#68-69 if it’s warm that day
corruptedcaps · 5 months
The Mean Manual
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“64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69…. Done!” Charlotte groaned as she finished her 10th straight day of her bust exercises. She stretched out her remarkably flexible body and looked lovingly at her big tits. She almost couldn’t believe that two weeks ago she had the body of a flabby no chested geek but that was before she found, the book.
Back then she was know as Charlie, a girl so anonymous you could ask her classmates what she was like and they would reply with, “Who?”
Charlie wasn’t noticeable enough to be bullied, didn’t stand out enough to be noticed, a quiet solitude she had grown to accept. She would spend her free time in the school library, reading her fantasy and sci-fi books away from the crowds.
However that changed when she found, hidden behind several books in the reference section, the ‘Mean Manual’. Its cover was a bright pink that almost glowed amongst the drab covers it surrounded that made it hard for Charlie to ignore.
Pulling it out she blew away the dust that had accumulated over years maybe even decades of neglect. Charlie opened the tome and curiously flipped through its pages. It seemed to be some sort of guide to becoming the ‘Queen of Mean’.
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Charlie chuckled to herself as she skimmed its pages, realizing it had to be some sort of parody book. How could it not be with chapters like ‘Spreading lies to get your way’ and ‘The 10 ways to steal a man’. It was laughable to her that anyone would take the instructions as gospel.
Amused by it, she decided to take it home and read some more. It was there that she came across the chapter on ‘beauty exercises’. There was sections on toning your stomach, getting the perfect tan, how to make your body more supple, but what weirdly interested Charlie was the section on breast growth.
As the other girls in school had all hit puberty and grew reasonable and sometimes outrageously sized tits, Charlie had lagged behind, growing no more than an ‘A’ cup. It wasn’t something Charlie ever cared about, most people didn’t notice her anyway, and yet she found herself reading the instructions on how to increase her boob size intently.
“I’ll give it a try, just as a joke of course.” She said to herself with a half hearted laugh as she readied her body. The excercise involved getting on her knees and pushing out her chest 69 times, which seemed intuitive enough if a little juvenile but what was odd was she had to moan each time she did it. She felt a little silly as she began.
However with thrust of her chest her moans got a little louder, a little more genuine. It felt good sticking out her chest again and again, it felt as though her whole body was getting a workout. She couldn’t help imagine how good it would be to have the perfect tight body with perfect round tits, she found herself getting wet with each shove of her chest. She went into a near trance as she went on and before she knew it she hit 69 thrusts.
She panted in pleasurable exhaustion as she shakily got back to her feet, feeling warm and wet between her legs. She stumbled over to the mirror and gasped loudly at the sight. Her meagre breasts were gone, replaced with impressively big tits.
“No freaking way!” She said as she turned each way to make sure it wasn’t some mirror illusion but there was no denying it, her boobs were bigger.
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She eyed the book out of the corner of her eye, maybe it wasn’t a joke after all, she thought. She looked at her reflection and couldn’t help wonder what she would look like with the long nails, the silky hair, the smooth skin and everything else it purported to be able to give her. She had to know.
An hour and several exercises later, Charlie was looking at a practically different woman in the mirror. Her body wouldn’t have looked out of place on a runaway, there wasn’t an ounce of imperfection anywhere now. She could bend and flex in ways that would make the Hailey the head cheerleader jealous.
A smile started to cross her lips as the idea of making a bitch like Hailey green with envy suddenly made her horny. He mind went to wicked places as she thought about doing more than making her jealous.
She imagined strutting in to school the next day, in a tight shirt outfit, all eyes on her but she would be focused on only one set of eyes. Chad, Hailey’s boyfriend, was a big block headed idiot but did anything Hailey asked. If she could seduce him, she’d have the school in the palm of her hand.
“When I seduce him.” She corrected herself with a smirk, after all no one would be able to resist her looking the way she did now. She’d take Hailey’s friends, her cheerleading position, her power. It would be so easy and fun.
She started to move her fingers down her body towards her increasingly wet pussy when she stopped herself. Something didn’t feel right, why was she thinking such cruel and nasty things?
As if to answer her, a sudden gust of wind started to flicker the pages of the book back to the opening, where ‘Queen of Mean’ was emblazoned in large letters. Charlie drank in the word ‘Queen’ again and again. It seemed to almost put her in a trance as she put her hand into her panties.
As soon as her hand made contact with her soaking wet pussy a sinister grin came across her face.
“Ohhhh fuck yes!!! More, more! I want to be a fucking bitch called Charlotte not some loser nobody called Charlie. Make me a toxic slut, make me a wicked whore, make me the Queen of Mean!” She moaned loudly as she pumped her pussy again and again, her nerdy persona getting weaker each time she did.
The book began to glow bright pink as she continued and Charlotte had an innate knowledge of what it was doing.
“Yesss take my pathetic soul, make me evil and bitchy, I’ll be hot, corrupt and unstoppable!” She moaned thrusting her chest out as if it was being pulled up. She watched in malicious joy as her soul was ripped from her body and sucked into the book. She felt free of morals and doubts as she began to cum harder and longer than ever before.
As the book slammed shut, a surge of dark energy enveloped her newfound form. Her eyes glowed for a moment a deep crimson before settling back into a cold icy blue. A wicked smile curled on her lips as the transformation completed. She reveled in the intoxicating power coursing through her veins, ready to unleash chaos upon the unsuspecting world.
“Bye bye Charlie you fucking dork nobody. No one will miss you and even remember you when I walk into school tomorrow. It’s going to feel so hawt and nasty taking everything Hailey has, in fact why wait until tomorrow.” She said to herself as she picked up her phone and snapped a sexy selfie of herself.
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With an evil grin she started to text Chad: “Hey! I got your number from the school secretary. I’m, like, the new girl in school and she said you would be able to show me around and stuff? It would be totes amazing if we could do something tonight? I’m so alone xxx.” She wrote sending it along with her picture.
She smirked to herself as he quickly replied and made plans to meet up asap. Within the hour she was sucking his dick in the back of his sports car and cementing her hold on him. As soon as she had swallowed his load she dropped her cutesy bimbo act and became more demanding of him. He of course would do anything she asked now.
Now ten days later and Charlotte was the most feared and popular girl in school. Everyone knew her name now and there was no way she would ever fade into the background with her commanding presence and bitchy hot body.
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She didn’t know if she needed to continue doing her stretches and exercises to maintain her evil sexiness but she did them all the same, enjoying the wave of pleasure each would give her. The book seemed to glow happily each time she did as well but she could sense it was growing hungry for more. It had opened one day on a page marked “Beta Bitches”, giving Charlotte the guidance and knowledge with what to do next.
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“Hello girls, welcome to tryouts to be my new friends.” She announced to a group of nerdy girls who had all been lured to Charlotte’s house under the pre-tense that Charlotte would stop bullying them if they did. And for some of them that would soon be true. “You are all pathetic losers right now, adrift, invisible. But after today some of you will be getting a new wonderful purpose; worshipping me. Now do as I do and try and keep up.” Charlotte said to a sea of bewildered faces as she began doing her stretches and one by one they each followed suit.
Charlotte’s book began to glow…
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hopelesslyromanticgay · 10 months
Playing with her hair - Vada Cavell X Reader
Y/N's POV:
"Why are people in horror movies so dumb!" my girlfriend Vada complains, "Like in the real world no one is stupid enough to do ANY of this. Like, no one would even pick up the phone in the first place!"
"Uh huh," I say to the girl sprawled out across my lap and the rest of the couch, not fully paying attention to what she's saying. I'm more focused on counting her freckles. A while ago, the question of how many freckles she had started to interest me and ever since it's been hard to get the idea out of my mind.
"Y/N/N, are you listening to me?" she asks, breaking my trance, "am I rambling again, I'm sorry."
"Don't be! You're cute when you ramble," I reassure her. She looks over at me, a huge smile creeping over her face, her beautiful brown eyes shimmering in the dim light.
"In that case, I'm gonna keep going," she tells me, "what kind of dumbass decides it's a good idea to let their younger than six year old kid go out of the house alone on a rainy day!"
"Bad ones, I guess," I say absentmindedly. We keep on watching the movie we have on, neither of us really focused on it. without even thinking of it, my hands make their way to her hair.
"What are you doing?" she asks.
"Messing with your hair," I admit.
"Oh my god, are we acting like a normal couple?" she gasps.
"Do you not like it?"
"No!" she exclaims, "please don't stop."
"Oh my god, can I style it?"
"As long as it's not too fancy," she insists. One of the first things I ever learned about Vada is how much she hates looking fancy. She doesn't like the tight fitting "feminine" clothing, or the way makeup feels on her face. She hates the way her hair gets tightly pulled into an uncomfortable style, and then gelled into place. What's even worse is if she has to do all three of those TOGETHER. So I'm making it a point to keep it fairly informal, but still neat. 
I run my fingers through her dark brunette locks, trying to get the various knots out.
"Ow!" that one hurt!" she squeals.
"Sorry, oh my god are you okay?" I apologize, hoping I haven't hurt her too bad.
"I guess," she says sadly.
"Will this make it better?" I ask, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
She looks up at me smiling, "so much better." I brush a few strands of hair out of her face before continue styling it. She climbs into my lap, facing away from me so I can better access her hair.
I start parting her hair, so that there's an even amount of it on each side of her face.
"Oh my god Beverly get out of that house!" Vada screams, practically jumping up at the television, "I swear these people are so dumb."
"Vada, baby, you need to sit slightly still for this to look good," I say softly.
"Fine," she pouts, "why is you doing this kind of relaxing?"
"Maybe I just have that effect on you," I suggest.
"No, normally you make me so excited and happy, like a little kid seeing a bunch of candy and a lot of stuffies!"
"Aww, that's cute," I smile, my face getting warm.
"You're the best girlfriend ever," she compliments me, "I don't know how I wound up with someone as beautiful and funny and all around amazing as you."
"Maybe it's because you're the best girlfriend ever," I suggest.
"No you are!"
"No you!" We continue to argue about who's the better girlfriend, eventually realizing that we'd never get the other to agree with our opinion.
I end up sorting her hair into two neat braids, not too fancy, but presentable. 
"And voila!" I say, snapping a photo of the brunette to show her how she looks. She turns around quickly to view the photo.
"I look like Wednesday Addams if she had severe PTSD," she laughs, "but seriously, I love it."
"You do look like that!" I cackle, "what a funny coincidence!"
"Thank you, Y/N/N. I love it," she smiles softly, a blush creeping up on her cheeks.
"Sure thing, it was probably more fun for me than it was for you," I giggle.
"Well you can play with my hair anytime," she offers.
"Haha! You're gonna regret making that offer," I tell her.
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promptful · 2 years
how about sick and care taker quotes/propmts?
Caretaker/Sick Prompts
Hi! Here you go.
WARNINGS: Vomit. Hospital. Disease.
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1) “You’re burning up.” 
2) “Here’s some medicine.” 
3) “You’re not ‘fine.’”
4) “Let me draw you a bath.” 
5) “Try and get some food down. Anything.” 
6) “How about some Ice chips?” 
7) “I know it’s nasty, but I need you to take it anyway.” 
8) “Can I get you water? Food? Medicine?” 
9) “Are you dizzy?” 
10) “If you even slightly lose consciousness, I’m taking you to the hospital.” 
11) “I don’t care if I get sick. Move over.” 
12) “What better way to spend a sick day than movie night and snacks?” 
13) “Ohmygod, I just kissed you.” 
14) “I got your hair, it’s okay.” 
15) “Were you able to eat anything?” 
16) “Ice pack?” 
17) “I’m staying home today. I don’t want to leave knowing you’re feeling this bad.” 
18) “Stop. I can handle everything else.” 
19) “Stay in bed, for me?” 
20) “I will pick you up, dammit. Lay down.” 
21) “I even contacted my mom/dad for this soup. Eat.” 
22) “No matter what you look like, or how you feel, I’ll always love you.” 
23) “In sickness and in health, right?” 
24) “If I get sick, you’ll take care of me, right?” 
25) “You’re like a little furnace.” 
26) “Sleep, I’ll be right here.” 
27) “Let me call into work for you.” 
28) “I—I’m not going to tell you what you can and cannot do. But please. Don’t go out like this.” 
29) “Don’t feel bad if you vomit this up later.” 
30) “I got you, I got you.” 
31) “Hey! Are you still with me?” 
32) “Fever dreams, huh?” 
33) “I know you feel horrible, but just a few more days and you’ll be right as rain.” 
34) “You won’t get me sick. Well. You might, but I don’t mind.” 
35) “Can I hold you?” 
36) “Even if you’re sick, you’re still the prettiest girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse in the world.” 
37) “Let me take care of you.” 
38) “If you even say ‘I’m sorry’ once, I’m going to be extra caring until you can’t stand me.” 
39) “Tea?” 
40) “Sick snuggles?” 
41) “My throat feels like it’s on fire.” 
42) “Why is everything so hot?” 
43) “Why is everything so cold?” 
44)“I… really don’t feel good.” 
45)“You’re brave being in vomiting distance.” 
46) “I’m fine. It’s fine. Stop—stop fussing over me.” 
47) “It’s like there’s a weight on my chest.” 
48) “Let me sleep. Please.” 
49) “Sorry, I’m… I’m really dizzy.” 
50) “That felt so real.” 
51) “Stop, I don’t want to get you sick!” 
52) “Hold me?” 
53) “I feel like I’m half-way to Hell and Heaven all at the same time.” 
54) “‘Think I got one foot in the grave.” 
55) “Gonna vomit.” 
56) “Don’t let me fall.” 
57) “Is my skin on fire?” 
58) “You’re so cold.” 
59) “Don’t know if I wanna eat or cry.” 
60) “Please, don’t get sick because of me.” 
61) “Did you just kiss me?” 
62) “Gotta—gotta go to work.” 
63) “Bathroom. Now.” 
64) “Thanks…” 
65) “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” 
66) “Come on. There’s no need to overreact over this.” “You are literally passing out.” 
67) “I feel terrible.” 
68) “Did Hell warm over?” 
69) “Love you.” 
70) “Is this a good enough excuse for you to make me cake/cupcakes/chocolate?” 
71) “No hospital.” 
72) “Did I swallow sandpaper?”
73) “What about—what about work?” 
74) “You’re too good to me.” 
75) “It’s just a little cold.” 
76) “I’m gonna… gonna sleep this off.” 
77) “I’ll freeze to death if this doesn’t stop.” 
78) “Why are you so warm?” 
79) “I’m shivering…” 
80) “Feel like shit.”
81) I’m holding your hair as you're vomiting into the toilet. You keep apologizing, but I seriously don’t mind. 
82) I made you a bowl of soup? I hope you like it. 
83) Without thinking about it, I press my lips to yours and… oh. This is going to bite me later, isn’t it. 
84) You’re trying to leave for work, and I keep telling you please no. I can’t imagine what I’d do if someone called me saying that you passed out. 
85) Laying on my lap, you’re watching television, and I’m running my fingers through your hair. 
86) I made you a list to convince you why you’re still pretty/handsome despite being sick, no matter how hard you’re trying to convince me otherwise.
87) We were just conversing and suddenly your eyes fluttered shut. Ohmygod. 
88) This… we’re really close, but you asked me to help you bathe and I can’t just say no.
89) We’ve been arguing about taking some disgusting cherry tasting medicine. Come on. Take the medicine, and then I promise you, I’ll get you some ice cream.
90) I offer some of my clothing after your own get soaked in sweat. I don’t think the red on your cheeks is related to how you’re feeling. 
91) While this distance does leave me at risk for getting sick, you’re lying your head on my chest and all I can think about is your soft breathing and hair on my face. 
92) After a fever dream wakes you up, I roll over and hold you close, your head underneath my chin.
93) Delirious, you just confessed your love, and I tell you it back immediately, even if you may not remember. 
94) Even if my boss may not be happy with me, I called into work to take care of you regardless. 
95) You’re underneath ten different quilts and there’s nothing I can do but try to feed the gremlin underneath there. Even if you’re slightly scary. 
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baniigattsuu · 3 months
1. to make your friends proud
2. to conquer your fears
3. to see your favourite artist live
4. to listen to music
5. to experience a new culture
6. to meet new people
7. to inspire
8. to have your own children
9. to adopt your own pet
10. to make yourself proud
11. to meet your idols
12. to laugh until you cry
13. to feel tears of happiness
14. to eat your favorite food
15. to see your siblings grow
16. to pass school
17. to get a tattoo
18. to smile until your cheeks hurt
19. to meet your internet friends
20. to find someone who loves you like you deserve
21. to eat ice cream on a hot day
22. to drink hot chocolate on a cold day
23. to see untouched snow in the morning
24. to see a sunset that sets the sky on fire
25. to see stars that light up the sky
26. to read a book that changes your life
27. to see the first flowers in the spring
28. to travel abroad
29. to learn a new language
30. to learn to draw
31. to tell others your story in the hopes of helping and inspiring them
32. puppy kisses
33. kitten kisses
34. swear words, and the release you feel saying them
35. trampolines
36. stargazing
37. cloud watching
38. taking a shower and then sleeping in clean sheets
39. receiving thoughtful gifts
40. "i saw this and i thought of you"
41. the feeling you get when someone says "i love you"
42. the relief you feel after crying
43. sunshine
44. the feeling you get when someone is listening to you / giving you their full attention
45. your future wedding
46. your favorite candy
47. new clothes
48. completing goals / a milestone
49. the kinds of dreams when you wake up and can't stop smiling
50. the sound of rain
51. the feeling you get when you're dancing
52. the people who mean the most to you
53. trying out new recipes
54. the feeling you get when your favourite song comes on the radio
55. the rush you feel when you step into a concert
56. sharing your voice, talents and knowledge with the world because they're so valuable
57. breakfast in bed
58. forgiveness
59. fireflies
60. birthdays
61. realizing that someone loves you
62. spending the day with someone you love
63. eating a whole pint of your favorites ice cream
64. floating on your back in warm water, staring at the sky and thinking
65. first dates (even the bad ones make for funny stories!)
66. bonfires n smores
67. coming home to someone you love
68. singing at the top of your lungs with your friends (or on your own!)
69. cuddling
70. being wrapped up in a warm bed
71. someone's skin against yours
72. holding hands
73. road trips
74. spontaneous adventures
75. the feeling when the ocean wave rolls up and envelops your toes and ankles
76. peaceful thunderstorms
77. trips to disneyworld
78. the child-like feeling you get on christmas morning
79. the day when everything finally goes your way
80. compliments and praise
81. making someone laugh
82. taking care of yourself
83. sleepovers
84. waking up on summer mornings
85. creating
86. therapy
87. feeling like reality is finally better than dreams
88. relationships
89. friendships
90. good hair days
91. feeling confident, like you can openly be yourself
92. creating ambitions and aspirations
93. putting yourself first
94. memes and funny jokes
95. writing
96. aesthetics / visuals
97. learning to love yourself
98. falling back in love with living
99. feeling genuinely at peace with yourself
100. looking back at this moment in the future and thinking "i made it"
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justforbooks · 11 months
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Daniel Ellsberg, a US government analyst who became one of the most famous whistleblowers in world politics when he leaked the Pentagon Papers, exposing US government knowledge of the futility of the Vietnam war, has died. He was 92. His death was confirmed by his family on Friday.
In March, Ellsberg announced that he had inoperable pancreatic cancer. Saying he had been given three to six months to live, he said he had chosen not to undergo chemotherapy and had been assured of hospice care.
“I am not in any physical pain,” he wrote, adding: “My cardiologist has given me license to abandon my salt-free diet of the last six years. This has improved my life dramatically: the pleasure of eating my favourite foods!”
On Friday, the family said Ellsberg “was not in pain” when he died. He spent his final months eating “hot chocolate, croissants, cake, poppy-seed bagels and lox” and enjoying “several viewings of his all-time favourite [movie], Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid”, the family statement added.
“In his final days, surrounded by so much love from so many people, Daniel joked, ‘If I had known dying would be like this, I would have done it sooner …’
“Thank you, everyone, for your outpouring of love, appreciation and well-wishes. It all warmed his heart at the end of his life.”
Tributes were swift and many.
Alan Rusbridger, the former editor-in-chief of the Guardian, said Ellsberg “was widely, and rightly, acclaimed as a great and significant figure. But not by Richard Nixon, who wanted him locked up. He’s why the national interest should never be confused with the interest of whoever’s in power.”
The Pulitzer-winning journalist Wesley Lowery wrote: “It was an honor knowing Daniel … I’ll remain inspired by his commitment to a mission bigger than himself.”
The writer and political commentator Molly Jong-Fast said: “One of the few really brave people on this earth has left it.”
The MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan said: “Huge loss for this country. An inspiring, brave, and patriotic American. Rest in power, Dan, rest in power.”
The Pentagon Papers covered US policy in Vietnam between 1945 and 1967 and showed that successive administrations were aware the US could not win.
By the end of the war in 1975, more than 58,000 Americans were dead and 304,000 were wounded. Nearly 250,000 South Vietnamese soldiers were killed, as were about 1 million North Vietnamese soldiers and Viet Cong guerillas and more than 2 million civilians in North and South Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.
The Pentagon Papers caused a sensation in 1971, when they were published – first by the New York Times and then by the Washington Post and other papers – after the supreme court overruled the Nixon administration on whether publication threatened national security.
In 2017, the story was retold in The Post, an Oscar-nominated film directed by Steven Spielberg in which Ellsberg was played by the British actor Matthew Rhys.
Ellsberg served in the US Marine Corps in the 1950s but went to Vietnam in the mid-60s as a civilian analyst for the defense department, conducting a study of counter-insurgency tactics. When he leaked the Pentagon Papers, he was working for the Rand Corporation.
In 2021, a half-century after he blew the whistle, he told the Guardian: “By two years in Vietnam, I was reporting very strongly that there was no prospect of progress of any kind so the war should not be continued. And that came to be the majority view of the American people before the Pentagon Papers came out.
“By ’68 with the Tet offensive, by ’69, most Americans already thought it was immoral to continue but that had no effect on Nixon. He thought he was going to try to win it and they would be happy once he’d won it, however long it took.”
In 1973, Ellsberg was put on trial. Charges of espionage, conspiracy and stealing government property adding up to a possible 115-year sentence were dismissed due to gross governmental misconduct, including a break-in at the office of Ellsberg’s psychiatrist, part of the gathering scandal which led to Nixon’s resignation in 1974.
Born in Chicago on 7 April 1931, Ellsberg was educated at Harvard and Cambridge, completing his PhD after serving as a marine. He was married twice and had two sons and a daughter.
After the end of the Vietnam war he became by his own description “a lecturer, scholar, writer and activist on the dangers of the nuclear era, wrongful US interventions and the urgent need for patriotic whistleblowing”.
Ellsberg contributed to publications including the Guardian and published four books, among them an autobiography, Secrets: A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers, and most recently The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner.
In recent years, he publicly supported Chelsea Manning, the US soldier who leaked records of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, who published Manning’s leaks, and Edward Snowden, who leaked records concerning surveillance by the National Security Agency.
On Friday, the journalist Glenn Greenwald, one of the Guardian team which published the Snowden leaks in 2013, winning a Pulitzer prize, called Ellsberg “a true American hero” and “the most vocal defender” of Assange, Snowden, Manning and “others who followed in his brave footsteps”.
Steven Donziger, an attorney who represented Indigenous people in the Amazon rainforest against the oil giant Chevron, a case that led to his own house arrest, said: “Today the world lost a singularly brave voice who spoke truth about the US military machine in Vietnam and risked his life in the process. I drew deep inspiration from the courage of Daniel Ellsberg and was deeply honored to have his support.”
In 2018, in a joint Guardian interview with Snowden, Ellsberg paid tribute to those who refused to be drafted to fight in Vietnam.
“I would not have thought of doing what I did,” he said, “which I knew would risk prison for life, without the public example of young Americans going to prison to make a strong statement that the Vietnam war was wrong and they would not participate, even at the cost of their own freedom.
“Without them, there would have been no Pentagon Papers. Courage is contagious.”
Three years later, in an interview to mark 50 years since the publication of the Pentagon Papers, he said he “never regretted for a moment” his decision to leak.
His one regret, he said, was “that I didn’t release those documents much earlier when I think they would have been much more effective.
“I’ve often said to whistleblowers, ‘Don’t do what I did, don’t wait years till the bombs are falling and people have been dying.’”
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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ek-ranjhaan · 4 months
100 reasons to stay alive:
1. to make your parents proud
2. to conquer your fears
3. to see your family again
4. to see your favourite artist live
5. to listen to music again
6. to experience your culture to the fullest
7. to make new friends
8. to inspire
9. to have your own children
10. to adopt your own pet
11. to make yourself proud
12. to visit the seashore and feel the waves kissing your feet
13. to laugh until you cry
14. to feel tears of happiness
15. to eat your favourite food
16. to see your siblings grow
17. to pass school
18. to read millions of deserving, unread books and novels waiting for you
19. to smile until your cheeks hurt
20. To be accepted and welcomed by your loved one(s) as you are.
21. to find someone who loves you like you deserve
22. to eat ice cream on a hot day
23. to drink hot chocolate on a cold day
24. to see untouched snow in the morning
25. to see a sunset that sets the sky on fire
26. to see stars light up the sky
27. to read a book that changes your life
28. to see the flowers in the spring
29. to see the leaves change from green to brown
30. to travel abroad
31. to learn new languages
32. to learn to draw
33. to tell others your story in the hopes of helping them
34. Puppy kisses.
35. Baby kisses (the open mouthed kind when they smack their lips on your cheek).
36. Swear words and the release you feel when you say them.
37. Trampolines.
38. To have the most peaceful comforting sleep at nights.
39. Stargazing.
40. Cloud watching.
41. Taking a shower and then sleeping in clean sheets.
42. Receiving thoughtful gifts.
43. “I saw this and thought of you."
44. The feeling you get when someone you love says, “I love you."
45. The relief you feel after crying.
46. Sunshine.
47. The feeling you get when someone is listening to you/giving you their full attention.
48. Your future wedding.
49. Your favorite candy bar.
50. To feel the chlorophyllic scent of trees in the deep elms
51. Witty puns.
52. Really good bread.
53. Holding your child in your arms for the first time.
54. Completing a milestone (aka going to college, graduating college, getting married, getting your dream job.)
55. The kind of dreams where you wake up and can’t stop smiling.
56. The smell before and after it rains
57. The sound of rain against a rooftop.
58. The feeling you get when you’re dancing.
59. The person (or people) that mean the most to you. Stay alive for them.
60. Trying out new recipes.
61. The feeling you get when your favorite song comes on the radio.
62. The rush you get when you step onto a stage.
63. You have to share your voice and talents and knowledge with the world because they are so valuable.
64. To dance in the rain in a romance with self or with your lover
65. To visit Nordic countries and take in their beauty with mesmerized tears in eyes
66. Breakfast for dinner (because it’s so much better at night than in the morning).
67. Pray
68. Forgiveness.
69. Water balloon fights.
70. To write more and more, better and better, and to publish your own book(s) someday.
71. Fireflies.
72. Birthdays.
73. Realizing that someone loves you.
74. Spending the day with someone you love
85. Being wrapped up in a warm bed.
86. Someone’s skin against yours.
87. Holding hands.
88. The kind of hugs when you can feel a weight being lifted off your shoulders. The kind of hug where your breath syncs with the other person’s, and you feel like the only two people in the world.
89. Singing off key with your best friends.
90. Road trips.
91. Spontaneous adventures.
92. The feeling of sand beneath your toes.
93. The feeling when the first ocean wave rolls up and envelops your toes and ankles and knees.
94. Thunderstorms.
95. Your first (or hundredth) trip to Disneyland.
96. The taste of your favorite food.
97. The child-like feeling you get on Christmas morning.
98. The day when everything finally goes your way.
99. Compliments and praise.
100. To feel the mountains beneath your feet, to see the most beautiful dawn and dusk in the moments of a new day.
101. to look on this moment in the future, when life is happier and be grateful to yourself for not giving up, for staying alive, for choosing to live.
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hermesserpent-stuff · 5 months
45, 59, n 49
I perhaps ask if one of them could be freakarelated but it is not a requirement :>
but then, what if i made them all freakazoid related? hmmm??
45 Gimme three steps
Dexter lies in a ditch and wonders at how unfair the world can be. Freakazoid mutters something but his friend is too exhausted to make sense. Not that Freakazoid always made sense in the best of times, but at least it was normally a human language and not garbled computer noises. Dexter makes a noise of sympathy and keeps staring up at the black sky. 
There are so many clouds. If stars could have been seen, they are most certainly hidden. He groans as he lies there in the muck out in the middle of nowheresville USA. How did he even get here? He closes his eyes as he tries to recall. 
Freakazoid had been out. The hero had decided to do a bit of quick traveling. And somehow they had landed in the middle of Tennessee, just a bit to the left of Nashville. Longhorn had unfortunately been in the area, once again trying to revitalize his music career. The Lobe had been present and trying to help the other villain. 
Not out of any belief that Longhorn had any musical talent. In fact, when Lobe had cornered Freakazoid partway through the battle, he admitted to having alternative motives. Lobe had secretly wanted all of country music destroyed and replaced with Broadway tunes. Dexter had rolled his eyes in the Dexterzone at the belief and then had to watch the whole fight. Longhorn had returned at some point with an amplified guitar that batter Freakazoid with sonic waves and the Lobe fires off lighting blasts. 
A fun fight according to Freakazoid.
A little too close of a call according to Dexter.
It had taken up almost all of the hero’s energy to trounce the villains. When he tied them up, Freakazoid had attempted to jet home. Freakazoid had tried to turn into a bolt of light and ended up stumbling. The hero had then tried running and ended up falling on the side of a dirt road with a groan. Dexter had been forced out, exhaustion hitting him from the awkward switch that caused him to end up rolling into the ditch.
The ditch he has spent the last several minutes, hours, years, laying in. He feels the hours starting to weigh on him. The ditch is not too bad, all things considered. He is not even cold. Or wet. He gives a jaw-cracking yawn even as his body is too tired to move.
Freakazoid mumbles. Dexter yawns in response to the hexadecimal code.
‘Mmkay. Night to you too.’
And then Dexter falls asleep in the not-too-uncomfortable ditch. The warm Tenessee night fills with ambient noise as the nerd sleeps on. 
49 Little Candy Raver 
Freakazoid finds himself twitching a bit inside of the Freakazone. Dexter had spent most of the day taking end-of-the-semester tests and it is driving him a little batty to have no real inputs. Dexter had put a mental block on their mind link to both have some peace while filling out the test and to avoid the chance of cheating with Freakazoid’s connection to the internet. 
Freakazoid would be offended but he knows that Dexter takes his grades as a matter of pride. Just about one of the only things that he is proud of. He sighs as he twitches again. He prefers having someone to talk to. It is so painful to have all these thoughts and to have no one to bounce them off of. He had tried to talk to his inner child, just for a bit of conversation, but had been very rudely ignored. See if he got that squirt candy ever again. 
He bounces about, flicks the TV on and off, tries to play music and immediately hates all of his choices. He finds it harder and harder to be still, eyes constantly flicking to the ridiculously large ticking clock that had appeared in the Freakazone this morning as a dark herald of the hours of boredom that he was about to be doomed to. It ticks and tocks with no care for how evilly slow it is going. He tried breaking it earlier but it seems to be him proof.
Which he feels should be some sort of crime. If he could get Cosgrove in here to tell it off, that would be just swell. Then he could chat Cosgrove’s ear off. 
Ugh. He does another round of bouncing, flicking his tv on and off, and testing out his stereo. He groans loudly. 
Dexter reopens the link and Freakazoid leans into it as much as he can. He wraps up Dexter in how much he had missed his nerd and all the stray thoughts that had been bugging him. Dexter seems faintly amused and tired. He sends back soothing feelings and a promise that Freakazoid could come out to run soon. Just a little longer. Freakazoid buzzes.
He asks, very hopeful that he can go on patrol. Or run. Just running sounds amazing. 
‘Yep. Soon Freak. Soon. Just wait for the bell to ring, okay?’
Freakazoid quickly agrees. He keeps chattering to Dexter, mostly because he can. Silence does not suit him, and being stuck in the Freakazone feels like it amplifies that silence so much that he has to make up for it by talking twice as much. 
When Dexter lets him out, the nerd sends a wave of relief. Dexter is tired from his tests. Freakazoid invites him to sleep while he runs around. Dexter quickly hums agreement from the Dexterzone. Freakazoid keeps running around, shifting from electricity to physical form as his nerd sleeps. Perfect. A nice perfect afternoon. 
59 Stereo hearts
Dexter looks out at the ocean. The grand Pacific Ocean. He had glimpsed it before; out a car window and through Freakazoid’s eyes. But this is the first time that he has stood on the west-coast of the United States. 
Dexter had long harbored a secret dream. A slightly silly one that his brother had mocked upon hearing at the age of seven before punching his arm with a huff. Dexter had kept pretty quiet about it since then, but it is a little hard to hide everything from the other person sharing your head space. 
The nerd looks out at the salty water breathing in the air. It is sharp in his nostrils. He takes a hesitant step forward toward the crashing waves. His little dream.
When he had been seven, his family had visited the beach in Florida. It had been a rather big trip, with several hours spent in the car to reach their destination. And Dexter had taken several steps into the Atlantic and come up with his wish. A strong wish to have walked in the ocean on both sides of the continent. 
He had gotten close before, on an earlier family car trip. But Duncan had raised a fuss about taking too long and they had missed the beach altogether. A tragedy that made him hate his brother with a burning passion for a few days. 
Now though. 
Now he has his chance. 
Freakazoid had found out about his wish yesterday and had wanted to act immediately. Dexter pointed out that it was almost midnight and he certainly did not want to be awake any longer. A quick jaunt across the country was not going to make them any less exhausted from dealing with Cave Guy. Freakazoid had conceded with a hum that Dexter had known meant the conversation was not over.
He takes another few steps and his bare feet hit the water. Oh so cold. He probably should have expected it to be cold. Freakazoid giggles in the back of his mind and Dexter shushes him with a huff. No reason for him to deal with mockery from inside of his skull. He scrunches his nose and jumps back from an overeager wave. 
Despite the nipping cold, he finds himself satisfied. He had achieved his wish. He takes a breath. He can achieve his other wishes and goals. With Freakazoid at his back, how could he not? 
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bashfulcookies · 2 years
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The first day of Autumn was last week, so it is officially sweater weather. Well it is somewhere because where I live it’s still 80℉ outside. Let’s get cozy in the sims with all these wonderfully made sweaters, by some amazing creators.  Check out my YouTube showcase video here.
🧁Gshade: Dove 2.0 by @kindlespice
If your interested, you can check out my other haul posts. Children Hair, Children Clothing, Toddler Hair, Toddler Clothing, Formal Dresses, Female Pants, & Swimsuits. 
Thank you to all the creators who made this custom content: @joliebean @kumikya @rustys-cc @trillyke @oakiyo @clumsyalienn @powluna @dogsill @sentate @renorasims @litttlecakes @wonderfaux @aharris00britney @pleyita @saurusness @tamo-sim @demondare-sims @cloudcat @greenllamas @gorillax3-cc @qicc @alexaarr @pixelunivairse @arethabee @dream-girl @aelfsi @solistair @its-adrienpastel @caio-cc @jellymoo @nolan-sims @wyattssims @miikocc @nords-sims @casteru @jius-sims @sondescent @soolani 
MODELS CC: Hair | Eyebrows | Lipstick | Jeans | Boots
WARM COZY SWEATERS: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 & 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 & 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 & 62 | 61 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 
124 notes · View notes
Top 100 Best Beatles Songs warning:this is my opinion and it may not coincide with yours and this is completely normal. So please don't get mad at this list.
(I decided that it would be fair to include in this list not only songs from albums but als songs from anthologies)
100) dig it
99) free as a bird
98) three cool cats
97)my Bonnie
96) across the universe
95)yes it is
94)Anna (go to him )
93) Your Majesty
92)a taste of honey
91)money (that's what I want)
90)thing we said today
89) when I get home
87) Mr moonlight
86) no reply
85)golden slumbers
84) boys
83)sea of time
82) hey bulldog
81)dear Prudence
80)wild honey pie
79)Martha my dear
78) pigges
77)if I needed someone
75)you won't see me
74) blue jay way
73) blackbird
72) yesterday
71) one after 909
70) I'm the walrus
69) strawberry fields forever
68)dig a pony
67)everybody's trying to be me baby
66) I will
65) the word
64)yer blues
63)glass onion
62) back in the U.S.S.R
61) birthday
60)happiness is a warm gun
59)why don't we do it in the road?
58)I saw her standing there
57)love me do
56) please please me
55)it won't be long
54) you really got a hold on me
53)little child
52)if I feel
51 ) I'm so happy just to dance with you
50any time at all
49) baby in black
48)hello goodbye
47) the night before
46)nowhere man
45) I'm looking trough you
44)I'm only sleeping
43) here, there and everywhere
42)good day sunshine
41)doctor Robert
40)Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
39)getting better
38) fixing a hole
37) Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite!
36) lovely Rita
35)only a northern song
34)yellow submarine
33) two of us
32)Maggie Mae
31)for your blue
30) she loves you
29) I want to hold your hand
28) now and then
27)maxvell's silver hammer
26)sun king
25)baby it's you
24)too much monkey business
23) young blood
22) to know her is to love her
21) I got a woman
20)get back
19) you're gonna lose that girl
18) misery
17) you're really got a hold on me
16) fool on the hill
15) good morning good morning
14) Eleanor Rigby
13) twist and shout
12)octopus's garden
11)the ballad of John and Yoko
10)oh! Darling
9) do you want to know a secret?
8)and your bird can sing
7)Lucy in the sky with diamonds
6)all you need is love
5) within you or without you
4)Norwegian wood
3) something
2) love you to
1) It's Only Love
15 notes · View notes
bratshaws · 2 years
goodness gracious 86. brb x oc
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a/n: I'll be honest I was a bit nervous posting this chapter since it turns...a bit away from the fic? Kind of, I mean it is necessary for GROWTH purposes.
check out the fic's playlist made by the sweet @wiipes !!
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: Bea fighting her demons and just a tidbit of Rooster :(
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!!)
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @shrimping-for-all @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @j-6o @louisahale @leobabbyyy @kulicny @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes
“I don’t know how to feel about hearing ghost children, Bea.”
Beatrice frowned, crossing her arms over her bust as she looked at Michael. He wasn’t able to come when she asked because of work, but he was there on the day of her class reunion, one week after, “Michael, come on.”
“Ghost children are creepy Bea.” 
“As opposed to normal ghosts?” she asks while checking her reflection on the hallway’s mirror, she tried to hide how nervous she was getting. She wished Brad was there, he could go with her and help her out but he wasn’t and she had to deal with this herself “I just need you to stay a few nights, Mike. Please.”
Michael crosses his huge arms over his equally large chest, leaning his shoulder against the wall with a deep frown, “Fine, but I still expect my payment in cannolis.” his sister rolls her eyes, but agrees with a nod to the side, fixing her ponytail and the strands adorning her face. Since it was a bit warm that day, she was wearing one of her summer dresses and had a cardigan with her in case she needed it.
If she could just show up, spend five minutes there just so Lilly Ann saw her and leave, she would. It’d be...intense, she didn’t know how people would react and her nerves were slowly climbing up to the surface in a way that Michael noticed, “You okay?” Beatrice nods, fixing her dress’ short sleeves one more time, then running her hands down the skirt, second guessing if she should show up wearing that.
Her outfits in high school were mainly t-shirts and jeans and the so called mom shorts that stop at the knee. Skirts and dresses were never present, shirts’ collars had to hug her neck and show nothing below it and they were big, making her appear enormous back then. When she picked this outfit she decided she’d wear this because this is who she really was and always had been, she had to break that specific shell of fear from high school Beatrice for both of their sakes, “I’m fine.” she says with her jaw tense and eyes locked on her reflection, not seeing Michael appear on her side with his gaze worried. “I’m fine,Mike.”
“You know when you told us about the shit you went through in high school, I was really upset.” she blinks at him in confusion, “We could’ve helped you, sis. We all could.”
Beatrice smiles softly, shaking her head, “You were all grown adults, already in college and with your own lives. What was I to do? It’d only make everything worse.” she explains, watching her brother’s face fall into a scowl, “Plus you guys were all adults and knowing you, you’d want to punch some people in the face.” 
Michael’s scowl faltered, then turned into a knowing smirk, “I mean, yeah, true.” the siblings laughed together, but her older brother’s eyes still had a worried glaze over them, “...I’m just saying…well…we hated knowing how hurt you were back then. But you got better.” Beatrice’s green eyes meet her brother’s darker green ones, “And you grew so much. We are all really proud of you.”
Beatrice’s cheeks turn red and she nods, then engulfs her older brother in a hug, one he reciprocated, rubbing her upper back, “Thank you,Mikey.” she needed that pep talk, she needed that support before going. She pulls back to pull out her phone from her dress’ pockets, biting her lower lip, “It’s almost two…I better go.” she murmurs, stepping away from Michael to grab the keys hanging on the magnetic shelf and her purse, leaning down to kiss Jolene’s head and squeeze her cheeks in a goodbye, “Call if you need anything, okay? Her snacks are on the laundry room’s third cabinet.”
Michael nods, following his sister out of the door, watching her enter her red Jeep with a smile, “You’ll do great!” he calls once she’s inside, giving her a double thumbs up and a bright grin. Beatrice smiled back, her nerves a mess inside of her body, but she reversed out of the garage and drove away. 
Beatrice’s jaw clenched and relaxed, her eyes moving everywhere around the area as she tried to recall the way to her old school. It’s sad how much she went through basically making her block anything that related to her teenage years, especially where to go and to turn. She sighed, setting the gps to where she wanted to go and frowning knowing there was still about fifteen minutes for her to get there.
She could admire her surroundings, but honestly, she just wanted to get this done with. It’s crazy how one moment you are okay with that happening then on the other you just get freaked out. She could message Rooster, she could, but she didn’t want him to worry. Beatrice inhaled for courage, closing her eyes briefly and rolling her shoulder while gripping the wheel with so much force it looked like it could break at any second.
God she didn’t remember this area having so many palm trees, or a new parking area…but she did see the ‘ball room’ area decorated with balloons and a huge banner that said ‘Welcome back Class of ‘10’ in big bold red letters. Beatrice sighed, turning the jeep to the open gates to the student parking lot that had…a lot of cars. It took her a few seconds to find a parking space, easing out a relieved breath when she found one.
She’s parked next to a silver colored Mini Cooper with decals of cartoon characters on the passenger windows, ah, yeah, most of the classmates probably had kids now. Beatrice purses her lips, looking at her rear view mirror where she could see the gymnasium’s entrance open wide with people chatting on the outside or coming and going and a short woman holding a clipboard. 
Beatrice closed her eyes again, then furrowed her eyebrows, “Okay.” she nods to herself, slinging her purse’s strap on her shoulder and her cardigan folded on her arms, closing the door behind herself. She stood close to her car, her feet refusing to move closer the longer she looked, her flight instinct screaming louder for her to get the hell out of there. But she held her ground, clenching her keys into her palm - feeling the teeth nip at her skin- before she tossed it inside her purse and forced herself to move forward.
She was wearing a wedged sandal that knocked on the gravel as she walked, something she also never wore while in school. It was a lot more comfortable than a high heel shoe and it also made her legs look great, legs that she still wondered if she should show off like that.
If Rooster was around he’d be so supportive of her outfit, compliment her legs - her whole body really- and even tell her she could be ‘late for a few minutes’. Beatrice’s lips curled into a smile, pressing the power button on her phone to unlock the screen, exposing their dancing photo as her background, “I can do this Roos.” she whispers, bringing her phone to her lips so she could kiss his side of the picture, “I can do this.”
The woman holding the clipboard had pitch black dark hair chopped on a bob below her earlobes. Her eyes looked up when Beatrice approached, “Hello I– wait Beatrice? Is that you?” that voice. It was Lilly Ann with a completely different hair color. The two guys talking by the doors immediately stopped and looked to where Beatrice was “Oh my God? You look incredible!”
“Thank you Lilly Ann, you look really good as well.” extremely stressed, her left eye was twitching and her hands were shaky when she turned the clipboard to the brunette so she could write down her name. Beatrice smiles, giving her the pen back, and placing the tag with her name on her chest ”Thank you. I’ll go inside now.” she ignored the two guys on the doors, who looked at her way too much, choosing to pull out her phone to let Michael know she got there safely.
The response her brother gave her was a picture of him and Jolene inside her pool, the pittie had on sunglasses and was giving her a doggy smile. Beatrile chuckled, rolling her eyes and slipping her phone back inside her bag. She didn’t know how the school allowed this event to happen during the afternoon, but then again she couldn’t really hear any voices coming from the inside of the school building itself.
Beatrice finally enters the gymnasium/ballroom hall as the school liked to call during prom time. It was decorated with more balloons, tables and chairs - with a pair of long tables on either side with food and drinks, most of them non alcoholic since this was still the afternoon and it was a school, and people. Lots and lots of people.  She forgot how many classmates she had, she had no idea if they were all here, but she felt a bit overwhelmed upon seeing everyone again. 
She looked around trying to find a place to stay and keep herself distracted, deciding that maybe she could get something to drink since her throat was a bit dry. Her greeting to everyone she passed by was a nod and a smile, nothing more than that, she didn’t want to talk to anyone yet.
Once she reached the corner of the table with the drinks, she took in a deep breath seeing she was finally alone there, ‘Okay.” she mutters, pouring herself some fizzy lemonade inside a cup that was plastic but it was meant to look like glass, “Okay, it’s fine. It's fine.” she murmured, bringing the cup to her lips to take a sip, easing out a breath through her nose. Beatrice looks over her shoulder curiously, seeing everyone was with their old clique from high school - obviously - and her teammates from the volleyball team were…too busy talking to themselves.
Oh she was already regretting this.
She sighs, rubbing her forehead and tapping her nail on the side of her cup, deciding to look up at the decorations instead, or anywhere else really. She was starting to regret coming here even more, biting the corner of her mouth as she wandered about.
“No way, Beatrice? Is that you?”
Well that was going to happen a lot today apparently. She sighs, turning to the person who asked and her face lost all color. Her former middle school best friends who then ditched her in high school? Megan,Susie and Rooney. They haven’t changed much, besides Rooney was now wearing glasses, Megan was a blonde now and Susie cut her hair very short, “Oh my God! Look at you! “
Beatrice couldn’t stop when Megan wrapped her arms around her waist, the brunette just keeping her arms by her sides in surprise, even more when the others joined in too, “God, it has been so long! You look so different!” Beatrice offered them a small smile, awkward on how to reply to these compliments from a group of people she hasn’t spoken to in years.
“Did you lose weight?” she knew that one was coming,”You look so much better.”
“Thank you.” she says curtly, meeting Susie’s eyes, ‘You do too.” 
“Anyway, how have you been? Are you and Eric still together?” The mention of her ex’s name makes Beatrice flinch briefly, until she remembers how she punched him on the nose hours after her birthday.  She also had no idea they knew she dated Eric, because it wasn’t really ‘public’ in the first months - not to mention the three of them stopped talking to her for years.
“No, no I’m no longer with Eric.” she says, “I have someone else now,” someone wonderful, funny, kind, and so handsome it hurts. They looked at her, waiting for her to tell them more, “He’s a naval pilot.” she wasn’t sure if they noticed how weird this whole situation was, how much talking to them made her uncomfortable. Their connection was inexistent now and while she could understand why they’d want to chat - well, partially,- they no longer had anything in common with each other and Beatrice wasn’t feeling like she could tell them more.
“Ohhh, a naval pilot, does he have friends?” Rooney jokes, but Beatrice could see the glint of a wedding ring when she moved her hand. The other woman followed her gaze, then laughed ,”Oh we have an open relationship.”
“Right. Um, I don’t think any of them would be interested.” she didn’t want to come off as rude, but she knew the Dagger squad quite well at this point, “Most of them already have serious relationships.” Well that wasn’t true, but they didn’t have to know that.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Schiavoni herself.”
Beatrice closed her eyes, inhaling deeply when she saw the people who used to be part of Hannah’s clique approaching them but there was no sign of Hannah anywhere with them. They all look…heavily esthetically modified, oh my god. Normally Beatrice wouldn’t care about plastic surgery, if you wanna do it, do it, but they looked…stretched and not at all normal.  She tried to hold back her surprise and at the same time just rolled her eyes when her former friends just stepped back to let them pass, “I couldn’t believe it when I saw you show up.” the one in the middle, Jasmine, said, the skin on her cheeks barely moving- Jesus wasn’t she thirty too? Was that necessary already: - with the other two girls behind her.
Strange that Hannah wasn’t with them, “Yes, well, I thought about showing up.” Beatrice was no longer drinking, so she placed both of her arms behind herself  for no specific reason and that movement pushed her chest forward. It was news to her that she could see how taller she was than those girls and how her chest was fuller as well - she didn’t want to body shame anyone, especially her bullies…but it felt…weirdly good.
Jasmine’s long manicured nails clicked together, “What was it that I heard? That you are dating someone in the military?”
“That’s right.” she says with a small smile.
“Well you know how it works, Schiavoni, proof or it didn’t happen!” the girl on her left, Tania, Tiffany? What was her name again? It had a T on it.
Beatrice just blinked, furrowing her eyebrows, “I’m sorry?” she looks down at Tiff–the one girl she couldn’t remember the name of, who was holding her hand up for her to hand over her phone?? 
“Give it to us Schiavoni, come on.”
That one sentence brought chills up her spine, she heard that so many times when she was younger that her younger self inside her brain immediately panicked and screamed for her to leave. But Beatrice was no longer sixteen years old, she was no longer scared of them, she forgave them but that didn’t mean she couldn’t defend herself, “No.” she scoffs, “Why am I going to give you my phone?”
“Oh they just want to see really quick, Bea,” Megan added and that immediately made Beatrice snap her glare towards the other woman, who faltered and stepped to the side.
“I forgot how shitty you all were.” she snarls, then looks down at the still stretched hand, inhales and prepares herself, “No. This isn’t high school anymore and I’m sorry to say but we’re all grown fucking women. I don’t have to give you anything.” she never raised her voice, which meant no one looked their way since the music was pumping, “And I am not scared of you anymore.” they tried offending her, shocker, but Beatrice scoffs again, “It’s been over ten years. I moved on, why can’t you?”
That made the bully trio, and her old friends, stare at her with wide eyes. The usually meek and shy Beatrice would never do that, “I think you all need to check if all that filler isn’t going up to the brain and–”
“Wait, you are the one at the Marcus Beverly billboard!” a girl she couldn’t remember the name either announces, breaking the heavy atmosphere with her finger pointed at Beatrice. That statement makes others look her way too, “You are! It is you!”
“What’s happening?”
“Who’s where?”
“Beatrice is the face of the new Marcus Beverly collection!” the woman says, pulling out her phone, “Look! It 's her!” soon enough they were crowded, surrounded by people and Beatrice didn’t know what to do. While she was happy they were asking her about it, she felt her body begin to get very overwhelmed, her anxiety was spiking. Being circled by people like this triggered some locked memories from her past, memories of when she’d be in the middle of a circle and made fun of and humiliated.
Interesting how this was the exact opposite from back then. Beatrice tried to calm her breathing, tried to ease her heart, but nothing worked. She could feel her anxiety clogging up her throat, even if there were only smiles she wished it wasn’t like this, she wanted space, she needed space. When there was a break between the crowd, she escaped, rushing to the bathroom and locking herself in one of the cabins.
Beatrice sat on the toilet lid, pressing her cardigan up to her eyes and counting to thirty slowly, smell the flower, blow the candle. She inhaled deeply, her perfume mixed with the chemical cleaners from the bathroom hitting her nose. She wanted to heal, she wanted to be better, she didn’t want this fear to take over her anymore…she lowered the cardigan to her bare thighs, then looked down at her phone to check if she had a message from anyone and she immediately smiled when she saw that Rooster sent her one a few minutes ago, around the time she arrived.
Roos’ (14:13)
It’s pretty late here and I’m going to sleep, but I just wanted to say I miss you, pretty girl. I hope you are having a good day and I hope you know you are always on my mind <3 I love you.
Beatrice’s cheeks flexed with her smile, supporting her chin on her hand as she reread the message over and over. “You are always on my mind too, Roos.” she whispers, sighing softly as her heart calms down. 
‘Beatrice? Are you here?’
That voice…”Hannah?”
Footsteps approach she cabin she’s currently inside, she sees a pair of red pumps appearing below the door and she immediately fears she’s going to throw something over her head, “Are you okay?”
“Oh, um,I-I’m fine. I just needed a breather.”
“Yeah,tell me about it.” she laughs from the other side, “Everyone calmed down a bit, if you want to come back out.”
Beatrice blinked, trying to translate her words and check if it was a trap or not, unlatching the door and slowly creaking it open, seeing Hannah’s face appear on the other side, “...thanks.” she muttered, Hannah giving a few steps back so Bea could finally walk out. The two met eyes, Hannah wringing her hands together and Beatrice clenching her cardigan, “So…uh…”
Cue very awkward pause.
Until Hannah closes her eyes and parts her mouth, “I…I’m sorry Beatrice.” the brunette snaps her head up in surprise, staring at the strawberry blonde with her eyebrows furrowed, “For everything I did to you.” What followed was complete silence, the muffled 00’s songs pumping outside adding to the background noise. Beatrice didn’t expect this to happen today, “You don’t have to forgive me, hell I wouldn’t forgive me…but I really am sorry. What I did to you…no excuse will be able to explain. There’s no good reason.”
Beatrice clenches her cardigan even tighter, chest expanding in a deep inhale. “...I’ve forgiven you long ago,Hannah.” that made the other woman look up in shock, “You hurt me a lot, well not only you, but…I didn’t want to keep that shit with me, you know? It’s not healthy at all…but I appreciate your apology. Can I ask what made you…change your mind?”
Hannah leans her back against the bathroom’s sink, rubbing her eyes, “When I met you at the dog park last time…it was…I don’t know I remember being so mad at you and I don’t even know why. Then…then you talked to me and just,I guess it opened a whole new world for me.” she pauses, “Thinking back…if nothing had happened I think we could’ve been friends.”
Beatrice finds that hard to believe, “You had your own friends.”
“Who? Jasmine, Tessa,” ah that was the name,”And Caroline? I thought we were friends but…over time they tossed me aside too. I wanted to be better for my son, you know? Wanted him to have good examples especially after the divorce and they didn’t really agree how I was dealing with it.”
Beatrice frowns, crossing her arms with her cardigan tucked on the crook of her elbow, her stomach turning in knots, “I’m sorry. No one should go through that.” she whispers, then frowns, “Why did you hate me?”
Hannah shrugs, “I don’t know. I don’t think anyone can explain why we picked on you so much. Maybe because you were too quiet, or too kind, or too talented, who knows? We fucked up with you a lot and I am very sorry.” she mutters, “I’m very sorry you didn’t deserve that.”
The brunette just stared, opening and closing her mouth, unsure what to reply after that. It’s strange, she thought about this for so long, wondered if she’d ever get closure and then it happens and she…doesn’t know how to react. She just stays there, in complete and utter disbelief this just happened, “I…” she licks her lips, tasting the cherry gloss on her tongue, “...thank you…Hannah. I…I appreciate it.”
“You are welcome.” Hannah whispers back, holding out a nervous hand for her to shake, “You don’t have to but I–” Beatrice clasps it gently, holding it still and squeezing it just enough to show that this chapter was finally closed. “...thank you.” Bea nods, “So uh…that guy with you, was your husband?”
Not yet, “No, no he’s my boyfriend.” she explains, walking alongside Hannah towards the door. She sees the other woman blink, then ‘huh’ quietly, “What?”
“I could swear you two were married, there’s something about you two.” she says with a small smile, “That gives off that vibe.” 
Beatrice’s smile returned, her cheeks turning red, “Well…I’d hope so.” they walk out of the bathroom to be hit with the Macarena at full blast and a group of people dancing in the middle of the dance floor. Weirdly enough, Hannah and Beatrice ended up talking a lot more than either thought.
Hannah was right, they could’ve been friends, they did like a lot of the same things and Beatrice found out that Hannah was an obstetrician! Who would’ve thought? They enjoyed the same type of music, some movies and even certain books. Hanna Dreyfus was a nerd just like Bea was. Meanwhile her old friends just glared over the two…or they were just looking, Beatrice couldn’t tell since she didn’t know if they could change expressions at all. 
“Damn Eric! What happened to your nose?” Beatrice hears someone say, followed by her ex’s grumbled reply. She turns her head just in time to see him and vice versa. They stare at each other for a bit, before Eric’s eyes widen and he slowly backs away from the area “Where are you going, man?? You just got in- Eric! Bro!” 
Beatrice just managed to make her stupid ex run off the event in a matter of minutes, she’s talking to her former bully like actual adults and she was very happy…maybe coming here wasn’t so bad at all. 
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loose top 145 chart - list under the readmore
1. Neutral Milk Hotel - On Avery Island
2. Car Seat Headrest - How To Leave Town
3. The Microphones - The Glow, Pt. 2
4. Aphex Twin - Selected Ambient Works 85-92
5. Stereolab - Emperor Tomato Ketchup
6. Earl Sweatshirt - some rap songs
7. The Olivia Tremor Control - Black Foliage: Animation Music
8. Bladee - ICEDANCER
9. Prince - Purple Rain
10. The KLF - Chill Out
11. Cardiacs - A Little Man and a House and the Whole World Window
12. Neutral Milk Hotel - In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
13. The Beatles - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
14. Animal Collective - Feels
15. desert sand feels warm at night - 夢の砂漠 (Dream Desert)
16. Hiroshi Yoshimura - SURROUND
17. Duster - Stratosphere
18. bedbug - If I Got Smaller Grew Wings and Flew Away for Good
19. Prince - Prince and The Revolution: Live
21. The Weeknd - After Hours
22. Guided by Voices - Alien Lanes
23. Radiohead - Kid A
24. of Montreal - Skeletal Lamping
25. of Montreal - Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer?
26. Guided by Voices - Bee Thousand
27. Car Seat Headrest - Teens Of Denial
28. The Microphones - Mount Eerie
29. Mew - Frengers
30. Thin Lizzy - Jailbreak
31. The Beatles - Abbey Road
32. Modest Mouse - The Lonesome Crowded West
33. Ride - Nowhere (Expanded)
34. Ween - The Pod
35. Radiohead - OK Computer
36. Fishmans - 宇宙 日本 世田谷
37. Fishmans - 98.12.28 男達の別れ (Live)
38. Massive Attack - Blue Lines
39. Stereolab - Dots and Loops
40. George Clanton - Slide
41. The Avalanches - Since I Left You
42. Car Seat Headrest - Twin Fantasy
43. Car Seat Headrest - Nervous Young Man
44. Indian Summer - Giving Birth to Thunder
45. Moss Icon - Lyburnum Wits End Liberation Fly
46. Jane Remover - frailty
47. Los Campesinos! - Romance is Boring
48. The Olivia Tremor Control - Dusk at Cubist Castle
49. Nine Inch Nails - The Fragile
50. My Bloody Valentine - You Made Me Realise
51. Bladee - Spiderr
52. 100 gecs - 10,000 gecs
53. Bomb the Music Industry! - Get Warmer
54. DJ Sprinkles - Midtown 120 Blues
55. Alvvays - Alvvays
56. The Mars Volta - De-Loused in the Comatorium
57. Brave Little Abacus - Masked Dancers: Concern in So Many Things You Forget Where You Are
58. Julia Brown - An abundance of strawberries
59. DJ Shadow - Endtroducing.....
60. Modest Mouse - Building Nothing Out of Something
61. Tyler, the Creator - Igor
62. Tyler, the Creator - Flower Boy
63. David Bowie - Blackstar
64. Nine Inch Nails - Bad Witch
65. The Beach Boys - SMiLE
66. Animal Collective - Spirit They’re Gone, Spirit They’ve Vanished
67. Nana Grizol - Dancing Dogs
68. Nana Grizol - Love It Love It
69. Gorillaz - Gorillaz
70. Cocteau Twins - Heaven or Las Vegas
71. Pet Shop Boys - Introspective
72. Glass Beach - Plastic Death
73. Death Grips - the powers that b
74. Junior Delahaye - Showcase
75. Slowdive - Slowdive
76. Los Campesinos! - We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed
77. Global Communication - 76:14
78. Bright Eyes - Lifted or The Story Is in the Soil, Keep Your Ear to the Ground
79. Car Seat Headrest - 4
80. Vince Staples - Big Fish Theory
81. The Music Tapes - Mary's Voice
82. Animal Collective - Strawberry Jam
83. Ween - Quebec
84. Sufjan Stevens - The Age of Adz
85. Earl Sweatshirt - I Don't Like Shit, I Don't Go Outside: An Album by Earl Sweatshirt
86. Virtual Self - Virtual Self
87. Lil Ugly Mane - Singles
88. Sufjan Stevens - Carrie & Lowell
89. King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Polygondwanaland
90. King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Live in Brisbane '21
91. Boards of Canada - Music Has the Right to Children
92. Boards of Canada - Geogaddi
93. Frank Ocean - Blonde
94. The Cure - Disintegration
95. Nirvana - In Utero
96. Death Grips - Bottomless Pit
97. Mike - renaissance man
98. Dismemberment Plan - Emergency & I
99. The Microphones - It Was Hot, We Stayed In The Water
100. Animal Collective - Merriweather Post Pavilion
101. Cardiacs - The Seaside
102. Gorillaz - Demon Days
103. Duster - Duster
104. My Chemical Romance - I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love
105. Thursday - Full Collapse
106. My Bloody Valentine - m b v
107. Black Dresses - Peaceful as Hell
108. Porter Robinson - nurture
109. of Montreal - Paralytic Stalks
110. bob hund - Bob Hund
111. Teen Suicide - i will be my own hell because there is a devil inside my body
112. Slowdive - Souvlaki
113. Cursive - The Ugly Organ
114. Ween - God Ween Satan: The Oneness (Anniversary Edition)
115. Kleenex Girl Wonder - Ponyoak
116. Sweet Trip - Velocity: design: comfort.
117. Gorillaz - Plastic Beach
118. Guided by Voices - Under the Bushes Under the Stars
119. The Beatles - Revolver
120. Jane Remover - teen week
121. Glass Beach - the first glass beach album
122. blackwinterwells - Stone Ocean
123. The World Is a Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid to Die - Formlessness - EP
124. Grandaddy - The Sophtware Slump
125. Jordaan Mason - earth to ursa major
126. Weatherday - Come In
127. The pAper chAse - Hide the Kitchen Knives
128. Kylie Minogue - Aphrodite
129. Yung Lean - Starz
130. pilotredsun - Achievement
131. Bomb the Music Industry! - Album Minus Band
132. Wu-Tang Clan - Enter The Wu-Tang (36 Chambers)
133. Doss - Doss
134. Kitty - Frostbite
135. Bob Drake - Medallion Animal Carpet
136. Parannoul - After the Night (Live)
137. J Dilla - Donuts
138. Ashley Ninelives - Eagle Creek
139. Vangelis - Blade Runner - Esper Edition
140. Akira Yamaoka - SILENT HILL2 (Original Soundtrack)
141. C418 - Minecraft - Volume Alpha
142. C418 - Minecraft - Volume Beta
143. Disasterpeace - Fez
144. Toby Fox - UNDERTALE Soundtrack
145. Kero Kero Bonito - Time 'n' Place (background)
honorable mentions to round it off to 150:
146. Julius Eastman - Femenine
147. Radiohead - A Moon Shaped Pool
148. Dinosaur jr. - You're Living All Over Me
149. Flipper - Album Generic Flipper
150. DJ Rozwell - NONE OF THIS IS REAL
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astroandry · 10 months
To anyone who needs it, 100 Reasons to Stay Alive:
1. to make your parents proud
2. to conquer your fears
3. to see your family again
4. to listen to your favourite artist live
5. to listen to music again
6. to experience a new culture
7. to make new friends
8. to inspire
9. to have your own children
10. to adopt your own pet
11. to make yourself proud
12. to meet your idols
13. to laugh until you cry
14. to feel tears of happiness
15. to eat your favourite food
16. to see your siblings grow
17. to pass school
18. to get a tattoo
19. to smile until your cheeks hurt
20. to meet your internet friends
21. to find someone who loves you like you deserve
22. to eat icecream on a hot day
23. to drink hot chocolate on a cold day
24. to see untouched snow in the morning
25. to see a sunset that sets the sky on fire
26. to see the stars light up the sky
27. to read a book that chnages your life
28. to see flowers in the spring
29. to see the leaves change from green to brown
30. to travel abroad
31. to learn a new language
32. to learn to draw
33. to tell others your story in the hopes of helping them
34. puppy kisses
35. Baby kisses (the open mouthed kind when they smack their lips on your cheek)
36. Swear words and the release you feel when you say them
37. Trampolines
38. Ice cream
39. Stargazing
40. Cloud watching
41. Taking a shower then sleeping in clean sheets
42. Receiving thoughtful gifts
43. "I saw this and I though of you"
44. The feeling you get when someone says, "I love you."
45. The relief you feel after crying
46. Sunshine
47. The feeling you get when someone is listening to you/giving you their full attention
48. Your future wedding
49. Your favourite candy bar
50. New clothes
51. Witty puns
52. Really good bread
53. Holding your child in your arms for the first time
54. Completing a milestone
55. The kind of dreams where you wake up and can't stop smiling
56. The smell before and after it rains
57. The sound of rain against a rooftop
58. The feeling you get when you're dancing
59. The person (or people) that mean the most to you. Stay alive for them.
60. Trying out new recipes
61.  The feeling you get when your favourite song comes on the radio
62. The rush you get when you step onto a stage
63. You have to share your voice and talents and knowledge with the world because they are so valuable
64. Breakfast in bed
65. Getting a middle seat in a movie theatre
66. Breakfast for dinner
67. Pray
68. Forgiveness
69. Water balloon fights
70. New books from your favourite authors
71. Fireflies
72. Birthdays
73. Realising that someone loves you
74. Spending the day with someone you love
75. Opportunity to create meaningful and lasting relationships
76. Potential to learn, grow, and evolve as a person
77. Joy and Happiness in the little things
78. The power to inspire others
79. The ability to create art, music, and other forms of self-expression
80. To explore different cultures, traditions, and ways of life
81. To make a positive impact on the environment and help the planet
82. Experience the joys of parenthood and raise a family
83. Learn new things and develop new skills
84. Create a legacy that will outlive you
85. Being wrapped up in a warm bed
86. Someone's skin against yours
87. Holding hands
88. The kind of hugs where you can feel a weight being lifted off your shoulders. The kind of hug where your breath syncs with the other person's, and you feel like the only two people in the world
89. Singing offkey with your best friends
90. Road trips
91. Spontaneous adventures
92. The feeling of sand beneath your toes
93. The feeling when the first ocean wave rolls up and envelops your toes and ankles and knees
94. Thunderstorms
95. Your first (or hundredth) trip to Disneyland
96. The taste of your favourite food
97. The child-like feeling you get on christmas morning
98. The day when everything finally goes away
99. Compliments and praises
100. To look on this moment 10 years time and realise you did it.
Credit to @mathew0 on youtube under the video "oneheart X reidenshi- Snowfall (slowed) (1 hour loop)" or https://youtu.be/_r0vlyp33pw 
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charmed-asylum · 2 years
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PROMPT THE BREAKS Prompt List: (starter kit)
Remember you can choose as many as you want or even pick from other places just remember to add on to your story and tell me.
1. "Come over here and make me."
2. "Wait a minute. Are you jealous?"
3. "| almost lost you.?
4. “Wanna bet?"
5. "Don't you ever do that again!"
6. "Kiss me.?"
7. "It could be worse.?
8. *Looks like we'll be trapped for a while..
9. "You need to wake up because I can't do this without you."
10. "I've seen the way you look at me when you think I don't notice."
11. "Just once."
12. "I think I'm in love with you and I'm terrified."
13. "If you keep looking at me like that we won't make it to a bed."
14. "You heard me. Take. It. Off.?
15. "You fainted.…straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention you didn't have to go to such extremes.
16. "You did all of this for me?"
17. "| swear it was an accident."
18. "YOU DID WHAT?!"
19. “If you die, I'm gonna kill you.”
20. "It's hard to get used to.. «what is?" "Being someone that someone cares for.."
21. "The first time you smiled it felt like the universe aligned."
22. "It hurts..." "What?" «Loving someone who doesn't love you..
23. "Let me do this, please."
24. you're not as funny as you think you are
28. I'm just getting comfy
29. just because you can doesn't mean you should
33. you are such a nerd
34. why are you so cold?
35. stop laughing at me
37. you're ticklish
38. can we go home yet?
39. you are a terrible influence
40. one of us is clearly smarter than the other
41. you need some sleep
42. how have you survived this long by yourself?
43. are you just quoting song lyrics?
44. sleep is for the weak
45. "I have no idea what you're talking about."
46. "What? I have never-"
47. "I do not have an answer for you.
48. "In my defense, I really wanted to."
49. "At least I didn't break any laws."
50. "What did you do this time?"
51. "How do we get out?
52. "I don't hate you."
53. "Don't call me that."
54. "Just marry me already."
55. "Did I stutter?"
56. "Did I just say that out loud?'
57. "H-How long have you been standing there?"
58. "I've never felt this way before and I'm terrified to be honest.?
59. "Is that what you call an apology?"
60. "Is there anything you want to tell me?"
61. "There is no way this much stupid can fit inside one person."
62. "I'm never leaving.../ promise."
63. "Uh, am I interrupting?"
64. " like you, like like you like you"
65. "Stop being a fucking prick.
66. "Do you want me to stay?"
67. "You're my everything."
68. "I love seeing you smile."
69. "i've been thinking about you all day.?
70. " i can't get enough of you.
71. « like being close to you. you're warm."
72. I’ m not wearing any underwear. thought you'd like to know."
73. "this is a one time thing."
74. "you know where to find me."
75. "you're really good at that.
76. "don't be shy now, sit on my face."
78. "If I ask you to kiss me in front of all these people, will you do it?"
79. "Don't go on that date." "Why?" «You know why." "Say it."
80. "i think i might be in some kind of love with you?
81. "say you want me, and i'm yours." "you need a place to stay for the night"
82. "i want to taste you"
83. " love it when you talk dirty
84. "if you interrupt me one more time- so help me god'
85. "if we weren't in public right now i'd have my head between your legs"
86. " don't know what to do" "then let me teach you"
87. "this feels dirty" "that's because it is"
88. “don't cover you're face, i want to see you"
89. "are you sure about this?"
90. "ive never wanted to fuck someone as badly as i want to fuck you rn".
91. "do you want help with that?"
92. “im going to fuck you until you forget that assholes name"
93. “bend over the desk love"
94. "is that a drawing of me?"
95. “i didn't mean to say that but yeah, i love you."
96. "you weren't supposed to hear that!"
97. "this isn't adrenaline, i want to spend my life with You “
98. "do you think of me when you touch yourself?"
99. "I'm not going anywhere"
100. "fuck you. - "when?"
101. "no one's ever made me feel like this."
102. here, let me help you."
103. "we're quite literally fugitives of the state." -"so no pizza?
104. "you're insane." - "people keep telling me that."
105. "you're pretty." - "you're drunk."
106. "i'll keep you safe."
107. "i'll spend a thousand lifetimes coming back to you."
108. didn't think it was possible to love someone this much."
109. "Touch yourself for me.?
110. "Shut up and take your pants off.
111. "Wanna see what I'm wearing underneath all this?"
112. "Do you know how beautiful you are? It's truly distracting."
113. "How are you this perfect?
114. "I've waited so long for this!"
115. "Would you just shut up and kiss me already?"
116. "Tell me what you want."
117. "Could he make you feel as good as i do?"
118. "Are you trying to turn me on or are you really just that oblivious?"
119. "Just let me finish this/this level and I swear ill go down on you until you cum at least three times.
120. "I haven't even touched you and you're already this wet."
121. "Were you just masturbating?" "U-uh.no, I was just." "Want some help?"
122. "I really want to kiss you right now." "Then do it."
123. "I don't care what you do just fuck me."
124. "Stop distracting me."
125. "I saw you last night..you looked beautiful."
126. "God, you have no idea how amazing you are, do you?"
127. "I don't wanna hurt you, baby"
128. "You think that I'm watching you? Don't flatter yourself..."
129. "This world doesn't deserve an angel like you."
130. "I think they might be a problem. Don't worry, love, I'll take care of them for you."
131. "I'Il do whatever it takes if it means we'll be together forever, my sweet."
132. "You will do what I ask."
133. "If you just do what you're fucking told then we wouldn't have a problem, would we?"
134. "Where's that smile I'm looking for, sugar?"
135. "So…do you want your underwear back?"
136. "Sweetheart, I have to mark you. How else is everyone gonna know you're mine?"
137. "You've been so good lately, my pet. Don't make me have to punish you.
138. "I fucking need you more than I need to breath."
139. "If you leave me, I'll die!"
140. "I know you liked them, sweetie, but they were keeping you away from me."
141. "You're mine, do you understand? You belong to me”
142. "Cry for me, baby."
143. "I know it hurts, honey, but that's what happens when you don't do what I say.?
144. "I just want to show you how much I love you..
145. "Don't worry, my love, I'll protect you."
146. "The next time they touch what's mine, I'll cut their fucking arm off."
147. "You're so cute when you're struggling."
148. "If you don't take your clothes off, I'll take them off for you.
149. "Just give into me, love."
150. "I'll lock you up and throw away the fucking key if you ever even think about doing anything like that again, do you hear me?"
151. "I wish you would just let me have you..
152. "I just want us to be happy. I had to kill them."
153. "'I do whatever the fuck I want to you, got it?"
154. "Is it so hard to love me?"
155. "I hate it when they look at you…so fucking much.."
156. "You know you're mine, don't you?"
157. "Do you really think you can get away from me?"
158. "You know you're mine, don't you?"
159. "Do you really think you can get away from me?"
160. “l know everything about you, darling, and you're so perfect."
161. "I'm madly in love with you.?
162. "You're all I ever think about."
163. "If you don't kiss me, I'll slit your fucking throat."
164. "You're such a pretty little thing tied up like that, baby."
165. "Tell me how much you love me."
166. "I'll carve my name into your back if that's what I have to do to let you know you're mine."
167. "Why're you crying? Aren't you happy to be with me?
168. "I'Il kiss away the pain, doll."
169. "I'm sorry, honey, but you made me jealous. They had to die."
170. "Do you think I like hurting you? Because I fucking love it.'
171. "You don't even know how lucky you are. I protect you and provide for you. Don't act so ungrateful.
172. "It's okay to love me. Please love me."
173. "I could fucking kill you right now, you know that?"
174. "Don't test me, darling."
175. "You think I'm jealous? Trust me, buttercup, you haven't even seen jealousy."
176. "I want to tell you I love you until my throat bleeds."
177. "I imagined my life without you and it was better. I was happier"
178. "I knew you were capable of this, but I never thought vou were
179. capable of doing this to me.
180. "It was never me. It was always them/her/him."
181. "I don't love you anymore, goodbye"
182. "Stick a knife in my chest, it would hurt less."
183. "Don't say that. That's not what I want."
184. "You're not who I thought you were."
185. "Leaving you will hurt, but staying with you is more painful."
186. "People change."
187. "I look at you and I don't feel anything anymore."
188. "I can't carry on like this."
189. "Just because you're angry, it doesn't give you the right to be cruel."
190. "I can't trust you anymore."
191. "You left like I was never a reason to stav"
192. "You have to forgive me" "I can't"
193. "If I could go back in time and change loving you, I would"
194. "You've ruined my life."
195. "I know you're trying, but it's just not enough."
196. "You'll forget about me, just like I'll forget about you."
197. "You're a fucking idiot!" "Yeah, I know."
198. "You've hurt me for the last time."
199. "'m tired of fighting."
200. a pretty little house-pet who just follows you around all day and cries when you have to leave
202. "You look really good in my clothes"
203. "This reminded me of you"
204. "Your hands are warm"
205. "I just want to relax in your arms"
206. "Let's go home" "I'm already home"
207. "Make a wish!"
208. "I could just stare at you forever" "Creep"
209. "I'm so lucky to know you"
210. "You're the most beautiful being on the earth"
211. "Hold me"
212. "You smell amazing"
213. "I wish you could see the way I see you"
214. "What are you doing?" "I was trying to make pancakes but it didn't exactly work”
216. "This isn't just a(n) [object], it's a promise"
217. "Sing to me again"
218. "Come back to bed"
219. "You're the only person I want to spend my life with"
220. .. sorry, I talked too much" «No no no not at all. Keep talking"
221. "Oh my god you never told me you could cook"
222. "Our kids are gonna be *mwah*!"
223. "Come on. I'll show you how to dance"
224. "I can't believe I never heard you sing before"
225. "I know you had a bad day, so I made you cookies"
226. "Let's go and look at the stars"
227. "Is that... is that a dog?"
228. "I'm gonna need someone to kiss at midnight"
229. "I can't stop thinking about you"
230. "Get on my shoulders, you'll see better"
231. "Is be a great parent, I'm just saying"
232. *Fogs up mirror and writes a message*
233. "I never thought I could miss someone this much"
234. "Not to be drastic, but I would jump off of a cliff for you"
235. "You're breathtaking"
236. "You're my new pillow"
。* 🎀 𝐸𝓃𝒿❁𝓎 🎀 *。
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4townie · 1 year
Road to 4☆TOWN
part 60 | part 61 | part 62 | part 63 | part 64 | part 65 | part 66 | part 67 | part 68 | part 69
“So you’re T’s mom.” Ciara looked her up and down.
Catalina paused. “Yep. That’s me.” She smiled awkwardly. “Everyone says he looks just like me so I figured it was obvious. I guess not though.”
“No, no, I just meant that you’re a little different than I expected.” Ciara admitted. “Y’know, you’re so calm and laid back. All the moms I know are even more uptight than I am.”
“Well, it’s easy to be relaxed when I’ve got a kid as responsible as my sweet boy.” Catalina said, watching her son with a soft smile.
“There’s one thing I’m confused about though.” Ciara squinted at the boys. “What’s up with that little round kid holding T’s hand? He said he was family, but he doesn’t look like you.”
“You know how a kid sometimes brings home a savage little animal that probably has rabies and says “can I keep it”? Yeah, that’s Taeyoung.” Catalina nodded.
Ciara froze. “So he has rabies?”
“Well, no, but he likes biting people.” Catalina shrugged casually. “Tae-Tae’s a sweet kid, though. Mi chiquito brought him home to me almost six years ago and they’ve been like brothers ever since. It really warms my heart because my baby’s always had so much love to give and not many people to give it to.” She smiled at Ciara. “Our sons make such a beautiful couple. They care about each other so much.”
There was a moment of silence as Ciara thought.
“So you’re just okay with your son being…gay?” She uttered the word like she’d get sick just saying it.
Catalina narrowed her eyes. “Of course. Aren’t you?”
“Well, admittedly it’s still taking some getting used to.” Ciara laughed awkwardly. “I mean, I love my son no matter what and I support him, but…it feels so odd to me. I thought I knew exactly the type of girl he’d bring home. Someone quiet and shy like him, but she’d still know how to make him laugh. I guess I was right about one thing.” She sighed. “It still doesn’t feel real to me. I look at them and I see a pair of best friends.” She said just as T and Z kissed. “Well maybe not just now. But still. How did you get over it so quickly?”
“I didn’t really need to “get over it”.” Catalina raised an eyebrow. “Besides, I’ve known for years at this point. When he was in third grade, he told me he felt different from all his classmates. He didn’t know how to put it into words, just that he wasn’t like them. I asked him if it was because he was smarter than everyone, but he said no and that’s when I realized.”
“That young?” Ciara looked at her in shock. “What did you do? What did you say?”
“Well…I told him that I was bisexual and explained that it’s totally normal to not be like everyone else in that way.” Catalina smiled at the memory. “I still remember the look on his face when I told him. He was so relieved that nothing was wrong with him and even more so that I understood. I was just happy I could be there for him.”
“And it was that easy?” Ciara asked.
“Of course it was easy.” Catalina shrugged. “Isn’t loving your kid supposed to be easy?”
Ciara stared at her son for a moment. “Yeah. I guess it should be.”
Happy Mother’s Day, y’all🥰
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loversofthegrave · 5 months
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BALLAD OF A SELFLESS BOY - dean playlist X
he ain't heavy he's my brother donny hathaway 2. carry that weight the beatles 3. behind blue eyes the who 4. back down the black boy & bear 5. changes black sabbath 6. simple man lynyrd skynyrd 7. knockin' on heavens door bob dylan 8. please call home allman brothers band 9. history book dry the river 10. blood brothers bruce springsteen 11. hurt nine inch nails 12. ten years gone led zeppelin 13. waiting around to die the be good tanyas 14. bad company bad company 15. soul to squeeze red hot chili peppers 16. rivers and roads the head and the heart 17. soldier of fortune deep purple 18. the boy who blocked his own shot brand new 19. mama said metallica 20. lost in my mind the head and the heart 21. big black car gregory alan isakov 22. two coffins against me! 23. road to nowhere ozzy osbourne 24. brothers in arms dire straits 25. francis haley heyndrerickx, max garcia conover 26. murder and crime sufjan stevens, angelo de augustine 27. losing my religion r.e.m 28. no quarter led zeppelin 29. oh daddy fleetwood mac 30. so he won't break the black keys 31. nobody loves you (when you're down and out) john lennon 32. happiness is a warm gun the beatles 33. when a blind man cries deep purple 34. army dreamers kate bush 35. welcome to the cruel world ben harper 36. brendan's death song red hot chili peppers 37. end of the night the doors 38. dark child - single edit marlon williams 39. solitude black sabbath 40. i gotta get outta here alice cooper 41. you keep moving on deep purple 42. black cat power 43. about today the national 44. i'd love to change the world ten years after 45. my friends red hot chili peppers 46. come pick me up ryan adams 47. these days jackson browne 48. happiness grant lee buffalo 49. i appear missing queens of the stone age 50. anne john frusciante 51. all my love led zeppelin 52. these days the black keys 53. nobody's fault but mine led zeppelin 54. i am the highway audioslave 55. cowboys counting crows 56. if i ever was a child wilco 57. lose your soul dead man's bones 58. lazarus david bowie 59. play with fire the rolling stones 60. my mind is ramblin' the black keys 61. you don't know how it feels tom petty 62. to be with you in heaven the scorpions 63. i never cry alice cooper 64. lonely people america 65. here, air john frusciante 66. rock 'n' roll suicide david bowie 67. it'll all work out blake mills 68. all shades of blue gregory alan isakov 69. silver stallion cat power 70. sad cowboys and rock and roll van andrew, victoria bigelow 71. i am all i got the dead brothers
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
Donna’s Wednesday Radio Show Prompt List #4
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Hey guys! As some of may know I do a weekly radioshow on Wednesdays and I thought why not put together a prompt list from some of the songs I’ve been playing. I thought it would bring some fresh prompts into our world!
Feel free to pop any of these prompts with a charcter I write for (You can find these on the pinned post on my blog) into my ASK box!
 1)     You've never been with anyone who doesn't take your shit
2)     fucked on the bathroom sink
3)     every girl in here wanna be her
4)      You know your smile woman
5)     there ain't nothing that I gotta prove
6)     Baby when you kiss my lips
7)     So am I wrong for thinking that we could be something for real?
8)     I'm so in love with you
9)     When you whisper in my ear
10)  I'm still the man you want It's just hard to tell you so
11)  That's the beauty of a secret You know you're supposed to keep it
12)  What I say is how I feel for you
13)   I need your loving every night
14)  Your tender words of love, 
15)  You are the loving girl who's taken my hand
16)  I know you've enjoyed all that attention from her
17)  I thought I knew about love I only knew about the fight
18)  For me there's no way out
19)  When I saw you walkin' in And my heart started skippin' a beat
20)  It's hard to change a love like this
21)  For a woman who became my wife
22)  To feel your lips upon my face
23)  How your hands felt in my hair
24)  It's just a rumor and I don't believe 'em
25)  I'll give you all I have
26)  Damn, you's a sexy bitch
27)   the moment you let go
28)  Try to love you when you really don't want me to
29)  I've been holding back my love
30)  I know you've never really taken responsibility
31)  You think your words will make me black and blue
32)  I'm always ready for a war again
33)  why do I try to love you?
34)  She's nothing like a girl you've ever seen before
35)  We wrote a story in the fog on the windows that night
36)  But you love me anyway
37)  All the better just to please you
38)  Deeper In love with you, I'm falling
39)  please him Any time or any place
40)  All I wanna be Is somebody to you
41)  So I lit a match and burned it down
42)  how you laughed when you said my name
43)  My kind of medicine is whiskey straight
44)  I'm gonna love you,
45)  My hands are dirty and my heart is cold
46)  you walk like you're a god, they can't believe I made you weak
47)  they don't make posters of my kind of life
48)  Gonna lose control tonight
49)  You try and change me, you can go to hell
50)  These days I can't seem to make this right
51)  What do you want from me?
52)  The boys I've been with say I got no soul
53)  Tell me who's gon' save me from myself When this life is all I know
54)  "You know, I haven't always been this way"
55)  And memories like a coat, so warm A cold wind can't get through
56)  just a bit ashamed
57)  nobody would ever compete
58)  how you gripped my hips so mean
59)  But I don't have to fucking tell them anything
60)  I used to be so tough never really gave enough
61)  I don’t feel safe
62)  Tell me who's gon' save me from this hell
63)  And everybody wants to know 'bout how it felt to hear you scream
64)  Whose gonna pray for me
65)  First date, first kiss
66)  I used to run around I didn't wanna settle down
67)  feeling of a lightning strike
68)  And she'll tease you, she'll unease you
69)  baby let's give it a shot 
70)  Her lips a sweet surprise
71)  Then you were gettin' down on your knee
72)  'Cause you say you love me and then you do it again
73)  Fooling my selfish heart
74)  And a love that, when it was right could always see me through
75)  Left broken empty in despair
76)  Going through the motions
77)  sacrificed for the greater good
78)  Kickstart the honeymoon
79)  The I do's and the kisses
80)  Let's set the date
81)  I fight the world, I fight you, I fight myself
82)  I'll spill this blood for you
83)  Without you, I'm all alone
84)  I'm tryna fight back tears, 
85)  You need a hero, look in the mirror, there go your hero
86)  Miss me when I'm gone
87)  Moments, when I knew I did what I thought I couldn't do
88)  I stood there, tryin' to find my nerve
89)  I think he recognized That look in my eyes
90)  But now, I wake each day Looking for a way that I can see your face
91)  Nothing ever mattered to me more than this
92)  So much more I have to say
93)  Watching me fall apart
94)   baby, I need more than that
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