#4x11 shot in the dark
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Haven parallels: Jennifer Mason’s tech skills (4x11 Shot in the Dark/ 5x12 Chemistry)
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stagefoureddiediaz · 8 months
Ok so we get this
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and this
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And I proceed to spiral about colour theory and costume theory and end up writing and expansion to this post I made about Buck in yellow ochre!!! Sorry y'all, you know what that means - my unhinged colour theory and costume meta's are Back!!!
Lets start by revisiting all of Bucks previous yellow ochre wearing shenanigans!
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3x06 the yellow ochre sweater he wears when he gets sent home by Bobby - this does after we see Buck and Eddie making up with each other - a moment when we see Buck learning more about himself and growing (read becoming less self-centred and understanding the concept of being part of a team and recognising that he needs to be better about stepping in with Eddie!)
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4x02 - Yellow ochre jumper - first in a video chat with Maddie, Chim and Albert, but then more importantly, when he is in his therapy session with dr Copeland - the whole ‘I hide my true feelings from others’ moment - yet another moment of Buck recognising something about himself. I think this is the most key scene in Bucks yellow ochre wearing - more on that in a bit.
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4x03 Bucks yellow ochre t-shirt - a t-shirt that matches the shade of the jumper from above, and a moment when Buck confesses to Maddie that he’s in therapy - about being sad and lonely and wanting to be ‘finer’ 
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4x04 - the yellow knit sweater from 3x06 is back (yes it is the same sweater) and this is when Buck has his entire life upended and he finds out about Daniel (kicking us into Buck begins)
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4x11 - Buck talks to Maddie and Josh about Sue’s hit and run, then talks to Taylor about Sue. This one is a much brighter yellow than the ochres we’ve seen up to now, but I’m including it because I think its relevant to Bucks arc here (also because it connects into the next time we see Buck wearing yellow - the will scene) the concept of being hit with information that leads to Bucks growth and the nature of most hit and runs not being solved, the perpetrator never being caught and therefore not getting closure on something (this is super relevant I promise!)
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Then we have 4x14 and two yellow ochre tops - the first is the sweater, this one is trending more towards orange brown, but its still in the ochre wheelhouse! this oe is all about communication - mostly at Buck - Taylor telling him how stupid he was for climbing the crane, receiving a phonemail from Ana to tell him Eddie is awake, facilitating communication between Eddie and Chris and then Buck communication himself - thinking it would’ve been better if he had been shot. Directly communicating to the audience (as much as Eddie) the inner monologue of Bucks own opinion of the point of his existence.
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Then we get the beloved will scene and Buck wearing a yellow ochre shirt, still lighter than the other yellow ochre we’d seen up to this point, with the exception of the previous one which is brighter still. again this is mostly about people communicating at Buck rather than him being the communicator - much like with the previous Jumper. It somewhat plays into the concept of Buck being a passive part of his life rather than actively living it - Kinda hard to explain at this point without the context of the costumes from s5&6. I also want to point out Taylor is in that dark green again here - in the scene when Buck opens the door to the Diaz house.
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5x03 gives us Buck in that same shade of yellow ochre (bear in mind we haven’t seen him in any other colour between the will reveal and this scene (beyond uniform!) and here we have Buck pushing Eddie and communicating without actually giving much of himself away - yes he uses himself as an example, but he doesn’t actually open up about himself all that much (this is important - its not the time for that and it provides space for Buck to continue his internal monologue about his self worth) after this he goes home to his loft and we get him communication to a Taylor who isn’t actually present in the space - a symbolic scene that shows that he gets just as much from her absence as her presence (a play on the idea that Buck can communicate better with her when she isn’t actually present compared with when she is - its a juxtaposition of the scene from earlier when they were in bed together and she didn’t listen to anything he was saying, or his wants/needs)
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5x04 a scene at the Buckley-Han apartment where Buck isn’t communicating with Chim - Chim is very much communication with Buck about his despair over Maddie leaving - Buck obviously knows where Maddie is at this point, but he diocesan’t take the opportunity to communicate effectively with Chim. so This is yet another example of Buck failing to communicate, while some one around him is clearly communicating and this scene has the addition of secrecy thrown into the mix.
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Then we have 5x14 - this one is a bit less obvious - its the yellow ochre and black plaid jacket - its an outlier in that its not solid yellow ochre, but it is again a scene where we get communication - this time BUck is actually the one to do some communicating, but like pretty much always, we don’t get him pushing too much and we see him continuing to deflect from making things about himself - he’s desperate to talk about the shooting and its impact on him, but Eddie resists and Buck backs off. the check here is a nice addition because it shows the concept of cross purposes, but also there is less yellow than in other outfits - the black seems to be ‘devouring’ the yellow - almost like a play on the idea that this was Bucks one big chance to communicate, but he doesn’t take it.
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That is the last time we see Buck wearing yellow ochre until the end of season 6 - 6x15 and his date with Natalia to be precise! we’re back to that same shade of yellow ochre and once again we have Buck communicating - but its very much playing into what Natalia what to hear. I don’t doubt that BUck wants to talk about his death and resurrection, but we don’t actually see the conversation beyond the superficial overtures Buck makes. This plays into the suggestion that its about him trying to impress Natalia rather than actually about what Buck needs or wants to say. Its once again Buck communicating without actually communicating. something Eddie picks up on in the later graveyard scene and tries to provide the space for him to open up - which Buck doesn’t take.
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The theme continues with the the next Buck/Natalia date in 6x17 - yellow ochre once again, this time an open shirt - again its that same shade, and we see a continuation of the Buck communicate via deflection technique he employs - this scene, like his previous date with Natalia, is more about her and the writers showing us her hang ups/ insecurities than it is about Bucks - beyond showing us that they aren’t actually all that compatible - its kind of framed in the same way as his previous relationships (especially Taylor) - Buck playing into what he thinks someone wants him to be rather than being who he actually is. 
This concept is something we see in pretty much all of the previous scenes where Buck is wearing Yellow ochre, this desire to be what people need him to be rather than who he actually is. there are a couple of exceptions - the first time we see Buck in yellow ochre is probably the only instance where we see Buck being somewhat honest with himself - there is an element of him playing the role he needs to to win back Eddies friendship, but I think its coming from a genuine place and is born out of a real desire to be better - he really did learn his lesson. The fact that the next time we see the yellow ochre used is in his therapy session scene where he literally states that he hides his true feelings from others is a big giant yellow ochre flag waving around telling us that when we see Buck in yellow ochre he will be playing into that idea - and that’s then how it transpires in every subsequent scene where he is in yellow ochre.
Which brings me to this new still
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no one can tell me there isn’t an air of conflict about that scene - the dark cool tone of the image suggests a coolness to the room - that idea of the cold shoulder or the temperature dropping when there is conflict between two people. their body language is also adding to that vibe - Chris turned in on himself, not sat with Buck, the space between them.
Whatever this scene transpires being about, based on what we've seen with Buck wearing yellow ochre, we can assume its going to continue to play into this idea of Buck not being fully truthful with people and fitting into the role he thinks people want him to pay rather than being true to himself.
I do want to add to this theory by looking at Christophers shirt as well. The grey/ yellow combination is a bit reminiscent of Breaking point (the episode that really is the gift that keeps on giving) becasue we get Chris in grey and Eddie in tan - that is yellowish toned whilst not actually being yellow
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There isn't a good screenshot of them together, but the placing of Chris and Buck in the new one has echoes of Eddie and Chris in that scene (one that is interestingly enough playing into the idea of changing family dynamics, but also the moment before and the one that happens afterwards at Bucks loft, directly placing Buck into a parental role (as an aside the idea of Buck being a miracle worker plays into the theme of Eddie looking for magic, just saying!))
Anyone want to play a game of whose shirt does this look like??!!!
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Oh you do! well what if I leave these two pictures just here...
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yes, yes that is a Chris sized version of that shirt - you know the one Buck was wearing when he and Taylor talked about complicated family dynamics and about telling 'other peoples stories because I hate telling my own' you know that scene about playing a part and not being yourself around people you're supposedly close to! Yes That scene - or how about the scene which happens to be the last time we saw Buck in Chris's bedroom, where Buck talks to Eddie about complicated family dynamics, about needing to have the right outfit on for the occasion, the scene where they talk about retirement, oil and Buck is playing with a dinosaur! yeah see where I'm going with this! Chris wearing a grey shirt that similar to Bucks is Paralleling those scenes - so playing into the idea of history or of thing being outdated and needing to change, of dressing for the occasion (an allegory for playing a role - to fit in to whatever environment you're in rather than being your true self) and most importantly of complicated family dynamics - suggesting that there may have been some change in the dyamics - perhaps this will play into the will (also colour paralleling the will scene as Buck is in yellow ochre and the breaking point scene with Eddie in a yellowish colour and Chris in grey) and perhaps Chris discovering Buck would be his guardian in the event Eddie isn't around. I mean we'll have to wait and see for the actual context, but I will eat my hat if the season 7 scene isn't playing into Buckley-Diaz family dynamics in some way!
Back to this still
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I keep flip flopping on if its Buck or Bobby, but right now the lack of grey hair is making me lean towards it being Buck.
This is a still of the back of Bucks head from his coma dream for comparison (blurry as hell as he's not in focus but it looks enought like the same shape of hairline and of Olivers ear for me to feel like its more Buck than Bobby!
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I think the shirt is what is throwing me off though because its just so not a typical Buck shirt (excepting coma dream Bucks!).
I've gone back through my notes and I just can't find any examples of Buck wearing this kind of patterning or shirt before, the closest we get is that hideous shirt he is wearing at the hospital after Kameron has given birth
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The only thing I can do is scream into the void about check theory because check does't bode well for people - they always end up in the middle of the drama (see my check theory posts linked on my pinned post for more) and while they come out the other side (99% of the time) Buck in check for that scene in 6x18 pretty much doomed his relationship with Natalia (its specific to her and not C&K's baby as Buck wasn't wearing it when he delivered it!) and as that shirt in the still is very un Buck like, has not only yellow ochre in it, but also its a white base (and we all know buck in white is a bad sign!!) and its check patterned - my theory is that this scene is connected to Natalia in some way - either Buck is not being true to him self in more than one way - that things are going to/have come to a head for their relationship (my kingdom for a reverse of Buck to Eddie about Ana in 5x03!!!) and lead to a pretty big change in some way (fingers crossed for Buck to end it and then finally break down and deal with his trauma!!!)
Some other things about that shirt - I've brightened it up in the picture below - the colour combination - the green blue and yellow ochre are giving me call backs to coma Buck (another reason I think it might be connected to Bucks unresolved trauma around his death and Eddies absense in his dream)
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Then there is the burgundy stripe in combination with Eddies hand placement and the fact Eddie is wearing a denim shirt - its very Tsunami call back (even the white plays into this as well as Buck was in white when he saved Chris) -
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I'm quite probably clowning hard at this point, but the fact we've got Eddie in denim again (not something he wears all that often) in a scene where he puts his hand on Bucks shoulder in that way and with his Christopher watch so very prominent - we'll I might be feeling a certain way about it.
It would make sense to play into that story arc - after all - the opening of season 7 is very much centred around a big water based disaster - its got to bring up a few things for the two of them. If it is related, Eddies Denim being darker at this point would be a nice play on things - the idea that there is more deepness - more depth to his relationship with Buck than there was in early season 3 (it even calls back to flash back Eddie in 3x16 - he is wearing dark denim when him and Shannon fight and Chris wakes up)
Ok thats enough rambling from me! Hopefully i have made a tiny bit of sense! of to go back to screaming in the void now!!
tagging a few people who might be interested! @extasiswings @copyninjabuckley @oneawkwardcookie @spotsandsocks @mandzuking17 @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @theladyyavilee @mistmarauder
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Buck & Eddie: Buck is looking for answers!
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Before 6x15 aired, I wrote a speculation post about Buck's "Therapy Uniform vs. his date clothes" (linked here) but everyone knows how the season ended with the showrunner pulling that BS by having Eddie revert back to being a giggly high school student who acted like an 18-year-old that didn't know how to ask a woman out on a date. And Buck literally made the same mistake by sleeping with a woman he just met who only wanted one thing from him but I digress. It still pisses me off, so I won't revisit it.
Also, I did a post after 6x13 aired (linked here) about Buck finding the answers (Eddie and Chris) because when he said he was the guy with the answers, he looked at Eddie.
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Anyway, after TM (showrunner, GLAD HE'S BACK so KR can kick rocks and go write an episode) released more cryptic Buck, Eddie and Chris pictures at dark o'clock Saturday night or Sunday morning (depending on your time zone), I revisited my theory about Buck's therapy uniform but now I've revised it. He does wear one but the reason he does is a lot narrower in scope. Even though I still believe he wears specific colors or a "uniform" per say for certain things, I realized after doing some analysis that whenever he wears a Gold/Bronze/Burnt Orange/Dark Orange or a Brown shirt with navy-blue or dark colored pants, he's LOOKING FOR ANSWERS!
That's the difference between my original post and this one and I have photos from each episode to prove my updated theory. Before I delve into this, I need to mention there are two pictures from season 6 that contain the colors but BE WARNED, the pictures included deal specifically with the COUCH METAPHOR 🙄🙃. I know, I know... the season ended with Buck asking ND to help him find a couch but full disclosure, after I started working through my frustration with the way the season ended by writing a huge fanfic, I took a closer look at their whatever the hell they were doing (it wasn't a relationship) and I don't think it was meant to be interpreted that way. I won't go into it here in my CANON posts but if you want to know my thoughts on it, I've included them in my love for FANON writing in my multi-chapter fanfic titled "I'm still in love with you but... I needed to learn how to love myself too!".
Now, let's get into this topic and review Buck's looking for answers uniform.
In 4x2, Buck was looking for ANSWERS from Dr. Copeland and he said, "I think you were right when you said I hide my true feelings from others".
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In 4x3 Buck told Maddie and Chimney he was seeing a therapist to help him find the ANSWERS and he started to find them but then everything went to $hit when the Buckley parents showed up.
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In 4x4, Buck showed up at Maddie's and Chimney's apartment looking for ANSWERS about his parents and that's when he found out about Daniel.
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In 4x8, Buck was lost and trying to find ANSWERS because guess who started dating again? EDDIE! And he was getting ready to introduce AF to Chris but Chris got upset and ran away and took an Uber to Buck's loft.
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In 4x11, Buck and TK were FRIENEMIES (not friends even though he believed they were) so he contacted her and asked her for help because he wanted to find the ANSWERS regarding who hit Sue Blevins and ran.
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In 4x14, Buck wore his "looking for ANSWERS" uniform twice and BOTH TIMES his quest involved Eddie! The first time was when he was packing more clothes to go to Eddie's house so he could keep taking care of Chris. That's when he got the call from AF after TK kissed him and ran so I've included two pictures so his shirt can be seen better while he's sitting at Eddie's beside. He was looking for answers about Eddie being shot in front of him and his heart being ripped out of his chest when it happened.
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The second time he was looking for ANSWERS, he was in the hospital talking to Eddie during THE WILL REVEAL! 🤪😜
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In 5x3, Buck was once again looking for ANSWERS about his relationship but reminder, he went home to an empty loft after he told Eddie during the blackout to break up with AF🤪.
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In 5x4, he was looking for ANSWERS about Maddie and why she left him again even though she promised him she wouldn't in 3x16. Did she tell him she was leaving, YES! But reminder, she didn't tell him where she was going and all he told Chimney was "It's what she does, leave".
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In 6x1, at the end of the episode, Buck was looking for ANSWERS again but this time it was about his couch or the lack thereof. At the beginning of the episode, he cooked dinner for him and his Diaz boys and they made fun of him for not having one even though THEY WERE SITTING RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF HIM. He missed the fact that they were waiting for him and had been since he broke up with TK and he still didn't get it. The picture shows Buck carrying his armchair (which is the same color of the shirt he wears when he's looking for answers) and he moved it to where his couch once sat.
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In 6x4, Buck was looking for ANSWERS again when he was trying to decide if he should be Connor's sperm donor.
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In 6x12, Buck was lying on the couch looking for ANSWERS about his death but reminder, the color of the couch is close to the color of his armchair but it's hard to see. He's wearing a navy-blue t-shirt while lying on that uncomfortable orange couch his mother bought even though he told her HE'D FIND ONE ON HIS OWN.
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In 6x15, Buck was looking for ANSWERS about the fact that he died but ND was fangirling over him so hard that he LIKED the attention she was giving him then he said that Bull$hit to Eddie about her seeing him and Buck and Eddie went back to making the same mistakes. Eddie let people (**cough** Pepa and **cough** Bobby) tell him he should date instead of finding his own way. And Buck tried to make another woman like him when in fact all she wanted was his "Firehose".
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In 6x17, he was still looking for ANSWERS but this time it was answers regarding how to calculate the tip at the bar he took ND to and that's when LD showed up and insinuated, they hooked up when she knows they didn't. Reminder, Buck could only do math when he was with Eddie and Chris and the firefam but he couldn't calculate $hit when he was on a date with ND🤪🙃😁😉.
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Finally, in Season 7 (TM didn't specify which episode the scene below will appear in his cryptic post), Buck's wearing his LOOKING FOR ANSWERS colored shirt again. The color pants he's wearing while he sits on Chris' bed can't be seen but based on 6x13 when Chris wanted Buck to give him the answers to his math homework and since Chris is clearly doing homework in the picture, it's possible he's asking Buck to help him but he doesn't have the answers anymore because his special skills wore off after 6x13 which just so happened to be the episode the Buckley-Diaz family was together 90% of the time.
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What, if anything, does all this mean? I'm not speculating but will Buck finally find the answers in Season 7 or will it be more of the same, him looking for answers while Eddie tries to make another relationship work with someone he doesn't want to be with or will Buck and Eddie finally TALK about all their traumas and confess how much they love each other? Only TM, the producers and the actors know the answers to that question.
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bronx-bomber87 · 9 months
The Rookie Reviews Season's 1-5 Master List. Will be Pinned To Blog for Easy Access. S6 In Progress seperate link at bottom of list.
Top Eps Listed Season's-1-4 Made a ranking list my fave eps for an ask. Wanted to include in this list.
Started: 5/13/23
Last Updated : 09/20/24
Works: 106
Season 1
1x02-Crash Course
1x03-The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
1x04-The Switch
1x05-The Roundup
1x06-The Hawke
1x07-The Ride Along
1x08-Time Of Death
1x10-Flesh and Blood
1x13-Caught Stealing
1x14-Plain Clothes Day
1x17-The Shakeup
Season 2
2x02-The Night General
2x03-The Bet
2x04-Warriors and Guardians
2x05-Tough Love
2x08-Clean Cut
2x09-Breaking Point
2x10-The Dark Side
2x11-Day Of Death
2x12 Now and Then
2x13-Follow Up Day
2x15-Hand Off
2x16-The Overnight
2x18-Under The Gun
2x19-The Q Word
2x20-The Hunt
Season 3
3x07-True Crime
3x08-Bad Blood
3x10-Man Of Honor
3x11-New Blood
3x12-Brave Heart
3x13-Triple Duty
Season 4
4x01-Life and Death
4x02-Five Minutes
4x03-In the Line Of Fire
4x04-Red Hot
4x06-Poetic Justice
4x07-Fire Fight
4x08-Hit and Run
4x10-Heart Beat
4x11-End Game
4x12-The Knock
4x13-Fight or Flight
4x14-Long Shot
4x15-Hit List
4x16-Real Crime
4x21-Mother's Day
4x22-Day In The Hole
Season 5
5x01-Double Down
5x02-Labor Day
5x03-Dye Hard
5x04-The Choice
5x05-The Fugitive
5x06-The Reckoning
5x08-The Collar
5x09-Take Back
5x10-The List
5x11-The Naked and The Dead
5x12-Death Notice
5x13-Daddy Cop
5x14-Death Sentence
5x15-The Con
5x17-The Enemy Within
5x18-Double Trouble
5x19-A Hole in the World
5x21-Going Under
5x22-Under Siege
Season 6 Separate Post
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mayasdeluca · 2 days
did i forget something about the end of season 4? is doc still a vampire? because how does a gunshot wound kill a vampire?
I had to look this up because I forgot too lol this is why I wanted to do a rewatch before the movie came out but then we only got a one week warning.
So in 4x11 a lot happened and explains a lot that would probably confuse people who just watch the special and don't know any background. It's the same episode that Nicole sacrifices herself as the Shield which makes her unable to leave Purgatory (aka why she couldn't go with Waverly or why she said she wishes she could be the one to show her the world)
And with Doc, things happen with Dark Waverly from the Garden and him having the book that she wants and all the stuff with the Claxton's and so an evil gets inside of him and that's when he wants to fight Wynonna etc. and then he gets shot by bullets that kill vampires and then Wynonna makes Dark Waverly save Doc in exchange for the book she wants and she saves him and turns him back to human.
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goodwhump-temp · 2 years
Batman Whump (tv shows & movies)
Justice League (2001) - Kevin Conroy 1x01 Secret Origins Part 1 - Knocked out 1x02 Secret Origins Part 2 - Presumed dead 1x08-09 Injustice For All Part 1 and 2 - Almost falls to death in burning building, poisoned by Copperhead, unconscious, half-dead, angry at Superman, knocked out by the Joker, taken prisoner, has to listen to Lex talk (absolute torture) 1x16 Fury Part 1 and 2 - Knocked unconscious, poisoned, weak, collapses into WonderWomans arms 1x24 The Savage Time - Real Batman is missing (scares the rest of the League, worry) 2x06 Only A Dream - Almost crashes car, slowly passing out, exhausted, worry for friends, almost injected/stabbed, gets deserved beauty sleep 2x26 Starcrossed Part 3 - Sacrifice, passes out from heat
Justice League Unlimited - Kevin Conroy 1x02 For The Man Who Has Everything - Reliving trauma 1x05 This Little Piggy - Sacrifices his dignity 2x03 The Doomsday Sanction - Sacrifices himself, hit in missile blast radius, 'plane' crash, probably drowning, horribly injured, ominous anger towards Superman
Justice League Action - Kevin Conroy 1x03 Night of the bat - Possessed for a long time 1x09 Time Share - Epic moments of becoming the bat 1x11 Play Date - Mocked for lack of powers, briefly knocked out, movements controlled (quite a fun episode) 1x27 Time Out - Angry, pain of fazing out of the 'present', 'bond' with Booster Gold 1x29 Mxy's Mix Up - Mocked, briefly happy 1x32 Booray for Bizarro - Painfully squeezed, imprisoned, 1x36 Superman Red vs Superman Blue - Knocked out, shot with blaster 1x38 Forget Me Not - Batman identity is forgotten, confused, mocks himself 1x39 The Brain Buster - Forced to play in a dangerous game 1x40 E. Nigma - Consulting Detective , captured by the Joker, missing, tied up and unconscious, almost sliced in half 1x42 Phased and Confused 1x43 Itll Take a Miracle 1x44 System Error 1x46 Party Animal
Superman: The Animated Series- Kevin Conroy 3x02 Knight Time- Missing, mind controlled, collapses
The Batman (2004) - Rino Romano 1x02 Traction - Crushed and beaten by Bane, unconscious, dazed, pain, carried, surgery, trauma flashback, bandaged, weak 1x11 Bird Of Prey - Knocked down, punched unconscious, restrained, mask almost removed 2x01 The Cat, the Bat & The Very Ugly - Thrown unconscious, restrained 2x03 Fire & Ice 2x04 The Laughing Bat 2x09 Ragdolls to Riches 2x10 The Butler Did It 2x13 Night & The City 3x03 Dark Knight to Remember 3x06 Brawn 4x05 The Breakoutjla 4x06 Strange New World 4x07 Artifacts 4x09 Seconds 4x11 Rumors 5x02 Batman/Superman Story 5x03 Vertigo 5x05 Mirror Darkly 5x12 Lost Heroes
///// MOVIES /////
Batman: Hush - Jason O'Mara Shot in the sky, falls, horribly injured/broken bones
Batman: Bad Blood - Jason O'Mara Captured, thought dead, tortured, mind controlled, emotional scars/trauma from shooting a gun with malicious intent
Justice League: Doom - Kevin Conroy Sliced up, ache/exhausted, almost buried alive, trauma, beat-up by bane, badass moment facing the league
Batman: Mask of the Phantasm - Kevin Conroy Depressed, trauma, caught in explosion, falls from a great height, beat up by the Joker
Batman: Soul of the Dragon - Mark Dacascos Bloody fists, horribly beaten by Ben Turner, badass (aka batass)
Justice League Dark - Jason O'Mara Angry, possessed, depressed
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supernovagifs · 2 months
NCIS Season Masterlists
Below are/will be masterlists for each episode.
Season 1
1x1 - Yankee White
1x2 - Hung Out to Dry
1x3 - Sea Dog
1x4 - The Immortals
1x5 - The Curse
1x6 - High Seas
1x7 - Sub Rosa
1x8 - Minimum Security
1x9 - Marine Down
1x10 - Left For Dead
1x11 - Eye Spy
1x12 - My Other Left Foot
1x13 - One Shot, One Kill
1x14 - The Good Samaritan
1x15 - Enigma
1x16 - Bete Noire
1x17 - The Truth Is Out There
1x18 - UnSEALeD
1x19 - Dead Man Talking
1x20 - Missing
1x21 - Split Decision
1x22 - A Weak Link
1x23 - Reveille
Season 2
2x1 - See No Evil
2x2 - The Good Wives Club
2x3 - Vanished
2x4 - Lt. Jane Doe
2x5 - The Bone Yard
2x6 - Terminal Leave
2x7 - Call of Silence
2x8 - Heart Break
2x9 - Forced Entry
2x10 - Chained
2x11 - Black Water
2x12 - Doppelganger
2x13 - The Meat Puzzle
2x14 - Witness
2x15 - Caught On Tape
2x16 - Pop Life
2x17 - An Eye for an Eye
2x18 - Bikini Wax
2x19 - Conspiracy Theory
2x20 - Red Cell
2x21 - Hometown Hero
2x22 - SWAK
2x23 - Twilight
Season 3
3x1 - Kill Ari (Part 1)
3x2 - Kill Ari (Part 2)
3x3 - Mind Games
3x4 - Silver War
3x5 - Switch
3x6 - The Voyeur's Web
3x7 - Honor Code
3x8 - Under Covers
3x9 - Frame Up
3x10 - Probie
3x11 - Model Behavior
3x12 - Boxed In
3x13 - Deception
3x14 - Light Sleeper
3x15 - Head Case
3x16 - Family Secret
3x17 - Ravenous
3x18 - Bait
3x19 - Iced
3x20 - Untouchable
3x21 - Bloodbath
3x22 - Jeopardy
3x23 - Hiatus (Part 1)
3x24 - Hiatus (Part 2)
Season 4
4x1 - Shalom
4x2 - Escaped
4x3 - Singled Out
4x4 - Faking It
4x5 - Dead and Unburied
4x6 - Witch Hunt
4x7 - Sandblast
4x8 - Once a Hero
4x9 - Twisted Sister
4x10 - Smoked
4x11 - Driven
4x12 - Suspicion
4x13 - Sharif Returns
4x14 - Blowback
4x15 - Friends & Lovers
4x16 - Dead Man Walking
4x17 - Skeletons
4x18 - Iceman
4x19 - Grace Period
4x20 - Cover Story
4x21 - Brothers In Arms
4x22 - In the Dark
4x23 - Trojan Horse
5x24 - Angel of Death
Season 5
5x1 - Bury Your Dead
5x2 - Family
5x3 - Ex-File
5x4 - Identity Crisis
5x5 - Leap of Faith
5x6 - Chimera
5x7 - Requiem
5x8 - Designated Target
5x9 - Lost & Found
5x10 - Corporal Punishment
5x11 - Tribes
5x12 - Stakeout
5x13 - Dog Tags
5x14 - Internal Affairs
5x15 - In the Zone
5x16 - Recoil
5x17 - About Face
5x18 - Judgement Day (Part 1)
5x19 - Judgement Day (Part 2)
Season 6
6x1 - Last Man Standing
6x2 - Agent Afloat
6x3 - Capitol Offense
6x4 - Heartland
6x5 - Nine Lives
6x6 - Murder 2.0
6x7 - Collateral Damage
6x8 - Cloak
6x9 - Dagger
6x10 - Road Kill
6x11 - Silent Night
6x12 - Caged
6x13 - Broken Bird
6x14 - Love & War
6x15 - Deliverance
6x16 - Bounce
6x17 - South by Southwest
6x18 - Knockout
6x19 - Hide & Seek
6x20 - Dead Reckoning
6x21 - Toxic
6x22 - Legend (Part 1)
6x23 - Legend (Part 2)
6x24 - Semper Fidelis
6x25 - Aliyah
Season 7
7x1 - Truth or Consequences
7x2 - Reunion
7x3 - The Inside Man
7x4 - Good Cop, Bad Cop
7x5 - Code of Conduct
7x6 - Outlaws and In-Laws
7x7 - Endgame
7x8 - Power Down
7x9 - Child's Play
7x10 - Faith
7x11 - Ignition
7x12 - Flesh and Blood
7x13 - Jet Lag
7x14 - Masquerade
7x15 - Jack-Knife
7x16 - Mother's Day
7x17 - Double Identity
7x18 - Jurisdiction
7x19 - Guilty Pleasure
7x20 - Moonlighting
7x21 - Obsession
7x22 - Borderland
7x23 - Patriot Down
7x24 - Rule Fifty-One
Season 8
8x1 - Spider and the Fly
8x2 - Worst Nightmare
8x3 - Short Fuse
8x4 - Royals and Loyals
8x5 - Dead Air
8x6 - Cracked
8x7 - Broken Arrow
8x8 - Enemies Foreign
8x9 - Enemies Domestic
8x10 - False Witness
8x11 - Ships in the Night
8x12 - Recruited
8x13 - Freedom
8x14 - A Man Walks Into a Bar...
8x15 - Defiance
8x16 - Kill Screen
8x17 - One Last Score
8x18 - Out of the Frying Pan
8x19 - Tell-All
8x20 - Two-Faced
8x21 - Dead Reflection
8x22 - Baltimore
8x23 - Swan Song
8x24 - Pyramid
Season 9
9x1 - Nature of the Beast
9x2 - Restless
9x3 - The Penelope Papers
9x4 - Enemy on the Hill
9x5 - Safe Harbor
9x6 - Thirst
9x7 - Devil's Triangle
9x8 - Engaged (Part 1)
9x9 - Engaged (Part 2)
9x10 - Sins of the Father
9x11 - Newborn King
9x12 - Housekeeping
9x13 - A Desperate Man
9x14 - Life Before His Eyes
9x15 - Secrets
9x16 - Psych Out
9x17 - Need to Know
9x18 - The Tell
9x19 - The Good Son
9x20 - The Missionary Position
9x21 - Rekindled
9x22 - Playing With Fire
9x23 - Up in Smoke
9x24 - Till Death Do Us Part
Season 10
10x1 - Extreme Prejudice
10x2 - Recovery
10x3 - Phoenix
10x4 - Lost at Sea
10x5 - The Namesake
10x6 - Shell Shock (Part 1)
10x7 - Shell Shock (Part 2)
10x8 - Gone
10x9 - Devil's Trifecta
10x10 - You Better Watch Out
10x11 - Shabbat Shalom
10x12 - Shiva
10x13 - Hit and Run
10x14 - Canary
10x15 - Hereafter
10x16 - Detour
10x17 - Prime Suspect
10x18 - Seek
10x19 - Squall
10x20 - Chasing Ghosts
10x21 - Berlin
10x22 - Revenged
10x23 - Double Blind
10x24 - Damned If You Do
Season 11
11x1 - Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
11x2 - Past, Present and Future
11x3 - Under the Radar
11x4 - Anonymous Was a Woman
11x5 - Once a Crook
11x6 - Oil & Water
11x7 - Better Angels
11x8 - Alibi
11x9 - Gut Check
11x10 - Devil's Triad
11x11 - Homesick
11x12 - Kill Chain
11x13 - Double Back
11x14 - Monsters and Men
11x15 - Bulletproof
11x16 - Dressed to Kill
11x17 - Rock and a Hard Place
11x18 - Crescent City (Part 1)
11x19 - Crescent City (Part 2)
11x20 - Page Not Found
11x21 - Alleged
11x22 - Shooter
11x23 - The Admiral's Daughter
11x24 - Honor Thy Father
Season 12
12x1 - Twenty Klicks
12x2 - Kill the Messenger
12x3 - So It Goes
12x4 - Choke Hold
12x5 - The San Dominick
12x6 - Parental Guidance Suggested
12x7 - The Searchers
12x8 - Semper Fortis
12x9 - Grounded
12x10 - House Rules
12x11 - Check
12x12 - The Enemy Within
12x13 - We Build, We Fight
12x14 - Cadence
12x15 - Cabin Fever
12x16 - Blast from the Past
12x17 - The Artful Dodger
12x18 - Status Update
12x19 - Patience
12x20 - No Good Deed
12x21 - Lost in Translation
12x22 - Troll
12x23 - The Lost Boys
12x24 - Neverland
Season 13
13x1 - Stop the Bleeding
13x2 - Personal Day
13x3 - Incognito
13x4 - Double Trouble
13x5 - Lockdown
13x6 - Viral
13x7 - 16 Years
13x8 - Saviors
13x9 - Day in Court
13x10 - Blood Brothers
13x11 - Spinning Wheel
13x12 - Sister City (Part 1)
13x13 - Deja Vu
13x14 - Decompressed
13x15 - React
13x16 - Loose Cannons
13x17 - After Hours
13x18 - Scope
13x19 - Reasonable Doubts
13x20 - Charade
13x21 - Return to Sender
13x22 - Homefront
13x23 - Dead Letter
13x24 - Family First
Season 14
14x1 - Rogue
14x2 - Being Bad
14x3 - Privileged Information
14x4 - Love Boat
14x5 - Philly
14x6 - Shell Game
14x7 - Home of the Brave
14x8 - Enemy Combatant
14x9 - Pay to Play
14x10 - The Tie That Binds
14x11 - Willoughby
14x12 - Off the Grid
14x13 - Keep Going
14x14 - Nonstop
14x15 - Pandora's Box (Part I)
14x16 - A Many Splendored Thing
14x17 - What Lies Above
14x18 - M.I.A
14x19 - The Wall
14x20 - A Bowl of Cherries
14x21 - One Book, Two Covers
14x22 - Beastmaster
14x23 - Something Blue
14x24 - Rendezvous
Season 15
15x1 - House Divided
15x2 - Twofer
15x3 - Exit Strategy
15x4 - Skeleton Crew
15x5 - Fake It 'Til You Make It
15x6 - Trapped
15x7 - Burden of Proof
15x8 - Voices
15x9 - Ready or Not
15x10 - Double Down
15x11 - High Tide
15x12 - Dark Secrets
15x13 - Family Ties
15x14 - Keep Your Friends Close
15x15 - Keep Your Enemies Closer
15x16 - Handle with Care
15x17 - One Man's Trash
15x18 - Death from Above
15x19 - The Numerical Limit
15x20 - Sight Unseen
15x21 - One Step Forward
15x22 - Two Steps Back
15x23 - Fallout
15x24 - Date with Destiny
Season 16
16x1 - Destiny's Child
16x2 - Love Thy Neighbor
16x3 - Boom
16x4 - Third Wheel
16x5 - Fragments
16x6 - Beneath the Surface
16x7 - A Thousand Words
16x8 - Friendly Fire
16x9 - Tailing Angie
16x10 - What Child Is This?
16x11 - Toil and Trouble
16x12 - The Last Link
16x13 - She
16x14 - Once Upon a Tim
16x15 - Crossing the Line
16x16 - Bears and Cubs
16x17 - Silent Service
16x18 - Mona Lisa
16x19 - Perennial
16x20 - Hail & Farewell
16x21 - Judge, Jury...
16x22 - ...and Executioner
16x23 - Lost Time
16x24 - Daughters
Season 17
17x1 - Out of the Darkness
17x2 - Into the Light
17x3 - Going Mobile
17x4 - Someone Else's Shoes
17x5 - Wide Awake
17x6 - Institutionalized
17x7 - No Vacancy
17x8 - Musical Chairs
17x9 - IRL
17x10 - The North Pole
17x11 - In the Wind
17x12 - Flight Plan
17x13 - Sound Off
17x14 - On Fire
17x15 - Lonely Hearts
17x16 - Ephemera
17x17 - In a Nutshell
17x18 - Schooled
17x19 - Blarney
17x20 - The Arizona
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psych episode masterpost (18 july)
season one
🍍 pilot 1x01
🍍 spellingg bee 1x02
🍍 speak now or forever hold your piece 1x03
🍍 woman seeking dead husband: smokers okay no pets 1x04
🍍 9 lives 1x05
🍍 weekend warriors 1x06
🍍 who ya gonna call? 1x07
🍍 shawn vs. the red phantom 1x08
🍍 forget me not 1x09
🍍 from the earth to the starbucks 1x10
🍍 he loves me he loves me not he loves me oops he's dead 1x11
🍍 cloudy with a chance of murder 1x12
🍍 game set ... muuurder? 1x13
🍍 poker? i barely know her 1x14
🍍 scary sherry: bianca's toast 1x15
season two
🎤 american duos 2x01
🦖 sixty-five million years off 2x02
🍍 psy vs. psy 2x03
🍍 zero to murder in 60 seconds 2x04
🐎 and down the stretch comes murder 2x05
📰 meat is murder but also murder is murder 2x06
📚 if you're so smart then why are you dead? 2x07
🍼 rob-a-bye baby 2x08
🚤 bounty hunters! 2x09
🎄 gus' dad may have killed an old guy 2x10
🍷 there's something about mira 2x11
💊 the old and the restless 2x12
🎬 lights camera ... homicido 2x13
🍍 dis-lodged 2x14
🍍black and tan: a crime of fashion 2x15
🍍 shawn (and gus) of the dead 2x16
season 3
🚙 ghosts 3x01
🏫 murder? anyone? anyone? bueller? 3x02
🏍️ daredevils! 3x04
🍍 the greatest adventure in the history of basic cable 3x04
🍍 disco didn't die it was murdered! 3x05
🛢️ there might be blood 3x06
🛼 talk derby to me 3x07
🏦 gus walks into a bank 3x08
🎅🏻christmas joy 3x09
🐬 six feet under the sea 3x10
🍍 lassie did a bad bad thing 3x11
🧯 earth wind and ... wait for it 3x12
🏈 any given friday night at 10PM 3x13
🍍 truer lies 3x14
🏕️ tuesday the 17th 3x15
🍿an evening with mr. yang 3x16
season four
👑 extradition: british columbia 4x01
✈️ he dead 4x02
🤠 high noon-ish 4x03
⛪️ the devil's in the details ... and the upstairs bedroom 4x04
🥎 shawn gets the yips 4x05
🥻 bollywood homicide 4x06
💻 high top fade out 4x07
🐺 let's get hairy 4x08
🍍 shawn takes a shot in the dark 4x09
🪖 you can't handle this episode 4x10
🍍 thrill seekers and hell raisers 4x11
❤️ a very juliet episode 4x12
🦠 death is in the air 4x13
🍍 think tank 4x14
🦈 the head the tail the whole damn episode 4x15
🎞️ mr. yin presents 4x16
season five
🥋 romeo and juliet and juliet 5x01
💉 feet don't fail me now 5x02
👽 not even close ... encounters 5x03
🍷 chivalry is not dead ... but someone is 5x04
🏎️ shawn & gus in drag (racing) 5x05
🍍 viagra falls 5x06
⛓️‍💥 ferry tale 5x07
🍍 shawn 2.0 5x08
🚁 one maybe two ways out 5x09
🍍 extradition ii: the actual extradition part 5x10
👻 in plain fright 5x11
📧 dual spires 5x12
🚓 we'd like to thank the academy 5x13
🍍 the polarizing express 5x14
🍍dead bear walking 5x15
💉yang 3 in 2d 5x16
season six
🇬🇧 shawn rescues darth vader 6x01
🍍 last night gus 6x02
🩸 this episode sucks 6x03
📰 the amazing psych-man & tap man issue 2 6x04
⚾️ dead man's curveball 6x05
🍍 shawn interupted 6x06
🍍 in for a penny 6x07
🧘 the tao of gus 6x08
💍 neil simon's lover's retreat 6x09
🖼️ indiana shawn and the temple of the kinda crappy rusty old dagger 6x10
🗡️ heeeeere's lassie 6x11
🍍 shawn and the real girl 6x12
🍍 let's doo-wop it again 6x13
📚 autopsy turvy 6x14
🍍 true grit 6x15
🍍 santabarbaratown 6x16
season seven
🍍 santabarbaratown 2 7x01
🏠 juliet takes a luvvah 7x02
📹 lassie jerky 7x03
🇲🇽 no country for two old men 7x04
🎸 100 clues 7x05
🎪 cirque de soul 7x06
💍 deez nups 7x07
🦋 turn right or left for dead 7x08
🪟 juliet wears the pantsuit 7x09
💛 santa barbarian candidate 7x10
🗑️ office space 7x11
🎙️ dead air 7x12
💉 nip and suck it 7x13
🍍 no trout about it 7x14
🎵 psych: the musical 7x15
season 8
🪄 lock stock some smoking barrels and burton guster's goblet of fire 8x01
s.i.e.z.e. the day 8x02
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oocstephenkingtv · 3 years
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Haven 4x11 Shot in the Dark (Original air date November 22nd, 2013) Written by Nick Parker Directed by Mairzee Almas
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extasiswings · 3 years
"Offer Me" for Buddie :D
Technically this prompt was about giving a gift, but you know how I like to get metaphorical. Also, I understand that it's TV and therefore that they can and will insist on introducing debilitating trauma and then pretending it doesn't exist until it becomes plot relevant again, but if these writers don't stop putting Eddie in hugely triggering situations for his PTSD and not addressing it at all they're gonna catch these hands. Post-4x11.
Eddie makes it through the end of the shift by sheer force of will. And then, when he gets home to a dark, empty house—Christopher wanted to spend some time with Isabel so he’s staying at her house for a few days—
He makes it as far as the kitchen before everything he’s been holding back slams into him at once and has him retching into the sink.
Fuck. Fuck.
It’s not that they never end up around guns on shifts. Sometimes things happen. Hell, Eddie can remember all too well holding a line while Buck talked down a woman hanging out on a freeway sign who had a gun. Things happen.
But that’s different from what happened earlier. They’re not cops. They’re firefighters. They’re medics. People aren’t usually shooting at them. Being pinned down in a shipping container by gunfire, surrounded by his team, trying to keep a patient alive—
Eddie spits into the sink again as he shudders, cold sweat breaking out across his forehead and the back of his neck. His hands grip the counter tight, the edge digging into the palms, giving him something solid to focus on.
"ETA six minutes."
"We don’t have six minutes."
Eddie forces himself to take deep breaths and lets his gaze flick over the kitchen, cataloguing everything that’s out in the open. He’s in his house in Los Angeles. He’s not in Afghanistan. He’s not fighting a war.
He’s not fighting for his life.
And it was fine. Earlier. No one was hurt. They got the girl to the hospital. The asshole who kidnapped her was arrested.
No one was shot.
He’s alive. He’s fine.
They got the girl to the hospital.
They got her to the hospital.
Eddie’s eyes burn as the panic slowly begins to recede. He releases the counter and drags a hand over his jaw, exhaling shakily. For a minute he just stands there—the echoes of gunshots slowly fade from his ears—but finally he flicks on the sink to rinse his mouth and splashes water on his face for good measure. He’s just shut it off again when his phone rings. The sound is abrupt and jarring in the silence of the house—he flinches at the suddenness and yanks it out of his pocket.
“Hello?” Eddie answers without looking at the id, wincing at how rough his voice sounds.
“Eddie.” Buck’s voice is a relieved sigh. “Hey.”
Eddie’s pulse is still too fast, albeit slower than it had been. He pads out of the kitchen and collapses on the living room couch, stretching out and closing his eyes.
“Did I hear Bobby right that you got arrested today?” He asks as exhaustion settles into his very bones. His hand rests on his chest, over his heart, so he can feel the steady thrum level out to normal—it beats a tattoo of alive, alive, alive against his skin.
“Okay, I wasn’t arrested, Athena just stuck me in an interrogation room for a couple hours to keep an eye on me. And I still helped solve the case!”
Eddie’s lips curve up despite himself. He hadn’t planned on talking to anyone tonight, had dodged Bobby’s concerned looks to avoid getting pulled into conversation before he left the station, clenching his hands so no one would see them shake. He hadn’t wanted to talk. But he hadn’t really been thinking clearly either about the reality of coming home to empty space. To silence. Left entirely alone with his own head.
“Yeah...that still sounds kind of like you were arrested to me. But you were probably having more fun than we were.”
Buck’s quiet for a moment before he clears his throat.
“Chim said you guys were shot at in the container yard.”
Eddie swallows hard. “Yeah. Yeah, for a couple minutes.”
“Are you okay?”
The way Eddie’s stomach twists at the question, at the softness in Buck’s voice, isn’t the same as the roiling nausea that gripped him before. It’s not entirely comfortable—but then it never is when he feels like this. Vulnerable. Exposed. Because he knows why Buck’s asking.
They lived together for months during the second wave of the pandemic. It was a stressful time, and god knows Eddie hadn’t always slept easily.
Buck hadn’t shied away. Not once. Hadn’t judged. Hadn’t demanded explanations—which is why Eddie gave him one anyway.
Buck just listened every time. Listened until Eddie couldn’t wrap his tongue around words anymore and then wrapped his arms around Eddie instead, listing off random facts about anxiety and skin pressure depressing the central nervous system, and maybe Eddie wouldn’t have let Buck hold him out of pity but if it was for science well—
So. He knows why Buck’s asking. What Buck’s thinking.
“Not really,” he admits after a long stretch of silence. “But I will be.”
Buck makes a quiet sound over the line.
"I should have been there—"
“No,” Eddie interrupts, because being trapped with everyone else had been bad enough, but the thought of being in that situation with Buck? Makes something in him recoil violently. “You’re allowed to take a day off, Buck. Don’t do that to yourself. Nobody got hurt and you being there wouldn’t have changed anything.”
Buck sighs, but accepts that.
"Christopher’s at Isabel’s, right?" He asks. "Do you want me to come over? Or—"
Buck seems to trip over his words for some reason Eddie can’t quite understand.
"—I guess you could call Ana—"
“No.” Another recoil. Buck is one thing. Buck is safe, Buck has seen all of his raw, dark, ugly places and Eddie has seen Buck’s. Ana—they’re nowhere close to being there. He would sooner go throw up again than let her in like that.
Eddie swallows again. Takes another deep breath. He hates asking for anything, but—
“Would you—would you just talk? You don’t have to come over, I’m pretty wiped anyway, but...you could talk for a little. I don’t really care what about.”
“Yeah,” Buck says quietly. “Yeah, I can do that.”
Eddie falls asleep on the couch with Buck’s voice in his ear. And he blessedly doesn’t dream.
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Happy 45th birthday, Lucas Bryant! 1/ 4
Lucas Bryant +female directors on Haven (2010-2015)
1x3 Harmony (2010) Directed by Rachel Talalay
1x4 Consumed (2010) Directed by Rachel Talalay written by Ann Hamilton
1x11 The Trial of Audrey Parker (2010) Directed by Lee Rose
2x4 Sparks and Recreation (2011) Directed by Lynne Stopkewich
2x10 Who, What, Where W*ndigo (2011) Directed by Lee Rose
2x12 Sins of the Fathers (2011) Directed by Lee Rose
3x1 301 (2012) Directed by Lee Rose
3x5 Double Jeopardy (2012) Directed by Nisha Ganatra written by Nora & Lilla Zuckerman
3x12 Reunion (2013) Directed by Lee Rose written by Gabrielle Stanton
4x4 Lost and Found (2013) Directed by Lee Rose
4x11 Shot in the Dark (2013) Directed by Mairzee Almas
4x12 When the Bough Breaks (2013) Directed by Lee Rose co-written Shernold Edwards
5x18 Wild Card (2015) Directed by Lee Rose
5x19 Perditus (2015) Directed by Lee Rose co-written by Gabrielle Stanton 
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i’ve looked through the season 4 tag on your page and i couldn’t find any posts about this so i was wondering if you guys have any recs for 4x11 fics. Preferably with ian comforting mickey after he came out? Thanks!! ☺️
Hi! There are some very emotional fics written about that episode <3
Like the Ocean
it's all for you
so collect your scars and wear them well
sink or swim
You Do Have Really Nice Legs
shot in the dark
The words only your wars define
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I’m Not Dead :D
Good news guys, I’m not dead! School, however, has drained the life out of me so I haven’t been drawing. I have some stuff in the works but until then enjoy this little line up
Season 1
1x1: Eye of the Beholder, Pt 1
1x2: Eye of the Beholder, Pt 2
1x3: Imperfect Harmony
1x4: When Darkness Falls- On an island that would make the perfect outpost, the dragon riders discover its indigenous residents are a mysterious new breed of dragon, as well as some mysterious figures
1x5: The Queen's Favor- The alpha of the island, a titan wing DeathSong, wants the dragon riders gone. Hiccup and his friends work to convince her with the help of two new companions
1x6: Big Man on Berk
1x7: Gone Gustav Gone
1x8: Reign of Fireworms-  Fireworm dragons invade Dragon's Edge, while Ruffnut and Tuffnut discover that they have an unexpected connection to the island, leading to a fight between the twins and Silas and Eerika
1x9: Big Water-  The Dragon Riders have an important mission to save a group of Monstrous Nightmares from Dagur and the Dragon hunters and need all hands on deck. Silas and Eerika refuse to help, leading to a tear in the group and secrets being spilled. Can Silas and Eerika get over their fear and help their new companions?
1x10: Crushing it
1x11: Quake, Rattle, and Roll
1x12: Have Dragon Will Travel, Pt 1
1x13: Have Dragon Will Travel, Pt 2
1x14: The Next Big Sting
1x15: Total Nightmare
Season 2
2x1: Team Astrid2
2x2: Night of the Hunters, Pt1
2x3: Night of the Hunters, Pt 2
2x4: O Brother Where Art Thou: When Crackle leaves the comfort of home to prove he isn’t the baby of the family he ends up getting tangled up by Dagur and the Dragon hunters.
2x5: Island: After the battle for Crackle Eerika and Dagur find themselves stranded on an island and must work together to survive, that is if they don’t kill each other first
2x6: Bad Moon Rising
2x7: Snotlout Gets the Axe
2x8: The Zippleback Experience
2x9: Snow Way Out
2x10: Edge of Disaster, Pt 1
2x11: Edge of Disaster, Pt 2
2x12: Into the Unknown- During battle with the dragon hunters Silas notices Eerika keeps missing shots and staying away from the fight. Not only that but she keeps leaving the island mysterious at night. Silas asks the Twins for help and to see what secrets she's keeping
2x13: Shock and Awe
2x14: A Time to Skrill- Tension between Toothless and Spyro boils over when a skrill with a grudge against Hiccup returns. Spyro decides weather to side with his own species or put aside his hatred for Toothless
2x15: Maces and Talons, Pt 1
2x16: Maces and Talons, Pt 2
Season 3
3x1: Enemy of My Enemy
3x2: Crash Course
3x3: Follow the Leader
3x4: Turn and Burn
3x5: Buffalord Soldier
3x6: Grim Retreat
3x7: To Heather or Not to Heather
3x8: Stryke Out
3x9: Tone Death
3x10: Between a Rock and a Hard Place
3x11: Family on the Edge
3x12: An Eye for an Eye- In an Act of mourning Eerika goes out and strikes down any dragon hunter ship she finds, alone. During one of these solo missions Eerika gets captured and must escape or die trying.
3x13: Last Auction Heroes- Snotlout goes on an undercover mission to Viggo's dragon auction to rescue the creatures and stop Viggo from getting richer. Two new faces appear in the Grimborn Family.
3x14: Defenders of the Wing, Pt 1
Season 4
4x1: Defenders of the Wing, Pt 2
4x2: Gruff Around the Edges
4x3: Midnight Scrum
4x4: Not Lout
4x5: The Family Grim, Pt 1- Hiccup and the riders once again face off with Viggo and his men. When the battle begins Viggo discovers something more valuable than the dragon eye.
4x6: The Family Grim, Pt 2- Silas and Eerika are  now captured and sailing off with Viggo, home. Encountering old faces and familiar smells.  
4x7: Saving ShatterMaster
4x8: Dire Straits
4x9: The Longest Day
4x10: Gold Rush- Dagur appears at the Edge and claims to know where Viggo keeps his gold, and the Dragon Riders race to find the stash and return Berk's stolen gold (Note: Dagur and Heather don’t leave to find their father).
4x11: Dragon Sickness- With Dagur now on the edge, Eerika is flying high, Silas on the other hand is ready to kick him off. When Eerika becomes sick with a disease they call Dragon sickness Dagur and Silas must work together before it's too late.
4x12: T​​he Hunt for Oswald- Dagur is determined to find his father and, not wanting to travel alone, asks Heather and Eerika to join him.
4x13: Out of the Frying Pan
4x14: Twintuition
4x15: Blindsided
4x16: Shell Shocked, Pt 1
4x17: Shell Shocked, Pt 2
Season 5
5x1: To the Bone: Therril and Jarl want to make up for Viggo and Rykers misdeeds by helping the dragon riders on their latest mission. The riders are hesitant to accept help but a mysterious dragon forces them to work together
5x2: Living on the Edge
5x3: Sandblasted
5x4: Something Rotten on Berserker Island
5x5: Snotlout’s Angels
5x6: A Matter of Perspective
5x7: Return of Thor Bonecrusher
5x8: Dawn of Destruction
5x9: The Wings of War, Pt 1
5x10: The Dragon and the Dragon Hunter- After hearing at a bar that Viggo lives from a group of dragon hunters he sails to dragons edge to confront him. The two fight and Jarl decides to leave and want the riders, but not before he helps a certain dragon escape.
5x11: Wings of war, Pt 2
5x12: No Dragon left Behind
5x13: Snuffnut
5x14: Searching for Oswald…and Chicken
5x15: Sins of the Past- When Heather and Eerika leave to meet a man claiming to have seen Oswald, they walk into a trap that forces the Dragon Riders to pay an unexpected price.
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lunmelia · 4 years
A List of All of Dean Winchester’s Injuries
Yes. I did. I did go through every single episode of Supernatural and recorded every time Dean got injured. Do not question me, I know what I did, I had no one tell me ‘no’ so I did it, and now I’m done. 
Now, this list might not be the most accurate. I did not sit down and watch every single episode in full, eyes glued to the screen for every time Dean got injured. I only skimmed. Here’s a gif I made to show how I did it: 
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(sorry it’s bad quality it’s the first gif I’ve ever made) I skimmed through the episode and used the little preview screen to look for any time there was fast movement, blood or a spell that might require someone cutting their palm. I also kept an eye out for angel-banishing sigils. Since I only skimmed, there’s a chance I missed some injuries or even times that Dean was magically healed. So again, might not be an accurate list but I did my best. Feel free to tell me anything I missed. 
Here’s a key to help you through the list: - most of this lists the actual injury, e.g. “cut on left temple” but other times it’ll list an action that may cause injruy, e.g. “thrown into wall”  - “thrown into/against” means that he impacted the object, but the object did not break / he did not go through it - “thrown through” means that the object broke on impact and he ended up on the other side - “internal pain” means that someone used magic to do something to him, but I have no idea what, all I know is that he looked in pain and was mostly gripping his stomach - “handcuffed” means actual handcuffs were used, “tied around wrists” means either rope or zip-ties were used - “punched” means just punched in the face, any other area on the body will be specified - any episodes that aren’t on the list means he wasn’t injured in them
Some misc notes: - I do not include any injuries that don’t actually happen, e.g. future visions, nightmares, hallucinations or a fake reality - I might be inconsistent with the amount of times I specify what was used to knock Dean out, and not listing what was used. Sorry about that. It’s because I either just couldn’t see the object, or I was lazy that day - I don’t usually specify the size of the injury either, I usually just say “cut”, sorry. I only realised like 6 seasons in that I probably should be specifying the size, and also taking screenshots, but I couldn’t be bothered going back and fixing it, nor could I be bothered specifying the size from then on. I’m sorry, it was just going to feel weird if 6 seasons in I only then start specifying - I don’t include possessions, but I do specify when injuries happen while possessed - I include some commentary of what kind of injuries I thought should’ve happened based on the action - There will also be a list for Sam’s injuries posted later, but there will not be one for Cas. Going into this, I only wanted to know Dean and Sam’s injuries for some redesigns I want to do, I didn’t feel it was necessary for me to know Cas’ because he won’t have scars in my redesign (at least his vessel won’t). Please don’t expect me to go back and make a list for Cas, this already took up so much of my time and I don’t want to do it again. 
Let’s begin, shall we?
Season 1
1x1: Pilot - jumps off a bridge 1x2: W*ndigo - wrists tied above his head - cut on left side of forehead - cut on right cheek - cut on right side of neck 1x5: Bloody Mary - infected by Bloody Mary 1x6: Skin - tied to a chair around his chest, hips, wrists and ankles 1x10: Asylum  - shot in the chest with rock salt - mind almost influenced by Ellicot, manages to burn the corpse before he can, but it did cause him pain 1x11: Scarecrow - knocked out with the butt of a gun - wrists tied up above his head 1x12: Faith - electrocuted, passes out - heart attack - heart is damaged (their words not mine)  - healed by a reaper - life drained from him, process is stopped before completed 1x15: The Benders - cut above right eye - knocked unconscious with a pan - punched - burn on upper left pec 1x16: Shadow - cut on edge of right eyebrow - wrists tied - four claw marks down the left side of his forehead 1x18: Something Wicked - cut on left side of hairline 1x22: Devil’s Trap - thrown into a windshield - diagonal cut across his chest
Hey! Under the cut this post is really long!! Please be sure you want to read the rest before clicking because you’ll be scrolling for a while!
Season 2
2x1: In My Time of Dying - in a carcrash  - vertical cut on right side of forehead - cut on right ear - cut on left cheek - bruised and cut knuckles - head truama - cut on left forearm 2x2: Everybody Love a Clown - punched 2x3: Bloodlust - punched - thrown into a table 2x7: The Usual Suspects - handcuffed 2x10: Hunted - knocked unconscious by the butt of a sniper rifle - tied around his wrists and ankles 2x12: Nightshifter - choked - punched 2x14: Born Under a Bad Sign - knocked unconscious with a gun - shot in the left shoulder - thrown against a wall - punched - cut above left eye 2x15: Tall Tales - thrown around - punched 2x16: Roadkill - cut along the right side of his jaw / cheek - thrown against a wall 2x19: Folsom Prison Blues - handcuffed on wrists and ankles - punched - cut on left cheek - hit in the gut 2x20: What is and What Should Never Be - strangled - put to sleep by a Djinn - wrists tied above his head - drained of his blood 2x22: All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 2 - thrown into a gravestone - diagonal cut on the right side of his forehead
Season 3
3x1: The Magnificent Seven - hit in the face and stomach 3x2: The Kids are Alright - thrown around - punched - kneed - elbowed  3x3: Bad Day at Black Rock  - stumbles and falls into a table - hit in the chin with gun 3x4: Sin City - thrown around - strangled 3x5: Bedtime Stories - strangled - thrown into a cabinet (probably has cuts since the cabinet had glass) - punched - cut on left side of his hairline 3x6: Red Sky At Morning - thrown into a gravestone 3x7: Fresh Blood - slash on inner left forearm - thrown into a wall - bit on the right side of his neck 3x8: A Very Supernatural Christmas - head banged against a wall and knocked unconscious - tied to a chair by his wrists and ankles - slash on inner left forearm - slash on inner right forearm - cut on right side of hairline - punched 3x9: Malleus Maleficarum - either hexed, sick by voodoo or a spell, they never really specify, but he vomits blood (healed by a potion) - thrown into a picture frame (likely bleeding at back of head) 3x12: Jus in Bello - handcuffed - shot in the left shoulder - punched - thrown against wall 3x13: Ghostfacers!  - thrown around 3x14: Long-Distance Call - punched - cut on right eyebrow 3x15: Time is On My Side - thrown into a cabinet 3x16: No Rest for the Wicked - kneed - punched - cut above right eye - thrown onto a table - torn to shreds by a hellhound - (3 long slashes on left thigh) - (4 long slashes down chest) - (1 long slash from right shoulder to hip, back and front) - DEAD 
Season 4
4x1: Lazarus Rising -(resurrected by Castiel, clean slate, no scars) - handprint burnt into his left shoulder - cut on inner left bicep - bruised and cut knuckles - bleeds out of his ears from Castiel trying to talk to him 4x2: Are You There, God? It’s Me, Dean Winchester - punched - kicked in the face - kicked in the gut - Victor’s ghost hand in his chest 4x3: In the Beginning - thrown into a wall - punched - kicked - thrown into a bookshelf 4x4: Metamorphosis - thrown against a wall - strangled - slammed into a table and knocked unconscious - cut above right eyebrow 4x5: Monster Movie - shoved into a wall - drugged - tied down in a metal contraption - punched 4x6: Yellow Fever - crashed into a shopping cart - infected by “ghost sickness” - three scratch marks on inner left forearm - punched - both inner forearms scratched up (disappears once the ghost is killed) 4x7: It’s the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester - internal pain - thrown into a wall 4x8: Wishful Thinking - super punched into some trash cans - possible broken knuckles - strangled 4x9: I Know What You Did Last Summer - shoved into a wall - punched - jumped out a window - dislocated shoulder - cut on outer right forearm - possibly some cuts along his torso - slash on outer left forearm 4x10: Heaven and Hell - punched - choked 4x11: Family Remains okay so I literally could not see a thing this episode, it was a very dark episode, but I think Dean got punched 4x12: Criss Angel is a Douche Bag - hung by his neck 4x14: Sex and Violence - infected by a siren - punched - thrown around - stabbed in the back of his right shoulder 4x15: Death Takes a Holiday - thrown into a gravestone and knocked out 4x16: On the Head of a Pin - punched - cut across nose - cut above left eye - strangled 4x17: It’s a Terrible Life - thrown into a shelf - thrown against a wall - cut on left side of hairline 4x18: The Monster at the End of This Book - hit by a car (he’s fine) 4x19: Jump The Shark - thrown through a glass door - punched 4x20: The Rupture - cut above left eyebrow - punched 4x21: When the Levee Breaks - punched - kneed - thrown face first into a mirror - thrown into a glass table - strangled 4x22: Lucifer Rising - punched Cas, hurt his knuckles
Season 5
5x1: Sympathy for the Devil - punched through wooden railing - kicked through a door - kneed - drew an angel banishing symbol so there is a cut either on his left forearm or left palm - stage 4 stomach cancer (healed) 5x2: Good God, Ya’ll! - kneed in the groin - punched 5x4: The End - knocked unconscious - handcuffed - punched 5x5: Fallen Idols - punched - knocked unconscious - tied around wrists 5x6: I Believe The Children Are Our Future - thrown into a wall - strangled 5x7: The Curious Case of Dean Winchester - aged rapidly into an old man 5x8: Changing Channels - grabbed on right bicep with super strangth - shot in the back (possibly healed by Gabriel? they don’t specify what happened) - shoved into a door 5x9: The Real Ghostbusters - thrown against a wall - strangled 5x10: Abandon All Hope - punched into a tree - cut on edge of right eyebrow 5x11: Sam, Interrupted - thrown against a wall - punched 5x12: Swap Meat - thrown into a wall - thrown into a mirror 5x13: The Song Remains The Same - strangled - thrown through a window - knocked unconscious  - thrown around 5x14: My Bloody Valentine - punches Cupid - thrown into a door - cut above left eyebrow 5x15: Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid - handcuffed 5x16: Dark Side of the Moon - shot in the chest - DEAD (resurrected by Joshua) 5x17: 99 Problems - bruised and cut knuckles - strangled 5x18: Point of No Return - drew an angel-banishing sigil so he must have cut himself somewhere but it isn’t visible - shoved against wall - punched - kicked into chain-link fence - cut on left cheek - handcuffed - split lip - cut on his chin 5x19: Hammer of the Gods - thrown into a shelf 5x20: The Devil You Know - cut on left side of hairline - kicked 5x21: Two Minutes to Midnight - affected by pestilence (stopped later on) - faints  - fingers stepped on, possibly broken  - left palm burnt 5x22: Swan Song - thrown into windshield - punched - cut on right cheek - broken nose - cut above left eyebrow - (all healed by Cas)
Season 6
6x1: Exile on Main St - stabbed in the chest with a syringe - poisoned by Djinn 6x2: Two and a Half Men - thrown around - strangled and passes out 6x3: The Third Man - there’s an angel banishing sigil that I’m assuming he drew, so there might be a cut on one of his forearms or palms 6x5: Live Free or Twihard - thrown into a dumpster - punched - forced to drink blood of vampire - passes out - cured of vampirism  6x6: You Can’t Handle The Truth - knocked unconscious - tied by his wrists 6x9: Clap Your Hands If You Believe - abducted by fairies (don’t know if he was knocked out or if something else happened) - punched - handcuffed - thrown into iron bars - cut by right eye 6x10: Caged Heart - knocked unconscious 6x11: Appointment in Samarra  - DEAD (brought back by Dr. Robert and Eva) 6x13: Unforgiven - tied up with webs - strangled 6x15: The French Mistake - thrown through a window - punched - internal pain 6x16: ... And Then There Were None - infected with the khan worm - electrocuted on his left outer forearm, leaves a horizontal burn mark 6x18: Frontierland - jumps through a window 6x19: Mommy Dearest - bit on the lower left side of his neck, near the nape (healed by Cas) 6x20: The Man Who Would Be King - punched 6x21: Let It Bleed - thrown into a car - strangled - punched 6x22: The Man Who Knew Too Much - in the impala when it’s flipped over - thrown over stairs and impacts onto a metal table (that honestly should have straight up broken his back)
Season 7
7x1: Meet the New Boss - horizontal cut on right forearm - thrown into a metal table and glass jars 7x2: Hello, Cruel World - left palm cut, maybe back of hand - broken right leg 7x3: The Girl Next Door - cut on left eyebrow - cut on left ear 7x4: Defending Your Life - possibly knocked unconscious - chained to a chair 7x5: Shut Up, Dr. Phil - thrown through a glass door - punched 7x6: Slash Fiction - handcuffed - thrown into a trophy cabinet 7x7: The Mentalists - window exploded next to him (he should earn some cuts from that) - punched 7x8: Season 7, Time for a Wedding! - thrown into a column - strangled 7x9: How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters - poisoned by goo (nothing serious, he’s just unconcerned with everything for a bit) 7x11: Adventures In Babysitting - horizontal cut on his left outer forearm - strangled 7x12: Time After Time - handcuffed - punched - strangled 7x15: Repo Man - stabbed with a syringe on the right side of his neck - tied around his wrists - vertical cut on his left outer forearm 7x16: Out With the Old - kicked in the face - thrown into a glass cabinet - thrown into a table with glass on it - thrown through a glass door 7x17: The Born-Again Identity - head banged against glass - thrown into a shelf 7x20: The Girl With the Dungeons and Dragon Tattoo - somersaulted through glass 7x21: Reading is Fundamental - drew an angel-banishing sigil, so there is a cut on one of his forearms or palms 7x22: There Will Be Blood - cut on left palm - thrown around
Season 8
8x1: We Need to Talk About Kevin - horizontal cut on his left outer forearm - horizontal cut on his left inner forearm - honestly cannot tell what’s meant to be his injury and what’s meant to be someone else’s blood. He might have cuts on his ears, head and neck, right cheek, and nose. Maybe along his chin and jaw too - bruised and cut knuckles - strangled 8x2: What’s Up, Tiger Mommy? - cuts around his right eye - cut on his upper lip - thrown into a wall 8x3: Heartache - punched - slammed onto his back - five holes in chest from fingers 8x4: Bitten - thrown into a wall 8x5: Blood Brother - cut on his left cheek, though I’m not sure if it’s new or from the last Purgatory flashback 8x6: Southern Comfort - punched - strangled - thrown into a table - infected by a coin? I’m not completely 100% sure what happened there - thrown into glass 8x7: A Little Slice of Kevin - horizontal cut on left inner forearm - rolled down a hill - thrown into some chains 8x8: Hunteri Heroici - hard impact on floor - hit in the face with a pan 8x9: Citizen Fang - punched - handcuffed - cut above right eyebrow - thrown into some wood planks - slice on the left side of his neck 8x10: Torn and Frayed - threw himself against a door multiple times - thrown against a window - strangled 8x12: As Time Goes By - handcuffed 8x13: Everybody Hates Hitler - thrown into a car - punched 8x14: Trial and Error - possible claw marks on left side, he puts his hand there but injury isn’t visible and not treated after 8x15: Man’s Best Friend With Benefits - thrown into a bedside table and knocked unconscious - thrown into a painting and tables 8x16: Remember the Titans - tripped and tossed onto the ground - flung back against ground - thrown against column 8x17: Goodbye Stranger - thrown into a wall - either broken or twisted right arm - punched - cut on left eyebrow - cut on bottom lip - cut on left cheek - cut near centre of forehead - cut on left temple - cut on nose, nose also probably broken - (all healed by Cas) 8x19: Taxi Driver - thrown into a tree 8x23: Sacrifice - handcuffed
Season 9
9x1: I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here - head banged against boot of impala - windows exploded around him, might earn him a few cuts - strangled - cut on left side of hairline - cut on left eyebrow - cut below left eye - possible cut below lip, can’t tell if it’s meant to be a cut or if it’s just a lot of blood - either a cut on his left ear or his ears bled from the sound of angels - possibly went unconscious for a second - two cuts on right cheek - cut near his left temple 9x2: Devil May Care - punched - arm twisted - thrown through a window 9x3: I’m No Angel - thrown into a counter and hits a trashcan when he falls off 9x4: Slumber Party - punched across room - kicked in groin while possessed by a witch 9x5: Dog Dean Afternoon - punched - kneed - elbowed - tied around wrists 9x6: Heaven Can’t Wait - thrown against a wall 9x7: Bad Boys - thrown against a wall - choked - thrown into a table - handcuffed 9x8: Rock and a Hard Place - enveloped by blue flame - thrown through table and knocked unconscious 9x9: Road Trip - punched unconscious - thrown against column 9x10: Road Trip - thrown into a bookshelf 9x11: First Born - thrown onto a table x2 - kneed - punched in the chest - shoved into a shelf, counter and wall - Mark of Cain transferred over to him 9x13: The Purge - passes out 9x14: Captives - knocked unconscious - cut on left eyebrow - tied around his wrists - cut on right side of neck, under jaw 9x15: #THINMAN - tasered unconscious - handcuffed 9x18: Meta Fiction - cut up knuckles 9x19: Alex Annie Alexis Ann - knocked unconscious with a piece of wood - punched through a chair 9x21: King of the Damned - thrown into a glass frame painting 9x22: Stairway to Heaven - handcuffed - punched 9x23: Do You Believe in Miracles - vomiting / coughing up blood - thrown into a concrete wall x2 - kicked in the face - crushed wrist - cuts along hairline - cut on right eyebrow - cut on left cheek - stabbed in the centre of chest with angel blade - cuts on chin - possible split lip - cut above left eyebrow - DEAD (wakes up as a demon)
Season 10
10x2: Reichenbach  - cut on left palm (heals itself) - cut on left cheek (heals itself) - handcuffed 10x3: Soul Survivor - tied around ankles (still handcuffed) - needle in right inner forearm x 4 - needle in back of neck 10x4: Paper Moon  - hit on the back of head with gun - punched 10x5: Fan Fiction - thrown into a wooden set piece - backhanded a few feet 10x6: Ask Jeeves - thrown into a bedside table and lamp - hit shoulders against doors multiple times 10x7: Girls, Girls, Girls - punched - hit in the face with a gun - hit in the gut - cut on left cheek - cut on left eyebrow - cut on right side of cheek 10x8: Hibbing 911 - knocked unconscious - tied around wrists - punched 10x9: The Things We Left Behind - bottle smashed over his head - cut on left side of head - kicked in the face 10x10: The Hunter Games - bruised and cut knuckles 10x11: There’s No Place Like Home - strangled - punched - kicked - kneed - thrown - cut across nose - cut on right eyebrow - bruised and cut knuckles 10x12: About a Boy - strangled - elbowed - hit repeatedly against tiled floor and fridge 10x13: Half & Catch Fire - thrown into a brick column - thrown through a door and into a shelf - strangled 10x14: The Executioner’s Song - hit in the right side - thrown around  - punched - thrown through a window - lots of small cuts around right eye - strangled - split lip 10x15: The Things They Carried - thrown onto a table and into the edge of a fireplace - tackled into a table 10x16: Paint it Black - backhanded across a room - strangled 10x17: Inside Man - hit in the back - tackled into a wood column - tackled onto a pool table - strangled - punched 10x18: Book of the Damned - tackled by someone who just jumped through a window - punched 10x19: The Werther Project - cut on right side of hairline - possibly a cut or two on or behind right ear - cut on left side of hairline - bruised and cut knuckles  - tied to a chair by wrists, middle and ankles - horizontal cut on right forearm 10x20: Angel Heart - kicked - punched 10x21: Dark Dynasty - kicked in the back - strangled  - thrown into a dumpster 10x22: The Prisoner - handcuffed - plastic bag over head, suffocated - tied down to a table by wrists and ankles - maybe some cuts on his head, arms and knuckles but honestly I think all the blood on him belongs to others, I don’t think he was injured at all while killing the Stynes 10x23: Brother’s Keeper - punches a mirror - cut on left palm - punched - struck by lightning that removes the Mark of Cain
Season 11
11x1: Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire - pushed to the ground 11x2: Form and Void - headbutted - thrown through a door and into a wall 11x3: The Bad Seed - thrown into a concrete wall - thrown through wood pallets - thrown into a chain-link fence - punched - cut above and below left eyebrow - split lip 11x4: Baby - punched - strangled - cut above left eye - two cuts below left eye - handcuffed - three cuts on right cheek, close to jaw - cuts worsened from the impala crashing - cut on or behind right ear - shoved against impala  - bit on left side of neck - cut on right temple - cut on nose - cut below lip - (all is hinted to be healed by Cas later on) 11x5: Thin Lizzie - knocked unconscious - cut on left side of hairline - tied around wrists - hit in head by gun 11x6: Our Little World - thrown through a mirror - thrown against stone pillar - thrown against wall 11x7: Push - face smashed against bars - thrown against desk - thrown through glass door - strangled 11x8: My Imagination - tied around his wrists - cut on left cheek - cut on left ear 11x10: The Devil in the Details - vomited - kicked - strangled - cut above and below left eye 11x11: Into the Mystic - eyes and ears bleeding from Banshee’s screech - head bashed into wooden column multiple times - cut on right side of hairline 11x13: Love Hurts - target of the “Kiss of Death” curse - wrist either broken or twisted 11x14: The Vessel - head banged on table - thrown onto table and lands on floor - shoved against stone column 11x15: Beyond the Mat - thrown against a metal beam - thrown through a door and into a wall - thrown down onto concrete ground - punched - tied around wrists 11x16: Safe House - hit by something and impacts the ground - knocked unconscious - cut on left palm - punched (while possessed by Soul Eater) - elbowed (while possessed) - thrown into table (while possessed) - chair smashed over him and knocked unconscious (while possessed) 11x17: Red Meat - punched - tasered unconscious - skid marks around left eye - broken ribs - overdoses on barbiturates (resuscitated) - handcuffed - strangled 11x18: Hell’s Angel - either internal pain or choked 11x19: The Chitters - punched 11x22: We Happy Few - thrown against a metal... cage, thing (I don’t know what it’s called) 11x23: Alpha and Omega - absorbs a couple hundred thousand souls that are later extracted by God
Season 12
12x1: Keep Calm and Carry On - arm pulled - foot pressed against throat - arm twisted - punched - knuckles punched with brass knuckles - thrown into car 12x2: Mamma Mia - handcuffed - hung by his wrists - punched with brass knuckles - cuts behind left ear - punched - (possibly healed by Cas seeing as he’s completely fine in the next shot) 12x3: The Foundry - throws himself against a door multiple times - elbowed in the face - choked - almost frozen - thrown against wall 12x5: The One You’ve Been Waiting For - tackled into a metal cabinet - punched - headbutted - thrown through a window 12x6: Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox - thrown into a table - thrown through a glass door 12x7: Rock Never Dies - thrown off a stage 12x8: LOTUS - handcuffed around wrists and ankles 12x9: First Blood - DEAD (ressurected by Billie) - cut on left palm 12x10: Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets - momentarily blinded - thrown into a wall x2 - right palm cut 12x11: Regarding Dean - blasted with a spell and knocked out - gradually loses his memory (restored by Rowena) 12x12: Stuck in the Middle (With You) - elbowed in the face - flung backwards - hit in gut with base of spear - headbutted - hit in the face with base of spear 12x16: Ladies Drink Free - shoved into a shelf 12x17: The British Invasion - flung back and hard impact on ground - thrown into big wheel 12x18: The Memory Remains - fell off railing and onto floor, knocked unconscious - cut behind right ear - wrists tied - head hit onto tiled wall 12x19: The Future - broken arm (healed by Cas) - elbowed in face 12x20: Twigs & Twine & Tasha Banes - internal pain 12x21: There’s Something About Mary - kneed in the groin 12x22: Who We Are - stone dust in eyes - really bad gash in left knee - sedated (needle in left side of neck) - thrown into bookshelf - punched - injured leg kicked - elbowed in face - cut on right cheek - cut on left earlobe - injured leg hit with a piece of wood - hit with piece of wood - strangled with a piece of wood 12x23: All Along the Watchtower - previous injuries healed by Cas - hit in the face with gun - punched - kicked
Season 13
13x1: Lost and Found - thrown into a wall and knocked unconscious - cut on lower lip - cut knuckles from punching wood sign - handcuffed - punched - hit in the face with base of angel blade - punched in side - kicked into desk - headbutted 13x2: The Rising Sun - punched in the back and face - shoved into table - tackled through wood room divider - choked 13x4: The Big Empty - knocked unconscious x2 - handcuffed - hit in the face with gun - cut on left cheek 13x5: Advanced Thanatology - thrown into chain-link fence - kills himself (resurrected by Billie) 13x6: Tombstone - thrown back into trolley 13x7: War of the Worlds - punched - strangled 13x8: The Scorpion and the Frog - middle finger pricked 13x9: The Bad Place - headbutted 13x10: Wayward Sisters - hit in the face with base of spear and knocked unconscious - tied around wrists 13x12: Various & Sundry Villains - hexed with love spell - hexed to stay in one spot - thrown into wall - thrown into glass frame picture - strangled - hammer to the back of left knee 13x13: Devil’s Bargain - thrown through door and into wall - internal pain 13x14: Good Intentions - kicked by big strong man - choked 13x15: A Most Holy Man - handcuffed 13x17: The Thing - shoved into wall - strangled - knocked unconscious - tied down to a table by wrists and ankles 13x18: Bring ‘em Back Alive - shot in the right shoulder - poisoned by bullet (antidote applied by Ketch) 13x19: Funeralia - hit in neck / face not sure which one - punched - cut on left cheek - strangled - elbowed in face - punched in gut - thrown into table - headbutted - thrown around - kneed - cut on left side of forehead - right side as well - cut on nose - bruised and cut knuckles 13x20: Unfinished Business - whipped - super slapped by Loki - punched in gut - punched 13x23: Let the Good Times Roll - windows exploded near him - arm twisted and punched - strangled - cut on bottom lip - elbowed in the face - hard impact onto ground - punched in the gut and face (while Michael possessed him)
Season 14
14x3: The Scar - hit in the face with hilt and base of spear - tackled into wood column - headbutted - kicked in the face - punched - strangled 14x4: Mint Condition - headbutted - thrown into morgue drawers - strangled 14x5: Nightmare Logic - thrown across room - strangled 14x6: Optimism  - tackled into bookshelf 14x9: The Spear - elbowed in face - punched in gut - kicked - strangled 14x11: Damaged Goods - hard impact against floor 14x13: Lebanon - either jumped back and hit the wall or he was thrown back by the force of the fire - elbowed in the face x2 - kicked - headbutted - thrown onto counter and hits ground - super backhanded - punched - thrown into shelf with glass cups - strangled - cut on bottom lip 14x14: Ouroboros - backhanded - face slammed into wood pillar two times and knocked unconscious - cut on right temple - not able to breathe - temporarily blind - internal pain 14x20: Moriah - thrown into bookshelf - thrown through gravestone
Season 15
15x1: Back To The Future - thrown against dumpster 15x2: Raising Hell - thrown through shelf 15x5: Proverbs 17:3 - shoved against wall - strangled - thrown back - cut on left cheek - cut on right cheek - cut on left side of torso - cut on either right side of torso or front of right thigh 15x6: Golden Time - thrown across hallway and into wall - internal pain 15x7: Last Call - knocked unconscious - tied to a chair by wrists and ankles - blood being drained from left arm - punched in side - punched - bottle smashed over head - cut on left eyebrow - hit with pool stick 15x8: Our Father, Who Aren’t in Heaven - cut on left palm (healed by Cas) - punched - kneed - thrown - strangled 15x9: The Trap - knocked unconscious - super backhanded by God 15x10: The Heroes’ Journey - kneed in the groin - headbutted - strangled 15x12: Galaxy Brain - hit on wrists and face with stick - strangled 15x14: Last Holiday - thrown back - hard impact on ground - thrown back into wall 15x16: Drag Me Away (From You) - slammed onto ground and strangled 15x18: Despair - thrown into wall x3 - elbowed in the face - thrown back - pain in heart 15x19: Inherit the Earth - headbutted - thrown into wall - thrown back across beach - internal pain - punched - kicked - broken right arm - broken right leg - two cuts beside left eye - cut on nose - cut on bottom lip - cut above left eye - (all healed by Jack) 15x20: Carry On - slammed to ground - impaled on a piece of broken rebar - DEAD (permanently) 
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jonathanarcher · 4 years
Star Trek characters that have canonically died and come back to life
Hoshi Sato- Enterprise 4x11, "Observer Effect", killed by a virus (topical), brought back by the Organians
Trip Tucker- Enterprise 4x11, "Observer Effect", killed by a virus, brought back by the Organians
Entire Discovery Crew + Harry Mudd - Discovery 1x07 “Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad”, killed multiple times in a time loop, revived by the time loop resetting.
Hugh Culber- Discovery 1x10 "Despite Yourself" and 2x05 "Saints of Imperfection", neck broken by [spoiler] Klingon/Ash Tyler, brought back when his body was regenerated in the mycelial network
Montgomery Scott- The Original Series 2x3 "The Changeling", killed by laser from Nomad, brought back by Nomad
Jim Kirk- The Original Series 2x20 "Return to Tomorrow", body died when inhabited by an all powerful being (these things happen), brought back by a different all powerful being
Spock- the Wrath of Khan and Search for Spock, killed by radiation poisoning, brought back through a combination of the Genesis device and the Fal Tor Pan
Tasha Yar- The Next Generation 1x22 "Skin of Evil", 3x15 "Yesterday's Enterprise", 5x01 "Redemption: Part Two", killed by an evil alien goo monster, brought back when the Enterprise was in a temporal anomaly where she joined the crew of an Enterprise from the past and was captured by Romulans
Worf - The Next Generation 3x25 “Transfigurations”, neck broken after falling off shuttlebay balcony, brought back by god-like alien healing him
The entire Enterprise Crew- The Next Generation 5x18 "Cause and Effect", killed when the ship was stuck in a time loop and would blow up every few hours, brought back every time the time loop reset
Jean Luc Picard- The Next Generation 6x15 "Tapestry", killed when he was shot and his artificial heart stopped, brought back when his heart was restarted and maybe Q was involved
Miles O'Brien- Deep Space Nine 3x17 "Visionary", killed by a massive dose of radiation, replaced by a version of himself a couple hours into the future
Harry Kim- Voyager 1x8 "Emanations", killed by some weird ass alien tech, resuscitated by the EMH
Tom Paris - Voyager 2x15 “Threshold”, died while evolving into a lizard, resurrected by evolving into a lizard
Harry Kim- Voyager 2x21 "Deadlock", sucked into space, replaced by a himself after an accident duplicated the Voyager crew
Naomi Wildman- Voyager 2x21 "Deadlock", killed by transporter complications after birth, replaced by herself after an accident duplicated the Voyager crew
Neelix- Voyager 4x12 "Mortal Coil", shot by an energy beam, brought back after being injected with Borg nanoprobes
Jean Luc Picard- Picard 1x10 "Et In Arcadia Ego Part Two" dies because of a terminal brain tumor, resurrected inside a kickass android body
Jim Kirk- Into Darkness, return of the being killed by radiation poisoning, brought back by a transfusion of Khan's super blood
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paininanime · 4 years
Naruto Classic Whumplist Seasons 1-5
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Naruto Classic Whumplist Seasons 6-9
Characters mentioned:
Rock Lee
Minor mentions:
Genma and Reido
Kurenai and Asuma
1x1 | Iruka gets slashed a bit by flying knives (one in the leg) and stabbed in the back protecting young Naruto (+blood drizzle at the mouth and emotional whump) Later in episode he is seen very roughed up and tired (kind of trembling) and pained
1x6 | Naruto stabs himself in the hand to extract venom he obtained during a fight and a scratch (it heals due to kuruma)
1x8 | Naruto and Sasuke get beat up vs. Zabuza
1x9 | Kakashi acts fine, but then passes out due to overuse of his sharingan.
1x15 | Fight against Haku. Sasuke and Naruto get very roughed up, Naruto falls hard many times. In the end they both get pierced by needles thrown by Haku amd scream out in pain.
1x16 | Naruto and Sasuke get pierced multpiple times, they are in a lot of pain, wincing etc. Sasuke fights and protects Naruto despite his injuries. Naruto passes out twice due to pain and overuse if his chakra. Kakashi gets slashed across the chest protecting Sakura and Tanzen from Zabuza (on purpose tho). Sasuke protects Naruto further. He collapses fatally injured into Narutos arms and "dies".
1x22 | Sasuke gets beat by Rock Lee in their first "fight". Sakura has to catch him mid air, otherwise he would have fallen hard.
2x2 | Sasuke and Sakura get overpowered by the sheer bloodlust of a chunen exam competitor. Sasuke trows up, they are shaking violently from the visions. They can barely move. Naruto gets eaten by a snake but is "fine". Sasuke stabs himself in the leg to break free from the trance. He is in a lot of pain and panting. He is very shaken up, as Sakura also points out.
2x3 | Naruto punches Sasuke so hard that blood spatters (he's fine). Naruto gets slammed/crashes through thick branches twice and "passes out". Naruto is very battered and saves Sasuke. "Orochimaru" does something with Narutos seal who then passes out. He gets literally thrown away and would have fallen to the ground if Sakura hadn't secured him with a shuriken. He is completely unconscious.
2x4 | Sasuke "beats" the enemy, but is exhausted and panting heavily. He then gets bitten by Orochimaru, and is screaming in pain and collapses screaming. Sakura cradles the agonized Sasuke in her arms. Naruto is still lights out. Later N and S are seen lying unconscious next to eachother. Sakura mentions how Sasuke seems to be breathing more easily now, but has a fever.
2x5 | Sasuke is seen still uncounscious, breathes difficultly and shivers. Sakura takes care of them. Both N and S are seen with a strained look. Lee fights for Sakura and uses the forbidden Lotus-Jutsu, that strains his muscles a lot. The enemy outsmarts him, and attacks with sound which plays with his already fatigued body and vision.
2x6 | Lee starts bleeding out of his ears because of the sound waves. His vision is blurry, he is in a lot of pain and throws up. He tries to save Sakura again and busts a move but because of the sound messing with his balance it doesnt work. He passes out. He is later on the ground very roughed up and passes out again. 
2x7 | Sasuke collapses on his butt after Sakura makes him change back. He is very shaken up and his hand is shaking violently.
2x10 | Sasuke collapses screaming in Pain from Orochimarus mark whilst using his last chakra for Sharingan. Kabuto gets slashed in the shoulder saving a pain-paralysed Sasuke. Kabuto gets stashed in the leg (knee) saving Naruto from a knive. Kabuto gets slashed over the nosebridge from an attack from behind. Sakura supports Sasuke when arriving at the tower.
2x12 | Sasuke fights Yoroi even tho he is weakened by O's mark.
2x13 | Sasukes chakra gets slowly stolen by Yoroi, he can barely move, but gets free. He stumbles a lot. His mark activates itself and he spits some blood. He almost passes out but Kakashi aka mr. Smooth appears behind him and supports him with his knee. A lot of heavy breathing and panting. He grips his shoulder in pain and makes that "ugn" sound. Kakashi later seals the curse in Sasukes shoulder, which is extremely painful (he screams) and then passes out (also from fatigue). + ep.14 Nice shots of passed out Sasuke and emotional past from Shinos enemy Zaku in the exam
2x18 | Naruto gets hit by Kiba's Jutsu and lands hard, he spits out some blood and rolls onto his bloodied face. + 2x19 He gets scratched by Kiba thrice and it bleeds and splatters quite a bit / Kiba carried away by stretcher
2x22 | Lee fights Gaara. One short moment where he does his badass lotus attack against Gaara and utters a pained noise and closes his eyes in pain throwing his head back.
2x23 | As also explained by Kakashi, Lee is in so much pain after the Lotus that he can't evade Gaaras attacks and gets thrown around harddd. Once (in background) he gets slammed with sand and screams.
🩸 2x24 | Lee sacrifces everything to win against Gaara: that includes his body. By opening the chakra doors he exposes his body to enourmous emounts of energy. - after badass fight- He collapses to the ground. Gaara then uses his sand-powers to crush Lees left leg and arm. He screams in agony and loses conciousness, Guy Sensei stepping in just in time. Lees body is completetly destroyed.. but he gets up, unconsciously, out of pure will to prove himself. Bloody arm and leg, dull eyes. Later, when the infirmary gets him, they tell Guy Sensei that Lees body has suffered fatal damage, especially his arm and leg.
2x25 | Sasuke is seen in a hospital bed unconscious and attached to many tubes etc. He is attacked by Kabuto but Kakashi is there.
3x3 | Naruto collapses during training after purposely using up his chakra. The still injured Lee collapses after doing 199 pushups.
3x4 | Nice shot of Naruto collapsing backward during Training "again", as Jiraiya says.
3x5 | Naruto passes out and falls down out of fatigue after being thrown around by Gama on his back, to prove he's worthy of being his companion and master. Gama catches him tho and delivers him directly to the hospital. Naruto is like: 😌
3x6 | Cute shot of Naruto sleeping in hospital bed.
3x10 | Naruto gets beat up good by Neji, specifically around the 7 min mark he begins to show much pain, coughing etc. Later there are close ups of his hands and specifically nails which are broken and bleeding from digging a hole to defeat Neji. Neji has taken a lot of damage from Narutos attack and can't move on the ground.
3x11 | Cute shots of roughed up Neji at the hospital.
3x15 | Sasuke gets gripped by Gaaras ghost arm thing in the cockoon and screams and tries to pull out his arm. He holds it in pain. Gaaras shoulder, injured by Sasuke, is bleeding, he is holding it.
3x16 | Gaara collapses to his knees grunting in pain and grasping his head.
3x18 | Cute visuals of a worn out Shikamaru. Still drained after his battle with Temari and extra annoyed.
(Gaara and Naruto battle whump)
4x2 | Kakashi vs. Itachi. @7:58, Kakashi takes a nice, pained breath. Itachi captures him in an allusion and tortures him for three days (multiple stabbings), while irl, only a moment passes. Kakashi is in a lot of pain, falls to the ground. Dark eye bags, strained face. Kakashi passes out and collapses, sinking into the water. MG lifts him out and over his shoulder.
4x4 | Sasukes arm gets broken by Itachi.
4x5 | Sasuke gets kicked by Itachi into a wall. He gets kneed in the face by his brother and again slams into the wall. He gets beaten up badly, and relives his traumatic past with Itachis Jutsu. His screams are heartwrenching and he is completely unable to fight back. He passes out whilst in chokehold... luckily. ;( Post fight Sasuke is seen slumped against the wall, eyes dull, completely unresponsive. According to Jiraiya, he has suffered from terrible psychological trauma, has two broken arms and a few broken ribs. Guy sensei mentions how Kakashi is still unconscious from the same visual jutsu, and they don't know when he will wake up again. Itachi is strained and exhausted after using Amaterasu to escape.
4x6 | Netflix's words: "Deeply hurt mentally and physically, Sasuke is taken back to [Konoha](...)". Cute visual of an unconscious Sasuke on Guy's back.
4x7 | Narutos hands are shaky after weeks of practicing Rasengan. Cute scene of him shivering in his sleep with "bandaged" hands. He has dark eye bags and mentions the pain he is in. (All minor whump)
4x11/12 | Naruto trains very hard. He is roughed up and shaky. Naruto collapses onto one knee and is later seen on the ground, exhausted. Around the 10:30 mark he is seen in his bed, sleeping, his right hand bandaged. Tsunade says he is exhausted and his hand burned by chakra, and will not wake up soon.
4x12 | Jiraiya gets drugged by Tsunade and falls of a chair in the Stew restaurant harddd. (lol) He is later seen sweaty and weak-ish.
4x13 | Jiraiya stumbles due to the drug still in his system when trying to stop Naruto from attacking Kabuto. Naruto gets blood splattered in his eyes by Kabuto.
🩸 4x14 | Naruto gets eaten by a snake but gets out, but, according to Kabuto, has hurt his leg in the process. He gets beat up by Kabuto very badly and is in a lot of pain, but gets up everytime he is on the ground. He also gets stabbed through the hand.
🩸 4x15 | Netflix's words: "Naruto is seriously injured by Kabuto and hovers on the verge of death". Naruto used his Rasengan, but his body was already messed up. Kabuto has cut his heartmuscle.. He spits blood and passes out (beautifully, I might add) backwards. He is seen on the ground unconscious wincing and shivering, blood in the corners if his mouth and dirty. Tsunade notices his irregular puls.
4x16 | Everyone is pretty injured. Jiraiya winces and says his ribs and feet are injured.
4x25 | Sasuke gets angry at Aoi and attacks him in a surge of rage. He gets electrocuted by the thundersword and gets thrown onto the broken bridge, where he stays down, unconscious.
5x3 | Sasuke gets beat up good by Orochimarus gang. He is quite roughed up.
5x5 | Genma and Reido come across Orochimarus gang, but get beaten in battle. They are both critically injured and Genma speaks weakily (coughing).
5x6 | The bois get stuck in a Kekkai. They are all roughed up. Also, Shikamaru looking drained af: (6:54, 9:30, 10:46, 12:57). Their chakra is being drained, so all of them are a bit.. down.
5x8 | Choji is comepletely exhausted and heavily injured after his fight with Jirobo, also due to him consuming those three pills. He stumbles through the woods, vision blurry, and finally collapses against the tree with the markings from Shikamaru and co. He passes out.
5x10 | Neji vs Kidomaru. Neji does very well until he is slashed in the shoulder and then stabbed in the back by three kunais. He collapses face down. He gets back up, but after a final blow gets stabbed again multiple times, collapses again. Gets up a third time. Heavy breathing. He kind of just stands there, breathing, looking at nothing.
🩸5x11 | Neji is completely out of breath. The arrow from Kidomaru went, luckily, through his shoulder. The wound is extremely painful and smoking, and see-through. Blood comes pouring down his arm. He agains collapses face first. He is extremely weak and in a lot pf pain. His chakra is quickly draining due to the barrier he has created around him. He starts running, ripping put the kunais from his back and pressing on his shoulder wound. The next arrow hits his cheeck and slices it. The last arrow goes straight through his abdomen. He starts one last attack, runs, holding his abdominal wound. In the end Neji is on the ground and finally succumbs to the darkness. ;(
5x14 | Kiba stabs himself in the gut (20:40) in order not to be merged with Ukon.
5x15 | Kiba bleeds a lot and screams out in pain. Heavy breathing and sweating. He stabs himself a second time and doesn't look okay ;( He shivers and has blood at both his mouthcorners. We can see him bleeding excessively. (18:00) He tries to get up, but falls back down, admitting that he is dizzy because of the pain and bloodloss, he can't move. He looks very ill.
5x16 | Netflix's words: "An injured Kiba and Akamaru barely escape from Sakon and Ukon." Shikamaru breaks the tip of his finger to break out of a hallucination.
5x17 | Netflix's words: "Kiba tends to Akamaru and his own wounds." 2:19, Shimakarus broken finger is being pulled by his shadow, it makes cracking noises and he utters a pained "ughn >:[]". (3:10 strained, Roughed up S)(12:00 Genma sitting awake but weak-ish in Hospital bed.)
5x18 | 6:15, Kiba gets put of the water and holds his bleeding wound. 16:55, he is leaning against a tree, unable to move out of exhaustion, scared out of his mind. Lee gets slashed in multiple locations by Kimimaros bones, 18:20, saved by Gaara, Shikamaru is getting tired.
5x19 | 18:09, Shikamaru fixes his finger a bit, the bones crackle and he utters an "ittee".
5x20 | Gaara saves a hurt Lee, who runs to fight, but after Gaara stops him winces in pain.
5x21 | Lee gets hit by Kimimaro, and flies. He lands hard and realizes that his body is not in the ideal shape. Kimimaro coughs blood thrice. 17:35, Gaara is exhausted by his use of chakra, he stems his hand on his sand and says that he is done. Sweaty.
5x22 | Naruto vs. Sasuke 2: Sasuke punches Naruto hard in the ribs, he spits blood, you can hear bones crunching. Also hard kick in the face.
5x24 | Netflix's words: "Naruto is brought down by Sasukes fireball jutsu."
5x25 | Naruto is again punched hard in the gut, bones crunching, slams into water below. He sinks and does that nice "drowning breath out" thing. 19:07, Naruto laying at the bottom of the river. Comes up, coughs.
5x26 | Naruto sinking. Sasuke "empales" Naruto through the shoulder with his chidori. Nice blood dripping of shoulder scene. It heals tho.
5x27 | Naruto gets his head slammed into the ground by Sasuke. Later, Naruto punches Sasuke in the face hard in his fox form, and Sasuke is in a lot of pain, holding his nose. He recovers quickly tho.
5x28 | Both Sasuke and Naruto’s bodies are feeling the consequences of their transformation, Naruto mentioning that his arm feels numb and it just kinda hangs there. Later, their Chakra blast leaves Naruto unconscious. (N+S rain scene). Kakashi later finds him and picks up the completely limp boy, bridal style. Later we get a short scene of a half conscious Naruto on Kakashis back, opening his eyes a little. Sasuke is also very injured by his mark and the fight, he slowly walks through the rain with that blank look on his face.
5x29 | Naruto awakens on Kakashis back, but he is only half-conscious. He asks with dim eyes where Sasuke is. Passes out again.
-Choji unconscious and attached to many devices etc.
-Cute, Bandaged, Worried Kiba scenes. Flinches in pain. In hospital bed.
-Neji in intense operation, they are closing his gaping shoulder wound. He moves in pain, but doesn't scream. Unconscious.
-Shikamaru crying ;(
-Naruto awake in hospital bed, bandaged from head to toe, dim eyed.
Many cute "mummy-Naruto" scenes.
Naruto Classic Whumplist Season 6-9
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