, Zestial, I hope not to disappoint you. I just wanted to ask you about a matter that seems more myth than reality," Alastor replied in a casual tone. Zestial seemed more intrigued. "Well, I won't keep you on the edge of your seat any longer. How true is what they say about Limbo?"
Zestial narrowed his eyes and his smile widened. Alastor didn't expect that reaction. He thought the Overlord would laugh and say that stories about Limbo were just children's tales
"Dear friend, I implore thee not to fall into the error of the majority, thinking that all concerning Limbo is mere invention. For in every fable lies a grain of truth. I suppose thou hast heard what is commonly said. That Limbo, also known as the intermediary realm, is where souls go that are not sinful enough to merit hell, yet not virtuous enough to enter heaven. But in its origins, there was more. But of course, I would like to know, why dost thou show interest in this matter?"
"These are personal matters. Perhaps I could refrain from giving you details if, in exchange for your knowledge, I were to resolve a certain inconvenience Carmilla is dealing with... and what difficulties, I must say!" responded Alastor as he playfully moved his fingers. What he was doing was somewhat risky. But it was worth it.
Zestial emitted a deep chuckle. "I note thou art well-informed. Aye, 'tis true that a new pest hath arisen, seeking to snatch Carmilla's market. Naught that we cannot resolve."
"Oh, but this way I spare you the hassle and the time. I believe it's fair, considering I'm merely asking for some unverified information," Alastor said, and he and Zestial locked eyes for a brief moment. The radio demon knew he couldn't show even a hint of doubt or greater interest in the matter.
"Very well," Zestial finally responded. "Be that as it may, I reckon that sooner or later I shall uncover thy true intentions…In mine early years here in the inferno, 'twas spoken that when the heavens were forged, Limbo stood as a neutral ground to settle disputes and judge the angels' conduct. 'Twas only the supreme judges present then. But in general, there weren't many issues until the incident o' the apple. From that moment forth, with the inception o' hell, Limbo would become the intermediary 'twixt heaven and hell. Not merely for receiving souls, but also for resolving grave disputes 'tween both realms, akin to an international court. With this evolution came the minor judges. On one hand, the supreme judges continued their role as an international court, alongside judging mortal souls. On the other hand, the minor judges were tasked with settling conflicts 'mongst inhabitants of the same domain that couldn't be resolved internally, serving as an appellate body. Of course, they also bore the duty of crafting records of human deeds upon the Earth. But that part's well-known to all."
"Interesting. So, if two angels had a problem they couldn't resolve themselves, could they turn to a minor judge to decide the matter?" Alastor asked to make sure he was getting it all.
"Indeed," Zestial replied, conjuring a teacup before taking a brief sip before continuing, "But you must already know that there weren't as many issues in heaven. The spotlight was on hell, not for murders or thefts, but for something more subtle: contracts." Zestial looked at Alastor attentively, trying to gauge his reaction, but the radio demon remained unfazed. "Supposedly, a minor judge had the power to modify or annul a contract, of course, adhering to the rules or laws of hell."
"Hmm? Contracts, you say?" Alastor prompted Zestial to continue.
"Aye, that's what was told in my time. It was also said that a catastrophic event occurred, causing the Limbo's communications to shut down from their end. However, Alastor, processes don't vanish. The mere fact that Limbo has isolated itself doesn't imply that there's no longer an avenue for appeal."
"Oh, but if that were true, we would still have demons trying to make appeals," Alastor pointed out, resting his chin on his intertwined hands.
“That's the other curious bit. Allegedly, they wiped out all who knew of that process to let it fade away. Does the appeals process truly not exist, or is it just that no one knows how to activate it anymore?”.
Alastor looked silently at Zestial. He couldn't determine if the ancient creature believed in those stories or not. But if that process really existed... perhaps. Unfortunately, he still had no way to verify it. Alastor inclined his head before speaking again, "Well. We can't really know. Anyway, all of this is just legends. It doesn't sound like these minor judges are very strong."
“Perhaps they don't have great destructive power, but it certainly was useful to have one as an ally. In addition to being able to modify or annul a contract, they also had access to the information of all sinners and angels. On the other hand, every judge has two basic powers. The oath and The mandate of the judge.”
"The oath?" Alastor asked, feigning disinterested tone. He was surprised at how enthusiastic Zestial seemed about this topic.
“Indeed. If a minor judge asked you to swear an oath and you agreed, you were bound to speak the truth. If you were to lie, the judge would detect it immediately and, if desired, could inflict great pain upon you as a consequence.”
“And the other one?”
"Ah, the judge's mandate? Or rather, known as the command. Basically, it entails the judge exercising their authority by issuing an order that cannot be disobeyed, as if a force were controlling your body. Of course, the scope and strength of this mandate depend on the power and rank of the judge. The mandate of a minor judge is usually not very strong, limited to simple commands like 'sit' or 'be silent', essential for maintaining order in a court, thus not very enduring. But that of a supreme judge... well, it is said that it was precisely that which condemned Lucifer to hell.”
“Well, I'll give you that. If these judges were real and contact could be made with them, they would clearly be a magnificent ally."
Zestial chuckled maliciously “Precisely, and I reckon all the sinners and demons had the same notion, wouldn't you say? It wouldn't surprise me if the big catastrophe were tied to millions of those minor judges getting corrupted or extorted by the infernal lot to reap benefits from the appeals, changing contracts to their whims. Well, but then again, none of this is quite verifiable or true. Right?”
Alastor didn't like the tone of voice Zestial used in that last sentence. The ancient being was beginning to suspect. Why was he suspicious now? He had been careful with each of his expressions. Could his memory of Victoria asking them for silence during the meeting with Charlie have caused some gesture that caught his interlocutor's attention? Alastor couldn't help but think that that request could have been a judge´s mandate subtly carried out by Victoria, implying that at least one of the powers mentioned by Zestial was true.
Alastor glanced at Zestial again just as he narrowed his eyes. Damn it. It wasn't time to think about that. That damned judge was making things complicated with this Overlord just by appearing in his memories. "Indeed!" he responded in an animated tone, trying to dispel the seriousness of the atmosphere. "After all, they're mere stories."
Zestial chuckled softly, "Yes, but it surprises me that you're wasting your time on mere tales."
"Oh, you all with your theories about me. It's a delight to hear your conspiracies. I simply wanted to satisfy the curiosity that arose in me after reading a dramatic work where they staged this Limbo," Alastor continued nonchalantly as he rose from his seat.
"Verily, I am acquainted with that tome," said Zestial, rising to his feet to accompany Alastor to the door of the conference room. "Indeed, it doth portray Limbo akin to the contemporary lore. Yet, one aspect hath ever intrigued me. Mayhaps I am overly fastidious regarding artistic license."
"What might that be?"
"Well, that literary work mentions seven supreme judges. Not five."
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lavendertales · 2 years
Sweet lies: Chapter 4
pairing: Frankie Morales x f!reader
summary: you’re dead set on talking to Frankie at the upcoming dinner, but when he arrives with his fiancé, things get a bit messy.
word count: 4.7k
A/N: this is ANGSTY (but I will make it up to y’all from next chapter onwards 🤭)
Comments & reblogs are forever appreciated 💕
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gif: @uuuhshiny​ 
series masterlist | AO3 
Your first two weeks on the new job could easily be deemed as successful.
You got the hang of it pretty quickly, making yourself right at home in that big office that you were given, getting to read and write exciting stories that, you hoped, would make a difference to the world. Sure you indulged into the occasional less-than-important topics, such as celebrities and whatnot, but it was only human nature after all.
And you knew a lot about being the talk of the people already, without even being famous.
You knew your friends were talking about you when you were there and when you weren’t. It was the kind of thing that was inevitable, almost impossible not to do. After all, it was a huge deal to have you back into their lives, seeing you at least once a week again instead of once per year, if lucky. And now, with things being ice cold between you and Frankie, rumors and conversations about you two were even a must for the others.
You haven’t asked for any information about Frankie—and you think he’s not asking about you. If he is, he shouldn’t. His sole focus should be his upcoming nuptials, not someone he used to go to high school with.
But unfortunately, you cannot seem to turn off your damn brain, or rather the part where all of your memories are contained. Feels like opening the box of Pandora, afraid of what might spill out against your will.
What you dread the most, however, is the moment that you will get invited to the wedding. Because you know that moment will come. It’s just a matter of when. You just need to control your emotions instead of allowing them to control you and politely decline with a decent excuse that won’t make you look like a bitch.
But then, another thought crosses randomly through your mind: maybe you won’t get invited at all.
That, of course, would be the ideal case. Never having to witness the man you’ve unconsciously given your heart to express eternal love to someone else is the best you can hope for under these circumstances. But, with everyone else being there, family, close friends and all, not even receiving an invitation also seems cruel. Like you were never that important to him.
After all, nothing ever happened between the two of you. All of your friends claimed that there was “definitely something there”, and yet, neither had voiced any potential interest. You were only good friends, waiting, yearning, begging for the other to say something, do something that would end all of that inner turmoil.
Nothing ever happened. Hence why you remain convinced, to this day, that it was a classic case of unrequited love. Just you and your silly little unrequited feelings, still craving, still waiting, even after all those years.
You wonder if it will ever stop.
You wonder if this is the reason why you haven’t actually gotten yourself involved more seriously with anyone else.
You wonder if, even on your deathbed someday, your mind will still wander to Frankie.
It’s too much. It has been so for most of your twenties, and now that you are back home, back to the place where it all began, maybe it’s a chance to get some closure instead. Nothing more, nothing less. Just closure.
“Hey, are you free this Thursday?” Santi’s voice coos through the other end of the line.
“As far as I know, yes. Why, what’s going on Thursday?”
“Just another dinner with the gang.”
“Okay. Count me in.”
“Uh—by the way—“
You sigh, slightly annoyed with the way everyone is walking on eggshells around you. You can’t stand this being the standard in your friendship.
“I do realize this means Frankie is coming, Santiago,” you almost scold him. “And that’s fine.”
“Just wanted to give you a heads up.”
“And I appreciate it, but I don’t want you or anyone else walking around on eggshells around me with this whole Frankie situation. I want us to be normal again, okay?”
There’s a pause. “Do you think we can do normal?” he asks out of the blue.
“I sure hope so. I can’t spend the rest of my life like this, in doubt and watching what I say or what I do.”
“A lot would be fixed if you and Fish would just talk.”
Another pause, which you use to gather your composure. He is not wrong, and you’ve come to the same conclusion. It might be uncomfortable, but you need some sort of finalization.
“You’re right,” you tell him. “And that’s exactly what I want to do.”
You could practically hear Santiago frown over the phone. “Really?”
“Yes. For my sanity and for the sake of the group, Frankie and I have to sort out this mess and address the elephant in the room. We’ve waited long enough. It’s time.”
Over on the other line, Santiago gulps, half impressed with your determination and half fearing the way you sound so definitive, so dead set on that idea.
“Let me guess, you’re gonna do this on Thursday?” he checks.
“Not in front of everyone. But yes, I will want to talk to him.”
“Are you sure it’s a good idea?”
“You just said—“
“I know what I said, but I meant… is it a good idea to do this over dinner, with plenty of people around? It’s a very private conversation to be had, probably emotional as hell, and you might not feel so good afterwards.”
You ponder over Santiago’s words, appreciating his care nonetheless. He’s been very supportive of you over the years, and even after Frankie ghosted you completely, Santiago made sure to let you know—and his best friend as well—that the whole thing was a dumb idea and that he had your back.
Seems it’s no different now.
He knows damn well the hurt you’ve gone through, and how much you cared about Frankie. And again, he isn’t wrong. Having the big conversation over at dinner with friends, in a crowded restaurant, might not be beneficial.
“Fine, so maybe it’s not the brightest idea,” you concede. “But I’ll let him know that I do want to have the conversation and that we should meet over the weekend or something and finally clear the air.”
Santiago doesn’t reply. He’s not sure there is anything he could tell you to make you feel any better, so he resorts to simply listening to you.
“I’m sure that will go over well,” he jokes.
“You said it yourself, we gotta do normal. I gotta at least try to get closure. End it, one way or the other.”
Santiago takes a deep breath in, and you mimic the gesture, your thoughts racing as much as your heart.
“Thursday, seven p.m.,” he tells you with finality. “Antonio’s.”
“Got it.”
“I’ll swing by, pick you up.”
Considering he was Frankie’s best friend in the whole wide world, Santiago sure was spending a lot of his free time with you and making sure you were okay. You never gave it a second thought, and certainly not after Rose had confessed she still liked him.
Which reminds you…
“Is it okay if I invite Rose too?” you ask. “You remember her.”
Santiago’s breaths come in glitches, and you can hear it too. You suppress a giggle, curious as to how he’ll play this one out.
“Of course I remember her,” he replies a little too enthusiastically. “We’ve kept in touch over the years. Not as much as we did in high school, but you get it.”
“Oh, I get it.”
“Why are you saying it like that?”
“No reason.”
“Anyway, bring her along. It’ll be great. I haven’t seen her in a while.”
“I’m sure she’ll be excited to see you too.”
You smile as you hang up the phone, relishing into the one thing that makes you feel good about the upcoming dinner.
But come Thursday, and you’re dreading the dinner. The sentiment of déjà vu won’t leave you; the only exception is that this time, you know Frankie will be there, and you do intend to talk to him, even if it’s momentary.
Nervous as you are, you do your best to make sure you look great. You’re wearing a black shirt with a sweetheart neckline, and a pair of dress pants. Your makeup is in place, and so is your jewelry. Nothing too fancy, yet not too comfortable. You certainly don’t want to stand out.
“Wow!” Santiago exclaims when you open the door, his eyes radiant, beaming with admiration.
“My eyes are up here, Garcia.”
“I wasn’t—“
“I’m just messin’ with ya.”
Santiago chuckles nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. “Sooo where’s Rose? Is she meeting us at the restaurant?”
“Unfortunately she can’t come. She has a big presentation due Monday, so her weekend is pretty much booked.”
When you look him over, you see the disappointed look on his face and you can’t help but smile surprised.
“Sorry to disappoint you,” you say.
“I’m not disappointed. I mean, I can see her whenever I want, I got her number.”
“Really? So then, why don’t you ask her out?”
Santiago falters, the smug smile on his face slowly vanishing, whereas yours grows wider.
“Because… I don’t want to,” he finishes.
“Is that so? You don’t want to ask a gorgeous woman out?”
“Hey, I’m not asking you out right now. I know what I’m doing.”
“Oh for fuck’s sake, let’s just go to dinner.”
All you think about during the car ride is the speech you’re gonna give to Frankie. You must choose your words carefully, so that you won’t endanger his engagement or have your intentions be misinterpreted.
“You okay?” Santiago asks as he’s making a sharp turn to the left.
“Yeah. Just… thinking.”
“You’re always in your head.”
“Force of habit.”
You both chuckle, the atmosphere becoming a little less tense.
“Figured out what you’re gonna say to Frankie?”
You huff. “I’m just gonna say, ‘hey, I think we should probably address everything. Can we meet this weekend, talk through it and just end things one way or the other?’ and that’s that.”
“That’s good, straight to the point.”
“You know, Fish is my best friend. We’ve been there for each there since we were in middle school, and I love him like my own brother. But I think letting you go was the stupidest decision of his life. Pendejo.”
You flash a faint smile, oddly touched by Santiago’s confession.
“You do?” you ask.
“Absolutely. Told him that for years and years. He’s never fought me on it, though. Never really told me why he made that choice, but I made sure to give him some hell once in a while so he knows he was a dick. I think he knows.”
“Thank you.”
“Don’t mention it.”
He caresses your arm for a brief second, and then the next he’s helping you out of the car and opens the door for you to walk into the restaurant. The Millers are already there, and so are Mia and Emily. You and Santiago hug everyone briefly, and then he pulls the chair for you, right under the girls’ studious eyes.
“Are you sure there’s nothing going on with you two?” Emily teases.
“Let me answer this before you pull out your plethora of rejection, lady. Nothing’s going on,” Santiago quickly clears out the air, much to everyone’s amusement.
You laugh, checking the menu. It can’t be more than ten seconds later when Will’s eyes shoot to the entrance and then he leans in towards you. “Heads up, Morales at six o’clock.”
Because you’re seated with your back against the entrance, you turn swiftly, only to be met with Frankie’s figure entering the restaurant. He’s dressed sharply, not in his usual comfortable attire; he has dress pants on and a white shirt, and you have to admit, it is awfully distracting.
You take a deep breath in, trying to soothe your nerves. Santiago side-eyes you and nods, thus encouraging you to go on about your plan.
And you do exactly that: you stand up, walking towards the entrance and fully unaware of the fact that you are holding your breath. You don’t mean to do that, not even one bit, but it comes involuntarily. Like that would somehow conceal or prevent your nervousness from slipping.
Frankie’s face seems to lighten, displaying utter surprise when he sees you walking in his direction. He sees the determination on your face, albeit some anxiety in the mix, and he braces himself.
“Hi,” you say.
“Hi. You look—“
You put your hand up, almost touching his face. “No. We’re not doing that.”
God, why do you still desperately want to hear the end of that sentence? Why the hell do you feel the urge to tell him how handsome and dashing he looks?
You know better than that. You have more common sense than that.
“Listen, I’ve been thinking about it, and I think… we should talk about… everything,” you tell him, your voice seeping with nerves.
“Okay, sure. But listen—“
“Not now, obviously.”
“Obviously, yeah, but—“
“Maybe this weekend?”
Frankie opens his mouth to say something, for something to leave his mouth as a warning of some sort, yet, by the time you realize what he’s about to say, you see it with your own eyes.
“Took forever to check in those coats, I’m sorry, babe. Oh, hi!”
You stare at the woman, taking in her features. She’s about Frankie’s height, her hair brown with hints of caramel in it, her eyes emerald green and fairly big, and a very fit body. You don’t need an introduction; even though she’s a stranger at this very second, you feel like you’ve known her for a while.
“Hi!” you reply with a flustered smile on your face, hoping your surprise wasn’t noticed.
“I’m Andrea, nice to meet you.”
“Hi, Andrea. I’ve heard so much about you.”
“You too. You look even more amazing than what the guys described.”
Your smile widens, more in discomfort rather than in flattery. You watch her press a light kiss on Frankie’s cheek, and he looks at you in an apologetic way.
“Did I hear someone say something about weekend plans?” Andrea asks.
“Uh, yeah, that would be me,” you reply. “I was just…”
Then it hits you. You can’t make any plans for the weekend, and certainly not with Frankie.
“I forgot it’s the 14th,” you seemly apologize. “My bad.”
“Oh, I think the guys have something planned for Valentine’s Day, don’t they?”
She’s asking Frankie. He turns to look at her and smile a little, nodding along. You notice he avoids looking at you altogether, but then again, you think this is for the best.
“Hey, look who’s here!” Benny is the first one to exclaim—and potentially distract— and to stand up to hug Andrea. The others follow his example, leaving you and Frankie alone.
“So. That’s Andrea,” you awkwardly say.
“She seems incredible.”
“She is.”
The regret on his face after saying that is unmistakable, but all it does is confuse you. But even so, you don’t address it. You don’t think you’d want to know either way. You’re not sure you could handle it.
“So… how about this weekend? Us, talking?” he asks.
You scoff. “It’s Valentine’s Day. We can’t make any plans.”
“Are you guys joining us or what?” Benny shouts at you two.
With robotic motions, you get to the table, Santiago on your right and Frankie—and Andrea, respectively—on your left. You’ve never felt more constricted, in more need of air. The urge becomes unbearable, your clothes almost strangling you.
But you breathe through. You take deep breaths in and out, subtly, while Santiago’s keen eyes are watching you.
“Everyone in then?” Benny asks, and you’re quick to realize you missed about half the conversation.
“In for what?” you ask.
“We’re throwing sort of a party for Valentine’s this weekend,” Will explains, his voice soothing. “A get together, so we can all celebrate. All friends welcome.”
“You could bring Rose by too if you want,” Santiago tells you.
You frown at his not-at-all subtlety, making a face at him.
“What? He just said ‘all friends welcome’,” he continues defensively. “Rose is a friend, isn’t she?”
“Maybe more to some of us.”
“Best save your energy and desire to drink for Saturday night,” Will warns.
“Guys, I’m gonna sit this one out,” Andrea announces. “I’m headed for a medical conference this weekend, won’t be back till Sunday late.”
“That’s too bad,” Mia says.
“That’s right, you’re a doctor,” you remember.
Andrea flashes a smile down your way, her cheeks slightly reddened. Damn, that’s attractive even to you, and there is no denying that.
“Dermatologist,” she explains.
“Hey, that’s still medical school.”
She giggles, the adorable sound pleasantly tickling your ears. “What about you, what are you doing back here?”
“Editor. I get to judge and write, so two for two.”
Everyone at the table laughs, including Andrea.
“You’re so funny. And so cool,” she tells you.
Dang it. That’s hard to hate.
“So are you, I mean… hello, doctor?” you actually laugh.
“I smell a friendship forming here,” Benny giggles to Emily.
“I wouldn’t bet on it,” Will whispers to them. “Now quit your high school giggles.”
“I’m not gonna let you talk to my girlfriend like that, big bro.”
“I was talking to you, you bonehead.”
Emily chuckles, caressing his arm in reconciliation.
“Alright, so Saturday, five p.m., our place,” Will concludes.
“I hope you guys have a great time,” Andrea pouts, leaning a little onto Frankie’s figure.
The more you talk to Andrea, the more you listen to her life story, the fonder you’re growing of her. She is indeed remarkable: studied medicine at Johns Hopkins, bartending to pay her college debt, often worked at a shelter for homeless people during the holiday season and was generally bubbly and fun. On top of that, she was very beautiful, and she and Frankie did make a great pair.
He looked happy. Whenever he returned Andrea’s gaze, he just looked so comfortable and happy, and you loved that sight so much, you saw no point in even having that conversation with him anymore.
The sudden callout of your name snaps you back with your feet on the ground. You look around the table, seeing Mia addressing you.
“Are you coming tomorrow or not?” she repeats.
You realize you didn’t give any answer, and for some reason that startles you—especially with everyone’s glare on you.
“Uh—I don’t think I should, I mean… it’s Valentine’s Day. A day for lovers. The official holiday of sex and romance.”
“Don’t think this is some sort of orgy, cause it’s not,” Benny says.
“Well now they might,” Emily shushes him sweetly.
“We said all friends are welcome,” Will reminds you. “It’s not about couples. It’s about being together with the ones we care about.”
“Oh, rub it in, why won’t you!”
Everyone laughs at Andrea’s joke, including you.
“I do promise to make it up to you when I get back though,” she coos over to Frankie, but unfortunately, you hear it too, and it makes your stomach squeeze itself to the size of a peanut.
“I don’t expect anything less,” he replies just as cheekily.
“Oh, by the way!”
Andrea peeks from behind Frankie, calling out your name.
“Almost forgot. Since you’re such an integral part of this group’s life and because they all care about you so much, we’d love it if you’d come to our wedding. It’s on 10th of June.”
There you have it. The moment you have both been anticipating and dreading.
And now that you hear it, it causes your heart to sink into the hole that your stomach left when it squeezed itself shut. Out of the corner of your eye, you see that Frankie’s not even looking at you. Being literally in between you and Andrea, hearing the exchange between you two, it’s a little overwhelming, and unlike you, he’s not afraid to show it.
Even if Andrea doesn’t know half of the truth.
And neither do you.
“Oh, thank you… so much for the invitation,” you finally reply with a massive knot in your throat. “I really appreciate it.”
“Of course,” Andrea smiles.
“I just—well, I can’t make it. I’ve been planning a month long trip in June, and—“
“Oh no. I mean, that sounds amazing, but that’s too bad.”
“Yeah. Thank you so much for inviting me. But I just can’t be there.”
Your eyes pierce right through Frankie as you offer your reply, but Andrea notices nothing of the sort. It’s only then that Frankie gazes back at you, his eyes filled with unspoken regret and all the apologies of the world, each of them contained within those two brown, soft orbs.
Afterwards, you don’t even remark the concerned glares that the group exchanges between themselves. You barely hear any of the talk. You smile politely through most of it, downing your drink as if the liquid would offer some sort of salvation from the waves of sadness that overcome you.
Deep down, you know that invitation came from Andrea and not from Frankie. You’re both glad and sad, and even more so when you look around at the table, seeing Will and Mia, Benny and Emily, Andrea and Frankie and you and Santiago, together and yet apart. The concoction of emotions eats at you from inside out, ready to spit out the remains of your power at any given moment, even though you fight with every muscle in your body to keep a friendly face and not reveal any of that.
That is, until you turn to your side to see Andrea and Frankie nose to nose, whispering sweet nothings to each other in utter bliss. It’s in that moment that you feel happiness and pain marching together as one, both sharp in your chest.
“Okay guys, we don’t want to have all the fun tonight,” you excuse yourself, standing up. “So I guess I’ll see you on Saturday.”
“Yay, you’re coming!” Emily exclaims.
“A party’s a party, right?”
“Can’t you stay a bit longer?”
Frankie’s question leaves you truly dumbfounded. More so because it brings back painful memories of the last night you’ve spent together in person.
“It’s getting late,” you said at the time, barely making any effort in removing yourself from near his broad frame, sitting next to each other on that bench. “I should get going.”
“Oh, come on, it’s only ten.”
“I have a full weekend ahead of me, you know that.”
“I do. But you also know that I like spending time with you.”
“I do.”
“So you realize I’d do anything to keep you here just a little while longer.”
“It’s not easy for me either, Francisco.”
“Can’t you just… can’t you stay a bit longer?”
“I really should go, I—“
“I just want…”
“What? c’mon, just tell me. What do you want, Francisco?”
You never found out the answer. Eventually, Frankie only smiled at you and hugged you so tight you could’ve sworn you became one and the same, wished you a good night, and that was the last time you’ve seen him.
You’ve kept in touch afterwards, writing and calling, but never facetiming. And a few months down the road, he was completely gone.
“I really should get going,” you finally found the strength to reply, almost choking. “I gotta get to the office a little earlier tomorrow anyway.”
“It was so great meeting you,” Andrea smiles and hugs you. “And I guess we’ll be seeing a lot of each other from now on, huh?”
“Yeah, I guess so.”
Frankie locks eyes with Santiago, and the latter’s eyes are adamant, nearly cruel in the wrong lighting.
“I’ll give you a ride,” Santiago offers.
“That’s fine, I’ll take a cab.”
You don’t know what else to do to get out of there faster, so you almost sprint towards the coat room and outside into the cold again.
When the crisp air hits your face, you close your eyes and nearly combust. It all feels too much at the same time, way too many sensations running rampant through your body. All you can possibly want now is to get home, jump in your bed and read something with a glass of wine in hand. Alone, unjudged.
But then, you feel a shadow behind you. A light grab of your wrist spins you around, and you nearly gasp.
“Are you okay?” Frankie asks.
It’s so silly that it’s almost laughable. Borderline pathetic.
You don’t know where the reaction comes from, but it’s catatonic. Suddenly you start to laugh, hot tears invading your eyes and threatening to run down your reddened cheeks at any given point.
“Am I okay?” you mock his words. “Do you even understand what this is like for me? Do you even have a shred of understanding as to how this might feel for me?”
Frankie coos your name so gently, it acts like a trigger for your tears to break free from your eyes, slowly pouring down your face.
“I came back here, to my so-called hometown, after all the hard work, all the studies and everything else in between… and I have never felt more like an outsider. In my own home, with my own chosen family. I’m a stranger here, I’m… it’s like I was never here!”
Frankie listens to you, heart aching in his chest, blood boiling in his veins, not daring interrupt you.
“And you just—just sitting there, just talking to you hurts, Francisco,” you continue. “It hurts thinking of us, of how we were and what we might’ve had, the things we’ve shared, the things we’ve said and didn’t say… it’s too fucking much.”
“So… what? This is it? You’re gonna disappear again?”
Maybe his question carries no ill intention, but it still stings you.
“I did not disappear,” you clarify on an angered tone. “I left for my studies, for a better life. Do not dare throw that against me.”
“I’m not—throwing it against you. It’s just—I know it’s too much. Seeing you again, like this—“
You frown. “Like what? I’m still me.”
He falters, his heart skipping several beats that might’ve otherwise killed him. But looking at you so hurt, in so much pain, it keeps him alive. It keeps him alive to know he has wronged you, and to know that he has to make it up to you somehow.
“You’re—“he begins, searching for his words. “I mean, leaving the country definitely worked in your best interest. You’re… gorgeous.”
You close your eyes again, anger rising within. “Don’t. Don’t do that, don’t be all nice and cheesy. Stop it. Please.”
There is finality in your voice, your throated plea a heartbreaking reminder to Frankie that all you’ve been through is on him. The guilt that kept him up at night, will continue to do so.
“We’re gonna have to see each other since we share friends, but… you and I both know things aren’t the way they used to be. And they never will be again.”
Frankie nods continuously, arriving at the same realization as you. “Okay,” he agrees. “So we put on a polite, fake smile and… that’s it.”
“That is it. That’s the bare minimum. I got nothing else to offer. You made sure of that.”
Later in the evening, when you’re barely paying attention to the pages of your book and the wine has long settled in your veins, you wonder how the hell people can go from strangers to friends, hoping for more, then back to strangers.
Like all the love they felt was never there to begin with.
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316 notes · View notes
jalebi-weds-bluetooth · 5 months
Greetings, Jalebi; many were not satisfied with Arnav’s redemption. I am one of them as so many of his flashbacks before going to say sorry didn’t include some important heartbreaks he gave Khushi. Do you think Arnav, deemed a man of action and not words, really understood what he had done to Khushi, a young innocent girl, substantially younger than him on the threshold of womanhood? Later during the abysmal Sheetal track some insecurities partly stemming from his actions reared their ugly head
Hi Anon,
Arnav is extremely privileged and starts off in the show as someone who nearly doesn't consider people as people if they're not in the circle he is in.
It's not an active dehumanizing choice, it's just that his vision is so narrow he's unable to see people as fleshed out living beings unlike himself.
He's too rich, too arrogant and has a ton of confidence (based on his successes).
It's also why Khushi's fight with him at the guesthouse gets through to him unlike anything else. He did not send her there to die - but again, he isn't considering her as a separate human being. When Khushi accuses him of dehumanizing her, of not taking into account she also has a family and pride, feelings, privacy the way he does...
And the fact that he worships money and attaches just way too much worth to money-
Arnav had nothing to say.
And just as he began to understand, Khushi grossly crossed boundaries of his private life so that halted a lot of things. I do think he understood Khushi and his own actions half bit during guesthouse, then at barsi, at the hospital, then at the night of coming back home from kidnapping (it's the reason why he comforts her) and definitely right before his remarriage preps.
I think he realizes before the remarriage preps that despite calling Khushi a trouble, he has been the biggest troublemaker of her life.
Sheetal track, tbh, didn't have any of the insecurities that's there in the existing relationship. I could always understand a Gunjan insecure of her relationship with Samrat because she has that outlook in life.
Khushi never has, and Arnav has never implied that Khushi was not pretty enough or not upto his standards as a wife. The betrayal of trust was a point of contention - not anything else.
Again, we have Khushi reduced from an otherwise confident woman to suddenly being "oh, Arnav prefers his modern exes" after a lot of things passed between the two of them to confirm the validity and strength of their relationship.
If Khushi got together with Arnav during her puppy love phase where she was kinda putting him on a pedestal - I'd get it.
At this point they had shown the characters were mature enough to deal with certain things - and decided to regress them for cheap laughs.
My favorite part of the Sheetal track is when Arnav gets to know and works with Khushi to deal with things.
Because that's them. Khushi is the character to decide to sacrifice what she treasures the most for a person she doesn't know, Arnav is the character to choose logic to work out things.
Those 3-4 episodes of them dealing with the repercussions of them having a child makes the most sense to them in canon.
The 10 before and 20 after? No.
(You can't convince me that a woman who has perfectly been putting makeup and styling herself suddenly turns into a clown - like she legit went WTF at Manorama to end up... having makeup skills like Manorama? Also, Khushi rarely gets insecure of other people. She knows she's strange and one of a kind. The insecurities easily fit Payal like a glove).
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jjtheresidentbaby · 1 year
Hiiii!!! Sorry to be sending in a request at the moment as I'm pretty sure I already sent one in earlier 😅 but I just read your Kira bedroom Headcannons list and absolutely loved it!!! And I was wondering if I could request the same thing but an Isaac version??? <3
Hope you're having a good day/afternoon/night!!!
🫐Little Isaac Bedroom Headcanons 🫐 ➢ event masterlist
a/n: I’m on season 5 of tw & I haven’t seen Isaac in a bit so please forgive me if this is a bit ooc
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1. What kind of bed do they sleep in? What size is it?
- he sleeps in a full size bed that has a brand new mattress per Melissa, he’s still living in Scott’s guest room but overtime it’s really just become Isaac’s room instead of the “guest room”. the bed frame is wood and really sturdy, it’s nothing fancy, Isaac doesn’t mind and he likes that there’s little marks from when Scott was younger as the frame used to be his, when he’s regressed he’ll sit up by the headboard and trace over the small divots left
2. How many pillows do they sleep with? What’s the color of their pillows?
- only two pillows, but a million plushies. he has grayish blue pillow cases that match his sheets and were a gift from Allison
3. How many blankets do they sleep with? What colors are they?
- his comforter is actually Scott’s old one but that only maybes Isaac love it more. when he’s regressed he likes to huddle under it and just bask in how safe he feels, it feels protecting in a way. he also has a couple throw blankets that he’ll drape over his comforter before going to bed but most times he just wants his comforter, yes this means he’ll drag the whole thing into the living room to watch a movie
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4. Where do they keep their clothes? How are their clothes organized?
- he has a wood dresser that was already in the room when Isaac moved in, he makes sure his clothes are folded as in his childhood home it was always very important to be as neat as possible. Melissa tells him he can relax here, the most he ever does is leave a hoodie hanging from the post of his bed frame
5. What kind of light sources do they have? How many do they have? Why?
- so so many light sources. he has a nightlight plugged in at all times, his main lamp, fairy lights by his bed, a little lamp on his window sill — if it can light up Isaac wants it. anything that keeps the darkness away is going to make him happy
6. What colors are their bedroom walls?
- a cream color that’s a little darker than the normal cream color most think of, Melissa picked it out when Scott was a kid and they had just moved in but she offered to repaint for Isaac, he politely declined. he really likes how bright the room looks when the curtains are open and lights are on, it’s comforting for him
7. What does their bedroom look like? What kind of furniture do they have in there? How big is it?
- his bedroom is a little smaller than Scott’s but nothing major. his bed is against the wall on the right, a window on the back wall between where his bed is and where his dresser is, and then a small desk is on the side where his dresser is. he never really uses the desk for anything but more storage but occasionally he’ll play army men on it while regressed
8. What kind of floor does their bedroom have? What color?
- he has wood floors like every other room in the McCall house (bathrooms not included) and Isaac actually really likes the wood floor because it allows him to slide on his socks across his room
9. Do they have any toys? Do they sleep with any of them?
- he has a lot of plushies but also a ton of those little toy cars, Scott even gets him the tracks that lets him race them! the plushies are mostly gifts from Allison or Lydia, there’s no real theme to them just anything the two deemed cute enough for Isaac to have. he only really sleeps with whatever one’s happen to end up in his bed that night, he has no preference and loves them all equally
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10. Do they have any rugs? If so, what color are they?
- he has a small blue rug by his bed but most times he kicks it under his bed so he can zoom around on his socks or so he can set up race at tracks across the entire floor
11. Are there any decorative elements to their bedroom? What are they? Why?
- he has a mobile hung above his bed that Derek got for him, it’s peter rabbit themed as Isaac really enjoys the books & Derek got him a matching nightlight too, he cherishes them both
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12. What are some of the things they do in their bedroom?
- he likes to read, yes okay cars & toys & mess around too, but reading isn’t something he ever got to fully relax into as a kid so he appreciates being able to now. sometimes he regresses too small to read his books himself so he’ll ask Scott or Allison to read to him and of course they both jump to do it, sometimes they read together and switch off doing funny voices for characters which always has Isaac laughing
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13. Do they share their bedroom with anyone. If so, who?
- technically it’s his own room but occasionally Theo or Scott will end up asleep somewhere in it, whether it be on the floor (probably theo) or next to Isaac in bed (definitely scott), Isaac actually really likes having other people in his room as it reminds him he’s not alone
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ohdudedhesflirting · 1 year
Meet me in the gardens, part 2
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Pairing : Kim Jiwoong x f!reader
Synopsis : After being send out from home, you finally meet the man you will have to marry, Prince Sung Han Bin.
Warnings : Allindans y’all won’t like it lol. Very quick and unclear mention of adult stuff. Princess calling but in a mean way.
Notes : I was actually very nervous for which way this would go and the amazing people of the zumblr discord truly helped me and cheered me on. Shout out to them <3 . There will be a total of 4 part, this one is small but it was to understand better what will follow.
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"This is an abduction"
Looking at you with discontent your father was only dissapointed at your behavior. He had been woken up in the middle of the night by his butler, because apparently, his daughter, which he educated and cared for during 20 years, was currently planning on running away before marrying a prince. How disappointing of a daughter she was..
On your side, you could only think of Jiwoong, the man would be waiting alone, in the gardens for you. You looked distraught at your pocket-clock. There was 10 minutes to go before your secret rendez-vous.
You knew Jiwoong and you knew that he would never left, always waiting for you. You looked over the window of your carriage. As if looking away would keep you away from those thoughts.
How could your father have known ? How could he strictly went off with you in the carriage without any luggage or package ?
You knew that your father was desperate to marry you off but to send you away this way in the middle of night was defintely something else..
"Listen to me YN, in two days times we will be at the palace and you will behave do you hear me ?"
Without a word you kept looking away, you just wished you could have went away faster, if everything went as planned you would have been in Jiwoong's arm, running away from this life you never wanted.
Arriving at the palace, you looked at your surroundings, it had been an hour you arrived, and you had been installed in the said little (as big as your bedroom) tearoom, waiting for the prince to arrive.
Where you excited to meet him ? No. All of your thoughts were towards Jiwoong, it had been days and you still did not what happened to him.
Did your father sent out maids or servants for him ? Did they fetch for someone to arrest him under false prestense ? Most important of all, was he safe ?
A voice took you out of your thoughts as the prince was announced to come in the room. Both you and your father rose to your feets, dressed in a new green dress.
The prince, Sung Han Bin accompanied by his father, the king came onto the room and greeted you both.
The man in front of you could have been deemed pretty : tall, slim figure, small face and attentive eyes.
Both sides took place and sat to discuss the preparations for the upcoming wedding. Cake, flowers arrangments, the wedding list, the guests.. Everything was run over from the bottom to the top from both of the men.
Both you and Han Bin stayed quiet, mindlessly the man was only looking at you and you were stricly avoiding his gaze.
« Well. I guess that concludes it. »
Both of the man stoop up and you both follow them in their actions. Your father looked a moment before adding "We should give them some time alone together" The king quickly agreed and left the room, leaving you speechless.
What about the decorum? Manners ? What happened to having a chaperone in the room when you are with a man ?
"You came quicker than expected"
Han Bin was the first one to break the silence, trying to make small talk. You slowly nodded your head. Nor really wanting to reply to him, you had others stuff in mind.
The quicker you would leave this room, the quicker you would be able to send a letter off to your brother to ask how things were at the domain, indirectly asking for Jiwoong.
"Something must have happened in your domain."
You quickly took a look at the man. Standing in front of you. His demeanor was quicky changing. He looked more proud and intimidating than he did before.
The man was satisfied with you looking at him, and he got closer to you. Cutting shorter the respectable distance that was between you both.
"Am I right ? A little bird told me you had your own little lover man back there.. your father found out right ? What a shame.."
The way Han Bin looked at you now was simply threatening. Like an Eagle watching his prey. You slowly swallowed your own saliva. Your brain trying to understand the situation.
"Did you send someone to spy on me"
Han Bin got even closer to you and with one of his fingers started to play with your hair. "I have to know who the person I am going to marry is like right?"
A shiver went down your spine. This man had been aware for this mariage since a long time, and he had somehow planted a spy into your house. A place you where supposed to feel safe in.
Getting even closer to you Hanbin whispered in your ear "Even if I don't like that my future wife was touched by some other man, its good that you have some experience, I am sure that I will enjoy it. Princess"
Now completely terrified of the man in front of you, you found the strength to push the man away and getting out of the room.
Loudly the Prince yelled out of the tearoom "I cannot wait for this month to pass, and know what it's like to have you under my skin"
There was something evident. You could not marry the Prince Sung Han Bin. And you could not ever be alone in the room again with him.
To be continued...
Taglist : @seok02 + @hikarii02, @jiaant11
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trains647 · 19 days
Day 1 year 1
Z-day report
location: south west Missouri
Soldier: tell me everything you saw in that high school starting at 3rd period.
Witness: I-uh well I was going to wood-shop like any other day and I saw a girl who looked like she had a fungus in her teeth going to the nurse whilst I was going there…..why are you asking me this?
Soldier:con plan 8888 was activated at 0930 when your school resource officer sent his body-cam footage to us now you need to answer the question were there any other sick looking people?
Witness: four from what I remember but I drive myself so I don’t know if anyone was actually throwing up on the buses it could have been a rumor….
Soldier: how many people were at the school would you say it was less than normal?
Witness:yes because the hallways were very empty I saw maybe……20 people? on my way to class rather then the usual amount where I’m almost trampled. but why would the school resource officer send you footage from his body-cam?
Soldier: he deemed it appropriate and necessary. Now what symptoms did the sick people you see have?
Witness: maybe bloodshot eyes……someone had something that looked like a bulging vain slithering under his skin…….several people were drooling everywhere and coughing while drinking everything they could find but why is that important?
Soldier:because we don’t know what we’re fighting some are easily brought down with shots to the chest others need to be completely burned and destroyed now you and the others are getting evacuated to New York and Florida if we can’t clear up the caves in Branson now all that we need you to do is stay calm and cooperate with our investigation.
Witness: o-ok I’ll try to stay calm.
Soldier:were you ever bitten?
Witness:yes but it didn’t break my skin thankfully I had my coat on why?
Soldier:*slowly grappling his pistol under the table* show me the bite now.
Witness:*taking off his coat to reveal a bruise on his arm with the imprint of teeth along its edges*
Soldier:it didn’t break skin but you will be quarantined for three days now I’ll continue questioning you after that *slowly gets up and leaves the room and locks the thick steel door* it sounds like 3 or 4 plagues
Soldier 2:I’d be inclined to believe you as another said that there was worms in the blood and a different one said a fungus but there were several that had neither and those were the ones that went down easily.
Soldier: alright so we are going to need to start excavating a mass grave for the infected to be poured into and burned.
Soldier 2:understood
(Note this is a work of fiction but is part of a series hope you enjoy)
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