gustofwindfr · 5 months
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Happy New Year, and Year of the Dragon !
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akumakosuke · 26 days
†Our cursed love†
★Chapter two- Your infinity.★
{soooo I finally wrote another damn chapter! Yay! Motivation is a very hard thing to come across but I have so many fucking ideas and a bit of motivation so I'll be updating hopefully every week or two}
No warnings just fluffy fluff
~Three years later ~
The sky is dark. The seemingly endless void of inky blackness only outshined by the brilliance of the full moon and the countless twinkling stars accompanying her. The calm, serene silence of the night and low whispers of the gentle breeze, rustling of the unkept grass at the border of the Gojo property, rhythmic chirps and noises from the creatures that call the moonlight home, makes for a perfect night…
Two young, lonely souls meet atop a hill, both guided to each other by an unexplainable pull. Two young Gods under the night sky, unaware of how they’re slowly falling.
“Hurry up idiot! We don’t have all night!” A 13 year old Satoru spoke with annoyance as he runs ahead of his best friend.
“Geez, I’m coming! Why do have to run huh!?” Questions an equally annoyed M/n, having to speed up to keep up with the energetic Satoru.
The two boys soon start running at the same pace, the wind whipping against their faces, making their hair dance with the breeze. Wide, carefree grins adorn their faces as the run turns into a race.
The still night air is soon interrupted by joyous laughter, so pure, so happy.
M/n speeds up, overtaking Satoru, he turns back to look at his counterpart with a smug grin.
“Too slow Satoru~” he teases, sticking out his tongue.
Satoru scowls and speeds up, easily catching up.
“Slow? Who me? You’re the slow one M/n, try to keep up~”
Satoru ahead, leaving M/n in the dust as he heads to the tree on top of the hill. He runs and runs, the crisp air filling his lungs, his feet making no sound as he steps. He can’t hear M/n but he knows he’ll show up soon so he can’t slow down.
He finally gets to the tree, yelling victoriously. He turns around, expecting to see the defeated face of M/n but he sees nothing. No M/n. He frowns, crossing his arms over his chest. He couldn’t be that far behind right?
Satoru tries to sense his cursed energy but unfortunately M/n has been training to hide his presence completely and apparently he’s gotten really good at it. Not even his six eyes can find him, Satoru really needs to train more.
He sighs, brilliant blue eyes that shine as bright as the moon scanning the fields. He quickly spins around, hearing a faint sound in the tree. His eyes examine the treetop, a playful smirk etched on his face.
“Oh so you want to play games my dear, M/n? Alright I’ll play your little game.” He muttered playfully as he slowly approached the tree, his six eyes active, using this as an opportunity to hone his skills.
As expected he gets no reply. He chuckles softly, his heart beating faster, excitement buzzing in every bone. He hears another rustle making him snap his head in that direction. He hums softly.
“You’re bad at hiding, you should just give up now.” He jests, hoping to rile M/n up and make him make a mistake. He stands directly beneath the tree, looking directly up into the foliage, thin streams of soft moonlight poking through the leaves but no M/n.
Satoru freezes, his heart leaping out of his chest when he hears that soft voice behind him. When he feels his warm breath fanning his ear, when he finally senses that familiar presence.
M/n’s voice is as soft as the breeze and Satoru becomes hyper aware of their proximity causing a blush to creep up on his face.
He spins around and striking blue orbs clash with bright crimson ones and like every time the world seems to come to a stand still, everything fades into background noise and he finds himself drowning, like the air was stolen from his lungs.
M/n smirks, relishing in that dumbfounded expression he’s come to like so much. He loves catching Satoru off guard, slipping past the infamous six eyes. He notices the blush, confused at first but then it dawns on him how close they are. His heart speeds up, his breathing coming to a stop and he finds himself drowning, like the air was stolen from his lungs.
~M/n POV~
‘What’s happening to me? I feel frozen, like time stopped entirely. Why is my heart beating so fast?’ My thoughts race as we have a staring contest, neither of us saying a word.
Normally I would be able to read Satoru like an open book but I can’t read him now. That’s not his normal annoyed or shocked look. What is he thinking? Why isn’t he saying anything?
~Satoru POV~
‘My heart feels like it’s going to explode. His gaze, why does his gaze make me feel like this… this warm fuzzy feeling in my chest. When I’m near him it’s like my senses are dulled, like everything else becomes a blur… what is this?’
I feel goosebumps forming on my skin and I don’t think it’s because of the breeze. My heart pounds in my chest like a drum and I finally snap out of my daze and quickly turn away with a very awkward laugh causing M/n to do the same.
This has been happening more often, both of us just getting lost in each other’s gaze but we never address it. We just laugh and move on. I sometimes wish he didn’t move on, I sometimes wish we would address it but it’s probably nothing really.
~3rd POV~
M/n shoves Satoru’s shoulder, the awkwardness quickly dissipating into the blissful calm of the night.
“Come on, we don’t have all night.” M/n says as he walks to their spot on the hill and sits down in the grass.
Satoru glares at him playfully, making a mental note to get back at him for the push, but also mentally scolding himself for getting distracted. He approaches M/n and settles down beside him,
They both lay down, nestled in the soft embrace of nature. The grass is cool, their backs supported by the earth beneath them. They both gaze up at the celestial canopy that seems to stretch infinitely, adorned with a myriad of twinkling stars that paint the night sky with their radiant glow.
They settle into a comfortable silence, simply enjoying each other’s presence. A calm retreat, a break from the busyness of their lives. In this moment they forget their destiny’s and simply exist. Their curious eyes trace the constellations that have adorned the sky for eons, they seem so small and insignificant compared to them but they known how significant they are, as significant as the stars themselves.
Like the stars they will both be shining beacons of hope, hope for humanity, hope for sorcerers.
“My father increased my training today, it was exhausting.” M/n’s whispers, his soft voice carrying a tiredness no 13 year old should have.
“Really? Again? Didn’t he increase it last week?” Satoru asks, his sympathetic voice providing a sense of comfort for M/n because Satoru understands.
“Yeah, he says I need to be stronger to face the evils of the world. He’s always going on about how special I am, how strong I can be. My potential. It’s annoying.” M/n’s tired voice has a bitter edge, the deep resentment he has for his father shining through.
M/n has never had the best relationship with his father and Satoru knows everything in great detail. He knows what a harsh man (f/n) Goto can be. He trains M/n to the point of collapse every day, claiming to be doing this for his own good.
“I’m sorry.” Satoru whispers, turning his head to gaze at M/n. He doesn’t need to say anything else, those two words spoken with such understanding and sincerity nothing else needs to be said. M/n knows he means it wholeheartedly.
M/n turns to gaze at Satoru, a grateful smile on his face. All the tension leaving his body when he gazes at those eyes. “It’s fine, I’ll get through it. How’s your training, I’ve noticed you using your infinity more often.”
Satoru smiles. “I’ve been learning how to keep his active for more than a few hours, I can manage it for around 3 hours without breaks. You should have seen my mother the first time I did it, she told everyone in the clan.”
M/n scoffs. “Of course she told everyone. You’re her little miracle after all.”
“Hey, I am a miracle and three hours is a long time, it still makes me exhausted.”
“Well mister miracle, I never said that it wasn’t impressive, it actually is.”
“Mister miracle? Really?” Satoru asks with a deadpan expression that soon breaks as he starts laughing at the ridiculous nickname.
Satoru’s laughter is contagious, making M/n burst into laughter as well. Both their laughs blending together in the purest of sounds, a symphony of joy.
Their fit of laughter slowly dies down, the echoes carried off by the breeze.
“You are terrible at nicknames M/n.”
“What? Would you prefer if I called you something else? Like Gogo, or jojo, maybe Jogo! Nah, Jogo sounds stupid.”
“Firstly no, secondly why are they all my last name?”
“Alright fine~ and they’re all your second name because I like your first name just the way it is, it’s perfect!”
Satoru looks at M/n like a deer caught in headlights, not expecting that. It’s stupid, those words don’t really mean anything yet they make his heart skip a beat. Perfect, his name is perfect…
M/n gets confused by the blank stare and silence, raising an eyebrow. He tries to tap Satoru on the shoulder but is stopped by a force. He frowns, looking down at his hand that’s mere inches away from Satoru but will never reach. Infinity.
“Oi, why is your infinity on? We aren’t supposed to use our techniques tonight. You’re gonna exhaust yourself and leave me to carry you all the way home… again.” M/n said in an annoyed tone, sitting up and crossing his arms over his chest.
Satoru also sits up, quickly pulled out of his fantasy. He smiles sheepishly, looking down to avoid M/n’s gaze. “Ah… well i just wanted to see if I can do it subconsciously… it is actually taking a lot out of me… even my six eyes is draining…” he mumbles nervously, knowing how M/n gets when he pushes himself too much.
M/n’s frown deepens, he scans Satoru from head to toe, noting how his infinity is still up, seeing the slight bags under his eyes, he was also running slower than usual. He didn’t even bring his glasses, he always forgets his glasses.
M/n doesn’t like Satoru’s infinity, when it’s on he feels like the gap between them suddenly grows and Satoru is out of reach, untouchable. M/n feels a spark deep within his soul, that same pull he felt when they first met. That voice in the back of his head, the one that told him to turn around, it’s telling him to reach out.
A part of him is telling him the gap between them isn’t as big as he thinks. All he has to do is reach out. M/n knows he can bypass Satoru’s infinity, it’s part of his inherited cursed technique. The Gojo and Goto clans are intertwined, and have been since the Golden age. They are extremely similar, both techniques bending reality in some way.
M/n knows of the technique to bypass Satoru’s infinity but he’s never been able to use it, he’s tried but alway failed because it’s too much of a strain on his eyes, his eyes like Satoru is an integral part of his clan. His eyes help control his inherited technique, without the Atomeye he could never hope to control his cursed technique. The cursed technique he’s been struggling with, Distortion.
M/n can distort the laws of physics, permitting the user to violate any physical law displaced in the universe. Everything that composes physics including space and time. Satoru’s infinity doesn’t actually stop things, it slows them infinitely, M/n can distort the space and time around himself, creating a barrier of complete nonexistent, nothing can pass this barrier because nothing can exist within it, not even Satoru’s infinity.
M/n takes a deep breath, concentrating his cursed energy into his hand, by focusing on one part of his body he could maybe sustain the technique for a while. He focuses on the feeling of non-existence, clearing his mind of all thoughts. He slowly reaches out, his movements slow and unsure.
Will he be stopped again? Is the gap between them only growing larger? Just a year ago they were on the same level. Now it feels like he can’t catch up. He can’t fall behind. He can’t be left behind. Not even infinity can stop him.
Satoru freezes when he feels a gentle hand on his shoulder. The touch feels like fire in his veins, it burns with an indescribable warmth, making his skin prickle with goosebumps. He is absolutely sure he had his infinity up, he was using it. Nothing can get past his infinity, only-
Satoru slowly turns his head towards M/n. That soft, gentle purr of his name compelling him, drawing him in. Like a damn sirens call and he’s helpless, unable to resist.
M/n forced himself to steady his voice, trying not to react when his technique finally works.
Their eyes meet and Satoru can feel his infinity slipping, exhaustion slowly creeping up on him and the way M/n looks at him isn’t helping. That soft look in his eyes that tells him he’s safe, that he can relax. It always manages to disarm him.
“Turn it off.”
Satoru finds himself nodding, offering no resistance as he turns his infinity off. His eyes slowly start to droop, a yawn escaping his lips without his consent. He doesn’t want M/n to know how exhausted he is and he doesn’t want to fall asleep when this is the only time they have together.
M/n sighs softly, turning his own technique off. He can tell how tired Satoru is so he won’t pester him with a lecture. Instead he slowly pushes Satoru back down on the grass, lying back down beside him. Satoru once again offers no resistance and quickly succumbs to his exhaustion.
He didn’t realise how tired he was until now. Satoru’s eyes flutter closed and he unconsciously scoots closer to M/n, craving his warmth. He lays his head on M/n’s shoulder, draping one arm over his chest, curling up to his side.
M/n’s breath hitches in his throat and he looks down at Satoru with wide eyes. His heart thumps wildly in his chest it feels like it’s going to explode. He tenses up slightly, his arms hovering awkwardly in the air because he doesn’t know what to do, this is the first time this happened.
The longer M/n stares at Satoru’s peaceful expression the more relaxed he becomes. His arms slowly lower, one wrapping around Satoru’s waist and the other under his head. His heart calms down and he sighs, feeling the gap between them disappear.
M/n knows they can’t stay out here for long, both of them having to be home before anyone figures out they’re gone in the first place but he can’t bring himself to disturb Satoru and he’s also a bit tired himself. His eyes slowly flutter closed and he allows sleep to overtake him.
Two God’s lay atop a hill, wrapped in each other’s comforting embrace. The infinity between them now non-existent. They slumber under the moons watchful gaze, separated from the complexities of their existence, shielded from reality even if just for a moment.
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sarasolqiree · 3 days
wlw darlin ' tank x fem!reader oneshot!! chubby, tsundereish implied reader
"I was unconditionally, irrevocably inlove with him."
Bella's voice droned on in the background of your living room, the soft guitar playing behind it serving as a lullaby to you and your partner.
Your very intrigued partner. Darlin', as you call her, was serving as your beanbag, sprawled out on the couch as you lay lax on her body. Your breathing was synced, the rise and fall of her chest matching yours in a steady, slow beat. Her hand was splayed across your back, thumb idly tracing circles into your skin. She was still watching the movie, "eager" to see how they were going to portray her kind. As eager as she could get on a sunday night, anyway.
You'd already seen the movie a thousand times since your teenhood, so you were already bored. While the rest of your limbs were tangled with hers, you head was propped up, chin resting on her chest. You were watching her face, catching any little twitches of emotion she so graciously bestowed upon you. Your girlfriend's uncanny ability to remain deadpanned had been helpful in the past, but in this moment you wanted to see more. Unbeknownst-but-soon-to-be-known to you, she had noticed.
"Got a staring problem?" She asked with mock-aggression, planting a firm kiss on your forehead. You frowned at her, eyes narrowed and lips turned down in a pout. Her chest vibrated with a low chuckle, before she went back to watching the movie.
Deciding suddenly that a cheesy vampire-werewolf throuple saga wasn't going to cut it for date night, you leapt up, yanking the remote off the arm of your couch and shutting off the TV just as a certain vampire made his appearance, calling Bella "spider-monkey."
"Uhm.. Okay. You're not team Edward then, I'm guessing? Or maybe the nickname wasn't for you, huh, spider monkey?" Darlin' pipes up from the couch, looking at you with a raised brow and slightly widened eyes. Her arms were frozen midair from when you'd taken the leap, preparing for you to jump right back in.
You narrow your eyes at her again and hiss through gritted teeth a "shut up." Then your face softens into something of disappointment and you sigh.
"Twilight's boring. The werewolves are the same as you guys and I don't know that I have the motivation to watch Edward mull over a girl one hundred years younger than him," you admit, looking up at your girlfriend through batting lashes. She's silent for a moment, before her face breaks into a smile.
"Hm. What would you like to do then, baby?" Darlin' asks, walking over to you and hooking her hands into your thighs, hoisting you up to straddle her waist. Her hands grip the plushness of your thighs, feeling the fat spill between her fingers. You squealed, gripping onto her biceps and shooting her a surprised look mixed with an irritated glare. You'd told her in the past not to so recklessly pick you up, that you were heavy, and that she could hurt herself. You open your mouth to protest, but she shuts up whatever you were going to say with a kiss, lips crashing against yours passionately. When she pulls away with a groan, you're a reddened mess.
After about thirty seconds, you mumble out a reply. "....Bloody Mary's..." It was a newish diner in town, one that you had dragged Darlin' to visit just a few days prior. The place was a hit of nostalgia, (maybe not for you, but for your parents atleast) and you'd been aching to go back since.
Darlin' tilts her head, pretending to act confused. "I could have sworn we went there last week for date night...."
"Yeah, but...."
"Come on then."
"Yay! I love you so much!!"
"Mmmmhm. I love you too."
@huxleaf @zombieratt
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sophie-hatter-jenkins · 7 months
Written for @hinnymicrofic November 2023 - Prompt 9
Ginny sat on a plastic garden chair on the patio at the back of the cottage, nursing a glass of iced lemonade. She took a deep breath, and allowed the June sunshine to warm her skin, stretching her legs out in front of her and lifting her face to the sky. The whole summer seemed to stretch out in front of her - the season was done, the Harpies had finished a creditable fourth. Rest and relaxation beckoned, for a little while at least.
If she listened closely, she could just about hear the sea, gently lapping at the shore, just beyond the hedge at the end of the garden. High overhead, seagulls cawed and wheeled, and there was just the faintest tang of saltwater in the air. It was difficult to overstate just how much she loved this place. Oh, Grimmauld Place was fine, particularly since the renovations got completed, but Ginny had always been a country girl at heart, and there was just something very special about this stretch of the Welsh coast, as far west as you could go. It felt like being at the very edge of the world, a place of big skies and even bigger seas, beautiful in its isolation. That, she thought, was probably what Harry loved most about it. 
No one bothered them here. Yes, of course, they had every ward and protection known to wizard kind, but barely anyone ever ventured out this way anyway, barring the occasional Muggle walking their dog along the beach. Otherwise, there was nothing here but peace and quiet - the perfect refuge from the constant noise, stress and pressure of each of their chosen professions. 
Of course, the moment that particular thought crossed her mind, the peace and quiet was utterly shattered, by the shrieks of an over-excited five-year-old accompanied by his godfather, making their way back from the beach. Teddy’s hair was bright yellow, a sure sign of the heady mix of happiness and excitement that accompanied much of a weekend stay in Pembrokeshire.
“Can I go on the trampoline now, Harry?” he asked. “Please? I promise I won’t bounce too high! Just for a little while?” 
“Okay, okay!” Harry held up his hands in mock surrender, although of course Ginny knew perfectly well his answer had never been in doubt. “Just until Granny comes to take you home.”
“Yay! Best day ever!” yelled Teddy, dashing towards the corner of the garden where Harry had installed the trampoline. “Come on with me Harry! Let’s bounce together!”
Ginny suppressed a laugh. When Harry had explained the Muggle concept of a garden trampoline to her, she had been incredulous, let alone when he insisted on buying one for Teddy. There was, after all, a wide selection of Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes products that would have produced a similar effect, but Harry had insisted. Eventually, after much prodding, he had confessed that he had always been jealous of the one that Dudley had at Privet Drive one summer, which Harry was, predictably, banned from using. Ginny had subsequently teased him repeatedly with the suggestion that the trampoline was as much for Harry himself as it was for Teddy. 
Harry looked up at her, as he trailed after Teddy towards the trampoline. He waved, and gave her one of those crooked grins that still made her heart skip, no matter how many years had passed. Seeing her laughter, he shrugged, wordlessly telling her that yeah, okay. You got me.
Teddy was leaping higher and higher, giggling as Harry joined him, and used his own weight in counterbalance to catapult Teddy into the air. Teddy squealed with delight, though Harry’s own face was no less joyful. Even a perfect stranger would have been under no doubt that he adored the little boy
Just then, Teddy veered just a touch too close to the springs at the edge, and in a flash, Harry’s hand was at his back, gently guiding away before Teddy even really knew it had happened. There was no real danger given the number of cushioning charms that had been cast ‘just in case’, but watching them, Ginny felt a warmth spread through her chest, and a contented smile settled on her lips. 
She remembered being more than a bit daunted at taking on caring for Teddy (albeit on an occasional and very much second-fiddle basis), in the aftermath of the battle. Back then, she was still mourning Fred, dealing with her own trauma and attempting to repair her relationship with Harry, even before adding an actual baby into the mix. It had been a lot. Now, she wouldn’t have it any other way. Seeing Harry with his godson, all the time, energy and patience that he had for the little boy, brought her so much joy that she wondered if her chest could burst with it. 
Checking her watch, Ginny saw it was close to four o’clock; Andromeda would be arriving soon. Harry would be disappointed to have to say goodbye for Teddy, but Ginny was pretty sure she would be able to cheer him up.
She wondered exactly how she would phrase it, when the time came. She didn’t have long to decide - only until the green flames signalling Teddy’s departure died down in the fireplace, she reckoned. If she kept it to herself any longer, she was worried she might actually explode, and she decided just to trust that she would find the right words when she needed to. 
She glanced back down the garden one more time, to see Andromeda at the gate, and Harry helping Teddy down from the trampoline. Without even realising it, Ginny’s hand moved gently to settle on her stomach, and the smile became a grin as one thought swirled into her head with absolute certainty.
He’s going to make a brilliant dad.
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technomancer-01 · 1 year
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What a year, its had its ups and downs (yay roaring 20s). I am surprised and flattered at how much my Saturday Mornin Soulsborne/Sketching/Scribbles/Scrawling you all seem to enjoy so much, particularly when I don’t have many artsy people in my immediate circles and colleagues.
I suppose we can all agree to really enjoy how vivid the Elden Ring and Bloodborne worlds are (although my personal #1 is actually Sekiro haha). I'm not too sure who the people are that "follow" me, and it always feels a little weird fixating on that kind of stuff although the analytical part of me certainly does that. I appreciate y'all tossing me the likes 'n views my way; I've always drawn or at least doodled in the margins of my notes, but I feel like for the first time since I actually rally started drawing "pro", people have really started take my art-side more seriously. 

I have some plans, I already have a few pieces that I've printed out in digital form. I'm making a font that I can properly customize since I feel like this was part of the charm of a lot of these pieces. I guess I technically have a lot of these on Redbubble, but huzzah! I've taken a leap and started an Etsy and Ko-Fi!
Insta: @technomancer_01
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yourroyalhoneyness · 11 months
Just let me love you …alright
Tags: Fluff, Light, Romantic, slight nsfw if u look closely, writing errors, some angst I guess
Summary: it's has been almost a year and in that time. Noah and Mirage have gained feelings for one another. Mirage makes known his feelings and has implied them by dropping many hints. Noah on the other hand doesn't always take the advancement of mirage. But would love to be with the mech. However, is a fear of what may happens if he is miss reading things right.But Mirage is determined to be by Noah’s side. But is Noah ready to take this leap of faith like the ones before? And start something more than the friendship they possess.
Mirage is a big flirt and also possessive of his human crush. but will back off when told to However it is not for long. But will push some boundaries
Basically, best bros in love
Excuse the long delay. Along with the same writing and, spelling errors if there are any. I may try doing these more frequently. Also Along with some ask and request. They are welcome. I Will get try to respond to all of them. However, it is not guaranteed that I will. Same with me staying consistent in story, character, fandom, and writing style. I will also be posting my art, news, and more stories /fics. First story yay. Still learning how to write and find My writing style. Would appreciate some tips and advice on how to improve in the future. Gentle Constructive Criticism, please. So that is all for now. Hope you u guys like ❤️.
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Mirage was annoyed. Which was odd cause, he did most of the annoying toward Noah. Not the other way around.
Why was Mirage annoyed with Noah? Well, it was because of his human companion. Has recently been avoiding him a lot lately. But most of the time they are in the same place with the same people. And Noah somehow still finds any way to avoid him. For example, he would spend more time with work in the garage fixing other people's things. And on missions with the Gi.Joe agents and the Autobot, Along with spending time with Noah's family. Yet somehow even spending time with the same people, in the same space. The small human in some way managed to keep his distance from Mirage.
It has been at least a year. Since, the almost invasion of Unicron and fought against the terrcons. Since then they had gotten close. Not as close as Mirage would have liked. But they had grown their relationship. To have an opportunity to be more, Than friends more the boys. At least that is what Mirage thought.
Until his so-called best ‘friend’ started avoiding him like the damen Cosmic Rust. He misses spending time with his human.
He has noticed a change between himself and the other. Going from getting closer to one another.To feel like strangers again. It was the most annoying thing in Mirage's life.
Usually, the two of them chat on their nightly drives. And chat as in Mirage flirting with Noah. And Noah tries to not get flustered along with trying to talk about something else, and sometimes Noah throws back a bit of his charm.
It has been a few weeks since they have been on a is acceptable nightly Drive whether they were talking or not.
He wants to be more for Noah than just to be his friend. More than best friend even. He wants more of his attention and his time. And wants to do the same for Noah and so much more. The mech gladly do so much more if the small human asked him so.
Don't give Mirage wrong he loves to talk, but with Noah it's different. A lot of things were different whit, Noah, not only because them being from two different worlds. Literally. But he felt comply differently with Noah than any other person.
Mainly more different from any topical crash that Mirage has ever had.
Noah was fixing a neighbor's car that was brought in. Earlier, this morning, and has yet to be removed from the task. Said, a neighbor was being a bit handy and too close to Noah. When bringing in her car. Mirage was fighting to keep his engine from growling loudly. Especially when she gave her opinion of Mirage's alt mode. Now that in general would be the thing to get to him. But no it was the way she was interacting. mostly her just flirting with Noah.
Noah didn't seem to mind or even notice that factor. But the silver mech did. That was another reason why he was annoyed with the small human.
Mirage was in his root mode. On his side of the shared garage arms crossed and pouting. watch Noah working on his talent. Putting more of his weight against the wall to meet it. Changing his posture to a different one of his more relaxed ones.
“Bud, you need to give that handsome head of yours a break,” Mirage suggested
Noah didn't turn his attention from the car he was working on.
“Not now I’m basically almost finished with this car.”
Mirage caught Noah's tone sounding slightly...vex.Oh, now this gave a reason to get Noah out. And the silver mech just how. “Come on sweetheart you and I both need to get out of this garage. Also, you have been working non-stop since this morning and it's almost midnight.”
Noah knew Mirages was right it's has been a while since they'd been on night drives. He understood been avoiding his friend for a while but he had a reason. He knows that the silver Bot had a point. Along with being right he and Mirage had to get out of the garage at some point. Also having to stop avoiding the mech, and talk to him eventually about it too.
Mirage always found a way for him not to say no to him. Knowing the mech also needs to get out, Noah did indeed very much need a break right now.
Slumping forward slightly smiling, signing turning to meet Mirage's gaze. “Let me get my jacket and clean up real quick k.”Fighting a smile as wide as Mirage was.
The drive was silent. Silents that they knew had to be broken at some point
But something played in the back of his mind even now. Something like a lack of certainty, or doubt. The Porshe had something also on his mind and knew something was going on in Noah’s head also. And he wanted to get down to it and find out if it was maybe the reason why Noah was avoiding him too.
“Hey, sweetheart is there something on your mind you want to talk about, don't lie to me.” It was stated as more of a statement than a question.
Mirage had a way that made Noah's heart flutter whenever called him a pet name especially when saying it in such a charming tone.
Noah knew he can not dodge it and he didn't want to lie about it. It made his stomach churn. Just thinking about it. Mirage could sense he needs a min and perhaps even give him a slight push too.
“How about I go first...hm, is that ok with you bud.”
“Ok, yeah...sure,” Noah answered. he don't let it show, but he could help but feel his flutter with hope. Still, Noah had doubts.
They stopped at a secluded Cliff looking towards the outskirts of the city. Noah jumped out. So, Mirage could change back to his root mode. Sitting down far from the edge. Then place the small human in his lap. So they would meet each other gaze. Smirking at the sight of the flustered look on Noah. Also making sure to place one of his arms around his waist mostly to keep Noah from falling...or escaping.
“I like you, no, that's not right Noah I love you, and have been wanting to tell you for such a long time but...if you don't want me then anything more than friends. We will, I will forget ever had this conversation...alright.” Mirage feels a weight lifted from his shoulders. But he knows Noah feels the same but if he tells him that he just wants to be friends and doesn't have the same. Then that, that. However, the look on Noah’s said that Mirage was mostly right about Noah having the same feelings. Though there was something else. That looked like... doubt.
Noah was not sure if this was a dream or not. Mirage love...him.
"You love me?"
"Yes, you there no one else here. Or that I love like you."Bring his servo to place toward Noah's head. Having a Smile worth a million Watts. Look at him like he was the most precious thing in his life.
Noah still has a hard time believing every. Why him? "But why me?"
"What do mean by why you? Noah why not you!?" Mirage kind of felt offended by that statement. What did he not make obvious that he had feelings for Noah? He was almost taken aback. Still grinning but had a slight hint of concern.
Noah still struggling to get that Mirage means every word he was saying. He loves Noah. Out of anyone he chose him. He felt his heart for flutter just at the thought but still had the same thought playing in the back of his head.
"Mirage you can have anyone else in the world hell even in the Univers. I am just some guy. In a world that doesn't even comprehend a relationship that we may have. You can do so much better than me." He paused looking back at Mirage noticing a different expression. He's heard stories from him and the other Autobots about them being able to be in the same-sex relationship on Cybertron and it saw as the norm. But on Earth is different not everyone can comprehend a relationship ,like that let alone one with both a human and a Cybertronian both presented as male.
Noah lowered his head look down. He felt like he wanted to scream and cry. But Mirage was having nuh of that. Left his head, bringing him close than ever before. Still have that amazing smile that Noah had always loved.
Noah couldn't help but lean into the touch.
"I love you, I want you, and only you. Because no one likes you. I don't want better when I already have the best. You are amazing and when we are together. I don't feel like that around anyone else only you. And when we are together we're both even more awesome. I don't want anyone else. I want you and only you. I don't care what others have to say about it. And if my sappy speech doesn't convince you otherwise yes. Guss I just going to have to show you." If Mirage had to put in neon signs no one understand that .he gladly did whatever but there is no one like no one that got with his rhythm so fast no one sees ever felt this. particular way until he met Noah.
Noah felt almost beat out of his chest. This was real and Mirage meant every word. He closed the space between his and Mirage's lips.
Mirage doesn't hesitate to start moving his lip plate in sync with Noah's lips.
Then parted from each other. Mirage had to fight not to chase Noah's lip to reconnect them back together.
Then Noah spoke, "Are you sure it's me you want?" He just to make sure one more time that this was real and that this was actually.
"Noah yes, I'm sure you are my boy. My best friend. You made me whole. Fuck you have been inside me. Noah no joke I love you, and have no intention of letting you go." Resting his head lightly on top of Noah's bringing their head foreheads together.
Noah gave a slight giggle "I love you too much. Rj"
"Good, Oh and Noah"
"Yes, mi amor."
Ok, That did something to Mirage's Spark.
"Don't ever purposely try avoiding me ever again trust me you will regret it next time"
Noah couldn't help to suppress his laugh. But did promise he would never do that again.
The end
Or is it?
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eomayas · 9 months
new thing (pt. 7) • pcy
pairing: chanyeol x f!reader, age gap, established relationship
synopsis: reader and chanyeol reconcile after being broken up for a few months.
genre: angst & fluff. LOTS OF FLUFF. e2l. happy ending
warnings: swearing, drinking, crying. lots of crying. reader is just a girl and chanyeol is just a 30 year old boy :(
a/n: this is the finale!! yay!! thank you to everybody who has been here from the beginning and stuck with me and this story! it has been a lot of fun writing this. once again thank you, and i hope you like it. sorry for the lowkey trash ending lmao! ❤️
seulgi runs across the grass with her arms open wide, gown flowing behind her. you meet her halfway and throw your arms around her, engaging in a moving hug. “we really did it!” she squeals, hugging you tight against her.
your heart beats rapidly from pure joy that you haven’t felt in awhile, and mild case of anxiety at the prospect of your future truly beginning now. you two just walked across the stage to declare yourselves officially done with undergrad. it’s exciting and nauseating at the same time.
“i know, i know,” you say, pulling back and holding her arms. she looks up at you and you get the overwhelming feeling to cry into her arms. “i love you.” you say, pulling her back into a hug so you don’t have to look at her in the face.
“i love you more!” she says. you two stay wrapped up together for a moment longer before she taps your back. “i’m sinking.” seulgi says, making a show of picking up her legs to remove her heels from the grass.
“me too,” you say, letting go of her to pull both of you out of the earth. “our parents should be around here somewhere.” you say, linking arms with her and weaving through throngs of people. a lot of them stop the two of you to give hugs and exclaim how excited they are to be done with college. you're excited too, but there is a pit in the bottom of your stomach that reminds you that you're officially not a kid anymore. there's so much of life that you haven't experienced, and its all going to be laid out in front of you.
finally, you find your parents talking amongst each other, as well and mr and mrs. kim. seulgi is practically family to them at this point, so it makes sense that they showed up to support her. "congratulations!" mrs. kim yells, bouncing over to you two and engulfing you into a hug.
you go around giving hugs and accepting congratulations from everybody before ending up at your mothers side, clinging to her the way a child would. “so, what’s next?” mr. kim asks, and you and seulgi glance at each other before bursting into breathless giggles, no clear idea or answer.
everybody laughs when you two laugh and it puts you at ease for a moment. seulgis parents suggest heading to the restaurant to go eat, and you agree. “i think someone is looking for you,” your mom says, glancing over your shoulder. you assume it’s a fellow classmate, so you turn around with the intention to shout congratulations, but are stunned into silence when you see who it is, going weak at the knees.
he looks nervous, and so endearingly awkward that it makes you want to cry and scream. and in extreme chanyeol fashion, he holds an assorted bouquet of pink flowers between his hands.
your heart leaps into your throat, just as shock and confusion cross over your face. you wonder if he can see the desperation in your face, that your been wanting to see him for months. you’re aware of other people around you, but it just feels like it’s you and him. it’s been so long since you’ve seen him—nearly three months to the day—and you still don’t know how to properly function near him, or without him, for that matter.
“uh, hi,” he says, and your knees feel weak at him being so shy and awkward. somehow, your brain tells you to move, and you take a few short steps towards him, stopping when there’s about two feet of space between you. “hi.” he says again, looking down at you with a soft smile.
“hi,” you say, nervously wringing your hands in front of you. you shift your eyes to glance at the flowers, and his eyes widen like he forget he was holding them.
“oh, these are for you,” he says, a blush forming on his cheeks and going to the tips of his ears in the way that you’re so fond of. it makes your heart clench in your chest.
you thank him as you accept the flowers and hold them between to shaky hands. you wonder how you look to the people around you; if they can read your body language and see that you two have obvious history. or maybe you look as rigid as you feel, nervous and taut? “what are you doing here?” you ask, blinking a few times.
“uh, seulgi invited me,” he says. you whip your head around to glare at her, but are met with an empty path of grass; your mother the only person still standing there. “she said… she said you wouldn’t mind.” and you hate that she was right, because of course you’d want him here. you’d want him anywhere, at any time.
“oh. well… thank you for coming,” you say, ducking your head shyly. chanyeol nearly reaches out to tip your chin up, but stops himself before he gets the courage. you’re not his to touch like that, and the realization burns in his chest.
“always. i’m proud of you, y/n,” he says softly, and you look up at him, lips folded into your mouth. that pit in your stomach only gets deeper and you feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. you can feel yourself melting into the earth as he keeps looking you dead in the eye.
“thank you,” you say, hugging the flowers to your chest as if to ground you, like you’re afraid if you’re not anchored to something you might float up, up, up into the clouds and disappear among the stars. you’re not even sure you’re still breathing properly, not with the way you can smell his cologne despite being outdoors and surrounded by hundreds of people.
chanyeol glances behind you, and you become acutely aware of the fact that your mother is still standing behind you. “oh!” you exclaim, whirling around and motioning for your mom to come over. they’ve never met, and this isn’t necessarily the way you want them to meet, but you’re not going to have them ignore each other just because you’re broken up—especially not when he keeps looking at you like he could eat you. “mom, this is chanyeol; chanyeol, my mom.” you say, gently nudging her, telling her to be nice.
your mom shakes his hand and gives him a smile that doesn’t reach her eyes. a few months ago, she did her typical check in via a phone call. you never told her about chanyeol explicitly, just told her that there was a guy you were seeing back when you two first started dating. she asked about him here and there, but it was never anything pressing and you weren’t just going to give up the information. but when she called you after you two broke up, you couldn’t help but vent to her on the phone. for once, she let you cry in peace over a man—you don’t know why, maybe it’s because she could tell you actually liked him? but she let you cry and told you that one day, it would get better. she didn’t chastise you and tell you to simply get over it and to stop crying like you expected. you never asked her, but you figured she might’ve experienced something similar when she was your age or before you were born.
“it’s nice to put a face to a name, now,” your mom says, glancing at you before returning her gaze to chanyeol. he smiles, and the tips of his ears turn pink again. “how nice of you to show up today, too.” she adds and you cut your eyes at her, wanting her to lay off of him.
chanyeol only nods, his eyes never leaving yours as he says, “of course. i’m proud of her.” your whole body burns, the heat starting at your toes and spreading upwards. it’s too much to look at him, so you break first and awkwardly clear your throat.
“we’re about to go celebrate—you’re welcome to join us, if you want,” your mom says, shocking you and chanyeol, and probably even herself. you look at chanyeol with wide eyes, praying that he says no and spares an awkward, tension filled dinner.
“thank you, but i’ll pass for now,” he says politely and you nearly sigh in relief. your mom nods and smiles at him, seemingly happy with his answer, and announces that she’ll be waiting for you in the car.
you and chanyeol are truly left alone, and you don’t know how to determine the rolling of your stomach; anxiety, or excitement? either way, your pulse quickens and you feel shy when he smiles at you. "you look pretty, by the way," he compliments, and you feel like you're floating in the air when he says it. you thank him and he stuffs his hands into his front pockets of his jeans. "can i see you later? after your dinner?" chanyeol asks.
you bite the inside of your cheek. you know you should probably say no, because while you're elated to see him right now, you don't know when reality will set in and shatter whatever idea you have of him. his proposition from a few months ago still lurk in the depths of your memory, reminding you that you were too much and not enough for him at the same time. but on the flip side, you really do want to see him. theres so much you've wanted to say to him since your breakup and that rotten day.
blowing out a breath, you look up at chanyeol who wears a hopeful expression on his face. you’ve never been strong around him, never been able to resist him and those eyes that make you turn into mush around him. “yeah, sure. after dinner,” you say, nodding as if to convince yourself and psych yourself up.
chanyeol smiles, his dimples popping out and making your chest squeeze. “okay, cool. i’ll see you then,” he says. you nod and the two of you look at each other for a second before awkwardly laughing. chanyeol opens one of his arms, inviting you in for a hug. it takes everything in you to not throw yourself at him, and you slip underneath his arm just like you used to. you’re practically made to fit in his side.
the whole uber ride, you wonder if you’re too dressed up to see him. you changed your outfit four times, always feeling like it was too much or not enough, before you finally ended up in a blue, silk midi dress with lace trim, paired with heeled boots and a leather jacket. it might be too much, since it’s not a date. but he said he wanted to buy you a celebratory drink, and would it really hurt if you looked nice?
thanking your driver, you step out of the car and make the short walk into the bar. it’s quiet, save for the soft jazz music playing over the speakers. it’s definitely not somewhere you’d have picked if it was up to you, but it’s very chanyeol.
he sits at a high table near the windows, and gets up from his chair to greet you. it’s awkward again, stuck in the in between of a hug, or if you should just sit down. you both opt for the latter, chanyeol casting you a lingering glance. “what are you drinking?” you ask him, hanging your bag off the back of your chair.
“don’t know yet; i was waiting for you,” he answers, and you hate that you find it sweet. you only hum and start looking over the drink menu, not set on one particular drink.
“i think i’m gonna try this,” you say, pointing and showing chanyeol. he nods before slipping the menu from your fingertips and looking for his own option. you study him while he’s momentarily preoccupied and take in the few changes: the stubble, which you can admit you’re a fan of, thicker forearms like he’s been working out, and slightly longer hair. you slip your eyes to look out the window when he lifts his head and announces to you that he’s going to go order your drinks.
letting out a breath, you fold your hands together and glance around the bar, really wondering what you’re doing here with him. you know you shouldn’t be here after the way he tried to have some of you without having all of you, but you still have feelings for him despite it all. you’ve never really stopped.
chanyeol returns with your drinks and you two cheers before taking a sip, both making a face when you taste the alcohol. "so, how've you been—besides graduating?" chanyeol asks, looking over at you with a small, expectant smile.
with a shrug, you take another sip of your drink and set it down. "i've been fine, i guess. not really much going on," you say. "i have an interview coming up for this job—hopefully its my last one." chanyeols eyebrows raise at the mention of a new job, and eggs you on to tell him about it. you get a moment of deja vu, like you've had this conversation before and are going through the motions of trying to make everything right again.
"thats great, y/n. i'm really proud of you," he says it with so much genuineness that you have to take a deep breath to relax yourself. its just the simple things that make you ache the most. when you got an email back from the job, the first person you wanted to tell was him. he hasn't been an afterthought for you, not even after over 100 days of being apart.
you must get a look on your face, because chanyeol frowns and leans forward and asks if you're alright. "huh? yeah, i'm fine," you say, taking another sip of your drink. chanyeol backs off, but he knows you nearly as good as he knows himself, and the look on your face is one he's seen many of times. it lets him know that there is something on your mind that you aren't saying, but he knows better to press you about it, especially since you are not his anymore. "whats up with you?" you ask, wanting the attention off of you.
chanyeol goes on about how its been pretty much the same for him as well, except he's helping his cousin produce an album and is trying to get his brother in the studio more. you can't help but think about that fateful night at the drug store when you caught him buying condoms. you wonder if you hadn't run into him, if you wouldn't be sitting here with him trying to act normal and like you don't think about him nearly everyday. "y/n, you're doing it again," he notes, snapping you out of your own thoughts.
"doing what?"
he makes a face that says, really?, and shakes his head. "i know you, you know. say whatever's on your mind," you chew on the inside of your cheek and crack your fingers against your leg. "please, y/n."
you look up at him and your eyes start to well with tears, for reasons unknown to you and him. "oh my god," you mumble, covering your face with your hands. you sniff and wait for your eyes to dry up before uncovering your face and blowing out a heavy sigh of a breath. you look away from chanyeol as you talk, not trusting yourself to be able to make it while looking at him. "i am just so... confused, chanyeol. we don't talk for months, and then you show up to my graduation—and that was fine, okay?—but this? i can't just sit here and act normal with you, like we're friends or something, because we're not." your voice is even and slow, but you feel a wave of emotions brewing up again. "and with how we ended things? chanyeol, i need to know why you're trying to come around again because i just can't deal with it."
hes silent as he absorbs your words. chanyeol runs a hand through his hair and presses his lips together into a thin line. "okay, i'm just going to be honest, alright?" chanyeol looks over at you, and his stomach flips when you look up at him with wide, tear filled eyes. "first, i want to apologize—for everything, but especially the last time we saw each other. that was fucked up, and i knew it, and i still said it anyways. i wasn't... that just wasn't fair to you," chanyeols picks at his fingernails and looks down at his lap.
"i broke us up the first time; that wasn't your fault."
"yes, it was, y/n. there were things i didn't say to you, that i should have said. i could've tried harder, i could've just been honest with you," you bite your bottom lip, wishing he would just tell you those simple three words, whether they're still true or not. you need to hear it. "you can say it was all on you—fine—but i know that it wasn't. we both played a part, but it was completely my fault this time around. i don't want you to think that i... that i think less of you, because i don't. it was a stupid and fucked up thing for me to imply." chanyeols says, running his hand through his hair and gently tugging at the roots.
you fold your lips into your mouth and blink back the tears that form in your eyes again. his words mean something to you, so much that you don't think you'll be able to make it the rest of the night without crying. "y/n, can you look at me? please?" his tone is pleading, like its all he needs from you to get through the night. but you know the moment you look like him you'll start crying, and you don't know if you'll be able to stop. "please, y/n." and you wish he'd just call you baby.
with a breath, you finally turn your head to face him, and it hardly takes a second of seeing him before your face crumples and you drop your head into your hands. you're embarrassed for crying so quickly and in public, and you try to keep it silent. chanyeol jumps up from his chair and comes over to wrap you in a comforting embrace. you let him hold you for a moment, missing the feeling of being wrapped up in his strong arms. it doesn't last long before you mumble that you need air, and pull yourself from his grasp, not making eye contact with him as you slip on your jacket and dash outside.
you expect him to follow after you, and are greatly relieved when he does exactly that. "y/n," chanyeol says, a crestfallen expression on his face. the tears don't stop and you lean against the side of the building to support yourself. "i'm sorry." he's not really sure what he's apologizing for exactly, but he feels guilty and helpless watching you cry like this.
shaking your head, you wipe underneath your eyes and sniff, letting out a breath. "i don't know whats wrong with me," you mumble, letting out a weak chuckle. chanyeol gives you a small smile, taking a step closer to you. you take the risk of looking at him again, the urge to throw yourself into his arms tempting you. "why couldn't you just tell me?" you ask him, sniffing again. but you could ask yourself the same thin. why? seems to be the one question neither of you can figure out.
chanyeol lifts his shoulders and drops them before slumping against the building, mirroring your stance. "i don't know. i really don't. i felt—feel—so many things for you, so strongly, that i didn't want to ruin it or complicate it. especially if you didn't feel the same way," he says. the correction to the present tense makes your heart skip a beat, but also just makes you feel more frustrated.
"chanyeol, do you seriously think i just... kind of liked you, or something?" you ask, wiping the last of the tears from your cheeks. he shrugs and hangs his head when you let out a sarcastic cackle. "the way i felt about you scared the shit out of me. and since we're being honest, i still feel the exact same way. i can't even go a minute without thinking about you and wishing i could just go back in time so none of this happened." you're shocked that you found the bravery to tell him, but it feels like a weight has been taken off of your shoulders.
chanyeol blushes, and looks down at his shoes. "its the same thing for me. i really fucked up when i said what i said. i want you in more than that way, and i mean it. you mean more to me than just sex. i don't know why i thought i could even do that with you and not want more," you bite your bottom lip, his words settling in the pit in your stomach. the words are on the tip of your tongue, like they've been for months.
he beats you to the punch, nearly knocking the wind out of you. "i can't imagine trying to go through life without ever getting the chance to tell you that i love you. because i do, and i have for a long time, and i should have told you a long time ago."
"chanyeol," your voice cracks on the last syllable and tears immediately stream down your face again. his arms are around you in seconds, holding you tightly against him. chanyeol rests his chin atop your head and cages his body around you in a way that is just natural for the two of you.
you circle your arms around his torso and rest your cheek against his chest, letting out a deep breath and closing your eyes for a brief moment. this is all you've wanted, to be back in his arms, to be his, if not just for the moment.
"yeol," you mutter, pulling back to look up at him. chanyeols looks down at you and your eyes flick to his lips. thats all it takes for his lips to be on yours, one of his large hands cradling your head and the other around your waist. your palms rest flat on his chest before sliding up to grab onto the back of his neck to press him closer to you.
chanyeol backs you up against the wall of the building and presses your bodies impossibly closer, your hands sliding into his hair. you kiss him like its the last thing you'll do in this lifetime. theres a sense of desperation in the way you press yourself against him, but you don't care, and neither does he because all he does is shove his tongue into your mouth.
a whine leaves chanyeols throat when you pull away, and he chases after your lips. you blush and let him kiss you before you pull away again. you put your hands on his cheeks and look up at him, with what you can only image are heart eyes. "chanyeol," you say, gently stroking the left side of his face with your thumb.
"hmm?" he gently holds onto your wrist.
"i love you," you confess, and the smile that stretches across his lips is enough to make you weak in the knees.
"i love you." kiss. "i love you." kiss. "i love you." kiss.
you two stay like that for a few more minutes, pressed against each other. you feel his love for you in the way he holds you like you're delicate. you feel it in the way he kisses you like he means it, and you wonder why it couldn't have always been this easy and simple.
you've spent so long wondering why?, and you don't know if you'll ever find the answer, and for right now that is okay. because being back in chanyeols arms is enough.
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ashironie · 3 months
Gerry sound so… happy
At first I didn’t recognize his voice and assumed Jonny just named another character Gerry, but then Gertrude was there and…
That all makes me so happy.
Ugh, they are so in love. They sound like a toxic st8 couple that’s been married for 50 years and makes ‘ball and chain’ jokes.
Also the statement seemed like… ok here’s a list of everything I could get from it
“and feelings of the uncanny” (about liminality) (1)
Two things for this quote “it creates an effect of absence despite presence, an ‘architectural hunger’ of a sort.” (4)
“The top of the tower… featured unmatched panoramic views of the surrounding rural countryside on all sides.” (3)
“a soulless fairground,” (regarding the previous area) (2) (4)
“there were less and less people every night.” (2) (4)
“There was a nebulous haze across the entire car park…muted colors punctuated with more vivid reds, whites and yellows… I realized it primarily hovered above the asphalt.” (1) (2) (4)
“the phenomena was accompanied by a disquieting sense of absence. Of hunger.” (4)
“kaleidoscope” (1) (4)
The description of the “You Are Here!” Woman (1)
“a particularly high tide of color swept down the corridor toward me.” (1) (4)
The repeating patrons of the Restaurant (1)
The Void (3) (4)
“Their grip on me tightened, a dozen hands pushing and pulling me as one.” (1) (2)
“opened his mouth, and bit into me.” And the ensuing cannibalism (? Is it really cannibalism if you aren’t human?) (2) (4)
“leaping out one of those windows into pure oblivion” (3) (4)
Okokokokok SO! I’ve put numbers to everything so I can talk about everything easier. (1) The Uncanny (both from The Stranger and The Spiral, they have similar enough vibes to me) (2) The Lonely (3) The Vast (4) The Hunger/The Nothing.
The uncanniness of this statement is undeniable, reminds me of the previous episode actually. It’s also worth a mention that the author constantly denies the validity of anything he says and just thinks he was going through an episode, which could be Spiral coded or just statement stuff. Since everything is copy and pasted that seems closer to that idea but still.
The author keeps talking about the lack of people at the beginning and a particular fixation on how they act (seems very Martin domain core to me). Also fog. And the people stuff reminds me of Mag 48 Lost in a Crowd, the otherness you feel, the loneliness because of it. Maybe this is a cannibalism and animal nature as a metaphor for the ✨horrors of other people✨. That kinda feels like a stretch but it makes sense in my head.
Ahhhh, the call of the void, the fear of uselessness to things that don’t even know you exist. The void is obvious Vast coded, especially with the oblivion comment (imo). I don’t have much to say that I’m not gonna say next but this needed its own section bc the void.
My favorite theory about wtf is happening in this episode that I made the fuck up right here right now. At multiple points in this statement does ‘Hungry’ and ‘Hunger’ come up, specifically when talking about your reaction to a deficit in something. This could also be cannibalism coded, being so desperate for someone, anyone, that they eat the only ones around. Which brings me to the second half, the nothingness. This is mixed with basically all the Lonely and Vast feelings of this statement, a lack of something, be it people, color, etc. This could maybe be something that is trying to be more like sensory deprivation, the more deprived you are the more your brain tries to make things to be less deprived, and the more empty you feel because of it. This episode kinda gives me overwhelming feels too? Like when everything is too much and too little at the same time? Overstimulation and understimulation mixing to make the worst thing in the world. Idk
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normal-sea-urchin · 6 months
Casey Jones Fucking Dies: Chapter 2
w me for powerhousing through chapter 2, also @builtlikeastickofcelery here ya go, you really seemed to like last chapter, anyways please enjoy
Raphael tried to calm his breathing, in and out, in and out. He needed to get home. He turned behind him to face where he had left the man's body before turning down to face his sai, which was still in his hand. How was he gonna walk into the lair with a bloodstained weapon? Oh well. He would figure it out on the way home. Home. Where his brothers and April were. Where his father was.
Oh man.
What would his father say? Just earlier tonight he was being told not to let his anger cloud his judgement. This. This is exactly what his father had warned him about. Raph could feel his breath get shorter. He felt eyes loose focus on his sai. He closed his eyes and crouched down, placing his hands on the sides of his head. 
'In, and out. In, and out' he reminded himself. It's ok. It's ok. It's ok. It's ok. In, and out. He felt his breath steady again. This would be fine. It had to be. He glanced behind him, back to where the fight had happened, one last time before putting his sai back in his belt and taking off across the rooftops. He stopped several blocks away, now on top of a familiar apartment complex. He leaped down into the alley beside it, landing gracefully next to the sewer plate. He lifted it up absentmindedly, before descending below into the sewers of New York.
Raph walked along the train tracks, letting his mind wander as he walked home. He was trying to think about anything and everything, except what happened earlier. He never wanted to remember what happened earlier that night. While actively trying to avoid those thoughts, he remembered he still needed to clean his sai. 
"Hmmm?" he hummed to himself. He looked down near his shoulder where his mask tails are laying. The blood on his sai was dry now so he wipes it off with his mask tails, trying not to think about it too much. Raph finished wiping the blood off his sai before slipping it back into his belt. He stopped in his tracks taking a moment to breathe.
The turtle let out a heavy sigh and glanced to look at the wall to his right, letting his eyes wander, before continuing his walk home.
Raphael once again stopped in his tracks; he was standing just a few feet away from the entrance to the lair. All he had to do was turn the corner, right? That was all he needed to do. How hard could it be? It's not like his family would notice, it's not like they would know. Before those thoughts could intrude on Raph's mind further, he turned the corner and walked into the lair.
His brothers and April were sitting in the conversation pit, entertaining themselves with various activities. April was doing homework on her computer, Mikey was reading a comic book, and Leo and Donnie were watching space heroes. Raph assumed Splinter was in the dojo meditating.
"Yay, Raph's back" Donnie remarked dryly. This earned a low grumble from Raph as he quickly sat down in the other end of the conversation pit, grabbing a comic book. Before any of his brothers could say anything, the red-masked turtle opened to a random page and shoved his face in it. As the minutes, his breathing eased to a more normal pace. This would be fine, this would be fine.
About 20 minutes passed and everything seemed to be normal. 'This would be fine' Raph mentally repeated to himself. The silence was very suddenly broken by a news bulletin.
"BREAKING NEWS!" the news anchor yelled, grabbing the attention of everyone in the room, "Just a few minutes ago, in the suburbs of downtown New York, a body was discovered!" Scattered gasps came from across the room, except for the corner where Raph was sitting. The red-masked turtle sat in silence, his breathing growing heavy. No, no it couldn't be. It had to be someone else.
"The poor victim was 17 year old, Casey Jones, who was found lying on a the hood of a car." the news anchor reported, sending Raph into a panic. 17? 17!? he was 17! This wasn't happening. This wasn't happening. This wasn't happening. This wasn't hap-
"Oh my god, April!" Donnie called out, interrupting Raph's panic. The rest of the turtles snapped their heads to face April; she had her hand covering her face and her eyes were watering.
"Oh my god..." she muttered, squinting her eyes shut. The tears that had been welling in her eyes began to pour out. "Oh my god, no..." she whispered, her other hand coming up to cover her mouth as well. "Casey-"
"April!" Leo called out, moving to comfort April as she crumbled into Donnie's arms. Mikey quickly tossed his comic onto the floor in the rush to join the others in comforting April. But Raphael stayed still. Oh no. She knew him. He was her friend. He killed April's- 
Raph ran, once again without his consent, to his room, feeling his eyes tear up. Once he reached his room he slammed the door shut and rested against it. He sunk down, his shell scraping against the door. Upon reaching the floor, he curled his legs toward his plastron and wrapped his arms around his legs. He slumped his head down so it would rest on his legs. Once in this position, he choked out a sob, and then another until he gave up on trying to stop himself. He let all the tears he was holding since the moment he heard the kid's name.
Casey Jones.
And so he sat there, and let himself cry. He cried because he killed someone. He cried because he killed a 17 year old. He cried because be killed april's friend. And he cried because he could never be forgiven.
Chapter 1/Chapter 3/Masterpost
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dira333 · 1 month
My Neighbour Totoro/Taketora - Yamamoto x Reader
Haikyuu meets Ghibli. Giving Yamamoto a bit of a calmer spin this time. Tagging @alienaiver for her love for Ghibli
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The sun burns down on the village, the hills of blinding green.
Taketora’s nose is pressed against the window as he’s fighting against the pull of sleep. His handheld game died hours ago, the battery died and there’s nothing to do but watch as birds fly by.
“Look!” Akane pulls on his sleeve, pointing out her window. “A ghost!”
He blinks and turns, but there’s nothing to see, just more and more fields and a little stream cutting through them.
“You must have imagined it,” he says, knowing her active imagination.
“Did not!” She huffs, crossing her arms.
“Don’t fight!” Their father calls out softly, “We’re almost there.”
There… that’s the house in the hills grandma used to live in. She moved into the city a few years ago, just shortly after Akane was born. Taketora can barely remember what it looked like, her house. He remembers sitting on a warm lap and the taste of tomatoes warmed from the sun. He remembers running after cats and the smell of freshly cut grass.
“Are we here?” Akane asks the moment the car stops.
“Yep. We’re here.”
“Yay!” She struggles against her seat belt, barely has the patience to wait until Taketora unclips her. 
But as soon as she’s freed she slips out of the car and races up the steps, bursting through the door.
“Hey! Wait for me!” He calls after her but it’s a hopeless case.
He’s not yet made it to the front door when Akane comes running again, her face smeared with dust. She leaps into him, arms and legs slung around him like she’s a monkey and he’s the tree.
“Tora!” She yelps, panicked. “There are things! Creepy crawly things!”
“Ah,” a new voice says, old and dusty and warm. Taketora looks up to see an old woman smiling at him from the hedge. “Those are susuwatari. They don’t do anything.”
“Susu-what?” Taketora asks, Akane’s face pressed into his chest.
“Susuwatari. Little soot spirits. They like dirty places. But they don’t do anything except prank you if you forget to clean up.”
“Are you sure?” Akane asks. 
“Oh yes, my grandchild has played a lot with them. You’ll meet her later.”
“A girl?” Akane’s now hanging off him like she’s trying to use him as a swing. “There’s a girl here? A real girl I can play with?”
“Oh, yes. I think she’s your brother’s age, but I’m sure she’ll play with you if you ask.”
“It’s the ghost!” Akane crows from the window, “There! At the hedge!”
He’s out in a heartbeat, racing down the path toward the vegetable garden. There’s something white floating near the shrubs and he catches it before it can turn the corner.
It’s a girl. Nose smeared with dirt and hands filled with freshly plucked raspberry’s, dressed in a white shirt so large it makes you look like a duvet cover with legs.
“BLEH!” You stick your tongue out at him and take off yet again - or at least try to.
The grandmother from next door stops you, arms akimbo. 
“Now, is that how you treat other children?”
You turn back sheepish, hands upturned to offer you what you’ve got, raspberry juice dyeing your fingers red.
“Did you catch the ghost?” Akane’s at the door too, spooking you.
“It’s a girl!” Akane’s at your side in heartbeat, clinging to your leg. “Can you play with me? Do you have dolls too? Do you think boys are stupid or do you think they are nice? My brother is nice most of the time-”
“Breathe,” Taketora puts a hand on her curly head. “She can’t answer if you don’t take breaks.”
You don’t have dolls but you don’t seem to have made up your mind about him either.
Akane still drags him along on their travels through the garden. This is where you talk the most.
“Are there any other spirits?” Akane asks, excited for more after you’ve told her more about the Susuwatari.
“There’s Totoro,” you say, finger pressed against your nose as you’re thinking. “He’s really big. Like, reeaaally big!” You open your arms wide to show it. “He’s very fluffy and he likes to sleep a lot. There’s one who looks like a rabbit too, but I haven’t found out his name yet. He’s very shy, I think.”
“I wanna meet them!” Akane declares, looking at him for support. “You too, right Tora?”
“Yeah,” he says, nodding. “They sound cool.” 
“Cool?” You say, brows pinched together as you consider that word. You don’t seem so sure of it.
“Do you know the hospital near here?” Taketora asks two days later when the rain pelts against the window and Akane’s napping in your lap. He’s lost this level too many times to count and he’s getting bored.
“Is it close? Can we go visit mother?”
You shrug. “I don’t know.”
“But you just said you know it.”
“I’ve only ever been to by bus. And we always have to call first before we come in. I don’t know if you can just go and visit.”
“Oh.” He hesitates. “Who do you visit?”
“My aunt,” You explain simply. “She lives there. Who do you want to visit?”
“Our mother. She’s only there for this summer, to get better.”
“Mhm.” You make, dragging your hands through Akane’s hair. 
Silence drapes over you like a blanket.
“What’s it like,” you ask, voice carefully poised. “To have a mother?”
“I found Totoro!” Akane declares one evening, her face smeared with dust. “I got to sleep on him.”
“You got to sleep on who?” Their father asks, putting a bowl of ramen in front of her.
“Totoro! That’s one of the forest spirits here.”
“Oh, a forest spirit? That’s exciting.”
“Do you wanna play ball?” Taketora asks, his feet on the sun-warmed stones outside, your feet on the cold wooden floor inside. He hasn’t seen you in two days because they went and visited their mother, brought back sweets - and a new ball to play with.
You look unsure and he knows he feels it too. This friendship is fragile, like spider webs in the wind or the thin new ice spreading over puddles.
“Akane thinks she’s met Totoro,” he tells you, Volleyball heavy in his hands. “She slept on him too.”
“It’s our neighbour’s dog.” You explain. “You don’t have to make up stuff for me.”
“Why not?” He asks, “It’s nice.”
“It’s lonely.”
Taketora knows Akane’s back at the house, waiting. He knows your Granny is probably just in the other room. He knows he wants to be anywhere but here, sludging through this conversation, yet who else is going to go through it with you?
“When we go back,” he says, “I could write you. Like, real letters. Mom always says I should practice my writing anyway. Nothing happens much in the city, so maybe a letter a week?”
You chew on your lower lip. “You’d do that?”
“Only if you write me back. And if you want, you can come and stay with us too, you know? Or we come and stay with you.”
“I can’t leave Granny behind,” you explain, already looking a little less sorrowful. “But you can come anytime.”
Tora stretches out his hand, pinky first. 
“Let’s promise,” he says. “Pinky Promise.”
- - - xxx - - -
His mom says that this summer changed him, both of them.
And maybe it has because it changed her too. 
She comes home a healthy woman, with rosy cheeks and an appetite for life.
He leaves behind the fear of losing her and a newfound joy for being outside. 
He can get angry now, call things unfair when he feels them, without the need to be quiet and tiptoe around the sick.
Akane’s grown louder too, drawing pictures of Susuwatari and Totoro’s, big and small. When she’s six years old she asks for something to take pictures with and spends days outside trying to capture things that no one else sees. A colorful beetle, a button that looked spooky to her, or the sky on a rainy day.
They don’t go back though. A few months after they left they got an offer for the house, too good to refuse.
Vacations are spent at the beach or in the mountains, or at home, training for the next match and ignoring the mountain of homework that never goes away.
And every month, without fail, his mom waves at him with a letter when he gets home, smiling from one ear to the other.
“Your friend wrote. To you too, Akane.”
- - - xxx - - -
“We made it,” he writes, chewing on a pen. “Going to Nationals again this year.”
“That’s amazing,” his phone pings with your answer, “We’re going too.”
“Really?” He hesitates. Wait, does this mean-? “Tokyo?”
“Of course, stupid.”
“I probably won’t even recognize you,” you write. He wonders how your voice would sound if you said it out loud. Sad? Lonely? But you do have more friends now, he knows, ever since you got into that boarding school.
“I’m not hard to miss,” he types. “Red jacket, blond mohawk. What do you look like?”
“Purple jacket.”
“I could send you a picture,” he offers, hoping you will send one back. Maybe you’re ugly, with a crooked nose and warts and missing teeth. That would make him less nervous to see you again.
“Sure,” you type and he hesitates, swallows around a lump at the prospect. Should he take a new picture right now? Or send in the one they did for school? But he’s scowling there.
Akane walks past his room and he calls out her name, pressing his phone into her hand before he can think too much about it. 
“Take a picture of me.”
“Oh?” She grins, not wasting a second. “Here, sent it.”
“What?!” He rips the phone out of her hands. “Which one? You should have let me pick.”
“Nah, you have to do it like a band-aid. Just ript it off and get it over with.”
Akane pats him on the shoulder, so grown and yet so small. “Get over it.”
He doesn’t get a picture back.
- - - xxx - - -
He turns, half expecting Kuroo to yell at him about something - despite the fact that his captain is walking in front of him. 
There’s a group of girls at the stairs, all of them in purple jackets and one cuter than the next. He swallows nervously as they all seem to look in his direction. 
Did he do something?
“What?!” He asks, sounding more angry than nervous - thank god.
One of them waves, says something to the one standing next to her and begins jogging over.
Purple jacket, his brain supplies. Nothing. 
Purple jacket, his brain reminds him again. Still nothing.
It’s only when you’re two steps away and he can hear Yaku mumble a “What did he do this time?” behind him that it shoots through him like lightning, a surprise so unwelcome it could have been a cramp. It’s you. 
“Shit, you look pretty,” he says, the words tumbling out of his mouth like rocks down a mountain. 
You stop, clearly as surprised about his comment as the boys around him, one of them kneeing him in the back - Thanks, Yaku.
“Can I talk to you for a second?” You ask, looking over his teammates. “Or are you in a rush? I’ve got ten minutes but I don’t know when I see you again.”
Rough hands push him forward before he can answer and you giggle, a sound so new and thrilling it makes shivers run down his back.
There’s a small hallway leading away from the masses of people and you step into it, suddenly much too close for comfort.
You smell like flowers and air salonpas instead of dirt and sweat like the last time he saw you.
You’re pretty, too, much too pretty for his poor heart, and so so close.
“I missed you,” you say when you turn to him and if he hadn’t been red in the face before, he certainly is now.
“I too. I mean I missed you, not me. I can’t miss me, because I am me.”
Warm lips press against his cheek. His brain stops working altogether and all he can hear for a moment is a shrill whistle, like a teapot when the water boils.
“I was a little scared,” you say or maybe you said something else and he only just heard you now, “That you wouldn’t like me any more now. But you do, right? You still like me?”
“Are you kidding me?” Taketora asks, waving his hands around, trying to make sense of what he’s feeling. “Are you freaking kidding me? When? How? Why?”
“Volleyball,” you say, shrugging. “And not being lonely, I guess. Are you going to watch my games?”
“Of course!” He nods eagerly, “I’ll tell everyone that I know you.”
You laugh. “I’ll do the same. I’ll yell extra loud when you score. This is my boyfriend or somethhhh-” You stop mid-word, realizing what you just said. Your eyes widen just as his heart picks up where it left off a second ago, making up for its missed beats with double the speed.
“Boyfriend?” He asks, voice high. “Like, for real?”
You shrug a little helplessly. “If you want?”
“Of course!” He nods, probably a bit too eager. “Of course. I gotta win now if you’re watching.”
“And even if we don’t,” you say, stretching out your hand, pinky up. “We’re still friends, right?”
He hooks his pinky around yours and shakes it.
“Pinky Promise.”
My Kofi if you want to tip me
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married2myphone · 2 years
Chapter Eight: The Bake Sale
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Life As The Avengers' Housekeeper
Pairings: Platonic! Avengers x Female Reader
Tags & Warnings: humour, fluff
Chapter Summary: Peter's Decathlon team doesn't have enough funding, so they do a bake sale for their school. Aunt May was supposed to make all the food for Peter's stall, but falls sick at the last second. Y/n comes in to save the day and even helps Peter with his Flash problem.
A/n: Yay, I'm no longer shadowbanned
Word Count: 6.5k
Tag List: @olsensnpm, @natasha-belova, @caroldanvers2, @matchat3a, @venomsvl, @glxwingrxse, @reallysparklychaos
Main Masterlist | Series Masterlist
Y/n let out a breath as she sat down on the couch and looked at the space around her. For once, it was quiet. Like, eerily quiet. 
It was a Wednesday, and everyone was either out on a mission, or living their regular lives. After an incredibly hectic week, Y/n welcomed the silence. She felt like a single mom whose kids just attended school for the first time, and she finally had the house to herself after four years of having no time to rest.
She’s been wishing for it for months now, but now that it was here… What was she supposed to do now? The entire compound was clean, as in, the entire compound. Y/n got a bit bored. But there was nothing to do now, and Y/n couldn’t exactly hang out with anyone because, well, all her friends were out.
Maybe she could just stay in bed all day and watch trash reality tv. That’s what people did when they had time off, right? But not Y/n. Y/n was someone who was always moving and was always doing something at every second of the day. She’s tried the whole staying in bed all day, and it’s only fun when she’s in a depressive state. 
As far as she was aware, she wasn’t having one of those depressive seasons, so staying in bed all day would only make her antsy instead of satisfied. She needed to do something, anything, literally whatever that would give her something to do and make her feel fulfilled at the same time.
The sound of her phone ringing in the quiet space made Y/n jump in surprise. She quickly got up and went over to the kitchen where she left her phone on the counter, and her heart leaped at the sight of Aunt May calling. Right! She had friends outside of the Avengers. Maybe she could have a girls day with May, and if they were free, she could call Pepper and Laura too.
“Hel-” Y/n’s greeting was cut off by May loudly sneezing on the other end. Okay, so hanging out with May was gonna have to wait until she was better.
“Y/n, hi.” May said, her voice incredibly scratchy, and it was clear that the woman had seen better days. 
“Hi, May… Are you okay?” Y/n winced when her question was followed by another sneeze. At least her question was answered.’
“No, sorry, I came down with something really bad when I woke up.” May groaned and Y/n could hear from her end May grabbing a tissue and sniffling into it.
“Oh, do you need anything? Do you need me to keep you company?” Y/n asked in concern.
“No, no, I’ll be fine. But Peter’s Decathlon team is having a bake sale later at two, and I was supposed to bake a bunch of food for Peter.” May explained and a huge smile grew on Y/n’s face at the words.
“Do you need me to take over and make sure Peter has something for his bake sale?” Y/n asked eagerly, practically bouncing on her feet.
“If it’s not too much trouble. I know how busy you always are.” May said and Y/n looked around at the quiet, empty, and spotless room.
“Yeah, I had a whole schedule planned out for today, but just for you and Peter, I can hold it off. This seems more important.” Y/n said nonchalantly, and May let out a breath of relief.
“Thank you so much, Y/n. You don’t know how much help this gives me. I really owe you one.” May said, and just then, another sneeze came up and Y/n could practically feel that one in her own body.
“You don’t owe me anything, it’ll be my pleasure. I’ll get started right now, you go rest.” Y/n said and May thanked Y/n once more before hanging up the phone.
Thank god May got sick! Okay, that’s not something Y/n should be celebrating. Thank god she finally has something to do! Yeah, that was better.
Without wasting another second, Y/n went behind the counter and started going on a baking spree. She was pretty sure she blacked out for the entirety of it because it went by so fast. 
“Peter!” Peter turned his head to see Mr. Harrington jogging over to him. Peter let out a whine, glancing over to Ned and MJ who gave him a winced look.
“Hey, Mr. Harrington.” Peter said with a sigh as the teacher stopped in front of him.
“What’s going on? Why is your guys’ table still empty?  The bake sale is about to open in thirty minutes.” The teacher said as he gestured over to the table next to them which only had a single muffin sitting on top of it.
“Technically it’s not empty.” Peter said sheepishly.
“Peter, this was a muffin from the cafeteria.” Mr. Harrington said in a scolding tone.
“Look, I’m sorry Mr. Harrington. My Aunt May got sick this morning and she was supposed to be the one to make us the food for the sale.” Peter explained.
“So you guys just have nothing to bring? What about MJ and Ned? Don’t you guys have anything?” Mr. Harrington asked in a slightly panicked voice.
“None of my parents know how to bake, so unless you want everyone in school to get food poisoning, you’re getting nothing from me.” MJ spoke up and Mr. Harrington shook his head in disappointment.
“Ned?” He turned to the boy who reached into his bag and pulled out a brown paper bag.
“My lola made me some Pandesal, but I don’t think it’ll be enough.” Ned said, placing the bag on the table. Mr. Harrington looked into the bag to see about ten bread rolls, causing a sigh to leave his mouth as he lifted his glasses to grip the bridge of his nose.
“Okay, uh, how about this? You guys go over to Flash’s table and help him sell his cupcakes. I’m pretty sure he’s not gonna be able to do that all on his own, and you guys can just assist.” Mr. Harrington said, gesturing over to Flash’s table which was filled with Avengers themed cupcakes, but they were mostly Spider-Man designs.
“But Mr. Harrington-”
“No buts, Peter. You guys had two weeks to prepare for this bake sale. Now, get over to Flash’s table and help him set up.” Mr. Harrington said in a final tone before walking off.
“Is it too late to run and ditch the sale entirely?” Ned asked and Peter opened his mouth to respond, but was interrupted by the last person he wanted to see.
“Ayo, Parker! What, you couldn’t even afford to get boxed cake mix?” Peter rolled his eyes and turned around to see Flash by his table with a smug look on his face.
“You didn’t even bother making yours, Flash.” Ned spoke up.
“We’re selling these for like five bucks a piece. You’re pretty much losing money with all that.” MJ pointed out and Flash stammered a bit before clearing his throat and raising his chin.
“We didn’t buy these. Our private chef made it for us.” He said proudly.
“Yeah? How much do they get paid per hour?” MJ asked with a raised eyebrow and Flash stood there silent for a moment before turning to Betty.
“Hey, can we price these up a bit?” He asked Betty and MJ rolled her eyes.
“I can’t believe we’re gonna be forced to share a table with him for the next few hours.” Ned said in a dejected tone as he took his Pandesal bag and started eating.
“I’m really sorry, guys.” Peter apologized, causing MJ to place her hand on his arm.
“It’s alright. There’s nothing we could’ve done about it.” MJ said and Peter sighed.
Suddenly, the doors to the hall opened, and a familiar five foot two woman started marching through the halls with large boxes in her hands.
“Peter!” The woman’s voice boomed down the hall, causing everyone who was there to turn to her. Peter, MJ, and Ned’s eyes widened at the sight of Y/n getting closer as she set down the boxes on the table.
“Y/n, what are you doing here? I thought you weren’t allowed to be out in the open?” Peter asked in a hushed tone.
“Yeah, aren’t you supposed to be, you know, dead?” Ned asked and Y/n waved her hand dismissively.
“I haven’t publicly been an Avenger since 2014, I don’t think your generation was old enough to remember me by then.” Y/n said as she set the boxes down from the stack before opening them, revealing a whole array of baked goods.
“Holy shit!” Ned said in wonder.
In one box was a large batch of cupcakes, all beautifully designed with whatever math thing Y/n found online, in another was a box of brownies (labelled with and without nuts), and the other was a box of cookies all with more designs while the other were standard chocolate chip cookies.
“When did you make these?” Peter asked in wonder as he watched Y/n start to take them out and organize them on the table.
“Uh, around seven in the morning. Now, there’s more in the SUV outside. Get those, then help me set these up.” Y/n said, shooing them to the direction of where she came.
“Yes, ma’am!” Peter said excitedly as he, Ned, and MJ quickly ran outside.
“Jesus, Y/n, how much did you make?” Peter asked as they all set down around six more boxes of baked goods.
“Well, there’s the cookies, brownies, cupcakes, pies, cream puffs, donuts, cinnamon rolls, cheesecakes, and croissants. So, nine batches.” Y/n answered a bit out of breath, but she seemed really energetic for someone who just spent the entire day baking a bunch of baked goods.
“Croissants? Don’t those take, like, two days to make?” MJ asked in confused wonder as they placed the baked goods on the towers Y/n just bought from Amazon earlier that day.
“I always have homemade puff pastry on hand.” Y/n explained.
“Peter.” Peter and his friends turned to Mr. Harrington who was walking to their table with a stunned look on their face. It was only now that they noticed that the rest of their Decathlon teammates were staring at their table.
“Oh, hey Mr. Harrington.” Peter said awkwardly.
“Where did all this come from? I thought you guys didn’t have anything.” Mr. Harrington said. It was then that he noticed the new woman standing next to them.
“Um, Mr. Harrington, this is Y/n. She’s my, um…” Peter said, only now realizing that he didn’t really know how to call Y/n.
“A family friend. Hi, it’s nice to meet you.” Y/n stepped in, holding out her hand to the man who shook it.
“Did you make all this yourself? That’s really impressive.” Mr. Harrington said in wonder, and Y/n simply smiled.
“I feed seven, sometimes nine, people with really big appetites on a daily basis. This was nothing.”
“Well, I guess you three don’t need to work on Flash’s booth anymore. Actually, I think you three are gonna need more help than him now.” Mr. Harrington said.
“Don’t worry, Mr. Harrington. We got it.” Peter said and Mr. Harrington sent them all a nod before going to help everyone else.
“Parker, I thought you were poor, how can you afford a maid?” Peter held back a groan at the sound of footsteps approaching him from behind.
“What did you just say to him?” Y/n asked with a tilt of her head as she stepped up to the boy. Flash looked at her in shock before a slightly awkward laugh left his mouth, fully facing the woman and looking down at her from where she stood.
“I thought being a maid was your aunt’s job. What, are they paying you two dollars an hour or something?” Flash asked and Y/n looked at the boy with a judging gaze, trying to determine if he was truly being serious or not.
“Flash, just leave us alone.” Peter said in a tired tone. Flash ignored his words and turned to their table, grabbing one of the cupcakes and examining it before taking a bite.
He chewed for a moment before spitting it out on the ground. Flash then turned back to Peter with a smirk before pushing the cupcake into his chest, the frosting getting all over his shirt.
“Tastes cheap. That’s to be expected from you though.” Flash said as a laugh left his mouth. He turned around and walked away, purposely bumping into their table and causing one of the pies to fall and splatter on the ground.
“W-We’re gonna clean that up.” Ned said nervously as he and MJ eyed Y/n with slight fear of her reaction. Before she could get angry, they quickly went to fix on the pie.
Peter sighed before fearfully turning to Y/n. He had never seen the woman angry before. Sure, he’s seen him upset and incredibly disappointed, but never angry. This was a woman who was always said to be one of the most dangerous people on earth. Peter didn’t want to see her bad side even if it wasn’t directed at him.
But instead of eyes blazing with fury and a clench jaw, Peter was met with an extremely concerned look. Somehow, that was worse than Y/n being mad.
“Come on, kid. Let’s get your shirt cleaned.” Y/n said in a soft tone, gently grabbing Peter’s arm and leading him away. Peter was about to protest, but the look Y/n gave him told him that there wasn’t going to be any room for that.
Peter led Y/n to the co-ed bathroom of their school, and Y/n helped wash off the frosting on Peter’s shirt in the sink. After they were done, Peter started patting dry the wet spot on his shirt with a few paper towels, glancing up every now and again to Y/n who remained silent the entire time.
“Why didn’t you tell any of us you were getting bullied, Peter?” Y/n asked and Peter sighed, throwing the paper towels in the sink.
“It really isn’t a big deal.” Peter said, crossing his arms and looking at the ground.
“Peter, yes it is.”
“No, it’s not. Flash is just one guy, I’ve dealt with worse.” Peter said and Y/n stepped forward, which made Peter look at her.
“That’s the exact point, Peter. You’re already going through so much more than any kid should, you shouldn’t have to deal with a bully on top of all of that.” Y/n said and Peter shook his head.
“It’s not like I can do anything about it.” Peter said and Y/n frowned in confusion.
“Why not?” 
“Because that’s just gonna make it worse. I don’t need any more unnecessary attention on me. People thinking I have a Stark Industries internship already put enough eyes on me, I don’t need anymore.” Peter admitted, and Y/n immediately understood what the boy meant.
“They won’t find out about who you are just by standing up for yourself.” Y/n said.
“But what if they do!” Peter exclaimed in frustration with a hint of fear in his tone.
“I’m not willing to take that chance. There’s just too much on the line if I do. If enduring stupid comments from Flash is what it takes to keep the people I care about safe, then fine. I really don’t care.” Peter said honestly and Y/n stared at him for a moment before nodding her head.
“Alright.” Y/n said, and Peter looked at her with a shocked expression, not expecting her to agree so easily.
“Really?” He asked in disbelief.
“Yes. If you say you don’t care, and if you say you can handle it, then fine.” Y/n said and Peter let out a thankful sigh before wrapping her arms around Y/n. The woman sighed as she wrapped her arms around the boy as well.
“Thank you for understanding.” Peter said as he pulled away, and Y/n gave the boy a kind smile. 
The bell ringing caught their attention.
“The bake sale’s gonna start. I have to get back. Thank you so much again for baking all of that for us, I really appreciate it.” Peter said and Y/n nodded.
“Any time, Peter. Literally, if you ever need any help, don’t hesitate to contact any of us.” Y/n said and Peter nodded with a thankful smile. He turned to leave, but stopped in his tracks and turned back to Y/n with a pleading look on his face.
“Please don’t tell anybody else. I don’t want anyone else worrying about it. I just want to get this day over with and make sure the team gets the funding it needs.” Peter said and Y/n nodded in response.
“Okay. I won’t tell anyone.” Y/n said and Peter let out a breath of relief, walking up and giving Y/n one more brief hug.
“You’re the best, Y/n.” Peter said with a huge grin before turning around and walking out of the bathroom. Y/n stood there for a moment, watching as Peter walked away before the door to the bathroom shut and blocked him from her view.
Y/n reached into her pocket and took out her phone, going over to her contacts and calling a certain number.
“Hey, Tony. Could you do me a favor?”
“Peter, these are so good, I can’t believe you know someone who can bake like this!” Betty said as she ate one of the croissants from their table. 
“Thanks, but those are supposed to be for people outside of the team.” Peter said as he looked at everyone walking past the bake sale without buying anything.
“How much have we made so far?” Mr. Harrington said in concern as everyone counted the amount of their money in their jars.
“And that brings us to a total of…” Mr. Harrington said after everyone called out their amount.
“Thirty-five dollars and fifty-two cents.” MJ called out, making Ned furrow his eyebrows in confusion.
“Where’d the fifty-two cents come from?” He asked.
“Coach Wilson left a very generous tip.” MJ answered, and Mr. Harrington let out a sigh.
“Alright, let’s stay optimistic.” He said after shaking his head and pulling himself together.
“Our goal is two hundred dollars, and we’re already seventeen percent done. We still have about,” Mr. Harrington lifted his arm and pulled his sleeve back to check his watch, “An hour and thirty minutes left. Plenty of time for us to make it, we’ll be fine.” It didn’t seem like he believed the words himself, so it was only natural that the rest of them didn’t either.
“Flash, you’re made of money, right? Why don’t you just cover our travel fees?” Abe asked, putting all the attention on Flash as the rest of the team spoke up in agreement.
“W-Well, I can’t just pay for all of it. School rules state that members of a club can’t pay for their funding themselves.” Flash said as an excuse, looking to Mr. Harrington for support, and the man sadly nodded in confirmation.
“But we’re literally getting the money for our funding from other students of the school through this bake sale, how is it any different?” MJ asked in confusion, but her question was left unanswered.
“Instead of looking at me, why don’t you guys look at Parker. Don’t you have some fancy internship with Tony Stark or something? Why don’t you pay for our trip, you probably get paid big there.” Flash said, pointing to Peter who shrunk in his seat at the eyes that shifted onto him.
“It’s an internship. I don’t get paid.” Peter answered in a mumble.
“Right, how could I forget, you’re impoverished.” Flash said with a laugh, but no one else did.
“Why don’t you mind your own business, Flash.” Ned retorted, though Flash was unfazed.
“I’m telling you guys, this whole time, he’s just been lying about that stupid internship. I bet he just uses it as an excuse to get his grades up.” 
“Peter literally contributes to the team more than you do, you’re practically a freeloader.” MJ said with a roll of her eyes, causing Flash to clench his jaw and glare at the three friends.
“You gonna let your little girlfriend protect you, huh, Parker? Can’t even fight your own battles?” Flash  irked, but Peter just looked away.
“I’m not even doing anything, man.” Peter said weakly, and Flash scoffed at the response.
“Yeah, that’s right. Hide behind your friends and that Stark internship you’re so proud of.” Peter clenched his fists under the table and tried his best to calm down. He couldn’t let Flash get to him. Just another hour, and he could be done with all of it and go.
Flash opened his mouth to taunt Peter once more when the sounds of gasps and people rushing to one part of the hallway interrupted him. The Decathlon team turned their heads to the sound of the commotion and saw a bunch of their classmates crowding around one person as they slowly started making their way towards them.
“What the hell is going on?” Flash muttered as he stood up on his chair to try and see above the crowd. He seemed to succeed because a gasp left his lips as he fell back down to his chair.
“What’s this I hear about a bake sale?” Peter’s eyes widened at the sound of a very familiar voice. He shot up from his chair and all of a sudden, the crowd went quiet as they stepped aside and made way for one Tony Stark who approached the Decathlon Bake Sale, specifically Peter’s table.
Tony stopped and looked at all the baked goods laid out in front of him. Yeah, that was definitely Y/n’s baking. He could recognize that from a mile away. He looked back up to Peter who had a look of panic in his eyes, and Tony took off his sunglasses and looked at Peter with an unimpressed look.
“Why didn’t you tell me your little mathletes team didn’t have enough funding.” Tony asked and Peter stammered.
“It’s a Decath— Mr. Stark, what are you doing here?” Peter asked in confusion, though a voice in the back of his head was already telling him the answer to that question.
“I heard you needed help with your little team, and I’m here to do just that.” Tony said as he reached into his pocket and took out his wallet.
“How much do you guys need? Huh? Here, have this, it should be enough.” Tony said as he pulled out ten, hundred dollar bills and placed it into Peter’s hands, causing the boy’s eyes to widen.
“M-Mr. Stark, I can’t accept this!” Peter exclaimed.
“What? Is that not enough? Fine.” Tony said as he started taking out more, but Peter was quick to stop him.
“No, no, no, no! That’s way too much! Also, why are you just carrying a thousand dollars in your wallet, that’s really unsafe!” Peter said as he handed the money back to Tony.
“I don’t understand. Your team needs the money, and I’m giving it, what’s the issue?” Tony asked, knowing full well what the issue was.
“Mr. Stark, this is a bake sale! If you just give us the money, all the food we made will go to waste.” Peter explained, occasionally glancing at the crowd that was staring at them in awe.
“Then I’ll buy your entire stock out, done.” Tony said, like it was no big deal.
“Mr. Stark, no.” Peter said in the most stern voice he could muster, which wasn’t actually all that stern, but it got the point across anyway. 
Tony raised an eyebrow at Peter as he glanced at the tables of baked goods around him, before looking back at all the people that had gathered around them.
“You want to give your team its funding fair and square?” Tony asked and Peter shifted at the question, not sure what the man was trying to get at.
“Yeah, pretty much.” There was a collective sigh of disappointment among the Decathlon team after hearing that answer. 
Tony reached back into his wallet, and Peter was about to stop him until he saw Tony only pull out five dollars. Tony placed it on the table and took one of the donuts and took a bite before turning to the crowd.
“Anybody who buys twenty dollars worth of food gets a picture.” Tony announced, and there was a pause. Then everyone started rushing at the tables to buy a bunch of baked goods for a picture, overwhelming the Decathlon team, but they were quick to move because they were finally getting their funding. 
Peter looked around distraught. There was already a line of people getting a photo with Tony after showing the food they bought, and the jars were quickly filling up with more money than they needed, yet there was plenty more food to spare.
“I-I need a second.” Peter said to MJ and Ned who just nodded in response because they were too busy dealing with the demanding line of customers.
He quickly pushed his way through the crowd and ran until he was outside. Peter took his phone out and sat on the stairs, dialing a familiar number, his leg bouncing up and down frantically as he waited for the call to be received.
“Hey, Peter! I’m at your apartment, I gave Aunt May some soup.” Y/n said happily through the phone, and a faint ‘Hi, sweetie!’ from Aunt May was heard in the background, followed by a loud sneeze.
“Y/n, I told you not to tell anyone.” Peter said in an irritated voice.
“I didn’t tell anyone about your… You know. I told you I wouldn’t.” Y/n said in a hushed tone, probably to keep May from overhearing. 
“Then why is Mr. Stark here? He came here out of nowhere and offered to pay for my team’s entire funding. Why else would he do that?” Peter said and a light groan was heard on the other line.
“Of course he did.” Y/n mumbled.
“Peter, I only told Tony that you had a bake sale and that he should come by to help you.” Y/n explained.
“Why would you tell him that?” Peter asked in confusion.
“Because you told me you just wanted to get the day over with and get your team its funding.” Y/n answered.
“How does Mr. Stark being here help that?” 
“He is literally Iron Man, and your school is filled with a bunch of math and science nerds, so they probably love him as Tony Stark too. If anybody was going to speed the bake sale up, it was going to be him.” Peter got up from the stairs and looked through the window of the doors to see everyone walking down the halls holding some sort of baked good in their hands.
“We would’ve been fine on our own.” Peter mumbled.
“Peter, I’m okay with letting you deal with your issue on your own, but if I know a way to make it even a bit easier for you, then I’m gonna do that. I’m sure that if anyone else on the team found out, they’d feel the same.” Y/n said, and Peter sighed in response.
“We trust you to solve your own problems, but you can’t stop us from caring about you. That part will always be non-negotiable. Now, just enjoy your day and be happy that your team got the funding they needed.” Peter wasn’t able to say anything else, because Y/n had already hung up the call before he could.
Peter looked down at his phone as Y/n’s words rang in his head. He put his phone back into his pocket and walked back into the school. As he was approaching the bake sale, he could see that the other Decathlon members were gushing over Tony and thanking him for helping him meet their goal.
“Oh, kid, come here. Tony said when he caught sight of Peter, turning back to the table full of the baked goods that Y/n made.
“Mr. Stark, I-” Peter was interrupted when Tony shoved a donut into his mouth. Peter was about to take it out when the taste melted on his tongue, eyes widening as he grabbed it and bit down.
“Good, right?” Tony asked and Peter nodded in agreement as he continued to eat the donut. 
“Now come on, your aunt wanted pictures.” Tony said as he fished his phone out of the pocket of his jacket.
“Hey, you, come over here and take a photo of us.” He said to Ned who stared at him with a gaping mouth in wonder.
“Come on, kid, we don’t got all day.” Tony said when Ned continued to stand there, effectively snapping Ned out of his trance.
“Y-Yes sir!” He said eagerly as he shakily took Tony’s phone from him.
“And dear god, do not drop it.” Tony said when he saw how shaky Ned’s hands were. He wrapped his left arm around Peter’s shoulder and pulled him in, raising a peace sign up with his right hand once Ned pointed the phone at them.
“Hey, Mr. Stark?” Peter asked, turning to the man standing beside him.
“Kid, the point of a picture is to look at the camera when it’s being taken.” Tony said, taking his left hand and placing it on the back of Peter’s head to turn it back to Ned who was taking different shots because they all kept getting blurry from how shaky he was.
“Mr. Stark, did you really come here just to help us get funding?” Peter asked Tony while keeping his eyes on the camera.
“That and I’ve been bugging Y/n about making donuts but she never does, but of course when you need them, she does it without question. And she claims she doesn’t play favorites.” Tony answered with an eyeroll.
“Besides, I was in a really boring meeting, and I was ready to pull off this guy’s toupe just to entertain myself when Y/n called. So, it was either lose really important investors or spend some time with the kid and good food. Really difficult choice, took me hours to think it through.” Really, Y/n just mentioned Peter, and Tony was already out the door.
Peter looked back up to Tony, causing the man to turn his head back to the camera again without even giving him a glance. The more Peter spent time with Tony, the more he was able to see through the wall of sarcasm Tony always had up. There was a lot he didn’t know, but after what Y/n told him, what he does know is that they really do care about him.
A smile slowly made its way onto Peter’s face and he looked up to the camera, holding the donut up as well as he finally let himself enjoy the fact that their team got their funding.
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What kind of accident happened that ended with a TNR and a rabies hold? Like I need to know about all of this
@sleepywinchesters Disclaimer do as I say not as I do. This is a story of hubris.
Cat professionals don’t judge me I know where I went wrong I just thought I was built different
Our TNR program only has one dropoff day a week & you have to make your appointment with # of cats ahead of time.
I have two traps so I’m aiming for 2, I’ve trapped for this colony before and it usually took multiple tries to get the right cats! Like I’d have to free at least 2 fixed cats for every unfixed one I caught.
I tell you this so my decision making doesn’t sound as stupid lol.
I was prepared to stake out these cats for hours at a time every night until my drop off appointment. So I start trapping like. 5 days early.
I also set up a big dog cage with some essentials in case I got any of them TOO early, which other cat people will see as red flag # 1 but I SWEAR makes sense with how much work I put into socializing these cats and I would not have pulled that move if I hadn’t been working with this cat colony since 2018.
Ok my dumb decisions have been detailed.
So anyway I literally set myself up with stakeout snacks and everything and I catch two cats within 10 minutes of trapping.
One of the cats I trapped is Charlie Chaplin. I’ve been feeding him about 4 years and he has a mustache and like a week before this he let me get within two feet of him without running.
I go to transfer Charlie to the dog crate (at my home where he’ll be chilling on the patio) and when I go to close the gate door behind him it got STUCK.
Charlie is terrified and he BOLTS and does an actually very beautiful leap DIRECTLY INTO THE POOL.
As I have since found out he’s largely blind in one eye! Which explains a lot of this! So he is now experiencing a pool for the first time in his life completely by accident.
I panic and start throwing all of my electronics off my person so I can jump in. He figures out swimming, escapes the pool, and then scales 10 feet of patio screen and starts trying to spider-man upside down across the roof.
Charlie then jumps down and proceeds to jump directly into the pool AGAIN! I jump after him because his head kept dipping underwater the first time (bc he has presumably never swam in his life before this) and I’m worried. I did not put on my wildlife handling gloves before this, which is another goof. I scoop under his tummy and I’m trying to carry him to the edge of the pool while keeping his head above water.
Anyway to Charlie this is actually even worse because he doesn’t know I’m trying to remove him from the pool, he bites the absolute SHIT out of my arm (valid), I get him to the edge of the pool and let go bc fucking ow, he JUMPS BACK IN THE POOL.
At this point my bonus sister tosses me a towel to grab him with and I manage to catch him safely and deposit him in the crate. Then I had a half hour long panic attack abt whether I had to euth him over me being stupid but I didn’t lol
If you’re unfamiliar with the protocol for potential rabies exposure, the literal only way to test for rabies is to euthanize the animal and biopsy their brains. There’s no way to test an animal while keeping it alive. A lot of the time if you’re able to you need to try and capture the animal that bit you and hand it over to whatever doctor you go to so they can send it for testing. Like. Secured though. Or already dead. Don’t give your doctor a loose potentially rabid animal.
HOWEVER, if the animal is a cat or dog specifically and is not otherwise showing obvious symptoms you have the option to isolate and observe them for 10 days. There’s research showing that dogs & cats who are far enough into the disease to transmit it (apparently they can’t transmit it during the incubation period, yay) will either show symptoms or die within 10 days. ONLY applicable to dogs and cats. If they show symptoms (or die) you send them to be tested, according to the county rabies coordinator I called about this.
I did not in fact have to get a rabies shot because we have already gotten past day 10 of his observation period and he’s chillin.
Also the other cat I caught early did fine, already got spayed and vaxxed and released. I just saw her earlier today when I went to check on the colony and she ran away as soon as she saw me lmao.
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authorsadiethatcher · 4 months
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It's time for another State of the Thatcher Address. I tried writing this earlier, but I just ran out of time. But now you get it here, with my latest updates on what's happening in the Thatcherverse.
Last month I talked about being behind on my writing. The good news is I've caught up. And I've got a lot of fun stuff planned for you, which I'll mention specifically below.
This month I need to lead off with the fact I have books up for several awards and you can help me win. The 2023 Golden Pigtails is a series of erotica awards hosted by Alexa Sommers. The categories aren't necessarily great fits for my books, but this is my first time being involved. Check out the awards and you can vote for your favorites. This is the semifinals. Voting in this round goes through February 14.
2023 Golden Pigtails: https://alexasommers.com/the-golden-pigtails-2023-semifinals/
A quick reminder that you can find my books on Amazon, Smashwords, Google Play Books, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and Everand. You can also read everything I've published under my Sadie Thatcher name since last May on Ream, which is a subscription platform built specifically for authors. You can check out my Ream page below.
Ream: https://reamstories.com/sadiethatcher
And speaking of Ream, I have a Ream exclusive novel called The Muse (extreme dollification) that is approaching completion. I've set new chapters to release twice per week (Tuesdays and Fridays). When not writing new stories, I'm spending my time writing The Muse.
However, as soon as I finish The Muse, I will redirect that free time toward my other pen name, Libby Feron. As Libby, I write modern fantasy romance. I'll have a free novella available to prepare for a new trilogy that I hope to publish this year. The trilogy will be focused on a previously introduced character as she heads off to a college for magical people. I don't talk about my fantasy writing often, so checking out https://libbyferon.com/ and signing up for the email newsletter is the best way to stay informed. And that free novella will be exclusive to newsletter subscribers, so you'll want to sign up for that.
Now to focus on this month's upcoming books. In addition to the ending of The Muse, I will be finishing the Protest Babes Series. At the time of this address, the third book hasn't been published yet, but it will be called Vexing the Vixen. I've also just started an auction themed series, understandably titles the Bimbo Auction Series with Ring in the Bimbo. A ring plays an important role. A pair of panties and a hairbrush will be important in the other books in the series.
Some of the other upcoming books I've got in the pipeline for this month is a series based on a future glimpse that will lead women toward bimbodom. And then the one I'm really excited for, which won't see the light until the very end of the month is a series inspired by the time loop in the movie Groundhog Day. I considered moving it up to coincide with the holiday, but I decided against it, because other than the time loop inspiration, the movie and the series will have little in common.
So that's what you can expect in February. It's a packed month, especially because there are only 29 days (yay leap year). My favorite part is how sunset occurs later every day. That's true in January, too, but it's less noticeable.
Have a sexy and bimbo-filled February!
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danses-with-dogmeat · 8 months
Day 9 -- Dazzle
The (nsfw) details for Kinktober, Day 9 are just below the cut!
Minors, please don’t interact.
Stripping with Dazzle x F!Six
Yay, Dazzle! She was super fun to explore, for the mere reason that she's just... well, she's not a super big character in FONV, so there was lots of freedom concerning her true personality (I think she probably puts on a bit of a show when she talks to the courier in-game, so it's not really her true self that you get to see most of the time, but that's just my opinion)
I hope y'all enjoy! <3
Here is the link to my  Kinktober 2023 Event List so you can stay up-to-date, or re-visit these works as you please.
Included: Stripping, undressing, dancing, dirty talk, teasing, talk of overstimulation, lipstick stains, kissing, stress relief, sweetness, some jealousy.
Words: 2.5k
“Take a seat for me, sweet cheeks.” 
Dazzle’s eyes rolled good-humoredly at Six’s request, an easy smile playing at her plush lips as she played the part and sauntered over to the worn, leather chair. 
“Atta gal, now just sit back and enjoy.” 
Six turned down the lights, something Dazzle hadn’t even known was a feature at any of the hotel rooms, let alone the one she worked in, but, well, if anyone knew the perks of Gomorrah's presidential suite, it was the Omertas’ prized darling. The sadistic tribe's most infamous ally warranted nothing but the best, she was sure.
Suppose being their ally's paramour has its perks.
“Sure thing, sugar.” Dazzle winked as she sank into her seat, spreading her legs wide in a mockery of her usual clientele. 
Despite her joking, Six kept her own half-lidded bedroom eyes locked to her counterpart as she sensually swayed her way over to the jukebox in the darkened corner of the room. 
The machine spun to life at the click of a button, and deep, provocative music poured from its speakers as Six spun on one heel, and set her sights on the woman in the chair. 
Dazzle’s heart kicked up, something leaping and swooping in her stomach, too, at the way Six’s gaze melted into her. She had a dark, smokey eyeshadow painted on her lids, her lips wore a deep red, like the crimson felt of the blackjack tables downstairs. The leather top she wore shone in the dim light, the reflective beams shifting and glinting with her swaying movement, her short skirt rippling with the accentuated movement of her thighs as she teasingly approached her partner’s chair. 
“You’re pretty good at this, baby. You sure you’re not in the wrong line of work?” Dazzle quipped, hoping it would hide the flush she felt creeping to her pale cheeks. 
“What?” Six’s eyebrow quirked upwards, “You afraid I’m gonna take your business, Dazz?” 
Six twirled around, the wind catching the fabric of her skirt just so, to give her partner a sly peek at the decorative panties she wore below.
“Maybe I don’t want business no more. You think of that?” 
“Yeah, just sit back like this, take you in." Dazzle settled further in her chair, and ran her eyes markedly over partner's form. "Hell, maybe you could just give me a lil allowance or somethin,’ you know? Successful woman like yourself, Omertas wouldn’t mind. So long as their favorite little helper sticks around. You could be doin' the damn landscaping and they’d still throw a hundred caps your way, easy.” 
“Is that jealousy I hear?” Six meant it as a joke, she was sure, but still… A fire kindled within her that she couldn't shake, lighting an enraging red over her eyes as she thought back on her service to the family that gave Six everything, and gave her...  
So many years under contract, so many nights spent with every one of those assholes who barely treat us better than Legion slaves, and then Six comes along, and boom. It’s like none of us are worth a damn thing, not compared to her.
“Dazz, honey, please don’t take it that way.” She nearly jerked back at she felt Six’s sudden touch on her hand, the contact tearing her from the growing fury bubbling up and up. “They only want me cuz I’m in good with House. They know what he can do for them, that’s all.” 
She pulled Dazzle’s hand to her lips as she bent down, pressing a kiss there and leaving a pretty little lipstick mark on the back of her hand. 
“This is what I mean,” She continued, more softly this time. “You deserve to have a night off, to turn off that loud mind of yours, sweetheart, and just let me take care of you.”
Another kiss and Dazzle’s lip twitched, even as she felt her sour mood holding onto her with clawed fingers. 
And then another kiss, leaving a small trail of red imprints up her forearm, another and another; her smile growing inevitably larger until Six’s mouth was pressed to the apple of her cheek, her lipstick very nearly gone by the time she got there. 
Dazzle was smiling openly now, though, giggling at the tickle of her partner’s stubborn affections. 
“You’re right, ‘m sorry.” 
“Don’t be,” She mirrored Dazzle’s grin and gave her one final parting smooch on the cheek, before releasing her hand from her grasp and turning back to the jukebox. 
“Now, let’s try this again, okay? Just try to focus on me.” 
The button clicked, and Six restarted that rhythmic, reverberant song back up and began her sexy approach all over again. 
Dazzle let herself soak it in, her lips half-parted as Six did another twirl, as she snaked her shoulders and pressed her hands to her own breasts where they were almost spilling out the top of her tight corset. 
Dull pain sparked from Dazzle’s lips as her teeth sunk in, as her own steamy expression, her sultry gaze only inspired more from her partner. 
Six had insisted she’d never properly stripped before, but it was evident in the lithe movement, in the way she so expertly brought attention to those deliciously curvaceous areas of her body, that she’d been around the Gomorrah ladies enough to have– consciously or not– picked up some pointers on the art of the strip tease. 
If nothing else, Dazzle knows she’s given her at least a dozen shows herself, but this? Watching the way Six’s form rippled in the soft light, watching her movements-- so carefully crafted to showcase those parts of her that she knew Dazzle adored most of all-- it captivated her just the way Six intended, putting pause to even those loud thoughts, her distracting worries and jealousy that tried to keep their hold on her so desperately that it ached.
Now she could think only of her.
She really could become quite good at this with a bit more practice, a few more clients, learning their respective tastes…
“Are you watching, beautiful?” Six’s voice demanded her attention, her active gaze. “This is for you and you alone, baby, I want you to enjoy.” 
At that, in one fluid– definitely practiced– movement, Six's arms moved in a flash, dropping the skirt from her form and stepping out of it with a distinctly lewd sway of her hips. She grinded her barely-clothed pelvis against the air like she would Dazzle’s ass on those nights where they got tipsy in her room, and her positively indecent expression came to match that same passion of those shared nights.
Now in only her dark leather corset, her thin, lacey thong and stiletto heels, Six firmly had Dazzle’s attention. 
“That’s more like it.” Six’s voice was husky, rough, matching the dim, seediness of the room she was stripping in. 
“Keep those pretty eyes on me.” She blew an air kiss next, and Dazzle licked her lips, imagining what their night would be like– would taste like... what she would taste like-- as it developed. 
Dazzle had to hold tightly onto the armrests, digging her long nails into the wood to stop herself from tackling Six right now, and tumbling right into the queen-sized mattress on the other side of the room. 
Soon enough. She told herself. 
Six hummed in appreciation of Dazzle's unbroken attention, the sound wanton and hoarse as she fixed her with a look of unbridled desire.  
The beat picked up a bit in the song as Six grew closer, until she was near enough to touch, her hips bouncing to the faster beat, her corset almost unable to handle the incessant jostling of her gorgeous breasts in the too-small space for them. 
That had to be strategic. Dazzle thought as her eyes locked to her partner’s chest, watching the darker colored skin of her nipples peek out with each undulation of her body to the beat. 
The overwhelming urge to reach out washed over her– to touch her partner, hell, to grope her with both hands and pull her straight away into her lap and mouth at those tits, her lips, her shapely throat until they were both breathless and soaked. 
But she knew. 
If anyone knew the rules of stripping, it was Dazzle, and so, she kept her hands firmly to herself. 
Six wound her body around with the beat of the song, spreading her legs into a squat position once she was facing away, her shapely ass less than a playing card’s breadth from Dazzle's crotch as she began to sway her hips in place.
The swell of Six's skin against the tightness of her nearly see-through panties had Dazzle’s mind fully occupied for the first time that night. Her mouth actually began to water, now, at the look of her partner. She could imagine the feel of her plush hips against her hugging fingers, wanted to savor the hot drag of her nails over her partner’s skin, admire the paths they’d leave upon her, wanted to haul her panties down and attack the curls between her legs, licking and mouthing until she had no breath left to spare. 
“Mm, that’s it baby, watch me. Imagine my skin against yours…” Six spoke lowly, her tone blending in with the din of the music as she lowered herself down in the squat, thrusting her voluptuous ass right into grabbing range of Dazzle’s stiff hands. 
“Imagine what it’ll be like to taste me, how hot I am for you, baby. How sweet and wet.” 
Dazzle followed her orders easily, her mind running wild with the possibilities of tonight, after all of her worries, her stress building up– rivalries, drama, jealousy, asshole clients, entitled Omertas, the list goes on and on, but Six… Each exquisite undulation, that hazy, pleasured look upon her face, the sweet smell of her perfume, and her growing arousal, so close to Dazzle’s hungry senses… it left her distracted from all the raucous fuss in her life, had her honed in, had her here. 
And dammit, it had her wanting. 
She adjusted her posture in the leather chair, squirming a bit as she felt her own wetness seep down into her panties, as another overwhelming urge to reach out almost claimed her self control. 
“Imagine when you get your hands on me… And when I get my lips back on you.” Six looked over her shoulder, her backside still turned to her partner and threw her a teasing wink, long eyelashes fluttering like moth’s wings with the movement. 
“The heat of us, baby. It’ll sear your fingers, my tongue.” Slowly, she wound her way back around, twirling those shapely hips until they were facing one another again. “It’ll burn so good.”
Dazzle’s jaw was clenched tight, she could feel sweat running down the line of her spine as Six leaned in, almost close enough for her lips to brush the shell of her ear. 
“I’ll taste you everywhere, gorgeous.” Her breath tickled as it caressed the peach fuzz on Dazzle’s face. “Your sweet, candy lips, your throat, all sensitive and ticklish… you won’t leave here without a few dozen marks from me. My lips, my teeth on your pale skin…” 
Six was almost growling now, even as Dazzle fought to hold back a whine of frustration. 
Please, Six. Her expression pleaded the same as her thoughts did, Let me touch you already. Quit talking and let’s fucking do this. 
“Then I’ll tear this whore’s outfit from you, slide my teeth over your nipples until they’re pink and hard and sensitive to my touch.” 
A pathetic whine finally left her, and Dazzle’s eyes fell shut, imagining the scenario in her head, her sensitive little buds already hardening and tingling at the mere thought of Six’s attention upon them. 
“What next?” Dazzle finally prompted in response, her words nearly breathless with her growing desire. 
“I’ll paint a line with my tongue, drag it down your stomach, rip your poor excuse for panties away with my teeth, watch you drip for me as I run my lips over everywhere but where you truly crave me.” 
“No–” Dazzle almost choked out the word in her disappointment. 
“Yes, baby. Oh, but it’ll be worth it…” Six’s lips pursed together, and she blew a cool stream of air down the line of Dazzle’s throat, causing goosebumps to suddenly prickle up her skin until her whole body gave a noticeable shiver of lewd appreciation. 
“Because in the end, I’m going to bury myself in you.” 
Dazzle’s hips thrust up off of the chair, very nearly colliding with Six’s, but managing to stop just short of contact. 
“You’ll have no idea where you end and I begin, baby. I’m going to live in you, going to set my lips on that sweet little button of yours until you’re pouring your pleasure out all over me.” 
“Mhm.” Dazzle nodded to her desperately, feeling the sweat slickening on her whole body, feeling her pussy drip and soak the leather cushion beneath her in anticipation. 
“Going to drink you down like sweet nectar, grasp your thighs in my hold until you bruise, bury my tongue inside and scoop out all your honey until I wring you dry.” 
“Six, please…”
“Make you come undone until your legs are shaking and I can’t feel my tongue. Make your eyes roll back, your breath hitch until your vision blurs, and then...”
Dazzle sat in silence a moment, her body mutely writhing in her seat as Six teased her, as she promised all this and did absolutely none of it. The song played on, slowing down, the beat pulsing through both their bodies, making their insides quiver with the sheer bass of its heavy notes. 
“Then what, Six?” Dazzle pleaded breathlessly. 
Her partner only continued her swaying, so frustratingly close, hovering near enough that if Dazzle just extended one hand even a tad, she could gain some miniscule semblance of relief. 
“Sugar, keep goin,’ don’t stop now.” She prompted again, the sounds leaving her growing increasingly desperate.
“Oh, if you insist.” 
God, Six was being cruel, that tone of hers plainly vocalizing the favor she was doing for Dazzle by finishing the sentence she'd started of her own rude volition. 
“Where was I...? Oh, yes." Her voice hissed in her ear, closer than before, and Dazzle felt her lips part involuntarily in anticipation. "I’ll wring you dry, baby, and then I’m gonna keep going. Lave and kiss and fuck you senseless until that messy little brain of yours can’t take any more. Until you can’t think of anything else but me and the pleasure I force on you, because, Dazz?”
“Hhm?” She whined out. 
“There’s nothing but you and me tonight, you hear me?” 
Dazzle nodded, not trusting her voice to leave her with any kind of dignity. 
“Good, love.” 
The lightest and barest hint of a touch ghosted over Dazzle’s cheek. Six’s lips? Her hand maybe? 
She leaned into it desperately. 
“So, what do you say? Care to break the first rule of strip teasing?” 
Finally, Dazzle did as she had dreamed of, what seemed like hours ago, as her partner danced and swayed and teased until she felt like leaping out of her chair. Now, she did just that, colliding their bodies until they were as Six said– nearly one– and they spilled out onto the mattress in a tangle of limbs and heat; and finally, Six made good on all her promises. 
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Hey. I'm originally from Europe yes, but I live in New Zealand (yay neighbours!) I was an air hostess for a while and that helped with getting discounts, plus I'd save up any money I could and use it for travel instead of other things. I'm 5'2" and about 69 kg and I was feeling huge there 💀💀 but tbh you really have to ignore the stares and comments. I couldn't find any clothes that fit me either tbh, i needed to buy a sports bra and that didn't happen lol. And guys there are definitely an issue, I'd honestly recommend not even trying to date, it's not worth the risks. Regarding Chris, I think it was easier for him as a male, plus he speaks Korean fluently but tbh from what I've seen of him, he seems a lot more aussie than Korean in terms of personality and style. He's a Sydney boy through and through 😂
Hello @escapetheshark and its great to talk to you!!
I am watching The Try Guys where Keith eats everything from The Cheesecake Factory and I probably shouldn't have watched it while I'm on my period because now I feel like cheesecake and cheesecake is low-key one of my favourite desserts.
I'm a sucker for a classic old-school New York Cheesecake but anything chocolate I love too.
Howdy neighbour!! *waves enthusiastically*
Where in EUrope are you from and where in New Zealand do you live now and I'm so curious as to why you decided to move there.
What's it like being 26 hours ahead of everyone else?
For anyone that doesn't know, New Zealand is 2 hours ahead of Australia with timezones so New Zealand is always LEAPS ahead of the Northern Hemisphere with time.
So it's 10:08 pm here right now whereas in New Zealand, it would be about 12:08 am and the 1st of November.
I think that's really scary that you're 70 kgs and couldn't find anything to fit there and yeah-that's enough knowledge for me to feel more nervous about travelling there haha.
Bang Chan is Sydney-coded for sure and I did remember saying that even though he was born in South Korea and Korean is his first language, he's been in Sydney since he was around 5 because I remember he said he learnt English from attending Australian primary and high school.
It's why I laughed when ppl ask if he thinks in korean or english and he said it depends on what country he's in.
Honestly, if you're bilingual, I am jealous of you because being raised bilingual is truly a gift for your brain and how you connect with people.
I have been trying to learn different languages on and off for years since I was a teenager and nothing has stuck lol.
Also- fun fact...if you have Gemini or Virgo placements, you have a easier time in learning new languages because of the Mercury influence.
It was lovely to talk to you babe!
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kokichi-oumagines · 2 years
hello!!! i am akihiro but please call me aki or hiro!! whatever you like!! your blog is really pretty so i shall stay!! could i please request some f l u f f y cuddling hcs with a smaller reader? tysm boo!! -aki 💜
Oh noooo~ My hand slipped and now I accidentally didn't make an actual writing post in almost two years~ Silly me! Guess I'll just post this and be on my way... (I have also realised I am not good at writing headcanons because they are too short and have no plot so have a scenario I accidentally wrote instead)
Thank you for the request!
- Mod Ouma
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- Whether it's platonic or not, the first time you ask to cuddle is bound to be a little bit awkward- considering how Kokichi isn't very used to physical affection. Not only that, it's also a bit scary for the both of you
- Although you're smaller, you have to be the bigger person, and take the leap of faith yourself with this one. Unfortunately, Kokichi isn't really the type to act when he is unsure of himself and, when it comes to cozy affections and you in particular, well... let's just say he doesn't exactly trust himself to make the right moves- if any at all
- Is he scared? Of you? Of trusting you to be in such close proximity to him? Of you trusting him when he can barely trust himself? Of bugs? Pfft- what- uh... no? Maybe? He pleads the fifth? Actually, maybe the last one...
- When you finally ask, he is less shocked, more so confused. Rather, he thinks you're confused: why would you want to cuddle with him? Where are the cameras? Were you bribed? Blackmailed? Did Maki threaten you to do this? To tempt him with simple, comforting affection, then to pull back last minute?
- ... From the genuine look on your face, he doesn't think so. He supposes he trusts you enough to cuddle with him. You smile when he agrees, though he can still see some left-over anxiety on your face from this new situation
- The first time -the first few, in fact- he sits there, completely still, frozen, not moving, some other fourth thing that basically means stops functioning completely, as you carefully wrap your arms around him. You see, he's a little overwhelmed but won't admit it. You're pretty sure you broke him, and would move away to check on him if it wasn't for the light grip he has on your arm that revealed his real response
- You attempt to reassure him that he can cuddle back, that you weren't going to bite, but he breaks from his frozen state specifically to comment on how weird of a phrase 'I won't bite' is, and that he knows you won't, he just doesn't feel like it. It hurt you a little, but you know it's new to him and that he'll do so when he's ready
- Eventually, Kokichi realises that he can't keep not reciprocating forever, so he makes an attempt at cuddling you back... which ends with just a very awkward pat from him. He's improving! You notice, but don't comment, just giving him a smug little smile that knows you're winning him over, which he then gives back to you
- After what feels like a lifetime, and with him hyping himself up mentally for this moment, Kokichi is able to finally cuddle you back! Yay! Until he can feel himself start to get a little too comfortable in your arms, and immediately moves away, shoving you a little. No! After making him apologise for shoving you, you calm yourself and request an honest explanation as to why he is so reluctant to cuddle you, and if you should just stop
- ...Where he proceeds to immediately lie and say that yes, totally, absolutely, you should stop because you're not cool enough to cuddle him and- and-
- That's when you realise how much this is effecting him. So you calm him, putting a little bit of distance between the two of you, and ask once again if he wants to cuddle with you. He hesitates, exaggerating a little so you can't see the sincerity in his thought, and with an extended wellllll, he admits he's fine with it. He was just lying about you not being cool enough! Obviously!
- Then the two of you just sit there. Silent. Waiting for something you’re uncertain will happen, something Kokichi hasn't figured out yet. Until it occurs to him. Oh!
- ...
- Oh-
- Another hesitation. The silence continues. A hand outstretches a slither of an amount, then curling back into himself. Patiently, you wait, not making the first move. Kokichi takes a small breath in: maybe he is scared. Just a little bit. He stares at his hands, then at you. Slowly, and cautiously, he engulfs you in his arms and allows himself to relax- to trust you and himself
- Kokichi lets himself be comfortable with you
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