#6/100 days of productivity
helenstudies · 7 months
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???/100 days or productivity
(I have brain fog and can't remember)
I'm in a limbo where I'm a bit too sick to do any meaningful work but a bit too okay to just lie in bed all day and sleep so here are my notes on Chinese speaking test (HSKK Advanced) part 1.
And yes, my casual chinese handwriting looks like that. No, I'm not gonna take any notes. That being said you can tell me if you think my chinese handwriting is good or bad. Just curious.
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miss-shirley · 1 year
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22.04.23 - Day 6/100
I once again fell into the trap of 'Oh, there's still time, I can do this on another day' with my exam prep over the last week which has now obviously blown up into my face as per usual, so I saw myself confronted with a massive to do list and just kind of sat frozen for a while, trying not to get stressed. Then I decided to take the suck-it-up-buttercup-route, put on some Friends, broke out the comfort mug and just got on with it. There'll be a lot left to do tomorrow but I made a start!
tidied my flat
practised piano (and a bit of guitar)
corrected my year 4s' test
made a rough plan for the unit around my exam lesson
made the lesson plan for my exam lesson
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day 6 of 100 days of productivity 💌
Today, I had maths, CS, and EPQ. In maths it was just a key skills quiz and a bit of work on SUVAT equations, in CS we worked on binary addition, and in EPQ we were working on our record of initial ideas. I think I’m starting to narrow down what I’m going to do it on! But I’m not too sure yet.
I usually rest after school on Fridays since I’m knackered from the week + my cramps are kicking me onto my bum, but I worked on the problem set I was assigned by a maths and physics club I signed up for. It’s proving really hard, to be honest, and it needs to be completed in a week’s time. I’m really going to have to get my head down and finish that. I’m going to be working on that, tomorrow, too.
List of things to do over the weekend:
- Finish all maths homeworks
- Finish the exercises from the maths classes I’ve had this week
- Finish the Foundations of Physics booklet, and make sure I’m caught up in the Motion booklet
- Do the exam questions printed for physics
- Finish as many of the programming exercises as possible, hopefully five
- Get most of the way through the problem sets, or at least make sure I’ve fully understood the concepts within them
- Finish my record of initial ideas for EPQ
It’s a lot but I think I can do it!
- J 💌
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sorry for all the scribbles i just wanted to cross out what i wrote for my own comfort, anyway can we agree this sheet my boss gave me to fill out to see how much i need to sell per week/day just to fucking. survive. Believing in sales for a single second was a mistake
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mochademic · 1 year
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100 Days of Productivity [Day: 7]
I’ve had a longing for strawberries & cherries every day for a while now. especially while re-writing my notes. today was mostly errands & classes. so this evening’s being reserved for settling into the book I’ve been putting off reading for too long, & a bath.
currently listening // Sleep It Off by Wulven
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benechillax · 1 year
i think i’m approaching terminal burnout
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umi-no-onnanoko · 5 months
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🐚 Saturday 20|04|24 🌊
Wake up early, or rather I don't know if you can say that since I will have basically slept for about 30/40 minutes in total, (in any case) legs on my shoulders and after getting ready and having breakfast I left the house for grocery.
After that, I had second breakfast at the bar with ginseng and a super cream croissant and I returned home with the loot.
I spent the rest of the day quiet between rest, to catch up on lost sleep, and a bit of Supernatural until it was time to stuff and bake the pizza for dinner.
I will end the day with the evening show of Amici and then go to bed, today is such a calm and simple day.
-umi-no-onnanoko (@umi-no-onnanoko )
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losersimpforsunjaesol · 5 months
Day 6 of getting my sh!t together!
Hello! Today was a productive day, even though it started late. I managed to sneak in a quick workout after having my morning coffee and burn the calories from yesterday's celebratory food fest. I told you I skip workout with any VALID excuse, but I make sure to do it on days that I am well and there's no excuse. The first meal of the day was my late brunch, and it was good. I managed to finish work early as well. Dinner was light and fulfilling.
Here's the menu for today:
Black Coffee
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1)Oats khichdi
2)Chana paneer
4)Raw mango chutney (forgot to click picture)
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Just black coffee
Foxnut Salad With Yoghurt Dressing
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I am feeling sleepy now so Imma doze off. But before that, here's my song recommendation for the day!
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ussthetic · 1 year
A new blog page USSTHETIC
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Welcome to a new blog page , where you need posts that makes butterflies in your stomach fly 🦋
A place where aesthetic meets inspiration
Inspiration that ignites the fuel within you
Lots of love and warmt to comfort you :)
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100 Days of Productivity - Day Six
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Guess who watched the new Hunger Games movie before finishing the book? I only had two chapters left, but this still feels like the indecisive answer to "book first or movie first"
Language Study:
Japanese. Katakana is still not my friend but she may no longer be my enemy
Korean. Don't have a single word in my vocabulary yet, but I can questionably pronounce little words
Textbook notes
Currently Reading:
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins
The knitted socks have somehow become a shawl
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helenstudies · 3 months
Hello! I wanted to make a poll asking my fellow langblrs/studyblrs what language/test should I focus on the latter half of 2024! Penny for your thoughts? (I'm promise this is not one of those infamous "what language should I learn?" posts)
The main reason for this poll is I'm moving to South Korea next year to study abroad. I don't really have to worry about Korean as I've passed TOPIK 6 and that is in effect for another year. Since I'm going to be a busy undergrad, I'm afraid I won't be able to focus on my language studies as much as I want to so I'm trying to see what should I focus on while I can.
Background info: I have passed JLPT N3 equivalent in Japanese. I'm studying for a diploma in pali. I've also passed HSK 4 in Chinese but the certificate is nullified. I'm thinking if I should renew my HSK certificate by studying for HSK 5/6 (I can pass HSK 5 with very little effort) or just focus solely on getting JLPT N2 since I already got a N3 certificate this year. I can also do both but I'm afraid it would be ill-advised, hence the poll.
Logically, both JLPT and HSK will work in my favor in South Korea for obvious reasons. But to be honest, I don't really care about what works out well in a resume. I'm just in a time-crunch since I also have to pass my diploma in Pali (that one's non-negotiable because if I pass my diploma, I can start attending Bachelor classes and I want to get a degree in Pali so bad.) So I just wanna get some perspectives or thoughts on this!
thank you so much!!! :D
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miss-shirley · 8 months
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Sun, 14/01/24 - Day 6/100
From morning to evening ☺️ I honestly haven't done very much today and procrastinated preparing my lessons but choir rehearsals came back today as well as a new episode of Call the Midwife and I also made some very delicious food which I can have leftovers from tomorrow as well so I'm still calling this day a selfcare success 😌
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itsjustanne · 2 years
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6/100 Days of Productivity
My roommate and I went to the farmers market this morning. I got some apples, cheese, and bison meat, as well as a lemon bar for a treat.
I took a nap when I got home and woke up with what would turn into a migraine.
I did my first sketchbook assignment and then realized I had a migraine. That ended up being all I did for the rest of the day. Currently laying on the couch in the living room with a nightlight and Dorian Grey on the tv.
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wistraining · 3 months
Want to know about the best industrial Training porviders in Mohali Chandigarh
Check out here. WIS Training Top 5 Industrial Training Providers in Mohali Chandigarh
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mochademic · 1 year
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100 Days of Productivity [Day: 6]
coffee & cigarettes; except I’m not consuming any cigarettes! I’m tired in the best way today. everything is caught up and I’ve got a few short stories I’m (hopefully) going to be publishing later this year. the editing process gives me much more anxiety than it should; perhaps that’s a symptom after years of having papers being reviewed for marks. it feels good to finally be writing something for myself.
currently listening // When I Wake Up The Nightmare Still Continues by xójira
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syllvieslife · 4 months
Day 5, 6, & 7 - 25th, 26th, and 27th May 2024
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✨what i did✨
This was one tiring weekend and boy am i glad its over.
Finally, moved everything back into my parents house and have been given one week to clean up the mess i brought in with me. So i hope to do that (there is soo much i honestly don't know how i'll get it done but i will get it done).
As a result of this moving out process, i wasn't able to complete me extra coursework i'd picked up. But no matter, I will restart it tomorrow.
(also watched Bridgerton in the downtime and boi do i hate how badly written this season is. i can't even root for polin because their storyline was rushed in favor of drama. their characters really suffered so bad. in other news, i wish we had more of fran and john. but yeah, pt 1 sucked so bad i have lil to no hopes for pt 2 wrapping things up satisfactorily.)
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